Presentation type:
ST – Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

EGU25-11783 | Orals | ST2.1 | Highlight | Julius Bartels Medal Lecture

Electron Acceleration by Wave-Particle Interactions at the Earth and Magnetised Planets 

Richard Horne

The radiation belts of the Earth and magnetised planets include high energy electrons reaching energies of up to 50 MeV.  Observations at the Earth show that the electron flux is highly variable, and that acceleration must take place inside the planetary magnetic field.   Soon after the radiation belts were discovered it was thought that inward radial diffusion was the main process responsible for the acceleration, but it was difficult to reproduce the timescale for some of the observed variations in the electron flux.  Local electron acceleration via Doppler shifted cyclotron resonance with chorus waves was proposed as an alternative mechanism and has been shown to play a major role in forming the outer electron belt at the Earth reaching energies of several MeV.  Here we review some of the evidence for local acceleration and describe the process of chorus wave acceleration at the Earth.  We review other types of plasma waves, such as magnetosonic waves, that could contribute to electron acceleration and describe the conditions necessary to reach electron energies of several MeV.  We show examples of chorus and other types of plasma waves at Jupiter and Saturn and show how they play an important role in accelerating electrons to form the radiation belts at those planets.  We suggest that wave acceleration is the missing link in a set of process that starts with volcanic gasses from the moon Io and results in the emission of synchrotron radiation from Jupiter.  We suggest that wave acceleration is a universal process operating at the magnetised planets.  Finally, we show how wave acceleration is included into space weather forecasting models to help ensure the safe and reliable operation of satellites on orbit around the Earth.

How to cite: Horne, R.: Electron Acceleration by Wave-Particle Interactions at the Earth and Magnetised Planets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11783,, 2025.

EGU25-17289 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5 | Highlight | ST Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture

Footprints of Giants – Exploring Early Diagnostics of Coronal Mass Ejections Through Coronal Dimmings 

Karin Dissauer

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale eruptions of magnetized plasma from the Sun's lower atmosphere, significantly influencing space weather and planetary environments. To improve predictions of CME arrival and their impacts on Earth and its surroundings, a deeper understanding of their origins, initiation, and complex early evolution is crucial. While coronagraphic observations have been essential for studying the dynamics of CMEs, they cannot capture the initial, critical phase of CME development. Consequently, investigating indirect phenomena in the lower solar atmosphere has become essential. One of the most prominent indirect indicators associated with CMEs is coronal dimming. These are localized, sudden decreases in coronal emission observed at extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray wavelengths, which evolve rapidly during the lift-off and early expansion phases of CMEs. Coronal dimmings have been interpreted both as “footprints” of the erupting magnetic structure and as indicators of coronal mass loss in the lower corona.

I will review recent advancements in using coronal dimmings to diagnose CMEs. Topics covered will include statistical studies linking dimming characteristics to CME mass and speed, the use of dimmings as early indicators of CME propagation direction, and insights into the magnetic topology and reconfiguration of the early CME stages based on dimming locations and fine structure. Additionally, the potential role of dimmings in the pre-event phase preceding CME onset will be discussed. Finally, I will highlight future research directions and underexplored areas in CME science, emphasizing the untapped potential of coronal dimmings in advancing our understanding of these dynamic solar events.

How to cite: Dissauer, K.: Footprints of Giants – Exploring Early Diagnostics of Coronal Mass Ejections Through Coronal Dimmings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17289,, 2025.

EGU25-1031 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Effects of the August , 2018 CME on Mars Ionosphere 

Almina Dokur and Zehra Can

The ionosphere, a natural plasma, plays a significant role in planetary satellite and communication systems and is affected by space weather events. Strong solar activities have sudden and long-term effects on the ionosphere. Ionospheric disturbances caused by these activities are considered to be one of the biggest sources of errors in satellite navigation systems and satellite communications. Both the ionosphere and magnetosphere of Mars and Earth are easily influenced by space weather conditions. Solar winds and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are among the major events influencing space weather. The ionosphere, which is highly sensitive to the effects of space weather, is much thinner and patchier on Mars compared to Earth. The rapid and intense increase in Mars missions in recent years has made today’s research more critical for future missions. In our study, we selected an August 2018 CME and examined its effects on Mars's ionosphere using the instruments on the MAVEN satellite. In addition to the SWEA, SWIA, STATIC values from the MAVEN satellite data, the height change of the relevant solar wind in the Martian ionosphere will be investigated. Investigating ionospheric disturbances with satellites like MAVEN is essential for analyzing the much thinner Martian ionosphere compared to Earth's and contributing to future Mars missions. Understanding space weather is crucial for tracking the evolution of both Earth's and the Red Planet's ionospheric structures and the long-term impact of solar flares on planetary magnetospheres.

How to cite: Dokur, A. and Can, Z.: Effects of the August , 2018 CME on Mars Ionosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1031,, 2025.

EGU25-3870 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Juno Observations of Io's Alfvén Wing from 23 Io Radii  

William Kurth, Ali H. Sulaiman, John E.P. Connerney, Frederic Allegrini, Philip Valek, Robert W. Ebert, Chris Paranicas, George Clark, Nicholas Kruegler, George B. Hospodarsky, Chris W. Piker, Stavros Kotsiaros, Masafumi Imai, and Scott J. Bolton

On 13 June, day 165 of 2024, Juno passed through Io's main Alfvén wing at a distance of some 23 Io radii (RI) below the moon during perijove (PJ) 62.  Evidence for this passage was clearly seen in the Juno plasma wave, magnetometer, and ion plasma data. The plasma wave signature was an intensification of quasi-electrostatic waves below about 1 kHz with a weaker magnetic component, all lasting for about 90 seconds.  A strong modification of the magnetic field was observed primarily in the co-rotation direction but with a significant component in the direction away from Jupiter. Ions in the range below about 1 keV/q were slowed within the Alfvén wing. The Juno mission has afforded multiple opportunities to examine the Io-Jupiter interaction near the planet and two close flybys through the Alfvén wing during perijoves 57 and 58.  Hence, PJ62 provided observations of the Io-magnetosphere interaction at an intermediate distance.  The broadband electromagnetic emission below 1 kHz was observed during PJs 57 and 58, however, the magnetic component is markedly reduced from those. An estimate of the power in the interaction obtained by scaling the Poynting flux and integrating over the cross section of the flux tube is ~500x109 W.  And modeling of the current suggests filamentation of the Alfvén waves as observed in other Io Alfvén wings.

How to cite: Kurth, W., Sulaiman, A. H., Connerney, J. E. P., Allegrini, F., Valek, P., Ebert, R. W., Paranicas, C., Clark, G., Kruegler, N., Hospodarsky, G. B., Piker, C. W., Kotsiaros, S., Imai, M., and Bolton, S. J.: Juno Observations of Io's Alfvén Wing from 23 Io Radii , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3870,, 2025.

EGU25-4720 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Influence of solar wind driving and geomagnetic activity on the variability of sub-relativistic electrons in the inner magnetosphere 

Evangelia Christodoulou, Christos Katsavrias, Panayotis Kordakis, and Ioannis Daglis

Motivated by the need for more accurate radiation environment modelling, this study focuses on identifying and analyzing the drivers behind the sub-relativistic electron flux variations in the inner magnetosphere. We utilize electron flux data between 1 and 500 keV from the Hope and MagEIS instruments on board the RBSP satellites, as well as from the FEEPS instruments on board the MMS spacecrafts, along with solar wind parameters and geomagnetic indices obtained from the OmniWeb2 and SuperMag data services. We calculate the correlation coefficients between these parameters and electron flux. Our analysis shows that substorm activity is a crucial driver of the source electron population (10 - 100 keV), while also showing that seed electrons (100 - 400 keV) are not purely driven by substorm events, but also from enhanced convection/inward diffusion. By introducing time lags, we observed a delayed response of electron flux to changes in geospace conditions, and we identified specific time lag periods where the correlation is maximum. This work contributes to our broader understanding of the outer belt sub-relativistic electron dynamics, and forms the basis for future research.

How to cite: Christodoulou, E., Katsavrias, C., Kordakis, P., and Daglis, I.: Influence of solar wind driving and geomagnetic activity on the variability of sub-relativistic electrons in the inner magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4720,, 2025.

EGU25-5310 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Observed Martian High-frequency gravity waves by Zhurong and Perseverance rovers before / after a regional dust storm 

Chengyun Yang, Cong Sun, Chao Ban, Dexin Lai, Zhaopeng Wu, Xin Fang, and Tao Li

This study investigated high-frequency gravity waves (HFGWs) observed by the Zhurong/Tianwen-1 and Perseverance/Mars 2020 rovers between 09:00 and 11:00 local time, from Ls 140° to 165° in Mars Year 36. By analyzing the eccentricity of hodographs for monochromatic wind perturbations obtained from the horizontal wind perturbation, HFGWs were identified via their predominantly linear characteristics.The propagation directions of these waves were determined using polarization relationships from the linear theory of HFGWs. The stability of the background atmosphere was estimated from the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory general circulation model simulation. The frequency of HFGWs doubled following the onset of a regional dust storm (RDS) in the Utopia Planitia region, where the Zhurong rover landed. The HFGWs observed by Zhurong predominantly propagated in a north-south direction before the RDS and then in an east-west direction afterward. The changes in propagation direction were likely related to atmospheric instability and the background wind changes before and after the storm.

How to cite: Yang, C., Sun, C., Ban, C., Lai, D., Wu, Z., Fang, X., and Li, T.: Observed Martian High-frequency gravity waves by Zhurong and Perseverance rovers before / after a regional dust storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5310,, 2025.

EGU25-5836 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Investigation of the Drivers of Long-Duration Positive Ionospheric Storms During the Geomagnetic Storm on February 26-27, 2023 

Maryna Reznychenko, Dmytro Kotov, Phillip G. Richards, Oleksandr Bogomaz, Larisa Goncharenko, Larry J. Paxton, Manuel Hernandez-Pajares, Artem Reznychenko, Dmytro Shkonda, Volodymyr Barabash, and Igor Domnin

A typical long-duration positive ionospheric storm (LDPS) developed in the midlatitude ionosphere in the European sector in response to a strong geomagnetic storm of February 26-27, 2023 (Kp = 7-, minimum SYM-H = -161 nT). To advance the current understanding of storm-time midlatitude ionosphere, we investigated the drivers of this LDPS using combination of multi-instrument observations and modeling, with focus on magnetically conjugate locations. Simulations with the field line interhemispheric plasma (FLIP) model constrained by the observed F2-layer peak height (hmF2) and density (NmF2) data at Kharkiv (50oN, 36oE) and Grahamstown (33.3oS, 26.5oE) were validated with the O/N2 ratio data from the Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI). Our results indicate that neither the F2-layer peak uplift nor the O/N2 ratio increase can be considered exclusive drivers of an LDPS. Each driver can be dominant depending on conditions. An LDPS can develop even when the hmF2 decreases and sometimes, a small hmF2 increase of ~10-20 km can cause a strong LDPS. Similarly, an O/N2 increase is not a primary or necessary condition for an LDPS to develop but a small O/N2 increase of ~20-30% can cause a prominent LDPS. Finally, the formation of a positive or negative storm can be inhibited if the raising/lowering of hmF2 is counterbalanced by a decrease/increase in the O/N2 ratio.

How to cite: Reznychenko, M., Kotov, D., Richards, P. G., Bogomaz, O., Goncharenko, L., Paxton, L. J., Hernandez-Pajares, M., Reznychenko, A., Shkonda, D., Barabash, V., and Domnin, I.: Investigation of the Drivers of Long-Duration Positive Ionospheric Storms During the Geomagnetic Storm on February 26-27, 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5836,, 2025.

EGU25-6031 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

The ion-proton differential streaming observed in Small-scale Flux Ropes 

Chaoran Gu, Verena Heidrich-Meisner, and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber

Heavy ion composition and charge-state distributions provide valuable information about the source region of the solar wind due to the 'freeze-in' effect, making them valuable diagnostics for understanding the conditions of their source regions. Small-scale flux ropes (SFRs) have been studied for decades, but their source regions and formation mechanisms are still under debate. While heavy ion signatures in relatively large-scale flux rope structures, known as magnetic clouds (MCs), have been well studied, those signatures are still unclear in SFRs that last only couple of minutes. More importantly, heavy ions do not necessarily travel at the same speed as protons in the solar wind. A potential ion-proton differential velocity could cause a temporal lag between the heavy ion signal and the boundaries of SFRs, which introduces deviations when heavy ion signatures in SFRs are investigated.

In this study, we review ten years of in-situ solar wind heavy ion data obtained from the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) on board the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE). The data set is derived from the Pulse Height Analysis (PHA) data, at 12-min resolution. By investigating every energy per charge step of each SWICS measurement interval, more SFRs with short duration, even shorter than 12 minutes, are included. We conduct a statistical study on the ion-proton differential streaming in over 6300 SFRs that are heavy ion abundant, as well as in the surrounding solar wind.

Positive ion-proton differential streaming is found common in SFRs but less common in SFRs that are located in recorded Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) . About 50% heavy-ion-dense SFRs show ion-proton differential velocity larger than 0.2 times the local Alfvén speed. Positive ion-proton differential streaming has also been observed in the background solar wind near SFRs. However, some cases show strong positive ion-proton differential streaming exclusively within SFRs. Ion-proton differential streaming is crucial for understanding heavy-ion signatures in small-scale structures, with their acceleration mechanisms being of particular interest. A further study shows that SFRs detected at 1 AU are unlikely to be the interplanetary manifestations of nanoflare- or microflare-associated small CMEs, or at least not solely so.

How to cite: Gu, C., Heidrich-Meisner, V., and Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.: The ion-proton differential streaming observed in Small-scale Flux Ropes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6031,, 2025.

EGU25-6228 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Finding the optimal flyby distance for the Comet Interceptor comet mission 

Johan De Keyser, Niklas J.T. Edberg, Pierre Henri, Hannah Rothkaehl, Vincenzo Della Corte, Martin Rubin, Ryu Funase, Satoshi Kasahara, and Colin Snodgrass

The Comet Interceptor mission will attempt to fly by a yet undetermined target comet. The conditions of this flyby will remain largely unknown up to the selection of target and possibly even the moment of encounter. A detailed trajectory design phase, which includes verification of the technical limitations implied by the flyby geometry, precedes target comet selection, so the flyby velocity and the details of the geometry are known in advance. Solar irradiance and the neutral gas expansion speed can be estimated reasonably well. However, the comet outgassing rate, the dust production rate, and the solar wind conditions are only known within broader uncertainty margins. The present contribution aims to optimally choose the distance of closest approach based on a simplified formalism that expresses, on one hand, the science return to be expected as a function of the closest approach distance, and, on the other hand, the risks implied by a close approach. This is done by performing Monte Carlo simulations over a large sample of possible flyby configurations, based on the expected probability distributions of the gas and dust production rates and the solar wind conditions, and for different closest approach distances. For small flyby distances, a spacecraft can study the nucleus, the neutral gas coma, and the induced magnetosphere from up close, benefiting the science return. There is a trade-off to be made against the cometary dust collision risk, which becomes larger close to the nucleus. The change of the optimal flyby distance with gas and dust production rate, solar EUV flux, and flyby speed is discussed. The conclusion is that the Comet Interceptor main spacecraft and its two daughter probes – within the limitations of the approximations made – would benefit from a target comet with a gas production rate of 1028-1029 molecules·s-1, a low dust-to-gas ratio, a high solar EUV flux, and a slow flyby speed (De Keyser et al., 2024,, for which the optimal closest approach distance (somewhere between 300 to 2000 km for the mother spacecraft) would yield a good science return at a limited risk.

How to cite: De Keyser, J., Edberg, N. J. T., Henri, P., Rothkaehl, H., Della Corte, V., Rubin, M., Funase, R., Kasahara, S., and Snodgrass, C.: Finding the optimal flyby distance for the Comet Interceptor comet mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6228,, 2025.

EGU25-6829 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Magnetic field induced by the ionospheric shell currents. 

Evgeny Romashets and Marek Vandas

Recently, a model of the vertical profiles of shell currents and the magnetic field in the ionosphere has been developed (Romashets and Vandas, 2024). The distribution was determined for polar and equatorial regions. A global three-dimensional pattern of the shell-currents flow and its interconnections with the field aligned current (FAC) can be reconstructed. The magnetic field induced by the shell currents can produce at some locations a geomagnetic effect comparable to that of the ring current. The Biot-Savart integration over the entire ionosphere to derive the shell-currents induced magnetic field could be a challenging task. Here, we present an alternative method which utilizes spherical harmonics of different types for the inner and outer problems. The magnetic field inside the ionosphere is known, and outside of it is current-free and is represented as a gradient of a scalar potential, a sum of spherical harmonic functions with their coefficients. For the inner problem, only terms with (r/r0)-n-1 are present in the sum, while the outer scalar potential contains only terms with (r/r0)n. Here 0<n<N, N=13, and r0 is the average distance from the Earth’s center to the ionosphere. Both the inner and outer problems for finding the induced magnetic field have only one condition: the magnetic field calculated with the scalar potential must be equal to the known magnetic field in the ionosphere. This research was supported by the NSF 2230363 and AVCR RVO:67985815 grants.



  • Romashets, M, Vandas, Determination of Vertical Profiles of Shell
    Currents in the Ionosphere, Annales Geophysicae, submitted, 2024.

How to cite: Romashets, E. and Vandas, M.: Magnetic field induced by the ionospheric shell currents., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6829,, 2025.

EGU25-8215 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Plasma Mechanisms Behind Hammerhead Proton Populations Observed by Parker Solar Probe 

Shaaban M. Shaaban, Marian Lazar, Rodrigo A. López, Peter H. Yoon, and Stefaan Poedts

The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) has provided unprecedented detailed in-situ measurements of proton velocity distributions (VDs) in the young solar wind, unveiling striking hammerhead features. The first interpretations and analyses, including PIC simulations of these unexpected shapes, suggested the involvement of more complex processes, especially kinetic instabilities. Recently, in A&A, 692, L6 (2024), we have identified a self-generated instability triggered by proton beams, whose back-reaction on the proton VDs can form the hammerhead proton population. An effective and numerically less-expensive quasi-linear approach enabled us to explore how this plasma micro-instability reshapes proton distribution, reducing beam drift and inducing a strong perpendicular temperature anisotropy, the main feature of the hammerhead structure. Our results align with PSP's in situ data and provide a fresh perspective on these distributions' dynamic and transient nature. These findings offer new insights into the role of kinetic instabilities in shaping space plasma dynamics.

How to cite: Shaaban, S. M., Lazar, M., López, R. A., Yoon, P. H., and Poedts, S.: Plasma Mechanisms Behind Hammerhead Proton Populations Observed by Parker Solar Probe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8215,, 2025.

EGU25-8557 | Posters virtual | VPS27

The First Lunar Far-Side Laser Retroreflector Deployed on Chang’e-6 Lander and Prospect for Chang’e-7 Mission  

Yexin Wang, Simone Dell'Agnello, Kaichang Di, Marco Muccino, Hongqian Cao, Luca Porcelli, Xiangjin Deng, Lorenzo Salvatori, Jinsong Ping, Mattia Tibuzzi, Yuqiang Li, Luciana Filomena, Zhizhong Kang, Michele Montanari, Zhanfeng Meng, Lorenza Mauro, Bin Xie, and Mauro Maiello

The Chang’e-6 (CE-6) mission, part of China's lunar exploration program, marked a significant milestone as the first mission to return samples from the far side of the Moon. One of the highlights of CE-6 mission is that it piggybacked four international payloads, including the INstrument for landing-Roving Laser Retroreflector Investigations (INRRI), developed through a collaboration between the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics — Frascati National Labs (INFN-LNF) and the Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS).

INRRI is a lightweight, passive optical instrument composed of eight cube corner retroreflectors made from fused silica, offering a wide 120° field of view. This robust and miniaturized design has a high level of maturity and inheritance from previous missions such as NASA’s Mars InSight and Perseverance, where similar retroreflectors had been successfully deployed. For CE-6 mission particularly, INRRI was mounted on a specialized bracket to minimize interference from ascender plume effects during liftoff. CE-6 INRRI underwent rigorous qualification tests, including mechanical (acceleration, shock, sinusoidal and random vibrations) and thermal vacuum tests, to validate its structural integrity. After integrated with the lander, CE-6 INRRI underwent the whole spacecraft random and sinusoidal vibration tests and successfully passed all evaluations.

The CE-6 INRRI serves as a high-precision absolute control point, crucial for improving lunar surface mapping especially for the lunar far side. Initial validation of INRRI’s operational status has been achieved through observations by the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) onboard NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). Future observations by laser ranging from lunar orbiters will refine its position, and will contribute to improving the accuracy of orbit determination for lunar orbiters, advancing studies of lunar geodesy, Earth-Moon dynamics and lunar physics.

Building on this success, the Italian-Chinese collaboration team are working on the piggybacking of Chang’e-7 LAser Retroreflector Arrays (CLARA), including MoonLIGHT (Moon Laser Instrumentation for Geodesy, Geophysics and General relativity High accuracy Tests) and INRRI. Currently INRRI for CE-7 has just completed its mechanical tests and is in the process of arranging the subsequent experiments.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Dell'Agnello, S., Di, K., Muccino, M., Cao, H., Porcelli, L., Deng, X., Salvatori, L., Ping, J., Tibuzzi, M., Li, Y., Filomena, L., Kang, Z., Montanari, M., Meng, Z., Mauro, L., Xie, B., and Maiello, M.: The First Lunar Far-Side Laser Retroreflector Deployed on Chang’e-6 Lander and Prospect for Chang’e-7 Mission , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8557,, 2025.

EGU25-10294 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Method of electromechanical analogies in calculations of natural frequencies of multi-mass mechanical and biological systems 

Galyna Sokol, Danylo Snobko, Tatyana Kadilnikova, and Maksym Dalik

With the growth of industry, transportation and machinery the issue of studying and damping vibrations and acoustic oscillations has become critical. Up to 4,000 earthquakes occur on Earth each year. Structures such as skyscrapers and bridges must be designed to withstand ground vibrations without damage. Machinery and tools operate with components that torsion and vibrate in the form of structural nodes. These nodes are connected by specific links to form complex multi-mass mechanical systems. Preventing vibration damage to multi-mass structures remains a pressing problem today. Therefore, the development of methods to calculate the amplitude, frequency and phase of the generated vibrations is a relevant task. Currently known methods of dynamic calculations are the use of analytical techniques for determining the intrinsic frequency of transverse and longitudinal oscillations of shells, rods and rotating machine parts (L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz, V.I. Mossakovskiy, K.V. Frolov). Each task solved with these methods must strictly define the initial and boundary conditions of the oscillatory process. The application of these computational methods to multi-mass systems is very labor-intensive because, in addition to the calculation of amplitude, frequency, and phase, it is necessary to take into account the mode of oscillation. The study of free oscillations in multi-mass systems requires the formation of a system of linear differential equations and the use of cyclic frequency equations for multi-mass systems. Currently, simpler engineering methods such as electromechanical analogies were widely adopted in engineering practice. This period also saw the beginning of research into the resonant frequencies of living organisms to ensure the safety of vehicles subjected to vibration loads. This research was particularly important to the aerospace industry. When launching rockets carrying astronauts, spacecraft experience tremendous vibration shocks. In order to avoid harmful resonance effects, the natural frequencies of the astronaut's body and its organs must be determined. We have used a method based on electromechanical analogies to calculate the resonance frequencies. This method is based on the model of the astronaut's body as a vibrating system proposed by Prof. I. K. Kosko. The computational scheme of this model was developed for the first time. The astronaut's body was modeled as a lumped mass system connected by elastic links, the stiffness of which was determined according to the series and parallel rules. The study used data on the elastic modulus and mass of each part of the astronaut's body. The intrinsic frequency of the astronaut's body was calculated to be 1.702 Hz. The results highlight the importance of taking these data into account when designing the damping system for the astronaut's seat in order to prevent the vibration frequency of the rocket from coinciding with the resonance frequency of the astronaut's body. This approach allows the identification of frequencies that must be avoided to minimize the risk of damage caused by vibration loads. This work demonstrates the application of electromechanical analogies as a simplified engineering method for determining the natural frequencies of complex multi-mass systems such as the human body.

How to cite: Sokol, G., Snobko, D., Kadilnikova, T., and Dalik, M.: Method of electromechanical analogies in calculations of natural frequencies of multi-mass mechanical and biological systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10294,, 2025.

EGU25-12754 | Posters virtual | VPS27 | Highlight

Global Geomagnetic Response and Impact During the 10 May 2024 Gannon Storm – Observations and Modeling 

Chigomezyo Ngwira and James Weygand

Space weather causes geomagnetic disturbances that can affect critical infrastructure. Understanding the dynamic response of the coupled solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system to severe space weather is essential for mitigation purposes. This paper reports on a detailed analysis of the most recently observed May 10, 2024, storm. We demonstrate that the global response to the storm dynamics was strikingly different in various sectors and at various latitudes. Results in the American and European sectors show that the most extreme mid-latitude response was associated to substorm related activity. However, no adverse impact of the storm on bulk power systems was report in North America or other parts of the world.

How to cite: Ngwira, C. and Weygand, J.: Global Geomagnetic Response and Impact During the 10 May 2024 Gannon Storm – Observations and Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12754,, 2025.

EGU25-12948 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Unusually large positive geomagnetic variation (AU) near noon on 11 May, 2024 

Masatoshi Yamauchi, Sota Nanjo, Tsubasa Kotani, and Jürgen Matzka

During the May 2024 space weather event, Kiruna magnetometer (KIR) registered historically large positive deviation of the northward geomagnetic disturbance (dX = +1300 nT) at around 12 UT (14 MLT, i.e., postnoon).  The large dX is observed entire Scandinavia, giving AU = 1431 nT at 12:11 UT, but not in the Atlantic or North American sectors (although we do not know the disturbance at 15-23 ML because no data at > 55° Mlat is available).  

Such large positive dX of dayside stations is not very rare, most of them are observed in the North American continent.  Out of total 21 AU peaks of > +1300 nT separated by more than 1 hour (12 magnetic storms) during 1978-2019, 2 events are peaked at 09-15 UT, 8 events at 15-21 UT, 6 events at 21-03 UT, and 5 events at 03-09 UT.

For the European sector, dX value in the May 2024 event is the second largest after the 24 November 2001 event in both AU statistics (1978-2019) and Kiruna magnetometer (1962-2024).  The same uncommon nature is even seen in Kp=9 that was registered at 09-12 UT.  During 1932-2024, Kp=9 was observed only during 4 events at 09-15 UT, whereas Kp=9 was observed during 10 events at 15-21 UT, 8 events at 21-03 UT, and 5 events at 03-09 UT.

Although these UT anomaly is within the statistical fluctuation, we attribute this to the geomagnetic tilt toward the North American sector.  This makes stations at the same geomagnetic latitudes (e.g., AE stations and Kp stations) located at lower geographic latitudes (i.e., under higher ionospheric conductivity) in the North American sector than the other longitudes when the stations are located near noon (09-15 MLT).  Accordingly, the dayside dX and local K tends to register higher in the North American sector than the other longitudes.  Since extremely large AU (> 1300 nT) tends to occur near noon (this is the case with the 12 storms mentioned above), we expect more frequent large dX when the North America is near noon (15-24 UT).  For Kp, large Kp requires K=9 at Kp station even in the dayside where the disturbance is normally smaller than the nightside.  Then the North America may easier to register large K even during daytime due to higher conductivity.  If the rareness of high AU and Kp during 09-15 UT has such solid reason, the May 2024 space weather event was actually very unusual. 

Finally, there is one more peculiar feature of the large dayside AU for the May 2024 event is that it is preceded only by normal substorm (AL ≈ -600 nT) and followed by a strong negative excursion in the Alaska-Pacific sector instead.  This is quite different from ordinary dayside positive dX that is normally preceded by substorm of large AL (which is the case for the 24 November 2001 event with AL < -1300 nT).

Acknowledgment: We used provisional AE, SuperMAG, INTERMAGNET and Kp.  We thank all contributing observatories and institutions for these datasets.  

How to cite: Yamauchi, M., Nanjo, S., Kotani, T., and Matzka, J.: Unusually large positive geomagnetic variation (AU) near noon on 11 May, 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12948,, 2025.

EGU25-14033 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Ion Parameters Dataset from Juno/JADE Observations and Its Applications 

Jianzhao Wang, Fran Bagenal, Robert Wilson, Philip Valek, Robert Ebert, and Frederic Allegrini

After its arrival at Jupiter in July 2016, Juno conducted a global survey of Jupiter's magnetosphere with its highly eccentric polar orbit. Since then, the JADE instrument has accumulated a large amount of plasma measurements. Using a developed forward modeling method and a supercomputer cluster, we fit all ion measurements between 10 and 50 RJ from PJ5 to PJ56, obtaining a dataset with 70,487 good fits that consists of the following set of plasma parameters: abundances of different heavy ions, density, temperature, and 3‐D bulk flow velocity of heavy ions. This dataset has applications in the research on large-scale structures and small-scale dynamics in Jupiter’s magnetosphere, particularly the equatorial plasma disk region. Potential applications of this dataset include, but are not limited to, the following topics: 1) How is plasma distributed radially and vertically within the plasma disk? 2) What drives the local time asymmetry of plasma flow? 3) What are the consequences of centrifugal instabilities? 4) How is mass and energy transported in the magnetosphere? 4) How is force balance achieved and maintained? An overview of the dataset and some example applications will be presented in this talk.

How to cite: Wang, J., Bagenal, F., Wilson, R., Valek, P., Ebert, R., and Allegrini, F.: Ion Parameters Dataset from Juno/JADE Observations and Its Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14033,, 2025.

EGU25-14713 | Posters virtual | VPS27

The Hubble OPAL Program: 10 years of time-variable phenomena on Jupiter and the other giant planets (invited) 

Michael H. Wong, Amy A. Simon, and Glenn S. Orton

Introduction: The Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) program began in 2014 as part of the Hubble 2020 legacy initiative (Simon et al. 2015; DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/812/1/55). These observations were meant to cement long-term legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) by ensuring a regular cadence of giant planet observations to fill temporal gaps between individual programs. The giant planets have highly dynamic atmospheres, so long-term trends tied to seasonal or other evolutionary cycles require regular data collected using the same instruments and filters.

In addition to building up a long data base of consistent observations on an annual cadence, serendipitous discoveries have been made along the way. Filters extend from the near-UV (F225W at 225 nm) to the near-IR (FQ889N at 889 nm), and each planet is imaged to cover all longitudes over a period of two planetary rotations. All raw data are immediately available to the public, and the team also hosts high level science products in the form of global maps at the MAST Archive (Simon 2015; DOI: 10.17909/T9G593).

OPAL at Jupiter: Hubble’s exquisite spatial resolution and OPAL’s global and temporal coverage allow detailed study of Jupiter’s long-lived vortices, high speed narrow wind jets, and alternating, variable, bands of colored clouds. OPAL results have included studies of vortices including the Great Red Spot (GRS), zonal wind speeds, small atmospheric waves, long-term color trends, and UV-dark ovals in the polar hoods.

Space missions: OPAL data have extended the science return of several space missions, with Jupiter observations commencing one year before Juno arrived at Jupiter. OPAL wind and cloud structure measurements have been used in diverse analyses of phenomena from the gravitational anomaly of the GRS, to deep zonal atmospheric structure revealed by microwave emission, to convective cycles in cyclonic vortices. Wave, jet, and vortex features previously observed by Voyager and Cassini have also been studied in greater detail with the long-term OPAL program.

Earth-based observatories: High-resolution visible-wavelength observations from OPAL target the planets near solar opposition to maximize spatial resolution, as do many Earth-based programs. Multi-observatory studies include correlations between cloud color from OPAL and microwave brightness from the VLA, comparisons between Doppler velocimetry from the ground and time-series imaging from OPAL, calibration, validation, and context for spectroscopic measurements, and deep context for stratospheric aerosol anomalies.

Conclusion: The results cited here are a small subset of the Jupiter results achieved with the OPAL monitoring of the outer planets, with additional discoveries at Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. As of January 2025, 62 papers have cited OPAL data. With more than 10 years of data in hand, and continuing for the life of Hubble, we expect the scientific return to increase exponentially. OPAL serves as a model for future long-term programs at other observatories.

Acknowledgments: This research is based on HST observations (with NASA support; see Simon et al. 2015). GSO was additionally supported by NASA through contract 80NM0018D0004 to JPL.

How to cite: Wong, M. H., Simon, A. A., and Orton, G. S.: The Hubble OPAL Program: 10 years of time-variable phenomena on Jupiter and the other giant planets (invited), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14713,, 2025.

EGU25-14886 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Circularly Polarized Type III Storms Observed with PSP 

Marc Pulupa, Stuart Bale, Immanuel Jebaraj, Orlando Romeo, and Säm Krucker

During the active phase of solar cycle 25, the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) spacecraft frequently observes circularly polarized Type III radio storms. The most intense and longest duration event occurred following a large coronal mass ejection (CME) on 5 September 2022. For several days following the CME, PSP observed a storm of Type III radio bursts. The polarization of the storm started as left hand circularly polarized (LHC) and switched to right hand circularly polarized (RHC) at the crossing of the heliospheric current sheet.

We analyze properties of this Type III storm. The drift rate of the Type IIIs indicates a constant beam speed of ~0.1c, typical for Type III-producing electron beams. The sense of polarization is consistent with fundamental emission generated primarily in the o-mode.

In addition to this prototypical event, we present a survey of radio observations throughout the PSP mission, demonstrating that the majority of encounters contain Type III storms, that the storms are typically strongly (but not completely) circularly polarized, and that the sense of polarization and the sign of the radial magnetic field are consistent with o-mode emission.

How to cite: Pulupa, M., Bale, S., Jebaraj, I., Romeo, O., and Krucker, S.: Circularly Polarized Type III Storms Observed with PSP, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14886,, 2025.

EGU25-15614 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Impact of self-shadowing on the Jovian Circumplanetary disk ice composition 

Antoine Schneeberger, Yannis Bennacer, and Olivier Mousis

Modeling the formation conditions of the Galilean moons remains a significant challenge. While it is widely assumed that the moons formed within a circumplanetary disk (CPD) that surrounded Jupiter during the final stages of its growth, the physical properties and composition of this disk remain poorly constrained in theoretical models.

One approach to infer the properties and composition of the CPD is to use the bulk composition of the Galilean moons as a reference to extract compositional trends for the disk. A notable example is the gradient in water content with distance from Jupiter: from completely dry Io to a 1:1 water to rock ratio on Ganymede and Callisto. This gradient strongly suggests that the CPD exhibited a corresponding water abundance gradient during its formation.

With the JUICE and Europa Clipper missions currently cruising to the Jovian system, the coming decade will provide an unprecedented opportunity to study Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. These missions are expected to refine our understanding of the bulk composition of the moons and provide new constraints for CPD models.

In this context, we aim to model the midplane volatile species composition of the CPD using a 2-dimensional proprietary framework. The model assumes a quasi-stationary disk heated by viscous stress, infalling gas, and the young, hot Jupiter. A key feature of the model is the presence of shadow regions that can be up to 100 K cooler than their surroundings and persist for up to 100 kyr.

Our results indicate that the profile of volatile species in the midplane shows enrichment peaks during the early evolution of the disk. However, maintaining these enrichments requires an accretion rate to the CPD of about 10-7 Mjup/yr for at least 1 Myr. If the accretion rate decreases too rapidly, the ice abundances rapidly decrease.

In addition, we show that shadows within the CPD can significantly influence its volatile composition on short timescales of less than 100 kyr. These shadowed regions may trap ice of volatile species that would otherwise remain in the vapor phase, thereby altering the overall composition of the CPD.

How to cite: Schneeberger, A., Bennacer, Y., and Mousis, O.: Impact of self-shadowing on the Jovian Circumplanetary disk ice composition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15614,, 2025.

EGU25-16329 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Some problems of gravity assist and terraforming of Mars 

Leszek Czechowski

Some problems of gravity assist and terraforming of Mars


Here we consider versions of terraforming that would allow colonists to live without pressure suits. The current mass of the Martian atmosphere is 2.5x1016 kg [1]. We consider 4 variants of terraforming. C indicates how many times we need to increase the mass of the atmosphere. For version v1 we assume a pressure of 10 kPa at the bottom of Hellas Planitia, C= 8.6, for v2 we use 10 kPa at the reference level for Mars and C=16.4, for v3 we use 101.3 kPa at the bottom of Hellas Planitia, C= 87.3, and for v4 we use 101.3 kPa at the reference level for Mars, C= 166.1.

For variant v4, 1 body with a radius of ~100 km (and density of 1000 kg m-3) would be sufficient.


Possible sources

Celestial bodies orbiting far from the Sun contain large amounts of water, CO2, nitrogen, etc. There are two places where there are enough bodies useful to our problem: the Kuiper Belt (KB) and the Oort Cloud (OC) [2]. The Kuiper Belt (KB) contains over 70,000 objects with diameters larger than 100 km. The mass of the KB is large enough [2, 3]. The total mass of the OC is ~3×1025 kg [4]. The problem is the large distance from the Sun, so we consider only the KB as the source.


Transporting bodies

Initially ion engines change orbit of the chosen body, in order to later use the effect of gravity assist. This requires precise maneuvering. Since there are many bodies in the KB whose size is sufficient for gravity assist, we assume that a change in velocity of ~50 m/s  (using the engine) is sufficient. However, in our case, gravity assist is fraught with significant danger. KB bodies are unstable when volatiles escape. To calculate possible tidal effects, we use the methods developed in [5].

The gravity assist may be used to reduce the relative velocity of Mars and the impactor. This is important because strong heating of the atmosphere will lead to the escape of gases [6].


[1] Mars Fact Sheet. NASA.

[2] Hargitai, H. and Kereszturi, A., 2015, ISBN 978-1-4614-3133-6.

[3] Lorenzo I. 2007. Monthly Notices RAS. 4 (375), 1311–1314.

[4] Weissman, P. R. 1983. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 118 (1): 90–94.

[5] Czechowski, L., 1991. Earth, Moon and Planets, 52, 2, 113-130 DOI: 10.1007/BF00054178

[6] Czechowski, L., et al., 2023. Icarus, 2023.115473.




How to cite: Czechowski, L.: Some problems of gravity assist and terraforming of Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16329,, 2025.

EGU25-16970 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Constraints on Uranus formation from its D/H ratio 

Tom Benest Couzinou and Olivier Mousis

The formation of the ice giants Uranus and Neptune remains poorly understood, with several competing hypotheses attempting to explain their observed compositions. In particular, the carbon enrichment and nitrogen depletion observed in these planets challenge traditional models of planet formation. However, the measurement of the deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratio in Uranus by the Herschel Space Telescope provides a critical constraint on its bulk composition, including the CO/H2O ratio, providing valuable insights into the planet's formation and evolution.

D/H measurements in comets and planets are crucial for understanding their formation history. In the protosolar nebula, water ice is enriched in deuterium in the colder, outer regions and depleted in the warmer, inner regions relative to protosolar hydrogen. For example, D/H measurements from gas giants, which are predominantly composed of hydrogen, typically reflect or closely resemble the protosolar hydrogen D/H ratio. In contrast, D/H measurements from ice giants like Uranus and Neptune show supersolar D/H ratios in their atmospheres. The leading hypothesis to explain this is that their envelopes formed through the mixing of protosolar hydrogen with deuterium--rich primordial ices that they accreted during their formation. 

Under this assumption, the atmospheric D/H ratio of Uranus can be directly linked to the D/H ratio of its building block ices, depending on models of its internal structure. Assuming a cometary D/H ratio for the primordial ices accreted by Uranus enables the estimation of the planet's bulk composition, particularly its CO/H2O ratio. The objective of this study is to compare the inferred CO/H2O ratio of Uranus, derived from D/H remote sensing measurements, with values predicted for the protosolar nebula using a protoplanetary disk model. These findings provide critical constraints on the timing and location of Uranus's formation within the early Solar System and offer valuable insights into the processes that shaped its evolution.

How to cite: Benest Couzinou, T. and Mousis, O.: Constraints on Uranus formation from its D/H ratio, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16970,, 2025.

EGU25-18086 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

A Real-time Automated Triggering Framework for Solar Radio Burst Detection using Yamagawa Spectrograph for the Murchison Widefield Array 

Deepan Patra, Devojyoti Kansabanik, Divya Oberoi, Yuki Kubo, Andrew Williams, Bradley Meyers, and Naoto Nishizuka

The observing time of the cutting-edge radio interferometers tends to be heavily oversubscribed. This, coupled with the fact that solar activity is inherently unpredictable leads to limited observing time being granted for solar observations. There are, of course, dedicated solar monitoring radio telescopes, but their data quality, and hence the resulting science, pales in comparison with what is possible with the best-in-class instruments. A robust and reliable automated near-real time observing trigger for cutting-edge radio interferometers derived from dedicated solar monitoring telescopes can improve this situation dramatically. By enabling one to use precious observing time only when some solar activity is known to have just taken place, such a system can vastly increase the efficiency of limited available observing time to capture instances of solar activity. With observatories like the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) on the horizon, the need for such a system is even more imperative. We present such a system developed by us for the SKAO-low precursor, the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) based on near-real time data from the Yamagawa spectrograph which observes the Sun daily from rise to set in the band from 70 MHz to 9 GHz and is located at similar longitude as the MWA.  Generating an observing trigger poses an interesting and challenging problem. Not only does one have to reliably detect and reject any radio frequency interference (RFI) which is inevitably present, to be successful, a trigger needs to be raised as early after the start of the event as feasible. We have devised, implemented and tested algorithms to identify and remove the RFI and do an effective ‘de-noising’ of the data to improve the contrast with which features of interest can be detected. We note that much of the event data lost due to the latency from Yamagawa can be recovered using the data buffer available at the MWA, which was designed exactly to meet such needs. These triggers have been tested and tuned using the archival Yamagawa data, end-to-end tests of triggered observations have successfully been carried out at the MWA. Very recently this real time triggering has been operationalized at the MWA, a very timely development in view of the approaching solar maxima.

How to cite: Patra, D., Kansabanik, D., Oberoi, D., Kubo, Y., Williams, A., Meyers, B., and Nishizuka, N.: A Real-time Automated Triggering Framework for Solar Radio Burst Detection using Yamagawa Spectrograph for the Murchison Widefield Array, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18086,, 2025.

EGU25-18510 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Immersive 3D Visualization for Enhanced Lunar Teleoperation 

Yang Li, Simin Yang, Jingkun Lu, Jiaying Chen, Tianyi Xu, Ziyang Xing, Long Chen, and Zhenxing Zhang

With the rapid advancements in computer graphics, rendering technologies, and artificial intelligence, 3D visualization of deep-space environments has become a transformative approach to improving teleoperation systems. Traditional Lunar-to-Earth teleoperation faces challenges such as low bandwidth, high latency, and limited situational awareness, which hinder intuitive and efficient remote operations. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework that integrates AI-driven 3D reconstruction algorithms and cutting-edge rendering techniques to reconstruct and visualize deep-space environments with exceptional precision and clarity. By processing sparse telemetry data into high-fidelity 3D models and leveraging photorealistic rendering, our system enhances spatial awareness, reduces cognitive load, and improves decision-making efficiency for ground-based operators. Furthermore, the framework is designed to overcome deep-space constraints, such as limited computational resources and communication delays, ensuring its robustness in real-world missions. This approach not only advances the efficiency of telemetry and teleoperations but also bridges the gap between remote sensing data and actionable insights, paving the way for more autonomous, immersive, and scientifically impactful deep-space exploration.

How to cite: Li, Y., Yang, S., Lu, J., Chen, J., Xu, T., Xing, Z., Chen, L., and Zhang, Z.: Immersive 3D Visualization for Enhanced Lunar Teleoperation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18510,, 2025.

EGU25-18737 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Initial Results of Total Solar Irradiance Measurements by DARA-PROBA3 

Jean-Philippe Montillet, Wolfgang Finsterle, Margit Haberreiter, Werner Schmutz, Daniel Pfiffner, Silvio Koller, and Matthias Gander

The ESA-PROBA3 spacecraft was successfully launched aboard a four-stage PSLV-XL rocket from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India, on Thursday, December 5th, at 11:34 CET (10:34 GMT, 16:04 local time).  Formation flying a pair of spacecraft will form an artificial solar eclipse in space, casting a precisely-controlled shadow from the Occulter platform to the  Coronograph spacecraft to open up sustained views of the Sun's faint surrounding corona. The payload on the ESA-PROBA3 Occulter spacecraft includes the Digital Absolute Radiometer (DARA) from the Physikalisch Meteorologisches Observatorium, Davos and World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC). It aims at measuring the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) in orbit. The destination of the spacecraft is a highly elliptical orbit (600 x 60530 km at around 59 degree inclination). We will present the initial results from this new experiment since its launch.

How to cite: Montillet, J.-P., Finsterle, W., Haberreiter, M., Schmutz, W., Pfiffner, D., Koller, S., and Gander, M.: Initial Results of Total Solar Irradiance Measurements by DARA-PROBA3, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18737,, 2025.

EGU25-20186 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Reaction of Atomic Oxygen with Thiophene: Implications for Satellite Polymers in Low Mars Orbit and Chemistry of Mars 

Dario Campisi, Marco Parriani, Giacomo Pannacci, Gianmarco Vanuzzo, Piergiorgio Casavecchia, Marzio Rosi, and Nadia Balucani

Aromatic compounds, with their stable cyclic structure and [4n+2]π electrons, are resistant to chemical attack and degradation. This stability makes them prevalent in celestial bodies and valuable in designing polymers that withstand harsh space conditions [1-4].
In interstellar space, aromatic molecules make up ~20% of atomic carbon and are key to forming complex organic molecules [1]. Cyanopyrene, cyanonaphthalene, and indene have been identified in the TMC-1 molecular cloud [5]. Aromatic molecules are also found in Solar System objects, including Martian soil from Gale Crater mudstones [7-10].
Thiophene, an aromatic molecule, was detected by NASA’s Curiosity rover in the Glen Torridon clay unit, where high-temperature pyrolysis (~850°C) revealed sulfur-bearing organics, including alkyl derivatives, likely from Martian organic materials [9]. Atomic oxygen (O) in its ground state (³P) is a strong oxidant that degrades aromatic compounds like benzene and pyridine, releasing CO [10-13]. Recent models show O(³P) is present in small amounts on Mars’s surface and abundant in low orbit [13]. This presents a dual challenge: degrading thiophene-based polymers used in spacecraft and explaining Mars's organic scarcity [16].
Using quantum chemistry methods, we examined thiophene fragmentation from O(³P) interactions. Our results matched experimental data from the crossed molecular beam (CMB) scattering technique [10], showing that the reaction forms thioacrolein and CO, attacking the sulfur atom and breaking the aromatic ring. This ISC-enhanced mechanism may destabilize sulfur-containing polymers and contribute to organic compound loss on Mars.

Additionally, the photodissociation of O₃ on Mars generates highly reactive atomic oxygen in the excited ¹D state, which likely accelerates organic degradation [13]. While photodissociation degrades complex organics, residual organic matter remains unless converted to volatile species. These findings are pivotal for developing space-resilient materials and understanding atomic oxygen's role in Mars's chemical evolution. Furthermore, the degradation products, including released carbon, may contribute to forming prebiotic molecules, enriching the diversity of planetary systems and interstellar chemistry.

[1] A.G.G.M. Tielens, Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 1021.

[2] D.A.F.T.W. Strganac, et al., J. Spacecr. Rocket 1995, 32,502–506

[3] K.K. De Groh, et al., High Perform. Polym. 2008, 20, 388–409

[4] T. K. Minton, et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2012, 4, 492−502

[5] G. Wenzel, et al., Science, 2024, 386,810-813.

[6] M.A. Sephton, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2002,19, 292-311

[7] C. Sagan, et al., Astrophys. J., 414, 1, 399-405

[8] J. L. Eigenbrode, et al., Science, 2018, 360, 1096–1101

[9] M. Millan, et al., J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 2022, 127, e2021JE007107

[10] Vanuzzo G., et al., J.  Phys. Chem. A, 2021, 125, 8434–8453

[11] Recio P., et al., Nat. Chem., 2022, 14, 1405–1412

[12] J. Lasne, et al., Astrobiology, 2016, 16, 977

[13] G. M. Paternò, et al., Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 41013

[14] S. A. Benner, et al., PNAS, 2000, 97, 6, 2425–2430

How to cite: Campisi, D., Parriani, M., Pannacci, G., Vanuzzo, G., Casavecchia, P., Rosi, M., and Balucani, N.: Reaction of Atomic Oxygen with Thiophene: Implications for Satellite Polymers in Low Mars Orbit and Chemistry of Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20186,, 2025.

ST1 – The Sun and Heliosphere

EGU25-923 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1

Charging and Dynamics of Interstellar Dust at the Heliospheric Interface 

Tim Arnet and Veerle J. Sterken

The Sun is currently traversing the local interstellar medium at a relative velocity of approximately 26 km s−1. Due to the Sun’s motion, interstellar dust grains from the interstellar medium are transported trough the heliosphere’s boundary, from the upwind direction.

Dust grains in a space environment are subject to a variety of charging mechanisms, which result in an overall equilibrium charge on their surface. In the interstellar medium and in the solar wind, the primary charging mechanisms are plasma collection, secondary electron emission, and photoelectric emission. The charge acquired by a dust grain depends on a number of factors, including the size, composition, and structure of the dust grain itself, as well as on the characteristics of the surrounding environment.

The magnetic field that the dust grains encounter when approaching the heliosphere, starts to change into the heliospheric magnetic field. Hence, the motion of individual grains near the heliospheric interface changes due to the influence of the Lorentz forces. The amount of trajectory deflection depends on the charge-to-mass ratio of a grain. Consequently, not all interstellar dust grains enter the solar system.

We discuss the dust charging with a particular focus on the influence of the space environment conditions that are expected at different locations throughout the heliosphere, including its boundary regions and including short-term and long-term variations of space environment conditions due to solar activity. These are necessary to calculate the dust trajectories in particular at the heliospheric interface. The results will help to explain the physical processes occurring at the boundary of the heliosphere.

How to cite: Arnet, T. and Sterken, V. J.: Charging and Dynamics of Interstellar Dust at the Heliospheric Interface, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-923,, 2025.

EGU25-1180 | Orals | ST1.1 | Highlight

Parker Solar Probe: From Exploration to Paradigm-Shifting Discoveries 

Nour E. Raouafi

The Parker Solar Probe mission has been revolutionizing our understanding of the Sun for nearly half a solar cycle, providing unprecedented insights into its dynamic atmosphere. Having completed 22 of its planned 24 orbits during the mission's prime science phase, the spacecraft continues to deliver data of unmatched quality, captivating both the global scientific community and the public. Parker Solar Probe has already yielded paradigm-shifting discoveries, cementing its status as one of the most successful heliophysics missions to date. With the spacecraft and its instruments performing exceptionally well, the mission's future beyond the prime science phase looks exceedingly promising. I will provide an overview the mission's remarkable achievements and explore its potential as we move into the declining phase of solar cycle 25 and beyond.

How to cite: Raouafi, N. E.: Parker Solar Probe: From Exploration to Paradigm-Shifting Discoveries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1180,, 2025.

EGU25-1796 | Orals | ST1.1

3D Magnetic reconnection in solar eruptions: observations and MHD numerical simulations 

Brigitte Schmieder, Jinhan Guo, Reetika Joshi, Jaroslav Dudik, and Stefaan Poedts

In  standard  2D eruption models, the eruption of a magnetic flux rope is associated with magnetic reconnection occurring beneath it. However, in a 3D context, additional reconnection possibilities arise, particularly involving interactions between the flux rope and the overlying arcades. This process results in the drifting of the legs of the erupting flux rope.

We show examples of such magnetic reconnections between erupting filaments interacting with coronal arcades, called ar-rf (arcade + rope – rope + flare loop), using AIA/SDO and IRIS data.

To understand the physical processes behind observations, we perform data-inspired MHD numerical simulations, which reproduce such magnetic reconnection between flux rope and overlying magnetic fields. Our model clearly exhibits the slippage of flux-rope field lines and the remote heating and flare ribbons due to such external reconnection.

How to cite: Schmieder, B., Guo, J., Joshi, R., Dudik, J., and Poedts, S.: 3D Magnetic reconnection in solar eruptions: observations and MHD numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1796,, 2025.

The remote observations of braided solar coronal magnetic fields, together with in situ interplanetary measurements of (a) intermittent fluxes of energetic solar particles due to a large scale flaring magnetic field as well as (b) sustained small-scale magnetic fields reversals in the solar wind opens a new venue for interpretation of a wide range of heliospheric phenomena. The standard description of magnetic fields as a set of simple, (distorted) field lines is generalized to strongly structured topological features. Combining mathematical considerations, remote images and in situ satellite observations, we construct new characteristics of those topological magnetic structures, applying Braid and Knot Theory to physical configurations, deducing their topological invariants and constraining their evolution and stability, delineating the relaxation path to magnetized equilibria. The 3-dimensional interconnection between the mathematical braids and knots are applied to the topologically non-trivial magnetized structures from solar corona to the interplanetary medium. The analysis results in conjectures regarding (i) braids’ stability under oscillations and successive appearance and decay of magnetic loops, (ii) reconfiguration of braided structures into magnetic knotted configurations, (iii) their large-scale expansion into the solar wind resulting in the intermittent observation of the solar flare ions and (iv) emission of small-scale compound magnetic knots by solar wind resulting in switchback structures.  Future high-quality missions are expected to delineate in higher resolution the structure and evolution of all these topological forms together with the required constrains for their appearance.

How to cite: Roth, I.: Topological features of the heliospheric magnetic fields., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2064,, 2025.

EGU25-2951 | Orals | ST1.1

Ion Acceleration at the Near-Sun Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings observed by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-22 

Mihir Desai and the Parker Solar Probe ISOIS, SWEAP, and FIELDS Science Teams

We report observations of time-intensity profiles,pitch-angle distributions, spectral forms, and maximum energies of <500 keV/nucleon suprathermal (ST) H, He, O, and Fe ions in association with eleven separate crossings of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) that occurred near perhelia during Parker Solar Probe (PSP) encounters E07-E21. We find that the ST ion observations fall into three categories, namely: 1) the E07 observations posed serious challenges for existing models of ST ion production in the inner heliosphere; 2) ST observations during 8 HCS crossings are consistent with a scenario in which the accelerated ions escape out of sunward-located reconnection exhausts; and 3) two HCS crossings (E14 & E20) when PSP traversed regions close to the reconnection exhaust and observed ST protons up to ~500 keV and >150 keV in energy. During the latter two crossings, PSP detected sunward-directed reconnection-generated plasma jets and sunward propagating energetic protons up to ~400 keV within the exhaust, thereby unambiguously establishing their origin from HCS-associated X-line located anti-sunward of PSP. We present detailed analysis of the evolution of the pitch-angle distributions and spectral properties during this crossing which have revealed, for the first time, important clues about the nature of ion acceleration via reconnection-driven mechanisms at the near-Sun HCS.

How to cite: Desai, M. and the Parker Solar Probe ISOIS, SWEAP, and FIELDS Science Teams: Ion Acceleration at the Near-Sun Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings observed by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-22, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2951,, 2025.

EGU25-3201 | Posters on site | ST1.1

15 years of interstellar neutral hydrogen observed with the Interstellar Boundary Explorer 

André Galli, Pawel Swaczyna, Maciej Bzowski, Marzena A. Kubiak, Izabela Kowalska-Leszczynska, Peter Wurz, Fatemeh Rahmanifard, Nathan A. Schwadron, Eberhard Möbius, Stephen A. Fuselier, Justyna M. Sokol, Jonathan Gasser, Jacob Heerikhuisen, and David J. McComas

Our heliosphere is surrounded by the Local Interstellar Medium. Their interactions lead to a range of observable phenomena such as energetic neutral atoms from the outer regions of the heliosphere and the influx of some interstellar neutrals into the inner solar system. Hydrogen is the dominant neutral species in the Local Interstellar Medium, but due to ionization and radiation pressure only a fraction of the interstellar neutral hydrogen atoms reach the inner solar system. Observing this signal therefore offers a reality check for our assumptions on the Local Interstellar Medium and on solar-activity dependent loss processes inside the heliosphere. So far, the IBEX-Lo instrument onboard the Interstellar Boundary Explorer in Earth orbit has been the only instrument to directly measure interstellar neutral hydrogen atoms.

This presentation shows the maps of 15 years of IBEX-Lo observations of the interstellar neutral hydrogen signal, covering more than one solar cycle and including two solar minima where the signal in IBEX-Lo is strongest. Despite the very intense interstellar neutral helium signal, the hydrogen signal can be retrieved with appropriate knowledge of the instrument, choice of optimum observation season, and supporting modeling. As expected, the retrieved interstellar neutral hydrogen signal is anti-correlated with solar activity. On the other hand, the discrepancy, known from earlier studies, between observed and predicted energy of the interstellar hydrogen atoms persists.

How to cite: Galli, A., Swaczyna, P., Bzowski, M., Kubiak, M. A., Kowalska-Leszczynska, I., Wurz, P., Rahmanifard, F., Schwadron, N. A., Möbius, E., Fuselier, S. A., Sokol, J. M., Gasser, J., Heerikhuisen, J., and McComas, D. J.: 15 years of interstellar neutral hydrogen observed with the Interstellar Boundary Explorer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3201,, 2025.

EGU25-3612 | Posters on site | ST1.1

How GLOWS will reveal the latitudinal structure of the solar wind 

Izabela Kowalska-Leszczynska, Maciej Bzowski, Czesław Porowski, Marek Strumik, and Marzena Kubiak

Solar wind features a latitudinal structure that evolves during the solar activity cycle. The only in-situ measurements of the solar wind speed and density available so far were performed by Ulysses at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. They showed that when the solar activity is low, the wind is fast and rare, with an equatorial band filled with a slower but denser outflow. During epochs of high activity, the band of slow wind expands to all latitudes. However, details of possible north/south asymmetries and regular structure evolution at shorter time scales could not be established because the measurements were performed in-situ along a highly elliptical orbit with a period of the order of half of the solar cycle.

Complementary methods of monitoring the solar wind latitudinal profiles include remote-sensing observations such as interplanetary scintillations (IPS) and hydrogen Lyman-α backscatter glow observations. Existing analyses of IPS and helioglow observations returned somewhat conflicting conclusions. Helioglow maps observed by SOHO/SWAN suggested that the solar wind flux temporarily features flux maxima at mid-latitudes. Analysis of IPS observations for equivalent times did not reveal such maxima in the solar wind speed.

Insight from Ulysses resulted in a hypothesis that the energy flux of solar wind is latitudinally invariant, which cannot be verified without additional observations. A confirmation of this invariance would be an important milestone in the understanding of the solar wind emission mechanism and provide a handy tool supporting retrieval of the solar wind structure from observations of either IPS or the helioglow.

GLObal solar Wind Structure (GLOWS) is a Lyman-α photometer onboard Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), dedicated to helioglow observations aimed at retrieval of the solar wind structure. We present how GLOWS observations can be interpreted to resolve the helioglow/IPS solar wind structure dilemma and to verify the hypothesis of latitudinal invariance of the solar wind energy flux.

How to cite: Kowalska-Leszczynska, I., Bzowski, M., Porowski, C., Strumik, M., and Kubiak, M.: How GLOWS will reveal the latitudinal structure of the solar wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3612,, 2025.

EGU25-4170 | Posters on site | ST1.1

Non-Neutralized Electric Currents and Eruptive Activity in Solar Active Regions 

Tibor Torok, Yang Liu, Viacheslav S. Titov, James E. Leake, Xudong Sun, and Meng Jin

Many proxies for assessing the eruptive activity of solar active regions (ARs) have been suggested, mostly based on measurements of the photospheric magnetic field. Here we test the usefulness of DC/RC (ratio of photospheric direct to return current) for assessing the ability of ARs to produce CMEs, and compare it with the amount of shear along the eruptive section of the polarity inversion line (PIL). We find that all source regions of eruptive flares have DC/RC > 1.63 and PIL shear > 45° (3.2 and 68° on average), tending to be larger for stronger events. Both quantities are on average smaller for source regions of confined flares (2.2 and 46°), albeit with substantial overlap. Many source regions, especially those of eruptive X-class flares, exhibit elongated direct currents (EDCs) bracketing the eruptive PIL segment, typically coinciding with areas of continuous PIL shear > 45°. However, a small subset of confined flares have DC/RC close to unity, very low PIL shear (< 38°), and no clear EDC signatures, rendering such regions less likely to produce a CME. A simple quantitative analysis reveals that DC/RC and PIL shear are almost equally good proxies for assessing CME-productivity, and comparable to other proxies suggested in the literature. We also demonstrate that an inadequate selection of the current-integration area typically yields a substantial underestimation of DC/RC.

How to cite: Torok, T., Liu, Y., Titov, V. S., Leake, J. E., Sun, X., and Jin, M.: Non-Neutralized Electric Currents and Eruptive Activity in Solar Active Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4170,, 2025.

EGU25-4599 | Posters on site | ST1.1

Measuring the composition of interstellar dust particles with the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) instrument 

Zoltan Sternovsky, Becca Mikula, Steven P. Armes, Ethan Ayari, Jordy Bouwman, Jon Hillier, Mihaly Horanyi, Sascha Kempf, Frank Postberg, and Ralf Srama

The IDEX instrument onboard the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) will detect and analyze interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and interstellar dust (ISD) particles near 1 AU. The ISD particles originate from our Local Interstellar Cloud. These particles are a source of pickup ions within the heliosphere and are mass-filtered at the heliospheric boundary and thus their detection and analysis aids our understanding of the connection and interaction between the heliosphere and the Local Interstellar Cloud. In preparation for the IMAP mission, the dust accelerator operated at the University of Colorado is used to conduct an experimental campaign that will aid the interpretation of future measurements by IDEX.  More specifically, the laboratory version of IDEX is used to collect calibration data on dust samples of known size and chemical composition. Such data are required to characterize – and hence assign - impinging dust particles. Recently, comprehensive studies were undertaken to assess the impact ionization properties of (i) a model polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (anthracene) and (ii) various rocky minerals. Time-of-flight mass spectra obtained from individual microparticles were recorded over a wide impact velocity range (2 - 35 km s-1) to evaluate the strong variation of the impact spectra with their kinetic energy. 

How to cite: Sternovsky, Z., Mikula, B., Armes, S. P., Ayari, E., Bouwman, J., Hillier, J., Horanyi, M., Kempf, S., Postberg, F., and Srama, R.: Measuring the composition of interstellar dust particles with the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) instrument, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4599,, 2025.

EGU25-4774 | Orals | ST1.1

Evolution of solar wind velocity direction in the inner heliosphere 

Zdenek Nemecek, Tereza Durovcova, and Jana Safrankova

Previous statistical studies revealed that the tangential component of the solar wind velocity is positive (co-rotating) in the vicinity of the Sun but it turns its sign at about 0.2 AU. After it, this negative value increases toward 0.3 AU and gradually relaxes to zero at distances in excess of 10 AU. Since the intervals of a large negative tangential velocity component exhibit also enhanced cross-helicity, outward propagating Alfven waves generated in the outer corona were suggested as the most probable source of the observed deviation. However, the weak point of this conclusion is that the waves would deviate the solar wind velocity in all directions with the same probability. For explanation of this caveat, we use all available data gathered by PSP and analyze factors that can affect the velocity direction like waves, stream interactions or magnetic reconnection. As a result, we suggest interchange reconnection of closed lines of coronal loops with the open lines from nearby coronal hole as a most probable driver of the observed velocity reversal.  However, this type of reconnection is expected at the source regions of the slow wind whereas the negative tangential velocity component was observed in the fast wind and we discuss a scenario that can explain this objection.   

How to cite: Nemecek, Z., Durovcova, T., and Safrankova, J.: Evolution of solar wind velocity direction in the inner heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4774,, 2025.

EGU25-4776 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1

Unveiling SEP Acceleration and ICME Evolution in the Inner Heliosphere using Housekeeping Radiation Data Acquired by BepiColombo 

Gaku Kinoshita, Haruka Ueno, Go Murakami, Marco Pinto, Kazuo Yoshioka, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, and Yoshifumi Saito

Direct observations in the inner heliosphere have been limited due to the large gravitational potential differences, leaving many aspects of the physical processes governing the propagation of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and solar energetic particles (SEPs) unresolved. Recent multi-point observations by spacecraft such as BepiColombo (Benkhoff et al., 2021; Murakami et al., 2020), Parker Solar probe (Fox et al., 2016) and Solar Orbiter (Müller et al., 2020) offer unique opportunities to explore the radial and longitudinal evolution of solar ejecta in unprecedented detail (e.g. Hadid et al., 2021; Mangano et al., 2021).

In this study, we utilized the Solar Particle Monitor (SPM) aboard BepiColombo/Mio, a non-scientific housekeeping radiation monitor for scientific observations. SPM’s ability to measure higher energetic particles makes it particularly effective for studying phenomena such as SEPs and galactic cosmic rays. We developed a novel inversion method based on response functions derived from Geant4 (Allison et al., 2016) radiation simulations, and reconstructed the primary energy and flux of incident particles from SPM data (Kinoshita et al., 2025, JGR).

This method was applied to an SEP event observed in March 2022, when BepiColombo and STEREO-A were aligned along the same Parker spiral magnetic field line. The energy spectra from BepiColombo/SPM, BERM (Pinto et al., 2022) and STEREO-A/HET (Von Rosenvinge et al., 2008) showed remarkable similarity, suggesting a common origin. Additionally, SPM detected a Forbush Decrease (FD) event following the SEP, marking the arrival of an ICME. This ICME also reached Earth, where FD signatures were recorded by ground neutron monitors. A comparison of FD profiles such as shapes and depth between BepiColombo and the Earth provided insights into the spatio-temporal evolution of the ICME as it propagated in the inner heliosphere.

Our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of SEP acceleration mechanisms and ICME dynamics in the inner heliosphere. Moreover, they demonstrate the potential of repurposing housekeeping instruments for scientific applications, paving the way for expanding solar observation networks with ongoing and future missions.

How to cite: Kinoshita, G., Ueno, H., Murakami, G., Pinto, M., Yoshioka, K., Miyoshi, Y., and Saito, Y.: Unveiling SEP Acceleration and ICME Evolution in the Inner Heliosphere using Housekeeping Radiation Data Acquired by BepiColombo, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4776,, 2025.

Understanding the mechanisms that generate information flow in dynamical systems is crucial for advancing causal inference and dependency characterization in natural and engineered systems. Information flow is defined as the exchange of predictive or uncertainty-reducing knowledge between variables in a coupled system, arising when fluctuations in one component influence the variability in another. This study establishes that information flow emerges as a direct result of trajectory divergence in phase-space, an effect encoded in the generalized dynamics of probability density functions. We show that when the divergence of flow fields in phase-space is non-zero, it induces temporal changes in the entropic structure of the system. This expands the traditional Liouville equation to non-conservative systems. This divergence creates, rather than merely propagates, informational dependencies among system components, highlighting the dynamic nature of mutual and multivariate information in such systems.

Our results reveal that in conservative systems, where phase-space volume is preserved, the system entropy remains invariant, and informational dependencies are determined solely by initial conditions. In contrast, dissipative systems—exemplified by the damped harmonic oscillator and the Lorenz system—exhibit significant entropic and informational evolution driven by non-zero divergence. The mathematical framework presented quantifies the role of divergence in shaping joint, marginal, and conditional entropy, as well as bivariate and higher-order mutual information. This approach provides a comprehensive understanding of how phase-space dynamics underpin the flow and transformation of information.

The findings have profound implications across multiple domains, including environmental science, climate dynamics, and engineered systems, where causal relationships often arise from interactions between variables in complex networks. By bridging physical principles with information theory, the work offers a new lens for exploring the dynamics of natural and artificial systems, with potential applications in predictive modeling, data assimilation, and the design of resilient systems under uncertainty.

This investigation not only addresses a longstanding question about the origin of information flow in coupled systems but also lays the groundwork for future studies incorporating time-lagged dependencies and higher-order interactions in both theoretical and applied contexts. The framework proposed herein enables a more refined analysis of information flow in complex systems, advancing our ability to interpret, predict, and engineer their behavior.


How to cite: Kumar, P.: Phase-Space Divergence as the Driver of Information Flow in Dynamical Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5249,, 2025.

EGU25-5514 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1

Multi-spacecraft observations of particle acceleration in the near-Earth environment 

Domenico Trotta, Timothy S. Horbury, and Joe Giacalone

The existing fleet of spacecraft at 1 AU represents an important opportunity for multi-mission, multi-spacecraft direct investigations of heliospheric plasmas.

In this work, we focus on a strong interplanetary (IP) shock which crossed Wind, ACE, DSCOVR, THEMIS B and THEMIS C on 3 Nov 2021. Further, the shock was observed by well radially aligned Solar Orbiter at 0.8 AU. Such spacecraft configuration was used in a previous study to constrain the extent of the shock upstream populated by compressive structures (shocklets).

Here, we study the acceleration of protons up to 5 MeV energies and focus on the variability of energetic particle production. By cross-correlating energetic particle fluxes for the different vantage points, we find that the production of low energy (up to 100 keV) protons is strongly influenced by the local shock conditions, while high energy ones (up to 1 MeV) respond to the average shock conditions. At higher energies, we find that the energetic particle fluxes are modulated by large-scale structuring in the shock surroundings.

This study is relevant for IMAP, which will soon join such spacecraft fleet, and yield novel measurements of energetic particles at Lagrange point L1.

How to cite: Trotta, D., Horbury, T. S., and Giacalone, J.: Multi-spacecraft observations of particle acceleration in the near-Earth environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5514,, 2025.

EGU25-5604 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1

Solar wind structures – correlation between OMNI and THEMIS data 

Georg Blüthner, Manuela Stadlober-Temmer, Florian Koller, and Martin Volwerk

Small-scale solar wind structures, consistently impacting Earth, provide a fundamental energy transfer from the Sun to the Geospace. However, what we measure at L1 might not be consistent with structures arriving at Earth. We explore how well OMNI data resemble direct near-Earth measurements using THEMIS. We focus on variations in large-scale solar wind structures such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and stream interaction regions (SIR) with their distinct substructures. Our study is based on existing CME/SIR lists of events defined by Koller et al. [2022] in OMNI data. For the given time ranges, we compare the timing and appearance of the structures in the solar wind plasma and magnetic field parameters as probed by OMNI and THEMIS. We find that, on average, correlations between the structures measured at OMNI and THEMIS increase with the length of the measured structure. In addition, we find shifts between the structure measurements of a few minutes. Moreover, for CMEs that could form a sheath, we found an above-average coverage in the THEMIS measurements. By providing a more comprehensive understanding of solar wind dynamics and the relationships between their substructures measured at different locations, this research will significantly contribute to the field of space weather and heliospheric physics.

How to cite: Blüthner, G., Stadlober-Temmer, M., Koller, F., and Volwerk, M.: Solar wind structures – correlation between OMNI and THEMIS data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5604,, 2025.

EGU25-6362 | Posters on site | ST1.1

Study of the Proton Beam Parameters near the Sun 

Sruti Satyasmita, Tereza Durovcova, Zdenek Nemecek, and Jana Safrankova

One of the commonly observed features of the solar wind is the simultaneous streaming of two different proton populations, one of which is the dominant denser core, and the other is the less dense and faster-propagating, minor population called the beam. The proton beam relative abundance is typically 10-20%, and the proton beam moves relative to the core along the interplanetary magnetic field at about 1.2 local Alfven speed. The origin and evolution of the proton beam is not yet fully understood.  A previous study based on data from the Helios mission suggests that the seed of the proton beam forms close to the Sun, leading to the observed correlation between the relative abundance of the proton beam and alpha particles. The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission, which has already achieved its closest approach to the Sun, gives us an opportunity to study the proton beam parameters near the solar wind source regions. We focus on the non-thermal features of the ion velocity distribution functions (VDFs) observed near the Sun by PSP. We investigate the mechanisms that change the proton beam parameters both in the initial phase of the solar wind expansion and on its way towards the Earth.

How to cite: Satyasmita, S., Durovcova, T., Nemecek, Z., and Safrankova, J.: Study of the Proton Beam Parameters near the Sun, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6362,, 2025.

EGU25-6498 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1

Comparing observations of the closely located JUICE and STEREO-A spacecraft during the widespread solar energetic particle event of 2024 May 13 

Laura Rodríguez-García, Erika Palmerio, Marco Pinto, Nina Dresing, Christina Cohen, Raúl Gómez-Herrero, Jan Gieseler, Francisca Santos, Francisco Espinosa Lara, Ignacio Cernuda, Olivier Witasse, and Nicolas Altobelli

JUICE was launched in April 2023, and it is now in its cruise phase to Jupiter, where it is scheduled to arrive in July 2031. JUICE carries a radiation monitor, namely the RADiation hard Electron Monitor (RADEM) to measure protons, electrons, and ions, detecting particles coming from the anti-Sun direction. On 2024 May 13, a large solar energetic particle (SEP) event took place in association with an eruption close to the western limb of the Sun as seen from Earth. Providentially, at that time JUICE was very closely located to STEREO-A, namely the difference in location was 0.13 au in radial distance, 0.3° in latitude, and 1.6° in longitude.

We analysed the interplanetary context through which the particles propagated using the ENLIL model combined with in-situ plasma measurements. We studied the proton anisotropies measured by near-Earth spacecraft and STEREO-A and focused on an isotropic period during the decay phase of the SEP event to compute the proton energy spectrum. We fit the STEREO-A spectrum and compared it to that measured by JUICE to estimate energy-dependent intercalibration factors.

The proton spectral indices measured by JUICE and STEREO-A were similar. The proton fluxes measured at the effective energy channels of 6.8 MeV, 22.2 MeV, and 31.6 MeV by the radiation monitor onboard JUICE agree within 15% with the STEREO-A measurements. The differences were slightly higher for the 14.0 MeV channel, which agrees within 30%.

How to cite: Rodríguez-García, L., Palmerio, E., Pinto, M., Dresing, N., Cohen, C., Gómez-Herrero, R., Gieseler, J., Santos, F., Espinosa Lara, F., Cernuda, I., Witasse, O., and Altobelli, N.: Comparing observations of the closely located JUICE and STEREO-A spacecraft during the widespread solar energetic particle event of 2024 May 13, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6498,, 2025.

EGU25-6681 | Orals | ST1.1

Electromagnetic wave radiation in turbulent magnetized and inhomogeneous plasmas : theory and simulations 

Catherine Krafft, Alexander Volokitin, Francisco Javier Polanco-Rodriguez, and Philippe Savoini

In a weakly magnetized and randomly inhomogeneous solar wind plasma where upper-hybrid wave turbulence is generated, electromagnetic radiation at plasma frequency is modeled theoretically and numerically. Owing to three independent approaches which lead to the same results (Particle-In-Cell simulations, theoretical and numerical modeling, as well as analytical calculations performed in the framework of weak turbulence theory extended to randomly inhomogeneous plasmas), electromagnetic emissions in the O-, X- and Z-modes, as well as their corresponding radiation rates, are calculated as a function of the ratio of the cyclotron to the plasma frequency ωcp and the average level of random density fluctuations ΔN. These emissions are due to electrostatic waves transformations and mode conversion on random density fluctuations. In this view, the condition for appearance or absence of some modes, are discussed for the case of type III solar radio bursts.

How to cite: Krafft, C., Volokitin, A., Polanco-Rodriguez, F. J., and Savoini, P.: Electromagnetic wave radiation in turbulent magnetized and inhomogeneous plasmas : theory and simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6681,, 2025.

EGU25-6736 | Posters on site | ST1.1

Wave processes during type III solar radio burts : 2D PIC simulations 

Francisco Javier Polanco-Rodriguez, Catherine Krafft, and Philippe Savoini

Nonlinear wave interactions as well as wave transformation processes on random plasma density inhomogeneities are thought to play a central role in electromagnetic wave radiation during type III solar radio bursts, in particular by generating radio waves at both the plasma frequency ωp and its harmonic 2ωp. Large-scale and long-term 2D Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulations involving an electron beam generating upper-hybrid wave turbulence have been shown (e.g. Krafft et al. 2024 ApJL 967 L20) to be an efficient tool to study mechanisms as electrostatic decay, electromagnetic decay, wave coalescence, or conversion of modes at constant frequency.  Here a local and a global approach are combined to evidence such mechanisms in weakly magnetized solar wind plasmas, and to study their properties as a function of plasma parameters as the cyclotron frequency ωc, the average level of random density fluctuations ΔN, and the ion-to-electron temperature ratio Ti/Te.

How to cite: Polanco-Rodriguez, F. J., Krafft, C., and Savoini, P.: Wave processes during type III solar radio burts : 2D PIC simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6736,, 2025.

Coronal magnetic field models have to rely on extrapolation methods using photospheric magnetograms as boundary conditions. In recent years, due to the increased resolution of observations and the need to resolve non-force free lower regions of the solar atmosphere, there have been increased efforts to use magnetohydrostatic (MHS) field models instead of force-free extrapolation methods. Although numerical methods to calculate MHS solutions can deal with non-linear problems and hence provide more accurate models, analytical three-dimensional MHS equilibria can also be used as a numerically relatively “cheap” complementary method.

We discuss an extrapolation method based on a family of analytical MHS equilibria that allows for a transition from a non-force-free region to a force-free region. The solution involves hypergeometric functions and while routines for the calculation of these are available, this can affect both the speed and the accuracy of the calculations. We have looked into the asymptotic behaviour of this solution to approximate it by exponential functions which improves the numerical efficiency. We present results with boundary conditions based on artificial magnetograms to test the method, and also the application of the model to observational data.

How to cite: Nadol, L. and Neukirch, T.: Three-Dimensional Solar Magnetic Field Extrapolation Using Analytical Magnetohydrostatic Equilibrium Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6910,, 2025.

EGU25-7400 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1

When Most of the Action is Hidden from View: A Synthesis of Observations of the Fast March 13, 2023 CME 

Erika Palmerio, Phillip Hess, Volker Bothmer, Immanuel Jebaraj, Nina Dresing, and Nicolas Wijsen

Observational analyses of the evolution and dynamics of coronal mass ejection (CME) case study events tend to employ a holistic approach that takes advantage of multi-point and multi-regime measurements. Ideally, well-observed CMEs can be followed from their eruption off the solar disc via multi-wavelength remote-sensing data, through their coronal and heliospheric evolution via white-light imagery, and up to their arrival at a spacecraft of interest via in-situ measurements at one or more locations. In practice, events that can be tracked consistently through multiple regimes and from multiple viewpoints are understandably rare, and most CME detections are characterised by some “missing pieces in the puzzle” and/or limited observational perspectives. In this presentation, we shall focus on an event that was imaged remarkably well in white light (by both coronagraphs and heliospheric imagers) but had its source region and eruption dynamics completely hidden from view.

On March 13, 2023 an exceptionally fast and energetic CME was released from the solar far side as seen from Earth. Alas, the two other spacecraft equipped with disc cameras—STEREO-A and Solar Orbiter—were also imaging mostly the Earth-facing Sun, leaving a critical observational gap into the source, topology, and onset of the eruption. On the other hand, the coronal and heliospheric evolution of the CME were well observed from these three viewpoints as well as by Parker Solar Probe, which was located closer in longitude to the eruption’s source region. We present a synthesis of available (off-limb) EUV and white-light remote-sensing observations that aims to infer the complex eruption and early evolution of the event as well as to contextualise in-situ measurements at Parker Solar Probe, which was impacted by the CME at a heliocentric distance of ~0.25 au. Finally, we highlight the importance of observing the far side of the Sun, which, among other advantages, can fill a crucial observational gap required for multi-viewpoint measurements of every CME.

How to cite: Palmerio, E., Hess, P., Bothmer, V., Jebaraj, I., Dresing, N., and Wijsen, N.: When Most of the Action is Hidden from View: A Synthesis of Observations of the Fast March 13, 2023 CME, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7400,, 2025.

EGU25-8710 | Orals | ST1.1

Fine structures of solar type III radio bursts observed in the inner heliosphere by Solar Orbiter 

David Pisa, Jan Souček, Ondřej Santolík, Tomáš Formánek, Ulrich Taubenschuss, Milan Maksimovic, Yuri Khotyaintsev, and Jordi Boldu

Type III solar radio emissions are intense wave phenomena originating from eruptive events in the solar corona. These emissions are produced by energetic electron beams traveling outward from the Sun along the magnetic Parker spiral. As these beams propagate, they generate intense electrostatic Langmuir waves, which are subsequently converted into freely propagating radio waves. These radio waves, characterized by their distinct dispersed signatures in the time-frequency domain, can be detected throughout the solar system.

However, their propagation is not straightforward. Local density variations in the solar wind plasma cause refraction and, in some cases, reflection of the waves. Such density variations between the source and the observer can obscure low frequency part of the emissions, limiting their propagation to frequencies above the local L-O cutoff frequency. Multi-point observations reveal that the spatial and temporal coincidence of type III emission sources and solar wind density structures modifies the lower-frequency boundary of the detected emissions.

Additionally, some emissions display stripe-like patterns, which are also attributed to local plasma density variations at their source. The fine structures of these low-frequency (<100 kHz) emissions can be resolved with the very high time-frequency resolution of the Radio and Plasma Wave (RPW) instrument onboard the Solar Orbiter. These observations provide valuable insights into the interaction between solar radio emissions and the solar wind plasma environment.

How to cite: Pisa, D., Souček, J., Santolík, O., Formánek, T., Taubenschuss, U., Maksimovic, M., Khotyaintsev, Y., and Boldu, J.: Fine structures of solar type III radio bursts observed in the inner heliosphere by Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8710,, 2025.

EGU25-8896 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1

Polarisation Analysis of in-situ observations of Langmuir/Z-Mode Waves by Solar Orbiter 

Tomas Formanek, Ondrej Santolik, Jan Soucek, David Pisa, Arnaud Zaslavsky, Milan Maksimovic, Matthieu Kretzschmar, Christopher Owen, and Javier Rodriguez-Pacheco

Type III solar radio emissions originate from a mode conversion of electrostatic Langmuir waves generated by an energetic electron beam. This electron beam creates a bump-on-tail instability in the electron velocity distribution function, generating Langmuir waves as the electrons propagate along the magnetic field lines in the solar wind. The Solar Orbiter spacecraft enables us to study Type III radio emissions and the Langmuir waves locally generated in the solar wind with a very high temporal resolution. Using electron velocity distribution measurements obtained by the Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) and Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) instruments, we model the plasma environment and numerically solve the dispersion relation. After deriving the dispersion relation for the generalized Langmuir/Z-mode, we successfully match the waveform data observed by the Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument with the theoretical prediction. Furthermore, we analyse the wave polarization properties, including a coherent high frequency magnetic component. Combining the solution of the dispersion relation and observations, we constrain the wave vector and provide valuable insights into the wave polarisation properties.

How to cite: Formanek, T., Santolik, O., Soucek, J., Pisa, D., Zaslavsky, A., Maksimovic, M., Kretzschmar, M., Owen, C., and Rodriguez-Pacheco, J.: Polarisation Analysis of in-situ observations of Langmuir/Z-Mode Waves by Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8896,, 2025.

EGU25-9297 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1

A statistical study of rotational sunspots in solar cycle 24: Comparing with solar flares and CMEs 

Wensi Wang, Rui Liu, Jiajia Liu, and Yuming Wang

The rapid rotation of sunspots is considered as one possible mechanism for triggering solar eruptions. The sunspot rotation may also contribute to the accumulation of magnetic helicity in solar active regions. Studying the sunspot rotation and the underlying mechanisms behind this motion is crucial for enhancing our understanding of solar eruptions. We aim to investigate the relationships between rotational sunspots and solar eruptions, including solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), in a larger sample. In this study, we have examined the full-disk HMI vector magnetograms with temporal resolution of one day from 2011 to 2019 and found 163 active regions that exhibit a near-bipolar configuration with single or pair of sunspots. To determine the sunspot rotation, we first employed the Differential Affine Velocity Estimator for vector magnetograms (DAVE4VM) to the HMI vector magnetogram to calculate the photospheric velocity field. We then applied the Automated Swirl Detection Algorithms (ASDA;Liu et al. 2019) to the velocity field to verify the presence of sunspot rotation. All 163 active regions were analyzed for five-days evolution to detect rotational sunspots. Some previous studies have doubted whether sunspot rotation represents an actual motion. Therefore, in this study, we only focus on the long-time rotation lasting for at least 10 hours. The results indicate that only 38 active regions are associated with rotational sunspots. We subsequently estimated the duration of rotation and the average rotational velocity for each sunspot. The rotational durations range from 16 hours to 100 hours and the average rotational velocities range from 1.00 to 4.73 deg per hour. Interestingly, not all rotational sunspots are associated with CMEs. About 16 active regions with rotational sunspots produced eruptive flares. The average rotation duration of sunspots with CMEs is approximately 10 hours longer than the sunspot without CMEs, while the average rotational velocities remain similar. 

How to cite: Wang, W., Liu, R., Liu, J., and Wang, Y.: A statistical study of rotational sunspots in solar cycle 24: Comparing with solar flares and CMEs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9297,, 2025.

EGU25-9971 | Orals | ST1.1

Determining the possible acceleration regions of in situ electrons using space- and ground-based radio observations  

Diana Morosan, Nina Dresing, Christian Palmroos, Jan Gieseler, Immanuel Jebaraj, Jens Pomoel, and Pietro Zucca

Energetic particles in the heliosphere are produced by flaring processes on the Sun or shocks driven by coronal mass ejections. These particles can be detected remotely through the electromagnetic radiation they generate (X-rays or radio emission) or in situ by spacecraft monitoring the Sun and the heliosphere. Here, we investigate the acceleration location, escape, and propagation directions of electron beams producing radio bursts observed with the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter (SolO) and compare it to hard X-ray (HXR) emission and in situ electrons observed at SolO. These observations are combined with a three-dimensional (3D) representation of the electron acceleration locations and results from a magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) model of the solar corona in order to determine the connectivity to Solar Orbiter and relate the electrons observed remotely to in situ electrons. We observed a long-duration metric-decametric type II radio burst with good connectivity to Solar Orbiter, which also observed a significant in situ electron event. The injections times of the in situ electrons are simultaneous with the onset of the type II radio burst. The properties of the SolO electrons also indicate that shock acceleration is likely the main contributor to the observed fluxes, with a possible smaller contribution coming from the flare, given the presence of HXRs and type III radio bursts.

How to cite: Morosan, D., Dresing, N., Palmroos, C., Gieseler, J., Jebaraj, I., Pomoel, J., and Zucca, P.: Determining the possible acceleration regions of in situ electrons using space- and ground-based radio observations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9971,, 2025.

EGU25-10101 | Posters on site | ST1.1

SciQLop: A Tool Suite for Multi-Mission High-Resolution In-Situ Data Analysis in the Heliophysics Community 

Alexis Jeandet, Benjamin Renard, Nicolas Aunai, Ambre Ghisalberti, Vincent Génot, Nicolas André, and Myriam Bouchemit

Analyzing multi-instrument, multi-mission in-situ space physics data presents significant challenges, hindering scientific progress. The SCIentific Qt application for Learning from Observations of Plasmas (SciQLop) addresses these challenges by providing a comprehensive tool suite  for simplified data discovery, retrieval, visualization, and analysis. SciQLop facilitates access to data from remote servers like CDAWeb and AMDA via tools like Speasy. Crucially, SciQLop integrates with event catalogs through TSCat and its associated GUI, allowing users to define and search for specific events and then seamlessly access the corresponding data across multiple instruments and missions. This poster demonstrates how SciQLop facilitates massive in-situ data analysis and event-based studies, empowering researchers to focus on scientific interpretation and accelerate discovery in space physics.

How to cite: Jeandet, A., Renard, B., Aunai, N., Ghisalberti, A., Génot, V., André, N., and Bouchemit, M.: SciQLop: A Tool Suite for Multi-Mission High-Resolution In-Situ Data Analysis in the Heliophysics Community, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10101,, 2025.

EGU25-10642 | Posters on site | ST1.1

Cross helicity and electron strahl signatures in interplanetary coronal mass ejections 

Simon Good, Aleksandra Franc, Sanchita Pal, and Emilia Kilpua

The solar wind is permeated by Alfvénic fluctuations across a broad range of scales, with fluctuations that have an anti-sunward sense of propagation typically dominating.  Recent studies have shown that cross helicity, which can be used to measure the difference between the sunward and anti-sunward fluctuation power, is more balanced inside interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) than in the solar wind generally.  A possible cause of balanced cross helicity in ICMEs is their closed magnetic field structure, with a closed loop connected at both ends to the Sun being able to support a more balanced population of Alfvénic fluctuations.  To test this hypothesis, we have performed a statistical study that compares cross helicity with electron strahl signatures for a large number of ICMEs at 1 au.  Bidirectional electrons are a well-established signature of closed magnetic field structures in ICMEs.  A moderate correlation between bidirectional electrons and balanced cross helicity has been identified, supporting the closed-field hypothesis as an origin of the balanced cross helicity found in ICMEs.

How to cite: Good, S., Franc, A., Pal, S., and Kilpua, E.: Cross helicity and electron strahl signatures in interplanetary coronal mass ejections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10642,, 2025.

EGU25-10692 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1

Joint Analysis of Solar Type III Radio bursts with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter 

Panisara Thepthong, Matthieu Kretzschmar, Milan Maksimovic, and Aikaterini Pesini

Solar type III radio bursts are common radio emissions generated by energetic electron beams traveling through the solar corona. These serve as important remote sensing tools for studying plasma and electron beams in the solar wind. In this work, we aim to combine observations from both the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter (SolO) spacecrafts in order to study solar type III radio bursts from different point of view and distances. In particular, we investigate observed differences in the fine structures, such as striae, as well as in the radio spectrum fluctuations to gain a deeper understanding of the physical mechanisms influencing the propagation of electrons beams.

How to cite: Thepthong, P., Kretzschmar, M., Maksimovic, M., and Pesini, A.: Joint Analysis of Solar Type III Radio bursts with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10692,, 2025.

EGU25-11303 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1

Radial Evolution of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and Change of Their Geo-effectiveness Due to Erosion 

Sanchita Pal, Simon Good, Lan Jian, Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla, and Georgios Nicolaou

Magnetic ejecta (ME) characterized by large-scale smoothly-rotating magnetic field lines inside interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) may erode while interacting with the surrounding ambient solar wind plasma in the heliosphere. Erosion may occur while ICME-surrounding solar wind structures are in favorable conditions leading to magnetic reconnection with MEs. Erosion may peel off the outer layers of ME eventually leading to changes in their structures and magnetic properties. In this study, we analyze the erosion of three ICME events observed by very rare radial alignments of multiple spacecraft, where the spacecraft were within 3.5 degrees of angular separations. The three events were observed by pairs of spacecraft: (1) Parker Solar Probe (0.53 au) and Wind (0.997 au) on September 2023, (2) Solar Orbiter (0.85 au) and Wind (0.98 au) on November 2021, and (3) STEREO-A (0.95 au) and Wind (1.005 au) on August 2023. Analyzing the radial evolution of the magnetic, ion and supra-thermal electron properties and Alfvenicity inside the MEs, and reconnection exhausts at their boundaries, we assess the impact of erosion on the structures of ME and their geo-effectiveness. Thus, taking the opportunity of such rare spacecraft alignments, we comment on how erosion may impact ICME radial evolution and may lead space weather prediction operations to be more challenging in the heliosphere.

How to cite: Pal, S., Good, S., Jian, L., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., and Nicolaou, G.: Radial Evolution of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and Change of Their Geo-effectiveness Due to Erosion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11303,, 2025.

EGU25-12678 | Orals | ST1.1 | Highlight

IMAP Mission in the Runup to Launch  

Matina Gkioulidou, David McComas, Nathan Schwadron, and Eric Christian

In this presentation we update the community on the current status of the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), the latest mission in the Solar Terrestrial Probes (STP) program of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate Heliophysics Division, which is slated to launch in September of 2025. With ten instruments, IMAP provides the complete set of observations to investigate two intimately coupled and vitally important research areas of Heliophysics: 1) the acceleration of energetic particles expelled from the Sun and 2) the interaction of the solar wind and energetic particles with the local interstellar medium. IMAP simultaneously examines particle injection and acceleration processes at 1 AU, while remotely imaging the global heliospheric interaction and its response to particle populations generated earlier through the aforementioned acceleration processes. That remote imaging is possible via the detection of Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENAs) that are being emitted when the charged particles expelled from the sun, and after they have been accelerated, interact with interstellar neutrals when they reach the heliospheric boundary. In addition to in-situ acceleration and remote ENA observations, IMAP instruments directly sample both interstellar neutral atoms and interstellar dust drifting into the heliosphere; interstellar pickup ions; solar wind ions, electrons, and magnetic field; and the Sun’s three-dimensional hydrogen “helioglow.” In addition to periodically downlinking the full science data, a subset of real time space weather data is continuously broadcast back to Earth from L1. For more information about IMAP and the great contributions from all of our 25 institutions, see Please also Follow, Like, and Share us on and Instagram@IMAPSpaceMission.

How to cite: Gkioulidou, M., McComas, D., Schwadron, N., and Christian, E.: IMAP Mission in the Runup to Launch , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12678,, 2025.

EGU25-13125 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1

Evolution of Randomly Inhomogeneous and Intermittent Plasma: Effects on Langmuir Wave Generation and Type III Radio Emission 

Immanuel Christopher Jebaraj, Andrii Voshchepynets, Vladimir Krasnoselskikh, Thierry Dudok De Wit, Nikos Sioulas, Andrea Larosa, Lucas Colomban, Oleksiy Agapitov, Christopher Chen, Myroslava Hlebena, Michael Balikhin, and Stuart Bale

The self-consistent generation of type III radio emissions and their morphological features has been an open problem since the 1950s. Using data from the Parker Solar Probe, namely the radio frequency spectrometer (RFS) to analyze type III fine structures (striae) and link them to the statistical properties of density fluctuations from 13 to 60 solar radii obtained using the floating potential technique. We find that the average level of density fluctuations decreases with distance from the Sun, while the intermittency is high at the characteristic scales of the striae. Our findings demonstrate that the probabilistic model of beam-plasma interaction describes, step by step, the self-consistent generation of type III radio bursts, from the excitation of Langmuir waves to electromagnetic wave emission.

How to cite: Jebaraj, I. C., Voshchepynets, A., Krasnoselskikh, V., De Wit, T. D., Sioulas, N., Larosa, A., Colomban, L., Agapitov, O., Chen, C., Hlebena, M., Balikhin, M., and Bale, S.: Evolution of Randomly Inhomogeneous and Intermittent Plasma: Effects on Langmuir Wave Generation and Type III Radio Emission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13125,, 2025.

EGU25-13180 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1

Investigating the Brightness of Coronal Rays with the Parker Solar Probe/WISPR Observations 

Greta Cappello, Manuela Temmer, Mark Linton, Giuseppe Nisticò, Erika Palmerio, Andrea Lienhart, Russell Howard, Guillermo Stenborg, Angelos Voulidas, Volker Bothmer, and Paulett Liewer

The Parker Solar Probe (PSP), launched in 2018, has already accumulated seven years of observations with the Wide-Field Imager for Solar Probe (WISPR), offering numerous opportunities to study different coronal structures in visible light, such as streamers, dynamic outflows of blobs, and expanding coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Their brightness profiles are of interest because they depend on the position of these coronal structures with respect to the Thomson Sphere (TS), defined as the sphere with a radius equal to the distance between the Sun and the observer (i.e., PSP). The same feature moving in the observer's line of sight will appear brighter when it is in the vicinity of the TS because it is closer to the Sun, hence its density and brightness are higher. A study by Nisticò et al. (2020) demonstrated how the brightness profiles of ray tracing simulated blobs in WISPR change depending on their position relative to the TS and their speed. We apply the same theoretical approach to simulated and actual observations of coronal streamers in WISPR. Their brightness variations help us to infer the dynamics, scattering angle, velocity, extension, and electron density of these structures. To validate our results, we use multiple approaches, including MHD modeling and triangulation techniques to determine the location and dynamics of coronal structures.

How to cite: Cappello, G., Temmer, M., Linton, M., Nisticò, G., Palmerio, E., Lienhart, A., Howard, R., Stenborg, G., Voulidas, A., Bothmer, V., and Liewer, P.: Investigating the Brightness of Coronal Rays with the Parker Solar Probe/WISPR Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13180,, 2025.

EGU25-13918 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1

The importance of time-dependent MHD solar wind simulations in the frame of the PUNCH mission  

Evangelia Samara, Anna Malanushenko, Elena Provornikova, C. Nick Arge, and Viacheslav Merkin

In preparation for the PUNCH mission which is planned to be launched in 2025, we construct synthetic white light (WL) images of the inner heliosphere based on GAMERA 3D MHD output. GAMERA is a 3D MHD code whose capabilities have been extended to perform time-dependent solar wind simulations by frequently updating the input magnetograms and thus the boundary conditions at the inner boundary of the code, offering a much more realistic reconstruction of the solar wind propagation and evolution. By employing this capability, we explain the phenomena and structures of the solar wind we see in the synthetic WL images from multiple view points (ACE, STEREO, PUNCH) and compare with the traditional steady state MHD approach.

How to cite: Samara, E., Malanushenko, A., Provornikova, E., Arge, C. N., and Merkin, V.: The importance of time-dependent MHD solar wind simulations in the frame of the PUNCH mission , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13918,, 2025.

Last December the Parker Solar Probe attained the lowest perihelion distance of 9.8 solar radii for the mission.  The Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (ISʘIS), and the other instruments onboard, reported healthy status after the encounter and will transmit the collected data in February and March.  ISʘIS measures energetic ions from ~20 keV to >100 MeV/nucand electrons from ~30 keV to 6 MeV and has provided unprecedented observations of solar energetic particle (SEP) events close to the Sun.  Here we review the latest data and present some of the more striking results that have been obtained as solar cycle 25 approaches its maximum.

How to cite: Cohen, C.: Recent Results from the Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun on Parker Solar Probe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14351,, 2025.

EGU25-14720 | Posters on site | ST1.1

The Dynamic Eclipse Broadcast (DEB) Initiative:  A network of volunteer citizen scientists observing the Sun 

Corinne Brevik, Robert Baer, Matt Penn, Christopher Mandrell, Harvey Henson, and Paulo Simões

The Dynamic Eclipse Broadcast (DEB) Initiative is a network of volunteer citizen science telescope-observing teams that was initiated to observe the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 2023 and the Total Solar Eclipse of April 2024.  82 teams composed of amateur astronomers, university students, high school students, and astronomy enthusiasts were formed across North America.  Teams participated in training events and practice sessions to be ready for the 2023 and 2024 solar eclipses.  Weather permitting, each team collected a series of science and calibration images before, during, and after the eclipses with identical portable solar telescopes. The data collected by those teams during the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse is being processed to observe changes in the inner solar corona that occurred during the time that the Moon’s shadow moved across North America.

The project is now moving into a new phase, with teams using their equipment to observe and record white light high energy X-class solar flares. The high levels of activity on the Sun during solar maximum and the large geographic area covered by this telescope network have allowed the team to collect sub-second cadence data on four X-flares to date with preliminary analysis showing a white light flare signature in the highest energy X4.5 flare.

The DEB Initiative plans to continue its work, broadening its network across the planet by recruiting teams from around the world.  Continued efforts are planned to observe solar flares as well as to collect another series of white light coronal images during the August 2, 2027, Total Solar Eclipse which will sweep across North Africa.

How to cite: Brevik, C., Baer, R., Penn, M., Mandrell, C., Henson, H., and Simões, P.: The Dynamic Eclipse Broadcast (DEB) Initiative:  A network of volunteer citizen scientists observing the Sun, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14720,, 2025.

EGU25-15565 | Orals | ST1.1

Generation of the Type III Radio Bursts: Comparison of the Model Results and Parker Solar Probe Observations 

Oleksiy Agapitov, Forrest Mozer, Konrad Sauer, and Andrii Voshchepinets

Parker Solar Probe (Parker) is capable of making observations of type III radio bursts in their generation region. PSP recorded a type III radio burst with frequency decay down to the local Langmuir frequency and simultaneously slow electrostatic plasma waves near the Langmuir frequency, which often harmonics. From the electric field fluctuations, the k-value of the Langmuir wave is estimated to be 0.14 and kλd = 0.4 and the phase velocity of the Langmuir wave was <10000km/s. The oscillations on the main frequency and the first harmonics were also detected in magnetic field perturbations. We demonstrated the presence of the second rapid Langmuir wave seen in the observations as the addition of two waves, one of which has small frequency variations that arise because the wave travels through density irregularities. This wave-wave interaction guided by a dense electron beam in the presence plasma density irregularities leads to the generation of the electromagnetic waves observed as type III radio burst

How to cite: Agapitov, O., Mozer, F., Sauer, K., and Voshchepinets, A.: Generation of the Type III Radio Bursts: Comparison of the Model Results and Parker Solar Probe Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15565,, 2025.

EGU25-16148 | Posters on site | ST1.1

Influence of the solar magnetic dipole in the topology of the local structure of the HCS 

David Arrazola Pérez, Juan José Blanco Ávalos, Miguel Ángel Hidalgo Moreno, and Juan Javier Jiménez

The heliospheric current sheet (HCS) is observed as a sector boundary in the ecliptic plane, and its orientation and structure have been intensely studied. It divides the heliosphere into regions with opposite magnetic polarities. Analysis of its local structure at 1 AU let to study the HCS as a magnetic directional discontinuity supported by a current sheet (CS).

HYTARO+ is an analytical model development to evaluate the influence of the solar magnetic dipole in the topology of the local structure of the HCS. Using multipole expansion, HYTARO+ analyzes the contribution of the dipolar and quadrupolar magnetic field in the HCS. HYTARO+ deepens the study of the background magnetic field present in the analyzed current sheet crossings.

A preliminary analysis, evaluating the influence of the solar magnetic dipole in the topology of the local structure of the HCS, is summarized. The data provided by the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter (SolO) instrumentation have allowed us to advance in the analysis of the multipole components of the IMF by performing location-dependent studies.

How to cite: Arrazola Pérez, D., Blanco Ávalos, J. J., Hidalgo Moreno, M. Á., and Jiménez, J. J.: Influence of the solar magnetic dipole in the topology of the local structure of the HCS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16148,, 2025.

EGU25-17300 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1

Demonstration of a new python tool for semiautomatic tracing of large-scale coronal waves on the events between May 9th and May 15th 2024 

Markus Baumgartner-Steinleitner, Astrid Veronig, and Karin Dissauer

Large-scale coronal waves, also called EIT waves (named after the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope on the SOHO satellite they were first observed with), or extreme ultra violet (EUV) waves are fast magnetosonic magnetohydrodynamic waves caused by the fast lateral expansion of coronal mass ejections (CMEs).  They may detach from their driver and are observed as bright fronts crossing large areas of the solar disk. As their initial speed can exceed the local magnetosonic speed, they can develop into large-amplitude waves or even shock fronts, which may be responsible for accelerating solar energetic particle (SEPs).

The EU Horizon project SOLER investigates energetic solar eruptions starting from three perspectives: fast CMEs, strong flares, and large SEP events to improve our understanding on how the eruptive phenomena are linked, how they interact with each other, and how they result in acceleration of high energy particles and their release from the solar corona into interplanetary space.  In this study we present a tool for the analysis of large-scale coronal waves, and demonstrate its outcomes for several events during the May 2024 high activity period.

The Python tool automatically derives the speed and the amplitude evolution of the waves based on perturbation profiles. In order to analyze the imprints of large-scale coronal waves on the lower atmosphere layers, we need to extract the distance of the wave front from its origin for each time step. To do so, the solar full-disk image is split it equidistant circles on the spherical surface around the center of the wave. As estimate of the wave center, we use the position of the associated flare following previous studies. Since large-scale coronal waves usually reveal a non-isotropic propagation, these rings are split up further along the azimuthal direction into different sectors. The analysis is performed on base ratio images (where each image is divided by the same pre-event image), and for each segment the mean intensity value of the pixels is calculated. The segments along each considered propagation direction are combined into intensity profiles along great circles which originate at the flare position, so-called perturbation profiles. A peak finding algorithm marks the peaks and fronts of these perturbation profiles for the wave tracing algorithm. The wave tracing algorithm checks for continuously moving peaks, and applies linear fits to the obtained time-distance profiles to derive the wave speed.

We present the results for multiple waves that were associated with eruptive X- class flares that occurred between the 9th of May and the 15th of May 2024, observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The average wave propagation speeds obtained are in the range from 300 – 800 km/s, with the peaks of the perturbation amplitudes up to 1.4 in the AIA 211 Å filter.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101134999. As part of the grant agreement the tool will be made public.

How to cite: Baumgartner-Steinleitner, M., Veronig, A., and Dissauer, K.: Demonstration of a new python tool for semiautomatic tracing of large-scale coronal waves on the events between May 9th and May 15th 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17300,, 2025.

EGU25-17740 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1

Investigating the Uniqueness and Causal Relationship of Precursor Activity to Solar Energetic Events 

Karin Dissauer, Graham Barnes, Kd Leka, and Eric Wagner

The physical role played by small-scale activity that occurs before the sudden onset of solar energetic events (SEEs, i.e., solar flares and coronal mass ejections) remains in question, in particular as related to SEE initiation and early evolution.  It is still unclear whether such precursor activity, often interpreted as plasma heating, particle acceleration, or early filament activation, is indicative of a pre-event phase or simply on-going background activity.

In this contribution we investigate the uniqueness and causal connection between precursors and SEEs using paired activity-quiet epochs. We focus on transient brightenings (TBs) and present analysis regimes to study their role as precursors, including imaging of the solar atmosphere, magnetic field, and topology analysis using archive data from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Applying these methods qualitatively to three cases, we find that prior to solar flares, TBs 1) tend to occur in one large cluster close to the future flare location and below the separatrix surface of a coronal null point, 2) are co-spatial with reconnection signatures in the lower solar atmosphere, such as bald patches and null point fan traces and 3) cluster in the vicinity of strong-gradient polarity inversion lines and regions of increased excess magnetic energy density. TBs are also observed during quiet epochs (i.e., no SEE activity) of the same active regions, but they appear in smaller clusters not following a clear spatial pattern, although sometimes associated with short, spatially-intermittent bald patches and fan traces, but predominantly away from strong gradient polarity inversion lines in areas with little excess energy density.

How to cite: Dissauer, K., Barnes, G., Leka, K., and Wagner, E.: Investigating the Uniqueness and Causal Relationship of Precursor Activity to Solar Energetic Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17740,, 2025.

EGU25-18165 | Orals | ST1.1

Type III Solar Radio Bursts: recent progress due to PSP and Solar Orbiter measurements 

Vladimir Krasnosselskikh, Immanuel Christopher Jebaral, Marc Pulupa, Thierry Dudok de Wit, Andriy Voshchepynets, Andrea Larosa, Stuart D. Bale, Catherine Krafft, Alexander Volokitin, Oleksiy Agapitov, Thomas Cooper, Matthieu Kretzschmar, and Michael Balikhin

The Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter missions are uniquely equipped to study Type III solar radio bursts. Both spacecraft measure two components of the radio-frequency electric field with unprecedented time and frequency resolution. In addition, for the first time, both spacecraft are equipped with high-frequency magnetic sensors (up to 1 MHz), allowing direct measurements of the magnetic component of both Z-mode (slow extraordinary) and ordinary electromagnetic wave modes.

PSP repeatedly came closer to the source region than any other satellite before. This unique combination of capabilities provided exceptional data. The analysis of these wave data provided unambiguous evidence of the basic elements of the wave generation mechanisms: the initial generation of Langmuir or slow extraordinary waves, and the transformation of the primary waves into electromagnetic waves, producing fundamental and harmonic electromagnetic waves.

A major discovery is the determination of the polarization properties of these emissions: the fundamental emission is produced as a highly polarized ordinary wave, while the harmonic emission is produced as a much more diffuse, weakly polarized combination of ordinary and extraordinary waves. This discovery can be used to distinguish between fundamental and harmonic emissions.

These experimental studies were accompanied by theoretical and computer simulation studies, which allowed to determine the main physical mechanism of fundamental emission generation as a direct transformation of electrostatic waves into electromagnetic waves, and to confirm the generation of harmonic emission as a result of coupling of primary and reflected quasi-electrostatic waves. 

The authors are greatful to ISSI for the support of the team "Beam Plasma Interaction and Type III Solar Radiobursts", and financial support by  
NASA Grants: 80NSSC20K0697 and 80NSSC21K1770, and CNES Grants: “Parker Solar Probe” and “Solar Orbiter”   

How to cite: Krasnosselskikh, V., Jebaral, I. C., Pulupa, M., Dudok de Wit, T., Voshchepynets, A., Larosa, A., Bale, S. D., Krafft, C., Volokitin, A., Agapitov, O., Cooper, T., Kretzschmar, M., and Balikhin, M.: Type III Solar Radio Bursts: recent progress due to PSP and Solar Orbiter measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18165,, 2025.

EGU25-18793 | Orals | ST1.1

Tomographic Inversion of Synthetic White-Light Images: Observing Coronal Mass Ejections in 3D 

David Barnes, Erika Palmerio, Tanja Amerstorfer, Eleanna Asvestari, Luke Barnard, Maike Bauer, Jaša Čalogović, Phillip Hess, Christina Kay, Kenny Kenny, and Greta Cappello

Forecasting the arrival of Coronal Mass Ejections at Earth depends on accurate characterisation of their three-dimensional structure and kinematics. This is usually achieved via forward-modelling; applying an assumed model of the CME structure to white-light observations, which may be achieved using a small number of observing spacecraft. An alternative approach is inverse modelling, whereby white-light images are treated as two-dimensional projections of the Thomson-scattered light from the 3D plasma distribution. Inversion of images taken from multiple vantage points is purely mathematical and allows the three-dimensional CME density structure to be constrained. However, the method requires multiple observing spacecraft and, to-date, it has enjoyed limited success when applied to CMEs.

We establish the effectiveness of the tomographic inversion method using synthetic imagery produced by state-of-the-art magnetohydrodynamic simulations using the CORonal HELiospheric (CORHEL) model. This is performed for a fleet of spacecraft, such that various combinations can be combined and used to perform tomography on the synthetic imagery, with the goal of establishing the minimum requirements for successful 3D CME reconstruction. We demonstrate how the number of observing spacecraft influences the solution, how well the technique is augmented using polarised brightness measurements and the optimal orbital configuration, including out-of-ecliptic observers.

How to cite: Barnes, D., Palmerio, E., Amerstorfer, T., Asvestari, E., Barnard, L., Bauer, M., Čalogović, J., Hess, P., Kay, C., Kenny, K., and Cappello, G.: Tomographic Inversion of Synthetic White-Light Images: Observing Coronal Mass Ejections in 3D, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18793,, 2025.

EGU25-18867 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1

Modelling Gyrosynchrotron Emission from Energetic Electrons in the Solar Corona 

Edin Husidic, Nicolas Wijsen, Immanuel Christopher Jebaraj, Luis Linan, Rami Vainio, and Stefaan Poedts

The Sun is a prominent source of radio emission due to its proximity and solar activity. The most violent solar eruptive events, solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), can accelerate electrons, producing radio emissions often observed as bursts classified into different types. In particular, type IV radio bursts, which are routinely observed by the Parker Solar Probe (PSP), are associated with CMEs and electrons trapped within strong coronal magnetic fields. The distinct spectral and temporal features exhibited by these bursts enable inferences about the dynamics of CMEs and properties of the energetic particles. While spacecraft such as PSP provide valuable in-situ data supporting analysis of remotely obtained radio spectra, physics-based numerical models play a crucial role in enhancing our understanding of the mechanisms driving radio emissions.

In this talk, we present a novel coupling of three numerical models to simulate gyrosynchrotron (GS) emission from energetic electrons deep in the solar corona. Using the data-driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) coronal model COCONUT, we solve the 3D ideal MHD equations to derive coronal background configurations from 1 to 21.5 solar radii, including a CME modelled as a Titov–Démoulin flux rope. Subsequently, we utilise the particle transport code PARADISE to propagate energetic electrons as test particles through the MHD snapshots by solving the focused transport equation stochastically, obtaining spatio-temporal electron intensities. Finally, we use the solar wind parameters from COCONUT and the electron energy and pitch angle distributions from PARADISE as input to the Ultimate Fast GS Code (Kuznetsov and Fleishman, 2021), which computes emission and absorption coefficients that can be integrated along a line of sight to obtain radio spectra directly comparable to spacecraft measurements. This coupled approach illustrates how varying electron injection spectra and CME properties affect the observed radio spectra, offering insights into the energetic particles and CMEs. Furthermore, we highlight the potential of our model in future studies incorporating observational data.

How to cite: Husidic, E., Wijsen, N., Jebaraj, I. C., Linan, L., Vainio, R., and Poedts, S.: Modelling Gyrosynchrotron Emission from Energetic Electrons in the Solar Corona, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18867,, 2025.

EGU25-19097 | Posters on site | ST1.1

The elusive solar flares: characterizing the trigger of the Sun-heliosphere connection 

michele piana, anna volpara, paolo massa, barbara palumbo, daniel ryan, yang su, gordon emslie, anna maria massone, federico benvenuto, and sam krucker

The Sun manifests its activity across different temporal scales and via transient phenomena that start from solar flares and, through energetic particles, coronal mass ejections, and solar wind, impact the whole heliosphere. The understanding of the causality of this chain of events is hampered by the fact that several open issues still bother a full comprehension of the trigger of such chain, i.e., solar flares. The present talk aims to shed some light on two specific aspects of these elusive phenomena characterizing the active Sun: the determination of the volume of a thermal flaring emission, and the estimate of its effectiveness as particle accelerator. For the first problem, we will show that computer vision applied to hard X-ray observations provided by STIX on-board Solar Orbiter and HXI on-board ASO-S is able to provide the three-dimensional reconstruction of the solar flare thermal emission. For the second problem, the application of an inversion method to STIX visibilities will contribute to settle the long-standing issue concerning the determination of the acceleration rate associated with magnetic reconnection.

How to cite: piana, M., volpara, A., massa, P., palumbo, B., ryan, D., su, Y., emslie, G., massone, A. M., benvenuto, F., and krucker, S.: The elusive solar flares: characterizing the trigger of the Sun-heliosphere connection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19097,, 2025.

EGU25-19891 | Posters on site | ST1.1

Simulation of the beam plasma interaction in randomly inhomogeneous solar wind 

Andrii Voshchepynets, Vladimir Krasnoselskikh, and Immanuel Jebaraj

Solar type III radio bursts are amongst the most intense emissions found within Solar System. The bursts are generated by the relativistic electron beams ejected from the Sun as they propagate through the corona and solar wind. One the key parameters that can control beam plasma interactions is level of the density fluctuations. The density fluctuations can change the local phase velocity of the Langmuir waves generated by the beam instability, resulting in changes of the resonant conditions of wave-particle interaction. Changes in the wave phase velocity during the wave propagation can be described in terms of probability distribution function determined by distribution of the density fluctuations. This enables an approach that describes beam-plasma interaction with a system of equations, similar to well known quasi-linear approximation, but with the conventional velocity diffusion coefficient and the wave growth rate are replaced by the averaged in the velocity space. This approach, known as probabilistic model, allows to describe generation of the Langmuir waves in randomly inhomogeneous solar wind in self-consistent manner. Although previous version of the probabilistic model could explain some of the observational features of the emission, it had significant limitation, as it did not include time of flight effects. Here we present results of the numerical simulation based on an updated set of equations that can describe generation of the Langmuir waves by the electron beam as it propagates from the source region up to 10 Solar radii.   

How to cite: Voshchepynets, A., Krasnoselskikh, V., and Jebaraj, I.: Simulation of the beam plasma interaction in randomly inhomogeneous solar wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19891,, 2025.

EGU25-20306 | Orals | ST1.1

Additional acceleration of solar wind particles in the heliosphere and diagnostics from space observations 

Valentina Zharkova, Olga Khabarova, and Olga Malandraki

This research will explore solar wind parameters and present evidences of additional acceleration of particles in 3D reconnecting current sheet formed in the interplanetary magnetic field. The observational results will be compared with simulations of particle acceleration in 3D reconnecting current sheet using particle-in-cell approach. We also show the variations of electron pitch-angle distribution (PAD) during spacecraft crossing reconnecting current sheets (RCSs) with magnetic islands. The energy gains and the PADs of particles would change depending on the specific topology of magnetic fields. Besides, the observed PADs also depend on the crossing paths of the spacecraft. When the guiding field is weak, the bi-directional electron beams (strahls) are mainly present inside the islands and located closely above/below the X-nullpoints in the inflow regions. The magnetic field relaxation near X-nullpoint converts the PADs towards 90◦. As the guiding field becomes larger, the regions with bi-directional strahls are compressed towards small areas in the exhausts of RCSs. Mono-directional strahls are quasi-parallel to the magnetic field lines near the X-nullpoint due to the dominant Fermi-type magnetic curvature drift acceleration.   Our results link the electron PADs to local magnetic structures and directions of spacecraft crossings derived from in-situ observations by WIND, ACE and Parker Probe.  

How to cite: Zharkova, V., Khabarova, O., and Malandraki, O.: Additional acceleration of solar wind particles in the heliosphere and diagnostics from space observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20306,, 2025.

EGU25-20516 | Orals | ST1.1

50 years of Interstellar Dust Measurements from Voyager 1 

Allison Jaynes, William Kurth, Don Gurnett, and Larry Granroth

The Plasma Wave Subsystem (PWS) onboard the Voyager spacecraft have continuously recorded dust impacts over the past ~50 years, from the inner solar system to the very local interstellar medium. Not originally intended for this measurement, PWS detects a large surge in voltage when a dust particle impacts the spacecraft body, is vaporized and ionized, and becomes an expanding cloud of charge which is measured by the electric field antenna. While Voyager 2 lost the ability to measure dust impacts after it experienced a waveform receiver failure around 60 AU, Voyager 1 has recorded impacts along its entire trajectory. Dust impacts are very characteristic within the waveform data and can be automatically selected, although a human-in-the-loop method needs to be used to verify each dust impact signal. The rate of dust impacts has varied throughout the Voyager 1 flight. At a radial distance of 30 AU, Voyager 1 measured dust at a rate of 3 +/- 1 impacts per hour. At 70 AU, that increased to a peak of 6 +/- 3 impacts per hour, then started to fall off again after passing the Termination Shock and again after crossing the Heliopause. The last group of measurements showed impact rates of about 3 +/- 2 per hour. Converting to flux units gives values in the range of what Ulysses obtained for interstellar dust, indicating the Voyager impacts are of the same origin. We present the full set of dust impact measurements as well as compare with New Horizons measurements over radial distance and model simulations that utilize different dust grain size distributions to bring more insight to the Voyager dust data set.

How to cite: Jaynes, A., Kurth, W., Gurnett, D., and Granroth, L.: 50 years of Interstellar Dust Measurements from Voyager 1, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20516,, 2025.

EGU25-541 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2

Diagnostics of flare-accelerated electron beams with X-ray and Radio data from Solar Orbiter 

David Paipa-Leon, Hamish Reid, Nicole Vilmer, and Milan Maksimovic

Energetic electrons accelerated by solar flares in the corona may propagate downward, produce X-rays in the chromosphere, and upward, producing coherent type III radio bursts in interplanetary space.  Previous statistical studies of radio and X-ray flare observations have found a good temporal link between the two wavelengths but only a weak correlation between the intensities, in part due to the different emission mechanisms.  Assuming both electron populations share properties from a common acceleration region, theory has predicted a link between the speed of the electron beams travelling outwards (deduced from radio) and the energy density of the electrons travelling downwards (deduced from X-rays). The Solar Orbiter mission is equipped with the STIX and RPW instruments, allowing for simultaneous observations of both X-ray and Radio emissions that can test this theory.   We present results derived from the comparison of 38 radio type III bursts detected by RPW (<10 MHz) associated in time with flares observed by STIX in the 4-150 keV range . From X-ray spectroscopy we obtained the electron spectral index and the electron number of the associated HXR peak, from which the power can be estimated. We derived the Type III exciter speed using the rise and peak times of the time-profiles (Vr and Vp , respectively) in the 0.4-4 MHz range.  We find the observed ratio Vr/Vp is 0.78 +- 0.07, complementing previous similar studies at higher frequencies (30 – 70 MHz) with a ratio of 0.8+-0.06. We report a correlation between the power of all electrons with energies above 30 keV and Vr  (cc=0.47), whilst none is obtained when comparing it with Vp. There is an anticorrelation of the velocities with the electron spectral index as expected, however the anticorrelation coefficients are weak. Relevant correlations are seen when comparing the peak Radio intensity with the electron spectral index (cc=-0.81) and power (E>30keV) (cc=0.59). The energy of the escaping electrons producing the type III radio emission and the ones producing non-thermal HXRs are also compared, showing a significant correlation (cc=0.57). Our results show a clear relation between the most energetic electrons in both populations of beams, supporting the scenario of a common acceleration region. The energy distribution of escaping and confined electrons for some events may depend on other parameters like the geometry of the reconnecting magnetic field.

How to cite: Paipa-Leon, D., Reid, H., Vilmer, N., and Maksimovic, M.: Diagnostics of flare-accelerated electron beams with X-ray and Radio data from Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-541,, 2025.

An extreme ultraviolet (EUV) close-up view of the Sun offers unprecedented detail of heating events in the solar corona. Enhanced temporal and spatial images obtained by the Solar Orbiter during its first science perihelion enabled us to identify clustered EUV bright tadpoles (CEBTs) occurring near the footpoints of coronal loops. Combining SDO/AIA observations, we determine the altitudes of six distinct CEBTs by stereoscopy, ranging from ~1300 to 3300 km. We then notice a substantial presence of dark, cooler filamentary structures seemingly beneath the CEBTs, displaying periodic up-and-down motions lasting 3 to 5 minutes. This periodic behavior suggests an association of the majority of CEBTs with Type I spicules. Out of the ten selected CEBTs with fast downward velocity, six exhibit corrected velocities close to or exceeding 50 km s-1. These velocities notably surpass the typical speeds of Type I spicules. We explore the generation of such velocities. It indicates that due to the previous limited observations of spicules in the EUV wavelengths, they may reveal novel observational features beyond our current understanding. Gaining insights into these features contributes to a better comprehension of small-scale coronal heating dynamics.

How to cite: Wang, R.: High-resolution Observations of Clustered Dynamic Extreme-Ultraviolet Bright Tadpoles (CEBTs) near the Footpoints of Corona Loops, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3015,, 2025.

EGU25-4897 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2

Solar Orbiter/EUI observation of nanojets during a flare with unprecedented high speeds 

Yuhang Gao, Hui Tian, Tom Van Doorsselaere, and David Berghmans

Nanojets are small-scale jets generated by component reconnection, characterized by their motion perpendicular to the reconnecting magnetic field lines. As an indicator of nanoflare events, they are believed to play a significant role in coronal heating. Using high-resolution EUV imaging observations from the Solar Orbiter/Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI), we identified 27 nanojets during an M7.6 flare on September 30, 2024. Most nanojets exhibit velocities around 1000 km/s, comparable to the typical coronal Alfvén speed. To our knowledge, these speeds are the highest ever reported for small-scale jets. The average kinetic energy of the nanojets is estimated to be 2.3×1025 erg, with events of higher speeds typically displaying greater kinetic energy and longer durations.

How to cite: Gao, Y., Tian, H., Van Doorsselaere, T., and Berghmans, D.: Solar Orbiter/EUI observation of nanojets during a flare with unprecedented high speeds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4897,, 2025.

EGU25-6493 | Posters on site | ST1.2

New Highlights from the Solar Orbiter Archive 

Helen Middleton, Arnaud Masson, Jonathan Cook, and Nils Janitzek

The ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC) plays a crucial role in preserving and providing long-term access to data from all ESA space science missions. Recent enhancements to the Solar Orbiter Archive (SOAR) aim to provide researchers with more intuitive and powerful tools for data access. These updates include the ability to search data by solar distance and utilize Field of View (FoV) tables. The contents of the Solar Orbiter mission orbit file have been ingested and is available via our standard TAP interface. This allows users to search a rich set of metadata based on Distance and Latitude. Integration with commonly used tools like Python, TOPCAT, and SunPy has further streamlined data access and interoperability. Other upcoming features will be presented.

How to cite: Middleton, H., Masson, A., Cook, J., and Janitzek, N.: New Highlights from the Solar Orbiter Archive, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6493,, 2025.

EGU25-6668 | ECS | Orals | ST1.2

Solar Orbiter observations of interplanetary shocks in the inner heliosphere 

Domenico Trotta and the co-authors

Interplanetary (IP) shocks are important sites of particle acceleration in the Heliosphere and can be observed in-situ utilizing spacecraft measurements. Solar Orbiter provides observations of interplanetary shocks at different locations in the inner heliosphere with unprecedented time and energy resolution in the suprathermal (usually above 50 keV) energy range, thus opening a new observational window to study particle acceleration.

We first discuss the behaviour of a strong IP shock observed as close as 0.07 AU by Parker Solar Probe and then by Solar Orbiter at 0.7, highlighting how the shock and energetic particle production change for different evolutionary stages/locations across the event.

Then, we discuss the case the strongest shock observed by Solar Orbiter so far, associated with efficient production of very high energy electrons (up to 18 MeV) and protons  (up to 30 MeV).

How to cite: Trotta, D. and the co-authors: Solar Orbiter observations of interplanetary shocks in the inner heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6668,, 2025.

EGU25-7018 | Orals | ST1.2

Joint investigation of the September 5, 2022, coronal mass ejection event with remote observations, numerical simulations, and in situ measurements 

Gaetano Zimbardo, Alessandro Bemporad, Ruggero Biondo, Federica Frassati, Salvatore Mancuso, Giuseppe Nisticò, Paolo Pagano, Silvia Perri, Giuseppe Prete, Fabio Reale, and Roberto Susino

A very fast coronal mass ejection (CME) was ejected on September 5, 2022, which was measured in situ by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter, and observed remotely by Stereo-A, SOHO and PSP. Here, we carry out the reconstruction of the CME in the corona by using SOHO/LASCO, STEREO-A/COR2, and PSP/WISPR data. The obtained CME parameters are used as input for an MHD simulation with the PLUTO code of an erupting flux rope propagating into the Parker spiral reconstructed with RIMAP, a method which reconstructs the heliosphere on the ecliptic plane from in situ measurements acquired by spacecraft with heliocentric orbits. Then we analyze in-situ Solar Orbiter measurements at 0.7 AU to check the results of the RIMAP simulation, to study the CME-driven shock properties and how they compare with the simulated ones. The level of magnetic turbulence around the shock and the transport of energetic particles are also considered: large fluxes of energetic particles accelerated in situ are measureded by Solar Orbiter/EPD instrument in the energy range 111 keV-3.7 MeV, causing an amplification of magnetic fluctuations. Analyzing the upstream energetic particle time profiles, the transport regime of accelerated particles is found to be normal, although non Gaussian features are also present. As a surprising results, we find that the energetic particles differential flux at Solar Orbiter has a spectral index harder than that predicted by diffusive shock acceleration for the measured compression ratio. The possible reasons for such a discrepancy are discussed. 

How to cite: Zimbardo, G., Bemporad, A., Biondo, R., Frassati, F., Mancuso, S., Nisticò, G., Pagano, P., Perri, S., Prete, G., Reale, F., and Susino, R.: Joint investigation of the September 5, 2022, coronal mass ejection event with remote observations, numerical simulations, and in situ measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7018,, 2025.

We study tiny EUV jets jointly observed by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard Solar Orbiter and the high-resolution H-alpha images from the Visible Imaging Spectrometer (VIS) installed on the 1.6 m Goode Solar Telescope (GST) at the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO). The EUV jets repeatedly occurred on 2022-10-29 around 19:10 UT in a quiet sun region (201E, 356N). SDO and IRIS data are used to connect the GST images with the EUI images. A general agreement between the direction of the EUI jets and the alignment of the VIS spicules probably indicates the local magnetic structure. However, the EUI jets show an evolving helical structure, while the H-alpha spicules retain the linear shape. An obvious H-alpha counterpart to the EUI jets is the appearance of red shift concentrated under the EUI jets, while blue shift dominates elsewhere. We use the thin flux tube model to suggest that the morphology of the transient coronal brightening is a manifestation of Alfven wavefronts generated as a result of exchange reconnection, and the red-shifted H-alpha line structure is a downward reconnection outflow from the coronal X-point. The detection of such a sophisticated coronal evolution decoupled from chromospheric dynamics is made possible by the Solar Orbiter's high resolution and a distinctive viewing angle, furthering its goal of understanding how the Sun generates small-scale ejections in the chromosphere and corona. 

How to cite: Lee, J.: The First Joint Observation of EUV Jets and spicules with BBSO/GST and Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7244,, 2025.

EGU25-8631 | ECS | Orals | ST1.2

Two distinct eruptive events observed by Metis on October 28, 2021 

Yara De Leo, Hebe Cremades, Francisco Andres Iglesias, Luca Teriaca, Regina Aznar Cuadrado, Fernando Marcelo López, Leornardo di Lorenzo, Manuela Temmer, Marco Romoli, and Daniele Spadaro

On October 28, 2021 the first X-class solar flare of Solar Cycle 25 occurred in active region NOAA AR 12887 with a peak at 15:35 UT. It produced the rare event of ground-level enhancement of the solar relativistic proton flux and a global extreme ultraviolet wave, along with a fast halo coronal mass ejection (CME) as seen from Earth's perspective. A few hours before the flare, a slower CME had erupted from a quiet Sun region just behind the northwestern solar limb. Solar Orbiter was almost aligned with the Sun-Earth line and, during a synoptic campaign, its coronagraph Metis detected the two CME events in both Visible Light (VL) and UltraViolet (UV) channels. The earlier CME took place in the northwest (NW) sector of Metis field of view, while several bright features of the flare-related event appeared mostly to the southeast (SE).

The NW and SE events have two distinct origins, but were both characterized by a very bright emission in HI Ly-alpha visible in the UV images of Metis up to 8 solar radii. This work is a follow-up study of two out of the six events analyzed by Russano et al. 2024 (A&A, 683, A191), aimed at investigating the evolution of these two almost co-temporal CMEs but originating in such distinct source regions. To that end, we extensively inspect data sets from numerous remote-sensing instruments observing the Sun in several spatial and spectral regimes. We characterize several aspects of these CMEs, including their three-dimensional properties, kinematics, mass, and temporal evolution of those quantities.

Results of this work point to notable differences between these two events showing significant UV emission in the corona.


How to cite: De Leo, Y., Cremades, H., Iglesias, F. A., Teriaca, L., Aznar Cuadrado, R., López, F. M., di Lorenzo, L., Temmer, M., Romoli, M., and Spadaro, D.: Two distinct eruptive events observed by Metis on October 28, 2021, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8631,, 2025.

EGU25-9592 | Posters on site | ST1.2

Identifying the Ion Cyclotron Wave Excitation via Cyclotron Resonance in the Solar Wind 

Jinghuan Li, Yuri Khotyaintsev, and Daniel Graham

The wave-particle resonance is fundamental for mediating energy transfer, thereby facilitating particle heating and acceleration in the plasma universe. Cyclotron resonance between ion cyclotron waves and solar wind ions offers a compelling explanation for the long-standing solar wind heating problem.
Additionally, this resonance can drive wave excitation, although direct observational evidence remains limited. The Solar Orbiter spacecraft provides high-resolution three-dimensional ion velocity distributions, enabling detailed investigations of wave-particle interactions. Here, we present two events featuring counterpropagating ion cyclotron waves, in which the ion gyro-phase spectra exhibit phase-bunched signatures, providing solid evidence of cyclotron resonance. The anisotropic core and beam populations resonate with outward- and inward-propagating waves, respectively. The ion distributions denote pronounced agyrotropy, highlighting the pivotal role of nonlinear wave-particle resonances in driving wave excitation and particle energization in the solar wind.

How to cite: Li, J., Khotyaintsev, Y., and Graham, D.: Identifying the Ion Cyclotron Wave Excitation via Cyclotron Resonance in the Solar Wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9592,, 2025.

EGU25-9722 | ECS | Orals | ST1.2

Statistical analysis of intermittency in solar wind transients: Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe observations 

Julia Ruohotie, Simon Good, Christian Möstl, and Emilia Kilpua

Intermittency is a common feature of solar wind turbulence where it presents itself as non-Gaussian fluctuations and embedded coherent structures. Small-scale magnetic field fluctuations in interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) have a behaviour matching the presence of intermittency but properties and significance of intermittency in ICMEs are not yet known. We use data from Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe to study intermittency in 49 ICMEs and the related upstream and downstream solar wind periods and sheath regions at heliospheric distances of 0.25-1 au. For comparing the different plasma environments, the gradient of kurtosis is used to measure intermittency with larger values being an indication of faster increase of kurtosis towards smaller scales and thus higher level of intermittency. Kurtosis is seen to behave similarly in all studied plasma environments, but the largest gradients are seen in the upstream solar wind at the lower end of the inertial range. The downstream solar wind, sheaths and ICMEs show similar values and behaviour for the gradient. The connection between kurtosis and common plasma parameters is studied with some differences found in different intervals but with no strong correlations.

How to cite: Ruohotie, J., Good, S., Möstl, C., and Kilpua, E.: Statistical analysis of intermittency in solar wind transients: Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9722,, 2025.

EGU25-10791 | Posters on site | ST1.2

Decoding Ion Beams in the Solar Wind: Insights into Kinetic Processes and Acceleration Mechanisms 

Rossana De Marco, Monica Laurenza, Raffaella D'Amicis, Roberto Bruno, Tommaso Torda, Denise Perrone, Maria Federica Marcucci, Christopher John Owen, Philippe Louarn, and Andrei Fedorov

Ion beams are non Maxwellian features frequently observed in solar wind ion distribution functions. These beams appear as two distinct populations of ions with the same charge state but different bulk velocities. While various mechanisms – such as magnetic reconnection and resonant wave-particle interactions – have been proposed to explain their formation, their origin remains an open question and a subject of ongoing debate.

To better understand the kinetic processes driving particle acceleration, it is essential to identify and isolate the double streams in the particle measurements. To achieve this, we have developed a novel numerical method that leverages clustering techniques commonly used in machine learning. This approach enables the successful separation of up to four ion populations: the proton core and beam, as well as the alpha particle core and beam.

We present case studies in which proton and alpha beams were identified during specific events, such as magnetic switchbacks and interplanetary disturbances associated with solar eruptions. By isolating these beams, we examine their density, temperature, and velocity, and provide a detailed characterization of how the different distribution functions respond to such dynamic conditions.

These findings offer valuable insights into the intricate behavior of solar wind ions, shedding light on the underlying acceleration mechanisms and deepening our understanding of the complex processes shaping the solar wind.

How to cite: De Marco, R., Laurenza, M., D'Amicis, R., Bruno, R., Torda, T., Perrone, D., Marcucci, M. F., Owen, C. J., Louarn, P., and Fedorov, A.: Decoding Ion Beams in the Solar Wind: Insights into Kinetic Processes and Acceleration Mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10791,, 2025.

EGU25-11202 | Posters on site | ST1.2

The Horizon Europe SOLER project (2024-2027): project objectives and first results 

Rami Vainio, Carine Briand, Nina Dresing, Emilia Kilpua, Diana Morosan, Jens Pomoell, Daniel Price, Astrid Veronig, and Alexander Warmuth

The Energetic Solar Eruptions: Data and Analysis Tools (SOLER) project (2024–2027) will investigate the most energetic phenomena occurring at the Sun using the newly expanded unprecedented heliospheric spacecraft fleet including Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, BepiColombo, STEREO A, and near-Earth spacecraft. We investigate energetic solar eruptions starting from three perspectives: fast (speed > 1000 km/s) coronal mass ejections (CMEs), strong (GOES class > M5) X-ray flares, and large (detected at >25 MeV proton energies) solar energetic particle events. Key parameters of the various eruption phenomena will be determined and their interrelations examined to make significant leaps in our understanding on how the eruptive phenomena are linked to each other, how they interact with each other, and how they result in acceleration and release of high energy particles from the solar corona into interplanetary space. Because of their direct link to particle energisation, large-amplitude coronal waves and shocks related to these events will be in focus as well. Magnetic connections of sources with each other and with the in-situ observers will be determined. In addition to producing significant amounts of new scientific knowledge in the field, SOLER will provide the wider scientific community a wide array of advanced data products, and novel data analysis and visualisation tools that will be openly distributed.

This poster will present an overview of SOLER, its objectives and plans, and the first results of the project.

SOLER has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101134999.

How to cite: Vainio, R., Briand, C., Dresing, N., Kilpua, E., Morosan, D., Pomoell, J., Price, D., Veronig, A., and Warmuth, A.: The Horizon Europe SOLER project (2024-2027): project objectives and first results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11202,, 2025.

EGU25-11505 | ECS | Orals | ST1.2

Spectral Analysis of the most intense Solar Energetic Electron Events Observed with Solar Orbiter from December 2020 to December 2022 

Annamaria Fedeli, Nina Dresing, Rami Vainio, Jan Gieseler, Raúl Gómez Herrero, Francisco Espinosa Lara, Alexander Warmuth, and Frederic Schuller

The Sun produces eruptive events that release energetic particles, such as protons and electrons, into the heliosphere. These solar energetic particles (SEPs) can reach exceptionally high energies and pose risks to satellite technology and astronauts in space, particularly those outside the protective shield of Earth’s magnetic field. Identifying the mechanisms that accelerate SEPs remains a significant challenge in current research, which hampers our ability to predict SEP events effectively. Even cutting-edge space missions such as Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe often do not reach close enough distances to the Sun to make direct observations of the acceleration processes without interference from transport effects.

Analyzing the spectra of SEPs is essential for understanding the acceleration mechanisms involved, as different phenomena should exhibit unique spectral features. However, it is also recognized that transport effects can significantly alter these spectral shapes, and the intricacies of these processes are still not fully understood.

Our research targets a subset of SEPs, solar energetic electrons (SEEs). We utilize the advanced measurements obtained from the Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) onboard the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. EPD boasts unparalleled time and energy resolution, detecting energetic particles at a 1-second interval across energies ranging from suprathermal to relativistic. This data, combined with Solar Orbiter's varying proximity to the Sun, enables us to analyze SEE energy spectra with unprecedented detail and to better understand the transport effects involved.

In this study, we investigate the peak intensity spectra of the most intense SEE events recorded by Solar Orbiter/EPD at 43 keV from December 2020 to December 2022. The spectral characteristics are derived by fitting the spectra using various mathematical models. We will present the findings of our statistical analysis and compare them with previous research outcomes.

How to cite: Fedeli, A., Dresing, N., Vainio, R., Gieseler, J., Gómez Herrero, R., Espinosa Lara, F., Warmuth, A., and Schuller, F.: Spectral Analysis of the most intense Solar Energetic Electron Events Observed with Solar Orbiter from December 2020 to December 2022, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11505,, 2025.

EGU25-11786 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2

Exploring the Potential of DEM Analysis Using Solar Orbiter/EUI and AI-Generated Data 

Junmu Youn, Harim Lee, Hyun-Jin Jeong, Jin-Yi Lee, Eunsu Park, and Yong-Jae Moon

In this study, we determine the differential emission measures (DEMs) using Solar Orbiter/Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI)/Full Sun Imager (FSI) and AI-generated EUV data. The FSI observes only two full-disk extreme UV (EUV) channels (174 and 304 Å), which poses a limitation for accurately determining DEMs. We address this problem using deep learning models based on Pix2PixCC, trained using the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) dataset. These models successfully generate five-channel (94, 131, 193, 211, and 335 Å) EUV data from 171 and 304 Å EUV observations with high correlation coefficients. We then apply the trained models to the Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI dataset and generate the five-channel data that the FSI cannot observe. Here we use the regularized inversion method to compare the DEMs from the SDO/AIA dataset with those from the Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI ones with AI-generated data. First, we demonstrate that, when SDO and Solar Orbiter are at inferior conjunction, the main peaks and widths of both DEMs are well consistent with each other at the same coronal structures. These results reveal that deep learning can make it possible to properly determine the DEMs using Solar Orbiter/EUI/FSI and AI-generated EUV data. Additionally, we determine the DEM when the two instruments are at various angular separations, such as when 60 degrees (L4 and L5) and 180 degrees apart. Our results suggest that the stereoscopic DEM analysis of coronal features using our methodology should be possible. 

How to cite: Youn, J., Lee, H., Jeong, H.-J., Lee, J.-Y., Park, E., and Moon, Y.-J.: Exploring the Potential of DEM Analysis Using Solar Orbiter/EUI and AI-Generated Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11786,, 2025.

EGU25-11967 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2

X-ray diagnostics of thermal flare emissions by Solar Orbiter/STIX and GOES 

Muriel Zoë Stiefel, Natália Bajnoková, Paolo Massa, and Säm Krucker

The Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) on board Solar Orbiter continuously measures the Sun in the energy range 4-150 keV. Due to the spacecraft’s peculiar orbit, around 50% of all STIX flares are backside flares and lack a corresponding GOES class. In Stiefel et al. (2025) we describe the correlation between the STIX background detector and GOES measurements where we found a power-law function between the two data sets. This function can be used to get a proxy of the GOES class for large backside flares.

Building up on the approach of using the background detector of STIX, we want to discuss how we can improve the spectral fitting of the thermal emission of large flares (> X1-class) observed by STIX and discuss the occurrence of “super-hot” components (e.g. Caspi et al. (2010)) in these flares. Using imaging and spectral analysis of STIX data, we want to understand the physical origin and the temporal evolution of the super-hot component. This talk will highlight the importance of understanding the thermal emission in solar flares and the richness of information we can gain regarding the thermal emission by combining spectral and spatial observations by various X-ray instruments.

How to cite: Stiefel, M. Z., Bajnoková, N., Massa, P., and Krucker, S.: X-ray diagnostics of thermal flare emissions by Solar Orbiter/STIX and GOES, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11967,, 2025.

EGU25-12901 | Orals | ST1.2 | Highlight

Solar Orbiter: Mission Status, Science Highlights and Look-out for the High-Latitude Phase 

Anik De Groof, Daniel Mueller, Yannis Zouganelis, Miho Janvier, Andrew Walsh, David Williams, Pedro Osuna, and Catherine Fischer

This talk will report on the mission status and highlight recent science results of the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission. Solar Orbiter’s science return is significantly enhanced by coordinated observations with other space missions, including Parker Solar Probe, SDO, SOHO, STEREO, Hinode and IRIS, as well as ground-based telescopes like DKIST and SST. This talk with present examples of such collaborative efforts and outline future opportunities. Starting in February 2025, Solar Orbiter’s highly elliptical orbit will get progressively more inclined to the ecliptic plane, which will enable the first detailed observations of the Sun’s unexplored polar regions. I will summarise the observing plans for the first year of the high-latitude phase and describe opportunities for participation of the science community.

How to cite: De Groof, A., Mueller, D., Zouganelis, Y., Janvier, M., Walsh, A., Williams, D., Osuna, P., and Fischer, C.: Solar Orbiter: Mission Status, Science Highlights and Look-out for the High-Latitude Phase, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12901,, 2025.

EGU25-13242 | Posters on site | ST1.2

Origin of Unusual Composition of 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particles  

Radoslav Bucik, Glenn Mason, Sargam Mulay, George Ho, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, and Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco

We examine 3He-rich solar energetic particles (SEPs) detected on 2023 October 24-25 by Solar Orbiter at 0.47 au. The measurements revealed heavy-ion enhancement not increasing smoothly with mass. C, and especially N, Si, and S, stand out in the enhancement pattern with large abundances. Except for 3He, heavy ion spectra can only be measured below 0.5 MeV/nucleon. At 0.386 MeV/nucleon, the event showed a huge 3He/4He ratio of 75.2±33.9, larger than ever previously observed. Solar Dynamics Observatory extreme ultraviolet data showed a mini filament eruption at the solar source of 3He-rich SEPs that triggered a straight tiny jet. Located at the boundary of a low-latitude coronal hole, the jet base is a bright, small-scale region with a supergranulation scale size. The emission measure provides relatively cold source temperatures of 1.5 to 1.7 MK between the filament eruption and nonthermal type III radio burst onset. The analysis suggests that the emission measure distribution of temperature in the solar source could be a factor that affects the preferential selection of heavy ions for heating or acceleration, thus shaping the observed enhancement pattern. Including previously reported similar events indicates that the cool material of the filament in the source is a common feature of events with heavy-ion enhancement not ordered by mass. Surprisingly, sources with weak magnetic fields showed extreme 3He enrichment in these events. Moreover, the energy attained by heavy ions seems to be influenced by the size and form of jets.

How to cite: Bucik, R., Mason, G., Mulay, S., Ho, G., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., and Rodríguez-Pacheco, J.: Origin of Unusual Composition of 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particles , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13242,, 2025.

The Electron Analyser System (EAS), a dual sensor system within the Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) suite, is capable of measuring a full 3D velocity distribution function (VDF) of solar wind electrons with energies of a few eV to ~5 keV in an accumulation time of 1 second.  At full energy and angular resolution, telemetry constraints limit the maximum EAS normal mode data return to 1 3D VDF every 10 seconds.  However, the SWA DPU includes a rolling buffer capable of storing 1-second full electron VDF data for a period of 5 minutes.  Over the last year, during periods in which the telemetry allocation is high, we have been able to freeze this buffer and return this data up to three times per hour, generating a large dataset of very high time resolution electron measurements.  Moreover, a trigger detection algorithm is at times operated by the Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW)  instrument, combining data from the magnetometer and the SWA Proton and Alpha Sensor in order to detect the passage of a shock passed the spacecraft.    Although the operation of the algorithm has suffered from a number of technical issues, receipt of a positive flag is used by SWA to freeze the EAS rolling buffer and add the resulting data to the telemetry stream.  This operation has again generated a significant dataset of high resolution electron data which is often associated with a solar wind transient, such as a shock or a current sheet.

In this presentation, we present case studies of periods in which SWA-EAS returned this high resolution data, bringing out new features of electron dynamics that are not captured by normal resolution instruments on Solar Orbiter or other missions.  For example, we examine the development of electron distributions across the shock, revealing how the ‘flat-top’ nature of the downstream distribution develops as a function of pitch angle.  Moreover, even the manually triggered events can be used to reveal how the electron distribution may vary with less dramatic, but more regular, variations in the solar wind, such as those driven by waves or instabilities.

How to cite: Owen, C. and the Solar Orbiter SWA, MAG and RPW teams: Solar wind electron dynamics revealed by high-time resolution observations of 3D electron velocity distribution functions captured by Solar Orbiter SWA., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13243,, 2025.

We present a comprehensive catalogue of solar energetic electron (SEE) events, derived from joint observations by remote-sensing and in-situ instruments aboard the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. The Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) is used to characterise the properties of energetic electrons in situ and to estimate their injection times at the Sun. The timing, location, and intensity of associated X-ray flares is obtained using the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX), while the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) provides complementary observations of the flare evolution and eruptive phenomena. The Solar Orbiter coronagraph (Metis) and heliospheric imager (SoloHI) are employed to characterise potential associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Type III radio bursts detected by the Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument are used to connect the eruptive solar events to the SEE events observed in situ. We present the catalogue's contents, and the methodology employed to determine key parameters. Finally, we discuss statistical results from the catalogue.

How to cite: Warmuth, A. and the STIX-EPD-RPW-EUI-Metis-SoloHI joint analysis team: Solar Orbiter's Comprehensive Solar Energetic Electron event Catalogue (CoSEE-Cat): a new resource for studying particle acceleration and transport in the heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13913,, 2025.

EGU25-16849 | Orals | ST1.2

Coordinated observation with Solar Orbiter 

Krzysztof Barczynski, Miho Janvier, Chris Nelson, Daye Lim, Alexandra Tritschler, Tom Schad, Louise Harra, and Daniel Müller

Solar Orbiter's coordinated observations with space-based and ground-based instruments are game changers in studying the connection between the Sun and the heliosphere. Our aim is to present the results and challenges of coordinated observations obtained with the Solar Orbiter and other instruments and highlight the advantages of using coordinated observations obtained with the Solar Orbiter and various telescopes.

We received two groups of unique coordinated observations:

1) We successfully coordinated observation campaigns between Solar Orbiter and the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) in October 2022 and October 2023. These two telescopes provide a stereoscopic view with unprecedented high resolution. The scientific aim of these observations was related to active region studies from different vantage points (four proposals) and polar magnetic field regions (one proposal). The next observation session is planned for April 2025 and will focus on the upflow regions at the borders of active regions.

2) In October 2024, we successfully coordinated observations between the Solar Orbiter, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), and Hinode. The uniqueness of the obtained observations lies in the highest temporal cadence, 1 sec, of a solar atmosphere image ever achieved. These images were recorded by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard Solar Orbiter. These coordinated observations from October 2024 show an active region with flaring activity.

The presented data are publicly available, and their interpretation is provided among others under the ISSI Team titled: "Active Region Evolution Under the Spotlight, with Unprecedented Coordinated High-Resolution Stereoscopic Observations and Numerical Simulations.” In conclusion, the coordinated observations from two different vantage points with imaging, spectroscopy and magnetic field instrument opened a new era in investigating structures in the solar atmosphere.

How to cite: Barczynski, K., Janvier, M., Nelson, C., Lim, D., Tritschler, A., Schad, T., Harra, L., and Müller, D.: Coordinated observation with Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16849,, 2025.

EGU25-18322 | ECS | Orals | ST1.2

Upflows in a Decaying Active Region and its Potential Contribution to the Solar Wind  

Yingjie Zhu, Louise Harra, Krzysztof Barczynski, Nils Janitzek, Joseph Plowman, Slimane Mzerguat, Frédéric Auchère, William Thompson, Susanna Parenti, Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta, Hardi Peter, Terje Fredvik, Tim Grundy, Yi-Wei Ni, and Peng-Fei Chen

Plasma upflows with a Doppler shift exceeding 20 km/s at active region (AR) boundaries are considered potential sources of nascent slow solar wind.  These upflows are often located at the footpoints of large-scale fan-like loops, showing temperature-dependent Doppler shifts from the transition region to the lower corona. In this study, we identified two upflow regions in the vicinity of an active region by analyzing the blueshifts of the Fe XII 195 line observed by Hinode/EIS. Context images for the two regions were obtained by the High Resolution Imager (HRI) telescope of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) on board the Solar Orbiter. The region to the west of the AR appears as typical fan-like loops, while the eastern upflow region is near AR moss, revealing moss-like features but with lower intensity from the upper transition region into the corona. Free from the potential contamination of fan-like loops, the east region provides unique insights into the flow properties from the chromosphere into the corona and the coupling between the atmospheric layers in the upflow region. Carefully addressing the point spread function issue with the SPectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE), we derive the Doppler shifts of Ne VIII, emitted by cooler plasma compared to Fe XII, in these two regions. The fan-like loops in the west show downflows (redshifts) of approximately 20 km/s, whereas the eastern region shows upflows (blueshifts) from 20 to 30 km/s. This suggests the actual upflows might develop in the upper transition region (~0.6 MK), challenging the typical conclusion of a coronal upflow (> 1 MK), which is affected by downflows in fan-like loops.  Observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) satellite confirm the coronal upflows influence the velocity field in the lower transition region (Si IV). However, the critical transition temperature from a net redshift into a blueshift is still unclear due to the lack of temperature coverage. Combined with potential field extrapolations, we confirm the driver of the major upflow component might be persistent reconnections between over-pressure AR loops and ambient low-pressure field lines. However, the small-scale dynamics in upflows by observed HRIEUV, e.g., dynamic fibrils and jetlet, may still contribute passively to the upflow plasma in the coupled atmosphere. Preliminary differential emission measure (DEM) analysis reveals a photospheric abundance in both upflow regions, which is compared to the in-situ solar wind measurements when the Solar Orbiter was predicted to connect to the west upflow region by the Connectivity tool. 

How to cite: Zhu, Y., Harra, L., Barczynski, K., Janitzek, N., Plowman, J., Mzerguat, S., Auchère, F., Thompson, W., Parenti, S., Chitta, L. P., Peter, H., Fredvik, T., Grundy, T., Ni, Y.-W., and Chen, P.-F.: Upflows in a Decaying Active Region and its Potential Contribution to the Solar Wind , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18322,, 2025.

EGU25-19476 | Orals | ST1.2

An automated approach to link solar flares and energetic particle events based on measurements from Solar Orbiter and modelled magnetic connectivity 

Nils Janitzek, Fabian Kistler, Muriel Stiefel, Krzysztof Barczynski, Yingjie Zhu, Louise Harra, Raul Gomez-Herrero, Javier Rodriguez-Pacheco, Mario Roco-Moraleda, Andrea Battaglia, Hannah Collier, and Samuel Krucker

Solar flares and associated eruptions are a known source of solar energetic particles (SEPs). Yet, it is often challenging to establish a precise link between individual flares and SEP events measured in-situ throughout the heliosphere. The Solar Orbiter mission with its Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX ) and Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) provide new measurements for a systematic investigation of these phenomena. Based on these data, we developed an algorithm that automatically links solar flares to SEP events using a STIX flare list, model prediction of magnetic connectivity between the Sun and the spacecraft, and SEP electron measurements from EPD. A first evaluation shows that 50% of the links produced by the algorithm are actual physical links, while inversely 26% of all manually identified physical links were detected by the algorithm for the two-years test period in 2021 and 2022. This can be considered as a modest success rate for a fully automatic linkage between solar and in-situ events, but it provides a very helpful pre-selection of about 100 SEP-related flares compared to more than 5000 flares detected with STIX.

How to cite: Janitzek, N., Kistler, F., Stiefel, M., Barczynski, K., Zhu, Y., Harra, L., Gomez-Herrero, R., Rodriguez-Pacheco, J., Roco-Moraleda, M., Battaglia, A., Collier, H., and Krucker, S.: An automated approach to link solar flares and energetic particle events based on measurements from Solar Orbiter and modelled magnetic connectivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19476,, 2025.

EGU25-20333 | Posters on site | ST1.2

Investigating weak flares energetics through nonthermal emission and solar energetic electrons: STIX and EPD observations 

Arun Kumar Awasthi, Alexander Warmuth, Tomasz Mrozek, Janusz Sylwester, Barbara Sylwester, and Frederic Schuller

Solar flares are energetic and dynamic phenomena in the solar system emitting radiation impulsively, and solar energetic electrons (SEEs). Therefore, we investigate the high-energy X-ray emission and SEEs observed by STIX and EPD onboard the Solar Orbiter mission. During September 18-30, 2021, the Solar Orbiter mission - being closer to the Sun (~0.6 AU) and having a moderate separation angle (~30-400) from the Sun-Earth line provided a unique opportunity for an exhaustive multi-wavelength investigation of several weak flares, associated nonthermal X-ray emission, and SEE’s characteristics. A multiwavelength investigation of spectral and imaging-mode observations of the 20 weak (~B-class), but hard X-ray (HXR)-rich flares, revealed a definitive role of pre-flare plasma density in the loops to be responsible for disparate thermal-nonthermal emission partition during flares. We further investigate remote and in-situ observations of three flares (two B-class, and a C1.6 -class) showing different thermal-nonthermal X-ray emission partitions, and associated SEEs. The timing and spatial correlation of the solar events at source and in-situ SEE enhancements revealed agreement in the 1) onset time of HXR emission and SEE enhancement, and 2) power-law spectral indices of HXR emission and SEEs. Interestingly, we find a very weak HXR burst (B3-class; nonthermal electron spectral index ~ 6) to cause a significant SEE enhancement despite an impulsive C3 flare that occurred a mere 15 minutes before it without any SEE enhancement signatures. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of energy released during flares is only possible by characterising the observed nonthermal emission as well as particles.

How to cite: Awasthi, A. K., Warmuth, A., Mrozek, T., Sylwester, J., Sylwester, B., and Schuller, F.: Investigating weak flares energetics through nonthermal emission and solar energetic electrons: STIX and EPD observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20333,, 2025.

EGU25-20356 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2

Wave dynamics across the solar transition region with the SolO/SPICE instrument  

Momchil Molnar, Donald Hassler, and Joseph Plowman

We investigate the signatures of oscillatory motions in the solar transition region with data from the SPICE instrument on the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. The solar transition region is the thin interface between the cooler lower solar atmosphere and the million-degree corona, across which the energy (and mass) flux crucial for maintaining the solar corona and the solar wind are transported. The plasma temperature and density change a few orders of magnitudes across the transition region, creating a sharp discontinuity in the plasma parameters. This natural boundary is a theorized location for MHD wave mode conversion generating coronal Alfvenic waves, which are a leading candidate for heating the solar corona and powering the solar wind through their dissipation. The key objective of this study is to determine how the oscillatory behavior of plasma in different parts of the solar TR behaves with spectrographic observations from the SPICE spacecraft. We use sit-and-stare observations of atomic lines with formation temperatures between log(T)=4-5.7. In particular, we study the power spectra of the oscillatory motions and the coherency between the intensity and velocity perturbations as a signature of the MHD modes. To enhance the interpretation of the observational study, we use as a complementary tool the wave properties of synthetic observables from 3D rMHD MURaM models, which are ab initio MHD computations which extend from the convection zone to the corona.

How to cite: Molnar, M., Hassler, D., and Plowman, J.: Wave dynamics across the solar transition region with the SolO/SPICE instrument , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20356,, 2025.

EGU25-21838 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2

Inter-Calibration of Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor and Suprathermal Ion Spectrograph 

Benjamin Alterman, Robert Allen, Ryan Dewey, Stefano Livi, Jim Raines, Susan Lepri, Sarah Spitzer, Chris Bert, Christopher Owen, George Ho, Antoinette Galvin, Lynn Kistler, Frederic Allegrini, Keiichi Ogasawara, Peter Wurz, Mark Philips, Raffaella Damicis, Glenn Mason, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, and Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco and the Inter-Calibration of Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor and Suprathermal Ion Spectrograph team

Proper characterization of particle energization in the solar wind requires observations from thermal through energetic particles of multiple elements. Observations of in situ particles in different energy ranges require different instruments that must be properly intercalibrated. Solar Orbiter’s Heavy Ion Sensor (HIS) is a time-of-flight ion mass spectrometer that observes the heavy ion composition of the thermal solar wind. Orbiter’s Suprathermal Ion Spectrograph (SIS) is an energy time-of-flight detector that observes particles from suprathermal energies to the lower range of energetic particles. We report on the intercalibration between these two instruments in six isotropic, quiet intervals when both instruments provide reliable, high-quality observations. These results will enable analysis of more complex events where transient processes locally modify the distributions.

How to cite: Alterman, B., Allen, R., Dewey, R., Livi, S., Raines, J., Lepri, S., Spitzer, S., Bert, C., Owen, C., Ho, G., Galvin, A., Kistler, L., Allegrini, F., Ogasawara, K., Wurz, P., Philips, M., Damicis, R., Mason, G., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., and Rodríguez-Pacheco, J. and the Inter-Calibration of Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor and Suprathermal Ion Spectrograph team: Inter-Calibration of Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor and Suprathermal Ion Spectrograph, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21838,, 2025.

EGU25-2506 | ECS | Orals | ST1.4

Inverse Velocity Dispersion in Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by Solar Orbiter 

Zheyi Ding and Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber

Inverse velocity dispersion (IVD) in solar energetic particle (SEP) events, where higher-energy particles arrive later than lower-energy particles, is increasingly observed by spacecraft such as Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter (SolO). However, the underlying mechanisms driving IVD events are not well understood. This study examines the physical processes responsible for long-duration IVD events by analyzing the SEP event detected by SolO on June 7, 2022. The event displayed a clear and prolonged IVD signature across proton energies ranging from 1 to 20 MeV, with heavy ions exhibiting varying nose energies. Simulations indicate that evolving shock connectivity plays a crucial role in shaping the IVD signature, as SolO’s connection shifts from the shock flank to the nose over time, resulting in a gradual increase in the maximum particle energy along the field line. Furthermore, model results show that limited cross-field diffusion affects both the nose energy and the duration of the IVD event. This study highlights that long-lasting IVD events are primarily driven by evolving shock connectivity to the observer, with connections to more efficient acceleration sites at larger solar distances.

How to cite: Ding, Z. and Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.: Inverse Velocity Dispersion in Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2506,, 2025.

EGU25-2858 | Orals | ST1.4 | Highlight

Solar Energetic Particles in Solar Cycle #25: Observations and Comparisons with Previous Cycles 

George Ho, Glenn Mason, Robert Allen, Athanasios Kouloumvakos, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco, and Raúl Gómez-Herrero

As Solar Cycle #25 reaches its peak of activity, Solar Orbiter is observing a substantial increase in solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and solar energetic particles (SEPs). Specifically, the Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) on board Solar Orbiter has been tracking and characterizing the rise in SEP activity over the past five years. This paper focuses on the intensities of suprathermal and energetic particles from 2020 through 2025. Both electrons, ions, and 3He particles show a notable increase, which aligns closely with other solar phenomena. We compare the SEP flux observed during this cycle with the measurements from Cycles #23 and #24, as recorded by ACE. The results reveal that the flux levels in Cycle #25 are significantly higher than those of Cycle #24, and comparable to those observed during Cycle #23. This surge in solar activity is filling the heliosphere with high-energy SEP particles, which are influencing the entire solar system, including Earth.

How to cite: Ho, G., Mason, G., Allen, R., Kouloumvakos, A., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., and Gómez-Herrero, R.: Solar Energetic Particles in Solar Cycle #25: Observations and Comparisons with Previous Cycles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2858,, 2025.

The sources and origins of solar energetic particles (SEPs), especially for the GeV-level events, are the premise and fundamental issue for SEP-induced space-weather disasters. Observational evidence indicates that the anisotropy properties exist in the 3D large temporal-spatial turbulence magnetic reconnection(3D LTSTMR) in solar activities, which is essential to understanding the energy conversion between magnetic energy and acceleration energy (bulk kinetic energy) and heating energy (thermal kinetic energy) over different particle species (e.g., electron, ion, 3He/4He, and other heavier particles), and SEPs characteristics and acceleration propagation in non-ideal diffusion regions. In this work, on the supercomputer platform (GPU heterogeneous architecture & ARM architecture), a 3D spherical coordinates system () for flare loop 3D LTSTMR is applied to explore the helical turbulence-induced anisotropic characteristics (TAC, including turbulence anisotropy, TA; turbulence intensity, TI; and spectral anisotropy properties) through the improved relativistic hybrid particle-in-cell and lattice Boltzmann (RHPIC-LBM2) code. Firstly, we deduced the explicit expression of the turbulence-induced dissipation-diffusion (TIDD) terms under fully coupled hydro-dynamic-kinetic continuous scales by considering the turbulence-resistance-induced self-generated organization and the turbulence-viscosity-induced self-feeding-sustaining with filter theory. Then, we improved the input module and dissipation-diffusion module and added a new TIDD module in the original RHPIC-LBM model algorithm code. Finally, we analyze the TAC in the impulsive twisted multi-magnetic flux ropes (MFLs) & multi-current plasma flux ropes (CFLs) & multi-plasma flux ropes (PFLs). It is found that the magnetic strength (MFLs), current density (CFLs), and charged flow (PFLs, electron, ion, 3He/4He) anisotropy exist and vary in different evolution times (65.6000s to 74.3467s) in the different direction ( plane,  plane), in the different scale (R=24Mm) at B&U decoupled frozen-in condition broken region. The main findings of the present study are as follows: 1) The TAC in the radial direction is stronger than in the azimuthal direction ( plane) and in the polar direction ( plane); 2) The TAC of magnetic strength (MFLs), current density (CFLs), and charged flow (PFLs) do not overlap in the evolution process; 3) The TAC increases with the evolution time and reaches its maximum when the turbulence enters the fully developed stage; 4) The TAC decreases with the decreasing scale and exhibits weakness when entering the micro-kinetic scale. We anticipate these results to be a key point and give new insights for evaluation of the short-time real-time extremely GeV-SEPs prediction (GPU heterogeneous architecture) and the real-time long-time SEP monitor (ARM architecture), which serve for the 'China Science Development Strategy: Space Science (2020-2035)', and 'The Strategic Position of Space Astronomy: China's Space Science 2035 Development Strategy' in NSFC&CAS. and 'National Mid- and Long-term Plan for Space Science in China (2024-2050). 

URL: Share filesEGU2025_anis...ics[Folder]  Cloud disk link

How to cite: Zhu, B.:  Investigation of the anisotropic characteristics in the flare loop turbulence magnetic reconnection through improved RHPIC-LBM on the supercomputer platform , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3936,, 2025.

EGU25-4447 | Orals | ST1.4

A Tale of Two Shocks 

Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Liu Yang, Alexander Kollhoff, Lars Berger, Patrick Kühl, Stephan I. Böttcher, Domenico Trotta, Rungployphan Kieokaew, Philippe Louarn, Andrey Fedorov, Javier Rodriguez-Pacheco, Raúl Gómez Herrero, Francisco Espinosa Lara, George C. Ho, Robert C. Allen, Glenn M. Mason, and David Lario

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times – for two traveling interplanetary shocks observed by Solar Orbiter on November 29 and 30 in 2023. We investigate these two very dissimilar shocks which were observed within less than 27 hours to elucidate obviously present non-equilibrium features and test the assumption of gyrotropy. We find very different behavior of particles at the two shocks which are – of course – due to differences in the two shocks.

The first of the two shocks was observed at 07:51:17 on Nov. 29, 2023, was quasi-parallel (θBn ≈ 33°) and the weaker of the two shocks (fast magnetosonic (Alfvénic) Mach number of 2.4 (2.6)). It had no or only a minimal effect on the suprathermal (E less than ~1 MeV) particle population which was anisotropic and streaming away from the Sun. It was likely running into a small ICME and exhibited upstream wave activity with a dominant period just below one second.

The following shock on Nov 30, 2023 (10:47:26) was stronger (fast magnetosonic (Alfvénic) Mach number of 3.8 (4.5)) and quasi-perpendicular (θBn ≈ 81°). Wave activity upstream of this shock was weaker than at the first and limited to the shock ramp, as expected for a quasi-perpendicular shock. Upstream protons and He2+ particles show clear core-beam velocity distribution functions. Suprathermal ions upstream of the second shock are more isotropic than around the first shock but nevertheless show a clear bump-on-tail distribution which lasts for approximately two gyroperiods. The level of fluctuations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is low which probably allows this “beam” to survive. The region downstream of this shock is rich in further unusual properties of the suprathermal ions. These exhibit strong non-equilibrium features in their differential intensities and anisotropic features which suggest non-gyrotropic behavior.

How to cite: Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Yang, L., Kollhoff, A., Berger, L., Kühl, P., Böttcher, S. I., Trotta, D., Kieokaew, R., Louarn, P., Fedorov, A., Rodriguez-Pacheco, J., Gómez Herrero, R., Espinosa Lara, F., Ho, G. C., Allen, R. C., Mason, G. M., and Lario, D.: A Tale of Two Shocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4447,, 2025.

EGU25-4503 | Orals | ST1.4

The relationship of inverse velocity dispersion SEP event characteristics with footpoint location: A survey of Solar Orbiter observations 

Robert Allen, George Ho, Glenn Mason, Christina Cohen, Zigong Xu, Zheyi Ding, Athanasios Kouloumvakos, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, Javier Rodriguez-Pacheco, Sarah Vines, Rachael Filwett, and Maher Dayeh

Investigations of Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events have long utilized the dispersive nature of onset times, i.e., earlier arrival of higher energy particles compared to lower energy populations, to infer information such as path length to an acceleration site. However, recent observations by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe have begun to characterize SEP events with an apparent “inverse velocity dispersion” (IVD) at higher energies, above a critical energy separating the classic velocity dispersion signature. These “nose”-feature SEP events may provide new insight into the impacts of magnetic connectivity to locations along an expanding CME-driven shock wave, variations of acceleration along the shock surface, and transport effects in the inner heliosphere. This presentation focuses on a statistical analysis of the occurrence rate and characteristics of IVD events observed by Solar Orbiter relative to their footpoint locations with respect to the initial flare site. While SEP events without IVDs have a broad distribution in location relative to the flare site, IVD events show a clear bias in occurrence to events with footpoints westward of the associated flare location. Implications of this spatial biasing, and impacts on the characteristics, i.e., critical energy and dispersive slope of the IVD portion of the event, is discussed in relation to recent modeling work (Ding et al., 2025). Additionally, the IVD events observed by Solar Orbiter, captured over a wide range of radial distances, is compared to a published IVD event from Parker Solar Probe near the corona at 15 solar radii (e.g., Cohen et al., 2024). These results imply that magnetic connectivity plays an important role in IVD events, particularly for those observed at larger radial distances.

How to cite: Allen, R., Ho, G., Mason, G., Cohen, C., Xu, Z., Ding, Z., Kouloumvakos, A., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Rodriguez-Pacheco, J., Vines, S., Filwett, R., and Dayeh, M.: The relationship of inverse velocity dispersion SEP event characteristics with footpoint location: A survey of Solar Orbiter observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4503,, 2025.

EGU25-4592 | Posters on site | ST1.4

The role of coherent turbulent structures in influencing particle transport and energization 

Oreste Pezzi, Domenico Trotta, Simone Benella, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, Francesco Malara, Francesco Pucci, Claudio Meringolo, William H. Matthaeus, and Sergio Servidio

Populations of energetic particles, ranging from solar energetic particles to incredibly high-energy cosmic rays, are ubiquitous in space and astrophysical plasmas. Several intertwined phenomena, including shocks, magnetic reconnection, jets, and turbulence, are responsible for the efficient energization of particles and for determining their transport properties.

Plasma turbulence produces patchy coherent structures, such as reconnecting current sheets, plasmoids, and vortices across a vast range of spatial scales. Under some circumstances, these structures can entrap particles, thus providing fast energization through, for example, drift acceleration. I will review some of these mechanisms and outline recent numerical efforts aimed at investigating how coherent structures, such as large-scale eddies or flux ropes, impact particle transport and energization. I will also comment on the applicability of these results in space and astrophysical contexts.

How to cite: Pezzi, O., Trotta, D., Benella, S., Sorriso-Valvo, L., Malara, F., Pucci, F., Meringolo, C., Matthaeus, W. H., and Servidio, S.: The role of coherent turbulent structures in influencing particle transport and energization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4592,, 2025.

EGU25-4800 | Posters on site | ST1.4

Wavelet-based modeling of the heliospheric turbulent magnetic field 

Francesco Pucci, Francesco Malara, Andrea Larosa, Oreste Pezzi, and Silvia Perri

We present a model of the magnetic field in the heliosphere. Our model's magnetic field is made of a large-scale component, modeled as the Parker Spiral, and a small-scale turbulence component, modeled through a wavelet-based method. The turbulent component is tailored to reproduce a few key properties of magnetic fluctuations in the Parker Spiral, such as a varying correlation length and a decreasing turbulence amplitude as a function of the radial distance from the Sun. The wavelet-based method is obtained from a previously developed Cartesian method by defining a new set of coordinates to ensure the correct scaling of the turbulence correlation length as a function of the radial distance. Our algorithm allows for reproducing a larger spectral range of fluctuations than magnetohydrodynamic simulations, which is needed to properly describe the gyroresonant scattering of energetic particles. In the future, the model will be used to study energetic particle propagation in the heliosphere.

How to cite: Pucci, F., Malara, F., Larosa, A., Pezzi, O., and Perri, S.: Wavelet-based modeling of the heliospheric turbulent magnetic field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4800,, 2025.

