EGU25-11783 | Orals | ST2.1 | Highlight | Julius Bartels Medal Lecture
Electron Acceleration by Wave-Particle Interactions at the Earth and Magnetised PlanetsEGU25-17289 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5 | Highlight | ST Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Footprints of Giants – Exploring Early Diagnostics of Coronal Mass Ejections Through Coronal DimmingsEGU25-4720 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27
Influence of solar wind driving and geomagnetic activity on the variability of sub-relativistic electrons in the inner magnetosphereEGU25-5310 | Posters virtual | VPS27
Observed Martian High-frequency gravity waves by Zhurong and Perseverance rovers before / after a regional dust stormEGU25-5836 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27
Investigation of the Drivers of Long-Duration Positive Ionospheric Storms During the Geomagnetic Storm on February 26-27, 2023EGU25-6031 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27
The ion-proton differential streaming observed in Small-scale Flux RopesEGU25-6228 | Posters virtual | VPS27
Finding the optimal flyby distance for the Comet Interceptor comet missionEGU25-8215 | Posters virtual | VPS27
Plasma Mechanisms Behind Hammerhead Proton Populations Observed by Parker Solar ProbeEGU25-8557 | Posters virtual | VPS27
The First Lunar Far-Side Laser Retroreflector Deployed on Chang’e-6 Lander and Prospect for Chang’e-7 MissionEGU25-10294 | Posters virtual | VPS27
Method of electromechanical analogies in calculations of natural frequencies of multi-mass mechanical and biological systemsEGU25-12754 | Posters virtual | VPS27 | Highlight
Global Geomagnetic Response and Impact During the 10 May 2024 Gannon Storm – Observations and ModelingEGU25-12948 | Posters virtual | VPS27
Unusually large positive geomagnetic variation (AU) near noon on 11 May, 2024EGU25-14033 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27
Ion Parameters Dataset from Juno/JADE Observations and Its ApplicationsEGU25-14713 | Posters virtual | VPS27
The Hubble OPAL Program: 10 years of time-variable phenomena on Jupiter and the other giant planets (invited)EGU25-15614 | Posters virtual | VPS27
Impact of self-shadowing on the Jovian Circumplanetary disk ice compositionEGU25-18086 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27
A Real-time Automated Triggering Framework for Solar Radio Burst Detection using Yamagawa Spectrograph for the Murchison Widefield ArrayEGU25-18510 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27
Immersive 3D Visualization for Enhanced Lunar TeleoperationEGU25-18737 | Posters virtual | VPS27
Initial Results of Total Solar Irradiance Measurements by DARA-PROBA3EGU25-20186 | Posters virtual | VPS27
Reaction of Atomic Oxygen with Thiophene: Implications for Satellite Polymers in Low Mars Orbit and Chemistry of MarsST1 – The Sun and Heliosphere
EGU25-923 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1
Charging and Dynamics of Interstellar Dust at the Heliospheric InterfaceEGU25-1180 | Orals | ST1.1 | Highlight
Parker Solar Probe: From Exploration to Paradigm-Shifting DiscoveriesEGU25-3201 | Posters on site | ST1.1
15 years of interstellar neutral hydrogen observed with the Interstellar Boundary ExplorerEGU25-3612 | Posters on site | ST1.1
How GLOWS will reveal the latitudinal structure of the solar windEGU25-4170 | Posters on site | ST1.1
Non-Neutralized Electric Currents and Eruptive Activity in Solar Active RegionsEGU25-4599 | Posters on site | ST1.1
Measuring the composition of interstellar dust particles with the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) instrumentEGU25-4776 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1
Unveiling SEP Acceleration and ICME Evolution in the Inner Heliosphere using Housekeeping Radiation Data Acquired by BepiColomboEGU25-5249 | Posters on site | ST1.1
Phase-Space Divergence as the Driver of Information Flow in Dynamical SystemsEGU25-5514 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1
Multi-spacecraft observations of particle acceleration in the near-Earth environmentEGU25-5604 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1
Solar wind structures – correlation between OMNI and THEMIS dataEGU25-6736 | Posters on site | ST1.1
Wave processes during type III solar radio burts : 2D PIC simulationsEGU25-6910 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1
Three-Dimensional Solar Magnetic Field Extrapolation Using Analytical Magnetohydrostatic Equilibrium SolutionsEGU25-7400 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1
When Most of the Action is Hidden from View: A Synthesis of Observations of the Fast March 13, 2023 CMEEGU25-8896 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1
Polarisation Analysis of in-situ observations of Langmuir/Z-Mode Waves by Solar OrbiterEGU25-9297 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1
A statistical study of rotational sunspots in solar cycle 24: Comparing with solar flares and CMEsEGU25-10101 | Posters on site | ST1.1
SciQLop: A Tool Suite for Multi-Mission High-Resolution In-Situ Data Analysis in the Heliophysics CommunityEGU25-10642 | Posters on site | ST1.1
Cross helicity and electron strahl signatures in interplanetary coronal mass ejectionsEGU25-10692 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1
Joint Analysis of Solar Type III Radio bursts with Parker Solar Probe and Solar OrbiterEGU25-11303 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1
Radial Evolution of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and Change of Their Geo-effectiveness Due to ErosionEGU25-13125 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1
Evolution of Randomly Inhomogeneous and Intermittent Plasma: Effects on Langmuir Wave Generation and Type III Radio EmissionEGU25-13180 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1
Investigating the Brightness of Coronal Rays with the Parker Solar Probe/WISPR ObservationsEGU25-13918 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1
The importance of time-dependent MHD solar wind simulations in the frame of the PUNCH missionEGU25-14720 | Posters on site | ST1.1
The Dynamic Eclipse Broadcast (DEB) Initiative: A network of volunteer citizen scientists observing the SunEGU25-16148 | Posters on site | ST1.1
Influence of the solar magnetic dipole in the topology of the local structure of the HCSEGU25-17300 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.1
Demonstration of a new python tool for semiautomatic tracing of large-scale coronal waves on the events between May 9th and May 15th 2024EGU25-17740 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1
Investigating the Uniqueness and Causal Relationship of Precursor Activity to Solar Energetic EventsEGU25-18165 | Orals | ST1.1
Type III Solar Radio Bursts: recent progress due to PSP and Solar Orbiter measurementsEGU25-18867 | ECS | Orals | ST1.1
Modelling Gyrosynchrotron Emission from Energetic Electrons in the Solar CoronaEGU25-19097 | Posters on site | ST1.1
The elusive solar flares: characterizing the trigger of the Sun-heliosphere connectionEGU25-19891 | Posters on site | ST1.1
Simulation of the beam plasma interaction in randomly inhomogeneous solar windEGU25-541 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2
Diagnostics of flare-accelerated electron beams with X-ray and Radio data from Solar OrbiterEGU25-4897 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2
Solar Orbiter/EUI observation of nanojets during a flare with unprecedented high speedsEGU25-6668 | ECS | Orals | ST1.2
Solar Orbiter observations of interplanetary shocks in the inner heliosphereEGU25-7244 | Posters on site | ST1.2
The First Joint Observation of EUV Jets and spicules with BBSO/GST and Solar OrbiterEGU25-9592 | Posters on site | ST1.2
Identifying the Ion Cyclotron Wave Excitation via Cyclotron Resonance in the Solar WindEGU25-10791 | Posters on site | ST1.2
Decoding Ion Beams in the Solar Wind: Insights into Kinetic Processes and Acceleration MechanismsEGU25-11202 | Posters on site | ST1.2
The Horizon Europe SOLER project (2024-2027): project objectives and first resultsEGU25-11786 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2
Exploring the Potential of DEM Analysis Using Solar Orbiter/EUI and AI-Generated DataEGU25-11967 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2
X-ray diagnostics of thermal flare emissions by Solar Orbiter/STIX and GOESEGU25-12901 | Orals | ST1.2 | Highlight
Solar Orbiter: Mission Status, Science Highlights and Look-out for the High-Latitude PhaseEGU25-13242 | Posters on site | ST1.2
Origin of Unusual Composition of 3He-Rich Solar Energetic ParticlesEGU25-18322 | ECS | Orals | ST1.2
Upflows in a Decaying Active Region and its Potential Contribution to the Solar WindEGU25-20333 | Posters on site | ST1.2
Investigating weak flares energetics through nonthermal emission and solar energetic electrons: STIX and EPD observationsEGU25-20356 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2
Wave dynamics across the solar transition region with the SolO/SPICE instrumentEGU25-21838 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.2
Inter-Calibration of Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor and Suprathermal Ion SpectrographEGU25-2506 | ECS | Orals | ST1.4
Inverse Velocity Dispersion in Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by Solar OrbiterEGU25-2858 | Orals | ST1.4 | Highlight
