Presentation type:
TS – Tectonics & Structural Geology

EGU25-4567 | ECS | Orals | MAL30-TS

Scaling up: Nanoscale insights into tectonic phenomena  

Renelle Dubosq, David Schneider, Anna Rogowitz, and Baptiste Gault

Tectonic-scale geological phenomena are fundamentally controlled by nanoscale physiochemical mineral processes. Understanding these processes across multiple length scales is crucial for determining how mass and stress are transferred during tectonism. Minerals exhibit complex structure-property relationships that govern their mechanical and chemical behaviour, yet these relationships have been historically underexplored in Earth sciences. Advances in nanotechnology and instrumentation, including techniques such as high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction, electron channeling contrast imaging, transmission electron microscopy, and atom probe tomography, now enable unprecedented investigations of nanoscale features in geomaterials. The correlative approach has given rise to the emerging field of nanogeology, which helps bridge the gap between nanoscale and tectonic-scale processes. Recent nanoscale investigations have demonstrated the fundamental role of structural defects and element mobility in controlling the mechanical properties and deformation behaviour of minerals in the brittle-ductile regime. For example, detailed microanalyses of garnet reveal a novel precipitation hardening mechanism where Fe diffused along grain boundaries of recrystallized garnet, nucleating Fe-rich nanoclusters. These clusters act as barriers to dislocation migration, resulting in localized strain hardening. This process provides a potential mechanism for mechanical strengthening in the lower continental crustsubsequently influencing large scale geodynamic processes. Similar investigations of pyrite, a critical metal-bearing sulfide mineral, reveal nanoscale fluid inclusions that facilitate the diffusion of trace elements into crystalline defects, such as dislocations, inhibiting their movement, and leading to mineral hardening. Such findings are particularly significant, as the brittle-to-ductile behaviour of sulfides has been directly linked to the upgrading of critical metal deposits. These discoveries highlight the dynamic interplay between nanoscale element mobility and the rheology of minerals, and by consequence, larger mass transfer dynamics. Moreover, deformation-driven element redistribution raises questions about the reliability of deformed minerals as petrological tools. For instance, the deformation of zircon may compromise its use as a robust geochronometer, whereas the deformation of garnet may influence its reliability as a thermobarometer. A deeper understanding of element mobility in the presence of defects is essential for accurately interpreting geochemical data and reconstructing tectonic histories. Overall, these breakthroughs highlight the pivotal role of nanoscale processes in shaping tectonic phenomena, emphasizing the need for a multi-scale approach to understanding Earth's dynamic behaviour.

How to cite: Dubosq, R., Schneider, D., Rogowitz, A., and Gault, B.: Scaling up: Nanoscale insights into tectonic phenomena , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4567,, 2025.

Understanding the physical processes and interactions that govern the dynamics of the seafloor is key to unraveling the fundamental mechanisms of the marine lithosphere and its boundaries. These processes not only shape the ocean floor but also influence a variety of geohazards that pose significant risks to coastal communities.

One of the greatest challenges in marine geosciences is to identify the locations and underlying causes of marine geohazards. To achieve this, we need a multidisciplinary approach and comprehensive, multi-sensor geophysical measurements that integrate observations of the seafloor conditions and the complex interactions of sub-seafloor processes that lead to these events. This includes a detailed understanding of the physical, chemical, and mechanical factors that drive natural hazards including earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Seafloor processes, from tectonic movements to crustal deformation to magmatic activity, are central to understanding how these phenomena occur.

Recent advancements in marine geophysical research, particularly in seafloor geodesy, ocean bottom array seismology, and micro-bathymetry have allowed for the quantification of seafloor processes and their dynamic changes under tectonic stress. The majority of large (magnitude Mw>8.5) earthquakes occur in subduction zones. The associated surface deformation is concentrated at the seafloor and is often coupled with the triggering of tsunamis. The seabed therefore harbors information about tectonic stress and elastic deformation. This information is crucial for early warning concepts and can be methodically analyzed using seafloor geodesy in conjunction with seismic and earthquake studies. The plate boundary offshore northern Chile is one of the seismically most active regions on the globe and is the site of comprehensive multi-sensor seafloor monitoring. The integrated data analysis revealed co-seismic stress changes and aftershock activation of extensional faulting of the upper continental plate, indicative of active subduction erosion during the co-seismic and post-seismic phase. One of the most striking findings is the correlation of the seismogenic up-dip limit with a pronounced decrease in plate boundary reflectivity. High-resolution in-situ strain measurements from seafloor geodetic arrays monitor the tectonic stress build-up across the subduction zone, which is characterized by very low rates during the interseismic phase. Tectonic stress build-up across a plate boundary was also monitored along the offshore segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Sea of Marmara, revealing a significant slip on this fully locked segment.   

Looking ahead, marine geophysical research is poised to expand significantly, addressing new challenges and utilizing new technologies and methods across disciplines. The next generation of seabed monitoring systems will use real-time data analysis and underwater acoustic communication in autonomous ‘smart’ networks for targeted monitoring. On a broader scope, the utilization of existing telecommunication systems has the potential to profoundly change solid earth monitoring. These observations may also elucidate potential preparatory phases of major subduction earthquakes, detect landslides on coastal slopes, and monitor largely unknown submarine volcanic activity. Operational real-time access will reduce earthquake and tsunami early warning delays significantly.

How to cite: Kopp, H.: The Dynamic Seafloor: Enhancing Our Knowledge of Seafloor Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4841,, 2025.

This study examines field-aligned currents (FACs) and polar electrojet (PEJ) characteristics during the extreme May 2024 geomagnetic storms across dawn, dusk, daytime, and nighttime in both hemispheres. FAC and PEJ intensities were up to 9 times greater than usual, with equatorward FACs reaching -44º Magnetic Latitude. Maximum FACs and PEJ are larger at dawn than dusk in the Northern Hemisphere but larger at dusk than at dawn in the Southern Hemisphere. Dawn and duskside FACs correlate best with Dst or solar wind dynamic pressure (Pd) in both hemispheres. On the dayside (nightside), most FACs in both hemispheres are primarily correlated with Pd (merging electric field, Em or Pd). The PEJs correlate largely with Dst and partly with Em and Pd. Duskside (nighttime) currents are located at lower latitudes than dawnside (daytime), and northern currents are positioned more poleward than southern currents. The latitudes of peak FACs are most strongly correlated with Dst or Pd in both hemispheres. However, in the northern daytime sector, they are primarily influenced by Em. The latitudes of peak PEJ show the strongest correlation with Dst or Pd in both hemispheres, except on the northern dawnside, where they are primarily influenced by Em. The qualitative relationships between peak current density, corresponding latitude, solar wind parameters, and the Dst index are derived.

How to cite: Wang, H., Lühr, H., and Cheng, Q.: Local Time and Hemispheric Asymmetries of Field-aligned Currents and Polar Electrojet During May 2024 Superstorm Periods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-396,, 2025.

EGU25-1368 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Extensional collapse of the Himalayan orogen in the Late Miocene. 

Rabindra Kumar Patel, Vikas Adlakha, Kunal Mukherjee, Shailendra Pundir, Parikshita Pradhan, and Ramesh Chandra Patel

The collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates ~ 55 Ma formed the Himalaya, one of the youngest mountain belts. This convergence led to two significant metamorphic stages: M1, which occurs under high pressure and low temperature in a thick crust, and M2, resulting from crustal thinning in a high-temperature, low-pressure environment, evolved the gneissic domes. This study provides the first apatite fission track (AFT) and zircon fission track (ZFT) thermochronological record from one of such gneissic domes in the NW Himalaya viz., the Gianbul Dome (GD). The dome is bounded by two extensional shear zones, namely the South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) dipping towards NE and the Khanjar Shear Zone (KSZ) dipping towards SW.  The AFT cooling ages range from 14.2 ± 1.2 to 5.7 ± 1.1 Ma, and ZFT ages range from 22.8 ± 2.2 to 14.6 ± 0.9 Ma. The ZFT ages remain almost constant across the dome, suggesting thermal relaxation during this period, while the AFT ages are young towards the extensional shear zones of KSZ and STDS. The fission-track data, in combination with the published Ar-Ar and (U-Th)/He cooling ages, has been modeled using a thermo-kinematic inverse and forward model to analyze the processes that led to the exhumation of the dome. Various scenarios like river incision, lithology, deformation along faults like Main Himalayan Thrust, Main Central Thrust, STDS, glacier control, and erosion control over exhumation have been tested. Our results suggest that the extension of normal fault is the primary mechanism for the exhumation of the GD. The extension happened in two phases: (a) during the initial normal sense movement along the STDS when the reverse sense of shear was switched to the usual sense of shear during the early Miocene, and (b) during the Late Miocene. The initial phase of extension is a well-recognized phenomenon in the Himalayan orogen that has been explained through models like channel flow or ductile wedge extrusion. However, the first report of extensional activity along the STDS during the Late Miocene allows us to test whether it is a local phenomenon or a regional event that happened in the brittle stage. Thus, we compiled all the published geochronological and thermochronological data of all the prevailing gneissic domes in the Himalayas from west to east and ran the 3D thermokinematic model to assess the exhumation path of the rocks and brittle stage deformation history. Our results suggest that two phases of extension happened in the entire arc of the Himalayan orogen. The first phase facilitated the southwest migration of ductile materials of rocks from mid-crustal depths accompanying the extension because of gravitation, favoring the channel flow concept. The second phase of extensional collapse happened during ~7-3 Ma ago in the brittle stage. We hypothesize that a drop in gravitational potential energy led to the reactivation of extensional faults along the Himalayan arc. Thus, we propose that extensional collapse in the collisional mountain belts is a cyclic phenomenon that happens to attain a stable, steady state of the orogens.

How to cite: Patel, R. K., Adlakha, V., Mukherjee, K., Pundir, S., Pradhan, P., and Patel, R. C.: Extensional collapse of the Himalayan orogen in the Late Miocene., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1368,, 2025.

EGU25-1504 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Neoproterozoic Tectonics of the Kaliguman Shear Zone: Implications for the Delhi-Aravalli Fold Belt Contact, NW India 

Suvam Mondal, Alip Roy, and Sadhana Chatterjee

The Kaliguman Shear Zone (KSZ) in northwestern India marks the boundary between the South Delhi Fold Belt to the west and the Aravalli Fold Belt to the east. Structural analysis reveals a narrow, high-strain zone characterized by the development of mica schist along this boundary. The principal structural orientation trends in the NE-SW direction. Strain analysis indicates that the rocks in this zone formed under transpressional deformation conditions.

The metamorphic history of the KSZ is well-preserved in the mica schists, which predominantly contain garnet and staurolite. Petrological and textural studies have helped establish the relative crystallization sequence of mineral phases during the metamorphic events. Examination of garnet porphyroblasts reveals a complex deformation pattern, reflecting pre-, syn-, and post-tectonic events associated with fabric formation. Geothermobarometric analysis indicates that the mica schists underwent amphibolite facies metamorphism. Phase equilibria analysis, supported by PT pseudosections, shows peak metamorphic conditions at approximately 590±10 °C and 4.7 kbar. Garnet isopleth plots suggest increasing pressure and temperature during metamorphism, which is consistent with the inferred PT path. Variations in the modal abundance of index minerals further corroborate this evolutionary trajectory. These findings support a model of crustal thickening for the KSZ. The textural control monazite age data from the mica schists confirms that the shear zone was formed during the early Neoproterozoic. The study provides valuable insights into the tectonic evolution of the contact between the Delhi and Aravalli Fold Belts, highlighting the role of shear zones in accommodating deformation and facilitating metamorphic processes during Neoproterozoic orogenic events.

Keywords: Kaliguman Shear Zone, Aravalli, Delhi Fold Belt, Neoproterozoic, NW India

How to cite: Mondal, S., Roy, A., and Chatterjee, S.: Neoproterozoic Tectonics of the Kaliguman Shear Zone: Implications for the Delhi-Aravalli Fold Belt Contact, NW India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1504,, 2025.

EGU25-2072 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Reconciling bathymetric anomalies of marginal sea basins through magmatic and cooling processes 

Penggao Fang and Weiwei Ding

       Bathymetry of marginal sea basins is commonly deeper than the half-space cooling prediction for large oceans, but what controls this pattern is poorly understood. Here, based on abundant seismic sections with increasingly available databases, we perform an enhanced approach that specifically corrects for post-spreading cooling to reassess thermal subsidence across the Southwest Subbasin (SWSB) and the broader South China Sea (SCS) basin. We attribute the current excessive subsidence of the SCS basin primarily as a response to the post-spreading cooling process, which has global applicability to other marginal sea basins and accounts for at least 86% of the observed depth anomaly. Additionally, the mode of magma supply during seafloor spreading plays a crucial role in shaping reconstructed shallower bathymetry of the SCS basin relative to predictions from the half-space cooling model. A stronger magma supply deriving from the regional subduction system can explain the relatively shallow depth developed during the opening of the SCS compared to large oceans. In contrast, a westward decayed magma supply, driven by localized rift propagation induced by the inherited pre-Cenozoic heterogeneous lithospheric structure of South China, attributes to subsidence discrepancies among sub-basins and within the SWSB.

        The sediment-corrected depth of most marginal seas is, on average, more than 500 m deeper than that of large oceans, with maximum anomalies ranging from -0.95 to -2.70 km (in 0.5° bins). The sediment-corrected depths exhibit statistically poor correlations with the spreading rate, indicating that the thermal evolution of marginal seas is not primarily controlled by the spreading rate, unlike large oceans. Neither can this anomaly be fully explained by dynamic topography driven by large-scale mantle convection or by localized variations in the degrees and patterns of subduction systems, although the latter may be an important factor influencing the bathymetry of still-active marginal seas. We interpret at least 44.5% of these anomalies as a result of long-term post-spreading thermal subsidence in inactive marginal seas, with magmatic processes influencing bathymetry during oceanic plate formation. We propose that the post-spreading secular cooling, together with the variable mode of magma supply and potential dynamic subsidence processes driven by subducting slabs, play pivotal roles in the formation of the topographic anomalies within the oceanic basins of marginal seas.

How to cite: Fang, P. and Ding, W.: Reconciling bathymetric anomalies of marginal sea basins through magmatic and cooling processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2072,, 2025.

EGU25-2323 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Seismic fault slip affected by pore pressure and cyclic normal stress – deduced by lab investigations 

Kang Tao, Heinz Konietzky, and Wengang Dang

Slip characteristics of tectonic faults are highly correlated with earthquake risks. However, the stress conditions in-situ are not static, because tides and seismic waves produce dynamic stress disturbances. The effect of fluids also needs to be considered. The fault slip evolution considering both, stress perturbation and fluid pressure is poorly investigated in the laboratory.

We performed direct shear tests on saw-cut granite joints using a shear box device with external syringe pump. The lower part of the specimen was driven by constant load point velocity, and static/dynamic normal loads were applied to the upper part. LVDTs recorded horizontal and vertical movements: fault slip and vertical dilatancy, respectively. The impact of two factors are studied in the experiment: pore fluid pressure and applied normal stress oscillation amplitude.

In conclusion, static pore fluid pressure reduces effective normal stress and shear stiffness of the sheared fault. Under constant normal stress, the reduction in fault shear stiffness caused by fluids synchronously competes with the reduction in critical stiffness (Kc) as the effective normal stress decreases. The stick-slip events are most intensive under low fluid pressure and high normal stress. Under oscillating normal stress, as the normal stress oscillation amplitude increases, the overall fault shear strength weakens continuously. Frictional strengthening and aseismic slips always occur in the normal stress loading stage. Normal stress unloading leads to multi-step stick-slip behavior of the sheared fault. The fault normal deformation is controlled by both normal loading/unloading and asperity overriding. Increasing pore pressure and superimposed normal stress magnitudes lead to more dramatic shear stress changes, but the degree of seismic slip is reduced.

How to cite: Tao, K., Konietzky, H., and Dang, W.: Seismic fault slip affected by pore pressure and cyclic normal stress – deduced by lab investigations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2323,, 2025.

EGU25-2827 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Discrete element modeling of earthquake-induced fault rupture evolution: The 2024 Mw7.4 Hualien Taiwan earthquake 

Xiaofei Guo, Yosuke Aoki, and Jianghai Li

Surface rupture caused by a strong earthquake is extremely hazardous to the safety of people’s lives. Understanding the rupture evolution mechanism of co-seismic faults and assessing the influence of fault area propagation is essential for disaster prevention and resilience. Since 2000, Hualien and nearby areas in eastern Taiwan have experienced 33  earthquakes, which is a good area to study the evolution of fault rupture. In this study, we propose a dynamic discrete element model to explain fault rupture evolution and use it to analyze the rupture behavior of the 2024 Mw7.4 earthquake of Hualian. This earthquake occurred near the northern Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF), where crustal movement can be seen from the Milun Fault (MF) to the north part of the LVF. We use ALOS-2 data to identify major faults and the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) method to access the spatial displacement on the surface of the study area. In order to simulate the complex geometry and corresponding deformation of the co-seismic rupture surface under the compound influence of multiple faults, we set a rock biaxial simulation test to obtain effective model parameters. We then established a series of dynamic models with different bond types and strengths based on the discrete element method. The model demonstrates the deformation along the fault rupture surface, corresponding to the observation results. The simulation results cover the rupture behavior of the fault and the displacement of the shallow fault under long time series, which can provide a reference for the subsequent seismic hazard assessment and fault displacement analysis.

How to cite: Guo, X., Aoki, Y., and Li, J.: Discrete element modeling of earthquake-induced fault rupture evolution: The 2024 Mw7.4 Hualien Taiwan earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2827,, 2025.

EGU25-2898 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Measurements of Earth's magnetic field anomalies caused by meteorite impacts 

Mikołaj Zawadzki, Natalia Godlewska, and Szymon Oryński

Meteorites that have impacted the Earth's surface in the past have created impact craters. Most of these craters have not been preserved in a form that allows for their contemporary identification, but some, especially in Central and Northern Europe, have been described and classified as geological structures formed by meteorite impacts. When a celestial body strikes the Earth's surface, it causes a temporary increase in temperature to several hundred degrees Celsius, sometimes exceeding the Curie temperature for ferromagnetic rocks and minerals that make up the near-surface layer. Magnetization is relatively stable from a geological time perspective. The magnetic record in magnetite is usually stable and is quite difficult to remagnetize (Fassbinder, 2015).

The impact leads to a change in the direction of magnetization in the minerals, which sometimes persists after the impact. This phenomenon is known as Thermoremanent Magnetization (TRM). It is characteristic of meteorite impact sites. This property is attributed to minerals cooled from high temperatures resulting from plutonic/volcanic processes or meteorite impacts. It is one of several types of remanent magnetization, but only this type will be present in impact structures (Fassbinder, 2015).

The project aims to conduct research in the field of applied geophysics and the magnetic properties of rock and mineral samples in the area of craters formed by meteorite impacts in the context of thermomagnetic anomalies.

As part of this project, proton magnetometer measurements have been conducted in the areas of the Morasko craters in Poland, the Dobele crater in Latvia, the Vepriai crater in Lithuania, and several craters in Estonia. Samples from the Estonian craters have been collected for paleomagnetic studies, which will soon be analyzed using a rotational magnetometer and a magnetic susceptibility instrument. The results of the magnetometric measurements are very promising and exhibit characteristic patterns of magnetic field anomalies typical of impact craters.

The project is funded under the 'Pearls of Science' program by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.

How to cite: Zawadzki, M., Godlewska, N., and Oryński, S.: Measurements of Earth's magnetic field anomalies caused by meteorite impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2898,, 2025.

The Chatree Region, located in central Thailand, holds significant potential for gold exploration, hosting substantial mineral resources. The complex geological setting of this region, with its diverse lithologies and intricate structural controls, poses both significant opportunities and challenges for successful mineral exploration. Given these challenges, this study utilizes a geophysical approach focusing on magnetic data interpretation to enhance the precision and efficiency of identifying potential gold prospects.

Enhancements to the magnetic data were achieved through the application of Downward Continuation (DWC) and Automatic Gain Correction (AGC), which amplified near-surface features and improved signal clarity. Subsequently, by employing the Centre for Exploration Targeting (CET) Grid Analysis, zones of structural complexity, indicative of epithermal gold deposits were detected, which generated two heat maps, including Contact Occurrence Density (COD) and Orientation Entropy (OE). These maps revealed six major and seven minor potential gold prospect zones, providing a critical dataset for subsequent geological analysis. Geological correlations and lineament interpretation were then conducted to validate and refine the magnetic interpretations by integrating several filtered magnetic images with existing geological knowledge of the region. The results of this integrated approach show that many of the identified magnetic anomalies and lineaments correlate with known geology, highlighting the critical role of synthesizing advanced magnetic data analysis with geological expertise. This integration provides a valuable foundation for future exploration in the region and establishes an applicable methodological approach to other mineral exploration efforts.

How to cite: Pinkaew, K.: Identifying Prospective Areas for the Chatree Epithermal Gold Region from Airborne Magnetic Data Using Advanced Analyzing Techniques, with Interpretative Correlation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3794,, 2025.

EGU25-3894 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Formation and inversion of a short-lived continental back-arc basin in Southeastern Tibet 

Di Xin, Tiannan Yang, Chuandong Xue, Lili Jiang, and Kun Xiang

The differences in the tectonic interpretation of ophiolite suites have become a major issue of the debate in the tectonic reconstruction of an ancient orogenic belt, especially when it comes to subduction polarity. In this regard, the Sanjiang Paleo-Tethyan Orogenic Belt in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau provides an excellent case study. The Sanjiang Paleo-Tethyan Orogenic Belt in the northern, eastern, and southeastern Tibet is bounded by the western Jinshajiang‒Garzê‒Litang suture to the north and the Shuanghu‒Changning‒Menglian suture to the south and west. The southern Jinshajiang Suture separates the Zhongzha Block to the east and the eastern Qiangtang Block to the west. The tectonic nature of the NNW-trending southern Jinshajiang ophiolitic mélange remaining controversial. A detailed linear traverse mapping was c across the southern Jinshajiang ophiolitic mélange, with a focus on pillow lavas and the structural relationship between the lavas and their country rock (Paleozoic sedimentary rocks). The results of a field study, in conjunction with new geochronological data and geochemical data, have enabled the identification of the Zhongdian continental back-arc basin. This basin was filled with a flysch succession and at least two horizons of pillow basalt from 267 to 254 Ma. The fining- and thinning-upward nature of the sedimentary succession, widespread syndepositional folds and syndepositional breccias, and submarine channel sediments, as well as intensive basaltic volcanism suggest that this back-arc basin generated in a typical extensional environment. The inversion of the back-arc basin was completed within a relatively short period of one million years (254~253 Ma), resulting in the development of overturned folds of the flysch succession and a latest Permian to Early Triassic back-arc foreland basin in front of the folded belt. Whole-rock geochemical data for the basalts and coeval gabbros suggest that the petrogenetic process of the basalts in the back-arc basin is likely comparable to that of basalt in a rift system as well, which is a lithospheric extension induced uplift of lithospheric mantle and asthenosphere and allowing decompression partial melting of the mantle peridotite. The late stage pillow basalts exhibit a stronger arc signature than the earlier massive basalt and diabase. The Zhongdian back-arc basin is considered to be an extinct continental and arc-type back-arc basins, which are characterized by thick crust, shallow bathymetry, and may not evolve into “normal” oceans. The formation and inversion of the Zhongdian back-arc basin are believed to have been caused by rollback and subsequent break-off of the subducted oceanic slab. During the inversion, the crust shortening occurred predominantly in the back-arc basin, while the southwestern shoulder of the back-arc basin, which was weakly deformed, was shifted north-eastward for ~30 km. The formation process of the Zhongdian back-arc basin is comparable to that of a typical continental rift system, the asymmetric architecture of which has mostly been inherited by the structures formed during the basin inversion. The southern Jinshajiang ophiolitic mélange is representative of the inverted Zhongdian back-arc basin, which is a short-lived, partially mature oceanic basin.

How to cite: Xin, D., Yang, T., Xue, C., Jiang, L., and Xiang, K.: Formation and inversion of a short-lived continental back-arc basin in Southeastern Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3894,, 2025.

The development of continental rift basins is often accompanied by multiple episodes of volcanic activity. The impact of these volcanic eruptions on the sedimentary filling process of the basin is a geological problem worth considering. This relationship is not only the premise for reasonably explaining the binary filling characteristics and development of sequences of volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks in rift basins but also the key geological basis for the prediction of volcanic and sedimentary rock reservoirs in rift basins. On the basis of a large amount of three-dimensional seismic data, logging data and lithology data, we estimated the volcanic eruption period, volcanic rock mass and spatial shape of the Changling faulted depression in the Songliao Basin. We then studied the spatial distribution characteristics of lithofacies and sedimentary facies in the basin. Finally, we assessed the influence of volcanic eruptions on the type of sedimentary filling, the distribution of sedimentary facies and the spatial stacking of sedimentary strata. This study revealed that during the rapid rifting stage (Yingcheng Formation depositional period), the Changling faulted depression developed mainly fan delta, braided river delta and lacustrine sedimentary systems and experienced four phases of volcanic eruptions. The lithology, scale and spatial distribution of volcanoes were directly related to the activity and location of the basement faults in this area, reflecting the control that basement fault activity had on the volcanic eruptions. Moreover, the stacking form and eruption scale of volcanic rocks played a substantial role in the paleogeomorphology of the basin, which in turn affected the form of the source channel of the basin, causing changes in the sedimentary facies type and spatial distribution and changes in the spatial overlapping pattern of the sedimentary sequence. Moreover, volcanic eruptions provided different sources of debris to the continental lake basin. The differences in location and delivery methods of these materials complicate the rock structure and reservoir properties of the basin sandstone.

How to cite: Wang, H., Zhang, H., and Liu, A.: Influence of volcanic eruptions on the sedimentary filling of a continental rift basin — A case study of the Yingcheng Formation in the Changling faulted depression in the Songliao Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4049,, 2025.

EGU25-4896 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Intelligent Pore Recognition Method for Carbonate Rock Electrical Image Logs Based on Deep Learning 

Li Zhuolin, Zhang Guoyin, and Gao Yifan

Electrical image logs can intuitively reflect the development status and characteristics of dissolution pores, which is of significant importance for the development of oil and gas resources. However, traditional methods for identifying pores in electrical image logs are not only cumbersome and labor-intensive but also incapable of distinguishing between different types of pores. Moreover, the strong heterogeneity and dissolution effects in carbonate reservoirs result in significant variations in pore size and complex, diverse pore morphologies, making it difficult to extract pore parameters. To address these issues and challenges, this paper proposes a semantic segmentation model, FILnet, designed using computer vision technology and deep learning frameworks. This model aims to achieve intelligent recognition and segmentation annotation of pores of different scales in the wellbore region of electrical image logs. The data selection process involved using a sliding window to choose electrical log images containing dissolution pores and caves. Image processing techniques were then applied to complete and augment the images, thereby enhancing data diversity. Furthermore, a dual-attribute dataset was created using dynamic and static images from electrical image logs to assist the model in learning the semantic features of pores. Finally, the proposed model was compared with traditional pore identification methods, such as threshold segmentation. The results showed that FILnet demonstrated significant performance advantages on the dual dataset, with a mean intersection over union (MIoU) of 85.42% and a pixel accuracy (PA) of 90.54%. Compared to traditional pore identification methods, the deep learning semantic segmentation approach not only achieves recognition of different types of pores but also improves identification accuracy. This indicates that the network model and data processing methods proposed in this paper are effective and can achieve intelligent recognition and accurate segmentation of pores in electrical image logs.

How to cite: Zhuolin, L., Guoyin, Z., and Yifan, G.: Intelligent Pore Recognition Method for Carbonate Rock Electrical Image Logs Based on Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4896,, 2025.

EGU25-5552 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Neoproterozoic magmatism in NW India and its implication for crustal evolution 

Deb Dyuti Ghosh and Sadhana M. Chatterjee

In northwest India, the South Delhi Fold Belt (SDFB) is a NE-SW trending region of the Neoproterozoic age, consisting of poly-deformed and poly-metamorphosed rocks. To the west lies the Marwar Craton, and the boundary between them is defined by a crustal-scale shear zone, dated to 810 Ma, known as the Phulad Shear Zone (PSZ). The syn-tectonic Phulad Granite, which runs along the PSZ, played a key role in stitching together the Marwar Craton and the SDFB during the 810 Ma tectonic event. Approximately 30 km to the east of the PSZ, a quartz monzonite pluton, emplaced within the calc-silicates of the SDFB, is observed. This study focuses on the meso- and micro-structures, as well as the geochemistry of the quartz monzonite, to better understand its emplacement conditions and the tectonic processes at that time.

In the field, the quartz monzonite exhibits a saccharoidal texture with a crude foliation, defined by the alignment of feldspar grains. The foliation in the monzonite has a mean orientation of 14°/67° E. The quartz monzonite is primarily composed of k-feldspar and plagioclase feldspar, with minor amounts of quartz, amphibole, and titanite. Microstructural analysis reveals features indicative of sub-magmatic, high-temperature deformation, suggesting that the rock underwent solid-state deformation. These microstructural characteristics of the quartz monzonite suggest a syn-magmatic deformation event. The foliation in the monzonite is broadly parallel to the mylonitic foliation in PSZ, further supporting the idea of a syn-tectonic emplacement. The geochemical study of the quartz monzonite displays a syn-collisional granite-type geochemical signature with a distinctly negative REE pattern. The REE pattern features suggest that garnet played a significant role in the petrogenesis. By integrating micro and meso-structural analyses with geochemical data, we infer that the emplacement of the quartz monzonite coincided with the development of the PSZ and the intrusion of the Phulad Granite. Despite the temporal overlap, the quartz monzonite and the Phulad Granite display significant geochemical differences, denoting distinct petrogenetic processes. Based on the integration of all available data, we propose that the quartz monzonite was emplaced during the 810 Ma collisional event, resulting from the partial melting of garnet-bearing mafic crust. While both quartz monzonite and Phulad Granite likely share a common source, the depth of melting was different. The greater depth of melting in the eastern portion suggests an eastward subduction of the Marwar Craton during this tectonic event.

How to cite: Ghosh, D. D. and Chatterjee, S. M.: Neoproterozoic magmatism in NW India and its implication for crustal evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5552,, 2025.

EGU25-6123 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Investigation of the Growth of Active Faults in the Tehran Metropolitan Employing Historical Aerial Photos and Photogrammetric Techniques 

Parvaneh Alizadeh, Esmaeil Shabanian, and Zohreh Masoumi

In highly populated urban areas such as Tehran, with over 17 million inhabitants, identifying active faults is essential to hazard and risk management. Tehran is located in central Alborz within the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone. The region is the manifestation of interplay between structural systems of the western and eastern Alborz. The study area focuses on the Lavizan and Babaei fault-related fold structures as the main Quaternary features of the Tehran piedmont. Tehran's rapid urbanization in the past few decades has made it impossible to access fault traces and the associated geomorphic features in the field. This research is the first study which uses photogrammetric methods to extract detailed 3D data and digital terrain model (DTM) from archival imaging. Historical aerial photographs were acquired from 1955-1965, before the city's development. A DTM with a spatial resolution of about 86 centimeters, an orthophoto-mosaic, and a three-dimensional model were created employing photogrammetric methods. The geomorphic analysis of the model reveals lateral unidirectional eastwards growth of the Lavizan and Babaei structures during Pleistocene and Holocene. The presence of wind gaps developed from water gaps, and sharp fault scarps in the upper Pleistocene and Holocene geomorphic surfaces testify this lateral propagation. This study presents a typical example for a long-lasting tectonic activity and its Holocene continuation on the E-W fault-related fold structures, which directly affect urban areas in the Iranian metropolitan.

How to cite: Alizadeh, P., Shabanian, E., and Masoumi, Z.: Investigation of the Growth of Active Faults in the Tehran Metropolitan Employing Historical Aerial Photos and Photogrammetric Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6123,, 2025.

EGU25-6137 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Dynamical Complexity in Swarm-derived Storm and Substorm Indices Using Information Theory: Implications for Interhemispheric Asymmetry 

Constantinos Papadimitriou, Georgios Balasis, Zoe Boutsi, and Omiros Giannakis

In November 2023, the ESA Swarm constellation mission celebrated 10 years in orbit, offering one of the best-ever surveys of the topside ionosphere. Among its achievements, it has been recently demonstrated that Swarm data can be used to derive space-based geomagnetic activity indices, like the standard ground-based geomagnetic indices, monitoring magnetic storm and magnetospheric substorm activity. Given the fact that the official ground-based index for the substorm activity (i.e., the Auroral Electrojet – AE index) is constructed by data from 12 ground stations, solely in the northern hemisphere, it can be said that this index is predominantly northern, while the Swarm-derived AE index may be more representative of a global state, since it is based on measurements from both hemispheres. Recently, many novel concepts originated in time series analysis based on information theory have been developed, partly motivated by specific research questions linked to various domains of geosciences, including space physics. Here, we apply information theory approaches (i.e., Hurst exponent and a variety of entropy measures) to analyze the Swarm-derived magnetic indices around intense magnetic storms. We show the applicability of information theory to study the dynamical complexity of the upper atmosphere, through highlighting the temporal transition from the quiet-time to the storm-time magnetosphere around the May 2024 superstorm, which may prove significant for space weather studies. Our results suggest that the spaceborne indices have the capacity to capture the same dynamics and behaviors, with regards to their informational content, as the traditionally used ground-based ones. A few studies have addressed the question of whether the auroras are symmetric between the northern and southern hemispheres. Therefore, the possibility to have different Swarm-derived AE indices for the northern and southern hemispheres respectively, may provide, under appropriate time series analysis techniques based on information theoretic approaches, an opportunity to further confirm the recent findings on interhemispheric asymmetry. Here, we also provide evidence for interhemispheric energy asymmetry based on the analyses of Swarm-derived auroral indices AE North and AE South.

How to cite: Papadimitriou, C., Balasis, G., Boutsi, Z., and Giannakis, O.: Dynamical Complexity in Swarm-derived Storm and Substorm Indices Using Information Theory: Implications for Interhemispheric Asymmetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6137,, 2025.

EGU25-6417 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Architecture of a mud diapir-like structure: insights from ocean-bottom-node seismic data 

Qingfeng Meng, Baibing Yang, Zhifeng Guo, and Fang Hao

We present high-resolution ocean bottom node (OBN) seismic data of the Dongfang 1-1 structure in the Yinggehai Basin of the South China Sea, which hosts China's largest offshore gas reservoir. The OBN seismic data reveals more continuous and detailed reflections compared to conventional seismic data, highlighting the internal structure and formation mechanism of a diapir-like structure. The seismic images show a tapered conical structure characterized by a concentric distribution of fractures, with a significant increase in fracture intensity and connectivity towards the center. These fractures, particularly the sub-vertical ones, are interpreted as natural hydraulic fractures formed due to intense overpressurization in the Lower Miocene strata, with formation pressure coefficients up to 2.2. The fractures are believed to have originated from thermogenic hydrocarbon gas generation and inorganic CO2 production. The throughgoing fractures that traverse the entire Neogene succession, including the thick Upper Miocene sealing mudrocks, provide crucial pathways for deep gas-bearing fluids to charge the Pliocene sandstone reservoir. The study underscores the importance of natural hydraulic fractures in bypassing thick sealing sequences and conduiting fluids in deep overpressured environments. Moreover, our results may provide guidance for accurate geological interpretations of mud diapir-like structures in conventional seismic images in many other sedimentary basins.

How to cite: Meng, Q., Yang, B., Guo, Z., and Hao, F.: Architecture of a mud diapir-like structure: insights from ocean-bottom-node seismic data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6417,, 2025.

This study explores the application of Fracture-Induced Electromagnetic Radiation (FEMR) for stress analysis in the Ramon Crater, a tectonically “stable” region in southern Israel. FEMR, an innovative geophysical method, detects electromagnetic pulses emitted during micro-fracturing events to infer stress orientations. Unlike traditional seismic techniques, FEMR is sensitive to subtle stress changes, making it suitable for regions with limited seismicity. Field measurements were conducted at nine locations using the ANGEL-M device, capturing high-sensitivity electromagnetic signals to determine the stress azimuth. The results revealed a dominant mean stress azimuth of 308°, aligning closely with the acute bisector of two principal joint sets in the region, WNW-ESE and NNW-SSE. These orientations correspond to historical compressional stress from the Syrian Arc Stress (SAS) regime and more recent extensional stress from the Dead Sea Stress (DSS) field. The superimposition of these regimes has created a complex tectonic environment, evidenced by features such as joint sets, fault planes, and basaltic dikes. FEMR measurements correlate with these geological indicators, confirming the technique’s ability to detect regional stress directions and their evolution over time. In the past decade, the method of FEMR has progressively gained impetus as a viable, non-invasive, cost-effective, real-time geophysical tool for stress analysis in various parts of the world. Its range lies in delineating tectonically active zones, landslide-prone weak slip planes, highlighting stress accumulation in mines and tunnels, etc. This study highlights FEMR’s viability for stress field analysis, especially in stable tectonic zones. Its ability to capture micro-crack activity and subtle stress shifts offers a detailed understanding of how tectonic forces shape regional geodynamics. While FEMR enhances stress detection capabilities, careful calibration with geological models is essential to differentiate transient stress changes from long-term tectonic trends. This research advances FEMR’s application in geophysical studies, particularly for monitoring stress fields in regions influenced by ancient and ongoing tectonic forces.

How to cite: Das, S. and Frid, V.: The Fracture Induced Electromagnetic Radiation (FEMR) technique as a tool for stress mapping: A case study of the Ramon Crater, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9651,, 2025.

EGU25-9784 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Stress Distribution and Fracture Development Along the Altyn Tagh Fault:Insights from 3D Discrete Element Modeling 

Zongming Chen, Jianghai Li, and Guoping Liu

The slip behavior of the Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) plays a key role in improving our understanding of the tectonic deformation processes shaping the Tibetan Plateau. In this investigation, a three-dimensional (3D) model representing the central segment of the ATF was constructed using discrete element numerical simulations to examine the main damage zones and stress distribution in the Akato Tagh Bend, AKsay Bend, and Xorkoli segments. The simulation results were then cross-referenced with fault orientation measurements from the northern Qaidam Basin and focal mechanism solutions (FMS) to assess their precision and reliability. The results indicate that the stress environment is stable in the linear strike-slip Xorkoli segment, whereas the stress distribution in the Akato Tagh Bend and AKsay Bend segments exhibits significant heterogeneity, with alternating regions of high and low stress. On the concave side of these bends, compressive stress accumulates, fostering the formation of local thrust faults or folds along the fault plane. Conversely, on the convex side, tensile stress dominates, promoting the development of normal faults or extensional fractures. In the restraining bend region, tensile stress remains horizontal, though its orientation shifts considerably as fault displacement increases. The bend segments also show significant variations in shear stress, which can lead to the creation of secondary fault features like Riedel shears. The intensity and distribution of shear stress are influenced by the curvature and bending angle of the fault, with larger bending angles in the Akato Tagh Bend producing more pronounced shear stress concentrations. Fractures are primarily concentrated at the fault tips, along fault intersections, and within the fault plane, with the fault damage zone being notably wider in the Akato Tagh Bend and AKsay Bend segments. As fault displacement increases, the width of the damage zone and fracture density initially increase rapidly before reaching a plateau. Moreover, the primary damage zone develops earlier in the restraining Akato Tagh Bend and AKsay Bend segments compared to the linear strike-slip Xorkoli segment, which absorbs more strain before the principal displacement zone forms. Therefore, the Akato Tagh Bend exhibits the highest fracture intensity, followed by the AKsay Bend and Xorkoli segment. These findings offer significant insights into the slip behavior and stress distribution along the ATF and enhance our understanding of the tectonic processes in the Tibetan Plateau.

How to cite: Chen, Z., Li, J., and Liu, G.: Stress Distribution and Fracture Development Along the Altyn Tagh Fault:Insights from 3D Discrete Element Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9784,, 2025.

Monazite has the potential to place temporal constraints on the crustal melting in high-grade metamorphic rocks like granulites and migmatites. Melt loss in granulite-grade metamorphic rocks plays a key role in progressively depleting LREE in the residue and enhancing the dissolution of monazite during heating to the metamorphic peak. Newly formed monazite are therefore more abundant in leucosomes than the residue. Higher degree of partial melting and subsequent melt loss, therefore, poses a major hindrance to constraining the mobility of these elements in the micro-domain scale, particularly during the early stage of melting at amphibolite to granulite facies transition. To overcome such an issue and to understand the behavior of this mineral during the onset of granulite facies metamorphism, metamorphic rocks that have reached the P-T conditions culminating at the aforesaid transition should be targeted. Considering this, the present study has been carried out on charnockite from the northern Eastern Ghats Belt, India which underwent such transition (M2) following crystallization during an earlier granulite facies metamorphic event (M1). The rock is composed of plagioclase (Pl), K-feldspar (Kfs), quartz, orthopyroxene, biotite, and garnet with apatite, allanite, and monazite as accessory phases. The rock has well-developed gneissic foliation, demarcated by alternate biotite +garnet-rich and quartzofeldspathic layers. While both the feldspars show grain boundary migration recrystallization, quartz grains are deformed by sub-grain rotation recrystallization. Garnet is porphyroblastic and post-kinematic as it overgrows the matrix biotite. The former phase is closely associated with cuspate Kfs and quartz grains which developed as a result of incipient dehydration melting of moderately fluorine rich biotite during the aforesaid transition. Monazite grains are coarse (up to 200 µm across), mostly elliptical and either partially or completely replaced by the reaction rim of apatite+ thorite with an external corona of allanite in the biotite+garnet-rich layers. In case of partial replacement, the oscillatory-zoned relict monazite core is preserved. Th-rich patches are present in such cores. Interestingly, the coronitic assemblage overgrows the matrix biotite is always associated with porphyroblastic garnet. On the contrary, corona-free monazite grains are abundant in quartzofeldspathic layers. Spot dates from the oscillatory-zoned relict monazite core yield a weighted mean age of 960±6 Ma. Th-rich patches, showing prominent huttonite substitution, yield a weighted mean age of 938±7 Ma. Integrating monazite textural and age data, we interpret that the ca. 960 Ma represents the crystallization age of the charnockite magma which coincides with the M1 metamorphic event of the Eastern Ghats Province (EGP). The ca. 938 Ma, additionally, corresponds to the age of the M2 event when biotite dehydration melting occurred and porphyroblastic garnet was formed. Based on the textural evidence and mineral phase chemical data, we propose that the replacement of primary monazite occurred via coupled dissolution precipitation process in the presence of incipient melt originated during biotite dehydration melting. Such melt was fluorine rich and helped to mobilize REEs by forming REE-fluoride complexes and was incorporated in allanite corona. Monazite grains in quartzofeldspathic layers must have escaped the melting reaction and the melt-induced element mobility.   

How to cite: Ganguly, P., Banerjee, A., and Das, K.: Behavior of monazite during incipient dehydration melting of charnockite at the northern Eastern Ghats Belt, India: Insights on the mobility of REE at amphibolite-granulite facies transition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11645,, 2025.

EGU25-11991 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Harnessing Swarm Satellite Magnetic Data to Revolutionize Earthquake Prediction 

Angelo De Santis, Saioa A. Campuzano, Gianfranco Cianchini, Homayoon Alimoradi, Loredana Perrone, and Habib Rahimi

Predicting earthquakes remains one of the most profound challenges in seismology and a long-standing aspiration for humanity. Among the array of potential precursors, changes in the Earth’s magnetic field have emerged as a promising yet contentious avenue of research (e.g., De Santis et al., 2015). With advancements in satellite technology, especially with the advent of the European Space Agency’s Swarm mission, we now have the unprecedented ability to measure the magnetic field with extraordinary precision, unlocking exciting opportunities for earthquake forecasting.

In this study, we leverage data from Swarm satellites to investigate whether magnetic anomalies can serve as reliable precursors to earthquakes. Our approach integrates two complementary methodologies: a) global statistical analysis: We applied superposed epoch and spatial techniques to several years of global earthquake data, correlating it with Swarm's magnetic field measurements (De Santis et al., 2019; Marchetti et al., 2022); b) tectonic case study: We focused on major earthquakes occurring from 2014 to 2023 within the tectonically active Alpine-Himalayan belt (Alimoradi et al., 2024).

To analyze these events, we employed an advanced automated algorithm (De Santis et al., 2017) to detect magnetic anomalies in satellite data recorded up to 90 days prior to global earthquakes and up to 10 days before events in the Alpine-Himalayan region. The findings revealed compelling evidence of clear magnetic anomalies preceding earthquakes. Notably, in the Alpine-Himalayan case study, we observed a striking correlation between earthquake magnitude and the duration and intensity of these anomalies: larger earthquakes were associated with stronger and more prolonged signals.

Our predictive framework demonstrated remarkable performance, achieving an accuracy of 79%, a precision of 88%, and a hit rate of 84%. These results underscore the transformative potential of satellite-based magnetic field analysis, paving the way for an operational earthquake prediction system. Such a system could serve as a powerful tool for mitigating the devastating impacts of earthquakes and safeguarding communities worldwide.

The work has been developed in the framework of the following projects: UNITARY- Pianeta Dinamico (funds from MUR), SPACE IT UP (PNRR), Limadou Scienza + (ASI) and FURTHER (INGV).



Alimoradi, H., Rahimi, H., De Santis, A. Successful Tests on Detecting Pre-Earthquake Magnetic Field Signals from Space, Remote Sensing, 16(16), 2985, 2024.

De Santis et al., Geospace perturbations induced by the Earth: the state of the art and future trends, Phys. & Chem. Earth, 85-86, 17-33, 2015.

De Santis A. et al., Potential earthquake precursory pattern from space: the 2015 Nepal event as seen by magnetic Swarm satellites, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 461, 119-126, 2017.

De Santis A. et al. Precursory worldwide signatures of earthquake occurrences on Swarm satellite data, Scientific Reports, 9:20287, 2019.

Marchetti D., De Santis A., Campuzano S.A., et al. Worldwide Statistical Correlation of eight years of Swarm satellite data with M5.5+ earthquakes, Remote Sensing, 14 (11), 2649, 2022.

How to cite: De Santis, A., Campuzano, S. A., Cianchini, G., Alimoradi, H., Perrone, L., and Rahimi, H.: Harnessing Swarm Satellite Magnetic Data to Revolutionize Earthquake Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11991,, 2025.

EGU25-14725 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Circum-Indian craton-margin orogenic reactivation during ca. 800-700 Ma: Tectonometamorphic characterization 

Kaushik Das, Sankar Bose, Proloy Ganguly, and Amitava Chatterjee

The Precambrian history of the Indian continent centers around several Archean cratonic nuclei, e.g. the Singhbhum Craton, the Bundelkhand Craton and the Aravalli Craton in the north; the Bastar Craton in the central-east, and the Dharwad Craton in the south. Apart from a group of less disturbed and unmetamorphosed Meso- to Neoproterozoic platformal sedimentary packages resting over deformed and metamorphosed Archean to Paleoproterozoic basement, several Neoproterozoic orogenic belts occur at the margins of these Archean cratonic blocks. These craton-margin orogenic belts are the areas of intense deformation and multiple phases of deep- to intermediate depth, and hence constitute the sites of major records of crustal-scale material recycling through plate movements. They occur on the east, south and west of the Archean cratonic clusters (conjugate north and south Indian cratonic blocks). Though major deep-crustal deformation and metamorphism in these craton-margin orogenic belts can be tracked mostly up to the earliest Neoproterozoic, exhumation-related reactivation seems to be more common in these belt around ca. 800–750 Ma. 

In this study, we shall highlight the east and west Indian marginal belts. We shall present the new data showing conditions of metamorphic pulses and their age from the rocks of the Mercara Shear Zone, marking the south-western boundary of the Archean (>3000 Ma) Dharwar craton. The results indicate at least four events; (1) ~2900 Ma; basin formation with supply from craton, (2) 2900–2700 Ma; age of prograde metamorphism, (3) 2700–2500 Ma, age of charnockite magmatism during Dharwar Orogeny with metamorphic peak, and (4) final reactivation at 830–730 Ma marking exhumation of deep crust during retrograde metamorphism along the crustal scale shear zone (stretching lineation and S-C fabric formation as last deformation event. We shall also review our group’s recent published data on the pressure-temperature-deformation-fluid-age histories during the orogenic reactivation of the western boundary, and the Chilka Domain of the northern Eastern Ghats Belt. Together we shall try to collate data showing the idea of a near-synchronous orogenic reactivation surrounding Indian cratonic cluster during middle to late Tonian Period with various preceding age gaps.

How to cite: Das, K., Bose, S., Ganguly, P., and Chatterjee, A.: Circum-Indian craton-margin orogenic reactivation during ca. 800-700 Ma: Tectonometamorphic characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14725,, 2025.

EGU25-17658 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Determination of Lithofacies and Elastic Behavior Modeling in Columbian River Basalt Group (CRBG) Formations  

Nitin Nagarkoti, Tanisha Kumar, Neha Panwar, and Ravi Sharma

Efficient handling of climate change issues in order to mitigate its negative impact of the flora and fauna of the earth, or on the pace of industrialization, is a big challenge in every disposition around the world.  Amongst the many options available, geological storage of CO2 in the basalt formations is proving to be a promising one due to its large and pervasive occurrence, to facilitate stable carbonation of the sequestered CO2, and with ready access to the basalt deposits for operational requirements. Laboratory testing and a few field   implementations showed that carbon dioxide injected in basalts would form stable carbonate minerals, keeping the substance in place for thousands of years.

This work applies the machine learning applications aimed at the classification of different facies in basalts, particularly flow tops and flow interiors, towards the selection of a sequestration site based on their relevant petrophysical characteristics.

After the facies were identified, several rock physics models were run with an outlook of predicting the elastic properties of basalt. Based on our results, we found the Differential Effective Medium (DEM) model enables the most accurate prediction with the least error as compared to Self-Consistent Approximation and Kuster-Toksӧz model. This finding provides a foundation for using the DEM model to create an initial reservoir matrix, which can be applied to simulate geomechanical changes upon CO2 injection in Basalt. Additionally, facies classification aids in delineating zone boundaries within basalt flows, allowing for the selection of optimal injection sites based on their petrophysical properties.

How to cite: Nagarkoti, N., Kumar, T., Panwar, N., and Sharma, R.: Determination of Lithofacies and Elastic Behavior Modeling in Columbian River Basalt Group (CRBG) Formations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17658,, 2025.

EGU25-19572 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Geochemistry of ~1Ga granite and associated mafic rocks from the South Delhi Fold Belt, NW India, and its tectonic significance 

Anirban Manna, Sadhana M. Chatterjee, Alip Roy, and Ayan Kumar Sarkar

The South Delhi Fold Belt (SDFB) within the northwestern Indian Shield is a Proterozoic NE-SW trending fold belt. The western boundary of the SDFB is defined by the Phulad Shear Zone, formed during a transpression regime around 820-810Ma. Granite rocks of ~1Ga have been documented from the western part of the fold belt and are linked with the formation of the Rodinia Supercontinent. These granites are closely associated with gabbroic rocks. The present study focuses on the geochemistry of these granites and the mafic rocks, as well as their field structure and petrography. 
The granites and the mafic rocks are confined to a narrow linear belt along the western part of the fold belt. Detailed field studiesreveal that the foliations in the granites, mafic and mylonites within PSZ share a common stress regime and are broadly synchronous. Geochemically these granites are ferroan, calc-alkalic, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous and their classification in granite discrimination diagrams confirms A-type and within plate granite. The mafic rocks exhibit a compositional range fromtholeiitic to calc-alkaline, with atrace element ratio resembling enriched mid-oceanic ridge basalt (E-MORB) type magma. The tectonic discrimination diagram suggestsrift-relatedmagmatism. Geochemical analysis of these bimodal magmatic compositions in the SDFB, encompassing both mafic rocks and A-type granites are typically associated with areas experiencing extensional tectonics, particularly rift-related magmatism. Integrating field structures, petrography and geochemistry of these granite and the mafic rocks suggests that the ~1Ga granite and the associated mafic rocks formed in an extensional regime and are not directly linked to the collisional assembly of the Rodinia Supercontinent.

How to cite: Manna, A., Chatterjee, S. M., Roy, A., and Sarkar, A. K.: Geochemistry of ~1Ga granite and associated mafic rocks from the South Delhi Fold Belt, NW India, and its tectonic significance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19572,, 2025.

EGU25-20105 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Gravimetric Investigation and Analysis of Tectonic Features and Mineralization Zones in the Central High Atlas (Morocco). 

Souad Assoussi, Youssef Hahou, Malki Khalifa, Fadoua Saadaoui, and Brahim Oujane

The Central High Atlas in Morocco is characterized by complex geological structures shaped by tectonic and magmatic processes. Gravimetry, a geophysical technique sensitive to subsurface density variations, plays a crucial role in exploring and understanding these features. This study provides a bibliometric analysis of global research on the application of gravimetry, with a specific focus on its use in the Central High Atlas.

The main objectives of this study are to identify global research trends and applications of gravimetry in the study of geological structures, analyze key contributors, scientific collaborations, and dominant themes in gravimetric research, and compare findings from studies conducted in the Central High Atlas with those from other regions worldwide.

A bibliometric analysis was conducted using data from Scopus and Web of Science databases. Keywords such as "gravimetry," "Central High Atlas," and "geological structure" were employed to extract relevant studies. The analysis utilized the R-bibliometrix package and VOSviewer software to map collaboration networks, visualize thematic clusters, and analyze global research trends over time.

The results reveal a significant increase in gravimetric studies over the last two decades, reflecting growing interest in its applications in mountainous regions like the Central High Atlas. The findings highlight deep-seated geological structures, active fault systems, and the relationship between gravimetric anomalies and tectonic processes. Moreover, a comparative analysis shows that studies in Morocco focus heavily on tectonic and magmatic processes, while research in other countries often emphasizes technological advancements and methodological innovations.

This bibliometric study underscores the importance of gravimetry as a tool for exploring complex geological structures in the Central High Atlas. It also highlights the need for stronger international collaborations and interdisciplinary research to advance gravimetric methodologies and foster knowledge exchange across regions.

How to cite: Assoussi, S., Hahou, Y., Khalifa, M., Saadaoui, F., and Oujane, B.: Gravimetric Investigation and Analysis of Tectonic Features and Mineralization Zones in the Central High Atlas (Morocco)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20105,, 2025.

EGU25-20168 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Geophysical and Remote Sensing Contributions to Understanding Geological Structures in the Central High Atlas (Morocco): A Review and Analytical Study. 

Fadoua Saadaoui, Youssef Hahou, Lahcen Ousaid, Souad Assoussi, and Brahim Oujane

This study evaluates the contributions of geophysics and remote sensing to structural mapping in the Central High Atlas region of Morocco. A bibliometric analysis was conducted using data collected from databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. Keywords related to geophysics, aeromagnetic, remote sensing, structural mapping, and the Central High Atlas were used to systematically identify relevant research articles. Analytical techniques, including citation analysis, co-authorship analysis, keyword analysis, and network analysis (using VOSviewer), were applied to explore research trends, collaborations, and key focus areas.

The findings highlight notable research trends in the application of geophysics and remote sensing, identifying key contributors, influential institutions, and pivotal publications in this domain. Research gaps and opportunities for further investigation were also uncovered. Visualization of research networks provided insights into collaboration patterns and thematic focus areas.

This study underscores the importance of geophysics and remote sensing in enhancing the understanding of the Central High Atlas's structural geology. It offers a foundation for future research, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and advanced methodologies to address existing research gaps and further explore the region's geological complexities.

How to cite: Saadaoui, F., Hahou, Y., Ousaid, L., Assoussi, S., and Oujane, B.: Geophysical and Remote Sensing Contributions to Understanding Geological Structures in the Central High Atlas (Morocco): A Review and Analytical Study., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20168,, 2025.

EGU25-20667 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Archean shear tectonics in the Congo craton: insights from Petro-structural characterization and U-Pb geochronology of the Memve’ele mylonite, Southern Cameroon 

Jonas Didero Takodjou Wambo, Sylvestre Ganno, Jean Paul Nzenti, and Paul D. Asimow

The Congo craton is an early Archaean through Paleoproterozoic basement block in Central Africa. It consists of a vast heterogenous granulitic complex extending over 1200 km between the Lomami River (24°E) and the Atlantic coast in Angola. The well-exposed domains of the Congo craton are the Kasaï block, Tanzania block, West-Nile complex, and Ntem-Chailu complex. The latter represents the northwestern edge of the craton in southern Cameroon. The Memve'ele area belongs to the Ntem Complex, where recent investigations have highlighted various lithologies, including TTG gneiss and intensely sheared and folded charnockitic and granitic gneiss, pervasively intruded by younger monzogranite. This region provides a critical window into the complex tectonic evolution of one of Earth's oldest continental blocks. Both TTG and granitic gneiss are riddled with folded or sheared leucogranitic veins, suggesting a local origin through melting and dynamic recrystallization. This study presents a comprehensive investigation of the highly sheared Memve’ele mylonitic corridor. Through detailed field mapping, systematic kinematic analysis, and meticulous petrographic and microstructural studies, we aim to unravel the multiple deformation events that have shaped this region. U-Pb zircon geochronology was employed to precisely constrain the timing of these processes and to correlate them with regional tectonic events. The ultimate goal of this research is to better understand the broader geodynamic implications of these findings for the evolution of the Congo Craton. Initial results reveal that the Memve’ele area has undergone a complex polyphase deformation history, involving at least four distinct events. The early ductile deformation (D1) resulted in the development of a pervasive foliation and associated structures. Subsequent ductile-brittle deformation (D2) overprinted the earlier structures, while later brittle deformation events (D3 and D4) further modified the rock fabric. The studied mylonites yield Mesoarchean ages of 2927 ± 52 Ma. The presence of a sinistral shear zone within the area suggests that the region was subjected to significant shear stresses, likely related to regional tectonic processes such as continental collision or crustal extension. These findings have important implications for understanding the tectonic evolution of the Congo Craton and may provide insights into the potential for mineral exploration in the region.

How to cite: Takodjou Wambo, J. D., Ganno, S., Nzenti, J. P., and Asimow, P. D.: Archean shear tectonics in the Congo craton: insights from Petro-structural characterization and U-Pb geochronology of the Memve’ele mylonite, Southern Cameroon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20667,, 2025.

TS1 – Deformation mechanisms, rheology, and rock-fluid interactions

EGU25-498 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

Feedback between cataclasis and interface-coupled reactions in ultracataclastic veins: insights from the Naxos granodiorite, Greece 

Olivia Rolfe, Renelle Dubosq, David Schneider, and Bernhard Grasemann

Pseudotachylytes, quenched melts from frictional heating, and ultracataclasites, comminution of host rock, are considered direct evidence of coseismic slip. In hydrated systems, fluid-rock interactions can influence the nucleation and propagation of these earthquake-induced structures by facilitating element mobility and fault zone weakening. We conducted 2D microstructural and geochemical analyses on a series of ultracataclastic veins hosted in a deformed granodiorite on Naxos, Greece, to investigate potential interactions between physical and chemical processes along rupture paths. Naxos is a classical Miocene Cycladic metamorphic core complex, defined by a central migmatite core, with fluids introduced during peak metamorphism and subsequent brittle deformation. An I-type granodiorite was syn-tectonically emplaced, cooling rapidly from crystallization (650-680°C) at c. 12 Ma to <60°C by c. 9 Ma. The extensional Naxos-Paros Detachment System, active between c.12-9 Ma, dissects the pluton, producing a strong N-S stretching lineation and SCC' fabric generating top-to-N kinematics. Host rock from the immediate footwall of the detachment is composed of a coarse-grained (50 μm-2 mm) matrix, primarily composed of albite (35%), quartz (25%), orthoclase (16%), and biotite (12%). Fine-grained (5-60 μm) anastomosing ultracataclastic veins of the same composition intersect the host rock, with the thickest veins (7 cm) occurring sub-parallel to host rock foliation. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mapping of albite, orthoclase, and quartz targeted foliation-subparallel veins tips and host porphyroclasts crosscut by the veins. Evidence for minor crystal plasticity is observed as continuous to heterogeneous lattice distortion with an average misorientation of 03° within the host clasts, increasing to 15° towards clast rims and microfractures. The localization of microfractures emanating from the vein tips coupled with the spatial relationship between lattice distortions and microfractures, indicates that strain accommodation via crystal plasticity is linked to brittle deformation. This suggests that cataclasis is the primary deformation mechanism related to the propagation of ultracataclastic veins, which is supported by EBSD orientation data of fine-grained (<60 μm) fragments surrounding clasts (80-120 μm) of the same phase. The fine-grained populations are randomly oriented, with low internal misorientations up to ~10°, and no crystallographic relationship to the host porphyroclasts. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging highlighted aggregates of fine-grained albite (2-35 μm) along the vein margins with patchy zonation near microfractures and grain rims. A cuspate phase boundary between the albite grains and bordering orthoclase host clasts (2 mm) is characteristic of a dissolution-precipitation reaction front. Electron microprobe mapping of the phase interface reveals a K-depleted rim, 3 μm wide, along orthoclase clast margins, decreasing from ~13.6 wt% to 9.5 wt%. Inclusions of albite grains and Na-enriched zones, increasing to 2.6 wt% from 0.4 wt%, related to microfractures within the orthoclase clasts are present up to 55 μm away from the interface. Based on these observations, we propose that the interplay between cataclasis and interface-coupled reactions localized weakening, creating a feedback loop that promoted fracture propagation and drove continued injection of cataclastic material within the granodiorite. Our results demonstrate the impact of fluid-rock interactions on fault zone evolution and rupture conditions.

How to cite: Rolfe, O., Dubosq, R., Schneider, D., and Grasemann, B.: Feedback between cataclasis and interface-coupled reactions in ultracataclastic veins: insights from the Naxos granodiorite, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-498,, 2025.

EGU25-617 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

Ultramylonitic carpholite-bearing veins as a proxy for deformation mechanisms from deeply subducted oceanic units (Liguro-Piemontese Zone, Western Alps) 

Luciano Casoli, Alessandro Petroccia, Ritabrata Dobe, and Francesco Giuntoli

Dilational hydroshear veins are hybrid veins that involve slip along weak planes and simultaneous extension under local hydrofracturing conditions (sensu Fagereng et al. 2010). These structures are considered as a possible record of episodic tremors and slow slip events (ETS). Carpholite-bearing dilational hydroshear veins and cyclic brittle-ductile deformation have been suggested to represent possible markers of these phenomena occurring at depth >30 km in subduction zones (Giuntoli & Viola 2022). In the Western Alps, similar structures in the form of lawsonite/carpholite-bearing veins have recently been reported (Herviou et al. 2023).

In this study, we analyzed the Lago Nero Unit (Western Alps), representing a fragment of the Liguro-Piemontese oceanic lithosphere and the related metasedimentary cover, deformed at 300-350 °C and 0.8-1.3 GPa during the Alpine Orogeny (Agard, 2021). We performed a detailed meso and microstructural characterization of mylonitic marble lenses wrapped by weak metapelite, both deformed by sheath folds. Hybrid veins in mylonitic marbles occur with crack-seal textures, oriented both parallel and at high angles to the main metamorphic foliation. The regional stretching mineral lineation oriented NE-SW is both parallel to the carpholite fiber composing veins and to the sheath fold axes. A few carpholite veins are folded within mylonitic marble, attesting to cyclic switches between brittle and ductile deformation in the stability field of carpholite, i.e. under blueschist facies conditions.

We focus on veins parallel to the foliation mainly composed of Ca-carbonate (now calcite, formerly aragonite), quartz and Fe-Mg carpholite (0.32<XMg<0.43). Frequently, large quartz and carpholite fibers form shear boudins in a plastically deformed Ca-carbonate mylonitic and ultramylonitic matrix, with a top-to-SW shear sense. Therefore, elevated strain partitioning is visible between host mylonitic marbles and veins and within single veins. Optical cathodoluminescence analysis shows different carbonate generations: larger and more luminescent fibers surrounded by small equant less luminescent grains. Electron Backscattered Diffraction analyses highlight that large Ca-carbonate fibers (50-500µm) deformed preferentially by subgrain rotation recrystallization, with the most deformed domains composed of smaller equant grains (<10µm) deforming by diffusion creep and grain boundary sliding. Summarizing, Ca-carbonate grew as fibers in veins and subsequently was affected by local strong grain size reduction due to strain partitioning at the microscale that activated grain size sensitive creep mechanisms along bands of accelerated creep.  Strain partitioning was likely favored by differences in the initial carbonate grain size and/or crystallographic orientation and by the presence of stiffer quartz and carpholite. Paleopiezometry is underway to constrain differential stresses and strain rates responsible for the formation of the observed microstructures.

In conclusion, oceanic metasedimentary covers record evidence of transient and cyclic pore fluid pressure fluctuation, reaching sub-lithostatic values and elevated strain partitioning under transiently high strain rates. These structures likely reflect cyclic seismic and aseismic creep occurring at >30 km depth in the Alpine subduction zone. Our results may be compatible with the geophysical and geological data ascribed to deep ETS in subduction zone contexts.

How to cite: Casoli, L., Petroccia, A., Dobe, R., and Giuntoli, F.: Ultramylonitic carpholite-bearing veins as a proxy for deformation mechanisms from deeply subducted oceanic units (Liguro-Piemontese Zone, Western Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-617,, 2025.

EGU25-618 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

Evidence for strain localisation and episodic tremors and slow slip events in exhuming continental shear zones (Saih Hatat Window, Oman) 

Alessandro Petroccia, Francesco Giuntoli, Simone Pilia, Giulio Viola, Pietro Sternai, and Ivan Callegari

Phyllosilicates play a key role in controlling the rheology of shear zones, the style of deformation and the syndeformational fluid budget. The latter, including aqueous fluids released by metamorphic reactions, can transiently increase pore pressure and trigger cyclic switching between brittle and ductile deformation conditions. Unfortunately, it is still unclear how these processes act together in exhuming low-grade shear zones in a continental collisional framework.
To tackle this scientific question, we studied the top-to-the N/NE Hulw Shear Zone in the Saih Hatat Window of Oman. This shear zone is responsible for part of the exhumation of the subducted continental crust, but its pressure-temperature (P–T) and deformation behaviour remain largely unconstrained. Its footwall is mostly composed of metapelites, with a modal enrichment in K-rich white mica and pyrophyllite, matched by a progressive increase in the physical interconnectivity of phyllosilicates along its internal strain gradient. Similarly, marbles in the hanging wall evolve from mylonitic to ultramylonitic towards the core of the shear zone. 
In the Hulw Shear Zone coexist two opposite deformation behaviours, with ductile deformation accommodated preferentially along laterally continuous phyllosilicate-rich bands and brittle deformation in the form of hybrid/dilational hydroshear veins found regularly at the outcrop. To constrain the metamorphic conditions of dehydration reactions during the exhumation path, we integrated forward thermodynamic modelling with Raman Spectroscopy on Carbonaceous Material, and K-rich white mica multiequilibrium barometry on a representative mylonite from the shear zone footwall. The resulting metamorphic evolution of the Hulw Shear Zone started from peak conditions of 300-350 °C and 0.9-1.2 GPa, followed by the main shearing event at 350-420 °C and 0.6-0.9 GPa and ended with sustained shearing at low-P conditions (350 °C, 0.3-0.4 GPa). Therefore, the Hulw Shear Zone accommodated progressive shearing while exhuming its footwall from epidote blueschist to low-pressure greenschist facies conditions. 
Decompression-driven fluid-gain reactions facilitated the growth of synkinematic phyllosilicates, which created a pervasive and interconnected K-rich white mica and pyrophyllite network that promoted strain localisation, causing significant mechanical weakening as well as the potential for discrete and compartmentalised fluid cells within the mylonitic foliation. Brittle structures formed due to aqueous fluid release by metamorphic dehydration reactions close to peak-P conditions (e.g., kaolinite-out reaction) or along the exhumation trajectory, transiently increasing pore pressure and triggering brittle failure, resulting in coeval mylonitic foliation and crack-seal hybrid veins. 
Our findings support the idea that sustained shearing was promoted by synkinematic growth of K-rich white mica and pyrophyllite and by cyclic switching between brittle and ductile deformation conditions. Therefore, the studied structures might also represent a record of deep episodic tremors and slow slip events during exhumation-related tectonics in the accretionary wedge above the subduction interface of the Oman continental lithosphere.

How to cite: Petroccia, A., Giuntoli, F., Pilia, S., Viola, G., Sternai, P., and Callegari, I.: Evidence for strain localisation and episodic tremors and slow slip events in exhuming continental shear zones (Saih Hatat Window, Oman), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-618,, 2025.

EGU25-866 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Spatial variations in Geometry, Topology and Fractal attributes of a Riedel shear induced Fracture Network system in Granites 

Sirshendu Kumar Biswas, Brinta Banik, Tridib Kumar Mondal, and Md. Sakawat Hossain

Fractures are the manifestation of brittle deformation and act as vital conduits for fluid transport in upper crustal rocks. To measure rock strength and stability, infer deformation mechanisms, and reconstruct the stress condition under which they developed, a systematic examination of their geometrical characteristics is essential which also provide insights on how upper crustal rocks respond to stress. Since fractured rock bodies frequently consist of interconnected networks of different fracture sets, topological characterization aids in quantitative assessment of their connectivity, which directly affects comprehension of their permeability and, consequently, the history of fluid migration through the host rock body. Additionally, characterization of fracture networks has direct implications in recent applications like nuclear waste disposal and carbon sequestration which contribute significantly to environmental sustainability.

The present study examines the origin and characterizes subsequent networking of fractures developed within younger granites (~ 2.61 Ga) of the Chitradurga Schist Belt, an Archean age granite-greenstone belt from the Western Dharwar Craton of peninsular India integrating field-based observations with network topology and fractal analysis. We systematically document the geometrical attributes of fracture patterns developed within the granites across varying outcrop scales to understand their formation and characterize them topologically to assess their connectivity and record if fracturing patterns, intensity, density and connectivity vary across scales and also spatially along the areal extent of the granitic plutons. It is found, that although indicative of being formed by the activation of a Riedel shear system under the same tectonic stress regime, the networking patterns which the fractures have developed through their mutual interaction vary spatially in their geometrical, topological and fractal characters. Our study ventures upon the possible causes of this variation and highlights the role of ambient stress state, rheology, pre-existing mechanical anisotropy, orientation of pluton margin and its proximity to adjacent shear zone and superimposition of fractures behind the development of these spatially varying fracture network patterns across the areal extent of the granitic plutons.

How to cite: Biswas, S. K., Banik, B., Mondal, T. K., and Hossain, Md. S.: Spatial variations in Geometry, Topology and Fractal attributes of a Riedel shear induced Fracture Network system in Granites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-866,, 2025.

This study investigates the relationships between eclogite-facies mineral assemblages and deformation microstructures in the Yuka terrane, part of the North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt in NW China. The analysis focuses on understanding the mineralogical and microstructural evolution during subduction and exhumation processes. Eclogites from the study area were found to exhibit distinct mineral assemblages and deformation features, reflecting multiple stages of metamorphism.

During prograde metamorphism, garnet, omphacite, and phengite were predominantly deformed by intracrystalline plasticity, indicative of dislocation creep as the primary deformation mechanism. These minerals contributed to the development of well-defined foliations and lineations in the rock, shaped by the alignment of omphacite and phengite grains. Garnet grains often displayed concentric zoning with inclusion-rich cores and inclusion-free rims, recording growth under varying pressure-temperature conditions. Omphacite showed evidence of dynamic recrystallization, highlighting the mechanical and chemical adjustments during progressive subduction.

In contrast, amphibole, which formed through the topotactic replacement of omphacite under fluid-present conditions, exhibited features associated with diffusional flow, such as dissolution-precipitation creep. This retrograde mineral is thought to have crystallized during amphibolite-facies retrogression, marking the exhumation of the eclogites. The lack of significant deformation microstructures in amphibole, such as subgrain boundaries or undulose extinction, supports its formation during a late-stage metamorphic environment.

The Yuka eclogites contain a range of mineral assemblages, including garnet + omphacite, garnet + omphacite + phengite, and garnet + omphacite + phengite + amphibole, reflecting diverse pressure-temperature paths. The compositional variability of these assemblages is tied to the complex geodynamic history of the North Qaidam UHP belt, which underwent subduction, continental collision, and exhumation. This work highlights the significance of integrated petrographic and microstructural studies for deciphering the metamorphic and tectonic evolution of UHP terranes.

How to cite: Park, M.: Microstructures and deformation mechanisms of the Yuka eclogites in the North Qaidam UHP belt, NW China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2428,, 2025.

Many aspects of the evolution of boudinage are still poorly understood, and using boudins as rheology-gages is in its infancy. The aim of the study is to achieve a better understanding of the evolution of boudinage by numerical mechanical modeling integrated with three-dimensional characterization and analysis of natural boudinage structures. We use results from a 3D field study of boudins as a basis for high resolution numerical modeling.

We use the computationally expensive 3D Discrete Element method to model the boudinage process from loading to strain localization and post failure deformation in parametric studies using high resolution and a realistic representation of the coupled brittle and ductile deformation processes. This provides quantitative insight into the acting mechanisms and coupled processes during the formation of boudins to link the large variety of boudin geometries to specific boundary conditions. In particular we show that the transition from blocky torn boudins to drawn boudins can be modeled as a function of material strength and confining pressure. Furthermore, local heterogeneities can cause shear failure already before the critical stress is reached in the entire rock volume

The numerical simulations are augmented by studies on a world class example of boudinage structures on the island of Naxos, involving an extensive field study, detailed 3-dimensional reconstruction of boudinage structures and microstructural investigation of the underlying deformation processes.

Our ultimate goal is to pave towards a mechanically meaningful 3D boudinage classification scheme that allows for quantitative analysis of boudinage structures in order to invert boudin geometry to the kinematics and rheology of the rock during its deformation, as well as to its stress and strain history.

How to cite: von Hagke, C., Abe, S., Virgo, S., and Urai, J.: Failure mode transition in brittle Boudinage: effects of cohesion, mean stress and layer thickness in discrete element models and field examples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4090,, 2025.

EGU25-5197 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

Fluid Flow and Shear Instabilities in the Subducted Mantle at Intermediate-depths: insights from the Western Alps meta-ophiolites 

Jesus Munoz, Samuel Angiboust, Clothilde Minnaert, Alberto Ceccato, Luiz Morales, Julien Gasc, and Whitney Behr

Intermediate-depth earthquakes (IDEQs), which occur at depths of 50 to 300 km, are relatively poorly understood compared to shallow seismicity, and their source mechanisms and physical environment remain ignored. This scientific gap exists because obtaining data from these depths—whether through geophysical imaging or geological sampling—is exceptionally challenging. The dehydration of serpentinites, which can release up to 13 wt% of H2O at these depths, is thought to play a key role in driving deformation associated with IDEQs. However, the mechanical role of the fluids released during these metamorphic reactions remains unclear. To provide new insights into the physical habitat of IDEQs, we investigate olivine- and Ti-clinohumite-rich veins in the Zermatt-Saas meta-ophiolite, a natural laboratory that records dehydration and fluid flow processes under (ultra)high-pressure (UHP) conditions typical of IDEQ depths.

We conducted petro-structural analyses and identified three main vein types: dilational, hybrid dilational-shear, and highly strained sheared veins. Key observations include (i) foliated sheared veins; (ii) newly formed olivine and Ti-clinohumite aligned in mineral lineations within sheared veins and shear bands; (iii) olivine and Ti-clinohumite fibers sealing porphyroclasts; and (iv) mutual crosscutting relationships between dilational and shear features. These features indicate cyclic brittle fracturing and ductile shearing at 2.3–2.7 GPa and 520–650°C, reflecting transient shearing and dilational fracturing under conditions of elevated pore fluid pressures, potentially approaching or exceeding lithostatic levels. The observed structures suggest that fluid escape occurs through interface-parallel, fracture-controlled pathways localized in high-strain zones, particularly near ultramafic sliver boundaries.

Strain gradients reveal distinct deformation styles, with dilational veins prevalent in low-strain regions and sheared veins and shear bands dominating within high-strain zones. These findings highlight the role of local stress regimes during serpentinite dehydration. Cyclic brittle-ductile deformation and fracturing, potentially linked to seismic or sub-seismic strain rate bursts, may have facilitated fluid migration and strain localization along olivine-bearing vein networks. These results align with geophysical observations suggesting high pore fluid pressures within the intermediate-depth seismicity region, providing insights into the mechanisms linking dehydration, fluid flow, and seismicity at depth.

How to cite: Munoz, J., Angiboust, S., Minnaert, C., Ceccato, A., Morales, L., Gasc, J., and Behr, W.: Fluid Flow and Shear Instabilities in the Subducted Mantle at Intermediate-depths: insights from the Western Alps meta-ophiolites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5197,, 2025.

EGU25-5696 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

In-situ stresses distribution and deformation mechanisms in eclogites at ultrahigh pressure 

Chloe Molines, Nadege Hilairet, Julien Chantel, Merope Chardelin, Tommaso Mandolini, Timothy Officer, Ahmed Addad, and Alexandre Fadel

Eclogites compose the majority of the subducted oceanic crust at great depth, with garnet and clinopyroxene as major phases. High stress concentration could exist in the UHP eclogites, with a mechanical contrast between garnet and clinopyroxene that leads to complex microstructures, between brittle and ductile deformation. Coexistence of frictional and viscous regime in such two-phase aggregates raise the question of the competitivity between phases in leading deformation. The fracturation of garnet in natural rocks has been interpreted as related to seismicity in the lower crust and oceanic crust at the interface plate in subduction zones (Trepmann and Stöckhert, 2002, Angiboust et al., 2012, Hawemann et al., 2019), but the question remains if such features can also be produced at lower strain rates (Yamato et al., 2019, Rogowitz et al., 2023).

In order to understand the effect of hard- vs. weak mineral fraction on eclogite mechanical properties, stresses distribution and deformation mechanisms of synthetic eclogites were experimentally investigated under deep subduction zones conditions. Samples were deformed under ultrahigh pressures (3 to 5 GPa), high temperature (820°C) and constant strain rate (1 x 10-5 – 2.5 x 10-5 s-1), using X-rays diffraction to measure in-situ stresses during deformation in each phase in garnet-clinopyroxene aggregates, with various garnet fraction. Back-scattered electron (BSE), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with automated crystal orientation mapping (ACOM) was used on the recovered samples, in order to determine deformation mechanisms from the micrometric to the nanometric scale.

In our experiments, deformation was accommodated by a mix of brittle and intracrystalline plastic mechanisms, as proposed or observed in previous studies at lower pressures (e.g. Yamato et al., 2019, Rogowitz et al., 2023). Cataclastic flow and dynamic recrystallization are observed. The distribution of stresses in the phases and variations in stress levels depend on garnet vs. pyroxene fraction in the samples. Differential stresses are greater in garnet than pyroxene and stresses increase with increasing % vol. garnet. Phase fraction impact the mechanical behavior, i.e. fracturation of each phase and deformation accommodation mechanisms vary. In this semi-brittle regime each phase is rheologically active and contributes to the deformation of the aggregate except at the lowest pyroxene fraction.

Our experiments together with last studies (e.g. Yamato et al., 2019, Rogowitz et al., 2023), indicate that frictional deformation of eclogites is not limited to seismic strain rate (i.e. > 1 s-1) but can occur at strain rate around 10-5 s-1 and slower with a high amount of garnet. The grain size reduction mechanisms observed could allow a switch to grain size sensitive mechanisms like grain boundary sliding.  Questions still remain about the extrapolation of such mechanical distribution and fracturation in deep subduction zones.

How to cite: Molines, C., Hilairet, N., Chantel, J., Chardelin, M., Mandolini, T., Officer, T., Addad, A., and Fadel, A.: In-situ stresses distribution and deformation mechanisms in eclogites at ultrahigh pressure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5696,, 2025.

EGU25-5763 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Deformation experiments on orthoenstatite aggregate at upper mantle pressures and temperatures under hydrous conditions 

Yumiko Tsubokawa, Tomohiro Ohuchi, Yuji Higo, Yoshinori Tange, and Tetsuo Irifune

Water weakening of nominally anhydrous minerals of upper mantle is important for understanding the rheological structure of Earth’s interior. Enstatite is the 2nd dominant phase in the upper mantle, next to olivine. The partition coefficient for water between olivine and enstatite aggregates ColOH/CenOH is ~0.5 at 3.8‒6.3 GPa and 1323‒1573 K (Zhang et al., 2017; JGR), indicating that water weakening of enstatite effectively proceeds in the olivine-enstatite system. The water weakening of enstatite would be accelerated at high pressures, since the amount of water dissolved into enstatite drastically increase with pressure.

We hereby experimentally evaluated the creep strength of wet orthoenstatite aggregates under pressure and temperature conditions at 1.9‒5.3 GPa and 1200‒1380 K using a deformation DIA apparatus combined with synchrotron X-ray radiation. At a constant strain rate ranging from 6.7 × 10-6 to 9.4 × 10-5 s-1, steady-state creep strength of wet orthoenstatite followed the power-law flow law with the stress exponent of ~3, indicating deformation in the dislocation creep regime. Our results show dislocation creep rate of wet orthoenstatite is ~1 order of magnitude faster than dry orthoenstatite under the same P-T conditions. FTIR spectra from the recovered samples indicate that the amount of dissolved water in orthoenstatite is up to 1370 ppm wt.%. The dependence of strain rate on water fugacity was determined with the water fugacity exponent of ~1. Depending on the water content in the upper mantle, dislocation creep of wet orthoenstatite could lead to strain localization in the lithosphere.

How to cite: Tsubokawa, Y., Ohuchi, T., Higo, Y., Tange, Y., and Irifune, T.: Deformation experiments on orthoenstatite aggregate at upper mantle pressures and temperatures under hydrous conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5763,, 2025.

EGU25-5837 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Field and microstructural characterization of Valsesia pseudotachylytes (Ivrea Zone, Italy) 

Silvia Aldrighetti, Gianluca D'Ippolito, Giorgio Pennacchioni, Rodrigo Gomila, Paola Baccheschi, and Giulio Di Toro

Pseudotachylytes are solidified frictional melts produced in silicatic rocks during an earthquake (Sibson, 1975). They form both as fault and injection veins, with thickness ranging from some millimeters to some centimeters. Still, exposures of meter-thick pseudotachylytes associated to seismic faulting have been documented (Musgrave Ranges, Australia; Lofoten Island, Norway; Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy).

In this study, we perform field (UAV, photogrammetry, structural geology, etc.) and microstructural/mineralogical (FESEM-BSE, EDS, micro-Raman, etc.) investigations of thin (mm-cm) and giant (up to 1 m thick) pseudotachylytes approaching the Canavese Line (strike ~NNE-SSW), the major tectonic lineament of the Western Alps (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy; Techmer, 1992; Ueda et al., 2008; Ferrand et al., 2018). Though thin pseudotachylytes have been extensively investigated, in-depth studies of the giant pseudotachylytes are lacking. The aim is thus to determine (i) the ambient P-T conditions, the geodynamic setting, and the seismogenic environment (megathrust?) of the giant-pseudotachylytes, and, in the future, (ii) their mechanisms of formation.

We investigated for ~11 km the polished outcrops exposed along the ~E-W trending Valsesia river and other creeks in the area and selected three outcrops (I, II, and III) within ~2 km to the W and ~9 km to the E from the Canavese Line. We found pseudotachylytes only to the E of the Canavese Line. In detail:

Outcrop (I), < 500 m to the E from the Canavese Line (altered gabbro host rock) shows:

  • multiple generations of pseudotachylyte-bearing faults, including giant-pseudotachylytes with breccia (suggesting a single melt pulse) overprinting microgabbro schlierens. The giant-pseudotachylytes are sub-parallel to the Canavese Line and include breccia clasts of the altered (greenschist facies) host rock;
  • late quartz- and epidote-, and chlorite-bearing faults/fractures cutting the pseudotachylytes;
  • matrix of the pseudotachylyte overprinted by greenschist facies minerals (epidote, chlorite and albite).

Outcrop (II), ~2 km to the E from the Canavese Line (Balmuccia peridotite) shows:

  • multiple giant pseudotachylytes-bearing faults, sub-parallel to the Canavese Line, and associated with thin pseudotachylyte faults and veins;
  • serpentine-bearing faults/fractures cutting and cut by the pseudotachylytes;
  • giant pseudotachylytes with homogeneous matrix suggesting a single friction melt pulse. The matrix (altered into serpentinite) includes microlites of olivine and pyroxene plus vesicles;

Outcrop (III), ~9 km to the E from the Canavese Line (unaltered diorite) shows:

  • only thin pseudotachylyte overprinting/associated with foliated cataclasite-bearing faults cutting and overprinting aplitic dykes;
  • pristine matrix of the pseudotachylyte, with well-preserved microlites, chilled margins and flow structures.

In conclusion, the giant-pseudotachylyte-bearing faults are (i) made of a homogenous layer of pseudotachylyte, (ii) sub-parallel and found only near (< 2 km to the E) of the Canavese Line, (iii) overprint and cut dykes and ductile shear zones, (iv) cut and are cut by (sub-) greenschist facies cataclasite-bearing faults, and, (v) are cut by epidote- and chlorite-bearing fractures and veins. The giant pseudotachylytes could be generated by large in magnitude earthquakes, associated with the activity of the Canavese Line and thus of Alpine age.

How to cite: Aldrighetti, S., D'Ippolito, G., Pennacchioni, G., Gomila, R., Baccheschi, P., and Di Toro, G.: Field and microstructural characterization of Valsesia pseudotachylytes (Ivrea Zone, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5837,, 2025.

EGU25-6058 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Microscale processes in experimental serpentine dehydration: implications for deep earthquake mechanisms 

Danielle Silva Souza, Marcel Thielmann, Daniel Frost, Florian Heidelbach, and Julien Gasc

Deep focus earthquakes offer insights into Earth’s mantle and supports plate tectonics theory. Because high pressures and temperatures hinder brittle failure, their mechanisms differ from shallow quakes. Dehydration embrittlement, proposed as dominant at 100-350 km depth, involves fluid release from minerals like serpentine, increasing pore pressure and triggering failure. However, serpentine dehydration has a net decrease in pressure, requiring low-permeability layers to trap fluids to enable seismic failure. Experiments also show that serpentine dehydration often leads to ductile weakening without acoustic emissions.

To better understand the micro mechanisms involved in the dehydration of serpentinite, especially in the incipient stage, we have performed high pressure-temperature experiments under isostatic and non-isostatic conditions. Cores of serpentinite with 2 mm diameter were mounted in cubic assemblies with 12 mm edge. Experiments were carried out with the 6-Ram multi anvil press at the Bayerisches Geoinstitute, at pressure of 5 GPa, to a maximum strain of 15% at strain rates between 1.67x10-4 s-1 to 2.91x10-6 s-1. Temperature during isostatic and non-isostatic conditions was kept constant. Isostatic experiments were conducted at 550 °C and 784°C. non-isostatic experiments were conducted at ~650 °C.

Results show that isostatic dehydration of antigorite at 5 GPa starts at ~ 550 °C and is completed at ~ 800°C. Between 550-650 °C incipient dehydration of antigorite is evidenced by the growth of olivine and phyllosilicate at antigorite grain boundaries.  At these conditions, no failure microstructure is observed. Pores are present between olivine and enstatite grains of fully dehydrated serpentine. When deformation is imposed at incipient dehydration conditions, olivine and phyllosilicate start to cluster and form microscopic shear bands oblique to the main stress direction. These results demonstrate that at microscopic level, dehydration and failure of serpentine is complex. Pre-existing microstructural heterogeneities may influence nucleation of olivine and phyllosilicates. Pore overpressure may not be the only mechanism involved in serpentinite failure. Further work is required to determine the importance of the strength of the dehydration products in leading to localized failure.

How to cite: Silva Souza, D., Thielmann, M., Frost, D., Heidelbach, F., and Gasc, J.: Microscale processes in experimental serpentine dehydration: implications for deep earthquake mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6058,, 2025.

EGU25-6407 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

3D Lithospheric-scale thermal model of central and southern California 

Ángela María Gómez García, Ivone Jiménez-Munt, Mauro Cacace, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Bart Root, Carlos Clemente-Gómez, Javier Fullea, Sergei Lebedev, Yihe Xu, and Thorsten Becker

The relationship between the long-term strength of the lithosphere and seismic hazard has remained a fundamental, yet open question in geosciences. The lithosphere's long-term rheology controls its deformation patterns, playing a crucial role in understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of seismicity in a given region. One of the primary factors influencing the rheological state of the lithosphere is its thermal regime, which is strongly affected by the heterogeneous properties of both the crust and the lithospheric mantle, as well as by the three-dimensional interactions between deeper and shallower domains.

To explore how long-term off-fault rheology influences the spatial distribution of seismicity, we leverage extensive geophysical data from Central and Southern California, a region where the San Andreas Fault represents a significant seismic hazard. Previous thermal models of the area have not converged on a consistent thermal structure for the lithosphere, resulting in uncertainties in the rheological models based on them.

Our 3D thermal model is built using a data-integrative approach that incorporates recent tomographic models and a detailed, heterogeneous crustal architecture drawn from prior community efforts. Furthermore, our model fits the general pattern of observed surface heat flow in the region.  The lower boundary condition in our 3D model -temperature at 70 km depth - is based on an integrated geophysical – petrological inversion within a self-consistent thermodynamic formalism of Rayleigh and Love surface-wave dispersion curves (0.5 x 0.5 degree lateral resolution), supplemented by other geophysical data and models: satellite data, surface heat flow and average temperature, topography, Moho depth, P-wave seismic crustal velocities, and sedimentary thickness.

Notably, our model is consistent with major regional tectonic features, such as the fossil Monterey microplate slab, which is responsible for the well-known high-velocity Isabella Anomaly. We discuss the implications of this anomaly, focusing on the dehydration of the slab and its potential role in seismogenesis, especially in the creeping section of the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield.

How to cite: Gómez García, Á. M., Jiménez-Munt, I., Cacace, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Root, B., Clemente-Gómez, C., Fullea, J., Lebedev, S., Xu, Y., and Becker, T.: 3D Lithospheric-scale thermal model of central and southern California, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6407,, 2025.

EGU25-9848 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3

Weakening induced by phase nucleation: from experiments to numerical models 

Marie Baïsset, Philippe Yamato, Thibault Duretz, Loïc Labrousse, Julien Gasc, and Alexandre Schubnel

Metamorphic transformations are often associated with strain localization which can be observed in the field either as ductile zones, or brittle, and possibly seismogenic, structures. Deformation experiments in the laboratory not only replicate such features but also allow us to measure the associated weakening. In all these contexts, reaction overstepping and disequilibrium metamorphism appear to be the rule. Reaction rates are usually very fast once transformation initiates, in particular within highly stressed and strained volumes where the produced mechanical work is sufficient to overcome kinetic barriers. New very fine-grained and dense phases nucleate in conditions where mineral growth is impeded. Understanding how heterogeneous nucleation, along with changes in density and viscosity, affects the rock's strength during a metamorphic transformation appears therefore critical.

In that prospect, results of a 2D numerical study in which reaction products preferentially nucleate in areas of high strain energy are presented. Special attention is given to the weakening or hardening effects induced by these transformations, as well as to the deformation patterns within the model. Results of our numerical study are then discussed in the light of experimental data obtained at comparable pressure-temperature-strain rate conditions.

We show that rock weakening is not only linked to the strength of the reaction products. Indeed, (1) densification alone can generate sufficient stress to induce plastic yielding of the surrounding matrix, even when the nuclei are stronger, and (2) heterogeneous nucleation controlled by mechanical work has greater influence on the rock’s strength than the intrinsic properties of the reaction products. Weakening is primarily driven by the initiation and propagation of plastic shear bands between the closely spaced nuclei that generate significant stress concentration in their vicinity. This study highlights the importance of transformational weakening that results from fast heterogeneous nucleation in rocks close to their brittle-ductile transition.

How to cite: Baïsset, M., Yamato, P., Duretz, T., Labrousse, L., Gasc, J., and Schubnel, A.: Weakening induced by phase nucleation: from experiments to numerical models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9848,, 2025.

EGU25-10795 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Shear zone growth by repeated generation of pseudotachylytes in the lower crust 

Flavio Clivet, Sandra Piazolo, Stephen Paul Michalchuk, Sascha Zertani, and Luca Menegon

Understanding the deformation modes of the lower crust is crucial if we are to predict the rheological behaviour of the crust in space and time.  The Nusfjord locality (Lofoten, Norway) represents a natural laboratory to study the interplay between seismic and aseismic deformation in the Earth’s lower crust. The area exposes pseudotachylytes (quenched frictional melt produced during coseismic slip) within a network of ductile shear zones bounding strong low-strain domains of granulitic anorthosites. Pseudotachylytes formed within the low-strain domains, during ongoing viscous creep in the ductile shear zones, at a depth of 25-35 km. The ductile shear zones themselves contain several generations of mylonitized pseudotachylytes suggesting repeated switches from frictional to viscous deformation within shear zones. The underlying reasons and rheological consequence of mutual overprinting relationships between ductile shear zones (generally considered to be weak) and several generations of pseudotachylytes remains enigmatic.

Field investigations, photogrammetry, structural logs, and microstructural analysis reveal that (1) pseudotachylytes invariably nucleate within the low strain domains of the anorthosite host rock located between subparallel shear zones, and not along the shear zones themselves; and (2) that the rupture migrates along the material interface provided either by the shear zone/host rock boundary or by the shear zone foliation. The observed relationships suggest transient stress pulses that are supported by variations in the recrystallized grain size of quartz along individual shear zones.

We propose that repeated episodes of pseudotachylyte generation and associated host-rock fracturing  represent a mechanism of shear zone growth and thickening, because the pseudotachylyte veins are mylonitized and become part of the actively deforming shear zones, which in turn control the further development of pseudotachylytes in the adjacent rigid blocks (low-strain domains). Structural logs show that shear zone width depends on the initial spacing between subparallel shear zones: when shear zones are widely spaced (>1 m), the rigid block in between is essentially undeformed, it contains a low density of pseudotachylytes and the shear zones themselves are thin (<10 cm thick). In contrast, closely spaced shear zones are thicker (up to 1 m thick) and are separated by highly damaged rigid blocks that contain a greater density of pseudotachylytes. Thus,  pseudotachylytes overprinting ductile shear zones are not necessarily the result of frictional-viscous switches along individual structures but may rather represent seismic fractures that initiated at stress concentrations within adjacent rigid blocks, which then followed preexisting shear zones. Importantly, repeated production of pseudotachylytes will progressively transform the lower crust from dominantly rheologically stiff to weak. Such rheological weakening will have major consequences on the dynamics of lower-crustal regions.


How to cite: Clivet, F., Piazolo, S., Michalchuk, S. P., Zertani, S., and Menegon, L.: Shear zone growth by repeated generation of pseudotachylytes in the lower crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10795,, 2025.

Deep crustal shear zones, fundamental to the dynamics of terrestrial plate tectonics, exhibit complex processes of initiation and evolution that are yet to be comprehensively quantified across both long and short temporal scales. Conventionally, thermo–mechanical models posit that crustal rock behaviour is dominated by monomineralic aggregates undergoing processes like intracrystalline plastic deformation by dislocation creep. However, high-pressure and temperature conditions in crustal rocks involve minerals with extremely strong mechanical properties, challenging strain localization theories.

Field studies reveal that mineral reactions are ubiquitous in viscous shear zones, while undeformed rocks can remain largely metastable despite significant changes in P–T and/or fluid conditions. Local dissolution and precipitation processes under deviatoric stresses have long been recognized to promote brittle and viscous strain localization by complex chemo–mechanical processes including pressure solution, diffusive mass transfer, fluid flowand nucleation of fine-grained aggregates. Yet, quantifying the nature and relative contribution of these processes remains hindered by the general lack of experimental investigations on crustal rheology at high – to very high – pressure conditions and thermodynamic disequilibrium.

Drawing on novel deformation experiments performed at eclogite-facies conditions and a compilation of characteristics of exhumed materials from fossil subduction zones worldwide, this presentation demonstrates that inception and progression of crustal shear zones are predominantly steered by local transient changes of rheology from dislocation creep to dissolution–precipitation creep (DPC). Strain accommodation and mass transfer are further accelerated by local transient fluid flow resulting from grain boundary movements, fracturing and densification reactions. Because intergranular fluid-assisted mass transfer is orders of magnitude faster than solid-state diffusion, DPC can indeed explain strain accommodation at relatively high strain rates and low magnitude of differential stress, regardless of the mineral plastic strength. Yet, DPC remains a transient process because both fluid depletion and completion of mineral reactions favor grain growth, reducing in turn the efficiency of intergranular mass transfer.

How to cite: Soret, M.: Deep crustal shear zones driven by reaction-induced weakening and fluid flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10948,, 2025.

EGU25-11789 | Posters on site | TS1.3


Osvaldo Correia, Acauã Izídio, Tiago Miranda, daniel barbosa, Nick Roberts, Julio Sanglard, Bruno Carvalho, Raquel Araújo, Maria Laura, Sergio Pacheco, and Virgínio Neumann

The Acauã Formation, located within the Estância Domain in the Sergipano Belt of the Borborema Province, comprises carbonates and slates that preserve evidence of multiple deformation regimes, including ductile, ductile-brittle, and brittle. Located along the western border of the Central Tucano Basin, this lithostratigraphic unit displays diverse structural and mineralogical characteristics that are crucial for understanding its tectonic evolution. The foliation dips gently to the NW and SE, forming regional open folds, and an anticline drag-fold related to the thrust fault propagation was formed at the contact of the massive and laminated carbonate facies. The massive facies are characterized by dark gray, very fine-grained dolostones lacking visible internal structures, while the laminated facies comprise light to medium gray dolostones with fine to silty grain size, well-defined laminations, and occasional "beef" structures (fibrous calcite veins). Petrographic analysis revealed a micritic dolomite matrix in both facies, with disseminated quartz, biotite and pyrite observed in the laminated facies. Cathodoluminescence analysis confirmed dolomite as the primary mineral phase in the matrix and identified two distinct vein generations: dolomitic and calcitic. These veins exhibit elongated crystal growth along their margins and blocky central fills, indicating a process of progressive dilation followed by abrupt opening. The veins acted as nucleation sites for faults, with their reactivation during deformation stages evidenced by the formation of normal and thrust faults, which are predominantly oriented NW-SE and NE-SW, respectively. U-Pb geochronology of carbonates provided constraints on the timing of deformation. The micritic dolostone matrix yielded an age of 601.5 ± 13.3 Ma, likely reflecting post-glacial carbonate deposition. A dolomitic vein near a thrust fault was dated at 508 ± 138 Ma, while slickenfibres on the fault surface yielded an age of 316 ± 83 Ma. Bed-parallel faults yielded a Lower Permian age of 291 ± 48 Ma. These results, although imprecise, suggest that the Acauã Formation carbonates formed during the Ediacaran, with vein formation initiated in the late Neoproterozoic and being reactivated during the Paleozoic era. The structural evolution highlights the significant role of mineralized veins played in fault nucleation and reactivation during regional tectonic events.

How to cite: Correia, O., Izídio, A., Miranda, T., barbosa, D., Roberts, N., Sanglard, J., Carvalho, B., Araújo, R., Laura, M., Pacheco, S., and Neumann, V.: MULTI-STAGE DEFORMATION AND U-Pb GEOCHRONOLOGY OF CARBONATES IN THE ACAUÃ FORMATION, SERGIPANO BELT, NE BRAZIL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11789,, 2025.

EGU25-11959 | Posters on site | TS1.3

Strain localization at eclogite-facies conditions: interplay between fluids, metamorphism and deformation (Mt. Emilius klippe, Western Alps) 

Serena Cacciari, Giorgio Pennacchioni, Giovanni Toffol, Marco Scambelluri, and Enrico Cannaò

Availability of fluids and induced metamorphic reactions are primary factors controlling the rheological behaviour of rocks. During subduction, fluids enhance the kinetics of eclogitization reactions, playing a fundamental role in promoting strain localization and shear zone nucleation. In particular, reaction-induced grain-size reduction has long been considered one of the most effective strain weakening mechanisms. To investigate the relationship between fluid-rock interaction, metamorphism and deformation, we focus on pre-Alpine ultramafites and mafic granulites of the Austroalpine Mt. Emilius klippe (Western Alps) that underwent eclogite-facies metamorphism during Alpine subduction.

The Mt. Emilius ultramafites consist of enstatite, diopside, olivine and spinel websterites deformed along a hydrated mantle shear zone that developed a fine-grained (10 µm) ultramylonitic assemblage of enstatite, diopside, olivine, anorthite, kaersutite1. During Alpine HP metamorphism, fine-grained (down to 2 µm) aggregates of jadeite, quartz, kyanite, clinozoisite (Czo) completely and statically replaced plagioclase, locally forming spatially continuous layers. Such fine-grained, hydrated aggregates did not promote any ductile eclogite-facies deformation.

The pre-Alpine mafic granulite consisted of assemblages of medium-grained garnet (Grt), diopside, plagioclase and subordinate hornblende that were replaced by Grt, omphacite (Omph), amphibole, phengite, chlorite and Czo during Alpine eclogite-facies metamorphism2. Early Alpine deformation (D1A) developed a pervasive eclogitic foliation (S1A) parallel to the granulitic layering2. This event was promoted by complete transformation and reaction-induced grain-size reduction (down to a few tens of µm) of plagioclase to Czo aggregates, together with replacement of hornblende by fine-grained chlorite-garnet-amphibole-epidote-Phe. A second eclogite-facies deformation event (D1B) is represented by localized ductile deformation closely linked to development of Czo, Omph, tremolite, Grt-filled veins and associated host-rock alteration haloes. Ductile shear is typically localized to the outer boundary of Omph-rich alteration haloes forming paired shear zones. A set of samples ranging from haloes with well-developed flanking shear zones to haloes free of shear localization was collected to investigate the role of fluid-rock interaction on shear zone nucleation and strain localization.

Preliminary data indicate that Omph-rich haloes surrounding Czo-Grt veins induced hardening in the host metagranulite (undeformed and foliated, S1A) associated with extensive replacement of the Czo aggregates (after sites of granulitic plagioclase) by Omph. However, this replacement did not always result in hardening and consequent strain localization at the outer boundary of the halo. In samples lacking shear localization, Omph accommodates deformation homogenously across the halo dominantly by diffusion creep (variable CPO, quasi-random distribution of misorientation angles, weaker SPO), with minor contribution of crystal plasticity (rare subgrains). The predominant contribution of diffusion was likely assisted by availability of fluids.

The processes driving frequent strain localization and formation of paired shear zones at the outer boundary of hardened haloes are still matter of ongoing study. Progressive advancement of the reaction front towards the host rock may form a compositional gradient across the halo, where chemical/mineralogical modifications may play a major role in determining the rheological behaviour.

[1] Benciolini, 1996. Memorie Scienze Geologiche, 48, 73-91.

[2] Pennacchioni, 1996. Journal of Structural Geology, 18, 549-561.

How to cite: Cacciari, S., Pennacchioni, G., Toffol, G., Scambelluri, M., and Cannaò, E.: Strain localization at eclogite-facies conditions: interplay between fluids, metamorphism and deformation (Mt. Emilius klippe, Western Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11959,, 2025.

EGU25-12927 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Synkinematic porosity and ductile failure in mid-crustal ultramylonites from the Redbank Shear Zone, Central Australia 

Alex McDowell, James Gilgannon, Rüdiger Killian, and Florian Fusseis

It is agreed that mylonitic shear zones are first-order fluid conduits in the crust, but we lack a systematic and comprehensive understanding of porosity and permeability generation in natural mylonitic shear zones. As a consequence, we are unable to predict their synkinematic fluid transport properties, which affects our assessments of fluid-mediated processes in shear zones. 

Here we present insights into the dynamic porosities in a quartzo-feldspathic layered ultramylonite from the Redbank Shear Zone (Australia) that formed during a stage of retrograde thrusting and hydration at lower amphibolite-facies conditions. In our analysis, we have combined non-invasive, high-quality x-ray microtomographic datasets from 5-mm-diameter core samples drilled orthogonally to the mylonitic foliation with high-resolution electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy on the same samples. 

The sample is dominated by two fine-grained (<5 µm) microstructural domains, which differ by the relative proportions of Qz, Or and An, and the occurrence of Czo, respectively. Both deformed dominantly by grain-size-sensitive diffusion creep and grain boundary sliding. Newly grown Czo is thought to have resulted from the hydrothermal alteration of plagioclase at lower amphibolite-facies conditions during continued retrograde thrusting. Five types of synkinematic porosity were identified in the sample: pores at the boundaries, and dissolution pores inside of feldspar porphyroclasts, strain-shadow pores around Czo porphyroblasts, creep cavities, and pore sheets. These porosity types are the results of different mechanisms acting locally in the microstructure. On the sample scale, the porosity distribution is dependent largely on the distribution of porphyroclasts and porphyroblasts, and creep cavitation in the matrix. Porosity in the Qz-dominant layers, which lack Czo, is ‘localised’ around and inside shrinking feldspar porphyroclasts, whereas porosity in the fine-grained polyphase microfabric containing Czo porphyroblasts is more common and ‘distributed.’ The latter may allow more efficient but anisotropic fluid transfer. Creep cavities appear to have coalesced to form pore sheets along foliation boundaries or connecting strain-shadow pores. Our findings further corroborate the description of strain shadow porosity by Fusseis et al. (2023, Geology). We interpret that a feedback between clinozoisite growth and fluid ingress promoted further creep cavitation, and resulted in a greater potential for cavity coalescence to cause ductile failure in the fine-grained polyphase microfabric.

How to cite: McDowell, A., Gilgannon, J., Killian, R., and Fusseis, F.: Synkinematic porosity and ductile failure in mid-crustal ultramylonites from the Redbank Shear Zone, Central Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12927,, 2025.

EGU25-14614 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Water-added experiments of simulated quartz-feldspar shear zone at brittle-ductile transitional condition 

Miho Furukawa, Sando Sawa, Hiroyuki Nagahama, Oliver Plümper, and Jun Muto

Crustal strength has been estimated to become the largest at the brittle-ductile condition[1]. Previous experiments have shown that water reduces the crustal strength not only at shallower depth regions where frictional slip becomes dominant[2] but also at greater depth regions where viscous flow becomes dominant[3]. However, the microphysical process of how water alters deformation mechanisms and reduces rock strength at the brittle-ductile transition zone remains unclear. To investigate the effect of water on controlling deformation mechanisms at the brittle-ductile transition, we perform a series of shear deformation experiments with a trace amount of water (either 0.2 wt % or 0.4 wt %). We deformed a quartz-albite mixture using a Griggs-type solid salt assembly. Each experiment uses ~ 0.1 g of the sample mixture. The shear strain rate is sequentially changed between ~ 10-3 /s and 10-4 /s to investigate the strength dependence on velocity. We further conducted microstructural observations using electron microscopes.

Here, we report a preliminary result of a series of water-added experiments conducted with 0.4 wt% water (i.e., 0.4 μL) at a confining pressure PC of 760 MPa and a temperature T of 720 °C. Mechanical results show that the peak shear stress is 790 MPa at a shear strain of 1.4, followed by a strain weakening by 200 MPa towards a final shear strain of 4.9. This peak stress is much weaker than a previous result of a room-dry experiment performed at a similar experimental condition (PC = 750 MPa and T = 720 °C)[4]. In the dry experiment, the peak shear stress was 1280 MPa, followed by a strain weakening of 230 MPa[4]. Microstructural analyses showed that the water-added sample is pervasively covered with microcracks. A transmission electron microscopy revealed that nano-grains as small as 50 nm are distributed in the areas between the microcracks. Meanwhile, a sample from the dry experiment exhibits fewer microcracks and contains nano-grains similar in dimensions to those in the sample of the wet experiment[5].

Our results suggest that water enhances fracturing in the sample layer, and nano-grains are formed regardless of the addition of water. This indicates that the reduction in the peak stress of wet conditions is due to the fracturing promoted by water, while the strain weakening after peak stresses is controlled by nano-grain domains in both conditions. We propose that water reduce the crustal strength by fracturing, that is brittle deformation, accompanied with weakening mechanisms in nano-grain domains such as grain boundary sliding. Furthermore, this suggests that brittle deformation remains dominant even at a greater depth in wet conditions, compared with in dry conditions.

[1] Kohlstedt et al., 1995JGR. [2] Blanpied et al., 1995JGR. [3] Kronenberg & Tullis, 1984JGR. [4] Furukawa et al., 2023 WRI-17. [5] Furukawa et al., 2025 in preparation.

How to cite: Furukawa, M., Sawa, S., Nagahama, H., Plümper, O., and Muto, J.: Water-added experiments of simulated quartz-feldspar shear zone at brittle-ductile transitional condition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14614,, 2025.

EGU25-15187 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Microstructural insights into the coseismic and aseismic behavior of fault rocks in the northern Yangsan Fault, SE Korea 

Seungsoon Choi, Youngbeom Cheon, Chang-Min Kim, Haemyeong Jung, and Munjae Park

The Yangsan Fault in southeastern Korea is a long-lived intracontinental fault system characterized by both seismic slip and aseismic creep. Despite its significance, the microstructural evidence that clarifies the fault’s deformation mechanisms remains incomplete. In this study, we present an analysis of the mechanical behaviors displayed by the Byeokgye section of the Yangsan Fault over seismic cycles. Our results are based on detailed microscopic observations of drillcore samples recovered from the Byeokgye section, using an electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) technique. In injected calcite veins located close to the principal slip zone (PSZ) of < 2 cm in width, plastic deformation (including dynamic recrystallization by subgrain rotation and deformation twins) is concentrated in the blocky calcite grains. In a narrow microbrecciated slip zone (< 1 cm wide) within the granitic damage zone, we observed mechanical Dauphiné twins associated with fractures and microfaults in quartz, as well as intergranular pressure solution (IPS) in the quartz fragments. Given that dynamic recrystallization and IPS are indicative of mechanical behavior of aseismic creep, it is possible that aseismic creep occurs upon the fault during interseismic periods. Conversely, the presence of mechanical Dauphiné twins, coupled with the nature of the PSZ, gouge injections, and the blocky structure of calcite veins, suggests the exposure of the fault section to local seismic stresses during coseismic slip. In conclusion, various deformation processes have operated upon the Yangsan Fault at the studied section throughout multiple seismic cycles. Moreover, our results demonstrate the effectiveness of EBSD in elucidating the mechanical behavior within fault zones.

How to cite: Choi, S., Cheon, Y., Kim, C.-M., Jung, H., and Park, M.: Microstructural insights into the coseismic and aseismic behavior of fault rocks in the northern Yangsan Fault, SE Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15187,, 2025.

Serpentinites play a critical role in subduction zones due to their unique mechanical properties, which influence tectonic and seismic processes and facilitate deformation along the subduction interface. A long-standing question is the discrepancy between experimentally deformed serpentinites, which exhibit brittle/brittle-ductile microstructures, and naturally deformed serpentinites, which predominantly show ductile features. Additionally, there is a strong debate on whether deformation in antigorite bearing rocks is driven by crystal plasticity, dissolution-precipitation, or a combination of both. Moreover, studies on deformation in partially dehydrated or hydrated serpentinites (containing metamorphic olivine and clinopyroxene), subducted down to (ultra)high pressure conditions, remain scarce. To address these issues, we conducted a detailed microstructural study of serpentinites from a hectometer-scale strain gradient zone within the Zermatt-Saas meta-ophiolite, examining deformation mechanisms in antigorite and olivine at depths relevant to intermediate-depth earthquakes and subsequent exhumation across mantle wedge conditions.

In low-strain serpentinites, dehydration of brucite-antigorite produces coarse-grained olivine-diopside-clinohumite-magnetite veins (“olivine veins”), while the host antigorite displays mesh textures, weak crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs), and evidence of twinning. Deformation begins to localize around olivine veins, where olivine exhibits a B-type CPO with [010] parallel to the pole of foliation and [001] parallel to the lineation but no internal deformation. With increasing strain, antigorite foliation becomes continuous and penetrative, accompanied by CPO strengthening, grain size reduction, and localized folding and boudinage of olivine, where the CPO strength also increases. High-strain domains exhibit mylonitic fabrics, intense antigorite foliation with (001) maxima aligned to the pole of foliation and (010) parallel to lineation, and transposed olivine vein folds reduced to isoclinal rootless folds. Additionally S-C’ foliations form locally, with fine-grained olivine fibers coating C’ planes, and pressure shadows around olivine porphyroclasts containing olivine-diopside mixtures forming mm-scale bands within antigorite foliations. The olivine grains in the pressure shadows also present a strong B-type olivine CPO.

Our findings highlight a progressive transition from brittle-ductile to ductile deformation in serpentinites in a fluid-rich environment. This deformation seems to be controlled by dissolution-precipitation processes and dislocation creep. Furthermore, this study provides one of the few datasets of deformation of metamorphic olivine in subduction zones. The conditions documented are not only relevant for the oceanic lithosphere but also for the mantle wedge near the subduction channel, offering critical insights into the interplay of deformation, metamorphism, and fluid-rock interactions in these tectonic settings.

How to cite: Morales, L. F. G., Muñoz-Montecinos, J., Ceccato, A., and Behr, W.: Microstructural Evolution of High- and Low-Strain Serpentinites from the Zermatt-Saas Meta-Ophiolite: Insights into Antigorite and Olivine Deformation at Intermediate-Depth Seismicity Depths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15688,, 2025.

EGU25-16287 | Posters on site | TS1.3

Phyllosilicates do their job: insights into their role in exhuming subducted continental units 

Francesco Giuntoli, Alessandro Petroccia, Laura Airaghi, Jacques Précigout, and Hugues Raimbourg

Exhuming shear zones are key structures in the dynamic evolution of orogens. Such shear zones accommodate most of the shear-related exhumation within relatively small rock-volumes. This is possible due to major strain partitioning occurring along weak rocks, frequently represented by phyllosilicate-rich rocks. Thus, the study of phyllosilicate-rich mylonites can provide fundamental insights into exhumation mechanisms responsible for the architecture of orogens.

The Hulw Shear Zone in the Saih Hatat Window of Oman (Agard et al., 2010) is one of these exhuming shear zones juxtaposing two subducted continental tectonic units. This tectonic contact experienced sustained shearing, accommodating a delta pressure of circa 0.8 GPa between 1.2 and 0.4 GPa at a relatively constant temperature of circa 400 °C (Petroccia et al., 2025) between 77 and 74 Ma (Ring et al., 2024).

In the field, micaschist belonging to the footwall displays a strain gradient moving toward the contact with the hanging wall, corresponding to a development of a S-C-C’ fabric and a modal enrichment in K-rich white mica and pyrophyllite matched by a progressive increase in the physical interconnectivity of these phyllosilicates. Electron backscatter diffraction analyses suggest that large (several hundreds of µm) detrital quartz grains experienced grain size reduction by subgrain rotation recrystallization to form equant grains of less than 100 µm in size.

Hyperspectral cathodoluminescence highlights different luminescence for the larger detrital grains, producing a bright signal and containing yielded cracks, and smaller equant grains, darker in cathodoluminescence and devoid of cracks. Interconnected chains of small quartz grains are located in contact with the phyllosilicates, suggesting an interplay between pinning and grain growth from a fluid phase.

In pyrophyllite-muscovite intergrowths, Transmission Electron Microscope analyses highlight more defects and kinking in pyrophyllite than in muscovite, intergrowths at the submicron scale and crystallites as small as 2 µm with truncated boundaries likely reflecting dissolution and precipitation mechanisms.

Summarising, these results suggest that strain localization and weakening of this rock volume was achieved by an interplay of the following mechanisms: I) synkinematic nucleation of retrograde mineral phases along discrete C and C’ planes, forming an interconnected network of phyllosilicates, II) microcracking in larger quartz grains followed by subgrain rotation recrystallization leading to a finer grain size of quartz, III) pinning of the grain size and IV) dissolution and precipitation processes of phyllosilicates. Different types of phyllosilicates appear to differently accommodate strain by both plastic deformation and recovery by dissolution-reprecipitation.

Concluding, this intimate and polyphase interplay between deformation and metamorphism is responsible for the formation and evolution of exhuming shear zones and the related structure of orogens.


Giuntoli acknowledges financial support of grant N° MUR 2022X88W2Y _002.



Agard, P., Searle, M. P., Alsop, G. I., & Dubacq, B. (2010). Tectonics, 29(5).

Petroccia, A., Giuntoli, F., Pilia, S., Viola, G., Sternai, P., & Callegari, I. (2025). Journal of Structural Geology, 191.

Ring, U., Glodny, J., Hansman, R., Scharf, A., Mattern, F., Callegari, I., van Hinsbergen, D. J. J., Willner, A., & Hong, Y. (2024). Earth-Science Reviews, 250, 104711. 

How to cite: Giuntoli, F., Petroccia, A., Airaghi, L., Précigout, J., and Raimbourg, H.: Phyllosilicates do their job: insights into their role in exhuming subducted continental units, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16287,, 2025.

EGU25-16426 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3

Multiple rupture and healing events along the Plate Interface at Ultra-High-pressure depth. Insights from the Lower Shear Zone, Monviso Massif, Italy  

Emanuele Scaramuzzo, Stefano Ghignone, Giovanni Toffol, Federica Boero, Michele Locatelli, Mattia Gilio, Franz Livio, Marco Bruno, Marco Scambelluri, and Giorgio Pennacchioni

The processes that rule coupling/decoupling and rupture mechanisms along the plate interface in the deep portions of active subduction zones are largely inferred from geophysical observations. These observations highlight that a wide range of rupture and deformation mechanism may coexist, such as: aseismic slip, episodic non-volcanic tremor and slip (ETS), and regular earthquakes. Despite the high amount of data obtained through indirect approaches, our comprehension of the processes occurring along the plate interface is still limited. In particular, processes occurring at great depth along the subduction interface are difficult to interpret solely based on flow laws and rheological properties of rocks also due to the scarcity of direct geological observations.

Exhumed ultra-high pressure (UHP, > 90 km of depth) rocks represent a natural laboratory to investigate the interplay of metamorphic reactions and fluids, both affecting slab rheology, at great depth. The Lower Shear Zone (LSZ) from the Monviso massif (W Alps) represents a fossil plate interface accreted within the Western Alpine chain and constitutes the one-off example of an oceanic plate interface that reached coesite stability field at UHP depth., i.e., ca. 90-100 km, and was then exhumed[1,2]. The LSZ preserves snapshots of the different stages of deformation and metamorphism along the subduction plate interface shear zone, testifying the coexistence of brittle (brecciation of rigid eclogite-facies gabbroic mylonites) and ductile behaviour (shearing along weak, serpentinite-rich shear zone) at eclogite-facies depth[1,3].

Our new field, micro-structural and petrographic observations extend the existing record of brittle features along the LSZ and show that brecciated blocks of mylonitic eclogites are systematically traceable for almost 25 km, i.e. the entire length of the exposed LSZ. These blocks are embedded within a highly deformed serpentinitic matrix. The brecciated fabric is defined by a mosaic breccia texture with randomly distributed clasts cemented by a polyphasic omphacite-rich matrix. The matrix is locally brecciated and sealed again, highlighting a cyclic rupture and healing mechanism promoted by fluid pulses and consequent dehydration embrittlement. These features are comparable to the classical geological observations of structures attributed to ETS described from shallower region of the plate interface. The similarity suggests that ETS may transiently occur even at greater depths than those at which they are currently recorded by seismometers and GNSS stations. Our observations imply that decoupling at great depth along the plate interface could be favoured by embrittlement of the plate interface.

1: Angiboust, S., Agard, P., Yamato, P., Raimbourg, H., 2012. Eclogite breccias in a subducted ophiolite: A record of intermediate-depth earthquakes? Geology 40, 707-710.

2: Ghignone, S., Scaramuzzo, E., Bruno, M., Livio, F. A. 2023. A new UHP unit in the Western Alps: First occurrence of coesite from the Monviso Massif (Italy). American Mineralogist, 108(7), 1368-1375.

3: Locatelli, M., Verlaguet, A., Agard, P., Federico, L., Angiboust, S., 2018. Intermediate-depth brecciation along the subduction plate interface (Monviso eclogite, W. Alps). Lithos.

How to cite: Scaramuzzo, E., Ghignone, S., Toffol, G., Boero, F., Locatelli, M., Gilio, M., Livio, F., Bruno, M., Scambelluri, M., and Pennacchioni, G.: Multiple rupture and healing events along the Plate Interface at Ultra-High-pressure depth. Insights from the Lower Shear Zone, Monviso Massif, Italy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16426,, 2025.

The Menderes Massif in western Anatolia is a large metamorphic core complex that formed in the back arc of the Aegean subduction zone. Geological and geodetic studies show that extension has occurred almost uniformly since the cessation of continental collision at c. 30 Ma. In this study, we used 2D numerical modeling informed by measurements of abundances of radioactive heat producing elements in exhumed Menderes metamorphic rocks (gneiss, schist, migmatite, granite) to investigate the effect of variation in vertical distribution of crustal radioactivity on the style of extensional deformation during core complex evolution. We assumed four different scenarios with the same total crustal radioactive heat production but fractionated differently between the upper and lower crust: 0%, 25%, 50%, and 62.5% of the total crustal radioactivity located within the thickened lower crust. Our numerical experiments reveal that lower crustal radioactivity has a major effect on the temperature (T) of the lower crust and hence its geodynamic evolution. We observed significant partial melting and core complex development only in the scenarios with fractions of 50% or more. The results are nearly independent of upper crustal radioactivity. The elevated radioactivity levels and therefore T of the lower crust drives partial melting, which in turn results in lower viscosity and enhanced crustal flow. According to these results, the lower part of the thickened orogenic crust in western Anatolia must be highly radiogenic in order for the formation of the observed core complex structure.

How to cite: Erkan, K., Whitney, D. L., and Rey, P. F.: Effect of variation in the vertical distribution of crustal radioactivity in metamorphic core complex development (Menderes Massif, Türkiye), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16582,, 2025.

EGU25-17888 | Orals | TS1.3 | Highlight

Semi-brittle flow of rocks: Cracks, dislocations and strain hardening 

Nicolas Brantut

 Strain hardening is a key feature observed in many rocks deformed in the so-called ``semi-brittle'' regime, where both crystal plastic and brittle deformation mechanisms operate. Experimental observations in calcite aggregate show a negative correlation between strain hardening rate and microcrack density. Strain hardening is typically caused by accumulation of unrelaxed elastic stresses, for instance due to dislocation storage or frictional sliding, but the role of tensile cracks in that process is not clear. Here, I will first summarise key experimental observations in calcite aggregates, documenting the co-evolution of microstructural features as a function of strain, and then propose a simple microphysical hardening model that couples tensile microcracking with dislocation storage. The model relies on viewing tensile cracks as free surfaces that absorb dislocations, thus reducing the dislocation storage rate and the hardening coefficient. The model captures important qualitative features observed in calcite marble deformation experiments: pressure-dependency of strength in the ductile regime, and a reduction in hardening linked to an increase in crack growth with decreasing confining pressure. Although very promising at a conceptual level, the model has limitations and needs to be tested more systematically before it can be used to make geological predictions of strength in the semi-brittle regime.

How to cite: Brantut, N.: Semi-brittle flow of rocks: Cracks, dislocations and strain hardening, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17888,, 2025.

EGU25-18427 | Orals | TS1.3

How Coupled Brittle-Ductile Deformation Controls the Rates and Temporal Evolution of Orogenic Collapse 

Einat Aharonov, Rawi Dawood, and jean-arthur Olive

The collapse of orogenic belts is commonly thought to involve viscous flow in a mid-crustal channel, and manifests as extensional faulting in the upper crust. Recent observations in some orogenic belts have indicated a power-law relationship between local elevation and extensional strain rates. Simple mechanical considerations predict that the flow of the weak crustal layer beneath these belts is driven by topographic gradients, suggesting that the observed extension is linked to this flow. To test this hypothesis and examine the temporal evolution of collapsing orogenic belts, we developed a 2-D numerical model simulating how topography-driven viscous flow in the weak mid-lower crust induces, and is affected by, orogenic belt extension. Our results show that flow of a weak mid-lower crust triggers orogenic collapse via normal faulting, provided mountain height exceeds a critical threshold (hmin). The simulated faults form within the highest regions of the orogen, where the weak crustal layer flow originates. Once the mountain collapses so much that its height falls below hmin, extension ceases, where hmin depends on both the thickness of the weak layer and the strength of the upper crust.  Additionally, we find that collapse rates increase with hotter and thicker weak channels, taller orogens, and weaker upper crustal faults, while stronger upper crust restricts fault distribution, concentrating deformation within smaller areas, leading to a core complex extension mode. Finally, a strong agreement between our numerical and analytical (detailed in companion abstract: Dawood et al. 2025 EGU General Assembly 2025) models demonstrates that orogenic collapse rates and their temporal evolution are jointly controlled by the brittle and ductile properties of the continental crust.

How to cite: Aharonov, E., Dawood, R., and Olive, J.: How Coupled Brittle-Ductile Deformation Controls the Rates and Temporal Evolution of Orogenic Collapse, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18427,, 2025.

EGU25-20083 | Posters on site | TS1.3

From hanging wall to footwall: a story of crustal-scale piracy during the exhumation of the South Rhodope complex (northern Greece). 

Konstantinos Soukis, Christos Kanellopoulos, Panagiotis Voudouris, Constantinos Mavrogonatos, Sotiris Sboras, Ilias Lazos, Alexandre Tarantola, Daniel Koehn, and Robert Moritz

Rocks occupying the back-arc areas in subduction zones present a structural complexity resulting from subduction and exhumation processes, the latter contemporaneous with hydrothermal fluid circulation and ore deposition along crustal-scale shear zones. In many cases, the exhumation starts while rocks are situated in the middle crust, where ductile deformation prevails and ends when these rocks are exposed to the surface, juxtaposed against hanging wall rocks with contrasting mechanical properties and deformation history. The interplay between high- and low-grade rocks often results in complex patterns and puzzling structural inventories.

The Rhodope crystalline complex (north Greece) comprises high-grade ortho-and paragneisses that were subducted in HP-UHP in the Mesozoic and exhumed in the Oligo-Miocene, through a complex network of ductile shear zones and low-angle normal faults constituting the Kechros Detachment. The high-grade footwall rocks belong to the Lower and Intermediate Rhodope Terranes, juxtaposed against the low-grade carbonates and phyllites of Makri Unit and the late-Eocene-Oligocene supra-detachment sediments and volcanic rocks.

We have conducted a detailed mapping and structural study of the Kallintiri area (SW Byala Reka-Kechros Dome, Rhodope, northern Greece) to define the tectonostratigraphy of the area and discriminate between early ductile, subsequent brittle-ductile, and late brittle structures. Our results established a continuum of large-scale structures that brought the high-grade rocks from the middle crust to the surface, accompanied by corresponding fault rocks and structures, revealing the acting deformation mechanisms. During the exhumation process, the deformation was localized at the lower structural level of the Makri Unit due to the significant competence contrast between the structurally lower amphibolite-facies gneisses and the overlying lower-greenschist facies carbonates. As a result, the carbonate rocks from the hanging wall Makri Unit were mechanically coupled to the footwall and served as the main lithology that experienced mylonitic deformation.

How to cite: Soukis, K., Kanellopoulos, C., Voudouris, P., Mavrogonatos, C., Sboras, S., Lazos, I., Tarantola, A., Koehn, D., and Moritz, R.: From hanging wall to footwall: a story of crustal-scale piracy during the exhumation of the South Rhodope complex (northern Greece)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20083,, 2025.

EGU25-140 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Fracture healing processes in upper crustal carbonates – insights from fluid percolation experiments 

Ismay Vénice Akker and Michele Fondriest

Geological observations, seismic data as well as laboratory experiments have shown that faults lithify and recover their strength (heal) during interseismic periods. The mechanical-chemical process of fault healing is a key in understanding many aspects of fault behavior, such as earthquake recurrence and rupture dynamics. Such processes do not only play an important role in understanding unconventional seismicity, such as ‘slow and low frequency earthquakes’ as observed at active plate boundaries, but are also pivotal for the application of deep geothermal energy, CO2 sequestration and the underground storage of radioactive waste. In this study we investigate the mechano-chemical recovery of fractures in carbonates at upper crustal conditions. In the upper crust, fractures are dominantly sealed through mineral precipitation from supersaturated fluids that are chemically out of equilibrium with the host rock. In order to simulate the healing process, we performed fluid percolation experiments on intact as well as pre-fractured carbonates with varying timescales representing different healing rates. In order to quantitatively document the healing process, the selected rock samples are analyzed by X-ray microtomography before and after the experiments. In addition, optical as well as scanning electron microscopy is applied to document the mechanical-chemical processes of healing. The role of the initial (micro)fracture network, the effect of the initial chemistry of the injected fluid and the effect of temperature on the healing process will be investigated. The experiments on both intact and pre-fractured rock are carried out with a percolation cell that allows the fluid-rock interaction to be reproduced at confining pressures up to 100 MPa, pore pressures up to 100 MPa and temperatures up to 250°C. This work will advance knowledge about the damage-recovery cycle in fractured carbonates through the investigation of healing processes active at different timescales using a unique experimental approach.


How to cite: Akker, I. V. and Fondriest, M.: Fracture healing processes in upper crustal carbonates – insights from fluid percolation experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-140,, 2025.

EGU25-3797 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

Latent heat of metamorphic reactions: boosting diffusion – hampering cooling 

Simon Schorn and Evangelos Moulas

Reactions involving variable exchange of latent heat are ubiquitous dynamic metamorphic processes: prograde dehydration and melting reactions cause an increase of the effective heat capacity by over an order of magnitude as they advance, while melt crystallization and retrograde hydration leads to transient heat production similar to radioactive heating in the continental crust. We show results of  thermokinematic models simulating the release and consumption of latent heat in an upward advecting rock pile to constrain thermal histories akin to exhumation in active tectonic settings. We show that hydration of dry gneisses leads to a gain of 20–40 g water per kg of rock and releases 80–160 kJ/kg latent heat. This transient thermal perturbation delays cooling and enhances thermally-activated processes such as diffusive loss of radiogenic Argon, which can rejuvenate apparent 40Ar/39Ar ages in white mica by up to ~10%. Biotite and feldspar display a similar distortion, even for large grains of ~1 mm in diameter (Schorn et al., 2024). In another case study we present multicomponent diffusion modeling of garnets in hydrated micaschist from the polymetamorphic Koralpe–Saualpe locality (Austria). We explore exhumation paths for varying hydration and latent heat production to constrain temperature–time histories, with a best-fit of modelled garnet zoning pattern achieved for ~120 kJ/kg released at 550°C and an exhumation rate of 4 mm/yr. As for melting reactions, we simulate periodic sill emplacement in 5-km wide ‘hot zone’ at 25 km depth, like magma injection in a subduction-related arc setting (e.g., Annen et al., 2006). Focusing on the thermal–temporal evolution of metapelitic source rocks at depth, we investigate the thermal retardation related to the endothermic melting of mica followed by the exothermic crystallization of leftover melt in comparison to the unbuffered case. This interplay leads to a clustering of temperatures around the conditions of melt-related thermal buffering and is consistent with the predominance of mineral assemblages related to focused biotite–sillimanite breakdown in metapelites (Schorn et al., 2018), as observed at the orogen-scale in large exhumed hot orogens such as the granulite-facies domain of the Namaqua–Natal Metamorphic Province in southern Africa (Diener & Macey, 2024).


Annen, C., Blundy, J. D., & Sparks, R. S. J. (2006). The genesis of intermediate and silicic magmas in deep crustal hot zones. Journal of Petrology, 47(3), 505-539.

Diener, J. F., & Macey, P. H. (2024). Orogen‐scale uniformity of recorded granulite facies conditions due to thermal buffering and melt retention. Journal of Metamorphic Geology.

Schorn, S., Diener, J. F., Powell, R., & Stüwe, K. (2018). Thermal buffering in the orogenic crust. Geology, 46(7), 643-646.

Schorn, S., Moulas, E., & Stüwe, K. (2024). Exothermic reactions and 39Ar–40Ar thermochronology: Hydration leads to younger apparent ages. Geology, 52(6), 458-462.

How to cite: Schorn, S. and Moulas, E.: Latent heat of metamorphic reactions: boosting diffusion – hampering cooling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3797,, 2025.

EGU25-5693 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Tracing mantle-crust fluid interactions in a lithospheric extension zone: Insights from the Betic Cordillera, Spain. 

Bérénice Cateland, Nicolas E.Beaudoin, Anne Battani, Frédéric Mouthereau, Antonio Caracausi, and Magali Pujol

The Betic Cordillera, located in southeastern Spain, underwent a complex geodynamic history that contributed to the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean. The Alboran margin is characterized by crustal thinning, linked to slab retreat, tearing, and delamination processes during the Miocene. These processes, combined with alkaline to calc-alkaline volcanism and exhumation of metamorphic domes, are thought to drive a dynamic fluid system. The relative contributions of magmatism, crustal thinning and slab tearing to the uplift of the Betics remain however unclear. Understanding these deep fluid systems has significant scientific and industrial implications, particularly for deep geothermal and hydrogen systems. Active lithospheric faults, such as the Carboneras-Palomares strike-slip fault systems, in the eastern Betics potentially act as major conduits for deep fluids (gases, water) and heat sourced from the mantle.
In this work, we aim to characterize the influence of these faults on the fluid system, both in the past and now. Paleofluids are studied through calcite and quartz mineralization in fault zones, while modern-day fluids are collected in thermal waters (20-50°C) where gas species are sampled (as bubbles or dissolved in water). Multiple tracers are studied in mineralization (Microthermometry, carbonate isotopy, cathodoluminescence, U-Pb dating, 3He/4He as well as in modern-day fluids (major compounds geochemistry and their δ13C, 3He/4He). Preliminary results in modern-day fluids indicate high levels of N2 (up to 92%) with associated CO2 (4 to 6%) and some CH4 (around 1% when present). δ13C (CO2) (-10 to -7‰) are compatible with a deep origin. Microthermometry results indicate hydrothermal temperatures of ~300°C in quartz and ~120°C in calcite. These temperature data, combined with isotopic analyses (δ18OCaCO3 value around 12‰ VPDB) also point to a deep fluid source. All these results illustrate the role of large-scale structures on driving the origin pathways and calendar of the fluids in the upper crust.

How to cite: Cateland, B., E.Beaudoin, N., Battani, A., Mouthereau, F., Caracausi, A., and Pujol, M.: Tracing mantle-crust fluid interactions in a lithospheric extension zone: Insights from the Betic Cordillera, Spain., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5693,, 2025.

EGU25-6019 | Orals | TS1.4

From pore-scale to macro-scale: Understanding fluid-rock interactions using X-ray Computed Tomography 

Alice Macente, John MacDonald, Katherine J. Dobson, Frederick Pessu, and Sandra Piazolo

Fluid-rock interaction represents a common geological process that is highly dynamic and may cause substantial microscale petrophysical and geochemical changes both in a static and syn-deformational environment. Understanding how these local microscale dynamics occur is crucial to comprehend macroscale behaviour of the lithosphere, and for advancing critical subsurface engineering challenges, such as carbon capture and storage; a process that, together with hydrogen storage and geothermal energy recovery, is vital for the energy transition. With the advance of non-destructive imaging techniques (X-ray Computed Tomography - XCT), we can image the evolution of these microscale dynamics and understand how they drive changes in crustal dynamics and subsurface engineering. We present two applications, in which we use XCT to characterise the evolution of reservoir storage properties, such as porosity and permeability, and provide further insights into carbon sequestration. In the first application, we used XCT to investigate the precipitation history of an amygdaloidal basalt now partially filled by calcite as an analogue for CO2 mineral trapping in a vesicular basalt. We quantified the evolution of basalt porosity and permeability during pore-filling calcite precipitation by applying novel numerical erosion techniques to “back-strip” the calcite from the amygdales and fracture networks. We found that once the precipitation is sufficient to close off all pores, permeability reaches values that are controlled by the micro-fracture network. These results prompt further studies to determine CO2 mineral trapping mechanisms in amygdaloidal basalts as analogues for CO2 injections in basalt formations. In the second application, we considered the combined effect of upstream corrosion of the carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure and pre-existing reservoir rock compositions on the evolution of reservoir storage properties. Reactions from the corroded pipelines can change the chemistry of injected brine, which can then react with the adjacent rock formations reservoir, affecting reservoir porosity, permeability and caprock integrity. These are important parameters that determine the injectivity and storage capacities of deep geological sites for long term CO2 storage. Reservoir rock samples are characterised before corrosion and after carbonation reactions using XCT and other micro-analytical techniques, to assess the changes in the rock storage capacity properties. Our preliminary results prompt further studies into the understanding of fluid-rock interactions for subsurface engineering challenges, with a particular focus to pre-existing microfractures and changes in the injected brine due to corrosion of the upstream pipelines and interaction between CO2 brine and reservoir rocks.

How to cite: Macente, A., MacDonald, J., Dobson, K. J., Pessu, F., and Piazolo, S.: From pore-scale to macro-scale: Understanding fluid-rock interactions using X-ray Computed Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6019,, 2025.

EGU25-6490 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

A new approach for constraining temperature, fractionation process, and fluid evolution in clay-rich fault zones: a case study from Lemnos Island (Greece) 

Vincenzo Moretto, Luigi Riccardo Berio, Luigi Dallai, Giulio Viola, Fabrizio Balsamo, Georg Grathof, Lurence Noel Warr, Ruikai Xie, and Luca Aldega

Fluid circulation in the shallow crust is modulated by faults, which can act as barriers, conduits, or combined systems. In fault zones, fluids may vary in temperature and composition, originating from meteoric, connate, or magmatic/hydrothermal sources, and leading to the precipitation of various minerals in fault-related rocks and veins (e.g., carbonates, silicates, sulphates, oxides/hydroxides, clay minerals). In limestone, stable isotopes analyses (C, O), clumped isotopes, microthermometry of fluid inclusions, and U-Pb dating on carbonate mineralizations (e.g., slickenfibers, veins) are generally applied to determine the temperature and the source of fluids circulating within the fault zone during deformation. Discriminating temperature and fluid origin in clay-rich fault zones is more challenging, due to the coexistence of detrital minerals derived from the mechanical comminution of the host rocks and authigenic/synkinematic minerals precipitated during transient frictional heating or by prolonged fluid circulation. The compositional and temperature variation of fluids over time is recorded by authigenic minerals, that may reflect mixing with external sources or deformation at different depths and structural levels. The extent of fluid interaction with detrital minerals also contributes to their isotopic signature, and the evaluation of fluid sources can be very tricky due to the various mineral-water fractionation factors for every mineral. Indeed, H and O isotopes studies in clay-rich fault zones are generally applied as long as fault rock samples are nearly mono-mineralic, leading to very low number of data to develop a reliable dataset. To solve this issue, we applied a multi-method approach based on X-ray diffraction analyses of clay minerals, paleotemperature evaluation, and H, O isotope studies of different grain size fractions (from <0.1 to 10 µm) combined with a new calculation that allows to evaluate the fractionation processes of every single mineral (detrital vs. authigenic). In addition, K-Ar ages on syn-kinematic K-bearing minerals allowed to determine the age of faulting and eventually build an evolutionary model of fluid composition and temperature. In this contribution, we investigated two regional-scale fault zones on Lemnos Island (Greece), the Kornos-Aghios Ioannis extensional fault and the Partenomythos extensional fault, that are affected by Si-rich hydrothermal alteration. Our findings show that authigenic clay minerals (illite-smectite) from the <0.1 fractions are not in isotopic equilibrium with the host-rock, suggesting a meteoric-derived component infiltrated during faulting and recorded by clay minerals as a progressive change in fluid composition through time. These results represent an important step forward for fluid characterization in clay-rich fault zones, improving our understanding on how temperature and fluid source control the formation of authigenic minerals and fractionation processes in fault rocks.

How to cite: Moretto, V., Berio, L. R., Dallai, L., Viola, G., Balsamo, F., Grathof, G., Warr, L. N., Xie, R., and Aldega, L.: A new approach for constraining temperature, fractionation process, and fluid evolution in clay-rich fault zones: a case study from Lemnos Island (Greece), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6490,, 2025.

EGU25-6533 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Shear zone-mediated transfer and buffering of CO2-rich fluid during orogenic degassing 

Alberto Ceccato, Lorenzo Tavazzani, Nadia Malaspina, Whitney M. Behr, and Stefano M. Bernasconi

CO2 degassing in orogenic settings, derived from either prograde metamorphic decarbonation or deep mantle sources, is commonly linked to deep and shallow seismicity along major deformation zones. However, the scarcity of natural fossil analogues of these deformation zones hosting CO2-rich fluid flow limits our understanding of the causative mechanisms and hinders validation of proposed explanatory models and inferences from geophysical and geochemical observations.

We describe a set of shear zone-hosted, carbonate-bearing breccias from the basement units of the Gotthard nappe, Aar, and Mont Blanc massifs (Central and Western Alps), interpreted as evidence of regional-scale, fault zone-hosted flow of CO2-rich metamorphic fluids during Alpine orogenesis. Field observations, microstructures and geochemical data suggest these breccias serve as fossil analogues of fault/shear zone networks controlling CO2-rich fluid flow in active orogenic settings, providing new insights on crustal-scale transport of carbonic fluids and its relationship with tectonic deformation.

The breccias are localized on a pre-Alpine fault network within the crystalline basement rocks and are mainly composed of coarse-grained (mm-to-cm in crystal size) blocky calcite/dolomite forming a matrix that encloses angular host rock clasts. The large volumes of carbonates and the macro- and micro-textures indicates formation during transient, but repetitive (carbo-)hydraulic fracturing in the presence of CO2-rich fluids, potentially at amphibolite/upper-greenschist facies conditions. C-O stable isotopes (-8.49‰ < d13CVPDB < +0.73‰, +8.07‰ < d18OVSMOW < +16.39‰) and the enrichment of (Heavy) REE elements, as well as the characteristic Y/Ho and LaN/LuN ratios, suggest the fluids potentially originated from high-grade metamorphic decarbonation during Alpine collision.

These breccias, together with previously reported H2O-CO2 flow examples in the Central-Western Alps (e.g., carbonate shear zones along the Glarus thrust; retrograde calcite-bearing Alpine clefts), point to orogen-scale flow of CO2-rich fluids spanning prograde, peak, to retrograde metamorphism during Alpine collision. Although evidence for seismogenic deformation is limited, field and microscale structures show evidence for transient tectonic deformation, potentially aided by elevated pore fluid pressure. Tectonic stress drops associated with fluid pressure changes in these zones might have promoted (transient) H2O/CO2 phase immiscibility, leading to carbonate saturation and voluminous deposition. The resulting large carbonate volumes suggest that the shear zones intermittently acted as both conduits and reservoirs for CO2 -rich fluids transported from depth toward the surface. This highlights their dual role in controlling orogenic CO2 degassing and buffering emissions, with implications for understanding fluid-mediated tectonics and carbon cycling in collisional orogens.

How to cite: Ceccato, A., Tavazzani, L., Malaspina, N., Behr, W. M., and Bernasconi, S. M.: Shear zone-mediated transfer and buffering of CO2-rich fluid during orogenic degassing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6533,, 2025.

EGU25-6845 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

Earthquake driven mechanical alteration of fault core material and its effect on post-seismic fluid-rock interaction 

Bex Robertson, Catriona Menzies, Nicola De Paola, Stefan Nielsen, Dave Craw, Carolyn Boulton, and André Niemeijer

Earthquakes release vast quantities of energy over very short timescales. At shallow depths, a portion of this energy is used to fracture, crush, and grind fault hosting rocks, resulting in reduced particle size and mineral crystallinity; frictional heating; mass movement of pore-fluid; and overall extreme but transient conditions. These seismic  processes partially control mineral alteration reactions that often take place within fault gouges. The mineralogy and therefore mechanical and chemical properties of fault core material will influence the style of future slip on faults. Many studies have shown that mineralogical differences within fault cores result from inter-seismic alteration by pore fluid, but have neglected co-seismic processes. Here we highlight the role of co-seismic mechanically and mechanochemically influenced mineral reactions. These reactions enhance fluid driven alteration and affect the frictional properties of fault rocks.

Transient co-seismic conditions cannot be studied in the field, so earthquakes were simulated in the lab using a high velocity rotary shear apparatus and silicate based synthetic fault material to enable control of experimental inputs. We found significant frictional differences in reworked gouge after having experienced a high velocity (seismic) event, particularity in healing capabilities. Our investigations indicate this is due to generation of “shocked” material that has undergone dehydration and dehydroxylation of hydrated minerals, amorphisation, and  grain comminution; all equating to a more reactive gouge. In natural post-seismic settings, this ‘shocked’ material sits in contact with pore-fluid that is at least partially externally derived. Due to the increased reactivity of this gouge, it is more prone to rapid post-seismic fluid-rock alteration, producing clay abundant retrograde authigenic minerals and reducing fault strength.

Using experiments to simulate this process, we show that synthetic post-seismic gouge exhibited increased fluid-rock interaction and enhanced precipitation of authigenic material relative to unsheared gouge. This was traced by analysing pore-fluid chemistry after prolonged contact with the gouge, close examination of the clay sized fraction using SEM techniques, and detailed XRD of shear inputs and outputs. Our work highlights the key role that co-seismic processes play in 1) the initial post-seismic change of frictional properties; 2) accelerated retrograde mineral evolution due to increased gouge reactivity; 3) and the associated reduction of fault strength and friction coefficient of fault core material post alteration.


How to cite: Robertson, B., Menzies, C., De Paola, N., Nielsen, S., Craw, D., Boulton, C., and Niemeijer, A.: Earthquake driven mechanical alteration of fault core material and its effect on post-seismic fluid-rock interaction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6845,, 2025.

EGU25-7082 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Burial stylolites favouring Mg-rich fluid ingress and fluid-rock interaction: petrophysical variations during regional dolomitization in the Lessini Mountains (Southern Alps, Italy)  

Costantino Zuccari, Gianluca Vignaroli, Fabrizio Balsamo, Luigi Berio, and Giulio Viola

Rock petrophysical properties, including porosity and permeability, are fundamental factors in regulating fluid ingress, flow and fluid-rock interaction across various length scales and tectonic settings. The composition of fluids, and their modes of ingress into- and reaction with host rocks, in turn influence bulk rock properties. Therefore, fluids can significantly alter rock rheology, potentially modifying their density, long-term viscosity, porosity and permeability. Mineralizing fluids may also change the rock composition, heal fractures, and promote strain hardening within active fault systems, potentially impacting the seismic cycle.

To better understand these processes and the governing background conditions, it is particularly useful to investigate the pathways for fluid flow, especially in rocks with low primary porosity and permeability, which would normally hinder significant fluid circulation. In micritic, horizontally-bedded carbonates, for example, vertical fluid flow is generally limited far away from tectonic fractures, whereas lateral, bed-parallel circulation is favoured exploiting laterally continuous planar anisotropies (e.g., bed-bed interfaces), to progressively permeate the succession. Secondary anisotropies, such as pressure-solution seams (e.g., stylolites), may represent other interesting features for fluid flow, being at times very abundant in limestone. However, they are typically considered to reduce the permeability and porosity of host rocks due to (i) the cementation and precipitation of dissolved materials in pores within the immediately surrounding rock and (ii) the accumulation of insoluble, fine-grained and low-permeability material on their surfaces. Recent studies in carbonates challenged this assumption, demonstrating that burial stylolites can be preferential pathways for karst dissolution.

We present here new data on the petrophysical properties of Cretaceous micritic limestone from the Lessini Mountains, Veneto, Italian Southern Alps, where much of the exposed, generally sub-horizontal Mesozoic carbonate succession underwent pervasive dolomitization during Eocene extensional tectonics and the onset of the Venetian Volcanic Province magmatism. Petrographic analyses, Hg-porosimetry, and He-pycnometry were applied to assess the effects of Mg-rich fluids, probably connected with the volcanic environment, on micritic limestone. Preliminary results indicate that burial stylolites developed in low porosity limestone are selectively dolomitized, with dolomitization seams 1-10 mm thick, suggesting pervasive bedding-parallel fluid flow. Dolomitization occurred also along vertical fractures and in fracture meshes of mosaic breccias, suggesting across-bedding Mg-rich fluid circulation associated with normal faults accommodating.

Dolomitization significantly increased rock density from ~2.65 g/cm³ in the pristine micritic limestone to ~2.9 g/cm³ in the fully dolomitized rock. Additionally, pore size, porosity, and the capillary threshold pressure of Hg injection change gradually but substantially from the limestone to the dolomite, with median pore sizes increasing from ~0.012 μm to ~0.33 μm, porosity from ~3.2% to 21.8%, and capillary threshold values decreasing from ~5140 to ~35 PSI.

These results demonstrate that, under specific conditions, stylolites can actually serve as effective pathways for fluid ingress/migration and thus promote fluid-rock interaction in rocks characterized by overall low porosity and permeability (e.g., micritic limestone). Furthermore, we show that dolomitization significantly modified the petrophysical rock properties, further enhancing fluid ingress and likely promoting fracturing and brecciation by changing rheology, with consequences for deformation localization and partitioning during later tectonic activity.

How to cite: Zuccari, C., Vignaroli, G., Balsamo, F., Berio, L., and Viola, G.: Burial stylolites favouring Mg-rich fluid ingress and fluid-rock interaction: petrophysical variations during regional dolomitization in the Lessini Mountains (Southern Alps, Italy) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7082,, 2025.

EGU25-7433 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Nanopores enable fluid flux in mylonites and ultramylonites – novel insights from Scanning Small-angle X-ray Scattering and X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy 

Christoph Schrank, Nicole Bishop, Michael Jones, Alfons Berger, Marco Herwegh, David Paterson, Livia Salvati Manni, and Nigel Kirby

Mylonitic shear zones funnel significant amounts of fluids through the crust. However, the physical mechanisms and pathways for mass transfer remain debated. Grain boundaries, creep cavities, and pores formed by mineral reactions involving volume change and mass transport are considered the most important fluid conduits. So far, the imaging of these pores was either limited to µm-resolution, or in the case of nm-scale resolution, to very small areas (e.g., TEM investigates regions in the µm2-range) with limited statistical power. Moreover, many pores involved in ductile fluid flow only remain open intermittently before they are closed again by mineral growth and plastic deformation. To find traces of closed pores and assess pore production and consumption due to mineral reactions, high-resolution microchemical maps are needed.  

Here, we present a study that addresses these challenges through applying scanning small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XFM) to samples of a mylonite transitioning into ultramylonite, derived from a granitic protolith. SAXS delivers maps of nanopores with apertures between 1 and 280 nm while XFM enables spatially resolved mass balance computations, geochemical fluid fingerprinting, and the correlation of nanoporosity with mineral phase and trace-element composition. Importantly, both techniques are applied to an entire thin section, providing a sound observational statistical base from nm- to cm-scale.

Some key observations include:

1) A substantial amount of nanoporosity is discovered, with the same magnitude as microporosity measured previously in granitoid mylonites.

2) The ultramylonite contains twice as much nanoporosity as the mylonite.

3) Nanoporosity is strongly mineral-specific and highly elevated in regions enriched in epidote and mica.

4) Nanoporosity is highly anisotropic and usually aligned with, or at low angle to, the foliation, enabling mass flux along the shear zone.

5) Pore sheets from the mylonite connect with those of the ultramylonite, providing pathways for fluid exchange between high-strain shear zone and host rock.

These results highlight the importance of nanoscale fluid conduits and synkinematic mineral reactions for mass transfer in ductile shear zones. The implications for models of coupled fluid flow in the ductile crust will be discussed.

How to cite: Schrank, C., Bishop, N., Jones, M., Berger, A., Herwegh, M., Paterson, D., Manni, L. S., and Kirby, N.: Nanopores enable fluid flux in mylonites and ultramylonites – novel insights from Scanning Small-angle X-ray Scattering and X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7433,, 2025.

EGU25-7480 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Mapping nano- and microporosity in ductile shear zones with X-ray ptychography 

Nicole Bishop, Christoph Schrank, Michael Jones, Cameron Kewish, David Paterson, Alfons Berger, and Marco Herwegh

Petrological and geochemical evidence demonstrates that mylonitic ductile shear zones transport significant amounts of fluids through the lithosphere. Because of the lack of percolating pore networks in exhumed mylonitic rocks, it has been hypothesised that most of the fluid pathways in ductile shear zones consist of transient pores with micro- to nanoscale aperture. These transient pores typically include grain boundaries, creep cavities, and pores due to mineral reactions, all of which open and close cyclically during plastic deformation. However, it is not known how much each of these features contributes to crustal fluid flow. Moreover, nano-scale pores are notoriously difficult to map with non-destructive imaging methods. These are the key problems addressed by this research.

We recently used X-ray ptychography to image midcrustal quartzo-feldspathic mylonites at the X-ray Fluorescence Microprobe beamline of the Australian Synchrotron. This transmission small-angle scattering method maps X-ray phase contrast non-destructively with nanometre resolution. In addition, high-resolution trace-element maps are acquired coevally with X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XFM). We systematically sampled transects from mylonite to ultramylonite to capture the strain-time evolution of nano- and microvoids and to study how transient porosity and trace-element composition change with deformation intensity, composition, grain size, and deformation mechanism. This dataset will provide novel insights into mass transfer in ductile shear zones.

How to cite: Bishop, N., Schrank, C., Jones, M., Kewish, C., Paterson, D., Berger, A., and Herwegh, M.: Mapping nano- and microporosity in ductile shear zones with X-ray ptychography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7480,, 2025.

EGU25-8324 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Cerium Stable Isotopes Unveil Ferromanganese Encrustation Across the Oxygen Minimum Zone 

wenshuai Li and the Wenshuai Li

he interaction between a large, dissolved Mn reservoir in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and the deeper oxygenated water allows for Mn oxidation and precipitation at their interface. The current paradigm posits that the OMZ acts as a Mn²⁺ source necessary for ferromanganese encrustation, while the encrustation itself is not thought to occur within the OMZ, though this remains a subject of ongoing debate. Marine Fe-Mn crusts enrich metals including those with high affinity for Mn oxides (e.g., Ce), which can provide insights into the origin of Mn oxides. In this study, we identify heterogeneous Ce and δ142CeSW profiles in seawater and Fe-Mn crusts across the OMZ in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, closely linked to the cycle of Mn. Moreover, we quantify a close association of Ce with Mn oxides in Fe-Mn crusts and associated Ce isotope fractionation between the crusts and ambient seawater, bridging the marine Mn and Ce cycles. The outcome reveals that continuous precipitation of Mn oxides could initiate within the OMZ and extend into the deep ocean (5,000–6,000 m seawater depth) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.

How to cite: Li, W. and the Wenshuai Li: Cerium Stable Isotopes Unveil Ferromanganese Encrustation Across the Oxygen Minimum Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8324,, 2025.

EGU25-8523 | Orals | TS1.4

The Effect of Micas on the Strength of Experimental Granitoid Fault Gouge 

Weijia Zhan, André Niemeijer, Alfons Berger, Christopher Spiers, Frank Gfeller, and Marco Herwegh

Sheet silicates play an important role in shaping crustal rheology and causing strain localization at shallow depths through their low strength. However, their effect on crustal rheology at deeper levels (>3 km) remains unclear. We conducted hydrothermal ring shear experiments on three simulated gouges with comparable quartz content but varying mica types (biotite/muscovite) and contents (8-61 wt.%). Applied temperatures (T) ranged from 20-650°C, with sliding velocities (V) between 0.03-1 μm/s, and an effective normal stress and pore water pressure of 100 MPa. Shear strains up to 30 were attained.

At 1 μm/s and 20°C, granitoid gouge exhibits a higher friction coefficient (μ=0.81) than the muscovite-rich (μ=0.47) and biotite-rich gouges (μ=0.44). With increasing T and decreasing V, granitoid gouge firstly remains its strength, and then exhibits substantial weakening when T reaches 450°C and V is lower than 1 μm/s. In contrast, muscovite-rich gouge hardens and then levels off at μ=0.68 as T reaches 450°C across all V tested, and finally weakens once T reaches 650°C and V is lower than 0.1 μm/s. Biotite-rich gouge hardens and reaches μ=0.56 at 450°C, with little further changes as T and V continue to change. Overall, the two mica-rich gouges become stronger than granitoid gouge at ≤ 0.01 μm/s and at least T=650°C.

For all post-mortem gouges, mainly samples with substantial weakening exhibit both principal slip zones constituting <6% width of the entire layer, and mineral reactions. Microstructures within the principal slip zones are consistent with dissolution-precipitation creep, including truncated grain contacts, mineral precipitates, submicrometer grain size and low porosity. Mineral reactions are often observed at 650°C and 0.1 μm/s under FEG-SEM, including Ca-rich feldspar rims of albite grains in granitoids, and muscovite breakdown plus biotite formation in muscovite-rich one. By fitting the shear strain rate to shear stress obtained from tests run at 650°C, the apparent stress exponent for granitoids is 2.2 ± 1.8, and for muscovite-rich gouge is 6.8 ± 2.2. Our results imply that mica enrichment in crustal faults (mainly granitoid composition) can lead to a stronger crust at deep levels when temperatures are high and strain rates are low. Multiple similarities between experimental and natural microstructures suggest that the interpreted mechanisms dissolution-precipitation creep and mineral reactions may trigger a frictional-viscous transition at a depth range corresponding to greenschist metamorphic facies under natural conditions. 

How to cite: Zhan, W., Niemeijer, A., Berger, A., Spiers, C., Gfeller, F., and Herwegh, M.: The Effect of Micas on the Strength of Experimental Granitoid Fault Gouge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8523,, 2025.

The 2018 Hualien earthquake (Mw 6.4) resulted in the Milun fault rupture and caused hundreds of casualties. The last rupture of the Milun Fault occurred in 1951, implying a short recurrence interval for the Milun Fault. The outcropped Milun Fault has not been recognized in the field, and its fault architecture and the relevant processes triggered during the seismic cycle remain unknown. This represents a significant limitation in our understanding of fault mechanics and seismic hazard assessment.

The Milun Fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing project (MiDAS) was conducted in 2020, and the drilling borehole cores showed the presence of the Milun Fault. The Milun Fault Zone exhibits an asymmetric fault structure, displaying altered spotted schist and non-cohesive serpentinite as the damage zone, and foliated grey and black gouges as the fault core. The damage zone of the Milun Fault has been described as a product of fluid-rock interaction, although direct evidence remains limited.

Here, we conduct synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) on altered spotted schist and non-cohesive serpentinite to investigate fluid-rock interaction during the inter-seismic period. Previous data on the outcropping spotted schist showed that the mineral assemblages are mainly composed of muscovite, feldspar, and quartz. For the outcropping cohesive serpentinite, the major minerals are antigorite and magnetite. Our XRD data show that the altered spotted schist mainly contains quartz, feldspar, and clay minerals such as illite, chlorite, and kaolinite. Non-cohesive serpentinite is composed of chrysotile, talc, chlorite, and actinolite. The altered spotted schist exhibits an anastomosing occurrence, suggesting the presence of fluid-relevant interaction along the fractures and resulting in the observed clay-rich mineral assemblages. The non-cohesive serpentinite shows the reactions of antigorite to chrysotile with some residual antigorite fragments, suggesting the process of severe alteration by low temperature (< 200°C) fluid. To further explore fluid-rock interaction processes, we will conduct X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis to detect changes in chemical elements within the Milun Fault zone in this month. Our findings will help identify the source and composition of the fluids involved and provide insights into the structure and evolutionary history of the Milun Fault.

How to cite: Chiang, P.-C., Kuo, L.-W., Ma, K.-F., and Ling, Y. Y.: Fluid-rock interaction within the active Milun Fault: In the case of the Milun Fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing project (MiDAS), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9249,, 2025.

EGU25-10967 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Bimetasomatic reaction zones between ultramafic rocks and trondhjemitic dykes in the Sierra Chica, Córdoba, Argentina: temporal variations and geochemical features 

María Eugenia Muratori, Sofía López Morlhiere, Manuel Demartis, Jorge Enrique Coniglio, María Alejandra Boffadossi, Fernando Javier D’Eramo, Lucio Pedro Pinotti, Joaquín Coniglio, and José Julián Esteban

The emplacement of basic to acid magmas into ultramafic rocks represents a specialized scenario where bimetasomatic exchanges commonly occur. In the Sierra Chica of Córdoba, near the city of Alta Gracia, remmants of the intensely serpentinized upper mantle -tectonically emplaced into the metasedimentary sequence during the Neoproterozoic (pre-Pampean)- are intruded by dykes of tonalitic to granitic compositions. This contribution deals with some of these dykes of trondhjemitic composition that exhibit tabular shapes and relatively small dimensions (< 50 m long and 2 m thick). They develop penetrative reaction zones symmetrically at the contacts between serpentinized ultramafic rocks and trondhjemitic dykes, with regular thicknesses between 0.10 and 1.0 meter. Three distint mineralogical zones were identified, progressing from the dykes towards the serpentinite:

1.- Magnesio-hornblende zone (Mg-Hbl ± Pl ± Ttn ± Chl),

2.- Chlorite zone (Chl ± Mg-Hbl ± Zrn ± Ap)

3.- Anthophyllite zone (Ath ± Tr ± Chr ± Tlc ± Chl).

According to textural and mineralogical evidence, the following sequence of formation is proposed: 1) Ath zone, 2) Mg-Hbl zone and 3) Chl-zone.

Zircon U-Pb dating of the trondhjemitic dykes yields a concordia age of 528 Ma for the crystallization and emplacement of these rocks. Zircons extracted from the Chl-zone share similar petrographical features and ages, evidencing that they represent xenocrysts derived from the trondhjemitic magmas later affected by chlorite-forming reactions. The age of 528 Ma place the emplacement of the trondhjemitic dykes during the high-grade metamorphism, anatexis and magmatic events of the Pampean orogeny, occurred at 0.65 - 0.85 GPa and 700º- 850ºC. Anthophyllite, typically formed at relatively high temperature (>600 °C), is interpreted to have formed close to the time of trondhjemitic dyke emplacement and crystallization, when the whole enclosing region was undergoing high amphibolite-to-granulite facies at the main events of the Pampean orogeny. The conspicuous presence of chlorite (clinochlore) in all zones crosscutting the formerly crystallized minerals (e.g., Ath and Mg-Hbl), temperature ranges of 273º - 418ºC estimated by Chl geothermometers, along with pervasive low temperature deformation textures (kink folding) evidence that Chl was formed at lower P-T conditions.

Field and petrographic evidence, geochemical and geochronological data obtained in this work indicate that the reaction zones were formed in two different periods. Anthophyllite and Mg-Hbl zones resulted from the bimetasomatic ionic diffusion between the ultramafic rock and trondhjemitic dykes during the Pampean orogeny at high P-T conditions. Conversely, Chl crystallization should have occurred at lower P-T conditions during the Famatinian orogeny that took place from ~500-440 Ma in the Sierras de Córdoba mainly as deformational events. The chlorite zone is therefore proposed to have formed as a result of fluid infiltration in the already altered contact zones between the ultramafic rocks and the trondhjemitic dykes.

How to cite: Muratori, M. E., López Morlhiere, S., Demartis, M., Coniglio, J. E., Boffadossi, M. A., D’Eramo, F. J., Pinotti, L. P., Coniglio, J., and Esteban, J. J.: Bimetasomatic reaction zones between ultramafic rocks and trondhjemitic dykes in the Sierra Chica, Córdoba, Argentina: temporal variations and geochemical features, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10967,, 2025.

EGU25-11033 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Structurally controlled genesis of caprock in volcanic hydrothermal systems 

Barbara Marchesini, Giacomo Pozzi, Cristiano Collettini, Eugenio Carminati, and Telemaco Tesei

The mechanical and hydraulic behavior of faults in geothermal systems is strongly impacted by fluid-induced alteration. For instance, hydrolytic alteration of felsic volcanic rocks deeply affects the frictional and permeability properties of fault rocks, controlling the hydraulic behavior of faults. We investigated fault rocks from the caprock of a fossil hydrothermal system in the Northern Apennines, by combining field structural observations with mineralogical and microstructural analyses, friction experiments and permeability tests on fault rocks. Hydrolytic alteration promoted general weakening of fault rocks by enrichment of kaolinite-alunite-group minerals in the fault core, favoring strain localization. Enrichment of kaolinite along major faults induces a local decrease in permeability of three orders of magnitude (1.62x10-19 m2) with respect to the unaltered protolith rocks (1.96x10-16 m2) transforming faults from fluid conduits into barriers.

Alunite-kaolinite-rich rocks shows a velocity-strengthening frictional behavior, suggesting that hydrolytic alteration favors stable slip of faults at low temperatures (160-270°C). 

How to cite: Marchesini, B., Pozzi, G., Collettini, C., Carminati, E., and Tesei, T.: Structurally controlled genesis of caprock in volcanic hydrothermal systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11033,, 2025.

EGU25-11801 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

A natural laboratory for carbon capture and storage: listvenites along regional fault zones (Zermatt Saas Unit, Western Alps, Italy) 

Alexander Marcel Bechmann Pasquinucci, Nadia Malaspina, Alberto Ceccato, Francesco Giuntoli, Daniela D'Alessio, Marcello Campione, and Giorgio Vittorio Dal Piaz

In the last decades many studies focussed on carbon capture and storage (CCS) to find a possible remedy to reduce the large increase of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2). CCS can potentially sequester billions of tonnes of CO2 per year using the Earth as the widest laboratory available for long-term storage. In geological reservoirs, CO2 can be trapped by physical and chemical mechanisms. Among chemical mechanisms, mineral carbonation plays a crucial role in CCS, being almost irreversible, involving the chemical reaction in aqueous environment between CO2 and Mg- and/or Ca-rich minerals, where CO2 is converted into solid carbonates.

In nature, listvenite, a rock mainly composed of Mg-Ca-bearing carbonates, quartz and Cr-bearing mica (fuchsite), documents natural CO2 sequestration. Indeed, listvenites are the result of the extensive alteration of ultramafic rocks by CO2-bearing fluids, which involved the substitution of olivine, pyroxene and serpentine by Ca- and Mg-carbonates. To date, very little is known about the kinetics and rate of this reaction, spanning from weeks (serpentinites) to thousands of years (peridotites).

We studied carbonated serpentinites from the Zermatt-Saas Zone (Corno del Camoscio, Western Alps, Italy) which underwent fluid-mediated natural carbonation under hydrothermal conditions. Hydrothermal carbonation is spatially associated to Oligo-Miocenic brittle faults of the Aosta-Ranzola system (Bistacchi et al., 2001). Field structural surveys identified two main strike-slip fault sets (N-S and NW-SE striking) controlling fluid flow, with voluminous carbonation observed mainly along the NW-SE-striking set. We collected a series of structurally-controlled samples along a reaction front from serpentinite to listvenite close to a major fault zone, aiming to relate the CO2-rich fluid/rock interaction with mega and meso-structures, along with detailed microstructural and chemical analyses.

The petrographic study, along with X-ray maps and microprobe chemical analyses, identify the following mineral associations, from serpentinite to listvenite: (i) serpentine + chlorite and minor quartz + fuchsite, talc, calcite and dolomite, (ii) serpentine + brucite + chlorite and minor quartz, talc, calcite and dolomite-siderite, (iii) dolomite, quartz, chlorite, serpentine and minor fuchsite associated with quartz-chlorite layers, (iv) quartz, dolomite and fuchsite with relict brucite. Interestingly, samples collected close to the serpentinite show microfolds where dolomite is stable, subsequently cut by brittle deformation related to the large-scale faults, suggesting a previous stage of fluid-mediated carbonation under a ductile deformation regime.

Qualitative and quantitative X-ray powder diffraction data enabled us to calculate a mass balance to model the rate of reaction and the composition of the original fluids. Preliminary results indicate a structural control on the fluid drainage and the role of brucite to dominate the carbonation reaction, as reported by experimental results of Campione et al. (2024), along with fuchsite.



Bistacchi, A., Dal Piaz, G., Massironi, M., Zattin, M., Balestrieri, M. (2001). The Aosta–Ranzola extensional fault system and Oligocene–Present evolution of the Austroalpine–Penninic wedge in the northwestern Alps. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 90, 654-667


Campione, M., Corti, M., D’Alessio, D., Capitani, G., Lucotti, A. Yivlialin, R., Tommasini. M., Bussetti, G., Malaspina, N. (2024). Microwave-driven carbonation of brucite. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 80, 102700

How to cite: Pasquinucci, A. M. B., Malaspina, N., Ceccato, A., Giuntoli, F., D'Alessio, D., Campione, M., and Dal Piaz, G. V.: A natural laboratory for carbon capture and storage: listvenites along regional fault zones (Zermatt Saas Unit, Western Alps, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11801,, 2025.

EGU25-12877 | Orals | TS1.4

Instability and equilibration of fluid-mineral systems under stress investigated through molecular dynamics 

Mattia Luca Mazzucchelli, Evangelos Moulas, Stefan M. Schmalholz, Boris Kaus, and Thomas Speck

Stress gradients and non-hydrostatic stresses are to be expected in rocks in the lithosphere, even in the presence of fluids. This complexity challenges the reliability of existing hydrostatic thermodynamic models, and, currently, in the geological lterature there is still no accepted theory for evaluating the thermodynamic effect of non-hydrostatic stress on reactions [e.g. 1, 2].

Large-scale Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations (i.e., >2e6 atoms) give us the opportunity to investigate reactions in deforming systems by directly bridging the scale between atomic-level processes and continuum deformation. With MD, the a-priori assumption of a specific thermodynamic potential is not required, which makes it a robust approach to test existing thermodynamic theories [3]. With MD simulations the energy of the system, the pressure of the fluid, the stress of the solid, as well as the overall dissolution and precipitation process can be monitored over time until the stressed system attains equilibrium conditions.

Our findings indicate that a solid under non-hydrostatic stress can be equilibrated with its pure fluid. However, for deformations at constant temperature, the non-hydrostatic equilibrium differs from the hydrostatic equilibrium in that the pressure of the fluid must increase to maintain equilibrium with the solid. At low differential stresses, such pressure deviations from the reference hydrostatic equilibrium are small, allowing phase equilibria predictions by considering the fluid pressure as a proxy for equilibration pressure, as suggested by previous experimental investigations.