EGU25-5198 | Orals | ST1.4

Modulation of suprathermal electrons and their heat flux in compressive plasma structures in the solar wind 

Daniel Verscharen, Jesse Coburn, and Jingting Liu

Electrons are a subsonic plasma species in the solar wind. Their kinetic behaviour is - to a much greater extent than the proton behaviour - the result of an interplay between global properties of the heliosphere and local plasma processes. The global properties of the heliosphere include the interplanetary electrostatic potential, the large-scale interplanetary magnetic field, and the density profile of the plasma. The local plasma processes include collisions, wave-particle interactions, and turbulence. Through this interplay, the electron distribution function develops interesting kinetic features that are observable in situ. In addition to a quasi-Maxwellian core, the distribution exhibits suprathermal populations in the form of the strahl and halo components as well as cut-offs due to loss effects in the interplanetary potential.

We discuss the interaction of suprathermal electrons with local structures such as compressive waves and magnetic holes, and the impacts of these structures on the global electron transport in the heliosphere. The regulation of the electron heat flux is of particular interest in this context. We support these results with observations from Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe. 

How to cite: Verscharen, D., Coburn, J., and Liu, J.: Modulation of suprathermal electrons and their heat flux in compressive plasma structures in the solar wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5198,, 2025.

EGU25-5824 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4

Energetic proton bursts downstream of an interplanetary shock 

Liu Yang, Xingyu Li, Verena Heidrich-Meisner, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, Linghua Wang, Alexander Kollhoff, Xingyu Zhu, Georgios Nicolaou, Zheyi Ding, Lars Berger, Han Liu, Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco, Glenn Mason, and George Ho

Context. The Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) suite onboard Solar Orbiter provides unprecedented high-resolution measurements
of suprathermal and energetic particles in interplanetary space. These data can resolve particle dynamics near interplanetary shocks,
offering new insights into particle acceleration and transport processes.
Aims. We present observations of energetic proton bursts downstream of an interplanetary shock and discuss possible acceleration
and formation processes.
Methods. We combined data from two sensors of EPD, the SupraThermal Electron Proton (STEP) sensor and the Electron-Proton
Telescope (EPT), to investigate the proton bursts across the full energy range. We examined the dynamic energy spectra, temporal
flux profiles, pitch-angle distributions, and spectral features of these proton bursts.
Results. We find that these proton bursts travel anti-parallel to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in a region where the IMF
is pointing southward, substantially out of the ecliptic plane. These bursts typically last for ∼10-20 s and span a wide energy range
from ∼20 to ∼1000 keV. Their energy spectra typically show an evident bump in the ∼20-100 keV range, characterized by a valley at
∼20-30 keV, a peak at ∼40-50 keV, a full width at half maximum of ∼30 keV, and a positive spectral slope of ∼1 between the valley
and peak. These proton bursts exhibit no velocity dispersion feature and their occurrences do not coincide with significant changes in
the IMF direction or with enhancements in the 4-100 kHz electric potential oscillations or the 0.1-4 Hz magnetic field fluctuations.
Conclusions. These results suggest that the proton bursts could originate from a source below the ecliptic plane, probably the part
of the shock situated there. These protons could be accelerated through shock-drift acceleration or shock-surfing acceleration, with
varying efficiencies at different parts of the source. The observed spectral bumps likely result from transport effects affecting the
low-energy ∼10-50 keV protons.

How to cite: Yang, L., Li, X., Heidrich-Meisner, V., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Wang, L., Kollhoff, A., Zhu, X., Nicolaou, G., Ding, Z., Berger, L., Liu, H., Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., Mason, G., and Ho, G.: Energetic proton bursts downstream of an interplanetary shock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5824,, 2025.

EGU25-6608 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4

Investigating Solar Sources of Helium-Rich and Helium-Poor SEP Events in 2024 using Solar Orbiter 

sindhuja gunaseelan, Robert F. Schweingruber, Patrick Kühl, Alexander Kollhoff, Zheyi Ding, Sebastian Fleth, Lars Berger, Javier Rodriguez Pacheco, George C Ho, Glenn M Mason, Raul Gomez Herrero, Francisco Espinosa Lara, Ignacio Cernuda, Stephan Böttcher, Sandra Eldrum, and Robert C Allen

Title: Investigating Solar Sources of  3He-Rich and  3He-Poor SEP Events in 2024 using

Solar Orbiter HET


Sindhuja. G1, Robert F. Schweingruber1, Patrick Kühl1, Alexander Kollhoff1, Zheyi Ding1, Sebastian

Fleth1, Lars

Berger1, Javier Rodriguez-Pacheco2, George C. Ho3, Glenn M. Mason4, Raul Gomez-

Herrero2, Francisco Espinosa Lara2, Ignacio Cernuda2, Stephan Böttcher1, Sandra Eldrum1, and

Robert C. Allen3,

1) Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Kiel University, Leibnizstaße 11, DE-24118


2) Universidad de Alcalá, Space Research Group, 28805 Alcalá de Henares, Spain

3) Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA

4) Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, USA


This study focuses on the solar sources of  3He-rich and 3He-poor solar energetic particle

(SEP) events observed in 2024, utilizing data from the High-Energy Telescope (HET) onboard

the Solar Orbiter mission. The HET instrument, which measures the energy spectra of energetic

particles—including helium and protons—operates in the energy range of ~7–500 MeV/nucleon

and provides critical insights into particle acceleration in the inner heliosphere. The SEP

events were selected based on specific criteria: comparable 3He/4He ratios in Suprathermal Ion

Spectrograph (SIS) and HET at 8.2 MeV data, a Type III radio burst association with the event,

and an increase in electron flux within the 10-100 MeV energy range. These events include both

3He-rich and  3He-poor types, providing an opportunity to explore the differences in their

solar origins.

In particular, 3He-rich events are significant as they offer valuable insights into the mechanisms

of particle acceleration and transport associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Our

analysis aims to compare the energy spectra and particle composition between 3He-rich and

3He-poor events, shedding light on the underlying physical processes that govern these

phenomena. By examining the solar sources of these distinct event types, we seek to uncover the

factors contributing to variations in helium content and acceleration mechanisms.

Furthermore, we present the kinematics of associated CMEs and flare properties, offering a comprehensive

view of the dynamics behind these SEP events. This study is expected to enhance our

understanding of the role of helium-rich events in the solar wind and their potential impacts on

Earth's magnetosphere, ultimately contributing to the broader comprehension of heliospheric dynamics

and solar particle acceleration processes.

How to cite: gunaseelan, S., F. Schweingruber, R., Kühl, P., Kollhoff, A., Ding, Z., Fleth, S., Berger, L., Pacheco, J. R., Ho, G. C., Mason, G. M., Herrero, R. G., Espinosa Lara, F., Cernuda, I., Böttcher, S., Eldrum, S., and Allen, R. C.: Investigating Solar Sources of Helium-Rich and Helium-Poor SEP Events in 2024 using Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6608,, 2025.

EGU25-6809 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4

Fractional Fick's Law and Anomalous Transport of Energetic Particles at Interplanetary Shocks. 

Marialuisa Simone, Gaetano Zimbardo, Silvia Perri, and Giuseppe Prete

This study examines the impact of non-local phenomena on the transport of energetic particles, which are frequently observed in interplanetary space near collisionless shocks. The prevailing theory of particle acceleration at shocks, known as diffusive shock acceleration (DSA), is based on the standard diffusion equation and predicts a specific density profile for energetic particles: upstream of the shock, the density is expected to exhibit exponential growth, while downstream, it should form a constant, flat profile. However, these predictions often conflict with observations around shocks in interplanetary space. In practice, data analysis and numerical simulations  indicate a long power-law-like upstream density profile, while the downstream region exhibits a decreasing, non-flat density profile. This discrepancy leads to consider of a modified version of the ordinary Fick's law relating the macroscopic diffusive flux of energetic particles with the number density. As described by Calvo et. al (2007), in this formulation the spatial derivative of the number density is replaced by an extended spatial integration of a function depending on the density profile multiplied by a statistical weight that decreases with increasing distance from the point where the flux is being evaluated, which yields a non-local diffusive flux. Such expression is called the Fractional Fick's Law as it involves fractional order derivatives. It can be shown that substituting this fractional flux into the continuity equation recovers the Fractional Diffusion Equation describing superdiffusion, that is, an anomalous diffusion regime in which the mean square displacement of particles grows super-linearly with time. We use a numerical Fortran 90 code for evaluating the fractional flux using the trapezoidal rule for integration. After verifying that the numerical method used is consistent and correct, this code is tested using the density profiles of accelerated particles at a numerically simulated shock in two scenarios: one involving normal diffusion and the other involving superdiffusion. Notably, in both cases, a downstream negative flux is observed, indicating the presence of uphill transport, i.e., transport in the same direction as the density gradient. Finally, the fractional flux is numerically evaluated using data from the ACE and Wind spacecrafts for two different shock crossings. In both events, uphill transport is observed, which is an intriguing and counterintuitive result that allows for the correct interpretation of satellite observations, as well as shedding light on the physical processes underlying the acceleration of energetic particles at space and astrophysical shocks.

How to cite: Simone, M., Zimbardo, G., Perri, S., and Prete, G.: Fractional Fick's Law and Anomalous Transport of Energetic Particles at Interplanetary Shocks., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6809,, 2025.

EGU25-7591 | Orals | ST1.4

Solar Energetic Electron Events Observed by Solar Orbiter and Wind on 2022 March 6 

Linghua Wang, Wenyan Li, Qianyi Ma, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Samuel Krucker, and Glenn M. Mason

Solar energetic electron (SEE) events are one of the most common solar particle acceleration phenomena in the interplanetary space. Here we present a comprehensive study of SEE events with a fast-rise, fast-decay temporal profile on 2022 March 6, observed both by SolO/EPD at 0.5 AU and by Wind/3DP at 1 AU with a longitudinal separation of ~1° between the two spacecraft. SolO/EPD detect three SEE events at ~4-100 keV during 08:00 UT- 09:15 UT, while Wind/3DP only measures one SEE event at 0.6-66 keV between 08:00 UT and 13:00 UT. According to the velocity dispersion analysis, the solar injection’s start-time (peak-time) of the EPD first (third) event agrees with the solar injection’s start-time (peak-time) of the Wind/3DP event within uncertainties. Three SEE events observed by EPD exhibit, respectively, a single-power-law (SPL) energy spectrum with a power-law spectral index of β=3.4±0.1, a double-power-law (DPL) spectrum with a spectral index of β1=4.0±0.3 (β2=5.7±1.5) at energies below (above) a break energy of Eb=23±10 keV, and a DPL spectrum with β1=2.9±0.9 (β2=5.5±2.4) at energies below (above) a break energy of Eb=9±3 keV. The 3DP SEE event shows an SPL energy spectrum with β=3.4±0.2. At ~7 keV, the electron pitch angle width at half maximum is about 13-20° during the event peak-time for the three EPD events, while at 4 keV it is about 47° for the 3DP event. On the other hand, the first and third EPD events are likely accompanied by two HXR microflares measured by SolO/STIX, while the third event are probably associated with three EUV jects measured by SDO/AIA; the 3DP event is associated with the two HXR microflares and three jects. All these microflares/jets, as well as the magnetic field lines connecting to SolO and Wind, originate from the same active region (AR12957). Therefore, we can construct a formation scenario of these SEEs: the three events detected by SolO likely arise from different sources/processes at the Sun; as the electrons propagate from 0.5 AU to 1 AU, the three events merged into one event detected by Wind.

How to cite: Wang, L., Li, W., Ma, Q., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Krucker, S., and Mason, G. M.: Solar Energetic Electron Events Observed by Solar Orbiter and Wind on 2022 March 6, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7591,, 2025.

Detailed analysis of solar energetic particle (SEP) events sometimes strongly suggests that the energetic particles measured by well-connected spacecraft are mainly accelerated by a coronal mass ejection (CME)-driven shock, as for example, the SEP event on 2013 August 19 or on 2022 January 20.

In this study, we analyse the relations between the solar activity and the SEP peak intensities measured by MESSENGER, STEREO and ACE spacecraft during 2010-2015. We investigate the 3D kinematic profile of the CME and associated shock wave from 1 to 15 hours and determine their main morphological (size) and dynamic (propagation and expansion speeds, acceleration) properties. We study their relationship with the main characteristics of the SEP events (for protons and electrons), such as peak flux and timing measured in situ. A summary of the results, implications for the Space Weather research, and comparison with previous works is presented.

How to cite: Rodríguez-García, L.: Acceleration of SEPs in the inner heliosphere. What CME properties account for SEP events?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8043,, 2025.

Multiple interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and the shocks they drive sometimes form shock-ICME interaction regions, where suprathermal electrons can undergo complex and not yet fully understood physical processes. To enhance our understanding of electron acceleration and transportation in these regions, we will present a comprehensive study of a shock-ICME interaction case based on multi-spacecraft observations. From November 29th to December 2nd, 2023, four ICMEs and three ICME-driven shocks were successively observed by SolO (0.84 AU), STEREO-A (0.97 AU), and Wind (0.99 AU), with a maximum longitudinal separation of ~17°. First, we will analyze the electron pitch angle distributions to constrain scattering and/or reflection effects at each location. Secondly, we will self-consistently characterize the energy spectral features of these suprathermal electrons using a recently proposed extended pan-spectrum fitting method (Li et al., 2025). These features will help reveal the origin, acceleration, and transportation processes of suprathermal electrons observed in shock-ICME interaction regions, particularly the different physical scenarios occurring at each interaction phase. Finally, we will compare these suprathermal electrons with those observed near typical interplanetary shocks, in order to assess whether shock-ICME interaction regions provide more efficient acceleration for suprathermal electrons.

How to cite: Ma, Q. and Wang, L.: Multi-spacecraft Observations of Interplanetary Suprathermal Electrons in a Shock-ICME Interaction Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8856,, 2025.

EGU25-13267 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4

Simulating electron acceleration in shocks 

Seve Nyberg, Alexandr Afanasiev, Rami Vainio, and Laura Vuorinen

The presence of energetic electrons in the heliosphere is associated with solar eruptions, but details of the acceleration and transport mechanisms are still unknown. We explore how electrons interact with shock waves under the assumptions of shock drift acceleration (SDA), diffusive shock acceleration (DSA), and stochastic shock drift acceleration (SSDA). Consideration of the shock wave parameter space, such as shock speed, shock obliquity, shock thickness, and plasma density upstream of the shock, helps determine electron spectra and their highest energies. With suitable simulation parameters, the model is able to accelerate thermal electrons to relativistic energies and, additionally, to produce an electron beam upstream of the shock wave, a requirement for the type II radio burst seen in radio observations associated with shock waves and particle acceleration.

This presentation delves into the results of the presented model in regards to electron acceleration and transport within shock waves, contributing to our understanding of solar and interplanetary phenomena and their practical applications in space weather forecasting.

Additionally, the model is developed to be an easy-to-use open source tool for understanding observations of high energy electron populations and the ensuing highly localized radio bursts, integration to other heliosphere plasma models through wrappers, and teaching modeling of particle acceleration in a high-performance computing setting.

This study has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101134999 (SOLER). The presentation reflects only the authors' view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

How to cite: Nyberg, S., Afanasiev, A., Vainio, R., and Vuorinen, L.: Simulating electron acceleration in shocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13267,, 2025.

EGU25-13835 | Orals | ST1.4

On the identification of the solar sources of 3He-rich solar energetic events 

Nariaki Nitta, Radoslav Bucik, Glenn Mason, George Ho, Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert Allen, Athanasios Kouloumvakos, Raul Gomez-Herrero, and Vratislav Krupar

Solar energetic particle (SEP) events with compositional anomalies such as the highly elevated 3He/4He ratio have been known for more than half a century, but their origin is still not well-understood.  This is largely because of the difficulty of identifying their solar sources. In solar cycle 23, thanks to the availability of high-resolution coronal images from SOHO and other missions, coronal jets were found to be the typical solar manifestation of 3He-rich SEP events observed by ACE and Wind. They were often temporally correlated with type III radio bursts and electron events, which often gave the onset times with less uncertainties than the velocity dispersions of the 3He-rich SEP events themselves.  The widely used technique has been to search for jets and related phenomena around the times of the type III bursts that occur in the interval that is estimated from ion data.  However, data from Solar Orbiter in the present solar cycle have revealed 3He-rich SEP events whose solar sources are unidentifiable with this technique because unique jets are not found at the times of the type III bursts. In some cases, it is even hard to find a type III burst. In this work, we further investigate some of these difficult cases including the late October 2022 period, trying to find some clues in high-resolution and differently scaled EUV intensity and difference images. Other possibilities will also be pursued, including subtle changes in global magnetic field configurations (that may be related to observed dropouts) and acceleration above the low corona, etc.  We also discuss how these events may change our views of the solar sources of 3He-rich SEP events that are based on previous results.

How to cite: Nitta, N., Bucik, R., Mason, G., Ho, G., Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Allen, R., Kouloumvakos, A., Gomez-Herrero, R., and Krupar, V.: On the identification of the solar sources of 3He-rich solar energetic events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13835,, 2025.

EGU25-14047 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4

The first observation of later arrival of more energetic particles during solar eruptions observed by the Solar Orbiter mission 

Yuncong Li, JIngnan Guo, Daniel Pacheco, Yuming Wang, Manuela Temmer, Zheyi Ding, and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber

Velocity dispersion (VD) is a common feature of solar energetic particle (SEP) events, in which particles with higher kinetic energies (and thus higher speeds) arrive earlier than those with lower energies. However, recent observations by the Solar Orbiter (SolO) mission have identified a series of SEP events with a previously not reported feature in which particles with higher energies arrive later, apparently exhibiting inverse velocity dispersion (IVD). We analyse several such SEP events and suggest two explanations for this effect: 1) changes in magnetic connectivity between the observer and the outward-propagating shock which continuously accelerates particles; 2) the acceleration time for higher-energy particles is longer during the diffusive shock acceleration process so that they are released later. These observations provided a first opportunity to quantify the energy-dependent release process which greatly advances our understanding of the particle acceleration process.

How to cite: Li, Y., Guo, J., Pacheco, D., Wang, Y., Temmer, M., Ding, Z., and Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.: The first observation of later arrival of more energetic particles during solar eruptions observed by the Solar Orbiter mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14047,, 2025.

At the CLEAR space weather center of excellence, we are building a comprehensive prediction framework for solar energetic particles (SEP) events by integrating physics-based simulations, machine learning techniques, and empirical methods. A cornerstone of this framework is the Solar Wind with Field Line and Energetic Particles (SOFIE) Model, a physics-based approach designed to predict the properties of SEP events, with a focus on the time-intensity profiles across energies ranging from 1 MeV to several hundred MeV, as well as the corresponding time-evolving energy spectra.

The SOFIE model incorporates all major factors influencing the generation and propagation of SEPs. These include: 4π maps of photospheric magnetic fields, corona (1 − 20Rs), inner and middle heliosphere (0.1 AU to Jupiter’s orbit) plasma environment, magnetic connectivity with respect to the solar source, CME initiation, SEP seed population, shock acceleration mechanisms, and energetic particle transport processes.

The background solar wind plasma in the solar corona and heliosphere is modeled by the Alfven Wave Solar-atmosphere Model(-Realtime) (AWSoM(-R)) driven by the magnetic field measurement of the Sun’s photosphere. The model's background solar wind solution is continuously updated using near-real-time, hourly GONG magnetograms. In the background solar wind, the CMEs are launched employing the Eruptive Event Generator using Gibson-Low configuration (EEGGL), by inserting a flux rope estimated from the free magnetic energy in the active region. The acceleration and transport processes are then modeled self-consistently by the multiple magnetic field line tracker (M-FLAMPA). In this work, we present the prototype of the SOFIE model, showcasing its capability to predict the time-intensity profiles and time-evolving energy spectra of SEP events, demonstrated through simulations of historical SEP events.

How to cite: Zhao, L. and Gombosi, T. and the CLEAR Team: Forecasting Time-Intensity profiles of Solar Energetic Particles using the Solar Wind with Field Lines and Energetic Particles (SOFIE) Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14356,, 2025.

We report the energetic proton dynamics around an interplanetary shock driven by a coronal mass ejection (CME). We use the high-resolution EPT instrument onboard the Solar Orbiter to study the local acceleration process of energetic protons. The interplanary shock is observed by the Solar Orbiter on March 14th 2023 at 0.6 au. A magnetic structure is also present 7-minute upstream the shock. The magnetic structure manifests as a BN reservsal and mangetic depression with asymmteric magnetic magnitude on each side. A detailed analysis suggests that the magnetic structure is possibly related to a magnetic reconnection. The magnetic reconnection region is partially crossed by the Solar Orbiter, which passes through the reconnection upstream, the diffusion region and an extended exhaust region in sequence. Upstream the structure, the proton differential flux anisotropy is constant which is dominated by the parallel-propagating energetic protons from the shock. Interestingly, a bipolar-like flux anisotropy is present between the magnetic structure and the shock, while B_R>0 is satisfied all the time. This suggests that some local physical processes may play a role in proton acceleration due to the presence of magnetic reconnection. We also compare the flux spectra upstream and downstream the structure, the spectral indices of which are very different. Our work highlights the importance of magnetic structures/reconnection in particle acceleration, even when the structure is close to the shock.

How to cite: Zhu, X. and Yang, L.: Proton acceleration during the interaction of magnetic structure with interplanery shock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14525,, 2025.

The primary source of suprathermal particles is in the solar corona. These particles are generally considered a seed population to be accelerated to solar energetic particles by coronal mass ejection shocks. Their distribution in the corona is vital for us to understand the production of solar energetic particles. During propagation through interplanetary space, the properties of suprathermal particles can change dramatically by various transport mechanisms, such as scattering, adiabatic cooling, and stochastic acceleration. To link observations made in the interplanetary space to particle distribution in the solar corona, we have developed a focused transport to calculate the propagation effect. This paper will present focused transport model calculations to show how particle scattering and acceleration can affect the evolution of the suprathermal particle spectrum and anisotropy in interplanetary space.

How to cite: Zhang, M.: A focused transport model of suprathermal particles in the interplanetary medium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14948,, 2025.

EGU25-16916 | Posters on site | ST1.4

Transport of high energy protons from a backside solar eruption to produce gamma-ray emission on the front side of the Sun 

Nat Gopalswamy, Pertti Makela, Hong Xie, Sachiko Akiyama, Seiji Yashiro, Stuart Bale, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, and Samuel Krucker

A sustained gamma-ray emission (SGRE) event from the Sun was observed on 2024 September 9 by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on Fermi satellite at energies >100 MeV. SGRE requires the precipitation of >300 MeV protons deep into the photosphere. The SGRE event was associated with a shock-driving coronal mass ejection (CME) that originated ~40 degrees behind the east limb of the Sun. The event was observed by multiple spacecraft such as the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), Parker Solar Probe (PSP),  Solar Orbiter (SO), Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), Wind, and GOES, and by ground-based radio telescopes. Based on observations from SO’s Spectrometer Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX), we estimate that the eruption location to be S17E129. GOES observed a large solar energetic particle (SEP) event but only in the >10 MeV energy channel because of poor magnetic connectivity. However,  SO was well-connected to the eruption region and hence observed high-energy particles.  We infer that >300 MeV particles from the extended shock precipitated on the frontside of the Sun to produce the SGRE event. Forward modeling of the CME using SOHO and STEREO observations indicate that the CME flux rope had  high initial acceleration of the CME (`2.5 km s-2), high speed (2500 km s-1), and associated with type II bursts in the metric to decameter-hectometric (DH) wavelengths. All these properties are characteristic of frontside CMEs that are associated with SGRE events.  Furthermore, the durations of SGRE and type II burst are similar as in longer duration (>3 hours) SGRE events.

How to cite: Gopalswamy, N., Makela, P., Xie, H., Akiyama, S., Yashiro, S., Bale, S., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., and Krucker, S.: Transport of high energy protons from a backside solar eruption to produce gamma-ray emission on the front side of the Sun, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16916,, 2025.

EGU25-18931 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4

Investigating electrons in SEP events observed by Solar Orbiter/EPD/STEP and Solar Orbiter/SWA/EAS with Velocity Dispersion Analysis  

Erik Jentsch, Verena Heidrich-Meisner, and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber

The Sun constantly emits a stream of charged particles, e.g. electrons and protons which is called the solar wind. In addition to this low energetic background, Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events occur and are observed by Solar Orbiter in the inner heliosphere. Here, we are interested in the electron component of SEP events. The Electron Analyzer System (EAS) and the SupraThermal Electron Proton (STEP) sensor on Solar Orbiter measure electrons in the energy range from 1 eV to 5 keV and 2 keV to 60 keV, respectively. The field of view of STEP overlaps with the field of view of the EAS 1 sensor head. SEP events are identified in the STEP data and compared with the electron signal in the EAS data. We utilize this overlap to evaluate the electron measurements in STEP and EAS for at least one selected SEP event. During electron SEP events and times where most of the higher energy bins in EAS 1 are populated, the one dimensional differential energy flux spectra show an overlap within the respective uncertainties. SEP events typically show a velocity dispersion. In a Velocity Dispersion Analysis (VDA), for each energy channel an onset time for the event is determined. Due to the reduced quantum efficiency in the highest energy channels of EAS, higher fluxes are required to detect an SEP event in EAS than in STEP. To increase the signal to noise ratio for the SEP events, EAS bins in all three measurement dimensions, i.e. azimuth, elevation and energy, are chosen depending on the pitch angle coverage of the event. Anisotropic SEP events cover fewer instrumental bins in EAS than isotropic events. To test the uncertainty of the onset times depending on the method several approaches are compared, including a manual identification and the Poisson CUSUM method on the EAS Level 1 count data. The selected event illustrates the importance of considering an energy dependent minimal detection threshold in VDA since VDA relies on the assumption that the earliest detected particles for each energy are indeed the first particles that reach the spacecraft. The VDA is then applied to the STEP data and the results are compared with the EAS results. The instrumental and quantum efficiency driven onset times influence the approximation of the release time of the accelerated particles at the acceleration time, i.e. in the solar corona while neglecting transport effects along the way to the spacecraft. All in all combining EAS and STEP gives us several advantages. (1) It allows us to evaluate the calibration of both instruments. (2) With EAS the VDA is extended to lower energies. (3) In addition the full 360° field of view of EAS helps us to evaluate the anisotropy of SEP events outside the field of view of STEP which are strong enough to produce a signal in the higher EAS energy bins.

How to cite: Jentsch, E., Heidrich-Meisner, V., and Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.: Investigating electrons in SEP events observed by Solar Orbiter/EPD/STEP and Solar Orbiter/SWA/EAS with Velocity Dispersion Analysis , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18931,, 2025.

EGU25-19421 | ECS | Orals | ST1.4

Modeling SEP Acceleration and Transport: A 1D Framework with COCONUT-Derived parameters 

Lidiya Annie John, Rami Vainio, Alexandr Afanasiev, and Stefaan Poedts

Solar energetic particles (SEPs) accelerated in coronal mass ejection (CME)-driven shocks are a critical factor in space weather hazards, yet significant gaps remain in understanding their acceleration mechanisms. While diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) is widely accepted as the primary process, the role of adiabatic focusing in spatially inhomogeneous magnetic fields is poorly understood within one-dimensional DSA theories. Using a Monte Carlo approach within a one-dimensional oblique shock framework, we investigated the effects of adiabatic focusing and particle escape of SEPs. Our model incorporates realistic magnetic field geometries and plasma parameters derived from the COolfluid COroNa UnsTructured (COCONUT) model. The results reveal that magnetic field inhomogeneities significantly influence particle acceleration efficiency and escape dynamics, highlighting the critical role of focusing effects. These findings provide new insights into SEP transport and acceleration, advancing our ability to accurately model particle behavior in CME-driven shocks.

How to cite: Annie John, L., Vainio, R., Afanasiev, A., and Poedts, S.: Modeling SEP Acceleration and Transport: A 1D Framework with COCONUT-Derived parameters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19421,, 2025.

EGU25-1591 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5

Magnetic flux rope evolution and stability in data-driven coronal magnetic field simulations 

Andreas Wagner, Daniel J. Price, Slava Bourgeois, Farhad Daei, Jens Pomoell, Stefaan Poedts, Anshu Kumari, Teresa Barata, Robertus Erdélyi, and Emilia K. J. Kilpua

Data-driven simulations of the solar corona have gathered traction in recent years for modelling the destabilisation of magnetic flux ropes (MFRs). To correctly apply and interpret results from these modelling efforts, it is crucial to understand how MFRs behave in such simulations and why they exhibit certain behaviour. For example, one aspect is to understand what effect does the evolution of the photospheric magnetic field have on the MFR system once it has reached an already unstable state. To probe the effect of data-driving, we first run a fully data-driven time-dependent magnetofrictional (TMF) simulation. Subsequently, we systematically relax the model (i.e., turn off the photospheric driving) at different times and analyse the MFRs' behaviour. In addition to the magnetofrictional relaxation, we also employ a zero-beta magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model for the relaxation part of the analysis and compare the differences. To extract the simulated MFRs we use our novel Graphical User Interface for Tracking and Analysing flux Ropes (GUITAR). We find that even for MFRs that have been found to be eruptive in the relaxation simulations, MFR properties can greatly vary depending on the time of relaxation. Furthermore, there are striking differences between magnetofrictional and MHD relaxation simulations; not all initial TMF states which are eruptive in MHD are eruptive in the magnetofrictional relaxation. Furthermore, not only do the MFR properties significantly vary, but also the interpretation of which instability is at play varies between the two modelling prescriptions. 

How to cite: Wagner, A., Price, D. J., Bourgeois, S., Daei, F., Pomoell, J., Poedts, S., Kumari, A., Barata, T., Erdélyi, R., and Kilpua, E. K. J.: Magnetic flux rope evolution and stability in data-driven coronal magnetic field simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1591,, 2025.

In the present paper, to understand the role of solar winds in the origin of the coronal mass ejections (CMEs)  Phenomena we have studied the relationship between the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) waves phenomena with solar flares, coronal holes, solar winds, and CMEs events. The EIT/ SOHO instrument recorded 176 EIT events during the above period (March 25, 1997-June 17, 1998) and the EIT waves list was published by Thompson & Myers (2009). After temporal matching of EIT wave events with CME phenomena, we find that corresponding to 58 EIT wave events, no CME events were recorded and thus we excluded 58 EIT wave events from the present study. Out of 176 EIT wave events, only 106 are accompanied by CME phenomena. The correlation study of the speed of EIT wave events and CMEs events of 106  events shows poor correlation r= 0.32, indicating that the EIT waves and CMEs events do not have a common mechanism of origin and also indicate that some other factor is working in the formation of  CMEs from EIT waves. Further, we have also matched the spatial matching EIT wave sources as indicated by Thomson & Myers (2009) with CHs and flares and found that CMEs appear to be associated with EIT wave phenomena and CHs.  Earlier  Verma & Pande (1989) and  [3] Verma (1998) indicated that the CMEs may have been produced by some mechanism in which the mass ejected by solar flares or active prominences gets connected with the open magnetic lines of CHs (source of high-speed solar wind streams) and moves along them to appear as CMEs. Most recently Verma & Mittal (2019) proposed a methodology to understand the origin of CMEs through magnetic reconnection of   CHs open magnetic field and solar flares.  In the present paper, we proposed a scenario/ 2-dimensional model in which the origin of CMEs through reconnection of EIT waves and solar winds coming from the CHs and also found that the calculated CMEs velocity after reconnection of EIT waves and solar winds coming from the CHs are in very close to the observed CMEs linear velocity. We also calculated the value of the correlation coefficient between the observed linear velocity of CME events and the calculated value of CME velocity after reconnection and found the value as r=0.884. The value of correlation as r=0.884 is excellent and supports the proposed methodology.  Finally, we have also discussed the role of solar wind phenomena in the formation of CMEs phenomena with other solar phenomena, in the latest scenario of solar heliophysics phenomena.



Thompson, B. J.  &  D. C.  Myers, D. C. (2009) Astrophys. J. Suppl. 183, 225.

 Verma, V. K.  &  Pande, M. C. (1989)  Proc. IAU Colloq. 104  (Poster Papers) , p.239.

 Verma, V. K. (1989)  J.  Geophys Indian Union, 2, 65

Verma, Virendra & Mittal, N.  (2019) Astronomy Letters, 45, 164-176.


How to cite: Verma, V.: Relationship among EIT Waves, Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar Flare, Coronal Holes, and Solar Wind Phenomena , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1798,, 2025.

EGU25-3351 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5

Not All Shocks Are Created Equal: Shock Acceleration During the 2013 April 11 Solar Energetic Particle Event 

Weihao Liu, Tamas Gombosi, Igor Sokolov, and Lulu Zhao and the CLEAR Team

A new shock-capturing tool is introduced to study the coronal mass ejection-driven shock originating from the low solar corona. Multi-spacecraft observations, including SOHO, SDO, GOES, ACE near Earth, and STEREO-A/B, are used for model-data comparison and validation. We show the simulated observables, including extreme ultraviolet and white-light images, shock properties, as well as proton time-intensity profiles and energy spectra, and compare them to observations. Our simulation results demonstrate the efficient integration of the Poisson bracket scheme with a particle solver in the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) for simulating a practical SEP event, as well as the capability of capturing a time-evolving shock surface in the SWMF. 

How to cite: Liu, W., Gombosi, T., Sokolov, I., and Zhao, L. and the CLEAR Team: Not All Shocks Are Created Equal: Shock Acceleration During the 2013 April 11 Solar Energetic Particle Event, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3351,, 2025.

EGU25-4434 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5

The turbulent evolution of an interplanetary magnetic cloud in the expanding solar wind 

Mattia Sangalli, Andrea Verdini, Simone Landi, and Emanuele Papini

Interplanetary coronal mass ejections often carry large-scale magnetic clouds, which display internal substructures and small-scale fluctuations. These complex multi-scale clouds represent the main drivers of geomagnetic storms at Earth, and the amplitude, coherence and variability of their magnetic field all contribute to their geoeffectivity.

We present high resolution simulations of a magnetic cloud interacting with turbulent fluctuations while propagating in the spherically expanding solar wind; we investigate the effects of turbulence on the internal dynamics and magnetic field variability. Our simulations employ the expanding box model, a semi-lagrangian numerical approach that allows to follow the evolution of a parcel of plasma in the spherical solar wind flow, decoupling the small-scale internal dynamics from the large-scale motion.

We recover observed features such as the radial expansion of the structure and the low-temperature and low-beta signatures of magnetic clouds, together with a quite rich internal dynamics. We also find that turbulent reconnection and field transport produce smaller secondary magnetic flux ropes, possibly enhancing the cloud's geoeffectivity; this behaviour might also account for the relatively small magnetic correlation lengths which have been estimated in interplanetary magnetic clouds.

How to cite: Sangalli, M., Verdini, A., Landi, S., and Papini, E.: The turbulent evolution of an interplanetary magnetic cloud in the expanding solar wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4434,, 2025.

EGU25-4695 | Posters on site | ST1.5

An algorithm to derive CME 3D parametersbased on machine learning and double view-point observation 

Rongpei Lin, Yi Yang, and Fang Shen

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are the major sources of severe space weather events, causing potential damages to orbital and ground assets including satellites, space stations and power grids. To avoid the huge economic losses, it is crucial to understand the propagation of CMEs and derive physical parameters especially in 3-dimension for better prediction of CME propagation. We have developed an algorithm to automatically reconstruct CME structure based on double view-point observations and machine learning technique. The algorithm consists of three steps: region acquirement, model construction, function optimization. First, we train two Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to identify the CME in visual observations from the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) COR-2 Coronagraph onboard the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), respectively. The CME region information is then leveraged with the Principal Component Analysis algorithm and Otsu's method. Next, we establish the Graduated Cylindrical Shell (GCS) model and project it into the field of view of the coronagraphs. In the final step, we construct a function to measure the difference between the image of the GCS model and the CME region. Then the optimal 3D CME parameters can be obtained. Several CME events are chosen to show the accuracy and effectiveness of our method. We also conduct a statistical analysis on 127 CME events from 2007 to 2014 to investigate the 2D and 3D parameters of CMEs. Our method can be used to provide CME initial parameters in magnetohydrodymic simulations for accurate prediction and understanding of CME.

How to cite: Lin, R., Yang, Y., and Shen, F.: An algorithm to derive CME 3D parametersbased on machine learning and double view-point observation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4695,, 2025.

EGU25-5088 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5

Change Ratios of Magnetic Helicity and Magnetic Free Energy During Major Solar Flares  

Quan Wang, Mei Zhang, Shangbin Yang, Xiao Yang, and Xiaoshuai Zhu

  Magnetic helicity is an important concept in solar physics, with a number of theoretical statements pointing out the important role of magnetic helicity in solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Here we construct a sample of 47 solar flares, which contains 18 no-CME-associated confined flares and 29 CME-associated eruptive flares. We calculate the change ratios of magnetic helicity and magnetic free energy before and after these 47 flares. Our calculations show that the change ratios of magnetic helicity and magnetic free energy show distinct different distributions in confined flares and eruptive flares. The median value of the change ratios of magnetic helicity in confined flares is -0.8%, while this number is -14.5% for eruptive flares. For the magnetic free energy, the median value of the change ratios is -4.3% for confined flares, whereas this number is -14.6% for eruptive flares. This statistical result, using observational data, is well consistent with the theoretical understandings that magnetic helicity is approximately conserved in the magnetic reconnection, as shown by confined flares, and the CMEs take away magnetic helicity and energy from the corona, as shown by eruptive flares. 

How to cite: Wang, Q., Zhang, M., Yang, S., Yang, X., and Zhu, X.: Change Ratios of Magnetic Helicity and Magnetic Free Energy During Major Solar Flares , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5088,, 2025.

EGU25-6729 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5

Investigating the Dynamics and Variability of ICME Sheaths and Magnetic Obstacles Across Solar Cycles 

Carlos Larrodera, Manuela Temmer, and Matt Owens

We conducted a comprehensive statistical analysis of the evolution of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and their embedded magnetic obstacles with and without driving a sheath. Specifically, we explored the thermal and magnetic pressure within the different CME regions, alongside with the open solar flux (OSF) through various solar cycles. Preliminary results indicate significant differences in the fluctuations of the mean and standard deviation of the magnetic field between solar cycles 23 and 24. The analysis reveals that the sheath total pressure is higher than that of magnetic obstacles, with a notable decrease in pressure from solar cycle 23 to 24. Likewise, the OSF shows a decrease from solar cycle 23 to 24, correlating with the observed CME pressure trends. These findings suggest that the characteristics of ICME sheath regions and magnetic obstacles vary depending on the ambient solar wind conditions present during each individual cycle. This research represents an initial step towards a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics and variability of ICME sheaths, with implications for space weather forecasting and modeling.

How to cite: Larrodera, C., Temmer, M., and Owens, M.: Investigating the Dynamics and Variability of ICME Sheaths and Magnetic Obstacles Across Solar Cycles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6729,, 2025.

EGU25-7448 | Orals | ST1.5

Statistical Analysis of Preconditioning in the Interplanetary MediumInduced by Isolated ICMEs 

Primoz Kajdic, Manuela Temmer, and Xochitl Blanco-Cano

We investigate the effects of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) on the interplanetary (IP) medium, namely the solar wind (SW) and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Our objective is to quantify how ICMEs alter the properties of the IP medium and to determine the degree of preconditioning. The latter occurs when ICMEs modify the IP medium in a way that enables subsequent ICMEs to propagate more efficiently, experience reduced deceleration, and retain higher energy over greater distances. This phenomenon has been proposed in the past to explain some of the shortest ICME travel times, the most intense geomagnetic storms, and the highest-energy ICME ever observed in situ.

Our analysis is based on a statistical study of a carefully curated sample of events. We examine the IP medium during 48-hour intervals before and after the passage of ICMEs. On average, the post-ICME solar wind exhibits reduced density and dynamic pressure, along with increased total velocity. Meanwhile, the trailing IMF becomes more intense and displays a stronger radial alignment. These findings indicate that even relatively moderate ICMEs can significantly precondition the IP medium, potentially influencing the behavior and impact of subsequent events.

How to cite: Kajdic, P., Temmer, M., and Blanco-Cano, X.: Statistical Analysis of Preconditioning in the Interplanetary MediumInduced by Isolated ICMEs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7448,, 2025.

EGU25-8335 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5

Quantifying CME effects on plasma parameters and elemental abundance recovery during a flare event with X-ray spectroscopy 

Saara Takala, Arto Lehtolainen, Emilia Kilpua, Minna Palmroth, Jake Mitchell, Alexander Warmuth, and Juhani Huovelin

The connection between coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar flares has been studied statistically, but the details of this relationship remain largely unknown. Soft X-rays provide us a unique depiction of eruption dynamics due to the coronal first ionization potential (FIP) bias: abundances of low FIP elements are observed to peak at flare onset, and decrease abruptly towards photospheric values during the impulsive phase before recovery. Recovery times have been linked to the time when the plasma is trapped within the magnetic field, suggesting that CMEs delay abundance recovery. This provides a useful tool for studying the characteristics and dynamics of flares and CMEs and their effects on each other.

This study aims to connect flare characteristics to CME properties using soft X-ray spectroscopy and hard X-ray imaging. The temporal evolution of plasma parameters and elemental abundances during the eruption event are analyzed with soft X-ray data from the SUNSTORM 1 X-ray Flux Monitor for CubeSats (XFM-CS). Evolution of the X-ray loop emission source is investigated with a time-series analysis of image reconstructions utilizing The Spectrometer Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) instrument on board Solar Orbiter. CME kinematics are analyzed with a variety of remote-sensing data. The resulting study shows that emission from a post-CME looptop source significantly affects eruption dynamics by slowing down abundance recovery, and relates this evolution to the flare profile. 

How to cite: Takala, S., Lehtolainen, A., Kilpua, E., Palmroth, M., Mitchell, J., Warmuth, A., and Huovelin, J.: Quantifying CME effects on plasma parameters and elemental abundance recovery during a flare event with X-ray spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8335,, 2025.

EGU25-11530 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5

Orientation of the axis of MCs observed by STEREOs in time period 2008-2014 

Juan Javier Jiménez Cuenca, David Arrazola Pérez, Juan José Blanco Ávalos, and Miguel Ángel Hidalgo Moreno

Magnetic clouds (MCs) are closed magnetic structures embedded in interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). They have physical interest by their own, and, more recently, by their Earth magnetosphere effects.

Data from the period 2008-2014 Stereo A and B (MAG, PLASTIC and SWEA PAD sensors) and from different ICME catalogues have been used to elaborate an exhaustive list of MCs.

To establish the boundaries of those  MCs we have used six criteria, like a low-beta plasma or higher magnetic field intensity than the values in calm solar wind conditions.

In this presentation we show the orientation of the axis (latitude and longitude) of all MCs in that period of time as determined by the well-known Hidalgo model for their magnetic topology.


How to cite: Jiménez Cuenca, J. J., Arrazola Pérez, D., Blanco Ávalos, J. J., and Hidalgo Moreno, M. Á.: Orientation of the axis of MCs observed by STEREOs in time period 2008-2014, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11530,, 2025.

EGU25-11725 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5

Modelling the Sun-to-Earth Propagation of CMEs Using a Novel Flux-Rope Model 

Ranadeep Sarkar, Jens Pomoell, and Emilia Kilpua

One of the major challenges in space weather forecasting is to reliably predict the magnetic structure of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) in the near-Earth space. In the framework of global MHD modelling, several efforts have been made to model the CME magnetic field from Sun to Earth. However, it remains challenging to deduce a flux-rope solution that can reliably model the magnetic structure of a CME. Aiming to improve the space-weather forecasting capability, we implement a new flux-rope model in “European heliospheric forecasting information asset” (EUHFORIA). Our flux-rope model includes an initially force-free toroidal flux-rope that is embedded in the low-coronal magnetic field. The embedding technique adds a significant novelty to the state-of-the-art as it preserves the continuity condition of the magnetic field at the flux-rope boundary and maintains the force-free solution of the flux rope. The dynamics of the flux rope in the low and middle corona are solved by a non-uniform advection constrained by the observed kinematics of the event. This results in a global non-toroidal loop-like magnetic structure that locally manifests as a cylindrical structure. At heliospheric distances, the evolution is modeled as a MHD process using EUHFORIA. We assess our model results on several ICMEs, including cases of interacting events. Comparing the model results with the in-situ magnetic field configuration of the ICME at 1 au, we find that the simulated magnetic field profiles of the flux-rope are in very good agreement with the in-situ observations. Therefore, the framework of toroidal model implementation as developed in this study could prove to be a major step-forward in forecasting the geo-effectiveness of CMEs.

How to cite: Sarkar, R., Pomoell, J., and Kilpua, E.: Modelling the Sun-to-Earth Propagation of CMEs Using a Novel Flux-Rope Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11725,, 2025.

EGU25-12587 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5

Analysis of the CME-driven shocks detected through in-situ measurements and remote-sensing observations by multi-spacecraft  

Federica Chiappetta, Silvia Perri, Giuseppe Nisticò, Francesco Pucci, Francesco Malara, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, and Gaetano Zimbardo

Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) represent a natural hazard for the Earth environment, from the instruments on board spacecraft to the electricity networks and astronauts life. These events are produced by solar eruptions such as flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) that spread into the interplanetary space. In this study, we analyze energetic particle fluxes at CME-driven shocks measured in-situ by multiple satellites at different radial distances and longitudes and derive the parameters of the shocks such as the compression ratio, the angle between the magnetic field and the normal to the shock, and the Mach numbers. When it is possible, we compare these quantities with the shock parameters computed at the coronal sources using remote-sensing observations. Following the evolution of the parameters characterizing the CMEs from the source to space will help space weather models to improve predictions on the arrival of SEPs at the Earth. Magnetic field turbulence is also investigated by calculating the power spectral density, the autocorrelation function, in order to derive the turbulence correlation length and the level of magnetic intermittency. This study is achieved in the context of the research project “Data-based predictions of solar energetic particle arrival to the Earth” funded by the Italian Ministry of Research under the grant scheme PRIN-2022-PNRR.

How to cite: Chiappetta, F., Perri, S., Nisticò, G., Pucci, F., Malara, F., Sorriso-Valvo, L., and Zimbardo, G.: Analysis of the CME-driven shocks detected through in-situ measurements and remote-sensing observations by multi-spacecraft , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12587,, 2025.

CMEs interact with the solar wind and heliospheric magnetic field which influence their propagation, expansion as well as internal magnetic structure. We understand these processes on a global level, however we are still lacking a detailed qualitative and quantitative understanding of the CME evolution on a level that could result in a reliable forecast. Our limitations are influenced by uncertainties in measurements as well as uncertainties in associating remote-to-insitu events and observation-to-model comparison. These uncertainties affect not only inputs to our CME propagation models, but also evaluation of the outputs. As an example, we present the newly developed adaptation of the widely used drag-based model (DBM, Vrsnak et al., 2013) for 3D geometry, which should in theory provide more accurate forecast. However, we show that for an arbitrary evaluation sample it does not provide significantly different results from its 2D counterpart.

How to cite: Dumbovic, M.:  Why doesn’t model improvement result in better forecast: the 3D drag-based model for CME propagation example, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12767,, 2025.

EGU25-13015 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5

Evaluation of the Gibson-Low flux rope generation method in coronal mass ejection simulations 

Timothy Keebler, Lulu Zhao, Meng Jin, Igor Sokolov, and Nishtha Sachdeva

The Eruptive Event Generator – Gibson-Low (EEGGL) generates an unstable 3D flux rope from a given synoptic solar magnetogram that can be inserted into magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) coronal simulations for coronal mass ejection (CME) initiation. This model has been used extensively for CME simulation, both for studying the evolution of the CME itself and for generation of solar energetic particles that propagate throughout the heliosphere. EEGGL relies on empirical fitting of test events to find the relationship between the magnetogram, CME parameters, and flux rope geometry and strength. As part of the CLEAR NASA Center of Excellence at the University of Michigan, validation and enhancement of EEGGL is a key deliverable. In this presentation, we provide results from the updated EEGGL with improvements to enhance the robust nature of the code. A statistical validation is performed comparing synthetic white-light coronal images generated by the simulation to coronagraph observations, focusing on CME speed and strength. While past publications have occasionally optimized the flux rope based on a priori knowledge, we use larger statistics from agnostic runs to evaluate model performance. Such steps prepare the model for running in a fully-automated low-latency configuration.

How to cite: Keebler, T., Zhao, L., Jin, M., Sokolov, I., and Sachdeva, N.: Evaluation of the Gibson-Low flux rope generation method in coronal mass ejection simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13015,, 2025.

EGU25-13105 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5

Tomographic Reconstructions of Coronal Mass Ejections with Physics-Informed Neural Radiance Fields 

Robert Jarolim, Chia-Man Hung, Hala Lamdouar, Martin Sanner, Emma Stevenson, Josh Veitch-Michaelis, Ioanna Bouri, Anna Malanushenko, Vit Ruzicka, and Carlos Urbina-Ortega

Coronagraphic observations enable the monitoring of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) through scattered light from free electrons. These observations allow for the estimation of the density, velocity, and propagation direction of the ejected plasma, which is critical for space weather forecasting. However, determining the 3D plasma distribution from 2D imaging data is challenging due to the optically thin medium and the complex image formation processes based on scattered light.

We present a method for 3D tomographic reconstructions of the heliosphere using multi-viewpoint coronagraphic observations. Our method leverages Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) to estimate the electron density in the heliosphere through a ray-tracing approach. The model is optimized by iteratively fitting the time-dependent observational data, accounting for the underlying Thomson scattering of image formation.  Typically, tomographic reconstructions based on a limited number of viewpoints are insufficient to constrain the 3D plasma distribution. To address this, we introduce additional physical constraints, including continuity, solar wind speed, and propagation direction, to enable a physics-informed tomographic reconstruction.

We utilize synthetic observations of CMEs based on GAMERA simulations to evaluate the model's performance with respect to viewpoint positions, physics-based constraints, and CME configurations. The results demonstrate that our method can reliably estimate the CME propagation direction and velocity using two viewpoints. Furthermore, we show that additional viewpoints can be seamlessly integrated, enhancing the reconstruction of the plasma distribution in the heliosphere and improving CME forecasting capabilities. This research underscores the value of physics-informed methods for 3D CME tomography, paving the way for advanced space weather monitoring.

How to cite: Jarolim, R., Hung, C.-M., Lamdouar, H., Sanner, M., Stevenson, E., Veitch-Michaelis, J., Bouri, I., Malanushenko, A., Ruzicka, V., and Urbina-Ortega, C.: Tomographic Reconstructions of Coronal Mass Ejections with Physics-Informed Neural Radiance Fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13105,, 2025.

EGU25-13215 | Orals | ST1.5

Multipoint coronal mass ejection events in solar cycle 25 

Christian Möstl, Eva Weiler, Emma E. Davies, Hannah T. Rüdisser, Ute V. Amerstorfer, Tanja Amerstorfer, Justin Le Louëdec, Maike Bauer, Timothy S. Horbury, and Noé Lugaz

Due to high solar activity, since the launch of Solar Orbiter about 5 years ago, at least 50 solar coronal mass ejection (CME) events have been observed at multiple spacecraft in situ, and more than 70 with at least one in situ and one imaging instrument. This type of measurement is of high importance for several reasons, which are relevant to improve both our basic understanding of the general nature of CMEs and to enhance our space weather forecasting capabilities. I will give an overview of the most important results so far using CME multipoint observations. They have been enabled by especially combining the in situ magnetic field observations made by Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, BepiColombo, near-Earth spacecraft at L1 and STEREO-A. We demonstrate how observations in the inner heliosphere allow us to create a power law for CME evolution seamlessly covering 0.07 to 5.4 au. We discuss results on flux rope coherence in interplanetary space, which is exceedingly relevant for understanding the 3D magnetic flux rope shape, and the applicability of upstream monitors for CME forecasting. Our living catalogs ICMECAT and LineupCAT for single and multipoint CME observations by various spacecraft are presented and are encouraged to be used by the research community. The most recent addition to the fleet of spacecraft enabling these groundbreaking observations is the PUNCH mission planned to be launched in February 2025, which enables polarized heliospheric imaging from Earth orbit. Here, new possibilities to derive the CME 3D structure in combination with in situ magnetic field observations of the same CME emerge. 

How to cite: Möstl, C., Weiler, E., Davies, E. E., Rüdisser, H. T., Amerstorfer, U. V., Amerstorfer, T., Le Louëdec, J., Bauer, M., Horbury, T. S., and Lugaz, N.: Multipoint coronal mass ejection events in solar cycle 25, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13215,, 2025.

EGU25-13899 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5

Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Solar Wind using Data-Driven Numerical Models 

Nishtha Sachdeva, Bart van der Holst, Spiro Antiochos, Ward Manchester, Zhenguang Huang, and Gabor Toth

Numerical modeling of the solar wind and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) is a vital tool for both space weather predictions as well as improving the understanding of CME evolution in the solar wind. We utilize the state-of-the-art 3D MHD model - Alfven Wave Solar atmosphere Model (AWSoM) and a self-consistent CME model - STITCH (Statistical Injection of Helicity Condensation) to simulate the global background solar wind plasma and initiate a CME eruption on the Sun. The STITCH method forms sheared arcades through helicity injection driven purely by photospheric magnetic field observations. These models are utilized to perform a detailed study of the structure and evolution of a CME propagating in the solar wind from the Sun to the Earth using 3D simulation results to probe multiple viewpoints in the corona and the inner heliosphere.

How to cite: Sachdeva, N., van der Holst, B., Antiochos, S., Manchester, W., Huang, Z., and Toth, G.: Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Solar Wind using Data-Driven Numerical Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13899,, 2025.

EGU25-14092 | Orals | ST1.5

High-Resolution Simulations of CME-Solar Wind Interaction in The Heliosphere: A Focus On Mesoscale Structures For PUNCH 

Elena Provornikova, Viacheslav Merkin, Evangelia Samara, Carlos Braga, Anna Malanushenko, Andrew McCubbin, and Sarah Gibson

Understanding mesoscale structures in the solar wind background and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is one of the science objectives of the PUNCH mission to be launched in early 2025. We do not fully understand what processes form these structures and where as well as how they evolve from the outer solar corona through the heliosphere. In anticipation of the detailed high-sensitive large field-of-view PUNCH imaging, MHD simulations capable of modeling the global inner heliosphere while simultaneously resolving structures at mesoscales can help predict what structures we can expect to form in certain CME-solar wind interaction scenarios. We use an efficiently parallelized and scalable physics-based MHD model with numerical algorithms featuring high resolving power to perform global inner heliosphere simulations with CMEs with a high resolution. Using the GAMERA-Helio inner heliosphere model coupled with the Gibson-Low CME model, we model the evolution of a wide and fast CME flux rope through a realistic solar wind background. The simulation resolves spatial scales down to ~0.1 solar radii (~10 Earth radii), enabling, to study mesoscale structures that form in the CME-solar wind interaction in a global context. We discuss the development of ripples and irregularities at the CME shock, compressions, and magnetic field fluctuations in the CME-driven sheath, and connect these structures with the interaction between the CME and background solar wind flows. By computing the total and polarized white light brightness from high-resolution GAMERA MHD simulations, we show how mesoscale structures that form at the CME-solar wind interface appear in synthetic images in the FOV of the PUNCH mission.

How to cite: Provornikova, E., Merkin, V., Samara, E., Braga, C., Malanushenko, A., McCubbin, A., and Gibson, S.: High-Resolution Simulations of CME-Solar Wind Interaction in The Heliosphere: A Focus On Mesoscale Structures For PUNCH, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14092,, 2025.

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the leading driver of space weather and it is vital for space weather forecasting to benefit from a comprehensive understanding of the conditions in which CMEs are initiated. The rotation of sunspots around their umbral center has long been considered an important condition leading to CMEs. To unveil the underlying mechanisms, we carried out a data-driven MHD simulation for the event of a large sunspot with a rotation of days in a solar active region, NOAA 12158, which produced two homologous halo CMEs. Our simulation successfully follows the long-term quasi-static evolution of the active region and the eruptions, with magnetic field structure being highly consistent with the observed coronal emission. The onset time of the simulated eruption is a very good match to the observations. The simulation shows that through the successive rotation of the sunspot, the coronal magnetic field is sheared with a vertical current sheet created progressively. Once fast reconnection sets in at the current sheet, the eruption is instantly triggered, with a highly twisted flux rope originating from the eruption, forming the CME. This data-driven simulation stresses magnetic reconnection as the key mechanism in CMEs resulting from sunspot rotation.

How to cite: Jiang, C.: Data-driven MHD simulation of a sunspot-rotating active region leading to homologous CMEs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14094,, 2025.

EGU25-14219 | Orals | ST1.5

Three-part Structure Formation & Interplanetary Rotation of Mars-Directed Coronal Mass Ejection on 2021 December 4 

Liping Yang, Mengxuan Ma, Fang Shen, Xueshang Feng, Chenglong Shen, Yutian Chi, Yuming Wang, Ming Xiong, Yufen Zhou, Man Zhang, and Xinhua Zhao

In this work, we use multispacecraft observations and a high-resolution numerical simulation to understand the CME event on 2021 December 4, with an emphatic investigation of its three-part structure and rotation. This event is observed as a partial halo CME from the back side of the Sun by coronagraphs and reaches the BepiColombo spacecraft and the MAVEN/Tianwen-1 as a magnetic flux-rope-like structure. It is disclosed that in the solar corona the CME, with no signatures of a prominence at the beginning, evolves into a three-part morphology. The moving and expanding CME produces the high-density front, and the CME’s differential expansion rates lead to the distinct rarefaction rates of the plasma, which results in the formation of the low-density cavity and the high-density core. It is also found that when CME arrives in the interplanetary space, the downside and the right flank of the CME moves with the fast solar wind, and the upside does in the slow-speed stream. The different parts of the CME with different speeds generate the nonidentical displacements of its magnetic structure, resulting in the rotation of the CME in the interplanetary space. These results provide new insight into interpreting CMEs ’ structures and dynamics during their traveling through the solar corona into the heliosphere.

How to cite: Yang, L., Ma, M., Shen, F., Feng, X., Shen, C., Chi, Y., Wang, Y., Xiong, M., Zhou, Y., Zhang, M., and Zhao, X.: Three-part Structure Formation & Interplanetary Rotation of Mars-Directed Coronal Mass Ejection on 2021 December 4, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14219,, 2025.

Filament eruptions are one of the most e ective methods for generating coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar flares. Consequently, understanding their triggering mechanisms and eruption dynamics is a key focus in solar activity research. This study presents a statistical analysis of  filament eruption events and draws the following conclusions: 1) Quiescent filaments (QSFs) are rarely triggered by the reconnection process. When QSFs do experience reconnection, they are typically found in stronger magnetic environments. 2) Reconnection-triggered filaments produce faster CMEs compared to non-reconnection-triggered filaments, affecting both active region filaments (ARFs) and other filaments. Among these, reconnection-triggered intermediate filaments (IFs) exhibit the highest average CME velocity, surpassing ARFs. 3) Most QSFs undergo a prolonged slow rise phase without significant observable signals. The exact underlying mechanism remains unclear, but the helicity condensation theory is proposed as a possible explanation. 4) The average velocity of eruptive QSFs associated with detectable flares is higher than that of ARFs. This suggests that in weaker magnetic environments, reconnection can significantly enhance CME propagation, whereas in active regions, stronger reconnection is required to achieve similar effects.

How to cite: Zou, P.: A statistical study of solar  lament eruptions based on the kinetic evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14222,, 2025.

EGU25-14429 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5

What can suprathermal electron tell us about the topology and evolution of CMEs? 

Fernando Carcaboso, Jaye Verniero, David Lario, Francisco Espinosa Lara, Adam Szabo, and Raúl Gómez-Herrero

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) undergo multiple evolutionary processes during their propagation through the heliosphere, such us deformation, rotation, and erosion. These processes may result from interactions with the ambient solar wind or with other large-scale structures. However, due to the limitation of single-point measurements of solar wind plasma or interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) properties, it is extremely challenging to infer their topology or evolutionary processes that may have undergone.

Suprathermal electrons are continuously emerging from the solar corona along the IMF. They travel faster than the solar wind, and when comparing their intensity to the direction of the IMF (i.e. analysing their pitch-angle distributions, PADs), we can extract fundamental information about the IMF topology and the conditions of the solar wind plasma. Therefore, understanding the behaviour of suprathermal electron PADs during CME encounters sheds light on the IMF that these particles travelled through, which presumably corresponds to their global structure.

Extracting the information from long periods of observations of suprathermal electron PADs, however, can be challenging. Recently, Carcaboso et al. (2020) introduced a robust method to compute large number of suprathermal electron PADs from distinct missions and derive different properties from their shape. This method can, among others, characterise salient features, automatically identify various PAD types –such as bidirectional, isotropic, simple strahl, loss cone, and pancake–, and quantify the degree of anisotropy.

Recent missions like Parker Solar Probe or Solar Orbiter enable us to observe CMEs at varying heliocentric distances during the ongoing solar cycle (SC25), which is crucial to understand their evolution and topology from the initial stages to more advanced phases. This provides a unique opportunity for a thorough analysis of suprathermal electron PADs at different heliocentric distances, offering insights into how CMEs evolve and interact with the solar wind.

By applying the suprathermal electron PAD analysis method introduced by Carcaboso et al. (2020) to the unique data from the most recent heliospheric missions, this work aims to enhance our understanding of CME evolution and global topology.


Carcaboso, F., Gómez-Herrero, R., Lara, F. E., Hidalgo, M. A., Cernuda, I., & Rodríguez-Pacheco, J. (2020). Characterisation of suprathermal electron pitch-angle distributions-Bidirectional and isotropic periods in solar wind. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 635, A79

How to cite: Carcaboso, F., Verniero, J., Lario, D., Espinosa Lara, F., Szabo, A., and Gómez-Herrero, R.: What can suprathermal electron tell us about the topology and evolution of CMEs?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14429,, 2025.

EGU25-15115 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5

 Analysing Turbulence in Coronal Mass Ejections Using Empirical Mode Decomposition  

Akanksha Dagore, Giuseppe Prete, and Vincenzo Carbone

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), originating from the sun's corona, are large-scale eruptions of plasma and magnetic flux that propagate into interplanetary space, and are capable of significantly influencing the dynamic environment of the inner solar system. Previous studies have established that CMEs exhibit turbulent behavior, characterized by energy cascades from larger to smaller scales through the formation of eddies. This study investigates the turbulence properties at different stages of a CME evolution. We divide the CME event into three intervals, characterised by the arrival of the CME shock and the magnetic cloud region. The magnetic field signal was decomposed using the method of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) into intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), which capture inherent oscillatory modes within the data. For each magnetic field component (Bx, By, Bz), we generated Fourier power spectra and Hilbert-Huang spectra, representing the power distribution across frequencies within the three intervals. These spectra can provide insights into the turbulent nature of the magnetic field during the different stages of CME evolution.

How to cite: Dagore, A., Prete, G., and Carbone, V.:  Analysing Turbulence in Coronal Mass Ejections Using Empirical Mode Decomposition , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15115,, 2025.

EGU25-15241 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5

Efficient and Quasi-realistic Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of Coronal Mass Ejection Propagation and Evolution 

Haopeng Wang, Stefaan Poedts, Andrea Lani, Michaela Brchnelova, Luis Linan, Tinatin Baratashvili, Jinghan Guo, Liping Yang, Fan Zhang, Yuhao Zhou, and Rong Lin

Coronal mass ejections (CME) are one of the main drivers of space weather. However, quasi-realistic and efficient numerical modelling of the CME propagation and evolution process in the whole solar-terrestrial space, especially in the sub-Alfvénic corona, is still lacking. Recently, we have made some attempts to improve our ability to model CMEs. 1. We developed an efficient and quasi-realistic time-evolving MHD coronal model which can be used to provide inner-boundary conditions for the inner heliosphere models in practical space weather forecasting.  2. We developed an efficient and time-accurate MHD model of the solar corona and CME to timely and accurately simulate time-varying events in solar corona with low plasma β. 3. We developed an extended magnetic field decomposition strategy to improve the numerical stability of the time-evolving MHD coronal models in solving low-β issues. 4. We are conducting some faster-than-real-time CME simulations from the solar surface to 1 AU based on the work mentioned above. In this work, the solar-terrestrial space is covered by extending the coronal model to 1 AU or by coupling the coronal model with an inner heliosphere model. These MHD models are demonstrated to be very efficient and numerically stable and are promising to timely and accurately simulate time-varying events in solar-terrestrial space for practical space weather forecasting. I'd like to share our research work at EGU conference and call for more collaborations to perform more interesting research works.

How to cite: Wang, H., Poedts, S., Lani, A., Brchnelova, M., Linan, L., Baratashvili, T., Guo, J., Yang, L., Zhang, F., Zhou, Y., and Lin, R.: Efficient and Quasi-realistic Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of Coronal Mass Ejection Propagation and Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15241,, 2025.

EGU25-17289 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5 | Highlight | ST Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture

Footprints of Giants – Exploring Early Diagnostics of Coronal Mass Ejections Through Coronal Dimmings 

Karin Dissauer

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale eruptions of magnetized plasma from the Sun's lower atmosphere, significantly influencing space weather and planetary environments. To improve predictions of CME arrival and their impacts on Earth and its surroundings, a deeper understanding of their origins, initiation, and complex early evolution is crucial. While coronagraphic observations have been essential for studying the dynamics of CMEs, they cannot capture the initial, critical phase of CME development. Consequently, investigating indirect phenomena in the lower solar atmosphere has become essential. One of the most prominent indirect indicators associated with CMEs is coronal dimming. These are localized, sudden decreases in coronal emission observed at extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray wavelengths, which evolve rapidly during the lift-off and early expansion phases of CMEs. Coronal dimmings have been interpreted both as “footprints” of the erupting magnetic structure and as indicators of coronal mass loss in the lower corona.

I will review recent advancements in using coronal dimmings to diagnose CMEs. Topics covered will include statistical studies linking dimming characteristics to CME mass and speed, the use of dimmings as early indicators of CME propagation direction, and insights into the magnetic topology and reconfiguration of the early CME stages based on dimming locations and fine structure. Additionally, the potential role of dimmings in the pre-event phase preceding CME onset will be discussed. Finally, I will highlight future research directions and underexplored areas in CME science, emphasizing the untapped potential of coronal dimmings in advancing our understanding of these dynamic solar events.

How to cite: Dissauer, K.: Footprints of Giants – Exploring Early Diagnostics of Coronal Mass Ejections Through Coronal Dimmings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17289,, 2025.

EGU25-17746 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5

Advanced flux-rope CME models in EUHFORIA and coupling with COCONUT 

Luis Linan, Tinatin Baratashvili, Anwesha Maharana, Jinhan Guo, Andrea Lani, Brigitte Schmieder, and Stefaan Poedts

Predicting the geo-effectiveness of CMEs relies on accurate modeling of their propagation and interaction with the solar wind. EUHFORIA (EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset) is a state-of-the-art 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model designed to model the evolution of CMEs in the heliosphere. I will present the several advanced CME models implemented in EUHFORIA, including the spheromak model, Fri3D (Flux-Rope in 3D), spheromak, and two toroidal CME models (Soloviev and Miller-Turner based models). Additionally, a more recent deep learning-based model, PINN, has been developed and implemented in EUHFORIA to enable access to toroidal magnetic field distributions that are otherwise not analytically accessible or computationally expensive to obtain. 

I will also present the latest advancement in EUHFORIA: its coupling with the global MHD coronal model COCONUT (COolfluid COroNal UnsTructured). While EUHFORIA injects CME models at 0.1 AU, this approach omits critical interactions occurring near the Sun, where the CME engages with the structured solar wind. COCONUT addresses this limitation by simulating the solar corona, starting from the solar surface and extending to 0.1 AU, using observed magnetograms to produce a realistic solar wind environment. This coupling enables us to track the propagation of a CME from its launch at the Sun’s surface through the corona and into the heliosphere. By aligning the outer boundary of COCONUT with the inner boundary of EUHFORIA, we ensure a seamless transfer of CME properties, including its magnetic field structure and plasma characteristics.

I will present the first results of this coupling, showcasing how different flux-rope CME models (e.g., Titov-Démoulin and RBSL) propagate dynamically through the coupled domain. This innovative integration marks a significant step forward in our ability to predict CME impacts and understand the physics driving space weather events.

How to cite: Linan, L., Baratashvili, T., Maharana, A., Guo, J., Lani, A., Schmieder, B., and Poedts, S.: Advanced flux-rope CME models in EUHFORIA and coupling with COCONUT, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17746,, 2025.

EGU25-19089 | Orals | ST1.5

On the Complex Magnetic Topology of Coronal Mass Ejections: An Enhanced Paradigm 

Nada Al-Haddad, Noé Lugaz, Mitchell Berger, and Charles Farrugia

The prevailing view of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) has long been that their magnetic field structure is best described by a highly twisted, circular cross-section magnetic flux rope model. This concept, which emerged from studies in the 1970s and 1980s, has become the foundation for most common CME depictions and has inspired various fitting models developed in the 1990s and 2000s. These models aim to provide three-dimensional visualizations of data from remote sensing and in situ measurements.

However, the landscape of CME research has evolved significantly since this paradigm's inception. A wealth of new data has emerged, including multi-point measurements, remote heliospheric observations, advanced physical models, and sophisticated numerical simulations. Collectively, these advancements have revealed that while the traditional paradigm explains certain CME characteristics, it falls short in capturing the full complexity of magnetic field structures in many instances.

This work provides a comprehensive review of four decades of continuous observations and ongoing research since the introduction of the highly twisted circular cross-section flux rope model. It proposes a more nuanced and realistic representation that better reflects the true intricacy of magnetic ejecta within CMEs. It also propses a new method to visualizing and quantifying the magnetic confuguration through the extraction of the magnetic helicity of CMEs during their journey to 1 AU, utilizing 3-D magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations.

How to cite: Al-Haddad, N., Lugaz, N., Berger, M., and Farrugia, C.: On the Complex Magnetic Topology of Coronal Mass Ejections: An Enhanced Paradigm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19089,, 2025.

EGU25-1388 | Posters on site | ST1.7

Platform of adaptive algorithms for global simulations of planetary space weather 

Ilja Honkonen, Riku Jarvinen, and David Phillips

We present a new free and open source (FOSS) simulation platform under development at the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Building on top of our existing space weather models for Earth, Mercury and other planets, the aim is to enable efficient global simulations of plasma interactions in the solar system and beyond, including unmagnetized and magnetized planetary bodies with and without atmospheres and ionospheres. Our development focuses on a flexible combination of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), hybrid particle-in-cell (PIC) and full-kinetic methods. Fast time to solution is achieved via runtime adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), temporal substepping and massively parallel implementation using the message passing interface (MPI) and open multi-processing (OpenMP). We describe our approaches to combining different physical solutions within the same simulated volume and combining AMR with substepping. We verify the implementation against a plethora of test cases in one, two and three dimensions, and also discuss initial results from simulations of Mercury and BepiColombo flybys using particle and MHD approaches and highlight the largest differences.

How to cite: Honkonen, I., Jarvinen, R., and Phillips, D.: Platform of adaptive algorithms for global simulations of planetary space weather, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1388,, 2025.

EGU25-1415 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7

Plasma waves in a global ion-kinetic hybrid simulation for Mercury's space weather 

David Phillips, Riku Jarvinen, Ilja Honkonen, and Esa Kallio

We present analyses of plasma wave modes in our global hybrid particle-in-cell simulation code, RHybrid, for flowing planetary plasma interactions. The model treats ions as macroscopic particle clouds moving under the Lorentz force while electrons are a charge-neutralising, massless fluid. Magnetic field is advanced by Faraday's law and coupled self-consistently with ion dynamics (ion charge density and ion electric current density) via non-radiative Maxwell's equations. We describe analyses of several test cases, like random initial conditions and backstreaming suprathermal populations, compared against known solutions, observations and previous results from local and global modeling, including Mercury-type solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field conditions. The results show dispersion relations, parameter correlations, polarisations and more. We discuss the accuracy of modelling of theoretical results, including properties of whistler, Alfvén and magnetosonic waves, and ion-ion streaming instabilities in RHybrid. With this work, we prepare for further development of the Finnish Meteorological Institute's free and open source space weather particle simulation platforms, and for the interpretation of upcoming observations from the BepiColombo mission.

How to cite: Phillips, D., Jarvinen, R., Honkonen, I., and Kallio, E.: Plasma waves in a global ion-kinetic hybrid simulation for Mercury's space weather, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1415,, 2025.

EGU25-2097 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7

The role of nonthermal electron distribution in triggering electrostatic ion-acoustic instability near the Sun 

Mahmoud Saad Afify, Jürgen Dreher, Stuart O'Neill, and Maria Elena Innocenti

Discoveries by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) highlight the significance of nonthermal distributions in triggering ion-scale instabilities (Verniero et al. 2020, 2022; An et al. 2024; Liu et al. 2024). In this study, we show how the electron nonthermal (kappa) distribution could change the onset threshold of the ion-acoustic instability (IAI) recently observed by PSP (Mozer et al. 2021, 2023; Kellogg et al. 2024) between 15 and 25 solar radii and modeled by Afify et al. (2024). We perform analytical studies and kinetic simulations using the Vlasov-Poisson code with a parameter regime relevant to PSP observations. A setup of kappa-distributed electrons and two counterstreaming Maxwellian ion distributions (a core and a beam) is shown to be unstable w.r.t. the IAI, however, the electron-to-core and beam-to-core temperature ratios are slightly different from those recorded by PSP. The simulated growth rates have been validated by the kinetic theory. In the saturation regime, we do observe the formation of ion holes in the beam phase-space density. With large kappa values, the ion-acoustic waves interacted substantially with the beam, for instance, κ = 20, and shifted away from the beam with lower kappa values, for instance,  κ = 5 and 7. Our findings confirm that protons exhibit reduced resonance in the presence of kappa electrons, and the electron heating observed by PSP during the presence of IAI is not replicated in our simulation (Mozer et al. 2022).


Afify, M. A., Dreher, J., Schoeffler, K., Micera, A., & Innocenti, M. E. 2024, APJ, 971, 93
An, X., Artemyev, A., Angelopoulos, V., et al. 2024, PRL, 133, 225201.
Kellogg, P. J., Mozer, F. S., Moncuquet, M., et al. 2024, ApJ 964, 68.
Liu, W., Jia, H., & Liu, S. 2024, AJL 963, L36.
Mozer, F., Bale, S., Kellogg, P., et al. 2023, Phys. Plasmas, 062111, 30
Mozer, F. S., Bale, S. D., Cattell, C. A., et al. 2022, AJL 927, L15.
Mozer, F. S., Vasko, I. Y., & Verniero, J. L. 2021, ApJL, 919, L2.
Verniero, J. L., Chandran, B. D. G., Larson, D. E., et al. 2022, ApJ, 924, 112
Verniero, J. L., Larson, D., Bowen, T. A., et al. 2020, ApJS, 248, 5

How to cite: Afify, M. S., Dreher, J., O'Neill, S., and Innocenti, M. E.: The role of nonthermal electron distribution in triggering electrostatic ion-acoustic instability near the Sun, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2097,, 2025.

A flattop distribution is one of the most characteristic non-Maxwellian velocity distributions in space plasmas. It is often observed in collisionless shocks and reconnection sites in near-Earth space. In this contribution, we discuss a numerical approach to study a flattop plasma in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. Specifically, we propose two numerical methods for randomly generating flattop-distributed velocities: a piecewise rejection method and a transform method from a gamma-distributed random number. Their usability is briefly compared.
Gamma-distributed random numbers are useful for generating flattop and other distributions. However, random number generators (RNGs) for gamma distribution may not be always efficient. Here, we propose a novel RNG algorithm for gamma distribution with shape parameter less than unity, based on the generalized exponential distribution and the squeeze method [1]. Numerical tests show that the proposed method is one of the best two in this category.

[1] S. Zenitani, Economics Bulletin, 44, 1113-1122 (2024), arXiv:2411.01415

How to cite: Zenitani, S.: Random number generation in kinetic plasma simulation: flattop and gamma distributions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2192,, 2025.

The magnetohydrodynamic model of the solar high-temperature atmosphere is an important plasma model, which can reproduce many important features in simulating solar coronal plasma and magnetic field processes. However, the assumption of the MHD model may fail during highly dynamic and transient events, such as magnetic reconnection, and plasma heating, and in partially ionised structures such as the chromosphere, sunspots, and coronal rain. Therefore, a two-fluid MHD model with ions and neutral components can simulate many new phenomena. This study considers the two- fluid effects of solar plasma, and investigates the modification to traditional MHD models by including neutral components. We simulated MHD waves, and loop top turbulences in partially ionised plasma in sunspots or chromospheric flows. We focus on the separation of ions and neutral components in energy transfer processes and the potential contribution of neutral components to the nascent solar wind. Our simulations show that two-fluid effects would contribute significantly to solar plasma heating by collisional friction, and lead to the leakage of neutral components across the magnetic field lines and escape to the corona, it completely revolutionised our understanding of the corona, in which the role of the neutral component was neglected.

How to cite: Yuan, D. and Kuzma, B.: Two-fluid magnetohydrodynamic effects in the high-temperature atmosphere of the sun and their new perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2724,, 2025.

EGU25-3036 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7

Magnetohydrodynamic wave as a tool for solar plasma diagnostics and heating 

Libo Fu, Ding Yuan, Błażej Kuźma, and Yuandeng Shen

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves interact with the solar magnetic structures and have the potential to heat solar plasma and be used as a tool for plasma diagnostics. Despite extensive research, the precise mechanisms by which waves contribute to energy transport and dissipation remain incompletely understood. Additionally, utilizing wave characteristics for accurate diagnostics of the coronal plasma structure presents a significant challenge. Here, we utilize the Goode Solar Telescope to demonstrate transverse oscillations of the dark fibrils within the umbra of a sunspot and investigate their role in plasma heating. Additionally, we use EUV observations to show a quasi-periodic fast-mode MHD wave passing through a coronal hole could serve as a tool for plasma diagnostics. Our study finds that transverse oscillations are prevalent in the umbra of sunspots and carry a wave energy flux that significantly exceeds the loss rate of the solar active regions. Furthermore, the discovery of the MHD wave lensing effect provides a new mechanism for coronal hole diagnostics, with potential application to polar regions. These findings confirm the crucial role of MHD waves in coronal heating and demonstrate their potential as diagnostic tools for coronal plasma parameters. The studies provide new perspectives for understanding the multi-scale energy conversion and wave-magnetic field interactions in the solar atmosphere.

How to cite: Fu, L., Yuan, D., Kuźma, B., and Shen, Y.: Magnetohydrodynamic wave as a tool for solar plasma diagnostics and heating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3036,, 2025.

EGU25-3046 | Orals | ST1.7

The role of current helicity in driving solar dynamo 

Mei Zhang and Yuhong Fan

A series of numerical simulations of convective dynamo, with varying grid resolution, with or without explicit magnetic diffusivity and viscosity, are presented and analyzed. It is found that in the simulations, with the increase of Reynolds number, the magnitude of current helicity increases dramatically, whereas the variation of kinetic helicity is very moderate. The competition between the kinetic helicity term and the current helicity term of the alpha coefficient results in an interesting behavior of the large-scale magnetic fields that resembles the ``dynamo-disappear-and-recover" phenomena reported in Hotta et al. 2016 Science paper. Our simulation and analysis suggest that, the role of current helicity first functions to suppress the dynamo, as the convectional $\alpha$-quenching concept states, but then functions to drive the dynamo, instead of quenching it, after a critical Reynolds number is exceeded.

How to cite: Zhang, M. and Fan, Y.: The role of current helicity in driving solar dynamo, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3046,, 2025.

EGU25-3962 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7

A Novel Poloidal-Toroidal Approach for Spherical Force-Free Field Reconstruction of Coronal Magnetic Fields 

Sibaek Yi, Gwang-Son Choe, Sunjung Kim, and Minseon Lee

Understanding solar eruptive phenomena requires accurate information about the coronal magnetic field. However, due to current technological limitations, direct measurement of the coronal magnetic field in three dimensions remains nearly impossible. Consequently, it is often approximated as a force-free field (FFF) using vector magnetogram data, which provide the three components of the magnetic field on the two-dimensional photospheric surface as boundary conditions.

Previously, we introduced a novel method for reconstructing coronal magnetic fields based on the poloidal-toroidal (PT) representation, which led to the development of the NFPT (Nonvariational Force-Free Field Code in Poloidal-Toroidal Formulation) in Cartesian coordinates. However, this approach did not account for the spherical geometry of the Sun's surface.

In this study, we present an improved FFF code that operates in spherical coordinates, incorporating the PT representation. This approach facilitates straightforward implementation of photospheric boundary conditions, with vector magnetogram data used as input. In our code, the source-surface top boundary is set at 2.5 solar radii, where the source surface region is believed to exist. The new code has been validated against analytic models by Low and Lou (1990) and compared with other FFF codes. This spherical-coordinate-based code aims to improve the accuracy of magnetic field information in an equilibrium state, thereby bringing qualitative enhancements to the initial conditions for global heliospheric modeling.

How to cite: Yi, S., Choe, G.-S., Kim, S., and Lee, M.: A Novel Poloidal-Toroidal Approach for Spherical Force-Free Field Reconstruction of Coronal Magnetic Fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3962,, 2025.

We explored the origin of quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) in multiple wavelengths of a white-light flare, which occurred at the edge of a sunspot group. A short period at about 3 minutes is simultaneously observed in wavebands of HXR, microwave, and Lyα during the flare impulsive phase. The onset of flare QPPs is almost simultaneous with the start of magnetic cancellation between positive and negative fields, indicating that it is most likely triggered by accelerated electrons that are associated with periodic magnetic reconnections. A long period at about 8 minutes is only detected in the white-light emission, suggesting the presence of cutoff frequency. The similar periods of 3 and 8 minutes are measured at the umbra and penumbra in the adjacent sunspot. Moreover, the NLFFF extrapolation results suggest that the flare area and sunspots are connected by the magnetic field lines. Our observations support the scenario that the short-period QPP is modulated by the slow magnetoacoustic wave originating from the sunspot umbra, while the long-period QPP is probably modulated by the slow-mode magnetoacoustic gravity wave leaking from the sunspot penumbra.

How to cite: Li, D.: Exploring the origin of quasi-periodic pulsations during a white-light flare, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3997,, 2025.

EGU25-4616 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7

Kinetic-Hybrid Simulations of Counter-Propagating Ion Cyclotron Waves and Proton Scattering in the Near-Sun Solar Wind 

Yifan Wu, Chen Shi, Jinsong Zhao, and Xin Tao

Ion cyclotron waves (ICWs) are prevalent in the near-Sun solar wind and play a significant role in the nonadiabatic heating of plasma. Recent observations from the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) have revealed the simultaneous presence of anti-sunward and sunward ICWs in the vicinity of the Alfvén surface. However, single-satellite observations cannot effectively trace the generation and evolution of these observed waves. To address this limitation, we employ kinetic-hybrid simulations to replicate the generation and evolution of counter-propagating ICWs under typical plasma conditions in the near-Sun solar wind. Following the linear growth phase, the simulated waves exhibit amplitude and polarization characteristics that closely match the observations. Additionally, our simulation illustrates proton scattering and helium heating induced by the counter-propagating waves. These results underscore the significance of locally generated ICWs in influencing solar wind ion dynamics.

How to cite: Wu, Y., Shi, C., Zhao, J., and Tao, X.: Kinetic-Hybrid Simulations of Counter-Propagating Ion Cyclotron Waves and Proton Scattering in the Near-Sun Solar Wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4616,, 2025.

EGU25-5369 | Orals | ST1.7

A  Simulation of Energy Exchange from Magnetotail Reconnection to the Inner Magnetosphere 

Raymond Walker and Liutauras Rusiatis

We have used a particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulation combined with a global MHD simulation to investigate energy transport from reconnection in the magnetotail to the inner magnetosphere. Initially, we ran an MHD simulation driven by nominal solar wind parameters and southward IMF. After reconnection starts in the magnetotail, we loaded the PIC simulation with plasma based on the MHD parameters. The PIC simulation extended from the solar wind outside of the bow shock to beyond the reconnection region in the tail and was run for 1m 47s. During that time, particles from the reconnection region reached the inner magnetosphere. We evaluated the transport of energy by examining the ion and electron energy fluxes, the Poynting flux and the changes in the particle and electromagnetic power densities in the simulation box as functions of time. We evaluated the changes in the energy densities by examining the divergences of the ion and electron energy fluxes and the Poynting flux. The particles move earthward in narrow channels like bursty-bulk-flows (BBFs). The Poynting power density is smaller than the ion particle power density. The ion kinetic power density is larger than the thermal power density. The energy exchange between kinetic energy and thermal energy is determined by the off-diagonal terms in the pressure tensor.


How to cite: Walker, R. and Rusiatis, L.: A  Simulation of Energy Exchange from Magnetotail Reconnection to the Inner Magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5369,, 2025.

EGU25-5598 | Orals | ST1.7 | Highlight

Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Modeling of Solar Wind Near Mars by Combinng with data assimilation method 

Fang Shen, Hanke Zhang, Yi Yang, Yutian Chi, Chenglong Shen, and Xinyi Tao

Combined with data assimilation methods, a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical model is an effective tool to explore the mechanism of space weather. As a driver of space weather, the dynamic development of stream interaction regions (SIRs) near the orbit of Mars is an area of active research. In this study, we use the interplanetary total variation diminishing (TVD) MHD model to simulate solar wind parameters and
model SIRs near Mars from 2021 November 15 to 2021 December 31. In this model, the MHD equations are solved by the conservation TVD Lax–Friedrichs scheme in a rotating spherical coordinate system with six component meshes used on the spherical shell. Solar wind velocity, density, temperature, and magnetic field strength are given at the inner boundary due to the characteristic waves propagating outward. We compared modeled results with observations from Mars Atmospheric Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) and Tianwen-1 (China’s first Mars exploration mission). Statistical analysis shows that the simulated results can capture SIRs and are in good agreement with observations; moreover, the assimilated results based on the Kalman filter improve the accuracy of numerical prediction compared with simulated results. This paper is the first attempt to simulate SIR events combined with MAVEN and Tianwen-1 in situ observations. Our work demonstrates that using the MHD model with the Kalman filter to reconstruct solar wind parameters can help us study the characteristics of SIRs near Mars, improve the capabilities of space weather forecasting, and understand the background solar wind environment.

How to cite: Shen, F., Zhang, H., Yang, Y., Chi, Y., Shen, C., and Tao, X.: Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Modeling of Solar Wind Near Mars by Combinng with data assimilation method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5598,, 2025.

EGU25-6157 | Posters on site | ST1.7

Coherent Wave Excitation by Energetic Ring-beam Electrons in Inhomogeneous Solar Corona 

Xiaowei Zhou, Patricio Munoz, Jan Benacek, Lijie Zhang, Dejin Wu, Ling Chen, Zongjun Ning, and Joerg Buechner

Coherent radio emission mechanism of solar radio bursts is one of the most complicated and controversial topics in the solar physics. To clarify mechanism of different types of solar radio bursts, (radio) wave excitation by energetic electrons in homogeneous plasmas has been widely studied via particle-in-cell (PIC) code numerical simulations. In this study, we, however, investigate effects of inhomogeneity in plasmas of the solar coronal on wave excitation by ring-beam distributed energetic electrons utilizing 2.5-dimensional PIC simulations. Disequilibrium introduced by the inhomogeneous magnetic field is balanced by either inhomogeneous density or inhomogeneous temperature of the background plasma. Both the beam and electron cyclotron maser (ECM) instabilities could be triggered with the presence of the energetic ring-beam electrons. Onset of the ECM instability is, however, later than the beam instability to excite waves in this study. The resultant spectrum of the excited electromagnetic waves presents a zebra-stripe pattern in the frequency space. The inhomogeneous density or temperature in plasmas would, however, influence the frequency bandwidth, excitation location of these excited waves. This study will, hence, help diagnose the plasma properties at the generation sites of solar radio bursts. Applications of this study to solar radio bursts (e.g., solar type V, zebra-pattern radio burst) will be discussed.

How to cite: Zhou, X., Munoz, P., Benacek, J., Zhang, L., Wu, D., Chen, L., Ning, Z., and Buechner, J.: Coherent Wave Excitation by Energetic Ring-beam Electrons in Inhomogeneous Solar Corona, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6157,, 2025.

EGU25-6853 | Posters on site | ST1.7

Self-consistently generated, evolving and propagating interplanetary shocks with 3D hybrid simulations 

Emanuele Cazzola, Dominique Fontaine, and Philippe Savoini

Interplanetary shocks (IPs) are ubiquitous in the Heliosphere, and are particularly relevant when associated to Stream Interaction Regions and Coronal Mass Ejections due to their great geomagnetic effectiveness on Earth. As their evolution and propagation may vary based on the different interplanetary conditions, it is crucial to study the shocks characteristics under different scenarios to gain a better understanding of the different types of interactions with the near-Earth environment.  

In this work, we propose a systematic analysis of the evolution, propagation and characterization of self-consistently generated interplanetary shocks under different conditions, such as different interplanetary magnetic field intensity, direction and particles density, velocity, by means of hybrid computer simulations (fluid electrons, kinetic ions).  The use of a hybrid formalism allows us to simulate large domains necessary for the shocks to form and evolve, by still retaining the kinetic information, which is fundamental to consider important kinetic effects, e.g., in supercritical shock-fronts. 

In particular, upon setting up an initial steepening velocity profile between slower and faster velocities, we observe this profile to evolve in a two boundaries-structure, separated by a turbulent sheath.  We first qualify these boundaries relative to the structure expected from steady shocks, we estimate their respective velocity and their compression factor. We also analyse the main characteristics of the turbulent sheath, which propages at an intermediate velocity with a enhanced magnetic field and transverse components in the magnetic field and velocity. All these features are consistent with observations of SIRs at 1 AU (e.g., Jian+, 2006). Moreover, we also discuss the effects of different IMF orientations on the shock dynamics, as the different kinetic effects between a quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel configuration at the shock can bring to significant differences in the shock-front propagation and the related donwstream sheath turbulence.

How to cite: Cazzola, E., Fontaine, D., and Savoini, P.: Self-consistently generated, evolving and propagating interplanetary shocks with 3D hybrid simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6853,, 2025.

EGU25-8769 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7

Beam-driven evaporation in 2.5D flare simulations with an asymmetric magnetic field configuration 

Maxime Dubart, Malcolm Druett, and Rony Keppens

The standard flare model is in generally depicted and studied in 2D simulations with an anti-symmetrical magnetic field configuration, symmetrical in magnitude, either side of the polarity inversion line. However, flare observations confirm that most flare have a significantly asymmetrical values of the magnetic field strength. 

Here we present the first multi-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flare simulation featuring evaporation driven by energetic electron beams in an asymmetrical magnetic field configuration. The simulation conditions that we use are known to rely significantly on those beams of electrons to drive the evaporated plasma upwards from the lower atmosphere (Druett et al. 2023). We study the impact of an asymmetrical configuration on the evolution and geometry of the flare-loop system as well as the impacts on the beam-driven evaporation using the MPI-AMRVAC model.

This results in multiple Hard X-Rays deposition sites in the lower atmosphere, Hard X-Rays sources forming at the top of the flare loop, and a sustained rotating flux rope structure with associated footpoint electron deposition flux.

How to cite: Dubart, M., Druett, M., and Keppens, R.: Beam-driven evaporation in 2.5D flare simulations with an asymmetric magnetic field configuration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8769,, 2025.

EGU25-11264 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7

Adaptive mesh and model refinement for numerical plasma models 

Ulysse Caromel, Nicolas Aunai, Roch Smets, and Philip Deegan

The next generation of numerical plasma models need to have the capacity to address multi-scale problems for which fluid-only codes miss physics and pure kinetic codes are too computationally heavy. The code PHARE, currently being developed, aims at enabling the evolution of complex plasma systems over a dynamic hierarchy of grids with different mesh resolutions and potentially different plasma formalisms as well. This Adaptive Mesh and Model Refinement (AM2R) will provide better resolution and better realism to the solution where and when assessed necessary. This work will present the ongoing progress on the project, regarding the AMR Hybrid-PIC and AMR Hall-MHD solvers.

How to cite: Caromel, U., Aunai, N., Smets, R., and Deegan, P.: Adaptive mesh and model refinement for numerical plasma models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11264,, 2025.

EGU25-13772 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7

Kinetic Effects of Rotational Discontinuities on Maxwellian and Non-Maxwellian plasmas 

Rong Lin, Fabio Bacchini, and Jiansen He

Rotational discontinuities (RDs) are considered in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) as a kind of stable, persistent structure. As recent observations have shown, RDs may effectively describe the boundaries of switchbacks in the solar wind, around / inside which the plasma is highly dynamic and with phase space density variations. Because of the low collisionality of the solar wind, it may be worthwhile to revisit RDs with a kinetic approach. We therefore model the the plasma in RDs representing switchbacks with the state-of-the-art full-particle simulation code ECSim, and discuss the kinetic effects occurring in RD plasmas, including proton heating, anisotropy alternation, and modification of a core-beam composition, as well as the potential implications for the nature of switchbacks.

How to cite: Lin, R., Bacchini, F., and He, J.: Kinetic Effects of Rotational Discontinuities on Maxwellian and Non-Maxwellian plasmas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13772,, 2025.

In collisionless plasmas such as the solar wind, the particle velocity distributions can be shaped by various wave-particle interactions, which lead to effective energy transfer between electromagnetic fields and particles. The commonly-observed quasi-monochromic waves by in-situ satellites are widely believed to be generated by plasma instabilities via wave-particle interactions. Thus, how to quantify the role(s) of wave-particle interactions in plasma instabilities is a fundamental problem in the space plasma community. Recently, we developed a theoretical method quantifying both resonant and nonresonant wave-particle interactions, and we performed the comprehensive analyses on ion temperature anisotropy instabilities in the solar wind. This report will introduce new findings.

How to cite: Zhao, J.: Quantifying wave-particle interactions in ion temperature anisotropy instabilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13988,, 2025.

Modeling Solar magnetic field in the corona is very important to understand the solar eruption and heating mechanism. However, the direct measurements of solar magnetic field in the solar corona is still taking a great challenge not only in the high accurate measurements of solar polarization signal, but also in the inversion approach for the Optic-thin condition of corona atmosphere. Existence and uniqueness in the force-free/Non-force-free extrapolation in the solar corona is still unknown. Magnetic helicity, as a topological invariant, has become a key factor in exploring the generation of magnetic fields within the Sun, solar eruptions, and energy transfer processes in interplanetary. We firstly give a short review of modelling magnetic helicity in the solar corona from the observation to simulation. Then we introduce a new method by calculating the potential current in a magnetic-helicity-conservation-decomposed approach to derive the magnetic helicity/energy equivalence of three-dimension magnetic field only based on the photospheric vector magnetogram. We testify our method by using the given magnetic field of Low and Lou (1990) and the difference is very small. Even though, the Lorentz force caused from the calculated magnetic field well explained the strong shearing movements of polarity inversion line (PIL) in the newly emerging active region of NOAA11158. Finally, we apply our method to the observation data and it is also successfully found that the weak/strong loss ratio of magnetic helicity in the solar confined/eruptive solar events.

How to cite: Yang, S.: Modeling Solar Magnetic Field In The Solar Corona From The View Of Magnetic Helicity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14276,, 2025.

EGU25-16188 | Orals | ST1.7

Open SESAME: status and further plans 

Stefaan Poedts and the Open SESAME

The ERC-AdG project Open SESAME (project No 101141362) aims to develop a time-evolving model for the entire solar atmosphere, including the chromosphere and transition region, based on a multifluid description. Currently, models are primarily steady, rely on a single-fluid description and include only the corona due to computational challenges. We plan to use time-evolving ion-neutral and ion-neutral-electron models. The multifluid approach will enable us to describe the intricate physics in the partially ionised chromosphere and quantify the transfer of momentum and energy between the atmospheric layers. The questions of where the solar wind originates and solar flares and coronal mass ejections are driven have fundamental scientific importance and substantial socio-economic impact. Indeed, the solar atmospheric model is the crucial missing link in the Sun-to-Earth model chain to predict the arrival and effects of CMEs on Earth.

This goal is now possible by combining our implicit numerical solver with a high-order flux-reconstruction (FR) method. The implicit solver avoids the numerical instabilities that lead to strict time-step limitations on explicit schemes. The high-order FR method enables high-fidelity simulations on very coarse grids, even in zones of high gradients. We started with this new development and will introduce three critical innovations. First, we will combine high-order FR with physics-based r-adaptive (moving) unstructured grids, redistributing grid points to regions with high gradients. Second, we will implement CPU-GPU algorithms for the new heterogeneous supercomputers advanced by HPC-Europa. Third, we will implement AI-generated magnetograms to make the model respond to the time-varying photospheric magnetic field, which is crucial for understanding important solar plasma properties and processes.

Thus, we will develop a first-in-its-kind high-order GPU-enabled 3D time-accurate solver for multifluid plasmas. If successful, we will implement the most advanced data-driven solar atmosphere model in an operational environment. The project started on 1 September 2024, and we already have interesting results on time-dependent corona modelling and high-order flux-reconstruction simulations.

How to cite: Poedts, S. and the Open SESAME: Open SESAME: status and further plans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16188,, 2025.

We report an M9.3 flare and filaments activities from NOAA Active Region 11261 that are strongly modulated by the 3D magnetic skeleton. Magnetic field extrapolation from the vector magnetic field suggests complex magnetic connectivity and the existence of a high coronal null point southeast of the active region. A small filament over the  inversed V-shaped polarity inversion line erupted and resulted in the M9.3 flare associated with a weak hot mass ejection, CME-like features, and the formation and activity of a relatively large filament. The ejection features and the eruption of the large filament were toward the southeast. Comparative analyses have disclosed the following new facts: (1) the trajectory of looptop hard X-ray emission provides solid evidence that the magnetic reconnection site propagated up toward the coronal null point as the flare and filaments erupted. (2) the EVU observations show coronal mass ejection-like eruption features in the ejection region of the magnetic skeleton. (3) the closed fan confined the west end of the large filament and the corresponding flare ribbons. We demonstrate a spatiotemporal relationship between the magnetic skeleton and the flare filament activity. We conclude that the magnetic skeleton can modulate and determine almost all the characteristics of the studied activity in the corresponding scale.

How to cite: Guo, J.: The Role of Magnetic Skeleton in Solar Flare Filaments Activities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16745,, 2025.

The solar wind is an accessible natural laboratory for investigating thermal and energetic particles in space plasmas. The particle dynamics in the solar wind has a highly multi-scale nature, covering 8 orders of magnitude of spatial scales, from the lengths characteristic of the electron gyromotion around magnetic field lines ( ~1 km) to those characteristic of particle transport from the Sun to the Earth ( ~ 1 au). Studying such dynamics is a difficult endeavour, especially due to the solar wind’s strongly turbulent nature. Current models of particle dynamics in turbulent plasmas suffer from one or more limitations, such as unrealistic plasma background (e.g., 2D modelling, lack of the correct statistical turbulent properties such as anisotropy and intermittency of structures) or limited accuracy (e.g., small computational grids, low resolution in phase space). Most importantly, they only employ one simulation at a time and thus they only model the turbulent energy cascade over three decades of scales at best. 
We present our innovative solution to overcome all those limitations: the multi-scale Box-in-Box (BIB) approach.  The first step is to model the turbulent energy cascade from very large to very small scales, using a portion of a large simulation as initial condition for another one with higher resolution and repeating this process multiple times in sequence while coupling different physical models, e.g., MHD at the largest scales, hybrid across the ion scales, and fully kinetic at electron ones. The second step is advancing test-particles trajectories using the turbulence simulations as an evolving background from small to large scales, starting from the fully kinetic simulation and then switching to the hybrid and finally to the MHD one as the energy (and thus the gyroradius) of the test particles increases. We will show and discuss the main technical challenges of this kind of approach, the required operations in the different steps of the procedure, and some successful results. Our innovative BIB approach makes it possible to model the large-scale propagation of energetic particles in the turbulent solar wind while retaining a realistic and self-consistent description of the microphysics responsible for particle energization. Our BIB simulations will be particularly useful for developing and testing new visualisation and analysis techniques for future multi-scale space missions such as HelioSwarm and Plasma Observatory.

How to cite: Franci, L., Papini, E., and Trotta, D.: Modelling the particle dynamics in turbulent plasmas using the innovative multi-scale Box-In-Box (BIB) approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19152,, 2025.

EGU25-21910 | ECS | Orals | ST1.7

CMEs and Interplanetary Shocks: 2.5D Numerical Modeling 

Xiaozhou Zhao

Solar flares, eruptive prominences (EPs), and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) significantly impact Earth's environment and human habitability, as they are different manifestations of solar storms. Sometimes, solar energetic particle events (SEPs) are associated with interplanetary shocks driven by CMEs that propagate through the turbulent solar wind. We investigate the physical mechanisms of these phenomena in a more realistic gravitationally stratified solar atmosphere using 2.5D magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and particle simulations. Our research covers three main topics:

(1) MHD simulations of solar flux rope eruptions and prominence formation: Starting from the standard solar eruption model, we employed 2.5D MHD simulations to investigate two scenarios of flux rope and prominence eruptions within a more realistic, gravitationally stratified solar atmosphere. We developed an enhanced levitation model for prominence formation and proposed a novel mechanism involving plasmoid-fed processes in the current sheet. The former is driven by photospheric converging motions, while the latter focuses on the catastrophe model of flux rope eruption and emphasizes the crucial role of magnetic reconnection in prominence formation. These models describe the formation of flux ropes during eruption and pre-existing flux ropes beforehand, respectively. Additionally, we explored "mesoscale" phenomena during flux rope eruption and their association with Quasi-Periodic Pulsations (QPPs), reproducing multi-wavelength observational images.

(2) Shock-turbulence interactions in interplanetary space: Solar wind turbulence is ubiquitous, and when CMEs propagate through the solar wind, they drive interplanetary shocks that interact with solar wind turbulence, which is one of the sources of SEPs. These interactions result in a turbulent downstream fluid. We found that after shocks propagate across turbulence, the downstream occurrence of plasmoids (i.e., small magnetic flux ropes in the solar wind) increases, saturates to a peak value for a certain interval, and then gradually decreases away from the shock. This behavior is consistent with in-situ measurements taken by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission at Earth's bow shocks. These plasmoid structures are important for plasma heating and particle acceleration.

(3) Particle accelerations during solar eruptions: We investigated particle acceleration during solar eruptions, focusing on: 1) test-particle modeling of non-adiabatic motion of particles in 2D magnetic islands and 2) a combined Particle-In-Cell (PIC) and MHD approach (PIC-MHD) to study particle acceleration at interplanetary shocks. In the PIC-MHD approach, the background thermal plasma is treated as a magnetofluid, while the motion of non-thermal particles is influenced by the Lorentz force. This method accounts for electromagnetic interactions between non-thermal particles and the background magnetofluid, potentially leading to upstream self-excited turbulence that enhances particle acceleration through various mechanisms.

Overall, our research focuses on various processes in solar storms. Understanding and even predicting these phenomena are crucial for studying their impact on human habitability.

How to cite: Zhao, X.: CMEs and Interplanetary Shocks: 2.5D Numerical Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21910,, 2025.

Ellerman bombs (EBs) and ultraviolet (UV) bursts are two of the smallest observed solar activities triggered by magnetic reconnection in the lower solar atmosphere, typically associated with flux emergence regions. Joint observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) satellite and ground-based solar telescopes reveal that approximately 20% of hot UV bursts are temporally and spatially connected with the cooler EBs. Using 3D radiation magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations with the MURaM code, we investigated the spontaneous emergence of a magnetic flux sheet, leading to complex magnetic field structures and diverse high-temperature activities due to magnetic reconnection. The simulations show that opposite-polarity magnetic fields converge in the lower solar atmosphere, forming thin current sheets and triggering plasmoid instability, which results in small twisted magnetic flux ropes and highly nonuniform plasma density and temperature. Hot plasmas (>20,000 K) emitting strong UV radiation coexist with cooler plasmas (<10,000 K) showing Hα wing emissions, with the former located ~700 km above the solar surface and the latter above them. Synthesized images and spectral line profiles exhibit characteristics of both EBs and UV bursts, demonstrating that turbulent reconnection mediated by plasmoid instability can occur in small-scale reconnection events in the partially ionized lower solar atmosphere. This model explains the formation mechanisms of UV bursts connected with EBs and indicates that UV bursts can form in atmospheric layers extending from the lower chromosphere to the transition region.

How to cite: Cheng, G.: Turbulent Reconnection in the Lower Solar Atmosphere Triggers UV Bursts Connecting with Ellerman Bombs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21916,, 2025.

EGU25-4601 | Orals | ST1.8 | Highlight

Parker Solar Probe at 9.86 solar radii: magnetic field structure, trends, and connectivity 

Stuart Bale, Samuel Badman, Tamar Ervin, Thierry Dudok de Wit, Keith Goetz, Tim Horbury, Davin Larson, David Malaspina, Marc Pulupa, Nour Rawafi, Michael Stevens, and Marco Velli

Parker Solar Probe had its lowest-ever perihelion of 9.86 solar radii on December 24, 2024 ('Encounter 22') and another on March 22, 2025 (Encounter 23).  We will present data from these Encounters, focusing on magnetic field measurements,  solar connectivity, and Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS) crossings as the spacecraft crossed nearly halfway around the Sun in just 4 days.  We also compare E22/E23 measurements of the radial magnetic field and field magnitude to trends from earlier Encounters showing increasing radially-normalized magnetic flux with altitude.  We will review highlights of previous PSP solar encounters and compare to the latest encounters at the lowest-ever perihelion.

How to cite: Bale, S., Badman, S., Ervin, T., Dudok de Wit, T., Goetz, K., Horbury, T., Larson, D., Malaspina, D., Pulupa, M., Rawafi, N., Stevens, M., and Velli, M.: Parker Solar Probe at 9.86 solar radii: magnetic field structure, trends, and connectivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4601,, 2025.

EGU25-4812 | Orals | ST1.8

Changes of the temperature-speed relationship through the inner-heliosphere 

Tereza Durovcova, Sruti Satyasmita, Jana Safrankova, and Zdenek Nemecek

Many in-situ solar wind observations show a clear correlation between the proton temperature and the bulk speed. Different authors use various formulas to describe this behavior, but one relation over a speed range covering both the slow and fast solar winds is usually sufficient for measurements made at 1 AU. Moreover, the relationship is observed throughout the solar cycle and no significant variations were measured. Therefore, it is commonly used to predict the expected solar wind temperature for a given solar wind speed. The ratio between the expected and measured proton temperature also serves as one of the ICME identifiers since these often have unusually low temperatures. However, the mechanisms leading to the relationship between the proton temperature and speed are not fully understood. It may be the result of solar wind acceleration processes near the Sun, but it may also change during the solar wind propagation, for example due to the stream interactions and/or different ways of energy transfer in solar wind streams coming from distinct source regions. We use observations from the recent inner-heliosphere missions (Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter) and combine them with the near-Earth measurements (WIND, ACE) to study the radial evolution of this relationship. We find that the character of the radial evolution changes significantly at about 0.4 AU from the Sun. We discuss the possibility that the solar wind reaches a nearly collisionless regime near this point, thus we also investigate the effect of the collisional age.

How to cite: Durovcova, T., Satyasmita, S., Safrankova, J., and Nemecek, Z.: Changes of the temperature-speed relationship through the inner-heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4812,, 2025.

EGU25-5841 | Posters on site | ST1.8

Investigating the Origins of the Solar Wind: Understanding Plasma Composition and Fractionation with Solar Orbiter SPICE 

Tania Varesano, Donald Hassler, and Natalia Zambrana-Prado
The First Ionization Potential (FIP) bias is a critical diagnostic for solar plasma composition, offering insights into the mechanisms shaping the solar atmosphere and the solar wind. Previous studies have highlighted the time-dependent nature of the FIP bias. In this study, we aim to understand how the FIP bias evolves over time and identify its key drivers and parameters. Using data from the SPICE (Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment) instrument onboard Solar Orbiter, we analyze Extreme Ultra-Violet (EUV) observations of active regions (ARs) captured from December 20th to 22nd, 2022. These observations include spectral lines from ions emitting at temperatures spanning log T = 4.2 to log T =6.0, covering a wide range of structures and phenomena.

We examine the evolution of physical quantities such as intensity, electron temperature, and elemental fractionation within ARs present in the field of view (FOV). Special attention is given to intermediate-FIP elements, such as sulfur and carbon, in key regions of interest. By focusing on the Mg/Ne ratio—a proxy for higher temperatures and atmospheric heights—and lower-temperature/upper-chromosphere ratios (S/N and C/O), we investigate the dependence of FIP bias on time, temperature, and atmospheric height. Finally, we compare these observations with predictions from the ponderomotive force model, providing insights into the physical processes driving FIP bias variations.

How to cite: Varesano, T., Hassler, D., and Zambrana-Prado, N.: Investigating the Origins of the Solar Wind: Understanding Plasma Composition and Fractionation with Solar Orbiter SPICE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5841,, 2025.

EGU25-6400 | ECS | Orals | ST1.8

Detecting in-situ directional discontinuities in the solar wind at Mercury's Orbit 

Pier Paolo Di Bartolomeo, Mirko Stumpo, Simone Benella, Tommaso Alberti, Anna Milillo, Ali Varsani, Daniel Heyner, Alessandro Aronica, Harald Jeszenszky, Adrian Kazakov, Raffaella Noschese, Laky Gunter, Christina Plainaki, Martina Moroni, and Luca Giovannelli

The analysis of directional discontinuities (DDs) in the solar wind provides insights for understanding its embedded structures, such as flux ropes and switchbacks (SBs).

We aim to investigate the occurrence and nature of DDs observed by BepiColombo (BC) close to Mercury’s orbit and to establish links between magnetic field measurements and plasma parameters. Specifically, we assess the potential of DDs as indicators of SBs and other solar wind structures.

We use the attitude gradient to detect discontinuities combined with minimum variance analysis to characterize their boundaries.

During the selected period between 5 and 16 October 2021, a total of 1136 DDs were identified, with 960 meeting the eigenvalue ratio criterion for classification. The majority (83%) were rotational discontinuities (RDs) or either discontinuities (EDs). Low compressibility (CB < 0.03) conditions yielded a higher proportion of RDs and EDs (94%). PICAM observations revealed significant ion energy enhancements and particle deflections correlated with magnetic field reversals, particularly during SBs structures with low compressibility.

The results confirm the suitability of attitude gradient-based methods for DD detection and the potential of CB and z as proxies for identifying quasi-Alfvénic structures. The combined analysis of magnetic and plasma data highlights the role of DDs as markers of SBs, advancing our understanding of their nature and prevalence in the solar wind at 0.34 AU.


How to cite: Di Bartolomeo, P. P., Stumpo, M., Benella, S., Alberti, T., Milillo, A., Varsani, A., Heyner, D., Aronica, A., Jeszenszky, H., Kazakov, A., Noschese, R., Gunter, L., Plainaki, C., Moroni, M., and Giovannelli, L.: Detecting in-situ directional discontinuities in the solar wind at Mercury's Orbit, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6400,, 2025.

EGU25-7810 | Posters on site | ST1.8

Comparing Automated Coronal Hole Detection Schemes with Coronal Magnetic Field Modeling 

Karin Muglach, Reiss Martin, Satabdwa Majumdar, and The S2-01 ISWAT Team

Low latitude coronal holes are known to be the source of fast solar wind streams which
can have a significant effect on geomagnetic activity, especially around solar minimum activity.
A large number of methods have been developed in the last years to automatically detect
coronal holes in solar EUV and X-ray images.

Using a set of 29 solar images we now have a database of coronal hole identifications
from 15 different detection methods (Reiss et al., 2024). In this paper we have
compared these results and evaluated how the properties of coronal holes change
depending on the detection scheme.  
The next step of this investigation is to include magnetic field and solar wind modeling.
In the current contribution we provide a comparison of the observed coronal holes
with coronal holes derived from magnetic field extrapolations.

How to cite: Muglach, K., Martin, R., Majumdar, S., and S2-01 ISWAT Team, T.: Comparing Automated Coronal Hole Detection Schemes with Coronal Magnetic Field Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7810,, 2025.

EGU25-9744 | ECS | Orals | ST1.8

Persistence of Solar Wind Characteristics through Radial and Temporal Evolution 

Daniel Milošić, Manuela Temmer, Stephan Heinemann, Stefan Hofmeister, Jingnan Guo, and Yihang Cao

Solar wind transients such as corotating interaction regions can cause geomagnetic storms. Understanding solar wind conditions throughout the inner heliosphere is crucial for forecasting space weather conditions at Earth and other planets. Recent missions, including Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter offer new possibilities for probing the evolution of solar wind properties due to their orbits at various solar distances. We investigate how persistent the solar wind plasma flow is over distance by correlating solar wind parameters measured by spacecraft located at different positions in the heliosphere (0.1AU – 1.5AU). For that, we introduce a new two-dimensional persistence model of the solar wind based on in-situ measurements. Assuming persistence, the measured in-situ parameters from inner spacecraft are being propagated outwards applying the process of inelastic collisions between the plasma parcels. The resulting time-dependent 3D map of solar wind parameters is compared to in-situ data from spacecraft located further away and at different longitudinal positions from the Sun. We present statistics on the comparison between modeled and measured in-situ solar wind plasma parameters across radial distances and temporal evolutions.

How to cite: Milošić, D., Temmer, M., Heinemann, S., Hofmeister, S., Guo, J., and Cao, Y.: Persistence of Solar Wind Characteristics through Radial and Temporal Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9744,, 2025.

EGU25-10252 | Posters on site | ST1.8

Constraints on the heating and acceleration of Alfvénic streams using Parker Solar Probe data and a two-temperature solar wind model 

Andrea Verdini, Roland Grappin, Simone Landi, and Luca Franci

During its encounter, Parker Solar Probe can sample the plasma outflow from the Sun in periods of corotation, allowing us to follow the solar wind during its radial evolution. We analyze plasma and magnetic field properties in two periods of corotation when Alfvènic streams of the solar wind were sampled. These data are then compared with results of a solar wind model.

In particular, the numerical model is an updated version of VPE (Grappin et al. 2011 ApJ) that solves one one-dimensional MHD equations including radiation and conduction, with separate proton and electron temperatures. Integration starts from the chromosphere and reaches PSP orbit and beyond.  Magnetic and velocity fluctuations are also injected from the chromosphere and  can contribute to the heating of the solar wind via a phenomenological turbulent dissipation (VPEW model). 

We use measurements to constrain several free parameters of the model, namely the chromospheric density, the magnetic field intensity and expansion, the fluctuations amplitude, and the turbulent phenomenology, and discuss their implications for the plasma properties closer to the Sun and for the heating and acceleration of the solar wind.

How to cite: Verdini, A., Grappin, R., Landi, S., and Franci, L.: Constraints on the heating and acceleration of Alfvénic streams using Parker Solar Probe data and a two-temperature solar wind model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10252,, 2025.

EGU25-11776 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8

Preliminary Results of Switchback Analysis in Parker Solar Probe Observations near the Sun 

Ezgi Gülay and Eleanna Asvestari

Localized deflections in the interplanetary magnetic field, often accompanied by enhancements in solar wind velocity and disrupt the idealized Parker spiral topology that is otherwise dictated by the speed of the solar wind plasma flow. Such events, historically referred to by terms such as jets, velocity spikes, or the most recent adopted name magnetic switchbacks, were first observed in 1995 with Ulysses at 2.4 au. The reanalysis of Helios (1976) in 2018 confirmed their presence at smaller heliospheric distances (0.3 au). Their infrequent occurrence at these distances initially led to the belief that they are rare. This perspective changed dramatically with Parker Solar Probe’s (PSP) approach to 0.16 au in 2018, shortly after its launch, revealing an abundance of these deflections within smaller heliodistances. This sparked a significant interest within the scientific community to investigate their properties, possible sources, and significant processes inside the solar corona. However, this new interest also brought forth challenges, as their properties, origin, and behaviour across different radial distances remain unclear, and the lack of a unified definition leaves the subject open to interpretation. For our analysis, after careful consideration of the different properties of switchbacks, literature review, and comparisons between different studies we have constructed a set of criteria based on which we collected a small catalogue of switchbacks. The data considered are from different PSP encounters spanning the minimum, ascending phase, and maximum of the current solar cycle. We present our preliminary analysis, focusing on characteristics such as the direction of the magnetic field vector, and its magnitude, the plasma speed, density, and temperature, and the strahl electron pitch angle distribution.

How to cite: Gülay, E. and Asvestari, E.: Preliminary Results of Switchback Analysis in Parker Solar Probe Observations near the Sun, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11776,, 2025.

EGU25-12408 | Orals | ST1.8

Magnetic Connectivity in the Time-Evolving Heliosphere 

Jon A. Linker, Cooper Downs, Ronald Caplan, Roberto Lionello, Pete Riley, Emily Mason, and Erika Palmerio

The solar magnetic field expands outward from the Sun with the solar wind and fills the heliosphere.  Understanding the structure, dynamics, and connectivity of this field underlies many unanswered questions in solar and heliospheric physics.  In the presence of ideal  flows and in the reference frame co-rotating with the Sun, the solar wind plasma flow is aligned with the magnetic field. In this approximation, tracing the magnetic connectivity of plasma parcels encountered in the heliosphere back to the Sun reveals their solar origin. The magnetic field is also important for the propagation of solar energetic particles (SEPs), guiding them along magnetic field lines from their generation near the Sun to locations in the heliosphere.  Models with varying degrees of complexity are used to estimate the magnetic field connectivity and interpret observations.  A standard approach is to use potential field models to describe the corona, and to ballistically map points in the heliosphere back to the corona with the in situ measured solar wind speed.  More advanced models couple the potential field corona with a heliospheric MHD model.  We test the strengths and limitations of these approaches by utilizing a data-driven time-evolving model of the corona and heliosphere, computed for a month of evolution surrounding the 2024 total solar eclipse.  The time-evolving model is highly dynamic, with many small-scale eruptions.  We treat the time-dependent model as the ``ground truth'' and investigate how well the standard approaches capture the time-varying magnetic connectivity.

Research Supported by NASA and NSF.  Computational resources provided by the NSF ACCESS program and the NASA Advanced Supercomputing division at Ames.

How to cite: Linker, J. A., Downs, C., Caplan, R., Lionello, R., Riley, P., Mason, E., and Palmerio, E.: Magnetic Connectivity in the Time-Evolving Heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12408,, 2025.

EGU25-12695 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8

PIC simulation of the competition of collisional and collisionless processes in the relaxation of the electron velocity distribution function in the young solar wind 

Jurek Völp, Kevin Schoeffler, Anna Tenerani, and Maria Elena Innocenti

As the solar wind expands in the inner heliosphere, the evolution and relaxation of the electron velocity distribution function (eVDF) is governed by a complex interplay of collisional and collisionless processes.
This study investigates with numerical simulations the competition between Coulomb collisions and the electron firehose instability (EFI) - a kinetic instability arising under anisotropic pressure conditions - during the isotropization of the electron VDF.
The goal is to gain deeper insights into how collisional and collisionless processes influence each other in this regime.
Fully kinetic simulations are run using the particle-in-cell (PIC) code OSIRIS, in the presence and absence of Coulomb collisions.
The plasma density  (and hence the collisional frequency) is progressively increased in the presence of collisions to investigate solar wind regions progressively closer to the Sun.

How to cite: Völp, J., Schoeffler, K., Tenerani, A., and Innocenti, M. E.: PIC simulation of the competition of collisional and collisionless processes in the relaxation of the electron velocity distribution function in the young solar wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12695,, 2025.

EGU25-12793 | Posters on site | ST1.8

Parker Solar Probe - Solar Orbiter radial alignment study: evolution of the heliospheric current sheet 

Pascal Demoulin, Etienne Berriot, Olga Alexandrova, Arnaud Zaslavsky, Milan Maksimovic, and Georgios Nicolaou

We present the study of a radial alignment between Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter occurring at the end of April 2021. The two spacecraft were respectively at ~0.075 and ~0.9 au from the Sun. With the help of a propagation method, we identified the same density structure crossing both spacecraft, with a time delay of ~138 h between the two. This density structure is part of the heliospheric plasma sheet. We found that for this event, in-situ density measurements were concordant with radial gradients, while the magnetic field measurements were more concordant with longitudinal gradients. The structure is moreover inferred to have been generated by interchange reconnection in the high corona (2-3 solar radii), as observations are not in agreement with a generation by reconnection of the solar wind open field lines.

How to cite: Demoulin, P., Berriot, E., Alexandrova, O., Zaslavsky, A., Maksimovic, M., and Nicolaou, G.: Parker Solar Probe - Solar Orbiter radial alignment study: evolution of the heliospheric current sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12793,, 2025.

EGU25-13228 | ECS | Orals | ST1.8

Inter-relationships between Small-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes and Switchbacks in the Young Solar Wind from Parker Solar Probe Observations 

Kyung-Eun Choi, Oleksiy Agapitov, Dae-Young Lee, Forrest Mozer, and Jia Huang

Findings from the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission uncover frequent occurrences of small-scale magnetic flux ropes (SMFRs) and switchbacks (SBs - sharp deflection of magnetic field direction with radial velocity spike inside) as structural components of the solar wind. These mesoscale structures are present at all heliocentric distances and are specifically active in the young solar wind. SMFRs exhibit fundamental physical traits akin to larger structures but are distinguished by their notably smaller scale, lasting from seconds to a couple of hours, spanning distances from a few thousand kilometers to several solar radii (Rs). Previous research has identified mesoscale features, including successive SMFRs, blobs, and SBs observed in the inner heliosphere. These observations were made during the PSP's co-rotational orbits with the Sun, aligned radially along a narrow longitudinal zone. By examining these sequential structures, we have determined SB structures at the boundaries of SMFRs. We showed that the cross-occurrence of SBs and SMFRs is significant and these SBs’ geometries are determined by the SMFR orientation. Our findings of switchbacks associated with SMFRs suggest that they are integral to understanding the magnetic topology and the evolution of SBs, influenced by surrounding structures during their propagation. Furthermore, stability assessments are conducted at the boundaries of SMFRs to derive the specific local origin of SBs and factors, which affect their parameters, providing insights into the dynamic processes shaping the young solar wind.

How to cite: Choi, K.-E., Agapitov, O., Lee, D.-Y., Mozer, F., and Huang, J.: Inter-relationships between Small-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes and Switchbacks in the Young Solar Wind from Parker Solar Probe Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13228,, 2025.

EGU25-13763 | Posters on site | ST1.8

Validation of the AWSoM Solar Wind Magnetic Field Model with Upstream Mars Solar Wind Conditions from MAVEN Observations 

Gangkai Poh, Jacob Gruesbeck, Nishtha Sachdeva, Zhenguang Huang, and Gina DiBraccio

Previous studies on the interaction of Mars’ un-magnetized space environment with the solar wind have shown that the structural morphology of Mars’ hybrid magnetosphere and the plasma dynamical processes occurring within are strongly driven by its solar wind conditions. This unique interaction is highly complex during quiet solar wind periods, let alone extreme solar wind conditions such as the encounter of CMEs or other transient solar wind structures. This emphasizes the importance of accurate knowledge of the upstream solar wind conditions when any spacecraft is inside the hybrid magnetosphere. However, all planetary missions to Mars consist of only one spacecraft, which further highlights the need for a solar wind model to accurately predict the upstream solar wind conditions. Here, we aim to validate and assess the capability of the physics-based Alfvén Wave Solar atmosphere Model (AWSoM) developed at the University of Michigan in predicting the solar wind interplanetary magnetic field (i.e. B) and plasma conditions (i.e. velocity, temperature and density) by comparing its simulated outputs with the solar wind data from the MAVEN spacecraft; MAVEN has been in orbit around Mars since 2014. We surveyed and identified multiple Carrington rotations across 10 years of MAVEN solar wind observations whenever MAVEN is upstream of the martian bow shock, and compared them with the simulated outputs from AWSoM using the dynamic time warping technique as a metric tool. Preliminary results indicate that AWSoM was able to accurately predict the magnitude of each solar wind parameter but did not perform as well when predicting the time of occurrence for observed solar wind structures (i.e. time-shift between observed and simulated). We further investigated the quality of our data-model comparison between consecutive solar maximum of Solar Cycle 24 and current Solar Cycle 25, and the solar minimum in-between.  The data-model comparison methods and results presented in this study contribute to the overall space weather efforts to improve the accuracy and precision of the physics-based AWSoM solar wind predictions over large heliocentric distances, including Mercury and Earth.

How to cite: Poh, G., Gruesbeck, J., Sachdeva, N., Huang, Z., and DiBraccio, G.: Validation of the AWSoM Solar Wind Magnetic Field Model with Upstream Mars Solar Wind Conditions from MAVEN Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13763,, 2025.

EGU25-14389 | Posters on site | ST1.8

Physics-Based Forecasting of Tomorrow's Solar Wind at 1 AU 

Igor Sokolov and Tamas Gombosi

A faster than real time forecast system for solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field transients that is driven  by hourly updated solar magnetograms is proposed to provide a continuous nowcast of the solar corona (<0.1 AU) and 24-hours forecast of the solar wind at 1 AU by solving a full 3-D MHD model. This new model has been inspired by the concept of relativity of simultaneity used in the theory of special relativity. It is based on time transformation between two coordinate systems: the solar rest frame and a boosted system  in which the current observations of the solar magnetic field and tomorrow's measurement of the solar wind at 1 AU are simultaneous. In this paper we derive the modified governing equations for both hydrodynamics (HD) and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and present a new numerical algorithm that only modifies the conserved quantities but preserves the original HD/MHD numerical flux. The proposed method enables an efficient numerical implementation, and thus a significantly longer forecast time than the traditional method.  The detailed description of numerical algorithm may be found in

How to cite: Sokolov, I. and Gombosi, T.: Physics-Based Forecasting of Tomorrow's Solar Wind at 1 AU, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14389,, 2025.

The Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS) is the largest structure imposed by the solar magnetic field on the heliosphere. HCSs are usually embedded in dense plasma — Heliospheric Plasma Sheets (HPS) — generated from coronal streamers. Previous observations around 1 AU show that the solar wind is slow and dense around HCS. Recent near-sun HCS observations, however, reveal that these structures are highly dynamic, with velocity jets frequently created by magnetic reconnections. To understand the morphology of reconnections and the radial evolution of HCS, we analyze HCS crossing events with PSP, Solar Orbiter, and L1-based spacecraft during their alignments. We also study the triggering mechanisms of HCS reconnections through linear stability analysis of MHD equations describing magnetic and velocity shear. We find that the eigenfunctions of tearing modes agree with the multiple polarity reversals and intermittent velocity jets observed in the near-sun HCSs, strongly supporting that the reconnections are triggered by tearing instabilities.

How to cite: Wu, Z., He, J., and van Doorsselaere, T.: Multi-point observations and eigenmode instability analysis of tearing-induced reconnection in the heliospheric current sheet related to primary solar wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14938,, 2025.

EGU25-15009 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8

Propagation of density fluctuations in the near-Sun environment inferred from radio sounding during Tianwen-1 solar conjunction 

Rui Zhuo, Ziqi Wu, Maoli Ma, Jiansen He, and Ming Xiong
The near-Sun environment is the critical region for the acceleration of the primary solar wind. Thanks to a growing number of radio telescopes worldwide, we are able to conduct simultaneous observations of the near-Sun envirnoment with high spatial and temporal resolution using radio sounding. During Tianwen-1 solar conjunction in 2021, we estimate the propagation velocity of density fluctuations using time lag analyses, and track their propagations with ray tracing method. We obtain the radial projected velocity profile, and the distribution of projected velocity regarding the baseline direction and the coherence scale. Further, we determine the wave vector of propagating compressible fluctation by multi-baseline analysis, and find that it may be the slow modes generating from the solar surface by ray tracing. Our results present the unique advantage of radio sounding, and enhance our understanding of the complex picture of fluctuations propagation in the near-Sun environment.

How to cite: Zhuo, R., Wu, Z., Ma, M., He, J., and Xiong, M.: Propagation of density fluctuations in the near-Sun environment inferred from radio sounding during Tianwen-1 solar conjunction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15009,, 2025.

EGU25-15393 | Posters on site | ST1.8

Reconstructing the evolution of recurring coronal holes in space and time 

Eleanna Asvestari, Stephan Heinemann, Manuela Temmer, Daniel Milošić, Ezgi Gulay, and Jens Pomoell

Recurring Coronal Holes (CHs) are long-lived structures in the solar corosna that survive over multiple solar rotations. They are sources of open magnetic field and fast solar wind streams filling the interplanetary space. Of the recurring CHs, those that can generate geomagnetic activity are particularly important due to the recurring impact they can have on the terrestrial environment. In this study we focus on reconstructing their vertical structure and assess how that changes with each rotation. To facilitate our study, we utilized the Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) and the Schatten Current Sheet (SCS) model incorporated in the coronal modelling domain of EUHFORIA (European Heliospheric Forecasting Information Asset). We investigate the optimal parameter space for model initiation for each CH, compare the model output both to EUV and coronagraph white-light emissions, and assess the reconstructed heliospheric conditions using in situ measurements from different positions throughout the inner heliosphere.

How to cite: Asvestari, E., Heinemann, S., Temmer, M., Milošić, D., Gulay, E., and Pomoell, J.: Reconstructing the evolution of recurring coronal holes in space and time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15393,, 2025.

EGU25-15609 | Posters on site | ST1.8

Hunting for hammerheads occurances using hammerhead finder software hampy 

Srijan Bharati Das and Jaye Verniero

Strong perpendicular diffusion of the beam in ion VDFs have been detected in the solar wind using Parker Solar Probe's SPAN-i instrument and have been termed as the hammerhead distribution functions. There have been ongoing studies trying to simulate the formation of these hammerhead features, which have met with muted success. It has been hypothesized that these perpendicular scattering of ions can be attributed to resonant scattering of beam ions by parallel-propagating, right circularly polarized, fast magnetosonic/whistler waves (Verniero et al 2022). However, in order to extract definitive physical explanations and stipulate their occurrence rate as a function of plasma beta, closeness to the heliospheric current sheet and distance from change in magnetic topology, a statistical study and characterization is necessary of these hammerhead occurrences. In our study, we develop a super-fast Python-based repository to filter-out the hammerheads across all PSP data where the VDF is dominantly in the field-of-view of SPAN-i. Immediate future goals involve characterizing these hammerhead VDFs using more sophisticated fitting algorithms (sidestepping the bi-Maxwellian fits) to characterize various features of the distributions such as the distance between core and hammerhead, ratio of the parallel and perpendicular temperatures of the core and hammerhead, and other crucial features

How to cite: Das, S. B. and Verniero, J.: Hunting for hammerheads occurances using hammerhead finder software hampy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15609,, 2025.

EGU25-15901 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8

Identifying and Correcting Errors in Ambient Solar Wind Modeling 

Satabdwa Majumdar, Martin Reiss, Karin Muglach, and Charles N. Arge

The solar wind expands outward from the solar corona, defining the interplanetary medium through which coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar energetic particles (SEPs) propagate. Accurate models of this ambient solar wind and its embedded magnetic fields are crucial for heliophysics and space weather research. Studies have highlighted the importance of ambient solar wind modeling for accurate CME arrival time predictions. However, comparisons of in situ spacecraft measurements to model solutions at L1 show that state-of-the-art models often perform comparably to a simplistic assumption that solar wind conditions at L1 repeat every 27 days. Here we study why state-of-the-art models often exhibit such surprisingly large errors. Going deeper than previous validation studies, we examine the physical reasons for erroneous predictions on an event-by-event basis by comparing imaging and in-situ observations with simulation results, and provide possible strategies to address these challenges. We study how magnetic structures at coronal hole boundaries, such as streamers and pseudo-streamers, affect model outcomes, among many other experiments. We also study how the choice of ADAPT maps could be crucial in the context of solar wind modelling. We demonstrate our recommendations for improving ambient solar wind modeling through the Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) framework, as implemented by Reiss et al. (2019, 2020). Our findings highlight the different sources that could lead to erroneous predictions, how we can improve the predictions, and the critical need to better constrain magnetic models with observational data to enhance our ambient solar wind modeling capabilities. Moving forward, such improvements are vital for advancing the reliability of space weather forecasting, ultimately protecting astronauts and technological assets in space.

How to cite: Majumdar, S., Reiss, M., Muglach, K., and Arge, C. N.: Identifying and Correcting Errors in Ambient Solar Wind Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15901,, 2025.

EGU25-16263 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8

Solar Wind Acceleration Driven by Velocity Space Diffusion and the Ambipolar Electric Potential 

Maximilien Péters de Bonhome, Viviane Pierrrard, and Fabio Bacchini

A global electric potential arises within the solar wind due to the mass disparity between electrons and protons, coupled with the constraints of charge quasi-neutrality and zero-current conditions on sufficiently large scales in the heliosphere. This so-called ambipolar electric potential may account for at least part of the solar wind acceleration. Recent findings from the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) reveal that the slow solar wind, with terminal velocities averaging around 250 km/s, could be entirely explained by the ambipolar electric potential. However, an additional, yet unidentified mechanism is required to explain the acceleration of the fast solar wind. 

Since the first in situ solar wind observations in 1959, neither magnetohydrodynamic nor kinetic models have been able to consistently account for the fast solar wind acceleration. Therefore, the processes responsible for this additional acceleration remain one of the most significant open questions in space physics. To address this challenge, we propose a pathway to account for the unexplained acceleration by incorporating velocity space diffusion of particles within the kinetic exospheric framework, which self-consistently determines the ambipolar electric potential. This was achieved for electrons by redistributing particles within regions of velocity space defined by the kinetic exospheric approach to account for a diffusion that would occur in the solar wind due to collisions or wave-particle interactions. These are therefore incorporated indirectly in the kinetic exospheric model through diffusion which inevitably fills regions of velocity space that would otherwise remain inaccessible and are thought to be the primary mechanisms behind the formation of the so-called halo population—higher-energy electrons that, unlike the strahl, are not predominantly directed an-sunward.

The recent discovery of the sunward deficit, predicted by the kinetic exospheric models, showed an anticorrelation between the electric potential and the solar wind terminal velocity, potentially implying that the electric potential is only a minor acceleration mechanism for the fast solar wind. We here find that even without the influence of velocity space diffusion, the same anticorrelation can be obtained by our kinetic exospheric model, from observationally derived input coronal temperatures, for a range of heliocentric distances typically sampled by PSP (above 13 Rs). This suggests that the electric potential might still be of major importance to explain the fast solar wind acceleration.

How to cite: Péters de Bonhome, M., Pierrrard, V., and Bacchini, F.: Solar Wind Acceleration Driven by Velocity Space Diffusion and the Ambipolar Electric Potential, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16263,, 2025.

EGU25-16626 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8

Investigation of Source Surface Height Variations in EUHFORIA and Their Impact on Solar Wind Predictions 

Senthamizh Pavai Valliappan and Jasmina Magdalenic

Solar wind modeling with the 3D MHD model EUHFORIA (EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset; Pomoell & Poedts, 2018) revealed discrepancy with in situ observations by the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) at near-Sun distances . The default coronal model employed in EUHFORIA consists of the potential field source surface extrapolation (PFSS), Schatten current sheet (SCS) model and semi-empirical WSA model, which simulate the plasma and magnetic conditions at the inner boundary (0.1 AU). Parameters such as the PFSS source surface height (RSS), which is the outer boundary of PFSS, and the inner boundary of SCS model influence the modelled coronal hole areas and the associated open flux areas. A default RSS value of 2.6 R, as per McGregor et al. (2008), is used in EUHFORIA for solar wind simulations. Lowering the RSS value has been reported to better capture coronal hole areas (Asvestari et al., 2019), improve the reconstruction of small-scale features (Badman et al., 2020), and more accurately reflect coronal magnetic field topologies during different phases of solar cycles (Lee et al., 2011; Arden et al., 2014).

In this parameter study we investigate the possible systematic effects of changing the outer boundary of the PFSS model and the inner boundary of the SCS model, while keeping default values for other parameters. The resulting solar wind simulations are compared to those obtained using all default parameters in the model, by evaluating their agreement with the in situ observations from PSP for its first ten perihelion encounters. Although we found improved modeling accuracy for several time intervals, first results do not show clear systematic improvements in the accuracy of the modeled solar wind.

How to cite: Valliappan, S. P. and Magdalenic, J.: Investigation of Source Surface Height Variations in EUHFORIA and Their Impact on Solar Wind Predictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16626,, 2025.

I analyse the spatial distribution of solar wind sources and relate them to the properties of the interplanetary wind by means of an extended time series of data-driven 3D simulations that cover more than two solar activity cycles. Magnetic connectivity jumps are related with solar wind plasma signatures and with topological features of the global magnetic field. The occurrence frequency and amplitudes if such connectivity jumps vary with the epoch of the solar cycle and on the distance to the ecliptic plane.
The same solar wind model (Multi-VP) constitutes the core of the SWiFT-FORECAST service, based on model pipeline initially developed in the scope of the H2020 SafeSpace project, and later integrated on ESA's SWESNET and on the Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre.  Ensemble forecasts are produced at a daily cadence and with a lead time of a few days.  I will address some of the main challenges related to the implementation and validation of these models and pipelines, as well as the pernicious issues that stem from the lack of observables between the two boundaries of the Sun­–Earth system, and from the dependence of "point" forecasts on the global properties of the solar atmosphere.

How to cite: Pinto, R.: From multi-decadal solar wind modelling to real-time forecasting, and on moving away from the ecliptic plane, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17463,, 2025.

EGU25-18403 | Posters on site | ST1.8

Joint observations of magnetic switchbacks from BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter in the inner heliosphere 

Mirko Stumpo, Pier Paolo Di Bartolomeo, Simone Benella, Andrea Larosa, Georgios Nicolaou, Oreste Pezzi, Domenico Trotta, Tommaso Alberti, Anna Milillo, Daniel Heyner, and Raffaella D'Amicis

Since Parker, the existence of the solar wind has been ascribed to the fact that the solar corona is not in hydrostatic equilibrium and thus is constantly expanding. However, the mechanism responsible for accelerating/heating the solar wind is widely debated, even though there is evidence that it is magnetic in nature. New space missions like Parker Solar Probe (PSP), Solar Orbiter (SolO) and BepiColombo (BC), being much closer to the Sun, allow observations of less evolved and less mixed solar wind. Thus, for example, the observed streams can be easily back-propagated to their source on the Sun, allowing generally more accurate characterizations. These new observations revealed that the measured magnetic field is highly structured close to the Sun, exhibiting patches of large and intermittent reversals associated with jets of plasma. Jetting activity reveals that the solar wind emission is discrete in nature rather than homogeneous, leading to intermittent/impulsive outflow from the corona driven by small-scale magnetic reconnection. In a recent work, it has been shown that super granulation structure at the coronal base remains imprinted in the near-Sun solar wind, resulting in the magnetic polarity inversions known as switchback. Farther from the Sun, however, switchbacks are less frequent, probably due to mixing and turbulent decay.

According to the Potential Field Source Surface extrapolation between 6th and 7th October 2021, BC and SolO were connected to the same region on the Sun. BC and SolO were located at 0.36 AU and 0.67 AU, respectively. Both spacecraft detected a patch of switchbacks, offering the opportunity to investigate their evolution with solar wind propagation. Our findings highlight the potential of BC for synergistic studies with PSP and SolO, despite its primary focus on Mercury’s environment.

How to cite: Stumpo, M., Di Bartolomeo, P. P., Benella, S., Larosa, A., Nicolaou, G., Pezzi, O., Trotta, D., Alberti, T., Milillo, A., Heyner, D., and D'Amicis, R.: Joint observations of magnetic switchbacks from BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter in the inner heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18403,, 2025.

EGU25-18482 | ECS | Orals | ST1.8

Mesoscale Dynamics in the Solar Wind: Insights from Solar Orbiter and L1 Observations 

Natalia Zambrana Prado, Samantha Wallace, Irena Gershkovich, Nicholeen Viall, Therese Kucera, Peter Young, Susan Lepri, and Stephanie Yardley

Mesoscale structures in the solar wind offer unique insights into its formation, retaining signatures of heating, release mechanisms, and acceleration processes. Plasma heavy ion composition and charge states are critical observables for studying these structures. These properties, established within about 5 solar radii, are preserved as the solar wind propagates, enabling the connection between in situ measurements and their solar sources. Elevated abundance ratios of low first ionization potential (FIP) elements (e.g., Fe/O) and higher charge states are indicative of solar wind originating from active regions and quiet Sun magnetic fields, in contrast to coronal holes. These properties are often structured on mesoscales and can exhibit quasi-periodic behavior, associated with interchange reconnection at the Sun’s open-closed magnetic boundary.

We investigate a multi-day interval from March 4–9, 2022, during which Solar Orbiter’s Heavy Ion Sensor (HIS) observed mesoscale solar wind structures at ~0.49 AU. These structures were confirmed to persist to L1 via ACE and Wind observations, with similar variability in Fe/O and O7+/O6+. Spectral analysis revealed quasi-periodic signals (~30-minute periodicities) in O7+/O6+ ratios during four of the six days analyzed. To link these observations to their solar origins, we used the Wang-Sheeley Arge (WSA) model driven by ADAPT synoptic maps. The model determined solar sources were characterized by parameters empirically related to solar wind formation, such as expansion and squashing factors.

A key feature of this interval was a small stream interaction region (SIR) observed at Solar Orbiter on March 8, coinciding with a connectivity change to a new open-field region bordering a compact active region. This event, confirmed through WSA modeling, corresponded to significant enhancements in Fe/O and O7+/O6+, providing evidence of mesoscale structures linked to active region dynamics. The FIP bias observed in situ (Fe/O) was compared to remote SPICE observations (S/O) at the modeled solar source locations, highlighting challenges in reconciling in situ and remote measurements due to differences in abundance ratio derivations.

Our results demonstrate that mesoscale structures form in active regions via interchange reconnection and survive through the heliosphere, maintaining their composition signatures. This study underscores the value of combining multi-messenger observations and physics-based modeling to trace solar wind origins and reveals the need for enhanced coordination in future heliophysics missions. These findings advance our understanding of solar wind structuring and dynamics, providing a framework for future studies of mesoscale phenomena.

How to cite: Zambrana Prado, N., Wallace, S., Gershkovich, I., Viall, N., Kucera, T., Young, P., Lepri, S., and Yardley, S.: Mesoscale Dynamics in the Solar Wind: Insights from Solar Orbiter and L1 Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18482,, 2025.

EGU25-19935 | Orals | ST1.8

Solar Wind Speed Maps from the Metis coronagraph observations 

Silvio Matteo Giordano, Daniele Spadaro, Roberto Susino, Rita Ventura, Marco Romoli, Silvano Fineschi, Luca Zangrilli, and Daniele Telloni

This presentation outlines the Doppler dimming diagnostic method, the computational tools developed, and the solar wind speed maps derived from Metis data spanning a wide range of heliocentric distances, from approximately 1.5 to 10 solar radii, during the solar activity minimum.

The Doppler dimming diagnostic, which combine simultaneous Metis observations from its two channels, polarized broadband visible light and narrowband ultraviolet H I Lyα intensity, allows for the measurement of the expanding coronal plasma speed. The presented wind speed maps are obtained from Metis data sets collected during the cruise phase of the Solar Orbiter mission, shortly after its first perihelion at approximately 0.5 AU in June 2020, as well as before and after its second perihelion in January and February 2021. These observations provide critical insights into the solar corona above approximately 3.0 solar radii, while future Solar Orbiter perihelion passages will extend this analysis to distances as close as 1.7 solar radii.

The reliability of the derived wind speed values is evaluated, considering instrumental uncertainties, the inherent limitations of the diagnostic method, and key assumptions about solar corona model parameters, including electron and neutral atom kinetic temperatures and the 3D geometric configuration of the corona.

As expected at the minimum of the solar cycle, the obtained maps show a clear bipolar topology with a rapid transition to higher speeds in the interface zone between equatorial streamers and high-latitude regions. The equatorial regions, where intense and relatively stable streamer belt persists, do not exhibit speeds higher than 220 km/s up to the maximum observed distance, around 6 solar radii. In contrast, within the coronal holes, already just above the minimum observed heights, around 3.5 solar radii, the wind speed reaches the maximum values detectable using Doppler dimming diagnostics applied to the neutral hydrogen line, approximately 350 km/s.

The method and algorithms are further tested and applied to a sample of daily ultraviolet intensity images reconstructed from spectral data obtained by the UVCS instrument, in conjunction with visible light coronal observations performed by LASCO, both instruments onboard the SOHO mission during solar cycle 23. This extended analysis provides valuable insights into the solar wind acceleration region, covering distances between approximately 1.5 and 4.0 solar radii, encompassing nearly a full solar activity cycle, providing essential context to complement the present Solar Orbiter observations.

How to cite: Giordano, S. M., Spadaro, D., Susino, R., Ventura, R., Romoli, M., Fineschi, S., Zangrilli, L., and Telloni, D.: Solar Wind Speed Maps from the Metis coronagraph observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19935,, 2025.

EGU25-20530 | Posters on site | ST1.8

Observations of Coherent Electrostatic Solitary Waves in the Inner Heliosphere  

Chadi Salem, John Bonnell, Marc Pulupa, Thomas Chust, Olivier Le Contel, Alexis Jeandet, David Malaspina, and Milan Maksimovic

The solar wind and planetary magnetospheres provide excellent natural laboratories to study the basic physics of collisionless plasmas. In these systems, microscopic plasma physics often influences, or even controls, global plasma dynamics by controlling transport of energy and momentum. Electromagnetic fluctuations and the resulting wave-particle interactions are particularly omnipresent. Typical spectra of electromagnetic fluctuations in the solar wind are power laws in frequency, with multiple characteristic breaks signaling changes in the origin of fluctuating modes, as well as onset of dissipation. At frequencies above the electron cyclotron frequency, fluctuations become purely electrostatic, and a persistent level of broadband electrostatic noise is often observed.

High-resolution measurements reveal that these small-scale modes often contain highly coherent wave-packets and solitary structures, the latter likely being electron or ion phase space holes of a few tens of Debye length in size. These bipolar electric field structures can be weak double layers (WDLs), a localized and stable charge separation sustaining a net potential drop across. WDLs are often associated with particle acceleration and energy dissipation.

We present here a preliminary work in which we analyze data from various missions to search for and detect electrostatic solitary waves and WDLs in the inner heliosphere from the solar corona to 1 AU using electric field measurements from Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, MMS and Wind. Do WDLs observed in the near-Sun solar wind have finite potential drops oriented radially so as to slow escaping electrons and accelerate escaping ions?

How to cite: Salem, C., Bonnell, J., Pulupa, M., Chust, T., Le Contel, O., Jeandet, A., Malaspina, D., and Maksimovic, M.: Observations of Coherent Electrostatic Solitary Waves in the Inner Heliosphere , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20530,, 2025.

EGU25-16 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10

Observations of persistent downstream magnetic oscillations at the Earth bow shock  

Michal golan, Michael gedalin, and Michal Golan

The redistribution of the directed flow energy in a collisionless shock is the central problem of shock physics. The incident ion energy is transferred to ion and electron heating, acceleration of a small fraction of particles, and enhance- ment of the magnetic field. The mean magnetic field enhancement is determined by the standard boundary conditions. Recently, shocks were observed in which the amplitude of the persisting downstream magnetic fluctuations exceeded the mean downstream field. The question of the ubiquity of the phenomenon is of utmost importance since it would require re-consideration of the boundary conditions. It may also mean that the effective magnetic field in supernova remnant shocks may be currently grossly underestimated. The proposed research will exploit the data accumulated by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission to determine the de- pendence of the relative amplitude of the downstream magnetic fluctuations on the main shock parameters: shock angle, Mach number, and upstream temperature.

How to cite: golan, M., gedalin, M., and Golan, M.: Observations of persistent downstream magnetic oscillations at the Earth bow shock , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16,, 2025.

EGU25-1683 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10

Rotational discontinuity-generated magnetosheath jets at Earth's quasi-perpendicular bow shock: Results from a hybrid-Vlasov simulation 

Jonas Suni, Minna Palmroth, Lucile Turc, Markus Battarbee, Yann Pfau-Kempf, and Urs Ganse

In this study we investigate the formation of magnetosheath jets before, during, and after the interaction between Earth's bow shock and a solar wind rotational discontinuity in a 2D ecliptic simulation run of the global magnetospheric hybrid-Vlasov model Vlasiator. Magnetosheath jets are transient enhancements of dynamic pressure downstream of collisionless shocks, and they have been observed in Earth's magnetosheath, the magnetosheaths of other planets, as well as the sheaths of interplanetary shocks. Rotational discontinuities (RD) are boundaries where the components of the magnetic field and velocity tangential to the boundary change abruptly, and they have been observed by spacecraft in the solar wind and in Earth's magnetosheath. Both spacecraft observations and previous simulation studies have shown that RDs interacting with the bow shock can generate dynamic pressure pulses in the magnetosheath.

Studying magnetosheath jets is important because they have been shown to potentially have magnetospheric effects if impacting the magnetopause, and while travelling through the magnetosheath they can modify its properties. Statistical studies of simulations and spacecraft observations have shown that jets tend to form mainly at Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock, that is where the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) direction is nearly parallel to the shock normal, but they have also been observed downstream of the quasi-perpendicular shock. By studying the formation and properties of jets at the quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular shock at different times in the simulation, we aim to shed light on the differences between jets forming at different parts of the shock, and during different stages of interaction between an RD and the bow shock.

How to cite: Suni, J., Palmroth, M., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., and Ganse, U.: Rotational discontinuity-generated magnetosheath jets at Earth's quasi-perpendicular bow shock: Results from a hybrid-Vlasov simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1683,, 2025.

It is common wisdom that collisionless shocks become nonplanar and nonstationary at sufficiently high Mach numbers. Whatever the shock structure, the upstream and downstream fluxes of the mass, momentum, and energy should be equal. These conservation laws are satisfied at low Mach numbers when the shock front is planar and stationary. When this becomes impossible, inhomogeneity and time dependence, presumably as rippling, develop. Using test particle analysis in a model shock profile, this study shows that the shock structure changes as a kind of "phase transition" when the Mach number is increased while the shock angle, the upstream beta, and the magnetic compression are kept constant.

How to cite: Gedalin, M.: A "phase transition" from a planar stationary profile to a rippled structure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2077,, 2025.

EGU25-2626 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.10

Electron Acceleration Comparison of the Venusian and Terrestrial Bow Shocks 

Martin Lindberg and Heli Hietala

The size of collisionless shock waves is believed to play an important role in determining the maximum energy gain of particles accelerated at heliospheric and astrophysical shocks.
In this study, we use the Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter gravity assists at Venus to investigate electron acceleration at the Venusian bow shock. 
The identified Venusian shock crossings are compared to terrestrial bow shock crossings with similar shock parameters using the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. The aim of the comparison is to uncover potential differences between the two different types of bow shocks and how the size of collisionless bow shocks affects electron acceleration. 
Preliminary results indicate a harder average spectral index (p ~ 3.5±0.6) for suprathermal electrons observed at Venus's bow shock than those found at Earth's bow shock (p ~ 4.9±0.8) for similar Mach number and shock angle.

How to cite: Lindberg, M. and Hietala, H.: Electron Acceleration Comparison of the Venusian and Terrestrial Bow Shocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2626,, 2025.

EGU25-4552 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.10

Revealing an unexpectedly low electron injection threshold via reinforced shock acceleration 

Savvas Raptis, Ahmad Lalti, Martin Lindberg, Drew Turner, Damiano Caprioli, and Jim Burch

Collisionless shock waves are ubiquitous in astrophysical plasmas, from supernova remnants and planetary atmospheres to coronal mass ejections and laboratory experiments. These shocks are known to be efficient particle accelerators, crucial for understanding the origin of cosmic rays, including ultra-relativistic particles. This study presents a novel model of reinforced shock acceleration for electrons, integrating in-situ data from NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) and Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of Moon's Interaction (ARTEMIS) missions. Focusing on Earth's planetary environment, our analysis reveals a suprathermal electron injection threshold, demonstrating how a multiscale framework involving foreshock transient phenomena, a suprathermal seed population, and wave-particle interactions can systematically accelerate suprathermal electrons to relativistic energies. By merging theoretical advancements in astrophysical plasmas and shock physics with these multi-spacecraft observations, we address the persistent electron injection problem and explore the broader applicability of our model to other planetary environments within our solar system and beyond, including stellar and interstellar contexts.

How to cite: Raptis, S., Lalti, A., Lindberg, M., Turner, D., Caprioli, D., and Burch, J.: Revealing an unexpectedly low electron injection threshold via reinforced shock acceleration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4552,, 2025.

EGU25-4963 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10

Magnetosheath Restructuring by Shock-Discontinuity Interaction 

Yufei Zhou, Jin Guo, Savvas Raptis, Shan Wang, Jih-Hong Shue, Boyi Wang, Quanming Lu, Jiamei Zhang, Chao Shen, and Peng Shao

Recent studies suggest that magnetosheath jets can form at the boundaries of a hot flow anomaly (HFA) during shock-discontinuity interaction by solar wind's compression and less efficient deceleration from a curved bow shock. Here, based on Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data and an 3D global hybrid simulation, we report two large-scale jets at the boundaries of an HFA that together with the HFA reached more than 20 Earth radii in width, thus representing a large-scale restructuring of the dayside magnetosheath. Since shock-discontinuity interaction is a universal process that can occur at all planets, we expect that magnetosheath restructuring under such mechanisms is also universal across the solar system.

How to cite: Zhou, Y., Guo, J., Raptis, S., Wang, S., Shue, J.-H., Wang, B., Lu, Q., Zhang, J., Shen, C., and Shao, P.: Magnetosheath Restructuring by Shock-Discontinuity Interaction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4963,, 2025.

EGU25-5884 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10

Statistical Study of the Propagation Velocity of Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structures (SLAMS) in the Foreshock of Earth 

Sofia Bergman, Tomas Karlsson, Tsz Kiu Wong Chan, and Henriette Trollvik

The bow shock at Earth is created when the super-Alfvénic solar wind interacts with Earth’s magnetosphere and is slowed to sub-Alfvénic velocities. Depending on the angle θBn between the interplanetary magnetic field and the bow shock normal, the shock is defined to be either quasi-perpendicular (θBn > 45°) or quasi-parallel (θBn < 45°). In the quasi-parallel regime, the upstream region magnetically connected to the shock, called the foreshock, is highly dynamic and characterized by various plasma instabilities and wave activity. Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structures (SLAMS) are non-linear isolated magnetic field signatures commonly observed in this region. They are believed to grow from ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves which are common in the foreshock.

SLAMS are suggested to be important for the formation of the quasi-parallel shock. They are propagating upstream towards the sun, but generally with a propagation velocity smaller than the solar wind velocity. Consequently, they are convected downstream towards the shock. If they obtain high propagation velocities they should, however, be able to become stationary in the bow shock frame of reference and studies have suggested that the shock itself is composed of a patchwork of SLAMS.

In this work, we use multipoint measurements made by the Cluster mission to make a statistical analysis of the propagation velocity of SLAMS in the foreshock of Earth. We study the dependence on other properties of the SLAMS, such as their amplitude, and parameters related to the upstream environment. 

How to cite: Bergman, S., Karlsson, T., Wong Chan, T. K., and Trollvik, H.: Statistical Study of the Propagation Velocity of Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structures (SLAMS) in the Foreshock of Earth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5884,, 2025.

EGU25-6223 | Posters on site | ST1.10

Interplanetary shock waves semi-automated identified as seen by Solar Orbiter. 

Oleksandr Yakovlev, Oleksiy Dudnik, and Anna Wawrzaszek

The solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field parameters observed in situ by the SWA and MAG instruments onboard the Solar Orbiter mission provide a unique opportunity to identify interplanetary (IP) shock waves at various distances from the Sun on the rising phase of the 25th solar activity cycle.

In the frame of this work, to recognize IP shocks, we applied a semi-automated method on the base of quality factors comprising the solar wind velocity, density characteristics, and total interplanetary magnetic field parameters. As an example, we identified a few tens of various IP shocks that occurred in the inner heliosphere, at radial distances of 0.29–0.95 AU from the Sun. Most of them were classified as FF-type shock waves, with only a few events identified as FR-, SF- and SR-type shock waves. The semi-automatic algorithm mentioned was used to determine the time of passage of the shock wave front through the spacecraft’s location.

Moreover, we calculated the typical kinetic and magnetohydrodynamic characteristics of each identified shock wave. In particular, the radial dependences of parameters such as the density ratio (rN), magnetic field (rB) ratio, plasma beta (βus), Alfvén velocity (VA), the angle between the shock normal and the interplanetary magnetic field (QBn), shock wave front velocity (Vsh), sound speed (Vs) and magnetosonic speed (Vfms) were analyzed. Additionally Alfvén (MA) and magnetosonic (Mfms) Mach numbers were studied. Finally, the dependence of the number of identified shock waves on radial distance was also examined and compared with solar flares activity.


This work is supported by the “Long-term program of support of the Ukrainian research teams at the Polish Academy of Sciences carried out in collaboration with the U.S. National Academy of Sciences with the financial support of external partners”.

How to cite: Yakovlev, O., Dudnik, O., and Wawrzaszek, A.: Interplanetary shock waves semi-automated identified as seen by Solar Orbiter., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6223,, 2025.

EGU25-6562 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10

Statistical study of SLAMS at different planetary foreshock 

Tsz Kiu Wong Chan, Tomas Karlsson, Sofia Bergman, and Henriette Trollvik

Properties of the region upstream of planetary bow shock depend strongly on the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field. For quasi-parallel bow shock, part of the solar wind ions are reflected back upstream from the shock and this reflected ion population triggers instabilities resulting in a turbulent region. In the quasi-parallel case, reflected particles travel far upstream, creating an extended turbulent foreshock region. Within this region, Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structures (SLAMS) can frequently be found, which are suggested to play a pivotal role in the formation of planetary bow shock. Yet many properties of SLAMS are not well known at Earth and even less so at other planets.

SLAMS are identified by three criteria. First, a magnetic field amplitude twice the background magnetic field is required. Second, SLAMS should exhibit an elliptic polarization so that it can be differentiated from a shock oscillation. Last, it takes place upstream of the bow shock. 

Here we present results on the occurrence and other properties of SLAMS at different planetary foreshock including Mars, Mercury and Saturn using the respective space missions. The results presented here can also offer comparative insights with SLAMS found at Earth for exploring potential dependencies on system size, and other magnetospheric and solar wind parameters.

How to cite: Wong Chan, T. K., Karlsson, T., Bergman, S., and Trollvik, H.: Statistical study of SLAMS at different planetary foreshock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6562,, 2025.

EGU25-7432 | Posters on site | ST1.10

Shocklets in the vicinity of Mercury 

Diana Rojas-Castillo, Cristian Adrian Vaquero Bautista, Xochitl Blanco-Cano, Ferdinand Plaschke, Primoz Kajdic, Kristin Pump, and Daniel Heyner

Shocklets are compressive, linearly polarized magnetosonic structures that have been widely observed in the Earth's foreshock. They form due to wave steepening and dispersive effects, often accompanied by whistler wave precursors. At Earth these structures are characterized by steepened upstream edges, magnetic compression below 2, and associations with hot diffuse ion distributions. Shocklets play a crucial role in energy transfer and wave-particle interactions in collisionless shocks. While most studies have focused on Earth's foreshock, some evidence suggests their presence at Venus, raising questions about their existence in other planetary foreshocks.

In this study, we investigate the presence of shocklets in Mercury's foreshock using data from the MESSENGER mission. The timescales of Hermean shocklet candidates range from 3 to 30 seconds. Our preliminary analysis reveals that shocklets at Mercury exhibit greater diversity compared to those observed at Earth. While some structures resemble typical Earth-like shocklets, characterized by a sharp leading edge with whistler wave precursors followed by a slower relaxation, we also identify ULF magnetosonic waves accompanied by high-frequency fluctuations that display initial signs of wave steepening which could correspond to an early stage of the Earth-like shocklet. Our findings highlight the complex and dynamic wave activity in Mercury's unique solar wind environment.

How to cite: Rojas-Castillo, D., Vaquero Bautista, C. A., Blanco-Cano, X., Plaschke, F., Kajdic, P., Pump, K., and Heyner, D.: Shocklets in the vicinity of Mercury, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7432,, 2025.

EGU25-10616 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10 | Highlight

Scale-Invariant Particle Energization and Radiation – Foundations for Building a Cosmic Bridge 

Immanuel Christopher Jebaraj, Oleksiy Agapitov, Michael Gedalin, Vladimir Krasnoselskikh, Laura Vuorinen, Marco Miceli, Nina Dresing, Christina Cohen, Michael Balikhin, Athanasios Kouloumvakos, Erika Palmerio, Nicolas Wijsen, John Grant Mitchell, David McComas, Nour Rawafi, Emilia Kilpua, Rami Vainio, and Stuart Bale

Particle acceleration and radiation are fundamental cosmic processes that significantly contribute to the universe’s energy density, driven by phenomena ranging from solar flares to supernova explosions. Shock waves, prevalent across various spatial scales, play a key role in converting kinetic energy into plasma heating and particle acceleration. Recent advancements from missions such as the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) have provided unprecedented insights into the dynamics of shock waves within the heliosphere, thereby enhancing our understanding of these critical energy conversion mechanisms.

In this talk, I will present findings from two recent studies that leverage the PSP’s unique proximity to the Sun and its advanced, high-fidelity instrumentation. First, we analyzed one of the fastest shocks ever observed on March 13, 2023, revealing the efficient acceleration of electrons up to and exceeding 6 MeV and the collective acceleration of ions from the thermal solar wind. Second, we made the surprising discovery of synchrotron radiation emanating from ultra-relativistic electrons in both a quasi-parallel and a quasi-perpendicular shock, with the quasi-parallel shock exhibiting significantly higher radiation intensities due to more effective electron acceleration. These results are consistent not just with theoretical models of strong cosmic shocks, but also observations. This offers an unprecedented opportunity to bridge in situ heliospheric observations with remote observations of phenomena such as supernova remnants.

How to cite: Jebaraj, I. C., Agapitov, O., Gedalin, M., Krasnoselskikh, V., Vuorinen, L., Miceli, M., Dresing, N., Cohen, C., Balikhin, M., Kouloumvakos, A., Palmerio, E., Wijsen, N., Mitchell, J. G., McComas, D., Rawafi, N., Kilpua, E., Vainio, R., and Bale, S.: Scale-Invariant Particle Energization and Radiation – Foundations for Building a Cosmic Bridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10616,, 2025.

EGU25-10989 | Posters on site | ST1.10

Foreshock bubbles can modify their solar wind discontinuities enabling secondary transients to form 

Lucile Turc, Martin O. Archer, Hongyang Zhou, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Jonas Suni, Primoz Kajdic, Xóchitl Blanco-Cano, Souhail Dahani, Veera Lipsanen, Shi Tao, Markus Battarbee, and Minna Palmroth and the ISSI team 555

Solar wind directional discontinuities can generate transient mesoscale structures such as foreshock bubbles and hot flow anomalies (HFAs) upstream of Earth's bow shock. These structures can have a global impact on the near-Earth environment, and understanding their formation conditions is crucial to evaluate their contribution to solar wind-magnetosphere coupling. Here we present the results of a global 2D hybrid-Vlasov simulation (with 3D electromagnetic fields) of the interaction of a rotational discontinuity with near-Earth space, performed with the Vlasiator model. The magnetic field rotates by 90 degrees from ortho-Parker spiral to Parker spiral orientation across the discontinuity. As the discontinuity enters the simulation domain, a foreshock bubble forms duskward of the Sun-Earth line, where the foreshock is initially located. Shortly after the discontinuity makes first contact with the bow shock at the subsolar point, we find that a structure with enhanced temperature and strongly deflected flows develops at the intersection of the discontinuity with the bow shock. This structure displays typical features of an HFA. However, HFA formation requires electric fields pointing towards the discontinuity on at least one side, a condition which is not initially met in our simulation. We demonstrate that the prior generation of the foreshock bubble provides the necessary conditions for HFA formation. We then investigate the evolution of both structures as the discontinuity travels antisunward, showing that the foreshock bubble signatures tend to weaken while the HFA grows. We also report a large-scale bow shock deformation, with the bow shock expanding several Earth radii outward of its initial position within the compressed edge of the foreshock bubble. Our results provide new clues regarding the formation and evolution of large-scale foreshock transients and their impact on the shock.

How to cite: Turc, L., Archer, M. O., Zhou, H., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Suni, J., Kajdic, P., Blanco-Cano, X., Dahani, S., Lipsanen, V., Tao, S., Battarbee, M., and Palmroth, M. and the ISSI team 555: Foreshock bubbles can modify their solar wind discontinuities enabling secondary transients to form, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10989,, 2025.

EGU25-11679 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10

Multipoint Observations of Nonstationarity of a Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structure (SLAMS) 

Mengmeng Wang, Yuri Khotyaintsev, and Daniel Graham

Short large-amplitude magnetic structures (SLAMS) are seen as critical elements in collisionless shocks with quasi-parallel geometries.  They can pre-accelerate solar wind ions into suprathermal energy as an injection mechanism for Diffusive Shock Acceleration. To understand the details of the injection problem, we present direct observations of nonstationarity of a SLAMS, using Magnetosperic Multiscale (MMS) measurement in a sting-of-pearls configuration separated by several hundreds of kilometers. We find that the upstream edge of the SLAMS serves as a local quasi-perpendicular shock front to reflect and accelerate solar wind ions. Accumulation of reflected ions results in upstream expansion of the SLAMS ramp and the reflecting point may change their location. Whistlers grow quickly as the SLAMS ramp propagates towards upstream and distort the SLAMS in return.    

How to cite: Wang, M., Khotyaintsev, Y., and Graham, D.: Multipoint Observations of Nonstationarity of a Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structure (SLAMS), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11679,, 2025.

EGU25-12010 | Posters on site | ST1.10

Whistler Critical Mach Number Concept Revisited 

Michael Balikhin, Oleksiy Agapitov, Vladimir Krasnoselskikh, Vadim Roytershteyn, Simon Walker, Michael Gedalin, Immanuel Christopher Jebaraj, and Lucas Colomban

Low Mach number, fast magnetosonic,  dispersive shocks are formed if the characteristic scale of the shock front exceeds the characteristic the spatial scale associated with resistive processes. In these cases, dispersion arrests the nonlinear steepening of the shock front. According to the established view,  a whistler wave precursor, whose wave vector is parallel to the shock normal, is formed in oblique dispersive shocks provided that the Mach number does not exceed the Whistler Critical Mach number Mw. Numerical simulations and data obtained by the MMS satellites are used to investigate the evolution of the properties of the upstream whistler precursor as the Mach number increases above  Mw.

How to cite: Balikhin, M., Agapitov, O., Krasnoselskikh, V., Roytershteyn, V., Walker, S., Gedalin, M., Jebaraj, I. C., and Colomban, L.: Whistler Critical Mach Number Concept Revisited, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12010,, 2025.

EGU25-12526 | Posters on site | ST1.10

Ion acceleration at Mars Bow Shock - Results from MAVEN 

Karim Meziane, Christian Mazelle, Cyril Simon-Wedlund, Jasper Halekas, Abdelhaq Hamza, Cesar Bertucci, David Mitchell, and Jared Espley

The bow shock of Mars provides a compelling example of a mass-loaded, supercritical shock. A key challenge in space plasma physics is understanding the mechanisms of particle acceleration that occur at collisionless shocks. Due to extensive studies, the terrestrial foreshock is often considered a benchmark for interactions between planetary magnetospheres and the solar wind. The MAVEN mission at Mars is offering a wealth of data, simultaneously opening a window to study the Martian foreshock in detail.

 In this context, we present new measurements of velocity distribution functions of suprathermal protons upstream of Mars' bow shock. We identify backstreaming beams aligned (FAB) and misaligned with the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) direction for various shock geometries. FAB bulk velocities are found to be well-distributed in relation to the shock speed. Our analysis reveals that, compared to their terrestrial counterparts, Martian FABs exhibit slower sunward motion. Additionally, it appears that these FABs originate from a shock region where the IMF lines form an angle of 20-50 degrees with the shock normal— a smaller source region than that of Earth's bow shock.

 These findings rule out specular reflection as the mechanism behind beam production. Typically, terrestrial FABs are produced through a quasi-adiabatic process that preserves the first invariant to some extent. In contrast, the new Martian observations provide a valuable comparison between the foreshocks of Earth and Mars, shedding light on key differences and enhancing our understanding of these planetary phenomena.

How to cite: Meziane, K., Mazelle, C., Simon-Wedlund, C., Halekas, J., Hamza, A., Bertucci, C., Mitchell, D., and Espley, J.: Ion acceleration at Mars Bow Shock - Results from MAVEN, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12526,, 2025.

EGU25-13753 | Posters on site | ST1.10

Employing machine learning techniques for systematic and statistical studies of collisionless shocks 

Drew Turner, Vicki Toy-Edens, Wenli Mo, and Sean Young

Using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data from Earth orbit, an automated clustering algorithm has been employed to classify dayside MMS data into four distinct regions: magnetosphere, magnetosheath, solar wind, and ion foreshock, as detailed in Toy-Edens et al. [JGR 2024].  Applied to eight years of MMS data, over 25,000 bow shock crossings were identified from all four MMS spacecraft. Using that event database, we highlight a series of results including: new, 3-dimensional, parameterized boundary model fits for the bow shock; statistical characteristics of the quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular bow shock; and a new 4-point timing algorithm to systematically determine bow shock normal directions. We detail new results concerning the accuracy and performance of the shock normal results, showing that this new approach works remarkably well. We also highlight some new results of kinetic shock behavior and compare those directly to results from state-of-the-art simulations of and corresponding predictions for collisionless shocks. We end with a discussion of future work, in which we hope to train a parameterized generative model for collisionless shock crossing data as a function of upstream plasma characteristics. Our hope is to be able to apply that model to collisionless shocks beyond 1 au, validating its performance with shock observations from other systems (including Venus, Mars, Jupiter, etc.), and ultimately apply it to solar and other astrophysical shocks that are beyond our reach for in situ observations. 

How to cite: Turner, D., Toy-Edens, V., Mo, W., and Young, S.: Employing machine learning techniques for systematic and statistical studies of collisionless shocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13753,, 2025.

EGU25-14042 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.10

Turbulence Surrounding Magnetosheath Jets: Are Pressure Enhancement Stirring the Magnetosheath? 

Florian Koller, Christopher Chen, and Heli Hietala

Earth’s magnetosheath, the region between Earth’ magnetic field and the bow shock, gives rise to a plethora of transients, waves, and instabilities. Each effect changes the plasma parameter distribution, impacting the behaviour of the plasma that finally hits our magnetic field. Turbulence plays a crucial role in how energy injected into the system by transients or instabilities is transported and dissipated from large to small scales. We are investigating the role magnetosheath pressure enhancements (or so-called jets) play in adding to the turbulence in the system. These jets often plough through the system with high velocity, interacting with the surrounding environment, and slow down the further they travel. The propagation of jets is still largely unexplored, in particular when considering plasma turbulence. We aim to quantify whether jets drive turbulence in the magnetosheath plasma, and whether turbulent plasma fluctuations impact the propagation of jets. Magnetic orientation and distance to the shock are considered in the analysis in order to disentangle their impact on the effects. We are using MMS spacecraft measurements for the analysis of individual jet cases, and THEMIS spacecraft for a statistical analysis at event times when several spacecraft were close to the flow of jet events.