Solar Energetic Particles in Solar Cycle #25: Observations and Comparisons with Previous CyclesEGU25-4592 | Posters on site | ST1.4
The role of coherent turbulent structures in influencing particle transport and energizationEGU25-4800 | Posters on site | ST1.4
Wavelet-based modeling of the heliospheric turbulent magnetic fieldEGU25-5824 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4
Energetic proton bursts downstream of an interplanetary shockEGU25-6608 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4
Investigating Solar Sources of Helium-Rich and Helium-Poor SEP Events in 2024 using Solar OrbiterEGU25-6809 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4
Fractional Fick's Law and Anomalous Transport of Energetic Particles at Interplanetary Shocks.EGU25-7591 | Orals | ST1.4
Solar Energetic Electron Events Observed by Solar Orbiter and Wind on 2022 March 6EGU25-8043 | ECS | Orals | ST1.4
Acceleration of SEPs in the inner heliosphere. What CME properties account for SEP events?EGU25-8856 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4
Multi-spacecraft Observations of Interplanetary Suprathermal Electrons in a Shock-ICME Interaction RegionEGU25-13835 | Orals | ST1.4
On the identification of the solar sources of 3He-rich solar energetic eventsEGU25-14047 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4
The first observation of later arrival of more energetic particles during solar eruptions observed by the Solar Orbiter missionEGU25-14525 | Posters on site | ST1.4
Proton acceleration during the interaction of magnetic structure with interplanery shockEGU25-14948 | Posters on site | ST1.4
A focused transport model of suprathermal particles in the interplanetary mediumEGU25-16916 | Posters on site | ST1.4
Transport of high energy protons from a backside solar eruption to produce gamma-ray emission on the front side of the SunEGU25-18931 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.4
Investigating electrons in SEP events observed by Solar Orbiter/EPD/STEP and Solar Orbiter/SWA/EAS with Velocity Dispersion AnalysisEGU25-19421 | ECS | Orals | ST1.4
Modeling SEP Acceleration and Transport: A 1D Framework with COCONUT-Derived parametersEGU25-1591 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5
Magnetic flux rope evolution and stability in data-driven coronal magnetic field simulationsEGU25-1798 | Posters on site | ST1.5
Relationship among EIT Waves, Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar Flare, Coronal Holes, and Solar Wind PhenomenaEGU25-4434 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5
The turbulent evolution of an interplanetary magnetic cloud in the expanding solar windEGU25-4695 | Posters on site | ST1.5
An algorithm to derive CME 3D parametersbased on machine learning and double view-point observationEGU25-5088 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5
Change Ratios of Magnetic Helicity and Magnetic Free Energy During Major Solar FlaresEGU25-6729 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5
Investigating the Dynamics and Variability of ICME Sheaths and Magnetic Obstacles Across Solar CyclesEGU25-8335 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5
Quantifying CME effects on plasma parameters and elemental abundance recovery during a flare event with X-ray spectroscopyEGU25-11530 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5
Orientation of the axis of MCs observed by STEREOs in time period 2008-2014EGU25-11725 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5
Modelling the Sun-to-Earth Propagation of CMEs Using a Novel Flux-Rope ModelEGU25-13015 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5
Evaluation of the Gibson-Low flux rope generation method in coronal mass ejection simulationsEGU25-13105 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5
Tomographic Reconstructions of Coronal Mass Ejections with Physics-Informed Neural Radiance FieldsEGU25-13899 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5
Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Solar Wind using Data-Driven Numerical ModelsEGU25-14094 | Posters on site | ST1.5
Data-driven MHD simulation of a sunspot-rotating active region leading to homologous CMEsEGU25-14222 | Posters on site | ST1.5
A statistical study of solar lament eruptions based on the kinetic evolutionEGU25-14429 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5
What can suprathermal electron tell us about the topology and evolution of CMEs?EGU25-15115 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.5
Analysing Turbulence in Coronal Mass Ejections Using Empirical Mode DecompositionEGU25-15241 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5
Efficient and Quasi-realistic Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of Coronal Mass Ejection Propagation and EvolutionEGU25-17289 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5 | Highlight | ST Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Footprints of Giants – Exploring Early Diagnostics of Coronal Mass Ejections Through Coronal DimmingsEGU25-17746 | ECS | Orals | ST1.5
Advanced flux-rope CME models in EUHFORIA and coupling with COCONUTEGU25-19089 | Orals | ST1.5
On the Complex Magnetic Topology of Coronal Mass Ejections: An Enhanced ParadigmEGU25-1388 | Posters on site | ST1.7
Platform of adaptive algorithms for global simulations of planetary space weatherEGU25-1415 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7
Plasma waves in a global ion-kinetic hybrid simulation for Mercury's space weatherEGU25-2097 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7
The role of nonthermal electron distribution in triggering electrostatic ion-acoustic instability near the SunEGU25-3036 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7
Magnetohydrodynamic wave as a tool for solar plasma diagnostics and heatingEGU25-3962 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7
A Novel Poloidal-Toroidal Approach for Spherical Force-Free Field Reconstruction of Coronal Magnetic FieldsEGU25-3997 | Orals | ST1.7
Exploring the origin of quasi-periodic pulsations during a white-light flareEGU25-4616 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7
Kinetic-Hybrid Simulations of Counter-Propagating Ion Cyclotron Waves and Proton Scattering in the Near-Sun Solar WindEGU25-5598 | Orals | ST1.7 | Highlight
Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Modeling of Solar Wind Near Mars by Combinng with data assimilation methodEGU25-6157 | Posters on site | ST1.7
Coherent Wave Excitation by Energetic Ring-beam Electrons in Inhomogeneous Solar CoronaEGU25-6853 | Posters on site | ST1.7
Self-consistently generated, evolving and propagating interplanetary shocks with 3D hybrid simulationsEGU25-8769 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7
Beam-driven evaporation in 2.5D flare simulations with an asymmetric magnetic field configurationEGU25-11264 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7
Adaptive mesh and model refinement for numerical plasma modelsEGU25-13772 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.7
Kinetic Effects of Rotational Discontinuities on Maxwellian and Non-Maxwellian plasmasEGU25-13988 | Posters on site | ST1.7
Quantifying wave-particle interactions in ion temperature anisotropy instabilitiesEGU25-14276 | Posters on site | ST1.7
Modeling Solar Magnetic Field In The Solar Corona From The View Of Magnetic HelicityEGU25-16745 | Posters on site | ST1.7
The Role of Magnetic Skeleton in Solar Flare Filaments ActivitiesEGU25-21916 | Posters on site | ST1.7
Turbulent Reconnection in the Lower Solar Atmosphere Triggers UV Bursts Connecting with Ellerman BombsEGU25-4601 | Orals | ST1.8 | Highlight
Parker Solar Probe at 9.86 solar radii: magnetic field structure, trends, and connectivityEGU25-4812 | Orals | ST1.8
Changes of the temperature-speed relationship through the inner-heliosphereEGU25-5841 | Posters on site | ST1.8
Investigating the Origins of the Solar Wind: Understanding Plasma Composition and Fractionation with Solar Orbiter SPICEEGU25-6400 | ECS | Orals | ST1.8
Detecting in-situ directional discontinuities in the solar wind at Mercury's OrbitEGU25-7810 | Posters on site | ST1.8
Comparing Automated Coronal Hole Detection Schemes with Coronal Magnetic Field ModelingEGU25-9744 | ECS | Orals | ST1.8
Persistence of Solar Wind Characteristics through Radial and Temporal EvolutionEGU25-11776 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8
Preliminary Results of Switchback Analysis in Parker Solar Probe Observations near the SunEGU25-12793 | Posters on site | ST1.8
Parker Solar Probe - Solar Orbiter radial alignment study: evolution of the heliospheric current sheetEGU25-13763 | Posters on site | ST1.8
Validation of the AWSoM Solar Wind Magnetic Field Model with Upstream Mars Solar Wind Conditions from MAVEN ObservationsEGU25-15009 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8
Propagation of density fluctuations in the near-Sun environment inferred from radio sounding during Tianwen-1 solar conjunctionEGU25-15393 | Posters on site | ST1.8
Reconstructing the evolution of recurring coronal holes in space and timeEGU25-15609 | Posters on site | ST1.8
Hunting for hammerheads occurances using hammerhead finder software hampyEGU25-15901 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8
Identifying and Correcting Errors in Ambient Solar Wind ModelingEGU25-16263 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8