In the presence of substantial non-hydrostatic stresses, the stressed system becomes unstable, leading ultimately to the precipitation of a quasi-hydrostatically stressed crystalline film on the surfaces of the initial highly stressed crystal. During crystallization, the total stress balance is preserved until the newly formed solid-film-fluid system reaches again a stable equilibrium. At the final equilibrium conditions only the low-stressed solid film is exposed to the fluid, bringing back the equilibrium fluid pressure close to the value expected for the equilibrium at homogeneous hydrostatic conditions. While our results agree qualitatively and quantitatively with previous theories of thermodynamics in deformed systems [4,5] and with experiments [6,7], they cannot be predicted by theories proposed to interpret reactions in deformed geological systems [e.g., 2,8].


1) Hobbs, B. E., & Ord, A. (2016). Earth-Science Reviews, 163, 190–233.

2) Wheeler, J. (2020). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175(12), 116.

3) Mazzucchelli, M. L., Moulas, E., Kaus, B. J. P., & Speck, T. (2024). American Journal of Science, 324.

4) Gibbs, J. W. (1876). Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 3, 108–248.

5) Frolov, T., & Mishin, Y. (2010). Physical Review B, 82(17), 1–14.

6) Berréhar, J., Caroli, C., Lapersonne-Meyer, C., & Schott, M. (1992). Physical Review B, 46(20), 13487–13495.

7) Koehn, D., Dysthe, D. K., & Jamtveit, B. (2004). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(16), 3317–3325.

8) Paterson, M. S. (1973). Reviews of Geophysics, 11(2).

How to cite: Mazzucchelli, M. L., Moulas, E., Schmalholz, S. M., Kaus, B., and Speck, T.: Instability and equilibration of fluid-mineral systems under stress investigated through molecular dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12877,, 2025.

EGU25-12944 | Orals | TS1.4

Atomic structure at the surface of warm basaltic glasses 

Marthe Grønlie Guren, Henrik Anderson Sveinsson, Razvan Caracas, Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, and Francois Renard

Silicate melts exist as lava flows which form when molten or partially molten magma erupts, and when they cool, magmas evolve into solid rocks. Depending on the cooling rate, they can evolve into fully crystalline rocks, partially-crystallized rocks or even glassy rocks. The composition of the glass at the cooling interface with air or water may be different than in the bulk. Here we study how some major elements could be concentrated or depleted at the surface of a cooling basaltic melt. This may have effects on how glass will interact with water at the onset of weathering. To model silicate melts, we have trained a machine-learned interatomic potential for basaltic glass, which we use to run molecular dynamics simulations of molten basalt and a basalt surface at temperatures consistent with fresh deposits of basalt during eruption. We have studied the difference between bulk molten basalt and a free surface of molten basalt by comparing the diffusion coefficient, lifetime of species and the spatial distribution of atoms between the two domains. We show that the diffusion at the surface is higher than in the bulk, indicating a higher rearrangement of the surfaces compared to the bulk, and the coordination numbers are generally lower at the surface than in the bulk. When studying the composition of a surface and bulk, our results show that most of the cations on the surface are iron, magnesium and calcium, i.e. the cations that can react with CO2 to precipitate as carbonate minerals. These simulations are relevant for the initial weathering of silicate melt, and knowledge of the composition of the surface are relevant for the potential reactions with CO2 and carbon mineralization.

How to cite: Guren, M. G., Sveinsson, H. A., Caracas, R., Malthe-Sørenssen, A., and Renard, F.: Atomic structure at the surface of warm basaltic glasses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12944,, 2025.

EGU25-12965 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Exploring deformation-driven fluid-flow and fluid-rock interactions: insights from the Dinarides orogen, southeastern Europe 

Maja Maleš, Fadi Henri Nader, Uroš Stojadinović, Liviu Matenco, Nemanja Krstekanić, Nikola Randjelovic, and Renaud Divies

Collisional orogens are characterized by complex contractional and extensional deformation, which significantly impact fluid migration and mineralization. These processes are crucial for understanding subsurface fluid flow dynamics, with implications for geothermal energy, hydrogen production, and CO2 storage. The Dinarides orogen in southeastern Europe, formed during the closure of the Neotethys Ocean and subsequent Adria-Europe collision, provides an excellent natural laboratory to investigate fluid-flow and fluid-rock interactions driven by orogenic deformation.

The Dinarides have experienced a sequence of tectonic events in their late evolution, including NE-EW Late Cretaceous-Eocene contraction, NE-SW Oligocene contraction, and bimodal NE-SW/NW-SE Miocene extension. These phases created fracture networks, tension gashes, and fault gouges, facilitating fluid migration and mineral precipitation within the orogen. Field investigations across five tectonic units in Montenegro (Dalmatian, Budva, High Karst, Pre Karst, and East Bosnian-Durmitor) documented structural features associated with these deformation phases.

Petrographic and geochemical analyses of vein-filling cements, including optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence, and stable isotope measurements, reveal that vein formation predominantly occurred under burial conditions with episodic transitions to meteoric environments. These results suggest that deformation-controlled fracture network acted as fluid pathways, driving localized dolomitization and calcite precipitation. The structural timing of these features correlates with major orogenic events, providing insights into the relationship between deformation and fluid flow.

Our findings contribute to understanding how fluid migration is driven by tectonic deformation in collisional orogens. By integrating field observations with petrographic and geochemical data, this study offers a framework for linking mineralization processes to tectonic evolution, with broader implications for fluid flow modelling in similar orogenic systems worldwide.

How to cite: Maleš, M., Nader, F. H., Stojadinović, U., Matenco, L., Krstekanić, N., Randjelovic, N., and Divies, R.: Exploring deformation-driven fluid-flow and fluid-rock interactions: insights from the Dinarides orogen, southeastern Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12965,, 2025.

Understanding the interaction of stress waves with fluid-filled rock joints is crucial for seismic hazard assessment, hydrocarbon extraction, geological CO2 storage, geothermal energy exploration, and wastewater disposal. This study investigates dynamic mechanical behaviors (including elastic modulus and initial joint stiffness) and wave propagation characteristics (i.e., transmission and reflection coefficients, energy attenuation) of single fluid-filled rock joints under the normal incidence of high-intensity stress waves, with a focus on the effects of liquid content and viscosity.  Dynamic compression tests were conducted using the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) technique combined with high-speed photography on rock joints with varying liquid content and viscosity. The results demonstrate that higher liquid content and viscosity increase the dynamic elastic modulus and initial joint stiffness of the joints. Increasing joint stiffness leads to an increase in wave transmission but a decrease in wave reflection. Besides, the increasing liquid viscosity reduces both wave transmission and reflection but enhances wave attenuation by individual fluid-filled rock joints. High-speed imaging revealed a transition from turbulent to laminar jet behavior with increasing liquid viscosity. These findings advance the understanding of fluid-rock interaction under dynamic conditions, offering valuable insights for theoretical development and practical applications in geophysical and geomechanical engineering.

How to cite: Yang, H., Duan, H., and Zhu, J.: The role of fluid viscosity in the interaction between individual fluid-filled rock joints and high-intensity stress waves , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15332,, 2025.

EGU25-15657 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4

Unravelling cyclic fault healing in carbonates: A natural example for the interaction of mechanical and fluid-mediated processes 

Berit Schwichtenberg, Alfons Berger, Marco Herwegh, Christoph Schrank, Michael W. Jones, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Dominik Fleitmann, Cameron M. Kewish, and Teo Neuenschwander

During the interseismic phase, faults regain frictional strength through a process commonly referred to as fault healing. Key mechanisms include contact welding by dissolution-precipitation creep and cementation by mineral precipitation in fluid-rich environments. While much research has focused on experimental investigations of silicate systems, e.g. in slide-hold-slide experiments, the complex interaction between mechanical and chemical processes, as well as recurring fault healing over multiple earthquake cycles remain understudied. Particularly in the case of natural fault systems, the database is scarce as processes of interest occur at depth and show a low preservation potential during exhumation.

Here, we present a combination of microstructural and microchemical observations from a carbonate-hosted fault zone located within the Helvetic nappe stack of the south-western Swiss Alps which was recently exposed due to glacial retreat, creating excellent outcrop conditions. The microstructural record allows us to distinguish three major healing episodes within the principal slip zone. These episodes follow brittle deformation at sub-seismic to seismic rates, forming veins along sets of discrete fault-parallel fractures. Due to continuous brittle deformation, individual veins experienced subsequent mechanical overprinting which led to the modification of the vein texture, an increase in the local porosity and the formation of new fluid-rock interaction faces. Additionally, we use the unique geochemical fingerprint of each set of veins, documented and analysed by high-resolution X-ray fluorescence mapping of trace elements, to differentiate and characterize individual fluid pulses and dynamic changes in the physio-chemical conditions of the fluid-rock system over time. While we interpret the principal slip zone to represent the youngest deformation event in our study, adjacent vein-derived domains that are deformed by aseismic viscous processes represent relatively older structures. Comparison of the isotopic composition of newly formed calcite crystals with relict grains and the country rock provides insight into possible isotope fluid-rock equilibria during tectonic processes and therefore fluid sources. Measured stable oxygen isotopes (δ18O) show a significant influence of meteoric water while clumped isotope thermometry indicates temperatures of 65-120°C, which are at least 100°C lower than in the country rock and literature values of Tmax in the area.

Our results suggest that the observed microstructural record is representative of seismic deformation and associated fault healing caused by low-magnitude earthquakes at shallow crustal levels near the upper limit of the seismogenic zone. This interpretation is consistent with the depth distribution of current hypocenters within a seismically active structure that is located in the vicinity of our study area, the so-called Rawil Fault Zone. We, therefore, conclude that the processes identified in the exhumed tectonite samples can serve as proxies for active deformation and fluid flow at depth. In a wider context, this may offer valuable insights for geothermal exploration in southwest Switzerland.

How to cite: Schwichtenberg, B., Berger, A., Herwegh, M., Schrank, C., Jones, M. W., Bernasconi, S. M., Fleitmann, D., Kewish, C. M., and Neuenschwander, T.: Unravelling cyclic fault healing in carbonates: A natural example for the interaction of mechanical and fluid-mediated processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15657,, 2025.

EGU25-17178 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4

Faults inside out: 4DμCT on direct shear dehydrating gypsum experiments 

Nick Harpers, Arthur Ng, James Gilgannon, Damien Freitas, Lisa Eberhardt, Roberto Rizzo, Benoit Cordonnier, Ian Butler, and Florian Fusseis

The dehydration of rocks, such as gypsum, is a critical process influencing plate tectonics and fault zone dynamics. Gypsum dehydration, serving as a model for serpentine dehydration, involves complex hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical (HMC) interactions that remain poorly understood under shear stress. Our study investigates how dehydration reactions and microstructural developments relate to macro-scale frictional responses, providing new insights into the conditions leading to mechanical instabilities and shear localisation.

To study the couplings between shear stress, strain and the microstructures formed during the dehydration of gypsum, we have conducted a series of direct shear experiments on Volterra Alabaster slabs and 99% pure gypsum powder. We performed the tests in a new direct shear setup of the x-ray transparent Heitt Mjölnir Cell (Freitas et al. 2024) at the ID19 beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France). This new setup allows fast 4D microtomography (4DμCT) to record the time evolution of the microstructure. In several 4D operando experiments, the samples were loaded with 10 - 25 MPa confining pressure and 2 MPa fluid pressure while allowing initial thermal equilibration of the system at 60 °C. Following equilibration, temperature was increased to 115 - 125 °C to start the dehydration of the gypsum. Simultaneously, a constant axial displacement rate of 0.2 - 0.3 µm/s was applied, which produced shear strain within the sample. Pore pressure oscillations were applied to monitor changes in hydraulic permeability across the samples.

The 4DµCT datasets allow good discretization of the three phases of interest (gypsum, hemihydrate and pore space) on the relevant microscale. Our ongoing analyses of the various 4DµCT datasets focus on 1) digital volume correlation (DVC) to quantify the deformation in the sample on the grain scale, 2) the calculation of reaction rates for dehydration and 3) the quantification of grain-scale permeability during shearing and reaction. Initial analyses show well-resolved shear structures forming throughout the different tests (e.g., boundary shears, compaction bands, Riedel-shears). By quantifying the reactions and the deformation over time, we identify the minor and major processes controlling the development of the microstructure. These processes are then related to changes in friction and transport parameters.  In future experiments, we will focus on different lithologies to further understand the effects of fault gouge composition and grain geometry as well as the analysis of rate-and-state friction (RSF) for the quantification of sliding stability. Our data demonstrate the potential that 4D operando direct shear experiments hold for the study of friction processes in fault zones.

How to cite: Harpers, N., Ng, A., Gilgannon, J., Freitas, D., Eberhardt, L., Rizzo, R., Cordonnier, B., Butler, I., and Fusseis, F.: Faults inside out: 4DμCT on direct shear dehydrating gypsum experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17178,, 2025.

EGU25-18686 | Posters on site | TS1.4

The complex and prolonged fracturing and chemical alteration history of the Rolvsnes granodiorite on the Bømlo archipelago in southwestern Norway 

Annina Margreth, Kristian Drivenes, Jasmin Schönenberger, Roelant van der Lelij, Ola Fredin, and Jochen Knies

Reconstructing the tectonic and geomorphological history of geological terranes poses significant challenges, particularly when interpreting deeply buried and exhumed settings. The Rolvsnes granodiorite terrane exposed in the Bømlo archipelago on Norway’s southwestern coast, provide invaluable insights into these processes. This granodioritic to granitic intrusive body serves as an onshore counterpart to offshore basement reservoirs, such as those on the Utsira basement high, where altered basement rocks are overlain by Permian to Cretaceous sediments. These analogs enable researchers to link surface observations to subsurface conditions, offering a rare opportunity to understand complex fracture and alteration histories.

We provide new evidence from multidisciplinary investigations constraining the fracturing and alteration history of the Rolvsnes granodiorite. Multiple chemically altered bedrock outcrops associated with fracture zones were identified across Bømlo, with samples collected for geochemical, mineralogical, and isotopic analyses. We characterize secondary clay assemblages and constrain the timing of alteration processes. Additionally, three bedrock cores drilled through prominent fracture zones were logged and sampled to enhance the dataset with subsurface information.

K-Ar geochronology dates range from the Carboniferous to the Paleogene, suggesting multiple alteration events over extended periods. Geochemical and mineralogical data indicate significant leaching of alkali and alkaline-earth elements, with the formation of kaolinite, smectite, interstratified illite-smectite, illite, and lepidocrocite in the altered material. Scanning electron microscopy reveals small but significant differences between alteration zones. In some zones, K-feldspar is altered into a mixture of kaolinite, smectite, and illite, while plagioclase (particularly Na-rich laminae) and biotite remain relatively unaffected. In other zones, biotite transforms into vermiculite, illite, and iron (hydro-)oxides, while plagioclase alters into smectite and kaolinite, leaving K-feldspar relatively intact. These findings suggest alteration predominantly by low-temperature meteoric water. Many samples did not yield Kübler Index determinations due to poorly defined 10 Å peaks, but acquired illite-crystallinity data indicate fluid temperatures ranging from 120 to 295 °C. Thus, K-Ar ages should be interpreted cautiously, as multiple alteration events may occur along the same fracture zone at different times.

The data suggests that faulting and hydrothermal alteration initiated as early as the Carboniferous, continuing through the Permian. Late Triassic brittle faulting may have coincided with supergene weathering under humid, tropical conditions, resulting in saprolitic weathering of the crystalline basement along pre-existing fractures. During subsequent marine transgressions, most saprolitic material was eroded, leaving remnants buried beneath sedimentary cover, which was in turn largely removed during the Plio-Pleistocene. The Rolvsnes granodiorite appears to have experienced additional fracturing and alteration events beneath this sedimentary cover, as indicated by K-Ar dates extending into the Early Cretaceous and Paleogene. 

This study highlights the inherent difficulties of reconstructing complex tectonic and geomorphological histories in such terranes. The Bømlo archipelago offers a compelling case study for linking onshore observations to offshore settings, but challenges remain in disentangling overlapping alteration processes and correlating them to specific tectonic events.

How to cite: Margreth, A., Drivenes, K., Schönenberger, J., van der Lelij, R., Fredin, O., and Knies, J.: The complex and prolonged fracturing and chemical alteration history of the Rolvsnes granodiorite on the Bømlo archipelago in southwestern Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18686,, 2025.

EGU25-19182 | Posters on site | TS1.4

Fault-induced saddle dolomitization during the Late Triassic rifting of Pangea in the southern Adria region (Southern Italy) 

Muhammad Awais, Renato Diamanti, Giovanni Camanni, Massimo D'antonio, Giovanna Della porta, Valeria Di renzo, Sossio fabio Graziano, Alessandro Iannace, and Andrew Kylander-clark

Shallow crustal fault zones, particularly those within carbonate successions, are deformation zones that influence subsurface fluid migration, localization, and interaction. These zones, characterized by fault-controlled fracturing and brecciation, can act as important conduits for fluid flow in the Earth's crust. The interaction between fluids and the fractured carbonates rock matrix can induce significant changes in the mineralogical and mechanical properties of fault zones. Therefore, studying fluid-rock interactions in such environments is crucial not only for understanding the natural processes governing subsurface fluid dynamics, deformation, and metamorphism but also for addressing significant challenges in energy and mineral exploration as well as in underground engineering.

This study presents, for the first time in the southern Apennines (southern Italy), evidence of fault-driven hydrothermal dolomitization during the late Triassic rifting event in the western Adria plate. We investigated the fault-controlled saddle dolomite formation in Norian dolomites exposed in the western sector of the Matese Massif. The study focused on dolomite breccias associated with N-S and NNW-SSE striking normal faults. These structures include layers of mature cataclasites made of clasts with angular boundaries within a highly porous matrix, crossed by veins, mosaic and chaotic breccias. The breccias are composed of angular clasts of host rock dolomite, formed by early marine replacive dolomitization of shallow-water carbonates, surrounded by coarse saddle dolomite cement. The saddle dolomite cement is characterized by two distinct phases. The first phase (SD1) is yellow, inclusion-rich, and forms a rim around the clasts, while the second phase (SD2) is euhedral, exhibiting well-defined zoning with a transition from cloudy to limpid crystals. The saddle dolomite cement texture, coupled with decreasing δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values, suggests that it precipitated at temperatures of 100-120°C from fluids that likely interacted with magmatic sources.

U-Pb dating of the dolomite cement provides late Triassic crystallization ages of approximately 206 ± 13 Ma and 217.0 ± 6.6 Ma. Additionally, the ferroan dolomite cement contains quartz and hydrothermal minerals, including fluorite and apatite, in minor quantities. These findings suggest that the brecciation and hydrothermal saddle dolomite precipitation were linked to normal fault activity during the breakup of Pangea, contributing to the separation of the SW sector of Eurasia from the western margin of the Adria Plate.

How to cite: Awais, M., Diamanti, R., Camanni, G., D'antonio, M., Della porta, G., Di renzo, V., Graziano, S. F., Iannace, A., and Kylander-clark, A.: Fault-induced saddle dolomitization during the Late Triassic rifting of Pangea in the southern Adria region (Southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19182,, 2025.

EGU25-368 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5

The Coulomb stress transfer and possible interactions between seismic and volcanic activity in the Colca Region (Central Andes) 

Marta Woszczycka, Krzysztof Gaidzik, Rosa Anccasi, Maciej Mendecki, and Carlos Benavente

The Coulomb stress transfer analysis is based on the hypothesis that failure on a fault plane occurs when the Coulomb stress exceeds a certain threshold. Positive Coulomb stress changes are thought to bring faults closer to failure, whereas negative ones inhibit failure. The Colca Region in Central Andes, southern Peru, is prone to small- to moderate-sized (Mw ≤ 6.0) shallow (< 20 km) earthquakes associated with normal and strike-slip crustal faults within the overriding plate in the Nazca-South American subduction zone. Along with the activity of the Sabancaya volcano, which in recent years comprised mainly of ash and fumarole emissions, this region offers an opportunity to investigate the complex relationship between seismic and volcanic activity, their potential interplay, and triggering factors.

To explore these dynamics, we carried out a Coulomb stress transfer analysis examining the interactions between source faults of 28 significant recent earthquakes (1991-2022), as well as the impact of magmatic inflation (2013-2022) on seismic events. The results confirm a tectonic origin for most earthquakes, while the magmatic source appears to play a secondary role, primarily amplifying the effects of prior seismic activity. However, the Coulomb stress transfer does not seem to be the main factor impacting the seismicity of the Colca Region, as most of the analyzed source faults were not brought closer to failure due to a positive stress change. Preceding seismic activity induced positive Coulomb stress changes on source faults in 43% of the events, while negative stress changes potentially inhibited 25%. Magmatic inflation contributed to positive stress changes in 22% of cases but also induced negative changes in a similar proportion. Notably, no direct connection was identified regarding the significant increase in seismic activity in 2013, which appeared to be potentially correlated with the start of the fumarolic emissions (late 2012) by the Sabancaya volcano.

While the coseismic static Coulomb stress change does not fully account for the complexity of seismic and volcanic activity and their interplay in the Colca Region, it provides valuable insights into active geological processes and highlights open questions warranting further investigation.

This research was funded by the National Science Centre (Poland), Grant Number 2020/39/B/ST10/00042.

How to cite: Woszczycka, M., Gaidzik, K., Anccasi, R., Mendecki, M., and Benavente, C.: The Coulomb stress transfer and possible interactions between seismic and volcanic activity in the Colca Region (Central Andes), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-368,, 2025.

Paleostress reconstruction in fractured rocks is generally conducted through fault-slip inversion. Estimating spatio-temporal variation of paleostress directions from deformed rocks with prolonged deformation history is extremely challenging due to heterogeneity, non-coaxiality of deformation, ascertaining relative timing of formation of different fracture sets, genetic association with the larger structure, and probable reactivation among other factors.  Therefore, fault-slip-based kinematic studies from roof thrusts of duplexes are generally less common. In this context, we attempt to deduce the fault kinematics from the leading-edge exposure of the Ramgarh thrust (RT) sheet in Darjeeling-Himalaya, which hosts a thrust-related antiform. The RT also acts as the roof thrust of the Lesser Himalayan duplex (Bhattacharyya et al., 2015). We studied the slickenline data from near the footwall contact of the RT zone (part of the overturned forelimb of the antiform) up to ~3.4km into the RT sheet (backlimb). As part of an ongoing study (Ammu and Bhattacharyya, in revision), we have deciphered a first-order relative timing among the fracture sets along with fold-fracture relative timing using various factors, for example, spatial variation of shear fracture-bedding angles, offset, relative abundance at different locations, fold test, correlation between the dihedral angles of conjugate faults and depth. We used the PBT method (Huang and Charlesworth, 1989; Sperner et al., 1993) to invert the fault-slips and reconstruct the stress regimes. This multi-proxy workflow can be used to systematically reconstruct the fault kinematics from structurally complex settings.

The major fault, RT, is oriented ~72°, 304°, along a cross-section with a bearing of ~130-310° and has a top-to-the-south vergence. The shear fractures (n=208) record normal (~61%), inverse (~39%), sinistral (~54%), dextral (~46%), oblique- (~74%), dip- (~18%) and strike- (~8%) slip movement. Although the RT sheet records a heterogeneous fault-slip population, proximal to the RT zone, the shear fractures show dominantly inverse (~58%) and sinistral (~67%) sense, i.e., a similar sense of slip as that of the major fault. We divided the heterogeneous fault-slip data into fourteen homogeneous subsets, which were categorized into pre-, syn-, and post-folding stages. The RT sheet records eight post-folding fault-slip subsets with ~NNE-SSW compression, ~NW-SE, and ~NE-SW extension, and strike-slip regimes with ~NE-SW, ~E-W, and ~NW-SE compression. The post-folding ~NNE-SSW compressional regime conforms to the present-day orientation of the regional tectonic stress field. Most stress regimes exhibit an anticlockwise rotation of stress fields proximal to the fault as compared to the interior of the RT sheet. The rotation of stress fields is observed across the pre-, syn-, and post-folding stages. Thus, the RT caused stress perturbations and influenced fracture kinematics within the RT sheet across space and time.

How to cite: Jayalakshmi Krishnankutty, A. and Bhattacharyya, K.: Decoding fault kinematics from the roof thrust of the Lesser Himalayan duplex: Insights from paleostress reconstruction, Ramgarh thrust, Darjeeling-Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-791,, 2025.

EGU25-1144 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5 | Highlight

Fault growth and reactivation in the West Netherlands Basin: Implications for subsurface renewable energy projects 

Annelotte Weert, Giovanni Camanni, Marco Mercuri, Kei Ogata, Francesco Vinci, and Stefano Tavani

Reconstructing the spatiotemporal evolution of fault systems in rift basins is essential for characterizing reservoirs used in geothermal exploration and CO2 or hydrogen storage projects. This study aims to elucidate the growth and reactivation of inverted normal faults in the West Netherlands Basin and their implications for subsurface renewable energy projects. With a complex tectonic history, the area experienced multiple rifting phases and basin inversion. Fault displacement-distance diagrams were produced by using an updated semi-automated workflow for nine major basin-scale faults, providing new insights into the lateral and vertical growth of faults in inverted rift basins.

This study demonstrates that the faults in the West Netherlands Basin developed their lateral lengths during the early stages of Triassic rifting. Subsequent Jurassic extensional phases caused reactivation, leading to a consequent increase of vertical displacement and creating accommodation space for the deposition of the study area’s main reservoir rock. Variations in the reactivation behaviour along the different fault segments were promoted by stress field rotations, which significantly influenced the distribution and extent of sediment deposition. This resulted in a complex reservoir architecture that is characterized by spatial heterogeneities in porosity and permeability.

We identified contractional features, such as pop-up structures and fault-propagation folds, formed by positive fault reactivation during Late Cretaceous basin inversion. The strength of inversion was influenced by the geometry and orientation of pre-existing faults and the thickness of the underlying sedimentary cover. Inversion-related structures further complicate the basin’s architecture, by compartmentalizing the reservoir rock and influencing sediment distribution patterns.

Our findings show an example of how fault dynamics can affect the geothermal reservoir quality and storage capacity of subsurface exploration targets. This study provides valuable insights for optimizing exploration strategies and storage site selection by integrating fault growth and reactivation analysis. This helps to further reduce geothermal exploration risks and enhances storage efficiency in rift basin settings.


How to cite: Weert, A., Camanni, G., Mercuri, M., Ogata, K., Vinci, F., and Tavani, S.: Fault growth and reactivation in the West Netherlands Basin: Implications for subsurface renewable energy projects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1144,, 2025.

EGU25-2194 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5

Reactivation mechanism of pre-existing faults in multiphase extensional setting: A case study of Enping 17 sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin 

Zhiqing Zhang, Hua Liu, Guangrong Peng, and Zulie Long

        The Enping 17 sag (EP17) is located in the northern part of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, and the Cenozoic boundary faults with complex-trending have been developed. The genetic mechanism of the boundary faults is still unclear, which limits the understanding of the structural evolution of the sag in the study area. Using high-quality three-dimensional seismic data, through seismic interpretation, throw-distance (T-x) plots, physical experiment and tectonic evolution sections, the geometric characteristics, activity and genesis of boundary faults are analyzed, and the reactivation mechanism of pre-existing faults and the evolution process of sags are discussed. The results show that the EP17 boundary fault is curved, and there are differences between the north and south sides: the north is dominated by NE-trending faults, accompanied by nearly ENE-trending faults, with slope-flat type and four-stage rolling anticline on the seismic profile; the south is a near NS-trending fault with shovel-type and two-stage rolling anticline. The selective reactivation of NE-trending and near NS-trending pre-existing faults in the Cenozoic controlled the evolution of the sag. The Enping 17 sag has undergone multiphase extension, and the extension direction rotates from NW-SE to N-S clockwise. The early Eocene NE-trending and near NS-trending pre-existing faults are reactivated at the same time, forming a strong extension zone at the fault tips, resulting in a rapid link between the north and south faults. These group of faults continued to be active during the Middle Eocene, and a new ENE-trending fault was formed in the north. The NE-and ENE-trending faults in the northern part of the Late Eocene continued to move, controlling the migration of the sedimentary center to the northern sag.

How to cite: Zhang, Z., Liu, H., Peng, G., and Long, Z.: Reactivation mechanism of pre-existing faults in multiphase extensional setting: A case study of Enping 17 sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2194,, 2025.

EGU25-5986 | Posters on site | TS1.5

Extremely fractured quartz within Milun fault zone: implications for pulverization 

Wen-Jie Wu, Po-ying Lien, Teng-Huei Huang, Ching-Yu Chiang, Li-Wei Kuo, and Kuo-Fong Ma

Fault rocks are influenced by physical conditions such as frictional properties, temperature, effective normal stress, and differential stress. Their formation is examined with respect to energy distribution in fault zones, fault slip velocity, and etc. In this study, the fault-zone materials were retrieved from Hole-A of MiDAS project and were examined at 491.3 m in which the extremely fractured quartz was found in the vicinity of upper boundary of the active Milun Fault zone. The quartz was analyzed using optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), and synchrotron XRD and Laue diffraction to understand their microstructures and potential deformation mechanisms. Microstructural observations showed angular, extremely fractured quartz grains with intragranular fracturing and no significant shear strain. XRD analyses showed a notable rightward peak shift in the 491.3 m quartz compared to quartz from other depths (389.1 m and 505.45 m), suggesting compressive stress-induced strain. Synchrotron-based XRD confirmed the absence of amorphous phases, indicating the quartz experienced rapid brittle deformation rather than prolonged shear. Laue diffraction demonstrated significant lattice distortion and high residual stress within the quartz, further supporting a mechanical origin. On ther other hand, triaxial compression tests on synthetic quartz were conducted to simulate deformation under semi-static deformation conditions. These tests revealed that strain localization are inconsistent with observations from the extremely fractured quartz. Based on these findings, thermal fracturing and comminution due to shear deformation were excluded as primary mechanisms. Instead, the results suggest that the pulverized quartz formed under extreme high strain rates likely associated with seismic rupture dynamics. This study provides a comprehensive microstructural characterization of pulverization, advancing our understanding of fault zone processes during earthquakes.

How to cite: Wu, W.-J., Lien, P., Huang, T.-H., Chiang, C.-Y., Kuo, L.-W., and Ma, K.-F.: Extremely fractured quartz within Milun fault zone: implications for pulverization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5986,, 2025.

EGU25-6171 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5

Rheological control on distributed aftershock activity: insights from the Mw 6.5 Norcia seismic sequence 

Francesca Rossi, Giovanni Guglielmi, Fabio Trippetta, and Cristiano Collettini

The spatio-temporal evolution of seismicity is of paramount importance as it provides insights into the brittle deformation of the Earth’s crust. During a seismic sequence, the spatial distribution of aftershocks typically reveals the structural architecture of the fault zone activated during the mainshock. However, within the seismogenic crust, seismicity is not necessarily exclusive of the mainshock rupture plane. In the case of the Mw 5.9 and Mw 6.5 2016-2017 Visso-Norcia (Central Italy) seismic sequence, widespread distributed seismicity (Mw < 4.5) has been recorded down-dip in the hangingwall of the ruptured fault in the depth range of 4-9 km (down-dip hanging-wall seismicity, DHwS). This is the portion of the seismogenic crust where seismic reflection profiles identify the presence of large volumes of Triassic Evaporites, TE, a geological formation composed of anhydrites and dolostones. Field and laboratory observations show that, away from the major brittle faults, TE deformation consists of a background ductile deformation interspersed with brittle processes in the form of distributed failure and folding of the anhydrites associated with boudinage hydro-fracturing and faulting of dolostones. 

In this work we used the DHwS to highlight the seismological evidence of distributed deformation within a layer of the seismogenic crust affected by a background ductile deformation.

Through the construction of a series of seismological cross sections oriented perpendicularly to the strike of the mainshock rupture plane, we identified two main types of DHwS: 

  • Diffuse, non-localized seismicity characterized by low variability of daily seismicity rate, and
  • Localized seismicity featured by both swarm-like and Omori-like event decay.

In particular, localized seismicity is mostly located south of the mainshock, and illuminates kilometers-long structures with different orientations.

We interpret the occurrence of DHwS as the result of the embrittlement of the evaporitic layer induced by an increase of  strain rate following the Norcia mainshock. This is supported by recent laboratory experiments showing that an increase in strain rate promotes brittle failure and faulting in TE samples, rather than ductile deformation. Furthermore, Coulomb stress changes simulated after the Norcia mainshock suggest an increase in strain rate within rock volumes where DHwS is recorded.

Our results suggest that the aftershock distribution during a seismic sequence can be strongly controlled by the rheology of the lithologies contained within the seismogenic crust.

How to cite: Rossi, F., Guglielmi, G., Trippetta, F., and Collettini, C.: Rheological control on distributed aftershock activity: insights from the Mw 6.5 Norcia seismic sequence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6171,, 2025.

EGU25-6237 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5

Rheology and fault slip behavior of Triassic Evaporites: an experimental study 

Giovanni Guglielmi, Carolina Giorgetti, Nicola De Paola, Michele Mauro, Cristiano Collettini, and Fabio Trippetta

The Triassic Evaporites (TE), made of alternating dolostones and anhydrites, hosted the mainshocks and most of the aftershocks of the Mw 6.0 1997 Colfiorito and Mw 6.5 2016 Norcia earthquakes in central Italy. Their complex rheology features elasto-frictional behavior and ductile deformation. The latter is highlighted by the spatio-temporal evolution of the Norcia aftershock sequence showing widespread distributed seismicity within a large crustal volume, suggesting a rheological embrittlement of the whole evaporitic layer.


To understand the main factors causing rheology variations of TE, we performed triaxial compression experiments on TE borehole samples varying strain rate, confining pressure, lithology and fabric. We tested pure anhydrite, foliated anhydrite-dolostone and mixed-chaotic dolostone-rich specimens. Samples, subjected to confining pressures of 10 and 20 MPa, were loaded up to failure at strain rates of 10-4 and 10-5 s-1, and then reloaded after a holding time of 1000 s to evaluate fault reactivation characteristics.  We also performed friction experiments on TE gouge at normal stress of 20 MPa and load-point velocity of 10 μm/s, to capture fault structure development starting from randomly distributed anhydrite-dolostone particles. Mechanical measurements were coupled by microstructural analyses to elucidate the deformation processes operating at different boundary conditions.


In triaxial experiments, all samples exhibited brittle shear failure with associated stress drop. Upon rock failure, we observed a spectrum of fault slip behaviors ranging from slow (< 50 μm/s) to fast (> 600 μm/s) fault slip.  We observe that dynamic faulting occurred preferentially at 10 MPa, and at higher strain rate in dolostone-rich samples . Upon fault reactivation, we recorded fault slip instabilities, mainly for the same type of conditions: dolostone-rich samples and at confining pressure of 10 MPa. On the contrary, neither fabric nor textural heterogeneities appeared to influence rock failure properties or fault reactivation behavior. During friction experiments on gouge, we measured similar friction coefficients between anhydrite and dolostone (μ ∼ 0.65), detecting minor fault slip instabilities within dolostone-rich samples. Microstructural investigations revealed the enrichment of dolostone within the experimentally developed fault slip zones, characterized by grain size reduction and shear localization.


The analysis of mechanical data suggests that rheological embrittlement of TE is facilitated by low confining pressure, high strain rate and high dolostone content. The simultaneous occurrence of these conditions promotes dynamic faulting upon rock failure and fault slip instabilities during fault reactivation. Shear localization favors dolostone concentration along slip planes, implying that the shear strength of TE-hosted faults is primarily controlled by frictional properties of dolostone, which create favorable conditions for the development of slip instabilities. When upscaling laboratory results to the crustal scale, we can speculate that low effective pressure is given by pressurized fluids while mainshock-induced stress changes facilitated a strain rate increase. These processes together contribute to the embrittlement of the evaporitic layer, explaining the distributed seismicity observed after the Norcia mainshock.

How to cite: Guglielmi, G., Giorgetti, C., De Paola, N., Mauro, M., Collettini, C., and Trippetta, F.: Rheology and fault slip behavior of Triassic Evaporites: an experimental study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6237,, 2025.

EGU25-7316 | Posters on site | TS1.5

Co-seismic damage of the Nojima fault one year after the 1995 Nanbu-Kobe earthquake 

Mai-Linh Doan, Romain Iaquinta, and Charlotte Nagy

After the devastating Mw 7.3 Nanbu-Kobe earthquake of 1995, a 750 m deep borehole was drilled by the Geological Survey of Japan to intersect the Nojima fault at depth. The Hirabayashi borehole intersected the fault core at 625 m in 1996, less than one year after the earthquake. Such a short span provides an exceptional opportunity to assess the co-seismic damage generated by this earthquake.

As part of the AlterAction project (, which assesses the interplay between the alteration and deformation of faults embedded in crystalline rocks under hydrothermal conditions, several core samples were collected at regular intervals along the Hirabyashi borehole. X-ray CT scans with a voxel size of ~50 μm  were systematically performed on the samples.

This allows to quantify the fracture pattern across the fault zone. The scans show a network of open fractures, whose density increases when approaching the principal slip zone at 625 m, suggesting that these fractures are related to fault activity. The damage appears symmetric extending ~70m above and below the fault (corresponding to an effective thickness of ~15m given the low angle between the borehole and the fault plane). The relative volume occupied by the open fractures strongly decreased in the vicinity of the principal slip zone. This is related to the sealing of the fracture network, which is assumed to have occurred during the short interval between the 1995 earthquake and the time of drilling.

Several samples exhibited a dense and diffuse fracture pattern, but with very moderate deformation. Such a damage pattern is reminiscent to the “pulverized rocks” found at the surface near active faults. This would provide the first direct evidence of pulverization at depth in the Nojima Fault and confirms that a high strain rate was achieved during the 1995 Nanbu-Kobe earthquake.

How to cite: Doan, M.-L., Iaquinta, R., and Nagy, C.: Co-seismic damage of the Nojima fault one year after the 1995 Nanbu-Kobe earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7316,, 2025.

EGU25-9308 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5

Faulting variability in the Kortrijk Clay Formation, Princess Elisabeth Zone, offshore Belgium: Implications for clay tectonics 

Harisma Andikagumi, Thomas Mestdagh, Hakan Saritas, Tine Missiaen, Marc de Batist, Bruno Stuyts, and Hans Pirlet

Layer-bound faults in fine-grained sediments, observed in sedimentary basins worldwide, are frequently interpreted as the result of polygonal faulting. In clay formations, these faults are linked to clay tectonics—post-depositional processes that generate intraformational fault systems with no predominant orientation. As part of subsurface investigations for future wind farm development in the Princess Elisabeth Zone (PEZ), offshore Belgium, we analyse faulting observed within the Eocene-aged Kortrijk Clay Formation, a lateral equivalent of the London Clay Formation.

Using ultra-high-resolution seismic and acoustic reflection data with dense grid spacing (40-60 m), we identified two distinct fault groups that transition sharply between the southern and northern PEZ. The first group, dominant in the southern PEZ, comprises ENE-WSW oriented faults (N75°E-N85°E) with steep dips of 60°-70°, narrow spacing of 50-160 m, and fault lengths typically under 0.5 km. In contrast, the second group, prominent in the northern PEZ, features NNE-SSW faults (N355°E–N25°E) with shallower dips of 35°–45°, wider spacing of 100–500 m, larger displacements of up to 5 m, and fault lengths extending to 1.7 km. This group also includes a major fault with a displacement of up to 15 m, aligned parallel to the other faults. Unlike the southern faults, some of these northern faults propagate deeper, potentially reaching the top of the Cretaceous. Additionally, folding structures are also observed, with fold axes oriented both parallel and oblique to the fault directions.

The distinct partitioning of fault orientations and distributions between the two areas raises critical questions about the origin and controls of the faulting process. The presence of dominant fault orientations contradicts the diagenetic-related polygonal faulting model, which typically predicts faults lacking a preferred orientation. These dominant orientations, along with the occurrence of major faulting—particularly in the northern PEZ—point to the potential influence of regional tectonic stresses. However, the controls on the spatial partitioning of these fault groups remain unclear, highlighting the need for deeper seismic data that would allow further investigation into the deeper regional structure to better understand the faulting processes within this clay formation.

How to cite: Andikagumi, H., Mestdagh, T., Saritas, H., Missiaen, T., de Batist, M., Stuyts, B., and Pirlet, H.: Faulting variability in the Kortrijk Clay Formation, Princess Elisabeth Zone, offshore Belgium: Implications for clay tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9308,, 2025.

EGU25-10835 | Orals | TS1.5

Wellbore Stability Challenges in Fractured Carbonates: Analyzing Stresses, Planes of Weaknesses, and Thermal Effects  

Debashis Konwar, Chandni Mishra, and Chandreyi Chatterjee

Drilling through fractured carbonate formations often presents significant geomechanical challenges, including borehole collapse, cavings, tight spots, stuck pipe and lost circulation issues. These instabilities arise due to complex interactions between in-situ stresses, natural fractures, and thermal effects, requiring a robust geomechanical model for risk mitigation.

The LTG-01 well, drilled in the Dutch subsurface, encountered severe wellbore instability issues while drilling the 8.5-inch section through the Dinantian carbonates. The well exhibited tight hole conditions, stuck pipe events, severe mud losses, wellbore breathing, along with washouts identified from caliper logs. Borehole resistivity imaging further revealed borehole breakouts and drilling-induced tensile fractures (DIFs) within the carbonate interval. To investigate these geomechanical challenges, a 1D Mechanical Earth Model (MEM) was constructed using well log data available from the NLOG public database.

Elastic properties such as Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, along with strength parameters including Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS), tensile strength, friction angle, and cohesion, were computed using empirical correlations. Pore pressure was estimated using Eaton’s method for the clastic overburden and a gradient-based approach in the carbonate section. Vertical stress was computed via density log integration, while horizontal stresses were derived from the poroelastic horizontal strain equation, constrained by LOT and FIT data.

A key finding was that the drilling-induced fractures in the carbonate interval could be linked to thermal stress effects, caused by the temperature contrast between the borehole fluid and formation temperatures which were in order of ~160-190°C. The breakdown gradient computed from the MEM approached the equivalent circulating density (ECD) in zones where DIFs were observed, suggesting that thermal stress significantly reduced the rock’s tensile strength, leading to DIF formation. Additionally, borehole washouts observed in calipers, along with vuggy and brecciated intervals, highlighted the presence of mechanically weak zones.

Furthermore, borehole breakouts appear to correlate more strongly with plane of weakness (PoW) shear failure rather than intact rock failure. In addition to Mohr-Coulomb intact rock failure, alternative shear failure mechanisms were assessed—one using bedding planes as failure surfaces, and another considering natural conductive fractures as weakness planes. A notable correlation between PoW shear failure gradients and breakout intervals suggests that pre-existing weak planes significantly influenced wellbore instability.

Despite these insights, some uncertainties remain, particularly regarding fracture connectivity and fluid interaction effects, which merit further investigation. Nonetheless, this study provides critical geomechanical insights for future drilling in fractured carbonate formations, emphasizing the need for thermal stress considerations and plane of weakness analysis in wellbore stability assessments.

How to cite: Konwar, D., Mishra, C., and Chatterjee, C.: Wellbore Stability Challenges in Fractured Carbonates: Analyzing Stresses, Planes of Weaknesses, and Thermal Effects , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10835,, 2025.

EGU25-10920 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5


Tiago Miranda, Daniel Barbosa, Osvaldo Correia Filho, Acaua Silva, Luis Gustavo Viegas, Sergio Neves, Bruno Carvalho, Maria Laura Reis, Nick Roberts, and Virginio Neumann

The Borborema Province (NE Brazil) is a key region to investigate fluid-assisted brittle deformation related to the reactivation of continental-scale shear zones during South Atlantic rifting. The Cruzeiro do Nordeste shear zone (CNSZ), defines the northern boundary of the Jatobá Basin and displays brittle structures such as faults, veins, breccias and pseudotachylytes, which contain evidence of paleoseismic cycles. These structures formed during the brittle reactivation of pre-existing ductile and brittle-ductile fabrics. They are filled by multiple stages of mineralization, first epidote, followed by two phases of calcite. Calcitic carbonate veins appear as cement in tectonic breccias, or as late veins associated with quartz. Fault breccias are characterized by angular clasts with crackle textures, while hydrothermal-type breccias are distinguished by matrix-supported subangular to subrounded clasts, indicative of multiple fluid injection events. To determine the timing of these deformation events, five carbonate samples were dated using U-Pb geochronology. The samples include spatic calcite in hydrothermal breccias, late sub-horizontal veins, and spatic calcite that crosscuts epidote-filled veins. The textures of these carbonates range from coarse tabular crystals with mechanical twins to fine-grained, granular shapes. Cathodoluminescence imaging reveals two distinct calcite mineralization phases reflecting episodic fluid flow during deformation. The samples yielded ages from 140 to 114 Ma, spanning the Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian) to Early Cretaceous (Aptian), a timeframe associated with South Atlantic rifting and the development of the intraplate Brazilian sedimentary basins. The structural and chronological data suggest that reactivation of brittle-ductile structures played a crucial role in channelling carbonate-rich fluids during successive seismic cycles. The variations in orientations and ages of brittle structures indicates that deformation occurred episodically, driven by regional stress variations during rifting. These findings highlight the importance of brittle-ductile deformation in accommodating tectonic stresses and facilitating fluid circulation throughout rift evolution. This study enhances our understanding of the tectonic and fluid-flow processes associated with shear zone reactivation during South Atlantic opening. By integrating structural analysis with U-Pb dating of carbonate minerals, we provide a framework for reconstructing paleoseismic cycles and their role in shaping the geological record of intraplate deformation. These insights contribute to broader discussions on rifting dynamics and the evolution of continental margins.

How to cite: Miranda, T., Barbosa, D., Correia Filho, O., Silva, A., Viegas, L. G., Neves, S., Carvalho, B., Reis, M. L., Roberts, N., and Neumann, V.: TRACKING PALEOSEISMIC CYCLES TROUGH U-Pb CARBONATE DATING: EVIDENCE FROM THE BRITTLE DEFORMATION OF THE CRUZEIRO DO NORDESTE SHEAR ZONE, NE BRAZIL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10920,, 2025.

Faults can be studied at different scales and through different methods. Hence, every method provides some insight into our understanding of fault geometry and properties despite the limitations inherent to these methods. Among fault characteristics, fault geometric attributes such as fault plane roughness, displacement, length, and width can be studied using both outcrops and 3D reflection seismic data. Fault geometric attributes from different scales of study are then used within fault scaling laws to increase our knowledge of fault growth mechanism and mechanics.  In addition, fault rock properties from fault core and damage zone allow us to study the effect of faults on the fluid flow behavior of rocks as well as their mechanical integrity. In order to have a better knowledge of fault characteristics and mechanical behavior, it is important to integrate fault geometric studies with fault rock properties.  This needs an interdisciplinary approach, combining geomechanics, earthquake and exploration seismology with structural geology, hence, allowing us to study both active and non-active faults from different perspectives.

How to cite: Torabi, A.: Fault characteristics from outcrop and reflection seismic studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11403,, 2025.

In 2011, the Tohoku subduction zone endured a Mw 9.0 large earthquake and a large tsunami with co-seismic displacement exceeding 40 meters at the trench. Such an unexpected tsunami earthquake is expected to have created intense damage across the plate boundary fault zone (PBFZ).

We propose to characterize the hydraulic damage pattern across the PBFZ of the Tohoku earthquake. To achieve this, we will use the rich dataset collected during IODP Expedition 405, during which the PBFZ was drilled directly several times between September and December 2024. In particular, we focus on drilling and logging data to estimate the flow entering the borehole. By carefully modelling the mud pressure, we can evaluate the hydraulic inflows and outflows to the borehole as drilling advances. The flow profile provides valuable insights into permeable and/or overpressurized intervals.

Using the Logging-While-Drilling data collected in Hole C0019H, we obtain a high-resolution and continuous fluid flow profile along the borehole.  The results show that above the plate boundary (~815 mbsf), we observe the incoming fluid flow, with strong flow pulses at 775 mbsf and 805 mbsf. These two pulses are associated with variations in mud temperature and some clear fracture zones identified by the electrical images. This suggests the hydraulic structure of the PBFZ has two components highlighted by the two types of flow: (1) A background damage, increasing progressively in the hanging wall when approaching the PBFZ, with a potential for fluid flow across the fault zone. (2) A fracture-supported flow, related to the major subfaults which sustain a more longitudinal flow.  

How to cite: Pei, P. and Doan, M.-L.: Hydraulic structure of the Tohoku plate boundary fault zone: insights and evidence from direct drilling (IODP expedition 405), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11611,, 2025.

Granite emplacement is often assisted by shear zones. These shear zones may be synmagmatic and can lead to the development of various structural features, ranging from complex fabric to faults and their interactive networks. The Neoarchean Closepet Granite (2.56-2.51 Ga) of Eastern Dharwar Craton, India is replete with faults and fractures of various orientations, which are used to decipher the regional brittle tectonics. Detailed analysis of strike-slip and high-angle oblique-slip faults using the Right Dihedron and Rotational Optimization methods reveals an overall E–W oriented horizontal regional compressive stress. The area is further subdivided into smaller domains to observe variations in the local stress field. Results indicate a distinct deformation pattern across the region. The northern portion is influenced by ENE-WSW directed regional compression, while the southern portion is shaped by ESE-WNW directed regional compression. Fault orientations and their kinematics across the pluton indicate that the faults are associated with a large-scale Riedel shear along the pluton boundary. In the north, deformation is compatible with an NW-SE sinistral shear zone, while in the south, fault patterns are consistent with an NNE-SSW dextral shear zone. This variation in shear is attributed to the overall geometry of the pluton boundary. We also interpret that, during the emplacement and the post-emplacement period, the rheological boundary between the granite and the surrounding host rock, evolved into a shear zone, facilitating the development of faults across the Closepet pluton.

How to cite: Das, G. and Mondal, T. K.: Paleostress Field Reconstruction from the strike-slip faults of Neoarchean Closepet Granite (Eastern Dharwar Craton, South India): Its implications in understanding Precambrian Tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12263,, 2025.

EGU25-14151 | Posters on site | TS1.5

Cenozoic tectonic inversion, buttressing, and emergent faulting along the Wadi Kabir Fault, northern Oman 

Christopher Bailey and Scharf Andreas

The geology of northern Oman is distinctive because of the emplacement of the massive Semail Ophiolite onto the stable Arabia platform in the late Cretaceous followed by the later development of the Jebal Akhdar and Saih Haitat domes.  East of Muscat, the Wadi Kabir Fault forms an important and long-lived structure at the northern edge of the Saih Hatat dome.  In the Bandar Jissah area, Triassic carbonates occur in the footwall of the NNE-dipping Wadi Kabir Fault while rocks of the Semail Ophiolite, newly discovered rocks of the metamorphic sole, and a sequence of Paleogene-Eocene sedimentary rocks crop out in the footwall.  Previous workers posit that regional extension commenced via early low-angle detachment faulting (‘Banurama detachment’) that was followed by higher-angle normal faulting along the Wadi Kabir and associated faults which developed as basin-bounding structures for the Paleocene Bandar Jissah rift basin.  Folds in the hanging wall cover sequence are interpreted as the product of rollover during extension and basin formation.

Our detailed mapping as well as structural and kinematic analysis illustrates that folds in the hanging wall are contractional structures that formed due to tectonic inversion along the Wadi Kabir and other faults.  The overall shortening is modest (~10%) and primarily confined to the hanging wall rocks, consistent with buttressing against mechanically rigid rocks in the footwall of the Wadi Kabir Fault.  The low-angle ‘Banurama detachment’, which places Paleogene-Eocene sedimentary rocks over Triassic carbonates, records south-directed thrust movement (not north-directed extensional slip) and with contractional slip past the null point.  This structure appears to be an emergent fault in which the reactivated cover strata above the Wadi Kabir fault were thrust southward over the ground surface and shed sediment from the growing hanging wall anticline.

These structures require an interval of shortening/transpression in northern Oman that post-dates rift basin formation and deposition of mid-Eocene marine sediments in the Seeb Formation. The Wadi Kabir Fault also has localized zones of listwaenite preserved in its damage zone that is derived from ophiolitic rocks in the hanging wall. Collectively, the Wadi Kabir Fault is a long-lived structure that’s experienced multiple episodes of both extensional and contractional slip since the Cretaceous.

How to cite: Bailey, C. and Andreas, S.: Cenozoic tectonic inversion, buttressing, and emergent faulting along the Wadi Kabir Fault, northern Oman, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14151,, 2025.

EGU25-14539 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5

Paleostress value estimation using stylolite in evaporite of IODP core sample from Expedition 402 at the Tyrrhenian Sea 

Noriaki Abe and the IODP Exp. 402 Scientists

Stylolite, a discontinuity between blocks of rock with complex mutual columnar interdigitation, is a pressure solution dehydration structure and is useful for estimating the paleostress. Stylolites are found in lithofacies such as limestones and evaporites, although only those in limestones have been used to estimate the paleostress. Stylolite formation could be a major contributor to the creation of sedimentary space after evaporite deposition in general. Therefore, the state of stylolite formation in evaporite is necessary to understand basin evolution. This study analyzes stylolites in evaporites collected by IODP Expedition 402 at Hole U1617B, located in the Tyrrhenian sea about 110 km southwest of the Italian peninsula, with the aim of estimating paleostress value at the time of stylolite formation.

Stylolites were photographed on the vertical section of cores perpendicular to the stylolites. Their traces were analyzed using the discrete Fourier transform method to estimate crossover-length L which separates two scaling regimes with different roughness exponents for small and large scales. Most stylolites show L as ~2 mm. Corresponding overburden stress σzz ≈ 9 MPa assuming gypsum physical properties of Young's modulus E = 50 GPa, solid-fluid interfacial energy γ = 47 mJ/m2, and Poisson's ratio ν = 0.25. The corresponding depth z ≈ 330 m by assuming σzz = ρgz, with rock density ρ = 2.7 g/cm3 and gravitational acceleration g = 10 m/s2. The water depth of the hole was 2822.33 m and analyzed stylolites were located at ~328 m below the sea floor. An estimated overburden stress value is not unnatural compared with the sampling depth, suggesting that stylolites in evaporite would also be useful for stress estimation. The gypsum-anhydrite transition is thought to occur at a burial depth of 500~1000 m. Therefore, stylolite formation in Hole U1617B would have occurred before the transition.

How to cite: Abe, N. and the IODP Exp. 402 Scientists: Paleostress value estimation using stylolite in evaporite of IODP core sample from Expedition 402 at the Tyrrhenian Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14539,, 2025.

EGU25-15680 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5

Anatomy and Structural Evolution of a Mesozoic Structural High: An Example from the Western Po Plain (Italy) 

Marco Mercuri, Sabina Bigi, Carlo Doglioni, Fabio Trippetta, and Eugenio Carminati

Structural highs formed during the extensional tectonics of the Mesozoic rifting phase, represent important petroleum systems in Italy and hold potential for geothermal energy exploitation and geofluid storage. These structural highs, commonly exposed in the Southern Alps, Northern Apennines, or buried beneath the Po Plain foredeep, were generally overprinted by later tectonic phases. Specifically, the compressional tectonics associated with the Alpine orogeny since the Eocene often mask the original structure of mesozoic structural highs. The Gaggiano structure, located in the southwestern Po Plain, offers a rare opportunity to study a Mesozoic high only partially affected by subsequent tectonics.

This study investigates the geological and structural evolution of the Gaggiano area using a 3D seismic volume covering an area of approximately 180 km2. Seven seismic horizons, spanning from the Lower/Middle Triassic to the Miocene, were interpreted with detailed mapping, using a spacing of 300 m and 250 m between adjacent inline (N-S) and crossline (E-W) sections, respectively. The interpreted fault network, combined with thickness and top maps of key horizons, allowed the reconstruction of the structural evolution of the area and its associated fault system.

Well data from the topographically most elevated portion of the Gaggiano high highlight a stratigraphic succession that includes continental to evaporitic rocks (Lower Triassic), overlain by organic-rich mudstone limestones and dolomitized intervals (Middle Triassic), followed by Jurassic and Cretaceous pelagic limestones. The succession is highly condensed on the structural high, with significant stratigraphic gaps, including the absence of Upper Triassic rocks, most of the Jurassic (~30 m preserved), and Lower Cretaceous deposits. From the Middle Eocene onward, siliciclastic sediments of the Po Plain foredeep were deposited.

During the Middle Triassic, the structural evolution of the Gaggiano high was controlled by a N-S trending, east-dipping domino-style extensional fault system, with associated E-W striking normal faults. During the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, the N-S striking east-dipping faults dominated. The Gaggiano high formed at the footwall of an E-dipping fault which accommodates a maximum throw of ~700 m. By the Early Jurassic, pelagic carbonates were deposited unconformably over the structural high, progressively leveling the paleotopography during the deposition of the Scaglia Formation (Upper Cretaceous-Middle Eocene). During or shortly after the deposition of Scaglia Fm., the Gaggiano area was affected by extensional tectonics testified by NW-SE striking normal faults affecting the top of Scaglia Fm. and of older formations. The NW-SE striking faults locally reactivate the pre-existing fault system. Partial involvement in Miocene compressional tectonics is evident from gentle folds affecting the sedimentary succession near Mesozoic extensional faults, suggesting positive fault reactivation.

The findings provide key insights into the interplay of extensional and compressional tectonics in shaping the evolution of the Gaggiano area. This study contributes to a better understanding of Mesozoic reservoirs and their potential reuse in sustainable energy applications.

How to cite: Mercuri, M., Bigi, S., Doglioni, C., Trippetta, F., and Carminati, E.: Anatomy and Structural Evolution of a Mesozoic Structural High: An Example from the Western Po Plain (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15680,, 2025.

EGU25-16530 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5

Complex seismic sequences originated from the collective behavior of asperities: an experimental approach 

Weiwei Shu, Olivier Lengliné, and Jean Schmittubhl

Tectonic faults can slip with diverse behaviors: from aseismic creep to seismic slip. Such diverse slip behaviors of a fault are mainly controlled by the frictional stability of the rough fault interface, where a complex set of real contacts are established by numerous discrete asperities. However, understanding how these asperities precisely control the slip stability still remains elusive.

Here we develop a novel analog fault model to overcome the difficulty of imaging an exhaustive spatiotemporal variability of a natural fault interface at depth. Specifically, numerous identical rigid spherical PMMA (poly-methyl-methacrylate) beads, which are used to model the discrete frictional asperities, are embedded with height variations and random spatial distribution in a soft viscoelastic silicone block to establish numerous micro-contacts with a thick transparent rigid PMMA plate on the top. During the entire shear process of such a heterogeneous fault interface, not only the subtle motion of each local asperity can be directly measured by the high-resolution optical monitoring system, but also the seismic waves emitted from slip transients that occurred at local asperities can be captured by the acoustic monitoring system.

The synchronization of the local rapid slips at all asperities is responsible for the unstable system-size stick-slip of the macroscopic fault that generates large amplitude energetic acoustic event. It is interesting to observe that complex seismic activities initiate also early during the interseismic phases and are interpreted as the seismic signature of destabilizing transients that originate from spatiotemporal interactions of limited local asperities. We locate acoustic events at the asperity scale and correspond them with these slow transients. We further quantify the partitioning of the resolved slip taking place on the asperities as dynamic events to interpret the nature of the complex seismicity. Our results provide insights into a better understanding of the physical processes leading to the occurrence of foreshocks and complex seismic sequences.

How to cite: Shu, W., Lengliné, O., and Schmittubhl, J.: Complex seismic sequences originated from the collective behavior of asperities: an experimental approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16530,, 2025.

Crystalline rocks can be highly fractured at shallow depths due to tectonic stresses and topographic effects. This fracturing largely controls the rheological properties of the rock in a way that depends on the properties of the fracture networks, including the distribution of fracture sizes and orientations, the distribution of sealing minerals in the fracture network, and the normal and shear stiffnesses. Better knowledge of these properties at the site scale would improve both mechanical and hydrological models, essential for risk assessment or resource management. To this end, we combine models of mechanical properties based on Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) properties (Davy et al., 2018), stress measurements, and strain deduced from large-scale lithosphere models. The consistency of this rheological equation provides a basis for discussing the hypothesis used to infer the mechanical properties of the rock mass.

We apply this methodology to the Forsmark site in Sweden, which is being studied as the future location for a deep nuclear waste repository, supported by a comprehensive database of fractures. Fracture network models have been developed based on core and outcrop observations. Fracture density decreases with depth, showing a significant reduction down to 300-400 meters, followed by a more gradual decline. Fracture stiffnesses and matrix elasticity have been extensively measured in the laboratory. As a rule for upscaling, we assume that openness and stiffness are influenced by fracture size and normal stress. The complete 3D compliance matrix of the effective properties is calculated, facilitating the identification of the primary anisotropy planes of the rock mass.

Our findings indicate that, under specific conditions, the closure of the crustal-scale rheological equation can be guaranteed, i.e. the combination of DFN-inferred mechanical properties and measured stresses gives reasonable deformations, compatible with most lithospheric models. Using additional glaciation models, we then infer paleostresses and paleostrains during the Last Glacial Maximum, 20,000-10,000 years ago.


Davy, P., Darcel, C., Le Goc, R., Mas Ivars, D., 2018. Elastic Properties of Fractured Rock Masses With Frictional Properties and Power Law Fracture Size Distributions. JGR Solid Earth 123, 6521–6539.

How to cite: Vairé, E., Davy, P., Darcel, C., Steer, P., and Mas Ivars, D.: Evaluating a Crustal-Scale Rheological Equation Using Stress Measurements and Mechanical Property Estimations from Discrete Fracture Network Models: A Case Study of Fennoscandia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16531,, 2025.

EGU25-17081 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5

Improved in-situ Vp/Vs Estimation Using Dense Seismic Array with Application to the 2021 Ms 6.4 Yangbi Yunnan Aftershock Sequence 

Qianfeng Zhang, Chunquan Yu, Haoran Meng, and Xianwei Zeng

The ratio of compressional to shear wave velocity (Vp/Vs) provides critical insights into rock composition, fluid saturation, porosity, and fault characteristics. However, resolving fine-scale Vp/Vs structures is challenging with conventional tomographic imaging techniques due to uneven ray path coverage and regularization constraints in inversion. Alternatively, high-resolution Vp/Vs imaging can be achieved through in-situ Vp/Vs ratio estimation by analyzing differential P-wave and S-wave arrival times (Δtpts) from closely located earthquake clusters, effectively circumventing the limitations of traditional tomography. Conventional in-situ Vp/Vs estimation method mitigates origin time difference errors by subtracting the mean Δtp and Δts value for each event pair. However, this approach clusters data points near the coordinate origin, increasing estimation uncertainty. In this study, we present an improved in-situ Vp/Vs ratio estimation technique that corrects the origin time difference errors for each event pair within a cluster using spatially dense seismic arrays. This correction ensures that P-wave and S-wave time differences precisely represent the actual travel time differences, thereby enhancing the reliability of Vp/Vs estimation. Synthetic tests confirm the robustness of the method and its ability to reduce uncertainty. Applying the improved method to the 2021 Ms 6.4 Yangbi Yunnan aftershock sequence, we identify significant spatial variation in Vp/Vs ratio along the fault zone, with an increase in Vp/Vs at greater depth and a strong correlation with fault structures and their geometries (figure 1). We further investigate how mineral composition, stress state, and fluid content influence Vp/Vs in the Yangbi region. Our method, suitable for dense array observations, demonstrates strong potential for application in other seismically active regions.       

Figure1. Spatial Variations and uncertainties of in-situ Vp/Vs in the 2021 Ms 6.4 Yangbi Yunnan aftershock sequence. The red star is Yangbi earthquake. (a)In-situ Vp/Vs ratio of the Yanbi aftershock sequence. The black line indicates the fault trace, where F1 represents the Weixi-Qiaohou-Weishan Fault. (b)Uncertainties of the Yanbi aftershock sequence. The blue line represents the fault surface, and the gray triangles denote seismic stations. (c)Vp/Vs variation with depth.

How to cite: Zhang, Q., Yu, C., Meng, H., and Zeng, X.: Improved in-situ Vp/Vs Estimation Using Dense Seismic Array with Application to the 2021 Ms 6.4 Yangbi Yunnan Aftershock Sequence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17081,, 2025.

EGU25-17416 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5

Shear localization and deformation patterns of a regional scale overthrust: an example from the Sestola Vidiciatico Unit (Northern Apennines)  

Martina Rocca, Silvia Mittempergher, Francesca Remitti, Giancarlo Molli, and Telemaco Tesei

Studying megathrust shear zones is crucial for understanding the mechanics of subduction zone earthquakes, as these zones are recognized as weak interplate faults that localize deformation under low shear stresses. The low effective friction coefficient of megathrust faults, often due to fluid overpressures, facilitates deformation and is evidenced by the occurrence of mineral-filled fracture sets. These fracture networks, which form in response to cyclic stress states and fluid pressures, provide valuable insights into the palaeostress orientations and the characteristics of fault zone fluids over time.

The Sestola Vidiciatico Unit (SVU) in the Northern Apennines is a tectonic unit interpreted as the plate boundary shear zone between the Ligurian prism and the underthrusting Adria microplate during early-to-middle Miocene, active at temperatures up to 170°C. The SVU is 200 - 400 m thick, composed of kilometer-sized tectonically juxtaposed slices of marls, shales, sandstones and mud-rich deposits. The hanging wall, formed by slope sediments along with Ligurian Units incorporated at the toe of the prism, was overthrusted along a basal décollement onto the younger foredeep turbidites of Adria microplate. Here we present the results of a mesoscale structural analysis of a well exposed sector of the basal contact, where the SVU overthrusts foredeep turbidites along a thrust ramp dipping to the south. Early stages of deformation involved soft-sediment deformation, with polygonal normal faults accommodating boudinage and flattening, producing a pervasive flattening foliation and secondary shear surfaces in the hanging wall. As lithification progressed, shear localization occurred, transitioning from distributed shearing to focused slip on a few dominant thrusts lined by thin calcite shear veins, including the basal contact with the turbidites. Along the footwall ramp, irregular and unfavorably oriented shear surfaces were gradually abandoned as slip localized along a sharp, smooth, and planar slip surface, incorporating slices of the hanging wall to the footwall. The deformation within the footwall includes an oblique cleavage in the fine-grained horizons, minor bed parallel shear planes exploiting pelitic horizons, and a conjugated set of NNE-SSW left-lateral and N-S right-lateral subvertical transtensional faults. The latter either crosscut or are crosscut by the basal thrust of the SVU, and are mineralized by at least two carbonate phases, including an early-stage light gray carbonate rich in organic matter. These results highlight a marked contrast in deformation style and stress state between the soft hanging wall and (relatively) strong footwall. Subvertical dilatant shear fractures served as fluid conduits for vertical fluid flow, which is instead very limited in the hanging wall. This study highlights the potential of combining structural and geochemical analyses in megathrust shear zones in providing insights into the interplay between stress state and fluid circulation in both fossil and modern shallow subduction zones.

How to cite: Rocca, M., Mittempergher, S., Remitti, F., Molli, G., and Tesei, T.: Shear localization and deformation patterns of a regional scale overthrust: an example from the Sestola Vidiciatico Unit (Northern Apennines) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17416,, 2025.

EGU25-18371 | Orals | TS1.5

Deformation mechanisms and geometries of superposed fault zones in dolostones 

stefano Vitale, Renato Diamanti, Enza Vitale, Giacomo Russo, and Giovanni Camanni

Studying fault zone properties is crucial in addressing key challenges in subsurface exploration, resource management, and seismic risk evaluation. As global interest in geothermal energy, hydrogen, and carbon storage intensifies, the mechanical and structural characterization of faults, as well as their impact on fluid migration, reservoir integrity, and fault sealing analysis, is becoming increasingly important.

The presented study focuses on the structural and mechanical properties of superposed fault zones in dolostones, an issue that has been poorly investigated. In particular, we addressed how the architecture of an earlier, large-scale normal fault (F1) influences the geometry and deformation mechanisms of younger, superposed strike-slip faults (F2). The F1 fault consists of four sub-parallel fault rock units, each several tens of meters thick: (i) a cataclastic core (Cu), bounded in the hanging wall by (ii) cemented micro-mosaic breccia (MB), and in the footwall by (iii) high-strained (HS) and (iv) low-strained (LS) fault rocks. To achieve this aim, we performed some geotechnical and morphometric analyses. Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) tests revealed mean values of 83 MPa and 120 MPa for MB and LS, respectively, whereas Cu and HS exhibit lower UCS values of 58 MPa and 62 MPa, respectively. MB and Cu exhibit heterogeneous particle size distributions (PSD) and porosities of 4.02% and 4.96%, respectively, while HS and LS show more homogeneous PSDs with porosities of 2.87% and 2.19%, respectively.

The F2 faults developed a spectrum of structural facies such as cataclastic shear bands (CSBs) in the LS and HS, and as compaction bands (CBs) in the MB and Cu. In the LS, cataclasis is highly localized within widely spaced, thick, tabular, and cemented CSBs. In the HS, deformation occurs through anastomosing CSBs, accommodating diffuse cataclasis and dissolution-precipitation mechanisms. In the Cu, anastomosing CBs develop through pore collapse and dissolution-precipitation processes. In the MB, compaction is driven by pore collapse and grain crushing, forming well-localized, widely spaced CBs.

Overall, the microstructural properties (PSD and porosity) and mechanical strength of the F1 fault rocks are key factors influencing the deformation mechanisms (cataclasis vs. compaction) and the geometry (localized vs. anastomosing) of the F2 faults. These findings contribute to the understanding of fault permeability and fluid flow dynamics in multi-faulted dolomite reservoirs.

How to cite: Vitale, S., Diamanti, R., Vitale, E., Russo, G., and Camanni, G.: Deformation mechanisms and geometries of superposed fault zones in dolostones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18371,, 2025.

EGU25-18550 | Orals | TS1.5

Shattering and structural inheritance at the onset of faulting in the Rotondo granite 

Giacomo Pozzi, Alberto Ceccato, Stefano Aretusini, Elena Spagnuolo, and Massimo Cocco and the FEAR Team

Faults accommodate shear motion in the upper crust through brittle deformation such as cataclastic flow. Plenty of field evidence suggests that the width of the embrittled volume, the lateral extent of the fault plane, and the grain size distribution within the fault core scale with shear displacement, indicating fairly solid scaling laws. However, at the onset of brittle failure, faults commonly exploit pre-existing anisotropic structures that facilitate slip localization and affect the early fault geometry as well as the fabric of the cataclastic products. The Bedretto Underground Laboratory represents a unique chance to study the structure of immature faults, whose pristine brittle structures are hardly preserved elsewhere during exhumation and exposure to weathering. We present the case study of the Waterfault (WF), a brittle shear zone hosted in the Bedretto tunnel within the Rotondo granite, which exploits pre-existing Alpine mylonites.

On the tunnel wall, the brittle products of the WF are confined within a 50 cm thick volume, comprised between two boundaries defined by the local mylonitic foliation. The WF is characterized by a large water outflow, suggesting that the fault behaves as a major permeable conduit inside the granite host. Such high permeability is commonly related to the occurrence of intense but localised brittle damage. However, careful sampling across the fault and detailed microstructural investigations revealed that the brittle damage introduced by shear displacement is much less volumetrically widespread than expected. Cataclasis is in fact confined to a thin (5 mm) fine-grained gouge shear band developed at the boundary of the fault zone. The damaged rock surrounding this layer presents intense fracturing, dominated by oriented fractures at high angle to the shear plane, but no sensitive displacement down to the grain-scale. Damage distribution and geometry is further controlled by the anisotropic mylonitic fabric and its mineralogy, showing grain boundary cracking and shard-like fragmentation of quartz and feldspar, as well as micro-boudinage-like cracking of mica-grains. More than 50% in weight of the material recovered both within and in proximity of the gouge layer is finer than 125 µm. These observations are evidence of dynamic rock shattering, pointing to a seismic origin of the embrittlement. The seismic damage preferentially fractured along the grain boundaries of the mylonite, producing a fine-grained material that eased the onset of localised brittle shear.

Our microstructural observations suggest that the WF might represent an optimal model for the early onset of faulting in anisotropic rocks driven by initial seismic damage, which unlocked the cohesive shear zone to favour slip localization. The “shallow” estimated depths of this event (< 5 km) might also open an interpretative window for the small-magnitude natural and induced seismicity (M<2) recorded in the Rotondo massif.

How to cite: Pozzi, G., Ceccato, A., Aretusini, S., Spagnuolo, E., and Cocco, M. and the FEAR Team: Shattering and structural inheritance at the onset of faulting in the Rotondo granite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18550,, 2025.

EGU25-19312 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5

Local Stress Perturbations Among Intersecting Faults in an Orthorombic Fault System: The Wisting Field, Barents Sea 

Jake Butcher, Simon Jagemann, and Nestor Cardozo

Boundary element modelling is a well-established numerical method to predict fracture patterns in the subsurface (Comniou and Dundurs, 1975 and others).
We apply this technique to an orthorhombic E-W, N-S normal fault system in the Wisting field, near the Hoop Fault Complex, Barents Sea. The study area has undergone significant Cenozoic uplift and thus the influence of SV has decreased over geological time. The faults are less than 400 m depth below the sea floor present day, and the regional stress field is such that SH is N-S (Gölke and Brudy, 1996). The aim is to explore potential local stress perturbations among intersecting E-W and N-S faults.
At the reservoirs present shallow depth, the reduced influence of SV may have affected sub-seismic fractures around faults such that they may now be critically stressed and by proxy an indicator of permeability.
Given the regional stress orientation, the presumption would be that the most hydraulically conductive faults trend N-S. However, based on our findings and supporting evidence we propose that in fact due to local stress perturbations, E-W faults may be hydraulically conductive despite being in-optimally oriented for reactivation (Sibson, 1990).
Further work will focus on expanding the study area to the east and west of the Wisting field, where the orthorhombic fault systems no longer predominate.

Comniou, M., Dundurs, J., 1975. The angular dislocation in a half-space. Journal of Elasticity 5, 203-216.
Gölke, M., Brudy, M., 1996, Orientation of crustal stresses in the North Sea and Barents Sea inferred from borehole breakouts, Tectonophysics, Volume 266, Issues 1–4, Pages 25-32,
Sibson, Richard, H., 1990, Conditions for fault valve behaviour. Geological Society London Special Publications, Volume 54, Pages 15-28,


How to cite: Butcher, J., Jagemann, S., and Cardozo, N.: Local Stress Perturbations Among Intersecting Faults in an Orthorombic Fault System: The Wisting Field, Barents Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19312,, 2025.

The Olympic Subduction Complex (OSC) in the central Olympic Mountains is a deeply exhumed continuation of the offshore modern accretionary wedge of the Cascadia subduction zone. Metamorphic grade and thermochronology reveal that the OSC’s central core likely accreted by underplating at seismogenic depths. Duplexes of underplated sediments bounded above and below by abandoned paleomegathrust interfaces could therefore be preserved during exhumation. We characterize a previously unknown ~500 m wide belt of block-in-matrix mélange containing an anastomosing system of 9 major fault strands, which in turn include mm to cm wide discrete principal slip surfaces consistent with brittle-frictional, likely coseismic, slip. The lithologies are turbiditic sandstones and mudstones; other elements of ocean plate stratigraphy are absent. Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material refines peak paleotemperatures to 260-280°C, consistent with the seismogenic zone. We interpret these intermingled structures as a composite fault zone that records both slow and fast slip of the seismic cycle through coeval coseismic brittle-frictional and interseismic viscousdeformation. We show that the mélange forms by cataclasis, pressure solution, and development and abandonment of localized shear surfaces, while the fault strands are dominated by concentrated cataclasis and brecciation. We calculate the degree of pressure solution experienced by the mélange at the thin section scale using scanning electron microscopy and compare the accumulated strain across the fault zone through anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. We interpret this fault zone as an exhumed paleomegathrust interface, the first direct analog for the modern Cascadia subduction zone. The absence of basalt indicates that the megathrust fault was localized within the incoming plate stratigraphic sequence in the past, facilitating sediment underthrusting, similar to offshore structures observed via seismic reflection imaging in Cascadia and elsewhere today.

How to cite: Ledeczi, A., Tobin, H., Chen, T.-W., and Mulcahy, S.: Structure and properties of the Cascadia plate interface: evidence from a newly-described exhumed paleomegathrust in the Olympic subduction complex, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-301,, 2025.

To assess the metamorphic and deformational history preserved in apatite, we selected high-pressure granulite to lower-amphibolite facies rocks from the East Himalaya Syntaxis (EHS) in the Tibetan orogen for in situ apatite analysis. Through the cross-correlation of cathodoluminescence (CL) images, Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) analysis, and in situ trace element and U-Pb geochronology, we elucidate the evolution of apatite growth and deformation. In a high-pressure granulite facies sample, apatite has no crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) but instead a strong shape preferred orientation (SPO) and intragranular deformation, indicating that the apatite experienced peak metamorphism/deformation. Apatite from medium-pressure granulite facies rocks exhibits obvious oscillatory zoning, grow over the main foliation, and have weak intragranular deformation, as well as SPO and CPO, suggesting crystallization after the main phase of metamorphism/deformation. Euhedral apatite grains from upper-amphibolite facies samples display strong SPO and CPO, but only weak intragranular plastic deformation, indicating apatite growth coeval with the main deformation phase. Apatite from lower-amphibolite facies samples have core-and-mantle microstructures and a CPO subparallel to the stretching lineation, with a weak SPO and intragranular deformation, suggesting multiple phases of growth induced by fluid activity during and after peak metamorphism. Almost all apatites in high-pressure granulite facies, medium-pressure granulite facies, and upper-amphibolite facies samples exhibit similar rare earth element (REE) characteristics within individual samples. Despite undergoing different growth and deformation processes, this similarity likely reflects either chemical reequilibration under high-temperature conditions or the retention of comparable initial chemical compositions during their formation. In contrast, apatites within lower-amphibolite facies samples display inconsistent REE characteristics, suggesting that chemical reequilibration did not occur after their formation. Based on microstructural analysis, in situ U-Pb ages reveal peak and retrograde ages in the EHS at ~21 Ma and <16 Ma, respectively, overlapping with published chronology results. Therefore, multiple generations of apatite can be identified through careful cross-correlation of CL, EBSD, and geochemical data, providing a robust record of a rock's P-T-t evolution.

How to cite: Zhao, Z.: Growth and deformation of apatite in different metamorphic scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2190,, 2025.

The rheology of granite under geological conditions cannot be determined directly by experiment, because of the different flow parameters for the constituent minerals, and changes in grain-size and microstructure during deformation. I use a recent geologically calibrated dislocation creep flow law for quartz, experimentally determined flow laws for feldspars, and a grain-size sensitive pressure-solution creep flow law for quartz-feldspar-mica ultramylonite utilizing a new stress/grain-size relationship for feldspar derived from subgrain piezometry. These flow laws are combined using various rheological mixing laws depending on the evolving grain-size and fabric anisotropy to give bulk rheological parameters.  This allows prediction of the effective viscosity for granite as a function of stress, temperature, and strain as the rock evolves from a load-bearing framework to an interconnected weak layer microstructure. The results have implications for tectonic processes such as rates of crustal thickening during continental collision, crustal thinning during rifting, channel flow, and diapirism. 

How to cite: Platt, J.: Rheology of granite under middle and lower crustal conditions:  tectonic implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2947,, 2025.

EGU25-3597 | Posters on site | TS1.6

Seismically induced kinking in quartz 

Michel Bestmann, Bernhard Grasemann, Rüdiger Kilian, John Wheeler, Luiz F.G. Morales, Andreas Bezold, and Giorgio Pennacchioni

Deformed quartz veins next (1-1.5m) to an exhumed pseudotachylyte-bearing (i.e. anciently seismic) fault within the Schobergruppe (Austroalpine Crystalline Complex, Eastern Alps) contain intensely kinked quartz grains. In general, kinking requires the presence of a planar mechanical anisotropy, e.g. a multi-layered structure with a regular periodic alternation of thin weakly bounded layers (or of high viscosity layers interleaved with thin low viscosity ones) such as in minerals with a strong cleavage, e.g. micas or in industrial metallic nano-laminates. Since quartz does not commonly have a strong mechanical anisotropy, we address the question of why and how kinking of quartz may develop during the seismic cycle.

The monoclinic symmetry of kink bands is consistent with the slip sense of the fault. Cathodoluminescence images show a very high density of intragranular, sub-planar, lamellae accompanied by nanometre-scale fluid-related porosity visible in electron backscatter orientation contrast. Based on the oscillating orientation variation across subgrain boundaries (misorientation angle 1-9°) these lamellae (oriented (sub)parallel to a rhomb plane and spaced 4-10 µm apart) are identified as short-wavelength undulatory extinction microstructures (SWUE). Transmission electron microscopy reveals a high degree of recovery (low dislocation density) across the SWUE. Only grains with SWUE oriented parallel to the vein boundary are kinked. We infer following history for the kink evolution related to the seismic cycle: (I) Deformation lamellae formed during high differential stresses preceding the earthquake rupturing or associated with seismic rupture propagation. The initial high dislocation density within the deformation lamellae provided the mechanical anisotropy in quartz required for (II) the subsequent coseismic initiation of kinking. The lamellae acted as a geometric filter that only allowed r<a> slip of dislocations parallel to the lamellae. These athermal dislocations were able to glide fast over a relatively large distance before piling up and initiating kinking during the coseismic event. Progressive build-up of dislocations resulted in deformation bands which accumulated the final misorientation angle between host domain and kink domain. (III) During post-seismic deformation dislocations were dynamically re-arranged under residual stress into sub-parallel subgrain boundaries which now characterize the kink band boundary region. We suggest that kinking in quartz potentially indicates coseismic deformation and is an important mechanism for incipient strain accommodation during high strain rates.

How to cite: Bestmann, M., Grasemann, B., Kilian, R., Wheeler, J., Morales, L. F. G., Bezold, A., and Pennacchioni, G.: Seismically induced kinking in quartz, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3597,, 2025.

EGU25-4148 | Posters on site | TS1.6

Structural and geochronological studies of the Cona Detachment and Cona Rift: Implications for the Miocene evolution of the eastern Himalayan extensional structures 

Hanwen Dong, Zhuo Tang, Rongze Fei, Yuting Song, Linghao Zhao, Li’e Gao, Yaying Wang, Lilong Yan, and Lingsen Zeng

The various extensional structures developed at the shallow surface are the coupled embodiment of the deep dynamics, which have played significant roles in the Himalayan tectonic evolution. The two sets of intersecting extensional structures in the Cona area of eastern Himalayan orogen are studied, this paper presents new detailed field investigations, microstructures, quartz [c] axis CPO patterns, kinematic vorticity, deformation temperatures, zircon U-Pb, and mica 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. The results suggest that the Cona Detachment (CD) is mainly in pure shear deformation and the ductile deformation temperature ranges from 280 to 517℃. It was active between 19 and 16 Ma, and ceased at 15 Ma. However, the Cona Rift (CR) is mainly in simple shear deformation and its top-down-to-the-E ductile deformation is recorded at temperatures from 500 to 608℃. It initiated at ~16 Ma, and moved until 10 Ma. Statistically, it was found that the cessation of STDS and the initiation of NSTR seem to follow a youthful trend from west to east along the Himalayan orogen, and there is an overlap in the period of activity between them. Combined with previous studies, we speculate that this process resulted from the Indian plate tearing and the asthenosphere upwelling. Ultimately, this tectonic event leads to the mid-Miocene regime transition. The shallow surface reflects the change from N-S to E-W extensional movement in the mid-Miocene, while the fluid content, heat source, and stress field conditions are also changed in response.

How to cite: Dong, H., Tang, Z., Fei, R., Song, Y., Zhao, L., Gao, L., Wang, Y., Yan, L., and Zeng, L.: Structural and geochronological studies of the Cona Detachment and Cona Rift: Implications for the Miocene evolution of the eastern Himalayan extensional structures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4148,, 2025.

EGU25-4781 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6

Deformation control on OH distribution at the nanoscale: a case of mylonitic titanite 

Stefania Corvò, Yue-Sheng Chen, Natalie Holmes, Michael W. Förster, Gregory Yaxley, Matteo Maino, Antonio Langone, Julie Cairney, and Sandra Piazolo

In the last decades, titanite has gained popularity in the petro- and micro-structural community due to its advantageous compositional and microstructural properties that make it an important tracer of fluids, chemical reactions and deformation mechanisms in the Earth’s crust. Thanks to its crystal structure, titanite incorporates a wide range of minor and trace elements, including OH, the equivalent chemical component of water. Indeed, although titanite is considered nominally anhydrous, it can incorporate significant amounts of OH (up to 0.1 wt.%). Understandings of hydrogen concentration, which constitutes the water molecule, in titanite is important since it can affect the physical and chemical properties of minerals and rocks of the upper mantle/lower crust, such as deformation mechanisms, rheology and fluid flow. Moreover, these studies could be useful to understand the reservoirs and the water cycle in the Earth system. Nevertheless, advanced studies regarding water content in titanite are still lacking. However, thanks to recent improvements in both petrochronological and microstructural techniques, the investigation of the link between hydrogen mobility and deformation processes at the nanoscale is now possible.

In this study, we combined the Atom Probe Tomography (APT) to obtain 3D maps showing the distribution of OH with Photo-induced Force Microscopy (PiFM) to quantify the amounts of OH in selected deformed and undeformed domains of mylonitic titanite. In particular, we investigate OH variations between titanite domains showing different dislocation densities in rock layers with different composition (amphibolite vs calcsilicate). Preliminary results show interesting OH variations though the titanite grains from the different layers and a positive correlation between OH and dislocation densities, suggesting a heterogeneous distribution of water during deformation strongly dependent by the bulk rock composition. This study highlights the importance of a multi-disciplinary, multi-technique approach to advance our understanding the deformation/chemical processes occurring at the nanoscale ultimately governing the large scale rheological and chemical evolution of rocks during major tectonic events.

How to cite: Corvò, S., Chen, Y.-S., Holmes, N., Förster, M. W., Yaxley, G., Maino, M., Langone, A., Cairney, J., and Piazolo, S.: Deformation control on OH distribution at the nanoscale: a case of mylonitic titanite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4781,, 2025.

EGU25-4855 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6

Weaker than quartz? – Strain localization mechanisms and rheology of fine-grained polymineralic rocks 

Natalia Nevskaya, Alfons Berger, Holger Stünitz, Oliver Plümper, Weijia Zhan, Markus Ohl, and Marco Herwegh

The strength and deformation behaviour of the Earth are necessary parameters to model and fundamentally understand crustal scale deformation. In the case of the Earth’s continental middle crust, so far, most models use extrapolated physical parameters from monomineralic deformation experiments, assuming pure quartz to represent the weakest rheological phase at mid-crustal conditions. This is an oversimplification as the Earth’s continental middle crust mostly consists of polymineralic granitoid rocks, the rheology of which is unknown so far.

We present the first experimental study investigating the viscous rheology of a natural, fine-grained, granitoid rock. To unravel the complex deformational behaviour, it is crucial to combine an in-depth microstructural analysis with thorough estimations of rheological parameters. Cylindrical natural granitoid ultramylonite samples, composed of qtz + ab + K-fsp + bt + ep, with grain sizes of 125-15 μm are deformed in a Griggs type apparatus at T=650°C, confining pressure=1.2 GPa, strain rates=10-3 to 10-5s-1, and 0.2 wt% H2O added. Mechanical data are combined with light microscope, SEM, TEM, and quantitative image analysis to connect microstructures with stress and strain evolution.

Only through this combination we can show that grain size sensitive deformation processes, namely dissolution precipitation creep (DPC) lead to extreme grain size reduction, and pinning prevents grain growth and produces a stable microstructure. These processes lead strain localization and overall very weak viscous behaviour – weaker than can be extrapolated from monomineralic quartz. We further can show through two different experimental setups how strain is localizing with and without preexisting fracture in an initially foliated rock. Verified with microstructural observations, we fit parameters into a constitutive equation for this DPC, based on an exponential diffusion creep flow law, to model our experiments and tackle the extrapolation to various natural conditions.

Our findings imply that the Earth’s granitic middle crust deforms faster in localized shear zones than previously modelled. This would result in faster stress buildup at the viscous to brittle transition, promoting seismic ruptures in the overlaying brittle crust than predicted so far. Thereby, our new insights can improve models investigating mechanics of extensions of earthquakes to the middle crust, where they supposedly nucleate and help understand seismic cycles or improve models of stress buildups and thermal flow below and influences on hydro/geothermal systems. We further highlight the importance to improve modelling of polymineralic systems.

How to cite: Nevskaya, N., Berger, A., Stünitz, H., Plümper, O., Zhan, W., Ohl, M., and Herwegh, M.: Weaker than quartz? – Strain localization mechanisms and rheology of fine-grained polymineralic rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4855,, 2025.

EGU25-5264 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6

Grain boundary microstructures and their control on deformation mechanisms in high-grade quartz-rich rocks 

Soham Dey, Sandro Chatterjee, Ritabrata Dobe, Sumantra Mandal, and Saibal Gupta

High-angle misorientations, including grain boundary domains within quartz aggregates, may exert significant control on how strain is accommodated in quartz-bearing domains of the continental lithosphere. Among the high-angle boundaries in quartz, Dauphiné twin boundaries (DTBs) are the most prominent type that displays coincident site lattice (CSL) relationships, a special grain boundary geometry commonly found in metals. In metals, it is known that CSL boundaries stabilize the microstructure by reducing the overall grain boundary surface energy, and thereby impart certain special properties to the material. The present study explores CSL relationships of DTBs and how they control strain accommodation and deformation mechanisms in quartz-rich rocks by combining optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscope-Electron Backscatter Diffraction (SEM-EBSD), and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). This investigation was carried out on thin sections of granulite facies quartzo-feldspathic gneisses prepared following a standard protocol, culminating with chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) using colloidal silica. The CMP procedure causes preferential material removal along less-compact random high-angle grain boundaries (RHAGBs) and forms indented channels that are prominent in high-resolution, nanoscale AFM images. The absence of corresponding channels along DTBs and the presence of 'bridge-like' structures at RHAGB-DTB intersections suggest greater compactness of DTBs in quartz, which is compatible with CSL relations. Importantly, there is a demonstrable change in misorientation across adjacent quartz grains between consecutive RHAGB-DTB intersections. Grains adjacent to these RHAGB segments have angles between their c-axes varying from 61-66° and 81–84° with parallel rhombohedral faces. These symmetries represent the Japan and Sardinian twin laws of quartz, indicating that the RHAGB segments are modified by DTBs into low-energy twin boundaries, thereby reducing the overall surface energy of the aggregate. Contextually, these quartzofeldspathic gneisses record multiple deformations of the previous ultra-high-temperature (UHT) fabric under granulite facies conditions, with grain boundary migration recrystallization (GBM) as the dominant dynamic recrystallization process. Owing to the GBM recrystallization, the interaction of RHAGBs with DTBs increases, thereby producing more intersection-induced twin boundaries. The relict vs. recrystallized quartz grain maps with DTBs indicate a higher frequency of DTBs in the relict grains. Crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) of these relict grains do not define any slip system pattern. In contrast, the recrystallized grains show the operation of prominent slip system patterns, suggesting differences in strain accommodation. Therefore, the formation of DTBs and DTB-RHAGB intersections in quartz can cause strain partitioning due to the higher compactness of DTBs, which will eventually control the response to the deformation of high-grade quartz aggregates. As a result, interpreting the timing of DTB formation becomes important while deciphering the deformation history of rocks based on quartz CPOs from a poly-deformed high-grade terrane.

How to cite: Dey, S., Chatterjee, S., Dobe, R., Mandal, S., and Gupta, S.: Grain boundary microstructures and their control on deformation mechanisms in high-grade quartz-rich rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5264,, 2025.

EGU25-5757 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6

How mineralogy and fault structure influence frictional and acoustic properties of quartz-phyllosilicate mixtures 

Nathalie Casas, Giuseppe Volpe, Cristiano Collettini, and Marco M. Scuderi

Fault zones are complex systems where mineralogy, fabric, and frictional properties interplay on fault strength and slip behavior. While prior investigations have focused on post-experimental microstructures to relate fault friction to deformation processes, the evolution of fault fabric coupled with Acoustic Emissions (AEs) during deformation remains elusive. In this study, we present experimental data integrating systematically microstructural, mineralogical, frictional, and AEs analysis coming from a suite of frictional experiments in a double direct shear configuration. These experiments aim to elucidate deformation micro-mechanisms and associated acoustic activity in heterogeneous fault systems. We performed a set of experiments in quartz-phyllosilicate mixtures and another set of tests where a quartz layer is sandwiched between two muscovite horizons in contact with the forcing blocks. The first set represents typical cataclastic rocks with random fabric while layered mixtures were designed to replicate the deformation behavior of block-and-matrix shear zones.

Pure quartz gouges exhibit cataclastic deformation (grain fragmentation and shear localization) which generates high AE rates and amplitudes. In contrast, muscovite-rich gouges deform through distributed sliding along anastomosed foliation and are characterized by low AE activity. In quartz-phyllosilicate mixtures, increasing muscovite content reduces friction, AE rate, and AE average amplitude inhibiting quartz grain interactions. Layered mixtures introduce additional complexity. While the two muscovite layers govern frictional strength and accommodate distributed deformation, cataclastic processes in the central quartz layer dominate AE activity. These layered systems combine the AE characteristics of quartz and muscovite, with high AE rates similar to pure quartz despite the overall weakening from muscovite. Microstructural observations support these findings, showing deformation concentrated at muscovite interfaces but also revealing localized shear bands in the quartz layer that significantly contribute to AE activity. Experiments performed at varying strain rates reveal that higher strain rates amplify AE rate and amplitude. In the layered mixtures, at high strain rate, AE rates and amplitudes are in the range of pure quartz gouge whereas at low strain rate, they are in the range of pure muscovite gouge.

The evolution of the frequency-magnitude distribution of AEs (b-values) with strain provides additional insights on micromechanical processes: quartz-dominated gouges show increasing b-values from yield to steady-state, suggesting a transition from distributed to localized deformation. In contrast, muscovite-dominated gouges maintain low b-values, reflecting consistent distributed deformation. Layered systems exhibit b-value evolution with strain similar to pure quartz, indicating the dominant role of quartz in the AE properties. Our findings emphasize that fault friction and acoustic behavior are controlled by mineralogical and structural heterogeneities and modulated by strain rate. Weak muscovite layers primarily control frictional strength, while strong quartz layers generate significant AEs, highlighting the potential for aseismic slip coupled with seismic activity in heterogeneous faults.

How to cite: Casas, N., Volpe, G., Collettini, C., and Scuderi, M. M.: How mineralogy and fault structure influence frictional and acoustic properties of quartz-phyllosilicate mixtures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5757,, 2025.

EGU25-6118 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6

What are we dating? The role of micro-inclusions for in situ garnet geochronology 

Jesse Walters, Joshua Garber, Aratz Beranoaguirre, Leo Millonig, Axel Gerdes, and Horst Marschall

In situ garnet U-Pb geochronology by laser ablation-inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) is a powerful tool for rapid and high-spatial resolution dating of metamorphic pressure-temperature–time histories. However, ultra-low U and Pb contents in many metamorphic garnets pose a significant analytical challenge, including the risk of contamination by inclusions. Here we use split-stream analysis to simultaneously measure U, Th, and Pb isotopes and trace-element contents of garnet from eclogite-facies metamafic rocks (As Sifah, Oman). The data show strong linear correlations in U vs Zr contents, the slopes of which can only be explained by zircon contamination. Time-resolved U, Th, and Pb signals show some irregularities, but often lack sharp spikes typically diagnostic of inclusions. Abundant micro-zircon (<2 µm diameter) inclusions were observed by SEM in all five samples. Interestingly, garnet–zircon mixing lines in Tera-Wasserburg space project to well-defined concordia intercept dates of 94–89 Ma, whereas a sample with sufficient zircon-free analyses gave an intercept date of 71 ±7 Ma. The latter date overlaps within uncertainty of published Sm-Nd garnet–whole rock isochron ages (81–77 Ma) and U-Pb zircon ages (82–78 Ma), whereas ‘garnet’ dates dominated by the zircon-inclusion are 8 to 17 Myr older. The discrepancy between zircon inclusion and published zircon ages from the same samples likely arises from the fact that such small zircon size fractions are rarely dated and may represent a different age population from that of lager grains. We suggest that the <2 µm zircon fraction formed by diffusion-limited local nucleation from the expulsion of Zr from igneous precursor minerals during (sub-)greenschist facies metamorphism. Recrystallization and Ostwald ripening of matrix grains produced zircons that record peak metamorphic ages, whereas the micro-zircon grains remained isolated and were shielded by garnet. We therefore suggest that (1.) the ablation of inclusions may produce linear trends in Tera-Wasserburg space that may be easily misinterpreted as U-Pb garnet ages, and (2.) bulk inclusion dating of zircons by LA-ICPMS is a promising technique that requires further investigation. Finally, we establish more rigorous criteria for the screening of samples for inclusions prior to and during LA-ICPMS U-Pb garnet geochronology analysis.

How to cite: Walters, J., Garber, J., Beranoaguirre, A., Millonig, L., Gerdes, A., and Marschall, H.: What are we dating? The role of micro-inclusions for in situ garnet geochronology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6118,, 2025.

EGU25-7583 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6

Dislocation-accommodated deformation in blueschists from high-pressure experiments 

Caroline Seyler, Alissa Kotowski, Kirkpatrick James, Chris Thom, Lars Hansen, and Diede Hein

Subduction zone dynamics depend on the rheological behavior of shear zones defining the plate interface, which can accommodate a spectrum of slip from earthquakes to creep. In cold subduction zones, high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphism of the oceanic crust forms blueschist-facies rocks within the interface. Geologic observations demonstrate that deformation at the plate interface is often localized into blueschists with fabrics dominated by glaucophane, a sodic amphibole. Microstructural observations of exhumed blueschists suggest that glaucophane typically deforms by dislocation-accommodated mechanisms. Recent experiments have made progress in developing new flow laws for diffusion creep and dislocation creep. However, the rheological behavior of blueschists remains under-constrained due to challenges arising from phase stability that limits experimental temperatures. Therefore, we conducted experiments at very high pressures to suppress brittle deformation and favor dislocation-accommodated mechanisms to investigate low-temperature plasticity in glaucophane. We conducted cyclical loading experiments in the deformation-DIA on blueschist cores, both parallel and perpendicular to foliation, and cold-pressed glaucophane powders. Experimental conditions covered confining pressures of 6–8 GPa and temperatures of 20–800 °C at strain rates of ~10–4 s–1. We observe temperature-dependent yield and flow stresses and nearly temperature-independent backstresses. These mechanical results as well as the microstructures are characteristic of deformation dominated by dislocation glide. These experiments provide the foundation for a constitutive law describing low-temperature plasticity in glaucophane, which will serve as an input for geodynamic models that aim to understand the physics of strain localization, quantify steady-state interface strength, and explain the mechanics of slip transients.

How to cite: Seyler, C., Kotowski, A., James, K., Thom, C., Hansen, L., and Hein, D.: Dislocation-accommodated deformation in blueschists from high-pressure experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7583,, 2025.

EGU25-8302 | Posters on site | TS1.6

The Tambo nappe: insights into its internal deformation from geological mapping (Swiss-Italian Alps) 

Filippo Luca Schenker, Dorota Czerski, Cristian Scapozza, Alessandro De Pedrini, Christian Ambrosi, Reto De Paoli, Omar Bonazzi, Maria Troger, and Yves Gouffon

We present detailed 1:10’000-scale geological maps of the eastern flank of the Lepontine Dome, focusing on the Tambo nappe. These maps, produced for the Grono, Mesocco, and Hinterrhein sheets of the Geological Atlas of Switzerland 1:25’000 (GA25), reveal the nappe’s complex internal deformation history, influenced by inherited rheological anomalies, localized fluid percolation, and varying metamorphic conditions. The study of basement nappes internal deformation provides crucial insights into contrasting exhumation mechanisms, a topic central to understanding orogenic dynamics. While nappes exhumed through channel flow mechanisms typically exhibit incoherent internal deformation, those exhumed via Stokes flow or within an accretionary wedge are more structurally coherent.

The Tambo nappe is composed of heterogeneous paragneisses, micaschists, amphibolites, and metagranitoids. This 20 km-long body was emplaced northward as part of the Alpine nappe stack derived from the Briançonnais paleogeographic domain since the Paleocene. The dominant structural elements (foliation, fold axes, and lineation) are predominantly eastward-oriented.

In the southern part of the nappe, the Truzzo meta-granitoid, a folded Permian batholith, acted as a competent, elongated body embedded within micaschists and paragneisses. Below the batholith, pervasive greenschist facies mineral assemblage (chlorite and phengite bearing), associated with top-to-the-east shearing, overprinted earlier amphibolite-facies metamorphism. Deformation subsequently localized along the Forcola Fault. Quartz veins supplied the fluids responsible for the greenschist-facies metamorphism during orogen-parallel shearing that postdated nappe emplacement.

In the northern part, approximately 2 km from the nappe’s front, the lithologies steepen into a cusp-like geometry oblique to the upper nappe boundary. This sector is characterized by sporadic metacarbonate lenses within metasomatized gneisses and schists. Over several hundred meters, syn-foliation veins were folded and boudinated at local peak metamorphic (lower amphibolite) conditions. Locally, some veins cut across the foliation, indicating fluid percolation during deformation. Unlike the southern part, deformation and fluid activity here occurred at peak metamorphic conditions, obliterating earlier textures. We postulate that metacarbonates at the cusp’s core may represent remnants of squeezed Permo-Mesozoic grabens or half-grabens.

These findings suggest that the Tambo nappe behaved as an incoherent body incorporating Mesozoic fragments during nappe emplacement. Subsequent orogen-parallel shearing further thinned the sequence. Field evidence highlights the crucial role of fluids in both deformation stages, influencing rheology and metamorphism.

How to cite: Schenker, F. L., Czerski, D., Scapozza, C., De Pedrini, A., Ambrosi, C., De Paoli, R., Bonazzi, O., Troger, M., and Gouffon, Y.: The Tambo nappe: insights into its internal deformation from geological mapping (Swiss-Italian Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8302,, 2025.

We investigated the microstructures in the pelitic schists of the high-P/low-T Sanbagawa metamorphic belt in the Shibukawa area, northwestern Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, which are mostly classified as low-grade, non-spotted schists, and delineated the thermal structure and microstructure of the Sanbagawa pelitic schists in the vicinity of an ultramafic block using a Raman carbonaceous material (CM) geothermometer and SEM-EBSD crystallographic analysis. The pelitic schists consist of alternating mica-rich and quartzofeldspathic layers. The mica-rich layers consist mainly of muscovite, chlorite, and CM, whereas the quartzofeldspathic layers consist mainly of quartz and albite. The maximum experienced temperatures estimated from the carbonaceous material (CM) were 277–354°C, corresponding to the metamorphic temperature of the chlorite zone. In the quartzofeldspathic layers, both quartz and albite showed subgrain boundaries with undulatory extinctions, indicating plastic deformation. The crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) of the quartz grains within the pelitic schists show weak but distinct patterns somehow resembling a type-I cross girdle, whereas those of the albite locally show (100)[001] patterns. The average sizes of both quartz and albite grains were at around 10 µm for all samples and increased slightly with increasing modal composition, independent of the Raman CM temperature. This suggests that the duration time of the peak metamorphic temperature may not be long enough to mature metamorphic textures in the pelitic schists. As a consequence, the microstructures in the pelitic schists would result from the interaction between the grain growth due to heating and the grain size reduction due to deformation in the subduction zone.

How to cite: Katagiri, S., Kouketsu, Y., and Michibayashi, K.: Structural and thermal characteristics around an ultramafic body in the low-grade Sanbagawa pelitic schists, central Honshu Island, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8742,, 2025.

EGU25-9019 | Orals | TS1.6

Microstructural, petrological and petrochronological study of the graphitic schists ("Furtschaglschiefer") of Passo di Vizze (SW Tauern Window, Eastern Alps, Italy) 

Bernardo Cesare, Simone Bedon, Leonardo Salvadori, Omar Bartoli, Alice Macente, Whitney Behr, and Aratz Beranoaguirre

Furtschaglschiefer is a thick layer of graphitic schists belonging to the Greiner unit in the western Tauern Window. The precise tectonostratigraphic assignment of these rocks is debated, but they are considered the post-Variscan cover of the Zillertal-Riffl nappe, which was metamorphosed only during the Alpine orogeny.

These schists display a peculiar structure, where biotite adds to garnet to form porphyroblasts up to 1 cm long, defining a marked lineation. The texturally well-equilibrated mineral assemblage of the schists comprises quartz, plagioclase, garnet, biotite, ilmenite, muscovite, graphite ± chlorite ± epidote ± staurolite.

Garnet occurs as euhedral rhombic dodecahedral porphyroblasts 2-3 mm in diameter. Biotite occurs in three textural generations, of which the most abundant and coarser is represented by microboudinaged porphyroblasts with cleavage at high angle to the foliation, showing evidence of repeated crystals opening at cleavage planes and sealing by new biotite and in places by quartz. The evidence of this process is given by the variable distribution of graphite inclusions within biotite. The abundant graphite is disseminated in layers defining the main foliation of the rock, probably an isoclinally folded sedimentary bedding. The resulting "accordion-like" biotite porphyroblasts display an average total strain of 175%. Like garnet and ilmenite, these porphyroblasts show symmetric synkinematic features (rotation of cleavage and internal foliations) and strain shadows. When observed, sinistral and dextral shear sense indicators are equally recorded. The 2D analysis performed on thin sections was complemented by a 3D µCT study on two samples. Microboudinaged biotites show a prolate strain, with the long axis parallel to the rock lineation. Many coin-shaped ilmenite porphyroblasts are oriented parallel to the main foliation. The microboudinaged biotite of the Furtschaglschiefer probably formed in a two-stage process including 1) random static growth followed by 2) pure shear, intense microboudinage and precipitation of new biotite (and quartz) with very little rotation.

Continuous biotite and garnet growth occurred during and after deformation and foliation development, under almost constant PT conditions as evidenced by the constant chemical composition of synkinematic phases like biotite.

Phase equilibrium modelling and thermometry based on Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous matter and titanium in biotite converge to indicate metamorphic temperatures of c. 550 °C, in agreement with previous studies. Constraints on metamorphic pressure are still poor, and at present there is no evidence for significant decompression from higher-P conditions predating the development of the main Grt-Bt-Ilm±Chl assemblage.

Preliminary results of in situ U-Pb dating by LA-MC-ICPMS provide an age 24.0 ± 2.6 Ma for garnet and of 26.1 ± 3.3 Ma for ilmenite, confirming the Oligocene age of amphibolite-facies metamorphism in this part of the Tauern Window.

How to cite: Cesare, B., Bedon, S., Salvadori, L., Bartoli, O., Macente, A., Behr, W., and Beranoaguirre, A.: Microstructural, petrological and petrochronological study of the graphitic schists ("Furtschaglschiefer") of Passo di Vizze (SW Tauern Window, Eastern Alps, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9019,, 2025.

The petrographic study and structural analysis of high-pressure rocks can bring to light some of the mechanisms involved in the subduction and subsequent exhumation of the crustal materials affected by these processes. In the Cabo Ortegal Complex (NW Spain) the emplacement, amalgamation and progressive deformation of still hot peridotites between the Chimparra gneisses and the Bacariza high-pressure granulites imposed a thermal gradient in the shear zones developed at the contact with the high-pressure gneissic formation. This gradient lead to a change of deformation mechanisms and operative intracrystalline slip systems in all the constituent minerals during initial stages of the exhumation of the complex in the subduction channel.

In external areas of the shear zone affecting the gneissic materials, large garnets accommodated strain by rigid rotation. However, close to the shear zones elongated garnets behaved more plastically assisted by 1/2<111>{110} and <100>{010} intracrystalline slip systems. Kyanite, in turn, shows kink bands, sigmoidal geometries and subgrain boundaries disposed subperpendicular to the X structural direction. This feature suggests the activation of [001](100) and [001](010) intracrystalline slip systems in outer sectors and glide on (100) planes along the [001] direction in areas closer to the contact. Although oligoclase does not show systematic orientation distribution patterns in distant sectors the lattice preferred orientation (LPO) obtained at the contact indicates clearly the activation of [100](001) intracrystalline slip systems which have been recognized in rocks deformed under medium- to high-grade conditions. This is in accord with the operation of prism-<a> slip systems in quartz for those samples closer to the ultramafic massif, indicative of temperature conditions up to 700º C. Away from the contact, the temperature decreases, leading to activation of basal- and rhomb-<a> systems in this phase suggesting lower deformation temperature or, more likely, higher strain rates along narrower sectors of the subduction channel accommodating deformation.

How to cite: Puelles, P., Abalos, B., and Esteban, J. J.: Constraining the thermal gradient in shear zones bounding the Chimparra high-pressure gneisses of the Cabo Ortegal Complex (NW Spain): an EBSD approach , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9048,, 2025.

EGU25-10325 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6

In-situ apatite U-Pb geochronology coupled with microstructural analysis reveals the age of lower-crustal seismicity 

Sascha Zertani, Luca Menegon, Martin J. Whitehouse, Heejin Jeon, and Bjørn Jamtveit

Pseudotachylytes (quenched frictional melts produced during coseismic slip) represent unambiguous evidence of fossil earthquakes. They are routinely studied to investigate the processes operating before, during, and immediately after seismicity. To place this knowledge into the relevant tectonic context, requires the capability of determining the age of seismicity. However, pseudotachylytes are thin (typically below 1 cm thick) and extremely fine grained, rendering the application of geochronological tools challenging. In the upper crust, the 40Ar/39Ar method has been successfully used to date pseudotachylytes, however, no successful attempts of dating lower-crustal pseudotachylytes have been reported until now.

We present results from in-situ apatite U-Pb geochronology applied to lower-crustal pseudotachylytes exposed in Lofoten, northern Norway. The sample suite includes a pristine pseudotachylyte, a mylonitized pseudotachylyte, and a mylonite with pseudotachylyte veins transposed into the foliation. The results are scrutinized by detailed microstructural investigations using electron backscatter diffraction and cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging. By doing so, we are able to identify apatite that deformed by crystal plasticity in response to the seconds-to-minutes-long thermal pulse generated by the earthquake. The corresponding apatite U-Pb data define a tight regression with a lower intercept at ~426 Ma; the age of lower-crustal seismicity in the Lofoten exposures.

Our analyses also yield an age population significantly younger than the age of seismicity. The single spot dates of this population are microstructurally controlled, i.e., spots within the same microstructural framework yield similar ages, and characterized by significant variations in CL intensity within single grains. The U-Pb data of this age population do not define a clear regression, but rather indicate several Pb-loss events. Patchy CL zoning in some of these apatites indicates modification by dissolution-precipitation, and thus the involvement of a fluid in partial resetting of the apatite U-Pb system. We interpret this age group to reflect protracted fluid percolation along the pathways provided by the pseudotachylytes and shear zones. In-situ apatite U-Pb dating coupled with microstructural investigations thus provides (1) the first robust age of a fossil lower-crustal earthquake, which indicates that seismicity occurred during the early stages of continental collision, as well as (2) evidence that such structures serve as long-lived fluid pathways long after seismicity occurred.

How to cite: Zertani, S., Menegon, L., Whitehouse, M. J., Jeon, H., and Jamtveit, B.: In-situ apatite U-Pb geochronology coupled with microstructural analysis reveals the age of lower-crustal seismicity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10325,, 2025.

EGU25-12829 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6

Seismically-induced quartz grain alterations as indicators of past earthquake events 

Szymon Świątek, Karolina Lewińska, Małgorzata Pisarska-Jamroży, and Christina Günter

Seismic activity often triggers liquefaction, a process where water-saturated sediments lose their strength due to an increase in pore water pressure. This process leads to the development of soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS), such as load casts, clastic dykes, flame structures etc. However, distinguishing seismogenic SSDS from those triggered by other mechanisms (e.g., storms, overloading) can be challenging.

This study investigates the micromorphological changes in quartz grains derived from SSDS caused by liquefaction triggered by seismic shocks., Laboratory simulations mimicking seismic conditions revealed characteristic quartz alterations, including microcracks, edge corrosion, and grain fragmentation. These features were found to be closely linked to the duration of seismic exposure.

Particularly notable was the discovery of gold within quartz cracks, which serve as direct evidence of seismic events and underscore the role of seismicity in mineral redistribution. This novel finding highlights the potential of quartz grains as micro-scale markers for reconstructing past seismic activities. Geochemical factors, such as pH and redox potential, further influenced the behavior of liquefied sediments and the extent of quartz grain deformation, demonstrating the complex interplay between seismic forces and geochemical conditions in shaping sedimentary records.

How to cite: Świątek, S., Lewińska, K., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., and Günter, C.: Seismically-induced quartz grain alterations as indicators of past earthquake events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12829,, 2025.

EGU25-12837 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6

High-T quenching microstructures in cauliflower garnet capture instantaneous post-seismic processes in a lower-crustal seismogenic fault 

Stephen Paul Michalchuk, Sascha Zertani, Thorsten Markmann, Jörg Hermann, Pierre Lanari, Daniela Rubatto, and Luca Menegon

Pristine microstructures preserved in a pseudotachylyte (coseismic-derived quenched frictional melt) are recordkeepers of the time-lapse processes associated with the dynamic rupture propagation and the earthquake slip. Unlocking these near-instantaneous processes from the microstructures in a pseudotachylyte provides insights into the chemo-mechanical processes operating during, and immediately following an earthquake.

Inclusion-rich, mutually intergrown garnet aggregates with a morphology akin to a cauliflower are a common product phase in lower-crustal pseudotachylytes. Pseudotachylyte veins in gabbroic rocks from Lofoten (Norway) formed at ambient temperatures of 650–700 °C and display pristine quenching microstructures in the matrix such as plagioclase microlites, dendritic clinopyroxene, cauliflower garnet aggregates, survivor lithoclasts of plagioclase, olivine, and orthopyroxene, and coronas of cauliflower garnet at the interphase boundary between orthopyroxene and the pseudotachylyte matrix. There is a lack of hydrous phases such as amphibole or biotite. Quantitative compositional maps across an entire vein show an irregular or patchy intercrystalline major element distribution in cauliflower garnet. Pyrope and spessartine contents are higher in garnet coronas around survivor lithoclasts comprised of orthopyroxene and olivine, while grossular is highest near plagioclase survivor lithoclasts and near the contact with the plagioclase-rich wall-rock. In some instances, trace elements maps show sharp compositional zoning within single garnet grains. In addition, electron backscattered diffraction data indicate that the garnet corona grains in contact with orthopyroxene along the pseudotachylyte vein boundary show evidence of crystal-lattice distortion through dislocation glide. Collectively, these microstructures indicate that the anhydrous pseudotachylyte melt quenched extremely quickly. The quenching of garnet proceeded faster than the chemical homogenisation in the frictional melt, freezing in and preserving local compositional variations without any later recrystallization at amphibolite-facies ambient conditions.

Using garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometry on cauliflower garnet cores and rims in contact with clinopyroxene inclusions and microlites, respectively, and using a cooling model for the pseudotachylyte vein, we estimate that garnet quenched from the frictional melt starting at ~1100–900 ºC, as recorded in garnet cores, and ceased growing upon reaching the ambient temperature of ~650–700 ºC in <1 hour. In the short duration of mineral growth, garnet captured the incipient distribution of major and minor elements from the frictional melt and was able to record the post-seismic stress relaxation that localized in the form of solid-state creep along the pseudotachylyte vein margin during quenching. High-T microstructures are preserved because dislocations in garnet are immobile at ambient lower-crustal temperatures, and anhydrous conditions inhibit recrystallisation, diffusion, and viscous deformation.

How to cite: Michalchuk, S. P., Zertani, S., Markmann, T., Hermann, J., Lanari, P., Rubatto, D., and Menegon, L.: High-T quenching microstructures in cauliflower garnet capture instantaneous post-seismic processes in a lower-crustal seismogenic fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12837,, 2025.

EGU25-13040 | Posters on site | TS1.6

Experimental deformation of natural monomineralic quartz to produce micro-porosity 

Laurent Arbaret, Gina McGill, Jacques Précigout, Cecile Prigent, and Laura Airaghi

In natural shear zones, micro-porosity is found to decorate the grain boundaries of rocks which have been deformed in viscous conditions. Whether porosity is formed during or after deformation is widely debated, and requires further investigation to test how micro-pores may be produced, particularly in monomineralic aggregates.

Using a new-generation Griggs-type apparatus, we performed two general shear experiments using a fine grained (∼ 3 μm) quartzite (white novaculite) with low to no primary porosity (< 1%). The experiments were performed at a temperature of 900 °C and pressures of 1.2 and 1.5 GPa, with bulk strain rates of ≅ 1.2×10-4 and 2.3×10-5 s-1, respectively. In both, 1 wt% of water was added to the starting sample.

During deformation, both samples record a significant stress drop following a high peak of differential stress, after which a progressive strain weakening occurs over several gamma of shear strain. In the experiment at 1.2 GPa, the sample deformed above the Goetze criterion at peak stress, where σ13 > 1.2 GPa, which gave rise to a highly fractured sample. Within the sample, shear planes < 1 µm thick contain a material which is brighter than quartz in SEM-BSE, despite being composed of SiO2. Microstructural observations of the same sample show the production of a penetrative secondary porosity, where most pores are < 1 µm in diameter. Pores decorate most grain boundaries, which are open and easily identifiable in the SEM.

In contrast, the experiment at 1.5 GPa did not experience any fracturing, and the maximum differential stress remained below the Goetze criterion at σ13 ≅ 0.8 GPa. In this experiment, a porosity of microns to tens of microns in size developed along apparent conjugate bands. Outside of these bands, there is no porosity nor open grain boundaries. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analyses reveal quartz which deformed viscously, both inside and outside of the porosity-decorated bands. However, quartz grains within the pore-decorated bands have a stronger intragrain misorientation and higher lattice curvature gradients, as well as slightly weaker lattice-preferred orientation than in the surrounding, non-decorated quartz. Finally, an interesting feature of EBSD maps is the lower indexation rate of quartz within the porosity-decorated bands, at 54% within compared to 83% outside. While the reason for this is unknown, the non-indexed area is considerably larger than the area of pores.

How to cite: Arbaret, L., McGill, G., Précigout, J., Prigent, C., and Airaghi, L.: Experimental deformation of natural monomineralic quartz to produce micro-porosity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13040,, 2025.

EGU25-13122 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6

A Garnet tale: chemical and mechanical responses in Dora Maira Whiteschists 

Alessia Tagliaferri, Lucie Tajčmanova, and Thibault Duretz

Dora Maira is one of the internal crystalline massifs of the Western European Alps, formed by basement nappes of the Penninic Domain. The massif is characterized by high-pressure (HP) and ultra-high-pressure (UHP) rocks and is famous for the presence of coesite-bearing whiteschists. These rocks can be employed as source of information for Earth’s subduction-exhumation cycle, as well as window into (U)HP mechanical processes. For these reasons, Dora Maira whiteschists have attracted the attention of petrologists for the last four decades. However, most of the previous studies focused on petrological aspects and little attention has been given to the peculiar microstructures of these intriguing rocks. This contribution shows the preliminary results of a microstructural and compositional study performed on the whiteschists, with a focus on garnet crystals.

These rocks are characterized by a spatially variable foliation, defined by the alignment of phengite and garnet crystals. Where the foliation is spaced, palisade quartz develops between phengite crystals with an orientation mostly at high angle to the main schistosity. Palisade quartz also formed within garnet crystals, surrounding or completely substituting pre-existing coesite inclusions.

Garnet grains are both elongated parallel to the rock’s foliation or rounded in shape. They show two sets of fractures: a parallel set developed at high angle to the rock schistosity, and radial fractures around coesite/palisade quartz inclusions. The formation of this second set of radial fractures is due to the large volumetric change involved in the coesite-quartz transition.

We adopted SEM-EDS, (HR-)EBSD techniques and performed microprobe analyses to study both microstructures and composition of garnet crystals. Their composition is ca. 88 up to 98% pyrope. However, they also show a distinctive chemical zoning around inclusions, which results in a higher grossular content.

These observations raise questions on the mechanical behaviour of garnets at UHP. In particular, the coesite-quartz transition provokes large volumetric changes which likely result in a mechanical modification of the host garnet. The question is whether the volumetric change of the phase transition and related fractures can trigger also a chemical redistribution. More investigations are still needed, however a strong influence of mechanics on garnet crystals’ behaviour in these rocks is undeniable. Only a meticulous microstructural and compositional analysis can shed light on the history written in the pyrope crystals.

How to cite: Tagliaferri, A., Tajčmanova, L., and Duretz, T.: A Garnet tale: chemical and mechanical responses in Dora Maira Whiteschists, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13122,, 2025.

EGU25-13163 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6

Fabric and shear strain of a potential halite detachment below the Swiss Eastern Tabular Jura 

Alina Mohideen, Kurt Decker, and Bernhard Grasemann

The Swiss deep geological repository for radioactive waste is to be sited in the easternmost part of the Jura fold-and-thrust belt that forms the external allochthonous units in the Western Alps. Although it is commonly accepted that the Jura is a thin-skinned fold- and-thrust belt, which is detached from the underlying autochthonous units along Middle Triassic evaporites, this is not so clear for Nagra’s siting region. There, the amount of shortening accommodated in the so-called Siglistorf Anticline is only some 150-220m (Jordan et al., 2015, Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 14‐105). The location of the anticline above the northern boundary fault of a crustal-scale Paleozoic graben gave rise to a dedicated discussion whether the calculated shortening is in fact related to a thin-skinned detachment or related to thick-skinned deformation involving the underlying basement (e.g., Schöpfer et al., 2023, Terra Nova, and references therein).

To test the competing thin- and thick-skinned models, we analyzed cores from four wells drilled by Nagra through the evaporitic detachment for structures which can be used for quantifying shear strain and, hence, the thrust displacement. Cores of the drilled anhydrite and halite succession are oriented allowing to determine the true orientation of structures. Variably oriented stretching lineations along with sigma clasts, winged inclusions, shear bands and asymmetrical boudins prove polyphase kinematics with different transport directions arguing against a continuous high-strain detachment. Recorded shear directions are top-NNW, top-NNE and top-W. The preservation of primary sedimentary and early diagenetic fabrics, shapes of winged inclusions, angles between S and C planes in shear bands, elongations calculated from boudinaged layers and the abundance and sizes of survivor grains are used to estimate the finite shear strain for the different lithotypes, which are categorized in undeformed (tangent of the shear angle γ=0), low shear strain (γ<2), medium shear strain (γ<7), and high shear strain (γ<15). The total maximum displacement, calculated from the sum of the thickness-shear strain products for each strain category, are 41m, 66m, 79m and 123m, for the four investigated boreholes.

Balanced cross-sections from the area of interest based on the thin-skinned deformation model state a shortening of approximately 150 to 220m which is accommodated in the Siglistorf Anticline north of the investigated boreholes. In this thin-skinned model the whole respective displacement must be accommodated by the regional evaporitic detachment, which, however, is considering the estimated total displacements from the respective core intervals not fully supported. We propose that shortening accomodated in the Siglistorf Anticline is also related to shortening involving the strata below the regional décollement level. It is concluded that deformation of the easternmost part of the Jura fold-and-thrust belt is in fact a combination of thin-skinned and thick-skinned tectonics.


How to cite: Mohideen, A., Decker, K., and Grasemann, B.: Fabric and shear strain of a potential halite detachment below the Swiss Eastern Tabular Jura, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13163,, 2025.

EGU25-13729 | Posters on site | TS1.6

Layered or interconnected ? In-situ connectivity and topology from X-ray tomography on deformed serpentine+olivine aggregates 

Nadège Hilairet, Tommaso Mandolini, Julien Chantel, Sébastien Merkel, Yann Le Godec, Marcel Thielmann, Nicolas Guignot, and Andrew King

The polymineralic nature of most rocks induce changes in deformation mechanisms with respect to those observed in monomineralic aggregates, and challenges our understanding of the feedbacks between microstructure and rheology. In-situ information from high pressure experiments, such as X-ray tomography and X-ray diffraction, offer the opportunity of quantifying the fabric and stresses, and their evolutions, in polymineralic rocks, under high pressures and high temperatures relevant for the deep earth. Here we present results relevant to the deformation of serpentinized peridotites. Interconnected weak layers (IWL) of serpentine can cause morphological anisotropy and strain localization in serpentinized peridotite, with important implications for the mechanical properties of the lithosphere. We quantify the morphological anisotropy, topology, and interconnectivity of serpentine, in serpentine + olivine aggregates, under torsion. We use in-situ X-ray absorption-contrast tomography at pressures of ca. 4 GPa and temperatures 300-400°C. At shear strains γ >= 4 and ~10 vol. % serpentine fraction, the topology of the serpentine clusters becomes simple, with few interconnections between long isolated serpentine clusters. Conversely, for ~20 vol. % serpentine, the clusters increase in length and topological complexity, resulting in large interconnected serpentine network for γ > 4. This study reveals how serpentinized peridotite with ~20 vol.% serpentine can develop a deformation-induced IWL of serpentine, where strain can preferentially localize. IWL of serpentine may not happen when the serpentine content is ~10 vol. % because of the formation of a serpentine disjoint network. The results will be put in perspective with published in-situ stresses distribution within various serpentine+olivine aggregates, deforming under similar pressures and temperatures. These experiments participate to set the ground for exploring the deformation distribution, stresses and fabric evolution in polymineralic rocks, using in-situ information.

How to cite: Hilairet, N., Mandolini, T., Chantel, J., Merkel, S., Le Godec, Y., Thielmann, M., Guignot, N., and King, A.: Layered or interconnected ? In-situ connectivity and topology from X-ray tomography on deformed serpentine+olivine aggregates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13729,, 2025.

EGU25-17663 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6

The origin of micro-porosity in quartz mylonites: insights from quartz-rich shear bands in the Ikaria granite 

Gina McGill, Jacques Précigout, Cecile Prigent, Laurent Arbaret, Laura Airaghi, and Patrick Cordier

Micro-scale porosity is a feature commonly found in viscously deformed quartz-rich mylonites. However, the processes which may form such porosity are actively debated, and whether or not pores are formed syn-kinematically to shear zone activity remains uncertain. Yet, the production of micro-pores during rock deformation may have several critical implications, such as affecting the rock strength, possibly through the brittle-ductile transition, and/or providing fluid pathways through active shear zones.

In this study we focus on quartz-rich shear bands produced during extensional deformation of a granitic pluton below the detachment of Ikaria (Cyclades, Greece). Nearby to the detachment, quartz aggregates are often decorated by micrometric and sub-micrometric pores, of which a large proportion adopt angular, crystallographically controlled shapes. Quartz in such decorated shear bands primarily deformed by crystal plasticity and underwent dynamic recrystallisation by subgrain rotation. Using a combination of standard and High-angular Resolution (HR) Electron Back-Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) analyses alongside Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy (SEM/TEM), we highlight that micro-pores decorate primarily grain boundaries, as well as some intragrain substructures including subgrain boundaries. EBSD analyses show that pore-decorated substructures are characterised by high (~4°) Kernel Average Misorientation (KAM), which describes the mean lattice misorientation of one EBSD pixel with respect to its closest neighbours. (HR)EBSD maps indicate a high lattice curvature gradient across these pore-decorated substructures, which can be seen by Geometrically Necessary Dislocation (GND) densities as high as 1015 per m2.

TEM analyses of Focused Ion Beam (FIB) sections across grain and intragrain boundaries reveal that quartz contains free dislocation densities around 1013 per m2, which matches our (HR)EBSD estimates for the interior of grains and subgrains. GND estimates of some porosity-decorated subgrain boundaries are between 1014 to 1015 dislocations per m2, which are not visible in TEM. Instead, nm-scale layers of amorphous SiO2 are seen, into which porosity is often partially or fully embedded.

Our results suggest that amorphous SiO2 and porosity are formed from the same process, since pores are embedded into amorphous SiO2. Furthermore, in the case of pore-decorated substructures where amorphous SiO2 is present, a factor other than dislocation climb likely accounts for their quartz lattice distortion, possibly related to a stress concentration. Although the origin of quartz amorphization remains a matter of discussion, we hypothesise a stress concentration which caused quartz to amorphize, followed by subsequent pore formation through fluid exsolution while stress was released. If this is the case, it would strongly suggest that pore nucleation occurred syn-kinematically in Ikaria.

How to cite: McGill, G., Précigout, J., Prigent, C., Arbaret, L., Airaghi, L., and Cordier, P.: The origin of micro-porosity in quartz mylonites: insights from quartz-rich shear bands in the Ikaria granite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17663,, 2025.

EGU25-17810 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6

Weakening mechanisms on mica-bearing rocks: an experimental approach 

Gabriel Serrano López, Laura Airaghi, Hugues Raimbourg, Jacques Precigout, and Khadija Alaoui

Experimental and field-based research has shown that the presence of mica minerals drastically reduces the mechanical resistance of rocks during both brittle and viscous deformation, which allows the localization of deformation into narrow regions such as shear zones. Furthermore, experimental work has proved that the resistance of phlogopite-quartz assemblages with a mica abundance of 30% is as weak as a sample composed entirely of mica. This phenomenon occurs as a combination of several processes, including developing interconnected networks of mica domains and grain size decrease in quartz. Nevertheless, it remains unclear which other processes enhance weakening in these rocks, to what extent each process is significant, in which stage of deformation they take place, and how the presence of mica assists the deformation of quartz. In this work, we address these questions by analyzing the microstructure of six experimental shear zones carried on samples composed of 30% muscovite and 70% quartz with different amounts of strain. By combining microstructural and mechanical information, we aim to infer how and when different weakening processes occur.

Simple shear experiments were conducted using a Griggs-type apparatus to deform 0.1 g of a powder composed of 30% muscovite with an initial grain size of 62-125 µm and 70% quartz with an initial grain size of 10-20 µm. The samples reached different amounts of gamma strain ranging from 0 to 6.  The experiments were carried out at T=800°C, P=1 GPa, added H2O=0.1%, and ė≈1x10-5s-1. Afterward, in the post-mortem samples, a detailed microstructural analysis was carried out comparing SEM-BSE images, cathodoluminescence in SEM (CL), and EBSD maps. Some microstructural parameters were acquired such as the interconnectivity of each phase, grain size distribution, and grain lattice misorientation, which were compared to the CL-signal.

As strain increases, the interconnectivity of mica grains does not increase or decrease significantly, but rather, mica grains decrease in size through breaking. Quartz grains located in mica-rich domains preserve their original size and shape while micas take most of the deformation. On the other hand, in quartz-rich domains, the grain size is intensely reduced as strain increases. Additionally, a blue material in the CL maps appears along grain boundaries and microcracks. This blue material becomes more and more abundant and interconnected as deformation increases, which is the main feature appearing as a consequence of progressive deformation. The correlation of CL and EBSD maps indicates that some of the newly formed grains (blue material) present low misorientation to the parental grain, some other grains preserve exactly the orientation of the parental grain, and others present a random misorientation to the parental grain. This suggests that the coupling between continuous dissolution-precipitation and crystal-plastic deformation of quartz is the most suitable mechanism behind the formation of the new material. However, the source of luminescence of the precipitated material in the CL spectra remains unclear.

How to cite: Serrano López, G., Airaghi, L., Raimbourg, H., Precigout, J., and Alaoui, K.: Weakening mechanisms on mica-bearing rocks: an experimental approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17810,, 2025.

EGU25-18133 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6

Metamorphic re-equilibration, deformation and rheology along a nascent plate boundary: the case study of the Bay of Islands Ophiolitic Complex, Newfoundland 

Louise Mérit, Philippe Agard, Loïc Labrousse, Benoît Dubacq, Cécile Prigent, and Carl Guilmette

Strain localization and softening in metastable crustal rocks involve complex feedbacks between deformation mechanisms, metamorphic reactions and fluid circulation, as long pointed out for shear zones by previous authors. These feedbacks, however, have rarely been scrutinized and documented precisely at grain-scale. Furthermore, while recent studies have shown that high-grade metamorphic rocks (T°C>550°C) deform through a combination of dislocation creep (DC), diffusion creep and dissolution-precipitation creep (DPC), available creep laws only account for dislocation creep and/or solid-state diffusion processes. Deciphering the role and contribution of DPC to strain accommodation at grain-scale is therefore important to better understand the rheological behavior of rocks, as well as of plate boundaries (for example, deep mechanical coupling in subduction zones likely occurs when/where DC takes over fluid-assisted DPC).

This study investigates the evolution of deformation mechanisms and metamorphic reequilibration of the metamorphic sole of the Bay of Islands ophiolitic complex (BOIC, Newfoundland) and its associated overlying mantle, which jointly preserve evidence for deformation-reaction-fluid feedbacks leading to gradual strain localization at plate boundary scale. Detailed patterns and chronology of deformation-reaction-fluid interactions are constrained by structural, textural, chemical and microstructural data acquired in both the metamorphic sole and the basal mantle. A new method based on EPMA and EBSD maps overlay was also used to track and quantify grain-scale deformation mechanisms, as well as the interplay between grain size reduction, mineral reactions and material transfer. Results show progressive cooling of the mantle associated with increasing deformation (from protomylonitic to ultramylonitic stages) and fluid-related metasomatization of peridotites towards the contact. Fluids are interpreted as coming from the metamorphic sole in which activation of dissolution-precipitation processes are dominant.

How to cite: Mérit, L., Agard, P., Labrousse, L., Dubacq, B., Prigent, C., and Guilmette, C.: Metamorphic re-equilibration, deformation and rheology along a nascent plate boundary: the case study of the Bay of Islands Ophiolitic Complex, Newfoundland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18133,, 2025.

EGU25-18290 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6

Imaging the textural evolution of gypsum through a metamorphic cycle 

Eilidh Vass Payne, Ian Butler, James Gilgannon, Damien Freitas, Andrew King, Roberto Emanuele Rizzo, Lisa Eberhard, and Florian Fusseis

Metamorphic textures are often complex because they reflect a long and protracted history across a range of conditions. When these textures develop in settings where deformation also occurs it becomes increasingly difficult to accurately pull apart their spatiotemporal history.  

While experimental petrology and deformation studies have been instrumental in understanding metamorphic textures, traditional approaches only capture ‘before’ and ‘after’ states of metamorphic texture formation. This limitation has prevented direct observation of the dynamic evolution of internal reactions and processes within rocks as they occur throughout time. Fundamental questions remain unanswered, such as the spatial distribution of nucleation sites, the temporal evolution of growth patterns, and critically, how deformation influences these processes. Understanding these dynamics is particularly crucial along pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) paths, where natural rocks preserve evidence of competing processes between textural inheritance and overprinting.

To address these questions, we conducted time-resolved microtomography (4D µCT) experiments on alabaster gypsum (Volterra, Italy) that cycled between dehydration, rehydration and dehydration to understand how complex metamorphic textures formed. We ran one experiment at hydrostatic confining conditions and another for comparison in a non-hydrostatic stress state. Initial results reveal differences between how the microstructures evolve in the two stress states. For the non-hydrostatic environment we have observed a sequence where any initial gypsum fabric is uniformly over-printed to form a foliated texture determined by the stress field, but the rehydration reaction occurs in both a localized and patchy fashion. This in-turn determines where any further dehydration occurs. These experiments give insight into how a rock texture can evolve through a prograde and retrograde metamorphism on a clockwise P-T-t path.  

How to cite: Vass Payne, E., Butler, I., Gilgannon, J., Freitas, D., King, A., Rizzo, R. E., Eberhard, L., and Fusseis, F.: Imaging the textural evolution of gypsum through a metamorphic cycle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18290,, 2025.

EGU25-18704 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6

Combined microstructural and geochronological analysis of ductile deformation in the Sierra de Juarez Complex (Southern Mexico). 

Eduardo Monreal Roque, Bodo Weber, and Lucie Tajčmanová

The Sierra de Juárez Complex (SJC), located in Oaxaca, Mexico, comprises a N-S trending belt of deformed igneous and metamorphic rocks with a complex history of multistage deformation and metamorphism. The SJC exhibits penetrative mylonitic deformation attributed to Mesozoic tectonics; however, the timing and kinematics of this event remain poorly constrained.

New Rb-Sr geochronology on muscovite reveals ages ranging from ~164 to ~151 Ma, corresponding to a Middle to Late Jurassic event, and a younger age of ~67 Ma, associated with the Laramide Orogeny. Ongoing microstructural analyses, including traditional optical methods and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD), aim to characterize the kinematics and deformation style of the mylonitic belt.

The integration of geochronological and microstructural data will enhance our understanding of the role of the SJC in the tectonic evolution of southern Mexico during the Mesozoic, providing new insights into the broader tectonic framework of western equatorial Pangea.

How to cite: Monreal Roque, E., Weber, B., and Tajčmanová, L.: Combined microstructural and geochronological analysis of ductile deformation in the Sierra de Juarez Complex (Southern Mexico)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18704,, 2025.

EGU25-20090 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6

Tectonic evolution in transtensional regimes: the example of the Variscan Tanneron massif (SE France) 

Josselin Gremmel, Guillaume Duclaux, Michel Corsini, Valérie Bosse, and Jérôme Bascou

Deformation of the oceanic and continental lithosphere induce by plates motion on Earth’s surface implies the existence of an oblique deformation component at plate boundaries. Oblique tectonic systems, including transpressional and transtensional regimes, represent complex oblique boundaries and in-between movements combining transcurrent with either convergent or divergent deformation. These oblique strain regimes could generate a wide variety of structures and strain patterns in the ductile domain of the middle to lower crust, that makes interpretation of fabrics challenging. Studied example of transtensional regimes in orogenic domains are still rare and deformation process in this context remains poorly understood. However, transtensional systems are expected to play a key role by accommodating tectonic forces within a rheologically and mechanically heterogeneous lithosphere, in particular during orogenic collapse and exhumation of high-grade metamorphic rocks by thinning the orogens.

Here we present a new multidisciplinary and multiscale study by combining (micro)structural, thermobarometric and geochronological analyses in the Variscan Tanneron massif to reconstruct its late P-T-t-D evolution. The Tanneron massif represent the most internal part of the Maures-Tanneron Variscan belt (SE France), which was mainly structured during the late stage Variscan orogeny. The aim of this study was to precise the nature, organisation and evolution of ductile deformation and associated structures inside a transtensional tectonic regime. Structural and microstructural analysis (AMS and 3D finite strain ellipsoids calculation) of the Tanneron massif indicates that the late tectonic event that structured the massif is a general transtensional regime characterised by a strong subhorizontal stretching that originated through two phases. The first phase is a pure shear- dominated transtension with the development of a subhorizontal constrictional flow associated with L>S tectonites and minority gently-dipping foliations. The second phase is a simple shear-dominated transtension characterised by a plane strain flow (S-L tectonites) and the development of vertical foliations and dextral shear zones. Thermobarometric modelling (X-Ray compositional maps and mineral composition using EPMA) and in-situ U-Th-Pb dating (monazite and xenotime, LA-ICPMS) of the migmatitic units allow us to precise the tectonic evolution of this transtensional deformation regime. This regime represents a tectonic continuum between ~ 325 and 300 Ma and defines a progressive deformation event synchronous with the exhumation of high-grade metamorphic units. Deformation was initiated at high-temperature conditions associated with partial melting of the crust between 7.2 - 10.0 Kbar and 730 - 770 °C, then progressed mainly under subsolidus conditions during the retrograde path of the migmatitic units until low greenschist metamorphic facies conditions reaching 4.1 Kbar and 370 °C. Linking structural, microtextural observations and thermobarometric data, we propose a rheologically driven strain path partitioning during the progressive exhumation of this deep crust. During the second phase of the transtensional regime, deformation was localised preferentially in the hydrated meta-sedimentary units, rather than in meta-igneous rocks.

How to cite: Gremmel, J., Duclaux, G., Corsini, M., Bosse, V., and Bascou, J.: Tectonic evolution in transtensional regimes: the example of the Variscan Tanneron massif (SE France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20090,, 2025.

EGU25-1722 | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Frictional slip behavior of highly overconsolidated fault gouge 

Matt Ikari and Andre Hüpers

On major plate-boundary fault zones, there is an expectation that large-magnitude earthquakes do not nucleate at shallow depths, but rather starting at depths of several km in the crust.  This depth dependence is generally understood  to be controlled by the frictional behavior of the sediments making up fault gouges, where velocity-strengthening friction and low effective stresses at shallow depths tends to produce stable fault slip.  The transition to velocity-weakening rocks at seismogenic depth has been suggested to be caused by a variety of diagenetic and low-grade metamorphic processes that lithify the sediments into more competent fault rocks.  Recent laboratory results on both natural fault rocks and desiccated clay-salt mixtures show that this is a viable mechanism, where velocity-weakening friction is seen in the lithified rocks having high cohesion and low porosity.  A remaining open question is whether the key ingredient for velocity-weakening friction is the porosity reduction, or the mechanical cementation.

Here, we test whether porosity reduction alone can induce velocity-weakening friction in powdered Rochester shale, an otherwise velocity-strengthening sediment.  We control the porosity by consolidating deionized water-saturated shale powders to a vertical stress of 86 MPa and shearing the samples under lower effective normal stresses of 0.1-10 MPa, for overconsolidation ratios (OCRs) of up to ~860.  We then measure the frictional properties of our overconsolidated samples with velocity-step tests from 10-6–10-5 m/s, repeated over long displacements to account for fading of the initial consolidation state with slip. 

We observe that overconsolidation induces an additional porosity reduction of 35-63%, relative to the porosity under normal consolidation. The velocity steps show predominantly velocity-strengthening friction; however, some scattered instances of velocity-weakening are observed for the highest tested OCR.  Analysis of the rate- and state-dependent friction parameters shows that the velocity steps in samples with the highest OCR have both larger values of “a” and large positive values of “b”, whereas the rest of the samples show predominantly negative values of “b”.  The observed pattern in “b” suggests that asperity contacts under shear, and therefore surface roughness is important.  This is supported qualitatively by photos of the shear surfaces, showing that for larger OCRs, a smaller proportion of the nominal surface area is in real contact during shear.  The results show that velocity-weakening friction begins to appear when the additional porosity reduction is ~55%, consistent with previous work.  However, the appearance of velocity-weakening friction due solely to porosity loss may require unrealistically large OCRs, and truly unstable sliding at depth likely requires cementation by mineralization.

How to cite: Ikari, M. and Hüpers, A.: Frictional slip behavior of highly overconsolidated fault gouge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1722,, 2025.

EGU25-3342 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5

Heterogeneous high frequency seismic radiation from complex ruptures 

Sara Beth Leach Cebry and Gregory McLaskey

Fault geometric heterogeneities such as roughness, stepovers, or other irregularities are known to affect the spectra of radiated seismic waves that result from dynamic slip on a fault. To investigate the effect of normal stress heterogeneity on radiated spectra, we created a laboratory fault with a single, localized bump by utilizing the compliance and machinability of poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA). By varying the normal stress on the bump and the fault-average normal stress, we produced earthquake-like ruptures that ranged from smooth, continuous ruptures to complex ruptures with variable rupture propagation velocities, slip distributions, and mechanical stress drops. We used an array of eight piezoelectric sensors to measure vertical ground motions calibrated to determine source spectra and PGA for individual events. High prominence bumps produced complex events that radiated more high frequency energy, relative to low frequency energy, than continuous events without a bump. In complex ruptures, the radiated high frequency energy was spatially variable and correlated with local variations in peak slip rate and maximum mechanical stress drop caused by the bump. Continuous ruptures emitted spatially uniform bursts of high frequency energy as the rupture propagated along the fault. Near-field peak ground acceleration (PGA) measurements of complex ruptures show nearly an order-of-magnitude higher PGA near the bump than elsewhere. We propose that for natural faults, geometric heterogeneities may be a plausible explanation for commonly observed order-of-magnitude variations in near-fault PGA.

How to cite: Cebry, S. B. L. and McLaskey, G.: Heterogeneous high frequency seismic radiation from complex ruptures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3342,, 2025.

Natural faults are typically surrounded by a damage zone consisting of fractures of varying scales and geometries, which can significantly influence the dynamics of earthquake ruptures. Numerical studies have shown that damage can affect rupture parameters such as velocity, style, and extent. However, only a limited number of experimental studies have examined the effect of damage on the rupture process, focusing primarily on the rupture speed. Here, we present direct experimental observations on how damage geometry can affect earthquake rupture dynamics on a planar fault. We use polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) specimens with a pre-cut planar fault and create damage near the fault with varying crack geometry and spacings using laser cutting technology. We generate spontaneously propagating shear ruptures along the main faults and image the rupture using an ultra-high-speed camera operating at one million frames per second. By employing Digital Image Correlation (DIC) techniques, we obtain detailed evolution maps of velocities, displacements, and strains associated with the propagation of the ruptures. Initial results demonstrate that damage zone characteristics can significantly influence the slip velocity, rupture style, and speed, including the transition from sub-Rayleigh to supershear velocities. Such results can offer valuable experimental observations on how damage zones influence earthquake rupture dynamics and deepen the understanding of the complex interplay between fault structures and rupture processes.

How to cite: Ghosh, S. and Tal, Y.: The Effect of Fault Damage Zone on the Dynamics of Earthquake Ruptures: Experimental Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3648,, 2025.

EGU25-4426 | Orals | EMRP1.5

Response of a fluid-saturated fault gouge to frequency varied cyclic pore-pressure variations 

Stanislav Parez, Pritom Sarma, and Einat Aharonov

Cyclic fluid injection for industrial purposes within fault zones are commonly imposed, since they are observed to stabilize induced seismicity, often inducing aseismic slip along fault surfaces, without immediate seismic energy release (Zang et al., 2018; Noël et al., 2019; Ji et al., 2021a, 2021b, 2022). Even though dynamic variations of effective normal stress on fault zones due to both natural and anthropogenic causes are common (Chen et al., 2024), the impact of the perturbations and their frequencies on fault strength is less explored (Savage and Marone, 2007; Ferdowsi et al., 2015; Noël et al., 2019). The frequency of pore-pressure changes are  expected to impose a characteristic timescale, controlling the crossover from a drained to an undrained response, which in turn will promote markedly different deformation modes and rates (Passelègue et al., 2018).


In this work we present results from a coupled hydromechanical-discrete element model that simulates the response of a pre-stressed, fully saturated fault, filled with a granular fault gouge, subject to cyclic pore-pressure variations across frequencies of three orders of magnitude. For lower frequencies we see nucleation-arrest-nucleation dynamics within the granular rupture and for higher frequency we observe cyclic creep, both driven by pore-pressure perturbations. Within the frequency parameter space we see a crossover of the slip modes as we increase frequency, lower frequencies show unstable failure, while higher frequencies show creep. Our results might account for a) fluid induced slip stability in cyclic injection scenarios (higher frequencies) and b) low-frequency dynamic triggering of earthquakes.

How to cite: Parez, S., Sarma, P., and Aharonov, E.: Response of a fluid-saturated fault gouge to frequency varied cyclic pore-pressure variations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4426,, 2025.

EGU25-4873 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5

Thermo-hydro-mechanical mechanisms in sandstone-derived fault gouges during simulated small-magnitude earthquakes from experiments and models 

Chien-Cheng Hung, Niemeijer André, Stefano Aretusini, Elena Spagnuolo, Jianye Chen, and Maartje Hamers

Laboratory studies have demonstrated that faults undergo dynamic weakening during large displacements (>1 m) at seismic slip velocities (>0.1 m/s). However, the role of this weakening in small-displacement induced earthquakes (M 3–4), such as those in the Groningen Gas Field (the Netherlands), remains unclear. To address this, we conducted seismic slip-pulse experiments on Slochteren sandstone gouges (SSG), derived from the gas reservoir, using a rotary-shear apparatus to provide decimeter-scale constraints on the dynamic fault slip of quartz-rich gouges. Pre-sheared gouge layers, confined between ~1.5 mm thick sandstone host blocks, were subjected to slip pulses under initial effective normal stresses of 4.9–16.6 MPa and pore fluid pressures of 0.1 and 1 MPa under undrained conditions. The experiments achieved peak velocities of 1.8 m/s, accelerations up to 42 m/s², and displacements of 7.5–15 cm, using either dry Argon or water as pore fluid at ambient temperatures. Our results reveal that water-saturated gouges weaken rapidly from a peak friction of ~0.7 to ~0.3, accompanied by early fast dilatancy followed by slower ongoing dilation, with minimal dependence on normal stress, slip acceleration, or displacement. In contrast, Argon-filled samples exhibited only minor weakening. Microstructural analysis shows no systematic relationship between the width of the principal slip zone (PSZ) and frictional work or power input densities, indicating that wear or heat production alone does not control PSZ growth. Instead, our thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) numerical modeling suggests that thermal pore fluid pressurization, potentially involving water phase transitions at asperity scales, drives weakening in short-displacement, induced seismic events. To extend these small-scale laboratory findings to reservoir-scale processes, ongoing research focuses on discrete element modeling (DEM) at particle and gouge scales coupled with THM solutions. This includes calibrating the THM-DEM models at both grain and gouge scales using laboratory data from Groningen sandstone-derived samples. The calibrated models will be validated with recent data generated under fast slip conditions with varying pore fluids.

How to cite: Hung, C.-C., André, N., Aretusini, S., Spagnuolo, E., Chen, J., and Hamers, M.: Thermo-hydro-mechanical mechanisms in sandstone-derived fault gouges during simulated small-magnitude earthquakes from experiments and models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4873,, 2025.

Compared to other kinds of fluid-related seismicity, reservoir-induced seismicity (RIS) is usually characterized by higher magnitudes. Seismic and water level monitoring and statistical modelling, however, do not provide comprehensive understanding of the RIS mechanism and controls. This study presents a novel finite element method-based 2D poro-visco-elasto-plastic fully dynamic earthquake model, specifically applicable to RIS simulations. In the first stage of the simulations, Drucker-Prager plasticity is used to generate a normal fault in the Earth’s upper crust with enhanced porosity, over a long time-scale of millions of years. In the second stage of the simulations, RIS is modelled under typical reservoir impoundment dynamics, producing four seismic sequences, triggered by pore pressure increase at the fault at shallow depth below the reservoir. This pressurization is released by aftershocks in every seismic cluster, accompanied by permeability hikes at the fault and associated with fault “valving” behaviour. A dynamic coseismic rupture phase driven by wave-mediated stress transfers coupled with rate-and-state dependent friction coefficient weakening is modelled, along with interseismic deformations. Coseismic crack opening in a dilatant regime, inducing porosity and permeability hikes especially emphasized at the fault, is implemented. The model component verifications demonstrate convincing agreement with theoretical predictions. The model allows investigation of spatio-temporal RIS characteristics and their controls. It may contribute to earthquake prediction in situ and facilitate earthquake mitigation policies.

How to cite: Katsman, R. and Ben-Avraham, Z.: A Dynamic Poro-Visco-Elasto-Plastic Earthquake Simulator with Spontaneous Dilatant Coseismic Rupture: Modelling Fault Deformations at Reservoir-Induced Seismicity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5024,, 2025.

EGU25-6563 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5

Velocity influence on the friction and wear of a single-asperity lab-fault 

Adriane Clerc, Guilhem Mollon, Amandine Ferrieux, Lionel Lafarge, and Aurélien Saulot

Understanding earthquakes mechanisms still represents a challenge, motivated by the large consequences of the numerous earthquakes occurring each year. The complexity of fault zones and fault behaviour requests to make some simplifications and to down-scale the studied system. In our work we borrow from the tribological approach the pin-on-disk experiment so that the two rough surfaces in contact through a series of asperities fault concept is downscaled to a single asperity sliding on a rough surface. The single asperity response to shearing induced by sliding and the evolution of friction are studied closely to understand the behaviour of the down-scaled fault, especially when the velocity is changing. Moreover, mono-asperity experimental tests are an effective way to construct new friction laws for numerical simulations.

The original experimental apparatus consists in a centimetric pin with a hemispherical extremity representing the fault asperity while a large flat rotating disk stands for the opposite surface of the experimental fault. Both pieces are made in the same carbonate rock (Carrara white marble) with controlled roughness. Under co-seismic conditions (contact size, contact normal stress) and with a rough track with presence of granular gouge, the lab-fault is submitted to different velocities (from 0.001 m/s up to 1m/s). A number of high-sampling-rate sensors are used to constrain the observation of the asperity-rough track contact during the simulated seismic events. Moreover, complete post-mortem analyses of the contact surfaces with optical microscopy, SEM and roughness images allow to quantify the mechanisms and to reconstruct friction scenarios in accordance with the time-series acquired during tests. A quasi 2D numerical twin is also created with the elementary discrete method software MELODY, in order to compare the different features observed on the pin or on the track.

In this present work, we focus on the change of wear mechanisms in the lab-fault due to changes in sliding velocity. Independently of the normal load applied, the Carrara white marble asperity-track system experiences weakening velocity due to frictional heating. The friction coefficient evolution during the co-seismic events and the post-mortem analyses put in contrast two regimes. At low velocity, the carbonate rock lab fault wears off at a constant rate producing a large amount of granular gouge. At high velocity, the contact surfaces are covered by viscous sintered material, which can be called mirror surfaces.

How to cite: Clerc, A., Mollon, G., Ferrieux, A., Lafarge, L., and Saulot, A.: Velocity influence on the friction and wear of a single-asperity lab-fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6563,, 2025.

EGU25-7148 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5

Probing Fault Zone Evolution with Ultrasonic Measurements: Seismic Imaging in Laboratory Experiments 

Michele De Solda, Michele Mauro, Giovanni Guglielmi, Federico Pignalberi, and Marco Scuderi

Faults can slip in diverse modes, ranging from slow, aseismic creep to dynamic, earthquake-generating rupture. Geological observations reveal that many fault zones consist of localized slip zones surrounded by a broader damage zone, where microcracks and fractures interact in complex ways. Friction laws propose that whether a fault will host a slow slip event or a fast dynamic rupture depends on the relative stiffness of these slip zones and the surrounding material. Conversely, the local stress field imposes such structures' evolution. Although the evidence for these complex interactions indicates the opportunity to incorporate this knowledge in the theoretical framework, collecting data on the spatiotemporal evolution of elastic properties at seismogenic depth is inherently challenging, leaving this possibility mostly unexplored.

Laboratory experiments provide a controlled environment for studying the evolution of fault mechanics and elastic properties. Elastic waves are governed by the same equations that relate wave speeds to dynamic moduli. Therefore, they offer a pathway to link laboratory observations to natural fault processes.

This study investigates how microstructural reorganization during fault deformation and fault zone structure formation affects fault zone stiffness and slip behavior using synthetic quartz gouge layers sheared in double-direct shear (DDS) configuration.
Our DDS setup is instrumented with piezoelectric transducers designed to generate and record predominantly compressional (P) or shear (S) waves. By carefully characterizing the source time function, we ensure that early arrivals in each recorded signal represent a single wave mode with minimal mode conversion or side reflections.

We then apply Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) to these early arrivals to reconstruct velocity models for both P- and S-waves as deformation progresses. The inverted models reveal spatiotemporal variations in the bulk and shear moduli, which we interpret as signatures of contact-area changes, grain size reduction, and other micromechanical processes relevant to frictional stability. In particular, the evolving elastic properties allow us to gauge how the local stiffness of the gouge zone evolves relative to applied stress, linking the observed velocity changes to the constitutive laws underpinning rate-and-state friction (RSF). While RSF implicitly links frictional strength to contacts dynamic through a state variable, our results illustrate how ultrasonic waveform acquisition and modeling can provide hints toward the explicit rewriting of such laws in terms of the evolution of elastic properties, an intermediate level of description easier related to micromechanical processes.

This approach highlights the potential for ultrasonic measurements in earthquake laboratory experiments to probe fault zone mechanics and outline a framework for integrating seismic imaging with frictional mechanics to better understand fault behavior across scales.

How to cite: De Solda, M., Mauro, M., Guglielmi, G., Pignalberi, F., and Scuderi, M.: Probing Fault Zone Evolution with Ultrasonic Measurements: Seismic Imaging in Laboratory Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7148,, 2025.

EGU25-7873 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5

Dilation or compaction? Laboratory insights into the role of fault roughness 

Shupeng Chai, Boyang Su, Yuan Zou, and Qi Zhao

The geometrical roughness of faults results in significant stress heterogeneity across various length scales, thus affecting rupture and sliding behavior during earthquakes. The dilatancy behavior on rough joints also becomes much more complicated than on planar faults. Whether dilation or compaction will occur on rough faults, especially those with large asperity heights, during interseismic and seismic slips is still an open question. 

Here, we perform laboratory shear tests on rough faults with millimeter-scale asperity heights and analyze the four types of dilation or compaction behavior observed during stick-slip cycles. In the stick phases, dilatancy behavior inferred from the asperity contacts agrees well with the variation of normal displacement. The locations of acoustic emission (AE) events are also consistent with the potential surface damage regions estimated from the evolution of asperity contacts at various shearing displacements. Stick-slip events with compaction-dominant interseismic slip usually occur at large shear displacements on interlocking faults when overriding high asperities. In those stick-slip events, the proportion of large-magnitude AEs is lower, resulting in higher Gutenberg–Richter b values. A generalized schematic model is also proposed for the complex dilatancy behavior during stick-slip cycles.

The experimental results provide new insights into the effects of fault roughness on shear-induced dilatancy behavior and serve as valuable benchmarks for our numerical simulations considering visible contact evolutions during shear sliding on rough faults.

How to cite: Chai, S., Su, B., Zou, Y., and Zhao, Q.: Dilation or compaction? Laboratory insights into the role of fault roughness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7873,, 2025.

EGU25-7883 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Fault core structure and the fault slip behavior during fluid injection: insights from laboratory friction experiments 

Stefano Aretusini, Chiara Cornelio, Elena Spagnuolo, Giuseppe Volpe, Giacomo Pozzi, Luca Dal Zilio, Paul Selvadurai, and Massimo Cocco

Fluid pressure plays a crucial role in controlling fault reactivation in both natural and induced seismicity. The effective normal stress is linearly reduced by an increase in fluid pressure (Pf) with σeff = σn  - S · Pf, which lowers the frictional strength of the fault, τ=µ·σeff, increasing the potential for fault reactivation and seismic slip. Upon reactivation, slip can occur quasi-statically or dynamically depending on the interplay between σn and Pf and mediated by the S parameter, (the hydromechanical coupling) and by the rate-and-state properties of the fault materials. In this context, the fault zone structure dictates the frictional properties as well as the fault hydro-mechanical coupling, particularly when S ≠ 1 and reactivation might occur at effective stresses different than predicted.

In Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies (BULGG, Switzerland), a target fault zone chosen for fluid-induced fault stimulation is characterized by a fractured host rock surrounding a sub-centimetric fault core with fault gouge and bare-rock asperities.  Therefore, to define slip mode of the target fault it is important to characterized the frictional properties of both fault gouge and bare-rock asperities taking advantage of a laboratory controlled experimental environment.

Fault stimulation by fluid injection was simulated in laboratory by increasing the Pf following an injection protocol suitable for the BULGG fluid stimulation. Experiments were performed on both the fault gouge sampled from the target fault and on bare rock surfaces sampled in the surrounding host rock. We employed a rotary shear apparatus (SHIVA) to perform fluid injection experiments. First, we imposed the stress conditions measured at depth in the underground laboratory, halved due to apparatus limitations: 7.5 MPa σeff, 7.5 MPa confining pressure and 2.5 MPa Pf. Second, we imposed a slip rate of 10-5 m/s for 0.01 m to develop a stable fault core structure. Third, we applied a constant shear stress of 2.7 MPa, considering the slip tendency measured on the target fault (0.35). We then increased stepwise the Pf by 0.1 MPa every 150 s. After fault slip initiation, the maximum allowed slip velocity was 0.1-1 m/s. Between each of the experimental stages, permeability and transmissivity were measured with the gradient (Darcy) or Pf oscillations methods.

We show that fault reactivation and slip behavior are different between gouge and bare rocks: in gouge creep and dilatancy precede reactivation, whereas in bare rock surfaces reactivation is sudden and not preceded by neither tertiary creep nor dilatancy indicating that dynamic reactivation is promoted in smooth bare-rock surfaces. Moreover, gouge displays a higher friction (0.58 vs 0.49) and a lower hydraulic transmissivity (i.e., 10-19 vs 10-17 m3) than bare rocks.

Here we proceed to test a suite of constitutive models against our data: rate and state friction, (Rudnicki, 2023; Cappa et al., 2022), and a fully coupled poromechanical model (Dal Zilio et al., in prep.), to understand what are the physical processes controlling the onset and style of fault activation in the two fault core structures.

How to cite: Aretusini, S., Cornelio, C., Spagnuolo, E., Volpe, G., Pozzi, G., Dal Zilio, L., Selvadurai, P., and Cocco, M.: Fault core structure and the fault slip behavior during fluid injection: insights from laboratory friction experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7883,, 2025.

EGU25-8673 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Frictional strength and healing behaviour of natural carbonated serpentinites at hydrothermal conditions 

Leonardo Salvadori, Giulio Di Toro, and Telemaco Tesei

Ophicalcites (carbonated ultramafic rocks) are commonly found when serpentinized mantle rocks are exposed to fluid-rock interaction in settings such as slip and damage zone of mid ocean ridges, transform faults and subduction zones. In this study, we analyze the frictional strength and healing properties of ophicalcites under hydrothermal conditions because of their possible role in the nucleation of “fast” (i.e., earthquakes) and slow slip events.

The ophicarbonates used in this study belong to the exhumed ophiolitic unit of Eastern Elba Island (Italy). The hand samples are black, red, and purple ophicarbonates and include veined breccias and cataclasites. The mineral assemblages, determined through optical microscopy and quantitative (Rietveld) X-ray powder diffraction, consist of serpentine (lizardite and chrysotile with rare relicts of pyroxene and olivine), talc and calcite veins. Hematite is only found in the red ophicalcite.

We conducted slide-hold-slide experiments with a rotary-shear apparatus coupled with a hydrothermal vessel (ROSA-HYDROS, Padua University, Italy) on a synthetic fault gouge derived from a red natural ophicalcite cataclasite with a composition of 26.9% lizardite and chrysotile, 12.3% talc, 57.6% calcite, 2.9% hematite and traces of smectite. The experiments were performed at an effective normal stress (σneff = σn - Pp) of 20 MPa, a fluid pressure (Pp) of 6 MPa, constant slip velocity of 10 µm/s between the holds (which lasted from 10 to 10.000 s) and temperatures ranging from 20 to 400°C. Our results show that, the “serpentinite” component dominates the bulk friction and the healing behaviour. For T≤ 200°C and in the presence of water in liquid state, the friction coefficient (µ = shear stress/σneff) is relatively low (µ = 0.35-0.45), poorly sensitive to fluid temperature and we observe creep.  Instead, for T ≥ 300°C and in the presence of water in vapor state, the µ is higher (= 0.80-0.90) and we observe stick-slip behaviour.

The experimental approach of this study aims to understand the nucleation of earthquakes or of slow slip events along mid ocean ridges and transform faults and to contribute to the assessment of seismic hazard associated with CO2 storage by carbonation of serpentinite in deep reservoirs.

How to cite: Salvadori, L., Di Toro, G., and Tesei, T.: Frictional strength and healing behaviour of natural carbonated serpentinites at hydrothermal conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8673,, 2025.

EGU25-8830 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Dynamics of frictional healing of anhydrite bearing faults imaged by ultrasonic waves 

Michele Mauro, Giovanni Guglielmi, Michele De Solda, Fabio Trippetta, Cristiano Collettini, and Marco Scuderi

The ability of faults to regain strength between seismic events (frictional healing) is crucial to understand the seismic cycle. In lithologically heterogeneous faults, differences in healing rates among various rock types can lead to the locking of specific fault patches. These locked segments may store significant amounts of elastic strain energy, which can be dynamically released during earthquakes. Anhydrite is a key component of the Triassic Evaporites, the seismogenic layer responsible for destructive earthquakes in Central Italy, e.g. 2016 Mw 6.5 Norcia mainshock. Its complex mechanical behavior, strongly influenced by boundary conditions, remains underexplored. Minor variations in effective pressure, humidity, loading rate, and temperature alter healing properties, rheology, and fault slip behavior of anhydrite. These mechanical characteristics are inherently tied to its elastic properties. Hence, the broad spectrum of mechanical behaviors observed should correspond to an equally wide variation in its elastic moduli.

We performed dry and wet friction experiments on anhydrite gouge using the BRAVA2 biaxial apparatus. These experiments include Slide-Hold-Slide (SHS) sequences to investigate the healing properties of anhydrite by varying temperature between 20 and 100 °C. To inform mechanical data with the microphysical evolution of the fault, we equipped the sample assembly with PZT sensors in transmission mode. These sensors record ultrasonic wave (UW) propagation through the sample during SHS tests. Finally, mechanical and ultrasonic measurements were accompanied by comprehensive microstructural analysis.

At room temperature, distinct mechanical features emerge between dry and wet samples. Wet experiments are characterized by lower friction (μ = 0.49) and higher healing rate (β = 0.015) with respect to dry ones (μ = 0.6 and β = 0.004). In both wet and dry tests fault healing follows a log-linear dependence with hold duration, however, in wet samples this relationship occurs only after a characteristic cut-off time, tc (s). We report a log-linear increase of UW amplitude with hold time. Microstructural analysis of wet samples reveals shear localization and grain size reduction within multiple Y, B, and R shear bands. Conversely, dry samples predominantly feature distributed deformation within R shear bands and local S-C structures.

The observed differences between dry and wet experiments suggest that water-activated processes play a major role in controlling shear strength and healing properties of anhydrite. This hypothesis is corroborated by the presence of a cut-off time for wet healing measurements. We interpret tc as a necessary time for water-activated deformation mechanisms to effectively operate by increasing the healing rate.
The evidence of a log-linear relationship between UW amplitude and hold duration testifies that fault restrengthening is intimately related to gouge porosity reduction and fault zone evolution.

Our approach aims to correlate reductions in shear modulus with shearing along specific slip planes, which are known to be active through microstructural analyses. To achieve this goal, the relationship between complex frictional healing and the elastic properties of anhydrite will be investigated via the extraction of elastic moduli from UW velocities.

How to cite: Mauro, M., Guglielmi, G., De Solda, M., Trippetta, F., Collettini, C., and Scuderi, M.: Dynamics of frictional healing of anhydrite bearing faults imaged by ultrasonic waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8830,, 2025.

EGU25-8940 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Spatio-Temporal Organization of Earthquakes: Insights from Aseismic Transients and Seismic Triggering in Rock Fracture 

Hao Chen, Paul Antony Selvadurai, Sofia Michail, Antonio Felipe Salazar Vásquez, Claudio Madonna, and Stefan Wiemer

Recent observations of many large earthquakes suggest a pronounced interaction of seismic sequences and aseismic slip (Kato & Ben-Zion, 2020). Among them, the spatio-temporally clustered seismic sequences may be related to internal stress transfer through event-event triggering processes (Davidsen et al., 2021). These evolving stress correlations at different length scales may be a key component to earthquake nucleation. However, the coupling between aseismic deformation and seismic triggering remains poorly understood due to observational limitations. In this study, we performed a triaxial experiment at 50 MPa confining pressure on a Rotondo granite sample. The sample was pre-notched to induce localized stress concentrations. The deployment of distributed strain sensing (DSS), based on fiber-optic technology, captures the transient behavior of aseismic deformation leading to system-size failure. We show that, at peak stress (σp = 420 MPa), the strain first builds up and accelerates near the edges of notches. During a subsequent small stress drop (Δσd = 1.5 MPa), a sharp contrast between positive and negative strain rates appears. This asymmetric deformation reflects the local stress redistribution associated with the development of shear cracks emanating from the notches. Following this, a transient recovery is observed, as the concentrated strain rate transfers to the surrounding regions. This indicates that the shear crack is growing away from the notches towards the middle of sample. Acoustic emissions (AEs) recorded throughout the failure sequence were analyzed in conjunction with local strain rates, strain gradients, and the speed at which the strain concentrations propagate. This study provides novel insights into the spatio-temporal evolution of shear cracks, revealing the complex interplay between strain localization, aseismic transients, foreshock activity and stress redistribution during the preparatory phase preceding dynamic failure.



Davidsen, J., Goebel, T., Kwiatek, G., Stanchits, S., Baró, J., & Dresen, G. (2021). What Controls the Presence and Characteristics of Aftershocks in Rock Fracture in the Lab? Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(10), e2021JB022539.

Kato, A., & Ben-Zion, Y. (2020). The generation of large earthquakes. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2(1), 26–39.

How to cite: Chen, H., Selvadurai, P. A., Michail, S., Salazar Vásquez, A. F., Madonna, C., and Wiemer, S.: Spatio-Temporal Organization of Earthquakes: Insights from Aseismic Transients and Seismic Triggering in Rock Fracture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8940,, 2025.

EGU25-10995 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

BeeAx: A New Biaxial Apparatus to Investigate Shallow Brittle Rock Deformation and Frictional Sliding 

Nico Bigaroni, Julian Mecklenburgh, Mike Chandler, Lee Paul, and Ernest Rutter

The mechanisms that lead a fault in the brittle crust to catastrophically fail during fluid injection remain poorly understood. In traditional rock mechanics, significant effort has been devoted to developing fluid injection experiments that reactivate small specimen surfaces over their whole area. However, in natural settings, only a portion of the fault may initially experience an increase in fluid pressure and reactivation by enlarging the area of slip.

Therefore, it is important to explore further the processes that lead to nucleation on a localized patch subjected to fluid injection to involve a larger portion of the fault that are not initially subjected to the elevated fluid pressure. To do so, we developed a new bi-axial apparatus specifically designed to investigate the nucleation phase of fluid injection-induced earthquakes on large enough sample.

This apparatus accommodates slabs of rock with a sliding surface of 15 x 17 cm and 1 cm thick. It is equipped with two servocontrolled hydraulic rams capable of delivering horizontal and vertical forces up to 450kN. The fluid pressure (both upstream and downstream) and both rams are controlled by adapted Nova-Swiss hand pumps that are independently managed by EUROTHERM process controllers, which operate MAXXON brushless electric motors via ESCON digital servo-controllers. This setup enables precise servo-control of each piston and upstream and downstream pressure in either displacement or pressure mode, using feedback from LVDTs and pressure transducers, respectively.