How to cite: Koller, F., Chen, C., and Hietala, H.: Turbulence Surrounding Magnetosheath Jets: Are Pressure Enhancement Stirring the Magnetosheath?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14042,, 2025.

EGU25-14236 | Posters on site | ST1.10

Microstructure at a fully formed Forward-Reverse Shock pair due to the interaction between two Coronal Mass Ejections observed at 0.5 AU. 

Xochitl Blanco-Cano, Domenico Trotta, Rungployphan Kieokaew, Stefano Livi, Heli Hietala, Primoz Kajdic, Diana Rojas-Castillo, Andrew Dimmock, Andrea Larosa, Tim Hornury, Rami Vainio, and Lan Jian

Interplanetary (IP) shocks can be driven in the solar wind by fast coronal mass ejections, and by the interaction of fast solar wind with slow streams of plasma. These shocks can be preceded by extended wave and suprathermal ion foreshocks perturbing large extensions of the heliosphere. In a recent study (Trotta et al., 2024 it was shown that the interaction between two interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) can drive a forward and a reverse shock with similarities to those bounding stream interaction regions (SIRs). In this work we analyse the microstructure of this event observed by Solar Orbiter on March 8th, 2022 at 0.5 AU. We find that wave characteristics change from one ICME to the other. Inside the first ICME waves have a broad band sprectrum. In contrast, there are regions in the second ICME with very monochromatic waves. In both cases, waves are associated with proton and alpha particle distributions that show a super-Alfvenic drift, suggesting local wave generation. Larger amplitude waves due to ion reflection are found upstream of the forward shock forming an extended foreshock. Although the shock was weak,  reflected populations include alpha particles, and O6+ ions. Of particular interest is the fact that monochromatic ion cyclotron waves associated with anisotropic (Tperp >Tpar) ion distributions are found in the region between the two ICMEs. Our results show how ICME-ICME interaction can result in regions with a variety of microstructure phenomena in the inner heliosphere.

How to cite: Blanco-Cano, X., Trotta, D., Kieokaew, R., Livi, S., Hietala, H., Kajdic, P., Rojas-Castillo, D., Dimmock, A., Larosa, A., Hornury, T., Vainio, R., and Jian, L.: Microstructure at a fully formed Forward-Reverse Shock pair due to the interaction between two Coronal Mass Ejections observed at 0.5 AU., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14236,, 2025.

EGU25-14505 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10

Remote Gyrosensing of the Earth's Bow Shock 

Mohammad Barani, David Sibeck, James McFadden, John Bonnell, Lynn Wilson, and Andriy Koval

We examine the possibility of remotely sensing Earth’s bow shock location, orientation, and velocity, via gyrosensing the plasma ions reflected from the shock. In this work, we present a remote gyrosensing approach to quantifying the bow shock properties for various interplanetary magnetic field orientations by analyzing reflected particles with different gyrophases and pitch angles. Then we suggest an analytical formalism for predicting the bow shock characteristics based on the azimuthal and zenith look angles of the reflected ions as observed by ElectroStatic Analyzers (ESA) on a single probe near the bow shock. The proposed method will be tested and verified with FPI ion instrument measurements onboard Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) spacecraft.

How to cite: Barani, M., Sibeck, D., McFadden, J., Bonnell, J., Wilson, L., and Koval, A.: Remote Gyrosensing of the Earth's Bow Shock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14505,, 2025.

EGU25-17988 | Posters on site | ST1.10

Investigating jets downstream of interplanetary shocks 

Heli Hietala, Kawsar Shirazul, Domenico Trotta, Pema Webb, Laura Vuorinen, and Florian Koller

Localised dynamic pressure enhancements – jets – have been observed downstream of both planetary and more recently interplanetary shocks. At planetary environments, jets are known to drive enhanced particle acceleration, large-amplitude magnetic field variations and reconnecting current sheets.

The analysis of interplanetary jets observed by Wind spacecraft near the Earth showed that their properties are similar to those of magnetosheath jets. Furthermore, we found jets also at low beta, low Mach number interplanetary shocks, i.e., conditions that are rare for the Earth’s bow shock.

Following the jet identification approach we introduced for Wind data, here we now apply it to Solar Orbiter measurements made at various heliocentric distances.

How to cite: Hietala, H., Shirazul, K., Trotta, D., Webb, P., Vuorinen, L., and Koller, F.: Investigating jets downstream of interplanetary shocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17988,, 2025.

In this paper, we discuss the changes to the magnetosheath plasma due to interaction with a density structure within the magnetic cloud an interplanetary coronal mass ejection that impacted Earth and caused significant perturbations in plasma boundaries. The bow shock breathing motion is evident due to the changes in the upstream dynamic pressure. A solitary magnetic enhancement forms in the inner magnetosheath with characteristics of a fast magnetosonic shock wave, propagating earthward and perpendicular to the background magnetic field. We show that the magnetosheath plasma is heated twice, during the bow shock crossing and during the interaction with the fast magnetosonic shock inside the magnetosheath. Following these events, a sunward motion of the magnetosheath plasma is evident. Analysis of ion distributions indicates that the sunward flows are caused by the reflection of flux tubes within the fast magnetosonic shock near the magnetopause boundary.

How to cite: Madanian, H.: Solitary magnetic structure and sunward flows in the dayside magnetosheath, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20631,, 2025.

Collisionless diffusive shock waves are the primary mechanism for the production of high energy particles in the Sun, with the solar flare terminal shock waves located in the lower solar atmosphere providing the seed particles for the generation of high energy particles. Whether flare terminal shocks can trigger ground-level enhancement events with energies reaching GeV remains a mystery. Solar cosmic ray particle streams play a crucial role in the space weather environment, and in the heliospheric plasma bubble, solar high energy particle events at lower energy ranges typically exhibit single power law spectra, while at higher energy ranges, solar high energy particle events often have multi-power-law spectral features with "knee" and "ankle" breaks. The intrinsic mechanism behind these significant spectral changes is not yet clear. Through simulation comparisons, it was found that the particle spectra produced by the termination shocks of double solar flares in the low-energy range are double power-law spectra that soften to harden, whereas the spectra produced by single flare shock are single power-law spectra. We believe this is due to the stronger acceleration capability caused by the superposition of double shocks. Thus, it reveals that multi-shock interactions can lead to changes in the particle spectra.

How to cite: Wang, X.: Compare the differences in the high-energy particle spectra accelerated by single and double flare shocks., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20995,, 2025.

EGU25-3330 | Posters on site | ST1.11

The Thermodynamic Impact of Compressive Fluctuations on the Solar Wind in the Inner Heliosphere 

Jesse Coburn, Daniel Verscharen, Anna Tenerani, and Christopher Owen

The solar wind plasma is observed to fluctuate over a broad range of space and time scales, extending from scales above the magnetic field correlation scale to below those associated with the particle gyration. At scales larger than the gyroscale, the fluctuations are typically categorised as 1) non-compressive fluctuations that have Alfvénic correlation, 2) compressive fluctuations that perturb the plasma density and pressure. While the amplitude of the compressive fluctuations are subdominant to the Alfvénic component, they have unique dynamics that drastically alter the plasma. For example, compressive fluctuations perturb the pressure anisotropy and beam drift speeds. This may drive the perturbed plasma unstable, generating microscale waves that scatter particles and alter the effective mean free path. In addition, compressive fluctuations perturb the magnetic field strength, leading to stochastic heating and transit time damping. Therefore, an understanding of compressive fluctuations is vital to a complete picture of the plasma thermodynamics. To build on our understanding of the solar wind in the inner heliosphere, we combine observations from Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, and the Wind spacecraft to study compressive fluctuations. We compare amplitude ratios and polarisations to numerical models to understand the efficiency of various generation mechanisms of compressive fluctuations and how they heat and modify the thermodynamics of the solar wind plasma.

How to cite: Coburn, J., Verscharen, D., Tenerani, A., and Owen, C.: The Thermodynamic Impact of Compressive Fluctuations on the Solar Wind in the Inner Heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3330,, 2025.

Solar Orbiter observations provide an unprecedented opportunity to study plasma turbulence in the solar wind. On magnetohydrodynamic scales intermittent structures mediate the cascade, due to non-linear wave-wave interactions and coherent structures. Those coherent structures are often quantified and identified by the Partial Variance Increment (PVI).

We obtain magnetic field fluctuations from observations of homogeneous turbulence by wavelet decompositions which preferentially resolve either signatures of coherent structures or wave-packets. Comparing the PVI obtained from both wavelet decompositions, this provides a new, physics based method to determine the PVI threshold above which fluctuations may be coherent structures.

We find a single PVI threshold in each of the kinetic and inertial ranges above which coherent structures typically dominate. This threshold is insensitive to the plasma conditions or heliocentric distance. Therefore, it suggests a ubiquitous constraint on the turbulent phenomenology. This can inform estimates of the heating rates of the solar wind due to the turbulence.

How to cite: Bendt, A. and Chapman, S.: Ubiquitous threshold for coherent structures in the kinetic and inertial ranges of solar wind turbulence from Solar Orbiter observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3592,, 2025.

EGU25-3759 | Orals | ST1.11 | Highlight

Turbulent small-scale kinematic dynamo in the terrestrial magnetosheath 

Zoltán Vörös, Owen Wyn Roberts, Yasuhito Narita, Yordanova Emiliya, Rumi Nakamura, Daniel Schmid, Adriana Settino, Martin Wolwerk, Cyril Simon Wedlund, Ali Varsani, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, Philippe André Bourdin, and Árpád Kis

Space plasma turbulence incorporates multi-scale coexisting occurrences of many physical phenomena such as waves, large amplitude field and plasma fluctuations, formation of coherent structures and the large variety of associated energy transfer, transport and conversion processes. For example, magnetic reconnection converts magnetic energy to kinetic and thermal energies and accelerates particles. Contrarily, dynamo action refers to energy conversion processes through which magnetic fields are generated or/and amplified at the expense of kinetic energy. Magnetic reconnection has been extensively studied on the basis of in-situ measurements at large-scale magnetospheric boundaries, in the turbulent magnetosheath and in the solar wind. Dynamo processes have been investigated mainly through numerical studies and in laboratory liquid metal and laser experiments. In-situ observations of dynamo processes require certain physical assumptions to calculate gradients from single-point data in the solar wind. Here we study for the first time the kinematic small-scale dynamo in the turbulent magnetosheath. In the kinematic approach the back reaction of the amplified magnetic field to plasma flows is neglected. Small-scale dynamos can generate or amplify magnetic fields at scales comparable to, or smaller than, the characteristic scales of flow gradients in 3D plasma turbulence. The flow gradients are estimated on the basis of in-situ multi-point MMS measurements. Theoretical predictions and numerical simulation results for the turbulent kinematic dynamo are tested. Specifically, the expected stretching of the magnetic field by velocity gradients, the effect of compressions and the concurrent occurrence of pressure anisotropy instabilities are investigated. The observations show that the magnetosheath data exhibit the expected turbulent dynamo signatures. Since the increase of magnetic field is associated with the loss of kinetic energy, the small-scale dynamo represents an inherent ingredient of plasma turbulence.

How to cite: Vörös, Z., Roberts, O. W., Narita, Y., Emiliya, Y., Nakamura, R., Schmid, D., Settino, A., Wolwerk, M., Wedlund, C. S., Varsani, A., Sorriso-Valvo, L., Bourdin, P. A., and Kis, Á.: Turbulent small-scale kinematic dynamo in the terrestrial magnetosheath, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3759,, 2025.

EGU25-4040 | Orals | ST1.11

What determines the departure from equipartition of energy in Alfvénic fluctuations in solar wind streams? Insights from Solar Orbiter observations 

Raffaella D Amicis, Simone Benella, Roberto Bruno, Rossana De Marco, Marco Velli, Denise Perrone, Luca Sorriso Valvo, Benjamin L. Alterman, Nikos Sioulas, Luca Franci, Andrea Verdini, Lorenzo Matteini, Daniele Telloni, Christopher J. Owen, Philippe Louarn, and Stefano Livi

The very first observations by Mariner 5 highlighted the presence of Alfvénic fluctuations in the solar wind identified as nearly incompressible fluctuations accompanied by large correlations between velocity and magnetic field components as predicted by the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theory. Since then, Alfvénic fluctuations have been observed to be ubiquitous especially in high-speed solar wind streams, but are also in some cases in slow wind streams, which may in turn exhibit a strong Alfvénic character. The so-called Alfvénic slow wind resembles the fast wind in many aspects, but may also differ from it. Indeed, recent observations performed by Solar Orbiter have shown that the fast wind may display a strong Alfvénic content of the fluctuations than the one observed in the Alfvénic slow wind, especially closer to the Sun.

In this context, Solar Orbiter offers a unique opportunity to study the origin and radial evolution of the Alfvénic solar wind. In this particular study, we present a comparative study between different Alfvénic streams, both fast and slow, at different heliocentric distances, focusing on the characterization of Alfvénicity of different streams with particular reference to the energy balance of the fluctuations.

The aim of this work is to deepen our understanding of what are the mechanisms responsible for the evolution of Alfvénicity in solar wind fluctuations and to understand better to what extent the two solar wind regimes show different Alfvénic content of the fluctuations and eventually evolve in a different way.

How to cite: D Amicis, R., Benella, S., Bruno, R., De Marco, R., Velli, M., Perrone, D., Sorriso Valvo, L., Alterman, B. L., Sioulas, N., Franci, L., Verdini, A., Matteini, L., Telloni, D., Owen, C. J., Louarn, P., and Livi, S.: What determines the departure from equipartition of energy in Alfvénic fluctuations in solar wind streams? Insights from Solar Orbiter observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4040,, 2025.

EGU25-4534 | ECS | Orals | ST1.11

Measuring the turbulent energy cascade rate with multiple spacecraft 

Francesco Pecora, Sergio Servidio, Antonella Greco, Yan Yang, William H. Matthaeus, Alexandros Chasapis, Leonardo Primavera, Petr Hellinger, Francesco Pucci, Sean Oughton, David J. Gershman, Barbara L. Giles, and James L. Burch

Exploration of space plasmas is entering a new era of multi-satellite constellation measurements that will determine fundamental properties of turbulence, with unprecedented precision. Familiar but imprecise approximations must be abandoned and replaced with more advanced approaches. We present the novel multispacecraft technique LPDE (Lag-Polyhedra Derivative Ensemble) for evaluating third-order statistics, using simultaneous measurements at many points. The method differs from existing approaches in that (i) it is inherently three-dimensional; (ii) it provides a statistically significant number of estimates from a single data stream; and (iii) it allows for a direct visualization of energy flux in turbulent plasma. Implications for HelioSwarm and Plasma Observatory and comparison with single-spacecraft approaches are discussed.

How to cite: Pecora, F., Servidio, S., Greco, A., Yang, Y., Matthaeus, W. H., Chasapis, A., Primavera, L., Hellinger, P., Pucci, F., Oughton, S., Gershman, D. J., Giles, B. L., and Burch, J. L.: Measuring the turbulent energy cascade rate with multiple spacecraft, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4534,, 2025.

EGU25-4798 | Posters on site | ST1.11

Flattening of the magnetic field power spectral density profile 

Jana Safrankova, Zdenek Nemecek, and Frantisek Nemec

The power spectral densities (PSDs) of ion moments and magnetic field turbulence in the solar wind can be fitted by a power law with the power index of -5/3 in the MHD range of frequencies and with the power index ranging from 2 to 4 at frequencies exceeding the proton gyroscale.  However, the density PSD often exhibits a significant flattening at the high-frequency part of the MHD range but a similar effect was not observed for any other quantity. For this reason, the paper analyzes the power spectra of solar wind and magnetic field fluctuations computed in the frequency range around the break between MHD and kinetic scales. We use Spektr-R proton moments and Wind magnetic field at 1 AU and concentrate on the overall PSD profiles of the density, thermal speed, parallel and perpendicular components of magnetic field and velocity fluctuations and investigate statistically the role of parameters like the fluctuation amplitude, collisional age, temperature anisotropy or ion beta. The statistics based on more than 10 thousand of 20-minute intervals shows that the compressive component of magnetic field fluctuations behaves like the density fluctuation in the old, low-beta solar wind. On the other hand, a similar profile was not observed for either bulk or thermal speeds. The dependence on the collisional age initiated the comparison with Solar Orbiter and PSP observations in the inner heliosphere that would shed light on the processes leading to a formation of these spectral features.

How to cite: Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z., and Nemec, F.: Flattening of the magnetic field power spectral density profile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4798,, 2025.

EGU25-5936 | Posters on site | ST1.11

Rugged magnetohydrodynamic invariants in weakly collisional plasma turbulence 

Petr Hellinger and Victor Montagud Camps

We investigate properties of ideal second-order magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) and Hall MHD invariants  (kinetic+magnetic energy and different helicities) in a two-dimensional hybrid simulation of decaying plasma turbulence. The combined (kinetic+magnetic) energy decays at large scales, cascades (from large to small scales) via the MHD non-linearity at intermediate scales. This cascade partly continues via the Hall coupling to sub-ion scales. The cascading energy is transferred (dissipated) to the internal energy at small scales via the resistive  dissipation and the pressure-strain effect. The mixed (X) helicity, an ideal invariant of Hall MHD, exhibits a strange behaviour whereas the cross helicity (the ideal invariant in MHD but not in Hall MHD), in analogy to the energy, decays at large scales, cascades from large to small scales via the MHD+Hall non-linearities, and is dissipated at small scales via the resistive dissipation and an equivalent of the pressure-strain effect. In contrast, the magnetic helicity is very weakly generated through the resistive term and does not exhibit any cascade; furthermore, the magnetic and cross helicities are not coupled in the hybrid approximation, so that the corresponding helicity barrier does not exist.

How to cite: Hellinger, P. and Montagud Camps, V.: Rugged magnetohydrodynamic invariants in weakly collisional plasma turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5936,, 2025.

EGU25-6875 | Posters on site | ST1.11

Autocorrelation and Cross-Correlation of MHD Turbulence across IP Shock: Multispacecraft Analysis 

Ilyas Abushzada, Alexander Pitna, Zdenek Nemecek, and Jana Safrankova

Turbulent processes play a key role in the dynamics of solar wind plasma fluctuations, governing energy transfer within the heliosphere and driving particle acceleration. In this study, we aim to investigate the nature of large- and small-scale fluctuations in the upstream and downstream regions of interplanetary shocks. By analyzing magnetic field fluctuations using both traditional and recently developed methods, we examine changes in correlation length, Taylor scale, and Reynolds number from upstream to downstream regions. Plasma and magnetic field measurements from the ACE, WIND, and DSCOVR missions are utilized in this analysis. Correlation lengths are determined using autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions applied across data from the three spacecraft. When analyzing the Reynolds number, we observe a decrease in values when transitioning from upstream to downstream regions, suggesting turbulence resetting in the case under consideration. Building on the findings of a case study, we extend our investigation by performing a statistical analysis of these parameters across multiple shocks.

How to cite: Abushzada, I., Pitna, A., Nemecek, Z., and Safrankova, J.: Autocorrelation and Cross-Correlation of MHD Turbulence across IP Shock: Multispacecraft Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6875,, 2025.

The evolving subset of turbulent structures facilitates the energy transfer from large to small spatial scales, on average. Currently, it is not known how the discontinuities that develop between these structures alter the energy transfer in the solar wind. Quantifying the energy transfer to small scales is essential to explain the apparent plasma heating during its advection through the heliosphere. We analyse the energy transfer rate conditioned on the magnetic field line topology of the associated structures in the solar wind. Magnetic field line topology is classified using invariants of the magnetic field gradient tensor constructed from the Cluster spacecraft configuration on scale of approximately 40 proton gyro-radii. Third order structure functions are estimated for five solar wind intervals and conditioned on the contemporaneous values of the topological invariants. We determine how the global mean energy transfer rates correlate with the topology of the turbulence.

How to cite: Hnat, B., Chapman, S., and Watkins, N.: Statistics of the turbulent energy transfer rate conditioned on magnetic field line topology in the solar wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6877,, 2025.

EGU25-7618 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.11

Multi-scale Dynamics of Coherent Electron Trapping and Diffusion in Earth's Magnetosheath 

Wence Jiang, Hui Li, Daniel Verscharen, Jiangshan Zheng, Kristopher Klein, Mario Riquelme, Jingting Liu, and Chi Wang
Space and astrophysical plasmas exhibit electromagnetic fluctuations and inhomogeneous structures across a wide range of scales. In the turbulent magnetosheath, high-frequency whistler waves are closely associated with large-scale coherent structures such as magnetic holes. Our study presents statistical evidence on the generation and diffusion efficiency of two distinct groups of whistler modes. Temperature-anisotropy and beam-type instabilities are triggered at different stages of magnetic hole evolution. We introduce a quasi-linear model demonstrating the crucial role of adiabatic trapping and cooling of electrons in generating these whistler waves. As the magnetic hole steepens, the slow evolution of unstable electron velocity distribution functions indicates a transition from temperature-anisotropy to beam-type instabilities, which reach saturation at faster time scales. This multi-scale mechanism offers new insights into the excitation and dissipation of whistler-mode fluctuations in similar environments.

How to cite: Jiang, W., Li, H., Verscharen, D., Zheng, J., Klein, K., Riquelme, M., Liu, J., and Wang, C.: Multi-scale Dynamics of Coherent Electron Trapping and Diffusion in Earth's Magnetosheath, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7618,, 2025.

EGU25-9622 | Orals | ST1.11

Decay of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the expanding solar wind: WIND observations 

Andrea Verdini, Petr Hellinger, Simone Landi, Roland Grappin, Victor Montagud-Camps, and Emanuele Papini

We have studied the decay of turbulence in the solar wind. Fluctuations carried by the expanding wind are naturally damped because of flux conservation, slowing down the development of a turbulent cascade. The latter also damps fluctuations but results in plasma heating. We analyzed time series of the velocity and magnetic field (v and B, respectively) obtained by the WIND spacecraft at 1 au. Fluctuations were recast in terms of the Elsasser variables, z± = v ± B/√4πρ, with ρ being the average density, and their second- and third-order structure functions were used to evaluate the Politano-Pouquet relation, modified to account for the effect of expansion.

We find that expansion plays a major role in the Alfvénic stream, those for which z+ ≫ z‑. In such a stream, expansion damping and turbulence damping act, respectively, on large and small scales for z+, and also balance each other. Instead, z‑ is only subject to a weak turbulent damping because expansion is a negligible loss at large scales and a weak source at inertial range scales.

These properties are in qualitative agreement with the observed evolution of energy spectra that is described by a double power law separated by a break that sweeps toward lower frequencies for increasing heliocentric distances. However, the data at 1 au indicate that injection by sweeping is not enough to sustain the turbulent cascade. We derived approximate decay laws of energy with distance that suggest possible solutions for the inconsistency: in our analysis, we either overestimated the cascade of z± or missed an additional injection mechanism; for example, velocity shear among streams.

How to cite: Verdini, A., Hellinger, P., Landi, S., Grappin, R., Montagud-Camps, V., and Papini, E.: Decay of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the expanding solar wind: WIND observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9622,, 2025.

EGU25-9809 | Posters on site | ST1.11

Evolution of Turbulent Fluctuations across Terrestrial Bow Shock 

Alexander Pitna, Gary Zank, Lingling Zhao, Masaru Nakanotani, Sujan Prasad Gautam, Ashok Silwal, Ilyas Abushzada, Byeongseon Park, Jana Safrankova, and Zdenek Nemecek

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) shocks are one of the key nonlinear phenomena which occur in plasmas and can influence a dynamical evolution of a system at wide range of spatial scales. In the vicinity of the shock fronts, a majority of the dissipation of the incident bulk energy takes place. Furthermore, the incident fluctuations have profound effect on the shock front itself and also on the respective evolution of the transmitted/generated modes. Recently, several approaches have been developed focusing on the evolution of various plasma wave modes across MHD shocks. In this work, we investigate the transmission of quasi-2D turbulent fluctuations across fast forward shocks in the framework of the Zank et al. (2021) model. We take advantage of concurrent measurements of upstream and downstream plasma of a terrestrial bow shock, employing observations of the Wind spacecraft and Magnetophere Multiscale Mission (MMS). This partially mitigates two main limitations of single spacecraft studies, (a) the variability of incident plasma and magnetic field fluctuations and (b) the effects that stem from the evolution of fluctuations as they propagate away from the shock front. Our results suggest that the Zank et al. (2021) model predicts the downstream levels of fluctuations excellently for the quasi-perpendicular regime of the bow shock. We discuss the deviations between the predicted and observed levels of downstream fluctuations, highlighting the influence of bow shock nonplanarity and variable obliquity.

How to cite: Pitna, A., Zank, G., Zhao, L., Nakanotani, M., Gautam, S. P., Silwal, A., Abushzada, I., Park, B., Safrankova, J., and Nemecek, Z.: Evolution of Turbulent Fluctuations across Terrestrial Bow Shock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9809,, 2025.

EGU25-10420 | Posters on site | ST1.11

Evolution of Turbulent Energy Dissipation at Quasi-perpendicular Fast Interplanetary Shocks: The thickness of shock transition region 

Byeongseon Park, Alexander Pitna, Jana Safrankova, and Zdenek Nemecek

We present a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the turbulent energy dissipation at interplanetary (IP) shocks observed by Parker Solar Probe (≈0.4 AU), Solar Orbiter (≈0.8 AU), and Wind (1 AU). Our previous study reveals the conservation of the energy dissipating mechanisms across different types of IP shocks except fast reverse. Motivated to investigate the thickness of the shock transition region in terms of the dissipation of magnetic field turbulent energy, we adopt pairs of quasi-perpendicular fast forward (FF) and reverse (FR) shocks observed at Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, and Wind. By comparing these pairs of shock, we anticipate examining (1) whether FF and FR shocks are systematically different, (2) the dependence of the shock transition thickness on critical Mach number, and (3) on heliocentric distance. We present several parameters, i.e., cross- and magnetic helicity, and the amplitude of magnetic field fluctuations for the estimation of their correlation with the spectral index evolving through shock. The abrupt changes of the plasma parameters along with the spectral index shorter than the temporal resolution of the plasma measurement are overall observed showing their minimal correlations. This suggests a role of IP shock as a thin boundary simply distinguishing two different plasmas. We will extend this hypothesis toward a statistical study including near-shock processes such as particle acceleration and wave activities.

How to cite: Park, B., Pitna, A., Safrankova, J., and Nemecek, Z.: Evolution of Turbulent Energy Dissipation at Quasi-perpendicular Fast Interplanetary Shocks: The thickness of shock transition region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10420,, 2025.

EGU25-11551 | Posters on site | ST1.11

Emergence of a characteristic scale in the Alfvénic solar wind turbulence 

Luca Sorriso-Valvo, Shiladittya Mondal, Supratik Banerjee, Andrea Larosa, Honghong Wu, Nikos Sioulas, Daniele Telloni, Raffaella D'Amicis, and Emiliya Yordanova

The solar wind is highly turbulent, which results in power-law spectra and intermittency for magnetic and velocity fluctuations within the inertial range. 
Using fast solar wind intervals measured during solar minima between 0.3 au and 3.16 au, a clear break emerges within the traditional inertial range, with signatures of two inertial sub-ranges with f-3/2 and f-5/3 power laws in the magnetic power spectra. The intermittency, measured through the scaling law of the kurtosis of magnetic field fluctuations, further confirms the existence of two different power laws separated by a clear break. A systematic study on the evolution of the said sub-ranges as a function of heliospheric distance shows correlation of the break scale with both the turbulence outer scale and the typical ion scales. Finally, using Parker Solar Probe data measured closer to the Sun, we highlight the role of switchbacks and switchback patches in generating such scale breaks.

How to cite: Sorriso-Valvo, L., Mondal, S., Banerjee, S., Larosa, A., Wu, H., Sioulas, N., Telloni, D., D'Amicis, R., and Yordanova, E.: Emergence of a characteristic scale in the Alfvénic solar wind turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11551,, 2025.

EGU25-11571 | Posters on site | ST1.11

Solar wind turbulent fluctuations within the kinetic range of scales 

Olga Alexandrova, Dusan Jovanovic, Petr Hellinger, Pascal Demoulin, Milan Maksimovic, Stuart Bale, and Andre Mangeney

Electromagnetic fluctuations in the solar wind cover a wide range of scales, from sun-rotation period to sub-electron scales. We study Cluster Guest Investigator data when 2 satellites were at 7 km distance, that corresponds to few electron Larmor radius. We find a typical spectral shape within the kinetic range and signatures of intermittency up to electron scales. Local analysis of magnetic fluctuations at electron scales indicates presence of vortex-like coherent structures, which can be interpreted in terms of electron scale Alfven vortices. We discuss a possible connection of these small-scale vortices with coherent structures at ion scales. The results at 1 au will be compared with spectral properties and coherent structures at kinetic scales observed by Parker Solar Probe closer to the Sun.

How to cite: Alexandrova, O., Jovanovic, D., Hellinger, P., Demoulin, P., Maksimovic, M., Bale, S., and Mangeney, A.: Solar wind turbulent fluctuations within the kinetic range of scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11571,, 2025.

In the transition range of the solar wind turbulence, the magnetic spectrum has been observed to be strongly anisotropic with respect to local mean field. However, the generation mechanism of the anisotropy remains not well understood. There are two typical types of waves existing in the transition range, including ion cyclotron waves (ICWs) and kinetic Alfven waves (KAWs) propagating in the directions parallel and perpendicular to magnetic field, respectively. In this work, we perform a statistical study on the effects of the waves on the spectral anisotropy of the transition range. We select 31 intervals from the measurements of Parker Solar Probe between 2018 and 2021. The magnetic helicity (sigma_m) diagnosis is applied on the magnetic field data at the frequency domain [0.1 Hz, 10 Hz], and the wavelet coefficients with sigma_m < -0.5 and sigma_m > 0.4 are considered as signals of ICWs and KAWs, respectively. We then remove them and find that the spectral anisotropy in the transition range becomes significantly weaker. Specifically, the spectra in the quasi-parallel direction statistically get shallower, and the average spectral index changes from -5.68±0.74 to -4.72±0.56. By contrast, the spectra in the perpendicular direction get slightly steeper, and the index changes from -3.63±0.34 to -3.95±0.41. Moreover, the anisotropic scaling in the transition range is found to be k ~ k1.55±0.33. The new results about the magnetic field spectra after the removal of ICW and KAW will help to further understand the possible mechanisms that cause the spectral anisotropy in the transition range.

How to cite: Wang, X. and Zhang, H.: Effects of Waves on the Spectral Anisotropy of Transition Range in the Solar Wind Turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14164,, 2025.

EGU25-14248 | Posters on site | ST1.11

Identifying Kinetic Phase Space Signatures of Turbulent Dissipation 

Trevor Bowen, Tamar Ervin, Alexandros Chasapis, Oreste Pezzi, Andrea Larosa, Kris Klein, Alfred Mallet, and Stuart Bale

Understanding the nature and importance of various proposed heating processes that result from turbulent dissipation is imperative in describing a range of collisionless systems. We highlight the importance of kinetic phase space signatures of heating as pivitol in providing necessary contraints on turbulent dissipation. Understanding mechanisms through diffusive approximation schemes is largely a tractable problem that can be studied with modern plasma instrumentation. We highlight recent progress in understanding signatures of kinetic dissipation and particle heating using the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission. Importantly, our observations reveal that a range of heating mechanisms (stochastic heating, cyclotron resonance, and Landau damping) are likely important in explaining observed phase-space plasma signatures. The use of non-parametric approximations to particle distribution functions (via Hermite polynomials and Radial Basis Functions) is pivotal in understanding and characterizing these heating mechanisms. While our observations are from PSP, we discuss furture implementation of these techniques on current and future plasma missions (MMS and Plasma Observatory).

How to cite: Bowen, T., Ervin, T., Chasapis, A., Pezzi, O., Larosa, A., Klein, K., Mallet, A., and Bale, S.: Identifying Kinetic Phase Space Signatures of Turbulent Dissipation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14248,, 2025.

EGU25-14782 | Orals | ST1.11

A new scenario with two subranges in the inertial regime of solar wind turbulence 

Honghong Wu, Shiyong Huang, Jiansen He, Liping Yang, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, Xin Wang, and Zhigang Yuan

Solar wind provides a natural laboratory for the plasma turbulence. The core problem is the energy cascade process in the inertial range, which has been a long-standing fundamental question. Many efforts are put into the theoretical modellings to explain the observational features in the solar wind. However, there are always questions remained. Here we report a new scenario that the inertial regime of the solar wind turbulence consists of two subranges based on the observation. We perform multi-order structure function analyses for one high-latitude fast solar wind interval at 1.48 au measured by Ulysses and one slow solar wind at 0.17 au measured by Parker Solar Probe (PSP). We identify the existence of two subranges in the inertial range according to their distinct scaling features. Based on the observational features, we propose that the possible mechanisms that subrange 1 is Iroshnikov-Kraichnan-like turbulence and subrange 2 is the intermittency-dominated region. The scenario of two subranges and their scaling laws not only shed new lights for the plasma turbulence, but also unify previous results that cause debates, making the observed scaling laws prepared for further theoretical modeling. 

How to cite: Wu, H., Huang, S., He, J., Yang, L., Sorriso-Valvo, L., Wang, X., and Yuan, Z.: A new scenario with two subranges in the inertial regime of solar wind turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14782,, 2025.

EGU25-15511 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.11

Turbulence features of the solar wind from different source regions based on Parker Solar Probe observation 

Tieyan Wang, Wenhao Chen, Liping Yang, Jiansen He, and Hui Fu

Properties of the solar wind in different types of plasma (e.g., heliospheric current sheet, coronal hole, ejecta, sub-Alfvénic) are known to exhibit distinct features. Based on Parker Solar Probe measurements of the solar wind in the inner heliosphere, we compare the similarities and differences between two streams originating from different sources at the same radial distance. Despite sharing similar properties, including cross helicity, residual energy, Elsasser ratio, and magnetic compressibility, notable differences are observed. For the solar wind associated with active regions, the turbulence exhibits lower magnetic field fluctuation amplitudes, shallower magnetic field spectrum, and stronger intermittency, whereas the turbulence associated with coronal holes displays opposite characteristics. The switchback properties of these two streams are also discussed. Our results further explore the variabilities of solar wind turbulence, which may have implications for solar wind heating and acceleration.

How to cite: Wang, T., Chen, W., Yang, L., He, J., and Fu, H.: Turbulence features of the solar wind from different source regions based on Parker Solar Probe observation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15511,, 2025.

EGU25-16301 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.11

Third-Order Law for MHD Turbulence Varying the Dissipation Mechanisms 

Elisa Maria Fortugno, Luisa Scarivaglione, Sergio Servidio, and Vincenzo Carbone

The phenomenon of energy cascade in Alfvénic solar wind turbulence has traditionally been studied assuming ideal plasmas, where viscosity (ν) and resistivity (η) are equal and very small. However, recent observations suggest that in the solar wind, viscous-like effects related to velocity act on much larger scales compared to magnetic dissipation. The main novelty of this study lies in assuming phenomenological distinctions among dissipation mechanisms and hence assuming different values for ν and η.

In this work, we investigate the third-order Yaglom law for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence through a combination of theoretical analysis and simulations. Specifically, we study the energy budget law for visco-resistive MHD and explore how differing viscosities and resistivities affect the energy cascade. The Yaglom relation, rewritten in terms of Elsässer variables, deviates from the ideal case due to the assumption ν ≠ η. This relation, which involves a third-order moment calculated from velocity and magnetic fields, provides a direct measure of the energy transfer rate across scales.

Our preliminary results, supported by direct numerical simulations, indicate that these findings could enhance the interpretation of solar wind and magnetosheath observations. The third-order moment is indeed particularly relevant as it enables a detailed comparison of energy transfer mechanisms, highlighting the differences that arise when the dissipation processes in the velocity and the magnetic field are different.

How to cite: Fortugno, E. M., Scarivaglione, L., Servidio, S., and Carbone, V.: Third-Order Law for MHD Turbulence Varying the Dissipation Mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16301,, 2025.

EGU25-17216 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.11

A mass invariant in a compressible turbulent medium 

Pierre Dumond, Jérémy Fensch, Gilles Chabrier, and Etienne Jaupart

Turbulence is ubiquitous in star-forming regions, but predicting measurable statistical properties of the density fluctuations in a supersonic compressible turbulent flow is a major challenge in physics. In 1951, Chandrasekhar derived an invariant Minv under the assumption of the statistical homogeneity and isotropy of the turbulent density field and stationarity of the background density. Recently, Jaupart & Chabrier (2021) extended this invariant to non-isotropic flows in a time-evolving background and showed that it has the dimension of a mass. This invariant depends on the variance and correlation length of the density field. In this work, we perform numerical simulations of homogeneous and isotropic compressible turbulence to test the validity of this invariant in a medium subject to decaying turbulence or to self-gravity. We study several input configurations, namely different Mach numbers, injection lengths of turbulence, equations of state and average gas densities to cover the variety of star formation conditions. We confirm that Minv remains constant during the decaying phase of turbulence and also when for self-gravitating flows. Furthermore, we develop a theoretical model of the density field statistics which predicts without any free parameters the evolution of the correlation length with the variance of the logdensity field beyond the assumption of the gaussian field for the logdensity. Noting that Minv is independent of the Mach number, we show that this invariant can be used to relate the non-gaussian evolution of the logdensity probability distribution function to its variance with no free parameters. Finally, we will discuss what we can learn from this invariant in terms of the statistics of the structures formed in star-forming regions.

How to cite: Dumond, P., Fensch, J., Chabrier, G., and Jaupart, E.: A mass invariant in a compressible turbulent medium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17216,, 2025.

EGU25-17439 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.11

Small-scale Current Sheets and Magnetic Reconnection in the Turbulent Solar Wind 

Inmaculada F. Albert, Sergio Toledo-Redondo, Víctor Montagud-Camps, Aida Castilla, Benoît Lavraud, Naïs Fargette, Philippe Louarn, Christopher Owen, and Yannis Zouganelis

Magnetic reconnection is an energy dissipating process, in which magnetic field topology is modified, eroding the magnetic field, and turning the magnetic energy into thermal and kinetic energy of the plasma. Magnetic reconnection has been observed through a wide range of scales in the solar system, from thousands of ion inertial lengths in the heliospheric current sheet to few electron inertial lengths in Earth’s magnetosheath. However, the smaller scales were not accessible in the solar wind until the launch of Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe, and therefore ion-scale magnetic reconnection had not been studied in the solar wind.


Non-linear interactions drive turbulence in the solar wind, transferring energy across scales at a constant rate, seen as a constant slope in the energy spectrum of magnetic fluctuations. However, a spectral break is observed at scales close to and below the ion inertial length. It has been proposed that the magnetic energy dissipated through magnetic reconnection at scales of the ion inertial length or smaller can account in part for this break in the magnetic fluctuation energy spectrum.


In the present work, we have harnessed the high cadence of the Solar Orbiter in-situ instrumentation (Solar Wind Analyzer and Magnetometer) to search for magnetic reconnection at scales in the order of few to tens ion inertial lengths. We compiled a catalog of 979 thin current sheets, 5% of which undergo reconnection. Statistics of CS properties and Solar Wind conditions around these has been performed, with a double aim: assessing the relation between turbulence and reconnection; and evaluate the influence of different Solar Wind parameters on ion-scale reconnection.

How to cite: F. Albert, I., Toledo-Redondo, S., Montagud-Camps, V., Castilla, A., Lavraud, B., Fargette, N., Louarn, P., Owen, C., and Zouganelis, Y.: Small-scale Current Sheets and Magnetic Reconnection in the Turbulent Solar Wind, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17439,, 2025.

EGU25-17532 | Orals | ST1.11

On the velocity phase space cascade in the inner heliosphere 

Andrea Larosa, Oreste Pezzi, Trevor Bowen, Alexandros Chasapis, Domenico Trotta, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, Christopher Chen, Roberto Livi, and Jaye Verniero

In space plasma, due to the absence of collisions, the phase space present a complex structuring and strong deviations from thermal equilibrium. Previous works have highlighted this aspect in both magnetosheath data and numerical simulation through an hermite decomposition of the ion velocity distribution function. The hermite spectrum of the vdf is expected to to have a precise spectral slope and to present anisotropy in a magnetic field dominated environment. Such a tool is particularly suited for the vdf representation since each order of the hermite decomposition corresponds to a moment of the vdf.

In this work we study, by using the Parker Solar Probe ion vdfs, the evolution of the hermite spectrum and the vdf fine features with respect to radial distance and solar wind conditions.

These results are useful to understand how the phase space evolve in the inner heliosphere and how this effect the heating in collissionless plasma.

How to cite: Larosa, A., Pezzi, O., Bowen, T., Chasapis, A., Trotta, D., Sorriso-Valvo, L., Chen, C., Livi, R., and Verniero, J.: On the velocity phase space cascade in the inner heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17532,, 2025.

EGU25-18278 | ECS | Orals | ST1.11

On the role of mirror mode instabilities in the reconnecting Heliospheric Current Sheet dynamics 

Naïs Fargette, Jonathan Eastwood, Lorenzo Matteini, Cara L. Waters, Vincent Génot, and Victor Réville

Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process in astrophysical plasma, as it enables the dissipation of energy at kinetic scales as well as large-scale reconfiguration of the magnetic topology. In the solar wind, its quantitative role in plasma dynamics and particle energization remains an open question that is starting to come into focus as more missions now probe the inner heliosphere. In particular, the first encounters of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission with the Sun have revealed that the Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS) was often reconnecting close to the Sun, opening question about the impact of HCS reconnection on the nearby solar wind.

In this work, we first make a thorough catalog of all HCS crossings measured PSP (encounter 5 to the latest available) and find that 88\% of crossings present magnetic reconnection signatures. This statistically confirms that magnetic reconnection is prevalent in the near Sun HCS. We then quantify the level of turbulence within the HCS and find enhanced energy at kinetic scales compared to the nearby solar wind, usually devoid of magnetic switchbacks. We furthermore highlight the frequent observation of mirror mode instabilities within the structure of the HCS, hinting that this process plays a particular role in the energy dissipation. These mirror mode instabilities are also observed within HCS crossings observed by Solar Orbiter further in the heliosphere. We finally plan to study the evolution of the HCS structure through multi-spacecraft observation.

Collectively, these results show that the HCS may play an important role in the energization of the near Sun solar wind. We discuss the impact of these observations on our current understanding of HCS reconnection and solar wind turbulence.

How to cite: Fargette, N., Eastwood, J., Matteini, L., Waters, C. L., Génot, V., and Réville, V.: On the role of mirror mode instabilities in the reconnecting Heliospheric Current Sheet dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18278,, 2025.

EGU25-3236 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4

Challenges and Opportunities with Soil Moisture Measurement in Ireland using Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing: Examples from an agriculture and a forest site 

Haleh Karbala Ali, Klara Finkele, Rafael Rosolem, Jonathan Evans, Martin Schrön, Brian Tobin, and Eve Daly

Field-scale Soil Moisture (SM) is an important variable to derive and study agriculture, plant growth, nutrient management, water quality and management, soil carbon sequestration, groundwater availability, flood forecasting, forest fire risk, land surface models and is an Essential Climate Variable (ECV). Field-scale SM estimates are vital due to small scale soil heterogeneities and can fill the gap between the traditional in-situ point measurements and products derived from remote sensing.

The Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensor (CRNS) technology detects and counts naturally occurring fast neutrons (generated by cosmic-rays) after they are slowed primarily by hydrogen atoms in soil water and biomass. The CRNS can measure the root-zone SM at field-scale in a non-invasive way to an effective depth of 10 to 70 cm depending on soil water content and over a footprint of around 300 m diameter.

The AGMET group (Working Group of Applied Agricultural Meteorology in Ireland) instigated the Irish Soil Moisture Observation Network (ISMON) in 2021 and installed ten CRNS stations across Ireland, covering a range of soil types, with a view to estimating regional soil moisture conditions more accurately.

In this study, we present the SM estimates recorded since 2021 at two different ISMON sites in Ireland. In each of these sites, the CRNS sensor is co-located with arrays of Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) in-situ sensors. The first site is an agricultural grazing system on a mineral soil at the ISMON Farmer’s Journal farm site in Tullamore, County Offaly. The second site locates in a forest setting at the ISMON Dooray forest in County Laois. The CRNS measurements are calibrated based on soil sampling campaigns and the CRNS derived SM products are compared with TDR measurements for validation. The effect of the soil types and vegetation cover on the final SM estimates are investigated.

How to cite: Karbala Ali, H., Finkele, K., Rosolem, R., Evans, J., Schrön, M., Tobin, B., and Daly, E.: Challenges and Opportunities with Soil Moisture Measurement in Ireland using Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing: Examples from an agriculture and a forest site, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3236,, 2025.

Lake George is a closed basin located 50 km north-east of Canberra, in southeastern Australia.  Historical records indicate that lake levels directly reflect precipitation; eight cycles of high water levels (up to 7m depth), interspersed with dry lake conditions, have occurred since 1820 CE. Over longer time scales, shoreline sediments also record phases of high water up to 14m depth in Lake George during the past 15000 years. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronologies show multiple high lake phases extending through the Holocene, with a dominant cyclic pattern of c. 2300 y.

Here we compare the Holocene lake-level data with astronomical and solar phenomena over the same time period. In particular, we calculate a cyclicity in the Grand Alignments (GAs) of the four Jovian planets of 4628 y and near GAs occurring at 2314 y intervals, the timing of which is coeval with the Lake George filling events. GAs have been observed to align with Grand Minima (GMs) (eg Maunder and Spoerer Minima) in solar activity (sunspots) which produce phases of high galactic cosmic ray flux on Earth. The timing of GMs is obtained by reconstruction of 10Be and 14C fluxes as recorded in terrestrial sediments.  These high fluxes also appear to show a temporal relationship with occurrence of the lake level highs. 

The recognition of cosmic ray flux episodes, rather than individual GMs, strongly indicates an association between observed solar activity and the high lake levels as preserved in the Lake George sediment archive. The time span 0-9.4ka contains four GM episodes and 13 OSL dated lake levels.  Of the latter, 69% date within the episodes of GM. The evidence suggests that precipitation in the Lake George basin has been associated with Jovian planet grand alignments and near GAs for at least the past 15000 years, and with phases of reduced solar and interplanetary magnetic field  strength and increased GCR flux in the vicinity of the Earth. 

The study supports the hypothesis that solar activity exhibits the well -known Hallstatt cycle periodicity (2300 yr).  Mechanisms for cause and effect remain subjects for further study.

How to cite: Asten, M., McCracken, K., and Fitzsimmons, K.: A 10ka Holocene record of cyclic precipitation in a closed catchment in SE Australia, associated with  episodes of solar Grand Minima and variations in galactic cosmic ray flux, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3395,, 2025.

EGU25-3490 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4

Simulation of Cosmic Rays Trajectories and Neutron Transport generated on the Sun and observed on Earth 

Rocío Fuente, Carlo Luis Guerrero, Juan José Blanco, and Pablo Cerviño

The study of Cosmic Rays (CRs) and Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) is key in analyzing the effect of solar activity on the terrestrial environment. Changes in the properties of the medium they pass through until their detection profoundly affect the intensity and the propagation direction of the CR flux.

Our starting point is that accurate measurements of CR and SEP flux can allow us to infer the conditions of the medium they pass through on their way to Earth, particularly the interplanetary medium, the magnetosphere and the atmosphere. The development of a CR simulation code helps us perform such analysis, which may contribute to future predictions of solar events and prevent potential damage and disturbances in the global technological system and the human environment. Computational simulation of these phenomena allows us to interpret the data and obtain a vision that will facilitate, for instance, explaining the generation and transport of solar neutrons to Earth’s atmosphere and their interaction with the atmosphere and the detectors installed in different geographical locations.

The Space Research Group of the University of Alcala (SGR – UAH) has extensive experience in the design, construction, control and maintenance of neutron measurement systems, distributed in different regions of the world. Among these, we can mention: CALMA, ORCA, ICaRO and the EPD aboard on the Solar Orbiter Mission. These instruments generate a large amount of data that must be analyzed and modeled for understanding and study. It is at this point where computational simulation techniques and data management are crucial for the SGR-UAH group.

In this work we present the code we developed to study the trajectory and rigidity of charged particles entering Earth’s magnetic field. The simulation code TOROS (Trajectories of cOsmic Rays Observed Simulator) is based on numerically calculating the trajectories of charged particles and their interaction with Earth’s magnetic field before reaching the atmosphere. The code uses the magnetic dipole model and various approximations of Tsyganenko’s magnetic field model. Our goal is to use this simulation tool and the data it generates as input for well known simulation codes in the research field, such as GEANT-4 and CORSIKA, to validate, simulate and propose models based on experimental measurements from detectors of the SGR-UAH group and others worldwide. Comparing our results with other simulation codes is also part of the validation and testing process for the “TOROS” code.

How to cite: Fuente, R., Guerrero, C. L., Blanco, J. J., and Cerviño, P.: Simulation of Cosmic Rays Trajectories and Neutron Transport generated on the Sun and observed on Earth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3490,, 2025.

EGU25-4551 | Orals | GI4.4

Atmospheric effect on cosmic ray produced neutron: mini neutron monitor experimental results 

Juan Jose Blanco, Du Toit Strauss, Juan Ignacio García-Tejedor, África Barreto, Pablo Cerviño-Solana, David Arrazola, Alberto Regadío, Carlo Luis Guerrero Contreras, Pablo Gonzalez-Sicilia, David Moure, Victor Cabrera, Stepan Poluianov, and Óscar García-Población

Primary cosmic rays (PCRs) interact with atmospheric nuclei producing a myriad of secondary particles known as secondary cosmic rays (SCRs) that can be measured with ground-based detectors such as neutron monitors. Neutrons, protons, pions or muons are some of the particle species of these SCRs. Their flux is related to the kinetic energy of the PCRs and shows a strong dependence on the pressure level at the observation site reflecting their dependence on the amount of matter they have to pass through the atmosphere. In addition, the air column above the observation point evolves continuously introducing temporal changes in the SCR flux due to atmospheric conditions. This atmospheric effect is taken into account by the β factor, which is the exponent of the exponential relationship between the atmospheric pressure and the SCR count rate, being mostly neutrons in the case of neutron monitors. On the other hand, pressure shows an inverse dependence with height above sea level and this should be reflected in the neutron monitor count rate as it is measured at different altitude levels. Altitude surveys with a mobile neutron monitor are essential for understanding how the atmosphere affects SCR production and for cross-checking models describing the interaction between cosmic rays and atmospheric atoms. From October 2023 to September 2024, one such survey was carried out with a mini neutron monitor on the island of Tenerife. Four sites were visited at the altitudes of 20, 868, 2390 and 3355 meters above sea level, respectively. A control point to monitor solar activity during altitude sounding has been established at the 2390 m site where a standard 3NM64 neutron monitor has been operating since early 2023 at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory. The results of the experiment are presented and discussed and the dependence of the β factor on the multiplicity in the mini neutron monitor is noted, suggesting an energy dependence of the β factor.

How to cite: Blanco, J. J., Strauss, D. T., García-Tejedor, J. I., Barreto, Á., Cerviño-Solana, P., Arrazola, D., Regadío, A., Guerrero Contreras, C. L., Gonzalez-Sicilia, P., Moure, D., Cabrera, V., Poluianov, S., and García-Población, Ó.: Atmospheric effect on cosmic ray produced neutron: mini neutron monitor experimental results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4551,, 2025.

EGU25-5935 | Posters on site | GI4.4

Site-specific incoming correction based on muons: a comparison with cosmic neutrons measurements at JUNG at OULU. 

Carlotta Bonvicini, Gianmarco Cracco, Barbara Biasuzzi, Stefano Gianessi, Marcello Lunardon, Mario Zara, Marco Zanetti, Luca Stevanato, and Enrico Gazzola

Cosmic Rays Neutron Sensing (CRNS) opened the possibility to measure water content in the environment by neutrons absorption overcoming the need of an artificial radioactive source of neutrons. While the exploitation of a naturally available source of radiation is a fundamental feature that allows the widespread deployment of permanent sensors on-field, it intruduces the need of monitoring the natural variation of the incoming radiation to correct the signal accordingly.

This so-called “incoming correction” for CRNS is usually obtained by referring to the public data provided by the Neutron Monitor DataBase (NMDB) observatories, with the Jungfraujoch (JUNG) often being the preferred one, due to its position in central Europe on the Swiss Alps. In fact, a critical factor affecting the incoming flux of cosmic rays at the ground is the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity parameter, which is site-specific with a strong dependence on the latitude. The site-specificity of the incoming correction, together with the need to rely on an external source of data, makes it a crucial topic for the CRNS community.

Finapp developed a patented detection technology with the feature of contextually detecting neutrons and muons. Muons are also generated by cosmic rays, but they are not backscattered by the soil like neutrons, which makes them suitable for monitoring the incoming flux itself. In order to provide a fair, site-specific comparison between the variations of muons counts by Finapp and cosmic neutrons counts by NMDB observatories, we installed a sensor at the NMDB-JUNG site in January 2024 and one at the NMDB-OULU site in Finland in October 2024. In this presentation we will report preliminary results of this project and its impact on CRNS applications.

We acknowledge the NMDB database (, founded under the European Union's FP7 programme (contract no. 213007) for providing data. Jungfraujoch neutron monitor data were kindly provided by the Physikalisches Institut, University of Bern, Switzerland. Oulu neutron monitor data were kindly provided by the Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory (

How to cite: Bonvicini, C., Cracco, G., Biasuzzi, B., Gianessi, S., Lunardon, M., Zara, M., Zanetti, M., Stevanato, L., and Gazzola, E.: Site-specific incoming correction based on muons: a comparison with cosmic neutrons measurements at JUNG at OULU., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5935,, 2025.

EGU25-6803 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4

A worst-case scenario? Exploring low-energy cosmic-ray neutron signal dynamics in wetlands 

Daniel Rasche, Torsten Sachs, Aram Kalhori, Christian Wille, Markus Morgner, Andreas Güntner, and Theresa Blume

In the past 15 years, Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) has evolved to a useful tool for monitoring soil moisture at the field scale. Given the large measurement radius of up to 200 metres and measurement depth of 20 to 30 centimetres, it overcomes small-scale heterogeneities and allows to estimate soil moisture at spatio-temporal scales which are required to e.g., inform environmental models or validate soil moisture products from remote sensing data.

CRNS relies on the inverse relationship between soil moisture and observed low-energy cosmic-ray neutrons. Higher soil moisture results in lower neutron intensities but also a higher statistical noise in the data. In combination with the strongly non-linear relationship between soil moisture and observed low-energy cosmic-ray neutrons, this leads to larger uncertainties for soil moisture estimates when the soil moisture is high. Therefore, CRNS is expected to provide most accurate soil moisture estimates at monitoring sites with generally drier soils. Knowledge gaps remain with respect to the use of CRNS and the response of measured neutron intensities at observation sites with very wet soils and even partial water cover.

Against this background, we explore the signal dynamics of observed thermal and epithermal neutron intensities in a wetland in north-eastern Germany. Placing two identical neutron detectors at two different locations in the wetland and with different fractions of water cover in their respective measurement footprint allows for an investigation of the sensitivity of observed neutron signals to variations in partial water cover and soil moisture changes in water-free areas. Site-specific signal dynamics are modelled using neutron transport simulations conducted with the URANOS model code as well as simplified approaches to gain understanding on the influence of water cover and soil moisture on thermal and epithermal neutron signals. Ultimately, the possibility of deriving soil moisture information in water-free areas from observed neutron intensities is explored.

Our analyses shed additional light on the potential of CRNS for soil moisture estimation and its sensitive measurement footprint at extreme and unfavourable monitoring sites.

How to cite: Rasche, D., Sachs, T., Kalhori, A., Wille, C., Morgner, M., Güntner, A., and Blume, T.: A worst-case scenario? Exploring low-energy cosmic-ray neutron signal dynamics in wetlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6803,, 2025.

EGU25-8780 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4

The additive value of multi-scale remote sensing snow products for alpine above-snow Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing 

Nora Krebs, Paul Schattan, Valentina Premier, Abraham Mejia-Aguilar, Christine Fey, Magnus Bremer, and Martin Rutzinger

Alpine snow cover is shaped by complex topography, wind and insulation patterns, causing strong lateral heterogeneity in snow water equivalent (SWE) within only a few meters distance. While common SWE observation methods are confined to a footprint area of a few square meters, above-snow cosmic ray neutron sensing (CRNS) detects secondary cosmogenic neutrons that can be translated to SWE from an area of several hectares. The large footprint size decreases the observation bias that is caused by the choice of measurement location in conventional methods. However, the large footprint size also decreases the control on other signal contributing factors. Cosmogenic neutrons are sensitive to all sources of ambient hydrogen, including soil moisture and vegetation. Partial snow cover poses an additional challenge, due to the dissimilar and non-linear contribution of snow-free and snow-covered areas. The predominant development of mountain snowpack into partial snow cover highlights the intricacy of the CRNS signal in the alpine domain. In this study, we explore the complementary value of close-range, mid-range and far-range remote sensing snow products for the characterization of alpine CRNS snow monitoring sites in Austria and Italy. Joined observations of satellite-based fractional snow cover (FSC) products of Sentinel-1 and -2 and MODIS, at a spatial resolution of 20 m, 60 m and 500 m, respectively, provide quasi-daily observations of the snow cover state within the CRNS footprint area. This allows us to identify site-specific snow season parameters and dynamics in the CRNS signal. Further, air-borne and terrestrial topographic lidar (ALS and TLS) campaigns under snow-free and snow-covered conditions provide detailed FCS, snow height distribution and topographic information at a high spatial resolution. The good compatibility of these products is shown by the overall low deviation between lidar derived FSC and Sentinel FSC products of ~11% and between lidar and MODIS FSC of ~13%. Paired with complementary, manual snow density measurements for the computation of distributed SWE and the calibration of the neutron count to SWE conversion, these observations allow us to evaluate the complexity and dynamics of the seasonal CRNS signal at alpine sites. The similarity in spatial resolution between CRNS and satellite-based remote sensing products points towards its high potential for bridging the gap between ground- and space-based snow observations. Dedicated neutron simulations and further investigations are needed to gain a better understanding of factors that contribute to neutron count dynamics in alpine terrain.

How to cite: Krebs, N., Schattan, P., Premier, V., Mejia-Aguilar, A., Fey, C., Bremer, M., and Rutzinger, M.: The additive value of multi-scale remote sensing snow products for alpine above-snow Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8780,, 2025.

Secondary cosmic rays (CRs) are produced when primary CRs interact with atmospheric atoms, leading 
to the formation of a cascade of secondary particles such as neutrons, pions, protons, and muons, with 
energies ranging from a few dozen meV to over 1 GeV. Neutrons produced during the extensive air 
shower spreading is characterized by a high elastic scattering cross section with hydrogen nuclei. This 
latter effectively moderates neutrons by slowing them down, and composes different media in the 
atmosphere, such as water vapor, ice and liquid vapor. 
Neutron spectrometry is based on this singular ability of hydrogen to moderate neutrons. In addition of 
interacting with the atmosphere, cosmic neutrons also interact with the Earth’s surface. Some of them 
are scattered back to the surface and are referred to as albedo neutrons. This phenomenon is crucial for 
studying soil moisture with a Bonner sphere spectrometer. Indeed, previous studies on both neutrons 
monitors and Bonner spheres spectrometers highlighted the impact of soil water content on neutron fluxes, 
validating the use of these methods to monitor soil moisture. However, it has been established that 
atmospheric water vapor induces a significant decrease in neutron counts that requires consideration. 
For this study, an experimental platform was deployed at the Atmospheric Research Center in 
Lannemezan, France. This platform includes instruments monitoring the atmospheric column 
hygrometry (precipitations, mixing ratio) and pressure -provided by a 60 m high mast- and soil moisture 
variations measured by refractometric probes in a 120 cm depth pit. In addition, a BSS extended to high 
neutron energies is constantly measuring the neutronic natural environment near the pit and mast since 
September 2023. The Bonner sphere spectrometer consists of three high-density polyethylene spheres 
(3, 5, and 8 inches) and two polyethylene spheres with inner high-density metal shells (8 and 9 inches), 
each equipped with a 2-inch proportional counter. This instrument provides a valuable information about 
the detected neutrons by allowing the reconstruction of the full spectrum, from meV to GeV. Thus, this 
approach enables the study of the impact of different hydrogen pools across the four main energy 
domains (thermal, epithermal, evaporation, and cascade neutrons). 
To complement these experimental data, a simulation work was necessary. The URANOS (Ultra Rapid 
Neutron Only Simulation) code has been a reference for several years in the field of simulating the 
transport of atmospheric neutrons in the atmosphere and soils. It is based on the application of the Monte 
Carlo method, and allows to calculate physical quantities such as energy distribution, spatial distribution, 
and neutron interaction processes. To meet more accurately the needs of this study, a module 
specifically designed for Bonner Spheres has been developed, providing key information on the impact 
of the atmosphere on neutron counts measured by each sphere.  
In this study, we apply a new methodology to a set of experimental time series in order to reduce the 
impact of the atmosphere on neutron counts from the Bonner sphere spectrometer. We will finally 
compare the results to the same uncorrected time series. 

How to cite: Tilhac, A., Hubert, G., Köhli, M., and Lohou, F.: Improving neutron spectrometry measurement methodology to better understand soil moisture variability: application to an area subject to strong seasonal and daily variations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11397,, 2025.

EGU25-11935 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4

Adverse conditions for cosmic-ray neutron sensing: high water content low bulk density – can we still infer soil moisture over the full moisture range? 

Peter Grosse, Lena Scheiffele, Sophia Dobkowitz, Katya Dimitrova-Petrova, Daniel Rasche, and Sascha Oswald

Near-surface soil moisture variation is an important variable in peatlands, controlling chemical processes and peat development or degradation. Cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) provides an area average soil moisture over a support volume of > 150 m radius and down to 50 cm depth by relating the abundance of secondary fast neutrons above ground to soil moisture. However, standard calibration and weighting functions for CRNS were developed and tested for mineral soils with dry bulk densities above 1 g cm-³ and only up to 55 % of volumetric soil moisture. Peat soils, in contrast, are characterized by high organic matter content, low bulk densities, and high soil moisture when saturated. This makes peatlands a challenging environment for any soil moisture monitoring, including CRNS. In such adverse conditions, questions remain on the appropriate CRNS calibration approach and therefore the accurate determination of soil moisture.

This study presents lessons learned from operating a CRNS at a fen site with extensively used grassland in Northeast Germany (nature conservation area “Kremmener Luch”) for 3.5 years. The CRNS was complemented with point-scale soil moisture sensor profiles down to 1 m (FDR and TDR) in several locations of its footprint as well as groundwater level observations to identify periods of ponding that occur frequently at the site. Measuring soil moisture with the dielectric point-scale sensors showed challenges on its own. We increased the precision of point-scale data by a local soil specific calibration relating sensor permittivity to soil moisture. However, strong jumps and unreliable values remained, presumably due to swelling and shrinking of the organic-rich soil and loss of contact with the sensor. FDR and TDR time series showed large differences in absolute values as well as spatially different soil moisture regimes due do effects of microtopography. This is opposed to the CRNS, which senses average water content independent of small-scale heterogeneities. To derive a CRNS soil moisture time series we tested calibrating the CRNS using data from dedicated soil moisture sampling campaigns or the point-scale time series. We obtained unrealistically high CRNS-soil moisture regardless of which calibration function we chose – the standard “Desilets’ equation” or the recently proposed advanced “Universal Transport Solution”. Following the suggestion in previous CRNS studies conducted at peaty sites, we adjusted the parameters of the Desilets’ equation, which lead to a more realistic soil moisture range. However, the estimation of the CRNS integration depth with the standard procedures is very sensitive to the low bulk density of the organic soil and remains largely uncertain. This data set serves as a valuable testbed for extending the validity of existing calibration and weighting functions, and we will utilize neutron simulations to enhance our understanding of the vertical footprint of CRNS under conditions of low bulk density and high soil moisture.

Improved understanding and precision of CRNS soil moisture in peatlands can support peatland restoration efforts by providing insights into near-surface soil moisture variations allowing the evaluation of water level management success.

How to cite: Grosse, P., Scheiffele, L., Dobkowitz, S., Dimitrova-Petrova, K., Rasche, D., and Oswald, S.: Adverse conditions for cosmic-ray neutron sensing: high water content low bulk density – can we still infer soil moisture over the full moisture range?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11935,, 2025.

EGU25-12050 | ECS | Orals | GI4.4

The Role of Aerosol Types in Mediating the Impact of Galactic Cosmic Rays on Climate Variability Over the Past Two Decades 

Faezeh Karimian Sarakhs, Fabio Madonna, and Salvatore De Pasquale

Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs), high-energy particles originating from supernovas, have been hypothesized to influence Earth's climate by ionizing atmospheric aerosols and accelerating the formation of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). This mechanism leads to increasing the cloud cover and enhances the cooling effect at the Earth’s surface. However, the magnitude of this natural forcing remains a subject of debate. This study proposes the use of multivariate linear regression to model monthly anomalies in near-surface air temperatures as a function of anomalies in GCR flux and other solar and climate variables, including sunspot number, geomagnetic indices, greenhouse gas concentrations (CO₂ and CH₄), cloud effective radius (CER), cloud liquid water, radiation, and aerosol optical depth (AOD) across different latitudes. Monthly data  collected over the past 20 years from a variety of instruments, surface-based and satellite on board, and networks monitoring the atmosphere and from three neutron monitoring stations at different latitudes:  in Hermanus (South Africa, low-latitude), Newark (USA, mid-latitude), and Oulu (Finland, high-latitude) have been considered, being the location of three neutron monitor stations. CER and AOD emerged as the most significant predictors across all stations. Incorporating GCR flux as a covariate for AOD improved model performance, with adjusted R-squared values increasing from 0.22 to 0.31 in Oulu, 0.37 to 0.52 in Newark, and 0.69 to 0.78 in Hermanus. Further analysis using ECMWF atmospheric composition reanalysis indicated that sea salt aerosols, particularly in the 5–20 µm size range, dominate across all locations, suggesting their potential role to the mechanisms enhanced by the GCRs ionization power, such as CCN formation and particle aggregation. A next step would be to investigate the impact of GCRs on cloud characteristics, such as cloud cover, cloud fraction and cloud top properties like pressure and temperature, to gain a clearer understanding of their influence on climate variability.

Keywords: galactic cosmic ray, near surface temperature, aerosol type, sea salt aerosol, cloud condensation nuclei, climate natural variability

How to cite: Karimian Sarakhs, F., Madonna, F., and De Pasquale, S.: The Role of Aerosol Types in Mediating the Impact of Galactic Cosmic Rays on Climate Variability Over the Past Two Decades, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12050,, 2025.

EGU25-12351 | Posters on site | GI4.4

Irrigation Management and Soil Moisture Monitoring with Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors: Lessons Learned and Future Opportunities 

Heye Bogena, Cosimo Brogi, Felix Nieberding, Andre Daccache, Lena Scheiffele, and Salar Saeed Dogar

Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) is attracting attention in irrigation management. CRNS can non-invasively and accurately measure soil moisture (SM) in the root zone at the field scale, thus addressing scale and logistics issues typical of point-scale sensor networks. CRNS are effectively used to inform large pivot irrigation systems but most agricultural landscapes in Europe and elsewhere consist of highly diversified and small fields. These are challenging for CRNS as the measured signal integrates an area of ~200m radius where multiple fields, soil heterogeneities, or variable amount of water applications can be found.

In this work, we present results from three case studies, and we develop and test solutions to improve CRNS accuracy in irrigated contexts. In 2023, a potato field in Leerodt (Germany) where strip irrigation is practiced was equipped with three CRNS (with moderators and thermal shielding), three meteorological stations, and six profile SM probes measuring at six different depths (up to 60 cm). In the same year, in Davis (California, USA), two CRNS with a 15 mm moderator, one of which also had a thermal shielding, were installed in an alfalfa field where flood irrigation is practiced. These were supported by meteorological measurements and point-scale TDR sensors. Similarly, a CRNS installed in a winter wheat field in Oehna (Germany) where pivot irrigation is applied. As the origin and propagation of neutrons detected by a CRNS cannot be inferred from the measured signal, we used the URANOS model to analyze neutron transport in the three case studies under varying soil moisture scenarios. To account for soil heterogeneity in the Leerodt study, we assessed the spatial distribution of soil characteristics by integrating soil sampling and Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) measurements in a machine-learning framework.

The Leerodt study showed that CRNS outperformed point-scale sensors, which were strongly affected by soil erosion in the top 10 cm. However, CRNS was unexpectedly sensitive only to nearby irrigation. Here, key insights on sub-footprint heterogeneity and soil roughness were gained through the analysis of URANOS simulations. In the Davis study, CRNS effectively monitored irrigation but also showed unexpected sensitivities to the irrigation of distant fields. Again, important insights were gained thanks to URANOS simulations. In the Oehna study, large quantitative differences between the CRNS and point-scale sensors were observed. However, the CRNS provided clear responses to irrigation that can outperform the information provided by the point-scale devices. Overall, the limitations of CRNS-based irrigation management in complex agricultural environments can generally be overcome through a synergetic use of measurements and modelling. Nonetheless, more efforts are needed to improve the understanding of the underlying processes and to standardize measurement procedures, which ultimately requires the involvement not only of researchers but also of manufacturers and stakeholders.

How to cite: Bogena, H., Brogi, C., Nieberding, F., Daccache, A., Scheiffele, L., and Dogar, S. S.: Irrigation Management and Soil Moisture Monitoring with Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors: Lessons Learned and Future Opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12351,, 2025.

EGU25-12782 | ECS | Orals | GI4.4

On the use of geophysics to support and connect soil sensors and cosmic ray neutron sensing: a case study highlighting the relevance of soil heterogeneity 

Luca Peruzzo, Mirko Pavoni, Viola Cioffi, Matteo Censini, Francesca Manca, Ilaria Barone, Matteo Verdone, Jacopo Boaga, and Giorgio Cassiani

Precision agriculture directly points at both spatial and temporal variabilities, to be mapped and monitored with relevant technologies. With regard to the subsurface, soil sensors remain the foremost driver of precision agriculture. These sensors provide high temporal resolution information on key soil variables, including volumetric water content. However, their limited representativeness and high sensitivity to local and installation factors are intrinsic and well known issues. Cosmic ray neutron sensing (CRNS) is a newer technology that addresses these issues, with the water content information being integrated over a footprint of several tens of meters. Nonetheless, the integrated water information remains a one-dimensional time series. The interplay of different spatial scales of the measurements and unknown subsurface heterogeneity ultimately hinders the correct interpretation of the individual time series, and their discrepancies.

In this work we explore how geophysics-based soil heterogeneity supports the interpretation of time series from soil water sensors and cosmic ray neutron sensing. We present a case study from a vineyard in the Chianti region (Siena, Italy). We focus on the joint use of electrical resistivity tomography and frequency-domain electromagnetic induction. Two field campaigns, conducted in April and November 2024, highlight significant differences in both soil composition (clay content) and soil depth over the vineyard. Before the geophysical campaign, the soil water sensors were installed in a region with particularly deep and clayey soil. On the contrary, the cosmic ray was installed at the center of the vineyard and thus responds to regions with dominant water dynamics. The results show that the differences in water dynamics between the clay-rich area (with the soil sensors) and the surrounding areas coupled with the larger CRNS sensitivity to faster-draining regions lead to significant discrepancies. The geophysics-based spatial information qualitatively explains these discrepancies and supports CRNS numerical simulations (Uranos) that aim to provide a more quantitative understanding.

How to cite: Peruzzo, L., Pavoni, M., Cioffi, V., Censini, M., Manca, F., Barone, I., Verdone, M., Boaga, J., and Cassiani, G.: On the use of geophysics to support and connect soil sensors and cosmic ray neutron sensing: a case study highlighting the relevance of soil heterogeneity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12782,, 2025.

Evaluating the effects of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and space weather throughout the atmosphere has motivated development of new instruments. A 1 x 1 x 0.8 cm3 and 30g microscintillator detector was flown on a meteorological radiosonde over the UK, reaching an altitude of 32 km. The flight was intended as a technology demonstrator for an improved version of the microscintillator that interfaces with the industry standard Vaisala RS41 radiosonde. GCR neutrons are regularly measured at the surface and assumed to be an indicator of ionisation above. However, neutrons are not ionising, and there are known discrepancies between surface neutrons and ionising radiation aloft. Our microscintillator is sensitive to ionising radiation with energies from 25keV-10MeV. Each pulse is recorded and pre-processed on the balloon into 17 energy channels for real-time radio transmission to a ground station.

The flight, on the afternoon of 9th July 2024, occurred during minimal solar and space weather activity, therefore the measurements are almost entirely from the cosmic ray background. The system also recorded count rates from two Geiger counters, both independently and as “coincidences” from simultaneous triggering from higher energy particles. As anticipated, the background count rate in the microscintillator and Geigers increased as the balloon ascended, reaching the Regener-Pfotzer maximum, in this case at 22 km. Peaks in the energy spectrum occurred at 1.8 MeV, likely to be due to the gamma rays produced through de-excitation of atmospheric nitrogen nuclei excited by secondary GCR neutrons. Detection of gamma rays from neutron interactions offers the possibility of a direct comparison to neutron monitors. There were also peaks at 300keV which may be from secondary electrons created by GCR. Unlike previous flights of this detector during space weather activity, no bremsstrahlung X rays at ~100keV were observed. The Geiger and coincidence counter results were consistent with the medium and high- energy channels from the microscintillator, respectively. This combination of altitude and energy resolution is highly unusual for such a small and light weight detector.

How to cite: Aplin, K. and Tabbett, J.: Cosmic ray energy spectrum in the atmosphere measured with a novel balloon-carried detector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13265,, 2025.

EGU25-13563 | Orals | GI4.4

Observation of the Forbush decrease during the May 2024 solar storms with different muon and neutron detectors in the high-latitude site of the Svalbard archipelago 

Ombretta Pinazza, Lasse Hertle, Francesco Riggi, and Martin Schrön and the EEE Collaboration

During the series of intense solar flares that occurred in May 2024, a remarkable Forbush decrease in the cosmic ray flux was observed on the Earth by particle detectors around the world. The Svalbard archipelago, which is located at polar latitudes, is particularly exposed to geomagnetic storms because the Earth's magnetic field provides a particularly weak shielding and is therefore a privileged observation point. In this contribution, we report an analysis of the Forbush decrease event using data from a unique combination of muon and neutron detectors installed in Ny-Ålesund, on Svalbard: three scintillator-based muon telescopes of the Extreme Energy Events (EEE) Project, 14 channels of a Bonner Sphere neutron Spectrometer (BSS), thermal and epithermal neutron sensors used for hydrological monitoring, and a high-energy neutron monitor located in Barentsburg and operated by the Polar Geophysical Institute. We found that most sensors showed significant responses and correlation during the event. The observed magnitude of the Forbush decrease depended on the detector’s energy sensitivity and was 10% for thermal neutrons, 8% for high-energy neutrons, and 3% for muons. The uncertainty of these results strongly depends on factors like the count rate, which ranged from 10 to 105 cph and resulted in low signal-to-noise ratio, particularly for the BSS. A detailed correlation analysis was carried out among the various time series originated from the different detectors in the “quiet” period (before the Forbush decrease) and during the Forbush event. Multi-particle and multi-energy observations provide an unprecedented view on the Earth’s exposure to cosmic rays during solar events.

How to cite: Pinazza, O., Hertle, L., Riggi, F., and Schrön, M. and the EEE Collaboration: Observation of the Forbush decrease during the May 2024 solar storms with different muon and neutron detectors in the high-latitude site of the Svalbard archipelago, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13563,, 2025.

EGU25-15027 | Orals | GI4.4

Scaling Cosmic Ray Neutron Flux for Enhanced Environmental Monitoring 

Roland Baatz, Patrick Davies, Paolo Nasta, Paul Schattan, Emmanuel Quansah, Leonard Amekudzi, and Heye Bogena

Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensors (CRNS) are pivotal in measuring field-scale soil moisture, but uncertainties persist due to traditional methods of scaling parameter estimation, which often fail to consider site- and sensor-specific factors. This study integrates novel, data-driven approaches to refine scaling parameters for atmospheric pressure, air humidity and incoming cosmic ray intensity (β, ψ, ω) using measurement data. We demonstrate the strong potential for considerable improvents in the accuracy of CRNS-derived soil moisture estimates. Additionally, barometric correction in CRNS but also in neutron monitors is critical to account for local atmospheric density variations to minimize errors in soil moisture estimation and incoming cosmic ray intensity. Our analysis of CRNS and Neutron Monitor data from global stations reveals significant variability in barometric coefficients (β), influenced by geographical and atmospheric factors. The findings underscore the necessity for tailored scaling and correction methods to optimize CRNS applications in hydrology, agriculture, and climate research. Enhanced parameter estimation reduced RMSE by up to 25%, demonstrating potential for improved environmental decision-making and modeling accuracy.

How to cite: Baatz, R., Davies, P., Nasta, P., Schattan, P., Quansah, E., Amekudzi, L., and Bogena, H.: Scaling Cosmic Ray Neutron Flux for Enhanced Environmental Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15027,, 2025.

EGU25-15979 | Orals | GI4.4

Validation of rail based CRNS-roving: underpinning the large-scale root zone soil moisture monitoring concept 

Daniel Altdorff, Solveig Landmark, Merlin Schiel, Sascha E. Oswald, Steffen Zacharias, Peter Dietrich, Hannes Mollenhauer, Sabine Attinger, and Martin Schrön

Root zone soil moisture (RZSM) is a critical parameter for various environmental, agricultural, and hydrological applications. The recently proposed rail based Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing monitoring method (Rail-CRNS) offers an innovative solution for soil moisture measurement by enabling continuous, large-scale RZSM measurements across extensive railway networks. By 2024, Germany established a fleet of five Rail-CRNS systems, covering up to hundreds of kilometers daily and marking thus a transformative step in soil moisture monitoring. Yet, questions remained regarding the reliability of Rail-CRNS data: did they accurately capture RZSM, or were they overly influenced by confounding factors such as land use and rail track conditions?

This study addresses these questions by analyzing 16 months of Rail-CRNS data collected along a pilot route in Rübeland, Low Harz Mountain, Germany. Time series from two stationary CRNS sites, located in forested and grassland areas, were compared with corresponding Rail-CRNS data segments. Additionally, soil moisture measurements from buried sensor nodes in the forest provided for parts of the period another independent reference dataset. The results demonstrated a strong correlation between the stationary CRNS measurements, the Rail-CRNS-derived RZSM values, and the soil moisture node data. This alignment indicates that Rail-CRNS data reliably captures not only spatial but also temporal variability in soil moisture. These findings provide robust support for the Rail-CRNS concept, emphasizing its potential to generate accurate and high-resolution RZSM data for regional and national-scale monitoring.

However, the pilot study was conducted under specific and well-monitored conditions, with frequent train passages and a well-instrumented route. Applying the Rail-CRNS method to longer, less-instrumented tracks, combined with higher train speed variability and fewer repeated passes, will likely introduce greater uncertainties. To address this, the deployment of a CRNS station cluster near railways was proposed. Such clusters would enable ongoing validation of Rail-CRNS data, ensuring their reliability across diverse environmental and operational conditions.

This study underscored the transformative potential of Rail-CRNS in overcoming the long-standing challenges of sparse and incomplete RZSM measurements. However, further instrumentation and research is planned to develop strategies for mitigating potential uncertainties in less-controlled environments. Integrating Rail-CRNS data with satellite-based products and RZSM estimates from hydrological modeling for example could further enhance the accuracy and applicability of soil moisture monitoring on a national scale.

How to cite: Altdorff, D., Landmark, S., Schiel, M., Oswald, S. E., Zacharias, S., Dietrich, P., Mollenhauer, H., Attinger, S., and Schrön, M.: Validation of rail based CRNS-roving: underpinning the large-scale root zone soil moisture monitoring concept, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15979,, 2025.

EGU25-17007 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4

A Gamma Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (GRNS) for mapping lunar surface composition and water abundance on the SER3NE mission 

Rebecka Wahlén, Ramsey Al Jebali, Luis Teodoro, and Anja Kohfeldt

Selene’s Explorer for Roughness, Regolith, Resources, Neutrons and Elements (SER3NE) is a lunar orbiter mission designed to map the topmost composition of the lunar surface, including elemental composition and water abundance. Planned instruments include a Gamma Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (GRNS) for elemental composition, including hydrogen indicating water, a Laser Altimeter (LA) for surface roughness and albedo observations, and a near-infrared spectrometer (LIPS) to determine water forms.

The GRNS detector is designed for both in situ utilization as well as remote sensing. It has a core of CLLBC and LaBr3 crystal scintillators in a chessboard pattern for high-resolution gamma-ray detection (30 keV-8MeV) and thermal to epithermal neutron sensitivity. Gd foil on CLLBC allows separation of thermal and epithermal neutrons, while LaB3 and CLLBC enable advanced neutron detection analysis. Encapsulated by EJ-248M plastic scintillators, the detector includes anti-coincidence detector for charged particle rejection. With gamma-ray spectroscopy, rock-forming elements as well as KREEP and trace elements can be detected in the shallow surface of the moon. The local count rates of thermal and epithermal neutrons allow for the analysis of the distribution of hydrogen on the lunar surface, as well as for estimation of neutron lifetime from the lunar orbit.

A demonstrator of the GRNS instrument has been successfully tested in the lab. A prototype of this lunar GRNS instrument will fly on the CENSSat-1 Bifrost CubeSat mission, scheduled for launch 2027.

In this presentation, the GRNS instrument concept will be presented, focusing on the detector design and suitability for elemental composition analysis on a lunar orbiter.

How to cite: Wahlén, R., Al Jebali, R., Teodoro, L., and Kohfeldt, A.: A Gamma Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (GRNS) for mapping lunar surface composition and water abundance on the SER3NE mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17007,, 2025.

EGU25-17136 | ECS | Orals | GI4.4

Bonner Sphere Spectrometer at the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus: Measuring Cosmic Radiation and Facilitating Data Accessibility 

Jonas Marach, Thorsten Klages, Vladimir Mares, Marcel Reginatto, Till Rehm, Werner Rühm, and Miroslav Zboril

In 2024, Germany’s national metrology institute, the Physikalisch-Technischne Bundesanstalt (PTB), signed a sponsorship agreement with the Operational Company of the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus (Umweltforschungsstation, UFS) for the operation, maintenance and upgrade of the Bonner sphere-based neutron spectrometer located at the UFS. The UFS Schneefernerhaus was established in 1999 and is Germany’s highest research station at an altitude of 2650 meters, just below the summit of Mt. Zugspitze, where it houses a wide range of scientific instruments for observing weather, climate and climate change.

The Bonner Sphere Spectrometer (BSS) system at the UFS Schneefernerhaus has been in operation since 2005, thanks to the cooperation between the UFS Operational Company and the German Research Center for Environmental Health of the Helmholtz Center Munich. The system is used for continuous measurements of the neutron component of secondary cosmic radiation. With an extensive set of polyethylene sphere moderators and spheres with metal shells, the BSS at Schneefernerhaus can detect neutrons with energies ranging from 10-9 MeV to 103 MeV. Thanks to its spectrometric capabilities, the system can provide neutron energy spectra, which is an advantage over the classical neutron monitors used worldwide.

The Neutron Radiation Department of PTB is currently working on upgrading the data acquisition hardware and software, data storage, workflow and data analysis of the BSS system towards an automated and robust operation.

This presentation introduces methods for error correction and data preparation, incorporating historical data (years 2013 to 2024) from the former team of the Helmholtz Center Munich, and discusses possibilities for disseminating the data to scientific communities.

How to cite: Marach, J., Klages, T., Mares, V., Reginatto, M., Rehm, T., Rühm, W., and Zboril, M.: Bonner Sphere Spectrometer at the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus: Measuring Cosmic Radiation and Facilitating Data Accessibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17136,, 2025.

EGU25-18234 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4

neptoon: An extensible software package for processing CRNS data 

Daniel Power, Steffen Zacharias, Fredo Erxleben, Rafael Rosolem, and Martin Schrön

The increasing adoption of Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors (CRNS), across research infrastructures and beyond, necessitates standardised and flexible processing tools. Such tools should be accessible to new users with little experience in CRNS, as well as support researchers investigating novel processing methodologies and developing new theoretical frameworks. Here we present neptoon; an open-source python tool, using a modular, expandable framework, to ensure long term viability and software sustainability. Building from previous CRNS processing tools, we will present the overall architecture of neptoon and how it implements established processing methodologies while maintaining extensibility for emerging approaches. We will demonstrate streamlined data processing workflows through our configuration system and graphical user interface. We will show how neptoon supports replicability when processing sensors, supporting rapid updates when needed. Furthermore, we will showcase how neptoon enables systematic testing of new processing theories for CRNS, such as alternative correction methods, leading to a software that supports both operational deployment and methodological research. Lastly we will outline our roadmap for neptoon, explaining features which will be implemented in the near future. By creating a fully documented software toolset for processing, we aim to support the growing community of CRNS users and researchers.

How to cite: Power, D., Zacharias, S., Erxleben, F., Rosolem, R., and Schrön, M.: neptoon: An extensible software package for processing CRNS data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18234,, 2025.

EGU25-18374 | Posters on site | GI4.4

Approaches and Challenges of the Neutron Monitor based Incoming Flux Correction for Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing 

Lasse Hertle, Steffen Zacharias, Nicholas Larsen, Daniel Rasche, and Martin Schrön

Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) is a technique to measure water content, for example soil moisture, on the hectare scale through the measurement of epithermal neutrons. The neutrons are results of  particle showers in the earth's atmosphere caused by cosmic rays impinging on it. The abundance and global distribution of neutrons is changed in time through different factors. On the largest scale, the heliosphere and therefore the solar cycle greatly affect the amount of galactic cosmic rays that are able to reach earth. Large solar events, such as Forbush decreases, also cause rapid changes in the cosmic ray flux. The aim of any incoming neutron flux correction method is ultimately to account for these heliospheric changes. Any neutron monitor based correction method has to overcome the uneven distribution of neutrons across latitudes, due to the earth's magnetic field.  There have been multiple, neutron monitor based, approaches developed, all of them based upon the assumption of linearity between the CRNS and the neutron monitor measurement. This assumption is challenged by multiple factors, most importantly geomagnetic and local conditions. Understanding the challenges and limitations of the linearity assumption is crucial to reliably correct CRNS measurements and produce a robust soil moisture product. Multiple correction methods have been evaluated and compared, with consideration towards the impact of different geomagnetic and local conditions. 

How to cite: Hertle, L., Zacharias, S., Larsen, N., Rasche, D., and Schrön, M.: Approaches and Challenges of the Neutron Monitor based Incoming Flux Correction for Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18374,, 2025.

EGU25-19126 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4

Reduced ERA-I forecasting skill during Forbush decreases 

Jacob Svensmark

Previously, week-long Forbush decreases of the atmospheric cosmic ray flux have been found to correlate with terrestrial cloud cover changes. Discussions are ongoing on whether this correlation is caused by a physical mechanism or simply a result of unlikely weather fluctuations. To gain further insight on this matter, we consider the skill of weather forecasts during Forbush decreases using data from the ERA-INTERIM forecasting system. If the cloud changes during Forbush decreases are of meteorological origin, then they should be forecasted by ERA-INTERIM at a skill comparable to any other time. On the contrary, if the cosmic ray flux is coupled to clouds, forecasts should be performing worse during Forbush decreases, since ERA-interim is insensitive to cosmic rays. We find, that ERA-INTERIM was significantly worse at predicting the total cloud cover in times of large Forbush decreases compared to outside of them, supporting the hypothesis that cosmic rays influence terrestrial cloud formation.

How to cite: Svensmark, J.: Reduced ERA-I forecasting skill during Forbush decreases, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19126,, 2025.

EGU25-19534 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4

Mars Radiation Environment and Water-ice Prospecting through a Distributed Swarm of Tumbleweed Rovers  

Mário de Pinto Balsemão, Abhimanyu Shanbhag, James Kingsnorth, Gergana Bounova, Luka Pikulić, Cristina Moisuc, Daan Molhuijsen, and Julian Rothenbuchner

The Tumbleweed mission aims to revolutionize Mars exploration by leveraging the unique capabilities of wind-driven, spheroidal rovers. The use of modular design strategies, off-the-shelf components, and mass production will significantly reduce costs, making Mars exploration more accessible. Designed for rapid and extensive surface exploration, Tumbleweed rovers offer an affordable and efficient method for gathering crucial data across large areas of the Martian terrain. By deploying a swarm of more than 90 rovers equipped with various scientific instruments, this mission will significantly enhance our understanding of Mars, facilitating future human exploration and settlement.

The search for water in various forms is the common thread that binds the science goals of Mars exploration missions over the past few decades. For large scale water extraction (aimed at producing propellant and potable water in sizable quantities), a coordinated prospecting and characterisation campaign is required to arrive at maps of exploitable reserves.

Unfortunately, current architectures rely primarily on large, complex, and expensive rovers. While these platforms provide invaluable data, they are limited in their spatio-temporal coverage. Consequently, optimal Exploration Zones (EZs) for human exploration of Mars are yet to be defined.

Based on current priorities in Mars science and exploration, as well as the technical constraints of the Tumbleweed rover, a preliminary list of instruments was drafted. Exploring the synergies amongst these instruments, we arrived at the opportunity to use radiation-focused instrumentation to simultaneously achieve high-resolution mapping of hydrogen in the near-surface environment. Measuring the flux of epithermal neutron emissions is one of the best approaches towards estimating water equivalent hydrogen (WEH) abundance. Thermal and epithermal neutron measurements from instruments such as FREND, HEND and DAN have indicated the presence of WEH in the near-surface. This would represent the prime target for ISRU operations in the near future. However, the resolution of existing orbital maps of water ice is insufficient to direct and execute robotic/human operations on ground. 

This suite of radiation detection instruments will be consolidated in the future through the addition of a miniaturized Gamma Ray Spectrometer, providing the ability to perform elemental mapping along the rover traverse. Beyond neutron spectrometers, patch permittivity sensors may also be deployed on the Tumbleweed Rovers, enabling cross-confirmation of WEH mapping.

This instrumentation and our mission architecture enable high-resolution mapping of Martian environments, combining radiation scouting with WEH prospecting, thus identifying low-radiation and high-WEH regions ideal for crewed missions.

To aid further maturation and design of the mission, a conceptual study is proposed herein. Starting from a simulation of the individual rover’s trajectories on the surface of Mars, we shall geospatially compute the probable intersections with the already identified EZs on Mars. Based on these intersections we can infer thresholds for the controlled navigation of individual rovers (assessing intersections per trajectory buffer size) and classify candidate EZs according to known topography and available WEH mapping. This classification would enable more precise GEANT4 modelling of individual rovers and their instrumentation, resulting in probable neutron counts and dose/flux readings, leading to mission-specific requirements for our spacecrafts and their payloads.

How to cite: de Pinto Balsemão, M., Shanbhag, A., Kingsnorth, J., Bounova, G., Pikulić, L., Moisuc, C., Molhuijsen, D., and Rothenbuchner, J.: Mars Radiation Environment and Water-ice Prospecting through a Distributed Swarm of Tumbleweed Rovers , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19534,, 2025.

EGU25-19713 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4

Understanding the influence of landscape heterogeneities on the signal of cosmic-ray neutron sensors by means of site-specific neutron transport simulation 

Jannis Weimar, Markus Köhli, Martin Schrön, Sascha Oswald, and Miroslav Zboril

Monitoring soil moisture is a challenging task due to its complex spatial patterns. In recent years, cosmic-ray neutron sensing has gained popularity for its ability to provide integral measurements over a few hectares horizontally and a few decimeters vertically, covering a representative volume for many research questions in various landscapes. However, interpreting signals using averaging methods becomes increasingly difficult as the heterogeneity of the observable increases.
As part of the SoMMet project, three field sites in Germany and Italy equipped with cosmic-ray neutron sensors are analyzed in detail using the Monte Carlo code URANOS. The virtual representation of these sites in the code allows for removing and adding structures. Thereby, all features of the landscape of the three different sites can be examined separately with respect to their impact on the local neutron field. These include general landscape heterogeneities, buildings, land use, and biomass. While this study focuses on three specific, although relatively common, site setups, it also offers general insights that can enhance the understanding of signal and footprint dynamics at other locations.

How to cite: Weimar, J., Köhli, M., Schrön, M., Oswald, S., and Zboril, M.: Understanding the influence of landscape heterogeneities on the signal of cosmic-ray neutron sensors by means of site-specific neutron transport simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19713,, 2025.

EGU25-2775 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2

Jovian Broadband Kilometric auroral radio emissions with in situ Juno measurements 

Brieuc Collet, Laurent Lamy, Corentin Louis, Vincent Hue, and Tae Kim

In the vast array of Jovian auroral radio emissions, the broadband kilometric (bKOM) component (10-300 kHz) has received comparatively less research attention. Utilizing Juno in situ measurements within the auroral regions, a survey of Juno/Waves radio observations over the first 60 orbits was conducted to identify seven bKOM source candidates. These candidates were predominantly detected during dawn storm auroral episodes (four out of seven) and three were found to be colocated with auroral cavities. A subsequent growth rate analysis, employing JADE-E electron measurements, revealed that the observed waves were driven by the Cyclotron Maser Instability from two free energy sources. The primary emission manifested above the electron gyrofrequency ($f_{ce}$) and was amplified by conics-type electron distribution functions (EDF) with 2 to 30~keV electron characteristic energies. Sporadic bursts, produced slightly below $f_{ce}$, are driven by shell-type EDF of 0.1 to 10~keV.A comparative analysis of these results with those obtained previously for Jovian hectometric and decametric emissions is also presented.

How to cite: Collet, B., Lamy, L., Louis, C., Hue, V., and Kim, T.: Jovian Broadband Kilometric auroral radio emissions with in situ Juno measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2775,, 2025.

EGU25-3364 | Posters on site | PS4.2

Periodic narrowband radio wave emissions and inward plasma transport at Saturnian magnetosphere 

Simon Wing, Jay Johnson, Pontus Brandt, Xuanye Ma, Donald Mitchell, Bill Kurth, Douglas Menietti, Peter Delamere, and Joe Caggiano

The abrupt brightening of an Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) blob or cloud has been interpreted as plasma injection in the Saturnian magnetosphere (termed ENA injection herein).  Morphologically, there appears to be two types of abrupt ENA cloud brightening: (1) the brightening of a large cloud usually seen at r > 10-12 Rs (Rs = 60,268 km) in the midnight or postmidnight region; (2) the brightening of a smaller cloud usually seen at r < 10-12 Rs around 21-03 magnetic local time (MLT).  Among many radio waves observed at Saturn, type 2 ENA injections correlate best with the 5 kHz narrowband waves.  Using Cassini INCA and RPWS data, we examine the periodicities of the type 2 ENA injections and the 5 kHz narrowband emissions as well as their cross-correlations, which have been previously used to measure the lag times or phase differences.  Because correlational analysis can only establish linear relationships, we also use mutual information to establish linear and nonlinear relationships.  On average, the peaks of the 5 kHz narrowband emission lag those of the type 2 ENA injection by a few minutes to 2 hr.  The injection of hot plasma to the inner magnetosphere can lead to temperature anisotropy, which can lead to the growth of the electrostatic upper hybrid waves, which upon encountering the density gradient at the outer edge of the Enceladus plasma torus, can mode convert to the Z mode and then to O mode.  The 5 kHz narrowband waves commonly propagate in the O mode. It is expected that the same processes can occur in Jovian magnetosphere and hence our study can provide insights into the upcoming observations by JUICE/PEP/JENI and RPWI. The results also have implications to more distant astrophysical objects such as brown dwarfs, which have been observed to emit periodic radio waves. 

How to cite: Wing, S., Johnson, J., Brandt, P., Ma, X., Mitchell, D., Kurth, B., Menietti, D., Delamere, P., and Caggiano, J.: Periodic narrowband radio wave emissions and inward plasma transport at Saturnian magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3364,, 2025.

EGU25-4235 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2

Radio emissions reveal Alfvénic activity and electron acceleration prior to substorm onset 

Siyuan Wu, Daniel Whiter, Laurent Lamy, Mengmeng Wang, Philippe Zarka, Caitriona Jackman, Shengyi Ye, James Waters, Alexandra Fogg, Stephen Mende, Nawapat Kaweeyanun, Yasumasa Kasaba, Satoshi Kurita, and Hirotsugu Kojima

Magnetospheric substorms are among the most dynamic phenomena in Earth’s magnetosphere, yet their triggering mechanisms remain unclear. Ground-based observations have identified auroral beads as precursors to substorms. Here, we report a new precursor feature in space-based auroral kilometric radiation (AKR), marked by the appearance of emissions with slowly frequency-drifting tones (<2 kHz/s) above 100 kHz. Simultaneous observations and statistical analysis show that both AKR precursors and auroral beads occur simultaneously, ~10 minutes before substorm onset, indicating a shared physical process. Analysis of the emissions with frequency-drifting tones suggests they are linked to moving double-layers driven by dispersive Alfvén waves, consistent with the Alfvénic acceleration mechanism for auroral beads. These findings highlight the importance of Alfvénic activity in substorms and suggest that Alfvénic acceleration is not only responsible for optical auroral features but also for radio emissions, potentially explaining the ubiquitous frequency-drifting emission features observed at other magnetized planets like Saturn and Jupiter.

How to cite: Wu, S., Whiter, D., Lamy, L., Wang, M., Zarka, P., Jackman, C., Ye, S., Waters, J., Fogg, A., Mende, S., Kaweeyanun, N., Kasaba, Y., Kurita, S., and Kojima, H.: Radio emissions reveal Alfvénic activity and electron acceleration prior to substorm onset, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4235,, 2025.

EGU25-6089 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2

Radio Dimming Associated with Filament Eruptions in the Meter and Decimeter Wavebands 

Zhenyong Hou and Hui Tian

Filament eruptions are considered to be a common phenomenon on the Sun and other stars, yet they are rarely directly imaged in the meter and decimeter waveband. Using imaging data from the DAocheng solar Radio Telescope (DART) in the 150-450 MHz frequency range, we present two eruptive filaments that manifest as radio dimmings (i.e., emission depressions). Simultaneously, portions of these eruptive filaments are discernible as dark features in the chromospheric images. The sun-as-a-star flux curves of brightness temperature, derived from the DART images, exhibit obvious radio dimmings. The dimming depths range from 1.5% to 8% of background level and show a negative correlation with radio frequencies and a positive correlation with filament areas. Our investigation suggests that radio dimming is caused by free-free absorption during filament eruptions obscuring the solar corona. This may provide a new method for detecting stellar filament eruptions.

How to cite: Hou, Z. and Tian, H.: Radio Dimming Associated with Filament Eruptions in the Meter and Decimeter Wavebands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6089,, 2025.

As the latest near-Sun spacecraft, Parker Solar Probe (PSP) supports a unique viewpoint to explore solar radio bursts generated from the solar wind acceleration region. We will report two significant types of solar radio bursts detected by PSP. One is the weak radio burst observed when PSP passed through a low-density magnetic channel. It has a starting frequency of about 20 MHz and a narrow frequency range from tens of MHz to hundreds of kHz. The relative frequency drift rate of this burst rapidly decreases from above 0.01 s-1 to below 0.01 s-1. The other is a type IV-like radio burst. It lasts about 20 hours and consists of a series of short-time (ST) bursts with the central frequency slowly drifting from approximately 5 MHz to 1 MHz. By analyzing the empirical models of the solar atmosphere and the in-situ measurement data of PSP, it is found that the source regions of both types of radio bursts have similar characteristic plasma parameters. The electron cyclotron frequency in these regions is higher than the plasma frequency, which means that the source region is a low-β plasma environment and these radio bursts are likely to be generated by the electron cyclotron maser (ECM) emission mechanism.  We proposed that both types of bursts may be generated by solitary kinetic Alfvén waves (SKAWs). In a low-β plasma, SKAWs can accelerate electrons to excite the electron cyclotron maser (ECM) instability and cause radiation. The frequency drift is related to the propagation of SKAWs and the movement of magnetic loops. However, due to the uncertainty of empirical models, further verification is needed with the help of PSP's future observations closer to the Sun and the possible local measurements in the source regions.

How to cite: Ma, B., Chen, L., and Wu, D.: Solitary Wave Radiation and the Related Type IV-like Burst from Solar Wind Acceleration Region Observed by PSP, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8109,, 2025.

EGU25-9112 | Posters on site | PS4.2

Case study of Solar Type III radio bursts recorded in the environment of Saturn’s magnetosphere  

Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Patrick H.M. Galopeau, Helmut Lammer, Hans U. Eichelberger, Wolfgang Voller, and Manfred Stachel

We analyze the electric field measurements recorded by the radio and plasma wave experiment (RPWS) onboard Cassini spacecraft. This mission has been designed to study mostly plasma waves and radio emissions in the environment of Saturn (Galopeau et al., 2007). RPWS instrument allowed to investigate Saturnian magnetosphere and its vicinity over a frequency range from 1 Hz to 16 MHz. RWPS dynamic spectra displayed the Type II radio intensity variation (in dB) versus the frequency (in kHz) and the observation time (in UT). The daily spectral features are principally linked to the periodic modulation of Saturnian Kilometric Radiation (SKR) emissions. Despite the huge distance (~ 1.5 109 km) between the Sun and Saturn, this experiment detected Solar Type III radio bursts superposed to SKR planetary rotations (Boudjada et al., 2023).  In this work, we investigate Type III bursts recorded from the beginning of January 2004 to the end of August 2017. Three aspects are addressed and developed taking into consideration Type III spectral shapes: (a) the high level of radio intensity (saturated emission) despite the distance Sun-Saturn, (b) the presence of Faraday fringes over a bandwidth of few MHz, and (c) the particular features when the local time occurrence is close to midday or midnight. Those aspects allow us to characterize the physical processes which happen to the Solar Type III emission, propagating in different plasma environment, from the generation region (i.e., Solar corona) and up to the Saturn’s magnetosphere.



Boudjada et al., Statistical analysis of Solar Type III radio bursts observed by RPWS experiment in 2004-2017 during the Solar cycles 23-24. In Proceedings Kleinheubach Conference, Ed. U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in Deutschland e.V., IEEE, Miltenberg, 2023.

Galopeau et al., Spectral features of SKR observed by Cassini/RPWS: Frequency bandwidth, flux density and polarization. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, A11, 2007.

How to cite: Boudjada, M. Y., Galopeau, P. H. M., Lammer, H., Eichelberger, H. U., Voller, W., and Stachel, M.: Case study of Solar Type III radio bursts recorded in the environment of Saturn’s magnetosphere , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9112,, 2025.

EGU25-10596 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2

Remote And In Situ Detection of Energetic Electrons in The Solar Corona 

Vergil Yotov, Kamen Kozarev, Mohamed Nedal, and Pietro Zucca

The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission provides a unique opportunity for both remote and in situ measurements of solar activity very close to the Sun. This is an especially powerful approach when studying solar radio bursts, which can also be observed with modern ground-based radio interferometers such as the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR). We report here the combined remote and in situ detection of solar energetic electrons with the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) radio telescope and PSP during its 17th perihelion encounter, on September 24, 2023. The LOFAR telescope observed a short but intense period of type III and type II bursts in metric wavelengths, while PSP was very well connected magnetically and successfully detected the related electron beams in situ. To understand the event in depth we have studied these observations, combining them with optical and EUV data, as well as modeling. In this work we employ a novel approach to processing 1 second time resolution LOFAR solar interferometry and apply a new method for automated source extraction and measurement. During the eruptive event we observe two distinct active emission regions in the solar corona, which are related to the radio bursts and the electron beams observed in situ. In our analysis, we measure key parameters of the electron beams both in situ and remotely to analyze their energies and determine their correspondence. We investigate the dynamics of the type II solar radio sources from LOFAR interferometry.

How to cite: Yotov, V., Kozarev, K., Nedal, M., and Zucca, P.: Remote And In Situ Detection of Energetic Electrons in The Solar Corona, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10596,, 2025.

EGU25-13304 | Posters on site | PS4.2

Extended regimes of energetic (superthermal) electron beams at the origin of solar radio bursts 

Marian Lazar, Rodrigo A. Lopez, Shaaban Mohammed Shaaban Hamd, Stefaan Poedts, and Horst Fichtner

Often invoked to explain solar radio bursts is the standard model of plasma systems with electron beams and their Langmuir wave excitations, although the parameterization favorable to these excitations is very narrow. Here we use first-principle kinetic theory and numerical simulations to prove a direct as well as an indirect involvement of electrostatic electron-beam waves in the generation of radio emissions. At first sight, these primary excitations with frequency below the plasma frequency do not conform to the nonlinear wave decays in the standard model. However, at their origin are denser or cooler electron beams than in the standard model, which mostly fall within the typical parameterization of plasma sources of type II and type III solar radio bursts. These radio bursts are associated with energetic solar events, such as coronal mass ejections and coronal eruptions, and can be exploited in forecasting these events, provided we understand their origin and propagation. Moreover, broadbands of downshifted excitations are confirmed by in situ observations in association with interplanetary shocks and electron beams, and by contrast with narrowband Langmuir waves.

How to cite: Lazar, M., Lopez, R. A., Shaaban Hamd, S. M., Poedts, S., and Fichtner, H.: Extended regimes of energetic (superthermal) electron beams at the origin of solar radio bursts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13304,, 2025.

EGU25-17003 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2

Linearly Polarized Emissions From Metric Solar Radio Bursts 

Soham Dey, Devojyoti Kansabanik, Divya Oberoi, and Surajit Mondal

For decades, polarimetric solar radio studies have focused almost exclusively on circular polarization. This was largely due to the long-standing expectation that strong differential Faraday rotation in coronal plasma would completely obliterate any linear polarization component, even if present (e.g., Grognard & McLean, 1973). Consequently, after a few reports from the late 1950s and early 1960s of successful detections of linearly polarized radio emission from the Sun, the consensus became to dismiss any such detections in observed dynamic spectra as instrumental artifacts (e.g., Grognard & McLean, 1972; Boischot & Lecacheux, 1975). This assumption has been routinely applied to the interpretation of solar polarized emissions at metre wavelengths and has also been used for calibration.

Here we present a comprehensive, full polarimetric imaging study of a type-I noise storm and a type-III burst observed on 25th June 2022. Our analysis employs robust calibration strategies that correct for instrumental polarization without relying on the zero-linear-polarization assumption. Using these strategies, we detect linear polarization fractions of up to 16% in type-I noise storm and type-III burst—that cannot be attributed to instrumental systematics. These findings are further corroborated by simultaneous observations from two vastly different facilities separated by thousands of kilometers—the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT) and the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA)—both of which yield consistent linear polarization fractions over the same spectral band.

These detections reveal a new parameter space for solar polarimetric studies at metre wavelengths. Our results also align with recent reports of presence  of a linearly polarized component in stellar radio bursts, where similarly strong depolarizing conditions are expected (Callingham et al., 2021; Bastian et al., 2022). We conclude by examining possible physical mechanisms responsible for the presence of these linear polarization components and discussing their broader implications for solar and stellar radio physics.

How to cite: Dey, S., Kansabanik, D., Oberoi, D., and Mondal, S.: Linearly Polarized Emissions From Metric Solar Radio Bursts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17003,, 2025.

EGU25-17408 | Posters on site | PS4.2

Study of emission cone of Io-controlled Jovian decameter radiation 

Patrick Galopeau and Mohammed Boudjada

We have investigated the angular distribution of the Jovian decameter radiation occurrence probability, relatively to the local magnetic field B and its gradient B in the source region, using the magnetic field model for Jupiter, based on Juno’s first nine orbits observations, JRM09, was recently proposed by Connerney et al. [Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 2590-2596, 2018]. The results were compared to those obtained earlier using older models (O6, VIP4, VIT4 and VIPAL). The JRM09 model confirms the former results: the radio emission is beamed in a hollow cone presenting a flattening in a specific direction. The Jovian decameter radiation is supposed to be produced by the cyclotron maser instability (CMI). We interpret this flattening by the fact that the magnetic field in the radio source does not have any axial symmetry because B and B are not parallel. This hypothesis is confirmed by the amplitude of the flattening of the emission cone which appears to be more important for the northern emission (34.8%) than for the southern emission (12.5%) probably due to the fact that the angle between the directions of B and B is greater in the North (~10°) than in the South (~4°). A theory of CMI is being developed in this context of a magnetized plasma not exhibiting axial symmetry.

How to cite: Galopeau, P. and Boudjada, M.: Study of emission cone of Io-controlled Jovian decameter radiation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17408,, 2025.

EGU25-18696 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2

Methods for Detecting Cyclotron Maser Radio Emissions from Stars and Exoplanets 

Corentin Louis, Philippe Zarka, Emilie Mauduit, Alan Loh, Julien Girard, Laurent Lamy, and Jean-Mathias Griessmeier

The Cyclotron Maser Instability (CMI) is a well-known mechanism responsible for auroral radio emissions from the Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These emissions occur at frequencies near or equal to the local electron cyclotron frequency, which is directly related to the local magnetic field strength. Detecting CMI radio emissions from exoplanets would provide direct evidence of planetary magnetic fields, offering a unique method to identify such fields. This approach is particularly valuable since techniques like Zeeman Doppler Imaging are ineffective for exoplanets due to their weak magnetic fields, which are insufficient to produce a detectable Zeeman effect. Jupiter, often regarded as a miniature exoplanetary analog, serves as a valuable benchmark for testing detection methods. In this presentation, we will introduce two techniques for identifying these weak radio signals using observations from the Nançay Decameter Array and NenuFAR ground-based radio telescopes, employing both high and low time and frequency resolutions. Additionally, we will showcase an example of CMI stellar radio emission from the red dwarf AD Leonis, detected by the FAST Chinese radio telescope. This detection highlights the ability to constrain in situ parameters, such as source locations and the energy of the electrons responsible for these emissions.

How to cite: Louis, C., Zarka, P., Mauduit, E., Loh, A., Girard, J., Lamy, L., and Griessmeier, J.-M.: Methods for Detecting Cyclotron Maser Radio Emissions from Stars and Exoplanets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18696,, 2025.

ST2 – Magnetosphere

Precise energy spectrum information is crucial for quantifying the impact of energetic electron precipitation into the atmosphere, as the penetration depth (the altitude at which the electrons deposit their energies) is strongly energy dependent. However, acquiring continuous spectrum data over a wide energy range (30 keV to 6 MeV) using a single instrument is challenging due to electronic saturation at lower energies and low count rates at higher energies. REPTile-2 (Relativistic Electron and Proton Telescope integrated little experiment-2), an advanced version of the REPTile instrument flown on the CSSWE CubeSat (2012-2014), measured 0.25-6 MeV electrons in 60 channels onboard the CIRBE (Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment) CubeSat and revealed many features and dynamic variations of the relativistic electrons, thanks to its high energy resolution (ΔE/E <10%). CIRBE was launched into a highly inclined low Earth orbit (LEO) on April 15, 2023, and re-entered on October 4, 2024. To measure the lower energy electrons, the Medium Energy Electron Telescope (MEET) has been developed at the University of Colorado Boulder/LASP, leveraging the heritage of REPTile-2. MEET measures 30–800 keV electrons (and 1.1–60 MeV protons) in 59 channels with an energy resolution (ΔE/E) of <20% for 30–76 keV, <10% for 76–140 keV, and <5% for 140–800 keV. The combined capabilities of REPTile-2 and MEET will address the challenge of measuring energetic electrons with high energy and time resolution across a broad energy range (30 keV to 6 MeV) in LEO, which will enable the quantitative assessment of their impact to various processes in the atmosphere and ionosphere.

How to cite: O'Brien, D., Li, X., and Hogan, B.: Quantifying Energetic Electron Precipitations: A Combined REPTile-2 and MEET Approach to Measure 30keV – 6MeV with High Energy Resolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2397,, 2025.

EGU25-2952 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1

Auroral omega bands: Solar wind drivers and role in storm and substorm processes 

Vivian Cribb, Tuija Pulkkinen, Bea Gallardo-Lacourt, Larry Kepko, and Noora Partamies

Omega bands are mesoscale auroral structures that appear as eastward-moving poleward protrusions of the auroral oval. Typically, omega bands are observed in the post-midnight sector during geomagnetically active periods, and are associated with pairs of upward- and downward-aligned field aligned currents connecting to the magnetotail outside the geostationary distance. The magnetospheric or solar wind drivers of these dynamic structures are not well understood.

Recent analysis of 28 omega band events identified with THEMIS ASI between 2006 and 2013 shows that omega bands are associated with compression regions in the solar wind (Cribb et al., 2024). Analysis of 200 omega band events identified with the MIRACLE network between 1996 and 2007 yields similar results, highlighting the role of high solar wind density in driving the auroral activity. Here we complement the solar wind observations with GOES measurements from geostationary orbit and ground magnetic observations from the SuperMAG database to identify magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes that occur during these intervals. Our results will shed light on how solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes operate during medium to strong geomagnetic storms.

How to cite: Cribb, V., Pulkkinen, T., Gallardo-Lacourt, B., Kepko, L., and Partamies, N.: Auroral omega bands: Solar wind drivers and role in storm and substorm processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2952,, 2025.

Geomagnetic activity of the magnetosphere is contributed by the direct-driven and loading-unloading processes. Since the loading-unloading process for the quiet IMF conditions is minimum, we are allowed to focus on the direct-driven process. Quasi-northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has been well known to be a quiet IMF condition for direct-driven geomagnetic activity of the magnetosphere in contrast to that for a disturbed southward IMF condition. Quasi-radial and near-zero IMF are the other quiet IMF conditions, which were usually less studied in the field of magnetospheric physics. A comparison among the three quiet IMF conditions for which one is for the quietest direct-driven geomagnetic activity has not been performed in the past. Here we use two solar cycles of OMNI solar wind data and the three high-latitude geomagnetic indices (AE, PCN, PCS) to perform the comparison. We find that the quasi-northward IMF condition is the winner. The geomagnetic activity for quasi-radial IMF was never the quietest because of an extra dayside reconnection in addition to a lobe reconnection, contributing more energy into the magnetosphere than the other two quiet IMF conditions do.

How to cite: Shue, J.-H. and Nosé, M.: Which interplanetary magnetic field condition is for the quietest direct-driven geomagnetic activity?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3583,, 2025.

EGU25-4829 | Posters on site | ST2.1

The 2D structure of long-lasting quasi-radial IMF event in the near-Earth region 

Gilbert Pi, Zdenek Nemecek, and Jana Safrankova

The long-lasting radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field (rIMF) event has captured the attention of scientists for over two decades because of its unique effect on the magnetosphere. However, our understanding of the structure of this event in the interplanetary space is still limited. Previous studies denote that the traditional approach of shifting the L1 observation into the nose of the bow shock might not be suitable for the rIMF events due to their special orientation. This paper shows our results based on Wind, ACE, and STEREO observations. We estimate the correlation length of solar wind parameters for rIMF and compare it with the values under a Parker-spiral orientation. Moreover, the results show that the average width of the rIMF events in the YGSE direction reaches hundreds of RE.

How to cite: Pi, G., Nemecek, Z., and Safrankova, J.: The 2D structure of long-lasting quasi-radial IMF event in the near-Earth region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4829,, 2025.

The geomagnetic disturbance index SYM-H is primarily governed by the total kinetic energy of ring current particles. Consequently, the energy balance mechanism of the ring current provides a foundation for constructing an SYM-H evolution equation for predictive purposes. This study builds upon a modeling approach introduced by Ji et al. (2023) to develop an algebraic equation for predicting the SYM-H index based on the equilibrium between energy injection and ring current loss. A fully connected neural network determines the loss term in the model, while the energy injection function is derived from established solar wind–magnetosphere energy coupling functions, with its scale factor treated as a free-fitting parameter to optimize observational predictions. The model, trained on solar wind and SYM-H data from 20 magnetic storms, effectively predicts the SYM-H index one and two hours in advance, achieving root mean square errors (RMSE) of 6.7 nT and 8.9 nT, respectively. These results reflect a 7% improvement for the 1-hour model and a 6% improvement for the 2-hour model compared to the previous version. Moreover, the scale factors for the solar wind parameters in the energy coupling function align with prior observations of the magnetotail current sheet, reinforcing the conclusion that the ring current energy predominantly originates from the current sheet. The neural network-determined lifetimes of ring current particles vary with the SYM-H index, approximating six hours during the fast recovery phase and exceeding 10 hours in the slow recovery phase. This variation is consistent with a transition in dominant ring current particles from oxygen ions to protons during intense storms.

How to cite: Ma, L.: Predicting the SYM-H index using the ring current energy balance mechanism , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4948,, 2025.

EGU25-5258 | Orals | ST2.1

Localization of the Cluster satellites in geospace with the publicly available GRMB (Geospace Region and Magnetospheric Boundary) dataset 

Benjamin Grison, Fabien Darrouzet, Romain Maggiolo, Mychajlo Hajoš, and Matthew Taylor

The Cluster mission consists of 4 identical spacecraft, each carrying 11 scientific experiments. The spacecraft were launched in July and August 2000 into near polar inclined, 19x4 RE elliptic orbits. All four spacecraft have been in operation until September 2024. The magnetosphere environment is highly dynamic and its regions cannot be accessed by the orbital information alone. The purpose of the Geospace Region and Magnetospheric Boundary identification (GRMB) dataset is to provide information on the regions crossed by each of the 4 Cluster spacecraft.

The dataset includes 15 different labels, among them: plasmasphere, plasmapause transition region (TR), plasmasheet TR, plasmasheet, lobes, polar regions, magnetopause TR, magnetopause, magnetosheath, bow shock TR, and solar wind and foreshock. The 4 remaining labels are: inside the magnetosphere, outside the magnetosphere, unknown, and no available data. Transition regions can include properties matching the surrounding regions. For example, a bow shock TR can include short periods of solar wind or magnetosheath. Solar wind and magnetosheath should not include bow shock crossings.

The GRMB dataset is based on more than 40 Cluster data products available at CSA, taken from 7 instrument suites. The methodology relies on the visual identification of the boundaries between two consecutive GRMB items. The methodology does not define what is a bow shock or what is a magnetopause, for example. The goal is to have labeled regions that contain the bow-shocks or magnetopauses. And then each user can apply its own definition on the appropriate label subset.

In this study we present the different localization of the different regions based on the GRMB dataset. The properties (plasma density, plasma velocity, magnetic field, …) of different regions are also investigated to show the benefit of this dataset to perform scientific studies.

This dataset is now available at the Cluster Science Archive (CSA) for the years 2001-2022.

How to cite: Grison, B., Darrouzet, F., Maggiolo, R., Hajoš, M., and Taylor, M.: Localization of the Cluster satellites in geospace with the publicly available GRMB (Geospace Region and Magnetospheric Boundary) dataset, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5258,, 2025.

EGU25-5637 | Orals | ST2.1

Electron-Driven Variability of the Upper Atmospheric Nitric Oxide Column Density Over the Syowa Station in Antarctica 

Pekka Verronen, Akira Mizuno, and Yoshizumi Miyoshi and the Research Team

In the polar middle and upper atmosphere, Nitric Oxide (NO) is produced in large amounts by both solar EUV and X-ray radiation and energetic particle precipitation, and its chemical loss is driven by photodissociation. As a result, polar atmospheric NO has a clear seasonal variability and a solar cycle dependency which have been measured by satellite-based instruments. On shorter timescales, NO response to magnetospheric electron precipitation has been shown to take place on a day-to-day basis. Despite recent studies using observations and simulations, it remains challenging to understand NO daily distribution in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere during geomagnetic storms, and to separate contributions of electron forcing and atmospheric chemistry and dynamics. This is due to the uncertainties existing in the available electron flux observations, differences in representation of NO chemistry in models, and differences between NO observations from satellite instruments.  In this paper, we use mesospheric-lower thermospheric NO column density data measured with a millimeter-wave spectroscopic radiometer at the Syowa station in Antarctica. In the period 2012 - 2017, we study both the long-term and short-term variability of NO. Comparisons are made with results from the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) to understand the shortcomings of current electron forcing in models and how the representation of the NO variability can be improved in simulations.  We find that, qualitatively, the simulated year-to-year variability of NO is in agreement with the observations. On the other hand, there is up to a factor of two underestimation of the NO column density in wintertime, and the model captures only 27% of the measured magnitude in the day-to-day variability. The observed day-to-day variability has a good correlation with three different geomagnetic indices, indicating the importance of electron forcing in atmospheric NO production. Using electron flux measurements from the Arase satellite, we demonstrate that mesospheric electron forcing has potential to significantly increase the NO column density.


How to cite: Verronen, P., Mizuno, A., and Miyoshi, Y. and the Research Team: Electron-Driven Variability of the Upper Atmospheric Nitric Oxide Column Density Over the Syowa Station in Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5637,, 2025.

EGU25-6170 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1

Impact of energetic electron precipitation on the northern and southern polar vortex 

Antti Salminen, Timo Asikainen, and Kalevi Mursula

Electrons precipitate into the Earth’s atmosphere from magnetospheric plasma regions as a continuously varying flux. Energetic electron precipitation (EEP) forms reactive odd nitrogen (NOX) and hydrogen (HOX) oxides which catalytically destroy ozone in the high-latitude thermosphere and mesosphere. Moreover, during polar darkness, the NOX radicals formed by EEP descend to the stratosphere and spread the EEP effect down to the wintertime polar middle atmosphere. Several studies have shown that EEP affects the temperature in the polar middle atmosphere and the strength of the polar vortex, a westerly wind system around the winter pole. The EEP effect is strong in the northern hemisphere but has so far remained unclear in the southern polar vortex. Here we examine the EEP effect on the chemical and dynamical features of the mesosphere and stratosphere both in the northern and southern hemisphere using satellite observations of the EEP by POES/MEPED and atmospheric parameters by Aura/MLS. We also utilize the geomagnetic aa index as a proxy for EEP and the ERA5 reanalysis dataset for atmospheric variables to extend the temporal coverage of observations. We show that, while the effect of EEP on the polar vortex is stronger in the northern than southern hemisphere, the EEP also affects the southern polar vortex in the late winter and spring. This is, e.g., seen in the timing of the final warming.

How to cite: Salminen, A., Asikainen, T., and Mursula, K.: Impact of energetic electron precipitation on the northern and southern polar vortex, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6170,, 2025.

EGU25-6327 | Posters on site | ST2.1

Connection of the magnetosheath jet with the foreshock activities 

Niki Xirogiannopoulou, Oleksandr Goncharov, Jana Safrankova, and Zdenek Nemecek

Plasma structures with an enhanced dynamic pressure, known as jets are often observed in the Earth’s magnetosheath. These structures are more often detected downstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock, i.e., behind the foreshock. This region is dominated by waves and reflected particles which interact with each other and create different transients. Xirogiannopoulou et al. (2024) found that the subsolar foreshock contains several types of structures with enhanced density or/and magnetic field magnitude - plasmoids, SLAMS and mixed structures. Many previous studies established that some of these foreshock structures can be a source of magnetosheath jets (Raptis et al., 2022). Following these results, we use data collected by the cross-calibrated THEMIS spacecraft and present multi-spacecraft case studies of the connection between the foreshock and magnetosheath structures. According to our observations, we suggest that the generation of magnetosheath jets is associated with some additional mechanism from the ones we know (ex. BS ripples) that is more complicated or the knowledge we have is incomplete.

How to cite: Xirogiannopoulou, N., Goncharov, O., Safrankova, J., and Nemecek, Z.: Connection of the magnetosheath jet with the foreshock activities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6327,, 2025.

EGU25-6580 | Posters on site | ST2.1

On the structure of magnetosheath jets 

Kostiantyn Grygorov, Oleksandr Goncharov, Jana Safrankova, Zdenek Nemecek, and Shahab Fatemi

Plasma structures with the enhanced dynamic pressure, density, or speed are often observed in the Earth’s magnetosheath. These structures, known as magnetosheath (MSH) jets, can be detected downstream quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel bow shocks. The structures are highly turbulent and dynamic, and their properties can change significantly, depending on their location and actual orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Recent hybrid-kinetic simulations by Fatemi et al. (2024) have shown that magnetosheath jets, previously emphasized to be simple geometric forms, are complex and interconnected structures that frequently merging or splitting as they move through the magnetosheath. Furthermore, hybrid simulation results have shown that the plasma surrounding these jets can exhibit flow directions perpendicular to or even sunward relative to the solar wind. This highlights the potential for in situ measurements to resolve these small-scale structures and their peculiarities, thereby providing insights into the applicability of such hybrid-kinetic simulations. In the work, we aim to study such a complex magnetosheath jet structure using multi-point spacecraft measurements (THEMIS/MMS) and to compare them with outputs of hybrid simulations.

How to cite: Grygorov, K., Goncharov, O., Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z., and Fatemi, S.: On the structure of magnetosheath jets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6580,, 2025.

EGU25-6617 | Posters on site | ST2.1

Magnetopause speed vs the ion motion inside the boundary layer  

Mrittika Ghosh, Gilbert Pi, Zdenek Nemecek, and Jana Safrankova

The magnetopause plays a vital role in the magnetospheric system because it controls the flow of mass, energy, and momentum from the solar wind to the magnetosphere. Variations in upstream solar wind conditions directly affect the magnetopause position, shape, and motion. We propose that the ion speed component aligned with the magnetopause normal direction inside the magnetopause boundary layers should be relate to the magnetopause speed. Our study aims to comprehensively understand the profiles of plasma parameters in the magnetopause boundary layer, and then to find a better method for estimation of the speed of magnetopause motion by using a single-satellite observation. Such a new approach can substantially increase the number of observations of the magnetopause speed and help us to understand the magnetopause motion in more detail. 

How to cite: Ghosh, M., Pi, G., Nemecek, Z., and Safrankova, J.: Magnetopause speed vs the ion motion inside the boundary layer , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6617,, 2025.

EGU25-7225 | Orals | ST2.1

A new approach for predicting geomagnetic Kp and Hpo indices using machine learning techniques 

Guram Kervalishvili, Ingo Michaelis, Jan Rauberg, Monika Korte, and Jürgen Matzka

Widely used geomagnetic activity indices such as Kp or Dst are derived from the combined data from several geomagnetic observatories that are distributed over the globe to provide a global index. Forecasting such indices is crucial as solar-driven geomagnetic activity can significantly affect both technology and human activities on Earth and in the near-Earth space environment.

We developed a new model to forecast geomagnetic indices by incorporating predicted data from individual observatories. Unlike previous models that relied directly on an index and ignored diverse physical effects at individual observatories, this approach considers each observatory separately in the forecasting process. It thus produces predictions of global geomagnetic indices that integrate the same physical principles as in the original calculations of the Kp index.

We demonstrate the performance of the model for the Kp index along with the recently derived Hpo indices, which all measure planetary geomagnetic disturbances caused by solar activity. The Hpo indices, Hp60 and Hp30, provide high-resolution (hourly and half-hourly, respectively) representations of these disturbances, similar to the 3-hourly Kp index but without the upper limit of 9. The model demonstrates good agreement, accurately capturing trends and overall behaviour, even with sparse solar wind data.

How to cite: Kervalishvili, G., Michaelis, I., Rauberg, J., Korte, M., and Matzka, J.: A new approach for predicting geomagnetic Kp and Hpo indices using machine learning techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7225,, 2025.

EGU25-7239 | Posters on site | ST2.1

Expansion velocity of the quiet time plasmapause based on THEMIS satellite 

Giuli Verbanac, Mario Bandić, Ljiljana Ivanković, and Slaviša Živković

The aim of the present study is to deduce the velocity of the plasmapause expansion based on the novel method that we have developed.
For that, we use the dataset of 6800 Plasmapause Positions crossed by the THEMIS spacecraft from 2008 to 2012 (Cho et al., 2015; Bandić et al., 2017). Plasmapause positions were identified from electron density profiles measured by THEMIS satellites.
Within this dataset, we aim at finding satellite plasmapause crossings during quiet geomagnetic activity periods. 
The quiet times will be defined based on values of geomagnetic activity index Kp. We will use different cut-off of Kp values with a step of 0.33 up to Kp=3.
The new method and results will be presented.

How to cite: Verbanac, G., Bandić, M., Ivanković, L., and Živković, S.: Expansion velocity of the quiet time plasmapause based on THEMIS satellite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7239,, 2025.

EGU25-7681 | Orals | ST2.1

Effects of Energetic Particle Precipitations on Polar Middle Atmosphere Ozone: Direct and Indirect Mechanisms 

Yuting Wang, Hui Li, Yaxuan Li, Yudi Pan, Wei Xu, and Chi Wang

The energetic particle precipitations (EPPs), which include solar proton events (SPEs) and energetic electron precipitations (EEPs), can significantly impact ozone levels in the polar middle atmosphere through two main mechanisms. One is the direct impact that the energetic protons can attend the mesosphere and catalyze ozone depletion through the ionized odd hydrogen. Another is the indirect impact that the downward branch of the residual circulation transports the ionized odd nitrogen to the stratosphere and causes a long‐term effect on ozone. In this study, we conduct case studies and statistical analyses of ozone observations from the Aura satellite to investigate these two mechanisms. For the direct impact, we find that the mesospheric ozone depletion during SPEs is more pronounced at higher geomagnetic latitudes and negatively correlates with the proton flux, while during EEPs the ozone depletion predominantly occurs in the geomagnetic latitude band of 60–70°. For the indirect impact, our results show no significant correlation between proton flux and stratospheric ozone depletion. However, when analyzing the vertical velocity of the residual circulation from the stratospheric ozone depletion trajectory, we find a notable SPE effect during winter. The SPEs modulate both horizontal and vertical circulation, which further influences ozone levels. This study further validates the physical link between the magnetosphere and atmosphere and promotes our understanding of the solar influence on Earth's climate.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Li, H., Li, Y., Pan, Y., Xu, W., and Wang, C.: Effects of Energetic Particle Precipitations on Polar Middle Atmosphere Ozone: Direct and Indirect Mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7681,, 2025.

EGU25-8469 | Posters on site | ST2.1

Evolution of jet-like structures in different regions of the magnetosheath  

Oleksandr Goncharov, Kostiantyn Kostiantyn, Niki Xirogiannopoulou, Jana Safrankova, and Zdenek Nemecek

Transient enhancements in the dynamic pressure, density or speed are often observed in the Earth’s magnetosheath. They are known as jets and/or plasmoids and can be registered downstream both quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel bow shocks (BS). They travel from the BS through the magnetosheath and disturb the ambient plasma. Using measurements by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft, Goncharov et al. (2020) showed similarities in the plasma properties of the jets and fast plasmoids. However, they pointed out that the different magnetic fields inside the structures suggest that the formation mechanisms are different. On the other hand, the parameters of structures registered close to the BS/magnetopause or in the sub-solar/flank magnetosheath differ. Based on our comparative analysis, we discuss features of jet-like structures, their properties, occurrence, evolution, and relation to the upstream/local parameters.

How to cite: Goncharov, O., Kostiantyn, K., Xirogiannopoulou, N., Safrankova, J., and Nemecek, Z.: Evolution of jet-like structures in different regions of the magnetosheath , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8469,, 2025.

EGU25-10056 | Orals | ST2.1

Modeling of the Electron Precipitated Flux in Non-dipole Magnetic Field 

Alina Grishina, Yuri Shprits, Alexander Drozdov, Dedong Wang, and Bernhard Haas

The Earth's magnetic field is a complex structure, exhibiting varying strengths across different coordinates. Of particular interest is the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), a region characterized by a weak magnetic field and intense precipitation processes. Accurate modeling of electron precipitation above this area demands a comprehensive approach, involving the calculation of magnetic fields and electron bounce. Incorporating realistic field models, such as Tsyganenko (1989; T89) for external and Internation Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) for internal fields, is essential for correct modeling. Furthermore, dividing the loss cone into drift and bounce loss cones, correlated with geomagnetic longitudes, has to account for more accurate numbers of precipitated particles. By simulating a geomagnetic storm occurring in June 2016 and validating our findings against observations from the Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation instrument on board the Lomonosov satellite (ELFIN-L) in low-Earth orbit, we studied and compared precipitation activities during both quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions of this event. Our investigation underscores the significance of incorporating the non-dipole loss cone model and bounce-averaged lifetimes incorporated into the loss cone losses, leading to calculated drift loss cone flux, and potentially - of the precipitated flux. In our study, we show the importance of the non-dipole magnetic field models utilization leading to prospective improvement in estimation of different flux populations.

How to cite: Grishina, A., Shprits, Y., Drozdov, A., Wang, D., and Haas, B.: Modeling of the Electron Precipitated Flux in Non-dipole Magnetic Field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10056,, 2025.

EGU25-10521 | ECS | Orals | ST2.1

A Combined Effect of the Earth's Magnetic Dipole Tilt and IMF By in Controlling Auroral Electron Precipitation 

Jussi Laitinen, Lauri Holappa, and Heikki Vanhamäki

Auroral particle precipitation (<30 keV) is usually assumed to be equally strong for both signs of the By component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). However, recent statistical studies have showed that geomagnetic activity is significantly modulated by the signs and amplitudes of IMF By and the Earth's dipole tilt angle Ψ. Here we quantify this By dependence for auroral electron precipitation for the first time. Furthermore, we make a case study on a sequence of high-speed stream (HSS) driven events of auroral and medium energy (>30 keV) particle precipitation. We show that when HSSs are comparable in terms of IMF and solar wind parameters, HSSs with opposite signs of By and Ψ can lead to systematically stronger particle precipitation in individual events. We perform a superposed epoch analysis of 485 HSSs giving further evidence that the By-effect is especially significant during HSSs. This is likely due to the persistent IMF By polarity during HSSs. 

How to cite: Laitinen, J., Holappa, L., and Vanhamäki, H.: A Combined Effect of the Earth's Magnetic Dipole Tilt and IMF By in Controlling Auroral Electron Precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10521,, 2025.

The interaction between the plasma leaving the Sun and neutral particles in the exospheres of solar system bodies results in a soft X-ray emission which, if imaged, can help us to understand these interactions of the solar wind with these bodies on large scales. At magnetized bodies, the impact of the solar wind results in global deformations of planetary magnetic fields and physical processes at kinetic, fluid and global scales that capture and energise particles within magnetospheres which ultimately deposits energy into planetary ionospheres and atmospheres. While in-situ measurements have provided deep insights into small-scale processes in these regions, the global configuration of the system remains elusive, revealed only through simulation or climatological empirical models. A new joint mission between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) will provide a unique global view of our near-Earth space environment, enabling us understand the links between the Sun, magnetosphere and ionosphere. Due for launch in late 2025, the SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) mission is a novel endeavour to observe the coupling of the solar wind with the magnetosphere through to the ionosphere. To do this, SMILE will remotely sense the magnetosheath and cusps through X-ray emissions from solar wind charge exchange – a process by which neutral particles in Earth’s exosphere exchange charges with highly charged heavy solar wind ions. SMILE is a self-standing mission, that takes its own in situ measurements of the solar wind and magnetosheath plasma and magnetic field input into the magnetosphere, as well as crucial far ultraviolet observations of the entire northern hemisphere auroral oval to explore the link between the solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere. In this talk, we will present the underlying science of the SMILE mission as well as the latest mission developments from ESA, CAS and the international instrument teams. We will also highlight possible synergies with existing missions and ground-based facilities, enabling global and local plasma processes to be studied in unprecedented detail and context.

How to cite: Forsyth, C. and the SMILE mission team:  Unique Global Viewing of Earth’s Dynamic Magnetosphere with the Solar Wind – Magnetosphere – Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10651,, 2025.

EGU25-10731 | Orals | ST2.1

A possible mechanism for the formationof an eastward moving auroral spiral 

Elena Kronberg, Katharina Maetschke, Noora Partamies, and Elena Grigorenko

Auroral spirals have different morphologies and origins. In this study, we propose a possible mechanism for the formation of an eastward-moving auroral spiral, which was observed in Tromsø, Norway, during the expansion phase of a substorm on 18 September 2013. During this time, the Cluster and THEMIS-A spacecraft were located ∼7 RE duskward of the spiral generator region in the magnetotail. Prior to the spiral observation, concurrent magnetic field dipolarizations, bursty bulk flows and electron injections were measured by the Cluster satellites. At the same time, a local Kelvin-Helmholtz-like vortex street in the magnetic field was detected, which was likely caused by the bulk flows. The vortex street presumably propagated towards the source region of the spiral due to a high dawnward velocity of the flow bursts. The observations suggest that the spiral may have been generated by an associated vortex mapped along the magnetic field lines to the ionosphere. Future research of the generation of auroral spirals requires higher resolution monitoring of the ionosphere. 

How to cite: Kronberg, E., Maetschke, K., Partamies, N., and Grigorenko, E.: A possible mechanism for the formationof an eastward moving auroral spiral, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10731,, 2025.

EGU25-10768 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1

Evolution of Atmospheric Oxygen Escape from Earth During the Last 2.45 Billion Years 

Maria Luisa Alonso Tagle, Romain Maggiolo, Herbert Gunell, Caue Borlina, Iannis Dandouras, Johan de Keyser, Dag Evensberget, Claire Nichols, Aline Vidotto, Gaël Cessateur, Fabien Darrouzet, and Tom Van Doorsselaere

Understanding atmospheric escape over geological timescales is essential for constraining a planet's capacity to retain its atmosphere and sustain life. Earth’s atmosphere has drastically changed in composition, with a significant increase in oxygen occurring during the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) 2.45 Gyr ago. Atmospheric oxygen can be ionized and energized by solar radiation and plasma interactions involving the solar wind, the magnetosphere, and ionosphere, eventually leading to its escape into space either as a neutral or as an O+ ion.


For Earth, the main challenge of this work lies in estimating past escape rates from the extrapolation of present-day observations to the younger solar system environment, since the GOE, when an increase of atmospheric oxygen is observed in the geological record.

To achieve this, we developed a semi-empirical model, that considers seven different escape mechanisms to estimate the time evolution of the average oxygen escape rate. We consider the evolution of the solar wind and solar radiation, the Earth’s magnetic moment, and the Earth’s exosphere while assuming a constant atmospheric composition. The escape rate of each escape mechanism is calculated considering analytical formulas, a physical scaling and/or empirical formulas.


During the last 2.45 Gyr., oxygen escape from Earth was dominated by the escape of oxygen ions through the polar wind and polar cusp escape. We estimate that the past oxygen escape rate was more than one order of magnitude higher than now, reaching a total escape rate above 1027 s-1 at the time of the GOE, and that the total oxygen loss during the last 2.45 Gyr corresponds to 63% of the current atmospheric oxygen content. We discuss the role of key parameters that determine atmospheric escape for a magnetized planet, as Earth.

How to cite: Alonso Tagle, M. L., Maggiolo, R., Gunell, H., Borlina, C., Dandouras, I., de Keyser, J., Evensberget, D., Nichols, C., Vidotto, A., Cessateur, G., Darrouzet, F., and Van Doorsselaere, T.: Evolution of Atmospheric Oxygen Escape from Earth During the Last 2.45 Billion Years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10768,, 2025.

EGU25-10917 | Posters on site | ST2.1

The PICASE suite for radiation space weather monitoring at LEO: initial concept 

Oleksiy Dudnik, Mirosław Kowaliński, Jarosław Bąkała, Piotr Podgórski, Daniel Ścisłowski, and Evgen Kurbatov

The study of the space radiation environment surrounding Earth is a fundamental aspect of space weather research, as high-energy particles pose a significant threat to the electronics on every single launched satellite. The gap between Van Allen's outer and inner electron radiation belts is filled by the high-energy electrons shifted radially inward from the outer belt due to a variety of physical mechanisms. They comprise geomagnetic storms, interactions between sub-relativistic particles, and electromagnetic emissions of both natural and artificial origin.

Recent advancements in this field have led to the discovery of a third persistent electron radiation belt at L ~ 1.6 as identified by the STEP-F instrument (Dudnik et al., 2022). Furthermore, empirical evidence suggests that the medium-scaled variations of ionospheric total electron content (TEC) at the middle latitudes can be associated with sporadic microbursts of high-energy electrons below Van Allen radiation belts and within the gap separating inner and outer belts. These findings underscore the necessity of continuous and precise monitoring of the near-Earth radiation environment.

In this study, we introduce the initial concept of the Particle Instrument for Combined Analysis of Space Environment (PICASE) will be designed in a frame of ESA’s Space Weather Nanosatellites System (enhancement study) initiative. The suite intends for uninterrupted monitoring of the high-energy electron and proton fluxes in low Earth orbit (LEO). The instrument is being designed to achieve high energy and time resolution, enabling detailed comparative analyses of charged particle dynamic energy spectra within the Van Allen radiation belts, and in microbursts occurring outside the belts and the South Atlantic Anomaly.

The methodological approach of PICASE involves the determination of particle sort, precise determination of individual particle energies, separately for electrons and protons, and accumulation of particle counts within a predefined aperture. To generate dynamically changed radiation maps across various energy at satellite altitudes we expect continuous, full-day measurements. To distinguish trapped and precipitating particles, and those induced by human activities and ionospheric storms from each other the instrument will incorporate three detector heads equipped with large-area active sensors. Expected technical characteristics and structural block scheme of PICASE are presented too.

This work is supported by the “Long-term program of support of the Ukrainian research teams at the Polish Academy of Sciences carried out in collaboration with the U.S. National Academy of Sciences with the financial support of external partners”.

This research was carried out in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), under contract 4000146628/24/D/SR.


O.V. Dudnik, J. Sylwester, M. Kowaliński, P. Podgórski, K. J.H. Phillips. Detection of the third innermost radiation belt on LEO CORONAS-Photon satellite around 2009 solar minimum. Advances in Space Research, 2022. Vol. 70, pp.1441–1452.

How to cite: Dudnik, O., Kowaliński, M., Bąkała, J., Podgórski, P., Ścisłowski, D., and Kurbatov, E.: The PICASE suite for radiation space weather monitoring at LEO: initial concept, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10917,, 2025.

EGU25-11069 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1

Amplitudes of Magnetopause Surface Waves: Comparison of THEMIS Observations with MHD Theory 

Adrian Pöppelwerth, Niklas Grimmich, Rumi Nakamura, and Ferdinand Plaschke

The Earth’s magnetopause is the boundary separating the terrestrial and the interplanetary magnetic fields. Variations in solar wind pressure and structures originating from the solar wind or foreshock regions induce constant dynamic motion of this boundary. Furthermore, a high velocity shear between the magnetosheath and magnetospheric plasmas can trigger the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. All these interactions can lead to the generation of waves on the magnetopause, which can either propagate along the magnetopause towards the nightside or form standing surface waves. These surface waves subsequently excite fluctuations within the ambient plasma on either side of the magnetopause, allowing them to propagate away perpendicular to the magnetopause. According to magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory, the amplitude of these waves is expected to decrease exponentially with distance from the boundary.

Utilizing the multi-spacecraft mission Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS), we are able to simultaneously observe surface waves at different distances perpendicular to the magnetopause. Here we present preliminary findings that compare these spacecraft observations with predictions from MHD theory.

How to cite: Pöppelwerth, A., Grimmich, N., Nakamura, R., and Plaschke, F.: Amplitudes of Magnetopause Surface Waves: Comparison of THEMIS Observations with MHD Theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11069,, 2025.

EGU25-11479 | ECS | Orals | ST2.1

Statistical Survey of Ion Cyclotron Wave Signatures around Earth's Magnetotail Dipolarizations 

Martin Hosner, Rumi Nakamura, Daniel Schmid, and Evgeny Panov

In the Earth’s magnetotail fast earthward plasma flows (so-called Bursty Bulk Flows) are often associated with dipolar magnetic flux bundles. The leading edges of such earthward-moving flux bundles are called dipolarization fronts (DF). Previous studies have reported wave signatures around the local proton cyclotron frequency during selected events, using data from the Cluster, THEMIS and MMS missions. In the present study, we examine characteristics of these ion-scale waves during several hundred DF events, observed by NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS) between 2017 and 2022. By applying a wavelet analysis to the database, we not only obtain a statistical picture of the waves from spectral parameters such as the polarization, propagation direction, and electromagnetic character. It also allows us to map their temporal distribution around the DFs, and to obtain a global picture about the occurrence of such waves across different regions of the magnetotail, including the central plasma sheet, the outer plasma sheet, and the plasma sheet boundary layer. Based on the analysis we discuss possible generation mechanisms of the waves. 

How to cite: Hosner, M., Nakamura, R., Schmid, D., and Panov, E.: Statistical Survey of Ion Cyclotron Wave Signatures around Earth's Magnetotail Dipolarizations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11479,, 2025.

EGU25-11520 | ECS | Orals | ST2.1

Exploring the Link Between Cosmic Noise Absorption Events and Whistler-Mode Waves 

Reihaneh Ghaffari, Christopher Cully, Emma Spanswick, Robyn Fiori, and Robert Gillies

Ionospheric disturbances play a critical role in radio wave propagation, with implications for communication, navigation systems, and understanding space weather dynamics. Among the tools used to probe these disturbances, relative ionospheric opacity meters (riometers) provide valuable insights by measuring cosmic noise absorption (CNA). These absorption events offer a window into the diverse physical processes driving energetic electron precipitation and their subsequent impact on the ionosphere.

This study utilizes observational data from the University of Calgary network of single-frequency wide-beam (GO-Canada) riometers. A classification system was developed to segregate riometer absorption events into distinct groups based on their time-lagged signatures observed across different longitudes by stations in the East-West chain of the riometer network.

We investigate the correlation between wave occurrences measured onboard the THEMIS satellite and electron precipitation inferred from riometer absorption measurements across various event types. The goal is to determine whether these correlations align with established geophysical processes, such as precipitation driven by whistler-mode waves, and to quantify the strength and significance of these relationships. By examining the temporal and spatial patterns of cosmic noise absorption events in conjunction with satellite-based measurements, we aim to provide a detailed assessment of how well these phenomena correlate. This analysis seeks not only to validate the underlying geophysical mechanisms but also to enhance our quantitative understanding of the role of whistler-mode waves in driving electron precipitation and subsequent ionospheric disturbances.

How to cite: Ghaffari, R., Cully, C., Spanswick, E., Fiori, R., and Gillies, R.: Exploring the Link Between Cosmic Noise Absorption Events and Whistler-Mode Waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11520,, 2025.

The soft X-ray imager (SXI) on board the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) mission will measure X-rays emitted in the Earth’s magnetosheath and cusps. Using these measurements, we will find the magnetopause positions and shape for variable solar wind conditions. However, the recently developed methods of magnetopause finding do not accurately consider the differences in magnetosheath configuration for northward and southward IMF. Analysing MHD results, we show that the plasma depletion layer occurring in the magnetosheath close to the magnetopause for a northward IMF may shift the maximum of X-ray emission farther from the Earth. It requires corrections in calculations of the magnetopause position obtained from the maximum integrated X-ray emissivity.

How to cite: Samsonov, A. and Forsyth, C.: Finding magnetopause standoff distance for different IMF clock angles: application for the forthcoming SMILE mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11609,, 2025.

EGU25-11783 | Orals | ST2.1 | Highlight | Julius Bartels Medal Lecture

Electron Acceleration by Wave-Particle Interactions at the Earth and Magnetised Planets 

Richard Horne

The radiation belts of the Earth and magnetised planets include high energy electrons reaching energies of up to 50 MeV.  Observations at the Earth show that the electron flux is highly variable, and that acceleration must take place inside the planetary magnetic field.   Soon after the radiation belts were discovered it was thought that inward radial diffusion was the main process responsible for the acceleration, but it was difficult to reproduce the timescale for some of the observed variations in the electron flux.  Local electron acceleration via Doppler shifted cyclotron resonance with chorus waves was proposed as an alternative mechanism and has been shown to play a major role in forming the outer electron belt at the Earth reaching energies of several MeV.  Here we review some of the evidence for local acceleration and describe the process of chorus wave acceleration at the Earth.  We review other types of plasma waves, such as magnetosonic waves, that could contribute to electron acceleration and describe the conditions necessary to reach electron energies of several MeV.  We show examples of chorus and other types of plasma waves at Jupiter and Saturn and show how they play an important role in accelerating electrons to form the radiation belts at those planets.  We suggest that wave acceleration is the missing link in a set of process that starts with volcanic gasses from the moon Io and results in the emission of synchrotron radiation from Jupiter.  We suggest that wave acceleration is a universal process operating at the magnetised planets.  Finally, we show how wave acceleration is included into space weather forecasting models to help ensure the safe and reliable operation of satellites on orbit around the Earth.

How to cite: Horne, R.: Electron Acceleration by Wave-Particle Interactions at the Earth and Magnetised Planets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11783,, 2025.

Following 24 years of space operations, during which the Cluster spacecraft have greatly advanced our understanding of the dynamics of the Earth’s magnetosphere and its interaction with the solar wind, the first of the four-spacecraft performed a controlled re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere in September 2024. The CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometry) experiment has been one of the spearheads of the Cluster mission, with more than 1300 science papers published, based on the analysis of the data provided by this experiment. Major breakthroughs were possible in topics such as collisionless shocks, boundary layers, substorm development, auroral physics, the dynamics of the plasmasphere, ionospheric ion outflow and escape, ring current dynamics, or extreme space weather events. All the high-resolution CIS data are archived and publicly available at the Cluster Science Archive (

How to cite: Dandouras, I. and the CIS Team: Highlights of the Cluster Ion Spectrometry (CIS) experiment, following 24 years of successful operation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12118,, 2025.

EGU25-12611 | Orals | ST2.1

A snapshot of the particle environment in the Earth’s magnetosphere 

Gabriella Stenberg Wieser, Martin Wieser, Stas Barabash, Philipp Wittmann, Stefan Karlsson, Norbert Krupp, Elias Roussos, Markus Fraenz, Peter Wurz, and Pontus Brandt and the PEP team

During the Juice (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) flyby of Earth in August 2024, the spacecraft traversed the magnetosphere in the time span of about 12 hours. The mass spectrometer Jovian Plasma Dynamics and Composition Analyzer (JDC) has the capability to observe, within a hemisphere, electrons in the energy range of a few eV/q - 35 keV/q, and positive and negative ions with masses between 1 and 70 amu, in the energy range of a few eV/q - 35 keV/q.

The measurements of JDC enabled us to characterize the state of the Earth’s magnetosphere at this point in time. The spacecraft passed through all key plasma domains and boundaries and the data taken provide a semi-instantaneous view of the magnetosphere. The plasmasphere, the ring current, the radiation belt and the magnetosheath are probed.  Multiple crossings of the magnetopause are seen as well as foreshock phenomena upstream of the bow shock. The plasma populations recorded are compared to the typical plasma parameters characterizing each region, taking upstream conditions and geomagnetic indices into account. The observations of the radiation belt are compared with a location-dependent radiation belt model. The data shows the excellent performance of the versatile mass spectrometer and clearly shows how an interplanetary mission can contribute to magnetospheric science.

How to cite: Stenberg Wieser, G., Wieser, M., Barabash, S., Wittmann, P., Karlsson, S., Krupp, N., Roussos, E., Fraenz, M., Wurz, P., and Brandt, P. and the PEP team: A snapshot of the particle environment in the Earth’s magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12611,, 2025.

EGU25-15379 | Posters on site | ST2.1

Why space weather is important for climate research and seasonal forecasting 

Hilde Nesse, Timo Asikainen, Margot Decotte, Bernd Funke, Lynn Harvey, Liu Huixin, Jia Jia, Hanli Liu, Ville Maliniemi, Noora Partamies, Josephine Salice, Antti Salminen, Annika Seppälä, and Claudia Stephan

Over the past decades, numerous observations and model studies have provided substantial evidence that space weather, through particle precipitation, affects the chemistry and dynamics of the stratosphere. Concurrently, the significance of stratospheric dynamics, particularly in winter short-range and seasonal forecasts, has been highlighted. However, there has been little effort to integrate the knowledge from these two research fields. 

This review aims to bridge the gap between the Space Physics and Climate research communities. It will elucidate current knowledge on Energetic Particle Precipitation (EPP) and its impact on the chemistry and dynamics of the mesosphere and stratosphere, highlighting recent research. Additionally, it will present scientific findings demonstrating that EPP forcing of the stratosphere can migrate downwards into the troposphere and reach the surface. Particularly during the QBO-E phase and/or close to a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW), EPP can significantly impact stratospheric dynamics projected onto the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) or Northern Annular Mode (NAM). The review proposes EPP as a potential moderator of sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) in terms of their occurrence, timing, and strength, which are crucial parameters for short-range and seasonal forecasts for the Northern Hemisphere (NH) in winter.  Moreover, it presents research demonstrating that the EPP chemical-dynamical coupling is becoming stronger in an atmosphere influenced by climate change. Bridging the gap between space physics and climate research is essential, as the natural variability of the atmosphere underpins the climate signal. Better prediction of SSWs and their effects on the northern winter weather is crucial preparing for extreme weather events and supporting economic activities.  This interdisciplinary approach can enhance our overall understanding of the Earth’s atmosphere and its complex processes.

How to cite: Nesse, H., Asikainen, T., Decotte, M., Funke, B., Harvey, L., Huixin, L., Jia, J., Liu, H., Maliniemi, V., Partamies, N., Salice, J., Salminen, A., Seppälä, A., and Stephan, C.: Why space weather is important for climate research and seasonal forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15379,, 2025.

EGU25-16189 | Posters on site | ST2.1

Helium isotopes precipitation in the Earth’s upper atmosphere 

Romain Maggiolo, Wout De Jonghe, Maria Luisa Alonso Tagle, Gaël Cessateur, and Fabien Darrouzet

Understanding the helium budget of the Earth’s atmosphere is a longstanding challenge in atmospheric science. In the Earth's atmosphere, the abundance and isotopic composition of helium are shaped by interactions with both the solid Earth and outer space. A recent observation of a temporary excess of 3He in the polar atmosphere has been attributed to solar flares. The solar wind, which has an average helium content of ~5% He++ and a 3He/4He ratio of ~2350—much higher than that of the atmosphere—precipitates mainly in the auroral zone, an oval-shaped region located at high latitudes.

The Earth is a magnetized planet surrounded by a magnetosphere, which acts as an interface between the solar wind and the Earth’s atmosphere. The dayside auroral zone, connected to the magnetospheric cusp, provides a direct path for solar wind precipitation. However, in the remainder of the auroral zone, ion precipitation consists of a mixture of solar wind ions and ionospheric ions that are returned to the Earth's atmosphere.

We use 11 years of ion precipitation measurements from the DMSP satellites, combined with in-situ He measurements in the solar wind (from the OMNI database) and empirical formulas derived from satellite observations of the Earth's magnetosphere, to estimate the 3He and 4He precipitation rates in the Earth's upper atmosphere. We analyze yearly averages and peak fluxes, considering separately the contributions from the dayside auroral zone and the rest of the auroral zone. Additionally, we discuss the locations of He precipitation regions and the effects of solar and geomagnetic activity on the precipitating He flux.

Our results show that auroral precipitation is a significant source of atmospheric 3He, comparable to outgassing from the Earth’s core. However, they suggest that solar-flare-associated 3He precipitation alone is likely insufficient to explain the observed polar excess.

How to cite: Maggiolo, R., De Jonghe, W., Alonso Tagle, M. L., Cessateur, G., and Darrouzet, F.: Helium isotopes precipitation in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16189,, 2025.

EGU25-17006 | Posters on site | ST2.1

Observations of the JUICE PEP JEI plasma spectrometer during theMoon and Earth flyby in August 2024 

Markus Fränz, Norbert Krupp, Elias Roussos, Henning Fischer, Patrick Bambach, Robert Labudda, Philipp Wittmann, Stas Barabash, and Jan-Erik Wahlund

The plasma spectrometer JEI is an ion and electron spectrometer designed to observe the thermal and medium energy charged particle environement  of Jupiter. It is part of the PEP instrument onboard JUICE. The flyby through the Earth-Moon system in August 2024 was the first test of the instrument in a magnetospheric plasma and under higher radiation. We will report on the instrument performance and on observations of charged particles in the lunar environment and during the crossing of the Earth magnetosphere. JEI was turned on during four short time periods near the moon, in the plasma sphere, and during magnetopause and bow shock crossings in the magnetosheath and back into the solar wind. During the lunar flyby JEi recorded photo electrons accelerated by a highly positive spacecraft potential and effects of spacecraft outgassing. The crossing of the Earth plasmasphere allowed a rare observation of the plasmasphere cold ion composition. This measurement was made possible by the combination of a negative spacecraft potential and a high spacecraft velocity. 

How to cite: Fränz, M., Krupp, N., Roussos, E., Fischer, H., Bambach, P., Labudda, R., Wittmann, P., Barabash, S., and Wahlund, J.-E.: Observations of the JUICE PEP JEI plasma spectrometer during theMoon and Earth flyby in August 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17006,, 2025.

EGU25-17934 | Orals | ST2.1

Quantifying Energetic Electron Precipitation by Wave-Particle Interactions in the Inner Magnetosphere and Their Atmospheric Impacts 

Dedong Wang, Yuri Shprits, Bernhard Haas, Alexander Drozdov, Alina Grishina, Miriam Sinnhuber, and Florian Haenel

Energetic electron precipitations (EEPs) from the inner magnetosphere are mainly caused by waves, for example, whistler mode chorus waves, hiss waves, electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, and electrostatic cyclotron harmonic waves. EEPs can influence the atmosphere by triggering auroral emissions and producing NOx in the upper atmosphere. Therefore, it is very important to quantify the EEPs by waves and their effects on the atmosphere.

In this presentation, we will present new lifetime models of energetic electrons that we developed recently to quantify the EEPs caused by whistler mode chorus waves. Using these lifetime models, we perform numerical simulations to calculate the precipitation of energetic electrons from the inner magnetosphere. Using the calculated EEPs, we calculate ionization rates, which quantify how efficiently precipitating particles interact with atmospheric molecules. We show that the inclusion of additional scattering mechanisms, beyond those accounted for in up-to-date hiss and chorus models, is essential for the accurate estimation of precipitated electrons and their atmospheric effects.

How to cite: Wang, D., Shprits, Y., Haas, B., Drozdov, A., Grishina, A., Sinnhuber, M., and Haenel, F.: Quantifying Energetic Electron Precipitation by Wave-Particle Interactions in the Inner Magnetosphere and Their Atmospheric Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17934,, 2025.

EGU25-19871 | Posters on site | ST2.1

A Statistical Study of VLF Measurements during Geomagnetic Storms 

wen Cheng, wei Xu, Xudong Gu, Binbin Ni, Shiwei Wang, Jingyuan Feng, Wenchen Ma, Hanqin Shi, Haotian Xu, Dongfang Zhai, and Yudi Pan

During geomagnetic storm, large fluxes of energetic particles can precipitate into the Earth’s atmosphere and causes excess ionization therein [Ni et al., GRL, 35, 11, 2008], ultimately leading to the depletion of polar ozone layer. The subionospheric Very Low Frequency (VLF, 3-30 kHz) technique has been widely utilized to study those space weather events that influence the D-region ionosphere, including electron precipitation from the radiation belts [Inan, GRL, 17, 6, 1990; Rodger, RG, 37, 317, 1999; Clilverd et al, RS, 36, 773, 2001]. However, most studies were devoted to the analysis of VLF measurements during one or several geomagnetic storms. Few statistical studies have been conducted and how VLF signals respond to geomagnetic storms, especially near the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) region, is insufficiently investigated.

In this study, we use the VLF data collected by the receiver developed by Wuhan University, and installed at the Great Wall Station (GWS) in Antarctica. We mainly focus on the measurements of VLF signals from the NAA, NPM, NML, and NLK transmitters, and a total of 18 moderate and strong geomagnetic storms between 2022 and 2023 have been investigated. The path from NAA to GWS is particularly noteworthy since it crosses the SAA region. Our results show that the disturbance caused by geomagnetic storms mainly occurred at sunset or during nighttime conditions, with an amplitude change of 5.3 dB during nighttime conditions and 6.1 dB during sunset. The disturbance typically ~last for 1.5 hours, and the maximum change of VLF amplitude typically occurred several hours after the minimum value of Dst index, with an average delay of 5 hours. The disturbance last for 1.5 hours and was not well correlated with the Dst index. The disturbances are likely caused by energetic particles within the drift loss cone angle that precipitate into the SAA region.

How to cite: Cheng, W., Xu, W., Gu, X., Ni, B., Wang, S., Feng, J., Ma, W., Shi, H., Xu, H., Zhai, D., and Pan, Y.: A Statistical Study of VLF Measurements during Geomagnetic Storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19871,, 2025.

EGU25-19954 | ECS | Orals | ST2.1

Role of Energetic Electron Precipitation in Shaping Stratospheric Vortex Evolution Following Sudden Stratospheric Warmings 

Mikhail Vokhmianin, Timo Asikainen, and Antti Salminen

Energetic Electron Precipitation (EEP) has been shown to influence wintertime stratospheric dynamics through the production of NOy species, which subsequently deplete ozone in the wintertime lower mesosphere and upper stratosphere. It has been shown previously that EEP can influence the occurrence probability of sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) where the wintertime stratospheric polar vortex breaks. Here we show that EEP also influences the evolution of the stratospheric polar vortex during and after the SSWs.

These results indicate that incorporating EEP into climate forecast models can potentially enhance the predictability of wintertime stratospheric dynamics and their influence on surface weather patterns. These results highlight the role of EEP in refining seasonal stratospheric and surface weather predictions.

How to cite: Vokhmianin, M., Asikainen, T., and Salminen, A.: Role of Energetic Electron Precipitation in Shaping Stratospheric Vortex Evolution Following Sudden Stratospheric Warmings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19954,, 2025.

EGU25-20031 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1

Characteristics of TEC at the polar cusp latitudes of Antarctica during the ascending phase of solar cycle 25 

Adarsh Dube, Anand Singh, Rashmi Rawat, and Shailendra Saini

We report the total electron content (TEC) perturbations due to a G3 solar storm of the solar cycle 25. Measurements from 4 GPS stations over the East Antarctica, along ~70 S, are studied. A magnitude enhancement of 37.15% was seen in Syowa at 39E geo longitude. On the next day, TEC depleted by 55.55% magnitude. The other stations, Mawson at 62E, Bharati at 76E, and Davis at 77E, also report similar perturbations. The longitudinal propagation of the storm effect along a polar cusp latitude is presented. The depletion in TEC is further discussed as the recovery phase of the thermosphere.

How to cite: Dube, A., Singh, A., Rawat, R., and Saini, S.: Characteristics of TEC at the polar cusp latitudes of Antarctica during the ascending phase of solar cycle 25, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20031,, 2025.

EGU25-1380 | Orals | ST2.2

Solar wind coupling with magnetospheres of terrestrial planets 

Riku Jarvinen, Esa Kallio, Ilja Honkonen, and David Phillips

We compare solar wind interactions of the solar system's terrestrial planets. We focus on solar wind coupling with the (induced) magnetospheres of Mercury, Venus and Mars and compare their space weather processes to Earth. Our analysis is based on global ion-kinetic hybrid particle simulations with the open source RHybrid model platform and in situ particle and field observations on spacecraft exploration missions like BepiColombo. In the model, ions are treated as particles accelerated by the Lorentz force self-consistently coupled with the evolution of magnetic field via Maxwell's equation, while electrons form a charge-neutralizing fluid. We highlight differencies and similarities in ion dynamics and velocity distributions as well as magnetic ultra-low frequency waves excited in the foreshock and modulating planetary plasma environments.

How to cite: Jarvinen, R., Kallio, E., Honkonen, I., and Phillips, D.: Solar wind coupling with magnetospheres of terrestrial planets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1380,, 2025.

EGU25-3207 | Orals | ST2.2 | Highlight

Quantifying uncertainty in the solar wind drivers of magnetospheric convection using OMNI and Cluster measurements 

Neil Rogers, James Wild, and Adrian Grocott

The strength of terrestrial magnetospheric convection and transpolar ionospheric flow is well predicted by the ‘reconnection electric field’ EKL [1], a function of the solar wind velocity, V, and the interplanetary magnetic field, B.   The convection response is linear under low EKL, but appears to saturate at high EKL, and several physical mechanisms have been proposed to explain this effect (see [2] for review).  However, others postulate that the error distribution of EKL measurements introduces a regression bias that could account for the apparent saturation [3,4,5].   For space weather applications, EKL is typically measured near the L1 Sun-Earth Lagrange point, so we are motivated to quantify the distribution of errors introduced in propagating such measurements (i) from L1 to a region just outside the Bow Shock and (ii) onward to the polar ionosphere.

To characterise the error distribution in step (i), we compared OMNI solar wind measurements near L1[6], time-shifted to a model Bow Shock nose location, with a new 22-year database of periods for which the ESA Cluster satellites were just inside the pristine solar wind (over 5000 hours in total).  We find that replacing OMNI-projected EKL measurements with direct Cluster measurements has only marginal effect on the ionospheric response as measured by, e.g., the cross-polar cap potential [7] or the PCC Polar Cap index [8] which remain non-linear.  We discuss the implication of this result together with a further consideration of errors introduced between Cluster (near the Bow Shock) and the polar ionosphere.    


1.  Kan, J. R., and L. C. Lee (1979)

2.  Borovsky, J. E. et al. (2009)

3.  Borovsky, J. E. (2022)

4.  Di Matteo, S. and N. Sivadas (2022)

5.  Sivadas, N., and D. G. Sibeck (2022)

6.  Papitashvili, N. E. (2024)

7.  Shepherd, S. G et al. (2002)

8.  Stauning, P. (2021)

How to cite: Rogers, N., Wild, J., and Grocott, A.: Quantifying uncertainty in the solar wind drivers of magnetospheric convection using OMNI and Cluster measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3207,, 2025.

EGU25-5338 | Posters on site | ST2.2

 IMF By influence on fast earthward convection flows in the near-lunar magnetotail 

Timo Pitkänen, Tiancheng Liu, Simon Nilsson, Anita Kullen, Jong-Sun Park, Maria Hamrin, Wensai Shang, Huizi Wang, and Shutao Yao

We statistically investigate convective earthward fast flows (V> 200 km/s) using data measured by the Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of the Moon’s Interaction with the Sun (ARTEMIS) mission in the tail plasma sheet during 2011-2022. Statistical results show that under the penetration and induction of the dusk-dawn interplanetary magnetic field component (IMF By), the magnetotail By aligned with the direction of IMF By on average dominates the entire investigated near-lunar tail plasma sheet region, regardless of the hemisphere. Compared with the statistical results of the near-Earth magnetotail, IMF By has a greater impact on the near-lunar magnetotail (the span of influence is greater). The influence of IMF By on magnetotail By may have a dusk-dawn asymmetry characteristic, with a weaker influence in the premidnight compared to the postmidnight. In addition, we find that the impact of IMF By on earthward perpendicular fast flows exhibits interhemispheric asymmetry in average V⊥y and it is highly correlated with the direction of magnetotail By. In more than 80% of the data bins, both tail By and V⊥y are in their dominating directions. In those bins where the V⊥y direction is opposite to the dominating direction, only slightly more than 50% of the bins have tail By in the direction opposite to the dominating tail By. Based on the statistical results, we infer that nonzero IMF By conditions affect the magnetotail and fast earthward convection at lunar distances. However, occasionally local dynamics can have a significant impact on magnetotail By and V⊥y, even overriding the influence of IMF By, which has been observed before at near-Earth distances.

How to cite: Pitkänen, T., Liu, T., Nilsson, S., Kullen, A., Park, J.-S., Hamrin, M., Shang, W., Wang, H., and Yao, S.:  IMF By influence on fast earthward convection flows in the near-lunar magnetotail, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5338,, 2025.

EGU25-6855 | Orals | ST2.2

Impacts of Solar Wind Driving on Interhemispheric Asymmetries in the Polar Cap 

Sarah Vines, Wenli Mo, Brian Anderson, Robert Allen, John Coxon, Astrid Maute, and Dolores Knipp

A key component of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling manifests in the high-latitude field-aligned currents and the spatial extent of open magnetic flux in the polar cap. This in turn drives changes in the cross-polar cap potential (CPCP), like saturation under extreme conditions, and dynamics in the ionospheric electric field, like over- or under-shielding at sub-auroral latitudes. While there have been many studies linking solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) driving conditions with the change in the polar cap area, interhemispheric differences have been less well explored. To mitigate uncertainties in connecting the driving conditions to high-latitude field-aligned current characteristics, a criteria of extended, quasi-steady IMF intervals are used for a statistical survey of the AMPERE current density distributions from January 2010 through May 2022. Fits to these distributions following Clausen et al. (2012) are applied in both hemispheres, and then used to derive the area enclosed poleward of the R1 currents. We present an overview of the statistical results of the northern and southern hemisphere current densities, the resulting polar cap areas, and an initial assessment of the CPCP for a given conductance profile. In general, AMPERE observations reveal larger polar cap areas occurring slightly more frequently in the southern hemisphere. Examining the dependencies of the polar cap areas on upstream conditions, there is a clear dependence on IMF BZ seen for both hemispheres, as expected. However, there is a notable interhemispheric asymmetry in the distribution of polar cap areas as a function of IMF clock angle, specifically for clock angles of 90° versus 270°. Along with the contribution to interhemispheric asymmetries arising from the geomagnetic pole location, these results point to the importance of the dayside conductivity gradient in the closure of the high-latitude field-aligned currents under varying upstream driving conditions.

How to cite: Vines, S., Mo, W., Anderson, B., Allen, R., Coxon, J., Maute, A., and Knipp, D.: Impacts of Solar Wind Driving on Interhemispheric Asymmetries in the Polar Cap, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6855,, 2025.

EGU25-7987 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.2

Exploring Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Responses to Negative Solar Wind Pressure Pulses: Case Study of 23 March 2024 

Geetashree Kakoti, Kazuo Shiokawa, Yuichi Otsuka, Atsuki Shinbori, Michi Nishioka, and Septi Perwitasari

The interaction between the solar wind and Earth’s magnetosphere can induce significant changes in the magnetosphere-ionosphere (M-I) system. This study explores the M-I responses to a negative solar wind pressure pulse event on 23 March 2024. The event was marked by a sharp solar wind dynamic pressure drop of ~10 nPa, which preceded the onset of G2 and G4-class geomagnetic storms on 23 and 24 March 2024. The negative pressure pulse occurred at 14:06 UT, as confirmed by THEMIS satellite observations.

Using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-Total Electron Content (TEC), ground magnetometer data, and AMPERE observations, the study examined the impacts of the pressure pulse on the coupled M-I system. Observations revealed a pronounced reduction in TEC at high latitudes, particularly in the European afternoon sector, following the pressure drop. This significant perturbation in electron density is postulated to result from the magnetospheric expansion during the negative pressure pulse. The H-component of Earth’s magnetic field exhibited a marked global decrease across all longitude sectors following the pressure drop, attributed to ground perturbations caused by reduced magnetopause currents and weakened magnetospheric fields. AMPERE observations further revealed a reduction in field-aligned current density, corroborating the observed ionospheric and geomagnetic responses.

This study delineates the pressure drop-induced effects from storm-related electrodynamic and neutral dynamic variations by isolating the distinct timing of the pressure pulse event, characterized by steady IMF conditions prior to the onset of the geomagnetic storm. The findings underscore the critical role of negative solar wind pressure pulses as standalone drivers capable of triggering rapid and widespread changes in the M-I system.

How to cite: Kakoti, G., Shiokawa, K., Otsuka, Y., Shinbori, A., Nishioka, M., and Perwitasari, S.: Exploring Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Responses to Negative Solar Wind Pressure Pulses: Case Study of 23 March 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7987,, 2025.