Solar Wind Acceleration Driven by Velocity Space Diffusion and the Ambipolar Electric PotentialEGU25-16626 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.8
Investigation of Source Surface Height Variations in EUHFORIA and Their Impact on Solar Wind PredictionsEGU25-17463 | Posters on site | ST1.8
From multi-decadal solar wind modelling to real-time forecasting, and on moving away from the ecliptic planeEGU25-18403 | Posters on site | ST1.8
Joint observations of magnetic switchbacks from BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter in the inner heliosphereEGU25-18482 | ECS | Orals | ST1.8
Mesoscale Dynamics in the Solar Wind: Insights from Solar Orbiter and L1 ObservationsEGU25-20530 | Posters on site | ST1.8
Observations of Coherent Electrostatic Solitary Waves in the Inner HeliosphereEGU25-16 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10
Observations of persistent downstream magnetic oscillations at the Earth bow shockEGU25-2077 | Posters on site | ST1.10
A "phase transition" from a planar stationary profile to a rippled structureEGU25-2626 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.10
Electron Acceleration Comparison of the Venusian and Terrestrial Bow ShocksEGU25-4552 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.10
Revealing an unexpectedly low electron injection threshold via reinforced shock accelerationEGU25-6223 | Posters on site | ST1.10
Interplanetary shock waves semi-automated identified as seen by Solar Orbiter.EGU25-10616 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10 | Highlight
Scale-Invariant Particle Energization and Radiation – Foundations for Building a Cosmic BridgeEGU25-10989 | Posters on site | ST1.10
Foreshock bubbles can modify their solar wind discontinuities enabling secondary transients to formEGU25-11679 | ECS | Orals | ST1.10
Multipoint Observations of Nonstationarity of a Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structure (SLAMS)EGU25-13753 | Posters on site | ST1.10
Employing machine learning techniques for systematic and statistical studies of collisionless shocksEGU25-14042 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.10
Turbulence Surrounding Magnetosheath Jets: Are Pressure Enhancement Stirring the Magnetosheath?EGU25-20631 | Orals | ST1.10
Solitary magnetic structure and sunward flows in the dayside magnetosheathEGU25-20995 | Posters on site | ST1.10
Compare the differences in the high-energy particle spectra accelerated by single and double flare shocks.EGU25-3330 | Posters on site | ST1.11
The Thermodynamic Impact of Compressive Fluctuations on the Solar Wind in the Inner HeliosphereEGU25-3592 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.11
Ubiquitous threshold for coherent structures in the kinetic and inertial ranges of solar wind turbulence from Solar Orbiter observationsEGU25-3759 | Orals | ST1.11 | Highlight
Turbulent small-scale kinematic dynamo in the terrestrial magnetosheathEGU25-4534 | ECS | Orals | ST1.11
Measuring the turbulent energy cascade rate with multiple spacecraftEGU25-4798 | Posters on site | ST1.11
Flattening of the magnetic field power spectral density profileEGU25-5936 | Posters on site | ST1.11
Rugged magnetohydrodynamic invariants in weakly collisional plasma turbulenceEGU25-6875 | Posters on site | ST1.11
Autocorrelation and Cross-Correlation of MHD Turbulence across IP Shock: Multispacecraft AnalysisEGU25-7618 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.11
Multi-scale Dynamics of Coherent Electron Trapping and Diffusion in Earth's MagnetosheathEGU25-9809 | Posters on site | ST1.11
Evolution of Turbulent Fluctuations across Terrestrial Bow ShockEGU25-11551 | Posters on site | ST1.11
Emergence of a characteristic scale in the Alfvénic solar wind turbulenceEGU25-11571 | Posters on site | ST1.11
Solar wind turbulent fluctuations within the kinetic range of scalesEGU25-14164 | Posters on site | ST1.11
Effects of Waves on the Spectral Anisotropy of Transition Range in the Solar Wind TurbulenceEGU25-14248 | Posters on site | ST1.11
Identifying Kinetic Phase Space Signatures of Turbulent DissipationEGU25-14782 | Orals | ST1.11
A new scenario with two subranges in the inertial regime of solar wind turbulenceEGU25-15511 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.11
Turbulence features of the solar wind from different source regions based on Parker Solar Probe observationEGU25-16301 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.11
Third-Order Law for MHD Turbulence Varying the Dissipation MechanismsEGU25-17439 | ECS | Posters on site | ST1.11
Small-scale Current Sheets and Magnetic Reconnection in the Turbulent Solar WindEGU25-18278 | ECS | Orals | ST1.11
On the role of mirror mode instabilities in the reconnecting Heliospheric Current Sheet dynamicsEGU25-3490 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4
Simulation of Cosmic Rays Trajectories and Neutron Transport generated on the Sun and observed on EarthEGU25-5935 | Posters on site | GI4.4
Site-specific incoming correction based on muons: a comparison with cosmic neutrons measurements at JUNG at OULU.EGU25-6803 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4
A worst-case scenario? Exploring low-energy cosmic-ray neutron signal dynamics in wetlandsEGU25-8780 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4
The additive value of multi-scale remote sensing snow products for alpine above-snow Cosmic Ray Neutron SensingEGU25-11935 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4
Adverse conditions for cosmic-ray neutron sensing: high water content low bulk density – can we still infer soil moisture over the full moisture range?EGU25-12351 | Posters on site | GI4.4
Irrigation Management and Soil Moisture Monitoring with Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors: Lessons Learned and Future OpportunitiesEGU25-17007 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4
A Gamma Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (GRNS) for mapping lunar surface composition and water abundance on the SER3NE missionEGU25-18234 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4
neptoon: An extensible software package for processing CRNS dataEGU25-18374 | Posters on site | GI4.4
Approaches and Challenges of the Neutron Monitor based Incoming Flux Correction for Cosmic-Ray Neutron SensingEGU25-19126 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4
Reduced ERA-I forecasting skill during Forbush decreasesEGU25-19534 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.4
Mars Radiation Environment and Water-ice Prospecting through a Distributed Swarm of Tumbleweed RoversEGU25-2775 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2
Jovian Broadband Kilometric auroral radio emissions with in situ Juno measurementsEGU25-3364 | Posters on site | PS4.2
Periodic narrowband radio wave emissions and inward plasma transport at Saturnian magnetosphereEGU25-4235 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2
Radio emissions reveal Alfvénic activity and electron acceleration prior to substorm onsetEGU25-6089 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2
Radio Dimming Associated with Filament Eruptions in the Meter and Decimeter WavebandsEGU25-8109 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2
Solitary Wave Radiation and the Related Type IV-like Burst from Solar Wind Acceleration Region Observed by PSPEGU25-9112 | Posters on site | PS4.2
Case study of Solar Type III radio bursts recorded in the environment of Saturn’s magnetosphereEGU25-10596 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2
Remote And In Situ Detection of Energetic Electrons in The Solar CoronaEGU25-13304 | Posters on site | PS4.2
Extended regimes of energetic (superthermal) electron beams at the origin of solar radio burstsEGU25-17003 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2
Linearly Polarized Emissions From Metric Solar Radio BurstsEGU25-17408 | Posters on site | PS4.2
Study of emission cone of Io-controlled Jovian decameter radiationEGU25-18696 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.2
Methods for Detecting Cyclotron Maser Radio Emissions from Stars and ExoplanetsST2 – Magnetosphere
EGU25-2952 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1
Auroral omega bands: Solar wind drivers and role in storm and substorm processesEGU25-3583 | Posters on site | ST2.1
Which interplanetary magnetic field condition is for the quietest direct-driven geomagnetic activity?EGU25-4829 | Posters on site | ST2.1
The 2D structure of long-lasting quasi-radial IMF event in the near-Earth regionEGU25-4948 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1
Predicting the SYM-H index using the ring current energy balance mechanismEGU25-6170 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1
Impact of energetic electron precipitation on the northern and southern polar vortexEGU25-6327 | Posters on site | ST2.1
Connection of the magnetosheath jet with the foreshock activitiesEGU25-7239 | Posters on site | ST2.1
Expansion velocity of the quiet time plasmapause based on THEMIS satelliteEGU25-8469 | Posters on site | ST2.1
Evolution of jet-like structures in different regions of the magnetosheathEGU25-10521 | ECS | Orals | ST2.1
A Combined Effect of the Earth's Magnetic Dipole Tilt and IMF By in Controlling Auroral Electron PrecipitationEGU25-10731 | Orals | ST2.1