We designed a new double L-shaped assembly that ensures a uniform shear stress distribution on the sliding surface prior to reactivation, as shown by finite element analysis. The assembly is equipped with eight piezoelectric transducers to record acoustic emissions (AE) and to conduct active velocity surveys, as well as strain and displacement gauges placed across the sliding surface to monitor local strains and finite displacements. The slip surface can be machined to form an area with an initial stress concentration around its tip so that slip can be initiated entirely by raising the fluid pressure in the ‘crack’. The sample material chosen is Pennant sandstone, a tight sandstone with high cohesive strength and very low porosity and permeability.

Here, we present a suite of preliminary experiments ranging from conventional stable/unstable frictional sliding to fluid injection-induced fault reactivation. Acoustic emissions were utilized to monitor the evolution of the seismic b-value and to locate AE events throughout the experiments.

How to cite: Bigaroni, N., Mecklenburgh, J., Chandler, M., Paul, L., and Rutter, E.: BeeAx: A New Biaxial Apparatus to Investigate Shallow Brittle Rock Deformation and Frictional Sliding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10995,, 2025.

EGU25-12897 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Validating the link between fault geometry and slip distribution 

Tom Gabrieli, Pierre Romanet, Yuval Tal, and Marco M. Schuderi

Fault geometry is increasingly regarded as a key parameter that affects all aspects of the earthquake cycle, yet the in-situ geometry of active faults remains poorly resolved, and they are often modeled as largely planar. On the other hand, recent advances in sensing and computational abilities enable measuring the co-seismic slip of large earthquakes in high resolution, both on the surface and at seismogenic depths. Previous analytical and numerical studies showed that the slip distribution of an earthquake is mechanically linked to the fault geometry through its curvature, though this link has not yet been verified. Here we show experimental verification of this link, by measuring at high precision the shear slip profiles along non-planar interfaces in laboratory earthquakes. We trigger dynamic shear ruptures that propagate along the interface between two loaded and matching PMMA plates and, using image correlation of ultrahigh-speed photography, resolve the propagating ruptures and the resulting displacements. The plates are pre-cut along a desired geometry, and we compare the slip calculated from the geometry and the experimental shear slip at each pixel along the interface. We show that, as predicted analytically, fault curvature is correlated to slip gradient when the plates are in contact and anti-correlated when there is opening. These relationships are clearly visible in our results at all measured scales regardless of the rupture complexity. Our results suggest that variations of the co-seismic slip along a fault can be highly indicative of the in-situ fault geometry and, alternatively, that slip distribution may be predicted along a fault with known geometry.

How to cite: Gabrieli, T., Romanet, P., Tal, Y., and Schuderi, M. M.: Validating the link between fault geometry and slip distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12897,, 2025.

EGU25-13704 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

The Effect of Temperature and Physical State of Water on the Frictional Properties of Gouges from Krafla Geothermal Field (Iceland) 

Wei-Hsin Wu, Wei Feng, Rodrigo Gomila, Telemaco Tesei, Marie Violay, Anette K. Mortensen, and Giulio Di Toro

Safe exploitation of high-enthalpy geothermal fields for energy production requires knowledge of the mechanical behavior of faults and the seismic cycle in the presence of hot, pressurized fluids. In geothermal reservoirs, fluids can exist in the liquid, liquid-vapor mixture, vapor, or supercritical fluid state. Here we investigate the frictional properties of simulated fault gouges derived from the main stratigraphic units present in Krafla Geothermal Field (Iceland) under realistic water temperature (Tf=100-400˚C) and pressure (Pf=10-30 MPa) conditions. These conditions correspond to water in the liquid, vapor, and supercritical state. 

Laboratory rotary shear, slide-hold-slide (SHS) experiments at a constant effective normal stress of 10 MPa are performed on gouges prepared from non-altered basalt (Krafla Fires eruptions, 1975-1984), chlorite-altered basalt (borehole KH-6, 708.5 m borehole depth), amphibole-altered basalt (borehole IDDP-01, 1686 m borehole depth), fine-grained basaltic dyke with scarce alteration (borehole IDDP-01, 1970 m borehole depth), and rhyolite (borehole KJ-39, 1637-1646 m borehole depth). All experiments are initiated with a 5 mm run-in slip at a loading point slip rate V of 10 μm/s followed by the SHS sequence with a hold time thold increased from 3 s to 10,000 s, separated by a slip interval of 1 mm.

The frictional strength μss (friction coefficient during run-in) slightly increases with Tf in non-altered and amphibole-altered basalt and slightly decreases with Tf in chlorite-altered basalt, basaltic dyke, and rhyolite. However, for all rock types, μss is higher (μss_vap> μss_sup and μss_liq) when vapor is present (only exception, non-altered basalt with μss_sup>μss_vap> μss_liq).

The frictional healing Δμ (frictional strength recovery during holds), is highest at Tf=400˚C in vapor and supercritical water. Still, the effect of Tf and the physical states of water on frictional healing rate (βμ/log(1+thold/tcutoff)) depends on rock type. In non-altered basalt, β increases with Tf but decreases in vapor water; in chlorite-altered basalt and basaltic dyke, β increases with Tf and is independent of the physical state of water; in amphibole-altered basalt and rhyolite, β is independent of both Tf and the physical state of water. However, systematic microanalysis of the deformed gouges is required to understand the underlying mechanisms. 

Lastly, for measured constant machine stiffness in this Tf-Pf range, all tested gouges show stable sliding (creep) at Tf=100˚C but become unstable (stick-slip) at Tf=200˚C (basaltic dyke) and Tf=300˚C (other rock types) regardless of the physical states of water. The highest stress drops during stick-slip are measured in supercritical water (non-altered basalt) or vapor (all the other gouges). Consistent with the seismological observations, our laboratory data show that the fault/fracture network in Krafla reservoir is less prone to nucleate earthquakes in the shallow hydrothermal system (Tf~170˚C, < 1 km depth), with most earthquakes located in the deep hydrothermal system (Tf≥300˚C, 1-2 km depth).

In conclusion, both temperature and the physical states of water should be considered when interpreting the seismicity in geothermal fields. 

How to cite: Wu, W.-H., Feng, W., Gomila, R., Tesei, T., Violay, M., Mortensen, A. K., and Di Toro, G.: The Effect of Temperature and Physical State of Water on the Frictional Properties of Gouges from Krafla Geothermal Field (Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13704,, 2025.

EGU25-16260 | Orals | EMRP1.5

PolystyQuakes : what can we learn from the use of polystyrene as analogue to earthquakes? 

Audrey Bonnelye, Abraham Gouedar, and Delphine Faure-Catteloin

Laboratory investigations into the behavior of fault zones have been a significant focus in experimental rock mechanics over the past decades. Various approaches have been developed, ranging from analog models to testing natural samples in triaxial cells. The primary goal of the latter is to infer the physical mechanisms responsible for failure under realistic conditions encountered in natural settings, albeit on small sample sizes (e.g., centimeter scale). In contrast, analog modeling aims to replicate similar mechanical behavior by applying scaling laws to geometry and material properties.

To address the spatial scale limitations of classical rock mechanics, we developed new experiments that bridge the gap between traditional rock mechanics and analog experiments. These experiments utilize the unique capabilities of the DIMITRI setup, a giant true-triaxial apparatus (1.5m × 1.5m × 1m). Due to the size of this experimental device, the maximum stress it can apply is limited to 2 MPa per principal stress. Consequently, we chose polystyrene as an analog for rocks. The low elastic properties of polystyrene slow down physical processes, enabling comprehensive observation of rupture phenomena, from initiation to failure arrest. Our objective is to investigate the interplay between different types of slip occurring along the interface.

In this study, we conducted stick-slip experiments on large-scale polystyrene blocks with a pre-cut surface area of 1.5 m². We applied shortening rates ranging from 1 to 10 mm/min. Our experiments successfully reproduced stick-slip behavior, allowing us to observe variations in frictional behavior along the interface and identify different types of slip, from slow slip to dynamic slip.

How to cite: Bonnelye, A., Gouedar, A., and Faure-Catteloin, D.: PolystyQuakes : what can we learn from the use of polystyrene as analogue to earthquakes?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16260,, 2025.

EGU25-16382 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Effect of strong and weak inclusions on the frictional behaviour of fault gouges 

Lucille Carbillet, Simon Guérin-Marthe, Karin Hofer Apostolidis, and Marie Violay

Faults are heterogeneous at all scales. Crustal faults extend for tens or hundreds of kilometers across which they intersect many different lithologies. In the fault core, meter-scale blocks are embedded within a shear zone mélange and, at the grain-scale, fault segments comprise patches of weak and strong minerals. This structural heterogeneity may be  associated with an heterogeneous stress distribution on-fault and has therefore been invoked to explain observations of different slip behaviours occuring simultaneously and at the same location on individual faults.

Conceptually, the structural and mechanical heterogeneity along fault is often described in terms of rheological asperities that can either be competent, have a velocity-weakening frictional behavior and tend to slip unstably or be less competent, have a velocity-strengthening frictional behaviour and slip stably. To understand the spectrum of slow, intermediate, and fast slips behaviors observed in nature, the laboratory studies have investigated the effect of rheological asperities on fault stability and slip behaviour. Laboratory experiments have been performed using mixtures of gouge materials with different frictional properties mixed homogeneously in various proportions or using spatially heterogeneous gouges with predefined layering perpendicular or parallel to the shear direction. In gouge samples prepared using talc-calcite mixtures, a 20% fraction of talc – the weak phase – was shown to drastically change the frictional properties of calcite gouge. However, recent results for vertically segmented gouges prepared from claystone and sandstone showed that fault friction and its rate-dependence are not simply controlled by the weakest lithology nor by a homogeneous mixture of the juxtaposing lithologies.

We performed friction experiments at room temperature in a servo-controlled biaxial apparatus using homogeneous and heterogeneous gouge samples prepared from calcite and talc minerals in various proportions by weight. Calcite and talc were chosen for their well-known antagonist frictional behaviour, as the strong velocity-weakening lithology and weak velocity-strengthening lithology, respectively. Heterogeneous gouge samples consist of a cylindrical inclusion of talc/calcite embedded within calcite/talc. For each experiment, two identical layers of gouge were placed in between three grooved sliding blocks, in a double-direct shear configuration, and a constant normal stress of 40 MPa was applied. Samples were sheared at a sliding velocity of 10 µm.s-1 until a steady state was reached. Velocity-stepping and slide-hold-slide sequences were then performed, under fully dry conditions. 

Overall, we observe that the coefficient of friction decreases with increasing talc content. However, depending on the geometry of the slip interface – a weak inclusion in a stronger and continuous lithology or the opposite – the decrease in strength associated with the presence of phyllosilicate minerals varies non linearly. Velocity weakening during shearing is reduced in the case of a strong calcite inclusion embedded in a weaker talc continuum. Our results show that the rheological heterogeneity associated with the presence of weak or strong inclusions exerts a second order control on the frictional behaviour of our simulated gouges.

How to cite: Carbillet, L., Guérin-Marthe, S., Hofer Apostolidis, K., and Violay, M.: Effect of strong and weak inclusions on the frictional behaviour of fault gouges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16382,, 2025.

EGU25-17462 | Orals | EMRP1.5

Frictional properties and healing in sedimentary subduction fault zones: insights from the Sestola-Vidiciatico unit, Northern Apennines. 

Renato Diamanti, Leonardo Salvadori, Francesca Remitti, Silvia Mittempergher, Giancarlo Molli, Giiulio Di Toro, and Telemaco Tesei

Subduction zone thrust fault systems accommodate deformation and guide the dynamics of converging tectonic plates. Investigating the frictional, healing, and deformation mechanisms at shallow depths within these zones is important for enhancing models of fault zone mechanics, slip behavior, and material transfer processes, as well as for understanding the nucleation and propagation of megathrust earthquakes. The Gova Fault Zone (GFZ), located within the basal portion of the Sestola-Vidiciatico Unit (SVU) in the Northern Apennines (Italy), offers a unique opportunity to examine the frictional properties, healing dynamics, and deformation processes within an exhumed erosive subduction channel.

The GFZ consists of multiple thrust surfaces that juxtapose highly folded and strained phyllosilicate-rich sediments derived from the upper plate (Marmoreto Marls, Fiumalbo Shales, FIU, and Civago Marls Fms., CIV) onto foredeep turbidites (Gova Sandstone Fm, GOV) of the lower plate.

We sampled the rocks in across the GFZ transect from the footwall GOV sandstones into the SVU shear zone, a sheared Civago marls and Fiumalbo shales.

Fault rocks were reduced to gouge and sheared in a rotary shear apparatus equipped with a hydrothermal vessel (RoSA+HYDROS, University of Padova) under an effective normal stress of 20 MPa and fluid pressure of 6 MPa, at both 25°C, and 200°C. We measured the friction and the time-dependent recovery of frictional strength during simulated interseismic periods (i.e., the healing).

The footwall GOV sandstone gouges are dominated by cataclastic processes, are frictionally strong and their friction increase from μ = 0.49 at 25°C to µ = 0.57 at 200° C. They are also characterized by positive healing and a transition from stable slip to stick-slip at 200° C.

The hangingwall rocks are frictionally weaker: the CIV marls show μ = 0.27 (25°C)-0.31 (200° C) and the FIU shales µ = 0.2 (25°C)-0.25 (200° C), display null/negative frictional healing rates. Both rocks maintained stable sliding, facilitated by phyllosilicate lamellae reorientation and buckling. The CAT, show intermediate friction µ = 0.37 (25°C)-0.42 (200° C) but negative healing rate slip behavior dominated by stable sliding.

The measured in the experiments of the footwall sandstones would, in nature, force strain to migrate into the weaker lithologies of the hangingwall. This “migration” of strain favors (1) the development of thrust surfaces within the hangingwall, such as the FIU on CIV contact, and contributes (2) to erosion, enabling the transfer of material from the upper plate to the lower plate. The positive frictional healing and stick-slip behavior at 200° C in the siliciclastic fault rocks (GOV) suggest a role of the footwall in favoring seismic slip nucleation. Conversely, the weakness and lack of frictional healing suggest a predominantly aseismic or slow slip behavior in the phyllosilicate-rich lithologies. Collectively, we found that frictional and microstructural heterogeneities between subducting sediments and the tectonic mélange at shallow depths may control the erosional vs. accretional character of subduction zones and be responsible for complex slip behavior within the frontal thrusts of subduction zones.

How to cite: Diamanti, R., Salvadori, L., Remitti, F., Mittempergher, S., Molli, G., Di Toro, G., and Tesei, T.: Frictional properties and healing in sedimentary subduction fault zones: insights from the Sestola-Vidiciatico unit, Northern Apennines., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17462,, 2025.

EGU25-17710 | Orals | EMRP1.5

Nanostructures as indicator for deformation dynamics 

Sarah Incel, Markus Ohl, Frans Aben, Oliver Plümper, and Nicolas Brantut

We aim to determine the feedback between fault dynamics and fault gouge structures by examining gouge structures that formed during rupture and slip of initially intact granite under upper crustal conditions. Experiments were conducted under quasi-static (3·10-5 mm/s), weakly dynamic (0.27 mm/s) and fully dynamic (≫1.5 mm/s) conditions, with or without fluids, and limited slip displacement (max. 4 mm). The extent in gouge amorphisation positively correlates with deformation rate, and we detected evidence of melting, e.g., magnetite nanograins, associated with the highest deformation rates. Gouge nanostructure is directly correlated to power dissipation rather than total energy input. The presence of amorphous material is shown to have no detectable impact on the strength evolution during rupture. We highlight that gouge textures, generally associated with large displacements and/or elevated pressure and temperature conditions, can form during small slip events (Mw <2) in the upper crust from initially intact materials.

How to cite: Incel, S., Ohl, M., Aben, F., Plümper, O., and Brantut, N.: Nanostructures as indicator for deformation dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17710,, 2025.

EGU25-17832 | Orals | EMRP1.5

Applications of the Particle Finite Element Method (P-FEM) to faulting in the brittle crust 

Andrea Bistacchi, Matteo Ciantia, Riccardo Castellanza, Silvia Mittempergher, and Federico Agliardi

Accurately modeling faulting in the so-called brittle crust remains a challenge due to limitations in numerical algorithms and problems in choosing realistic constitutive models. These challenges are reflected in difficulties linking observations across scales: from laboratory to outcrop and up to regional geology.

Here we present the Geotechnical Particle Finite Element Method (P-FEM), a large-deformation numerical tool developed to capture detailed progressive failure and fracturing using a non-local formulation.

A key advantage of P-FEM is its ability to simulate localized shear bands (fault zones with finite thickness) that naturally emerge independent of mesh discretization, both in thickness and orientation. Continuous remeshing further enables the modeling of large deformations within a Lagrangian framework, and techniques used to minimize numerical diffusion help producing realistic localized shear/fault zone patterns. Additionally, P-FEM benefits from its foundation in standard finite elements, allowing to use efficient and accurate solvers (tested through years by a large community of users) and a wide library of constitutive models to simulate various geo-materials, including non-cohesive soils and fault gouges, weak porous rocks (that could develop deformation/compaction bands), and “standard” brittle-frictional-plastic materials. Multiphysics implementations including fluid and heat flow are also available but will not be specifically discussed here.

These capabilities make P-FEM particularly suited for investigating fundamental tectonic processes such as (i) fault nucleation and growth in mechanically layered materials, (ii) the interplay between faulting and folding in thrust belts, and (iii) the development of fault damage and/or process zones in materials with heterogeneous mechanical properties. Our contribution will outline the P-FEM method and discuss its application to these tectonic problems.

How to cite: Bistacchi, A., Ciantia, M., Castellanza, R., Mittempergher, S., and Agliardi, F.: Applications of the Particle Finite Element Method (P-FEM) to faulting in the brittle crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17832,, 2025.

EGU25-18843 | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

Slip Localization versus Instability Nucleation Feedback Loop: A Laboratory Perspective from Gouge Deformation Experiments 

Carolina Giorgetti, Federico Pignalberi, Giacomo Mastella, Marco Maria Scuderi, and Cristiano Collettini

Experimental observations on fault gouges suggest that shear localization is a prerequisite for the nucleation of instabilities. Synthetic gouges typically produce lab-quakes when the shear deformation is localized along sharp, knife-edge shear planes – a condition that satisfies the steady-state existence requirement of the rate-and-state friction framework. Similarly, exhumed fault cores exhibit shear planes so localized that they appear as mirror surfaces.

Yet, the scenario in nature is far more complex. Many faults contain multiple fault cores, multiple localized shear planes, cemented fault rocks, and evidence for fault core recycling. This suggests that deformation localized along a principal slip plane during an earthquake – unlike in controlled shear experiments – does not necessarily persist over the lifespan of a mature fault. While in laboratory gouge experiments the steady state corresponds to a microstructural fabric that does not evolve significantly over seismic cycles, fault rock fabrics in nature evolve significantly during the seismic cycle—remaining far from a simple localized steady-state fabric.

Here, we present a preliminary study aiming at reconciling these two perspectives: the laboratory-derived nucleation, which involves deviations from a pre-existing steady-state, and the field-derived nucleation, often occurring far away from any steady-state condition. To address this, we conducted double-direct shear experiments on quartz gouges at 30 MPa normal stress, reactivating faults via shear stress steps that allowed spontaneous fault acceleration or deceleration.

The novelty of our approach lies in (1) the different textural states imposed on the gouge before reactivation and (2) the integration of acoustic emissions monitored during fault acceleration with post-mortem microstructures. Specifically, we designed three textures: a pre-localized texture – with localized shear planes developed by prior shearing at constant velocity and normal stress of 30 MPa for a few millimeters; a homogeneous texture – compacted under a normal stress of 30 MPa without prior shearing before reactivation; and an overconsolidated homogeneous texture – compacted under normal stress of 60 MPa before reactivation at 30 MPa.

Preliminary results reveal clear correlations between acoustic emission rate, slip evolution, and the degree of localization in post-mortem microstructures. Pre-localized textures remain locked until a critical stress is reached, after which they abruptly accelerate. Homogeneous textures display slow, progressive acceleration, with increasing slip velocity at higher shear stresses. The overconsolidated texture exhibits intermediate behavior. The acoustic emission signature during low constant-velocity slip reflects the grain interactions typical of granular flow, while rapid acceleration produces impulsive lab-quake-like signals typical of localized rupture nucleation.

These preliminary observations suggest a feedback loop between the localization of deformation and instability growth. While this type of relationship between shear strain localization and slip rate is well-established for the co-seismic propagation phase, our observations indicate that it may play a role during the nucleation phase, challenging the steady-state assumption commonly derived from laboratory studies.


How to cite: Giorgetti, C., Pignalberi, F., Mastella, G., Scuderi, M. M., and Collettini, C.: Slip Localization versus Instability Nucleation Feedback Loop: A Laboratory Perspective from Gouge Deformation Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18843,, 2025.

EGU25-21574 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5

The Influence of Particle Size Distributions on Flash Heating and Thermally Induced Weakening in Fault Gouges 

Hossein Shahabi and Hadrien Rattez

Flash heating is a critical phenomenon in fault gouges, occurring during rapid slip events that generate temperature surges at the grains or asperity contacts. These abrupt temperature increases trigger mechanisms that weaken the gouge material, reducing its shear strength. This process plays a key role in modulating fault dynamics and can significantly impact the propagation of earthquakes [1, 2]. Although many studies have considered microscale friction of uniform or narrowly graded grain sizes, natural fault zones commonly consist of a wide range of particle sizes [3].

In this work, we used a three-dimensional discrete element framework to simulate shear in a granular fault gouge to replicate the rotary-shear experiment. A local temperature-dependent friction law was implemented in which the friction angle of a grain decreases sharply once its temperature exceeds a specified cut-off threshold [4], quantifying how grain size ranges influence the onset of thermally-activated weakening by varying the PSD of our simulated fault gouge—from monodisperse (all grains have the same size) to highly polydisperse (very broad size ranges)—and determining how this range modulates the onset of flash heat weakening. Our numerical results demonstrate that monodisperse samples distribute contact forces more evenly among grains, and that heating and subsequent weakening occur more synchronously across the sample. This uniform distribution of contact forces and thermal effects results in a drop in the macroscopic friction coefficient in a relatively abrupt way. In contrast, samples with polydisperse particles have a wide range of grain sizes, which can give rise to a heterogeneous stress state and thereby strengthen local frictional heating in some areas of the sample, thus allowing a gradual and disordered decline in the macroscopic friction coefficient. Thus, larger grains in polydisperse assemblies can be considered as stress bridges, sustaining higher values of contact forces; on the other side, small grains have lower thermal capacities (via small masses), and they heat up and soften quicker than larger ones with the same frictional work rate. Such a mixture of these aspects explains a larger percentage of weakened particles in polydisperse assemblies and its lower residual friction compared to samples with narrower PSDs. These results emphasize the importance of considering the natural heterogeneity of grain sizes in models of, and observations of temperature-dependent weakening in fault gouges. The polydispersity degree can have a dramatic impact on the rate and extent to which flash heating can induce a transition from a strong (frictional) resisting to a weakened state. Knowledge of these PSD-dependent processes leads to a more realistic representation of dynamic fault weakening and enhances our understanding of earthquake rupture dynamics at naturally heterogeneous fault zones.



[1] J.R. Rice. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 111(5), 2006.

[2] B.P. Proctor, T.M. Mitchell, G. Hirth, D. Goldsby, F. Zorzi, J.D. Platt, and G. Di Toro. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 119(iv):3076–3095, 2014.

[3] C. Marone and C.H. Scholz. Journal of Structural Geology, 11(7):799–814, 1989.

[4] A. Taboada and M. Renouf. Geophysical Journal International, 233(2):1492–1514, 2023.

How to cite: Shahabi, H. and Rattez, H.: The Influence of Particle Size Distributions on Flash Heating and Thermally Induced Weakening in Fault Gouges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21574,, 2025.

EGU25-907 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

Subgrain-Size Piezometer: A Recalibration and its Application in Natural Samples 

Anamitra Sikdar, Santanu Misra, and David Wallis

 A subgrain-size piezometer is intended to be free from subsidiary effects of recrystallisation, such as phase mixing and pinning, unlike the classical grain-size piezometers, which are best limited to monomineralic samples to avoid these effects. Previously calibrated subgrain-size piezometers have a wide range of uncertainty in stress for a given intercept length. The log-log linear regression fits contribute to the large and impractical error ranges in linear space. The reason behind this behaviour could be the method applied to measure the representative intercept length of the experimental samples. We reanalysed the same calibration datasets used in the existing subgrain-size piezometer and observed that the distributions of intercept lengths are not log-normal. Instead of taking the arithmetic mean of such datasets, we propose that the median may be a better statistic to represent the central tendency of the datasets. Additionally, we have considered subgrains having misorientation angles from 2–10°. Removing 1–2° subgrain boundaries strikes a balance between data loss and noise reduction. Moreover, we propose a method whereby the measurement of subgrain intercepts is free from grain-boundary intercepts, which usually contribute to the largest values in the datasets. Care is taken to minimise the noise in the electron backscatter diffraction datasets whilst preserving the subgrain boundaries by conservatively choosing the halfQuadratic filter parameters. In this updated subgrain-size piezometer, the error ranges in the linear space are reduced from hundreds of megapascals to a few tens of megapascals. We compared the new calibration with the classical grain-size piezometers in two recrystallised monomineralic quartz-bearing natural rock samples. One sample is from a deformed quartzite in a shear zone and the other is from a sheared silicic vein inside a craton. Misorientation axes of subgrain boundaries indicate that basal and prism slip occurred in the respective samples, implying that the deformation temperatures are different. Recrystallisation regimes are confined to certain temperature ranges, and we tested the subgrain-size piezometer in two separate regimes. The range of the differential stress estimated from our recalibrated piezometer is narrowest amongst the available piezometers, for both samples, even when postdeformation grain growth is observed in one of them.

How to cite: Sikdar, A., Misra, S., and Wallis, D.: Subgrain-Size Piezometer: A Recalibration and its Application in Natural Samples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-907,, 2025.

EGU25-3075 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

Impact of fabric on viscosity of Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica 

Ole Zeising, Álvaro Arenas-Pingarrón, Alex M. Brisbourne, and Carlos Martín

The viscous deformation of glacier ice is governed by its temperature and the bulk ice crystal orientation fabric. Due to the mechanical anisotropy of ice crystals, the fabric’s influence on viscosity is directional: depending on the deformation direction, the ice becomes softer or harder. Representing the mechanical anisotropy in numerical ice sheet models is crucial for accurately predicting the future contributions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to global sea-level rise. However, the fabric strength, orientation, and its impact on viscosity are largely unexplored in fast-flowing ice streams and glaciers. Consequently, the fabric’s influence on ice dynamics is currently inadequately accounted for in ice sheet models. Advances in ground-based radar technologies and improved analysis methods enable the determination of depth profiles of the crystal orientation fabric. In this study, we investigate the fabric and its influence on the viscosity of the Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica. We analyzed polarimetric measurements performed with an Autonomous phase-sensitive Radio Echo Sounder (ApRES) using a novel approach that allows the determination of fabric-depth profiles to significantly greater depths than previously possible. The results demonstrate a rapid increase in fabric strength within the upper 200 to 300 m depth, followed by a relatively stable fabric strength over depth. In the center of Rutford Ice Stream, our analysis revealed an average fabric strength ranging between 0.4 and 0.5 within the upper 1200 m and fabric rotation by 45° to the ice flow direction. Closer to the shear margin, the fabric strength increased up to 0.8, where the orientation is aligned with the ice flow direction. The findings indicate a substantial influence of the fabric on the effective viscosity, particularly near the shear margin where the ice is softened by a factor of three for horizontal-shear deformation. These findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the distribution of fabric and its influence on the viscosity within ice streams and serve as validation for fabric evolution models.

How to cite: Zeising, O., Arenas-Pingarrón, Á., Brisbourne, A. M., and Martín, C.: Impact of fabric on viscosity of Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3075,, 2025.

EGU25-3540 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

Exhumation-induced residual stress in undeformed, ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rock 

Jean-baptiste Jacob, Hugo van Schrojenstein Lantman, Benoît Cordonnier, Luca Menegon, Jonathan Wright, and François Renard

The exhumation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks from subduction zones involves dramatic pressure-temperature changes, triggering complex micromechanical responses at the grain-to-sub-grain scale. However, the mechanical aspects of these processes, particularly the origins and persistence of residual stresses within rock microstructures, remain poorly understood. To address this problem, we employed synchrotron-based three-dimensional X-ray diffraction to investigate residual strain, stress, and intra-grain misorientation in a garnet-quartz metamorphic rock from the Lago di Cignana ultra-high-pressure unit in the Western Alps. Our analysis reveals long-range residual stress heterogeneities spanning tens to hundreds of micrometers, with magnitudes reaching several hundred MPa. Significant intra-grain misorientations in both quartz and garnet provide insights into the interplay between plastic and elastic deformation processes.  These stress signatures are preserved in a sample lacking apparent macroscopic deformation, suggesting that subtle mechanisms—such as decompression-induced anisotropic expansion, grain interactions, and garnet compositional gradients—play a key role in stress retention. These findings highlight the potential of synchrotron X-ray diffraction for capturing the stress field within polycrystalline rocks. The ability to resolve three-dimensional strain and stress distributions across scales offers new opportunities to advance our understanding of micromechanical processes associated with rock deformation and metamorphism. 

How to cite: Jacob, J., van Schrojenstein Lantman, H., Cordonnier, B., Menegon, L., Wright, J., and Renard, F.: Exhumation-induced residual stress in undeformed, ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3540,, 2025.

Transient creep of calcite controls the strength evolution of carbonate shear zones during postseismic deformation. However, a lack of information on the dominant microphysical mechanisms of transient creep of calcite hinders the development of constitutive equations. Specifically, for dislocation-mediated deformation, it is unclear whether strain hardening occurs primarily by short-range dislocation interactions and is therefore isotropic or by long-range elastic interactions and is therefore anisotropic. Here, I test whether mylonitic calcite marbles from the mid-crustal shear zone of the Karakoram Fault Zone, NW India, preserve residual stresses indicative of these long-range elastic interactions among dislocations. Previous work demonstrated that the mylonitic fault rocks experienced bulk stresses in the range 40–250 MPa as they were exhumed and cooled from approximately 480°C to 300°C. I analysed the microstructure and micromechanical state of three samples, including undeformed wall rock, protomylonite, and ultramylonite, using electron backscatter diffraction and high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction. The undeformed wall rock has a grain size of 130 µm, whereas the protomylonite and ultramylonite have grain sizes of 22 µm and 12 µm, respectively. Densities of geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) increase from the wall rock into protomylonite and ultramylonite. In the deformed lithologies, GND densities generally increase with proximity to grain boundaries over distances of 10–15 µm. Residual stresses in the wall rock are below the noise level of the HR-EBSD measurements, with a 99th percentile of 54 MPa. However, significant heterogeneity in residual stress is present in the protomylonite and ultramylonite, with 99th percentiles of 325 MPa and 742 MPa respectively. Both the spatial and probability distributions of the residual stresses reveal that they are imparted primarily by dislocations. Autocorrelation of the stress fields indicates that the typical length scale of stress heterogeneity increases from approximately 2 µm in the wall rock to 4 µm in the protomylonite and 7 µm in the ultramylonite. Collectively, these observations demonstrate that dislocations in calcite generate long-range internal stresses that cause elastic interactions. These elastic interactions are typically inferred to manifest as a backstress that counteracts the applied stress and generates a component of anisotropic kinematic hardening. The contribution of this mechanism of transient creep is missing from existing constitutive equations for calcite and should be represented by a backstress that is subtracted from the applied stress and can evolve with strain and time.

How to cite: Wallis, D.: The role of intragranular stress heterogeneity in transient dislocation-mediated deformation of calcite mylonites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7403,, 2025.

EGU25-8556 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

 Distinct creep regimes of methane hydrates can be predicted by a monatomic water model  

Henrik Andersen Sveinsson and Pinqiang Cao

Although both ice and methane hydrates are hydrogen-bonded structures of water molecules, methane hydrates are orders of magnitude more creep resistant than ice. The power law scaling properties of this creep resistance was shown experimentally two decades ago, but a molecular-scale explanation for these exponents has still been lacking. Using molecular dynamics simulations over almost two orders of magnitude of stresses and three orders of magnitude of strain rates, we show that power law creep consistent with the creep experiments by Durham and coauthors in 2003 can emerge from a monatomic water model. A monatomic water model with an angular term resulting in tetrahedral ordering, a spherically symmetric methane model and the concept of a hydrate polycrystal are sufficient conditions for this behavior to emerge. We attribute a low-stress low-power relationship to shear of the amorphous layer on grain boundaries between hydrate grains, and show this by a separate set of simulations only containing amorphous hydrate. Higher power creep of polycrystalline hydrate at higher stresses scales with an exponent about twice that of the low-stress regime, but is slower than expected from the amorphous hydrate simulation results. We therefore attribute this creep to the degradation of hydrate corners that are carrying the compressional loading of the hydrate at stresses that cannot be carried by the grain boundaries.

How to cite: Sveinsson, H. A. and Cao, P.:  Distinct creep regimes of methane hydrates can be predicted by a monatomic water model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8556,, 2025.

EGU25-8817 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

Mimicking postseismic creep in the laboratory: Testing models for transient creep in the upper mantle 

Diede Hein, Lars Hansen, and Amanda Dillman

Predictions of postseismic creep, glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), and seismic-wave attenuation rely on a sound understanding of the microphysics of transient rheological behavior of olivine-rich rocks, the main constituent of the upper mantle. Recent work proposes that changes in dislocation density and dislocation interactions in olivine may explain the time-dependent evolution of the viscosity of the upper mantle as inferred from geodetic studies. We designed load-relaxation experiments to test whether this model (also known as the backstress model) can accurately predict the transient rheological behavior of polycrystalline olivine during load relaxations similar to those experienced by the upper mantle during postseismic creep and GIA.

We performed our experiments in a gas-medium apparatus at a confining pressure of 300 MPa and temperatures from 1100–1200℃ on dried and annealed Aheim dunite with a grain size of ~ 400 μm. In each experiment, we performed two load relaxations. The first relaxation was initiated after rapidly loading our annealed samples to a differential stress of ~ 200 MPa within 60 s, and the second relaxation was initiated after steady-state creep was reached at a similar, constant stress. 

During the first relaxation, we find that viscosities are initially 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than steady-state viscosities before converging to the steady-state creep flow law over the course of minutes to hours. Meanwhile, such an interval of transient rheological behavior is absent during load relaxations from steady state creep. Microstructural analysis of our starting materials and deformed samples indicates that the observed transient behavior cannot be attributed to changes in grain size or crystallographic preferred orientation. Instead, the transient behavior likely corresponds to changes in dislocation density, which systematically increased during deformation following a piezometric relationship.

We compare these observations to numerical predictions of the backstress model, taking into account the stress history preceding the relaxations, the grain size and the initial dislocation density of our samples. We find that the backstress model accurately predicts the viscosity reduction during the interval of transient rheological behavior, although it slightly underestimates the duration of the transient. In addition, the absence of transient behavior during relaxation subsequent to steady-state creep indicates that the magnitude of backstress during steady-state creep is similar to the applied stress, in agreement with the model. However, the backstress model tends to overestimate strain rates during steady-state creep and subsequent relaxation. Analysis of decorated dislocations in our deformed samples indicates that this discrepancy may be due to the overestimation of dislocation density during steady-state creep by the backstress model. We discuss potential modifications to improve the model involving the effects of temperature and internal stress heterogeneity on the transient behavior of olivine.

How to cite: Hein, D., Hansen, L., and Dillman, A.: Mimicking postseismic creep in the laboratory: Testing models for transient creep in the upper mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8817,, 2025.

EGU25-9407 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

Stress amplification in rigid blocks of lower-crustal shear zones is controlled by bulk strain rate 

Sascha Zertani, Marcel Thielmann, and Luca Menegon

Seismic failure of dry lower-crustal rocks requires very high differential stress on the gigapascal-level. Among the mechanisms proposed to generate such high stresses is the so-called jostling block model, in which stress is amplified in rigid blocks within lower-crustal shear zone networks, leading to seismic failure. The model is based on field observations from the Musgrave ranges, Australia and the Nusfjord ridge, Lofoten, northern Norway, where pseudotachylytes (quenched frictional melts produced by coseismic slip) occur within the aforementioned structural setting.

Here we present numerical models to test if stress can be amplified in jostling blocks to the levels necessary to fracture dry, intact, lower-crustal rocks, and on which timescales such stress amplification can be achieved. Our models are based on the geometries and material properties determined in the Nusfjord locality. We systematically test the influence of strain rate, viscosity, loading conditions (pure vs. simple shear), and geometry (shear zone thickness, spacing, angle) and find that the bulk strain rate has the most significant impact on both the magnitude and rate of stress amplification. At high to moderate strain rates of 10-10-10-12 s-1 stress amplification to the required level is achieved in years to hundreds of years, while lower strain rates are insufficient to reach the required stress levels. Average long-term strain rates in the in the crust are on the order of 10-13-10-15 s-1, and transiently high strain rates are reported from both field localities mentioned above. Our numerical results are thus well-supported by the rock record. Furthermore, we find that a high viscosity contrast in our models is necessary to reproduce the geometries observed in the field. A third notable contributor to the magnitude of stress amplification that can be reached in the jostling-block geometry is the loading conditions. Specifically, we find that the impact of pure shear on stress amplification is greater compared to simple shear. Shear zone angle and spacing typically have a minor effect. In contrast, increased shear zone width leads to a reduction of stress in the blocks as strain is accommodated fully by the viscous shear zones, and elastic loading of the rigid blocks is no longer necessary to accommodate bulk strain.

Our results clearly demonstrate that, geometric and material properties contribute to stress amplification in different ways, but that strain rate is the controlling factor. In fact, our results indicate that at moderate to high strain rates, stress amplification to levels necessary for failure of intact lower-crustal rocks in shear zone networks is not only plausible, but inevitable.

How to cite: Zertani, S., Thielmann, M., and Menegon, L.: Stress amplification in rigid blocks of lower-crustal shear zones is controlled by bulk strain rate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9407,, 2025.

Quantifying rock rheology is fundamental to understanding and modelling the lithosphere’s dynamics. However, although most rocks of the lithosphere deform at high (> 0.5 GPa) – to very high (> 3 GPa) – pressure over geodynamic events, available mechanical laws have been produced at low pressure (0.3 GPa) using gas-medium deformation apparatuses. To explore rock rheology at higher pressure – typically above 1 GPa – a solid-medium apparatus is required, which involves substantial friction-related stress overestimations while the sample is deforming within the confining medium. Here we provide a series of deformation experiments that aim to quantify such a stress overestimation in the new generation Griggs-type apparatus. The main goal is to better estimate how the friction “baseline” evolves with pressure, alongside defining the starting point of the strain-stress curve more accurately. To do so, we performed general shear experiments of Carrara marble at a confining pressure ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 GPa, while systematically applying a temperature of 650 °C and a displacement rate of 10-4 s-1. Using relaxation steps to highlight the friction baseline in a ‘force-displacement’ plot, we document a slope that increases linearly with pressure, from 0.1° to 1.5°. Moreover, none of the highlighted baselines crosses the conventional hit-point, which is the commonly used reference to define the “zero” point of strain-stress curves in the Griggs-type apparatus. Such a mismatch involves additional stress overestimations that we propose to correct by using a new “hit-point” at the intersection between the baseline and mechanical curve. Thanks to the latter and applying a “baseline” correction, we document stress measurements equivalent to the ones documented for Carrara marble using the gas-medium Paterson press.

How to cite: Précigout, J., McGill, G., and Arbaret, L.: Rheological perspective using the new generation Griggs-type apparatus: New constraints from general shear experiments of Carrara marble, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10412,, 2025.

EGU25-11010 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

Coupling neutron imaging and thermochromic liquid crystals to investigate the properties of a laboratory-made subducting slab.  

Hugo Remise Charlot, Alban Aubertin, Lukas Helfen, Manon Pépin, Christiane Alba-Simionesco, and Anne Davaille

Ludox colloidal dispersions exhibit viscous, elastic, plastic and brittle rheological properties depending on their water content. This makes these dispersions a relevant model system to study a wide variety of phenomena, from drying paint to columnar joints. As for now, they are the only system that enables to generate one-sided subduction from convection in the laboratory. Rayleigh numbers, constraining the intensity of convection,  have a similar order of magnitude in the laboratory experiments and in the mantle. Prandtl numbers are much greater than 100, insuring negligible inertial effects. Ludox is thus a relevant analog system to study convection in planetary mantles, the water content playing the role of temperature in determining its rheological properties. 

We investigate here convective patterns  in a Ludox suspension (TM50) heated from below and dried and cooled from above, coupling neutron imaging (NeXT, ILL) and thermochromic liquid crystals (TLCs). Both imaging methods are complementary. Neutron imagery is used to estimate the local volume fraction of silica in the solution, which can be linked to the local rheological properties. TLCs  give us access to the temperature field. We therefore can follow in situ the development  of hot thermal plumes, and of a skin at the surface, that will eventually subduct spontaneously. 

In addition to the imagery, the evaporation rate, the surface, ambient and heating temperatures, and the ambient humidity rate are recorded. They are  used to estimate the heat and mass transfer at the surface and how the formation of a skin affects them compared to a case with an homogeneous newtonian solution. 

How to cite: Remise Charlot, H., Aubertin, A., Helfen, L., Pépin, M., Alba-Simionesco, C., and Davaille, A.: Coupling neutron imaging and thermochromic liquid crystals to investigate the properties of a laboratory-made subducting slab. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11010,, 2025.

EGU25-11108 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

What can modeling Steady-State Crystal Fabrics of Ice Streams tell Us about their Age? 

Theo Häußler, Nicholas Rathman, and Aslak Grinsted

During the gravity-driven flow of glaciers and ice sheets, polycrystalline ice tends to develop a strain-induced alignment of individual grains. This fabric development can act as a strain marker for understanding the recent-most deformation history, in addition to exerting significant rheological control on ice sheets compared to isotropic ice. We develop a new way to directly solve for depth-average fabric fields using satellite-derived velocities, assuming that velocities are approximately steady and that fabric evolution is dominated by lattice rotation, in a depth-averaged sense. We apply the method to the North East Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) and compare results to radar-derived observations of ice fabrics, suggesting the memory of past flow, stored in ice-stream fabrics, might be useful way to independently set bounds on the age of ice streams (assuming recrystallization is negligible in a depth-average sense). Source/sink flux terms for crystal orientations at the surface and basal boundary naturally appear in the problem as fabric-state-space attractors, and we discuss how the effect of ice—bed interactions on fabric evolution may be parameterized using such terms.

How to cite: Häußler, T., Rathman, N., and Grinsted, A.: What can modeling Steady-State Crystal Fabrics of Ice Streams tell Us about their Age?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11108,, 2025.

EGU25-11179 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

Inferring the Crystal Orientation Fabrics of Olivine from Oblique Seismic Data using a Spectral Fabric Representation 

Luisa Hirche, Klaus Mosegaard, and Nicholas Rathmann

Olivine, the most abundant mineral in the Earth's upper mantle, affects seismic wave propagation through its crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) developed during deformation. As a result, the seismic anisotropy of the crystals serves as a crucial tool for constraining large-scale geodynamic models, linking seismic observations to mantle flow processes via the orientation of olivine crystals.

Building on this link, we propose an optimization problem for inferring the crystal orientation fabrics of upper mantle olivine using oblique seismic data by adapting a method from ultrasound tomography, previously used to infer orientation fabrics of polycrystalline ice. The method relies on (i) a harmonic expansion of the grain orientation distribution function (unknown to be inferred), (ii) a fourth-order closure approximation of the distribution function (reducing the dimensionality of the problem), and (iii) a simple strain homogenization scheme (Voigt homogenization) over elastically orthotropic grains. We construct a one- and two-layer homogeneous slab model of olivine to demonstrate the feasibility of our method in idealized settings and discuss potential applications to regions where sufficient seismic data might exist for real-world application. We also discuss the limitations of our method and the caveats of the assumptions made, in particular the assumed orientation fabric symmetries assumed (hence the assumed mantle flow regime) and the well-posedness of our cost function approach.

How to cite: Hirche, L., Mosegaard, K., and Rathmann, N.: Inferring the Crystal Orientation Fabrics of Olivine from Oblique Seismic Data using a Spectral Fabric Representation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11179,, 2025.

EGU25-11382 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

Fabric-induced flow enhancement of the Amery ice shelf inferred from satellite-derived surface velocities 

Athene Demuth, Nicholas Rathmann, and Aslak Grinsted

During the gravity-driven flow and spreading of ice shelves, polycrystalline ice tends to develop a strain-induced alignment of individual grains. This fabric development can exert significant rheological control on ice shelves, potentially softening or hardening anisotropic ice by several orders of magnitude compared to isotropic ice. We develop a new way to directly solve for depth-average fabric fields using satellite-derived velocities over ice shelves, assuming that velocities are approximately steady and that fabric evolution is dominated by lattice rotation, in a depth-averaged sense. We apply the method to Amery ice shelf, Antarctica, and compare results to previous observations of ice fabrics. Further, we calculate the equivalent isotropic enhancement-factor field using the “CAFFE” method, supposed to represent the first-order effect of fabric on ice viscosity. Because a significant fraction of the ice-shelf thickness on Amery is accreted marine ice, we explore how this may alter the depth-averaged estimate of fabric, and thus viscosity, by including an idealized source term to account for the sub-shelf flux of new grain orientations as ice accretes.

How to cite: Demuth, A., Rathmann, N., and Grinsted, A.: Fabric-induced flow enhancement of the Amery ice shelf inferred from satellite-derived surface velocities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11382,, 2025.

EGU25-12111 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

Characterizing quartz rheology through load-stepping experiments, from diffusion to dislocation creep 

Leif Tokle, Greg Hirth, and Whitney Behr

Due to the abundance of quartz in the continental crust, quartz rheology is fundamental to our understanding of many geodynamic processes. Quartz rheology is commonly characterized using a dislocation creep flow law with a stress exponent equal to 4; however, several recent studies indicate that the stress exponent for quartz aggregates can be as low as 2 at conditions where it has been proposed to deform by a combination of dislocation creep and grain boundary sliding (GBS), known as dislocation accommodated grain boundary sliding (disGBS). To address these differing hypotheses, we conducted axial compression load-stepping experiments in a Griggs apparatus at temperatures ranging from 800-950°C, 1.5 GPa, and differential stresses ranging from ~40 MPa to ~1430 MPa with water added. Quartz samples were prepared with different grain sizes of ~3, 5, 10, and 20 μm. For each experiment ~25 load steps were conducted during which the strain rate achieved a mechanical steady state. At the finest grain size, the mechanical data show a stress exponent of n = 1, which then transitions to n ~ 1.8 with increasing stress; for a given stress, strain rate increases with decreasing grain size in both regimes. For larger grain sizes over the same stress range, the stress exponent transitions from n ~ 4 to n ~ 1.8 to n ~ 3 with increasing stress, where only the intermediate stress regime (n ~1.8) shows a grain size sensitivity. We interpret the lowest stress and finest grain size mechanical data to represent grain boundary diffusion creep and assume a grain size exponent of 3. With increasing stress, the samples are interpreted to represent disGBS, where dislocation creep and GBS act in series, where GBS is determined to have a grain size sensitivity of 1. The highest stress data represents dislocation creep. Microstructurally, we observe minimal variation in the starting and final grain sizes, suggesting that the grain size was nominally constant throughout the experiments. Experiments quenched in the GBS regime show microstructures with straight grain boundaries consistent with observations from previous studies. Flow laws have been constrained for all four deformation mechanisms. Plotting a deformation mechanism map using our new flow laws extrapolated to geologic conditions, we show consistent relationships between our flow law estimates and c-axis fabric relationships with naturally deformed quartzites. These new mechanical relationships improve our understanding and constraints on grain-size sensitive rheologies in quartz as well as our ability to model quartz rheology over a wide range of geologic conditions.

How to cite: Tokle, L., Hirth, G., and Behr, W.: Characterizing quartz rheology through load-stepping experiments, from diffusion to dislocation creep, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12111,, 2025.

EGU25-12671 | Orals | CR2.8

A physically-based model for texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization: applicationsto ice and prospects for large-scale modeling 

Thomas Chauve, Antonin Hilzheber, Maurine Montagnat, Véronique Dansereau, Pierre Saramito, Kévin Fourteau, and Andréa Tommasi

Dynamic recrystallization plays a critical role in the texture evolution of polycrystalline materials undergoing high-temperature deformation, particularly in anisotropic materials such as ice. This study presents a novel, physically-based formulation to model texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization, leveraging detailed observations of ice microstructure under dislocation creep and recrystallization [1]. The formulation incorporates an orientation attractor that maximizes resolved shear stress on basal slip systems, coupled with an anisotropic viscoplastic law to capture mechanical responses. Implemented via finite-element methods in the R3iCe model [2], the approach successfully replicates experimental observations across diverse loading conditions, demonstrating its effectiveness in modeling texture-induced mechanical softening. While the model is validated for ice, it shows potential for application to other anisotropic materials such as olivine. Ongoing work is investigating the scalability and applicability of this formulation to large-scale models, such as glacial ice flow simulations, with a focus on addressing challenges related to computational efficiency and parameterization.


[1] Chauve, T., Montagnat, M., Dansereau, V., Saramito, P., Fourteau, K., & Tommasi, A. (2024). A physically-based formulation for texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization. A case study of ice. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 352(G1), 99-134.

[2] R3iCe repository :

How to cite: Chauve, T., Hilzheber, A., Montagnat, M., Dansereau, V., Saramito, P., Fourteau, K., and Tommasi, A.: A physically-based model for texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization: applicationsto ice and prospects for large-scale modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12671,, 2025.

EGU25-13052 | Orals | CR2.8

Modelling Grain Size Evolution and its Role in Mantle Dynamics: From Small-scale Convection to Passive Margin Collapse 

Juliane Dannberg, Rene Gassmöller, Robert Myhill, Arushi Saxena, Menno Fraters, and Ranpeng Li

Dynamic models of Earth's lithosphere and convecting mantle often simplify the rheological behavior of mantle rocks, for example by assuming constant grain size or considering limited changes in material properties with mineral assemblage. While these simplifications reduce computational requirements, they neglect key processes such as shear localization and transient rheological behaviour associated with phase transitions, which can profoundly impact mantle flow patterns. As incorporating the effect of an evolving grain size in dynamic models has garnered more interest in the geodynamics community, there is a growing need for accurate, scalable, and computationally efficient approaches to address this complexity.

Here, we present recent advancements in the finite-element code ASPECT that address this challenge. These include a higher-order particle method for tracking grain size evolution and the integration of the ARKode solver library, which offers adaptive time-stepping for solving the ordinary differential equation governing grain size evolution. Our implementation captures the simultaneous and competing effects of different mechanisms affecting grain size, such as dynamic recrystallization driven by dislocation creep, grain growth in multiphase assemblages, Zener pinning, and recrystallisation at phase transitions.

We showcase three applications that highlight the importance of grain size evolution—and its interaction with stress and strain rate—for mantle dynamics: (i) global-scale mantle flow, (ii) small-scale convection beneath lithospheric plates, and (iii) the collapse of passive margins. Our models reveal that grain size evolution induces viscosity variations spanning several orders of magnitude, promoting strain localization in all three settings. It therefore controls the shape of upwellings and downwellings as well as the onset time of instabilities. For instance, beneath oceanic plates, the development of large grain sizes before the onset of convection, when strain rates are low, can delay the initiation of cold downwellings. These initial downwellings, in turn, reduce both grain size and viscosity at the base of the lithosphere, allowing subsequent cold drips to form at younger plate ages. Grain damage can also facilitate the collapse of a passive margin through grain size reduction in the lower parts of the lithosphere—but only within a specific range of grain size evolution parameters. Furthermore, additional weakening mechanisms are required for breaking the upper ≥25 km of the plate for subduction initiation to occur. These applications illustrate the applicability of our method to large-scale 2D and 3D models of the convecting mantle and lithosphere and emphasize the critical role of grain-scale processes in shaping the dynamics of Earth’s interior. 

How to cite: Dannberg, J., Gassmöller, R., Myhill, R., Saxena, A., Fraters, M., and Li, R.: Modelling Grain Size Evolution and its Role in Mantle Dynamics: From Small-scale Convection to Passive Margin Collapse, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13052,, 2025.

EGU25-13323 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

Assessing ice anisotropy using basal icequakes at Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia, Greenland 

Ana Nap, Thomas S. Hudson, Fabian Walter, Adrien Wehrlé, Andrea Kneib-Walter, Hugo Rousseau, and Martin P. Lüthi

Glacial ice is formed as snow is compressed under its own weight, forming ice crystals with initially random orientations i.e. isotropic ice. Over time, under sustained accumulation and overburden stress, the ice crystals transition from a random arrangement to a more aligned structure, forming anisotropic ice. With continued stress, the ice starts flowing, further modifying the anisotropy. Unlike isotropic ice, which responds equally to stress in all directions, anisotropic ice can deform up to 10 times faster due to its aligned crystal structure. Widely used glacier flow laws, such as Glens flow law, assume the ice to be isotropic. Anisotropy significantly impacts flow dynamics and should therefore be included in ice sheet and glacier models. While enhancement factors are sometimes used to mimic anisotropy, they often do not accurately represent these effects.

In order to correctly represent anisotropy in ice flow, in-situ measurements of ice fabric are needed. However, obtaining such measurements is challenging, particularly in dynamic regions such as ice streams and outlet glaciers. Due to the evolving stress patterns they are subjected to over time, ice streams and outlet glaciers develop distinct anisotropic characteristics. This anisotropic signal contrasts with areas dominated by vertical compression, such as accumulation zones, where anisotropic measurements are typically conducted through ice cores. By applying the concept of seismic anisotropy, specifically shear wave splitting (SWS), we can effectively determine the ice fabric in these fast-flowing areas. This approach provides insights into ice anisotropy of ice streams and glaciers that is difficult to achieve with other methods.

Here, we present ice fabric measurements at Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia (Jakobshavn Isbræ), Greenland's fastest flowing outlet glacier, with flow velocities reaching 30–40 m/d. By utilizing shear wave splitting observed using basal icequakes, measured directly within the main ice stream, we are able to make a first estimate of the ice anisotropy in such a fast-flowing ice stream.

How to cite: Nap, A., Hudson, T. S., Walter, F., Wehrlé, A., Kneib-Walter, A., Rousseau, H., and Lüthi, M. P.: Assessing ice anisotropy using basal icequakes at Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia, Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13323,, 2025.

EGU25-15461 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8

A Spectral Directors Method for Modeling the Coupled Evolution of Flow and CPO in Polycrystalline Olivine 

Nicholas Rathmann, David Prior, Klaus Mosegaard, Ivanka Bekkevold, and David Lilien

The crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of polycrystalline olivine affects both the viscous and seismic anisotropy of Earth's upper mantle with wide geodynamical implications. In this methods contribution, we present a continuous field formulation of the popular directors method for modeling the strain‐induced evolution of olivine CPOs, assuming the activation of a single preferred crystal slip system. The formulation reduces the problem of CPO evolution to a linear matrix problem that can easily be integrated alongside large‐scale geodynamical flow models, and conveniently minimizes the degrees of freedom necessary to represent CPO fields. We validate the CPO model against existing deformation experiments and naturally deformed samples, as well as the popular discrete grain model D‐Rex. A numerical model of viscoplastic thermal convection is built to illustrate how flow and CPO evolution may be two‐way coupled, suggesting that CPO‐induced viscous anisotropy does not necessarily strongly affect convection time scales, boundary (lid) stresses, and seismic anisotropy, compared to isotropic viscoplastic rheologies. As a consequence, geodynamical modeling that relies on an isotropic rheology (one‐way coupling) might suffice for predicting seismic anisotropy under some circumstances. Finally, we discuss limitations and shortcomings of our method, such as representing D‐ and E‐type fabrics or modeling flows with mixed fabric types, and potential improvements such as accounting for the effect of dynamic recrystallization.

How to cite: Rathmann, N., Prior, D., Mosegaard, K., Bekkevold, I., and Lilien, D.: A Spectral Directors Method for Modeling the Coupled Evolution of Flow and CPO in Polycrystalline Olivine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15461,, 2025.

EGU25-16598 | Posters on site | CR2.8

Elongation inhibition in two-phase media due to surface tension effects 

Marcel Thielmann and Marcin Dabrowski

The rheological properties of Earth's lower mantle have a strong impact on global mantle dynamics. Previous studies have shown that the deformation of the ferropericlase-bridgmanite mixture may be strongly controlled by the morphology of the weaker ferropericlase. Due to elongation of weak ferropericlase clusters, the bulk viscosity of the two-phase mixture is significantly lowered and become anisotropic. As a result, this transient microstructural evolution may have a strong impact on the overall rheology of the lower mantle.

Existing numerical models of this process often do not consider that the elongation of ferropericlase during deformation may be counteracted by interfacial diffusion. This diffusion reduces the interfacial energy and may result in an increased rounding rate that reduces the deformation-induced elongation. However, it is unclear under which conditions this process has an impact on the overall dynamics and bulk rheology of a two-phase mixture. A scaling analysis of the governing equations reveals that the dynamics of the given system are mainly influenced by the ferropericlase-bridgmanite viscosity ratio and by the ratio of viscous to interfacial forces.

To explore the impact of these two properties on the dynamics and bulk rheology of the ferropericlase-bridgmanite mixture, we employ numerical models. In these models,  interfacial diffusion is approximated by adding a surface tension term to the governing equations and by directly resolving the ferropericlase-bridgmanite interface using body fitted meshes. The results show that for a range of model parameters, rounding due to surface tension may have a significant impact on the morphological evolution of the ferropericlase inclusions and may thus also exert some control over the rheology of the lower mantle.

How to cite: Thielmann, M. and Dabrowski, M.: Elongation inhibition in two-phase media due to surface tension effects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16598,, 2025.

EGU25-16902 | Posters on site | CR2.8

ANIMA the journey: how we model olivine CPO-related anisotropic viscosity 

Ágnes Király, Yijun Wang, Clinton P. Conrad, Juliane Dannberg, Menno Fraters, Rene Gassmöller, and Lars Hansen

The long-term fluid-like movements in the Earth’s mantle largely depend on the rheological behaviour of olivine, the main rock-forming mineral in the upper mantle. Although the average viscosity of the mantle can be estimated from post-glacial rebound or geoid anomalies, the micromechanical mechanisms that facilitate the deformation of the solid mantle have been identified from rock mechanics experiments. Dislocation creep emerges as the predominant deformation mechanism in the uppermost mantle, aligning olivine crystals into a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) parallel to the flow, while this alignment of crystals also results in anisotropic viscous behaviour. Thus, anisotropic viscosity and CPO evolve hand in hand, and this interaction may impact many geodynamic processes. For example, beneath tectonic plates CPO evolves parallel to the plate motion direction, weakening the asthenosphere in that direction. However, if the plate motion direction changes, the asthenosphere will resist this change, leading to smaller velocities, less deformation and therefore a slow evolution of the CPO towards the new plate motion direction. In the ANIMA project, we aimed to find an efficient way of modelling CPO evolution and the related anisotropic viscosity in a fully coupled way within a geodynamic simulation. We developed a method that tracks CPO evolution on advected particles based on the D-REX method and utilizes the eigenvalues of the mean CPO orientation matrices to predict the anisotropic viscous parameters. These parameters allow us to calculate a tensor form of the viscosity, which we then feed back into our model solution. This method can be applied in combination with other rheologies, although with a cost of having to represent the viscosity as a tensor in the entire model domain, regardless of the dominant deformation mechanism. Despite an estimated increase in computational cost by up to an order of magnitude, incorporating anisotropic viscosity coupled to CPO evolution stands feasible for regional geodynamic models. This development will facilitate the study of a broad new range of geodynamics problems that involve olivine texture and anisotropic viscosity.

How to cite: Király, Á., Wang, Y., Conrad, C. P., Dannberg, J., Fraters, M., Gassmöller, R., and Hansen, L.: ANIMA the journey: how we model olivine CPO-related anisotropic viscosity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16902,, 2025.

EGU25-19836 | Posters on site | CR2.8

Direct Measurement of Grain-Boundary Sliding in Forsterite Bicrystals 

Julian Mecklenburgh, Shobhit Singh, Elisabetta Mariani, Christopher Thom, Katharina Marquardt, John Wheeler, and Lars Hansen

Olivine is the most abundant mineral in Earth’s mantle, and its rheological behaviour is likely to control upper-mantle deformation. While the rheological behaviour of olivine is widely studied, relatively little is known about the behaviour of individual olivine grain-boundaries. There is a pressing need to advance our understanding of their physical and chemical properties. Forsterite bicrystals, synthesized by direct bonding of highly polished single crystals at high temperature, were tested in a creep apparatus to investigate sliding along a single planar grain-boundary at high temperature (1300°C and 1400°C). Prior to deformation, the lateral surfaces of the bicrystals parallel to the shear direction were polished, and fiducial markers were scribed perpendicular to the grain-boundary trace to track grain-boundary sliding. Bicrystals were deformed in shear between two polycrystalline alumina pistons or two single crystal forsterite pistons, at 1 atm, with applied resolved shear stresses ranging from 1 to 30 MPa. Post-deformation microstructural analysis using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) shows discrete offsets of fiducial markers, which is the first direct evidence of grain-boundary sliding in olivine bicrystals. These results establish that the studied grain-boundaries are significantly weaker than crystal interiors, and that, crucially, grain-boundary sliding is controlled by the crystallography of crystal interiors and is favoured in a direction nearly parallel to the weakest slip direction in both crystals of the bicrystal.  The measured effective grain-boundary viscosities fit well theoretical models of a dislocation grain-boundary sliding mechanism and are higher than measurements inferred from attenuation. This evidence may highlight the important role of boundary dislocations in accommodating grain-boundary sliding in large grain sizes. These new results indicate that grain-boundary sliding in olivine could play a crucial role in the development of crystallographic preferred orientation and the resulting seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle and should therefore be accounted for in geodynamic models of Earth’s interior.

How to cite: Mecklenburgh, J., Singh, S., Mariani, E., Thom, C., Marquardt, K., Wheeler, J., and Hansen, L.: Direct Measurement of Grain-Boundary Sliding in Forsterite Bicrystals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19836,, 2025.

EGU25-20791 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8

 Brittle creep deformation observed in an ice stream from borehole distributed acoustic sensing  

Coen Hofstede, Andreas Fichtner, Brian Kennett, Anders Svensson, Julian Westhoff, Fabian Walter, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Eliza Cook, Dimitri Zigone, Daniela Jansen, and Olaf Eisen

Ice streams are major contributors to ice sheet mass loss and critical regulators of sea level change. Despite their importance, standard viscous flow simulations of ice stream deformation and evolution have limited predictive power, mostly because our understanding of the involved processes is limited. This leads, for instance, to widely varying predictions of sea level rise during the next decades.

Here we report on a Distributed Acoustic Sensing experiment conducted in the borehole of the East Greenland Ice Core Project (EastGRIP) on the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS). For the first time, our observations reveal a brittle deformation mode that is incompatible with viscous flow over length scales similar to the resolution of modern ice sheet models: englacial ice quake cascades that are not being recorded at the surface. A comparison with ice core analyses shows that ice quakes preferentially nucleate near volcanism-related impurities, such as thin layers of tephra or sulfate anomalies. These are likely to promote grain boundary cracking, and appear as a macroscopic form of crystal-scale wild plasticity. A conservative estimate indicates that seismic cascades are likely to produce strain rates that are comparable in amplitude to those measured geodetically, thereby bridging the well-documented gap between current ice sheet models and observations. 

How to cite: Hofstede, C., Fichtner, A., Kennett, B., Svensson, A., Westhoff, J., Walter, F., Ampuero, J.-P., Cook, E., Zigone, D., Jansen, D., and Eisen, O.:  Brittle creep deformation observed in an ice stream from borehole distributed acoustic sensing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20791,, 2025.

TS2 – Tectonics of Plate Boundaries: From Rifting to Orogenesis

EGU25-22 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Timing of Permian rifting in the Saih Hatat Dome (Sultanate of Oman) 

Wilfried Bauer, Muhammad Qasim, Joachim Jacobs, Ivan Callegari, and Andreas Scharf

The Saih Hatat Dome (SHD) in NE Oman forms a tectonic window revealing in an area of approximately 95 km by 50 km the par-autochthonous Neoproterozoic basement of the Arabian Plate and its Cambrian to Early Cretaceous cover. The SHD is surrounded by the allochthonous Samail Ophiolite and underlying nappes consisting of mostly sedimentary rocks from the Neo-Tethyan Hawasina Basin.

Within this dome, the Hulw Window exposes rocks that were subducted to depths of >30 km during the Late Cretaceous (Agard et al. 2010) and were subsequently exhumed and tectonically emplaced beneath low-grade metamorphic rocks, forming what is referred to as the "Lower Plate". The Hulw Window consists of marbles, metadolostones, and calcareous micaschists, with embedded mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks. The entire Hulw unit underwent Late Cretaceous high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism.

Earlier studies assumed Pre-Permian ages for the protolith for the metamorphic rocks of the Hulw unit (e.g. Miller at al. 2002). Newly obtained U-Pb zircon LA-ICP-MS data from felsic metavolcanic rocks yield ages of 283 ±2.9 Ma and 269 ±3.7 Ma, indicating an Early to Middle Permian volcanism.

Two blueschist-facies quartzites from the southern Hulw unit contain concordant detrital zircons, ranging in age between c. 530 and 2872 Ma with age clusters around 750 to 850 Ma and 1010 to 1164 Ma. The latter ages are not known from an Arabian source and might be derived from an Indian source. The maximum depositional age of the sediments is therefore Early Cambrian.

Field studies in the central part of the SHD revealed numerous mafic dykes, some reaching widths of up to 4 m. These dykes are oriented WNW-ESE and NE-SW. Zircons from one dolerite dyke yields an age of 267 ± 3.7 Ma, indicating that the mafic and felsic magmatism occurred simultaneously.

Whole-rock geochemical data of the mafic volcanic rocks demonstrate a significant partial melting trend, suggesting an increasing degree of upper mantle melting. The felsic metavolcanic rocks are classified as subalkaline to mildly alkaline rhyodacites, which are derived from crustal melting typical of early rift stages.

Overall, the SHD displays a progressive increase in Permian subvolcanic and volcanic rocks from the southeast toward the northwest, characteristic of rift-related crustal extension. This extension ultimately led to the opening of the Neotethys and the separation of the African/Arabian Plate from the Central Iranian/Qiantang blocks and the Indian Plate at a triple junction (Torsvik et al. 2014).



Agard, P., Searle, M.P., Alsop, G.I., Dubacq, B., 2010. Crustal stacking and expulsion tectonics during continental subduction: P-T deformation constraints from Oman. J. Struct. Geol. 26, 451-473.

Miller, J.M., Gray, D.R., Gregory, R.T., 2002. Geometry and significance of internal windows and regional isoclinal folds in northeast Saih Hatat, Sultanate of Oman. J. Struct. Geol. 24, 359-386.

Torsvik, T.H., van der Voo, R., Doubrovine, P.V., Burke, K., Steinberger, B., Ashwal, L.D., Trønnes, R.G., Webb, S.J., Bull, A.L. 2014. Deep mantle structure as a reference frame for movements in and on the Earth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 8735–8740.

How to cite: Bauer, W., Qasim, M., Jacobs, J., Callegari, I., and Scharf, A.: Timing of Permian rifting in the Saih Hatat Dome (Sultanate of Oman), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-22,, 2025.

As the front edge of the continental collision zone, the Indo-Eurasian continental collision belt has great significance for studying the plate collision process, plateau uplifting mechanism and orogenic activities within the plateau. Several models have been proposed to explain north-south compression collision and east-west extension based on geological and geophysical observations. Among them, the distance and shape of subducted India's lower crust and its geometry under the southern Tibet rift are still controversial. To address these issues, we analyze arrival times of P- and S-wave from 35,193 local and regional earthquakes recorded by 575 permanent and temporary stations, and apply an improved double-difference tomography method to obtain high-resolution 3-D P- and S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle and the locations of the relocated events in the Indo-Eurasian continental collision zone. The east-west velocity profiles reveal that there exists a discrete high-velocity layer dipping eastward at depths of 40-60 km beneath the Longgar rift (LGR), Tingri-Nyima rift (TNR), Xianza-Dinggye rift (XDR), and Yadong-Gulu rift (YGR), which suggests that the subducted Indian lower crust had experienced tearing. On the basis of comprehensive analysis about seismicity, source mechanism of large earthquake in the mantle, and tomographic images, we propose a new dynamic model to present India-Eurasia collision and North-South rifts formation. The significant character of this model is that, the rifts do not cut through the crust vertically but obliquely.


How to cite: Pei, S. and Li, J.: Oblique Rifting in the Southern Tibetan Plateau Revealed From 3‐D High‐Resolution Seismic Travel‐Time Tomography Around the India–Eurasia Continental Collision Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1935,, 2025.

EGU25-2549 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

The magmatic plumbing systems during the continent-ocean transition: the example of the Erta Ale rift, in Afar 

Juliette Pin, Gilles Chazot, Lydéric France, Bénédicte Abily, Andrey Gurenko, Hervé Bertrand, and Alexandra Loppin

The Afar region provides a rare onshore glimpse into the dynamic processes of magmatic continental rifting and the progression towards continental break-up. This area features multiple active magmatic segments distinguished by varied morphologies, crustal thicknesses, rates of magma production, and magmatic-tectonic styles. In the Erta Ale Range rift segment, extension is accommodated magmatically, making it an ideal location to study the magmatic behavior of a mature rift segment. The Erta Ale Range includes sub-segments with magma compositions ranging from basalts to rhyolites, but only the Erta Ale Volcano (EAV) sub-segment is currently active, where only basaltic compositions have been reported so far. Our analyses of major and trace elements, along with isotopic studies of olivine crystals, interstitial glasses, and melt inclusions, combined with oxy-thermo-barometry and thermodynamic modeling, delineate the evolution of magma beneath EAV. We reveal extensive in-situ fractional crystallization within a shallow magmatic reservoir, evidenced by unique cognate gabbroic and microgabbroic blocks. These cognate samples uncover previously unknown mushy and evolved parts (up to 75 wt.% SiO2) of the EAV plumbing system. These findings highlight a sophisticated, transcrustal magmatic plumbing system that contrasts with typical oceanic rift systems, indicating a transitional phase in rift evolution. Our results suggest a magmatic plumbing system that extends up to 12 km in depth, accommodating the rift's extensional dynamics through both magmatic differentiation and tectonic processes. This system is indicative of a rift in an advanced stage of development yet not fully matured to oceanic spreading. Our findings contribute to refining the conceptual models of rift evolution by providing detailed insights into the magmatic and tectonic processes at a critical junction of the Afar rift system. The study emphasizes the complex nature of magmatic systems during the transitional phases of break-up and highlights the need for reconsidering the criteria used to determine the stages of continental break-up. We discuss this model within the geological contexts of the Erta Ale Range rift segment and the larger Afar region, and highlight contrasts with mature oceanic systems to argue that the region is not in the final stages of continental break-up.


Pin, Chazot, France, Abily, Gurenko, Bertrand, Loppin, 2024. Protracted magma evolution and transcrustal magmatic plumbing system architecture at Erta Ale volcano (Afar, Ethiopia). Journal of Petrology 65, egae118.

How to cite: Pin, J., Chazot, G., France, L., Abily, B., Gurenko, A., Bertrand, H., and Loppin, A.: The magmatic plumbing systems during the continent-ocean transition: the example of the Erta Ale rift, in Afar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2549,, 2025.

Recent studies have highlighted the impact of thermal blanketing on the evolution of rifted margins. This has been achieved by employing 2D geodynamics models in conjunction with models of superficial processes, specifically erosion and sedimentation. The findings of Andrés‐Martínez et al. (2019) and Pérez‐Gussinyé et al. (2020) demonstrate how the sediment transport can influence the architecture over geologic time and how pure ductile deformation can be caused due higher fluvial coefficients. Although this approach is more realistic and can simulate how the mass is distributed along the rifting, with the erosion of uplifted regions deposited in the local basins, it complicates parametric analysis. The deposition is highly sensitive to the input parameters of the superficial dynamics, making it difficult to establish a direct correlation between the input parameters and the outputs. For these reasons, this study aims to establish a link between the response of the margins width and architecture to the basin depths, enabling a clearer connection between the thermal blanketing, sediments thickness and the resulting architecture in a parametric approach. To reach it, a 2D thermomechanical geodynamic model was used, varying the basin thickness (2-7 km) for fixed Moho depths (35-45 km). The effects of heat flow, mechanical and thermal subsidence, and crustal thickness in the basement were analyzed, and each scenario was compared to a control model in which no varied diffusivity was assumed (there was no blanketing effect) and to a model in which no pre/syn rift basin was present. The findings are in accordance with the results of previous studies, which indicate that crustal deformation is affected by larger sediment packages, resulting in greater extension (approximately 100 km) and slower rifting (approximately 4.5 million years) compared to control scenarios. In the models with thicker sedimentary packages, the results suggest a higher thermal flux in the break-up point, with a lower heat flux in proximal domains, accompanied by an increased subsidence in the distal margin and a lower uplift in the proximal domain. The subsidence observed in the central ridge was particularly pronounced in these models with great basins, with a notable reduction in uplift along the rift shoulders.

Funded by Petrobras Project 2022/00157-6 and Brazilian National Agency for Petroleum Project PHR43.1 (2024/10598-5).


Andrés‐Martínez, M., Pérez‐Gussinyé, M., Armitage, J., & Morgan, J. P. (2019). Thermomechanical Implications of Sediment Transport for the Architecture and Evolution of Continental Rifts and Margins. Tectonics, 38(2), 641–665.

Pérez‐Gussinyé, M., Andrés‐Martínez, M., Araújo, M., Xin, Y., Armitage, J., & Morgan, J. P. (2020). Lithospheric Strength and Rift Migration Controls on Synrift Stratigraphy and Breakup Unconformities at Rifted Margins: Examples From Numerical Models, the Atlantic and South China Sea Margins. Tectonics, 39(12).

How to cite: Bueno, J., Sacek, V., and Paes de Almeida, R.: The impact of thermal blanketing of pre-rift basins on rifted margins subsidence and basement heat flow: Insights from 2D thermomechanical modeling., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2915,, 2025.

Northeastern Oman is located near a Late Paleozoic rift-rift-rift triple junction as part of the Pangea breakup. Above a major and plate-wide unconformity (“basal Saiq Unconformity” or “Hercynian Unconformity”), Late Permian shelf carbonates deposited in much of Arabia and northeastern Oman. In the southeastern Saih Hatat area of NE Oman, near Quriyat, a ~10-100-m-thick conglomerate to sandstone siliciclastic unit (basal Saiq) is sandwiched between the unconformity and the carbonates. We investigated 519 detrital zircons from 7 samples of different intervals within the ~80 m thick basal Saiq. The composite age distribution depicts Archean (2.998±0.007 Ga) to early Mesozoic ages (248±3 Ma). Minor age peaks are at ~2.3-2.6 Ga and 1.6-1.9 Ga. The majority of detrital zircons yield a Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic age (~0.3-1.0 Ga), with most of the ages between ~0.7-0.8 Ga. One sample from the middle part of the section contains zircon grains with a major age distribution of ~300-500 Ma and a peak at ~460-480 Ma. The same sample and a further sample from the lower part of the section contains a significant amount of zircon grains with ages at ~330-350 Ma. The youngest measured ages of 248±3 and 254±3 Ma are detected from two grains of two samples.

Our Precambrian detrital age distribution pattern is similar to patterns known from NW India and eastern Oman (comp. Gomez-Perez & Morton, in press). The Archean and Mesoproterozoic ages likely to have a Neoproterozoic Indian origin. Tonian to Cryogenian ages are the dominant ages, reflect crustal growth of the Omani crystalline basement, with identical U-Pb zircon ages from igneous basement rocks and with flysch-type rocks, formed in the surroundings of a volcanic arc outcropping at the surface in northeastern Oman (Bauer et al., 2025). Infra-Cambrian ages were produced during the final closure of the Mozambique Ocean, as part of the Angudan Orogeny (Gomez-Perez & Morton, in press). Ordovician ages of two samples reflect a regional to local alkaline magmatic event related to continental rifting. Abundant lower to mid-Carboniferous zircon ages (~330-350 Ma) within two samples documents for the first time that the Hercynian event in Oman produced magmatic rocks, beside known rock tilting. Finally, two Permian/Triassic zircon grains ages are derived from volcanic rocks during the Pangea rifting, overlapping in age with the depositional ages of the shallow-marine carbonate of the Saiq Formation. This suggests that the Pangea rifting produced minor acidic igneous rocks in NE Oman.



Bauer, W., Jacobs, J., Callegari, I., Scharf, A., Schmidt, J., Mattern, F., 2025. New constraints on the Neoproterozoic geological evolution of the SE corner of the Arabian Plate (NE Oman). In: Scharf, A., Al-Kindi, M. and Racey, A. (eds.) Geology, Tectonics and Natural Resources of Arabia and its Surroundings. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 550(1), 49.

Gomez-Perez, I. & Morton, A. 2025. Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of Oman revisited: implications for the consolidation of Gondwana. In: Scharf, A., Al-Kindi, M. and Racey, A. (eds.) Geology, Tectonics and Natural Resources of Arabia and its Surroundings. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 550(1).

How to cite: Scharf, A., Qasim, M., Callegari, I., and Bauer, W.: Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the basal Saiq siliclastics – A complete magmatic record from the Archean to the Permian/Triassic of NE Sultanate of Oman, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3424,, 2025.

EGU25-3745 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

New insights on segmentation of fault and magmatic systems in the Main Ethiopian Rift 

Conor Farrell, Derek Keir, Giacomo Corti, Federico Sani, and Daniele Maestrelli

Magma-rich continental rifts comprise en-echelon magmatic segments where magmatism and extension are localised, similar to slow and ultra-slow spreading centres. While rift segmentation is clear in mid-ocean ridges, it is less so in continental rifts like the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). Faulting within the MER initiated at ~11Ma at the border faults which define the overall NE trend of the MER and are oblique (30°-45°) to the E-W extension direction. However, since ~2Ma extension has localised to the right-stepping Wonji Fault Belt (magmatic segments), in which small offset faults and alignments of volcanic features strike roughly orthogonal to the extension direction. Despite this general framework, there is a lack of quantitative analysis to understand rift segmentation and its relationship to volcanic systems, and how segments interact. It is unclear how the ratio of magmatic to tectonic processes varies along rift segments.

Using optical satellite imagery and SRTM digital elevation data with a resolution of 1 arc-second, we map fault traces, calderas, and volcanic craters in the central and northern MER at a scale of 1:100,000. We also map scoria cones in the same region using optical imagery at 1:20,000. This data is integrated with existing MER datasets, including previously mapped fault traces, digital elevation models, mafic intrusions derived from gravity data, InSAR-derived locations of magma bodies, and recent dyke intrusions between Fentale and Dofan to define the magmatic segments. We investigate characteristics and scales of MER magmatic segments by analysing fault trace patterns, along-segment displacement variations, elevation profiles, the distribution of volcanic activity, and shallow crustal density structures.

How to cite: Farrell, C., Keir, D., Corti, G., Sani, F., and Maestrelli, D.: New insights on segmentation of fault and magmatic systems in the Main Ethiopian Rift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3745,, 2025.

EGU25-3906 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Asymmetric distribution of marine heat flow in the Chukchi Basin (Chukchi Abyssal Plain) as possible evidence for asymmetric rifting 

Young-Gyun Kim, Jong Kuk Hong, Young Keun Jin, and Byung Dal So

The Chukchi Basin, a sub-basin of the Amerasia Basin in the Arctic Ocean, remains enigmatic regarding its formation age and tectonic processes. Among the various hypotheses proposed, seafloor spreading or hyper-extended rifting during the Cretaceous are currently prominent, both supported by gravity and deep seismic survey data. Recent marine heat flow (MHF) observation efforts using the IBRV Araon from 2018 to 2024 have resulted in a comprehensive dataset covering the basin along and across the inferred N-S oriented spreading axis in the basin center. The formation age inferred from the newly observed MHF was the Early to Late Cretaceous, which is slightly older than the timing of Northwind Basin to the east. Notably, the MHF distribution revealed an asymmetric increase toward the eastern margin perpendicular to the axis and toward to southern margin parallel to the axis. Because MHF distribution often reflects deep tectonic structure such as the Moho depth or the lithosphere-asthenosphere-boundary, this asymmetric pattern suggests a difference in the depth of these boundaries within the basin. The observed discrepancy between the inferred spreading axis and the MHF distribution indicates that the Chukchi Basin may have undergone asymmetric rifting, challenging the conventional notion of symmetric rifting. Our future research will integrate gravity and magnetic anomaly data with numerical modeling to better constrain the deep structure and formation processes of the basin.

How to cite: Kim, Y.-G., Hong, J. K., Jin, Y. K., and So, B. D.: Asymmetric distribution of marine heat flow in the Chukchi Basin (Chukchi Abyssal Plain) as possible evidence for asymmetric rifting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3906,, 2025.

EGU25-3968 | Orals | TS2.1 | Highlight

The September to November 2024 Fentale dike in the Ethiopian rift 

Derek Keir, Alessandro La Rosa, Carolina Pagli, Hua Wang, Atalay Ayele, Elias Lewi, Fernando Monterroso, and Martina Raggiunti

Dikes can contribute to rifting, but the space-time behavior and role of magma in young and slowly extending continental rifts is unclear. We use observations and modelling of InSAR and seismicity during the September to November 2024 Fentale intrusion in the Main Ethiopian rift (MER) to understand magma-assisted rifting at slow extension rates (5 mm/yr). From 2021 to mid-2024, the Fentale Volcanic Complex (FVC) uplifted up to 6 cm. From mid-September 2024, upper crustal diking started northwards along the rift, initially with subdued seismicity. From late-September to early November, dike opening increased to ~2m and propagated a total of ~14km north, causing increased seismicity from normal faulting. The dike made ~90% of the total geodetic moment, with the rest from faulting. The character of the event is similar to rifting episodes at mid-ocean ridges and demonstrates that episodic diking can occur in young, slow extending continent rifts but must be more infrequent. This marks the start of a major rifting episode.

How to cite: Keir, D., La Rosa, A., Pagli, C., Wang, H., Ayele, A., Lewi, E., Monterroso, F., and Raggiunti, M.: The September to November 2024 Fentale dike in the Ethiopian rift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3968,, 2025.

EGU25-5129 | Orals | TS2.1

The structure and breakup mechanism of the South China Sea 

Zhen Sun and Tianyue Peng

As one of the largest marginal seas in the Western Pacific, the structure and evolution of the South China Sea will provide important reference to the marginal sea research. In order to decode the continent-ocean transition and seafloor spreading process of the South China Sea, 3 normal and 1 extended IODP drilling expeditions were carried out from distal margin to the relict ridge of the South China Sea. However, large controversies still exist due to the lack of enough drill site-coordinated geophysical investigation to calibrate the drilling results. 30 active source OBSs were deployed along the 300 km long drilling transect and then a 3D network with 60 OBSs were deployed in the Continent-Ocean transition zone. The velocity models deduced from the OBSs suggest that thick and widespread magmatic underplating occurred below the northern continental margin, with the thickest underplating occurred below the continental slope where the crustal thickness is over 20 km. Correlated with the sedimentary history, the strong magmatic underplating is supposed to happen at late Eocene and caused strong uplift and erosion of early syn-rift sequences. Quantitative analysis suggests that up to 10 km thick magmatic underplating below the thick crust requires a highly attenuated if not fully devastated mantle lithosphere below the continental slope during Eocene. Therefore, the breakup of South China Sea is supposed to experience an earlier mantle breakup and then a crust breakup to generate the spreading ocean. In comparison with Atlantic, the mantle below the northern continental margin might be wetter to generate such large amount of syn-rift magmatic underplating. Forward mathematical modeling suggests that a pre-rift subduction may provide the mechanism of both unsteady lithospheric and more saturated mantle. This might explain why marginal sea basin usually has much wider underplating and more magma supply than the same spreading rate passive continental margin and ocean.

How to cite: Sun, Z. and Peng, T.: The structure and breakup mechanism of the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5129,, 2025.

EGU25-5492 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Tectonic evolution of the proto-Korean Peninsula in the Boring Billion: Implication for the disruption of the Columbia Supercontinent 

Yirang Jang, Vinod O. Samuel, Sanghoon Kwon, and Madhava W. Santosh

The Middle Proterozoic period (1800–800 Ma), often called the "Boring Billion", was characterized by a stable environment with low atmospheric oxygen levels and globally anoxic oceans. In East Asia, this period has been frequently linked to the breakup of the Columbia supercontinent at ca. 1400 Ma, as evidenced by widespread litho-stratigraphic evidence (e.g., Bayan Obo, Yanliao, Xionger rift systems) of rifting in the North China Craton. Similar Mesoproterozoic rift-related lithologies have been identified in the Hwanghae Rift Zone (HRZ) on the northern Korean Peninsula (Jon et al., 2011; Han et al., 2013), suggesting that the Korean Peninsula may have been a part of the global-scale rift system associated with the disruption of the Columbia Supercontinent.

From this point of view, this study examines the tectonic evolution of banded-iron formation (BIF)-bearing metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic successions in the Western Gyeonggi Massif of the Korean Peninsula. The meta-sedimentary sequences consist of quartzite, biotite-muscovite schist, BIF, and marble, while the volcanic suite comprises amphibolite and meta-gabbro, occurring as clasts, boudins, and blocks within the marble beds. All the rock types exhibit amphibolite facies metamorphic alterations and deformations. Intercalation of quartzite with Algoma-type BIF suggests siliciclastic sedimentation concurrent hydrothermal Fe input from deep-seated faults in a matured continental shelf environment. The carbonate deposition indicates biological activities on the volcanic atoll in the calm marine environment, following active volcanism. The dismembered amphibolite blocks or lenses show massive, igneous textures, and sub-alkaline basaltic composition, with trace and rare earth element patterns resembling ocean island basalt (OIB) and enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB), indicative of rifting of continental landmass similar to modern-day Iceland driven by plume-ridge interactions. U-Pb zircon dating of dismembered amphibolite blocks or lenses reveals ca. 1419 Ma protolith age followed by ca. 251 Ma metamorphism. These findings represent the earliest Mesoproterozoic volcanism and sedimentation recorded in the central-western margin of the Korean Peninsula, which has been considered part of the Permo-Triassic collisional belt. We propose that the central-western margin of the Korean Peninsula witnessed rifting concurrently with its northwestern margin, coinciding with rifting in the North China Craton (e.g., Bayan Obo, Yanliao, Xionger rift systems) as part of the global rift system associated with the disruption of Columbia supercontinent during the "Boring Billion".

How to cite: Jang, Y., Samuel, V. O., Kwon, S., and Santosh, M. W.: Tectonic evolution of the proto-Korean Peninsula in the Boring Billion: Implication for the disruption of the Columbia Supercontinent, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5492,, 2025.

EGU25-5777 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Inter-event strain localization modulated by background stresses across the Natron Basin, East African Rift 

Ivan Navarrete, Jean-Arthur Olive, Eric Calais, Manon Dalaison, and Albert de Monserrat

While it is well documented that continental extension involves discrete tectonic or magmatic rifting events, little is known about how deformation accumulates between these events. Here we focus on strain localization across the Natron Basin, which is part of the eastern branch of the East African Rift, that experienced a major tectono-magmatic event in 2007.

A cross-rift profile of horizontal GNSS velocities (2013–2017) reveals a gradual transition between the rigid Tanzanian Craton and the Somalian Plate, with ~2 mm/yr of extension distributed across ~100 km (stretching zone). Such a pattern is commonly interpreted through the lens of dislocations in an elastic half-space. Here, an east-dipping border fault locked down to ~10 km may explain the observed width of the stretching zone, provided it extends to great depths, and creeps at a constant rate of ~3 mm/yr. The extent to which this is compatible with a hot lower crust riddled with magmatic intrusions is still debatable.

We thus explore an alternative model where the width of the stretching zone is entirely determined by the history of past, finite deformation, and the corresponding ambient stress state. We use a 2-D thermo-mechanical model to stretch a visco-elasto-viscoplastic brittle layer, first creating a major border fault that slips continuously, flexing its footwall and hanging wall. We then artificially “lock” this fault by instantaneously strengthening it, drastically reduce our computational time steps, and continue stretching the layer. While the system should behave as an homogeneous, elastic layer under far-field extension, i.e., produce a linear displacement profile, we obtain an arctangent-shaped profile with a characteristic stretching zone width. 
This suggests that strain localization is controlled by the heterogeneous distribution of pre-existing stresses. Specifically, regions of high stresses that accrued during flexure of the fault blocks are brought to failure first during inter-event stretching, prompting the localization of elasto-plastic strain in a wide zone centered on the border fault. This process explains the width of velocity gradients in rift zones without invoking a deep, continuously creeping fault. 

We therefore suggest that long-term stress buildup plays a key role in short-term strain localization, and discuss its implications for active deformation in magma-rich continental rift settings like the Natron Basin.

How to cite: Navarrete, I., Olive, J.-A., Calais, E., Dalaison, M., and de Monserrat, A.: Inter-event strain localization modulated by background stresses across the Natron Basin, East African Rift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5777,, 2025.

EGU25-6051 | Posters on site | TS2.1

High-resolution digital outcrop models of low-angle normal faulting: the  fossil distal Adriatic rifted margin (SE Switzerland) 

Leïla Morzelle, Geoffroy Mohn, Peter Betlem, and Julie Tugend

Low-angle normal faults (LANFs), characterized by dips of less than 30°, are frequently observed in rifted margins. Despite extensive research, the mechanical processes governing LANFs remain poorly constrained, raising critical questions about the angle at which they initiate, their evolution during extension, their three-dimensional geometry, and related deformation in the hanging-wall and footwall. Addressing these issues is essential for understanding extensional processes in such tectonic settings, including thinning of the continental crust and the exhumation of mantle material in rifted margins.

The Err and Bernina extensional detachment systems, within the lower Austroalpine nappes of the Central Alps, offer a rare natural laboratory for studying LANFs. Formed during the Jurassic rifting in the distal Adriatic rifted margin preceding the formation of the Alpine Tethys, these LANFs are exceptionally well-preserved despite the subsequent deformations from the Alpine orogeny.

This study presents results from extensive field campaigns conducted between 2022 and 2024, during which high-resolution data were collected over a ~100 km² area using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys supplemented by field mapping. Rigorous quality control and processing ensured the generation of 3D high-resolution digital outcrop models (DOMs) of the Err and Bernina extensional detachment systems, implementing differential positioning and SwissTopo terrain data for a resulting spatial error of less than 1 meter. The DOMs provide centimetre to decimetre-scale details that facilitate mapping of the spatial evolution of LANFs and the tectono-sedimentary architecture of the overlying allochthonous blocks. Detailed interpretations reveal their internal structure, including lithological changes, deformation patterns, and fault structures at various scales. Additionally, we characterized the sedimentary basins formed during the Jurassic extension, shedding light on their development and spatial relationships with the detachment systems. Comparison of our findings with seismic data across present-day low-angle normal fault systems bridges the scale-gap between detailed field-based analyses and large-scale seismic interpretations, providing crucial new insights to the evolution of LANFs.

How to cite: Morzelle, L., Mohn, G., Betlem, P., and Tugend, J.: High-resolution digital outcrop models of low-angle normal faulting: the  fossil distal Adriatic rifted margin (SE Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6051,, 2025.

EGU25-6181 | Orals | TS2.1

Afar triple junction fed by single asymmetric mantle upwelling 

Emma J. Watts, Rhiannon Rees, Philip Jonathan, Derek Keir, Rex N. Taylor, Melanie Siegburg, Emma L. Chambers, Carolina Pagli, Matthew J. Cooper, Agnes Michalik, J. Andrew Milton, Thea K. Hinks, Ermias F. Gebru, Atalay Ayele, Bekele Abebe, and Thomas M. Gernon

The arrival of upwellings within the mantle from Earths deep interior are commonly observed worldwide, but their role in driving volcanism during continental breakup has long been debated. Given that only a small fraction of Earth’s upwellings are situated under continents and a limited number of them are associated with active continental rifting, our understanding of these processes remains incomplete.

Here, we investigate the interplay between continental breakup and mantle upwellings using the classic magma-rich continental rifting case study of the Afar triple junction in East Africa. Some studies previously proposed that the region is underlain by mantle upwelling(s), yet others argue for limited involvement of mantle plumes.  Several discrete segments of the rift have been studied in terms of magma petrogenesis. However, until now, a paucity of high-precision geochemical data across the broader region has hampered our ability to test the models and evaluate the spatial characteristics and structure of this upwelling in the recent geologic past.

Within this study, we present extensive new geochemical and isotopic data spanning the region and integrate these with existing geochemical and geophysical datasets shedding light on the spatial characteristics of the mantle beneath Afar.  By combining geophysics and geochemistry using statistical approaches, our multi-disciplinary approach shows that Afar is underlain by a single, asymmetric heterogeneous mantle upwelling. Our findings not only validate the heterogeneous characteristics of mantle upwellings, but demonstrates their susceptibility to the dynamics of the overriding plates. This integrated approach yields valuable insights into the spatial complexity of mantle upwellings.

How to cite: Watts, E. J., Rees, R., Jonathan, P., Keir, D., Taylor, R. N., Siegburg, M., Chambers, E. L., Pagli, C., Cooper, M. J., Michalik, A., Milton, J. A., Hinks, T. K., Gebru, E. F., Ayele, A., Abebe, B., and Gernon, T. M.: Afar triple junction fed by single asymmetric mantle upwelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6181,, 2025.

EGU25-6348 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Tectonic Evolution of the Pripyat-Dniepr-Donets-Donbas Basin: Insights into Intracontinental Rifting Mechanisms and Structural Dynamics 

Ali Nasiri, Sergiy Stovba, Sergey Drachev, Randell Stephenson, and Stanislaw Mazur

The Dniepr-Donets Basin (DDB) represents a significant intracontinental rift system in Europe, whose formation remains an ongoing topic of research. Central to this investigation is whether the basin developed through passive rifting—driven by far-field tectonic stresses such as back-arc extension—or active rifting, which involves localized thermal anomalies from processes like mantle plume activity. This research seeks to address these competing models through integrated geological and geophysical analyses, contributing to our understanding of continental rift evolution.

This project involves interpretation of 23 regional seismic reflection and refraction profiles including “classical” seismic profiles: DOBRE’99 and Georift-2013. The seismic data will be calibrated by c. 4000 wells with stratigraphy. Seismic analysis will be focused on mapping of 14 key stratigraphic horizons covering the entire area of the DDB (~76,900 km2). The spatial orientation of structural elements will be resolved using potential field anomaly maps. Integration of the interpreted surfaces with the borehole stratigraphy will allow for determining the age of major unconformities and faulting. The evolution of the DDB will be quantitatively analysed using cross-section balancing technique along selected regional seismic profiles.

A key aspect of this work involves constructing a three-dimensional structural model of the DDB using borehole and seismic data. This model, still under development, aims to provide detailed insights into the basin’s geometry, sedimentary layer distribution, and fault system configuration. Particular emphasis is placed on identifying structural asymmetries, which could suggest the operation of simple-shear mechanisms often linked to passive rifting. By correlating surface geological features with deep crustal structures, this research is gradually building a comprehensive picture of the basin’s evolution.

Potential field data are also being analyzed to investigate mantle processes and their influence on rifting. Variations in gravity and magnetic fields are being studied for evidence of deep-seated magmatic intrusions and high-density bodies. This approach aims to evaluate whether mantle plume activity or crustal thinning contributed to the rifting mechanism, helping to distinguish between active and passive processes.

This ongoing research integrates data across crustal and mantle processes, with the goal of correlating mantle dynamics, surface volcanism, sedimentation patterns, and tectonic evolution. The findings aim to advance our understanding of intracontinental rifting and provide insights into the conditions under which rifting transitions to full continental break-up or remains an intracontinental feature, as in the case of the DDB.

How to cite: Nasiri, A., Stovba, S., Drachev, S., Stephenson, R., and Mazur, S.: Tectonic Evolution of the Pripyat-Dniepr-Donets-Donbas Basin: Insights into Intracontinental Rifting Mechanisms and Structural Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6348,, 2025.

Rifted margins mark the transition between a thick-crusted (35 ± 5 km) continental domain and a thinner-crusted (0–8 km) (proto-)oceanic domain. Yet, the mechanisms of crustal thinning during rifting are incompletely understood, especially the consequences and fingerprints of the so-called necking phase during which the continental crust is thinned from its initial thickness to ca. 10 km in only a few million years.

One major difficulty in studying necking arises from the necking phase being only transient in the timeframe of continental rifting and often followed by further extension and thermal relaxation. As a result, the structural, stratigraphic and thermal signatures of the necking process are partially dismembered and overprinted in present-day rifted margins. Hence, studying the necking process requires to identify and track its fingerprints in present-day rifted margins.

In this contribution, we synthesize data from the best calibrated necking domains worldwide to define general recognition criteria and hence clarify the definition of necking. We show that necking domains commonly display: (1) deformed (from cataclasites to black gouges) basement directly overlain by undeformed syn-rift sediments; (2) exhumation of deep continental crust; (3) syn-rift basement erosion and adjacent sandstone deposition; and (4) syn-rift and syn-tectonic shallow-water deposits rapidly followed by syn-rift but post-tectonic deep-water deposits. We argue that these fingerprints cannot be explained by high-angle normal faults by themselves and discuss the possible additional and/or alternative processes.

How to cite: Chenin, P. and Manatschal, G.: Fingerprints of necking domains at rifted margins: insights from the best documented examples worldwide, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6434,, 2025.

EGU25-6786 | Orals | TS2.1

Inherited transform weaknesses control structure and morphology of highly oblique rift-transform systems 

Thomas Theunissen, Ritske S. Huismans, Delphine Rouby, Sebastian G. Wolf, and Dave A. May

The factors controlling the structure and morphology of oblique rifted margins remain enigmatic. Key features requiring explanation include: (1) long transform fault systems (>300 km) with transpression or transtension, (2) rift segments with varying asymmetry and obliquity, and (3) complex, variable drainage systems along the rift. We use large-scale 3D coupled thermo-mechanical and surface process models to explore how inherited transform weakness zones influence the structure and morphology of oblique rifted passive margins. Our results show that the orientation of inherited weaknesses determines the degree of transpression or transtension along transform faults, while the extent of over- or underlap among weaknesses controls segment obliquity and asymmetry, shaping fluvial drainage networks. These findings provide a conceptual framework to interpret the key structural and morphological characteristics of oblique rifted margins in the Equatorial Atlantic, North Atlantic/Arctic, and Mozambique regions.

How to cite: Theunissen, T., Huismans, R. S., Rouby, D., Wolf, S. G., and May, D. A.: Inherited transform weaknesses control structure and morphology of highly oblique rift-transform systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6786,, 2025.

Post-cratonization rifting has emerged as a prominent research focus in structural geology due to its association with significant hydrocarbon accumulations. Such rift systems are extensively developed within and along the margins of cratonic regions during the Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic, notably in areas such as the Siberian Craton, Australian Craton, and North American Craton. The genesis of these rift systems is typically attributed to extensional tectonic regimes that evolved during the post-orogenic reconfiguration of cratonic lithosphere. These systems represent critical tectono-sedimentary processes that influence crustal thinning, fault block development, and the formation of accommodation space, playing a key role in hydrocarbon source rock maturation, reservoir development, and trap formation. Recent advancements in natural gas exploration within the Ediacaran strata of the Sichuan Basin have revealed the substantial hydrocarbon resource potential of the Neoproterozoic sequences in the Upper Yangtze Craton. These exploration successes are intimately associated with the development of deep-seated extensional rift systems in the Yangtze Craton, which are interpreted as the result of rapid lithospheric extension following cratonization during the early Neoproterozoic. Despite these breakthroughs, a comprehensive understanding of the structural geometry, kinematic evolution, and petroleum systems of these rift systems remains limited, highlighting the need for further systematic investigation. This study integrates two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic data with magnetotelluric data, deep borehole records, and field outcrop observations to construct, for the first time, a three-dimensional structural model of the Neoproterozoic rift systems in southwestern Sichuan Basin. The results reveal two distinct rifting phases during the Early to Middle Neoproterozoic, with rift dimensions ranging from 3-8 km in width and 7-23 km in length. The rift systems and associated fault networks predominantly display NE and NNE trends, with faults generally dipping northwestward. These faults governed the development of half-grabens during both rift phases, each accompanied by sedimentary deposits reaching thicknesses of 2–3 km. The stratigraphic sequences within the rifts exhibit strong correlations with the Neoproterozoic strata exposed along the western margin of the Yangtze Craton. Chronological evidence indicates that the first rift phase (800–720 Ma) was characterized by independently developed sub-rift basins. The second rift phase (720–635 Ma) inherited and expanded upon the earlier rifting, culminating in the development of a unified, large-scale half-graben that overlies the sub-rifts of the first phase. During the late syn-rift stage, significant compressional uplift along the western Yangtze Craton margin induced structural inversion of several pre-existing rift normal faults in southwestern Sichuan and the formation of pre-Ediacaran reverse faults. This compressional event eroded over 3 km of rift-related sequences. The Neoproterozoic rifting and subsequent compressional deformation along the western Yangtze Craton margin are closely tied to subduction and rollback dynamics of the Pan-Oceanic plate. This study emphasizes the excellent conditions for hydrocarbon source rock and reservoir formation in the Neoproterozoic of southwestern Sichuan, highlighting its vast potential as a target for future hydrocarbon exploration.

How to cite: Lu, G. and He, D.: 3D Structure, Evolution, and Geodynamic Model of the Neoproterozoic Rift Basins in Southwestern Sichuan Basin, South China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7068,, 2025.

EGU25-7282 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

The Interplay Between Extensional Rate and Heat Flux in Asymmetric Rift Systems 

Sara dos Santos Souza, Claudio Alejandro Salazar-Mora, João Paulo de Souza Bueno, Victor Sacek, and Mario Neto Cavalcanti de Araujo

The thermal and deformational history of a rift are directly correlated. Increased stretching, whether by faulting or by lower crustal flow, results in elevated heat flux,  which has significant implications for the asymmetrical evolution of the heat distribution in the basins (Lescoutre et al., 2019). Since the extensional rate also controls the amount of stretching, it also becomes an important parameter for understanding the thermal evolution. In natural rift systems, acceleration is a kinematic evolution inherent to all rifting processes (Brune et al., 2016). However, the role of the extensional rate in the evolution of the thermal flux is not clear. Ten thermo-mechanical numerical models were developed using a weak and decoupled rheology for the lithosphere. The models were run with extension rates varying from 1 to 5 cm/year with intervals of 0.5 cm/year, and one model with acceleration was simulated with values estimated by Araujo et al., 2022 for the Santos-Benguela conjugates, between Brazil and Africa. Results show that the heat flux values along the widest margin of the conjugated pair increases as the constant velocity rises. In contrast to the wide margins, the narrow margins show a simple thermal evolution. The thermal evolution of the wide margin cools from the necking zone to the end of the distal domain in velocities of 2 cm/year, following the rift migration evolution. In the models with 2.5 cm/year or higher, the thermal flux evolves similarly to the deformation process described in Souza et al., 2025 - where rift migration is not well established and two rifting sites are active simultaneously. In the acceleration model, thermal flux remains high throughout the distal domain of the widest margin, driven by rift migration. In all constant velocity cases, rifting time decreases with increasing velocity, as expected. However, the acceleration model yields a rifting duration consistent with that observed in the Santos region, where the extension rates were based.

Funded by Petrobras Project 2022/00157-6.


Araujo, M. N., Pérez-Gussinyé, M., & Muldashev, I. (2023). Oceanward rift migration during formation of Santos–Benguela ultra-wide rifted margins. J. Geol. Soc. London, Special Publications.

Brune, S., Williams, S. E., Butterworth, N. P., & Müller, R. D. (2016). Abrupt plate accelerations shape rifted continental margins. Nature536(7615), 201-204.

Lescoutre, R., Tugend, J., Brune, S., Masini, E., & Manatschal, G. (2019). Thermal evolution of asymmetric hyperextended magma‐poor rift systems: Results from numerical modeling and Pyrenean field observations. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems20(10), 4567-4587.

Souza, S. dos S., Salazar-Mora, C. A., Sacek, V., & de Araujo, M. N. C. (2025). Kinematic and rheological controls on ultra-wide asymmetric rifted margins evolution. Marine and Petroleum Geology171, 107171.

How to cite: dos Santos Souza, S., Salazar-Mora, C. A., de Souza Bueno, J. P., Sacek, V., and Neto Cavalcanti de Araujo, M.: The Interplay Between Extensional Rate and Heat Flux in Asymmetric Rift Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7282,, 2025.

EGU25-7891 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Lithosphere Extension Prior to Continental Breakup in the South China Sea: Comparison with the Atlantic Type Rifted Margin 

Cuimei Zhang, Nick Kusznir, Gianreto Manatschal, Pauline Chenin, Brian Taylor, Zhen Sun, Sanzhong Li, Yanhui Suo, and Zhongxian Zhao

Total continental lithosphere extension prior to breakup and sea-floor spreading in the South China Sea (SCS), a marginal ocean basin, ranges from approximately 360 km in the NE to 580 km in the SW. In contrast, total continental lithosphere extension prior to breakup for the Iberia-Newfoundland rifted margins is no more than 180km. SCS extension leading to continental breakup is between x2 and x3 greater than for the Atlantic margin type.

In the case of Atlantic type margins, lithosphere deformation transitions from initially wide rifting to more localised stretching and thinning, a process termed necking. The necking domain at rifted continental margins, so produced, typically has crustal thickness of 25 km proximally decreasing to 10 km distally. Further lithosphere stretching and thinning due to hyper-extension and the onset of decompression melting results in the rupture and separation of continental lithosphere, the creation of a divergent plate boundary, and the initiation of sea-floor spreading.

The SCS shows very wide domains of thinned continental crust with thicknesses between 25 and 10 km; widths of thinned crust much greater than those of Atlantic type margins. These wide regions of thinned crust on the SCS margin take the form of crustal boudinage with multiple sag basins underlain by highly thinned crust separated by basement highs underlain by less thinned crust.

The localisation of lithosphere deformation before breakup, during the formation of Atlantic type margins, is due to failure of the initially strong cold lithospheric mantle lid. The same mechanism of localisation cannot occur to generate necking in the SCS; the SCS was formed by rifting of volcanic arc lithosphere in which the lithospheric mantle was already hot.

We attribute the very wide regions of continental crust with thicknesses between 25 and 10 km in the SCS, very much wider than for Atlantic type margins, to a weak inherited lithosphere rheology which favours extensional boudinage of the continental crust rather than crustal rupture and separation, and distributed rather than focused decompression melting of wet mantle from the inherited volcanic arc setting.

How to cite: Zhang, C., Kusznir, N., Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., Taylor, B., Sun, Z., Li, S., Suo, Y., and Zhao, Z.: Lithosphere Extension Prior to Continental Breakup in the South China Sea: Comparison with the Atlantic Type Rifted Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7891,, 2025.

EGU25-8638 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

How to date rifting thanks to vertical movements? 

Roxane Mathey, Julia Autin, Gianreto Manatschal, Daniel Sauter, Pauline Chenin, and Duncan Erratt

Syn-rift sequences, breakup unconformities and magnetic anomalies have been widely used to date rifting. However, it is generally accepted that rift systems are diachronous, both along dip and strike, and that the rifting processes are complex and difficult to date, in particular at magma-poor rifted margins. Therefore, new approaches need to be developed to date rifting. In our study we use the stratigraphic record of vertical movements to date a specific rift event and its propagation. In this work, we focus on two origins of uplift during rifting. First, the necking process, which corresponds to onset of localized deformation and significant differential crustal thinning over 4 to 14 my. Necking may result in a characteristic, fast and short-lived uplift limited to the future distal margin, followed by its fast subsidence (Chenin et al., 2018). Second, dynamic topography, which refers to a large wavelength (from 1,000 to 4,500 km) and fast (35 to 400 m.Ma-1) uplift (Jones et al., 2012), due to convection/heterogeneities within the asthenospheric mantle, not necessarily linked to rifting.  In our study, we use the example of the widely studied Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous southern North-Atlantic magma-poor rift system, forming the present-day West Iberian margin, its conjugate the Newfoundland margin, and the Bay of Biscay rifted margin. Thanks to the specific and characteristic fingerprints of each of the two types of vertical movements, they can be used to date rifting in an absolute and relative way. The necking signal dates a distinct event at a rift-segment scale, allowing to date the along strike diachronous evolution of the rift system. In contrast, the dynamic topography uplift occurs over a very wide area and is linked to simultaneous uplift and well-defined erosional unconformities that are time equivalent to a sudden increase in sedimentation rates offshore. Then, dynamic topography events occurring during rift propagation, could be considered as isochrons across a large area, allowing for along strike time correlations  

                Our preliminary results show a northward propagation of necking, which is consistent with the northward propagation of continental breakup already documented along the Iberian/Newfoundland conjugated margins. Secondly, we identify a dynamic topography event. Indeed, a Barremian to Aptian/Albian event can be defined by a large-scale uplift (e.g., Massif Central, Provence (France) and Southern England) that occurs at the same time of an increase in sedimentation rates and a change in seismic facies documented at the distal margins in the southern North Atlantic. The identification of these two types of events thanks to geological fingerprints and their relatively short duration, allows us to date rifting in the Iberian-Bay of Biscay system. While vertical movements associated with necking allow us to directly date the onset of crustal thinning and rift localisation, dynamic topography does not date a particular rift moment, but allows us to define an isochronous event that can be used for along strike time correlations and thus, for relative dating within propagating rift systems.

How to cite: Mathey, R., Autin, J., Manatschal, G., Sauter, D., Chenin, P., and Erratt, D.: How to date rifting thanks to vertical movements?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8638,, 2025.

EGU25-8867 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Modeling dike-fault interactions in continental rifts on geological time scales 

Menno Fraters, Sascha Brune, Eleonora Rivalta, Rene Gassmöller, Sibiao Liu, and Ameha Atnafu Muluneh

Normal faulting in continental rifts creates pronounced relief which evolves over time. At the same time, many rifts are marked by decompression melting and the ascent of magma that intrudes into the brittle crust in the form of dikes and sills and that extrudes along volcanic fields. It is clear that magmatic intrusions and normal faulting interact in magmatic rifts such as the Kenya Rift, the Main Ethiopian Rift, the Afar triple junction, and in the Icelandic plate boundary. However, the interplay between tectonic and magmatic processes, the evolving topography and the rift-related stress field, as well as the impact of these processes on dike-fault interactions remains difficult to isolate from observations.

Previous modeling studies of time-dependent magma-tectonic interactions in extensional tectonic settings fell into one of two categories: (1) simple models where diking is represented by a prescribed fixed rectangular zone of horizontal divergence (e.g., Buck et al.,  2005), (2) complex setups where magma ascent is represented by porous flow and fluid-driven fracture (e.g., Li et al. 2023). While the former approach can be applied to model of tens of millions of years of dike injection along spreading ridges, the simplicity prevents applications to continental rifts where magmatism manifests over broad areas. The latter approach allows to study the evolution of individual dikes, but its computational costs prevent application to lithospheric-scale rifts over geological times scales. 

Here, we propose a numerical workflow that can be categorized as a model of intermediate complexity. We nucleate the dikes at the brittle/ductile transition above magma-forming regions. The dikes are then propagated perpendicular to the minimum compressive stress, similar to the approach of Maccaferri et al. (2014), until they reach their freezing depth or the surface. In this presentation, we show how we have approached this problem and how we implemented it in the open-source community geodynamics model ASPECT. We show how the generated dikes are being focused in specific regions, and how the dilation and heat injection during magma intrusion through dikes influence the long-term rifting evolution.


Buck, W. Roger, Luc L. Lavier, and Alexei N. B. Poliakov. “Modes of Faulting at Mid-Ocean Ridges.” Nature 434, no. 7034 (April 2005): 719–23.

Li, Yuan, Adina E Pusok, Timothy Davis, Dave A May, and Richard F Katz. “Continuum Approximation of Dyking with a Theory for Poro-Viscoelastic–Viscoplastic Deformation.” Geophysical Journal International 234, no. 3 (September 1, 2023): 2007–31.

Maccaferri, Francesco, Eleonora Rivalta, Derek Keir, and Valerio Acocella. “Off-Rift Volcanism in Rift Zones Determined by Crustal Unloading.” Nature Geoscience 7, no. 4 (April 2014): 297–300.

How to cite: Fraters, M., Brune, S., Rivalta, E., Gassmöller, R., Liu, S., and Atnafu Muluneh, A.: Modeling dike-fault interactions in continental rifts on geological time scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8867,, 2025.

EGU25-8908 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Geophysical, Geological, and Geodynamic Insights into the Northeastern Brazilian Rifted Margin 

Erkan Gün, Marta Pérez-Gussinyé, Javier García-Pintado, Raghu Ram Gudipati, Leila Mezri, and Mario Neto Araújo

The northeastern Brazilian rifted margin exhibits a diverse range of extensional structures, from failed onshore and offshore rifts and basins to South Atlantic seafloor spreading and continental breakup, making it an ideal natural laboratory for studying rifted margins.

Previous studies on the northeastern Brazilian rifted margin present conflicting interpretations of the basement structure in the Camamu, Almada, Jequitinhonha, Jacuípe, Sergipe, and Alagoas basins. Proposed models include: (a) hyperextended continental crust transitioning directly to oceanic crust; (b) hyperextended continental crust with exhumed lower crust and an immediate switch to oceanic crust; (c) hyperextended continental crust, exhumed mantle, and a direct transition to oceanic crust; and (d) hyperextended continental crust transitioning to proto-oceanic crust and then to normal oceanic crust. Additionally, there is ongoing debate about whether the Sergipe-Alagoas and Jequitinhonha-Almada-Camamu basins are magma-poor or more magmatic than previously thought.

The lithosphere in northeastern Brazil comprises diverse tectonic units, ranging from cratons to orogenic belts, which have undergone multiple orogenic deformations and metamorphic events. This structural and compositional heterogeneity likely exerted a first-order geologic control on the evolution of rifts, basin boundaries, and crustal structures during the opening of the South Atlantic. Analyses of basement rocks, structural trends (e.g., foliation, shear zones, and faults), and contact relationships between geologic units suggest significant geological influences on rift development.

To address these conflicting interpretations, this study adopts a thermo-mechanical approach using a newly developed numerical modeling technique, Kinedyn, which integrates seismic reflection profiles with geodynamic models. The results are expected to resolve discrepancies in previous studies and provide a more realistic reconstruction of rift evolution in the northeastern Brazilian rifted margin.

How to cite: Gün, E., Pérez-Gussinyé, M., García-Pintado, J., Gudipati, R. R., Mezri, L., and Araújo, M. N.: Geophysical, Geological, and Geodynamic Insights into the Northeastern Brazilian Rifted Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8908,, 2025.

EGU25-9069 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

Plate tectonic modeling of multi-rifting events in the NE Atlantic 

Peter Haas, Mansour M. Abdelmalak, Grace E. Shephard, Jan Inge Faleide, and Christian Berndt

The rifted margins of the NE Atlantic are among the most extensively studied regions in the world thanks to the extensive geological and geophysical data available for this area. Despite this extensive research, uncertainties remain regarding the timing and mechanisms of rifting. Key questions include the volume of magma, recognized as underplated layer in the lower crust, the precise position of the Jan Mayen Microcontinent, and the extent of rifting that preceded the final opening of the NE Atlantic in the Paleogene. These uncertainties have significant implications for plate reconstruction models.

In this contribution, we combine interpreted seismic stratigraphy with plate rotations to define a new plate reconstruction model of the study area, spanning from mid-Permian to early Eocene. Stretching and pre-drift extension for individual rifting events are derived from a set of conjugate crustal transects evenly distributed along the NE conjugate margins, allowing to identify “restored” position of the continent-ocean boundaries (COB) back in time. Using an optimization approach, we derive Euler Poles that best-fit fixed and rotated restored COBs of the Eurasian and North American plates. Our approach incorporates uncertainties in COB location and the amount of magma added to the lower crust.

First results indicate a tighter pre-break-up fit between Greenland and Eurasia than previously suggested, implying that earlier models underestimated stretching. Implementing the obtained Euler Poles to plate reconstruction software GPlates highlights the four distinct rifting events. Our new plate reconstruction model offers improved insights into passive margins affected by multiple rifting events and can inform further studies on paleogeography, rift dynamics and break-up kinematics in the NE Atlantic region.

How to cite: Haas, P., Abdelmalak, M. M., Shephard, G. E., Faleide, J. I., and Berndt, C.: Plate tectonic modeling of multi-rifting events in the NE Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9069,, 2025.

EGU25-9481 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Magmatic controls on detachment fault formation at South China Sea rifted margin 

Peng Yang, Marta Pérez-Gussinyé, Shaowen Liu, Javier García-Pintado, and Gudipati RaghuRam

Lithospheric thinning initiates continental rifting and eventual break-up, driven by the interplay of tectonic, magmatic and surface processes. Recent findings from IODP expeditions and seismic surveys reveal that the northern South China Sea (SCS) margin exhibits distinctive features not typically alinged with classic magma-poor or magma-rich margins, including widespread detachment, syn-rift magmatism and a notably rapid transition from continental margin to seafloor spreading. However, the role of magmatism in the formation of detachments, which is key for elucidating the evolution of rifted margins, remains poorly understood. Here we use 2D numerical models to simulate the thermo-mechanical evolution of continental rifting, incorporating melt generation, emplacement and associated heat release. Our models reproduce the main observations from the northern SCS margin, including the hyper-extended crust, crustal boudinage, lower crust exhumation and dome structure. Particularly, we demonstrate that the thermal weakening related to the magmatism promotes the ductile lower crustal flow, which converges beneath a ‘rolling-hinge’ type detachment, facilitating the formation of core complex. Unlike magma-poor margins, the initial elevated lithospheric temperature by prior plate subduction and syn-rift magmatism from decompressing melting shape the ‘intermediate’ nature of the SCS margin. This work could provide valuable insights into how tectonic deformation and magmatism interact in continental rift systems around the globe.

How to cite: Yang, P., Pérez-Gussinyé, M., Liu, S., García-Pintado, J., and RaghuRam, G.: Magmatic controls on detachment fault formation at South China Sea rifted margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9481,, 2025.

EGU25-10113 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Modelling of lithospheric weakening and strengthening processes and their impact on rift success and failure 

Tina Neumann, Sascha Brune, Susanne Buiter, Derek Neuharth, and Chris Jackson

Rift systems play a crucial role in the Wilson cycle, where the extension and breakup of continental plates can lead to the formation of new oceans. Earth's rift systems exhibit various stages, from initiation to breakup, with the latter representing 'successful' rifting, as observed along the Atlantic margins. Whereas rifted margins can record successful extensional plate dynamics, deformation can also stop at earlier stages or shift to more favourable locations, resulting in 'failed' rifts, such as the North Sea or the Atlas rift. However, the mechanisms that control whether a rift fails or is successful are not very well known.

Understanding the dynamics of continental extension and tectonic processes in rift systems requires examining their initial conditions and subsequent evolution, with the latter influenced by both strengthening and weakening processes of the lithosphere. Here we numerically simulate rift evolution using geodynamic finite-element 2D ASPECT models incorporating shear zone (“fault”) dynamics and strain softening within a visco-plastic rheological framework. We use the landscape evolution model FastScape to simulate surface processes.

To understand which processes lead to the success or failure of a rift, we explore the role of strengthening and weakening processes. Our modelled strengthening processes comprise (1) lithospheric cooling, which enhances the strength of ductile domains via temperature-dependent viscosity, (2) gravitational potential energy gradients that impose a degree of compression outboard of high-elevation domains; and (3) fault healing, which strengthens frictionally weakened regions over time as a function of temperature. We also account for the following weakening processes: (1) frictional softening, which causes an increase in fault activity; (2) lithospheric necking, which thins and thereby heats the lithosphere beneath the rift centre; (3) erosion and sedimentation, as simulated by FastScape, which alters the distributions of surface loads in a way that increases fault longevity. Within the framework of these processes, we examine the effects of crustal thickness, extension rate, rheology, and friction angle, on the spatial and temporal occurrence of rift success and failure. To quantify the results, we analyse fault geometry and dynamics, as well as the forces required for continued extensional plate motion.

Preliminary results indicate the existence of a lower limit for the full extension velocity to achieve breakup. For models with typical continental lithosphere this limit is ~2 mm/yr. Lithosphere that is extending at a smaller velocity thins temporarily but strengthening mechanisms ultimately outweigh weakening processes resulting in relocalisation of deformation. Our analysis highlights the internal and external processes that influence rift systems at different evolutionary stages and provides criteria for understanding and predicting rift evolution.

How to cite: Neumann, T., Brune, S., Buiter, S., Neuharth, D., and Jackson, C.: Modelling of lithospheric weakening and strengthening processes and their impact on rift success and failure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10113,, 2025.

EGU25-10665 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

Geodynamic modelling of salt tectonics and translation speed at rifted continental margins 

Xuesong Ding, Zhichen Wang, Sascha Brune, Tim Dooley, Lorena Moscardelli, Derek Neuharth, Anne Glerum, Delphine Rouby, Naiara Fernandez, and Mike Hudec

Salt tectonics at rifted margins involve intricate interactions between weak, ductile evaporite layers and brittle sedimentary rocks. Fully coupled geodynamic and surface process modeling can provide new insights into the dynamic controls on salt tectonics. We adopt such a modeling tool (ASPECT + FastScape) to investigate the evolution of salt-detached systems on magma-poor rifted margins.  

Firstly, we investigate the controls on the temporal changes in the seaward translation velocity of salt and overlying sediments and the impacts of salt translation on the deformation of salt and overburden. Our modeling results indicate that translation velocities of salt and overburden first quickly increase to a peak value, controlled by highly nonlinear salt rheology, then slowly drop as the salt layer thins and welds. Thicker salt deposits generate higher peak translation velocities. Moreover, rapid salt translation creates wide, low-amplitude rollovers in the upslope extensional domain, irregularly spaced collapsed diapirs in the midslope domain, and complex diapir structures in the downslope contractional domain. Slow translation, on the other hand, produces regularly spaced salt pillows and diapirs in all domains. Asymmetric minibasins in translational and compressional domains interact with adjacent diapirs, forming strongly upturned and overturned strata. 

Secondly, we investigate the dominant controls on salt-detached systems at different stages of rifting. We test three scenarios in which salt deposition occurs at early (scenario 1), middle (scenario 2), and late (scenario 3) stage of rifting, respectively. In scenario 1, salt is subject to continued extension, is offset by basement faults, and is separated into disconnected subbasins. In scenarios 2 and 3, the initial salt basin is more extensive than in scenario 1. A large-scale shear zone develops within the salt layer, assisting seaward translation of salt. Salt diapirs form preferentially on the slope and in deep water. We also find that submarine sediment transport efficiency strongly affects the final salt tectonic architecture. Our models show that less efficient marine sediment diffusion results in larger base-salt relief and hence promotes salt diapirism and minibasin formation. 

How to cite: Ding, X., Wang, Z., Brune, S., Dooley, T., Moscardelli, L., Neuharth, D., Glerum, A., Rouby, D., Fernandez, N., and Hudec, M.: Geodynamic modelling of salt tectonics and translation speed at rifted continental margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10665,, 2025.

EGU25-10746 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Paleo-depth of hydrothermal venting along the Mid-Norwegian volcanic margin during Paleogene continental breakup 

Julie Tugend, Geoffroy Mohn, Nick, J. Kusznir, Sverre Planke, Christian Berndt, Dmitrii Zastrozhnov, and John, M. Millett

Volcanic rifted margins commonly form in association with the emplacement of Large Igneous Provinces. The intense associated volcanic activity coincides with shifts in the global carbon cycle and rapid climate change during several key geological periods and crises. The Mid-Norwegian and NE-Greenland conjugate rifted margins formed after late Paleocene to early Eocene continental breakup in association with the emplacement of the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP). The NAIP and early opening of the North Atlantic occurred contemporaneous to a rapid 5-6 °C global warming episode known as the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). The rapid global warming documented during the PETM is hypothesized to result from the release of thermogenic gases into the atmosphere through thousands of hydrothermal vents. The gases were generated by contact metamorphism of carbon-rich sediments during the extensive sill emplacement from the NAIP. The potential climatic impact of these hydrothermally released greenhouse gases is dependent on the water depth at which they were released. Unless it is released in a shallow marine environment most methane, known for its significantly greater global warming potential compared to carbon dioxide, will be oxidized and dissolved in the ocean before it reaches the atmosphere.

First results of IODP Expedition 396 conducted on the Mid-Norwegian volcanic margin have documented the shallow marine to potentially sub-aerial setting of at least one of the hydrothermal vents (i.e. Modgunn vent). However, a comprehensive regional assessment of the water depth at which hydrothermal venting occurred remains necessary to validate the overall impact on paleoclimate and the PETM. To do so, we apply 3D flexural-backstripping and decompaction to remove the loading effects of sedimentary sequences and determine the sediment-corrected bathymetry down to the top Palaeocene surface at which most of the vents are mapped. Reverse subsidence cannot be directly modelled without knowing the detailed distribution of syn- and post-rift thermal subsidence from Cretaceous and Paleocene rifting as well as any mantle plume dynamic uplift during NAIP emplacement. Because these tectonic and geodynamic components of subsidence cannot be deterministically predicted at the required accuracy, we use local palaeobathymetric constraints from seismic observations and drilled biostratigraphic data, combined with our flexural backstripping and decompaction results to calibrate palaeobathymetric variations of the Paleocene venting surface at the time of the PETM.

Our results predict that hydrothermal venting occurred within a range of palaeo-water depths showing the complex palaeo-structure of the top Paleocene surface. Key post-Paleocene tectonic influences such as a well-documented Miocene doming episode influence the margin history, and hence, at this location, our palaeobathymetric results represent shallowest estimates and must be interpreted with caution. However, most of the vents (>80%) restore to bathymetries shallower than 500 meters, i.e., in sub-aerial to shallow marine conditions. Our work aims to confirm and extend initial results of IODP Expedition 396 from the Modgunn vent. Shallow water-depth hydrothermal venting most likely occurred during magma-rich continental breakup and NAIP emplacement; a large part of the released hydrogenic gas could have directly contributed to the global warming recorded by the PETM. 

How to cite: Tugend, J., Mohn, G., Kusznir, N. J., Planke, S., Berndt, C., Zastrozhnov, D., and Millett, J. M.: Paleo-depth of hydrothermal venting along the Mid-Norwegian volcanic margin during Paleogene continental breakup, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10746,, 2025.

EGU25-11099 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

Tectonic Segmentation During Rifting of the Brazil Equatorial Margin 

Julia Fonseca, Cesar Ranero, Paola Vannucchi, David Iacopini, and Helenice Vital

The margins bounding the Equatorial Atlantic were formed during the Cretaceous due to the breakup of Gondwana. Rifting led to the development of sedimentary basins between West Africa and South America. We have used a grid of ~10,000 km of 2D seismic data to investigate the crustal structure along ~600 km of the NE Brazilian margin, containing the eastern Ceará and Potiguar Basins. The dataset is provided by the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum (ANP).

We have interpreted fault structure and sediment units and mapped key horizons (top synrift, top basement, and Moho), across the entire seismic grid to produce surface and thickness maps of the main units. The basement thickness, synrift thickness, and Moho structure maps revealed that the margin tectonic structure is divided into three main tectonic domains: the Southern, Central, and Northern segments. The Southern Segment is characterized by abrupt lateral basement thinning and steep faults forming a main fault system indicating strike-slip kinematics. In contrast, main extension in the Central and Northern Segments is associated with normal faulting kinematics. These two segments represent different styles of faulting because the focalization of the extensional deformation is decoupled and occurred farther outboard along the Central Segment. The Northern Segment displays a comparatively thinner basement and thicker synrift deposits across much of the margin, compared to the Central Segment. These differences appear to imply that crustal extension occurred at different rates.

The three segments are separated by tectonic boundaries defined in seismic images by abrupt lateral changes in basement structure. The main segments may also contain sub-segments where changes in structure are more subdued. The imaged segment boundaries form a consistent linear structure visible from under the continental shelf to the deep-water basin. Their geometry indicates the evolution over time of continental segmentation during rifting. Furthermore, the orientation of these boundaries is similar for all segments supporting that they approximately correspond to flow lines indicating the opening direction during rifting. Most segment boundaries during rifting spatially correlate with fracture zones on the oceanic plate, indicating a relationship between continental tectonic segmentation and oceanic magmatic segmentation. We propose that the tectonic segmentation of the margin appeared during Barremian-Aptian time as a lithospheric-scale response of the mode of deformation caused by a change in plate kinematics that imposed a change in opening direction.

How to cite: Fonseca, J., Ranero, C., Vannucchi, P., Iacopini, D., and Vital, H.: Tectonic Segmentation During Rifting of the Brazil Equatorial Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11099,, 2025.

EGU25-11717 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Structural Evolution of the Black Sea Basin Using 2D Sectioned and 3D Computational Models 

Armagan Kaykun and Russell Pysklywec

Recent hydrocarbon discoveries in the Black Sea Basin (BSB) rekindled debate on whether the basin rifted open as one east-west oriented basin, or as two separate basins named Eastern and Western Black Sea Basins. Supporting the two-basin idea is the semi-parallel ridge and depression geometry of the BSB with NW-SE orientation in the eastern portion of the Black Sea Basin, and W-E orientation in the western portion of the Black Sea Basin. On the other hand, interpretations for a single basin configuration are supported by the regional structure of the BSB being consistent with  geodynamic models of rifting of the basin by slab roll-back about a hinge point located on the eastern edge of the basin.

To help resolve the tectonic uncertainty, we built a new structural framework for the BSB by reinterpreting 24 long-offset 2D seismic lines acquired by GWL in 2011. This in turn allowed us to develop  two sectioned 2D computational models representing the western and eastern parts of the BSB to model the variation in the kinematics of the basin formation. Our interpretations of continuous normal, inverted, and strike slip fault systems that define the ridge and depression geometry lead us to support a model in which the BSB opened as a single basin. The 2D sectioned models were extended to 3D to test whether the rifting occurred with increasing velocities towards west. We compare our findings with the structural elements that we interpreted on the seismic sections such as strike slip fault systems that have been active throughout the basin formation and the tectonic inversion of the Late Eocene era. Ultimately, this provides better insight of the timing of all the tectonic events of the BSB during the extensional and subsequent compressional stages of the basin’s evolution.

How to cite: Kaykun, A. and Pysklywec, R.: Structural Evolution of the Black Sea Basin Using 2D Sectioned and 3D Computational Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11717,, 2025.

EGU25-12592 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Tectonic Architecture of the Equatorial Atlantic Margin: Insights from the Central Segment of Brazilian Counterpart 

Alanny Christiny Costa de Melo, David Lopes de Castro, and Diógenes Custódio Oliveira

The sedimentary basins of the Brazilian Equatorial Margin (BEM) are considered a key frontier for petroleum exploration. The BEM is characterized by transform tectonics, featuring oblique and divergent brittle structures occurring on the Foz do Amazonas, Pará-Maranhão, Barreirinhas, Ceará, and Potiguar basins. This tectonic pattern is also recognized in the West African marginal basins (Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Liberia), including those of Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana. The central sector of the BEM, where the divergent segments of the Pará-Maranhão Basin meet the transform segment of the Barreirinhas Basin. To better understand the tectonic framework, a comprehensive dataset, including seismic data, in addition to well data (gamma-ray, density, sonic profiles, checkshots, and biostratigraphy), was analyzed across 80,000 km². These data, reinterpreted considering modern understanding of the BEM evolution, provided insights into the structural and stratigraphic characteristics of the margin. The basins were classified based on the obliquity of their segments relative to the rift extension direction. This obliquity, defined by the angle between the transform faults and segment direction, was used to delineate four distinct crustal domains: the continental thinning domain, the hyper-extended continental domain, the mantle exhumation domain, and the oceanic domain. Each domain reflects different geological processes contributing to crustal evolution. The Pará-Maranhão divergent segment, which connects with the Barreirinhas transform segment, is oriented NW-SE with a 53° obliquity. This segment has a wider continental thinning domain due to its higher obliquity. The sequence of crustal thinning progresses from continental to oceanic, marked by normal faults, horsts, and grabens, indicating tectonic extension. The sedimentation in this region is mainly controlled by thermal and tectonic subsidence, with distinct rift (syn-rift), post-rift, and continental shelf sequences. Fault blocks rotate, creating listric faults and rollover systems that affect sedimentation. In contrast, the West Barreirinhas segment, which is aligned with the Romanche Fracture Zone, has a 0° obliquity. This transform margin features a narrow continental crust neck, with differential subsidence and steep post-rift slopes. Listric faults and large negative flower structures are characteristic of this segment. Overall, the variation in obliquity across the margin segments significantly influences the width of the crustal thinning domain, with higher obliquities resulting in wider thinning zones. The presence of thinned continental crust and exhumed mantle in the deep-water region, prior to the first occurrence of oceanic crust, is similar to the analysis of the African conjugate margin, which is associated with a hydrocarbon system based on Upper Cretaceous turbiditic sandstone reservoirs. The same potential reservoirs are also found in the Brazilian counterpart.

How to cite: Costa de Melo, A. C., de Castro, D. L., and Oliveira, D. C.: Tectonic Architecture of the Equatorial Atlantic Margin: Insights from the Central Segment of Brazilian Counterpart, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12592,, 2025.

EGU25-13337 | Orals | TS2.1

Basin modelling of the complex multi-rift system on Southern Vøring Margin : mechanisms and implications 

Mansour M. Abdelmalak, Jan Inge Faleide, Ivar Midtkandal, Anca Druga, Mauro Aldinucci, Dmitry Zastrozhnov, Filippos Tsikalas, and Sébastien Gac

Passive continental margins and sedimentary basins are key domains for understanding long-term geological processes driven by complex Earth dynamics, such as continental rifting, magmatism, and sub-lithospheric interactions. These processes shape regions and leave distinct, spatially variable imprints in the sedimentary record. Deciphering these records helps us understand the dynamic relationships between geological processes on passive margins and quantify the interplay among tectonic, magmatic, and sedimentary forces that influence basin architecture.

In this study, we model the thermal-kinematic history of the southern Vøring Basin, offshoreMid-Norway, along a regional 2-D transect, integrating basin- and lithosphere-scale processes through time-forward basin modeling and an automated inverse basin reconstruction approach. The results indicate that the evolution of the inner Vøring Margin can be explained by standard lithosphere extension models. However, these models fail to account for key observations at the outer volcanic province, such as regional uplift at breakup, excess magmatism, and higher geothermal gradients. These discrepancies suggest additional processes are involved. Excess magmatism and uplift may be linked to sub-lithospheric mantle processes, such as the arrival of the Icelandic mantle plume or small-scale convection. Melt retention in the asthenosphere, along with mantle phase transitions during extension, could enhance uplift.

The best-fit model must explain the following key observations at both the inner and outer margins: (1) observed stratigraphy and subsidence, (2) beta factors along the transect, (3) vitrinite reflectance, particularly the high %Ro values at the outer margin, (4) base Eocene paleobathymetry, with an emergent outer margin and structural highs, and (5) the interpreted magmatic underplate beneath the outer margin.

We test various tectono-thermal models that include or exclude these processes. Models incorporating a plume emplaced at Eocene time, accounting for magmatic processes like melt retention and underplating, successfully reproduce the observations at the outer volcanic margin. This supports the contribution of the hot Icelandic plume to the Vøring Margin's evolution.

How to cite: Abdelmalak, M. M., Faleide, J. I., Midtkandal, I., Druga, A., Aldinucci, M., Zastrozhnov, D., Tsikalas, F., and Gac, S.: Basin modelling of the complex multi-rift system on Southern Vøring Margin : mechanisms and implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13337,, 2025.

EGU25-13571 | Orals | TS2.1

Process interactions in continental rifts 

Sascha Brune

Continental rifts and rifted margins are governed by the complex interplay of a range of factors: thermo-mechanical processes control deformation at depth modulated by the emplacement of melt, while erosion and sedimentation reshape surface topography. Understanding the intricate links between geodynamic, magmatic and surface processes is essential to unravelling how rifts evolve, how they interact with the Earth system and under which conditions georesources are generated.

This presentation highlights latest technical advances and insights into the interaction of rift processes. It uses a recently established framework in which the open-source geodynamic software ASPECT is bi-directionally coupled to the landscape evolution code FastScape. This approach captures the dynamic interaction between faulting, surface loading, isostasy, rift-shoulder erosion and intra-basin sedimentation from rift initiation to rifted margin formation. In addition, dikes are incorporated via a one-way coupling scheme using two approaches: (1) a post-processing technique that infers potential diking pathways based on the modelled tectonic stress field, or (2) via user-defined input where dikes are represented as thin vertical domains with prescribed horizontal dilation.

These models reproduce the common finding that melts often rise sub-vertically to the surface in the form of dikes. However, compressional domains associated with block rotation are surprisingly common features in our models that result in the deflection of ascending melt. This process could explain the formation of sills in sedimentary basins and basement rocks, as well as the horizontal offset between melting zones in crust and mantle: features observed in several magmatic rifts. Our models suggest a complex interaction between diking, faulting, and sedimentation, which are compared to selected regions in the eastern branch of the East African Rift. These results illustrate how advances in numerical modelling techniques, combined with multidisciplinary field data can lead to new insights into the process interactions that control the structure and evolution of individual rift segments.

How to cite: Brune, S.: Process interactions in continental rifts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13571,, 2025.

EGU25-13989 | Orals | TS2.1

A basin-to-plate deformable plate framework to capture the multi-phase rifting of the Northeast Atlantic 

Grace E. Shephard, Mansour M. Abdelmalak, Jan Inge Faleide, Edward Clennett, Sebastien Gac, Sabin Zahirovic, Peter Haas, Carmen Gaina, and Trond H. Torsvik

The Northeast Atlantic is a key region where advances in plate tectonics have been developed, tested, and refined. Final breakup and the onset of seafloor spreading started around magnetic Chron C24n (~55 Ma; earliest Eocene). However, prior to breakup, the Northeast Atlantic’s margins underwent at least four discrete phases of lithospheric-scale rifting and basin formation, extending back to mid-Permian times (ca. 264 Ma) following the Caledonian orogeny. The total amounts of extension are in the order of several hundred kilometers and therefore relevant to implement in regional and global plate tectonic reconstructions. Recently, deformable plate models using the GPlates software have emerged as a tool to capture such non-rigid domains. However, deformable models to-date have been largely constructed in an overall rigid plate framework, applying pre-existing Euler rotations from the surrounding plates to the intervening rift. Here we detail why, and how, a basin-to-plate scale approach should be considered in future regional and global refinements of deforming reconstructions, using the multi-phase Northeast Atlantic rifting as a focus site.

            We place basin-scale observations based on extensive seismic, stratigraphic and geophysical interpretations for the Norwegian margin and its Greenland conjugate (Abdelmalak et al. 2023) into new digital plate tectonic model (Shephard et al., in review). Central to our methodology is identification and restoration of rift basin hinges, and accounting for their along-margin variability. In this presentation we will detail the timing, location, amount and direction of extension across four discrete rift phases and their associated time-dependent rotations. A conjugate profile from the Foster and Northern Vøring margins (totalling 282 km of extension at average rates ranging between 0.13-0.58 cm/yr during rifting) yields the best fit accounting for along-margin heterogeneity whilst retaining the overall rigid framework requirements. We compare our results to previous regional models, including Barnett-Moore et al. (2018) and Müller et al (2019), and showcase some of the GPlates scalar field functionality including crustal stretching and tectonic subsidence. Finally, we have also developed an external routine for a backward-restored crustal thickness workflow which successively restores present-day thickness in conjunction with our deformable model.

How to cite: Shephard, G. E., Abdelmalak, M. M., Faleide, J. I., Clennett, E., Gac, S., Zahirovic, S., Haas, P., Gaina, C., and Torsvik, T. H.: A basin-to-plate deformable plate framework to capture the multi-phase rifting of the Northeast Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13989,, 2025.

EGU25-14609 | Orals | TS2.1

Magma-poor To Volcanic Margins: New Models 

Luc Lavier

We use a newly developed model formulation to explore the potential structural evolution of a spectrum of margins from Volcanic to Magma-poor. We assume that the melt is incompressible, and we simulate melt migration as magmatic intrusions and volcanic extrusions as volume change and stress change in the brittle and ductile crust. We also model heat transfer generated by melt migration, latent heat of recrystallization, melt production and hydrothermal circulation.

Based on our simulation and observations of passive margins, we propose models for the formation of volcanic and magma-poor margins. While magma-poor margins evolution follows well-known stages, we show that volcanic margins represent a wide spectrum of behavior from purely accretionary and volcanic to mixed extensional and volcanic. The nature and extent of seaward dipping reflectors (SDRs), the crustal composition and structure, the subsidence of the margins vary as a function of the mantle potential temperature in the asthenosphere and the initial geothermal signature of the lithosphere.

We can resume our main findings which diverge strongly from existing models for volcanic margins: (1) For mantle potential temperatures (Tp) greater than 1400oC, we find that volcanic margins form through the accretion of intrusive magmatic and extrusive volcanic product of melt production in the asthenosphere. This system forms an accretionary center of thickness and width increasing with Tp. On both side of the accretionary axis, two symmetrical SDRs basins form. Subsidence of these basins increase with decreasing Tp. Increasing subsidence generated by far field extension leads to an increase in clastic sedimentation and controls SDRs composition. Decreasing Tp and increased subsidence leads to the formation of clastic rich SDRs while increasing Tp and decreased subsidence leads to formation of mainly volcanic/mafic SDRs. (2) The exhaustion of melt production leads to ridge jumps and the formation of eccentric accretionary center. When subsidence is more pronounced for a lower Tp we simulate periods of uplift and subsidence correlated with periods of higher and subdued melt production, respectively. This process may result in cyclical periods of mafic followed by clastic sedimentation. (3) For Tp lower than 1400oC, intermediate margins form with both volcanic and extensional processes occurring concurrently. This processes eventually lead to the asymmetric propagation of volcanic centers which may lead to seafloor spreading.

How to cite: Lavier, L.: Magma-poor To Volcanic Margins: New Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14609,, 2025.

EGU25-14789 | Orals | TS2.1

Evolution of Quadruple Junction: Example from Afro-Arabia plate boundary 

Thamer Aldaajani, Balazs Attila, Taras Gerya, Philip Ball, Khalid Almalki, and Essam Abd El-Motaal

A quadruple junction is a distinctive phenomenon in plate tectonics characterized by the convergence of four tectonic plate boundaries at a single geographic location. While such occurrences are infrequent within the realm of plate tectonics, they provide a valuable opportunity to explore the processes involved in the evolution of the solid Earth. In this context, we examine the Afro-Arabia plate boundary as a pertinent example of a quadruple junction. The establishment of the Makkah Madinah Transform Zone (MMTZ) as a significant tectonic boundary has profoundly influenced the geological framework of western Arabia, offering a fresh perspective on the geodynamics of the broader Red Sea area, particularly with the advent of the central Red Sea triple junction. The MMTZ is estimated to have an age ranging from 27 to 30 million years, inferred from the configuration of plate boundaries surrounding the southern Red Sea, Sirhan, eastern Mediterranean, and the Zagros orogenic zone. In our reconstruction of the Red Sea, we apply a rotation of 6.7 degrees for Arabia relative to Africa, utilizing the topographic alignment of both rift flanks to facilitate basin closure. We establish a connection between the MMTZ plate boundary and the Ader Ribad depression in Sudan, grounded in both spatial and temporal analyses. Chronological investigations of the Ader Ribad depression indicate an exhumation event occurring approximately 31 million years ago, coinciding with the timeline of the MMTZ. The coexistence of these two plate boundaries exemplifies a unique tectonic scenario of a quadruple junction. We present reconstructions of the Afro-Arabia plate and 3D thermo-mechanical numerical models with the code I3ELVIS of the Afro-Arabia plate boundary to substantiate our hypothesis. The code implements a marker-in-cell approach with finite differences  method. The model consists of upper and lower continental crust, lithospheric and sublithospheric mantle until 220 km depth. Multi-directional extension is simulated by imposing variable divergence velocities on the right and rear model sides. Extensional and transtensional deformation is initially localized along implemented rheological and thermal weaknesses.

How to cite: Aldaajani, T., Attila, B., Gerya, T., Ball, P., Almalki, K., and Abd El-Motaal, E.: Evolution of Quadruple Junction: Example from Afro-Arabia plate boundary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14789,, 2025.

EGU25-15767 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Constraining Exhumation and Rift Evolution in the Vosges and Black Forest Using Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronology 

Fabian Christopher Dremel, Nicolas Villamizar-Escalante, Bianca Heberer, Lea Schönleber, Bjarne Friedrichs, Jörg Robl, and Christoph von Hagke

Within Central Europe, remnants of the Variscan orogeny are found today at elevations exceeding 1000 m. Among these remnants are the Black Forest and Vosges Mountains that are separated by the N-NE-oriented Upper Rhine Graben. Subsidence of the Upper Rhine Graben began during the Eocene and was accompanied by the uplift of Variscan basement, which is now exposed in the Vosges Mountains and Black Forest at the western and eastern rift flanks, respectively. Overlying Mesozoic sediments have been extensively eroded, exposing the Variscan bedrock and confining the younger sediments to isolated, higher-elevation areas. The unloading of the lithosphere due to the erosion of 2 km of sediments amplifies the uplift due to flexural isostatic adjustment.

The Black Forest has been the focus of several low-temperature thermochronology studies, including zircon and apatite fission track analyses as well as apatite (U-Th)/He dating. In contrast, the Vosges Mountains have received significantly less attention, with no published apatite (U-Th)/He ages available. Results from previous fission track studies suggest a complex thermal history for the region, including a transient heating episode during the initial rifting phase, as well as recent hydrothermal events that have influenced the thermochronological measurements. However, the total amount of exhumation and the timing and extent of rock uplift remain so far unconstrained.

In this study, we aim to further constrain the thermal evolution of the region using more than 30 new apatite (U-Th)/He ages from two E-W profiles across the Upper Rhine Graben and its rift flanks. Samples were collected from outcrops previously dated using apatite fission tracks or, where unavailable, along new horizontal and vertical profiles. The southern profile spans the highest peaks, connecting the eastern edge of the Black Forest with the western edge of the Vosges Mountains. The second profile is located along the northern borders of the two mountain ranges.

How to cite: Dremel, F. C., Villamizar-Escalante, N., Heberer, B., Schönleber, L., Friedrichs, B., Robl, J., and von Hagke, C.: Constraining Exhumation and Rift Evolution in the Vosges and Black Forest Using Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15767,, 2025.

EGU25-15994 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

Deconvoluted evolution of the intra-plate Rhine Graben during the Cenozoic 

Camille Ourliac, Catherine Homberg, Justine Briais, Cécile Allanic, Sylvie Schueller, Anne Verlaguet, and Agathe Faure

The European Cenozoic Rift Intraplate System (ECRIS) is a deep crustal discontinuity. On the surface, its longest segment, the Rhine Basin, is a large scale asymmetric rift that has been largely studied by sedimentary and tectonic inquiries for its oil and geothermal potential. However, the mechanism behind its development is still under discussion. Different scenarios co-exist, among them an East-West Oligocene extension of unknown origin (Bergerat, 1985), a transtensive opening, associated with a North-South compression linked to the Pyrenean orogeny (Bourgeois et al., 2007) and an opening caused by the alpine slap pull (Merle and Michon, 2001).

This study focuses on the reinterpretation of 1500km of seismic lines and 330 boreholes in the Rhine Graben French part. Four evolutive isochrones and structural maps are proposed, showing the evolution of the fault activity and sedimentary deposition during the Cenozoic. They have been constructed through a seismic stratigraphy analysis that allowed to map five stratigraphic interpolated horizons within the Cenozoic sedimentary pile, including a newly interpolated intra-Chattian horizon. Furthermore, the 3D fault networks active during each period have been constructed, sorting the faults regarding their periods of activity and correlating their expression from one seismic profile to another, including their geometry, their measured throw values, and impact on the sedimentary filling of the Graben.

The first isochrone/structural map extends from the Lutetian to the end of Priabonian (Eocene), lasting 10Ma. It displays a North-South succession of small basins constrained by NS to N40° faults, except in the Erstein transfer zone, where a N70° Variscan suture marks the bedrock. Here, faults adopt a N150° trend. The major West border faults are segmented, alternating with onlap zones.

The second map is of Rupelian (Oligocene) age, lasting 2.9Ma. It displays three larger basins, the Strasbourg, Selestat and the Dannemarie basins, separated by EW thresholds of lower subsidence. In those basins, the three time faster subsidence indicate the climax of the rifting. Interestingly, intra-basin active faults are less numerous during this step and are only reactivated faults from the first step.

The third map points to a transition phase of Rupelian-Chattian age (Oligocene) lasting 4.4Ma. It is characterized by a global slowing down of the subsidence and the tectonic activity except for a small basin at the North-Eastern limit of our study area, constrained by a N10 fault.

The last map is of Chattian to Late Miocene age, lasting 21.1Ma. It is characterized by a new high subsidence in the North, lasting from Chattian to mid-Miocene, but also by the re-activation of the former faults and the development of newly formed normal or transtensive faults. This extensive event is followed by a transtpressive event (supposedly Late Miocene) illustrated by faults-flanked anticlines structures, interpreted as positive flower structures linked to the Alpine orogeny.

This study points to the complex structure of the Rhine basin, involving several sub-basins and fault kinematics evolving in space and time, and the major role of deep structural inheritances in governing the graben asymmetry and fault expression in the sedimentary cover.

How to cite: Ourliac, C., Homberg, C., Briais, J., Allanic, C., Schueller, S., Verlaguet, A., and Faure, A.: Deconvoluted evolution of the intra-plate Rhine Graben during the Cenozoic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15994,, 2025.

EGU25-16095 | Orals | TS2.1

Migration of deformation, basin subsidence, magmatism in extensional basins: comparative constraints from numerical models and observations (Pannonian Basin) 

László Fodor, Attila Balázs, Éva Oravecz, Szabolcs Harangi, Sierd A.P.L. Cloetingh, Taras Gerya, and Réka Lukács

Numerical models are essential tools for investigating a variety of Earth phenomena, providing insights into the role of different surface to deep Earth processes. As with many laboratory approaches the effectiveness of the models can be assessed by comparing their results with natural case studies of the same phenomenon, which helps to constrain the large number of model parameters.

This presentation will take the example of the Pannonian Basin system having been formed within the Alpine–Carpathian–Dinaric orogenic belt, where geological data are abundant, and the temporal resolution of basin evolution including magmatic events are very good and in the range of the numerical modelling results.

We used 3D coupled thermo-mechanical and surface processes numerical models (I3ELVIS-FDSPM code) to simulate continental rifting and to shed light on the temporal evolution of the entire rift system. Namely, the extensional deformation starts than migrates from the (western) basin margins, from inherited lithospheric weakness zones towards the basin centre, but an early jump from the western margin toward the opposite basin part is also present in some experiments. This is followed by a second jump of basin formation toward the basin centre, between the first and second generations of basins. This is in good agreement with the compilation of the ages for the onset of basin subsidence and migration of activity of some major bounding faults including low-angle detachments of metamorphic core complexes. This migration is driven and supported by mantle flow and asthenospheric upwelling, eventually affected by thermal relaxation. Based on detailed geological and geophysical mapping, we point out the role of inherited weakness zone(s) – mostly former suture zones – within the crust and mantle lithosphere. Consequences are contrasting subsidence and uplift patterns and a variable heat flow evolution in different sub-basins.

The migration of basin formation shows remarkably similar migration of the magmatic activity. This started with granodioritic–dacitic products around 18.6 Ma along the western basin margin, then jumped toward the opposite basin part around 17.3–16.8 Ma and stepped back toward the basin centre around 15.3 Ma with a change toward andesitic volcanism. Geochemical characteristics indicate increasing mantle component in the melts during the continuing extension until ca. 14.4 Ma. The magma generation in the lower crust and mantle (by decompressional melting) is predicted by numerical models.

The evolution of basin formation and magmatism between ~14.9 and ~11.5 Ma is marked by the migration from the basin centre toward the eastern margin and is probably due to subduction roll-back, steepening of the slab and its detachment. This process is combined with self-consistent evolution of mantle processes deriving from the rifting of the overriding lithosphere.

The research was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office project number K134873 granted to László Fodor and no. 145905 granted to Réka Lukács and MTA–HUN-REN CSFK Lendület "Momentum" PannonianVolcano Research Group

How to cite: Fodor, L., Balázs, A., Oravecz, É., Harangi, S., Cloetingh, S. A. P. L., Gerya, T., and Lukács, R.: Migration of deformation, basin subsidence, magmatism in extensional basins: comparative constraints from numerical models and observations (Pannonian Basin), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16095,, 2025.

EGU25-16548 | Orals | TS2.1

Rifting and Breakup during Marginal Sea Basin formation: Differences from Atlantic-type margins 

Geoffroy Mohn, Jean-Claude Ringenbach, Julie Tugend, Etienne Legeay, Nick Kusznir, William Vetel, and François Sapin

The rifting and continental breakup styles of Marginal Sea Basins is illustrated by well-constrained Western Pacific examples consisting of the South China Sea (SCS), the Coral Sea (CS) and the Woodlark Basin. In these examples, rifting directly followed an orogenic event which provided a strong thermal and structural inheritance as initial conditions to their formation. In the SCS and the CS especially, the rifting style is characterized by wide rifting forming a succession of sub-basins with thin continental crust, controlled by low-angle normal faults. The formation and development of extensional faults are enhanced by the reactivation of former thrust faults.

The final stages of rifting and continental breakup are contemporaneous with significant magmatic activity in the distalmost part of these margins with the emplacement of volcanoes, dykes and sills. Continent-Ocean transitions (COTs) are characterized by a sharp juxtaposition of the continental crust against igneous oceanic crust suggesting that a rapid shift from rifting to magmatic spreading occurred. High extension rates prevent conductive cooling allowing the focusing of volcanic activity into sharp COTs, quickly evolving to oceanic magmatic accretion.

The rifting style and mode of continental breakup during the formation of Marginal Sea Basins and their margins differs significantly from that of Atlantic-type margins. In the latter, these differences are influenced by transient high mantle temperatures, which lead to thick magmatic crust (i.e. magma-rich margins), or low-extension rates and mantle depletion, which result in subcontinental mantle exhumation (i.e. magma-poor margins). The evolution of Marginal Seas Basins is also controlled by the initial rheological conditions inherited from the previous orogenic event, where a combination of elevated geothermal gradients and rapid extension rates are driven by kinematic boundary conditions. These conditions are influenced by the presence of nearby subduction zones.

How to cite: Mohn, G., Ringenbach, J.-C., Tugend, J., Legeay, E., Kusznir, N., Vetel, W., and Sapin, F.: Rifting and Breakup during Marginal Sea Basin formation: Differences from Atlantic-type margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16548,, 2025.

EGU25-16706 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1

Decoding rheological controls on rifting and continental break-up 

Sandrine Ritter, Attila Balázs, and Taras Gerya

Normal faults and extensional detachments, their formation and migration are coupled to the formation of rifted margins, eventually leading to crustal break-up and the birth of new oceanic plates. Where and how this process occurs depends on the composition of the lithospheric layers and thus on different aspects of crustal and mantle elastic, plastic and viscous rheology. Among such indicators, the role of the shear modulus of the various lithospheric layers and thermal expansion, i.e. the relation between temperature related volume changes are not well understood. The latter, together with compressibility (i.e. the relative volume change due to pressure change), becomes particularly important during coseismic slip events, when the rock undergoes a sudden change in temperature and pressure. The influence of such parameters, under the assumption of elasticity, on continental break-up and subsequent formation of oceanic crust leading to a fully developed spreading center is still not well understood and requires further investigation.

 In our study, we aim to better understand the influence of different rheological parameters (such as shear modulus, compressibility or thermal expansion), assuming a visco-elastic-plastic rheology. A particular interest lies in the contribution of elastic, plastic and viscous deformation during break up and rifting. For this purpose, we perform a series of high-resolution pseudo-2D models (i.e., models based on a fully 3D code with a shortened third dimension) based on the petrological-thermomechanical model code i3ELVIS. These models include elasto-visco-plastic rheology with strain weakening, partial mantle melting, oceanic crustal growth, thermal contraction, and mantle grain size evolution.

How to cite: Ritter, S., Balázs, A., and Gerya, T.: Decoding rheological controls on rifting and continental break-up, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16706,, 2025.

EGU25-17309 | Orals | TS2.1

The Central High Atlas Jurassic diapiric province (Morocco): a field analogue for salt rift basins preceding continental break-up 

Mar Moragas, Eduard Saura, Juan Diego Martín-Martín, Jaume Vergés, Philippe Razin, Carine Grélaud, Gregoire Messager, and David Hunt

Continental passive margins are often defined by early salt-related rift systems buried beneath thick sedimentary successions, with structural and sedimentary architectures only directly observable when inverted in orogenic systems where primary salt structures are overprinted by compression. The Central High Atlas diapiric province (Morocco) is an inverted salt-related rift basin with active salt tectonics since early Mesozoic times that provides an exceptional view of early syn-rift sediments and structure. For the first time, regional balanced and restored cross-sections of the Central High Atlas showing the diapiric nature of the basin and the role of salt tectonics during its evolution are presented. The constructed cross-sections across the Central High Atlas include seven salt walls and six intervening elongated minibasins with associated halokinetic depositional sequences, providing evidence of diachronous diapiric growth from Early Jurassic to Cenozoic times. Several of these diapirs bifurcate or amalgamate along strike, so the number of major structures varies laterally. The comparison of the restored and balanced cross-sections allows estimating a shortening of about 38 km, 21 km accumulated in the Atlassic fold and thrust belt frontal domains, and 17 within the Jurassic rift basin.

During the Early Jurassic rifting, shallow water carbonate platforms nucleated both along the margins of the High Atlas Basin and around most salt walls (i.e., highs) within the basin, while intervening minibasins underwent higher subsidence rates and were filled with deeper-water limestones and marls. Subsequently, a longitudinal mixed clastic carbonate deltaic system prograded eastwards filling the minibasins between the long rising salt walls. During this stage, shallow marine shoals and reef patches developed attached to the diapiric walls, evidencing continuous diapir rise.

Throughout the whole rift basin, where local diapir uplift rate is similar to regional subsidence rate, shallow deposition environments or even local subaerial conditions occurred. Thus, platform development was enhanced and karstic processes could develop around salt structures in central parts of the basin. The lessons learnt in the Central High Atlas serve as a valuable analog and provide insights for understanding the early stages of rifting, salt tectonics, and the subsequent evolution of passive margins on a worldwide scale.

How to cite: Moragas, M., Saura, E., Martín-Martín, J. D., Vergés, J., Razin, P., Grélaud, C., Messager, G., and Hunt, D.: The Central High Atlas Jurassic diapiric province (Morocco): a field analogue for salt rift basins preceding continental break-up, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17309,, 2025.

EGU25-17748 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Magmatic evolution of Paranja-Etendeka related mafic intrusive rocks in Western Namibia - impact on lithosphere heating and weakening? 

Jörg A. Pfänder, Philipp Holaschke, Andreas Klügel, Joachim Krause, Stefan Jung, and Thorsten Nagel

Countless studies have been conducted in order to determine the magmatic evolution and genetic heritage of extrusive magmatic rocks associated to continental intraplate magmatism, which in case of large igneous provinces (LIPs) is frequently linked to mantle plumes associated to continental breakup and rifting. By contrast, less attention is paid to the plumbing systems of LIPs, to magma transport, storage and differentiation en route to the surface, and to the volume and composition of the plutonic portion of intraplate magmatism. Studying the origin and magmatic evolution of LIP related plutonic rocks as counterparts of more evolved extrusive series, however, provides crucial knowledge about their volume and heat budget and will have direct implications on estimates about lithospheric strength.

Here we present mineral and whole-rock geochemical and petrological data from different types of gabbros from Western Namibia which are thought to represent a deeper crustal section of a plumbing system that fed the Paranja-Etendeka LIP ~132 Ma ago. Magmatism at this time broadly coincides with Gondwana breakup and opening of the South Atlantic. Intense differentiation and cooling of larger volumes of primary mafic magmas within the lithosphere and crust might have reduced lithospheric strength and thus might have supported or even triggered continental breakup.

Major- and trace element systematics and thermodynamic modelling suggest that the gabbro parental magma developed from a tholeiitic picritic melt with up to 18wt% MgO by >10% olivine fractionation. The picritic primary magma was formed by ~14% partial mantle melting. Liquidus temperatures have been as high as ~1525°C (3 GPa) and mantle potential temperatures in the order of 1455-1470°C, significantly higher than estimates for the convecting mantle (1280-1340°C; McKenzie & Bickle, 1988) but consistent with estimates assigned to the Tristan mantle plume head upon impacting the Gondwana lithosphere (Gibson et al., 2005). Clinopyroxene trace element data reveal that the REE concentration variation between the gabbro parental magmas was nearly an order of magnitude, inconsistent with gabbro formation by pure fractional crystallization from a common magma, but in support of substantial assimilation of Pan-African continental crust accompanied by high crystallization rates. These observations imply intense heat exchange between the plumbing system and ambient lithosphere, which possibly led to marked local heating and lithosphere weakening.

McKenzie, D., Bickle, M.J., 1988, The volume and composition of melt generated by extension of the lithosphere, J. Petrol., 29, 625-679.

Gibson, S.A., Thompson, R.N., Day, J.A., Humphries, S.E., Dickin, A.P., 2005, Melt-generation processes associated with the Tristan mantle plume: Constraints on the origin of EM-1.

How to cite: Pfänder, J. A., Holaschke, P., Klügel, A., Krause, J., Jung, S., and Nagel, T.: Magmatic evolution of Paranja-Etendeka related mafic intrusive rocks in Western Namibia - impact on lithosphere heating and weakening?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17748,, 2025.

EGU25-17843 | Orals | TS2.1

Physically-consistent magma pathways in continental rifts 

Eleonora Rivalta

Magmatism and volcanism are fundamental components of all tectonic environments on Earth, and play a particularly crucial role in the evolution of magma-assisted continental rifting. Magmatism alters the rheological behaviour of the lithosphere by building networks of intrusions, thereby modifying how plates accommodate tectonic extension. The geochemical footprint of the eruptive products is affected by both the architecture of magma ascent pathways and by the timescales of magma storage and ascent. Volcanism, the surface manifestation of magmatism, results in the construction of large volcanic edifices or distributed volcanic fields. Volcanism is observed to shift during the lifetime of rift systems, eventually focusing on the rift axis in mature rifts. Surface eruptive vents are fed through complex magma plumbing systems, which we can observe through geophysical imaging. 

Geodynamic modelling of the temporal evolution of lithospheric rheology and the magma evolution during ascent and storage demand for physics-based models of ascent pathways that incorporate the time scale of ascent and conditions for arrest. Such physics-based models would help better constrain the parameters of geodynamic codes by providing the tools to compare predicted magma pathways, magma evolution and distribution of volcanism with geological, geophysical and geochemical observations. However, this poses a challenge in linking the ductile deformation of the lithosphere and diking, which occur over vastly different spatial and temporal scales. The stress field has the dominant control on dike pathways and velocity: dikes open perpendicular to the axis of least compression to minimize work against the elastic stress field. Thus, an accurately calibrated stress field is fundamental for physically-consistent magma pathways. The stress field in the lithosphere evolves due to changing far-field stresses, new magmatic intrusions, growing surface loads, formation of basins, erosion and sedimentation; how can these be properly incorporated in geodynamic models? What rules do dikes follow when they propagate in a stressed medium? In this talk, I will present an evaluation of the dominant factors affecting the stress field, and propose guidelines for a physically consistent incorporation of magma pathways in geodynamic models.

How to cite: Rivalta, E.: Physically-consistent magma pathways in continental rifts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17843,, 2025.

EGU25-18056 | Posters on site | TS2.1

Crustal asymmetries within the Corinth and North Evia Gulf rifts (Greece): Moho depth variations and structural inheritances 

Frank Chanier, Fabien Caroir, and Christel Tiberi

The Hellenides in Continental Greece is a tertiary alpine belt with complex tectonic units distributed into two major crustal domains: the External Zones and the Internal Zones, whose geological histories diverged mainly during the late Jurassic, when the internal zones got loaded by the emplacement of large ophiolitic nappes. The Frontal Thrust of the Internal Zones, later partly reactivated as the Main Pelagonian Detachment, marks the boundary between these two major tectonic domains. Since the Miocene, the entire Greek territory has been affected by back-arc extension associated with the southward slab roll-back of the Ionian subduction (Africa Plate). This extension has led to the exhumation of core-complexes and by the formation of numerous extensional basins in the Aegean Sea and two major rifts on mainland Greece: the Corinth Rift from about 4 Ma, and the Sperchios – North Evia Gulf Rift considered to open since 3.5 Ma. The first one is located within the External Zones, while the later developed mainly within the Internal Zones. The Corinth Rift has been extensively studied through various techniques and datasets, whereas the Sperchios – Northern Evia Gulf Rift has been less well-investigated.

We present new crustal cross-sections through the Sperchios – North Evia Gulf Rift interpreted from the analysis of recently acquired seismic data and from filed-based tectonic analysis. These sections reveal (1) the location and variability of major normal faults, and associated depocenters, and (2) the presence of a magmatic chamber in the eastern part of the rift. On the basis of existing data and on new data from receiver functions, we propose an improved version of the Moho depth map in this area. This updated map shows significant latitudinal asymmetries within the rifts, along with longitudinal asymmetries across the entire region. We propose two new Moho depth cross-sections to account for these depth variations and asymmetries: one through the western parts of the rifts and another through the eastern portions. In the west, our results show crustal thickening beneath the western domains of both rifts and crustal thinning beneath some particular zones of the Hellenides, particularly beneath the highly elevated Parnassus zone. To the east, the crustal configuration differs, with a shallower Moho beneath the rifts and a slight crustal thickening between them, under the Kifissos Basin. Furthermore, within the Sperchios – North Evia Gulf Rift, depocenters and major faults are not localized along the same rift boundary. To the west, deformation is largely controlled by faults forming the southern boundary of the rift, whereas in the east, major faults and associated depocenters are located along the northern boundary. We propose that the crustal thickening and thinning observed are related to the presence of deep detachments beneath the Corinth Rift and the western part of the Sperchios – North Evia Gulf Rift, including the Main Pelagonian Detachment that seems particularly important to constrain the present crustal geometries.

How to cite: Chanier, F., Caroir, F., and Tiberi, C.: Crustal asymmetries within the Corinth and North Evia Gulf rifts (Greece): Moho depth variations and structural inheritances, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18056,, 2025.

EGU25-18237 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1

Unexpected post-breakup altitude of the distal continental margin of the Demerara Plateau (French Guiana): New constraints from LA-ICP-MS U-Pb calcite dating 

Charline Coudun, Dorian Bienveignant, Christophe Basile, Igor Girault, Fabienne Giraud, Adrien Vezinet, Lies Loncke, David Graindorge, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Julien Léger, Alessandro Menini, and Arnauld Heuret

The Demerara Plateau is a submarine bathymetric high, 230 km-long and 170 km-wide, lying between 1000 and 3000 m-depth, and located north of French Guiana and Suriname shelves. On its northeastern border, the Bastille Plateau is a 16 km-long, 9 km-wide relief, at the intersection of the Cretaceous transform and divergent margins of the Demerara Plateau. It represents a crucial witness for understanding the early stages of the Equatorial Atlantic opening. Seismic profiles from GUYAPLACa (2003) and MARGATSb (2016) cruises reveal that the Bastille Plateau is a continentward tilted block with a planar top surface culminating at bathymetric depths of 3650 m, 15 km from the continent-ocean boundary. In 2016, the DRADEMc cruise dredged the rocks outcropping along the northern slope of the Bastille Plateau, retrieving mostly trachy-basalts and a single rudstone sample. During the DIADEMd campaign (2023), a dredge on the southern slope and two Nautile submarine dives confirmed that the Bastille Plateau was almost entirely made up of magmatic material. Three pelagic carbonates were sampled during one Nautile dive and came directly from the top of the Bastille Plateau, between 3745 m and 3685 m-depth.

We combine petrology with absolute U-Pb dating on calcite for the rudstone, and biostratigraphic dating of the pelagic carbonates deposited at the top of the Bastille Plateau to constrain the chronology of the rifting of the Equatorial Atlantic along the Demerara Plateau. We interpret the rudstone as deposited on a subaerial unconformity surface, similar in seismic lines to the post-rift unconformity. U-Pb analyses on calcite date this post-rift unconformity as Mid-Albian and constrain a continental break-up at 106 ± 9 Ma. Unexpectedly, post-rift subsidence did not follow the break-up, with marine transgression occurring circa 103 Ma on the Demerara Plateau, but later than 98 ± 3 Ma on the Bastille Plateau, closer to the continent-ocean boundary, possibly in relation with the vicinity of the Sierra Leone hotspot. Biostratigraphic ages indicate that subsidence was rapid from the Cenomanian onward, resulting in the early establishment of a deep-sea current acceleration zone along the outer margin of the Demerara Plateau.





How to cite: Coudun, C., Bienveignant, D., Basile, C., Girault, I., Giraud, F., Vezinet, A., Loncke, L., Graindorge, D., Klingelhoefer, F., Léger, J., Menini, A., and Heuret, A.: Unexpected post-breakup altitude of the distal continental margin of the Demerara Plateau (French Guiana): New constraints from LA-ICP-MS U-Pb calcite dating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18237,, 2025.

EGU25-431 | ECS | Orals | TS2.3

Unveiling Crustal Dynamics and Thermal Structure in the Krishna-Godavari offshore Basin using Seismic, Magnetic, and Gravity Data 

Saif Ali Khan, Jensen Jacob, Maria Ana Desa, and Richards Nelson

The Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) is a passive, magma-poor margin that formed during India’s separation from Antarctica in the Early Cretaceous period. The margin extends for approximately 2000 kilometres from the Cauvery Basin in the south to the Mahanadi Basin in the north, encompassing multiple river-fed sedimentary basins, including the Bengal, Mahanadi, Krishna–Godavari, Palar, and Cauvery basins. Geophysical methods, such as seismic, gravity, and magnetic surveys, have been instrumental in analysing the ECMI's nature and evolution. While detailed multichannel seismic imaging, particularly along the ION1000 profile in the Krishna-Godavari offshore basin, has enhanced our understanding of ECMI’s crustal structure, significant gaps remain in comprehending its rift architecture in relation to the surrounding geology. Additionally, critical thermal characteristics, such as Curie point depths and heat flow patterns have not been investigated in the ECMI till date.