EGU25-8236 | Orals | ST2.2

A Statistical Study of Field-Aligned Currents During BBF and Non-BBF Periods 

Vanina Lanabere, Andrew Dimmock, Stephan Buchert, Octav Marghitu, Louis Richard, and Yuri Khotyaintsev

The coupling between the mid-magnetotail and the high-latitude ionosphere is driven by dynamic processes such as earthward bursty bulk flows (BBFs), which facilitate plasma transport to the inner magnetosphere. These flows interact with the ionosphere through Field-Aligned Current (FAC) systems. This work investigates the relationship between BBFs and FACs by utilizing nearly a decade of ionospheric measurements from the Swarm constellation, complemented by data from magnetospheric missions, particularly the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission. Approximately 2000 BBFs detected during the MMS tail seasons from 2017 to 2021 were mapped onto the ionosphere using Tsyganenko models. The mapping revealed a statistically consistent pattern of BBF footpoints between 65° and 75° magnetic latitude and 20 to 04 hour MLT, with a peak in the pre-midnight sector. To examine the connection between BBFs and ionospheric currents, we compared these footpoint locations with statistical maps of Swarm-derived FACs during BBF and non-BBF periods. We further analysed whether BBF periods correspond to significant changes in FACs. This approach aims to uncover the relationship between BBF mapping points and FAC dynamics, providing insights into the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes.

How to cite: Lanabere, V., Dimmock, A., Buchert, S., Marghitu, O., Richard, L., and Khotyaintsev, Y.: A Statistical Study of Field-Aligned Currents During BBF and Non-BBF Periods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8236,, 2025.

EGU25-10465 | Orals | ST2.2 | Highlight

Polar Ionosphere-thermosphere coupling during the May 2024 geomagnetic superstorm 

Lei Cai, Anita Aikio, Gopika Prasannakumara Pillai Geethakumari, Heikki Vanhamäki, Ilkka Virtanen, Shin-ichiro Oyama, Yongliang Zhang, Jiaojiao Zhang, and Marc Hairston

In May 2024, the most intense geomagnetic storm since 2003 was caused by coronal mass ejections from the Sun. It has triggered a surge of interest within the international space science community with dedicated workshops and planned special issues. Our study focuses on the ionosphere-thermosphere responses in the northern polar region based on multiple observations from the ground-based instruments (including the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar on Svalbard, GNSS TEC receivers, SuperMAG magnetometers, and SuperDARN coherent scatter radars) and satellites (including the Swarm, GRACE-FO, TIMED, and DMSP satellites). The EISCAT Svalbard radar, GNSS TEC, and satellite observations showed strong and large-scale ionospheric electron density depletion over the northern polar ionosphere. During the superstorm, strong solar wind energy input was dissipated at high latitudes. We apply a new method to estimate the integral Joule heating power using SuperDARN, SuperMAG and AMPERE data. The result showed the Joule heating power was up to 1300 GW. The strong heating increased the ion temperature as observed by the EISCAT Svalbard radar. The ion-chemistry-coupled  EISCAT  analysis  showed  how the transition altitude from molecular ions to O+ was increased from 200 km to 380 km during the main and recovery phases of the storm. The strong heating also induced an upwelling of the thermosphere in the polar region as evidenced by the strong increase in the neutral mass density observed from the Swarm and GRACE-FO satellites and the strong depletion of ΣO/N2 by GUVI onboard TIMED. The changes both in ion temperature and neutral composition affected the F-region recombination and caused a long lasting strong depletion up to 80 % in the electron density in the polar ionosphere on 11 May 2024.

How to cite: Cai, L., Aikio, A., Prasannakumara Pillai Geethakumari, G., Vanhamäki, H., Virtanen, I., Oyama, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., and Hairston, M.: Polar Ionosphere-thermosphere coupling during the May 2024 geomagnetic superstorm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10465,, 2025.

EGU25-10674 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.2

Local time dependence of ULF wave activity driven by interplanetary shocks and foreshock transients 

Veera Lipsanen, Lucile Turc, Sanni Hoilijoki, Mirja Ojuva, Shi Tao, Souhail Dahani, and Emilia Kilpua

Magnetospheric ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves are driven by multiple sources. In this study we focus on two sources: interplanetary (IP) shocks that are large-scale events and foreshock transients that are mesoscale events. The abrupt variations of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind parameters in IP shocks are known to generate Pc5 range (2-7 mHz) ULF waves in the magnetosphere. The impact angle – the angle between the Sun-Earth line and IP shock normal vector – has been observed to affect the generation of magnetospheric ULF waves. Discontinuities in the IMF can create transient phenomena in Earth's foreshock. The largest transient phenomena, foreshock bubbles and hot flow anomalies, have a core with low density and magnetic field strength and a boundary with enhanced density and field strength. These changes in the density can cause outward and inward motions of the magnetopause and thus generate Pc5 ULF waves in the magnetosphere. To get novel insights on how the ULF waves are distributed inside the magnetosphere, we use a new ground-based, 1-minute resolution, magnetic local time dependent Pc5 ULF index derived from SuperMAG data. We study the local time dependence of magnetospheric ULF waves generated by IP shocks and foreshock transients and whether this dependence is related to the impact angle of IP shocks and impact point of foreshock transients. In addition, this study assesses the suitability of the new index for studying the ULF wave activity driven by foreshock transients.

How to cite: Lipsanen, V., Turc, L., Hoilijoki, S., Ojuva, M., Tao, S., Dahani, S., and Kilpua, E.: Local time dependence of ULF wave activity driven by interplanetary shocks and foreshock transients, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10674,, 2025.

EGU25-11739 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.2

Quantifying the Importance of Upstream Magnetic Field Fluctuations for Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling 

Matti Ala-Lahti, Tuija Pulkkinen, Austin Brenner, Nolan Tribu, Timothy Keebler, and Emilia Kilpua

Solar wind drives magnetospheric dynamics through coupling with the geospace system at the magnetopause. While upstream fluctuations correlate with geomagnetic activity, their impact on the magnetopause energy transfer is an open question. We examine three-dimensional global simulations using the Geospace configuration of the Space Weather Modeling Framework to study the effects of solar wind fluctuations during a substorm event. We demonstrate that upstream fluctuations intensify the energy exchange at the magnetopause increasing both energy flux into and out of the system. The increased energy input is reflected in ground indices. The fluctuations also regulate the energy transport within the magnetotail neutral sheet. We complement our numerical efforts by using a large statistical set of over 4,000 magnetopause crossings of the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission to resolve the local energy exchange at the low-latitude dayside magnetopause. We aim at revealing how the interplay between the current state of the system and external drivers reflects to the boundary dynamics. As the exchanged energy fundamentally determines how the solar wind drives magnetospheric activity, it is important to understand where and under which local and global conditions the most significant energy transfer rates occurs.

How to cite: Ala-Lahti, M., Pulkkinen, T., Brenner, A., Tribu, N., Keebler, T., and Kilpua, E.: Quantifying the Importance of Upstream Magnetic Field Fluctuations for Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11739,, 2025.

EGU25-12228 | ECS | Orals | ST2.2

Studying the Occurrence of Pc5 ULF waves and their Spatio-temporal Characteristics Using SuperDARN 

Sam Rennie, Stephen Milan, and Suzie Imber

Ultralow frequency (ULF, ~2mHz-5Hz) magnetohydrodynamic waves are ubiquitous in Earth's magnetosphere and are driven by a range of mechanisms with energy sources both internal and external to it. ULF waves are an important coupling mechanism between the solar wind, magnetosphere, and ionosphere. ULF waves in the Pc5 band (~1.7-6.7mHz) play significant roles in the solar-terrestrial energy pathway as well as in radiation belt dynamics, namely the radial diffusion of energetic electron populations.

The coherent-scatter radars in the SuperDARN network are ideal for the study of ULF waves. In radar backscatter, ULF waves are identified as periodic oscillations in the line-of-sight Doppler velocities of field-aligned plasma irregularities in the upper-ionosphere. These oscillations are explained as ExB drift fluctuations induced by the waves' electric field component. SuperDARN radars offer wide and fixed fields-of-view, a relatively fine spatial resolution compared to ground magnetometers, and a 60s temporal resolution, thus facilitating the observation of Pc5 waves with a wide range of scale sizes as well as of their propagation characteristics.

Here we present statistical work on the occurrence of Pc5 waves observed in the common mode backscatter recorded by the Hankasalmi SuperDARN radar throughout the years 2013-14 as well as that of their spatio-temporal characteristics. Over 200 discrete wave events are included. The distribution of and the relationships between a number of their propagation, spectral, and spatial characteristics are considered, as well as their relationships to solar wind drivers.

How to cite: Rennie, S., Milan, S., and Imber, S.: Studying the Occurrence of Pc5 ULF waves and their Spatio-temporal Characteristics Using SuperDARN, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12228,, 2025.

EGU25-12343 | ECS | Orals | ST2.2

Revealing Magnetosphere Feedback on Solar Wind - Magnetosphere Coupling via Numerical Experiment 

Austin Brenner, Tuija Pulkkinen, and Michael Liemohn

Solar wind - magnetosphere coupling is a core element of space weather and magnetospheric physics. While it is generally understood that this coupling process is complex and involves effects from both the upstream (magnetosheath) and downstream (magnetosphere) plasma conditions, nearly all empirical models of solar wind - magnetosphere coupling assume this process is one-way. That is to say, coupling functions predict the energy transport or open magnetic flux change at the magnetopause as dependent only on the upstream solar wind conditions. In this work we test the simplifying hypothesis that solar wind - magnetosphere coupling is one-way by using a numerical experiment. The Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) is used in the Geospace configuration to simulate Earth's magnetosphere under steady solar wind input conditions with typical driving solar wind inputs and dipole tilt. A 48 - hour test is simulated with the IMF conditions changing every two hours. This test is repeated with constant plasma conditions 9 times, for a total of 216 steady state solar wind conditions. The MHD output data is used to identify the magnetopause and calculate energy flux through the open magnetopause as a direct measure of solar wind - magnetsophere coupling. It is found that while the empirical coupling functions predict trends in the average energy flux through the magnetopause, there is significant variability as measured by the total variation. The results of this numerical experiment refute the one-way coupling hypothesis and highlight the need for an empirical coupling function which includes magnetosphere effects.

How to cite: Brenner, A., Pulkkinen, T., and Liemohn, M.: Revealing Magnetosphere Feedback on Solar Wind - Magnetosphere Coupling via Numerical Experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12343,, 2025.

EGU25-14063 | ECS | Orals | ST2.2 | Highlight

Uncertainty in L1 Measurements and its Effect on Geomagnetic Response 

Nithin Sivadas, Maria-Theresia Walach, and David Sibeck
Solar wind measurements at the L1 Lagrange point provide an uncertain estimate of the electromagnetic and plasma parameters driving the magnetosphere, as these measurements are taken far from the critical magnetopause reconnection site. This uncertainty leads to underestimating the Earth's response to extreme space weather. Previous research has observed that with increasing solar wind strength, Earth's response appears to saturate, rather than scale proportionally. Over the past four decades, numerous theoretical explanations for this saturation effect have been proposed. However, we explain how this phenomenon might be a misinterpretation arising from unaccounted uncertainty in measurements of the solar wind that impact the magnetosphere. Estimating these uncertainties and correcting for them is crucial to advancing our field. In particular, it will enhance our understanding of solar wind–magnetosphere coupling, improve global magnetospheric simulations, and refine space weather forecasting. Moreover, we demonstrate that this issue has broader implications for any correlation studies: random measurement errors can cause a system's linear response to be perceived as non-linear. In the coming decade, the advent of novel multi-spacecraft missions will play a pivotal role in addressing these uncertainties by systematically filling critical gaps in our understanding, enabling more accurate interpretations and predictions of the geospace environment.

How to cite: Sivadas, N., Walach, M.-T., and Sibeck, D.: Uncertainty in L1 Measurements and its Effect on Geomagnetic Response, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14063,, 2025.

EGU25-14617 | Posters on site | ST2.2

Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During Negative Pressure Pulse and Formation of Ionospheric Overshielding Electric Field 

Natalia Buzulukova, Guan Le, Guiping Liu, and Chin-Chun Wu

Transient changes in solar wind dynamic pressure, such as positive and negative pressure pulses, can lead to magnetospheric compression or expansion and the formation of global current systems. These current systems, in turn, generate electric fields in the ionosphere, which can propagate to low geomagnetic latitudes. While the effects of positive pressure pulses have been studied relatively extensively, negative pressure pulses are less studied and understood. For this study, we examine in detail the negative pressure pulse event that occurred during the main phase of the recent geomagnetic storm on 22-23 March 2023 with Dstmin = -163 nT. For this event, a strong negative pressure pulse during the main phase imposed significant perturbations to the coupled ionosphere-magnetosphere system, as evidenced by observations from Swarm, AMPERE, and ground-based magnetometers. We use a global 3D MHD model SWMF BATS-R-US coupled to the ionospheric solver to track the chain of effects from solar wind drivers to the ionosphere, interpret multi-s/c observations, and understand the coupling mechanisms. The MMS mission was in the solar wind near the bow shock, which allowed the use of MMS data for the timing analysis. Based on model results and analysis of observations, we relate changes in solar wind drivers to changes in field-aligned currents observed by Swarm and AMPERE. We show that the pressure pulse is related to the formation of an additional pair of field-aligned currents at low geomagnetic latitudes, which creates the overshielding electric field. We relate the overshielding field to the dynamics of Region II currents in both observations and the model and discuss the role of the ring current in this process.

How to cite: Buzulukova, N., Le, G., Liu, G., and Wu, C.-C.: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During Negative Pressure Pulse and Formation of Ionospheric Overshielding Electric Field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14617,, 2025.

EGU25-17540 | ECS | Orals | ST2.2

HiLDAs, cusp aurora and their connection to transpolar arcs: Classification, Conjugacy and Origins 

Maria Chloi Katrougkalou, Anita Kullen, Lei Cai, Lorenz Roth, and Yongliang Zhang
Tranpolar arcs (TPAs) are large-scale auroral structures that span the polar cap from the nightside to the dayside during predominantly northward IMF conditions. TPAs, especially when several of them appear simultaneously, typically converge towards the auroral signature of the cusp. In a recent study, we have shown that, at times, multiple TPAs can be all connected to one isolated cusp spot, while in other cases, each arc can be connected to a different cusp spot. Additionally, we presented a case where TPAs were attached to a High Latitude Dayside Aurora (HiLDA), while the cusp appeared between HiLDA and oval. The reason why TPAs may merge with the HiLDA region instead of the auroral cusp is not yet understood. This is especially intriguing as HiLDAs typically appear in the summer hemisphere, while TPAs often occur simultaneously in both hemispheres. 
We, thus, focus in the present study on the interhemispheric conjugacy of multiple TPAs and their connection to different dayside auroral phenomena.  In this work, we examine global auroral images from DMSP SSUSI from 2015 and 2016. Through this dataset, we identify the dayside connection points of TPAs and classify them into three categories: isolated cusp spots, multiple cusp spots covering an extended region, and HiLDAs. In order to study the interhemispheric conjugacy of those aurora forms, we have only selected the events where dayside auroral oval data were available for both hemispheres at the same time (maximal 15-min difference). We present a statistical study of their interhemispheric behaviour and examine the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field conditions associated with them.

How to cite: Katrougkalou, M. C., Kullen, A., Cai, L., Roth, L., and Zhang, Y.: HiLDAs, cusp aurora and their connection to transpolar arcs: Classification, Conjugacy and Origins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17540,, 2025.

EGU25-18217 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.2

IMF By dependence of ionospheric currents and particle precipitation during non-zero dipole tilt 

Lauri Holappa, Jussi Laitinen, and Heikki Vanhamäki

Auroral currents are important manifestations of solar wind-magnetosphere interaction, which is strongly controlled by the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). While the dawn-dusk (By) component of the IMF is known to play an important role in this interaction, its effects on geomagnetic activity are usually assumed to be independent of its sign. However, several recent studies have shown evidence that especially the westward auroral electrojet is significantly stronger for By > 0 (By < 0) in Northern Hemisphere winter (summer). The physical mechanism of the By effect is still not fully understood, but significant progress has been achieved in recent years. Here we review how IMF By modulates auroral electrojets, field-aligned currents and ionospheric particle precipitation. These results are based on various datasets, including geomagnetic indices, AMPERE, POES and DMSP satellites. Our results highlight the importance of the IMF By component for space weather and must be taken into account in the future space weather modeling.

How to cite: Holappa, L., Laitinen, J., and Vanhamäki, H.: IMF By dependence of ionospheric currents and particle precipitation during non-zero dipole tilt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18217,, 2025.

EGU25-19241 | Posters on site | ST2.2

IMF control of cusp aurora location during multiple transpolar arcs 

Anita Kullen, Cecilie Holmen, Simon Thor, Maria Katrougkalou, Lei Cai, and Yongliang Zhang

It is well-known that the dayside tip of a transpolar arc (TPAs) typically merges with the auroral cusp. Studying the location of the auroral cusp during TPA events allows us to better understand how the evolution of transpolar arcs is coupled to processes along the dayside magnetopause.

This work is based on 12 months DMSP SSUSI images. Only those images are taken into account, where near-simultaneous SSUSI images exist from both hemispheres. We identified several tens of cases where the auroral cusp is clearly visible while multiple TPAs appear simultaneously in at least one hemisphere. The results show that the cusp location during TPAs depends clearly on the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bx and By components, and that the effect on the cusp location is opposite in the two hemispheres. While the longitudinal dependence is expected from previous studies, our statistical results show also a clear latitudinal dependence on IMF Bx and By. The best correlation with IMF Bx and By is found for summer hemisphere events.

Superposed epoch analysis plots show that in average, the auroral cusp becomes visible after IMF Bz drops from strongly to weakly northward IMF. Mapping the auroral cusp location to the magnetopause with help of the T96 magnetospheric model for different IMF inputs confirms what could be expected: the auroral cusp brightening appears after the magnetospheric cusp has moved from high to lower latitudes. Mapping results for different time shifts between IMF input and auroral signatures indicate a 15 min time delay between IMF and auroral cusp occurrence, which is in agreement with previous reports.

How to cite: Kullen, A., Holmen, C., Thor, S., Katrougkalou, M., Cai, L., and Zhang, Y.: IMF control of cusp aurora location during multiple transpolar arcs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19241,, 2025.

EGU25-20287 | Posters on site | ST2.2

Auroral Acceleration at the Northern Magnetic Pole During Sub‐Alfvénic Solar Wind Flow at Earth 

James E Waters, Laurent Lamy, Stephen Milan, Maria-Theresia Walach, and Emmanuel Chané

Between 23 and 25 May 2002 the solar wind, due to very low plasma density, became sub‐ Alfvénic for enough time to promote the establishment of Alfvén wings that can limit typical solar wind‐ magnetosphere coupling. During this interval, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) was oriented northward and duskward, with a slightly dominant BY component; driving of the magnetosphere was expected to be low. Many signatures are used to assess solar wind‐magnetosphere‐ionosphere coupling, including ultraviolet (UV) observations of the auroral zone to infer monoenergetic electron precipitation and radio observations of auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) to infer the development of the auroral acceleration region. Observing these signatures with the IMAGE (Imager for Magnetopause‐to‐Aurora Global Exploration) and Wind spacecraft, we find evidence of auroral acceleration that allowed amplification of AKR to similar intensities as during super‐ Alfvénic coupling. This coincides with polar electron aurora around 8° square in latitude and at magnetic latitudes greater than 88°. The multipoint radio observations imply sources are generated along a constrained flux tube. Given the primary coincidence of AKR and the electron polar spot ∼3 hr following the incidence of minimally sub‐Alfvénic (MA ∼ 0.4) solar wind at Earth, this acceleration occurs while the Alfvén wings are most complete. Given the IMF conditions, auroral morphology of the polar spot and the inference of an upward field‐aligned current, the magnetospheric dynamics are most related to those of the high‐latitude dayside aurora (HiLDA). These observations are the first to show AKR amplification from HiLDA and during a sub‐Alfvénic magnetosphere, highlighting the possibility of strong localized coupling under quiet geomagnetic conditions.

How to cite: Waters, J. E., Lamy, L., Milan, S., Walach, M.-T., and Chané, E.: Auroral Acceleration at the Northern Magnetic Pole During Sub‐Alfvénic Solar Wind Flow at Earth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20287,, 2025.

The ion-to-electron temperature ratio is a good indicator of the processes involved in the plasma sheet. Observations have suggested that patchy reconnection and the resulting earthward bursty bulk flows (BBFs) transport may be involved in causing the lower temperature ratios at smaller radial distances during southward IMF periods. In this paper, we estimate theoretically how a patchy magnetic reconnection electric field can accelerate ions and electrons differently. If both ions and electrons are non-adiabatically accelerated only once within each reconnection, the temperature ratio would be preserved. However, when reconnection occurs closer to the Earth where magnetic field lines are shorter, particles mirrored back from the ionosphere can cross the reconnection region more than once within one reconnection; and electrons, moving faster than ions, can have more crossings than do ions, leading to electrons being accelerated more than ions. Thus as particles are transported from tail to the near-Earth by BBFs through multiple reconnection, electrons should be accelerated by the reconnection electric field more times than are ions, which can explain the lower temperature ratios observed closer to the Earth.

How to cite: Chen, C. and Wang, C.-P.: Contribution of patchy reconnection to the ion to electron temperature ratio in the Earth’s magnetotail, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-83,, 2025.

EGU25-1506 | Posters on site | ST2.4

Intense Magnetopause Deformation Induced by an Extreme HFA Event: 3-D Hybrid Simulations and Soft X-Ray Imaging 

Zhongwei Yang, Tianran Sun, Xiaocheng Guo, Qinghe Zhang, Can Huang, Fan Guo, Dimitra Koutroumpa, and Chi Wang

The Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) is a joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Its primary objective is to investigate the Earth's magnetosphere's dynamic response to solar wind (SW) impacts through simultaneous in situ measurements of magnetosheath plasma and magnetic fields, X-ray imaging of the magnetosheath and magnetic cusps, and UV imaging of global auroral distributions. In this study, extremely magnetopause deformations associated with Hot Flow Anomalies (HFAs) are examined using a three-dimensional (3-D) global hybrid simulation. Nonuniform grids are used to enhance the resolution of the magnetosheath. Considering the parameters of SMILE's Soft X-ray Imager, we analyze the integrated soft X-ray intensity along the line-of-sight (LOS) over durations ranging from less than one minute to approximately five minutes. The simulation results demonstrate that: (1) high-speed jets (HSJs) at the leading and trailing edges of the HFA can generate X-ray intensities an order of magnitude stronger than the background magnetosheath, whereas the core region of the HFA corresponds to an X-ray dimming area; (2) a mature HFA can cause the magnetopause to expand outward by several Earth radii, exposing magnetospheric material to the solar wind ahead of the bow shock; (3) in minute-scale integrations, the HFA structure, moving from the northern to the southern hemisphere, can be discerned in the integral images within a duration of less than five minutes, while integrations lasting five minutes or longer smooth out the signal entirely. This study serves as a pre-study for the SMILE mission.

How to cite: Yang, Z., Sun, T., Guo, X., Zhang, Q., Huang, C., Guo, F., Koutroumpa, D., and Wang, C.: Intense Magnetopause Deformation Induced by an Extreme HFA Event: 3-D Hybrid Simulations and Soft X-Ray Imaging, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1506,, 2025.

EGU25-3271 | Orals | ST2.4

The dynamics of NBZ auroras 

Steve Milan, Michaela Mooney, Gemma Bower, Gregory Kennedy, and Benoit Hubert

We present the first observations of a three-hour quasi-periodic intensification of the polar auroras during a prolonged interval of strongly-northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF).  This takes the form of a localised spot of auroral emission that appears near the pole which subsequently spreads sunwards and antisunwards to produce a sun-aligned auroral arc.  This arc eventually merges with the dayside and nightside auroral zones.  Twin reverse-cell convection in the noon-sector ionosphere suggests that this occurs during on-going dual-lobe magnetic reconnection which has closed the magnetosphere.  We propose that the polar auroral dynamics are an indication of reconnection in the magnetotail, bearing similarities to southwards-IMF substorms.  We further suggest that this process may be responsible for the cusp-aligned auroral morphology frequently observed when the IMF is directed northwards.

How to cite: Milan, S., Mooney, M., Bower, G., Kennedy, G., and Hubert, B.: The dynamics of NBZ auroras, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3271,, 2025.

EGU25-4022 | Posters on site | ST2.4

Jump-Diffusion Modeling of the Auroral Electrojet AL Index: Unveiling Complexity and Criticality 

Giuseppe Consolini, Simone Benella, and Paola De Michelis

The Earth’s magnetosphere displays complex and nonlinear dynamics in response to solar wind changes. In the past, some attempts to model the magnetospheric global dynamics as monitored by geomagnetic indices, in terms of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) have been carried out. These studies are important to assess the role of stochastic fluctuations and burstiness in the dynamics of the magnetosphere-iononosphere system.

Here, we present a jump-diffusion model to describe the auroral electrojet AL index, which constitutes a key geomagnetic measure of polar ionospheric currents during substorms. The proposed model employs a jump-diffusion stochastic differential equation (SDE) to capture the nonlinear, intermittent, and scale-invariant behavior of the AL index. Comparison with observations highlights the model capability to reproduce key statistical features of the AL index, such as scaling exponents and burst distributions. However, since the stochastic process involved in our model is Markovian, the model does not have information about the external driving (solar wind) and further efforts are therefore required to include long-range correlations. The relevance and limitations of these approaches in modeling the magnetospheric response are finally discussed.

How to cite: Consolini, G., Benella, S., and De Michelis, P.: Jump-Diffusion Modeling of the Auroral Electrojet AL Index: Unveiling Complexity and Criticality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4022,, 2025.

Diamagnetic Cavities (DMCs) characterized by reductions in magnetic field strength and the confinement of proton and electron populations, have been observed in Earth's space environments, including the magnetosheath and magnetosphere. This study focuses on the structure and dynamics of a new type of DMCs generated by Flux Transfer Events (FTEs) within the new region, the low to mid-latitude magnetosphere. Using data from the MMS mission, THEMIS, global MHD simulations, the OpenGGCM model, and particle tracing techniques, we investigate the characteristics, observational signatures, and associated particle energization processes of these "FTE-induced DMCs".  We found that FTE-induced DMC may serve as a new source of high-energy particles in the dayside magnetosphere.

How to cite: Kavosi, S.: OpenGGCM simulation of Diamagnetic Cavities in the wake of Flux Transfer Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4690,, 2025.

EGU25-4825 | Posters on site | ST2.4

Magnetospheric Response to the Mother’s Day Weekend Geomagnetic Storm: Observations from Geostationary Satellites 

Sheng Li, Gilbert Pi, Zdenek Nemecek, and Jana Safrankova

The Mother’s Day weekend geomagnetic storm during 10-11 May 2024 is one of the most intense events in recent decades. At least two interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) erupted from the active region 13664 on 8 May stacked together, causing the shock observed at the L1 point on 10 May at 17:05 UT. In this study, we utilized geostationary orbit satellite observations to investigate the disturbance of magnetic fields and particles inside the Earth’s magnetosphere. There are four significant findings in this study. First, the subsolar magnetopause had already compressed from about 11.7 RE (at 13:18 UT) to 8.6 RE (at 16:59 UT) before the shock arrival, which THEMIS-A observed, then compressed below 6.6 RE (i.e., geostationary orbit) because of the ICME. Second, Magnetospheric Particle Sensors onboard GOES-16 and GOES-18 detected proton flux increases inside the magnetosphere from about 15:00 UT before the shock arrived. Third, the Energetic Heavy Ion Sensor onboard the GOES-16 and GOES-18 satellites detected helium flux increases on 10 May at about 14:09 and 14:44 UT, respectively. Fourth, the GOES magnetometer recorded the southward magnetic field BZ on 11 May when the two satellites were in the tail region.

How to cite: Li, S., Pi, G., Nemecek, Z., and Safrankova, J.: Magnetospheric Response to the Mother’s Day Weekend Geomagnetic Storm: Observations from Geostationary Satellites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4825,, 2025.

EGU25-5222 | Orals | ST2.4

Evolution of the flux tube instability parameters in plasma injections at Saturnian magnetosphere   

Xuanye Ma, Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, Peter Delamere, and Robert Allen

The evolution of the flux tube stability parameters in plasma injections at the Saturnian magnetosphere is reviewedPlasma injections result from an imbalance in the centrifugal, total pressure gradient, and magnetic tension forces acting on plasma in the magnetospherePlasma originating from Enceladus tends to move outward due to centrifugal forces while reconnected flux tubes that are depleted of plasma collapse because of the magnetic tension leading to plasma injectionsAs the flux tube moves inward and contracts, the ambient density and pressure increase sufficiently to resist further collapse, and the injected flux tube brakes. During this process, the flux tube may also lose its integrity due to particle drifts, which allow the exchange of plasma with adjacent flux tubes so as to bring the flux tube closer to equilibrium and stability so that it is indistinguishable from adjacent plasma. Stability parameters using this energy approach are defined and examined. The results show that the net forces push the plasma moves inward for L>11 and outward for L<8.5, while equilibrium is generally reached for 8.5< L< 11, where L is the equatorial magnetic field crossing measured in Saturnian radii. The evolution of the stability parameters can also apply to Jovian and other fast-rotating planetary magnetospheres.

How to cite: Ma, X., Wing, S., Johnson, J. R., Delamere, P., and Allen, R.: Evolution of the flux tube instability parameters in plasma injections at Saturnian magnetosphere  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5222,, 2025.

EGU25-5490 | Orals | ST2.4 | Highlight

Dynamic X-ray Imaging of the Magnetosheath Expected during a Super Storm 

Yuqi Gong, Tianran Sun, Binbin Tang, Yihong Guo, Steve Sembay, and Chi Wang

The Earth's magnetosheath is a vital source region of soft X-ray emissions generated by the solar wind charge exchange (SWCX) mechanism in geospace. Soft X-ray imaging provides valuable insights into the overall morphology of the magnetosheath. Nevertheless, the dynamic variations in X-ray images during extreme space weather have not been comprehensively studied. Using a global magnetohydrodynamic code, we simulated the temporal variations of the magnetosphere on 10-11 May 2024, during the most intense geomagnetic storm of Solar Cycle 25. The X-ray images of the magnetosphere during the entire event are presented to assess the response of the magnetosphere to the impact of the coronal mass ejection (CME), with a particular focus on the periods of sudden solar wind  number density increase, the southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), and an extreme solar wind condition. With the advent of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE), a joint mission between ESA and CAS, investigations into the large-scale structure and dynamic evolution of magnetopause will be enabled via global X-ray imaging.

How to cite: Gong, Y., Sun, T., Tang, B., Guo, Y., Sembay, S., and Wang, C.: Dynamic X-ray Imaging of the Magnetosheath Expected during a Super Storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5490,, 2025.

EGU25-6363 | Posters on site | ST2.4

Throat Aurora and 15MLT-PCA 

De-sheng Han and Hui-Xuan Qiu

Throat aurora: The solar wind interacts with the magnetosphere to generate auroras. Auroras primarily occur in a ring-shaped region centered on the geomagnetic poles, known as the auroral oval. Throat aurora is a particular auroral form frequently observed in the dayside ionospheric convection throat region. The throat auroras have been confirmed to be correspondent to magnetopause crack. Based on the observational facts of throat aurora, we suggest that throat aurora should be correspondent to a particular magnetopause reconnection that is radially developed toward the Earth at a rather local region.

15MLT-PCA: The area enclosed by the auroral oval is called the polar cap region. Auroras often occur within the polar cap region as well, including two main types: arcs and patches. This report focuses on the auroral phenomena occurring on the dayside within the polar cap region. These phenomena have been given various names in past research, such as Cusp spot, HiLDA, 15MLT-PCA, and space typhoon. Although these phenomena have distinct observational characteristics, they also share many similarities. In the past, scholars often argued over what to call specific dayside polar cap auroral events, and there has been no clear discussion on the intrinsic connections between these phenomena. Recently, by integrating previous research, we proposed a unified model for these phenomena. In simple terms, it is believed that these phenomena represent different manifestations of tail reconnection on the aurora under different clock angle conditions. This report will briefly introduce the model and discuss its implications for understanding certain issues such as the dawn-dusk asymmetry of space processes and inter-hemispheric asymmetry.

How to cite: Han, D. and Qiu, H.-X.: Throat Aurora and 15MLT-PCA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6363,, 2025.

EGU25-8071 | Posters on site | ST2.4

A new empirical model for Saturn’s radiation environment included in the TRAPPED framework 

Angelica Sicard, Elias Roussos, Kostas Dialynas, Yixin Hao, Quentin Nenon, Aneesah Kamran, Piers Jiggens, and Fredrik Johansson

Missions are being studied to the systems of outer planets, including extended observation periods by local orbiters or possible landers, that require careful evaluation of the local radiation and plasma environment for design of both platform and science payload. Radiation impact potentially includes total cumulative doses, single event effects from short term enhancements and internal charging risk whilst plasma environments present risks of surface charging.
Under the ESA Project TRAPPED (Testbed for Radiation and Plasma Planetary Environments), a consortium comprising ONERA, IRAP, MPS and Academy of Athens has developed a flexible and easy-to-use environment model framework and related software for gas giant planet systems based on the wealth of data from visiting missions. Within this activity, derived specific models were developed for the Saturnian system. 
Here, we will present the TRAPPED framework and more particularly the new specification model for Saturn’s radiation environment. This empirical model based on the last version of Cassini data (LEMMS, CHEMS and INCA) provides electron, proton and water-group ion fluxes in the magnetosphere of Saturn.

How to cite: Sicard, A., Roussos, E., Dialynas, K., Hao, Y., Nenon, Q., Kamran, A., Jiggens, P., and Johansson, F.: A new empirical model for Saturn’s radiation environment included in the TRAPPED framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8071,, 2025.

The magnetospheric cusps are populated by the magnetic field lines that connect upward to the magnetosheath and extend downward to the ionosphere, therefore the magnetosheath plasma has direct access to the polar ionosphere in these regions. The location of the cusp responds dynamically to solar wind conditions and geomagnetic field, influencing magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. The equatorward boundary of the cusp is adjacent to the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL)/cleft, where the dayside open-closed boundary (OCB) is typically located. The polar cap boundary (PCB) delineates the extent of open magnetic flux, and its midday position is associated with the cusp and OCB. Particles precipitating in the cusp contribute to midday auroral emissions and field-aligned currents. The latitude of midday auroral equatorward boundary varies with the cusp's equatorward boundary, OCB, and the thickness of the LLBL. Field-aligned currents connect magnetospheric currents with ionospheric currents, with the Region 1 currents observed on both open and closed field lines. Consequently, the Region 1 current's high-latitude boundary near local noon relate to the cusp’s equatorward boundary dynamics. Despite the known associations between these cusp-related boundaries, their dynamic responses to variations in solar wind parameters and dipole tilt have not been fully characterized. This study investigates the latitude variations of midday auroral equatorward boundary, OCB footprint in the ionosphere, PCB, Region 1 current poleward boundary, utilizing DMSP auroral observations and CCMC MHD simulation results. The analysis reveals that:

  • All boundaries shift equatorward with increasing southward IMF Bz, consistent with enhanced dayside reconnection.
  • The boundaries exhibit systematic responses to IMF By and solar wind velocity, reflecting asymmetric convection and magnetospheric compression.
  • All boundaries in the Northern Hemisphere shift with dipole tilt.
  • The latitude of the midday auroral lowest-latitude boundary shows seasonal variations and solar cycle dependence.

These findings provide insights into the dependence of cusp location on solar wind conditions and dipole tilt, as well as the dynamic relationships between cusp-related boundaries, emphasizing the cusp’s role in solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling.

How to cite: Qiu, H., Samsonov, A., and Bogdanova, Y.: Latitude Variations of Cusp-Related Boundaries Dependent on Solar Wind Conditions and Dipole Tilt: MHD Simulations and Auroral Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8226,, 2025.

EGU25-8724 | ECS | Orals | ST2.4

Quantitative estimates of the magnetic flux variations in the inner magnetosphere during an intense storm. 

Soboh Alqeeq, Dominique Fontaine, Olivier Le Contel, Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti, Emanuele Cazzola, and Tsige Atilaw

In the present study, we analyzed the Earth's magnetospheric dynamics in response to the intense geomagnetic storm of 19th December 2015, marked by a substantial decrease in the SYM-H index to -188 nT. We focushere on the variations of the magnetic flux content (MFC) within closed magnetic shells in the inner magnetosphe up to a distance roughly corresponding to the magnetopause. During this event, we had the chance to have observations on the dayside and on the nightside and at different distances in the magnetosphere (OMNI, Van Allen Probes, GOES, THEMIS, MMS, Cluster). Using these various observations together with the Tsyganenko T96 model, we estimated the MFC in the inner magnetosphere. It is found that in comparison to pre-storm conditions, MCF decreased during SSC by 17% and in the main phase by 27% but it gradually rebounded (swelled) during 3 following days of the recovery phase reducing the decrease to 22%, 14% and 8% respectively. The importance of storm-time magnetospheric dynamics in the field of space weather forecasting is emphasized by these findings and calls for further studies.

How to cite: Alqeeq, S., Fontaine, D., Le Contel, O., Akhavan-Tafti, M., Cazzola, E., and Atilaw, T.: Quantitative estimates of the magnetic flux variations in the inner magnetosphere during an intense storm., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8724,, 2025.

EGU25-9390 | ECS | Orals | ST2.4

Solar Wind Influence on Dual-Lobe Reconnection and Horse-Collar Aurora 

Gregory Kennedy, Stephen Milan, Gemma Bower, Suzanne Imber, and Michaela Mooney

Horse-collar aurora (HCA) are an auroral formation generated by the geomagnetic reconfiguration during prolonged periods of northward-directed interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). HCA formation has been linked to dual-lobe reconnection (DLR) closing open flux at the dayside magnetopause, resulting in a reversal of the typical ionospheric twin-cell convection pattern and a poleward motion of the dawn and dusk portions of the open/closed field line boundary (OCB). This morphology gives rise to a horse-collar or teardrop-shaped polar cap.

We aim to investigate two key aspects of HCA: a) whether the dim region within the HCA is open flux, and b) whether there exists a correlation between the DLR rate and upstream solar wind parameters. This study uses HCA arc velocity as a proxy measurement for DLR rate, allowing us to infer correlation between IMF parameters and DLR rate.

Far-ultraviolet spectral images from the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager instrument on-board the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program spacecraft were used to measure the location of HCA in successive polar passes. At the current stage of the study we find a linear relation between HCA closing velocity and the total IMF magnitude and Bz magnitude. No relation was found between HCA closing velocity and solar wind flow speed or IMF By. The timescale for a full closure of the magnetosphere by DLR was also estimated for the events. 

How to cite: Kennedy, G., Milan, S., Bower, G., Imber, S., and Mooney, M.: Solar Wind Influence on Dual-Lobe Reconnection and Horse-Collar Aurora, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9390,, 2025.

EGU25-10293 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.4

Magnetospheric Convection in a Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation 

Shi Tao, Markku Alho, Ivan Zaitsev, Markus Battarbee, Urs Ganse, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Lucile Turc, and Minna Palmroth

The Dungey cycle is a fundamental process governing large-scale plasma dynamics in near-Earth space. Traditionally, it has been studied using Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations and ionospheric observations. However, MHD models often oversimplify the complexities of reconnection dynamics and kinetic processes, while observational data tend to lack sufficient coverage. In this study, we investigate the Dungey cycle in a 3D hybrid Vlasov simulation. We also introduce a new method for quantifying reconnection rates in different Magnetic Local Time (MLT) sectors.

During the simulation, we quantify Dungey cycle motion by using reconnection rates in different MLT sectors and identify azimuthal convection channels on the dawn and dusk flanks, which are modulated by dayside reconnection events. Notably, we observe that the effective length of dayside reconnection fluctuates, even under steady solar wind conditions. Our results further reveal significant deviations from ideal MHD theory, which predicts that plasma flows within the magnetosphere should follow flux tube entropy isocontours. Instead, we demonstrate that plasma flows near reconnection sites and in the twilight zone exhibit more intricate and dynamic patterns, deviating from this idealized alignment.

This work validates the Vlasiator 3D simulation as a powerful tool for studying global plasma convection and provides a novel method of quantifying reconnection rates in simulation, as well as showing new results of azimuthal convection channels. Future work should focus on identifying the kinetic processes driving deviations in the alignment of plasma convection with flux tube entropy isocontours between MHD theory and the kinetic approach.

How to cite: Tao, S., Alho, M., Zaitsev, I., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Turc, L., and Palmroth, M.: Magnetospheric Convection in a Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10293,, 2025.

EGU25-11522 | Orals | ST2.4

 Finding Magnetospheric Dynamics with Observed Imbalances in Earth’s Open and Closed Magnetic Flux 

Maria-Theresia Walach, Nithin Sivadas, and Mai Mai Lam

Earth’s magnetosphere is an unstable system. We observe this in many aspects of the system, for example, substorms. A key indicator of the state of the system is the amount of open magnetic flux and the rate at which it is changing. These measures are intimately tied to the driving of the system (i.e. dayside reconnection) but also, the response of the system (i.e. nightside reconnection). When they become imbalanced, extraordinary phenomena such as substorms can dominate magnetospheric dynamics. Understanding when and how these imbalances occur is therefore a key to understanding our magnetosphere.


Using auroral data from the IMAGE (Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration) spacecraft, we calculate the amount of magnetic flux in the open region of the magnetosphere and the amount of flux in the auroral region. The open flux is indicative of the amount of flux which is convecting towards the nightside and the closed flux in the auroral region is indicative of the amount of magnetic flux which is convecting towards the dayside. Together, the two quantities tell us how much of the magnetosphere is convecting. By investigating the timing of the peaks and troughs in these timeseries, we evaluate when the system is unstable and when day- and nightside reconnection occurs. We study these timeseries statistically and the relation between their peaks and troughs.


Overall, and over long timescales, a balance between day- and nightside reconnection must exist because the amount of magnetic flux in the magnetosphere is finite. On timescales of minutes to 100s of minutes however, we find that imbalances occur. We observe that the magnetosphere can become imbalanced on timescales from minutes to ~3 hours, with the median timescale being 24 minutes. Without consideration of any driving parameter or any other dataset and by simply investigating statistically the convecting magnetic flux content, we find two distinct statistical distributions: one where dayside reconnection is dominant and one where nightside reconnection is dominant. We find that the two show differences in their statistical behaviour, indicating that nightside flux closure can be up to 4 times higher than flux opening. 

How to cite: Walach, M.-T., Sivadas, N., and Lam, M. M.:  Finding Magnetospheric Dynamics with Observed Imbalances in Earth’s Open and Closed Magnetic Flux, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11522,, 2025.

EGU25-12787 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.4

An empirical model for Saturn’s plasma environment within the TRAPPED framework 

Aneesah Kamran, Quentin Nénon, Angélica Sicard, Yixin Hao, Elias Roussos, Kostas Dialynas, Piers Jiggens, Fredrik Johansson, and Fabrice Cipriani

As part of the ESA Testbed for Radiation and Plasma Planetary Environments (TRAPPED) project, we present the first empirical-based specification model of Saturn’s plasma environment based on the analysis of all publicly available plasma moment datasets derived using multiple techniques from Cassini observations made by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) and the Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument covering the entire 13-year mission.

We investigate the variability and spatio-temporal dynamics of the plasma moments with respect to various magnetic parameters including minimum normal distance to the current sheet, L-shell, latitude, and magnetic local time, and find the latter three parameters to be the most useful to organize the TRAPPED model plasma moments. The model moments include electron (cold and hot populations) and ion densities, temperatures and 3-dimensional ion velocities. We do not identify any clear variations with local time, despite previous Cassini-era studies indicating a local time variation related to an identified electric field in Saturn’s inner magnetosphere. Furthermore, our moment analysis results are consistent with seasonal and/or solar cycle modulation as reported in previous studies.

Despite the difference in the number of available observations between the Cassini mission and the Voyager 1 and 2 flybys, comparison of the TRAPPED model moments with moments derived from Voyager Plasma Science Experiment (PLS) observations are in relatively good agreement, which would suggest that there is no significant secular variation in Saturn’s magnetosphere, also consistent with previous Cassini-era studies.

Given that ambient magnetospheric plasma in planetary systems can induce spacecraft surface charging, it is imperative to develop a thorough understanding of planetary plasma environments to prepare for future space missions. ESA have recently highlighted Enceladus as a ‘top target’ for a future large-class mission, and thus this model will be used to support the planning and development of a future space mission to the Saturnian system.


How to cite: Kamran, A., Nénon, Q., Sicard, A., Hao, Y., Roussos, E., Dialynas, K., Jiggens, P., Johansson, F., and Cipriani, F.: An empirical model for Saturn’s plasma environment within the TRAPPED framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12787,, 2025.

EGU25-12953 | ECS | Orals | ST2.4

Understanding stormtime geospace as a complex, coupled system: Recent progress from the Center for Geospace Storms 

Savvas Raptis, Viacheslav Merkin, Kareem Sorathia, Dong Lin, Shanshan Bao, Anthony Sciola, and Kevin Pham
The Center for Geospace Storms (CGS) is a NASA DRIVE Science Center focused on geospace science. CGS is pursuing the goal of developing an understanding of the stormtime geospace as a complex system exhibiting strong coupling across physical regimes, domains and particle populations, which occurs across disparate spatiotemporal scales. CGS is tackling this problem via a concerted effort using both data analysis from heterogeneous sources (e.g., in situ, remote sensing and ground-based platforms) and physics-based modeling. In particular, the CGS team is developing the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment (MAGE) model that couples all the relevant domains of geospace while doing it at sufficiently high resolution to capture key cross-scale interactions. In this presentation, we discuss recent work from the CGS team concentrating on high- to mid-latitude magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling in stormtime geospace. We discuss the novel model of energetic particle precipitation in MAGE, based on gray-box modeling of wave-induced particle precipitation, and its applications to high-resolution modeling of the aurora. We show examples of simulations of mesoscale auroral forms, such as giant undulations, and their connection to inner magnetosphere dynamics, including the subauroral polarization streams. We also review our recent efforts on developing a new high-resolution (in space and energy) inner magnetosphere model. Finally, we conclude the talk by emphasizing the interconnectedness of stormtime geospace using the May’24 superstorm as an example.

How to cite: Raptis, S., Merkin, V., Sorathia, K., Lin, D., Bao, S., Sciola, A., and Pham, K.: Understanding stormtime geospace as a complex, coupled system: Recent progress from the Center for Geospace Storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12953,, 2025.

EGU25-13726 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.4

Large-Scale MMS Survey using Rapid Unsupervised Detection of Events (RUDE) Methodology 

Matthew Finley, Miguel Martinez-Ledesma, Matthew Blandin, Alex Hoffmann, William Paterson, Matthew Argall, David Miles, John Dorelli, and Eftyhia Zesta

This work discusses the application of a generalizable technique, based on computationally inexpensive statistical and machine learning methods, for the rapid identification of geophysical events in large observational datasets. Specifically, Dynamic Principal Components Analysis (D-PCA) and One-Class Support Vector Machines (OC-SVMs) are used to generate an alternative representation of time series inputs, which is subsequently clustered to identify outliers. Preliminary studies utilizing this technique demonstrate its ability to identify geophysical events using only a single data product, or with combinations of different data products. Further, this method has been shown to be generalizable to a variety of missions and input data products, and its computational efficiency makes it suitable for rapid data analysis tasks on the ground or for implementation on spaceflight hardware.

Here, we discuss the results of this event detection methodology when applied to four years of data from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS). These results show a high statistical incidence of events detected near boundary crossings such as the magnetopause, as well as other interesting features occurring throughout near-Earth space, illustrating the potential for this tool to provide powerful data reduction capabilities for large-scale surveys, as a method of in-situ data prioritization in missions’ back orbits, or as a supplement to region-of-interest definitions for telemetry-limited missions.

How to cite: Finley, M., Martinez-Ledesma, M., Blandin, M., Hoffmann, A., Paterson, W., Argall, M., Miles, D., Dorelli, J., and Zesta, E.: Large-Scale MMS Survey using Rapid Unsupervised Detection of Events (RUDE) Methodology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13726,, 2025.

The geomagnetic cusp is a region that the solar wind plasma can directly enter. Therefore, studying the dynamic response of the cusp to solar wind variations is important. This paper uses global MHD simulation to investigate the spatial and temporal variations of cusp boundaries in response to an IMF  southward turning. It is revealed that the equatorward boundary begins to move toward lower latitudes after the magnetopause reconnection starts, in an intermittent way. Dynamic variations of plasma velocity and thermal temperature in the cusp region are correlated to the distribution of Flux Transfer Events on the day-side magnetopause. The time scale for the equatorward boundary to gradually develop after IMF southward turning is about 20 minutes. The Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explore (SMILE) is a joint mission between ENA and CAS, due for launch in late 2025. Based on the future observation of SMILE, it's expected that dynamic responses of the cusp region will be directly monitored by soft X-ray imaging.

How to cite: Sun, T.: Dynamic response of cusp boundaries to IMF southward turning: global MHD simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14798,, 2025.

EGU25-14896 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.4

Ionosphere Plasma Response to Magnetopause X-line Evolution for Ideal MHD 

Wei Zhang, Toshi Nishimura, Yuxi Cheng, Paul Cassak, Gang Kai Poh, and Nozomu Nishitani

Magnetic reconnection plays a fundamental role in transporting energy, momentum, and plasma from the solar wind to the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. During an IMF southward turning, a magnetopause reconnection X-line forms near the magnetic equator region and is considered to drive dayside plasma convection in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. However, how the azimuthal size of flows at the X-line and in the ionosphere relate to each other, and what mechanisms control the azimuthal flow size remain unclear. In this study, we use the global ideal MHD simulation to address this question using an event during an IMF southward turning. The results reveal that after an IMF southward turning, a strong and localized plasma flow channel emerges near noon in the ionosphere. Interestingly, the flow at the magnetopause X-line is azimuthally much wider than the ionospheric flow. The flow becomes narrower as the flow moves toward the cusp. The narrow flow is not created at the X-line region but is driven by azimuthally localized force directed anti-sunward and toward noon. These findings indicate that dayside ionospheric convection is not solely driven by X-line processes but is instead a result of the forces along the magnetopause and in the cusp. This finding underscores the importance of considering global force distributions when examining reconnection-driven plasma dynamics.

How to cite: Zhang, W., Nishimura, T., Cheng, Y., Cassak, P., Poh, G. K., and Nishitani, N.: Ionosphere Plasma Response to Magnetopause X-line Evolution for Ideal MHD, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14896,, 2025.

EGU25-15773 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.4

Vorticity in the magnetospheric transition region of a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation 

Venla Koikkalainen, Minna Palmroth, Maxime Grandin, Emilia Kilpua, Ivan Zaitsev, Liisa Juusola, Abiyot Workayehu, Giulia Cozzani, Lauri Pänkäläinen, Markku Alho, Konstantinos Horaites, Shi Tao, Jonas Suni, Yann Pfau-Kempf, and Urs Ganse
The transition region between the Earth's dipole field and the stretched magnetotail is a highly dynamic region of space where a variety of complex physical phenomena occur. The aim of this study is to understand the formation and evolution of large-scale plasma flow vortices in the transition region. The vorticity is found in the global magnetospheric hybrid-Vlasov model Vlasiator, which now features an ionospheric solver, enabling the study of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. We compare the results of the simulation to other magnetospheric simulations and observations of similar phenomena.
The vortices are highly structured and spread over the nightside with an azimuthal wavelength of about 3.5 RE (Earth radii). The vorticity in the magnetotail is induced by reconnection resulting in Earthward bulk flow with properties similar to bursty bulk flows (BBFs). In addition to BBF-like signatures, we observe that the features of the event are consistent with it originating from the ballooning/interchange instability, in combination with the fast Earthward flow. The fast flows and vorticity in the magnetosphere map onto the ionospheric grid of the simulation, and it can be seen that the Earthward flows create field-aligned currents. Our study investigates the formation of the vortices in the magnetotail, and the resulting ionospheric effects.

How to cite: Koikkalainen, V., Palmroth, M., Grandin, M., Kilpua, E., Zaitsev, I., Juusola, L., Workayehu, A., Cozzani, G., Pänkäläinen, L., Alho, M., Horaites, K., Tao, S., Suni, J., Pfau-Kempf, Y., and Ganse, U.: Vorticity in the magnetospheric transition region of a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15773,, 2025.

EGU25-16673 | ECS | Orals | ST2.4

O+-rich Warm Plasma Cloak in the Dayside Magnetosphere: Nine Years of MMS Observations. 

Victor Montagud-Camps, Sergio Toledo-Redondo, Jerry Goldstein, Stephen Fuselier, Mats André, Inmaculada F. Albert, Aida Castilla, Alfonso Salinas, Jorge Portí, and Enrique Navarro

 Plasma inside Earth's magnetosphere can have a substantial effect in the efficiency of magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause, specially if it is rich in cold and heavy ions. We have analyzed 9 years of data gathered by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission to locate and characterize one magnetospheric plasma population with such features, the warm plasma cloak (WPC). The WPC has an ion temperature that ranges between tens of eV to a few keV and is mainly composed of electrons, protons, and O+ ions. Our statistical study has shown that 51% of MMS observations in the outer magnetosphere correspond to WPC population, and that 15% of the WPC is rich in O+ ions. The presence of heavy ions in the WPC is related to strong geomagnetic activity. We have found that the detections of O+ rich WPC take place 9 hours after geomagnetic events with Kp index larger than 6. The duration of such time gap is in accordance with the prediction of previous models on the formation of the WPC in the dayside magnetosphere.

How to cite: Montagud-Camps, V., Toledo-Redondo, S., Goldstein, J., Fuselier, S., André, M., Albert, I. F., Castilla, A., Salinas, A., Portí, J., and Navarro, E.: O+-rich Warm Plasma Cloak in the Dayside Magnetosphere: Nine Years of MMS Observations., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16673,, 2025.

EGU25-17932 | ECS | Orals | ST2.4

A new approach to data-model comparisons: Using MAGE and Lompe to unravel ionosphere-magnetosphere electrodynamics 

Sara Gasparini, Larry Kepko, Karl Laundal, Viacheslav Merkin, Adam Michael, and Kareem Sorathia

Global numerical simulations are a valuable tool for understanding the Sun-Earth interaction as they provide a more complete picture of the system when compared to typically sparse observations. Yet, comparison of global numerical simulations against observations is complicated by the inherent uncertainty that the observed phenomena occurred at the same time and location in the simulation domain. It is therefore common to use aggregate measures of the Sun-Earth interaction, such as the Dst and AL indices and cross-polar cap potential, with the downside of missing details, especially at the mesoscale lengths. Despite being quantitative, these aggregate measures can also hide important physical processes. It is therefore crucial to find metrics or parameters that provide deeper insight into the physics but do not rely precisely on the location of the observations. Recently, data assimilative models to reproduce patterns of high-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics have been improved, and they can be used to reconstruct ionospheric quantities using observations to compare with simulation outputs, providing a new avenue for data-model comparisons. In this paper, we demonstrate this new approach to data-model comparisons by assimilating global MHD simulation (MAGE) data into Lompe for direct comparison with the real-data-assimilation patterns of field-aligned currents and their ionospheric components (the FAC terms associated with the divergence of the electric field, gradient of the Hall conductance, and gradient of the Pedersen conductance) from \citeA{gasparini2024quantifying}. In addition, we calculate reconnection electric fields for the MHD simulations and real-data assimilation, and find that the nightside reconnection rate from the MAGE simulations is 30% higher than in the real data case. We also find that with the MHD simulation the system enters steady-magnetospheric convection, in contrast to the observations which indicated a classic substorm. We conclude by speculating on the possible sources of discrepancies between the model and observations.

How to cite: Gasparini, S., Kepko, L., Laundal, K., Merkin, V., Michael, A., and Sorathia, K.: A new approach to data-model comparisons: Using MAGE and Lompe to unravel ionosphere-magnetosphere electrodynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17932,, 2025.

EGU25-18731 | ECS | Orals | ST2.4

Plasma observations in the distant magnetotail under Northward IMF 

Michaela Mooney, Steve Milan, and Gemma Bower

The structure and dynamics of the magnetosphere are significantly different during intervals of northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) compared to when the IMF is southward. Under northward IMF, reconnection occurs at higher latitudes tailward of the cusps. High latitude reconnection occurring simultaneously in both hemispheres can close significant amounts of open flux in the magnetospheric lobes resulting in an almost entirely closed magnetosphere and has been linked to characteristic auroral signatures, such as cusp-aligned arcs.

Under northward IMF the magnetosphere becomes dominated by closed magnetic flux with associated trapped particles populations which are thought to provide the source particle population for auroral cusp-aligned arcs (Milan et al., 2023; Mooney et al, 2024). However, the structure and properties of the distant magnetotail under northward IMF are poorly understood. We have performed a statistical analysis of ARTEMIS crossings of the distant magnetotail (XGSE ~ -60 RE) between 2011 - 2016 to investigate the magnetic field and plasma characteristics in the magnetotail under northward IMF conditions compared to southward IMF conditions. Under southward IMF, the magnetotail is dominated by magnetic pressure with no significant associated plasma population. However, under northward IMF we find that statistically the central distant magnetotail contains denser, hotter plasma and that the plasma pressure in the magnetotail is typically larger than the magnetic pressure. We suggest that the observed hotter, denser plasma population in the central magnetotail could indicate that the plasma sheet extends down to the distant magnetotail under northward IMF.  

How to cite: Mooney, M., Milan, S., and Bower, G.: Plasma observations in the distant magnetotail under Northward IMF, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18731,, 2025.

EGU25-856 | ECS | Orals | ST2.5

A Comprehensive Theoretical Model for the Generation of Magnetosonic Waves in Terrestrial and Planetary Plasma Environments 

Amrutha, Satyavir Singh, Krushna Barik, and Gurbax Lakhina

Magnetosonic (MS) waves are low frequency, compressional electromagnetic oscillations commonly observed in Earth’s inner magnetosphere and Martian upper ionosphere, propagating nearly perpendicular to the background magnetic field. These waves typically have frequencies between the local proton gyrofrequency and the local lower hybrid frequency, exhibiting linear polarization. MS waves are known to accelerate and pitch angle scatter relativistic killer electrons in Earth’s radiation belts [1]. In the Martian ionosphere, they contribute to heating heavier oxygen ions and facilitate their escape [2]. Concurrent wave and particle data from various satellite missions within Earth’s magnetosphere suggest that MS waves arise from the ring-like velocity distribution of energetic protons with a positive perpendicular slope [1].

A comprehensive theoretical model comprising of hot, tenuous Maxwellian ring-distributed energetic protons and the cold background of Maxwellian protons, heavier ions (O+ and O2+), and electrons is developed using kinetic theory to study the generation of magnetosonic waves in a homogenous collisionless plasma system. The derivation of the dispersion relation, and consequently the growth rate expression, requires solving both parallel and perpendicular velocity integrals. The perpendicular integrals associated with the Maxwellian ring distribution lack analytical solutions and are therefore computed numerically. In contrast, the parallel integrals are solved analytically using series expansion of the plasma dispersion function, with approximations applied depending on whether the particle species is cold or energetic. The model is validated using plasma parameters pertinent to Earth’s inner magnetosphere and the Martian upper ionosphere. Results reveal that the model generates sharp MS wave harmonics within the range of the local proton cyclotron frequency to the local lower hybrid frequency at highly oblique propagation angles.

The developed theoretical model is used to study the linear growth rate of MS wave instability in Earth’s inner magnetosphere and Martian upper ionosphere. A parametric comparison study is done on the energy of the ring proton population optimum for the wave generation. The influence of the ambient magnetic field and cold background plasma on the growth and damping of MS waves in terrestrial and Martian environments will be discussed.


[1] R. B. Horne et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L17107 (2007)

[2] J. Wang et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 50, L102911 (2023)

How to cite: Amrutha, , Singh, S., Barik, K., and Lakhina, G.: A Comprehensive Theoretical Model for the Generation of Magnetosonic Waves in Terrestrial and Planetary Plasma Environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-856,, 2025.

Electromagnetic whistler-mode waves observed within the Earth’s radiation belts, in the Earth’s magnetotail, and at the bow shock may have sufficiently high amplitudes to resonate with electrons nonlinearly. In inhomogeneous background magnetic field such nonlinear resonant interactions should result in electron acceleration. In this presentation we compare efficiency of such acceleration for plasma parameters characteristic for the inner magnetosphere, magnetotail, and Earth’s bow shock. We show that despite a clear similarity in basic physics of electron acceleration for these three plasma systems, the efficiency of this acceleration is quite different. We also discuss observational evidence of nonlinear resonant interactions and possible approaches for modeling effects of such interactions in large-scale simulation setups.  

How to cite: Artemyev, A., Vainchtein, D., and Zhang, X.: Efficiency of nonlinear resonant acceleration of electrons by high-frequency whistler-mode waves in the Earth’s radiation belt, Earth’s magnetotail, and at the bow shock., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2399,, 2025.

EGU25-4672 | Orals | ST2.5

Sayram: A Positivity-Preserving Open Source 3D Radiation Belt Modeling Code 

Xin Tao, Peng Peng, Jay Albert, and Anthony Chan

Standard numerical solutions of multi-dimensional diffusion equations often yield negative, unphysical phase space densities. To address this, we present Sayram, an open-source 3D code for modeling electron flux evolution in Earth’s radiation belts. Using a recently proposed positivity-preserving finite volume method, Sayram ensures physically realistic solutions across a variety of 1D, 2D, and 3D test cases. Its implicit formulation removes constraints from the CFL condition, enabling efficient time stepping. Importantly, the computational overhead associated with ensuring positivity preservation is negligibly small, making Sayram as efficient as other non-positivity-preserving codes based on standard finite difference methods under the same simulation parameters. While developed for radiation belt studies and forecasting, Sayram can also be applied to study general multi-dimensional diffusion processes in other areas, such as wave-particle interactions in planetary magnetospheres and the solar wind. By combining positivity preservation, efficiency, and openness, Sayram provides a robust tool for research across multiple disciplines.

How to cite: Tao, X., Peng, P., Albert, J., and Chan, A.: Sayram: A Positivity-Preserving Open Source 3D Radiation Belt Modeling Code, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4672,, 2025.

EGU25-5238 | Posters on site | ST2.5

Contributions of reflection poins and current sheet on scattering of energetic electrons by Kinetic Alfven Waves 

Dmitri Vainchtein, Saniya Danenova, and Anton Artemyev

Electron distributions associated with injections can be unstable to various high-frequency waves and low-frequency kinetic Alfven waves (KAW). Such scattering, often associated with resonances, causes a pitch-angle diffusion and generates diffuse auroral precipitation. In particular, standing mode KAWs can scatter pitch-angles of radiation belt electrons with energies above a few hundred keV through drift-bounce resonances, but the time scales of such scattering are too long for short-time injections. As a result, it was long thought that the main population of injected electrons, those with energies of tens to hundreds of keV, were unaffected by KAWs. In the present talk we show how KAWs can scatter electrons at two locations: near the reflection (bottleneck) points and in the current sheet. We also show how the presence of depolarization fronts change the scattering rates.

How to cite: Vainchtein, D., Danenova, S., and Artemyev, A.: Contributions of reflection poins and current sheet on scattering of energetic electrons by Kinetic Alfven Waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5238,, 2025.

EGU25-5458 | Orals | ST2.5 | Highlight

Arase Observations of the Radiation Belts During the May 2024 Geomagnetic Storm 

Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Iku Shinohara, Takeshi Takashima, Kazushi Asamura, Takefumi Mitani, Nana Higashio, Satoshi Kasahara, Shoichiro Yokota, Ryuho Kataoka, Sandeep Kumar, Tomoaki Hori, Satoshi Kurita, Shoya Matsuda, Yuto Katoh, Yoshiya Kasahara, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Atsushi Kumamoto, Atsuki Shinbori, Ayako Matsuoka, and Naritoshi Kitamura and the ERG Project Team

During the largest geomagnetic storm of Solar Cycle 25 that happened in May 2024, the Arase satellite has successfully operated all instruments and observed a number of remarkable phenomena in the inner magnetosphere and radiation belts. Due to significant compression of the magnetosphere caused by an interplanetary shock, the satellite's apogee was located outside the magnetosphere, indicating a substantial degree of compression. Following the main phase of the storm, a rapid flux increase of high-energy electrons with energies of several MeV was observed in the region of L < 3. This was the largest flux increase event recorded ever since the launch of the Arase satellite.

Additionally, the plasmasphere contracted inward more than usual, with the plasmapause reaching L ~ 2. The enhanced flux of high-energy electrons at L < 3 persisted for an extended period of 10 to 30 days or even more, significantly changing the radiation environment near the Earth. Analyzing observation data from the Arase satellite, we estimated the decay time constant of the electrons and compared it with the rates of pitch-angle scattering  caused by various plasma waves, such as hiss waves, VLF transmitters, and lightning whistlers. The results suggest that continuous scattering driven by plasmaspheric hiss primarily governs the decay of those high-energy electrons. In this presentation, we report on the variations in the radiation belts and inner magnetosphere observed by the Arase satellite during this historic geomagnetic storm.


How to cite: Miyoshi, Y., Shinohara, I., Takashima, T., Asamura, K., Mitani, T., Higashio, N., Kasahara, S., Yokota, S., Kataoka, R., Kumar, S., Hori, T., Kurita, S., Matsuda, S., Katoh, Y., Kasahara, Y., Tsuchiya, F., Kumamoto, A., Shinbori, A., Matsuoka, A., and Kitamura, N. and the ERG Project Team: Arase Observations of the Radiation Belts During the May 2024 Geomagnetic Storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5458,, 2025.

EGU25-5556 | ECS | Orals | ST2.5

Uncertainties in Theoretical Chorus Chirping Rates: A Comparative Analysis 

Zeyin Wu, Shangchun Teng, Yifan Wu, and Xin Tao

Whistler-mode chorus waves, characterized by discrete, repetitive, narrowband emissions with frequency chirping, play a critical role in magnetospheric dynamics particularly in radiation belt electron interactions. These waves, predominantly observed in the dawn side of Earth's magnetosphere, exhibit significant variability in chirping rates, ranging from less than 1 kHz/s to over 10 kHz/s. Over the past few decades, extensive theoretical researches have been conducted to explain the frequency chirping of chorus waves, and two typical theoretical chirping rates have been proposed, one related to magnetic field inhomogeneity and the other linked to wave amplitude. To assess the performance of these theoretical chirping rates in practical application, we automatically identify 3166 lower band rising tone chorus wave elements from Van Allen Probes observations by using a geometric method (Radon Transform), and compare the theoretical predictions with observations. Our statistical analysis reveals that the theoretical chirping rates associated with magnetic field inhomogeneity align more closely with observations than those linked to wave amplitudes. Our findings not only validate the theoretical prediction in practical application but also highlight the importance of magnetic field gradients in shaping chorus wave dynamics.

How to cite: Wu, Z., Teng, S., Wu, Y., and Tao, X.: Uncertainties in Theoretical Chorus Chirping Rates: A Comparative Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5556,, 2025.

EGU25-5570 | Posters on site | ST2.5

The Role of Nonlinear Resonant Interactions in Energetic Electron Precipitation: Insights from ELFIN Observations 

Xiao-Jia Zhang, Vassilis Angelopoulos, Didier Mourenas, and Anton Artemyev

Energetic electron precipitation from the outer radiation belt is a key mechanism of electron loss in Earth’s magnetosphere. This precipitation is largely governed by resonant interactions between electrons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves or whistler-mode waves. For sufficiently intense waves, these interactions become inherently nonlinear, characterized by rapid timescales and substantial precipitating fluxes that fall outside the framework of classical quasi-linear diffusion. In this presentation, we provide an overview of ELFIN CubeSat observations, showcasing compelling evidence of precipitation driven by nonlinear resonant interactions. We further discuss potential approaches for integrating the effects of these nonlinear interactions into radiation belt modeling frameworks.

How to cite: Zhang, X.-J., Angelopoulos, V., Mourenas, D., and Artemyev, A.: The Role of Nonlinear Resonant Interactions in Energetic Electron Precipitation: Insights from ELFIN Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5570,, 2025.

Magnetic reconnection hosts regions of enhanced ion temperature anisotropy that could drive instabilities and excite magnetosonic waves. However, the relation between magnetosonic-mode fluctuations and the anti-dipolarization fronts (ADFs, also known as the leading edge of tailward reconnection jets), is still unclear. Here, for the first time, we provide direct observations of magnetosonic-mode fluctuations behind ADF by the magnetospheric multiscale mission. These compressible waves propagate quasi perpendicularly to the background magnetic fields at very slow phase speeds (~30 km/s) and appears simultaneously with parallel ion temperature anisotropy. Such waves were likely a result of oblique firehose instability. An electron rolling-pin distribution is modulated by such waves behind the ADF: at wave troughs (B minimum), perpendicular electron fluxes are high; at wave crests (B maximum), perpendicular electron fluxes are low. Fermi acceleration and magnetic mirror effect contribute to the formation of such distribution jointly. These findings improve our understanding of wave-particle interactions near the ADFs in Earth's magnetosphere.

How to cite: Zhang, W. and Fu, H.: Magnetosonic-mode fluctuations and electron rolling-pin distribution behind anti-dipolarzation front in terrestrial magnetotail, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6461,, 2025.

EGU25-6614 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5

Simulating the Effect of Energy and Pitch angle Mixed diffusion on Ring Current Electron dynamics Based on the STRIM Model 

Depeng An, Yiqun Yu, Longxing Ma, Ziming Wei, and Haijun Wu

Wave-particle interaction is one of the most crucial processes driving energy transport and conversion in the Earth's inner magnetosphere, leading to acceleration and diffusion of energetic electrons. Accurate characterization of these interaction mechanisms is essential for advancing our understanding of energetic electron dynamics within the ring current/radiation belts. In this study, we investigate the influence of wave-particle interactions on the phase space density and its variations in the ring current using a kinetic ring current model STRIM. The bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck equation in a dipole magnetic field is solved via a stochastic differential equation (SDE) equation, and diffusion coefficients are derived based on statistically analyzed wave properties from the Van Allen Probes (RBSP). By comparing diffusion coefficients, we find that energy diffusion and cross-diffusion terms play significant roles in the overall diffusion process. Comparative analysis on the effects of pitch angle diffusion and cross-diffusion on ring current electrons is also conducted to deepen our understanding of the diffusion process driven by wave-particle interaction.

How to cite: An, D., Yu, Y., Ma, L., Wei, Z., and Wu, H.: Simulating the Effect of Energy and Pitch angle Mixed diffusion on Ring Current Electron dynamics Based on the STRIM Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6614,, 2025.

EGU25-7498 | Orals | ST2.5

Impact of Two-Population Alpha-particle Distributions on Plasma Stability 

Mihailo Martinović, Kristopher Klein, Rossana De Marco, Daniel Verscharen, Roberto Bruno, and Raffaella D'Amicis

The stability of weakly collisional plasmas is well represented by linear theory, and the generated waves play an essential role in the thermodynamics of these systems. The velocity distribution functions (VDF) characterizing kinetic particle behavior are commonly represented as a sum of anisotropic bi-Maxwellians. A three bi-Maxwellian model is commonly applied for the ions, assuming that the VDF consists of a proton core, proton beam, and a single He (alpha) particle population, each with their own density, bulk velocity, and anisotropic temperature. Resolving an alpha beam component was generally not possible due to instrumental limitations. The Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Analyser Proton and Alpha Sensor (SWA PAS) resolves velocity space with sufficient coverage and accuracy to routinely characterize secondary alpha populations consistently. This design makes the SWA PAS ideal for examining effects of alpha-particle beam on the plasma's kinetic stability. We test the wave signatures observed in the magnetic field power spectrum at ion scales and compare them to the predictions from linear plasma theory, Doppler-shifted into the spacecraft reference frame. We find that taking into account the alpha-particle beam component is necessary to predict the coherent wave signatures in the observed power spectra, emphasizing the importance of separating the alpha-particle populations as is traditionally done for protons. Moreover, we demonstrate that the drifts of beam components are responsible for the majority of the modes that propagate in oblique direction to the magnetic field, while their temperature anisotropies are the primary source of parallel Fast Magnetosonic Modes in the solar wind. 

How to cite: Martinović, M., Klein, K., De Marco, R., Verscharen, D., Bruno, R., and D'Amicis, R.: Impact of Two-Population Alpha-particle Distributions on Plasma Stability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7498,, 2025.

EGU25-7640 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5

An Efficient Positivity-Preserving Finite Difference Scheme for Solving the Fokker-Planck Diffusion Equation 

Chengjie Qi, Zhenpeng Su, Zhiyong Wu, Huinan Zheng, and Yuming Wang

The Fokker-Planck diffusion equation is widely used for simulating the evolution of Earth's radiation belt electrons, which pose significant hazards to space-borne systems. To preserve the positivity of the numerical solution of the electron phase space density, several finely designed finite difference, Monte Carlo, spatiotemporal interpolation, and finite volume schemes have been developed. However, these schemes often suffer from either high implementation complexity or low execution efficiency. Here we propose an efficient, easy-to-implement, and positivity-preserving finite difference scheme, named the Semi-Implicit Logarithmic Linearization (SILL) scheme. The basic principle is to linearize the nonlinear equation of the natural logarithmic phase space density. This scheme ensures accuracy and stability, even with large time steps, up to hundreds of seconds for typical radiation belt electron diffusion processes. We have publicly released the protype code of the SILL scheme, which could be useful for the radiation belt modeling community.

How to cite: Qi, C., Su, Z., Wu, Z., Zheng, H., and Wang, Y.: An Efficient Positivity-Preserving Finite Difference Scheme for Solving the Fokker-Planck Diffusion Equation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7640,, 2025.

EGU25-8357 | Orals | ST2.5 | Highlight

Acceleration to ultra-relativistic energies by a VERB-3D code coupled to a data- assimilative plasmasphere code VERB-CS 

Yuri Shprits, Bernhard Haas, and dedong Wang

Measurements from the Van Allen Probes mission show sporadic and diffi cult-to- predict behavior at ultra-relativistic energies. Recent observational studies demonstrated that cold plasma has a controlling effect over the ultra-relativistic electrons that are million times more energetic. However, the global modeling of the dynamics of relativistic and ultra-relativistic electrons has been missing. In this study, we present the modeling of 3D radiation belts with a variable density, demonstrating that density has a controlling effect over acceleration to these high energies. The density is obtained by using the VERB-CS code with data assimilation. In this study, we also present an analysis of observations showing what are the unique conditions in the solar wind and in the magnetosphere required for the density depletions and for the acceleration of particles to ultra-relativistic energies.


How to cite: Shprits, Y., Haas, B., and Wang, D.: Acceleration to ultra-relativistic energies by a VERB-3D code coupled to a data- assimilative plasmasphere code VERB-CS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8357,, 2025.

EGU25-9961 | ECS | Orals | ST2.5

Limiting processes in the non-linear and non-diffusive acceleration of radiation belt electrons by whistler-mode waves 

Miroslav Hanzelka, Yuri Shprits, Dedong Wang, and Bernhard Haas

The acceleration of radiation belt electrons through resonant interactions with whistler-mode waves is typically analyzed using quasilinear theory, which treats phase space density spreading across energy and pitch angle as a diffusive process. However, nonlinear resonant interactions can result in distinctly non-diffusive transport, accelerating seed electron populations to several MeV within minutes under idealized scenarios. This rapid energization contrasts with spacecraft observations, which are generally well explained by Fokker-Planck models using quasilinear diffusion coefficients.

We investigate conditions under which nonlinear acceleration can be approximated as diffusion. Test-particle simulations with increasingly complex wave field models reveal two principal types of resonant electron motion. First, for single-frequency, high-amplitude waves, electrons move along resonant diffusion curves, or analogous curves in inhomogeneous magnetic fields, spreading uniformly along these curves within a few tens of seconds. Above ~500 keV, relativistic turning acceleration (RTA) and ultra-relativistic acceleration (URA) mechanisms can increase particle energies by several MeV within a few seconds.

Second, with realistic wave models including finite bandwidth and amplitude modulations, electrons can move across diffusion curves corresponding to different wave frequencies. This process, orders of magnitude slower than the idealized motion along diffusion curves, can be accurately described as diffusion. In addition, wave incoherence significantly disrupts phase trapping, slowing down nonlinear acceleration along the curves. On the time scale of several consecutive resonant interactions, electron dynamics become stochastic, and the acceleration along the curves can be effectively described as inhomogeneous diffusion with negligible advection.

We conclude that, under realistic conditions, electron acceleration happening over multiple bounce periods and longer timescales can be modeled by the Fokker-Planck equation with energy-dependent corrections to quasilinear diffusion coefficients. Efficient modeling approaches that avoid computationally expensive kinetic simulations are critical for advancing radiation belt numerical models.

How to cite: Hanzelka, M., Shprits, Y., Wang, D., and Haas, B.: Limiting processes in the non-linear and non-diffusive acceleration of radiation belt electrons by whistler-mode waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9961,, 2025.

EGU25-10349 | Posters on site | ST2.5

Vlasov Simulation of Coherent Chorus Wave Emission in the Earth’s Magnetosphere 

Jiangshan Zheng, Ge Wang, Bo Li, and Tianchun Zhou

The whistler-mode chorus is a distinctive electromagnetic emission featuring a frequency chirping. It arises from the nonlinear interaction between resonant electrons and traveling whistler packets inside the Earth's magnetosphere. In this research, we have proposed a novel Hamiltonian theory and developed a corresponding Vlasov simulation code to study the excitation of coherent chorus waves in weakly inhomogeneous magnetic fields. The onset of chorus wave is simulated with different initial conditions and narrow/wide banded excitation source. The formation and evolution of electron phase-space trapped holes are traced, and the accompanying frequency chirping of chorus waves is recovered.  Notably, we found a new chorus wave generation process when the excitation source and initial wave spectrum are extremely narrow-banded. These excited waves follow a completely novel dispersion relationship, that differs significantly from that of the linear whistler waves. This study offers a fresh perspective on the nonlinear dynamics of chorus waves and provides important guidance for further research on the behavior of chorus waves across wide parameter ranges.

How to cite: Zheng, J., Wang, G., Li, B., and Zhou, T.: Vlasov Simulation of Coherent Chorus Wave Emission in the Earth’s Magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10349,, 2025.

EGU25-10538 | Posters on site | ST2.5

Particle-In-Cell simulations of an electron beam: stability and wave emissions 

Jeremy Dargent, Jean-François Ripoll, Arnaud Beck, Olivier Le Contel, and Alessandro Retinó

During peaks of magnetospheric activity, energetic electrons trapped in the inner magnetosphere can precipitate in the lower ionosphere due to electromagnetic wave activity. Such waves can be generated naturally or artificially, for instance, through the emission of plasma beams. In this work, we study waves generated by electron beams emitted parallel to the magnetic field using fully kinetic Particle-In-Cell simulations. To this end, we use the heavily parallelized SMILEI code. To reduce the weight of the simulation, we take advantage of the rotational symmetry of the problem and use a cylindrical frame, which reduces the simulation to a 2D problem with cylindrical symmetry. We investigate the impact of the beam characteristics (such as beam density, frequency, length, etc.) on the wave generation, and the structural evolution of the beam as it exchanges energy with the electromagnetic fields and interacts with the background plasma.

How to cite: Dargent, J., Ripoll, J.-F., Beck, A., Le Contel, O., and Retinó, A.: Particle-In-Cell simulations of an electron beam: stability and wave emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10538,, 2025.

To obtain a comprehensive global morphology of the ECH waves, we combine the high-quality observations from the recent satellites of Van Allen Probes, Arase, and Magnetospheric Multiscale from 2012 to 2022. With the well-accumulated data, we find that ECH waves can be observed over a broad spatial region with significant asymmetry. Primarily, ECH waves can be observed from L= ~2.5 and extend to L = ~15 on the nightside while dayside waves are compressed closer to the Earth. On the nightside, the waves are observed more frequently at low L with strong wave strength. As L increases, both wave occurrence and amplitude decline. It is noteworthy that ECH waves exhibit a double peak pattern at L = ~4-6 and 8-12 on the dayside, and a dip of occurrence at L = 6-8, which might indicate two dominant driving mechanisms of ECH waves on the inner and outer magnetosphere, respectively. At low L, ECH waves are observed near the equator, while they can be observed extensively over the magnetic latitude of ~-40° — 40° at higher L. Compared with the nightside, the magnetic latitude sensitivity to the increase of L is more dramatic on the dayside. Furthermore, at low latitudes, ECH waves can be observed with broad MLT coverage and have strong wave amplitude at low L. For high latitudes, the waves occur at higher L, with higher occurrence on the dayside while stronger wave strength on the nightside. Our results provide a new insight into the generating and propagating mechanism of ECH waves.

How to cite: Lou, Y., Ni, B., Cao, X., and Ma, X.: Global Distribution of Electrostatic Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves from Over-10-year Multi-Satellite Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11036,, 2025.

Plasmaspheric hiss plays a crucial role in shaping the structure and dynamics of the radiation belts in the plasmasphere. Recent researches indicated that the characteristics and excitation mechanisms of low-frequency hiss differ markedly from those of typical frequency bands. Using the wave data observed by Van Allen Probes A from September 2012 to March 2019, we conducted a comprehensive statistical analysis of the global distribution of the average amplitude and occurrence rate of low-frequency hiss waves. We also explore the relationship between low-frequency hiss and geomagnetic activities as well as solar wind dynamic pressures (Pdyn). Our results reveal significant differences in the amplitude and occurrence rate distributions between low-frequency hiss and broad-band hiss, particularly regarding the distribution on the L-shell. The large amplitude low-frequency hiss waves are primarily observed at the afternoon side of the L > 5 region, shifting towards the noon side as geomagnetic activity intensifies. Furthermore, both the amplitude and occurrence rate of low-frequency hiss diminish with increasing solar wind dynamic pressure, and the occurrence rate of large amplitudes low-frequency hiss exhibits a North-South asymmetry under conditions of strong solar wind dynamic pressure. Our statistical results are vital for complementing the existing global distribution model of plasmaspheric hiss and for investigating its generation mechanism. 

How to cite: Ma, X., Chen, S., Ni, B., Xiang, Z., Zhu, Q., and Lou, Y.: Influences of Geomagnetic Activities and Solar Wind Parameters on Global Distributions of Low-frequency Plasmaspheric Hiss based on Van Allen Probe A Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11057,, 2025.

EGU25-14871 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5

Diffusion coefficients for resonant relativistic wave-particle interactions using the PIRAN code 

Oliver Allanson, Thomas Kappas, James Tyrrell, Gregory Cunningham, Adrian Garcia, and Sean Elvidge

Quasilinear diffusion coefficients can be used to characterise the statistical response of charged particles to perturbations by plasma waves, via resonant wave-particle interactions. The calculation of these coefficients is sufficiently complicated and arduous to render it prohibitive to many potential users, because of the expense in time spent developing the code. We present and describe the open-source PIRAN software package ('Particles In ResonANce'). This package is written using Python, has comprehensive documentation, and allows the user to calculate local and bounce-averaged relativistic diffusion coefficients in energy and pitch-angle space via the two main current proposed methods in the literature.  

How to cite: Allanson, O., Kappas, T., Tyrrell, J., Cunningham, G., Garcia, A., and Elvidge, S.: Diffusion coefficients for resonant relativistic wave-particle interactions using the PIRAN code, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14871,, 2025.

EGU25-17579 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5

Investigating chorus wave peak amplitudes on short timescales during the Van Allen Probes era  

Rachel Black, Oliver Allanson, Nigel Meredith, Andrew Hillier, and David Hartley

Earth’s radiation belts can be described by two zones containing energetic charged particles; a more stable inner belt, and a highly dynamic outer belt. Wave-particle interactions have been identified as one of several processes responsible for the dynamics of electron populations within the outer region. The most common method used by the international community for reproducing radiation belt dynamics involves Fokker-Planck diffusion models. Whilst, in many cases, these models effectively describe the global changes and interactions within the region, the Fokker-Planck approach depends upon a quasilinear theory. This assumes "small" wave amplitudes; however, recent observations have shown that this assumption may not always hold, with chorus waves being one of the most notable cases of high-amplitude waves. 

Within two datasets of differing resolutions, the Van Allen Probe satellites provide multiple years' worth of information on the various waves and background fields inside the radiation belts. In this work, we present preliminary results of investigations comparing the lower resolution ‘survey mode’ data, with the high-resolution ‘burst mode’ data, captured during the mission. In particular, the work focusses on identifying chorus wave events in both datasets and assessing how the underlying variability may alter our interpretations of the wave properties. Utilizing the higher resolution data in conjunction with the survey data allows closer inspection of the larger amplitude waves, and their potential implications for energetic electron dynamics in radiation belt modelling. 

How to cite: Black, R., Allanson, O., Meredith, N., Hillier, A., and Hartley, D.: Investigating chorus wave peak amplitudes on short timescales during the Van Allen Probes era , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17579,, 2025.

EGU25-18024 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5

Interpolating Electron Diffusion Coefficients in Earth’s Radiation Belts Based on A Neural Network Model Inspired by Video Frame Interpolation 

jianhang wang, zheng xiang, binbin ni, yangxizi liu, junhu dong, haozhi guo, and jiakun dai

Many numerical models for studying radiation belt dynamics have been built to uncovering the physical mechanisms governing electron dynamics and enabling real-time forecasting. A critical input for these models is the diffusion coefficient obtained through linear interpolation from precomputed diffusion coefficient libraries to achieve real-time processing. However, linear interpolation unavoidably introduces overlap issues, compromising both the accuracy and realism of the simulation results. In this study, we propose a diffusion Coefficient Interpolation Neural nEt (CINE) model, inspired by video frame interpolation, to address overlap issues. The CINE model does not require any preexisting diffusion coefficients for training and successfully interpolates diffusion coefficients induced by various physical mechanisms. We also analyze optimal interpolation intervals for different diffusion coefficients (ΔL≤0.8 for hiss waves and ΔL≤0.2 for atmospheric collisions) based on a threshold of Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM)=0.98. The CINE model is easy to incorporate with current radiation belts models to obtain accurate and prompt simulation results for real-time forecasting.

How to cite: wang, J., xiang, Z., ni, B., liu, Y., dong, J., guo, H., and dai, J.: Interpolating Electron Diffusion Coefficients in Earth’s Radiation Belts Based on A Neural Network Model Inspired by Video Frame Interpolation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18024,, 2025.

EGU25-18267 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5

Study of the precipitation wisp scattered by NWC transmitter signals: observed by DEMETER satellite. 

jingle hu, zheng xiang, binbin ni, yangxizi liu, junhu dong, jianhang wang, and haozhi guo

The 19.8 kHz very‐low‐frequency (VLF) signals emitted from ground‐based North West Cape (NWC) transmitter for submarine communication can penetrate the ionosphere and leak into the magnetosphere. These signals interact with hundreds of keV electrons in the inner magnetosphere through cyclotron resonance, leading to the pitch angle diffusion of trapped electrons. Previous studies use the term “wisp” to describe the enhancement of quasi-trapped electron scattered by NWC transmitter signals at L = 1.4-1.8, which shows decreasing energy with increasing L. These quasi-trapped electrons drift eastward and can be clearly observed by Low-Earth-Orbit satellites until they precipitate into the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) region, where they are lost into the atmosphere. In this study, we report the ‘wisp’ structure in the untrapped electrons and systematically analyze the dependence of these electron fluxes on satellite positions, electron energies, L-shell, and geomagnetic activities using long-term measurements from the DEMETER satellite. The ‘wisp’ structure in untrapped electrons was observed at the edge of the northern hemisphere precipitation region (the regions conjugated to the SAA), with the flux level approximately 102-103 cm−2ster−1s−1MeV−1. The intensity and position of the untrapped ‘wisp’ in the energy spectrum are highly correlated with the quasi-trapped ‘wisp’.  The visible ‘wisp’ structure in the untrapped electrons can only be detected when the quasi-trapped electrons, scattered by the NWC signal, exceed a certain threshold (i.e., greater than 103 cm−2ster−1s−1MeV−1). The overall variation in untrapped electron fluxes follows the trend observed in trapped electron fluxes. These results provide helpful information regarding the quantitative scattering effects of NWC transmitter signals on energetic electrons.

How to cite: hu, J., xiang, Z., ni, B., liu, Y., dong, J., wang, J., and guo, H.: Study of the precipitation wisp scattered by NWC transmitter signals: observed by DEMETER satellite., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18267,, 2025.

EGU25-20519 | Orals | ST2.5 | Highlight

Ultra-Relativistic Electron Flux Enhancement Under Persistent High-Speed Solar Wind Stream 

Livia Alves, Ligia da Silva, Vinicius Deggeroni, Jose Paulo Marchezi, Paulo Ricardo Jauer, and David G. Sibeck

The physical mechanisms usually applied to explain the relativistic electron enhancement have been delved into to elucidate non-adiabatic electron acceleration resulting in the ultra-relativistic electron population observed in the outer radiation belt. We considered multisatellite observations of the solar wind parameters, magnetospheric waves, and particle flux to report an unusual local acceleration of ultra-relativistic electrons under a prolonged high-speed solar wind stream (HSS). A corotating interaction region reaches the Earth’s bowshock on August 3, 2016, causing a minor geomagnetic storm. Following this, the magnetosphere was driven for 72 hours by a long-term HSS propagating at 600 km/s. During this period, the magnetosphere sustained both ultra-low frequency (ULF) and very-low frequency (VLF) waves in the outer radiation belt region. Besides the waves, the relativistic and ultra-relativistic electron fluxes were enhanced with different time lags regarding the magnetic storm main phase. The efficiency of wave-particle interaction in enhancing ultrarelativistic electrons is evaluated by the diffusion coefficient rates, considering both ULF and VLF waves together with phase space density analyses. Results show that local acceleration by whistler mode chorus waves can occur in a time scale of 2 to 4 hours, whereas ULF waves take around 10’s of hours and magnetosonic waves take a time scale of days. This result is confirmed by the phase space density analysis. Accordingly, it shows that peaks of local acceleration of 1 MeV electrons are consistent with the observation of the highest chorus wave amplitude at the same L-shell and MLT. Thus, we argue that whistler mode chorus waves interacting with relativistic electrons are the main physical mechanisms leading to ultra-relativistic electron enhancement, while ULF and fast magnetosonic waves are found as secondary physical processes. Lastly, our analysis contributes to understanding how whistler and ULF waves can contribute to ultra-relativistic electrons showing up in the inner magnetosphere under the HSS driver.

How to cite: Alves, L., da Silva, L., Deggeroni, V., Marchezi, J. P., Jauer, P. R., and G. Sibeck, D.: Ultra-Relativistic Electron Flux Enhancement Under Persistent High-Speed Solar Wind Stream, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20519,, 2025.

EGU25-410 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6

Responses of Ionospheric F layer Radial Current to the Enhanced Solar Wind Input 

Yunfang Zhong and Hui Wang

Using Challenging Minisatellite Payload and the Republic of China Satellite-1 observations, the response of ionospheric radial current (IRC) in the F region to the enhancement of merging electric field (Em) at different magnetic local times (MLT) is investigated. Possible physical mechanisms are discussed in terms of neutral wind, conductivity, and prompt penetration electric field (PPEF). The disturbance IRC (ΔIRC) increases in the upward (downward) direction in the daytime (nighttime) within 3 h after Em enhancement. However, disturbance zonal winds increase westward (eastward) at 12–18 MLT (00–06 MLT). The reduced F region electron density may help weaken IRC at 06–12 MLT and 18–24 MLT. This work indicates that the daytime eastward (nighttime westward) PPEF drives equatorward (poleward) Hall current at low latitudes, resulting in both upward (downward) ΔIRC and eastward (westward) plasma drift at the F region magnetic equator.

How to cite: Zhong, Y. and Wang, H.: Responses of Ionospheric F layer Radial Current to the Enhanced Solar Wind Input, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-410,, 2025.

EGU25-1362 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6

Including and explaining the important early positive part of main phase in the treatment of geomagnetic storms 

Manu Varghese, Jijin Raj, Balan Nanan, Qinghe Zhang, and Zanyang Xing

The important early positive part of main phase (MP) from positive main phase onset (MPO) to 0‑level of SYM-H (and Dst, up to over 200 nT) was somehow missed in the treatment of geomagnetic storms. In this paper, we include the missed positive part in MP for over 1000 (out 1360) storms (SYM-HMin ≤-25 nT) having positive MPO identified in the SYM-H index in 1981-2024 by a computer algorithm using 5 selection criteria. The missed part is included by raising the 0-level of SYM-H to MPO-level, which increases the revised storm intensity (SYM-HMinr) by up to -145 nT and revised storm impulsive strength (IpsSYM-Hr) by up to -139 nT. The inclusion of the positive part of MP therefore seems important for all aspects of global space weather. For example, IpsSYM-Hr identifies all 3 severe space weather (SvSW) events that caused power outage with a large separation of 52 nT and identifies all 9 minor-system-damage space weather (MSW) events that caused capacitor stripping and high induced voltage in power transformers from over 1000 normal space weather (NSW) events that did not cause any such damages since 1981. The included positive part of MP is explained statistically using long-term simultaneous SYM-H, solar wind dynamic pressure P and Y-component of interplanetary electric field IEFy (or VBz computed from solar wind velocity V and Bz component of IMF) data available for 156 storms since 1998. In addition, a 1-minute resolution SYM-H model developed from the existing Dst models is used to investigate the combined and relative contributions of P and IEFy on the included positive part of MP. The data statistics and model results reveal that the positive part of MP in majority (74%) of storms is contributed mainly (≥75%) by positive IEFy or increase in ring current; in a small number (6%) of storms, it is contributed mainly (≥75%) by sudden decrease in P; and in the remaining 20% of storms, it is contributed by both decrease in P and positive IEFy with major contribution from positive IEFy. In short, the important positive part of MP is caused mainly by the increase in ring current.

How to cite: Varghese, M., Raj, J., Nanan, B., Zhang, Q., and Xing, Z.: Including and explaining the important early positive part of main phase in the treatment of geomagnetic storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1362,, 2025.

EGU25-1897 | Orals | ST2.6

Solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling during supersubstorms 

Rajkumar Hajra, Bruce Tsurutani, Quanming Lu, and Aimin Du

Supersubstorms (SSSs) are intense auroral zone geomagnetic activity associated with extremely intense westward auroral electrojet currents  (SML < -2500 nT). The nightside SSS onsets and auroral evolution were found to be substantially different than the Akasofu (1964) standard picture of auroral development for “typical” substorms. SSSs are the primary causes of intense geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) at the Mäntsälä gas pipeline, Finland, determined from a 21-year data study. From a statistical study of SSSs triggered by interplanetary shocks, during solar cycles 23 and 24, solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling will be discussed. Magnetospheric shock compression greatly strengthens the upstream interplanetary magnetic field southward component, and thus, through magnetic reconnection at the Earth’s dayside magnetopause, greatly enhances the solar wind energy input into the magnetosphere and ionosphere during the SSS events. The additional solar wind magnetic reconnection energy input supplements the ∼1.5 hr precursor (growth-phase) energy input and both supply the necessary energy for the high-intensity, long-duration SSS events. The major part of the SSS energy is dissipated into Joule heating, distributed equally in the dayside and nightside ionosphere, giving a picture of the global energy dissipation in the magnetospheric/ionospheric system, not simply a nightside substorm effect.

How to cite: Hajra, R., Tsurutani, B., Lu, Q., and Du, A.: Solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling during supersubstorms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1897,, 2025.

EGU25-2476 | Orals | ST2.6

Solar Activity Effects on the Near-Earth Space RegionsDuring the Descending Phase of Solar Cycle 24 

Zhaohai He, Jiyao Xu, Lei Dai, Suping Duan, Hong Gao, Guojun Wang, Ilan Roth, and Chi Wang

Previously we found that the inner radiation belt (IRB) shrinks and stretches in solar minimum and maximum. A natural problem comes up that how solar cycle effects the near-Earth space regions including plasmasphere, IRB, ionosphere, mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). We present a thorough analysis of the extent of solar cycle effect on four regions by using mesospheric and thermospheric geopotential height and temperature from SABER on TIMED, ionospheric hmF2 from Chinese Meridian Project, high-energy protons in IRB and electron density in plasmasphere from Van Allen Probes within 2013-2018 intervals. By analyzing evolutions of these quantities, we find that entire IRB, ionosphere and MLT region shrink at solar minimum and stretch at solar maximum by ~103 km, 50~102 km and 1 km scales, respectively, while plasmapause shows an opposite trend. Fourier spectra of these quantities have been investigated by Lomb–Scargle periodogram. The mid-term periodic oscillations (13.5-day, 45-day, and 52-day) have been observed in MLT region, matching well with plasmapause locations and geomagnetic indices, which have not been observed in solar EUV radiation and IRB. This may indicate that those oscillations facilitate energy exchange and mass transportation between MLT region and plasmasphere due to magnetic storms and substorms. The oscillation periods of higher energy (102.6MeV) in IRB have not been observed in MLT region except for annual variations. The impact of higher energy protons on MLT regions may not be significant, although they could penetrate deeper into MLT region. Our results reveal relationships between some quantities and solar cycle multi-scale modulation, which may provide assistance and monitors for mass transportation in the near-Earth space regions.

How to cite: He, Z., Xu, J., Dai, L., Duan, S., Gao, H., Wang, G., Roth, I., and Wang, C.: Solar Activity Effects on the Near-Earth Space RegionsDuring the Descending Phase of Solar Cycle 24, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2476,, 2025.

EGU25-2528 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.6

Statistics of the Density Distribution in the Earth’s Cusp Region: Cluster Observations 

Wenhao Chen, Tieyan Wang, Chao Xiao, and Xiaoxiao Qin

The Earth's magnetospheric cusp serves as a key channel for solar wind particles to enter the magnetosphere and for ionospheric ions to escape. The plasma density is central to understanding of these processes. Based on Cluster observation (collected between 2001 and 2010) of 878 cusp-crossing events, we performed a statistical study on the three-dimensional distribution of cusp ion density, as well as the primary influencing factors.
Our findings show that the highest density occurs around MLT=12 in both hemispheres, declining as MLT shifts away from noon. In SM coordinates, the maximum density appears near the equatorward boundary along the X direction, while variations in the Z direction are relatively small. This feature can be explained by the inhomogeneity of magnetic pressure. We also observed that solar wind ions, as the main source, most effectively enter the cusp around noon and diffuse toward dawn and dusk. As the AE index grows, the polar ionosphere becomes increasingly important, supplying particles from a wide range of MLT values to the cusp. Finally, the cusp density is found to be correlated with dipole angle, suggesting the cusp’s ability to funnel charged particles depends on how Earth’s magnetic field is oriented.

How to cite: Chen, W., Wang, T., Xiao, C., and Qin, X.: Statistics of the Density Distribution in the Earth’s Cusp Region: Cluster Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2528,, 2025.

EGU25-3066 | Orals | ST2.6

Observations of energetic O+ ions with strong velocity shear in the low latitude boundary layer during an intense storm main phase 

Su-ping Duan, Anxin Zhang, Lei Dai, Yuntian Hou, Zhaohai He, and Chi Wang

Using particle and electromagnetic field data from Magnetospheric Multiscale Spacecraft (MMS), we investigate energetic O+ ion characteristics in the strong velocity shear regions in the dusk-side low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) during the main phase of an intense storm on 13 October 2016. In the large velocity reversal regions, O+ ion number density is very high, No+ ~ 0.3 cm-3. The pitch angle distributions of these energetic O+ ions vary distinctly across different energy ranges. The pitch angles of the lower energetic (3 keV to 10 keV) O+ ions are mostly less than 45 degrees and show a quasi-parallel distribution. Conversely, the pitch angles of the higher energetic (20 keV to 40 keV) O+ ions are dominantly in the range from 45 to 135 degrees, suggesting a quasi-perpendicular distribution. The quasi-parallel distribution of lower energetic O+ ions implies that these O+ ions are outflow along the magnetic field line from the dayside high-latitude ionosphere. Intense electric fields in the strong shear flow region can accelerate O+ ions to higher energy, altering their motion from along the magnetic field to the transverse direction in the dusk-side LLBL. Our studies present evidence for strong shear flow in the dusk-side LLBL driving energetic O+ ions to traverse the magnetic field motion. The quasi-perpendicular distribution of higher energetic O+ ions, in the inner edge of the dusk-side LLBL, may provide a new source of ring current energetic particles during the main phase of the intense storm.

How to cite: Duan, S., Zhang, A., Dai, L., Hou, Y., He, Z., and Wang, C.: Observations of energetic O+ ions with strong velocity shear in the low latitude boundary layer during an intense storm main phase, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3066,, 2025.

EGU25-3168 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.6

Foreshock transient impact on the magnetosheath, magnetosphere and ionosphere 

Hyangpyo Kim, Rumi Nakamura, Jaeheung Park, Adriana Settino, and Kyoung-Joo Hwang

We present multi-scale observations of a foreshock transient and its impact on the magnetosheath, magnetosphere and ionosphere, utilizing the data from Cluster, THEMIS, ground-based radars, and magnetometers. During the storm recovery phase on March 25, 2015, the Cluster spacecraft observed the foreshock transient at GSE (8, -0.5, -13) Re. Subsequently, THEMIS A and E, residing in the equatorial plane, detected large-scale high-speed jets in the postnoon sector between 7 and 9 Re from Earth. At geosynchronous orbit, GOES-13 crossed the magnetopause, during which strong poleward plasma convection and tongue of ionization (TOI) were detected by incoherent scatter radars at Prince George, Saskatoon, Kapuskasing, and Rankin Inlet stations and GPS total electron content (TEC) measurements. The signature of field-aligned currents was observed by ground magnetometers. These simultaneous observations indicate that the foreshock transient plays an important role in energy transfer between the solar wind, the magnetosphere, and the ionosphere. This event provides the first observational evidence that a foreshock transient can lead to significant disturbances in the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system, being an important ingredient in space weather.

How to cite: Kim, H., Nakamura, R., Park, J., Settino, A., and Hwang, K.-J.: Foreshock transient impact on the magnetosheath, magnetosphere and ionosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3168,, 2025.

EGU25-3379 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.6

The Influence of Ionospheric Conductance on Magnetospheric Convection during the Southward IMF 

Minghui Zhu, Lei Dai, Chi Wang, Walter Gonzalez, Andrey Samsonov, Xiaocheng Guo, Yong Ren, Binbin Tang, and Qiuyu Xu

Magnetospheric convection is a fundamental process in the coupling of the solar wind, magnetosphere, and ionosphere. Recent studies have shown that dayside magnetopause reconnection drives magnetospheric convection, progressing from the dayside to the nightside within approximately 10-20 minutes in response to southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). In this study, we use global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations to investigate the influence of ionospheric conductance on dayside-driven convection. We conduct three simulation runs: two with normal ionospheric conductance and one with nearly infinite conductance. The temporal and spatial pattern of magnetospheric convection largely remain consistent across all three simulation runs. Comparing the results, we observe a reduction of 20% in magnetospheric convection and a 30% increase of ionospheric Region 1 field-aligned current (FAC) and Pedersen current in the run with nearly infinite conductance, compared to the normal conductance model. The results indicate that ionospheric conductance does not affect the response time of enhanced magnetospheric convection to the solar wind. We suggest that the 10-20 minutes timescale for establishing magnetospheric convection corresponds to the anti-sunward drag of reconnected magnetic field lines from the sub-solar point to the flank magnetopause. In cases of larger ionospheric conductance, the ionosphere footprints of dragged field lines become more stationary, potentially resulting in larger Region 1 FAC and ionosphere Pedersen current. A larger Pedersen current is associated with stronger sunward J×B force in the ionosphere, which corresponds to a stronger anti-sunward force in the magnetosphere, thereby reducing sunward convection of closed field lines.

How to cite: Zhu, M., Dai, L., Wang, C., Gonzalez, W., Samsonov, A., Guo, X., Ren, Y., Tang, B., and Xu, Q.: The Influence of Ionospheric Conductance on Magnetospheric Convection during the Southward IMF, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3379,, 2025.

EGU25-3419 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6

Westward ion drifts in the dusk-side sub auroral ionosphere: Role of EMIC wave-particle interactions 

Shreedevi Porunakatu Radhakrishna, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Yiqun Yu, and Vania Jordanova

The dusk-side mid-latitude ionosphere is characterized by fast, sunward flow channels of a few degrees in width, known as Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS). Occasionally, these regions exhibit distinct, latitudinally narrow enhancements in velocity, referred to as double-peak Sub-auroral Ion Drifts (DSAIDs). SAPS are associated with Region 2 Field-Aligned Currents (R2 FACs) that flow into the low-conductance sub-auroral ionosphere, while DSAIDs have been linked to the presence of a double-conductance trough in this region. Nishimura et al. (2022) demonstrated that sub-auroral ion drifts intensify in the presence of electromagnetic waves, with local plasma structures exerting greater control over the velocity characteristics of these westward flows than solar wind or global magnetospheric conditions. This study investigates the occurrence of westward ion flows in the dusk-side sector during a geomagnetic storm event, utilizing simulations from the RAM-SCB model. To explore the relationships between R2 FACs, electric fields, EMIC wave-particle interactions, proton precipitation, ionospheric conductance, and westward flows in the dusk-side sub-auroral ionosphere, we conducted two simulation studies, one with and one without EMIC waves. The simulations confirmed that EMIC wave-induced proton precipitation leads to localized enhancements in conductivity, which, in turn, generates high-speed westward flows in the dusk-side sub-auroral ionosphere. Our findings reveal the significant role of wave-particle interactions in shaping ionospheric behavior during disturbed conditions.

How to cite: Porunakatu Radhakrishna, S., Miyoshi, Y., Yu, Y., and Jordanova, V.: Westward ion drifts in the dusk-side sub auroral ionosphere: Role of EMIC wave-particle interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3419,, 2025.

EGU25-4585 | Posters on site | ST2.6

Modulation of the TEC in the Midlatitude Region by ULF Waves: Preliminary Conjunctional Observations between LFWR and GNSS in the Chinese Meridian Project 

Yongcun Zhang, Mingtao Cheng, Lei Dai, Zheng Wang, Xiaochao Yang, and Chi Wang


Previous research has established that in geospace, the total electron content (TEC) in the ionosphere can be modulated efficiently by ultralow frequency (ULF) waves in high-latitude regions. However, the correlations between TEC variations and ULF waves in middle-latitude and low-latitude regions remain inadequately explored. In this study, using ground-based magnetometer data from the Chinese Meridian Project, we identified ULF wave events within Pc4 frequency bands in the midlatitude region. During the period from July 1 and December 30, 2023, we identified 438 distinct ULF wave events in the Pc4 band, thereby creating a comprehensive ULF wave database. Statistical analysis indicated that Pc4-band ULF wave events predominantly occurred on the dusk side in midlatitude regions. Notably, on August 24, 2023, simultaneous observations of geomagnetic disturbances and TEC disturbances at the similar frequency were recorded, suggesting a potential correlation between Pc4 ULF waves and TEC variations at midlatitudes. Through quantitative analysis, we infer that ionospheric TEC variations were possibly triggered by Pc4 ULF waves during this event.This result provides direct observational evidence of the modulation of the TEC by Pc4 ULF waves in the midlatitude region. These findings broaden our understanding of the coupling between the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere in midlatitude regions, and have the potential significance on evaluating the effect of space weather of this coupling process.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Cheng, M., Dai, L., Wang, Z., Yang, X., and Wang, C.: Modulation of the TEC in the Midlatitude Region by ULF Waves: Preliminary Conjunctional Observations between LFWR and GNSS in the Chinese Meridian Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4585,, 2025.

EGU25-4746 | Posters on site | ST2.6

Off-diagonal Ion Pressure Term in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection 

Kailai Wang, Lei Dai, Shan Wang, Yong Ren, Minghui Zhu, Chi Wang, Benoit Lavraud, Christopher Philippe Escoubet, and James L. Burch

Magnetic reconnection converts magnetic energy into particle energy, with ion outflows serving as a prominent manifestation, particularly in geospace. However, ion processes and signatures related to energy conversion remain incompletely understood in collisionless magnetic reconnection. In this study, we analyze in-situ data and simulations to identify a distinct signature in the off-diagonal component of the ion pressure tensor. This signature displays a bipolar reversal that correlates with ion outflows across the reconnection X-line. The bipolar signal reflects distorted velocity distributions during ion acceleration. The primary cause of this distortion is partial cyclotron motion around the reconnected magnetic field, combined with the acceleration by reconnection electric fields. Hall electric fields further enhance this cyclotron motion by inducing dawnward ion motion as ions enter the current layer from the inflow region. The bipolar reversal in the off-diagonal ion pressure term is a candidate for supporting ion-scale reconnection electric fields.

How to cite: Wang, K., Dai, L., Wang, S., Ren, Y., Zhu, M., Wang, C., Lavraud, B., Escoubet, C. P., and Burch, J. L.: Off-diagonal Ion Pressure Term in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4746,, 2025.

The sudden increase in high latitude ionospheric currents and two-cell convection are both important elements during geomagnetic substorms. Although simulations and statistical analyses suggest a relationship between the two phenomena in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, the spatiotemporal correlation of their evolution in observation has not been clearly demonstrated. Here we select multiple continuous strong substorms under a strong geomagnetic storm as a case to effectively reveal the synchronous evolution of field-aligned currents (FACs) and auroral electrojets with convection. The observation results indicate that the bidirectional convection activity between the dayside and nightside-driven affects to multiple "V" shaped movements of dawnside FACs on magnetic local time (MLT), and continuously changes the magnetic latitude (MLAT) difference of nightside FACs. Meanwhile, the dawn-dusk asymmetry of convection further affects the different evolutionary characteristics of the east-westward electrojets. These results demonstrate a strong coupling between convection and ionospheric currents, underscoring the pivotal role of convection in the progression of substorm phases.

How to cite: Wang, T. and Dai, L.: Convection driven field-aligned currents and auroral electrojets during continuous strong substorms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4762,, 2025.

EGU25-5032 | Posters on site | ST2.6

The Evolution of Earth's Outer Radiation Belt Over  Geomagnetic Storm Phase in Van Allen Probe Era 

Xu Wang, Lei Dai, Yong Ren, Senlin Xiong, and Chi Wang

Earth's outer radiation belts are highly dynamic during geomagnetic storms. Using electron flux  data from 226 keV to 2.6 MeV measured by the Van Allen Probes, we statistically analyzed the peak flux position (Lpeak)  and inner boundary position (Lmin) of the outer radiation belt across different storm phases: pre‐storm quiet time, main phase, early recovery phase, and later recovery phase. This analysis covered 196 geomagnetic storm events from October 2012 to September 2019. Our results indicate that: (a) During the pre‐storm, Lpeak decreases with increasing energy. From the pre‐storm to the early recovery phase, Lpeak shifts inward for energies below 1 MeV and outward for energies above 1 MeV. For all energies, Lpeak converges to approximately L =∼ 4.3–4.6 in the early recovery phase. (b) Below approximately 1 MeV, Lmin generally move inward from the main phase to the early recovery phase. Above 1 MeV, Lmin remains nearly unchanged across different storm phases. (c) The half‐width (Lpeak-Lmin) of the outer belt decreases during the main phase for energies below 1 MeV and increases during the recovery phase for energies above 1.5 MeV. (d) In the early recovery phase, Lpeak and Lmin at 593–742 keV show a moderate correlation with storm intensity (∣CC∣∼0.7–0.8), while Lpeak and Lmin at energies greater than 1.1 MeV exhibit low correlations (∣CC∣≤∼0.4) during each phase. These results confirm the complex,energy dependent morphology of the outer radiation belt throughout geomagnetic storm phases.

How to cite: Wang, X., Dai, L., Ren, Y., Xiong, S., and Wang, C.: The Evolution of Earth's Outer Radiation Belt Over  Geomagnetic Storm Phase in Van Allen Probe Era, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5032,, 2025.

Understanding electron kinetic processes is crucial for elucidating the energy conversion mechanisms in magnetic reconnection. Non‐Maxwellian electron distributions are strong indicators of kineticscale processes near the electron diffusion region, yet they remain incompletely understood. Using in‐situ spacecraft data from 29 magnetopause reconnection events, we unambiguously identify a non‐Maxwellian capsule electron distribution near the electron diffusion region. This distribution comprises an elongated component parallel with the magnetic field at lower energies and a butterfly component (with peaks at pitch angles near 45° and 135°) at higher energies. We provide evidence that these distributions are partly linked to
electron trapping and preferential heating along the direction of magnetic fields. The parallel electric potentials needed for the parallel heating may be linked to kinetic Alfvén waves. These capsule‐like electron distributions are also found to generate whistler emissions. Our results suggest that these kinetic processes are prevalent in magnetic reconnection.

How to cite: Ren, Y. and Dai, L.: Capsule Electron Distributions Near the Diffusion Region of Magnetic Reconnection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5057,, 2025.

EGU25-5491 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6

Rapid Relativistic Electron Enhancements During Van Allen Probes Era 

Senlin Xiong, Lei Dai, Xu Wang, and Chi Wang

Relativistic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt exhibit significant variability during geomagnetic storms and substorms. This study investigates rapid relativistic electron enhancements (REE) in the outer radiation belt throughout the entire Van Allen Probes (RBSP) era from October 2012 to October 2019. Utilizing RBSP measurements, we identify 182 rapid REE events characterized by a factor of greater than two increase in relativistic electron fluxes within a half RBSP orbit (approximately 4.5 hr) at L = 4.5–5.5. Approximately 76% of rapid REE events occur during geomagnetic storms. Rapid REEs during storms are  concentrated within the 12‐hr period preceding and the 24‐hr period following the end of the storm's main phase. Intense REE are more likely found in storm's main phase compared to moderate REE. Sub‐relativistic and  relativistic electron injections are commonly observed during rapid REE. Substorm activities (AL/AE, MPB index) and convection (AU index) are moreintense before and during REE, in contrast to the intervals following  REEs. Theintensity of rapid REE correlates with the strength of substorms and convection. This comprehensive  survey suggests that rapid REEs in the outer radiation belt are likely associated with, but not strictly tied to geomagnetic storms. Enhanced convection and substorm appear to create favorable conditions for rapid REE.  These substorms and enhanced convection are likely linked to favorable solar wind conditions for REEs, as documented in previous studies.

How to cite: Xiong, S., Dai, L., Wang, X., and Wang, C.: Rapid Relativistic Electron Enhancements During Van Allen Probes Era, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5491,, 2025.

EGU25-5715 | Posters on site | ST2.6

Ring current wedge in nightside during substorms 

Xiyu Liu, Yiqun Yu, Jiaojiao Zhang, Longxing Ma, Tao Yan, Depeng An, Longhui Liu, Jinbin Cao, and Chi Wang

Large-scale current systems are often disturbed during geomagnetically active time. Based on previous simulations, our work proposes that except for the substorm current wedge (SCW) that connects tail current to ionosphere via a pair of Region-1 sense field-aligned currents (FACs), there exists another wedge-shaped current structure in the nightside current system during substorms, connecting the ring current to the ionosphere. We refer to this structure as the ring current wedge (RCW). The RCW is difficult to be distinguished from the SCW using observations from ground-based magnetometer stations because of their similarity and close distribution in latitude. Furthermore, due to its shorter duration compared to SCW, RCW is often overlooked in previous studies. In this paper, we use global MHD simulations to investigate the storm event on December 1, 2023, in which the IMF Bz reversal from ~+5 nT to ~-25 nT, providing favorable conditions for magnetotail reconnection. During a strong substorm injection, both tail current and ring current were interrupted in midnight sector, forming distinct SCW and RCW structures that lasted for ~30 minutes. Additionally, by superposing SuperDARN global convection images with AMPERE-derived FACs, a reversed, counter-clockwise convection cell was observed at mid-latitudes in the duskside ionosphere, as expected to be formed between SCW and RCW. The reverse convection confirmed that SCW and RCW are different current structures.

How to cite: Liu, X., Yu, Y., Zhang, J., Ma, L., Yan, T., An, D., Liu, L., Cao, J., and Wang, C.: Ring current wedge in nightside during substorms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5715,, 2025.

The Earth's outer radiation contains plenty of high-energy electrons. These electron populations exhibit high dynamics, with their fluxes varying by several orders of magnitude during magnetospheric disturbances. The enhancement of these high-energy electrons greatly increases the likelihood of spacecraft malfunction or failure and significantly influences the solar-terrestrial system's energy and mass coupling, highlighting the importance of fully understanding the mechanisms governing these dynamics from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The radial diffusion acceleration driven by ULF waves and local acceleration due to the interaction with whistler mode chorus waves were proposed to explain the enhancement of the radiation belt high-energy electrons. Recent work indicates that the magnetospheric convection, as a key dynamic process within the Earth's magnetosphere, is closely related to the dynamics of high-energy electrons in the radiation belt. Under fast solar wind conditions, the enhanced magnetospheric convection excites intense substorms, which are thought to induce rapid substorm injections of high-energy electrons, leading to relativistic electron enhancements in the outer radiation belt. Case studies and statistical analyses indicate that these injections predominantly enhance electrons in the range of hundreds of keV to 1-2 MeV beyond L ~ 4. Furthermore, in the plasmasphere, where the loss of radiation belt high-energy electrons has been traditionally believed to be dominant due to wave-particle interaction-induced scattering, we have find remarkable MeV electron enhancements. Our analysis shows that this enhancement is related to the magnetospheric convection. The research results are helpful for deepening the understanding of the formation and evolution mechanisms of high-energy electrons in the radiation belt, and also provide an important theoretical basis for further accurately predicting changes in the radiation belt environment and ensuring the safety of spaceflight activities.

How to cite: Yang, X., Dai, L., and Wang, X.: Enhancements of Radiation Belt High-Energy Electrons Driven by the Magnetospheric Convection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5806,, 2025.

Various mechanisms have been proposed to explain magnetosheath High Speed Jets (HSJs), such as bow shock ripples, solar wind discontinuities, foreshock transients, pressure pulses, nano dust clouds or shock reformation. It is however difficult to directly associate these mechanisms to HSJs due to the lack of simultaneous measurements at key locations, near the bow shock and both upstream and downstream of it.  We will use a special Cluster campaign, where Cluster 1 was lagged 5 hours behind Cluster 2 and 8 hours behind Cluster 3/Cluster 4 (with separation distances ranging of 3.8 RE and 5.1 RE respectively), to obtain near-Earth solar wind measurements upstream of the bow shock, together with simultaneous measurements in the magnetosheath. The event of interest is first observed by ACE on 13 January 2019, around 07:30 UT, as a short 20-minute period of large IMF-Bx (with a cone angle around 140 deg.). This large IMF-Bx period is also observed, one hour later, by THEMIS B and C (ARTEMIS) and Geotail, which were at 60 and 25 RE from Earth on the dawn side. Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 just upstream of the bow shock, at 17 RE from Earth, observed also such large IMF-Bx period together with energetic ions reflected from the bow shock and Hot Flows Anomalies (HFAs) at the beginning and end of the large IMF-Bx interval. Finally, Cluster 3 and 4 and MMS1-4, a few RE from each other downstream of the shock, observed HSJs embedded in a turbulent magnetosheath for 15 minutes around 08:30 UT. In the first part of the interval, Cluster 3/4 and MMS1-4 observed five HSJs quasi-simultaneously and in the second part, Cluster 3/4 observed three HSJs and MMS only one. The end of the first part is associated with an increase of the magnetic field at MMS in the magnetosheath and upstream in the foreshock at Cluster and Geotail. ACE observed a discontinuity where IMF-By becomes dominant for a few minutes in the middle of the large IMF-Bx interval. These observations will be discussed as possible additional HFA or short, large-amplitude magnetic structure (SLAMS). Ground-based observations from all-sky imager at Yellow River Station and the magnetometer data from SuperMAG showed diffuse auroral brightening and Pc5 ULF waves during the observations of magnetosheath HSJs.

How to cite: Escoubet, C.-P. and the Cluster-MMS team: Hot flow anomalies and magnetosheath high speed jets observed by Cluster and MMS during a Cluster large separation campaign , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6385,, 2025.

EGU25-7407 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6

Anomalous Substorm Signatures During Sudden Solar-Wind Pressure Enhancements 

Shipra Sinha, David Sibeck, Mei-Ching Fok, and Denny Oliveira

Magnetospheric substorms, characterized by the rapid release of energy stored in the magnetotail, play a central role in space weather dynamics. These events are typically triggered by enhanced magnetic reconnection between the Earth’s magnetic field and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). While substorms are often associated with southward IMF orientations, studies have also shown that they can occur even during northward IMF conditions, particularly when solar wind pressure pulses or strong IMF By components are present. In these cases, the location of substorm onsets and expansions can occur far from the usual midnight sector.

Notably, while the presence of an IMF By component tends to cause only small shifts in the local time sector of substorm onset (typically between ~22 MLT and ~01 MLT), solar wind pressure pulses can induce much larger shifts, potentially moving substorm onsets as far as the dawn or dusk sectors. This phenomenon suggests that ground-based observations of substorms centered around the dawn or dusk sectors could provide a unique signature of substorms triggered by pressure-induced impulses.

We provide examples of pressure-induced events exhibiting atypical onsets, with plasma splitting and propagating sunward in both pre-and post-midnight sectors. These findings suggest a likely cause for the large shifts in substorm onset locations during pressure pulses. The study highlights the need for further investigation into multiple reconnection sites and the role of solar wind pressure in shaping substorm evolution.

How to cite: Sinha, S., Sibeck, D., Fok, M.-C., and Oliveira, D.: Anomalous Substorm Signatures During Sudden Solar-Wind Pressure Enhancements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7407,, 2025.

EGU25-7633 | Orals | ST2.6

The Ultraviolet Imager (UVI) for SMILE mission: Instrument, Calibration, and Products 

Fei He, Yong-Mei Wang, Xiao-Xin Zhang, Xiao-Hong Liu, Guo-Jun Du, Jing-Hua Mao, Peng-Da Li, Wei-Peng Huang, Tian-Fang Wang, Jiu Liu, Shui Yu, Zi-Yue Wang, Jing Li, Lei Li, Lei Dai, Sylvain Vey, Rene Berlich, Colin Forsyth, Christophe Philippe Escoubet, and Chi Wang

The aurora is the optical manifestation of the global magnetospheric dynamics. Optical imaging of aurora provide insight into the large-scale convections and wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere, thus provide important information on the mass and energy flow in the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling system. The Ultraviolet Imager (UVI) onboard the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) satellite will image the entire auroral oval in N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) band (160–180 nm) while effectively mitigating contamination from dayglow, achieving a spatial resolution of approximately 100 km or better. The SMILE spacecraft operates in a highly eccentric orbit characterized by an orbital period of approximately 50 hours. This orbit configuration is particularly well-suited for long-term continuous monitoring of northern auroras. Such insights will significantly enhance our research into energy deposition processes occurring within the ionosphere and upper atmosphere during solar wind-magnetosphere interactions. Here, we will introduce in detail the instrument, laboratory calibrations, in-flight calibration plan, and data products of SMILE UVI.

How to cite: He, F., Wang, Y.-M., Zhang, X.-X., Liu, X.-H., Du, G.-J., Mao, J.-H., Li, P.-D., Huang, W.-P., Wang, T.-F., Liu, J., Yu, S., Wang, Z.-Y., Li, J., Li, L., Dai, L., Vey, S., Berlich, R., Forsyth, C., Escoubet, C. P., and Wang, C.: The Ultraviolet Imager (UVI) for SMILE mission: Instrument, Calibration, and Products, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7633,, 2025.

EGU25-8392 | Posters on site | ST2.6

 Geoeffectiveness of Interplanetary Alfven waves: Unsteady Magnetopause Reconnection and Directly-Driven Substorms 

Lei Dai, Yimin Han, Chi Wang, Shuo Yao, Gonzalez Walter, Suping Duan, Benoit Lavraud, and Yong Ren

Using solar-wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere conjunction observations, we investigate the geomagnetic responses to fluctuating IMF Bz from interplanetary Alfven waves. Interplanetary Alfven waves transmit intensified IMF Bz to the magnetosheath, leading to intervals of large magnetic shear angles across the magnetopause and magnetopause reconnection. Such intervals are promptly followed by hundreds of nT increases in AE/AU index within 10-20 min. These observations are confirmed in multiple events in corotating interaction region (CIR)-driven geomagnetic storms. To put the observations into context, we propose a phenomenological model of strongly-driven magnetosphere convection/substorm (Dai et al.,2023). The substorm electrojet is linked to the enhanced magnetopause reconnection in the short timescale of re-establishing the ionosphere electric field and the two-cell convection. The substorm expansion may reslut from magnetosphere convection driven by dayside reconnection (Dai et al.,2024). Implications for the upcoming SMILE mission will be discussed.

How to cite: Dai, L., Han, Y., Wang, C., Yao, S., Walter, G., Duan, S., Lavraud, B., and Ren, Y.:  Geoeffectiveness of Interplanetary Alfven waves: Unsteady Magnetopause Reconnection and Directly-Driven Substorms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8392,, 2025.

EGU25-9713 | Orals | ST2.6

Escape of ions from Earth under various magnetospheric conditions 

Kristina Kislyakova, Yury Sasunov, Yanina Metodieva, Colin Johnstone, Helmut Lammer, and Manuel Scherf

Atmospheric loss processes together with sources and sinks at the surface govern the evolution of the atmospheric composition. At present-day Earth, the main dominant escape process is polar wind, which predominantly removes ionized oxygen atoms from the polar regions of the Earth. Although a multitude of observations that cover atmospheric escape for different activity conditions of the Sun exist, theoretical and numerical aspects of the polar outflow are still not entirely understood.


In this work, we investigate the role different magnetospheric conditions play in governing the polar wind escape rates from the Earth. We use the Space Weather Modeling Framework and the BATS-R-US code to determine the magnetospheric structure in the polar areas of the Earth for quiet and storm conditions. The code output includes the configuration of the magnetic field in the vicinity of an exoplanet (using the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere modules) for a given stellar magnetic field and plasma parameters in the vicinity of the planet. The code offers significant flexibility and allows to study a wide range of quiet and storm conditions.


Using the magnetic and electric fields distributions calculated with the SWMF, we apply the test particle approach to track individual ions along the magnetic field lines and collect static on atmospheric ions that are lost. Depending on their energy, cold ions can end up in different regions of the magnetosphere, such as the magnetopause, the distant tail, and the ring currents, or fall down to the atmosphere. The idea of the test particle approach is to numerically calculate the trajectory of independent and non-interacting charged/uncharged particles, where external forces are well known. Particularly, for applications of the test particle approach for planetary magnetospheres it is common to use the magnetic and electric fields from global models such as the SWMF. To obtain a general picture of the percentage of particles that escape, we will study multiple test particles with different parameters such as initial energies, locations, and pitch angles (that can be inferred from the DSMC model) to accumulate statistics. As a result, we will obtain the distribution of locations, speeds and final destinations of ions in magnetospheres and/or ionospheres of planets. One of the main advantages of the test particle approach is that it avoids very expensive calculations (in terms of computational time and computer resources) and at the same time can reproduce the main features of the studied phenomena.


We show that magnetospheric parameters together with the current solar conditions play an important role for atmospheric escape. We discuss the influence of atmospheric loss processes on the Earth’s atmosphere over it’s history, and discuss the importance of preexisting modeling for stellar missions such as the SMILE satellite (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer).

How to cite: Kislyakova, K., Sasunov, Y., Metodieva, Y., Johnstone, C., Lammer, H., and Scherf, M.: Escape of ions from Earth under various magnetospheric conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9713,, 2025.

EGU25-9904 | Orals | ST2.6

The Light Ion Analyzer (LIA) for SMILE mission: design, ground calibration and data products 

Linggao Kong, Lei Dai, Aibing Zhang, Georgios Nicolaou, Matthieu Berthomier, Jun Gao, Bin Su, Philippe Escoubet, Chi Wang, Lei Li, Yong Ren, Wenjing Wang, Yulong Lv, Dhirendra Kataria, Peter Wurz, Walfried Raab, Sylvain Vey, and Marius Echim

The Light Ion Analyzer (LIA) instrument, part of the Solar-wind-Magnetosphere–Ionosphere-link- Explorer (SMILE) mission, is designed to measure the ion velocity distribution function within an energy range of 5 eV up to 25 keV. LIA provides in-situ measurements of the ion velocity distribution functions of the solar-wind and magnetosheath, from which the moments can be derived on ground, serving as an upstream input for the magnetosphere-ionosphere downstream responses. Two identical 2π sr field-of-view LIA instruments are mounted on two opposite sides of the spacecraft platform, offering a combined 4π sr instantaneous field-of-view. Each LIA consists of a top-hat electrostatic analyzer, electrostatic aperture deflectors, and a microchannel plate detector for analyzing the energy, direction, and flux of ions. Depending on operation mode, the angular resolution ranges from 22.5° to 5.625° in elevation and from 30° to 7.5° in azimuth, and the time resolution spans from 0.25 to 2 seconds. This paper describes the design of the LIA, its performance, ground calibration, operation procedures, and resultant data products. 

How to cite: Kong, L., Dai, L., Zhang, A., Nicolaou, G., Berthomier, M., Gao, J., Su, B., Escoubet, P., Wang, C., Li, L., Ren, Y., Wang, W., Lv, Y., Kataria, D., Wurz, P., Raab, W., Vey, S., and Echim, M.: The Light Ion Analyzer (LIA) for SMILE mission: design, ground calibration and data products, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9904,, 2025.

Aurora, a natural light display in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, is produced by the interactions between downward-transiting electrons and atmospheric molecules. Like other geospace phenomena, aurora fundamentally depends on solar wind activity. However, directly testing this relationship has been challenging due to observational limitations. In this study, using observations from solar wind, the magnetosphere, the ionosphere, and the ground, we show that an interplanetary shock can trigger lower-band chorus waves in the magnetosphere. These waves subsequently drive magnetospheric electron precipitation and the diffuse aurora phenomenon. Our findings highlight diffuse aurora as a significant manifestation of the solar wind–magnetosphere–ionosphere coupling process.

How to cite: Liu, N.: Shock-induced diffuse aurora from electron scattering by chorus waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10464,, 2025.

EGU25-12276 | Orals | ST2.6

Global ionospheric disturbances during the 10-11 Oct 2024 superstorm 

Shun-Rong Zhang, Philip Erickson, Anthea Coster, and Larisa Goncharenko

An international campaign that encompassed diverse arrays of ground observations, including incoherent scatter radars and observational chains around the 60W~120E Meridian Circle, during the 10-11 Oct 2024 superstorm, was conducted to observe global upper atmospheric responses. This superstorm was driven by the arriving ICMEs which were associated with several solar eruptions on 7 and 8 Oct, 2024, respectively. Significant geomagnetic disturbances were observed as solar wind speeds elevated from 400 km/s to 800km/s, Bz turned southward reaching -24 nT initially then -41 nT at 22 UT on 10 Oct. SymH dropped to a minimum of 330 nT and Kp was above 8- for 21 hours which provided opportunities to watch spectacular auroras over around the world. These conditions triggered multi-scale global ionospheric disturbances. These disturbances are characterized by the sudden onset of the ionospheric perturbations in GNSS TEC observations, and the immediate launch of traveling ionospheric disturbances which propagated both equatorward into low latitudes (sometimes into the other hemisphere), and poleward across the polar cap from dayside to nightside. Subauroral disturbances exhibited characteristic storm-enhanced density (SED) plumes in the American longitudes, which convected sunward from dusk to noon and entered the cusp region contributing to the polar cap Tongue of Ionization (TOI) structure. Substantial equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) poleward extension contributing to the density enhancement at the low latitude base of SED. A significant density depletion channel spanning between midlatitudes over the two hemispheres was found, accompanying the equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) development. This presentation provides a quick overview of the key observations with a focus primarily on TEC global responses.

How to cite: Zhang, S.-R., Erickson, P., Coster, A., and Goncharenko, L.: Global ionospheric disturbances during the 10-11 Oct 2024 superstorm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12276,, 2025.

EGU25-12469 | Orals | ST2.6

Unexpected STEVE Observations at High Latitude During Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions 

Bea Gallardo-Lacourt, Yukitoshi Nishimura, Larry Kepko, Emma L. Spanswick, D. Megan Gillies, David J. Knudsen, Johnathan K. Burchill, Susan H. Skone, Victor A. Pinto, Darren Chaddock, Jeremy Kuzub, and Eric F. Donovan

Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (STEVE) is a fascinating optical phenomenon typically observed in the mid-latitude ionosphere. Recent observations reveal an exceptional STEVE event occurring at high latitudes, approximately 10 degrees poleward of previously documented cases. This event, recorded in Yellowknife, Canada, by a TREx RGB imager and a citizen scientist, coincided with Swarm satellite measurements of extreme westward ion drift velocities exceeding 4 km/s. Such velocities are generally associated with subauroral regions at mid-latitudes, making this high-latitude occurrence particularly striking.
Notably, this event unfolded in the absence of a substorm, a departure from previous STEVE and extreme drift velocity observations. High-latitude radars detected rapid equatorward ionospheric flows, while GOES satellites recorded no particle injections, suggesting a highly inflated inner magnetosphere.
This unique case study challenges existing paradigms of subauroral dynamics and highlights the significant influence of magnetospheric configurations on ionospheric responses. In this talk, we will discuss the characteristics of this event and examine the associated solar wind, magnetosphere, and ionosphere interactions.

How to cite: Gallardo-Lacourt, B., Nishimura, Y., Kepko, L., Spanswick, E. L., Gillies, D. M., Knudsen, D. J., Burchill, J. K., Skone, S. H., Pinto, V. A., Chaddock, D., Kuzub, J., and Donovan, E. F.: Unexpected STEVE Observations at High Latitude During Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12469,, 2025.

EGU25-13176 | Posters on site | ST2.6 | Highlight

MHD-AEPIC: Coupled MHD-kinetic simulation of global, meso-, and small-scale magnetospheric phenomena 

Tuija Pulkkinen, Timothy Keebler, Yuxi Chen, and Xiantong Wang

To capture physics in global, meso, and kinetic-scales, the Magnetohydrodynamics with Adaptively Embedded Particle-In-Cell (MHD-AEPIC) model couples the FLexible Exascale Kinetic Simulator (FLEKS) particle-in-cell (PIC) code with the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) global MHD simulation of Earth’s magnetosphere. This powerful code saves computational cost over global kinetic simulations via a flexible coupling, allowing the kinetic code to be activated in customizable smaller regions below the global scale as well as adapt the spatial coverage of the kinetic region at runtime. In this presentation, we summarize ongoing work and recent model capabilities in various physics domains. Specifically, MHD-AEPIC has been used to simulate magnetotail reconnection for multiple extreme geomagnetic storm events, showing global impacts of kinetic physics far downtail. The PIC region has also been placed over the dayside magnetopause to study reconnection onset and x-line topology, with the kinetic physics producing multiple highly-dynamic x-lines that can extend past the terminator in local time even under idealized conditions. Configured to cover the dayside solar wind-magnetosphere coupling, the MHD-AEPIC simulation can also produce the ion and electron foreshocks that have been the focus of earlier large-scale kinetic simulations. Finally, we highlight the unique capabilities of MHD-AEPIC to produce particle distributions and differential fluxes analogous to observations by magnetospheric missions such as MMS. The simulated distributions can be extracted from any location in the kinetic code, and the individual particles can be traced backward and forward in time to identify source and loss regions. Unlike test particle simulations, the particles in MHD-AEPIC control the plasma state variables of the simulation, which allows us to examine self-consistent mesoscale features such as bursty bulk flows and their evolving distribution functions. With these capabilities, the MHD-AEPIC model represents a major step forward in realistic magnetospheric simulations that can be carried out with current computational resources over time scales of a geomagnetic storm.

How to cite: Pulkkinen, T., Keebler, T., Chen, Y., and Wang, X.: MHD-AEPIC: Coupled MHD-kinetic simulation of global, meso-, and small-scale magnetospheric phenomena, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13176,, 2025.

EGU25-13216 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6

Ionospheric signatures of Bursty Bulk Flows in the 6D Vlasiator simulations 

Abiyot Workayehu, Minna Palmroth, Liisa Juusola, Markku Alho, Konstantinos Horaites, Maxime Grandin, Venla Koikkalainen, Ivan Zaitsev, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Urs Ganse, Markus Battarbee, and Jonas Suni

Bursty Bulk Flows (BBFs) are high-speed plasma flows that occur within the magnetotail plasma sheet. BBFs are known to play a crucial role in transporting energy, mass, and magnetic flux across the magnetotail, as well as to the coupled ionosphere. Understanding the ionospheric signatures of BBFs is therefore essential to advance our understanding of the coupling processes between the Earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere. Currently, most insights into the ionospheric signatures of BBFs come from individual case studies that include simultaneous observations of BBFs in the magnetotail and field-aligned currents (FACs) in the nightside ionosphere. In this study, we utilized the 6D Vlasiator simulations to study the ionospheric signatures of BBFs in the near-Earth magnetotail. Vlasiator is a global hybrid-Vlasov model designed to simulate near-Earth space plasmas and has recently been complemented with an ionosphere model, allowing the study of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling.

In the magnetotail, the simulation results show that a BBF with Vx ≥400,km/s emerges shortly after magnetic reconnection occurs on the dusk-side at a radius between 11 and 14 RE (where RE= 6371 km, radius of the Earth) in the current sheet plane. As the BBF moves Earthward and azimuthally dusk-ward (as seen from above the current sheet plane), clockwise (counterclockwise) flow vortices are induced on the dawn(dusk) sides of it. These vortical flows generate FACs flowing upward (out of the current sheet plane) on the dawn-side and downward (into the current sheet plane) on the dusk-side flanks, respectively.

The mapping of BBF structures onto the ionosphere shows that BBFs are primarily aligned in the East-West direction, with their ionospheric signatures appearing as enhancements in FACs, ionospheric conductances, horizontal ionospheric currents, and the formation of localized plasma flow channels. The upward and downward FACs associated with BBFs in the magnetotail consistently map to enhanced Region 2 (R2) and Region 1 (R1) FAC structures at ionospheric altitude, which are then closed in the ionosphere by north-west flowing Pedersen currents. The Earthward motion of the BBF maps to an equator-ward flow channel, while the dusk-side counterclockwise (and dawn-side clockwise) magnetotail vortical flows correspond to evening-side clockwise (and midnight-side counterclockwise) flow channels in the ionosphere. Overall, the Vlasiator simulation results show that the emergence of BBFs in the near-Earth magnetotail drives enhancements in the currents and conductances of the nightside ionosphere, while the westward drift of these enhanced structures corresponds to the dusk-ward movement of BBFs in the magnetotail.

How to cite: Workayehu, A., Palmroth, M., Juusola, L., Alho, M., Horaites, K., Grandin, M., Koikkalainen, V., Zaitsev, I., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Ganse, U., Battarbee, M., and Suni, J.: Ionospheric signatures of Bursty Bulk Flows in the 6D Vlasiator simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13216,, 2025.

EGU25-13281 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6

Comparison of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves observed simultaneously at the dawn and dusk flanks of the Earth's magnetopause 

Niklas Grimmich, Pöppelwerth Pöppelwerth, Kevin-Alexander Blasl, Adriana Settino, Rumi Nakamura, Ferdinand Plaschke, Martin O. Archer, and H. Katariina Nykyri

Across the magnetopause, the velocity difference between the magnetospheric plasma and the shocked plasma of the solar wind gives rise to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. This instability can develop into large-scale surface waves and vortices at the magnetopause, causing the different plasma regions to mix, which plays an important role in the transfer of energy across the magnetopause. We know from spacecraft observations and simulations that the way Kelvin-Helmholtz waves grow and evolve can be different at dawn and dusk. However, very few studies have directly observed this phenomenon on both flanks of the magnetopause simultaneously. By combining measurements from the THEMIS and Cluster missions, we can report here on an event where such a simultaneous observation of the Kelvin-Helmholtz waves is possible.
For this event, we investigate and compare the typical wave parameters and in particular the difference in plasma mixing on the two flanks. The results presented here may help to improve our understanding of the energy transport during Kelvin-Helmholtz intervals, and may also provide new insights into the proposed dawn-dusk asymmetry of these waves.

How to cite: Grimmich, N., Pöppelwerth, P., Blasl, K.-A., Settino, A., Nakamura, R., Plaschke, F., Archer, M. O., and Nykyri, H. K.: Comparison of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves observed simultaneously at the dawn and dusk flanks of the Earth's magnetopause, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13281,, 2025.

EGU25-14291 | Orals | ST2.6

A study of ionospheric convection pattern in the vicinity of low latitude auroral precipitation during huge geomagnetic storms 

Nozomu Nishitani, Tomoaki Hori, Keisuke Hosokawa, Atsuki Shinbori, Yuki Obana, Mariko Teramoto, Kazuo Shiokawa, and Ryuho Kataoka

With increasing solar activity, both auroral precipitation region and ionospheric convection of high-latitude proper expand to lower geomagnetic latitudes, leading to difficulties in monitoring the disturbances using the pre-existing observation instruments designed for high-latitude ionospheric dynamics. The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) was originally developed for studying high-latitude phenomena, but since the early 2000s, it has expanded toward lower geomagnetic latitudes, enabling the monitoring of sub-auroral and mid-latitude phenomena. The SuperDARN Hokkaido Pair of (HOP) radars, operated by Nagoya University, Japan, are located at the lowest geomagnetic latitude (=36.9 AACGM geomagnetic latitude and are most suitable for monitoring the ionospheric and magnetospheric dynamics during geomagnetic storms including recent huge storms such as the May 2024 storm. In this paper, we report the spatial and temporal evolution of ionospheric convection associated with the auroral precipitation during huge geomagnetic storms using the SuperDARN HOP radars data, together with ground-based camera data and the particle precipitation data at Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. The majority of low latitude auroral precipitation is accompanied by the sheared zonal ionospheric flows in its vicinity, but detailed flow patterns vary from event to event. Details of the multi-event analysis result will be presented.

How to cite: Nishitani, N., Hori, T., Hosokawa, K., Shinbori, A., Obana, Y., Teramoto, M., Shiokawa, K., and Kataoka, R.: A study of ionospheric convection pattern in the vicinity of low latitude auroral precipitation during huge geomagnetic storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14291,, 2025.

EGU25-14327 | Posters on site | ST2.6

 Transient Magnetic Field Signatures Under the Equatorial Electrojet  

Syau-Yun Hsieh and David Sibeck

Transient increases in the H components of dayside ground magnetograms have long been associated with southward IMF turnings (DP2 convection patterns) and abrupt enhancements in the solar wind dynamic pressure (sudden impulses and storm commencements). The amplitudes of these perturbations peak under the equatorial electrojet, indicating that both the pressure changes and the southward IMF turnings apply duskward electric fields to the dayside equatorial ionosphere.  Southward IMF turnings increase the likelihood of reconnection on the dayside magnetopause, drive sunward flows in the magnetosphere towards the dayside reconnection line on the magnetopause, and apply the required duskward electric fields to the ionosphere.   However, compressions of the magnetosphere drive antisunward flows and are associated with dawnward (not duskward) electric fields in the dayside magnetosphere.  The contradiction can be resolved if it is supposed that the same sudden compressions of the magnetosphere also enhance reconnection on the dayside magnetopause.  Thus one would expect the strongest north/south perturbations in equatorial ground magnetograms to be associated with BOTH southward IMF turnings and increases in the solar wind dynamic pressure.  We present results from a statistical survey of OMNI solar wind,  GOES magnetospheric, and equatorial ground magnetometer observations.

How to cite: Hsieh, S.-Y. and Sibeck, D.:  Transient Magnetic Field Signatures Under the Equatorial Electrojet , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14327,, 2025.

EGU25-15218 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6

Field-aligned currents induced by foreshock transients and their effects on ions and neutral particles 

Boyi Wang, Yuda Zhi, Xinyu Xu, Yukitoshi Nishimura, Primož Kajdic, Yi Wang, and Xueshang Feng

Field-aligned currents (FACs) can be generated in the magnetosphere due to dynamic pressure variations associated with foreshock transients. The mechanisms may include: a) compressions or rarefactions causing divergence or convergence of diamagnetic or inertial currents in the magnetosphere, and b) compressions or rarefactions exciting shear Alfvénic waves associated with FACs. However, whether these FACs can further affect ions and neutral particles in the coupled ionospheric-thermospheric system remains unclear.

In this study, we utilized coordinated observations from THEMIS probes, (near-)polar-orbiting satellites (DMSP and SWARM), and ground-based optical imaging to identify FACs induced by foreshock transients and investigate their effects on ions and neutral particles. Ground-based all-sky imagers show that foreshock transients can generate traveling convection vortices (TCV) auroras near the equatorial boundary of the auroral oval and field line resonance (FLR) arcs at relatively lower latitudes. Events with conjugate DMSP observations reveal that the corresponding upward FACs were associated with ionospheric ion outflows, Poynting fluxes, and low-energy electron precipitation. Events with conjugate SWARM and optical observations indicate that these FACs were also associated with neutral wind divergence at ~250 km and enhanced neutral density at SWARM altitudes. This suggests that energy heating from foreshock-induced FACs can cause neutral wind perturbations and elevate neutral particles to higher altitudes.

How to cite: Wang, B., Zhi, Y., Xu, X., Nishimura, Y., Kajdic, P., Wang, Y., and Feng, X.: Field-aligned currents induced by foreshock transients and their effects on ions and neutral particles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15218,, 2025.

EGU25-15721 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6

Solar wind - radiation belt coupling across scales 

Ahmad Lalti, Jonathan Rae, and Clare Watt

The response of the outer radiation belt to large-scale variations in the solar wind is an active field of research. In this work, we use electron flux measurement from the full 7 years of the Van Allen probes mission along with solar wind properties measurements from the OMNI database at L1 and THEMIS/ARTEMIS spacecraft to investigate how the electron flux in the outer radiation belt responds to variations in the solar wind parameters across temporal scales. We find that electron flux has multiple periodicities correlated with those of the solar wind. At the largest temporal scales, we observe 0.5-year, 27-days, and 13.5-days periodicities which are most prominent near the declining phase of the solar cycle. This is consistent with the Axial Effect where the solar magnetic field is aptly modeled as a tilted dipole and the Earth encounters the fast solar wind at the observed periodicities. In addition, we observe modulations in the electron flux at lower time scales (<= 1 day). The interpretation of the higher frequency periodicity and the study of the effects of various mesoscale structures such as HFAs, foreshock bubbles, and magnetosheath jets, on the electron flux in the outer radiation belt, is still under investigation.


How to cite: Lalti, A., Rae, J., and Watt, C.: Solar wind - radiation belt coupling across scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15721,, 2025.

EGU25-20463 | Orals | ST2.6

F-region Neutral Wind Response to the Multi-scale Geomagnetic Forcing During the March 27th, 2014 Substorm Event  

Yue Deng, Cheng Sheng, William Bristow, Yukitoshi Nishimura, and Mark Conde

Techniques developed in the past few years enable the derivation of multi-scale regional ion convection and particle precipitation patterns from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) and Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) All-Sky Imager (ASI) observations, respectively. Our previous simulations driven by these multi-scale geomagnetic forcing suggest that both meso-scale ion convection and particle precipitation can intensify ionospheric and thermospheric disturbances with prominent structures and notable magnitudes. In this study, the global ionosphere–thermosphere model (GITM) is utilized to simulate the March 27th, 2014 substorm event, and simulated F-region neutral winds have been compared with scanning Doppler imagers (SDI) wind measurements at Toolik Lake (68.6°N, 149.6°W). Neutral wind variations have been further separated into large (>500 km) and meso (<500) scales. The correlation between meso-scale ion-convection and neutral wind in a localized region has been qualified through the vortices and the speed. The meso-scale neutral wind response and ramp-up time show a strong dependence on the geomagnetic conditions.

How to cite: Deng, Y., Sheng, C., Bristow, W., Nishimura, Y., and Conde, M.: F-region Neutral Wind Response to the Multi-scale Geomagnetic Forcing During the March 27th, 2014 Substorm Event , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20463,, 2025.

EGU25-21029 | Posters on site | ST2.6

A storm-time ring current model (STRIM) 

Yiqun Yu, Longxing Ma, Ziming Wei, Depeng An, Haijun Wu, Haoyu Lu, and Jinbin Cao

The ring current, one of the most important current systems around the Earth, intensifies during geomagnetic storms and is believed to be the main reason for large-scale magnetic field perturbations in the geospace environment. Understanding how the ring current builds up and evolves during geomagnetic storms is of great importance not only for advancing the knowledge of the Sun-Earth system but also for improving the modeling capability of predicting hazardous space weather events. In this study, we establish a kinetic ring current model, named STRIM, based on the bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck equation. The STRIM comprehensively embraces key physical processes in association with ring current dynamics, such as plasma source injections from the nightside plasmasheet and transport around the Earth, charge-exchange with neutral hydrogens, Coulomb collisions with thermal plasma, diffusive wave-particle interactions, field line curvature scattering, as well as precipitation loss down to the upper atmosphere. The electric fields needed for particle motion can be optionally taken from empirical models or self-consistently calculated, while the magnetic field configuration is obtained from the Tsyganenko 2005 model plus the IGRF internal model. Simulation results are verified against published literatures and validated with in-situ satellite or ground-based observations and are found to have the same high-level capability and fidelity as other well-known published models. We also discuss future tasks of fostering the model’s performance, such as advancing it to be bounce-resolved, to include N/S asymmetry in precipitation, or to implement a flexible outer boundary.

How to cite: Yu, Y., Ma, L., Wei, Z., An, D., Wu, H., Lu, H., and Cao, J.: A storm-time ring current model (STRIM), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21029,, 2025.

EGU25-2163 | Orals | ST2.7

Plasma dynamics in the diffusion regions of magnetic reconnection 

Cecilia Norgren and the ISSI MMS Workshop Team

Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental plasma process responsible for the sometimes explosive release of magnetic energy in space and laboratory plasmas. Inside the diffusion regions of magnetic reconnection, the plasma becomes demagnetized and decouples from the magnetic field, enabling the change in magnetic topology necessary to power the energy release over larger scales. Since it was launched in 2015, the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission has significantly advanced the understanding of the particle dynamics key to magnetic reconnection by providing high-resolution, in-situ measurements able to resolve ion and electron kinetic scales that have confirmed theoretical predictions, revealed new phenomena, and refined existing models. These breakthroughs are critical for understanding not only space plasmas but also laboratory and astrophysical plasmas where magnetic reconnection occurs. In this talk, we give a brief review and present some recent results of selected topics related to the ion and electron dynamics occurring within the diffusion regions.  

How to cite: Norgren, C. and the ISSI MMS Workshop Team: Plasma dynamics in the diffusion regions of magnetic reconnection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2163,, 2025.

EGU25-2245 | Posters on site | ST2.7

Magnetic reconnection triggered in a localized region across the current sheet in the magnetotail  

Rongsheng Wang, chenchen Zhan, San Lu, and Quanmin Lu

Magnetic reconnection is found to be initiated by the electron dynamics recently in the magnetotail. As the electron current layer is generated, it is still unclear when and where the reconnection will be triggered. In this talk, I will show one example of such an evolving process of the electron current layer. It is found that the reconnection is triggered in a localized area away from the current sheet center where the reconnection is supposed to be triggered based on the strong energy dissipation, electron crescent distribution. Furthermore, the lower hybrid waves are detected in the location where the reconnection is triggered and cause the strong energy dissipation. The observations indicate that the reconection is triggered by the lower hybrid waves. 


How to cite: Wang, R., Zhan, C., Lu, S., and Lu, Q.: Magnetic reconnection triggered in a localized region across the current sheet in the magnetotail , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2245,, 2025.

We report in situ observation of magnetic reconnection between magnetic flux rope (MFR) and magnetic hole (MH) in the magnetosheath by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission. The MFR was rooted in the magnetopause and could be generated by magnetopause reconnection therein. A thin current sheet was generated due to the interaction between MFR and MH. The sub-Alfvénic ion bulk flow and the Hall field were detected inside this thin current sheet, indicating an ongoing reconnection. An elongated electron diffusion region characterized by non-frozen-in electrons, magnetic-to-particle energy conversion, and crescent-shaped electron distribution was detected in the reconnection exhaust. The observation provides a mechanism for the dissipation of MFRs and thus opens a new perspective on the evolution of MFRs at the magnetopause. Our work also reveals one potential fate of the MHs in the magnetosheath which could reconnect with the MFRs and further merge into the magnetopause. 

How to cite: Wang, S.: Direct observation of magnetic reconnection resulting from interaction between magnetic flux rope and magnetic hole in the Earth’s magnetosheath, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2808,, 2025.

EGU25-2979 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7

Dependence of Reconnection Rate and Energy Conversion on the Initial Current Sheet Thickness 

Qiyang Xiong and Shiyong Huang

Magnetic reconnection is an explosive phenomenon occurring in the space environment, where the magnetic topology is altered and the energy is converted to the plasma. It can account for certain physical processes involved with rapid and massive energy transfer, such as the ones in solar flares and substorm. The term, reconnection rate, is adopted to quantitively estimate the progress of the reconnection. A higher reconnection rate corresponds to a faster reconnection as well as the energy conversion burst. The reconnection rate is sensitive to current sheet configurations and plasma properties, such as the current sheet thickness. From the statistical results of the observations, it is suggested that a thicker current sheet corresponds to a slower ion and electron jets. In this study, we attempt to uncover this relevance by performing theoretical analysis and a series of particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. Particularly, we focus on the peak reconnection rate as it can reflect the maximum energy conversion rate during the reconnection process. Two types of scaling laws of peak reconnection rate with the current sheet thickness are found, when this thickness increases from the electron-scale to the ion-scale. Our results establish a model to predict the reconnection rate and the energy conversion depending on the current sheet thickness.

How to cite: Xiong, Q. and Huang, S.: Dependence of Reconnection Rate and Energy Conversion on the Initial Current Sheet Thickness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2979,, 2025.

EGU25-3165 | Orals | ST2.7

New Insights on the High Reconnection Rate and the Diminishment of Ion Outflow 

Shan Wang, Cheng-Yu Fan, Xu-Zhi Zhou, San Lu, Quan-Ming Lu, Prayash Pyakure, Qiu-Gang Zong, and Zhi-Yang Liu

The recently discovered electron-only reconnection has drawn great interests due to abnormal features like lack of ion outflows and high reconnection rates. Using particle-in-cell simulations, we investigate their physical mechanisms. The reconnection rate, when normalized by ion parameters (Ri), may appear anomalously high, whereas that normalized by electron parameters (Re) remains ~0.1. We propose that the essence of high  is insufficient field line bending outside the electron diffusion region, indicating an incomplete development of the ion diffusion region. It may result from bursty reconnection in thin current sheets, or small system sizes. The ion outflow diminishes at high  when the gyroradius (ρi) exceeds the system size. Low-velocity ions still experience notable acceleration from Hall fields. However, a local distribution includes many high-velocity ions that experience random accelerations from different electric fields across , resulting in near-zero bulk velocities. Our study helps understand reconnection structures and the underlying physics for transitions between different regimes. 

How to cite: Wang, S., Fan, C.-Y., Zhou, X.-Z., Lu, S., Lu, Q.-M., Pyakure, P., Zong, Q.-G., and Liu, Z.-Y.: New Insights on the High Reconnection Rate and the Diminishment of Ion Outflow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3165,, 2025.

EGU25-3796 | ECS | Orals | ST2.7

Developing Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Semi-Implicit Parcticle-in-Cell Model 

Talha Arshad, Yuxi Chen, and Gabor Toth

We have developed a new Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) version of the Gauss-Law satisfying Energy Conserving Semi-Implicit Method (GL-ECSIM) and implemented it into the Flexible Exascale Kinetic Simulator (FLEKS).  The semi-implicit Particle-In-Cell (PIC) method is particularly well suited for AMR, because, unlike in explicit PIC, the cell size does not have to resolve the Debye length for stability. In contrast with the earlier Multi-Level-Multi-Domain semi-implicit PIC algorithm developed by Innocenti+, the new algorithm uses a single set of particles over the whole domain.  Particles are split and merged as needed by efficient and accurate methods. The coarser level receives both the field information and the phase space distribution (through the particles) from the fine level.  The fine level uses the coarse level as boundary condition.  The new algorithm satisfies Gauss Law on the entire domain, including grid resolution changes.  We show various tests confirming the accuracy and robustness of the new algorithm. In particular, we simulate magnetic reconnection with an ion-electron mass ratio of 64. The AMR resolves the electron scales near the reconnection site, while the grid is eight times coarser elsewhere matching the ion scales.  The overall speed up is at least tenfold compared to a uniformly fine grid simulation.

How to cite: Arshad, T., Chen, Y., and Toth, G.: Developing Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Semi-Implicit Parcticle-in-Cell Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3796,, 2025.

EGU25-3941 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7

MHD simulations of linear and nonlinear resistive tearing-mode instability in Harris sheet equilibrium 

Chun-Kai Chang and Lin-Ni Hau

The tearing mode instability may develop in Harris type current sheets with antiparallel magnetic field. In this study, we study the tearing mode instability in the Harris sheet equilibrium using two-dimensional, linear and nonlinear resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models with isotropic pressure. We calculate the linear growth rates and eigenmode structures based on the linear MHD model which are used as initial perturbations in the MHD simulations for the full evolution of nonlinear tearing mode instability. Our primary focus is on the effects of various background density profiles on the linear growth rate and nonlinear evolution and saturation of the tearing mode instability. Additionally, we examine the effects of thermodynamic conditions on the tearing mode instability.

How to cite: Chang, C.-K. and Hau, L.-N.: MHD simulations of linear and nonlinear resistive tearing-mode instability in Harris sheet equilibrium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3941,, 2025.

EGU25-5523 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7

Evolution of Magnetic Reconnection in Electron-scale Current Sheets 

Yundan Guan, Quanming Lu, San Lu, and Rongsheng Wang

Recently, a new type of magnetic reconnection, electron-only reconnection—where there is no obvious ion flow and heating—has been observed in various plasma environments. Previous kinetic simulations have shown that electron-only reconnection is a precursor of standard reconnection. By performing a two-dimensional (2-D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation, we investigate the evolution of electron-only magnetic reconnection to standard magnetic reconnection in a current sheet, whose initial width is of the electron inertial length. In the electron-only reconnection stage, electron outflow produces the electron-scale Bz pileup, and ions are slightly accelerated in the outflow direction by the Hall electric field force. As the reconnection electric field expands and Bz is piled up to the ion scale, ions start to be further accelerated inside the IDR and reflected by the Bz to the outflow direction. With Bz pileup as the bond, ions gradually transit from being accelerated by the Hall electric field to being coupled in reconnection by the Lorentz force.

How to cite: Guan, Y., Lu, Q., Lu, S., and Wang, R.: Evolution of Magnetic Reconnection in Electron-scale Current Sheets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5523,, 2025.

 Recent spacecraft observations have shown that magnetic reconnection occurs commonly in turbulent environments at shocks. Here, we study magnetic reconnection at a quasi-perpendicular shock by using a two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation. Magnetic field lines are bent by the back-streaming reflected ions, which form a current sheet in the foot region, and then electron-scale reconnection occurs when the current sheet is fragmented at the shock front. Collective properties of the reconnection sites from the shock transition to the downstream region are analyzed by adopting a statistical approach to the simulation data. Reconnecting current sheets are found to be densely distributed near the shock front, with a reconnection electric field larger than those in the downstream region. By tracing a reconnection site from its formation until it is convected downstream, we show the reconnection proceeds intermittently after an active stage near the shock front. Our tracing further shows that, in addition to being originated from the shock front, reconnection in the downstream region can also occur locally, driven by turbulent flows therein. The results help us better understand the evolution of electron-scale reconnection at a perpendicular shock.

How to cite: Lu, Q. and Guo, A.: Magnetic Reconnection in the downstream of Quasi-perpendicular Shock , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6929,, 2025.

EGU25-7459 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7

Particle-to-field energy conversion inside a magnetotail flux rope 

Chenxi Du, Huishan Fu, and Jinbin Cao

Magnetic flux ropes (FRs) are commonly observed in the universal plasmas, in which various dynamic processes can be embedded and thus become important places for energy conversion. Previous observations generally suggested that the energy conversion inside FRs is from the field to particles. Interestingly, taking advantage of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, we present here a newly observed magnetotail FR with strong particle-to-field energy conversion. Meanwhile, we have revealed that such energy conversion is driven by an intense electron-carried field-aligned current (FAC) and parallel electric field. Continually, based on the analysis of the electron velocity distribution functions (VDFs) and the power spectral density (PSD) of the parallel electric field, we further discuss that the energy conversion probably results in the enhancement of the parallel electric field due to the anti-parallel electron beam. This study essentially improves the understanding of the energy conversion inside the magnetotail flux ropes.

How to cite: Du, C., Fu, H., and Cao, J.: Particle-to-field energy conversion inside a magnetotail flux rope, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7459,, 2025.

EGU25-7782 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7

Effects of magnetic shear and flow shear on magnetopause reconnection: Simultaneous observations from MMS and THEMIS 

Chongle Zhang, Binbin Tang, Wenya Li, Longlong Sang, Huijie Liu, and Tongkuai Li

Magnetic shear and flow shears form across Earth’s magnetopause when shocked solar winds flow around Earth. Previous studies have shown that these two kinds of shears can similarly affect magnetopause reconnection. However, a direct investigation to evaluate their relative importance is lacking. In this study, we focus on simultaneous magnetopause reconnection observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS) and Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) spacecraft at different magnetopause locations to quantitatively evaluate the magnetic shear and flow shear effects. In these observations, the overall effect of magnetic shear (the normalized guide field < 1) is limited unless the guide field is large enough to suppress reconnection, while the flow shear can significantly affect the observed reconnection outflow speed primarily by introducing non-zero X-line motion. Finally, we propose a new relationship combining magnetic and flow shear effects by assuming the X-line drift motion is independently affected by these two effects, which shows that X-line drift speed is dominated by the magnetosheath flow, and the suppression of reconnection is more likely to occur under strong guide field conditions. This study deepens our understanding on magnetopause reconnection occurrence and reconnection behaviors in large scales.

How to cite: Zhang, C., Tang, B., Li, W., Sang, L., Liu, H., and Li, T.: Effects of magnetic shear and flow shear on magnetopause reconnection: Simultaneous observations from MMS and THEMIS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7782,, 2025.

EGU25-8003 | Orals | ST2.7

On the gradient of electron pressure (stress) tensors in magnetotail reconnection 

Binbin Tang, Wenlong Guo, and Wenya Li

The reconnection electric field is an essential part in magnetic reconnection. In 2D symmetric magnetotail reconnection, the balance of this electric field is analyzed from the generalized Ohm’s law or the electron momentum equation, showing that electron off-diagonal pressure term plays an important role in the electron diffusion region in which electrons break the frozen-in condition. Previous studies have attributed this off-diagonal pressure term to agyrotropic meandering electrons. Here, we examine the gradient of electron pressure (stress) tensor term from the Vlasov equation, enabling a direction evaluation from electron distributions. Our results show that meandering electrons and inflow electrons can both contribute to the electron off-diagonal pressure (stress) term. Before inflow electrons reach to the central current sheet and become pitch angle mixed, they can be gradually demagnetized and decelerated, so the electron pressure (stress) gradient appears between the edge and central electron current sheet.  

How to cite: Tang, B., Guo, W., and Li, W.: On the gradient of electron pressure (stress) tensors in magnetotail reconnection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8003,, 2025.

EGU25-8021 | Orals | ST2.7

Observations of Relativistic and Ultra-Relativistic Electron Bursts in Earth's Magnetotail: The Role of Magnetic Reconnection in Electron Acceleration 

Xiao-Jia Zhang, Anton Artemyev, Xinlin Li, Harry Arnold, Vassilis Angelopoulos, Drew Turner, Mykhaylo Shumko, Andrei Runov, Yang Mei, and Zheng Xiang

Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process driving charged particle acceleration in space plasma environments. Traditionally, theoretical and simulation models of this acceleration are validated using in-situ spacecraft measurements from reconnection regions in the near-Earth magnetosphere. In this presentation, we showcase observations revealing that electron acceleration during reconnection can be far more efficient than previously estimated, producing electron populations with energies reaching several MeV. Remarkably, these bursts occur even in regions where the thermal electron energies are below 1 keV. These observations, made possible by recent low-altitude CubeSat missions monitoring magnetotail electron fluxes, provide new insights into the mechanisms driving electron acceleration in Earth's magnetotail.

How to cite: Zhang, X.-J., Artemyev, A., Li, X., Arnold, H., Angelopoulos, V., Turner, D., Shumko, M., Runov, A., Mei, Y., and Xiang, Z.: Observations of Relativistic and Ultra-Relativistic Electron Bursts in Earth's Magnetotail: The Role of Magnetic Reconnection in Electron Acceleration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8021,, 2025.

EGU25-8841 | Posters on site | ST2.7

Plasma waves in the high-speed electron flows 

Huijie Liu, Wenya Li, Kaijun Liu, Binbin Tang, and Chi Wang

Plasma waves are widely observed in the Earth's space, playing a crucial role in the heating and accelerating plasmas, cascading turbulent energy, and facilitating energy conversion during magnetic reconnection. Simulation studies have shown that high-speed electron beams can excite various plasma waves under different plasma environments. High-speed electron flows (HSEFs) are mainly observed near the X-line and drive various types of plasma instabilities and plasma waves, affecting the electron-scale dynamics. We have conducted a systematic statistical study of the super-Alfvénic high-speed electron flows in the Earth magnetotail, using NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission observations from 2017 to 2021, and finally identified 642 events characterized by the electron bulk speed exceeding 5000 km/s. In the vicinity of the HSEFs, various types of electrostatic and electromagnetic waves are observed, their types, characteristics, and relationship with the HSEFs remain unknown. Here, we firstly perform a statistical analysis of the plasma waves in the HSEFs. Only 38.6% and 43.3% of the HSEFs are associated with parallel and perpendicular electric field waves, respectively. For the parallel electric field fluctuations, 60% of them have their frequencies between 0.1 and 1 electron cyclotron frequency (fce), which may be attributed to electrostatic solitary waves driven by electron two-stream instability. For the perpendicular electric field fluctuations, 76.6% of them have their frequencies concentrated around low hybrid frequency, possibly related to the density depletion at the speed peak of HSEFs. For both parallel and perpendicular electric field fluctuations with frequencies larger than fce, they are mainly observed near the neutral sheet, corresponding to langmuir waves and upper hybrid waves, respectively.

How to cite: Liu, H., Li, W., Liu, K., Tang, B., and Wang, C.: Plasma waves in the high-speed electron flows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8841,, 2025.

EGU25-11119 | Orals | ST2.7

Is there Evidence For Diamagnetic Drift Suppressing  Magnetic Reconnection at the Earth's Magnetopause? 

Nicolas Aunai, Bayane Michotte de Welle, Ambre Ghisalberti, and Benoit Lavraud

The occurrence of magnetic reconnection is usually of pivotal importance regarding the evolution of magnetized astrophysical systems. Among others, diamagnetic suppression is a mechanism that can prevent reconnection from developing. Over the last decade, many studies have suggested from statistical analysis of spacecraft observations, that diamagnetic suppression is the dominant mechanism controlling whether reconnection occurs or not, in many space plasma environments, from planetary magnetospheres to the solar wind and heliopause.
This study shows that previous interpretations of the data were based on a theoretical prediction that is inconsistent with the original numerical models of diamagnetic suppression, and that the statistical separation between current sheets classified as either reconnecting or not thus cannot be explained by this effect.
This proposition is based on the observation that the magnetic shear and difference in plasma beta across current sheets classified as either reconnecting or not are well separated by theoretical predictions.
This study derives the condition for the diamagnetic suppression of magnetic reconnection in asymmetric current sheets and show that is is entirely determined by the magnetic field amplitude asymmetry and shear angle but not on the plasma $\beta$.
Furthermore, we show that an observational bias leads to a similar statistical separation simply because outflow speeds expected from reconnection strongly depend on both the magnetic shear and plasma $\beta$, and low velocity jets become increasingly hard to observe when they become comparable to the surrounding flow fluctuation level, preventing the conclusion that reconnection is suppressed in those conditions.
We furthermore show that well detected jets are found in conditions where, in contrast, reconnection should be suppressed, and conclude that the role of diamagnetic suppression at the Earth's magnetopause remains unclear.

How to cite: Aunai, N., Michotte de Welle, B., Ghisalberti, A., and Lavraud, B.: Is there Evidence For Diamagnetic Drift Suppressing  Magnetic Reconnection at the Earth's Magnetopause?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11119,, 2025.

EGU25-11235 | Orals | ST2.7

The Role of Kinetic Instabilities and Waves in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection 

Daniel Graham and the ISSI magnetic reconnection workshop team

Magnetic reconnection converts magnetic field energy into particle energy by breaking and reconnecting magnetic field lines. Magnetic reconnection is a kinetic process that generates a wide variety of kinetic waves via wave-particle interactions. Kinetic waves have been proposed to play an important role in magnetic reconnection in collisionless plasmas by, for example, contributing to anomalous resistivity and diffusion, particle heating, and transfer of energy between different particle populations. These waves range from below the ion cyclotron frequency to above the electron plasma frequency and from ion kinetic scales down to electron Debye length scales. In this presentation, we describe the progress made in understanding the relationship between magnetic reconnection and kinetic waves. We focus on the waves in different parts of the reconnection region, namely, the diffusion region, separatrices, outflow regions, and jet fronts. Particular emphasis is placed on the recent observations from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft and numerical simulations, which have substantially increased the understanding of the interplay between kinetic waves and reconnection. Some of the ongoing questions related to waves and reconnection are discussed.

How to cite: Graham, D. and the ISSI magnetic reconnection workshop team: The Role of Kinetic Instabilities and Waves in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11235,, 2025.

EGU25-11451 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7

Tearing driven reconnection: interplay between heating and kinetic instabilities (2D hybrid Möbius simulations) 

Etienne Berriot, Petr Hellinger, Olga Alexandrova, and Alexandra Alexandrova

The aim of the study is to investigate tearing-driven magnetic reconnection in the context of weakly collisional astrophysical plasmas. We present here results from two-dimensional hybrid simulations using modified periodic conditions with a topology akin to the Möbius strip. Our primary focus is the global energy conversion during the non-linear stage of the tearing instability. Conversion of electromagnetic to plasma bulk speed energy is evaluated by the j.E term, while conversion from bulk speed to thermal energy is evaluated by the pressure-strain term. Signatures of the firehose instability are also observed within the magnetic islands (or plasmoids), located between the different reconnection sites. The firehose instability, caused by the proton temperature being higher parallel than perpendicular to the local magnetic field, constrains the plasma temperature anisotropy. This then regulates the conversion of bulk speed to thermal energy as indicated by the temporal evolution of the pressure-strain.

How to cite: Berriot, E., Hellinger, P., Alexandrova, O., and Alexandrova, A.: Tearing driven reconnection: interplay between heating and kinetic instabilities (2D hybrid Möbius simulations), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11451,, 2025.

EGU25-13325 | Posters on site | ST2.7

Statistical estimate of the magnetopause reconnection rate as a function of the interplanetary magnetic field clock angle 

Bayane Michotte de Welle, Nicolas Aunai, Hyunju Connor, David Sibeck, Benoit Lavraud, Vincent Génot, Ambre Ghisalberti, and Alexis Jeandet

The magnetic reconnection rate at the magnetopause critically determines how the magnetosphere as a whole couples to the solar wind. Its direct measurement, however, is extremely challenging. Estimates based on single event analysis often yield results with uncertainties of the order of the estimate itself, so are those from statistical analysis, so far limited to a small number of events.