A possible mechanism for the formationof an eastward moving auroral spiralEGU25-10768 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1
Evolution of Atmospheric Oxygen Escape from Earth During the Last 2.45 Billion YearsEGU25-10917 | Posters on site | ST2.1
The PICASE suite for radiation space weather monitoring at LEO: initial conceptEGU25-11069 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1
Amplitudes of Magnetopause Surface Waves: Comparison of THEMIS Observations with MHD TheoryEGU25-11479 | ECS | Orals | ST2.1
Statistical Survey of Ion Cyclotron Wave Signatures around Earth's Magnetotail DipolarizationsEGU25-11520 | ECS | Orals | ST2.1
Exploring the Link Between Cosmic Noise Absorption Events and Whistler-Mode WavesEGU25-11783 | Orals | ST2.1 | Highlight | Julius Bartels Medal Lecture
Electron Acceleration by Wave-Particle Interactions at the Earth and Magnetised PlanetsEGU25-15379 | Posters on site | ST2.1
Why space weather is important for climate research and seasonal forecastingEGU25-17006 | Posters on site | ST2.1
Observations of the JUICE PEP JEI plasma spectrometer during theMoon and Earth flyby in August 2024EGU25-19871 | Posters on site | ST2.1
A Statistical Study of VLF Measurements during Geomagnetic StormsEGU25-20031 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.1
Characteristics of TEC at the polar cusp latitudes of Antarctica during the ascending phase of solar cycle 25EGU25-3207 | Orals | ST2.2 | Highlight
Quantifying uncertainty in the solar wind drivers of magnetospheric convection using OMNI and Cluster measurementsEGU25-5338 | Posters on site | ST2.2
IMF By influence on fast earthward convection flows in the near-lunar magnetotailEGU25-6855 | Orals | ST2.2
Impacts of Solar Wind Driving on Interhemispheric Asymmetries in the Polar CapEGU25-7987 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.2
Exploring Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Responses to Negative Solar Wind Pressure Pulses: Case Study of 23 March 2024EGU25-8236 | Orals | ST2.2
A Statistical Study of Field-Aligned Currents During BBF and Non-BBF PeriodsEGU25-10465 | Orals | ST2.2 | Highlight
Polar Ionosphere-thermosphere coupling during the May 2024 geomagnetic superstormEGU25-10674 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.2
Local time dependence of ULF wave activity driven by interplanetary shocks and foreshock transientsEGU25-11739 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.2
Quantifying the Importance of Upstream Magnetic Field Fluctuations for Solar Wind-Magnetosphere CouplingEGU25-12228 | ECS | Orals | ST2.2
Studying the Occurrence of Pc5 ULF waves and their Spatio-temporal Characteristics Using SuperDARNEGU25-12343 | ECS | Orals | ST2.2
Revealing Magnetosphere Feedback on Solar Wind - Magnetosphere Coupling via Numerical ExperimentEGU25-14063 | ECS | Orals | ST2.2 | Highlight
Uncertainty in L1 Measurements and its Effect on Geomagnetic ResponseEGU25-14617 | Posters on site | ST2.2
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During Negative Pressure Pulse and Formation of Ionospheric Overshielding Electric FieldEGU25-17540 | ECS | Orals | ST2.2
HiLDAs, cusp aurora and their connection to transpolar arcs: Classification, Conjugacy and OriginsEGU25-18217 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.2
IMF By dependence of ionospheric currents and particle precipitation during non-zero dipole tiltEGU25-19241 | Posters on site | ST2.2
IMF control of cusp aurora location during multiple transpolar arcsEGU25-20287 | Posters on site | ST2.2
Auroral Acceleration at the Northern Magnetic Pole During Sub‐Alfvénic Solar Wind Flow at EarthEGU25-83 | Posters on site | ST2.4
Contribution of patchy reconnection to the ion to electron temperature ratio in the Earth’s magnetotailEGU25-1506 | Posters on site | ST2.4
Intense Magnetopause Deformation Induced by an Extreme HFA Event: 3-D Hybrid Simulations and Soft X-Ray ImagingEGU25-4022 | Posters on site | ST2.4
Jump-Diffusion Modeling of the Auroral Electrojet AL Index: Unveiling Complexity and CriticalityEGU25-4690 | Posters on site | ST2.4
OpenGGCM simulation of Diamagnetic Cavities in the wake of Flux Transfer EventsEGU25-4825 | Posters on site | ST2.4
Magnetospheric Response to the Mother’s Day Weekend Geomagnetic Storm: Observations from Geostationary SatellitesEGU25-5490 | Orals | ST2.4 | Highlight
Dynamic X-ray Imaging of the Magnetosheath Expected during a Super StormEGU25-8071 | Posters on site | ST2.4
A new empirical model for Saturn’s radiation environment included in the TRAPPED frameworkEGU25-8226 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.4
Latitude Variations of Cusp-Related Boundaries Dependent on Solar Wind Conditions and Dipole Tilt: MHD Simulations and Auroral ObservationsEGU25-8724 | ECS | Orals | ST2.4
Quantitative estimates of the magnetic flux variations in the inner magnetosphere during an intense storm.EGU25-9390 | ECS | Orals | ST2.4
Solar Wind Influence on Dual-Lobe Reconnection and Horse-Collar AuroraEGU25-12787 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.4
An empirical model for Saturn’s plasma environment within the TRAPPED frameworkEGU25-13726 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.4
Large-Scale MMS Survey using Rapid Unsupervised Detection of Events (RUDE) MethodologyEGU25-14798 | Posters on site | ST2.4
Dynamic response of cusp boundaries to IMF southward turning: global MHD simulationEGU25-14896 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.4
Ionosphere Plasma Response to Magnetopause X-line Evolution for Ideal MHDEGU25-15773 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.4
Vorticity in the magnetospheric transition region of a global hybrid-Vlasov simulationEGU25-16673 | ECS | Orals | ST2.4
O+-rich Warm Plasma Cloak in the Dayside Magnetosphere: Nine Years of MMS Observations.EGU25-18731 | ECS | Orals | ST2.4
Plasma observations in the distant magnetotail under Northward IMFEGU25-4672 | Orals | ST2.5
Sayram: A Positivity-Preserving Open Source 3D Radiation Belt Modeling CodeEGU25-5238 | Posters on site | ST2.5
Contributions of reflection poins and current sheet on scattering of energetic electrons by Kinetic Alfven WavesEGU25-5458 | Orals | ST2.5 | Highlight
Arase Observations of the Radiation Belts During the May 2024 Geomagnetic StormEGU25-5556 | ECS | Orals | ST2.5
Uncertainties in Theoretical Chorus Chirping Rates: A Comparative AnalysisEGU25-5570 | Posters on site | ST2.5
The Role of Nonlinear Resonant Interactions in Energetic Electron Precipitation: Insights from ELFIN ObservationsEGU25-6614 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5
Simulating the Effect of Energy and Pitch angle Mixed diffusion on Ring Current Electron dynamics Based on the STRIM ModelEGU25-7498 | Orals | ST2.5
Impact of Two-Population Alpha-particle Distributions on Plasma StabilityEGU25-7640 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5
An Efficient Positivity-Preserving Finite Difference Scheme for Solving the Fokker-Planck Diffusion EquationEGU25-8357 | Orals | ST2.5 | Highlight
Acceleration to ultra-relativistic energies by a VERB-3D code coupled to a data- assimilative plasmasphere code VERB-CSEGU25-10349 | Posters on site | ST2.5
Vlasov Simulation of Coherent Chorus Wave Emission in the Earth’s MagnetosphereEGU25-10538 | Posters on site | ST2.5
Particle-In-Cell simulations of an electron beam: stability and wave emissionsEGU25-14871 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5
Diffusion coefficients for resonant relativistic wave-particle interactions using the PIRAN codeEGU25-17579 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5
Investigating chorus wave peak amplitudes on short timescales during the Van Allen Probes eraEGU25-18024 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5
Interpolating Electron Diffusion Coefficients in Earth’s Radiation Belts Based on A Neural Network Model Inspired by Video Frame InterpolationEGU25-18267 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.5
Study of the precipitation wisp scattered by NWC transmitter signals: observed by DEMETER satellite.EGU25-20519 | Orals | ST2.5 | Highlight
Ultra-Relativistic Electron Flux Enhancement Under Persistent High-Speed Solar Wind StreamEGU25-410 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6
Responses of Ionospheric F layer Radial Current to the Enhanced Solar Wind InputEGU25-2528 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.6
Statistics of the Density Distribution in the Earth’s Cusp Region: Cluster ObservationsEGU25-3168 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.6
Foreshock transient impact on the magnetosheath, magnetosphere and ionosphereEGU25-3379 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.6
The Influence of Ionospheric Conductance on Magnetospheric Convection during the Southward IMFEGU25-3419 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6
Westward ion drifts in the dusk-side sub auroral ionosphere: Role of EMIC wave-particle interactionsEGU25-4746 | Posters on site | ST2.6
Off-diagonal Ion Pressure Term in Collisionless Magnetic ReconnectionEGU25-4762 | Posters on site | ST2.6
Convection driven field-aligned currents and auroral electrojets during continuous strong substormsEGU25-5032 | Posters on site | ST2.6
The Evolution of Earth's Outer Radiation Belt Over Geomagnetic Storm Phase in Van Allen Probe EraEGU25-5057 | Posters on site | ST2.6