In this study, we utilized magnetic, gravity, and multichannel seismic data to investigate the rifting processes, subsurface structure, and thermal characteristics of the Krishna-Godavari offshore basin and surrounding areas. In addition to reinterpreting the ION1000 profile, we conducted a thorough analysis along the ION1200 and ION1240 profiles using both qualitative and quantitative methods. This allowed us to refine the structural framework of the region. Radially averaged spectral analysis of magnetic data was used to estimate Curie depths, from which heat flow values were derived, providing insight into the geothermal framework of the margin. Gravity data analysis enabled us to estimate Moho depths through non-linear inversion, giving a more precise configuration of the crust-mantle boundary.

Qualitative analysis of the ION1200 and ION1240 profiles helped us to identify structural domains associated with rifting processes, while quantitative analysis revealed the patterns of tectonic subsidence and depth anomalies. These findings indicate significant subsidence and outer margin collapse in the exhumed domain, with no evidence of crustal thickening during rifting. Variations in heat flow values are attributed to substantial sediment accumulation that acts as a thermal insulator over old oceanic crust. This study presents a comprehensive model for the evolution of the ECMI, illustrating how deep crustal processes, mapped through seismic, gravity, and magnetic methods, influence the overlying sedimentary structure and thermal characteristics of the passive margin, ultimately shaping its geological and geothermal framework.

How to cite: Khan, S. A., Jacob, J., Desa, M. A., and Nelson, R.: Unveiling Crustal Dynamics and Thermal Structure in the Krishna-Godavari offshore Basin using Seismic, Magnetic, and Gravity Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-431,, 2025.

EGU25-3329 | Posters on site | TS2.3

Continental Material in the Oceans 

Gillian Foulger, Jean-Baptiste Koehl, and Alexander Peace

In recent years there have been diverse reports of material in the lithosphere under the oceans, away from continental shelves, that does not comprise classical oceanic crust underlain by progressively mantle lithosphere that thickens according to plate-cooling models. These reports come from multiple different research approaches including:

  • Marine geophysical surveying and sampling, identifying microcontinents, e.g., the Jan Mayen Microcontinent Complex, and ”orogenic bridges”, e.g., the Davis Strait;
  • Deep seismic profiling detecting continental material beneath surface basalts, e.g., the Alpha-Mendeleev Rise;
  • Large-scale seismic imaging using teleseismic earthquakes, identifying lithosphere with continental characteristics, e.g., in the South Atlantic;
  • Aeromagnetic surveying revealing the extent of seafloor-spreading-related anomalies, e.g., in the Fram Strait;
  • Broad cross-disciplinary work identifying crust inconsistent with a purely basaltic composition, e.g. the Greenland-Iceland-Faroe Ridge;
  • Direct observation, e.g., on the Rio Grande Rise;
  • Geochemistry, e.g., on the South West Indian Ridge;
  • Dating of zircons from igneous rocks in the oceans that pre-date the time of formation of the local oceanic crust, e.g., Mauritius.

Understanding the extent of continental material in the oceans, and acceptance that hybrid continental/oceanic crust may exist – a third kind of crust – is an emerging field. At present no systematic review has been done of potential continental or hybrid regions in the oceans away from continental margins. It is thus unknown how widespread it might be and there is no broad understanding of or how it got there and why. It is timely for a systematic review of the subject aimed at identifying key research targets for the future.

How to cite: Foulger, G., Koehl, J.-B., and Peace, A.: Continental Material in the Oceans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3329,, 2025.

EGU25-3826 | Orals | TS2.3

How much oceanic crust in the Southern Pacific? 

Keith James

“Oceanic” magnetic anomalies were “calibrated”, on Iceland, for just the last 4 million years. They extrapolated to 84 Ma (20x!) in the South Atlantic (Heirtzler et al., 1968), where there are 34 magnetic stripes west of the Mid Atlantic ridge. They extend back to 84 Ma and Cretaceous “Quiet Period” crust. This crust, however, is continental, not oceanic, and was not a 37 million year episode when Earth forgot to reverse its magnetic field.

There are 57 magnetic lineaments in the SE Pacific (140 Ma?), never discussed.

During the birth of Plate Tectonics Vine & Mathews (1963) famously related magnetic stripes to geomagnetic reversals. They noted, however, that alternations of ridges of high intensity and valleys of low intensity could result from presence of strongly magnetized material adjacent to weakly magnetized material. This qualification does not appear in subsequent literature.

In their paper Heirtzler et al., (op. cit.) qualified their work, writing: “the possible error in extrapolation cannot be overemphasized; if the Vine & Mathews (1963) theory is in error, the conclusions of this paper do not apply”. Thus, if the Vine & Mathews (op. cit.) qualification, above, is correct, extrapolation in the S Atlantic is incorrect.

What is “oceanic crust”? Karner (2008) described thinning of continental passive margin from 30 – 40 k to10 km, followed by rupture. Extension (100s percent) forms zones 100s km wide with organized magnetic anomalies from serpentinization. Correlatable magnetic anomalies do not unambiguously define “oceanic crust”.

Serpentinization involves reaction of peridotite with water at less than 500oC. The reaction is exothermic and results in volume increase as much as 45%. Magnetite forms.

Southern Pacific Ocean magnetic striping is symmetric between extended and largely subsided continent Zealandia and South America.

Onshore, thick basinal prisms, elongated parallel to the Andes, have steep western (Liassic deep water shales) and gentle eastern (Upper Triassic shallow water carbonates) boundaries. The basins shallow up to carbonates, red beds and evaporites. The ages correspond to Pangaean breakup.

The asymmetric basins were uplifted from the Pacific via transpression along the N-S, dextral strike-slip plate boundary (Liquiñe Fault).

They came from the Pacific.

Triassic-Jurassic rifting marked initiation of Pangaean breakup along the NW margin of Colombia, also a zone dextral strike-slip faulting (Romeral suture: oceanic rocks to the west, continental rocks to the east). Transpression shortened the Jurassic-late Cretaceous passive margin into metasediments (graphitic schists and black marbles in the western and central Andean Cordillera).

Further northwards the striping pattern becomes complex. The spreading ridge approaches the Americas and evolves into the San Andreas dextral strike-slip fault.

Seismic data record seaward-dipping wedges in the eastern Pacific.

So, in view of all this, how much “oceanic” crust is there in the Southern Pacific?

How to cite: James, K.: How much oceanic crust in the Southern Pacific?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3826,, 2025.

EGU25-3960 | Orals | TS2.3

Data-driven Reconstruction of Pacific Seamount Ages: New Insights into Ocean Basin Volcanic Evolution 

Yanghui Zhao, Bryan Riel, Jiangyang Zhang, and Gillian Foulger

Seamounts provide a unique record of volcanic processes in the oceans. In the Pacific Ocean, where seamounts are especially abundant, understanding their age and spatial distributions offers valuable insights into tectonic history, melt-extraction processes, and crustal provenance. However, detailed constraints on seamount formation history remain limited by sparse age data and age-dependent preservation, as older seamounts are progressively lost to subduction.

To address these challenges, we develop a data-driven approach to estimate seamount ages by analyzing relationships among multiple variables. Our analysis reveals that features such as crustal age, seamount height, and proximity to proposed “hotspots” illuminate the complex interactions between plate tectonics and magmatic processes. Using these relationships, we estimate ages for previously undated seamounts including uncertainty assessments. By adjusting volumetric measurements for ancient crustal area and subduction losses, we identify distinct phases in Pacific volcanism: (1) an Early Cretaceous period dominated by Large Igneous Provinces, (2) a Mid-Late Cretaceous transition marked by increasing non-hotspot seamount volcanism, and (3) a Cenozoic regime characterized by variable spreading rates and evolving ridge-seamount relationships.

This reconstruction provides new insights into the relative contributions of clearly plate-related- and other processes to Pacific volcanism through time, suggesting a more complex interplay between lithospheric and sub-lithospheric dynamics than previously recognized. Similar methods could be applied to other oceans, including the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, where they might also be adapted to discriminate crustal types.

How to cite: Zhao, Y., Riel, B., Zhang, J., and Foulger, G.: Data-driven Reconstruction of Pacific Seamount Ages: New Insights into Ocean Basin Volcanic Evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3960,, 2025.

EGU25-4330 | ECS | Orals | TS2.3

The complex rift-to-drift transition: surprises and lessons from the Afar region 

Valentin Rime, Derek Keir, Jordan Phethean, Tesfaye Kidane, and Anneleen Foubert

Since the earliest debates on continental drift theory, the African-Arabian rift system and the Afar region have been used as typical examples for extensional processes and the rift-to-drift transition. New findings suggest that the classical evolution model proposing a linear evolution from continental rifting in the Main Ethiopian Rift to advanced rifting in the Afar and oceanic spreading in the Red Sea is an oversimplification. Instead, the style of rifting seems to have a more important control on the structure and composition of each region than the magnitude or the age of the extension. In particular, the Central Afar region shows important extension, but it is far from showing normal, Penrose-like oceanic spreading. As such, it is considered as a precursor of some types of oceanic plateaus, such as the Greenland-Iceland-Faroe Ridge. This suggests that some features found far offshore and usually considered as purely oceanic might represent an extreme type of passive margin, hyperextended and magma ultra-rich. Conversely, the Danakil Depression, adjacent to Central Afar, shows a typical magma-rich structure on seismic data with well-defined Seaward Dipping Reflector (SDR) packages. However, outcrop data shows that they chiefly consist of sediments with only a small volume of magmatic products. This questions the composition of other margins worldwide that were often assumed to be made of magmatic material solely based on the recognition of SDR.

These new findings suggest that the position, composition, and structure of the continent-ocean transitions might be more complex and diverse than previously assumed.

How to cite: Rime, V., Keir, D., Phethean, J., Kidane, T., and Foubert, A.: The complex rift-to-drift transition: surprises and lessons from the Afar region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4330,, 2025.

EGU25-4395 | Orals | TS2.3 | Highlight

Diverse tectonic mechanisms emplace continental crust in the ‘oceanic’ realm 

Jordan J. J. Phethean, Christian Schiffer, Valentin Rime, and Luke Longley

From classic microcontinents to Rifted Oceanic Magmatic Plateau (ROMP) - the spectrum of continental crust found within the ‘oceanic’ realm is diverse. The tectonic mechanisms responsible for emplacing continental fragments in the ocean also generate a wealth of sedimentary and structural geology, which we show can be prospective for geothermal, carbon capture and storage, and hydrocarbon exploitation. The emplacement mechanisms and examples of continental crust in the oceanic realm therefore merit further investigation. In this presentation, three mechanisms of emplacing continental crust into the oceanic realm will be explored, with specific reference to the geothermally rich Afar and Iceland ROMPs, Jan Mayen microcontinent and Davis Straight proto-microcontinent, as well as the newly recognised Davie Ridge strike-slip continental allochthon, which hosts one of the largest natural gas reserves on Earth. During the emplacement of continental material into the oceanic realm, we identify particular roles for lithospheric rheology during rifting, offsets along a rift system and strike-slip tectonics (in particular transpressional tectonics), and changes in plate motion. This talk also diversifies on the traditional viewpoint that continental crust is often emplaced in the oceanic realm due to hotspot activity.

How to cite: Phethean, J. J. J., Schiffer, C., Rime, V., and Longley, L.: Diverse tectonic mechanisms emplace continental crust in the ‘oceanic’ realm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4395,, 2025.

EGU25-4717 | ECS | Orals | TS2.3

Mantle Serpentinization at Rifted Margins: insights from West Iberia and the Tyrrhenian Sea using seismic imaging and Vp tomography 

Irene Merino, César R. Ranero, Manel Prada, Valentí Sallarès, and Marta Pérez-Gussinyè

Major sites of currently active serpentinization production are slow and ultra-slow mid-ocean ridges (MORs). At magma-poor margins, serpentinization takes place during mantle exhumation at the Continent Ocean Transition (COT), a phase occurring after continental breakup and before the establishment of a steady-state oceanic ridge. During this process, mantle rocks become intensely serpentinized as they interact with seawater that percolates through cracks and faults. However, the precise sequence of serpentinization formation in these regions remains still a topic of debate.

In this study, we examine two well-known examples of mantle exhumation: the West Iberia margin, using the FRAME-P3 profile, and the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin, analyzed through the MEDOC-6 profile. Both profiles were recently acquired with high-resolution multi-channel seismic (MCS) data and are complemented by previously modelled wide-angle seismic (WAS) data. This integration significantly enhances the P-wave velocity model, providing a more detailed and refined view of the basement structure and challenging previous interpretations. The improved model offers better velocity resolution, particularly in regions with complex subsurface structures, and delivers a comprehensive characterization of the transition zone between the oceanic crust and exhumed mantle.

This analysis revealed unprecedented details such as the extent of serpentinization and the detection of a continuous reflector indicative of a hydration front. They also highlight significant fluid-rock interactions and serpentinization processes in the region. In addition, the time-migrated MCS seismic section provides a detailed view of the tectonostratigraphic framework of the COT transition.

How to cite: Merino, I., R. Ranero, C., Prada, M., Sallarès, V., and Pérez-Gussinyè, M.: Mantle Serpentinization at Rifted Margins: insights from West Iberia and the Tyrrhenian Sea using seismic imaging and Vp tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4717,, 2025.

EGU25-5053 | Posters on site | TS2.3

Rifting style of the SW Atlantic margin determined by lithospheric strength, as revealed by seismic tomography and receiver functions 

Victor Sacek, Marcelo Assumpção, Gustavo Gosling, Rafael Monteiro da Silva, Marcelo Rocha, André Nascimento, and Guilherme Affonso

Two major styles of Mesozoic rifting occurred in the SW Atlantic. Along the eastern coast, north of Rio de Janeiro, oceanic crust formed shortly after the initial extensional phase with little lithospheric stretching. In contrast, along the southeastern coast, a high degree of lithospheric stretching occurred, leading to a large area of now-subsided stretched continental crust before the final rupture and oceanic crust formation.

Numerical modeling of rifting processes indicates that a prolonged stretching phase can result from a low-strength lithospheric lid or a more ductile lower crust. A lower crust with a more felsic composition (higher quartz content) tends to be more ductile. We compiled previously published bulk Vp/Vs ratio results from receiver function studies to investigate a potential systematic compositional difference between the eastern and southeastern continental coasts. However, no systematic difference was identified that could explain the two distinct rifting styles.

On the other hand, recent continental-scale seismic tomography maps consistently show that the lithospheric lid (100–150 km depth) in the eastern continental margin has higher seismic velocities compared to the southeastern margin. This suggests that the high degree of lithospheric stretching in the southeastern margin may be attributed to a low-strength lithospheric mantle.

New thermomechanical numerical simulations of lithospheric stretching are presented, taking into account lateral compositional inheritances and initial thermal anomalies. These simulations quantify how variations in lithospheric mantle rigidity can influence the architecture of the margin, controlling its width and asymmetry. The numerical results are compared with different segments of the margin to evaluate whether compositional or thermal inheritances in the mantle (e.g., related to the influence of the Tristan da Cunha mantle plume) can partially explain the differences in rifting styles.

How to cite: Sacek, V., Assumpção, M., Gosling, G., Monteiro da Silva, R., Rocha, M., Nascimento, A., and Affonso, G.: Rifting style of the SW Atlantic margin determined by lithospheric strength, as revealed by seismic tomography and receiver functions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5053,, 2025.

EGU25-8811 | Posters on site | TS2.3

Plate-plume interaction driving microcontinent formation in the South Atlantic: The Rio Grande and Valdivia microcontinents  

Caesar Rigoti, Sabin Zahirovic, Maria Seton, and Nolan Dehler

The Rio Grande Rise and Valdivia Bank are significant bathymetric and geological features in the South Atlantic Ocean, situated on the South American and African plates, respectively. Most models agree that the interaction with the Tristan-Gough mantle plume and mid-ocean ridge has influenced the formation of these plateaus. However, the role of rifting and continental breakup driving their formation remains controversial. In this study, we integrate geological, geophysical, and geochemical data to determine the nature of the crust within the Rio Grande Rise and Valdivia Bank and develop a plate tectonic model to contextualise their formation within the breakup of Southwest Gondwana and the time-dependent interaction with the Tristan-Gough mantle plume in the Late Cretaceous. Our approach includes analysing the tectonic provenance of dredged continental rock samples from the Rio Grande Rise, DSDP borehole data for sedimentation history, seismic imaging for magmatic rift structures, and Ce/Pb and Nb/U ratios for continental crust contamination. Gravity anomaly data provided insights into crustal thickness and structural fabric across the region. A regional cross-section linking the magmatic rifted margin of the Pelotas Basin and the Rio Grande Rise provided insights into the geological processes, and their relative timing, that influenced the region. Our study classifies the Rio Grande Rise and Valdivia Bank as microcontinents characterised as magmatic transitional crust with complex tectonic histories shaped by mantle plume activity during the breakup of Southwest Gondwana. We present a plate motion model that captures the evolution of a microplate and related seafloor spreading. It incorporates the temporal evolution of the Rio Grande and Valdivia microcontinents, including their final separation around 72 million years ago. Geochemical analysis confirmed continental crust contamination, supporting previous interpretations of Proterozoic continental rock samples dredged in the Rio Grande Rise. Seismic interpretation pointed to similar magmatic rift structures involving rifted continental crust in these geological features and their conjugate rifted margins, highlighting their common tectonic history. Initial off-axis spreading ridges and the inheritance of major continental tectonic fabric conditioned the creation of microcontinent and rift-related structures within a magmatic setting. Relative rotations (100 – 72 Ma), recognised by internal structures and curved fracture zones, support the existence of a microplate in the South Atlantic. Under the influence of the mantle plume, spreading ridges to the east and west of the microplate were aborted, and a new ridge linking the Central and Southern South Atlantic mid-ocean ridge became established by this time. Our kinematic plate model challenges existing ideas by linking these features to a combination of continental and plume-related processes and demonstrating their formation through magma-rich continental rifting rather than simple oceanic plateau formation. This study contributes to the understanding of microcontinent dynamics in plume-influenced rift settings, offering a new perspective on the geodynamic history of the South Atlantic. It provides a foundation for future research to explore the physiographic evolution of these structures, their roles in ocean circulation and climate, and how they influence sedimentation processes in the adjacent rifted margins.

How to cite: Rigoti, C., Zahirovic, S., Seton, M., and Dehler, N.: Plate-plume interaction driving microcontinent formation in the South Atlantic: The Rio Grande and Valdivia microcontinents , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8811,, 2025.

EGU25-9056 | Posters on site | TS2.3

Ocean-continent transition zone on the updated lithospheric transect from the Ligurian Sea to the Po Basin (Italy) 

Tamara Yegorova, Andrea Artoni, Luigi Torelli, Giancarlo Molli, Fabrizio Storti, Anna Murovskaya, Aasiya Qadir, Nicolò Chizzini, and Simone Cioce

In order to investigate the deep structure along the transect Ligurian Sea - Northern Apennines - Po Basin, a new gravity model was constructed on the composite cross-section (465 km long) derived from published seismic profiles, geophysical data and surface (marine and onland) geology.

Along the transect, the gravity field shows great changes: 160 mGal offshore in the Ligurian Sea; a wide minimum of -160 mGal onshore in the Po Basin. The corresponding density model was constrained by: the structure of the sedimentary successions and basement-crystalline crust, the offshore-onshore WARR (wide-angle reflection and refraction), reflection seismic profiles and Moho depth derived from European Moho compilations. A shear-wave seismic tomography model was used to constrain the upper mantle; the derived seismic velocity model was converted into density one. At the end, the calculated gravity effect was compared with the observed gravity.

The modelled density transect shows an oceanic crust, a continental crust, and an Ocean Continent Transition (OCT) zone; the crustal thickness varying from ~15.5 km in the Ligurian Sea to ≤40-km (including 18 km of meta-sedimentary and sedimentary successions) in the Po Basin. The latter causes the mentioned gravity minimum. The OCT is abruptly separated from the oceanic crust by a block, ~40 km wide and with steep flanks marked by local magnetic anomaly, which we relate to exhumed HP/LT alpine metamorphic ocean-derived rocks. Specifically, the OCT zone is ~ 120 km wide and it affects the Northern Apennines orogenic wedge made of basement (Tuscan metamorphic unit) overlain by Mesozoic carbonate rocks, Oligocene-Miocene foredeep siliciclastic sediments and Ligurian ophiolite-bearing units which, as a whole, form a transitional crust up to 25 km thick. A peculiar feature of this OCT is a wedge-shaped sub-Moho body which is ~ 7 km thick maximum, deepens and thins northeastwards and has velocity/density value higher than lower crust and lower than upper mantle.

All these features are indicative of the complex nature of this OCT, which was affected by different geodynamic processes during the long-lived history of the Europe and Adria plates convergence since the Late Cretaceous. These processes include the Cretaceous-Eocene subduction of European plate underneath Adria with the closure of the ancient Piedmont-Ligurian Ocean and formation of the northernmost segment of the “Mediterranean Alps”. The exhumation of the inner portion of the wedge between West-Liguria and Corsica and the post-Eocene rifting associated to asthenospheric flow resulted in the dismemberment of the Alpine orogenic wedge during the early Apennines deformation history which enhanced the formation of the modern Ligurian Sea at the northeastern tip of the Liguro-Provencal Basin (Western Mediterranean Sea) and at the northern tip of the Tyrrhenian Sea. In the offshore-onshore part of the OCT, the astenopheric zones are recorded as low-velocity layers (from S-wave tomography) in the subcrustal region and in the upper mantle where they correspond to zones of low density. The distribution of the high heat flow zones strictly corresponds to the low-velocity upper mantle heterogeneities confirming their recent origin associated with magmatic activity.

How to cite: Yegorova, T., Artoni, A., Torelli, L., Molli, G., Storti, F., Murovskaya, A., Qadir, A., Chizzini, N., and Cioce, S.: Ocean-continent transition zone on the updated lithospheric transect from the Ligurian Sea to the Po Basin (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9056,, 2025.

EGU25-9761 | Posters on site | TS2.3

Are all deep reflectors Moho? A case study of the Newfoundland margin 

Laura Gómez de la Peña, César Ranero, Manel Prada, Donna Shillington, and Valentí Sallarès

The crustal structure of the Newfoundland-West Iberian conjugate margins has been extensively studied with seismic data and drilling legs. Recent surveys in the West Iberian margin have revealed a complex crustal architecture with continental, oceanic and exhumed mantle domains that change along the margin. In contrast, the Newfoundland margin, with lower seismic and drilling information available, remains comparatively more poorly understood. The main wide-angle and streamer SCREECH survey was acquired in 2000 and was modelled with comparative computational limitations at the time. The resulting images and model have been debated and did not unequivocally characterize the nature of the basement domains along the margin. Thus, the evolution of the deformation during rifting and the symmetry or asymmetry of the conjugate pair of margins are still discussed.

The SCREECH data acquisition parameters are similar to modern data, and we took advantage of their quality to re-process, image the structure and model the seismic phases with methodologies that have been refined during the last decade. Recent developments in parallel computing and novel geophysical approaches provide now the means to obtain a new look at the structure with enhanced resolution seismic models and a mathematically-robust analysis of the data uncertainty, that was formerly difficult, if not unfeasible, to achieve.

We use the SCREECH original field data, formed by three transects with coincident multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection data acquired with a 6-km streamer and wide-angle data recorded by short-period OBS and OBH spaced at ~15 km. We reprocessed the streamer data and also performed the joint inversion of streamer and wide-angle OBS/OBH seismic data, using reflections and refraction arrivals, which improved the definition of the geological units and the spatial resolution of the velocity model for each unit. We performed a statistical uncertainty analysis of the resulting model, supporting the improved reliability of the observed features.

Our results reveal previously unrecognized crustal heterogeneity, including variations in crustal thickness and composition along the margin. In particular, the crustal domain classification and the COT location were done considering the existence of a deep reflector, interpreted as the Moho and defining a 4-5 km crust that was interpreted as oceanic. Our results suggest that this reflector may not represent the Moho, as the observed crustal properties are not consistent with typical oceanic crust. The integration of the MCS images with the velocity models allowed us to re-interpret the crustal structure of this margin and integrate all the observations in a refined evolution model for the West Iberian – Newfoundland conjugate margins.

How to cite: Gómez de la Peña, L., Ranero, C., Prada, M., Shillington, D., and Sallarès, V.: Are all deep reflectors Moho? A case study of the Newfoundland margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9761,, 2025.

EGU25-9996 | Orals | TS2.3

Exploring the earliest stage of magmatic break-up through numerical simulations 

Tingting Wang, Laurent Geoffroy, Alexander Koptev, and Gillian Foulger

In the early stages of continental rifting, a considerable volume of both mafic and felsic magmas can be formed. These magmas originate from the mantle and lower crust respectively, and their composition and volume are related to the localization and potential jumps of the rifting centers. An excellent illustration of these magmatic and tectonic processes are the aborted rift systems along the South Africa and Namibia volcanic passive margins and the eastern Afar area. In order to investigate these processes, we have used a thermo-mechanical numerical modelling approach based on the marker-in-cell method. Our experiments reveal that under the combined presence of far-field tectonic extension and thermal anomalies, partial melting in the upper mantle first generates large amounts of erupted basalt that forms traps and early conjugate SDRs (Seaward-Dipping Reflectors). Subsequently, melting of the lower crust and re-melting of mantle-derived intrusions produce felsic magmas at a later stage of rifting shortly preceding the lithospheric break-up phase. As the lithosphere thins, the rifting center may migrate laterally and crustal anatexis becomes inactive. As a result, the SDRs packages are laterally continuous and the early rift systems subsides, hosting the latest felsic magma extrusives. Throughout the evolution of the magmatic rift system, the production of mafic melts is primarily controlled by the location of thermal anomalies in the upper mantle.

How to cite: Wang, T., Geoffroy, L., Koptev, A., and Foulger, G.: Exploring the earliest stage of magmatic break-up through numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9996,, 2025.

EGU25-11249 | Posters on site | TS2.3

Zooming into the early stages of the exhumation process in the Tyrrhenian Basin by IODP Exp. 402 

Maria Filomena Loreto and Nevio Zitellini and the Exp. 402 Science Party

The International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 402 in the Tyrrhenian Sea was conducted from February 9 to April 8, 2024. The Tyrrhenian is the youngest basin in the western Mediterranean Sea. It formed from the Middle Miocene to the Recent by lithospheric thinning associated with slab rollback and with the east-southeast to southeast retreat of the Apennine subduction system. Continental breakup was followed by mantle exhumation in the Vavilov Basin after Messinian (5.33 Ma ago), central Tyrrhenian. Mantle exhumation was not followed by seafloor spreading, providing an exceptional opportunity to zoom in on the early stages of the exhumation process.

The samples and data collected during Exp. 402 provide an extensive new data set to constrain the geometry and timing of the deformation that led to mantle exhumation and elucidate the processes that unroofed the deep mantle forming the continent-ocean transition. Sediments collected at the basement contact constrain the minimum age of emplacement of mantle rocks, which occurred in the Pliocene. Drilling has provided conclusive evidence that the basement of the Magnaghi-Vavilov Basin consists of serpentinized upper mantle peridotites and that mantle exhumation was not followed by the formation of a magmatic oceanic crust. The oldest sediments above the basement were biostratigraphically dated to 2.82-3.56 Ma at Site U1612 and 3.56-3.85 Ma at Site U1616. The oldest biostratigraphic dates at Site U1614 were younger, 1.71-1.95 Ma. This information, placed in the context of knowledge of the basin, will allow us to reconstruct the geometry of the Tyrrhenian basin before, during, and after crustal extension and to follow its kinematic evolution over time until mantle exhumation.

How to cite: Loreto, M. F. and Zitellini, N. and the Exp. 402 Science Party: Zooming into the early stages of the exhumation process in the Tyrrhenian Basin by IODP Exp. 402, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11249,, 2025.

The transformation of magnetic anomalies to magnetic potential or pseudo-gravity simplifies the complexities of magnetic anomaly interpretation. We present new pseudo-gravity maps, derived from EMAG2v3 data, for the South Atlantic Ocean and adjacent continent to reveal insights into crust and lithosphere composition.

The pseudo-gravity transformation of the full-field magnetic anomaly consists of three steps: (i) reduction to the pole (RTP); (ii) integration to determine magnetic potential; and (iii) scaling to determine the pseudo-gravity, assuming a constant ratio of density contrast to magnetization. This transformation produces a gravity-like anomaly that would be observed if the magnetization were replaced by a density distribution of proportional magnitude. We use magnetic data from the public domain EMAG2 v3 as the primary input. The South Atlantic region was divided into 90 tiles of 5º to account for regional variations in magnetic inclination and declination. An important assumption for the transformation is that the magnetization is induced. The pseudo-gravity mapping shows large amplitude positive anomalies consistent with the assumption of induced magnetization; negative anomalies identify areas of remnant magnetization. In the oceanic domain, alternating positive and negative anomalies reflect magnetic reversals and are not an artifact.

On the South American plate, the Rio-Grande-Rise exhibits three distinct high positive pseudo-gravity anomalies, reflecting thick magmatic crust. The São-Paulo-Plateau in the Santos Basin, Florianópolis-Ridge and Torres-High also show high positive anomalies. The Campos Basin has lower-amplitude positive anomalies, suggesting localized magmatic crust. In the continents, high-amplitude positive anomalies correlate with magmatic intrusion. The high positive pseudo-gravity anomalies form an NW-SE arc from magmatic material in the Paraná Basin to the São-Paulo-Plateau, continuing through the Florianópolis-Ridge and Rio-Grande-Rise.

Strong positive anomalies along the Namíbia-Ridge, Walvis-Ridge, and southwestern African margin form a "7"-shaped uniform anomaly, corresponding to magmatic crust. In contrast, the oceanic crust offshore Orange Basin shows a north-south region of negative anomalies. No significant anomalies are seen in the Tristan-Gough Guyot Province (nor are they seen on the Vitória-Trindade or Tristan-Gough Guyot Province hot-spot tracks).

A comparison of the pseudo-gravity map with crustal thickness from gravity inversion shows that many large, high-amplitude positive pseudo-gravity anomalies in the oceanic domain correlate strongly with anomalously thick crust (>12.5 km thickness) on the Rio-Grande-Rise, São-Paulo-Plateau, Florianópolis-Ridge, Namíbia-Ridge and Walvis-Ridge. Plate reconstruction of pseudo-gravity anomalies and crustal thickness suggest that the Namíbia-Ridge and western Florianópolis-Ridge, both with thick magmatic crust, have a common origin at approximately 110 Ma but were later separated by the Florianópolis-Fracture-Zone. The spatial relationship of observed high positive pseudo-gravity anomalies on magmatically intruded crust in the South American and African continents, the hybrid or magmatic crust on their rifted margins and thickened magmatic crust within the South Atlantic shows the major role of mantle inheritance in their origin.

How to cite: Graça, M., Kusznir, N., and Gusmão, R.: Pseudo-Gravity Transformation of Magnetic Anomaly Data for the South Atlantic and Adjacent Continent: Implications for Crust and Lithosphere Composition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13445,, 2025.

EGU25-14000 | Posters on site | TS2.3

Physical properties of hard rocks collected in Tyrrhenian Basin during the IODP Expedition 402  

Irina Filina, Filomena Loreto, Brandon Shuck, Noriaki Abe, and Philippe Pezard and the IODP Exp.402 Science Party

The Tyrrhenian Sea is a young back-arc basin that has been shaped by various complex geologic processes, such as crustal thinning, mantle exhumation, and localized magmatism. For the last half-century, the basement of the Tyrrhenian basin was sampled during several ocean-drilling campaigns. The past expedition DSDP 42 and ODP107 revealed that that in addition to continental rocks of the passive margins, the Tyrrhenian basement also includes mafic rocks characteristic of an oceanic domain, and serpentinized peridotites indicative of exhumed mantle. In 2024, the IODP Expedition 402 returned to the Tyrrhenian Sea with the primary objective of sampling the transition between different tectonic domains in the Vavilov basin.

The basement rocks recovered during the IODP Expedition 402 ranged from felsic to ultramafic. Our results confirmed the continental affiliation of the conjugate Cornaglia and Campania terraces on the margins of the Vavilov basin. In the center of the basin, we recovered peridotites, mafic basalts and diorites, and granitoids in relatively close sites, revealing the apparent heterogeneity of the basement framework. In this paper, we summarize the physical properties of different basement lithologies of the Vavilov basin. We report average values of bulk density, porosity, grain density, compressional velocity, magnetic susceptibility, gamma-radiation, and thermal conductivity for different rock types. These parameters are crucial for geological, geophysical, geochemical, and geodynamic models of the study area, which will help to constrain the tectonic evolution of this complex geologic region.

How to cite: Filina, I., Loreto, F., Shuck, B., Abe, N., and Pezard, P. and the IODP Exp.402 Science Party: Physical properties of hard rocks collected in Tyrrhenian Basin during the IODP Expedition 402 , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14000,, 2025.

EGU25-14416 | Posters on site | TS2.3

Temperature Structure of the Icelandic Crust from Curie Point Depth 

Linghui Meng, Shuang Liu, Shan Xu, Gillian R. Foulger, and Xiangyun Hu

We present a Curie point depth map that casts light on the deep crustal temperature structure and can provide insights into the mechanisms of Iceland's formation. We used high-precision aeromagnetic anomaly data and a robust inversion algorithm. Curie point depth ranges from 4 to 28 km. The shallowest depths occur over the Reykjanes Peninsula and west and central Iceland. Curie point depth is relatively deep in north-central, south-central and eastern Iceland. The average thermal conductivity of the crustal magnetic layer, K, is 2.9 W/(m˚C). There is a weak inverse correlation between Curie point depth and 1026 heat flow measurement points. Mean heat flow is 170 mW/m2. The base of the seismogenic layer from earthquakes in Iceland is generally slightly deeper than the Curie depth point. The supra-Curie point depth temperature gradient in Iceland is 20-80˚C/km. This may be compared with the average thermal gradient of oceanic crust of ~ 65˚C/km. In contrast, the sub-Curie point depth temperature gradient in the thick lower portion of the crust is significantly reduced – 10-35˚C/km, which is more typical of continental crust which has a median gradient of ~ 34˚C/km. Our results support the hypothesis that the 20-30 km thick lower crust of Iceland contains a substantial amount of continental material.

How to cite: Meng, L., Liu, S., Xu, S., Foulger, G. R., and Hu, X.: Temperature Structure of the Icelandic Crust from Curie Point Depth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14416,, 2025.

EGU25-16886 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.3

Integrated Geophysical Modeling of Tectonic and Crustal Structures across the Tyrrhenian Sea 

Tochukwu Onyebum, Irina Filina, and Filomena Loreto and the IODP Exp. 402 Science Party

The Tyrrhenian Sea, a Neogene back-arc basin in the central Mediterranean, is a site of active debate regarding its crustal affiliation as both oceanic basalts and gabbroic rocks, as well as exhumed mantle peridotites were recovered throughout the Tyrrhenian Sea. Interestingly, the recent IODP Expedition 402 revealed granitoids and serpentinized peridotites in close proximity drill sites within the Vavilov basin. These apparent heterogeneous mantle rocks warrant further research using an integrated geophysical approach, incorporating all available geophysical data to understand the spatial distribution of crustal domains across the Tyrrhenian seafloor.

The crustal heterogeneity in the study area results from the interplay of back-arc extension processes, including localized mantle exhumation, crustal thinning, and magmatic intrusions driven by the eastward retreat of the Calabrian-Apennine subduction system. This study investigates the tectonic affinity of the crust in the region via joint analysis of published seismic reflection and refraction data from MEDiterraneo OCcidental (MEDOC) 4 and 6 surveys, topography data, and potential fields (gravity and magnetic). Drilling results from DSDP 373, ODP Leg 107 and IODP Exp. 402 served as geological constraints for geophysical interpretations.

We present two 2D subsurface models along the MEDOC-4 and MEDOC-6 profiles that reveal the geometry of crustal and mantle structures and explain variations in the observed gravity and magnetic anomalies through differences in their physical properties. The models highlight the variations in densities and magnetic susceptibilities in all prominent geologic structures that profiles transect, including the Baronie, Magnaghi, Vavilov, and Flavio Gioia Seamounts. We also present a map delineating the spatial distribution of rock types in the central Tyrrhenian Sea, which outlines continental, oceanic and exhumed mantle domains using all data blended in the analysis.

How to cite: Onyebum, T., Filina, I., and Loreto, F. and the IODP Exp. 402 Science Party: Integrated Geophysical Modeling of Tectonic and Crustal Structures across the Tyrrhenian Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16886,, 2025.

EGU25-17424 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.3

Tectono-magmatic evolution of the Walvis plateau: Multi-scale and polyphased interactions between mantle plume, rifting and transform activity 

Samuel Poirrier, François Sapin, Lies Loncke, David Graindorge, and Charlotte Nielsen

The Walvis transform marginal plateau constitutes a key geodynamic node in the evolution of the South Atlantic Ocean. It is the conjugate of the Santos transform marginal plateau. Both plateaus formed associated successively with: (1) the Austral South Atlantic rifting marking the separation of the southwestern Gondwana during the end of the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous with a northward propagating breakup between 133-124 Ma (M11 à M2). This stage was narrowly associated with the mantle plume of the Tristan Da Cunha Hot spot, at the origin of the Paranà-Etendeka Trapp (135-132 Ma). It is associated with the divergent opening of the North Pelotas magma-rich margin. (2) The later opening of the Central Atlantic segment (113 Ma) between Angola and Brazil. The Walvis and Santos plateaus separated during this stage along the Florianopolis Transform Zone in the Albian.

In this context, the Walvis Plateau probably marks a dynamic and persistent mantle-influenced complex. This system not only controlled the tectonic, volcanic, and topographic local processes, but also played a critical role as a rift propagation barrier toward the north, preserving a magmatic landbridge between continents, disturbing the establishment of the oceanic connection between the austral et central segments of the South Atlantic Ocean, and therefore the deep oceanic circulations. A detailed description of these multi-scale interactions is essential for understanding the links between regional dynamics, magmatism, and oceanic evolution at the start of the formation of the South Atlantic.

In this study, we propose a multi-sequential tectono-magmatic description of the Walvis Ridge. Through the interpretation of deep penetrating multi-channel seismic reflection profiles and wide-angle refraction lines, combined with magnetic and gravimetric anomalies, we describe the structuration of the Walvis Plateau. The analysis of these data enables us to identify and delineate several key aspects: major seismic/geologic units, crustal architecture, the structural genetic passive margin domains from Moho interface inflections, and the spatial-temporal sequencing of effusive magmatic events, called Seaward Dipping Reflectors (SDRs). Most of those SDRs evolve gradually from east to west. Between magnetic anomaly M4 and M0, a notable feature of this evolution is the appearance of a preserved proto-magmatic center, identifiable by a double verging structure, oriented N-S and turning E-W to the south, probably signing a magmatic reorganization at some stage. Within the overall relative westward motion of the effusive systems, we show that it gradually orients towards the north in the direction of the core of the Walvis Plateau together with the development of a large lava delta prograding southward. At a later stage, the plateau is affected by large normal faults forming a graben in the thinned domain, coevally to the formation of the Florianopolis Transform Fault.

This study highlights the complex interactions between tectonic and magmatic processes in a polyphased breakup and oceanisation setting, integrating the influence of the mantle plume and geological inheritance of Gondwana Supercontinent. It provides new perspectives on the Walvis Plateau dynamics and, more generally, on the formation and rupture of marginal magmatic transform plateaus.

How to cite: Poirrier, S., Sapin, F., Loncke, L., Graindorge, D., and Nielsen, C.: Tectono-magmatic evolution of the Walvis plateau: Multi-scale and polyphased interactions between mantle plume, rifting and transform activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17424,, 2025.

EGU25-20626 | Orals | TS2.3

The anomalous North Atlantic region 

Hans Thybo and Irina Artemieva

The whole North Atlantic region has highly anomalous topography and bathymetry. Observations show evidence for anomalously shallow bathymetry in the ocean as well as recent rapid topographic change with onshore uplift close to the Atlantic coast and simultaneous subsidence of basins on the continental shelves, most likely throughout the Mesozoic. We present a geophysical interpretation of the whole region with emphasis on data relevant for assessing hypsometric change

Most of the North Atlantic Ocean has anomalously shallow bathymetry by up-to 4 km compared to other oceans. Bathymetry is elevated by up-to 2 km and follows the square-root-of-age model, except for the region between Greenland Iceland Faroe Ridge (GIF) and the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone as well as in the Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay. Heat flow follows with large scatter the square-root-of-age model in parts of the ocean and is anomalously low on the Reykjanes and Mohns spreading ridges. Near-zero free-air gravity anomalies indicate that the oceanic areas are generally in isostatic equilibrium except along the mid-oceanic ridges, whereas anomalously low Bouguer anomalies in the oceanic areas indicate low density in the uppermost mantle. Anomalously thick crust is observed along GIF and extends into the Davies Strait. There is no correlation between bathymetry and heat flow, which indicates that the anomalous bathymetry mainly is caused by compositional variation and isostatic compensation of low density continental lithosphere within the oceanic regions. The location of major oceanic fracture zones and continental fragments appears to be controlled by onshore structures.

The onshore circum-Atlantic areas show rapid uplift close to the coast with rates of up-to 3 cm/yr. This is surprisingly mainly associated with strong positive free-air gravity anomalies, which would predict isostatic subsidence. Some parts of the high topography, however, appear supported by low-density anomalies below the seismic Moho. It is enigmatic that the presumed Archaean-Proterozoic continental Barents Sea region is submerged and includes deep sedimentary basins.

How to cite: Thybo, H. and Artemieva, I.: The anomalous North Atlantic region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20626,, 2025.

EGU25-502 | ECS | Orals | TS2.4

Non-Volcanic Tremors Along West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Triggered by Large Teleseismic Earthquakes 

Buha Mujur Mandela Simamora, M.Si, Pepen Supendi, Andri Dian Nugraha, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Daryono Daryono, and Nelly Florida Riama

An advanced analysis was conducted on the triggered 'non-volcanic' tremors (NVT) around Tambora volcano in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia by 35 teleseismic earthquakes with a magnitude of at least seven and epicentral distance of over 1,000 km between 2020 and 2022. The waveform data were taken from the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG). The identification of triggered tremors was based on the visual detection of high-frequency bursts (1-10 Hz and 2–8 Hz) of non-impulsive and prolonged seismic energy, exhibiting coherence across multiple seismic stations and modulation by teleseismic surface waves. Among the 35 earthquakes studied, we identified four teleseismic events that triggered NVT in West Nusa Tenggara. The 2021 Mw 7.4 and Mw 8.1 Kermadec, 2021 Mw 7.3 Vanuatu and 2022 Mw 7.7 Papua New Guinea earthquakes have triggered NVT in this region. We use envelope waveform cross-correlation to locate tremors. The study revealed that amplitudes of surface waves play a crucial role in determining the triggering potential, with an observed triggering threshold of approximately 0.1 cm/s, or dynamic stress 7–8K Pa. The triggered tremors were initiated by Rayleigh surface waves. It has been observed that triggering potential is controlled by the peak ground velocity (PGV), frequency, and dynamic stress.

Keywords: Non volcanic tremor; triggering threshold; PGV; frequency; dynamic stress; envelope waveform. cross correlation 

How to cite: Simamora, M.Si, B. M. M., Supendi, P., Nugraha, A. D., Zulfakriza, Z., Daryono, D., and Riama, N. F.: Non-Volcanic Tremors Along West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Triggered by Large Teleseismic Earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-502,, 2025.

The Bohai Sea, one of China’s four marginal seas, is also the country’s most resource-rich area in terms of offshore oil and gas reserves. The central Bohai Bay Depression (Bohai Central Depression) has a maximum sedimentary thickness of up to 7-8 km, and a distinct geothermal anomaly is observed at the depression’s center. During the formation of the Bohai Central Depression, the compression of sediments induces a series of physical changes and thermal effects. These effects not only influence the tectonic thermal evolution during sedimentation but also affect the oil and gas reservoir formation in the sedimentary strata. In this study, a theoretical model considering sediment compression effects was developed using COMSOL, to simulate the sediment compression process and the geothermal structure and thermal evolution history in the central depression of the Bohai Sea. The results indicate a strong correlation between the sediment compression effect in the Bohai Central Depression and the underlying geothermal anomalies. Sediment compression alters the porosity of the reservoir, leading to changes in the geothermal structure and thermal evolution characteristics of the reservoir. The compression of sediments impedes heat transfer within the reservoir, increasing the basal temperature and reducing the overall geothermal gradient. Our thermal modeling results provide significant scientific insights into understanding the thermal effects of sediment compression in the Bohai Central Depression and its implications for oil and gas accumulation.

How to cite: He, Y.: Numerical simulation on tectonic thermal evolution at 8km in the Bozhong Depression considering sediment compression effects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1315,, 2025.

                           The Origin of High-Curvature Banda Subduction Zone: Insights from Lithosphere-Scale Analog Modeling

                                                         Yuwei Liu, Weiwei Ding, Chunyang Wang, Zhengyi Tong, Xiangtian Wen

                              Key Laboratory of Submarine Geosciences & Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR, Hangzhou 31002, China


The Banda Arc is located at the easternmost end of the Southeast Asian circum-subduction system. It is known for its prominent 180° curvature and complex kinematic pattern. The origin of the arc involves various dynamic processes, such as oceanic-continental subduction and arc-continent collision. Previous studies have analyzed and characterized the slab morphology, stagnation depth, deep interactions, and mantle flow of the Banda arc-shaped subducting zone, using a variety of seismological methods, such as seismic tomography, receiver functions and anisotropy analysis. However, there is still a lack of consensus on the formation mechanism and dynamic model of the highly curved subduction zone, i.e., one slab model vs two slab model. Three-dimensional lithosphere-scaled analog modeling is an effective method for studying the deformation mechanisms of subduction zones. In this study, 3-D lithosphere-scaled analog modeling is used to investigate the formation mechanism of the highly curved Banda subduction zone. The experimental process incorporates the morphological, structural, and deformation characteristics of the study area, establishing corresponding models involved continental and oceanic lithosphere, upper mantle. Our preliminary simulation results suggest that the formation of the highly curved Banda subduction zone may be closely related to the arcuate concave morphology of the continental margin on the northern edge of Australia (paleo-Banda embayment). During the rollback of the oceanic slab, the irregular edges of the continental lithosphere significantly influences the geometric evolution of the trench, resulting in the final trench shape similar to the edge morphology of the continental block. The incorporation of continental crust into the subduction processes results in a progressive reduction in the subduction rate, which may ultimately lead to the cessation of subduction. Consequently, the subducted slab retains a relatively steep angle within the mantle. The primary factor contributing to the decreased trench retreat rate and subduction rate is the substantial positive buoyancy of the continental lithosphere. Our models suggest that the Banda subduction zone, characterized by its high curvature, may be formed in the “one slab model”.

How to cite: Liu, Y.: The Origin of High-Curvature Banda Subduction Zone: Insights from Lithosphere-Scale Analog Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1880,, 2025.

The Molucca Sea area, situated on the southwestern side of the Philippine Sea in eastern Indonesia, is critical research area for the study of the ocean-continent coupling effect and subduction dynamic system of the western Pacific. Despite its significance as a research hotspot, several research gaps exist in this region. We aim to address two outstanding scientific issues: the cause of the Sangihe forearc thrust (SFT) in Molucca Sea, and the mechanism of volcanic discontinuity and migration of Halmahera arc. Numerical simulation is utilized to analyze these issues.

For the SFT in Molucca Sea, our results show that plate boundary stress and volcanic loading are two critical factors affecting forearc thrusting during asymmetric divergent double subduction (DDS). In the northern part of the DDS in Molucca Sea, the SFT is primarily caused by plate boundary stress. This stress is mainly generated by the southwestward subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate. In contrast, the SFT in the southern part of the DDS is mainly caused by the effects of differential volcanic loading. The effect of volcanic loading on the Halmahera forearc is considerably stronger than that on the Sangihe forearc, resulting in more severe vertical deformation and subsidence of the former. Consequently, the Sangihe forearc, which exhibits less vertical deformation, is thrust over the Halmahera forearc.

For the mechanism of volcanic arc migration in Halmahera, our results show that the dehydration depth of subduction slab and the temperature structure of mantle wedge are closely linked to the rates of subducting or overriding plates. A lower rate of subducting plate or a higher rate of overriding plate is favorable for arc magmatism. Changes in the rates of subducting and overriding plates are identified as the cause of the magmatic activity interruption and volcanic migration of Halmahera arc after the Middle Miocene. During the Miocene-Pliocene period, the rate of subducting plate was lower than the westward convergence rate of the eastern microplate, which created a high-temperature zone favorable for arc magmatism. However, starting in the Middle Pliocene, the rate of subducting plate became close to the westward convergence rate of the eastern microplate fragments due to the tilted subduction of the Philippine Plate, which was unfavorable for arc magmatism. This led to the interruption of volcanic activity and the westward migration of the volcanic arc. In the Holocene, the westward migration of Halmahera arc was blocked, leading to an accelerated convergence of the eastern microplate. As a result, the volcanic activity of Halmahera arc resumed in a new location with a high-temperature zone favorable for arc magmatism.

How to cite: Fang, G.: Numerical simulation and dynamic analysis of ocean-continent coupling effects in Molucca Sea area, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1974,, 2025.

The Rakhine Basin is a Tertiary foredeep basin along the eastern fringe of the Bay of Bengal  covers an area of 165,000km2, with Tertiary foredeep sediments up to 20km . Consecutive discoveries of biogas fields (Shwe, Thalin, Pyi Thit and Aung Siddhi) suggest the Rakhine Basin has great exploration potential for biogas. However, the accumulation of biogas fields are complex and the main controlling factors of accumulation are still uncertain, also led to many exploratory wells failure.

In paper, the anatomical and statistical analysis of the 36 major biogas fields in the world suggests that the biogas fields generally have eight mail geological conditions, including young sediments, shallow burial depth, high sedimentation rate, rich content of organic matter, tectonic setting or structural traps, cap rocks, in-situ generation & charge and low temperature gradient. The Rakhine Basin also has the 8 geological conditions, but the biogas reservoir is controlled by three key factors, according to research.

First, the relatively good source rocks (TOC ≥0.5%),  . The lower limit of TOC of biogas source rock is 0.46% by the chemical analysis and theoretical calculation of modern sediment samples. TOC = 0.46% is a critical value, when TOC>0.46%, the biogas generated can be greater than biogas adsorbed in the formation and dissolved in the formation water, and extra biogas can be accumulation. At last, the TOC is identified minimum of 0.5%.

Second, the large-scale inter-bedded sandstones. Thin inter-bedded sandstones provide plenty of biochemical reaction interfaces, favoring methanogens to thrive and produce large amounts of biogas. The large-scale inter-bedded sandstones of the Shwe biogas field in the Rakhine Basin is 1500-2000 km2, and the gas reservoir is 40-60 km2. Preliminary established the scale of sandstone at least is more than 1000 km2. At the same time, the large scale sandstone is also conducive to the capture of biogas in a large area.

Third, the structural traps. The large biogas fields in Rakhine basin and in other basins are always on the 4-way-dip anticlines. Biogas fields discovered in lithologic traps are always small and not commercial. Therefore, the positive structure controls the enrichment and accumulation of biogas in the Rakhine Basin.

Based on the research of the three key control factors, the risks of biogas exploration in the Rakhine Basin is reduced, and this understanding can be applied to the biogas exploration in deep-water sedimentary basins of continental margin in the world.

How to cite: Wang, X.: Key controlling factors of biogas accumulation in foredeep  basin of subduction zone: A case study of the Rakhine Basin in Myanmar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1976,, 2025.

Xisha Area is located in the northern part of the South China Sea. The water depth is about 1000m to 3000m. Since Cenozoic , the Xisha area has experienced dual effects of extension and strike slip on the western margin, forming a special tectonic background of continental slope uplift. Overall, the Xisha area belongs to the continental slope system of the northern South China Sea. It is separated by the Qiongdongnan Basin to the north, on the west connected to the Yuedong Shelf , and  on the south and east ,adjacent to the deep-sea basin. It has developed three stages of sedimentation: fault depression, fault depression transformation, and depression. During the transition and depression periods, carbonate platform sediments developed due to rising sea levels and lacking of injection of terrestrial debris. After the Middle Miocene, the Xisha area was deep-water sedimentary environment on the continental slope, dominated by deep-sea to semi deep-sea sediments, with carbonate platform sediments developed on local uplifts. Under the special tectonic background, two types of deep-water sedimentary systems developed in the Xisha Sea during the Miocene period.

During Miocene ,the Xisha Sea area was marine sedimentary environment, with developping two different types of deep-water sedimentary bodies. One type is a deep-water channel supplied by terrestrial debris from the Yuedong River system, and the other is a deep-water channel supplied by carbonate debris from the Xisha Platform. Deep water channels supplied by terrestrial debris are mainly influenced by ancient topography and sea level rise and fall, with strong mobility and mutual cutting characteristics between channels; Deep water channels supplied by carbonate rock debris are mainly influenced by ancient topography, with vertical accretion as the main source and weak mobility of the channels.

The deep water channels filled with terrestrial debris developed in the research area are a process of low sea level and early marine invasion from the early to late stages of channel development. From the early stage to the late stage ,the limitation of deep water channels gradually becoming weaker, and the channels developping from a single channel with strong restriction in the early stage to a composite channel with multiple single channels cutting and overlapping each other in the middle stage, and then to late stage channel complexes and channelized lobes.

In the Late Miocene, deep-water channels filled with carbonate rock debris developed in the Xisha Sea area, mainly in the depressions between the Guangle Platform and the Xisha Platform  and on the east side of the Huaguang sag. This type of deep-water channel developed in the early Late Miocene, and on seismic profiles, the reflection characteristics in the upstream and downstream are relatively similar, mainly consisting of a single channel vertically stacked. However, the location of the channel is different, and the characteristics of the channel also changed. The filling material of this type of channel is carbonate rock debris from the Xisha Platform, which has strong paleotopographic limitations and is mainly vertically accreted.


How to cite: Yang, Z.: Deep water sedimentary characteristics of expansion transformation margin in the Xisha area of the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2028,, 2025.

EGU25-2105 | Posters on site | TS2.4

Seamount Subduction's Influence on Subduction Zone Dynamics: Seismological Insights from Northern Luzon 

Lingmin Cao, Xiaobo He, Liang Zhao, Bor-Shouh Huang, Tianyao Hao, Minghui Zhao, Xunlin Qiu, Enyuan He, Kuiyuan Wan, and Huaiyu Yuan

Seamount subduction plays a pivotal role in shaping subduction zone dynamics, significantly influencing deformation processes and seismicity. This study examines the crustal and upper mantle deformation associated with seamount subduction beneath northern Luzon, where the South China Sea Plate underthrusts the region. We employed local S-wave splitting techniques to characterize the deformation and present seismological evidence of seamount subduction’s role in modulating subduction dynamics.

Our findings reveal a dominant trench-normal fast-axis orientation, aligned with the P-axis from crustal earthquake focal mechanisms, across most forearc stations. This pattern differs from the trench-parallel fast-axis commonly observed in other forearc settings such as northeastern Japan, Cascadia, and Sumatra. The frequency-dependent delay times and trench-normal fast-axis orientation suggest seismic anisotropy associated with fluid-filled cracks aligned with the prevailing stress field, influenced by the seamount subduction.

Notably, delay times increase with focal depth, highlighting that the effects of seamount subduction extend from the overriding crust into the subducting slab. These results offer direct seismological evidence of seamount subduction shaping subduction zone dynamics, promoting aseismic creep and small earthquakes through fracture network formation. This study enhances to the understanding of the complex interactions within subduction zones and underscores the importance of seamount subduction in these processes. 

How to cite: Cao, L., He, X., Zhao, L., Huang, B.-S., Hao, T., Zhao, M., Qiu, X., He, E., Wan, K., and Yuan, H.: Seamount Subduction's Influence on Subduction Zone Dynamics: Seismological Insights from Northern Luzon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2105,, 2025.

The Jiangnan Orogen (JO) is widely recognized as the collisional suture between the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks in South China, marked by intense Neoproterozoic magmatism, however, the precise geochronological constraint of the collision event remains controversial. This study focuses on geochronological and geochemical analyses of granitic rocks from the Guibei region of the western JO. The Sanfang, Yuanbaoshan, and Pingying plutons, composed of granites, exhibit zircon U-Pb ages ranging from 825 to 833 Ma. Granodiorites of the Caigun pluton and gabbro intrusion near the Sanfang pluton yield zircon U-Pb ages of approximately 833 Ma and 856 ± 8.0 Ma, respectively. These ages collectively indicate that these rocks represent products of the Neoproterozoic magmatic event. Neoproterozoic granites are characterized by high A/CNK ratios, low Ga/Al ratios, and Zr + Nb + Ce + Y contents, which are consistent with the classification of S-type granites. The Neoproterozoic granites display similar εNd(t) values ranging from -6.24 to -5.09 and predominantly negative εHf(t) values (< 0). Their linear geochemical variations suggest an origin from partial melting of crustal basement rocks followed by extensive fractional crystallization. The Neoproterozoic granodiorites exhibit high SiO₂ and Al₂O₃ contents, elevated K₂O/Na₂O ratios, low Mg# values, enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), suggesting an arc-related origin for these granodiorites. They are also characterized by decoupled Nd and Hf isotopes, with negative εNd(t) values (-5.68 to -5.50) and positive εHf(t) values (> 0), suggesting a likely origin from the partial melting of a fluid-modified lithospheric mantle, with the assimilation of crustal components. The geochemical variations observed in these Neoproterozoic granites and granodiorites indicate their formation within collision- and arc-related settings, respectively, suggesting that the transition from a subduction-dominated regime to a collisional setting within the JO likely occurred around 830 Ma.

How to cite: Cao, J.: Formation of the Jiangnan Orogen: Constraints from the geochronological and geochemical compositions of the Neoproterozoic granitoids, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2644,, 2025.

The initiation of subduction zones has remained a contentious and unresolved issue due to the extraordinary forces required and the scarcity of realistic examples. Taiwan, a prominent arc-continent collision zone characterized by dual-slab subduction systems, offers a unique opportunity to investigate subduction polarity reversal (SPR) between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates, i.e., a process considered a key mechanism for forming new subduction channels. In this study, we utilize high-resolution 3-D seismic tomography to delineate the detailed morphology of the Eurasian plate and assess the potential for new subduction zone initiation driven by SPR. Our findings reveal significant deformation of the Eurasian plate influenced by the buoyant and rigid Kuanying and Peikang Highs, including slab break-off beneath northern Taiwan and lateral rupture beneath central Taiwan. We propose that the presence of a rigid and buoyant block within a pre-existing subduction zone facilitates SPR, ultimately triggering the formation of a new subduction system during an arc-continent collision.

How to cite: Wang, T., Hu, H., Zhao, D., Niu, X., and Ruan, A.: New subduction channel triggered by buoyant blocks during the arc-continent collision beneath Taiwan: Seismic evidence from P-wave tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2658,, 2025.

EGU25-3405 | Posters on site | TS2.4

Southern Eurasian magmatic shutdown triggered Eocene global cooling 

Xiaoran Zhang, Shuiyue Xue, and Jinyu Xi

Accumulating multidisciplinary evidence reveals that plate tectonic processes have played a pivotal role in Cenozoic paleoclimate changes, with Neo-Tethyan magmatic spurts matching well with the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO; ca. 53-50 Ma). However, the tectonic driving mechanism of the subsequent (ca. 49-34 Ma) global long-term cooling after the EECO still remains contentious. Here, we compile available magmatic records from southern Eurasia, together with a global dataset of magmatic rocks/zircons and a recent well-constrained uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau, to uncover the tectonic processes regulating Eocene paleoclimate changes. The combined data, along with geologic observations, highlight a widespread reduction in magmatic activities and volcanic/metamorphic CO2 outgassing throughout southern Eurasia in the middle to late Eocene, which probably resulted from the termination of Neo-Tethyan subduction and consequent coupling and flat subduction of the Indo-Australian plate after Neo-Tethyan slab break-off. Particularly, we find that the gradual decrease in atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature dropping after EECO was synchronous with southern Eurasian magmatic wanning, but was inconsistent with the uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau. Such a strong synchronicity led us to propose southern Eurasian magmatic shutdown as the main tectonic driver of Eocene global cooling.

How to cite: Zhang, X., Xue, S., and Xi, J.: Southern Eurasian magmatic shutdown triggered Eocene global cooling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3405,, 2025.

EGU25-3730 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.4

The effect of subducting oceanic plateau on the bending and hydration processes in the southern Mariana trench 

Enyuan He, Xuelin Qiu, Yuhan Li, Ingo Grevemeyer, Minghui Zhao, Yuan Wang, and Chuanxu Chen

The subduction of oceanic plateaus is a global phenomenon that reshapes the tectonic configuration of subduction systems and plays a crucial role in water cycling and volatile fluxes. While previous studies have primarily focused on the processes occurring after plateaus into subduction zones, but the effects of subducting oceanic plateaus on bending and hydration before subduction remain unclear. Using wide-angle seismic data perpendicular to the trench, we investigated these processes as the Caroline Plateau approaches the trench. The P-wave velocity structure shows a gradual increase in crustal thickness from ~7.5 km beneath the trench and outer trench slope, 9.0–12.0 km in the outer rise region, to 16.0–17.0 km beneath the plateau, indicating that the Caroline oceanic plateau is approaching the trench. Seismic velocities near trench axis are lower than those in other subduction zones and at Challenger Deep to the east, where the trench is far from the oceanic plateau. These low seismic velocities, combined with a narrower array of normal faults, suggest that the participation of the oceanic plateau in the subduction process reduces the width of bending fault zone parallel to the trench, while increasing fracturing, serpentinization in the lithosphere ahead of the plateau. Along the trench, the juxtaposed subduction of the oceanic plateau and oceanic crust influences the tectonic configuration of the overriding plate, highlighting the impact of incoming oceanic plateau on subduction dynamics.

How to cite: He, E., Qiu, X., Li, Y., Grevemeyer, I., Zhao, M., Wang, Y., and Chen, C.: The effect of subducting oceanic plateau on the bending and hydration processes in the southern Mariana trench, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3730,, 2025.

EGU25-3944 | Posters on site | TS2.4

The structure and origin of the Vigan High off West Luzon Island 

Yun-Jie Tsai, Shu-Kun Hsu, Ching-Hui Tsai, Lien-Kai Lin, Shiou-Ya Wang, Yi-Ching Yeh, and Leo Armada

The Vigan High is located off west Luzon Island and is in the forearc basin of the Manila Trench, where the Eurasian Plate subducts eastward beneath the Philippine mobile belt. The Manila forearc basin exhibits complex structures involved in onshore faulting, seamount subduction, and slab tearing. To investigate the forearc basin of the Manila subduction system between ~16°N and 18°N, we utilized multi-channel seismic reflection data, Sparker seismic reflection data, and bathymetric data collected onboard R/V Legend in 2022 and 2023. Multi-channel seismic reflection data was also acquired on board R/V Ocean Researcher 5 in 2014. The study area can be divided into a northern region dominated by convergent environments and a southern region characterized by extensional environments. In the north region, the Vigan High consists in thrust and strike-slip faults. These faults are distributed along the central part of the Vigan High, with fault planes dipping towards the center. It indicates that the Vigan High is associated with a positive flower structure due to transpression. The strike-slip component of the structure is likely an offshore extension of the onshore Philippine Fault Zone. South of 17°N, seismic data reveal predominantly normal faults. Multi-channel seismic reflection data reveal an unconformity. Folded structures exist beneath the unconformity, and normal faults exist above it. This phenomenon suggests that the region changed from a convergent to an extensional regime. This transition may be related to a slab tearing of the subducted South China Sea slab. The structural difference between the northern and southern regions highlights the significant stress variation in the forearc basin of the Manila subduction system.

How to cite: Tsai, Y.-J., Hsu, S.-K., Tsai, C.-H., Lin, L.-K., Wang, S.-Y., Yeh, Y.-C., and Armada, L.: The structure and origin of the Vigan High off West Luzon Island, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3944,, 2025.

During the final stages of seafloor spreading in the East Sub-basin (ESB) of the South China Sea (SCS), the spreading ridge transitioned from slow to ultraslow before the complete cessation. Post-spreading volcanic activity has obscured the original structures along the extinct spreading ridge (ESR), complicating interpretations of spreading-related tectonics. Using independent tomographic inversion of P- and S-wave data, we constructed a detailed VP/VS  model along a profile perpendicular to the ESR, offering critical insights into crustal lithology and tectonic processes of the ESR.

A total of 1749 PSP’ arrivals were obtained, with uncertainties of 0.08 to 0.18 s due to picking error and traveltime correction. To reveal S-wave velocities beneath the sedimentary basement, P-wave velocities were fixed by overdamping the sedimentary layer during Tomo2d modeling, achieving an RMS misfit of 0.148 s and a normalized χ² of 1.37. Vp/Vs ratios were calculated based on the P- and S-wave tomography models, which reveals no distinct layering, predominantly ranging between 1.70 and 1.90. A low VP/VS ratio anomaly (<1.70, LRA) is identified in the model distance ~38-82 km, extending to ~1.0 km depth and coinciding with the low-velocity zone at the top of Layer 2. Additional low VP/VS anomalies are observed at both ends of the profile, but limited ray coverage and large uncertainties (>0.05) render these poorly resolved structures and excluded from further discussion.

The most striking feature in the VP/VS  model are high-ratio anomalies (HRA) in the central portion of the model. One of these HRAs (~1.9-1.99) extends from ~6.0 to ~11 km at depth in the thin oceanic crustal domain, spanning Layer 2 and Layer 3. In the mantle beneath this HRA, a high VP/VS zone (>1.8) coincides with the low S-wave velocity anomaly. Within these significantly thinned crustal regions, the abnormally high VP/VS ratios suggest the intrusion of serpentinites into the oceanic crust. These observations indicate a substantial reduction in magma supply during the terminal phases of spreading, resulting in rugged basement morphology, an unusually thin crust, and the near absence of lower crust. During this period, tectonic extension dominated seafloor spreading and the crustal fracturing facilitated seawater infiltration into the upper mantle, promoting serpentinite formation and intrusion.

How to cite: Jiang, H., Huang, H., He, E., and Qiu, X.: Hydration Processes in the Crust and Upper Mantle of an Extinct Spreading Ridge in the Eastern Sub-Basin, South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6370,, 2025.

The South China Sea (SCS), lying at the junction of the Philippine Sea Plate, Eurasian Plate, and Indo-Australian Plate, has a complex tectonic history, featuring numerous extension and magmatism events. One crucial aspect in the evolution is the formation of the high-velocity lower crust (HVLC, ~7.0–7.5 km/s) through deep magma intrusion or underplating. The presence or absence of the HVLC and its formation time hold crucial importance for understanding its evolution. However, there has long been a persistent and unresolved ambiguity regarding the origin and formation time of the HVLC in the SCS, especially within the Chaoshan Depression. The Chaoshan Depression, located in the northeastern SCS margin, has been identified as a Mesozoic forearc basin associated with the Dongsha Rise's magmatic arc. OBS profiles across the Chaoshan Depression consistently indicate a 2-12 km thick continuous HVLC. The HVLC might have formed from Mesozoic magmatic underplating. Also, it could be the result of Cenozoic magmatic activities related to the Hainan plume.

The foundation for discussing the origin and formation of the HVLC in the Chaoshan Depression lies in its structure and actual presence. The newly acquired OBS data in 2021 in the Chaoshan Depression, with the station spacing reduced from 20 - 80 km to 5 km, significantly enhances the lateral resolution. The results show that the crust of the Chaoshan Depression is thinner than previously reported and the previously identified HVLC in the northern Chaoshan Depression is actually absent, suggesting a potential overestimation of the HVLC in the northern continental margin of the SCS. Based on a more feature - based analysis (the Tc - Th diagram, a scatter plot of crustal thickness vs. HVLC thickness), we tentatively suggest that the HVLC in the northern Chaoshan Depression shows a positive Tc - Th correlation. This indicates a process that can be reconstructed by post - formation tectonic events like extension. Also, the thin HVLC aligns with thinner crust areas and pre-Cenozoic faults. All above suggest that the HVLC in the northern Chaoshan Depression might have formed before continental rifting and was thinned during the continental rifting. In contrast, the HVLC in the southern Chaoshan Depression shows a negative correlation, indicating no post - formation tectonic modification. Therefore, the southern area might be a product of Cenozoic magmatism, and our survey line might represent the northernmost boundary of Cenozoic magmatic activities.

How to cite: Zhang, J. and Wei, X.: Discontinuous Distribution and Tectonic Thinning Characteristics of the High-Velocity Lower Crust in the Northern Chaoshan Depression, South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7660,, 2025.

Geological observations have revealed a rapid evolution and obvious east–west difference in the North Sulawesi subduction zone. The Celebes Sea plate has inserted itself under the north arm of the Sulawesi Islands and the north arm of the Sulawesi Islands has rotated clockwise at the same time. The rotation of the north arm of the Sulawesi Islands may play an important role in facilitating tectonic processes like the slab rollback of the Celebes Sea plate. In view of the east–west differences along the north Sulawesi subduction zone, a numerical model with the convergence rate of the plates as the basic variable is established to quantitatively describe the evolution process of the north Sulawesi subduction zone. Our results reproduce the east–west differences of the subducting Celebes Sea plate, showing a shallow–deep–shallow subduction style. We suggest that the variable velocity ratio of the overriding plate to the subducting slab may be the main reason for the differential subduction along the strike of the North Sulawesi subduction zone. We therefore conclude that the residual slab and the rate of the eastern continental plate limit the downward movement of the subducted slabs of the eastern Sulawesi, and the tectonic location beyond the rotation radius influences the subduction morphology of the extreme western Sulawesi. Moreover, the widespread extension since Pliocene at the western Sulawesi is not affected by the rotating overriding plate.

摘要 HTML。

How to cite: Song, T. and Chen, X.: Numerical modeling of North Sulawesi subduction zone: Implications for the East-West differential evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8069,, 2025.

EGU25-8322 | Posters on site | TS2.4

Rapid topographic growth of Diancang Shan, southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, since 5.0–3.5 Ma  

Chunxia Zhang, Haibin Wu, Xiuli Zhao, Yunkai Deng, Yunxia Jia, Wenchao Zhang, Shihu Li, and Chenglong Deng

As a crucial geological, climatic, and ecological boundary in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (SEMTP), the topographic evolution of Diancang Shan (DCS) remains unclear due to the lack of direct constraints on its paleoelevation. Here, we quantitatively reconstructed changes in annual mean temperature (ANNT) based on palynological data from the terrestrial Dasongping section (∼ 7.6–1.8 Ma) in the Dali Basin, located at the northeastern margin of DCS in Yunnan, China. Integrating the thermochronological data from the eastern and southern margins of DCS, we have clarified the paleotopographic evolution of DCS during this period: the paleoelevation of DCS likely exceeded 2000 m a.s.l. (above sea level) due to initial normal faulting at ∼ 7.6 Ma, possibly comparable to the current average elevation (∼ 2200 m a.s.l.) of the surrounding Dali Basin region. Significant growth occurred between ∼ 5.0 and ∼ 3.5 Ma, with at least ∼ 1000 m uplift gain in the northern segment and up to ∼ 2000 m in the southern segment of DCS, caused by the intensification of normal faulting activities. Finally, the northern segment of DCS reached the elevation of ∼ 3500 m a.s.l. after ∼ 1.8 Ma. Our findings suggest that the quantitative ANNT reconstruction, combined with thermochronological and sedimentary data, can significantly improve constraint on the paleotopographic evolution of DCS.

How to cite: Zhang, C., Wu, H., Zhao, X., Deng, Y., Jia, Y., Zhang, W., Li, S., and Deng, C.: Rapid topographic growth of Diancang Shan, southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, since 5.0–3.5 Ma , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8322,, 2025.

EGU25-9118 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.4

Asymmetric continental crust stretching and seafloor spreading of the southwestern South China Sea: New insights from wide-angle seismic data 

Jialing Zhang, Zhaocai Wu, Yuhan Li, Ingo Grevemeyer, and Chun-Feng Li

Along-strike heterogeneity of pre-existing Mesozoic structures have caused different rift-to-drift features from east to west of the South China Sea (SCS). The southwestern margins have undergone prolonged extension and propagating seafloor spreading, leading to crustal structures significantly different from the northeastern SCS margin. The geodynamic mechanism of the termination of seafloor spreading in the SCS is still enigmatic.

In this study, we present a ~780 km long P-wave velocity model across the two conjugate continental margins and the oceanic basin at the southwestern propagating tip in the SCS from a wide-angle seismic refraction profiling. We use joint refraction and reflection seismic tomographic inversion and a layer-stripping approach to obtain the velocity structure. We show that the crustal thickness varies from ~6–23 km in the extended continental domain to <5 km in the oceanic basin. Significant asymmetry in velocity structures is observed in both the continental and oceanic domains, across the mid-ocean ridge. The continental crust of the Nansha Block in the southwestern SCS margin has a velocity structure and a mid-crustal layer (Vp=6.0-6.5 km/s) comparable to those of the Xisha Block. In contrast, the conjugate continental crust in the northern margin features a thinner upper crust with a high velocity gradient and lacks a mid-crustal layer. Stretching factors show that the upper and lower crusts of the southern continental margin are uniformly extended. However, the upper crust of the northern continental margin is much more stretched than its lower crust. The fault-driven stretching factor calculated on the coincident multi-channel seismic profile is much smaller than the stretching factors of the upper crust calculated from crustal thinning, suggesting that the initial crustal thickness may be much less than 32 km. In the ocean basin, we observe high P-wave velocities with high gradient at 2-3 km below the top of the sedimentary basement, and they increase to 7.5 km/s at a depth of 6 km below the basement. Our results suggest that a highly serpentinized mantle underlies a thin oceanic crust at the southwestern tip of the SCS basin, and the magmatic budget was inadequate near the end of the southwestward spreading propagation of the SCS. 

How to cite: Zhang, J., Wu, Z., Li, Y., Grevemeyer, I., and Li, C.-F.: Asymmetric continental crust stretching and seafloor spreading of the southwestern South China Sea: New insights from wide-angle seismic data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9118,, 2025.

EGU25-12342 | Orals | TS2.4

Why does the Sumatra subduction zone host more giant earthquakes than Java? Thermal structure and mineralogical insights 

Yueyang Xia, Heidrun Kopp, Lingling Ye, Bo Ma, Haipeng Luo, Dirk Klaeschen, and Dietrich Lange

The episodic stick-slip behavior of megathrust faults in subduction zones can lead to severe earthquakes and tsunamis that pose a catastrophic threat to coastal populations. It is therefore of great importance to study their seismogenic conditions and earthquake activity. The subduction zones of Sumatra and Java, located seaward of the Sunda Arc, are geographically neighboring, but their earthquake phenomena differ significantly. The Sumatra subduction zone has been the scene of numerous very strong earthquakes (Mw > 8), including the 2004 Sumatra earthquake of magnitude Mw 9.1, while the Java subduction zone has experienced only a limited number of large earthquakes, with a maximum magnitude of less than Mw 8. So far, the underlying mechanism explaining this seismological mismatch between these two margins remains enigmatic. To determine the possible cause, we first calculated the 2D steady-state subduction zone thermal model using the finite element method off the coast of Sumatra and Java based on regional tectonic settings. We then extracted the pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions of the megathrusts and analyzed their relationship to the mineral composition of the megathrust shear zone, the serpentine metamorphic reaction, the frictional behavior, and the characteristics of historical earthquakes. Based on the modeling results, we found that the Sumatra megathrust can trigger large earthquakes in both the crustal and mantle regions from the seafloor to a depth of 60 km, covering a seismogenic zone of about 200 km in width. In contrast, the predicted seismogenic zone off the coast of Java is mainly restricted to the crustal region (< 20 km depth), with a width of less than 50 km. The main reason for this discrepancy is primarily related to the age of the subducted oceanic crust and the depth of the arc crustal Moho. The very hot oceanic crust off the coast of Sumatra enhances the metamorphic reaction of the serpentine minerals below the shallow part of the mantle wedge from the velocity-strengthening minerals lizardite/chrysotile to the velocity-weakening mineral antigorite, which facilitates the generation and rupture of earthquakes. In contrast, the P-T condition of the Java subduction is too cold to promote such a metamorphic reaction and thus facilitate earthquake rupture below the mantle wedge.

How to cite: Xia, Y., Kopp, H., Ye, L., Ma, B., Luo, H., Klaeschen, D., and Lange, D.: Why does the Sumatra subduction zone host more giant earthquakes than Java? Thermal structure and mineralogical insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12342,, 2025.

Myanmar, located at the southern edge of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, plays a crucial geological role in understanding the interaction between the Indian and Eurasian plates. While previous studies have employed various methods to investigate the subducting slab beneath Myanmar, the fine-scale structure of the slab, particularly beneath the Indo-Burma Ranges, remains unresolved. In this study, we utilize seismic data from a dense seismic array across the Indo-Burma Ranges in central Myanmar to investigate the structural characteristics of the subducting slab. Using receiver function analysis, we identify a series of seismic discontinuities associated with the subducting Indian slab. By integrating geodetic and seismicity data, our imaging reveals that the Indian slab beneath central Myanmar is a continental slab and highlights the presence of a shear zone or detachment layer above it. These findings provide new insights into the subduction process and contribute to a deeper understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Indo-Burma region.

How to cite: Li, B. and Wang, X.: Seismic evidence for a detachment layer above the subducted continental Indian slab beneath the Indo-Burma Ranges , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14259,, 2025.

EGU25-14362 | Orals | TS2.4

Seismic Structure of the Lower Ocean Crust in the South China Sea 

Lijie Wang, Zhen Sun, Baojin Zhang, Yuping Liu, and Ziying Xu

Over 60% of the global oceanic crust forms at intermediate to fast spreading mid-ocean ridges, making the study of the lower ocean crust crucial for understanding magma processes, and the interactions between hydrothermal circulation and serpentinization during seafloor spreading. However, direct observations of gabbroic cumulates in the lower crust remain scarce. Previous studies have identified lower crustal reflections (LCRs) beneath mature oceanic crust in the big oceans, with these reflections formed due to faulting, lithological layering, or ductile shear zones. Here, we employed extensive multi-channel seismic data to investigate the crustal structure in the East Sub-basin of the South China Sea. Our analysis revealed a network of LCRs located between the COT and the early-formed oceanic crust (before the ridge jump) on both sides of the basin, where the basement exhibits a relatively smooth with minor faults, and the Moho layer is distinctly identifiable. These LCRs are concentrated in the central segment of the basin, particularly in the right side of the Zhongnan Fault Zone, while they become sparse or completely absent in other regions. Additionally, our examination of LCR length and dip angles along ridge-normal and ridge-parallel profiles revealed remarkable uniformity, challenging the shear zone model that anticipated only ridge-ward LCRs in the southern part of the basin. We propose that the observed LCRs are magma intrusions, potentially formed during periods of unstable seafloor spreading following continental breakup or subsequent magma intrusions occurred nearby off-axis ridges. This study enhances our understanding of the magma processes during crustal accretion in the marginal basin.

How to cite: Wang, L., Sun, Z., Zhang, B., Liu, Y., and Xu, Z.: Seismic Structure of the Lower Ocean Crust in the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14362,, 2025.

EGU25-14550 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.4

Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Sumatra Based on Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography 

Sigit Ariwibowo, Jaeyeon Kim, and Seongryong Kim

Located on the subduction boundary between Indo-Australia and Eurasia plates, the Sumatra region is considered as one of the most active tectonic regions in the world. The existence of the Sumatran trench, abundant arc volcanism, as well as multiple fault segments on the mainland make this region a suitable place to study crustal and upper mantle structures. Furthermore, studying the structures of the arc and the overriding lithosphere is crucial for understanding the tectonic evolution and geohazard potential in Sumatra, particularly in relation to megathrust earthquakes and arc volcanism. The goal of this study is to image the shear wave structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath Sumatra based on ambient noise tomography. We incorporate three seismic networks in this region for the continuous data from January 2022 to December 2023 from 140 broadband stations. We construct Rayleigh wave group and phase velocity maps for 10-60 s using Fast Marching Surface Tomography and then invert these for the shear wave structure with applying transdimensional Bayesian inversion method. The obtained model in the shallower depth shows prominent low velocity near the Sumatra trench probably associated with the mantle wedge. On the other hand, high velocities primarily detect the geometry of the lithosphere beneath Sumatra. In the deeper part, high velocity delineates the subduction slab beneath this region and low velocity may define magma structure beneath major volcanoes, such as the Toba caldera. With further interpretation, the result can contribute to better understanding of the development of the major arc volcanoes in a relationship with the slab subduction and associated modification of the overriding lithosphere.

How to cite: Ariwibowo, S., Kim, J., and Kim, S.: Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Sumatra Based on Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14550,, 2025.

EGU25-17142 | ECS | Orals | TS2.4

Double subduction initiation in Molucca Sea: Insights of numerical modelling 

Zihua Cheng, Dan Liang, Weiwei Ding, and Fan Zhang

The Molucca Sea subduction zone, located between the southern Philippines and northeastern Indonesia, forms a U-shaped divergent double subduction (DDS). Based on previous research, the subduction was initiated in the Sangihe region at 20 Ma, followed by the second subduction in the Halmahera region at 10 Ma. However, the mechanism of initiating the second subduction resulting in DDS remains unknown. In this study, we simulated a series of models by presetting a single subduction zone with the convergence of continents to examine the conditions for the initiation of the second subduction of DDS. By modifying parameters of plate age, subduction angle, and convergence rate. Our preliminary results indicate that plate age has little influence on the formation of DDS. A lower preset angle of the first subduction slab (< 30°) tends to favor the second subduction initiation, while a higher preset angle results in single subduction only.  Furthermore, we found that the convergence rate of two continental plates is a critical factor controlling DDS formation. The second subduction will initiate with a higher total convergence rate (> 7 cm/yr), particularly when the rate of the subducted plate exceeds 6 cm/yr. Our results are comparable to the existing asymmetric DDS under the Molucca Sea.

How to cite: Cheng, Z., Liang, D., Ding, W., and Zhang, F.: Double subduction initiation in Molucca Sea: Insights of numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17142,, 2025.

EGU25-21158 | Posters on site | TS2.4

The fluid-related short-duration events recorded by the OBS in the Mussau Trench

Yuan Wang, Annan Ren, Tianyao Hao, Shengji Wei, and Weidong Sun

  The Altaids, (also termed as Central Asian Orogenic Belt, CAOB), world’s largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogen, is characterized by multiple collages of juvenile crust, and whether significant tectonic contraction occurred or not during its amalgamation with old continents on its south is unclear. Here, we present zircon U-Pb-Hf and whole-rock geochemical study on middle-late Permian high silica granites in Siziwangqi area of the northern margin of North China Craton (NCC). These rocks from the batholith were formed at ~262-267 Ma, and those from adjacent or individual stocks at ~255-257 Ma. All these granitic rocks were mainly derived from late Archean to Mesoproterozoic rocks of the NCC and similar cases documented commonly along the northern margin of the NCC, indicating a widespread crust-reworking there. Together with coeval compressional structures, accompanying sedimentary records and continental uplift there, this crust-reworking probably resulted from crust shortening by intensive tectonic contraction there. We propose that this tectonic contraction was caused by a collisional event related to closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO), supported by: (1) rock change with significant decrease of arc-related magmatism in the northern NCC at ~250-270 Ma, (2) roughly coeval mixing of the Tethyan and Boreal realm fauna of marine strata in the southern CAOB, (3) disappearance of marine strata replaced by continental strata there after ~260 Ma, and (4) occurrence of significantly closer paleolatitudes (~0-5°) between the North China and Mongolia collages after ~260 Ma. Comparatively, the wide CAOB accretionary zone has insignificant contraction, commonly occurred in accretionary orogens. We infer that such difference is due to different crust architecture resulted from different directions of subduction of the PAO.

  This research was financially supported NSFC Project (42102260), Hong Kong RGC GRF (17307918), and HKU Internal Grants for Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (102009906) and for Distinguished Research Achievement Award (102010100), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, CHD (300102272204), Croucher Chinese Visitorship (2022-2023) from Croucher Foundation, and the Youth Innovation Team of Shaanxi Universities.

How to cite: Zhou, H., Zhang, Q., Zhao, G., Han, Y., and Wu, Y.: Significant crust remelting and accompanied continental uplift during contraction of the amalgamation of world's largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogen (Altaids) with North China Craton, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-53,, 2025.

EGU25-1638 | Orals | TS2.5

Exploration of karst bauxite deposits in the Dinarides using ground geophysical methods - possibilities and limitations 

Franjo Šumanovac, Josipa Kapuralić, Luka Perković, and Anamarija Grbeš Babić

The research was conducted in the Dinarides in two test areas, Posušje and Jajce in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where bauxite has been intensively exploited since the second half of the 20th century. The explored bauxite deposits were formed in two emersions, terrestrial geological phases in the geological history. In the Jajce area, the deposits originate from the horizon within the Middle Cretaceous, while in the Posušje area they were formed in the emersion between the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks. Two basic goals of the research in the test areas were set. The first goal is to determine the possibility of directly discovering bauxite deposits, and the second is to determine lithological and structural relationships in very complex geological models. The expected result of the research is to increase the efficiency of geophysical methods and thus reduce the overall costs of exploring bauxite deposits. Ground geophysical methods (GGM) were applied, that could contribute to solving the problem, on the basis of previous experiences in exploring karst areas. These are the methods based on the determination of the inverse resistivity model, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and the magneto-telluric method (Controlled Source Audio-frequency Magnetotellurics - CSAMT), and seismic refraction which gives an inverse velocity model.

Research at already discovered bauxite deposits at several micro-sites in the Posušje area showed the deposits are outlined as geophysical anomalies on inverse resistivity and velocity models, that is, bauxite deposits can be directly detected by ERT and seismic refraction if Paleogene limestones are in the hanging wall. However, if there are clastic Paleogene-Neogene deposits, it is very difficult to discover bauxite deposits. In the Jajce area, bauxite deposits could not be recognized on geophysical models, since the hanging wall of the deposits mainly consists of clastic rocks whose resistivities and velocities overlap with the bauxite deposits.

GGM can significantly contribute to the determination of very complex geological models in bauxite exploration. In both research areas, Jajce and Posušje, it was shown that ERT should be considered as a basic research method in determining generally very complex geological models. In combination with other geological data, from the surface and from boreholes, the effectiveness of overall investigations can be significantly increased. One of the main tasks is the mapping of the weathered carbonate bedrock with possible bauxite deposits, especially when clastic rocks, Cretaceous or Paleogene-Neogene, are found in the hanging wall. In the case of a deeper carbonate bedrock, greater than 90 m, the CSAMT method should be applied due to the limited depth penetration of ERT.


This exploration was carried out in the AGEMERA project (Agile Exploration and Geo-modelling for European Critical Raw Materials) - the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme - grant agreement No 101058178.

How to cite: Šumanovac, F., Kapuralić, J., Perković, L., and Grbeš Babić, A.: Exploration of karst bauxite deposits in the Dinarides using ground geophysical methods - possibilities and limitations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1638,, 2025.

A prominent tectonic feature in northeastern Taiwan, the Ilan Plain, has played a critical role in the structural evolution of Oligocene and Miocene strata during the opening of the Okinawa Trough. Despite its significance, the geological map of around this region remains unclear, particularly regarding how backarc extension during the later stages of the Taiwan orogeny affected the faulting and folding of these strata. Dense vegetation has posed significant challenges to field-based structural investigations, limiting our understanding of the region’s tectonic processes. To overcome these challenges, we applied 3D LiDAR mapping, a high-resolution technique capable of removing dense vegetation and providing detailed topographic and structural information. The results of our study have dramatically improved the mapping of sedimentary strata and geologic structures, revealing a previously unrecognized 3–4 km-wide zone of normal faulting in the Oligocene Szeleng and Kankou Formations, while the folded Miocene strata exhibited minimal normal faulting. Furthermore, we identified several new fault systems, including the Dajinmianshan normal fault system, and observed that the faults are characterized by relatively small displacements, as indicated by minor offsets in sedimentary layers. This study underscores the transformative potential of 3D LiDAR mapping in resolving ambiguities in densely vegetated and poorly mapped regions, offering new insights into the structural evolution associated with the Okinawa Trough's backarc opening. Future research should focus on determining the ages of these structures to better understand the timing and mechanisms of extension and exhumation, shedding light on the interplay between tectonic forces and geomorphic processes in shaping this tectonically active region.

How to cite: Chan, Y.-C., Sun, C.-W., Chang, K.-J., and Hsieh, Y.-C.: Enhanced Mapping of Fault Structures and Normal Faulting in Northeastern Taiwan: Insights into Tectonic and Geomorphic Evolution During Okinawa Trough Opening, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2424,, 2025.

EGU25-3298 | Posters on site | TS2.5

2D numerical analysis on microcontinents subductability: subduction or collision? 

Alessandro Regorda and Manuel Roda

Oceanic domains can be characterised by lithological heterogeneities, such as microcontinents and continental ribbons, with dimensions vary from tens to hundreds of kilometres. In particular, microcontinents are completely detached from continental margins and isolated by oceanic lithosphere (Gaina & Whittaker, 2020). While previous works have analyzed the impact of various rhological parameters on the evolution of subduction systems characterized by oceanic plateaus, seamounts, or microcontinents (e.g., De Franco et al., 2008; Tetreault & Buiter, 2012), these models typically focused on very large terranes located at significant distances from the initial trench (150-200 km), emphasizing mechanical effects with less attention to thermal effects. Here, our goals are 1) to evaluate the effects on the microcontinent subductability of different lengths (ranging from 25 to 100 km long) of microcontinents located at varying distances from the upper plate (ranging from 25 to 100 km) and of different velocities of the plates; and 2) to analyze the thermo-mechanical effects induced by the collision or the subduction of the microcontinents.

We observed that four different styles of subduction can develop when microcontinents are introduced into the system: (1) continuous subduction; (2) continuous subduction with jump of the subduction channel; (3) interruption and reinitiation of the subduction; (4) continental collision. Our results show a direct dependence between the length of microcontinents, the length of the inner ocean, and the capability to be subducted or accreted. In general, continuous subductions after the collision of the microcontinent do not occur if the microcontinent is equal to or longer than its initial distance from the trench. We also observed that subductability of the microcontinent is favored for higher velocities of the upper plate, while it is more difficult in case of higher velocities of the lower plate. Therefore, the velocity of both plates and the length of a microcontinent are significant parameters to consider for better constraining geodynamic reconstruction in the case of exhumed rocks characterized by contrasting maximum pressure recorded (Regorda & Roda, 2024).


C. Gaina & J. Whittaker, 2020. Microcontinents. Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics. Ed. by H. K. Gupta. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer, Cham, doi:10.1007/978‐3‐030‐10475‐7_240‐1.

R. De Franco, R. Govers & R. Wortel, 2008. Nature of the plate contact and subduction zones diversity. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 271, 245–253, doi:10.1111/j.1365‐246X.2008.03857.x.

A. Regorda & M. Roda, 2024. Thermo‐Mechanical Effects of Microcontinent Collision on Ocean‐Continent Subduction System. JGR: Solid Earth, 129, e2024JB029908, doi:10.1029/2024JB029908.

J. L. Tetreault & S. J. H. Buiter, 2012. Geodynamic models of terrane accretion: Testing the fate of island arcs, oceanic plateaus, and continental fragments in subduction zones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117, doi:10.1029/2012JB009316.

How to cite: Regorda, A. and Roda, M.: 2D numerical analysis on microcontinents subductability: subduction or collision?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3298,, 2025.

Sixty years ago, the advent of plate tectonics (Wilson, 1965; Le Pichon, 1968; Morgan, 1968) provided a framework to account for the relationship between lithospheric plate convergence and orogenic evolution. Metamorphic belts with gradients ranging from high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) to low-pressure/high--temperature (LP/HT) nourished the concept of alpinotype and hercynotype orogens (Zwart, 1967) and of hot vs cold orogens (Chardon et al., 2009) attributed to secular cooling of the Earth (Brown, 2007). It also led to the distinction between subduction-type orogens, currently represented by the Cordilleras along the Pacific Ocean, and collision-type orogens exemplified by the Alpine-Himalayan belt (Dewey and Bird, 1970). In this view, plate convergence is first accommodated by subduction and is followed by continental collision, which marks the end of the Wilson orogenic cycle (Wilson, 1966) owing to the low density of the continental crust that impedes subduction (McKenzie, 1969). The concept of subduction-type orogen has been extended in the one of accretionary orogens marked by prolonged subduction of an oceanic plate and successive opening and closure of back-arc basins and associated tectonic accretion of terranes (Collins, 2001; Cawood et al., 2009). In turn, the concept of collision-type orogen has fed the model of indentation based on the India-Asia collision (Molnar & Tapponnier, 1975). This description of the orogenic cycle has been challenged by the documentation of UHP metamorphism attributed to continental subduction (Chopin, 1984) and of extension of previously thickened crust in zones of active plate convergence (Coney & Harms, 1984) ascribed to gravitational collapse (Dewey, 1988; Rey et al., 2001).

These discoveries called for a reassessment of the orogenic cycle in order to capture the variety of orogenic belts as a function of plate kinematics, the fate of the crust along convergent plate boundaries, and the thermal-mechanical evolution of the orogenic crust (Vanderhaeghe, 2009; Vanderhaeghe & Duchêne, 2010; Vanderhaeghe et al., 2012). Convergent plate boundaries are marked, at the lithospheric scale, by slab advance or retreat associated to crust/mantle mechanical coupling or decoupling. Slab advance is characterized by distributed deformation across sutures between former continental blocs and corresponds to indentation. In turn, slab retreat promotes subduction of the continental crust and HP/LT metamorphism, but also exhumation of these units, owing to their buoyancy, into the space induced by extension of the overriding plate. In this case, the orogenic wedge is predominantly constructed by tectonic accretion and vertical extrusion of terranes mechanically decoupled from the downgoing plate. After tectonic accretion, slab retreat induces concomitant thickening of the orogenic crust and thinning of the lithospheric mantle, which favor the construction of a hot, buoyant and weak orogenic crust. Partial melting and gravity-driven flow of the orogenic root control the transition from an orogenic wedge to an orogenic plateau. If plate kinematics changes and/or if the 3D geometry of the plate boundaries comprises a free boundary, lateral flow of the orogenic crust might result in gravitational collapse of the orogenic belt. These different stages of orogenic evolution are pictured examples in the Alpine and Variscan orogenic belts.

How to cite: Vanderhaeghe, O.: A reappraisal of the orogenic cycle : thermal mechanical evolution of orogens along convergent plate boundaries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3341,, 2025.

In Hokkaido, northern Japan, the westward migration of the Kuril forearc sliver (KFS) that started in the late Miocene due to the oblique subduction of the Pacific Plate along the Kuril Trench results in a "collision" between the KFS and the western part of Hokkaido, the northern extension of the Northeast Japan Arc. The "collision" rapidly uplifted the arc crust, forming the present-day Hidaka Mountains, and tectonically forced delamination occurred beneath the mountains. Based on the depth conversion of seismic wave velocities and geological observations, the delamination has occurred in the upper lower crust, ~23 km depth of the original crustal section. The central to eastern Hidaka Mountains interpret an Eocene-Miocene island-arc crustal section that shallows eastward (Hidaka metamorphic belt; HMB). In the western part, the Poroshiri ophiolite extends approximately 70 km long and <2 km wide, exposing a nearly complete oceanic crust-mantle section that shallows to the west. Both units are bounded by a thrust at the deepest lithologies.

The Uenzaru peridotite complex is a steeply dipping sheet approximately 800 m wide. It lies between the metagabbro of the Poroshiri ophiolite and the pelitic granulites of the HMB. The western part consists mainly of harzburgite, showing metamorphism with abundant amphiboles and complete absence of clinopyroxene. The eastern part consists mainly of fresh spinel lherzolite and plagioclase lherzolite along with pyroxenite and gabbro veins/bands similar to lithologies found in the Horoman peridotite complex, the largest peridotite body in the HMB. The compositional relationship between spinel Cr#[= Cr/(Cr+Al) in atomic ratio] and olivine Fo suggests that the western peridotites are petrogenetically related to the gabbro of the Poroshiri ophiolite. The eastern sample showed a wide range of spinel Cr# consistent with Horoman peridotites. The REE pattern of amphiboles throughout the area shows significantly low abundance and a leftward decreasing pattern in the western part, a spoon or U-shaped pattern at the boundary to the eastern part, and relatively high abundance with an LREE-depleted pattern in the easternmost part. Comparing these patterns with those of the clinopyroxene, the western pattern is consistent with that of the mafic cumulate of the Poroshiri ophiolite, while the eastern part has a similar spoon- or U-shaped pattern. From the plagioclase lherzolite of the Horoman peridotite body, clinopyroxene with spoon- or U-shaped patterns has been reported for spinel lherzolite and harzburgite. Therefore, the trace elements of amphiboles in the Uenzaru Complex reflect the REE pattern of clinopyroxene, indicating that the eastern part belongs to the HMB.

In the HMB, metamorphic pressure and temperature conditions of <970 MPa and <890˚C have been estimated for partial melting of exposed crustal parts. Therefore, the delaminated materials are most likely restites (garnetite and/or garnet-pyroxenite) that could descend in the wedge mantle and passively induce the asthenospheric upwelling that compensates for the removal of the lower crust. Furthermore, the delaminated lower crust may descend even lower than the subducting slab and the fragmented subducting slab (Poroshiri ophiolite) attached to the HMB as part of the passive asthenospheric upwelling.

How to cite: Yamasaki, T. and Shimoda, G.: Delamination-induced conjunction of sub-oceanic and sub-arc mantle peridotites in the Hokkaido, northern Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3392,, 2025.

EGU25-3615 | ECS | Orals | TS2.5

Tectonometamorphic evolution and structural overprinting of a Cadomian suture zone in SW Iberia 

Diana Moreno-Martín, Rubén Díez Fernández, Richard Albert, Sonia Sánchez Martínez, Esther Rojo Pérez, Axel Gerdes, and Ricardo Arenas

The Cadomian Orogeny, an accretionary orogen around Gondwana, was extensively reworked during the Paleozoic Variscan Orogeny. In SW Iberia, a structural, geochronological and tectonometamorphic study of the Mina Afortunada Massif identified two Cadomian deformation phases. The first phase (DC1; ~586 Ma, U-Pb dating of inherited garnet) represents the ophiolite acrection during the closure of a back-arc or intra-arc basin, identified as the Cuartel Ophiolite. This phase is preserved as internal foliation in Ediacaran metasedimentary rocks. The second deformation phase (DC2; 515–485 Ma) is marked by a penetrative foliation in the Mina Afortunada Gneiss (~515 Ma) and the absence of deformation in overlying Ordovician sediments (~485 Ma). Extensional tectonics during DC2 facilitated early exhumation of the Cadomian suture zone, evidenced by telescoped metamorphic isograds and low-angle normal faults. Later Variscan deformation overprinted Cadomian structures and played a significant role in further exhumation. Geochronological and structural correlations link the Cuartel Ophiolite to the Mérida ophiolite (SW Iberian Massif), being fragments of a single Cadomian suture zone located at the northern margin of Gondwana. This work highlights the potential duplication of suture zones in reworked orogens, especially after ophiolite accretion.

How to cite: Moreno-Martín, D., Díez Fernández, R., Albert, R., Sánchez Martínez, S., Rojo Pérez, E., Gerdes, A., and Arenas, R.: Tectonometamorphic evolution and structural overprinting of a Cadomian suture zone in SW Iberia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3615,, 2025.

EGU25-3664 | Posters on site | TS2.5 | Highlight

Importance of rifted margin inheritance during continental collision revealed by numerical modelling 

Jonas B. Ruh and Pablo Granado

A significant part of accommodated localized deformation in continent-continent collision zones occurs along mechanically weak fault zones inherited from earlier tectonic events, in particular through polyphase rifting of continental margins. Besides the pre-existence of weak zones, the inherited thermal, rheological and geometric characteristics of continental plate margins may affect collision dynamics and promote or impede the subduction or accretion of continental lithospheric slivers. Therefore, the implication of previous rifting dynamics is required when investigating the structural and mechanical evolution of continental collision systems.

In this work, we test the impact of rift-inherited rifted margin architecture on continental collision by using geodynamic numerical modelling. We apply the two-dimensional finite difference numerical code Norma with a locally refined fully staggered Eulerian grid measuring 1000 x 150 km and a Lagrangian marker field tracking deformation. The numerical experiments undergo initial extension of continental lithosphere, followed by a phase of tectonic quiescence and subsequent convergence, ultimately culminating in continental collision. Depending on the amount of extension and whether oceanic lithosphere developed or not, the initial phase of convergence is characterized by oceanic subduction. Our parametric study includes the variation of the thermal conditions of the continental lithosphere, the amount of extension, and the duration of tectonic quiescence, all affecting the rheological and morphological characteristics of the tectonically accreted rifted continental margins.

Modelling results demonstrate that a warmer initial geotherm produce highly-extended wide (>100 km) continental margins with several individual continental crustal slivers in contrast to narrow rifted margins in case of a cold and strong lithosphere. Upon tectonic inversion, a short previous phase of thermal relaxation of the rifting-related mantle upwelling leads to subduction initiation at the former spreading ridge, while >20 Myr of tectonic quiescence results in subduction along one of the continental margins. Ultimately, the inherited crustal and rheological architecture of the extended lithosphere and its thermal state influence the dynamics during orogeny, resulting in either single- or double-verging orogenic wedges. Our study provides further insight into the specific conditions of pre-collisional rifted margins of natural orogens.

How to cite: Ruh, J. B. and Granado, P.: Importance of rifted margin inheritance during continental collision revealed by numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3664,, 2025.

EGU25-3856 | Orals | TS2.5

Linking thrust system, back-arc extension, rift inheritance, and crustal delamination in the Tyrrhenian basin–Apennines thrust belt system. 

Stefano Tavani, Augusto Maresca, Eugenio Carminati, Gian Paolo Cavinato, Pablo Granado, Gianreto Manatschal, and Josep Anton Muñoz

In this contribution, we present a kinematic reconstruction for the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin–central Apennines fold-and-thrust belt system during the last 25 Myr, illustrating how its evolution is driven by the interplay between slab rollback and the inherited rifted margin architecture of the lower plate.

After an initial stage of oceanic subduction and slab rollback, which led to the formation of the Liguro-Provençal back-arc basin and the development of the thin-skinned Liguride accretionary wedge, soft collision was established around 20 Ma with the arrival of Adria’s rifted margin at the subduction zone. The transition from subduction to soft collision altered the orogenic system’s dynamics, decelerating slab rollback and slowing down the velocity of thrust migration. By 12–10 Ma, with the hard collision stage already established, the subduction interface migrated from the base of the sedimentary cover into the ductile middle crust, coevally with the onset of lower crust delamination, the renewal of slab rollback, the acceleration of forelandward thrust propagation, and the onset of back-arc extension in the axial zone of the belt. Since then, extensional and compressional deformation are migrating toward the foreland at a constant velocity. We propose a "zip-like" tectonic model for the Apennines over the last 10 Myr, in which delamination of the lower crust spreads from a forelandward-migrating singularity point. Areas of compression and extension are pinned to this migrating singularity point, providing a unified explanation for the seismicity patterns, low-angle normal faults, and Moho depth variations observed in the Apennines.

How to cite: Tavani, S., Maresca, A., Carminati, E., Cavinato, G. P., Granado, P., Manatschal, G., and Muñoz, J. A.: Linking thrust system, back-arc extension, rift inheritance, and crustal delamination in the Tyrrhenian basin–Apennines thrust belt system., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3856,, 2025.

EGU25-5324 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5

The Magmatic Evolution Between the Late Paleozoic and Triassic of the Las Delicias Terrane, Coahuila, Mexico. 

Lizbeth Brito Mejía, Roberto Maldonado-Villanueva, Alberto Vásquez-Serrano, and Teresa Orozco-Esquivel

In northeastern Mexico, within the Coahuila Block, lies the Las Delicias Terrane, where a Triassic plutonic body previously referenced as the Acatita intrusive suite is exposed. This suite has been interpreted within a post-orogenic collapse context and is observed emplaced in a deformed volcanosedimentary sequence of the Las Delicias Formation. Associated with both units are some questions about the transition and magmatic diversity, as well as the petrogenetic evolution of the suite. To address these questions, cartographic, geochemical, isotopic, petrographic, and geochronological analyses were conducted.

Our results suggest that the Las Delicias Formation is primarily composed of volcaniclastic deposits, rhyolites, and andesite-dacite rocks from the Carboniferous-Permian (327–270 Ma). On the other hand, the Acatita intrusive suite (223–211 Ma) consists of granodiorites, tonalites, and quartz monzodiorites, including hornblende-rich gabbroic and dioritic enclaves. Zircon Hf analyses from both units reveal variation during the magmatic transition, potentially representing different stages in the evolution of Pangea.

The geochemical signatures of the suite exhibit a typical arc pattern. However, a depletion in HREE, significant negative anomalies in Nb and Hf, and Sr enrichment are observed. These patterns, in conjunction with the disequilibrium textures observed in the petrographic analysis, suggest a simultaneous process involving mixing, assimilation and fractional crystallization, which defines the compositional variation of the intrusive suite.

How to cite: Brito Mejía, L., Maldonado-Villanueva, R., Vásquez-Serrano, A., and Orozco-Esquivel, T.: The Magmatic Evolution Between the Late Paleozoic and Triassic of the Las Delicias Terrane, Coahuila, Mexico., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5324,, 2025.

The Okcheon fold-thrust belt, located in the southern Korean Peninsula, serves as a natural laboratory for understanding the formation and evolution of the orogenic belts along the East Asian continental margin during complex Paleozoic tectonics in East Asia. The belt preserves various sedimentary basins developed at different geological times and tectonic settings, which have experienced various orogenic events forming an area of significant scientific debate. This study integrates biomarker analysis, and U-Pb detrital and igneous zircon geochronology to redefine the stratigraphy of the Okcheon belt. Redefined stratigraphy, cross-section profiled constructions using down-plunge projections, structural interpretations based on detailed field survey, and cross-section balancing were conducted to figure out new insights into the structural evolution of this belt. These together with evidence from previously reported publications, the spatiotemporal scenarios for the evolution of the Okcheon fold-thrust belt could be summarized as follows. (1) The Okcheon Belt was formed during the Neoproterozoic intracontinental rifting resulted in the creation of a rift basin in the Taebaeksan Zone. This is followed by subsequent deposition of miogeoclinal carbonate sediments, known as the Joseon Supergroup. Throughout this time, the Okcheon Zone remained as a basement high without sedimentation. (2) During the Devonian, sporadic magmatic events and contractional deformation in the Gyeonggi Massif supported the higher structural relief of the Gyeonggi Massif than the Okcheon Belt. In addition, the Taebaeksan Zone was higher structural relief relative to the Okcheon Zone in the Okcheon Belt. The differences in basement geometry before deposition of the Carboniferous clastic wedge resulted in differences in depositional environments and lithologic variations in the Okcheon and Pyeongan supergroups. These are supported by previously reported Devonian detrital zircon U-Pb age dates from the meta-sedimentary rocks in the Okcheon Belt, existence of angular unconformity between the Joseon Supergroup and the subsequent supergroups, and distinct lithologic differences between the lower parts of two Supergroups, etc. (3) Finally the Late Permian to Early Triassic marks a significant period in tectonic history of the Okcheon Belt that is characterized by extensive crustal deformation and formation of a complex fold-thrust belt system. Key structural features such as the Bonghwajae Tectonic Window and the Yeongwol connecting-splay duplex support presence of typical fold-thrust features in the central part of the belt. However, other regions like the Gyemyeongsan Thrust and Wachon Klippe display signs of basement-involved deformation, where Proterozoic basement rocks are notably involved in the deformation style. These will provide spatio-temporal evolution of the Okcheon Belt, which will offer significant insight into tectonic processes along the East Asian continental margin during Paleozoic to Early Triassic period.

How to cite: Kim, C., Noh, J., Kim, D., Kwon, S., and Jang, Y.: Tectonic Evolution of the Okcheon Fold-Thrust Belt, southern Korean Peninsula: Insights into Paleozoic Tectonics and Orogenic Processes along the East Asian Continental Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5451,, 2025.

EGU25-5517 | Posters on site | TS2.5

Structural geometry of the Taean area in the Western Gyeonggi Massif: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Korean Peninsula and East Asia 

Seongjae Park, Minho Kang, Yirang Jang, Sanghoon Kwon, and Vinod O. Samuel

The Korean Peninsula, in East Asia alongside China and Japan, is tectonically linked to these neighboring regions. Notably, the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu Belt, located between the North China Craton (NCC) and the South China Craton (SCC), includes intervening microcontinents and has been proposed to extend into the Korean Peninsula. However, robust tectonic correlations were not made due to a lack of understanding of detailed geology for both regions. Within the Korean Peninsula, the Western Gyeonggi Massif has been tectonically linked to this belt, preserving evidence of Permo-Triassic orogeny and a related fold-thrust belt associated with a subduction followed by a collision.

The Taean area of the Western Gyeonggi Massif is a part of this Permo-Triassic fold-thrust belt and retains typical contractional fold-thrust belt structures. The Paleoproterozoic Seosan Group, which forms the basement underlying the Paleozoic Taean Formation, shows systematic NE-SW trending repetitions in map view. To decipher the structural geometry of these repetitions in the Taean area, structural geometric interpretations have been conducted based on detailed field mapping. The results reveal that the overall structural geometry of the study area comprises NE-SW trending overturned folds. These folds plunge to the southwest in the northern, southern, and eastern parts of the area, and the northeast in the central part. This multi-plunging asymmetric fold geometry, displaying northwest vergence, can be interpreted as second-order folds within the hanging wall of the regional-scale fault located in the eastern part of the study area. These fault-related folds suggest basement-involved deformation possibly related to the Permo-Triassic collisional orogeny preserved in central-western Korean Peninsula, based on the newly obtained SHRIMP titanite U-Pb age (ca. 205 Ma) of a deformed mafic intrusion in the study area.

Understanding the spatial and temporal evolution of these structures will provide valuable insights into the tectonic significance of the orogenic belt in the Western Gyeonggi Massif of the Korean Peninsula. This, in turn, will enhance our understanding of the role of the Korean Peninsula in the tectonic evolution of the East Asian continent as a whole.

How to cite: Park, S., Kang, M., Jang, Y., Kwon, S., and Samuel, V. O.: Structural geometry of the Taean area in the Western Gyeonggi Massif: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Korean Peninsula and East Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5517,, 2025.

EGU25-5545 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5

Interaction between shallow and deep structures in the Southern Junggar fold-and-thrust belt, northern Tianshan, China 

Yuan Yao, Jie Chen, Tao Li, Wen-Jiao Xiao, Wen-xin Yang, and Ning Di

Fold-and-thrust belts (FTBs) serve as crucial structural elements in regulating crustal shortening and deformation within continental interiors. They exhibit intricate geometric and kinematic characteristics, encompassing various fault-related folds and multiple sets of primary (active) detachment planes at varying depths. It is crucial to determine the sequence of deformation and the interaction between shallow and deep structures within the multiple detachment systems to comprehend geological processes fully in fold-and-thrust belts (FTBs). However, the kinematic model involving the interaction of multiple sets of active detachments, remains unexplored. This study focuses on the western segment of the Southern Junggar fold-and-thrust belt (SJT, also known as the Northern Tianshan FTB), comprising three nearly parallel thrust-fold belts with an east–west trend. We established a four-dimensional evolution model of the SJT based on the interpretation of two‐dimensional seismic reflection profiles and surface mapping, along with forward modeling of shallow and deep structures. The results revealed two sets of active detachments: upper (SJTU) and lower (SJTL) detachment. The SJTU contained the South Anjihai tectonic wedge and the “shallow” Huoerguos anticline while the SJTL contained the Halaand, Dunan, and “deep” Huoerguos anticlines. A comparison of the deformation patterns between the growth strata in the forward modeling and reflection profiles revealed a complex interaction and linkage between the shallow and deep structures. The tectonic landforms on the surface were a result of this interaction. The total amount of shortening remained relatively constant while the shortening accommodated by the SJTU and SJTL exhibited a 24.5% decrease (from west to east) across the transfer zone. Our study contributes to the quantification of shortening transfer between the shallow and deep structures in FTBs and advances the current literature on the mechanisms of crustal shortening. Finally, based on shallow and deep structural interactions and cascading rupture, a multi-scale seismic rupture model for the SJT was proposed, and maximum magnitude was estimated. The cascading rupture of multiple faults raises the upper limit earthquake magnitude, and leads to a greater variety of energy accumulation mechanisms as more faults interact, resulting in the occurrence of strong earthquakes. This also necessitates a reassessment of the seismic hazards associated with such complex foreland thrust belts.

How to cite: Yao, Y., Chen, J., Li, T., Xiao, W.-J., Yang, W., and Di, N.: Interaction between shallow and deep structures in the Southern Junggar fold-and-thrust belt, northern Tianshan, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5545,, 2025.

EGU25-5846 | Posters on site | TS2.5

The lower Paleozoic magmatic flare-up in the Iberian Massif: the Fundão Pluton case-study (Castelo Branco, Portugal) 

Ícaro Dias da Silva, Ana Rita Andrade, António Mateus, Aitor Cambeses, and Beatriz Pereira

The formation of oceans along north Gondwana in lower Paleozoic times is usually ascribed to an inheritance of the Cadomian orogen back-arc system followed by the generation of epicontinental seas during the initial lithospheric breakup. In the Iberian Massif, evidence of a ca. 30 Ma magmatic flare-up – from the Furongian to the Middle Ordovician – involving crustal- and lithospheric mantle-derived partial melts, with different grades of magmatic differentiation and magma mixing/mingling, are described in the different tectonic domains. Extensive anatexis have been recently described in the south-central Central Iberian Zone (CIZ), documenting partial melting of the continental crust, with inputs of lithospheric mantle-derived melts, related to fast crustal thinning during the formation of a passive margin that overprints the Cadomian Orogen in north Gondwana. Along this CIZ-segment, we describe new evidence that supports the presence of this Cambrian-Ordovician magmatic flare-up, represented by the Fundão Pluton. Among other contemporaneous plutonic bodies exposed in this sector, the Fundão Pluton is a composite-zoned system comprising different granitoid facies which compositional attributes document interaction between basal crustal and metaigneous-derived melts produced from ca. 499Ma to 465Ma. The available dataset confirms the importance of this CIZ-segment to unravel the magmatic phenomena and the paleogeographic meaning of the preexisting continental margin during the lower Paleozoic, to form the Rheic Ocean and the drifted continental masses. We propose a geodynamic and paleogeographic model that incorporates field, geochemical and geochronological datasets. In this model, an inherited NE to ENE pre-Variscan structure, following the continental margin configuration of Gondwana in the lower Paleozoic, might have assisted the mid-to-upper crustal emplacement of successive tonalitic-granitic melts with calc-alkaline affinities. This structure could be rooted in flat-lying extensional shear zones that enabled the fast crustal thinning and triggered the exhumation of the lithospheric mantle towards shallow conditions, favoring the formation of adiabatic melts further intruded the mid-to-upper crust along major upright discontinuities. This model impacts the current understanding of events preceding the Variscan Orogeny in Iberia, with direct influence in the definition and distribution of a large-scale magmatic flare-up in this sector in northern Gondwana hyperextended margin. Also, this crustal architecture had a major impact on the distribution and nucleation of the Variscan structures responsible for the orogenic thickening during the accretionary and collisional processes that formed the Pangea supercontinent in the Devonian and Carboniferous periods.

This work was supported by MOSTMEG project (ERA-MIN/0002/2019 ) and by FCT I.P./MCTES (Portugal) through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020 (, UIDP/50019/2020 (, LA/P/0068/2020 ( IDS is supported by the researcher contract DL57/2016/CP1479/CT0030 (

How to cite: Dias da Silva, Í., Andrade, A. R., Mateus, A., Cambeses, A., and Pereira, B.: The lower Paleozoic magmatic flare-up in the Iberian Massif: the Fundão Pluton case-study (Castelo Branco, Portugal), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5846,, 2025.

EGU25-6538 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5

Numerical modelling of gravity-driven fold-and-thrust belts at passive continental margins 

Writabrata Roy and Jonas Ruh

Continental margins are generally sites of massive material redistribution related to processes that drive continental erosion. This redistribution in form of large sedimentary fluxes (i.e. increased sediment accumulation rates) and a rapidly adapting submarine topography is responsible for major mobilization and re-mobilization of sediments in the sense that they move under their own means, without direct impact of tectonic forces. In basins with deeply-buried fine-grained clastic sediments, excess pore pressure may result in the formation of mobile shale that deforms in a ductile manner at critical state. Such mobile shale horizons can act as major décollements to gravity-driven fold-and-thrust belts that undergo extension in the proximal part of the margin and horizontal shortening farther offshore. In this study, we investigate the effect of variable pore-pressure distribution on the mechanical and structural evolution of gravity-driven fold-and-thrust belts during delta progradation by applying geodynamic numerical modelling.

Numerical experiments are conducted by a two-dimensional finite-difference mechanical model with a visco-elastic-plastic rheology. The model employs a fully staggered Eulerian grid of 500 km width and 25 km height, and a Lagrangian marker field to track deformation. All across-boundary velocities are set to zero. Elastic rigidity of the base allows for lithospheric flexure related to the load of the prescribed prograding delta. Mobile shale forms when material undergoes pore-pressure-dependent brittle failure, following a Bingham-type rheology (i.e., viscous deformation above brittle strength threshold).

Preliminary results reveal that delta progradation and deep shale mobilization lead to the formation of gravity-driven tectonics with three distinct structural domains: landward fault-bounded extensional basins, a transitional zone of shale beneath a mostly undeformed continental slope, and a seaward fold-and-thrust belt at the delta toe. These features are consistent with structural patterns observed in gravitationally unstable Cenozoic deltas, such as the Niger Delta. This study provides insights into the fundamental links between deltaic sedimentation, fluid pressure profiles, and margin-scale gravity spreading, with implications for understanding passive margin tectonics and hydrocarbon exploration.


How to cite: Roy, W. and Ruh, J.: Numerical modelling of gravity-driven fold-and-thrust belts at passive continental margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6538,, 2025.

During the last decade, the U-Pb geochronology of fracture-filling carbonates has been used to reconstruct the tectonic and diagenetic history of fold and thrust belts, worldwide. These studies unequivocally show the potential of the U-Pb dating method to quantify geological processes in compressional settings such as activity and duration of fluid migration, folding and faulting, duration of thrust sheet emplacement, and calculation of shortening rates. Here, some examples from the SE Pyrenean fold and thrust belt and from the Andean-Neuquén Basin are presented.

U–Pb ages measured in fracture-filling carbonates from the SE Pyrenean fold and thrust belt reveal Late Cretaceous to Oligocene compressional ages ranging from 71.2 to 25.7 Ma and a minimum duration for the emplacement of the thrust sheets of 18.7 Ma (Bóixols–Upper Pedraforca), 11.6 Ma (Lower Pedraforca) and 14.3 Ma (Cadí). These ages also show that piggy-back thrusting occurred coevally with the post-emplacement deformation of the upper thrust sheets above the lower ones during their south-directed tectonic transport. The duration of the thrust sheet emplacement combined with well-balanced cross sections of the SE Pyrenees allow to calculate shortening rates of 0.6, 3.1 and 1.1 mm/yr from the older to younger thrust sheets, which agree with previous estimations based on the magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies of syn-orogenic deposits.

In the SE Pyrenees, geochronological results also reveal the long-lasting tectonic history of fault zones and folds. As an example, at Bóixols thrust sheet, dating of multiple samples along the Abella de la Conca thrust fault zone at the frontal Sant Corneli anticline reveals multiple reactivations from 66.9 to 36.55 Ma spanning ∼30 Myr of tectonic activity. Furthermore, systematic dating of fracture-filling carbonates along the whole Sant Corneli anticline, combined with the structural analysis of fractures, constrain its evolution for ∼62 Myr: 1) layer-parallel shortening and folding (from 71.2 to 56.9 Ma); 2) fold tightening (from 55.5 to 27.4 Ma); and 3) post-folding extension (from 20.8 to 9 Ma).

In the Agrio, Chos Malal and Malargüe fold and thrust belts in the Neuquén Basin along the front of the Andes in Argentina, the dating of bed-parallel fibrous calcite veins “beef” reveals mild tectonic pulses that triggered fluid overpressures and oil migration from 116.7 to 78.8 Ma, partly coevally with the Late Cretaceous syn-tectonic deposition of the Neuquén Group. U-Pb dates determined in veins cutting calcite beef register Late Cretaceous to Palaeocene period of layer-parallel shortening in the Neuquén Basin from 72.8 to 60.9 Ma and early-middle Eocene and middle-late Miocene stages of folding and thrusting from 52.0 to 42.2 Ma and from 13.9 to 6.2 Ma, respectively.

This research was funded by the DGICYT Spanish Project PID2021-122467NB-C22, the Grups de Recerca reconeguts per la Generalitat de Catalunya “Modelització Geodinàmica de la Litosfera” (2021 SGR 00410) and ”Geologia Sedimentària” (2021 SGR-Cat 00349).

How to cite: Cruset, D.: Deciphering the tectonic deformation history in fold and thrust belts using U-Pb dating of fracture-filling carbonates. The Pyrenean and the Andean-Neuquén Basin case studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6799,, 2025.

EGU25-7095 | Posters on site | TS2.5

Evolution and architecture of reactivated primary minibasins and salt weld systems: outcrop analogues from Sierra Mágina (Central Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain) 

Berta López-Mir, Jesus María García Senz, Adrià Ramos, and Antonio Pedrera Parias

The Betic Cordillera is a collisional orogen developed during Cenozoic times by the tectonic inversion of a former Mesozoic hyperextended rift system. The region contains an extensive Upper Triassic salt unit that enabled the development of salt withdrawal minibasins and diapirs during rift, post-rift, and inversion stages. Diapir squeezing and the resulting salt extrusion during orogenesis culminated with the advance of a hundreds-of-kilometers-scale salt canopy in the frontal part of the cordillera. Even so, the primary minibasins are exceptionally well-preserved, providing a rare opportunity to analyze their tectono-stratigraphic architecture and the associated salt weld systems.

Based on geological maps, cross-section restoration, and outcrop observations, this communication provides an overview of the structural framework and the sedimentary infill of Sierra Mágina, located in the Central Betic Cordillera. It exposes a set of welded primary minibasins, making it possible to study in outcrop their evolution and their relation to the surrounding salt sheets. Six main asymmetric primary Jurassic to Cretaceous minibasins, developed above Upper Triassic salt, have been identified (south to north: Gargantón, Mata Bejid, Mágina, Almadén, Carluco, and Cuadros). They exhibit a synformal geometry, with sizes ranging from 5-50 km in length and 2.5-5 km in width. Strata steepen and thicken southwards, consisting of 2-3 km of Lower Jurassic carbonates for the southern minibasins (Gargantón, Mata Bejid, Mágina, and Almadén), and 1-2 km of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous carbonates and pelagic facies for the northern minibasins (Carluco and Cuadros).

The primary minibasins were reactivated during contractional deformation, and the surrounding diapirs were squeezed, creating vertical welds. In the central parts of Sierra Mágina, vertical welds frequently include smears of salt and incorporate folded Lower-Middle Miocene detrital limestones and turbiditic sandstones, which reveal their contractional origin. Vertical welds transition into thrust-welds to the north and northwest, towards the foreland. To the south and southeast, the minibasins are surrounded by allochthonous salt. In the southernmost portion, the Gargantón minibasin exhibits a panel of vertical to overturned strata, with the lower boundary being concordant with the top salt. This extends for several hundreds of meters and displays a hook geometry, which is associated with flaring salt and likely played a significant role during salt sheet extrusion.

At the orogen scale, the minibasins in Sierra Mágina are thinner and have experienced greater reactivation than their equivalents in the main depocenter of the precursor rift system (approximately 5 km thick), currently buried beneath the salt canopy. Shortening was accommodated by salt expulsion and the stacking of minibasins, with moderate thrust-weld displacements of a few kilometers. We hypothesize that the smaller thickness and weaker mechanical behavior of the minibasins in Sierra Mágina favored salt expulsion and localized shortening during contractional deformation.

These outcomes enhance our understanding of the South-Iberian paleomargin's salt tectonic framework and provide new insights into the role of structural inheritance in the evolution of collisional orogens.

How to cite: López-Mir, B., García Senz, J. M., Ramos, A., and Pedrera Parias, A.: Evolution and architecture of reactivated primary minibasins and salt weld systems: outcrop analogues from Sierra Mágina (Central Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7095,, 2025.

Tomotectonics hindcasts paleo-trenches, through the spatiotemporal superposition of subducted lithosphere (slabs imaged in the earth’s mantle) with plate reconstructions (constrained by seafloor isochrons). The two geophysical datasets are linked through the tomotectonic null hypothesis, that oceanic lithosphere sinks vertically down after entering in the mantle. This linkage permits simple and testable predictions about the location and lifespan of volcanic arcs, and specifically about arc-continent collisions, switches in subduction polarity, and switches from consuming to transform plate boundaries. In a second stage, tomotectonics uses land geological observations from the accretionary orogen in order to test predictions arising from the geophysical data sets.

We have applied the tomotectonic method to the North American Cordillera, where lower-mantle slab geometries indicate the nearly simultaneous initiation (~200-180 Ma) of three intra-oceanic archipelagos in the northeastern proto-Pacific (figure: MEZ, ANG, and CR slabs). Westward subduction beneath 10,000 km-long MEZ and ANG pulled North America from Pangaea, opening the Central Atlantic. Coeval eastward convergence of Farallon plate beneath intra-oceanic CR is predicted from Pacific seafloor isochrons. This configuration of subduction zones facing each other across an archipelago is analogous to today’s southwest Pacific, where Australia, embedded in Indian/Tethys Ocean floor, and the Pacific Ocean are drawn in by double-sided subduction.

Each slab must be associated with a paleo-arc. Central and controversial in formation accounts of the Cordilleran has been the Insular microcontinent (INS, comprising Peninsular, Alexander, Wrangellia superterranes of Alaska and B.C.) and its southward extension of Guerrero superterrane (GUE) of Mexico. When, where and in what style did MEZ accrete to North America? Did INS subsequently translate thousands of kilometres along the margin (the “Baja-BC” debate between geology and paleomagnetism)? How did INS unite with the remainder of accretionary terranes that form Alaska?

We demonstrate how tomotectonics hindcasts the INS journey. Massive MEZ slab wall fixes INS-GUE’s initial, stationary, offshore position – in an accretionary regime. Full consumption of North American oceanic lithosphere, pulled beneath INS-GUE arcs, caused diachronous collision from ~155 Ma to ~90 Ma (Nevadan-Sevier deformation), leaving a trail of collapsed basins. Subduction was gradually forced outboard of MEZ: flip to Farallon subduction, eastward beneath INS-GUE (now attached to North America), brought another accretionary episode of Franciscan and Chugach subduction complexes, linked to Sierra Nevada and Coast Mountain batholith arcs.

Northward translation of INS by ~2000 km between 90-50 Ma (the “BajaBC” regime) corresponds with a lack of subduction (slab) beneath the paleo-margin. A key result is that both tomotectonics and paleomagnetic observations, which are completely independent, support large-scale translation.

Simultaneously, INS and North Americal collided obliquely with Central Alaska and Farallon arcs in a second collisional phase ~100-50 Ma, again in double-sided subduction. Since 170 Ma, Insular micro-continent experienced all regimes of modern double-sided archipelagos: subduction accretion, collision, subduction flip, and transform. 


Reference: Sigloch, K. & Mihalynuk, M.G. (2025), Tomotectonics of Cordilleran North America since Jurassic times: double-sided subduction, archipelago collisions, and Baja-BC translation. In review (revision) with GSA Books. Preprint:

How to cite: Sigloch, K. and Mihalynuk, M. G.: Journey of the Insular micro-continent through accretionary, collisional and translational regimes in the North American Cordillera since 170 Ma: a tomotectonic case study., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7466,, 2025.

EGU25-8538 | Posters on site | TS2.5

Geodynamic Models of Accretionary Wedges with Smectite-Illite Transformation 

Utsav Mannu, Saurabh Choubey, Ayumu Miyakawa, and Taras Gerya

Accretionary wedges, formed at convergent plate boundaries, are influenced by complex interactions between incoming deformation, fluid dynamics, and mineralogical changes. The smectite-illite transformation, driven by increasing temperature and pressure, releases bound water, creating fluid overpressure and altering wedge rheology. Post-transition illite strengthens wedge material while increasing fault stability, influencing the development of the décollement and wedge morphology. The depth of this transformation often aligns with the onset of interplate seismicity, highlighting its role in earthquake generation. Our study investigates the impact of smectite-illite transformation on wedge dynamics, incorporating phase transitions and models of empirical  fluid overpressure into geodynamic models to assess their role in wedge evolution and seismicity. Using I2VIS for a visco-plastic rheology framework, this study models thermal gradients and kinetic phase transitions to simulate their effects on wedge dynamics. Parameters such as fluid pressure, and internal friction are systematically varied to evaluate the influence of smectite-illite phase transition on wedge stability and morphology.  Numerical simulations reveal that fluid overpressure and mineralogical transitions significantly shape wedge geometry and contribute to zones of seismic hazard. Model predictions are validated against data from subduction zones such as the Nankai Trough, improving our understanding of wedge behavior and seismic hazards. These findings highlight the critical role of mineralogical transformations in subduction zone mechanics and their broader implications for earthquake and tsunami risk assessment.

How to cite: Mannu, U., Choubey, S., Miyakawa, A., and Gerya, T.: Geodynamic Models of Accretionary Wedges with Smectite-Illite Transformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8538,, 2025.

EGU25-8647 | ECS | Orals | TS2.5

Paleozoic tectonothermal history of the amalgamation of theTarim–North China and Mongolian collages 

Jérémie Soldner, Karel Schulmann, Pavla Štípská, and Yingde Jiang

We use a wide database of pressure (P), temperature (T) and petrochronological data from late Neoproterozoic to early Mesozoic metamorphic rocks together with a review of compressive and extensional tectonic cycles to evaluate and correlate the tectonothermal and temporal evolutions of the Mongolian and the Tarim–North China collages forming the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. In the Mongolian Collage, metamorphic pressure–temperature (P–T) and timing reveal a one-stage evolution defined by a duality of late Neoproterozoic–Ordovician subduction-related low T/P metamorphism and suprasubduction high T/P metamorphism recorded in the Mongolia–Manchuria and Baikal–Sayan belts. This was followed by gradual prevalence of suprasubduction high T/P metamorphism towards the late Paleozoic corresponding to the Altai and South Altai cycles. In the Tarim–North China Collage, metamorphic P–T and timing reveal a two-stage evolution, from dominant intermediate T/P metamorphism possibly resulting from Ordovician–Devonian amalgamation and Andean-type evolution of the collage, to dual low and high T/P metamorphism in the Carboniferous–Permian reflecting subduction–collision processes along the South Tianshan suture in the west and a suprasubduction evolution along the Solonker suture in the east. Altogether, the Paleozoic tectonometamorphic evolution of the two collages shows remarkable differences, with the Mongolian Collage displaying features typical of peripheral accretionary cycle reflecting recurrent tectonic switches that can be regarded as a single orogenic system, and a two-stage evolution of the Tarim–North China Collage with features of both peripheral–accretionary and interior–collisional orogenic cycles, but mostly related to recurrent subductions of interior oceans. Furthermore, the Paleozoic tectonic cycles recognized in the Mongolian and Tarim–North China collages are tentatively correlated to distinct retreating and advancing subduction dynamics of Paleozoic oceanic domains.


Funding:  This research was funded in part by the Polish National Science Centre (Grant DEC-2023/51/D/ST10/02611/R). K.S. and P.S. acknowledge the support of the Czech Science Foundation (grant number 19-27682X to K.S.) and of an internal grant of the Czech Geological Survey (number 329805 to K.S.). J.S. acknowledges the support of project No. 2021/43/P/ST10/02996 co-funded by the National Science Centre and the EU H2020 research and innovation program under MSCA GA No. 945339.

How to cite: Soldner, J., Schulmann, K., Štípská, P., and Jiang, Y.: Paleozoic tectonothermal history of the amalgamation of theTarim–North China and Mongolian collages, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8647,, 2025.

EGU25-8790 | Posters on site | TS2.5

Insights into Plate Tearing and Subduction Dynamics in the Andaman Nicobar Region through 3D Geodynamic and Gravity Modeling 

Jagroop Singh, Shravan Kumar, Taras Gerya, and Utsav Mannu

The Andaman and Nicobar region is a geologically complex area characterized by active subduction and tectonic activities, including the collision of the Indian Plate with the Burma Plate. Seismological studies suggest that differential subduction and rollback velocities in this region may lead to tearing of the subducting plate, potentially dividing it into three distinct segments. Slab tearing plays a critical role in influencing various geodynamic processes such as earthquakes, volcanism, uplift rates in mountain ranges. While lithospheric tears are typically identified through seismic tomography and seismicity trends, gravity anomalies provide a valuable complementary approach. In this study, we employ a 3D thermo-mechanical visco-plastic model, I3ELVIS, to simulate the subduction and tearing processes. We will explore the interaction between subduction, rollback, and tearing of the plate and its influence on the gravitational field of the region. Forward simulation of Gravity anomaly is conducted on different modeled geodynamic scenarios, and resulting 2D profiles of gravity anomalies are compared with observed gravity data from the region to assess the validity of the plate tearing hypothesis. Our findings indicate that slab tearing indeed plays a crucial role in subduction dynamics in the Andaman-Sumatra subduction zone.

How to cite: Singh, J., Kumar, S., Gerya, T., and Mannu, U.: Insights into Plate Tearing and Subduction Dynamics in the Andaman Nicobar Region through 3D Geodynamic and Gravity Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8790,, 2025.

EGU25-10300 | Orals | TS2.5

Arc-continent collision and mountain building processes of the Taiwan orogeny 

Eh Tan, Yuan-Hsi Lee, Chi-Hsin Chen, Shu-Huei Hung, Ming-Jung Zheng, Jia-Bin Chang, and Chase J. Shyu

The Taiwan orogeny, a notable example of arc-continent collision, features complex geological structures, rapid exhumation, and dynamic deformation. To better understand these processes, we developed advanced thermomechanical models incorporating dehydration and hydration of serpentinite, partial melting and magma migration in the mantle wedge, elasto-visco-plastic rheology, lithology-dependent erosion, and observed boundary geometries. These models successfully replicate key features of the Taiwan orogeny, including fault distributions, seismicity patterns, and metamorphic temperature profiles. They align with thermochronological records, accurately reflecting rates of exhumation and cooling, and reproduce strain distributions and structural complexities consistent with geodetic and geological data. This study highlights the effectiveness of thermomechanical modeling in capturing the evolution of arc-continent collision zones, offering insights into the driving mechanisms of mountain building. These findings provide a valuable framework for exploring similar tectonic settings globally.

How to cite: Tan, E., Lee, Y.-H., Chen, C.-H., Hung, S.-H., Zheng, M.-J., Chang, J.-B., and Shyu, C. J.: Arc-continent collision and mountain building processes of the Taiwan orogeny, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10300,, 2025.

The Late Carboniferous to Permian is a crucial time epoch that witnessed multiple-stage icehouse-to-greenhouse transitions and amalgamation of the Pangea supercontinent in geological history. In the North China Block (NCB), a sequence of Late Carboniferous to Permian successions preserves dramatic changes related to these climatic and tectonic shifts. Here, we conducted a comprehensive study of sandstone petrology, mudstone wholerock geochemistry, and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology on Late Carboniferous to Permian strata in the Wuqi Oilfield, central Ordos Basin of the western NCB. Mudstone geochemistry and sandstone modal composition data indicate that sediments in the central Ordos Basin were deposited in arc/orogen-related tectonic backgrounds, with sources dominantly from erosion of intermediate-acid rocks. Detrital zircon U-Pb analyses yielded 3 major age populations of 2600–2200 Ma, 2100–1700 Ma, and 470–260 Ma, matching well with a northern Inner Mongolia Continental Arc (IMCA) source instead of a southerly Qinling/Qilian source. Three climate warming events were identified by increased levels of continental weathering. The τNa, CIA, and Ln (Al2O3/Na2O) values manifest two positive increasing events and, by reference, climate warming events, represented by high chemical weathering intensity (e.g., CIA >90 and τNa < − 0.96), at ca. 302–298 Ma and ca. 292–290 Ma. The first event coincided with the deglaciation event of Gondwana triggered by the Skagerrak-Centered Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). The second event was associated with the ca. 290 Ma large-scale glacial retreat in Gondwana that was synchronous with the Tarim LIP, Panjal LIP. The zircon Eu/Eu* empirical equation data indicates that the crustal thickness of the IMCA thickened from 40-43 km–50 km between approximately 320 Ma and 285 Ma. The increasing relief of the IMCA was recorded by ca. 280–260 Ma craton-wide sedimentary hiatus in the NCB interior. Subsequently, the high relief of the IMCA led to orographic rain shadow and aridification, which caused the third climate warming event, as indicated by the change in mudstone color from black to red.

How to cite: Tao, H. and Cui, J.: Late Carboniferous to Permian paleoclimatic and tectono-sedimentaryevolution of the central Ordos Basin, western north China Block, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10657,, 2025.

EGU25-11321 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5

Deformation styles and exhumation patterns in a long-lived orogen: Insights from the Albanides-Hellenides 

Francesca Rossetti, Maria Giuditta Fellin, Paolo Ballato, Claudio Faccenna, Silvia Crosetto, Maria Laura Balestrieri, Bardhyl Muceku, Chiara Bazzucchi, Cercis Durmishi, and Colin Maden

Accretionary orogens grow through frontal accretion and crustal underplating, that contribute to crustal thickening by scraping slices of continental crust from the downgoing plate. Although geophysical data provide insights into the deep structure of these orogens, understanding the modes of crustal accretion in retreating subduction systems and the surface responses to these processes, remains challenging.

This study focuses on the Albanides-Hellenides, a long-lived subduction orogen in the Mediterranean resulted from the eastward subduction of the Adria plate beneath Eurasia since the Late Cretaceous. In the orogenic front, modes of crustal accretion have been influenced by along-strike variations in basal coupling, associated with the increasing thickness of Triassic evaporites toward the south. In the hinterland, extensional tectonics, associated with the retreating slab, led to the development of graben and half-graben structures. This geological setting provides an ideal framework to investigate the combined effect of different tectonic processes on the spatial and temporal patterns of exhumation from the foreland to the orogenic interior. By integrating tectono-stratigraphic and structural data with new and existing low-temperature thermochronological data, we aim to clarify the relationships between cooling patterns, major tectonic structures, and variations in the thickness of the evaporitic décollement level.

In the northern part of the orogen, high basal coupling resulted in crustal-scale structures that confined middle/late Miocene-Pliocene exhumation to the foreland. In contrast, toward the south, low basal coupling conditions limited exhumation related to frontal accretion, while deep crustal-scale structures focused late Miocene–Pliocene exhumation more toward the orogenic interior. In the hinterland, existing data show extension-related exhumation that progressively rejuvenated toward the foreland, from middle Miocene to Pliocene, suggesting slab rollback as dominant geodynamic driver.

Overall, our results demonstrate that from the middle/late Miocene to Pliocene crustal accretion through deep crustal-scale structures occurred at the same time as hinterland extension triggered by slab rollback. This tectonic phase likely marks the most recent stage of a long-term accretionary cycle that has driven orogenic growth by accreting slices of continental crust, contributing to significant crustal thickening in an orogen with retreating subduction boundaries.

How to cite: Rossetti, F., Fellin, M. G., Ballato, P., Faccenna, C., Crosetto, S., Balestrieri, M. L., Muceku, B., Bazzucchi, C., Durmishi, C., and Maden, C.: Deformation styles and exhumation patterns in a long-lived orogen: Insights from the Albanides-Hellenides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11321,, 2025.

EGU25-11734 | Posters on site | TS2.5

The progressive southeastward advance of the Calabria-Apulia collision recorded by uplifted Ionian marine terraces 

Ryan Sincavage, Nano Seeber, Francesco Filice, Eugenio Piluso, Lin Shen, Michael Steckler, and Ava Gorski

The Calabrian forearc separated from Sardinia ~10 Ma and migrated to the ESE, creating an oceanic basin (the Tyrrhenian Sea) in its wake and colliding obliquely with Apulia to build the southern Apennines. The time transgressive, spatially asymmetric nature of oblique collisions leads to along-strike migration of active geologic processes. Lack of evidence for large thrust earthquakes and conflicting geodetic evidence of Calabria-Apulia convergence contribute to the predominant belief that this process has completely ceased. Indicators of thrusting and steady state uplift from the Pleistocene into the Holocene are evident from field observations in the southernmost internal Apennines (Pollino Massif) and marine terrace ages on the external Apennines along the Gulf of Taranto (Metaponto). Terrace uplift rates increase dramatically southward, reaching a maximum of 1 mm/yr at the boundary between Pollino and Metaponto. Uplift rates may continue to increase southward in tandem with the structural and topographic relief across the Apenninic core, but correlation of marine terraces southward to the Sibari Plain becomes problematic because of steep slopes, erosion, and mass wasting. Any chronology of marine terrace ages used for determination of uplift rates and variability will need confirmation by abundant independent age constraints. Constraining uplift rates may be further complicated by a “corrugated detachment” (CD), a regionally exposed kinematic contact along the topographic axis of the southern Apennines between underlying carbonate and overlying flysch. This surface is believed to represent an active gravity-driven detachment with ESE tectonic transport down–slope of the collision wedge. Ductile deformation features within the exposed carbonate suggest burial depths of 1-2 km, and thus a currently active CD might be buried beneath the marine terraces ESE of the Pollino Massif. An active detachment above a rising footwall could lead to underestimates of tectonic uplift rates, and consequently misinterpretations of seismic risk. Recent advances in InSAR technology can resolve elastic deformation preceding seismogenic fault ruptures, as well as aseismic motion on faults, folds, and slumps through high-resolution velocity fields derived from accumulated datasets over the past decade. A coordinated effort coupling field-based observation, a detailed geochronology of marine and fluvial deposition, and high resolution InSAR analyses is needed to determine whether the current deformation is consistent with a continued Calabria-Apulia collision and to better constrain the seismic hazard in south Italy.

How to cite: Sincavage, R., Seeber, N., Filice, F., Piluso, E., Shen, L., Steckler, M., and Gorski, A.: The progressive southeastward advance of the Calabria-Apulia collision recorded by uplifted Ionian marine terraces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11734,, 2025.

EGU25-11900 | Posters on site | TS2.5

Lateral changes in the crustal architecture of the Eastern Pyrenees: Assessing Moho and Conrad geometries using potential field data 

Esther Izquierdo Llavall, Concepción Ayala, Tania Mochales, Pilar Clariana, Pablo Santolaria, Ruth Soto, Félix Manuel Rubio, Aina Margalef, Africa Gamisel-Muzas, and Montserrat Torné

The Eastern Pyrenees mark the transition of the Pyrenean Range towards the Mediterranean Sea. Because of this specific structural location, crustal geometries in this area register a significant along-strike change, mainly resulting from the overprint of Neogene extension on the Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic orogenic structure.  Along-strike crustal changes in the Eastern Pyrenees are mainly marked by the lateral termination of the Iberian lower crust subduction and the progressive eastwards thinning of both the Iberian and European crusts. Although Moho depth studies in the area are abundant and agree on the main crustal architecture, they show significant depth differences that locally reach ca. 10-12 km underneath the Axial Pyrenees. Besides, these previous works rarely evaluate lower crust geometries and their relationship to upper crustal features.

To address both issues (differences in Moho depths and lower crust geometries), we have collected previous crustal data along three cross-sections and modelled them in 2.5D using available gravity and magnetic information. Constructed models (i) are tightly constrained at upper crustal levels by surface geology, exploration wells, petrophysical data and preceding studies on cover and basement units and (ii) compile and test various Moho geometries derived from an extensive compilation of available geophysical data. For lower crustal levels, the modelling of previous Moho surfaces has constrained the geometry of the upper-lower crust boundary (i.e., the Conrad discontinuity).

Models challenge some of the previously proposed Moho surfaces, which provide geologically inconsistent Conrad discontinuities. Besides, they highlight a progressive shallowing and Moho/Conrad topography decrease to the East. In the West, modelled Conrad discontinuities depict a lower crust that thickens significantly from the foreland domains towards the Axial Pyrenees. These lower crust geometries align with upper crust orogenic shortening values from the literature, without requiring the subduction of the Iberian plate. In the East, the modelled lower crust thins moderately underneath the Axial Pyrenees. Obtained geometries indicate a significant lower crustal thinning, consistent with an increased crustal extension eastward.

How to cite: Izquierdo Llavall, E., Ayala, C., Mochales, T., Clariana, P., Santolaria, P., Soto, R., Rubio, F. M., Margalef, A., Gamisel-Muzas, A., and Torné, M.: Lateral changes in the crustal architecture of the Eastern Pyrenees: Assessing Moho and Conrad geometries using potential field data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11900,, 2025.

EGU25-12470 | Posters on site | TS2.5

The boundary between Central and Southern Apennines as a laboratory of the transition between accretionary and collisional orogens. 

Francesco Emanuele Maesano, Mauro Buttinelli, Roberta Maffucci, and Giuseppe Vico

The Matese-Sannio region in Southern Italy represents a crucial sector to analyse the processes that characterized the formation of Apennines and its current structural setting. This area is also of great interest from a seismotectonic point of view, hosting the epicentres of multiple historic destructive earthquakes.

Our study presents part of the results of a multidisciplinary project (MOSAICMO) that integrates multiscale approaches to produce: a regional-scale model of this part of the orogen, a detailed reconstruction of the shallow subsurface of the Quaternary Bojano intramountain basin located in the central part of the study area, and detailed seismological and geophysical analyses.

In this work, we present the 3D subsurface reconstruction of the Matese-Sannio region, exploring the orogen structure to a depth of ca. 10 km by using a dense network of seismic reflection profiles tied with well-logs drilled for hydrocarbon exploration.

We tested the reliability of our geological reconstruction by performing numerical kinematic forward models that provide independent geometrical and temporal constraints to our conceptual model. We then compared our results with previous paleogeographic reconstructions of this sector of the Apennines to shed light on the complex interaction among different paleogeographic domains insisting in a relatively limited region.

Our results provide an updated picture of the present-day structure of the transition between Central and Southern Apennines and represent a reference framework for more detailed applications within the MOSAICMO project.

How to cite: Maesano, F. E., Buttinelli, M., Maffucci, R., and Vico, G.: The boundary between Central and Southern Apennines as a laboratory of the transition between accretionary and collisional orogens., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12470,, 2025.

EGU25-14170 | ECS | Orals | TS2.5

Forming condition, position and evolution of back thrusts in the sandbox analogue modelling 

Wen-Xin Yang, Dan-Ping Yan, Zhicheng Zhou, Ming Sun, and Lutao Zhu

Foreland fold-and-thrust belt (FAT), as the dynamic junction between hinterland and foreland, adjusts the evolution of orogeny. Back thrusts (BT) also play a crucial role in the evolution processes of FAT, such as settling deformations. 16 published sandbox analogue modelling, which have different setting background on material and thickness of detachment, number of detachment layer, velocity and direction of baffle, and deformation stages, were collected and re-explained to clarify the structural style, forming and progressive processes of back thrusts which may provide the clues on active fault discussion. We find that: (1) it is easier for a back thrust to initiate from the root part of a fore thrust (FT). If the elder BT move with FT, the new-born BT will form on the previous position of the elder BT, which corresponding to the new foot-wall of the elder BT. On the contrary, when an elder BT does not move with the hanging wall of FT, there will be no enough space in the foot wall, thus the new-born BT will form on the hanging-wall of the elder BT. (2) Space is an important factor during BT group progressing. Obvious space barrier makes the BT group progress out-of-sequencely, while abundant progressive space provide an environment of in-sequencely propagation. (3) A strong detachment with enough thickness provides an opportunity to transfer the deformation forwardly and preferentially, until the deformation comes across barrier. (4) Detachment can de-couple the deformation above and below it as a soft barrier, make the deformations form in different neighbor structural level alternatively.

How to cite: Yang, W.-X., Yan, D.-P., Zhou, Z., Sun, M., and Zhu, L.: Forming condition, position and evolution of back thrusts in the sandbox analogue modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14170,, 2025.

EGU25-15125 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5

Variations in slip rates at the Million to Thousand-Year scale: A Case Study of the Huoerguosi Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Northern Tianshan, China 

Ning Di, Jie Chen, Tao Li, Ke-Chang Li, Qi Liu, Yi-Cheng Pu, Wen-Xin Yang, and Yuan Yao

Whether or not the slip rate of intracontinental faults varies through time is of fundamental importance for the spatiotemporal distribution of strain, the strain release during earthquakes and the growth of fault-related topography; however, fault systems for which slip rate estimates over high-resolution scales ranging from millions to thousands of years are lacking (Hetzel et al., 2019). Here, we focused on the Huoerguosi fold-and-thrust belt, Northern Tianshan. Through field geological-geomorphological mapping, drone photography, differential GPS measurements, and analysis of petroleum seismic-reflection profiles, we studied the geometric and kinematic characteristics of the Huoerguosi anticline. It was found that the deep South Junggar Thrust (SJT) along the gypsum bearing Anjihaihe Formation (E2-3a) detachment horizon, characterized by arcuate bending and faulting, controlled the growth of the Huoerguosi anticline, forming a wide and gentle active synclinal curve hinge zone in the southern limb of the anticline. All terraces near the active curve hinge zone exhibited folding deformation, resulting in broad, gentle fold scarps facing south. Through modeling and forward simulation of the growth strata and deformed terraces in the active curve hinge zone of the southern limb of the anticline, a geometric model for the growth strata and sporadically terraces was established, constraining the shortening of the SJT at different time periods. By using the optically stimulated luminescence dating method on fine sand fluvial sediments and granite cobbles, a chronological framework was established for these late Quaternary growth strata and deformed terraces. Combining previous Magnetochronological ages (Charreau et al., 2009) and cosmogenic nuclide ages (Puchol et al., 2017), the slip rates of the SJT at million-to-thousand-year scales were estimated. It was found that the slip rate of the SJT remains almost constant at the million-year scale and exhibits strong fluctuations at the tens of thousands to thousand-year scale, similar to the characteristics of normal faults at different time scales (Mouslopoulou et al., 2009). Comparing to climate records, it seems that there is a strong coupling relationship between the SJT deformation and climate change over the past 300 ka.


Charreau, J. et al., 2009, Neogene uplift of the Tian Shan Mountains observed in the magnetic record of the Jingou River section (northwest China): Tectonics, v. 28, p. 2007TC002137, doi:10.1029/2007TC002137.

Hetzel, R., Hampel, A., Gebbeken, P., Xu, Q., and Gold, R.D., 2019, A constant slip rate for the western qilian shan frontal thrust during the last 200 ka consistent with GPS-derived and geological shortening rates: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 509, p. 100–113, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.12.032.

Mouslopoulou, V., Walsh, J.J., and Nicol, A., 2009, Fault displacement rates on a range of timescales: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 278, p. 186–197, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.11.031.

Puchol, N., Charreau, J., Blard, P.-H., Lavé, J., Dominguez, S., Pik, R., Saint-Carlier, D., and ASTER Team, 2017, Limited impact of quaternary glaciations on denudation rates in central Asia: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 129, p. 479–499, doi:10.1130/B31475.1.

How to cite: Di, N., Chen, J., Li, T., Li, K.-C., Liu, Q., Pu, Y.-C., Yang, W.-X., and Yao, Y.: Variations in slip rates at the Million to Thousand-Year scale: A Case Study of the Huoerguosi Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Northern Tianshan, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15125,, 2025.

EGU25-15637 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5

Pre-Cenozoic brittle deformation in the southern Central Andes: K-Ar Illite dating of fault gouge suggest pre-straining of crust in the region of the Andean Plateau and Eastern Cordillera  

Daniela Espinoza, Manfred Strecker, Laura Giambiagi, Edward Sobel, Klaus Wemmer, and Diego Jaldin

In the Andes, reactivated inherited crustal faults play a key role in influencing regional tectonic styles and the areal extent of deformation. Determining the timing of fault activity is essential to reconstruct the sequence of deformation events and their implications for the orogenic evolution of the region. To investigate the history of brittle deformation prior to Cenozoic compressional reactivation in the southern Andean Plateau (Puna), we applied K-Ar illite dating to fault gouges. This method provides insights into the cooling and deformation history of fault systems, offering valuable temporal constraints on tectonic processes. Our study yielded 12 ages from 4 samples, ranging from 299.4 Ma to 122.3 Ma. We interpret these results to document the onset of brittle deformation in the realm of the future southern plateau during the Permian and an early Cretaceous event in the adjacent region where the thick-skinned Eastern Cordillera later evolved during Cenozoic mountain building.

How to cite: Espinoza, D., Strecker, M., Giambiagi, L., Sobel, E., Wemmer, K., and Jaldin, D.: Pre-Cenozoic brittle deformation in the southern Central Andes: K-Ar Illite dating of fault gouge suggest pre-straining of crust in the region of the Andean Plateau and Eastern Cordillera , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15637,, 2025.

EGU25-15954 | ECS | Orals | TS2.5

A 3D geological model of the Subalpine Molasse in Switzerland: Insights into its subsurface geometry and spatial evolution 

Philippos Garefalakis, Marco Herwegh, Fritz Schlunegger, Alfons Berger, Oliver Kempf, Eva Kurmann, Matteo Furlan, Sebastian Drvoderić, and Ferdinando Musso Piantelli

The late-stage evolution of the Central European Alps is recorded by the Cenozoic sediments of the Swiss Molasse Basin (SMB). From a sedimentary perspective, deep marine Flysch sedimentation transitioned to shallow marine and terrestrial Molasse deposition around 30 Ma (Schlunegger & Kissling, 2022 and references therein). Shallow marine conditions were re-established around 20–18 Ma, after which terrestrial sedimentation continued until 10–5 Ma. From a tectonic perspective, the Flysch and Molasse deposits were continuously accreted by the advancing Alpine nappe stacks from late Eocene times onwards. The tectonic exhumation of the External Crystalline Massifs occurred around 22–20 Ma (Herwegh et al., 2023), after which the Molasse units were thrusted on top of each other and tilted towards the south thereby forming the Subalpine Molasse (Kempf et al., 1999). Around 16 Ma, southward-oriented back-thrusting resulted in the formation of a Triangle Zone (von Hagke et al., 2012) where Molasse units dip northwards, marking the structural transition from the flat-lying Plateau Molasse situated in the north, to the tilted and thrusted Subalpine Molasse in the south and adjacent to the Central Alps. The Subalpine Molasse units were then further thrusted and exhumed between 12–4 Ma (Mock et al., 2020).

Nowadays, large parts (c. 2/3) of the Subalpine Molasse are covered by the so-called Helvetic and Prealpine nappe stacks, preventing a complete exposure. Only a SW–NE oriented stretch is exposed, while subsurface information is fragmentary (e.g., from seismic surveys or deep wells). Despite extensive research, we lack an understanding about the present-day lateral and longitudinal geometry of the Subalpine Molasse adjacent to and beneath the Central Alps. In addition, the timing of initial thrusting and emplacement has not been fully resolved at the scale of the entire SMB. This study addresses these objectives through the construction of a large-scale 3D geological model of the Subalpine Molasse, particular of its major lithostratigraphic and tectonic boundaries. The model is based on the Tectonic Map of Switzerland and integrates an input dataset compiled from numerous published geological-mapping, seismic-survey, and drilling campaigns.

The model allows a revised interpretation of the geometry of the Subalpine Molasse in Central Switzerland. The homogenised map shows that the 39+ individual thrust sheets are laterally and frontally displaced by thrust- and fault-complexes, both along strike and across the SMB. We also observe that the steeply dipping (20–30°) frontal thrusts of the Flysch and Molasse units root in depths of 5–7 km below the exhumed External Crystalline Massifs. Where these basement massifs are absent, the frontal thrusts are more gently dipping (10–20°) and likely rooting in Mesozoic fault-zones. Furthermore, palinspastic restorations of reference cross-sections provide insights into the style of deformation and the evolution of thrusting within the Subalpine Molasse.



Herwegh, M. et al. (2023). Wiley, London.
Kempf, O. et al., (1999). Int J Earth Sci., 88(2).
Mock, S. et al., (2020) Solid Earth, 11.
Schlunegger, F., & Kissling, E. (2022). Geosciences, 12(226).
Von Hagke, C. et al., (2012). Tectonics, 31(5).

How to cite: Garefalakis, P., Herwegh, M., Schlunegger, F., Berger, A., Kempf, O., Kurmann, E., Furlan, M., Drvoderić, S., and Musso Piantelli, F.: A 3D geological model of the Subalpine Molasse in Switzerland: Insights into its subsurface geometry and spatial evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15954,, 2025.

Bauxites, a key source of multiple critical raw materials, including aluminum, rare earth elements (REEs), titanium, and gallium, have gained renewed interest due to Europe's ambition of becoming the first carbon-neutral economy by 2050. The External Dinarides, part of the Alpine orogenic system, provide an ideal setting for examining the interplay between lithospheric deformation and surface processes in fold-thrust belts, with a particular focus on the formation and preservation of karst bauxite deposits. Multiple emersions with associated bauxite deposits and occurrences have been reported from the Adriatic microplate throughout its tectonio-stratigraphic evolution from rifting to passive margin and tectonic inversion, including Triassic, Jurassic, Lower and Upper Cretaceous, and Paleocene-Eocene age deposits.

This study investigates the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of a portion of the External Dinarides and its controls on the generation and preservation of Late Cretaceous-Paleogene karst bauxites in the Posušje area, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A 3D geological model was developed using detailed geological maps, borehole data, and remote sensing, integrating structural interpretations and cross-section analyses to determine deformation style, and tectonic control over basin evolution and paleogeography.

The study reveals a complex structural history characterized by both thin- and thick-skinned tectonics, with multiple detachment levels and the inversion of inherited normal faults. Late Cretaceous-Paleogene bauxite deposits are closely associated with the Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene forebulge uplift and subsequent erosion, where karst-related depressions served as primary traps for bauxite accumulation and preservation. Paleocene to Oligocene syn-orogenic deposits are reviewed in the context of the Dinaric Foredeep Basin's evolution and its progressive migration towards the foreland. Finally, the 3D-modeled top Cretaceous unconformity highlights extensive underexplored areas where bauxite deposits might exist at mineable depths, offering improved targeting efficiency for future exploration campaigns.

Through the integration of tectono-stratigraphic data within a validated structural model, this work provides new insights into the evolution of the External Dinarides and valuable information on the formation and preservation of Late Cretaceous-Paleogene karst bauxites. These findings contribute to enhancing exploration strategies for critical mineral resources in this portion of the fold-thrust belt and other regions with similar geological settings.

How to cite: Casini, G., Saura, E., Pavičič, I., and Šumanovac, F.: Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Posušje area, External Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina: controls on bauxite formation and exploration potential, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16074,, 2025.

Fold-and-thrust belts (FTBs) usually develop in the external zones of the orogens, between the mountain belt and the foreland basin. The structural style of FTBs varies greatly depends on the mechanical stratigraphy and the influence of inherited tectonic features. Back-thrusts are structures typical of FTBs, but they are commonly less frequent than fore-thrust. The Variscan FTB outcropping in SW Sardinia is characterized by the extensive development of back-thrusts that affect a poly-deformed and mechanically heterogeneous stratigraphic succession, suggesting a cause-and-effect relationship. We investigate the geometry and kinematics of back-thrusts and the role of structural inheritance, in order to better understand the mechanism of their progressive development.

The Variscan FTB of SW Sardinia consists of two stacked tectonic units, the Iglesiente and Arburese units, separated by a regional Variscan structure, the Arburese thrust. The Iglesiente Unit has been overthrusted by the Arburese Unit with a top-to-the-west transport direction during the collisional phase of the Variscan Orogeny, in Early Carboniferous times.

The geological setting of the Iglesiente Unit arises from a complex stratigraphic and tectonic evolution because of the superposition of the lower Cambrian extensional tectonics, the compressional Ordovician Sardic Phase and the Variscan deformation. The following superposed structures characterize the Iglesiente Unit: 1) N-trending normal faults; 2) E-trending Sardic close folds; 3) E-trending Variscan open folds, 4) N-trending Variscan inclined folds; 5) Variscan fore- and 6) back-thrusts. As the back-thrusts are the youngest structures, they develop in a non-layer cake stratigraphic succession, cutting across strata whose steepness ranges from horizontal to vertical and the strike varies from parallel to perpendicular to the thrusts.

Our findings from field surveys and cartographic and structural analysis suggest that the extensive back-thrusting development is due to the occurrence of the structural domes that acted as an inherited buttress that prevents the fore-ward propagation of deformation. The structural domes formed because of the superposed E-trending Sardic and N-trending Variscan folds and consists, at the core, of sandstones, limestone and dolostones of the lower Cambrian succession.

During their progressive emplacement, the back-thrusts cut across the Sardic folds, that have the axes perpendicular to the back-thrusts strike. Thus, back-thrusts cut across vertical strata in the limbs of the fold and sub-horizontal strata in the hinge of the fold. We infer a relationship between steepness and displacement of back-thrusts and the attitude of the strata involved. Moving from the limb to the hinge of the folds, the steepness and the displacement of the back-thrust decrease. The geometry of the thrust surface varies accordingly, taking up either a synformal shape when cut across a hinge of a synform dipping in the same dip direction of the thrust, or an antiformal shape when cut across a vertical limb perpendicular to the thrust strike. Thus, what looks like a folded back-thrust is rather an effect due to the geometric and mechanical anisotropies of the involved stratigraphic succession.

How to cite: Cocco, F. and Funedda, A.: Large-scale back-thrusting development in fold-and-thrust belts: the case study of the Variscan External Zone of Sardinia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16259,, 2025.

EGU25-16440 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5

Time constraints and evolution of the Eaux-Chaudes fold nappes (Pyrenees): a study combining 2D numerical simulations, U-Pb geochronology and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology 

Marc Guardia, Albert Griera, Antonio Teixell, Norbert Caldera, Boris Kaus, Andrea Piccolo, Rudra Chatterjee, Danniel Stockli, and Lisa Stockli

The Eaux-Chaudes massif (ECM) of the French Pyrenees consists of a nappe stack located in the western Axial Zone formed during Alpine times. It features a basement-cored recumbent fold nappe with a large overturned limb in Upper Cretaceous carbonates ductily deformed. Paleotemperatures of ~350°C for an autochthonous succession and for the overturned limb, and ~310°C for the normal limb were recorded during the main deformational event, which is equivalent to burial depths of 8-10 km. During the main deformation, syn- and post-deformation calcite veins formed, which could be dated by calcite LA-ICP-MS U-Pb. The whole nappe stack was eventually affected by late backthrusting on top of the Gavarnie thrust. 

The rare occurrence of such a fold nappe in the Alpine Pyrenees and the observed ductile strain makes necessary to understand under which conditions it was developed, and to put an age constraint on the ductile event within the history of the massif. Here, we present the results of 2D parametric simulations to address changes between thrust nappes (plastic/brittle-localisation) and recumbent fold nappes (viscous/ductile-distributed) using the thermomechanical staggered finite-difference code LaMEM. The simulations were carried out using a linear viscoelastoplastic rheology with the Drucker-Prager criterion for plasticity. We also present a systematic study of syn- and post-tectonic calcite veins as well as the deformation and exhumation history for the Eaux-Chaudes massif, constrained by means of U-Pb geochronology on veins, low-temperature zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology and QTQt time-temperature simulations. 

Modelling results show that in all cases a footwall backstop causing stress concentration in the stiff Upper Cretaceous (key because allows to identify an alpine recumbent fold) layer (an underlying granite massif in the Eaux-Chaudes case) was necessary to induce recumbent folding. Deep burial and the combination of a thick, weak upper decoupling unit and a lower detachment level are essential features favouring viscous behaviour and spatially distributed deformation, enabling the formation of fold nappes by progressive hinge migration (material particles travel from the normal to the overturned fold limb). On the other hand, shallower conditions, shorter lengths of the stiff layer and lower friction angles of the key layer reduces hinge migration, enhancing instead reverse limb stretching and shearing, which eventually results in strain localisation and thrusting.

Geochronology results indicate that the ductile folding and thrusting event occurred between 48.87±5.66 Ma and 38.14±5.99 Ma (mid Eocene). Cooling ages indicate that the exhumation of the Eaux-Chaudes massif occurred later between ~40-20 Ma, coinciding with the known activity of the Gavarnie and Guarga basement thrusts that raised the Axial Zone of the Pyrenees.

How to cite: Guardia, M., Griera, A., Teixell, A., Caldera, N., Kaus, B., Piccolo, A., Chatterjee, R., Stockli, D., and Stockli, L.: Time constraints and evolution of the Eaux-Chaudes fold nappes (Pyrenees): a study combining 2D numerical simulations, U-Pb geochronology and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16440,, 2025.

EGU25-16632 | ECS | Orals | TS2.5

How Coupled Brittle-Ductile Deformation Controls the Rates and Temporal Evolution of Orogenic Collapse 

Rawi Dawood, Jean-Arthur Olive, and Einat Aharonov

The collapse of orogenic belts is commonly thought to involve viscous flow in a mid-crustal channel, and manifests as extensional faulting in the upper crust. Recent observations in some orogenic belts have indicated a power-law relationship between local elevation and extensional strain rates. Simple mechanical considerations predict that the flow of the weak crustal layer beneath these belts is driven by topographic gradients, suggesting that the observed extension is linked to this flow. To test this hypothesis and examine the temporal evolution of collapsing orogenic belts, we developed a 2-D numerical model simulating how topography-driven viscous flow in the weak mid-lower crust induces, and is affected by, orogenic belt extension. Our results show that flow of a weak mid-lower crust triggers orogenic collapse via normal faulting, provided mountain height exceeds a critical threshold (hmin). The simulated faults form within the highest regions of the orogen, where the weak crustal layer flow originates. Once the mountain collapses so much that its height falls below hmin, extension ceases, where hmin depends on both the thickness of the weak layer and the strength of the upper crust.  Additionally, we find that collapse rates increase with hotter and thicker weak channels, taller orogens, and weaker upper crustal faults, while stronger upper crust restricts fault distribution, concentrating deformation within smaller areas, leading to a core complex extension mode. Finally, a strong agreement between our numerical and analytical (detailed in companion abstract: Aharonov et al., (2025) EGU General Assembly 2025) models demonstrates that orogenic collapse rates and their temporal evolution are jointly controlled by the brittle and ductile properties of the continental crust.


How to cite: Dawood, R., Olive, J.-A., and Aharonov, E.: How Coupled Brittle-Ductile Deformation Controls the Rates and Temporal Evolution of Orogenic Collapse, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16632,, 2025.

The interaction of the lithosphere with surface processes in fold-and-thrust belts often leads to the formation of mineral ore deposits, including economically significant resources like bauxites. These interactions are driven by complex geological dynamics, including crustal deformation, sedimentation, and erosion, which create favourable conditions for ore deposition. Bauxite, an essential ore for aluminium production, has become increasingly critical due to global demand and is now included in the European Union's fifth list of critical raw materials. The Dinarides, a branch of the Alpine Belt in south-eastern Europe, are notable for their multiple bauxite levels, making them an important case study for understanding bauxite ore deposits. The External Dinarides are traditionally divided into two tectonic units: the High Karst Unit and the Dalmatian Unit. Historically, these external Dinarides have been interpreted as a thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt, characterized by significant horizontal shortening and detachment along sedimentary layers.

This study proposes a new model for the evolution of the Dinarides, mapping the spatial and temporal distribution of bauxites providing valuable insights into the processes that control their formation, with the ultimate aim to provide broader implications for exploration strategies in similar geological settings.

The new model is based on regional balanced and restored cross-section through the External Dinarides of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia that integrates offshore 2D seismic data, borehole data, fieldwork and remote sensing to determine style of deformation, and paleogeographic evolution of this portion of the belt.

The balanced and restored cross-section revises the traditional view, proposing a mixed thin-skinned/thick-skinned tectonic model that emphasizes the role of deep-seated structures and salt tectonics in shaping the region, with much less shortening than previous models. Salt tectonics, involving the deformation of evaporite layers, plays a critical role both in the passive margin stage and its subsequent inversion, localising the deformation and controlling the structural style. In this revised tectono-stratigraphic framework, potential scenarios for bauxite generation, accumulation and preservation are outlined. The combination of surface processes and tectonic activity creates zones where bauxite deposits are likely to be concentrated, both at local (thrust ramp anticlines, diapir roof uplift or extensional footwall uplift) and regional (see level fluctuation, forebulge migration) scales. Understanding these scenarios not only enhances the exploration potential in the Dinarides but also offers valuable analogues for bauxite exploration in other fold-and-thrust belts worldwide.

How to cite: Saura, E., Casini, G., Pavičič, I., and Šumanovac, F.: Geodynamic control on bauxite deposit distribution in fold and thrust belts and their associated foreland basins: the External Dinarides (Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18430,, 2025.