In this study, we propose four independent estimates of the reconnection rate from a large statistical approach based on machine learning detection, on about one million in situ measurements in the vicinity of the subsolar magnetopause. Results clearly show how the component of the magnetic field and bulk velocity normal to the magnetopause increase with the IMF clock angle as expected on-going from reconnection. Their ratio to tangential component is shown to be constant and about 0.1 for all IMF clock angles larger than 60°.

How to cite: Michotte de Welle, B., Aunai, N., Connor, H., Sibeck, D., Lavraud, B., Génot, V., Ghisalberti, A., and Jeandet, A.: Statistical estimate of the magnetopause reconnection rate as a function of the interplanetary magnetic field clock angle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13325,, 2025.

EGU25-14969 | Orals | ST2.7

The Interplay Between Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection and Turbulence 

Julia E. Stawarz, Patricio A. Muñoz, Naoki Bessho, Riddhi Bandyopadhyay, Takuma Nakamura, Stefan Eriksson, Daniel Graham, Jörg Büchner, Alexandros Chasapis, James F. Drake, Michael A. Shay, Robert E. Ergun, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Yuri V. Khotyaintsev, Marc Swisdak, and Victoria Wilder

Alongside magnetic reconnection, turbulence is another fundamental nonlinear plasma phenomenon that plays a key role in energy transport and conversion in space and astrophysical plasmas. From a numerical, theoretical, and observational perspective there is a long history of exploring the interplay between these two phenomena in space plasma environments; however, recent high-resolution, multi-spacecraft observations have ushered in a new era of understanding this complex topic. The interplay between reconnection and turbulence is both complex and multifaceted, and can be viewed through a number of different interrelated lenses - including turbulence acting to generate current sheets that undergo magnetic reconnection (turbulence-driven reconnection), magnetic reconnection driving turbulent dynamics in an environment (reconnection-driven turbulence) or acting as an intermediate step in the excitation of turbulence, and the random diffusive/dispersive nature of the magnetic field lines embedded in turbulent fluctuations enabling so-called stochastic reconnection. In this talk, we will discuss the current state of knowledge on these different facets of the interplay between turbulence and magnetic reconnection in the context of collisionless plasmas. Particular focus will be given to several key regions in Earth’s magnetosphere – namely, Earth’s magnetosheath, magnetotail, and Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices on the magnetopause flanks – where NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission has been providing new insights into the topic. Results revealed by MMS will be contrasted with other plasma regions such as the solar wind and paths forward in the study of this complex topic, which will potentially be opened by future missions such as ESA’s proposed Plasma Observatory and NASA’s HelioSwarm, will be discussed.

How to cite: Stawarz, J. E., Muñoz, P. A., Bessho, N., Bandyopadhyay, R., Nakamura, T., Eriksson, S., Graham, D., Büchner, J., Chasapis, A., Drake, J. F., Shay, M. A., Ergun, R. E., Hasegawa, H., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Swisdak, M., and Wilder, V.: The Interplay Between Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection and Turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14969,, 2025.

EGU25-3501 | Orals | ST2.8

The pioneer Cluster mission 

Arnaud Masson, Philippe Escoubet, Detlef Sieg, Silvia Sanvido, Beatriz Abascal Placios, Stijn Lemmens, Bruno Sousa, and Helen Middleton

The Cluster mission will always be the first ever 4 spacecraft mission mapping the Earth magnetosphere in three dimensions. Launched in 2000 and originally planned to operate for two years, it has been orbiting Earth for more than two solar cycles. Over the course of its lifetime, its data have enabled the scientific community to conduct pioneer science in various aspects, including: plasma energization, energy transport and solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions. Recent scientific highlights will be presented first, followed by the latest scientific objectives that have guided the Cluster mission operations from 2021 to 2024. Early September 2024, one spacecraft of this veteran constellation successfully re-entered in a controlled manner the Earth’s atmosphere. Some aspects of this re-entry will be presented.

How to cite: Masson, A., Escoubet, P., Sieg, D., Sanvido, S., Abascal Placios, B., Lemmens, S., Sousa, B., and Middleton, H.: The pioneer Cluster mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3501,, 2025.

EGU25-3806 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8

Space Weather Investigation Frontier (SWIFT): Distinguishing between Local and Global Processes Driving Space Weather 

Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti, Adam Szabo, Les Johnson, James Slavin, Tuija Pulkkinen, Dominique Fontaine, Susan Lepri, Emilia Kilpua, Ward Manchester, Rohan Sood, Omar Leon, Matti Ala-Lahti, Nishtha Sachdeva, Shirsh Soni, Lynn Wilson, and Lan Jian

Mesoscale heliospheric structures affecting the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling can be either injected by the Sun into the solar wind or generated locally in the near-Earth environment. These structures, ranging between tens to hundreds of Earth radii in scale, are observed in remote sensing observations of the solar corona, and in in-situ observations at Earth. However, resolving the formation, three-dimensional structure, and temporal evolution of these structures requires in-situ, multi-point observations, which existing (or planned) observatories do not provide. Here, we propose a groundbreaking mission concept, titled “Space Weather Investigation Frontier” (SWIFT), which utilizes flight-ready solar sail propulsion to enable continuous, in-situ observations along the Sun-Earth line at and inside the Lagrange point L1 (sub-L1). One sailcraft hub at sub-L1 and three identical nodes at L1 will fly in an optimized tetrahedron constellation to distinguish between local and global processes that drive space weather. To achieve this, SWIFT will investigate the spatial characteristics, temporal evolution, and geo-effectiveness of meso-scale solar wind structures as well as the substructures of macro-scale structures, such as interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and stream interaction regions (SIRs). In addition, SWIFT will provide real-time measurements of Earth-bound heliospheric structures, thus improving our current space weather forecasting lead-times by up to 40% –aligned with both NASA and NOAA's space weather priorities. The presentation will further highlight the SWIFT team’s 1) demonstration of the near-Earth formation and evolution of meso-scale solar wind structures using state-of-the-art global simulations, as well as 2) sailcraft charging analyses confirming the cleanliness of the sail for reliable, in-situ fields and plasma measurements.

How to cite: Akhavan-Tafti, M., Szabo, A., Johnson, L., Slavin, J., Pulkkinen, T., Fontaine, D., Lepri, S., Kilpua, E., Manchester, W., Sood, R., Leon, O., Ala-Lahti, M., Sachdeva, N., Soni, S., Wilson, L., and Jian, L.: Space Weather Investigation Frontier (SWIFT): Distinguishing between Local and Global Processes Driving Space Weather, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3806,, 2025.

EGU25-5649 | Orals | ST2.8

Multi-scale processes of dayside magnetopause reconnection: a coordinated observation 

Enze Zhao, Malcolm Dunlop, Xiangcheng Dong, Xin Tan, Chunming Zhang, Huishan Fu, and C. Philippe Escoubet

We report an observation on 21 December 2019 when the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft encountered secondary magnetic reconnection located between two primary X-lines, at the low latitude magnetopause. Solar wind conditions provided by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft show that several, short IMF-Bz reversals occurred in this period. This caused a number of foreshock transients and magnetosheath perturbations, which were simultaneously observed by the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) spacecraft D and A. Under such influence, several small-scale flux transfer events (FTEs) with different sizes and axis orientations were observed by MMS, adjacent to an apparent X-line crossing. Meanwhile two larger-scale FTE signatures were also later observed afterwards by both Cluster 1 and 3 (located at high northern latitudes magnetopause), both with similar time delays of ~4 min from MMS FTEs. Notably, electron jets with different VL and VN were observed by MMS 1-3 adjacent to the flux ropes. We used multi-spacecraft Grad-Shafranov (GS) reconstruction to study the spatial structures of the flux ropes, also the relations to the electron jets. Our results improve our understanding of how solar wind influence the multi-scale processes of magnetopause reconnection, through foreshock transients and magnetosheath disturbance.

How to cite: Zhao, E., Dunlop, M., Dong, X., Tan, X., Zhang, C., Fu, H., and Escoubet, C. P.: Multi-scale processes of dayside magnetopause reconnection: a coordinated observation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5649,, 2025.

EGU25-5814 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8

Shock Reformation Induced by Ion-scale Whistler Waves in Quasi-perpendicular Bow Shock 

Sibo Xu, Jiaji Sun, Shan Wang, Jinghuan Li, Xuzhi Zhou, Yufei Hao, Qiugang Zong, and Chao Yue

Studies have long suggested that shocks can undergo cyclical self-reformation as a result of shock nonstationarity. Until now, providing solid evidence for shock reformation in spacecraft observation and identifying its generating mechanisms remain challenging. In this work, by analyzing Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft observations, we unambiguously identified shock reformation occurring in a quasi-perpendicular shock. A 2-D particle-in-cell simulation reproduces and explains the observed shock reformation. It reveals two distinct stages: in the early stage, whistler waves generated by the modified two-stream instability (MTSI) dominate the foot region, while whistler precursors driven by the gradient catastrophe instability dominate the ramp. In the later stage, MTSI-driven whistlers extend to the ramp and take over the role of reducing gradients, so precursors no longer develop. Both types of whistlers can result in shock reformation: one single wave period induces the magnetic field pile-up, ion accumulation and reflection, and upstream-pointing electric field, finally evolving into a new shock front. Our results give evidence that the shock reformation in the present regime can be driven by ion-scale whistler waves and demonstrate the detailed kinetic processes how it happens, providing valuable insights into the shock dynamics.

How to cite: Xu, S., Sun, J., Wang, S., Li, J., Zhou, X., Hao, Y., Zong, Q., and Yue, C.: Shock Reformation Induced by Ion-scale Whistler Waves in Quasi-perpendicular Bow Shock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5814,, 2025.

Understanding turbulence in space and astrophysical plasmas is critical for advancing our comprehension of complex systems governed by nonlinear dynamics. This study extends the application of the Markovian framework in small-scale turbulence in the Earth’s magnetosphere, with a particular focus on the solar wind – magnetosphere interaction observed by NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. We benefit from the exceptional resolution of the Fluxgate Magnetometer instrument as well as the Fast Plasma Investigation instrument onboard the MMS. The high temporal resolution, coupled with recent machine learning methods, allows one to identify the turbulent regions and magnetic reconnection events with great accuracy. Hence, the data are analyzed across diverse magnetospheric regions, enabling insights into turbulence-driven energy transfers. With the obtained measurements we could analyze the magnetic field gradients, turbulence intensity, and the plasma parameters. 

By employing the multi-scale probabilistic approach, we explore the turbulent cascade using conditional Probability Density Functions (cPDFs) and the Markovian properties of fluctuations, revealing new insights into the dynamics of energy transfer at sub-ion scales. Our results confirm the Markovian necessary and sufficient properties of the turbulent cascade across kinetic scales, emphasizing the significance of the Einstein-Markov (EM) scale and the intermittent nature of energy transfer to smaller scales. The derived Fokker-Planck equation in scale governs the evolution of cPDFs through drift and diffusion coefficients, which have been directly calculated from the empirical data. This employed framework captures key features of turbulence, including its hierarchical structure, deviations from self-similarity, and the phenomenon of intermittency, evidenced by non-Gaussian statistics and broadened PDF tails. These findings provide a robust description of the cascade process, from large-scale energy input to dissipation at smaller scales.

By investigating turbulence in two electron diffusion regions, where magnetic reconnection may occur, the highlighted Markovian framework and Fokker-Planck methodology are interestingly still viable to describe the complexity of turbulence processes. This gives promising insight into understanding the stochastic nature of reconnection-driven turbulence.

Despite some limitations, including the simplifying assumptions inherent to the Markovian framework and second-order Fokker-Planck equations, our results demonstrate its effectiveness in capturing the essence of kinetic-scale turbulence. The connection between scale-dependent statistics and underlying physical processes, such as intermittency and energy cascades, highlights the framework’s utility for both theoretical and observational studies. 

This work bridges statistical physics and plasma turbulence for analyzing scale-dependent phenomena in magnetospheric plasmas. We hope that by elucidating the interplay of order and randomness in these systems, our findings support the idea of extending stochastic modeling to higher-dimensional problems.

Acknowledgments: This work has been supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (NCN), through grant No. 2021/41/B/ST10/00823.

[1] W. M. Macek, D. Wójcik, & J. L. Burch, 2023, Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Markov Turbulence on Kinetic Scales, Astrophys. J. 943:152,
[2] W. M. Macek & D. Wójcik, 2023, Statistical analysis of stochastic magnetic fluctuations in space plasma based on the MMS mission, MNRAS, 526, 5779–5790,
[3] D. Wójcik & W. M. Macek 2024, Testing for Markovian character of transfer of fluctuations in solar wind turbulence on kinetic scales, Phys. Rev. E 110, 025203,

How to cite: Wójcik, D. and Macek, W. M.: Testing For Universality of Markov Solar Wind Turbulence at the Earth’s Magnetosphere on Kinetic Scales Based on the MMS Mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6599,, 2025.

EGU25-6739 | Orals | ST2.8

Wave-particle interactions in the outer regions of the dayside magnetosphere 

Ondrej Santolik, Benjamin Grison, and Jan Souček

Different types of electromagnetic waves propagate and interact with charged particles in the outer regions of the dayside magnetosphere. We review previous measurements of Polar, Cluster, Themis, MMS and Van Allen Probes spacecraft missions to show examples of these interactions. Whistler mode chorus and exohiss emissions occur up to the magnetopause on the dayside with increasing Poynting flux. Chorus is generated by a nonlinear mechanism based on the cyclotron resonance with low energy electrons, and accelerates relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt. Its fine structure of subpackets discovered by the Cluster mission strongly influences these processes. Equatorial noise emissions are generated from the ion Bernstein modes, have distinct polarization properties of their magnetic field components,  and propagate below the lower hybrid frequency. These waves, sometimes also denoted as the magnetosonic waves, can accelerate energetic electrons and occur up to the outer boundaries of the magnetosphere on the dayside. Relatively rarely occurring Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are generated by a nonlinear mechanism from instable ion distributions and also interact with energetic electrons. Measurements show that their occurrence rates increase in the outer regions close to the dayside magnetopause. 

How to cite: Santolik, O., Grison, B., and Souček, J.: Wave-particle interactions in the outer regions of the dayside magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6739,, 2025.

EGU25-6783 | Posters on site | ST2.8

The Energetic Particle Experiment on the Plasma Observatory Daughter Spacecraft 

Malcolm W Dunlop, Vassilis Angelopoulos, Rami Vainio, Robert F Wimmer-Schweingruber, Demet Ulusen Aksoy, Ethan Tsai, Mark Prydderch, Jussi Lethi, William Grainger, Christopher Liu, Ryan Caron, Alex Steven, Oliver Bowett, Lars Berger, Svea Jürgensen, and Patrick Kühl

Plasma Observatory is a candidate mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) with a possible mission selection foreseen in 2026 and possible mission adoption in 2029. The mission aims to investigate cross-scale coupling and plasma energization across key regions of the magnetosphere, including: the bow shock, magnetopause, magnetotail and transition regions. To achieve this aim, Plasma Observatory will investigate the rich range of interesting plasma phenomena in these regions in the Earth’s magnetosphere, using a constellation of a mother and six daughter spacecraft. This allows configuration of the spacecraft in two nested tetrahedra to probe coupling on both ion and fluid scales. Since energetic particles are sensitive tracers of energization processes, altering the energy (or velocity) of both ions and electrons, measuring these effects in situ and at high cadence is of high importance for the mission. Energetic electrons and ions will be measured by the Energetic Particle Experiments (EPE) on the main (-M) and six daughter (-D) spacecraft. Here we present the EPE-D instrument, which is a compact, dual-particle telescope, solid state detector design based on ELFIN’s EPD instruments. Using three telescopes, it achieves near 3-D distributions for ions and electrons (135 x 360 deg). The development consists of deflecting magnets on the ion side (to screen out electrons) and a Lexan foil cover on electron side (to screen out low energy ions). The energy range (30-600 keV) for both species is targeted on low-end, suprathermal energies (minimising the effective gyro-scales for the computation of moments, PAD (e) and FDF determination), and so allowing spatial differences to be resolved. Detector layering is based on expected dynamic energy range and allows anti-coincident logic to be applied to separate out the higher energy species.

How to cite: Dunlop, M. W., Angelopoulos, V., Vainio, R., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Ulusen Aksoy, D., Tsai, E., Prydderch, M., Lethi, J., Grainger, W., Liu, C., Caron, R., Steven, A., Bowett, O., Berger, L., Jürgensen, S., and Kühl, P.: The Energetic Particle Experiment on the Plasma Observatory Daughter Spacecraft, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6783,, 2025.

EGU25-8853 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8

Unique Multi-spacecraft constellation during active Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability 

Adriana Settino and Rumi Nakamura and the November 27, 2021 boundary event study team

We present observations of enhanced Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) wave activity detected on November 27, 2021 between 05:00 - 6:30 UT, during predominantly southward IMF orientation, at the low-latitude magnetopause boundary by THEMIS and CLUSTER, both located on the magnetospheric side and separated by about 10 RE in the xy plane in the GSM system. Such a constellation of spacecraft and their multi-point measurements provides a unique opportunity to study the propagation of KH waves along the flank magnetopause and shed light on their evolution from the dayside (THEMIS location) to the nightside flank sector (Cluster location). Furthermore, the spacecraft separation enable us to recover information on the extent of the waves and the penetration of magnetosheath plasma into the magnetospheric side. Interestingly, such fluctuations were observed by all three THEMIS A, D and E spacecraft, whereas only two of the CLUSTER spacecraft (C1, C2) clearly observed them. In addition, C1 and C2 observed quite periodic fluctuations in the magnetic field, while THEMIS observed less periodic fluctuations separated by intervals of observation of relatively quiet magnetosheath plasma. These observations suggest a growth and evolution, or interaction between KH waves/vortices as they propagate tailward. Finally, a conjunction with MMS located at the same xy location as Cluster, but in the southern hemisphere, provides a better understanding of the surrounding plasma, as well as the effect of KH waves possibly propagating to the high-latitude magnetosphere.

How to cite: Settino, A. and Nakamura, R. and the November 27, 2021 boundary event study team: Unique Multi-spacecraft constellation during active Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8853,, 2025.

Planetary bow shocks provide an excellent laboratory for studying shock physics. Over the past six decades, they have been extensively investigated in situ by various satellite missions aiming to study particle behavior and fields at both macro and micro scales. Despite significant progress, in situ measurements are limited to the spacecraft’s trajectory, providing only a partial description of the shock’s 3D structure. To address this problem, we can combine these measurements with kinetic plasma simulations, which can significantly enhance our understanding of shock physics. Fully kinetic methods, such as Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulations, have the capability to describe the evolution of shocks at ion scales while also resolving the dynamics of electrons. However, to cover the necessary spatial and temporal scales, PIC simulations often require the use of unrealistic numerical parameters, such as artificially high shock velocities and reduced ion-to-electron mass ratios. These approximations introduce additional challenges because various aspects of shock microphysics—such as parameters of driven instabilities, heating mechanisms, and particle acceleration—exhibit distinct dependencies on these numerical parameters. This discrepancy complicates direct comparisons between PIC simulations and in situ measurements. To mitigate these issues, rescaling procedures tailored to specific phenomena are necessary. Here, we address the problems of magnetic field amplification, electron heating, and electrostatic waves, each requiring its own distinct set of rescaling procedures.

How to cite: Bohdan, A.: Bridging observations and simulations: challenges in planetary bow shock studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10244,, 2025.

EGU25-10260 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8

Investigating energy conversion at the electron scales in Earth's magnetotail 

Giulia Cozzani, Matthieu Kretzschmar, and Paul Cassak

Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental plasma process that converts electromagnetic energy into bulk kinetic and thermal energy of the plasma through topological rearrangement of the magnetic field. This process is often accompanied by kinetic instabilities and wave activity, which can influence energy conversion. The electron firehose instability (EFI) is one such kinetic instability, which arises when the electron population has significant temperature anisotropy, and the parallel component of the temperature sufficiently exceeds the perpendicular component relative to the background magnetic field. The plasma in the reconnection outflow region can be unstable to the EFI and the presence of EFI-generated waves could potentially modify the energy distribution in the plasma.

We use data from the NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission in Earth's magnetotail to investigate energy conversion associated with magnetic reconnection in different regions, including the Electron Diffusion Region (EDR) and the reconnection outflow hosting EFI-generated waves. To quantify energy conversion, we analyze various measures such as J.E (where J is the current density and E is the electric field), pressure-strain interaction, and the Higher-ORrder Non-Equilibrium Terms (HORNET) power density.

How to cite: Cozzani, G., Kretzschmar, M., and Cassak, P.: Investigating energy conversion at the electron scales in Earth's magnetotail, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10260,, 2025.

EGU25-10320 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8

Particle Energization Associated With Foreshock Transients: Results From a Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation and MMS Observations 

Souhail Dahani, Lucile Turc, Shi Tao, Veera Lipsanen, Jonas Suni, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Minna Palmroth, Daniel Gershman, Roy Torbert, and James Burch

The interaction of solar wind discontinuities with reflected solar wind particles upstream of Earth's bow shock leads to the formation of large scale transient phenomena such as Foreshock Bubbles (FBs) and hot flow anomalies. These transient phenomena play an important role in accelerating and energizing plasma and could have global impacts on the near-Earth environment. Direct derivations from the Vlasov-Maxwell equation provide the equations that describe the temporal evolution of the kinetic and thermal energy. In this ongoing study, we investigate the behavior of the fluid energy terms that directly affect the evolution of the kinetic and thermal energy associated with these transients, with a particular focus on FBs. Specifically, we analyze the behavior of these energy terms in different sub-regions of the FB, including its core, sheath, and the shock created by its expansion. We employ a 2D global hybrid-Vlasov simulation performed with the Vlasiator model and compare the numerical results with a statistical study of FBs observed by the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission. We discuss the role of FBs in accelerating, heating the plasma and producing or annihilating magnetic energy. 

How to cite: Dahani, S., Turc, L., Tao, S., Lipsanen, V., Suni, J., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Palmroth, M., Gershman, D., Torbert, R., and Burch, J.: Particle Energization Associated With Foreshock Transients: Results From a Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation and MMS Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10320,, 2025.

EGU25-11029 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8

Identifying magnetotail jet fronts in a 6D global hybrid-Vlasov simulation 

Lauri Pänkäläinen, Giulia Cozzani, Markus Battarbee, Urs Ganse, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Jonas Suni, and Minna Palmroth

Magnetic reconnection in Earth's magnetotail is thought to create bursty bulk flows (BBFs), short-lived plasma bulk velocity enhancements in the magnetotail's central plasma sheet (CPS) region. Closely related to BBFs are dipolarization fronts (DFs), sudden increases in Bz, the magnetic field component aligned with Earth's magnetic dipole axis. Both phenomena affect energy distribution and flux transport in the magnetotail.

We demonstrate novel methods of identifying BBFs and DFs in a 3D global magnetospheric simulation and present results for multiple case studies. BBFs and DFs are searched for in a simulation conducted using Vlasiator, a global magnetospheric hybrid-Vlasov code where ions are modeled using distribution functions and electrons are treated as a charge-neutralizing fluid. DFs are identified using a magnetic field time derivative threshold dBz /dt > 0.35 nT/s. BBFs are defined based on a velocity threshold, and they are studied on a case-by-case basis. Tailward DFs (anti-dipolarization fronts) are found at magnetic islands, while earthward DFs are mostly seen in finger-like structures of high earthward bulk velocity alongside BBFs. Signatures registered as BBFs in spacecraft view also originate due to moving reconnection locations and movement of the current sheet within the CPS while the reconnection outflow stays roughly constant. The results show that rapid Bz variations in the simulation have multiple sources, and similar satellite measurements of BBFs can arise from different physical phenomena. The findings may help with interpreting satellite observations in the magnetotail.

How to cite: Pänkäläinen, L., Cozzani, G., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Suni, J., and Palmroth, M.: Identifying magnetotail jet fronts in a 6D global hybrid-Vlasov simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11029,, 2025.

EGU25-11098 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8

Instabilities of the magnetotail current layer in hybrid-Vlasov simulations of the Earth’s magnetosphere. 

Ivan Zaitsev, Giulia Cozzani, Markku Alho, Konstantinos Horaites, Hongyang Zhou, Sanni Hoilijoki, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Markus Battarbee, Urs Ganse, Konstantinos Papadakis, Jonas Suni, Venla Koikkalainen, Lucile Turc, and Minna Palmroth

 On the macroscale, the large-scale magnetic field structure governs the magnetotail current layer. At the same time, it must be supported by the self-consistent dynamics of charged particles. While the current layer reaches a critical state, microscale processes start to play a leading role by triggering kinetic instabilities. These instabilities drive changes in large-scale magnetic topology and particle energization.

 This study examines the instabilities of the Earth's magnetotail current layer using global hybrid-Vlasov simulations (Vlasiator). In our simulation, the southward interplanetary magnetic field causes dayside reconnection which leads to the accumulation of magnetic flux on the night side and the magnetotail current sheet thins down to ~5 proton inertial lengths. The current layer undergoes reconnection accompanied by the formation of multiple X-lines initiated by tearing instability. During the formation of the X-lines, we observe crescent-shaped proton velocity distributions as the signature of resonance interaction of the demagnetized population with the reconnection electric field. The tearing instability manifests as the filamentation of the electric current, appearing as a chain of plasmoids extending along the Sun-Earth direction. Fourier analysis of the perturbed electric current reveals a tearing growth time on the order of ~40 proton gyroperiods for plasmoids with a characteristic size of ~30 skin depths. 

 As the tearing instability evolves, the kinking of the current layer gets more prominent on the duskward side of the tail. The kink instability leads to the excitation of the flapping-type waves developing across the tail. The wavelength of the flapping oscillations is ~ 15 proton skin depths, and the growth time is ~80 proton gyroperiods. The active thermalization of the crescent-shaped proton distributions is associated with the development of kink instability.

How to cite: Zaitsev, I., Cozzani, G., Alho, M., Horaites, K., Zhou, H., Hoilijoki, S., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Papadakis, K., Suni, J., Koikkalainen, V., Turc, L., and Palmroth, M.: Instabilities of the magnetotail current layer in hybrid-Vlasov simulations of the Earth’s magnetosphere., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11098,, 2025.

EGU25-11134 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8

J-Filtering: A Novel Multipoint Technique for Current Distribution Analysis in Space Plasmas   

Mehul Chakraborty, Jean-Louis Pincon, and Matthieu Kretzschmar

Both the interplanetary medium and the near-Earth space are filled with plasmas and a key remaining question in space physics is the understanding of the processes governing the energization of both particles and waves in space plasmas. Measurements of the fields in space plasmas exhibit temporal and spatial variations across all observed scales. Single-satellite measurements provide only a partial picture because they cannot capture the details of these variations. Multipoint missions, particularly the four-satellite tetrahedron configurations of CLUSTER  and MMS , were launched to overcome this limitation. Specialized techniques for multipoint data analysis have been developed. Among them, the Curlometer exploits the magnetic field measurements of the individual spacecraft magnetometers and uses Maxwell-Ampere's law to estimate the current density (J) through the tetrahedron formed by the four-spacecraft constellation. However, it assumes a linear spatial variation of the magnetic field across the spacecrafts, which actually seriously limits its applicability in space plasmas. To overcome the limitations of the Curlometer, we are proposing a new technique called J-Filtering (where J represents current density) for measuring and visualizing local current distributions in space. The idea behind J-Filtering is to borrow the principle of optimal filter determination from the K-filtering method, which was developed for the CLUSTER mission. Here, the filters are defined to allow identification of the current structures that are responsible for the magnetic fields measured by the spacecrafts of the constellation . We will present the principles of J-Filtering and its first applications to spacecraft data from CLUSTER, showing in particular its validation by comparison with the Curlometer results when the linear spatial variation condition is assumed. We will also present results obtained by applying the techniques to MMS data specifically for thin current sheets at reconnection sites where the Curlometer method can be not valid.

How to cite: Chakraborty, M., Pincon, J.-L., and Kretzschmar, M.: J-Filtering: A Novel Multipoint Technique for Current Distribution Analysis in Space Plasmas  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11134,, 2025.

Plasma energization and energy transport are ubiquitous in cosmic plasmas. The Earth’s Magnetospheric System is a key example of a highly structured and dynamic cosmic plasma environment where massive energy transport and plasma energization occur and can be directly studied through in situ spacecraft measurements. Despite the large amount of available in situ observations, however, we still do not fully understand how plasma energization and energy transport work. This is essential for assessing how our planet works, including space weather science, and is also important for the comprehension of distant astrophysical plasma environments. In situ observations, theory and simulations suggest that the key physical processes driving plasma energization and energy transport occur where plasma on fluid scales couple to the smaller ion kinetic scales, at which the largest amount of electromagnetic energy is converted into energized particles. Remote observations currently cannot access these scales, and existing multi-point in situ observations do not have a sufficient number of observation points. Plasma Observatory will be the first mission having the capability to resolve scale coupling in the Earth’s Magnetospheric System through measurements at seven points in space, covering simultaneously the ion and the fluid scales where the strongest plasma energization and energy transport occurs: the foreshock, bow shock, magnetosheath, magnetopause, magnetotail current sheet, and transition region. By resolving scale coupling in plasma processes such as shocks, magnetic reconnection, turbulence, plasma instabilities, plasma jets, field-aligned currents and their combination, these measurements will allow us to answer the two Plasma Observatory science questions (Q1) How are particles energized in space plasmas? and (Q2) Which processes dominate energy transport and drive coupling between the different regions of the Earth’s Magnetospheric System? Going beyond the limitations of Cluster, THEMIS and MMS multi-point missions, which can only resolve plasma processes at individual scales, Plasma Observatory will transform our understanding of the plasma environment of our planet with a major impact on the understanding of other planetary plasmas and astrophysical plasmas too. 

How to cite: Retinò, A. and the The Plasma Observatory Team: Unveiling Plasma Energization and Energy Transport in the Earth’s Magnetospheric System through Multi-Scale Observations: the Science of the ESA M7 Plasma Observatory Mission Candidate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11432,, 2025.

EGU25-11741 | Posters on site | ST2.8 | Highlight

The Heliophysics Accords: A blueprint for a unified, worldwide, Heliophysics community 

Emil Kepko and the COSPAR Task Group on Establishing an International Geospace Systems Program

The recently released US Heliophysics Decadal Survey recommends that the identity of the solar and space physics community needs to be solidified, in order to unify under a common and recognized name. This would greatly benefit collaboration, recruitment, education, and public outreach. The obvious identify for our field is Heliophysics. Heliophysics is the study of the Sun and its effects throughout the solar system. It covers an incredible range of scales, from plasma physics at the electron scale to the boundary that separates our solar system from interstellar space. The components of Heliophysics sit at the boundaries of Earth science, Planetary science, and Astrophysics: Aeronomy at the boundary of our atmosphere and space; Solar physics at the boundary of the sun and interplanetary space; Heliospheric science at the boundaries of the solar wind and planets, and at the boundary of our solar system and interstellar space. Space plasma physics, the science of how ionized and partially ionized plasmas behave in the presence of electromagnetic fields, undergirds the field. Many of the biggest unanswered science questions that remain across Heliophysics center around the interconnectivity of the different physical systems, and the role of mesoscale dynamics in modulating, regulating, and controlling that interconnected behavior. Answering these long-standing questions on the Sun-Heliosphere and Geospace as system-of-systems requires a coordinated, deliberate, worldwide scientific effort, akin to the highly successful ISTP program. In this talk we describe the next steps in creating a unified, worldwide, vibrant Heliophysics community, building upon the previous efforts of ISTPNext. This next step will put in place concrete elements to usher in the next era of Heliophysics, focused on cross-scale and cross-regional coupling, combining in situ, remote and ground-based observations with state-of-the-art modeling, amongst the worldwide Heliophysics community.  

How to cite: Kepko, E. and the COSPAR Task Group on Establishing an International Geospace Systems Program: The Heliophysics Accords: A blueprint for a unified, worldwide, Heliophysics community, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11741,, 2025.

EGU25-11909 | Posters on site | ST2.8

Science Study Team Working Groups of the ESA M7 Mission candidate Plasma Observatory  

Matthew Taylor, Federica Marcucci, and Alessandro Retino and the Plasma Observatory WG team

We know that plasma energization and energy transport occur in large volumes of space and across large boundaries in space. However, in situ observations, theory and simulations indicate that the key physical processes driving energization and energy transport occur where plasma on fluid scales couple to the smaller kinetic scales, at which the largest amount of electromagnetic energy is converted into energized particles. Energization and energy transport involve non-planar and non-stationary plasma structures at these scales that have to be resolved experimentally. Remote observations currently cannot access these scales, and existing multi-point in situ observations do not have a sufficient number of observations points. 

The Plasma Observatory (PO) multi-scale mission concept is a candidate for the ESA Directorate of Science M7 mission call, currently in a Phase A study. Plasma Observatory will be the first mission to have the capability to resolve scale coupling and non-planarity/non-stationarity in plasma energization and energy transport.

During the Phase A study, Scientific guidance of the mission is provided by the ESA nominated Science Study Team (SST). In support of this group is the Cross Disciplinary working group, who provide close support to the SST and study activities. To ensure a broad input and wide community involvement the SST has organised several working groups in order to expand the community and citizen science involvement. These working groups cover Ground-based coordination, Public outreach and Numerical Simulation, multipoint and advanced data analysis methods, plasma astrophysics and scientific synergies.

This paper provides an overview of these WG and how you can get involved in Plasma Observatory.

How to cite: Taylor, M., Marcucci, F., and Retino, A. and the Plasma Observatory WG team: Science Study Team Working Groups of the ESA M7 Mission candidate Plasma Observatory , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11909,, 2025.

EGU25-11978 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8

Progress and Updates from the Plasma Observatory Synergies/Additional Science Working Group 

Simone Benella, Jean Francois Ripoll, Cecilia Norgren, Oliver Allanson, Lorenzo Biasiotti, Sara Gasparini, Matina Gkioulidou, Hantao Ji, Yoshi Miyoshi, Rumi Nakamura, Alexander Pitna, Dorota Przepiórka-Skup, Adriana Settino, Marina Stepanova, Sergio Toledo-Redondo, Drew Turner, and Emiliya Yordanova

Plasma Observatory (PO) is one of the three Class-M7 ESA missions currently in Phase A, and is designed to investigate fundamental processes at the base of energization and energy transport, such as collisionless shocks, plasma jets, wave, turbulence, and magnetic reconnection by gathering unprecedented multipoint and multiscale measurements of near-Earth plasma environments. The mission concept consists of a constellation of seven spacecraft in a double nested tetrahedron formation with a common vertex. The key science regions (KSRs) of the PO mission are Earth bow shock, foreshock, magnetosheath, magnetopause, tail plasma sheet and transition region. However, additional science regions (ASRs) such as inner magnetosphere, flank magnetopause, and pristine solar wind will be traversed by the constellation during the orbit, thus allowing for additional scientific targets. In this context, the Synergies/Additional Science Working Group aims to systematically investigate the major scientific advancements that can be achieved by leveraging the PO constellation in the various regions explored outside the KSRs, and to maximize the scientific return of the mission by broadening the PO science community by including space plasma scientists from other fields.

Since the magnetospheric system is a highly dynamic environment subjected to the solar wind forcing, especially during solar wind transient events, important physical processes can be studied by observing the magnetospheric response to them. New multiscale measurements of fields and particles at more than four points, for instance, are crucial for investigating the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling for different levels of geomagnetic activity. Moreover, PO will provide measurements at the edge of the outer radiation belt, allowing to study fundamental plasma processes such as particle acceleration, transport and loss, wave-particle interactions and so forth. Large scale phenomena developing in ASRs such as solar wind and flank magnetopause, such as turbulence, reconnection, and instabilities are connected to ion and sub-ion scales where the energy is dissipated. In this spirit, simultaneous multiscale observations gathered in the ASRs are crucial for investigating the connection between MHD-scale plasma structure dynamics, turbulent energy transfer and the energy conversion occurring at small-scales. Beyond the ASRs observed in situ by the spacecraft constellation, there are strong synergies with laboratory activities. How does magnetic reconnection couple global MHD scales to local dissipation scales is an outstanding open question, some aspects of which can be addressed with the support of current and upcoming multiscale laboratory experiments that are, therefore, highly relevant for PO scientific objectives.

This contribution summarizes all the recent advancements made regarding the Synergies/Additional Science Working Group activities for PO and will discuss inputs and future perspectives supporting the mission Phase A.

How to cite: Benella, S., Ripoll, J. F., Norgren, C., Allanson, O., Biasiotti, L., Gasparini, S., Gkioulidou, M., Ji, H., Miyoshi, Y., Nakamura, R., Pitna, A., Przepiórka-Skup, D., Settino, A., Stepanova, M., Toledo-Redondo, S., Turner, D., and Yordanova, E.: Progress and Updates from the Plasma Observatory Synergies/Additional Science Working Group, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11978,, 2025.

EGU25-12554 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8

Empirical Measurement of Diffusive Heating across Earth’s Bow Shock 

Tamar Ervin, Trevor Bowen, Alexandros Chasapis, Alfred Mallet, Philip Isenberg, Kristopher Klein, and Stuart Bale

We use high cadence observations of velocity distribution functions (VDFs) from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) to empirically estimate diffusion coefficients and heating rates in a crossing of the Earth’s bow shock. We approximate the observed VDFs using non-parametric representations and evaluate the gradients of the modeled VDFs (GPR-VDF) to empirically estimate diffusion coefficients. This allows us to have a better representation of the non-thermal features of the distribution functions. We invert the proton guiding center equation to get estimates of diffusion coefficients and proton heating rates. We compare these results with theoretical models and simulations of stochastic heating, heating via cyclotron or Landau damping, and other heating methods to constrain the heating mechanism(s) at work across the shock. Our approach allows for an estimate from observations of collisionless heating rates within a kinetic framework and discussion of the mechanism(s) at work. This methodology could be applied to future multipoint measurements in the magnetosphere (e.g. Plasma Observatory) to study heating across shocks and other regions of interest. 

How to cite: Ervin, T., Bowen, T., Chasapis, A., Mallet, A., Isenberg, P., Klein, K., and Bale, S.: Empirical Measurement of Diffusive Heating across Earth’s Bow Shock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12554,, 2025.

EGU25-12644 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8

The Energetic Particle Experiment on the Plasma Observatory Mother Spacecraft 

Svea Jürgensen, Robert F Wimmer-Schweingruber, Lars Berger, Patrick Kühl, Malcolm Wray Dunlop, Rami O Vainio, and Vassilis Angelopoulos

Plasma Observatory is a candidate mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) with a possible selection foreseen in 2026 and a launch in 2037. It aims to investigate the plasma coupling across different scales. To achieve this aim, Plasma Observatory will investigate different regions in the Earth’s magnetosphere which is rich in many interesting plasma phenomena. It consists of a mother and six daughter spacecraft. This allows to configure the spacecraft in two nested tetrahedra to investigate cross-scale coupling.

Energetic particles are sensitive tracers of processes which can alter the energy (or velocity) of ions and electrons. It is thus of high importance to measure them in situ at high cadence. They are bound to magnetic field lines but can be scattered onto others by various processes.

Energetic electrons and ions will be measured by the Energetic Particle Experiments (EPE) on the main (M) and six daughter (D) spacecraft. Here we present different instrument concepts for EPE-M, all of which which cover the energy range from 30 keV – 600 keV for electrons and up to 8 MeV for ions. The current (baseline) design utilizes the foil-magnet technique to separate electrons from ions. The experiment consists of two sensors each with two bidirectional telescopes and thus has eight viewing directions. Together with the spacecraft spin (2 rpm) EPE-M covers a field of view of nearly 4π steradians. Higher time resolution is possible at reduced angular resolution. Alternative design concepts have been derived and are presented as well.

How to cite: Jürgensen, S., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Berger, L., Kühl, P., Dunlop, M. W., Vainio, R. O., and Angelopoulos, V.: The Energetic Particle Experiment on the Plasma Observatory Mother Spacecraft, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12644,, 2025.

EGU25-13482 | Posters on site | ST2.8

The Ion Mass Spectrometer instrument for Plasma Observatroy – IMS 

Harald Kucharek, Maria Federica Marcucci, Alessandro Retino, Benoit Lavraud, Lynn Kistler, Johan DeKeyser, Andre Galli, James Bundock, and Jean-Denis Techer

The overarching goal of the Plasma Observatory Missions is to use multiscale multi-spacecraft observations to investigate in detail plasma energization and plasma transport in the near-Earth region. Thus, the prime goals of that mission are: How are particles energized in that plasma environment? And what processes are dominant in transporting Energy in the Magnetospheric System.

The achieve these science goals electromagnetic fields and three-dimensional particle distributions will be measured in high resolution and accuracy. IMS (the Ion Mass Spectrometer) will measure the full three-dimensional distribution functions of near-Earth main ion species (H+, He+, He++ and O+) at high time resolution (~150 ms for H+ , ~ 300 ms for He++) with energy resolution down to ~10% in the range 10 eV/q to 30 keV/q and angular resolution _ ~10 .

Such high time resolution is achieved by mounting multiple sensors around the spacecraft body, in similar fashion to the MMS/FPI instrument. Each sensor combines a top-hat electrostatic analyser with deflectors at the entrance together with a time-of-flight section to perform mass selection. IMS electronics includes a fast sweeping high voltage board that is required to make measurements at high cadence. Ion detection includes Micro Channel Plates (MCP) combined with Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) for charge amplification, discrimination and time-to-digital conversion (TDC). IMS will be designed to address directly many of the Plasma Observatory science objectives, in particular ion heating and acceleration by turbulent fluctuations in foreshock, shock and magnetosheath regions. In this presentation we will report on initial performance measurements of the IMS instrument and relate these mensurements to potential recordings at keys science areas.

How to cite: Kucharek, H., Marcucci, M. F., Retino, A., Lavraud, B., Kistler, L., DeKeyser, J., Galli, A., Bundock, J., and Techer, J.-D.: The Ion Mass Spectrometer instrument for Plasma Observatroy – IMS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13482,, 2025.

EGU25-14456 | Orals | ST2.8

Effects of Kelvin-Helmholtz-like waves on high-latitude magnetospheric boundary dynamics 

Rumi Nakamura and Adriana Settino and the November 27, 2021 event study team

On November  27 2021, between 05 and 10 UT, when THEMIS and Cluster were located near the dusk-side low-latitude magnetopause and observed several periods of enhanced  Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) wave activity, MMS crossed the magnetopause in the southern hemisphere near the dusk-side terminator close to the local time of Cluster. IWF was predominantly southward at the beginning of the interval and was mainly northward after 07:00 UT. This interval coincides with the Earth-flyby of Solar Orbiter, which traversed the nightside magnetosphere and encountered the dusk side tail-flank boundary region. In this presentation, we focus on the MMS observations between 8:15-9:15 UT when MMS encountered flow-shear boundaries between tailward flowing lobe-like plasma and Earthward moving cold dense plasma sheet-like region mixed with hot ions inside the high-latitude magnetosphere. The latter region contains density/temperature fluctuations comparable to KH-like wave disturbance observed at the magnetopause by Cluster during the same interval.  Typically KH disturbances are observed between cold-dense magnetosheath-like plasma and magnetospheric plasma. However, during this interval MMS was located at the boundary between plasma sheet like-hotter plasma and colder lobe-like sparse plasma. We discuss the external and internal interaction processes that may explain these boundary disturbances.  The unique constellation of fleet of spacecraft fleets, covering different magnetospheric boundaries simultaneously enable us to study the effect of the KH-like magnetopause disturbances on the dynamics of the dusk-side magnetosphere in an extended region.

How to cite: Nakamura, R. and Settino, A. and the November 27, 2021 event study team: Effects of Kelvin-Helmholtz-like waves on high-latitude magnetospheric boundary dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14456,, 2025.

EGU25-15349 | Posters on site | ST2.8

Ion behaviour in the vicinity of ballooning-interchange heads 

Evgeny V. Panov, Rumi Nakamura, and Wolfgang Baumjohann

Comparison of THEMIS spacecraft observations with kinetic simulations suggested that the kinetic Ballooning/Interchange Instability (BICI) may lead to erosion and thinning of the magnetotail current sheet at fluid scales due to side vorticity and associated an FLR effect and at ion scales by means of EMIC waves. The FLR effect may lead to ion temperature asymmetry on the two sides of BICI heads in the course of ion redistribution between the dusk- and dawnside vortices around the neutral sheet. On top of that, the EMIC waves may propagate in both azimuthal directions and modulate the ion density and velocity above and below the neutral sheet. As this activity may be important for turning Bz southward and possibly initiating magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail, we show high-resolution MMS ion observations with signatures of the two processes now in the MMS magnetotail bursty bulk flow observations and aim at finding evidence that the field and particle behaviour was caused by the two effects.

How to cite: Panov, E. V., Nakamura, R., and Baumjohann, W.: Ion behaviour in the vicinity of ballooning-interchange heads, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15349,, 2025.

The formation of energetic electrons in relation to high speed flows in magnetotail has been observed by multiple missions. Here we focus on the formation of most energetic electron events. The physical mechanism how they are accelerated is still unclear. We report one of the most energetic electron events of the Cluster mission observations. The very high flux of  energetic electrons is observed at about 10 Re in magnetotail, associated with bursty bulk flows and rebound flows as observed by different Cluster spacecraft separated on the fluid scale. Understanding this event helps us better demonstrate how most energetic electrons are accelerated in the magnetotail. However, due to the limitation of large fluid-scale separation of the spacecraft, we can not address the physical mechanisms at the small ion scales, that is critical for understanding the energetic electron acceleration mechanisms.  We speculate how future multi-scale observations would allow us to make significant improvement in our understanding of the physics of energetic electron acceleration.

How to cite: Gai, C. and Vaivads, A.: Cluster Observations of the Most Energetic Electron Event Associated with Earthward and Tailward Flows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16439,, 2025.

EGU25-16777 | Posters on site | ST2.8

The SCM instrument for the ESA Plasma Observatory mission 

Olivier Le Contel, Matthieu Kretzschmar, Alessandro Retino, Fatima Mehrez, Guillaume Jannet, Dominique Alison, Claire Revillet, Laurent Mirioni, Clémence Agrapart, Gérard Sou, Nicolas Geyskens, Christophe Berthod, Thomas Chust, Matthieu Berthomier, Cécile Fiachetti, Yuri Khotyaintsev, Vicki Cripps, and Maria federica Marcucci

The proposal of the Plasma Observatory mission was selected for a competitive phase A with two other missions in the framework of the seventh call for medium mission (M7) organized by ESA. The mission selection is planned in 2026 for a launch in 2037. Its main objectives are to unveil how are particles energized in space plasma and which processes dominate energy transport and drive coupling between the different regions of the terrestrial magnetospheric system? The mission consists of seven satellites, a main platform (mothercraft, MSC) and six smaller identical satellites (daughtercraft) evolving along an equatorial elliptical orbit with an apogee ~17 and a perigee ~8 Earth radii. The seven satellites will fly forming two tetraedra and allowing simultaneous measurements at both fluid and ion scales. The mission will include three key science regions: dayside (solar wind, bow shock, magnetosheath, magnetopause), nightside transition region (quasidipolar region, transient near-Earth current sheet, field-aligned currents, braking flow region) and the medium magnetotail (near-Earth reconnection region, fast flow formation region). Plasma Observatory mission is the next logical step after the four satellite magnetospheric missions Cluster and MMS. The search-coil magnetometer (SCM), strongly inherited of the SCM designed for the ESA JUICE mission, is only included in the Fields instrument suite of the MSC. SCM will be delivered by LPP and LPC2E and will provide the three components of the magnetic field fluctuations in the [0.1Hz-8kHz] frequency range, after digitization by the Low frequency Receiver (LFR) within the Field and Wave Processor (FWP), relevant for the three Key science regions. It will be mounted on a 6m boom and will allow to reach the following sensitivities [10-3, 1.5x10-6, 5x10-9, 10-10, 5x10-10] nT2/Hz at [1, 10, 100, 1000, 8000] Hz. Associated with the electric field instrument (EFI), SCM will allow to fully characterize the wave polarization and estimate the direction of propagation of the wave energy. These measurements are crucial to understand the role of electromagnetic waves in the energy conversion processes, the plasma and energy transport, the acceleration and the heating of the plasma.


How to cite: Le Contel, O., Kretzschmar, M., Retino, A., Mehrez, F., Jannet, G., Alison, D., Revillet, C., Mirioni, L., Agrapart, C., Sou, G., Geyskens, N., Berthod, C., Chust, T., Berthomier, M., Fiachetti, C., Khotyaintsev, Y., Cripps, V., and Marcucci, M. F.: The SCM instrument for the ESA Plasma Observatory mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16777,, 2025.

EGU25-17806 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8

Investigating structures through gradient tensors in turbulent space plasmas: invariants’ evolution equations and Schur decomposition 

Virgilio Quattrociocchi, Giuseppe Consolini, Massimo Materassi, and Simone Benella

The availability of multi-point in situ data from space missions orbiting in solar wind and near-Earth environments offers valuable insights into fundamental physical phenomena such as shocks, magnetic reconnection, turbulence, waves, jets and so on. All these processes are related to dynamical evolving plasma structures in both space and time. In this context, invariant quantities derived from the gradient tensor method allows us to study the evolution of topological structures in velocity and magnetic fields across various regions of interplanetary space at different scales. The use of gradient tensors is primarily based on the availability of multi-point data from missions involving at least four satellites arranged in a tetrahedral formation.

Here we present some theoretical and observational results based on the analysis of gradient tensor invariants. We derive equations governing the temporal evolution of these quantities to get insights into the topological and morphological changes of these structures in time. These evolution equations also allow us to identify the dominant physical terms driving the observed changes. A preliminary analysis, based on MMS multi-point observations, suggests that the plasma in the near-Earth solar wind predominantly behaves like a fluid, whereas velocity and magnetic field interactions play a more significant role in the magnetosheath region.
We further introduce a novel approach for studying gradient tensor characteristics using the Schur transformation. This technique decomposes the velocity and magnetic field gradient tensors into a matrix representing eigenvalue contributions and another term associated with pressure and dissipative effects. This decomposition enables the identification of regions where dissipative effects are more prominent. These studies are of critical importance for future space missions which will extend the current multi-point paradigm, based on a single tetrahedron constellation, to multi-scale multiple tetrahedra configurations such as the NASA mission HelioSwarm (in the solar wind) and the ESA Phase A Plasma Observatory (in the near-Earth plasma).

How to cite: Quattrociocchi, V., Consolini, G., Materassi, M., and Benella, S.: Investigating structures through gradient tensors in turbulent space plasmas: invariants’ evolution equations and Schur decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17806,, 2025.

EGU25-17870 | Posters on site | ST2.8

The ESA M7 Plasma Observatory mission 

Maria Federica Marcucci and Alessandro Retinò and the The Plasma Observatory Team

The Magnetospheric System is the highly dynamic plasma environment where the strongest energization and energy transport occurs in near-Earth space.  Previous multi-point observations from missions such as ESA/Cluster and NASA/MMS have evidenced the fundamental role for these processes of cross-scales coupling . In the Magnetospheric System, the electromagnetic energy is converted into energized particles and energy is transported mainly at the ion and fluid scales. Simultaneous measurements at both large, fluid and small, kinetic scales are required to resolve scale coupling and ultimately fully understand plasma energization and energy transport processes. Here, we present the Plasma Observatory (PO) multi-scale mission concept tailored to study plasma energization and energy transport in the Earth's Magnetospheric System through with the first simultaneous in situ measurements at both fluid and ion scales. PO baseline mission includes one mothercraft (MSC) and six identical smallsat daughtercraft (DSC) in a two tetrahedra formation with MSC at the common vertex for both tetrahedra. PO baseline orbit is an HEO 8x17 RE orbit, covering all the key regions of the Magnetospheric System including the foreshock, the bow shock, the magnetosheath, the magnetopause, the transition region and the current sheet. Spacecraft separation ranges from fluid (5000 km) to ion (30 km) scales. The MSC payload provides a complete characterization of electromagnetic fields and particles in a single point with time resolution sufficient to resolve kinetic physics at sub-ion scales and fully characterize wave-particle interactions. The DSCs have identical payload, simpler than the MSC payload, yet giving a full characterization of the plasma at the ion and fluid scales and providing the context where energization and transport occurs. PO is the next logical step after Cluster and MMS and will allow us to resolve for the first time scale coupling in  the Earth's Magnetospheric System, leading to transformative advances in the field of space plasma physics. Plasma Observatory  is one of the three ESA M7 candidates, which have been selected in November 2023 for a competitive Phase A with a mission selection planned in 2026 and launch in 2037.  

How to cite: Marcucci, M. F. and Retinò, A. and the The Plasma Observatory Team: The ESA M7 Plasma Observatory mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17870,, 2025.

EGU25-17894 | Posters on site | ST2.8

The MAG-M magnetometer onboard Plasma Observatory 

Lorenzo Matteini, Patrick Brown, Madeleine Tomes, and John Hodgkins

Plasma Observatory (PO) is an ESA mission proposal to study for the first time plasma transport and energization in the near-Earth environment simultaneously at both fluid and ion scales, with a constellation of 7 spacecraft: 1 mother and 6 daughters. 
In the PO mission framework, MAG-M is the proposed fluxgate magnetometer onboard the Mothercraft, to be built at Imperial College London.
It is a dual-sensor instrument mounted on a rigid boom dedicated to high-resolution measurements of the DC magnetic field, with strong design heritage from previous missions. In this presentation we review MAG-M main characteristics and its development stage. 
We also discuss the key role of magnetic field measurements in the goals of the mission and how MAG-M will contribute, both with single-point and multi-point measurements, to the investigation of the nature of waves and structures in the plasma at both fluid and kinetic scales, their vector anisotropies, the 3-dimensional shapes of eddies and boundaries in the plasma as well as to the determination of the flows of energy acting between particles and fields in the near-Earth environment.

How to cite: Matteini, L., Brown, P., Tomes, M., and Hodgkins, J.: The MAG-M magnetometer onboard Plasma Observatory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17894,, 2025.

Understanding the turbulence of collisionless space plasmas is one a major open frontiers towards the disclosure of the mechanisms of energization of the plasmas of the Universe, the acceleration of particles and bulk plasma flows, the heating of the plasma.

The interacting plasma particles and multiscale modes of the plasma turbulence form a system of complex nonlinear interactions which cannot be described analytically.

Instead, their behavior is investigated statistically, by means of kinetic numerical simulations.

We report the current state of the art of these simulations which revealed the important role of the electrons even for larger (ion-) scale processes in the collisionless turbulence.

Based on those new results we derive the necessity and parameters of future multispacecraft investigations of spectra and structure formation processes in turbulent space plasmas beyond the results obtained by CLUSTER and MMS observations.

How to cite: Büchner, J.: Need of multispacecraft observations to understand collisionless turbulent solar system plasmas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17916,, 2025.

EGU25-17978 | Orals | ST2.8

An Electron Plasma Camera for the Plasma Observatory ESA mission 

Matthieu Berthomier, Colin Forsyth, Frédéric Leblanc, Jean-Denis Techer, Yvon Alata, Gabriel Poggia, Evan Seneret, Chris Brockley-Blatt, Alessandro Retino, and Olivier Le Contel

Measuring both the energy spectrum and the 3D distribution of charged particles at high temporal resolution is one of the main challenges in space plasma instrumentation. The conventional solution to date has been to use multiple sensors that couple the native quasi-2D instantaneous field of view of the electrostatic top-hat analyser with a scanning electrostatic deflection system.

For the Plasma Observatory ESA mission, we proposed an alternate strategy that reduces the level of resources required for rapid plasma measurements at sub-ion scale in the magnetospheric environment. The Electron Plasma Camera (EPC) is based on the donut-shaped electrostatic analyser topology that do not require any electrostatic scanning to provide a hemispheric field-of-view of the surrounding plasma.

This optics is manufactured through the selective metallization of a high-resolution 3D printed polymer. It is coupled to a 256-pixel imaging detection system that uses the detection technology that was demonstrated on the Solar Orbiter mission.  EPC’s fully integrated front-end electronics takes advantage of the high-geometric factor of its electrostatic optics to enable the capture of high temporal resolution images of electron phase space. We present the expected capability of the instrument in the key science regions the Plasma Observatory mission will encounter, and some of the major science questions related to multi-scale phenomena the Plasma Observatory mission will address with its unique data set.

How to cite: Berthomier, M., Forsyth, C., Leblanc, F., Techer, J.-D., Alata, Y., Poggia, G., Seneret, E., Brockley-Blatt, C., Retino, A., and Le Contel, O.: An Electron Plasma Camera for the Plasma Observatory ESA mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17978,, 2025.

EGU25-18438 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8

2D fully kinetic simulations of dayside magnetic reconnection in the presence of cold ions and a moderate guide field. 

Mohammed Baraka, Olivier Le Contel, Alessandro Retino, Jérémy Dargent, Arnaud Beck, Sergio Toledo-Redondo, Giulia Cozzani, Stephen Fuselier, Thomas Chust, and Soboh Alqeeq

The standard conditions considered for magnetic reconnection to occur are usually antiparallel magnetic field configurations with a shear angle of 180. Reconnection is often observed with an additional out-of-plane component of the magnetic field (guide field). We performed two sets of 2D fully kinetic simulations using SMILEI code of asymmetric reconnection. The first set was performed initially by Dargent et al., 2017 with and without cold ions. While the second set with and without cold ions each conducted in the presence of a moderate guide field. The simulation domain size is set to (xmax , ymax) = (320, 128) di, enabling us to study these effects in the electron diffusion region (EDR) as well as the coupling across different scales, including ion diffusion region (IDR), outflow jets, and extended separatrices far from diffusion region. When the density gradient is combined with a guide field component at the magnetopause, it was suggested by Swisdak et al., 2003 that the electron diamagnetic drift governs the motion of the X-line.

Our simulations reveal the development of an asymmetry in the reconnection plane as expected and a motion of the X-line in the opposite direction of the electron diamagnetic drift. This finding challenges the previously proposed explanation. We also report our progress in investigating the impact of cold ions in reinforcing the electron dynamics and further investigate the impact of adding a moderate guide field in their presence. These effects are expected to influence the energization, energy partitioning across scales, and potentially the suppression of reconnection. Fluid scales coupling with smaller ion scales aligns with the primary objective of the Plasma Observatory (PO) mission which aims to study plasma energization and energy transport. Our findings will contribute to the preparation of the PO mission and aim at improving its science return.

How to cite: Baraka, M., Le Contel, O., Retino, A., Dargent, J., Beck, A., Toledo-Redondo, S., Cozzani, G., Fuselier, S., Chust, T., and Alqeeq, S.: 2D fully kinetic simulations of dayside magnetic reconnection in the presence of cold ions and a moderate guide field., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18438,, 2025.

EGU25-18777 | Posters on site | ST2.8

The Particle Processing Unit (PPU-M) on-board the Plasma Observatory Mother Spacecraft 

Edoardo Rota, Raffaella D'Amicis, Maria Federica Marcucci, Rossana De Marco, Rosanna Rispoli, Matthieu Berthomier, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, and Francesco Valentini

Plasma Observatory (PMO) is a candidate for the ESA Directorate of Science M7 mission call, currently in Phase A. It is a multi-scale mission concept with the capability to resolve scale coupling and non-planarity/non-stationarity in plasma energization and energy transport.

On board the mothercraft, the Particle Processing Unit (PPU-M) will be the single interface between the spacecraft and all the particle instruments: the Electron Particle Chamber (EPC-M), the Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS) and the Energetic Particle Experiment (EPE-M). The PPU-M provides a single power, telemetry, and control interface to the spacecraft as well as power switching, commanding and data handling for the particle instruments. The PPU-M will have a fully redundant configuration, with two CPU boards (nominal and redundant), based on the dual-core LEON3FT processor and two groups of 3 Compression and Scientific Processing (CSP) boards based on FPGAs.

The approach of a common data processing unit for all the particle instruments allows to efficiently handle the data rate from all the particle instruments and the data processing on board, also facilitating interoperation with the other instruments on the spacecraft. Moreover, it allows technical and programmatic synergies giving the possibility to optimize and save spacecraft resources. Here, we will describe the PPU-M characteristics and functionalities.

How to cite: Rota, E., D'Amicis, R., Marcucci, M. F., De Marco, R., Rispoli, R., Berthomier, M., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., and Valentini, F.: The Particle Processing Unit (PPU-M) on-board the Plasma Observatory Mother Spacecraft, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18777,, 2025.

EGU25-19084 | Posters on site | ST2.8

The Plasma Observatory FIELDS-M instrument suite 

Andrew Dimmock, Yuri Khotyaintsev, Vicki Cripps, Lorenzo Matteini, Olivier Le Contell, Matthieu Kretzschmar, Stuart Bale, Hanna Rothkaehl, Jan Soucek, Lea Griton, Karine Issautier, Nicholay Ivchenko, and Marek Morawski

The Plasma Observatory mission aims to advance our understanding of fundamental plasma processes, including energy transfer, turbulence, and reconnection, by deploying a constellation of seven spacecraft: one "Mother" craft and six smaller "Daughter" craft.

The FIELDS-M instrument suite, part of the  "Mother" craft payload, is designed to provide comprehensive measurements of electric and magnetic fields, plasma waves, necessary to characterize wave-particle interactions in Earth's magnetosphere and beyond. 

FIELDS-M is a collaborative effort, integrating multiple sensors and electronics to measure electric fields, magnetic fields, and wave spectra over a broad frequency range. The instrument suite consists of electric field probes, search-coil magnetometers, fluxgate magnetometers, and wave analyzers, enabling high-resolution observations of both large-scale and microphysical plasma dynamics. 

How to cite: Dimmock, A., Khotyaintsev, Y., Cripps, V., Matteini, L., Le Contell, O., Kretzschmar, M., Bale, S., Rothkaehl, H., Soucek, J., Griton, L., Issautier, K., Ivchenko, N., and Morawski, M.: The Plasma Observatory FIELDS-M instrument suite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19084,, 2025.

EGU25-19099 | Orals | ST2.8

Non-stationarity, ion reflection, and wave-particle interactions at quasi-perpendicular shocks 

Yuri Khotyaintsev, Daniel Graham, Domenico Trotta, Ahmad Lalti, Andrew Dimmock, and Mengmeng Wang

Quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks are fundamental structures in space plasmas, where the absence of collisions necessitates electromagnetic fields to mediate energy dissipation and particle dynamics. The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, with its high-resolution measurements and multi-point capabilities, provides unique insights into these complex processes. We present MMS observations of ion reflection, electron and ion heating, non-stationarity, wave-particle interactions at quasi-perpendicular shocks. Ion reflection is observed as a critical mechanism for energy transfer, contributing to downstream heating and the generation of instabilities. Non-stationary shock structures, such as ripples and reformation, are identified, showcasing dynamic variations in shock parameters over short spatial and temporal scales. Wave-particle interactions are examined in detail, revealing the role of reflected and minor ions in driving electrostatic and electromagnetic wave activity near the shock front. The observations highlight the interplay between reflected ions and wave generation, which collectively govern shock dynamics and determine the downstream plasma properties. We discuss the need for the novel fields and particle measurements to be provided by Plasma Observatory in order to address the remaining open questions in the field.

How to cite: Khotyaintsev, Y., Graham, D., Trotta, D., Lalti, A., Dimmock, A., and Wang, M.: Non-stationarity, ion reflection, and wave-particle interactions at quasi-perpendicular shocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19099,, 2025.

EGU25-19321 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8

Plasma Observatory’s Group on sImulAtioN NumerIcal support (GIANNI) 

Markku Alho, Domenico Trotta, and Francesco Valentini and the Plasma Observatory's Group on sImulAtioN NumerIcal support (GIANNI)

The ESA M7 mission candidate Plasma Observatory proposal’s Group on sImulAtioN NumerIcal support (GIANNI) is tasked with supporting the proposal's Science Study Team with simulation data, to help evaluate the proposal's science impact, assess possible descoping options and their effects on science output, and provide constraints for the PO constellation parameters.

In this presentation, we summarize the composition and capabilities of the group and the represented simulation models. This includes collating a  repository of tools and short manuals and tutorials for the sorts of simulation datasets available and their possible use cases, and how to work with us to set up virtual observatories in the varied numerical models. We present an overview of the group's science support activities.

How to cite: Alho, M., Trotta, D., and Valentini, F. and the Plasma Observatory's Group on sImulAtioN NumerIcal support (GIANNI): Plasma Observatory’s Group on sImulAtioN NumerIcal support (GIANNI), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19321,, 2025.

EGU25-21857 | Posters on site | ST2.8

US Contributions to the Plasma Observatory Mission  

Lynn M. Kistler, Harald Kucharek, Vassilis Angelopoulos, Stuart. D. Bale, John Bonnell, Malcolm Dunlop, Yuri Khotyaintsev, Alessandro Retinò, and Maria Federica Marcucci

Plasma Observatory (PO) is a Heliophysics mission that will explore plasma energization and energy transport in the Earth’s Magnetospheric System, for the first time through multi-scale observations covering simultaneously the ion and fluid scales. PO is currently in a competitive ESA Phase A study as one of the three candidates for the future ESA M7 mission. From its  equatorial, 8 by 18 RE (geocentric perigee and apogee, respectively, in Earth radii), 15o inclination orbit, PO will  addresses the following science questions: (Q1) how particles are energized in space plasmas and (Q2) which processes dominate energy transport and drive coupling across regions of Earth’s magnetosphere. The aforementioned science questions being pursued by PO are aligned with the goals of NASA’s SMD3,4: to understand the physical processes, and Sun-Earth connections. The PO baseline mission will achieve this objective with a comprehensively instrumented mother spacecraft (MSC) or mothercraft, and six identical smallsat daughtercraft (DSC). After highly successful missions such as Cluster, Themis, and MMS, this will be the next logical step to gain transformative insights into fundamental processes of the Magnetospheric System.


A team of US scientists from three major institutions will provide significant parts of three instruments for the P.O. payload.  UNH (University of New Hampshire) will provide the time-of-flight and detector section and some electronics for the Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS-M) that will measure the 3D distributions of (H+ , He+ , He++ and O+ ) at high time resolution. This ion spectrometer will be placed on the mothercraft. The University of Berkeley (UCB) will provide  the spin-plane double-probe electric field sensors of the electric field instrument EFI-M onboard the mothercraft,  based on the ones flown on RBSP. The University of California in Los Angeles will be providing the mechanical design of the detectors, telescopes and electronics box, and the design of the power and digital processing electronics boards for the energetic particle instrument EPE-D on each of the six daughtercraft, based on heritage from the ELFIN mission.  These contributions are critical for the success of the PO mission and its science return. The US team is currently collaborating with the PO consortium in the ESAPhase A study to determine how to efficiently provide the payload that will return the best quantity measurements.  In this presentation we will introduce the capability of these instruments and the current achievements and progress that were obtained during the ongoing phase A study.

How to cite: Kistler, L. M., Kucharek, H., Angelopoulos, V., Bale, S. D., Bonnell, J., Dunlop, M., Khotyaintsev, Y., Retinò, A., and Marcucci, M. F.: US Contributions to the Plasma Observatory Mission , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21857,, 2025.

EGU25-21888 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8

 The Plasma Observatory Ground-Based Coordination Working Group  

Jonathan Rae and the Plasma Observatory Ground-Based Coordination Working Group

Plasma Observatory is one of three “M-class” missions that are going through Phase A studyAn unprecedented seven spacecraft mission to understand plasma energisation across both ion and fluid scales, Plasma Observatory will bring step-change understanding in how particles are accelerated in astrophysical plasmasIn order to gain the best possible scientific breakthroughs, it is essential that collaboration and coordination with ground-based instruments and facilities occurs as quickly as possibleHere we discuss the scientific and practical aspects of ground-based facilities and the synergies with Plasma Observatory across all of the mission profileWe also seek to recruit more interested participants in the ground-based working group through the Phase A process and beyond. 

How to cite: Rae, J. and the Plasma Observatory Ground-Based Coordination Working Group:  The Plasma Observatory Ground-Based Coordination Working Group , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21888,, 2025.

EGU25-590 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Plasmapause Observations from a Data-Driven Model of the Magnetospheric Electric Field 

Brianna Isola, Matthew Argall, and Roy Torbert

The inner magnetosphere hosts distinct features such as the plasmasphere and its plasmapause boundary that interact between the denser, inner layer of the magnetosphere and the outer region. Due to the complexity of magnetospheric dynamics, scientists often rely on models of the inner magnetospheric electric field (IMEF) and electric potential for better understanding. However, existing models struggle to accurately reproduce inner magnetosphere electrodynamics, especially in times of high geomagnetic activity. Here, we present a physio-temporal analysis of the first Machine Learning Inner Magnetospheric Electric Field (ML-IMEF) model with the aim to advance the state of physics-based modeling of the magnetosphere through improved accuracy and predictive capabilities. ML-IMEF is a multi-layer deep neural network trained on electric field data from multiple instruments onboard NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission where we train our model with the time history of location data and geomagnetic indices. The result of the IMEF is a global, dynamic and time-dependent model of the IMEF where we resolve the electric potential contours through the solving an inverse problem. We evaluate the modeled electric field and potential during varying geomagnetic storms, including the May 2024 Gannon Storm, and compare the plasmapause boundary with other models, such as the Moldwin et al. (2002) empirical plasmapause model. Furthermore, we explore magnetospheric characteristics of our model in relation to meso-scale electric field features, such as electric potential patterns and last closed equipotential (LCE) lines.

How to cite: Isola, B., Argall, M., and Torbert, R.: Plasmapause Observations from a Data-Driven Model of the Magnetospheric Electric Field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-590,, 2025.

We report multiple series of zebra stripes (aka drift echoes) of relativistic electrons, measured by the REPTile‐2 (Relativistic Electron and Proton Telescope integrated little experiment‐2) Instrument onboard CIRBE (Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment) CubeSat, which operated in a highly inclined low Earth orbit from April of 2023 to October of 2024. Thanks to the high energy resolution measurements, zebra stripes of 0.25–1.4 MeV electrons, appearing as structured bands in energy spectrograms, across the entire inner belt and part of the outer belt (L=1.18 to >3) have been frequently observed, from quiet times, moderate times, to active times. Through test particle simulations, we show that a prompt electric field with a peak amplitude ∼5 mV/m in near‐Earth space can lead such zebra stripes of relativistic electrons. Azimuthal inhomogeneity of electron distribution caused by the prompt electric field modulates the electron energy spectrum by energy‐dependent drift phases to form the zebra stripes. Though zebra stripes are observed in both belts, they tend to last longer and appear more frequently in the inner belt. Zebra stripes in the outer belt tend to have a shorter lifetime due to more perturbations, resulting in energy and pitch angle diffusion of the electrons, which diminish the structure. This study demonstrates the important role of electric fields, the exact causes of which are still under investigation, in the dynamics of relativistic electrons and contributes to the understanding of the mechanisms creating and diminishing zebra stripes.


How to cite: Li, X., Mei, Y., O'Brien, D., and Xiang, Z.: On the “Zebra Stripes” of Relativistic Electrons Unveiled by CIRBE/REPTile‐2 Measurements and Test Particle Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2189,, 2025.

EGU25-2780 | ECS | Orals | ST2.9

On the Plasmasphere-Ionosphere coupling during the May 2024 Mother’s Day Superstorm 

Giulia D'Angelo, Alessio Pignalberi, Michael Pezzopane, Luca Spogli, Claudio Cesaroni, Emanuele Pica, Carlo Marcocci, Ermanno Pietropaolo, Balazs Heilig, Piero Diego, Pietro Ubertini, and Mirko Piersanti

We investigate the response of the plasmasphere-ionosphere dynamic system over Europe during the Mother’s Day super intense geomagnetic storm that occurred in May 2024 (Sym-H: −518 nT). Specifically, we reconstruct the equatorial plasma mass densities derived from geomagnetic field line resonance observations at the European quasi-Meridional Magnetometer Array (EMMA). The ionospheric response is investigated by analysing the vertical total electron content (vTEC), and its topside (tTEC) and bottomside (bTEC) contribution, during the entire magnetic disturbed period. These ionospheric quantities are retrieved by integrating measurements from GNSS receivers close to EMMA observatories and the information provided by the IRI UP data-assimilation method. The interplanetary conditions, as well as the magnetospheric response in terms of the magnetopause motion and currents, are investigated using data from the WIND spacecraft, and from GOES16 and GOES18 geosynchronous satellites, respectively. We aim at investigating the possible coupling between plasmaspheric and ionospheric dynamics that could explain the observed huge negative vTEC depletion (about 80% during nighttime when compared to the day before the geomagnetic storm). We propose a possible explanation for the driving factors lying behind the dynamics of the plasmasphere-ionosphere system, based on interplanetary conditions during the main phase of the storm, changes in the thermospheric composition and ionospheric disturbance dynamo electric fields during the recovery phase.

How to cite: D'Angelo, G., Pignalberi, A., Pezzopane, M., Spogli, L., Cesaroni, C., Pica, E., Marcocci, C., Pietropaolo, E., Heilig, B., Diego, P., Ubertini, P., and Piersanti, M.: On the Plasmasphere-Ionosphere coupling during the May 2024 Mother’s Day Superstorm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2780,, 2025.

EGU25-3270 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Dynamics of Ultra-relativistic Electrons on 19 December 2015: Combinations of Adiabatic and Non-adiabatic Effects 

Xiaoyu Wang, Dedong Wang, Xing Cao, Binbin Ni, Alexander Drozdov, Xiaojia Zhang, Xiankang Dou, and Yuri Shprits

Due to solar wind-magnetosphere coupling, energetic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt are profoundly influenced by enhanced solar activities. Utilizing observations from Van Allen Probes (VAPs) and low Earth orbit MetOp-02, here we report a case study of dramatic pitch-angle dependent variations of ultra-relativistic electron fluxes within one day from 19 to 20 December, 2015. We focus on two orbits of VAPs, which contains two successive interplanetary shocks in the first orbit and then storm main phase in the second orbit. Consequently, the ultra-relativistic electron fluxes exhibit around 90°-peaked distributions at L* > 5 in dayside magnetosphere right after each shock, followed by dropouts at almost all pitch angle distributions throughout the outer radiation belt. Electron phase space density (PSD) profiles show that adiabatic effects contribute to the accelerations at high pitch angles (> ~45°) and L* > 5 for both shocks while inward radial diffusion plays a dominant role at lower L* after the second shock. Additionally, pitch angle scattering loss driven by concurrent EMIC waves result in the dropouts at low pitch angles (< ~45°) after each shock. Furthermore, the precipitations in a close magnetic conjugation after the first shock provide sufficient evidence for EMIC-induced loss. Our results also show that the dropouts throughout the outer belt in the second orbit are attributed to a combination of magnetopause shadowing effect at L* > 4.5 and EMIC-driven pitch angle scattering loss at L* < 4. Our study provides direct observational evidence that combinations of multi-mechanisms, including adiabatic and non-adiabatic effects, result in the dramatic dynamics of ultra-relativistic electrons within one day.

How to cite: Wang, X., Wang, D., Cao, X., Ni, B., Drozdov, A., Zhang, X., Dou, X., and Shprits, Y.: Dynamics of Ultra-relativistic Electrons on 19 December 2015: Combinations of Adiabatic and Non-adiabatic Effects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3270,, 2025.

EGU25-3428 | ECS | Orals | ST2.9

Parameterization of the spatial and temporal distribution ofradial diffusion coefficients in the outer Van Allen belt 

Christos Katsavrias, Sigiava Aminalragia Giamini, Aphroditi Nasi, Constantinos Papadimitriou, and Ioannis A. Daglis

Radial diffusion in planetary radiation belts is a dominant transport mechanism resulting in the energization and losses of charged
particles by large-scale electromagnetic fluctuations. In this work we exploit the extensive radial diffusion coefficients (DLL) database created
in the framework of the Horizon 2020 SafeSpace project, which spans 9 years of hourly DLL coefficients, to investigate the spatiotemporal
distributions of the coefficients. Our results indicate that the radial distribution of the magnetic and electric component of the
DLL, as well as their sum, the total DLL, can be well described by a power law function of L* in the [4.3–7.7] range. We show that the L*-
dependent spectral index varies significantly and is far from constant as assumed and implemented in many semi-empirical models. We
examine the quasi-periodic behavior of the radial profiles of the DLL throughout most of the 24th Solar cycle, which the data cover, and
find an approximately 420 days dominant periodicity. This periodic behavior is linked (in terms of cross-wavelet analysis) with solar
activity, nevertheless, its origin remains unclear. The uncovered features are important for understanding DLL behavior and drivers
as well as for current and future modelling efforts.

How to cite: Katsavrias, C., Aminalragia Giamini, S., Nasi, A., Papadimitriou, C., and Daglis, I. A.: Parameterization of the spatial and temporal distribution ofradial diffusion coefficients in the outer Van Allen belt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3428,, 2025.

EGU25-3761 | Orals | ST2.9 | Highlight

Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Whistler-Mode Waves: A Comparative Study at Earth and Jupiter 

Wen Li, Qianli Ma, and Xiaochen Shen

Within the magnetospheres of both Earth and Jupiter, a variety of whistler-mode waves are observed, including chorus and hiss waves. At Earth, chorus waves are predominantly found outside the plasmapause, whereas hiss waves are typically confined to the plasmasphere or associated plumes. In contrast, Jupiter's magnetospheric environment is distinctive, as chorus and hiss waves frequently coexist due to the lack of a well-defined plasmapause boundary beyond the Io plasma torus. These waves play crucial roles in influencing energetic electron dynamics at both planets by facilitating the precipitation of energetic electrons into the upper atmosphere and accelerating energetic electrons to relativistic and ultrarelativistic energies.

The impact of chorus and hiss waves on energetic electron precipitation has been extensively quantified at Earth, yet their contributions at Jupiter remain largely unexplored. To address this gap, we perform a comparative analysis of energetic electron precipitation driven by whistler-mode waves at Earth and Jupiter. For Earth, we utilize recently developed empirical models of chorus and hiss waves, informed by data from the Van Allen Probes and THEMIS, covering a broad range of L-shells and Magnetic Local Times (MLTs). At Jupiter, we construct a novel statistical dataset of chorus and hiss wave properties using seven years of observations from Juno. The wave properties derived from these datasets are integrated with updated plasma and magnetic field models to compute pitch angle diffusion coefficients caused by chorus and hiss waves. A quasilinear theory-based physics model is then applied to simulate global electron precipitation driven by these waves at both planets. This comprehensive comparison quantitatively evaluates the roles of chorus and hiss waves in energetic electron precipitation on a global scale at Earth and Jupiter. Our results provide new insights into the dynamic processes governing magnetosphere-atmosphere coupling at these planets, providing broader implications for understanding similar processes at other magnetized planets within the solar system and beyond.

How to cite: Li, W., Ma, Q., and Shen, X.: Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Whistler-Mode Waves: A Comparative Study at Earth and Jupiter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3761,, 2025.

EGU25-4399 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Energetic Electron Diffusion and Precipitation Driven by Ducted Hiss Waves in High Density Irregular Region 

Bopu Feng, Haimeng Li, Rongxin Tang, Meng Zhou, Zhihai Ouyang, Dedong Wang, Xiongdong Yu, Ying Xiong, Zhou Chen, An Yuan, and Yingqiao Cheng

Plasmaspheric hiss plays an important role for the electron precipitation and the formation of slot in radiation belts. It is easy for hiss waves to resonate with and scatter energetic electrons at higher L shells, as the frequencies of hiss waves decrease with the distance away from the earth. Recent studies show the whistler-mode waves can be guided in the density irregularities, performing parallel propagation experiencing little Landau damping. Therefore, the resonance between ducted waves and energetic electrons can expand to higher latitudes, and then drive strong energetic electron scattering. In this study, we report a conjugate observation using data from Van Allen Probe A in the magnetosphere and POES satellite in the ionosphere. Through the analysis of both observation and the quantification of quasi-linear diffusion coefficients, the results show the ducted hiss can more effectively scatter the energetic electrons and drive enhanced electron flux at low ionospheric altitudes. We suggest the ducting propagation of hiss is important for electron loss process in radiation belts.

How to cite: Feng, B., Li, H., Tang, R., Zhou, M., Ouyang, Z., Wang, D., Yu, X., Xiong, Y., Chen, Z., Yuan, A., and Cheng, Y.: Energetic Electron Diffusion and Precipitation Driven by Ducted Hiss Waves in High Density Irregular Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4399,, 2025.

EGU25-4619 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Lower Band Chorus Wave Scattering Causing the Extensive Morningside Diffuse Auroral Precipitation During Active Geomagnetic Conditions: A Detailed Case Study  

Huiting Feng, Dedong Wang, Deyu Guo, Yuri Y. Shprits, Desheng Han, Shangchun Teng, BinBin Ni, Run Shi, and Yongliang Zhang

The diffuse aurora is a natural phenomenon observed over the Earth's polar region. Compared with the nightside diffuse aurora, the brightness of the dayside diffuse aurora (0600-1800 magnetic local time (MLT)) is relatively weak, thus requiring more stringent observation conditions. Therefore, the current understanding of what causes the dayside diffuse aurora is still quite limited. Here, we present an intense morningside diffuse aurora (0600-1000 MLT) event observed on 1 January 2016 during the recovery phase of the substorm, using conjugate observations of wave and particle spectrum from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) and auroral emission from the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imagers on the Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP/SSUSI). We perform calculations of diffusion coefficients and simulations of the electron fluxes for this event. Our results show that the chorus waves are the primary contributors to the formation of the morningside diffuse aurora, with precipitated electron energies ranging from a few keV to tens of keV. The lower band chorus shows significant pitch angle scattering efficiency for electrons with energies from 5 keV to 20 keV. The upper band chorus waves induce acceleration effects on 1 keV - 20 keV electrons. We suggest that the upper band chorus waves accelerate low-energy electrons to higher energies, enabling them to engage in the scattering process of the lower band chorus waves. Our study makes a contribution to recent research on the formation mechanisms of diffuse aurora and deepens our understanding of wave-particle interactions leading to dayside electron precipitation.

How to cite: Feng, H., Wang, D., Guo, D., Shprits, Y. Y., Han, D., Teng, S., Ni, B., Shi, R., and Zhang, Y.: Lower Band Chorus Wave Scattering Causing the Extensive Morningside Diffuse Auroral Precipitation During Active Geomagnetic Conditions: A Detailed Case Study , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4619,, 2025.

EGU25-4831 | Posters on site | ST2.9

Spacecraft observations of VLF transmitter signals and their propagation 

Frantisek Nemec, Ondrej Santolik, and Jay M. Albert

Military very low frequency (VLF) transmitters represent a significant anthropogenic source of electromagnetic waves. Their signals can travel considerable distances within the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, but they also penetrate the ionosphere and propagate through the inner magnetosphere. There, they can be readily observed by spacecraft instruments with sufficient frequency resolution and range, and they can precipitate energetic electrons trapped in the Van Allen radiation belts.

We use 23 years of measurements from the WHISPER instruments on board the four Cluster spacecraft, operating at frequencies up to 80 kHz, to investigate the observed intensities of VLF transmitter signals. The signals are about an order of magnitude more intense at night than during the day, and they appear to be confined within the plasmasphere. The unique latitudinal coverage of the Cluster spacecraft measurements allows us to investigate frequency cut-offs in the transmitter spectra. These cut-offs are mostly consistent with nonducted propagation, though occasional partial ducting seems necessary to explain signals spanning otherwise inaccessible regions. The observed intensity patterns are compared with the calculations of Starks et al. (2020), demonstrating an overall agreement in the pattern, but with the observed wave intensities by a factor of about 2-3 lower than predicted.

How to cite: Nemec, F., Santolik, O., and Albert, J. M.: Spacecraft observations of VLF transmitter signals and their propagation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4831,, 2025.

EGU25-5090 | Posters on site | ST2.9

Power line harmonic radiation observed by the Kannuslehto station and the DEMETER spacecraft 

Kristyna Drastichova, Frantisek Nemec, Jyrki Manninen, and Tero Raita

Properties of power line harmonic radiation (PLHR), electromagnetic radiation produced by electric power networks, are examined. Particularly, we study how PLHR intensity depends on local time and geomagnetic activity and what are its characteristic spatial scales. We use high-resolution wave data measured by the ground-based Kannuslehto station in northern Finland, supplemented with corresponding conjugate measurements from the low-altitude DEMETER spacecraft. PLHR intensities are calculated by subtracting the background wave intensities at nearby frequencies (+/- 2 Hz). The effects of geomagnetic activity on PLHR are associated with geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) that are created at the Earth’s surface by the space weather-related events and that influence the creation of PLHR directly in the power grids. We characterize the strength of GICs using the change of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field measured by magnetometers (IMAGE magnetometer network) located close to the Kannuslehto station. We show that PLHR is continuously detected by Kannuslehto, being more intense at odd harmonics during the day and during periods of large magnetic field changes. Data from the DEMETER spacecraft are used for selected PLHR events to estimate their characteristic spatial scales.

How to cite: Drastichova, K., Nemec, F., Manninen, J., and Raita, T.: Power line harmonic radiation observed by the Kannuslehto station and the DEMETER spacecraft, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5090,, 2025.

EGU25-5096 | Posters on site | ST2.9

DEMETER Satellite Observations of Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation Events 

Václav Linzmayer, Frantisek Nemec, Ondrej Santolik, and Ivana Kolmasova

Electromagnetic (EM) waves generated by lightning strokes in the Earth’s atmosphere are important phenomena regarding the loss of energetic electrons from the Van Allen radiation belts. During lightning-induced electron precipitation (LEP) events, these EM waves interact with trapped radiation belt electrons, decreasing their pitch angle, and causing their eventual loss in the atmosphere. LEP events in satellite data are characterized by a sudden increase in wave intensity over a wide range of frequencies, accompanied by an increase in the precipitating electron flux. We develop a semi-automatic procedure to detect LEP events in the wave and particle burst mode data measured by the DEMETER satellite between 2004 and 2010. In total, we detected more than 400 events, mostly above the U.S. East Coast. The identified events occurred mainly at L-shells between approximately 2 and 3.75, and extended up to energies of about 200 keV. We show an annual variation in VLF wave intensities and precipitating energetic electron fluxes comparable with the annual variation of lightning occurrence. Finally, we estimated total precipitating electron fluxes and wave intensities based on the average LEP properties and lightning occurrence rate, showing that the individual isolated LEP events appear to be insufficient to explain the observed summer-winter differences in the precipitating electron fluxes above the U.S. region.

How to cite: Linzmayer, V., Nemec, F., Santolik, O., and Kolmasova, I.: DEMETER Satellite Observations of Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5096,, 2025.

EGU25-5472 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Resolving Discrepancies in Electron Ring Current Models: The Importance of a Pre-Midnight Loss Process 

Bernhard Haas, Yuri Shprits, Dedong Wang, Julia Himmelsbach, and Katja Stoll

The ring current, a key feature of Earth's magnetosphere, is enhanced during geomagnetic storms, posing risks to spacecraft through surface charging by 10-50 keV electrons. While extensively studied, accurately modeling storm-time ring current dynamics remains challenging.

We show that existing ring current models significantly overestimate the trapped population of the Earth’s night-side electron ring current at energies between 10 and 50 keV during geomagnetic storms compared to satellite observations. Through analysis of electron drift trajectories, we identify a missing pre-midnight loss process, requiring strong diffusion to match observations. Validation of predicted electron precipitation using low-Earth orbit satellite measurements further supports our findings that strong diffusion is reached in a broad region in the pre-midnight sector.

We further discuss the physics behind this loss process, which has been neglected in previous modeling efforts. Incorporating this loss process in future models is key to accurately predicting the storm-phase electron ring current and its associated space weather hazards.

How to cite: Haas, B., Shprits, Y., Wang, D., Himmelsbach, J., and Stoll, K.: Resolving Discrepancies in Electron Ring Current Models: The Importance of a Pre-Midnight Loss Process, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5472,, 2025.

EGU25-5572 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Joint Analysis with Swarm and Ground Stations: Ionospheric Current System and Geomagnetically Induced Currents 

Chunming Zhang, Dunlop Malcolm, Junying Yang, Xin Tan, Marghitu Octav, Blagau Adrian, Chao Xiong, Xiangcheng Dong, Dong Wei, Constantinescu Vlad, and Kervalishvili Guram

Sudden changes in the ground magnetic field, driven by geomagnetic activity, can ultimately generate geomagnetically induced currents (GICs), which can have a significant impact on artificial technology systems. High rates of change of the horizontal geomagnetic field (dH/dt) can be used as a substitute for the strength of GICs. It has been suggested that GIC signals in the nightside local time sectors can indirectly be driven by field-aligned currents (FACs) flowing into the ionosphere, which themselves can be generated during arrival of bursty bulk flows (BBFs) into the nightside transition region (through an improved substorm current wedge, SCW). We extend the analysis of the January 7, 2015 substorm by utilizing multi-point observation techniques from ground stations and satellites. We combine the data from the magnetosphere and ionosphere with the behaviour of the dH/dt component obtained from ground stations. Our results confirm that Region 1 (R1) type FACs driven by the BBF arrivals form a loop with the westward auroral electrojet currents (AEJs), an important driving factor for ground GICs. We also briefly show the role of corresponding ULF wave signals during the event. This further explains how BBFs affect ground GICs, which will help to understand the coupling between ionospheric current systems and ground currents.

How to cite: Zhang, C., Malcolm, D., Yang, J., Tan, X., Octav, M., Adrian, B., Xiong, C., Dong, X., Wei, D., Vlad, C., and Guram, K.: Joint Analysis with Swarm and Ground Stations: Ionospheric Current System and Geomagnetically Induced Currents, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5572,, 2025.

EGU25-5804 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

The effect of South Atlantic Anomaly on ring current dynamics 

Longxing Ma, Yiqun Yu, Chao Yue, Yuxuan Li, and Jinbin Cao

The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) affects the particle evolution and loss processes in the inner magnetosphere. However, most existing inner magnetosphere models average the north-south loss cone to simplify precipitation calculations, neglecting the SAA's impact. Based on the Storm-Time Ring Current Model (STRIM) accounting for the SAA effect, we simulate a storm event to analyze electron precipitation in both hemispheres. Results show that electron loss near the SAA is more pronounced than other local times around L = 4. Previous averaging methods underestimated electron precipitating fluxes in the southern hemisphere while overestimating them in the northern hemisphere. Furthermore, we find that SAA significantly promotes low-energy (several keV) electron precipitation compared to high-energy (hundreds of keV) electrons. Comparisons with in-situ observations demonstrate that simulations considering the SAA effect capture both the intensity and variations of electron precipitation. This study emphasizes the necessity of including the SAA effect in models for accurately interpreting ring current electron dynamics and the north-south asymmetry of electron precipitation.

How to cite: Ma, L., Yu, Y., Yue, C., Li, Y., and Cao, J.: The effect of South Atlantic Anomaly on ring current dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5804,, 2025.

EGU25-7086 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Electron Scattering by Electrostatic Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves and Time Domain Structures During Storm-Time 

Katja Stoll, Leonie Pick, Dedong Wang, Bernhard Haas, Yangyang Shen, Xing Cao, Binbin Ni, and Yuri Shprits

Recent studies have shown that existing ring current models overestimate the electron flux of 10-50 keV during storm-time, which is due to a missing loss process operating in the pre-midnight sector. At the same time, there are several studies which suggest that wave-particle interactions with electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves or time domain structures (TDS) can efficiently scatter electrons at energies of several hundred eV to a few keV, depending on the observed wave amplitude. These resonant interactions between electrons and ECH waves or TDS have an impact on electron phase space density evolution, but typical quasi-linear studies of ring current dynamics do not currently incorporate them. Since the scattering rates due to wave-particle interactions with both ECH waves and TDS increase with increasing geomagnetic activity, they are possible candidates to explain part of the missing loss process during storm-time.

In this study, we perform a detailed analysis of the efficiency of ECH wave scattering for a wave event that occurred during the geomagnetic storm on 17 March 2013, by calculating quasi-linear bounce-averaged scattering rates. Furthermore, we estimate the diffusion coefficients due to TDS in the inner magnetosphere. The resulting lifetimes from both ECH waves and TDS are incorporated into simulations conducted using the 4-dimensional Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB-4D) code. The results demonstrate that for the considered event, ECH waves can scatter electrons over a wide range of energies up to several keV, but the resulting lifetimes are too long to significantly alter the resulting pitch angle distribution. However, first results indicate that TDS are able to efficiently scatter electrons up to tens of keV, removing a substantial part of the overestimated flux in the model. This strengthens the assumption that they are a possible candidate to explain part of the missing loss process in ring current models.

How to cite: Stoll, K., Pick, L., Wang, D., Haas, B., Shen, Y., Cao, X., Ni, B., and Shprits, Y.: Electron Scattering by Electrostatic Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves and Time Domain Structures During Storm-Time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7086,, 2025.

Plasmapause surface waves (PSWs) near the plasmapause boundary are regarded to be the magnetospheric source of ionospheric auroral giant undulations (GUs) located at the equatorward boundary of diffuse aurora. However, the observational evidence of wave-particle interaction connecting PSWs and GUs is absent. In this letter, we demonstrate GUs are driven by pitch-angle scattering of time domain structures modulated by the PSWs, based on the conjugated ionospheric and magnetospheric observations. Specifically, ionospheric GUs are lighted by the pitch-angle scattering of < 1 keV thermal electron and ions and energetic ions with energy up to dozens of keV near the plasmapause. Further, the total fluxes during one PSW period and energy of scattered electron and ions determine the size and luminosity of GUs. Our research provides observational evidence that PSWs cause periodic particle precipitation via modulating the time domain structures rather than the previously predicted chorus or electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves.

How to cite: Yi-Jia, Z.: Giant Undulations driven by Pitch-Angle Scattering of Time Domain Structures modulated by Plasmapause Surface Wave, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7899,, 2025.

EGU25-8687 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Inversion Methods for Earth's Radiation Belt Observations from the Moon Using Cyclo-synchrotron emissions 

Gwendoline Marc, Antoine Brunet, Angélica Sicard, and Quentin Nénon

Energetic electrons in Earth’s radiation belts emit cyclo-synchrotron radiation as they are deflected by the planet’s magnetic field. These emissions provide valuable insights into the spatial and energy distributions of trapped electrons and their dynamic behavior over time. However, because this radiation occurs at frequencies below 10 MHz, it is blocked by the ionosphere, making direct observation from Earth impossible. Current in situ satellite measurements offer critical data but are limited in spatial and temporal coverage, leaving significant gaps in our understanding of radiation belt dynamics. Observations of the cyclo-synchrotron emission from the Moon’s near side could offer a unique position for real-time monitoring of radiation belts activity.

Given the typical energies of radiation belts electrons (10 keV - 1 MeV), the emitted signal follows the cyclo-synchrotron formalism. ONERA has developed a cyclo-synchrotron radiation simulator that uses the electron distributions from the physics-based Salammbô model [Marc et al., 2024].

Here, we present the development of inversion methods to retrieve the 3D distribution of electrons (Kinetic energy, Equatorial pitch angle, Roeder’s parameter L*) from simulated images of the cyclo-synchrotron radiation. A PCA-based approach demonstrates highly promising results, confirming the technical feasibility of this method and its potential to enhance our understanding of radiation belt dynamics.

With future lunar missions expected to deploy instruments capable of capturing 2D images of these emissions, developing robust inversion techniques will be essential to maximize the scientific return of these observations and enhance our space weather capabilities.

How to cite: Marc, G., Brunet, A., Sicard, A., and Nénon, Q.: Inversion Methods for Earth's Radiation Belt Observations from the Moon Using Cyclo-synchrotron emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8687,, 2025.

EGU25-10044 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Global Validation of the Data-Assimilative VERB-3D Code for the Radiation Belts 

Marina García Peñaranda, Yuri Y. Shprits, Alexander Y. Drozdov, Angélica M. Castillo Tibocha, Bernhard Haas, Mátyás Szabó-Roberts, Dedong Wang, Sebastian Cervantes, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Takefumi Mitani, Takeshi Takashima, Tomoaki Hori, Iku Shinohara, Ayako Matsuoka, Mariko Teramoto, and Kazuhiro Yamamoto

Electrons in Earth’s radiation belts exhibit significant variability in both space and time during geomagnetic storms, posing potential risks to satellites and astronauts. Physics-based models aim to describe the behavior of energetic electrons in the radiation belts but often face challenges due to uncertainties and inaccuracies, especially in the initial and boundary conditions. Data assimilation addresses these limitations by integrating satellite observations with model predictions, incorporating all available information to produce a more reliable reconstruction. This study evaluates the performance of the data-assimilative 3D Versatile Electron Radiation Belt code (VERB-3D) using data from three independent satellite missions: Arase and GOES for assimilation and Van Allen Probes for validation. The datasets were carefully cleaned and normalized to ensure compatibility. The results confirm that the model accurately reproduces radiation belt dynamics, highlighting the effectiveness of data assimilation techniques for space weather research and improving our understanding of the radiation belt environment.

How to cite: García Peñaranda, M., Y. Shprits, Y., Y. Drozdov, A., Castillo Tibocha, A. M., Haas, B., Szabó-Roberts, M., Wang, D., Cervantes, S., Miyoshi, Y., Mitani, T., Takashima, T., Hori, T., Shinohara, I., Matsuoka, A., Teramoto, M., and Yamamoto, K.: Global Validation of the Data-Assimilative VERB-3D Code for the Radiation Belts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10044,, 2025.

EGU25-10054 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Statistical Analysis of Chorus Wave Observation from the Van Allen Probes and Arase Spacecraft 

Alwin Roy, Dedong Wang, Yuri Y. Shprits, Jay Albert, Alexander Drozdov, Ondřej Santolík, Miroslav Hanzelka, Ting Feng, Thea Lepage, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Geoffrey D. Reeves, Yoshiya Kasahara, Atsushi Kumamoto, Shoya Matsuda, Ayako Matsuoka, Tomoaki Hori, Iku Shinohara, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Mariko Teramoto, and Kazuhiro Yamamoto

Chorus waves play a key role in the dynamics of energetic electrons in Earth's radiation belts, making it essential to understand their spatial distribution. However, data from a single spacecraft mission are often insufficient to capture the spatial and temporal variability of chorus waves. This study focuses on the statistical analysis of chorus wave observations from two distinct satellite missions: the Van Allen Probes and Arase. While the Van Allen Probes are well-established and extensively utilized dataset of wave observations, their coverage is limited to 20 degrees magnetic latitude, whereas Arase extends beyond 40 degrees. Thus, investigating the statistical properties of chorus waves is important for developing techniques to combine these two sets of observations, providing a more comprehensive spatio-temporal dataset. We perform a comparative analysis of magnetic intensity of chorus waves from both satellite missions, aiming to understand their spatial and temporal characteristics during the overlapping mission period. Preliminary results indicate that the statistical features of chorus wave intensities observed by the Van Allen Probes and Arase agree in general. However, in time-averaged observations, the Van Allen Probes yield higher values than those of Arase. These findings will help develop chorus wave models by combining the observations from these two satellite missions.

How to cite: Roy, A., Wang, D., Shprits, Y. Y., Albert, J., Drozdov, A., Santolík, O., Hanzelka, M., Feng, T., Lepage, T., Miyoshi, Y., Reeves, G. D., Kasahara, Y., Kumamoto, A., Matsuda, S., Matsuoka, A., Hori, T., Shinohara, I., Tsuchiya, F., Teramoto, M., and Yamamoto, K.: Statistical Analysis of Chorus Wave Observation from the Van Allen Probes and Arase Spacecraft, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10054,, 2025.

EGU25-10451 | Orals | ST2.9

Improvements in the 4D drift-resolved radiation belt code Salammbô 4D. 

Rabia Kiraz, Nour Dahmen, Vincent Maget, and Benoit Lavraud

Since the beginning of the space age, radiation belts have been a subject of great interest to scientists and space industry stakeholders due to their highly energetic and dynamic nature, which poses hazards to both spacecraft and humans. In particular, during strong geomagnetic activity, the particle fluxes in the outer electron radiation belt can be enhanced a thousand times compared to quiet times. Therefore, it is crucial to understand their dynamics along with the physical processes behind it.

Physical models simulate the dynamics of magnetically trapped particles in the radiation belts based on the Fokker-Planck formalism with different levels of representation. The Salammbô 3D code has proven its effectiveness in forecasting and nowcasting radiation belt dynamics as well as assessing associated risks. To expand the modeled energy range and enable studies of internal charging, it exists the Salammbô 4D code. This drift-resolved code breaks the symmetry of drift motion and incorporates the effects of magnetospheric electric fields into the dynamic.

We present advancements to Salammbô 4D through upgrades to key physical processes. These upgrades enable a more realistic representation of low-energy particle dynamics in inner magnetosphere modeling. The improvements include several key advancements. First, the modeling of convective particle transport has been refined by incorporating a realistic electric field model. Second, a more accurate description of magnetopause shadowing has been introduced. Finally, an event-based and Magnetic Local Time (MLT)-dependent wave-particle interaction modeling has been implemented.

How to cite: Kiraz, R., Dahmen, N., Maget, V., and Lavraud, B.: Improvements in the 4D drift-resolved radiation belt code Salammbô 4D., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10451,, 2025.

EGU25-13042 | Posters on site | ST2.9

The saturation properties of EMIC waves and the associated heating of cold ions 

Shujie Gu, Lunjin Chen, Xiangrong Fu, Misa Cowee, and Xu Liu

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere are driven by ring current ions and play an essential role in electron and ion dynamics. Since their frequency ranges (0.1 ~ 10 Hz) are close to the cyclotron frequencies of protons (H+), singly ionized helium and oxygen ions (He+, O+), they can efficiently heat the cold ions via cyclotron resonance. In this study, we run a hybrid simulation in a homogeneous plasma including hot H+ (~100 keV) cold H+, He+, and O+, to investigate the EMIC wave properties after saturation and the associated heating of cold ions. We find that the spectrum of EMIC waves evolves towards smaller frequency as the waves saturate, resulting from the relaxation of the temperature anisotropy of hot H+. Accompanying with the frequency evolution, the efficient scattering on the ions shifts to heavier ions; that is,  the cold H+, He+, and O+ are heated sequentially. The H+ and He+ are mainly heated perpendicularly with respect to the background magnetic field line, while the O+ are mainly heated near the field-aligned direction. Our study can advance the understanding of EMIC wave properties and their coupling with cold ions in the magnetosphere.

How to cite: Gu, S., Chen, L., Fu, X., Cowee, M., and Liu, X.: The saturation properties of EMIC waves and the associated heating of cold ions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13042,, 2025.

EGU25-13113 | ECS | Orals | ST2.9

Statistical Analysis of Subpacket Structure in Isolated and Overlapping Chorus Elements 

Jiabei He, Lunjin Chen, and Zhiyang Xia

The rising tone chorus elements show a fine structure consisting of multiple subpackets with varying amplitudes and durations. Using data from Van Allen Probe A (2012 −2019) and an automated ”isolation” algorithm, we identify 382594 chorus elements and classify them as isolated or overlapped. We find that during active conditions, these two types show opposite day-night asymmetry distribution in magnetic local time (MLT). The isolated chorus elements are observed more on the nightside and dawnside, corresponding to the shorter repetition time. Conversely, overlapped chorus elements dominate the dayside due to the smaller frequency difference between the overlapping segments, facilitating wave superposition inside packets. Additionally, we compare the properties of both types. We find the packets of isolated waves tend to exhibit longer duration and larger amplitude, and show good agreement with the nonlinear theory of chorus wave growth. However, the packets of overlapped waves are shorter and exhibit small frequency and amplitude differences confined in a narrow range, suggesting a contribution from wave superposition effects.

How to cite: He, J., Chen, L., and Xia, Z.: Statistical Analysis of Subpacket Structure in Isolated and Overlapping Chorus Elements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13113,, 2025.

EGU25-13416 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Investigate the Effect of Plasma Density Perturbation on the Hiss Wave Amplitude 

Zhiyang Xia, Lunjin Chen, and Wenyao Gu

Using nine years of plasma density and hiss wave observations from the Van Allen Probes, we have compiled a substantial dataset of time intervals featuring significant plasma density perturbations and hiss wave power. We extracted the upper and lower bounds of the plasma density variation as well as the hiss amplitude variation. Statistical analysis shows that the density difference (ΔlogN) has a strong positive correlation with both the hiss amplitude (logA) and the hiss amplitude difference (ΔlogA), indicating the modulation effect of plasma density on the hiss wave amplitude.

Using machine learning techniques, we developed a regression model to predict the hiss amplitude (logA and ΔlogA) from plasma density information, spatial position, and geomagnetic indexes. The modeling results show that incorporating the density difference ΔlogN into the model improves prediction accuracy. Feature importance analysis indicates that ΔlogN is the most important feature for predicting the hiss amplitude difference ΔlogA.

How to cite: Xia, Z., Chen, L., and Gu, W.: Investigate the Effect of Plasma Density Perturbation on the Hiss Wave Amplitude, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13416,, 2025.

EGU25-13471 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

MLT distributions of Bounce Loss and Drift Loss cone electrons 

Anthony Saikin, Alexander Drozdov, and Yuri Shprits

Electron precipitation remains a dominant topic of study with confusion persisting as to whether instruments are measuring stable trapped electrons in low earth orbit, locally precipitating electrons, or electrons that will be lost over the course of a drift orbit. In this study, we present a preliminary study focusing on categorizing electrons by their precipitation mechanism (bounce loss or drift loss) or as trapped populations. Using the Electron Losses and Fields Investigation (ELFIN) Spatio-Temporal Ambiguity Resolution (STAR) CubeSat measurements developed at UCLA, we determine which keV – MeV electrons are lost and trapped within each MLT sector. The ELFIN-STAR measurements are used to determine the magnetic footprint required for particles to be lost via bounce loss and/or drift loss.

How to cite: Saikin, A., Drozdov, A., and Shprits, Y.: MLT distributions of Bounce Loss and Drift Loss cone electrons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13471,, 2025.

EGU25-14668 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9

Case study of propagation characteristics of EMIC wave using multipoint observation by Arase, Cluster, and Ground Station 

Shunsuke Miyashita, Yuto Katoh, Yasumasa Kasaba, Fuminori Tuchiya, Atsushi Kumamoto, Yoshiya Kasahara, Shoya Matsuda, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Tomoaki Hori, Atsuki Shinbori, Kazuo Shiokawa, Shinichiro Oyama, Ayako Matsuoka, Mariko Teramoto, Ondřej Santolík, and Benjamin Grison

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are important for the loss of radiation belt electrons and ring current ions. After being excited by an instability driven by the temperature anisotropy followed by nonlinear wave-particle interactions occurring near the magnetic equator of the inner magnetosphere, EMIC waves propagate parallel along the magnetic field lines with left-handed polarization. Their wave normal angles with respect to the magnetic field increase as the waves propagate to higher latitudes. At latitudes where the wave frequency is the same as the crossover frequency, the polarization changes from left-handed to right-handed, called polarization reversal. Polarization reversal is one of the mechanisms that allow EMIC waves to propagate to the ground without being reflected in the magnetosphere, because based on the dispersion relation of the cold plasma, they could only exist in the frequency range above the cutoff frequency if they remained with the left-handed polarization. The crossover frequency at which the polarization reversal occurs depends highly on the surrounding plasma environment. To investigate the polarization reversal in the magnetosphere, conjugate observation, in which the same event is observed at different latitudes, is useful for discussing the propagation process of plasma waves and changes in the surrounding plasma environment.

In this study, we analyzed EMIC waves simultaneously observed by the Arase, Cluster and ground-based induction magnetometer at the Gakona station ( 62.39° N and 214.78° E geographic coordinates). We used the electric and magnetic field waveform data observed by the PWE-EFD and MGF onboard the Arase satellite and the magnetic field waveform data observed by STAFF onboard the C1 satellite. Also, we used the induction magnetometer data from the Gakona station. The event of interest was observed from 21:20 to 21:40 UT on July 25,2020, with the same L-value-(L=6) and MLT-(12.9 MLT). In the spectra observed by Arase located in the equatorial region (MLAT= 5°), we identified the enhancement of electromagnetic waves in the frequency range from 0.65Hz to 1.1Hz, corresponding to the proton-band EMIC waves. The same EMIC wave was observed by C1 and Gakona. At this time C1 was located away from the equator-(MLAT= -22° ). While the frequency range of the EMIC wave observed at Arase was higher than the He+ cyclotron frequency, ƒHe+ , the EMIC wave observed at C1 appeared in the spectra close to ƒHe+. Considering the cold plasma dispersion relation, it was suggested that polarization reversal may have occurred during the wave propagation from the equatorial region at Arase to the higher latitude at C1. We have also performed the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method(Santolik et al. 2003) for each satellite data, which allows us to derive polarization properties. As a result, it was confirmed that the polarization in C1 changed from linear polarization to right-handed polarization below a specific frequency. With these results, it is observationally clear that the conditions for the EMIC wave propagation to the ground are satisfied. We also discussed the surrounding plasma environment and the generation process of the observed EMIC wave.

How to cite: Miyashita, S., Katoh, Y., Kasaba, Y., Tuchiya, F., Kumamoto, A., Kasahara, Y., Matsuda, S., Miyoshi, Y., Hori, T., Shinbori, A., Shiokawa, K., Oyama, S., Matsuoka, A., Teramoto, M., Santolík, O., and Grison, B.: Case study of propagation characteristics of EMIC wave using multipoint observation by Arase, Cluster, and Ground Station, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14668,, 2025.

EGU25-14811 | Orals | ST2.9

Statistical Properties of Exohiss Waves and Associated Scattering Losses of Radiation Belt Electrons 

Rongxin Tang, Heimeng Li, Zhihai Ouyang, Wenqian Zou, and Bopu Feng

Exohiss waves are a type of structureless whistler‐mode waves that exist in the low density plasmatrough outside the plasmapause and may potentially perturb the motions of electrons in the radiation belt and ring current. Using data from Van Allen Probe A, we analyze the distribution of magnetic power spectral density (PSD) of exohiss waves in different magnetic local time (MLT) and L‐shell regions near the geomagnetic equator. The results reveal that the peak magnetic PSD of exohiss waves is the weakest at MLT = 0–6 and the strongest at MLT = 12–18. The magnetic PSDs of exohiss waves are much lower than those of chorus and hiss waves except for the MLT = 12–18 sector. In addition, we calculated the quasi‐linear bounce‐ averaged pitch angle and momentum diffusion coefficients (⟨Dαα⟩ and ⟨Dpp⟩) of electrons caused by exohiss waves. The diffusion coefficients are then compared with those caused by chorus and hiss waves. The peak ⟨Dαα⟩ of electrons driven by exohiss waves becomes stronger as L‐shell increases at all MLTs and is the greatest on the dayside, especially in the sector of MLT = 12–18. Exohiss waves have more significant effect on the loss of radiation belt electrons with specific energy levels related to MLT and L‐shell region compared to chorus and hiss waves. On the other hand, ⟨Dpp⟩ of electrons caused by exohiss waves is very small, which illustrates that exohiss waves have almost no acceleration effect on electrons.

How to cite: Tang, R., Li, H., Ouyang, Z., Zou, W., and Feng, B.: Statistical Properties of Exohiss Waves and Associated Scattering Losses of Radiation Belt Electrons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14811,, 2025.

EGU25-15132 | Orals | ST2.9

Long-Term Radiation Belt Electron Dynamics Driven by Chorus Waves 

Zeyu An and Xin Tao

Debates have been lasting for decades on how to characterize resonant interactions between magnetospheric electrons and plasma waves. Practically, quasilinear theory is applied to model the evolution of electron populations. Under this framework, electron dynamics are approximated as diffusion processes described by Fokker-Planck equation, which are governed by the time-averaged wave power spectrum only. For wave modes such as chorus, fine structures including discreteness and frequency chirping are left out. These structures, together with the intense, coherent nature of chorus waves, could possibly induce nonlinear electron motions which are rapid in phase space. Quantifying the deviation from quasilinear theory is important for accurate space weather forecasts.

Self-consistent PIC simulations can generate chorus waves with all key features realistic. By performing test-particle simulations with PIC-originated chorus waves, we track an ensemble of electrons for several bounce periods to make detailed comparisons between the evolution of its distribution function and quasilinear theory. Varying L-shell and wave packet spacings in PIC simulations shows the sensitivity of our results.

How to cite: An, Z. and Tao, X.: Long-Term Radiation Belt Electron Dynamics Driven by Chorus Waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15132,, 2025.

EGU25-16158 | Posters on site | ST2.9

Trends in Field-Aligned Currents from the Polar Regions to the Ring Current Region: 10 Years of Observations from Swarm and MMS 

Xin Tan, Malcolm Dunlop, JunYing Yang, ChunMing Zhang, Christopher Russell, and Hermann Lühr

Using data from the Swarm and Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) missions collected between September 1, 2015, and May 1, 2024, we present a direct comparison of field-aligned currents (FACs) from the ring current (RC) region and polar regions for the first time through statistical analysis. Our analysis examines the response of FACs to different upstream interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) directions and solar wind (SW) flow velocity directions, the FAC distribution corresponding to various AE and SYMH indices, and the overall trends of FAC current directions in both the polar and RC regions. Leveraging the extensive coverage provided by Swarm data, we conducted a seasonal analysis of how polar FACs respond to IMF BX, BY, BZ, as well as SW VZ. The results show that the direction of SW flow velocity has a weak effect on polar FACs, while the IMF plays a significant role. The average results smooth out the seasonal differences indicate that polar FACs only show differences in response to the varying directions of BZ. In contrast, RC region FACs are also significantly influenced by SW VZ. Both increases in the AE and SYMH indices are associated with enhanced FAC current densities, with polar FACs showing a better correlation with the AE index. Overall, the flow direction trends of FACs < 70° MLAT in both the polar and RC regions are similar, with stronger current densities observed in the Northern Hemisphere. However, current densities derived from simple coefficient calculations in the polar and RC regions do not directly match, showing a significant order-of-magnitude difference. Additionally, a marked hemispheric difference in FAC direction is observed in the 07:30-10:00 MLT, 60°-70° MLAT region in both the polar and RC regions.

How to cite: Tan, X., Dunlop, M., Yang, J., Zhang, C., Russell, C., and Lühr, H.: Trends in Field-Aligned Currents from the Polar Regions to the Ring Current Region: 10 Years of Observations from Swarm and MMS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16158,, 2025.

High-energy particles in geosynchronous orbit (GEO) present significant hazards to astronauts and artificial satellites, particularly during extreme geomagnetic activity conditions. In the present study, based on observations onboard the GOES-15 (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites) spanning from 2011 to 2019 as well as the historical values of solar wind and geomagnetic activity indices, an artificial neural network (ANN) model was established to predict the temporal evolution of the GEO sub-relativistic and relativistic (>0.8 MeV and >2 MeV) electron fluxes one day in advance. By adding the last-orbital observations of electron flux in each of all 24 different MLTs (magnetic local times) and its two MLT-adjacent values into inputs, the current model can provide accurate predictions with an MLT-resolution of one hour for the first time. Moreover, it achieves the best performance in comparison with previous methods, with overall root-mean-square-errors (RMSEs) of 0.276 and 0.311, prediction-efficiencies (PEs) of 0.863 and 0.844, and Pearson-correlation-coefficients (CCs) of 0.930 and 0.921 for >0.8 MeV and >2 MeV electrons, respectively. More than 99% of the samples exhibit an observation-prediction difference of less than one order of magnitude, while over 90% demonstrate a difference of less than 0.5 order. Further analysis revealed that it can precisely track the global variations of the electron flux during both quiet times and active conditions. The present model would be an important supplement for examining the temporospatial variations of inner magnetospheric particles and helping to establish a warning mechanism for space weather disaster events.

How to cite: Zou, Z., Zhang, L., and Zuo, P.: Global Prediction of Sub-relativistic and Relativistic Electron Fluxes in the Geosynchronous Orbit Using Artificial Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16375,, 2025.

EGU25-20589 | ECS | Orals | ST2.9

 Transport in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere: Using Particle and Wave Data to Study Rayleigh-Taylor like Interchange Instability Injection Events 

Erika Hathaway, Michael Liemohn, Abigail Azari, Pedro Silva, Raluca Ilie, and George Hospodarsky

We investigate the plasma mass transport process known as interchange instability using data analysis and modeling. Interchange instabilities are spatially small but ubiquitous flows of hot ambient plasma into the cold Enceladus torus, resembling Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities within Saturn's inner magnetosphere. Although evidenced with Cassini spacecraft observations, their role in plasma transport and causal relationship with large-scale current-sheet collapse injection processes is not well understood. 

We offer a unifying review of interchange injections seen in past statistical surveys [Azari et al., 2018; Chen & Hill, 2008; Kennelly et al., 2013; Lai et al., 2016] by explaining measurements from the Radio and Plasma Science (RPWS) instrument, and comparing wave-types and properties against characteristics seen co-occurring in the particle sensors (ion and electron in MIMI and CAPS), and magnetometer (MAG). Additionally, we investigate the conditions within the inner magnetosphere of Saturn using the Hot Electron and Ion Drift Integrator (HEIDI), a drift kinetic model that solves the gyro- and bounce-averaged Boltzmann equation for the energetic plasma population [Liemohn et al., 2001, 2006; Ilie et al., 2012, 2013; Liu and Ilie, 2021]. Originally designed for Earth, we will present steps taken towards adapting this model for Saturn and reproducing interchange instability injections as a source/loss term for the environment.

How to cite: Hathaway, E., Liemohn, M., Azari, A., Silva, P., Ilie, R., and Hospodarsky, G.:  Transport in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere: Using Particle and Wave Data to Study Rayleigh-Taylor like Interchange Instability Injection Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20589,, 2025.

Exohiss serves as a typical imprint of the outward energy release from plasmaspheric hiss. The distribution of exohiss under the effect of Landau damping has not been thoroughly evaluate. On the basis of observations from the Van Allen Probes on 17 February 2014, we performed two‐dimensional ray tracing simulations to model the evolution of hiss waves propagating from the geomagnetic equator in plasmasphere. The results show that the hiss wave power decreases rapidly as the waves enter the plasmatrough under the enhanced Landau damping effect of hot electrons. Furthermore, we perform a statistical analysis of the simulation results from multiple rays and obtain the radial, latitudinal, and frequency distributions of the exohiss wave power. The modeled distribution characteristics of exohiss align well with observations, suggesting that Landau damping is crucial in shaping the morphology of exohiss in the inner magnetosphere.

How to cite: He, Z.: Radial and Latitudinal Distributions of the Exohiss Under the Effect of Landau Damping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21022,, 2025.

EGU25-124 | Posters on site | PS1.1

Solar wind- Mercury's magnetosphere interaction by data exploration and MHD simulations 

Shu-Hua Lai, Yung-Ching Wang, Ya-Hui Yang, and Wing-Huen Ip

Mercury's magnetosphere is more dynamic than Earth's due to its proximity to the Sun, and it is subject to a lower Mach number solar wind. Regarding the solar wind interaction with Mercury, we are interested in the configurations of Mercury’s magnetosphere and the energy transport under various solar wind conditions. First, this study examines the potential impact of low Mach number solar wind on Mercury's bow shock and the resulting effects on the magnetosphere. To analyze the variability of Mercury's bow shock in response to solar wind properties, this study combines observations by the Helios data with theoretical solutions and MHD simulations. The results show that when Mercury encounters solar wind with an extremely low Mach number, its bow shock is expected to become more flattened, further from the planet, and may even disappear completely. Our other focus is on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) that occurs at the magnetopause, which plays a crucial role in the energy transfer and momentum coupling process between the solar wind and Mercury's magnetospheres. We conducted MHD simulations based on boundary conditions and plasma parameters from a global hybrid simulation of the MESSENGER’s first flyby in 2008. Given the lack of comprehensive plasma observations of Mercury's magnetosphere, we examined two scenarios: one with a heavily mass-loaded magnetosphere and another with a weakly mass-loaded magnetosphere. Our findings show that the KHI in a heavily loaded magnetosphere results in a more turbulent magnetopause, with nonlinear fast-mode plane waves expanding away from the magnetopause. The momentum and energy flux quantified from our simulations reveals that the KHI with a heavily loaded magnetosphere can efficiently transport momentum and energy away from the magnetopause in the presence of the fast-mode plane waves. In such a scenario, observed in the inner magnetosphere, the momentum flux can reach about 0.5 % of the initial solar-wind dynamic pressure; the energy flux can be 10-2 erg/cm2/s, and the energy density is about 1.5 %-3.0 % of the initial solar-wind energy.

How to cite: Lai, S.-H., Wang, Y.-C., Yang, Y.-H., and Ip, W.-H.: Solar wind- Mercury's magnetosphere interaction by data exploration and MHD simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-124,, 2025.

EGU25-1275 | Orals | PS1.1

Investigation of the Ultralow Frequency (ULF) foreshock boundary at Mercury 

Tomas Karlsson, Xóchitl Blanco-Cano, Heli Hietala, Sofia Bergman, Ferdinand Plaschke, and Tsz Kiu Wong Chan

Ultralow frequency (ULF) waves are found in certain parts of the upstream region of planetary bow shocks. These waves are believed to be driven by the interaction of solar wind ions reflected from the bow shock with the original solar wind beam. The region where ULF waves can possibly be observed is then determined by the regions accessible to the reflected ions within the foreshock (defined as the region magnetically connected to the bow shock). The boundary of the region where ULF waves are observed at Earth is known to also depend on the growth rate of the waves and on the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). To identify the ULF foreshock boundary at Mercury, we use MESSENGER observations to investigate the presence or absence of clear ULF wave activity upstream of the bow shock. The boundary of regions where ULF waves are present, as parametrized by the angle θBn between the IMF and the bow shock normal, is identified and the dependence on the IMF is studied. The connection to higher-frequency whistler waves emissions is also investigated. The results are compared to results from other planets, and their connection to other upstream phenomena is discussed. Finally, open questions that can be addressed by the upcoming BepiColombo mission are discussed.

How to cite: Karlsson, T., Blanco-Cano, X., Hietala, H., Bergman, S., Plaschke, F., and Wong Chan, T. K.: Investigation of the Ultralow Frequency (ULF) foreshock boundary at Mercury, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1275,, 2025.

EGU25-2481 | Posters on site | PS1.1

Mercury upstream region as a natural laboratory of beam plasma experiments 

Yasuhito Narita, Daniel Schmid, and Uwe Motschmann

Upstream region of the Mercury magnetosphere is of great interest in advancing our knowledge on the plasma waves and instabilities. The interplanetary magnetic field is nearly aligned with the solar wind stream at the distances of Mercury to the Sun with a Parker spiral angle of only about 20 degrees. A one-dimensional beam plasma system is likely realized ahead of or around the Mercury. The solar wind plasma streams away from the Sun and the beam ions (either shock-reflected ions or pickup ions) stream against the sola wind, forming a naturaly laboratory of head-on beam collider experiments at an energy scale of keV (through the electromagnetic interactions without binary collisions). We study the dielectric response of the beam plasma and develop various scenarios of beam instabilities relevant to the Mercury upstream waves in a systematic way including the right-hand resonant instability and the pickup ion cyclotron waves. Our wave model has the potential to serve as an analysis tool to estimate the beam velocity and the flow speed from the resonance frequency, particularly useful to in-situ magnetic field data analyses for MESSENGER and BepiColombo measurements.

How to cite: Narita, Y., Schmid, D., and Motschmann, U.: Mercury upstream region as a natural laboratory of beam plasma experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2481,, 2025.

EGU25-3409 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1

A Survey of the Anomalous Reconnection Layer on Mercury 

I-Hsiang Chiu, Jih-Hong Shue, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Jun Zhong, and Masafumi Hirahara


Anomalous reconnection layer (ARL) usually appears near the magnetopause when the solar wind is in low Alfvén Mach number. The structure of an ARL is similar to the magnetic reconnection outflow region, i.e., a decrease in the total magnetic field and an increase in the high-energy ion flux. The ARL is seldom observed in the Earth’s magnetospheric environment because the solar wind at Earth is mostly in high Alfvén Mach number regime. According to previous observations, the solar wind at Mercury is usually in low Alfvén Mach number. Therefore, we assume that such an ARL can be observed frequently near Mercury’s magnetopause. To test this assumption, we examined the magnetic fields and ion fluxes obtained at the Mercury’s magnetosheath by the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft. With 120 events of ARLs we identified from MESSENGER’s data, we validate the assumption that ARLs frequently appear on Mercury. These ARL events were extracted from the list of MESSENGER bowshock and magnetopause crossing times compiled by Winslow et al. [2013]. The number of the ARL events found on Mercury is much larger than those found on Earth. The thickness of each ARL was estimated from the data, finding that the ARLs occupy, on average, one-fifth the thickness of the magnetosheath for Mercury. This work helps deepen our understanding of the comparative magnetospheric environment of Mercury and Earth.



Winslow, R. M., B. J. Anderson, C. L. Johnson, J. A. Slavin, H. Korth, M. E. Purucker, D. N. Baker, and S. C. Solomon (2013), Mercury's magnetopause and bow shock from MESSENGER Magnetometer observations, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 118, 2213–2227, doi:10.1002/jgra.50237.

How to cite: Chiu, I.-H., Shue, J.-H., Hasegawa, H., Zhong, J., and Hirahara, M.: A Survey of the Anomalous Reconnection Layer on Mercury, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3409,, 2025.

EGU25-3985 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1

 Impact Vaporization and Mercury’s Superthermal Exosphere 

Ian-Lin Lai, Chen-Yen Hsu, and Wing-Huen Ip

Mercury’s tenuous atmosphere leaves its surface exposed to continuous meteoroid bombardment, which vaporizes surface material and enriches the exosphere with various species. Ground-based observations (Bida et al., 2000; Killen et al., 2005) first detected calcium in Mercury’s exosphere; subsequent measurements by the MASCS spectrometer onboard MESSENGER confirmed that these Ca atoms can reach remarkably high temperatures (12,000–20,000 K, and occasionally up to ~70,000 K) despite Mercury’s surface being only a few hundred K (Killen et al., 2005). The Ca corona also displays distinct temporal and spatial patterns, suggesting that meteoroid impact vaporization—especially from the 2P/Encke meteor stream—is a significant source of these superthermal Ca atoms. It has been proposed that Ca-bearing molecules, such as CaO, are vaporized by impacts and subsequently dissociated into Ca atoms. In this work, we employ a time-dependent Monte Carlo model to simulate the expansion of gases released by impact vaporization, incorporating multiple species and photodissociation processes to determine the spatial distribution of fragments. These results will aid in interpreting future observations by the BepiColombo mission.

How to cite: Lai, I.-L., Hsu, C.-Y., and Ip, W.-H.:  Impact Vaporization and Mercury’s Superthermal Exosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3985,, 2025.

EGU25-4305 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1

Roughness map for the equatorial region of Mercury and its implication to surface evolution 

Gaku Nishiyama, Frank Preusker, Adrien Broquet, Alexander Stark, and Hauke Hussmann

Analyses of topographic roughness at various baselines are useful for studying surface evolution on airless bodies. Using data from the Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) onboard Space ENvironment, Geochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission, roughness distribution on Mercury has been investigated at baselines down to sub-km scale [e.g., 1]. However, due to the eccentric orbit of MESSENGER and the limited ranging distance of MLA, laser ranging observations are limited to the north polar region. In addition, previous image-based digital elevation cannot be used to quantify roughness at km scale due to limited spatial resolution [2]. Therefore, roughness at km-scale baselines has not been mapped below 45°N latitude on Mercury.

To complement the lack of roughness data in the equatorial region, this study analyzes the latest global DEM (version 20240927) produced as described in Preusker et al. [3]. The effective resolution of this DEM has been estimated to be 5 km [e.g., 3]. Focusing on topographic curvatures at baselines of 5–10 km and their interquartile ranges at each latitude and longitude, we mapped roughness distribution at latitudes of 66°N–66°S to examine correlations between roughness and geologic features.

Our new roughness map shows several anomalous features correlated with Mercury’s geology. The most obvious feature is a clear distinction between smooth plains and rough intercrater plains. Our roughness map shows roughness differences similar to those reported by previous works for the northern hemisphere [1]. In addition, our analysis shows a certain variation in roughness among the smooth plains. For example, the Caloris smooth plains show higher roughness than other smooth plains due to superposing grabens in the Caloris basin. Another characteristic is high-roughness anomalies around young basins. The areas of continuous ejecta have higher roughness than the surroundings due to their freshness. The roughness values do not simply decrease with increasing distance from the basin centers but show local minima adjacent to their rims, originating from coverage of impact melt and/or deficit of secondary craters.

Furthermore, a comparison with the latest catalog of tectonic landforms [4] shows an absence of contractional landforms at high roughness anomalies. The lobate scarps and ridges tend to be distributed outside rough regions like the young basin ejecta. This correlation may suggest superposition of younger basin ejecta on older tectonic features, difficulty of tectonic landform detection on rough terrains, and/or less efficient formation of contractional landforms due to possibly high crustal porosity. These possibilities imply that the extent of Mercury’s radial contraction may have been underestimated due to the obscuration of old contractional landforms. In the presentation, we will discuss possible extent of corrections to global contraction estimates to account for the roughness effect.


[1] Kreslavsky M. A. et al. (2014) GRL, 41, 8245–8251.

[2] Florinsky I. V. (2018) Planetary and Space Science, 151, 56–70.

[3] Preusker F. et al. (2017) Planetary and Space Science, 142, 26–37.

[4] Klimczak C. et al. (2023) 54th LPSC, Abstract #1122.

Acknowledgment: This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP22K21344 and JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship.

How to cite: Nishiyama, G., Preusker, F., Broquet, A., Stark, A., and Hussmann, H.: Roughness map for the equatorial region of Mercury and its implication to surface evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4305,, 2025.

EGU25-6716 | Posters on site | PS1.1

Insights into Mercury's Hydrogen Exosphere: Characterization and First Detection of H₂ Molecules 

Fabian Weichbold, Daniel Schmid, Helmut Lammer, Martin Volwerk, Manuel Scherf, Nikolai Erkaev, Ali Varsani, and Cyril Simon-Wedlund

Between 1974 and 1975, the Mariner 10 spacecraft investigated Mercury's environment during three flybys. By using its ultraviolet spectrometer, it identified helium, atomic oxygen, and hydrogen atoms in Mercury’s exosphere. Interestingly, no H2 molecules were detected during these flybys. Based on data from the occultation instrument, an upper limit for H2 surface density was established from the detection threshold of about 1.4 x 107 cm-3. Here, we present the first in-situ detection of H2 molecules in the Hermean Exosphere, identified through magnetic field and plasma measurements obtained from the MESSENGER spacecraft. The data was analyzed for ion cyclotron waves produced by H2+ pick-up ions. Our findings reveal a much lower dayside surface density of approximately 2000 cm-3, significantly below the Mariner 10 detection threshold. Furthermore, the observed atomic hydrogen in the exosphere cannot be entirely attributed to H2 dissociation. Instead, it likely arises from a combination of thermal hydrogen atoms, charge exchange processes, space weather effects, H2 dissociation and micrometeorite impacts.

How to cite: Weichbold, F., Schmid, D., Lammer, H., Volwerk, M., Scherf, M., Erkaev, N., Varsani, A., and Simon-Wedlund, C.: Insights into Mercury's Hydrogen Exosphere: Characterization and First Detection of H₂ Molecules, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6716,, 2025.

EGU25-6945 | Orals | PS1.1

Observations from the Mercury Electron Analyzer onboard BepiColombo during its sixth Mercury flyby 

Nicolas André, Jean-André Sauvaud, Yoshifumi Saito, Mathias Rojo, Sae Aizawa, Andrei Fedorov, Emmanuel Penou, Alain Barthe, Shoichiro Yokota, Zdenek Nemecek, Jana Safrankova, Maria Federica Marcucci, Zhi-Yang Liu, Moa Persson, Lina Hadid, Dominique Delcourt, Yuki Harada, Markus Fraenz, Norbert Krupp, and Go Murakami

On 8 January 2025, the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission flew by Mercury for the sixth time at an altitude of 295 km. The spacecraft took on a unique route through Mercury’s magnetic and particle environment, crossing the equator opposite the Sun on Mercury’s night side before flying over the planet’s north pole. During eclipse, in the cold shadow of the planet, as well as above the northern pole the spacecraft passed through regions where charged particles precipitate from the planet’s magnetic tail and from the solar wind towards its surface. We will detail the original electron observations obtained by the Mercury Electron Analyzer during Mercury’s sixth flyby, and compare and contrast them with electron observations obtained during previous BepiColombo flybys. All together, these new observations will provide new insights into the diversity of structures observed in these regions and the underlying mechanisms responsible for their formation and dynamics.


How to cite: André, N., Sauvaud, J.-A., Saito, Y., Rojo, M., Aizawa, S., Fedorov, A., Penou, E., Barthe, A., Yokota, S., Nemecek, Z., Safrankova, J., Marcucci, M. F., Liu, Z.-Y., Persson, M., Hadid, L., Delcourt, D., Harada, Y., Fraenz, M., Krupp, N., and Murakami, G.: Observations from the Mercury Electron Analyzer onboard BepiColombo during its sixth Mercury flyby, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6945,, 2025.

EGU25-6978 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1

Mercury's Nightside Magnetosphere: Predictions for Mercury's Magnetotail Twist at the Orbits of MPO and Mio 

Willi Exner and Norberto Romanelli

Planetary magnetospheres exhibit significant twisting of the magnetotail with increasing downstream distances.
However, Mercury's tail twist observed by MESSENGER indicate a rather small twist of up to 3 degrees.
Here, we model Mercury's magnetotail response to different Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) directions and determine what MPO and Mio might observe in their orbital phase with the hybrid model AIKEF.
Our hybrid model results indicate that Mercury's magnetotail topology exhibits a similar small twist at MPO altitudes, comparable to MESSENGER results.
The tail twist observed by Mio, however, indicates a strong dependency on the upstream IMF direction, becoming much more Earth-like.
In addition, kinetic effects warp and bend the neutral sheet significantly, disallowing easy determinations of the twist angles.

How to cite: Exner, W. and Romanelli, N.: Mercury's Nightside Magnetosphere: Predictions for Mercury's Magnetotail Twist at the Orbits of MPO and Mio, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6978,, 2025.

Mercury, the innermost planet in our solar system, offers a unique natural laboratory for planetary science, particularly with its unexpectedly high concentration of volatile elements and the presence of volatile-related geological features. This study investigates the morphology and ages of craters at Mercury's north and south poles to understand the distribution of water ice within these regions. Utilizing high-resolution images from the MESSENGER mission and various digital elevation models, we measured crater depth and diameter and conducted crater size-frequency distribution analyses. Our findings reveal significant differences in the depth-to-diameter (d/D) ratios and absolute ages of craters between the poles. North Pole craters are generally younger, deeper, and smaller in diameter, while South Pole craters are older, shallower, and larger in diameter. The Northern Smooth Plains at the North Pole, formed by extensive volcanic activity, exhibit fewer impact craters, suggesting a younger surface. In contrast, the South Pole's heavily cratered terrain displays significant weathering and thicker regolith layers. The study also highlights the uneven distribution of water ice, likely influenced by crater morphology and the presence of insulating layers. This research provides insights into the geological history of Mercury and the processes shaping its polar regions, enhancing our understanding of the planet's volatile content and its implications for habitability in the inner solar system.

How to cite: Wang, X.: Asymmetry distribution of craters on north and south poles of Mercury, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7516,, 2025.

EGU25-7859 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1

Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Observations on Mercury’s magnetopause: MESSENGER Study 

Ruotan Li, Weijie Sun, and Suiyan Fu

Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability plays an important role in transporting mass, momentum and energy at the magnetopause of planetary magnetospheres. Previous studies have shown that the K-H waves on Mercury’s magnetosphere exhibit clear dawn-dusk asymmetry, i.e., they are frequently observed on the duskside magnetopause but rarely on the dawnside. In this presentation, we first present a case study of K-H waves on the dawnside of Mercury’s magnetosphere and a  statistical study of K-H waves from 2014 to 2015 based on MSEEENGER’s observations.

In the case study, the K-H waveforms on the dawnside side were divided into linear waves and nonlinear waves by modeling the magnetopause as Harris current sheet. The 30mHz compressional ultra-low-frequency waves and ion-Bernstein modes were observed in the magnetosphere adjacent to these K-H waves, which are interpreted as the evidence of energy and mass transport by K-H waves. However, only a few magnetopause oscillations were observed on the duskside during the same MESSENGER’s orbit under similar interplanetary magnetic field conditions. No compressional waves or ion-Berstein modes were observed associated with these oscillations. 

Our statistical study found that K-H waves were equably prevalent on both the dawnside and duskside, which are different from the previously reported dawn-dusk asymmetry. We categorized our cases into linear and nonlinear stages and analyzed their interplanetary magnetic field conditions. Our results provide  insights into the study of K-H instability at Mercury, especially the mechanism of asymmetry and transport of plasma and energy.

How to cite: Li, R., Sun, W., and Fu, S.: Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Observations on Mercury’s magnetopause: MESSENGER Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7859,, 2025.

EGU25-8218 | Orals | PS1.1

Extreme Space Weather at Mercury: Investigating Magnetospheric and Surface Interactions Using Hybrid Simulations 

Shahab Fatemi, Paul S. Szabo, Andrew R. Poppe, Jim M. Raines, and Anna Millilo

Mercury’s intrinsic magnetic field is remarkably weak, resulting in a small magnetosphere. Due to the proximity of Mercury to the Sun and lack of a protective ionosphere, Mercury’s magnetosphere endures the most intense solar wind flux and severe space weather in the solar system. The interaction between the solar wind and Mercury’s magnetosphere is dominated by dynamic kinetic processes, such as exceptionally high magnetic reconnection rates. Mercury’s magnetosphere is also closely coupled to its surface, making it highly susceptible to extreme solar events, including Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). To explore this complex and dynamic environment, we utilize Amitis (, an advanced 3D hybrid-kinetic plasma model, to simulate the interaction between the solar wind and Mercury’s magnetosphere under conditions of extreme solar activity. Our study reveals how Mercury’s magnetosphere dynamically responds to intense solar events and provides detailed insights into the energy and flux of solar wind plasma impacting the planet’s surface. By examining these interactions, we aim to better understand the mechanisms governing Mercury’s unique space weather environment and their implications for surface processes.

How to cite: Fatemi, S., Szabo, P. S., Poppe, A. R., Raines, J. M., and Millilo, A.: Extreme Space Weather at Mercury: Investigating Magnetospheric and Surface Interactions Using Hybrid Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8218,, 2025.

EGU25-8261 | Posters on site | PS1.1

High resolution geomorphological analysis of Agwo facula (Mercury) 

Lorenza Giacomini, Anna Galiano, Valentina Galluzzi, Giovanni Munaretto, David A. Rothery, Deborah Domingue, John Weirich, Lauren M. Jozwiak, Mario D' Amore, and Cristian Carli

On Mercury, faculae are high-albedo, spectrally red, deposits originating from explosive volcanic eruptions (Kerber et al., 2009) whose source are likely rimless depressions. These depressions are usually located in the center of the facula and interpreted to be volcanic vents. In this work we analyzed the Agwo facula, sited in the western margin of Caloris basin (22.39°N, 146.16°E). We performed a detailed geomorphological map of the area using MDIS derived mosaics with a spatial resolution ranging from 20 m/pixel to 28 m/pixel and with different illumination conditions. Additionally, a BDR (Basemap reduced Data Record) MDIS mosaic, with a resolution of 166 m/pixel, was used as a basemap. MDIS WAC color maps, based on the reflectance at 750 nm and the VIS slope between 480 and 830 nm, respectively, were also used as part of the analysis. These latter maps helped determine the areal extent of the pyroclastic deposits. Finally, a DTM of the region, derived from MDIS images using the technique of stereophotoclinometry (SPC) and with a spatial resolution of 20 m/pixel, helped us to better characterized the facula’s topography. The geomorphological map highlights that Agwo facula experienced several explosive episodes. In particular, through the cross-cutting relationship observed among the pits, at least eight eruptive events have been distinguished. The terrain within the pits shows different surface texture and albedo, that allowed the distinction of several geological units: from the oldest and smoother surfaces to the younger and rougher textured surfaces. Therefore, the morphological and spectral characteristics of pits suggest that Agwo facula is the result of multiple eruptions, which likely occurred at different times, contributing to the better understanding of the formation of this feature.



Kerber, L., Head, J.W., Solomon, S.C., Murchie, S.L., Blewett, D.T., Wilson, L., 2009. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 285, 263–271.



This research was supported by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, through ISSI International Team project #552 (Wide-ranging characterization of explosive volcanism on Mercury: origin, properties, and modifications of pyroclastic deposits). Contributions by D. Domingue and J. Weirich were also supported by NASA’s Solar System Working’s grant 80NSSC21K0165.

How to cite: Giacomini, L., Galiano, A., Galluzzi, V., Munaretto, G., Rothery, D. A., Domingue, D., Weirich, J., Jozwiak, L. M., D' Amore, M., and Carli, C.: High resolution geomorphological analysis of Agwo facula (Mercury), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8261,, 2025.

EGU25-8338 | Orals | PS1.1

Observations of Mercury’s plasma environment along BepiColombo’s sixth swingby on 8 Jan 2025 

Norbert Krupp, Markus Fränz, Daniel Teubenbacher, Willi Exner, Daniel Heyner, Lina Z. Hadid, Ali Varsani, Yuki Harada, Sae Aizawa, Nicolas Andre, Anna Milillo, Yoshifumi Saito, Dominique Delcourt, Fabio Prencipe, Harald Krüger, Gunter Laky, Bruno Katra, Christophe Verdeil, Shoichiro Yokota, and Björn Fiethe

The BepiColombo mission to Mercury consists of two spacecraft MPO and MIO and was launched in 2018. During the cruise phase towards the target the spacecraft performed its last close flyby near Mercury on 8 Jan 2025 (MSB6). This was the last flyby before going into orbit around the innermost planet at the end of 2026. We report on particle results from the Mass Spectrum Analyzer MSA on MIO and the Planetary Ion Camera PICAM onboard MPO together with magnetic field data MAG and hybrid simulation during this flyby. PICAM measured solar wind upstream and recorded the magnetospheric and magnetosheath plasma at various energies while MSA recorded the ion composition during the flyby including H+, He++, He+, Na+ and other heavy ions. Most of Na+ was seen near closest approach in the shadow of the planet which agrees well with AIKEF hybrid model results.


How to cite: Krupp, N., Fränz, M., Teubenbacher, D., Exner, W., Heyner, D., Hadid, L. Z., Varsani, A., Harada, Y., Aizawa, S., Andre, N., Milillo, A., Saito, Y., Delcourt, D., Prencipe, F., Krüger, H., Laky, G., Katra, B., Verdeil, C., Yokota, S., and Fiethe, B.: Observations of Mercury’s plasma environment along BepiColombo’s sixth swingby on 8 Jan 2025, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8338,, 2025.

EGU25-9676 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1

Three-dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation of Magnetosheath Jets at Mercury  

Jin Guo, San Lu, Quanming Lu, James Slavin, Weijie Sun, and Jun Zhong

Plasma high-speed jets are common in Earths magnetosheath, and they significantly perturb the magnetosheath and affect the magnetosphere. The space environment of Mercury, characterized by the bow shock, magnetosheath, and magnetosphere, shares many similarities with that of Earth, so high-speed jets may also be formed in Mercurys magnetosheath. Here we examine the formation of magnetosheath jets using a three-dimensional global hybrid simulation. The simulation results demonstrate that magnetosheath jets may be formed by the passage of upstream compressive structures through the bow shock. The number and size of the jets are significantly smaller than those at Earth because of Mercurys smaller magnetosphere size. Under the impact of magnetosheath jets, Mercurys magnetopause undergoes significant deformation up to 0.19 RM(RMis Mercurys radius). These simulation results are expected to be tested by the BepiColombo mission. 

How to cite: Guo, J., Lu, S., Lu, Q., Slavin, J., Sun, W., and Zhong, J.: Three-dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation of Magnetosheath Jets at Mercury , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9676,, 2025.

EGU25-10436 | Posters on site | PS1.1

Mercury’s Environment Observed by BepiColombo during the Second Mercury’s Swing-by 

Anna Milillo, Ali Varsani, Daniel Heyner, Lina, Z. Hadid, Wolfgang Baumjohann, Stas Barabash, and Nicolas Andrè and the MPO/SERENA, MPO-MAG, Mio-MGF, Mio/MPPE-MEA and MSA teams

Thanks to MESSENGER observations, we know that Mercury’s magnetosphere is highly dynamic, and it can be fully reconfigured in a few minutes, with strong influences of external conditions.

BepiColombo mission includes a comprehensive payload for the investigation of the environment. During the cruise phase, not all the sensors can operate for science measurements, however, during the swing-bys the magnetic field and particles in Mercury’s magnetosphere are successfully measured by the MPO and Mio payloads. In this presentation, we will focus on Mercury’s swing-by 2 (MSB2) observations in comparison with other swing-bys. During the MSB2, BepiColombo passed from dusk in the tail toward dawn in the dayside in a nearly equatorial path. The IMF turned from northward to southward during the crossing. The dayside magnetopause boundary was clearly observed, while the bow shock crossing was not clearly distinguishable. Close to the planet signatures of circulating high energy ions have been seen. While upstream the bow shock, foreshock ions have been observed.

How to cite: Milillo, A., Varsani, A., Heyner, D., Hadid, L. Z., Baumjohann, W., Barabash, S., and Andrè, N. and the MPO/SERENA, MPO-MAG, Mio-MGF, Mio/MPPE-MEA and MSA teams: Mercury’s Environment Observed by BepiColombo during the Second Mercury’s Swing-by, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10436,, 2025.

EGU25-11316 | Posters on site | PS1.1

Ion species of Mercury’s 6th flyby, detected by PICAM's Hadamard mass spectrometry 

Ali Varsani, Helmut Lammer, Anna Milillo, Daniel Schmid, Daniel Heyner, Jim Raines, Gunter Laky, Norbert Krupp, Harald Jeszenszky, Gabriel Giono, Martin Volwerk, Daniel Teubenbacher, Rumi Nakamura, Stefano Orsini, Stefano Livi, Stas Barabash, Markus Fraenz, Harald Krueger, Alessandro Aronica, and Adrian Kazakov

BepiColombo, the joint ESA-JAXA mission on route to the planet Mercury, was launched in 2018. After eight successful planetary flybys, the spacecraft had its final Mercury flyby on 08 Jan 2025. The PICAM (Planetary Ion Camera) instrument, part of the SERENA package, was operational from 48 hours prior to the closest encounter, until 48 hours afterwards. This ion sensor successfully monitored the upstream solar wind, as well as the magnetospheric and planetary ions at the vicinity of Mercury. Near the planet, PICAM operated in mass spectrometry mode using its Hadamard Time-of-Flight gating, which is a novel technique to improve the observations of low-density ions. We present the analysis of the ion species detected at Mercury’s environment.

How to cite: Varsani, A., Lammer, H., Milillo, A., Schmid, D., Heyner, D., Raines, J., Laky, G., Krupp, N., Jeszenszky, H., Giono, G., Volwerk, M., Teubenbacher, D., Nakamura, R., Orsini, S., Livi, S., Barabash, S., Fraenz, M., Krueger, H., Aronica, A., and Kazakov, A.: Ion species of Mercury’s 6th flyby, detected by PICAM's Hadamard mass spectrometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11316,, 2025.

EGU25-11550 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1

Investigation of the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer (LLBL) in Mercury's Magnetosphere 

Xue Wang, Lina Hadid, Sae Aizawa, Fouad Sahraoui, Jim Raines, and Benoit Lavraud

The MESSENGER spacecraft, which orbited Mercury from 2011 to early 2015, provided crucial insights into the structure and dynamics of Mercury's magnetosphere, including the identification of the Low Latitude Boundary Layer (LLBL). LLBL forms a mixed region of the magnetospheric and magnetosheath plasma, playing a crucial role in transferring mass and energy from the solar wind into the planetary magnetosphere. A statistical study by Liljablad et al. (2015) examined the properties of the LLBL during MESSENGER's first orbital year. More recently, the BepiColombo spacecraft crossed the LLBL in Mercury's duskside magnetosphere during its third Mercury flyby in 2023. Using the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) instruments, specifically the ion analyzer (MIA) and mass spectrum analyzer (MSA), clear ion energy dispersion ranging from a few eV/e to 40 keV/e was observed (Harada et al., 2024; Hadid et al., 2024).

This study aims to build on these findings by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the LLBL using all MESSENGER data collected throughout its orbital period. The Magnetic field (MAG) and ion data (FIPS) revealed 351 LLBL cases. Considering the energy variation of the maximum differential flux of protons from the magnetopause toward the magnetosphere, 38 cases exhibited decreasing H⁺ energy dispersion, while 88 showed increasing H⁺ energy dispersion. Notably, the average H⁺ temperature is higher in LLBLs with increasing dispersion compared to those with decreasing or no dispersion. A clear dawn-dusk asymmetry was observed: 85% of H⁺ decreasing cases occurred on the duskside, while 89% of H⁺ increasing cases were on the dawnside.  Interestingly, in many LLBL cases, the energy dispersion of He²⁺ ions differed from that of H⁺, particularly in the majority of increasing cases, though He²⁺ data is limited. Following orbit insertion, the 3D distribution functions measured by the ion sensors (MIA and MSA) aboard the BepiColombo magnetospheric orbiter will enable a more detailed analysis.

How to cite: Wang, X., Hadid, L., Aizawa, S., Sahraoui, F., Raines, J., and Lavraud, B.: Investigation of the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer (LLBL) in Mercury's Magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11550,, 2025.

EGU25-11718 | Orals | PS1.1

Ion observations and composition from MSA and MIA during BepiColombo's final gravity assist maneuver at Mercury 

Lina Hadid, Yuki Harada, and Yoshifumi Saito and the MSA/MPPE and MIA/MPPE teams
On January 8th, 2025, BepiColombo performed its sixth and final gravity assist maneuver (MFB6) at Mercury. This final maneuver followed the previous fourth flyby (MFB4), which was conducted in the polar regions. Unlike the first three flybys, which occurred near the equatorial regions, the spacecraft approached the planet from south to north, traveling from the nightside to the dayside across the cusp region at altitudes as low as ~265 km above the planet’s surface.
Although BepiColombo is in a "stacked configuration" during cruise (meaning that most of the instruments cannot be fully operated), several instruments remain capable of making valuable observations. In particular, despite their limited field of view, the particle sensors provide insights into the plasma composition and dynamics along a unique path across the magnetosphere, close to the planet. Notably, the Mass Spectrum Analyzer (MSA), part of the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE, PI: Y. Saito) consortium, detected clear evidence of Na+ ions and heavier ion species such as K+ around closest approach. In this presentation, we provide an overview of the ion observations from MSA and the Mercury Ion Analyzer (MIA), focusing on the ion composition during MFB6 in comparison with MFB4.

How to cite: Hadid, L., Harada, Y., and Saito, Y. and the MSA/MPPE and MIA/MPPE teams: Ion observations and composition from MSA and MIA during BepiColombo's final gravity assist maneuver at Mercury, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11718,, 2025.

EGU25-11787 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1

Accelerated electrons in Mercury’s magnetosphere observed during the 3rd Mercury flyby of BepiColombo 

Sae Aizawa, Emilia Kilpua, Rami Vainio, Mathias Rojo, Nicolas Andre, Manuel Grande, Beatriz Sanchez-Cano, Marco Pinto, Yoshifumi Saito, and Fouad Sahraoui and the MEA-SIXS-PWI of BepiColombo

BepiColombo, launched in October 2018, is currently en route to Mercury. Although its planned orbit insertion is set for November 2026, BepiColombo continuously gathers new measurements during Mercury flybys. Throughout the cruise phase, the two spacecraft remain docked, with Mio protected behind the MOSIF sun shield, resulting in a limited observation for many instruments. Despite of such constraints, thanks to the smaller Larmor radii of electrons, wider range of electrons (from a few eV to a few hundreds of keV) got detected during the 3rd Mercury flyby by Mercury Electron Analyzer (MEA) onboard Mio and Solar Intensity X-ray and Particle Spectrometer (SIXS) onboard the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO). Both instruments show quite similar variations indicating that they are observing same populations of electrons with wider energy range, and small differences in time indicate there are time-of-flight of electrons related to the drift motion of particles in the magnetosphere. Together with Plasma Wave Investigations (PWI) onboard Mio, the possible electron accelerations and transport will be discussed.

How to cite: Aizawa, S., Kilpua, E., Vainio, R., Rojo, M., Andre, N., Grande, M., Sanchez-Cano, B., Pinto, M., Saito, Y., and Sahraoui, F. and the MEA-SIXS-PWI of BepiColombo: Accelerated electrons in Mercury’s magnetosphere observed during the 3rd Mercury flyby of BepiColombo, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11787,, 2025.

EGU25-11985 | Orals | PS1.1

 Mercury's Love number h2: Expected error range throughout the BepiColombo mission 

Oliver Stenzel, Martin Hilchenbach, Azar Arghavanian, and Haifeng Xiao

Introduction: Mercury, the innermost planet in the Solar System, remains an enigma due to significant gaps in our understanding of its internal structure. Recent advancements in planetary science have highlighted the potential of tidal Love numbers, specifically k2 and h2, to provide critical insights into the size of Mercury's inner core [1]. The Love number k2 represents a gravitational parameter, while h2 characterizes the radial deformation of the planet's surface. The determination of h2 can be achieved through techniques such as laser altimetry. The upcoming BepiColombo mission, set to arrive at Mercury in late 2026 [2], will enhance our understanding of Mercury's interior. A key instrument aboard BepiColombo, the Laser Altimeter (BELA), will enable the mapping of time-dependent surface elevations, providing crucial data for calculating h2 [3,4].

This study simulates BepiColombo's measurements using an orbit, observation, and tides model [5,6,7] to examine how the uncertainty in h2 decreases over the observation period. The BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) offers significantly better coverage of Mercury's tidal potential compared to the MESSENGER mission [8,9], suggesting that the BepiColombo mission will yield more precise measurements of the h2 parameter. However, the simulation kernels used in this study are based on outdated mission parameters due to the revised arrival schedule of BepiColombo. To ensure the accuracy and relevance of our findings, we plan to update the simulations with the most recent kernel data.

To further explore the potential of the BepiColombo mission in constraining Mercury's internal structure, we will employ a simulation-based approach using planning kernels provided by the European Space Agency (ESA). Our model will simulate observations of Mercury's surface topography, incorporating tidal signals to model the planet's response to external gravitational forces. Additionally, observational errors and potentially different rotation states of Mercury will be introduced to reflect the expected noise levels from the BELA laser altimeter. These simulated observations will be used to calculate the Love number h2 and its associated uncertainty for different observation durations. This will allow us to assess how the mission's length influences the precision of the h2 measurement.

Acknowledgments: This work is supported by DLR under grant 50QW2301. PDS data used in this work: Neumann G. (2016), urn:nasa:pds:mess_mla_calibrated::1.0, 10.17189

References: [1] Steinbrügge G. et al. (2018), JGR, 123, 2760-2772. [2] Benkhoff J. et al. (2010), PSS, 58, 2-20. [3] Thomas N. et al. (2007), PSS, 55, 1398-1413. [4] Thomas, N. et al. (2021), Space Sci. Rev., 217. [5] Koch C. et al. (2010), PSS, 58, 2022-2030. [6] Thor R. N. et al. (2021), J. Geod., 95. [7] Thor R. N. et al. (2020), A&A, 633, A85. [8] Santo A.G. et al. (2001), PSS 49, 1481-1500. [9] Cavanaugh J.F. et al. (2007) Space Sci. Rev., 131, 451-479

How to cite: Stenzel, O., Hilchenbach, M., Arghavanian, A., and Xiao, H.:  Mercury's Love number h2: Expected error range throughout the BepiColombo mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11985,, 2025.

EGU25-15163 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1

Energetic Electron Observations During BepiColombo’s First Three Mercury Flybys 

Liam Edwards, Manuel Grande, David Lawrence, Emilia Kilpua, Rami Vainio, Arto Lehtolainen, and Eero Esko

Mercury hosts a dynamic and highly variable magnetosphere shaped by its weak intrinsic magnetic field and the intense pressure of the solar wind. Previous observations from spacecraft sent to the planet have provided key insights into Mercury’s magnetospheric structure and energetic particle populations, revealing transient and highly variable energetic electron enhancements within the planet’s magnetosphere. We present BepiColombo/SIXS observations of energetic electron populations in Mercury’s magnetosphere during the spacecraft’s first three flybys of the planet. Although no such populations were observed during the first flyby, strong energetic electron signatures were observed during the second and third flybys. These observations are discussed in the context of observations by MESSENGER (Lawrence et al., 2015) in the invariant latitude-MLT plane, showing good agreement between the two data sets. Additionally, we present the highest time resolution energy spectra (> 70 keV) produced at Mercury during the second and third flybys.

How to cite: Edwards, L., Grande, M., Lawrence, D., Kilpua, E., Vainio, R., Lehtolainen, A., and Esko, E.: Energetic Electron Observations During BepiColombo’s First Three Mercury Flybys, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15163,, 2025.

EGU25-15352 | Orals | PS1.1

Solar wind velocity reconstruction at Mercury using MESSENGER bow shock and magnetopause crossings.  

Daniel Heyner, Lars Klingenstein, Kristin Pump, Sae Aizawa, Daniel Schmid, and Ferdinand Plaschke

The solar wind significantly shapes and influences planetary magnetospheres, driving their structure and dynamics. Mercury, with its weak intrinsic magnetic field and close proximity to the Sun, is particularly sensitive to solar wind variations and adapts quickly to solar wind changes. Understanding solar wind characteristics, such as flow speed, is essential for fine-tuning magnetospheric models and eventually for interpreting Mercury’s magnetospheric response to solar wind changes. The solar wind speed affects both the aberration angle, which tilts the magnetosphere relative to the Mercury-Sun line, and the subsolar standoff distances from the internal dipole center of both the bow shock as well as the magnetopause.

This study reconstructs solar wind speeds from various bow shock and magnetopause crossings observed in-situ by MESSENGER’s magnetometer. We fit empirical bow shock and magnetopause models to the aberration angle and treat the subsolar standoff distances as additional parameters. For single crossings, a strong correlation between the parameters emerges. Thus, they cannot be independently determined, resulting in an infinite set of possible solutions for solar wind speed. To alleviate this problem, we combine multiple crossings to find a common aberration angle. Here, we present and discuss the first statistical results from the analysis and compare them to average boundary shapes and positions.

How to cite: Heyner, D., Klingenstein, L., Pump, K., Aizawa, S., Schmid, D., and Plaschke, F.: Solar wind velocity reconstruction at Mercury using MESSENGER bow shock and magnetopause crossings. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15352,, 2025.

EGU25-15727 | Orals | PS1.1

Laboratory Spectral Measurements to Simulate Pyroclastic Material on Mercury 

Alessandro Maturilli, Cristian Carli, Anna Galiano, Antti Penttilä, and Anna Irene Landi

The recognition of pyroclastic deposits on Mercury surface was driven by the presence of central pit (vent) surrounded by a spectrally bright and red deposit (facula) (Head et al, Science, 2008). In particular, the Visible to Near-InfraRed (VNIR) spectral properties permitted them to differentiate it from the surrounding terrains and defining the putative border of the deposits (e.g. Head et al, Science, 2008), since there is no morphological evidence that permits to limit their areal extension. Consequently, to improve our understanding of how the spectral properties of the effusive material extruded during the pyroclastic activity can change, considering variations in composition or textural properties of the material could improve our understanding of the pyroclastic deposits itself.

In this work we planned spectral analysis in reflectance and emittance of a systematic variation of samples with a silicate component as an example of pyroclastic extruded lava mixed with graphite or sulfide suitable for product formed with interaction of volatiles components during the pyroclastic activity at very reduced condition on Mercury (e.g., Cartier&Wood, Elements, 2019).

The pyroclastic endmember was prepared considering different variations among a crystalline mafic material and an amorphous component. We take into account variations in abundance as well as variation of particle size for the endmembers and for the mixtures.

All the samples have been measured in bidirectional reflectance in the VIS+VNIR+MIR spectral range, with particular attention to the 0.4-2.0 mm and 7-14 mm, spectral ranges where SIMBIO-SYS and MERTIS, onboard to Bepicolombo (Benkhoff et al., Spa.Sci.Rev., 2021), will operate. Moreover, for selected samples, emissivity (at Tsample = 150°, 250°, 350°, 450° C) in the MIR spectral range will be carried on. All the spectroscopic measurements are done at the PSL of DLR in Berlin.

This research was supported by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), through International Team project #552 (Wide-ranging characterization of explosive volcanism on Mercury: origin, properties, and modifications of pyroclastic deposits).

How to cite: Maturilli, A., Carli, C., Galiano, A., Penttilä, A., and Landi, A. I.: Laboratory Spectral Measurements to Simulate Pyroclastic Material on Mercury, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15727,, 2025.

EGU25-17082 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1

The role of mantle layering and mineralogical-dependent thermal properties on the evolution of Mercury's interior 

Manon Lécaille, Nicola Tosi, Olivier Namur, Attilio Rivoldini, and Bernard Charlier

Cooling and crystallization of Mercury's magma ocean likely formed a layered mantle composed of various proportions of minerals such as olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, sulfides, and plagioclase, each with distinct thermal properties (e.g. thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and melting temperature). Planetary thermal evolution models often consider an homogeneous mantle and treat these properties as constant or only varying with pressure and/or temperature. Their dependence on composition and modal proportions  is usually neglected, but can have a large impact on the modeled evolution.

Recent experimental studies gave access to the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. We calculated the thermal conductivity and diffusivity profiles of Mercury’s mantle assuming it is made of the Mg-rich endmembers forsterite, enstatite or diopside (i.e. the most likely phases occurring in the reduced interior of Mercury). We used a 1D parameterized model to simulate the thermal evolution of the planet with conductivity values varying from 1 to 4 Wm-1K-1, covering the above range of different mineralogies. We investigated several scenarios with (1) homogeneous conductivity over the whole mantle; (2) two layers characterized by different conductivity values. We then analyzed the results in terms of crust production and duration of mantle melting.

At pressures and temperatures relevant for Mercury's mantle, enstatite and diopside have higher conductivities and diffusivities than forsterite. This has a direct impact on the thermal evolution of the planet and on the melting of a fertile layer. Indeed, the more conductive the mantle is, the shorter its melting duration. Therefore, a mantle characterized by the conductivity of enstatite or diopside would promote a shorter melting time than one with conductivity of forsterite. In a two-layer mantle, melting duration is lower when conductivity of the top layer is higher compared to the bottom layer. The melting duration would thus be shorter for a mantle with a refractory olivine-like mantle conductivity at the base and an enstatite- and diopside-bearing fertile mantle-like conductivity in the upper part of the stratigraphic column. Besides the thermal conductivity, other parameters such as solidus temperature and heat production rate will be taken into account to obtain a consistent picture of the influence of mineralogical-dependent parameters on Mercury's evolution.

Accounting for variations in thermal conductivity and diffusivity due to heterogeneity in the mantle is therefore crucial in modeling planetary interiors. These factors significantly affect key parameters like crust thickness and the duration of volcanism.

How to cite: Lécaille, M., Tosi, N., Namur, O., Rivoldini, A., and Charlier, B.: The role of mantle layering and mineralogical-dependent thermal properties on the evolution of Mercury's interior, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17082,, 2025.

EGU25-17383 | Orals | PS1.1

Planetary shadowing and Solar Energetic Particles during the fourth and sixth BepiColomo Mercury Flybys 

Emilia Kilpua, Rami Vainio, Manuel Grande, Liam Edwards, Eero Esko, Monica Laurenza, Arto Lehtolainen, Philipp Oleynik, Christian Palmroos, Scige John Liu, Stefano Massetti, and Daniel Heyner

The closest planet to the Sun, Mercury, is subject to particularly intense fluxes of solar energetic particles (SEPs). Its relatively weak magnetic field and small magnetosphere offer some protection againts these particles, deflecting them away before they can reach the surface. The effectiveness of this shielding could be probed in detailed during BepiColombo’s fourth (4 September 2024) and sixth (8 January 2025) flybys when and SEP events happened to be ongoing and the planet was immersed in high fluxes of energetic particles. During the fourth flyby, BepiColombo reached only 165 kilometres from the Mercury’s surface. In this presentation we analysis high energy electron and proton observations provided by the Solar Intensity X-ray and Particle Spectrometer SIXS. The data reveal a deep drop out in energetic particles fluxes due planetry shadowing. In addition, these unique measurements reveal that variations in particle fluxes depend clearly on particle type, direction and energy.


How to cite: Kilpua, E., Vainio, R., Grande, M., Edwards, L., Esko, E., Laurenza, M., Lehtolainen, A., Oleynik, P., Palmroos, C., Liu, S. J., Massetti, S., and Heyner, D.: Planetary shadowing and Solar Energetic Particles during the fourth and sixth BepiColomo Mercury Flybys, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17383,, 2025.

EGU25-17874 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1

Spectral characterization of lab-made silicate glasses as analogues for Mercury: influence of grain size and chemical composition. 

Alessandro Pisello, Maximiliano Fastelli, Enrico Scricciolo, Marco Baroni, Alessandro Musu, Paola Comodi, and Diego Perugini

Volcanic and magmatic processes have played a significant role in shaping Mercury’s surface and contributing to its mineral diversity. Areas such as smooth plains, which cover 27% of the planet, are thought to have formed from effusive volcanic events. Explosive volcanism is also suggested by the presence of depressions surrounded by high-reflectance halos, calderas, and vents linked to impact structures or faults. The BepiColombo mission, a collaboration between ESA and JAXA, was launched in 2018 to explore Mercury. It consists of two orbiters, MIO (JAXA) and MPO (ESA), with a focus on studying the planet's interior, surface, exosphere, and magnetosphere. The MPO carries instruments such as SIMBIO-SYS and MERTIS, which are designed to acquire spectral data.

Interpreting planetary surface data often requires understanding complex factors like mineral composition, elemental abundance, temperature, and particle size. This study investigates the mid-infrared (MIR) spectral response of silicate glasses with a range of grain sizes and chemical compositions, aiming to build a database to support future spectral analyses of Mercury’s surface, where volcaniclastic materials are expected to be abundant.

Three compositions resembling the Northern Volcanic Plains (NVP) on Mercury were prepared: NVP, NVP_Na, and NVP_Mg, each with varying amounts of Na and Mg. These compositions were created by melting pure oxides at 1400°C, then crushing the resulting glass into powder and re-melting it to ensure homogeneity. The glass was sieved into various grain size fractions, with some samples mixed to create new samples with Gaussian-like distributions to explore how fine-grained fractions affect spectral responses, particularly in relation to volcanic ash.

Spectroscopic analysis was performed using a Bruker Invenio-X FT-IR spectrometer. The VNIR spectra (400-2000 nm) showed typical features of silicate glasses, with an absorption peak at around 1100 nm and a weaker one at 1900 nm, related to Fe-O bonds. The slope of the spectra did not vary much with increasing grain size in NVP samples, but there was a noticeable increase in the NIR slope (1200-1800 nm) for NVP_Na and NVP_Mg.

In the MIR region (7-14 µm), the spectra revealed a correlation between the shape of the spectra and the chemical and granulometric characteristics of the samples. A local maximum at 10000 nm was observed for all spectra, associated with tetrahedral silicate units, and the NVP_Mg spectra showed distinct features due to the network-modifying role of Mg. The spectra also exhibited the Christiansen Feature at around 8 µm, a diagnostic feature for igneous products, and a transparency feature around 12 µm, which appeared in spectra of finer-grained samples.

These spectra will be made available on the SSDC-ASI portal and will be crucial for interpreting data from the BepiColombo mission, particularly from SIMBIO-SYS and MERTIS. This research will help in identifying potential unknown igneous materials on Mercury’s surface.

How to cite: Pisello, A., Fastelli, M., Scricciolo, E., Baroni, M., Musu, A., Comodi, P., and Perugini, D.: Spectral characterization of lab-made silicate glasses as analogues for Mercury: influence of grain size and chemical composition., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17874,, 2025.

EGU25-17931 | Posters on site | PS1.1

Comparative Analysis of Magnetic Field Observations during BepiColombo Mercury Flybys 

Daniel Schmid, Wolfgang Baumjohann, Ayako Matsuoka, David Fischer, Werner Magnes, Daniel Heyner, Hans-Ulrich Auster, and Rumi Nakamura

The BepiColombo mission, a collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), aims to explore Mercury and its space environment. This mission is the first multi-spacecraft endeavor beyond Earth, comprising the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), managed by ESA, and Mio, led by JAXA. Launched in 2018, BepiColombo is still in cruise phase and recently completed its sixth and final swing-by maneuver at Mercury before its arrival in December 2026. This study provides a comparative analysis of magnetic field observations during the mission's Mercury flybys, utilizing data from the Magnetometer (MGF) onboard the Mio spacecraft. We aim to characterize the observed space environment and solar wind conditions for each flyby. The distinct flyby trajectories enable the exploration of extended regions around Mercury, encompassing the distant magnetotail, bow shock, and both hemispheres along the terminator. These observations provide valuable insights into the magnetospheric and solar wind conditions during each of the six flybys, significantly enhancing our understanding of the dynamic behavior of the solar wind in the inner heliosphere and the complex structure of Mercury's magnetosphere.

How to cite: Schmid, D., Baumjohann, W., Matsuoka, A., Fischer, D., Magnes, W., Heyner, D., Auster, H.-U., and Nakamura, R.: Comparative Analysis of Magnetic Field Observations during BepiColombo Mercury Flybys, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17931,, 2025.

EGU25-17959 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1

Glinka crater on Mercury: a spectral and morphological analysis 

Mafalda Ianiri, Giuseppe Mitri, and Francesca Zambon

The surface of Mercury has been extensively altered by space weathering and impact processes, making it challenging to identify the boundaries of geological units. We analyzed the Glinka crater in the Beethoven quadrangle (H-07), a region characterized by notable spectral and geological variability, including impact craters, a possible pyroclastic vent, hollows, and compressive structures. To delineate morphological boundaries, we integrated high-resolution imaging, spectral data, and topographic products.

For morphological mapping, we produced monochromatic mosaics at 121 m/px, 56 m/px, and 14 m/px resolutions using MESSENGER MDIS/NAC data. Spectral investigations utilized an eight-filters MDIS/WAC-derived multispectral image (268 m/px). Additional datasets including Digital Elevation Model (DEM, 222 m/px), roughness and shading maps, and gravity data. Data processing involved the Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS3), applying the Kaasalainen-Shkuratov photometric correction model considering the parameters derived by Domingue et al. (2016). Spectral unit identification relied on four parameters: Reflectance at 750 nm (R750), Global Spectral Slope between 430 and 1000 nm (S430-1000), IR Slope ranging between 750 and 1000 nm (S750-1000), and UV Slope between 430 and 560 nm (S430-560). Threshold values for these parameters were determined through supervised k-means clustering (k=4), resulting in maps showing Regions of Interest (ROIs) for each spectral parameter. To combine all threshold values of the four parameters, an automated process generated a composite map with over 400 ROIs. Smaller ROIs (<15% of the average pixel count per ROI) were excluded, and those with similar values (∆10%) were merged iteratively, yielding seven final spectral units.