Capsule Electron Distributions Near the Diffusion Region of Magnetic ReconnectionEGU25-5491 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6
Rapid Relativistic Electron Enhancements During Van Allen Probes EraEGU25-6385 | Posters on site | ST2.6
Hot flow anomalies and magnetosheath high speed jets observed by Cluster and MMS during a Cluster large separation campaignEGU25-7407 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6
Anomalous Substorm Signatures During Sudden Solar-Wind Pressure EnhancementsEGU25-8392 | Posters on site | ST2.6
Geoeffectiveness of Interplanetary Alfven waves: Unsteady Magnetopause Reconnection and Directly-Driven SubstormsEGU25-10464 | Posters on site | ST2.6
Shock-induced diffuse aurora from electron scattering by chorus wavesEGU25-12469 | Orals | ST2.6
Unexpected STEVE Observations at High Latitude During Quiet Geomagnetic ConditionsEGU25-13176 | Posters on site | ST2.6 | Highlight
MHD-AEPIC: Coupled MHD-kinetic simulation of global, meso-, and small-scale magnetospheric phenomenaEGU25-13216 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6
Ionospheric signatures of Bursty Bulk Flows in the 6D Vlasiator simulationsEGU25-14327 | Posters on site | ST2.6
Transient Magnetic Field Signatures Under the Equatorial ElectrojetEGU25-15218 | ECS | Orals | ST2.6
Field-aligned currents induced by foreshock transients and their effects on ions and neutral particlesEGU25-2245 | Posters on site | ST2.7
Magnetic reconnection triggered in a localized region across the current sheet in the magnetotailEGU25-2979 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7
Dependence of Reconnection Rate and Energy Conversion on the Initial Current Sheet ThicknessEGU25-3165 | Orals | ST2.7
New Insights on the High Reconnection Rate and the Diminishment of Ion OutflowEGU25-3796 | ECS | Orals | ST2.7
Developing Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Semi-Implicit Parcticle-in-Cell ModelEGU25-3941 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7
MHD simulations of linear and nonlinear resistive tearing-mode instability in Harris sheet equilibriumEGU25-5523 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7
Evolution of Magnetic Reconnection in Electron-scale Current SheetsEGU25-7459 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7
Particle-to-field energy conversion inside a magnetotail flux ropeEGU25-7782 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7
Effects of magnetic shear and flow shear on magnetopause reconnection: Simultaneous observations from MMS and THEMISEGU25-8003 | Orals | ST2.7
On the gradient of electron pressure (stress) tensors in magnetotail reconnectionEGU25-11235 | Orals | ST2.7
The Role of Kinetic Instabilities and Waves in Collisionless Magnetic ReconnectionEGU25-11451 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.7
Tearing driven reconnection: interplay between heating and kinetic instabilities (2D hybrid Möbius simulations)EGU25-13325 | Posters on site | ST2.7
Statistical estimate of the magnetopause reconnection rate as a function of the interplanetary magnetic field clock angleEGU25-14969 | Orals | ST2.7
The Interplay Between Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection and TurbulenceEGU25-5814 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8
Shock Reformation Induced by Ion-scale Whistler Waves in Quasi-perpendicular Bow ShockEGU25-6739 | Orals | ST2.8
Wave-particle interactions in the outer regions of the dayside magnetosphereEGU25-6783 | Posters on site | ST2.8
The Energetic Particle Experiment on the Plasma Observatory Daughter SpacecraftEGU25-8853 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8
Unique Multi-spacecraft constellation during active Kelvin-Helmholtz InstabilityEGU25-10244 | Orals | ST2.8
Bridging observations and simulations: challenges in planetary bow shock studiesEGU25-10260 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8
Investigating energy conversion at the electron scales in Earth's magnetotailEGU25-11029 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8
Identifying magnetotail jet fronts in a 6D global hybrid-Vlasov simulationEGU25-11098 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8
Instabilities of the magnetotail current layer in hybrid-Vlasov simulations of the Earth’s magnetosphere.EGU25-11134 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8
J-Filtering: A Novel Multipoint Technique for Current Distribution Analysis in Space PlasmasEGU25-11741 | Posters on site | ST2.8 | Highlight
The Heliophysics Accords: A blueprint for a unified, worldwide, Heliophysics communityEGU25-11909 | Posters on site | ST2.8
Science Study Team Working Groups of the ESA M7 Mission candidate Plasma ObservatoryEGU25-11978 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8
Progress and Updates from the Plasma Observatory Synergies/Additional Science Working GroupEGU25-12554 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8
Empirical Measurement of Diffusive Heating across Earth’s Bow ShockEGU25-12644 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8
The Energetic Particle Experiment on the Plasma Observatory Mother SpacecraftEGU25-13482 | Posters on site | ST2.8
The Ion Mass Spectrometer instrument for Plasma Observatroy – IMSEGU25-16439 | ECS | Orals | ST2.8
Cluster Observations of the Most Energetic Electron Event Associated with Earthward and Tailward FlowsEGU25-17806 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8
Investigating structures through gradient tensors in turbulent space plasmas: invariants’ evolution equations and Schur decompositionEGU25-18438 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8
2D fully kinetic simulations of dayside magnetic reconnection in the presence of cold ions and a moderate guide field.EGU25-18777 | Posters on site | ST2.8
The Particle Processing Unit (PPU-M) on-board the Plasma Observatory Mother SpacecraftEGU25-19321 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8
Plasma Observatory’s Group on sImulAtioN NumerIcal support (GIANNI)EGU25-21888 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.8
The Plasma Observatory Ground-Based Coordination Working GroupEGU25-590 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Plasmapause Observations from a Data-Driven Model of the Magnetospheric Electric FieldEGU25-2780 | ECS | Orals | ST2.9
On the Plasmasphere-Ionosphere coupling during the May 2024 Mother’s Day SuperstormEGU25-3270 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Dynamics of Ultra-relativistic Electrons on 19 December 2015: Combinations of Adiabatic and Non-adiabatic EffectsEGU25-3761 | Orals | ST2.9 | Highlight
Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Whistler-Mode Waves: A Comparative Study at Earth and JupiterEGU25-4399 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Energetic Electron Diffusion and Precipitation Driven by Ducted Hiss Waves in High Density Irregular RegionEGU25-4831 | Posters on site | ST2.9
Spacecraft observations of VLF transmitter signals and their propagationEGU25-5090 | Posters on site | ST2.9
Power line harmonic radiation observed by the Kannuslehto station and the DEMETER spacecraftEGU25-5096 | Posters on site | ST2.9
DEMETER Satellite Observations of Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation EventsEGU25-5472 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Resolving Discrepancies in Electron Ring Current Models: The Importance of a Pre-Midnight Loss ProcessEGU25-5572 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Joint Analysis with Swarm and Ground Stations: Ionospheric Current System and Geomagnetically Induced CurrentsEGU25-5804 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
The effect of South Atlantic Anomaly on ring current dynamicsEGU25-7086 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Electron Scattering by Electrostatic Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves and Time Domain Structures During Storm-TimeEGU25-7899 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Giant Undulations driven by Pitch-Angle Scattering of Time Domain Structures modulated by Plasmapause Surface WaveEGU25-8687 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Inversion Methods for Earth's Radiation Belt Observations from the Moon Using Cyclo-synchrotron emissionsEGU25-10044 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Global Validation of the Data-Assimilative VERB-3D Code for the Radiation BeltsEGU25-10054 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Statistical Analysis of Chorus Wave Observation from the Van Allen Probes and Arase SpacecraftEGU25-13042 | Posters on site | ST2.9
The saturation properties of EMIC waves and the associated heating of cold ionsEGU25-13113 | ECS | Orals | ST2.9
Statistical Analysis of Subpacket Structure in Isolated and Overlapping Chorus ElementsEGU25-13416 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Investigate the Effect of Plasma Density Perturbation on the Hiss Wave AmplitudeEGU25-13471 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
MLT distributions of Bounce Loss and Drift Loss cone electronsEGU25-14668 | ECS | Posters on site | ST2.9
Case study of propagation characteristics of EMIC wave using multipoint observation by Arase, Cluster, and Ground StationEGU25-16158 | Posters on site | ST2.9
Trends in Field-Aligned Currents from the Polar Regions to the Ring Current Region: 10 Years of Observations from Swarm and MMSEGU25-21022 | Posters on site | ST2.9