EGU25-19399 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5

Orthogonal extensional quartz veins in a famous 'Chocolate-Tablet Structure' from Almograve (SW Portugal), associated with early Variscan Orogeny 

Akbar Aydin Oglu Huseynov, Bernd Andeweg, and Jeroen van der Lubbe

Orthogonal vein sets, orientated perpendicularly to the bedding, are present in fold-and-thrust belts; yet the date of their origin in relation to orogeny is ambiguous. This research aims to clarify the formation of perpendicular orthogonal vein sets from the iconic outcrops in northern Almograve in SW Portugal, referred to as “Chocolate-Tablet Structures,” which are influenced by the Variscan Orogeny. Establishing whether these vein sets developed earlier than to and/or during the folding associated with the main deformation (i.e., Variscan) requires many independent lines of evidence. Previous investigations, based on limited outcrops, indicate that these veins are vertical and parallel to the Variscan folded strata. We provide a comprehensive structural analysis using drone photogrammetry (with resolutions ranging from a few cm to m) of inaccessible sections of the coastline zone. This research has structurally studied a practically continuous and much longer section of the coast at Almograve and Zambujeira do Mar. Field observations and stereographic projections of several vein sets and the refolded host rock reveal a continuous perpendicular connection between two vein sets, both of which are also perpendicular to the bedding. A genetic relation to the Variscan folding is tempting, but our recent research challenges such prior findings. This study proposes that the perpendicular orthogonal vein sets are the result of hydraulic fracturing, formed during the early phase of the Variscan Orogeny, either via sedimentary loading (hydraulic fracturing) and simultaneously veining or through the stretching of the initial foreland basin due to forebulge-foredeep dynamics.

How to cite: Huseynov, A. A. O., Andeweg, B., and van der Lubbe, J.: Orthogonal extensional quartz veins in a famous 'Chocolate-Tablet Structure' from Almograve (SW Portugal), associated with early Variscan Orogeny, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19399,, 2025.

EGU25-20196 | Orals | TS2.5

The Orobic Thrust: A Long-Lived Regional Fault Zone in the European Alps – Architecture, Evolution, and Geochronological Insights 

Andrea Zanchi, Silvia Favaro, Martina Rocca, Montemagni Chiara, Viola Giulio, Aldega Luca, and Zanchetta Stefano

The Orobic Thrust is a prominent regional-scale fault zone extending over 80 km, recognized as one of the largest structures in the retro-belt of the European Alps. It represents a significant tectonic boundary where the Variscan basement is thrust southward over the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Triassic volcano-sedimentary cover of the Southalpine Domain. Several well-exposed cross sections of the entire fault zone, approximately 250-300 m thick, allow a comprehensive reconstruction of its architecture and evolution.

A distinctive 20-25 m protomylonitic band at the top of the fault zone, coupled with thermal maturity analyses of clay minerals in the footwall, indicates temperatures of at least 300 °C during the early stages of activity. Field and microstructural analysis identified four distinct Brittle Structural Facies (BSF) within the fault zone: cataclasites, foliated cataclasites, pseudotachylyte-bearing cataclastic bands, and incoherent fault gouges. With the exception of fault gouges along undeformed planes, these facies exhibit mutual crosscutting relationships, evidencing a history of alternating seismic slip and aseismic creep.

SEM imaging, minerochemical analyses and quantitative microstructural analyses were performed in order to better characterize the BSF. Our results show that multiple BSFs can be observed at the microscale, with up to five seismic slip events recorded within a single thin section. Analyzing selective clast survival from melting, the clast-to-matrix ratio, grain size distribution, and mineralogical content can help discriminate between different rheological behavior during coseismic slip. Geochronological data provide absolute age constraints on fault activity. Pseudotachylytes yield 40Ar-39Ar ages ranging from 83 to 64 Ma, while illite from gouge material along a reverse fault plane at the core of the zone gives a K-Ar age of 53 Ma. Notably, pseudotachylyte ages show older values (79–83 Ma) at both the top and bottom of the fault zone, with younger ages (76–64 Ma) displaying a bottom-forward trend. These findings illustrate the fault's prolonged activity, with discrete illite gouge-decorated planes extending the activity to the Early Eocene.

The Orobic Thrust, active from the Late Cretaceous to the Early Eocene, functioned as a pre-collisional fold-and-thrust belt within the upper plate of the Alpine Tethys subduction system. Its extended 30-million-year history highlights the capacity of regional-scale fault systems to undergo multiple reactivations under changing thermal and stress conditions.

How to cite: Zanchi, A., Favaro, S., Rocca, M., Chiara, M., Giulio, V., Luca, A., and Stefano, Z.: The Orobic Thrust: A Long-Lived Regional Fault Zone in the European Alps – Architecture, Evolution, and Geochronological Insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20196,, 2025.

During the Middle Devonian-earliest Carboniferous, the sedimentation in North-East Greenland was characterised by the deposition of Old Red Sandstone (ORS) molasse in the Hudson Land Basin. In this area, Givetian conglomerates of the Vilddal Group, which postdate a first stage of Caledonian folding, unconformably sit on the core of large-scale anticlines and above a deep erosional surface that exposed Late Silurian migmatitic rocks of the lower part of the Nathorst Land Group. The ORS succession records folding and intrabasinal unconformities that are associated with the activation of extensional faults and subsequent compression and thrusting (Guarnieri 2021).

In Parkinson Bjerg, Middle Devonian sandstones of the Ankerbjergselv Fm rests in tectonic contact with Neoproterozoic metasandstones of the Nathorst Land Group in the footwall of a top-to-SW brittle/ductile extensional fault: the Dybendal Detachment. Rhyolitic and basaltic flows are intercalated within the sedimentary package at different stratigraphic levels and lie in the hanging wall of the detachment. The Dybendal Detachment is probably a splay of the Payer Land Detachment (Gilotti and Elvevold 2002) along which Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks rest tectonically in contact with Paleoproterozoic gneisses that reached HP/HT granulite facies conditions, along a SW-dipping mylonitic zone. The peak metamorphism was dated at c. 405 Ma (Gilotti and Elvevold 2002) followed by partial melting of metapelites associated with isothermal decompression, probably during the Middle-Late Devonian, leading to the emplacement of a metamorphic core complex.

Tin mineralization associated with granitic intrusions in Parkinson Bjerg has been known since the mid-fifties of the last century (Harpøth et al., 1986) and recent U-Pb ages from cassiterite found in greisen floats, established a Devonian age for the mineralization (Keulen et al., 2024).

The structural setting of the Devonian intrusions in the footwall of the Dybendal Detachment suggests a correlation between magmatism and partial melting of the Payer Land gneisses during the emplacement of the metamorphic core complex.



Gilotti, J. A., & Elvevold, S. 2002. Extensional exhumation of a high-pressure granulite terrane in Payer Land, Greenland Caledonides: Structural, petrologic and geochronologic evidence from metapelites. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39, 1169–1187. 

Guarnieri 2021. Devonian–Early Carboniferous thrust tectonics in the Old Red Sandstone Molasse Basin, North-East Greenland. Terra Nova 33, 521-528.

Harpøth, O., Pedersen, J.L., Schønwandt, H.K. & Thomassen, B. 1986. The mineral occurrences of central East Greenland. Meddelelser om Grønland, Geoscience 17, 139 pp.

Keulen, N., Rosa, D., Heredia, B., Malkki, S., Whitehead, D., Thomsen, T. B. 2025. Tungsten and tin occurrences in East-Greenland, Geology & Ore 39, 12p.

How to cite: Guarnieri, P., Rosa, D., and Baker, N.: Devonian granites and Tin mineralization in the footwall of the Dybendal Detachment in Hudson Land (North-East Greenland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20261,, 2025.

EGU25-20909 | Orals | TS2.5

Diagnostic criteria of salt-bearing rifted margins structures on fold-and-thrust belts: insights from modelling applied to natural case studies 

Pablo Granado, Pablo Santolaria, Philipp Strauss, Mahdi Bakhtibar, Mercè Estiarte, David Canova, Victor Castro, Jonas B. Ruh, Marco Snidero, Oriol Ferrer, Eduard Roca, and Josep Anton Muñoz

Salt-detached fold-and-thrust belts have been described as having an extremely narrow cross-sectional taper, a regular structural spacing, and lack of a dominant structural vergence. However, detailed evaluation of several natural examples shows unclear structural geometries and intricate salt-sediment contacts. Geometries associated with these systems include overturned panels, large-transport thrust sheets, frequent changes in structural orientations and fold plunges, missing stratigraphic units, abrupt thickness changes and geological contacts either omitting or repeating stratigraphy marked strained evaporites and welds. The main reasons for these are: the inherent weakness of salt and the presence of early salt structures (i.e. pre-shortening) associated with a non-layer cake stratigraphy developed on salt-bearing rifted margins.

Based on both analogue and numerical models inspired in several natural case studies (Alps, Pyrenees) we here provide structural and stratigraphic templates to recognize such salt-related structures: downbuilding is represented by vertical aggradation of syn-kinematic strata, erosional truncation of megaflaps and resedimentation of salt-sediment debris. Salt-detached extension is represented by the sharp truncation of minibasin strata against triangular diapirs, while the widening of minibasins by means of shoulders, growth wedges and secondary minibasins illustrate the progressive transition from downbuilding to salt-detached extension in the evolving thermal phase. Truncation of syn-kinematic strata within the expanding wedges along with the occurrence of cusps at the salt-sediment contact also mark the transition from downbuilding into salt-detached extension.

Recognition of these features in geological maps, seismic data or through the interpretation of well intersections provide geometrical constrains to lower the uncertainty in building balanced cross-sections, and are key for reconstructing the depositional history of salt-bearing rifted margins.

How to cite: Granado, P., Santolaria, P., Strauss, P., Bakhtibar, M., Estiarte, M., Canova, D., Castro, V., Ruh, J. B., Snidero, M., Ferrer, O., Roca, E., and Muñoz, J. A.: Diagnostic criteria of salt-bearing rifted margins structures on fold-and-thrust belts: insights from modelling applied to natural case studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20909,, 2025.

EGU25-21939 | Posters on site | TS2.5

Emplacement mechanisms of the calc-alkaline Variscan magamtism and its prevailing regional tectonic regime in the Eastern Pyrenees 

Carmen Aguilar, Montserrat Liesa, Antonio Castro, Guillem Gisbert, Joan Reche, Josep-Anton Muñoz, and Miquel Vilà

The lower structural levels of the Variscan orogen exposed in the Eastern Pyrenees reveal three genetically associated magmatic suites: (i) a batholitic sized calc-alkaline granitoid (Sant Llorenç–La Jonquera, SL–LJ); (ii) minor mafic intrusions with local ultramafic cumulates (Ceret and Mas Claret mafic complexes); and (iii) peraluminous leucogranite bodies. The granitoids and the mafic complexes underwent variable degrees of lower crustal assimilation as demonstrated by the Sr and Nd isotopic ratios of SL–LJ granitoids and mafic rocks. Contaminated gabbro-diorites are high in Fe and Zr and contain magmatic garnet in equilibrium with an Fe–Mg amphibole. A supra-subduction metasomatized mantle source for the mafic complexes is inferred. The magma that formed the SL–LJ granitoids was of intermediate composition and may have formed by differentiation of magmas derived from partial melting of a subduction-metasomatized mantle caused by active subduction or mantle delamination or by partial melting of the lower crust triggered by underplating of mantle-derived mafic magmas. Leucogranite magmas formed later by partial melting of crustal rocks with compositions similar to the outcropping metapelites and orthogneisses.

The interference pattern resulting from the superposition of Variscan (F2) and Alpine (F3) folding in the Eastern Pyrenees gives an exceptional field example to infer the 3D geometry of the SL–LJ pluton and its associated igneous rocks. The intrusion feeder zones are located in the northern flank of the antiform where the mafic complexes crop out, cutting the deeper structural levels of the Roc de Frausa and L'Albera series. The floor of the pluton is located above the Upper Proterozoic – Mid- Ordovician sequence, which is largely parallel to the S1 foliation, and the roof is slightly oblique to the Upper Ordovician-Silurian sequence (S0). This parallelism together with a well-developed magmatic and magnetic fabric parallel to S1 suggests that initial phases of intrusion of SL–LJ magmas took place at the end of D1, at ca. 314–311 Ma. The lack of stratigraphic continuity above and below the pluton suggests that the stratigraphic succession of the L'Albera massif was laterally displaced, and the intruding magma progressively grew while cutting through the entire sequence and filling the available space. This placement of the magmas is compatible with a local extensional setting that favored the ascent of the SL–LJ magmas from a lower crustal reservoir through vertical feeder zones in the footwall of the extensional faults where lithostatic pressure was minimal. The coeval development of NW-SE to NNW-ESE extensional faults with the NE-SW trending D2 contractional structures and the horizontal attitude of the mineral lineations, once restored the Alpine deformation, is compatible with a regional dextral strike-slip tectonic setting that took place during and after the emplacement of the igneous bodies. This strike-slip system is consistent with late-Variscan shear zones displacing Gondwana to the west with respect to Laurasia during the orogenic collapse.


How to cite: Aguilar, C., Liesa, M., Castro, A., Gisbert, G., Reche, J., Muñoz, J.-A., and Vilà, M.: Emplacement mechanisms of the calc-alkaline Variscan magamtism and its prevailing regional tectonic regime in the Eastern Pyrenees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21939,, 2025.

EGU25-238 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7

A (tectonic) window of opportunity: crustal architecture and low-temperature geochronology of the NE Attica Peninsula, Greece 

Christina Bakowsky, David Schneider, Bernhard Grasemann, Renelle Dubosq, and Taylor Ducharme

Miocene extension and crustal thinning in the Aegean were largely accommodated by a bivergent detachment system. The region contains several metamorphic core complexes that have overprinted Eocene high-pressure, low-temperature (HP-LT) metamorphic rocks of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU). The Attica Peninsula, along the northern margin, hosts the lateral termination of one of the major detachments, the SW-directed West Cycladic Detachment System (WCDS). Moreover, NE Attica has long been thought to contain a large tectonic window exposing the structurally lowest unit of the Attic Cycladic Belt, the Basal Unit. Our new mapping reveals that NE Attica primarily consists of a NE-dipping tectonic nappe of greenschist-retrogressed, HP-LT units, of probable Late Triassic to Late Cretaceous origins. In the west, Upper Cretaceous low-grade or non-metamorphosed units are juxtaposed above the nappe by a NNE-SSW striking, top-to-SW detachment fault. In the east, a package of HP marbles, evinced by calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite, lie above the nappe along a newly discovered NE-dipping fault, the Marathon Thrust. The common footwall of both structures includes isoclinally folded marbles and schists resulting in an apparent map-scale repetition of units. Schists are variably quartzitic to calcitic and contain intercalations of quartzites, metabasites, marble mylonites and, near the stratigraphic top, blue-grey marble. Axial planes of Dn recumbent isoclinal folds (F­n) develop a pervasive, gently NE-dipping Sn foliation (~320°/30°). Syn-metamorphic Fn axes have the same orientation as a NE-SW mineral and stretching lineation (Ln; from 050° to 100°) that forms along the Sn planar fabric. Ln plunges dominantly towards the NE with some variation from subsequent Dn+1 folding. The cooler Dn+1 event is recorded by SW-vergent folds with NW-SE striking Fn+1 axial planes that form an Sn+1 crenulation cleavage, locally defining the main foliation. NW-SE trending Fn+1 axes are parallel to an Ln+1 intersection lineation. Winged inclusions, flanking folds and domino boudinage of dolomite layers within calcitic marbles indicate top-to-SW sense of shear under ductile to brittle-ductile conditions. White mica 40Ar/39Ar (MAr) dates throughout the footwall are earliest Miocene and zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe) ages are middle Miocene. A several m-thick fault gouge separates the footwall from low-grade metasandstones, limestones and serpentinite bodies in the detachment hanging wall. A narrow zone (10 m) in the immediate hanging wall contains Na-amphibole-rich schists and metabasic blocks with a different HP-LT record than the footwall. MAr dates from the hanging wall are Permian to middle Cretaceous and ZHe dates are early Eocene to middle Miocene. The geochronology from the footwall suggests coeval deformation with the CBU footwall of Mt. Hymittos and correlates the dominant top-to-SW detachment on NE Attica with the WCDS exposed at Mt. Hymittos and S Attica. Together with regional lithostratigraphic correlation, we propose the dominant nappe of NE Attica is CBU, specifically Lower Cycladic Blueschist Nappe, with Pelagonian Zone in the detachment hanging wall. Our reinterpretation is coherent with the classic Cycladic detachment architecture, and consequently limits the exposure of the Basal Unit to the easternmost marble thrust nappe on NE Attica and the Almyropotamos window on Evia.

How to cite: Bakowsky, C., Schneider, D., Grasemann, B., Dubosq, R., and Ducharme, T.: A (tectonic) window of opportunity: crustal architecture and low-temperature geochronology of the NE Attica Peninsula, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-238,, 2025.

EGU25-704 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

Syn- to post-orogenic S-directed extension of the Kırşehir Massif, central Türkiye 

Kaan Onat, David Schneider, and Bernhard Grasemann

The Alpine Orogeny resulted from the closure of the Neotethyan Ocean and the subsequent collision of Eurasia, Africa-Arabia and numerous microplates in between. The Kırşehir Massif is located at the NW corner of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC) and offers insights into the tectonometamorphic evolution of CACC during Alpine orogenesis. The tectonostratigraphy is defined by a migmatitic core that grades into a metasedimentary lower unit comprising gneiss, amphibolite, micaschist, calcschist and quartzite, transitioning into metasedimentary rock alternations and overlain by marbles with amphibolite intercalations in the upper unit. The metamorphic rocks are correlated to the Paleozoic-Mesozoic Tauride platform sequence. Purported southward obduction of Late Cretaceous (90-85 Ma) Neotethyan supra-subduction zone ophiolitic slices onto the massif resulted in Barrovian metamorphism of these rocks, increasing from greenschist (SE) to granulite (NW) facies. Prograde metamorphism is evinced by Cpx-Ttn-Plg-bearing melanocratic bands within migmatites and compositionally zoned Mn-rich spessartine garnets in high-grade metaclastic rocks. Preliminary published monazite U-Pb geochronology on a Grt-Sil gneiss indicates migmatization occurred at c. 85 Ma. Epidote and chlorite halos around clinopyroxene and partially chloritized mica indicate minor retrogression to greenschist facies. The presence of late- to post-tectonic garnets suggests a tectonic quiescence during the retrograde stage. Our mapping reveals a consistent structural architecture across the massif characterized by subhorizontal planar foliation. Early folds (F1) are preserved in decimeter-scale microlithons. Two generations of recumbent folds are present in mylonites: dominant folds with NNW-SSE axes (F2a) that are associated with strong stretching and mineral lineations marked by quartz, amphibole, and mica trails, and local folds with ~E-W axes (F2b) in anisotropic layers with S-vergent drag folds. Sigmoids, flanking and asymmetric folds, and shear bands indicate a pervasive top-to-S sense of shear under ductile and brittle-ductile conditions, and boudinage, stretched veins, and extensional crenulation cleavage suggest synchronous layer parallel extension and vertical thinning. Brittle cataclasis is most obvious along the marble horizons, and the massif is dissected by numerous high-angle oblique faults related to post-Cretaceous/Paleocene wrench tectonics in the region. New in-situ white mica Rb-Sr geochronology from foliation-defining white mica yielded c. 75 Ma dates, and indicates deformation was coeval with c. 74-67 Ma calc-alkaline to alkaline intrusions in the western and northern margins of the massif. New zircon (U-Th)/He dates from the basement rocks are concordant with published apatite fission track dates, suggesting Paleocene rapid cooling, further confirmed by early Paleogene sedimentary basins unconformably overlying the basement. Notably, crustal thickness estimates in the CACC are ~35 km. Despite an earlier structural investigation linking exhumation to a top-to-W low-angle detachment fault along the western boundary of the massif, we instead prefer a model invoking syn- to post-orogenic extreme N-S extension and vertical thinning. This process triggers the collapse of ~55 km thick crust and subsequent uplift of the Kırşehir Massif since the Late Cretaceous.

How to cite: Onat, K., Schneider, D., and Grasemann, B.: Syn- to post-orogenic S-directed extension of the Kırşehir Massif, central Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-704,, 2025.

EGU25-939 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

Paleogeographic heritage within Mediterranean orogens: The Shkoder-Peja transverse zone of Northern Albania 

Fabio Feriozzi, Gaia Siravo, and Fabio Speranza

The Shkoder-Peja transverse zone (SPTZ) of Northern Albania marks the boundary between the Dinarides and Albano-Hellenides and corresponds to a ~100 km SW-ward shift of the ophiolitic nappe front. Over the last sixty years, it has been variably interpreted as an inherited paleogeographic feature, a dextral strike-slip fault, the hinge of the clockwise (CW) rotating Albano-Hellenides system, and a Miocene-to-recent normal fault. Here we report on the paleomagnetism of 27 Triassic-Cretaceous sites from the Krasta-Cukali and Albanian Alps domains, located both within and north of the SPTZ. Two sites yielded only a pre-tilting magnetization, 15 sites were found to be remagnetized after mid-Eocene-lower Miocene tilt, while 8 sites showed both pre- and post-tilt magnetizations. Both pre- and post-tilt paleomagnetic directions yielded a ~70° CW rotation with respect to Adria/Africa, except 9 sites from the Koman zone at the boundary with the ophiolitic nappe, showing a smaller 38°±15° CW rotation. Thus, the well-known regional CW rotation of the Albano-Hellenides extends northward in the southern Dinarides, and the SPTZ is not a rotation boundary as previously assumed. The ~70° CW rotation is interpreted as the sum of a 30° rotation associated with Late Oligocene-Aquitanian thrusting of the Krasta-Cukali nappe over the Kruja zone, plus the 40° Miocene-Pleistocene rotation well-documented in the in the external zones of Albania of Albania. We suggest that the SPTZ is the heritage of an Early-Middle Triassic transform fault of the Maliac Tethyan ocean, later overprinted by the Lower Cretaceous obduction of the Vardar ocean, replacing Maliac since the middle-Jurassic.

How to cite: Feriozzi, F., Siravo, G., and Speranza, F.: Paleogeographic heritage within Mediterranean orogens: The Shkoder-Peja transverse zone of Northern Albania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-939,, 2025.

EGU25-958 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

Structural interpretation of the salt-rich inverted Tarascon basin (north Pyrenean zone, south France)  

Miguel Ibáñez-Belloso, Albert Griera, Eduard Saura, Pierre Labaume, Nicolas Saspiturry, Abdeltif Lahfid, and Antonio Teixell

Salt tectonics concepts may help explaining relatively complex tectonosedimentary relationships in the reinterpretation of inverted rifted margins. The objective of this study is to develop a valid model from extension to inversion for the Jurassic-Cretaceous Tarascon basin in the northern Pyrenees, considering the role of salt in the observed stratigraphy and structure, which may help to bring new light to the evolution of the Europe-Iberia plate boundary. To achieve this, a revised detailed geological map, cross-sections, and an evolutionary tectonic model have been proposed, based on an in-depth field analysis and the integration of existing and new structural and paleotemperature data. The Tarascon basin features a highly compartmentalised tectonosedimentary pattern, with synformal or steep tilted minibasins, separated by salt welds that truncate stratigraphic units, where most of the Keuper evaporites have been expelled, leaving mainly ophite or carniole bodies. Additionally, a large body of allochthonous Keuper gypsum has been described in the north of the basin. Therefore, deposition during the Jurassic and Cretaceous was controlled by both syn-extensional subsidence and salt migration. Furthermore, the development pattern of the different minibasins in the Tarascon basin appears related to the structure of the basement and the North Pyrenean massifs.

How to cite: Ibáñez-Belloso, M., Griera, A., Saura, E., Labaume, P., Saspiturry, N., Lahfid, A., and Teixell, A.: Structural interpretation of the salt-rich inverted Tarascon basin (north Pyrenean zone, south France) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-958,, 2025.

EGU25-1915 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

Insight into the lithospheric velocity structure of the Adria plate from joint teleseismic and ambient noise tomography

Irene Menichelli, Irene Molinari, Fabrizio Magrini, and Claudia Piromallo

The Oligocene-to-present tectonic history of the western Mediterranean region is characterized by the ESE-ward roll-back of Alpine and Neo Tethys oceanic slab fragments that determined the diachronous spreading of two back-arc basins: the Liguro-Provencal Basin between 30 and 15 Ma and the Tyrrhenian Sea between 10 and 2 Ma. Such geodynamic events induced the fragmentation and dispersal of the Alpine chain through the formation and migration of microplates and terranes, making the debate on the nature, origin, and evolution of such crustal blocks vivid since the 1970s. For instance, the Corsica-Sardinia microplate rotated counterclockwise (CCW) by at least 50° during Oligo-Miocene and the Calabro-Peloritan, Kabylies and Alboran, know all together as AlKaPeCa, presently form isolated and enigmatic igneous/metamorphic terranes stacked over the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary successions of the Apennines and Maghrebides. Here we show the synthesis of paleomagnetic vertical-axis rotations investigations which, besides back-arc basins widths and ages, may properly constrain drift timing when different age rocks are considered. We paleomagnetically sampled the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary cover of the Calabrian (Longobucco succession) and Peloritan (Longi-Taormina succession) terranes and the mid-late Eocene continental Cixerri Formation of SW Sardinia. In addition, we re-evaluated previous paleomagnetic results from the whole Corsica-Sardinia microplate and considered the robust Serravallian-Pleistocene dataset from the Calabrian block. Such data indicate that South Sardinia, Peloritan and Calabrian blocks belonged to the “Greater Iberia plate” before mid-Oligocene (<30 Ma) dispersal, as they all show its characteristic paleomagnetic fingerprint (middle Cretaceous 30°-40° CCW rotation). Rifting of the Liguro-Provencal between 30 and 21 Ma induced 30° CCW rotation of both South Sardinia and Calabria blocks, whereas the Peloritan block, located further south, was passively drifted SE ward at the non-rotation apex of a Paleo Appennine-Maghrebides orogenic salient. South Sardinia plus the adjacent Calabrian block and North Sardinia-Corsica blocks assembled in the early Miocene and rotated 60° CCW as a whole between 21 and 15 Ma. After 10 Ma the Calabrian block detached from south Sardinia following the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea and rotated 20° clockwise (CW), at the apex of a Neo Appennine-Maghrebides Arc. On the other hand, the Peloritan terrane rotated 130° CW on top of the Sicilian Maghrebides, along the southern limb of the orogenic salient.

How to cite: Siravo, G. and Speranza, F.: Paleomagnetic rotations and microplate-terrane dispersal during back-arc basin opening: From  Greater Iberia rotation and fragmentation to Calabria and Peloritan terrane drift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2374,, 2025.

EGU25-2837 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7

A New Perspective on Circum-Mediterranean Orogens: Insights from Seismic Imaging and Analog Models 

Irene Menichelli, Francesca Funiciello, Claudio Faccenna, Agnes Kiraly, and Claudio Chiarabba

The central Mediterranean serves as a natural laboratory for studying various geodynamic processes, including continental collision and oceanic subduction (Dewey et al., 1989; Royden and Faccenna, 2018). The orogenic belts in this unique region are exceptional examples of subduction-related systems, shaped by different processes, such as continental underplating, delamination, trench retreat, among others. Despite extensive research on the Alps-Apennines-Dinarides-Hellenides orogenic systems, several scientific debates remain unresolved, highlighting the complexity of this area. 

Previous studies using tomographic imaging have revealed the presence of high-velocity anomalies beneath these orogenic belts, which suggest the occurrence of a subduction process (e.g., Piromallo and Morelli, 2003;  Giacomuzzi et al., 2012; Paffrath et al., 2021). However, these findings often differ, leading to varying interpretations of slab dip directions, geometry and extension as resolved by tomographs. Additionally, features such as slab windows, gaps, and tears, imaged as low-velocity anomalies in various models, add further complexity to the geodynamic picture.

In this study, we integrate seismic imaging (Menichelli et al., 2023) with analogue modelling (Funiciello et al., 2003; Kiraly et al., 2018, 2020) to showcase the strengths of this combined approach. While tomographic models provide valuable insights into the lithospheric and mantle velocity structures, they only offer a static snapshot without revealing the deep dynamics—something that analogue modelling addresses. This approach has been specifically applied to the central Mediterranean to target ongoing questions about the subduction processes that have shaped the region. This method offers valuable insights into subduction, mantle dynamics, and plate interactions, providing a comprehensive understanding of the connections between shallow and deep geodynamic processes. 

This presentation will provide a brief overview of the results obtained from the computation of the 3D tomographic model of the central Mediterranean (Menichelli et al., 2023), with a specific focus on the Alps and the Apennines-Dinarides system. The tomographic images and related findings show how lithospheric composition, rheology and fluid content influence the geometry and kinematics of the slabs, including the Adriatic slab, that lie beneath these mountain ranges. Additionally, these aspects have been investigated through experimental models conducted at Roma Tre University (Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics), which offer critical insights into their role in shaping current deformation processes.

How to cite: Menichelli, I., Funiciello, F., Faccenna, C., Kiraly, A., and Chiarabba, C.: A New Perspective on Circum-Mediterranean Orogens: Insights from Seismic Imaging and Analog Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2837,, 2025.

EGU25-4561 | Posters on site | TS2.7

Low heat flow in the northeastern Anhydros Basin, Aegean Sea, recorded by deep subsurface temperatures 

Michael Manga and the IODP Expedition 398 Scientists

International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 398 to the South Aegean Volcanic Arc measured subseafloor temperatures in a drilled hole in the Anhydros Basin, Aegean Sea. The coldest and highest temperatures were 13.9 oC at 52.5 meters below seafloor (mbsf) and 15.5 oC for the deepest measurement at 360.4 mbsf, respectively. The modeled heat flow is low (~0.023 W/m2) despite active magmatism and rifting in the region.  The cool subsurface temperatures to depths exceeding 300 m also record cold seafloor temperatures during the last glacial period. The low heat flow reflects a combination of recent Pliocene initiation of rifting, thin crust that is less radiogenic than average continental crust, and tectonic separation from the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field such that there are minimal magmatic influences on heat flow.

How to cite: Manga, M. and the IODP Expedition 398 Scientists: Low heat flow in the northeastern Anhydros Basin, Aegean Sea, recorded by deep subsurface temperatures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4561,, 2025.

EGU25-4835 | Posters on site | TS2.7

Short-lived Arc Magmatism in the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone with Implications for Continental Crust Formation 

Sun-Lin Chung, Yu-Chin Lin, A. Feyzi Bingöl, Xian-Hua Li, Jin-Hui Yang, and Hao-Yang Lee

Arc-continent collision plays a key role in the formation of continental crust. However, details on the processes remain unclear particularly in old collision zones where geologic records are incomplete. Here we present a high-resolution age and geochemical dataset of Late Cretaceous magmatic rocks from Elazig area, SE Turkey along the Arabia-Eurasia collisional orogen. Zircon U-Pb ages obtained by SIMS and LA-ICPMS from 17 samples constrain a short magma duration from 83 to 73 Ma. All the rocks show relative depletions in HFSE (Ti, Nb and Ta), similar to arc lavas from subduction zones. They are heterogeneous (SiO2 = 45-78 wt.%), varying from low-K tholeiitic to calc-alkaline and shoshonitic composition with associated progressive enrichments in LREE and LILE, and change in radiogenic isotopic ratios, such as whole-rock εHf(t) values from +16 to -2. The Elazig magmatism can be explained specifically by a tectonic setting that switched rapidly from an intra-oceanic subduction to arc-continent collision within this part of Tethys where numbers of continental ribbons were present. The geochemical and isotopic variations can be attributed to melting of subducted sediments or mélange diapirs in the mantle wedge, with involvement of the continental materials increasing from 0.5 to 8 vol.%. It is evident that, while the intra-oceanic subduction gave rise to the tholeiitic arc crust from 83 Ma, the soon subsequent arc-continent collision in the region served as an efficient mechanism that transformed the juvenile arc crust toward a more mature continental crust. We argue that similar scenarios may have taken place worldwide in the early stage of collisional orogens, as also exemplified by the present-day Australia-Eurasia collision zone.

How to cite: Chung, S.-L., Lin, Y.-C., Bingöl, A. F., Li, X.-H., Yang, J.-H., and Lee, H.-Y.: Short-lived Arc Magmatism in the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone with Implications for Continental Crust Formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4835,, 2025.

EGU25-6263 | Posters on site | TS2.7

Relative role of slab tearing and oblique continental collision in along-strike mountain growth: Insights from 3D thermo-mechanical modeling 

Alexander Koptev, Giridas Maiti, Paul Baville, Taras Gerya, Silvia Crosetto, and Nevena Andrić-Tomašević

Slab tearing or the lateral propagation of slab break-off in collisional belts has been suggested to control progressive along-strike mountain uplift and adjacent foreland basin development. However, along-strike differential collision due to oblique and/or irregular passive margin geometry can introduce additional complexities, influencing the progressive topographic growth. In this study, we employ 3D thermo-mechanical numerical modeling approach to differentiate the topography growth driven by propagation of slab tearing from along-strike differential collision. We test several control parameters, which include (1) obliquity of the passive margin, (2) presence of the continental micro-block parallel to the original passive margin, (3) age of the subducting oceanic slab, and (4) velocity of the convergence between two colliding plates, in order to investigate the role of these key factors in the along-strike variable growth of the mountains. In our models, slab break-off is triggered by the transition from oceanic to continental subduction, which occurs earlier on one side of the passive margin than on the other due to its initial oblique configuration. However, once slab break-off begins, it spreads horizontally at extremely high speed and always reaches the opposite side of the former passive margin within a few Myr. Importantly, the along-strike migration of subsequent continental collision is typically much slower (~2-34 cm yr-1) than slab tearing (~38-118 cm yr-1). Similarly, the vertical magnitude of surface uplift caused by slab tearing is higher than during the following phase of continental collision (>4 mm yr-1 and <4 mm yr-1, respectively). The parametric analysis reveals that the slab tearing and the associated horizontal propagation of mountain uplift mainly depend on the obliquity of the passive margin and the age of the slab, whereas the migration of collision-induced topographic growth is expectedly controlled by the obliquity angle and the convergence velocity. Furthermore, our modeling reveals that the presence of microcontinental block separated from the passive margin during the previous phase of extension leads to spatial and temporal transition from horizontal to vertical slab tearing and to more intense syn-collisional mountain building. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our modeling results for understanding natural orogenic systems in the Alps, the Apennines, the Taiwan, and the Bismarck arc of Papua New Guinea.

How to cite: Koptev, A., Maiti, G., Baville, P., Gerya, T., Crosetto, S., and Andrić-Tomašević, N.: Relative role of slab tearing and oblique continental collision in along-strike mountain growth: Insights from 3D thermo-mechanical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6263,, 2025.

EGU25-6507 | Posters on site | TS2.7

Exhumation through Relamination: A Modeling Study of the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex 

Iskander Muldashev and Thorsten Nagel

We propose that relamination of subducted continental crust can occur at extreme scales during early collision and use numerical modeling to identify the factors controlling this process. We employ 2D thermomechanical modeling using visco-elasto-plastic rheology and force boundary conditions to converge plates.

In our models, upper crust of the passive continental margin is pulled to mantle depth during early collision. Depending on boundary conditions and lithologic architecture of the downgoing plate, large volumes of subducted buoyant crust can relaminate from the slab, rise through the upper plate, and split the lithosphere even for considerable compressive tectonic stress. At the surface, such an exhumation is expressed as a phase of intense horizontal extension and magmatism. The process can create hundreds of kilometers wide core complex, in which metamorphic continental crust derived from the subducting plate is exposed. Horizontal tectonic stress, the thickness of the downgoing upper crust, and its rheological properties are among the factors that control the width and topography of the resulting complexes.

We propose that the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex on the Balkan Peninsula represents a prime example for this kind of dramatic relamination. Structurally deep tectonic units in this domain internal of the oceanic suture zone at the surface exhibit Eocene high-pressure metamorphism and nappe stacking followed by massive magmatism and large-offset normal faulting. Despite more than 100 kilometers of extension in Cenozoic times, the area still shows thick crust and high mountains, and we propose that extension was driven by massive relamination. Our modeling results support schemes that attribute the lower units of the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex to the subducting Adriatic plate.

How to cite: Muldashev, I. and Nagel, T.: Exhumation through Relamination: A Modeling Study of the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6507,, 2025.

EGU25-6550 | Posters on site | TS2.7

EURUS: a preliminary 3D mantle model of Europe from multifrequency P-wave tomography 

Chiara Civiero and Maria Tsekhmistrenko

Seismic tomography has provided valuable insights into the mantle structure beneath Europe, unveiling key features such as the sources of Cenozoic rifting and volcanism in Central-Western Europe and the dynamics of subduction and slab rollback in the Mediterranean region. However, current tomographic models are constrained by trade-offs: high-resolution models cover limited areas, while broader-scale models lack the detail necessary to resolve finer mantle structures, especially in the lower mantle.

In this study, we introduce EURUS, a preliminary 3D P-wave tomography model of the European mantle, derived using the most extensive dataset of broadband, waveform-based traveltime measurements from 2010 to 2019. This dataset is augmented by analyst-picked travel times from the ISC-EHB catalogue. For our multifrequency tomography, we utilized 6,407,116 cross-correlation measurements in passbands between 30 and 2.7 seconds dominant period.

EURUS achieves high-resolution images (~100 km) of the mantle beneath the Euro-Mediterranean region, extending from the uppermost mantle to depths of approximately 1500 km. While consistent with earlier studies in identifying broad-scale upper-mantle anomalies, EURUS reveals much greater detail and complexity in the transition zone and the uppermost lower mantle, particularly beneath Western Europe and the southern Mediterranean.

In the mid-mantle, a seismically slow structure is observed as a sub-vertical column beneath the European Cenozoic Rift System, intersected by an extensive upper-mantle high-velocity anomaly likely corresponding to the cold Alpine subducted slab. The extension of the South Mediterranean subduction zone is still under investigation. These results highlight the potential of body-wave tomography to enhance our understanding of complex mantle upwelling patterns and slab systems beneath Europe.

How to cite: Civiero, C. and Tsekhmistrenko, M.: EURUS: a preliminary 3D mantle model of Europe from multifrequency P-wave tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6550,, 2025.

EGU25-6635 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7

GPlates reconstruction of the Mesozoic motion of Adria based on a new robust APWP 

Máté Velki, Emő Márton, Szilvia Kövér, and László Fodor

Reconstruction models of the Mediterranean area are typically based on geological and structural observations, and occasionally validated by selected paleomagnetic data. In contrast, the reconstruction of the present study primarily relies on APWPs defined by paleomagnetic data, and is tested against geological and tectonic observations. The study focuses on the Mesozoic displacement history of Adria with respect to the African and European plates. Kinematic reference frames for the large plates are provided by Global APWPs of various definitions, which tightly constrain the expected declinations in both the African and the stable European tectonic frames, but allow some speculations about paleolatitudes between 170 and 130 Ma.

The kinematic constraints for Adria are based on a recently published APWP derived from a substantial paleomagnetic dataset, representing stable and imbricated Adria, the Transdanubian Range Unit and the Southern Alps. The dataset was quality-controlled and it was evaluated with different methods (running mean averaging, spline fitting) resulting in closely correlating trends.

The GPlates reconstruction is based on the above defined APWPs, visualizing the tectonic displacements within the Africa-Adria-Europe system for selected time periods. Paleo-longitudes, not constrained by the paleomagnetic data, were estimated using structural reconstructions of the region. The outline of Adria microplate is a simplified one, based on the earlier published Greater Adria concept.

In the GPlates reconstruction the following important events of this system are highlighted

  • Adria drifted away from Europe after 200 Ma, connected to the initial rifting of the Alpine Tethys
  • Adria rotated clockwise with respect to Africa during 170–150 Ma. This period of time is characterized by hyperextension and initial spreading phases of the Alpine Tethys and also by intra-oceanic subduction in the Neotethys
  • Adria rotated counterclockwise with respect to Africa during 150–120 Ma, when obduction and subsequent shortening took place in the Neotethyan margin, while spreading continued in the Piemont-Ligurian and Valais oceanic branches
  • Adria shifted northward after 150 Ma, in coordination or independently of Africa, moving closer to stable Europe around 115 Ma. This may explain tectonic deformation and/or uplift in several units of African origin.
  • Southward shift of Adria is suggested between 115–100 Ma, when a general deepening of the sedimentary basins is recognized in the Central Mediterranean.

How to cite: Velki, M., Márton, E., Kövér, S., and Fodor, L.: GPlates reconstruction of the Mesozoic motion of Adria based on a new robust APWP, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6635,, 2025.

EGU25-6902 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7

Late-alpine evolution in the Eastern Mediterranean region: temporal constraints on the post-orogenic extension from the crustal-scale brittle Mykonos Detachment (Aegean Realm, Cyclades) 

Costantino Zuccari, Giulio Viola, Francesco Mazzarini, Enrico Tavarnelli, Luca Aldega, Vincenzo Moretto, Ruikai Xie, and Giovanni Musumeci

The Mediterranean region results from multiple tectonics, with alternating contractional (e.g., Variscan, Alpine) and extensional phases (e.g., Tethyan), that shaped the present-day structural configuration.  Since the Cretaceous, most of the Mediterranean realm experienced complex contractional tectonics, leading to the formation of a part of the Alpine-Himalayan orogeny, with different deformation styles, conditions and absolute timing, often in relation to paleogeographic and paleo-tectonics inheritance.

The Aegean Realm, located in the eastern Mediterranean region, provides an ideal setting to study the interplay between contractional and extensional tectonics, with the latter related to the late, post-orogenic extension following the onset and evolution of the Alpine contractional phase. The extension was there accommodated by crustal-scale detachments, exhuming metamorphosed rocks of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit and syn-tectonic granite bodies in the context of the Aegean Metamorphic Core Complex (AMCC). The completely brittle Mykonos Detachment (MD), together with the basal and structurally lower ductile Livada Detachment (LD), belongs to the North Cycladic Detachment System and allowed the exhumation and unroofing of the syn-tectonic Middle Miocene (14-15Ma) granite that part of the northern sector of the Aegean Sea. Despite their importance in shaping that part of the AMCC, absolute ages on the activation of the brittle MD or the ductile LD in Mikonos Island, and a detailed description of the internal architecture of the MD are still not available and/or debated, where the MD is indirectly thought to be active since 10Ma.

Aiming to fill this gap, here we present the results of a detailed architectural and geochronological study of the MD where we identified at least 7 different gouge layers that compose the core of the fault zone as it is exposed in the northeastern sector of Mykonos Island. Gouge layers are surrounded by thick SCC’ domains, reasonably representing the beginning of the fault zone formation. Brittle Structural Facies – based structural analysis with K-Ar dating on authigenic illite-smectite from 7 fault gouge(s) yielded 6 different ages spanning from the Middle Miocene (13.34±0.77 Ma), coeval to the granite, to the Late Miocene (6.37±0.21 Ma), represented by the youngest gouge that is, moreover, cut by the younger principal slip surface of MD.

These ages, coupled with a high-resolution structural analysis, constrained at least 7 Myrs of protracted deformation along the same fault zone and focused the attention on the importance of such completely brittle detachments that do not ever thus represent a late deformation phase after a former ductile, deeper shearing. Indeed, these new structural and chronologic data indicate that upper crustal brittle deformation was coeval to the lower crustal ductile deformation during a large part of the evolution of a crustal-scale detachment and during the entire exhumation of the syn-tectonic granite. Such structures, thus, potentially represent(ed) pivotal structural features in shaping the present Mediterranean configuration by allowing the exhumation of syn-tectonic granites and the formation of the AMCC.

How to cite: Zuccari, C., Viola, G., Mazzarini, F., Tavarnelli, E., Aldega, L., Moretto, V., Xie, R., and Musumeci, G.: Late-alpine evolution in the Eastern Mediterranean region: temporal constraints on the post-orogenic extension from the crustal-scale brittle Mykonos Detachment (Aegean Realm, Cyclades), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6902,, 2025.

EGU25-8329 | Posters on site | TS2.7

Provenance and Geodynamic implication from detrital zircon U-Pb LA-ICP- MS analysis of the Ojén Nappe (Betic Cordilleras, Spain) 

José Julián Esteban, Julia Cuevas, Pablo Puelles, and Jose María Tubía

The Ojén nappe underlies the largest worldwide exposure of subcontinental lithospheric mantle, the Ronda peridotites (Betic Cordilleras), and features the typical lithological Alpujarride sequence with Paleozoic or older metapelites at the bottom covered by quartzites and a Triassic marble formation to the top. With the objective of determining the radiometric age of the carbonate sequence and the provenance of the nappe, detrital zircons from two quartzite samples from layers interbedded within marbles and metapelites were processed by means of U-Pb LA-ICP-MS analysis. Both samples were collected far away from the peridotite contact, in order to avoid age resetting promoted by the high-temperature Alpine emplacement of the peridotites at Miocene times (Esteban et al., 2011).

The youngest zircon grains in both samples show ages of 219 and 240 Ma (Late-Middle Triassic) that support the regional correlation with paleontologically dated Alpujarrride marbles from the Central and Eastern areas of the Betic Cordilleras. Otherwise, the analyzed detrital zircon grains display age distributions with Cisuralian (280–290 Ma), Middle Ordovician (460–465 Ma), Ediacaran–Cryogenian (560–615 Ma), and Tonian–Stenian (950–975 Ma) peaks. These data contrast with the scarcity of Mesoproterozoic (1001–1561 Ma), Archean (2503–2976 Ma), and Mesozoic (219–248 Ma) zircon ages. The Permian zircons are well-arranged into three main populations of 292 ± 2, 278 ± 3, and 254 ± 3 Ma. Zircons in the aforementioned populations exhibit Th/U ratios higher than 0.1, with a mean value of 0.34, which points to felsic igneous rocks as the main protolith for the zircon-bearing sediments.

In summary, on the basis of the U-Pb LA-ICP-MS age determinations obtained for the analyzed detrital zircons the following interpretations are suggested: 1) the youngest detrital zircon population, 254 ± 3 Ma (Late-Permian), is considered as the more conservative and appropriate estimation for the maximum sedimentation age, 2) the three Permian zircon populations are in agreement with the main age clusters reported so far for rhyolites and shallow crustal basaltic–andesite subalkaline rocks emplaced in transtensional Permian basins of the Variscan Orogen during the break-up of Pangea, 3) the detrital zircon populations point to a sediment source from a Cadomian peri-Gondwanan terrane and, 4) the well-defined Middle Ordovician detrital zircon population (460–465 Ma) strengthens the hypothesis that the Alborán microplate (meso-Mediterranean domain) could be located along the southern passive margin of the European Hunic superterrane.


Esteban, J.J., Cuevas, J., Tubía, J.M., Sergeev, S., Larionov, A. (2011). A revised Aquitanian age for the emplacement of the Ronda peridotites (Betic Cordilleras, southern Spain). Geol. Mag., 148, 183-187.

How to cite: Esteban, J. J., Cuevas, J., Puelles, P., and Tubía, J. M.: Provenance and Geodynamic implication from detrital zircon U-Pb LA-ICP- MS analysis of the Ojén Nappe (Betic Cordilleras, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8329,, 2025.

EGU25-8403 | Orals | TS2.7

3D thermo-mechanical simulations of the Mediterranean show what controls the motion of Adria 

Boris Kaus, Christian Schuler, Eline Le Breton, Nicolas Riel, and Anton Popov

The motion of the Adriatic microplate is thought to be highly sensitive to the surrounding subduction zones and the convergence of Africa and Eurasia. However, our understanding of mantle dynamics in the Mediterranean region and its effect on plate motion remains incomplete. Here, we present the results of several hundred, high-resolution 3D visco-elasto-plastic thermo-mechanical models of the entire Mediterranean region. The simulations start from plate tectonic reconstructions and simulate the geodynamic evolution over the last 35 Myr. They take the convergence of the African and Arabian plates with the Eurasian plate into account, along with the dynamics of the subduction systems in the western (Apennines-Calabria), central (Dinarides-Hellenides) Mediterranean, and in the Alpine-Carpathian region. The simulations give insights into the parameters that determine the motion of the Adriatic microplate. Our results demonstrate that the subduction systems around Adria are highly coupled, which gives rise to complex asthenospheric flow in the central Mediterranean. Three factors are of key importance: 1) the convergence between the African and Eurasian plates, 2) the retreat of the Alpine subduction zone to the north of Adria, and 3) the distance between the Calabrian and Hellenic subduction zones around Adria. Furthermore, in a system characterized by active convergence between Africa and Eurasia, the slab pull exerted by nearby subduction zones can only notably influence the motion of the Adriatic microplate if these subduction zones are located within a few hundred kilometers of Adria.

How to cite: Kaus, B., Schuler, C., Le Breton, E., Riel, N., and Popov, A.: 3D thermo-mechanical simulations of the Mediterranean show what controls the motion of Adria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8403,, 2025.

EGU25-8528 | Posters on site | TS2.7

Unveiling the lithospheric structure of the Calabrian Subduction (Central Mediterranean) Based on Integrated Geophysical-Petrological Modelling 

Wentao Zhang, Ivone Jiménez-Munt, Jaume Vergés, Montserrat Torne, Ana M. Negredo, Ángela María Gómez-García, Eugenio Carminati, Maria Gema Llorens, Madhusudan Sharma, and Daniel García-Castellanos

The Adria microplate plays a key role in the geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean, linking Western and Eastern Mediterranean regions and being sandwiched between Africa and Eurasia, which have been converging since at least Late Cretaceous time. The NE and SW margins of Adria are characterized by two opposite slab systems observed under the Apennines and Dinarides-Albanides-Hellenides fold belts resulting from subduction and delamination processes. The NW-dipping Ionian subduction under the Calabrian Arc seems to be connected with the SE termination of the slab beneath the Apennines. Unveiling the lithospheric structure of the Calabrian subduction zone, one of the narrowest arcs on Earth, is crucial for understanding the geodynamic evolution of the Mediterranean and adjacent marginal seas. Here we apply an integrated geophysical-petrological modelling to constrain and determine the present-day lithospheric and upper mantle structure (down to 400 km depth) along an ~800 km long NW-SE oriented lithospheric profile crossing the Southern Tyrrhenian Basin, Calabrian Arc and the Ionian Sea. The crustal structure is constrained using available seismic profiles and geological cross-sections, while seismic tomography and mantle xenoliths constrain the upper mantle structure and composition. Our results show a thick crust and a relatively deep Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) underneath the Ionian Sea, contrasting with the thinner magmatic crust and lithospheric mantle of the Tyrrhenian Basin. The sharp change in lithosphere thickness, from the Calabrian accretionary wedge to the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin, contrasts with the greater lithosphere thickening below the subduction zone. Our results confirm the presence of an attached Ionian slab beneath the Calabrian Arc. The slab is colder and denser than the surrounding mantle and has a more fertile composition than the lithospheric mantle of the Southern Tyrrhenian.

This research is funded by the GEOADRIA (PID2022-139943NB-I00) project from the Spanish Government.

How to cite: Zhang, W., Jiménez-Munt, I., Vergés, J., Torne, M., M. Negredo, A., María Gómez-García, Á., Carminati, E., Gema Llorens, M., Sharma, M., and García-Castellanos, D.: Unveiling the lithospheric structure of the Calabrian Subduction (Central Mediterranean) Based on Integrated Geophysical-Petrological Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8528,, 2025.

EGU25-8829 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7

Forgotten Faults that are Compatible with the Kinematics of the External Hellenides (Greece) 

Simon Bufféral, Haris Kranis, Manuel Pubellier, Emmanuel Skourtsos, Amélie Viger, and Vincent Wicker

Current GNSS data from southwestern Greece indicates an extension rate of 6 mm.yr-1 in the NE-SW direction, i.e., perpendicular to the Hellenic subduction zone. Additionally, there is a significant NW-SE extension component, parallel to the trench. Around the Gulf of Corinth and the Gulf of Evia, the extrusion of the Anatolian microplate transitions into pure N-S extension at rates of up to 15 mm.yr-1. Farther west, this extension evolves into a complex network of strike-slip faults in the Ionian region (e.g., Patras, Cephalonia, etc.). These movements are often accommodated by fault systems that originated up to 3 million years ago, with offsets reaching several kilometers.

In the External Hellenides, older faults associated with late-orogenic collapse or early supra-subduction extension also exist. These include structures active during the intense Aegean crustal thinning in the Mio-Pliocene, such as in the Cretan Sea and the Gulf of Argos. In the Peloponnese, remnants of late-orogenic fault systems define the borders of Quaternary sedimentary basins like Megalopolis, Sparti and Olympia.

From new tectonic mapping and GNSS data in southwestern Greece, we discuss if some older, currently seismically inactive faults could be aligned with modern deformation gradients and potentially exhibit creep or interseismic strain accumulation.

How to cite: Bufféral, S., Kranis, H., Pubellier, M., Skourtsos, E., Viger, A., and Wicker, V.: Forgotten Faults that are Compatible with the Kinematics of the External Hellenides (Greece), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8829,, 2025.

EGU25-8863 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

Seismogenic Properties of The Crust Beneath the Western Anatolia-Aegean System: Models Vs Observations 

Can Aslan and Oğuz Hakan Göğüş

One of the most fundamental aspects of earthquake research is to understand the rheological properties of the crust where seismicity develops. A number of studies have shown that the lower crust in extending tectonic regimes, for instance in east Africa is seismogenic. The origin of earthquakes in east African rift system are interpreted in the context of thermal and compositional the crust. Here, we focus on western Anatolia-Aegean extensional region as a primary example for the development of earthquakes throughout the crust where the thickness does not exceed 25 km. We compare predictions of the thermomechanical numerical models against seismicity (frequency-depth) distribution. Namely, stress state throughout the modeled crust is reconciled with the depth variation of seismic moment distribution. Our results help to account for the brittle-ductile transition beneath the Aegean-west Anatolia where the listric fault characteristics of the detachment fault systems has been identified through a number of observations -both in the field and seismic data. This may explain how the extended crust behaves in rather high vs lower strain rates.

How to cite: Aslan, C. and Göğüş, O. H.: Seismogenic Properties of The Crust Beneath the Western Anatolia-Aegean System: Models Vs Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8863,, 2025.

EGU25-8882 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

Geodynamic Models For Normal Faulting and Crustal Dynamics In  Western Anatolia-Aegean Region 

Onur Şencer and Oğuz Hakan Göğüş

Normal faults dipping from very shallow ( 5°-10°) to steep (80°-85°) dip angles have been identified in regions of continental extension.  Andersonian fault mechanics is not consistent with slip in such dip angles, hence the origin of normal faults, especially in shallow dips remains not well understood. A series of geological and geophysical observations have been used to interpret that graben bounding faults (shear zones) in western Anatolia are represented by low angle normal (detachment) faults. Here, reconciling geodynamic models with data, we aim to explain how array of normal faults including major detachment systems in this high magnitude of extensional region are formed. Namely, we track the evolution of strain across the whole crust in which various ranges of viscosities are implemented to the lower crust that permits the flow. The crustal flow accommodates fault rotation, meanwhile, we examine the role of pre-existing shallow dipping faults which may be reactivated when brittle properties of the upper crust (cohesion) is realistic. Our results, in particular, provide important insights into the genetic relationship between the fault mechanics and the (lower) crustal dynamics and have implications on how tectonic deformation in continents are complex, especially in regions where multistage orogenic and post orogenic events develop.

How to cite: Şencer, O. and Göğüş, O. H.: Geodynamic Models For Normal Faulting and Crustal Dynamics In  Western Anatolia-Aegean Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8882,, 2025.

EGU25-8929 | Posters on site | TS2.7

Geochemistry of the dolerite dyke complex of the Alpujarride Complex (Betic Cordilleras, Spain): insights on the extensional collapse of the chain 

Julia Cuevas, José María Tubía, José Ignacio Gil Ibarguchi, and José Julián Esteban


The Betic Cordilleras (south of Spain) represent a collisional orogen disaggregated by extensional collapse in a continuous convergent setting between the Iberia and Africa plates during Miocene time. In this context, some of the nappes that conform the Alpujarride Complex of the Internal Zones of the chain (Los Reales nappe and Benamocarra Unit; Cuevas et al., 2001) are intruded by a dolerite dyke swarm of Oligocene age (Esteban et al., 2013) providing an excellent example for studying the products related to the extensional collapse.

Petrographically, the studied dykes display ophitic texture defined mainly by plagioclase and pyroxene. Despite visible alteration, the low loss on ignition values and the chemical index of alteration suggests minimal post-magmatic modification of chemical composition. Geochemically, the dykes are consistently classified as tholeiitic andesite-basalts. Chondrite C1-normalized patterns display gently sloping rare earth element (REE) profiles, with a slight enrichment in light REEs (LREEs), flat distribution of heavy REEs (HREEs) and minor negative or positive Eu anomaly. In N-MORB normalized patterns, they show significant enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to high-field-strength elements (HFSEs) along with negative Nb anomaly. These facts denote a signature intermediate between that of N- and Transitional-MORB, with influences from continental crust indicative of a subduction-related tectonic environment. REE ratios further reveal some characteristic of the mantle source. Notably, low Sm/Yb and Tb/Yb, among others, indicate that the dykes likely originated from a spinel-bearing peridotite, that is, a garnet- and plagioclase-free mantle source. Also, inter-element relationships of Lu/Hf, La/Sm, La/Yb, Ba/La and Th/Th ratios imply that the lithospheric mantle was probably metasomatized by slab derived hydrous fluids rather than by sediment components. Tectonic discrimination diagrams, though sometimes controversial, point to the origin of the dykes in a context of back-arc basalts (BAB) or a transition zone between BAB and island arc tholeiites (IAT).

In conclusion, based on the available data, we infer that the dolerite dykes of the Alpujarride Complex, classified as tholeiitic basaltic andesites, originated from a depleted, spinel-bearing mantle source. This would have been metasomatized by fluids derived from the subducting slab during Alpine orogeny in a back-arc tectonic setting to produce the parental liquids with the observed N or Transitional-MORB compositions.


Cuevas, J., Navarro-Vilá, F. & Tubía, J.M (2001). Evolución estructural poliorogénica del Complejo Maláguide (Cordilleras Béticas). Boletín Geológico y Minero, 112, 47-58.

Esteban, J.J., Tubía, J.M., Cuevas, J., Seward, D., Larionov, A., Sergeev, S., Navarro-Vilá, F. (2013). Insights into extensional events in the Betic Cordilleras, southern Spain: New fission-track and U-Pb SHRIMP analyses. Tectonophysics, 603, 179-188.

How to cite: Cuevas, J., Tubía, J. M., Gil Ibarguchi, J. I., and Esteban, J. J.: Geochemistry of the dolerite dyke complex of the Alpujarride Complex (Betic Cordilleras, Spain): insights on the extensional collapse of the chain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8929,, 2025.

The results of whole rock geochemical and zircon dating analyses on amphibolite and eclogite samples of the Ojén nappe (Alpujárride Complex, Betic Cordilleras, Spain) are presented, with the aim of deciphering the geodynamic setting for their protoliths and the age of both the protoliths and their metamorphism. The Ojén nappe rests below the Sierra Alpujata peridotite, the second largest massif of the Ronda peridotites after Sierra Bermeja. The lithological sequence of the Ojén nappe consists of two main parts: 1) a lower metapelitic member, with gneisses, migmatites, schists and quartzites of Paleozoic (and older?) ages and 2) un upper marble member of Triassic ages. Amphibolite and eclogite layers appear scattered at different levels of the metapelitic and marble members.

Geochemically, the eclogites and amphibolites are mainly classified as tholeiitic basalt and display weak crustal contamination, whereas normalized REE patterns and tectonic discrimination diagrams point to magmatic protoliths of basaltic compositions produced by partial melting of a transitional or enriched mantle source (T- or E-MORBs). The high Th/U ratios (0.19-0.74) of the zircon cores from the amphibolites and the eclogites support their magmatic origin. Ages of 192 and 185 Ma have been determined by means of LA-Q-ICP-MS dating, for eclogite and amphibolites respectively, and interpreted as the intrusion age of their magmatic protoliths.  Zircon grains from eclogites also show metamorphic rims that yield concordant ages of 19.9 ± 1.7 Ma (Sánchez-Rodríguez and Gebauer 2000). The integration of regional, geochemical and age data supports the interpretation of the protoliths as gabbroic sills that were emplaced in the thinned continental margin of a Jurassic rift. We propose that this Mesozoic rift would represent the southern connection of the Atlantic Sea with the Neo-Tethys Ocean, which spread from Early Permian to Cretaceous times between Laurasia and Gondwana. The age of 19.9 ± 1.7 Ma is attributed to the thermal peak of a Miocene stage of subduction-zone metamorphism, which we link to the hot-emplacement and thrusting of the Ronda peridotites.


Sánchez-Rodríguez, L. & Gebauer, D. (2000). Mesozoic formation of pyroxenites and gabbros in the Ronda area (southern Spain), followed by Early Miocene subduction metamorphism and emplacement into the middle crust: U-Pb sensitive high resolution ion microprobe dating of zircon. Tectonophysics, 316, 19-44.

How to cite: Tubía, J. M., Cuevas, J., and Esteban, J. J.: Origin and age of the eclogites and amphibolites of the Ojén nappe (Betic Cordilleras, Spain):  Insights about their protoliths and metamorphism , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9060,, 2025.

EGU25-10661 | Posters on site | TS2.7

Unravelling the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Western Tell basement, North Algeria 

Margot Patry, Rémi Leprêtre, Charaf Chabou, and Geoffroy Mohn

The western Mediterranean basin opened progressively from the Oligocene onwards, resulting in the partial inversion, subduction, and incorporation of the Tethyan margins into the Alpine Tell and Rif orogenic belts in North Morocco and Algeria.

While proximal segments of these margins are accessible, the distal portions and the nature of the North African rifted margin crust remain largely unknown. Exceptions exist in the Tell, where various outcrops of basement and ophiolitic sequences were reported, but their origins and paleogeographic significance remain poorly constrained. In this underexplored region, we focus on two geological features sampling potential basement rocks.

Firstly, in the “external metamorphic massifs”, rocks are affected by subduction-related metamorphism of presumed Oligocene or older age. These continental-derived rocks outcropping close to the Oran region are associated with ultramafic rocks, potentially representing fragments of oceanic crust.

Secondly, we can find in the Oran region, basement rocks outcropping within Triassic salt diapirs, including high-grade metamorphic and mantle rocks. These have been interpreted as remnants of the North African rifted margin, brought to the surface by the diapirs.

This study is part of an ongoing Ph.D. aiming to constrain: (1) The tectonic and metamorphic analysis of the “external metamorphic massifs” through PT-t paths, (2) The characterisation of the basement rocks found in the Triassic salt diapirs with petrology, geochemistry and geochronology and (3) A reconstruction of the Tethyan margin geometry and composition.

Results from the Tell will be integrated with those of adjacent Rif belt where remnants of the distal domains have been identified. These complementary features offer a rare opportunity to investigate the evolution of the North African Mesozoic rifted margin from its formation to its eventual deformation during the Mediterranean opening.


How to cite: Patry, M., Leprêtre, R., Chabou, C., and Mohn, G.: Unravelling the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Western Tell basement, North Algeria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10661,, 2025.

EGU25-13603 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7

Transforming the Eastern Mediterranean: The Aegean-Cyprus Slab Tear 

Xiaowen Liu, Russell Pysklywec, Oğuz Göğüş, and Ebru Şengül

The Aegean and Western Anatolian region has experienced widespread extension since the Late Oligocene, characterized by southward migration of arc volcanism, exhumation, and basin formation. Recent seismic data have revealed a significant tear between the subducted Aegean and Cyprus slabs. Such a tear is expected to disrupt local mantle flow, yet its impact on surface processes like topography, deformation, and magmatism remains poorly understood. In this study, we develop 4D geodynamic models to explore the effects of slab tearing in this part of the eastern Mediterranean region. Our model results demonstrate that tear-induced mantle flow aligns closely with a range of geological and geophysical observations, including a counterclockwise toroidal flow beneath Western Anatolia. The slab tearing also triggers rapid transient mantle upwelling, resulting in dynamic topographical uplift. Additionally, it facilitates the influx of hot asthenosphere from behind the subducted slab, promoting partial melting and widespread magmatism across the region. The model further indicates that the overlying continent is under extension, with the extension direction transitioning from NE-SW in Western Anatolia to N-S towards the Aegean trench. Our findings reconcile with observed geological anomalies in the Aegean zone and Western Anatolia, such as the distribution of volcanic activity and patterns of crustal deformation. This correlation not only validates our model but also provides new insights into the complex interactions between slab dynamics and surface expressions, enhancing our understanding of how slab discontinuities manifest geological phenomena.

How to cite: Liu, X., Pysklywec, R., Göğüş, O., and Şengül, E.: Transforming the Eastern Mediterranean: The Aegean-Cyprus Slab Tear, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13603,, 2025.

EGU25-13690 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

The Dinaric Ophiolite Belt: Microstructural observations from the metamorphic sole and its tectonic importance 

Miljan Barjaktarović, Kurt Decker, Bernhard Grasemann, and Darko Spahić

The Dinaric Ophiolite Belt, an integral part of Inner Dinarides located in the Western Balkans, represents a significant piece of the Tethyan Mesozoic oceanic crust recording processes of subduction related metamorphism followed by exhumation. This study presents new microstructural data of the metamorphic sole from Zlatibor Ophiolite massif, located in Western Serbia, offering insight into the tectono-thermal evolution associated with the emplacement of oceanic lithosphere onto the continental margin during the Upper Jurassic.

Field observations from amphibolites of the metamorphic sole preserve a NW-SE trending mineral and stretching lineations associated with the main transport direction during obduction. Kinematic indicators in the Zlatibor massif are less clear and may reflect a strong flattening component during emplacement.

The ophiolite, dated to Middle to Upper Jurassic, provides a temporal framework for understanding the evolution of this segment of the Peri-Tethyan realm. Amphibolites within the metamorphic sole exhibit high pressure-medium temperature conditions, reflecting the thermal gradients typical for early stages of subduction.

The metamorphic sole of the Dinaric Ophiolite Belt serves as a good example for investigating the interplay between oceanic and continental lithosphere during the Jurassic. Understanding the timing and the mechanisms of ophiolite emplacement is critical for reconstructing the geodynamic evolution of the surrounding Tethyan domains.

How to cite: Barjaktarović, M., Decker, K., Grasemann, B., and Spahić, D.: The Dinaric Ophiolite Belt: Microstructural observations from the metamorphic sole and its tectonic importance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13690,, 2025.

EGU25-14607 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

Late Tortonian to Pleistocene deformations of Alboran domain (Western Mediterranean): new insights from ALBANEO project and analogue modelling 

Fabien Caroir, Pauline Souloumiac, Nadaya Cubas, Bertrand Maillot, Léa Vidil, and Elia d'Acremont

            The Alboran domain, located in western Mediterranean between Spain and Morocco, is the result of a succession of different tectonic phases. During Oligocene and Miocene, the Alboran domain underwent the Tethyan subduction followed by a westward slab retreat leading to a back-arc extension. During Tortonian, the Africa-Eurasia convergence, striking N135°E, formed folds and thrusts that are currently found along the Alboran Island and high offshore reliefs (Xauen, Tofiño, Francesc-Pages banks). This convergence phase led to the indentation of a crustal African block within the Alboran Sea, delimited by two strike-slip fault systems: the Yusuf and the Al Idrissi fault systems. This globally left lateral system shows significant changes of orientation from north to south and cross-cut the small Al Idrissi volcanic edifice. Estimations for the Al Idrissi initiation varies between 1.1 Ma and 1.8 Ma with a total displacement calculated from offsets of the volcanic basement of 3 km. North of this volcanic edifice, the deformation is distributed along several km-long fault segments whose activity is inferred to have migrated from east to west. South of the volcano, the deformation is localized along a unique segment, the Bokkoya Fault, showing a change of direction compared to the Al Idrissi fault system. Interestingly, this Bokkoya Fault shares the same orientation as the thrusts and fold axis inherited from the previous convergence phase.

            In this study, we propose to investigate the interactions between the compressive structures and the left-lateral strike-slip Al Idrissi fault system with analogue modelling experiments. Two successive phases of deformation are considered: a global oblique convergence of the entire sand pack followed by a left-lateral strike-slip fault phase. The experiment table is set up as a N-S directed basal fault separating a fixed western plate from a mobile eastern one. The first results show strong influences of the thrust faults on the strike-slip fault segmentation and the orientation of the segments. In the first stages of strike-slip displacement, the deformation is accommodated along segments separated by the former thrust faults. These segments does not share the same orientation than the expected Riedel faults for this set up (i.e. 16°), they display an angle of 11° relative to the basal fault. Then, two deformation branches develop, the fault segments link into clearly established strike-slip faults and their orientations remain oblique relative to the basal fault (5°). This strike-slip fault splitting into two branches is not usual, this phenomena is clearly relative to the interaction with the thrust faults. Through the last displacement stages, the deformation accommodation evolves from the western branch to the eastern one. The deformation becomes more localized along segment nearly oriented N-S like the initial basal fault. Some intersection between thrust faults and strike-slip segments still play as relay areas with an oblique orientation. These results will be integrated into models of seismic and tsunamigenic hazard of the Alboran domain in order to improve the hazard assessments.

How to cite: Caroir, F., Souloumiac, P., Cubas, N., Maillot, B., Vidil, L., and d'Acremont, E.: Late Tortonian to Pleistocene deformations of Alboran domain (Western Mediterranean): new insights from ALBANEO project and analogue modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14607,, 2025.

EGU25-16193 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

Active and passive Slabs in the Central Mediterranean imaged with surface wave tomography 

Felix Eckel, Amr El-Sharkawy, Luciano Scarfì, Graziella Barberi, Horst Langer, Sergei Lebedev, and Thomas Meier

The tectonic evolution of the Central Mediterranean is heavily influenced by multiple subduction systems with intricate geometries. While numerous seismic studies have provided insights into these subduction zones, key aspects of their dynamics remain unresolved. To advance our understanding, it is essential to analyze the interplay between crustal structures, the mantle lithosphere, and the underlying asthenosphere in a coherent model. Surface wave tomography has established itself as a critical method for delineating the lithosphere-asthenosphere interface and subducting slabs without relying on local seismic sources.

This research is based on a combined inversion of ambient noise and earthquake-derived data to develop a comprehensive 3D shear-wave velocity model for Southern Italy and the broader southern Central Mediterranean. The inversion utilizes an extensive dataset comprising 95,000 Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves and 40,000 Love wave curves. These data, extracted from ambient noise cross-correlations (2–100 s) and earthquake-based two-station measurements (8–250 s), underwent rigorous quality control to ensure data integrity. Integration of the datasets was achieved through a correction factor derived from overlapping inter-station paths.

Azimuthally anisotropic Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps were generated using a regularized least-squares approach and subsequently inverted for depth using a stochastic particle swarm optimization algorithm, enhancing the reliability and precision of the resulting model.

The resulting 3D velocity model reveals significant subsurface features, including the Calabrian and Hellenic slabs, and identifies a slab tear beneath Sicily. Additionally, the model provides detailed insights into the transition from the Ionian lithosphere to the Calabrian slab and highlights a seismically inactive slab segment beneath western Sicily.

How to cite: Eckel, F., El-Sharkawy, A., Scarfì, L., Barberi, G., Langer, H., Lebedev, S., and Meier, T.: Active and passive Slabs in the Central Mediterranean imaged with surface wave tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16193,, 2025.

EGU25-16466 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

Volcanic and tectonic interaction during the Permian geodynamic event: new insights from the Lugano-Varese district, Southern Alps, (Italy-Switzerland) 

Michela Colombo, Andrea Di Capua, Franz Livio, Emanuele Scaramuzzo, and Giorgio Tringali

The study of ancient volcanic and volcaniclastic sequences provides key insights into geodynamic processes that contributed to their evolution, as well as valuable information on paleoenvironment evolution and basin dynamics.

The Varese area hosts a Permian magmatic complex related to the igneous events that characterized the geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps during the Late Palaeozoic. While previous research has detailed the petrographic, isotopic, and geochronological aspects of these magmatic rocks, detailed stratigraphic studies on the volcanic and volcaniclastic sequences and their interaction with depositional environments are limited. Compared to more studied areas like the Orobic Basin or the Atesinian District, the Varese area remains underexplored, particularly regarding post-Variscan sedimentary processes.

This study aims to enhance understanding of the Permian volcanic and volcaniclastic sequences in the Varese area through a detailed geological survey and stratigraphic analysis of the lithological units. The investigation focused on two structural blocks separated by the Marzio Fault, a significant tectonic structure in the region potentially linked to syn-magmatic tectonic activity. Stratigraphic sequences on either side of the fault were compared: the Grantola and Boarezzo sequences.

Field and laboratory analyses revealed distinct characteristics of the lithological units in the two sectors of northern Varese area. The Boarezzo 1 section comprises a basal pyroclastic sequence linked to nearby volcanic vents, overlain by thick agglomerate facies with interbedded peperitic layers and pyroclastic deposits. These features suggest a volcanic vent in a subaqueous lacustrine environment. The Boarezzo 2 section features a continental clastic sequence, likely deposited by fluvial systems eroding Variscan rocks and Permian volcanic deposits.

The Grantola section exhibits a thinner volcanic and volcaniclastic sequence. It includes pyroclastic deposits overlain by an acid to intermediate composition lava dome and an olivine-basaltic lava flow with vitrophyric lithofacies. These characteristics indicate a smaller volcanic system compared to the Boarezzo sections.

The Permian geological setting in this area likely consisted of a dome field with multiple medium-to-small effusive centers within a fluvio-lacustrine environment rather than extensive volcanic systems. The sequences comparison suggests that the Marzio Fault bounded two structural blocks, with distinct depositional and volcanic environments. South of the fault, a well-structured basin existed with dynamic sedimentation, while north of the fault, the Grantola section likely represented the basin’s shoulders.

Further research is essential for a comprehensive description of the volcanic and volcaniclastic sequences of the Lugano-Valganna magmatic complex. Additional studies could confirm hypotheses about the Permian geological setting and the interplay between volcanic activity and depositional environments in the Varese area. This research highlights the complexity of the region's geological history and the need for continued exploration to refine our understanding of its Permian evolution.

How to cite: Colombo, M., Di Capua, A., Livio, F., Scaramuzzo, E., and Tringali, G.: Volcanic and tectonic interaction during the Permian geodynamic event: new insights from the Lugano-Varese district, Southern Alps, (Italy-Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16466,, 2025.

EGU25-16940 | Orals | TS2.7

Evolution of the Iberia-Adria-Europe plate boundary revealed by the Meso-Cenozoic thermal history of the European paleomargin in SE France 

Frédéric Mouthereau, Louise Boschetti, Stephane Schwartz, Yann Rolland, Matthias Bernet, Nathan Cogné, Abdeltif Lahfid, Malou Pelletier, and Guilhem Hoareau

Plate kinematic reconstructions of the boundary between Iberia, Adria microplates and Europe during Mid-Late Cretaceous deformation is disputed. At this time the collision in the Pyrenees-Provence, the Eo-Alpine phase of subduction, and far-field inversion in Western Central Europe occurred when Africa began to converge northward. The tectonic relationships between these compressional features and the structure of the Alpine Tethys (Adria-Europe) and the Pyrenean-Valaisan rift (Iberia-Europe) are still uncertain. Here, we reconstruct the thermal histories of the European paleomargin of the Western Alps, in SE France, by combining the analysis of numerous low-temperature thermochronometers and U-Pb dating on zircon, apatite and calcite in the Vocontian basin and in the Pelvoux and Maures-Tanneron massifs. After a period of exhumation of the Variscan basement during the late Paleozoic well identified in the Pelvoux massif, we find evidence of a thermal event in the Maures-Tanneron massif around 200 Ma, which is consistent with increased heat flux linked to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). This is followed by a regionally significant heating event that results from the combined effect of depositional burial and crustal thinning associated with Alpine Tethys rifting during the Early Jurassic and the Cretaceous Vocontian-Valais rifting event, with a peak temperature reached around 90 Ma. This confirms the central role played by extension between Iberia and Europe in SE France, north of Corsica-Sardinia. A pre-Priabonian phase of cooling/exhumation is identified in both massifs between 80 and 50 Ma associated to N-S oriented Pyrenean shortening. A distinctive late Cenozoic cooling pattern in the Maures-Tanneron between 30-15 Ma is interpreted to reflect the opening of the Western European rift and the Liguro-Provençal basin. The onset of this phase, around 30 Ma, appears coeval with the Alpine collision marked by foreland basin deposition and the activation of the Penninic Frontal Thrust, which led to the burial of the Pelvoux massif. Brittle normal faulting in the Vocontian Basin dated between 34 and 7 Ma using calcite U-Pb geochronology suggests that the basin was impacted by the opening the Liguro-Provençal like the rest of Provence and Maures-Tanneron massif, whereas the Pelvoux massif recorded compression at this time. This study confirms that N-S compression between Iberia and Europe resulted in the inversion of the Cretaceous rift system during the Late Cretaceous. Both the age and the scale of the tectonic inversion in Europe suggest that both Iberia and Adria collided with the European paleomargin at this time, which in turn impacts the reconstruction of the boundary between Iberia and Adria. The impact of the Oligocene-Miocene extension in SE France seems to be significantly greater than previously thought. It might have played a role in isolating the developments of Provence and Vocontian basin from the Western Alps.

How to cite: Mouthereau, F., Boschetti, L., Schwartz, S., Rolland, Y., Bernet, M., Cogné, N., Lahfid, A., Pelletier, M., and Hoareau, G.: Evolution of the Iberia-Adria-Europe plate boundary revealed by the Meso-Cenozoic thermal history of the European paleomargin in SE France, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16940,, 2025.

EGU25-17209 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7

Deciphering tectonic driving mechanisms of seismicity in the central Apennines 

Maaike Fonteijn, Erwan Pathier, Ylona van Dinther, and Anne Socquet

The central Apennines (Italy) are located within the geodynamically complex Central Mediterranean. Subduction and continental collision of the Adriatic plate underneath the Tyrrhenian appear to have ceased and the region is undergoing large-scale extension of 3-4 mm/yr accompanied by large normal faulting earthquakes. The main drivers of seismicity, extension and surface deformation remain unresolved, inhibiting a fundamental understanding of Apennine geology and progress towards seismic hazard assessment. Multiple driving mechanisms have been proposed, including differences in gravitational potential energy (GPE), independent motion of the Adria microplate, and large-scale uplift related to slab detachment. In terms of structure, debates continue about whether the slab has detached and whether the continental Moho's overlap. 

We systematically test these driving mechanisms and hypotheses by exploring different structures, forcings and rheologies through cross-scale numerical modelling. We adopt the seismo-thermo-mechanical (STM) modelling approach in a realistic 2D setup ranging from the surface to 800 km depth. The model uses a visco-elasto-plastic rheology and a strongly slip-rate dependent friction to spontaneously simulate fault growth and earthquake-like events. We start from the present-day setup in the central Apennines, integrating a geological cross-section, receiver function data and tomography. The initial temperature is based on long-term STM models and geothermal data. 

Results indicate that an attached slab induces thrust earthquakes onshore, uplift in the orogen and subsidence above the Adriatic downgoing plate, all of which are inconsistent with observations. Shallow slab detachment, leaving no Moho overlap, also fails to reproduce the observed surface deformation, as it lacks a driving force within the model. Among hundreds of tested models, a model with a detached slab, slab rebound in the undetached slab remnant and Tyrrhenian/Adriatic Moho overlap explains most observations in the central Apennines. This model successfully reproduces normal faulting earthquakes within the orogen and slight compression offshore in the Adriatic Sea, driven by eduction of the partially subducted upper crust. However, the resulting horizontal surface velocities are lower than observed, indicating that external forces also drive part of the extension in the Apennines. We model this by imposing an eastward motion of the Adriatic plate of 3-4 mm/yr, representing the pull by the Adria microplate. Removing the topography shows that GPE slightly contributes to near surface extension, but its influence is minor compared to other parameters. Finally, the power law rheology of the mantle plays a key role in allowing upward mantle flow near the base of the lithosphere, thereby counteracting compression induced by the downward pull of the sinking detached slab. 

To conclude, far-field Adriatic plate pull, eduction of the subducted upper crust and slab rebound drive extension and seismicity in the central Apennines. Knowing these drivers provides a basis for modeling the seismic cycle and advancing seismic hazard assessment.

How to cite: Fonteijn, M., Pathier, E., van Dinther, Y., and Socquet, A.: Deciphering tectonic driving mechanisms of seismicity in the central Apennines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17209,, 2025.

The deformation of the Outer Dinarides, which fringe the eastern side of the Adriatic Sea, has been completed in the early Miocene. However, the southern portion of the thrust belt, which is mostly located in the Adriatic offshore, presents seismicity and evidence of active tectonics. This segment of the Dinarides, which turns from NW-SE to E-W, continues to the south into the Albanides, although the way in which this connection occurs, is not fully understood; see for instance the controversial interpretation of the Skutari-Pec Line. This contribution addresses the structural style of the southern segment of the Outer Dinarides and its continuation into the Albanides using a data set composed of proprietary and commercial multichannel seismic profiles. The data show that the structural style at the front of the southern Dinarides varies considerably along strike, in places reworking an intra-platform basin which has been inverted. The occurrence of a marked Messinian erosional surface and of Pliocene growth strata allows to constrain the timing of activity of the thrust front. Deformation has typically spared the western side of the Dalmatian carbonate platform, which faces the Ionian basinal domain. The surface marking the top of the Cretaceous shallow water platform becomes deeper towards the SE, suggesting that the load of the fold-and-thrust belt increases in that direction. The Dalmatian platform passes southward to the Kruja platform of Albania, a completely uprooted unit which has been incorporated into the Albanide thrust belt. The sediments of the Cenozoic foreland basin are currently accreting at the front of the Albanides. Offshore seismic reflection data contribute to understanding the structural relationship between the Dinarides and the Albanides and allow some inferences to be drawn about seismicity and tectonic rotation within the fold-thrust belt.

How to cite: Argnani, A. and Dalla Valle, G.: Structural style at the thrust front of the southern Dinarides and its connection to the Albanides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18026,, 2025.

EGU25-18179 | Posters on site | TS2.7

Tracing the end of the Variscan orogeny: a polyphasic tectonic evolution recorded in the new “Varese Map” (CARG project). 

Franz Livio, Emanuele Scaramuzzo, Marco Bruno, Maria Giuditta Fellin, Michela Colombo, Giorgio Tringali, Francesca Ferrario, Argelia Silva-Fragoso, Stefano Ghignone, and Alessandro Maria Michetti

The Paleozoic Variscan cycle and the successive Mesozoic-Cenozoic Alpine supercontinent cycle have shaped the structural framework of the central European-Mediterranean area. Nevertheless, the tectonic events marking the transition between the two cycles are open to different interpretations. As a remnant of the Variscan chain, the European Southern Alps stand as an ideal study area to unravel the geodynamic processes governing this period.

Our focus is on the European western Southern Alps, specifically on the area included in the Geological Map n.74 “Varese” CARG project - (Geological CARtography), covering both the Italian and Swiss territory. Basing on our preliminary interpretations, during the Alpine orogeny, this sector has been affected by a deep-seated southeast-verging crustal wedge that back-tilted a wide area but left internally un-deformed the shallower crustal levels [1].  Thus, the well-preserved outcropping Permo-Carboniferous sequences and the overlying Mesozoic syn-rift units allow to decipher the relationships among structures active during the tectonic phases postdating the metamorphic peak reached by the Variscan orogeny.

In the study area, we focus on the presently overturned the Val Colla-Taverne Shear Zone. This structure crosscut the whole crustal thickness from the middle-lower crust to the north, to the upper crustal levels, to the south. From our preliminary observations, it seems that in the deepest sector of this shear zone, the activity of this structure is related to the development of a proper mylonitic fabric whereas, to the south, it seems that the fault activity reflects a polyphasic evolution with the superposition of a cataclastic fabric to the mylonitic one.

The activity of the Val Colla- Taverne Shear Zone has been previously interpreted as postdated by the deposition of the Carboniferous Variscan foredeep deposits, i.e., the Manno Conglomerate and Mesenzana Formation. Nevertheless, this units are locally clipped along the Val Colla- Taverne Shear Zone [2].

The deformation of the Variscan foredeep deposits is misleading and could interpreted either as related to the protracted activity of this structure trough Carboniferous time or to the local reactivation of this structure during the Permian and/or Alpine tectonic phases. To minimize the uncertainties about the evolution of the Val Colla-Tesserete Shear Zone and to clarify the role of this shear zone within the Variscan-Alpine cycle transitions we are conducting field observations and collecting samples for microstructural, petrographic, and geochronological analysis.


1: Scaramuzzo, E., Livio, F. A., Granado, P., Di Capua, A., & Bitonte, R. (2022). Anatomy and kinematic evolution of an ancient passive margin involved into an orogenic wedge (Western Southern Alps, Varese area, Italy and Switzerland). Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 115(1), 4.

2: Schumacher, M. E., Schönborn, G., Bernoulli, D., & Laubscher, H. P. (1997). Rifting and collision in the Southern Alps. Deep Structure of the Swiss Alps: Results of the National Research Program, 20, 186–204.

How to cite: Livio, F., Scaramuzzo, E., Bruno, M., Fellin, M. G., Colombo, M., Tringali, G., Ferrario, F., Silva-Fragoso, A., Ghignone, S., and Michetti, A. M.: Tracing the end of the Variscan orogeny: a polyphasic tectonic evolution recorded in the new “Varese Map” (CARG project)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18179,, 2025.

EGU25-19349 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7

The Gulf of Lion, under a transient regime 

Agathe Jullien-Sicre, Yves Missenard, Romain Augier, Michel Séranne, Thomas Blaise, and Frédéric Haurine

Significant changes occured in the Mediterranean region from ca. 30-35 Ma, marked by the onset the African slab retreat beneath several orogenic segments and the inception of back-arc extension in the upper plate. In the western Mediterranean, extensional tectonics has been responsible for opening of the Liguro-Provençal basin and the rotation of the Sardinia-Corsica continental block. The northern margin of the Liguro Provençal basin thus underwent contractional deformation, followed by roll-back related extension. The terms of this transition, and particularly the age and duration of the shift, remain debated.

By integrating microstructural analysis with U-Pb dating of syn-kinematic calcite, we put constrains on the timing of transition between the compressional and extensional dynamics. Fieldwork focused on the graben basins, north of Montpellier and the Cévennes fault system bounding the proximal parts of the Gulf of Lion margin. U-Pb geochronology was conducted on oriented slickenfiber samples on normal and strike-slip faults to identify deformation phases. Most of dated normal faults yielded ages between 30 and 25 Ma, although extension is also recorded on faults dated between 47 and 35 Ma. This activity is interfingered with the recording of compressive deformation along reverse and strike-slip faults between 47 and 40 Ma. Our study highlights a longlasting transition phase that spanned from Lutetian to Priabonian. These results provide new insights on the timing and complexity of deformation in this domain of the Mediterranean region, in a context of convergence and subduction, thus contributing to a better understanding of the geodynamic evolution of active margins.

How to cite: Jullien-Sicre, A., Missenard, Y., Augier, R., Séranne, M., Blaise, T., and Haurine, F.: The Gulf of Lion, under a transient regime, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19349,, 2025.

EGU25-20118 | Posters on site | TS2.7

The Early to Middle Triassic (250–240 Ma) onset of rifting in the Attica-Cyclades realm: A-type rhyolites of NE Attica, Greece 

Christina Stouraiti, Stylianos Lozios, Konstantinos Soukis, Andrew Carter, and Konstantinos Mavrogonatos

The NE Attica (meta)volcanics in the Lower Attica unit of the Attic-Cycladic Crystalline Complex (Greece) comprise an Early- to Middle- Triassic (250–240 Ma) thick succession (~ 300 m) dominated by tuffs, porphyritic rhyolite lava flows with subordinate intercalations of mafic pyroclastics and rare basaltic lavas. Detailed new U-Pb zircon data from the (meta)rhyolites reveal two dominant age groups at 251.9±0.9 Ma (37%) and 237.5±1.1 Ma (37%). The two age groups most likely relate to multiple magmatic pulses that grew over marginally older resorbed zircon, which is supported by many resorption features in the cathodoluminescence images. The rhyolites have a potassic mildly alkaline affinity and peraluminous character. They display many of the typical features of A-type magmas, including enrichment of incompatible elements, such as Zr, Nb, Y, Ga, Zn and Ce, as well as high FeO*/(FeO* + MgO) and 10,000*Ga/Al2O3 ratios. The A-type rhyolites have LREE-enriched patterns with pronounced negative Eu anomalies comparable with typical REE profiles for “hot-dry reduced rhyolites”. The investigated trace element patterns indicate that the NE Attica rhyolites were most likely to have evolved through simple fractional crystallization of a parental magma derived from an enriched mantle source, supplemented by a crustal component through assimilation of continental crust. The NE Attica rhyolites probably erupted in a within-plate setting in the back-arc region of the Cycladic realm.

The eruption of these rhyolites marks the onset of the anorogenic period during which the continental plate of the External Hellenides was subjected to extension and intra-plate rifting, which led to the opening of the Pindos-Cyclades back-arc basin.

How to cite: Stouraiti, C., Lozios, S., Soukis, K., Carter, A., and Mavrogonatos, K.: The Early to Middle Triassic (250–240 Ma) onset of rifting in the Attica-Cyclades realm: A-type rhyolites of NE Attica, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20118,, 2025.

EGU25-2138 | ECS | Orals | TS2.8

Interannual to multidecadal climate oscillations in the Cryogenian 

Chloe Griffin, Thomas Gernon, Elias Rugen, Anthony Spencer, Geoffrey Warrington, and Thea Hincks

The two Cryogenian ‘snowball Earth’ glaciations, the Sturtian (~717-658 Ma) and Marinoan (~654-635 Ma), represent extreme climate states when ice reached equatorial latitudes and persisted for millions of years. Varve-like laminites deposited before and after the Sturtian glaciation reflect high-frequency climate cycles linked to solar, ocean and atmospheric dynamics. However, to date, no evidence of such cycles has been documented during the snowball Earth interval. Here, we analyze a ~5.5 m thick bed of laminites within the Port Askaig Formation, Scotland—a Sturtian glaciogenic succession—to reconstruct short-term climate variability on snowball Earth. Petrographic analysis indicates the laminites represent annual varves, reflecting freeze-thaw cycles and seasonal sediment contributions to a glacio-lacustrine environment. Spectral analysis of laminar set thickness reveals statistically significant periodicities of similar length to the present-day Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, Schwabe cycle, and Gleissberg cycle. This finding supports linkages between solar forcing, dynamic ocean circulation and regional climatic variability, which modulated glaciogenic sedimentation during the Sturtian. The preservation of multiannual to multidecadal cycles within the laminites provides important new insight into the persistence of solar-ocean-atmospheric interactions during the Cryogenian.

How to cite: Griffin, C., Gernon, T., Rugen, E., Spencer, A., Warrington, G., and Hincks, T.: Interannual to multidecadal climate oscillations in the Cryogenian, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2138,, 2025.

EGU25-3309 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.8

Ediacaran-Cambrian Boundary in the Anti-Atlas belt (Morocco): A review of biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and geochronology 

Jamal El kabouri, Ezzoura Errami, Fred T Bowyer, Bruno Beker-Kerber, Said Belkacim, and Antoine Triantafyllou

The Ediacaran-Cambrian transition represents a pivotal geological time, denoting the decline of the Ediacaran biota and the emergence of most modern animal phyla in an interval marked by perturbations to the carbon cycle (as evidence by carbonate carbon isotopes, δ13Ccarb), biotic turnover, dynamic paleoredox regimes, and magnetic field instability. Thick and laterally extensive exposure of marine sedimentary rock along the Anti-Atlas (AA) belt of Morocco constitute an especially important succession for global Ediacaran-Cambrian (E-C) chronostratigraphy. Here, numerous attempts have sought to pinpoint the exact stratigraphic level of the E-C boundary. The AA belt comprises ca. 3 km of continuous carbonate rocks, providing one of the most complete successions for the establishment of a global δ13Ccarb chemostratigraphic reference curve.

A growing number of publications in recent years have enhanced the stratigraphic, paleontological and geochronological record of the AA belt. However, despite extensive efforts, the precise position of the E-C boundary in the Anti-Atlas remains ambiguous. The δ13Ccarb data from this region have been used to inform rates of change in global palaeomarine redox conditions, biotic innovation and turnover, but significant inconsistencies remain in global correlation.

Here, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the available chemostratigraphic, paleontological, and geochronological data associated with the late Ediacaran-Cambrian Ouarzazate Group and Adoudou Formation within the AA belt. The objective is to refine our understanding of the regional expression of the E-C boundary and offer clarity on the inconsistencies observed among biostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic and geochronological datasets. This review highlights that the stratigraphic level currently assumed to represent the E-C boundary in the AA belt relies primarily on δ13Ccarb data and, in particular, a prominent negative δ13Ccarb excursion. However, the precise level of the E-C boundary in this region lacks corroborating evidence from other independent markers such as geochronological data or, crucially, the presence of the boundary-defining ichnospecies Treptichnus pedum.

Through the integration of newly available data and interrogation of global chemostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and geochronological information, our findings suggest that the E-C boundary within the Western Anti-Atlas may be positioned as low as within the upper unit of the Tabia Member. However, this interpretation relies heavily on the presumed Fortunian age of the ichnotaxa Monomorphichnus, because no co-occurring specimens of T. pedum are yet known. Moreover, a revised litho- and chemostratigraphic correlation that employs a compilation of published geochronological markers indicates that the Tabia and Tifnout members in the Central and Eastern Anti-Atlas do not correlate with the same named members in the Western Anti-Atlas. Both the Tabia and Tifnout members of the Central-Eastern Anti-Atlas may instead correlate with the middle part of Tifnout Member in the Western Anti-Atlas. This implies a late Ediacaran to early Cambrian ca. 10 m.y stratigraphic gap in the Central-Eastern Anti-Atlas and hence the E-C boundary in the Central-Eastern Anti-Atlas is likely situated within the unconformity between the Ouarzazate and Taroudant Groups.

Keywords: Anti-Atlas, Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary, Lower Cambrian ichnozone, Ouarzazate Group Adoudou Formation

How to cite: El kabouri, J., Errami, E., Bowyer, F. T., Beker-Kerber, B., Belkacim, S., and Triantafyllou, A.: Ediacaran-Cambrian Boundary in the Anti-Atlas belt (Morocco): A review of biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and geochronology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3309,, 2025.

EGU25-4074 | Posters on site | TS2.8

Geochronological and Petrochemical Study of Non-Glaciogenic Neoproterozoic Banded Iron Formations (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Insights into Their Formation in a Suboxic Arc-Related Basin 

Emma Calassou, Antoine Triantafyllou, Alex Bisch, Baptiste Debret, Delphine Bosch, Olivier Bruguier, Jamal El Kabouri, Linru Fang, Audrey Margirier, Clementine Fellah, Julien Berger, Veronique Gardien, and Gweltaz Maheo

The resurgence of Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) during the Neoproterozoic, following a billion-year hiatus, reflects significant geodynamic and climatic transition. Newly discovered Neoproterozoic BIFs in the central Anti-Atlas region of Morocco provide key insights into these processes. The studied BIFs units are exposed within the Bou Azzer-El Graara inlier (Central Anti-Atlas), an oceanic paleo-suture zone between the Paleoproterozoic West African Craton and remnants of a Neoproterozoic magmatic arc. This inlier comprises 750 to 680 Ma magmatic arcs and ophiolitic remnants, both intruded by ~650 Ma dioritic plutons and overlain by Ediacaran metasedimentary sequences. The studied BIFs are hosted in meta-volcano-sedimentary units, intercalated between magmatic arc and ophiolitic complexes, and locally intruded by igneous bodies. Neither the BIFs nor their host volcano-sedimentary schists are associated with glacio-derived sediments.

Petrological, geochemical, and geochronological analyses were conducted to reconstruct the paleo-depositional environment and identify the mechanisms of BIF formation. In situ U-Pb dating on hematite yielded a crystallization age of 641 ± 41 Ma. Hematite dating could be interpreted as an early diagenetic age probably close to BIF deposition.

The whole-rock major and trace element composition of the Bou Azzer BIFs exhibits a high correlation among terrigenous proxies (e.g., Al, Zr, Hf) and silica content, with trends strongly aligning with the felsic host rocks. This suggests that the BIFs’ whole-rock geochemical signature, specifically the siliceous layers, is predominantly controlled by detrital inputs. Multi-element geochemistry, (e.g. mean La/YbSN ratio of 0.36, low TiO₂ content of 0.24 wt%, Y/Ho ratio of 26, Nb-Ta depletion) combined with Nd-Sr isotopic data from the host rocks (εNdᵗ +4.0 to +4.5), indicates a juvenile arc source, consistent with presence of igneous minerals, such as feldspar, epidote, and amphibole, in both the host rocks and BIF samples.

Hematite in BIFs show two habitus: large euhedral grains surrounded by platy hematite. Petrographic evidence suggests that euhedral hematite precipitated at a more precocious stage, while platy hematite is distinctly aligned with the foliation of the host sediments. In situ LA-ICP-MS analyses of hematite from the two habitus reveal distinct geochemical signatures from each other and from the whole-rock compositions. Overall, hematite exhibits significantly lower ΣREE and superchondritic Y/Ho ratios up to 42, with a median value of ~28. Large euhedral hematite displays a pronounced negative Ce anomaly, indicative of precipitation from oxygenated seawater and distant from hydrothermal sources, as shown by low positive Eu anomaly (~1.06). The chemical composition of platy hematite shows no Eu or Ce anomalies, suggesting anoxic conditions during diagenetic crystallization. 

The Bou Azzer BIFs are Cryogenian and were deposited in an arc-bounded basin, with no evidence of glaciogenic influence. This paleo-depositional context emphasizes the role of limited arc-related basins during the Neoproterozoic, which facilitated the development of unique suboxic conditions.

How to cite: Calassou, E., Triantafyllou, A., Bisch, A., Debret, B., Bosch, D., Bruguier, O., El Kabouri, J., Fang, L., Margirier, A., Fellah, C., Berger, J., Gardien, V., and Maheo, G.: Geochronological and Petrochemical Study of Non-Glaciogenic Neoproterozoic Banded Iron Formations (Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Insights into Their Formation in a Suboxic Arc-Related Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4074,, 2025.

EGU25-7188 | Orals | TS2.8 | Highlight

Testing enhanced surface weathering hypotheses for Snowball Earth 

Thomas Gernon and Thea Hincks

The Cryogenian Period, which began around 720 million years ago, was marked by prolonged low-latitude glaciations known as ‘Snowball Earth’. The prevailing hypothesis is that these global cooling events were driven by enhanced weathering of continental fragments in the tropics during the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. To test this idea, we applied a Bayesian network analysis (cf. Gernon et al., 2021) to examine the statistical relationship between seawater chemistry (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr) and the fraction of continental land in the tropics, as inferred from recently available plate tectonic reconstructions. Our results reveal a weak overall correlation between these variables, even when accounting for multi-million-year time lags and the effects of auto-correlation in the time series. This finding suggests that the Earth's weathering response to global tectonic reorganisation is more complex than previously assumed. We conclude that while enhanced chemical weathering may have driven Snowball Earth, it likely arose from processes other than the first-order distribution of continents in the tropics, although a secondary influence cannot be excluded. Finally, we explore alternative plate tectonic mechanisms that yield unexpectedly long time lags between continental breakup and changes in ocean chemistry and climate, which may help reconcile disparate observations from the geologic record.


Gernon, T.M., Hincks, T.K., Merdith, A., Rohling, E.J., Palmer, M.R., Foster, G.L., Bataille, C.P. and Muller, D. Global chemical weathering dominated by continental arcs since the mid-Palaeozoic. Nature Geoscience 14, 690–696, doi: 10.1038/s41561-021-00806-0 (2021).

How to cite: Gernon, T. and Hincks, T.: Testing enhanced surface weathering hypotheses for Snowball Earth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7188,, 2025.

EGU25-8991 | Posters on site | TS2.8

Climate Modelling of the late Neoproterozoic Era. 

Stephen Hunter, Benjamin Mills, Andrew Merdith, and Alan Haywood

The late Neoproterozoic Era saw deep glaciation and possible rises in atmospheric and marine oxygen levels. It has been suggested that these environmental changes could be the consequence of supercontinent breakup and amplified continental weathering rates, which could have drawn down CO2 and liberated nutrients. But this idea has not been tested using recent paleogeographic reconstructions and paleoclimate modelling. Here we present a suite of HadCM3L climate model simulations covering the late Neoproterozoic Era, specifically the descent into the Sturtian glaciation (800 – 715 Ma), based upon a new full-plate model and palaeogeographic framework. We outline the modelling strategy which includes representation of continental-scale icesheets and investigate the sensitivity of the climate to changing palaeogeography. To assess the implications for the carbon cycle, the resulting suite of climatologies are incorporated into the SCION climate-chemical model to produce a self-consistent reconstruction of biogeochemistry (including chemical weathering and atmospheric O2 and CO2) and climate. 

How to cite: Hunter, S., Mills, B., Merdith, A., and Haywood, A.: Climate Modelling of the late Neoproterozoic Era., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8991,, 2025.

EGU25-9990 | Posters on site | TS2.8

The Early Ediacaran orogenic history of the northern Arabian-Nubian Shield in a nutshell (Eilat area, Israel)  

Dov Avigad, Chen Vardi, Adar Glazer, Leo Millonig, Axel Gerdes, Richard Albert, and Yona Geller Lutzky

The Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) is a juvenile crust formed over more than 300 my of Neoproterozoic crustal evolution. In the northern ANS two major igneous cycles were most significant in manufacturing the continent: the older comprises Tonian intra-oceanic island arcs whereas the second saw widespread, Early Ediacaran late to post-tectonic granitoids and volcanics. A swarm of schistose dikes of basic to intermediate composition occurs in the Neoproterozoic basement of the Eilat area, in the northern ANS. These dikes were metamorphosed in epidote-amphibolite facies, are vertically-oriented, striking WNW-ENE, with marked vertical schistosity parallel to their walls. They are abundant in a 740 Ma Eilat granite gneiss and crosscut the regional foliation which dips moderately to the south. They are commonly thought to mark a break in the prolonged Pan-African orogenic history but their age is not well defined.

We located a unique field occurrence of a schistose dike crosscut by a granite pegmatite vein which in turn was deformed and folded parallel to the vertical schistosity. The marked foliation in the hinge zone of the folded granite vein formed by crystalline plasticity at elevated temperatures during metamorphism. This key outcrop provides the opportunity to tie high-resolution field observations to accurate, multi-system U-Pb geochronology and to evaluate the relations between dike intrusion, metamorphism, and the invasion of late to post-orogenic granitoids.

Zircon U-Pb geochronology from the schistose dike yielded 645±4 Ma, considered to mark the age of crystallization of the igneous protolith. Zircon from the deformed granite vein yielded an age of 617±17Ma, indicating the vein pertains to the abundant late- to post-orogenic granitoids that invaded the juvenile crust in the aftermath of Pan-African orogeny. Titanite from the schistose dike yielded a lower intercept U-Pb age of 626±4 Ma. With a closure temperature for Pb of ~550-650C, titanite records the age of its crystallization during metamorphism. Apatite yielded a lower intercept U-Pb age of 611±12Ma. With an effective closure temperature for Pb of 450-550°C, apatite serves as an important medium-temperature thermochronometer. Similarly, an apatite U-Pb age of 593±12Ma was determined for the adjacent, garnet-grade Eilat schist. We interpret apatite U-Pb age as representing the timing of cooling of the entire crustal edifice in the Eilat area.

Our study demonstrates that the Pan-African tectonometamorphic history in the Eilat area was punctuated by the intrusion of basic dikes at ~645 Ma. They penetrated an already accreted and metamorphosed island-arc sequence and were subsequently deformed and metamorphosed with their country rocks in the Early Ediacaran. The Early Ediacaran deformation and metamorphism partly overlapped the intrusion of late-orogenic granitoids (see also Elisha et al, 2017) and was immediately followed by rapid exhumation. Our previous work (Katz et al 2004) showed that the protoliths of schistose dikes from the nearby Roded area were high-Mg andesites, resembling boninites which are currently restricted to active subduction zones. We propose, as a working hypothesis, that the schistose dikes signify southward subduction of the proto-Tethys below the Gondwana margin in the late stages of Pan-African orogeny.

How to cite: Avigad, D., Vardi, C., Glazer, A., Millonig, L., Gerdes, A., Albert, R., and Geller Lutzky, Y.: The Early Ediacaran orogenic history of the northern Arabian-Nubian Shield in a nutshell (Eilat area, Israel) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9990,, 2025.

The late Neoproterozoic–early Cambrian signify a time bracket when the Indian craton got separated from the supercontinent Rodinia and was in a process of becoming an integral part of supercontinent Gondwana.  The late Neoproterozoic–early Cambrian Bilara Group (BG) of the Marwar Supergroup provides a scope for study of depositional processes and spatio-temporal evolution of a distally-steepened carbonate ramp that developed on westward dipping greater Indian shelf; arguably formed in Indo-Arabian geological province during the time period. Deposited within an intracratonic rift/sag set up fringing the northern margin of the Aravalli craton, the BG succession, is subdivided under three Formations viz. Dhanapa, Gotan and Pondlu, in order of superposition.

Six different facies are identified within BL succession with their depositional environment spanning from supra-peritidal to intertidal to shallow and deep subtidal. The cabbage-headed stromatolites and crinkly laminites with tepee structure represent the shallowest supratidal-peritial setting whereas the LLH-type stromatolite in alternation with algal laminite and plane-laminated carbonates represent products of intertidal to shallow subtidal set-up. The limestone-shale heterolithics having signature of storm action is interpreted as deposit of subtidal shelf above storm wave base. The occurrence of calaclastite, intraclastic conglomerate with carbonate mass flows origin are indicative of steep slope at the distal part of the ramp. A distally-steepened ramp geometry is visualized for the Bilara carbonate platform. Additionally, metres-thick soft sediment deformation (SSD) structure layers including disharmonic folds, low-angle thrusts, distorted laminae, fluidisation pipes, slump and load structures, homogeneities, diapirs, etc. at different stratigraphic levels through the BG succession, traceable over hundreds of metres in outcrop, bear indication of basin-scale instability in course of Bilara carbonate platform development.  

From delineation of facies succession and documentation of facies stacking pattern, two cycles of deposition inferred from the Bilara lithopackage; DC1 and DC2. While the DC-1 is transgressive and represented by superimposition of facies types of increasing bathymetry, the second cycle DC-II is progradational, shallowing upward and represented by progressively shallow water facies types.

Stable isotope (C ) study on Bilara carbonate with systematic sampling from different facies associations reveal four major intervals of negative isotope excursion (EN1, EN2, EN3 and EN4) of medium to long duration and three positive excursions (EP1, EP2, EP3) of short duration. The EN1- records highest negative value; where δ13Ccarb value as low as -10.4 ‰ but for significantly of short duration. The other three negative excursions (i.e. EN2, EN3 and EN4) δ13C values are quite similar and ranges in between –8 to -6.5‰; in terms of stratigraphic interval (i.e time duration) the EN3 records the longest.

In most of the cases , high negative δ13C values are in close association and succeeded upward by SSD horizons. The presence of SSD structures, presence of Bitumen in pore spaces and large scale negative carbon isotope suggest, destabilization of methane clatharate as possible cause of carbon isotope excursion.

How to cite: Sharma, R. and Chakraborty, P. P.: Depositional architecture of a Neopreoterozoic distally-steepened carbonate ramp from the Bilara Group, Marwar Supergroup, Rajasthan, India and a few clues on Supercontinent and  ocean- atmosphere interaction , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12442,, 2025.

EGU25-12980 | Posters on site | TS2.8

Tracking the transition from subduction to continental collision using Ce and Eu anomaly in detrital zircons 

Antoine Triantafyllou, Emma Calassou, Alex Bisch, Jamal El Kabouri, Delphine Bosch, Julien Berger, Olivier Bruguier, Jérome Ganne, Gweltaz Mahéo, Frederic Christophoul, and Mihai N. Ducea

Zircon geochemistry provides critical information on the melt from which they form. Specifically, Eu and Ce anomalies in zircons can be used to infer the evolution of average crustal thickness over time. However, they are typically influenced by multiple factors, such as the depth of magmagenetic processes, the nature of the parental magma, magma hydration, oxidation state, and the crystallization of minerals like plagioclase, apatite, and garnet. As a result, translating these data into paleo-depth is challenging and can introduce significant biases into interpretations of crustal evolution.

We tested these proxies on detrital zircons from the well-known Pan-African Anti-Atlas orogen. Current geodynamic models suggest an initial igneous phase (>800 Ma) dominated by rifting mafic magmatism, and the formation of oceanic basins and passive margins along the northern boundary of the West African Craton. Between 760 and 650 Ma, magmatic arcs developed, characterized by juvenile mantle-derived magmas. This period is followed by the closure of oceanic domains around 630 Ma and the subsequent development of syn-orogenic flysch basins. Abundant post-collisional to Cadomian felsic magmatism ignited around 610 Ma and lasted until 550 Ma.

A dataset of 827 Neoproterozoic zircons was statistically analyzed using bootstrap approach to produce chemical timeseries for both Eu and Ce anomalies. The results are the following: (i) pre-760 Ma (12% of zircons data): shows a slightly increasing trend in Eu (negative) and Ce (positive) anomalies. (ii) 760 - 710 Ma: zircon's age-frequency diagram suggests a first magmatic inflation around 750 Ma, Eu anomaly trends decrease while Ce anomaly remains constant. (iii) 710 - 630 Ma: Ce anomaly is still constant, but Eu anomaly shows a gradual decrease. (iv) 630 - 600 Ma: both proxies drop sharply and synchronously, coinciding with a negative shift from a compilation of whole-rock Nd signatures. This marks the implication of the West African Craton crust in the source of post-collision magmas. (v) 600 - 550 Ma: both proxies rise significantly and remain closely correlated.

Our analysis reveals that the paroxysm of the magmatic flare-up occurs at the transition from oceanic subduction to continental collision (at ~630 Ma) in the Anti-Atlas orogenic belt. If used as a proxy for crustal thickness, the Eu/Eu* ratio in zircons would be expected to increase around 630 Ma, as most geological markers indicate crustal thickening related to continental collision. However, it instead shows a sharp decline strongly correlated with Ce anomaly and coinciding with a major shift in magma sources—from mantle-dominated to crust-dominated. Conversely, intervals associated with variations in crustal thickness (from 760 to 700 Ma for example) exhibit a clear decorrelation between the Eu and Ce anomalies time series. This shows that magmatic changes associated with geodynamic transitions (e.g., from rifting to subduction to collision) have a significant impact on zircon trace element composition which inhibits other variations related to petrogenetic processes or crustal architecture.

How to cite: Triantafyllou, A., Calassou, E., Bisch, A., El Kabouri, J., Bosch, D., Berger, J., Bruguier, O., Ganne, J., Mahéo, G., Christophoul, F., and Ducea, M. N.: Tracking the transition from subduction to continental collision using Ce and Eu anomaly in detrital zircons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12980,, 2025.

EGU25-14406 | ECS | Orals | TS2.8

Long duration of the ~56 Myr Sturtian Snowball Earth event suggests missing link in geologic carbon cycle. 

Trent Thomas, Francis Macdonald, and David Catling

There were at least two major glaciation events (i.e., “Snowball Earth” events) in the Neoproterozoic Era when ice sheets dominated Earth’s surface. Radioisotopic dating indicates the first, Sturtian glaciation lasted ~56 Myr, and the second, Marinoan glaciation lasted ~4 Myr.

Why do the two glaciation events – which are only separated by a ~22 Myr interglacial gap – have a ~14x difference in duration? To first order, the glacial termination, and thus duration, is determined by (1) changes in the albedo of Earth’s surface and/or (2) changes in greenhouse warming from the atmosphere, likely driven by enhanced CO2 and the geologic carbon cycle.

Here, we simulated the evolution of atmospheric CO2 via the geologic carbon cycle during the Sturtian and Marinoan glaciation events to determine what conditions could explain the difference in their duration. While the 4 Myr Marinoan glaciation was reproduced in >30% of model runs with a variety of model parameter values, we find that only 0.05% of model runs reproduced the 56 Myr Sturtian glaciation. The Sturtian model runs require very low levels of CO2 outgassing from volcanos and extremely efficient seafloor weathering (which consumes CO2) to keep atmospheric CO2 levels low enough to sustain glacial conditions for 56 Myr. To reproduce the Marinoan glaciation, the opposite is required: a 1.6x increase in CO2 outgassing and a 10x decrease in seafloor weathering.

What could cause such drastic changes in CO2 outgassing and seafloor weathering in successive glaciations separated by only 22 Myr? Possible explanations relate to the Franklin Large Igneous Province (LIP), the depth of mid-ocean ridges, and high-temperature anhydrite production in the seafloor; however, none of these explanations are directly indicated by geologic evidence.

Therefore, the differing durations of the two glaciation events – and particularly the long duration of the 56 Myr Sturtian – indicate that an important aspect of the Neoproterozoic carbon cycle is not being captured. We suggest several possibilities and look forward to open discussions that may illuminate the solution.

How to cite: Thomas, T., Macdonald, F., and Catling, D.: Long duration of the ~56 Myr Sturtian Snowball Earth event suggests missing link in geologic carbon cycle., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14406,, 2025.

EGU25-14862 | Orals | TS2.8

Fluid-induced changes in suites of high-grade rocks along the Mahanadi Shear Zone in northern Eastern Ghats Belt, India 

Nilanjan Mondal, Sankar Bose, Proloy Ganguly, and Gautam Ghosh

The present study focuses on the complex fluid-induced processes involved in the evolution of two suites of high-grade rocks from the northern part of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India. We make a comparative study on the role of fluids in the modification of lower crustal rocks; the felsic gneiss/granite mylonite in the Mahanadi Shear Zone (MSZ) and investigate the origin of several micrometres to meters thick syenite veins hosted in and at the contacts of mafic granulite and charnockite away from the MSZ. The syenite (K-feldspar-hyalophane-clinopyroxene-titanite-fluorapatite-allanite-epidote-calcite/REEcarbonates-actinolite-quartz with or without ilmenite-thorite-zircon) is coarse-grained and bears mineralogical features distinct from either side of the contact. We document features like orthopyroxene changing to clinopyroxene, anorthitic rims on plagioclase, and myrmekite patches at the syenite and mafic granulite interface. K-feldspar and hyalophane occur in coarse-recrystallized pockets with the latter often occurring along grain boundaries of the former. Fluorapatite grains occur as euhedral megacrysts and are marginally replaced by patchy as well as large crystals of allanite (typically zoned and consisting of thorite inclusions), epidote, and actinolite grains. The entire assemblage is infiltrated by calcite veins and patches. We interpret this as a metasomatic transformation of the original charnockite rock (orthopyroxene- K-feldspar- quartz ± ilmenite and titanite) that was driven by late-stage magmatic fluid, charged with CO2-F-H2O species. This late fluid could have mobilised Ca from the mafic granulite and formed the syenite veins. An alternative mechanism by syenite magmatism looks like a distant possibility as found in the north-western margin of the belt. The felsic gneiss from the MSZ also hosts evidence of a channelised fluid flow associated with shearing. Textures of K-feldspar micro-veins and patches in and around quartz and plagioclase matrix are likely to be caused by fluid action. Monazites in this rock preserve extensive fluid alteration signatures, indicated by compositional zoning, sub-domains and resetting of ages, suspected to have been caused by the process of coupled dissolution-reprecipitation. The unaltered monazite shows distinct age signatures in the range ca. 1000-900 Ma which presumably implies the timing of a major tectonothermal event that joined the Angul domain in the north and the Phulbani domain in the south. The fluid-mediated monazite domains, on the other hand, show a spectrum of ages in the range ca. 890-810 Ma. Our combined mineralogical-textural and geochronological study thus identifies a channelised fluid event during pervasive shearing associated with the amalgamation of two crustal domains of the Eastern Ghats Belt.

How to cite: Mondal, N., Bose, S., Ganguly, P., and Ghosh, G.: Fluid-induced changes in suites of high-grade rocks along the Mahanadi Shear Zone in northern Eastern Ghats Belt, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14862,, 2025.

The Neoproterozoic tectonics at the northeast–southwest trending western margin of the Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt (ADMB) along the South Delhi Fold belt (SDFB) is highly debated due to the spread of geochronological data from different parts of the belt. The dataset of the magmatic and metamorphic ages of the granitic rocks ranges from Stenian to Tonian Period. However, there is a lack of clarity on whether the orogenesis of the belt (SDFB) along Phulad-Ranakpur Lineament (PRL) is associated with the Grenvillian orogeny or it is a much younger Pan-African orogeny. Therefore, the tectono-stratigraphy of the region to elucidate the overall formation of the Greater Indian Landmass (GIL) is difficult to understand. To solve this problem, a comprehensive study through systematic geological mapping, structural analysis, metamorphic and geochronological study has been conducted in and around Kumbhalgarh-Sayra-Ranakpur area, Rajasthan, India. The study demarcates three phases of deformation (D1, D2 and D3) and their subsequent prograde/retrograde metamorphic events in the calcareous rocks. The first generation isoclinal, reclined (F1) folds are the result of D1 event which are synchronous with prograde amphibolite facies metamorphism (~5 kbar, 650 oC). This is followed by (D2) formation of outcrop to map-scale upright (F2) folds. D3 is marked by ‘partitioned transpression’ along subvertical shear zones (Steep zones) within the folded sequences of SDFB. Oblique slip dextral-reverse movement (D3a) along the Kumbhalgarh Steep Zone (KSZ) formed an outcrop-scale positive flower like structure. At the western limit of the SDFB, along the PRL, the Ranakpur Shear Zone (RSZ) shows rotated and steepened hinges of the F2 folds (D3b). U-Pb zircon dating is done for the zircon grains derived from the intrusive granites associated with different phases of deformation. The oldest granitic intrusion (strongly deformed pink granite from RSZ: pre-D2) occurred at ca. 990 Ma which indicates a Grenville-age orogeny for the SDFB rocks. The leucocratic granites from the KSZ (post-D2, but pre-D3) suggests ca. 850 Ma age. However, the third deformation (D3 = D3a and D3b), a progressive interlinked transpression, is identified as a ca. 822-819 Ma event from the granite ages. Undeformed leucocratic granite from RSZ shows the youngest age of ca. 819 Ma as a late-tectonic event and that marks the final suturing event between the ADMB and MC along the Phulad-Ranakpur paleo-suture zone to form the GIL. The geochemical signatures of the different varieties of granites from different parts of the SDFB also supports a collisional setting for the granite magmatism. The spacial distribution of early (ca. 1000-900 Ma) and late (ca. 800-700 Ma) Tonian magmatic and metamorphic ages over the SDFB demarcate that there is a younging trend from Beawar and Sendra area in the north to Mt. Abu and Ambaji area in the south. Hence, it can be concluded that the collision of the two blocks (ADMB and MC) started in the northern part and eventually the growth of the GIL took place through different stages of oblique collision in a pulsating manner through the Early Neoproterozoic.

How to cite: Hatui, K., Chattopadhyay, A., and Das, K.: Evidence of oblique collision between the Aravalli Delhi Mobile Belt and Marwar Craton along the Phulad – Ranakpur paleo-suture zone: Implication for the partition transpression style deformation during the Grenville-age orogeny, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15268,, 2025.

Understanding the significance of the Indian Shield in the reconstruction of tectonic plate amalgamation in geological history requires an analysis of the evolution of the Chotanagpur Granite Gneiss Complex (CGGC), which is regarded as a component of the Rodinia supercontinent. The major lithology of the CGGC is felsic orthogneiss, which contains enclaves of mafic granulites, metapellites, and calc-silicates. The present study focuses on the mafic enclaves hosted within the felsic orthogneiss located in the Bero-Saltora area of the eastern part of CGGC. The rocks comprise of orthopyroxene (Opx), clinopyroxene (Cpx1) and plagioclase (Pl1) representing the high-grade granulite facies assemblage and variable amount of amphibole. The amphibole is found to replace the earlier minerals suggested by their occurrence as relict within this phase. The rock shows occurrence of a second generation clinopyroxene (Cpx2) and plagioclase (Pl2) developed as symplectite at a high angle to the amphibole's grain boundary. This feature suggests that the rock witnessed a metamorphic dehydration reaction post to the hydration event that formed amphibole in the anhydrous rock. Rarely occurring and locally developed, the symplectite texture indicates that the majority of the rock did not record the conditions under which this assemblage formed. The reaction sequences after stabilization of granulite facies assemblage (Opx+Cpx1+Pl1) can be drawn as Opx + Cpx1 + Pl1 → Amp, followed by Amp → Cpx2 +Pl2. Previous research from this region has modeled the granulite facies event and the ensuing hydration; however, despite the fact that similar symplectite assemblages have been documented, to our knowledge no study has studied the detailed petrological significance of the texture from the studied area. In this study, we will focus on the petrological significance and their connection to the geological evolutionary history of CGGC using detailed petrography and thermodynamic modeling.

How to cite: Banerjee, S., Adak, V., and Dutta, U.: Imprint of metamorphic dehydration reactions subsequent to amphibolitization of mafic granulite from Eastern part of Chotanagpur Granite Gneiss Complex (CGGC), India., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16901,, 2025.

EGU25-18792 | Orals | TS2.8

Geochemistry and high-precision zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Nama Group reveal foundational uncertainties in terminal Ediacaran chronostratigraphy 

Fred Bowyer, Fabio Messori, Rachel Wood, Ulf Linnemann, Esther Rojo-Perez, Mandy Zieger-Hofmann, Johannes Zieger, Junias Ndeunyema, Martin Shipanga, Bontle Mataboge, Dan Condon, Catherine Rose, Collen-Issia Uahengo, Sean Gaynor, Inigo Muller, Gerd Geyer, Torsten Vennemann, and Maria Ovtcharova

     The late Ediacaran Nama Group of southern Namibia and northwestern South Africa hosts a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic Proterozoic succession and is key for resolving the timing of early metazoan evolution, leading to a suite of geochronology studies of these rocks. Important outcrops of the upper Nama Group are found in the Swartpunt area, where the depositional sequence is preserved as a series of thrust plates that formed during compression associated with the Gariep orogeny. Here, numerous silicified volcanic tuff interbeds are present, but different interpretations regarding the fidelity of associated tuff bed ages result in very different regional stratigraphic correlations. We use geological mapping, integrated with lithostratigraphy, carbonate carbon isotope (δ13Ccarb) chemostratigraphy and high-precision radioisotope geochronology from outcrop and recently acquired drill core from the ICDP project GRIND-ECT (Geological Research through Integrated Neoproterozoic Drilling – Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition) in an attempt to address this issue. A compilation of new and published zircon U-Pb ages from the Swartpunt area shows systematic age repetition within the upper Nama Group, that either reflects pervasive zircon reworking or points to the presence of a cryptic décollement. We investigate the evidence for and against both scenarios, and consider their implications for stratigraphic and δ13Ccarb correlations between the Swartpunt area and coeval autochthonous exposures along the Orange River border with South Africa.

     The first scenario implies that some published ash bed ages may be >1 Myr older than their depositional age, increasing the uncertainty of the chronostratigraphic correlation between these two areas by up to 0.22% of the age compared with an analytical uncertainty as low as ±0.02% from the youngest coherent zircon populations. If this scenario is preferred, then a cautious approach would be to consider all ash bed zircon U-Pb ages to reflect maximum depositional ages, thereby highlighting an insidious complication for calibrating rates of paleoenvironmental change and biotic innovation at the dawn of the Cambrian explosion. Given that these issues are revealed in an area that benefits from numerous silicified ash beds and extensive exposure, the inability to confidently discount either scenario highlights a level of compounding uncertainty in stratigraphic correlation that should be carefully considered when constructing global chronostratigraphic frameworks in any interval of the geologic record.

How to cite: Bowyer, F., Messori, F., Wood, R., Linnemann, U., Rojo-Perez, E., Zieger-Hofmann, M., Zieger, J., Ndeunyema, J., Shipanga, M., Mataboge, B., Condon, D., Rose, C., Uahengo, C.-I., Gaynor, S., Muller, I., Geyer, G., Vennemann, T., and Ovtcharova, M.: Geochemistry and high-precision zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Nama Group reveal foundational uncertainties in terminal Ediacaran chronostratigraphy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18792,, 2025.

EGU25-19357 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.8

Early to Mid‐Neoproterozoic Tectonics of Northwestern India and it’s implications for Rodinia reconstruction 

Ayan Kumar Sarkar, Alip Roy, Sadhana M. Chatterjee, and Anirban Manna

The Phulad Shear Zone, a NE–SW trending ductile transpressional shear zone with a southeasterly dip, developed between ca. 820–810 Ma and marks the tectonic boundary between the Marwar Crustal Block and the South Delhi Fold Belt to the east. The evolution of the Marwar Crustal Block, particularly before its accretion to Greater India, is poorly understood but involves three phases of ductile deformation: D1, D2, and D3. The D1 deformation is restricted to enclave gneisses, while the Megacrystic granite was emplaced syn-tectonically during D2 deformation, forming NNW–SSE magmatic foliation oblique to the PSZ. D3 deformation coincides with the PSZ and includes the emplacement of the porphyritic Phulad granite (~820 Ma) along and across the shear zone. Field evidence indicates that the Phulad granite crystallized during the regional deformation associated with Phulad Shear Zone. Magmatic foliation in this Phulad granite is characterized by parallel alignment of feldspar phenocrysts and microgranitoid enclaves, transitioning to solid-state foliation due to ongoing deformation. Structural analyses reveal that releasing bends of N–S orientation within the Phulad Shear Zone provided the space for the granite’s emplacement under a transpressional regime. Geochronological data further constrain the tectonic history. U-Pb zircon ages in the Marwar Crustal Block document magmatic events at ~890 Ma and ~860 Ma, with monazite ages peaking at ~820 Ma, marking significant tectono-thermal activity. EPMA U-Pb-Th monazite and U-Pb LA-ICP-MS zircon ages from the Phulad granite confirm its magmatic age at ~819 Ma, supporting its role as a stitching pluton during the accretion of the Marwar Crustal Block with the Indian landmass Integrating structural, geochronological, and field data suggests that the accretion of the Marwar Crustal Block postdated ~860 Ma and culminated during ~820–810 Ma along the Phulad Shear Zone. This event marked the assembly of the Greater India landmass, with the Phulad Shear Zone acting as a significant suture zone. These findings highlight the distinct geological evolution of the Marwar Crustal Block and its role in the tectonic assembly of northwest India within the broader framework of Rodinia’s fragmentation and reassembly.

How to cite: Sarkar, A. K., Roy, A., Chatterjee, S. M., and Manna, A.: Early to Mid‐Neoproterozoic Tectonics of Northwestern India and it’s implications for Rodinia reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19357,, 2025.

EGU25-19819 | Posters on site | TS2.8

Neoproterozoic Tectonics of Northwest India: Insights from Field Evidence, Geochemistry, and Geochronology 

Sadhana Chatterjee, Alip Roy, Ayan Kumar Sarkar, and Anirban Manna

The South Delhi Fold Belt (SDFB) is a Proterozoic fold belt trending NE-SW in northwest India. Its western boundary is defined by the crustal-scale Phulad Shear Zone (PSZ). To the west of the SDFB lies the Marwar Craton, and the timing of its amalgamation with the rest of India has been a subject of long debate. Scattered occurrences of ~1 Ga granites near the PSZ within the SDFB are temporally associated with the assembly of the Rodinia supercontinent. Our detailed field investigations reveal distinct pre-shearing deformation patterns in the SDFB and the Marwar Craton rocks. Geochemical and geochronological analyses of rocks from the SDFB and Marwar Craton indicate an extensional regime around ~1 Ga, with the collision and suturing of the Marwar Craton and SDFB occurring as late as 820 Ma. Our findings suggest that northwest India lacks geological evidence supporting the assembly of Rodinia, a critical insight for reconstructing Rodinia's paleogeography and clarifying India's role within the supercontinent.

How to cite: Chatterjee, S., Roy, A., Sarkar, A. K., and Manna, A.: Neoproterozoic Tectonics of Northwest India: Insights from Field Evidence, Geochemistry, and Geochronology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19819,, 2025.

Two coal mines namely Kurja and Jhiriya were selected for investigation using multiproxy approach which included organic petrology, geochemistry and stable carbon and nitrogen isotope to reveal coal characteristics, paleo-depositional conditions and precursors material responsible for the paleomire. The results from the analysis reveal that the degraded humic material for the coal deposits was supplied from the surrounding terrestrial vegetation typical as vitrinite dominates the maceral groups followed by inertinite and liptinites. The degraded organic detritus in the samples suggest regular inundation of the mire aiding in degradation of the organic matter. The mineral matter observed through coal microscopy are dominantly argillaceous which is supported by mineral phases supported by x-ray diffraction and x-ray fluorescence studies. It is more likely that the Hasdeo basin coals were possibly deposited in the lacustrine environment with intermittent influx of siliceous detrital matter through fluvial channels. The geological setting and tectonics probably aided syn-rift sedimentation during the Permian. The mires shifted from rheotropic to mesotrophic regime due to the fluctuations in the water table during the evolution of the mire. The various indices such as the CIA, ICV, PIA and CIW are suggestive of moderate to intense weathering condition prevailing in the basin, the sediments were chiefly sourced dominantly from felsic with lesser input from mafic sources. The samples are rich in volatile matter (25.34 - 42.44 wt% on daf basis) in Kurja and (30.2 - 40.12 wt% on daf basis) in Jhiriya revealing low in rank which is also corroborated by the maturity parameter, vitrinite reflectance (random) having mean 0.40% in Kurja and 0.43% in Jhiriya. High oxygen to carbon and low hydrogen to carbon ratio suggest oxidation of the organic detritus in the mire. The elemental ratio in conjunction with stable carbon and nitrogen isotope are indicative of sedimentary organic matter sourced from C3 terrestrial plants. The carbon isotopic excursion in the basin based on delta δ13C aligns well with the global data in the isotopic shift in the coal and carbonaceous material revealing the paleo atmospheric carbon during the Permian periods. The study establishes the coeval nature of evolution of the isolated Gondwana sequences in the Indian sub-continent and in the various parts of the world.

How to cite: Naik, A. S. and Kumar, G.: Evolution of Permian coals of Hasdeo Basin, India: Insights from Organic Petrology, Geochemistry, and Stable Isotope analysis., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20370,, 2025.

EGU25-2959 | Posters on site | GD4.1

Molybdenum isotope insights into mass recycling in subduction zones 

Hai-Quan Liu, Feng Tian, Kaj Hoernle, Jie Li, Xiao-Long Huang, Le Zhang, Ilya Bindeman, and Yi-Gang Xu

Discriminating between fore-arc crust [1] and wedge serpentinite [2] contributions in arc magmas is critical for understanding mass recycling mechanisms in subduction zones but remains challenging because fore-arc crust may include serpentinite signatures from prior subduction events. Here we present molybdenum (Mo) isotope and concentration data, along with reanalyzed and published geochemical data, for common representatives of circum-Pacific high-Mg andesites and adakites. Elevated δ98/95Mo values (-0.13‰ to 0.00‰) in Kamchatka and Aleutian high-Mg andesites, accompanied by high Mo/Ce (0.026 to 0.075), Ba/Th (138 to 808), and Sb/Ce (0.0026 to 0.0192) ratios, as well as depleted mantle-like Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopes and moderate δ18O values (+6.6‰ to +7.8‰), indicate slab-derived aqueous fluids via fore-arc serpentinites. In contrast, Cascadia and Setouchi high-Mg andesites, along with adakites from Fiji and the Austral Volcanic Zone, show decreasing δ98/95Mo (-0.07‰ to -0.48‰), Mo/Ce, and Sb/Ce ratios, coupled with higher Sr/Y (15 to 207) and altered oceanic crust-like Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb-O isotopic compositions, reflecting melts from subducted oceanic crust. Nine adakites from the Aleutians, Fiji, Panama, and the Austral Volcanic Zone exhibit intermediate δ98/95Mo (-0.19‰ to -0.04‰) with low Mo/Ce and Sb/Ce ratios, but high Sr/Y (57 to 295), radiogenic Nd-Hf isotopes, and low δ18O (+6.3‰ to +6.5‰), suggesting origins from fore-arc crust dragged by subducting slabs. These results link δ98/95Mo variations to partial melting of oceanic and fore-arc crust, highlighting dehydration and melting [3, 4] as key processes in subduction zones.

[1] Liu et al. (2023) Geology; [2] Li et al. (2021), Nature Communications; [3] Elliott (2003) Inside the Subduction Factory; [4] Liu et al. (2024) Chemical Geology.

How to cite: Liu, H.-Q., Tian, F., Hoernle, K., Li, J., Huang, X.-L., Zhang, L., Bindeman, I., and Xu, Y.-G.: Molybdenum isotope insights into mass recycling in subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2959,, 2025.

EGU25-3005 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Subducted magnesite in serpentinite carries fluid-mobile elements and carbon into the lower mantle 

Hamed Gamaleldien, Yuan-Ru Qu, Tim Johnson, Sheng‐Ao Liu, Tamer Abu-Alam, Denis Fougerouse, Steven Reddy, Noreen Evans, and Ting-Nan Gong

Cycling incompatible elements and fluids into the mantle plays a crucial role in shaping its compositional heterogeneity through time and crustal evolution. Ocean island basalts (OIBs) and silicate inclusions in diamonds are enriched in incompatible fluid-mobile elements (FME) relative to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB) and primitive mantle, which is commonly interpreted to reflect the presence of recycled oceanic crust (the HIMU endmember) and/or sediment (EM endmembers) in their lower mantle sources. However, the specific mineral phases that transport these FME into the lower mantle are poorly understood. Carbonatized serpentinites have attracted relatively little attention. These rocks represent a major source of FME that may be recycled into the deep mantle. In addition, magnesite is the main carbonate phase in subducted carbonatized serpentinites. It has been found to be an inclusion in deep diamonds and, with microdiamonds, in carbonatized peridotite and can be stable at depths of at least 700 km. Here, we present a comprehensive mineralogical and geochemical investigation of magnesite (MgCO3) within subducted Neoproterozoic carbonatized serpentinites from the Arabian–Nubian Shield, which is enriched in FME (e.g., B, Sb, As, Pb, and Mo) relative to primitive mantle. Atom probe tomography shows that these elements are more-or-less homogeneously distributed within magnesite and, thereby, structurally bound. Given that the experimentally determined stability of magnesite extends to lower mantle pressures, our findings indicate that magnesite is a major carrier of fluid-mobile elements (including carbon) into Earth’s deep interior, where it contributes to the lower mantle source of some ocean island basalts (OIBs) and superdeep diamonds.

How to cite: Gamaleldien, H., Qu, Y.-R., Johnson, T., Liu, S., Abu-Alam, T., Fougerouse, D., Reddy, S., Evans, N., and Gong, T.-N.: Subducted magnesite in serpentinite carries fluid-mobile elements and carbon into the lower mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3005,, 2025.

The process of subduction initiation is still debated and caused a great deal of controversy such as: Can a subduction zone initiate without any external forcing? Is the thicker and more buoyant lithosphere really the more likely to subduct? To try to answer these questions, a database of 70 cases of Cenozoic subduction zone initiation was built and analyzed in 2021. We find that initiation of subduction zone succeeded in reaching the mature stage for 72% of the cases, usually in less than ∼15 Myr, and that compositional heterogeneities are essential to localize convergence. Interestingly, we observe that the plate age offset when convergence starts is very low (close to zero) in half the cases; otherwise the incipient downgoing plate is as often the younger lithosphere as the older one, and that it could have any age. This indicates that the buoyancy contrast does not determine the subduction zone polarity.


We then build a numerical experimental setup to try to explain this observation. We consider the simple set-up of an oceanic transform fault (TF)  or a fracture zone and perform 2D thermomechanical simulation, by combining a non-Newtonian ductile and a pseudo-brittle rheologies. We carry out three different and complementary studies.

We first study the feasibility of ’spontaneous’ subduction initiation, i.e., gravitational collapse of the older lithosphere, at a TF. Simulations show that the main mechanical parameters have to be tuned to quite extreme values to trigger the old lithosphere collapse. The comparison to the geological records of the 3 most likely candidates of ’spontaneous’ subduction initiation (Izu-Bonin-Mariana, Yap, and Matthew & Hunter) leads us to conclude that this mode of initiation at a TF is unlikely in modern Earth conditions.


Second, we simulate normal convergence symmetrically imposed on the two oceanic plates forming the TF to study the ’forced’ mode of subduction initiation.  Surprisingly, the range of conditions leading to the older plate subduction is quite limited, whereas the subduction of the younger plate is much more frequently simulated. We find that the success of initiation, as well as the subduction zone polarity strongly depends on the plate age pair and on the initial structure of the TF. The rheological properties and the plate ability to be deformed and sheared may be the first order parameters controlling the subduction initiation mode for rather stiff lithospheres. The model predictions are in good agreement with different Cenozoic records (Gagua, Mussau, and Hjort).

However, this modeling forecasts that the older plate subduction cannot occur at a typical TF for large plate age offsets, in disagreement with what is observed at Izu-Bonin-Mariana, Matthew & Hunter or Palau. We note that, in these cases, a thicker crust made of continental or oceanic terranes (fossil arc or plateau) was always present near the inter-plate domain when convergence started. The third numerical study investigates how such a lithologic ‘raft’ might affect subduction initiation for high plate age contrasts. We find that the raft dimensions and location basically control the under-thrusting of the older and thicker plate.

How to cite: Arcay, D. and Lallemand, S.: Conditions for subduction zone initiation in  present-day Earth in the light of Cenozoic examples  and numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3662,, 2025.

Slab geometry and structures are critical to understanding subduction processes, regional tectonics, and arc volcanism. Located at the convergent plate boundary between the Cocos, Nazca, and Caribbean plates (locally the Panama microplate), the Costa Rica subduction zone is featured by the aseismic subduction of the Cocos Ridge initiated at ~2-3 Ma, and the spatial coincidence with the arc volcanoes that ceased activities since ~5-8 Ma and the uplift of the Talamanca Mountain since ~3 Ma. These phenomena were interpreted by the flat subduction of the Cocos Ridge that has a thick ocean crust. However, this interpretation has been challenged recently by geophysical imaging, which suggests alternative models involving the steep Cocos slab, the doubly convergent Caribbean plate, and the stagnant Nazca slab fragment, leaving the dominant factor driving the regional tectonics enigmatic.

Here, we propose a new teleseismic receiver function (RF) method, Dip Direction Searching Plus (DDS+), to detect weak RF signals associated with dipping interfaces. DDS+ estimates dip directions by fitting the back-azimuthal variations in both radial and transverse RFs. Applying DDS+ to teleseismic data recorded by 17 broadband seismic stations across Costa Rica, we identify positive RF phases with clear back azimuthal variations, indicating dipping interfaces with dip directions of ~N8˚-57˚E (±12˚ on average) beneath 11 stations. The dip direction estimates are consistent to the Cocos Slab2 model. The estimated depths of these interfaces (~13-113 km; ±2.8 km on average) align with the Cocos Slab2 model and the intra-slab seismicity, suggesting the phase are probably Ps conversions from the Moho of the Cocos plate. While the Cocos Moho extends to the depth of ~110 km beneath the northern Talamanca Mountain, it is absent at stations to the south where the slab is expected to subduct beyond 50 km depths. Additionally, we observe a mysterious positive RF phase indicating an interface at ~40-60 km depths in the mantle. This phase was interpreted as either the subducting Caribbean plate Moho (southwestern dipping) or the stagnant Nazca plate Moho (flat) beneath the Talamanca Mountain. Our result reveals no prominent dipping features for this phase, therefore favoring the stagnant Nazca plate Moho interpretation.

Different from previous studies debating continuously flat or steep Cocos subduction, our analysis indicates a steeply dipping Cocos slab to the north and a flat (or truncated) geometry to the south. Therefore, the flat Cocos subduction model cannot explain the volcanic cessation and Talamanca uplift across the entire region. Instead, we propose that the stagnant Nazca slab fragment plays a key role in barricading mantle magma upwelling and thus ceases the arc volcanism. Our study provides new insights into the slab geometry and structures within the Costa Rica subduction zone and the dominant factor shaping the orogenesis and volcanism.

How to cite: Feng, M. and Wei, S.: Distinct lateral slab geometry and structures in the Costa Rica subduction zone revealed by teleseismic receiver functions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3978,, 2025.

EGU25-5759 | Orals | GD4.1

Contributions of plate strength and dip geometry on the localization of deformation in Central Andes: a data-driven modelling approach 

Constanza Rodriguez Piceda, Michaël Pons, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Mauro Cacace, Judith Bott, and Manfred Strecker

The southern Central Andes (29°S-39°S) is a key area for understanding the interplay between the oceanic plate and the continental plate and its resulting surface expressions in a subduction zone.  In this area, the dip of the oceanic plate changes from normal subduction (~30° between 33°S and 35°S) in the south to flat subduction (< 5° between 29° and 33°S) in the north. This region displays remarkable along- and across- strike variations in both tectonic and seismic deformation patterns. In this context, the relative contributions of each plate on the localization of the long- and short-term deformation along the mountain belt and its neighbouring regions have been a matter of long-standing debate. To address this issue, we investigated the relative contribution of various key factors to strain localization in the Southern Central Andes, including compositional and thickness variations in the upper plate, sedimentary basins, surface topography, frictional strength of the subduction interface and changes in the dip geometry of the lower plate. Using multiple geophysical approaches and data sources, we have built a series of structural, density, thermal, rheological and integrated them in a thermomechanical geodynamic model to quantify the relative importance of these key factors to strain localization at tectonic and seismic timescales. This forward data-driven modelling approach allows us to reconcile long- and short-term deformation as close as possible with geophysical and geological measurements.

We found that the compositional and thickness configuration of the upper plate, weak inherited faults associated with weak sediments, topography and thickness of the radiogenic crust plays a prominent role in modulating strain location between the flat and steep subduction segments. The flat slab in the northern part of the region, cools and further strengthens the upper plate, preventing the plate from pronounced deformation and propagating the deformation far inland to the eastern edge of the broken foreland. A complex broad shear zone developed at the transition between flat to steep subduction which is associated to the development of a thick to thin skinned foreland deformation style transition at the surface. In addition, the strength of the upper plate ultimately controls the spatial distribution of the short-term deformation occurs above the modelled transition from brittle to ductile conditions and seismicity is localised in regions at the transition between rigid and weak lithospheric blocks, such as the front of the forearc, which acts as a rigid indenter. These results highlight the importance of considering the interactions between the upper and lower plate to better understand multiscale scale deformation processes in subduction zones and their resulting surface expression.

How to cite: Rodriguez Piceda, C., Pons, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Cacace, M., Bott, J., and Strecker, M.: Contributions of plate strength and dip geometry on the localization of deformation in Central Andes: a data-driven modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5759,, 2025.

EGU25-6504 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Decoding Upper-Plate Aftershocks: The Critical Role of Pore-Pressure Diffusion following the 2014 Iquique Earthquake 

Carlos Peña, Oliver Heidbach, Bernd Schurr, Sabrina Metzger, Marcos Moreno, Jonathan Bedford, Onno Oncken, and Claudio Faccenna

After large earthquakes, aftershocks are observed globally as a time-dependent phenomenon. In subduction zones, aftershocks occurring in the upper plate are particularly hazardous, as they often take place near densely populated areas, increasing the risk to structures already weakened by the mainshock. The number of aftershocks typically decreases over time, following a pattern described by the empirical Omori-Utsu law. Despite this well-documented behavior, the physical mechanisms driving this decay remain uncertain. While coseismic static stress transfer cannot explain the non-linear time dependence of aftershocks, transient postseismic processes such as afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation have been proposed as possible mechanisms. Alternatively, considering the temporal decay of aftershock sequences and the similar behavior observed in induced seismicity caused by wastewater injection, we explore the hypothesis that pore-pressure diffusion plays a key role in controlling the spatial and temporal distribution of natural earthquake aftershocks.

In this study, we investigate the 2014 Mw 8.2 Iquique event to test our hypothesis, using an approach that integrates geodetic and seismological data, as well as geological, frictional, rheological, and hydraulic constraints. Using a 4D (space and time) modeling approach considering realistic rock material properties, we first reproduce the 3D postseismic deformation time series observed by continuous GNSS stations. We then disaggregate the individual contributions of the three dominant postseismic processes, i.e., afterslip, viscoelastic, and poroelastic relaxation, to the deformation signal. In particular, poroelastic deformation substantially affects the observed vertical geodetic signal in the near field. We then compute and analyze the spatiotemporal stress changes produced by the individual postseismic processes using the Coulomb Failure Stress (CFS) parameter. By comparing these CFS changes to the distribution of upper-plate aftershocks, we find that stress changes produced by pore-pressure changes best correlate in space with increased upper-plate aftershock activity. Furthermore, increased pore pressure reduces the effective fault normal stresses independently of the fault orientation and consequently triggers all faulting styles. This explains the higher diversity of faulting styles observed in upper-plate aftershocks. Finally, we find a very strong temporal correlation (>0.98) between the exponential increase of the cumulative number of upper-plate aftershocks and pore-pressure changes. This finding suggests that the unclear physical basis for Omori-type aftershock decay may relate to the hydraulic properties (e.g., rock permeability and porosity) of the upper plate. Thus, our work offers a deeper understanding of the hydro-mechanical behavior of the upper plate during large earthquakes and may open new avenues for physics-based aftershock forecasting.

How to cite: Peña, C., Heidbach, O., Schurr, B., Metzger, S., Moreno, M., Bedford, J., Oncken, O., and Faccenna, C.: Decoding Upper-Plate Aftershocks: The Critical Role of Pore-Pressure Diffusion following the 2014 Iquique Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6504,, 2025.

EGU25-7317 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Oceanic plateau accretion for young oceanic plates: Geodynamics models of Siletzia 

Moritz Urban and Claire Currie

The Siletzia oceanic plateau was accreted to the western margin of North America in the Eocene, marking the most recent accretion event in this area and the formation of the modern Cascadia subduction zone. Siletzia formed on or near the spreading ridge of two oceanic plates, and its chemical composition shows that its origin is a mixture of mid-ocean ridge basalts and hotspot volcanism likely associated with the Yellowstone plume. The plateau formed between 56 and 49 Ma, and accretion to the continent occurred at around 50 Ma. Plate reconstructions date the age of the oceanic plate during accretion at about 10 Ma. Therefore, Siletzia accretion occurred in a unique environment where the oceanic plate was young and likely hot and weak. Observation of modern equivalent plateaus show a conduit of hot, weak, partially melted mantle below the islands, which creates an especially weaken zone below the plateau.   

Using 2D thermo-mechanical numerical models, we explore the dynamics as an oceanic plateau is carried into a subduction zone to determine the conditions under which the plateau is accreted to the overlying continent. Our models examine the effects of variations in age of the oceanic plate, weakening of the plate due to the plateau creation and the structure of the continent. We also test the effect two different boundary conditions: (1) forced plate convergence at 4 cm/yr and (2) free subduction, where plate convergence is driven dynamically by the negative buoyancy of the oceanic plate.

Results show that in models with an old oceanic plate (>50 Ma), the plateau is readily subducted into the deeper mantle with little disruption to the subduction system for both boundary conditions. In contrast, for a young oceanic plate (~10 Ma), subduction stalls as the plateau enters the subduction zone, leading to accretion of the plateau and parts of the oceanic lithosphere to the continental margin. With no imposed convergence, all plate motions cease, whereas forced convergence is accommodated by formation of a new subduction zone outboard of the terrane when the plate is weakened by the formation of the plateau. Otherwise, deformation occurs within the interior of the oceanic plate, causing the oceanic plate to break 900 km seaward of the subduction zone. These models demonstrate that Siletzia accretion to North America may have occurred due to the young plate age, but in some models, accretion only lasts for around 10 Myr as continued plate convergence causes entrainment and subducting of the plateau. If the modern Cascadia subduction zone formed as a new plate boundary west of Siletzia, continued plate convergence may have been driven by the older subducting plate to the south. Ongoing work is using 3D models to assess this in more detail.

How to cite: Urban, M. and Currie, C.: Oceanic plateau accretion for young oceanic plates: Geodynamics models of Siletzia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7317,, 2025.

The Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) is located in the convergence zone of the Eurasian Plate, the Pacific Plate, and the Indo-Australian Plate, and is almost entirely surrounded by deep-sea trenches. Due to its special tectonic location, influenced by multiple tectonic factors such as plate subduction, seafloor spreading, and mantle plume activity, the Philippine Sea has always been a hot - spot area in the international geoscience community. It is a natural laboratory for reconstructing the plate tectonic pattern and studying the initiation mechanism of plate subduction and other cutting - edge scientific issues of the Earth. It is also the best place to develop and improve the plate tectonic theory.

This study utilized the acquired shallow - layer profile survey data, deep - reflection multi - channel seismic data, and combined with some borehole data from DSDP Leg 59 to comprehensively reveal the sedimentary and tectonic characteristics of several major tectonic units in the study area (the West Philippine Basin, the Kyushu - Palau Ridge, and the Parece Vela Basin), and established an initial geological model of the study area. The study found that in the West Philippine Sea Basin near the Kyushu - Palau Ridge (KPR), there are two sets of sedimentary covers of different origins, upper and lower. The thickness of the lower stratum varies greatly, mostly consisting of volcanic materials, and it continuously thickens in the direction of the KPR. At the foot of the mountain near the KPR, a large set of volcaniclastite aprons has developed. The thickness of the upper sequence is relatively stable, being a set of deep - water fine - grained sediments of the ocean. The crustal thickness of the West Philippine Sea Basin and the Parece Vela Basin is approximately 6-7 km, which is close to the global average oceanic crust thickness. The Moho discontinuity in the West Philippine Sea Basin is in the shape of a gentle fold, undulating basically in sync with the oceanic crust basement beneath the sediments. The depth of the Moho discontinuity shows a trend of gradually rising towards the spreading ridge of the central sea basin. Both the seismic profiles and drillings in the West Philippine Sea Basin have revealed a tectonic compression event during the Eocene period. The initiation of subduction along the ancient IBM might be an induced subduction caused by the far - field effect of the India - Asia collision. The subduction process was accompanied by lateral propagation and a continuous compressional stress field, until the island - arc rifting that started around 30 Ma.

Keywords: tectonic–sedimentary features; subduction initiation; seismic reflection; Philippine Sea Plate

How to cite: Qin, K.: Tectonic and Sedimentary Characteristics of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Initiation of Subduction: A Comprehensive Deep Reflection Seismic Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7902,, 2025.

EGU25-8366 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Building a 3D gravity-based model of the North Chilean subduction zone constrained by recent seismic results 

Dominika Godová, Christian Sippl, and Andrés Tassara

In the last decade, a large network of permanent seismic stations in Northern Chile (Integrated Plate boundary Observatory Chile network – IPOC) has enabled a range of studies that provided constraints on the geometry of the subduction zone in this region. Larger seismicity compilations and tomography studies have led to a better definition of the downgoing slab, and receiver function studies have illuminated the shape of the continental Moho. This calls for an effort to summarize these diverse constraints in a gravity-based 3D model of the region.

We compiled a 3D integrated geophysical model for Northern Chile in the IGMAS+ software based on the Complete Bouguer Anomaly computed at the Calculation Service of the International Centre for Global Earth Models (ICGEM) from the EIGEN-6C4 Global Gravity Field Model. The 3D gravity-based model represents an update of a similar model by Tassara and Echaurren (2012), which we used as an initial constraint of the geometry and physical properties of our model. The plate interface and slab surface geometry is updated based on the most recent IPOC seismic catalog, and offshore active seismic results. Other significant geophysical interfaces, namely the Moho and the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) in both oceanic and continental domains, were constrained by recently published results from receiver functions, active seismics, seismic tomography, as well as joint inversion and isostatic studies. These studies show considerable uncertainty in the geometry of the mantle wedge near the plate interface. To fit the gravity observations, we had to address the tradeoff between assumed geometry and density distribution, which we did by trying out a range of different shapes and petrophysical properties.

This contribution aims to offer a better understanding of the impact of geometry adjustments, namely in the mantle wedge area, on the gravity response of our 3D model of the North Chilean subduction zone. The final obtained model offers a data-driven 3D geometry that can be used for a wide range of future regional or larger-scale studies.

How to cite: Godová, D., Sippl, C., and Tassara, A.: Building a 3D gravity-based model of the North Chilean subduction zone constrained by recent seismic results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8366,, 2025.

The Río Loa earthquake (Mw 6.2), which occurred at a depth of ~56 km in northern Chile on September 11, 2020, was inferred to have happened within the South American upper plate although it was located in the direct vicinity of the plate interface. This was mostly due to its strike-slip focal mechanism, which is distinct from the typical megathrust seismicity observed along the subduction interface. According to Tassara et al. (2022), this earthquake may reflect the fluid-driven rupture of a fault zone and the release of megathrust fluids into the upper plate, a process similar to that observed in the aftershock sequence of the 1995 Antofagasta earthquake (Mw 8.0).

In this study, we aim to perform a comprehensive analysis of temporal variations in seismic attenuation by conducting a comparative 3D tomography of the region before and after the Río Loa earthquake. This approach aims to detect potential changes in the attenuation structure, which could provide insights into stress redistribution, fluid migration, and fault zone evolution triggered by the event.

Seismic attenuation is highly sensitive to temperature variations, fluid presence, and the degree of fracturing within the crust and mantle. Changes in attenuation following a significant seismic event can indicate perturbations in these properties, reflecting enhanced permeability or increased pore fluid pressure in the surrounding rock. This study leverages data from a recent extension of the seismicity catalog of Sippl et al. (2023), which comprises over >200,000 events recorded between 2007 and 2023, with dense station coverage from the Integrated Plate boundary Observatory Chile (IPOC) and temporary deployments.

By applying the coda normalization method and the Multi-Resolution Attenuation Tomography (MuRAT) algorithm (Sketsiou et al., 2021), we obtain high-resolution attenuation models of the forearc region surrounding the Río Loa earthquake. Our inversion process uses ray paths traced through the 3D velocity model of Hassan et al. (2024) to estimate total-Q values. A key focus is the analysis of anomalies in attenuation that may coincide with the mainshock rupture plane or regions exhibiting aftershock clustering.

How to cite: Castro-Melgar, I. and Sippl, C.: Temporal Variations in Seismic Attenuation: A 3D Pre- and Post-Event Tomography of the region around the 2020 Río Loa Mw 6.2 Earthquake (Chile), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8387,, 2025.

The subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate in Northern Chile offers a unique opportunity to investigate processes associated with intermediate-depth intraslab seismicity. Microseismic catalogs (e.g., Sippl et al., 2023) have revealed a downdip transition from a well-defined double seismic zone to a ~30 km thick seismogenic volume where the distinction between the upper and lower seismic planes vanishes near 80 km depth. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of these phenomena can shed light on the factors and processes driving intermediate-depth seismicity. Seismic wavespeeds can provide insights into the state of the downgoing lithosphere, in terms of petrology, fluid distribution, and phase transitions. In order to investigate these factors, we conducted a high-resolution local earthquake tomography study to obtain a detailed seismic velocity distribution of the downgoing slab, using 14 years of travel-time data.
We selected a study area between 20.4°S–22.5°S and 68.0°W–70.0°W, particularly focusing on the seismogenic volume. Events from this region were considered down to depths of 200 km. The dataset includes 18,426 events recorded by 190 seismic stations, with 293,846 P-wave and 83,900 S-wave arrivals from 2007 to 2021. Data were sourced from the IPOC network (Sippl et al., 2023), augmented by additional picks from temporary networks generated using EQTransformer on 60-second time windows starting at each event’s origin time. Event selection prioritized spatial homogeneity and data quality, employing declustering techniques to ensure a balanced distribution. Tomographic inversion is performed using the SIMUL23 algorithm, and checkerboard tests with different grid sizes are used to check the reliable sizes of anomaly as seen in the tomography results, in different parts of the study area. Ray coverage maps and synthetic resolution tests validate the robustness and interpretability of our results. 
Our 3D velocity models reveal a number of P- and S-wave as well as Vp/Vs anomalies across and above the Nazca slab.  Most prominently, we retrieve low P-wavespeeds and significantly elevated Vp/Vs in the uppermost slab as well as in the overlying mantle wedge, which indicate the presence of fluids or melt in these areas. In contrast, the deeper portions of the downgoing slab feature high Vp and low Vp/Vs.  We will present a detailed description of the retrieved anomalies, as well as their tentative interpretation in terms of petrology and fluid processes.

How to cite: Hassan, N. and Sippl, C.: Visualizing Dehydration Processes with High-Resolution Local Earthquake Tomography of the Nazca Slab in Northern Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8499,, 2025.

EGU25-8522 | Posters on site | GD4.1

A deep-learning based seismicity catalog for Northern Chile(2007–2023) containing >2 million events 

Nooshin Najafipour, Christian Sippl, Javad Kasravi, Jonas Folesky, and Bernd Schurr

Northern Chile, located at the boundary of the South American and Nazca plates, is one of the most seismically active regions in the world. To better understand the seismicity and tectonic processes of this complex subduction zone, we analyzed and processed data from the Integrated Plate Boundary Observatory Chile (IPOC) as well as all available temporary seismic stations, spanning the period from 2007 to 2023 (total: 243 seismic stations).

Using EQTransformer, a deep learning-based phase picker, we identified P and S wave arrivals with high precision across a vast dataset of seismic waveforms. We originally utilized the version of EQTransformer pre-trained on the INSTANCE dataset (available from SeisBench), but achieved better results by applying transfer learning based on hand-picked IPOC data. In total, 93,721,745 P- and 71,296,129 S- phases were obtained in this step. The selected phases were then processed with PyOcto, an advanced association and location tool, to group the phases into seismic events. This workflow resulted in a catalog of ~2.5 million events, about 10 times as many as the most complete regional catalog to date. Finally, we relocated the catalog using first Simul2000 and a 2D velocity model, then hypoDD to obtain relative locations, which provide a detailed view of the seismicity in the region.

We present a summary of the retrieved catalog, as well as zooms into potentially interesting subregions. Our catalog offers the potential for numerous follow-up studies, e.g. in statistical seismology or seismic tomography.  

How to cite: Najafipour, N., Sippl, C., Kasravi, J., Folesky, J., and Schurr, B.: A deep-learning based seismicity catalog for Northern Chile(2007–2023) containing >2 million events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8522,, 2025.

EGU25-10088 | Orals | GD4.1

2D Numerical modelling of continental subduction and synthetic obduction 

Filipe Rosas, Afonso Gomes, Wouter Schellart, Riel Nicolas, Joao Duarte, and Jaime Almeida

Continental subduction beneath an overriding oceanic plate is known to occur in nature, following the arrival of a continental margin at an intra-oceanic subduction zone, and often implying synthetic (i.e., Tethyan type) obduction. However, the main geodynamic constraints and geological/geophysical parameters governing this process, its viability and likelihood, are still not fully understood.

In the present work, we use 2D geodynamic numerical modelling to specifically investigate the geodynamic causes that might determine the amplitude of the subduction-exhumation (time-depth) cycle, as well as the viability of ophiolite emplacement and associated inward continental reach of ophiolitic nappes.

Using the finite-element code Underworld (Moresi et al., 2007) we constructed a 2D model with top free surface boundary conditions (to account for obduction-related topography build-up), lateral periodic boundary conditions (to compensate for the absence of asthenospheric mantle toroidal flow), and no-slip basal boundary conditions (to simulate subducting slab anchoring at the upper-lower mantle discontinuity when the slab reaches this interface at 660 km depth).

All simulations considered an initial intra-oceanic subduction zone, in which the subducting plate is linked to a trailing continental segment that eventually arrives at the subduction trench. To evaluate the geodynamic viability and efficiency of subsequent continental subduction and ophiolite emplacement, we used buoyancy driven models (i.e., without any externally imposed velocity boundary conditions), and investigated the following variable parameters: existence vs. absence of a weak (serpentinized) crustal layer in the overriding plate; variable age of the oceanic overriding plate (10, 20 and 60 Myrs) vs. a constant 70 Myrs subducting plate; different length of the oceanic segment of the subducting plate; and fixed vs. free subducting plate trailing edge boundary conditions.

Our preliminary results reveal a clear facilitation of ophiolite emplacement by the considered weak (serpentinite) crustal layer (in the overriding plate). Also, younger, less dense, and relatively weaker, overriding plates are shown to likewise favour more efficient obduction, including ophiolitic nappe allochthonous transport and formation of ophiolitic thrust windows and klippen. Finally, a higher length of the oceanic segment of the subducting plate and fixed trailing edge boundary conditions are shown to better comply with the geodynamic requirements assisting efficient, more realistic, amplitude subduction-exhumation cycles during continental subduction, as well as associated ophiolite obduction processes.        


This work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 (


Moresi, L., Quenette, S., Lemiale, V., Mériaux, C., Appelbe, B., & Hans-Bernd Mühlhaus (2007). Computational approaches to studying non-linear dynamics of the crust and mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 163 (1), 69-82. (Computational Challenges in the Earth Sciences) doi: 488 10.1016/j.pepi.2007.06.009

How to cite: Rosas, F., Gomes, A., Schellart, W., Nicolas, R., Duarte, J., and Almeida, J.: 2D Numerical modelling of continental subduction and synthetic obduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10088,, 2025.

EGU25-10496 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Joint inversion of subduction zone velocity structure of central Chile by body wave arrival times and surface wave dispersion data 

Zixin Chen, Haijiang Zhang, Lei Gao, Shaobo Yang, Ying Liu, and Diana Comte

In this study, we assemble body wave arrival times from earthquakes occurring in the central Chile between 2014 and 2019, and Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps at periods of 5-80 s from ambient noise Empirical Green's functions in Chile. By jointly using body wave arrival times and surface wave dispersion data, we refine the Vs model and improve earthquake locations in central Chile. Compared to other velocity models in the region that are determined by individual data type, our joint inversion Vs model shows better consistency with the intraslab seismicity distribution as well as the Moho and slab interfaces. Our Vs model clearly images an eastward dipping high velocity band of 40-50 km thick, corresponding well to the thickness of the Nazca plate estimated by receiver function imaging and thermal modelling.

Overall, the intraslab seismicity distribution spatially correlates well with the slab high velocity anomalies except for along the subduction paths of the Copiapó Ridge and Juan Fernández Ridge. Additionally, parallel low-velocity stripes are imaged beneath the subducting plate, which are likely associated with the accumulated melts. The joint inversion velocity model also resolves widespread low-velocity anomalies in the crust beneath the Central Volcanic Zone of the central Andes, likely representing crustal magma chambers for various volcanoes.

How to cite: Chen, Z., Zhang, H., Gao, L., Yang, S., Liu, Y., and Comte, D.: Joint inversion of subduction zone velocity structure of central Chile by body wave arrival times and surface wave dispersion data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10496,, 2025.

EGU25-10715 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

The effect of oceanic forearc serpentinization on ophiolite emplacement: Insights from 3D geodynamic models 

Afonso Gomes, Nicolas Riel, Filipe Rosas, Wouter Schellart, and João Duarte

Ophiolites are exposed remnants of oceanic lithosphere that are critical to our understanding of the structure, composition, and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere.

Some ophiolites (e.g., some Tethyan-type ophiolites) originate in the oceanic forearc of an intra-oceanic subduction system (i.e., in the overriding plate). The forearc is then placed on top of the subducting continental passive margin. Subsequently, the buoyant crustal domains of the continental passive margin undergo a burial-exhumation cycle, during which the exhuming continental crust can drag and detach the tip of the overlaying oceanic forearc, creating an allochthonous ophiolitic nappe. Ophiolites of this type, and associated host assemblages, are invaluable to comprehending the evolution of subduction systems, as they record many key aspects of subduction initiation and forearc development, through to the closure of the oceanic basin and slab break-off.

However, the processes leading to obduction are still poorly understood. For instance, the possible control exerted on ophiolite emplacement by pre-existing weak zones within the oceanic forearc is still largely unexplored. Yet, it is expected that the paleo-forearcs (from which the Tethyan-type ophiolites in the geological record originated) were subject to faulting and other mechanical and chemical weakening prior to the emplacement process, since such structures are ubiquitous in present-day oceanic forearcs.

Physical and chemical weakening of the forearc is, however, not uniformly distributed through space. For example, significant variations in chemical weakening intensity and fault distribution are expected in both trench-parallel and trench-normal directions. If pre-existing weak domains in the forearc do in fact determine the mechanisms of ophiolite emplacement, then the three-dimensional distribution of such structures will exert a considerable control on obduction dynamics, as well as on the final tectonic architecture of the ophiolite and continental-basement assemblage.

Here, we present a set of novel 3D buoyancy-driven numerical models using LaMEM, to study the role of pre-imposed forearc weak structures on the ophiolite emplacement process. Specifically, we systematically test different initial spatial distributions for the weakened domains within the forearc (varying in both trench-parallel and trench-normal directions). 

Preliminary results show that spatial variation of pre-existing weakened domains in the oceanic forearc have a first order effect on the Tethyan-type ophiolite emplacement process.


This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 (, and through scholarship SFRH/BD/146726/2019.

How to cite: Gomes, A., Riel, N., Rosas, F., Schellart, W., and Duarte, J.: The effect of oceanic forearc serpentinization on ophiolite emplacement: Insights from 3D geodynamic models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10715,, 2025.

EGU25-11906 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Characterising the Northern Chile subduction zone (24⁰S - 31⁰S) with > 165,000 earthquakes 

Jannes Münchmeyer, Diego Molina, David Marsan, Mickaël Langlais, Juan-Carlos Baez, Ben Heit, Diego González-Vidal, Marcos Moreno, Frederik Tilmann, Dietrich Lange, and Anne Socquet

The Atacama segment in Northern Chile (24⁰S to 31⁰S) is a mature seismic gap with no major event (Mw≥8) since 1922. Nonetheless, the region regularly releases stress through shallow and deep slow slip events, and hosts recurring seismic swarm activity. To investigate this seismic gap and its complex seismic-aseismic behaviour, we instrumented the region with almost 200 seismic and geodetic stations between November 2020 and February 2024. Using machine learning techniques, we derived a dense, high-resolution seismicity catalog, encompassing over 165,000 events with double-difference relocated hypocenters. Within the network, we achieve relative location uncertainties below 50 m, enabling the resolution of fine-scale structures. Our catalog details the outer rise, interface, intraplate and upper plate seismicity. Furthermore, we capture anthropogenic sources from mine blasting and offshore active seismic experiments. Here, we focus on three aspects:

  • The new slab geometry and it’s influence on the large scale seismic segmentation

  • The fine scale space-time segmentation of the subduction interface

  • The complex seismic swarms around the 2023 shallow slow slip event in Copiapó, highlighting in detail the underlying mechanisms of slow-to-fast earthquake interaction

Our results provide a holistic view of this complex subduction zone, while at the same time giving insights into fine-scale structures and processes.

How to cite: Münchmeyer, J., Molina, D., Marsan, D., Langlais, M., Baez, J.-C., Heit, B., González-Vidal, D., Moreno, M., Tilmann, F., Lange, D., and Socquet, A.: Characterising the Northern Chile subduction zone (24⁰S - 31⁰S) with > 165,000 earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11906,, 2025.

EGU25-12060 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Meso–Proterozoic tectonic evolution of Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC): Existence of an either way subduction within Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) 

Avisekh Ghosh, Debojit Talukdar, Sudipto Mondal, Kallol Sen, Arnab Maity, Biswajit Ghosh, and Nilanjan Dasgupta

The present study investigates the tectonic evolution of the western extremity of Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC), within the eastern part of E-W trending Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ). The study has been done along a N-S stretch (mostly within Chhattisgarh, India) extending from Sanawal in the north to Pali in the South. The reportedly Meso- to Neo-Proterozoic litho-package of the area, comprise metasedimentaries, metavolcanics and younger granite gneiss-granitoids, is mapped in details and records five episodes of deformation (named D1 to D5). The D1 is manifested by rarely preserved recumbent Class-2 folds (F1), while D2 is represented by E-W trending, low-plunging, upright to inclined and Class-1A, 1B, 1C geometry F2 folds. The D3 exhibits ESE-WNW trending, reclined to near vertical, Class-2 geometry F3 folds and D4 is brittle-ductile shear zone. D5 related F5 is a N-S cross warping. We prove that the first (D1), third (D3) and fourth (D4) episodes of deformation in CGC are due to thrust movement, which is manifested by development of shear zones and related folds. In one such northerly dipping thrust zone, named Balangi-Sanawal thrust zone (BSTZ, considered as a splay of the Son-Narmada South Fault, SNSF), enderbite and khondalite (of the Makrohar Granulite belt, MGB) are seen to be present as discrete bodies within the CGC granitoids. These granulite occurrences and adjacent CGC has been geologically mapped, which show that the enderbites of MGB have been thrusted over the D2 related F2 folds developed within the amphibolites of CGC. In the proximal zones of all these shear zones sheared porphyroclastic augen syenogranite is emplaced along numerous narrow channels as lensoidal bodies. These sheared syenogranite, along with the associated alternate amphibolite layers, exhibit D3 related near-vertical F3 folds.

Existing literatures from the southern part of CITZ, reveal granulites (Balaghat-Bhandara granulites, BBG and Chhatuabhavna granulites, CBG) occur with the greenschist-amphibolite facies CGC rocks against southerly dipping Central Indian Shear (CIS) zone along with emplacement of aforementioned syn-tectonic porphyroclastic augen syenogranite during ~1.62-1.42 Ga (Bhowmik et al., 2011). The field evidences suggest that this CIS thrusting event also marks regional D3 episode of shearing in CGC. Glancing through these geological evidences, we correlate the northerly dipping BSTZ in the northern part of CITZ to be at ~1.62-1.42 Ga. In the central part of CITZ, CGC rocks got juxtaposed with Ramakona-Katangi granulites (RKG) along northerly dipping Gavilgarh-Tan shear zone (GTSZ) placed at ~1.04-0.93 Ga (Chattopadhyay et al., 2020). We propose that this GTSZ, represents D4 episode of deformation within the CGC. This has produced a peculiar ‘Ramp and Flat’ geometry with imprints of brittle-ductile shearing in the study area. It is interesting to note that at ~1.62-1.42 Ga, during the D3 deformation phase, both northerly and southerly subduction of the Central Indian block (CIB) (now preserved as CGC) occurred along the northern and southern boundary of CIB respectively. This prompts us to think of a unique either way subduction accompanied by thrusting of deep-crustal granulites through hanging wall block over the Central Indian continental landmass.

How to cite: Ghosh, A., Talukdar, D., Mondal, S., Sen, K., Maity, A., Ghosh, B., and Dasgupta, N.: Meso–Proterozoic tectonic evolution of Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC): Existence of an either way subduction within Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12060,, 2025.