We are producing a geological map of the area by integrating data from the spectral map and high-resolution imagery. The spectral map highlights spectral variations and, in some cases, compositional differences. This integration enables a more precise definition of the boundaries between geological units. involves detailed geological and chronostratigraphic interpretations involves the exploration of various RGB combinations to extract additional information. This analysis includes spectral parameter values for each unit, taking into account surface morphology and texture, which may influence spectral responses without necessarily indicating compositional differences.

Domingue D. L. et al. (2016) Icarus 268, 172-203.

 Acknowledgements:  M.I. and G.M. acknowledges support from the Italian Space Agency (2022-16-HH.1-2024).

How to cite: Ianiri, M., Mitri, G., and Zambon, F.: Glinka crater on Mercury: a spectral and morphological analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17959,, 2025.

EGU25-18018 | Orals | PS1.1

Overview and initial results of BepiColombo Mercury flybys 

Go Murakami and Geraint Jones

The ESA-JAXA joint mission BepiColombo is still on the track to Mercury. The two spacecraft for BepiColombo, Mio (Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter: MMO) and Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), are combined with MMO Sun Shield (MOSIF) and Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) during the cruise phase. BepiColombo will arrive at Mercury in November 2026, and it has 8-years cruise with the heliocentric distance range of 0.3-1.2 AU. The long cruise phase also includes 9 planetary flybys: once at the Earth, twice at Venus, and 6 times at Mercury. On 8 January 2025 we completed the last (6th) Mercury flyby successfully. Even before arrival, we already obtained fruitful science data from Mercury during the Mercury flybys. We performed science observations with almost all the instruments onboard Mio and successfully obtained comprehensive data of Mercury’s magnetosphere such as magnetic fields, plasma particles, and waves. Here we present the overview and initial results of the science observations during the Mercury flybys.

How to cite: Murakami, G. and Jones, G.: Overview and initial results of BepiColombo Mercury flybys, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18018,, 2025.

EGU25-18729 * | Orals | PS1.1 | Highlight

BepiColombo's Journey to Mercury: Lessons from Cruise Operations and Plans for Orbital Science 

Stavros Kotsiaros, Geraint Jones, Johannes Benkhoff, Santa Martinez Sanmartin, Sebastien Besse, David Frew, Paolo Cappuccio, Ines Belgacem, and Bernhard Geiger

The BepiColombo mission, a cornerstone of the European Space Agency's (ESA) Cosmic Vision program in collaboration with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), represents an ambitious endeavor to deepen our understanding of Mercury. It uniquely combines the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (Mio) to investigate Mercury’s interaction with the solar wind, its geological history, and its magnetic environment. The mission seeks to address fundamental questions about the evolution of terrestrial planets, including Mercury’s formation, internal structure, and enigmatic magnetic field.

BepiColombo’s operational phase at Mercury will prioritize the implementation of a meticulously designed strategy to maximize the scientific potential of its complementary payload. The dual-spacecraft configuration enables synchronized observations of the planet’s surface, exosphere, and magnetosphere, offering unprecedented insights into the planet’s complex environment. Key mission strategies include utilizing the spacecraft’s elliptical orbits to optimize coverage during perihelion passes, supporting high-resolution investigations of regions of particular scientific interest, and facilitating comprehensive global mapping. These efforts aim to provide a holistic understanding of Mercury’s geological and magnetic properties, as well as its interactions with the solar wind, making significant contributions to planetary science.

This presentation will highlight the broader implications of BepiColombo’s mission design, the operational strategies planned for the science phase, and the valuable insights gained from its Venus and Mercury flybys. Particular focus will be placed on how these lessons refine the mission’s science objectives and influence future exploration initiatives targeting Mercury and other inner Solar System bodies.

How to cite: Kotsiaros, S., Jones, G., Benkhoff, J., Martinez Sanmartin, S., Besse, S., Frew, D., Cappuccio, P., Belgacem, I., and Geiger, B.: BepiColombo's Journey to Mercury: Lessons from Cruise Operations and Plans for Orbital Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18729,, 2025.

EGU25-19385 | Orals | PS1.1

BepiColombo Mission Update 

Geraint H. Jones and Go Murakami

BepiColombo is a joint mission between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), which will carry out the comprehensive exploration of planet Mercury. The mission was launched on 20 October 2018 from the European spaceport Kourou in French Guiana, and is currently on a eight-year-long cruise to Mercury. BepiColombo consists of two orbiters, the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (Mio). In late 2026, these orbiters will be put in orbit around the innermost planet of our Solar System. Once in orbit, BepiColombo with its state of the art and very comprehensive payload will perform measurements to increase our knowledge on the fundamental questions about Mercury’s evolution, composition, interior, magnetosphere, and exosphere. BepiColombo successfully completed the last of its 6 flybys of Mercury in January 2025, and will continue its cruise during the rest of 2025 and much of 2026. Although the two BepiColombo orbiters are in a stacked configuration during the cruise, during which only some of the instruments can perform scientific observations, the mission has already produced some very valuable results, as well as striking observations of the planet using its three engineering monitoring cameras. We shall provide a summary of the mission status, a preview of the remaining plans for the mission up to and after arrival in orbit around Mercury, a broad overview of scientific results to date, and observations by the mission's monitoring cameras from the Mercury flybys.

How to cite: Jones, G. H. and Murakami, G.: BepiColombo Mission Update, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19385,, 2025.

EGU25-19661 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1

Laboratory simulation of ion impact and back-scattering on Mercury surface analogues for planetary space weather investigation 

Alessandro Brin, Grace Richards, Elisabetta De Angelis, Rosanna Rispoli, Martina Moroni, Roberto Sordini, Luca Colasanti, Nello Vertolli, Fabrizio Nuccilli, Alessandro Mura, Valeria Mangano, Stefano Orsini, Christina Plainaki, and Stefano Massetti

Mercury has a surface-bound exosphere that mediates transport of ion and netural species on the surface and within the Hermean environment. When precipitating solar wind particles impact the planet’s regolith, ions may be neutralised and backscattered, form chemical reactions with surface species, or induce sputtering processes. The SERENA (Search for Exospheric Refilling and Emitted Neutral Abundances) instrument onboard BepiColombo aims to study these surface-exosphere-magnetosphere interactions, using a suite of particle detectors and mass spectrometers. 
At INAF/IAPS, the Ion and Energetic Neutral Atom (I-ENA) laboratory facilitates controlled experiments on the interaction of ion/neutral beams with diverse surface analogues and detectors for planetary space weather investigation. ELENA (Emitted Low Energy and Neutral Atoms) one of the SERENA instruments, is devoted to detect backscattered ENA and possibly magnetospheric and solar wind ions with an energy range of 10 eV-5 keV, and its Flight Spare (FS) is tested and calibrated in the laboratory. The ELENA FS is intended to be used for future investigations of backscattering process with Mercury analogues. Laboratory experiments involving irradiation of Mercury analogues aim to provide ground truth to the data provided by this instrument. 
We present a test for simulating Solar Wind interactions with Mercury surface analogues. Mercury analogues are placed in a bespoke vacuum system which achieves working pressures of 10-7 mbar. A particle beam of energies between 0.5-5 keV (Helium-Argon), that can be modulated in intensity, area and direction, is used to irradiate samples. The charged particle beam (ions) can also be made into a beam of ENA with a neutralisation cell for charge exchange effect. 
We plan to investigate a variety of diverse samples, including slabs of meteorite and pellets similar in composition and grain size to Mercury’s surface.
This work will provide a detailed description of the facility and experimental framework, while identifying open questions and fostering discussions on interdisciplinary collaborations needed to advance Mercury science. Such experiments are pivotal for improving our understanding of Mercury’s environment and directly support the goals of the BepiColombo mission.

How to cite: Brin, A., Richards, G., De Angelis, E., Rispoli, R., Moroni, M., Sordini, R., Colasanti, L., Vertolli, N., Nuccilli, F., Mura, A., Mangano, V., Orsini, S., Plainaki, C., and Massetti, S.: Laboratory simulation of ion impact and back-scattering on Mercury surface analogues for planetary space weather investigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19661,, 2025.

EGU25-21593 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1

A snapshot of Mercury’s magnetosphere seen by MIPA in BepiColombo’s MSB6 

Hayley Williamson, Stas Barabash, Martin Wieser, Hans Nilsson, Yoshifumi Futaana, Anna Milillo, Alessandro Aronica, Adrian Kasakov, Stefano Orsini, Ali Varsani, and Gunter Laky

BepiColombo made its sixth and final swing-by of Mercury on January 8, 2025, crossing from the nightside over the north pole to the dayside near the noon-midnight plane. The Miniature Ion Precipitation Analyzer (MIPA), an ion analyzer in the Search for Exospheric Refilling and Emitted Natural Abundance (SERENA) instrument suite on the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), made observations throughout the swing-by, observing positive ions in the range from 30 eV – 14 keV with a hemispherical field of view. This swing-by gives a unique snapshot of the state of Mercury’s magnetosphere, as MIPA observed several magnetospheric regions within a short period, some of them for the first time. We observe the plasma sheet and plasma sheet horns, as well as plasma upwelling from the northern polar cusp to the dayside magnetopause. Passing through the dayside magnetosheath shows high anisotropic fluxes, as the magnetosheath bulk flow was in the MIPA FOV, unlike previous swing-bys. Following the bow shock crossing, we see a distinct foreshock population, followed by a half an hour gap in signal before a second foreshock detection at +5 RM. We then compare the MIPA observations to modeled magnetic fields and environment. The combination of all the swing-bys highlights the versatility of planetary swing-by trajectories, which allow for observations of regions that may not be accessible after orbit insertion.

How to cite: Williamson, H., Barabash, S., Wieser, M., Nilsson, H., Futaana, Y., Milillo, A., Aronica, A., Kasakov, A., Orsini, S., Varsani, A., and Laky, G.: A snapshot of Mercury’s magnetosphere seen by MIPA in BepiColombo’s MSB6, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21593,, 2025.

EGU25-21600 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1

Statistical Analysis of Mercury’s Magnetic Cusp and its Dependence on Solar Wind Conditions 

Robin Zywczok and Daniel Heyner

The relationship between Mercury’s magnetic cusp and variations in the solar wind has been investigated in several prior studies. Building on this foundation, we developed an integrated approach that combines two independent detection algorithms: one that identifies cusp signatures using magnetic field data—based on magnetic anisotropy and angular variations relative to the KTH reference model (without the cusp)—and another that analyzes particle data, utilizing a method established by Jim Rains. A key aspect of this work is the comparison of these two independent detection methods to gain deeper insights into cusp behavior. Using this combined approach, we conducted a statistical analysis that reveals how the structure and occurrence of Mercury’s magnetic cusp vary under different solar wind conditions.

How to cite: Zywczok, R. and Heyner, D.: Statistical Analysis of Mercury’s Magnetic Cusp and its Dependence on Solar Wind Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21600,, 2025.

EGU25-1961 * | Orals | PS7.8 | Highlight

A half century of Io plasma torus science: current mysteries and opportunities 

Jeffrey Morgenthaler

The Io plasma torus was first observed 50 years ago and has been studied by all of the space missions to visit Jupiter, the JAXA Hisaki satellite, HST, and a host of ground-based observatories.  These observations reveal significant structure in the torus: the "ribbon" near Io's orbit; the "warm torus," outside of the ribbon; and the "cold torus" inside of the ribbon.  Individually, the ribbon, cold torus, and warm torus have been the subject of significant study, but to date, no study has focused on combining the observations of these disparate parts of the torus.  I will outline several scientific questions that can be answered by simple analysis of existing and planned long-term observations of the torus.  The answers to these questions are important because they can help focus the efforts of Earth-based remote-sensing observations that would support JUICE, Europa Clipper and Tiawen-4 studies of the Jovian magnetosphere and Galilean satellites.

How to cite: Morgenthaler, J.: A half century of Io plasma torus science: current mysteries and opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1961,, 2025.

EGU25-2569 | Posters on site | PS7.8 | Highlight

Perspectives of Jovian seismology: sounding the interior of the Gas Giants through oscillations 

François-Xavier Schmider, Patrick Gaulme, Tristan Guillot, Jason Jackiewicz, Steve Markham, Hans-Peter Doerr, Raul Morales-Juberías, Lyu Abe, Julien Dejonghe, Amy Simon, and Sean Hsu

Jupiter and Saturn played a major role in the formation and evolution of the Solar System. The internal structure of the gas giants was shaped during their birth process and still contains traces of this formation. A detailed description of the internal structure would be key for understanding physical properties, Equations of State, high-pressure physics, effects of rotation, heat transfer, interaction between interiors and atmospheres, and finally would be a necessary step for the study of extra solar planets.

The measurement of gravitational moments by space missions can give a view of the internal structure. However, it is only sensitive to the external layers. Despite recent progress provided by the spacecrafts Juno and Cassini, our knowledge of the repartition of pressure, temperature and composition inside giant planets remains sparse and would not permit a unique model solution. The situation for Uranus and Neptune is even worse as these planets have not received any visit since Voyager. Among the different methods able to reveal the internal structure of planets, seismology is certainly the most powerful. A complete set of acoustic oscillations could give a profile of the sound speed and the rotation rate along the radius and latitudes. However, it requires long continuous observations, difficult to achieve from the ground.

So far, seismic measurements of Saturn have been obtained thanks to structure in the rings observed by Cassini and attributed to resonances with surface waves (f modes) of the planet. Ring seismology is very powerful as it allows recording of oscillations for many years, giving sensitivity and precision on the frequencies not achievable with other means. The analysis of these frequencies has shown the existence of stable layers inside Saturn. This fantastic result could not be extended further because of the small number of modes able to resonate with the rings. Gravity measurements from Cassini and Juno also proved the existence of acoustic modes on Jupiter and Saturn with detectable amplitudes but could not measure individual frequencies.

Many efforts were made to observe these modes through different techniques. The most promising is the monitoring of Doppler velocity images of the planet with a dedicated instrument. In 2011, a time series recorded with this method permitted the determination of a fundamental frequency present in the structure of the power spectrum and compatible with our knowledge of the Jovian internal structure. With a similar instrument, recent observations of Jupiter provided measurements of the 3 components of the wind at the surface of Jupiter, demonstrating its sensitivity. However, ground-based observations remain limited in resolution and duration. Such an instrument on a dedicated space mission would give unvaluable information.

During this talk we will present previous attempts to measure oscillations on Jupiter and Saturn from Earth and space. We will show the results and the remaining questions, including mode excitation and amplitudes. We will also review the present instrumental development and the most promising projects. Finally, we would derive a possible strategy for future observations in the frame of the international space mission context.

How to cite: Schmider, F.-X., Gaulme, P., Guillot, T., Jackiewicz, J., Markham, S., Doerr, H.-P., Morales-Juberías, R., Abe, L., Dejonghe, J., Simon, A., and Hsu, S.: Perspectives of Jovian seismology: sounding the interior of the Gas Giants through oscillations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2569,, 2025.

EGU25-7558 | Orals | PS7.8

Variability of Io plasma torus before and during the Juno era 

Masato Kagitani, Mizuki Yoneda, and Fuminori Tsuchiya

Volcanic gases, primarily composed of SO2, SO, and S, originating from Io are ionized through interactions with magnetospheric plasma, forming a dense plasma region known as the Io plasma torus. Ion pickup serves as the most significant energy source for the plasma torus though, the spatial distribution of the pickup region and its temporal variability remain poorly understood. Measuring ion distributions with sufficient spatial resolution enables the derivation of ion temperatures and temperature anisotropy, being closely related to the influx of fresh pickup ions.

Since 2014, we have carried out ground-based observations of sulfur ion emissions ([SII] 671.6 nm and 673.1 nm) from the Io plasma torus at the Haleakal Observatory in Hawaii, utilizing Tohoku 60-cm telescope. The telescope is equipped with a monochromatic imager and a coronagraph, enabling us to observe the distribution of singly charged sulfur ions with a spatial resolution as fine as 0.03 Jovian radii. This unique setup has allowed us to track changes in the torus structure with high spatial and temporal precision.

Over the past six years, our observations revealed five significant peaks in [SII] brightness. For three of these events, we observed that the [SII] ribbon scale height began to increase shortly after the brightness peaks. This phenomenon likely indicates a rise in ion temperature, driven by volcanic outbursts on Io that introduce fresh ions into the torus. Such findings provide critical insights into the dynamic nature of the Io plasma torus and its response to volcanic activity.

In this presentation, we will review past and ongoing remote sensing projects, present the latest observational results from our multi-year campaign, and discuss future plans for supporting upcoming space missions.

How to cite: Kagitani, M., Yoneda, M., and Tsuchiya, F.: Variability of Io plasma torus before and during the Juno era, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7558,, 2025.

EGU25-7854 | Posters on site | PS7.8

The Juno-Supporting Earth-Based Observing Campaign 

Glenn Orton, Thomas Momary, Emma Dahl, Shawn Brueshaber, John Rogers, Scott Bolton, and Steven Levin

To support the Juno mission and provide necessary spatial and spectral context to measurements made by the spacecraft, the science team has established and coordinated an international network of observational astronomers and Earth-based observatories. This network of supporting observations of the Jovian system continues to expand. The measurements cover a broad spectral range with over 60 groups contributing to the campaign. The support provided by these observations constitutes several specific enhancements to Juno’s own data. (1) They provide knowledge about the evolution of features detected by the spacecraft at a single point in time. (2) Contextual information is gathered about the larger spatial environment surrounding the often very limited regions covered by Juno’s own instruments. (3) The spectral range covered by Juno’s suite of instruments is expanded, now including observations that cover X-ray through radio wavelengths. Observations at intermediate wavelengths, such as the mid-infrared, can detect thermal signatures that can measure temperatures in the upper troposphere through stratosphere unambiguously. (4) Supporting measurements also assess the extent to which distant phenomena taking place within the Jovian system may influence atmospheric or auroral properties detected by Juno’s instruments, such as the mass loading from Io by tracking its observed volcanic activity and the opacity of its torus. Observations of Jupiter’s neutral atmosphere included images and spectra of reflected sunlight from the near-ultraviolet through the near-infrared and thermal emission from 5 µm through the radio region.  The ultimate goal of these Earth-based measurements is to relate properties of the deep atmosphere (that are the focus of Juno’s mission) to the state of the “weather layer” at much lower pressures  Of special consideration during Juno’s extended mission are observations of thermal emission that cover narrow regions where temperature profiles are created from the phase change of the high-beam antenna’s radio signal as it is being occulted by Jupiter’s atmosphere. The spectral region and timeline of all of these observations are summarized in the web site: Besides a global network of professional astronomers, the Juno mission also benefited significantly from a network of dedicated amateur astronomers who provided a quasi-continuous picture of the evolution of features observed by Juno’s instruments. Examples of support will be shown from the primary and extended mission.

How to cite: Orton, G., Momary, T., Dahl, E., Brueshaber, S., Rogers, J., Bolton, S., and Levin, S.: The Juno-Supporting Earth-Based Observing Campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7854,, 2025.

EGU25-8152 * | Orals | PS7.8 | Highlight

Amateur Astronomers: Sentinels of Jupiter 

Jean-Luc Dauvergne

Thanks to advancements in processing software, imaging techniques, and cameras, amateur astronomers have been able to regularly produce high-resolution images of the planets in the Solar System for about fifteen years. Their efforts are particularly focused on Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter.

They are most often equipped with telescopes ranging from 250 to 400 mm in diameter and are regularly able to obtain images limited by diffraction in the visible part of the spectrum (0.3 to 0.5 arc seconds). These high-resolution images are captured using the Lucky Imaging technique. For example, on Jupiter, the capture rate is typically 50 to 100 images per second, and during processing, the software Autostakkert! 4 helps to correct some of the distortion effects caused by the atmospheric turbulence. Some of these observers use specific filters to produce scientific data. For instance, a filter at 890 nm is used to capture images of Jupiter in the methane absorption band, a UV filter for Venus, or a filter centered at 425 nm to search for Martian auroras.

The most experienced observers share their data across several databases: Junocam, PVOL from the University of Bilbao, the scientific society ALPO Japan, and the Detect program, which aims to detect impacts on Jupiter. Detect has accumulated 74 continuous observation days with 276 contributors, who are spread across the globe. The largest communities are in Europe, North America, and Japan.

The strength of the amateur community lies in its ability to produce daily data and provide almost continuous monitoring of Jupiter. For example, on ALPO Japan, during Jupiter's opposition, new data are added every single day. The number of observers varies greatly depending on the weather; on some days, there are only three contributions, while on others, there are more than thirty.

For amateur astronomers, knowing that their data can serve scientific purposes is an additional source of motivation. It is often very rewarding for them to see their names associated with scientific publications. Additionally, there is a strong sense of community, which has been significantly enhanced by the Juno mission through workshops held in Nice in 2016 and London in 2018, as well as citizen science sessions at the EPSC, supported by financial aid from Europlanet.

It could be valuable to continue fostering this network of observers during the upcoming missions to explore the Jovian system, whether it be JUICE, Europa Clipper or TianWen-4.

How to cite: Dauvergne, J.-L.: Amateur Astronomers: Sentinels of Jupiter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8152,, 2025.

Jupiter’s giant magnetosphere is powered by the combination of a prodigious source of material from Io interacting with the strong planetary magnetic field. To understand the processes that drive this powerful system one needs to take observations of multiple components: Io’s volcanic activity, the spatial and temporal variability of the atmosphere, the structure of the escaping neutral clouds, the ionized products that form the plasma torus and the subsequent radial transport and heating of what becomes Jupiter’s extensive plasma disk. A key factor in this complex system is the coupling of the equatorial plasma to the high latitude ionosphere of Jupiter. To quantify these multiple, coupled processes one needs to observe the system over time with both in situ measurements and with remote sensing. In this talk I will review the different observations made by spacecraft at Jupiter as well as from Earth and outline future observations that would complement measurements by Juno, JUICE and Europa Clipper missions.

How to cite: Bagenal, F.: Observations of Io, its neutral clouds and plasma torus reveal processes driving the predominant source to Jupiter’s giant magnetosphere., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13744,, 2025.

EGU25-14285 | Posters on site | PS7.8

Variations in Jupiter's extended sodium nebula over two decades 

Mizuki Yoneda, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Carl Schmidt, Jeff Morgenthaler, Masato Kagitani, and Takeshi Sakanoi

We have been performing ground-based observations of Jupiter's sodium nebula longer than two decades. The sodium atoms in the nebula originate in Io's volcanic gas. The nebula distributes over 1,000 Jupiter's radii, and its angular size is approximately 10 degrees. Therefore, ground-based observations of D-line emissions in the sodium nebula can be made with small optics. The observation results indicate that the sodium D-line brightness in the nebula varies with various timescales like day-to-day through year-to-year. While it is naturally expected that variations in the brightness of the nebula reflect that of volcanism on Io, it may be influenced by locations of active volcanic plumes on Io. Sometimes, variations of the nebula differ between the eastern and western sides of Jupiter.  Details on the variations of Jupiter's extended sodium nebula will be shown. Especially, a period in which Juno spacecraft has been orbiting Jupiter will be focused. 

How to cite: Yoneda, M., Tsuchiya, F., Schmidt, C., Morgenthaler, J., Kagitani, M., and Sakanoi, T.: Variations in Jupiter's extended sodium nebula over two decades, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14285,, 2025.

The exploration of the Jupiter system has reached new heights with the ongoing Juno mission and the upcoming JUICE and Europa Clipper missions, making it a focal point in planetary space exploration. Significant breakthroughs have emerged since Juno's arrival in 2016, shedding light on the complex dynamics of the Jovian magnetosphere. Magnetospheric research, focusing on the outermost layer of planetary atmospheres, plays a crucial role in controlling mass and energy circulation, shaping the space environment. In this presentation, I will discuss recent progress in modeling the Jovian magnetosphere using three-dimensional MHD simulations, together with comparative analyses with Saturn. The simulation results reveal the global dynamics of the Jovian magnetosphere, showcasing complex magnetic topologies and large-scale plasma instabilities that govern the mass and energy circulation within the space environment. Validated against Juno measurements, these global simulations may offer new perspectives for future space missions to the Jupiter system, potentially revolutionizing our understanding of outer solar planetary systems.

How to cite: Zhang, B. and Yao, Z.: Unveiling Giant Magnetospheres: Research Advances in China and Prospectives for Future Missions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14477,, 2025.

EGU25-14544 | Orals | PS7.8

Results from Hisaki and prospects for LAPYUTA observations of the Jupiter System 

Fuminori Tsuchiya, Go Murakami, Atsushi Yamazaki, Kazuo Yoshioka, Masato Kagitani, Tomoki Kimura, Chihiro Tao, Ryoichi Koga, Hajime Kita, Jun Kimura, Shuya Tan, Kei Masunaga, Shotaro Sakai, Mizuki Yoneda, Masaki Kuwabara, Shingo Kameda, and Ichiro Yoshikawa

Remote sensing with ultraviolet wavelength (UV) are one of powerful probes to uncover dynamic behaviors of the planetary environment. The Hisaki satellite was an earth orbiting extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectroscope dedicated for observing solar system planets. Thanks to its long-term monitoring capability, Hisaki had carried out unprecedented continuous observation of Io plasma torus, Jovian aurora, and Mars and Venus upper atmospheres from 2013 to 2023. One of notable phenomena observed by Hisaki is significant enhancements of neutral gas from presumed activation of volcanic activity on Io. Hisaki revealed, for the first time, that not only the plasma source, but transport, heating, and loss processes of magnetospheric plasma were influenced by the variation in the neutral source input.

After the end of the Hisaki mission, we have proposed the next UV space telescope, LAPYUTA (Life-environmentology, Astronomy, and PlanetarY Ultraviolet Telescope Assembly). One of goals of this mission is dynamics of our solar system planets and moons as the most quantifiable archetypes of extraterrestrial habitable environments in the universe. LAPYUTA will not only provide a UV monitoring platform like Hisaki but also have a high spatial resolution and high sensitivity to uncover stability of Io’s atmosphere, water plumes that gushes from the subsurface ocean of icy moons, and spatio-temporal aspects of Jupiter's giant UV aurora. Primary goal of the LAPYUTA mission other than the Jovian system includes atmospheric evolution of Venus and Mars, characterization of exoplanet atmosphere, galaxy formation, and time-domain astronomy.

How to cite: Tsuchiya, F., Murakami, G., Yamazaki, A., Yoshioka, K., Kagitani, M., Kimura, T., Tao, C., Koga, R., Kita, H., Kimura, J., Tan, S., Masunaga, K., Sakai, S., Yoneda, M., Kuwabara, M., Kameda, S., and Yoshikawa, I.: Results from Hisaki and prospects for LAPYUTA observations of the Jupiter System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14544,, 2025.

EGU25-14788 | Orals | PS7.8

Spin states of Europa and Ganymede 

Jean-Luc Margot

Radar speckle tracking observations of Europa and Ganymede with the Goldstone Solar System Radar and the Green Bank Telescope in 2011-2023 yield estimates of their spin axis orientations to ~0.01 degrees. These measurements conform to the expected 30-year precessional cycle and provide insights into the moons' Cassini States. I will describe the latest results and discuss new scientific prospects associated with these observations. First, the spin state can reveal the presence of a subsurface ocean: a decoupling between the icy shell and the interior results in a different obliquity than that of a solid body. Second, an angular deviation from the strict Cassini state enables estimates of energy dissipation. Third, a measurement of librations, if detectable, would enable a measurement of the shell's moment of inertia and provide bounds on the rheology and thickness of the shell. Fourth, the obliquity may explain remarkable surface features, such as the distribution and orientation of cycloids, strike-slip faults, and lineaments on Europa. Fifth, knowledge of the obliquity is required to enable tidal heating calculations. Finally, these measurements are expected to facilitate Clipper and JUICE operations and prevent initial, large mapping errors in spacecraft data products.

How to cite: Margot, J.-L.: Spin states of Europa and Ganymede, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14788,, 2025.

The Galilean moons present a diverse and dynamic set of bodies, from the surface volcanism of Io and the subsurface oceans of the icy moons to the rapidly-varying interactions between these objects’ atmospheres and the jovian magnetosphere. Understanding this system as a whole, and the complex interplay between different components, requires a multi-faceted approach. Spacecraft currently at Jupiter or arriving in the coming decade will provide a wealth of new and detailed information. Earth-based observatories (both on the ground and in orbit) provide complementary approaches, including long-term temporal coverage and access to a broad swath of instruments spanning the UV through radio wavelengths. For example, JWST’s high sensitivity in the near-infrared has enabled detection and mapping of new molecules on the Galilean moon surfaces, which can be compared to ALMA maps of thermal emission to draw connections between thermophysical properties and composition. UV/optical (HST/Keck) and millimeter (ALMA) observatories measures atomic and molecular species (respectively) in the atmospheres of these moons, giving insight into ongoing chemistry and the role of endo- and exogeneous processes in sourcing their atmospheres. This talk will highlight some key recent results on the Galilean moon surfaces, atmospheres, and magnetosphere interactions, and will discuss how telescope data can complement and enhance science return from upcoming missions.

How to cite: de Kleer, K.: Multi-wavelength telescopic observations of the Galilean moons from Earth and its orbit, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14954,, 2025.

EGU25-16160 | Orals | PS7.8

Plans for observing Jupiter, Io and its torus at Lenghu Observatory in China 

Fei He, Yiqing Zou, Zhonghua Yao, and Yong Wei

The Jupiter system is the most interesting in the solar system. The Jupiter is the biggest and the most massive and possesses the strongest magnetic field. The first moon of Jupiter, the Io, is the only moon in the solar system that has volcanic eruptions. These characteristics make Jupiter one of the top priorities for deep space exploration in China and other countries. Earth-based remote sensing can provide important information on geological activity of Io, plasma torus evolution, neutral nebula evolution, atmospheric circulation, and internal structure. Recently, a high-quality optical astronomical site was found on the Tibetan Plateau at Lenghu, China. The median of atmospheric seeing is 0.75 arcseconds and the light pollution can be neglected. This site is quite suitable for solar system planet observations. A large aperture optical telescope with diameter of 1.8 meters is currently under construction at Lenghu by the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Two important instruments will be mounted to the telescope: a Jovian coronograph and a Jovian seismological imager. These instrument will continuesly observe Jupiter, Io and its torus from 2025 summer on. 

How to cite: He, F., Zou, Y., Yao, Z., and Wei, Y.: Plans for observing Jupiter, Io and its torus at Lenghu Observatory in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16160,, 2025.

EGU25-18631 | Posters on site | PS7.8

The multiple layers of Jupiter’s troposphere observed by the NIRCAM instrument in the James Webb Space Telescope  

Ricardo Hueso, Arrate Antunano, Agustin Sanchez-Lavega, Mikel Sanchez-Arregui, Imke de Pater, Thierry Fouchet, Leigh Fletcher, Jake Harkett, Glenn Orton, Pablo Rodríguez-Ovalle, John Stansberry, and Mike Wong

The James Webb Space Telescope observed the Jovian System during Cycle 1 through the Early Release Science program 1373 (de Pater et al. 2022). The NIRCAM instrument obtained high-spatial resolution observations of the Jovian atmosphere in July 2022 in 5 different filters in wavelengths from 1.6 to 4.1 microns, with observations in three filters repeated after one planetary rotation to asses winds and atmospheric dynamics. The combination of high sensitivity in the near infrared and spatial resolution provided images that reveal exciting new aspects of the Jovian atmosphere. Early results from those observations include the discovery of a fast and narrow equatorial jet in the upper hazes near the tropopause potentially related with Jupiter’s Equatorial Stratospheric Oscillation (Hueso et al. 2023), the wind field of the upper levels of the Great Red Spot (Harkett et al. 2024), and in exciting views of the polar hazes and auroras that may give us hints of their potential relations (Antuñano et al. 2024). Observations also show new features in the atmosphere, such as a detached limb brightening from fluorescent emissions similar to observations attained by the JIRAM instrument on Juno (Migliorini et al. 2023). The 405N image shows the deep troposphere combined in some areas with thermal emissions from the interior of the planet. We here review those images, discussing atmospheric dynamics retrieved from those observations through the planet at multiple altitudes beyond the equator and the polar areas and we present additional aspects revealed by these observations that, together with a few commissioning observations from program 1022, remain so far the unique NIRCAM observations of the Jupiter atmosphere.


de Pater et al. JWST Observations of the Jovian System from Commissioning and ERS data . AAS Division of Planetary Science meeting #54, 2022. id. 306.07

Hueso et al. An intense narrow equatorial jet in Jupiter’s lower stratosphere observed by JWST, Nature Astronomy, 2023.

Harkett et al. Thermal Structure and Composition of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot from JWST/MIRI, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2024.

Antuñano et al. JWST/NIRCAM views of Jupiter's polar regions, EPSC Meeting Europlanet Science Congress 2024, id. EPSC2024-808.

Migliorini et al. First Observations of CH4 and H3+ Spatially Resolved Emission Layers at Jupiter Equator, as Seen by JIRAM/Juno, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2024.


How to cite: Hueso, R., Antunano, A., Sanchez-Lavega, A., Sanchez-Arregui, M., de Pater, I., Fouchet, T., Fletcher, L., Harkett, J., Orton, G., Rodríguez-Ovalle, P., Stansberry, J., and Wong, M.: The multiple layers of Jupiter’s troposphere observed by the NIRCAM instrument in the James Webb Space Telescope , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18631,, 2025.

EGU25-19473 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.8

A novel method to remotely analyse Jupiter’s ionospheric flows  

Rosie Johnson, Tom Knight, Tom Stallard, and Henrik Melin

Ground-based telescope observations of H3+ are critical because they are currently the only way to remotely measure the ionospheric flows at the giant planets. These observations at Jupiter are critical for supporting space missions, such as Juno, because the IR instruments, such as JIRAM, lack the spectral resolution to measure the Doppler shift of the H3+ spectra, from which the line-of-sight velocity can be derived and the ionospheric flows inferred. Furthermore, spacecraft can only provide information along the orbital path and swathes of observations of the aurora, however, ground-based observations can provide a global view of the ionospheric flows and aurora.

Past studies, using IR spectroscopic data, have identified several flows in Jupiter’s auroral regions. Rego et al. (1999), Stallard et al. (2001), and Johnson et al. (2017) have all observed sub-corotating H3+ velocities the region of Jupiter’s main auroral emission, in line with corotation breakdown theory (e.g.: Hill, 2001, and Cowley and Bunce, 2001). Stallard et al. (2001) and Johnson et al. (2017) identified a stationary region in the magnetic pole reference frame situated in Jupiter’s polar aurora, which suggests a coupling to the solar wind. It is unknown whether the coupling is through a Dungey-like single-cell open field and return flow (Cowley et al., 2003) or Kelvin Helmholtz instabilities in viscous flow interactions on the dawn flank (Delamere and Bagenal., 2010). Wang et al. (2023) used simultaneous observations of H2 and H3+ IR emission to reveal the dynamics of the thermosphere and measure the effective ion drift for the first time. The effective ion drift was calculated from the relative velocity of the H2 and H3+ and showed two asymmetric ionospheric jets in Jupiter’s northern aurora. This implies a current system that is in line with Juno findings, which is that the main auroral emission is linked to both upward and downward currents (Mauk et al., 2020).

Although the ionospheric currents have been inferred from all these studies, to rigorously map the ionospheric flows, the true velocity vector is required, allowing us to move away from schematics and visualise the actual direction of the ionospheric flows. We have developed a novel analysis method using vector decomposition to derive the true velocity vector from the H3+ line-of-sight velocity component. We used the VLT-CRIRES data taken on 31 December 2012 (Johnson et al., 2017), because this is the highest spatial resolution and spectral resolution data available. This dataset contains six complete scans of Jupiter’s northern auroral region, each with a different viewing angle, owing to Jupiter’s rotation over the night. By utilising the overlapping fields of view, we perform a vector decomposition analysis to derive the true velocity vector. The resulting map shows, for the first time, the true velocity vector of the H3+ ions in Jupiter’s northern auroral region, and hence the direction of the ionospheric flows. These preliminary results not only act as a proof of concept but will provide new insight into the ionospheric flows and current systems in Jupiter’s northern auroral region.

How to cite: Johnson, R., Knight, T., Stallard, T., and Melin, H.: A novel method to remotely analyse Jupiter’s ionospheric flows , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19473,, 2025.

EGU25-19678 | Posters on site | PS7.8

Earth-based monitoring of Io torus Proposition for a Community Project 

Michel Blanc, Giuliano Vinci, Nicolas Andre, Vincent Hue, Olivier Mousis, Marie Devinat, Jonas Rabia, Quentin Nenon, and Alessandro Mura

The moon Io, the most active volcanic body in the Solar System,  is the “energy convertor” of the Jupiter system: indeed, Io’s interior is  continuously heated by tidal interactions with Jupiter and the other Galilean moons, while its volcanic activity is the main source of its neutral and plasma torus and generates the Jovian magnetodisk via complex processes likely related to a centrifugal instability.

A number of spacecraft have flown by Jupiter or have been placed into orbit around the planet. Some of them crossed the Io Plasma Torus (IPT), which is the main source of charged particles for the magnetosphere of Jupiter, revealing the complex spatial structure of the IPT. As an important complement, observations of the IPT from the Earth’s surface that are presented at this session, together with observations from Earth orbit (JAXA’s Hisaki) have revealed not only that the spatial structure of the IPT is complex, but also that it displays a large temporal variability over a broad spectrum of timescales, from hours to decades. Achieving a deeper understanding of the sources that drive the complex spatial structure and temporal variability of the IPT remains a very challenging open scientific question. In return, addressing this challenge will provide us with a key piece in the assembly of the puzzle of the Jupiter System.

While a new international flotilla of spacecraft is heading to Jupiter, time is ripe to unite all Io and IPT observers, space-based and Earth-based, to contribute to an around-the-world program of continuous observations. By the addition of observations at different longitudes from America, Hawaii, Japan, China, Europe and Africa, it will be possible to retrieve the complexity of the temporal variability of the IPT, while providing unique support to current Juno observations and upcoming observations by JUICE, Europa Clipper, TianWen-4 and hopefully LAPYUTA.

In this talk, we will review the rich diversity of IPT observations from space and from Earth, propose a modelling tool to assimilate all data into a single model of the Io torus, and propose that the Io and Jupiter science community work together to establish this joint endeavor as a major international scientific program.

How to cite: Blanc, M., Vinci, G., Andre, N., Hue, V., Mousis, O., Devinat, M., Rabia, J., Nenon, Q., and Mura, A.: Earth-based monitoring of Io torus Proposition for a Community Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19678,, 2025.

Jupiter's radio emissions were first discovered in the 1950s. Since then, Earth-based radio telescopes have monitored Jupiter's emissions above 10 MHz, while several spacecraft have conducted flybys or have orbited the planet, like Juno. The synergy between space-based and ground-based observations has provided complementary data, including multi-point, in situ, and statistical measurements. In this presentation, we will review recent discoveries about auroral and Galilean moon-induced radio emissions made over the past few years using Juno and Earth-based radio telescopes. We will also look ahead to upcoming missions to Jupiter, such as JUICE, and discuss the crucial role of ground-based support observations.

How to cite: Louis, C.: Radio observations of the Jupiter system, present and future, and synergies between space and Earth-based observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20656,, 2025.

EGU25-21864 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.8

Jupiter's X-ray Aurorae: A high signal spectral analysis of the 0.24 to 7.00 keV energy range 

Bryn Parry and William Dunn

Jupiter’s X-ray aurorae have been found to be dominated by ion spectral lines from energetic particle precipitation from the outer magnetosphere (Branduardi-Raymont et al. 2007). The study of the composition of the precipitating ions to date has been through a combination of in-situ measurements from Jupiter spacecraft, most recently Juno (e.g. Haggerty et al. 2017; Kim et al. 2020; Clark et al. 2020), along with spectral analysis of the aurora in the X-ray waveband (e.g. Elsner et al. 2005). These ion auroral emissions have rarely been directly compared with the ion populations that produce them.

 This presentation investigates high signal X-ray spectra from the northern and southern auroral regions of Jupiter using the XMM-Newton X-ray telescope in the energy range 0.24 to 7.00 keV. The spectra are created from fourteen observations of Jupiter taken over a five-year period combined together, giving ~660 ks of good observation time. The results show that a good fit is obtained using a charge exchange model with the ion species and abundances observed by the JUNO Jupiter Energetic Particle Detector (JEDI) instrument on the first perijove of the Jupiter mission. The presentation goes on to fit an improved model with ion species oxygen, neon, magnesium, silicon and sulfur along, with an APEC model to represent scattered solar coronal emission, a power law model of energetic non-thermal electrons and a velocity shift model. The velocity shift when applied to the charge exchange model blue shifts the charge exchange emission lines to improve the quality of the fit. The velocity shift in the northern auroral region of Jupiter agrees well with previous results obtained from the XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS), suggesting that the ions collide with the atmosphere at velocities of ~5000 km/s.

X-ray emissions provide not only a remote tool to diagnose the energetic processes in the aurorae of Jupiter, but also enable study of the moons, rings, radiation belts and atmospheres of planetary bodies. The methodology developed in the first study will be used to study the X-ray fluorescence signatures from Jupiter’s Galilean moons in preparation for the future visits by JUICE, Europa Clipper and Tianwen-4. This next phase of the analysis will remotely characterise plasma collisions with the moons and quantify the elemental abundances of their surfaces. Progress permitting, the presentation will close with preliminary results from the moons.

How to cite: Parry, B. and Dunn, W.: Jupiter's X-ray Aurorae: A high signal spectral analysis of the 0.24 to 7.00 keV energy range, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21864,, 2025.

EGU25-21868 | Posters on site | PS7.8

A view from the other side: complementary observations of the Jovian UV aurorae from Hubble and Juno 

Bertrand Bonfond, Alessandro Moirano, Bilal Benmahi, Denis Grodent, Linus Head, Guillaume Sicorello, Jean-Claude Gérard, Thomas Greathouse, Randy Glastone, Rohini Giles, Joshua Kammer, Vincent Hue, Zhonghua Yao, Jonathan Nichols, Sarah Badman, and John Clarke

Starting from the Jupiter approach phase in early 2016, several Hubble Space Telescope observation campaigns dedicated to the UV aurorae have been executed in order to support the Juno mission. For example, these images have been used to study the auroral response to solar wind shocks measured by Juno's in situ instruments, or to identify the specific auroral morphologies associated with a compressed magnetosphere. In this presentation, we will focus on the images acquired simultaneously from Juno's UV spectrograph on one hand and from the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the other hand, each one looking at a different hemisphere. While the overall morphology is similar, variations of relative brightness between conjugate features, or shifts in the timing of some flares, are observed and are interpreted as signatures of distinct electron acceleration mechanisms or of magnetic field anomalies. Such combined observations thus provide unique insights into the asymmetries of the Jovian magnetosphere and its coupling with the ionosphere and upper atmosphere.

How to cite: Bonfond, B., Moirano, A., Benmahi, B., Grodent, D., Head, L., Sicorello, G., Gérard, J.-C., Greathouse, T., Glastone, R., Giles, R., Kammer, J., Hue, V., Yao, Z., Nichols, J., Badman, S., and Clarke, J.: A view from the other side: complementary observations of the Jovian UV aurorae from Hubble and Juno, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21868,, 2025.

ST3 – Ionosphere and Thermosphere

EGU25-86 | ECS | Orals | ST3.1

First Observation of Co-seismic Ionospheric Disturbances from a Deep-Focus Earthquake in Brazil: Ground Uplift and TEC Analysis 

Oluwasegun Adebayo, Esfhan A. Kherani, and Alexandre A. Pimenta

Co-seismic ionospheric disturbances (CIDs) are well-documented phenomena typically following medium to large earthquakes. However, several factors influence the detectability of CIDs, and deep-focus earthquakes (depth > 300 km) have long been considered ineffective in generating significant ionospheric disturbances. Consequently, regions like Brazil, which are known for deep-focus seismic activity, have not reported CIDs associated with such events. On January 20, 2024, a deep-focus earthquake of magnitude 6.6 struck near Tarauacá, Brazil, at a depth of 607 km. Although no surface damage was reported, this event marked a significant seismic occurrence in a region influenced by the subducted Nazca Plate. In this study, we used Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Total Electron Content (TEC) data from the Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring of GNSS Systems (RBMC) and seismic data from the IRIS network to analyze the earthquake's impact on both the ground surface and the ionosphere. The results revealed clear ionospheric disturbances, or ionoquakes, characterized by "N-wave" patterns in the TEC data, originating from infrasonic-acoustic waves generated by the earthquake’s crustal displacement. These ionoquakes were detected 5.5 - 12.3 minutes after the earthquake, traveling at speeds between 550 m/s and 743 m/s. This is the first report of CIDs associated with a deep-focus earthquake in Brazil. Spectral analysis showed a TEC amplitude peak in the 14–16 mHz frequency range, suggesting high-frequency infrasonic-acoustic wave dynamics.

How to cite: Adebayo, O., Kherani, E. A., and Pimenta, A. A.: First Observation of Co-seismic Ionospheric Disturbances from a Deep-Focus Earthquake in Brazil: Ground Uplift and TEC Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-86,, 2025.

EGU25-105 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1

Longitudinal Variability of Pre-midnight Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Under Geomagnetic Activity: The role of Thermospheric Winds 

Gilda González, Thomas Immel, Yen-Jung Joanne Wu, L. Claire Gasque, Brian Harding, and Colin Triplett

Equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) present significant challenges to trans-ionospheric radio communications, particularly affecting Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals, which can lead to signal degradation and disruptions in communication and navigation. By reducing the number of usable GNSS satellites for accurate positioning, EPB occurrences underscore the importance of evaluating and predicting them in the development of space systems. One critical factor that remains elusive is the influence of geomagnetic activity on EPBs. This study aims to address this gap by performing a superposed epoch analysis on key parameters: geomagnetic indices, zonal and meridional neutral winds, and the $\sigma$ index, which serves as an indicator of EPB presence. Using data collected by the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) satellite from 2020 to 2022, between 18:00 and 23:00 SLT, our analysis reveals regional differences in EPB behavior. In South America, EPB occurrences are suppressed during the decline of geomagnetic activity, while over Africa, EPB occurrence increases during periods of heightened geomagnetic activity. Additionally, we observe a shift in zonal winds toward the west near the peak of geomagnetic disturbances. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of EPB dynamics and highlight the regional variability in their response to geomagnetic disturbed conditions.

How to cite: González, G., Immel, T., Wu, Y.-J. J., Gasque, L. C., Harding, B., and Triplett, C.: Longitudinal Variability of Pre-midnight Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Under Geomagnetic Activity: The role of Thermospheric Winds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-105,, 2025.

EGU25-688 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1

On the dynamics of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances and Background Ionospheric changes over low-latitude Indian sector during December 2015 Geomagnetic Storm 

Sovan Saha, Duggirala Pallamraju, Sunil Kumar, V. Lakshmi Narayanan, and Surendra Sunda

Geomagnetic disturbances perturb the ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) dynamics, modify the background densities, compositions, etc. on the global scale. Sudden energy deposition in the auroral region during geomagnetic events can generate wave-like disturbances which further propagate through the IT system under favourable background condition, known as travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). The disturbances can be of different scale sizes, ranging from few kilometres (kms) to thousands of km. Large-scale TIDs (LSTIDs), having typical horizontal scale sizes of several thousands of km and periodicities of a few hours, propagate with a speed of 400-1000 ms-1. In this study, we have investigated a LSTIDs present over Indian longitudes during a geomagnetic storm of 20-21 December 2015. The imprint of the TIDs is seen in the OI 630.0 nm nightglow emissions, height variation of F-layer, heights of ionospheric iso-electron densities, and total electron count (TEC) over low-latitude Indian longitudes. The variation was wave-like with a period of around 2-3 hours. The detailed study carried out using the TEC variation obtained by 12 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations located at Indian and Australian sector. The LSTIDs originated around the onset of the geomagnetic storm on 20 December in the southern hemisphere near Australian sector, propagated northward, crossed the equator, and then dissipated in the low-latitudes of the Indian longitudes. The LSTIDs were found to be propagating with a speed of around 800 ms-1 at the Australian sector, but their speeds are reduced to around 200 ms-1 near the equator. Further, the background changes in the low-latitude IT system are investigated using the measurement of equatorial electrojet, O/N2 variation. These results will be discussed.

How to cite: Saha, S., Pallamraju, D., Kumar, S., Narayanan, V. L., and Sunda, S.: On the dynamics of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances and Background Ionospheric changes over low-latitude Indian sector during December 2015 Geomagnetic Storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-688,, 2025.

In this study, the morphology and climatology of the nighttime periodic disturbances associated with MSTIDs are investigated over the entire China sector from January 2014 to August 2017, using data from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers. Firstly, a comparative case analysis of propagation characteristics reveals the complexity and day-to-day variations of nighttime MSTID activity. The main statistical findings indicate that these periodic disturbances predominantly occur during the summer months, with a higher occurrence rate during solar minimum. In summer, the disturbances occur more frequently in regions with lower latitudes (20-35°N) and tend to exhibit an extended duration. In the meantime, some disturbances are also detected at much lower latitudes (<20°N), with noticeable longitudinal differences. Additionally, there are two peaks in the geographic distribution of disturbances, located in the sector of 90-100°E and 105-125°E at lower latitudes, respectively. The distinct spatiotemporal evolution patterns of the two peak disturbance regions suggest that their formation mechanisms should be different. The disturbances in the eastern region exhibit similarities with electrified MSTIDs, which are closely related to Perkins instability, whereas the western disturbance region does not display apparent movement, but exhibits a higher occurrence rate and longer durations, which may be attributed to the frequent upward propagation of GWs in the southeastern region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

How to cite: Li, K. and Zhang, D.: Morphology and Climatology of Nighttime Periodic Ionospheric TEC Disturbances Associated with MSTIDs Over China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1245,, 2025.

EGU25-1490 | Orals | ST3.1

Influence of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity on the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System 

Rajesh Vaishnav, Christoph Jacobi, Erik Schmölter, and Hanna Dühnen

A comprehensive understanding of ionospheric irregularities is crucial for satellite communications and navigation systems. These irregularities are significantly shaped by various external factors, including solar activity, geomagnetic disturbances, and impacts from the lower atmosphere. This study aims to underscore the complex irregularities within the thermosphere-ionosphere system while elucidating the substantial role of solar and geomagnetic drivers, as evidenced by observational data and model simulations. We will analyze key parameters of the thermosphere and ionosphere, including the ratio of atomic oxygen (O) to molecular nitrogen (N2), molecular oxygen (O2), total electron content (TEC), and electron density (Ne). For this analysis, we will utilize data from the Global-Scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) ultraviolet imaging spectrograph, the International GNSS Service (IGS), and predictions from the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM). 

Furthermore, we investigate the delayed response of TEC to changes in solar flux over a 27-day solar rotation period, taking into account the effects of geomagnetic activity. Our findings reveal that geomagnetic activity plays an important role in influencing the ionospheric delay.

How to cite: Vaishnav, R., Jacobi, C., Schmölter, E., and Dühnen, H.: Influence of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity on the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1490,, 2025.

EGU25-2392 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1

Implementation of a low and mid-latitudes electrodynamical module in the IRAP Plasmasphere-Ionosphere Model 

Antoine Resseguier, Pierre-Louis Blelly, and Aurélie Marchaudon

The Earth’s Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) system is strongly controlled by the laws of electrodynamics, which include significant contributions from all three components. Today, we face a growing need for a better representation of this MIT system, mostly at low latitudes due to the growing use of GNSS satellites for positioning, which face accuracy and forecasting challenges that are not accessible with current data coverage and processing tools.

The IRAP Plasmasphere-Ionosphere Model (IPIM) is one of the only physical models developed in Europe and validated on observations for its high-latitude version. The IPIM model solves plasma transport equation along magnetic field lines and provides a complete 3D coverage of Earth’s ionosphere and plasmasphere in latitudes, longitudes and altitudes. 
The main inputs of the model come from the solar irradiance (FISM model) and the neutral atmosphere (MSIS for neutral densities and temperature and HWM14 for winds). We are extending the IPIM model with a module solving the electrodynamics of the low and mid-latitudes. The specificity of this module is that it is developed using a new orthogonal magnetic coordinate system (called Generalized Eccentric Dipole) which is suited for any analytical representation of the magnetic field, like the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF). It provides a projection basis and a metric which account for the structures of the Earth's magnetic field, especially near the equatorial region at low altitude and is very similar to a dipolar system at high altitude (or high latitudes). 
The final goal of this work is to have a good representation of low-mid latitudes ionosphere-upper atmosphere couplings, mostly in regions with sparse data coverage.

We will present interesting first results of the coupling between IPIM and this new electrodynamical module showing expected low- and mid-latitudes phenomena such as the equatorial ionization anomaly detected on global total electron content and foF2 maps or the presence of the Equatorial ElectroJet and Solar quiet currents during the day. 
Finally, we will discuss the results and the perspectives of applications and developments.

How to cite: Resseguier, A., Blelly, P.-L., and Marchaudon, A.: Implementation of a low and mid-latitudes electrodynamical module in the IRAP Plasmasphere-Ionosphere Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2392,, 2025.

EGU25-2582 | Posters on site | ST3.1

Middle and upper atmosphere response to the February 2018 Sudden Stratospheric Warming revealed by MERRA-2 and SABER 

Guiping Liu, Fabrizio Sassi, Ruth Lieberman, Lawrence Coy, and Steven Pawson

The middle and upper atmosphere plays a critical role in linking the lower atmosphere forcing with ionospheric variability, especially during strong atmospheric activities. This study examines the dynamical response in the altitude range from ~20-80 km to a major Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) event peaking on February 11, 2018. We compare the reanalysis product of the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications Version 2 (MERRA-2) from the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) to the satellite observations by Thermosphere Ionosphere and Mesosphere Electric Dynamics/Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry TIMED/SABER that are not assimilated in MERRA-2. Our study shows that the zonal mean wind and temperature and planetary wave 1 and 2 variations are generally consistent between the reanalysis and observations. We also identify a strong ~6-day wave propagating both westward and eastward with zonal wavenumber-1 with the westward propagating component likely generated by baroclinic/barotropic instability. However, important disagreements arise specifically above ~60 km, where the wind and temperature are not well represented in MERRA-2, causing differences in the day-to-day development of 6-day wave. This study highlights the need for additional assimilation of mesospheric data and development of high-altitude vertically extended GEOS model.

How to cite: Liu, G., Sassi, F., Lieberman, R., Coy, L., and Pawson, S.: Middle and upper atmosphere response to the February 2018 Sudden Stratospheric Warming revealed by MERRA-2 and SABER, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2582,, 2025.

EGU25-3550 | Orals | ST3.1

Analysis of ionospheric disturbances using Continuous Doppler Sounding and airglow 

Jaroslav Chum, Šimon Mackovjak, Carlos Martinis, Maria Graciela Molina, and Jiri Base

Distinct Ionospheric perturbations such as equatorial plasma bubbles (EPB) and traveling ionospheric disturbances (TID) affect propagation of electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere. Consequently, electromagnetic waves can be used for their investigation. However, the ionospheric perturbations can also be monitored and analysed optically, using airglow emissions of OI red line (630 nm) because the intensity of this emission depends on the electron density and composition of the thermosphere, which changes with height.

     Simultaneous observations of EPBs and TIDs over Northern Argentina by airglow imager and Continuous Doppler Sounding (CDS) are presented. The EPBs propagated roughly eastwards as expected, whereas the large scale TIDs detected by both instruments propagated roughly north-westward. The TIDs of shorter periods/wavelengths are mostly observed only by CDS. A likely explanation is that the positive and negative phases of waves with shorter wavelengths are cancelled during integration along the line of sight in a relatively thick OI 630 nm emission layer. Selected examples and their propagation analysis is presented.

How to cite: Chum, J., Mackovjak, Š., Martinis, C., Molina, M. G., and Base, J.: Analysis of ionospheric disturbances using Continuous Doppler Sounding and airglow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3550,, 2025.

EGU25-4241 | Orals | ST3.1 | Highlight

Driving The Mid-Latitude Ionosphere from Below: Observations Made Using the International LOFAR Telescope 

Alan Wood, Gareth Dorrian, Ben Boyde, Robin Trigg, Richard Fallows, and Maaijke Mevius

The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) is one of the most advanced radio telescopes in the world. When radio waves from a distant astronomical source traverse the ionosphere, structures in this plasma affect the signal. The high temporal resolution available (~10 ms), the range of frequencies observed (10-90 MHz & 110-250 MHz) and the large number of receiving stations (currently 52 across Europe) mean that LOFAR can also observe the effects of the midlatitude and sub-auroral ionosphere at an unprecedented level of detail.

Case studies have shown substructure within a sporadic-E layer (Wood et al., 2024), substructure within a Medium Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbance (TID) (Dorrian et al., 2023), a Small Scale TID (Boyde et al., 2022) and symmetric quasi-periodic scintillations (Trigg et al., 2024). The small-scale size of many of these features (kilometres to tens of kilometres) implies a local source. A climatology of observations during daylit hours shows that ionospheric waves primarily propagate in the opposite direction to the prevailing wind, suggesting that the structures observed are the ionospheric manifestation of quasi-upward propagating Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs; Boyde et al., under review).

The recent development of a light version of the LOFAR data means that, for the first time, it is possible to undertake a large statistical study spanning all seasons and local times. Approximately 3,000 hours of observations were used to create this first climatology. It is shown that the ionospheric structures occur most frequently on summer evenings, are not primarily driven by geomagnetic activity and that there are striking similarities to a climatology of lighting strikes. This adds to the body of evidence which suggests that these features are the ionospheric manifestation of AGWs. Such waves substantially affect the global atmospheric circulation and the potential use of LOFAR to better determine the effect of AGWs on the global circulation is discussed.

This work is supported by the Leverhulme Trust under Research Project Grant RPG-2020-140.


Boyde, B. et al. (2022). Lensing from small-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances observed using LOFAR, J. Space Weather Space Clim., 12, 34. doi:10.1051/swsc/2022030

Dorrian, G. D. et al. (2023). LOFAR observations of substructure within a traveling ionospheric disturbance at mid-latitude, Space Weather, 21, 2022SW003198. doi:10.1029/2022SW003198

Trigg, H. et al. (2024). Observations of high definition symmetric quasi-periodic scintillations in the mid-latitude ionosphere with LOFAR. J. Geophys. Res., 2023JA032336. doi:10.1029/2023JA032336

Wood, A. G. et al. (2024). Quasi-stationary substructure within a sporadic E layer observed by the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), J. Space Weather Space Clim. 14, 27. doi:10.1051/swsc/2024024

How to cite: Wood, A., Dorrian, G., Boyde, B., Trigg, R., Fallows, R., and Mevius, M.: Driving The Mid-Latitude Ionosphere from Below: Observations Made Using the International LOFAR Telescope, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4241,, 2025.

EGU25-4975 | Posters on site | ST3.1

Ionospheric Diagnostics via VLF Elliptical Polarization and Cross-Wavelet Analysis: Assessing the Impacts of Geomagnetic Storms 

Muyiwa Paul Ajakaiye, Ben Romano, and Yuval Reuveni

The interaction between the Earth's conducting ground surface (with varying land cover types) and the ionospheric D-region (60–90 km altitude) forms a waveguide that supports the propagation of Very Low Frequency (VLF) and Low Frequency (LF) radio waves (3–30 kHz and 0.5–470 kHz, respectively). Variations in these VLF signals provide a valuable tool for remotely sensing dynamic changes in the D-region's conductivity under both ambient and disturbed ionospheric conditions. This study employs an innovative approach, combining amplitude and phase deviations from colocated perpendicular antenna measurements, to characterize elliptical polarization parameters during an intense geomagnetic storm. This method outperforms conventional techniques that rely solely on isolated phase or amplitude variations from VLF transmitters to detect ionospheric disturbances. Subsequently, the extracted polarization parameters were analyzed using cross-wavelet analysis in conjunction with a high-resolution SYM-H geomagnetic index. Cross-wavelet analysis was chosen for its ability to evaluate localized correlations between two datasets across both time and frequency domains and to identify the leading or lagging parameter in a periodic context. The results, particularly concerning the delayed response of the D-region, not only confirm existing findings but also offer new insights into the underlying mechanisms. These advancements contribute to a deeper understanding of D-region dynamics, improving ionospheric modeling and enhancing the accuracy of space weather prediction frameworks.

How to cite: Ajakaiye, M. P., Romano, B., and Reuveni, Y.: Ionospheric Diagnostics via VLF Elliptical Polarization and Cross-Wavelet Analysis: Assessing the Impacts of Geomagnetic Storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4975,, 2025.

EGU25-6186 | ECS | Orals | ST3.1

Midlatitude Neutral Wind Response during the Mother’s Day Super-Intense Geomagnetic Storm Using Observations from the Chinese Meridian Project 

Xin Wang, Ercha Aa, Yanhong Chen, Jiaojiao Zhang, Yajun Zhu, Lei Cai, Xian Lu, Bingxian Luo, and Siqing Liu

The super-intense geomagnetic storm of May 2024, known as the Mother's Day superstorm, is the largest event of its kind in the past two decades. During this storm, the coupled ionosphere-thermosphere system was significantly impacted, accompanied by strong disturbances. Neutral winds play a crucial role in both electro-dynamic and hydro-dynamic processes in the upper atmosphere. For the first time, we analyze the characteristics of neutral winds in the East Asian sector during this geomagnetic storm, using data observed by Dual-Channel Optical Interferometers (DCOIs) as part of the Chinese Meridian Project (CMP). Total Electron Content (TEC) is derived from measurements taken by 77 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers across China and surrounding regions. By combining data from four high-frequency (HF) radars and all Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) radars in the northern hemisphere, we can effectively analyze the ionospheric convection pattern and its effects on neutral winds.

The results show that a strong equatorward wind, with a maximum meridional component amplitude of approximately 400 m/s, was observed during the storm main phase. In the East Asian sector, this equatorward wind enhancement was associated with a negative storm on the night of May 10, which was marked by a significant reduction in TEC over China and adjacent areas. Additionally, ionospheric convection extended to 43° MLAT, with eastward ion velocities exceeding 800 m/s near 50° MLAT. This contributed to a strengthening of zonal winds in northern China, resulting in a notable eastward surge of approximately 230 m/s in the dawnside sub-auroral region. Wave-like oscillations in neutral winds, associated with storm-time Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances (TADs), were observed by multiple DCOI stations.

How to cite: Wang, X., Aa, E., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., Zhu, Y., Cai, L., Lu, X., Luo, B., and Liu, S.: Midlatitude Neutral Wind Response during the Mother’s Day Super-Intense Geomagnetic Storm Using Observations from the Chinese Meridian Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6186,, 2025.

EGU25-6212 | ECS | Orals | ST3.1

Dynamics of Space-Time TEC Enhancements seen in JPL GIMs: Variations with Latitude, Season and Geomagnetic Activity 

Martin Cafolla, Sandra Chapman, Nick Watkins, Xing Meng, and Olga Verkhoglyadova

Total Electron Content (TEC) is broadly used in characterizing ionospheric response to solar and geomagnetic activity. Understanding how TEC structures vary over time can help mitigate the risks of space weather events to navigation and communication systems. Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs) produced by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) provide 20 years of GNSS observations at a spatial resolution of 1 × 1 longitude/latitude and temporal resolution of 15 minutes. We transform each of these maps into geomagnetic coordinates centered about the sub-solar point and isolate the top 1% of TEC values to define High Density Regions (HDRs) of TEC. We demonstrate how this quantile threshold of TEC varies over the 20 year data set. Using image processing tools we have constructed an algorithm that detects and tracks HDRs to identify a population of contiguous, uniquely labelled space-time TEC HDRs. Extracting and following these HDRs over multiple years allows us to explore their statistical dependencies upon geomagnetic activity, latitude and season. We find that HDRs naturally divide into two populations by peak area, separated by an intensification area of 8.0×106km2, which is around the continental scale. These populations are studied for different storm conditions - quiet (Kp < 4), moderate (4 ≤ Kp < 7) and extreme (Kp ≥ 7). Small HDRs form primarily in four magnetic latitude clusters and move approximately along lines of constant magnetic latitude. Continental scale HDRs form around the same latitudes as small HDRs but follow more complex paths. The statistical nature of our results may inform predictive ionospheric models and reveal reproducible trends in the formation and subsequent propagation paths of ionospheric enhancements.

How to cite: Cafolla, M., Chapman, S., Watkins, N., Meng, X., and Verkhoglyadova, O.: Dynamics of Space-Time TEC Enhancements seen in JPL GIMs: Variations with Latitude, Season and Geomagnetic Activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6212,, 2025.

EGU25-6303 | ECS | Orals | ST3.1

High latitude dayside aurora (HiLDA) ionospheric electrodynamics using data assimilation 

Fasil Kebede, Karl Laundal, Jone Reistad, and Spencer Hatch

Under favorable conditions, the interaction between the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and Earth’s magnetic field can produce a dayside aurora at magnetic latitudes above approximately 80 degrees, commonly referred to as the High Latitude Dayside Aurora (HiLDA). This term encompasses various recently identified dayside auroras, including phenomena like space hurricanes and 15 MLT polar cap auroras (15MLT-PCA). These auroras are most frequently observed during the northern hemisphere's summer, particularly when the solar wind exhibits a northward IMF and a positive By component.

This study investigates HiLDA events occurring during northern hemisphere summers, with a specific focus on their ionospheric electrodynamics under two distinct IMF conditions: (1) a dominant positive By IMF combined with a northward Bz component, and (2) a dominant northward Bz IMF with a near-zero By component. Utilizing the Local Mapping of Polar Ionospheric Electrodynamics (Lompe) data assimilation method, the following key insights were identified:

  • Under both IMF configurations, the HiLDA spot is positioned at the center of a clockwise lobe convection cell or within the clockwise convection region of the NBZ current system.
  • The location of the HiLDA spot is not at the peak but rather at the edge of an intensified upward field-aligned current (FAC) associated with the convection vortex.
  • Significant Joule heating occurs in both IMF scenarios, with more pronounced heating observed under the By-dominated condition compared to the Bz-dominated condition.

How to cite: Kebede, F., Laundal, K., Reistad, J., and Hatch, S.: High latitude dayside aurora (HiLDA) ionospheric electrodynamics using data assimilation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6303,, 2025.

EGU25-6423 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1

Unique morphology of Interhemispheric Field-aligned Currents and the Associated Factors and Mechanism 

Pengyu Zhang, Yang-Yi Sun, and Chieh-Hung Chen

The classic ionospheric dynamo theory suggests the Interhemispheric Field-Aligned Currents (IHFACs) are season and local time dependent that arises from asymmetric ionospheric conductivities and thermospheric winds between the northern and southern hemispheres. Recent studies showed IHFACs have extremely longitudinal variations and show “C”-shaped morphology in Atlantic-American region that beyond previous thought. However, there are less detailed studies about the mechanism for the reversal phenomenon. This study analyzed Pedersen conductivity in the two hemispheres and geomagnetic structure to investigate the reasons for the reversal of IHFACs. The result suggests the geomagnetic declination connects the ionosphere in the two hemispheres at different local times, causing large conductance asymmetry. The conductance asymmetry exceeding 10 S will result in the reversal of IHFACs. This study further discussed the mechanism of the reversal and the impact on the ionosphere to reveal the regional electrodynamic process.

How to cite: Zhang, P., Sun, Y.-Y., and Chen, C.-H.: Unique morphology of Interhemispheric Field-aligned Currents and the Associated Factors and Mechanism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6423,, 2025.

EGU25-6487 | ECS | Orals | ST3.1

Observations and electrodynamics of an omega band aurora at Tromsø, Norway 

Rosie Hodnett, Steve Milan, Satonori Nozawa, and Tero Raita

Omega bands are a dawn-sector phenomena which appear as wave-like structures in the aurora, which often look like a chain of the Greek letter Ω. Omega bands have recently been shown to be responsible for large variations in dB/dt which can trigger geomagnetically induced currents (GICs), which are a significant space weather hazard. Signatures of an omega band event are visible in the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) data at Tromsø, Norway (69.6 °N, 19.2 °E), alongside observations from multiple instruments situated near Tromsø. The omega band is clearly identifiable in the Tromsø all sky camera data from 00:00 – 03:00 UT as it propagates eastward. This event is of interest for several reasons. During this event, the polar cap and field aligned current systems are expanded, and there are multiple intensifications in the AL index. These features are often misidentified as substorms, however in this case the fluctuations in the westward electrojet result from the omega band. Large ground-based magnetic perturbations are visible, and associated ‘spikes’ in dB/dt are identified in the auroral dawn sector. Data from the EISCAT UHF and VHF radars allow us to see enhancements in the ionospheric electron density which occurred as the upwards field aligned current and luminous aurora passed overhead. Additional electron density enhancements in the D region ionosphere were observed, which correspond to enhancements in cosmic noise absorption measured by nearby riometers. We present an overview of the electrodynamics of this omega band event at Tromsø.

How to cite: Hodnett, R., Milan, S., Nozawa, S., and Raita, T.: Observations and electrodynamics of an omega band aurora at Tromsø, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6487,, 2025.

EGU25-6512 | Posters on site | ST3.1

Traveling ionospheric disturbances over midlatitude Europe during CIR/HSS driven magnetic storm on March 30 – April 6, 2023 

Sergii V. Panasenko, Dalia Burešova, Vadym Skipa, and Jaroslav Urbář

Understanding the generation, propagation and attenuation of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) during strong space weather variations is essential for predicting and mitigating the adverse effects of TIDs on communication, navigation, and other technological systems that rely on the ionosphere. The magnetic storms caused by coronal mass ejections (CME) and corotating interaction regions / high-speed stream (CIR / HSS) are drivers which can affect the ring current and also the course and duration of auroral activity in different ways. Moreover, despite the greater energy output of CME-driven storms, the magnetospheric coupling and total energy input are often more geoeffective for the magnetic storms driven by CIR / HSS events. The objective of the current case study is to investigate thoroughly the TIDs over midlatitude Europe, originated by the CIR / HSS - driven storm on March 30 – April 6, 2023. We employed the data from European dense GNSS receiver network and four ionosondes for joint analysis to detect both large-scale and medium-scale TIDs and estimate their characteristics. We detected several time intervals with intensification of both types of TIDs propagating from the high latitudes towards the equator and associated with an increase in auroral activity. Ionosonde and GNSS based results show the consistency in estimation of characteristics of TIDs, which have the dominant periods of 30 – 80 min, horizontal phase velocities of 200 – 600 m/s and horizontal wavelengths of 400 – 3500 km. We also compared TID occurrence and direction during the comparable magnetically quiet and CIR / HSS - driven storm periods. We noted the significant increase in TID occurrence rate and the prevalence in their southward propagation during the observed magnetic storm. Based on this case study, we spotted that the TIDs at midlatitudes were usually observed several (1 – 4) hours after the increase in the auroral activity characterized by IMAGE IE indices. We continue to analyze other CIR / HSS driven events to establish the validity of such a relationship.

How to cite: Panasenko, S. V., Burešova, D., Skipa, V., and Urbář, J.: Traveling ionospheric disturbances over midlatitude Europe during CIR/HSS driven magnetic storm on March 30 – April 6, 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6512,, 2025.

EGU25-7438 | Orals | ST3.1

Ground state of the thermosphere and substorm time thermospheric response 

Yongliang Zhang, Qian Wu, Jesper Gjerloev, Larry Paxton, and Robert Schaefer

The thermospheric composition (O/N2 ratio and NO) condition represents the state of the thermosphere. Significant changes in thermospheric composition and neutral wind are often observed during non-storm time (e.g. a weak substorm on May 29, 2023) due to continous energy and momentum input from solar wind to the geospace.  It is challenging to find days when the solar wind impact is minimized and the geospace is at its ground state (super quiet) or undisturbed conditon. After a search of SuperMAG database over two decades (2002-2022), we finally identified a few super quiet intervals with (1) AE or SME < 50 nT, SymH > 0 nT), and (2) low auroral intensities (N2 LBHS (140-150 nm) < 500 R) over 48 consecutive hours or longer. We report one super quiet interval (November 6-7, 2009) with no O/N2 depletion or NO enhancment which represents a “geopace ground state”.  

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Wu, Q., Gjerloev, J., Paxton, L., and Schaefer, R.: Ground state of the thermosphere and substorm time thermospheric response, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7438,, 2025.

The presence of horse-collar auroras (HCAs) during northward interplanetary magnetic field periods offers opportunities to study unique dynamics in the Earth’s high-latitude magnetosphere. Horse-collar auroras have been linked to closure of the polar cap and dual lobe magnetic reconnection, which also results in closure of the dayside terrestrial magnetic field. However, this reconnection event has not been observed in situ. On 14 April 2007, the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) orbiter F17 ultraviolet imager (SSUSI) and spectrometer (SSJ) captured visual and particle flux evidence of an HCA extending from nightside to cusp where an emission spot was present. During this event, the Cluster satellite crossed the high-latitude southern magnetopause, observing bidirectional plasma motion in the magnetosheath and significant plasma populations in the magnetosphere. The former is likely consistent with recently closed dayside magnetic field lines, while the latter is likely consistent with closed magnetotail field lines characteristic of HCAs. Supported by a positive Walén test, we conclude that dual lobe reconnection associated with an HCA may have been detected directly for the first time. Analysis of this event is ongoing and may produce further insights into magnetic flux transport during HCA events.

How to cite: Kaweeyanun, N. and Fear, R.: Potential Detection of Dual Lobe Reconnection Associated with Horse-Collar Auroras via Near-Magnetopause Cluster Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10324,, 2025.

EGU25-10641 | Posters on site | ST3.1

Using vorticity to characterise meso-scale ionospheric flow variations 

Gareth Chisham and Mervyn Freeman

Using line-of-sight velocity measurements made by SuperDARN (The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network) radars with overlapping fields of view, it is possible to estimate the vorticity of the ionospheric convection flow over a wide range of scales. Here we exploit previous statistical analyses of 6 years of SuperDARN vorticity measurements to study the spatial variation of meso-scale flows in ionospheric convection. By making certain assumptions, we can statistically separate probability density functions (PDFs) of vorticity made at different locations in the ionosphere into two populations: (i) That due to the large-scale two-cell convection flow driven primarily by magnetic reconnection, and (ii) that due to meso-scale flow structures driven by processes such as turbulence. The resulting PDFs are fit by model functions using maximum likelihood estimation, and the spatial variation of the estimators is determined. The spatial variations of the large-scale vorticity estimators are ordered by the average convection flow, which is highly dependent on the IMF direction. The spatial variations of the meso-scale vorticity estimators appear independent of the senses of vorticity and IMF direction, but have a different character in the polar cap, the cusp, the auroral region, and the sub-auroral region.

How to cite: Chisham, G. and Freeman, M.: Using vorticity to characterise meso-scale ionospheric flow variations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10641,, 2025.

EGU25-11203 | Orals | ST3.1

Nighttime thermosphere responses to the May  2024 storm at Middle- and  Low-latitudes: optical observations and model results 

Guoying Jiang, Yajun Zhu, Jiuhou Lei, Jiyao Xu, Weijun Liu, Tiancai Wang, Shuai Liu, Tingting Yu, Fang Jiang, Liping Fu, Xiaolong Wei, and Robert. B. Kerr

This study reports how the nighttime thermosphere responded to the May 2024 storm at Middle- Low-latitude in Asian and American sectors. The thermospheric wind and temperature data are collected from seven optical instruments of Chinese Meridian Project which include 3 Fabry-Perot Interferometers (FPIs) and 4 Dual-Channel Optical Interferometers (DCOIs), two FPIs at American sector, TIEGCM3.0 simulation and MSIS00 results. During the first period of intense storm on May 10, thermospheric winds turned to more southward and eastward at the geomagnetic latitudes 35N-49N of Asian sector. Remarkable surges occurred in NS wind after Bz continually kept southward for 2 hours, and the maximum speed reached about -395 m/s; meanwhile EW wind reached about 212 m/s. On May 11, the largest speed was -285 m/s in NS wind at Millstone Hill. Observations and TIEGCM3.0 both show large scale TADs at Asian and American sectors. The temperature changes are basically similar between observations and TIEGCM3.0 outputs, but MSIS00 doesn’t capture the temperature disturbances.

How to cite: Jiang, G., Zhu, Y., Lei, J., Xu, J., Liu, W., Wang, T., Liu, S., Yu, T., Jiang, F., Fu, L., Wei, X., and Kerr, R. B.: Nighttime thermosphere responses to the May  2024 storm at Middle- and  Low-latitudes: optical observations and model results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11203,, 2025.

EGU25-11730 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1

Measuring ionospheric absorption based on received ionosonde amplitudes using sounding frequencies above 10 MHz – preliminary results 

Attila Buzás, Tobias Verhulst, and Veronika Barta

The ionosphere consists of various ionised layers in Earth’s upper atmosphere, located roughly between 60 and 1000 km. Space weather events like solar flares cause enhanced absorption of radio waves in the ionosphere most notably in the lowest part of it, the D-region (ca. 60–100 km altitude range) which can weaken radio signals and can pose difficulties to radio communication at certain frequencies. There exist several methods to qualitatively and/or quantitatively assess the absorption in the layers of Earth’s ionosphere. In the present study, one such method is focused on, namely, the so-called ionosounding technique in which an instrument called the ionosonde actively emits radio pulses towards the ionosphere over a selected frequency sweep, typically between 1.5 and 12 MHz, and the passive antenna system of the same instrument receives the reflected echoes. Based on the received amplitudes of the echoes, the D-region absorption in the ionosphere can be quantified.

State-of-the-art DPS-4D ionosondes are installed in Dourbes, Belgium and Sopron, Hungary, respectively, with the two stations being part of the same international network of ionosondes (GIRO network). There have been various research collaborations between the two groups in the past (e.g., participating in the same European project called T-FORS). In a paper by Buzás et al., 2023, we investigated the impact of solar flares on the absorption of radio waves emitted by ionosondes. As a continuation of this study, we looked for other ways to quantify the ionospheric absorption and to compare our results with other methods. One such method is to utilize the upper, higher-frequency part of the spectrum (practically 10–30 MHz) of the ionosonde where usually there are no reflections from the emitted electromagnetic pulses. Basically the instrument “listens” to the background noise (either of terrestrial or extraterrestrial origin) received by the antenna system at these frequencies. In this mode of measurement, it is possible to extract information on the ionospheric absorption. 

Here, we aim to show our preliminary results concerning the possibility of the utilization of the above-10 MHz-part of the ionosonde spectrum. To this end, we analysed ionosonde amplitude data recorded at Dourbes and Sopron stations both during quiet periods and periods with M- and X-class solar flare events in 2024. The seasonal and diurnal variation of some selected frequency bands are discussed, as well as the ionospheric response at different frequencies during the flare events. 


Buzás, A., Kouba, D., Mielich, J., Burešová, D., Mošna, Z., Koucká Knížová, P., & Barta, V. (2023). Investigating the effect of large solar flares on the ionosphere based on novel Digisonde data comparing three different methods. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10, 1201625.

How to cite: Buzás, A., Verhulst, T., and Barta, V.: Measuring ionospheric absorption based on received ionosonde amplitudes using sounding frequencies above 10 MHz – preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11730,, 2025.

EGU25-12818 | Orals | ST3.1

A new model for global inductive magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling 

Karl M. Laundal, Andreas Skeidsvoll, Beatrice P. Braileanu, Spencer Hatch, Michael Madelaire, and Fasil T. Kebede

Large-scale magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling has traditionally been described as a 2D electric circuit, where an electrostatic ionospheric electric field is inferred from prescribed field-aligned currents and ionospheric conductivity. Low-latitude regions are often treated separately, driven primarily by neutral winds. This conventional approach neglects magnetic induction and only accounts for steady states, without addressing how transitions between states occur. We propose an alternative approach in which the ionosphere responds dynamically to an imposed magnetic field, governed by Faraday's law. The imposed magnetic field is derived from prescribed field-aligned currents at high latitudes and constraints on inter-hemispheric symmetries at low latitudes. Simulation results demonstrate that the ionosphere takes several tens of seconds to adapt to variations in the imposed magnetic field, capturing dynamic processes absent in conventional models. Our simulations incorporate neutral winds, realistic magnetic field geometries, and horizontal variations in ionospheric conductivity. The model describes both the dynamic high-latitude magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling and how Sq currents and the so-called penetration electric field are established. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed description of these phenomena in terms of magnetic induction.

How to cite: Laundal, K. M., Skeidsvoll, A., P. Braileanu, B., Hatch, S., Madelaire, M., and T. Kebede, F.: A new model for global inductive magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12818,, 2025.

EGU25-13056 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1

Impact of Solar Flares on the Ionosphere During Geomagnetically Quiet Periods Based on Ionosonde Data 

Julia Erdey, Attila Buzás, and Veronika Barta

The ionosphere is the ionized region of the atmosphere extending from 50 km to 1000 km. During flares, the Earth’s surrounding space is subjected to high-energy X-ray and EUV radiation, which also impacts the ionosphere. The changes of the ionospheric parameters measured by ionosondes, namely the fmin, foE and foF2 values, were examined during solar flares that occurred in geomagnetically quiet conditions (Dst > -40 nT, Kp < 4). The necessary data were derived from manually evaluated ionograms recorded by a DPS4D ionosonde at Pruhonice station in Czechia (PQ052). The degree of variation was compared to quiet reference days, allowing the determination of the deviations in the required values (dfmin, dfoE, foF2). Time series of the deviations were investigated. Furthermore, the relationship between the deviations and a “geoeffectiveness” parameter of the solar flare defined by some important properties of the event was also examined. The X-ray flux, the solar zenith angle of the station at the time of the event, and the position of the flare on the solar disk were also taken into account for the determination of the "geoeffectiveness" parameter. A positive correlation was observed between dfmin and the "geoeffectiveness" parameter of the flare, which was more significant than the correlation between the dfoF2 and the "geoeffectiveness" parameter.

How to cite: Erdey, J., Buzás, A., and Barta, V.: Impact of Solar Flares on the Ionosphere During Geomagnetically Quiet Periods Based on Ionosonde Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13056,, 2025.

EGU25-13331 | Posters on site | ST3.1

Unexpected strong parallel electric field at the lower E region observed during a barium release experiment 

Yoshihiro Yokoyama and Sergienko Tima

The Barium Release Optical Rocket (BROR) mission conducted at Esrange, Sweden, on 23rd March 2023, performed barium releases into the earth’s atmosphere at eight different altitudes between 130 and 245 km to investigate small-scale electromagnetic phenomena in the auroral ionosphere. In the initial three barium releases of the BROR experiment, which were performed at 132 km, 160 km, and 193 km, the motions of both neutral and ionized barium clouds were so clearly and distinctively observed by the ground-based optical camera network that we can reconstruct a three-dimensional tomography-like reconstruction. 

In the horizontal plane, all neutral clouds resulting from the initial three releases had a strong westward component in their motion with almost constant velocity. In contrast, the ionized clouds behaved quite differently from each other, which may represent the effect of altitudinal variation of collision frequency between barium ion and neutral particles and the electric field, which may be associated with auroral activity. On the other hand, from the vertical motion of ionized clouds, we found that the first (the lowest) and second (the middle) released ion clouds show significant deviation from the theoretical estimated value, while the third released ion cloud shows a good agreement with the theoretical value. This observed fact implies that there may be a parallel electric field up to a few mV/m at the altitude below about 160 km, and the electric fields at the altitude of the first release and second release are in the opposite sense.

How to cite: Yokoyama, Y. and Tima, S.: Unexpected strong parallel electric field at the lower E region observed during a barium release experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13331,, 2025.

Space Weather Ionospheric Network Canada (SWINCan), formerly the Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network (CHAIN), has provided continuous, near-real-time monitoring of the high-latitude ionosphere since 2007. Capitalizing on Canada’s geographic expanse and proximity to the northern magnetic pole, SWINCan’s expansive instrument network delivers high-latitude ionospheric data including essential space environment quantities for scientific and operational use. This data enables fundamental understanding of the ionosphere and its role in radio propagation and solar-terrestrial interactions, while also providing critical input for ionosphere nowcast/forecast models that support scientific research and operations of navigation, communication, and radar systems at sub-auroral, auroral, and polar latitudes.


In response to growing demand for enhanced high-latitude observational capacity, the Radio and Space Physics Laboratory (RSPL) at the University of New Brunswick is in the process of substantially expanding and modernizing SWINCan. By 2026, this pan-Canadian network will consist of 128 global navigation satellite system (GNSS) ionospheric scintillation and total electron content monitors (GISTMs) and 20 modernized high-frequency (HF) ionospheric sounders, adding to the 28 GISTMs and 10 HF sounders that are currently deployed. SWINCan GISTMs record raw 50 Hz/100 Hz data enabling study of the multi-spatiotemporal-scale structuring of the ionosphere, including fundamental study of radio wave scintillation in a turbulent ionosphere. As part of SWINCan modernization, RSPL has also developed a state-of-the-art, versatile HF platform to enhance SWINCan ionosonde systems.  Updated systems are specifically designed for harsh environments such as the Arctic, are fully and remotely configurable, and are capable of interdependent experiments with other ground and spaceborne radio systems.

How to cite: Watson, C.: The Expansion and Modernization of Space Weather Ionospheric Network Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14080,, 2025.

EGU25-14440 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1

Evaluation of Interhemispheric Asymmetry using Total Electron Content at High Latitudes During Geomagnetic Storms  

Carlos Castillo-Rivera, Marina Stepanova, Victor Pinto, and Manuel Bravo

Geomagnetic storms cause significant disturbances in the high-latitude ionosphere. Studying these impacts is challenging due to the complex magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling and physical mechanisms involved. Here, we utilized measurements from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network to calculate the Total Electron Content (TEC) across GNSS receivers at magnetically conjugate points in Antarctica, Canada, and the United States. We analyzed 25 geomagnetic storms during Solar Cycle 24 (SC24), examining the interhemispheric behavior and differences in TEC under varying seasonal and solar conditions, driven by distinct geomagnetic storm drivers. Our results revealed differences in the interhemispheric velocity of TEC disturbances moving from the poles toward the equator. While comparisons of disturbance velocities with various solar wind and magnetospheric parameters did not show clear relationships, a notable correlation emerges when the rate of decrease in the Dst index is larger than -60 nT/h during storms. This correlation is more pronounced in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. Furthermore, we identified significant variations in the timing of the maximum Vertical TEC (VTEC) occurrence relative to the onset of the storm's main phase. Finally, we studied the relationship between the velocities and seasonal variations, including the different storm drivers, and the results do suggest true hemispherical differences.

How to cite: Castillo-Rivera, C., Stepanova, M., Pinto, V., and Bravo, M.: Evaluation of Interhemispheric Asymmetry using Total Electron Content at High Latitudes During Geomagnetic Storms , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14440,, 2025.

EGU25-15154 | Orals | ST3.1

Identifying the Drivers of Thermospheric Disturbance Winds with ICON 

Thomas Immel, Lily Oglesby, Brian Harding, Astrid Maute, Yen-Jung Wu, Romina Nikoukar, Colin Triplett, and Rod Heelis

The three years of wind observations from the NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) provide millions of wind profiles with altitude resolution between 5 and 30 km (depending on altitude), and 250 or 500 km sampling (depending upon local time). These observations are continuous in daytime with no spatial or temporal gaps outside of observatory resets. Launched during a deep solar minimum, nonetheless ICON observed many geomagnetic disturbances in its mission from 2019 to 2022. Review of the differences between data and numerical models, and how their agreement changes with modification of model parameters, offers a remarkable tool to advance our understanding of the system and to validate the final ICON product, the ICON-TIEGCM. Comparisons of wind disturbance are combined with analyses of ionospheric variability also measured by ICON. The statistics of storm-time winds are carefully considered in context of their drivers, as are the altitude and latitude of the penetration of disturbance winds that generally propagate and expand from the auroral zones. The remarkable features of individual storms show the diversity of storm effects, while the statistical nature of disturbance winds over the three year mission provides a critical reference. We find that globally-propagating atmospheric gravity waves are generated with almost every auroral disturbance, but that disturbance winds are uncommon, with their occurrence related to the persistence of the auroral inputs.

How to cite: Immel, T., Oglesby, L., Harding, B., Maute, A., Wu, Y.-J., Nikoukar, R., Triplett, C., and Heelis, R.: Identifying the Drivers of Thermospheric Disturbance Winds with ICON, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15154,, 2025.

Solar EUV irradiance ionizes the Earth's dayside atmosphere and, together with the Earth's rotation, forms ionospheric currents called the solar regular (SR) current system. The SR current system consists of two vortices whose turning points deflect the magnetic Y (east-west)-component, forming a systematic daily variation in declination, with maximum in the local morning and a minimum in the afternoon (in the northern hemisphere and oppositely in the south). The daily amplitude (range, rY) of this variation depends on the intensity of ionization and, thereby, on the intensity of solar EUV irradiance. This variation was found by Graham Greene already in 1722, and in 1850s Rudolf Wolf used the yearly rY values to fill in gaps in early sunspot observations when continuing his series of relative sunspot numbers to the 18th century.


Here we use the yearly rY values from six long-running magnetic stations as a long-term proxy of solar EUV irradiance to study the relation between sunspots and solar EUV irradiance during the last 130 years. This period contains one full cycle of the centennial Gleissberg cyclicity (GC) from low cycles at the turn of the 19th and 20th century to a maximum during the highest cycle 19 with a decay to a low cycle 24.


We find that sunspots increase relatively more than EUV irradiance during the GC growth phase (when solar activity is increasing) but also decrease relatively more than EUV irradiance during the GC decay phase (when solar activity is decreasing). Since EUV irradiance mainly originates from solar plages that are chromospheric counterparts of photospheric faculae, this long-term change between sunspots and EUV irradiance implies a variation between sunspots and faculae over the Gleissberg cycle, which gives interesting information about the stellar evolution of the Sun.

How to cite: Mursula, K.: What on Earth can the ionosphere tell about the stellar evolution of the Sun?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15181,, 2025.

EGU25-16096 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1

Statistical Analyses of Ionospheric Electron Density Variations resulting from Geomagnetic Storms over Istanbul 

Busenur Keskin and Zerefşan Kaymaz

Ionospheric parameters, totaling about 72, were measured at ITU-Dynasonde site including F2 region critical frequency and its virtual height from 2012 to 2018. This project utilizes F2 region critical frequency to determine the storm related variations and quantify the storm effects over İstanbul (42N, 29E).  Three strong geomagnetic storm events were selected and the differences in foF2 betwen quiet (non-storm) and active (storm) days were identified. It was found that when a geomagnetic storm occurs, the ionospheric electron densities increase at noon times and decrease during the night times around midnight. These variations were seen to occur during the main phase of the storm and continues during the recovery phase.  During the following days of the storm main phase, increasing electron densities at noon times subsided and even reversed indicating a deficit of electron density. The noon decrease became even stronger after two days following the storm occurrence while the nighttime  variations stayed at the same level.   Strong increases in the solar wind dynamic pressure and strong IMF southward variations were detected in L1 data from WIND spacecraft. The maximum positive electron density difference at noon was obtained to be about 10% while  the storm associated midnight decrease was found to be about 15 %.  While the electron densities in a region can be associated with several physical processes initiated by the magnetic storm in the upper atmosphere, association to neutral atmosphere dynamics were searched by examining the thermospheric neutral density from SWARM satellites at about 500 kms during these storm days in order to bring some understanding on the storm time variations of electron density over Istanbul latitudes.  Some of these findings support those in the literature while some others were reported for the first time here in relation to the magnetic storms. It is intended to expand the analysis to more storm cases from 2012 to 2018 in order to obtain a statistical base.  The results from the preliminary search based on the statistical analyses and the corresponding SWARM neutral density will be presented in order to address on the ionosphere-thermosphere coupling at these latitudes.

How to cite: Keskin, B. and Kaymaz, Z.: Statistical Analyses of Ionospheric Electron Density Variations resulting from Geomagnetic Storms over Istanbul, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16096,, 2025.

EGU25-16225 | Posters on site | ST3.1

Interactive framework for the enhanced exploration, interpretation and scientific analysis of spatio-temporal and volumetric ionospheric data 

Juan Araujo, Madelen Bodin, Assar Westman, Tima Sergienko, Maria Hamrin, and Urban Brändström
We present an efficient and interactive framework for the enhanced exploration, interpretation and scientific analysis of spatio-temporal and volumetric ionospheric data. The strategy is targeted at the monitoring process of adaptive experiments, offering a fast decision-making through real-time data processing, employing a wide range of tools in order to interpret ionospheric data. In our computational module, high-resolution and smooth ionospheric volume images are generated from Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) data, which implements a flexible mesh generator along with an efficient interpolator specialized for ISR technologies. 
Our strategy had the original motivation of processing data from the upcoming EISCAT_3D in the northern Fennoscandia region. Currently, the project integrates complementary instruments, like radars, optical imagers, and ground-based magnetic measurements. In particular, the input data from the Auroral Large Image System 4D (ALIS_4D) multi-wavelength auroral imager network. Near real-time exchange of information between scientific infrastructures such as ALIS_4D and EISCAT_3D combined with machine learning, enables adaptative automated experiment selection and control based on scientific conditions. This also requires fast, flexible and user friendly data-visualisation.
Our novel framework supports the interactive visual analysis implementing a visualization module for displaying the output and context of the ionospheric data. In the current version, we include corresponding tomographic reconstructions of 3D auroral structures, which are used along reconstructed ISR volumetric images. Furthermore, volumetric images are post-processed for an efficient estimation of ionospheric conductivities and complementary ionospheric parameters.

How to cite: Araujo, J., Bodin, M., Westman, A., Sergienko, T., Hamrin, M., and Brändström, U.: Interactive framework for the enhanced exploration, interpretation and scientific analysis of spatio-temporal and volumetric ionospheric data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16225,, 2025.

EGU25-16366 | Orals | ST3.1

SPIDER-2 Sounding Rocket: Electromagnetic fields in Pulsating Aurora 

Judit Pérez-Coll Jiménez and Nickolay Ivchenko

The SPIDER-2 sounding rocket was launched into a Pulsating Aurora event in February 2020. It was launched from Esrange (67° 53 '22.79 " N, 21° 06' 15.00" E) and it recorded multipoint measurements of the plasma parameters and electromagnetic fields up to an altitude of almost 130 km. The in situ measurements obtained by the rocket and the eight free falling units were complemented by ground based optical instrumentation obtained by the ALIS4D sky imagers and a High Speed Camera. The main instruments carried by the main rocket were four electron probes, two ion probes, a dipole antenna for a wave propagation experiment and a photometer, while the free falling units carried four cylindrical Langmuir probes and four spherical electric field probes each, together with magnetometer sensors. 

Previously, plasma parameters such as electron density and temperature or ion thermal flux, collected by some of the instruments onboard the rocket, were presented and compared with ground based measurements. Now, the data collected by the electric field probes and the magnetometers has been despinned and analyzed with the goal to reconstruct the currents in the E region during the pulsating aurora event. Here, we present our study on the multi-point measurements of in situ electric and magnetic fields and their relation to the electrodynamics of the E-region.

How to cite: Pérez-Coll Jiménez, J. and Ivchenko, N.: SPIDER-2 Sounding Rocket: Electromagnetic fields in Pulsating Aurora, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16366,, 2025.

EGU25-16944 | ECS | Orals | ST3.1

Joule heating and neutral density enhancements during geomagnetic storms driven by solar wind high-speed streams and coronal mass ejections 

Marcus Pedersen, Heikki Vanhamäki, Anita Aikio, Lei Cai, Milla Myllymaa, Colin Waters, and Jesper Gjerloev

Understanding both the spatial and temporal dynamics of the near-Earth space environment is important for successful forecasting of space weather. One example is the auroral Joule heating which causes thermal expansion of the upper atmosphere, increasing the thermospheric density and causing low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellites to experience more drag. This chain of events often begins when geoeffective solar wind transients such as high-speed stream/stream interaction regions (HSS/SIR) or interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICME) impact Earth’s space environment. Applying a novel method for determining the Joule heating using AMPERE, SuperMAG and SuperDARN data, we study the northern hemispheric Joule heating and global neutral density enhancements at Swarm and GRACE satellites during 231 geomagnetic storms between 2014 and 2024. It is found that the Joule heating in the ionospheric E-region and neutral density enhancements at the altitude of the Swarm and GRACE satellites (350 – 550 km) show characteristics which depend on the geomagnetic storm driver. The Joule heating has a fast increase at the beginning of the storm main phase when the storm is initiated by a HSS/SIR or by the sheath region of ICMEs. In comparison, a more gradual and longer lasting increase is found in storms driven by magnetic clouds within ICMEs. This is in line with previous results of the total field-aligned and ionospheric currents during storms (Pedersen et al., 2021, 2022). The superposed epoch analysis of the thermospheric density increases gradually during the storm main phase to about 120% of the quiet time density, and the enhancements are typically largest and longest-lasting for storms driven by magnetic clouds. This is likely because of the prolonged interval of increased Joule heating during magnetic cloud-driven storms.

How to cite: Pedersen, M., Vanhamäki, H., Aikio, A., Cai, L., Myllymaa, M., Waters, C., and Gjerloev, J.: Joule heating and neutral density enhancements during geomagnetic storms driven by solar wind high-speed streams and coronal mass ejections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16944,, 2025.

EGU25-17920 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1

Towards Time-Dependent Data Assimilation of Ionospheric Electrodynamics 

Michael Madelaire, Karl Laundal, and Spencer Hatch

Data assimilation is essential for studying ionospheric electrodynamics, as no single data set offers a complete representation of the system. By combining multiple incomplete data sets, data assimilation techniques provide valuable insights into this complex system. However, existing methods typically rely on a steady-state assumption, reducing the ionospheric electric field to a potential electric field.

While this simplification is often useful, it imposes limitations on studying temporal evolution, as the system is modeled independently at each time step. Consequently, interpreting changes between time steps in a physically meaningful way becomes challenging.

We present initial efforts to extend the Lompe data assimilation framework by incorporating the ionospheric induction electric field, thereby introducing time dependence into the model. This is achieved through the implementation of a Kalman filter, enabling the co-estimation of the potential and induction electric fields. By accounting for the temporal dynamics of the system, this approach seeks to provide deeper insights into ionospheric electrodynamics and enhance the interpretation of time-evolving processes.

How to cite: Madelaire, M., Laundal, K., and Hatch, S.: Towards Time-Dependent Data Assimilation of Ionospheric Electrodynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17920,, 2025.

EGU25-18426 | Posters on site | ST3.1

Ionospheric variability in the auroral region: sources and impacts 

Andrew J. Kavanagh, Jade Reidy, Subir Mandal, Adrian Grocott, and Daniel Marsh

The high latitude ionosphere is highly variable, being driven by multiple processes with their origins in space weather and the neutral atmosphere. The balance between these drivers is still not well understood, though it has been increasingly recognised that the influence of the neutral atmosphere can be significant.  In this study we use data from the EISCAT UHF incoherent scatter radar to examine the variability of several ionospheric parameters (e.g. density, temperature, and ion flow) and how they relate to space weather activity and potentially to processes originating in the lower atmosphere, including periods of Joule heating and the passage of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TID). We compare the distribution of the electron density taken from the UHF radar with that calculated from a run from the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) to identify times of similarity and deviation.

How to cite: Kavanagh, A. J., Reidy, J., Mandal, S., Grocott, A., and Marsh, D.: Ionospheric variability in the auroral region: sources and impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18426,, 2025.

EGU25-18873 | Posters on site | ST3.1

Hemispheric asymmetries in Birkeland currents observed from the ground 

John Coxon, James Weygand, and Denny Oliveira

We employ ground magnetometers in North America, Greenland, and Antarctica and use the Spherical Elementary Current (SEC) technique in order to investigate the Birkeland currents (also known as field-aligned currents) flowing between January 2015 and December 2016. We convert the measurements into altitude-adjusted corrected geomagnetic (AACGM) coordinates, and then average across each day for which we have data to obtain global maps in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres for the period in question. We examine the systematic asymmetry in the data by focusing on the relationship between the two hemispheres at equinox, and we find that the observed currents are stronger in the Northern Hemisphere, consistent with observations made by AMPERE, Swarm and DMSP.

How to cite: Coxon, J., Weygand, J., and Oliveira, D.: Hemispheric asymmetries in Birkeland currents observed from the ground, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18873,, 2025.

EGU25-20657 | Orals | ST3.1

Superior VLF Remote Sensing of the Ionosphere Using Stokes Parameters 

Robert Moore and James Camp

Very low frequency (VLF, 3-30 kHz) radio waves can propagate large distances around the Earth within the Earth-ionosphere waveguide with relatively low attenuation.  As a result, careful measurements of the amplitude, phase, and polarization of subionospherically-propagating VLF waves can be used to remote-sense the D-region ionosphere over large swaths of the Earth.  In this paper, we present a new signal processing method for calculating the amplitude, phase, and polarization of subionospherically-propagating VLF waves.  The method allows for impulsive sferic rejection as well as local interference rejection, and the integration method mitigates (to some degree) the impact of receiver system noise on the measurement.  We apply the new method to a variety of natural VLF events, such as early/fast VLF events and lightning-induced electron precipitation events, and we compare the performance of the method with the performance of other well-known VLF signal processing methods.

How to cite: Moore, R. and Camp, J.: Superior VLF Remote Sensing of the Ionosphere Using Stokes Parameters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20657,, 2025.

In this paper, we estimate the adiabatic cooling and warming in the MLT utilizing the SABER CO2 VMR displacement from the global mean. This confirms that the summer mesopause temperature is largely controlled by adiabatic cooling instead of any absorptive heating or chemical heating. Because the adiabatic cooling is dynamically driven by waves from below, the summer polar mesopause is mostly sensitive to the changes in the stratosphere and mesosphere, for example, Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs) and polar vortex. And it well explains that the Aeronomy of Ice In the Mesosphere (AIM) satellite did not observe solar cycle responses in PMCs over the latest solar cycles. Unlike UV radiative heating in the upper atmosphere, dynamical cooling and mesosphere dynamics may have a complex relationship with the solar cycle. The paper also reveals a previously overlooked layer of adiabatic warming in summer and cooling in winter in the lower thermosphere due to downwelling and upwelling. Because this process is embedded in the thermosphere where mean temperature rises sharply driven by diffusive heating (or heat conduct from the upper thermosphere), it is not obvious without removing the global mean temperature. The mesosphere is the opposite, being lacking of strong heating sources. The heating layer (~100 K) in the summer lower thermosphere is substantial. Auroral heating also occurs in the magnetic polar lower thermosphere. How the adiabatic heating and cooling in the polar lower thermosphere interacts with auroral heating and the Joule heating driven adiabatic heating and cooling during geomagnetic active times warrants further investigations.   

How to cite: Yue, J. and Wang, N.: Estimation of Adiabatic Cooling and Warming in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-185,, 2025.

EGU25-786 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3

Stratosphere, Stratopause, and Lower Mesosphere in the JRA-55and JRA-3Q reanalyses: Insights and Discrepancies 

Celia Pérez Souto, Juan A. Añel, Aleŝ Kuchař, and Laura de la Torre

The representation of the stratosphere in reanalyses is crucial for various issues such as atmospheric transport, sudden stratospheric warmings, the polar vortex, and studying the impact of climate change. High-top and latest reanalyses are designed with the aim of being able to reproduce the high stratosphere better than previous generation of low-top reanalyses, thus being better equipped to capture issues such as elevated stratopause events.

In this study, we examine how various variables behave in both reanalyses, JRA-55 and JRA-3Q, showing notable differences when comparing various parameters such as correlations and trends. We show that JRA3Q exhibit substantial differences in their representation of the middle and upper stratosphere compared to its predecessors or ERA5.1. Different latitudinal bands have been compared for this purpose. For instance, negative correlations in stratopause height have been observed in the subtropical zone between both reanalyses. Moreover, negative correlations with JRA-3Q and high correlations with JRA-55 have been observed when compared with observational data from MLS (Microwave Limb Sounder), on board of AURA satellite. Also, we compare our results with SABER (Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry) data, allocated in TIMED (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics Dynamics) satellite.

How to cite: Pérez Souto, C., Añel, J. A., Kuchař, A., and de la Torre, L.: Stratosphere, Stratopause, and Lower Mesosphere in the JRA-55and JRA-3Q reanalyses: Insights and Discrepancies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-786,, 2025.

EGU25-3199 | ECS | Orals | ST3.3

Resolved Gravity Waves in High-Resolution Nested UA-ICON Simulations Compared to Mesospheric Observations of the VortEx Campaign 

Yanmichel A. Morfa Avalos, Markus Kunze, Tarique A. Siddiqui, Christoph Zuelicke, Claudia C. Stephan, Claudia Stolle, Irina Strelnikova, Gerd Baumgarten, Robin Wing, Michael Gerding, Toralf Renkwitz, Mohamed Mossad, Gerald A. Lehmacher, Sebastian Borchert, and Jorge Luis Chau

We conducted high-resolution nested simulations over Andøya, Norway (ALOMAR) with UA-ICON to be co-analyzed with mesospheric measurements collected during the NASA Vorticity Experiment (VortEx) sounding rocket campaign in March 2023. The UA-ICON model was configured with 180 vertical levels, a model top at 150 km, and a global horizontal resolution of R2B7 (~20 km). One-way nesting was applied to achieve progressively finer resolutions of R2B8 (~10 km), R2B9 (~5 km), R2B10 (~2.5 km), and R2B11 (~1.25 km). For the global domain (~20 km horizontal resolution), the dynamic situation during the campaign is specified (specified dynamics, SD) by nudging to ECMWF operational analyses up to an altitude of 50 km. At resolutions finer than 5 km, UA-ICON resolves a significant portion of the gravity wave (GW) spectrum. Consequently, GW and convective parameterizations were disabled to isolate the effects of resolved GWs. Observational data from the campaign include wind measurements from the rocket flight, along with temperature and wind profiles up to ~80 km from the Rayleigh-Mie-Raman (RMR) lidar, and horizontal wind fields from the MF Saura and SIMONe Norway radar systems. We present and discuss initial results from comparisons between the simulations and the observations collected during the VortEx campaign. UA-ICON spectra exhibit the characteristic frequency spectrum of gravity waves, following the $\omega^{-2}$ relationship, validated by the observed Lidar spectrum. The simulations align well with observations, demonstrating UA-ICON's effectiveness in studying MLT dynamics.

How to cite: Morfa Avalos, Y. A., Kunze, M., Siddiqui, T. A., Zuelicke, C., Stephan, C. C., Stolle, C., Strelnikova, I., Baumgarten, G., Wing, R., Gerding, M., Renkwitz, T., Mossad, M., Lehmacher, G. A., Borchert, S., and Chau, J. L.: Resolved Gravity Waves in High-Resolution Nested UA-ICON Simulations Compared to Mesospheric Observations of the VortEx Campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3199,, 2025.

EGU25-3334 | Orals | ST3.3

Impact of Weak and Strong Polar Vortices in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres on Solar-Migrating Semidiurnal Tides in the lower thermosphere using UA-ICON model simulations 

Claudia Stolle, Akash Kumar, Yosuke Yamazaki, Nicholas M. Pedatella, Markus Kunze, Claudia C. Stephan, Tarique A. Siddiqui, and M. V. Sunil Krishna

The coupling between the stratosphere and the mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) has been known for several years. Its investigation was further pushed during the deep minimum of solar cycle 24 when the upper atmosphere was less affected by solar and geomagnetic forcing and by variability due to atmospheric forcing from below became more significant in observations. Another aspect supporting the understanding of the vertical atmosphere coupling has been the increased availability of globally distributed observations and of sophisticated general circulation models reaching up to the thermosphere.    

A negative correlation between the strength of the northern stratospheric polar winter vortex and solar-migrating semidiurnal tides (SW2) in winds at around 100 km altitude has been derived recently by Pedatella and Harvey (2022) based on 38 years of SD-WACCM-X model data. Observational evidence of this correlation was provided shortly afterwards by Kumar et al. (2023) using 26 years of geomagnetic observations of the equatorial electrojet, the latter being largely driven by thermospheric winds.

In this study, we have used a 60-year free-run simulation by the upper atmospheric extension of the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (UA-ICON) general circulation model to explore the influence of northern hemisphere (NH) and southern hemisphere (SH) stratospheric polar vortex variability on the MLT. This study also elucidates the response of SW2 in MLT winds to variations in the strength of polar vortices. A weak NH polar vortex is associated with an increase in SW2, while a strong NH vortex results in a decrease in SW2. The response of SW2 to changes in the strengths of the SH polar vortex is similar, although considerably weaker. The NH polar vortex variability can explain around 40 − 50% of the variability in the SW2 during NH winter. The SH polar vortex, however, accounts for only a small fraction of the variability (up to ∼ 5%) in SW2, highlighting hemispheric differences in the response to stratospheric polar vortex variability.


Kumar, S., Siddiqui, T. A., Stolle, C. and Pallamraju, D., Impact of strong and weak stratospheric polar vortices on geomagnetic semidiurnal solar and lunar tides. Earth Planets Space, 75, 52,, 2023.

Pedatella, N.M. and Harvey, V. L., Impact of strong and weak stratospheric polar vortices on the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49, e2022GL098877., 2022.

How to cite: Stolle, C., Kumar, A., Yamazaki, Y., Pedatella, N. M., Kunze, M., Stephan, C. C., Siddiqui, T. A., and Krishna, M. V. S.: Impact of Weak and Strong Polar Vortices in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres on Solar-Migrating Semidiurnal Tides in the lower thermosphere using UA-ICON model simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3334,, 2025.

Several studies have shown the importance of solar tides for the dynamics in the MLT region. The solar tidal modes generated
in the troposphere and stratosphere increase in amplitude as they propagate vertically, transporting energy and momentum
to higher layers and enhancing layer mixing. The energy and momentum deposition by wave breaking alters the angular
momentum and kinetic energy budget and forces the global circulation in the MLT.

The majority of observations of solar tides have been derived from satellite data. Temperature and wind measurements from
satellites in geostationary orbits have been successfully used to derive tidal amplitudes around the equator. At higher latitudes,
however, the temporal resolution of the derived data product is limited by the orbital geometry of the satellites. With a revis-
iting time of several hours, the data set must be sampled over long periods to derive spectral components with periods of 8,
12, or 24 hours. In contrast, ground-based observations provide a comparably high time resolution of 0.5-1 hours, which is
suitable for investigating the short-time variability of solar tides. Observations of tidal amplitudes derived from ground-based
measurements using meteor radar systems, LIDARs, and microwave radiometers, are reported but are rare.

TEMPERA-C is a newly developed fully polarimetric ground-based microwave radiometer for temperature observations in the middle atmo-
sphere. It is designed to measure the four Stokes components of the Zeeman-split fine structure emission line of oxygen at 53
GHz. Compared to single polarized instruments, TEMPERA-C has an increased altitude coverage for temperature retrievals
with an upper limit of 60 km. By resolving the Zeeman-split emission line with a digital correlator with high frequency
resolution, retrievals of magnetic field features are possible. However, the calibration of a fully polarimetric instrument is more
complex than in the case of single polarization.

For a test campaign, TEMPERA-C measured continuously from March to November 2024 at the Jungfraujoch high-altitude
research station. In my presentation, I will focus on how thermal tides and other wave modes can be derived from this dataset.
I will also introduce the instrument, present a simplified calibration method, and discuss the influence of the Earth’s magnetic
field on the measured spectra.

How to cite: Krochin, W., Stober, G., and Murk, A.: Thermal tide observations from ground-based measurements of the Zeeman-split emission lines of oxygen at 53 GHz, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3786,, 2025.

EGU25-3889 | Posters on site | ST3.3

Stratospheric contraction under Climate Intervention by Sulfate Aerosol Injection 

Juan Antonio Añel, Juan Carlos Antuña-Marrero, Susana Bayo-Besteiro, Celia Pérez-Souto, and Laura de la Torre

Anthropogenic CO2 emissions cause the Earth's Stratosphere to contract because of radiative cooling of the layer, lowering of the stratopause, heating of the troposphere, and rising of the tropopause.
Stratospheric sulphate aerosol injection (SAI) has been proposed over the years as a potential climate intervention technique to counteract some of the impacts of climate change. Many of the impacts of such interventions on the tropospheric climate have been studied; however, the impacts on the stratosphere are not so well studied.
Here, we present results from model simulations on the impact of SAI on the current trend of stratospheric contraction, using data from the Geoengineering Large Ensemble Project (GLENS). Our results show that in GLENS simulations, SAI can counteract part of the stratosphere contraction while the whole stratosphere moves down.

How to cite: Añel, J. A., Antuña-Marrero, J. C., Bayo-Besteiro, S., Pérez-Souto, C., and de la Torre, L.: Stratospheric contraction under Climate Intervention by Sulfate Aerosol Injection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3889,, 2025.

EGU25-4006 | Orals | ST3.3

The neutral October effect in the lower mesosphere simulated by different models 

Vivien Wendt and Helen Schneider

The October effect is long known as a sharp decrease in the amplitude of radio waves with Very Low Frequency (VLF) reflected in the D-region (60-90km). However, the mechanism of the October effect is unclear until today. Recent studies show that neutral atmosphere dynamics might cause the October effect. Simultaneously with the October effect in the ionized D-region, there is a warming in the lower mesosphere, which we call the neutral October effect and which cannot be observed in spring, resulting in a spring-fall asymmetry. This spring-fall asymmetry is reproduced by MERRA-2 in years after 2005 only when satellite observations are assimilated in the mesosphere. Other models like WACCM-X, ERA5 and GAIA also have difficulties reproducing this asymmetry. Only CMAM30 can reproduce the neutral October effect. A modelling study and various analysis techniques are used to investigate the mechanism of the neutral October effect in the neutral atmosphere. Based on our results we assume that the onset of the planetary wave activity and westward gravity wave drag after the quiet summer season induces a poleward and downward motion resulting in the observed warming in the lower mesosphere. 

How to cite: Wendt, V. and Schneider, H.: The neutral October effect in the lower mesosphere simulated by different models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4006,, 2025.

EGU25-4603 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3

Polar ozone anomalies, radiative effects, and their connection to mesospheric tidal dynamics during extreme events 

Guochun Shi, Hanli Liu, Alexander Kozlovsky, Njål Gulbrandsen, Dimitry Pokhotelov, Mark Lester, Masaki Tsutsumi, Kun Wu, and Gunter Stober

Continuous ozone measurements above Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (79°N, 12°E), using the ground-based microwave radiometer GROMOS-C, effectively capture the daily, seasonal, and interannual variability of polar ozone in the middle atmosphere. In this study, we analyze observed ozone changes during sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events and compare the measurements with Aura/MLS satellite data and WACCM-X simulations. Results reveal the formation of a double-ozone layer in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere following the onset of SSW events, with ozone levels increasing by approximately 50% relative to the background value. Ozone absorbs solar UV radiation, contributing to radiative heating in the stratosphere and mesosphere. To further explore the impact of radiative ozone processes on mesospheric tide variability during SSWs, we extract diurnal (DT), semidiurnal (SDT), and terdiurnal (TDT) tidal components from zonal and meridional wind measurements recorded by meteor radars at three high-latitude stations: Sodankylä (67.37°N, 26.63°E), Tromsø (69.58°N, 19.22°E), and Svalbard (78.99°N, 15.99°E). The analysis reveals connections between tidal amplitude anomalies and radiative effects of ozone in the polar regions during SSW events. Additionally, we investigate the response of polar ozone to the May 2024 superstorm using Aura/MLS measurements and MERRA-2 reanalysis data. The results highlight a rapid and significant stratospheric ozone response following the superstorm and provide quantitative insights into the impact of such extreme events on ozone variability and UV radiation. This study underscores the critical role of ozone radiative processes in polar atmospheric dynamics and their modulation by extreme events, including SSWs and solar storms.

How to cite: Shi, G., Liu, H., Kozlovsky, A., Gulbrandsen, N., Pokhotelov, D., Lester, M., Tsutsumi, M., Wu, K., and Stober, G.: Polar ozone anomalies, radiative effects, and their connection to mesospheric tidal dynamics during extreme events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4603,, 2025.

EGU25-4750 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3

Investigation of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes observed with the EISCAT VHF radar 

Ines Seeliger, Devin Huyghebaert, Yoshihiro Yokoyama, and Ingrid Mann

Polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE) are strong radar echoes that can be observed in the mesosphere. They form at altitudes between 80 and 90 kilometres during summer in high and middle latitudes, when temperatures are low enough for ice particles to form. PMSE come from coherent scattering from irregularities in the electron density and are observed when the spatial structures of the electron density are at half the radar wavelength. It is assumed that ice particles are spatially structured by the neutral air turbulence and that via their surface charge they influence the electron density. The formation of PMSE depends on atmospheric characteristics such as turbulence, electron density and electron diffusivity. The size and lifetime of the ice particles which are involved in the formation of PMSE vary with height.

We investigate the properties of PMSE using selected data of EISCAT VHF observations made between 2010 and 2021. The observations were made using the Manda experiment, which is suitable for observing the mesosphere and the lower ionosphere; the observations have a time resolution of several seconds. The EISCAT real-time graphics software is used to determine the spectra at altitudes of 80-90 km.

Using a Gaussian fit, we determine the spectral width, Doppler shift and received echo strength and use thresholds for these parameters to classify PMSE. We present an analysis of these properties, their variation with the height, the characteristics of gravity waves seen in PMSE, and the correlation between spectral width and amplitude.

How to cite: Seeliger, I., Huyghebaert, D., Yokoyama, Y., and Mann, I.: Investigation of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes observed with the EISCAT VHF radar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4750,, 2025.

EGU25-5252 | Orals | ST3.3

Climatology of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Residual Circulations and Mesopause Height Derived From NASA TIMED/SABER Observations  

Liying Qian, Ningchao Wang, Jia Yue, Wenbin Wang, Martin Mlynczak, and James Russell III

In the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region, residual circulations driven by gravity wave and tidal breaking/dissipation significantly impact constituent distribution and the height and temperature of the mesopause.  Distributions of CO2 can be used as a proxy for the residual circulations. NASA TIMED Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) CO2 volume mixing ratio (VMR) and temperature measurements from 2003 to 2020 are used to study the monthly climatology of MLT residual circulations and mesopause heights. Our analyses show that (a) mesopause height strongly correlates with the CO2 VMR vertical gradient during solstices; (b) mesopause height has a discontinuity at midlatitude in the summer hemisphere, with a lower mesopause height at mid-to-high latitudes as a result of adiabatic cooling driven by strong adiabatic upwelling; (c) residual circulations have strong seasonal variations at mid- to high latitudes, but they are more uniform at low latitudes; and (d) the interannual variability of the residual circulations and mesopause heights is larger in the Southern Hemisphere (SH; 4–5 km) than in the Northern Hemisphere (NH; 0.5–1 km).

How to cite: Qian, L., Wang, N., Yue, J., Wang, W., Mlynczak, M., and Russell III, J.: Climatology of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Residual Circulations and Mesopause Height Derived From NASA TIMED/SABER Observations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5252,, 2025.

EGU25-5564 | Orals | ST3.3

CMIP7 solar forcing – evaluation of solar impacts with UA-ICON 

Markus Kunze, Miriam Sinnhuber, Alexander Siebelts, Astrid Kerkweg, Kerstin Hartung, Bastian Kern, and Patrick Jöckel

The ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic model (ICON) framework is the open-source numerical weather prediction and climate model jointly developed by the German Weather Service (DWD), the Max-Planck Institute of Meteorology (MPI-M), Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ), the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and the Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM). A consolidated climate setup with interactive ocean, land surface and atmosphere is being developed and tested. However, while ICON's basic setup includes monthly varying solar TSI and SSI forcing, the ability to prescribe higher-frequency UV irradiances and energetic particle precipitation (EPP) to change atmospheric composition has not been considered.

The upper atmosphere extension of ICON (UA-ICON) is currently a modelling framework allowing the analysis of dynamic phenomena from the ground to the lower thermosphere (150 km). Implementing varying solar forcing and interactive chemistry is expected to hugely influence the thermal structure and composition in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT).

Updated historical forcing datasets for the 7th phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP7) are now available for evaluation. These include daily varying spectral solar irradiance (SSI), total solar irradiance (TSI), and ion pair production rates for solar protons, cosmic rays, and medium-energy electrons to model EPP. Implementing these solar forcing data and the interactive chemistry is still ongoing work, and we present the first results of this effort, focusing on the MLT and UA-ICON.

How to cite: Kunze, M., Sinnhuber, M., Siebelts, A., Kerkweg, A., Hartung, K., Kern, B., and Jöckel, P.: CMIP7 solar forcing – evaluation of solar impacts with UA-ICON, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5564,, 2025.

EGU25-6290 | Posters on site | ST3.3

Statistical analysis of Multistatic meteor radar observations 

Gunter Stober, Alan Liu, Alexander Kozlovsky, Diego Janches, Erin Dawkins, Loretta Pearl Poku, Zichun Qiao, Masaki Tsutsumi, Mark Lester, Njål Gulbrandsen, Satonori Nozawa, Johan Kero, Tracy Moffat-Griffin, and Nicholas Mitchell

Multistatic meteor radar networks have become a valuable tool to study the spatial and temporal variability of mesosphere/lower thermosphere winds. Combined with advanced and tomographic analysis such as the 3DVAR+DIV or VVP algorithm it is possible to infer spectral information related to the horizontal wavelength and the temporal spectrum. Here we present a statistical analysis of almost 5 years of observations recorded with the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster and CONDOR. Our initial results show a seasonal variability of the spectral slopes for different spatial scales indicating a reduced gravity wave activity during the spring for the Northern hemispheric data. Furthermore, we find a transition from a k-3 to a k-5/3 slope for spatial scales around 150 kilometers. Zonal wavelength spectra at CONDOR exhibit a less clear seasonal pattern compared to the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster.   

How to cite: Stober, G., Liu, A., Kozlovsky, A., Janches, D., Dawkins, E., Pearl Poku, L., Qiao, Z., Tsutsumi, M., Lester, M., Gulbrandsen, N., Nozawa, S., Kero, J., Moffat-Griffin, T., and Mitchell, N.: Statistical analysis of Multistatic meteor radar observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6290,, 2025.

EGU25-7102 | Orals | ST3.3

Studies to Resolve a Persistent Upper Atmospheric Mystery 

Alexander Kutepov, Artem Feofilov, Ladislav Rezac, and Konstantinos Kalogerakis

The year 2025 marks the 55th anniversary of Paul Crutzen’s brilliant hypothesis that collisions of the carbon dioxide molecules with oxygen atoms is the dominant process responsible for excitation of the bending vibrational mode of carbon dioxide and, thus, the resulting 15-µm infrared (IR) emission from vibrationally excited CO2 provides a remote sensing window into the temperature profiles, energy budget, and thermal balance of the upper atmosphere. The O + CO2 problem has remained open for the past five decades due to unacceptably large discrepancies between the laboratory measurements of the rate constant for this process, its values retrieved from space-based observations, and the rate constant values used in general circulation models (GCMs) for estimating CO2 cooling of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT).


We have been actively engaged in research efforts to address this problem by revisiting its different aspects, including theoretical analysis, atmospheric modeling, and laboratory experiments investigating the processes leading to the generation of the 15-µm emission in the Earth’s MLT region. This report discusses our recent progress on this topic. We will present non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) modeling calculations on the MLT 15-µm cooling using our recently published, optimized version of the Accelerated Lambda Iteration for Atmospheric Radiation and Molecular Spectra (ALI-ARMS) research code [Kutepov and Feofilov, 2024]. Detailed comparisons of these results with the parameterizations of this cooling used in GCMs and remote sensing by space-based observations will be discussed.


This research is supported by grants from the US National Science Foundation (AGS-2312191/92, AGS-2125760) and NASA (80NSSC21K0664).



Kutepov, A. and Feofilov, A., 2024. New routine NLTE15µmCool-E v1. 0 for calculating the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) CO2 15 µm cooling in general circulation models (GCMs) of Earth’s atmosphere. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(13), 5331-5347.

How to cite: Kutepov, A., Feofilov, A., Rezac, L., and Kalogerakis, K.: Studies to Resolve a Persistent Upper Atmospheric Mystery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7102,, 2025.

We present analysis of the chemical and dynamical variability in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) during the 2018-2019 sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) as simulated by the high resolution (~25 km horizontal and 0.1 scale height vertical resolution) version of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere-ionosphere eXtension (WACCM-X). The WACCM-X simulations make use of new capabilities, including the spectral element dynamical core and the ability to constrain the lower atmosphere meteorology in WACCM-X at high-resolutions. Compared to standard resolution (~200 km horizontal and 0.25 scale height vertical resolution) WACCM-X simulations, the high-resolution simulations are in better agreement with Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics Dynamics-Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (TIMED-SABER) and Atmosphere Chemistry Experiment-Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) observations. In particular, the high-resolution simulations better reproduce the Northern Hemisphere middle-high latitude winds in the MLT. The downward transport of nitric oxide (NO) following the SSW is also better reproduced in the high-resolution simulations. The results demonstrate the importance of capturing mesoscale processes for accurately simulating the chemistry and dynamics of the MLT.      

How to cite: Pedatella, N., Harvey, V. L., Liu, H., and Datta-Barua, S.: High resolution simulations of the chemistry and dynamics in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere during the 2018-2019 sudden stratosphere warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7273,, 2025.

EGU25-7418 | Orals | ST3.3

Climatologies of MLT winds and waves retrieved from long-term radar observations and GCMs 

Dimitry Pokhotelov, Gunter Stober, Ales Kuchar, Huixin Liu, Han-Li Liu, and Christoph Jacobi

Long-term observations of mesospheric-lower thermospheric winds from six meteor radars located at middle and polar latitudes in both hemispheres, covering two recent solar cycles, are analysed to construct climatologies of atmospheric tides and gravity waves (GWs). The obtained climatologies of diurnal and semidiurnal tides and GWs are compared to numerical simulations using three general circulation models (GCMs), namely the Ground-to-topside model of Atmosphere and Ionosphere for Aeronomy (GAIA), the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model eXtension - Specified Dynamics (WACCM-X-SD), and the Upper Atmosphere ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (UA-ICON) model. Despite of generally good agreement with radar observations, there are substantial differences between the GCMs in reproducing key features of the MLT dynamics, e.g., the hemispheric zonal summer wind reversal. The differences are attributed in particular to sub-grid parameterisations of GWs in GCMs.

How to cite: Pokhotelov, D., Stober, G., Kuchar, A., Liu, H., Liu, H.-L., and Jacobi, C.: Climatologies of MLT winds and waves retrieved from long-term radar observations and GCMs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7418,, 2025.

EGU25-7659 | Orals | ST3.3

Effects of nonmigrating diurnal tides on the Na layer in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere 

Jianfei Wu, Wuhu Feng, Xianghui Xue, Daniel Marsh, and John Plane

Neutral metal layers such as Na, Mg, and Fe occur in the Earth's mesosphere and lower thermosphere (80-120 km) region due to the ablation of cosmic dust. These layers provide important tracers of chemical and dynamical processes within this region. Nonmigrating diurnal tides are persistent global oscillations in atmospheric fields (e.g., wind, temperature, and density) with a period of 24 hours and nonsynchronous propagation with the sun. A complex combination of tidal forcing, chemistry, and photochemistry drives the diurnal cycle of these meteoric atoms. However, the mechanism behind their diurnal variation is not yet fully understood.

The influence of nonmigrating diurnal tides on Na layer variability in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere regions is investigated for the first time using data from the Optical Spectrograph and InfraRed Imaging System (OSIRIS) on the Odin satellite and Specified Dynamics Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (SD-WACCM) with metal chemistry. The Na density from OSIRIS exhibits a clear longitudinal variation indicative of the presence of tidal components. Similar variability is seen in the SD-WACCM result. Analysis shows a significant relationship between the nonmigrating diurnal tides in Na density and the corresponding temperature tidal signal. Below 90 km, the three nonmigrating diurnal tidal components in Na density show a significant positive correlation with the temperature tides. Conversely, the phase mainly indicates a negative correlation above 95 km. Around the metal layer peak, the response of the Na density to a 1 K change in tidal temperature is estimated to be 120 cm−3.

How to cite: Wu, J., Feng, W., Xue, X., Marsh, D., and Plane, J.: Effects of nonmigrating diurnal tides on the Na layer in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7659,, 2025.

EGU25-8365 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3

Comparison of Volume Velocity Processing (VVP) and 3DVAR+DIV Algorithms for Deriving 3D Wind Fields in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere  with Meteor Radar Observations.  

Loretta Pearl Poku, Gunter Stober, Alan Liu, Alexandre Kozlovski, Diego Janches, Erin Dawkins, Zishun Qiao, Masaki Tsutsumi, Njål Gulbrandsen, Satonori Nozawa, Mark Lester, Johan Kero, Nicholas Mitchell, and Tracy Moffat-Griffin

Accurate estimation of three-dimensional wind fields in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) is crucial for understanding atmospheric dynamics and variability, however, it has been a longstanding challenge in atmospheric science. Particularly, the retrieval of vertical wind, due to the inherent biases in meteor radar observations resulting from geometric and observational limitations. This challenge has to be addressed as the vertical wind plays a key role in the dynamical processes in the global atmosphere, such as the vertical transport of momentum and energy which incorporates the global meridional circulation. Volume Velocity Processing (VVP) and the 3DVar+DIV algorithms are two advanced retrieval methodologies which have been applied to estimate vertical winds and their variabilities, mitigating the biases and improving the accuracy of wind estimations. These approaches have recently demonstrated significant progress in overcoming the longstanding challenge.
The VVP method derives three-dimensional winds by employing coordinate transformations and nonlinear constraints on the observed radial velocities of the meteor radars. Its design is emphasized on high spatial resolution, making it particularly effective for localized studies of wind variability. The 3DVAR+DIV algorithm integrates radial velocity data into a variational framework that minimizes a cost function while adhering to physical constraints such as the continuity equation. This approach ensures a physically consistent wind field and allows for the calculation of additional atmospheric diagnostics, including horizontal divergence and vorticity. While both methods provide robust solutions for addressing vertical wind biases, their respective implementations capabilities offer unique advantages.
This study seeks to compares these two cutting-edge methodologies; VVP and the 3D-Var+DIV algorithms using data the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster (NORDIC), a dense multistatic radar network in the Northern Hemisphere, to uncover their ability to estimate 3D wind fields and mitigate vertical wind biases in MLT as well as their potential in advancing understanding of atmospheric dynamics. Algorithm implementation and testing are being conducted to ensure both methods operate optimally within the same dataset, enabling a fair and direct comparison. Key aspects of the comparison will include vertical wind retrieval accuracy, spatial resolution, diagnostic capabilities, and computational efficiency. The anticipated outcomes of this study will provide valuable insights into the relative strengths and weaknesses of the VVP and 3DVAR+DIV methods. While the VVP method is expected to excel in capturing spatially detailed wind patterns, the 3DVAR+DIV algorithm may offer enhanced physical consistency and diagnostic functionality. This study aims to contribute to advancing retrieval techniques and enhance the accuracy of atmospheric models and improve our understanding of MLT dynamics. Such advancements are crucial for refining predictions of global weather and climate systems, particularly in the context of long-term atmospheric monitoring and modeling.

How to cite: Poku, L. P., Stober, G., Liu, A., Kozlovski, A., Janches, D., Dawkins, E., Qiao, Z., Tsutsumi, M., Gulbrandsen, N., Nozawa, S., Lester, M., Kero, J., Mitchell, N., and Moffat-Griffin, T.: Comparison of Volume Velocity Processing (VVP) and 3DVAR+DIV Algorithms for Deriving 3D Wind Fields in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere  with Meteor Radar Observations. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8365,, 2025.

EGU25-10859 | Posters on site | ST3.3

Recent observations of Lithium atoms in the middle atmosphere by lidar 

Michael Gerding, Robin Wing, Josef Höffner, Jan Froh, and Gerd Baumgarten

Ablating meteoroids form a well-known layer of metal atoms in the middle atmosphere between about 80 km and more than 100 km altitude. Some of these metals, like sodium, iron, potassium, or calcium, have been observed for decades by lidar. They are now often used for resonance lidar measurements of temperature and winds or as tracers of the middle atmosphere dynamics and the coupling with the ionosphere. Atomic lithium has rarely been observed so far because the natural abundance is very low, as is the lidar backscatter signal. Early observations in the late 1970s above southern France revealed a number density of only a few atoms per cubic centimeter, but have been suspended about 45 years ago. While lithium has a low abundance in meteoroids, it has a much higher share in space debris, i.e. satellites and upper rocket stages re-entering into the atmosphere. This makes lithium an important target for space-debris research in the mesosphere / lower thermosphere. We have set up a Li resonance lidar in 2024 at our site at Kühlungsborn/Germany (54°N, 21°E). We will show first results on the atomic Li abundance in the middle atmosphere after a 45-year observational gap, including some record-high concentrations, and describe our new lidar for regular Li monitoring.

How to cite: Gerding, M., Wing, R., Höffner, J., Froh, J., and Baumgarten, G.: Recent observations of Lithium atoms in the middle atmosphere by lidar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10859,, 2025.

EGU25-11190 | Orals | ST3.3

The Impact of Geomagnetic Storms on Antarctic Stratospheric Ozone: Modelling Study Based on the WACCM-D  

Shujie Chang, Zhenfeng Chen, John M.C.Plane, Martyn P.Chipperfield, Daniel R.Marsh, Wuhu Feng, and Yuanzi Zhang

Geomagnetic storms can lead to energetic particle precipitation (EPP), which increase ionization levels in the atmosphere, enhancing NOx/HOx concentrations, thus destroying ozone in the polar mesosphere and stratosphere. There has been many studies to study the impact of solar proton on ozone, but the contributions of solar proton and energetic electron precipitation under different space weather especially geomagnetic storms events to the changes in middle/upper atmospheric in different seasons are not well quantified. It is also important to study long term changes in ozone due to solar activities including geomagnetic storms to understand how they affect global climate and atmospheric chemical processes.

In this work, we have carried out long term simulations (1980-2019) using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM), with detailed D-region (60-90 km) chemistry. The model uses a specific-dynamic version with nudging of Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA-2) reanalysis. First, we have made comprehensive model validations using various satellite measurements, which shows the model with detailed D region ion-nuetral chemistry has better performance in reproducing some key neutral chemical species (e.g., NOx, HOx, HNO3 etc) affected by EPP. In order to highlight how different geomagnetic storms events (strong or quite conditions) affected stratospheric ozone in different seasons, we use a composite analysis method. Interestingly, The ozone loss is more noticeable in summer than in winter. Surprisingly, ozone changes usually become more noticeable after one month. To investigate the impact of medium energy electron (MEE, 30-1000 keV) precipitation on the middle and upper atmosphere, several model sensitivity experiments have been made. Results shows MEE has a significant impact in the mesosphere with small contribution to stratosphere ozone depletion (2-5% in the Antarctic winter).

How to cite: Chang, S., Chen, Z., M.C.Plane, J., P.Chipperfield, M., R.Marsh, D., Feng, W., and Zhang, Y.: The Impact of Geomagnetic Storms on Antarctic Stratospheric Ozone: Modelling Study Based on the WACCM-D , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11190,, 2025.

EGU25-11666 | Orals | ST3.3

EPP-climate link by reactive nitrogen polar winter descent: Science studies for the EE11 candidate mission CAIRT 

Stefan Bender, Bernd Funke, Manuel Lopez Puertas, Maya Garcia-Comas, Gabriele Stiller, Thomas von Clarmann, Michael Höpfner, Björn-Martin Sinnhuber, Miriam Sinnhuber, Quentin Errera, Gabriele Poli, Jörn Ungermann, Peter Preusse, Sebastian Rhode, Hanli Liu, and Nick Pedatella

Polar winter descent of NOy produced by energetic particle precipitation (EPP) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere affects polar stratospheric ozone by catalytic reactions. This, in turn, may affect regional climate via radiative and dynamical feedbacks. NOy observations by MIPAS/Envisat during 2002--2012 have provided observational constraints on the solar-activity modulated variability of stratospheric EPP-NOy.

ESA’s Earth Explorer 11 candidate Changing Atmosphere Infra-Red Tomography (CAIRT) will observe the atmosphere from about 5 to 115 km with an across-track resolution of 30 to 50 km within a 500 km wide field of view. CAIRT will provide NOy and tracer observations from the upper troposphere to the lower thermosphere with unprecedented spatial resolution. We present the science studies using WACCM-X high resolution model runs simulating modelling a Sudden Stratospheric Warming event to assess its potential to advance our understanding of the EPP-climate link and to improve upon the aforementioned constraints in the future.

How to cite: Bender, S., Funke, B., Lopez Puertas, M., Garcia-Comas, M., Stiller, G., von Clarmann, T., Höpfner, M., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Sinnhuber, M., Errera, Q., Poli, G., Ungermann, J., Preusse, P., Rhode, S., Liu, H., and Pedatella, N.: EPP-climate link by reactive nitrogen polar winter descent: Science studies for the EE11 candidate mission CAIRT, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11666,, 2025.

EGU25-12527 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3

Decadal Trends of Non-Migrating Eastward-Propagating Diurnal Tides in the MLT Region  

Sovit Khadka, Federico Gasperini, and Hanli Liu

Vertically propagating tides and other waves of tropospheric origin are leading drivers of long-term variability and dynamical coupling in the ionosphere-thermosphere-mesosphere (ITM) system. This study explores the decadal trends, variability, and coupling of the dominant non-migrating eastward-propagating diurnal (DE) tides in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region. The non-migrating tides are excited by differential solar heating, deep tropospheric convection over the tropics releasing latent heat, and nonlinear interactions between migrating tides and planetary-scale waves. These tides are important for understanding the complex interplay between upward-propagating waves of lower atmospheric origin and the coupling between terrestrial weather and space weather across different atmospheric layers on various timescales.

Utilizing long-term temperature observations from the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) in the MLT region, and simulated results from the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with Thermosphere and Ionosphere Extension (WACCM-X), we identify decadal trends in DE tidal amplitudes and phases over the past 22 years (2002-2023). During the course of vertical propagation, the competing role of DE tides in the modulation of the E-region dynamo will be examined, which ultimately impacts the space weather of the ionosphere. This analysis also evaluates the impacts of the solar cycle (SC), quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), semiannual oscillations (SAO), and El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on non-migrating diurnal tides. The observed trends are further examined in the context of simulation results from WACCM-X to understand the physical mechanisms that transmit long-term variability from the lower atmosphere into the ITM system. This study emphasizes the importance of understanding long-term trends in tidal waves to advance knowledge of the interconnections between terrestrial and space weather processes across different spatial and temporal scales and for improving predictive models of upper atmospheric conditions, which are crucial for mitigating space weather impacts on modern technologies.

How to cite: Khadka, S., Gasperini, F., and Liu, H.: Decadal Trends of Non-Migrating Eastward-Propagating Diurnal Tides in the MLT Region , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12527,, 2025.

EGU25-13155 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3

High-resolution Analysis of Evolving Mesospheric KHI at Poker Flat 

Jessica Norrell, Katrina Bossert, Jessica Berkheimer, Richard L Collins, and Jintai Li

The dynamics of the mesopause and lower thermosphere region are vital to understanding the transition from gravity wave breaking to the generation of turbulence, higher order waves, and instabilities. However, these features are unresolved in global-scale models. We present a case study of small-scale gravity waves and kelvin Helmholtz instabilities using ground-based instruments, which include the collocated sodium resonance lidar and hydroxyl imager at the Poker Flat Research Range. These observations provide insight into gravity wave and instability interaction and evolution. The combination of data from both instruments is used to develop a three-dimensional understanding of wave packets on 31 March 2022. 

How to cite: Norrell, J., Bossert, K., Berkheimer, J., Collins, R. L., and Li, J.: High-resolution Analysis of Evolving Mesospheric KHI at Poker Flat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13155,, 2025.

EGU25-13463 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3

Vertical Gravity Wave Coupling Combining Ground and Satellite Based Measurements 

Sophie Phillips and Katrina Bossert

Gravity waves are influential drivers of the ionosphere-thermosphere (I-T) region. Gravity waves perturb background neutral and ion densities, temperatures, and winds. The dissipation of gravity waves in this region also leads to drag on background winds, altering the mean wind and circulation. There remain limited capabilities for measurements in the lower thermosphere despite the important role that gravity waves play in the dynamics of this region. Additionally, understanding sources of gravity waves in the thermosphere is important for improving thermospheric models. This study seeks to investigate wave coupling from the stratosphere to the I-T region over Alaska by combining both ground and satellite-based data sources. The Scanning Doppler Imager in Poker Flat Research Range (-147W, 65N) obtains zonal and meridional wind speeds in the red line emission, 630.0nm, which occurs near 250km in altitude. The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder uses 4.3-micron CO2 emissions to derive brightness temperature perturbations in the stratosphere. The Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar provides information regarding gravity wave associated travelling ionospheric disturbances in altitude and time. We use wavelet analysis to acquire wave information in the different atmospheric regions, and determine gravity wave propagation conditions in the stratosphere and mesosphere using MERRA-2 reanalysis data to further determine gravity wave sources. 

How to cite: Phillips, S. and Bossert, K.: Vertical Gravity Wave Coupling Combining Ground and Satellite Based Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13463,, 2025.

EGU25-13733 | Posters on site | ST3.3

ICON/MIGHTI as a Nightglow Probe of the Atomic Oxygen Green Line 

Konstantinos S. Kalogerakis, Daniel Matsiev, and Stefan Noll

The objective of the Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) instrument aboard NASA’s Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) satellite was to determine altitude profiles of the wind and temperature in the Earth’s upper atmosphere [1]. The winds were obtained from the Doppler shift of the measured atomic oxygen green and red line emissions at 557.7 nm and 630.0 nm [2], respectively, and the temperatures derived from the measured molecular oxygen Atmospheric band emission [3].

Our study aims to broaden the scientific impact of the MIGHTI instrument, advance knowledge of the nightglow emissions, and improve retrievals of nighttime atomic oxygen by using the intensities of the emissions measured by MIGHTI. Accurate nighttime O-atom densities are required for modeling the chemistry and energy budget of the upper atmosphere. Just as important, a detailed understanding of the relationship between atmospheric composition and the intensity of observed nightglow emissions is essential for modeling and understanding gravity wave propagation and dissipation.

We recently performed a radiometric calibration of the ICON/MIGHTI signals by comparisons with flux-calibrated astronomical sky spectra. This report will describe our efforts to investigate the calibrated 557.7-nm atomic oxygen green line emission measurements during the ICON/MIGHTI era, characterize its climatology, and determine atomic oxygen profiles.

This work is supported by the NASA GOLD-ICON Guest Investigators Program Grant 80NSSC22K0172 and the NASA Heliophysics (LNAPP) Program Grant 80NSSC23K0694.

[1] Immel et al., Space Sci. Rev. 219(41), 1-26 (2023).

[2] Englert et al., Space Sci. Rev. 219(3), 27 (2023).

[3] Stevens et al., Space Sci. Rev. 218(8), 67 (2022).

How to cite: Kalogerakis, K. S., Matsiev, D., and Noll, S.: ICON/MIGHTI as a Nightglow Probe of the Atomic Oxygen Green Line, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13733,, 2025.

EGU25-13773 | ECS | Orals | ST3.3

Observing Mesospheric Gravity Waves with NASA’s AWE Mission and Correlating to GNSS TEC Maps 

Jaime Aguilar Guerrero, Björn Bergsson, Sehin Mesfin, Pavel Inchin, Matthew Zettergren, Ludger Scherliess, Yucheng Zhao, and Dominique Pautet

The Atmosphere Waves Experiment (AWE) is a NASA mission launched on November 9, 2023, and installed on the International Space Station (ISS). Its primary goal is to detect and characterize atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) by measuring Earth’s mesospheric hydroxyl (OH) airglow with its key instrument, the Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (AMTM). Since its deployment, AWE has been quantifying the seasonal and regional variability of AGWs, investigating their occurrence and potential sources, and enabling the assessment of their broader impact on the atmosphere by comparing measurements at different altitudes by other instruments. AWE has collected extensive imagery and temperature data capturing distinct mesospheric phenomena, including mesospheric bores, signatures of a hurricane, and instability- and convection-driven disturbances. These observations are now publicly available for the first several months of the mission. In this work, we compare AWE’s dataset to total electron content (TEC) maps derived from GNSS data processed by the System for Rapid Analysis of Ionospheric Dynamics (S-RAID) (Inchin et al., 2023), which analyzes data from approximately 2,700 stations across the continental United States (CONUS). S-RAID applies common bandpass filters to isolate traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) with periods shorter than two hours. By comparing AWE’s measurements at the approximate OH airglow height of 87 km with the GNSS data at an average ionospheric pierce point (IPP) of 300 km, we identify wave parameters and potentially determine which signatures correspond to upward-propagating gravity waves. These signals, in turn, can be traced back to various tropospheric sources, such as those mentioned above.

How to cite: Aguilar Guerrero, J., Bergsson, B., Mesfin, S., Inchin, P., Zettergren, M., Scherliess, L., Zhao, Y., and Pautet, D.: Observing Mesospheric Gravity Waves with NASA’s AWE Mission and Correlating to GNSS TEC Maps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13773,, 2025.

The underlying physics of the Turbopause, from approximately 80-120 km, remains one of the most poorly understood topics in aeronomy today. However, the composition and dynamics of this region have a profound impact on the local and global climatological behavior of the thermosphere-ionosphere system. A detailed understanding of this region is critical to modern general circulation models and accurately predicting high-altitude weather systems within the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT), which can have a detrimental effect on space and ground-based products. To improve our understanding of the Turbopause we propose the first modern measurements of O, O2 , N2, NO, CO2, H2O, O3, and Ar spanning an altitude of 80 to 120 km. To achieve this, we present the Mass Spectrometry of the Turbopause Region (MSTR) program, a NASA HTIDES-funded technology development effort led by Orion Space Solutions (OSS) in partnership with the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI). MSTR is a novel, compact Cryogenically cooled Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (CTOF-MS) designed to integrate with a variety of aerospace platforms, including sounding rockets, small satellites, and advanced payloads. The flight prototype has a current SWAP of approximately 61 x 27 x 9 centimeters (volume: ~14800 cm3), 8 kg, and 20 to 25 W. MSTR is capable of sampling both ion and neutral elements and has demonstrated a resolving power at full width, half maximum of better than 3500 (predicted 5000), and a mass capability of 2u to 1500u. For integration with low-altitude sounding rockets, the instrument features an integrated 3D printed, liquid helium subcooled nosecone, to reduce and collapse the impinging bow shock experienced during supersonic flight. The MSTR CTOF-MS and cryogenic nosecone have undergone laboratory characterization and TRL advancement. The scientific objectives of the MSTR instrument are to provide simultaneous, in-situ, measurements of the chemistry and structure of the Turbopause as a function of altitude. The MSTR team plans to operate coincidentally with SABER overflights and ground-based LIDAR measurements to characterize the transport of NO across the Turbopause and compare measured CO2 profiles to those retrieved by remote IR radiometry. Ultimately, the MSTR instrument hopes to improve our understanding of the complex temporal-spatial dynamics of the Turbopuase and MLT and provide valuable data to validate global circulation models.

How to cite: Anderson, L., Miller, G., Blase, R., and Fish, C.: In-Situ Sounding of the Chemistry and Dynamics of the Turbopause: The Development of a Novel Cryogenic Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13929,, 2025.

EGU25-14547 | Posters on site | ST3.3

Nonlinear Interactions of Mesospheric Planetary-Scale Waves: Seasonal Variations and Association with Sudden Stratospheric Warmings 

Maosheng He, Jeffrey M. Forbes, Gunter Stober, Christoph Jacobi, Guozhu Li, Libo Liu, and Jiyao Xu

This study utilizes meteor radar observations gathered over nine years at two longitudes and 52°N latitude to explore planetary-scale waves in mesospheric winds. By analyzing zonal wavenumbers across various time scales—specifically multi-day, near-24-hour, 12-hour, and 8-hour periods—we were able to distinguish normal modes (NMs) from other planetary waves (PWs), identify migrating and non-migrating tides, and uncover a range of novel nonlinear interactions.

Our statistical analysis revealed that multi-day oscillations were predominantly associated with NMs, which exhibit distinct seasonality in both period and wavenumber, and show a statistical correlation with sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs). Notably, April featured a prominent 6-day NM (zonal wavenumber 1), followed by a dominance of 4- and 2-day NMs (wavenumbers 2 and 3, respectively) through June. From July to October, we observed peaks in 2-, 4-, and 6-day NMs (zonal wavenumbers 3, 2, and 1, respectively).

Our insights into seasonal variations are based on observational determinations of frequency and zonal wavenumber, in contrast to satellite observations that often use fixed frequencies and wavenumbers to fit individual waves. The statistical link between NMs and SSWs provides significant input to the ongoing debate on this topic. Additionally, for the first time, we identified frequency and zonal wavenumber matching in over ten secondary waves resulting from nonlinear interactions among NMs (16-, 10-, and 6-day), tides (diurnal, semidiurnal, and terdiurnal, both migrating and non-migrating), and stationary planetary waves (SPWs).

Among these interactions, three novel categories were identified: (1) interactions between terdiurnal tides and planetary waves, (2) interactions between stationary and traveling planetary waves, and (3) interactions between non-migrating tides and planetary waves. These interactions with SPWs help explain our finding that the amplitudes of non-migrating tides exceed those of the corresponding migrating tides, particularly evident in the winter diurnal tide and the summer terdiurnal tide. These non-migrating signatures stand out as notable exceptions, as migrating components generally dominate diurnal, semidiurnal, and terdiurnal tides throughout most of the year.

How to cite: He, M., Forbes, J. M., Stober, G., Jacobi, C., Li, G., Liu, L., and Xu, J.: Nonlinear Interactions of Mesospheric Planetary-Scale Waves: Seasonal Variations and Association with Sudden Stratospheric Warmings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14547,, 2025.

EGU25-14797 | Orals | ST3.3

The Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE) 

Ludger Scherliess, Mike Taylor, P.-Dominique Pautet, Yucheng Zhao, Burt Lamborn, Harri Latvakoski, Greg Cantwell, Pedro Sevilla, Erik Syrstad, Jeff Forbes, Steve Eckermann, Dave Fritts, Diego Janches, Hanli Liu, and Jonathan Snively

NASA’s Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE) mission is a Heliophysics Small Explorers Mission of Opportunity designed to investigate how terrestrial weather affects space weather, via small-scale atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) produced in Earth’s atmosphere. Following its launch to the International Space Station (ISS) in November 2023, AWE began a 2-year mission to explore the global distribution of AGWs, study the processes controlling their propagation throughout the upper atmosphere, and estimate their impacts on the ionosphere – thermosphere – mesosphere (ITM) system. The AWE science instrument consists of the Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (AMTM) — a wide field-of-view Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) imager that quantifies gravity wave-induced temperature disturbances in the hydroxyl (OH) airglow layer, which lies near the mesopause at ~87 km altitude. The AMTM’s four identical telescopes make continuous nighttime observations of the P1(2) and P1(4) emission lines of the OH (3,1) band and the Q1(1) emission line in the OH (2,0) band, as well as the atmospheric background, from which the OH layer temperature is derived. AWE images are collected once per second, co-added, and processed into temperature swaths using correction algorithms derived from ground calibration test results. Global coverage of the OH layer is provided about every four days, which enables regional and seasonal studies, as well as characterization of AGW ‘hot spots.’ This paper will present an overview of the AWE mission and discuss initial science results.

How to cite: Scherliess, L., Taylor, M., Pautet, P.-D., Zhao, Y., Lamborn, B., Latvakoski, H., Cantwell, G., Sevilla, P., Syrstad, E., Forbes, J., Eckermann, S., Fritts, D., Janches, D., Liu, H., and Snively, J.: The Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14797,, 2025.

EGU25-15306 | ECS | Orals | ST3.3

From data to discovery: understanding tropical middle stratospheric ozone variability through causal inference 

Evgenia Galytska, Birgit Hassler, Fernando Iglesias-Suarez, Martyn Chipperfield, Sandip Dhomse, Wuhu Feng, Jakob Runge, and Veronika Eyring

Ozone (O3) plays a critical role in the atmosphere by absorbing harmful ultraviolet solar radiation and also shaping the thermal structure and dynamics of the stratosphere. Variability in O3 levels is driven by a complex interplay of factors, including long-term climate change, the abundance of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs), and non-linear interactions between transport and chemical processes. Changes in tropical stratospheric O3 are particularly intricate due to a strong altitude dependence (WMO, 2022). In the tropical middle stratosphere, a region characterized by strong O3 production and loss, during the early 2000s satellite measurements revealed an unexpected decline in O3. Since then, O3 levels in this region have increased again, but the underlying mechanisms driving such variability remain insufficiently understood, highlighting the need to investigate further the processes driving O3 concentrations.

In this study, we show the pivotal role of causal inference in disentangling the complex chemical-dynamical influences on O3 behavior in the narrower region of the tropical (10°S-10°N) middle (10 hPa) stratosphere. Causal inference can add significant value to traditional statistical methods by inferring causal relationships, distinguishing genuine causal links from spurious correlations, and quantifying their strength. The framework integrates qualitative physical knowledge through a causal graph applied to satellite observations and state-of-the-art 3-D chemical-transport model (CTM) TOMCAT simulations. By leveraging causal inference, we provide robust insights into the drivers of O3 fluctuations and showcase the method’s potential for uncovering causal relationships in stratospheric chemistry-dynamics interactions. To validate this approach, we first construct a simplified toy model that reproduces major chemical-dynamical interactions in tropical middle stratospheric O3 that are based on the NOx (=NO + NO2) catalytic ozone destruction cycle and stratospheric dynamics via stratospheric residual velocity w*. Using this toy model, we demonstrate that causal discovery reproduces the connections between w*, nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and O3 in the tropical middle stratosphere. This successful application establishes a foundation for extending causal effect estimation to observed and modelled chemical processes, including their time lags. We split the periods 2004-2018 into two subperiods (i.e. 2004-2011 when O3 concentrations declined, and 2012-2018 when O3 concentrations increased in the tropical middle stratosphere) to demonstrate differences in the w*-N2O connection that drives distinct O3 behaviors. Additionally, a process-oriented analysis of different Quasibiennial oscillation (QBO) regimes, combined with bootstrap aggregation, reveals robust patterns in chemical-dynamical interactions. These results highlight the potential of causal inference as a transformative tool for advancing our understanding of stratospheric O3 variability and its response to dynamic forcing.

World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2022, GAW Report No. 278, 509 pp.; WMO: Geneva, 2022.

How to cite: Galytska, E., Hassler, B., Iglesias-Suarez, F., Chipperfield, M., Dhomse, S., Feng, W., Runge, J., and Eyring, V.: From data to discovery: understanding tropical middle stratospheric ozone variability through causal inference, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15306,, 2025.

EGU25-16063 | ECS | Orals | ST3.3

Analyzing the MLT region with mass spectrometers 

Rico Fausch, Audrey Vorburger, and Peter Wurz

The mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region is a key transition zone between Earth’s lower and upper atmospheres, where energetic processes, wave dynamics, and chemical reactions converge. Understanding the temperature and chemical composition in this region is crucial for interpreting processes at higher altitudes. Despite the MLT’s importance in mediating couplings between the lower and upper atmosphere, direct in-situ measurements are inherently challenging due to the low-density, high-altitude, and high-speed environment. However, recent advances in compact, high-sensitivity mass spectrometers offer novel opportunities to investigate some of the most pressing open questions in MLT research. In this work, we highlight how state-of-the-art mass spectrometry can address uncertainties in key processes governing the composition and temperature of the MLT. We outline how measurements of species such as atomic and molecular oxygen, molecular nitrogen, trace metals from meteoric or anthropogenic sources, and reactive radicals can inform MLT models. Our goal is to provide data that will enable the integration of mass spectrometry findings into a range of models, including regional and global climate models, that incorporate long-term measurements, potentially revealing hidden trends in chemical composition and temperature. Such temperature drifts could be indicative of climate change affecting this region of the atmosphere as well.

How to cite: Fausch, R., Vorburger, A., and Wurz, P.: Analyzing the MLT region with mass spectrometers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16063,, 2025.

The influence of solar activity on the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-neutral atmosphere system has significant impact on middle atmosphere climate chemistry. It is now considered a driver for influencing the concentration of chemical species such as Nitric Oxide (NO) which can act catalytically to deplete ozone. This is important as its removal in the stratosphere alters the temperature distribution of the atmosphere, leading to major consequences for the environment, such as hindering plant growth and disrupting ecosystems. We present a multi-instrumental study which combines satellite measurements linking the energy transfer from energetic particle precipitation (EPP) into the upper atmosphere to the formation of nitric oxide in the mesosphere via the “direct effect” and stratosphere via the “indirect effect”. The former is characterised by an enhanced and localised stream of NO in the path of the particles traveling through the atmosphere. The “indirect effect” is a secondary enhancement due to the transport of the NO generated by the direct effect into the stratosphere via atmospheric processes such as the residual circulation, zonal winds and the polar vortex.

The study utilises the Solar Occultation For Ice Experiment (SOFIE) dataset, extending the work by Smith-Johnson et al. (2017), to determine the relative change in NO density over the solar cycle from 2008 to 2019. We have also been able to determine the average response of NO within the mesosphere and stratosphere as a result of geomagnetic storms between 2008 and 2014, through application of a Superposed Epoch Analysis. This demonstrates a strong direct feature at the onset of the storms in both hemispheres. However, the indirect response varies, extending lower into the stratosphere in the southern hemisphere than the northern hemisphere. This analysis is complemented by field aligned currents derived by the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE) to analyse the variability in the NO density following periods of intense geomagnetic activity and associated EPP. This will provide a greater understanding of the energy transfer and coupling mechanisms between the magnetosphere, Mesosphere and Lower thermosphere regions (MLT) and the middle atmosphere and offer insights on the impacts of space weather on Earth’s climate. 

How to cite: Coulson, R., Wright, D., and Milan, S.: Investigating the impact of energetic particle precipitation on middle atmosphere climate chemistry using high altitude measurements of NO in conjunction with AMPERE., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16772,, 2025.

EGU25-19358 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3

Modelling and validation of small-scale variability of the MLTI using WACCM-RR over Scandinavia 

Marcin Kupilas, Daniel Marsh, Tracy Moffat-Griffin, Corwin Wright, Andrew Kavanagh, John Plane, and Peter Lauritzen

The ability of Earth system models to forecast the behaviour of the mesosphere/lower thermosphere/ionosphere (MLTI) system lags far behind that of other atmospheric regions, hindering prediction capability of the whole atmosphere. A better understanding of the nature and causes of MLTI variability, which is currently poorly understood, can address this problem. In this work we present results from the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with regional refinement (WACCM-RR) which has been employed to resolve what would normally be subgrid-scale gravity waves that give rise to variability on timescales from hours to days and length scales from several to several hundred kilometres. We focus our studies over high-latitude Scandinavia, the most instrumented region on Earth for MLTI studies, where we resolve down to 1/8° horizontal resolution, approximately 14 km, and study small-scale variability of temperature, horizontal/vertical winds, electron density and key atmospheric constituents such as O, NO and O3. The modelled variability is compared to WACCM simulations without regional refinement (global 1° resolution) and observations from instruments over Scandinavia such as EISCAT, NIPR and AMTM. This study will allow us to identify in-situ and external variability drivers and correlate them to local and global processes and coupled interactions between the atmospheric layers. This work is thus a step towards determining predictable variability of small-scale features in the MLTI, pushing beyond current limitations in forecasting the whole atmosphere.

How to cite: Kupilas, M., Marsh, D., Moffat-Griffin, T., Wright, C., Kavanagh, A., Plane, J., and Lauritzen, P.: Modelling and validation of small-scale variability of the MLTI using WACCM-RR over Scandinavia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19358,, 2025.

EGU25-20108 | Orals | ST3.3

The Activity of Atmospheric Turbulence in the MLT 

Cunying Xiao

The Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT) act as a critical region for the propagation and dissipation of atmospheric waves, such as gravity waves, tides, and planetary waves, playing a significant role in the global atmospheric circulation system. These waves, particularly gravity waves, dissipate and break in the MLT, converting their energy into turbulence and generating localized turbulent structures. The turbulence produced in turn can modulate wave propagation, with part of the dissipated energy potentially re-exciting new waves. Atmospheric turbulence in the MLT significantly influences the transport of energy, momentum, and matter, making it a key mechanism for understanding the coupling across the entire atmospheric system. The studies of MLT atmospheric turbulence can also promote the fine modeling of the middle and upper atmosphere.

By integrating ground-based MF radar observations over (39.4°N, 116.7° E) with TIMED/SABER satellite data, we investigated the variations of atmospheric turbulence energy dissipation rate (ε) and the turbopause, as well as their relationship with atmospheric wave dynamics in the MLT region. Results show that the atmospheric ε is modulated by different periods at different altitudes. The ε is subject to 12 h and 24 h periodic variations. The 12 h periodic variation is more obvious at higher altitudes than the 24 h periodic variation at lower altitudes with the dividing layer at about 90 km. Advanced analysis of turbopause are based on the total wave variations based on SABER/TIMED. We first propose a new method for identifying the wave-turbopause by employing the conservation of energy principle, and introducing an energy index to delineate the turbopause layer’s boundaries. This method defines a set of parameters including the lower boundary height, upper boundary height, turbopause height, and turbopause layer thickness. Applying this method to long-term SABER data over Beijing, we find that the turbopause layer exhibits distinct seasonal and interannual variations. The average heigh of lower boundary is 69 km, and the average heigh of upper boundary is 94 km. Global characteristics of the turbopause layer are provided, which are quite valuable to enhancing our further atmospheric modeling and empirical studies.

How to cite: Xiao, C.: The Activity of Atmospheric Turbulence in the MLT, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20108,, 2025.

EGU25-20552 | ECS | Orals | ST3.3

Re-evaluation of inter-annual variability using lidars Temperature extending over several decades of observation 

Pedro Da Costa, Philippe Keckhut, and Alain Hauchecorne

Rayleigh lidars, in particular as part of the NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change) network, have been observing the stratosphere and mesosphere (also known as the 'middle atmosphere' (MA)) with excellent vertical resolution for many years. Data from the lidars at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (1978-2024), Table Mountain in California (1989-2024), Mauna Loa in Hawaii (2000-2024), Hohenpeissenberg (1987-2024) and Kühlungsborn (2012-2024) in Germany, Rio Grande in Argentina (2017-2024) and Réunion Island (1994-2024) have made it possible to obtain a unique dataset of temperature profiles between 30 and 80 km. This dataset makes it possible to establish a climatology of MA at several latitudes and over several decades.

Seasonal variations are represented by annual and semi-annual sinusoids. The behaviour of the amplitudes is similar at all sites: stable in the stratosphere, a decrease at the stratopause followed by a constant increase in the mesosphere; the opposite is true for the biannual amplitude, with a slight increase followed by stagnation in the mesosphere. The strength of the annual amplitudes measured at mid-latitudes is about 6 K in the stratosphere, with a decrease to 2 K in the stratopause, followed by an increase to 16 K in the mesosphere. These amplitudes are halved at tropical sites.

The temporal extent of the data series also allows us to analyse the response of the atmosphere to variations in solar activity, showing that these can cause variations of up to 3 K. The influence of the QBO (Quasi-Biennial Oscillation) produces variations that can exceed variations of about 1 K. There is also a general cooling of the atmosphere. We also observe a general cooling of the AM, which varies from site to site: for example, Reunion Island records a cooling of up to 3 K/decade in the mesosphere, while the Haute-Provence site measures a cooling of 1.5 K/decade.

These lidars have also been used to validate measurements made by limb observations from space. The main objective of this study is therefore to provide complete climatologies of the middle atmosphere from several points on the globe, in order to ensure continuity between several successive limb targeting missions. The production of temperature profiles from experiments such as GOMOS or OMPS shows that it is possible to obtain excellent precision in the measurement of temperature profiles. As the observations are made at different times of the day, atmospheric tides must also be taken into account.

How to cite: Da Costa, P., Keckhut, P., and Hauchecorne, A.: Re-evaluation of inter-annual variability using lidars Temperature extending over several decades of observation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20552,, 2025.

EGU25-3337 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5

On the low-latitude ionospheric responses to the May-2024 geomagnetic storm observed by LEO satellites 

Suman Kumar Das, Claudia Stolle, Yosuke Yamazaki, Juan Rodríguez-Zuluaga, Xin Wan, Guram Kervalishvili, Jan Rauberg, Jiahao Zhong, and Septi Perwitasari

In this study, we analyze electron density measurements from the Low-Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellite constellations Swarm and GRACE-FO to examine the effects of the May-2024 geomagnetic storm on the equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere. Results show that the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) was particularly enhanced on the dayside and depleted on the nightside. Notably, an intensification of the EIA was observed during early morning hours (at ~05/07 LTs) by the GRACE-FO and Swarm A satellites. The observed EIA modifications can be attributed to the strong influence of the electric fields and thermospheric winds. Comparisons with CHAMP and GRACE observations during the Halloween storm indicate an increase of a similar order of magnitude in the EIA’s crest-to-trough ratio (CTR) and L-value around similar local times and longitudes, emphasizing the May-2024 storm as one of the strongest geomagnetic storms in the space age. Additionally, strong equatorial plasma depletion (EPD) activity was noted, including EPDs detected during early morning hours at ~05 LT (~07 LT) by GRACE-FO (Swarm A). These EPDs reached very high apex altitudes of ~5000 km during pre-midnight and ~3400 km at early morning hours during 11-12 May, in contrast to ~1000 km during pre-storm conditions. The lower apex altitude of the early morning EPDs than of the pre-midnight EPDs suggests that these EPDs are generated after midnight and they are not remnants from the previous evening. This suggestion is also supported by ground-based ionosonde observations in Southeast Asia, combined with satellite data, which reveal an elevation of the ionosphere after midnight, supporting the Rayleigh-Taylor instability mechanism crucial for the EPD growth.

How to cite: Das, S. K., Stolle, C., Yamazaki, Y., Rodríguez-Zuluaga, J., Wan, X., Kervalishvili, G., Rauberg, J., Zhong, J., and Perwitasari, S.: On the low-latitude ionospheric responses to the May-2024 geomagnetic storm observed by LEO satellites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3337,, 2025.

EGU25-4988 | Orals | EMRP2.5

Ionosphere-Thermosphere System Response During the May 2024 Geomagnetic Storm 

Loredana Perrone, Andrey Mikhaylov, Dario Sabbagh, and Paolo Bagiacchi

The response of the ionosphere-thermosphere system in Europe during the severe geomagnetic storm of May 2024 was investigated. Between May 7 and 11, multiple X-class solar flares and at least five Earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were observed. The initial CME impacted Earth at 12:30 PM UTC on May 10, triggering a geomagnetic enhancement and inducing a negative ionospheric storm over mid-latitude European stations, leading to data gaps on May 11 due to the "G condition" (wherein the electron density at the F2 layer maximum equals or falls below that of the F1 layer maximum).

Thermospheric parameters analyzed using the THERION method revealed a 60% increase in neutral [O] density at 300 km altitude and elevated thermospheric temperatures(~50% increase), while column [O] concentrations showed a ~30% decrease. Enhanced equatorward winds, peaking at 79 m/s, were observed between May 10 and 13. Comparative analysis with other longitudinal sectors confirmed significant regional responses, emphasizing the dynamic behavior of the coupled ionosphere-thermosphere system during severe geomagnetic events.


How to cite: Perrone, L., Mikhaylov, A., Sabbagh, D., and Bagiacchi, P.: Ionosphere-Thermosphere System Response During the May 2024 Geomagnetic Storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4988,, 2025.

EGU25-6857 | Orals | EMRP2.5 | Highlight

Missions and efforts using magnetic field observations to advance our knowledge of the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere (MIT) system 

Astrid Maute, Jeng-Hwa Yee, Jesper Gjerloev, Patrick Alken, and Slava Merkin

Magnetic field observations have a long history of advancing our understanding of ionospheric current flow, even before we launched space missions. Earlier magnetic field missions were single satellites that provided new insights into ionospheric current flow. Swarm is the first constellation focused on measuring magnetic fields from LEO. In this talk, we will focus on the value of knowing the magnetic field variation and discuss challenges, advances, and future opportunities.

One scientist's signal is another scientist's noise, and therefore working with magnetic perturbation leads to the collaboration of scientists from solid Earth to the magnetosphere. Opportunities can be challenges since magnetic observations include the signal from many sources which can be from far away or close by, making the interpretation of magnetic signals often difficult. In ionosphere-thermosphere numerical modeling, magnetic perturbations are not a standard diagnostic even though a wealth of data exists. While ionospheric data is used for data assimilation, magnetic data so far is not. A huge advantage of the Swarm satellite configuration is that it can unambiguously identify ionospheric current flow when the satellites are close. A similar concept is used by NASA Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer (EZIE), a CubeSat mission scheduled for launch in spring 2025. In addition, EZIE is unique as it will measure the magnetic field around 80 km remotely via Zeeman splitting, to shed light on the substorm current flow and the equatorial electrojet.

In this presentation, we will describe the value of studying the ionospheric current to gain insights into the ionosphere-thermosphere system. We will show examples from high to low latitudes illustrating how magnetic perturbation especially in constellations and combined ground and space based data can advance our understanding of the MIT system. We conclude with thoughts about future observations.

How to cite: Maute, A., Yee, J.-H., Gjerloev, J., Alken, P., and Merkin, S.: Missions and efforts using magnetic field observations to advance our knowledge of the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere (MIT) system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6857,, 2025.

EGU25-7098 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

Ray Tracing of the Equatorial Extremely Low Frequency Whistlers Detected by the Swarm Mission 

Martin Jenner, Pierdavide Coisson, Gauthier Hulot, Robin Deborde, and Louis Chauvet

Whistlers are generated by the electromagnetic signal from lightning discharges leaking into the
ionosphere and magnetosphere. They propagate upward through the ionosphere, where they can be
detected by satellites. The dispersion of whistler signal during propagation has been empirically
described by Eckersley [1935] by the following law: T = D / √ f , where T is the group delay of the
wave packet, f is its frequency and D is called the dispersion of the whistler.
We focus on events detected during burst-mode campaigns of the Absolute Scalar Magnetometer
(ASM) of the Swarm satellites at orbital altitudes ~475 km (Alpha) and ~510 km (Bravo). Since
the bandwidth of interest of this instrument lies between 10 Hz and 125 Hz, the whistlers detected
are in the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF). In this band, whistler propagation differs from the
more commonly studied Very Low Frequency (VLF) whistlers and presents a unique set of
characteristics. In particular, in the equatorial region (±5° of magnetic inclination), Eckersley’s
empirical dispersion description seems to break down.
To investigate such propagation oddity, we model the ELF whistler propagation of equatorial
whistler with a ray tracing technique using the International Reference Ionosphere 2016 (IRI) and
a local dipolar magnetic field approximation derived from the IGRF-13 as background models.
Ray tracing provides an estimate of the propagation path and the group delay of the whistler. Since
ray tracing is an application of geometric optics, it has inherent limitations for large wavelength
that are characterized in the context of ELF whistler simulation.
Ray tracing allows us to successfully model ELF whistler dispersion as detected by Swarm ASM.
This is tested on both whistler following Eckersley’s law and equatorial whistlers. For the latter
case, the simulated group delay is shown to have two main contributions: the first is related to the
expected wave dispersion and the second to the special propagation geometry of these signals.
Indeed, the various frequency components of equatorial whistlers have ray paths that differs
widely, impacting the length traveled by the rays and thus their group delay. This explains well the
group delay of ELF equatorial seen in Swarm ASM data.