Radial and Latitudinal Distributions of the Exohiss Under the Effect of Landau DampingEGU25-124 | Posters on site | PS1.1
Solar wind- Mercury's magnetosphere interaction by data exploration and MHD simulationsEGU25-1275 | Orals | PS1.1
Investigation of the Ultralow Frequency (ULF) foreshock boundary at MercuryEGU25-2481 | Posters on site | PS1.1
Mercury upstream region as a natural laboratory of beam plasma experimentsEGU25-4305 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1
Roughness map for the equatorial region of Mercury and its implication to surface evolutionEGU25-6716 | Posters on site | PS1.1
Insights into Mercury's Hydrogen Exosphere: Characterization and First Detection of H₂ MoleculesEGU25-6978 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1
Mercury's Nightside Magnetosphere: Predictions for Mercury's Magnetotail Twist at the Orbits of MPO and MioEGU25-7516 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1
Asymmetry distribution of craters on north and south poles of MercuryEGU25-7859 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1
Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Observations on Mercury’s magnetopause: MESSENGER StudyEGU25-8261 | Posters on site | PS1.1
High resolution geomorphological analysis of Agwo facula (Mercury)EGU25-9676 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1
Three-dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation of Magnetosheath Jets at MercuryEGU25-10436 | Posters on site | PS1.1
Mercury’s Environment Observed by BepiColombo during the Second Mercury’s Swing-byEGU25-11316 | Posters on site | PS1.1
Ion species of Mercury’s 6th flyby, detected by PICAM's Hadamard mass spectrometryEGU25-11550 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1
Investigation of the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer (LLBL) in Mercury's MagnetosphereEGU25-11787 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1
Accelerated electrons in Mercury’s magnetosphere observed during the 3rd Mercury flyby of BepiColomboEGU25-11985 | Orals | PS1.1
Mercury's Love number h2: Expected error range throughout the BepiColombo missionEGU25-15163 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1
Energetic Electron Observations During BepiColombo’s First Three Mercury FlybysEGU25-15727 | Orals | PS1.1
Laboratory Spectral Measurements to Simulate Pyroclastic Material on MercuryEGU25-17082 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1
The role of mantle layering and mineralogical-dependent thermal properties on the evolution of Mercury's interiorEGU25-17931 | Posters on site | PS1.1
Comparative Analysis of Magnetic Field Observations during BepiColombo Mercury FlybysEGU25-17959 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1
Glinka crater on Mercury: a spectral and morphological analysisEGU25-18729 * | Orals | PS1.1 | Highlight
BepiColombo's Journey to Mercury: Lessons from Cruise Operations and Plans for Orbital ScienceEGU25-19661 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1
Laboratory simulation of ion impact and back-scattering on Mercury surface analogues for planetary space weather investigationEGU25-21593 | ECS | Orals | PS1.1
A snapshot of Mercury’s magnetosphere seen by MIPA in BepiColombo’s MSB6EGU25-21600 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.1
Statistical Analysis of Mercury’s Magnetic Cusp and its Dependence on Solar Wind ConditionsEGU25-1961 * | Orals | PS7.8 | Highlight
A half century of Io plasma torus science: current mysteries and opportunitiesEGU25-2569 | Posters on site | PS7.8 | Highlight
Perspectives of Jovian seismology: sounding the interior of the Gas Giants through oscillationsEGU25-14285 | Posters on site | PS7.8
Variations in Jupiter's extended sodium nebula over two decadesEGU25-14544 | Orals | PS7.8
Results from Hisaki and prospects for LAPYUTA observations of the Jupiter SystemEGU25-14954 | Orals | PS7.8
Multi-wavelength telescopic observations of the Galilean moons from Earth and its orbitEGU25-16160 | Orals | PS7.8
Plans for observing Jupiter, Io and its torus at Lenghu Observatory in ChinaEGU25-18631 | Posters on site | PS7.8
The multiple layers of Jupiter’s troposphere observed by the NIRCAM instrument in the James Webb Space TelescopeEGU25-19473 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.8
A novel method to remotely analyse Jupiter’s ionospheric flowsEGU25-19678 | Posters on site | PS7.8
Earth-based monitoring of Io torus Proposition for a Community ProjectEGU25-21864 | ECS | Posters on site | PS7.8
Jupiter's X-ray Aurorae: A high signal spectral analysis of the 0.24 to 7.00 keV energy rangeEGU25-21868 | Posters on site | PS7.8
A view from the other side: complementary observations of the Jovian UV aurorae from Hubble and JunoST3 – Ionosphere and Thermosphere
EGU25-105 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1
Longitudinal Variability of Pre-midnight Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Under Geomagnetic Activity: The role of Thermospheric WindsEGU25-1490 | Orals | ST3.1
Influence of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity on the Thermosphere-Ionosphere SystemEGU25-2392 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1
Implementation of a low and mid-latitudes electrodynamical module in the IRAP Plasmasphere-Ionosphere ModelEGU25-2582 | Posters on site | ST3.1
Middle and upper atmosphere response to the February 2018 Sudden Stratospheric Warming revealed by MERRA-2 and SABEREGU25-3550 | Orals | ST3.1
Analysis of ionospheric disturbances using Continuous Doppler Sounding and airglowEGU25-4241 | Orals | ST3.1 | Highlight
Driving The Mid-Latitude Ionosphere from Below: Observations Made Using the International LOFAR TelescopeEGU25-6303 | ECS | Orals | ST3.1
High latitude dayside aurora (HiLDA) ionospheric electrodynamics using data assimilationEGU25-6423 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1
Unique morphology of Interhemispheric Field-aligned Currents and the Associated Factors and MechanismEGU25-6487 | ECS | Orals | ST3.1
Observations and electrodynamics of an omega band aurora at Tromsø, NorwayEGU25-6512 | Posters on site | ST3.1
Traveling ionospheric disturbances over midlatitude Europe during CIR/HSS driven magnetic storm on March 30 – April 6, 2023EGU25-7438 | Orals | ST3.1
Ground state of the thermosphere and substorm time thermospheric responseEGU25-10324 | Posters on site | ST3.1
Potential Detection of Dual Lobe Reconnection Associated with Horse-Collar Auroras via Near-Magnetopause Cluster ObservationsEGU25-10641 | Posters on site | ST3.1
Using vorticity to characterise meso-scale ionospheric flow variationsEGU25-11730 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1
Measuring ionospheric absorption based on received ionosonde amplitudes using sounding frequencies above 10 MHz – preliminary resultsEGU25-12818 | Orals | ST3.1
A new model for global inductive magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere couplingEGU25-13056 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1
Impact of Solar Flares on the Ionosphere During Geomagnetically Quiet Periods Based on Ionosonde DataEGU25-13331 | Posters on site | ST3.1
Unexpected strong parallel electric field at the lower E region observed during a barium release experimentEGU25-14080 | Orals | ST3.1
The Expansion and Modernization of Space Weather Ionospheric Network CanadaEGU25-14440 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1
Evaluation of Interhemispheric Asymmetry using Total Electron Content at High Latitudes During Geomagnetic StormsEGU25-15181 | Orals | ST3.1
What on Earth can the ionosphere tell about the stellar evolution of the Sun?EGU25-16096 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1
Statistical Analyses of Ionospheric Electron Density Variations resulting from Geomagnetic Storms over IstanbulEGU25-17920 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.1
Towards Time-Dependent Data Assimilation of Ionospheric ElectrodynamicsEGU25-18426 | Posters on site | ST3.1
Ionospheric variability in the auroral region: sources and impactsEGU25-18873 | Posters on site | ST3.1
Hemispheric asymmetries in Birkeland currents observed from the groundEGU25-786 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Stratosphere, Stratopause, and Lower Mesosphere in the JRA-55and JRA-3Q reanalyses: Insights and DiscrepanciesEGU25-3889 | Posters on site | ST3.3
Stratospheric contraction under Climate Intervention by Sulfate Aerosol InjectionEGU25-4006 | Orals | ST3.3
The neutral October effect in the lower mesosphere simulated by different modelsEGU25-4603 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Polar ozone anomalies, radiative effects, and their connection to mesospheric tidal dynamics during extreme eventsEGU25-4750 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Investigation of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes observed with the EISCAT VHF radarEGU25-10859 | Posters on site | ST3.3
Recent observations of Lithium atoms in the middle atmosphere by lidarEGU25-12527 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Decadal Trends of Non-Migrating Eastward-Propagating Diurnal Tides in the MLT RegionEGU25-13155 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