EGU25-12064 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

A study on the docking of the Indian plate with the Eurasian plate through Numerical Modelling 

Arnab Banerjee and Paresh Nath Singha Roy

The collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate has led to the building of the Himalayas, the highest mountain range and one of the most seismically active regions in the world. The supercontinent Pangea began to break at around 200Ma, and the Indian plate moved northwards toward the Eurasian plate at 9-16cm/year. At around 50Ma, the velocity of the Indian plate slowed down to about 4-6cm/year. This slowdown is the beginning of the collision between the plates, the Tethys Ocean's closing, and the uplifting of the Himalayas. The Indian plate is still moving with a velocity of nearly 5cm/year, causing a rise in the height of the Himalayas at approximately 4-10mm/year, which is the cause of the extensive seismicity in the nearby region. There has been extensive research on tectonics and seismicity in the Himalayas; however, it is one of the most geologically complex regions, and much of it is still unfathomable and thus requires insight through further studies. This study attempts to find the variation in the physical properties at the subduction zone due to the variation in the collision velocities of the plates. In this study, we have used a numerical simulation of the collision and subduction using finite difference modelling in MATLAB. We have compared physical parameters such as pressure, stress, strain, and temperature for the profiles at different velocities of the colliding blocks at the subduction zone. This geodynamic study focuses on enhancing the understanding of the tectonics and collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates and the formation of the Himalayas. 

How to cite: Banerjee, A. and Roy, P. N. S.: A study on the docking of the Indian plate with the Eurasian plate through Numerical Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12064,, 2025.

EGU25-12184 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

The spatio-temporal behavior of the Mantle Wedge Seismicity and its relationship with the interface in Chile. 

Blandine Gardonio, Anne Socquet, and Jannes Münchmeyer

The serpentinized mantle wedge corner above subducting slabs has been long considered as mostly aseismic. However, mantle wedge seismicity (MWS) has been observed in different subduction zones such as Japan, New Zealand, Lesser Antilles, South America, Colombiaand the Hellenic subduction zone. Several hypothesis have been made to explain such seismicity: (i) a graveyard of piled seamounts that are detached from the subducting plate and underplates the forearc lithosphere; (ii) plume underplating leading to higher viscosity parts in the mantle corner; (iii) serpentine dehydration embrittlement and (iv) pulses of fluids released from the plate interface. Several subduction zones exhibit seismicity gaps on the interface that might indicate a diversion of the seismicity through vents. The rheological and mechanical behaviors of the mantle wedge and its possible interactions between its seismicity and the interface still remain largely unclear. In this study, we take advantage of the recent catalogue obtained with machine learning on Chile from November 2020 to February 2024 and analyse the spatio-temporal distribution and the statistics of the mantle wedge seismicity in this area.

We find that the MWS is mostly active between -27°S and 31°S latitude and shows a Gutenberg-Richter b-value of 1.4 which is higher than the interface seismicity (around 1). It presents a magnitude of completeness of 1.6 and is gathered as clusters of events that behave as swarms rather than mainshock-aftershocks sequences. Some clusters are triggered after a large event (magnitude > 5) occurring on the interface. The detailed analysis of the distribution of the MWS compared to the interface shows that the MWS is mainly located in a band between 130 and 160km away from the trench while the interface seismicity is mainly located in a band of 60km to 100km away from the trench. While the interface seismicity gap present just above the MWS might confirm the presence of vents that would deviate the seismicity, the difficulty to track potential fluid paths from the intraplate seismicity at depth to the MWS might rule out fluids as the origin of the MWS in Chile. Rather, this gap might indicate the importance of the mineralogical contact between the interface and the mantle wedge.

How to cite: Gardonio, B., Socquet, A., and Münchmeyer, J.: The spatio-temporal behavior of the Mantle Wedge Seismicity and its relationship with the interface in Chile., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12184,, 2025.

EGU25-12857 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Partitioning of deformation along the Andean margin: insights from elastic block modelling 

Florian Kusche and Nina Kukowski

Along the Andean margin, oblique subduction of the Nazca Plate is accommodated by slip on the subduction interface and deformation of the overriding South American Plate. Active plate boundary deformation, in particular due to strain partitioning, is analyzed using elastic block modelling constrained by compiled GPS velocities to estimate plate motions, fault slip rates, and spatially variable interplate coupling on the Nazca-South American subduction interface. In the block modelling approach, interseismic GPS velocities are assumed to be the sum of rigid block rotation and elastic strain accumulation on block-bounding faults. Therefore, the western South American margin is divided into smaller blocks, primarily based on active faults traces. The block model geometry is adjusted to minimize the misfit between observed and modeled velocities.

The preferred model shows strain partitioning of varying degrees along the Andean margin. In the North, the margin-parallel component of convergence is partially accommodated by right-lateral slip on a strike-slip system that extends from the Gulf of Guayaquil off southern Ecuador to western Venezuela. This results in the northeastward motion of the North Andean Block with respect to stable South America. In Peru, the model confirms the existence of the southeastward moving Inca Sliver, that is bounded by the trench and the Subandean fold-and-thrust belt. Along the central Chilean margin, oblique convergence is partially accommodated by minor right-lateral slip along the Subandean thrust fault. In southern Chile, right-lateral transpression along the intra-arc Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone results in the northward translation of the Chiloé Sliver.

The separation of the North Andean Block, the Peruvian Inca Sliver, and the Chilean Andean orogen is related to the curvature of the Andean margin and the associated changes in the sense of convergence obliquity. The differing directions of movement of these blocks result in extension in the Gulf of Guayaquil, where the Andean margin is seaward convex. In contrast, on the Altiplano, at the concave bend of western South America, the rotational velocities of the Peruvian and Chilean blocks are converging into a similar direction.

The spatial distribution of interplate coupling as estimated by our block modelling shows that the Andean margin is segmented into strongly and weakly coupled zones. Epicenters of major thrust earthquakes correlate fairly well with areas of strong interplate coupling.

How to cite: Kusche, F. and Kukowski, N.: Partitioning of deformation along the Andean margin: insights from elastic block modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12857,, 2025.

EGU25-13268 | Posters on site | GD4.1

Influence of Geometry and Rheology on Convergence Speed in Self-Sustained Andean-Type Subduction Systems 

Jamison Assunção, Boris Kaus, Nicolas Riel, Andrea Picollo, and Victor Sacek

In a subduction system where an oceanic lithosphere dips beneath a continental lithosphere, the convergence speed (CS) is predominantly governed by ridge push and slab pull forces. However, numerical models have shown significant sensitivity to the geometry under the same physical parameters. This study aims to shed light on how subduction dynamics is affected by changes in both geometry and rheology, and explore an approach for simulating subduction that makes convergence speeds more consistent and stable by incorporating an effective partial melt region. A series of 2D simulations was conducted to investigate how the kinematics of subduction zones evolve in a self-sustained manner, where no external forces were applied to drive subduction. To achieve this, we used the geodynamic numerical code LaMEM to solve the set of constitutive equations of momentum, mass, and energy suited for geological processes. We also used the mineral assemblage code MAGEMin to compute density changes in relevant lithospheric and asthenospheric rocks. Furthermore, a pyrolytic composition was employed to parameterize the phase change from the asthenospheric mantle to the lower mantle, adopting a Clapeyron slope. In this study, an oceanic plate subducts over a low-viscosity region (LVR) representing a partial melt region. The goal was to demonstrate how the convergence speed varies as a function of both the LVR and the asthenosphere viscosities. To minimize friction between the lithospheric plates, the oceanic plate slides beneath a weak zone. The role of the oceanic plate geometry was studied by varying its horizontal length at the surface. We observed that the CS is inversely correlated with the length of the oceanic plate at the surface. Our study indicates that the LVR makes the convergence speeds more stable over time, simplifies adjustments, and reduces the drag force influence on the overall kinematics of the descending plate. In summary, such an approach minimizes the role of the plate length on the overall evolution of the system in numerical studies and facilitates more stable convergence speeds.

How to cite: Assunção, J., Kaus, B., Riel, N., Picollo, A., and Sacek, V.: Influence of Geometry and Rheology on Convergence Speed in Self-Sustained Andean-Type Subduction Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13268,, 2025.

Within the last two-million years, subduction has initiated at the southern end of the New Hebrides trench along the ~E-W trending Matthew-Hunter section of the trench (Patriat et al., 2015; 2019). This part of the subduction system originated as a subduction-transform edge propagator (STEP) fault, a transcurrent plate boundary that terminates Australian plate subduction at the southern end of the New Hebrides trench at a slab tear and allows its rapid southwestward rollback (Govers and Wortel, 2005). The down warped torn lithospheric edge of the STEP fault dips northward in the same direction as the absolute plate motion of the Australian plate in a hotspot reference frame. This creates a strong southward mantle flow (~55 km/Myr) against the already failed and weak northward dipping STEP fault, promoting further down bending and subduction. Through this mechanism, subduction and southward rollback of the STEP fault edge has begun, initiating a subduction zone in an extensional stress regime without requiring initial convergence between the Australian plate and the North Fiji Basin. In fact, the North Fiji Basin is in extension, forming rifts and spreading centers and volcanically accreting crust unusually close to the Matthew-Hunter trench. Subduction initiation at the Matthew-Hunter trench has effectively terminated the STEP fault and slab tear, so that subduction now takes place continuously around the corner from the New Hebrides to the Matthew-Hunter section of the trench. This model proposes that STEP faults are favorable tectonic boundaries for subduction initiation, provided that mantle flow induced by absolute plate motion is oriented correctly, as shown by the opposing example of the Tonga step fault, which displays no evidence of initiating subduction despite a much larger lithospheric age contrast (Martinez, 2024).

Govers, R., and M. J. R. Wortel (2005), Lithosphere tearing at STEP faults: Response to edges of subduction zones, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236, 505-523.

Martinez, F. (2024), Subduction initiation (or not) due to absolute plate motion at STEP faults: The New Hebrides vs. the Tonga examples, in EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria,

Patriat, M., et al. (2015), Propagation of back-arc extension into the arc lithosphere in the southern New Hebrides volcanic arc, G-Cubed, 16(9), 3142-3159.

Patriat, M., et al. (2019), Subduction initiation terranes exposed at the front of a 2 Ma volcanically-active subduction zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 508, 30-40.

How to cite: Martinez, F.: Subduction initiation at the New Hebrides STEP fault induced by absolute plate motion and mantle flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13469,, 2025.

EGU25-13559 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Mechanical and metasomatic evolution of a developing mantle wedge from subduction initiation to obduction 

Alissa Kotowski, Andrew Keats, Hester Smit, Jippe van Broekhoven, Matthew Tarling, Marguerite Godard, Oliver Plümper, Martyn Drury, and Eric Hellebrand

Geodynamic models suggest that plate boundary shear zones require mechanically weak materials to form. However, peridotites in proto-plate boundary hanging walls are inherently strong and experience cooling from >1000°C to <500°C over ~10 Myr during subduction initiation. Without a micro-physical or metasomatic mechanism to weaken the olivine-rich mantle, it will resist strain localization with cooling. Serpentinites are often credited with facilitating lithosphere-scale strain localization, but proto-interface temperatures exceed ~550°C at 20–30 km depth, and therefore are too hot for serpentine to be stable. What, therefore, are the roles of both olivine and serpentine in plate boundary formation?

To address this, we present structural and geochemical data from a fossilized subduction interface at Mont Albert (Québec, Canada). This Ordovician ophiolite records subduction initiation and subsequent obduction during the Taconian Orogeny (~450–500 Ma). Field and microstructural observations show that spinel peridotites in distributed shear zones evolved from mylonitic to ultramylonitic fabrics under increasingly hydrous conditions toward the paleo-plate contact. Olivine Crystallographic Preferred Orientation (CPO) transitions from A- and D-type fabrics in mylonites to weaker AG- and B-type fabrics in ultramylonites, accompanied by grain size reduction from ~60–80 μm to ≤20 μm, and phase mixing of olivine-orthopyroxene metasomatic layers. These transitions are consistent with a mechanical switch from dislocation creep to diffusion-accommodated creep, with sustained grain size reduction through phase mixing and growth of hydrous phases such as chlorite and amphibole.

At the paleo-plate contact, a ~10–20 m thick zone of ultramylonites is heavily serpentinized (75–90%). This zone contains finely layered, well-aligned lizardite (confirmed with Raman spectroscopy), Fe-oxides (hematite and magnetite), and relict olivine ± orthopyroxene, amphibole layers. No antigorite was identified. We interpret serpentinization as largely static and post-kinematic with respect to the incredibly strong fabrics in contact ultramylonites, supported by observations of undeformed lizardite mesh textures and hematite-decorated grain boundaries in coarser lizardite aggregates.

Bulk rock geochemical analyses along a 40 m transect in the hanging wall of the paleo-plate boundary reveal mantle Al2O3 (wt%), chondrite-normalized [Yb], and HREE concentrations all decrease systematically with distance from the contact, highlighting pimary compositional layering. Ce, Sr, and Pb show subtle enrichment at the contact where rocks are most heavily serpentinized. However, LREE and other fluid-mobile element distributions are highly variable, suggesting limited chemical overprinting associated with the serpentinizing fluid.

Our findings suggest that high-temperature ductile deformation initially localized due to hydrous phase introduction, facilitating deformation near the paleo-plate contact despite cooling conditions through shifts in deformation mechanisms. Based on the chemical data and the micro-textural observations of static lizardite, we infer that plate boundary serpentinization was late-stage and occurred under very low-temperatures (<300°C) from a highly oxidizing fluid. Serpentinites therefore did not aid strain localization or obduction but instead formed post-kinematically, locking the shear zone and forcing obduction-related strain to migrate elsewhere.

How to cite: Kotowski, A., Keats, A., Smit, H., van Broekhoven, J., Tarling, M., Godard, M., Plümper, O., Drury, M., and Hellebrand, E.: Mechanical and metasomatic evolution of a developing mantle wedge from subduction initiation to obduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13559,, 2025.

EGU25-13936 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Geochronology and geochemistry of Cenozoic magmatic intrusions in the north-western Ecuadorian Andes: the role of crustal thickness 

Jorge Iglesias Flores, Cesar Witt, Osman Poma, Olivier Bruguier, Delphine Bosch, Valerie Bosse, Massimiliano Zattin, Monique Seyler, Maria Jose Hernandez, Frank Chanier, and Olivier Averbuch

The Ecuadorian Cenozoic arc developed upon autochthonous continental and allochtonous accreted oceanic terranes. It provides a unique opportunity to explore the processes governing arc magmatism and crustal evolution. Using a multi-proxy approach, combining zircon petrochronology (U-Pb geochronology, trace element geochemistry, and isotopic analysis) with whole-rock geochemistry, we trace the tectono-magmatic evolution of the northernmost segment of this arc.

Our results define two distinct magmatic episodes: ~41–16 Ma and ~14–7 Ma. The older episode comprises tonalitic rocks exhibiting zircon δ18O (6.4 – 3‰) and εHf values (+17 – +12), as well as trace element ratios, indicating derivation from juvenile sources. Magma genesis during this period is believed to occurred within the amphibole stability field, in a moderately thick crust (~35 km). In contrast, the younger episode is dominated by granodioritic rocks derived from more enriched reservoirs (δ18O: 8.2 – 5.8‰ and εHf: +13 – +7). Zircon and whole-rock trace element and isotopic data suggest magma genesis in the garnet stability field, within a thickened crust (~60 km).

The transition to a thicker crust and enriched sources occurred around 14 Ma, coinciding with the tectonic reorganization associated with the arrival of the young (and buoyant) Nazca plate at the South American margin. This event likely induced a shallower subduction angle, increased compressional stresses, and facilitated melting of an evolved oceanic crust.

These findings highlight the dynamic interplay between tectonics, crustal processes, and magmatic evolution in shaping Cordilleran arcs. They also demonstrate the efficacy of zircon petrochronology as a tool for resolving crustal-scale processes, providing insights into the mechanisms driving continental growth and orogenesis.

How to cite: Iglesias Flores, J., Witt, C., Poma, O., Bruguier, O., Bosch, D., Bosse, V., Zattin, M., Seyler, M., Hernandez, M. J., Chanier, F., and Averbuch, O.: Geochronology and geochemistry of Cenozoic magmatic intrusions in the north-western Ecuadorian Andes: the role of crustal thickness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13936,, 2025.

EGU25-14177 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Seismicity of the south-western South American margin through a machine learning automated approach 

Martin Riedel-Hornig, Christial Sippl, Andrés Tassara, Serio Ruiz, Bertrand Potin, Jorge Puente, Catalina Morales, Favio Carcamo, and Catalina Castro

The South American margin, where the Nazca Plate subducts below the South American plate is a highly seismogenic region. In recent decades, it has been the focus of abundant studies with the deployment of temporal and permanent seismic networks. These efforts have generated large datasets that are challenging to process with traditional methods. To take advantage of the large volume of data available, we pair modern machine learning picking and association methods with traditional location and relocation techniques to create a dense, high resolution seismic catalogue. We process data from the CSN, OVDAS and other smaller permanent networks between 2017 and 2021 to obtain over 650.000 double-difference relocated events, at least 10 times more than any other regional catalogue in our study area. This implies at least a 1 order of magnitude reduction of the magnitude of completeness (Mc).

Our catalogue is designed to ensure temporal consistency (i.e. the selected stations are active for most or all of the study period) and the processing workflow is the same for the whole region (in contrast to joining catalogues resulting from independent local or regional networks). This consistency paired with the catalogue’s high resolution, allows us to observe spatial and temporal variations in seismicity and to improve our understanding of processes that may be studied through micro-seismicity. One application of such a catalogue is the observation that, although the Chilean subduction zone is known for its megathrust earthquakes, intraslab events make up the bulk of seismicity (>80% of the events), with two particularly active clusters. One is located in northern Chile, inland of the subduction of the Iquique Ridge, at an “unusual subduction segment” documented by Sippl et al. (2018) and another inland of the subduction of the Juan Fernandez Ridge. Furthermore, the slab and plate interface are most active in northern Chile an seismicity diminishes towards the south, especial from 36°S. This decrease in seismicity is likely related to changes in Nazca Plate age and temperature and/or to the influence of 1960 Valdivia and 2010 Maule mega-earthquakes.

How to cite: Riedel-Hornig, M., Sippl, C., Tassara, A., Ruiz, S., Potin, B., Puente, J., Morales, C., Carcamo, F., and Castro, C.: Seismicity of the south-western South American margin through a machine learning automated approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14177,, 2025.

The subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate at the Cascadia subduction zone significantly influences the mantle dynamics and the structure of the overlying North American Plate. In southwest Canada, the Cordillera lithosphere is thin (60-70 km) with high surface heat flow, low mantle seismic velocity, and low mantle electrical resistivity for ~500 km inboard of the subduction zone. Magmatism and geological observations suggest that the Cordillera lithosphere has been thin for at least 30 Myr. The eastern limit of thin lithosphere approximately underlies the Rocky Mountain Trench. East of this, the Laurentian Craton is thick (>200 km), and recent seismic data show that the Cordillera Craton boundary is marked by subvertical to west-dipping lithospheric step.

In this study, we investigate the effects of subduction and the lithosphere step on mantle dynamics and the evolution of the Cordillera lithosphere over the last 40 Myr. We use 2D thermal-mechanical models of ocean-continent subduction, where the domain is 3000 km wide and 660 km deep. We first test models where subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate occurs below a 60 km thick continent with no lateral variations, representing the Canadian Cordillera. These models show that if the mantle rheology is based on dry olivine, it has a relatively high viscosity, and the mantle flow field is dominated by subduction-driven corner flow. This results in a slow thickening of the backarc continental mantle lithosphere to nearly 90 km within 40 Myr. If a weaker (more hydrated) olivine rheology is used for the mantle, backarc thickening is inhibited by the development of small-scale convection (SSC). To maintain a ~65 km lithosphere, our models predict that the backarc mantle must be hydrated and weak (viscosity of 1018 – 1019 Pa s). In the second set of models, 200 km thick Craton lithosphere is added to the models. The presence of the lithosphere step at the Cordillera-Craton boundary induces edge-driven convection (EDC), which is enhanced for a hydrated mantle or weak craton mantle lithosphere. We find that EDC had only a secondary influence on the Cordillera lithosphere in the arc and central back arc regions, but EDC may be important for maintaining a sharp thermal contrast between the Cordillera and Craton.

In the final set of models, we investigate the effects of subduction termination on mantle dynamics, using the model structure that includes the Craton lithosphere step. After plate convergence ceases, SSC and EDC continue for tens of millions of years, and these slow the cooling and thickening of the continent. However, even with a hydrated mantle, the Cordillera thickens to ~80 km after 40 Myr. This suggests that the central Canadian Cordillera lithosphere (north of the current subduction zone), where subduction terminated in the Eocene, may be somewhat cooler than the modern backarc to the south. Future work will focus on how the slab edge geometry of the Juan de Fuca plate influences mantle flow patterns and lithospheric structure in the Canadian Cordillera.


How to cite: Baruah, A. J. and Currie, C. A.: Investigating mantle dynamics and lithospheric evolution in the Southern Canadian Cordillera: Insights from numerical modeling of the Cascadia subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14257,, 2025.

EGU25-14301 | Orals | GD4.1

What Causes the Non-closure of the Cocos-Nazca-Pacific Plate Motion Circuit? 

Richard Gordon, Tuo Zhang, and Chengzu Wang

By far the largest plate-circuit misfit on the planet for geologically current plate motion is that of the Cocos, Nazca, and Pacific plates. This plate motion circuit fails closure by a linear velocity of 12 mm a1 ±4 mm a1 (DeMets et al., 2010, Zhang et al., 2017).  Here we investigate this nonclosure.  In an initial test, we omit the spreading rates along the Cocos-Pacific plate boundary north of the Orozco transform fault where it appears that the Pacific and Rivera plates are separated by a diffuse boundary.  With this omission, the non-closure linear velocity shrinks to 9 mm a1 ±4 mm a1 (95% confidence limits) with a non-closure angular velocity of 0.22° Ma1 (± 0.12° Ma-1; 95% confidence limits) about a pole at 22°N, 92°W.  The size of the misfit remains too large to be explained by any known processes of intraplate deformation and suggests that there is an unrecognized plate boundary somewhere in the circuit.

We argue that undiscovered plate boundaries (or intraplate deformation large enough to explain the observed non-closure) within the Pacific plate and most of the Nazca plate are implausible, which leaves either a boundary within the traditionally defined Cocos plate or possibly a boundary within the northeast corner of the currently defined Nazca plate.  If the spreading rates and transform faults along the traditionally defined Cocos-Nazca plate boundary east of ≈87°W are eliminated from the Cocos-Nazca data set, the non-closure velocity is reduced to 3 mm a1 ±4 mm a1 (95% confidence limits), small enough to be within uncertainty or to be explained by expected horizontal thermal contraction.

This result indicates that the traditionally defined Cocos-Nazca plate boundary east of ≈87⁰W may not record motion between the Cocos and Nazca plate after all, but instead records motion between a small previously unrecognized plate and either the Cocos or Nazca plate.  The distribution of earthquakes suggests that the better candidate is a small plate within the traditionally defined Cocos plate.  We propose to call this hypothesized plate the Kahlo plate.  A possible location for a hypothesized narrow plate boundary and an alternative hypothesized diffuse plate boundary will be presented and discussed.

How to cite: Gordon, R., Zhang, T., and Wang, C.: What Causes the Non-closure of the Cocos-Nazca-Pacific Plate Motion Circuit?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14301,, 2025.

EGU25-14427 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

Quantification of thermally-controlled metamorphic decarbonation and carbonate dissolution in subduction zones 

Yang Wang, Zhong-hai Li, and Heng-rui Zhang

Oceanic subduction zone is the dominant (if not the only) pathway for transporting carbon into the interior of the Earth, and thus plays a critical role in deep carbon cycling. Several mechanisms have been proposed for slab decarbonation process, with two primary ones being metamorphic decarbonation and carbonate dissolution. The metamorphic decarbonation has been widely analyzed by numerical models in the closed system (i.e., with constant water content). However, the water and carbon evolutions in subduction zone are strongly coupled together, leading to an open system in which the water cycling not only affects the metamorphic decarbonation, but also controls the dissolution of carbonates. However, the decarbonation efficiency and the contributions of different decarbonation mechanisms to slab carbon removal remain controversial. Here, we develop a coupled thermo-metamorphic-dissolution model to investigate physicochemical decarbonation processes. Systematic numerical models with variable thermal parameters (Φ = slab age × subduction velocity / 100) have been conducted in both closed and open systems. The results indicate that the metamorphic carbon outflux in open system is lower than that in closed system, whereas the dissolved carbon outflux in open system is approximately three times higher due to fluid infiltration. Moreover, the metamorphic carbon outflux decreases exponentially with Φ in both closed and open systems. In contrast, the dissolved carbon outflux exhibits a nearly linear increase with Φ < 13 km, followed by an exponential decrease with Φ ≥ 13 km. The new models provide systematic and quantitative constraints for the deep carbon cycling in subduction zones.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Li, Z., and Zhang, H.: Quantification of thermally-controlled metamorphic decarbonation and carbonate dissolution in subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14427,, 2025.

Subduction zone plate boundary interfaces are some of the largest shear zones on our planet and are host to the largest earthquakes, plus other diverse seismic and aseismic slip phenomena. These zones are often highly heterogenous mélanges. Accreted and exhumed subduction interface mélanges therefore provide a ‘window’ into the conditions and processes within these otherwise inaccessible environments. The geometries of blocks, the proportion of blocks to matrix, and the relative mechanical properties between different block populations and between blocks and matrix have been demonstrated to control the physical behaviour of these mélange zones, including their propensity towards seismicity. Here we report a detailed multi-scale 3D characterisation of the material properties, block geometries and fracture networks within the Chrystalls Beach mélange, New Zealand.

3D structural analysis utilised a tiled photogrammetric model constructed from ca. 12,500 images and consists of detailed and systematic analysis of the mélange fabric, block geometries, and distribution and orientation of faults, fractures and veins. In-situ rock mechanics tests were performed using a Schmidt rebound hammer with measurement sites located to cm-accuracy in the field and on the 3D model. Samples were collected from these same sites for point-load strength tests and laboratory-based triaxial shear experiments. Through this approach, we aim to identify systematic relationships between measurable physical properties of the exhumed rock and the inferred original rheological behaviour of this mélange.

The Chrystalls Beach mélange consists of centimetre – decametre-scale blocks of sandstone, chert, and siltstone with minor altered basalt within a pelitic matrix and has been deformed within the shallow portion of the subduction zone. In-situ strength measurements show that the strength of blocks vary from up to twice as strong as the matrix to similar to — or in places below — the strength of the surrounding matrix. The matrix is also heterogenous in its material properties with two distinct matrix types defined on the basis of matrix lithology, included block populations, and material properties.

Patterns of fractures and brecciation of the blocks provide a structural indication of the comparative rheology of each of the block populations during deformation, with each lithology exhibiting distinct behaviour. Blocks in the mélange are either high-aspect-ratio, boudinaged, dismembered beds or variably rounded brecciated fragments, with stronger lithologies forming more angular, higher-sphericity, and less aligned fragments. This mélange is pervasively cut by several centimetre-thick veins which form an anastomosing network, often at the boundaries of the chert and sandstone blocks which they are deflected around.

This preliminary analysis has revealed varied deformation styles operate between blocks of different mechanical properties and that this deformation style depends both on the rheologies of the individual components and also on the difference in rheology between the blocks and the matrix. The patterns of the thick veins reveal the locations of the greatest slip localisation throughout the mélange and show that veins localise at the margins of blocks with the greatest rheological contrast. This analysis therefore provides the material and geometrical input parameters and end results which provide real-world constraints for future simulations of deforming mélange zones.

How to cite: Clarke, A., Fenske, S., and Toy, V.: A Glimpse into the Subduction Zone Plate Interface: 3D structural and mechanical mapping of the Chrystalls Beach mélange, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16257,, 2025.

EGU25-18961 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1

 Rheological insights from Illapel postseismic deformation through GNSS and InSAR time series analysis  

Diego Molina, Bertrand Lovery, Mathilde Radiguet, Marie-Pierre Doin, and Anne Socquet

Understanding the inner structure of the crust and upper mantle is essential to evaluate those mechanisms driving Earth’s dynamics. Usually, surface deformation provides valuable constraints on viscoelastic parameters.  Postseismic deformation following large megathrust earthquakes, offers a unique opportunity to explore the viscoelastic properties of the shallower earth structure since it is strongly influenced by viscoelastic relaxation processes. This postseismic deformation is often recorded by GNSS stations, which offer high temporal resolution and therefore are useful to constrain the relaxation time along convergent margins. However, the spatial coverage of GNSS networks is often sparse,  inhibiting our ability to study the large scale variations in viscoelastic properties of the medium. 

To solve these issues, we rely on InSAR time series which provide continuous spatial resolution of surface deformation. In this work, we exploit the FLATSIM project (Thollard et al., 2021) initiative considering Sentinel-1 data  over Central Chile that has been processed using the NSBAS processing chain (Doin et al., 2013). Particularly, we focus on Central Chile, with special emphasis on the 2015 8.3 Mw Illapel earthquake. The InSAR data spans 8 years and has been corrected using the global atmospheric models ERA-5. Complementary, we use GNSS time series from 25 stations deployed over the Illapel rupture area, combining stations from Centro Sismologico Nacional and the DeepTrigger project.

Since both data sets contain the contribution from multiple tectonic and non-tectonic processes, we employ different techniques to isolate the postseismic deformation of the 2015 Illapel earthquake. Actually,  for GNSS, we apply Independent Component Analysis while for InSAR time series, we perform  a parametric decomposition pixel by pixel. Our findings reveal a very strong postseismic signal with a typical logarithmic decay, lasting at least 8 years.

In this work, in order to investigate the underlying rheological properties of the medium, we exploit the PyLith software,  a finite-element model that can take into account the complex rheological structure of the system. To do so, we impose the co-seismic slip model coming from averaged slip solutions, thereby initiating the model to distinguish between viscoelastic and afterslip contributions. By reproducing the surface deformation patterns given jointly by GNSS and InSAR data, we aim to determine the geometrical and rheological variations beneath the Illapel rupture area, particularly those viscoelastic parameters characterizing the crust and upper mantle regions. Our analysis provide insights to better understand how these properties affect both the seismic cycle and long-term deformation patterns at local and regional scales.

How to cite: Molina, D., Lovery, B., Radiguet, M., Doin, M.-P., and Socquet, A.:  Rheological insights from Illapel postseismic deformation through GNSS and InSAR time series analysis , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18961,, 2025.

EGU25-19151 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1

Subduction dynamics and mantle anisotropy: modeling and clustering of olivine textures 

Yijun Wang, Ágnes Király, Clinton Conrad, and Valerie Maupin

The mantle near Earth's subduction zones experiences significant deformation, forming anisotropic rock textures. These textures can be detected using seismic methods and simulated in geodynamic models. This study employs time-series clustering to examine tracers in subduction models, identifying regions with similar deformation histories, olivine crystallographic-preferred orientation (CPO) development, and CPO-induced anisotropic viscosity. We compare the evolution of olivine textures predicted by various numerical methods (e.g. D-Rex, MDM, and MDM+AV) for both retreating and stationary trench subduction settings.

Our modeling shows notable variations in olivine texture around the slab and as a function of subduction dynamics. These variations, which are illuminated by the clustering analysis, show that texture, seismic, and viscous anisotropy can vary greatly within the mantle wedge, sub-slab, and subducting plate regions of the upper mantle. In the retreating-trench model, the strongest textures are observed in the mid-depth mantle wedge region and beneath the slab at the 660 km transition zone. Trench-normal olivine a-axis orientations are predominant in the center of subduction zones, while toroidal flow around slab edges produces a mix of trench-normal, trench-parallel, and oblique fast seismic directions. On the other hand, in the stationary-trench model, the trench-normal signal in front of the slab is weaker while there are stronger trench-normal signals behind the slab at shallow depths between 100 and 300 km. At the edge of the slab, weak toroidal flow produces trench-oblique orientations while trench-parallel and trench-normal orientations are missing. In general, the retreating trench model exhibits stronger textures and anisotropy due to increased deformation from trench motion.

These results provide valuable insights into seismic anisotropy in subduction zones and underscore the importance of considering texture heterogeneity when interpreting geodynamic models and seismic data. The use of time-series clustering algorithms highlights the intricate pattern of evolution and the relationship between deformation history, CPO, and CPO-induced viscous anisotropy occurring within subduction zones.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Király, Á., Conrad, C., and Maupin, V.: Subduction dynamics and mantle anisotropy: modeling and clustering of olivine textures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19151,, 2025.

EGU25-19402 | Posters on site | GD4.1

Relation Between Interplate Locking and Microseismicity in the southern Peru subduction  

Juan-Carlos Villegas-Lanza, Anne Socquet, Hugo Sanchez-Reyes, Caroline Chalumeau, Bertrand Lovery, and Mohamed Chlieh

We present preliminary results of the analysis of the interseismic coupling at the southern Peru subduction zone, with special focus on the Nazca Ridge and the Nazca fracture zone. This study is based on the analysis of GPS data from over 120 permanent and field GPS stations collected during the last decade. The obtained GPS velocity field shows the current state of interseismic deformation of the Peruvian subduction margin. The inversion of the geodetic displacements allowed us to estimate the interseismic coupling at the plate interface. Our results show that the interseismic coupling is heterogeneous, with two areas of significant low to weak coupling coefficient, one located over the Nazca ridge and the other in front of the Nazca fracture zone. These results are compared with the spatial distribution of the seismicity recorded by the IGP national seismic network and a temporary seismic network installed as part of the project for the period 2022-2024, which accounts for more than 100,000 events. The analysis reveals a remarkable correlation of the areas where high interseismic coupling is observed with lack of seismicity, whereas in the areas with low interseismic coupling intense seismic activity is observed. These results confirm the hypothesis that the Nazca Ridge acts as a persistent barrier against the propagation of earthquake rupture, and suggest that the interseismic coupling patterns could be associate with the seismic activity. This ongoing work provides valuable information for understanding the tectonic processes in the region and their implications for the earthquake potential.

How to cite: Villegas-Lanza, J.-C., Socquet, A., Sanchez-Reyes, H., Chalumeau, C., Lovery, B., and Chlieh, M.: Relation Between Interplate Locking and Microseismicity in the southern Peru subduction , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19402,, 2025.

Flat or near-horizontal subduction of oceanic lithosphere is suggested to occur for ~10% of Earth’s subduction zones. While it is therefore not the dominating geometry, it has been suggested to have significant impact on tectonic processes both currently and in the geologic past. As an example, the ongoing subduction of the aseismic Nazca Ridge beneath South America has been associated with the onset of flat subduction and the termination of arc volcanism in Peru.

In this study, we investigate the impact of flat-slab subduction on the mantle flow and deformation in the larger asthenosphere-lithosphere system beneath the northern portion of the South American subduction zone. Strain in the asthenospheric and lithospheric mantle causes an alignment of intrinsically anisotropic mantle minerals, particularly olivine. The resulting bulk anisotropy can be measured as splitting of core-mantle converted phases, parameterized by the delay time and the fast splitting direction. While shear phases are commonly investigated for average splitting parameters, the tomographic inversion of shear wave splitting data for upper mantle anisotropy has been a longstanding challenge for classical analysis techniques. Recent developments involve the calculation of finite-frequency sensitivity kernels for SKS splitting intensity observations, which allow us to take advantage of overlapping sensitivity kernels at adjacent stations to localize anisotropic structure at depth.

Here we apply probabilistic, finite-frequency SKS splitting intensity tomography to all available datasets across the Andes in Peru and Bolivia to improve our understanding of mantle flow and deformation in the lithosphere in the complex flat slab subduction scenario. While the data sets are mostly comprised of dense lines of seismic stations, the broad lateral distribution of the different networks allows us to combine the data set in a 3D tomographic inversion for upper mantle anisotropy.

How to cite: Link, F. and Long, M. D.: Lithospheric deformation and Mantle flow in the asthenosphere-lithosphere system of the flat slab subduction beneath the Peruvian Andes with probabilistic finite-frequency SKS splitting intensity tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20645,, 2025.

The Variscan orogen marks the late Devonian-Carboniferous collision of Gondwana and Laurrusia, forming Pangea.  Throughout this orogen, extensive granitic plutons mark the tectonic and thermal processes behind its origin and development. Their study provides a unique opportunity to reconstruct the tectonic sequences, interpret the stages of crustal evolution, and assess the overall mechanics of complex lithospheric processes.

The Iberian Massif, located at Pangaea’s core, has one of the best exposures of the Variscan orogen in Europe, facilitating the study of deep-to-surface geodynamic phenomena. Ongoing research in the SW Iberian Massif (Ossa-Morena Zone), reveals a close relationship between the deformation, metamorphism, magmatism and sedimentary processes involved in deep to shallow lithospheric dynamics, during both orogenic thickening and gravitational collapse. Multiple magmatic stages mark these events, whose records include multiple granitic plutons (e.g.,[1], [2], [3]).

New data, obtained through the application of modern geological mapping techniques (geochemistry, geochronology and microtectonics) to the Figueira e Barros/Ervedal  (307 Ma), and Fronteira (308 Ma) plutons indicate that these are calc-alkaline, aluminous, syn- to post-kinematic granitic intrusions, that cross-cut the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian heterogeneous fabrics formed under low metamorphic conditions (D2-M2 and D3-M3 stages) [4], probably formed in a volcanic arc environment. The surrounding lithologies are mostly composed of Devonian-Silurian(?) schists and slates, with olistoliths and volcanic rocks, probably part of a flysch synorogenic sequence. These units were affected by (i) contact metamorphism in the vicinity of the plutons, locally characterised by spotted mica-schists and cut by late Variscan-early Alpine(?) NW-SE/N-S faults; (ii) a Buchan type HT-LP metamorphism associated to the Ponte de Sor gneiss dome that enabled the blastesis of Mississippian syn-D2-M2 garnet, andalusite and staurolite.

This new data allows for a better definition of the regional sequence of events, and for a comparison between the studied plutons and the ones found in the bibliography (e.g., Benavila [1], Stª Eulália [2], Pavia [3]) which in turn constrains the regional conceptual model for the Variscan Orogeny.

This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020, and by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Fondos Feder, PID2023-149105NA-I00. L.S.H. benefits from the FCT PhD scholarship UI/BD/154616/2023, I.D.S from the FCT research contract DL57/2016/CP1479/CT0030 ( and J.C.D. from FCT research contract CEECINST/00032/2018/CP1523/CT0002  (


[1] Canilho, M.H., 1992. Contribuição para o conhecimento petrográfico e geoquímico do maciço ígneo de Benavila (Avis). Ciências da Terra, 11, pp.1004–1018.

[2] Pereira, M.F., et al., C., 2017. Coeval interaction between magmas of contrasting composition (Late Carboniferous-Early Permian Santa Eulália-Monforte massif, Ossa-Morena Zone): field relationships and geochronological constraints. Geologica Acta, 15(4), pp.409–428. 10.1344/GeologicaActa2017.15.4.10

[3] Lima, S.M., et al., 2012. Dissecting complex magmatic processes: An in-depth U–Pb study of the Pavia pluton, Ossa–Morena Zone, Portugal. Journal of Petrology, 53(9), pp.1887–1911.

[4] Dias da Silva, Í., et al., 2018. Time-space distribution of silicic plutonism in a gneiss dome of the Iberian Variscan Belt: The Évora Massif (Ossa-Morena Zone, Portugal). Tectonophysics, 747-748, 298-317. 

How to cite: Steel Hart, L., Dias da Silva, Í., Cambeses, A., and Duarte, J. C.: Variscan plutonism in the Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberian Massif): The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian magmatism and its importance for the regional tectonic sequence of events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-917,, 2025.

EGU25-3726 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7

Records of early Gondwana assembly on the southwestern Baltica margin: Insights from the Holy Cross Mts., Poland 

Riccardo Callegari, Stanisław Mazur, William C. McClelland, Christopher Barnes, Karolina Kośmińska, and Jarosław Majka

The western periphery of Baltica has been viewed as a passive continental margin formed during the fragmentation of Rodinia and the opening of the Iapetus and Tornquist Oceans. This view is supported by the Volyn Large Igneous Province (VLIP) of Ediacaran age in Eastern Europe, which may be associated with the opening of the Tornquist Ocean. However, the sedimentary succession overlying the VLIP in western Ukraine contains latest Ediacaran to early Cambrian detrital zircon with mixed ƐHf(t) values that can be interpreted to reflect deposition in a convergent margin setting. To further investigate this issue, we conducted research in the Holy Cross Mts. (HCM), Poland, where tightly folded and slightly metamorphosed middle Cambrian sandstone and slates are unconformably overlain by Lower Ordovician sedimentary rocks. We applied 40Ar/39Ar single grain fusion geochronology on white mica defining cleavage in lower Cambrian rocks and analysed detrital zircons to constrain their age and ƐHf(t) signature. Nine samples of shale and sandstone collected from the HCM showed consistency between stratigraphic age and the calculated maximum depositional age (MDA), ranging between c. 502-538 Ma. All samples have similar Proterozoic and Archean detrital zircon populations with major age peaks at c. 1200, 1500, 1800, and 2100 Ma, suggesting affinity with Baltica-associated sources. New U-Pb detrital zircon ages suggest that the HCM remained a coherent unit throughout the Cambrian and Early Ordovician. Importantly, ƐHf(t) signatures from Ediacaran-Cambrian detrital zircon of the HCM display a wide spread of values from -18 to +12. We interpret these results to reflect a continental magmatic arc setting, where there is significant mixing between mantle derived magmas and evolved crustal material. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology on white mica from one sample yielded two age populations. We interpret a group of ages between 537-640 Ma as detrital, while a younger group of ages yielded a weighted mean age of 510 ± 3 Ma (MSWD = 1.5). Interestingly, this younger age is corroborated by the presence of low-U zircon rims on detrital zircon from the same sample, which have an age of c. 510 Ma. We interpret this c. 510 Ma age population in both muscovite and zircon rims to record docking of a peri-Gondwana terrane, collision with a Baltica-derived terrane or the subduction of a seamount or oceanic plateau and shallowing of the down-going plate triggering deformation. With the present results, none of them can be ruled out. Mixed ƐHf(t) signatures and geochronologic evidence for deformation support the presence of an active margin at the periphery of southwestern Baltica during the Ediacaran and Cambrian. Furthermore, we suggest that this new 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic data may provide a new age constraint for early Gondwanan assembly.

This work was funded by the National Science Centre (Poland) project no. 2019/33/B/ST10/01728 to Majka.

How to cite: Callegari, R., Mazur, S., McClelland, W. C., Barnes, C., Kośmińska, K., and Majka, J.: Records of early Gondwana assembly on the southwestern Baltica margin: Insights from the Holy Cross Mts., Poland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3726,, 2025.

EGU25-4793 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7

Pre-Alpine Metamorphic Evolution of the Seckau Complex: Insights from Alpine low-grade metapelitic and magmatic basement units of the Eastern Alps 

Kevin Karner-Ruehl, Walter Kurz, Christoph Hauzenberger, and Harald Fritz

Pre-Alpine basement units, that originated along the northern Gondwana margin, were integrated into the Austroalpine Nappe System during Alpine nappe stacking. While many experienced significant Alpine overprinting, some units underwent only low-grade metamorphism, preserving valuable records of their pre-Alpine history. The Seckau Complex, part of the Silvretta-Seckau Nappe System, was subject to greenschist facies metamorphism during Eo-Alpine times and retains mineralogical assemblages related to Variscan or even pre-Variscan processes. To deepen the understanding of the pre-Alpine metamorphic evolution of the Eastern Alps, we apply petrological, geochronological, geochemical and geothermobarometric techniques to analyze in particular the metapelitic sections of this basement unit and reconstruct its tectonic and metamorphic history.

The Seckau Complex features diverse metagranitoids, including the Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician Hochreichart Plutonic Suite and the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous Hintertal Plutonic Suite. These intrusions are hosted by the Glaneck Metamorphic Suite, which primarily comprises garnet-bearing paragneiss and mica-schist, along with amphibolite and tschermakite-bearing gneiss, the latter of potentially magmatic origin. U-Pb zircon dating of paragneisses reveals a detrital provenance with age clusters spanning in the Neoarchean, Paleoproterozoic and Ediacaran (2.7 Ga to 559 Ma). A migmatized paragneiss provided an age of 505 Ma, suggesting that migmatization was likely induced by the intrusion of the Hochreichart Plutonic Suite and indicating a pre-Variscan metamorphism between 559 Ma and 505 Ma (Mandl et al., 2018). Many metapelite samples exhibit a two-stage garnet growth with significant grossular enrichment towards the rims, pointing to a younger metamorphic event likely related to the Variscan orogeny. Results from geothermobarometry and thermodynamic modeling indicate an initial garnet growth at ~550°C and ~0.4–0.5 GPa and rim formation at ~570°C-620°C and ~1.1–1.2 GPa. Zr-in-rutile thermometry yields consistent temperatures of approx. 600°C. Results from monazite dating by EPMA of garnet-bearing mica-schists from the area of Eisenpass provide a weighted average U-Th-total Pb age of 64 ± 3 Ma, suggesting growth of metamorphic monazite during Alpine metamorphism. Garnet-bearing amphibolites show homogeneous garnet composition with subtle spessartine enrichment towards the core, indicating garnet growth along a pro-grade metamorphic path. Geothermobarometry and thermodynamic modeling indicate peak metamorphic conditions of ~620°C and ~0.7–0.8 GPa, again with consistent Zr-in-rutile temperatures of 600-620°C. Geochemical analyses of the metabasites reveal a tholeiitic differentiation trend derived from basaltic to andesitic protoliths. Trace element compositions suggest affinities to MORB and Within-Plate-Lava signatures.

How to cite: Karner-Ruehl, K., Kurz, W., Hauzenberger, C., and Fritz, H.: Pre-Alpine Metamorphic Evolution of the Seckau Complex: Insights from Alpine low-grade metapelitic and magmatic basement units of the Eastern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4793,, 2025.

EGU25-5224 | Orals | GD9.7

Complex morphology of colliding  margins in Laurussia-Gondwana supercollision 

J. Brendan Murphy, R. Damian Nance, Karel Schulmann, Yvette Kuiper, and José Ramón Martínez Catalán

Late Paleozoic convergence between Gondwana and Laurussia culminated in terminal collisions that produced the Ouachita-Alleghanian-Mauritanian-Variscan orogen within the interior of Pangea. The evolution and architecture of this orogen was profoundly influenced by a series of ca. 400-300 Ma promontory collisions, which terminated 100 m.y. of subduction and terrane accretion along the Laurussian margin and passive margin sedimentation along the Gondwanan margin. These promontory collisions compartmentalized the orogen into several domains with very different subsequent tectonic evolutions. In Europe, the Variscan belt records coeval collisional (e.g. Iberian massif) and “Mediterranean-style” orogens (e.g. Bohemian massif). The former are characterized by crustal thickening, followed by extensional collapse. The latter occur in re-entrants and are characterized by complex orogenic collages of limited lateral extent produced by the opening and closing of ephemeral oceans. This collage includes the products of subduction of varying polarities within these oceans and accretionary collisions of local significance that preceded terminal collision. Late-stage orogenic processes are characterized by the formation of oroclines, extensional collapse, and the transition to Tethyan tectonics. Because part of the Laurentian-Mauritanide domains were located to the southwest of the promontory collisions, remnants of the Rheic Ocean persisted between them and their respective evolutions, as recorded in the Appalachian belt, are dominated by Andean-style orogenesis that preceded terminal collision.


The geodynamic driver of Pangea amalgamation, by the Appalachian-Mauritanide-Variscan orogen, is consistent with the principles of orthoversion. In other collisional orogens, determining when geological continuity along converging continental margins gives way to compartmentalization may likewise document when promontory collisions have occurred.

How to cite: Murphy, J. B., Nance, R. D., Schulmann, K., Kuiper, Y., and Martínez Catalán, J. R.: Complex morphology of colliding  margins in Laurussia-Gondwana supercollision, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5224,, 2025.

Access to relatively rapid data acquisition techniques has led to detrital zircon geochronology becoming a routine and widely applied tool in provenance studies. These data, and their correlation, are applied both to paleographic reconstructions and the development of tectonic models. Nonetheless, the increasing proliferation of detrital zircon geochronological datasets and their haphazard integration into larger-scale correlations has led to a complex web of competing hypotheses and counter-hypotheses.

In order to formulate and test coherent hypotheses it is important to first establish a consistent framework in which these data can be properly assessed in both a temporal and geographical context. To this end, a database of U-Pb and Lu-Hf zircon isotopic data has been established from late Mesoproterozoic to late Paleozoic strata from Pangea-forming orogenic belts spanning from Atlantic North America through Europe, Northern Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia to the Pacific Ocean. The original purpose of this database was to test correlations and various paleogeographical reconstructions in these regions during the transition from the Rodinia to Pangea supercontinent and a manuscript exploring these ideas and presenting the database is now published (Collett, 2025).

In this presentation, an extract from this database will be used to test several competing models on the pre-orogenic evolution of European Variscan Belt with specific focus on the Bohemian Massif. The Bohemian Massif is composed of four principal units, Saxothuringia, Teplá-Barrandia, Moldanubia, and Brunovistulia, which have in some tectonic models been considered to represent four distinct crustal blocks separated from one another by oceanic domains. Nonetheless, since oceanic domains should in theory act as barriers to the transportation of detritus and there are superficial similarities in detrital zircon spectra across these units; alternative models discarding one, or even all, of these oceanic domains have subsequently been proposed. However, the significance of these interpretations are hampered by either an incomplete or improper handling of the available data. In this presentation it will be demonstrated that detrital zircon data are actually supportive for, rather than an argument against, potential oceanic separation(s). This will be demonstrated by discussion of three key points: 1) The significance of Mesoproterozoic zircons in Brunovistulia, 2) the widespread occurrence of Stenian-Tonian age zircons in northern Gondwana and their distribution in the units of the Bohemian Massif, and 3) the relative abundance of Early Paleozoic zircons in northern Gondwana and the Bohemian Massif.

Collett, S. (2025). Detrital zircon tales between the Rodinia and Pangaea supercontinents; exploring connections between Avalonia, Cadomia and Central Asia. Journal of the Geological Society, 182(1), jgs2024-026.

How to cite: Collett, S.: Detrital zircon geochronology and the development of tectonic models for the Bohemian Massif, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5614,, 2025.

Variscan orogen witnesses in the internal Rif belt (northern Morocco): Metamorphic evolutions, ages and tectonic evolution during Pangaea amalgamation.


Corsini M. 1Lardeaux J.M.1,2, El Bakili1,3, Bosse V. 4, Homonnay E.1, Bosch D. 5 Chalouan A.3, Münch P.5, Ouazzani-Touhami, M.6

1- Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Géoazur, Université Côte d’Azur, IRD, CNRS, 250 rue Albert Einstein, Sophia Antipolis, 06560 Valbonne, France.

2- Czech Geological Survey, Centre for Lithospheric Research- Klárov 3, 118 21 Prague 1- Czech Republic.

3- Faculté des sciences Rabat - Université Mohammed V - 4 avenue Ibn Batouta,B.P. 1014 Rabat- Morocco.

4- Université Clermont Auvergne, Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont Ferrand, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, 6 Avenue Blaise Pascal, 63178 Aubière, France.

5- Université Montpellier 2, Géosciences Montpellier, UMR 5243, CC 060, place Eugène Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France.

6- Département de Géologie, Université Abdelmalek Esaadi, 93003 Tetouan, Morocco.

Since the late 1970s it is widely recognized that Variscan orogen witnesses are identifiable in the internal zones of the Rif–Betic orogenic system located in the peri-Mediterranean recent (i.e. Alpine cycle) mountain belts. The Rif belt (northern Morocco) is thus a polyorogenic system involving the superimposition of an Alpine cycle upon a previous Variscan cycle. Deciphering the Variscan palaeo-position and tectonic evolution of northern Morocco is therefore challenging and the link between the southern European Variscan belt and the Rif belt is still matters of debates.

We present and discuss the main results obtained, in the internal Rif, during more than 20 years of cooperation between Moroccan and French geologists. Our database integrates (1) high-resolution lithologic and tectonic mapping of the two zones recognized in the internal Rif (from top to bottom Ghomarides and Sebtides), (2) modern petrologic investigations (i.e. geothermobarometry combined with thermodynamic modelling) performed on relict phases and/or shielded mineral inclusions within large poikiloblasts preserved within alpine metamorphic assemblages in the Sebtides and (3) geochronologic investigations including (a) in situ U‒Th‒Pb dating of both frozen monazite inclusions in large sized garnets and monazites oriented in the main regional foliation from high-grade Beni-Bousera metapelites (Lower Sebtides) and (b) 40Ar–39Ar dating of white mica porphyroclasts from amphibolite facies metagreywackes recognized west of the Beni Bousera peridotite massif (Upper Sebtides) and from greenschist facies of the Ghomarides metapelites.

We document:

  • The late Oligocene to early Miocene age of the MP granulite-facies metamorphism, responsible for crustal anatexis and melts production, coeval with the development of the main regional foliation depicted in the Lower Sebtides,
  • the discovery, in the Upper Sebtides, of an amphibolite facies metamorphic event coeval with the Beni Bousera peridotite emplacement during the Upper Triassic in relation to the rifting of Pangea,
  • the late Carboniferous–early Permian age of a HP granulite facies metamorphism (1.5–2.0 GPa for 760–820°C) recognized in the Beni Bousera metapelites. These conditions indicate a palaeogradient typically developed during crustal thickening in a collision belt.

These new constraints are confronted first with those recently obtained on the Betic orogen and the southern Europe Variscides and second to unified full plate reconstruction models in order to better understand the involvement of northern Morocco in Pangaea amalgamation.

How to cite: Lardeaux, J.-M.: Variscan orogen witnesses in the internal Rif belt (northern Morocco): Metamorphic evolutions, ages and tectonic evolution during Pangaea amalgamation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6657,, 2025.

EGU25-8199 | Orals | GD9.7

Relamination in a Variscan subduction system: early structural evolution of the Central Unit (SW Iberia) 

Rubén Díez Fernández, Diana Moreno-Martín, Alejandro Díez Montes, Esther Rojo-Pérez, Irene Novo-Fernández, Luis Miguel Martín Parra, Jerónimo Matas, and Francisco J. Rubio Pascual

Despite the fact that Earth has numerous high-P belts, relamination remains as a poorly studied process. We describe a continental subduction zone in which exhumed high-P rocks became a relaminant beneath an upper plate. This study focuses on the Variscan Orogeny (SW Iberia). A Variscan lithospheric-scale thrust transported deeper sections of a continental slab onto shallower ones during the Devonian. This piece of exhuming slab reached the base of the upper plate, which locked the high-P rocks' exhumation course through the subduction zone. At this point, the high-P rocks became a relaminant, moving away from the trench and beneath the upper plate. Relamination was achieved by a combination of synthetic and anti-thetic shearing in relation to the subduction polarity. These shear zones were coeval with the constriction of the subduction system as more buoyant lithosphere gradually entered the subduction zone. The combination of these processes produced large-scale recumbent folds, which affected the early thrusts and contributed to the relamination process by channeling subhorizontal flow during fold amplification.

How to cite: Díez Fernández, R., Moreno-Martín, D., Díez Montes, A., Rojo-Pérez, E., Novo-Fernández, I., Martín Parra, L. M., Matas, J., and Rubio Pascual, F. J.: Relamination in a Variscan subduction system: early structural evolution of the Central Unit (SW Iberia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8199,, 2025.

EGU25-8913 | Posters on site | GD9.7

Eclogites of the Speik Complex, Austria: Indicators of High-Pressure Metamorphism and an Early Variscan Subduction Zone 

Christoph Hauzenberger, Kevin Karner-Rühl, Walter Kurz, Harald Fritz, Daniela Gallhofer, Ralf Schuster, and Heinrich Mali

The Speik Complex, a meta-ophiolite predominantly exposed in the Gleinalpe region of the Eastern Alps, is part of the Austroalpine Silvretta-Seckau Nappe System and is primarily composed of mafic and ultramafic rocks. By applying petrological, geothermobarometric and geochronological techniques, this study tries to constrain the P-T-t path of the Speik Complex and reconstruct its tectono-metamorphic evolution.

The Speik Complex forms an E-W orientated belt in the Gleinalm and Stubalm mountain ridge and a SE-NW orientated belt at the southern side of the Seckau Mountains. The easternmost appearance of serpentinite is east of the Mur valley but the main ultramafic bodies occur near the village Traföß next to the river Mur, in the vicinity of the village Kraubath and at mountain Hochgrößen. The lithologies of the Speik Complex include serpentinite, abundant (garnet-)amphibolite and some occurrences of eclogite. Eclogites from two different sample localities within the Gleinalpe region are characterized by a mineral assemblage of garnet, clinopyroxene/omphacite, amphibole, zoisite, rutile and quartz. Garnets show homogeneous compositions with an increase in spessartine towards the core. Almandine, pyrope and grossular remain constant with compositional ranges of Alm47-55, Py4-6 and Grs38-41. Results from geothermobarometry and thermodynamic modeling of eclogites suggest peak metamorphic conditions of ~600-620°C and ~1.5–1.7 GPa. Geochemical analyses of eclogites and (garnet-bearing) amphibolites suggest a tholeiitic differentiation trend derived from basaltic to andesitic protoliths. Their trace element compositions show MORB affinities. Sm-Nd whole rock (WR) - garnet ages from garnet-bearing amphibolites sampled near Kraubath in the vicinity of exposed eclogites gave WR-garnet isochron ages of 406 ± 4 Ma and 413 ± 5 Ma. Age calculations including amphibole yield slightly older ages with larger errors. U-Pb zircon dating of a coarse-grained amphibolite vein crosscutting massive serpentinites within the nearby Preg quarry yields a weighted mean age of 395 ± 1.5 Ma, consistent with a previously published 40Ar/39Ar amphibole cooling age (397.3 ± 7.8 Ma) from eclogitic relics at Hochgrößen (Faryad et al., 2002). According to the available data the Speik Complex represents an oceanic suture which initiated in the Early Devonian prior to the Variscan continental collision.

SW Faryad F Melcher G Hoinkes J Puhl T Meisel W Frank (2002) Relics of eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Austroalpine basement, Hochgrössen (Speik Complex), Austria Mineral Petrol 74 49–73

How to cite: Hauzenberger, C., Karner-Rühl, K., Kurz, W., Fritz, H., Gallhofer, D., Schuster, R., and Mali, H.: Eclogites of the Speik Complex, Austria: Indicators of High-Pressure Metamorphism and an Early Variscan Subduction Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8913,, 2025.

EGU25-9177 | ECS | Orals | GD9.7

High-pressure low-temperature metamorphism recorded in mica schists from the central part of the Fore-Sudetic Block (NE margin of Bohemian Massif, SW Poland) 

Kamil Bulcewicz, Rafał Sikora, Jacek Szczepański, Piotr Lenik, and Grzegorz Zieliński

The Lower Silesian Block outcrops in the NE part of the Bohemian Massif with its northeasternmost fragment, the Fore-Sudetic Block, buried under the Cenozoic sediments. The AMINV K-1 borehole drilled in 2013 and located in this area provides a unique insight into geology of the scarcely exposed part of Variscan crystalline basement. The borehole profile exhibits the metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary sequence composed mainly of quartz-rich schists, chlorite-schists and mica schists with garnet-rich layers covered with 100 m of Paleogene sediments. 

In this study, we have focused on the metamorphic record of garnet-bearing mica schists. Petrological investigation conducted with use of electron microscopy (SEM, EMPA) reveals the following, interesting features recurring in many studied samples: 1) presence of chloritoid inclusions in garnet; 2) progressive zoning of garnet; 3) diverse composition of white mica ranging from phengite to muscovite. Thermodynamic modeling shows that mineral parageneses including i.e. chloritoid, garnet and phengite crystallized in the conditions corresponding to high-pressure low-temperature (HP-LT) metamorphism, followed by the stage of regional metamorphism, marked by the growth of i.e. muscovite, feldspar and biotite. P-T conditions of HP-LT stage may have reached up to 17 kbar and 550oC, while subsequent regional metamorphism most probably haven’t exceeded  10 kbar and 650oC. QuiG Raman elastobarometry and Zr-in-rutile thermometers has been used to evaluate the modeled P-T conditions. EMPA U-Pb monazite dating determined the average age of crystallization at 339±12 Ma based on 45 point analyses of 18 monazite grains.

How to cite: Bulcewicz, K., Sikora, R., Szczepański, J., Lenik, P., and Zieliński, G.: High-pressure low-temperature metamorphism recorded in mica schists from the central part of the Fore-Sudetic Block (NE margin of Bohemian Massif, SW Poland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9177,, 2025.

EGU25-10392 | Posters on site | GD9.7

Tectonostratigraphy of the southeastern part of the Bohemian Massif 

Ralf Schuster, Eva-Maria Ranftl, and Fritz Finger

Ophiolites and eclogite bearing units are important to reveal the tectonostratigraphy of orogenic belts as they define the position of suture zones. Especially an oceanic suture is a significant tectonic element as it separates former continental entities, which might have been far away from each other before oceanic closure and the subsequent continental collision. Conversely, the tectonic subdivision of an orogen should always reflect the former palaeogeographic relationships so that the 1st order tectonic units can be defined in a comprehensible manner.

In the southeastern part of the Bohemian Massif, ophiolite slices and eclogite occurrences are known since several decades. They are likely remnants of the oceanic space (Proto-Rheic and/or Rheic oceanic domain) that separated peri-Baltic (e.g. Avalonia) and peri-African (e.g. Armorican) crustal elements before the Variscan collisional nappe tectonics. However, due to a post nappe-stacking metamorphic overprint reaching granulite facies and anatexis many shear zones responsible for nappe stacking are strongly recrystallized and now difficult to identify.

The tectonic nomenclature most commonly used to this day in geological maps dates from 1927 and divides the area according to a metamorphic discontinuity into the low-grade to amphibolite facies Moravicum and the granulite facies Moldanubicum. The Moravicum is the southwestern continuation of the Brunovistulicum, which also includes parts of the Variscan foreland. In addition, the late to post-deformational South Bohemian Batholith is distinguished and the strongly anatectic Bavaricum in the southwest is optionally separated.

In the course of detailed mapping in the Danube valley between Stein and Spitz, former peri-Baltic and peri-African rock units could be clearly separated based on lithological criteria as well as an intervening oceanic suture zone. This tectonic subdivision can be tentatively extrapolated to the entire southeastern part of the Bohemian Massif. In map view, the oceanic suture is running southwest-northeast. In general, the peri-Baltic derived units form the footwall in the East, whereas the peri-African derived units in the West are overlying the oceanic suture. However, the tectonic style is complex with flower structures and out of sequence thrusts formed in a transpressional environment.

The presently used terminology Moldanubicum vs. Moravicum only partially reflects these palaeogeographical aspects. The peri-Baltic units build up the Moravicum, but also the Drosendorf Nappe System of the Moldanubicum. The ophiolites and sediments of the Variscan oceanic suture zone are part of the Gföhl Nappe System and the eclogites occur in the easternmost part of the Ostrong Nappe System. Both these nappe systems belong to the Moldanubicum according to the classic nomenclature. The remaining Moldanubicum most probably originates from Armorica, i.e., the African sector of Gondwana. In order to create a more logical nomenclature we suggest the following improvements. The term Moldanubian Unit should exclusively be used for rock units derived from the African sector of the Gondwana margin. The oceanic suture zone could be included in a separate 1st order unit (Raabs Unit). Nappes that consist of peri-Baltic rocks like the Drosendorf Nappe System should be affiliated with the Moravian and Brunovistulian units, whereas the Variscan foreland might be treated separately.

How to cite: Schuster, R., Ranftl, E.-M., and Finger, F.: Tectonostratigraphy of the southeastern part of the Bohemian Massif, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10392,, 2025.

EGU25-10836 | Posters on site | GD9.7

Step-by-step exhumation of a high-pressure granulite revealed by sequential replacement of Ti-oxides (Variscan French Massif Central) 

Luc de Hoÿm de Marien, Pavla Štípská, and Pavel Pitra

Post-peak-pressure P–T paths of high-pressure units provide important constraints about the processes of exhumation and orogenic building. An isothermal decompression followed by cooling was proposed for high-pressure unit of the Variscan French Massif Central using secondary assemblage in partially retrogressed eclogite. Yet, this path is poorly constrained due to the localised and partial character of retrograde equilibria. While the peak eclogite facies conditions (20–25 kbar, 850–900 °C) were determined by previous work, the present study of a mafic granulite from the same unit provides further details about the subsequent P–T evolution.

The studied sample consists of pristine high-pressure granulite facies domains of garnet–diopside–plagioclase grading to domains where amphibole is common in replacement textures. Ti-bearing accessory minerals are rutile, titanite or ilmenite. Rutile is included in garnet, plagioclase and titanite whereas titanite and ilmenite occur in the matrix. Titanite is commonly texturally related to amphibole suggesting the introduction of a fluid. Titanite is partially or totally replaced by vermicular ilmenite. The observations constrain the sequential replacement of rutile by titanite followed by the replacement of titanite by ilmenite.

Phase equilibrium modelling indicates that the peak high-pressure granulite facies assemblage, mineral chemistry and proportions are best reproduced around 10–15 kbar and 800–1000 °C. Since zircons was not identified in the rock the result of Zr-in-rutile thermometry only indicates a minimum temperature of ~ 680 °C. Modelling the influence of H2O on the equilibrium assemblage shows that amphibole and titanite were associated to incomplete hydration during an external fluid influx. Titanite stability is modelled at T < 800 °C in a range of pressure of 8–15 kbar, suggesting the replacement of rutile by titanite during cooling and limited decompression. On the other hand, ilmenite is modelled at lower pressure, under 7–8 kbar, suggesting a subsequent decompression along steeper P–T path.

Petrological data and P–T modelling suggest three metamorphic stages during the exhumation: 1) decompression from the eclogite (20–25 kbar, 850–900 °C) to the granulite facies (10–15 kbar, 800–1000 °C); 2) cooling under 800 °C with limited decompression; and 3) steeper decompression below 8 kbar. Contrary to what was suggested previously, this sequence point to at least two main decompression stages separated by cooling. This sequence is compatible with exhumation from mantle to crustal depth followed by partial cooling in the lower orogenic crust and subsequent crustal thinning or redistribution within the crust.

How to cite: de Hoÿm de Marien, L., Štípská, P., and Pitra, P.: Step-by-step exhumation of a high-pressure granulite revealed by sequential replacement of Ti-oxides (Variscan French Massif Central), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10836,, 2025.

EGU25-12665 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7

The metamorphic history preserved in the UHP Snieznik eclogites (Sudetes, NE Bohemian Massif) 

Malgorzata Nowak, Lucie Tajcmanova, Marcin Dabrowski, Iris Buisman, David Wallis, and Jacek Szczepanski

The Orlica-Snieznik Dome (OSD) is located in the northeastern part of the Bohemian Massif and is interpreted as a fragment of the Moldanubian zone within the Variscan orogen, representing part of the Variscan orogenic root. The dome is composed primarily of orthogneisses interspersed with metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary sequences. In the Snieznik Massif, which forms the eastern segment of the OSD, lenses of high- and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) rocks, including granulites and eclogites, are embedded within the orthogneisses. This study investigates the metamorphic evolution of eclogites exposed in two specific areas of the Snieznik Massif: Nowa Wies and Bielice.

We distinguish two varieties among the examined eclogites: Ph-bearing and Ph-free eclogite. Both exhibit a typical metamorphic trajectory for UHP rocks, encompassing a UHP metamorphic event followed by isothermal decompression and subsequent retrogression under amphibolite-facies conditions. The samples are characterized by steeply dipping, subvertical foliation, defined by alternating garnet- and omphacite-rich layers and the parallel alignment of elongated grains of kyanite, rutile ± phengite. Evidence of isothermal decompression is observed in the form of small amphibole grains and diopside-amphibole-plagioclase symplectite, which occur locally along grain boundaries. The final metamorphic stage is marked by amphibole+plagioclase+zoisite/clinozoisite±margarite±tytanite, found within fractures that crosscut the primary foliation. This stage is associated with retrogression under amphibolite-facies conditions.

The UHP metamorphic event in the studied samples is reconstructed based on the results of thermodynamic modelling and the presence of coesite, identified as tiny (~10–20 µm) inclusions within omphacite and garnet. The well-preserved mineral assemblage indicative of UHP conditions includes garnet + omphacite + kyanite + rutile + coesite ± phengite. Phase diagram modeling combined with isopleth geothermobarometry indicates peak metamorphic conditions of approximately 3.0 GPa and 750°C. These findings are consistent with results from conventional geothermobarometry (Grt-Cpx-Ph-Ky-Coe geothermobarometer) and Zr-in-rutile thermometry. The onset of isothermal decompression is marked by the formation of small amphibole grains, indicating conditions of around 2.3 GPa at 750°C, within the stability field of amphibole.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101005611 for Transnational Access conducted at Earth Sciences Department, University of Cambridge. The project was also supported by the Polish National Science Centre (UMO-2022/47/I/ST10/02504) and the Deutsche Forschunggemeinschaft (project Nr. 535198529).

How to cite: Nowak, M., Tajcmanova, L., Dabrowski, M., Buisman, I., Wallis, D., and Szczepanski, J.: The metamorphic history preserved in the UHP Snieznik eclogites (Sudetes, NE Bohemian Massif), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12665,, 2025.

We investigated paragneisses from the Wyszki and Młynowiec Formations and mica schists of the Stronie Formation from the volcano-sedimentary successions of the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (OSD) in the Central Sudetes. Phase equilibria modeling and quartz-in-garnet elastic barometry were employed to directly compare the metamorphic histories of the western and eastern parts of the OSD using consistent methodologies. Our study is based on detailed analyses of nine samples, including three paragneisses and six mica schists.

The studied successions experienced three distinct metamorphic events, identified as M1, M2, and M3. Evidence of the earliest M1 event is fragmentary, including preserved rutile grains, albitic plagioclase, and phengitic white mica. According to pseudosections calculated for unfractionated bulk rock compositions, the mineral assemblage of the M1 event likely occurred under similar pressures in both lithologies, at approximately 13–16 kbar. The associated temperatures ranged from 440 to 470°C in the mica schists and approximately 510–530°C in the paragneisses.

In contrast, the M2 event is better preserved and characterized by garnet, oligoclase, muscovite, biotite, and, in some samples, staurolite, rutile, and ilmenite. The P-T history of this event was reconstructed using thermodynamic modeling of garnet zoning (accounting for variations in rock chemical composition due to garnet fractionation) combined with quartz-in-garnet elastic barometry. For the paragneisses, reconstructed P-T paths indicate an increase in pressure and temperature from approximately 9.5 kbar to 12 kbar and 540°C to 590°C. In contrast, the M2 event in the mica schists is characterized by significantly lower pressures (5–8 kbar) and temperatures of 510–570°C.

According to pseudosections calculated for fractionated bulk rock compositions for the end of garnet growth, the mineral assemblage stable during the final M3 event underwent at approximately 3.5 kbar and 530°C in all analyzed samples. These findings suggest that only the M3 event yielded consistent P-T conditions across the investigated samples.

Our findings suggest that the mica schists and paragneisses of the OSD may represent fragments of distinct tectonic units with contrasting metamorphic histories.

Acknowledgements: The study was financed by the NCN research grant UMO-2022/47/I/ST10/02504.

How to cite: Szczepanski, J. and Zhong, X.: Unraveling the Metamorphic Evolution of the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (Sudetes, NE Bohemian Massif) through Phase Diagram Modeling and Quartz-in-Garnet Barometry , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13108,, 2025.

The termination of the eastern Variscan belt has long been a topic of intense scientific debate due to its burial beneath extensive younger sedimentary cover. Competing hypotheses have sought to explain its geometry: the Variscan orocline model and the right-lateral strike-slip tectonics concept. To address this ambiguity, we compiled high-resolution gravity and magnetic anomaly maps spanning Czechia, Poland, and eastern Germany. These maps, coupled with geological and geophysical evidence, provide a robust framework to reassess the subsurface architecture and tectonic evolution of the region.

Our findings reveal a pronounced eastward deflection of the Rheno-Hercynian Suture. This structural trend takes a nearly 90° turn east of the Harz Mountains and extends south-eastward into Poland. This configuration supports the hypothesis of a semi-orocline that terminates abruptly against the Brunovistulian Block. The observed anomaly patterns, when integrated with geological evidence, point to a two-stage accretionary history in the eastern Variscan belt. The first stage involved W-E convergence during the early phases of Variscan orogeny. This process led to the development of NNE-SSW-trending structures, prominently preserved in the southern Bohemian Massif. These early tectonic fabrics were later overprinted during a subsequent, critical N-S shortening phase. This second stage reoriented the deformation patterns, producing WNW-ESE-trending structures that parallel the Baltica margin and dominate the region northeast of the Elbe Fault. Seismic imaging corroborates this structural interpretation, highlighting significant underthrusting of Baltica's crust beneath the Variscan belt at a distance exceeding 100 km.

The Variscan belt of Europe terminates in western Poland and Moravia, reaching the SW margin of Baltica and the western edge of the Brunovistulian Block. Although elements of the Variscan basement occur much farther east within the Carpathian belt, they cannot currently be correlated with the Variscan zones stretching between the Iberian Peninsula and western Poland. The presence of Variscides farther SE on the eastern side of the Brunovistulian Block is indicated by the direction of the Variscan deformation front running WNW-ESE up to the Ukrainian border. Particularly in SE Poland, Variscan shortening resulted in thin-skinned deformation of the EEC sedimentary cover.

How to cite: Mazur, S. and Schulmann, K.: Interpreting the eastern termination of the Variscan Belt: Insights from gravity, magnetics, and structural evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13424,, 2025.

EGU25-16318 | ECS | Orals | GD9.7

The Chamrousse ophiolite (Western Alps): a window of an oceanic stage at the onset of the Variscan orogeny 

Maureen Gunia, Carole Cordier, Emilie Janots, Adrien Vezinet, Valentine Milloud, Jean-Baptiste Jacob, and Stéphane Guillot

The Chamrousse ophiolite in the External Crystalline Massifs (Western Alps) has long been considered one of the oldest and best-preserved Variscan ophiolites (496±6 Ma; Menot et al., 1988). However, new in situ U–Pb zircon geochronology challenges the existence of a Cambro-Ordovician Ocean at Chamrousse.

Zircon from metabasite and metatrondjhemite unit, previously interpreted as the ophiolite volcanic layer, yields Cambro-Ordovician ages (460–520 Ma). The occurrence of few Proterozoic inherited grains and the trace element composition of zircon suggest a continental setting. In contrast, zircon from ultramafic, gabbro, and basaltic dike samples indicates a Devono-Carboniferous magmatic pulse (350–360 Ma). Their oceanic chemical signature suggests this age is that of ophiolite.

The Cambro-Ordovician base of the Chamrousse complex formed in a continental rifting environment within the northern Gondwana margin. The ophiolite itself likely represents a marginal basin developed in a back-arc setting, contemporaneously with other Devono-Carboniferous ophiolites of the Variscan belt.

How to cite: Gunia, M., Cordier, C., Janots, E., Vezinet, A., Milloud, V., Jacob, J.-B., and Guillot, S.: The Chamrousse ophiolite (Western Alps): a window of an oceanic stage at the onset of the Variscan orogeny, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16318,, 2025.

EGU25-17489 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7

The Lesser Kabylia metamorphic basement: Unraveling pre-Alpine history through petrological and geochronological studies (Texenna, Algeria) 

Cerine Bouadani, Francis Chopin, Pavla Stipska, Abderrahmane Bendaoud, El-Hocine Fettous, Karel Schulmann, Jitka Miková, and Nacer Bouzekria

The Lesser Kabylia massif, situated within the internal zone of the Alpine Algerian Tell in the Maghrebides, contains a metamorphic basement of uncertain Paleozoic age. Despite the negligible tectono-metamorphic Alpine overprint, the pre-Alpine history of the basement is poorly known. Therefore, to fill the gap, we carried a petrological and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating study in various rock types of this basement.

The metamorphic basement of Lesser Kabylia is divided into two units: (1) a lower-crustal unit characterized by high-grade metamorphism and (2) an upper-crustal unit composed of low-grade to non-metamorphic rocks, including strata from Cambrian-Ordovician to Silurian-Devonian ages. This structural arrangement is comparable to other internal zones of the Maghrebide belt and Betic cordilleras. However, the Lesser Kabylia metamorphic basement exhibits a more complex structure. It is further subdivided into the Kerekera nappe thrust over the Beni Ferguen nappe.

Near the Texenna village, where the basement is part of the Kerkera nappe, the high-grade metamorphic lower-crustal unit is dominated by felsic migmatites enclosing lenses of mafic to ultramafic granulites. The felsic migmatites are commonly composed of Grt–Pl–Ksp–Qtz–Bt, locally also with sillimanite and spinel. The mafic granulites are composed of Opx–Cpx–Amp–Pl–Qtz–Ilm, locally with spinel and/or biotite. Pseudosection modeling using Perple_X software has been done on a felsic migmatite containing garnet and sillimanite, and for a mafic granulite, yielding peak P-T conditions of 8–6 kbar and ∼725 °C, followed by cooling with slight decompression. Zircon U–Pb dating by LA–ICP–MS revealed predominant Permian dates of 266–295 Ma, interpreted as the age of the high-grade metamorphism. It is not clear whether the Carboniferous dates in the range of 300–320 Ma have geological meaning. One granitic leucosome sample reveals a prominent Permian zircon population, potentially indicating coeval migmatization of the lower crust with the emplacement of the nearby granites (e.g., the Collo granite).

Our findings suggest that the basement of the Lesser Kabylia was affected by Variscan medium-pressure, high-temperature metamorphism, which may have resulted from the closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean or its intracontinental propagator near the edge of Gondwana and at the southern part of the European Variscan belt, sealed during Pangea formation.

How to cite: Bouadani, C., Chopin, F., Stipska, P., Bendaoud, A., Fettous, E.-H., Schulmann, K., Miková, J., and Bouzekria, N.: The Lesser Kabylia metamorphic basement: Unraveling pre-Alpine history through petrological and geochronological studies (Texenna, Algeria), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17489,, 2025.

EGU25-18123 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7

Pre-Alpine structuration of the Briançonnais basement: lithostratigraphy, geochronology and tectono-metamorphic reconstruction of three Alpine massifs.  

Mahdi Ayatti, Alexis Plunder, Philippe Agard, Marc Poujol, Nathan Cogné, and Guillaume Bonnet

Paleozoic European crust – i.e., crust formed or reworked before the Permian and the onset of the Alpine orogenic cycle, is exposed in several massifs in the Briançonnais domain of the Western Alps. These Briançonnais crustal rocks (or 'basement', hereafter) show many similarities with other basement rocks accross Europe, particularly those affected by the Variscan orogeny. While the successive Variscan tectono-metamorphic events have been studied in many European basement massifs to unravel the orogenic and paleogreographic organization of Europe during the Paleozoic, not much has been done in comparison on the Briançonnais basement rocks.

Though partly transposed and re-equilibrated during the Meso-Cenozoic Alpine cycle, older fabrics and mineral remnants enable reconstructing part of their pre-Permian history. Our study is focused on three basement massifs of the Briançonnais domain, namely the Ambin, Vanoise and Ruitor massifs. These massifs are largely made of Cambrian to pre-Cambrian metasedimentary units cut by intrusives with variable chemical affinities, interpreted as related to the Cambro-Ordovician bimodal volcanism event. We herein present preliminary results on the (1) lithostratigraphy of this basement in the three different areas, (2) zircon U/Pb geochronology of key formations (e.g., metasediments and intrusives) and (3) the structuration of this basement crust despite the strong Alpine imprint.

How to cite: Ayatti, M., Plunder, A., Agard, P., Poujol, M., Cogné, N., and Bonnet, G.: Pre-Alpine structuration of the Briançonnais basement: lithostratigraphy, geochronology and tectono-metamorphic reconstruction of three Alpine massifs. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18123,, 2025.

EGU25-18404 | Posters on site | GD9.7

In situ U–Pb dating and trace element composition of apatite in the Chamrousse ophiolite (Western Alps) 

Emilie Janots, Maureen Gunia, Carole Cordier, Adrien Vezinet, and Julien Leger

The Chamrousse ophiolite is located in the external crystalline massifs of the Western Alps and has long been considered one of the best-preserved Cambro-Ordovician ophiolites of the Variscan belt. However, recent in situ U–Pb zircon dating indicates that the Chamrousse ultramafic-mafic complex consists of a Cambro-Ordovician continental basement unit (peak ages around 490Ma) and a Devono-Carboniferous ophiolitic sequence (350-360 Ma). In this study, we present new in situ U–Pb apatite ages and trace element compositions from the Chamrousse complex. In the Cambro-Ordovician unit, apatite ages (350 Ma), combined with rare earth element (REE) compositions, indicate that apatite crystallization is metamorphic. In contrast, the ages (350 Ma) and REE compositions of apatite in the Devono-Carboniferous mafic and ultramafic rocks suggest a magmatic origin. These results highlight how apatite can serve as an effective petrogenetic tool to constrain and distinguish the magmatic and tectono-metamorphic evolution of mafic and ultramafic units in the Variscan basement.

How to cite: Janots, E., Gunia, M., Cordier, C., Vezinet, A., and Leger, J.: In situ U–Pb dating and trace element composition of apatite in the Chamrousse ophiolite (Western Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18404,, 2025.

EGU25-18445 | Posters on site | GD9.7

Variscan orogeny: a three ocean problem 

Karel Schulmann, José Ramón Martínez Catalán, and Urs Schaltegger

Variscan orogenic evolution was dominated by closure of the Rheic Ocean and its two successors, the Rhenohercynian and Paleotethys oceans. The Rheic subduction started in late Silurian – early Devonian at the margin of Laurussia but also along two Gondwana derived continental ribbons. Rapid mid-Devonian roll-back of peri-Laurentian subduction led to growth of the Rhenohercynian Ocean and migration of remaining subduction systems towards the margin of Gondwana. In the east, late Devonian subduction of the Rheic beneath Gondwana resulted in opening of Paleotethys Ocean and separation of a wide continental ribbon. Spreading of Paleotethys resulted in outboard early Carboniferous collision of three continental ribbons and welding of an elongated continental mass that finally collided with Laurussia in the north. Finally, Gondwana collided with the whole system in the west while ongoing subduction of Paleotethys in the east resulted in massive extension and melting of the Variscan crust.


How to cite: Schulmann, K., Martínez Catalán, J. R., and Schaltegger, U.: Variscan orogeny: a three ocean problem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18445,, 2025.

EGU25-18726 | Orals | GD9.7

A high-temperature tectonic mélange marking the Variscan suture in the Argentera-Mercantour Massif of Western Alps 

Manuel Roda, Marco Filippi, Iole Spalla, Luca Spaggiari, Silvia Volante, Jean-Marc Lardeaux, Massimo Tiepolo, Fabrice Jouffray, Davide Zanoni, and Guido Gosso

In the Alps, numerous mafic, ultramafic, and sedimentary protoliths have been affected by Variscan metamorphism due to processes including subduction, collision, and late-orogenic extension, persisting until Early Permian times. Variscan eclogites derived from oceanic lithosphere are extensively documented, particularly in the External Crystalline Massifs (EMC) of the Western Alps (Helvetic-Dauphinois-Provençal domain). These eclogites are typically found as lenses and boudins enclosed within migmatitic gneiss and offer crucial insights into the location of a Variscan suture zone in the southern segment of the Variscan belt.

The Variscan basement of this massif consists predominantly of migmatitic metaintrusives and paragneisses, interspersed with mafic and ultramafic rocks that have been transposed into the migmatitic foliation. The metabasites are composed of amphibolites, eclogites, and granulites, while the ultramafic rocks occur as variably serpentinized peridotites and pyroxenites. These lithologies are often associated with calc-silicate lenses (clinopyroxene-, epidote-, and garnet-bearing) and marble layers.

This study presents new data from different rocks forming this high-temperature tectonic mélange within the Argentera-Mercantour Massif of the EMC, with a focus on lithostratigraphy, protolith origin, and metamorphic conditions. New lithostratigraphic, structural, geochemical, and petrological data are integrated with LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating, which reveals REE profiles indicative of crystallization under igneous to high-pressure metamorphic conditions. The eclogite protoliths display distinct geochemical affinities—sometimes oceanic in origin—and emplacement ages ranging from the late Cambrian to Silurian. In some samples, the prograde metamorphic evolution, progressing from prehnite-pumpellyite to eclogite facies, is evidenced by low-grade mineral inclusions within the cores of eclogitic garnet. However, omphacite is only locally preserved.

 Petrological modeling and zircon-rutile Ti-Zr thermometry consistently indicate peak eclogite-facies conditions. The prograde path, transitioning from very low- to high-pressure conditions with a temperature-depth ratio of ≤10°C/km, suggests that these rocks were deformed and metamorphosed during oceanic subduction and subsequent continental collision. The occurrence of such a HT-tectonic mélange in the core of the Argentera-Mercantour Massif represents a portion of fragmented Variscan suture zone within the pre-Alpine crystalline basement of the Alps.

How to cite: Roda, M., Filippi, M., Spalla, I., Spaggiari, L., Volante, S., Lardeaux, J.-M., Tiepolo, M., Jouffray, F., Zanoni, D., and Gosso, G.: A high-temperature tectonic mélange marking the Variscan suture in the Argentera-Mercantour Massif of Western Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18726,, 2025.

EGU25-19223 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7

Tectonic Architecture of the Erzgebirge/Krušné Hory 

Martin Keseberg, Ines Görz, Sebastian Weber, and Thorsten Nagel

We present a new scheme for the tectono-metamorphic architecture of the Erzgebirge. While we follow the scheme of previous studies (Konopásek & Schulmann, 2005; Rötzler & Pleesen, 2010) we made significant changes based on our study of the distribution of high-pressure metamorphism. Our model consists from bottom to top of the following levels: (1) a Lower Gneiss Unit (LGU) that consists of gneisses with both Proterozoic and Ordovician protoliths and experienced amphibolite-facies peak metamorphism; (2) an Upper Gneiss Unit (UGU) that consists of a UHP-metamorphic subunit mainly made from Ordovician protoliths. This UHP unit is sandwiched between a mixed HP gneiss unit, which is dominated by Proterozoic meta-greywackes, but also containins bodies with Ordovician protolith ages. We observe HP eclogites throughout this entire gneiss matrix and do not support models of an eclogite free tectonic level within the UGU; (3) a Mica Schist Unit (MSU) that likewise consists of two subunits: firstly, a MSU sensu stricto made of Ordovician metasediments and rare amphibolites, which experienced only amphibolite-facies peak conditions. Secondly, an internal nappe, that consists of HP-gneisses and eclogites from various Ordovician protoliths. The structural position and the extent of this HP subunit, especially the relation to the HP rocks in the UGU remain enigmatic. We propose fundamental tectonic boundaries between all mentioned units and subunits in the area.

How to cite: Keseberg, M., Görz, I., Weber, S., and Nagel, T.: Tectonic Architecture of the Erzgebirge/Krušné Hory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19223,, 2025.

EGU25-20512 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7

Lithospheric dripping during Variscan orogeny in the NE French Massif Central: evidence from Visean-Serpukhovian silicic volcanism in the Morvan 

Hugo Pierrot, Carlos Pallares, Marc Poujol, Valentin Gotti, and Jocelyn Barbarand

A shallow-mantle and deep crustal gravitational destabilization beneath orogenic zones is evidenced by lithospheric delamination. However, a drip-shaped delamination due to the increasing density has been suggested in the last few years as “dripping”. This dripping process is described at the surface as compressive tectonics associated with mantle-derived plutonic magmatism, followed by extensional tectonics and uplift of the continental crust accompanied by crustal-derived silicic volcanism. Dripping is documented in recent convergent contexts, but also could be considered in old orogenies.

Overall, geology of the Morvan basement (NE Massif Central) is formed by metamorphic rocks intruded by Variscan metaluminous and peraluminous granites emplaced at 350-320 Ma. Some volcanic occurrences are outcropping, especially 1) the basic calk-alkaline Somme Arc sequence related to the Devonian subduction-related magmatic arc, and 2) the “Faisceau Dévono-Dinantien” (FDD) Carboniferous silicic sequences, which are associated with extensional tectonics, but also the Carboniferous Blismes-Montreuillon volcanic complex (BMVC) and Sincey-les-Rouvray faulted zone. Additionally, in the northern part, Pierrot et al. (under review) studied basic plutonism with mantle components (vaugnerites) emplaced at 335-325 Ma in the metamorphic basement.

We conducted new petrographic, geochemical (major and trace elements) and geochronological (U-Pb on zircon) studies on the Carboniferous volcanic rocks of Morvan. U-Pb data on zircon crystals give emplacement ages in the 332-323 Ma range with also inherited Devonian to Proterozoic apparent ages. These silicic volcanic rocks display classical mineralogy (Ab + Qz + Bt + F-K) but advanced petrographic observations revealed the presence of mineralogical aggregates of granitic origin, as well as garnet in FDD, and amphibole in the BMVC. Geochemical data show that silicic rocks are K-rich calk-alkaline to alkaline peraluminous dacites and rhyolites. All these results suggest that basic plutonism with mantle-derived components was immediately followed by a crustal-origin silicic volcanism, all occurring during 10 to 15 Ma. Therefore, a typical lithospheric delamination could not explain the lack of basic volcanism, the extensional tectonics of the FDD at the climax of the Variscan orogeny, and the chronological succession of these processes. On the contrary, dripping process explains that during the drip formation, partial melting of mantle can occur by adiabatic upwelling but does not produce volcanism due to local compressive tectonics triggered at the surface. After the drip detachment, the asthenospheric upwelling would trigger HT conditions beneath the crust, leading to partial crustal melting, which could manifest like both plutonism and volcanism with silicic composition, facilitated by favorable surface extensional tectonics.

How to cite: Pierrot, H., Pallares, C., Poujol, M., Gotti, V., and Barbarand, J.: Lithospheric dripping during Variscan orogeny in the NE French Massif Central: evidence from Visean-Serpukhovian silicic volcanism in the Morvan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20512,, 2025.

EGU25-1339 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

The Boron Isotope Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in Abyssal Serpentinite: Insights from IODP Expedition 399 

William Osborne, Ivan Savov, Andrew McCaig, Samuele Agostini, and Marguerite Godard and the the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 399 Sci Party

The use of fluid-mobile elements and their isotopes to track fluid-mediated subduction zone processes requires an accurate estimate of the volatile element systematics of subducting oceanic crust. Near-ridge hydrothermal circulation represents the primary means by which seawater can penetrate the oceanic crust and produce enrichments in fluid-mobile elements (B, Sr, Li, U, Cl etc.), particularly at slow-spreading ridges where hydrated mantle peridotite (ie. serpentinite) is commonly exposed at the seafloor. However no previous drilling has penetrated abyssal serpentinite deeper than 200.8m below seafloor, where late-stage alteration and intense fault-controlled circulation during exhumation might produce anomalous fluid-mobile element signatures. While ophiolites provide a valuable analogue, it is often hard to distinguish geochemical signatures related to interaction with seawater-derived fluid from those acquired during subsequent interaction with subduction-related and/or meteoric fluids.

We present new data from IODP Expedition 399, which recovered 1268m of serpentinized depleted mantle peridotite and variably altered gabbroic rocks (Hole U1601C) from the southern wall of the Atlantis Massif (30°N; Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Peridotites are generally highly serpentinized (80-90%) and display complex pseudomorphic, mesh and vein textures, attesting to a multistage history of alteration. Gabbros range from fresh to completely altered and exhibit a diversity of secondary mineral assemblages (±amphibole ±serpentine ±talc ±chlorite ±sulphides ±prehnite ±secondary plagioclase ±zeolite ±saponite ±carbonate). Our downcore fluid-mobile trace element and B and Sr isotopic profiles provide a comprehensive framework in which to understand physicochemical conditions during serpentinization and metasomatism of the actively metamorphosing basement of the massif, and their relation to current seafloor venting at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field.

B concentrations in serpentinites decrease by an order of magnitude downcore, which we interpret in terms of B depletion of alteration fluid through the serpentinization process. Substantial downcore variation in the B isotopic composition of serpentinite (δ11B of +12‰ to +40‰) reflects local T and pH conditions as well as isotopic evolution of the alteration fluid along the flow path. Serpentinite Sr isotopic compositions vary between seawater and near mantle values (87/86Sr of 0.704 to 0.709); likely reflecting considerable elemental exchange between alteration fluid and gabbroic intrusions. Our results also shed new light on the geochemical influence of late-stage alteration processes (carbonation, oxidation, infilling of reaction porosity etc.) postdating serpentinization.

In addition, we present new B isotope data from (olivine-bearing) gabbroic rocks of the central massif (Hole U1309D) and detachment-proximal serpentinites from the south wall drilled during IODP Expedition 357. Together, these data represent an important step towards quantifying the fluid-mobile element makeup and specifically the B and 11/10 B content of the lower oceanic crust.

How to cite: Osborne, W., Savov, I., McCaig, A., Agostini, S., and Godard, M. and the the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 399 Sci Party: The Boron Isotope Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in Abyssal Serpentinite: Insights from IODP Expedition 399, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1339,, 2025.

EGU25-1610 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Evaluation of the role of detachment faulting in the genesis of felsic melts in the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex, Southwest Indian Ridge 

Wei-Qi Zhang, Chuan-Zhou Liu, Christopher J MacLeod, and C. Johan Lissenberg

Oceanic detachments are deep-rooted, long-lived structures at plate scale, acting as conduits for fluid introduction into the oceanic lithosphere. These processes impact plate rheology and potentially induce oceanic crustal anatexis. However, the mechanisms and extent of fluid ingress and crustal melting during detachment faulting remain poorly constrained. This study investigates felsic veins from the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex (OCC) on the Southwest Indian Ridge to elucidate controls on crustal anatexis imposed by oceanic detachments.

We report systematic results for mineral chemistry, zircon U-Pb ages and Hf-O-Zr isotopes, and Nd-O isotopes of apatites from 23 felsic rocks retrieved from 50−800 meters below the seafloor in IODP Hole U1473A. Additionally, phase equilibria and zircon trace element modeling for three formation modes of oceanic felsic melts (hydrous partial melting of gabbros, fractional crystallization of MORB, and fractional crystallization of anatectic melts) were performed. These data and models consistently suggest that most U1473A felsic veins were products of advanced mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) differentiation.

Further examination of zircon trace element data for the Atlantis Bank OCC indicates that the felsic veins resulted from strong fractionation of either primitive basalts or magmas generated by hydrous melting of gabbros. The presence of anatectic felsic veins near the fault plane suggests that the detachment fault facilitated high-temperature (750–900°C) alteration and hydrous melting of gabbros. Additionally, analyses of felsic rocks from two OCCs on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, based on published zircon trace element data and models, reveal distinct manifestations of the interplay among faulting, magmatism, and hydrothermal circulation across various OCCs. Our findings underscore the critical role of detachment faulting in fluid ingress and oceanic crust melting, with significant implications for chemical and thermal exchanges between seawater and the oceanic lithosphere.

How to cite: Zhang, W.-Q., Liu, C.-Z., MacLeod, C. J., and Lissenberg, C. J.: Evaluation of the role of detachment faulting in the genesis of felsic melts in the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex, Southwest Indian Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1610,, 2025.

The specific oceanic crust architecture, magmatism, hydrothermal fluid circulation and lithologies at oceanic core complexes (OCCs) imply different S and metal (e.g. Cu, Zn, Co, Ni) fluxes relative to well-structured oceanic crust at-fast spreading ridges. Extensive hydrothermal fluid circulation within OCCs often leads to seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) deposits formation either hosted in the OCC or in the crustal hanging wall. The S and metal source zones in OCC are nevertheless poorly constrained. The study of S and metal distribution in the ODP Hole 735B deep drill core from the Atlantis bank allows to understand these fluxes along detachment faults and to better constrain the source zones of S and metals for OCC-related SMS deposits. Significant depletion of S, Cu, Zn and Ni are observed within the upper 250 m of the drill core where intense deformation and hydrothermal fluid circulation occurred. During the complex tectono-magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Atlantis Bank, four important stages are recognized for S and metal mobilization: 1) magmatic stratification leading to a higher proportion of sulfide-rich and S, Cu, Zn and Co fertile oxide gabbros in the root zone of the Atlantis Bank detachment, 2) high temperature ductile deformation leading to magmatic sulfide reworking and onset of sulfide leaching with limited metal mobilization, 3) extensive sulfide leaching and metal mobilization during amphibolite to greenschist facies metasomatism and, 4) late stage secondary sulfide precipitation and S enrichment during low temperature fluid circulation. Mass balance calculations from the source zones of the Atlantis Bank detachment highlights that metal mobilization during hydrothermal alteration of gabbroic rocks along detachment faults can fully account for the formation of OCC-related SMS deposits at slow and ultraslow spreading ridges. The Atlantis Bank detachment system, however, is gabbroic-dominated and represent the magmatic end-member of OCCs and further work is necessary for understanding metal fluxes in ultramafic-dominated detachment systems such as at the Atlantis Massif.

How to cite: Patten, C. G. C., Junge, M., Coltat, R., Jesus, A. P., Beranoaguire, A., Tropper, P., and Alt, J.: Sulfur and metal mobilization during the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex: implications for seafloor massive sulfide deposits formation at slow and ultra-slow spreading ridges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1702,, 2025.

EGU25-1757 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Rates of melt lens replenishment at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50’N  

Jean-Arthur Olive, Hugo Boulze, and Jean-Didier Garaud

Axial melt lenses (AMLs) are key features of fast and magmatically-robust spreading ridges. These sill-shaped bodies typically sit atop a lower crustal mush zone, and supply magma that gets intruded in the brittle axial lithosphere as dikes, or emplaced at the seafloor as lava flows. The replenishment rate of these shallow reservoirs is thus a critical control on the modes of crustal accretion, the timing of mid-ocean ridge eruptions, and the thermo-chemical output of hydrothermal convection, but remains scarcely documented.

Here we revisit estimates of magmatic inflation rates at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50’N based on measurements of vertical seafloor displacements carried out by Nooner et al. (2014). These measurements revealed seafloor uplift rates as fast as ~7 cm/yr above the AML, decaying over ~10 km in the cross-axis direction, between 2009 and 2011. We model this uplift profile as resulting from the inflation of a 1.5 km-deep, 1-km wide AML in a visco-elastic half-space that includes a viscous mush zone of uniform viscosity.

Our models reveal a tradeoff between the assumed viscosity of the mush zone and the sill inflation rate that is necessary to explain the observed seafloor uplift. Specifically, if we assume a strong mush (viscosity > 1018 Pa.s), the replenishment rate must be ~200 m3/yr per meter along axis. On the other hand, a weaker mush (viscosity < 1016 Pa.s) significantly damps the surface expression of sill inflation, requiring a replenishment rate of ~470 m3/yr/m to match the observations. Further constraints on AML replenishment rates can be obtained by assuming the associated heat flux sustains on-axis hydrothermal venting near 9º50’N (~100 MW). We also find that rapid AML deflation during an eruption can induce a characteristic deformation transient lasting up to a few years, which is akin to the post-seismic phase of the seismic cycle. Depending on the assumed viscosity of the mush zone, this post-eruption signal has the potential to bias estimates of steady AML replenishment rates.

Regardless of the assumed mush viscosity, our modeling yields replenishment rates comparable to the long-term crustal accretion rate (~600 m3/yr/m). This suggests that magmatic inflation is not an unusual event at a fast-spreading ridge like the East-Pacific Rise. By estimating the fraction of the ridge’s magma supply that transits through the AML, our results may also provide new constraints on the modes of accretion of the oceanic lower crust, i.e., help discriminate between the gabbro glacier and multiple-sills endmember models.

How to cite: Olive, J.-A., Boulze, H., and Garaud, J.-D.: Rates of melt lens replenishment at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50’N , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1757,, 2025.

EGU25-1938 | Orals | GD5.3

Abyssal peridotites: Rosetta Stone for recycled mantle materials in the asthenosphere 

Chuan-Zhou Liu, Wei-Qi Zhang, Ying-Zhen Lin, Yang Xu, and Zhen Zhang

Decompressional melting of the asthenosphere gives rise of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) that are extracted to generate ocean crust, and also leaves mantle residues that are represented by abyssal peridotites. Thus, both MORB and abyssal peridotites can be utilized to constrain the compositional characteristics of the asthenosphere. Numerous studies on MORB have widely demonstrated that they are from a relatively homogenous and geochemically depleted mantle source. The homogeneity of the asthenosphere has been commonly attributed to the efficiency of mantle convection. Nonetheless, geochemical compositions of global abyssal peridotites show highly variable compositions and a wide range of isotopic spectrum, clearly reflecting that the asthenosphere is compositionally heterogeneous. Mantle peridotites memorizing evolutionary histories at different tectonic settings, including sub-continental lithospheric mantle, mantle wedge and oceanic mantle, can be recycled into the asthenosphere, which might be eventually popped up at ocean ridges where they are sampled by abyssal peridotites. Different types of recycled mantle materials can be discriminated using geochemical tools. Our recent studies on abyssal peridotites dredged at different segments along the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) have shown the occurrence of diverse types of recycled mantle, i.e., Archean cratonic mantle in its western segment, mantle wedge in its central segment, and oceanic mantle in this eastern segment. Such a spatial distribution is genetically related to the assembly and breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent since the Cambrian. Therefore, systematic studies on abyssal peridotites outcropped along the ocean ridges can decipher the compositionally characteristics and evolutionary histories of different mantle domains within the asthenosphere.

How to cite: Liu, C.-Z., Zhang, W.-Q., Lin, Y.-Z., Xu, Y., and Zhang, Z.: Abyssal peridotites: Rosetta Stone for recycled mantle materials in the asthenosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1938,, 2025.

The length of oceanic transform faults varies dramatically from near zero-offsets to long-offset mega-transforms that are >1000 km long. However, the formation and development of longer oceanic transform faults (>200 km) remains incomplete and requires further study. We investigate how changes in the plate motion vector impacts plate stress and transform fault development using high resolution 3D geodynamic numerical models in ASPECT (Advanced Solver for Planetary Evolution, Convection, and Tectonics). Specifically, we study how the length of transform faults evolve over time after inducing transpression or transtension across simple and complex stepped rift-transform geometries. We also determine how the angle of oblique extension affects the required tectonic force necessary to develop new tectonic structures, providing insight into real-world plate tectonic processes. Our results show that transpressional deformation along a transform leads to longer, diffuse transforms at higher angles, while transtensional deformation leads to oblique extension across the transform margin. These transpressional model results are also analogous to real world examples such as the Davie (West Somali Basin) and Ungava Fault Zones (Davis Strait), where we also highlight how the contemporaneous alignment of extinct mid-ocean ridges and young oceanic lithosphere can influence where new transform faults develop.

How to cite: Longley, L. and Phethean, J.: Mega-transform fault development: New insights from Geodynamic modelling using ASPECT and real-world examples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2320,, 2025.

EGU25-2367 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Seismicity in the Zabargad Fracture Zone, Northern Red Sea and its tectonic implications: insights from an Ocean Bottom Seismometers Network 

Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi, Laura Parisi, Eduardo Cano, Margherita Fittipaldi, Nico Agustin, Guillaume Baby, P. Martin Mai, and Sigurjón Jónsson

The Red Sea is one of the youngest ocean basins on Earth and is classified as an ultra-slow spreading ridge, with spreading rates decreasing from 15 mm/year in the Southern Red Sea to 7 mm/year in the Northern Red Sea. The Zabargad Fracture Zone (ZFZ), the largest rift-axis offset (~100 km) in the Red Sea (23.5oN to 26oN), separates the Central and the Northern Red Sea. The proximity of the seismically active ZFZ to coastal cities and infrastructure in the region has implications for the regional seismic hazard. However, thick salt and sedimentary covers in the ZFZ obscure the exact geometry of the oceanic spreading axes, and any potential transform faults or non-transform offsets, resulting in ambiguous interpretations. Seismological studies to date have relied on onshore recordings, yielding limited earthquake location accuracy that has impeded detailed analysis.

We deployed the first-ever broadband ocean-bottom seismometer network in the Red Sea, which was augmented with land-based stations, for a period of 12 months to improve the seismic data coverage in the ZFZ. The deployment resulted in a recovery rate of over 90% for the continuous seismic recordings. Using this new dataset, we applied a deep-learning-based algorithm for automatic earthquake detection and phase picking. The results were manually verified and refined, enabling the development of a high-resolution earthquake catalog. These processing steps yielded over 3,900 local earthquakes, with magnitude ranging from ML -0.4 to ML 2.5.  We further optimized a 1-D seismic velocity model for the ZFZ and improved earthquake locations using a double-difference relocation algorithm. Focal mechanisms for selected events were determined using polarity and amplitude ratios.

Our findings reveal two major seismicity clusters in the northern part, near the Mabahiss Deep, a deep with exposed oceanic crust, and in the southern part, around the ZFZ. The hypocenter distribution is consistent with NNW-SSE trending normal faults parallel to the ridge axis, indicating ridge segmentations and at least one ~25 km long NE-SW transform fault with strike-slip mechanisms. Variations in seismicity depth highlight changes in the brittle-ductile transition zone: shallower near Mabahiss Mons, an axial Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalt volcano, reflecting elevated temperatures, and deeper further south, suggesting lower temperatures due to fluid circulation. These results provide new insights into the ZFZ's tectonic structure and seismic activity, improving our understanding of oceanic spreading dynamics in the northern Red Sea and the associated earthquake hazard.

How to cite: Shiddiqi, H. A., Parisi, L., Cano, E., Fittipaldi, M., Agustin, N., Baby, G., Mai, P. M., and Jónsson, S.: Seismicity in the Zabargad Fracture Zone, Northern Red Sea and its tectonic implications: insights from an Ocean Bottom Seismometers Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2367,, 2025.

EGU25-2791 | Posters on site | GD5.3

On the segmentation of the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Atlantis and Oceanographer Transform (29.5 N to 35.5 N) 

Ingo Grevemeyer, Lars Ruepke, Adina Pusok, and Javier Escartin

Mid-Ocean Ridges (MOR) are accretionary plate boundaries where new seafloor is created by seafloor spreading. In the early 1980s, these features were mapped for the first time in high detail using multi-beam echosounders and researchers found that the ridge crest of this approximately 70.000 km long rift system has many lateral discontinuities that partition its axis into segments. Discontinuities differ in form and behaviour and are often deeper and less active volcanically than the segments they define. As a result, the crest of the MOR undulates up and down by hundreds of meters over distances of several to hundreds of kilometres. The most prominent ridge offsets are the oceanic transform faults which typically offset the ridge axis by over 20 km. Long transform faults generally form deep valleys, while shorter discontinuities (non-transform offsets) displacing the spreading axis by only a few kilometres to tens of kilometres may show more complex tectonic features.

Even 60 years after the plate tectonic revolution and the introduction of seafloor spreading, much of the classification of ridges crest segmentation is still based on the study of fast-spreading ridges dominated by robust magma supply where discontinuities along the spreading axis are readily identified by offsets of the crest-like ridge axis, including overlapping and often migrating Overlapping Spreading Centres (OSC). It is generally believed that slow spreading ridges show analogue features. Yet observations of prominent median valleys at slow spreading ridges show a much more diverse segmentation. Here, we revisit the segmentation of the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between 29°30’N (south of Atlantis transform) to 35°30’N (north of Oceanographer transform) using data collected in September and October of 2024 aboard the German RV METEOR during the cruise M204 running a swath-mapping survey along the axis of the MAR. In analogy to fast spreading ridges, we find transform faults and overlapping volcanic centres, but we also map large dome-like features, en-échelon spreading segments, and offsets revealing bookshelf faulting. These structures provide insight into both the various styles of non-transform offsets, and the parameters controlling the different shear accommodation styles.

How to cite: Grevemeyer, I., Ruepke, L., Pusok, A., and Escartin, J.: On the segmentation of the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Atlantis and Oceanographer Transform (29.5 N to 35.5 N), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2791,, 2025.

EGU25-3590 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Controlling processes of marginal ridge development 

Stanislaw Staniaszek and Michal Nemčok,

Transform faults, key elements of plate tectonics, play a crucial role in shaping transform
margins. Marginal ridges, which are elevated basement highs at margin borders, represent
one of the structural elements occurring at some transform margins.
This study examines marginal ridges and their failed candidates, which occur along the
Zenith-Wallaby-Perth transform fault zone in West Australia, using seismic and gravity data,
and plate reconstructions to investigate their development histories.
Existing models of marginal ridge development often include processes such as thermal
expansion-related uplift, flexural uplift and flower structure development. However, data
from the study area suggest a more complex mechanism, which is related to the formation
of strike-slip faults and pull-apart basins inside the transform fault zone.
This study proposes a model of the marginal ridge formation characterized by the evolving
faulting during continental and continental-oceanic stages of the transform development.
The nucleation and linkage of strike-slip faults along the future transform fault zone lead to
the formation of pull-apart basins, characterized by a complex fault system. In the same
time, (1) initially broad zone of deformation undergoes progressive focusing and (2) fault
activity decays along the transform strike towards the ocean. Depending on the duration of
fault activity, some parts of the initial strike-slip fault zones and pull-aparts develop further,
while others are abandoned. In regions where faults remain active for extended periods
during the continental-oceanic stage of the transform development, marginal ridges may
develop, and even occasionaly evolve into micro-continents separated from the continent.
Further complexity in their development is the effect of the pre-existing anisotropy in
regions of their development.

How to cite: Staniaszek, S. and Nemčok,, M.: Controlling processes of marginal ridge development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3590,, 2025.

EGU25-4175 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Global Subseafloor Ecosystem and Sustainability (GSES) 

Fengping Wang, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Ken Takai, Thulani Makhalanyane, Mohamed Hatha Abdulla, and Mohamed Jebbar

The subseafloor ecosystem includes all life living in marine sediment, crust and the accompany fluids. This ecosystem, also called the deep biosphere, mostly derives its energy source from geological processes, which are cut off from sunlight. Deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps are regarded as windows of the subsurface life. Still, little is known about the subseafloor life and there is a substantial knowledge gap related to understanding the breadth of their diversity, assemblage, function, and possible ecosystem services to society. These insights are key to understanding the origin of life and evolutionary processes, and also pivotal for evaluating the impact of the proposed ocean-based climate interventions. As part of the efforts to reduce this knowledge deficiency, we initiate a global-scale program “Global Subseafloor Ecosystem and Sustainability” (GSES). This program aims to generate new systematic insights into subseafloor ecosystems with the aim of transforming these datasets for predictive capabilities. As a newly endorsed program of the UN Ocean Decade, the overarching objective of GSES is to significantly advance scientific comprehension, conservation, and sustainable management of Earth's subseafloor ecosystems. Focused on addressing substantial knowledge gaps in microbial life, carbon dynamics, and historical records within this critical, vulnerable and understudied environment, GSES aims to develop internationally standardized protocols, cutting-edge investigation platforms, and ecological indices. A pilot project that targets the microbiome in the oceanic crust, which is the largest by volume but least understood biosystem on Earth, will be showcased and discussed.

How to cite: Wang, F., Hinrichs, K.-U., Takai, K., Makhalanyane, T., Abdulla, M. H., and Jebbar, M.: Global Subseafloor Ecosystem and Sustainability (GSES), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4175,, 2025.

EGU25-4307 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Implications of pressure-dependent permeability for hydrothermal heat transfers 

Jie Chen, Jean-Arthur Olive, Mathilde Cannat, and Antoine Demont

Hydrothermal convection in young oceanic lithosphere accounts for ~25% of the total global heat flow, and thus plays a critical role in Earth's thermal evolution. The permeability structure of the lithosphere is a key factor governing how efficiently heat tapped from magma bodies or hot upwelling mantle can be transferred to the overlying ocean. Drill hole measurements and laboratory experiments unambiguously show that permeability decreases with depth (i.e., pressure), either exponentially or through some power law relations. However, the impact of depth-decreasing permeability on the depth extent and heat output of seafloor hydrothermal systems has not been explored systematically.

Here we present 2-D numerical simulations of hydrothermal convection treated as Darcy porous flow, with fluid properties corresponding to a 3.2 wt% NaCl-H2O mixture, and depth (i.e., pressure)-dependent permeability fields. We consider an empirical exponential dependence as well as a more recently proposed power-law-type dependence rooted in micromechanical modeling of experimental data. In reference simulations with uniform permeability, we find that, for a given basal temperature (TH) imposed at the model bottom, the hydrothermal heat output at the seafloor increases with permeability, but is largely independent of the depth extent of the model domain. On the other hand, in simulations with depth-decreasing permeability, the depth extent of hydrothermal convection (ZH) may be significantly lower than the height of the model domain. In such systems, heat extraction is intuitively more efficient when the heat source lies at a shallower depth. We find that the heat output in these simulations is primarily controlled by the harmonic mean of permeability in the hydrothermal system.

To further quantify this finding, we investigate the relationship between our simulations' Rayleigh number (Ra, estimated from model inputs using the harmonically-averaged permeability) and Nusselt number (Nu, measured from simulation results). We find that the linear relationship Nu=Ra/Rac that is typical of porous convection holds for Ra > 103, with a critical Rayleigh number (Rac) on the order of 102. This relationship allows us to build an analytical model that predicts ZH, given the heat output, basal temperature (TH), and exponentially-decreasing permeability with depth Z: k= k0 e(-cZ). Fitting parameters against observed magma-fueled hydrothermal systems at mid-ocean ridges suggests that permeability at the seafloor (k0) is on the order of 10-12 - 10-11 m2, in agreement with independent estimates based on drill hole measurements and the poro-elastic tidal modulation of venting temperatures, and that the constant c is on the order of 1-4×10-3 m-1. Our findings further suggest that for convection to reach depths > 13 km, as has been proposed near oceanic detachment faults, permeability at the seafloor would need to be extremely large (k0> 10-10 m2). It remains unclear whether such conditions can be attained in the damage zone of a detachment fault.

How to cite: Chen, J., Olive, J.-A., Cannat, M., and Demont, A.: Implications of pressure-dependent permeability for hydrothermal heat transfers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4307,, 2025.

EGU25-4333 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Tectonics control alteration-induced rheological heterogeneities in magma-poor ultraslow-spread oceanic lithospheres 

Leila Mezri, Alexander Diehl, Thomas P. Ferrand, Javier Javier García-Pintado, Manon Bickert, and Marta Pérez-Gussinyé

At ultraslow, magma-poor spreading ridges, plate divergence is controlled by tectonics, leading to the formation of detachment faults. These faults cut through thick, brittle lithosphere (up to 15 km) and accommodate tens of kilometers of displacement, exposing heterogeneous, altered rocks. Among the alteration reactions, serpentinization has garnered significant attention for its role in sustaining chemosynthetic microbial life and influencing the spatial distribution of earthquakes within the lithosphere. Although the influence of serpentinization on seismicity is largely recognized in ultraslow-spread lithospheres, the nature and extent of alteration remain poorly constrained.

To address this, we use a 2D visco-elasto-plastic model with thermodynamic calculations to simulate lithospheric alteration during ultraslow seafloor spreading under a low magma budget. By coupling water availability and lithospheric hydration progress with active deformation, we reveal: (i) a tectonically controlled vertical extent of alteration along detachment faults; (ii) the preservation of amphibole-facies in exhumed serpentinized footwalls, forming kilometer-scale asperity-like features; and (iii) significant lithospheric-scale rheological heterogeneities resulting from tectonically induced spatial variations in alteration mineral assemblage equilibria across the lithosphere. The largest rheological changes occur along the deep hydration front near the brittle-ductile transition zone, where the alteration of exhumed fresh mantle begins to form high-temperature amphibole-bearing assemblages.

By comparing our model results with seismic data from two magma-poor segments—the easternmost Southwest Indian Ridge and the Knipovich Ridge—we observe that sparsely seismically active regions correlate with highly serpentinized domains in the shallow lithosphere, while deeper seismically active zones correspond to areas with low alteration degrees and the presence of amphibole, talc, and chlorite in amphibole-bearing assemblages. These findings support a conceptual model suggesting that tectonics controls the formation of alteration-induced rheological heterogeneities, which play a key role in controlling earthquake depth distribution at mid-ocean ridges and associated transform faults, and also have implications for seismogenesis in subduction zones.

How to cite: Mezri, L., Diehl, A., Ferrand, T. P., Javier García-Pintado, J., Bickert, M., and Pérez-Gussinyé, M.: Tectonics control alteration-induced rheological heterogeneities in magma-poor ultraslow-spread oceanic lithospheres, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4333,, 2025.

EGU25-4386 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Tectonics control seismic velocity anomalies in magma-poor ultraslow-spread oceanic lithospheres 

Leila Mezri, Javier García-Pintado, Alexander Diehl, and Marta Pérez-Gussinyé

At ultraslow-spreading mid-ocean ridges (MORs, spreading rate <20 mm/yr), limited magma supply often results in tectonic extension and the formation of oceanic detachment faults. These faults cut through thick brittle lithosphere (up to 15 km), accommodating tens of kilometers of displacement and exposing heterogeneous rocks altered by seawater-rock interactions. Among these reactions, serpentinization has drawn significant attention for its role in sustaining chemosynthetic microbial life and modulating geological carbon budgets. However, quantitatively determining the extent and distribution of serpentinization within the lithosphere remains challenging, as large-scale estimates rely primarily on seismic observations that struggle to differentiate between serpentinized mantle, gabbro, and fresh mantle at depth. Despite advances in seismic resolution, key uncertainties persist regarding how magmatic, tectonic, and alteration processes shape velocity anomalies in newly formed oceanic lithosphere. Here, we address lithospheric alteration during magma-poor seafloor spreading by coupling a geodynamic model with thermodynamic calculations of alteration reactions and seismic properties as a function of pressure-temperature and mineral assemblages. We focus on the well-documented magma-poor ridge at 64°30′E on the Southwest Indian Ridge, where recent seismic surveys have been conducted. Our model reproduces the “smooth-smooth” seafloor morphology shaped by alternating flip-flop detachments. By coupling water availability and lithosphere alteration with active deformation, we reveal: (i) vertically controlled alteration along detachments, including deep alteration beyond serpentine stability; and (ii) tectonically-induced lateral velocity anomalies caused by variations in alteration mineral assemblages in the detachment footwall. Comparing our thermodynamically-constrained velocity model with seismic observations from 64°30′E SWIR suggests that the imaged alteration boundary along detachment faults likely represents a peak in serpentinization, rather than the traditionally interpreted serpentinization front.

How to cite: Mezri, L., García-Pintado, J., Diehl, A., and Pérez-Gussinyé, M.: Tectonics control seismic velocity anomalies in magma-poor ultraslow-spread oceanic lithospheres, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4386,, 2025.

EGU25-4667 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Highly variable lithospheric structure and associated magmatic accretion at the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge 

Jiabiao Li, Tao Zhang, Xiongwei Niu, Zhiteng Yu, Xiaodong Wei, Caicai Zha, Jie Jiang, Pingchuan Tan, Chunguo Yang, Zhezhe Lu, Weiwei Ding, and Yinxia Fang

The mid-ocean ridge (MOR) is the longest volcanic chain on the Earth (∼75,000 km), with spreading rates varying from fast (>80 mm/yr) to ultraslow (<20 mm/yr). It is generally believed that mantle beneath MORs upwells passively due to viscous drag from the diverging tectonic plates, leading to pressure-release melting. While passive mantle upwelling models explain the uniform crustal thickness observed at fast-spreading ridges, they fail to account for the complexities at ultraslow-spreading ridges. At these ridges, enhanced conductive cooling and hydrothermal circulation thicken the ocean lithosphere, shrinking the melting zone and inhibiting melt production. The fundamental dynamics governing crustal accretion at ultraslow-spreading ridges remain elusive. In 2021, we conducted a high-resolution active-source ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) experiment along the eastern ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge between 76° and 100° E using the icebreaker ‘Xuelong 2’, during the Joint Arctic Scientific Mid-ocean ridge Insight Expedition (JASMInE). Our new seismic model reveals highly variable crustal thickness, which ranges from 3.3 km to 8.9 km along the ridge axis. Meanwhile, this thickness increases from ~4.5 km to ~7.5 km over the past 5 Myr across the ridge axis. In addition, the magnetotelluric data reveals prominent low-resistivity zones at depths 20–45 km beneath volcanic centers, but high resistivities (>100 Ω m) down to ~ 50 km at volcanic ends, indicating highly variable electrical lithosphere (eLAB). Microearthquakes recorded by the OBSs occurred at depths of <10 below the seafloor along the ridge axis, suggesting a relatively shallow brittle lithosphere and a high magma supply. These observations contradict the passive upwelling models and are instead consistent with buoyant active mantle flow model that is driven by thermal and compositional density changes due to melt extraction. Active mantle upwelling is predicted to play a more significant role as the spreading rate decreases, which is highly sensitive to the mantle temperature and composition. This implies that the observed variability in crustal and lithospheric thickness is likely an inherent characteristic of ultraslow-spreading ridges.

How to cite: Li, J., Zhang, T., Niu, X., Yu, Z., Wei, X., Zha, C., Jiang, J., Tan, P., Yang, C., Lu, Z., Ding, W., and Fang, Y.: Highly variable lithospheric structure and associated magmatic accretion at the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4667,, 2025.

EGU25-4754 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Microbial Residents in Serpentinized Upper Mantle of the Atlantis Massif 

Zhicheng Wang, Ruize Xie, Jialin Hou, Lewen Liang, William Brazelton, and Fengping Wang and the IODP Expedition 399 Scientists

The rock-hosted subseafloor biosphere provides key insights into the limits and origins of life, yet it remains largely unknown due to limited access. Recently, IODP Expedition 399 provided unprecedented access to a 1,268-meter core from the upper mantle of the Atlantis Massif, primarily composed of serpentinized harzburgite. The abundance and composition of indigenous organisms, their metabolic capabilities, physiological activity, and the role of serpentinization in sustaining life are critical, yet unanswered questions. However, the extremely low biomass and high DNA adsorption capacity of these mantle rocks present significant challenges for DNA extraction and contamination control, limiting our exploration of the rock-hosted biosphere. In this study, we made notable progress by distilling and refining DNA extraction protocols. Using 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequencing, we specifically developed the quality control and decontamination workflow tailored to the unique complexities of low-biomass samples. In this context, we characterized candidate microbial residents within the rocks and fluids, including Campylobacteria, Aquificae, Dehalococcoidia, Bathyarchaeia, Hadarchaeia, Methanosarcinia, and Nitrososphaeria, with distinct phylogenies from those typically found in seawater and sediments. These putative microbial residents likely play key roles in mediating the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles between the mantle rocks and formation fluids. Our findings suggest the presence of a complex metabolic network capable of thriving in the mantle rocks under high-temperature, hydrogen-rich, and alkaline conditions, underscoring the adaptability of microbial life in extreme subsurface environments. These results contribute to a broader understanding of life’s resilience in the deep biosphere and offer new insights into the origins of life and the potential for extraterrestrial life.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Xie, R., Hou, J., Liang, L., Brazelton, W., and Wang, F. and the IODP Expedition 399 Scientists: Microbial Residents in Serpentinized Upper Mantle of the Atlantis Massif, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4754,, 2025.

EGU25-5117 | Orals | GD5.3

Origin and implications of the amagmatic segment of the Gakkel Ridge 

Alexandra Yang Yang, Charles Langmuir, and Peter Michael

Global ocean crust has an average thickness of 6–7 kilometers, suggesting a globally pervasive, rather uniform mantle composition. At some ultra-slow spreading ridges, crustal thickness is highly variable and mantle peridotite can be found at the surface. The peridotites, however, are mostly recovered in fracture zones that expose the deeper crust, or at the edges of ridge segments where there is a central volcano. The Gakkel Ridge is unusual in this regard because it contains a 400-kilometer-long sparsely magmatic zone (SMZ) with extensive mantle peridotite exposure, negligible crustal thickness and limited basaltic lava outcrops. This segment is also bracketed by two other sections of ridge that have active volcanism, including the adjacent Western Volcanic Zone (WVZ) where no peridotites were recovered. What is the origin of this enigmatic expanse of ridge, and is it simply a curiosity or does it have global implications for ocean ridges and mantle recycling?
We have undertaken systematic geochemical analysis of 267 basaltic glass samples from the WVZ and the few recovered basalts from the SMZ. The WVZ has normal-thickness oceanic crust and predominantly produces depleted normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB). Gradients in chemical composition can be accounted for by a combination of more depleted mantle and lower extents of melting as the SMZ is approached. Across an abrupt boundary, the SMZ has negligible crustal thickness and is dominated by exposed mantle peridotite and a few samples of enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB).
Quantitative models suggest the SMZ is the result of cold, ancient ocean mantle lithosphere that has been metasomatized by enriched, low degree melts. While the SMZ is a rare occurrence, simple mass balance considerations suggest such occurrences should instead be very common. While recycled ocean crust is commonly called upon, sometimes as an isolated lower mantle reservoir, the mass of depleted ocean mantle lithosphere would be more than ten times greater. Indeed, using current ridge production rates, over the last 2.5 billion years the total volume of recycled mantle lithosphere would be equivalent to the volume of the entire lower mantle. While vestiges of such lithosphere are frequently invoked from Os isotopes or melt inclusions, almost all of these occurrences are coincident with predominant basalts, and occur in regions with normal crustal thickness. Why are there not vast regions dominated by depleted lithosphere, negligible crust, or common occurrences of basalts that come from highly depleted reservoirs? An obvious solution is that mantle convection is highly efficient at mixing crustal and mantle components on a scale finer than is sampled by melting, permitting relatively uniform crustal thickness and composition on a global basis.

How to cite: Yang, A. Y., Langmuir, C., and Michael, P.: Origin and implications of the amagmatic segment of the Gakkel Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5117,, 2025.

EGU25-5278 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

 Rapid exhumation of mantle rocks along detachment faults facilitated by felsic granitoid intrusions at a continent-ocean transition drilled in the Tyrrhenian Sea 

Eirini Poulaki, Manon Bickert, Paola Vannucchi, Brandon Shuck, Tomoaki Morishita, Alessio Sanfilippo, Ashutosh Pandey, Norikatsu Akizawa, Emily Cunningham, Riccardo Tribuzio, Jaime Barnes, Joshua Garber, Claudiu Nistor, Rachel Bernard, and Matthew Loocke and the IODP Expedition 402 Team

Mantle exhumation mechanisms at continent-ocean transitions (COTs) are similar to those at slow and ultraslow spreading ridges, where plate divergence is also accommodated by a combination of magmatic processes and detachment faulting. However, the timescales of exhumation at COTs are poorly constrained because of the thick sediment cover blanketing basement rocks along mature passive margins. IODP Exp. 402 drilled the Tyrrhenian Sea COT and successfully recovered in situ sections of mantle exhumed during Late Cenozoic extension in this back-arc basin. Onedrill site sampled a sequence of variably deformed granitic gneisses intercalated with ~cm-thick slivers of peridotites and basalts, and another drill site sampled a heterogeneous section of heavily serpentinized peridotites with granitoids between the ultramafics. Structural observations and core recovery trends indicate localized deformation along the granitoids, with fabrics varying from undeformed to mylonitic. The presence of both peridotites and felsic granitoids provides a unique opportunity to acquire precise ages for the exhumation and deformation stages that have not yet been resolved in detail.

Zircon and apatite U-Pb geochronology of granitoids yields similar Pliocene ages (<4 Ma), coeval with the biostratigraphic ages of the basal overlying sediments, requiring crystallization at depth followed by rapid exhumation. Thin section microstructures and Electron Backscatter Diffraction data suggest that these granitoids accommodated significant strain during exhumation along a detachment fault. Quartz and feldspar in the mylonites are deformed by dislocation creep, with quartz exhibiting grain boundary rotation and migration, and feldspar displaying bulging, suggesting deformation at temperatures of ~450°C. In contrast, quartz in the protomylonite shows polygonal-shaped grains, indicating static recrystallization at high temperatures with low strain. Ti in quartz analyses yields temperatures of ~400°C for both mylonites and protomylonites, suggesting that the differences in the microstructures are strain dependent and that shear was localized within a ~5-m-thick zone. These chronological and microstructural constraints require >1 cm/year exhumation rates after granitoid emplacement. Lastly, stable isotope constraints from the surrounding peridotites give serpentinization temperatures of ~200°C, with higher temperatures adjacent to granitic intrusions. These results, together with microstructural observations, suggest that serpentinization occurred at shallower depths, after most of the unroofing. Overall, we show that felsic lithologies facilitate most of the exhumation prior to serpentinization and demonstrate that heterogeneous lithologies and pre-existing structures have a major influence on the slip behavior of faults at COTs.

How to cite: Poulaki, E., Bickert, M., Vannucchi, P., Shuck, B., Morishita, T., Sanfilippo, A., Pandey, A., Akizawa, N., Cunningham, E., Tribuzio, R., Barnes, J., Garber, J., Nistor, C., Bernard, R., and Loocke, M. and the IODP Expedition 402 Team:  Rapid exhumation of mantle rocks along detachment faults facilitated by felsic granitoid intrusions at a continent-ocean transition drilled in the Tyrrhenian Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5278,, 2025.

EGU25-5724 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Thermal structure and stress pattern of the oceanic transform fault: insights form 3D numerical modelling 

Ming Chen, Lars Rüpke, Ingo Grevemeyer, Yu Ren, and Sibiao Liu

Oceanic transform faults (OTFs) are one of three classes of plate boundaries representing the most seismogenic part of the global mid-ocean ridge (MOR) system. Their cumulate length represents more than 40% of the global MOR system. In a classical view, OTFs are perpendicular to mid-ocean ridges and considered as pure strike-slip zones where one plate moves past another and no material is added or destroyed. Recent studies show that OTFs are oblique boundaries where extensional tectonics and a two-phase crustal grow, which challenges a major concept of plate tectonics. However, thermal structure and stress pattern that are key to explore geodynamics processes at OTFs remain poorly understood.

We conducted 3D numerical simulations of plate separation and dike injection at a ridge-transform-ridge system by using the geodynamic code LaMEM (Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model). Our results reveal three key findings. First, OTFs are always deeper and warmer than fracture zones for all models, which could be well explained by focused brittle deformation that locally reduces viscosity and strength of OTFs, allowing the far-field tectonic stretching to be preferentially partitioned into the transform domain. Mantle upwelling beneath rheologically weaken OTFs is therefore locally enhanced. Second, plate boundaries of ridge-transform intersections (RTIs) at depth are oblique, which is structurally different from its seafloor expressions. Its obliqueness increases with depth and reduced dike injection rate to the inside corner of ridge segments. Third, we found in all models, that strike-slip faulting, which is thought to be a main feature of OTFs only occurs at distances away from the RTIs. Approaching the RTIs, maximal horizontal stress is oblique to OTFs by more than 45, indicating transform-normal extension at the inside corner. These results provide a first-order constraint on thermal and mechanical behaviour of OTFs and are in line with recent bathymetry, gravity and micro-earthquake evidence.

How to cite: Chen, M., Rüpke, L., Grevemeyer, I., Ren, Y., and Liu, S.: Thermal structure and stress pattern of the oceanic transform fault: insights form 3D numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5724,, 2025.

EGU25-5906 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Magmatism distribution and modes of seafloor spreading at a Ridge-transform fault system revealed by marine magnetics 

Fei Zhou, Ingo Grevemeyer, Lars H. Rüpke, and Colin W. Devey

The interaction between transform faults and mid-ocean ridges results in complex magmatic distribution, consequently, intricate crustal accretion processes. In this study, we present magnetic survey data collected over the Argo transform fault in the Central Indian Ocean. Magnetic modeling was conducted along two profiles crossing the adjacent spreading center and one profile over the transform fault. The results reveal the absence of a central magnetic anomaly over the spreading center where it intersects with the transform fault indicating reduced magmatic activity. In this case, plate divergence is alternately driven by magmatic and tectonic processes. Isochron alignment on both sides of the transform fault correlates well, indicating an age offset of 7.5 Myr and a consistent half-spreading rate. The profile over the transform fault and associated fracture zones (FZs) shows strong magmatic signals in the FZ areas near the outside corners, suggesting magma intrusion from the juxtaposed ridge. Conversely, most areas along the transform fault exhibit weak magnetic signals, except for a moderate magnetic anomaly over a transform-parallel serpentinite ridge with gabbro intrusions. These findings further demonstrate that transform faults are not simple conservative plate boundaries and shed light on the dynamics of magmatism and seafloor spreading in ridge-transform systems.

How to cite: Zhou, F., Grevemeyer, I., H. Rüpke, L., and W. Devey, C.: Magmatism distribution and modes of seafloor spreading at a Ridge-transform fault system revealed by marine magnetics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5906,, 2025.

EGU25-6973 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Microseismicity of the Eastern Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean  

Xinran Li, Zhiteng Yu, Jiabiao Li, Yan Jia, Zhangju Liu, Xiongwei Niu, Zhongyan Shen, Zhengyi Tong, Pingchuan Tan, Tao Zhang, Weiwei Ding, and Yinxia Fang

The mid-ocean ridge forms new oceanic lithosphere, which subsides, thickens, and moves away from the ridge axis. It is generally believed that the lithospheric thickness is dependent on spreading rate. At ultraslow-spreading ridges (<20 mm/yr), the lithosphere is expected to thicken substantially due to strong hydrothermal cooling and limited magma supply. However, this view has been challenged by the observed highly variable crustal thickness at the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge and Gakkel Ridge, where their lithospheric structures are poorly understood due to limited passive seismic observations. In particular, the Gakkel Ridge, located in the Arctic Ocean, is the slowest-spreading mid-ocean ridge in the world, but no onsite microseismicity has been reported due to severe ice conditions. The 2021 JASMInE cruise marked the first deployment of Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBSs) array in the eastern part of Gakkel Ridge. 43 OBSs with spacings of 5-10 km were set up to record both air-gun source signals and natural seismic signals. These instruments were deployed along and across the ridge axis, with a focus on the volcanic area at 85°E, covering a range from 75°E to 102°E. Analysis of seismic data identified 234 microearthquakes that occurred continuously in August 2021, and ~50% of them have uncertainties of <10 km. Their focal depths are located no deeper than 13 km below the sea floor (bsf), with most events located at 0-10 km bsf. This depth range is much shallower compared to the microseismicity observed by seismic stations installed on the ice floes during the 2007 AGAVE expedition, where most events were found between 7-16 km deep. We reanalyzed the seismic data collected during the 2007 AGAVE expedition, and preliminary results indicate that the seismic phases have a very low signal-to-noise ratio, with poorly picked S-wave phases, which may result in the observed differences. Furthermore, the newly observed deepest depth of these seismic events is consistent with the 600°C isotherm as previously calculated, approximately 12.6 km bsf. It is unexpected that no earthquakes were recorded beneath the volcano center where explosive volcanic eruption was reported in 1999. Seismic source mechanism analysis reveals normal faulting near the volcano center, but no volcanic swarm-like events were observed. Instead, most earthquakes were concentrated near the segment end at around 88°E, likely associated with a normal fault inclined southward within the rift valley. In addition to the JASMInE cruise, a small seismic network consisting of five OBSs was deployed in August 2023 at the 100°E volcanic center. These instruments were operated on the seabed for approximately one week, but no microearthquakes were detected. These observations may suggest that, at ultraslow-spreading ridges, despite robust magma supply in magmatic segments, magmatic activity is not vigorous. Crust accretion and episodic volcanic eruptions appear to be short-lived, and for most of the time, the magmatic system remains in a period of seismic quiet.

How to cite: Li, X., Yu, Z., Li, J., Jia, Y., Liu, Z., Niu, X., Shen, Z., Tong, Z., Tan, P., Zhang, T., Ding, W., and Fang, Y.: Microseismicity of the Eastern Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6973,, 2025.

EGU25-7472 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Magnetic Characterization of Borehole Samples from IODP Expedition 399: Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 

Ethan Lopes, Olivia Ju, Sonia Tikoo, Ji-in Jung, and Dale Burns and the IODP Expedition 399 Science Party

Serpentinization is a hydrothermal process that often forms magnetite, significantly altering the magnetic properties of ultramafic rocks at mid-ocean ridges. However, the evolution of these magnetic properties during serpentinization and their stability over geological timescales are not completely understood. The Atlantis Massif, one of the best-studied oceanic core complexes, is an ideal place to study serpentinization's effects on rock magnetism. IODP Expedition 399 drilled a deep (1268m) borehole (Hole U1601C) into uplifted lower crustal and upper mantle rocks on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, providing an excellent opportunity to study the variation in rock magnetic properties with spatial context at mid-ocean ridges. In-depth magnetic properties were analyzed using facilities at Stanford and the Institute for Rock Magnetism at the University of Minnesota. We measured room temperature hysteresis loops, back field curves, magnetic properties measurement system, first-order reversal curves, low and high-temperature magnetic susceptibility, and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. We found that the magnetic carriers for serpentinized peridotites consisted predominantly of stoichiometric magnetite. Magnetic carriers for gabbros were dominated by magnetite and titanomagnetite, with noticeable contributions from monoclinic pyrrhotite in some samples. Most of the serpentinized samples exhibited vortex (pseudo-single domain-like) domain behavior. Ongoing scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy measurements are being used to contextualize the spatial distribution of magnetic minerals in relation to primary phases, secondary minerals (ex. lizardite, brucite), cracks, and void spaces. Tentative results indicate that iron sulfides in gabbros were predominantly located in cracked regions, while SEM-detectable magnetite grains in serpentinized peridotites were typically found along the rims of relict olivine grains.

How to cite: Lopes, E., Ju, O., Tikoo, S., Jung, J., and Burns, D. and the IODP Expedition 399 Science Party: Magnetic Characterization of Borehole Samples from IODP Expedition 399: Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7472,, 2025.

In the summer of 2024, we conducted the first magnetotelluric (MT) profile survey beneath sea ice at the ultraslow spreading Gakkel Ridge. A total of 17 MT instruments were deployed for approximately 20 days along a 125 km profile across the ridge axis at 100°E. This profile spanned the 0–14 Ma lithosphere north of the Gakkel Ridge. Preliminary analysis reveals a zone of high electrical conductivity at depths of 30–50 km beneath the ridge axis, attributed to a high-degree partial melting zone. A more striking feature is the abrupt deepening of the electrical lithospheric base to ~65 km just north of the ridge axis, beyond which it flattens significantly. The flat lithospheric base likely represents a dehydration boundary, where water content sharply decreases above it due to melting processes. The dehydration could enhance mantle viscosity by 2–3 orders of magnitude, suggesting that the mechanical lithosphere near the ridge axis is governed more by compositions than by thermal structure. The depth of this boundary aligns with the seismic reflection boundary in the Atlantic Ocean, the Gutenberg discontinuity, and the top of the seismic radial anisotropy layer, indicating a possible global significance of this feature.

How to cite: Zhang, T., Li, J., and Team, J.: Magnetotelluric evidence for a compositionally controlled lithosphere at the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7632,, 2025.

EGU25-7696 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Chemically heterogeneous asthenosphere beneath the Gakkel Ridge constrained by abyssal peridotites 

Yang Xu, Chuan-Zhou Liu, and Yin-Zheng Lin

The refractory mantle contributes little to the genesis of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), thus observations of the component of the asthenospheric mantle based on the MORB alone are incomplete. In this study, we present both major and trace element compositions of ~70 abyssal peridotite samples from the Sparsely Magmatic Zone (SMZ) and Eastern Volcanic Zone (EVZ) of the Gakkel Ridge. Compositional data indicate that they are mantle residues of the asthenosphere after variable degrees of partial melting. Their clinopyroxenes display two different types of REE patterns, i.e., LREE-depleted and LREE-flat. The latter suggests that some Gakkel peridotites have been refertilized by quasi-instantaneous melts that retained in the melting column. The Gakkel peridotites show large geochemical variability along the ridge axis at length-scales which are too short to be thermally driven. Degrees of partial melting modelled by peridotite geochemistry are greater than those inferred seismically by crustal thicknesses in the SMZ and EVZ. This implies that compositional variations in those abyssal peridotites are inherited from prior melting. In addition, the composition of the Gakkel peridotites differs significantly from that of the subduction-related peridotites. Trace element modelling further supports the presence of a geochemically decoupled crust-mantle. We suggest that the strong heterogeneity of theasthenosphere beneath the Gakkel Ridge is the dominant driver of crust-mantle geochemical decoupling. In particular, in the SMZ region, the small amount of enriched mantle domains in the asthenosphere become the source of the enriched MORB, while massive refractory mantle inherited from prior melting hardly contributes to the SMZ basalts. Therefore, compositional signatures of asthenospheric mantle inferred from MORB of amagmatic zones along mid-ocean ridges may considerably overestimate the proportion of enriched mantle.

How to cite: Xu, Y., Liu, C.-Z., and Lin, Y.-Z.: Chemically heterogeneous asthenosphere beneath the Gakkel Ridge constrained by abyssal peridotites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7696,, 2025.

EGU25-8006 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Interplay between tectonics, magmatism, and hydrothermal activity in slow-spreading systems: insights from the sheeted dike complexes of the Limassol Forest and Troodos ophiolites, Cyprus 

Maureen van den Bosch, Sanne van den Ing, Anke van Grieken, Anouk Beniest, and Richard Wessels

Cyprus exposes a world-class ophiolite containing a fossil ridge-transform system that formed in an (ultra)slow spreading supra-subduction zone setting. The stratigraphic completeness and outcrop quality make it uniquely suited for studying its (de)formation history and associated magmatic and hydrothermal processes. The Arakapas Transform Fault separates two distinct domains of the ophiolite; in the north, the Troodos ophiolite largely conforms to the Penrose stratigraphy, while in the south, the Limassol Forest Complex (LFC) is characterised by anomalous stratigraphic and structural contacts.
In this study, the intrusive history of the sheeted dike complex in the Limassol Forest is unravelled on the basis of field observations, petrology, and geochemistry, and compared with the sheeted dike complex of the Troodos ophiolite. Field descriptions and the relative timing of dike sets in the Limassol Forest and Troodos are expanded with geochemical and petrological characterization of selected samples using optical and scanning electron microscopy combined with whole-rock, trace, and rare-earth elemental analyses.
The geological, geochemical, and petrological data will be used to determine and compare the evolution of the Limassol Forest Complex and the Troodos ophiolite. Their heterogeneous evolution, and the influence of the Arakapas Transform Fault, provide insights into the interplay between tectonic, magmatic, and hydrothermal processes active at slow spreading ridge-transform systems.

How to cite: van den Bosch, M., van den Ing, S., van Grieken, A., Beniest, A., and Wessels, R.: Interplay between tectonics, magmatism, and hydrothermal activity in slow-spreading systems: insights from the sheeted dike complexes of the Limassol Forest and Troodos ophiolites, Cyprus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8006,, 2025.

EGU25-8156 | Orals | GD5.3

Hydrothermal activity along the young, ultra-slow spreading Red Sea Rift – an update from recent discoveries 

Froukje M. van der Zwan, Nico Augustin, Sven Petersen, Isabel Diercks, and Sylvia G. Sander

Hydrothermal activity has been intensively studied at mature mid-ocean ridges and is crucial for the formation of mineral resources, as habitats for chemosynthetic communities, and for the cooling of the newly formed oceanic lithosphere1. However, the role of hydrothermal circulation in the early history of a young emerging ocean basin shortly after continental breakup and the geological expression of its hydrothermal vents, their geochemical characteristics, and their associated ecosystems can only be studied at a few locations. The Red Sea Rift is one of Earth’s youngest ocean basins, but despite ample indications for hydrothermal activity based on rock chemistry, the presence of extinct chimney fields, metalliferous sediments, and high-temperature brine poolssee overview in 2, the first direct observation of active hydrothermal vents was only reported in 20223. These vents at the axial volcano, Hatiba Mons, constitute one of the largest active hydrothermal areas worldwide, hosting 43 individual fields. In contrast to many mature locations, no high-temperature vent nor specialized macro-fauna was observed. Instead, the vents were characterized by low-temperature fluids, numerous Fe-Mn-oxyhydroxide mounds, and thriving microbial mats3. As this was the first active hydrothermal area observed in the Red Sea, the question remains if this is typical for the Red Sea and potentially for young mid-ocean ridges.

Here we present the outcomes of two expeditions in 2023 with the R/V Aegaeo (KRSE5-1) and R/V Meteor (M194)4, which resulted in the discovery of five more hydrothermally active areas distributed along the Red Sea Rift between 17°N and 25°N at water depths between 400-1,800 m. All hydrothermal areas consist of multiple smaller vent fields with similar low-temperature venting as reported from Hatiba Mons. The locations of the vents in their geological context and the expressions of hydrothermal occurrences show some variations ranging from small chimneys along fault lines to larger mounds covering wider areas.  We compare the six hydrothermal fields in terms of their geology, geomorphological expression, precipitate chemistry, and fluid characteristics to evaluate their regional differences and similarities to further understand the nature of hydrothermal venting in a young oceanic basin.


1Hannington et al. (2005) In: Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, 111-141

2F. M. van der Zwan et al. (2019) In: Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea. Springer, 221-232

3F. M. Van der Zwan et al. (2023) Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 496

4N. Augustin (2023) METEOR Short Cruise report, M194. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research

How to cite: van der Zwan, F. M., Augustin, N., Petersen, S., Diercks, I., and Sander, S. G.: Hydrothermal activity along the young, ultra-slow spreading Red Sea Rift – an update from recent discoveries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8156,, 2025.

EGU25-8189 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

The Jøtul field revisited: High carbon and hydrogen fluxes from a sediment‑hosted hydrothermal vent site in the Knipovic Ridge 

Alexander Diehl, Patrick Monien, Thomas Pape, Eirini Anagnostou, Eva-Maria Meckel, Miriam Römer, Donata Monien, Wolfgang Bach, and Gerhard Bohrmann

We report on the composition of gas‑tight hydrothermal vent fluid samples from the Jøtul field at the ultraslow spreading Knipovic ridge, collected during the R/V MARIA S. MERIAN expedition MSM131 in September 2024. The sampled fluids exhibit high pH values and total alkalinities. Elevated methane concentrations–exceeding those at the sediment-hosted Guaymas Basin vent site–suggest fluid-sediment interaction and thermal decomposition of organic matter derived from continental sediments. These fluids also contain high hydrogen concentrations (>14 mM), which surpass typical values for sediment-hosted hydrothermal vent fluids. The elevated hydrogen levels are accompanied by low H2S concentrations (< 2.5 mM), which might point to a heazlewoodite-pentlandite mineral assemblage controlling the concentrations of these compounds. We suggest that the hydrothermal vent fluids at the Jøtul field acquire their distinct chemical signatures through a combination of fluid‑sediment interactions in the recharge and discharge zones, along with fluid rock interactions governed by ultramafic rocks in the high‑temperature reaction zone. This combination of subsurface conditions produces vent fluids that are metal‑poor but enriched in carbon and hydrogen. The high methane concentrations measured in the Jøtul field highlight hydrothermal fluid‑sediment interactions as a yet underestimated source of carbon emissions into the ocean.

How to cite: Diehl, A., Monien, P., Pape, T., Anagnostou, E., Meckel, E.-M., Römer, M., Monien, D., Bach, W., and Bohrmann, G.: The Jøtul field revisited: High carbon and hydrogen fluxes from a sediment‑hosted hydrothermal vent site in the Knipovic Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8189,, 2025.

EGU25-8689 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

An oceanic core complex on Cyprus? Unravelling the Limassol Forest ophiolite. 

Sanne van den Ing, Maureen van den Bosch, Anouk Beniest, and Richard Wessels

The Troodos ophiolite on Cyprus contains a world-class exposure of a ridge-transform system that developed in a supra-subduction zone setting, making it an ideal location to study the associated tectonic and magmatic processes. On Cyprus, the Arakapas Transform Fault separates the ophiolite into distinct terrains. South of this fault lies the Limassol Forest Complex (LFC), an anomalous domain with stratigraphic and structural contacts that differ markedly from the characteristic Penrose ophiolite stratigraphy.
The LFC was likely formed in an (ultra)slow-spreading environment, dominated by temporally and spatially variable magmatic and amagmatic extension. Evidence of magmatism includes extensive dike intrusions observed throughout the stratigraphy, suggesting a dynamic system with ongoing melt generation and emplacement. The structural contact between the crust and mantle lithologies however indicates episodes of amagmatic tectonic extension, responsible for dismembering the crustal sequence of the LFC, bearing similarities with oceanic core complexes.
To evaluate the resemblance of the LFC to oceanic core complexes, this study focuses on the crust-mantle contact in the northwestern part of the LFC. By integrating high-resolution drone imagery, structural measurements, and detailed geological mapping, we refine our understanding of the stratigraphic contacts, intrusive relationships, and deformation processes. The relative timing of intrusive and tectonic events will help clarify the interactions between magmatic and extensional processes.
The results will be compared to known oceanic core complexes, such as the Monviso ophiolite, active systems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and active supra-subduction zones, such as the Philippine Sea Plate, to identify similarities in mantle exhumation processes, fault dynamics, and magmatic-tectonic interactions. These findings have implications for the evolution of transform margins, the role of magmatism in slow-spreading systems, and the influence of supra-subduction processes on oceanic lithosphere formation. By highlighting the interaction of tectonic, and magmatic processes, this study places the LFC in the larger context of ridge-transform fault systems.

How to cite: van den Ing, S., van den Bosch, M., Beniest, A., and Wessels, R.: An oceanic core complex on Cyprus? Unravelling the Limassol Forest ophiolite., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8689,, 2025.

EGU25-8921 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Dispersion of Helium from the TAG hydrothermal vent field: perspectives from coupled physics-geochemistry model experiments 

Maria Gabriela Escobar Franco, Clément Vic, Thomas Gorgues, and Cécile Cathalot

Hydrothermal vents are oceanic sources of biogeochemical constituents. Some of these constituents, such as iron, significantly contribute to global biogeochemical cycles. Yet, their fate, i.e., transport and mixing through physical processes, and modification of their concentration through bio-geochemical processes, remains poorly quantified. Using state-of-the-art physical-biogeochemical (CROCO-PISCES) model simulations that resolve submesoscale processes, internal gravity waves and parameterized mixing processes, we analyse the physical processes involved in the dispersion of passive tracers (i.e. Helium) released at the Trans-Atlantic Geotraces (TAG) hydrothermal site.

A reference simulation features a horizontal grid spacing of 1 km, 150 terrain-following vertical levels, and includes high-frequency atmospheric and tidal forcing. Helium is initialized and continuously released at TAG, following a distribution that is constrained by observations. We also ran sensitivity experiments, without tides and with a smooth bathymetry designed to investigate the effects of CMIP (Coupled Models Intercomparison Project) model coarse bathymetries on the circulation.

At short spatial and time scales (~20 km, ~10 days), we find that tidal processes are instrumental in the tracer dispersion. Through comparisons between the reference and the no-tides simulations, we show that tidal currents and internal tides drive the dispersion within the TAG surrounding valley, and tidally-induced mixing drives the vertical dispersion of tracers, especially on the flanks of the valley walls and within fracture zones. At longer and larger scales (>20 km, >10 days), submesoscale and mesoscale instabilities catalyzed by the interaction of currents with the ridge topography lead to the formation of eddies that trap tracers and escape from the ridge valley to wander at depth preferentially westward of the ridge. Small-scale topographic structures such as fracture zones and abyssal hills control the dispersion and notably slows down the dispersion of tracers outside of the ridge valley. Simulation with smooth bathymetry hence shows a more isotropic and rapid dispersion. This could lead to biases in the inferred pathways of tracers in global models. Next, we will investigate the fate of active tracers, such as iron, which is impacted by biogeochemical processes, such as scavenging and complexation by ligands.

How to cite: Escobar Franco, M. G., Vic, C., Gorgues, T., and Cathalot, C.: Dispersion of Helium from the TAG hydrothermal vent field: perspectives from coupled physics-geochemistry model experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8921,, 2025.

Oceanic crust is formed by basaltic melt produced through decompression melting of ascending mantle at mid–ocean ridges. This oceanic crust is separated from the residual mantle by the Mohorovičić (Moho) discontinuity. Determining the crustal and mantle velocities and the structure of Moho transition zone is critical for understanding the mantle melting, melt extraction and migration and crustal accretion along mid–ocean ridges.


We used seismic full waveform inversion (FWI) to analyse the ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data from the 2016 CREST experiment from the South Atlantic Ocean at 31oS that samples the 30.6 Ma crust formed along the Mid–Atlantic Ridge at a slow–spreading rate (half–spreading rate of 24 mm/year). Seven four–component OBSs were deployed at ~10 km interval along the seismic profile, and the airgun array source was shot at 150 m interval. The high–quality OBS data show clear crustal refraction arrivals (Pg) up to ~35 km offsets, strong Moho reflection arrivals (PmP) at ~20–65 km offsets but absence of mantle refraction arrivals (Pn), indicating the presence of a relatively thin Moho transition zone (MTZ) and a negative velocity gradient in the mantle.


We performed two-dimensional elastic FWI of the pressure data recorded by hydrophone to constrain fine–scale crustal and mantle velocity. The starting model for FWI was obtained from a previous study of joint tomography of manually picked travel times of Pg and PmP arrivals. We progressively inverted the OBS seismic data in FWI from 3.0–4.5 Hz data to 3.0–6.5 Hz data to gradually update the subsurface velocity. The preliminary FWI result shows a uniformly thick crust of 7.1 km along the profile, ~1 km thicker than the global mean of oceanic crust. This observation indicates a relatively uniform mantle upwelling along the ridge and ~20oC higher mantle temperature at the time of crustal formation. The lower–upper crustal ratio is ~2.5, suggesting the upper crust was formed by a magma reservoir in the mid–crust. The lower crust is heterogeneous where high and low velocity layering is observed, indicating lower crustal accretion by the in–situ crystallisation of melt sills. Assuming the depths of 7.2 and 8.0 km/s velocity contours as the top and bottom of the MTZ, respectively, the thickness of the MTZ varies between 0.6 and 1.2 km with an average of ~0.9 km. A ~1 km–thick layer with velocity up to 8.2 km/s lies beneath the MTZ, possibly due to the presence of a thin dunite–rich layer. Further below, the upper mantle velocity gradually decreases with depth, which could be due to the mantle anisotropy and/or the presence of frozen gabbroic sills in the mantle.

How to cite: Wang, Z. and Singh, S. C.: Thick crust, thin Moho transition zone and negative velocity gradient in the mantle along a 30.6 Ma segment in the South Atlantic Ocean at 31oS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9158,, 2025.

EGU25-9441 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Quantifying magmatism and tectonism along the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (46-52°E)  

Mingxu Wang, Chunhui Tao, Zhongmin Zhu, and Zhikui Guo

Over one-third of mid-ocean ridges exhibit a spreading rate less than 20 mm per year. The process of crustal accretion, which facilitates the expansion of oceanic plates at mid-ocean ridges, is driven by the combined and interactive efforts of magmatic and tectonic processes. The seafloor morphology along ultraslow mid-ocean ridge flanks serves as a record of the accretion on oceanic crust. However, volcanic eruptions, mass wasting and reverse-faulting earthquakes occurring on mid-ocean ridges, which reshape the seafloor, present a significant obstacle for the precise quantification of oceanic crust accretion and seafloor morphology. Due to the temporal and spatial variability of magma supply, particularly in the Indomed-Gallieni supersegment (46-52°E) of the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), magmatic and tectonic processes exhibit pronounced spatiotemporal variations, along with asymmetric crustal accretion, making it rather difficult to conduct quantitative analysis of the geomorphology of the oceanic crust. By utilizing multibeam bathymetry and gravity data of Indomed-Gallieni supersegment, we calculated several parameters such as the fraction of magmatic accretion (M-value), axial valley depth (D-value), magma supply, melt flux, and strain ratio, as well as fault heave and fault throw, thereby quantifying magmatism and tectonism. The majority of parameters indicative of tectonic accretion exhibit a negative correlation with magmatic parameters. Moreover, we compared the two-dimensional Fourier spectra of seafloor on mid-ocean ridge flank with magma supply. The anisotropy of seafloor is positively correlated with magma supply, with morphology becoming increasingly isotropic as magma supply diminishes. Our research suggests that although tectonic processes account for nearly 50% of oceanic crust accretion at ultraslow spreading mid-ocean ridges, the accretion process and the geomorphic features of the young oceanic crust are predominantly influenced by magma supply.

How to cite: Wang, M., Tao, C., Zhu, Z., and Guo, Z.: Quantifying magmatism and tectonism along the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (46-52°E) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9441,, 2025.

The Atlantis Massif is a well-studied oceanic core complex in the Atlantic Ocean that hosts the Lost City Hydrothermal Field (LCHF). The LCHF is a low-moderate temperature, high pH vent system. In gabbroic intrusions within the serpentinite-dominated substrate of the LCHF, a variety of hydrothermal alteration reactions occur, including replacement, dissolution creating macroscopic (mm scale) reaction porosity, and precipitation of secondary minerals including chlorite, amphibole, prehnite and clays.

Many samples recovered from Expedition 399 and earlier expeditions contain  zones of reaction porosity. This work presents SEM, EMPA and other analysis of sample: U1601C 18R2 75-78 and U1309D-310R1 92-95 from Exp. 399, as well as several other samples analyzed concurrently, used only for example purposes.

Reaction porosity filled with actinolite is present at several levels in the gabbroic hole U1309D, including in areas that were newly deepened by Expedition 399. We highlight sample U1309D-310R1 92-95, collected at a depth of 1495 meters below seafloor (mbsf), which contains porosity partially filled with amphiboles zoned from edenitic hornblende cores to actinolite rims, suggesting dissolution by relatively higher temperature fluids.

Hole U1601C is dominated by serpentinised peridotite; porosity is widespread in gabbroic intrusions with a wide range of fills including chlorite, tremolite, diopside, serpentine, prehnite and saponite. Sample U1601C 18R2 75-78 consists of a 1 cm wide gabbroic vein (domain 1) within serpentinised peridotite (domain 2). Along the boundary with domain 2,  domain 1 contains a  ~5 mm zone of porosity partially filled by secondary diopside and serpentine. Relict porosity up to 200 µm in size is common. Domain 2 also contains porosity filled with diopside and serpentine, as well as zoned rosettes, of various stages of hydrogarnet solid solution, moving from pyrope-rich in the inner core, to more definitively hydro-andradite (identified by Raman spectroscopy (Frezzotti et al. 2012) and EPMA) in the rosette rim. The rosettes here may be replacing pyroxene.

We suggest that gabbroic veins acted as conduits for fluid flow during hydrothermal alteration, probably at temperatures of 300-400 °C, and contributed to the intense serpentinisation of the mantle rocks.  Magnetite is not observed in this sample, but hydrous andradite rich in Fe3+ offers another potential H2 generating reaction.

Work in progress includes XCT analysis of the porosity. Further work will involve characterising the geological sequence of events, and in some cases their subsequent deformation (through sequence mapping), investigating the arguments for dissolution versus fill reactions (through extensive SEM, EMPA and X-Ray Tomography) and characterising the extent of reaction porosity in the Atlantis Massif.


Frezzotti, M.L., Tecce, F. and Casagli, A. (2012) ‘Raman spectroscopy for fluid inclusion analysis’, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 112, pp. 1–20. Available at:

How to cite: Matchett, J.: Rotten Rocks at the Heart of the Atlantis Massif – A dive into reaction porosity in the Lost City Hydrothermal Field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9528,, 2025.

EGU25-10319 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Electrical resistivity structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the extinct ridge of the South China Sea 

Fan Zhang, Bo Yang, Jian Lin, Tao Zhang, Naif Samer, Jiabiao Li, Makoto Uyeshima, Chuanzhou Liu, Weiwei Ding, Xubo Zhang, Jiangyang Zhang, Caicai Zha, Alexandra Yang Yang, Zihua Cheng, Pengcheng Zhou, Jinyu Tian, and Wule Lin

Extinct spreading ridges are globally widespread and are crucial to understanding the lifespan of oceanic plates. Yet the nature of the LAB beneath extinct ridges remains enigmatic. In this study, we investigate the LAB structure beneath the SCS basin, where a ~700-km-long extinct ridge system stopped spreading at ~15 Ma. A 120 km long marine magnetotelluric (MT) transect perpendicular to the extinct mid-ocean ridge in the southwest sub-basin of SCS was carried out at September 2021. The electrical resistivity model reveals a relatively low-resistivity layer at depths of 50-80 km, potentially corresponding to 0.1%-0.9% partial melts. This low-resistivity layer is heterogeneous and absent directly beneath the extinct ridge axis. This observation supports a model in which melts are efficiently extracted beneath the ridge axis, leaving the central region depleted, while partial melts are retained in the surrounding areas on either flank. Additionally, residual melts at shallower depths have likely solidified due to plate cooling, while deeper melts indicate the depth of the LAB. These findings propose a new mechanism for the emplacement of long-lived partial melts at the LAB and suggest that a discontinuous melt-rich layer may commonly occur near extinct spreading ridges globally.

How to cite: Zhang, F., Yang, B., Lin, J., Zhang, T., Samer, N., Li, J., Uyeshima, M., Liu, C., Ding, W., Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Zha, C., Yang, A. Y., Cheng, Z., Zhou, P., Tian, J., and Lin, W.: Electrical resistivity structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the extinct ridge of the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10319,, 2025.

EGU25-11050 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Olivine-quartz association in a gabbro-peridotite hybrid rock of the Kane Fracture Zone: evidence for hydrous Si-rich melt percolation in abyssal context. 

Manon Bickert, Mathieu Rospabé, Mary-Alix Kaczmarek, and Marcia Maia

Felsic plutonic rocks, such as plagiogranites, are commonly found in minor proportions in the lower oceanic crust. The presence of quartz of magmatic origin in the oceanic lithosphere, especially in the mantle, is therefore rarely documented. Here, we present microstructural and petrological observations of a gabbro-peridotite hybrid rock collected in situ by HOV Nautile along the southern wall of the Kane Fracture Zone, at the base of the Kane megamullion, during the KANAUT expedition (Mid-Atlantic ridge, 23°N; Auzende, 1992). This sample, a strongly deformed gabbro containing a peridotite fragment, shows evidence of mantle reacting with hydrous SiO2-rich melt at the contact between both lithologies.

The gabbro is composed of oriented plagioclase-rich layers alternating with polymineralic layers of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene (Opx) and Fe-Ti oxides, and of mm-thick quartz-rich layers. These gabbroic layers locally enclose an aggregate of weakly deformed olivine grains with few Opx grains (up to 1 mm in size). The high Mg# of both olivine and Opx (up tp 85% for both), and the low TiO2 (< 0.1 wt.%) of Opx and of the rare spinels in the aggregate, support a mantle origin. The contact between the two lithologies is marked by a rim of small, polygonal to interstitial Opx grains, forming bulges into the adjacent olivine grain boundaries. The cusp-shapes of olivine grains at contact with Opx, the bulges of Opx along olivine grain boundaries, and the presence of phlogopite and edenitic amphibole, indicate local dissolution of olivine and precipitation of Opx and phlogopite in presence of a hydrous melt, as documented in peridotite from subcontinental contexts.

Temperatures estimated from geothermometry in Opx, plagioclase-amphibole and quartz all indicate that this melt-rock reaction occurred around 900-1000°C. This is also consistent with the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of plagioclase showing a main direction of [100]. The CPO of all minerals forming the gabbroic layers have a main direction parallel to the foliation, which also follows the contours of the peridotite fragment. By contrast, the olivine CPO in the peridotite fragment, showing a clear [100](010) slip system typical of high temperature, low stress conditions prevailing in the asthenosphere, has a direction orthogonal to the foliation. Taken together, the Mg# of olivine and Opx in the peridotite fragment, and the gabbro foliation orthogonal to the presumed foliation in the peridotite, provide evidence that this peridotite fragment preserved the deep mantle conditions during exhumation, despite its reaction with a hydrous melt. To our knowledge, this is the first time in an abyssal context that the reaction between a mantle component and hydrous Si-rich melt, leading to olivine-quartz association in a same sample, is reported.

AUZENDE Jean-Marie (1992). KANAUT cruise, RV Le Nadir,

How to cite: Bickert, M., Rospabé, M., Kaczmarek, M.-A., and Maia, M.: Olivine-quartz association in a gabbro-peridotite hybrid rock of the Kane Fracture Zone: evidence for hydrous Si-rich melt percolation in abyssal context., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11050,, 2025.

The magmatic upper crust is generally divided into Layer 2A and Layer 2B, where Layer 2A is interpreted to consist of lava flows and Layer 2B of dikes, although hydrothermal alteration processes have also been suggested to define the Layer 2A/2B boundary. Using 3D seismic reflection method at the Axial Volcano in the Eastern Pacific, we have recently imaged > 3 km of layered lava flows that dip inwards towards the rift zone and interact with the axial melt lens, hence indicating the absence of a dike sequence. These images also show the injection of melt sills within the lava pile. However, the conventional stacking of wide-angle data (triplication associated with the high velocity gradient zone at the base of Layer 2A) indicates that a classical Layer 2A/2B boundary can be defined in our study area.

Here, we present results of seismic full waveform inversion applied to ultra-long offset (12 km) multi-channel seismic data collected in 2019 during the same survey that yielded the 3D seismic reflection results. In our high-resolution P-wave velocity section and associated velocity gradient section we find layered structures consistent with the 3D seismic image. We also find (1) a low-velocity layer in the upper part, evocative of Layer 2A, (2) a high-velocity gradient zone underlain by (3) a high-velocity but low-gradient zone (similar to Layer 2B) underneath, all within the imaged thick lava pile. We suggest that the uppermost lava flow layer consists of hydrated lava flows whereas the lower layer has undergone dehydration and metamorphism and has been formed by the interaction of lava flows with melt bodies and injected sills. Thus the classical Layer 2A/2B boundary would correspond to the boundary between hydrated and dehydrated lava flows. Our results suggest that the upper oceanic crust is formed by lava flows and their interactions with melt-sills, which resolves the long-standing debate about Layer 2A/2B boundary.

How to cite: Xie, W., Wu, H., Singh, S., Carton, H., Kent, G., and Arnulf, A.: Seismic Evidence of Hydrated/dehydrated Lava Flows at the Layer 2A/2B boundary from Full Waveform Inversion of Ultra-long Offset Multi-channel Seismic Data at the Axial Volcano in the Pacific Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11076,, 2025.

EGU25-11184 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Investigating the response of hydrothermal convection to decadal cycles of magmatic inflation at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50'N 

Kim Moutard, Jean-Arthur Olive, Thibaut Barreyre, Fabrice J. Fontaine, Daniel J. Fornari, Jill McDermott, Ross Parnell-Turner, Jyun-Nai Wu, and Milena Marjanović

Hydrothermal circulation at the axis of fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges is intrinsically linked to magmatic activity, which typically fluctuates on decadal time scales, i.e., the characteristic recurrence time of eruptions. While hydrothermal vent temperatures are known to fluctuate in response to sudden events such as dike intrusions or seismic swarms, their response to longer-term processes such as the replenishment of an axial melt lens (AML) remain poorly documented. Here we focus on high-temperature vents from the 9°50'N segment of the East Pacific Rise, which experienced eruptions in 1991/1992 and 2005/2006, and has been extensively monitored over the last 3 decades. There, a compilation of legacy data complemented by recently acquired temperature measurements from the Bio9 vent site (cruise AT50-21, February-March 2024) reveal decadal trends where maximum vent temperatures increase by ~30ºC in ~15 yr between eruptions, and drop by a commensurate amount within a few years of each eruption. In this study we use numerical models of hydrothermal convection to test the hypothesis that decadal increases in vent temperatures are caused by AML inflation pressurizing the upper crust and decreasing its permeability.

We simulate 2-D porous convection driven by a constant basal heat flux, where permeability decreases exponentially with pressure, as suggested by rock deformation experiments. We first benchmark the relationship between average maximal vent temperature and mean permeability against the analytical model of Driesner (2010). Then, we perturb the permeability field using a mechanical model of sill inflation that imparts isotropic compression across the upper oceanic crust, resulting in exponentially-decaying permeability above the 1.5 km deep AML. When using a narrow basal heat source, we obtain a single plume of rising hot fluid, whose flow progressively slows down in the basal conductive boundary layer. This creates a positive thermal anomaly which is then advected to the seafloor by the plume. However, when the heat source is broader and the convection geometry more intricate, variations in permeability modify fluid pathways, leading to a more complex response. Lastly, simulating cycles of AML inflation and deflation yields oscillations in vent temperatures with periods representative of the duration of a replenishment cycle, but with a lag strongly modulated by the vigor of the convective system.

How to cite: Moutard, K., Olive, J.-A., Barreyre, T., Fontaine, F. J., Fornari, D. J., McDermott, J., Parnell-Turner, R., Wu, J.-N., and Marjanović, M.: Investigating the response of hydrothermal convection to decadal cycles of magmatic inflation at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50'N, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11184,, 2025.

Many potential green energy resources are undiscovered on our planet, hidden within crustal structures such as microcontinents, the formation of which is not well-understood. Recent work by Whittaker et al. (2016) suggests formation of microcontinents from plate tectonic reorganisation, where transpression along transform plates causing ridge jumps into rifted continental margins. To test this hypothesis, we aim to globally map transpressive and transtensional oceanic fracture zones. These structures with specific spectral gravity wavelength signatures will be identified using machine learning approaches and the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). In later work, we will kinematically model the onset and development of these transpressional and transtensional structures to understand their relative timing to kinematic change and decipher the role of lithospheric structures in microcontinent cleaving and the global plate tectonic system.

How to cite: Tranova, T. M. K., Phethean, J., Khan, W. A., and Hussain, M.: Lithospheric controls on plate tectonic motions and microcontinent formation, part 1: Mapping global transpression and transtension using gravity derivatives and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13455,, 2025.

Since the recognition of seafloor spreading, numerous kinematic and dynamic models for the accretion of oceanic crust and lithosphere have been proposed. Early models were constrained by the interpretation of marine seismic data and the internal structure of ophiolite complexes and predated any direct observations of the oceanic crust. Mapping the extent of axial lava flows and subsurface axial magma chambers established the very limited dimensions of where new oceanic crust is built.

Unlike spreading at slow rates, where faulting and sporadic magmatism result in heterogeneous structures, spreading at intermediate to superfast spreading rates (and higher, more consistent magma budgets) results in a layered upper crustal structure with a complex internal structure. Direct observations from submersibles, ROVs, and deep drill cores provide constraints that allow for the refinement or modification models for oceanic crust accretion at these relatively fast spreading rates.