How to cite: Jenner, M., Coisson, P., Hulot, G., Deborde, R., and Chauvet, L.: Ray Tracing of the Equatorial Extremely Low Frequency Whistlers Detected by the Swarm Mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7098,, 2025.

EGU25-7665 | Orals | EMRP2.5

A Pc3 magnetic pulsation possibly associated with the Lamb wave generated by the 2022 Tonga undersea volcanic eruption 

Toshihiko Iyemori, Yoshihiro Yokoyama, and Tadashi Aoyama

A peculiar compressional Pc3 magnetic pulsation was observed by the Swarm satellites on the dayside which may have been caused by the Lamb wave generated at the Tonga undersea volcanic eruption on January 15, 2022. The difference between this and other usual compressional Pc3 pulsations observed at low and mid-latitudes is its spectral structure. The power spectral density (PSD) usually peaks at the periods between 20 and 30 sec, but in this event observed on the dayside orbit around the time when the Lamb wave passed under the Swarm orbit, the PSD peaks below 20 sec and is small in the periods longer than 20 sec. It is shown that this is a very rare case, although not the only one, during the period examined, i.e., from December 2013 to April 2022. The PSD has many sharp spectral peaks, but they don't have usual harmonic structure, and the frequencies of the peaks are nearly common with those of other similar events. The Pc3s observed at low-latitude (L<3 Re) ground magnetic stations simultaneously with the satellites show a very good correspondence of PSD peaks with those of the Swarm satellites although those of high-latitude station do not. The solar wind on January 15, 2022 was disturbed and high speed, so the possibility that the solar wind was the cause of the Pc3 cannot be completely excluded. However, the coincidence of the Pc3 appearance with the Lamb wave arrival, its peculiar spectral structure, and a comparison with ground magnetic observations suggest that this phenomenon is likely to be related to the Lamb wave arrival. A plasmaspheric cavity resonance excited by a magneto-sonic wave injected from the ionosphere via ionospheric dynamo could be a possible mechanism. This is probably the first report on a Pc3 magnetic pulsation possibly caused by lower atmospheric disturbance.

How to cite: Iyemori, T., Yokoyama, Y., and Aoyama, T.: A Pc3 magnetic pulsation possibly associated with the Lamb wave generated by the 2022 Tonga undersea volcanic eruption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7665,, 2025.

EGU25-9287 * | Orals | EMRP2.5 | Highlight

The Upcoming ESA Scout NanoMagSat Mission, a Nanosatellite Constellation to Further Improve Geomagnetic Field and Ionospheric Environment Monitoring and Modeling 

Gauthier Hulot, Pierdavide Coïsson, Jean-Michel Léger, Lasse B. N. Clausen, John L. Jørgensen, Jose van den Ijssel, Louis Chauvet, Thomas Jager, Florian Deconinck, Pepe Nieto, Fabrice Cipriani, Massimiliano Pastena, and Jean-Pascal Lejault

Geomagnetic field and ionospheric environment monitoring is presently achieved with huge success by the three satellites of the Swarm Earth Explorer ESA constellation launched in November 2013. Maintaining and improving observations beyond the lifetime of Swarm is critical for both science investigations and advanced applications. NanoMagSat aims at fulfilling this goal. This much cheaper mission is currently in Phase B within the context of the ESA Scout program. It will deploy and operate a new Low-Earth orbiting constellation of three identical 16U nanosatellites, using two inclined (~ 60°) and one polar orbits at an initial altitude of 545 km, to complement and take over the Swarm mission. The mission is planned to start deploying end of 2027, for a minimum of three years of full constellation operation between 2028 and 2031.

This constellation is designed to cover all local times (LT) at all latitudes, with special emphasis on latitudes between 60°N and 60°S, where all LT will be visited within about a month, much faster than is currently achieved by the Swarm constellation. Each satellite will carry an advanced Miniaturized Absolute scalar and self-calibrated vector Magnetometer (MAM) with star trackers (STR) collocated on an ultra-stable optical bench at the tip of a deployable boom, a new compact High Frequency Magnetometer (HFM) (at mid-boom), a multi-Needle Langmuir Probe (m-NLP) and dual frequency GNSS receivers (all on the satellite body). This payload suite will acquire high-precision/resolution oriented absolute vector magnetic data at 1 Hz, very low noise scalar and vector magnetic field data at 2 kHz, electron density data at 2 kHz, and electron temperature data at 1 Hz. GNSS receivers will also allow top-side TEC and ionospheric radio-occultation profiles to be recovered.

In this presentation, the main science goals of the mission will first be introduced and the rationale for the choice of the payload and constellation design next explained. The various data products currently planned to be produced will also be described. Special emphasis will be put on the innovative aspects of the mission with respect to Swarm and other previous missions. Finally, the benefit of relying on such nanosatellite constellations for maintaining long-term observations of the magnetic field and ionospheric environment, to complement ground-based observations will also be discussed.

How to cite: Hulot, G., Coïsson, P., Léger, J.-M., Clausen, L. B. N., Jørgensen, J. L., van den Ijssel, J., Chauvet, L., Jager, T., Deconinck, F., Nieto, P., Cipriani, F., Pastena, M., and Lejault, J.-P.: The Upcoming ESA Scout NanoMagSat Mission, a Nanosatellite Constellation to Further Improve Geomagnetic Field and Ionospheric Environment Monitoring and Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9287,, 2025.

Modern geomagnetic field models can successfully represent many details of the observed large-scale field and its slow time changes. However, the obtained model uncertainty is often underestimated, which limits our ability to evaluate the reliability of signals recovered in the field models. The increasing amount of globally distributed, high-quality magnetic data observed by low-Earth orbit satellites, such as Swarm, MSS-1 and the planned NanoMagSat mission, present an opportunity to improve the model uncertainty by providing important statistical information on the expected errors of the input magnetic data used in field modelling.  

During the field model estimation, data errors are usually assumed to be uncorrelated in time and independent of position. However, limitations in the parameterization of the models regarding magnetospheric and ionospheric sources lead to residuals between model predictions and magnetic observations that are not only larger than the expected measurement noise but are also correlated and varying with position. Not adequately describing these correlations during the model estimation leads to unrealistic model uncertainties, which hinders, for example, their use in applications such as assimilation into numerical Geodynamo simulations.

Here, the statistics of vector residuals between magnetic observations from the Swarm satellites and the CHAOS-7 geomagnetic field model predictions are studied by computing sample means and covariances for the field components as a function of time and magnetic coordinates. This analysis reveals significant covariances, particularly at mid-to-high latitudes. The sample covariances are used to construct non-diagonal data error covariance matrices, which can be used in field modelling.

Finally, test field models built using the non-diagonal data error covariances matrices within the CHAOS modelling framework are discussed, illustrating the effect of correlated data errors on the recovered fields and the associated model uncertainties.

How to cite: Kloss, C.: Accounting for correlated errors in Swarm magnetic data within the CHAOS field modelling framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11188,, 2025.

EGU25-11455 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

The Plasma Waves Instrument for LilacSat-3 Mission 

Yuhui Fu, Li Zeng, Fulin Shi, Fan Wu, Ruichen Xi, and Jinbin Cao

The ionosphere is the nearest natural plasma laboratory to the Earth. Ionospheric plasma waves serve as a important diagnostic tool for understanding space plasma and space weather. The CSES 01 mission and the DEMETER satellite made in-situ measurements of low-frequency plasma waves on sun-synchronous orbits and observed a large number of wave events, including whistlers, ionospheric hiss, and artificial very low-frequency (VLF) emissions, which revealed the local response of the ionosphere to natural hazards, space weather events, and human activities such as long-distance power line harmonic radiation and high-power VLF emissions. Moreover, the propagation of low-frequency electromagnetic waves in ionospheric plasma exhibits an obvious variation with altitude. However, it is not enough to study in-situ propagation characteristics of waves at different altitudes in the mid-latitude and low-latitude ionosphere. The micro-satellite LilacSat-3 provides an opportunity for this study. LilacSat-3, a thin disk-shaped satellite with a diameter of 1 meter, developed by Harbin Institute of Technology, will be launched into a sun-synchronous orbit with a variable altitude, gradually decreasing from an initial altitude of 500 kilometers. LilacSat-3 Plasma Waves Instrument (PWI), developed by School of Space and Earth Sciences, Beihang University, incorporates a pair of concentric loops designed to measure the magnetic component of ionospheric plasma waves and ionospheric disturbance caused by ground-based artificial VLF emissions along the normal direction of the satellite disk, providing a data source for revealing the characteristics of ionospheric response to space weather events in Low Earth orbit (LEO) and studying the propagation of artificial VLF emissions. The boomless concentric loop sensors exhibit intrinsic structural compatibility with the disk-shaped satellite. PWI adopts a high-accuracy data acquisition unit with 24-bit resolution and a maximum sampling frequency up to 200kHz, and is timed by Pulse per Second (PPS) signal with an accuracy of 1μs. The operating frequency range of PWI is up to 100kHz. LilacSat-3 mission is anticipated to be launched in mid-2025.

How to cite: Fu, Y., Zeng, L., Shi, F., Wu, F., Xi, R., and Cao, J.: The Plasma Waves Instrument for LilacSat-3 Mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11455,, 2025.

EGU25-12183 | Orals | EMRP2.5

MSCM: A geomagnetic Model derived from Swarm, CSES and MSS-1 satellite data and the evolution of the South Atlantic Anomaly 

Yu Gao, Zhengtao Wang, Phil Livermore, Hannah Rogers, and Cong Liu

Measurements from geomagnetic satellites continue to underpin advances in geomagnetic field models that describe Earth’s internally generated magnetic field. Here we present a new field model: MSCM that integrates vector and scalar data from the Swarm, CSES, and MSS-1 satellites. The model spans 2014.0 to 2024.5, incorporating the core, lithospheric, and magnetospheric fields, showing similar characteristics to other published models. For the first time, we demonstrate that incorporating CSES vector data successfully produces a geomagnetic field model, albeit one in which the radial and azimuthal CSES vector components are Huber downweighted. We further show that data from MSS-1 can be used to construct a fully time-dependent geomagnetic field model. MSCM identifies new behaviour of the South Atlantic Anomaly, the broad region of low magnetic field intensity over the southern Atlantic. This prominent feature appears split into a western and eastern part, each with its own intensity minimum. Since 2015, the principal western minimum has undergone only modest intensity decreases of 290 nT and westward motion of 20km/yr, while the recently-formed eastern minimum has shown an intensity drop 2-3 times greater of 730nT with no apparent motion. 

How to cite: Gao, Y., Wang, Z., Livermore, P., Rogers, H., and Liu, C.: MSCM: A geomagnetic Model derived from Swarm, CSES and MSS-1 satellite data and the evolution of the South Atlantic Anomaly, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12183,, 2025.

EGU25-12507 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

A study of ionospheric variability through SWARM and ground-based observations to inform on the variability of radio propagation effects. 

Tianchu Lu, Biagio Forte, Paul Kinsler, and Jose Van den IJssel

Radio waves are subject to a variety of propagation effects when traversing through the ionosphere.  These effects depend on the radio wave frequency as well as on the ionospheric conditions that determine the spatial distribution of plasma density along a given ray path. Ionospheric propagation effects can be determined at various orders of approximation of the Appleton-Hartree equation for the refractive index. These propagation effects vary according to the variability of the ionosphere, which is driven by complex combinations between factors such as solar and magnetic activities, 

This contribution discusses the variability of ionospheric conditions in relation to propagation effects. The ionospheric variability was estimated by using a diverse set of information: ionospheric and magnetic models, in-situ and ground observations.  

Within a timespan of a solar cycle, from November 2013 to November 2024, the European Space Agency's SWARM constellation has enabled unprecedented studies of Earth's Ionosphere and Magnetosphere through the provision of continuous, high temporal and spatial measurements of electron density and magnetic field parameters. In this work electron density and magnetic field in-situ SWARM observations are compared with the IRI model (Bilitza et al., 2017), the IGRF model (Thebault et al., 2015), and with ground observations. Ground-based observations, including electron density parameters recorded by GIRO ionosondes and magnetic field strength recorded by selected magnetometers, collected at geographically diverse locations were compared with SWARM’s in-situ measurements at different magnetic latitudes/longitudes, and under various ionospheric conditions over an entire solar cycle.

This analysis covered an entire solar cycle period and included an assessment of both active and quiet conditions (e.g., through the use of indices such as Kp). 

Initial comparisons between SWARM’s electron density in-situ measurements, GIRO ionosonde observations and the IRI model, as well as between SWARM’s magnetic field strength measurements, ground-based magnetometer data and the IGRF model, seem to suggest a higher ionospheric variability across different latitudes/longitudes, and geomagnetic conditions. The results indicate how a dataset such as offered by SWARM and other similar missions, in synergy with ground-based observations, can form a useful framework to improve the understanding of the ionospheric variability and the corresponding propagation effects.


[1] Bilitza, D., Shubin, V., Truhlik, V., Richards, P., Reinisch, B., & Huang, X. (2017). International Reference Ionosphere 2016: From ionospheric climate to real-time weather predictions. Space Weather, 15(2), 418–429.

[2] Thebault, E., Finlay, C. C., Beggan, C. D., Alken, P., Aubert, J., Barrois, O., … & Zhou, B. (2015). International Geomagnetic Reference Field: The 12th generation. Earth, Planets and Space, 67, 79.

How to cite: Lu, T., Forte, B., Kinsler, P., and Van den IJssel, J.: A study of ionospheric variability through SWARM and ground-based observations to inform on the variability of radio propagation effects., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12507,, 2025.

EGU25-13355 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5

Electron density modelling at Swarm height using Neural Networks for space weather monitoring 

Marjolijn Adolfs and Mohammed Mainul Hoque

The Swarm data base is well-suited to address a number of topics of serious interest in space weather science and monitoring as for instance: spatial and temporal characteristics of ionospheric electron density, improving topside approaches in ionospheric models for monitoring and forecasting the dynamics of the geo-plasma environment. In this study, we developed a neural network-based electron density model using the electron density measured by Langmuir probes on the Swarm A and C satellites. Data from the years 2014 till 2021 has been used for this study, where the satellites have an approximate altitude range of 470-430 km. The model’s capability of showing large and small-scale features of the ionosphere was tested and the results show that the model is capable of showing the crest formations on both sides of the magnetic equator, as well as seasonal and diurnal variations. Furthermore, using the neural network-based model predictions, the nighttime winter anomaly (NWA) feature was investigated. The NWA is a small-scale feature that can be observed during low solar activity conditions at nighttime in the Northern Hemisphere at the American sector and in the Southern Hemisphere at the Asian sector. Such electron density models at specific height region can be used for three-dimensional ionosphere model validation as well as for the development of improved ionosphere models. Again, accurate modelling and monitoring of ionospheric electron density at certain height region can help prediction of space weather impact.

How to cite: Adolfs, M. and Hoque, M. M.: Electron density modelling at Swarm height using Neural Networks for space weather monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13355,, 2025.

The Swarm satellite mission, launched by the European Space Agency in 2013, investigates Earth's ionosphere using advanced onboard instruments, including GPS receivers capable of tracking signals from up to eight satellites simultaneously. Loss of navigational capability, defined as periods when fewer than four GPS satellites are tracked, poses significant challenges for precise positioning and mission operations.
Before 2020, the frequency of these events was relatively low, with fewer than 200 occurrences for Swarm A and C, and fewer than 100 for Swarm B. After 2020, the number of events increased dramatically, exceeding 1,400 for Swarm A and C, and 400 for Swarm B. While geomagnetic activity directly affects high-latitude regions, less than 10% of these events occur in the high-latitude ionosphere, suggesting indirect influences of magnetic storms on other latitudes through associated phenomena.
This study investigates the correlation between geomagnetic activity and loss of navigational capability, exploring whether geomagnetic indices and magnetic storms act as precursors or are unrelated to these events. The findings will provide insights into the interplay between space weather and satellite-based navigation, contributing to improved operational resilience in future satellite missions.

How to cite: Knudsen, D. and Ghadjari, H.: Investigating the Role of Geomagnetic Activity in Loss of Navigational Capability in the Swarm Satellite Mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14321,, 2025.

EGU25-14373 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5 | Highlight

Investigating Low-latitude Ionospheric Variations During the 2024 "Mother's Day Storm": Combined Swarm and Ground-Based Observations 

Ali Mohandesi, David J. Knudsen, Susan Skone, and Hossein Ghadjari

Geomagnetic storms significantly impact the morphology and dynamics of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA). The geomagnetic storm of May 10, 2024, also known as the “Mother’s Day Storm”, was the most intense geomagnetic storm in the last two solar cycles. Given its severity, understanding the storm's impact on the ionosphere is crucial. This study investigates the variations of the low-latitude ionosphere during the Mother's Day Storm, utilizing observations from ESA’s Swarm satellites, as well as total electron density (TEC) estimates from the ground.

Data from the Langmuir Probes, the Electric Field Instrument (EFI), and TEC derived from GPS receivers onboard The Swarm satellites were used to analyze the F-region ionosphere. Additionally, ground-based TEC maps from the Madrigal database were employed to examine the altitudinal evolution of the EIA structure.

Results demonstrate a significant enhancement of the double-peak electron density structure of the EIA during the main phase of the storm (starting around 17 UT on May 10), with evidence of the super fountain effect. The EIA crests reached altitudes above the Swarm B satellite orbit (510 km), extending to approximately 40 degrees north and south of the equator. In contrast, the generation of the EIA was suppressed during the storm's recovery phase. These behaviors are interpreted in the context of storm-induced electric fields.

How to cite: Mohandesi, A., Knudsen, D. J., Skone, S., and Ghadjari, H.: Investigating Low-latitude Ionospheric Variations During the 2024 "Mother's Day Storm": Combined Swarm and Ground-Based Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14373,, 2025.

EGU25-15092 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

CSESpy: a unified framework for data analysis of the payloads on board the CSES satellite 

Emanuele Papini, Francesco Maria Follega, Mirko Piersanti, Roberto Battiston, and Piero Diego

The China-Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) mission delivers in-situ measurements of the plasma, electromagnetic fields, and charged particles in the topside ionosphere. Each CSES spacecraft carries several different scientific payloads delivering a wealth of information about the ionospheric plasma dynamics and properties and the energetic particles precipitating in the ionosphere or coming from outside the Earth environment. Here we present CSESpy, a python package designed to provide easy access to CSES Level 2 data products, with the aim to ease the pathway for scientists to carry out the analysis of CSES data, increase opportunities for collaboration and boost joint research efforts.Beyond simply being an interface to the CSES database, CSESpy aims at providing higher-level analysis and visualization tools, as well as tools for combining concurrent measurements from different data products, so as to allow multi-payload and even multi-satellite studies in a unified framework. CSESpy is designed to be highly flexible, as such it can be extended to interface with datasets from other sources and can be embedded in wider software ecosystems for the analysis of space physics data. Tools like CSESpy are crucial for advancing our understanding of complex ionospheric and space weather phenomena that are otherwise challenging to investigate, thereby contributing significantly to advancements in space physics research.

How to cite: Papini, E., Follega, F. M., Piersanti, M., Battiston, R., and Diego, P.: CSESpy: a unified framework for data analysis of the payloads on board the CSES satellite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15092,, 2025.

EGU25-15392 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

Variations of upper thermospheric scale height based on neutral mass density measurements from coplanar low-Earth-orbit satellites 

Heikki Vanhamäki, Lei Cai, Anita Aikio, Marcus Pedersen, and Milla Myllymaa

The mass density scale height in the upper atmosphere gives the vertical distance over which the neutral mass density decreases by a factor of e (the base of natural logarithms). The change in scale height may depend on changes in neutral temperature and/or composition. This study uses simultaneous measurements of neutral mass density from coplanar low-Earth-orbit satellites to derive the neutral mass density scale height and analyses the variations of the scale height during quiet time and geomagnetic storms. The coplanar events are found in the satellite missions from 2014 to 2023, including Swarm, GRACE, and GRACE-FO.

Our study shows several interesting findings. During geomagnetic storms, the scale heights are increased significantly (by up to 15 km), probably mainly due to increased upper thermospheric temperature. The increase in scale height depends on latitude, local time, and season. In the summer hemisphere and on the dayside, the upper thermospheric temperature (or exospheric temperature) can be estimated by assuming the dominant composition of the neutrals is the atomic oxygen at the LEO satellite altitudes. Additionally, during quiet time, the semi-diurnal tides are revealed in neutral mass density scale height. The results provide strong evidence of the propagation of the atmospheric tides from below to the topside ionosphere-thermosphere, which affects the upper thermospheric temperature and/or composition. This is also a new way for atmospheric tidal diagnostics based on LEO satellite measurements.

How to cite: Vanhamäki, H., Cai, L., Aikio, A., Pedersen, M., and Myllymaa, M.: Variations of upper thermospheric scale height based on neutral mass density measurements from coplanar low-Earth-orbit satellites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15392,, 2025.

EGU25-19863 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5

Extreme two-phase change of the ionospheric electron temperature overshoot during geomagnetic storms uncovered by neural networks 

Artem Smirnov, Yuri Shprits, Hermann Lühr, Alessio Pignalberi, Elena Kronberg, Fabricio Prol, and Chao Xiong

An intense surge in equatorial electron temperature (Te) at sunrise, known as the morning Te overshoot, has been one of the most widely studied ionospheric features since its discovery in the early Space Age. Despite extensive research, its behavior during geomagnetic storms remains poorly understood. Using global electron temperature observations by the CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) mission in 2002-2010, we develop a neural network Te model, which helped us uncover a two-stage response of the morning Te overshoot to geomagnetic activity. During the storm’s main phase, electron temperatures in the overshoot region exhibit a pronounced enhancement, which is followed by a dramatic depletion exceeding 1000 K and the disappearance of the overshoot during the recovery phase. This two-phase evolution corresponds to the initial impact of a westward prompt penetration electric field (PPEF), which reduces electron densities therefore allowing for a more efficient energy exchange between the newly ionized particles at sunrise and lower energy (depleted) ambient plasma. The initial PPEF influence is overtaken by the eastward disturbance dynamo field later in the storm, which flips the ExB drift from downward to upward and lifts more electrons into the F-region. Increased electron densities enhance the cooling rates leading to the disappearance of the overshoot in the recovery phase of the storms. Our findings shed new light on the dynamics of the morning electron temperature overshoot and highlight the capability of digital twin models to uncover previously unrecognized physical phenomena in the near-Earth space environment. Additionally, we discuss the applications of the developed model for various ionospheric applications, including the calibration of electron temperatures from Swarm Langmuir Probes. 

How to cite: Smirnov, A., Shprits, Y., Lühr, H., Pignalberi, A., Kronberg, E., Prol, F., and Xiong, C.: Extreme two-phase change of the ionospheric electron temperature overshoot during geomagnetic storms uncovered by neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19863,, 2025.

EGU25-20825 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

ESA's VirES service for accessing and analysing data from Swarm and beyond 

Martin Pačes and Ashley Smith

The VirES service[1] has been developed to make Swarm products accessible to programmers and non-programmers alike. Web services provide robust access to both data and models, which are coupled to a graphical interface for easy exploration and visualisation, as well as Python tooling to support community-developed tools and processing options. VirES is also integrated with other data systems through adoption of the Heliophysics API (HAPI)[2].

The web client GUI provides both 3D visualisation and customisable 2D plotting, allowing data exploration without any programming required. On the other hand, ready-to-run Jupyter notebooks[3] provide the more intrepid explorer the opportunity to generate more bespoke analysis and visualisation. The notebooks are backed by a JupyterHub furnished with domain-relevant Python packages, which together lower the barrier to entry to programming. Both the web client and notebooks are interlinked with the Swarm handbook[4] which provides more detailed documentation of products.

While the service was originally developed to serve Swarm products, we also provide access to ground magnetic observatory data derived from INTERMAGNET, as well as Swarm "multimission" products derived from other spacecraft as part of Swarm projects. We are actively looking into ways in which the service and associated software can support related missions, including the Macau Science Satellites and NanoMagSat.

VirES is developed for ESA by EOX IT Services[5], in close collaboration with researchers across the Swarm Data, Innovation, and Science Cluster (DISC). We aim to produce a sustainable ecosystem of tools and services, which together support accessibility, interoperability, open science, and cloud-based processing. All services are available freely to all, and the software is developed openly on GitHub[6,7].


How to cite: Pačes, M. and Smith, A.: ESA's VirES service for accessing and analysing data from Swarm and beyond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20825,, 2025.

EGU25-20929 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5

Korea’s LEO Satellite Explorations of the Earth’s Ionosphere and Thermosphere 

Young-Sil Kwak, Jaejin Lee, Woo Kyoung Lee, Hyosub Kil, and Jaeheung Park

KASI has been developing LEO satellite observation missions to study the Earth's ionosphere and upper atmosphere. These missions include SNIPE (Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment), SNIPE-2 (Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment-2), ROKITS (Republic Of Korea Imaging Test System), and ATHENA (Aurora THErmosphere ioNosphere for spAceweather). The successful launch of the SNIPE (Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment) mission in May 2023, featuring a formation flight of three nanosatellites, enables simultaneous observation of the spatio-temporal changes in plasma microstructures in the near-Earth space. It is still operational as of January 2025 and has provided high-quality observations of ionospheric plasma changes, particularly during the intense geomagnetic storms of May and October 2024. Based on this SNIPE, development of SNIPE-2, which will conduct stable near-Earth space exploration with six CubeSats, has also begun. Looking ahead, KASI’s upcoming mission, ROKITS (Republic Of Korea Imaging Test System), is scheduled for launch in 2025 to observe the Earth’s upper atmosphere with a wide-field aurora/airglow imager in visible wavelength (OI 557.7 nm and OI 630.0 nm). This imager will operate in a noon-midnight sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 600 km. The primary scientific goal of ROKITS is to define the boundary of the auroral oval and analyze various auroral shapes and the evolution of auroral features. Additionally, KASI is initiating an ambitious mission ATHENA (Aurora and Thermosphere: Energetics, Neutrals, and Atmosphere). ATHENA aims to advance our understanding of space weather forced from above and below using the observations by two threshold payloads: optical imagers operating in visual/infrared (KASI/ROKITS_IR) and far-ultraviolet (JHUAPL/GUVI+) wavelengths. ATHENA will fly these instruments in a near-polar, sun-synchronous orbit at about 640km. The key space weather parameters from the mission include auroral boundary and external energy input, atmospheric gravity waves, and vertical profiles of main atmospheric constituents. This presentation outlines the current and future LEO satellite exploration efforts of Korea’s Earth’s ionosphere and Thermosphere.

How to cite: Kwak, Y.-S., Lee, J., Lee, W. K., Kil, H., and Park, J.: Korea’s LEO Satellite Explorations of the Earth’s Ionosphere and Thermosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20929,, 2025.

EGU25-3019 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7

Revival of surface water after the runaway greenhouse on close-in terrestrial planets 

Yueyun Ouyang and Feng Ding

Close-in terrestrial planets orbiting M dwarfs can sustain ice cap on the permanent nightside under inefficient heat transport, which can bring potential habitability. However, the amount of ice may be limited considering the water surviving from the steam atmosphere after the runaway greenhouse state, and the condensation process through which water retains is not clear. Here, we use a two-column radiative-convective model to investigate the water condensation process of tidally locked planets after the runaway greenhouse state. We find that this process is determined by two equilibrium states, which results from the competition between the atmospheric greenhouse effect and dayside radiator fin. These equilibrium states are influenced by factors such as stellar flux and uncondensable greenhouse gases. Our result provides an easy method to quantify the amount of water condensed after runaway state and can help to understand water content of M dwarf planets.

How to cite: Ouyang, Y. and Ding, F.: Revival of surface water after the runaway greenhouse on close-in terrestrial planets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3019,, 2025.

EGU25-4732 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.7

The Atmospheric Response to an Unusual Early-Year Martian Dust St 

Cong Sun, Chengyun Yang, Tao Li, Dexin Lai, and Xin Fang

A regional dust storm was observed in the northern spring of Martian Year 35, a period characterized by a relatively cold and clear atmosphere. Satellite observations and general circulation model simulations indicate that the atmospheric temperature response to this early regional dust storm closely resembles an equatorial counterpart of the regional dust storm responses typically observed during the high dust loading season. Atmospheric heating in the dust-lifting region was primarily driven by shortwave radiative heating of dust particles. Anomalous cooling in the northern mesosphere and heating responses in the southern troposphere were associated with dust-modulated gravity waves and planetary waves, respectively. Inhomogeneous heating from dust distribution during the storm generated anomalous atmospheric waves, significantly enhancing southward meridional circulation and lifting water vapor in the lower tropical troposphere. This dust storm substantially increased meridional water transport from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere, with pronounced longitudinal asymmetry underscoring the influence of tropical topographic features on water vapor transport.

How to cite: Sun, C., Yang, C., Li, T., Lai, D., and Fang, X.: The Atmospheric Response to an Unusual Early-Year Martian Dust St, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4732,, 2025.

EGU25-5337 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7

Contribution of Diurnal Tide to Venus Cloud-Top Superrotation 

Dexin Lai, Sebastien Lebonnois, and Tao Li

Venus’s cloud-top superrotation, characterized by equatorial zonal winds of ~100 m/s, is sustained by the atmospheric angular momentum (AM) induced by atmospheric waves, especially thermal tides, and meridional circulation. However, the overall patterns of thermal tides and their individual components’ contribution to superrotation remain poorly understood. Recent Akatsuki observations and semispectral model simulations suggest that the semidiurnal tide is the dominant driving force behind cloud-top superrotation. Using a 16-year radio occultation dataset observed by Venus Express and Akatsuki, we have, for the first time, revealed the thermal tide structure from the cloud base to mesopause (50-90 km) in the southern hemisphere and validated the tidal patterns simulated by the Venus Planetary Climate Model. The simulation indicates that diurnal tide-induced AM flux divergence is the primary driving force for the equatorial cloud-top superrotation, contrary to the previously held belief that the semidiurnal tide was dominant.

How to cite: Lai, D., Lebonnois, S., and Li, T.: Contribution of Diurnal Tide to Venus Cloud-Top Superrotation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5337,, 2025.

EGU25-6151 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7

Is It Possible to Detect Airless Exomoons Through Thermal Phase Curves? 

Xinyi Song, Jun Yang, and Yueyun Ouyang

More than 200 moons exist in our solar system, but no exomoon has been confirmed to date. What kind of exoplanetary systems are possible to host exomoons, and what are the possible ways to detect the exomoons? We conduct N-body orbital simulations for three representative cases that are close to their host stars, and find that the possibility of exomoon existence varies across different systems. TRAPPIST-1 e and GJ 1214 b are possible to host exomoons, although the exomoon orbital stability zones are narrow and close to the planets. WASP-121 b is unlikely to host exomoons because the planetary radius is nearly half of the Hill radius, and beyond the Hill sphere, the the star's gravitational influence dominates the exomoon. Close-in airless exomoons maintain large temperature difference between the day and night hemispheres. The large day-night temperature contrast of the exomoon significantly amplifies the total thermal phase curve amplitude of an exomoon-exoplanet system, especially for large, airless exomoons orbiting exoplanets with atmospheres. When the hypothetical exomoon transits or is blocked by the exoplanet, the transit depth varies with the planetary phase, and the occultation depth varies with the exomoon's phase. For an Earth-sized exomoon orbiting GJ 1214 b, the occultation signal can reach 100 ppm. Without extracting the exomoon signal, retrieving the planetary temperature distribution from observed thermal phase curve is likely to overestimate the planetary day-night temperature contrast, and underestimate the planetary horizontal heat transport. With longer observation time and greater time resolution from infrared space telescopes in the future, detecting exomoons through thermal phase curves is possible.

How to cite: Song, X., Yang, J., and Ouyang, Y.: Is It Possible to Detect Airless Exomoons Through Thermal Phase Curves?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6151,, 2025.

EGU25-7165 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7

MEGA-MIP: M-Earth Global Atmospheres Model Intercomparison Project 

Hannah Woodward, Andrew Rushby, and Nathan Mayne

M-dwarf stars are smaller and cooler than solar-type stars, yet are the most abundant and long-lived in the Galaxy. They are also more likely to host rocky planets, particularly within the circumstellar Habitable Zone, with the caveat that these planets are likely to be tidally-locked to their host star with one hemisphere permanently illuminated and the other in perpetual darkness. Modelling studies have so far shown that these atmospheres may be protected against collapse on the nightside given sufficient pressure, as well as identifying multiple atmospheric circulation regimes which are determined primarily by planetary rotation rate. Whilst the majority of studies examine simulations from a single model, the use of multimodel intercomparisons (e.g., CUISINES) is becoming increasingly popular, with results suggesting some diversity in simulated atmospheres and climate. Furthermore, with the characterisation of temperate rocky exoplanet atmospheres on the horizon for observers, the resultant ensemble spread may help to constrain uncertainties and degeneracies within future observations. MEGA-MIP aims to build upon the work of predecessors such as THAI and Haqq-Misra et al. (2018), using an ensemble of 3D general circulation models adapted for use in exoplanet climatology to simulate a set of tidally-locked terrestrial planets along the inner edge of the Habitable Zone. Particular emphasis will be placed upon discussing the preliminary results from the intercomparison, which examine the diversity of the global atmospheric circulation, surface climate, and habitability across the distinct circulation regimes introduced by Haqq-Misra et al. (2018).

How to cite: Woodward, H., Rushby, A., and Mayne, N.: MEGA-MIP: M-Earth Global Atmospheres Model Intercomparison Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7165,, 2025.

EGU25-10787 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.7

Recent updates on HDO cycle modeling on Mars 

Guillaume Petzold, Franck Montmessin, Joseph Naar, and Ehouarn Millour

The deuterium/hydrogen isotopic ratio, D/H, is one of the keys to understand the origin of water on terrestrial bodies within the Solar System and its evolution over time in their atmospheres.

In the atmosphere of Mars, this D/H ratio is on average 5 to 6 times higher than what is found on Earth (Earth oceans serve as a reference with the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, VSMOW). Although Martian water is present only in very low quantities (100 ppmv on average), its high deuterium enrichment points to a wetter past for the red planet, which is supported by various geological indicators (valleys, ancient lakes, shorelines). To understand this result and how the water has escaped from Mars' atmosphere, the study of HDO – the main source of changes in the D/H ratio on the planet – and its annual cycle appears essential, particularly regarding its seasonal behavior in the upper atmosphere where water vapor can be photodissociated and then ejected.

The Mars PCM (Planetary Climate Model) simulates the Martian atmosphere physical, chemical and dynamical processes;  including water ice cloud-related phenomena, such as condensation, which play a significant role in the relative behavior of HDO. This model, coupled with observations and data from ACS (Atmospheric Chemistry Suite), has shed light on the HDO cycle in recent years. However, differences still exist between the model results and the observations. This is particularly the case for the vertical distribution of water vapor in the upper atmosphere. Some improvements to the MPCM, e.g.  dust, water clouds and gravity waves are provided, and their effects are studied and discussed. One of them is the implementation of a more realistic dust particles size distribution in the model. These improvements provide a more realistic HDO cycle as well as a more reliable source of comparison with the ACS observations. The goal is to further understand the nature and origin of the high deuterium enrichment on the red planet.

How to cite: Petzold, G., Montmessin, F., Naar, J., and Millour, E.: Recent updates on HDO cycle modeling on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10787,, 2025.

EGU25-10793 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.7

Investigating the effects of fractionation on HDO cycle and D/H on Venus 

Dan Li, Franck Montmessin, Franck Lefèvre, Nicolas Streel, Sebastien Lebonnois, and Guillaume Petzold

HDO is an isotopic form of water that can provide clues about the history and evolution of water on terrestrial planets. By comparing the D/H ratio derived from the abundance ratio of HDO and H2O on Venus with that of other planets or comets that have similar origins, we can estimate how much water Venus stored and lost during its formation and evolution. The Venus Plobal Climate Model (VPCM) developed by several laboratories (LMD, LATMOS) of Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL, in Paris area) can simulate the chemical and dynamical processes of the Venusian atmosphere. However, HDO has so far not been included in the VPCM before. In this work, we first implement HDO in the gas and liquid phases as two additional tracers of the model to investigate their spatial and temporal distributions. As an isotope of water, HDO participates to all the chemical and physical processes in which water is involved. Furthermore, we have analyzed the influence of fractionation of HDO during condensation, and photolysis processes on the resulting D/H.

How to cite: Li, D., Montmessin, F., Lefèvre, F., Streel, N., Lebonnois, S., and Petzold, G.: Investigating the effects of fractionation on HDO cycle and D/H on Venus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10793,, 2025.

EGU25-11973 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7

How unique is our rocky planet as a cradle of life in the universe? 

Gergely Friss, Paul I. Palmer, and Marrick Braam

When life emerged on Earth ~4 Gyr ago, the physical and chemical environments were vastly different from today. For example, the Sun was fainter, small bodies bombarded Earth’s surface, and the atmosphere was reducing. Yet, this seemingly lethal environment turned out to be beneficial for producing the building blocks of life, e.g. amino acids, sugars and nucleobases. The reaction chain to form such complex species can in theory begin with a simple molecule such as hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and take place on the planetary surface, in hypothesised warm little ponds. However, HCN itself is mainly produced in the atmosphere through photochemical reactions. It is therefore important to include the atmospheric production of HCN and its transport to the surface, through rain-out processes, and to understand how these processes are influenced by the physical environment. We use a 1-D photochemical kinetic code, named VULCAN, to study these processes on Early Earth and analogous exoplanets. By varying the physical environment and focusing on HCN chemistry we aim to answer the question: Do we live on a special planet or could (early) Earth be part of a larger population of rocky planets in the universe that has the potential to harbour life? As part of this work, we determine the important chemical pathways for a range of physical environments so they can be used later in 3D climate-chemistry model simulations.

How to cite: Friss, G., Palmer, P. I., and Braam, M.: How unique is our rocky planet as a cradle of life in the universe?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11973,, 2025.

EGU25-14352 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.7

Climatic peculiarities of spin-orbit resonant exoplanets orbiting low-mass stars 

Maria Di Paolo, David Stevens, Manoj Joshi, and Robert Hall

M dwarfs are the most promising candidates for finding habitable planets. While the habitable zone is a starting point for assessing a planet’s potential for hosting life, detailed climate studies are needed to more accurately evaluate habitability. Oceans play a crucial role in shaping planetary climate, making their impact essential for modelling terrestrial exoplanets and interpreting future observations.
Potentially habitable planets orbiting M dwarfs experience particularly strong tidal forcings and are often tidally locked. Despite the majority of research being centered on the climate dynamics of synchronously rotating planets in this scenario, synchronous rotation is not an inevitable outcome of tidal locking. Several different circumstances can result in an asynchronous rotation, and in some instances can lead to spin-orbit resonances.

We have carried out studies using a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (FORTE2.0), which allows us to incorporate the effects of ocean circulation through a dynamic ocean. We investigated the case of terrestrial planets residing in the habitable zone of their M host star characterized by two different rotational states: an Earth-like rotation period and a spin-orbit resonance.
The results of the spin-orbit resonant case significantly differ from the Earth-like rotation case, but also from the synchronous case analysed in the literature. Interestingly, we found that climatic features in the resonant case, such as clouds and rainfall, present peculiar patterns with respect to the substellar point. The evolution of these quantities during a planetary orbit is noteworthy from the observational point of view, as observable features are shaped differently in each rotational scenario.

How to cite: Di Paolo, M., Stevens, D., Joshi, M., and Hall, R.: Climatic peculiarities of spin-orbit resonant exoplanets orbiting low-mass stars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14352,, 2025.

EGU25-15313 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7

Investigating the chemical pathways to prebiotic compounds in exoplanet atmospheres 

Marrick Braam, Ellery Gopaoco, Shang-Min Tsai, Gergely Friss, and Paul Palmer

On geological timescales, Earth’s atmosphere has evolved from a reducing chemical composition to today’s oxidising composition. Life is thought to have originated in the early reduced environment, with a key role for basic prebiotic compounds such as hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and formaldehyde (H2CO). Rocky exoplanets are found in diverse stellar and planetary environments, inevitably presenting diverse atmospheric compositions. We use VULCAN, a 1D photochemical kinetics code, to test the formation mechanisms of prebiotic compounds like HCN and H2CO on exoplanets orbiting around M-dwarf host stars. We explore the sensitivity of the atmospheric chemistry of these compounds, within broader chemical networks, to prior knowledge of the corresponding chemical reactions and rate coefficients. For each sensitivity experiment, we identify the key pathways that form prebiotic compounds from the background atmospheric species. By inserting these key pathways of one chemical network into another, we attempt to reconcile the inter-network differences. Our work paves the way for implementing the key prebiotic pathways in a 3D climate-chemistry model, which we will briefly outline. Finally, since any observation of an exoplanet will represent only a snapshot of its long-term evolution, we argue that understanding different evolutionary epochs is crucial in the search for biosignatures on rocky exoplanets.

How to cite: Braam, M., Gopaoco, E., Tsai, S.-M., Friss, G., and Palmer, P.: Investigating the chemical pathways to prebiotic compounds in exoplanet atmospheres, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15313,, 2025.

EGU25-16449 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7

Detectability of biosignatures in warm, water-rich atmospheres 

Benjamin Taysum, Iris van Zelst, John Grenfell, Franz Schreier, Juan Cabrera, and Heike Rauer

Warm rocky exoplanets within the habitable zone of Sun-like stars are favoured targets for current and future missions. Theory indicates these planets could be wet at formation and remain habitable long enough for life to develop. However, it is unclear to what extent an early ocean on such worlds could influence the response of potential biosignatures. In this work we test the climate-chemistry response, maintenance, and detectability of biosignatures in warm, water-rich atmospheres with Earth biomass fluxes within the framework of the planned LIFE mission.

We used the coupled climate-chemistry column model 1D-TERRA to simulate the composition of planetary atmospheres at different distances from the Sun, assuming Earth's planetary parameters and evolution. We increased the incoming instellation by up to 50 percent in steps of 10 percent, corresponding to orbits of 1.00 to 0.82 AU. Simulations were performed with and without modern Earth’s biomass fluxes at the surface. Theoretical emission spectra of all simulations were produced using the GARLIC radiative transfer model. LIFEsim was then used to add noise to and simulate observations of these spectra to assess how biotic and abiotic atmospheres of Earth-like planets can be distinguished.

Increasing instellation leads to surface water vapour pressures rising from 0.01 bar (1.31%, S = 1.0) to 0.61 bar (34.72%, S = 1.5). In the biotic scenarios, the ozone layer survives because hydrogen oxide reactions with nitrogen oxides prevent the net ozone chemical sink from increasing. Methane is strongly reduced for instellations that are 20% higher than that of the Earth due to the increased hydrogen oxide abundances and UV fluxes. Synthetic observations with LIFEsim, assuming a 2.0 m aperture and resolving power of a R = 50, show that ozone signatures at 9.6 micron reliably point to Earth-like biosphere surface fluxes of O2 only for systems within 10 parsecs. The differences in atmospheric temperature structures due to differing H2O profiles also enable observations at 15.0 micron to reliably identify planets with a CH4 surface flux equal to that of Earth's biosphere. Increasing the aperture to 3.5 m increases this range to 22.5 pc.

How to cite: Taysum, B., van Zelst, I., Grenfell, J., Schreier, F., Cabrera, J., and Rauer, H.: Detectability of biosignatures in warm, water-rich atmospheres, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16449,, 2025.

EGU25-19279 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7

Ozone depletion from solar energetic particle events on Mars. 

Ellen Haltuff, Elise Wright Knutsen, Arianna Piccialli, Yuki Nakamura, and Ian Thomas

The atmospheric response to solar energetic particle (SEP) events has been studied in depth on Earth, but far less extensively on Mars. Understanding the Martian atmosphere's response to SEP events gives insight into how external forcing affects the photochemical balance in the Martian atmosphere. SEP events from 2004 to 2024 were identified using the error logs from Mars Express. This methodology contributed to developing a comprehensive database of confirmed space weather events on Mars. We analysed data from the spectrometers NOMAD and SPICAM onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter and Mars Express, respectively, to study the effects of SEP events on atmospheric ozone. We observed ozone depletion during and in the days following SEP events by examining vertical profiles of ozone abundance before, during, and after SEP events. The ozone depletion typically lasted from several hours to a few days, before pre-SEP event ozone levels were reached. Ozone depletion was most significant at 35-40 km, with up to 70% depletion. Using ozone column abundance time series statistical trends derived from superposed epoch analysis of multiple SEP events revealed a strong correlation between SEP events and ozone depletion. These findings demonstrate that the Martian atmosphere is severely impacted by solar energetic events, and provide insights for improving atmospheric models.

How to cite: Haltuff, E., Knutsen, E. W., Piccialli, A., Nakamura, Y., and Thomas, I.: Ozone depletion from solar energetic particle events on Mars., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19279,, 2025.

EGU25-19326 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7

An idealised model of Martian polar vortex variability 

Stephen Hughes, William Seviour, Jemma Shipton, and Stephen Thomson

The time averaged winter polar vortex on Mars has been observed to have an annular structure, with a potential vorticity (PV) local minimum at the pole and a surrounding region of higher PV. This structure is known to be barotropically unstable; latent heat released by condensation of atmospheric CO2 is thought to be the major forcing mechanism responsible for maintaining it. Whilst the time-averaged polar vortex is seen to take a smooth annular structure, reanalysis data suggest the instantaneous polar vortex is spatially patchy with localised regions of higher and lower PV rotating around the pole. Polar vortices are typically seen to have strong mixing barriers on their equatorward edges, where large PV gradients are present, however it is not known whether this differs for a patchy polar vortex such as on Mars. Given the close correlation between PV gradients and atmospheric horizontal mixing properties, it is thought that this patchiness may have significant effects on the transport of dust and trace gases within Mars’ polar regions.

Here we present results from a novel modelling approach aiming to represent a potential driver of polar vortex patchiness and its impacts on atmospheric mixing. The shallow water equations are solved on a sphere, with additional terms representing a zonally symmetric radiative forcing, and spatially variable CO2 condensation. A new finite element model, Gusto, is used; this has the potential for future work to utilise adaptive resolution meshes. The effect of the spatially variable latent heating representation is analysed, in the context of the resulting PV patchiness, using metrics such as the eddy enstrophy. A passive tracer is included in the model, allowing a visualisation of horizontal transport across the polar vortex. Differences in mixing properties arising from differing extents of patchiness in the vortex may help explain temporal variations in dust deposits across polar regions, which are visible in the polar layered deposits and may help increase knowledge of Mars’ paleoclimate.

How to cite: Hughes, S., Seviour, W., Shipton, J., and Thomson, S.: An idealised model of Martian polar vortex variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19326,, 2025.

EGU25-19382 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7

Exoplanetary Ionospheric Temperatures on the Edge of Airlessness 

Richard D. Chatterjee, Sarah Blumenthal, and Raymond T. Pierrehumbert

The pattern of airy and airless rocky planets presently being uncovered by JWST is a record of what happens when ionospheres are pushed to their limits by their host stars. Orbiting as close to a red dwarf host as the Parker Probe is to the Sun, a massive rocky planet could harbour liquid water oceans beneath an ionosphere several times hotter than its star’s effective temperature, exhibiting spectacular airglow and aurora. Not only is this a distinct and observable possibility, but planets of this kind may make up a significant fraction of habitable worlds.

What maximum temperature can a tightly bound ionosphere, composed primarily of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms, reach before escaping into space as a hydrodynamic wind? This question lies at the crux of the 500-hour Rocky Worlds DDT Program and the guiding hypothesis of a universal cosmic shoreline.

Locally, the terminal temperatures of these extreme ionospheres are determined by heating from XUV photons emitted by the star’s corona and cooling through collisional excitation of atoms that emit visible and infrared photons. Globally, the thermal structure is determined by photochemistry, fluid dynamics, and electromagnetic interactions. Additionally, stellar cycle variation of ionospheric conditions is likely key to atmospheric evolution. In this talk, we will discuss the key knowns and unknowns in predicting the “edge of airlessness” for the population of rocky exoplanets within the observational reach of the James Webb Space Telescope.

How to cite: Chatterjee, R. D., Blumenthal, S., and Pierrehumbert, R. T.: Exoplanetary Ionospheric Temperatures on the Edge of Airlessness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19382,, 2025.

EGU25-1201 | Orals | AS3.9 | Highlight

Near-future rocket launches could slow ozone recovery 

Laura Revell, Michele Bannister, Tyler Brown, Timofei Sukhodolov, Sandro Vattioni, John Dykema, Dave Frame, John Cater, Gabriel Chiodo, and Eugene Rozanov

Rocket emissions damage the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects life from harmful solar radiation. To understand if significant ozone losses could occur as the launch industry grows, we examine two scenarios of industry aspirations. Our ‘ambitious’ scenario (2,040 launches/year) leads to a -0.29% depletion in annual-mean, near-global total column ozone, relative to a simulation with no rocket launches. Antarctic springtime ozone decreases by 3.9%. Our ‘conservative’ scenario (884 launches/year) leads to a -0.17% annual depletion; current licensing rates suggest this scenario may be exceeded sooner than 2030. Ozone losses are mostly driven by the reactive chlorine produced from solid rocket motor propellant, and black carbon which is emitted from most propellants in contemporary use. The ozone layer is slowly healing from the effects of anthropogenic CFCs, yet ozone abundances are still 2% lower than those measured prior to the onset of CFC-induced ozone depletion. Our results demonstrate that ongoing and frequent rocket launches could delay ozone recovery. Action is needed now to ensure that future growth of the launch industry and ozone protection are mutually sustainable.

How to cite: Revell, L., Bannister, M., Brown, T., Sukhodolov, T., Vattioni, S., Dykema, J., Frame, D., Cater, J., Chiodo, G., and Rozanov, E.: Near-future rocket launches could slow ozone recovery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1201,, 2025.

EGU25-1262 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.9

Middle Atmosphere Climatology using LIDAR for the evaluation of atmospheric conditions during man-made object reentry 

Nicolas Tufel, Philippe Keckhut, and Alain Hauchecorne

Atmospheric reentry impact on the atmosphere is an increasingly important topic today as the number of objects entering the atmosphere continues to rise (e.g. nanosats, cubesats, missiles, …) Modelling the way those artificial objects both enter the atmosphere and disaggregate requires precise knowledge of the medium conditions (e.g. temperature, density, …) However,current atmospheric models like MSIS 2.0 or ERA-5 reanalyses have been proven to lack accuracy at higher altitudes, limiting their use for this application. Therefore, this study aims at proposing an updated middle-atmospheric climatology using the NDACC and our Rayleigh LIDAR. We evaluate the bias between LIDAR observations and models (MSIS 2.0 and ERA 5), and explore the impact of mesospheric events on the temperature climatology. We also demonstrate how both the general daily variability and the input of some extreme events can influence the density and temperature at those altitudes. Climatologies were developed using 40 years of Lidar data, then compared to a climatology obtained with the calling of models. MSIS 2.0, while reliable in terms of seasonal trends, is less accurate daily: it shows high biases with the lidar at high altitudes (1.25% at 60 km, up to 6% at 80km). The European Climate and Weather Forecast model ERA-5 agrees with the lidar at 98.9% in the upper stratosphere but shows a larger statistical bias of 7 to 10% in the mesosphere. We removed extreme events  such as Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs), Mesospheric Inversion Layers (MILs) and Double Stratopause (DSs) to create a “Steady-State” Climatology at different lidar stations. Observing the densities corresponding to the temperature profiles, we could evaluate the annual mean density in the OHP and the impact of those different events on the mean density profile. Density disturbances caused by SSWs and MILs were quantified, revealing deviations of up to 12% and 25%, respectively, from MSIS density profiles, with impacts spanning 10–20 km in altitude. Our study provided important basis for the study of atmospheric reentry. Re-actualisation of temperature and density above lidar station and expected bias for the most commonly used middle-atmosphere model will help set the ground for future evaluation of heating, ablation and trajectory computation in this medium.

How to cite: Tufel, N., Keckhut, P., and Hauchecorne, A.: Middle Atmosphere Climatology using LIDAR for the evaluation of atmospheric conditions during man-made object reentry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1262,, 2025.

EGU25-2816 | Posters on site | AS3.9

Space sustainability through atmosphere pollution? De-orbiting, atmosphere-blindness and planetary environmental injustice 

Urs Schaefer-Rolffs, Patrick Flamm, Daniel Lambach, Claudia Stolle, and Vitali Braun

Space debris is a major issue for space safety. In this context, there is a growing norm of disposal of orbital debris through atmospheric re-entry. The few existing studies, including our own modelling, agree that the projected exponential growth of satellites in Low-Earth Orbits (LEO) may come at the expense of damaging the integrity of the middle and upper atmosphere, with potentially unforeseeable consequences. We argue that sustainable LEO management requires overcoming what we call 'atmosphere-blindness': the limited understanding of the connections between space and the Earth system through orbital disposal practices and their impacts on the atmosphere. In our view, it is thus crucially important to undertake more interdisciplinary research on the issue of de-orbiting, as it is not merely a technical environmental problem, but also an inherently political matter of environmental justice on a planetary scale.

How to cite: Schaefer-Rolffs, U., Flamm, P., Lambach, D., Stolle, C., and Braun, V.: Space sustainability through atmosphere pollution? De-orbiting, atmosphere-blindness and planetary environmental injustice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2816,, 2025.

EGU25-3801 | Posters on site | AS3.9

Recent Observations of Rocket Exhaust Effects on the Ionosphere 

Michael Mendillo, Jeffrey Baumgardner, Joei Wroten, and Carlos Martinis

In 1973, the launch of Skylab created a ~50% depletion in the daytime ionosphere over the N. Atlantic Ocean that lasted for hours. This effect was discovered in the data being routinely gathered by radio receivers monitoring the Total Electron Content (TEC) using the Faraday rotation of a signal from the ATS-3 geostationary satellite. This “ionospheric hole” was created by the H2O and H2 in the rocket exhaust reacting with the ambient O+ in the F region. This reaction is ~2 orders of magnitude faster than the “normal” reaction between O+ and the ambient O2. Subsequent rocket launches were studied to confirm this process. Dedicated rocket launches were also used to create steep density gradients to study ionospheric instabilities near the magnetic equator. Today, rockets are being launched at an ever increasing rate (~2 launches/week), some of them causing ionospheric holes. The launches of Starlink group 6 from Florida de-orbit over the McDonald Observatory where Boston University has an All-sky Imager (ASI) dedicated to observing the optical emissions from the ionosphere. The de-orbit burns release H2O and CO2, both of which create an ionospheric hole with a concurrent burst of 630.0nm airglow. This airglow is bright enough (~ 10kR) to be seen with the unaided eye, and has been documented by citizen scientists. The resulting hole is also seen on GPS TEC maps of the region. Several examples of the de-orbit burns observed with the ASI at McDonald are shown.

How to cite: Mendillo, M., Baumgardner, J., Wroten, J., and Martinis, C.: Recent Observations of Rocket Exhaust Effects on the Ionosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3801,, 2025.

EGU25-3866 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.9

Modeling the atmospheric transport and possible radiative impact of alumina aerosols emitted from the projected increase in annual satellite reentry emissions. 

Christopher Maloney, Robert Portmann, Martin Ross, and Karen Rosenlof

The recent uptick in rocket launch rates, as well as the proposal of large low earth orbit satellite constellations (LLC’s) has renewed interest into how space traffic might impact Earth’s climate. One issue, the potential atmospheric response to a significant increase in aerosols released into the lower mesosphere/upper stratosphere during satellite reentry, remains under studied. It is predicted that if all proposed LLC’s are implemented, the total number of satellites in low earth orbit (LEO) will balloon from ~5,000 to over 60,000 individual satellites by as early as 2040. The corresponding annual emissions of metallic aerosol from satellite reentry is also expected to increase and approach 10 Gg/year. This reentry emission source would be on the same scale as the naturally occurring meteoric mass flux which is estimated to fall between 8 Gg and 20 Gg per year. Little is currently known about what type of exotic aerosols may be released during satellite ablation, but a significant portion of the aerosol population may be aluminum. Reentering LEO satellites are expected to completely vaporize in the mesosphere, and the subsequent vapor cloud will cool and coalesce into metallic aerosol roughly between 60km and 70km. As a result, aluminum aerosol could be rapidly transported into the stratosphere by atmospheric circulation and oxidize into aluminum oxide (Al2O3). Past studies have shown how Al2O3 released by solid rocket motors in the stratosphere can impact heterogeneous chemistry and thus ozone. Additionally, not much work looking at the radiative impact from Al2O3 aerosols in the stratosphere has been conducted. Here we present results from a study which focuses on the radiative impacts and atmospheric transport of hypothetical Al2O3 emissions from satellite reentry. The WACCM6 global model coupled with the CARMA sectional model was run with a 10 Gg/year mass flux of Al2O3 between 60 km and 70 km. We simulate multiple reentry patterns and aerosol size distributions. Our results show that reentry Al2O3 begins to accumulate in the polar region of both hemispheres on a time frame of months to two years, depending on the reentry location and aerosol size. Additionally, anomalous longwave cooling near the stratopause may lead to as large as 1.5 K temperature anomalies in the high latitude stratosphere and perturb the strength of the stratospheric polar vortex by as much as 10%. Due to modeling limitations, the work presented here does not consider important interactions between metallic reentry aerosol and stratospheric chemistry, but our results provide a first order approximation of the potential atmospheric response to an increased influx of satellite reentry aerosol.

How to cite: Maloney, C., Portmann, R., Ross, M., and Rosenlof, K.: Modeling the atmospheric transport and possible radiative impact of alumina aerosols emitted from the projected increase in annual satellite reentry emissions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3866,, 2025.

EGU25-4460 | ECS | Orals | AS3.9

Modelling impacts of ablated space debris on atmospheric aerosols  

Joanna Egan, Wuhu Feng, Daniel Marsh, and John Plane

Around 10% of Junge layer sulphuric acid droplets have been measured to contain metals from ablated space debris. Some metals – Al, Li, Cu, Ni, Mn etc. – already exceed natural background levels from cosmic dust that has ablated in the mesopause region. The effect of these metals on the stratosphere is not yet known, and space debris input has been projected to increase by more than an order of magnitude in the next 15 years. It is therefore vitally important to determine the level of re-entering space debris that will cause significant changes to atmospheric aerosols and stratospheric chemistry, in particular to the ozone layer.  Our calculations predict that the primary component of space debris particles (SDPs) will be aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH)3), which is expected to polymerise rapidly to form nano-particles and react with atmospheric HCl. The resulting complex is predicted to have a photolysis rate ~10 000 times faster than that of gas-phase HCl, and so Cl concentrations and therefore destruction of ozone by chlorine radicals are expected to increase. 

Here we present preliminary results of a modelling study using a sectional aerosol model within an Earth system model (Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with the Community Aerosol and Radiation Model for Atmospheres, WACCM-CARMA).  We simulate the transport of SDPs and meteoric smoke particles (MSPs) produced by condensation of Fe and Mg silicates from ablated cosmic dust. The particles grow by coagulation and deposition of sulphuric acid through 28 size bins (0.34 nm to 1.6 µm radius). The SDPs and MSPs are initially injected in concentrations consistent with current models and observations (7.9 t d-1 MSPs and 0.96 t d-1 SDPs) to assess the transport and lifetimes of the particles in the atmosphere. The effect of increasing the mass of SDPs in line with future increases in space travel is also simulated. The maximum possible impact of SDPs on stratospheric chemistry is then estimated from the available SDP surface area and assuming upper limits for unmeasured physico-chemical parameters. 

How to cite: Egan, J., Feng, W., Marsh, D., and Plane, J.: Modelling impacts of ablated space debris on atmospheric aerosols , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4460,, 2025.

EGU25-4490 | ECS | Orals | AS3.9

Origins of stratospheric particles through an updated automated classification: revisiting the 1981-2020 period of the NASA Cosmic Dust Collections 

Quentin Taupin, Jérémie Lasue, Anni Määttänen, and Michael Zolensky

Every year, from 2000 to 8000 tons of natural extraterrestrial meteoroids are ablated in our atmosphere in the form of aerosols, estimated as a fraction of the total mass of incoming meteoroids. In 2019, the corresponding number for anthropogenic materials was estimated at about 263 tons, originating from launches and re-entries of rocket bodies, satellites, and space debris [1]. These injections of anthropogenic materials raise concerns about their effects on the Earth’s atmosphere such as ozone depletion, radiative forcing  and other unknow effects [2], [3], [4]. Furthermore, the anthropogenic injections are expected to increase significantly due to the rapid increase in launch rates and number of mega-constellations planned for the coming years. Indeed, there have been more satellites launched in the last 6 years than between 1957 and 2018 [5] and these numbers are set to grow, especially in the low Earth orbit region located below 2000 km [6].

However, large uncertainties remain about the evolution of the proportion and origins of these injected anthropogenic particles. This work attempts to reduce these uncertainties by further exploring the compositions of stratospheric particles collected in situ by the NASA Cosmic Dust program over 40 years.

Since 1981, the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) has been collecting dust particles from the lower stratosphere with airborne collectors during specific campaigns and published ~5500 preliminary analyses in the “Cosmic Dust Catalogs”. Each preliminary analysis is based on Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images, some morphological characteristics and X-ray Energy-Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) composition. The particles are then classified into four main groups: Cosmic, Terrestrial Contaminant Natural, Terrestrial Contaminant Artificial and Aluminum Oxide Sphere. Nevertheless, at least 20% of them remain ambiguously classified. The recent digitalization of all the published catalogs gives us the opportunity to explore their composition using multivariate analysis techniques such as Principal Component Analysis, and automatic clustering of the EDS spectra for classification. Nonlinear projected maps of the EDS composition can help visualize the classification of the particles [7]. The compositional clusters obtained can be used to identify the origin of each particle and constrain the atmospheric injection of each material. The temporal variations of the different compositions injected will be assessed and additional EDS data taken on meteorites and natural minerals will be included in the analysis to define natural material references.

In the future, this work will be complemented with new EDS spectra, SEM images and Raman spectroscopy of selected old samples and post-2020 collected samples curated at NASA JSC in Houston.


[1] Schulz and Glassmeier, Advances in Space Research, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2020.10.036

[2] Ferreira et al., Geophysical Research Letters, 2024. DOI: 10.1029/2024GL109280

[3] Jones et al., Journal of Geophysical Research, 1995. DOI: 10.1029/95JD01539

[4] Ross and Sheaffer, Earth’s Future, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/2013EF000160

[5] McDowell, « Jonathan’s Space Report », Accessed: Jan. 2025.

[6] Gaston et al., Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/fee.2624

[7] Lasue et al., Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2010. DOI: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2010.01059.x

How to cite: Taupin, Q., Lasue, J., Määttänen, A., and Zolensky, M.: Origins of stratospheric particles through an updated automated classification: revisiting the 1981-2020 period of the NASA Cosmic Dust Collections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4490,, 2025.

The space industry is currently growing more rapidly than during any earlier time period since the beginning of the space age. Large low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations and reusable liquid natural gas (LNG) fueled launch vehicles will change the scope and character of spaceflight. Satellite launches have increased four-fold in the past decade and are projected to grow even more quickly in coming decades. Given this explosive growth of the space industry, we need to understand combustion emissions from rockets and vaporization emissions from reentering space debris and how they will impact the global atmosphere. In particular, there may be changes to the stratospheric ozone chemistry as a result of space industry emissions into the middle atmosphere. At present, impacts are small, but evidence of metals that can only come from rocket stages and satellites have been detected in stratospheric aerosols, with an estimate that 10% of stratospheric aerosols contain species that can only originate from rocket stage/satellite ablation. Current rates of reentry particles are a few Gg/yr, but are projected to be over 10 Gg/year by 2030. Although modeled heating rates produced by reentry aluminum particles are small, they are statistically significant, and, as the number of objects in LEO are projected to increase, that impact will grow with time. Future work will attempt to estimate the impact of heterogeneous chemistry on reentry particles. Well quantifying impacts will require information on reentry scenarios, rocket plume chemistry and reentry vaporization debris characterization. Measurements, via laboratory experiments, remote sensing of launches and reentry, and in situ sampling are all needed to fully characterize space industry impacts on the atmosphere. This presentation will give an overview on what has been accomplished so far, and address what is needed to better characterize the impacts (and uncertainties) on the ozone layer from a growing space industry.

How to cite: Rosenlof, K.: Rocket Launches and Satellite Re-Entry: Potential Issues and the Need for Additional Modeling and Measurements , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4564,, 2025.

EGU25-6158 | Posters on site | AS3.9

What do we know about the chemistry of spacecraft constituent metals in the Lower Mesospehere-Upper Stratosphere? 

Juan Carlos Gomez Martin, Antonio Jesus Ocaña, John Plane, and Juan Diego Carrillo-Sanchez

A large number of low earth orbit satellites are projected in the coming decades, which has led to concerns about environmental impacts of demised spacecraft. The current flux of anthropogenic aluminium vapours entering the Earth’s atmosphere is estimated to be already 10 times larger than the natural flux from meteoroids.
Metals ablated from meteoroids between 80 and 110 km react with atmospheric constituents in the mesosphere forming meteor smoke particles, which are transported by the global circulation to the stratosphere, where they entrain sulfuric acid aerosols and modify their properties. Metals ablated from demised spacecraft at ~60 km have a similar fate: Recent aircraft-based measurements show that 10% of stratospheric aerosols contain metals from re-entering satellites and rocket stages.
In this presentation I will give an overview of what we know about the gas-phase chemistry of spacecraft-relevant metals in the lower mesosphere-stratosphere. Based on this incomplete knowledge, I will speculate about the possible pathways of anthropogenic metals towards stratospheric aerosol and I will highlight uncertainties and experimental/theoretical work that needs to be carried out in order to address them. In particular, I will discuss preliminary results obtained with a modified version of the Meteor Ablation Simulator on the ablation of aluminium particles and the subsequent gas-phase chemistry of aluminium.

How to cite: Gomez Martin, J. C., Ocaña, A. J., Plane, J., and Carrillo-Sanchez, J. D.: What do we know about the chemistry of spacecraft constituent metals in the Lower Mesospehere-Upper Stratosphere?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6158,, 2025.

EGU25-6252 | ECS | Orals | AS3.9

An update of space waste matter injection into the atmosphere 

Leonard Schulz, Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, Adam Mitchell, Daniel Murphy, John M. C. Plane, and Ferdinand Plaschke

In the last 5 years, the mass of human-made objects like satellites or rocket stages launched into orbit has strongly risen due to the implementation of satellite mega-constellations and generally increased space activity. Besides the well-known problems of on-orbit space debris and ground impacts, this means a strong increase of the human-made mass re-entering Earth’s atmosphere. Upon reentry, this space waste ablates in the atmosphere, injecting matter in form of aerosols and vapor. Murphy et al. (PNAS, 2023, Vol. 120, No. 43, e2313374120) detected remnants of such material in stratospheric aerosol particles. Thus, there is the concrete possibility of environmental effects due to space waste matter injection like ozone depletion or increased cloud nucleation (Mitchell et al., Understanding the Atmospheric Effects from Spacecraft Re-entry, Whitepaper, 2024). In order to understand what the exact effects on the atmosphere are, first, the amount and element-wise composition of the injected material has to be known. In this context, we present updated annual injection estimates compared to the first comprehensive estimation in Schulz and Glassmeier, 2021 (Advances in Space Research, 2021, 67 (3), 1002-1025) taking into account launch and re-entry databases, used spacecraft materials, as well as the observational data from the stratosphere. We present estimates of the overall injected mass as well as of specific elements. This data can serve as a baseline for modelling efforts and help steer towards the most promising future research.

How to cite: Schulz, L., Glassmeier, K.-H., Mitchell, A., Murphy, D., Plane, J. M. C., and Plaschke, F.: An update of space waste matter injection into the atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6252,, 2025.

EGU25-7114 | Orals | AS3.9

Metals from spacecraft reentry in the stratosphere 

Daniel Murphy, Michael Lawler, Gregory Schill, and Leonard Schulz

Measurements of aerosol particles in the stratosphere show that metals that were vaporized during the reentry of rocket boosters and satellites accumulate in the stratosphere. These metals are incorporated into natural sulfuric acid particles in the stratosphere. With the rapidly increasing number of spacecraft reentry events, in the coming decades a majority of sulfuric acid particles in the stratosphere could contain novel metals from spacecraft in addition to the meteoric metals that are already present.

Over 20 elements from reentry were detected in stratospheric particles. We are able to quantify the relative amounts of a number of these metals, including lithium, aluminum, copper, and lead. For the EGU meeting we will also present results on several more metals such as titanium, niobium, molybdenum, silver, and tin. These atmospheric measurements can be compared to inventories of the elemental composition of spacecraft.

These metal-containing particles are found in the same air that contains the ozone layer. The addition of materials from spacecraft might affect heterogeneous chemistry in the ozone layer or change ice nucleation in polar stratospheric clouds.

How to cite: Murphy, D., Lawler, M., Schill, G., and Schulz, L.: Metals from spacecraft reentry in the stratosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7114,, 2025.

EGU25-9526 | Orals | AS3.9

DLR Initiative S3D: Advancing Space Sustainability and Sustainable Development 

Jascha Wilken, Moritz Herberhold, Volker Maiwald, Matthias Nützel, Anja Schmidt, and Martin Sippel

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has launched the S3D initiative, aimed at advancing the assessment and enhancement of sustainability in space activities. While recent years have seen growing attention to the environmental impacts of spacecraft and launch vehicles, S3D seeks to extend this perspective by integrating economic and social dimensions, transitioning from traditional Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to a more comprehensive Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA). A practice that is already established in other industries.

In addition to developing an LCSA process tailored for space activities, this initiative places particular emphasis on the impact of launch vehicle emissions in the upper atmosphere. This focus is driven by significant knowledge gaps and the potential for these emissions to be a major contributor to the climate impact of space transport activities. Substantial uncertainties remain with regard to the exact chemical composition of the exhaust, the post-combustion processes within the plume as well as the formation of particles such as black carbon. Moreover, there is a critical lack of data on the atmospheric effects of these gas and particle emissions at higher altitudes. To address these challenges, S3D will leverage the expertise of specialized DLR institutes in space systems, aerothermodynamics, propulsion, and atmospheric sciences to better characterize launch emissions and their atmospheric impacts.

This presentation will introduce the S3D initiative, outline the methodological approaches under development, and present initial findings on the exhaust profiles of various launch vehicle designs, along with progress toward creating a comprehensive exhaust inventory for 2024.

How to cite: Wilken, J., Herberhold, M., Maiwald, V., Nützel, M., Schmidt, A., and Sippel, M.: DLR Initiative S3D: Advancing Space Sustainability and Sustainable Development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9526,, 2025.

EGU25-13478 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.9

Reducing the Environmental Impacts of Rocket Launch Emissions through Launch Parameter Variations 

Helena McDonald, Sebastian Eastham, and Raymond Speth

Increasing rocket launch rates in the last decade have prompted concerns over their environmental impacts. Launch vehicles are unique among anthropogenic pollution sources for directly emitting pollutants at all levels of the atmosphere. These high-altitude emissions have distinct – and poorly understood – consequences; emissions such as water vapor and black carbon aerosols have longer lifetimes in the stratosphere and thus a longer window for climate and ozone impacts. 

Accurately estimating launch emissions is an outstanding problem in launch vehicle research, complicated further by diverse combustion products which vary according to propellant type. We create unique emissions profiles for representative launches with equivalent payloads to LEO for three different propellants: RP1/LOx, CH4/LOx, and LH2/LOx. Using the GEOS-Chem High-Performance (GCHP) chemical transport model, we simulate an array of launch scenarios reflecting different choices of launch site, propellant, and launch season in a global three-dimensional atmosphere. 

We evaluate the impact of launch hemisphere by comparing launches at the same latitude in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and show a greater ozone impact in southern-hemisphere launches. We simulate a range of launch sites across the northern hemisphere and show substantial variance in high-altitude ozone formation as a function of latitude. We show a several percent larger increase in stratospheric ozone for summer launches than in winter. Finally, we see net ozone column increase with RP1 and CH4 fuelled launches but net decrease with LH2, which we posit suggests black carbon is the dominant force in high-altitude ozone formation as a response to rocket launches. 

Using these results, we synthesize a variety of impact mitigation strategies for a given rocket launch and estimate the potential harm reduction across a variety of metrics: global ozone column changes, radiative forcing, surface air quality, and population exposure to fine particulate matter. These findings could be used to inform future developments in the launch industry, from selecting and researching fuel types for future launch vehicles, to choosing locations for future launch sites, and even optimal utilization rates for existing launch sites. 

How to cite: McDonald, H., Eastham, S., and Speth, R.: Reducing the Environmental Impacts of Rocket Launch Emissions through Launch Parameter Variations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13478,, 2025.

EGU25-14035 | Orals | AS3.9

In situ observations of a kerosene-fueled rocket plume sampled during SABRE 2023 

Troy Thornberry, Joshua Schwarz, Karen Rosenlof, Martin Ross, Ming Lyu, Eleanor Waxman, Colin Gurganus, Glenn Diskin, Gordon Novak, Adam Ahern, Charles Brock, Paul Bui, Georgia Michailoudi, Rajesh Poudyal, Mike Robinson, and Drew Rollins

Rocket launches and space debris from reentries are the only direct anthropogenic emission sources above ~20 km in the atmosphere. Space launch activities, and consequently these emissions, are expected to grow by an order of magnitude in just the next decade. Modeling the impact of rocket emissions on the stratosphere requires accurate specification of exhaust composition profiles that depend on rocket propellant types (fuels) and operational and design parameters. Global models predict that black carbon (BC) is the most significant radiative forcing component in both kerosene (RP-1) and liquefied natural gas (LNG, methane) fueled rocket exhaust, although these emissions have never been measured from a rocket in flight. Validation of rocket combustion models, in turn, requires comprehensive in situ composition data from rocket plumes at stratospheric altitudes where near-field hot plume chemistry is expected to weaken.

In February 2023, the NOAA SABRE mission, using a NASA WB-57F aircraft, obtained in situ plume composition data (H2O, SO2, NO, NO2, NOy, HONO, CO, CO2, BC, particle concentration) just above the tropopause from a kerosene-fueled rocket launched from Cape Canaveral, FL. The nighttime plume (not visible to the aircrew) was intercepted twice using a predetermined search pattern flown by the WB-57F. Measured ratios of emissions constituents reveal potentially surprising clues about near-field exhaust chemistry and kerosene engine BC emission in the lowermost stratosphere. The plume data acquired here, while limited, demonstrate the utility of such measurements toward resolving key questions about rocket emissions, and the SABRE 2023 flight experience suggests ways to improve plume sampling (e.g., need for plume direction finding capability) for future stratospheric rocket emission studies.

How to cite: Thornberry, T., Schwarz, J., Rosenlof, K., Ross, M., Lyu, M., Waxman, E., Gurganus, C., Diskin, G., Novak, G., Ahern, A., Brock, C., Bui, P., Michailoudi, G., Poudyal, R., Robinson, M., and Rollins, D.: In situ observations of a kerosene-fueled rocket plume sampled during SABRE 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14035,, 2025.

EGU25-15071 | ECS | Orals | AS3.9

Development and assessment of space launch and re-entry emission inventories for atmospheric modelling 

Jan-Steffen Fischer, Stefanos Fasoulas, Matthias Nützel, and Anja Schmidt

The space sector has experienced significant growth in recent years, with rocket launch rates increasing by over 20% since 2019. In its 2022 Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion the World Meteorological Organization cautions that future increases in launch rates, the adoption of new propellants like hydrogen and methane, and emissions from reentering objects could significantly influence future ozone levels . Therefore, the creation and evaluation of emission inventories of space activities, which can be used in atmospheric chemistry modelling, is of particular importance. Here we present two open-source tools developed at the University of Stuttgart. 1) Launch Emission Assessment Tool (LEAT), and 2) Re-entry Emission Assessment Tool (REAT), and discuss the underlying models and assumptions. Furthermore, we compare results obtained with LEAT to previously published emission inventories.

LEAT enables the calculation of a launch trajectory based on basic launcher data and calculates emissions such as CO, H2O and NO either using emission indices or by calculating the engine and afterburning emissions. The model accounts for the different flight states and environmental conditions based on a chemical equilibrium model. This makes it possible to distinguish between emissions stemming from different fuel systems and those from different flight paths.

REAT enables the calculation of emissions from re-entering objects. The interaction with the atmosphere is simulated using emission indices or a chemical equilibrium model depending on atmospheric conditions.

Both tools enable us to create detailed high-resolution 3-D emission inventories, which can readily be used in chemistry-climate models in order to assess the atmospheric and climatic effects of launcher and re-entry emissions. Furthermore, by using existing emission inventories a comparison can be made with literature. We also assess and discuss underlying model assumptions and parameter and model uncertainties as well as measures required to reduce uncertainties related to the emission inventories.

How to cite: Fischer, J.-S., Fasoulas, S., Nützel, M., and Schmidt, A.: Development and assessment of space launch and re-entry emission inventories for atmospheric modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15071,, 2025.

EGU25-17301 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.9

Defining the environmental impacts of satellite megaconstellation missions in a rapidly growing space sector 

Connor Barker, Eloise Marais, and Sebastian Eastham

Emissions from the space industry are rapidly increasing due to surges in rocket launches and the amount of mass re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere. Satellite megaconstellations (SMCs) are a key contributor to this growth, representing a fifth of rocket launches and a quarter of object re-entries in 2020-2022. These activities release air pollutant emissions throughout the atmosphere, including in upper atmospheric layers where turnover rates are very slow. This results in extremely effective stratospheric ozone depletion and radiative forcing. Of the approximately 7500 satellites in low-Earth orbit (LEO), 75% belong to satellite megaconstellations, with 60,000 additional SMC satellites expected to be launched in the next decade. Despite this anticipated growth, the environmental impacts of SMC emissions lack characterization and are under regulated. Here we implement a recently published 3-D, global inventory of space industry emissions into a computational model to determine the impacts on stratospheric composition and radiative forcing from a decade of SMC missions. The inventory comprises emissions up to 80 km from all SMC and non-SMC rocket launches and spacecraft re-entries during the onset of the megaconstellation era (2020-2022). The emission species include gaseous nitrogen oxides (NOx≡NO), water vapour (H2O), carbon monoxide (CO), and chlorine species (Cly≡HCl+Cl2+Cl), and particulate black carbon (BC) and alumina (Al2O3). We project the emissions to 2029 based on linear growth in SMC and non-SMC launch propellant consumption and re-entry mass. We use the GEOS-Chem 3-D model of atmospheric composition coupled to a radiative transfer model to simulate the response of atmospheric composition and radiative forcing to these emissions. We include a standard GEOS-Chem simulation of externally mixed aerosols and an updated simulation where BC and Al2O3 undergo prompt uptake to abundant stratospheric sulfate aerosols (SSA), as evidenced by observations from a recent aircraft campaign. We find a global stratospheric ozone loss of 0.03% (0.072 DU) from launch and re-entry emissions at the end of the decade. This is much smaller than stratospheric ozone loss attributable to surface sources (~2% in 2022). Depletion due mostly to Cly from solid rocket motors is concentrated in the northern midlatitude upper stratosphere. SMC missions are responsible for 13% of this ozone depletion, as solid fuel represents <1% of rocket fuel used by SMC missions from 2020-2022. Uptake of aerosol emissions to SSA results in nearly complete removal of wintertime stratospheric BC and Al2O3 concentrations and a summertime peak. This process greatly reduces the positive radiative forcing by stratospheric BC, resulting in stratospheric ozone depletion as the dominant forcing process and an overall negative forcing. Space industry emissions from all mission types result in radiative forcing of -3.38 mW m-2 at the top of the atmosphere in summer 2029, with -0.59 mW m-2 from SMC missions.  At the tropopause, there is a net negative radiative flux from all missions (-1.64 mW m-2) and SMC missions (-0.35 mW m-2). Current work includes conducting sensitivity simulations to quantify the impact of uncertainties in properties and chemical pathways of aerosol emissions on our results to inform future field and experimental studies.

How to cite: Barker, C., Marais, E., and Eastham, S.: Defining the environmental impacts of satellite megaconstellation missions in a rapidly growing space sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17301,, 2025.

EGU25-18151 | ECS | Orals | AS3.9

Designing a mission concept for atmospheric plume measurements during a rocket launch event 

Andreas Marsing, Christiane Voigt, Anke Roiger, Matthias Nützel, Hiroshi Yamashita, Anja Schmidt, Tiziana Bräuer, Justin Hardi, Leon Lober, Sebastian Karl, Margaux Duperray, and Valère Girardin

The frequency of space launches has increased dramatically as costs plummet and demand rises with the advent of use cases (such as mega constellations or larger-scale exploration). This increase in launch cadence is enabled by reusable launchers, whose technology is progressing in Europe. They provide enhanced material efficiency while adding complexity to flight paths, burn patterns and more. There is, however, a notable gap in observational evidence regarding emissions and their subsequent atmospheric effects, especially for liquid or hybrid solid/liquid propellants.

We present ongoing work within the ESA project FIREWALL (Facilitate Inquiry of Rocket Emission impact With Atmosphere Lower Layers) that aims to design a mission concept for measuring emission and plume properties during the takeoff and return of current or near-future launch vehicles. It leverages expertise in the fields of ground observations at the launch site, airborne in-situ measurements with different available platforms like aircraft, balloons or sounding rockets, satellite remote sensing of contrails or trace gases, as well as plume and global atmospheric modelling. Thereby the major atmospheric burn events of a modern launcher shall be captured in unprecedented extent and detail to better quantify their atmospheric effects.

This innovative atmospheric science mission brings together experts from the fields of atmospheric measurements with space launch system operators and airspace authorities. Additionally, input will be provided by experts in plume thermodynamics and chemistry modelling, trajectory and dispersion modelling as well as weather forecasting. The gathered mission concept devises a recipe to operate a comprehensive suite of measurement platforms and instruments at a scheduled rocket launch event, including a list of objectives and requirements as well as a comprehensive risk assessment.

How to cite: Marsing, A., Voigt, C., Roiger, A., Nützel, M., Yamashita, H., Schmidt, A., Bräuer, T., Hardi, J., Lober, L., Karl, S., Duperray, M., and Girardin, V.: Designing a mission concept for atmospheric plume measurements during a rocket launch event, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18151,, 2025.

EGU25-20347 | Posters on site | AS3.9

Atmospheric and climate effects of NOx emissions from Aviation and Rocket launches 

Wuhu Feng, Yuwen Li, Martyn Chipperfield, John Plane, Daniel Marsh, Joanna Egan, Shuijie Chang, Alexandru Rap, Weiyu Zhang, Alexander Archibald, Tyler Brown, Laura Revell, Alfonso Saiz López, Jean-Paul Booth, and Douglas Kinnison

There have been long concerns on the potential environmental impact of aviation, which is the second biggest source of transport greenhouse gas emissions after road transport. Direct emissions from aviation accounted 3.8% of total CO2 emissions, which is estimated to contribute ~3.5% to the anthropogenic effective radiative forcing of climate (IPCC). The environmental impact of emissions from space launches is currently receiving much attention due to the space industry being one of the fastest growing global economic sectors. Since the first assessment of the impact of rocket emissions by Cicerone and Stedman (1974), there have been many developments in rockets and modelling. Rocket emissions can inject significant quantities of gases and particles into the atmosphere (including chlorine compounds HCl, H2O, CO2, NOx, H2, Al2O3 and black carbon), potentially affecting ozone depletion, the dynamics of the atmosphere, and climate change. Feng et al. (2023) have investigated stratospheric ozone depletion due to the presence of small satellites (e.g., CubeSats) with an iodine propulsion system to keep them in orbit. They have shown that an increase in the number of small satellite launches could cause substantial ozone depletion in the Antarctic.

In this work, we have incorporated the up-to-date aviation emission inventories (Teoh et al., 2024) and rocket emissions (Brown et al., 2023) into a state-of-the-art global chemistry-climate model (NCAR’s Community Earth System Model, CESM2) to explore how aviation and rocket emissions affect the stratospheric ozone layer and climate once the gases and particulates are injected into the atmosphere. The model includes dynamics, transport, aerosol microphysics, photochemistry, radiation, emissions, and their influences on stratospheric ozone depletion. We have carried out many model experiments in CEMS2 using different configurations (free running, specific-dynamic versions of Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model) with different chemistry and NOx emissions scenarios from aircraft and rocket emissions (from zero NOx emissions, released NOx emission inventories and up to 100 times NOx emissions) to assess the atmospheric changes induced by these emissions under historical and future scenarios.

How to cite: Feng, W., Li, Y., Chipperfield, M., Plane, J., Marsh, D., Egan, J., Chang, S., Rap, A., Zhang, W., Archibald, A., Brown, T., Revell, L., Saiz López, A., Booth, J.-P., and Kinnison, D.: Atmospheric and climate effects of NOx emissions from Aviation and Rocket launches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20347,, 2025.

EGU25-21651 | Orals | AS3.9

 The European Space Agency’s approach towards environmental impact assessment in the atmosphere: Lessons learned, knowledge gaps and roadmap 

Lorenz Affentranger, Adam Mitchell, Enrico Tormena, Valere Girardin, Sara Morales Serrano, and Jeroen Van den Eynde

The European Space Agency (ESA) through the Clean Space Office has approached the assessment of the environmental performance of its activities by applying Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) since the early 2010’s. ESA through its Green Agenda (EGA) has put sustainability as one of its key pillars aiming at reducing the environmental impacts of ESA projects. The assessments of the three traditional space, launch and ground segments have been instrumental in the creation of the ESA LCA Handbook and Database which are being applied systematically to its missions. Nevertheless, significant knowledge gaps remain, particularly in understanding the intricate interactions between launcher exhaust emissions and spacecraft demise with the upper layers of the atmosphere—critical steps in the life cycle assessment process. This work will present the growing necessity to better understand the potential environmental impacts at all altitudes, the current challenges of including atmospheric impacts into LCA thinking and ESA’s consolidated efforts to address key knowledge gaps. In addition to addressing areas of uncertainty, this paper will detail ongoing activities and outline how ESA plans to enhance awareness and implement measures to mitigate the environmental impacts of space activities.

How to cite: Affentranger, L., Mitchell, A., Tormena, E., Girardin, V., Morales Serrano, S., and Van den Eynde, J.:  The European Space Agency’s approach towards environmental impact assessment in the atmosphere: Lessons learned, knowledge gaps and roadmap, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21651,, 2025.

ST4 – Space Weather and Space Climate

EGU25-375 | Orals | ST4.1

Study of Ionospheric response to intense  Solar Flares in the ascending half of the solar cycle 25  

Prince Prasad Revamma, Aswini Thampi Sasidharan Pillai Lekha Kumary, and Sreebala Prabhullachandran Sobhanakumari

Well organized and systematic study of sun-earth connection is vital. The fact that the state and conditions of space are influenced by solar activity, makes the space weather domain a field of vibrant research. Solar flares are rapid expulsions of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun's active regions. These complex transient excitations, mainly in soft X-rays (0.1 – 10nm), and extreme ultraviolet (10 – 121.6 nm) resulting in ionospheric response, have been a subject of keen interest over decades. Studies show a clear indication of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) associated with flares and prominences. This is of prime importance, as the research on flare associated CMEs does have some underlying impacts to be revealed. The sudden enhancement of X-ray and extreme ultraviolet irradiance during flares raises the density of the ionosphere through enhanced photoionization. Sudden ionospheric disturbances due to the enhancement of plasma density is crucial and the total electron content (TEC) is a potent measure of the ionospheric response. Present study focuses on the analysis of ionospheric plasma irregularities and TEC variation due to M and X class solar flares in the beginning of solar cycle 25. 

We considered intense flares in the period 2019 - 2024, due to the solar activity growth at the ascending part of the solar cycle 25. Out of these, 15 M class and 15 X class flares are chosen to study plasma instabilities and TEC variations. On the basis of multiple observations from GNSS receivers and satellite missions, we present how flare characteristics affect flare responses in the ionosphere and the formation of large-scale travelling  ionospheric disturbances, during intense solar flares. The estimation of enhanced TEC (ΔTEC) shows that the peak enhancement in TEC is highly correlated with peak enhancement in X-ray flux during solar flares. Plasma density shows significant escalations on flare days than on non-flare days. More intense X-class flare provoked a more significant response in the ionosphere than the less intense M class flare. In addition to this, our study also expands in relating the same to flare associated CMEs in the given solar cycle. The CMEs whose source regions are known, can be used to draw out valid conclusions on CME - flare association and how this impacts the ionospheric responses. The growing space weather effects has also led to an increase in space weather research that aims to enumerate the sun-earth connection more precisely. The investigation on variation of both TEC and plasma density leads to better understanding of the ionospheric response to flare activity to a remarkable extent.


How to cite: Prasad Revamma, P., Sasidharan Pillai Lekha Kumary, A. T., and Prabhullachandran Sobhanakumari, S.: Study of Ionospheric response to intense  Solar Flares in the ascending half of the solar cycle 25 , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-375,, 2025.

EGU25-3230 | ECS | Orals | ST4.1

Unexpected major geomagnetic storm caused by faint eruption of a solar trans-equatorial flux rope 

Weilin Teng, Yingna Su, Haisheng Ji, and Qingmin Zhang

The solar origins of some geomagnetic storms are ambiguous, which makes the prediction difficult. On March 23, 2023, a severe geomagnetic storm occurred; however, forecasts based on remote-sensing observations failed to predict it. Here, we demonstrate that this storm originates from the faint eruption of a trans-equatorial, longitudinal and low-density magnetic flux rope (FR). Before the eruption, the FR appears as a lengthy strip with weaker coronal emission and no chromospheric signs. Then, the FR’s gentle eruption results in a faint full-halo coronal mass ejection (CME), which is missed by forecasters and not identified in CME catalogs. Clear evidence from both remote-sensing and in-situ observations shows that this FR-containing CME propagates to Earth and causes the geomagnetic storm. Combining magnetic field modeling and in-situ measurements, we reveal that the FR’s southward axial magnetic field is the main cause of the storm. This CME is the stealthiest one reported causing a severe geomagnetic storm, and our study highlights that erupting trans-equatorial FRs can generate major geomagnetic storms in a stealthy way. Characteristic observational signatures of similar eruptions are proposed to help in future forecasts.

How to cite: Teng, W., Su, Y., Ji, H., and Zhang, Q.: Unexpected major geomagnetic storm caused by faint eruption of a solar trans-equatorial flux rope, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3230,, 2025.

EGU25-4124 | Posters on site | ST4.1

A Statistical Study of Possible Drivers for Substorm dB/dt Spikiness 

Maria Hamrin, Christopher Johansson, Filip Nordvall, Audrey Schillings, Timo Pitkänen, Juan Araújo, Jakub Vaverka, Hermann Opgenoorth, and Jesper Gjerloev

Variations in the ionospheric currents can cause rapid disturbances in the magnetic field at the ground level, so called dB/dt spikes, and Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) that can harm human infrastructure. When investigating dB/dt spike occurrence and GIC risks, the focus has typically been on geomagnetic storms. However, recently it has been argued that it is the substorm phenomena which contains the crucial physics for spikes and GICs, and which instead should be in focus. Here we present results from a statistical investigation on the occurrence of spikes in substorms (“substorm spikiness”) as observed in the geomagnetic activity indices SME, SMU, and SML provided by the SuperMAG collaboration. We study the substorm spikiness for different years in the solar cycle and for different levels of geomagnetic disturbance according to the SMR ring current index, and we search for possible solar wind drivers. We investigate both the magnitude and the variability of various potential drivers and conclude that some of the more important drivers are the solar wind speed magnitude and its variability.

How to cite: Hamrin, M., Johansson, C., Nordvall, F., Schillings, A., Pitkänen, T., Araújo, J., Vaverka, J., Opgenoorth, H., and Gjerloev, J.: A Statistical Study of Possible Drivers for Substorm dB/dt Spikiness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4124,, 2025.

EGU25-4883 | Orals | ST4.1

Geoelectric Fields and Geomagnetically Induced Currents Related to Magnetospheric Ultra Low Frequency Waves 

Michael Hartinger, Xueling Shi, Joseph Baker, and Terry Liu

Geomagnetic field variations related to magnetospheric Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) waves are frequently observed during geomagnetically active conditions, and they induce geoelectric fields that ultimately drive geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in power systems. The properties of these waves – including frequency, amplitude, and polarization – vary widely due to many factors including local time, latitude, phase of geomagnetic storm, state of magnetosphere-ionosphere system, and type of solar wind driving condition. Additionally, measurements of geomagnetic fields, geoelectric fields, and GIC with sampling intervals needed to detect many ULF waves (~1s) are sparse during major historical storms. For these reasons, it is challenging to quantitatively assess extreme ULF wave amplitudes and determine which conditions lead to the largest wave fields and GIC. In this research, we use recently improved ground conductivity constraints and an expanded catalog of 1s measurements during past geomagnetic storms to estimate moderate, large, and extreme ULF wave geoelectric field amplitudes, primarily focusing on mid- and low-latitude regions and comparing with direct GIC measurements in several cases. We further describe the conditions that lead to the largest amplitude ULF wave geoelectric fields and GIC.

How to cite: Hartinger, M., Shi, X., Baker, J., and Liu, T.: Geoelectric Fields and Geomagnetically Induced Currents Related to Magnetospheric Ultra Low Frequency Waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4883,, 2025.

Multi-solar cycle observations of sunspot number and location on the solar disk, combined with the occurrence of  extreme geomagnetic storms at earth, can be used to identify key points in the solar cycle where the occurrence of extreme space weather events switches on and off. The variable length, approximately 11 year Schwabe cycle can be mapped onto a uniform length cycle (or solar cycle clock) using the Hilbert transform of sunspot number[1,2].  The switch on and off times of geomagnetic activity over each solar cycle can be directly identified from the sunspot number record[3], without requiring a Hilbert transform. This analysis has revealed a sharp switch on and off of geomagnetic activity, with some of the most extreme events occurring close to the switch on/off, rather than at solar maximum[4]. A detailed exploration is made of the locations of individual sunspot groups on the solar disk, hemispheric sunspot numbers, and their correlation with extreme events in the aa record. As well as informing our overall understanding of extreme space weather events, these findings can translate model predictions of sunspot number and morphology into timing of the switch-off and on, offering a route to quantitative estimates of future space weather risk.

[1] Chapman et al Quantifying the solar cycle modulation of extreme space weather GRL (2020) doi:10.1029/2020GL087795

[2] Chapman et al The Sun's magnetic (Hale) cycle and 27 day recurrences in the aa geomagnetic index. Ap. J. (2021) doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac069e

[3] Chapman Charting the Solar Cycle, Front. Astron. Space Sci. - Space Physics (2023) doi: 10.3389/fspas.2022.1037096

[4] Chapman et al A solar cycle clock for extreme space weather. Scientific Reports (2024) doi:10.1038/s41598-024-58960-5

How to cite: Chapman, S.: Long term sunspot number records, extreme space weather events at earth seen in the aa index, and their solar cycle modulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6391,, 2025.

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are the main drivers of interplanetary shocks and space weather disturbances. One of the key parameters that determine the geo-effectiveness of the CME is its internal magnetic configuration. Strong CMEs directed towards Earth can severely impact our planet, and their prediction can mitigate possible damages. Thus, efficient space weather prediction tools are necessary to produce timely forecasts for the CME's arrival at Earth and their strength upon arrival.

We recently obtained a complete 3D MHD modelling chain from Sun to Earth using COCONUT to reconstruct the coronal model and Icarus to model the inner heliosphere. COCONUT (Perri et al. 2022) is a 3D global MHD model that covers the domain from the solar surface to 0.1 AU. The model is coupled to the heliospheric models EUHFORIA and Icarus. The implemented source terms, such as radiative losses, thermal conduction, and approximated coronal heating, allow bi-modal solar wind configuration at the outer boundary, making the model suitable for space weather purposes.  

The novel heliospheric model Icarus (Verbeke et al. 2022, Baratashvili et al. 2022), implemented within the framework of MPI-AMRVAC (Xia et al. 2018), introduces new capabilities to model the heliospheric solar wind and actual CME events. Ideal MHD equations are solved in the co-rotating reference frame with the Sun. Different CME models are injected in the domain superposed on the stationary solar wind. Advanced techniques, such as adaptive mesh refinement and gradual radial grid stretching, are implemented to optimise the simulations. The most significant advantage of the AMR in MPI-AMRVAC is that one can design the refinement criteria according to the purpose of the simulation run. 

The obtained fully physics-based MHD chain from Sun to Earth allows the modelling of the CMEs from the solar surface and their dynamic propagation into the heliosphere, paving the way to the most accurate and realistic simulation setups. 

How to cite: Baratashvili, T. and Poedts, S.: From Sun to Earth: Exploring the strengths and challenges of the complete MHD modelling chain with COCONUT+Icarus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6401,, 2025.

EGU25-6702 | ECS | Orals | ST4.1

Long term-extension of ICMEs and SIRs catalogs with deep learning and geomagnetic indices 

Gautier Nguyen, Guillerme Bernoux, Hannah Rüdisser, and Quentin Gibaru

Space weather event catalogs are essential tools for characterizing the near-Earth space environment. From a scientific standpoint, these catalogs provide extensive statistical insights into the physical properties of such events. Operationally, they support forecasting scenarios by offering a basis to assess the diverse impacts these events may have on the near-Earth space environment.

Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) and Stream Interaction Regions (SIRs) are two of the most significant drivers of space weather disturbances. Traditional catalogs of these large-scale solar wind structures are primarily built using in-situ measurements from L1 monitors like WIND, ACE, and DSCOVR. However, these datasets primarily cover the period after 1995, limiting the temporal scope of current catalogs.

Conversely, geomagnetic indices have recorded Earth’s geomagnetic activity for several decades before the advent of the space era. These indices have been shown to respond differently to ICMEs and SIRs (e.g., Benacquista et al., 2017; Bernoux and Maget, 2020), making them a valuable resource for identifying these events in earlier periods.

In this study, we adapt an existing deep learning-based method—originally developed for detecting ICMEs and SIRs using L1 solar wind data—to analyze geomagnetic index measurements. While the geomagnetic-based approach is inherently less precise than its solar wind counterpart, it successfully identifies time intervals likely associated with ICMEs or SIRs

This method is used to extend existing ICME and SIR catalogs back in time to cover the period from 1870 to 1995. Although the resulting extension is not exhaustive, it captures the most geoeffective events, offering a valuable dataset for long-term climatological studies of space weather. This work lays the groundwork for future research aimed at understanding historical space weather trends and their implications for Earth's near-space environment.

This work was supported by both the FARBES (Forecast of Actionable Radiation Belts Scenarios) project, funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101081772 and ONERA internal fundings, through the federated research project PRF-FIRSTS.

How to cite: Nguyen, G., Bernoux, G., Rüdisser, H., and Gibaru, Q.: Long term-extension of ICMEs and SIRs catalogs with deep learning and geomagnetic indices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6702,, 2025.

EGU25-8981 | Posters on site | ST4.1

Swarm Fast-track Field-Aligned Currents (FAC) and Total Electron Content (TEC) data products 

Jan Rauberg, Guram Kervalishvili, Ingo Michaelis, Martin Rother, and Monika Korte

The European Space Agency's (ESA) Swarm mission is designed to conduct a highly detailed survey of Earth's geomagnetic field and its changes over time. Launched on November 22, 2013, the mission consists of three identical satellites, Alpha (A), Bravo (B), and Charlie (C), into near-polar Low Earth Orbits (LEO). Swarm A and C fly side-by-side at approximately 470 km above Earth, while Swarm B maintains a higher orbit at around 520 km. Each Swarm satellite has six advanced scientific instruments providing precise measurements: an absolute scalar and vector field magnetometer, a star tracker, an electric field instrument (Langmuir probe and thermal ion imager), a GPS receiver, and an accelerometer. For over a decade and continuing to this day, the Swarm mission has been delivering high-quality data, providing valuable insights into Earth’s magnetic field, ionosphere, and other
dynamic processes in the near-Earth environment.

The Swarm L1b fast-track (FAST) operational chain data are distributed at a significantly faster pace and higher frequency than the standard products (OPER), which typically become available after a delay of three days. FAST data products are designed to minimize the time gap between event occurrence and measurement, providing near real-time access to critical information. This accelerated data delivery enhances the capability to monitor and forecast space weather more effectively. In particular, the Field-Aligned Currents (FAC) and Total Electron Content (TEC) data products rely on L1b products as essential inputs for processing within the GFZ L2 data product chain. Here, we present the fast operational Field-Aligned Currents (FAC) and Total Electron Content (TEC) data products. A comparison with OPER products shows that the FAST data maintains high quality, as it is based on the same algorithms used for the standard OPER products. Despite the faster processing and delivery, the FAST FAC and TEC products offer reliable results that align closely with the operational products. This suggests that the FAST products can be effectively used for real-time space weather monitoring and forecasting while maintaining the accuracy of the information provided.

How to cite: Rauberg, J., Kervalishvili, G., Michaelis, I., Rother, M., and Korte, M.: Swarm Fast-track Field-Aligned Currents (FAC) and Total Electron Content (TEC) data products, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8981,, 2025.

EGU25-10105 | Posters on site | ST4.1

3D Time Domain Simulation of Geomagnetically Induced Currents in Swedish Power Transmission Lines  

Jakub Vaverka, Juan Araújo, Eddie Wadbro, Hermann Opgenoorth, and Maria Hamrin

Solar activity significantly influences the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere, causing current systems and space weather effects. The interaction between rapidly changing magnetic field and the Earth’s conductivity induces an electric field at the surface producing Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) within critical human infrastructure, posing a risk of damage to power lines.

GICs strongly depend on the ground conductivity. Sweden has large spatial variations and complexity in the underlying ground conductivity structure across the country. In order to better understand GICs and for the identification of the worst-case scenarios for Swedish power transmission lines, 3D simulations are essential.

We present results from our GIC simulations, computed using our own 3D FDTD framework employing a Swedish ground conductivity model in high resolution. Compared to previous simulations of the Swedish power grid, ours is High Performance (runs on parallel GPUs), more flexible, and we can simulate the GICs in the time domain, instead of only the frequency domain as has been done before in simplistic approaches. This enables us to study GICs caused by much more realistic ionospheric source currents. 

How to cite: Vaverka, J., Araújo, J., Wadbro, E., Opgenoorth, H., and Hamrin, M.: 3D Time Domain Simulation of Geomagnetically Induced Currents in Swedish Power Transmission Lines , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10105,, 2025.

EGU25-11228 | Posters on site | ST4.1

Terrestrial Outgoing Longwave Radiation as measured with CLARA onboard NorSat-1 

Margit Haberreiter, Wolfgang Finsterle, and Jean-Philippe Montillet

The Earth Radiation Budget at the Top of the Atmosphere (ToA) governs the status of climate change on our planet. The ERB is the balance between the incoming Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) and total outgoing radiation at the ToA. If more energy is stored in the system the Earth Energy Imbalance is positive and the temperature in the system rises. The Compact Lightweight Absolute RAdiometer (CLARA) experiment onboard the Norwegian micro satellite NorSat-1 is an SI traceable radiometer with the primary science goal to measure TSI from space. Besides TSI, CLARA also measures the terrestrial Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) at the ToA on the night side of Earth. We present the latest status of the data and degradation correction obtained with this SI-traceable radiometer and compare the CLARA TSI and OLR time series with other available observations and reanalysis data. Furthermore, we explore potential synergies with the upcoming TRUTHS mission as well as the Earth Explorer 12 candidate mission ECO.

How to cite: Haberreiter, M., Finsterle, W., and Montillet, J.-P.: Terrestrial Outgoing Longwave Radiation as measured with CLARA onboard NorSat-1, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11228,, 2025.

EGU25-12224 | Posters on site | ST4.1

Using novel remote sensing techniques to enhance local prediction models of ionosphericresponse to space weather: a RISER project approach 

Paul Kinsler, Biagio Forte, Tianchu Lu, Mario Bisi, Steve Milan, David Jackson, Richard Fallows, Bernard Jackson, Dusan Odstrcil, Edmund Henley, David Barnes, Oyuki Chang, Matthew Bracamontes, and Siegfried Gonzi

Novel remote-sensing techniques can be used to inject vital "oncoming storm" data into upgraded prediction models. Here we present several possibilities being investigated under the auspices of the RISER project, whose goal is to improve space weather forecast times by up to four days, as well as their accuracy. Here, in this early stage of the project one strand is to investigate how best to integrate such new data. We describe how to leverage the capabilities of our existing IONwork software to produce GNSS-based TEC disturbance maps, and use that processed data in concert with information from the heliosphere to create remote-plus-local combined prediction models, comparing both traditional and machine learning techniques. Heliospheric information can be extracted, for example, from L1 monitors: however, within the RISER project we aim at expanding the heliospheric information available by including observations of interplanetary scintillation and corresponding tomographic reconstructions to map solar-wind or CME features structures present in the Sun-Earth interplanetary space. Such extended data will also provide longer lead times than the approximately one hour advance notice given by L1 data, making it easier to create forecasts that are both timely and more accurate.

How to cite: Kinsler, P., Forte, B., Lu, T., Bisi, M., Milan, S., Jackson, D., Fallows, R., Jackson, B., Odstrcil, D., Henley, E., Barnes, D., Chang, O., Bracamontes, M., and Gonzi, S.: Using novel remote sensing techniques to enhance local prediction models of ionosphericresponse to space weather: a RISER project approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12224,, 2025.

EGU25-12821 | Posters on site | ST4.1

Using SDO Solar Flare Images Along with ML Techniques for Space Weather Prediction 

Nadav Mauda, Vlad Landa, and Yuval Reuveni

Space weather prediction has become increasingly critical as technological systems—ranging from power grids to satellite communication networks—remain vulnerable to extreme solar activity. Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) release high-energy particles and electromagnetic radiation, which can induce geomagnetic storms and disrupt critical infrastructure. Despite significant advances, accurately forecasting the timing, intensity, and impact of these events remains an open challenge due to the complex and non-linear nature of solar activity. Traditional physics-based models, while valuable, are limited by computational constraints and their inability to fully capture the high-dimensional variability of solar phenomena.

Recent progress in machine learning (ML) offers a promising pathway for advancing space weather forecasting by identifying hidden patterns in vast datasets generated by solar observatories. This study utilizes high-resolution, multi-wavelength extreme ultraviolet (EUV) imagery from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and integrates deep learning techniques to improve solar flare prediction. Specifically, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are employed to extract spatial features of solar flares, while recurrent neural networks (RNNs) model the temporal evolution of solar activity. These models are trained on historical datasets incorporating solar flare images, X-ray flux data, and geomagnetic indices (Dst and Kp) to classify flare intensity and predict potential geomagnetic impacts.

Preliminary results demonstrate that the ML models outperform traditional methods in both detection accuracy and real-time prediction capabilities. Additionally, by leveraging the multi-channel nature of SDO’s EUV imagery, the models can capture complex spatiotemporal dynamics of solar flares, providing a more nuanced understanding of their development. However, key challenges remain, including improving model interpretability, ensuring data completeness, and integrating diverse data sources into operational space weather forecasting frameworks. This study highlights both the potential of machine learning in heliophysics and the ongoing need for interdisciplinary approaches to develop robust and scalable space weather prediction systems.

How to cite: Mauda, N., Landa, V., and Reuveni, Y.: Using SDO Solar Flare Images Along with ML Techniques for Space Weather Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12821,, 2025.

EGU25-12861 | Orals | ST4.1

Solar cycle prediction of geomagnetic activity 

Timo Asikainen, Timo Qvick, and Kalevi Mursula

The vast majority of solar cycle predictions focus on the 11-year sunspot cycle, while space weather and geomagnetic activity predictions are typically made for short time scales, from hours up to a month. Here, we aim to predict geomagnetic activity in the solar cycle time scale. We use a 180-year composite of the geomagnetic aa index and fit each aa cycle between two successive sunspot minima with a parameterized asymmetric Gaussian curve. We show that this curve can be represented with two free parameters and the model closely depicts the cyclic behavior of aa index in about 5-year timescale. However, it is unable to accurately represent shorter term variability.

We show how the two parameters can be forecasted using past aa values and a recently developed sunspot prediction model. Employing these estimated parameter values, we hindcast each past aa cycle from Solar Cycle 10 onwards and make a prediction for Solar Cycle 25, also estimating the uncertainties. Each cycle prediction is made at the time of minimum aa starting the respective cycle.

For Solar Cycle 25, our prediction gives the (5-year smoothed) aa index maximum of 21+/-3 nT, which is slightly higher than, e.g., in Cycle 24 (18.9). However, our model suggests that the overall aa cycle maximum has already been reached quite early in the cycle in July 2022. This suggests that Solar Cycle 25, similarly to Solar Cycles 11 and 13, will probably not have a strong, long-lasting peak of geomagnetic activity in the late declining phase.

How to cite: Asikainen, T., Qvick, T., and Mursula, K.: Solar cycle prediction of geomagnetic activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12861,, 2025.

EGU25-13760 | ECS | Orals | ST4.1

Geomagnetically Induced Currents over Iznik associated with Geomagnetic Storms 

Rana Betul Dag and Zerefsan Kaymaz

Geomagnetic storms are major disturbances in the near-Earth magnetic environment.  A geomagnetic storm can cause electrical power outages on the ground known as the geomagnetically induced currents (GICs). The GICs are directly related to the changes in the geomagnetic field over time and thus, they can be approximated by the time derivative of the geomagnetic field (dH/dt). A geomagnetic storm has three phases: initial phase, main phase and recovery phase. The initial phase of a geomagnetic storm is identified by a strong increase in the positive direction in the magnetic index Dst, known as the Sudden Commencement (SC) following the solar wind compression at the magnetopause. When there is no main phase following the solar wind compression, it is called Sudden Impulse (SI). In this project, it is aimed to study the variations in the geomagnetically induced currents determined by using the ground level magnetic field measurements from Iznik geomagnetic observatory (40.43 N, 29.72 E).  The focus is given on the GICs that occur on the ground at different phases of the geomagnetic storm in order to understand the solar wind-magnetosphere connection at these latitudes.  Iznik ground level magnetic field data corresponding to 70 magnetic storm events, with 41 SC and 29 SI, were analyzed along with WIND measurements at L1 distance. GICs were calculated using the time derivatives of the ground magnetic field data through Faraday’s induction law.  First, statistical properties of the GICs associated with the magnetic storms were determined such as storm phase dependence. Following this, search on the correlation between GICs and solar wind plasma, magnetic field strength and southward IMF Bz were investigated. It was determined that the GICs are stronger and occur more dominantly during the initial phase of the storm corresponding to SC and SI events while those occurring during main phase of the storm are weaker. It was also shown that the GICs during the recovery phase occurred strong and as frequent as the initial phase of the storm.  Initial results showed positive correlation with the solar wind plasma pressure, indicating that the GICs recorded over Iznik are mostly associated with the SC/SI events.  For selected cases, CalcdeltaB model at NASA/CCMC were used in order to further investigate the occurrence of GICs over Iznik as associated with geomagnetic storms, especially to understand the cause of the Iznik GICs.  Comparisons with the model results were made and it was seen that the model results vary from event to event.  In this presentation, typical characteristics of the GICs over Iznik, Türkiye and their source of occurrence and initial results from the model comparisons will be discussed in the frame of solar wind-magnetosphere-ground interaction.

How to cite: Dag, R. B. and Kaymaz, Z.: Geomagnetically Induced Currents over Iznik associated with Geomagnetic Storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13760,, 2025.

EGU25-14868 | Orals | ST4.1

The dynamic response of the Earth’s exosphere to the 10-11 May 2024 Superstorm 

Dolon Bhattacharyya, Gonzalo Cucho-Padin, Ed Thiemann, Janet Machol, David Sibeck, and Kevin France

The exosphere is the outermost layer of the terrestrial atmosphere which is mainly comprised of atomic hydrogen (H) and extends from several hundreds of kilometers (~500 km) to several Earth radii (~60 RE). Knowledge of the 3-D structure and spatial distribution of H densities, especially during geomagnetic storms, is crucial to understand (i) the mechanisms that may enhance its permanent escape to space and (ii) its significant role in governing the transient response of the terrestrial plasma environment to space weather. Current analysis of this vast neutral region is carried out via remote sensing measurements of scattered FUV emissions by H atoms, specifically at Lyman-Alpha ~121.6 nm. Zoennchen et al., (2017) and Cucho-Padin & Waldrop., (2019) have conducted multi-event studies of storm-time exospheres using observations from the Lyman-Alpha Detectors (LADs) onboard NASA’s Two-Wide angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers (TWINS) mission. They found that H densities significantly increased during the main phase of the storm followed by a slow recovery period to quiet-time conditions. Such increase in the number density is theorized to be caused by changes in the temperature and density at its lower boundary, the exobase at ~500 km, during geomagnetic storms. In this work, we investigate the response of the terrestrial exosphere to the geomagnetic superstorm that occurred between  May 10-11, 2024, using the Kinetic-based Terrestrial Exospheric (KITE) model which solves the kinetic equation of the H atoms using the finite volume method. Our simulations show a vertical redistribution of atomic H that varies with location. Near the ecliptic plane, there is a depletion of H of up to ~35% with respect to quiet time condition below 3RE altitude, but there is an increase of ~20% above this transition point. Near the north pole, there is a constant increase of atomic H that reaches up to 60% variation at 1.2 RE altitude. We intend to compare these simulations to actual observations of the geocoronal H Lyman-Alpha emission obtained by the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) instrument onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. 

How to cite: Bhattacharyya, D., Cucho-Padin, G., Thiemann, E., Machol, J., Sibeck, D., and France, K.: The dynamic response of the Earth’s exosphere to the 10-11 May 2024 Superstorm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14868,, 2025.

On the May 11th 2024, a succession of CMEs merged in the interplanetary space before striking the Earth. On impact, the interplanetary magnetic field Bz was strongly negative causing an extreme geomagnetic storm, the most intense one seen in the last 20 years. This geomagnetic storm strongly modified fluxes of particles in both the proton and the electron radiation belts. In the case of electrons, this extreme storm led to the direct injection of electrons in the inner belt but also lead to the apparition of multiple electronic belts during the recovery phase. An other implication of this storm was the enhanced electron precipitation flux into the atmosphere. Moreover, solar protons penetrated the magnetosphere causing a Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) event which was measured at geostationary orbit by GOES and in Low Earth Orbit by the EPT. In turn, with those observations and the use of the Atmospheric Radiation Interaction Simulator (AtRIS), the effects of the storm on the atmosphere (ionization and radiation dose rates) are estimated, including the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) Forbush decrease, solar protons and the change in vertical rigidity cutoff. Moreover, observations of atmospheric ozone content from the Aura/MLS instrument show that the event of May 2024 caused a temporary depletion of mesospheric ozone in response to increased ionization rates.

How to cite: Winant, A., Pierrard, V., and Botek, E.: The impact of the May 11th 2024 solar storm on Earth’s environment and atmosphere, combining space borne observations and AtRIS simulations., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15598,, 2025.

EGU25-16017 | ECS | Orals | ST4.1

STEREO REleASE: Solar Energetic Proton forecasting with instruments on STEREO-A 

Henrik Dröge, Bernd Heber, Michalis Karavolos, Alexander Kollhoff, Patrick Kühl, and Olga Malandraki

Sudden Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events can have a major impact on technology and humans in space. Therefore forecasts and early warning systems working to support those missions are desirable. One example is REleASE, which utilizes the close correlation of near relativistic electrons and the slower but more hazardous protons.
The original (2009) REleASE system used electron measurements from SOHO/EPHIN. During the HESPERIA project it was expended to include ACE/EPAM. Both systems issue short term warnings before there is a significant flux increase of >20 MeV protons at L1.
We now successfully adapted the method to work with the High Energy Telescope (HET) and the Solar Electron Proton Telescope (SEPT) on board of STEREO-A. The resulting forecasts are publicly available in real time and can be accessed on a dedicated website. Furthermore, we gained valuable insights from adapting the method to the SEPT that uses the magnet/foil technique to separate electrons from ions, which can pose several difficulties.
With now two REleASE systems operational we have the possibility to directly compare forecasts from different points in the heliosphere.

The SOHO/EPHIN and STEREO/SEPT project is supported under Grant 50 OC 2302532 by the German Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft through the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). This study has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101004159535 (SERPENTINE). The REleASE system is supported by NASA via the grant TXS0150642.

How to cite: Dröge, H., Heber, B., Karavolos, M., Kollhoff, A., Kühl, P., and Malandraki, O.: STEREO REleASE: Solar Energetic Proton forecasting with instruments on STEREO-A, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16017,, 2025.

EGU25-16069 | Orals | ST4.1

Solar Energetic Proton forecasting for Mars travel using SOHO and STEREO-A REleASE in fall 2024 

Bernd Heber, Henrik Dröge, Salman Khaksari, Stefan Jensen, Alexander Kollhoff, Patrick Kühl, Jan Löwe, Olga Malandraki, Kostas Tziotziou, and Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber

Solar Energetic Ion Events (SEP) can have major impact on technology and human exploration of the Moon and Mars. Therefore warnings of an increased radiation exposure to electronics and astronauts would give sufficient time to take action like moving to a radiation shelter. The Relativistic Electron Alert System for Exploration (REleASE) has been succesfully developed to provide such early warnings for the Earth environment by exploiting the time difference of the arrival of SEP electrons and ions at 1 AU. Interplanetary travel to and from Mars using a Hohmann trajectory is not completely covered by the original REleASE forecast due to the longitudinal seperation between the spacecraft and Earth. The slow STEREO A fly by in 2023 allows to investigate longitudinal  dependencies of the REleASE forecast system. Here we investigate three SEP events observed by the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) on the Martian surface from September to December 2024 when the magnetic foot point separation in longitude of Mars and STEREO / Earth were between 77 and 36 degree / 96 and 62 degree, respectively. Applying REleASE for the three events we found a better forecast for STEREO closer to the magnetic field line to Mars than for Earth. 

The SOHO/EPHIN and STEREO/SEPT project is supported under Grant 50~OC~2302 by the German Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft through the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). This study has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101004159 (SERPENTINE). The REleASE system is supported by NASA via the grant TXS0150642.

How to cite: Heber, B., Dröge, H., Khaksari, S., Jensen, S., Kollhoff, A., Kühl, P., Löwe, J., Malandraki, O., Tziotziou, K., and Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.: Solar Energetic Proton forecasting for Mars travel using SOHO and STEREO-A REleASE in fall 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16069,, 2025.

EGU25-16297 | ECS | Orals | ST4.1

The Earth Climate Observatory space mission concept for innovative continuity in the monitoring of the Earth Outgoing Longwave Radiation. 

David Vannerom, Deniz Poyraz, Luca Schifano, Lien Smeesters, Thomas August, and Steven Dewitte

The Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI) is defined as the small difference between the incoming energy the Earth receives from the Sun and the outgoing energy lost by Earth to space. The EEI is accumulated in the Earth climate system and results in global temperature rise. Monitoring the EEI is of prime importance for a predictive understanding of climate change, and for estimating how well humankind is doing in implementing the Paris Climate Agreement.

The current best estimates of the absolute value of the EEI, and of its long term variation are obtained from in situ observations. These observations can only be made over long time periods, typically a decade or longer. In contrast, with direct observations from space, the EEI can in principle be measured at the annual mean time scale. However, this strategy currently faces two fundamental challenges.

The first challenge is that the EEI is the difference between two opposing terms of nearly equal amplitude. Currently, the Incoming Solar Radiation (ISR) and the Total Outgoing Radiation (TOR) are measured with separate instruments, which means that their calibration errors are added and overwhelm the signal to be measured. To make significant progress in this challenge, a differential measurement using identical intercalibrated radiometers to measure both the ISR and the TOR is needed.

The second challenge is that the TOR has a systematic diurnal cycle. Currently, the TOR is sampled from the “morning” and “afternoon” Sun-synchronous orbits, complemented by narrowband geostationary imagers. Recently, the sampling from the morning orbit was abandoned. The sampling of the diurnal cycle can be improved, for example, by using two orthogonal 90° inclined orbits which give both global coverage, and a statistical sampling of the full diurnal cycle at seasonal time scale.

For understanding the radiative forcing and climate feedback, mechanisms underlying changes in the EEI, and for climate model validation, it is necessary to separate the TOR spectrally into the Reflected Solar radiation (RSR) and Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) and to map them at relatively high spatial resolution.

The state-of-the-art observation of the OLR is provided by the CERES scanning 3-channel broadband radiometer aboard the Aqua, Suomi NPP and NOAA 20 satellites. We propose an innovative continuity of those measurements by replacing the radiometer by multispectral wide field of view (FOV) cameras. The wide FOV allows a full angular coverage, providing the potential for a significant reduction of the dominant angular conversion error. To realise this potential we propose to develop an innovative Deep Learning based angular conversion method. The multispectral bands of the camera should allow reconstructing the broadband OLR within the state of the art accuracy. The spatial resolution of the cameras should be sufficient to discriminate cloudy from clear-sky scenes.

How to cite: Vannerom, D., Poyraz, D., Schifano, L., Smeesters, L., August, T., and Dewitte, S.: The Earth Climate Observatory space mission concept for innovative continuity in the monitoring of the Earth Outgoing Longwave Radiation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16297,, 2025.

EGU25-17026 | ECS | Orals | ST4.1

The Earth Climate Observatory space mission concept for innovative continuity in the monitoring of the Earth Reflected Solar Radiation 

Deniz Poyraz, David Vannerom, Luca Schifano, Lien Smeesters, Thomas August, and Steven Dewitte

Monitoring the Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI) is crucial for predicting climate change and assessing global progress under the Paris Climate Agreement. Currently, the most accurate EEI estimates are derived from in situ observations, with a dominant contribution from the time derivative of the Ocean Heat Content (OHC). These observations, however, require long time periods—typically a decade or more—to yield meaningful insights. In contrast, direct space-based EEI observations have the potential to provide measurements at the annual mean timescale.

To fully understand EEI, it is essential to spectrally separate the Total Outgoing Radiation (TOR) into the two components of the Earth Radiation Budget (ERB): Reflected Solar Radiation (RSR) and Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR). This separation is critical for understanding radiative forcing (e.g., aerosol radiative forcing) and climate feedback mechanisms (e.g., ice-albedo feedback), as well as for validating climate models.

The state-of-the-art observation of the RSR is provided by the CERES scanning 3-channel broadband radiometer on the Sun-synchronuous afternoon orbit satellites Aqua, Suomi NPP and NOAA 20.

The Earth Climate Observatory (ECO) mission concept was recently selected by the European Space Agency as one of the 4 candidate Earth Explorer 12 missions, that will be further studied in Phase 0 until mid 2026. The ECO mission proposes an innovative continuity for RSR measurements by replacing the scanning broadband radiometer by a multispectral wide field of view cameras. The wide-field-of-view design enables full angular coverage, significantly reducing the dominant angular conversion error. To leverage this capability, an advanced Deep Learning-based angular conversion method is proposed.

The multispectral bands of the camera are designed to reconstruct the broadband RSR within the state of the art accuracy. Furthermore, the spatial resolution of the cameras will be sufficient to discriminate cloudy from clear-sky scenes. For the calibration of the cameras we propose an on-board shutter for the dark current determination, vicarious calibration for the gain determination, and cross-calibration with the sun-earth radiometer for the final broadband calibration directly tied to the incoming solar radiation.

This mission concept addresses critical challenges in EEI monitoring and represents a significant advancement in Earth Radiation Budget observations. The ECO mission holds the potential to deepen our understanding of climate processes, improve climate models, and provide timely, actionable insights for monitoring climate change.


How to cite: Poyraz, D., Vannerom, D., Schifano, L., Smeesters, L., August, T., and Dewitte, S.: The Earth Climate Observatory space mission concept for innovative continuity in the monitoring of the Earth Reflected Solar Radiation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17026,, 2025.

EGU25-17556 | Orals | ST4.1

Solar phenomena in geomagnetic observatory records 

Stuart Gilder, Michael Wack, Elena Kronberg, Florian Lhuillier, Artem Smirnov, and Yuehan Wu

Geomagnetic observatories were initially devised to understand the workings of Earth’s dynamo over periods of years to centuries. Those same records contain information on higher frequency variations related to space weather and its interaction with the magnetosphere. The signals are on the order of a few nT or less, so they are often overlooked as noise. By exploiting differences in instrument responses from scalar and vectorial magnetometers (delta F), we show it is possible to extract the frequency content of the magnetic field with periods ranging from 0.1 to 100 seconds. One application demonstrates a nearly simultaneous signal in global observatory data when interplanetary shock fronts have relatively high (ca. >800 km/s) solar wind velocities. These storm events show remarkable similarities in time and space as observed on Earth’s surface. Another application is to stack hourly averages over an entire year. This latter method shows that the maximum amplitude of magnetic field oscillations occurs near solar noon over diurnal periods at all latitudes except in the auroral oval. Seasonal variability is detectable at high latitudes. Long-term trends in field oscillations follow the solar cycle, with maxima occurring during the declining phase when high-speed streams in the solar wind are dominant. A parameter based on solar wind speed and the relative variability of the interplanetary magnetic field correlates robustly with the ground-based measurements. These findings suggest that turbulence in the solar wind, its interaction at the magnetopause, and its propagation through the magnetosphere stimulate magnetic field fluctuations at the ground over a wide frequency range. Delta F therefore allows one to study solar wind phenomena that produce field line oscillations detectable on the Earth’s surface using the publicly available, worldwide database of INTERMAGNET geomagnetic observatories.

How to cite: Gilder, S., Wack, M., Kronberg, E., Lhuillier, F., Smirnov, A., and Wu, Y.: Solar phenomena in geomagnetic observatory records, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17556,, 2025.

EGU25-18339 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.1

Software assisting data analysis of space radiation in spacecraft missions. 

Szymon Bednorz, Krzysztof Pęczek, Leszek Grzanka, Jan Swakoń, André Galli, Beatriz Sanchez-Cano, Stas Barabash, Pontus Brandt, Peter Wurz, Quentin Nénon, Olivier Witasse, and Wojciech Hajdas
Space radiation data often reside in fragmented, mission-specific formats and require specialized software, posing challenges for the space weather community in terms of collaborative research and rapid analysis. To address these issues, we have developed a two-part software solution that, in its current stage, integrates measurements from the RADEM detector aboard ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission and the IREM instrument on the INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL).

The first component is a web application that automatically retrieves newly released data, performs basic validation, and stores it in a time-series database. Users can explore these measurements through interactive dashboards that support real-time visualization and simple data transformation queries, such as comparing fluxes between detectors, focusing on specific time intervals, or analyzing orbital parameters. The application’s containerized architecture ensures straightforward deployment on local or cloud infrastructure, making it accessible to diverse research teams.

The second component is a dedicated Python library that provides functions for reading and standardizing raw or higher-level data from multiple sources. Researchers can seamlessly access, merge, and analyze radiation measurements in a unified environment, significantly reducing manual overhead and scripting effort.

Initial feedback from early adopters indicates improved workflow efficiency and faster identification of specific events in the observed radiation environment. This integrated framework holds potential for broader applicability in future missions examining space weather phenomena.

How to cite: Bednorz, S., Pęczek, K., Grzanka, L., Swakoń, J., Galli, A., Sanchez-Cano, B., Barabash, S., Brandt, P., Wurz, P., Nénon, Q., Witasse, O., and Hajdas, W.: Software assisting data analysis of space radiation in spacecraft missions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18339,, 2025.

EGU25-18765 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.1

All-Sky Surface Shortwave Downward Radiation Retrieval: Emphasizing Direct-Diffuse Separation and Adjacency Effect Correction 

Wanchun Leng, Tianxing Wang, and Yuyang Xian

Surface shortwave downward radiation (SWDR) is a key parameter in the Earth's energy budget. Accurate estimation of SWDR is essential for understanding the interactions between the Earth-atmosphere system and global climate change. In particular, the direct and diffuse components of SWDR are critical for applications such as vegetation modeling, carbon cycle simulations, surface albedo estimation, and shortwave radiation correction in complex terrain areas. However, high-precision separation of direct and diffuse SWDR remains lacking. Additionally, current satellite-based SWDR studies often show limited accuracy, especially over highly reflective surfaces such as polar regions, where SWDR is frequently underestimated. This underestimation is attributed to the adjacency effect caused by highly reflective surfaces, which has rarely been quantitatively modeled.

Therefore, this study proposes a framework for shortwave radiation estimation that emphasizes the direct-diffuse SWDR separation and the adjacency effect correction. First, a unified shortwave radiation estimation algorithm is developed, allowing for the simultaneous estimation of total, direct, and diffuse SWDR. Second, an adjacency effect correction scheme is developed, which separately accounts for the influence of direct and diffuse SWDR components. This approach effectively mitigates the underestimation caused by adjacency effects over highly reflective surfaces. The proposed framework is simple and efficient, utilizing only satellite-observed radiance, angle, and elevation as inputs to achieve accurate inversion of total, direct, and diffuse SWDR. Validation using ground-based measurements from global observation networks demonstrates that this framework not only enables high-precision retrieval of SWDR components but also significantly reduces the underestimation caused by the adjacency effect over highly reflective surfaces. This scheme shows substantial potential for generating high-accuracy multi-component shortwave radiation products, advancing global energy budget analysis and related applications.

How to cite: Leng, W., Wang, T., and Xian, Y.: All-Sky Surface Shortwave Downward Radiation Retrieval: Emphasizing Direct-Diffuse Separation and Adjacency Effect Correction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18765,, 2025.

EGU25-19494 | Posters on site | ST4.1

STEREO REleASE+: Improving Solar Proton Event Forecasting by means of Automated Recognition of Type-III Radio Bursts 

Olga Malandraki, Kostas Tziotziou, Michalis Karavolos, Henrik Droege, Bernd Heber, and Patrick Kuehl

We report on an attempt towards combining the STEREO Relativistic Electron Alert System for Exploration (REleASE) forecasting system with observations of sufficiently bright Type-III radio bursts as a precondition for forecasting. STEREO REleASE forecasts are based on the detection of early arrival of near-relativistic electrons, detected by the Solar Electron Proton Telescope (SEPT) and the High Energy Telescope (HET) onboard STEREO, ahead of more hazardous 21-40 MeV protons from solar energetic particle (SEP) events at STEREO’s current location. These forecasts are complementary to but independent from HESPERIA REleASE forecasts available from L1 supporting the Earth-moon system. While the STEREO REleASE+ system is designed for forecasting locally at STEREO, the current location of the s/c in between Earth L1 and L4 in principle allows for early warnings of Lunar explorers from SEPs originating behind the Sun’s western limb, where source regions are hidden from direct view from the Sun-Earth line. About ¼ of all SEPs affecting Earth originate from there. To improve the STEREO REleASE forecast capabilities, we use a recently developed system that a) automatically identifies Type III radio bursts that are associated with electron beams accelerated in solar eruptive events, and b) sets a condition of the occurrence of a Type-III radio burst associated with significant SEPs (with HET proton fluxes above 0.22 cm-2 s-1 sr-1 MeV-1), thus adding independent evidence of particle escape from the Sun.  The STEREO REleASE+ system which builds on the experience of the recent HESPERIA REleASE+ implementation for L1, takes advantage of availability of real-time beacon solar radio observations from STEREO-A/SWAVES and has now been incorporated and running in the HESPERIA framework ( We discuss the techniques used for the automatic detection of Type-III radio bursts, the determination of selection criteria for Type-III bursts as precursors of solar proton events at STEREO’s location and show some representative results of the combined system. Olga Malandraki objects to mandatory EGU membership linked to science presentations.

How to cite: Malandraki, O., Tziotziou, K., Karavolos, M., Droege, H., Heber, B., and Kuehl, P.: STEREO REleASE+: Improving Solar Proton Event Forecasting by means of Automated Recognition of Type-III Radio Bursts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19494,, 2025.

EGU25-20146 | Orals | ST4.1

50 years of legacy in space accelerometer missions for measuring Earth's energy imbalance 

Manuel Rodrigues, Bruno Christophe, Kristen Maquaire, and Nolwenn Portier

For 50 years, ONERA has been developing space accelerometers for Geodesy or Fundamental Physics missions: CHAMP, GRACE series, GOCE, MAGIC, MICROSCOPE. For the latest one, the laboratory had the science responsibility and learned better understanding of mission design. By taking advantage of these experiences, we proposed to review the old 80’s concept mission called BIRAMIS aiming at measuring the Earth’s radiative energy imbalance (EEI). The EEI represents the difference between the incoming solar radiation and the outgoing longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere and is fundamental to estimate the effect of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions on our climate system.

Currently, EEI is known with a stability of ~+/- 0.2 W/m² over a decade. However, this estimate is biased due to the performance of radiometry and to limited in-flight calibration. Some improvement is brought by using in-situ oceanic and geodetic (gravimetry and altimetry) measurements to estimate the ocean heat uptake. These measurements helps to evaluate EEI with an accuracy of +/- 0.3 W/m² on the time mean.

The accelerometer performances used for the previous missions exhibit resolutions from 10 to 0.1 pico-g. That allows us to imagine a new mission with direct measurements of the radiation pressure on a satellite and to envisage accuracies much better than 0.1 W/m² on the time mean. Decadal-scale variations in EEI induced by solar cycles, volcanic eruptions and variations in GHG emissions could be closely monitored for the benefit of the study of climate change.

How to cite: Rodrigues, M., Christophe, B., Maquaire, K., and Portier, N.: 50 years of legacy in space accelerometer missions for measuring Earth's energy imbalance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20146,, 2025.

EGU25-20202 | Orals | ST4.1

Modern grand solar minimum and its impact on the terrestrial environment 

Valentina Zharkova, Serhij Zharkov, and Simon Shepherd

Recent progress in undersatanding a role of the solar background magnetic field in defining solar activity is presented using eigen vectors derived with Principle Compnent Analysis. This approach revealed a presence of not only 11 year solar cycles but also of grand solar cycles with duration of 330-380 years. We demonstrated that these grand cycles are formed by the interferences of two magnetic waves produced by solar dynamo with dipole magnetic field in two layers of the solar interior with close but not equal frequencies. These grand cycles are always separated by grand solar minima (GSMs) similar to Maunder minimum type, with the modern GSM started in 2020 and to last until 2053. This GSM leads to a reduction of solar irradiance by about 0.22% from the modern level and a decrease of the average terrestrial temperature by about 1.0C in the cycle 26. The reduction of a terrestrial temperature can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies and heating needs in both Northern and Southern hemispheres.

How to cite: Zharkova, V., Zharkov, S., and Shepherd, S.: Modern grand solar minimum and its impact on the terrestrial environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20202,, 2025.

Earth's energy balance is fundamental to the climate sciences as it regulates the flow of energy in and out of the climate system. Currently, it is positive due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, leading to increasing temperatures in the atmosphere and oceans, melting of the cryosphere, rising sea levels and more extreme weather around the globe. In recent decades the imbalance has risen dramatically, and in 2023 it reached 1.8 Wm-2, or twice as much as expected. 

Monitoring the energy imbalance and the radiation budget components is vital, not only to scientists, but also to guide policy and potentially warn in time in case our projections are wrong. At the same time, NASA's satellites carrying CERES instruments are being decommissioned, and plans are to only launch one Libera instrument to replace them. 

I will provide an overview of a new European initiative to directly measure Earth's energy imbalance from space, the Earth Climate Observatory (ECO), which is being developed by ESA within the 12th Earth Explorer program. The mission uses a constellation of satellites each equipped with an innovative combination of multiple wide field of view radiometers and multispectral cameras to increase the accuracy of the delicate balance between incoming and outgoing fluxes. 

How to cite: Mauritsen, T.: Earth's energy imbalance rising faster than expected, and we must keep a close watch, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20404,, 2025.

EGU25-20557 | Orals | ST4.1

NASA Space Weather Research-to-Operations-to-Research Program 

Lisa Winter-Baek, Esayas Shume, and Jamie Favors

NASA's Space Weather Research-to-Operations-to-Research program (R2O2R) supports applied space weather research on a range of topics with societal importance: including geomagnetically induced currents and their affects on power grids and pipelines, space weather impacts on satellites and human space exploration, radiation exposure on aircraft, and many more topics. The program has seen changes in the past year to accomodate more collaborative work between space scientists and users impacted by space weather. Among the exciting new initiatives, the program supports Ideas Labs which are small collaborative workshops focused on co-designing R2O2R projects and creating new collaborations. This talk will cover updates to the program, current efforts being supported by NASA, and ways for the international science community to engage in R2O2R.

How to cite: Winter-Baek, L., Shume, E., and Favors, J.: NASA Space Weather Research-to-Operations-to-Research Program, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20557,, 2025.

EGU25-811 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3

Evaluating Proton Intensities for the SMILE Mission 

Simon Mischel, Elena Kronberg, and C. Philippe Escoubet

This study presents the development of five linear regression models to predict proton intensities within the energy range of 92.2 to 159.7 keV for different regions in the magnetosphere. These models are based on 14 years of data from the Cluster RAPID experiment and NASA’s OMNI database. Designed to support the operations of the Solar wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE), the models are user-friendly and offer broad applicability for satellite mission planning and risk assessment. Analysis across four spatial regions showed that proton intensities in outer regions (YGSE > 6,Re) depend mainly on radial distance and solar wind speed, while in inner regions (YGSE < 6, Re), they are well correlated with the Z-coordinate and magnetic field topology. Spearman correlations of 0.57 to 0.72 demonstrate good predictive performance, emphasizing the potential of region-specific approaches in space weather prediction.

How to cite: Mischel, S., Kronberg, E., and Escoubet, C. P.: Evaluating Proton Intensities for the SMILE Mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-811,, 2025.

EGU25-1313 | Orals | ST4.3

The Fast Borealis Ionosphere: New observations and insights from mapping the polar ionosphere every four seconds 

Daniel Billett, Remington Rohel, Carley Martin, Kathryn McWilliams, and Karl Laundal

For the past three decades, ionospheric drift velocity measurements from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) have been combined at a nominal time resolution of two minutes to produce horizontal patterns of the high-latitude convective flow. Recently, SuperDARN radars operated by the University of Saskatchewan (codenamed Borealis), which overlook much of the northern hemisphere polar cap, have been upgraded to enable a form of scanning which can be carried out every 3.7 seconds without compromising on the large field-of-views of the radars. When data from all Borealis radars are combined, a 32-fold temporal resolution improvement over traditional SuperDARN convection maps is achieved. We call this new data product the Fast Borealis Ionosphere (FBI).

The SuperDARN FBI allows for the study of highly transient and quickly evolving ionospheric phenomena (or the order of seconds) that span several thousands of kilometres, such as transient flow bursts, polar cap patches, substorm-related enhancements, and more. In this presentation, we show FBI results for events highlighting its capabilities in capturing transient ionospheric dynamics, along with several conjunction studies with satellites and other ground-based instruments (such as all-sky cameras).  


How to cite: Billett, D., Rohel, R., Martin, C., McWilliams, K., and Laundal, K.: The Fast Borealis Ionosphere: New observations and insights from mapping the polar ionosphere every four seconds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1313,, 2025.

EGU25-1673 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3

Comprehensive Assessment of Thermospheric Models During Geomagnetic Storms at NASA/CCMC 

Jack Wang, Jia Yue, Sean Bruinsma, Joseph Sypal, Masha Kuznetsova, Richard Mullinix, Chiu Wiegand, Christian Siemes, Sophie Laurens, Paul Dimarzio, Min-Yang Chou, and Maksym Petrenko

In this study, we present the results of a comprehensive assessment of thermosphere models under geomagnetic storm conditions, defined by a geomagnetic index ap ≥ 80. This work builds upon Bruinsma et al. (2024, DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2024027), which evaluated the performance of empirical and physics-based thermosphere models during storm periods. Utilizing models hosted at NASA's Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), we conduct an unbiased evaluation of their performance. Model simulations are analyzed across four storm phases—pre-storm, onset, recovery, and post-storm—relative to the time of peak ap. After applying a debiasing procedure based on the pre-storm phase, we compare the modeled neutral density data to high-fidelity observational datasets from TU Delft, derived from CHAMP, GOCE, GRACE, GRACE-FO, and SWARM-A satellites.

Key performance metrics, including mean density ratios, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients, are used to construct thermosphere model scorecards. These scorecards provide a valuable resource for users to identify the most suitable model for specific applications. The ultimate objective of this study is to establish a near-real-time scorecard for thermosphere model assessment at NASA/CCMC, employing consistent and standardized metrics.

How to cite: Wang, J., Yue, J., Bruinsma, S., Sypal, J., Kuznetsova, M., Mullinix, R., Wiegand, C., Siemes, C., Laurens, S., Dimarzio, P., Chou, M.-Y., and Petrenko, M.: Comprehensive Assessment of Thermospheric Models During Geomagnetic Storms at NASA/CCMC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1673,, 2025.

EGU25-1968 | Posters on site | ST4.3

The lunar radiation environment and its contraint for crewed missions to the Moon 

Jingnan Guo, Mikhail Dobynde, Bailiang Liu, and Yubao Wang

Space radiation is a major concern for the safety of robotic and human exploration both in the near-Earth environment and towards deep space and other planetary bodies such as the Moon. It is therefore important to characterize and predict the fluxes of the major sources of energetic particle radiation in the heliosphere including solar energetic particles (SEPs) and Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs). This involves a good understanding of the GCR modulation process and the SEP/GCR transport mechanisms as well as their interaction with the Lunar surface environment. In this talk, we will present our recent porgress in assessing the Lunar radiation environment, both during solar-quiet periods and during solar eruptions. In particular, we developed empirical functions to rapidly assess SEP-induced effective dose on the Moon under different shielding scenarios.

How to cite: Guo, J., Dobynde, M., Liu, B., and Wang, Y.: The lunar radiation environment and its contraint for crewed missions to the Moon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1968,, 2025.

The enhanced variation of the magnetic field during severe to extreme geomagnetic storms induces a large geoelectric field in the subsurface. Grounded infrastructure can be susceptible to geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) during these events. Modelling the effect in real time and forecasting the magnitude of GICs are important for allowing operators of critical infrastructure to make informed decisions on potential impacts. As part of the UK-funded SWIMMR programme, we implemented nine research-level models into operational codes capable of running consistently and robustly to produce estimates of GICs in the Great Britain high voltage power transmission network, the high pressure pipeline network and the railway network. To improve magnetic coverage and geoelectric field modelling accuracy, three new variometer sites were installed in the UK and a three year campaign of magnetotelluric measurements at 53 sites was undertaken. The models rely on real time ground observatory data and solar wind data from satellites at the L1 Lagrange point. A mixture of empirical machine learning and numerical magnetohydrodynamic models are used for forecasting. In addition to nowcast capabilities, contextual information on the likelihood of substorms, sudden commencements and large rates of magnetic field change were developed.  The final nowcast and forecast codes were implemented in a cloud-based environment using modern software tools and practices. We describe the process to move from research to operations (R2O) and give examples from the largest storms in 2024.

How to cite: Beggan, C.: Research to Operations: Implementing cloud-based real-time operational magnetic, geoelectric and GIC models for the UK, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2804,, 2025.

EGU25-3034 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3

National-scale power grid modelling and space weather application with open-source data 

Wen Chen, Ding Yuan, Yuxuan Zhu, and Tong Yin

Severe geomagnetic storms can induce geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) in infrastructures like power grids, leading to transformer overheating, voltage instability, and power outages. With the rapid expansion and large-scale deployment of these systems worldwide, space weather effects have become an increasing concern. To address the urgent need to assess the impacts of space weather, a systematic modelling framework is essential. However, the absence of complete grid data has hindered the development of a GICs model during geomagnetic storms. This study proposes a systematic GICs modeling methodology that involves reconstructing power grid topology using open-source geographic data, calculating induced electric fields from magnetic disturbances, and analyzing GICs at substation nodes and transmission lines. Firstly, we accurately reconstruct the UK power grid. The high-resolution reconstructed grid model establishes a solid foundation for calculating the electromagnetic properties of key nodes and transmission lines. Next, we use geomagnetic field data from observatories during geomagnetic storms to perform geomagnetic field interpolation and induced electric field modeling, followed by the computation of GICs at substations within the grid. The model is further applied to simulate the geoelectric fields in Japan, demonstrating high accuracy. Additionally, GIC analysis during magnetic storms is conducted for a specific region in China, revealing that even low-latitude areas of China's power grid can be significantly affected by strong magnetic storms. This study establishes a systematic model that takes geomagnetic field data as input and outputs GICs at substation nodes, providing a new tool for GICs modelling induced by geomagnetic storms. It holds significant implications for assessing and managing the operational security of power grids during geomagnetic storms.

How to cite: Chen, W., Yuan, D., Zhu, Y., and Yin, T.: National-scale power grid modelling and space weather application with open-source data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3034,, 2025.

EGU25-3560 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3 | Highlight

ARCANE: An Operational Framework for Automatic Realtime ICME Detection in Solar Wind In Situ Data   

Hannah Theresa Rüdisser, Gautier Nguyen, Justin Le Louëdec, and Christian Möstl

Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) are the primary drivers of space weather disturbances, necessitating accurate and timely detection to mitigate their impact. However, traditional identification methods often rely on post-event analysis, which limits their application in real-time forecasting scenarios.  

We introduce ARCANE, an operational, modular framework for the automatic, real-time detection of ICMEs in solar wind in situ data. ARCANE combines machine learning models with physics-based approaches, leveraging data from multiple spacecraft to enable early detection and enhance forecasting capabilities. The first prototype of the framework, trained on OMNI data, has been evaluated on real-time solar wind datasets, demonstrating its potential for operational use. 

This presentation outlines the methodology underlying ARCANE, highlights the challenges of adapting machine learning models for streaming data, and discusses the framework’s operational implementation at the Austrian Space Weather Office. Future development directions include enhancing real-time performance, integrating early predictions of key ICME parameters, and extending ARCANE's applicability to multi-spacecraft data for improved global space weather forecasting. 

How to cite: Rüdisser, H. T., Nguyen, G., Le Louëdec, J., and Möstl, C.: ARCANE: An Operational Framework for Automatic Realtime ICME Detection in Solar Wind In Situ Data  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3560,, 2025.

EGU25-4340 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3

The geomagnetic and ionospheric effects of the May 2024 Mother’s Day superstorm over the Mediterranean sector 

Alessio Pignalberi and the Space Weather Monitoring Group (SWMG) of the INGV Environment Department

On 8 May 2024, the solar active region AR13664 started releasing a series of intense solar flares. Those of class X released between 9 and 11 May 2024 gave rise to a chain of fast Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) that proved to be geoeffective. The Storm Sudden Commencement (SSC) of the resulting geomagnetic storm was registered on 10 May 2024 and it is, to date, the strongest event since November 2003. The May 2024 storm, named hereafter Mother’s Day storm, peaked with a Dst of -412 nT and exhibited almost no substorm signatures in the recovery phase.

This study deals with the Space Weather effects that the Mother’s Day storm had on the Mediterranean sector, with a special focus on Italy. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) operational manages and monitors a dense network of GNSS receivers (including scintillation receivers), ionosondes and magnetometers in the Mediterranean area, which facilitated a detailed characterization of the storm effects.

Geomagnetic observatories located in Italy recorded a SSC with a rise time of only 3 minutes and a maximum variation of around 600 nT. The most notable ionospheric effect following the arrival of the disturbance was a significant decrease in plasma density on 11 May, resulting in a pronounced negative ionospheric storm registered on both foF2 and Total Electron Content (TEC). These negative ionospheric phases were ascribed to neutral composition changes and, specifically, to a decrease of the [O]/[N2] ratio. The IRI UP IONORING data-assimilation procedure, recently developed to nowcast the critical F2-layer frequency (foF2) over Italy, proved to be quite reliable during this extreme event. Relevant outcomes of the work relate to the Rate of TEC change Index (ROTI), which showed unusually high spatially distributed values on the nights of 10 and 11 May. The ROTI enhancements on 10 May might be linked to Stable Auroral Red (SAR) arcs and an equatorward displacement of the ionospheric trough. Differently, the ROTI enhancements on 11 May might be triggered by a joint action of low-latitude plasma pushed poleward by the pre-reversal enhancement (PRE) in the post-sunset hours and wave-like perturbations propagating from the north.

The storm attracted also the general public’s attention to Space Weather effects, including mid-latitude visible phenomena like SAR arcs. This presentation outlines also the monitoring report of the Space Weather Monitoring Group (SWMG) of the INGV Environment Department and its effort to timely disseminate information about this exceptional event.

How to cite: Pignalberi, A. and the Space Weather Monitoring Group (SWMG) of the INGV Environment Department: The geomagnetic and ionospheric effects of the May 2024 Mother’s Day superstorm over the Mediterranean sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4340,, 2025.

EGU25-4627 | Posters on site | ST4.3

Ionospheric response forecasting and analysis during magnetic storm by a short-term ionogram prediction model 

Wang Zheng, Cai Jinhui, Gao Pengdong, Wang Guojun, and Shi Jiankui

During magnetic storm, the ionpsheric plasma vertical distribution would show some variations such as in foF2, h'F, hmF2, et al., and the disturbances may deveop into irregularities as Spread-F in ionogram.

We have made a high-definition prediction of ionograms at Hainan, focusing on Spread-F forecasting, using a neural network with a GAN architecture.This is a short-term ionogram prediction model, providing well predictions for both the F trace and Spread-F features. In this study, we product ionospheric response forecasting and analysis during magnetic storm.

We chose 3 magnetic storm events in 2022, compared whether the model estimate the F trace variation, and estimate the Spread-F occur referred to real ionograms at the same time. In the results, the estimated F trace curves have a high correlation with real ones, and the model also obtain enough Spread-F features to judge their types for each event.During a storm event, the ionosphere could produce two/three different types of Spread-F, which are corresponding to different space plasma structures.

How to cite: Zheng, W., Jinhui, C., Pengdong, G., Guojun, W., and Jiankui, S.: Ionospheric response forecasting and analysis during magnetic storm by a short-term ionogram prediction model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4627,, 2025.

EGU25-6047 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3

Forecasting solar wind parameters at 1 AU using time-dependant magnetohydrodynamic simulations 

Chaitanya Sishtla, Christopher H.K. Chen, Jens Pomoell, and Luke Barnard

The solar wind is a continuous, magnetised outflow of plasma from the Sun's surface that shapes the heliosphere and interacts with Earth's magnetic field, driving space weather phenomena. Variability in the photospheric and solar coronal magnetic field, which continually evolves, introduces changes in the formation and propagation of the solar wind. This variability leads to the development of large-scale structures, such as High-Speed Streams (HSS) and Stream Interaction Regions (SIRs), which can trigger geoeffective events.

In this study, we present results from a 2.5D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of the heliosphere in the equatorial plane to assess the importance of incorporating the time-dependent nature of solar conditions through boundary conditions. Such boundary conditions are imperative to capture the variable behaviour of the solar magnetic field and coronal plasma. Thus, the MHD simulation is driven using six-hourly updated photospheric magnetograms to feed the Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) coronal model over a 10-day period. These evolving WSA maps serve as the inner boundary conditions at 0.1 AU for the MHD simulation. The solar wind is modelled by solving the ideal MHD equations with an adiabatic equation of state, incorporating heating through a reflection-driven turbulent heating mechanism. The resulting simulation can capture time-dependant effects in the heliosphere that are absent when performing steady-state simulations using a single WSA map. The simulation outputs are validated against spacecraft data from 1 AU.

Previous studies have demonstrated that the time-dependent evolution of WSA maps captures large-scale heliospheric features with greater fidelity. An alternative approach, utilising time-dependent coronal simulations instead of WSA maps, has been shown to reproduce evolutionary features in solar wind stream structures that steady-state simulations fail to resolve. More recently, time-dependent boundary conditions driving a hydrodynamic wind model have highlighted their importance for improved forecasting at 1 AU, particularly for longer lead times, by accounting for evolving solar wind features.

The present study builds on these efforts by developing a robust and efficient simulation tool for the community, focusing on the equatorial plane which is a main region of interest for predicting space weather. It extends the impact of boundary-driven solar wind modelling from hydrodynamic approaches to an MHD framework, while also analysing forecast lead times at 1 AU. This work aims to facilitate further research into the role of time-dependent boundary conditions in modelling space weather and coronal mass ejection (CME) propagation.

How to cite: Sishtla, C., Chen, C. H. K., Pomoell, J., and Barnard, L.: Forecasting solar wind parameters at 1 AU using time-dependant magnetohydrodynamic simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6047,, 2025.

EGU25-6492 | Posters on site | ST4.3

PARASOL: A novel simulation model for forecasting solar energetic particle events 

Alexandr Afanasiev, Nicolas Wijsen, and Rami Vainio

Gradual solar energetic particle (SEP) events are attributed to particle acceleration in shock waves driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These events have significant space-weather effects, prompting ongoing efforts to develop models capable of forecasting their characteristics. Here we present a new such model, PARASOL. PARASOL is an extension of the PArticle Radiation Asset Directed at Interplanetary Space Exploration (PARADISE) test-particle simulation model of SEP transport. Its key feature is a semi-analytical description of the inner foreshock region (near the shock), constructed using simulations from the SOLar Particle Acceleration in Coronal Shocks (SOLPACS) model, which simulates proton acceleration self-consistently coupled with Alfvén wave generation upstream of the shock. PARASOL requires magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) parameters of the solar wind and the shock as inputs. To evaluate the PARASOL performance, we simulated the 12 July 2012 SEP event using the EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset (EUHFORIA) MHD simulation of the solar wind and CME for this event. The PARASOL simulation successfully reproduced the observed energetic storm particle (ESP) event near the shock, achieving an intensity within one order of magnitude of the observations.

How to cite: Afanasiev, A., Wijsen, N., and Vainio, R.: PARASOL: A novel simulation model for forecasting solar energetic particle events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6492,, 2025.

EGU25-7325 | Orals | ST4.3

NOAA SPWC’s ionospheric and thermospheric data products – status and plans 

Astrid Maute, Tzu-Wei Fang, Timothy Fuller-Rowell, Adam Kubaryk, Zhuxiao Li, Dominic Fuller-Rowell, Tibor Durgonics, Mariangel Fedrizzi, Svetlana Karol, George Millward, and Brian Curtis

The mission of NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) is to provide space weather products and services to stakeholders by issuing alerts, watches, and warnings. For the satellite and GNSS users, different thermosphere and ionospheric products have been developed. These ionosphere-thermosphere products are based on first-principle and data-assimilative models. To operate stable 24/7, the products have gone through long cycles of development, verification, and validation. Once in operation, products need to be continuously evaluated to assess their performance in the operational environment and identify areas of improvement. The validation was named, among others, as a need in the recently released NOAA Space Weather Advisory Group (SWAG) report.  Results of validations can guide improvements which can be addressed with the help of the research community. In addition, SWPC continuously interacts with customers to identify their needs and ensure that developed products and tools are useful and meet the requirements. In this presentation, we will describe the ionospheric and thermospheric data products provided by SWPC and the validation efforts. We will discuss plans to improve the data products / tools and expand the evaluation effort.

How to cite: Maute, A., Fang, T.-W., Fuller-Rowell, T., Kubaryk, A., Li, Z., Fuller-Rowell, D., Durgonics, T., Fedrizzi, M., Karol, S., Millward, G., and Curtis, B.: NOAA SPWC’s ionospheric and thermospheric data products – status and plans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7325,, 2025.

Solar flare forecasting is an essential component in space environment forecasting. Most of the deep learning flare forecasting models constructed are based on the magnetograms of active regions. Affected by the projection effect, these models can only forecast the active region in the center of the Sun. It is difficult to meet the need of operational flare forecasting of the solar full disk. Based on the traditional solar activity parameters, in this study, the relationships between the magnetic type of the active region, area of the active region, the history of the flare outburst, the 10 cm radio flux and flares from January 1996 to December 2022 were statistically analyzed. By using the fully connected neural network, an operational flare forecasting model for solar full disk active regions was constructed. This model can forecast the eruption of the M-class or above flares of the full solar disk active regions in the next 48 h. The F1 score of the model is 0.4304, the TSS is 0.3689, and the HSS is 0.3906. The model is compared with the deep learning flare forecasting model constructed in the previous work, and the results show that the operational forecasting model constructed in this paper has a better forecasting performance. Meanwhile, in order to explore the influence of the projection effect, the solar full disk active regions flare forecasting model constructed was tested for test data within 30 degrees from the center of the solar disk, within the interval from 30 degrees to 60 degrees, and over 60 degrees, respectively. The results show that the projection effect has little influence on the flare forecast model constructed in this study. The model can be used to forecast flares in the active region of the full solar disk, and provide an effective tool for operational solar flare forecasting.

How to cite: Li, M.: Machine Learning Solar Full Disk Flare Operational Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8513,, 2025.

EGU25-9258 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3

 Why do Some Sudden Commencements Generate “Disproportionate” Geomagnetically Induced Currents? 

Andy W. Smith, Craig Rodger, Kristin Pratscher, Daniel MacManus, Jonathan Rae, Daniel Ratliff, Mark Clilverd, Ewelina Lawrence, Ciaran Beggan, Gemma Richardson, Alexandra Fogg, Denny Oliveira, Tanja Petersen, and Michael Dalzell

A key space weather hazard is the generation of Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) in grounded, conducting infrastructure (e.g., power networks).  These GICs are driven by the changing magnetic field at the surface of the Earth and in extreme cases can cause disruption or even damage to power systems.  Due to a sparsity of GIC measurements around the globe, the rate of change of the magnetic field (e.g., H’) is often used as a proxy, under the assumption that larger rates of change of the geomagnetic field will be related to larger GICs.  While a range of magnetospheric processes can result in large GICs, in this work we focus on one: Sudden Commencements (SCs).  SCs are rapid, coherent changes in the geomagnetic field caused by the impact of a large increase in solar wind dynamic pressure (e.g., an interplanetary shock).  Globally, in one-minute cadence ground magnetic field data SCs appear relatively homogenous, lasting only a few data points.  However, it has previously been found that in New Zealand SCs on the dayside have been linked to 30% larger measured GICs for a given H’.  We investigate a deceptively simple question: why?

In this work we examine the sub-minute structure of SCs in New Zealand and their impact on the resulting GICs.  We introduce an analytical model that describes the key features of the magnetic field signature, allowing us to fully describe the key features of an SC.  The use of parameters (e.g., maximum H’) from the fitted analytical model strengthens the correlation between maximum H’ and GIC during SCs, but leaves remnant dependencies which are yet to be explained.  We conduct synthetic experiments with our analytical SC model and a high resolution magnetotelluric-derived map of the southern part of New Zealand to examine which properties of an SC make it more-likely to cause disproportionately large GIC.

How to cite: Smith, A. W., Rodger, C., Pratscher, K., MacManus, D., Rae, J., Ratliff, D., Clilverd, M., Lawrence, E., Beggan, C., Richardson, G., Fogg, A., Oliveira, D., Petersen, T., and Dalzell, M.:  Why do Some Sudden Commencements Generate “Disproportionate” Geomagnetically Induced Currents?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9258,, 2025.

The polarity inversion line (PIL) in active regions (AR) is considered being closely associated with solar flare eruptions. In this study, we rigorously constructed standardized datasets based on time series of different lengths using the SHARP parameters along the PIL. We compared the actual performance of the traditional logistic regression model (non-sequential) and time-series models in solar flare prediction tasks, as well as the predictive performance differences between time series models of different lengths within the CNN-BiLSTM-AT framework. The following conclusions are drawn: 1. It is verified that the prediction performance of the new SHARP parameters determined along the PIL is better. 2. In the actual prediction task, the time-series model is better than the non-sequential model, and the F1 score is almost doubled, reaching 0.59. 3. The most suitable hyperparameters of the model are estimated and the importance of the input parameters is evaluated based on the experimental results. This study provides further references and suggestions for data/model selection for flare prediction.

How to cite: Liu, S.: Flare Prediction Modeling based on the Time Series of SHARP Parameters along the Polarity Inversion Line of Active Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9267,, 2025.

EGU25-10611 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3

 Advancing Space Weather Forecasting with Sub-L1 Monitors: A Statistical Analysis  

Eva Weiler, Christian Möstl, Emma Davies, Tanja Amerstorfer, Noé Lugaz, Ute Amerstorfer, Astrid Veronig, and Veronika Haberle

Predicting the geomagnetic effects of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) remains a significant challenge in space weather forecasting. Spacecraft positioned upstream of L1, referred to as sub-L1 monitors, present a promising observational approach to addressing this problem. Such monitors have the potential to enhance both the lead-time and accuracy of geomagnetic storm forecasts. 

In a hindcast analysis, we demonstrate that the geomagnetic impact of the May 2024 superstorm—a complex event involving at least five interacting CMEs that led to the strongest geomagnetic storm since 2003—was reasonably well reproduced using real-time data from the STEREO-A spacecraft. This spacecraft, positioned at 0.956 AU and 12.6° west of Earth, acted as a sub-L1 monitor during this event and observed the associated interplanetary shock 2.57 hours prior to its detection at L1. 

Between November 2022 and June 2024, STEREO-A passed 0.05 AU ahead of the Wind spacecraft at ±15° heliospheric longitude, corresponding to the longitudinal separation for which monitoring below L1 is considered feasible. During this time interval, ten severe geomagnetic storms (Dst < -100 nT) and several moderate storms (Dst < -50 nT) were observed. This favourable spacecraft configuration enables a first robust statistical analysis of the utility of sub-L1 monitoring for space weather forecasting. 

To refine our methodology and address unresolved questions from the May 2024 analysis, we apply solar wind-to-Dst models to both STEREO-A and L1 solar wind data. By comparing model outputs to observed geomagnetic indices, we quantify the predictive performance and disentangle contributions from observational and modelling uncertainties. Furthermore, we examine the influence of longitudinal separation between the spacecraft on prediction accuracy. 

With this statistical analysis we aim to establish a critical benchmark for the development of future missions that leverage upstream monitoring to advance space weather forecasting capabilities. 

How to cite: Weiler, E., Möstl, C., Davies, E., Amerstorfer, T., Lugaz, N., Amerstorfer, U., Veronig, A., and Haberle, V.:  Advancing Space Weather Forecasting with Sub-L1 Monitors: A Statistical Analysis , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10611,, 2025.

Surface charging, the process of charge deposition on covering insulating surfaces of satellites is directly linked to the space environment at a time scale of a few tens of seconds. Accurate specification of the space environment at different orbits is of a key importance. We present the operational model for low energy (< 200 keV) electrons in the inner magnetosphere, called Inner Magnetosphere Particle Transport and Acceleration model (IMPTAM). This model in its various versions has been operating online since March 2013 ( and and it is driven by the real time solar wind (solar wind number density, dynamic pressure and velocity) and Interplanetary Magnetic Field (Y and Z components and total magnitude) parameters and by the real time Dst and Kp indices. The model provides the low energy electron (and proton) flux at all L-shells and at all satellite orbits, when necessary. We present several products, such as (1) 3D distributions of 1-200 keV electron fluxes (dependent on L, MLT, pitch angle and energy) inside 10 Re, (2) electron fluxes along any given satellite orbit for any given energy, (3) electron spectra at any location inside 10 Re as input to software computing potentials at satellite surfaces.

How to cite: Ganushkina, N.: Operational Inner Magnetosphere Transport and Acceleration Model (IMPTAM) for specification of radiation environment for surface charging, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10686,, 2025.

EGU25-10708 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3

A 150-Year Record of Past Radiation Belt Electron Enhancement Events: Development and Application to Space Weather Forecasting 

Guillerme Bernoux, Gautier Nguyen, Quentin Gibaru, and Vincent Maget

As part of the Horizon Europe FARBES (Forecast of Actionable Radiation Belt Scenarios) project, we have developed a method to automatically identify past radiation belt electron enhancement events using a ground-based geomagnetic index [Bernoux et al., 2025, accepted for publication in AGU ESS]. This method has enabled the production and publication of a list of over 150 years of past radiation belt electron enhancement events. By cross-referencing with catalogues of interplanetary events (SIRs, ICMEs), we have been able to assign a possible interplanetary cause to each post-1995 radiation belt event. In this presentation, we will first present the methodology used to derive the list of events and discuss how it can become a valuable asset to the community for both space weather and space climate studies. In particular, we will demonstrate its application to the analysis of extreme events and also highlight its potential for forecasting purposes, using a simple but effective analogue ensemble-based methodology that allows us to provide forecasts of the Kp index as physically credible scenarios. By using this historical context, we can provide more robust forecasting capabilities, ultimately improving the resilience of critical infrastructure to space weather impacts.

How to cite: Bernoux, G., Nguyen, G., Gibaru, Q., and Maget, V.: A 150-Year Record of Past Radiation Belt Electron Enhancement Events: Development and Application to Space Weather Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10708,, 2025.

EGU25-10913 | Posters on site | ST4.3

IonoNet: An Italian network of Oblique Ionosondes  

Achille Zirizzotti, Umberto Sciacca, Enrico Zuccheretti, Carlo Scotto, and James Ariokiasamy Baskaradas

IonoNet is a project of a cooperative radar network of multistatic Pseudo Random Code (PRC) ionosondes for oblique ionospheric soundings placed in different points of the Italian national territory; in this way it will be possible to compare the ionospheric characteristics relative to points separated by about a few hundred km. The project activities concern the design, construction, and installation of PRC ionosondes for oblique soundings. The oblique PRC ionosondes are made up of two parts, a transmitting and a receiving one placed in various places. The project includes the installation of three transmitting ionosondes located in the north (La Spezia), center (Montelibretti (Rome) and south (Gibilmanna) of Italy and five receiving ionosondes in Castello Tesino (TN), Rocca di Papa (RM), Preturo (AQ), Duronia (CB) and Lampedusa (AG). The instrumentation will be complemented by communication and data analysis systems, including the transformation of oblique ionograms into vertical ones, to enable better comparison with the ionograms from the Italian observatories. Autoscala software will be used for the real-time generation of electron density profiles and the calculation of all propagation parameters; based on the Autoscala output, ionospheric warnings will be generated, in case of disturbed conditions. The soundings will allow to map the ionosphere over large regions for the verification of models of the global. The local disturbed ionospheric conditions will be investigated to study possible ionosphere-lithosphere coupling phenomena. The project was funded within the framework of the “National Recovery and Resilience Plan” PNRR of the INGV “Meet” within activity 9.5.

How to cite: Zirizzotti, A., Sciacca, U., Zuccheretti, E., Scotto, C., and Baskaradas, J. A.: IonoNet: An Italian network of Oblique Ionosondes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10913,, 2025.

EGU25-10990 | Orals | ST4.3

ALF - A Probabilistic Auroral Location Forecast derived from Far-Ultraviolet Auroral Boundaries and Geomagnetic Activity 

Colin Forsyth, Micheala Mooney, Gareth Chisham, Andy Smith, Christian Lao, and Larry Paxton

Using auroral boundaries determined from far ultraviolet images of the aurora (Chisham et al., 2022), we have examined auroral occurrence with respect to magnetic latitude, local time and the Kp index. Our results show that auroral occurrence is highly correlated (R2>90%) with Kp between values of 0o and 5o. We use linear fits between occurrence and Kp to build a probabilistic Auroral Location Forecast (ALF) which gives the likelihood of the aurora occuring at a given magnetic latitude and local time for any level of Kp. The model includes both correlated relationships between Kp and occurrence at low latitudes and anti-correlated relationships between Kp and occurrence at high latitudes, enabling the model to replicate behaviour expected within the expanding-contracting polar cap paradigm. The model also shows higher variability in the location of the auroral boundary close to the interface between the upward Region 2 currents and downward Region 1 currents. Validation of the model returns high Brier Skill Scores for both the range of Kp used in the model creation (Kp=0 – 5, Brier Skill Score = 0.569) and the range unseen by the model (Kp=6 – 9, Brier Skill Score = 0.532) indicating that the model is skillful in predicting the location of the aurora. The results of our analysis and outputs of ALF may be of interest to space weather professionals and ‘aurora chasers’ in determining the likelihood of aurora being present, particularly when coupled with forecasts of the Kp index.

How to cite: Forsyth, C., Mooney, M., Chisham, G., Smith, A., Lao, C., and Paxton, L.: ALF - A Probabilistic Auroral Location Forecast derived from Far-Ultraviolet Auroral Boundaries and Geomagnetic Activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10990,, 2025.

EGU25-11043 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3

Nowcasting Solar Energetic Particle Events for Mars Missions 

Jan Leo Löwe, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, Salman Khaksarighiri, Donald Hassler, Jingnan Guo, Bent Ehresmann, Cary Zeitlin, Daniel Matthiä, Thomas Berger, Günther Reitz, and Sven Löffler

The radiation environment en route to and on Mars is dominated by sporadic Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events and omnipresent Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs). Both pose significant health risks for future crewed Mars missions due to high radiation exposure, increasing the long-term cancer risk. In extreme cases, acute radiation syndromes (ARS) may occur during intense SEP events, particularly if astronauts are exposed to high-dose rates during extravehicular activities.

Forecasting the occurrence and intensity of SEP events using tools such as ESPERTA, UMASEP, or REleASE is therefore crucial to provide astronauts with sufficient time to seek shelter. However, this task remains highly challenging due to the variability of SEP events, the diverse heliospheric configurations, limited data and instrumentation, as well as the complexity of prediction models. Moreover, these systems are specifically designed for the Earth or Earth-Moon system, making their applicability to Mars missions uncertain.

To adress this, we present a nowcasting system for SEP events in deep space and on the Martian surface, which serves as a reliable last backup in cases where forecasts fail. Our system is developed based on dose rate measurements from the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) onboard the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) during its 7-month cruise to Mars and over 12 years of operation on the Martian surface. We demonstrate that our nowcasting system provides astronauts with sufficient time to avoid both the peak radiation exposure and the majority of the cumulative dose from SEP
events. Additionally, astronauts are informed when it is safe to leave the shelter, with total shelter durations varying from a few hours to several days depending on the specific event. Our system is easy feasible, implementable in real-life scenarios, and achieves a near-zero false alarm rate both in
deep space and on the Martian surface, as verified using data from MSL/RAD.

How to cite: Löwe, J. L., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Khaksarighiri, S., Hassler, D., Guo, J., Ehresmann, B., Zeitlin, C., Matthiä, D., Berger, T., Reitz, G., and Löffler, S.: Nowcasting Solar Energetic Particle Events for Mars Missions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11043,, 2025.

EGU25-11986 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3

Turbulence diagnostics of scale-by-scale accuracy of solar wind forecasts 

Pauline A. Simon, Christopher H. K. Chen, and Mathew J. Owens

The non-linear dynamics of the solar wind cover multiple decades of scales. These scales are not independent and are linked by turbulent processes. For instance, the energy will cascade from the largest scales determined by the dynamic and structure of the corona, to the smallest where kinetic dissipation and heating of the plasma occur. Mesoscale structures of size superior to the minute can be induced or affected by the turbulent cascade of energy or can generate a cascade. They have the right size to interact quasi-stationarily with the magnetosphere. However, are they well reproduced in space weather forecasts? We question the scale-by-scale accuracy of solar wind forecasts using turbulent-state diagnostics. These forecasts are obtained from the ensemble-analogue methodology applied to L1 measurements. We will discuss the implications of our results for space weather forecasting.

How to cite: A. Simon, P., H. K. Chen, C., and J. Owens, M.: Turbulence diagnostics of scale-by-scale accuracy of solar wind forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11986,, 2025.

EGU25-12727 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3

A VBz parameter study of the CME propagation with EUHFORIA: a perspective from the HENON mission. 