High-resolution Analysis of Evolving Mesospheric KHI at Poker FlatEGU25-13463 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Vertical Gravity Wave Coupling Combining Ground and Satellite Based MeasurementsEGU25-13733 | Posters on site | ST3.3
ICON/MIGHTI as a Nightglow Probe of the Atomic Oxygen Green LineEGU25-13773 | ECS | Orals | ST3.3
Observing Mesospheric Gravity Waves with NASA’s AWE Mission and Correlating to GNSS TEC MapsEGU25-15306 | ECS | Orals | ST3.3
From data to discovery: understanding tropical middle stratospheric ozone variability through causal inferenceEGU25-19358 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Modelling and validation of small-scale variability of the MLTI using WACCM-RR over ScandinaviaEGU25-3337 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5
On the low-latitude ionospheric responses to the May-2024 geomagnetic storm observed by LEO satellitesEGU25-4988 | Orals | EMRP2.5
Ionosphere-Thermosphere System Response During the May 2024 Geomagnetic StormEGU25-7098 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.5
Ray Tracing of the Equatorial Extremely Low Frequency Whistlers Detected by the Swarm MissionEGU25-11188 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5
Accounting for correlated errors in Swarm magnetic data within the CHAOS field modelling frameworkEGU25-12507 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP2.5
A study of ionospheric variability through SWARM and ground-based observations to inform on the variability of radio propagation effects.EGU25-13355 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5
Electron density modelling at Swarm height using Neural Networks for space weather monitoringEGU25-14321 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5
Investigating the Role of Geomagnetic Activity in Loss of Navigational Capability in the Swarm Satellite MissionEGU25-14373 | ECS | Orals | EMRP2.5 | Highlight
Investigating Low-latitude Ionospheric Variations During the 2024 "Mother's Day Storm": Combined Swarm and Ground-Based ObservationsEGU25-15092 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5
CSESpy: a unified framework for data analysis of the payloads on board the CSES satelliteEGU25-20825 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5
ESA's VirES service for accessing and analysing data from Swarm and beyondEGU25-20929 | Posters on site | EMRP2.5
Korea’s LEO Satellite Explorations of the Earth’s Ionosphere and ThermosphereEGU25-3019 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7
Revival of surface water after the runaway greenhouse on close-in terrestrial planetsEGU25-4732 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.7
The Atmospheric Response to an Unusual Early-Year Martian Dust StEGU25-6151 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7
Is It Possible to Detect Airless Exomoons Through Thermal Phase Curves?EGU25-10793 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.7
Investigating the effects of fractionation on HDO cycle and D/H on VenusEGU25-11973 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7
How unique is our rocky planet as a cradle of life in the universe?EGU25-14352 | ECS | Posters on site | PS1.7
Climatic peculiarities of spin-orbit resonant exoplanets orbiting low-mass starsEGU25-15313 | ECS | Orals | PS1.7
Investigating the chemical pathways to prebiotic compounds in exoplanet atmospheresEGU25-1262 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.9
Middle Atmosphere Climatology using LIDAR for the evaluation of atmospheric conditions during man-made object reentryEGU25-2816 | Posters on site | AS3.9
Space sustainability through atmosphere pollution? De-orbiting, atmosphere-blindness and planetary environmental injusticeEGU25-3801 | Posters on site | AS3.9
Recent Observations of Rocket Exhaust Effects on the IonosphereEGU25-4564 | Posters on site | AS3.9
Rocket Launches and Satellite Re-Entry: Potential Issues and the Need for Additional Modeling and MeasurementsEGU25-6158 | Posters on site | AS3.9
What do we know about the chemistry of spacecraft constituent metals in the Lower Mesospehere-Upper Stratosphere?EGU25-9526 | Orals | AS3.9
DLR Initiative S3D: Advancing Space Sustainability and Sustainable DevelopmentEGU25-13478 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.9
Reducing the Environmental Impacts of Rocket Launch Emissions through Launch Parameter VariationsEGU25-14035 | Orals | AS3.9
In situ observations of a kerosene-fueled rocket plume sampled during SABRE 2023EGU25-15071 | ECS | Orals | AS3.9
Development and assessment of space launch and re-entry emission inventories for atmospheric modellingEGU25-17301 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.9
Defining the environmental impacts of satellite megaconstellation missions in a rapidly growing space sectorEGU25-18151 | ECS | Orals | AS3.9
Designing a mission concept for atmospheric plume measurements during a rocket launch eventEGU25-20347 | Posters on site | AS3.9
Atmospheric and climate effects of NOx emissions from Aviation and Rocket launchesST4 – Space Weather and Space Climate
EGU25-3230 | ECS | Orals | ST4.1
Unexpected major geomagnetic storm caused by faint eruption of a solar trans-equatorial flux ropeEGU25-4124 | Posters on site | ST4.1
A Statistical Study of Possible Drivers for Substorm dB/dt SpikinessEGU25-6391 | Orals | ST4.1 | Highlight
Long term sunspot number records, extreme space weather events at earth seen in the aa index, and their solar cycle modulationEGU25-6702 | ECS | Orals | ST4.1
Long term-extension of ICMEs and SIRs catalogs with deep learning and geomagnetic indicesEGU25-8981 | Posters on site | ST4.1
Swarm Fast-track Field-Aligned Currents (FAC) and Total Electron Content (TEC) data productsEGU25-10105 | Posters on site | ST4.1
3D Time Domain Simulation of Geomagnetically Induced Currents in Swedish Power Transmission LinesEGU25-11228 | Posters on site | ST4.1
Terrestrial Outgoing Longwave Radiation as measured with CLARA onboard NorSat-1EGU25-12821 | Posters on site | ST4.1
Using SDO Solar Flare Images Along with ML Techniques for Space Weather PredictionEGU25-13760 | ECS | Orals | ST4.1
Geomagnetically Induced Currents over Iznik associated with Geomagnetic StormsEGU25-14868 | Orals | ST4.1
The dynamic response of the Earth’s exosphere to the 10-11 May 2024 SuperstormEGU25-16017 | ECS | Orals | ST4.1
STEREO REleASE: Solar Energetic Proton forecasting with instruments on STEREO-AEGU25-18339 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.1
Software assisting data analysis of space radiation in spacecraft missions.EGU25-18765 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.1
All-Sky Surface Shortwave Downward Radiation Retrieval: Emphasizing Direct-Diffuse Separation and Adjacency Effect CorrectionEGU25-19494 | Posters on site | ST4.1
STEREO REleASE+: Improving Solar Proton Event Forecasting by means of Automated Recognition of Type-III Radio BurstsEGU25-20202 | Orals | ST4.1
Modern grand solar minimum and its impact on the terrestrial environmentEGU25-20404 | Orals | ST4.1
Earth's energy imbalance rising faster than expected, and we must keep a close watchEGU25-1673 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3
Comprehensive Assessment of Thermospheric Models During Geomagnetic Storms at NASA/CCMCEGU25-1968 | Posters on site | ST4.3
The lunar radiation environment and its contraint for crewed missions to the MoonEGU25-3034 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3
National-scale power grid modelling and space weather application with open-source dataEGU25-3560 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3 | Highlight
ARCANE: An Operational Framework for Automatic Realtime ICME Detection in Solar Wind In Situ DataEGU25-4627 | Posters on site | ST4.3
Ionospheric response forecasting and analysis during magnetic storm by a short-term ionogram prediction modelEGU25-6047 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3
Forecasting solar wind parameters at 1 AU using time-dependant magnetohydrodynamic simulationsEGU25-6492 | Posters on site | ST4.3
PARASOL: A novel simulation model for forecasting solar energetic particle eventsEGU25-7325 | Orals | ST4.3
NOAA SPWC’s ionospheric and thermospheric data products – status and plansEGU25-9258 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3
Why do Some Sudden Commencements Generate “Disproportionate” Geomagnetically Induced Currents?EGU25-9267 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3
Flare Prediction Modeling based on the Time Series of SHARP Parameters along the Polarity Inversion Line of Active RegionsEGU25-10611 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3
Advancing Space Weather Forecasting with Sub-L1 Monitors: A Statistical AnalysisEGU25-10708 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3
A 150-Year Record of Past Radiation Belt Electron Enhancement Events: Development and Application to Space Weather ForecastingEGU25-11043 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3
Nowcasting Solar Energetic Particle Events for Mars MissionsEGU25-11986 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3
Turbulence diagnostics of scale-by-scale accuracy of solar wind forecastsEGU25-12727 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3
A VBz parameter study of the CME propagation with EUHFORIA: a perspective from the HENON mission.EGU25-13196 | Orals | ST4.3
Exosphere and thermosphere density measurements from GOES for space weather operationsEGU25-13647 | Posters on site | ST4.3