Key observations reveal structures and processes that are not obvious from surface investigations. These include progressively more steeply inward-dipping (initially horizontal) lava flows, outward-dipping (originally vertical) dikes, downward-increasing brittle deformation and hydrothermal metamorphism of lavas and dikes, and underplating by much-less-faulted and altered gabbroic rocks. The thickness and internal structure of these upper crustal rock units are created by continuous dike intrusion feeding lava flows that cause caldera-like, vertical subsidence of hundreds of meters above an axial magma chamber. Greater subsidence and deformation of upper crustal units occur at intermediate spreading rates (or lower magma budgets) than at the highest rates.

These results have implications for viscous mass redistribution beneath the spreading axis even as additional magma is delivered from the mantle below. Applying observable parameters to dynamic models yields internally consistent results with extremely weak axial lithosphere (effective elastic thickness < 1 km) that strengthens laterally as it ages off axis prior to the formation of abyssal hill faults.

How to cite: Karson, J.: Building the Oceanic Crust at Intermediate to Superfast Mid-Ocean Ridge Spreading Centers: Implications of Complex Internal Structures of the Upper Oceanic Crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13464,, 2025.

EGU25-14183 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Historical Interaction of Central Indian Ridge and Réunion hotspot in the Indian Ocean 

Yiming Luo, Fan Zhang, Zhiyuan Zhou, and Jian Lin

The interaction between the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) and the Réunion hotspot has significantly influenced the formation of notable volcanic features in the Indian Ocean over the past 60 million years, including the Maldive ridge and Chagos bank on the Indian-Australian Plate, as well as the Mascarene Plateau, Mauritius Island, Réunion Island, and Rodrigues Ridge on the African Plate. Plate reconstruction results indicate that the distances between the CIR and Réunion hotspot have varied throughout the geological history, transitioning from off-axis (65-40 Ma) to on-axis (40-20 Ma) and back to off-axis (20-10 Ma) cases, with the current distance exceeding 1,000 km. This makes the CIR-Réunion system an ideal setting for studying both on-axis, off-axis interactions and their transitions. In this study, we utilized the advanced computational geodynamic platform ASPECT to investigate the CIR-Réunion system, focusing on 3-D mantle evolution, deep structures and their connectivity, and the migration pattern of hotspot material towards the ridge and surrounding regions. Our results illustrate the dynamic processes of mantle and crust, the dispersion of temperature anomaly, and the migration of plume material. The model results show that the critical points of the interactions begin and cease are ~50 and ~10 Ma, respectively. There is no direct connection between the ridge and hotspot at present. These indicate that the traces of the ridge-hotspot interaction may show spatial features, but it actually reflects the temporal variations.

How to cite: Luo, Y., Zhang, F., Zhou, Z., and Lin, J.: Historical Interaction of Central Indian Ridge and Réunion hotspot in the Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14183,, 2025.

In the current theories of mid-ocean ridges, diking processes have been considered by using simplified models with a single permanently open central dike. Here, I instead consider long-term large-scale rheological effects of multiple dikes emplacement, which lead to rheological weakening of the forming mid-ocean ridge lithosphere. Based on 2D numerical experiments modeling multiple dikes emplacement, I derive rheological expressions representing effective strength of the melt-weakened lithosphere as the function of local melt flux. These expressions are then implemented into 3D visco-elasto-plastic mid-ocean ridge models including mantle decompression melting, crustal growth and melt flux-induced weakening of the spontaneously accreting oceanic lithosphere. Based on 3D numerical experiments, I demonstrate that the newly developed rheological theory explains well the observed mid-ocean ridge topography and faulting pattern variations with spreading rate and oceanic crust thickness. This theory may be further used for other geodynamical situations involving melt transport through oceanic and continental lithosphere such as continental and oceanic rifting, continental breakup and plume-lithosphere interaction processes.

How to cite: Gerya, T.: Melt-induced weakening controls topography and faulting pattern of mid-ocean ridges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15390,, 2025.

EGU25-15659 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Global distribution and growth mechanisms of seamounts: Insights from statistical and tectonic analysis 

Sibiao Liu, Lars Rüpke, Pilar Madrigal, and Ming Chen

Volcanic seamounts found in every ocean are among the most widespread landforms on Earth and their geological evolution provides valuable insights into Earth's interior melting processes. Seamounts form in diverse tectonic settings, including mid-ocean ridges, subduction zones, and intraplate volcanism, with their size and distribution reflecting their tectonic origin. Smaller seamounts typically form on younger seafloor near mid-ocean ridges, while larger seamounts originate from volcanism on older seafloor far from ridge axes. A common height threshold distinguishing small and large seamounts is 1-1.5 km. Using the latest gravity-predictive seamount census, we statistically analyzed 18400 well-surveyed seamounts, integrating geometric data (exposed height above the seafloor, radii, volume, and irregularity) and tectonic features (seafloor age, spreading rate, and hotspot proximity) from GEBCO_2024 and GPlates reconstructions.

Our analyses to date show that 90% of seamounts are under 2 km in height and distribute in all tectonic environments, whereas those above 2 km high are primarily located away from mid-ocean ridges. This height threshold may serve as a new criterion to distinguish small from large seamounts. Additionally, there are no fundamental differences in the distribution and shapes of seamounts across the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Specifically, seamount height shows no strong correlation with spreading rate but a weak positive trend with seafloor age. Approximately one-third of seamounts in the three major oceans lie within hotspot tracks. Strikingly, nearly all seamounts taller than 4 km are associated with hotspots or large igneous provinces, exemplified by those situated on the "hotspot highway" in the western Pacific.

In a nutshell, seamounts generally grow to heights of up to 2 km regardless of formation setting, but growth to heights exceeding 4 km requires stronger impulse from hotspots or large igneous provinces. This finding suggests that towering seamounts worldwide are likely to be the product of anomalous magmatic activity caused by the upwelling of deep mantle plumes.

How to cite: Liu, S., Rüpke, L., Madrigal, P., and Chen, M.: Global distribution and growth mechanisms of seamounts: Insights from statistical and tectonic analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15659,, 2025.

EGU25-16578 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3

Serpentinite microstructure at the Atlantis Massif – serpentinization reaction or deformation? 

Rebecca Kühn, Rüdiger Kilian, Luiz Morales, Andy Parsons, Barbara John, and Jeremy Deans and the IODP Expedition 399 Science Party

Oceanic core complexes are a common feature along slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges. Serpentinized mantle rocks are exposed at the seafloor in the footwall to large-scale detachment faults. While it is likely that the exposed and rotated footwall has experienced deformation, it is unclear how internal footwall deformation is accommodated by the ultramafic rocks. One example of such an oceanic core complex is the Atlantis Massif at the Mid-Atlantic ridge (30° N) drilled by International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 399. Site U1601 provides the unique opportunity to understand any deformation recorded in serpentinized mantle rocks over >1.2 km depth.

To better understand the depth distribution of deformation and the associated deformation mechanisms, we combine microstructure and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) analysis by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy techniques and synchrotron high energy X-ray diffraction. Results show variable microstructures ranging from zoned mesh cells with no CPO, to foliated samples with a strong CPO of both serpentine and magnetite, to serpentinite samples exhibiting deformation microstructures like kinking and dissolution-precipitation features. The origin of characteristic microstructures and CPOs, whether formed due to serpentinization, deformation, or mutual interaction, will be discussed.

How to cite: Kühn, R., Kilian, R., Morales, L., Parsons, A., John, B., and Deans, J. and the IODP Expedition 399 Science Party: Serpentinite microstructure at the Atlantis Massif – serpentinization reaction or deformation?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16578,, 2025.

EGU25-16615 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3

Formation and early transformation of hydrothermal Fe nano-colloids in a black smoker system 

Lotta Ternieten, Martina Preiner, Péter Pekker, Mihály Pósfai, Peter Kraal, and Oliver Plümper

Motivated by the goal to determine the chemical form, variability, and potential processes that modulate the flux of ecosystem-limiting metals, like hydrothermal iron (Fe) nano-colloids, and to explore their unique catalytic capabilities, we sampled suspended and dissolved matter in the water column above the Rainbow (36°-33°N) hydrothermal vent field at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. To investigate the (trans)formation of hydrothermal iron-based nanocolloids, we employed a direct sampling approach that bypasses conventional techniques such as filtration and resuspension. Instead, small amounts of plume fluid were immediately drop-cast onto transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids and plunge-frozen, preserving dissolved compounds and nanocolloids through vitrification. Using an array of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques, combined with machine learning, allowed detailed characterization of the Fe nanocolloids down to the nano-scale and provided insight into their early (trans)formation and bioavailability.

TEM and synchrotron-based spectroscopy show that the Fe colloids suspended in the hydrothermal plume predominantly consist of poorly ordered ferric Fe-oxyhydroxides most similar to 2-line (2L-Fh) and 6-line ferrihydrites (6L-Fh), which contain local enrichments in P, S, and/or Cu phases. Using the machine learning model SIGMA1 allowed us to explore the distribution of distinct Fe phases and revealed local P:Fe ratios of 1:2 for 2L-Fhs and 1:6 for 6L-Fhs. Utilizing nano-scale scanning TEM tomography, we showed that some 2L-Fh aggregates contain ferrous chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) cores. On the outside, the plunge-frozen Fe-nano colloids are covered with the vitrified plume fluid enriched in Mg, Cl, and ± S. Notably, our results do not show associations of Fe with (organic) carbon.

These observations suggest that chalcopyrite forms in the shallow subsurface before venting and acts as a crystallization seed for some fast oxidizing Fe(II) after mixing with seawater. Ferrihydrite (Fh) forms through the formation of Fe13-Keggin clusters2, and we argue that part of the clustering process occurred on the surface of the chalcopyrite, resulting in dendritic textures of some 2L-Fh. In contrast, Fh can also nucleate by clustering of Fe without needing a preexisting template, resulting in a more compact morphology. The larger surface area of the dendritic Fh that utilizes metal sulfides for their nucleation results in higher adsorption of PO4 and, consequently, due to the dehydration of the surface, significantly decreases the dissolution and, therefore, recrystallization, suppressing the transformation into more ordered 6L-Fh. Furthermore, this shows limited interaction between C-rich phases and Fe-bearing precipitates during early (trans)formation in a black smoker system, contrasting previous studies, which suggest that organic compounds play a key role in stabilizing and transporting hydrothermal Fe3.

Our findings shed completely new light on the transport and persistence of vent-derived reduced iron phases, highlighting the role of ferric coatings in protecting nano-scale iron sulfides and challenging the previously proposed importance of complexation with organic matter. Overall, we provide new perspectives on the early (trans)formation processes of vent-derived iron, its interaction with other essential elements, and, eventually, its impact on ocean chemistry.


  • Tung, P., et al. Geochem., Geophys., Geosystems 24, (2023).
  • Weatherill, J. S., et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 9333–9342 (2016).
  • Toner, B. M. et al. Acc. Chem. Res. 49, 128–137 (2016).

How to cite: Ternieten, L., Preiner, M., Pekker, P., Pósfai, M., Kraal, P., and Plümper, O.: Formation and early transformation of hydrothermal Fe nano-colloids in a black smoker system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16615,, 2025.

Black-smoker-type hydrothermal vent systems are a feature of all mid ocean ridges. They often sit atop developing massive sulfide deposits, such as the TAG mound in the central Atlantic. The measured apparent upper limit for vent fluid temperatures at these sites around 400°C can be explained with the thermodynamic properties of water [1]. However, continuum-scale numerical models of seawater and hydrothermal fluid circulation commonly fail to reproduce these high vent temperatures under realistic assumptions of host rock permeability. While most discharge of circulating seawater does occur diffusively and at low temperatures, an explanation for the extreme focusing of flow at hot vent sites is needed.

One common approach to resolve this is the so-called “clogged shell” model, where the precipitation of mainly anhydrite at the interface of rising hot fluids and entrained seawater locally lowers permeability around the hydrothermal plume, preventing mixing and increasing vent temperatures [2]. This concept has been validated in a number of studies [e.g., 3], but no fully coupled model of hydrothermal fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction in such systems exists.

Using a newly developed coupling of open-source C++ libraries to solve fluid flow in 2D and 3D (OpenFOAM) and local equilibrium thermodynamics (Reaktoro [4]), we investigate feedback between reactive fluid flow, anhydrite precipitation and vent temperatures.

Anhydrite solubility decreases with higher temperatures, leading to precipitation from heated seawater at the interface with rising hot hydrothermal fluids. Solubility also depends on salinity, increasing in saltier fluids [5]. Thus, we vary hydrothermal fluid salinity between 0 and 5 wt%, based on vent fluid measurements.

Our results clearly show that anhydrite precipitation occurs around the plume and inhibits mixing, focusing the hot upflow and increasing vent temperatures over time. These effects are strongly dependent on fluid salinity: Initial vent temperatures are highest with high salinity, linked to thermodynamic properties of water. Over time, lower salinity hydrothermal fluids produce a narrower anhydrite shell, leading to stronger focusing and a steeper vent temperature increase.

Figure 1. Model results: (a) 2D anhydrite shell (b) cut 3D Anhydrite shell (c) vent temperature over time with variable hydrothermal fluid salinity.



[1] Jupp, T. and A. Schultz, A thermodynamic explanation for black smoker temperatures. Nature, 2000. 403(6772): p. 880-3.

[2] Cann, J.R. and M.R. Strens, Modeling periodic megaplume emission by black smoker systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 1989. 94(B9): p. 12227-12237.

[3] Guo, Z., et al., Anhydrite‐Assisted Hydrothermal Metal Transport to the Ocean Floor—Insights From Thermo‐Hydro‐Chemical Modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2020. 125(7).

[4] Leal, A.M.M. Reaktoro: An open-source unified framework for modeling chemically reactive systems. 2015; Available from:

[5] Creaser, E.C., M. Steele-MacInnis, and B.M. Tutolo, A model for the solubility of anhydrite in H2O-NaCl fluids from 25 to 800 °C, 0.1 to 1400 MPa, and 0 to 60 wt% NaCl: Applications to hydrothermal ore-forming systems. Chemical Geology, 2022. 587.



How to cite: Engelmann, J. and Rüpke, L.: The Hydrothermal “Clogged Shell” Model Revisited Using Coupled Reactive Fluid Flow (OpenFOAM + Reaktoro) – Feedback Between Vent Fluid Salinity, Temperature, and Anhydrite Precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16639,, 2025.

EGU25-17434 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Magmato-tectonic variability along the Mohns Ridge: Insights into the controls on hydrothermal circulation 

Morgane Le Saout, Thibaut Barreyre, Javier Escartín, and Masako Tominaga

The Mohns Ridge is located in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, between the Jan Mayen Transform Fault and the Mohns-Knipovich Bend. It is an ultra-slow spreading ridge section with a full spreading rate of 15 to 17 mm/yr. Over its 580 km, the variations in axis depth and crustal thickness attest of the overall decrease of magma supply associated with the distance from the Jan Mayen Hotspot. In parallel seafloor ages based on sediment thickness and sedimentation rate in the axial valley attest of the relatively young volcanic activity (<180 ka) experienced by the entire ridge axis. Utilizing a multi-proxy approach, we aim to provide new insights into the magmato-tectonic interplay along the Mohns Ridge, including its transient nature and controls on hydrothermal circulation. We investigate: (i) the variability in relative tectonic and magmatic extension by deciphering seafloor morphology extracted from the bathymetric data; (ii) the variability in magma supply and volcanic activity by analyzing gravimetry and magnetic anomalies, and (iii) the distribution and intensity of the recent crustal activity affecting the ridge based on the 40 years of seismicity record. The analyses highlight two significant trends. First, a regional trend linked to the Jan Mayen and Iceland plumes controlling the distance between volcanic centers (i.e., axial volcanic ridges – AVRs) and the focus of the volcanic activity. Second, a local trend associated with AVR maturity controlling AVR volume and related faulting patterns. Combining these observations with the location of known hydrothermal vents, we find no evidence of the regional magma budget variability impacting the distribution of hydrothermal vents. Instead, the locations of hydrothermal vents appear to be related to AVRs with recent and voluminous volcanic activity. This suggests that hydrothermal activity is linked to recent phases of the AVR construction over shorter time scales than to overall melt supply and along-axis gradients, over longer timescales. Finaly, although the seismic activity has been stable over the last 40 years, the lack of correlation with the hydrothermal vent distribution or AVR geometry, suggests that it is related to transient processes over shorter time scales than that of the AVR construction and associated hydrothermal activity.

How to cite: Le Saout, M., Barreyre, T., Escartín, J., and Tominaga, M.: Magmato-tectonic variability along the Mohns Ridge: Insights into the controls on hydrothermal circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17434,, 2025.

EGU25-17718 | Posters on site | GD5.3

Cooling of young Arctic oceanic lithosphere modulated by off-axis fluid circulation and post-glacial sedimentation 

Thibaut Barreyre, Jean-Arthur Olive, Javier Escartin, and Steffen Jørgensen

Mid-ocean ridges (MORs) are sites of key thermo-chemical transfers between the Earth's interior and the ocean. Heat flow at MORs primarily depends on lithospheric age but is also modulated by various processes including sedimentation, hydrothermal activity, and faulting, which alter the thermal properties of young oceanic lithosphere. Here we quantify this modulation by analyzing heat flow measurements across the ultraslow-spreading Mohn’s Ridge in the Arctic Ocean. The Mohn’s ridge features major asymmetries in tectonic structures, with larger-offset normal faulting occurring on the West side (North American plate), as well as more sedimentation on the East side (Eurasian plate).

Recently acquired measurements of conductive heat flow across Mohn’s Ridge reveal a significant asymmetry. The eastern (sedimented) side shows a typical conductive profile with values exceeding 600 mW/m2 at the axis decreasing off-axis towards an asymptote at ~100 mW/m². By contrast, the western (faulted) side lacks this conductive plateau, with conductive heat flow dropping to near zero off-axis in ~15-Ma seafloor.

We used 2-D numerical models of hydrothermal convection coupled with conductive heat transport to test two hypotheses (1) An asymmetry in the intensity of brittle deformation leads to greater crustal permeability on the faulted west side, enabling cooling by hydrothermal circulation far off-axis. This manifests as very low conductive heat flux in 10+Ma seafloor. (2) Permeability is the same on both sides of the ridge, but a thick, impermeable sediment blanket suppresses off-axis hydrothermal convection in the Eurasian plate to the East. We find that explaining the low Western heat fluxes requires a high off-axis permeability. The Eastern heat fluxes are better explained either by a lower permeability, or the insulating effect of the sediment. Interestingly, the instantaneous addition of a sediment blanket at a prescribed time in our simulations can turn a heat flow profile typical of the West side into a classical conductive profile typical of the East side in a few 100 kyrs. This suggests that a post-glacial input of sediment on the Eurasian plate could have contributed to a rapid onset of the heat flow asymmetry across Mohn’s Ridge.

How to cite: Barreyre, T., Olive, J.-A., Escartin, J., and Jørgensen, S.: Cooling of young Arctic oceanic lithosphere modulated by off-axis fluid circulation and post-glacial sedimentation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17718,, 2025.

EGU25-18143 | Posters on site | GD5.3

MAPRIDGES: Geometry of global mid-ocean ridge plate boundaries, and the role of transform faults and non-transform offsets 

Javier Escartín, Benjamin Sautter, Carmen Gaina, Sven Petersen, Roi Granot, and Manuel Pubelier

The global mid-ocean ridge system produces the oceanic lithosphere accounting for ~70% of the Earth’s surface, while hosting active processes (tectonic, volcanic, hydrothermal circulation). The ridge system is segmented by both transform faults and non-transform offsets, and their geometry can be now re-evaluated with existing multibeam bathymetry (with a resolution of ~100 m or better), both from publicly accessible datasets (e.g., GMRT, NCEI, Pangaea, AWI, among others) and available through published studies. This high-resolution bathymetry is now available for ~25% of the ocean seafloor, but covers a significant proportion of the global mid-ocean ridge system (>70%) and is thus suitable to refine and finely define its geometry. 


The MAPRIDGES database ( provides a global dataset that includes the newly-defined geometry of individual mid-ocean ridge segments, the most complete catalog to date of transform faults, and identifies non-transform offsets (NTOs). This effort is linked to the World 5M project by CGMW (Commission for the Geological Map of the World). We calculate the lateral offset associated with these NTOs, and determine if they correspond to overlaps of adjacent segments or if they are associated with a gap (underlap). Two different plate models (MORVEL and GSRM) are used to estimate  the length of overlaps, underlaps and their links to variations in spreading direction.


Our new database, gives a global, detailed view of the global mid-ocean ridge geometry, and provides the first  evaluation of the overall lengths of ridges and associated lateral offsets, both transform and non-transform. Mid ocean ridge segments (1471) show a cumulative length of ~71200 km, with and along-axis distance of ~4800 km of overlapping segments, and ~1700 km of underlap; taking these offsets into account this yields a total length of along-axis segments of ~75300 km. We have also digitized the traces of 262 transform faults to obtain the most complete catalogue to date of these structures. Transform faults account for a cumulative lateral offset of ridges of ~27000 km. We report a first estimate of the lateral offset of 1058 identified NTOs at ~10400 km, accounting for >30% of the cumulative transform fault length. The resulting cumulative lateral offset from both transform and non-tranform segments is thus ~37400 km, and is ~50% of the total ridge length. As in the case of transform faults, these NTOs are associated with deformation of a significant volume of the recently accreted oceanic lithosphere, and thus likely facilitating hydrothermal circulation and alteration of the lithosphere. This study will facilitate the quantification of these processes and provides a basis to better understand their implications on local and global environments (e.g., chemical fluxes associated with alteration at all offsets).

How to cite: Escartín, J., Sautter, B., Gaina, C., Petersen, S., Granot, R., and Pubelier, M.: MAPRIDGES: Geometry of global mid-ocean ridge plate boundaries, and the role of transform faults and non-transform offsets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18143,, 2025.

EGU25-18332 | Orals | GD5.3

IODP Expedition 399: the six million year uplift history of a record-breaking section of depleted mantle 

Andrew McCaig, Johan Lissenberg, Susan Lang, and Blum Peter and the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 399 Science Party

IODP Expedition 399 drilled a record 1268m hole (U1601C) in the Atlantis Massif oceanic core complex, sampling serpentinised harzburgites and dunites, cut by a gabbro net-vein complex (Lissenberg et al., 2024). The near ridge environment of the Atlantis Massif, and the well constrained exhumation of the section by detachment faulting (Escartin et al., 2022), allows us to constrain the recent (~6 million year) history of this important section of abyssal peridotites exceptionally well. In addition, Site U1601 is located only 800 m from the Lost City hydrothermal field (LCHF), which vents warm (40-115 °C) alkaline fluids rich in H2 and CH4.  The section allows direct comparison with the LCHF substrate and reactions occurring deep in the massif, together with extremophile microbiology and abiotic organic synthesis.

Here we focus on the history of the section, beginning with partial melting in the upwelling asthenosphere beneath the mid-Atlantic ridge, inferred to have begun at ~ 60km depth (Olive, 2023) and ~ 6 m.y. ago based on a half-spreading rate of 11.8 mm/yr. It is important to recognise that detachment faulting involves rotation of the fault and footwall. The detachment fault captures part of the mid-ocean ridge corner flow translating vertical upwelling into horizontal plate motion. The current near-vertical section collected by drilling was therefore plunging at a low angle until incorporated into the lithosphere and rotated by faulting. The section contains numerous dunitic veins inferred to be melt pathways forming in the upwelling asthenosphere. Dips of these veins peak at ~45° in the core reference frame, suggesting they were neither vertical nor horizontal in the rotated section. Further upwelling led to incorporation of the section into the lithosphere in the footwall of the nascent detachment fault, at a depth of 7-10 kmbsf. The next event was intrusion of a net vein complex of gabbros, with 265 logged units, mostly < 1 m in thickness. Significant mylonitic deformation is seen along the margins of many of these gabbros. During further uplift towards the seafloor, intense hydrothemal alteration of the gabbros and serpentinisation of the harzburgites and dunites occurred at temperatures < 400 °C, and the section was first exposed on the seafloor at ~ 600 kyr (Escartin et al., 2022), with the detachment fault rotating to a subhorizontal dip. Following this, a local low temperature overprint leading to oxidation of magnetite and locally high uranium contents  is observed in the upper 200m of the core.

The history outlined above offers a framework for understanding the full range of magmatic, deformation, alteration and microbiological processes in the upwelling mantle at a slow spreading ridge, including new constraints on processes in the substrate of the LCHF.


Escartin et al., (2022). Tectonic termination of oceanic detachment faults, with constraints on tectonic uplift and mass wasting related erosion rates.Earth and Planetary Science Letters 584, 117449

Lissenberg et al., (2024). A long section of serpentinized depleted mantle peridotite. Science. 623-629 385.6709

Olive (2023) Mid-Ocean Ridges: Geodynamics Written in the Seafloor DOI 10.1016/B978-0-323-85733-8.00018-4

How to cite: McCaig, A., Lissenberg, J., Lang, S., and Peter, B. and the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 399 Science Party: IODP Expedition 399: the six million year uplift history of a record-breaking section of depleted mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18332,, 2025.

EGU25-20531 | Orals | GD5.3

Boninites formed in deep hydrothermal fault zones at mid-ocean ridges: experimental evidence  

Jürgen Koepke, Sandrin Feig, and Jasper Berndt-Gerdes

Water-saturated partial melting experiments were carried out using a refractory harzburgite from the Oman Ophiolite as starting material. The experiments were performed at pressures of 100, 200 and 500 MPa using both reducing (corresponding to the FMQ buffer) and oxidizing (FMQ+3) conditions. Specially designed internally heated pressure vessels were used to control oxygen fugacity and allow rapid quenching. Temperatures varied between 980 and 1220°C, and run durations were up to 82 hours.  The solidus and clinopyroxene-out curve show significant variation with pressure.  As expected, the melts produced were generally SiO2-rich, with SiO2 concentrations ranging between 55 and 65 wt%. These melts exhibit boninitic characteristics. Due to the refractory character of the starting material, the experimental melts are highly depleted in incompatible trace elements, showing chondrite-normalized REE patterns with a characteristic concave-upward shape. Calcium and sodium in the system are mainly derived from the clinopyroxene in the starting harzburgite, resulting in extremely high Ca/Na ratios in the experimental melts. At temperatures above the clinopyroxene breakdown, the residual mineral paragenesis exhibits characteristics similar to extremely refractory harzburgites, with Cr# in Cr-spinel (Cr2O3 /(Al2O3 + Cr2O3), molar) reaching up to 86, reminiscent of ophiolites formed under supra-subduction zone conditions.

The melts produced have compositions of high-Mg andesite and boninite. Our experimental results show that the formation of distinct rock types within the paleocrust of the Oman Ophiolite such as high-Ca boninites, high-Si boninites, high-Mg andesites, depleted gabbronorite cumulate rocks, and extremely refractory harzburgites containing Cr-spinel with Cr# > 80, could, in principle, be attributed to a single process of fluid-induced partial melting of harzburgite below the crust/mantle boundary of the Oman paleocrust. The temperatures for the heating process (> 1040°C) for such a model, could be provided by ascending MORB magmas. The presence of water-rich fluids at the crust/mantle boundary or within the uppermost mantle which are necessary for such a model, could be derived from seawater via deep hydrothermal fault zones. We present amphibole data from deep hydrothermal fault zones in the lowermost gabbros of the Oman Ophiolite, which provide evidence that temperatures of deep hydrothermal fault zones are high enough to trigger the melting of hydrated harzburgites.

How to cite: Koepke, J., Feig, S., and Berndt-Gerdes, J.: Boninites formed in deep hydrothermal fault zones at mid-ocean ridges: experimental evidence , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20531,, 2025.

The Katschberg normal fault, which bounds the Tauern Window to the east, played a crucial role during Miocene lateral extrusion in the Eastern European Alps (Genser & Neubauer 1989; Scharf et al. 2013). We present new cooling ages from low-temperature thermochronology as well as thermo-kinematic models, which constrain the exhumation history of the Penninic units in the footwall of the Katschberg fault and its fault-slip history (Wolff et al. 2024). Zircon and apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He ages from footwall units range from 16.0±1.9 Ma to 12.8±1.4 Ma, 10.4±1.8 Ma to 7.9±1.3 Ma, and 8.2±0.8 Ma to 3.9±0.4 Ma, respectively. Thermo-kinematic modeling indicates that the Katschberg normal fault was active with a total rate of 3.5±0.3 km/Myr from 21.1±1.8 Ma to 12.2±1.3 Ma and accommodated 27±6 km of crustal extension. After the end of normal faulting, exhumation continued with a rate of 0.21±0.06 km/Myr until 2.0±0.5 Ma and then accelerated to a rate of 0.84±0.08 km/Myr. A comparison with the Brenner low-angle normal fault at the western margin of the Tauern Window reveals that the amount of Miocene extension is higher in the west than in the east. This is consistent with an eastward decrease of N-S shortening in front of the Adriatic Indenter.



Genser, J., Neubauer, F. (1989) Mitt. Österr. Geol. Ges. 81, 233–243.

Scharf, A., Handy, M.R., Favaro, S., et al. (2013) Int. J. Earth Sci. 102, 1627–1654.

Wolff, R., Wölfler, A., Hampel, A., Dunkl, I. (2024) Tectonophysics 890, 230514.

How to cite: Wolff, R., Wölfler, A., Hampel, A., and Dunkl, I.: The slip history of the Katschberg normal fault (Eastern Tauern Window) from thermo-kinematic modeling and implications for the evolution of the Eastern European Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1616,, 2025.

EGU25-3294 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1

Microseismic activity in the Eastern Alps: Sequences, mechanisms, and active faults 

Gesa Petersen, Laurens Hofman, Jörn Kummerow, and Simone Cesca

The southern and eastern Alps are a fascinating target region for a seismological study because they include the deformation front of Adria-Europe convergence with historically significant events (e.g., M 6.0 Friuli 1976) as well as areas where seismicity seems more or less absent despite geologically mapped large fault systems and past deformation fronts. The large-N installations of the Swath-D (2017-2019) and AlpArray (2016-20219) seismic networks provide unmatched opportunities to study the microseismicity in the Eastern Alps in unprecedented detail. For the first time in the study area, the homogeneous station spacing allows a consistent analysis of seismicity across the entire area. These detailed seismological analyses provide the opportunity to characterize deformation in the upper 15 km of the crust.
We show how a combined workflow, including clustering, relocations, and MT inversions, sheds light on the seismicity and the ongoing active deformation. We observe strong zonations of seismic activity rates, sequence characteristics, and rupture mechanisms, coinciding with dominant tectonic deformation styles and subsurface properties such as Qp attenuation. We identify and characterize multiple likely unknown fault systems that experience local stresses deviating from the regionally dominant Adria-Europe convergence. Our findings agree well with the occurrence of large historical earthquakes while simultaneously shedding light on much smaller seismogenic features.

How to cite: Petersen, G., Hofman, L., Kummerow, J., and Cesca, S.: Microseismic activity in the Eastern Alps: Sequences, mechanisms, and active faults, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3294,, 2025.

EGU25-3502 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1

Pre- and syn-orogenic tectonic evolution of the transverse zones dissecting the Central Southern Alps (Lombardy, Italy) 

Andrea Fiorini, Aldega Luca, Stefano Tavani, Martina Rocca, Stefano Zanchetta, Andrea Zanchi, Andrew Kylander-Clark, and Eugenio Carminati

Along-strike variations in deformation and structural build-up within fold-and-thrust belts are often controlled by pre-orogenic inheritance (e.g. Krabbendam & Leslie, 2010). This is the case of the south-verging Central Southern Alps in the Lecco area, where the E-W elongated belt is segmented along its strike by N-S oriented transverse zones, formed by the reactivation of early Mesozoic rift-related normal faults (Schönborn, 1992). These normal faults displaced the pre-rift sedimentary succession and controlled the facies distribution and thickness variation of syn- and post-rift Mesozoic carbonates. This led to the lateral juxtaposition of rocks with different rheological properties, which prompted the compartmentalization of the thrust system and the complex along-strike repartition of shortening across variable numbers of thrusts.

In this study, we reconstruct the early Mesozoic rift-related structures of the Lecco area and analyse their influence on the Alpine thrust system. Mesostructural analysis, geological cross-sections, burial history provided by the analysis of inorganic paleothermal indicators from clay-rich layers, and U-Pb dating of syn-tectonic carbonates have been integrated to investigate the role of inherited pre-orogenic structures within the Alpine orogenic context.

Three major tectonic phases were identified in the Early Mesozoic rifting processes by meso-structural analysis and U-Pb dating of syn-tectonic carbonates. N-S and E-W striking normal faults started to develop during the Ladinian marking the transition from isolated carbonate platform units to the basin successions. A second extensional pulse in Norian led to the formation of euxinic intra-platform basins within the massive Dolomia Principale carbonate platform, bounded by N-S and E-W striking normal faults. Finally, during the Early Jurassic, E-W and major N-S striking faults developed coevally with crustal thinning and the drowning of the carbonate platforms, leading to a generalized basinal sedimentation.

During S-verging thrusting and folding, the E-W striking faults were either passively translated and rotated or partially positively inverted. Some N-S striking inherited faults were also passively translated, while others underwent strike-slip reactivation; the latter are particularly evident within the N-S striking transverse zones, which exhibit complex tectonic settings with superimposed structures originated throughout different tectonic phases.

U-Pb dating of syn-tectonic carbonates from S-verging thrusts returns us Lower and Upper Cretaceous ages for the more internal structures, and Oligocene to Upper Miocene ages for the external thrusts and related folds. The latters suggest the reactivation of the Cretaceous orogenic structures. U-Pb dating of syn-tectonic carbonates along N-S striking transverse zones, instead, span unevenly from the Early Cretaceous to the Late Miocene, suggesting that these structures acted as long-lasting structural elements that remained active throughout all the stages of the orogenic build-up.


Krabbendam, M., & Leslie, A. G. (2010). Lateral variations and linkages in thrust geometry: the Traligill Transverse Zone, Assynt Culmination, Moine Thrust Belt, NW Scotland. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 335 (1), 335–357

Schönborn, G. (1992). Alpine tectonics and kinematic models of the central southern alps. Memorie Di Scienze Geologiche, 44, 229–393

How to cite: Fiorini, A., Luca, A., Tavani, S., Rocca, M., Zanchetta, S., Zanchi, A., Kylander-Clark, A., and Carminati, E.: Pre- and syn-orogenic tectonic evolution of the transverse zones dissecting the Central Southern Alps (Lombardy, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3502,, 2025.

EGU25-5658 | Orals | GD9.1

Pre-collisional Late Cretaceous-Paleocene development of the Alps retrobelt in the hangingwall of the Alpine Tethys subduction: U-Pb carbonate dating of major tectonic structures in the Southern Alps (N  Italy) 

Stefano Zanchetta, Martina Rocca, Chiara Montemagni, Luca Aldega, Andrew Kylander-Clark, Andrea Fiorini, Eugenio Carminati, and Andrea Zanchi

The Alps formed as a consequence of the collision between Europe and the Adria-Africa plate starting from the middle-late Eocene. Despite most of metamorphism, deformation and nappe-stacking were localized in the N-vergent part of the Alps (i.e. N of the Periadriatic Fault), significant crustal shortening affected also the S-vergent retrobelt, with the development of a fold-and-thrust belt that extends from the Canavese zone in the W to the Dolomites to the E.

Late Cretaceous high-pressure metamorphism in the Africa-derived Austroalpine units and fault activity along major tectonic structures in the Southalpine domain (i.e. the Orobic Thrust), already posed a question on the occurrence of pre-collisional deformation and metamorphism in the upper plate of the alpine Thetys subduction.

New U-Pb dating of calcite tectonites, obtained on growth fibers, calc-mylonites and shear veins along major thrusts of the central Southern Alps, mainly result in Late Cretaceous to Paleocene ages, pointing out that N-S to NW-SE directed compression already affected the Southalpine domain at those times. Younger ages resulted from the Paleogene units which are involved in the exposed frontal part of the belt, mostly buried under the recent infilling of the Po Plain forming the Milan Belt. The resulting ages do not follow an in-sequence pattern, but instead reveal that several structures, from the inner to the external part of the belt, were episodically formed and re-activated in the Late Cretaceous - early Eocene time interval. All together, U-Pb ages confirm that S(SE)-directed thrusting and folding affected the central Southern Alps since the Late Cretaceous, well before the onset of the Alpine collision.

How to cite: Zanchetta, S., Rocca, M., Montemagni, C., Aldega, L., Kylander-Clark, A., Fiorini, A., Carminati, E., and Zanchi, A.: Pre-collisional Late Cretaceous-Paleocene development of the Alps retrobelt in the hangingwall of the Alpine Tethys subduction: U-Pb carbonate dating of major tectonic structures in the Southern Alps (N  Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5658,, 2025.

EGU25-5941 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1

Geodynamic of French bauxite through (U-Th)/He thermochronology on Fe-oxyhydroxides 

Louise Boschetti, Stephane Schwartz, Cécile Gautheron, Frédéric Mouthereau, Yann Rolland, and Mélanie Balvay

Constraining quiescence intervals in tectonically active regions remains challenging, particularly in tectonic reconstructions, as these periods are often overprinted by extensional and/or compressional processes that remobilize geological materials, rendering access and dating of these intervals difficult.

Recent studies in tectonically stable regions on laterites and bauxites formed through weathering under tropical climates have demonstrated the efficacy of (U-Th)/He geochronology on Fe-oxyhydroxides (hematite and goethite) in constraining tectonic quiescence periods.

In the Mediterranean region, numerous bauxites have been preserved due to their remobilization into karst systems, allowing for their burial and protection during subsequent tectonic processes. This preservation offers a unique opportunity to better understand the geodynamics of the region. This study focuses on French bauxites from Bédarieux, Les Baux-de-Provence, and Brignoles, which constitute the Durancian Isthmus—a supposed Cretaceous paleosurface bordered by large inherited Variscan structures (Cévennes, Nîmes, and Durance faults)—whose geodynamic implications are still poorly understood.

The only available temporal constraints on the formation of this dismantled weathering profile rely on the sedimentary context of the karsts where they are trapped, with the most reliable timeframes established between the Hauterivian and Turonian. This transitional period is still poorly understood in the region, as various tectonic processes are at play, including Pyrenean rifting and its inversion, Alpine Tethys, and Massif Central exhumation.

We combined petrological investigations on nine different Fe-Al-bauxitic duricrust samples, allowing for the determination of different hematite and goethite generations, prior to conducting (U-Th)/He dating on the identified sub-generations to quantify bauxite formation and evolution. The ages obtained for hematite and goethite pisolites span from the Cretaceous to the Oligocene, encompassing all generations, enabling the placement of Cretaceous bauxites within their Mediterranean geodynamic context—from their initial formation via basement alteration, to their reworking within karsts, sedimentary burial, and subsequent exhumation.

How to cite: Boschetti, L., Schwartz, S., Gautheron, C., Mouthereau, F., Rolland, Y., and Balvay, M.: Geodynamic of French bauxite through (U-Th)/He thermochronology on Fe-oxyhydroxides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5941,, 2025.

EGU25-6163 | Posters on site | GD9.1

Pn anisotropic tomography of the Euro-Mediterranean region: new insight into subduction and mantle dynamics 

Mofei Du, Liang Zhao, Kai Tao, and Lei Yang

  Over the past few decades, the number of high-quality seismic stations monitoring the Euro-Mediterranean region has increased significantly, leading to a corresponding improvement in structural constraints. Hear, we present a new high-resolution Pn-wave anisotropic tomography model of the uppermost mantle beneath the Alps and surrounding areas, derived from the inversion of a large dataset of high-quality Pn arrival times, which were picked utilizing the PickNet deep learning method. Our model reveals strong lateral heterogeneities in both isotropic velocity and azimuthal anisotropy. Distinct high Pn velocities are observed under the Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Pannonian Basin, while prominent low Pn velocity anomalies are revealed beneath the orogenic belts, including the Alps, Apennines, and Dinarides. Generally, regions characterized by stable structures and low lithospheric temperatures exhibit high Pn velocities, whereas low Pn velocities indicate the upwelling of hot materials associated with plate subduction and continental collision processes. Pn anisotropic fast directions show consistent orientations subparallel to major orogenic structures, such as the Apennines, Calabrian Arc and Alps. Our newly obtained images of the uppermost mantle velocity and anisotropy structure provide further information and insights into continental collision processes and associated dynamic mechanisms.

How to cite: Du, M., Zhao, L., Tao, K., and Yang, L.: Pn anisotropic tomography of the Euro-Mediterranean region: new insight into subduction and mantle dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6163,, 2025.

EGU25-6592 | Posters on site | GD9.1

Understanding the closure of Alpine Tethys in the Western Carpathians using Receiver Functions 

Tanishka Soni, Christian Schiffer, and Stanisław Mazur

Recent receiver function results from a passive seismic experiment have provided new insights into the geodynamic evolution of the Western Carpathians, the eastern extension of the Alps, formed in part by the closure of the Alpine Tethys. The Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB) represents this closure at the surface, characterised by a narrow, elongated geometry dividing the external fold-and-thrust belt of the Outer Western Carpathians and the Central Western Carpathians. Unlike typical sutures, the PKB lacks ophiolites or high-pressure metamorphic rocks, instead it consists of resistant limestone blocks within a matrix of non-resistant flysch deposits, forming a distinctive “block-in-matrix” structure. This configuration has traditionally been attributed to the hypothesized Czorsztyn ridge, an island-like feature within the Alpine Tethys, where limestone deposition has been thought to occur. The ridge is supposed to correspond to the Briançonnais unit in the Alps, though evidence for its existence remains tenuous.

The current passive seismic experiment seeks to validate or refute the Czorsztyn ridge hypothesis. In May 2023, 18 broadband seismic stations were deployed along a north-south trending profile, under the umbrella of the Adria Array, complemented by 9 other permanent and temporary stations. This 27-station dense network enabled the extraction of receiver functions and the creation of Common Conversion Point (CCP) stack images to resolve the sub-surface geometry of the region.

Preliminary findings challenge the Czorsztyn ridge model. No distinct continental crustal body – interpretable as the Czorsztyn ridge basement and separate from the northern European platform or ALPCAPA – is evident beneath the PKB. Instead, subsurface structures appear complex, showing similarity to those in the Vienna Basin, located between the Eastern Alps and the Western Carpathians. A blind detachment fault occurs in the deep basement of the Outer Western Carpathians and connects southward with mid-crustal detachments in the Central Western Carpathians. Furthermore, a 40 km wide gap in Moho signature of the receiver functions beneath the PKB may reflect the position of the suture at a lower crustal level. Additionally, the Steimberg Fault in the Vienna basin likely correlates with the PKB, as both exhibit a displacement with partly strike-slip kinematics. Continued data collection and analysis will refine these interpretations and advance the understanding of the tectonic evolution of Western Carpathians.

How to cite: Soni, T., Schiffer, C., and Mazur, S.: Understanding the closure of Alpine Tethys in the Western Carpathians using Receiver Functions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6592,, 2025.

The geological map sheet Schlanders (Project CARG F012) offers the chance to carefully investigate the metamorphic evolution of the Austroalpine units in the Vinschgau and their tectonic contacts and to implement them into a tectonic model based on new petrological, geochronological and structural data. The Austroalpine nappe stack in the investigated area, located in the Vinschgau area (South Tyrol), comprises from bottom to top the Campo-, Texel-, Ötztal- and Matsch Units. The Matsch unit in the northern flank of the Vinschgau valley shows a clear polymetamorphic history (Variscan, Permian, Eoalpine) which can be well reconstructed with metapelites using the spatial distribution of alumosilicates (kyanite, andalusite, sillimanite), the chloritoid-isograd and the observation of chemical zoning patterns in garnets, which, depending on the geographical position and the geological setting, exhibit single-phase, two-phase or even three-phase compositions. The Ötztal and Texel Units (without the Lodner Unit) also show a polymetamorphic history (Variscan, Eoalpine) but without the Permian overprint. In contrast to the Ötztal Unit, the Texel Unit contains rare Eoalpine eclogites (e.g. Ulvas, Saltaus). Geothermobarometry from all three units yielded a strong increase in Eoalpine P-T conditions from ca. 450°C and 0.6 GPa in the west (Matsch valley) to 650°C and 1-1.2 GPa in the east (Naturns).


The study of amphibole composition is central to the understanding of metamorphic processes of metabasic rocks, especially when analyzing pressure and temperature conditions. This study analyzes the chemical composition of amphiboles along a W-E traverse along the Vinschgau Valley (South Tyrol). The composition of amphiboles changes from actinolite to hornblende along the prograde E-W-trending metamorphic gradient, and shows increasing chemical substitutions such as the edenite-, glaucophane- and tschermak vectors. This is also accompanied by an increase in Ti content (0.004 to 0.36 wt.% TiO2) in the amphiboles, as well as the XAn in the coexisting plagioclase from 0.1 to 0.2. Temperatures based on the Ti-in-hornblende- and the amphibole-plagioclase geothermometers yielded a T increase from 490°C to 600°C.


Tourmaline from Permian pegmatites in the Matsch unit show chemical evidence for the Eoalpine metamorphic overprint in the rim zoning along fractures and growth zones in tourmaline associated with muscovite (also showing Eoalpine growth rims), K-feldspar growing along veins, An-bearing plagioclase, quartz, and a second generation of garnet. The Permian tourmaline cores can be classified as schorl according to the [Y]-position and have the same composition in the entire area. The Eoalpine rims show compositionally a transition from schorl to dravite and show increasing contents of Ca[X] from 0.06 to 0.2, Mg/Fe[Y] from 0.02 to 2, and a significant decrease in Al[Y] from 0.4 to 0.1 from W to E. This confirms the from NW to SE increasing Eoalpine P-T conditions as reconstructed based on analysis of metapelitic rocks mentioned above.


The data show that lithologies such as amphibolites and pegmatites also show great potential to contribute significantly to our knowledge of prograde metamorphic evolution.

How to cite: Tropper, P., Erckert, A., Rudigier, C., Pomella, H., Morelli, C., and Mair, V.: Don’t always use metapelites: what do amphibolites and pegmatites reveal about the prograde Eoalpine metamorphic evolution of the Austroalpine nappe stack in the Vinschgau valley (S-Tyrol, Italy)?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9343,, 2025.

EGU25-9894 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.1

Detachment versus strike-slip ductile shearing in the Nordrahmen Zone of the Tauern Window 

Jakob Brunner, Bernhard Grasemann, Benjamin Huet, David Schneider, Gerd Rantitsch, and Wolfgang Frank

The Tauern Window in the Eastern Alps (Austria) is one of the most prominent tectonic windows, which exposes Subpenninic and Penninic nappes derived from the European margin and Alpine Tethys respectively below the Austroalpine Unit derived from the Adriatic continent. Along the northeastern margin of the window, in the so-called Nordrahmen Zone (NRZ), subvertical W-E striking marble mylonites, graphitic schists and phyllonites with a subhorizontal stretching lineation record intense ductile shear deformation. Previous studies suggested that these structures record the ductile history of a major sinistral strike-slip fault (i.e. the Salzach-Ennstal-Mariazell-Puchberg Fault System), which accommodated the Miocene lateral extrusion of the central parts of the Eastern Alps towards the Pannonian Basin.

In this work, we investigated a N-S section along the Grossarl valley, which demonstrates that the subvertical mylonitic rocks are deformed into upright folds with wavelengths and amplitudes on the order of several hundreds of meters and fold axes that are parallel to the mylonitic W-E trending stretching lineation. Reversal of the apparent strike-slip shear sense in the fold limbs suggests that the mylonites have been folded after shear deformation and that mylonites record top-E shearing when unfolded. Ductile subvertical flattening is recorded by a second fold generation with similar W-E trending fold axis but subhorizontal axial planes forming Type 3 refold structures. Ductile top-E shearing is documented by low-angle E-dipping ductile shear zones, shear bands, SC and SCC’ fabrics and brittle ductile conjugate N-S striking high-angle faults. Shear deformation intensifies towards higher structural levels localizing in ultramylonites and cellular dolomite cataclasites below almost undeformed klippen of quartzites and dolomites (Mt. Schuhflicker and Mt. Saukarkopf), which belong to the Lower Austroalpine Unit. Using Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials, we constrain the temperature of mylonitization between 350°C and 400°C. Comparison with published Ar/Ar ages from the Nordrahmen Zone suggests that mylonitization operated around 30 Ma.

We therefore suggest that the mylonites along the northeastern margin of the Tauern Window are not part of a strike-slip fault system. They actually belong to a major top-E detachment system, which records an early stage of the exhumation of the Tauern Window before deformation localized along the Miocene Katschberg Normal Fault at the eastern margin of the Tauern Window.

How to cite: Brunner, J., Grasemann, B., Huet, B., Schneider, D., Rantitsch, G., and Frank, W.: Detachment versus strike-slip ductile shearing in the Nordrahmen Zone of the Tauern Window, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9894,, 2025.

EGU25-10544 | Posters on site | GD9.1

4-D kinematic restoration of the western Tauern Window (European Eastern Alps) 

David Tanner, Julia Rudmann, Michael Stipp, Hannah Pomella, Christian Brandes, and Paul Eizenhöfer

The Tauern Window (TW) in the European Eastern Alps is one of Earth’s largest tectonic windows. It comprises nappes that were formed by the southward subduction of the European plate beneath the Adriatic plate. These nappes were stacked during the Late Eocene and, subsequently refolded during the Miocene due to the northward push of the eastern Southalpine Indenter. This process exhumed the western TW by up to 25 km, and coevally caused lateral escape and extensional tectonics. However, the Miocene deformation history of the western TW is still under ongoing debate. This study focuses on the Miocene deformation history of the western TW using 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D approaches.

We first restore a N-S oriented cross-section along the Brenner Base Tunnel using published zircon fission-track and P-T data. Restoration reveals two deformation phases: upright folding of the top of the nappe stack started to cease around 17 Ma, followed by thrusting of the entire nappe stack along the Sub-Tauern ramp. Contemporaneously, the hanging-wall nappes experienced 44–50% thinning due to W–E extension.

Our static 3-D reconstruction of the present-day structure of the western TW integrates published maps, cross-sections, and structural field data. The model discloses lateral structural changes, e.g., the transition of upright folds in the east into overturned folds in the west with varying plunge of the fold axes. We hypothesize that detachment of the lower crust of the eastern Southalpine Indenter caused different styles of deformation in front of it during indentation.

To prove our hypothesis, we restore the western TW in 4-D using the same method as for our 2-D reconstruction. We displace the nappe stack of the western TW downwards along the Sub-Tauern ramp (ca. 10 km over 15 Ma), followed by unfolding under high-temperature conditions, which allows viscous deformation. Finally, we will integrate strain information to restore the component of lateral escape.

How to cite: Tanner, D., Rudmann, J., Stipp, M., Pomella, H., Brandes, C., and Eizenhöfer, P.: 4-D kinematic restoration of the western Tauern Window (European Eastern Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10544,, 2025.

EGU25-10551 | Posters on site | GD9.1

Strontium (Sr) signal in the Mesozoic Southeastern French Basin (Alps) and its relation with pre-compression tectono-halokinetic activity  

Catherine Homberg, Damien Huyghe, Victor Ludovino Aranda, Laurence Le Callonnec, Alain Rabaute, Guillaume Lefebvre, and Ombeline Alix

For decades, Mesozoic tectono-halokinetic structures have been increasingly recognized in the peripheral French alpine basins. However, reconstructing the full history and mechanisms of halokinesis during the Mesozoic in these regions remains challenging due to the overprinting effects of Cenozoic compressive tectonics, which have erased much of the evidences of earlier deformations.This severely limits our understanding of the interplay between diapirism, tectonics, and sedimentary processes in sedimentary basins, and the role of pre-compressional inheritances in shaping the internal deformation of orogenic wedges. In the Baronnies (southern subalpine Alps), several Triasic diapirs that were reactivated during Cenozoic compression are exposed, raising questions about the earlier halokinetic activity in the area.

In orogenic domains, salt-tectonics is generally inferred from geometric evidences, which are not always well preserved. To address this limit, we developed a geochemical and regional approach, applied to the Mesozoic deposits in the Baronnies. Specifically, we used the strontium (Sr) content of pelagic carbonates deposited in the Vocontian basin (today incorporated in the Alpine prism) as a tracer of potential salinity anomalies associated to submarine diapirism. Rocks samples were collected from Oxfordian to Turonian sedimentary sequences in the deep environments of the Vocontian basin and along its northern (Vercors and Chartreuse), southern (Ventoux) and western (Ardèche-Languedoc) shallow margins. Sr content was measured using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) in the field and then lab-based XRF on both bulk samples and their carbonate fractions. Selected samples were also measured using ICP-OES spectrometry. Sr values were compared to the mean contemporaneous oceanic values of the reference curve established by Renard (1975) to identify possible anomalies.

The Sr content exhibits spatial and temporal variability, with both normal and abnormal values relative to the reference curve. Normal values characterise the Late Jurassic and basal Cretaceous periods. In contrast, Valanginian to Aptian values are significantly higher than the reference curve. The largest anomalies are observed in the deep Vocontian basin and suggest local contamination of the sediments by saline material flows. Comparison of the geochemical signal, sedimentary remobilization events (slumps, calciturbidites,…) and the structural and paleo-stresses frameworks point to a renewed halokinesis activity after the Liasic rifting, with diapirs piercing or not the seafloor. In the Baronnies, this Mesozoic activity has significantly deformed the contemporaneous sedimentary sequences, with local overtuned dips and megaflap-type geometries associated with angular unconformities and pitching of the sequences close to the paleodiapir bodies. At the basin scale, wide synclines were flanked by EW submarine ridges which, together with the inherited NE-SW faults divided the Vocontian basin. We corelate these structures with the Early Cretaceous tectono-halokinesis activity in the South East French Basin, with the Vocontian rift forming a major structure between the Valaisan Ocean and the Altlantic rift.  This study supports the existence of sutured diapirs in the meridional subalpine Alps with an enhanced tectono-halokinetic activity during Early Cretaceous. The last one created regional weak salt inheritances in the pre-compression Mesozoic sedimentary pile, preconditioning it for deformation during the later compressional phases.

How to cite: Homberg, C., Huyghe, D., Ludovino Aranda, V., Le Callonnec, L., Rabaute, A., Lefebvre, G., and Alix, O.: Strontium (Sr) signal in the Mesozoic Southeastern French Basin (Alps) and its relation with pre-compression tectono-halokinetic activity , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10551,, 2025.

EGU25-11458 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1

Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectono-halokinetic evolution in the Baronnies Provençales (Alps, France) 

Victor Ludovino Aranda, Catherine Homberg, Damien Huyghe, Jean-Paul Callot, Alain Rabaute, and Eric Lasseur

Evaporite distribution and mobility is a key parameter in the structuration of salt bearing sedimentary basins where these layers can generate halokinetic deformations. Recent revisions of compressive basin models, including those in the external Alps, highlight the significant role of salt tectonics. However, identifying pre-compression halokinetic deformations is often challenging due to erosion or misinterpretation. The “Baronnies provençales”, located in the Vocontian basin in the external western Alps (France), display a unique structure characterized by large E-W oriented synclines oblique to the NNW-SSE trend of the subalpine Alps, bordered by very tight E-W oriented anticlines, whether faulted or not, the origin of which remains debated. Several outcropping diapirs involving Triassic evaporites have been identified in this area, indicating halokinetic activity, either recent or ancient. This study aims to characterize the structural style of the region and the Mesozoic halokinetic structures in order to assess their impact on subsequent deformations.

Field observations, bedding measurements, and cross-sections illustrate that the sedimentary series in the synclines became abruptly steeper near the anticline axes, often adopting overturned dips, sometimes forming megaflap-type geometries. Several angular unconformities have been identified within the Early Cretaceous sequence, notably between the Barremian-Aptian and the Hauterivian, as well as between the Coniacian and the Turonian along strike of the present day anticline axes. N-S oriented slumps within the cretaceous succession highlight the presence of paleo-morphologies parallel to the modern anticline structures that were thus developing during the Early Cretaceous. E-W sediment gravity-flow (e.g. marly calcareous slumps, sandy- and calci- turbidites and debris flow) following submarine palaeocanyons more numerous than the N-S ones and located at the core of the synclines, reflect the regional paleoslope of the region. The structural analysis of the region shows that major thrust faults are located along and with the same orientation as the E-W oriented tight anticlines, thus positioned between the multi-kilometer wide and flat synclines. These thrust faults exhibit lateral variations in their vergence. Microtectonic analysis indicate normal faulting predating the formation of E-W folds, associated with a WNW-ESE extension likely linked to the reactivation of the major inherited NE-SW faults within the South French basin. A ~N-S compression, probably corresponding to the Pyrenean-Provençal phase, as well as a ~NE-SW to ENE-WSW compression, likely associated with the Alpine phase, have also been identified. These results highlight that the ‘Baronnies provençales’ area has thus recorded the main regional deformation phases of the Meso-Cenozoic, but has also been affected by renewed halokinetic activity during the Early Cretaceous, which was responsible for layer tilting forming the ‘megaflap’ – type structure and the formation of topographic anticline-like ridges that induced episodes of lateral sedimentary reworking. The Cretaceous salt-tectonics thus played a key role in shaping the structural style of the region and also probably in the thrust vergence. The paleo-diapirs were sutured while accommodating the shortening of later compressive phases.

Key words: Halokinesis, Structural inheritance, Tectonics, Vocontian basin.


How to cite: Ludovino Aranda, V., Homberg, C., Huyghe, D., Callot, J.-P., Rabaute, A., and Lasseur, E.: Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectono-halokinetic evolution in the Baronnies Provençales (Alps, France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11458,, 2025.

EGU25-11524 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.1

Anisotropy from Receiver Function Analysis shed light into the Deformation Style of the Ivrea Body 

Judith M. Confal, Silvia Pondrelli, Simone Salimbeni, and Nicola Piana Agostinetti

One one the most prominent examples of shallow continental Moho is related to the Ivrea Body, in the Western Alps, with its formation and deformation still debated. Several recent temporary seismic deployments as well as the permanent station networks of Switzerland and Italy provided this study with sufficient teleseismic P-to-S converted waveforms to perform Receiver function analysis and retrieve anisotropic parameters for the Ivrea Body. 

In continuity with the work done by Salimbeni et al. (2021), where the anisotropic properties of the southern part of the Ivrea Geophysical Body were determined, here we present the results of the same analysis applied to the stations over the entire Ivrea body itself, from the south toward its northern margin.  

In this study, therefore, we present the result of this new Receiver Function analysis applied to  63 new broadband seismic stations deployed across the region. Our preliminary results show that, for the 35 stations located directly above the high gravity anomaly of the area, generally referred as a signature of the Ivrea Geophysical Body, the anisotropic properties of the shallow crustal materials have all similar affinities, with high degree of anisotropy and coherent angular pattern which displays a  change in direction from South to North.

How to cite: Confal, J. M., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and Agostinetti, N. P.: Anisotropy from Receiver Function Analysis shed light into the Deformation Style of the Ivrea Body, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11524,, 2025.

EGU25-12147 | Posters on site | GD9.1

Opening the window slightly earlier: Oligocene east-directed extension along the East Tauern Detachment System 

David Schneider, Jennifer Spalding, Benjamin Huet, Bernhard Grasemann, and Gerd Rantitsch

In the NE Tauern Window of the Eastern Alps, new mapping in Nordrahmen Zone and Glockner nappes reveals significant deformation associated with W-E extension and a component of N-S shortening during the transition from high-pressure metamorphism and nappe stacking to extensional deformation. Kinematic indicators, including winged inclusions, tiling, and climbing pinch-and-swell veins, reveal a clear top-to-E shear sense, and deformation is further highlighted by progressively deformed quartz-calcite-dolomite veins, whose rotation was used to quantify flow parameters. The deformed veins used to quantify the flow parameters related to ductile deformation reveal that pure shear and simple shear contributed relatively equally. Moreover, the sub-horizontal axial planes of DIII fold structures is indicative of vertical flattening, which is signifies vertical shortening during ductile deformation. The ductile deformation is overprinted by E-dipping shear bands and faults, which transition into brittle-ductile faults compatible with incremental strain axes also indicating vertical shortening during top-to-E extension. Raman spectroscopy data show a temperature gradient with higher structural levels exhibiting paleotemperatures <450°C, increasing to >500°C at deeper levels. White mica Ar-Ar analyses in both shear veins and recrystallized fabrics yield Oligocene deformation dates (25-34 Ma). Distributed ductile thinning is a characteristic feature in the footwall of detachment systems, and prompted further investigation up section. At higher crustal levels at the upper limit of the Nordrahmen Zone, the deformation gradient progressively increases towards the newly discovered top-to-E Schuhflicker Detachment, defined by a knife-sharp fault surface of ultramylonites and cataclasites. The hanging wall is defined by slightly deformed quartzites and dolomites of the Lower Austroalpine Unit. The Schuhflicker Detachment developed at mid-crustal levels during the Oligocene, and during progressive exhumation, W-E extension was transferred to the structurally higher Katschberg Fault and Katschberg Shear Zone System during the Miocene. Collectively, these structures form the East Tauern Detachment System, which accommodated tens of kilometers of exhumation of the Tauern Window, facilitating the incipient stages of its exhumation during the Oligocene and subsequent erosion-dominated unroofing in the Miocene.

How to cite: Schneider, D., Spalding, J., Huet, B., Grasemann, B., and Rantitsch, G.: Opening the window slightly earlier: Oligocene east-directed extension along the East Tauern Detachment System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12147,, 2025.

EGU25-15744 | Orals | GD9.1

Palaeogeography of the Eastern Tauern Window (Eastern Alps, Austria) 

Wolfgang Frank, Bernhard Grasemann, Thomas Meisel, Jennifer Spalding, David Schneider, Benjamin Huet, Christoph Iglseder, and Daniela Gallhofer

The Tauern Windows in the Eastern Alps is one of the most spectacular tectonic window, which formed after opening and closure of the Alpine Tethys between Europe and the Adriatic micro-continent. The herein described paleogeographical model is based on a new lithostratigraphic unit, the Wörth Formation, which formed as a local Jurassic black shale deepwater trough below the CCD on a strongly attenuated crustal basement. It developed as an oblique depression between the European continent and the Permian-Jurassic metasediments of the Seidlwinkl Nappe, which became an isolated element during opening of the Alpine Tethys. The Wörth Formation trough terminated to the NW within the European continent but maintained an open connection to the main Alpine Tethys towards SE. Different clastic sediments were derived from both sides of the trough: detrital mica-rich sandstones intruded by gabbroic laccoliths (167 Ma), olistoliths and re-sedimentation of Keuper beds, yet no indication of Triassic carbonates were derived from the northern side. In contrast, the deposits on the southern side are characterized by carbonate-bearing quartz-schists, breccias of Triassic carbonates, arkoses and tectonic slivers from the basement (Modereck crystalline).

Radiolarites and “Aptychen” limestones are useful marker lithologies for better lithostratigraphic interpretations. Until now Aptychen limestones got little attention, but could be recognized in all environment and most tectonic units from the Matrei Zone to the Klammkalk Zone. Rare locations have been detected, where at the base of the Glockner nappe a primary sedimentary succession of siliciclastic Jurassic into the typical marly “Kalkglimmerschiefer” lithology has been preserved. The Sandstone-Breccia unit is now understood as a continuously pro-grading accretionary wedge, containing considerable portion of clastics, derived from the southern border of Alpine Tethys and emplaced during post-Albian times on the northern parts of the Wörth Formation. White mica Ar ages, clustering regionally at 30 my and only little younger restricted apatite FT ages (see Spalding et al. Poster Session GD9.1) indicate early cooling due to a detachment process (see Brunner et al. Poster Session GD9.1) at the frontal part of the accretionary wedge.

The complex paleogeography has also important consequences for the tectonic evolution history:  It caused the contrasting structural architecture of the Glockner nappe W and E of the Rauris valley and the restriction of the HP-rocks (lawsonite pseudomorphs, eclogites) to the western side of Glockner nappe. The basement units of the eastern Tauern window should not interpreted as the direct continuation of the western basement. Earlier interpretations for different rifting ages in this part of Alpine Tethys, Jurassic in the S and Cretaceous in the N, lost their validity.

How to cite: Frank, W., Grasemann, B., Meisel, T., Spalding, J., Schneider, D., Huet, B., Iglseder, C., and Gallhofer, D.: Palaeogeography of the Eastern Tauern Window (Eastern Alps, Austria), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15744,, 2025.

Most paleotectonic reconstructions assume the indentation of Adria subsequent to the Periadriatic magmatism, after 32-26 Ma. Some consider an even younger (post 14-10 Ma) retrobelt of the Alps. These reconstructions contrast with evidence of a late Cretaceous to Eocene retro-belt in the western Southern Alps, intruded by the Adamello pluton and associated magmatic bodies. Recent work suggest this retro-belt continued eastwards into a relief extending from the Texelgroup towards the Transdanubian Range, allowing detritus to feed the retroforeland basin. In the eastern Southern Alps, remnants of this basin occur in the northernmost sectors, and recent work documented the Late Cretaceous northward flexuring of the Adria foreland.

Collectively, these observables confirm the occurrence of a Late Cretaceous retrobelt, subsequently cut in the Oligocene by the Periadriatic Line: the western part of the retro-belt remained in the Southern Alps, whereas, to the east, the Cretaceous double vergent belt was left north of the Periadriatic Line, only leaving the tip of the retro-foreland basin in the Southern Alps. This Eastern Alps Cretaceous belt is well recognized, following the so-called eclogite belt.

The Cretaceous retro-belt was sinistrally reworking the Jurassic Giudicarie fault system, finally defining it as first-order transverse range pre-existing the Periadriatic Line. This latter reworked the indented Adria plate in the west, where the crustal doubling prevented any possible deeper source for the Periadriatic magmatism. The lower plate break-off, therefore, seems a very unsuitable hypothesis.

How to cite: Picotti, V.:  The Cretaceous retro-belt of the Alps and the early indentation of Adria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16716,, 2025.

EGU25-18979 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.1

Pre to syn orogenic evolution of the European margin: clues from the Flysch units of the Ligurian Alps (CARG Project – Ormea sheet 244). 

Simone Lombardi, Lorenzo Stori, Laura Federico, Laura Crispini, Seno Silvio, and Maino Matteo

Our research is part of the ongoing geological fieldwork aimed at creating the 1:50,000 scale "Ormea Sheet" (n. 244) within the framework of the CARG Project (Italian National Geological Cartography). The goal is to integrate existing data and observations to reconstruct the structure and evolution of the European (Alpine) margin. The study area is located in the Ligurian Alps, the southeastern end of the Western Alps. This region is crucial for understanding its geodynamic evolution, as the contact between lithological units from different domains is preserved (e.g., the Briançonnais domain representing the European passive margin and the Piedmont-Ligurian sedimentary covers corresponding to the oceanic domain). The structural framework is characterized by thrust sheets, superimposed non-cylindrical folds, and local deformations, which provide evidence of a complex polyphase tectonic evolution. These units underwent low-grade Alpine metamorphism, partially overprinting and reworking the original sedimentary structures and features.        
Our work focuses on the Flysch Units outcropping within the Ormea Sheet, particularly the formations that constitute the Colla Domenica-Leverone unit, as referred to in the literature. Previous authors have hypothesized that these turbidite systems were deposited in an abyssal plain, resulting from the rifting and spreading of the Piedmont-Ligurian Ocean. These systems are characterized by basal complexes made up of thinly bedded turbidites, often containing olistostromes, followed by sand- or carbonate-rich turbidite systems (Decarlis et al., 2014), which are interpreted as trench environment deposits (Di Giulio, 1992). 
During the advancement of the accretionary wedge towards the European foreland, these sedimentary units underwent a migration and stacking process, resulting in an inverted stratigraphy, with the oldest unit at the topmost part of the nappe pile. Our intense fieldwork revealed an erosional boundary between the Arnasco-Castelbianco and Borghetto units and the overlying Colla Domenica and Leverone formations, differently from previous assumptions of a tectonic surface, essentially revisiting the idea of classifying the Colla Domenica-Leverone as a tectonic unit.            
Moreover, we are investigating the origin of the sediment supply through various analyses. Different basalt samples collected from the chaotic event in the Colla Domenica Shale, analyzed using ICP-MS and XRF instruments, show compositional similarities with the results proposed by Saccani et al. (2008) for the basalts from the Balagne region (Northern Corsica). This preliminary evidence suggests that these formations filled the closing oceanic basin (as proposed by the model of Pandolfi et al., 2016) through mass transport events originating from different areas, likely from the European margin and the front of the accretionary wedge.          
Additionally, petrographic analyses of sandstone samples are in progress to identify the source areas, and biostratigraphic analyses have been performed to provide additional time constraints to complement the limited existing data. We are currently working on stratigraphic logs to describe in detail the facies and boundaries of these formations.

How to cite: Lombardi, S., Stori, L., Federico, L., Crispini, L., Silvio, S., and Matteo, M.: Pre to syn orogenic evolution of the European margin: clues from the Flysch units of the Ligurian Alps (CARG Project – Ormea sheet 244)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18979,, 2025.

EGU25-19672 | Posters on site | GD9.1

Accuracy of garnet U–Pb LA–ICPMS compared to Sm-Nd TIMS dating 

Leo J. Millonig, Aratz Beranoaguirre, Richard Albert, Horst Marschall, Ethan Baxter, and Axel Gerdes

Garnet has an extensive pressure-temperature (P–T) stability field for a wide variety of rock compositions, and its compositional changes reflect changes during its prograde P–T evolution. The beauty of garnet petrochronometry is thus the ability to extract P–T and temporal (t) information from a single rock-forming mineral with relatively well-known thermodynamic properties.

While still in its infancy, U–Pb dating of garnet by LA–ICPMS is an evolving petrochronological tool with a vast potential and a plethora of possible applications. To assess its reliability and potential systematic differences in comparison with the well-established Sm-Nd ID-TIMS dating technique, we applied garnet U-Pb dating by LA-ICPMS to garnet specimen that were previously dated by Sm-Nd ID-TIMS. The investigated samples include Paleozoic to Cenozoic garnet samples from diverse geotectonic settings and bulk rock compositions, including blueschists, eclogites, metapelites, and meta-rodingites.

Our results indicate that the two dating techniques mostly yield similar results, demonstrating the accuracy of the in situ U-Pb method. We further demonstrate that garnet U-Pb dating by LA-ICPMS can resolve dates from thin garnets rims (<300 µm), which are too narrow to be dated by ID-TIMS. In the case of the meta-rodingite sample, we found that garnet veinlets formed during two events, which were not clearly resolved by ID-TIMS dating. These spatial resolution advantages of the LA-ICPMS technique are contrasted, however, by generally less precise garnet dates compared to the ID-TIMS data. Furthermore, in situ U-Pb dating can be rendered unfeasible mainly by two factors: (1) the presence of and contamination by (inherited) U-rich inclusions (e.g. zircon and monazite); (2) garnet contains more Pb than U, thereby severely limiting the spread in 238U/206Pb which produces significant uncertainties and geologically meaningless dates.

How to cite: Millonig, L. J., Beranoaguirre, A., Albert, R., Marschall, H., Baxter, E., and Gerdes, A.: Accuracy of garnet U–Pb LA–ICPMS compared to Sm-Nd TIMS dating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19672,, 2025.

EGU25-20088 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1

From oceanic to continental subduction and collision in the Western Alps: P-T-time evolution of the Briançonnais/Liguro-Piemont plate contact 

Kevin Mendes, Philippe Agard, Alexis Plunder, Guillaume Bonnet, Clement Herviou, and Thomas Gyomlai

Understanding the evolution of convergent plate boundaries and the mechanisms of strain accommodation through time and space is made possible by studying exhumed subduction complexes within orogenic belts. This study uses the internal zones of the Western Alps, one of the largest and best-preserved fossil subduction complexes in the world, to track the transition from subduction to collision. We herein combine in-situ Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr data on white micas with pressure-temperature estimates derived from pseudosection modeling and Raman thermometry on carbonaceous material, along eleven transects crossing the mountain belt.

Results (i) confirm the preservation of similar peak pressure-temperature conditions on both sides of the Briançonnais/Liguro-Piemont contact (as proposed by Mendes et al., 2023), (ii) indicate that the Briançonnais cover units reached their metamorphic peak around 50 ± 5 Ma and likely correspond to the former cover of the Dora-Maira massif, (iii) document the progressive slicing of large basement units at the end of the subduction process and the evolution of deformation (from localized at interface-scale to  distributed at crustal-scale), and (iv) allow refining the initial structure of the continental margin and its role during convergence.

This study also highlights the merits and limitations of Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr radiochronological systems, and in particular the complexity of the record associated with multiple metamorphic recrystallizations. Although the variable and in places marginal extent of excess argon complicates the interpretation of Ar-Ar ages, this study shows that the Ar-Ar system is likely more robust than the Rb-Sr system for tracking recrystallization history. The latter system appears sensitive to late re-equilibration episodes, potentially linked to fluid circulation.

Mendes, K., Agard, P., Plunder, A., Herviou, C., 2023. Lithospheric-scale dynamics during continental subduction: Evidence from a frozen-in plate interface. Geology 51, 1153–1157.

How to cite: Mendes, K., Agard, P., Plunder, A., Bonnet, G., Herviou, C., and Gyomlai, T.: From oceanic to continental subduction and collision in the Western Alps: P-T-time evolution of the Briançonnais/Liguro-Piemont plate contact, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20088,, 2025.

EGU25-20445 | Posters on site | GD9.1

A new occurrence of the Vorau Nappe in the Semmering area (Eastern Alps) 

Eva-Maria Ranftl, Ralf Schuster, and Robert Vanek

The area around the Semmering pass (Austria) is of particular importance for the geology of the Eastern Alps as it was here that the sequence from the crystalline rocks of the Central Eastern Alps to the Mesozoic sediments of the Northern Calcareous Alps was tectonically subdivided for the first time. This took place during the construction of the railway line in the 1880s, but the current work on the railway base tunnel has also brought new insights into the regional geology. This article deals with a variegated lithological association that was excavated in the course of the tunnel construction under the Hocheck Mountain, but which is also known from surface outcrops. According to the available geological maps it locally forms the base of the Stuhleck-Kirchberg Nappe, directly above the Wechsel Nappe. Both nappes are part of the Austroalpine Unit.

The variegated lithological association consists of micaschist and paragneiss with intercalations of granitic orthogneiss and frequently amphibolite. Of special interest are weakly deformed alkalifeldspar and quartz phyric dikes, which are Permian in age due to regional considerations. Further, small ore deposits containing pyrite, galena and chalcopyrite or quartz veins with haematite occur. Partly the micaschist is rich in muscovite and contains garnet up to 1.5 mm in diameter. Paragneiss often shows a layering due to a varying biotite content. Subordinate quartz and feldspar rich types with garnet and/or amphibole occur. Sometimes the latter are interlayered with amphibolite. The orthogneiss is mostly hololeucocratic with chloritisised biotite and alkalifeldspar porphyroclasts up to 3 cm in length. Based on the observed mineral assemblage upper greenschist to amphibolite facies conditions were reached at the metamorphic peak. A later greenschist facies overprint caused intense retrogression and phyllonitisation at a variable grade. Retrogression is indicated by chloritisation of biotite, garnet and amphibole in the paragneiss and sericitisation of feldspar. In the amphibolite actinolithe or chlorite formed. Phyllonitisation occurred along internal shear zones but especially along the basal nappe contact and towards the monotonous phyllonitic micaschist and orthogneiss overlying the variegated lithological association. The lithological layering as well as the main schistosity are mostly dipping towards south and a frequently observed stretching lineation is SW-NE orientated. An overprinting folding and crenulation shows E-W orientated axes.

With respect to the lithological association and the characteristics of the lithologies we argue that the investigated sequence is not part of the Stuhleck-Kirchberg Nappe, but a part of the Vorau Nappe (Silvretta-Seckau Nappe System, Austroalpine Unit), which appears in between the Wechsel and Stuhleck-Kirchberg Nappe further in the south. The Vorau Nappe is built up by the Waldbach Complex. The latter experienced an upper greenschist to amphibolite facies Variscan metamorphic imprint in the Late Devonian and Carboniferous. In Permian time, it was at the Earth’s surface and covered by Permian acidic volcanics and siliciclastic sediments. Subsequently Early Triassic sandstones (Semmering quartzite) and carbonates were deposited. During the Eoalpine event in the Cretaceous the whole sequence experienced greenschist facies conditions and deformation during nappe stacking and folding with E-W trending axes.

How to cite: Ranftl, E.-M., Schuster, R., and Vanek, R.: A new occurrence of the Vorau Nappe in the Semmering area (Eastern Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20445,, 2025.

EGU25-21240 | Orals | GD9.1

Re-defining early Alpine orogenesis in the ALCAPA domain (Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous) 

Oscar Fernandez, Hugo Ortner, Diethard Sanders, and Bernhard Grasemann

It is commonly accepted that the Late Jurassic marks the onset of convergent tectonics in the ALCAPA (Alps-Carpathians-Pannonia) domain. However, the lack of generalized metamorphism, and the absence of structures and features that can be ascribed to this event make it challenging to understand its relevance and extent. Two areas have been historically documented in the ALCAPA where Late Jurassic tectonic features can be recognized: in the Inner Western Carpathians (Meliata and Borka localities) and in the central Eastern Alps (Lower Juvavic tectonic units). The interpretation of the structure and geodynamic significance of both of these areas has been strongly conditioned by assumptions on the paleogeographic position of the units involved. In these two areas, the Juvavic and Silica tectonic units (successions of Permo-Mesozoic strata derived from the Triassic passive margin of the ALCAPA, in the Eastern Alps and Western Carpathians respectively) have been traditionally interpreted to represent the most distal units of the Triassic passive margin of the ALCAPA. This in turn implies that these units are interpreted to be tectonically far travelled and emplaced in a complex succession of in- and out-of-sequence thrusts.

In this contribution we propose a revision to the conventional interpretation of the Juvavic units, based on the structural re-interpretation of key localities. We focus on the central Eastern Alps, where we describe the geometry, timing and interplay of different structures related to the earliest phase of contractional deformation. We further integrate the modern understanding of salt tectonics and carbonate sedimentology in this area to show that the pre-contractional paleogeographic arrangement of the Juvavic was likely more complex than previously assumed. In particular, we argue that pelagic Triassic facies have been misinterpreted as evidence for the distality of the Juvavic and Silica units, and that they deposited not only in distal passive margin settings but also in proximal settings of limited crustal thinning. This is consistent with the fact that structures previously assumed to be north-directed thrusts are in fact south-directed back-thrusts, and challenges the conventional interpretation of the Juvavic units. The revised structural interpretation in the central Eastern Alps indicates that Late Jurassic contraction was part of a regionally-coherent system of deformation (over 100s of kilometers).

Furthermore, Late Jurassic deformation is observed to form a temporal continuum with Early Cretaceous, that was eventually sealed by the Gosau Gp sediments. We therefore propose that the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous contractional deformation that we document in the Eastern Alps represents the best documented record of the onset of Alpine orogenesis.

How to cite: Fernandez, O., Ortner, H., Sanders, D., and Grasemann, B.: Re-defining early Alpine orogenesis in the ALCAPA domain (Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21240,, 2025.

TS3 – Active tectonics, seismicity, kinematics, and dynamics

EGU25-520 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1

The Boukadir active fault-related folding: Active tectonic markers andInSAR analysis (Tell Atlas, Northern Algeria). 

Souhila Bagdi Issaad, Sihem FZ Miloudi, and Mustapha Meghraoui

The Tell Atlas Mountains are characterized by active tectonics related to
oblique convergence along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary. The region is
affected by a NNW-SSE to NW-SE transpressive regime, with shortening rates of
2.2 ± 0.5 mm/yr determined from tectonics and paleoseismology, confirmed by
GPS-derived rates of 1-3 mm/yr. The deformation manifests mainly as NE-SW to
E-W trending fault-related-folding structures, affected predominantly Mio-Plio-
Quaternary basins within the Tell Atlas. The Chelif is one such basins which has
experienced a major El Asnam Mw 7.1 seismic event in 1980 along Sara El
Maarouf blind fault. 40 km to the west lies a comparable structure, which is the
Boukadir fault related-folding , responsible for the moderate 2006 Tadjena
earthquake Mw 5.0, causing some damage in Abou El Hassan, Bouzghaïa and
Tadjena villages. The focal mechanism of the 2006 Tadjena earthquake, as well as
that of the 1980 El Asnam event, revealed a reverse fault with a lateral component.
The dislocation model indicated that the Tadjena event is related to a rupture along
a 6 km segment of the entire 35 km Boukadir fault. In this study, we aim to assess
seismic potential of the Boukadir FRF using a plural approach combining geology,
tectonic geomorphology, elastic modeling an Interferometric synthetic aperture
radar (InSAR). Field observations have shown that the Quaternary deposits reveal
progressive unconformities and form terraces along main streams, while the
conglomeratic levels of upper Pliocene are strongly tilted, dipping up to 70° to the
SW where the Boukadir fault is assumed to pass. The study of morphometric
parameters showed a disturbed hydrographic network on the Boukadir fold. We
used InSAR methodology to detect small surface displacements caused by the
Boukadir FRF genesis. PS-InSAR processing of Sentinel data from 2016-2022 in
ascending and descending orbits was employed. Analysis of mean displacement
rates in line of sight (LOS) directions showed subsidence south of the Boukadir
fault system and uplift to the north, consistent with our field investigations and
tectonic geomorphic analysis along the Boukadir reverse fault. Our results reflect
tectonic activity and seismic potential of the Boukadir FRF. They can be integrated
to the Tellian FRF models and contribute to updating the Algerian seismic hazard.

How to cite: Bagdi Issaad, S., Miloudi, S. F., and Meghraoui, M.: The Boukadir active fault-related folding: Active tectonic markers andInSAR analysis (Tell Atlas, Northern Algeria)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-520,, 2025.

EGU25-636 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

Seismic Hazard Potential in and around the Yedisu Seismic Gap: Implications from Seismological and Geodetic Constraints 

Mısra Gedik, Tülay Kaya Eken, and Haluk Özener

Türkiye is known as one of the most seismically active regions in the world due to its rapidly deforming tectonic properties that has been developed by the northward movement of the African and Arabian plates relative to the Eurasian plate. These plate movements caused the Anatolian plate to be compressed in the east and move westward, resulting in the formation of the most important tectonic structures in the region, the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) with ∼1500 km length and right-lateral strike-slip motion in the east-west direction, and the East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) with ∼700 km length and left-lateral strike-slip motion in the northeast direction.  Historical records show that seismic energy release along the NAFZ migrated westward with large earthquakes, i.e., the 1939 Erzincan earthquake (Mw7.9), 1942 Erbaa-Niksar earthquake (Mw7.0), 1999 İzmit earthquake (Mw7.4), and 1999 Düzce earthquake (Mw7.2). However, two significant seismic gaps exist throughout the NAFZ; Marmara and Yedisu. We, in particular, examined the Yedisu Seismic Gap (YSG) in this study, by investigating the interrelationships between seismicity, Coulomb stress changes, seismotectonic b-values, and surface deformation with the aim of understanding the characteristics and seismic hazard potential in and around the YSG. More specifically, we analyzed the seismic activity of the eastern NAFZ extending from the Erzincan basin to the Karlıova Triple Junction (KTJ) using earthquake catalogs from 1900 to 2024, which include both Mw≥1 earthquakes and Mw≥4 earthquakes. 3D Coulomb stress change behavior was compared with the background seismicity pattern in the region. We further performed a joint interpretation of lateral variation of statistical b-values, seismic P- and S-wave speeds, and InSAR-based surface deformation in order to understand possible regions of asperities or high pore-pressure where the accumulated stress often released due to the decreasing normal stress on the fault. Our preliminary results indicate that the stress has been transferred to the YSG following the 14 June 2020 Mw5.7 Karlıova earthquake. The results of our multi-data analysis will provide invaluable insight into the current seismic hazard potential of the YSG, which will be essential for future urban planning in this region.

How to cite: Gedik, M., Kaya Eken, T., and Özener, H.: Seismic Hazard Potential in and around the Yedisu Seismic Gap: Implications from Seismological and Geodetic Constraints, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-636,, 2025.

EGU25-1491 | Posters on site | TS3.1

UAV-LiDAR-Photogrammetry analyses of Stress-Release Structures in Southern Ontario, Canada: Implications for Regional Seismic Hazard Assessment 

Alexander L. Peace, Joseph I. Boyce, Abigail Clark, Lawrence Wejuli, and Wayna Sattar

Seismicity in eastern North America occurs in sporadic clusters distal from plate boundaries throughout western Quebec and continues with typically lower magnitude and frequency events in southern Ontario and the Great Lakes region. Although M4-5 earthquakes have been recorded in southern Ontario, there is limited understanding of regional seismogenic structures, the state of stress, and reactivation potential of basement faults. Stress-release structures, such as ‘pop-ups’, whilst somewhat rare and poorly documented, have been previously reported across the region. These structures can be produced by far-field intraplate tectonic processes far from plate boundaries, and thus can be used infer stress states and assess seismic hazard potential. 
This study aims to document, analyse, and interpret potential stress release features, including pop-ups, in southern Ontario, Canada. Employing a DJI Matrice 350 RTK with an L2 LiDAR payload and Emlid RS3 DGPS, we conducted a high-resolution (sub-cm) LiDAR and photogrammetry survey of well-exposed pop-ups at Wainfleet Wetlands, a former aggregate quarry located ~4 km west of Port Colborne, Ontario. 250 MHz ground-penetrating radar (GPR) profiles were also collected along several transects across the folds. Previous work here had identified at least two ~NW-SE oriented curvilinear pop-up structures ~100 m each in length within Devonian dolomitic limestones of the Onondaga Formation. The features exhibit en-echelon fractures with stepovers, indicating complex fault geometries and reactivation history. 
Regional estimates of the maximum horizontal stress (σH) suggest σH is ~NE-SW, consistent with the pop-up orientations and formation by far-field intraplate stresses.  FracPaQ analysis of fracture orientation, density (P20) and intensity (P21) on UAV-orthomosaics reveals deviations from regional fracture orientations and an increase in P20 and P21 proximal to pop-ups compared to nearby outcrops on the Lake Erie shoreline. GPR profiles imaged the internal geometry of fold structures to a depth of > 5 m.
The pop-ups are interpreted as stress-release buckles triggered by local overburden removal during quarrying. This initial work indicates that stress-release structures are perhaps more widespread, and structurally complex, in southern Ontario than previously considered, and that they may inherit complex geometries from deep-seated faults. Our work underscores the need to seek out and document other potential stress-release structures elsewhere in the region to elucidate their implications for intraplate stress and thus seismic hazards.

How to cite: Peace, A. L., Boyce, J. I., Clark, A., Wejuli, L., and Sattar, W.: UAV-LiDAR-Photogrammetry analyses of Stress-Release Structures in Southern Ontario, Canada: Implications for Regional Seismic Hazard Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1491,, 2025.

The geological units of Taiwan are traditionally classified into five units from east to west: the Coastal Range, Backbone Range, Hsuehshan Range (HR), Western Foothills (WF), and Coastal Plain. While the boundaries between these tectonic units are generally associated with major faults, some of these boundaries remain inadequately defined and poorly understood. One notable example is the boundary between the WF and HR, which has historically been identified as the Chuchih Fault. However, biochronological research suggests that the Chuchih Fault does not coincide with the boundary between Paleogene and Neogene strata. Additionally, structural investigations indicate that certain segments of the Chuchih Fault lack the characteristics typically associated with a boundary fault, further complicating its role as a definitive cutoff line between these geological units. Due to limited exposure, there is insufficient field data near the boundary between the WF and HR within the Taoyuan geologic quadrangle area, and the detailed structural geometry remains unclear. In this study, Digital Elevation Modeling (DEM) derived from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is used to interpret macroscopic geological structures, which are often covered by vegetation. We used the open-access 3D DEM (20-meter resolution) and overlaid it with a 2D high-resolution hillshade image to explore the geology from multiple perspectives in a 3D GIS environment. Faults and folds with wavelengths of several kilometers are determined based on the bedding lineation. In the Taoyuan geological quadrangle, the detailed distribution and thickness of the strata, along with the geometry of folds and faults, are delineated. This analysis reveals the complex geological structures that define the boundary between the HR and WF and illustrates how these structural patterns evolve from the northeast to the southwest within the study area. The fault trace and displacement along the Chuchih Fault have been revised. Several minor faults that may be associated with folding are revealed. Additionally, close to open synclines plunging to the southwest are identified, with anticlines or faults occurring between them. The application of LiDAR DEM for refining geological structural mapping between the WF and HR proves to be a feasible and effective method. The enhanced understanding of structural geometry in the study area indicates that the boundary between the WF and HR is significantly more complex than previously thought. It should not be narrowly defined as a single fault, such as the Chuchih Fault, but rather as a structural zone with intricate fault and fold interactions.

How to cite: Wei, W.-T., Chan, Y.-C., Yeh, E.-C., and Chen, Y.-P.: Using 3D LiDAR Geological Mapping to Improve the Structural Geometry at the Boundary Between Two Geologic Units: A Case Study of the Taoyuan Quadrangle, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2462,, 2025.

The South Yellow Sea (SYS) has experienced many moderate-strong earthquakes in the last four decades. On 17 November 2021, an Mw5.0 earthquake with a dextral strike-slip mechanism occurred in the Yancheng area of the SYS, resulting in various degrees of ground motions in many coastal cities of eastern China, such as Shanghai and Nanjing. The epicenter of the Yancheng event was characterized by the prevalent emplacement of hydrothermal vent complexes and strike-slip faults. However, the relationship between the strike-slip fault, the associated fluid migration and the Yancheng earthquake is poorly understood. Based on multichannel seismic profiles and well data acquired over the last 10 years, this study conducted a comprehensive investigation of the seismogenic strike-slip fault of the Yancheng event. Subsequently, the role of fluid migration along strike-slip faults in triggering this earthquake was analyzed. The result suggested that the active faults in the SYS were characterized by a conjugate fault system, the NNE trending strike-slip faults and the NW trending strike-slip faults. The NNE-trending fault F1 passing through the epicenter of this event is suggested as the seismogenic fault. The fault F1 and other active faults in the SYS were probably inherited from the pre-existing strike-slip faults formed during the late Jurassic to early Cretaceous. Various hydrothermal vent complexes were identified near the fault F1. Seismic facies analysis suggested that the hydrothermal activities could have continued to the Miocene and Quaternary in the vicinity of the fault F1, almost simultaneous with the reactivation of the fault F1 and other active strike-slip faults. The reactivation of the pre-existing faults and the associated hydrothermal events were suggested to be caused by the subduction of the Pacific Plate. We proposed that the hydrothermal fluid may have migrated along the F1, which further enhanced the faults’ slip, and finally triggered the Yancheng Mw 5.0 earthquake and other historical events in the SYS.

How to cite: Hu, P. and Yang, F.: The role of fluid migration along strike-slip faults in triggering the 2021 Mw 5.0 Yancheng earthquake in the South Yellow Sea, East Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3018,, 2025.

EGU25-3031 | Posters on site | TS3.1

Mapping Active Seabed Ruptures in the Eastern Offshore UAE, Gulf of Oman 

Omar Aldhanhani, Mohammed Ali, Aisha Alsuwaidi, and Ahmed Abdelmaksoud

The eastern offshore region of the United Arab Emirates, located along the northeastern boundary of the Arabian Plate in the Gulf of Oman, is influenced by the tectonic activity of the Zendan-Minab fault system and the Makran subduction zone. This research integrates data from multi-beam bathymetry, seismic reflection profiles, and earthquake monitoring to analyze fault behavior and regional tectonics. High-resolution bathymetric surveys, conducted with an EM 712 multi-beam echo sounder, reveal N-S to NNW fault lineaments. Some of these structures correspond to shallow earthquake events (magnitude ~2–3 Mw) occurring at depths of less than 5 km. Seismic reflection data indicate that these faults penetrate up to 3 km into the subsurface, cutting through Miocene-aged deposits. Additionally, sediment accumulation within Pleistocene-Holocene deposits, ranging from 1 to 2.5 km in thickness, and signs of eastward tilting suggest tectonic activity related to the Makran subduction. Fault geometries observed in the area, such as negative flower structures and en-echelon half-grabens, indicate a localized pull-apart basin formed through strike-slip faulting associated with the Zendan-Minab fault zone. The results of this study reveal ongoing seafloor ruptures, contributing to a better understanding of seismic activity and tectonic evolution in the Gulf of Oman.

How to cite: Aldhanhani, O., Ali, M., Alsuwaidi, A., and Abdelmaksoud, A.: Mapping Active Seabed Ruptures in the Eastern Offshore UAE, Gulf of Oman, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3031,, 2025.

EGU25-3190 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

Verifying the structure and development of the Osning Fault System (Northern Germany) using cross-section balancing 

Julia Rudmann, Sonja Wadas, and David Tanner

The NW-SE-striking Osning Fault System (OFS) is one of the most prominent fault zones in northern Germany. It consists of thrust faults (top-to-SW), which were caused by inversion of NE-dipping normal faults during the Upper Cretaceous. Although northern Germany shows relatively little seismic activity, 10 macro-seismic events have occurred along the OFS during the last 400 years, three of which caused serious damage. These events indicate that the OFS is neotectonically active and represents a geohazard. The investigation of its structure in depth is therefore of high societal relevance.

Our goal is to balance previously-published cross-sections along the OFS, to (1) verify their correctness and (2) obtain more information about the kinematic history. The OFS is assumed to be a pre-Variscan structure that was repeatedly reactivated during earth’s history (as mentioned above). However, its development and its (former and recent) kinematics have been debated over years, e.g., whether the OFS contains a strike-slip component or not.

For cross-section balancing, we use the software MOVETM and - in addition to the published cross-sections - we take all available data (e.g., geological maps, structural and geophysical data, drill information) into account. We examine four segments of the OFS (Gronau-, Osnabrück-, Bielefeld- and Berlebeck-Segments) and retrodeform at least one cross-section of each segment.

In this way, we can derive a high-resolution, well-constrained 3-D picture of the four segments of the OFS, which will contribute to a better understanding of the former and present-day kinematics of this fault zone, and can be used for further risk assessment.

How to cite: Rudmann, J., Wadas, S., and Tanner, D.: Verifying the structure and development of the Osning Fault System (Northern Germany) using cross-section balancing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3190,, 2025.

EGU25-3740 | Orals | TS3.1 | Highlight

Lithological control on geometric complexity of active continental strike-slip faults – insight from GPR surveys and analogue modelling 

Christian Brandes, David Tanner, Jan Igel, and Andrew Nicol

Strike-slip faults often display complex, along-strike geometries with branches and splays, which play an important role in earthquake rupture processes. Based on field examples of active faults and analogue models, we show that this complexity can be caused by lateral changes in lithology. We use geomorphic and ground-penetrating radar analysis of the Awatere Fault in the South Island of New Zealand, to demonstrate that the number of branch faults and width of the fault zone increases as the fault passes from bedrock to unconsolidated alluvial sediments. With analogue models, we test whether this observation can be reproduced. The setup replicates strike-slip faulting using two plates translated at a constant rate of 3 cm/h relative to each other. This establishes a velocity discontinuity at the centre of the model that leads to the formation of a strike-slip fault zone in the overlying analogue material. Each model incorporates a lenticular sand body that represents a less consolidated sedimentary basin above basement, which is represented by corn starch. During multiple model runs, fault branch-points formed at the boundary between the two different materials in the analogue model, thus confirming that the geometric complexity of strike-slip faults is strongly controlled by lateral changes in the properties of the host material. Two processes could play a role here: 1) the frictional properties change abruptly at the lithological boundary, which promotes the nucleation of branch faults and, 2) the angle of internal friction of the material changes across the lithological boundary, thus fostering fault-bend formation at this point. Our analogue modelling results also show that the thicker the sedimentary basin on top of the basement, the wider the zone of deformation. This implies that the lateral passage of active faults from bedrock into unconsolidated material leads to a widening of the deformation zone, which is confirmed by the ground-penetrating radar survey across the Awatere Fault. The results of the study can be applied to situations in which active strike-slip faults run into sedimentary basins, such as the Newport-Inglewood Fault in the Los Angeles Basin. Based on our analogue models, we postulate that the more diffuse, near-surface en-echelon structure in the northwest of the Newport-Inglewood Fault is a function of the higher sediment-basin thickness, compared to the distinct fault trace that is developed above the shallower basin-fill in the southeast. 

How to cite: Brandes, C., Tanner, D., Igel, J., and Nicol, A.: Lithological control on geometric complexity of active continental strike-slip faults – insight from GPR surveys and analogue modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3740,, 2025.

EGU25-3751 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

A methodological comparison between low-frequency and high-frequency seismic reflection data for studying near-surface faults 

Pedro Bauli, André Negrão, Gabriel Tagliaro, Mateus Gama, Adolfo Britzke, Ricardo Shyu, Gilberto Dias, and Luigi Jovane

Fault analysis in marine seismic data is conducted across various contexts, including tectonic, seismological and basin analysis studies, as well as in oil exploration and engineering projects. Generally, the higher the dominant frequency (Fdominant) of seismic data, the greater its vertical and horizontal resolution, making seismic features more representative of the geological record. However, most geological fault studies in marine environments rely on low-frequency seismic data (Fdominant ~ 50 Hz). As a result, geological records of deformation, erosion, and deposition at scales smaller than 8 meters remain invisible to interpreters, potentially leading to inaccurate structural interpretations. Despite this, the literature lacks comparative studies using real (i.e. non-modeled) data to assess the impact of seismic frequency on the concealment and/or distortion of geological features. This raises the following question: What kind of information in the geological fault record could be omitted from seismic interpretation when the seismic frequency is reduced?  This study employs both conventional (airgun source; Fdominant ~ 50 Hz, vertical resolution ~ 8 m) and high resolution (sparker source; Fdominant ~ 500 Hz, vertical resolution ~ 50 cm) multichannel seismic sections, which overlap the same fault that deforms the seafloor, to explore differences in the interpretation of its growth history. The normal fault analyzed has a minimum Quaternary age and is located above a salt dome in the Santos Basin (Southeast Brazil). A total of 36 seismic units were mapped in the sparker section, while the airgun visibility limit allowed only 13 units to be identified within the same stratigraphic interval (first 200 meters below the seafloor). Analysis of Throw-Depth Plots (T-D Plots) and Expansion Index (EI) revealed that the fault experienced 6 growth periods and 6 blind periods in the sparker data, while only 3 growth periods and 3 blind periods were identified in the airgun section. Only 65% of the growth and blind periods were synchronous between the two datasets. The sparker section revealed that noise features in the airgun data correspond to normal drags that generate footwall anticlines, hanging wall synclines, and synthetic dips in the fault's hanging wall. All seismic reflectors in the airgun section were plane-parallel. In contrast, the presence of offlaps, toplaps, and downlaps in the sparker data suggests that 4th and 5th order Quaternary sedimentary processes interacted with deformational features, generating differential thicknesses between footwall and hanging wall strata after fault growth periods. In summary, the comparative analysis demonstrated that reducing seismic frequency can result in: 1) underestimating the number of fault reactivation and quiescence periods; 2) hide ductile structures of shallow faults in marine sediments; and 3) suppress the identification of sedimentary processes that interacted with deformation features. Furthermore, the analysis of the high resolution seismic data shows that: 1) well-established fault analysis methods such as T-D Plots and EI should be analyzed together with stratigraphic features to avoid misinterpretations of growth periods; 2) it provides unprecedented level of detail about the Quaternary polycyclic evolution of a fault related to the halokinesis in the Santos Basin. 

How to cite: Bauli, P., Negrão, A., Tagliaro, G., Gama, M., Britzke, A., Shyu, R., Dias, G., and Jovane, L.: A methodological comparison between low-frequency and high-frequency seismic reflection data for studying near-surface faults, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3751,, 2025.

EGU25-4840 | Orals | TS3.1

SubsurfaceBreaks: A supervised detection of fault-related structures on triangulated models of subsurface slopes  

Michal Michalak, Christian Gerhards, and Peter Menzel

We present a novel supervised learning approach for fault detection in subsurface geological slopes. Synthetic faulted slopes were generated using Delaunay triangulation via the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL), enabling precise control over model parameters. A total of 24 features, encompassing local geometric attributes and neighborhood analyses, were introduced for classification. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier was employed, achieving high precision and recall in identifying fault-related features.

Application of the method to real borehole data, specifically elevations of buried stratigraphic contacts, demonstrated its effectiveness in detecting fault orientations. However, challenges remain in distinguishing faults with opposite dip directions. The study highlights the necessity of addressing 3D fault zone complexities for more robust fault identification.

Despite these challenges, the proposed supervised approach represents a significant advancement over traditional clustering-based methods, demonstrating its potential for detecting faults across diverse orientations. Future work will focus on incorporating more complex geological scenarios and refining fault detection methodologies to improve accuracy and applicability. This work underscores the promise of machine learning in advancing fault detection in geological studies.

How to cite: Michalak, M., Gerhards, C., and Menzel, P.: SubsurfaceBreaks: A supervised detection of fault-related structures on triangulated models of subsurface slopes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4840,, 2025.

Dynamics of lithospheric plates resulting in localisation of tectonic stresses and their release in earthquakes provides important information for seismotectonics. Numerical modelling of the dynamics and earthquake simulations have been changing our view about occurrences of large earthquakes in a system of major regional faults and about the recurrence time of the earthquakes. Models of tectonic stress generation and its transfer, as well fault dynamics models will be overviewed. I shall present the 35-year efforts in modelling of lithospheric block-and-fault dynamics allowing for better understanding how the blocks react to the plate motion, how stresses are localised and released in earthquakes, and how plate driving forces, the geometry of fault zones, and fault physical properties exert influence on the earthquake dynamics, clustering, and magnitudes. Also, this presentation will illustrate how data analysis and quantitative modelling contribute to advancing seismic hazard assessment.

How to cite: Ismail-Zadeh, A.: Lithosphere dynamics and earthquake modelling for seismotectonic analysis and hazard assessments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5231,, 2025.

EGU25-5573 | Orals | TS3.1

Unveiling Tectonic Complexities in the 2024 Hualien (eastern Taiwan) Earthquake Sequence Using GNSS and InSAR Data 

Daniele Cheloni, Nicola Angelo Famiglietti, Riccardo Caputo, and Annamaria Vicari

Taiwan, located at the convergent boundary between the Philippine Sea and Eurasian plates, is one of the most seismically active regions globally, with convergence rates reaching 80-90 mm/yr. The Longitudinal Valley suture zone in eastern Taiwan, accommodating ~30 mm/yr of NNW-SSE shortening, hosts two major reverse fault systems: the E-dipping Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF) and the W-dipping Central Range Fault (CRF). These faults exhibit complex interactions, particularly in the northern sector of the Longitudinal Valley, where cross-cutting relationships and evolving tectonic dynamics generate significant seismotectonic complexity.

The 2 April 2024 MW 7.4 Hualien earthquake, the strongest instrumentally recorded event near Hualien since the 1951 sequence, exemplifies this complexity. Previous seismic events in this region have been associated with ruptures on both E- and W-dipping faults, reflecting the dynamic interplay between these systems. To investigate the faulting processes and source parameters of this sequence, we analyzed an extensive geodetic dataset, integrating Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations. Elastic dislocation modeling was applied to constrain the rupture geometry and evaluate the interaction between fault segments. GNSS and InSAR data from the 2024 event reveal a rupture pattern involving multiple fault segments, consistent with observations of focal mechanisms, aftershock distributions, and long-term moment release patterns. Although simple single-fault models (e.g., an E-dipping Longitudinal Valley Fault or a W-dipping Central Range Fault) can explain the geodetic data, a composite fault model, incorporating multiple segments, better accounts for the observed displacements, seismicity, and the complex structure of the northern Longitudinal Valley. Our findings provide new insights into the seismogenic processes and fault dynamics underlying this significant seismic event. They highlight the evolving tectonic setting of eastern Taiwan and contribute to the understanding of the processes driving seismotectonic complexity in one of the most tectonically active regions of the world.

How to cite: Cheloni, D., Famiglietti, N. A., Caputo, R., and Vicari, A.: Unveiling Tectonic Complexities in the 2024 Hualien (eastern Taiwan) Earthquake Sequence Using GNSS and InSAR Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5573,, 2025.

EGU25-7300 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

Innovative Approaches to Fault Detection: Integrating Geophones and DAS in the Budoia-Aviano Thrust Case Study 

Lorenzo Suranna, Grazia Caielli, Fabio L. Bonali, Nicola Piana Agostinetti, Roberto de Franco, Alberto Villa, Graziano Boniolo, Davide Rusconi, Noemi Corti, Marta Arcangeli, Filippo Bianchi, Maria E. Poli, Giulia Patricelli, and Alessandro Tibaldi

This study evaluates the effectiveness of standard seismic reflection/refraction acquisition system and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) in detecting the buried segment of the Budoia-Aviano Thrust in northeastern Italy. It is conducted as part of the NASA4SHA PRIN Project, “Fault segmentation and seismotectonics of active thrust systems: the Northern Apennines and Southern Alps laboratories for new Seismic Hazard Assessments in northern Italy.”
Within the seismotectonic framework of the eastern Southern Alps the Budoia-Aviano Thrust accommodates regional compressional deformation in a low strain-rate setting (Poli et al., 2014; Patricelli et al., 2024). Many geological and morphotectonic evidence testify the recent activity of the Budoia-Aviano Thrust. Considering the significant historical seismicity of the area, understanding the fault’s geometry and kinematics is crucial for seismic hazard assessment and for advancing knowledge of active thrust systems and blind faults in the region.
To investigate the fault’s hidden geometry, four seismic lines were acquired: one in the Aviano and three in the Budoia  municipalities respectively. Seismic waves were generated using as source a seismic shotgun and recorded using two complementary methods. Geophones (4.5 Hz, 5m spacing) were selected for their deeper penetration capability, while DAS, with its 1m spatial sampling, provided higher-resolution imaging of shallow features. Both acquisition system were deployed under similar conditions to facilitate comparison and integration of the datasets.
Preliminary results reveal key insights into the subsurface structure. Seismic reflection data identify offset stratigraphic layering and discontinuities suggestive of potential fault traces, aligning with the expected thrust geometry. Seismic refraction delineates velocity variations corresponding to lithological contrasts and deformation zones, adding constraints on fault characterization. The DAS data, still under analysis, is expected to enhance imaging of subtle near-surface features, complementing the ‘geophones’ ability to image deeper structures.
The results highlight the complementary strengths of geophones and DAS: geophones excel at imaging deeper fault geometries critical for defining the thrust structure, while DAS captures detailed variations near the surface. The integrated datasets adopt a multi-scale geophysical approach, improving the resolution of the Budoia-Aviano Thrust’s buried segment.
This research provides valuable insights into the geometry and kinematics of active thrust systems in the eastern Southern Alps, contributing to improved seismic hazard assessments and informing future geophysical investigations in similar tectonic settings.

How to cite: Suranna, L., Caielli, G., Bonali, F. L., Piana Agostinetti, N., de Franco, R., Villa, A., Boniolo, G., Rusconi, D., Corti, N., Arcangeli, M., Bianchi, F., Poli, M. E., Patricelli, G., and Tibaldi, A.: Innovative Approaches to Fault Detection: Integrating Geophones and DAS in the Budoia-Aviano Thrust Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7300,, 2025.

EGU25-7530 | Orals | TS3.1

Towards deciphering the tectono-magmatic dynamics of the Auckland Volcanic Field and Hauraki Rift 

Jennifer Eccles, Robert Pickle, Alutsyah Luthfian, Jill Kenny, Hugo Chevallier, Hannah Martin, Craig Miller, Sigrun Hreinsdottir, Kasper van Wijk, and James Muirhead

New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, 400 km into the overriding Australian plate from the Hikurangi subduction margin, sits on top of the active intraplate Auckland Volcanic Field. Low recurrence interval faults are mapped to the south of the city and ~30 km to the east within the active Hauraki Rift which is opening oblique to the plate boundary trend. Faulting within the urban area is obscured by the distributed <200,000 year old volcanics, Quaternary sedimentation and landscape modification. The potential structural control on magma ascent unclear or variable. While Auckland urbanisation provides the riskscape to motivate seismo-volcano-tectonic characterisation, the setting also provides challenges, and some advantages, to investigation. We discuss the ongoing programme of potential field and borehole studies that characterise crustal structure and geodesy, seismology, geomorphology, field studies that are also indicative of regional deformation.

The NNW-SSE trending Hauraki Rift parallels regional basement fabric characterised by the trend of the Mesozoic, ophiolite bearing Dun Mountain-Maitai basement terrane-sourced Junction Magnetic Anomaly. Geodesy has resolved a rifting rate of ~1 mm/year. Dominant NNW-NW and NE fault trends within/beneath Auckland are resolved from Lidar analysis, field mapping and reconstruction of a regional marker horizon, the “Waitemata Group Erosion Surface”, using extensive urban and urban-fringe borehole datasets. Few boreholes penetrate the deeper areas of Mesozoic basement so modelling of gravity data has proved useful to define the topography of the basement surface and interpret significant basement offsets. Although the historic 1891 ~Mw 6.2 Waikato Heads earthquake ~65 km SE of the Auckland CBD demonstrated the seismic potential in the region, rates of microseismicity are low and have been concentrated in South Auckland and the Hauraki Gulf. New seismometer deployments enhance potential resolution of spatial patterns of seismicity, with use of artificial intelligence in catalogue building investigated. These will also provide the potential for increased resolution crustal, crustal thickness, and mantle characterisation. The establishment of new campaign geodetic sites will also increase confidence in potential dislocations across proposed structures. Geomorphic and field studies attempt to characterise the paleoseismology of exposed faults.     

How to cite: Eccles, J., Pickle, R., Luthfian, A., Kenny, J., Chevallier, H., Martin, H., Miller, C., Hreinsdottir, S., van Wijk, K., and Muirhead, J.: Towards deciphering the tectono-magmatic dynamics of the Auckland Volcanic Field and Hauraki Rift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7530,, 2025.

EGU25-8000 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

Application of comprehensive geophysical-drilling exploration to detectthe buried Shunyi active fault belt in Beijing, China 

Bangshen Qi, Chengjun Feng, Chengxuan Tan, Peng Zhang, Jing Meng, and Xiaoxiao Yang

Shunyi fault is one of important buried faults in Beijing, the capital of China. The Quaternary activity and ground deformation of this fault are important for optimizing the pattern of land space development, and constructing disaster prevention and mitigation system in Beijing. Since the buried active fault is complex, we used the controlled source audio-frequency magnetotelluric (CSAMT), shallow seismic reflection, high density resistivity and drilling exploration to detect its location, character and activity intensity. The results show that the trending of Shunyi fault is NE, dip direction is SE, and is a normal fault. The Shunyi fault is an active fault with variable activity: its vertical activity rate was 0.23mm/a since the Early Pleistocene, 0.03mm/a since the Mid-Pleistocene, 0.29 mm/a since the Late Pleistocene, and 0.51 mm/a since the Holocene in Beixiaoying town. There were spatial and temporal disparities in the Shunyi fault activity since Quaternary. It was strongly active in the Early Pleistocene but showed weaker activity during the Middle Pleistocene. In the Late Pleistocene, the activity of Shunyi fault was enhanced, and the strongest activity occurred in the Holocene. It's worth noting that south segment of Shunyi fault had stronger activity than north segment since the Quaternary, and is still active, which may explain why the ground fissures appeared in Shunyi recently. Obviously, active faults control ground fissures in Shunyi area.

How to cite: Qi, B., Feng, C., Tan, C., Zhang, P., Meng, J., and Yang, X.: Application of comprehensive geophysical-drilling exploration to detectthe buried Shunyi active fault belt in Beijing, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8000,, 2025.

EGU25-8776 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

Fault Systems and Dyke-Induced Deformations: Insights from Drone Surveys and Numerical Modelling in the Fremri-Námur Area, Northern Iceland 

Sofia Brando, Lorenzo Suranna, Davide Marchetti, Francesco Ferraioulo, Martina Pedicini, Noemi Corti, Federico Pasquarè Mariotto, Alessandro Tibaldi, and Fabio L. Bonali

The Fremri-Námur Fissure Swarm (FFS), located in the northern sector of the Icelandic rift, represents an ideal natural laboratory for investigating the interactions between magmatic intrusions and surface deformation. This region features a complex system of volcanic edifices, eruptive fissures, extensional fractures, and primarily normal faults. This swarm of structures, predominantly oriented NNE-SSW, spans approximately 160 km in length and up to 17 km in width. [NC1] This study focuses on exploring surface deformation dynamics induced by dyke intrusions in a specific area of the FFS, characterized by a volcanic cone and an asymmetrical central graben.

The volcanic cone under study is situated in the central-western part of the system and features a well-defined graben bordered by two major faults trending NNE-SSW, parallel to the cone maximum elongation axis. The cone measures approximately 3 km in length and 1.3 km in width, with an elongated shape consistent with the fracture orientation of the FFS. Geological mapping indicates that the cone is primarily composed of pillow lavas, hyaloclastites, and tuff from the latter half of the last glacial period. At its base, it contacts more recent lava flows, and scoria cones aligned parallel to the NNE-SSW direction are present on its western flank.

This study employs a multidisciplinary approach integrating advanced survey techniques, structural analysis, and numerical modelling. In situ data were acquired via aerial photogrammetry using drones and the MapIT app for georeferenced photos, enhancing lithological and structural characterization. Drone imagery was processed in Agisoft Metashape to produce a high-resolution 3D and 2D dataset, including an orthomosaic and a Digital Surface Model (DSM), providing a robust foundation for detailed geological structural analysis using GIS. This allowed for the identification of key structures and the measurement of fault offsets to analyse their relationship with the graben geometry.

Additionally, 2D numerical models were developed using the FEM software Comsol Multiphysics to investigate stress distribution and orientation at the dyke tip. These models explore the effect of factors such as dyke depth and inclination, Young’s modulus of the host rock, and topographical influences. Outputs show the distribution of tensile and von Mises stresses, the greatest compressive stress (σ1) and the least principal stress (σ3) to assess the relationship between the dyke intrusion and surface deformation. These models are ongoing, with results to be refined as additional data becomes available.

How to cite: Brando, S., Suranna, L., Marchetti, D., Ferraioulo, F., Pedicini, M., Corti, N., Pasquarè Mariotto, F., Tibaldi, A., and Bonali, F. L.: Fault Systems and Dyke-Induced Deformations: Insights from Drone Surveys and Numerical Modelling in the Fremri-Námur Area, Northern Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8776,, 2025.

EGU25-8997 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

Near-surface earthquake rupturing in high-porosity sandstone documented by a combined meso-microstructural, mineralogical, and experimental approach (Crotone forearc Basin, Italy) 

Mattia Pizzati, Stefano Aretusini, Elena Spagnuolo, Luca Aldega, Anita Torabi, Fabrizio Storti, and Fabrizio Balsamo

The seismogenic zone is the locus of most earthquakes occurring in the Earth’s crust and is located in a depth interval from 5 to 35 km. The shallow portion (< 5 km) of the seismogenic zone is considered stable, as crosscuts low cohesion, water saturated, rocks and sediments. Nevertheless, many earthquakes have been documented at depths shallower than 5 km in different geodynamic settings. Such shallow, and still poorly understood, seismicity could represent an additional threat to be accounted for in seismically active regions.

To provide new hints on this subject, we present the results of a multidisciplinary study dealing with near-surface earthquake deformation recorded along an extensional fault zone affecting high porosity, Plio-Pleistocene age, sandstone. The studied fault zone is exposed along the Vitravo Creek canyon, in the Crotone Basin, South Italy. The cumulated displacement reaches ~50 m, and deformation is accommodated by the development of deformation bands and secondary faults, both in the footwall and hanging wall blocks. Within the fault core, where most of the displacement is accommodated, a 2-3 cm-thick dark gouge layer can be found. The gouge is continuous along the entire outcrop exposure and locally has been injected into the joints affecting the calcite cemented fault core. Secondary, thinner (~1 mm-thick), gouge layers are present a few cm away from the main one in the hanging wall block. Microstructural and particle size analyses conducted on the dark gouge allowed to document a severe cataclastic grain size reduction and a marked gradient in comminution from the footwall towards the hanging wall side. XRD mineralogical analysis performed on the < 2 µm size fraction of the dark gouge, revealed up to 60% of illite in the illite-smectite short-ordered mixed layers, suggesting deformation temperature up to 100-120 °C. XRD analyses conducted on control samples collected along the entire fault zone returned estimated deformation temperatures of < 50 °C, compatible with the maximum sediment overburden (< 800 m). The anomalous and localized increase in temperature within the dark gouge has been linked with flash-frictional heating processes during coseismic deformation under shallow burial conditions. Frictional laboratory experiments run on natural host sand samples collected along the fault zone allowed to constrain their mechanical behavior at aseismic (100 µm/s) and coseismic (1 m/s) slip rates, under different water contents (dry vs water saturated) and at different normal loading-burial conditions (10-20 MPa). The experimental gouge displayed similar micro-textural characteristics compared to their natural counterparts. The multidisciplinary approach combining field-structural survey and mapping, microstructural-textural and mineralogical analysis with rock mechanics experiments could be useful to the study of shallow coseismic deformation of sediments and high porosity rocks. The systematic implementation of such approach to several fault zones and fault systems could enhance and improve the earthquake risk and hazard assessment in seismically active regions, unveiling shallow, previously unknown, seismic sources.

How to cite: Pizzati, M., Aretusini, S., Spagnuolo, E., Aldega, L., Torabi, A., Storti, F., and Balsamo, F.: Near-surface earthquake rupturing in high-porosity sandstone documented by a combined meso-microstructural, mineralogical, and experimental approach (Crotone forearc Basin, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8997,, 2025.

EGU25-9162 | Posters on site | TS3.1

Structural architecture of the frontal part of active Greater Caucasus orogen: A case study from the western Georgia 

Victor Alania, Konstantine Abesadze, Mehmet Arif Yukler, Onise Enukidze, Badri Galdava, Durmishkhan Gakharia, Mamuka Kurtsikidze, Nino Kvavadze, Valeri Kurbanov, Demur Merkviladze, Anzor Giorgadze, and Saba-Giorgi Gakharia

In this study, we document the structural architecture of the frontal part of active Greater Caucasus orogen based on the interpretation of the seismic profile in western Georgia. It is a unique example to understand of far-field intracontinental ongoing mountain building within the Arabia–Eurasia collision system. The external zone of the western Greater Caucasus orogen, known as the Dzirula massif and Imereti Uplift Zone, developed during the late Alpine period in response to the convergence between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. The Dzirula Massif (DM) and Imereti Uplift Zone (IUZ) break a contiguous collisional foreland basin into disconnected basins, Rioni to the west and Kura to the east. The IUZ is an oil-bearing thrust system. Seismic profiles show that the dominant structural styles of the compressional structures are related to multiple detachments. Seismic reflection data within the study area reveals the presence of a thick-skinned triangle zone, crustal-scale duplexes, passive back thrust, and fault-related folds. Based on seismic profiles we have constructed regional balanced cross-sections for the external zone of the western GC orogen that merges the surface, well, and seismic data to provide a detailed structural model for the Mesozoic and Paleozoic units underlying the main detachments. Thick-skinned structures comprise fault-bend folds moving into the sedimentary cover, mainly along lower Jurassic shales, which form basement wedges that transfer the deformation to the south. Preexisting, basement-involved extensional faults inverted during compressive deformation produced basement-cored uplifts that transferred thick-skinned shortening southward onto the thin-skinned structures detached above the basement. From the SSW to the NNE, the seismic profiles and balanced cross-sections show: (1) basement-involved thrust faults or thick-skinned fault-bend folds, and (2) thin-skinned fault-related folds represented by fault-propagation and imbricate fault-bend folds. Contractional deformation in the study and surrounding area is recorded by well-preserved syn-tectonic shallow marine and continental sequences.



How to cite: Alania, V., Abesadze, K., Yukler, M. A., Enukidze, O., Galdava, B., Gakharia, D., Kurtsikidze, M., Kvavadze, N., Kurbanov, V., Merkviladze, D., Giorgadze, A., and Gakharia, S.-G.: Structural architecture of the frontal part of active Greater Caucasus orogen: A case study from the western Georgia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9162,, 2025.

EGU25-12256 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1

Fatbox v2.0 - the Fault Analysis Toolbox: a python library for identification and geometric analysis of fault networks from numerical analogue, and digital elevation models 

Pauline Gayrin, Thilo Wrona, Sascha Brune, Derek Neuharth, Nicolas Molnar, Alessandro La Rosa, and John Naliboff

Faults and fractures can be observed across vast spatial (nm to km) and temporal scales (years to Myrs), often evolving into highly complex networks. Once established, they fundamentally alter the rheological behavior and transportative properties of the host rock. This makes them a critical focus for applications such as seismic hazard assessment, geothermal reservoirs, and carbon storage. The architecture and evolution of fault networks can be studied using recent advances in remote sensing and modelling. Numerical models provide insight into both the top-view and depth expression of faults, while analogue models simulate geodynamic processes to shed light on their mechanics. Furthermore, the topography of natural faults can now be captured with unprecedented accuracy using Tandem-X radar satellites for example. However, the sheer data volume and the continued reliance on manual fault mapping remain major obstacles in fault network analysis.


Here we present Fatbox v2.0, the Fault Analysis Toolbox. This python-based, open-source library is able to extract and characterize individual faults as well as entire fault networks from diverse datasets. Fatbox contains a large number of functions to map and analyze faults and fractures automatically from different types of observational data, geodynamic models and analogue models. Fault systems are described as 2D networks (graphs) using the coupling of nodes, defined by their position, and edges that connect the nodes. This allows us to capture the full complexity of natural fault and fracture systems. It is then possible to analyse features such as fault splays, intersections, and relay ramps, from topography, strain, strain rate, or model cross sections. In addition, the toolbox contains a number of functions to track faults through time, which is particularly useful for modelling data. This library is complemented by a wide range of functions that allow the geometry of the fault network to be filtered and analysed with high spatial resolution.

How to cite: Gayrin, P., Wrona, T., Brune, S., Neuharth, D., Molnar, N., La Rosa, A., and Naliboff, J.: Fatbox v2.0 - the Fault Analysis Toolbox: a python library for identification and geometric analysis of fault networks from numerical analogue, and digital elevation models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12256,, 2025.

EGU25-12543 | Orals | TS3.1

Seismic Hazard Implications on the East Anatolian Fault following the October 16, 2024 Mw6.0 Malatya Earthquake  

Tülay Kaya-Eken, Ç. Serhun Zoroğlu, Mısra Gedik, Gülşen Tekiroğlu, and Haluk Özener

The East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ), a 580-kilometer-long transform plate boundary within the Anatolia-Arabia-Africa triple junction system, has been the site of several destructive earthquakes. This includes the February 2023 Mw7.8 and Mw7.5 Kahramanmaraş earthquake doublets, which occurred as part of a recent seismic sequence. The aftershock sequence indicates that the first earthquake on the Pazarcık fault segment triggered the second earthquake on the Sürgü Fault, located approximately 100 km north of the initial epicenter. Diffuse deformation in the region is evident by part of this latest earthquake sequence, nucleated on the northern splay of the main EAFZ. These two main shocks were subsequently followed by strong aftershocks in the region, including the October 16, 2024 Mw6.0 Malatya Earthquake. Given the region's seismic potential, complex deformational behavior evident from recent earthquake doublets, and distribution of post-seismic deformation following the latest activity, a proper seismic hazard assessment that incorporates seismological and geodetic constraints is of great importance in the region. The present work endeavors to provide a quantitative discussion on the seismic hazard potential in the EAFZ, with a particular focus on the Malatya region. To achieve this aim we utilize a multi-scale data set comprising precise aftershock distribution around Malatya, 3D Coulomb stress change pattern, spatio-temporal b-value distribution, the InSAR-based surface deformation of the recent Malatya earthquake and 3-D variation of seismic P- and S-wave speeds in and around broken fault segments in the region.

How to cite: Kaya-Eken, T., Zoroğlu, Ç. S., Gedik, M., Tekiroğlu, G., and Özener, H.: Seismic Hazard Implications on the East Anatolian Fault following the October 16, 2024 Mw6.0 Malatya Earthquake , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12543,, 2025.

EGU25-12607 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

Seismological Analysis of Active Transverse Faults in the rifted Northern Apennines: Insights into Fault Evolution, Linkage and Inheritance 

Simone Lenci, Derek Keir, Giancarlo Molli, Paola Vannucchi, Chiara Del Ventisette, and Carolina Pagli

Rifts and rifting orogens display complex three-dimensional fault patterns due to prolonged basin nucleation, propagation, and interaction. During rift development, faults with some amount of strike-slip component, and that range from oblique to orthogonal (transverse) to rift trend, can transfer extension between offset basins. The Northern Apennines exemplify this with an overall left stepping extensional system, developing with a NE-migrating active extensional front which progressively overprints previously shortened domains. While prominent lateral steps often mark transverse structures at various scales, surface evidence is limited, keeping the issue of transverse faults open.

This study tries to understand the geometry, kinematics and role of transverse faults in the Northern Apennines using a seismological approach by precisely relocating dense recent sequences in the adjacent Garfagnana and Lunigiana basins, where 2013-06 Mw=4.8 and 2013-01 Mw=5.1 mainshocks occurred, respectively. Public focal mechanisms suggest involvement of transverse structures, yet the events are rooted in different extensional domains at varying evolutionary stages. The Garfagnana cluster occurred in a high-topography, poorly extended external domain near active contraction, with minor lateral steps. The Lunigiana cluster, in contrast, occurred within a low-topography, highly extended internal domain with prominent pluri-kilometric basin offsets.

Using publicly available INGV phases and waveform data, we performed absolute location with NonLinLoc and precise waveform cross-correlation double-difference relocation using HypoDD and GrowClust codes. Focal mechanisms were re-computed for the identified faults. Relocations highlighted complex fault interactions and confirmed transverse fault slip in both cases. The Garfagnana sequence revealed two deep-seated transverse faults extending to 19 km depth, with shallower faults parallel to the chain and limited surface exposure of transverse structures. We suggest fault system interactions are in an incipient stage here. However, the existence of evolved transverse structures at depth in this young extensional domain indicates rapid extensional overprinting of contractional features. The Lunigiana sequence primarily develops on transverse faults and chain-parallel faults extending from the surface down to 16 km, which are part of a regional horsetail fault system, considered a major crustal-scale transfer zone. We propose alternative kinematics and faults architecture compared to previous studies, with a more accurate solution of the deep fault architecture underlying the observed seismicity.

These two cases illustrate how active extension is partitioned within soft- and hard-linkage configurations in two different sectors of the orogen. We interpret them to be inherited from pre-orogenic or contractional structures and we suggest that the two case studies represent distinct steps of progressive deformation in the evolution of the continental transverse fault zones within the Northern Apennines. We believe the Apennines is a key region for understanding how pre-existing transverse faults persist through an orogen's entire evolution, from undeformed foreland to subduction, the orogenic belt, and proximal to distal extensional domains.

How to cite: Lenci, S., Keir, D., Molli, G., Vannucchi, P., Del Ventisette, C., and Pagli, C.: Seismological Analysis of Active Transverse Faults in the rifted Northern Apennines: Insights into Fault Evolution, Linkage and Inheritance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12607,, 2025.

EGU25-12632 | Posters on site | TS3.1

The Mt. Morrone seismotectonic source: analysis of fault model uncertainty for Ground Motion Prediction 

Deborah Di Naccio, Angela Stallone, and Michele MC Carafa

In the past decade, seismic hazard assessment has increasingly relied on innovative approaches based on seismotectonic models for accurate physics-based short-term and long-term forecasts. Ensuring consistency and homogenization is essential when assembling data for a scientifically robust seismotectonic model. Additionally, a rigorous probabilistic framework is necessary to properly explore the uncertainties related to the seismotectonic model components, including geometric and kinematic characteristics (e.g., length, strike, dip, depth, and rake), and seismotectonic potential (e.g., long-term slip rate, and Mw).

In this contribution, we focus on the Mt. Morrone active fault in the central Apennines, which has a seismotectonic potential Mw+6.7 but has been silent for the past 1.8 kyr. We modeled the fault and used smoothed boxcar functions as probability density functions (PDFs) for the source parameters (Mw, Hypocenter coordinates, Strike, Dip, Rake). We then generated an ensemble of source scenarios by randomly sampling from these PDFs. This approach allowed us to encompass the uncertainty associated with the Mt. Morrone fault model by defining a set of plausible rupture scenarios, all compatible with the modeled fault. In order to assess the impact of source uncertainty on ground-motion predictions, we implemented ProbShakemap [Stallone et al., 2024], a Python toolbox designed for rapid earthquake source uncertainty propagation to ground-shaking estimates. Our test case includes all municipalities within the region as Point of Interest (POI) highlighting the importance of understanding ground shaking impact for effective land-use planning and risk mitigation.

How to cite: Di Naccio, D., Stallone, A., and Carafa, M. M.: The Mt. Morrone seismotectonic source: analysis of fault model uncertainty for Ground Motion Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12632,, 2025.

EGU25-12744 | Orals | TS3.1

Paleoseismology of the Seyring-Aderklaa Fault System, Vienna, Austria  

Kurt Decker, Michael Weissl, and Adrian Flores-Orozco

The Aderklaa- and Seyring faults are part of a series of normal faults accommodating active extension west of a releasing bend of the Vienna Basin strike-slip system. The faults are located in the urban area of Vienna and adjacent Lower Austria. The proximity to the Vienna city centre (ca. 13 km), high population density and the focus on the area for future urban development result in high vulnerability and risk. Exploration for deep geothermal energy in the immediate vicinity of the faults adds a further risk factor. The fault system was therefore the subject of focused paleoseismological investigations including spatial fault mapping of industrial 3D seismic, high-resolution near-surface geophysics, stress modelling (Levi et al. 2023, IJES), drilling and trenching.

The active fault system consists of two sets of (N)E- and (S)W-dipping normal faults, respectively, both offsetting Pleistocene terraces and capturing local streams. While cryoturbation prevents the identification of individual paleoearthquakes for the (S)W-dipping Aderklaa Fault (slip rate: 0,03 mm/y; Weissl et al., 2017, Quaternary International), three trenches (GER1 to GER3) revealed a detailed Late Pleistocene paloeoearthquake history for the (N)E-dipping Seyring faults. GER2 and GER3 exposed four event horizons in loess dated to 25 ka, 17-16 ka (two events) and 15 ka cal BP. Sand intrusions in a rupture surface of the youngest event prove liquefaction and seismic deformation. The exposed faults are antithetic secondary faults with respect to the W-dipping main normal fault formed by crestal collapse of a rollover above the main fault. The main fault does not cut up through the exposed section but offsets the base of a 400-200 ka old river terrace for 7 m and causes a 50-70 cm downward flexure of a 25 ka old paleosurface. Slip rates calculated independently from both markers are 0,02 mm/a, the average recurrence interval of paleoearthquakes is ca. 6.000 a. Trench GER1 excavated a second fault of the Seyring system with a normal offset of the base of aforementioned terrace of 8 m. Oppenauer et al. (2022; Pangeo 2022) identified six events that occurred between 32 and 14.8 ka BP corresponding to an average a recurrence rate of approximately 5,300 years. Two events formed colluvial wedges with 20 cm height each allowing to estimate the associated magnitudes with M≈6,4. The average slip rates calculated from the offset terrace and trench data are 0,02 mm/a. Whether the paleoearthquakes identified in GER2 and GER3 are time-correlated with the events recognised in GER1 is subject of current investigation.

We conclude that the Aderklaa and Seyring fault system consists of a minimum of three active faults with slip rates of 0,03-0,02 mm/a. Each fault needs to be taken into account in the assessment of regional earthquake hazard and risk. Available data for hazard modelling include: reliably determined fault kinematics consistent with the regional seismotectonic model of the Vienna Basin fault system; fault  geometries accurately determined from 3D seismic down to ca. 4 km depth; fault slip rates; average earthquake recurrence intervals; and recent stresses derived from a borehole-derived 1D stress model.

How to cite: Decker, K., Weissl, M., and Flores-Orozco, A.: Paleoseismology of the Seyring-Aderklaa Fault System, Vienna, Austria , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12744,, 2025.

In the 1964 Mw 9.2 megathrust earthquake in South Central Alaska, a megathrust splay fault on Montague Island had co-seismic surface rupture and up to 10 meters of . The offshore expression of this fault has been proposed to be the source of a in Seward. Splay faults can transfer seismic slip from a megathrust rupture to the surface and thus influence tsunami-genesis. The unique exposure of an active megathrust splay fault on Montague Island provides us with the opportunity to investigate the geometry and structure of the fault zone and document the mechanical properties and alteration from wall rock to fault core. Outcrop-scale investigations have identified a 150m wide fault zone, intensely fractured host rock and , an 8m wide continuous gouge zone, and large-scale deformation variability across the fault. Microstructural analysis has documented cataclasite formation, foliated fault gouge, directional shear sense, and clay alteration and formation due to faulting processes. These results insight into co-seismic or aseismic slip behaviors, faulting related mechanical or chemical alteration, and slip weakening/strengthening behaviors. This identification of structural variation and deformation mechanics can be used to constrain empirical constitutive equations that dictate faulting and rupture behavior, provide real-world constraints for large-scale numerical models, and inform interpretations of offshore splay faults imaged by seismic reflection data.

How to cite: Fintel, A., Tobin, H., and Haeussler, P. J.: Outcrop to Microscale Field Observations of a Unique On-Land Exposure of an Active Long-Lived Tsunamigenic Splay Fault in South Central Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13000,, 2025.

EGU25-13085 | Posters on site | TS3.1

Late Quaternary fault activity of the southern part of the Al Idrissi strike-slip fault system, Alboran sea: an integrated multi-proxy approach 

Lea Vidil, Elia d'Acremont, Laurent Emmanuel, Sara Lafuerza, Fabien Caroir, Sylvie Leroy, El Mehdi Latni, and Alain Rabaute and the Albacore-Albaneo teams

The Alboran Sea, located in the western Mediterranean is crossed from Spain to Morocco by a significant active fault system known as the Al Idrissi Fault System (AIFS). This predominantly sinistral strike-slip fault system formed to accommodate the oblique convergence between the African and Eurasian plates. It is characterized by moderate earthquakes (Mw > 6) aligned along NNE-SSW-oriented fault segments. The AIFS is considered a unique example of an emerging intracontinental plate boundary.

Along the AIFS, fault characteristics and long-term earthquake recurrence remain poorly understood. The ANR ALBANEO project aims to study the activity of key fault segments to advance our understanding of this strike-slip system. It will focus on the dynamic interactions between fault block displacement and sedimentation and seismic activity over time.

To achieve these objectives, various geological, geophysical, and geotechnical tools were used during the ALBACORE oceanographic campaign (R/V Pourquoi pas?, 2021, The data analyzed include (i) sediment calypso cores, (ii) piezocone penetration tests (CPTu), (iii) multibeam bathymetric data, and (iv) seismic reflection and sub-bottom profiles. This multi-proxy dataset, collected along a transect perpendicular to the Al Idrissi Fault System, provided detailed seismostratigraphy calibrated using identified seismic horizons, CPTu data, and sediment core dating.

Our study focuses on the northern part of the Al Idrissi volcano, where the Al Idrissi fault system has propagated southwards. In the study area, deformation is distributed as follows (i) the active Al Idrissi fault zone, characterized by a damage zone over 1.5 km wide, which disrupts the seafloor and offsets the volcano, and (ii) on the eastern fault compartment, a series of normal faults sealed by recent sedimentary layers. Interpretation, calibration, and correlation of the available data highlight that the cessation of activity in the eastern fault block was synchronous with the deposition of horizons H4 and H5, dated to 50 ka and 70 ka ± 7 ka, respectively. One of these inactive faults can be used to assess pre-70 ka paleoseismicity. At least five co-seismic displacements have been identified, which can be dated using an average sedimentation rate obtained from the sedimentary deposit and AMS dates obtained on the first meters of the cores.

Alongside fault activity, significant erosion has affected the eastern fault block, as evidenced by truncation surfaces seen atop units U5, U4, U3, and U2, spanning over 1.5 km. Horizon H1 marks the end of this erosional period, dated to prior to the Younger Dryas (14.4 ka). We hypothesize that this erosion was influenced by the dynamics of deep-water masses, influenced by climatic shifts during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the vertical displacements linked to the main Al Idrissi fault's activity.

How to cite: Vidil, L., d'Acremont, E., Emmanuel, L., Lafuerza, S., Caroir, F., Leroy, S., Latni, E. M., and Rabaute, A. and the Albacore-Albaneo teams: Late Quaternary fault activity of the southern part of the Al Idrissi strike-slip fault system, Alboran sea: an integrated multi-proxy approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13085,, 2025.

EGU25-13171 | Orals | TS3.1

Fault growth Models: observations from historical earthquakes and active faults in New Zealand  

Andy Nicol, John Walsh, Vasiliki Mouslopoulou, and Matt Parker

Faults in the brittle upper crust are thought to primarily grow due to repeated earthquakes. To understand better fault growth during incremental slip events we analyse geometric and displacement data for timescales of individual earthquakes (since 1840 AD) to millions of years on New Zealand active faults. The active faults studied are from connected networks with a range of orientations, lengths (1–200 km), displacement rates (0.1–27 mm/yr) and slip types. Our data indicate that individual earthquakes produce slip on multiple faults with variable sizes, orientations and slip types; in some cases these earthquakes cross tectonic domain boundaries. Earthquakes generally produce partial rupture of reactivated bedrock faults and show little evidence of tip propagation, characteristics most closely resembling the constant-length fault growth model, with growth primarily achieved by increases in cumulative slip. Earthquake slip profiles display a range of shapes with one or more maxima. High gradients along faults and approaching fault tips reflect coseismic slip transfer to nearby faults. These high slip gradients are consistent with stress interactions and kinematic coherence between faults during individual earthquakes (i.e., timescales of seconds to minutes). Coseismic increments of slip increase with rupture length and are described by a power function of ~0.5, while the power function for cumulative displacement and final length is ≥1. An important consequence of these divergent power functions is that larger faults broadly accrue their finite displacements in more earthquakes than smaller faults. The increase in earthquake number with fault size is achieved by a combination of shorter recurrence intervals and longer faulting histories for larger faults. We believe that our New Zealand observations have global application.

How to cite: Nicol, A., Walsh, J., Mouslopoulou, V., and Parker, M.: Fault growth Models: observations from historical earthquakes and active faults in New Zealand , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13171,, 2025.

EGU25-13203 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1

Seismo-tectonic activity along transversal structures in the Inner Northern Apennines 

Lauretta Kaerger, Chiara Del Ventisette, Paola Vannucchi, Giancarlo Molli, Carolina Pagli, and Derek Keir

The Inner Northern Apennines (Italy) are a region with a dominant N-S to NNW-SSE fault system. However, E-W to NE-SW oriented structures crossing and dissecting the dominant fault trend have long been recognised. These transversal structures are often believed to be inherited, but our knowledge about their nature, activity and role in current tectonic motions is still limited and debated. Especially their activity and seismotectonic relevance is unclear.

A new seismo-tectonic analysis identified and relocated two distinct earthquake clusters in the Viareggio Basin, western Tuscany, which clearly showed activity along NE-SW oriented fault systems in the vicinity of one of the major transverse structures in the Inner Northern Apennines, the Livorno – Empoli lineament. The relocated clusters show mostly oblique slip, with a depth-dependent switch of motion direction in one cluster, as well as a localised change of the stress field. The position of the clusters and their onshore-to-offshore nature suggest the identified fault system to be related to the reactivation of pre-existing structures. These results show that the transversal structures of the Inner Northern Apennines, even when they do not show a morphologic surface expression, are seismogenic.

Moreover, a new tectono-geomorphic analysis was carried out in the presumed source area of the 1846 ~M6 Orciano Pisano earthquake (Val di Fine Basin), the biggest and most destructive recorded earthquake in western Tuscany. Our investigation, combining an in-field structural analysis with a detailed qualitative and quantitative geomorphic approach (e.g. stream network analysis, knickpoint calculation, slope map) based on a 10x10 m DTM, could not confirm the general assumption which attributes this event to one of the N-S striking faults bounding the basin. Instead, large and small scale geomorphic features as well as structural observations (e.g. an E-W trending water divide, diverted rivers, a newly identified fault) suggest that the event might have originated along a, so far unrecognised, transversal structure with an oblique right-lateral motion direction located at the centre of the basin.

The combined results of the seismo-tectonic & tectono-geomorphic analysis show that a more detailed investigation of the, often elusive and therefore easily overlooked, transversal structures in the Inner Northern Apennines is necessary, as they seem to be holding a seismogenic potential and might pose a so far uncared seismic hazard for the region.

How to cite: Kaerger, L., Del Ventisette, C., Vannucchi, P., Molli, G., Pagli, C., and Keir, D.: Seismo-tectonic activity along transversal structures in the Inner Northern Apennines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13203,, 2025.

EGU25-13766 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

Integrating DInSAR and modeling to constrain the seismogenic fault of the 2023 Mw 6.8 Al-Haouz earthquake: insights into the Western High Atlas seismotectonics 

Martina Occhipinti, Filippo Carboni, Riccardo Lanari, Riccardo Gaspari, Fida Medina, Claudio Faccenna, Claudio Chiarabba, Taj-Eddine Cherkaoui, and Massimiliano Porreca

The integration of remote sensing, modelling methods and field observations has provided promising results in reconstructing a detailed seismotectonic setting referred to an earthquake, mostly for the recognition of the seismogenic tectonic structures and understanding the earthquake mechanism. In this study, a multidisciplinary approach is adopted for the recognition of the seismogenic fault responsible of the 8th September 2023 6.8 Mw Al Haouz earthquake (Western High Atlas, Morocco). Focal mechanisms for the earthquake indicate a compressive event with two nodal plane solutions: a high angle NW-dipping and a low angle SW-dipping plane.

Here, the DInSAR technique has been applied to generate displacement maps for vertical and horizontal (E-W) components for the detection of the coseismic displacement, alongside Okada fault modelling to obtain the theoretical displacement field for both nodal plane solutions. The DInSAR coseismic vertical deformation shows an asymmetric SW-verging uplift of the WHA, bounded to the south by the high-angle NW-dipping Tizi n’Test fault (TnTf). However, the comparison between observed DInSAR-based and the modelled deformation does not conclusively identify the causative fault.

Therefore, elastic modelling using the Triangular Elastic Dislocation (TDE) has been performed to simulate the real fault geometries corresponding to the outcropping faults which better reflect the characteristics of the two proposed nodal plane solutions. In this case, a good match between observed and modelled deformations has been detected for the NW-dipping fault (associable to the TnTf), whereas the SW-dipping fault (associable to the Jebilet thrust, JBt) appears to play a more passive role contributing for a minor amount to the observed deformation.

From the TDE, the Coulomb stress changes have been calculated for the TnTf, and the results have been compared with the aftershock distribution. The good agreement between the positive Coulomb stress changes referred to the NW-dipping fault and the distribution of the aftershocks allows to better constrain the TnTf as causative fault for the 2023 Al Haouz earthquake.

Such integration of observation and modelling methods, therefore, represents a good approach to formulate a novel and detailed reconstruction of the seismotectonic context of the Western High Atlas portion affected by the 2023 Al Haouz earthquake.

How to cite: Occhipinti, M., Carboni, F., Lanari, R., Gaspari, R., Medina, F., Faccenna, C., Chiarabba, C., Cherkaoui, T.-E., and Porreca, M.: Integrating DInSAR and modeling to constrain the seismogenic fault of the 2023 Mw 6.8 Al-Haouz earthquake: insights into the Western High Atlas seismotectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13766,, 2025.

Accurately characterizing Earth's geothermal gradient is critical for a variety of geophysical and environmental studies. Earth’s surface temperature can affect the geothermal gradient to significant depths over long time periods and, in turn, affect calculations of, for example, the brittle-ductile transition depth. It is expected that the geotherm has stabilised with respect to the long-term average surface temperatures, not current or relatively current averaged measurements. Therefore, when using the surface temperature, it is important to account for long-term behaviour without losing spatial variability.

Datasets containing predicted global mean surface temperatures (GMST) throughout the Holocene epoch, spanning the last 12,000 years, offer valuable insights into historic temperature conditions but often lack in spatial resolution. Meanwhile, modern surface temperature data, derived from advanced sensors and satellite observations, provides high-resolution snapshots of global temperatures over relatively short time periods. By combining these sources, we can create a dataset that not only retains the current spatial distribution but also integrates historical thermal data into a single dataset. This high-resolution global mean surface temperature dataset (HRGMST) would more closely match the current stabilised geothermal gradient.

This hybrid dataset would help to refine models which use Earth's surface temperature distribution, providing a more accurate representation of the subsurface thermal state. The improved dataset can offer significant insights for geophysical research, including better assessments of subsurface heat flow, energy resources, and tectonic processes.

This work will outline the development of a new HRGMST dataset that integrates predicted Holocene averages with contemporary direct temperature measurements to more accurately represent Earth's long-term average surface temperature. It will outline the methodology behind the dataset creation and discuss challenges in merging paleoclimate data with contemporary measurements. The enhanced dataset promises to improve the understanding of Earth's internal temperature structure and support more precise calculations in geothermal energy exploration and geophysical modelling. We will explore several methods of combining long-term GMST data with high-resolution data, testing the effect of each method using an existing global model and our software package ShellSet, discussing the changes which arise due to the new surface temperature dataset along with seismotectonic implications.

How to cite: May, J. B., Carafa, M. M. C., and Bird, P.: A new high-resolution global surface temperature dataset – combining recent measurements with global mean surface temperatures through the Holocene epoch, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14055,, 2025.

EGU25-14113 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

Possible kinematic model for an active blind thrust fault in SW Taiwan: an example of fold-accommodation fault 

Wei Chang Hsu, Tien Kai Tang, Kenn Ming Yang, Being Zih Hsieh, and Ching Weei Lin

Taiwan lies at the collision zone between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates, leading to rapid crustal deformation in the mountain-building belt and making the region seismically active. The Liuchia Fault is one of the active faults in southwestern Taiwan, trending parallel to the stratal boundaries in the west-dipping forelimb of the Niushan Anticline in the western foothills and located not far from a high-tech industrial park producing semiconductors. Although geological and geophysical field surveys, as well as wellbore data, provide evidences for the existence of the Liuchia Fault, its subsurface structure, which is important for estimating earthquake potential, remains unclear. Several models for the fault-related fold have been proposed, including a detachment fold with or without breakthrough fault thrusting to the west, and a fault-propagation fold with westward vergence.

This study aims to propose a 3D geometry of the Liuchia Fault and the associated fold structure. We reconstruct several geological cross-sections based on surface and well data. On the surface, the Niushan Anticline axis is oriented N-S, with the hinge plunging to the north and south. The strata tilt westward at high angles as they approach the Liuchia Fault. In comparison, the east limb of the anticline, which is also cut off by another eastward-thrusting fault (the "A" fault), is steep but dips at a shallower angle. The linkage between the surface fault trace and the fault plane penetrated by wellbore data indicates that the Liuchia Fault thrusts to the west at an angle of approximately 30° to 40°. On the other hand, reconstruction of the balanced cross-section using surface and subsurface stratal dip angles shows that the subsurface Niushan Anticline is characterized by overturned layers in the forelimb (west limb) in its shallower part. The displacements of 200 meters along the Liuchia Fault and 170 meters along the "A" Fault, as estimated from wellbore data, could not fully explain the formation of the overturned strata. Here, we propose a new kinematic model different from the previous ones. There was once a blind fault beneath the present-day Niushan Anticline. This blind fault could have been a detachment fault, which formed the embryonic Niushan Anticline. The subsequent development of the Niushan Anticline resulted in the formation of the overturned strata, which in turn caused fold-accommodation faults, such as the Liuchia and "A" faults, which could be regarded as breakthrough faults cutting off both developing limbs of the detachment fold.

How to cite: Hsu, W. C., Tang, T. K., Yang, K. M., Hsieh, B. Z., and Lin, C. W.: Possible kinematic model for an active blind thrust fault in SW Taiwan: an example of fold-accommodation fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14113,, 2025.

The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake (M7.6) on January 1, 2024 occurred beneath the northern coast of Noto peninsula, central Japan. Focal mechanism of the mainshock, geodetic and seismic observations and their analyses indicate that it was a reverse fault-type earthquake which ruptured > 150 km long. In order to identify the structural characteristics and origins of nearshore and offshore active faults in the eastern Sea of Japan, including off the Noto Peninsula and Toyama trough, we performed structural analysis on offshore and onshore-offshore multi-channel seismic profilings (MCS) obtained before the earthquake. The structural and mechanical boundaries between continental and oceanic crust near the rift axis and surrounding marginal normal faults have been the most important rift structures related to the Miocene back-arc opening in terms of seismotectonics in the Sea of Japan, as demonstrated by the Nihonkai Chubu earthquake of 1983 (M7.7). We also estimate that the eastern portion of the fault plane that caused the 2024 mainshock has a fault bend or concave up shape at a depth of about 10 km, in conjunction with coseismic deformation and aftershock distribution. The discrepancy between the thrust geometry and the spatial distribution of the former shorelines of the MIS 5 marine terraces may indicate that the tectonic uplift of the peninsula at the intermediate (~105 yrs) timescales may be caused by both the 2024 thrust fault and nearby positively reactivated rift structures beneath the Toyama trough, which are underlain by a mechanical "core" made of high-Vp lower crust probably due to mafic intrusion. In the presentation,  we also discuss the late Cenozoic tectonic background of this back-arc seismically active region based on onshore and offshore seismic geophysical data. 

How to cite: Ishiyama, T., No, T., and Sato, H.: Active tectonics, tectonic background, and thrust geometries around the source regions of the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake (M7.6), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14116,, 2025.

EGU25-14194 | Orals | TS3.1

Improved understanding of spatio-temporal variations in fault activity using high resolution geomorphic markers 

Ed Rhodes, James Dolan, Andrew Ivester, Sally McGill, and Russ Van Dissen

Recent developments in single grain K-feldspar IRSL (Infra-Red Stimulated Luminescence) dating of sediment coupled to high resolution surface morphology provides significant new opportunities to explore active fault, and fault system, behaviour over multiple earthquake cycles. Results from California and New Zealand demonstrate systematic variations in fault slip rate over multiple earthquake cycles. In New Zealand, sub-parallel faults within the Marlborough Fault System demonstrate complementary behaviour; as slip rate on one fault reduces, slip speeds up on another or others. The construction of these records depends on developing detailed chronologies of multiple slip events on each fault, and on reconstructing past fault slip with geomorphic markers. The approaches that our interdisciplinary collaborative team has developed to do this will be presented, along with an assessment of the reliability of the reconstructions, in particular the dense chronologies that are developed. New avenues to add further resolution and robustness to these approaches will be considered, along with innovative ideas to co-develop palaeoclimate and environmental reconstructions, and build an improved understanding of sediment grain transport trajectories.

How to cite: Rhodes, E., Dolan, J., Ivester, A., McGill, S., and Van Dissen, R.: Improved understanding of spatio-temporal variations in fault activity using high resolution geomorphic markers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14194,, 2025.

EGU25-15222 | Posters on site | TS3.1

Unveiling the roots of seismogenic faults in central southern Apennines 

Rita de Nardis, Alessandro Vuan, Gemma Maria Cipressi, Luca Carbone, Donato Talone, Maria Adelaide Romano, and Giusy Lavecchia

Transient aseismic processes, driven by fluid movement, fault creeping, and slow slip events, can further influence earthquake distribution, primarily due to tectonic loading. Analyzing seismicity clusters induced by these transient processes is highly valuable for understanding fluid circulation dynamics (De Barros et al., 2021) and unraveling the geological complexities of tectonic structures that influence the spatiotemporal evolution of seismicity within complex fault systems (Ross et al., 2019: de Nardis et al., 2024).

To perform such analysis, it is essential to utilize comprehensive and accurate seismic catalogs with higher spatiotemporal resolution than the standard ones. From this perspective, we analyzed seismic activity in a high-seismic-hazard area of the central-southern Apennines in Italy, characterized by a complex fault network. This region, which has experienced large earthquakes in the past, has remained relatively quiet in recent years.

To explore the spatial relationships between background seismicity, clustered seismicity, and Quaternary geological structures, we examined seismic activity over 37 years (1981–2018) across various crustal depths. The whole dataset was split into three periods with consistent magnitude completeness (1981–2005, 2006–2011, and 2012–2018). For the 2012–2018 period, during which the seismic network configuration was stable, we applied a filter-matching technique to refine the catalog. This analysis identified 72 spatiotemporal clusters and established a baseline seismicity rate. Seismic sequences and swarm activities were distinguished, and their spatial distribution was analyzed concerning active faults, Vp/Vs ratios, and CO2 anomalies.

The seismicity in this area appears to be primarily localized between 10 and 14 km. A noteworthy finding is the absence of significant seismicity at depths < 10 km, which could suggest significant coupling of the shallower faults. These tectonic structures remain locked, preventing fluid ascent, but triggering seismic clusters at greater depths. Our results have helped to constrain some segments of active seismogenic structures at depth, enhancing the understanding of the area's seismogenic potential and seismic hazard, which remains high due to the occurrence of strong seismic sequences in the past.

De Barros, L., Wynants-Morel, N., Cappa, F., & Danré, P. (2021). Migration of fluid-induced seismicity reveals the seismogenic state of faults. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB022767.

de Nardis, R., Vuan, A., Carbone, L. et al. (2024). Interplay of tectonic and dynamic processes shaping multilayer extensional system in southern-central Apennines Sci Rep 14, 18375 (2024).

Ross, Z. E., Trugman, D. T., Hauksson, E. & Shearer, P. M. (2019). Searching for hidden earthquakes in Southern California. Science 364, 767–771.

How to cite: de Nardis, R., Vuan, A., Cipressi, G. M., Carbone, L., Talone, D., Romano, M. A., and Lavecchia, G.: Unveiling the roots of seismogenic faults in central southern Apennines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15222,, 2025.

We introduce a new high-resolution gravity dataset acquired along a profile in the Kumaon Himalaya, extending from the Indo-Gangetic plains in the south to the Main Central Thrust (MCT) zone in the north. The Garhwal-Kumaon Himalaya, located in the central Himalayan region, has not experienced any great earthquake in the last 500 years. Therefore, it is essential to study the detailed crustal structure in order to better understand the stress and seismicity patterns in this area. Power spectrum analysis of the calculated complete Bouguer gravity anomaly (CBA) reveals two distinct crustal interfaces corresponding to the Moho and the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT). To obtain the residual gravity anomaly related to the upper crustal structure, we apply the modeling-based gravity isolation technique, which involves isolating the gravity responses of deeper intra-crustal interfaces based on previous studies. We find that the sharp variations in the residual gravity anomaly align well with the surface geology of the region. Prominent signatures of major thrust boundaries, such as the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT), North Almora Thrust (NAT), and Main Central Thrust (MCT), are clearly identified in the residual gravity anomaly. We performed the wavelet analysis and particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based fault inversion to extract the fault geometries of different fault/lithotectonic boundaries from the residual gravity anomaly. These results are incorporated as a priori information to constrain the upper crustal structure during the forward modeling of the CBA. The detailed density structure gives insight into the geometries of the Moho, the MHT, and the lithotectonic boundaries for the study region. We will compare the crustal density model of the Kumaon Himalaya with the adjacent Garhwal Himalaya and discuss the crustal architecture in the context of the seismotectonics of the region.

How to cite: Kumar Rana, S. and Chamoli, A.: Insight into the Crustal Density Structure of Kumaon Himalaya, India, based on Gravity Modeling and Inversion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15957,, 2025.

EGU25-16036 | Posters on site | TS3.1

Integrated geophysical and geological surveys for 3D modeling of complex geological structures: an application to the study of active faults in the southern Apennines (MOSAICMO Project) 

Vincenzo Sapia, Fabio Villani, Federico Fischanger, Paolo Marco De Martini, Valentina Romano, Valerio Materni, Paola Baccheschi, Alessandra Smedile, Stefano Maraio, Alessandra Sciarra, Riccardo Civico, Luca Miconi, Carlo Alberto Brunori, Matteo Lupi, and Luigi Improta

The Molise-Sannio region, in the axial portion of the Southern Apennines (Italy), is a fold-and-thrust belt where the Late Miocene to Early Pleistocene compressional tectonics has been overprinted by a younger extensional stress regime responsible for a significant degree of seismicity, and which is coexisting with strike-slip faulting to the north-east. Active faults in this area are known to be capable of generating M6+ earthquakes. The goal of the MOSAICMO project (Molise SAnnio integrated crustal Model) is to develop a comprehensive multiscale crustal model of the Molise-Sannio region by combining seismological, geophysical and geological data, with a specific focus on the Quaternary intramontane Bojano basin (BB). The latter is a NE-trending depression whose genesis is debated, since according to recent studies it appears to be controlled by a system of NE-dipping active fault segments present on the southern side, while other studies claim the importance of SW-dipping faults on the other side of the basin. Indeed, the subsurface geometry and deep structure of the BB are poorly constrained by available geological data, which hampers a correct recognition of the master faults and their possible seismogenic significance. Resolving this ambiguity is a priority task that can be accomplished through an integrated geological and geophysical approach. In this project framework, multi-disciplinary geophysical studies were conducted to study the BB at different scales and resolutions, by interpreting subsurface geophysical parameters (e.g. electrical resistivity, seismic velocities, etc.) in terms of lithology and mechanical properties. Electrical methods have proven to be a powerful tool in imaging complex subsurface geology. By measuring the resistance of subsurface materials to electrical current flow, these methods can differentiate between various geological structures such as faults, basin infill sediments and basement rock types, providing high spatial resolution and significant investigation depth. 3D electrical resistivity tomography has often been used in recent years to image conductive bodies covering high-resistivity structures, such as tectonic basins or hydrothermal systems in volcanic regions. Here, we present a challenging case study for 3D geoelectrical imaging: a continental tectonic basin filled with low to moderately resistive sediments emplaced on conductive clayey-arenaceous rocks. The integration of different resistivity data (ERT and ResLog) with other geophysical methods, like seismic and magnetic surveys, further refines subsurface imaging, ensuring robust and reliable geological interpretations. We present the first 3D electrical resistivity model of the BB, down to 500 m depth, complemented by several 2-D ERT profiles calibrated with shallow boreholes. Subsurface geophysical models were further constrained by a scientific drilling, 170-m-deep, that we performed also to obtain new stratigraphic and geochronological data on the basin sedimentary sequence. This represents an important contribution to the understanding of the regional seismotectonic setting and, locally, the seismogenic sources surrounding the BB.

How to cite: Sapia, V., Villani, F., Fischanger, F., De Martini, P. M., Romano, V., Materni, V., Baccheschi, P., Smedile, A., Maraio, S., Sciarra, A., Civico, R., Miconi, L., Brunori, C. A., Lupi, M., and Improta, L.: Integrated geophysical and geological surveys for 3D modeling of complex geological structures: an application to the study of active faults in the southern Apennines (MOSAICMO Project), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16036,, 2025.

EGU25-16349 | Posters on site | TS3.1

Nonuniform seismic unzipping of East Anatolian Fault reveals supercycle behavior 

Barbara Orecchio, Andrea Billi, Fabio Corbi, Marco Cuffaro, Mimmo Palano, Debora Presti, and Cristina Totaro

Devastating earthquakes continue to surprise scientists, especially when they exhibit unexpected characteristics, such as the 2023 doublet of Mw>7.5 earthquakes in a day along the same fault system in eastern Türkiye. These earthquakes struck the East Anatolian Fault, a major >600 km long tectonic boundary, separating the Anatolian, Arabian, and Eurasian plates, resulting in approximately 60,000 fatalities in Türkiye and Syria and causing more slip than expected. Occurrences of temporally and spatially close earthquakes are hence rare and unmissable opportunities to advance our understanding of active fault mechanics and regional hazard. Such superevents could be part of a supercycle, wherein the likelihood of a large earthquake is determined by accumulated strain rather than time since past earthquakes. To advance our understanding of multiple earthquakes along fault systems and hence of seismic supercycles, we compare tectonic and seismological features of the two 2023 earthquake sequences near Pazarcik and Elbistan with those of the two previous Mw≥6.1 sequences, which occurred in 2010 and 2020, respectively, near Elâzığ along the northeastern East Anatolian Fault. We examined the four strong sequences along the East Anatolian Fault within a multimillennial context of historical seismicity and discovered progressively younger and nonuniform earthquakes moving southwestward. This pattern corresponds to a general progression and dispersion of seismic ruptures southwestward and we use it as a proxy to understand the mechanism of at least two major supercycles identified over the last two millennia. The supercycles evolved from the northeast spreading southwestward with an increasing number of earthquakes. Earthquakes to the northeast are spatially and kinematically well channelized along the main fault, efficiently translating slip toward the southwest, where dispersed and kinematically nonuniform earthquakes are triggered by the push from the northeast, until a new supercycle restarts from the northeast. Insights from recent events offer a crucial framework for interpreting past supercycles and enhancing seismic hazard assessment, providing essential guidance for future mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Orecchio, B., Billi, A., Corbi, F., Cuffaro, M., Palano, M., Presti, D., and Totaro, C.: Nonuniform seismic unzipping of East Anatolian Fault reveals supercycle behavior, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16349,, 2025.

EGU25-16385 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1

New paleoseismological findings along the Fiandaca Fault reveal the dynamics of Etna volcano's eastern flank 

Giorgio Tringali, Domenico Bella, Franz Livio, Anna Maria Blumetti, Gianluca Groppelli, Luca Guerrieri, Marco Neri, Vincenzo Adorno, Rosario Pettinato, Sara Trotta, and Alessandro Maria Michetti

Paleoseismology is a vital tool for the study of earthquake hazard and active tectonics. Its application in the context of Late Quaternary basaltic volcanoes encounters considerable limitations due to the inherent highly dynamic nature of such systems. Etna volcano, however, provides an ideal setting for such studies. In particular, the densely populated Mt. Etna eastern flank record frequent surface faulting earthquakes and aseismic fault creep, which result in significant offsets of well-dated historical landforms and stratigraphy, including lava flows, interlayered pyroclastic deposits, and anthropic structures. This allows for the analysis of fault slip rates across various time scales.

We present the first paleoseismological results along the Fiandaca Fault, the source of the 26 December 2018, Mw 4.9 Fleri earthquake. We excavated two exploratory trenches along the coseismic surface ruptures at the Collegio Fiandaca site. Analysis of trench walls allow identifying, besides the 2018 event, two historical surface faulting events. The youngest one occurred in the period 1281-1926 CE, and most likely during the 8 August 1894 Fiandaca earthquake. The oldest one, previously unknown, occurred in the Early Middle Ages (757-894 CE). This paleoseismic evidence strongly suggest increased seismic activity along the Fiandaca Fault in the last centuries. In order to verify this hypothesis, we conducted detailed morphotectonic analyses and throw rate measurements along the Fiandaca and other capable normal faults in the Mt. Etna eastern flank. Throw rates mean values show an increase from 1.4 mm/yr during the 15-3.9 ka time interval to 3.4 mm/yr between 3.9 ka and the Greek-Roman period, with a further increase since the late Middle Ages, reaching 10 mm/yr. This trend suggests a very recent growth in flank instability, in agreement with current geodetic data but also with historical eruptive activity.

These findings highlight an increase of the associated geological hazards along the inhabited eastern flank, emphasizing the need for further research and a multi-hazard approach to risk assessment and land planning for Mt. Etna and similar volcanic regions.

How to cite: Tringali, G., Bella, D., Livio, F., Blumetti, A. M., Groppelli, G., Guerrieri, L., Neri, M., Adorno, V., Pettinato, R., Trotta, S., and Michetti, A. M.: New paleoseismological findings along the Fiandaca Fault reveal the dynamics of Etna volcano's eastern flank, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16385,, 2025.

EGU25-16580 | Orals | TS3.1

Linking subsurface structure and active faulting in the intermontane Mugello Basin and its implication for the post-orogenic tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines (Italy) 

Riccardo Asti, Silvia Castellaro, Selina Bonini, Beatrice Tiboni, Lorenzo Gemignani, and Gianluca Vignaroli

The Mugello Basin is a WNW-ESE-striking, seismically active intermontane basin currently experiencing post-orogenic extension that affects the hinterland of the Northern Apennines belt (Italy). It lies near the main watershed of the Northern Apennines, a feature traditionally seen as separating the internal, extension-dominated (to the southwest) part of the belt from the external, contractional (to the northeast) part. Therefore, complex and controversial relationships exist between the recorded seismic activity and the surface manifestations of potentially seismogenic faults at depth in the Mugello region. The ITaly HAzard from CApable faults (ITHACA) catalogue reports active and capable faults along both margins of the basin. Moreover, coseismic surface ruptures were observed during the 1919 earthquake. However, surface expressions of active faults in the Mugello region are less pronounced compared to those associated with similar graben-bounding faults in other intermontane basins of the Northern Apennines. Moreover, the subsurface structure of the basin remains poorly constrained and is widely debated, with a significant lack of reliable geophysical data. This has led to contrasting views on the size, geometry, and orientation of the potential seismogenic sources, according to different researchers. Thus, the Mugello Basin offers an excellent opportunity to apply geophysical surveys to address the gaps in knowledge regarding its subsurface structure.

In this study, we used a combined methodological approach to propose a subsurface model for the basin's geometry and mechanical properties. We performed seismic microtremor measurements to be interpreted in the frame of the H/V and H&V methods along four profiles orthogonal to the basin’s axis (i.e., NNE-SSW) and one parallel to it (i.e., WNW-ESE). By integrating surface geological data and geomorphic analysis of the fluvial network (chi-map) based on a 10-m DEM, we were able to refine the geophysical model and more accurately evaluate the seismic behavior of the basin. We combined microtremor measurements with publicly available well log data and field geology observations, which helped us interpret the normalized H/V values and estimate the thickness of the basin’s sedimentary fill. Preliminary results suggest that the basin exhibits an asymmetric across-strike geometry, with active extensional faults likely concentrated along its northern margin. This is consistent with the epicentral distribution of seismic sequence that affected the area between 2009 and 2019, as highlighted by recent studies. Accordingly, geomorphic analysis shows the highest chi values in the northeast sector. This marks a disequilibrium of the river network which might be associated with active faulting, whereas in the southeast chi-values indicate steady state among rivers. The interpretation of the normalized H/V values in terms of bedrock geometry provides new insights into the basin's subsurface structure and offers constraints that challenge previously proposed models. These results have significant implications for evaluating seismic site effects at the scale of the Mugello Basin. Furthermore, they contribute to understanding the tectonic evolution of the basin within the larger geodynamic context of the Northern Apennines, particularly with respect to the transition from syn-orogenic compressive to post-orogenic extensional tectonics.

How to cite: Asti, R., Castellaro, S., Bonini, S., Tiboni, B., Gemignani, L., and Vignaroli, G.: Linking subsurface structure and active faulting in the intermontane Mugello Basin and its implication for the post-orogenic tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16580,, 2025.

EGU25-16888 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1

Stress and strain comparison: methods, results and applicability 

Federico Pietrolungo, Asier Madarieta-Txurruka, Giusy Lavecchia, Daniele Cirillo, Carlo Andrenacci, Simone Bello, Federica Sparacino, and Mimmo Palano

This contribution explores the approach and results of crustal stress and strain rate comparisons across various geological contexts. Since the early 1980s, researchers have investigated the broad applicability of these comparisons in regions with high, intermediate and low deformation rates. The primary data sources for these studies include focal mechanisms and velocity fields from GNSS stations, although additional datasets, such as geological structural data, are also utilized. The stress field is obtained through formal stress inversion, while the strain rate is derived from optimal interpolation of GNSS velocities. The results are compared in terms of stress and strain axes to understand the relationship between them. The increasing number of seismic and geodetic stations over the years has significantly enhanced data quality and coverage, further improving the validity and reliability of this approach.

The multidisciplinary nature of this approach underscores its versatility. In seismotectonics, it has proven valuable for detailed kinematic characterizations of plate boundaries (Stephan et al., 2023) and faults (Zoback and Zoback, 1980). In seismic hazard assessment, it aids in identifying areas with relatively high strain rates but low seismic activity, suggesting the discussion of potential seismic gaps (Chang et al., 2003). In geodynamics, the approach enhances our understanding of the deformation forces driving earthquakes (Palano et al., 2013; Pietrolungo et al., 2024). Furthermore, it has significantly contributed to fault mechanics by providing insights into how crustal segments respond to stress loading (Bird et al., 2006). In volcanic contexts, the approach has been particularly effective in elucidating the interplay between tectonic stress and magmatic processes (Keiding et al., 2009). These findings highlight the need to distinguish between short-term deformation from episodic events and long-term tectonic forces to better understand complex geological dynamics (Townend and Zoback, 2006).

Drawing from an extensive body of literature, this review offers insights into the challenges and opportunities of applying digital technology to stress and strain comparisons. It summarizes key findings, evaluates their potential, and critically discusses their limitations, providing a nuanced perspective on the approach’s applications and future directions.


How to cite: Pietrolungo, F., Madarieta-Txurruka, A., Lavecchia, G., Cirillo, D., Andrenacci, C., Bello, S., Sparacino, F., and Palano, M.: Stress and strain comparison: methods, results and applicability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16888,, 2025.

In the past century, seismicity in Tröllaskagi, North Iceland, has resulted in infrastructure damage and landscape changes. However, the faults responsible for these events (up to Mw 6.3) and the persistent trend of microseismicity in the region, the Dalvik Lineament (DL), are poorly understood. Drone surveys, fieldwork, and remote sensing methods were used to map faults, dikes, and Quaternary elements such as large landslides along the DL. Preliminary results include the observation that landslide distribution and frequency correlate with seismicity along the DL and that dikes found in the field share the same orientation as trends present in the microseismicity data in locations with high concentrations of landslides. Microseismicity trends and dikes are oriented north-south in Tröllaskagi, and many of the landslides have headscarps coincident with dikes. While prior studies suggest that landslide events were triggered by glacial debuttressing, our data suggest additional seismic and structural controls on failure in the Tröllaskagi region. These landslides also provide insight into the location of sometimes concealed yet active faults, where abundant moss cover and geomorphological processes (i.e., slope creep) obscure neotectonic features. Finally, low-temperature geothermal fields in Tröllaskagi align with the dikes, emphasizing the importance of geological structures in controlling subsurface fluid flow. 