Giuseppe Prete, Antonio Esteban Niemela, Stefaan Poedts, Gaetano Zimbardo, Federica Chiappetta, Silvia Perri, Fabio Lepreti, Vincenzo Carbone, Stefano Cicalò, Maria Federica Marcucci, Francesco Pecora, Antonella Greco, Monica Laurenza, Mirko Stumpo, and Simone Landi

Space missions play a key role in predicting natural hazards like Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and high fluxes of solar energetic particles that hit the Earth. In this work we carry out a preparatory study for the interpretation of the data that will be collected by a new space mission under development by the Italian ASI. The name of the space mission is HEliospheric pioNeer for solar and interplanetary threats defeNce (HENON) and its aim is to improve the forecasting capabilities of the Space Weather hazards such as SEPs/CMEs events and geoffective interplanetary disturbances. We use the 3D-MHD numerical code EUHFORIA. We insert the possible trajectories of the Henon spacecraft in EUHFORIA and we simulate the evolution of CMEs varying the initial parameters of the code. We determine from the simulation the VBz parameter that allow us to understand if a specific event can be dangerous for the environemnt around the Earth or not. Here, V is the solar wind speed, Bz is the southward component of the interplanetary magnetic field, and VBz is the motional electric field which couples with the Earth's magnetosphere and pumps energy into it. In order to have a comparison with real data, we study the event of 03/11/2021 seen by ACE and SolO. ACE and SolO were at the same position in latitude and longitude in this date, with a radial separation of about 22 million km. We make a comparison between numerical simulation and results at ACE and SolO. In this way we make a forecasting analysis in order to understand what are the events potentially dangerous for space weather. On going simulations will be used to benchmark the forecasting capabilities of EUHFORIA, too.

How to cite: Prete, G., Niemela, A. E., Poedts, S., Zimbardo, G., Chiappetta, F., Perri, S., Lepreti, F., Carbone, V., Cicalò, S., Marcucci, M. F., Pecora, F., Greco, A., Laurenza, M., Stumpo, M., and Landi, S.: A VBz parameter study of the CME propagation with EUHFORIA: a perspective from the HENON mission., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12727,, 2025.

EGU25-13196 | Orals | ST4.3

Exosphere and thermosphere density measurements from GOES for space weather operations 

Ed Thiemann, Janet Machol, Robert Sewell, Dolon Bhattacharyya, and Christian Bethge

The Earth’s thermosphere plays a critical role in the Earth’s response to space weather and satellite drag in particular. The relationship between thermospheric variability and satellite drag is relatively straightforward: A hotter thermosphere results in higher densities at all altitudes, directly increasing satellite drag. Despite its crucial role in space weather, there are presently no operational direct measurements of the thermospheric state. Instead, today, the thermospheric state can only be estimated by driving numerical models with known space weather drivers, or by assimilating spatiotemporally averaged satellite drag data into such models.

The NOAA GOES satellites include a suite of measurements for space weather operations including magnetic field, energetic particle flux, solar soft x-ray and EUV irradiance and solar corona imagery, but historically have not provided measurements of the upper atmosphere. This may soon change. Recent NASA and NOAA funded projects have derived upper atmospheric densities from GOES solar measurements during solar occultations, which include measurements of exospheric hydrogen density from ~1000 km to 40,000 km using the GOES EXIS instrument and thermospheric O and N2 density from ~180 km to 400 km using the GOES SUVI instrument.  In this presentation, we review the new datasets, discuss their capabilities and limitations, and provide examples of both longer-term (solar cycle) and transient (geomagnetic storm) variability. Additionally, we discuss what improvements could be made for future sensors intended for thermospheric measurements.

How to cite: Thiemann, E., Machol, J., Sewell, R., Bhattacharyya, D., and Bethge, C.: Exosphere and thermosphere density measurements from GOES for space weather operations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13196,, 2025.

EGU25-13647 | Posters on site | ST4.3

Lessons Learned from a Solar Cycle of Space Radiation Measurements on the Surface of Mars with RAD 

Donald M. Hassler, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Bent Ehresmann, Cary Zeitlin, Jan Leo Loewe, Salman Khaksari, and Sven Loeffler

The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) on the Mars Rover Curiosity has been effectively serving as a space weather monitor on the surface of Mars since Curiosity landed on the red planet in 2012. RAD has measured the impact of more than a dozen solar storms, with the frequency of events increasing as the Sun approaches solar maximum. Two relatively large events (Sept. 10, 2017 and Oct. 28, 2021) were observed as Ground Level Events (GLEs) at both Earth and Mars, separated by 180 degrees in longitude. Most recently, RAD observed its largest event to date as part of the May 2024 solar storms that impacted both Earth and Mars. We will discuss these events and their implications for space weather predictions, as well as the need for heliosphere-wide space weather monitoring to support future human exploration to Mars and beyond.

How to cite: Hassler, D. M., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Ehresmann, B., Zeitlin, C., Loewe, J. L., Khaksari, S., and Loeffler, S.: Lessons Learned from a Solar Cycle of Space Radiation Measurements on the Surface of Mars with RAD, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13647,, 2025.

EGU25-14677 | Posters on site | ST4.3

Driving the Operational Geospace Model with Solar Orbiter Observations:  Motivation for Future Sub-L1 Monitors 

Anthony Rasca, Howard Singer, Gabor Toth, and Zhenguang Huang

In recent years, heightened solar activity has triggered numerous intense geomagnetic storms--including the first G5 event since 2003.  With this heightened solar and geomagnetic activity near solar maximum, it is increasingly important to accurately predict effects of extreme space weather events and to provide lead time for mitigating actions.  Driven by observations at the L1 Lagrange point (1.5 million km upstream from Earth), the operational Geospace model provides predictions for the magnetospheric response to incoming solar wind drivers and resulting ground-level magnetic perturbations with a 30-60 minute lead time for geomagnetic disturbances.  This work focuses on three Earth-directed CMEs observed by Solar Orbiter at solar distances of ~0.4-0.5 AU to drive the Geospace model and test the viability of a far-upstream solar wind monitor for space weather forecasting.  For observations this far upstream--as opposed to closer sub-L1 CME observations by STEREO-A--new methods are needed for propagating measurements to the model boundary and to reduce uncertainty.  Model predictions of Dst and Kp for these resulting geomagnetic storms are compared with those from corresponding L1-driven Geospace output and with ground truth observations.

How to cite: Rasca, A., Singer, H., Toth, G., and Huang, Z.: Driving the Operational Geospace Model with Solar Orbiter Observations:  Motivation for Future Sub-L1 Monitors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14677,, 2025.

EGU25-15258 | Posters on site | ST4.3

Two decades of space radiation environment observations with IREM monitor on INTEGRAL 

Wojtek Hajdas, Paul Buehler, Andre Galli, Hualin Xiao, Petteri Nieminen, Hugh Evans, Giovanni Santin, Leszek Grzanka, Szymon Bednorz, Krzysztof Peczek, and Jan Swakon

The INTEGRAL Radiation Environment Monitor (IREM) conducts permanent observations of energetic protons and electrons along the orbit of the ESA INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL). IREM was powered on shortly after its launch on 17 October 2002 and since then it operates continuously for more than two decades. The instrument was developed in partnership between ESA, PSI and Contraves Space AG (Now Thales Alenia Switzerland) and belongs to the family of Standard Radiation Environment Monitors (SREMs). Ten identical SREMs were manufactured and are characterized by low weight, small dimensions and low power consumption. They were optimized for detection of particles with energies and fluxes typical to the Earth radiation environment. IREM onboard of INTEGRAL supports large science instruments by permanent measurements of charge particle background along the orbit. Its telemetry is instantaneously used by the spacecraft data handler enabling generation of alerts broadcasted to the rest of the payload. In parallel, IREM permanently measures the Earth radiation environment for the space weather program. These science data include regular radiation belt scans, large number of Solar Energetic Particles detections as well as numerous Forbush decreases. Observations spanned over three solar maxima provide long records on radiation belt dynamics and Cosmic Rays modulation including its spectral variations at low energies. (IREM could also detect rare, explosive events e.g., from the Soft Gamma Repeaters - magnetars.) Extensive database populated with 23 years of observations is open and available for space research community. It was recently upgraded with a new quick-look inspection utility and Python based data analysis tools.

How to cite: Hajdas, W., Buehler, P., Galli, A., Xiao, H., Nieminen, P., Evans, H., Santin, G., Grzanka, L., Bednorz, S., Peczek, K., and Swakon, J.: Two decades of space radiation environment observations with IREM monitor on INTEGRAL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15258,, 2025.

EGU25-15733 | Posters on site | ST4.3

Reproducing TEC variations during May 2024 storm based on statistics 

Claudia Borries

The ionosphere is a critical factor for the performance of a wide range of communication and navigation systems. Sudden significant changes in its electron density can cause degradations in the performance of these technical systems. The variability of the ionosphere is mainly driven by solar EUV radiation, but solar wind can also modify the ionosphere significantly for periods of geomagnetic storms. The modelling of the solar wind driven variability of the ionospheric electron density is still an open challenge because of the very complex nature of the ionosphere response to the solar wind input. This study presents an attempt to reproduce the variability of the Total Electron Content (TEC) during one of the most recent extreme geomagnetic storms, which occurred on 10 May 2024.

18 years of TEC maps (2005-2023) provided by the International GNSS Service (IGS) are analysed for potential correlations with the popular geomagnetic index Kp. The analysis differentiates local and UT dependencies. The correlation results show a clear latitudinal dependence and hemispheric asymmetry. A linear regression model is generated for those conditions, where a significant correlation is detected. This statistical model is used to reproduce the storm in May 2024. The results are compared with the actual IGS TEC maps observed during the storm.

How to cite: Borries, C.: Reproducing TEC variations during May 2024 storm based on statistics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15733,, 2025.

EGU25-15905 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3

Enhancing VERB-3D Radiation Belt Predictions Using Data Assimilation 

James Edmond, Yuri Shpritz, Dedong Wang, Artem Smirnov, Angélica M. Castillo Tibocha, Bernhard Haas, and Alexander Drozdov

Understanding and predicting radiation belt dynamics is crucial for mitigating risks to spacecraft, particularly those involved in satellite-based communications. VERB-3D is a prominent numerical model for simulating the complex evolution of electron PSD in the radiation belts. Data assimilation is a powerful method that merges observational data with model predictions, creating a more accurate and reliable reconstruction of the space environment. We present a comparative analysis of VERB-3D simulations and data-assimilative reanalyses of VERB outputs during both quiet and geomagnetically active conditions, and demonstrate the ability of advanced data assimilation techniques to significantly enhance the accuracy of radiation belt predictions.

How to cite: Edmond, J., Shpritz, Y., Wang, D., Smirnov, A., M. Castillo Tibocha, A., Haas, B., and Drozdov, A.: Enhancing VERB-3D Radiation Belt Predictions Using Data Assimilation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15905,, 2025.

EGU25-16359 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3

Prediction of coronal mass ejection geo-effectiveness using Solar Orbiter as a far upstream monitor in real-time 

Emma Davies, Christian Möstl, Eva Weiler, Hannah Rüdisser, Ute Amerstorfer, Timothy Horbury, Helen O’Brien, Jean Morris, Alastair Crabtree, and Edward Fauchon-Jones

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the main drivers of severe space weather at Earth which can cause significant disruption to both satellite and ground systems, necessitating accurate predictions for timely mitigation. The complicated nature of the processes affecting CMEs as they propagate makes understanding and predicting their physical properties and global structure a challenging task, from both a fundamental and practical space weather perspective. Current challenges lie in forecasting CME arrival time and magnetic structure prior to Earth arrival, closely related to our ability to directly measure their magnetic field configuration between the Sun and 1 AU, which is critical for assessing their geo-effectiveness.

Recent opportunities provided by Solar Orbiter crossing the Sun-Earth line have allowed us to monitor upstream solar wind conditions in real-time. On 23 March 2024, Solar Orbiter observed a fast CME whilst located upstream of Earth at 0.39 AU. It provided observations of the CME magnetic field vector in real time, with a lead time of over one day before Earth impact. We present the analysis performed that led to the first real-time prediction of the geomagnetic magnitude of a severe geomagnetic storm (minimum Dst -130 nT) with sufficient accuracy and lead time. Our results demonstrate the necessity of future real-time upstream solar wind monitors towards providing accurate and timely predictions of space weather effects.

How to cite: Davies, E., Möstl, C., Weiler, E., Rüdisser, H., Amerstorfer, U., Horbury, T., O’Brien, H., Morris, J., Crabtree, A., and Fauchon-Jones, E.: Prediction of coronal mass ejection geo-effectiveness using Solar Orbiter as a far upstream monitor in real-time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16359,, 2025.

EGU25-17180 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3

Enhancing PINE Model Performance through Database Extension 

Sadaf Shahsavani, Yuri Y. Shprits, Stefano Bianco, Bernhard Haas, Artem Smirnov, Yoshiya Kasahara, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Atsushi Kumamoto, Atsuki Shinbori, Ayako Matsuoka, Mariko Teramoto, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Iku Shinohara, and Yoshizumi Miyoshi

PINE (Plasma density in the Inner magnetosphere Neural network-based Empirical model) [4] is
a previously developed neural network model that uses RBSP [3] data and geomagnetic indices to
capture the global dynamics of cold plasma density in the plasmasphere. In this study, we enhance
PINE by incorporating additional data from the ERG (Exploration of Energization and Radiation
in Geospace) ARASE mission [1, 2], alongside the existing RBSP dataset. The updated model
is rigorously validated using a withheld test set and further evaluated through comparison with
global hydrogen ion distribution images obtained by the IMAGE (Imager for Magnetopause-to-
Aurora Global Exploration) mission. Model performance is analyzed under varying geomagnetic
conditions, including quiet periods, disturbed intervals, and extreme space weather events. Inte-
grating Arase data improves modeling of the inner magnetosphere, extending PINE’s applicability
to lower altitudes in the ionosphere by covering low L-shell regions and enhancing predictions of
the plasmapause configuration.

[1] Atsushi, K., Fuminori, T., Hirotsugu, K., Shoya, M., Ayako, M., Mariko, T., Masafumi, S., Satoko, N., Masahiro, K., Yoshizumi, M., et al., 2021. Exploration of energization and radiation in geospace (erg) plasma wave experiment (pwe) high frequency analyzer (hfa) level-3 electron density data. DOI: 10.34515/DATA.ERG-10001.

[2] Kasahara, Y., Kumamoto, A., Tsuchiya, F., Kojima, H., Matsuda, S., Matsuoka, A., Teramoto, M., Shoji, M., Nakamura, S., Kitahara, M., et al., 2021. The pwe/hfa instrument level-3 electron density data of exploration of energization and radiation in geospace (erg) arase satellite. ERG Sci. Cent. DOI: 10.34515/DATA.ERG-10001 1.

[3] Mauk, B., Fox, N.J., Kanekal, S., Kessel, R., Sibeck, D., Ukhorskiy, a.A., 2014. Science objectives and rationale for the radiation belt storm probes mission. The van Allen probes mission, 3–27. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4899-7433-4_2.

[4] Zhelavskaya, I.S., Shprits, Y.Y., Spasojevi´c, M., 2017. Empirical modeling of the plasmasphere dynamics using neural networks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122, 11–227. DOI: 10.1002/2017JA024406

How to cite: Shahsavani, S., Shprits, Y. Y., Bianco, S., Haas, B., Smirnov, A., Kasahara, Y., Tsuchiya, F., Kumamoto, A., Shinbori, A., Matsuoka, A., Teramoto, M., Yamamoto, K., Shinohara, I., and Miyoshi, Y.: Enhancing PINE Model Performance through Database Extension, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17180,, 2025.

EGU25-18393 | Orals | ST4.3

Using Type III radio bursts as evidence of particle escape from the Sun for enhancing solar proton forecasting capabilities 

Olga Malandraki, Kostas Tziotziou, Michalis Karavolos, Henrik Droege, Bernd Heber, Patrick Kuehl, Janet Barzilla, Edward Semones, Kathryn Whitman, M. Leila Mays, Chinwe Didigu, Christopher J. Stubenrauch, Monica Laurenza, Milan Maksimovic, Vratislav Krupar, and Nikolas Milas

Reliable forecasts with sufficient advance warning of Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events (with energies ranging from tens of keV to a few GeV and lasting for a few hours to several days), are vital for swift mitigation of threats to modern technology, spacecraft, avionics and under extreme circumstances commercial aircraft. Moreover, such forecasts are imperative for minimizing radiation hazards to astronauts especially on future Lunar or Mars missions. To this end, the HESPERIA Relativistic Electron Alert System for Exploration (REleASE) forecasting tools provide real-time predictions of the proton flux (30-50 MeV) at L1 based on relativistic and near-relativistic electron measurements by the SOHO/EPHIN and ACE/EPAM experiments using relevant proton forecasting matrices created from historical electron and proton data. Likewise, the recently developed STEREO REleASE forecasting scheme provides real-time predictions of proton flux (21-40 MeV) at the current location of STEREO-A, relying on electron measurements by the Solar Electron Proton Telescope (SEPT) and the High Energy Telescope (HET) onboard the spacecraft  and relevant forecasting matrices that were derived from an analysis of 15-years of historical SEPT/HET electron and HET proton data. We, hereby, report on two novel implementations, namely HESPERIA REleASE+ and STEREO REleASE+, that combine for the first time real-time Type III solar radio burst observations by the STEREO S/WAVES instrument, as clear evidence of particle escape from the Sun, within the HESPERIA and STEREO REleASE systems respectively, aiming to substantially improve their accuracy and reduce false alarms. The identification of Type III radio bursts and their qualification as a precondition for intense SEP events occurring either at Earth or STEREO location is provided by a robust automated algorithm that recently resulted from an international collaboration between partners with complementary expertise on particles and radio data. These real-time and highly accurate forecasting schemes, which are currently operational and accessible through the Space Weather Operational Unit of the National Observatory of Athens (, have attracted attention from various space organizations (e.g., NASA/CCMC, SRAG) and some of them are now integrated and provided through the ESA Space Weather (SWE) Service Network ( under the Space Radiation Expert Service Center (R-ESC).

How to cite: Malandraki, O., Tziotziou, K., Karavolos, M., Droege, H., Heber, B., Kuehl, P., Barzilla, J., Semones, E., Whitman, K., Mays, M. L., Didigu, C., J. Stubenrauch, C., Laurenza, M., Maksimovic, M., Krupar, V., and Milas, N.: Using Type III radio bursts as evidence of particle escape from the Sun for enhancing solar proton forecasting capabilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18393,, 2025.

EGU25-18472 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3

Validation of Model Results in Response to the COSPAR ISWAT Challenge 

Xingzhi Lyu, Dedong Wang, Yuri Shprits, Shangchun Teng, Alexander Drozdov, and Angelica Castillo

The COSPAR International Space Weather Action Team (ISWAT) facilitates global
collaboration to address challenges across the field of space weather. The G3-04 team, “Internal
Charging Effects and the Relevant Space Environment”, aims to systematically assess and
improve model performance under different conditions. In response to the team's first bench-
marking challenge (long-term simulation), this study validates the Versatile Electron Radiation
Belt (VERB) code by performing simulations for the entire year of 2017 and validating the
simulation results against observations from NASA’s Van Allen Probes. No measurements from
Van Allen Probes are used in the model setups, including both initial and boundary conditions.
The only data input employed in our simulations is obtained from the Geostationary
Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) to define the outer boundary condition. Then,
the validation is conducted by comparing simulated differential electron fluxes at 0.9 MeV and
57.27 degrees pitch angle with observations from the Van Allen Probes. Overall, our simulation
results show good agreement with observations. Model performance is evaluated by calculating
several different metrics such as root mean square error, prediction efficiency, median
symmetric accuracy, and normalized difference. Similar approach is extended to multi-year
simulations, validated against satellite data for both long-term trends and specific geomagnetic
storm events, providing a comprehensive assessment of model accuracy.

How to cite: Lyu, X., Wang, D., Shprits, Y., Teng, S., Drozdov, A., and Castillo, A.: Validation of Model Results in Response to the COSPAR ISWAT Challenge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18472,, 2025.

The geomagnetic field is among the earliest indicators of space weather activity. However, advancements in monitoring and forecasting geomagnetic disturbances have remained relatively stagnant while other areas of space weather made significant progress. These advancements have often relied on outdated global geomagnetic indices, overlooking the importance of local assessments.

LDi-GMap is a novel product designed to address several critical needs in space weather. It generates global maps of local geomagnetic disturbances for low and mid-latitudes, regions where most end-users conduct their activities. The maps operate in real-time, providing disturbance levels in an accessible discrete colour scale (0 to ±9) like the familiar Kp index, well assimilated by the space weather community. With a temporal resolution of one minute (could be lowered depending on input data), these maps leverage data from INTERMAGNET observatories which are processed using the Local Disturbance index (LDi)—a methodology developed at the University of Alcalá to quantify geomagnetic disturbances effectively.

This product demonstrates clear advantages over traditional operational and post-event approaches that use time series of geomagnetic indices. GMap captures both negative and positive local geomagnetic disturbances that might otherwise go unnoticed. By enhancing global awareness and understanding of local geomagnetic activity, this tool addresses a significant gap in space weather.

How to cite: Guerrero, A.: World map of geomagnetic disturbances for Mid and Low latitudes (LDi-GMap), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18707,, 2025.

CLS has been providing solar radio fluxes forecasts at 10.7 and 30 cm in a daily operational routine since 2016. A posteriori forecasts were also generated since 1992, simulating the real time conditions. The forecasts are computed up to 30 days in advance using a one-hidden layer Artificial Neural Network. In the framework of ESA/S2P SWESNET project, CLS has developed a web page to provide a graphical interface to the users, as well as a data archive of the nowcast and forecast products. It is available since October 2023. In the present work, we describe the last evolutions of the service. We also show the CLS forecast performances, in comparison to those from external operational centers (SWPC, SIDC, BGS, USAF). Moreover, recent studies performed at CLS and using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to improve the forecast are also presented.

How to cite: Yaya, P. and Souissi, R.: Status of the F10.7 and F30 solar indices forecast service at CLS: last evolutions, comparison to other centers and foreseen improvements using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19179,, 2025.

EGU25-19294 | Orals | ST4.3

Empirical parameterisations of ULF power and drift orbit averaged radial diffusion coefficients from ground magnetometers separated in MLT 

Stavros Dimitrakoudis, Georgios Balasis, Adamantia Zoe Boutsi, Ioannis A. Daglis, Constantinos Papadimitriou, Christos Katsavrias, Marina Georgiou, and Janos Lichtenberger

Radial diffusion, generated by ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves, is an important process for the transport of electrons in the outer radiation belt. Ground magnetometers give us constant observations of such ULF waves but their usefulness is limited by the models used to transform ground measurements into their progenitor fields in space. A typical assumption is that of a dipole field, and so measurements can only be reliably performed during the day. We have chosen a series of magnetometer stations at different sets of geomagnetic latitudes, with stations in each set separated by several hours in longitude, and compared their Pc5 ULF power measurements, and the resulting calculated radial diffusion coefficients, from 11 years of their data. By comparing the mismatch of their results when they were in different time sectors, and for different values of Kp, we were able to assess the median deviation of measurements conducted before dawn or after dusk with those on the day side. This will be useful for projects requiring a longitudinally limited array of magnetometers or for parts of the world where such coverage is limited, such as FARBES (Forecast of Actionable Radiation Belt Scenarios).

How to cite: Dimitrakoudis, S., Balasis, G., Boutsi, A. Z., Daglis, I. A., Papadimitriou, C., Katsavrias, C., Georgiou, M., and Lichtenberger, J.: Empirical parameterisations of ULF power and drift orbit averaged radial diffusion coefficients from ground magnetometers separated in MLT, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19294,, 2025.

EGU25-19525 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3

AI could have predicted the whole chain of events associated with the may 2024 space weather superstorm 

Edoardo Legnaro, Sabrina Guastavino, Anna Maria Massone, and Michele Piana

This talk applies artificial intelligence (AI) to predict the whole chain of events associated with the May 2024 superstorm, including solar flares from NOAA active region (AR) 13644, Earth-directed CMEs, and a violent geomagnetic storm. Specifically, we will show that, using magnetogram cut-outs, a Vision Transformer was able to classify the evolution of the AR morphology and a video-based deep learning could have predicted the occurrence of solar flares; further, using remote sensing and in-situ observations, we will show that physics-driven models were able to improve the accuracy of CME travel time prediction and provide timely alert of its geomagnetic impact.  The results showed unprecedented accuracy in predicting both solar flares and geomagnetic disturbance occurrences, as well as CME arrival, with uncertainty as low as one minute.

How to cite: Legnaro, E., Guastavino, S., Massone, A. M., and Piana, M.: AI could have predicted the whole chain of events associated with the may 2024 space weather superstorm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19525,, 2025.

EGU25-19588 | Posters on site | ST4.3

Space Weather forecasting methods for the HENON mission 

Monica Laurenza and the HENON team

One of the main objectives of the HEliospheric pioNeer for sOlar and interplanetary threats defeNce (HENON) mission is the provision of  alerts for potential harmful Space Weather events, such as Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events and geomagnetic storms. Therefore,  we have developed several types of methods and have evaluated their performance. In particular, we have implemented a machine learning model, based on the Random Forest Regressor algorithm, to forecast SEP events at the Earth by using HENON observations of only energetic electrons which will be made by the REPE detector. The model can provide a reliable prediction of the >10 MeV proton flux expected at the Earth with an advance of 1 hour (i.e., before an increase of the proton flux is directly measured) by taking as input: the electron flux in four differential channels between 0.25 and 10.40  MeV; their derivatives; the proton derivative in the integral channel between 7-8 and 53 MeV; these nine physical observables multiplied by the two statistical measures (mean and standard deviation). For forecasting geomagnetic storms,  we have developed two methods which will exploit data of the solar wind velocity velocity V from the FCA instrument and the magnetic field (IMF) from the MAGIC instrument. The first method uses both V and the IMF southward component Bz. It provides an alert if both the VBz parameter and the Bz component have values that are above the chosen thresholds (4 mV/m and -6 nT for the VBz and the Bz) for at least 3 hours. The second method is an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for making a real-time regression of SYM-H index. We adapted the EDDA (Empirical Dst Data Algorithm) algorithm, developed by Pallocchia et al. (2016), using only magnetic field data,  to predict the Sym-H index 1 hour ahead every 20 minutes. We remark that HENON observations will allow us to compute alerts of geoeffective storms with a 10 time improvement in the lead times with respect to current predictions.

How to cite: Laurenza, M. and the HENON team: Space Weather forecasting methods for the HENON mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19588,, 2025.

EGU25-20056 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3

HF Doppler ionospheric monitoring applications: Indications of GNSS positioning accuracy degradation and for LOFAR operations 

Jaroslav Urbar, Jaroslav Chum, Tobias Verhulst, and Alan Wood

We present newly established possible applications of HF Continuous Doppler Sounding Systems (CDSS).

Ionospheric hindcasts for purposes of LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) telescope are applicable for selecting only suitable LOFAR core measurements for processing. CDSS-based measurements in Belgium, specifically Spread-F intensity and actual Doppler shifts, are evaluated for this purpose.

We demonstrate also statistical relations between GNSS positioning deviations obtained using state-of-the-art Septentrio receivers as well as low-cost U-Blox receivers with wide range of ionospheric condition parameters available for Central Europe, including indicators of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances developed within the TechTIDE project. The applicable finding is that the ionospheric F-layer Doppler frequency-shift (dF) obtained by CDSS correlates the best from among the analyzed parameters, having positive dF during positive altitude deviations (and vice-versa). We are currently extending the CDSS network, operational in Czechia, Slovakia, Germany and Belgium, as well as in Argentina, South Africa and Taiwan, to other locations of interest. The CDSS can also identify the 3-D parameters of the Medium Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances and infrasound propagating in the ionosphere.

How to cite: Urbar, J., Chum, J., Verhulst, T., and Wood, A.: HF Doppler ionospheric monitoring applications: Indications of GNSS positioning accuracy degradation and for LOFAR operations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20056,, 2025.

EGU25-20309 | Orals | ST4.3

The Solar Wind Scoreboard hosted by NASA’s CCMC 

Martin Reiss, Leila Mays, Maria Kuznetsova, Zhenguang Huang, Tinatin Baratashvili, Maksym Petrenko, Adam Kubaryk, and Edmund Henley

We present the new Solar Wind Scoreboard, which is hosted by NASA’s Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) and developed with the community as part of the COSPAR ISWAT initiative. The Solar Wind Scoreboard will serve the space weather and science community as a hub for real-time solar wind predictions at Earth, for viewing the ensemble of community-contributed models, and for comparing the performance of these models during extreme space weather events. Our overarching objective is to identify models that show potential to improve operational services. In this presentation, we will share our progress from the COSPAR ISWAT Workshop in Cape Canaveral, FL, USA, focusing on the open information architecture, including metadata standards, automated prediction submissions, and front-end development. Additionally, we will discuss how the Solar Wind Scoreboard integrates with existing CCMC Scoreboards and feeds into the new Geospace Scoreboard. We will share lessons learned from running models like AWSoM (University of Michigan) and ICARUS (KU Leuven) in real-time, and how we integrate their results into the scoreboard. Finally, we will outline future plans and how we envision broader community engagement in line with open science principles.

How to cite: Reiss, M., Mays, L., Kuznetsova, M., Huang, Z., Baratashvili, T., Petrenko, M., Kubaryk, A., and Henley, E.: The Solar Wind Scoreboard hosted by NASA’s CCMC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20309,, 2025.

EGU25-3059 | Orals | NP6.4 | Highlight

Long-lived Equilibria in Kinetic Astrophysical Plasma Turbulence 

Sergio Servidio

Turbulence in classical fluids is characterized by persistent structures that emerge from the chaotic landscape. We investigate the analogous process in fully kinetic plasma turbulence by using high-resolution, direct numerical simulations in two spatial dimensions. We observe the formation of long-lived vortices with a profile typical of macroscopic, magnetically dominated force-free states. Inspired by the Harris pinch model for inhomogeneous equilibria, we describe these metastable solutions with a self-consistent kinetic model in a cylindrical coordinate system centered on a representative vortex, starting from an explicit form of the particle velocity distribution function. Such new equilibria can be simplified to a Gold–Hoyle solution of the modified force-free state. Turbulence is mediated by the long-lived structures, accompanied by transients in which such vortices merge and form self-similarly new metastable equilibria. This process can be relevant to the comprehension of various astrophysical phenomena, going from the formation of plasmoids in the vicinity of massive compact objects to the emergence of coherent structures in the heliosphere.

M. Imbrogno et al, "Long-lived Equilibria in Kinetic Astrophysical Plasma Turbulence", The Astrophysical Journal Letters 972, L5 (2024)

How to cite: Servidio, S.: Long-lived Equilibria in Kinetic Astrophysical Plasma Turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3059,, 2025.

EGU25-3117 | ECS | Orals | NP6.4 | Highlight

Evidence of dual energy transfer driven by magnetic reconnection at sub-ion scales 

Raffaello Foldes, Silvio Sergio Cerri, Raffaele Marino, and Enrico Camporeale

The study of space plasmas at the kinetic scale has seen rapid growth in recent years due to the exponential increase in computational power and more accurate in-situ measurements. Both numerical simulations and observations have revealed a clear transition across ion scales from the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) to the kinetic regime, characterized by different physical phenomena dominating the turbulent properties and the heating of plasmas. Several studies have associated the so-called ion break with magnetic reconnection, which is considered responsible for injecting energy into this range, thereby driving the sub-ion energy cascade.

In this work, we analyze a 2D3V hybrid-Vlasov simulation of forced plasma turbulence using the space-filtering (or coarse-graining) technique, which allows for a simultaneous investigation of energy transfer properties as a function of scale, space, and time. Using this approach, we quantitatively show, for the first time, that magnetic reconnection in non-collisional plasmas is associated with dual energy transfer across ion scales, bridging the MHD and kinetic regimes. The onset of reconnection events triggers the formation of sub-ion scale turbulent fluctuations and plays a crucial role in the appearance of an inverse energy transfer regime originating at these sub-ion scales.

How to cite: Foldes, R., Cerri, S. S., Marino, R., and Camporeale, E.: Evidence of dual energy transfer driven by magnetic reconnection at sub-ion scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3117,, 2025.

EGU25-3200 | Orals | NP6.4 | Highlight

Formation of a magnetic coherent structure via the merger of two plasmoids at solar supergranular junctions 

Abraham C.L. Chian, Erico L. Rempel, Luis Bellot Rubio, Milan Gosic, and Yasuhito Narita

Formation of a magnetic coherent structure via the merger of two plasmoids at solar supergranular junctions


Abraham C.-L. Chian, Erico L. Rempel, Luis Bellot Rubio, Milan Gosic, and Yasuhito Narita


We discuss the formation of a large magnetic coherent structure in a vortex expansion–contraction interval, resulting from the merger of two plasmoids driven by a supergranular vortex observed by Hinode in the quiet-Sun (Chian et al., MNRAS 535, 2436, 2024). Strong vortical flows at the interior of vortex boundary are detected by the localized regions of high values of the instantaneous vorticity deviation, and intense current sheets in the merging plasmoids are detected by the localized regions of high values of the local current deviation. The spatiotemporal evolution of the line-of-sight magnetic field, the horizontal electric current density, and the horizontal electromagnetic energy flux is investigated by elucidating the relation between velocity and magnetic fields in the photospheric plasma turbulence. A local and continuous amplification of magnetic field from 286 G to 591 G is detected at the centre of one merging plasmoid during the vortex expansion–contraction interval of 60 min. During the period of vortex contraction of 22.5 min, the line-of-sight magnetic field at the centre of plasmoid-1 (2) exhibits a steady decrease (increase), respectively, indicating a steady transfer of magnetic flux from plasmoid-1 to plasmoid-2. At the end of the vortex expansion–contraction interval, the two merging plasmoids reach an equipartition of electromagnetic energy flux, leading to the formation of an elongated magnetic coherent structure encircled by a shell of intense current sheets. Evidence of the disruption of a thin current sheet at the turbulent interface boundary layers of two merging plasmoids is presented.


How to cite: Chian, A. C. L., Rempel, E. L., Bellot Rubio, L., Gosic, M., and Narita, Y.: Formation of a magnetic coherent structure via the merger of two plasmoids at solar supergranular junctions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3200,, 2025.

EGU25-3975 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4 | Highlight

A Three - Dimensional Hybrid Simulation Study on the Influence of Magnetosheath Turbulence on Magnetopause Reconnection 

Zemeng Li, Meng Zhou, Yongyuan Yi, and Ye Pang

In this study, the three - dimensional global hybrid simulation method is employed to explore the magnetic reconnection phenomenon at the magnetopause and the influencing mechanism of magnetosheath (MSH) turbulence on it. The characteristics of magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause downstream of quasi - perpendicular shocks and quasi - parallel shocks are emphatically compared, covering aspects such as the occurrence frequency of magnetic reconnection, the distribution pattern of X - lines, and the energy conversion of J·E. Through the operation of the three - dimensional hybrid simulation program and detailed analysis, the differences in magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause under different shock conditions are presented.This research work provides certain insights for accurately defining the complex relationship between MSH turbulence and magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause. It is expected to enhance the understanding of space plasma physical processes to a certain extent. The research results contribute to understanding the mechanism of the effect of turbulence on the magnetic field topology and energy transfer process in the magnetosphere, and provide references for subsequent research in the field of space physics. For the interpretation of satellite observation data and the construction and improvement of relevant theoretical models of magnetospheric dynamics, this study also has certain enlightenment and reference values, hoping to play a role in promoting the coordinated development of theory and practice in this field.

How to cite: Li, Z., Zhou, M., Yi, Y., and Pang, Y.: A Three - Dimensional Hybrid Simulation Study on the Influence of Magnetosheath Turbulence on Magnetopause Reconnection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3975,, 2025.

EGU25-4634 | Orals | NP6.4

Electron acceleration in reconnecting and non-reconnecting current sheets in the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock 

Naoki Bessho, Li-Jen Chen, Michael Hesse, Jonathan Ng, Lynn B. Wilson III, Julia E. Stawarz, and Hadi Madanian

In quasi-parallel shock waves, turbulence occurs in the shock transition region due to instabilities such as the ion-ion beam instability, which eventually bends magnetic field lines and current sheets are produced. There are two types of current sheets in the shock turbulence region: reconnecting current sheets and non-reconnecting current sheets. In the Earth’s bow shock, NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) has been observing many current sheets, some of which show evidence of magnetic reconnection and energetic accelerated particles. 


We study electron acceleration in the Earth’s quasi-parallel bow shock by means of 2D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation. We discuss differences in properties in reconnecting and non-reconnecting current sheets. Reconnecting current sheets and magnetic islands produced by reconnection show significant heating and energetic particles, and several acceleration mechanisms work in these regions: Fermi acceleration, Hall electric field acceleration, and island betatron acceleration. We also demonstrate that electrons are energized in non-reconnecting current sheets. In some regions in turbulence, an elongated, extending current sheet is formed, and electrons can be accelerated by the perpendicular electric field inside the non-reconnecting current sheet. We compare the efficiency between the acceleration mechanisms in reconnection regions and non-reconnecting current sheets.

How to cite: Bessho, N., Chen, L.-J., Hesse, M., Ng, J., Wilson III, L. B., Stawarz, J. E., and Madanian, H.: Electron acceleration in reconnecting and non-reconnecting current sheets in the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4634,, 2025.

EGU25-6399 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4

Quantitative Analysis of Energy Conversion and Anomalous Transport in Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities at the Magnetopause 

Zhihong Zhong, Ping Zhong, Meng Zhou, Daniel Graham, Ye Pang, Rongxin Tang, Yuri Khotyaintsev, and Xiaohua Deng

The magnetopause is the boundary where the solar wind interacts with the Earth's magnetosphere, playing a crucial role in the transfer and exchange of mass, momentum, and energy. The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) is widely recognized as a key mechanism facilitating plasma transport across the magnetopause. However, direct observational evidence remains lacking. Using high-resolution data from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, we investigated a KHI event by quantitatively analyzing the energy conversion rate, anomalous flow velocity, and anomalous diffusion coefficient associated with electromagnetic perturbations across various frequency ranges. Our results demonstrate that both the primary KHI and its internal small-scale structures contribute significantly to energy conversion, with the primary KHI producing larger anomalous flows and diffusion coefficients than its internal structures. The peak anomalous diffusion coefficient driven by the KHI (~2 × 10¹⁰ m²/s) is an order of magnitude greater than that induced by lower-hybrid drift waves in the magnetopause reconnection boundary layers. These findings provide quantitative evidence of the critical role played by the KHI and its internal small-scale structures in plasma transport and energy conversion at the flank region of magnetopause.

How to cite: Zhong, Z., Zhong, P., Zhou, M., Graham, D., Pang, Y., Tang, R., Khotyaintsev, Y., and Deng, X.: Quantitative Analysis of Energy Conversion and Anomalous Transport in Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities at the Magnetopause, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6399,, 2025.

The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) at the Earth's magnetospheric flanks plays a critical role in driving plasma dynamics, particularly during northward interplanetary magnetic field periods, in which the KHI is active at the low latitude magnetopause. This instability arises due to the velocity shear between solar wind and magnetospheric plasma, forming vortex structures that drive plasma mixing and magnetic reconnection. These vortices generate turbulence and enable the transfer of energy, momentum, and particles across the magnetopause. As a result, the KHI significantly impacts processes like plasma transport and particle acceleration in planetary magnetospheres. 

To investigate the small-scale physics of these processes, we performed high-resolution two-dimensional (2D) fully kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations using the ECsim code. ECsim stands out as a PIC code that has the unique property of conserving energy to machine precision, which is essential for accurately modeling physical systems where energy transfer is of prime importance. Our simulations focus on conditions characteristic of the Earth's magnetospheric flanks, where the KHI develops and evolves. By examining different plasma parameters, concentrating on particle velocity distribution functions and temperature anisotropies, we analyze the microphysical processes driving plasma mixing and particle energization, with a particular focus on electron physics, which is captured here in full. 

How to cite: Ferro, S. and Bacchini, F.: Fully Kinetic Simulations of Plasma Transport and Particle Energization Induced by the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the Earth’s Magnetopause, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6474,, 2025.

EGU25-6516 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4

Evolution of ion distribution functions in ionospheric plasmas perturbed by Alfvén waves 

Dario Recchiuti, Lorenzo Matteini, Luca Franci, Emanuele Papini, Giulia D'Angelo, Piero Diego, Pietro Ubertini, Roberto Battiston, and Mirko Piersanti

It is well known that electromagnetic (EM) processes can affect the trapped population of ionized particles in the Earth’s radiation belts and induce particle precipitations that can be measured by satellites. Moreover, in the last decades, several studies have suggested the concurrent occurrence of energetic particle flux variations (the so-called Particle Bursts, PBs) and ionospheric ELF-VLF electromagnetic activity in correspondence to (or even before) large earthquakes. However, to date, the underlying mechanisms connecting seismic-related electromagnetic processes to satellite-detected particle precipitation events remain elusive. In addition, a comprehensive model capable of explaining observed EM perturbations and PBs is still missing, especially during seismo-related phenomena. The lack of detailed investigation into these processes introduces uncertainties regarding the expected time delay between the two phenomena, which hinders the reproducibility and confirmation of reported findings across different studies, even when employing identical methodologies. Consequently, the temporal distribution of claimed seismo-related phenomena exhibits significant variability.

To address these challenges, we present novel numerical simulations investigating wave-particle interactions within a realistic topside ionospheric plasma environment. A hybrid code was successfully employed to simulate the topside ionosphere, incorporating realistic plasma parameters, including plasma beta and species composition. Simulation results demonstrate some modifications in the ion velocity distribution function, including the emergence of fast ion beams capable of inducing particle precipitation. These simulations provide, for the first time, an estimate of the time delay between the onset of EM waves and the resulting plasma modifications.

How to cite: Recchiuti, D., Matteini, L., Franci, L., Papini, E., D'Angelo, G., Diego, P., Ubertini, P., Battiston, R., and Piersanti, M.: Evolution of ion distribution functions in ionospheric plasmas perturbed by Alfvén waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6516,, 2025.

EGU25-7607 | Orals | NP6.4 | Highlight

Compression Acceleration of Protons and Heavier Ions at the Heliospheric Current Sheet 

Giulia Murtas, Xiaocan Li, Fan Guo, and Colby Haggerty

Recent observations by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) suggest that protons and heavier ions are accelerated to high energies by magnetic reconnection at the heliospheric current sheet (HCS). In this work I discuss the compression acceleration of protons and heavier ions as a source of energetic particles in the reconnecting HCS, by solving the energetic particle transport equation in large-scale MHD simulations. The multi-ion acceleration results in nonthermal power-law energy distributions, whose spectral index is consistent with PSP observations. Our study shows that the high-energy cutoff of protons can reach Emax ∼ 0.1-1 MeV, depending on the particle diffusion coefficients. The high-energy cutoff of different ion species scales with the charge-to-mass ratio Emax ∝ (Q/M)α, and the particle injection energy can play a role in modifying the scaling factor α, for which we also find a match with the interval α ~ 0.6 - 1.5 observed by PSP.

How to cite: Murtas, G., Li, X., Guo, F., and Haggerty, C.: Compression Acceleration of Protons and Heavier Ions at the Heliospheric Current Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7607,, 2025.

EGU25-8982 | ECS | Orals | NP6.4

Application of the BxC toolkit to the study of cosmic rays transport 

Daniela Maci, Rony Keppens, and Fabio Bacchini

The study of turbulent magnetic fields is crucial in modern astrophysics due to the omnipresence of plasma in a turbulent state. The state-of-the-art approach to the study of turbulence entails the use of numerical simulations, whose high computational cost unfortunately impedes a large variety of studies. To solve this issue, synthetic turbulence models have been developed, in which turbulent fields are generated analytically at a much lower computational cost. 

In the present work we focus on BxC, a Python-based toolkit that generates realistic turbulent magnetic fields through a combination of a geometric and analytical approach. Due to a relatively large set of input parameters, BxC allows for full customization of the statistical properties of the generated fields. Recent developments of the code improve on the possibility to reproduce realistic scenarios, in particular allowing for anisotropic fields and/or ‘structured’ turbulent fields as an alternative to purely turbulent ones.  

In view of practical application of the BxC toolkit, the code has been coupled with the MPI-AMRVAC framework, a parallelized finite-volume solver for partial differential equations. This combined framework has then been applied to the study of cosmic rays transport by means of test particle simulations. The presentation will introduce the audience to the combined approach used, highlighting its advantages and focusing on the results obtained from this study. 

How to cite: Maci, D., Keppens, R., and Bacchini, F.: Application of the BxC toolkit to the study of cosmic rays transport, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8982,, 2025.

EGU25-9707 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4

Linking Particle Acceleration to Magnetic Reconnection 

Nadja Reisinger and Fabio Bacchini

Magnetic reconnection, a fundamental plasma process, explosively releases energy, generates particles with high energies and plays a crucial role in space weather. This process, which is very common in space plasmas, also occurs in Earth’s magnetotail, driving particle acceleration and affecting the plasma dynamics of the near-Earth space environment. 

To explore the connection between magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration, we present fully kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection in Earth's magnetotail, including both ions and electrons. For this purpose, we employed the particle in cell (PIC) code ECsim and set up the simulation with parameters from a well-studied magnetic reconnection event observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. This event, usually referred to as a “quiet magnetic reconnection” event, is characterized by less enhanced plasma heating and turbulence.

Our study first compares the particle energization observed in the MMS data with the results from our simulation for this specific reconnection event. By examining the differences and similarities between the two, we aim to evaluate how well the simulation captures the key features of the observed event. Afterward, we vary the initial parameters to investigate how various reconnection scenarios affect particle acceleration. This approach allows us to analyze how different environmental conditions influence the acceleration of particles during magnetic reconnection.

How to cite: Reisinger, N. and Bacchini, F.: Linking Particle Acceleration to Magnetic Reconnection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9707,, 2025.

EGU25-12278 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4

Fully kinetic and hybrid PIC modelling of magnetosheath turbulence: closure and dissipation 

George Miloshevich, Giuseppe Arrò, Francesco Pucci, Pierre Henri, Giovanni Lapenta, and Stefaan Poedts

Understanding the interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere requires multi-scale modelling to resolve magnetohydrodynamic, ion and electron kinetic scales, owing to the collisionless character of plasma turbulence. This leads to computational complexity that reduced models aim to address.

In this study, we investigate decaying turbulence in the magnetosheath by performing comparisons between the ECsim (a fully-kinetic Energy Conserving PIC) model and a computationally lighter model Menura (a hybrid PIC). Menura resolves kinetic ion scales but the influence of massless electrons is provided only via the pressure closure in the generalized Ohm’s law. To ensure meaningful comparisons, we have adjusted the initial conditions using parameters consistent with magnetosheath observations.  

We present a detailed analysis of the pressure-strain interaction terms, electromagnetic work and cross-scales fluxes, demonstrating relatively good agreement between the two models and validating certain turbulent characteristics for Menura. Our findings confirm several established results from fully kinetic Vlasov and PIC simulations, such as connections between coherent structures and energy conversion. Furthermore, we are extending these insights to a novel magnetosheath regime for a hybrid PIC model, which has generally received less attention in such studies. However, discrepancies were also identified, such as Zenitani measure (electromagnetic work done by the non-ideal electric field) and absolute values of energy dissipation which are model-dependent.

In the effort to further improve electron pressure closure, we train a neural network surrogate on ECsim generated data (high fidelity model). We present preliminary results showing consistent scaling for predicted pressure-strain at future simulation time steps as a function of traceless stress, vorticity and the mean square total current density in a lack of data regime.

How to cite: Miloshevich, G., Arrò, G., Pucci, F., Henri, P., Lapenta, G., and Poedts, S.: Fully kinetic and hybrid PIC modelling of magnetosheath turbulence: closure and dissipation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12278,, 2025.

EGU25-12337 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4

Electron scale magnetic holes generation driven by Whistler-to-Bernstein mode conversion in fully kinetic plasma turbulence 

Joaquín Espinoza Troni, Giuseppe Arrò, Felipe Asenjo, and Pablo Moya

Magnetic holes (MHs) are coherent structures typically observed in turbulent plasmas, characterized by a sharp decrease in the magnetic field magnitude. MHs exist in different sizes, from magnetohydrodynamic to kinetic scales. Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) observations have revealed that electron scale MHs are very common in the turbulent Earth’s magnetosheath, potentially playing an important role in the energy cascade and dissipation. Nevertheless, the origin of MHs is still unclear and debated. In this work, we use fully kinetic simulations, initialized with typical Earth's magnetosheath parameters, to investigate the role of plasma turbulence in generating electron scale MHs. We identify a new turbulent-driven mechanism capable of generating MHs at scales of the order of a few electron inertial lengths. This mechanism involves the following steps: first, large-scale turbulent velocity shears produce localized regions with strong perpendicular electron temperature anisotropy; these regions quickly become unstable, producing oblique  whistler waves; then, as whistler fluctuations propagate over the inhomogeneous turbulent background, they develop a quasi-electrostatic component, evolving into Bernstein-like modes; the electric field of Bernstein-like modes produces filamentary electron currents that turn the wave into a train of current vortices; these vortices finally merge into a larger vortex that reduces the local magnetic field magnitude, ultimately evolving into a coherent electron scale MH. This work provides numerical evidence of a turbulence-driven mechanism for the generation of electron-scale MHs. Our results have potential implications for understanding the formation and occurrence of electron scale MHs in the Earth’s magnetosheath and other turbulent environments.


How to cite: Espinoza Troni, J., Arrò, G., Asenjo, F., and Moya, P.: Electron scale magnetic holes generation driven by Whistler-to-Bernstein mode conversion in fully kinetic plasma turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12337,, 2025.

EGU25-12621 | Posters on site | NP6.4

 Whistler Waves and Electron Deficit in the Solar Wind: Insights from Particle-in-Cell Simulations   

Maria Elena Innocenti, Jesse Coburn, Daniel Verscharen, and Alfredo Micera
In-situ observations of the solar wind reveal that the electron velocity distribution function (VDF) is composed of a quasi-Maxwellian core, which constitutes the majority of the electron population, along with two more sparse components: the halo, consisting of suprathermal and quasi-isotropic electrons, and the strahl, an escaping beam population. Recent measurements by the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter (SO) have identified an additional feature in the non-thermal VDF structure: the deficit—a depletion in the sunward region of the VDF, long predicted by exospheric models but only recently extensively observed.  
Using Particle-in-Cell simulations, we analyze electron VDFs that reproduce those typically observed in the inner heliosphere and explore the potential role of the electron deficit in triggering kinetic instabilities. Prior studies and in-situ data indicate that strahl electrons can drive oblique whistler waves unstable, leading to their scattering. This process enables suprathermal electrons to access phase-space regions that satisfy resonance conditions with parallel-propagating whistler waves.  
The suprathermal electrons lose kinetic energy, resulting in the generation of unstable waves. The sunward side of the VDF, initially depleted of electrons, is gradually filled, as this wave-particle interaction process, triggered by the depletion itself, takes place.
Our results are validated against current PSP and SO observations. Specifically, the study provides insights into the origins of the frequently observed parallel anti-sunward whistler waves in the heliosphere, their correlation with electron-deficit distributions, and a non-collisional process regulating heat flux.  


How to cite: Innocenti, M. E., Coburn, J., Verscharen, D., and Micera, A.:  Whistler Waves and Electron Deficit in the Solar Wind: Insights from Particle-in-Cell Simulations  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12621,, 2025.

EGU25-12735 | ECS | Orals | NP6.4

Energy-Conserving Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics 

Hongtao Liu and Giovanni Lapenta

Plasma systems exhibit complex multiscale dynamics that require full kinetic models for accurate representation. Explicit kinetic schemes are easy implemented but require time steps finely resolved to the plasma period and suffer from numerical heating, while implicit schemes ensure stability but at the expense of computationally intensive nonlinear solvers. Semi-implicit methods strike a balance between efficiency and stability, but struggle to conserve energy, leading to potential instabilities. While ECSIM introduced a pioneering energy-conserving semi-implicit PIC framework, developing efficient and unconditionally stable grid-based schemes with energy conservation remains a significant challenge.

We propose an inherently noise-free energy-conserving semi-Lagrangian (ECSL) scheme that retains the efficiency of explicit methods and the stability of implicit approaches. Numerical experiments validate its accuracy, efficiency, and energy conservation, demonstrating ECSL as a promising tool for multiscale plasma simulations.

How to cite: Liu, H. and Lapenta, G.: Energy-Conserving Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12735,, 2025.

EGU25-14612 | Orals | NP6.4

In Remembrance of Prof. Giovanni Lapenta 

Jeremiah Brackbill

Italy ended research on Nuclear Energy and in response, nuclear engineering faculty at Politecnico di Torino
placed selected students with established plasma physics groups.  Gianni Lapenta was the first.   He would spend 
half a year with Bruno Coppi at MIT, and half a year with me at Los Alamos.  When I met Gianni,
he said he  liked Boston and Coppi and would prefer to stay there. To my surprise, he arrived in Los Alamos
the following January. 

I suggested a problem to Gianni,   He published his results  in:  G. Lapenta and J U Brackbill, Dynamic and selective control of the number 
of particles in kinetic plasma simulations,  J. Comput. Phys. {\bf{115} }(1994) 213.  In another project with semi-conductor manufacturers, we modeled the deposition of 'dust' on large-scale integrated circuits.   Our results were published in G. Lapenta, F. Iinoya and J. U. Brackbill, "Particle-in-cell simulation of glow discharges in complex geometries," in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol 23 no. 4, pp. 769-779.  We modeled the interaction of a wafer assembly and the surrounding plasma self-consistently.  Gianni did further work on dust charging in a flowing plasma and published the work in Physical Review Letters.  He modeled  particles that developed dipole moments.  

Gianni became a staff member, a US citizen, and a member of the plasma physics group.  He began to apply the implicit moment plasma simulation code to study magneitic reconnection.  He brought students from Torino, to Los Alamos, among them Paolo Ricci, Stefano Markidis, Jean-Luc Delzanno, and Maria Elena Innocenti., and he published extensively on the lower hybrid instability, colllisionless reconnection, and , later, turbulence.  

In 2008,  he joined the Mathematics Department at KU Leuven  as a professor in Space Weather where he remained until his death in May, 2023.  He continued to  visit the US to work with Maha Abdallah at UCLA and Marty Goldman at the University of  Colorado.  I don't know the full breadth of his work, but I know that he was excited to discover that turbulent flow generated self-sustaining magnetic reconnection.  With Stefano Markidis, he developed a plasma simulation code on  massively parallel computers , and with colleagues at the University of Michigan a method to couple magnetohydrodynamic and kinetic simulation.  My favorite paper appeared in Ap. J. in 2021 on 'Detecting reconnection sites using the Lorentz transformations for electromagnetic fields'.  His method is a simple and reliable way to identify reconnection sites in plasma simulations.

Gianni and I were friends for many years.  We talked when he was diagnosed with cancer.  He was upset by the grim prognosis. So many things he had looked forward to were now out of reach, including a visit with us in Los Alamos.  He died 28 May 2023 at his home in Italy.

How to cite: Brackbill, J.: In Remembrance of Prof. Giovanni Lapenta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14612,, 2025.

EGU25-14631 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4

Energy transfer and dissipation of electron current layer during anti-parallel magnetic reconnection 

Dongke Chen, Can Huang, Aimin Du, and Yasong Ge

Magnetic reconnection is often considered to be the most fundamental mechanism for the release of magnetic energy in various plasma systems. Electron current layer (ECL) in the diffusion region plays an important role on energy dispassion during collisionless magnetic reconnection. ECL splits into two sublayers and is maintained at the electron inertial scale, not long after the triggering of anti-parallel magnetic reconnection. By performing 2D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations with high-resolution grids, we investigate the energy transfer and dissipation of electron current layer during anti-parallel magnetic reconnection. Starting from the energy equation of the two-fluid model, we examine the energy transfer and transports in the vicinity of the ECL through a point-by-point analysis of heating and acceleration, and obtain a new image of the energy conversion in the ECL sublayers. In this work, instead of determining the overall energy budget in a fixed-box, we rather chose to distinguish the diffusion into multiple variational regions to calculate the transfer of energy as the reconnection progressed. By combining calculations based on macroscopic energy equations and analysis of phase space electrodynamics, we find the mechanism of electron thermalization and acceleration in the diffusion region during anti-parallel magnetic reconnection.

How to cite: Chen, D., Huang, C., Du, A., and Ge, Y.: Energy transfer and dissipation of electron current layer during anti-parallel magnetic reconnection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14631,, 2025.

EGU25-17373 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4 | Highlight

Reconstructing fluid closures using supervised Machine Learning  

Sophia Köhne, Simon Lautenbach, Emanuel Jeß, Rainer Grauer, and Maria Elena Innocenti

The process of deriving fluid equations from the Vlasov equation for collisionless plasmas involves a fundamental challenge known as the closure problem. This problem consists of the fact that the temporal evolution of any particle moment—such as density, current, pressure, or heat flux—includes terms that depend on the next higher-order moment. Consequently, truncating the description at the nth order necessitates approximating the contributions of the (n+1)th order moment within the evolution equation for the nth moment. The choice of truncation level and the assumptions underlying these approximations play a critical role in determining the accuracy with which the resulting fluid model captures kinetic processes.

The work presented here focuses on reconstructing higher-order moments using only lower-order moments, along with the electric and magnetic fields, as inputs. We apply supervised machine learning to train models that predict higher-order moments, specifically the divergence of the heat flux tensor, in simulations of magnetic reconnection within a Harris current sheet under varying background guide fields. All simulations we use are obtained with the muphy 2 code (Allmann-Rahn et al. 2023). Fully kinetic Vlasov simulations, which provide complete physical information, serve as the ground truth. The reconstructed moments are incorporated into fluid simulations, and their impact on the simulation dynamics is analyzed. We evaluate the models' ability to generalize across different guide field conditions and compare the performance of the machine learning-based closures with commonly used closures in fluid simulations.

How to cite: Köhne, S., Lautenbach, S., Jeß, E., Grauer, R., and Innocenti, M. E.: Reconstructing fluid closures using supervised Machine Learning , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17373,, 2025.

EGU25-17592 | Posters on site | NP6.4

Particle-in-cell study of the tearing instability for relativistic pair plasmas 

Kevin Schoeffler, Björn Eichmann, Fulvia Pucci, and Maria Elena Innocenti

Two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations explore the collisionless tearing instability from a Harris equilibrium of a pair (electron-positron) plasma, with no guide field, for a range of parameters from non-relativistic to relativistic temperatures and drift velocities. Growth rates match the predictions of Zelenyi & Krasnosel'skikh (1979) modified for relativistic drifts by Hoshino (2020) as long as the assumption holds that the thickness of the current sheet is larger than the Larmor radius. Aside from confirming these predictions, we explore the transitions from thick to thin current sheets and from classical to relativistic temperatures. We determine a limit for the minimum current thickness to which a current sheet can evolve before the tearing instability sets in. Large-scale astronomical environmental parameters imply significant reconnection of system size current sheets is most likely in regimes with relativistic temperatures, e.g. active galactic nuclei. We also explore the nonlinear evolution of the modes that move to lower wave numbers (especially for thick current sheets with low growth rates) and eventually increase to faster growth rates associated with thinner current sheets before saturating.

How to cite: Schoeffler, K., Eichmann, B., Pucci, F., and Innocenti, M. E.: Particle-in-cell study of the tearing instability for relativistic pair plasmas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17592,, 2025.

EGU25-17863 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4

Discovering heat flux closures using machine learning methods 

Emanuel Jeß, Simon Lautenbach, Sophia Köhne, and Maria Elena Innocenti

In computational plasma physics kinetic models are used to simulate plasma phenomena where small scale physics is expected to be of importance. These models contain the full information of the particle velocity distribution function but are computationally expensive. Therefore, computationally cheaper models are utilized, which can then be deployed to larger scales e. g. 10-moment fluid models or magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). However, the large scale behavior is critically influenced by small scale behavior. For example, solar wind observations show that ion and electron scale instabilities constrain the solar wind temperature anisotropy over the entire heliosphere (Berčič et al., 2019; Matteini et al., 2013)  and in our group we have recently demonstrated via fully kinetic numerical simulations the non-trivial link between the small and the large scales in heat flux regulation in the solar wind (Micera et al., 2021; Micera et al., 2025). Thus, models are required that can include kinetic processes, in reduced form, into large scale simulations. At the moment, analytical closures are used to close the hierarchy of fluid equations, but these closures are strictly valid only in certain regimes. For example, Landau fluid closures (Hammett & Perkins, 1990; Hunana et al., 2019) assume that the plasma is close to Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium, which is not the case for most space plasmas. Finding suitable closure equations is an ongoing research topic that gets increasingly more difficult in complex systems. In this study, we try to improve fluid models by learning a suitable symbolic closure for the heat flux by applying machine learning methods (Alves & Fiuza, 2022; Long et al., 2019) to data from kinetic simulations.
At first, these methods were tested by learning the lower moment equations using simulation data of the two stream instability.
In the long term, closure equations for more complex systems will be addressed.

How to cite: Jeß, E., Lautenbach, S., Köhne, S., and Innocenti, M. E.: Discovering heat flux closures using machine learning methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17863,, 2025.

EGU25-1027 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.1

Escaping plasma structures in the Martian magnetotail as observed during two special MARSIS high-altitude campaigns 

Katerina Stergiopoulou, Mark Lester, Simon Joyce, and David Andrews

The nightside ionosphere of Mars is formed by plasma transport from the dayside and electron precipitation. Significant progress has been made in our understanding of its composition and structure at low altitudes, however, what happens at higher altitudes remains unclear. Plasma structures escaping from the nightside of Mars could reveal the plasma transport paths from the dayside and from the nightside to space. Furthermore, the response of escaping plasma structures to changing solar wind conditions will shed light on the dynamic evolution of the system. Mapping the paths of escaping plasma structures will result in a better understanding of the evolution of atmospheric escape at Mars and the contribution of escaping plasma structures to the total atmospheric loss. In this study we probe escaping plasma structures utilising two special campaigns of ESA's Mars Express mission as well as observations from NASA's MAVEN mission, in the high-altitude nightside ionosphere of Mars. Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) is the radar on board Mars Express and it typically samples the ionosphere at altitudes no higher than ~1500 km. In our study we look at observations from consecutive orbits during two special MARSIS campaigns, each consisting of 5 orbits, that took place in September 2023 and April 2024, for which MARSIS was operated at altitudes up to 4000 km. 
We see a variable nightside ionosphere at high altitudes that changes between consecutive Mars Express orbits. MARSIS detects plasma structures, appearing at different altitudes or disappearing between orbits, although a consistent plasma presence in the terminator region is observed. We compare the observations from the special MARSIS campaigns with MAVEN measurements to better evaluate both the escaping plasma structures and the solar wind conditions. MAVEN too sees plasma structures at high altitudes on the nightside, changing between orbits, confirming the variability in the nightside ionosphere. Combining Mars Express and MAVEN data we further investigate the effect of changing solar wind conditions to the plasma structures. 

How to cite: Stergiopoulou, K., Lester, M., Joyce, S., and Andrews, D.: Escaping plasma structures in the Martian magnetotail as observed during two special MARSIS high-altitude campaigns, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1027,, 2025.

EGU25-3137 | ECS | Orals | PS4.1

The impact of space weather on the national-scale power grid and the associated economic losses 

Tong Yin, Ding Yuan, Wen Chen, and Fan Xue

Space weather significantly impacts the Earth’s magnetic field and can severely disrupt power systems. As modern society increasingly relies on power systems, space weather effects cascade into other sectors, with severe events posing catastrophic economic risks. Research on the economic losses caused by space weather remains in its early stages, leading to potential inadequacies in risk assessment and mitigation measures and heightening the vulnerability of economic and social systems. This study employs the Dynamic Inoperability Input-Output Model to assess the GDP impact of geomagnetic storms in the United Kingdom with an occurrence rate of 1-in-11 to 1-in-1,000,000 years. We also use the Vector Autoregression model to analyze the impact of geomagnetic disturbances on the operability of the power grid of Switzerland. Results indicate that a geomagnetic "superstorm" with an occurrence rate of 1-in-10,000 to 1-in-1,000,000 years could lead to GDP losses of 7.22%-52.3%, while the total GDP loss of a Québec-scale storm would fall in the range of 3.9%-5.6%. In Switzerland, GICs negatively affect power generation, transmission, and prices, with disruptions lasting days. These findings provide a foundation for policymakers to devise strategies to mitigate the risks of extreme space weather events.

How to cite: Yin, T., Yuan, D., Chen, W., and Xue, F.: The impact of space weather on the national-scale power grid and the associated economic losses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3137,, 2025.

EGU25-4178 | Posters on site | PS4.1

Analyzing the Geomagnetic Impact of Interacting CMEs and Sector Boundary Crossings During Autumn 2023 Eruptive Events 

Manuela Temmer, Mateja Dumbovic, Karmen Martinic, Greta Cappello, Akshay Remeshan, Filip Matkovic, Daniel Milosic, Florian Koller, and Jasa Calogovic

This study comparatively investigates two sets of eruptive solar events in late 2023 which occurred in two episodes with similar eruption characteristics, separated by a full solar rotation. The solar activity periods cover October 31–November 3 and November 27–28. Both episodes were linked to intense geomagnetic storms, on November 4–5 and December 1–2, respectively, with strongest effects on November 5. In detail we find that the first episode produced visible Stable Auroral Red (SAR) arcs and a three-step decline in the Dst index to −163 nT. This event involved two CME-related shocks, a sector boundary crossing (SBC), and a short-duration flux rope. The second episode led to auroral lights and a two-step Dst index drop to −108 nT, featuring a shock within another CME's magnetic structure, combined with a SBC and a clear flux rope structure. Both events displayed short-term magnetic field variations and fluctuations in density and temperature post-SBC.

Our comparative analysis highlights the role of interacting CME structures, and the modulation effects of magnetic structures related to SBCs, contributing to the stronger geomagnetic impact observed in the November 4–5 event. Additionally, the highly tilted orientation of the heliospheric current sheet likely intensified the interactions with the CMEs, enhancing their geomagnetic influence.

How to cite: Temmer, M., Dumbovic, M., Martinic, K., Cappello, G., Remeshan, A., Matkovic, F., Milosic, D., Koller, F., and Calogovic, J.: Analyzing the Geomagnetic Impact of Interacting CMEs and Sector Boundary Crossings During Autumn 2023 Eruptive Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4178,, 2025.

EGU25-4871 | Posters on site | PS4.1

Asymmetrical Looping Magnetic Fields and Marsward Flows on the Nightside of Mars 

James Wild, Shebang Li, Haoyu Lu, Jinbin Cao, Jun Cui, Wing‐Huen Ip, Xiaoxin Zhang, Nihan Chen, Yihui Song, and Jianxuan Wang

As the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) carried by the solar wind encounters the martian atmosphere, it tends to pile up and drape around the planet, forming looping magnetic fields and inducing marsward ion flows on the nightside. Previous statistical observations revealed asymmetrical distribution features within this morphology; however, the underlying physical mechanism remains unclear. In this study, utilising a three-dimensional multi-fluid magnetohydrodynamic simulation model, we successfully reproduce the asymmetrical distributions of the looping magnetic fields and corresponding marsward flows on the martian nightside. Analysing the magnetic forces resulting from the bending of the IMF over the polar area, we find that the asymmetry is guided by the orientation of the solar wind motional electric field (ESW). A higher solar wind velocity leads to enhanced magnetic forces, resulting in more tightly wrapped magnetic fields with an increased efficiency in accelerating flows as they approach closer to Mars.

How to cite: Wild, J., Li, S., Lu, H., Cao, J., Cui, J., Ip, W., Zhang, X., Chen, N., Song, Y., and Wang, J.: Asymmetrical Looping Magnetic Fields and Marsward Flows on the Nightside of Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4871,, 2025.

EGU25-5148 | Orals | PS4.1

Characterizing Plasma Depletion Events on Mars: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics from MAVEN and Mars Express 

Praveen Basuvaraj, Frantisek Nemec, Christopher M. Fowler, Leonardo H. Regoli, Zdenek Nemecek, Jana Safrankova, Olivier Witasse, and Colin F. Wilson

The Martian ionosphere is primarily influenced by solar radiation on the dayside, while on the nightside, it is controlled by impact ionization from precipitating particles and the transport of ions from the dayside. Occasionally, the ionosphere exhibits abrupt plasma density reductions—characterized by an order-of-magnitude decrease relative to the background—referred to as Plasma Depletion Events (PDEs). These events, often accompanied by elevated electron temperatures and electrostatic fluctuations, are poorly understood yet potentially critical to understanding ion escape and ionospheric variability. Characterizing their dimensions, recurrence, and temporal behavior provides valuable insight into the plasma environment of Mars. This study investigates over 1,000 PDEs detected by the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft between October 2014 and May 2021. By analyzing recurring MAVEN orbits, we identify 80 PDEs reappearing at the same locations within 18 to 30 hours, suggesting that these events may recur periodically. Additionally, conjugate observations by MAVEN and Mars Express reveal that PDEs can span up to 750 km and persist for several hours. These findings suggest PDEs to be large-scale, recurring phenomena with implications for plasma instabilities, ion escape, and Martian ionospheric dynamics.

How to cite: Basuvaraj, P., Nemec, F., Fowler, C. M., Regoli, L. H., Nemecek, Z., Safrankova, J., Witasse, O., and Wilson, C. F.: Characterizing Plasma Depletion Events on Mars: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics from MAVEN and Mars Express, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5148,, 2025.

EGU25-5940 | Posters on site | PS4.1

A dipole-like magnetosphere of Mars 

Eduard Dubinin, Markus Fraenz, Ronan Modolo, Martin Paetzold, Silvia Tellmann, and Gina DiBraccio

The Martian magnetosphere is unique in our Solar system because it contains components of an induced and an intrinsic magnetosphere. Since we can not get a global snapshot of the magnetosphere at a given time we use a statistical picture based on a large number of plasma measurements. Depending on the choice of coordinate system used and the selection of the data we can observe different features of the Martian magnetosphere. If, for example, we map data in the Martian Solar Electric (MSE) coordinate system with a fixed direction of the cross-flow component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), then we can separate the induced features of the magnetosphere of Mars which appears similar to the magnetosphere of Venus. If we map data in the geographic coordinate system, then effects caused by the local crustal magnetic field are emphasized and we can observe a mini crustal magnetosphere. If we use the Martian Solar Orbital (MSO) coordinate system and select together the spacecraft orbits with positive and negative By-component of the IMF, then the effects related to draped magnetic field and the high order harmonics of the crustal magnetic field are significantly weakened because of averaging over many spacecraft orbits. In this case, a dipole-like magnetosphere of Mars becomes visible indicating the existence of a weak planetary dipole field. If we select separately the orbits with positive and negative By-component of the IMF we observe a twist of the magnetotail in the direction determined by the sign of By that is typical for a hybrid magnetosphere with the induced and intrinsic components. The intrinsic and induced components are also well separated when we select the orbits with northward IMF. Then we observe the features that are somewhat similar to those at the Earth magnetosphere. When we use the MSO coordinates and separate by the phase of Mars rotation, the tail topology occurs more complex. This indicates that the effects of the local crustal magnetic field turn out as being also important. 

How to cite: Dubinin, E., Fraenz, M., Modolo, R., Paetzold, M., Tellmann, S., and DiBraccio, G.: A dipole-like magnetosphere of Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5940,, 2025.

EGU25-6575 | Posters on site | PS4.1

Statistical analysis of the movement of the Martian bow shock 

Niklas J. T. Edberg, David J. Andrews, Long Cheng, Konstantin Kim, Katerina Stergiopoulou, Mark Lester, Cyril Simon Wedlund, Jasper Halekas, and Shannon M. Curry

Using data from the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission we investigate the flapping dynamics of the Martian bow shock (BS). While awaiting future dedicated two-spacecraft missions, we make use of the large number of single-spacecraft crossings from MAVEN to conduct a statistical study on observed multiple BS crossings.

The Martian bow shock has been studied extensively in the past, with a focus primarily on its formation, location, shape, and controlling factors. However, its dynamic motion, particularly flapping behavior, has received less attention - understandable given the constraints of single-spacecraft observations. From time series of magnetic field data, BS flapping, i.e. multiple crossings in a row, is observed in roughly 20% of all MAVEN orbits the first two years of the mission, which are investigated here. The multiple crossings are interpreted as a spatial change of the BS, moving in and out past the spacecraft. Preliminary analysis shows that the occurrence rate of the flapping is higher in the flank region compared to the ram side, but is otherwise evenly distributed around Mars. We find no preference for south or north hemisphere, and no dependence on the convective electric field direction. The median duration between two successive crossings is approximately 2 minutes. Estimates of the shock velocity from mass flux conservation laws during flapping events indicate that the BS moves faster on the dayside than on the flank. Flapping is more prevalent when the BS is quasi-perpendicular (75% of the cases) than when it is quasi-parallel (25% of cases). The closer to the planet the more quasi-parallel cases are found. The flapping does not seem to depend on the orbit-averaged solar wind dynamic pressure or magnetosonic Mach number values, as those parameters influence the BS on shorter time scales, as shown by Cheng et al., (2023).

These findings underscore the dynamic and complex nature of the Martian bow shock and enhance our understanding of its interaction with the solar wind. The results might have implications for energy transfer processes in weakly magnetized planetary systems and provide valuable context for comparative studies of bow shock dynamics across other planetary environments.

How to cite: Edberg, N. J. T., Andrews, D. J., Cheng, L., Kim, K., Stergiopoulou, K., Lester, M., Simon Wedlund, C., Halekas, J., and Curry, S. M.: Statistical analysis of the movement of the Martian bow shock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6575,, 2025.

EGU25-7980 | Posters on site | PS4.1

Perpendicular-Parallel Asymmetry of Venus Bow Shock Under Different Parker Spiral Angles 

Haoyu Lu, Nihan Chen, Shibang Li, and Jinbin Cao

Several typical asymmetries in the Venusian bow shock (BS) location, including the magnetic north-south asymmetry, the pole-equator asymmetry, and the perpendicular-parallel asymmetry, have been proven to be controlled or affected by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation. The physical reasons behind the perpendicular-parallel shock asymmetry remain inadequately explained. Effects of ion-scale dynamics have not been adequately addressed in both previous observational data and numerical simulations. Our newly developed multi-fluid Hall-MHD model, which incorporates the convection, Hall, and ambipolar electric fields in the ion transport and magnetic induction equations, effectively captures the ion-scale dynamic effects, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying processes. The model self-consistently reproduce the plasma boundaries and regions of Venus at Parker spiral angle of 15°, 36°, and 90° . The simulation results show that the subsolar standoff distance and the asymmetry of bow shock are mainly dominated by the ambipolar and Hall electric fields. As the increase of Parker spiral angle, the ambipolar electric field weakens due to that the magnetic barrier becomes wider. And intensity of the Hall electric field is significantly enhanced to affect the structure of BS and eliminate the perpendicular-parallel asymmetry. There is also an obvious perpendicular-parallel asymmetry in energy transfer rate when the Parker spiral angle is less than 90°. Our findings highlight the necessity of incorporating ion-scale dynamics into the analysis of BS asymmetry changes, offering valuable insights into the complex interactions within space plasma environments.

How to cite: Lu, H., Chen, N., Li, S., and Cao, J.: Perpendicular-Parallel Asymmetry of Venus Bow Shock Under Different Parker Spiral Angles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7980,, 2025.

EGU25-8131 | ECS | Orals | PS4.1

Magnetic reconnection and return flows in Venus’ magnetotail: case studies for Venus Express data 

Umberto Rollero, Yoshifumi Futaana, and Xiao-Dong Wang

Venus lacks an intrinsic magnetic field, and its interaction with the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) creates an induced magnetosphere [1]. The IMF drapes around the planet, forming the magnetotail on Venus’ nightside, the main channel through which the ionospheric plasma escapes [2]. However, the ion escape in the magnetotail is reduced by unexplained flows that come back to Venus, i.e., return flows [3]. The process responsible for reversing the velocity of magnetotail ions remains unsolved.


A possible mechanism causing the return flows is magnetic reconnection, a plasma process triggered by antiparallel magnetic field lines in the Venusian magnetotail. A plasmoid flowing toward Venus can be produced by reconnection. Such magnetic reconnection events have been identified by magnetic and plasma data collected by the Venus Express (VEX) spacecraft [4].


Here, we reassessed the VEX’s magnetometer (MAG) [5] and electron data using ASPERA-4/ELS [6] throughout the mission to identify typical Hall magnetic field signatures when the spacecraft crosses the plasma sheet, as well as electron energization, as evidence of the magnetic reconnection events [7]. We also systematically reassessed ion data (ASPERA-4/IMA) to identify return flow events when the ions are traveling in the direction toward Venus.


In this presentation, we show several cases where we simultaneously detected the magnetic Hall field signature and ion return flows. These events are strong candidates for ion return flow associated with magnetic reconnection in the Venusian magnetotail. The ion speeds during these events are consistent with those predicted by reconnection theory. We will discuss the magnetic reconnection events and their possible role in triggering return flows in Venus’ magnetotail.


[1] Futaana, Y., Stenberg Wieser, G., Barabash, S., & Luhmann, G. J. 2017, SSR, 212, 1453, doi: 10.1007/s11214-017-0362-8

[2] Dubinin, E., Fränz, M., Zhang, T. L., et al. 2013, JGR, 118, 7624, doi: 10.1002/2013JA019164

[3] Persson, M., Futaana, Y., Fedorov, A., et al. 2018, GRL, 45, 10805, doi: 10.1029/2018GL079454

[4] Zhang, T.-L., Baumjohann, W., Lu, Q. M., et al. 2012, Science, 336, 567, doi: 10.1126/science.


[5] Zhang, T.-L., Berghofer, G., Magnes, W., et al. 2007, ESA Special Publication SP 1295 (Paris: ESA)

[6] Barabash, S., Sauvaud, J., Gunell, H., et al. 2007, PSS, 55, 1772, doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2007.01.014

[7] Yamada, M., Kulsrud, R., & Ji, H. 2010, RvMP, 82, 603, doi: 10.1103/RevModPhys.82.603


How to cite: Rollero, U., Futaana, Y., and Wang, X.-D.: Magnetic reconnection and return flows in Venus’ magnetotail: case studies for Venus Express data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8131,, 2025.

EGU25-8733 | Orals | PS4.1

Solar wind interaction with comet 67P around perihelion - the formation of a cometosheath 

Hans Nilsson, Gabriella Stenberg Wieser, Hayley Williamson, Anja Möslinger, Herbert Gunell, and Shahab Fatemi

Near perihelion, when comet 67P was most active, the Rosetta spacecraft resided inside the comet induced magnetosphere. The solar wind magnetic field was still present, but the solar wind ions were mostly gone, Rosetta was in the solar wind ion cavity. The solar wind was not completely gone though, there were sporadic occurrences of solar wind ions. Observations from this period shed light on the solar wind - comet interaction for a medium activity comet. Such a medium activity comet is the likely target of the Comet Interceptor mission so a better understanding of the environment will help planning plasma observations for that mission. Solar wind ions flowing consistently anti-sunward were seen,  indicating a fully developed cometosheath pushed closer to the nucleus. The speed of the solar wind in the cometosheath was typically around 200 km/s with a broad angular distribution. One-dimensional temperature estimates from direction integrated energy spectra indicate mostly little if any heating of the solar wind protons in the cometosheath. There are sporadic exceptions and we discuss whether these high proton temperature observations could be due to the interaction of the solar wind with the comet environment or is due to a coronal mass ejection or coronating interaction region. We compare the observations with hybrid model results.

How to cite: Nilsson, H., Stenberg Wieser, G., Williamson, H., Möslinger, A., Gunell, H., and Fatemi, S.: Solar wind interaction with comet 67P around perihelion - the formation of a cometosheath, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8733,, 2025.

EGU25-8900 | Posters on site | PS4.1

On the role of pickup protons in the generation of mirror modes at Mars 

Cyril Simon Wedlund, Christian Mazelle, Karim Meziane, César Bertucci, Martin Volwerk, Luis Preisser, Daniel Schmid, Jasper Halekas, James McFadden, David Mitchell, Jared Espley, and Pierre Henri

In the magnetosheath of planets, mirror modes triggered by the mirror mode instability form as large magnetic structures imprisoning dense and hot plasma in their midst. The free energy created from a large pressure anisotropy at their origin can come from several sources. At Earth and other planets, the quasi-perpendicular shock provides the plasma with the necessary heating along the perpendicular direction to the local magnetic field. At Mars, the extended exosphere theoretically provides another source of temperature anisotropy, with exospheric neutrals locally ionised and subsequently picked up by local electric fields creating unstable ring-beam velocity distribution functions. Using the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission plasma instrumentation, we show for the first time at Mars the unmistakable signature of near locally-generated mirror mode structures due to pickup protons. The pickup ion mechanism is reminiscent of temperature anisotropy-generating mechanisms found at comets, the outgassing moons of Jupiter, and in other heliospheric scenarios.

How to cite: Simon Wedlund, C., Mazelle, C., Meziane, K., Bertucci, C., Volwerk, M., Preisser, L., Schmid, D., Halekas, J., McFadden, J., Mitchell, D., Espley, J., and Henri, P.: On the role of pickup protons in the generation of mirror modes at Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8900,, 2025.

EGU25-9661 | ECS | Orals | PS4.1

Landau heating of Martian tail current sheet electrons by magnetosonic waves 

Liang Yu and Zhenpeng Su

The Martian magnetotail current sheet shares characteristics with its terrestrial counterpart and serves as a critical pathway for the escape of ionospheric ions. Understanding this process is vital for reconstructing the historical evolution of Mars' atmosphere. In this study, we report on an unique Martian current sheet where the thermal pressure of electrons, rather than ions, counterbalances the ambient magnetic pressure. Our numerical analysis indicates that electron heating within the current sheet is predominantly driven by magnetosonic waves via Landau resonance. These waves are likely generated in the upstream magnetosheath region. Our results highlight the crucial role of wave-particle interactions in shaping the plasma environment around Mars.

How to cite: Yu, L. and Su, Z.: Landau heating of Martian tail current sheet electrons by magnetosonic waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9661,, 2025.

EGU25-9759 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.1

PAGER : Space Weather Prediction and Ensemble Forecasting for the 2024 Mother's Day Solar Storm 

Ashwin Shirke, Yuri Shprits, Dedong Wang, Bernhard Haas, and Stefano Bianco

Accurate space weather forecasting is essential for mitigating the risks posed by geomagnetic storms to technological systems, particularly satellites. The PAGER project provides an advanced probabilistic framework for space weather prediction, employing state-of-the-art ensemble simulations to forecast solar wind parameters, ring current dynamics, and the radiation belt environment. By leveraging cutting-edge models, data assimilation techniques, and uncertainty quantification, PAGER produces forecasts of Kp and Hpo indeces, cold plasma density, and relativistic electron fluxes, addressing both surface charging and deep dielectric charging risks to satellite infrastructure.

In this study, we utilize the PAGER framework to simulate the 2024 Mother's Day Solar Storm. The simulation is initialized with GONG magnetogram data, which provides the boundary conditions for ensemble solar wind predictions at L1. These predictions include solar wind velocity, proton density, and magnetic field components. By comparing simulation outputs to in-situ observations from the OMNIWeb database, we assess the predictive accuracy of PAGER's ensemble forecasting capabilities. Additionally, we demonstrate the integration of these solar wind predictions with radiation belt and satellite charging models, illustrating PAGER's capacity to link solar wind dynamics with downstream effects in the Earth's magnetosphere and their impact on satellite operations.

PAGER's ensemble approach incorporates sophisticated models of magnetospheric dynamics and ring current evolution, offering critical insight into the radiation environment surrounding Earth during extreme space weather events. This study will highlight the ensemble predictions for the Mother's Day Solar Storm and demonstrate PAGER's broader capability to address uncertainty in space weather forecasting, thus enhancing our ability to protect satellite infrastructure from adverse space weather effects.

How to cite: Shirke, A., Shprits, Y., Wang, D., Haas, B., and Bianco, S.: PAGER : Space Weather Prediction and Ensemble Forecasting for the 2024 Mother's Day Solar Storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9759,, 2025.

EGU25-10276 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.1

Magnetic Fluctuations and Turbulence in the Space Environments of Unmagnetized Planets: Insights from Venus and Mars 

Sudong Xiao, Tielong Zhang, and Zoltan Vörös

The interaction between solar wind and unmagnetized planets, exemplified by Venus and Mars, is a significant issue in planetary sciences. The absence of global intrinsic magnetic fields on these planets results in the formation of complex and unique induced magnetospheric environments due to their interactions with the solar wind. Our study aims to systematically analyze scientific data obtained from planetary space missions to investigate the dynamic magnetic field environments within these induced magnetospheres, with particular emphasis on magnetic fluctuations and multiscale turbulence phenomena. We focus on characterizing the properties, propagation mechanisms, and evolutionary processes of these phenomena. To deepen our understanding of induced magnetospheric environments, we employ a comparative planetology approach, analyzing the differences and similarities between the induced magnetospheres of Venus and Mars. This comparative analysis reveals distinct features and commonalities while exploring the underlying formation mechanisms. In addition, by integrating three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations, we aim to further uncover the dynamic evolution of these turbulent magnetic environments, thereby providing a theoretical foundation for interpreting the unique space environments of unmagnetized planets. This research not only enhances our understanding of the space environments of unmagnetized planets but also offers critical scientific insights for the design and execution of future deep-space exploration missions.

How to cite: Xiao, S., Zhang, T., and Vörös, Z.: Magnetic Fluctuations and Turbulence in the Space Environments of Unmagnetized Planets: Insights from Venus and Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10276,, 2025.

EGU25-11041 | ECS | Orals | PS4.1

Radiation Environment on Mars: Insights from 12 Years of Curiosity’s RAD Observations 

Salman Khaksarighiri, Jan Leo Löwe, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Jingnan Guo, Donald M. Hassler, Bent Ehresmann, Cary Zeitlin, Daniel Matthiä, Thomas Berger, Günther Reitz, and Sven Löffler

 The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) onboard the Mars Science Laboratory’s Curiosity rover has continuously monitored energetic particles on the Martian surface since its landing on August 6, 2012. The resulting dataset provides a unique opportunity to study the Martian radiation
 environment across a complete solar cycle.
 Understanding this environment is crucial for evaluating the risks associated with future manned space missions and for advancing research into planetary conditions, solar activity, and galactic cosmic rays (GCRs).
 Radiation on the Martian surface comprises primary GCRs and secondary particles produced through interactions of GCRs with the atmosphere or soil. These radiation levels exhibit temporal variations influenced by factors such as atmospheric changes, thermal tides, seasonal cycles, shielding effects, heliospheric modulation of GCRs, and the physical properties of Martian soil. Capturing these variations requires a holistic approach that integrates long-term trends and localized phenomena.
In this study, we utilize the extensive dataset collected by the RAD over the past 12 years to investigate the intricate variations in particle flux on Mars. Our analysis spans a diverse array of particle species, enabling a comprehensive understanding of how particle flux evolves throughout
 an entire solar cycle. This extended temporal coverage allows us to identify and analyze long-term trends, shedding light on the dynamic nature of particle interactions within the Martian environment.
 We explore the effects of solar activity, atmospheric dynamics, and surface shielding on the radiation environment, while also examining the role of subsurface materials in generating upward moving secondary particles. These findings provide valuable insights into the potential water con
tent and geological features beneath the Martian surface. By delving into the temporal patterns of particle flux across di erent species, this work aims to advance our understanding of the complex radiation dynamics on Mars and their implications for future human exploration and potential

How to cite: Khaksarighiri, S., Löwe, J. L., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Guo, J., Hassler, D. M., Ehresmann, B., Zeitlin, C., Matthiä, D., Berger, T., Reitz, G., and Löffler, S.: Radiation Environment on Mars: Insights from 12 Years of Curiosity’s RAD Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11041,, 2025.

EGU25-12885 | Orals | PS4.1

A comprehensive analysis of the May 2024 storm 

Yihua Zheng and the CCMC

The great geomagnetic storm of May 10-16, 2024, primarily caused by a series of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) from Active Region (AR) 13664, captured the attention of both the scientific community and the public. Additionally, a solar energetic particle (SEP) event that began on May 11 was classified as a ground-level enhancement (GLE) event.

The effects of these space weather events on space assets and humans are varied and complex, depending on both time and location. During May 10-16, 2024, the main impacts included the severe geomagnetic storm in geospace and space radiation from SEPs. Such an intense geomagnetic storm can have numerous potentially harmful effects, including disruptions to power grids, navigation, communication systems, and satellite altitude/attitude control. It can also increase satellite drag, complicating precise orbit determination and collision avoidance efforts, and cause charging effects on satellite components. SEPs can lead to single-event effects on space hardware, pose radiation risks to humans in space, and affect avionics and aviation operations.

In this presentation, we will mainly utilize tools, models, and other resources available at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) to study this storm from a system perspective. We will trace it from its solar origin to impacts on the near-Earth region, with our focus on the inner magnetosphere dynamics. 

How to cite: Zheng, Y. and the CCMC: A comprehensive analysis of the May 2024 storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12885,, 2025.

EGU25-13797 | ECS | Orals | PS4.1

The Vanishing Martian Magnetic Pile-up Region: Probing Radial IMF Causality using MAVEN Measurements 

Matilde Abreu, Gangkai Poh, Ze-Wen Koh, Yingjuan Ma, Jacob Gruesbeck, Gina DiBraccio, and Jared Espley

The complex and variable interaction between the conducting Martian ionosphere and the incoming solar wind causes the draping of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) lines around Mars, giving rise to a weak induced magnetosphere (IM) despite the planet’s lack of a global intrinsic magnetic field. The weak magnetic field is a result of induced ionospheric currents and a nearly perpetual dynamic feature of the Martian magnetic topology. This draping of IMF lines can be observed at the crossing of the magnetic pile-up plasma boundary (MPB), defined by a characteristic increase in magnetic field magnitude and attenuation in fluctuations, along with a significant decrease in the density of 1 keV protons. Alternatively known as the induced magnetosphere boundary (IMB), the MPB marks the separation between the magnetosheath and the Martian induced magnetosphere. We visually inspected the magnetic field and plasma data collected by the MAG, SWEA, and SWIA instruments on the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft in 2018, and found unusual isolated occurrences of unchanged or dropping magnetic field intensity during high solar zenith angle MPB crossings. These observations are interpreted as “disappearing” MPR phenomena as the magnetic pile-up signature is not observed, suggesting a reduced pile-up of IMF around Mars. Previous observations on Venus have attributed absences in the dayside IM to radial IMF orientation during extreme solar wind conditions, hampering magnetic draping as the flow of solar wind is close to aligned with the IMF (Zhang et al., 2009). Preliminary analysis of hourly cadence solar wind predictions reveals that this may also be true at Mars, potentially explaining some of the events. However, the Martian magnetosphere is shown to respond to solar wind fluctuations in a matter of minutes, making it important to explore higher resolution data and examine fluctuations on that scale to establish correlations and determine if this is an externally driven phenomenon or driven within the system itself instead. We will also discuss the concurrent development of a recurrent neural network (RNN) with long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture, which will aid in expanding the non-pile-up dataset to the 10 years of MAVEN data for a more robust investigation into the origin of MPR “disappearance”.

How to cite: Abreu, M., Poh, G., Koh, Z.-W., Ma, Y., Gruesbeck, J., DiBraccio, G., and Espley, J.: The Vanishing Martian Magnetic Pile-up Region: Probing Radial IMF Causality using MAVEN Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13797,, 2025.

During mid-May 2024, active region (AR) 13664 produced a series of M- and X-class flares along with several coronal mass ejections (CMEs) which resulted in exceptionally strong aurora at Earth. This study presents in-situ solar energetic particle (SEP) ion composition data from STEREO-A, ACE and Parker Solar Probe (PSP) as their connectivity to AR 13664 varied throughout the great solar storm period.
The observational period was between 08 to 20 May, STEREO-A was 12° longitudinally separated from ACE at 0.96 AU and the SEP intensities rose gradually as a result of several CMEs from AR 13664. Notable events for the spacecraft near Earth included a magnetic field strength jump to 88 nT and the appearance of aurora on Earth on 10 May. Additionally, on 13 May an M6 flare was followed by another SEP event with rapid onset and an estimated particle path length of 0.97 +/- 0.16 AU.
PSP, set at approximately 95° longitudinal separation from Earth, was at 0.74 AU during the observational period. PSP measured a qualitatively similar gradually rising SEP intensities beginning on 11 May and continuing until the magnetic field strength rapidly increased to 100+ nT on 16 May coincident with a jump in SEP intensity. Finally, on 20 May an X16 flare from AR 13664 produced an Fe-rich SEP event.
Throughout the observational period, AR 13664 produced flares and CMEs causing SEP events with Fe/O ratios that varied from <0.01 to 0.8+ at each spacecraft’s location. The difference in composition for STEREO-A and ACE, during the early part of the observational period, suggests longitudinally narrow SEP events or highly varying magnetic connectivity. Yet, on 20 May the X16 flare coincided with Fe/O-rich composition for all three spacecraft despite over 100° of longitudinal separation.

How to cite: Muro, G.: Solar energetic particle ion composition of AR 13664 during the May 2024 great solar storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17583,, 2025.

EGU25-18619 | Orals | PS4.1

Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic storms and Energetic Radiation (PAGER)  

Elodie Kendall and Yuri Y. Shprits and the PAGER team

The Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic storms and Energetic Radiation (PAGER) project provides space weather predictions initiated from observations of the Sun, offering forecasts of radiation in space and its effects on satellite infrastructure. Real-time predictions enable the evaluation of surface charging and deep dielectric charging, critical for satellite operations. PAGER provides 1–4-day probabilistic forecasts of the ring current and radiation belt environments, allowing satellite operators to respond to significant threats effectively.

We present models of solar superstorms. We provide and rigorously evaluate probabilistic predictions, demonstrating how data assimilation can significantly improve forecasting accuracy. Leveraging the most advanced codes from the US and Europe, the project performs ensemble simulations and uncertainty quantifications. These innovations, including data assimilation and machine learning, not only enhance current predictive capabilities but also lay the groundwork for realistic modeling of extreme space weather events from the Sun to the Earth’s ionosphere allowing for the data to correct for missing physical processes.

How to cite: Kendall, E. and Shprits, Y. Y. and the PAGER team: Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic storms and Energetic Radiation (PAGER) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18619,, 2025.

EGU25-19611 | Posters on site | PS4.1

Building Heliophysics Community Portal for Great Storms 

Maria Kuznetsova, Manuela Temmer, Janet Kozyra, Mario Bisi, Yihua Zheng, Leila Mays, Lutz Rastaetter, Aleksandre Taktakishvili, Chiu Wiegand, and Martin Reiss

Space weather is a multi-disciplinary research area connecting scientists from across all Heliophysics domains requiring the whole global community to work together. The COSPAR International Space Weather Action Teams (ISWAT, is a global hub for open collaborations addressing challenges across the field of space weather. Groups or individuals working on a specific topic can register a new action team and open it for others to join. Action Teams are organised into ISWAT Clusters by Heliophysics domains: Sun, Heliosphere, and Coupled Geospace system. ISWAT is an effort multiplier maximising return on investments by national/regional programs. A new Sun2Geospace  (S2G) Cluster  is a home to action teams focused on flows of space weather processes from origins at the Sun to impacts on Geospace and connecting the various aspects of global space weather phenomena, such as Solar/Geospace storms.

In support of the multi-team-cross-domain-interdisciplinary S2G Cluster and the entire Heliophysics community the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC, is building an online Portal to facilitate community-wide comparative studies of Great Solar/Geospace Storms. The Portal aims to serve as a hub for all information connecting the various aspects of the Great Storms from solar surface to impact at Earth. The Portal includes a living database continuously populated by the community. The database incorporates interactive listings of publications, presentations, links to simulation outputs and observation data. In support of the project the CCMC generated run series tailored for storm studies and collected simulation outputs, observational data and interpretations (heliostories) from a broad range of sources. CCMC tools for space weather analysis (including Integrated Space Weather Analysis – ISWA system and Database of Notifications, Knowledge Information – DONKI) have been upgraded to enable tailored layouts and listings for specific time periods. The presentation will highlight recent advances and present examples of comparative analysis focusing on Great Storms that occurred over the Heliophysics Big Year (October 2023-December 2024).

How to cite: Kuznetsova, M., Temmer, M., Kozyra, J., Bisi, M., Zheng, Y., Mays, L., Rastaetter, L., Taktakishvili, A., Wiegand, C., and Reiss, M.: Building Heliophysics Community Portal for Great Storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19611,, 2025.

Stellar eruptions in the form of coronal mass ejections (CME) often result in major impact on planets. In this talk, we will visualize stellar-planet connections based on simulations and observations of the April 2023 and May 2024 CMEs. Both CME events resulted in extreme geomagnetic responses. In-situ measurements such as those from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission enabled a new view of Sun-Earth magnetic connection and the CME space weather impact. We will explore the CME multi-messenger impact on multiple planets. Highlight will include the transformation of Earth's magnetosphere from a usual windsock-like configuration with a long magnetotail to one with wings and no tail. We will see first-hand how solar-magnetosphere research carries the power to advance planetary and star-exoplanet science.

How to cite: Chen, L.-J.: Star-planet connection visualized through the April 2023 and May 2024 coronal-mass-ejection driven storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20047,, 2025.

Statistical models are a frequently used tool in hydrology, especially when it comes to estimating design floods, i.e. flood events that used to design flood protection systems or reservoirs. The often complex hydrological data, which are affected by e.g. missing values, extremes or time-varying processes, require sophisticated statistical models that take these challenges into account. As a scientist, developing such models can be a lot of fun and provide interesting insights. After months of thinking about the best model under certain statistical assumptions, proving asymptotic theorems and testing the model with synthetic data, you are happy and proud to have developed a new model. This model will hopefully be widely used in future research. The next step is to apply the model to a large real data set. The results look good on average. The results will be shared with practitioners, because of course you want the model to be useful for science and practice. And then: the phone call. You are told that your results are not plausible for a certain catchment area. And in general, the new model is not needed in practice because there is an established model. This example describes such a case and discusses ways of dealing with it. It is intended to illustrate the importance of communication between science and practice and a general understanding between both sides.

How to cite: Fischer, S.: When practical considerations impact your scientific model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1620,, 2025.

EGU25-1660 | Orals | EOS4.8

The Minkowski–Bouligand dimension of a clay brick 

Nick van de Giesen and John Selker

In the early 1990's, fractals and chaos were hot. In 1987, James Gleick had published "Chaos: Making a New Science", popularizing non-linear dynamics. Hydrologists played an important role in the development of fractal theory. Hurst had discovered that sequences of dry and wet years for the Nile showed very long memory effects. Instead of the chance of a dry year following a dry year being 50%, Hurst found that there were surprisingly many long series of dry or wet years. Seven fat years, seven lean years, as it is noted in Genesis. Scott Tyler found fractals in soils ("Fractal processes in soil water retention"). At Cornell, where we were at the time, David Turcotte described "Fractals in geology and geophysics". A few years later, Ignacio Rodríguez-Iturbe and Andrea Rinaldo would publish "Fractal River Basins: Chance and Self-Organization". In short, fractals were exciting scientific gold.

A fractal is not just an obscure mathematical object but something that can actually be found everywhere in nature. Early on, a paper was published in Nature with the title "Fractal viscous fingering in clay slurries" by Van Damme, Obrecht, Levitz, Gatineau, and Laroche. They "only" did an experiment on a fractal embedded in 2D; we should be able to do one better and find the fractal dimension of the surface of cracking clay embedded in 3D. So out we went, collected some clay, mixed it with water in a cement mixer, siliconed together a shallow "aquarium", and poured in the slurry. To observe the cracking of the drying slurry, a video camera was mounted above the experiment, looking down and taking time-lapse images. To access the views from the sides, mirrors were installed at 45 degrees at each of the four sides. Lights made sure the camera captured high quality images. The whole set-up was enclosed in a frame with dark cloth to ensure that lighting was always the same.  We already had some box-counting code ready to calculate the fractal dimension of the surface, called the Minkowski–Bouligand dimension. One variable needed some extra attention, namely the boundary between the clay slurry and the glass sides. If the clay would cling to the sides, it would be difficult to understand the effects that this boundary condition had on the outcome of the experiment. Moreover, the cracks may not have become visible in the mirrors when the sides were covered with mud. So, instead, it was decided to make the sides hydrophobic with some mineral oil. This ensured that when the clay would start to shrink, it would come loose from the sides. Now, all we had to do was wait. It took only a week or so before the consolidated slurry started to shrink and to come loose from the sides. After that, the clay continued shrink for many weeks. This is how we learned that the fractal dimension of a shrinking brick of clay is (very close) to 3.0. 

How to cite: van de Giesen, N. and Selker, J.: The Minkowski–Bouligand dimension of a clay brick, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1660,, 2025.

EGU25-5035 | Orals | EOS4.8

Landslides and hillslope erosion increase relief 

Stefan Hergarten and Jörg Robl

In 2018, we found exciting new results in landform evolution modeling by coupling the two simplest models of fluvial erosion and hillslope processes. While the stream-power incision model is the simplest model for detachment-limited fluvial erosion, the diffusion equation is the simplest description of hillslope processes at long timescales. Both processes were added at each grid cell without an explicit separation between channels and hillslopes because fluvial erosion automatically becomes dominant at large catchment sizes and negligible at small catchment sizes.

We found that increasing diffusion reduces the relief at small scales (individual hillslopes), but even increases the large-scale relief (entire catchments). As an immediate effect, the hillslopes become less steep. In turn, however, we observed that the network of the clearly incised valleys, which indicates dominance of fluvial erosion over diffusion, became smaller. So a smaller set of fluvially dominated grid cells had to erode the material entering from the hillslopes. To maintain a morphological equilibrium with a given uplift rate, the rivers had to steepen over long time. This steepening even overcompensated the immediate decrease in relief of the hillslopes.

This result was counterintuitive at first, but we were happy to find a reasonable explanation. So we even prepared a short manuscript for a prestigious  journal. We just did not submit it because we wanted to explain the effect quantitatively from the physical parameters of the model. From these theoretical considerations, we found that our numerical results did not only depend on the model parameters, but also on the spatial resolution of the model and noticed that this scaling problem was already discussed in a few published studies. Beyond the scaling problem, we also realized that applying the concept of detachment-limited fluvial erosion to the sediment brought from the hillslopes into the rivers is quite unrealistic. A later study including fluvial sediment transport and a model for hillslope processes that avoids scaling problems did not predict any increase in large-scale relief. So we finally realized that our original findings were mainly the result of a specific combination of models that should not be coupled this way and are not  as relevant for landform evolution as we thought.

This example illustrates many of the pitfalls of numerical modeling beyond purely technical issues. In particular, combining models that are widely used and make sense individually may still cause unexpected problems.


How to cite: Hergarten, S. and Robl, J.: Landslides and hillslope erosion increase relief, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5035,, 2025.

EGU25-5091 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8

(Re)(De)bugging tragedies with Hector 

Guillemette Legrand

In this presentation, I will discuss my research into the simple climate model Hector, which calculates temperature change based on the impact of various climate scenarios. More specifically, I will discuss how an artistic-led approach through (un)voluntary-caused computational bugs can help document the model's logic and socio-political implications. I will describe methods for collective 'debugging' to produce transdisciplinary knowledge (beyond solely scientific inquiry) to foster conversation about the potential and limits of current climate infrastructure to foster concrete climate actions. This research investigates the field of climate science through artistic practice, software and infrastructure studies, and participatory methods. To expand on the role of bugs in my investigation, I will elaborate on concrete examples of differences in perception of 'error' in the fields of arts and science, looking at case studies where mistakes or glitches have been valorised and mobilised through artistic practice to grapple with, appropriate, and/or repurpose scientific instruments.

How to cite: Legrand, G.: (Re)(De)bugging tragedies with Hector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5091,, 2025.

EGU25-5951 * | Orals | EOS4.8 | Highlight

Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrong 

Lukas Brunner, Maximilian Meindl, and Aiko Voigt

"Doesn't this look a bit strange?" 

It began with an innocent question during one of our Master's colloquia. And it could have ended there. "We were just following an approach from the literature". And who could argue against following the literature?

But it bugged me. During a long train ride, I began to think about the issue again. 10 hours and many papers later, I was only more confused: was it really that obvious, and why had no one picked up on it before? But sometimes the most obvious things are the most wicked, and after a few conversations with knowledgeable colleagues, I was sure we were in for an unexpected surprise. 

A commonly used approach to defining heat extremes is as exceedances of percentile-based thresholds that follow the seasonal cycle. Such relative extremes are then expected to be evenly distributed throughout the year. For example, over the 30-year period 1961-1990, we expect three (or 10%) of January 1s to exceed a 90th percentile threshold defined for the same period - and the same for all other days of the year. In a recent study, we show that there are many cases where this does not hold, not even close (Brunner and Voigt 2024).

Here, we tell the story of how this blunder spread in the literature out of the desire to improve extreme thresholds. We show that seemingly innocent changes can sometimes have unintended consequences and that taking the time to check the obvious can help avoid mistakes in science. 


Brunner L. and Voigt A. (2024): Pitfalls in diagnosing temperature extremes, Nature Communications,

How to cite: Brunner, L., Meindl, M., and Voigt, A.: Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrong, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5951,, 2025.

When economists estimate the expected economic damages from current-day CO2 emissions, they usually calculate the social cost of carbon – that is, the aggregated damage caused by the emission of an additional ton of CO2. Several cost-benefit integrated assessment models (IAMs) are built to assess this quantity, and among them is the META model. This model is built specifically to assess the effects of tipping points on the social cost of carbon, and it usually operates stochastically. When integrating a deterministic, but small carbon cycle tipping point into the model, however, the social cost of carbon seems to explode: a few gigatons of additional emissions almost double the impact estimates of CO2 emissions! Well, maybe. In fact, these results are a pure artifact of two things: 1) the way in which social cost of carbon estimates are calculated with IAMs; and 2) the way that tipping points are implemented in the META model. And, of course, 3): a lack of initial thoughtfulness on behalf of myself. A thorough look into this issue shows that, as expected, a marginal change in emissions leads to a marginal change in damage estimates. While that result is rather boring, the previous blunder can actually be instructive about the scarcely-known methods used to obtain economic impact estimates of climate change.

How to cite: Schaumann, F.: Drastic increase in economic damages caused by a marginal increase in CO2 emissions?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9145,, 2025.

EGU25-10285 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8

How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really? 

Felix Jäger, Petra Sieber, Isla Simpson, David Lawrence, Peter Lawrence, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Historically, large areas across the globe have been affected by deforestation or irrigation expansion. The replacement of forests with agricultural land and increased water availability in irrigated croplands altered the land’s surface properties, leading to influences of biogeophysical changes on near-surface temperature. From limited observations and mostly idealized simulations, we know that sufficiently large alterations of land surface properties can theoretically lead to systematic temperature and precipitation changes outside and even far from the altered areas. Not only the advection of temperature anomalies, but also changes in circulation and ocean feedbacks have been shown to be potential drivers of such non-local responses in single and multi-model studies.

We tested the robustness of non-local temperature signals to internal variability in the fully coupled Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) simulations of the historical period (1850 – 2014) with all forcings vs. all-but-land-use-change forcings. Doing so, we first found seemingly robust non-local temperature effects of land use change on the global and regional scale. But when accounting for the sampling of internal variability in the model using a large initial condition ensemble, the global scale signal was found to be indistinguishable from noise. Only regionally in some hotspots, we found robust and historically important non-local temperature signals. Through increasingly rigorous analysis, we reached a partly negative and unexpected but important finding, which may have implications for future assessments of comparably weak or spatially heterogeneous forcings to the Earth system.

How to cite: Jäger, F., Sieber, P., Simpson, I., Lawrence, D., Lawrence, P., and Seneviratne, S. I.: How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10285,, 2025.

EGU25-10615 | Orals | EOS4.8

Think twice – pitfalls in hydrological modelling 

Jan Seibert, Franziska Clerc-Schwarzenbach, Ilja van Meerveld, and Marc Vis

Failures are only common in science, and hydrological modelling is no exception. However, we modellers usually do not like to talk about our mistakes or our overly optimistic expectations and, thus, “negative” results usually do not get published. While there are examples where model failures indicated issues with the observational data, in this presentation the focus is on modelling studies, where some more (realistic) thinking could have helped to avoid disappointments. Examples include the unnecessary comparison of numerically identical model variants, naively optimistic expectations about increasing the physical basis of bucket-type models and excessively hopeful assumptions about the value of data.

How to cite: Seibert, J., Clerc-Schwarzenbach, F., van Meerveld, I., and Vis, M.: Think twice – pitfalls in hydrological modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10615,, 2025.

EGU25-11357 | Orals | EOS4.8

Two steps forward, one step back: four years of progress and setbacks on invisible ship tracks 

Peter Manshausen, Anna Tippett, Edward Gryspeerdt, and Philip Stier

The idea of invisible ship tracks for the study of aerosol-cloud interactions sounds promising: We have been studying the effects of aerosols on clouds for many years, among others by investigating the bright lines of clouds left in low marine clouds by ships. However, only a small fraction of ships leaves behind visible tracks. This means we can only study aerosol-cloud interactions under certain meteorological conditions, biasing our understanding. Instead, by studying all clouds polluted by ships ('invisible ship tracks') with a methodology we developed, we should be able to get a full picture of aerosol-cloud interactions. A number of interesting and impactful results have come out of this research, along with several setbacks and corrections to initial results. Here, we examine them in order, showing how correcting for one identified bias can introduce two new ones. Unexpected glitches arise from sources as varied as: choices regarding ship track definition, retrieval geometry, specific weather systems biasing results, and mathematical subtleties. What can we conclude after four years of progress on this methodology? While some results still stand, others had to be significantly corrected. This makes us see invisible ship tracks as an example of research that is closer to a method of 'tinkering' than to a 'magnificent discovery'.

How to cite: Manshausen, P., Tippett, A., Gryspeerdt, E., and Stier, P.: Two steps forward, one step back: four years of progress and setbacks on invisible ship tracks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11357,, 2025.

EGU25-12720 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate system   

Hans Segura, Cathy Hohenegger, Reiner Schnur, and Bjorn Stevens

Earth system models are important tools used to understand our climate system and project possible changes in our climate due to anthropogenic and natural forcings. Human errors can occur in the development of Earth System models, i.e., bugs, giving an unphysical representation of our climate. A way to identify and solve bugs is to apply physical concepts. Here, we present an experience that occurred in the development of the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic model (ICON) as a kilometer-scale Earth System model, in which physically understanding a bug in the surface energy budget fixed land precipitation. 

In a simulation of ICON, referred to as ICON-bug, precipitation over tropical land continuously decreased across the simulation. This led to a ratio of land-ocean precipitation in the tropics of less than 0.7, which, otherwise, should be more than 0.86. As part of the possible explanations, the surface energy budget over land was targeted as a culprit. This idea relies on the influence of the interaction between soil moisture, surface heat fluxes, and winds to generate circulation favoring precipitation over dry land surfaces (Hohenegger and Stevens 2018). Indeed, the surface energy budget over dry surfaces in the ICON-bug showed an error in sensible heat flux. The sensible heat flux transmitted to the atmosphere was 70% of what was calculated for the surface module. Fixing this error closed the surface energy budget and increased land precipitation over the tropics, leading to a ratio of land-ocean precipitation of 0.94, close to observations. 

How to cite: Segura, H., Hohenegger, C., Schnur, R., and Stevens, B.: Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate system  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12720,, 2025.

Whenever you study a phenomenon of mm to a few cm-scale in the laboratory which involves an interface, the question of surface tension arises. Surface tension is due to the fact that molecules prefer to stay with their own kind. Therefore, the creation of an interface between two fluids requires energy, and this influences the dynamics around the interface.

Surface tension can be a blessing: it produces the round shape of rain drops or the nice bubble shapes of colorful liquid in a lava lamp. It allows objects with a higher density to float on a liquid (such as an insect on water, or a silicone plate on sugar syrup). It can generate flow up a capillary.

However, it can also be a curse in the case of thermal convection. Purely thermal convection  develops when a plane layer of fluid is heated from below and cooled from above. The engine of motion is the thermal buoyancy of the fluid. This is what is happening in a planetary mantle on scales of hundreds to thousands kilometers. This is also what is happening in a closed box in the laboratory. But as soon as an interface exists, either between an upper and a lower experimental mantle, or in the case of a free surface at the top of the fluid layer, surface tension effects can become important. For exemple, the variation of surface tension with temperature was responsible for the beautiful honey-comb patterns imaged by Benard (1901) in the first systematic study of thermal convection with a free-surface. Surface tension is also going to act against the initiation of subduction (which acts to break the surface). 

We shall review in this presentation the signatures of surface tension in a convective context, and the different ways to minimize and/or remove the effects of surface tension in convection experiments, such as using miscible liquids, or a layer of experimental « sticky air ».

How to cite: Davaille, A.: Analog studies of mantle convection: the curse of surface tension (or not) ?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15059,, 2025.

EGU25-15457 | Orals | EOS4.8

The crux with variability: too much or too little 

Markus Weiler

In hydrology we measure and follow the water. What if there is too much or too little? It happens a lot. As a field hydrologist, I frequently have to determine the location of a measurement, the time to take the measurement, the location to set up a field experiment, or the amount of a tracer to inject to study a hydrological system. However, this is a very bumpy road, as variability is often not in favor of my decisions because the distribution is wider than expected, bimodal instead of unimodal, or the probability of an event is theoretically small, but still an extreme event occurs during our experiment. I will showcase some examples to demonstrate what I mean and what I experienced, as well as how frequently the PhD students or Postdocs have suffered as a result of my decisions or of the unexpected variability: Climatic variability resulted in a winter without snow, just as new sensors were already deployed. Or the winter snowpack was extremely high, preventing any work at high altitudes in the Alps until mid of July, thereby reducing our field season by half. An ecohydological study to observe the effects of drought in a forest with a rainout shelter was ineffective because it occurred during an extremely dry year, making the control just as dry as our drought treatment. The automatic water sampler was set-up to collect stream water samples, but it was washed away four weeks later by the 50-year flood. The calculated amount of artificial tracer was either way too low, because the transit times of the system were much longer than expected, or it was far too high, resulting in colored streams or samples that had to be diluted by a factor of 100 due to much faster transit times Finally, and most expensively, we installed many trenches along forest roads to measure subsurface stormflow but after three years, we abandoned the measurements because we never measured a drop of water coming out of the trenches, as the bedrock permeability was much higher due to many high permeable fissures that prevented the formation of subsurface stormflow.  These experiments or observations failed because of unexpected variability in input, system properties or a lack of technical variability in the equipment. I will reflect on residual risk of failure in fieldwork related to that crux and discus approaches to reduce this risk.

How to cite: Weiler, M.: The crux with variability: too much or too little, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15457,, 2025.

EGU25-15826 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICON 

Benjamin Poschlod, Lukas Brunner, Benjamin Blanz, and Lukas Kluft

The emergence of global km-scale climate models allows us to study Earth's climate and its changes with unprecedented local detail. However, this step change in spatial resolution to grid spacings of 10 km or less also brings new challenges to the numerical methods used in the models, the storage of model output, and the processing of the output data into actionable climate information. The latest versions of the ICON-Sapphire model developed in the frame of the NextGEMS project address these challenges by running on an icosahedral grid while outputting data on the so-called HEALPix grid. Both grids are unstructured grids, which avoids, for example, the issue of longitude convergence. In addition, HEALPix allows data to be stored in a hierarchy of resolutions at different discrete zoom levels, making it easier for users to handle the data.  

The transition from the native 10 km grid to the output grid is made by a simple but very fast nearest-neighbour remapping. An advantage of this simple remapping approach is that the output fields are not distorted, i.e. the atmospheric states in the output remain self-consistent. As HEALPix only provides discrete zoom levels in the setup of the run, it was decided to remap to the closest available resolution of 12 km rather than to the next finer resolution of 6 km. This decision was made to avoid artificially increasing the number of grid points and to avoid creating duplicates through the nearest neighbour remapping.

As a consequence of this approach, wave-like patterns can emerge due to the Moiré effect that can result from the interaction of two grids. We find these patterns when looking at certain derived precipitation extremes, such as the annual maximum daily precipitation, the 10-year return level of hourly precipitation, or the frequency of dry days. At first, we interpreted these patterns as a plotting issue, as the figures might have too low resolution to cope with the high-resolution global plot (aliasing) leading to a Moiré pattern.

However, zooming in on the affected regions and closer examination of the data revealed that the pattern is in fact in the data. Further investigation with synthetic data confirmed the suspicion that the Moiré pattern was indeed caused by the remapping of the native 10 km icosahedral grid to the slightly coarser 12 km HEALPix grid. We hypothesise that precipitation is particularly affected by this issue, as it typically contains many grid cells with zero precipitation, with local clusters of non-zero values at the 15-minutely output interval. Yet, we cannot exclude the possibility that other variables are also affected.

As a consequence, if remapping is required, it is recommended to first remap from the native resolution to a finer resolution grid. As a next step, the conservative nature of the HEALPix hierarchy can be used to compute the coarser level. In this way it is likely to be possible to avoid aliasing and still keep the amount of output data the same.

How to cite: Poschlod, B., Brunner, L., Blanz, B., and Kluft, L.: Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICON, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15826,, 2025.

EGU25-17676 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

What river plastic hotspots do not have in common 

Rahel Hauk, Adriaan J. Teuling, Tim H.M. van Emmerik, and Martine van der Ploeg

Plastic pollution is a global issue, across all environmental compartments. Rivers connect the terrestrial with the marine environment, and they transport various materials, among these plastic pollution. Rivers not only transport plastic, but also accumulate and store it, especially on riverbanks. In fact, plastic deposition and accumulation on riverbanks is a common occurrence. However, our understanding of why plastic is deposited on a certain riverbank is rather limited. Riverbanks along all major Dutch rivers have been monitored for plastic and other litter twice a year by citizen scientists, in some locations since 2018. This provides an extensive dataset on plastic accumulation, and we used these data with the aim of understanding the factors determining plastic concentration/accumulation variability over time and space. We tested multiple riverbank characteristics, such as vegetation, riverbank slope, population density, etc., hypothesized to be related to plastic litter. After having exhausted a long list of auxiliary data and analysis strategies, we found no significant results. Ultimately, we had a close look at ten consistent hotspots of macroplastic litter, along the Meuse, and Waal river. And once again, they seem to have nothing in common. But, there is a pattern, because some riverbanks have consistently very high densities of plastic litter so it does not seem completely random. We have been looking to explain spatial variability, whereas we might have to look at temporal consistency, and we shall not give up our efforts to bring order to this chaos.

How to cite: Hauk, R., Teuling, A. J., van Emmerik, T. H. M., and van der Ploeg, M.: What river plastic hotspots do not have in common, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17676,, 2025.

EGU25-17811 | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deployment 

Mita Uthaman, Laura Ermert, Angel Ling, Jonas Junker, Cinzia Ghisleni, and Anne Obermann

Grande Dixence, the tallest gravity dam in the world, is located in the Swiss Alps on the Dixence River with a catchment area of 4 km2 at a towering elevation of 2000m. The lake serves as a collecting point of melt water from 35 glaciers and reaches full capacity by late September, subsequently draining during winter and dropping to lowest levels in April. For a reservoir as large as the Grande Dixence, the variation in hydrological load can be expected to induce changes in crustal stress. The goal of this study was to harness the loading effect of the time-varying level of reservoir load as a source of known stress to investigate the variation in seismic velocity of the bedrock due to changes induced in crustal stress and strain rates. 22 seismic nodes were thus deployed along the banks of the reservoir which were operational from mid-August to mid-September, corresponding to the time period when the lake level reaches its maximum. Of the 22 nodes, 18 were deployed in closely spaced patches of six in order to carry out coherent stacking and to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, besides one group of three nodes and one single node. Measurement quality appears satisfactory: small local earthquakes are recorded well, and the probabilistic power spectral densities (PPSDs) computed for data quality validation evidence the ambient noise levels to be well within the global noise limits. However, the recorded noise is unexpectedly complex and, at periods shorter than 1 second, varies strongly by location. The 0.5--5s (0.2--2 Hz) period band at lakes generally records a diurnally varying noise level, often associated with lake generated microseism. Diurnal variations around 1 second of period are observed in our study as well. The amplitude of ambient noise level around 1 second of period is observed to be highest when the lake level changes, along with the prominent diurnal variation. A similar variation is observed in the seismic velocity variation (dv/v) computed from cross-correlated and auto-correlated ambient noise filtered between 0.5--1 Hz, with dv/v exhibiting a drop with rising lake level. These results provide preliminary evidence for possible change in crustal stress state with changing hydrological load. Future direction of this study consists of analytically modeling the results to quantify the influence of thermobarometric parameters on PPSDs and dv/v, and deconvolve it from the lake induced variations.

How to cite: Uthaman, M., Ermert, L., Ling, A., Junker, J., Ghisleni, C., and Obermann, A.: Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deployment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17811,, 2025.

EGU25-18185 | Orals | EOS4.8

Advancing river plastic research through serendipity and stupidity 

Tim van Emmerik and the WUR-HWM River Plastic Team

Rivers play an important role in the global distribution of plastic pollution throughout the geosphere. Quantifying and understanding river plastic pollution is still an emerging field, which has advanced considerably thanks to broad efforts from science, practice, and society. Much progress in this field has been achieved through learning from failures, negative results, and unexpected outcomes. In this presentation we will provide several examples of serendipity and stupidity that has led to new insights, theories, methods, and completely new research lines. We will share what we learned from rivers flowing in the wrong direction, sensors that disappear, equipment blocked by invasive plants, and dealing with suspicious local authorities. Pushing the science sometimes requires an opportunistic approach, embracing surprises and chaos you may face along the way.

How to cite: van Emmerik, T. and the WUR-HWM River Plastic Team: Advancing river plastic research through serendipity and stupidity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18185,, 2025.

With the advent of parallel programming in the late 1990s. A port of the than available Max Planck Institutes for Meteorology spectral atmospheric model echam5 to MPI and OpenMP was done. For testing and validation of the hybrid parallelization a coherence algorithm was developed. The implementation has been incorporated into todays NWP and climate model ICON as well. The coherence algoritm consists of several stages: first one MPI rank is running the serial model against an n-task MPI parallelized model. During runtime the state vector is checked for binary-identity. If successfull a m-task MPI version can be compared to an m-task MPI version for high processor counts. The same schema can be used OpenMP parallelization. ONe MPI task runs the model serial using one OpenMP thread and a second MPI task runs k OpenMP threads. Again, the results are compared for binary-identity. As the testing needs to be done automatically, bit-identity is important for testing not necessarily for production.

The tesing revealed plenty of problems during the initial parallelization work of echam5 and showed constant appearing problems in the ICON development phase.

However, far in a couple of century long simulation the bit-identity was just by accident found to be broken: the search of the cause started!

How to cite: Kornblueh, L.: MPI and OpenMP coherence testing and vaildation: the hybris of testing non-deterministic model code, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18400,, 2025.

EGU25-18981 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and Error 

Stefan Gaillard

Addressing positive publication bias and clearing out the file drawer has been at the core of the Journal of Trial and Error since its conception. Publishing the trial-and-error components of science is advantageous in numerous ways, as already pointed out in the description of this panel: errors can lead to unexpected insights and warning others about dead ends can prevent wasted time and other resources. Besides those advantages, publishing negative and null results facilitates conducting robust meta-analyses. In addition, predictive machine learning models benefit from training on data from all types of research rather than just data from studies with positive, exciting results; already researchers are reporting that models trained on published data are overly optimistic.

Besides publishing negative and null results as well as methodological failures, the Journal of Trial and Error couples each published study with a reflection article. The purpose of these reflection articles is to have a philosopher, sociologist or domain expert reflect on what exactly went wrong. This helps contextualize the failure, helping to pinpoint the systematic factors at play as well as helping the authors and other scientists to draw lessons from the reported research struggles which can be applied to improve future research.

Publishing failure brings with it some practical challenges: convincing authors to submit manuscripts detailing their trial-and-error; instructing peer reviewers on how to conduct peer review for the types of articles; differentiating between interesting … and uninformative, sloppy science; and determining the best formats to publish various failure-related outcomes in. Authors are still hesitant to publish their research struggles due to reputational concerns and time constraints. In addition, authors often fear that peer reviewers will be more critical of articles describing research failures compared to articles reporting positive results. To counteract this (perceived) tendency of peer reviewers to be more critical of research without positive results, we provide specific instructions to peer reviewers to only assess the quality of the study without taking into account the outcome. This then also ensures that we only publish research that adheres to the standards of the field rather than sloppy science. Whether submitted research provides informative insights is assed by the editor-in-chief and the handling editor.

Finally, we are constantly evaluating and innovating the types of articles we publish. Various types of errors and failures benefit from differing ways of reporting. For example, recently we introduced serendipity anecdotes, a format where scientists can anecdotally describe instances serendipity which occurred during their research. This format allows researchers to focus on the conditions which allowed for the serendipitous discovery rather than the research itself.    

How to cite: Gaillard, S.: Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and Error, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18981,, 2025.

It is common to perform two-dimensional simulations of mantle convection in spherical geometry. These have commonly been performed in axisymmetric geometry, i.e. (r, theta) coordinates, but subsequently we (Hernlund and Tackley, PEPI 2008) proposed using (r, phi) spherical annulus geometry and demonstrated its usefulness for low-viscosity-contrast calculations. 

When performing scaling studies in this geometry, however, strange results that did not match what is expected from Cartesian-geometry calculations were obtained when high-viscosity features (such as slabs) were present. It turns out that this is because the geometrical restriction forces deformation that is not present in 3 dimensions. Specifically, in a 2-D spherical approximation, a downwelling is forced to contract in the plane-perpendicular direction, requiring it to extend in the two in-plane directions. In other words, it is "squeezed" in the plane-perpendicular direction.  If the downwelling has a high viscosity, as a cold slab does, then it resists this forced deformation, sinking much more slowly than in three dimensions, in which it could sink with no deformation. This can cause unrealistic behaviour and scaling relationships for high viscosity contrasts. 

This problem can be solved by subtracting the geometrically-forced deformation ("squeezing") from the strain-rate tensor when calculating the stress tensor. Specifically, components of in-plane and plane-normal strain rate that are required by and proportional to the vertical (radial) velocity are subtracted, a procedure that is here termed "anti-squeeze". It is demonstrated here that this "anti-squeeze" correction results in sinking rates and scaling relationships that are similar to those in 3-D geometry whereas without it, abnormal and physically unrealistic results can be obtained for high viscosity contrasts. This correction has been used for 2-D geometries in the code StagYY (Tackley, PEPI 2008; Hernlund and Tackley, PEPI 2008) since 2010.

How to cite: Tackley, P.:  Adventures in Modelling Mantle Convection in a Two-Dimensional Spherical Annulus and Discovering the Need for "Anti-Squeeze”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19890,, 2025.

EGU25-20057 | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow Hydrology 

Ross Woods

The science question: how can we use hydrological process knowledge to understand the timing and magnitude of seasonal streamflow in snow-influenced catchments.

What was known: in general, catchments with colder climates have later and larger seasonal streamflow peaks, because more snow tends to accumulate in colder catchments, and it melts later because the time when melt can occur is later in the year in colder climates. Numerical models with fine space and time resolution were able to resolve these phenomena, but there was no theory which directly linked long term climate to seasonal streamflow.

In 2009 I published a very simple deterministic theory of snow pack evolution. I tested it against snow observations at 6 locations in the western USA and it apparently worked well (although I later discovered that I'd been lucky).

In 2015 I used the snowmelt derived from this deterministic theory to predict timing and magnitude of seasonal streamflow. It did poorly, and revealed untested assumptions in my theory. I tried making the theory slightly more complicated by considering within-catchment variation in climate. This did not help.

In 2016 I created a stochastic version of the theory (a weakness identified in 2015), and then also considered the within-catchment variation in climate. It did better at reproducing measured snow storage, but did not help in understanding seasonal streamflow.

My next step will be to consider all forms of liquid water input, i.e. not just snowmelt but also rainfall.

What survived: I will continue to use the stochastic version of the theory as it is clearly an improvement. I will continue to examine whether within-catchment climate variability is important, but it seems unlikely after two negative results. But whether introducing liquid water input will be sufficient, who can say? I will also try to examine in more detail how it is that the finely-resolved numerical models can do an adequate job, but the theory cannot - it is in this gap that the answer probably lies.  However the models are very complicated, and it is not easy to get a good understanding of exactly what they are doing, even though we know which equations the are implementing.


How to cite: Woods, R.: Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow Hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20057,, 2025.

EGU25-20866 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

A case for open communication of bugs in climate models 

Jan Gärtner, Ulrike Proske, Nils Brüggemann, Oliver Gutjahr, Helmuth Haak, Dian Putrasahan, and Karl-Hermann Wieners

Climate models are not only numerical representations of scientific understanding but also human-written software, inherently subject to coding errors. While these errors may appear minor, they can have significant and unforeseen effects on the outcomes of complex, coupled models. Despite existing robust testing and documentation practices in many modeling centers, bugs broader implications are underexplored in the climate science literature.

We investigate a sea ice bug in the coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model ICON, tracing its origin, effects, and implications. The bug stemmed from an incorrectly set logical flag, which caused the ocean to bypass friction from sea ice, leading to unrealistic surface velocities, especially in the presence of ocean eddies. We introduce a concise and visual approach to communicating bugs and conceptualize this case as part of a novel class of resolution-dependent bugs - long-standing bugs that emerge during the transition to high-resolution models, where kilometer-scale features are resolved.

By documenting this case, we highlight the broader relevance of addressing bugs and advocate for universal adoption of transparent bug documentation practices. This documentation complements the robust workflows already employed by many modeling centers and ensures lessons from individual cases benefit the wider climate modeling community.

How to cite: Gärtner, J., Proske, U., Brüggemann, N., Gutjahr, O., Haak, H., Putrasahan, D., and Wieners, K.-H.: A case for open communication of bugs in climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20866,, 2025.

EGU25-5082 | Posters on site | ESSI1.11

Region identification in spacecraft data using supervised machine learning 

Maryam Aghabozorgi Nafchi, Gilbert Pi, Frantisek Nemec, Tsung-Che Tsai, and Kun-Han Lee

The classification of near-Earth plasma regions, i.e., distinguishing the region in which a spacecraft is located at any given time, is beneficial for both understanding the dynamics of the interaction between the Earth’s magnetosphere and the solar wind, and for modeling the characteristic boundaries separating these regions. We use measurements from the THEMIS B spacecraft between 2008 and 2010 (340 days in total) with a time resolution of one minute. The data include solar wind velocity and density, magnetic field magnitude, and standard deviation of magnetic field magnitude calculated over one-minute intervals. These data are used for manual labeling of four distinct plasma regions: solar wind, foreshock, magnetosheath, and magnetosphere. Ion energy flux data are used to classify the foreshock, if necessary. An automated classification of the respective regions based on measured plasma and magnetic field parameters is then achieved using either neural network or random forest classifiers. The performance of these classifiers is evaluated and compared. Generally, very high accuracy is achieved, but distinguishing between solar wind and foreshock remains an issue.

How to cite: Aghabozorgi Nafchi, M., Pi, G., Nemec, F., Tsai, T.-C., and Lee, K.-H.: Region identification in spacecraft data using supervised machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5082,, 2025.

EGU25-6747 | Posters on site | ESSI1.11

 Automatic detection of the electron density from de WHISPER instrument onboard CLUSTER II 

Emmanuel De Leon, Maxime Vandevoorde, Xavier Vallieres, and Pierre Henri

The Waves of HIgh frequency and Sounder for Probing Electron density by Relaxation
(WHISPER) instrument, is part of the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC) of the ESA
CLUSTER II mission. WHISPER is designed to measure the electric field fluctuation and derive the electron density, i.e. the plasma density, a key parameter of scientific interest for
magnetospheric and near-Earth solar wind studies. The electron density is the WHISPER highest level product and is provided, among other products, to the scientific community through the CLUSTER Science Archive (CSA).
The instrument consists of a receiver, a transmitter, and a wave spectrum analyzer. It delivers both ambient (in natural mode) and active (in sounding mode) electric field spectra. The characteristic signatures of ambient plasma waves or active plasma resonances, combined with the spacecraft position, reveal the different magnetosphere regions. These spectral signatures are used to derive the electron density. Until recently, ad-hoc algorithms have been used to derive the electron density from WHISPER measurements, but at the cost of time-consuming manual steps. These algorithms are dependent on measurements provided by other instruments onboard CLUSTER, thus introducing dependencies and potential delays in the data production.

In this context, the goal of this work is to significantly reduce human intervention by fully
automating the WHISPER electron density derivation, exclusively using WHISPER data.
For this purpose, we develop a two-step derivation process, based on neural networks: first, the plasma region is identified with a Multi-Layer Perceptron classification algorithm; second, the electron density is derived using a Recurrent Neural Network, adapted to each plasma region. These networks have been trained with WHISPER spectra and electron density previously derived from ad-hoc algorithms. The resulting accuracy is up to 98% in some plasma regions. This derivation process has been implemented in a production pipeline, now routinely used to deliver WHISPER electron density to the CSA and dividing by 10 the human intervention. The pipeline has already delivered 3+ years of data and will be used to reprocess some of the archive focusing on the most complex plasma regions with recent improvements. This work will present the implemented methods and models for each region focusing on results and performance. 

How to cite: De Leon, E., Vandevoorde, M., Vallieres, X., and Henri, P.:  Automatic detection of the electron density from de WHISPER instrument onboard CLUSTER II, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6747,, 2025.

EGU25-7486 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

Missing Interplanetary Data Estimation for Space Missions via Symbolic Rule Induction 

Federico Sabbatini and Catia Grimani

The necessity to limit budget, size, weight and power consumption of the instruments placed on board space mission satellites results in several drawbacks, including the exclusion of dedicated instrumentation for the monitoring of the spacecraft environment. Understanding the environmental conditions of space missions is essential to correctly analyse their observations. Seldom the necessary interplanetary parameters, not measured in situ, can be gathered from nearby dedicated missions, however this is not always feasible. Other solutions envisage the application of machine learning models to estimate the missing parameters on the basis of those that are available on board the satellites. Despite the high performance of machine learning predictors, they come along with issues related to the model selection and training, the data pre-processing and the opaqueness of the outcomes returned to end-users. The application of tools developed in the explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) field can be considered to encode through symbolic knowledge the functional relationship between parameters observed in situ and correlated parameters for which measurements are lacking but useful. In this context, XAI methods in general, and symbolic knowledge extraction in particular, constitute a promising alternative to traditional machine learning models, enabling users to avoid the model selection and training phases and to obtain completely interpretable results. This presentation provides an overview on the application of symbolic knowledge-extraction techniques to perform rule induction from available in-situ data, aimed at carrying out a human-interpretable estimation and forecasting of missing platform parameters. Potentialities, drawbacks and challenges of this approach are discussed to highlight the direction from current results to future applications.

How to cite: Sabbatini, F. and Grimani, C.: Missing Interplanetary Data Estimation for Space Missions via Symbolic Rule Induction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7486,, 2025.

EGU25-8698 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

Evaluating Solar Imaging Feature Extraction Techniques for Enhancing Space Weather Prediction with Deep Learning Models 

Maria Tahtouh, Guillerme Bernoux, and Antoine Brunet

Many machine learning models have provided significant results in predicting the geomagnetic activity quantified by Earth-measured geomagnetic indices. For instance, one such model is the SERENADE model that provides probabilistic forecasts of the Kp index, days ahead solely from solar imaging. It consists of three modules combining convolutional, recurrent, and linear neural network layers that first extract the important information contained in the input solar imagery and transform them into an intelligible forecast. To improve the performance of this model, we evaluate solar-imaging-adapted dimensionality reduction techniques that extract the features from the images and can therefore be used as the first layer of the forecast model. We use a solar imagery dataset formatted specifically for machine-learning research (SDOML). We applied the Principal Component Analysis method and trained AutoEncoders and Variational AutoEncoders (VAE) targeting several reduced dimensions. We consider the convolutional GoogLeNet method, which was pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset, as a baseline for our comparison. We analyze the information retained by the extracted features in terms of solar activity physical parameters and find high correlations between the latter and the the reduced representations of the images, with the VAE results standing out. In addition, we re-train the SERENADE model to predict the daily maximum of the Kp index two days in advance using the extracted features by the new dimensionality reduction methods as input to the model. We first use the same hyperparameters that were optimized for the GoogLeNet model and obtain more stable predictions using the dedicated solar imaging feature extractors than when using the baseline model, specifically in the VAE case. Furthermore, when fine-tuning SERENADE's hyperparameters to the VAE model, the predictive performance of the model was enhanced, notably during geomagnetic storms, which indicates that the use of adapted feature extractors could improve the geomagnetic activity forecasting.

How to cite: Tahtouh, M., Bernoux, G., and Brunet, A.: Evaluating Solar Imaging Feature Extraction Techniques for Enhancing Space Weather Prediction with Deep Learning Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8698,, 2025.

EGU25-9116 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

Machine Learning for Space Weather: Solar Flare Forecasting Using SDO/HMI Magnetogram Time Series 

Elizabeth Doria Rosales, Prof. Vincenzo Carbone, Prof. Mariarosaria Falanga, Prof. Angelo Ciaramella, and PhD. Emanuel Di Nardo

Solar flares, sudden bursts of electromagnetic energy originating from magnetically active regions on the solar surface, pose significant risks to satellite infrastructure, communication systems, and power grids. Accurate forecasting of these events is crucial for advancing space weather prediction and safeguarding technological infrastructure. The interconnected nature of the Sun's atmospheric layers—from the corona to the lower photosphere—highlights the need for comprehensive data analysis techniques that leverage modern advancements in machine learning (ML) and physically informed models.

Traditional approaches have relied on features extracted from line-of-sight (LoS) magnetograms of solar active regions, historically linked to increased flare activity. However, recent studies employing LoS magnetogram time series have shown limited improvements, prompting the need for novel methodologies that integrate learning-based and physics-based insights.

To address this challenge, we present a deep learning-based framework for solar flare forecasting, leveraging the Solar Dynamics Observatory’s Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (SDO/HMI) LoS magnetograms. Our model frames flare forecasting as a binary time series classification problem, aiming to distinguish active regions likely to produce M- or X-class flares within a 24-hour window. The approach integrates a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) autoencoder for feature extraction and a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) binary classifier for flare activity prediction, achieving a 90% test accuracy.

By leveraging advanced ML techniques, this methodology demonstrates the potential of data-driven models in heliophysics. Our results highlight the transformative role of AI-powered science in advancing solar flare prediction and contributing to the development of reliable early warning systems for space weather forecasting.

How to cite: Doria Rosales, E., Carbone, P. V., Falanga, P. M., Ciaramella, P. A., and Di Nardo, PhD. E.: Machine Learning for Space Weather: Solar Flare Forecasting Using SDO/HMI Magnetogram Time Series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9116,, 2025.

EGU25-9149 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

Space Weather Forecasts of Ground Level Space Weather with Machine Learning: Performance, Limitations and Challenges 

Andy Smith, Jonathan Rae, Colin Forsyth, John Coxon, Maria-Theresia Walach, Christian Lao, Shaun Bloomfield, Sachin Reddy, Mike Coughlan, Amy Keesee, and Sarah Bentley

Space weather describes the dynamic conditions in near-Earth space, mostly driven by the variable interaction between the continuous flow of the solar wind and the Earth’s magnetic field.  Extreme space weather has the potential to disrupt or damage key infrastructure on which we rely, for example through the generation of large, anomalous Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) in power networks and transformers.  Accurately forecasting a risk of large GICs would enable key actions to be taken to mitigate their impact.

Given the sparsity of direct GIC measurements, and their inherent specificity to the contemporaneous network properties and configuration, we turn to forecasting the driving factor: the changing ground magnetic field (R).  In this talk we discuss a recent model developed to forecast whether the rate of change of the ground magnetic field (R) will exceed specific, high thresholds in the United Kingdom.  The model uses a common space weather forecasting framework: an interval of data from the upstream solar wind is used to make a prediction as to future conditions at the Earth.  We will use this model as an example to discuss forecasting performance, particularly with respect to different magnetospheric driving and processes.  We demonstrate the use of techniques such as SHAP (Shapley Additive exPlanations) to investigate how and why the model is making the predictions that it does.  What physical processes can this model set up capture?  Where do we need to go in the future?

How to cite: Smith, A., Rae, J., Forsyth, C., Coxon, J., Walach, M.-T., Lao, C., Bloomfield, S., Reddy, S., Coughlan, M., Keesee, A., and Bentley, S.: Space Weather Forecasts of Ground Level Space Weather with Machine Learning: Performance, Limitations and Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9149,, 2025.

EGU25-9587 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.11

Integrating Machine Learning and Solar Physics for Enhanced Prediction of CME Arrival Times and Near-Sun Solar Wind Conditions 

Yucong Li, Yi Yang, Fang Shen, Rongpei Lin, Haopeng Wang, and Stefaan Poedts

The timely and precise prediction of coronal mass ejection (CME) arrival times and the characterization of near-Sun solar wind conditions are essential for space weather forecasting and planetary sciences. We develop a novel deep-learning framework that integrates imaging observations and physical parameters to predict CME arrival times with improved accuracy. Using time-series data from synchronized solar white-light and EUV observations of 156 geoeffective CME events (2000–2020), we train two models: Model A, a convolutional neural network (CNN) regression model, and Model B, an enhanced version incorporating 11 key physical parameters of CMEs and background solar wind. Model B achieves a minimum mean absolute error (MAE) of 5.12 hours, a 33% improvement over Model A. This demonstrates the value of combining observational and physical data in forecasting CME arrival times.

In addition, we explore the use of GONG/ADAPT magnetograms with a U-Net-based architecture to model solar wind conditions at 0.1 AU. The training labels are derived from the COCONUT coronal model, which offers a potential acceleration in generating initial driving conditions for heliophysical models like ICARUS. While preliminary, this approach highlights a pathway to streamline the modeling of near-Sun solar wind environments, further supporting interplanetary CME propagation studies.

Our results underscore the potential of machine learning when synergized with solar physics to advance predictions critical to heliophysics and planetary sciences.

How to cite: Li, Y., Yang, Y., Shen, F., Lin, R., Wang, H., and Poedts, S.: Integrating Machine Learning and Solar Physics for Enhanced Prediction of CME Arrival Times and Near-Sun Solar Wind Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9587,, 2025.

EGU25-9849 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

Efficient Segmentation and Clustering of Solar Coronal Structures: A Comparison of U-Net and Classical Computer Vision Techniques Using SDO Data 

Panagiotis Gonidakis, Francesco Carella, George Miloshevich, and Stefaan Poedts

Segmentation and characterization of solar coronal structures are essential for advancing our understanding of solar atmosphere and accurately identifying key regions, such as active regions and coronal holes, which are precursors to phenomena like solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). In this study, we investigate two complementary approaches to automate this process. First, we employ a previously presented deep learning-based U-Net architecture tailored for segmenting and characterizing solar coronal structures. Second, we develop a lightweight algorithm aimed at optimizing resource efficiency, consisting of classical computer vision techniques, which include thresholding and morphological filtering. The approach that best balances segmentation performance and computational efficiency will be selected for integration into a prototype designed to support future space exploration missions.

To characterize the segmented regions, we propose a set of carefully designed hand-crafted features to represent and characterize the resulting segmentations. These representations are analyzed using unsupervised clustering techniques, such as K-means and t-SNE, to distinguish solar coronal structures, including active regions, coronal holes and bright points.

Our dataset spans multiple layers of the solar atmosphere, incorporating HMI magnetograms (photosphere) and AIA wavelengths—94 Å (flaring regions), 171 Å (quiet Sun), 193 Å (coronal structures), and 304 Å (chromosphere). The performance of both segmentation approaches is thoroughly evaluated using metrics such as Dice score and Intersection over Union (IoU), with comparisons made against state-of-the-art methods.

Future work will focus on developing feature encoding techniques to better understand and predict solar phenomena, such as solar flare emissions, while investigating the impact of different feature extraction strategies on model performance.


  • Galvez, Richard, et al. "A machine-learning data set prepared from the NASA solar dynamics observatory mission." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 242.1 (2019): 7.
  • Šimon Mackovjak et al. “SCSS-Net: solar corona structures segmentation by deep learning”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 508, Issue 3, December 2021, Pages 3111–3124,
  • Gonidakis, Panagiotis & Sóñora-Mengana, Alexander & Jansen, Bart & Vandemeulebroucke, Jef. (2023). Handcrafted Features Can Boost Performance and Data-Efficiency for Deep Detection of Lung Nodules From CT Imaging. IEEE Access. PP. 1-1. 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3331315. 


How to cite: Gonidakis, P., Carella, F., Miloshevich, G., and Poedts, S.: Efficient Segmentation and Clustering of Solar Coronal Structures: A Comparison of U-Net and Classical Computer Vision Techniques Using SDO Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9849,, 2025.

EGU25-10383 | Posters on site | ESSI1.11

Predicting characteristics of bursty bulk flows in Earth’s plasma sheet using machine learning techniques 

Xuedong Feng, Jian Yang, Jacob Bortnik, Chih-Ping Wang, and Jiang Liu

Bursty bulk flows (BBFs) play a crucial role in transporting energy, mass, and magnetic flux in the Earth's magnetotail, particularly in the earthward direction. However, their impulsive nature and small spatial scale present significant challenges for in-situ observation, as only a limited number of spacecraft operate within the vast expanse of the magnetotail. Consequently, studying their statistical characteristics is a highly demanding task, and accurately predicting their behavior remains a distant goal. In this study, we analyze key characteristics of BBFs and apply regression-based models to predict their parameter behaviorUsing observational data from the THEMIS mission collected between 2007 and 2023, we conducted a feature analysis on parameters associated with BBFs evolution, including velocity, magnetic field, electric field, temperature, density, pressure, and specific entropy indices. Through statistical techniques, we identified parameters exhibiting predictable patterns during BBF events, distinguishing them from background conditions. Furthermore, we used XGBoost regression model, optimized for different parameter combinations, to forecast BBF duration, physical parameters’ average minimum, and peak intensity. This study also tested combinations of parameter predictions across instruments. When using observed background value in parameter combination, our models achieved Mean Absolute Percentage Errors of under 35% for critical variables, including Bz, Btotal, plasma pressure, and ion temperatures, and ion specific entropy and so on. Additionally, we observed BBF duration’s spatial distribution trends: it peaked at approximately X=-13Re, while decreasing with increasing Z distance from the plasma sheet, showing dawn-dusk asymmetry consistent with prior observations. This work highlights the potential of regression methods in forecasting BBFs characteristics and offers insights into their spatial behavior, supporting enhanced prediction capabilities in magnetospheric studies. Future research will aim to improve accuracy with enriched datasets.

How to cite: Feng, X., Yang, J., Bortnik, J., Wang, C.-P., and Liu, J.: Predicting characteristics of bursty bulk flows in Earth’s plasma sheet using machine learning techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10383,, 2025.

EGU25-11565 | Orals | ESSI1.11

Parametrization of SHARP Vector Magnetic Field Using Disentangled Representation Learning 

Ekatarina Dineva, George Miloshevich, Giovanni Lapenta, Jasmina Magdalenic Zhukov, and Stefaan Poedts

The rapid growth of high-dimensional data in solar physics presents significant challenges for analysis and interpretation, making it an excellent domain for the application of machine learning (ML) algorithms. Synoptic full-disk observations with the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)  provide continuous observations of the solar magnetic activity over more than one solar cycle, facilitating the study of solar variability and space weather impacts. The Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP) vector magnetic field (VMF) maps and parameters, based on Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) full-disk observations, are developed to study the magnetic evolution of individual active regions and flare triggering mechanisms. We present a method for active region parametrization by combining empirical parameters and ML-extracted features. Time series of SHARP VMF maps are used as input for the Disentangled Variational Autoencoder (VAE), a Disentangled Representation Learning (DRL) algorithm that facilitates the extraction of a low-dimensional feature representation. The VAE model is used to encode generalized information about nonlinear dynamical systems, i.e., a solar active region, aiming to isolate distinct factors of variation in the data, allowing a clearer interpretation of physical processes. We demonstrate how the ML features can be used to identify and study the stages of the magnetic patches evolution. These are benchmarked with SHARP parameters, relating empirical and learned features. Furthermore, the empirical dataset enhanced with ML features can be used to analyze the development of individual active regions and searching for eruption precursors.

How to cite: Dineva, E., Miloshevich, G., Lapenta, G., Magdalenic Zhukov, J., and Poedts, S.: Parametrization of SHARP Vector Magnetic Field Using Disentangled Representation Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11565,, 2025.

EGU25-11587 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

Solar Wind Speed Forecasting From Solar Images Using Distributional Regression  

Daniel Collin, Yuri Shprits, Stefan Hofmeister, Stefano Bianco, Nadja Klein, and Guillermo Gallego

The solar wind, a stream of charged particles originating from the Sun, poses significant risks to technology and astronauts. It is driven by large structures on the solar surface like coronal holes and active regions, which can be identified in extreme ultra-violet (EUV) solar images several days before they become geoeffective. In this work, we propose to use a distributional regression algorithm to forecast the solar wind speed at the Lagrange 1 point from solar images. Instead of predicting a single value, this method models the entire conditional distribution as a function of input features. It allows computing the uncertainty of predictions and specifying the probability of the solar wind speed exceeding certain thresholds, which is especially useful for extreme event predictions like coronal mass ejections and high-speed solar wind streams. We employ a convolutional neural network to encode solar images from multiple wavelength channels into unstructured low-dimensional representations. Using a semi-structured distributional regression approach, we couple the deep learning encoder with structured physical input parameters, such as past solar wind properties and solar cycle information. Thereby, we incorporate physical knowledge into the model and enhance explainability. We predict the solar wind speed distributions with a one-hour cadence four days in advance. We train and evaluate our method using cross-validation on 15 years of data and compare it to current state-of-the-art models. We find that it provides an accurate forecast and especially models the heavy-tailed solar wind speed distribution well. We further show the advantages over standard regression approaches and how to use the predicted conditional quantiles to improve extreme event predictions, highlighting the potential for operational space weather forecasts.

How to cite: Collin, D., Shprits, Y., Hofmeister, S., Bianco, S., Klein, N., and Gallego, G.: Solar Wind Speed Forecasting From Solar Images Using Distributional Regression , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11587,, 2025.

EGU25-11680 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

On Covariance Estimation in Physics Informed Neural Networks for Orbit Determination 

Fabian Dallinger, Benedikt Aigner, Thomas Andert, Benjamin Haser, Martin Pätzold, and Matthias Hahn

Artificial intelligence (AI), particularly machine learning (ML), is widely applied in fields such as medicine, autonomous driving, and manufacturing. Over time, ML has also seen increasing use in space and geosciences, where its algorithms hold the potential to enhance orbit prediction and orbit determination (OD) by utilizing measurement data. However, ML models like Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are limited to problems with abundant data and are often considered "black boxes", as their predictions lack interpretability in a scientifically meaningful way. To address these challenges, Raissi et al. 2018 introduced Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), a specialized type of ANN. PINNs integrate the governing differential equations of a system into the learning process, imposing a physical constraint on the network's training and predictions. This approach allows effective training with small datasets, removing the reliance on large amounts of measurements. Additionally, PINNs can estimate unknown or poorly defined parameters within the differential equations, making them conceptually similar to classical OD algorithms like the Weighted Least Squares method. Building on this, Scorsoglio et al. 2023 successfully applied a variant of PINNs, called Physics Informed Extreme Learning Machines (PIELMs), for OD. In this study, a similar approach is employed for OD within the AI4POD (Artificial Intelligence for Precise Orbit Determination) software tool, focusing on resident space objects (RSOs) in low Earth orbit. Following this, we explore various methods, such as output perturbation, to determine the covariance matrix for the PINN-based OD approach. The covariance matrix provides an assessment of uncertainty in the predicted orbit and therefore being an essential tool in real space missions and collision avoidance. These methods are compared for their realism and effectiveness, both against each other and against the covariance matrix results from classical approaches. This study aims to evaluate whether the proposed methods can replicate and potentially improve upon traditional covariance estimation techniques.

How to cite: Dallinger, F., Aigner, B., Andert, T., Haser, B., Pätzold, M., and Hahn, M.: On Covariance Estimation in Physics Informed Neural Networks for Orbit Determination, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11680,, 2025.

EGU25-11790 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

AI-Enhanced Orbit Determination: The AI4POD Framework 

Benedikt Aigner, Fabian Dallinger, Thomas Andert, Benjamin Haser, Martin Pätzold, and Matthias Hahn

In recent years, the field of space situational awareness (SSA) has gained increasing attention, driven by the rapid rise in both active satellites and orbital debris. Therefore, being able to predict the orbit of a resident space object (RSO) as accurately as possible is more critical than ever in order to reduce collision risks and to preserve the orbital environment. However, incomplete knowledge of debris geometry, uncertain object characteristics, or simplified force models can cause prediction errors which exceed orders of several kilometers within just a few days, making it useless for reliable collision avoidance operations. Using modern Machine Learning (ML) algorithms can enhance prediction accuracy by addressing these challenges as recent studies have shown. In this context we present Artificial Intelligence for Precise Orbit Determination (AI4POD), a Python package that is designed to simplify the integration of ML-algorithms within the orbit prediction and determination process. AI4POD is structured as a comprehensive toolbox that includes a high-fidelity force model, various measurement functions, and classical orbit determination (OD) algorithms such as the batch least-squares estimation method. This integrated approach allows users to combine traditional orbit simulations with data-driven approaches to improve accuracy and to extend the predictability horizon. Based on this catalog, several approaches from artificial intelligence (AI) shall be tested in the future. Inspired by already proposed methodologies we are generating a training set of historical tracking data along with their corresponding orbit determinations using the AI4POD toolbox. Several machine learning algorithms will be explored to learn the nonlinear prediction errors, aiming to compensate for unmodeled or uncertain factors such as incomplete knowledge of satellite geometry or environmental conditions.

How to cite: Aigner, B., Dallinger, F., Andert, T., Haser, B., Pätzold, M., and Hahn, M.: AI-Enhanced Orbit Determination: The AI4POD Framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11790,, 2025.

EGU25-12327 | Posters on site | ESSI1.11

Automated Identification of Auroral Luminosity Boundaries using pyIntensityFeatures 

Angeline Burrell, Gareth Chisham, Nicola Longden, and Kate Zawdie

Imagers that observe emissions from the atmosphere are commonly used to study various ionospheric phenomena.  These phenomena include the auroral oval, equatorial plasma bubbles, and travelling ionospheric disturbances.  A difficulty in using imager observations is accurately and automatically retrieving the locations of interest from these images.  We present an automated method designed to identify the auroral luminosity boundaries from space-based imager data.   These boundaries are important for high-latitude studies that use statistical or machine learning approaches, as geographic and magnetic coordinate systems that do not account for changes in the polar cap or equatorward auroral oval boundaries will mix together data from regions experiencing different types of coupling with the magnetosphere.

The boundary identification method was originally developed for the Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) observations, and has been further adapted for use in a wider variety of situations.  We will discuss the updated detection method and demonstrate the process on two different satellite data sets.  The updated detection method will be made publicly accessible through a new Python package, pyIntensityFeatures.

How to cite: Burrell, A., Chisham, G., Longden, N., and Zawdie, K.: Automated Identification of Auroral Luminosity Boundaries using pyIntensityFeatures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12327,, 2025.

EGU25-12654 | Orals | ESSI1.11

Hybrid AI Approaches for Solar Feature Recognition Using Ground-Based Instrument Data 

Oleg Stepanyuk, Werner Pötzi, Kamen Kozarev, Momchil Dechev, and Rositsa Miteva
The dynamic behavior of solar prominences and filaments is a preursor to coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which can disrupt Earth's magnetosphere and affect satellite communications. Systematic ground-based solar observations, conducted with high temporal resolution, are instrumental in monitoring these structures. Analysis of the morphological changes and destabilization processes of filaments and prominences captured in datasets can help to identify early warning signs of potential eruptions. This capability is vital for developing reliable space weather forecasting systems, thereby mitigating the adverse effects of solar disturbances on Earth's technological infrastructure. Previously we introduced Wavetrack, a wavelet-based feature recognition software, which allowed, to a certain extent, to automate feature recognition for multiple events. We have since developed a convolutional neural network (CNN) model set which uses Wavetrack outputs as ground truth. Our initial model performance was shown on a set of SDO AIA instrument data performing segmentation of EUV and shock waves. In this work, we extend this hybrid approach for algorithmic and data-driven segmentation of on-disk solar features (prominences and filaments) using data from ground based-instruments, primarily focusing on Kanzelhöhe Observatory data. We discuss our approach to engineering training sets on real and synthetic data and the development of a CNN architecture generated within a general hyperparameter search routine. We showcase its performance on a set of filament/prominence events.

How to cite: Stepanyuk, O., Pötzi, W., Kozarev, K., Dechev, M., and Miteva, R.: Hybrid AI Approaches for Solar Feature Recognition Using Ground-Based Instrument Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12654,, 2025.

EGU25-13602 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

Identification of fast solar wind flows and CMEs in the in situ data using Self-Organizing Maps and clustering techniques 

Francesco Carella, Jasmina Magdalenić, and Alessandro Bemporad

The identification and characterization of the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and fast solar wind flows in the in situ data are important for understanding dynamics of these phenomena and consequently for space weather forecasting. In this study, we apply Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) and clustering techniques to analyze in situ solar wind observations. SOMs (Kohonen, T, 1982) [1] an unsupervised learning technique, is employed to project high-dimensional interplanetary plasma parameters such as velocity, density, temperature, and magnetic field onto a lower-dimensional representation, preserving the topological structure of the data. Clustering algorithms, such as k-means, are then applied to the SOM output to distinguish between ICME events, fast and slow solar wind flows.
Our approach is validated using a few months long interval of the ACE and Wind in situ observations, with labeled CME intervals from Richardson and Cane [2] as a benchmark. This combination of SOMs and clustering provides a framework for automated identification of interplanetary plasma structures, important for space weather studies but also for operational services. 

[1] T. Kohonen, ‘Self-organized formation of topologically correct feature maps’, Biol. Cybern., vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 59–69, Jan. 1982, doi: 10.1007/BF00337288
[2] Richardson, Ian; Cane, Hilary, 2024, "Near-Earth Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections Since January 1996"

How to cite: Carella, F., Magdalenić, J., and Bemporad, A.: Identification of fast solar wind flows and CMEs in the in situ data using Self-Organizing Maps and clustering techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13602,, 2025.

EGU25-14036 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

Using Transformers to Integrate Irregular Data for Improved Ionospheric Modeling 

Liam Smith and Morris Cohen

The ionosphere has important impacts on many different systems, such as communications, thus modeling it is a crucial task. The influence of the ionosphere is closely linked to its electron density, but this is difficult to measure adequately. Because of this, modeling requires the use of additional correlated values, such as solar activity metrics. These measures do not capture enough to reproduce small-scale changes in electron density, so we have developed a technique to expand our input space to include sparse measurements of Total Electron Content (TEC), or the integral of electron density.

TEC data is measured more densely than electron density, although it is still not consistent spatially, with many gaps in measurement coverage. Despite this, it is collected very consistently throughout time so it presents itself as a good candidate for an input to an ionospheric model. Even so, TEC has not been used as an input to such models, especially Machine Learning (ML) models, as the irregular coverage of the measurements makes it difficult to deal with.

We have developed a technique to use transformer-like architectures to move from an irregular domain to a fixed size embedded domain to facilitate further usage of the TEC data. This approach has enabled us to use TEC as a direct input to electron density models, noticeably improving performance. Our technique also enables the use of a variety of irregular inputs all at once, enabling a wider range of possible model inputs. Lastly, as a byproduct of the process, we can use the inverse of our embedding technique (which is also how we train the model) to perform TEC map completion, where we can predict TEC values even where no measurements have been taken.

How to cite: Smith, L. and Cohen, M.: Using Transformers to Integrate Irregular Data for Improved Ionospheric Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14036,, 2025.

EGU25-14724 | Posters on site | ESSI1.11

Subgrid-scale modeling of MHD turbulence 

Dmitri Kondrashov and Anthony Sciola

Numerical magnetohydrodynamic models (MHD) are often used to simulate the global interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere system. Increasingly, such MHD models require very computationally expensive, high numerical resolutions for realistic global magnetosphere simulations of multiscale turbulent plasma flows. To address this problem, we investigate and compare several ML-based approaches for subgrid-scale (SGS) parameterizations in the coarse-scale Grid Agnostic MHD for Extended Research Applications (GAMERA) model, starting with the Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) formalism. We use a 2D simulation of MHD turbulence in the Orszag-Tang vortex as a testbed to diagnose from benchmark high-resolution GAMERA  solutions the distributions of subgrid-scale (SGS) and large-scale (LS) fields, and model subgrid-scale (SGS) forcing that encapsulates induced feedbacks on the LS fields. 

How to cite: Kondrashov, D. and Sciola, A.: Subgrid-scale modeling of MHD turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14724,, 2025.

EGU25-14910 | Orals | ESSI1.11

Ambient Solar Wind Speed Forecast with Physics-Informed Machine Learning  

Enrico Camporeale and Andong Hu

We present a novel physics-informed machine learning (ML) model designed to forecast the background (ambient) solar wind up to five days in advance. Solar wind speed is a critical driver of geomagnetic activity, and inaccuracies in its prediction significantly contribute to large errors in forecasting the arrival times of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are typically off by at least 10 hours.

Predicting solar wind speed has historically been a challenging task, with even state-of-the-art models often failing to consistently outperform a simple 27-day persistence model. Operational physics-based (3D MHD) models, in particular, struggle to accurately forecast high-speed streams associated with co-rotating interaction regions. These regions arise from fast solar wind generated by coronal holes, which are not clearly captured in the magnetogram maps routinely used as inputs. While recent empirical and data-driven methods have shown relatively better performance, significant challenges remain.

Our approach integrates lessons from prior models into what we believe represents the current state-of-the-art. Specifically, we use GONG synoptic maps (magnetograms) and full-disk SDO EUV images as inputs to a neural network. This network estimates the optimal inner boundary condition for the radial solar wind velocity profile at 10 solar radii, which is then propagated to 1 AU using a simplified 1D hydrostatic model.

The key innovation lies in seamlessly integrating the physics-based model within the neural network, creating a true physics-informed ML framework.

We will present validation metrics to assess the model’s performance and discuss plans to make the forecast outputs available to the community 24/7 via the portal.

How to cite: Camporeale, E. and Hu, A.: Ambient Solar Wind Speed Forecast with Physics-Informed Machine Learning , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14910,, 2025.

EGU25-15985 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.11 | Highlight

TRANSCENDENCE - A TRANSit Capture ENgine for DEtection and Neural network Characterization of Exoplanets 

Hendrik Schmerling, Rok Hribar, Sascha Grziwa, and Martin Pätzold

Although the search for exoplanets currently incorporates various computational methods, it still heavily relies on manual analysis of light curves, a process that is both time-intensive and demanding. Our research in the EXOWORLD project addresses these challenges by integrating advanced machine learning techniques, including convolutional, into the transit search process, combining them with recurrent networks to create a fully integrated machine learning-based transit detection and characterization pipeline. This approach reimagines transit search as a pattern recognition task, employing self-learning algorithms to efficiently process vast amounts of astronomical data. We aim to explore and apply a range of machine learning methods, establishing a foundation for comparison not only among these methods but also against traditional transit search techniques. This comparison is expected to focus on potential improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and computational demands. Although still in the early stages, our research aims to significantly enhance exoplanet detection methods, streamlining the process and building a framework for making new discoveries through light curve analysis.

In this context, we present TRANSCENDENCE, our machine learning-based pipeline, which has demonstrated the ability to identify exoplanets larger than 2 Earth radii consitently. Moreover, the pipeline is capable of detecting smaller planets, albeit with lower detection probabilities. One of TRANSCENDENCE's key strengths lies in its remarkably low false positive rate, which ranges between 5% and 10% of all identified transits. By significantly reducing the need for manual intervention and minimizing false positives, this pipeline has the potential to strongly immprove the efficiency of exoplanet detection and characterization.


How to cite: Schmerling, H., Hribar, R., Grziwa, S., and Pätzold, M.: TRANSCENDENCE - A TRANSit Capture ENgine for DEtection and Neural network Characterization of Exoplanets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15985,, 2025.

EGU25-16713 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.11

Machine Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Space Mission Operations 

Tommaso Torda, Tommaso Alberti, Giuseppe Consolini, Rossana De Marco, Ekaterina Dineva, Jonah Ekelund, Panagiotis Gonidakis, Monica Laurenza, Maria Federica Marcucci, Stefano Markidis, George Miloshevich, Stefaan Poedts, Begnamino Sanò, and Nicolina Chrysaphi

The Automatics in SpAce exploration (ASAP) project has as a goal the design and development of Machine Learning algorithms for the automation of operations to be implemented on the on-board processors of space missions. In the framework of ASAP a set of ML algorithms for on-board science operations of space missions have been developed/optimized on consumer-grade computing systems to be further selected for orting of existent ML models directly on an FPGA prototype. In more detail, algorithms pertaining to four main use cases have been considered: the autonomous triggering of special measurement modes and the selective downlink of plasma environment parameters; the advanced on-board data analysis of three-dimensional particle distribution functions; the on-board analysis of solar images; the on-board prediction capability of SEP related hazards. Here we describe the algorithms, their performances and requirements for the on-board implementation. ASAP has received funding from the EU’s HORIZON Research and Innovation Action (GA no.101082633)

How to cite: Torda, T., Alberti, T., Consolini, G., De Marco, R., Dineva, E., Ekelund, J., Gonidakis, P., Laurenza, M., Marcucci, M. F., Markidis, S., Miloshevich, G., Poedts, S., Sanò, B., and Chrysaphi, N.: Machine Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Space Mission Operations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16713,, 2025.

Remote sensing observations, whether astronomical or within the solar system, are constrained by instrumental limitations, such as the point spread function in imaging. Ensuring the reliability of scientific analysis from such data requires robust deconvolution techniques. We present a spatio-temporal deconvolution method, to minimise the effect of an extended or complex-shaped point spread function, applicable to dynamic systems with various timescales. This approach enhances observational data by improving image contrast and resolving small-scale dynamic features.

Our method employs a deep neural network trained on state-of-the-art numerical simulations, enabling it to identify dynamic patterns in both spatial and temporal dimensions and to estimate and correct the degradation of intensity contrast. The resulting improvements in intensity representation and resolution facilitate more accurate analyses of small-scale features.

We apply this methodology to solar observations in the millimeter wavelength regime, recovering fine-scale structures critical for understanding the complex behaviour of the solar atmosphere, predict the generation of potentially harmful events, solar flares and the solar wind. By incorporating the temporal domain, our approach surpasses traditional 2D deconvolution techniques.

While initially developed for solar imaging, the method is versatile and can be adapted to various observational contexts across different wavelength regimes. This makes it a valuable tool for advancing future observational studies and expanding research capabilities.

How to cite: Eklund, H.: Spatio-temporal deconvolution method for enhanced image analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17531,, 2025.

EGU25-18050 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.11

Modeling Magnetic Storms' Dynamics with Physics-Informed Neural Networks 

Manuel Lacal, Enrico Camporeale, Giuseppe Consolini, and Mirko Piersanti

Solar activity significantly influences the near-Earth environment, leading to magnetic storms and magnetospheric substorms that can impact both technological and human systems. Understanding the physical processes that govern the Sun-Earth relationship and developing models to forecast magnetic disturbances on Earth are therefore of critical importance. In this context, we present a preliminary work to model and forecast the dynamics of magnetic storms, as measured by the SYM-H geomagnetic index, using Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). This approach is applied to models based on deterministic ordinary differential equations (ODEs), such as those described by Burton et al. (1975) and others, which were proposed to describe the evolution of geomagnetic indices during magnetic storms. The findings and significance of this approach are discussed in the context of Earth's magnetospheric dynamics and the relevance of PINN techniques in space weather research.

How to cite: Lacal, M., Camporeale, E., Consolini, G., and Piersanti, M.: Modeling Magnetic Storms' Dynamics with Physics-Informed Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18050,, 2025.

EGU25-18475 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

Prediction of Solar Surface Magnetic Fields Using an AI-based Surface Flux Transport Model 

Hyun-Jin Jeong, Mingyu Jeon, Daeil Kim, Youngjae Kim, Ji-Hye Baek, Yong-Jae Moon, and Seonghwan choi

In this study, we develop an artificial intelligence (AI)-based solar surface flux transport (SFT) model. We predict global magnetic field distributions on the solar surface up to the next solar rotation (27.3 days) using deep-learning. Here we train and evaluate our deep-learning model, based on the Pix2PixCC architecture, using data sets of SDO/HMI, SOHO/MDI, and NSO/GONG synoptic maps with a resolution of 360 by 180 (longitude and sine-latitude) from 1996 to 2023. We present results of our model and compare them with those from the persistence model and the conventional SFT model, including the effects of differential rotation, meridional flow, and diffusion on the solar surface. Our AI-based SFT model generates magnetic field distributions for the next solar rotation, better than the conventional SFT model and the persistence model in the quantitative metrics such as RMSE, FSIM, and pixel-to-pixel CC. Our model successfully generates magnetic features, such as the diffusion of solar active regions and the motions of supergranules. Our model also generates small-scale magnetic features better than the conventional SFT models. Using synthetic input data with bipolar structures, we confirm that our model successfully reproduces differential rotation and meridional flow. Finally, we discuss the advantages and limitations of our model in view of magnetic field evolution and its potential applications.

How to cite: Jeong, H.-J., Jeon, M., Kim, D., Kim, Y., Baek, J.-H., Moon, Y.-J., and choi, S.: Prediction of Solar Surface Magnetic Fields Using an AI-based Surface Flux Transport Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18475,, 2025.

EGU25-20652 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11

A Deep-learning-based Model of the Three-dimensional Ion Flux in the Earth’s Northern Cusp 

Gonzalo Cucho-Padin, David Sibeck, Daniel Da Silva, and Xueyi Wang

Magnetic reconnection on the dayside magnetopause is considered the primary mechanism for transporting mass, momentum, and energy from the solar wind into the terrestrial magnetosphere. Several studies have demonstrated that the spatiotemporal dynamics of the dayside magnetic reconnection can be inferred remotely from the analysis of the time-energy dispersion of ions in the Earth’s cusps. Despite the immense number of in-situ cusp measurements acquired by numerous space-based instruments, it is still challenging to determine the overall cusp behavior owing to the intermittency of the measurement acquisition. To overcome this issue, this work implements a regression model of the three-dimensional (3-D) ion flux in the Earth’s Northern cusp based on deep learning techniques and numerous measurements of the cusp under varying solar wind conditions. For the training process, we have used solar wind parameters obtained from NASA's OMNI database as input and in-situ ion flux measurements acquired by the CIS/HIA instruments on board ESA’s multi-spacecraft Cluster mission during the period from 2001 to 2010 for supervised output. The model allows the reconstruction of the time-dependent, 3-D ion flux distribution within the cusp region, which serves to determine the boundaries of the high-altitude cusp, analyze its structural response to time-dependent solar wind conditions, and investigate the relationship between the cusp and dayside magnetic reconnection. The experiments under controlled input parameters show that our model is capable of reproducing  expected ion dispersion signatures as a response to variable solar wind conditions.

How to cite: Cucho-Padin, G., Sibeck, D., Da Silva, D., and Wang, X.: A Deep-learning-based Model of the Three-dimensional Ion Flux in the Earth’s Northern Cusp, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20652,, 2025.

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