Lessons Learned from a Solar Cycle of Space Radiation Measurements on the Surface of Mars with RADEGU25-14677 | Posters on site | ST4.3
Driving the Operational Geospace Model with Solar Orbiter Observations: Motivation for Future Sub-L1 MonitorsEGU25-15258 | Posters on site | ST4.3
Two decades of space radiation environment observations with IREM monitor on INTEGRALEGU25-15733 | Posters on site | ST4.3
Reproducing TEC variations during May 2024 storm based on statisticsEGU25-15905 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3
Enhancing VERB-3D Radiation Belt Predictions Using Data AssimilationEGU25-17180 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3
Enhancing PINE Model Performance through Database ExtensionEGU25-18472 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3
Validation of Model Results in Response to the COSPAR ISWAT ChallengeEGU25-18707 | Orals | ST4.3
World map of geomagnetic disturbances for Mid and Low latitudes (LDi-GMap)EGU25-19525 | ECS | Orals | ST4.3
AI could have predicted the whole chain of events associated with the may 2024 space weather superstormEGU25-20056 | ECS | Posters on site | ST4.3
HF Doppler ionospheric monitoring applications: Indications of GNSS positioning accuracy degradation and for LOFAR operationsEGU25-3059 | Orals | NP6.4 | Highlight
Long-lived Equilibria in Kinetic Astrophysical Plasma TurbulenceEGU25-3117 | ECS | Orals | NP6.4 | Highlight
Evidence of dual energy transfer driven by magnetic reconnection at sub-ion scalesEGU25-3200 | Orals | NP6.4 | Highlight
Formation of a magnetic coherent structure via the merger of two plasmoids at solar supergranular junctionsEGU25-3975 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4 | Highlight
A Three - Dimensional Hybrid Simulation Study on the Influence of Magnetosheath Turbulence on Magnetopause ReconnectionEGU25-6399 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4
Quantitative Analysis of Energy Conversion and Anomalous Transport in Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities at the MagnetopauseEGU25-6516 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4
Evolution of ion distribution functions in ionospheric plasmas perturbed by Alfvén wavesEGU25-7607 | Orals | NP6.4 | Highlight
Compression Acceleration of Protons and Heavier Ions at the Heliospheric Current SheetEGU25-8982 | ECS | Orals | NP6.4
Application of the BxC toolkit to the study of cosmic rays transportEGU25-12278 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4
Fully kinetic and hybrid PIC modelling of magnetosheath turbulence: closure and dissipationEGU25-12337 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4
Electron scale magnetic holes generation driven by Whistler-to-Bernstein mode conversion in fully kinetic plasma turbulenceEGU25-12621 | Posters on site | NP6.4
Whistler Waves and Electron Deficit in the Solar Wind: Insights from Particle-in-Cell SimulationsEGU25-12735 | ECS | Orals | NP6.4
Energy-Conserving Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Multiscale Plasma DynamicsEGU25-14631 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4
Energy transfer and dissipation of electron current layer during anti-parallel magnetic reconnectionEGU25-17373 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4 | Highlight
Reconstructing fluid closures using supervised Machine LearningEGU25-17592 | Posters on site | NP6.4
Particle-in-cell study of the tearing instability for relativistic pair plasmasEGU25-17863 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.4
Discovering heat flux closures using machine learning methodsEGU25-1027 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.1
Escaping plasma structures in the Martian magnetotail as observed during two special MARSIS high-altitude campaignsEGU25-3137 | ECS | Orals | PS4.1
The impact of space weather on the national-scale power grid and the associated economic lossesEGU25-4178 | Posters on site | PS4.1
Analyzing the Geomagnetic Impact of Interacting CMEs and Sector Boundary Crossings During Autumn 2023 Eruptive EventsEGU25-4871 | Posters on site | PS4.1
Asymmetrical Looping Magnetic Fields and Marsward Flows on the Nightside of MarsEGU25-7980 | Posters on site | PS4.1
Perpendicular-Parallel Asymmetry of Venus Bow Shock Under Different Parker Spiral AnglesEGU25-8131 | ECS | Orals | PS4.1
Magnetic reconnection and return flows in Venus’ magnetotail: case studies for Venus Express dataEGU25-8900 | Posters on site | PS4.1
On the role of pickup protons in the generation of mirror modes at MarsEGU25-9661 | ECS | Orals | PS4.1
Landau heating of Martian tail current sheet electrons by magnetosonic wavesEGU25-9759 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.1
PAGER : Space Weather Prediction and Ensemble Forecasting for the 2024 Mother's Day Solar StormEGU25-10276 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.1
Magnetic Fluctuations and Turbulence in the Space Environments of Unmagnetized Planets: Insights from Venus and MarsEGU25-11041 | ECS | Orals | PS4.1
Radiation Environment on Mars: Insights from 12 Years of Curiosity’s RAD ObservationsEGU25-13797 | ECS | Orals | PS4.1
The Vanishing Martian Magnetic Pile-up Region: Probing Radial IMF Causality using MAVEN MeasurementsEGU25-17583 | ECS | Posters on site | PS4.1
Solar energetic particle ion composition of AR 13664 during the May 2024 great solar stormEGU25-18619 | Orals | PS4.1
Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic storms and Energetic Radiation (PAGER)EGU25-5951 * | Orals | EOS4.8 | Highlight
Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrongEGU25-9145 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Drastic increase in economic damages caused by a marginal increase in CO2 emissions?EGU25-10285 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8
How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really?EGU25-12720 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate systemEGU25-15059 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Analog studies of mantle convection: the curse of surface tension (or not) ?EGU25-15826 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICONEGU25-17811 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deploymentEGU25-18400 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
MPI and OpenMP coherence testing and vaildation: the hybris of testing non-deterministic model codeEGU25-18981 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and ErrorEGU25-19890 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Adventures in Modelling Mantle Convection in a Two-Dimensional Spherical Annulus and Discovering the Need for "Anti-Squeeze”EGU25-20057 | Posters on site | EOS4.8
Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow HydrologyEGU25-20866 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8
A case for open communication of bugs in climate modelsEGU25-5082 | Posters on site | ESSI1.11
Region identification in spacecraft data using supervised machine learningEGU25-6747 | Posters on site | ESSI1.11
Automatic detection of the electron density from de WHISPER instrument onboard CLUSTER IIEGU25-7486 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11
Missing Interplanetary Data Estimation for Space Missions via Symbolic Rule InductionEGU25-9116 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11
Machine Learning for Space Weather: Solar Flare Forecasting Using SDO/HMI Magnetogram Time SeriesEGU25-9587 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.11
Integrating Machine Learning and Solar Physics for Enhanced Prediction of CME Arrival Times and Near-Sun Solar Wind ConditionsEGU25-10383 | Posters on site | ESSI1.11
Predicting characteristics of bursty bulk flows in Earth’s plasma sheet using machine learning techniquesEGU25-11587 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11
Solar Wind Speed Forecasting From Solar Images Using Distributional RegressionEGU25-11680 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11
On Covariance Estimation in Physics Informed Neural Networks for Orbit DeterminationEGU25-12327 | Posters on site | ESSI1.11
Automated Identification of Auroral Luminosity Boundaries using pyIntensityFeaturesEGU25-14036 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11
Using Transformers to Integrate Irregular Data for Improved Ionospheric ModelingEGU25-14910 | Orals | ESSI1.11
Ambient Solar Wind Speed Forecast with Physics-Informed Machine LearningEGU25-15985 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.11 | Highlight
TRANSCENDENCE - A TRANSit Capture ENgine for DEtection and Neural network Characterization of ExoplanetsEGU25-16713 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.11
Machine Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Space Mission OperationsEGU25-17531 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11
Spatio-temporal deconvolution method for enhanced image analysisEGU25-18050 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.11
Modeling Magnetic Storms' Dynamics with Physics-Informed Neural NetworksEGU25-18475 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11
Prediction of Solar Surface Magnetic Fields Using an AI-based Surface Flux Transport ModelEGU25-20652 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.11
A Deep-learning-based Model of the Three-dimensional Ion Flux in the Earth’s Northern Cusp