How to cite: Forester, D. and De Pascale, G. P.: New preliminary insights into the Dalvik Lineament in North Iceland, earthquakes, landslides, dikes, and geothermal resources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17433,, 2025.

EGU25-17882 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1

Reconciling active deformation and Quaternary normal faulting in a poorly understood sector of the central-southern Apennines (Italy): a multi-scale, multi-source data approach. 

Marco Battistelli, Federica Ferrarini, Francesco Bucci, Michele Santangelo, Mauro Cardinali, John Peter Merryman Boncori, Daniele Cirillo, Michele M.C. Carafa, and Francesco Brozzetti

Identifying active tectonics is a challenging goal, particularly in areas affected by low strain rates, complex structural and geological settings, and significant anthropogenic impact. Across the Italian Apennine belt, the Late-Quaternary activity of normal faults leaves a distinctive footprint on the landscape. This activity is often constrained by paleoseismological investigations and field geology evidence, and is supported by historical and instrumental seismicity, as well as being in agreement with stress and geodetic data. Active tectonics evidence sharply breaks up between the central and southern Apennines (Abruzzo-Molise regions’ boundary – AMB), although the sector is geographically and structurally in continuity with the overall extensional belt. In this sector, a lack of clear fault-geomorphic signature can be observed, likely fostered by lithologic high erodibility and landslide susceptibility. In addition, an evident seismic gap (Rovida et al., 2020) contrasts with geodetic data that, conversely, show as the area is currently undergoing rather fast permanent bulk deformation (Carafa et al., 2020).

To investigate this (apparent?) disconnection between active deformation and surface faulting, we combined a multi-scale and multi-source approach. To detect possible transients in the topography and analyse the spatial distribution of geomorphic features we carried out relief analysis and structural interpretation from stereoscopic imagery. To discriminate between tectonic versus gravitational (slope-related) signals, we used time-series InSAR data analysis.

We identified relief anomalies in three key areas and mapped displaced morphological features interpreted as the result of normal faulting. As well, interferometric data analysis highlighted a clustered spatial pattern on the distribution of gravitative movements that have been considered as a proxy of the control played by tectonic structures. Field survey providing structural evidence of normal-fault kinematics across the alleged structures helped in supporting the clues provided by remote data interpretation.

The overall outcomes, albeit preliminary, converge on evidence of diffuse normal faulting filling a structural gap within the AMB, providing additional hints on the seismic hazard of this area and inputs for future investigations.


Carafa M.M.C., Galvani A., Di Naccio D., Kastelic V., Di Lorenzo C., Miccolis S., Sepe V., Pietrantonio G., Gizzi C., Massucci A., Valensise G. & Bird P. (2020) – Partitioning the Ongoing Extension of the Central Apennines (Italy): Fault Slip Rates and Bulk Deformation Rates From Geodetic and Stress Data. J Geophys Res-Sol Ea, 125, e2019JB018956,

Rovida A., Locati M., Camassi R., Lolli B., Gasperini P. (2020) – The Italian earthquake catalogue CPTI15. B. Earthq. Eng., 18(7), 2953-2984.

How to cite: Battistelli, M., Ferrarini, F., Bucci, F., Santangelo, M., Cardinali, M., Merryman Boncori, J. P., Cirillo, D., Carafa, M. M. C., and Brozzetti, F.: Reconciling active deformation and Quaternary normal faulting in a poorly understood sector of the central-southern Apennines (Italy): a multi-scale, multi-source data approach., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17882,, 2025.

Since 2019, unrest on the Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland, has demonstrated that fracture movements are a significant component of volcano-tectonic deformation and pose major hazards to infrastructure. TerraSAR-X data covering the Reykjanes Peninsula were processed to produce 57 interferograms for fracture mapping for September 2021 to July 2024. The most extensive fracture movements during this period are associated with the 2022 Meradalir eruption, 2023 Litli-Hrútur eruption, and 2023 Nov. 10-11 Grindavík dike intrusion. Extensive activation of N-S trending strike-slip faults and NE-SW trending normal faults is observed during periods of shallow dike propagation and associated seismicity. Simple elastic modeling suggests that most of the observed displacements are a result of shallow slip within the upper tens to hundreds of meters of the crust. Many have existing topographic expressions and have been activated multiple times since 2020, highlighting the role preexisting weaknesses in the upper crust play in accommodating volcano-tectonic deformation. While some fracture movements can be explained by co-diking stress transfer, e.g. normal faulting directly above dikes or bookshelf faulting along the North American-Eurasian plate boundary, subtle (<10 mm) movements within neighboring fissure swarms occur where Coulomb stress transfer modeling indicates co-diking normal stress changes should suppress fracture movements. As such, other processes like shallow strain localization along preexisting weaknesses may be occurring. InSAR data also reveal repeated fracture movements within the Búrfell graben, SE of Reykjavík and within the Krýsuvík Fissure Swarm, which was surveyed with high-precision geodetic leveling in the summer of 2024. Since 2012, portions of the profile have subsided up to 34 ± 0.3 mm, corresponding to a rate of -2.8 mm/yr, substantially greater than that observed in previous decades. Fracture movements within the graben are only seen in interferograms spanning bursts of shallow microseismicity in October 2018, March 2021, and September 2023. Line of sight deformation of up to 5 cm is also observed during earthquake swarms (Mmax= 3.1) in January and June 2024 within the adjacent portion of the Krýsuvík Fissure Swarm. In both cases, observed deformation is larger than expected for the seismic moment released, implying that this deformation is both episodic and has a significant aseismic component. These observations offer insight into the mechanisms of fracture movements and may be applied to locations where similar processes occur such as Iceland’s Northern Volcanic Zone or the East African Rift.

How to cite: Wire, N. and Geirsson, H.: InSAR observations and modeling of volcano-tectonic fracture movements on the Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18294,, 2025.

EGU25-18558 | Posters on site | TS3.1

Active extension in the axial zone of the southern Apennines (Italy) is driven by the remobilization of inverted normal faults 

Camanni Giovanni, Grazia De Landro, Stefano Mazzoli, Maddalena Michele, Titouan Muzellec, Alessandra Ascione, David P. Schaff, Stafania Tarantino, and Aldo Zollo

The Irpinia region is one of the most seismically active areas of Italy owing to continuing, late-orogenic extension in the axial zone of the Apennine mountain belt. However, the 3D architecture and the nature of the faults that drive this extension are still uncertain, posing challenges to seismic hazard assessment. Here, we address these uncertainties by integrating a new catalogue of high-resolution micro-seismicity (ML < 3.5), complemented by earthquake focal mechanisms, with existing 3D seismic velocity models and geological data. We found that micro-seismicity is primarily taking place along a segmented, approximately 60 km long, deep-seated, Mesozoic normal fault that was inverted during the shortening stages of the Apennine orogeny and then extensionally reactivated during the Quaternary. These findings suggest that multiple events of reactivation of long-lived faults can weaken their strength, making them prone to co-seismic remobilization under newly imposed strain fields in active mountain belts.

How to cite: Giovanni, C., De Landro, G., Mazzoli, S., Michele, M., Muzellec, T., Ascione, A., Schaff, D. P., Tarantino, S., and Zollo, A.: Active extension in the axial zone of the southern Apennines (Italy) is driven by the remobilization of inverted normal faults, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18558,, 2025.

EGU25-18876 | Posters on site | TS3.1

Audio-magnetotelluric and gravity surveys in Tectonically Active area: a case study of the L'Aquila-Scoppito Basin (central Italy) 

Maria Giulia Di Giuseppe, Monica Sposato, Roberto Isaia, Antonio Troiano, Alessandro Fedele, Tommaso Pivetta, Stefano Carlino, Emanuela Falcucci, and Stefano Gori

This study aims to identify and characterize structures through geophysical investigations within a sector of the central Apennines (Central Italy). The research focuses on the L’Aquila-Scoppito Basin (ASB), which constitutes the western part of the larger L’Aquila intermontane basin. This area is notable for its high density of Quaternary faults and urban settlements of significant historical value. ASB is bounded by active normal faults responsible for significant historical and recent seismicity, with events of magnitude of up to M 6.5-7, including the Mw 6.29 earthquake that struck L’Aquila on April 6, 2009. The destructive effects of these events, including severe damage to the historic downtown and surrounding areas, are primarily attributed to the basin’s complex active faulting architecture.

To enhance the understanding of the subsurface structure, a combined audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) and gravity survey was carried out. Based on the inversion of data collected from 17 independent soundings in the study area, the AMT modelling provided a 2D electrical resistivity model of the subsurface. This model, integrated with surface geology and stratigraphic data from both deep and shallow boreholes, revealed the major structures of the ASB down to a depth of at least 1.5 km below ground level. Gravity observations were processed to obtain the Free-air, Bouguer and residual anomalies, along the same profile of the AMT, consisting of 14 points; the residual anomalies were modelled along the 2D profile, using the AMT results to constrain the subsurface bodies geometry. 

The integration of these datasets enabled the development of a detailed geological model of the subsurface and the identification of several faults. These findings contribute to the understanding of the fault architecture, that conditioned the evolution of the basin over the past 3-4 million years, and that controls the seismotectonic setting of this region.


How to cite: Di Giuseppe, M. G., Sposato, M., Isaia, R., Troiano, A., Fedele, A., Pivetta, T., Carlino, S., Falcucci, E., and Gori, S.: Audio-magnetotelluric and gravity surveys in Tectonically Active area: a case study of the L'Aquila-Scoppito Basin (central Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18876,, 2025.

EGU25-18914 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1

Field examples regarding Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio measurements as a tool for shallow faulting investigation 

Federica Davani, Iolanda Gaudiosi, Maurizio Simionato, Grazia Maria Caielli, Graziano Boniolo, Attilio Porchia, Giuseppe Tortorici, Jessica Bellanova, Giuseppe Calamita, Angela Perrone, Sabatino Piscitelli, Luca Maria Puzzilli, Vincenzo Di Fiore, Marco Mancini, Edoardo Peronace, Stefano Catalano, Antonio Torrisi, and Roberto De Franco

In this study, we present the results of 76 Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) measurements carried out near three active fault lineaments on the eastern flank of Mt. Etna (Santa Tecla-Linera, Fiandaca and Trecastagni). In this area, earthquakes are very shallow (within 2 km of depth) and produce surface fracturing and deformations around the identified emerging fault zones, even for moderate magnitude (Mw > 3.5), leading to widespread damage to  buildings. Therefore, accurately identifying the zones affected by surface faulting is fundamental for improving territorial management.

The dataset was processed using HVSR technique to obtain the HVSR curves and the related spectra, as well as to extrapolate information on the directional effects of the signals as a function of both frequency and azimuth. In the literature, the HVSR method has been successfully used to detect polarization effects across fault zones: previous studies have shown that horizontal polarization in Mt. Etna is often strong and tends to be perpendicular to the predominant fracture field or has high-angle polarization from the fault strike (Rigano et al. 2008; Di Giulio et al., 2009). We thus applied the wavefield polarization analysis to the ambient noise measurements to investigate the areal pattern of horizontal polarization and to identify any existing spatial variations. Moreover, the polarization angles were also estimated by using the Matlab code POLARGUI (Huailiang Li et al., 2021). This method allowed us to map the polar histograms and display the distributions of polarization azimuths in different frequency bands. The code is based on the decomposition of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the three ground motion components of Jurkevics (1988).

Lastly, since fault zones may produce fault-zone trapped waves, which may consist primarily of Love-type waves with particle motion parallel to the fault strike (e.g. Lewis & Ben-Zion 2010) or may include Rayleigh-type components with different polarization angles (e.g Ellsworth & Malin 2011), we computed the ellipticity curves obtained with the RayDec method (Hobiger et al., 2009) to isolate the contribution of Rayleigh waves alone.

The ellipticity of the Rayleigh waves was analyzed for all the measurements to identify any differences that might indicate the presence of a surface faulting zone. To emphasize the deviation between the HVSR curves and the ellipticity curves, a residuals analysis was performed based on the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE).

These results enabled the identification and proposal a new indicator as proxy for the presence of the fault system and/or any associated fracture field, to be integrated with other types of geophysical measurements.

Acknowledgements: The measurements are part of the geophysical acquisitions for the ETNA-FAC project, signed by CNR IGAG with the Regional Department of Sicilian Civil Protection. The project involved: CNR IGAG, INGV, University of Catania, OGS, ISPRA, CNR ISPC and CNR IMAA.

How to cite: Davani, F., Gaudiosi, I., Simionato, M., Caielli, G. M., Boniolo, G., Porchia, A., Tortorici, G., Bellanova, J., Calamita, G., Perrone, A., Piscitelli, S., Puzzilli, L. M., Di Fiore, V., Mancini, M., Peronace, E., Catalano, S., Torrisi, A., and De Franco, R.: Field examples regarding Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio measurements as a tool for shallow faulting investigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18914,, 2025.

EGU25-18994 | Posters on site | TS3.1

New GNSS Network on Salina Island: A Key Element in the Geodynamic Framework 

Alessandra Esposito, Federico Pietrolungo, Giuseppe Pezzo, Aladino Govoni, Gaia Soldati, Mirko Iannarelli, Andrea Terribili, Claudio Chiarabba, and Mimmo Palano

The Aeolian Archipelago, situated in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, is a region where active fault systems and volcanic activities converge, making it a focal point for geodynamic studies. The Aeolian-Tindari-Letojanni (ATL) and Sisifo-Alicudi fault systems, located in the western portion of the archipelago, are key structures influencing the region's deformation patterns. To monitor and analyze these geodynamic processes, particularly concerning seismic and volcanic hazards, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations are indispensable. In June 2023, a new local GNSS network was established on Salina Island, comprising five stations equipped with STONEX SC600+ GNSS receivers and SA1200 GNSS antennas. This network aims to provide high-precision data to better understand the island's deformation patterns and contribute to the broader geodynamic monitoring of the Aeolian Archipelago. Salina Island itself is composed of several stratovolcanoes, including Monte Fossa delle Felci and Monte dei Porri, which have been inactive in the Holocene epoch. The island's geological composition and proximity to active fault systems make it a critical location for monitoring ground deformation and assessing potential geohazards. The implementation of the GNSS network on Salina Island enhances the existing geodetic infrastructure in the Aeolian Islands, complementing other monitoring techniques such as Multi-Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MT-InSAR) (Pezzo et al., 2023). These combined methodologies allow for a comprehensive analysis of ground deformation, improving the understanding of volcanic and seismic hazards in the region. We evaluate the quality and continuity of the first two years GNSS data, assessing signal performance including multipath errors and cycle-slip occurrences and analysing time series, computed by using GAMIT/GLOBK 10.71 software, (Herring et al., 2018). Results indicate that the newly installed stations provide robust measurements, with error values consistent with international standards and comparable across the network.


  • Herring, T.A., Floyd, M., Perry, M., 2018. Herring et al., 2018 - GAMIT-GLOBK for GNSS. GAMIT-GLOBK GNSS 1–48.
  • Pezzo, G., Palano, M., Beccaro, L., Tolomei, C., Albano, M., Atzori, S., Chiarabba, C., 2023. Coupling Flank Collapse and Magma Dynamics on Stratovolcanoes: The Mt. Etna Example from InSAR and GNSS Observations. Remote Sens. 15, 847.

How to cite: Esposito, A., Pietrolungo, F., Pezzo, G., Govoni, A., Soldati, G., Iannarelli, M., Terribili, A., Chiarabba, C., and Palano, M.: New GNSS Network on Salina Island: A Key Element in the Geodynamic Framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18994,, 2025.

EGU25-19002 | Posters on site | TS3.1

Ultra-shallow Earthquakes Caused by Interbed Slip in Global Fold-Thrust Belts 

Kai Huang, Kejie Chen, Guoguang Wei, Mingjia Li, Lei Wu, and Luca Dal Zilio

Earthquakes are super shallow when their rupture on the upper crust that of the depth no more than 10 km. In the canonical view, geoscience community often attributes the supper shallow earthquake to the relative crustal motions along the known underlying faults, and repeated earthquake cycles build mountain ranges over millions of years. However, seismic activity and the underlying faults in the margins of evolving orogenic belts exhibit complex spatial relationships in the practice. These events are difficult to locate at depth and to match with the subsurface structures, but they can be highly destructive due to the associated strong ground shaking. Understanding why they occur may provide insights into seismogenic mechanisms and mitigate the hazards, especially in areas in front of mountains that are home to large populations and industries. We herein examine and review the super shallow earthquakes in global fold-thrust belts, based on the subsurface structures, InSAR analysis and Bayesian inversion. We find that much more super shallow earthquakes were not caused by slip along known faults, but by interbed slip due to buckling, demonstrating for the first time that buckling could result in moderate earthquakes (Mw5-Mw7). It can either act as an independent seismogenic structure or be triggered by the mainshock that is often of Mw 7 or higher. This type of seismogenic structure is often overlooked due to its parallel alignment with the layer interface, and its very shallow depth can lead to significant casualties, which must be closely monitored. Additionally, because this seismogenic structure is easily triggered by major earthquakes, locations where such geological records are found may also indicate the presence of potentially larger seismogenic structures, capable of producing earthquakes above magnitude 7. Our findings underscore the buckle folding—a significant mechanism involving bed-parallel contraction—not only produce the short-term intense coseismic deformation on the surface by interbed slip, but also accommodates the long-term long-term mountain building in active fold-thrust belts.

How to cite: Huang, K., Chen, K., Wei, G., Li, M., Wu, L., and Dal Zilio, L.: Ultra-shallow Earthquakes Caused by Interbed Slip in Global Fold-Thrust Belts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19002,, 2025.

EGU25-19026 | Posters on site | TS3.1

3D Fault Modelling of the Crati Basin (Northern Calabria, Southern Italy): Integrating Geology, Seismic Interpretation, Earthquake Analysis, and Geodetic Data for Hazard Assessment in an Active Tectonic Region. 

Daniele Cirillo, Giusy Lavecchia, Carmelo Monaco, Federica Ferrarini, Federico Pietrolungo, Simone Bello, Carlo Andrenacci, Anna Chiara Tangari, Marco Battistelli, Donato Talone, Ambra Palmucci, Valeriano Pio Santoro, and Francesco Brozzetti

The Crati Basin, located in Northern Calabria (Southern Italy), is a tectonically active region with complex fault systems and notable seismic activity (Brozzetti et al., 2017a; 2017b; Cirillo et al., 2022; Lavecchia et al., 2024). Understanding the tectonic dynamics of this area is essential for evaluating the current seismic hazards. This study presents a comprehensive 3D fault modelling approach that integrates geological field observations, topographic analysis, interpretation of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, and geodetic measurements to map the fault system surface traces, define subsurface geometries and, ultimately, relate all the data to surface deformation. Integrating different datasets allowed building a detailed 3D structural model that provides insights into the spatial distribution and activity of fault systems in the basin.

The findings highlight active fault segments, primarily exhibiting normal kinematics associated, in some cases, with a minor strike-slip component, consistent with the region's extensional tectonic regime. Moreover, the faults’s geometries are compatible with the recorded seismicity and related to geodetic data, emphasizing their role in earthquake generation and surface deformation. Seismic hazard assessment, based on the integrated model, identifies high-risk areas, particularly at fault intersections and zones of active strain, where seismic activity and surface deformation are more pronounced. In our study, we identify a 60-km-long, east-dipping master fault, as the primary structural feature controlling the Crati Basin, referred to as the Crati Graben Detachment Fault (CGDF). This fault represents the main expression of Quaternary extension in the area. It is characterized by a low-angle, east-dipping normal fault that outcrops along the eastern border of the Catena Costiera Calabra. The CGDF plays a pivotal role in shaping the basin, influencing its deep geometry and depositional evolution. It acts as a detachment horizon for both the synthetic high-angle normal faults (E-ENE dipping) and the antithetic high-angle normal faults (W-WSW dipping), which define the western and eastern boundaries of the basin, respectively.

This comprehensive approach highlights the importance of integrating geological, geophysical, and geodetic data to construct reliable fault models for seismic hazard analysis in active tectonic regions. The results offer a basic framework for better understanding the active tectonics in Northern Calabria and provide valuable insights for regional planning and risk mitigation strategies.



Brozzetti, F., Cirillo, D., Liberi, F., et al.,: Structural style of Quaternary extension in the Crati Valley (Calabrian Arc): evidence in support of an east-dipping detachment fault, Italian Journal of Geosciences, 136, 434-453, 10.3301/IJG.2017.11, 2017

Brozzetti, F., Cirillo, D., de Nardis, R., et al.,: Newly identified active faults in the Pollino seismic gap, southern Italy, and their seismotectonic significance, Journal of Structural Geology, 94, 13-31, 10.1016/j.jsg.2016.10.005, 2017

Cirillo, D., Totaro, C., Lavecchia, G., et al.,: Structural complexities and tectonic barriers controlling recent seismic activity in the Pollino area (Calabria–Lucania, southern Italy) – constraints from stress inversion and 3D fault model building, Solid Earth, 13, 205-228, 10.5194/se-13-205-2022, 2022

Lavecchia, G., Bello, S., Andrenacci, C., Cirillo, D., et al.,: QUIN 2.0 - new release of the QUaternary fault strain INdicators database from the Southern Apennines of Italy, Sci Data, 11, 189, 10.1038/s41597-024-03008-6, 2024

How to cite: Cirillo, D., Lavecchia, G., Monaco, C., Ferrarini, F., Pietrolungo, F., Bello, S., Andrenacci, C., Tangari, A. C., Battistelli, M., Talone, D., Palmucci, A., Santoro, V. P., and Brozzetti, F.: 3D Fault Modelling of the Crati Basin (Northern Calabria, Southern Italy): Integrating Geology, Seismic Interpretation, Earthquake Analysis, and Geodetic Data for Hazard Assessment in an Active Tectonic Region., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19026,, 2025.

EGU25-19452 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1

Stress and strain fields in the Iberian Peninsula and adjacent Mountain Ranges 

Asier Madarieta-Txurruka, Juan F. Prieto, Joaquín Escayo, Federico Pietrolungo, José A. Peláez, Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar, Jesús Henares, Federica Sparacino, Gemma Ercilla, José Fernández, and Mimmo Palano

Iberia represents the westernmost tectonic region involved in the Eurasia-Nubia convergence, playing a key role in shaping the plate tectonics of the westernmost Mediterranean. It is affected by alpine deformation in the Pyrenees in the north and the Gibraltar Arc in the south, alongside other internal mountain ranges. Toward the south, the region is further deformed in the Atlas and Tell Cordilleras.

This study aims to analyze and compare the active stress and strain fields with seismicity and active faults to discuss the geodynamic processes, determine the main active structures, and assess how stresses are accommodated, whether seismically or aseismically.

The stress field is derived from an extensive compilation of available crustal earthquake focal mechanism solutions across the region. The data are inverted using the STRESSINVERSE software (Vavryčuk, 2014) on a 0.5° spaced grid, requiring a minimum of eight focal mechanism for cell. The geodetic dataset includes nearly 500 continuous GNSS stations, with time series spanning up to 25 years, along with 25 episodic GNSS stations. Data processing is performed using GAMIT/GLOBK (Herring et al., 2010), following the methodology outlined by Palano et al. (2020). The resulting velocity field is enhanced with other available velocity fields to increase station density. The strain field is estimated on a 0.5° grid according with the methodology illustrated by Shen et al. (2015). Finally, to compare the stress and strain fields, sHmax and eHmin are estimated.

The results show that the region is affected by NW-SE compression, causing irregular deformation. Shortening of up to 4–5 mm/yr, parallel to the compression, is mainly concentrated in southern Iberia, along the Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary, accompanied by frequent low-to-moderate seismicity. In southwestern Iberia and in the Tell Cordillera, the NW-SE compression can result in moderate-to-high seismicity. Meanwhile, both central-northern Iberia and the Atlas Cordillera undergo limited deformation under the general NW-SE compression. The first is characterized by zones of low seismicity linked to normal and strike-slip faults. The Atlas Cordillera, in contrast, exhibits sporadic but moderate-to-high magnitude seismicity related to thrusting. The stress pattern significantly changes in the westernmost Gibraltar Arc and in the Pyrenees. The Gibraltar Arc characterises by a slightly rotated NNE-SSW striking compressional axis, while the shortening aligns E-W. The former observation and the absence of seismicity in the front of the arc suggest aseismic displacement to the west of the Gibraltar Arc, perpendicular to the Eurasia-Nubia convergence. Finally, the data show that the shortening in the Pyrenees has ceased, and stress suggest a N-S extension, likely related to isostatic readjustment of the mountain range.

  • Herring, T. A., et al. (2010). GAMIT Reference Manual, GPS analysis at MIT, Release 10.4, Dept. of Earth Atmos. and Planet. , Mass. Inst. of Technol., Cambridge, MA, 171pp.
  • Palano, M., et al. (2020). Geopositioning time series from offshore platforms in the Adriatic Sea. Scientific Data, 7(1), 373.
  • Vavryčuk, V. (2014). Iterative joint inversion for stress and fault orientations from focal mechanisms.Geophysical Journal International199(1), 69-77.
  • Shen, Z. K., et al. (2015). Optimal interpolation of spatially discretized geodetic data. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105(4), 2117-2127.

How to cite: Madarieta-Txurruka, A., Prieto, J. F., Escayo, J., Pietrolungo, F., Peláez, J. A., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Henares, J., Sparacino, F., Ercilla, G., Fernández, J., and Palano, M.: Stress and strain fields in the Iberian Peninsula and adjacent Mountain Ranges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19452,, 2025.

EGU25-19926 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1

Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of a propagating extensional fault network: Insights from the L’Aquila Intermontane Basin, Central Apennines  

Giorgio Arriga, Marta Marchegiano, Marion Peral, Hsun-Ming Hu, Domenico Cosentino, Chuan-Chou Shen, Hayden Dalton, Mauro Brilli, Luca Aldega, Philippe Claeys, and Federico Rossetti

Understanding the long-term tectono-stratigraphic evolution of active extensional faulting is key to deciphering how continental rifting propagates over time and space. The Pliocene-Quaternary L’Aquila Intermontane Basin (AIB) in the central Apennines serves as an ideal natural laboratory for investigating this process. Seismicity in the AIB is linked to NW-SE striking normal faults that have accommodated crustal stretching since the Late Pliocene. This study integrates fieldwork, mineralogical, geochemical (C-O stable and clumped isotopes), and geochronological (⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar, U-Th) analyses to explore the structural connection between the Mount Pettino Fault (MPF) and the Paganica Fault, two active, left-stepping basin boundary faults. The research proposes a two-stage tectono-stratigraphic evolution reflecting a shift from localized to distributed deformation and fault linkage. Stage-1 (pre-Middle Pleistocene) marks the nucleation and growth of the MPF, characterized by a ∼5 m thick fault core of isotopically closed cataclasite (T (∆47) ∼33–50°C). Stage-2 involves the development of a distributed fault zone linking the MPF and the Paganica Fault via a transfer zone. This zone facilitated meteoric fluid circulation, carbonate veining, and travertine formation (T (∆47) ∼8°C). U-Th dating of Stage-2 mineralizations constrains tectonic activity in the transfer zone to ∼182–331 ka. These findings provide insights into the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the AIB and its seismotectonic behaviour, with implications on the regional geodynamic reconstructions.

How to cite: Arriga, G., Marchegiano, M., Peral, M., Hu, H.-M., Cosentino, D., Shen, C.-C., Dalton, H., Brilli, M., Aldega, L., Claeys, P., and Rossetti, F.: Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of a propagating extensional fault network: Insights from the L’Aquila Intermontane Basin, Central Apennines , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19926,, 2025.

EGU25-20936 | Orals | TS3.1 | Highlight

Slow-Deforming Orogens Revisited: Multi-Decadal Postseismic Transients and Implications for Earthquake Forecasts in Italy 

Michele Carafa, Peter Bird, Alessandro Verdecchia, Matteo Taroni, and Carlo Doglioni

Regions with relatively low tectonic deformation rates, such as the Apennines in Italy, are commonly assumed to exhibit stationary geodetic velocities indicative of purely long-term, plate-tectonic-driven strain accumulation. However, moderate earthquakes (mw ≥ 5.9) can induce viscoelastic transients lasting multiple decades. These transients can bias strain-rate estimates by superimposing postseismic signals onto the long-term tectonic trend, thereby inflating geodesy-based seismic hazard forecasts.

In this study, we integrate GNSS velocity solutions and stress-orientation data generating strain-rate models for Italy. We then convert the strain-rate field into earthquake-rate forecasts by assuming a Tapered Gutenberg–Richter distribution. To test the stationarity assumption, we compare these forecasts against both (i) an extensively documented earthquake catalog since 1780 (mw ≥ 5.9) and (ii) a synthetic catalog constructed on mapped seismogenic sources. The correlation between epicenters and forecast “hotspots” is strongest for earthquakes in the last century, whereas older events exhibit systematically weaker alignment. This temporal pattern suggests that recent moderate-to-strong events are still driving postseismic deformation today.

A case study of the 2009 Mw 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake further demonstrates that multi-decadal viscoelastic relaxation can maintain elevated strain rates for at least 30–60 years. Because crustal extension in the Apennines is generally only a few millimeters per year, even a transient signal of 0.3–0.6 mm/yr is enough to skew hazard estimates if interpreted as steady deformation. Consequently, our results call for a refined approach in seismic forecasting—one that rigorously accounts for “ghost transients” before translating geodetic measurements into hazard models.

Overall, our study highlights the need to reconcile short- and medium-term postseismic processes with long-term tectonic loading in slow-deforming regions (Carafa et al., 2024). Incorporating better rheological constraints and denser geodetic networks can help isolate these persistent transients, ultimately leading to more accurate seismic risk assessments and improved mitigation strategies.


Carafa, M.M.C., Bird, P., Verdecchia, A., Taroni, M., Doglioni , C. Empirical evidence for multi-decadal transients affecting geodetic velocity fields and derived seismicity forecasts in Italy. Sci Rep 14, 19941 (2024).

How to cite: Carafa, M., Bird, P., Verdecchia, A., Taroni, M., and Doglioni, C.: Slow-Deforming Orogens Revisited: Multi-Decadal Postseismic Transients and Implications for Earthquake Forecasts in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20936,, 2025.

Major normal fault systems are composed of segments that link as displacement accumulates, with linkage zone characteristics that reveal fault zone evolution. The steeply southwest-dipping Aremogna Fault (ACF) and Cinque Miglia Fault (CMF) in the southeastern Abruzzo region (Central Apennines - Italy), are connected by a complex relay zone that developed between the two subparallel NW-striking segments, 2-4 km away from the main villages. The overall normal fault system is 16 km long and range bounding, with adjacent intermontane basins: the Aremogna plain at an average elevation of 1450-1500 m a.s.l. to the south, and the Cinque Miglia one (1250 m a.s.l.) to the north filled by glacial- fluvioglacial and alluvial-lacustrine deposits, respectively. Geologic map data derived from a field survey and nine cross-sections reveal synthetic and antithetic Quaternary normal active segments, showing a range of geometries including along strike-changes and step-overs. First results from displacement profiles suggest that deformation at the relay zone between ACF and CMF was initially dominated by two overlapping subparallel faults that became linked toward the south. With a complex fault network, the present-day setting shows offsets that transition smoothly from the lower displacement (~500 m) southern segment to the higher displacement (~1000 m) northern segment. The cumulative offset is also assessed on each fault portion towards the north exhibiting morphological evidence of activity by topographic profiles extracted from a high-resolution DEM and then compared with geological throws. That transition, combined with extensional deformation within the zone, suggests that connected Aremogna-Cinque Miglia Fault System (ACMFS) could be associated with future major ruptures as identified in paleoseismological studies (D’Addezio et al., 2001). The model of fault evolution presented here has implications also for those investigating seismic hazards.

How to cite: Francescone, M. and Pizzi, A.: Comparing cumulative displacements at various time scales: insights into complex segment linkage along an active extensional system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21729,, 2025.

The central Po Plain (Italy) is a complex geological system where the outermost fronts of two mountain belts, the Northern Apennines and the Southern Alps, coexist sharing the same foreland. Thanks to a dense dataset of seismic reflection profiles and wells (courtesy of Eni as part of the Ph.D project of Daniel Barrera, Univ. of Pavia) it has been possible to reconstruct in detail the buried structure of the Emilian arc, one of the three structural arcs that compose the outermost fronts of the Northern Apennines and the external fronts of the Southern Alps, buried in the central Po Plain. From these data, it is evident that the Emilian arc of the Northern Apennines is composed of three main thrust systems and related anticlines. It was also possible to reconstruct the geometry of the outermost fronts of the Southern Alps and, most importantly, the top of the Mesozoic carbonates, above which the main detachment levels of the Southern Alps have developed and whose geometry deeply influences the development of the Emilian Arc. The reconstruction of six regional Plio-Pleistocene unconformities of known age allows the restoration of some of the reconstructed tectonic structures, thus obtaining a slip value and the amount of slip rates along different tectonic structures and along the strike of the same structure.

Through these analyses, it is possible to argue on the Plio-Pleistocene kinematics of several tectonic structures in the central Po Plain, quantifying the recent tectonic activity of the main thrusts. The slip distribution and the along-strike deformation are rather inhomogeneous and do not follow the classic pattern of deformation propagation from the inner to the outer sectors of the chain but show evidence of inner thrusts reactivation and external thrusts with little or no activity in recent times. The possible causes of this rather complex kinematics have been investigated through a series of analogue models that, by reproducing the presence of structural highs and rheological inhomogeneities of the Po Plain, allow us to investigate if, and how much, some geological features affect the development of tectonic structures in time (kinematics) and space (along-strike variations).

The preliminary results of the research show how the buried structural highs in the Po Plain and the presence of the outer Southern Alps fronts modify both the structure's kinematics and the distribution of the along-strike deformation, creating the present-day complex structural framework.

This demonstrates the need for a 3D modeling approach and detailed quantitative reconstructions of deformation, not limited to the outer sectors of the Emilian arc, but considering the thrust system that constitutes the Northern Apennine as a whole.

How to cite: De Matteo, A., Barrera, D., Seno, S., Di Giulio, A., and Toscani, G.: Evolution and Plio-Pleistocene fault kinematics and basin infilling in the central Po Plain (Italy): an integrated analysis from subsurface data and analogue models analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21753,, 2025.

In subduction zones, earthquakes at depths between 60 and 100 km occur within the subducting slab rather than at the slab interface. The presence of fluids resulting from dehydration reactions in the medium is often called to explain the occurrence of these earthquakes, as fluids would favour the rupture (by fluid embrittlement). But the relation between the two processes is yet not fully constrained.

We study the aftershock sequence following the M7.1 2003/05/26 intraslab earthquake which was located off the Miyagi prefecture coast, in Japan, at 70 km-depth. This sequence displays characteristics that are promising for studying the intraslab and the relations between seismicity and fluid pressure (high aftershock rate, rupture of both the crust and the mantle of the slab, expanded instrumentation...).

The analysis of the catalogue of seismicity and focal mechanisms provides information on the principal characteristics of the aftershock sequence (Omori-Utsu law, Gutenberg-Richter law). In particular, the aftershock sequence follows a nearly perfect Omori’s law with a p-exponent depending on depth. This extremely good agreement between the data and the model appears to be due to the absence of large aftershocks, as confirmed by a significant deviation of the frequency-magnitude relationship from the Gutenberg-Richter law at large magnitudes. An application of the ETAS model to the sequence suggests that most of the sequence would be triggered by the M7.1 itself, i.e the aftershocks play no role in triggering more aftershocks. Moreover, the temporal distribution (although it has to be confirmed after Template Matching reevaluation of the catalogue) and inversion of stress field in the small aftershock zone show that, unlike the slab interface, the area inside the slab does not seem to be disturbed by the nearby occurrence of M9 Tohoku-oki earthquake (2011/03/11).

We conclude from our analyses that this intraslab sequence is characteristic of a very critically stressed crustal and upper mantle volume implying strong faults that are not sensitive to large stress perturbations. Moreover, if fluids are involved, then they are likely to be drained off from the top of the activated volume as suggested by the depth dependence of the Omori-Utsu’s p-value, possibly playing a role in the subsequent occurrence of the 2011 megathrust Tohoku-Oki earthquake which hypocenter is updip this sequence.

How to cite: Costes, L., Marsan, D., and Gardonio, B.: What controls seismicity at intermediate depths in subducting slabs : a study of the M7.1 2003 Miyagi-oki intraslab earthquake sequence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-476,, 2025.

To study the spatiotemporal patterns of local earthquakes mb < 4.0, a local seismic network of six smoked paper seismographs was installed on the Oaxaca Coast three weeks before November 29, 1978, M=7.8, Earthquake, as part of a Research Project between the Institute of Geophysics of the UNAM and the California Institute of Technology. This study aimed to obtain relevant information on the Oaxaca Seismic Gap proposed by Kelleher et al. (1973). 339 earthquakes were located in this period, with a coda magnitude range of 1.0 to 4.4, most of the seismicity is located between the coastline and the Chacalapa Fault. The depths of the precursors are mainly between 10 and 35 km, basically in the continental crust. We observe an NS alignment of seismicity at 96.6° (east of the earthquake epicenter). Two clusters of seismicity are observed, one 25 km southwest of the epicenter and another 45 km west of the epicenter. Frames of quiescence period centered at the main event epicenter in profiles NS and EW are observed.  Using composite focal mechanisms, an analysis of the variation of previous stresses in the epicentral area of the earthquake is presented.

How to cite: Nunez-Cornu, F. J.: Assessment of Spatiotemporal Stress Associated with the November 29, 1978 M=7.8, Foreshocks in Oaxaca, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-584,, 2025.

EGU25-2270 | ECS | Orals | TS3.2

Re-Examining Temporal Variations in Intermediate-Depth Seismicity 

Sam Wimpenny and Tim Craig

A well-established characteristic of intermediate-depth earthquakes is that they are deficient in aftershocks to shallow earthquakes of equivalent magnitude. The lack of aftershocks suggests faults within slabs are relatively insensitive to static stress changes on the order of earthquake stress drops. In contrast, some studies have reported significant changes in the frequency of seismicity within slabs following Mw 8-9 megathrust earthquakes, which would imply some level of stress sensitivity to stress transfer at intermediate depths. I will describe work searching for globally consistent signals of earthquake rate-changes within subducting slabs in response to stress transfer using both regional and global earthquake catalogues and outline some implications of our findings for the mechanisms of intermediate-depth earthquake generation.

How to cite: Wimpenny, S. and Craig, T.: Re-Examining Temporal Variations in Intermediate-Depth Seismicity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2270,, 2025.

The Louisville seismic gap associated with the subduction of the Louisville Ridge (LR) along the Tonga-Kermadec trench is a globally prominent feature. Due to the lack of near-field seismic monitoring, the earthquake potential and seismic behavior in this region have long been an enigma. In this study, we investigate the micro-earthquake activity of the Louisville seismic gap and its southern erosive area using a local network of ocean bottom seismometers. Over 6 months of offshore network deployment, our local catalog reaffirms the existence of the Louisville seismic gap at magnitudes ranging from Mw ~2.5 to 5.5. Furthermore, the width of the seismic gap revealed by our local catalog is much wider than the subducting seamount itself but aligns well with the flexural moat of the LR, indicating that additional features than just topographic relief control the occurrence of seismic gaps. To the south of the seismic gap, seismicity distribution over the forearc is not evenly distributed but shows a patchy characteristic dominated by three earthquake clusters that correspond well with morphological forearc depressions, and a deforming upper plate middle prism is revealed by upward migrated aftershock sequences. Given the widespread small relief highs in the subducting plate, we link the patchy seismicity to the occurrence of topographic anomalies, which might enhance fracturing along the base of the upper plate and ultimately contribute to basal erosion. Additionally, seismicity reveals deformation of the outer rise along trench-parallel normal faults with depths ranging from 5 to 25 km, indicating a highly faulted and hydrated downgoing plate, nurturing down-dip extensive intermediate-depth earthquakes, outlining a double seismic zone that is controlled by dehydration embrittlement.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Lange, D., and Grevemeyer, I.: Micro-Seismicity to the South of the Louisville Ridge-Tonga Trench Collision Zone: New Insight into Processes Controlling Seismic Gaps and Subduction Erosion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3652,, 2025.

EGU25-5477 | Posters on site | TS3.2

Bayesian estimation of surface strain rates in the peri-Adriatic, Balkans and Aegean region 

Marianne Métois, Cécile Lasserre, Aimine Meridi, Maxime Henriquet, and Thomas Bodin

The tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean is governed by the convergence of the Eurasian, Nubian and Anatolian plates and characterized by the highest seismic hazard in Europe. Some boundaries between these plates are well defined and localized, such as the Hellenic subduction zone or the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). In contrast, the junction between Nubia and Eurasia near the northwestern end of the Hellenic subduction remains poorly documented, while the transition zone between the western end of the NAF and the normal faults in the Gulf of Corinth is characterized by distributed deformation.

Over the last decades, GNSS measurements have revealed that the Adriatic promontory moves slightly differently from the Nubian plate. This motion is well described by two rigid blocks, Adria and Apulia, which act as indenters pushing into the Alps and the Dinarides towards the north-east. Historically, the Balkan region has been considered a stable part of the Eurasian plate, experiencing negligible strain. However, recent GNSS data show that the entire peninsula undergoes significant deformation resulting in a clockwise rotation towards the Aegean domain, extending as far as central Serbia. Such deformation is outlined by recent earthquakes in Croatia (Petrinja, 2020) and Albania (Durrës, 2019). The style, magnitude, and spatial extent of the distributed deformation across the Dinarides and Albanides remain poorly constrained due to sparse GNSS measurements and the low strain rates expected in these regions.

In this study, we invert for the strain rate tensor over Italy, the Balkans and continental Greece using (i) the combined GNSS velocity field by Pina-Valdes et al. 2021 that offers the best coverage to date and (ii) the Bstrain code published by Pagani et al. 2021 which employs a Bayesian transdimensional approach. Our analysis produces probabilistic continuous maps of the strain rate tensor invariants (e.g. the second invariant and dilatation), vorticity, and interpolated horizontal velocities. We assess these results through statistical indicators derived from their probability density functions (PDFs), and make them openly accessible via an online plateform, in agreement with the FAIR principles.

These findings enable a detailed tectonic and geodynamic analysis of the region, grounded in a refined knowledge of surface deformation. We delimit the various tectonic styles based on the strain rate tensor's principal directions and highlight key features through representative cross-sections. This provide insights, for example, on the along-strike segmentation of the strain rates along the Apennines, the continuous arc-shaped compressive limit to the north and east of the eastern Alps, and a marked zero divergence line continuous from the Albanides region to the Hellenic subduction zone. 

How to cite: Métois, M., Lasserre, C., Meridi, A., Henriquet, M., and Bodin, T.: Bayesian estimation of surface strain rates in the peri-Adriatic, Balkans and Aegean region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5477,, 2025.

EGU25-5798 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.2

Surface Loading and Seismicity in Subduction Zones: Linking Stress Changes to Fault Failure 

Yiting Cai and Roland Bürgmann
Non-tectonic processes force the redistribution of mass and surface loading from continental water, ocean water, and the atmosphere at the surface of the earth. These surface loads constantly deform the earth's lithosphere and have been shown to influence seismicity variations in various regions worldwide. This seismicity response provides a probe into the stress state and criticality of active faults. The aim of our study is to assess the influence of these surface loads on the seismicity of subduction zones, where earthquakes with the largest magnitude occur, and to better understand the dynamic interplay between loading sources and seismicity. We compute the subsurface stress changes generated by surface loads from a combination of hydrological, atmospheric, and oceanic models, and compare them to the seismicity of active faults in subduction zones. We use the Global Centroid Moment Tensor earthquake catalogs between 1976 and 2020 and compute the loading-induced stress changes on the fault planes, i.e. normal stress, shear stress, and Coulomb stress changes for each event. We can thus assess if these stress variations constructively add to the local tectonic state of stress, inferred from the focal mechanisms of earthquakes occurring on nearby faults, and promote the faults’ failure. By quantifying the temporal and spatial correlation between surface loads and seismicity, we seek to identify seasonal earthquake modulation conditions and elucidate the underlying mechanisms in global subduction zones.

How to cite: Cai, Y. and Bürgmann, R.: Surface Loading and Seismicity in Subduction Zones: Linking Stress Changes to Fault Failure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5798,, 2025.

This study investigates the kinematic behavior and deformation patterns of the Psathopyrgos normal fault in the Western Gulf of Corinth (GoC) using space geodetic techniques such as InSAR and GNSS time-series analysis. The Psathopyrgos fault is the main onshore tectonic structure of the north-dipping fault system and is located near the western tip of GoC (Tsimi et al. 2007). The crustal extension across the Corinth rift increases from east to west and reaches its maximum value in the western GoC where the Psathopyrgos fault is located.  Our analysis covers the period from 2016 to 2022 and leverages LiCSBAS, an open-source package, for InSAR time series analysis with the N-SBAS method. We combine our InSAR results with GNSS velocities in order to obtain a more accurate estimation of the deformation field. Through the InSAR time-series analysis, the E-W fault trace of the Psathopyrgos fault was mapped in detail as the ground motion pattern is affected by the long-term displacement of the fault. An offset across the fault trace was detected in the LOS position time series. The Up-Down component of InSAR confirms the LOS findings thus indicating a mainly vertical component of motion and shows an average velocity offset of 4.5 mm/yr between the two blocks across the fault, i.e., the footwall and the hanging-wall. This geodetic evidence confirms the creeping behavior of the fault. The E-W cross-sections of the InSAR velocity data also show contrasting patterns of motion. The E-W component of InSAR reveals a right-lateral slip along the western segment of the fault. An additional finding was provided by the examination of the time-series of the pixels that are located on the hanging wall of the Psathopyrgos fault. These pixels include offsets related to possible co-seismic or passive slip of Psathopyrgos fault because of the 17 February 2021 M5.3 offshore earthquake (Zahradnik et al. 2022). The offset in the time-series was about 0.01 m. The geodetic data indicate a possible surface rupture or passive slip along the Psathopyrgos fault plane, together with continuous motion that could relate to migration of fluids and aseismic creep. These new findings suggest a combination of slip history including fault rupture, aseismic creep, and fluid migration, thus, contributing to a better understanding of the interseismic and co-seismic dynamics of the Psathopyrgos active fault.


Tsimi, Ch., Ganas, A., Soulakellis, N., Kairis, O., and Valmis, S., 2007. Morphotectonics of the Psathopyrgos active fault, western Corinth rift, central Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. 40, 500-511  .

Zahradník, J., Aissaoui, E. M., Bernard, P., Briole, P., Bufféral, S., De Barros, L., et al. (2022). An atypical shallow Mw 5.3, 2021 earthquake in the western Corinth rift (Greece). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB024221.

How to cite: Tsironi, V. and Ganas, A.: Characterizing deformation processes along the Psathopyrgos fault, western Gulf of Corinth through InSAR and GNSS time-series analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5905,, 2025.

The Hindu Kush locates in the seismic zone of the Tibetan Plateau at the collision region of the Eurasian plate and the Indian Ocean plate. Earthquakes are frequent here, but a few relevant studies on earthquake anomalies was found. The Mw 6.4 Hind Kush earthquake occurred on January 11, 2024, with the epicenter near the Karakum Desert. On the basis of this earthquake, this study collected the microwave brightness temperature (MBT) data from AMSR2 instrument in the research area (), so as to analyze the potential anomaly before the mainshock. The general background and random meteorological disturbance were subtracted from the original MBT images, obtaining MBT residual images during the seismogenic year by the spatio-temporally weighted two-step method.

Based on the MBT residual images at 10.65 GHz horizontal polarization, we found a significant positive MBT anomaly appeared in the eastern part of Karakum Desert, on the immediate west of the epicenter, from three days before and two days after the earthquake. The temporal characteristics of the positive MBT anomaly could be described in sequence as: pre-EQ rising, near-EQ enhancing, co-EQ peaking, after-EQ persisting and dissipating eventually. Combining the multi-source remote sensing data such as surface temperature, microwave polarization difference index, soil moisture, rainfall and snowfall, it was found that the positive MBT anomaly was influenced not only by surface temperature, but also mainly by dielectric constant changes caused by soil moisture and tectonic stresses. On January 8 (3d before the EQ), the MBT anomaly appeared in the eastern part of the Karakum Desert. Especially from January 10 (1d before the EQ) to January 13 (2d after the EQ), Soil moisture was relatively stable, but the microwave polarization difference index and MBT still showed significant anomalies. Through the multi-parameter long-term series analysis in the eastern part of the Karakum Desert, it is also confirmed that there were anomalies in MBT and dielectric constant before and after the earthquake. The deep P-hole particles activated by in-situ stress before the earthquake were transferred to the Quaternary caprock along the stress gradient, reducing the local dielectric constant. Afterwards, the microwave radiation was further amplified by the surface sand layer, ultimately leading to an increase in MBT. In addition, it was found that there were locally high CH4 concentration anomalies near the epicenter one day before the earthquake, which was probably related to the fault stress during the impending earthquake period. This study has important reference significance for identifying microwave brightness temperature anomalies during the seismogenic period and earthquake early warning in the Hindu Kush region.

How to cite: Ding, Y., Wu, L., and Qi, Y.: Characteristics and Mechanism of MBT Anomaly of Karakum Desert Related with the January 11, 2024 Hindu Kush Mw 6.4 Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6231,, 2025.

EGU25-6600 | Posters on site | TS3.2

Characterizing the plate interface with microseismicity: Central Chile 

Christian Sippl, Andres Tassara, Marcos Moreno, Catalina Morales-Yáñez, and Sergio Ruiz

Central Chile may not have experienced a major earthquake that ruptured the entire megathrust since 1730. At the same time, this stretch of the Chilean margin hosts major population centers which are endangered by such a future earthquake and the following tsunami. While geodetic techniques are most commonly used to constrain the state of the megathrust and thus the possible extent of future large earthquakes, the analysis of background microseismicity can also deliver valuable information. In previous studies, it was suggested that highly coupled regions on the megathrust exhibit very low seismicity rates and low b-values, but are surrounded by half-ellipses or ‘rims’ of enhanced seismicity. Regions of lower coupling generally exhibit higher seismicity rates and higher b-values, and in some cases show seismicity clusters with swarm-like behavior.

To extend this type of analysis in Central Chile, we applied state-of-the-art automatic approaches, i.e. a deep-learning based picker (EQTransformer) and a novel associator (PyOcto) to available continuous seismic data from Central Chile, covering the years 2014-2023. We thus retrieve a seismicity catalog that comprises >350,000 events, to which we apply relative relocation via hypoDD to retrieve high-resolution sharpened features. We classify the events into different populations corresponding to the main seismogenic regions (plate interface, downgoing slab, upper plate).

In this contribution, we mainly analyze the plate interface seismicity in the catalog in terms of statistical properties and temporal evolution, evaluate the spatiotemporal detection capacity of our approach by retrieving completeness magnitudes, and correlate the retrieved features to existing evidence from other disciplines.

How to cite: Sippl, C., Tassara, A., Moreno, M., Morales-Yáñez, C., and Ruiz, S.: Characterizing the plate interface with microseismicity: Central Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6600,, 2025.

EGU25-6856 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.2

How to generate deep earthquakes in the Hindu Kush? - A data driven modelling approach 

Tatjana Weiler, Andrea Piccolo, Arne Spang, and Marcel Thielmann

Earthquake nests are defined as volumes of intense intermediate-depth seismicity which are isolated from any surrounding seismic activity. The high seismic activity within these earthquake nests occurs continuously and thus sets them apart from other seismic sequences such as earthquake swarms or aftershocks. Among the known earthquake nests, the Hindu Kush earthquake nest is the most active and has produced a large earthquake (MW ≥7) every 10-15 years. The intermediate-depth seismicity in this nest extends to a larger depth (up to 250 km) than in other earthquake nests and it is characterized by a bimodal distribution with an earthquake gap at approximately 150 km depth. Despite the depth of these earthquakes, they pose a significant seismic hazard. The continuous seismic activity is commonly related to subducting and detaching slabs.  
To understand the physical mechanisms and the tectonic environment of this intermediate-depth earthquake nest, we aim to conduct data-driven numerical simulations. These will determine the deformation state in the Hindu Kush and the controlling mechanisms of the detachment process. These data-driven models require two main ingredients: 1) a synopsis of existing data and 2) an understanding of the impact of model parameters (e.g. the rheology of crust, lithosphere and mantle). 
We used the open-source Julia package GeopyhscialModelGenerator.jl to create a synopsis of existing datasets of earthquake locations, seismic tomographies, Moho topographies and other datasets that will serve as the basis for the three-dimensional models.   
Based on this synopsis, we constructed 2D thermomechanical models incorporating a non-linear visco-elasto-plastic rheology to investigate the deformation state of a detaching slab and the underlying mechanisms controlling the detachment process. This analysis includes the effects of the subducted lower crust as well as the rheological properties of the eclogitized lower crust and the lithospheric mantle.
First results show that slab detachment depends on the viscosity ratio between the lower crust and lithosphere. Deeper initial depths of the lower crust, generate shorter detachment times. The detachment times increase linearly for shallower initial depths and the detachment time offset is smaller for increasing viscosity ratios. Increasing viscosity ratios create higher ratios of detachment depth to initial depth. The depth ratio offset is higher for larger viscosity ratios and shallower initial lower depths. The depth ratio varies by about 20% of the initial depth which is in the range of the Hindu Kush's earthquake nest. 

How to cite: Weiler, T., Piccolo, A., Spang, A., and Thielmann, M.: How to generate deep earthquakes in the Hindu Kush? - A data driven modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6856,, 2025.

EGU25-6914 | Posters on site | TS3.2

Characterisation at different scales of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction along the Kupa river (Croatia) 

Denis Moiriat, Josipa Maslač Soldo, Maxime Henriquet, Lara Wacha, Jochen Hürtgen, Kim Josephine Louis, Laura Nguyen, Céline Gelis, Miguel Benz-Navarette, Philippe Reiffsteck, Tuan-Anh Luong, and Nikola Belić

The Pokupsko earthquake in Oct. 1909 (Ms 5.7) and, more recently, the Petrinja earthquake in Dec. 2020 (Mw 6.4), both occurring along the same Petrinja-Pokupsko Fault system, induced soil liquefaction phenomena in the alluvial plain of the Kupa river (Croatia). While surface evidence of liquefaction was limited in the 1909 event, the 2020 earthquake triggered more extensive and well-developed liquefaction features along the riverbanks. These features included sand blows, fissures, ground settlements, and lateral spreading, highlighting the increased susceptibility of the alluvial deposits to seismic shaking in the 2020 event. 

The use of remote sensing techniques enhances the understanding of the spatial distribution of liquefaction occurrences and their subsequent impacts. 
Drone surveys and a high-resolution Digital Elevation Model (0.5 m resolution) reveal that liquefaction is concentrated within the lowest Holocene terrace and specific areas shaped by fluvial processes. Of particular note is the higher density of sand blows observed in the convex sections of river meanders and the increased lateral spreading at the inflection zones of meanders, where point bar formations become tightened.
Lateral spreading along the Kupa river can also be mapped and quantified from optical image correlation of high-resolution aerial images (30 cm resolution) taken before and after the 2020 Petrinja earthquake. These data show that lateral spreading locally exceeds 1 m of displacement toward the river and is generally confined to within 200 m of the riverbanks. 

On a smaller scale, geological and geotechnical surveys in different sites along the Kupa river point to other conditions influencing liquefaction occurrences and their effects. Soundings and sampling have shown that all sand blows originate from point bars buried between 3 m and 6 m below the surface covered by silty sediments. The soil strength and the thickness of this covering sediment layer are key parameters controlling the occurrence of sand blows. In addition, OSL and 14C dating indicate possible paleo-liquefaction for a sand dyke sealed below the upper part of the aforementioned cover. 

This combined approach facilitates the identification and detailed characterization of the areas most susceptible to liquefaction in 2020 and historically along the Kupa river. However, in these regions, the surface cover may impede the emergence of liquefied soils to the surface or mask their presence.

How to cite: Moiriat, D., Maslač Soldo, J., Henriquet, M., Wacha, L., Hürtgen, J., Louis, K. J., Nguyen, L., Gelis, C., Benz-Navarette, M., Reiffsteck, P., Luong, T.-A., and Belić, N.: Characterisation at different scales of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction along the Kupa river (Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6914,, 2025.

EGU25-7549 | Posters on site | TS3.2

Interdisciplinary investigation of late Quaternary activity of the Sava Fault in the Slovenian Southern Alps 

Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Jure Atanackov, Barbara Horn, Branko Mušič, Marjana Zajc, Christoph Grützner, Kamil Ustaszewski, Sumiko Tsukamoto, Matevž Novak, Blaž Milanič, Anže Markelj, Kristina Ivančič, Ana Novak, Jernej Jež, Manja Žebre, Miloš Bavec, and Marko Vrabec

The Sava Fault, a prominent structure within the Periadriatic Fault System in the Slovenian Southern Alps, plays a key role in the deformation partitioning of the Adria–Europe collision zone. However, many aspects of its activity remain inadequately constrained, including its slip rate and seismic history. In this study, we employed an interdisciplinary approach to investigate the late Quaternary activity of a short section of the fault, combining high-resolution lidar and photogrammetric digital elevation models, remote sensing analysis, geomorphological and structural-geological mapping, near-surface geophysics including electrical resistivity tomography and ground-penetrating radar, and optically stimulated luminescence dating.

Our results reveal subtle geomorphic indicators of fault activity and near-surface deformation, despite the challenges posed by dense vegetation, intense surface processes, and low slip rates. We estimate a slip rate of 1.8 ± 0.4 mm/a for the last 27 ka, exceeding previous long-term geomorphological and recent GNSS estimates, suggesting temporal variability in fault behavior. This variability aligns with observations from the Dinaric Fault System in the northwestern Dinarides, suggesting possible regional deformation patterns.

Our findings advance the understanding of fault dynamics and deformation processes in this low-strain environment, highlighting the seismic hazard potential of the Sava Fault. They also emphasize the importance of modern high-resolution remote sensing techniques and interdisciplinary approaches in studying faults with subtle geomorphic expressions. These results provide a foundation for future paleoseismological investigations to constrain the seismic history of the fault and refine regional seismic hazard assessments.

Reference:  Jamšek Rupnik, P., Atanackov, J., Horn, B., Mušič, B., Zajc, M., Grützner, C., Ustaszewski, K., Tsukamoto, S., Novak, M., Milanič, B., Markelj, A., Ivančič, K., Novak, A., Jež, J., Žebre, M., Bavec, M., Vrabec, M. 2024. Revealing subtle active tectonic deformation: integrating lidar, photogrammetry, field mapping, and geophysical surveys to assess the Late Quaternary activity of the Sava Fault (Southern Alps, Slovenia). Remote sensing, 16, 9: 33 p. DOI: 10.3390/rs16091490.

How to cite: Jamšek Rupnik, P., Atanackov, J., Horn, B., Mušič, B., Zajc, M., Grützner, C., Ustaszewski, K., Tsukamoto, S., Novak, M., Milanič, B., Markelj, A., Ivančič, K., Novak, A., Jež, J., Žebre, M., Bavec, M., and Vrabec, M.: Interdisciplinary investigation of late Quaternary activity of the Sava Fault in the Slovenian Southern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7549,, 2025.

EGU25-8048 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.2

Unraveling the complex rupture of the 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja Earthquake (Croatia): insights from joint inversion of geodetic benchmarks, InSAR and optical correlation data. 

Maxime Henriquet, Marianne Métois, Branko Kordić, James Hollingsworth, Olivier Cavalié, Cécile Lasserre, Stéphane Baize, and Lucilla Benedetti

The Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake, which struck Croatia on December 29, 2020, is among the most powerful earthquakes recorded in the slowly deforming region of Eastern Europe. In areas of low tectonic strain, limited seismic monitoring and the sporadic occurrence of strong earthquakes often hinder detailed analyses of coseismic ruptures preventing the scientific community to fully understand the processes governing these moderate and destructive events. In particular, it's not clear whether those continental earthquakes follow the same scaling laws than the ones occurring on mature faults, hence the need to better understand the source of these events.

Seismic source inversions and InSAR-based models from multiple studies indicate that the coseismic rupture of the Petrinja earthquake results from a single patch of right-lateral slip. On the other hand, we showed in a previous study that discontinuous surface ruptures and slip inversions of near-field geodetic benchmarks suggest rather along-strike complexities of the fault slip (Henriquet et al., 2023). To better constrain the slip distribution of the Petrinja earthquake, we leverage dense near field measurements from optical image correlation and numerous geodetic benchmarks together with InSAR data. We first assess the sensitivity of the model to each dataset to show that slip patterns are overall consistent to first order, although significant differences appear along dip, mainly depending on the distance between the fault trace and the considered measurements. We then jointly invert all the displacement data to provide a robust solution of the coseismic slip. The results confirm that the coseismic slip occurred on a near-vertical strike-slip fault at shallow depths, less than 10 km, with significant slip extending to the surface locally. It also indicates that fault bending near Kriz influenced the rupture propagation, as the largest slip, exceeding 3 meters, was concentrated in the northwestern section at depths of less than 5 km and that a deeper slip of smaller amplitude is required by the data to the southeast. This along-strike variation in slip depth and amplitude also correlates with changes in aftershocks rate and average depth (Herak et al., 2023), which confirms that the Petrinja fault is not a straight, mature fault system. This complexity in the slip distribution is in agreement with the large stress drop values obtained by seismological studies (Lončar et al., 2024). In conclusion, this study offers new insights into the seismogenic source of the Petrinja earthquake and highlights the value of combined displacement fields in improving source models of moderate intracontinental earthquakes.

How to cite: Henriquet, M., Métois, M., Kordić, B., Hollingsworth, J., Cavalié, O., Lasserre, C., Baize, S., and Benedetti, L.: Unraveling the complex rupture of the 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja Earthquake (Croatia): insights from joint inversion of geodetic benchmarks, InSAR and optical correlation data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8048,, 2025.

EGU25-8344 | Posters on site | TS3.2

Shallow geological structures revealed by applying microtremor analysis in volcanic area in northern Taiwan 

Chia-Han Tseng, Po-Yu Chu, Cheng-Feng Wu, and Ruey-Juin Rau

The Taiwan Island is the product of the orogeny: the Philippine Sea Plate has subducted the Eurasia Continent Plate and formed Ryukyu Volcanic Arc in northern and northeastern Taiwan. The Datun Volcano Group (DVG) located in northern Taiwan is the westernmost member of the Ryukyu Volcanic Arc and has the widest extent and largest eruption among the volcanic rock areas. About 1 Ma, compressional stress transformed into extensional stress in northern Taiwan, and magma from the depth erupted to form about 20 younger volcanoes in the same area. During this period, the Taipei Basin gradually formed as a half graben on a normal fault, namely the Shanjiao Fault.

The DVG and the Shanjiao Fault have been identified to be active for micro-earthquake activities and topographical features, respectively, revealed by dense and high-resolution surficial monitoring systems in the DVG area. However, owing to rugged landscape and dense vegetations, geological boreholes are few and shallow (10 to 20 meters) so that the underground structure of the Shanjiao Fault in the DVG area are still unclear. In this study, broad-band seismic sensors cross the presumed fault trace of the Shanjiao Fault were set to collect natural microtremor (0.02–50 Hz) in order to acquire S-wave velocity structure near the potential positions of the Shanjiao Fault. The horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (i.e., HVSR) for single-station analysis is applied to reveal different dominant frequency for different volcanic products and the high-resolution frequency wavenumber method (i.e., F-K method) for array-station analysis is applied to reveal boundaries of geological structures.

The resultant dispersion curves derived from the F-K method show that the phase velocity decreases at the frequence of 1.5 Hz from the southern array data, while it increases at 2–3 Hz from the northern array data within the hanging wall of the Shanjiao Fault. In addition, the results of this study also indicate that the stations on thin loose deposits (pyroclastic debris) underlying by lava flow (andesite) show the higher dominant frequency, and these stations are near crater, while the stations farther from the craters have lower dominant frequency with thick loose deposits. And these results are also consistent with the topography revealed by high-resolution digital terrain model of the Datun Mountain area.

Based on the results, the future work of this study will be describing spatial geometry of the Shanjiao Fault by inversion method for propose s-wave velocity structures in the study area.

How to cite: Tseng, C.-H., Chu, P.-Y., Wu, C.-F., and Rau, R.-J.: Shallow geological structures revealed by applying microtremor analysis in volcanic area in northern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8344,, 2025.

EGU25-8562 | Posters on site | TS3.2

New insights from 1901-2023 Mw7.5+ subduction interface earthquakes catalog revisited: SubQuake2 

michel peyret, serge lallemand, diane arcay, and silvia brizzi

Earthquakes occurring along subduction interfaces account for most of the seismic energy released at the Earth's surface. To better understand the mechanisms involved, it is essential to compile an exhaustive catalog of these events. In this study, we have documented 201 Mw7.5+ events between 1900 and 2023 in a catalog called Subquake 2.0 (SQ2). This new catalog represents a significant update to the one published in 2018 by van Rijsingen and colleagues.

We developed an automatic procedure to detect events that are strong candidates for earthquakes nucleated along the subduction interface. This procedure exploits both the ISC-GEM catalog and the Slab2.0 model, taking into account the uncertainties associated with positions, for determining the probability that the event occurred within some specific distance to the slab. Guided by this automatic selection, a thorough and comprehensive bibliographic review of each event allowed us to remove 30 events from the previous release (Subquake 1.0) and add 49 new ones.

The Mw7.5+ subduction earthquake frequency varies little between 1901 and 2023 (one event every 212 days in average), still there are some slight variations. Consistent with previous studies, we identify two bursts of Mw8.5+ events during 1946-1965 and 2004-2011 periods. Furthermore, we confirm that some subduction zones hosted more Mw7.5+ earthquakes than others during the 1901-2023 period. For example, regions such as West Sunda, Japan-Kuril-Kamchatka, Aleutian-Alaska, Central and South America or Melanesia exhibit higher seismic activity levels in contrast to zones like  the Mediterranean, Ryukyus, SE Asia, Tonga-Kermadec, Cascades, Lesser Antilles or South Sandwich on the other.

We assembled the rupture envelopes for 77% of SQ2 events, with more than half involving asperities – defined here as patches that slipped by more than 50% of the maximum estimated slip. This dataset will enable us to carry out a large number of tests on the characteristics of the most/least frequently ruptured zones.

This new database will be soon available through the submap web tool (

How to cite: peyret, M., lallemand, S., arcay, D., and brizzi, S.: New insights from 1901-2023 Mw7.5+ subduction interface earthquakes catalog revisited: SubQuake2, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8562,, 2025.

EGU25-8617 | Posters on site | TS3.2

Impact and Insights from the 2020 Petrinja Earthquake 

Branko Kordić and Josipa Maslač and the Branko Kordić

The ML 6.2 Petrinja earthquake, which struck on December 29, 2020, is one of the most significant continental earthquakes in central Europe in recent years, following previous major events in Central Italy and Albania. This earthquake, along with the magnitude 5.5 event in Zagreb earlier in March 2020, resulted in substantial loss of life and extensive damage to infrastructure, highlighting the region's high seismic hazard. Historical records reveal a consistent pattern of seismic activity in the Petrinja area, characterized by the activation of NW-SE right-lateral faults linked to the Pannonian basin dynamics. Following the Petrinja earthquake, a comprehensive survey was conducted by the Croatian Geological Survey in collaboration with European geologists and engineers, utilizing conventional and advanced satellite and airborne technologies such as GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System),(Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) and InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) to assess environmental impacts. The study's findings underscore the importance of understanding active fault systems and suggest enhanced cooperation between scientists to address the complex seismic risk in the region. The research emphasizes the need for an in-depth analysis of fault behaviour to develop effective risk mitigation and disaster preparedness strategies.

How to cite: Kordić, B. and Maslač, J. and the Branko Kordić: Impact and Insights from the 2020 Petrinja Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8617,, 2025.

EGU25-11094 | ECS | Orals | TS3.2

Active Straining of the Balkans Peninsula: insights from spatial geodesy (InSAR and GNSS)  

Aîmine Meridi, Marianne Métois, Cécile Lasserre, Marie-Pierre Doin, and Philippe Durand

The Balkans Peninsula is one of the most seismic areas in Europe, with destructive earthquakes causing significant damage and fatalities in recent decades. Recent seismic activity (Mw 6+), occurring in diverse tectonic settings, reflects the complexity of the regional geodynamic setting. Despite efforts, the Balkans remains poorly instrumented compared to other European regions.

The latest study of the regional kinematics [1], based on a combination of GNSS velocity fields, indicates that most of the peninsula is expected to move at very low velocities ranges, well below 1 cm/yr. Large areas remain devoted of GNSS stations, and the overall network is too sparse to identify deformation associated with each individual active structures. While InSAR has been used locally for coseismic or anthropogenic displacement studies, no regional-scale study has yet quantified long-term interseismic velocities.

 Our aim is to take advantage of a new InSAR dataset processed by the FLATSIM service [2] based on Sentinel-1 data over the western Balkans. FLATSIM interferograms, displacement time series and velocity maps are available over the region, covering 360 000 km². With a ground resolution of 240 m and 6-12 days temporal resolution, this dataset is used to better quantify the current deformation. From the FLATSIM displacement time series, we initially separate the linear, seasonal, and, where necessary, coseismic components for each track. We then reference the InSAR velocity maps (the extracted linear components) into an ITRF14 reference frame [3], adapting the approach of [4]. This allows us to produce the first large-scale InSAR velocity field for the Balkans Peninsula, referenced in ITRF14 , with very limited use of GNSS data.

We then analyze serial profiles of LOS velocities across major active structures in the region. This reveals, with unmatched resolution, tectonic deformation patterns related, for example, to the Dinaric thrusts , or to lithospheric processes across the eastern Balkans, where a 150 km-long wavelength North-South velocity gradient exceeding 1 cm/yr is observed north of the Gulf of Corinth, over Central Macedonia and Thessaly regions.

We then perform a standard 3D decomposition of the LOS velocity field. There, we use the 2D GNSS velocity field provided by [1], along with a newly refined velocity dataset interpolated from its original dataset, based on a Bayesian transdimensional estimation (Bstrain code, [5]). The horizontal component is estimated either as an eastern component, fixing the northern component at that given by the interpolated GNSS field, or using the azimuth of this GNSS field as the direction of the horizontal component. This 3D decomposition highlights the added value of InSAR in providing spatially continuous data and unveils new insights, in particular regarding horizontal velocity field, where the localization of transtension in the inner Albanides is clearly refined. Finally, the richness of the dataset leaves many more motions to explore, including landslides, basins or aquifers [6], or induced by anthropogenic activities [7].


[1] Piña‐Valdés et al. (2022), 10.1029/2021JB023451

[2] Thollard et al. (2021), 10.3390/rs13183734

[3] Altimimi et al. (2016), 10.1002/2016JB013098

[4] Lemrabet et al. (2023), 10.1029/2022JB026251

[5] Pagani et al. (2021), 10.1029/2021JB021905

[6] Serpelloni et al. (2018), 10.1002/2017JB015252

[7] Métois et al. (2020), 10.5194/se-11-363-2020

How to cite: Meridi, A., Métois, M., Lasserre, C., Doin, M.-P., and Durand, P.: Active Straining of the Balkans Peninsula: insights from spatial geodesy (InSAR and GNSS) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11094,, 2025.

EGU25-12786 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.2

High-resolution geophysical investigation for the seismotectonic characterization of the Raša Fault, SW Slovenia 

Lovro Rupar, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Petra Gostinčar, Jernej Jež, Roguer Edmundo Placencia Gomez, Jure Atanackov, Marjana Zajc, and Andrej Gosar

Slovenia is located on an active convergent boundary between the Adriatic microplate and the Eurasian plate, characterized by compressive active fault systems and moderate seismicity. Relatively high seismic hazard in W Slovenia is related to the Dinaric Fault System of dextral strike slip faults. After the Idrija fault, second most important is more than 100 km long Raša Fault. Its activity has been estimated in previous geomorphological studies and the slip rate is estimated at about 0.7 mm/year. Due to its length, relatively large earthquake magnitudes are expected in the albeit less likely scenario of the entire fault trace activation.

Raša Fault runs through carbonate and siliciclastic rocks. The geomorphological trace of the Raša fault is well expressed through prevailing carbonate rocks, while difficult to follow through siliciclastic rocks. Quaternary deposits are generally thin and mainly present along the river and some streams crossing the fault.  The broader area is characterized by a complex regional geologic setting, overprint of various tectonic phases, low levels of deformations, high level of erosion and the influence of both karstic and slope mass processes, making it difficult to identify and characterize the fault solely by means of structural geologic and tectonic geomorphological mapping. Therefore, we employed an extensive GPR and ERT survey to support the seismotectonic characterization at several locations along the fault with supposed favorable characteristics of Quaternary sediments for further paleoseismological investigations. Both methods were consistent in delineating lateral and vertical changes in sediment composition, along with strike-slip fault related level of bedrock and sediment deformation. Overall, high amplitude GPR reflections resulted from bedrock and coarse alluvial sediments, and attenuated with the increasing clay/water content in the sediments limiting the depth of investigations, which was resolved with the ERT. The attenuated GPR signal along with an abrupt termination of reflectors was useful to delimit potential zones of highly fractured media, which in term result in a decrease of ERT determined resistivity. The Raša fault core zone is nicely visible with both methods, and is characterized by a low resistivity anomaly in ERT and by attenuation and abrupt termination of GPR reflections, extending from the overlaying alluvial sediment deposits to greater depths in the bedrock. Combining both methods we got a better insight related to the fault zone location and its extension bellow the Quaternary cover, as well as in some cases within the deposits. Moreover, general information about the sedimentological and hydrogeological characteristics  was obtained, contributing to characterization of candidate sites for consecutive paleoseismological investigations. Our study contributes valuable new data on the near-surface deformation along the active Raša Fault and demonstrates the successful integration of geophysical techniques into the study of active faults within this complex environment.

How to cite: Rupar, L., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Gostinčar, P., Jež, J., Placencia Gomez, R. E., Atanackov, J., Zajc, M., and Gosar, A.: High-resolution geophysical investigation for the seismotectonic characterization of the Raša Fault, SW Slovenia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12786,, 2025.

Subduction zones host the majority of global earthquakes, from shallow megathrust and outer-rise to deep intraplate earthquakes. Although it is well established that subducting slabs are the primary energy source for most earthquakes, the quantitative relationship between slab dynamics and seismic events remains poorly understood. In this study, we develop a comprehensive 3D geodynamic model of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction system to connect long-term slab dynamics with earthquake activity. Our comparison of the modeled stress state predictions with observed earthquake focal mechanisms reveals that both shallow megathrust and outer-rise earthquakes, as well as deep earthquakes associated with plate bending at the mantle transition zone, can be explained by slab dynamics. However, the intermediate-depth (150-300km) earthquakes remain enigmatic. Additionally, our findings show a notable spatial correlation between the slab’s energy dissipation rate and the distribution of seismic activity. These correlations between model predictions and observed earthquake characteristics underscore the profound connection between earthquakes and the large-scale, long-term dynamics of mantle flow and subduction.

How to cite: Li, Y., Ribe, N., and Jia, Z.: Large-Scale Slab Dynamics as Drivers of Seismicity: Modeling Earthquakes in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction Zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14114,, 2025.

EGU25-15967 | Orals | TS3.2

High-resolution relocation of intraslab earthquakes beneath South America using global seismic data 

Tim Craig, Alice Blackwell, and Sebastian Rost

The accurate location of intermediate-depth earthquakes has proven to be one of the more enduring problems in global seismic location studies.  Complicated in many cases by a paucity of near-field observational data, the determination of accurate source depths for such earthquakes, in particular, has proven to be elusive.  As a result, and despite improvements in recorded seismic data density and quality, the distribution and controls of these events remain poorly understood.

Depth phases (near-source surface reflections, e.g. pP, sP, sS) are crucial for the accurate determination of earthquake source depth using global seismic data. However, such phases are often difficult to detect, suffering from low signal-to-noise ratios, are disguised in the direct-wave coda, and often suffer from an ambiguity as to which depth phase has been observed.  Here, we draw on the vast expansion of seismic network coverage over the last few decades to develop an approach using adaptive medium-aperture teleseismic arrays to boost the detection, identification, and inclusion of depth phases, for both P and S waves. Our approach leads to a radical increase in the number of depth phases detected, particularly for smaller-magnitude events, down to a magnitude of 4.7. We then assess how the inclusions of increased depth phase observations impacts on the resolution and accuracy of global earthquake location algorithms. 

Using data from 30 years of earthquakes along the length of the South American subduction zone, we show the potential for such array-based observation to enhance current global location routines, producing higher-resolution earthquakes catalogues capable of imaging the complex distribution of intraslab seismicity.  With this enhanced earthquake catalogue, fine-scale variations in intraslab seismicity are detectable, shedding light on the geodynamic processes behind such earthquakes.

How to cite: Craig, T., Blackwell, A., and Rost, S.: High-resolution relocation of intraslab earthquakes beneath South America using global seismic data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15967,, 2025.

EGU25-16612 | ECS | Orals | TS3.2

Fault segmentation, geometry and recent activity in the epicentral area of the 1956 Mw 7.5 Amorgos earthquake (Greece) 

Sylvain Palagonia, Frédérique Leclerc, Christophe Larroque, Nathalie Feuillet, Paraskevi Nomikou, Sabine Schmidt, and Javier Escartin

The Amorgos-Santorini region (Hellenic Volcanic Arc, Greece), suffered the most powerful earthquake in the Mediterranean in the 20th century (1956, Mw ~7.5). This event caused casualties, severe damage and a large tsunami. The epicentral area is offshore and is characterized by several basins bounded by submarine faults accommodating back-arc extension and the Anatolian extrusion. Recently, the Amorgos fault was identified as the causative fault of the 1956 Amorgos earthquake. However, the characteristics of this fault, such as its detailed geometry, segmentation and kinematics remain unclear and debated. Using new high-resolution bathymetric data and sediment cores, we present a detailed mapping of this fault and its neighbors.

The Amorgos fault is composed of three segments separated by relay zones. Taking into account the onshore geology, where E-W striking late Miocene normal faults are mapped, the segmentation could be controlled by structural heritage. Offshore, all but the southernmost segments of the Amorgos fault exhibit cumulative scarps of at least 700 m in relief. The segments strike NE-SW, except for the northern one that displays a curved structure in its middle, at 60° with respect to the main fault (E-W striking).

The central segment, where evidences of the 1956 earthquake rupture were found, is composed of several secondary faults that offset young geomorphic features at the seafloor (such as mass-wasting scars) with purely normal kinematics. In comparison, the curved northern segment shows fewer secondary faults, none of them offsetting the numerous mass-wasting scars observed along its trace. We also find here secondary NE-SW faults that are crosscutting its cumulative scarps, and are offsetting the Last Glacial Maximum wave-cut platform by up to 5 meters, testifying for their recent activity. These observations question the role of the northern E-W striking segment in the accommodation of the present-day stress regime (NW-SE extension), that may be now inactive, or activated as a strike-slip fault, although we do not observe markers laterally offset. We discuss how the geometry and segmentation of the Amorgos fault can impact the rupture propagation, especially in relation to the 1956 earthquake and morphology of the nearby faults.

How to cite: Palagonia, S., Leclerc, F., Larroque, C., Feuillet, N., Nomikou, P., Schmidt, S., and Escartin, J.: Fault segmentation, geometry and recent activity in the epicentral area of the 1956 Mw 7.5 Amorgos earthquake (Greece), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16612,, 2025.

EGU25-16913 | ECS | Orals | TS3.2

Deep-shallow interactions in the 2024 Acari sequence (South Peru) 

Caroline Chalumeau, Hugo Sanchez-Reyes, Sebastien Chevrot, Bertrand Lovery, Juan-Carlos Villegas, Alex Gonzales, Mickael Langlais, Edmundo Norabuena, Jannes Munchmeyer, Vadim Monteiller, Leo Kan, Hernando Tavera, and Anne Socquet

The southern Peru subduction zone is a complex region, marking the transition between the flat slab associated with the Nazca Ridge subduction in the North and a much steeper subduction in the south. The area has been affected by several large earthquakes over the past 20 years, like the Mw 7.2 earthquake that occurred on June 28th 2024 close to the city of Acari, in an area that already ruptured in 2013 and 2018. 

Here we use data from 26 seismic stations active from March 2022 to December 2024 as part of the DEEPTrigger project, along with 16 permanent Peruvian stations and 15 permanent Chilean stations, to create a 3-year seismicity catalogue of South Peru. Using PhaseNet for the detection and picking of phases and PyOcto for their association, we obtain a total of 154645 events. These earthquakes are located with NonLinLoc using a new 3D P and S-wave velocity model of the region obtained from full-waveform inversion. They are then relocated using double difference methods with cross-correlation times to obtain precise locations. This allows us to image seismic structures along the subduction zones, thus demonstrating the influence of interseismic coupling and of bathymetric features like the Nazca Ridge on seismicity patterns. We focus in particular on the Acari sequence, which occurred at the edge of the Nazca Ridge. The Mw 7.2 mainshock was preceded by a Mw 6 foreshock on June 16th 2024, with both earthquakes seemingly occurring at the plate interface. We show that both the foreshock and the mainshock activated intraslab seismicity along the whole edge of the ridge down to 100 km depth, thus providing a good example of far-field interactions between deep and shallow regions of the subduction.

How to cite: Chalumeau, C., Sanchez-Reyes, H., Chevrot, S., Lovery, B., Villegas, J.-C., Gonzales, A., Langlais, M., Norabuena, E., Munchmeyer, J., Monteiller, V., Kan, L., Tavera, H., and Socquet, A.: Deep-shallow interactions in the 2024 Acari sequence (South Peru), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16913,, 2025.

The ability of megathrust fault segments to generate devastating interplate earthquakes (and triggered tsunamis) has been long recognized as partially controlled by one or more factors related to the plate tectonics configuration of subduction zones. However, there is still debate regarding the actual contribution of each factor and possible combinations of them that could favor the occurrence of large earthquakes. We investigated (Crisosto and Tassara, GRL2024) the relationship between the seismogenic behavior of megathrusts segments at a global scale and various subduction parameters (subducting plate age and roughness, slab dip, convergence speed and azimuth, distances to closest ridge and plate boundary). For each of 157 trench-perpendicular transects covering most of the subduction zones worldwide we estimate one value of the afford mentioned parameters and one b-value of the frequency magnitude relationship (Gutenberg and Richter, 1946) that parameterizes the relative amount of large to small earthquakes. For this we use the ISC global seismicity catalogue between 1900 and 2022 considering events located less than 10 km around the SLAB2.0 model (Hayes et al., 2018) and computed the b-value for each transect implementing the b-positive estimator (van der Elst, 2021), which helps avoiding contamination of the estimates by transient changes during aftershock sequences. With this dataset we performed a parametric approach by implementing three decision tree‐based Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to predict the b‐value as a non‐linear combination of subduction variables. Using the Shapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) values to interpret the ML results, we observe that plate age and subduction dip are the most influential variables, as also noticed by previous authors (e.g. Nishikawa and Ide, 2014). However, our results contradict these previous views because we observe that older, not younger slabs, that are associated to shallow‐dipping plates correlates with low b‐values, pointing to higher megathrust stress (using the b-value as a stressmeter, as proposed by Schoerlemer et al., 2005). This pattern is attributed to the higher rigidity of older plates, increasing flexural strength that opposes to bending, generating a shallow penetration angle, increasing the frictional interplate area and therefore augmenting the likelihood of larger earthquakes. These findings shed light on the complex dynamics of seismic activity on a global scale and provide valuable information for understanding the megathrust earthquake behavior and its hazard assessment worldwide

How to cite: Tassara, A. and Crisosto, L.: Relating Megathrust Seismogenic Behavior and Subduction Parameters via Machine Learning at Global Scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17108,, 2025.

EGU25-17241 | Orals | TS3.2

New insights into the local seismicity and velocity structure of Albania from the application of an AI-based earthquake detection workflow on a large-N seismic dataset 

Hans Agurto-Detzel, Andreas Rietbrock, Frederik Tilmann, Edmond Dushi, Besian Rama, and Bernd Schurr

Located within the active continental collision between the Adriatic microplate and Eurasia, Albania is an earthquake-prone country with one of the highest seismic hazard in Europe. A stark reminder of this was the occurrence of the Mw=6.4 Durrës earthquake in November 2019, which caused 51 fatalities and heavily damaged infrastructure in the port town of Durrës. Despite this, the country’s seismicity and velocity structure still remain poorly constrained. Our recent ANTICS large-N deployment aims to fill this knowledge gap by producing a high-quality seismic dataset from 382 temporary stations densely distributed along the southern half of the country during 2022-2024. Here we present the results of the processing of the continuous waveforms in order to extract a new catalogue of earthquakes and the inversion of a local velocity model for the region. Our semi-automatic workflow incorporates the detection and association of phases based on a fully automatic AI-based picker and associator (PhaseNet, HEX), the inversion of a 1D local velocity model for both P- and S-phases including station corrections terms, and the relocation of the entire catalogue using our newly derived velocity model and station corrections.

A total of 38 m phases were initially detected, of which 1.6 m were successfully associated to produce a catalogue of 18k events between October 2022 and May 2023. Magnitudes (ML) vary between -1.0 to 4.5, with a magnitude of completeness of 1.5. The seismicity is concentrated in clusters and along major known structures, with hypocentres mostly occurring between 5 and 25 km depth. Two particular clusters are noteworthy for their productivity and higher magnitudes. The first one affected the town of Klos, in the northern centre of the country during mid January 2023. Up to 700 events per day were recorded during this sequence that lasted for two weeks starting on the 13 of January 2023. The mainshock magnitude was ML=4.5, with up to 12 earthquakes with ML>3.0 during the sequence. Seismogenic depths were constrained between 5 to 20 km depth, and the sequence can be spatially related to a NW-striking normal fault which is also supported by the mainshock focal mechanism. The second cluster occurred during March 2023 nearby the town of Erseke, in the south-east of the country. Up to 800 events per day were detected during this sequence that lasted for ten days between 23 of March and 2 of April 2023. The magnitude of the mainshock was ML=4.3, with up to seven earthquakes with ML>3.0 during the sequence. Seismogenic depths were constrained between 3 to 17 km depth, and the cluster is spacially associated to a NNE-striking oblique normal fault which is corroborated by the focal mechanism of the mainshock. Overall, in terms of number of earthquakes, our catalogue represents a 17-fold improvement over the local Albanian catalogue, which is manually picked and uses only the permanent stations. The detected seismicity highlights the active nature of shallow seismogenic sources in Albania, and could be used to update seismic hazard maps in the region.

How to cite: Agurto-Detzel, H., Rietbrock, A., Tilmann, F., Dushi, E., Rama, B., and Schurr, B.: New insights into the local seismicity and velocity structure of Albania from the application of an AI-based earthquake detection workflow on a large-N seismic dataset, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17241,, 2025.

The western structural boundary of the Makran Subduction Zone (MSZ) corresponds to the Minab–Zendan–Palami (MZP) dextral strike-slip fault system, a critical transitional zone that accommodates the velocity gradient between the Zagros and western Makran regions. This study investigates the kinematic behavior and mechanisms of the MZP fault system to enhance our understanding of fault dynamics and their implications for seismic hazards and subduction-zone processes. Continuous monitoring is essential to advance our knowledge of this complex fault system. However, the existing GPS network lacks the density \ necessary for effective fault monitoring. To address this knowledge gap, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-based analysis is well-suited for studying the MZP fault system. This study applies the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) method to a decade of SAR data from the ascending path (57) of Sentinel-1A (2014–2024). The results detect and quantify subtle crustal deformations and fault kinematics with high precision. We classified the fault system motions based on their displacement characteristics. In conclusion, this research makes significant contributions to the fields of geodesy and geodynamics by refining our understanding of fault systems at tectonic boundaries and providing critical insights for seismic hazard assessments in this tectonically complex and seismically active region.

How to cite: Namdarsehat, P. and Milczarek, W.: Decade-Long InSAR Time-Series (2014–2024): Fault Kinematics and Seismic Hazards across the Minab–Zendan–Palami Fault System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17525,, 2025.

EGU25-18416 | Posters on site | TS3.2

Near and far-field deformation from the 2023 Turkey earthquakes using GNSS Data  

Dimitrios Anastasiou, Panos Psimoulis, Xanthos Papanikolaou, and Maria Tsakiri

Permanent GNSS stations providing high-rate data have become a well-established practice, offering valuable insights into co-seismic displacement and seismic wave propagation during earthquakes. This study focuses on the co-seismic displacements induced by the doublet of earthquakes with magnitudes Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 in south-eastern Turkey in February 2023. GNSS data of 1Hz were analyzed to assess both co-seismic and transient deformation in near and far-field.

The analysis includes 1 Hz GNSS data from over 41 continuously operating stations located near the earthquake sequence in southwest Turkey (<500km distance from epicentre), and an additional 54 far-field stations distributed across the Aegean Sea and mainland Greece in a distance of 500 to 1000km from the two earthquakes epicentre. The data are processed using the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) method with Ambiguity Resolution to estimate position time-series and displacement waveforms. The study investigates correlations between the seismic motion and the distance from the epicentre, identifying variations in parameters such as peak ground displacement (PGD) and spectral characteristics of seismic waves across different frequency bands and radial distances.

The results of this study reveal the relationships between seismic parameters and epicentral distance and provide insights into the interplay between static and dynamic interactions associated with large-magnitude seismic events.

The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the widespread consequences of major earthquakes, extending beyond 1000 km from the epicentre, and support the refinement of seismic hazard assessment and mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Anastasiou, D., Psimoulis, P., Papanikolaou, X., and Tsakiri, M.: Near and far-field deformation from the 2023 Turkey earthquakes using GNSS Data , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18416,, 2025.

EGU25-19079 | ECS | Orals | TS3.2

Investigating Fluid Release and Aftershock Activity in Subduction Zones: A Numerical Study Using MDOODZ and Perple_X 

Thanushika Gunatilake, Thibault Duretz, Evangelos Moulas, Taras Gerya, and Lorenzo Candioti

Fluid plays a pivotal role in the dynamics of subduction zones and earthquake activity. Recent observations have revealed that some megathrust earthquakes (Mw > 6.8) are followed by abundant aftershocks (Mw > 4), while others of similar magnitude produce few or none. We conducted a series of numerical simulations using MDOODZ 7.0, a geodynamic modeling framework, to systematically investigate the factors controlling subduction zone geometries. By varying key parameters, including plate convergence velocity, the thicknesses of continental and oceanic lithospheres, and the age of the oceanic plate, we identified the conditions that lead to the development of contrasting subduction regimes, specifically flat versus steep subduction geometries. To gain insights on the pore-fluid dynamics in different subduction geometries, we explored the variations in fluid release by coupling the geodynamic models with Perple_X calculations, which allowed us to model the interaction between the evolving fault zones and the dehydration reaction boundaries under varying pressure-temperature conditions. Furthermore, we quantified the amount of fluid released during these reactions and determined their depth within the subduction zone. Our preliminary results suggest that the depth of serpentinite dehydration occurs around ~60 km. These findings will be correlated with regions of increased seismic activity and higher aftershock density.


How to cite: Gunatilake, T., Duretz, T., Moulas, E., Gerya, T., and Candioti, L.: Investigating Fluid Release and Aftershock Activity in Subduction Zones: A Numerical Study Using MDOODZ and Perple_X, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19079,, 2025.

EGU25-20375 | ECS | Orals | TS3.2

Pliocene to Quaternary activity of the Sveta Nedelja Fault in Northwest Croatia as revealed by geomorphological analyses   

Josipa Maslač Soldo, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Bojan Matoš, and Branko Kordić

Northwest Croatia is a seismically active region located at the junction of the Eastern Alps, Internal Dinarides, and the Tisza mega block of the Pannonian Basin System. The area is shaped by the slow convergence of the Adriatic microplate and Eurasian plate (3–4.5 mm/year), driving complex Cenozoic tectonics and Pliocene-Quaternary transpressive fault activity. Among the active faults, the Sveta Nedelja Fault (SNF) is particularly understudied, despite its  seismogenic potential. Positioned along the southern front of Mt. Žumberak, the SNF separates Triassic-Cretaceous carbonates in the north from Miocene basin deposits in the south.  

Geomorphological analysis was conducted to investigate the structural characteristics and tectonic activity of the Sveta Nedelja Fault (SNF). The study included the construction of swath profiles perpendicular to the fault strike to examine variations in topography and identify gradients indicative of structural deformation. Detailed mapping and analysis of drainage patterns, particularly in the Konšćica sub-basin, were performed to assess fault-related geomorphic features such as vertical steps, knickpoints, and convex stream profiles. 

Reconstruction of second-order drainage systems across the fault was undertaken to estimate potential displacements and identify alignments of streams and wind-gaps. This approach provided insights into both long-term tectonic processes and recent activity associated with the fault. These methods collectively aimed to delineate fault kinematics and assess its impact on regional landscape evolution. Future work will focus on quantifying deformation rates, employing age dating, geophysical and paleoseismological methods to better constrain the timing and extent of Quaternary fault activity. These findings are critical for understanding the neotectonic evolution of the Žumberak region and assessing seismic hazards, particularly in light of the 2020 Zagreb and Petrinja earthquakes, which underscore the urgent need for comprehensive seismic hazard assessments in Northwest Croatia. 

How to cite: Maslač Soldo, J., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Matoš, B., and Kordić, B.: Pliocene to Quaternary activity of the Sveta Nedelja Fault in Northwest Croatia as revealed by geomorphological analyses  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20375,, 2025.

What makes slow and fast slip phenomena exhibit different statistics, in frequency distribution and temporal rate of moment? [1–3] Here, we experimentally demonstrate an exponential distribution of moment and a proportionality between moment and duration, as slow-slip phenomena. These statistics are realized by our novel rotary shear system using spherical particles floated on a liquid surface. By varying porosity and material of the particle layer, we suggest that low friction and/or low rigidity of particles distinguish slow-slip phenomena from fast slip. Our results imply that the amount and temporal rate of moment is limited by the strain localization and the fraction of pore or ductile phase.

We developed a quasi-two-dimensional rotary shear system using fault gouge analogue lubricated with fluid matrix. A granular layer of spherical particles (~ 4 mm in diameter) was prepared floating on a transparent heavy liquid (density 2.8 g/cm3). We recorded and tracked particle movements while measuring torque in real-time. The porosity of the layer was varied between 0.18 and 1 (pure liquid), using roughly 3900 particles at maximum. These measurements were conducted individually with soft, low-friction hydrogel particles and hard glass beads. A rotating cylinder connected to a torque meter via a torsion spring imposed shear on the layer at 0.6˚/s, 0.01 mm/s on the surface. The same particles were glued onto the cylinder.

Our findings can be summarized in the following three points:

(1) A decrease in porosity results in the transition from stable shear flow to stick-slip behaviors. Using hydrogel particles, the stress drop during slip events follows a scale-limited exponential distribution, irrespective of porosity. Similarly, using glass beads, exponential distributions are observed. Considering previous experimental studies confining dry frictional particles with power law [4–6], low friction by our lubrication might suppress force chain networking across particles and scale-invariant event generation.

(2) The moment of the hydrogel particle layer, calculated from measured torque and visually tracked slip area, also follows an exponential distribution. The characteristic moment increases with porosity decrease (pressure increase). The decrease in porosity is also accompanied by shear band localization. This localization is, thus, caused by compression of a higher porous shear band. The decrease in pore fluid and ductile phase could explain the seismic transition zone from slow to fast earthquakes on updip and downdip side, respectively.

(3) A nearly linear moment-duration scaling with an exponent of 1.0–1.3 is exhibited by hydrogel at any porosity, while glass beads exhibit an exponent of 1.3-2.3. This might correspond to the earthquake scaling: linear for slow-slip phenomena, and cubic for fast ones [2]. Moreover, for soft hydrogel particles, porosity decrease leads to the maximum moment rate, as expected to slow earthquakes [3]. In our analogue system, the maximum moment rate is limited by the minimum width of the localized shear band, suggesting similar mechanisms in natural slip systems.

[1] Chestler & Creager (2017) JGR
[2] Ide et al. (2007) nature
[3] Ide & Beroza (2023) PNAS
[4] Korkolis et al (2021) JGR
[5] Geller et al (2015) PRE
[6] Dalton & Corcoran (2001) PRE

How to cite: Sasaki, Y. and Katsuragi, H.: Lubricated soft granular shear explaining an origin of slow-slip phenomena's statistics: Experimental study using fault gouge analogue of spherical hydrogel particles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-327,, 2025.

EGU25-909 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

1,000-km distant dynamic triggering of large aseismic fault slip and mud volcano unrest in the Eastern Caucasus 

Zaur Bayramov, Renier Viltres, Cécile Doubre, Alessia Maggi, Romain Jolivet, and Luis Rivera

Dynamic triggering of local seismicity or slow-slip events by large earthquakes over vast distances is a well-documented phenomenon. Using satellite radar interferometry (InSAR) and seismic data, we identified a significant  aseismic deformation signal in the Eastern Kura Basin, situated between the Lesser and Greater Caucasus thrust belts, at the diffuse boundary of the converging Eurasian and Arabian plates. This deformation is concentrated along the 170-km-long West Caspian Fault (WCF) and six shorter, sub-parallel faults (<70-km); it is also associated with unrest at 56 mud volcanoes over known hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Surface displacement fields from four InSAR tracks constrained the aseismic slip to a transient event between 4 and 9 February 2023, with no significant pre- or post-slip deformation. However, InSAR and GNSS  analysis over a longer time-frame indicates that the WCF and sub-parallel faults are continuously creeping. Seismic analysis of data from a station 2 km away from the WCF identified 58 high-frequency local events at depths ranging 10–20 km, with magnitudes below 3.2. These events coincided with the arrival of surface waves from the 6 February 2023, M7.8/M7.6 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes in eastern Türkiye, over 1,000 km away. SAR coherence and interferometric phase maps also revealed eruptions and deformation at 56 mud volcanoes during this period, suggesting a fluid-mediated dynamic triggering mechanism. Our inversion of displacement fields indicates right-lateral strike-slip motion along the vertical WCF and sub-parallel faults, incorporating hydrocarbon reservoir inflation.

We interpret the observed aseismic slip as a fluid-mediated transient event dynamically triggered by the surface-waves of a 1000-km distant earthquake, which altered pore pressure and normal stress on optimally oriented faults in the Eastern Kura basin. This event represents one of the largest documented aseismic crustal slips in a continental collision zone. Despite the continuous creep and transient slip behavior observed along the WCF,  its potential for generating large seismic events remains uncertain. 

How to cite: Bayramov, Z., Viltres, R., Doubre, C., Maggi, A., Jolivet, R., and Rivera, L.: 1,000-km distant dynamic triggering of large aseismic fault slip and mud volcano unrest in the Eastern Caucasus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-909,, 2025.

Subducted rough topography, such as seamounts, complicates seismic and aseismic slip behavior along megathrusts. The 2024 M 7.1 Hyuganada earthquake occurred along the megathrust with the subduction of Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) offshore Kyushu, southwestern Japan. Therefore, this earthquake provides a valuable opportunity to observationally illustrate the role of subducted seamounts in modulating seismic and aseismic slip processes.  We inferred coseismic slip and 1-week afterslip using GNSS coordinates. The inferred mainshock slip was located in the down-dip of the seamount, suggesting that this earthquake was initiated under enhanced compression due to the subducted seamount. Furthermore, considering that subducted seamounts might act as a soft barrier, the mainshock rupture was probably arrested by this seamount. The inferred 1-week afterslip peaked at the up-dip of the mainshock peak and overlapped with the seamount. This up-dip afterslip is accompanied by four aftershock clusters. Assuming that the activation timing of aftershocks marks the arrival of the afterslip front, various onset timings of these clusters suggest different migration rates of afterslip in different directions. In particular, the activation of a cluster up-dip of the seamount is delayed, suggesting that the migration rate of the afterslip front is slowed down along the path across the seamount. Little afterslip is inferred in a segment south of the mainshock, where the interseismic slip deficit rate is low. We interpret these observations that the megathrust there is somehow insusceptible to stress perturbation and seems to creep steadily across the mainshock occurrence. Our results geodetically highlight that the subducted KPR introduced mechanical heterogeneity of megathrust at an order of 10 km.

How to cite: Itoh, Y.: Coseismic slip and early afterslip of the 2024 Hyuganada earthquake modulated by a subducted seamount, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1671,, 2025.

EGU25-1948 | Orals | TS3.3

Stick-slip from heterogeneous Coulomb friction 

Maryam Alghannam, Jan Nordbotten, and Ruben Juanes

Stick-slip on pre-existing faults has long been recognized as a source of shallow earthquakes, where  "stick" is the interseismic period of elastic strain accumulation and  "slip" is the earthquake. While stick-slip behavior has long been associated with velocity-dependent and time-dependent friction, the description has not adequately addressed position-dependent friction---an aspect that is relevant to spatially complex fault zones in nature. Here we state a frame-indifferent formulation of frictional contact between heterogeneous surfaces and introduce the notion that friction is a function of the states of the two surfaces in contact, each representing roughness and microstructural details of the surface. We show how the interaction between irregular surfaces results in heterogeneous Coulomb friction along the interface. We then conduct dynamic simulations of a spring-slider model and find that heterogeneity in Coulomb friction alone is capable of reproducing a wide range of complex fault slip behaviors, from fault creep and low frequency earthquakes to ordinary earthquakes and slow slip events. The different slip behaviors produced by our model occur at a spectrum with no sharp boundaries between them, which seem to agree with observations in various subduction zones. We also find that seismic moment-duration scaling span a broad continuum with upper bounds for fast and slow earthquakes adhering to cubic and linear relations, respectively. As a whole, our framework of position-dependent friction raises the prospect of alternative approaches to simulate earthquake dynamics in multidimensional models of geologic faults. 

How to cite: Alghannam, M., Nordbotten, J., and Juanes, R.: Stick-slip from heterogeneous Coulomb friction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1948,, 2025.

EGU25-2271 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Transient Weakening of a Natural Fault Zone 

Sam Wimpenny

In 2011 and 2016 two near-identical earthquakes near Mochiyama, Japan ruptured the same fault, in the same place, with a similar magnitude. The unusually short repeat time between the two earthquakes provides a rare opportunity to estimate the evolution of stress on a fault through an earthquake cycle, as the stress drop in the first earthquake provides a reference value from which we can infer variations through time in the stresses required to cause earthquake rupture. I will argue that the fault experienced a decrease of 1–5 MPa in the shear stresses needed to generate earthquake rupture (20-50% of the first earthquake’s stress drop). I will describe geodetic and seismological evidence of the inter-event period that might have hinted at the mechanisms that led to this fault weakening.  

How to cite: Wimpenny, S.: Transient Weakening of a Natural Fault Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2271,, 2025.

EGU25-4673 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Investigating megathrust slip during and following the 2024 Mw 7.1 Hyuga-nada earthquake in southwest Japan  

Xiaolong Zhang, Shaoyang Li, and Ling Chen

We use a 3-D finite-element model to invert the dense GNSS observations for coseismic and postseismic megathrust slip of the 2024 Mw 7.1 Hyuga-nada earthquake in westernmost Nankai subduction zone. The results reveal a quasi-circular, thrust-dominated rupture with a maximum slip of ~ 1.5 m, spanning depths of 15–30 km along the downdip edge of the subducting Kyushu-Palau ridge. Following the mainshock, a complex evolution of postseismic slip is observed. Initially, afterslip is concentrated predominantly within the coseismic rupture area. Over subsequent weeks, afterslip steadily migrates downdip to depths of 30–50 km, overlapping with regions historically associated with short- and long-term slow slip events (SSEs). Approximately one month after the earthquake, an additional episode of accelerated aseismic slip is detected at depths of 60–80 km, accompanied by a burst of M1–2 microseismicity. This distinct spatiotemporal evolution of megathrust slip suggests a complex interplay among the temperature and stress states of the subduction system, the megathrust rheology and the subducting Kyushu-Palau ridge. Through systematic resolution tests, we demonstrate that this event may represent the first well-constrained “seamount earthquake” captured by modern inland geodesy.

How to cite: Zhang, X., Li, S., and Chen, L.: Investigating megathrust slip during and following the 2024 Mw 7.1 Hyuga-nada earthquake in southwest Japan , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4673,, 2025.

EGU25-5800 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Understanding Fault Slip Modes Through AE Scaling and Seismic Partitioning 

Federico Pignalberi, Giacomo Mastella, Carolina Giorgetti, Chris Marone, and Marco Maria Scuderi

Recent observations reveal that faults can host both slow and fast slip events, raising fundamental questions about their governing physics. Initially considered rare phenomena, slow slip events are now recognized as widespread features of fault zones, capable of releasing seismic moments comparable to large earthquakes, however, over longer time-scales.

We use laboratory experiments in a double-direct shear configuration with quartz gouge to explore fault slip behavior under varying normal stresses (8–22 MPa) and loading stiffness. The experiments were conducted on the BRAVA2 biaxial deformation apparatus, which features servo-controlled loading and high-frequency acoustic emission (AE) monitoring. By varying the stiffness ratio (k/kc), defined as the ratio of system stiffness (k) to fault stiffness (kc), we reproduced a spectrum of slip behaviors.

Our results reveal that the transition between slip modes is governed by the ratio (k/kc) of the loading system stiffness (k) to the fault critical stiffness (kc). We observe stable sliding when k/kc > 1.4, slow slip events clustering around k/kc ≈ 1, and fast events occurring when k/kc < 0.8, with peak slip velocities ranging from hundreds of μm/s to over 25 mm/s.

These slip modes exhibit distinct seismic signatures: slow slip events produce swarms of low-amplitude AEs (M0<10−2 Nm) corresponding to fault acceleration, while fast events generate concentrated high-amplitude bursts (M0>10−2 Nm). Despite differences in seismic signatures, our findings reveal continuous scaling across slip modes, with breakdown work (Wb​) scaling with slip (Wb∝δ1.47) and seismic moment (Wb∝M00.25). The key difference lies in deformation partitioning: during slow slip, AEs occur in ~0.02% of the total slip duration, defined by the time during the stress drop, while fast slip events exhibit AEs over >10% of their duration. This indicates that slow slip is dominated by aseismic processes, whereas fast slip involves more seismic energy release.

Based on these observations, we suggest that slow and fast earthquakes represent end-members of a continuum. During slow slip, multiple small seismic patches develop during short inter-seismic periods, leading to distributed deformation. In contrast, fast slip events develop under longer inter-seismic periods, enabling the formation of larger, more coherent patches that fail simultaneously. This finding has important implications for understanding the spatiotemporal variations in fault slip behavior and suggests that changes in fault zone properties could trigger transitions between slip modes.

How to cite: Pignalberi, F., Mastella, G., Giorgetti, C., Marone, C., and Scuderi, M. M.: Understanding Fault Slip Modes Through AE Scaling and Seismic Partitioning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5800,, 2025.

EGU25-8291 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Exploring the role of hydromechanics in back-propagating rupture dynamics 

Jiayi Ye, Luca Dal Zilio, and Domenico Giardini

Back-propagating rupture (BPR), a phenomenon where seismic rupture migrates rapidly backward away from its advancing front, has been observed across various geological settings. Previous studies have proposed that the occurrence of BPR is attributed to fault zone complexity and heterogeneity, including the presence of fluids, but how fluid flow controls BPR behavior remains poorly understood. In this study, we use the Hydro-Mechanical Earthquake Cycles (H-MECs) model to explore the interplay between fluid flow and BPR in a fault with a poro-visco-elasto-plastic medium, governed by rate- and state-dependent friction. Our simulations show that back-propagating rupture can occur either on a homogeneous fault or fault zone with heterogeneous hydro-mechanical structure. By increasing the background pre-stress on a homogeneous fault, we observe different rupture modes, from steady pulse rupture with BPR, steady-growing pulse rupture to crack-like rupture, with rupture speed increasing linearly. Further simulations accounting for fault zone heterogeneity demonstrate that regions with low pore-fluid pressure are more likely to undergo seismic rupture, while regions with high pore-fluid pressure remain stable and creeping. BPR occurs when rupture transitions from a low to a high pore-fluid pressure region.  This pore-fluid pressure transition induces oscillations in slip rate and shear stress, triggering a shift from pulse-like to crack-like rupture behavior, generating a secondary rupture front that propagates backward and causing re-rupture along the fault. Our findings indicate that the length of the high pore-fluid pressure region and background pre-stress significantly influence the occurrence and propagation of BPR — smaller background pre-stress and larger high pore-fluid pressure regions promote BPR, driven by a self-healing front behind the forward rupture. These results emphasize the critical role of pore-fluid pressure heterogeneity and stress conditions in fault dynamics, providing a plausible mechanism for back-propagating rupture consistent with observations.

How to cite: Ye, J., Dal Zilio, L., and Giardini, D.: Exploring the role of hydromechanics in back-propagating rupture dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8291,, 2025.

EGU25-9023 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

The influence of cementation on faults frictional stability 

Giuseppe Volpe, Raphael Affinito, Laura Calzolari, Giacomo Pozzi, Chris Marone, and Cristiano Collettini

Fault healing is a crucial mechanism for the seismic cycle allowing faults to lock and restrengthen during the interseismic time. Several studies also suggested that the rate of fault healing controls the magnitude and recurrence time of earthquakes both in laboratory and nature. Experimental works show that fault healing, at the laboratory time-scale of 1 to 105 s, is dominantly a frictionally-driven process which derives from the time-dependent growth of the contact area due to plastic yielding of asperities. However, seismic cycles in nature are considerably longer and thus other healing mechanisms such as cementation are more effective. Cementation is a chemically-driven process commonly observed in the field where cataclasites characterize the core of several exhumed tectonic faults.  Nevertheless, laboratory studies on the role of cementation on fault stability are still few because the limited time-frame of the laboratory approach which hinders an effective characterization of the process. Here we present a different experimental approach to overcome this limitation. By using an analogue fault gouge made of hydraulic cement in both nominally dry and fluid saturated conditions, we investigate how frictional and chemical (cementation) healing influence fault slip behavior. Microstructural analysis shows the pervasive precipitation of newly-formed minerals in the fluid-saturated gouge, coherently with the expected cementation reaction. In these experiments, cementation results in larger and non-log-linear restrengthening of the experimental fault compared to frictional healing. Our results show that cementation also promotes unstable slip, inducing a time-dependent increase of fault cohesive strength that scales with time as the observed stress drop during instabilities. We thus suggest that cementation is a fundamental mechanism during interseismic time that controls the seismic potential of faults, even at shallow depths, with relevant implications for natural and induced seismicity.

How to cite: Volpe, G., Affinito, R., Calzolari, L., Pozzi, G., Marone, C., and Collettini, C.: The influence of cementation on faults frictional stability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9023,, 2025.

EGU25-9527 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Reconciling fault growth histories in time and space and seismic hazard analysis: Western Gulf of Corinth 

Amelia Pua, Alexander C. Whittaker, and Valerie Locher

Understanding and monitoring active faults provides useful information in understanding fault movement and constraining seismic hazards. Recently,
short-term deformation rates have been increasingly studied and can be compared with long-term geological data. This study utilises Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) spanning 2018 to 2023 to investigate vertical ground deformation rates along the Psathopyrgos and Rion-Patras faults in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. These two faults represent some of the most active zones of deformation in the region. Our observations reveal a consistent vertical deformation signal, which when combined with topographic data from a 5 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM), helps to constrain the spatial extent of tectonic deformation. We hypothesise that the current deformation across these faults is primarily driven by aseismic creep and interseismic deformation, which is picked up by the EGMS. With increasing microseismicity and possible seismic risk in the area, we perform a seismic hazard analysis to evaluate the potential impact of linked fault ruptures, particularly concerning densely populated areas such as the city of Patras. We obtain Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) values of 414 − 432 cm/s2 near the city of Patras and Rio. This research highlights the importance of integrating remote sensing data with geological and seismic observations to improve our understanding of fault behaviour and regional seismic risks.

How to cite: Pua, A., Whittaker, A. C., and Locher, V.: Reconciling fault growth histories in time and space and seismic hazard analysis: Western Gulf of Corinth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9527,, 2025.

EGU25-9628 | Orals | TS3.3

Two phases of pseudotachylytes in Ra Chu transect of South Tibetan Detachment System and its implications to fault activities 

Yilin Guo, Yang Chu, Wei Lin, Yiyang Lei, Tanjie Liu, and Lin Guo

Tectonic pseudotachylytes preserve key information of fossil earthquakes. They provide valuable insights into the activity and tectonic evolution of ancient faults. The >2000 km long South Tibetan Detachment System is one of largest fault systems in the world, and the exposure of its seismogenic zone can help understand formation of earthquakes. Our structural analysis reveals two phases of pseudotachylytes under different deformation conditions in the leucogranite of Ra Chu transect. Field investigations identify two types of pseudotachylytes: (1) M-PT type pseudotachylyte associated with mylonitization, and C-PT type pseudotachylyte that formed during cataclasis. The former develops parallel to the pervasive foliation of the host rock, while the latter crosscuts the foliation at a high angle. Microstructural observation suggests that both types of pseudotachylytes are produced by frictional melting. Geochemical analysis has revealed selective melting of minerals and trace element migration during the formation of pseudotachylytes, necessitating the involvement of external fluids. These fluids play an important role in process of earthquake nucleation by reducing the strength of fault zones. Geochronological constraints correlate the formation of pseudotachylytes to regional tectonics: Firstly, M-PT formed within the brittle-ductile transition zone at ~17 Ma and underwent ductile deformation together with the host rock. As the fault zone exhumed, C-PT and cataclasis superimposed in the shallow brittle zone at ~14 Ma. The coexistence of these two types of pseudotachylytes records the rapid cooling and exhumation history of the South Tibetan Detachment System over several million years, indicating that seismic sliding occurred repeatedly in the same section of a long-lived fault zone.

How to cite: Guo, Y., Chu, Y., Lin, W., Lei, Y., Liu, T., and Guo, L.: Two phases of pseudotachylytes in Ra Chu transect of South Tibetan Detachment System and its implications to fault activities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9628,, 2025.

EGU25-9863 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Experimental deformation of clay-rich fault gouges within the rate-and state-dependent friction and flow law frameworks 

Evangelos Korkolis, Marieke Rempe, André Niemeijer, and Daniel Faulkner

Clay-rich fault gouges, such as those commonly found in mature fault zones, exhibit complex frictional-plastic behavior. The standard rate- and state-dependent friction law (RSF) can capture the macroscopic frictional behavior of geologic materials in laboratory experiments but offers limited insight into the underlying microphysical processes. Flow laws (FL), i.e. constitutive equations of material behavior with a microphysical basis, have been proposed as a suitable tool to explain the rate and temperature dependence of friction. Here, we use both frameworks, RSF and FL, to analyze the deformation behavior of kaolinite-rich gouges.
We report on the results of velocity stepping and slide-hold-slide friction experiments on dry and water-saturated kaolinite-rich powder (75 % kaolinite, 14 % muscovite/illite, 8 % K-feldspar, 3 % quartz), at a range of temperatures (20 oC to 180 oC) and load point velocities (0.03 µm/s to 100 µm/s, corresponding to bulk strain rates of ~3*10-5 s-1 to 10-1 s-1). The experiments were performed using two different experimental devices covering a broad range of normal stress, displacement, and sliding rate conditions: a triaxial direct shear apparatus (effective normal stress values of 60 MPa and 160 MPa) and a rotary shear apparatus (effective normal stress of 60 MPa). In the velocity stepping tests, we observed both velocity weakening and velocity strengthening friction. At 180 oC, we found that (a - b) decreased with increasing target velocity. At 20 oC, 70 oC, and 120 oC, there is no clear trend in (a - b) with respect to target velocity or step direction. The results of the slide-hold-slide tests suggest the activation of water-assisted, heat-driven mechanisms at temperatures above 70 oC: the healing rate β transitioned from positive values at 20 oC and 70 oC, to negative values at 120 oC and 180 oC, leading to net weakening at long hold times. For the saturated samples at 120 oC and 180 oC, the decrease in β was accompanied by a significant decrease in the stress exponent n to values below 50 with increasing temperature and decreasing strain rate, suggesting a switch in the dominant deformation mechanism as well. Overall, our preliminary findings demonstrate the complementarity of the RSF and FL frameworks in analyzing fault gouge deformation over a wide range of strain rates relevant for earthquake nucleation.

How to cite: Korkolis, E., Rempe, M., Niemeijer, A., and Faulkner, D.: Experimental deformation of clay-rich fault gouges within the rate-and state-dependent friction and flow law frameworks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9863,, 2025.

Premonitory slip and migrating foreshocks transitioning into an accelerating unstable rupture are commonly observed in experiments and less frequently in nature, but what controls their spatiotemporal evolution remains unclear. In this context, we conduct a series of displacement-driven triaxial compression experiments on porous sandstone samples containing a saw-cut fault under conditions of varying load point velocities (1 to 10 μm/s), confining pressures (35 to 75 MPa) and constant pore pressure (5 MPa). Integrating far-field mechanical and displacement measurements, near-fault strain gauge arrays, and a dense network of piezoelectric transducers, we find that local premonitory slip always occurs above a threshold stress, showing a crack-like propagating front with a slow speed up to 2 cm/s. Premonitory slip is accompanied by migrating small-magnitude precursory Acoustic Emissions (AEs) with dominantly shear-enhanced compaction source mechanisms transitioning to double-couple when approaching slip events. The transition from local premonitory slip to system-size slip event occurs once the premonitory slip front crosses the entire fault, followed by the emergence of system-size slip event with an accelerating rupture front in the opposite direction. Premonitory slip and precursory AE rates accelerate progressively, culminating in slow (< 5 µm/s slip rates) or fast (1 to 10 mm/s) slip events. With increasing load point velocities, average premonitory slip rates increase at reduced precursory time spans, leading to fast slip events. Increasing confining pressure causes increasing premonitory slip and off-fault precursory AEs, but does not affect premonitory slip rates. Precursory slip scales with co-seismic slip, and is predominately aseismic. Our results imply that local variations in loading conditions at slow slip and rupture velocities will affect spatiotemporal evolution of premonitory slip and potentially associated foreshock activity.

How to cite: Wang, L. and Dresen, G.: Propagation of premonitory slip leading up to system-size rupture events on laboratory faults in porous sandstone: Effects of loading rate and confining pressure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10473,, 2025.

EGU25-10707 | Orals | TS3.3

Diverse Deformation: Novel Insights into Preparatory Earthquake Physics from the Laboratory 

Paul Antony Selvadurai, Hao Chen, Patrick Bianchi, Antonio Salazar Vasquez, Sofia Michail, Mehdi Nikkhoo, Luca Dal Zilio, Claudio Madonna, Domenico Giardini, and Stefan Wiemer

Fault zones in the brittle regime accommodate deformation across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, from localized, rapid seismic events to extensive, slow aseismic creep.  The initiation of large ruptures is a complex process, with diverse spatiotemporal patterns reflecting a range of physical mechanisms not yet fully integrated into a single theoretical framework.

Recent advances in laboratory experiments, using techniques analogous to seismic and geodetic methods, enable the monitoring of rock deformation across broad scales.  We present results from triaxial rock failure tests employing a novel combination of acoustic emission (AE) sensors (to study seismic response) and fibre optic-based distributed strain sensing (DSS) systems (to map heterogeneous surface strain). A key theoretical challenge is understanding damage accumulation during the pre-failure phase and the transition to seismogenic behaviour.  Our study leverages these technological advances to assess the heterogeneous evolution of rheology and its influence on earthquake preparation physics.

Experiments on intact and notched rock specimens reveal differing preparatory mechanics. In intact specimens, DSS measurements show silent, long-range stress redistribution followed by accelerated AE bursts only at sufficiently high stress levels.  The failure of local heterogeneities produces intermittent changes in AE number and statistics, as well as in surface strain.  In notched specimens, process zones generate self-arresting creep surges with increased AE rates, mirroring natural observations.  We discuss numerical approaches to integrate these diverse behaviours.

How to cite: Selvadurai, P. A., Chen, H., Bianchi, P., Salazar Vasquez, A., Michail, S., Nikkhoo, M., Dal Zilio, L., Madonna, C., Giardini, D., and Wiemer, S.: Diverse Deformation: Novel Insights into Preparatory Earthquake Physics from the Laboratory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10707,, 2025.

EGU25-12092 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Impact of Heterogeneous Initial Stress on the Seismic Cycle and Rupture Dynamics of a Long Laboratory Fault 

Federica Paglialunga, François Passelègue, Jean Paul Ampuero, Soumaya Latour, and Marie Violay

Natural fault systems exhibit a complex interplay of factors that govern the nucleation, propagation, and arrest of ruptures. Among these factors, the distribution of initial stress stands out as a key driver of rupture dynamics, influencing the size, recurrence interval, and spatial characteristics of seismic events. The fault system size further contributes to the complexity of the seismic cycle. This study investigates how heterogeneous initial stress conditions shape the seismic cycle of a long experimental fault.

We reproduce frictional ruptures on a biaxial direct shear apparatus hosting a 2.5 m long fault composed of analog material (PMMA). The initial stress distribution is controlled through a stopper that modifies the boundary conditions. Strain gauge rosettes, recording at 40 kHz, measure stress evolution.

Our results demonstrate that stress heterogeneity significantly affects seismic behavior, including nucleation location and complexity of the seismic sequences (from system size events to supercycles). Moreover, stress heterogeneity strongly influences the dynamics of main ruptures, leading to complex behaviors such as temporary arrest and re-nucleation of the rupture. Time delays (time intervals between arrest and re-nucleation) were found to span two orders of magnitude and were significantly larger than the dynamic propagation period. Numerical simulations corroborate these findings, revealing delayed triggering mechanisms such as creeping front-induced, dynamic wave-induced, or a combination of the two.

This study offers a framework for interpreting stress heterogeneity's spatial and temporal evolution along natural faults and its implications for earthquake predictability and rupture dynamics.

How to cite: Paglialunga, F., Passelègue, F., Ampuero, J. P., Latour, S., and Violay, M.: Impact of Heterogeneous Initial Stress on the Seismic Cycle and Rupture Dynamics of a Long Laboratory Fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12092,, 2025.

EGU25-13682 | Orals | TS3.3

Taxonomy of shallow aseismic creep 

Daniel Gittins, Kathryn Materna, and Roger Bilham

Shallow aseismic fault creep has been observed for more than half a century (Steinbrugge et al., 1960). Aseismic creep can be manifest as continuous creep at a steady rate, can occur episodically in events with durations of hours or weeks, or can take the form of afterslip decaying in rate following an earthquake.

Upon closer inspection of the different types of aseismic slip recorded on creepmeters, this simple view may not be complete. Here, we present a new taxonomy for shallow aseismic slip based on 40 years of creepmeter data recorded at seventy-nine locations on creeping faults in California, Utah, Türkiye, and Pakistan. We identify at least six major forms of creep: steady creep, episodic creep events, afterslip, triggered slip, months-long creep surges, and creeplets (slip of ≤100 μm). The last two of these modes of aseismic slip have hitherto not been recognized, since they are often difficult to distinguish from environmental perturbations and/or instrumental artifacts. The creep event and creeplet classes of aseismic slip can form sequences of events that occur in close temporal spacing to one another. These six modes of creep may sometimes occur simultaneously (notably afterslip and creeplets/smaller creep events), combining to accommodate the overall fault motions.

Using these formalised definitions of aseismic slip, we have catalogued more than 5000 aseismic slip transients. In this global catalogue of mostly sub-centimetre amplitude shallow aseismic slip transients we observe over 4,400 creep events, over 800 creeplets and over 150 months-long creep surges. Using this catalogue we are able to form the following conclusions: the median duration of episodic creep events is 2.7 days with a median slip amplitude of 0.6 mm, creeplets have a median duration of 11 hrs with a median slip amplitude of 50 μm, and creep surges have a median duration of 1.5 months, and a median slip amplitude of 1.7mm. The catalogue will shortly be made available for public access.

How to cite: Gittins, D., Materna, K., and Bilham, R.: Taxonomy of shallow aseismic creep, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13682,, 2025.

EGU25-15266 | Orals | TS3.3

Slow slip events and megathrust coupling changes contribute to the earthquake potential in Oaxaca, Mexico 

Carlos Villafuerte, Víctor Cruz-Atienza, Josué Tago, Darío Solano-Rojas, Ricardo Garza-Girón, Sara Ivonne Franco, Luis A. Dominguez, and Vladimir Kostoglodov

Stress accumulation on the plate interface of subduction zones is a key parameter that controls the location, timing and rupture characteristics of earthquakes. The diversity of slip processes occurring in the megathrust indicates that stress is highly variable in space and time. Based on GNSS and InSAR data, we study the evolution of the interplate slip-rate along the Oaxaca subduction zone, Mexico, from October 2016 through October 2020, with particular emphasis on the pre-seismic, coseismic and post-seismic phases associated with the June 23, 2020 Mw 7.4 Huatulco earthquake (also known as La Crucecita earthquake), to understand how different slip regimes contribute to the stress accumulation in the region. Our results show that continuous changes in both the aseismic stress-releasing slip and the coupling produced a high stress concentration prior to the event on the region with the highest moment release of the Huatulco earthquake and a stress deficit zone in the adjacent updip region . This region under negative stress accumulation can be explained by possible recurrent shallow Slow Slip Events (SSE) offshore Huatulco as well as by the stress shadow from adjacent locked segments. Two months prior to the event, a Mw 6.6 long-term SSE also occurred about 80 km northwest from the hypocenter, between 25 and 55 km depth. Transient increments of the interplate coupling around the adjacent 1978 (Mw 7.8) Puerto Escondido rupture zone correlate with the occurrence of the last three SSEs in Oaxaca far downdip of this zone,  possibly associated with along-dip fluid diffusion at the subduction interface. Throughout the four-year period analyzed, the interface region of the 1978 event experienced a high CFS build up, primarily attributable to both the co-seismic and early post-seismic slip of the Huatulco rupture, that, considering the 55 year average return period of the region, indicates large earthquake potential near Puerto Escondido. Continuous monitoring of the interplate slip-rate thus provides a better estimation of the stress accumulation in seismogenic regions than those given by long-term, time-invariant coupling models, and improves our understanding of the megathrust mechanics where future earthquakes are likely to occur.

How to cite: Villafuerte, C., Cruz-Atienza, V., Tago, J., Solano-Rojas, D., Garza-Girón, R., Franco, S. I., Dominguez, L. A., and Kostoglodov, V.: Slow slip events and megathrust coupling changes contribute to the earthquake potential in Oaxaca, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15266,, 2025.

EGU25-15399 | Orals | TS3.3

Temporally variable creep behavior on the East Anatolian Fault and the arrest of the 2023 Pazarcık earthquake rupture 

Gareth Funning, Celeste Hofstetter, and Seda Özarpacı

The 80 km-long, NE-striking Pütürge segment of the East Anatolian fault in eastern Türkiye is bounded by two earthquake rupture zones. In the NE, it is underlain by the rupture zone of the M6.7 2020 Sivrice earthquake; at its SW end, it truncates close to the northeastern extent of the M7.8 2023 Pazarcık earthquake. There is a substantial gap of over 40 km between the two rupture zones. Previous authors (e.g. Çakir et al., 2023) have suggested that the 2020 event was arrested by creep on the NE Pütürge segment. In this study, we investigate whether the Pazarcik event was similarly arrested by creep at the Pütürge segment's SW end.

We process InSAR data from ascending and descending tracks of the Sentinel-1 satellites that cover the Pütürge segment, from three time periods – before, between, and after the two earthquakes – using the ISCE and MintPy software. We take short, fault-perpendicular profiles through the velocities and time series we produce to investigate possible shallow creep behavior, and downsample the cumulative displacements to constrain models of fault slip. 

We find: 1) the Pütürge segment was creeping at the surface before the Sivrice earthquake (in the period 2014-2020), at rates that peak at ~6 mm/yr at its NE end, and decrease along-strike to effectively zero at its SW end; 2) the deformation following the Sivrice event includes ~10 cm of surface creep between February and July 2020 along the Sivrice rupture zone, followed by a M~5.8 aftershock and creep transient on the fault immediately to the SW of that zone; and 3) the post-Pazarcık earthquake deformation (~10 cm of surface creep in 8 months) is concentrated along the SW-most section of the Pütürge segment, where there had been little creep before or after the Sivrice earthquake. As we identify creep along the whole Pütürge segment, albeit at different times in different places, we suggest that creep did plausibly play a role in ending the Pazarcık rupture.

How to cite: Funning, G., Hofstetter, C., and Özarpacı, S.: Temporally variable creep behavior on the East Anatolian Fault and the arrest of the 2023 Pazarcık earthquake rupture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15399,, 2025.

EGU25-15756 | Orals | TS3.3

Progressive weakening of a fault by seismic waves revealed by dynamically triggered slow slip events on the North Anatolian Fault 

Romain Jolivet, Jorge Jara, Patricia Martìnez-Garzón, Émilie Klein, Paul Dérand, Dirk Becker, Ziyadin Çakir, Alpay Özdemir, Roger Bilham, Léonard Seydoux, Ugur Dogan, and Semih Ergintav

Seismic waves from distant earthquakes are known to trigger earthquakes and slow slip events on active faults. However, the underlying physics of such interaction is poorly understood. Dynamic rearrangement of grains in a granular medium, pore pressure changes within that same gouge or the response of a frictional interface have been proposed to explain such distant triggering. The main issue is the lack of observations at various scales of the same triggered slip event in nature, from seconds to years and from the local meter-scale to a full-scale image of induced slip on the fault.

We use data from a dense seismogeodetic network, InSAR imagery and four creepmeters located at Ismetpasa along the North Anatolian Fault to quantify the temporal and spatial evolution of a sequence of transient shallow slow slip events triggered by the passage of the waves from the 2023 Kahramanmaras doublet. Cumulative slip amounts to 1 cm over a few months and accumulates in the form of multiple mm-amplitude slip events lasting from minutes to weeks. Slip nucleated initially during the passage of surface waves from the M7.8 Kahramanmaras and M7.5 Elbistan earthquakes. High-rate (1s) GNSS time series were used to derive complete time series of dynamic aerial strain and stress tensors to compute the dynamic change in Coulomb stress change during the passage of surface waves. Although the timing of dynamic Coulomb stress change is consistent with the initiation of the first slip events, it is difficult to physically quantitatively relate the amplitude of the shaking with the amplitude of the slip events. Three of the creepmeters subsequently recorded multiple creep events with logarithmically decaying fault slip (Tau> 1.7 hours) following an initial offset of a few tens of microns.  We note that the amplitude of the second slip event, triggered by the M7.5 Elbistan earthquake,  is larger than that of the first one, triggered by the M7.8 Kahramanmaras earthquake. Subsequent events in the following weeks initiate when local atmospheric pressure drops severely, a feature that was not observed prior to the sequence. Finally, we observe that, for all these slow slip events, slip rate is slowed down by the local increase in atmospheric pressure with a logarithmic relationship between slip rate and pressure.

We interpret these slow slip events as the signature of the progressive weakening of the fault zone, weakening first initiated dynamically by the passage of the surface waves from distant earthquakes and progressively continued with the cumulation of slip along the fault. The first incoming waves from the Kahramanmaras earthquake dynamically re-arrange material in the fault gouge, initiating a slip instability at depth, potentially further facilitated by elevated pore pressure, then progresses to the surface and expands along the fault. Each wave train further weakens the fault plane allowing for more slip, which itself further weakens the fault. Once no strain is available, the fault recovers and regains its strength over time. Our study provides a first view of the dynamics of triggered events by combining seismological, geodetic and atmospheric observations.

How to cite: Jolivet, R., Jara, J., Martìnez-Garzón, P., Klein, É., Dérand, P., Becker, D., Çakir, Z., Özdemir, A., Bilham, R., Seydoux, L., Dogan, U., and Ergintav, S.: Progressive weakening of a fault by seismic waves revealed by dynamically triggered slow slip events on the North Anatolian Fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15756,, 2025.

EGU25-15900 | Orals | TS3.3

Influence of injection rate on the dynamic of fluid-induced aseismic slip fronts 

Francois Passelegue, Nicolas Brantut, Pierre Dublanchet, Fryer Barnaby, and Hervé Chauris

Fluid injections can induce aseismic slip that propagates either behind or beyond the pore pressure diffusion front, depending on the initial stress state along the fault. In the latter case, the aseismic slip front may trigger seismicity at considerable distances from the injection well. In this study, we investigate the influence of the initial stress state and injection rate on the transition between these two end-member scenarios.

We performed triaxial experiments on a saw-cut Westerly granite sample oriented at an angle of 30° relative to the maximum principal stress. The fault was preloaded to 60% and 90% of its frictional strength before fluid injection was initiated. Fluid was injected along the fault through a borehole positioned at one edge of the fault, with fluid pressure rates ranging from 0.015 to 15 MPa/s.

The propagation of the fluid pressure front was monitored using three pressure sensors placed at varying distances along the fault. A deterministic inversion approach was employed to reconstruct the spatial and temporal evolution of hydraulic diffusivity during injection, up to the onset of instability. This method provided an optimal solution for the diffusion of pore pressure throughout the injection process. The slip front propagation was monitored using strain gauges distributed around the experimental fault. The initiation times of strain release recorded by these gauges were used as proxies for the passage of the slip front. The slip front velocity was inferred by assuming a quasi-circular geometry, as defined by the elastic properties of the tested rock.

Our results reveal that, regardless of the initial stress state, increasing the injection rate reduces the stress injection parameter induces T, allowing the transition between the two end-member cases: (1) aseismic slip front propagating behind the pore pressure diffusion front (λ<1) and (2) aseismic slip front propagating beyond the pore pressure diffusion front (λ>1). Furthermore, higher injection rates result in increased slip front velocities. These experimental observations are interpreted within the framework of fracture mechanics. Specifically, we demonstrate that reducing the initial stress state along the fault enhances the energy release rate (G) promoting the initiation of the slip front propagation. Secondly, higher injection rates generate larger values of G at the crack tip, explaining the observed increase in slip front velocities, and the transition between the two end member cases with increasing injection rates.

How to cite: Passelegue, F., Brantut, N., Dublanchet, P., Barnaby, F., and Chauris, H.: Influence of injection rate on the dynamic of fluid-induced aseismic slip fronts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15900,, 2025.

EGU25-17429 | Orals | TS3.3 | Highlight

Relationships Between Plate Interface Deformation and Earthquake Segmentation 

Nadaya Cubas, Alexis Gauthier, Mathieu Soret, and Laëtitia Le Pourhiet

Prediction of subduction earthquakes mostly relies on interplate coupling models that provide patterns interpreted within the framework of rate-and-state friction laws. However, this framework has been challenged by recent observations, indicating that rheological and geometrical complexities must be considered in order to fully understand megathrust mechanics.

In this study, we investigate whether the strongly and weakly coupled patches could be related to the distribution of deformation along the plate interface, potentially associated with either basal erosion or underplating. Since both underplating and basal erosion impact forearc morphology, the location of such distributed deformation along the plate interface can be inferred from a simple mechanical analysis of the topography.

We first show that long-lived plate interface deformation is governed by aseismic processes. Through a comparison of erosive and accretionary margins, we show that large earthquakes propagate along well-localized and smoothed rate-weakening fault planes, bounded by elongate zones of underplating along accretionary margins, and by both basal erosion and underplating along erosive margins.

Comparing margins of different ages, we find that underplating occurs at shallower depth for younger subducting plates. Along erosive margins, two bands of underplating are observed: the shallow one likely corresponds to the underplating of eroded material, while the deeper would be related to the underplating of the altered oceanic plate. In cold subduction zones, Domain-C earthquakes take place between those two bands, while SSEs are found along warm subduction zones. These differences are discussed using thermo-mechanical simulations.

How to cite: Cubas, N., Gauthier, A., Soret, M., and Le Pourhiet, L.: Relationships Between Plate Interface Deformation and Earthquake Segmentation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17429,, 2025.

EGU25-19314 | Orals | TS3.3

Aseismic deformation within the fold-and-thrust belt in southwest Taiwan: Example from the Tsengwen River section 

Maryline Le Béon, Chang-Chih Chen, Wen-Jeng Huang, Kuo-En Ching, Jhih-Wei Shih, Ya-Chu Tseng, Yi-Wei Chiou, Yen-Chiu Liu, Meng-Long Hsieh, Erwan Pathier, Chih-Heng Lu, and Bénédicte Fruneau

We report a rarely observed case of steady aseismic deformation in the context of a fold-and-thrust belt, with a well-documented structural and lithological background. We focus on a 12-km-long section across the foothills of southwestern Taiwan, where about 23 mm/yr of westward compression is observed. From west to east, the surface geological structures include an anticline, a thrust and a backthrust. We determine Holocene uplift rates based on fluvial terraces, invert the interseismic 3D velocity field using existing geodetic datasets, and build a geological cross-section to constrain the possible deep geometry for the structure responsible for the observed surface deformation. Geodetic vertical velocities and Holocene uplift rates show a similar pattern, with rates rapidly increasing eastward, then remaining relatively constant across the fold axis and thrust, and finally sharply decreasing across the backthrust, across which InSAR observations suggest a velocity discontinuity. Our observations show that active deformation is occurring mainly aseismically and involves the anticline (the Wushantou Anticline) and backthrust (the Kouhsiaoli Fault). Our cross-section illustrates a 4-5 km deep wedge with a passive roof thrust corresponding to the backthrust, on the hanging wall of which the anticline is located. A classical fault-bend fold model with a slip rate of 21±2 mm/yr can explain most of the observations, yet local misfit suggests a possible contribution to uplift from pure shear of clayey rocks in the anticline core. Based on published records from a deep well drilled across the fold core and backthrust, clay-rich lithology and elevated fluid content are likely to favor aseismic slip. Without instrumental earthquakes reported on these structures and in the lack of successful paleo-earthquake investigations, whether these structures ever generate M>6 events remains an open question.

How to cite: Le Béon, M., Chen, C.-C., Huang, W.-J., Ching, K.-E., Shih, J.-W., Tseng, Y.-C., Chiou, Y.-W., Liu, Y.-C., Hsieh, M.-L., Pathier, E., Lu, C.-H., and Fruneau, B.: Aseismic deformation within the fold-and-thrust belt in southwest Taiwan: Example from the Tsengwen River section, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19314,, 2025.

EGU25-19622 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Frictional Behaviour of Carbonates: Defining the Seismogenic Zone in Dolomite  

Elisabeth Kozlov, André Niemeijer, Hans de Bresser, and Helen E. King

Understanding the rheology of carbonates is crucial, as destructive earthquakes frequently occur in tectonically active carbonate regions (e.g., the Corinth Rift Zone, the Italian Apennines, and the Sichuan Basin, China), leading to fatalities and severe economic impacts. Seismic to aseismic deformation can be understood in terms of the frictional response, which is based on the underlying deformation mechanisms. To grasp the seismic potential of faults in carbonates, we studied the conditions under which dolomite fault gouge is frictionally unstable, based on the rate and state friction law (RSF) and complemented the mechanical results with microstructural observations to understand the active deformation mechanisms.
We will
present results from experiments conducted using the hydrothermal rotary shear apparatus on simulated fault gouge of dolostone. These experiments were carried out at sub-seismic slip velocities ranging from nm/s to hundreds of µm/s, temperatures from room temperature to 600 °C, and at a constant effective normal stress and fluid pressure of 50 MPa. Our mechanical results show a strongly temperature dependent steady-state sliding strength during initial sliding, with Byerlee friction values of ~0.7 at low (< 300 °C) and the highest (600 °C) temperature, but values of ~0.4 at intermediate temperatures (300 – 500 °C). Additionally, the friction values show a strong dependence on both velocity and temperature, where cooler temperatures (< 300 °C) are mostly velocity strengthening and therefore conditionally stable, while higher investigated temperatures (400 – 600 °C) result in mostly velocity weakening, potentially unstable outcomes. An exception to this is found at the highest velocities (> 100 µm/s) at 400 – 500 °C and the slowest velocities (< 0.03 µm/s) at 600 °C. Further, we observed oscillatory and stick-slip behaviour at negative and near-zero RSF (a-b) values with amplitudes decreasing with increasing friction stability values. Microstructural observations on deformed samples revealed that brittle deformation mechanisms are active across all investigated temperatures. However, microstructural analysis using SEM-XRD, Raman, and FTIR on samples deformed at temperatures >300 °C provides evidence of dolomite decomposition into calcite and brucite. This dissolution-precipitation creep is enhanced with increasing temperature.
These results suggest a transition from stable to unstable behaviour at ~300 °C
 which continues until the highest temperature of 600 °C with frequently accompanied stick-slips, translating to a seismogenic depth range of 10 – 20 km, assuming a continental geothermal gradient of 30 °C/km.

How to cite: Kozlov, E., Niemeijer, A., de Bresser, H., and King, H. E.: Frictional Behaviour of Carbonates: Defining the Seismogenic Zone in Dolomite , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19622,, 2025.

EGU25-20352 | Orals | TS3.3

Seismic cycles in a DEM simulated granular gouge layer: influence of the loading stiffness 

Guilhem Mollon, Nathalie Casas, and Marco Scuderi

The contemporary model for tectonic earthquakes is based on the interplay between the frictional rheology of a potentially seismic fault and the electrodynamics of the surrounding medium. More specifically, it has been shown in many experimental and theoretical studies that a necessary condition for unstable sliding events on a fault is a weakening rate larger than the unloading stiffness of the surrounding rocks. By weakening rate, we refer here to the decrease of the resisting shear stress (i.e. of the instantaneous friction coefficient) with sliding. Conversely, by loading stiffness, we refer to the decrease of the loading shear stress with sliding.


We investigate the role and effect of the loading stiffness on the seismic cycles of a simulated granular fault. For this purpose, we build a numerical model based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM), inspired by laboratory experiments on fault gouge. In contrast to a typical DEM fault models, we employ an elastic loading system with user-controlled shear stiffness. We show that the coupling between fault granular rheology and country rock elasticity leads to seismic cycles with properties that are strongly influenced by their ratio. Stiff faults produce frequent contractional events with limited sliding distances and low to moderate stress drops, while soft faults produce rare dilatational events with large sliding distances and stress drops. Statistical distributions of events are extracted, and empirical scaling laws for the role of fault stiffness on these distributions are proposed.


We show that, on average, simulated events are well-described by a simple linear slip-weakening friction law, but that the weakening rate that best describes the events is tightly coupled with the loading stiffness. This contradicts the idea of an intrinsic friction law for the granular gouge layer and demonstrates the need to consider a fault as a tribosystem coupling the scale of the contact junction within the granular gouge and of the elastic surrounding medium. We conclude that, even in a highly-simplified model where the gouge layer is represented by a limited number of circular grains, there is no such thing as a “friction law” describing the behaviour of the interface. Rather, friction is a multiscale emerging property of the whole tribosystem defined by the interface and the elastic properties of the surrounding medium, as well as the past sliding history of the fault patch.

How to cite: Mollon, G., Casas, N., and Scuderi, M.: Seismic cycles in a DEM simulated granular gouge layer: influence of the loading stiffness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20352,, 2025.

EGU25-876 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Seismic sequences in the Italian Apennines influenced by fault network geometry  

Constanza Rodriguez Piceda, Zoë Mildon, Billy Andrews, Yifan Yin, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Martijn van den Ende, and Claudia Sgambato

Stress interactions between neighbouring faults plays a key role in controlling earthquake recurrence and size, and therefore in the seismic hazard posed by individual faults within a fault network. In this study, we investigate how differences in the predominant arrangement of faults, specifically, whether it is along-strike or across-strike, affect earthquake recurrence rates and magnitude of earthquakes. To address this topic, we use the boundary-element code QDYN to simulate earthquake cycles of two fault systems within the actively extending region of the Italian Apennines: one to the south where faults are predominantly arranged along-strike, and another in the central Apennines where faults are predominantly arranged across-strike.  The different styles of fault network between the Central and Southern Apennines, and high seismic hazard of the region, make this the ideal area to investigate the role of fault geometry on earthquake behaviour across multiple seismic cycles in this region.

The models account for variable fault slip rates between faults and network geometry to determine their impact on seismic cycles and earthquake statistics. These simulations produce spontaneous ruptures, with slip modes encompassing full and partial ruptures as well as slow-slip events. We found a good fit between the modelled magnitudes and the ones derived from historical ruptures and empirical relationships. Fault networks with multiple across-strike faults produce more complex seismic sequences, including greater variability in recurrence times and higher proportion of partial ruptures, compared to fault networks with faults arranged predominantly along-strike. Lastly, we assessed the seismic hazard in the studied regions based on the modelled earthquake rates and magnitudes. Our findings show that the spatial distribution of peak ground acceleration corresponding to a 50-year exceedance probability has a greater heterogeneity compared to classical seismic hazard assessment approaches. Hazard levels are elevated in areas where multiple faults overlap, highlighting the influence of fault interactions on regional hazard patterns. These findings show the influence of fault system geometry on how stresses redistribute across multiple earthquake cycles and associated seismic hazard.

How to cite: Rodriguez Piceda, C., Mildon, Z., Andrews, B., Yin, Y., Ampuero, J.-P., van den Ende, M., and Sgambato, C.: Seismic sequences in the Italian Apennines influenced by fault network geometry , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-876,, 2025.

EGU25-2435 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Large Off-Fault Deformation of 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake along an Immature Strike-Slip Fault, Tibetan Plateau 

Wenjun Kang, Zhanfei Li, and Xiwei Xu

The characteristics and factors that control the Off-Fault Deformation(OFD)remain poorly understood. The existing studies shows the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo earthquake produce the largest OFD than other earthquake cases. We try to use the China Gaofen-serie-satellite images to re-constrain the OFD deformation. By correlating pairs of images before and after this earthquake, we obtain the coseismic deformation parttern of  the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo earthquake. By measuring the coseismic deformation, we constrain the near-field and far-field surface displacement distribution. The result shows that this earthquake accommodated 69% of total surface deformation as OFD deformation over a mean deformation-zone width of 237 m.  Our result show the OFD proportation of the Maduo earthquake is large, but our result is lower than the result by using the SPOT and Sentienl-2 images. By analying the fault geometry  and geological deposit, we think the magnitude and width of off-fault deformation along the rupture is primarily controlled by the fault maturity and structural complexity of the fault. 

How to cite: Kang, W., Li, Z., and Xu, X.: Large Off-Fault Deformation of 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake along an Immature Strike-Slip Fault, Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2435,, 2025.

Surface ruptures associated with large historical earthquakes provide critical insights into earthquake magnitudes and the kinematics of their seismogenic faults. In 1955, a major earthquake occurred along the Zheduotang fault, a segment of the southern Xianshuihe fault zone in eastern Tibet. The magnitude of this earthquake has been a subject of debate, with estimates ranging from M6.6 to M7.5, primarily due to conflicting interpretations of its associated surface ruptures. This study reviews previous research on the surface ruptures of the 1955 Zheduotang earthquake and presents new field data, including unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based topographic surveys, trench excavations, and lichenometry in the epicentral region. Evidence from the freshness of ground ruptures, dating of faulting events from trenching, and lichen size measurements supports a ~55 km long surface rupture zone, corresponding to a moment magnitude (Mw) of ~7.1 for the 1955 earthquake. Analysis of offset glacial interfluves reveals a late Quaternary left-lateral slip rate of ~2.5–3.0 mm/yr in the southern segment of the Zheduotang fault, lower than ~3.4–4.8 mm/yr previously observed in the northern section. Deformed landforms and surface ruptures indicate that the fault trends NWN and exhibits predominantly left-lateral strike-slip motion in its northern section, while the southern segment trends NW and includes a notable normal faulting component. Our findings suggest that the Zheduotang fault delineates the southwestern boundary of the Bamei-Kangding releasing stepover zone within the southern Xianshuihe left-lateral strike-slip fault zone. These results enhance understanding of seismic hazards and the tectonic kinematics along the eastern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau.

How to cite: Ren, J., Xu, G., and Xu, X.: Revisiting surface ruptures of the 1955 Zheduotang earthquake (M ~7.5) in eastern Tibet: kinematic implications on the southern Xianshuihe fault zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2504,, 2025.

EGU25-4021 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Paleoseismic Records of the Dead Sea Reveals Climatic Modulation of Seismicity Along the Continental Transform Fault 

Shmuel Marco, Shimon Wdowinski, Yin Lu, Anne Le Blanc, and Machel Higgins

The Dead Sea Basin, a pull-apart basin situated along the Sinai-Arabia transform plate boundary, presents a unique natural laboratory to examine the long-term variability of earthquake activity through its extensive paleoseismic record, spanning the past 220,000 years. This record is constructed from borehole and outcrop data documenting seismites—earthquake-induced sedimentary deformations formed within the ancient lakes of the basin. Preliminary studies have identified a strong correlation between earthquake occurrence and fluctuations in lake levels, pointing to a potential climatic influence on seismic activity.

Through an NSF-funded project, we aim to quantify the relationship between lake-level variations and the paleo-earthquake record by investigating the mechanisms underlying seismite formation. These processes include sediment accumulation, seismic shaking, unit disruption, gravitational sliding, and subsequent deposition. Seismic shaking results from the interplay of tectonic processes such as strain accumulation, surface load changes, pore pressure variations, and stress release. This shaking interacts with sedimentary processes to form seismites. The study incorporates five research components: (1) advanced time series analyses of the 220 ka seismite record; (2) spatial detection analysis to assess the uncertainty of single-core paleo-earthquake event detection; (3) geospatial paleo-bathymetry analysis of sediment availability for turbidite generation at different lake levels; (4) fluid mechanical modeling of sediment rheology and deformation style at varying lake levels; and (5) pore fluid pressure, fault strength and mechanical modeling related to earthquake occurrence on both primary strike-slip and secondary normal faults at This research aims to elucidate the role of climatic factors in modulating seismic activity within the Dead Sea Basin. By integrating methodologies from geology, geodesy, geophysics, paleoseismology, paleoclimatology, and sedimentology, the study provides critical insights into the physical processes governing long-term earthquake variability along continental transform faults.

How to cite: Marco, S., Wdowinski, S., Lu, Y., Le Blanc, A., and Higgins, M.: Paleoseismic Records of the Dead Sea Reveals Climatic Modulation of Seismicity Along the Continental Transform Fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4021,, 2025.

EGU25-4056 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Subduction Earthquake Cycle through the lens of analogue modelling: the role of the upper plate rheology 

Simona Guastamacchia, Fabio Corbi, Giacomo Mastella, Silvia Brizzi, and Francesca Funiciello

Subduction megathrusts are among the largest fault systems on Earth and are responsible for generating megaearthquakes-the most powerful earthquakes and one of the most destructive natural phenomena. However, obtaining natural data on the Subduction Earthquake Cycle (SEC) in these areas is challenging due to the long recurrence intervals of such events. To overcome this limitation, we used analogue models to reproduce in the laboratory hundreds of seismic cycles under different conditions in just a few minutes. The models feature a single velocity weakening asperity (i.e., rice) surrounded by a velocity-neutral material (i.e., sand). Using a parametric approach, we systematically varied two key parameters of our single asperity model: (1) the rheology of the upper plate, which affects its stiffness and (2) the normal load (σn) applied on the asperity. We performed four distinct models, each with a different upper plate stiffness. For each upper plate stiffness we implemented four σn (i.e., 16 models in total). High-resolution monitoring of our models, combined with Particle Image Velocimetry, allowed for a detailed analysis of the analog earthquakes. The variation in upper plate rheology enabled the models to simulate the transition from stick-slip behavior to stable sliding, governed by the ratio k/kc, the stability parameter within the rate-and-state framework. Moreover, the models demonstrate that this variation is a controlling factor of magnitude and recurrence time of the analogue events. Comparing the results with natural data, we found that all the models exhibit moment magnitudes (Mw) comparable to those of natural megaearthquakes. The possibility of crossing the k/kc=1 threshold allows us to explore the stick-slip behavior in a regime that includes period doubling linked to the coexistence of faster and slower slip rates. The findings in our experimental models demonstrate the influence of the upper plate rheology in the spectrum of megathrust slip behaviors, providing constraints that could potentially be applied to natural subduction zones. 

How to cite: Guastamacchia, S., Corbi, F., Mastella, G., Brizzi, S., and Funiciello, F.: Subduction Earthquake Cycle through the lens of analogue modelling: the role of the upper plate rheology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4056,, 2025.

The evolution of the shear traction at plate interfaces is a key input to seismic hazard assessments, as it relates rheological properties of the interface material to the slip history of the fault. However, at the relevant spatial scales, shear tractions can only be modelled indirectly, with kinematic coupling commonly used as a proxy for inferring any slip deficit that drives seismic hazard. When the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku-oki earthquake ruptured the Northern Japanese megathrust, it did so in an area where simplified models estimated low-to-medium kinematic coupling (Uchida and Bürgmann, 2021). 
The reliance on kinematic coupling for seismic hazard assessment could be reduced if instead the long-term slip budget (or equivalently, the shear stress history) could be estimated for a given fault zone. Such a method, in turn, would require the definition of specific constitutive laws in order to simulate multiple earthquake super-cycles, as well as an inversion independent of initial conditions. We have built such a scheme building on previous work (Kanda and Simons, 2010; Hetland and Simons, 2010; Kanda et al., 2013; Mallick et al., 2022; Köhne et al., in press). Our approach assumes that the plate interface is divided into fully-locked asperities surrounded by regions of the fault interface characterized by rate-dependent friction. We impose a historically realistic rupture timeline for each of the assumed asperities, but let the remaining fault interface evolve freely otherwise according to its mechanical properties, until it obtains cycle-invariance. After reaching the time period where GNSS observations of the region exist, we calculate the residuals to surface displacement timeseries, and use a Bayesian inference approach to estimate the best-fit frictional parameters. This inference is sensitive to our inherent ignorance of the elastic structure of the area around the plate interface. Therefore, we extend our framework to assess the impact of such heterogeneity.
We present results from our updated Northern Japanese subduction zone model, where we consider both pre- and post-2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake GNSS surface displacement observations. We first show, using a homogeneous halfspace model, how estimates of slip deficit and kinematic coupling differ.  We also find that the product of the rate-dependent frictional parameter (a-b) with effective normal stress generally decreases with depth. We then show how these conclusions change after considering the more realistic 3D elastic structure of Hashima et al. (2016), who have shown the importance for the coseismic fault slip and associated surface deformation (Hsu et al., 2011; Ragon and Simons, 2023). The structure includes depth-varying elastic moduli for the continental plate, down going slab, and mantle. Using PyLith, we calculate the relevant stress and displacement kernels for our earthquake simulation framework. Our model results provide important perspectives for future seismic hazard assessments and postseismic studies of rheological properties.

How to cite: Köhne, T., Mallick, R., Ragon, T., and Simons, M.: The Impact of 3D Elastic Structure on Estimates of Megathrust Frictional Properties Derived from Earthquake Cycle Inversions of Pre- and Post-2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake GNSS Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4256,, 2025.

EGU25-4323 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Coseismic and aseismic normal fault slip in Central Greece from InSAR time series 

James Wood, Alexander Whittaker, Rebecca Bell, Haralambos Kranis, Athanassios Ganas, and Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic

Normal faults in a rate-and-state friction model release seismic energy in distinct, instantaneous seismic events (i.e. earthquakes) between steady state periods. However, recent geodetic work in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece suggests that some seismogenic normal faults can also undergo transient aseismic slip events above steady state deformation rates in interseismic periods. Integrating the full range of fault slip behaviours into fault evolution frameworks is required to better constrain how normal faults accommodate and release strain with implications for rift development and seismic hazard. Therefore, further detailed observation of both coseismic and aseismic slip behaviours across normal faults at all time scales are needed.

In this analysis, we exploit open-source, vertical ground motion data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS), derived from five-years of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements, to evaluate uplift and subsidence in areas of active tectonics. While vertical ground motion data likely reflects a range of geological, hydrological and anthropogenic processes, isolating tectonic signals allows quantification of fault motion on annual to decadal time scales using the Europe-wide dataset. Therefore, this data bridges an important time-scale gap between event-specific InSAR studies and geological assessments and provides regional context to ground motion. Here, we use time series spanning 2019 to 2023 to assess vertical ground motion across normal faults in Central Greece that have, and have not, hosted large earthquakes in this period.

Spatio-temporal ground motion analysis is conducted for the March 2021, Mw > 6 earthquakes in the Larissa Basin (Thessaly). The cascading rupture style of the earthquakes and aftershocks is resolved in EGMS time series, and geometries of uplift and subsidence are plotted to define rupture parameters and fault plane projections. High coseismic uplift to subsidence ratios of 1:6 – 1:9 reflect the tight structural controls on this earthquake sequence. In contrast to Larissa, EGMS time series across the Coastal Fault System of the North Gulf of Evia imply aseismic normal fault slip. Differential vertical ground motion is recorded across both the Kamena Vourla and Arkitsa fault segments with little to no associated seismicity. Time-averaged throw rates of 2 - 3 mm/yr are measured at an uplift to subsidence ratio of 1:2. These throw rates exceed the long-term, geodetic extension rates across the North Gulf of Evia suggesting that the faults are moving in a transient period of elevated aseismic slip between 2019 and 2023. The nearby Atalanti Fault, which hosted two Mw > 6.4 earthquakes in 1894, shows no differential ground motion across its plane reflecting that the fault is in a locked state. The observed variable shallow crustal behaviour of normal faults implies long-term, geologically derived throw rates on normal faults likely combine transient periods of elevated aseismic slip, coseismic slip, and steady state strain accommodation.

How to cite: Wood, J., Whittaker, A., Bell, R., Kranis, H., Ganas, A., and Peron-Pinvidic, G.: Coseismic and aseismic normal fault slip in Central Greece from InSAR time series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4323,, 2025.

EGU25-5630 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Seismic rupture and earthquake sequence along the Ganzi-Yushu fault in Eastern Tibet: From kinematics to dynamics 

Jianfeng Cai, Yangmao Wen, Kefeng He, and Caijun Xu

The Ganzi-Yushu fault, striking in a northwest direction with a length of approximately 500 km, delineates the boundary between the Bayan Har block and the Qiangtang block. Due to the ongoing collision between the Indian plate and Eurasia plate and the resultant eastward extrusion process in the Tibetan Plateau, the fault system is characterized by rapid left-lateral strike-slip and frequent major earthquake events. The 2010 MS 7.1 Yushu earthquake ruptured the northwestern segment of the fault, resulting in significant casualties and property losses. Apart from the 2010 Yushu earthquake, this fault has experienced four M > 7.0 earthquakes in the past 300 years, marking it as one of the most seismically active fault systems in the Tibetan Plateau.

In this study, we use Sentinel-1 InSAR data spanning from 2014 to 2023 to derive the interseismic velocity fields along the Ganzi-Yushu fault. Based on the interseismic velocity field, we derive the slip rates and interseismic coupling distribution along the Ganzi-Yushu fault using elastic block model. The results indicate left-lateral slip rates of 4.0~6.5 mm/yr along the Ganzi-Yushu fault. We identify five locked segments along strike, which has good consistency with historical earthquakes.

To assess the earthquake potential along the Ganzi-Yushu fault, we simulate earthquake rupture sequences using quasi-dynamic earthquake cycle model. We set the friction coefficient of the rate- and state-dependent friction law according to the interseismic coupling model, thereby obtaining interseismic slip rates in numerical simulations that align with the kinematic results. Our quasi-dynamic earthquake cycle model generates both single- and multi-segment ruptures with magnitudes approximating those inferred from the historical events. Owing to variations in seismogenic width and slip rate, different segments exhibit distinct recurrence intervals, which is consistent with the results from geological surveys. The locations of nucleation and the slip history on fault determine whether a rupture can propagate across multiple segments and generate a major event. By integrating the kinematic model with the physics-based seismic cycle simulations, our results shed light on the earthquake potential along the Ganzi-Yushu fault.

How to cite: Cai, J., Wen, Y., He, K., and Xu, C.: Seismic rupture and earthquake sequence along the Ganzi-Yushu fault in Eastern Tibet: From kinematics to dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5630,, 2025.

EGU25-5877 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

How well can displacement be resolved close to earthquake surface ruptures using optical image correlation?   

Cecilia Martinelli, James Hollingsworth, Romain Jolivet, and Marion Thomas

The study of natural hazards like earthquakes requires accurate measurement of ground displacement. When paired with high-resolution satellite imagery, Optical Image Correlation (OIC) has proven to be highly effective in mapping near-field ground displacements for large earthquakes, offering detailed and precise data. This is crucial for understanding fault mechanics and the generation of strong ground motions during shallow earthquakes.

OIC has several advantages over field or traditional geodetic methods. First, it is robust against image noise, allowing meaningful data extraction from various types of imagery, even when separated over long time periods. Second, unlike InSAR, OIC does not suffer from decorrelation close to fault ruptures, thus providing rich data in the near-field region and offering insight into shallow fault characteristics. Third, OIC has subpixel resolution, enabling the detection of small (cm-scale) displacements. Fourth, OIC provides dense displacement measurements that would be difficult to replicate with field methods. Finally, OIC can help to identify subtle ground features and long-wavelength displacement signals, including those associated with off-fault deformation. OIC has been widely used to characterize near-field displacements during several recent surface-rupturing earthquakes. Displacements measured by OIC typically surpass field measurements due to the latter's inability to capture smaller, distributed deformations away from the primary fault rupture. OIC data can thus help us to more accurately infer the width of the fault zone, encompassing both on-fault and off-fault deformation. 

Studies on the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake used various optical datasets and correlation methods to explore near-field displacement and the extent of off-fault deformation. However, the choice of correlation approach used can impact the magnitude and nature of the observed deformation, which, in turn, may impact subsequent analysis of the strain field. 

This study aims to analyze multiple correlation algorithms (MicMac, COSI-Corr, Ames Stereo Pipeline and AmpCor) and optical datasets (Pleiades, WorldView, Spot and ADS80), spanning a range of resolutions, incidence angles, and temporal variations. We explore how correlation techniques influence displacement values and whether they can artificially smooth discrete fault offsets, creating apparent (artificial) off-fault deformation. Using synthetic tests and the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes as a case study, we explore the variability in off-fault deformation and fault zone width, depending on the processing approach adopted. Ultimately, we highlight the limitations of OIC in quantifying off-fault deformation, thus providing constraints on the extent to which such data can be used to address aspects of fault mechanics.

How to cite: Martinelli, C., Hollingsworth, J., Jolivet, R., and Thomas, M.: How well can displacement be resolved close to earthquake surface ruptures using optical image correlation?  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5877,, 2025.

EGU25-5899 | Orals | TS3.4

Earthquake cycle simulations for seismic hazard assessment 

Olaf Zielke, Theodoros Aspiotis, Sarah Fadhladeen, and Paul Martin Mai

Seismic hazard assessment (SHA) requires, among other components, a comprehensive representation of seismic sources that could affect sites or regions of interest, including their location and seismogenic character. Observational earthquake catalogs are generally too short or incomplete to provide a comprehensive source representation. Computer-generated earthquake catalogs, created by physics-based earthquake cycle simulations, can augment the observational catalogs, therefore contributing to improved SHA. With MCQsim, we developed an earthquake cycle simulator with this purpose in mind. MCQsim is openly available via GitHub. Since its initial publication in 2023, we were able to improve the code substantially, improving its performance and scalability, therefore enabling simulation for large-scale fault systems. Additionally, we built an interface between MCQsim and seismic hazard engine OpenQuake to streamline the incorporation of simulated catalogs into PSHA.

Here, we want to showcase these recent improvements. We perform earthquake cycle simulations for the Gulf of Aqaba and East Anatolian fault systems, creating earthquakes catalogs that span tens of thousands of years, with magnitude ranging from M3.5 to M7.8+. We validate these catalogs with observational constraints of the respective fault systems. Using these simulated catalogs, we investigate the occurrence of earthquake sequences, highlighting variations in large-earthquake occurrence probability as a function of time. We further showcase the integration of simulated catalogs into the OpenQuake environment, creating seismic hazard maps.

How to cite: Zielke, O., Aspiotis, T., Fadhladeen, S., and Mai, P. M.: Earthquake cycle simulations for seismic hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5899,, 2025.

EGU25-6505 | Posters on site | TS3.4

Dynamic changes of gravity field before the Luding Ms6.8 earthquake and its crustal material migration characteristics 

Jiapei Wang, Qingqing Tan, and Chongyang Shen

On September 5, 2022, a magnitude Ms6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Sichuan Province. This earthquake occurred at the key part of the southeast-clockwise extrusion of material on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, the Y-shaped confluence of the Xianshuihe, Longmenshan and Anninghe fault zones. In this study, the three-dimensional dynamic crustal density changes in the earthquake area are obtained by the typical gravity change data from 2019 to 2022 before the earthquake and gravity inversion by growing bodies. The results indicate that gravity changes presented an obvious four-quadrant and gradient belt distribution in the Luding area before the earthquake. The three-dimensional density horizontal slices show that small density changes occurred at the epicenter in the mid-to-upper crust between 2019.9 - 2020.9 and 2019.9 - 2021.9. At the same time, the surrounding areas exhibited a positive and negative quadrant distribution. These observations indicate that the source region was likely in a stable locked state, with locking in shear forces oriented in the NW and NE directions. From 2021.9 to 2022.8, the epicentral region showed negative density changes, indicating that the source region was in the expansion stage, approaching a near-seismic state. The three-dimensional density vertical slices reveal a southeastward migration of positive and negative densities near the epicenter and on the western of the Xianshuihe Fault Zone, indicating that the material is flowing out to the southeast. The observed local negative density changes at the epicenter along the Longmenshan Fault Zone are likely associated with the NE-oriented extensional stress shown by the seismic source mechanism. The above results can provide a basis for interpreting pre-earthquake gravity and density changes, thereby contributing to the advancement of earthquake precursor theory.

How to cite: Wang, J., Tan, Q., and Shen, C.: Dynamic changes of gravity field before the Luding Ms6.8 earthquake and its crustal material migration characteristics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6505,, 2025.

EGU25-7699 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

What can the limited and uncertain geological record tell us about the earthquake cycle? 

Jonathan Griffin, Ting Wang, and Mark Stirling

The geological record of past earthquakes on a fault provides a basis for forecasting the probability of another earthquake occurring within some future timeframe. Yet paleoearthquake records are typically limited to the most recent few events, and dating uncertainties are often large. This creates uncertainty in the application of statistical models to these data, both in terms of model parameterisation and in the choice of model itself. Consequently, there are challenges linking observations of large earthquake recurrence to theoretical models of the earthquake cycle.

In this study we use paleoearthquake records from more than 90 faults globally to investigate the earthquake cycle and how it varies across different tectonic regions, fully accounting for data uncertainties. We find that earthquake recurrence is weakly to moderately periodic for most faults, while low activity-rate faults exhibit more strongly aperiodic recurrence behaviour. Fitting four different renewal models (Weibull, gamma, lognormal and Brownian passage time distributions) to the data, we show that there is no single model that universally best describes earthquake recurrence. We find that diversity in recurrence characteristics exists both between different tectonic regions and for different fault segments within the same fault system. Finally, we investigate how observations of cumulative fault displacements due to multiple earthquakes can help constrain earthquake cycle models when paleoearthquake data is limited and uncertain.

How to cite: Griffin, J., Wang, T., and Stirling, M.: What can the limited and uncertain geological record tell us about the earthquake cycle?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7699,, 2025.

EGU25-9148 | Posters on site | TS3.4

Investigating the Tectonic Complexity of the Bulnay-Tsetserleg Fault Junction in Mongolia Using a Temporary Seismic Network 

Laurent Bollinger, Laure Manceau, Yann Klinger, Jean Letort, Ulziibat Munkhuu, Battulga Bakthuu, Tuguldur Ganbold, and Iag-dase Technical_team

Mongolian tectonics is shaped by the far-reaching effects of the Indo-Eurasian collision, which drives deformation and stress over 2000 km behind the Himalayan front. During the 20th century, Mongolia experienced four earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 8, making it an exceptional location for studying intraplate seismicity, predominantly with strike-slip components. Among these events, the Tsetserleg-Bulnay fault system recorded the largest intraplate earthquake doublet, with two magnitude 8 earthquakes occurring 14 days apart in 1905, rupturing more than 500 km of fault. The surface rupture, remarkably well-preserved due to the region's low erosion rate, has enabled extensive paleoseismic investigations. Despite this, the junction between the two faults remains unclear at the surface, and the fault structures at depth are still poorly constrained, leaving the interactions between fault segments not well understood.

In the present day, the significant microseismic activity affecting the Bulnay and Tsetserleg faults is anomalous given the low regional deformation rate and overall Mongolian seismicity. This persistent microseismicity could be interpreted as aftershocks that illuminate the faults’ structures more than a century after their mainshocks. By tracking this microseismicity with precision, we aim to map the faults’ 3D geometry at depth and address several questions including: how do these faults interact, why did the Bulnay earthquake occur only 14 days after the Tsetserleg earthquake, and why is its epicenter located 150km west of the junction zone?

In 2024, the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the Mongolian Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (IAG) collaborated to strategically deploy a temporary seismic network, TDBnet, at the Bulnay-Tsetserleg junction. This network, comprising 10 geophones in addition to 5 broadband stations, operated altogether for five months, complementing the national network, and recorded local seismicity with unprecedented resolution. The collected data are being processed to automatically detect seismic phases using state-of-the-art methods, including the EQTransformer artificial neural network implemented in Seisbench. The detected events are then precisely located using an absolute location method, followed by an absolute relocation corrected with a Source Specific Station Time approach as proposed in the NonLinLoc-SSST framework. We present the experiment along with preliminary results, including a precisely determined earthquake epicenter map.

Acknowledgement  : We sincerely acknowledge the IAG-DASE technical team for their collaboration in the deployment of the temporary seismic network (TDBnet): Narmandakh Adyasuren4, Dorjdavaa Myagmar4, Youndonjunai Sodvoobavuu4, Nyamdorj Badarch4, Munkhbat Dagva4, Enkhtuvshin Begzsuren4, Purevsuren Dosmaa4, Leo Chazellet1,4, Serge Olivier1,4, Vincent Lisette1,4, Denis Lubin1,4.

How to cite: Bollinger, L., Manceau, L., Klinger, Y., Letort, J., Munkhuu, U., Bakthuu, B., Ganbold, T., and Technical_team, I.: Investigating the Tectonic Complexity of the Bulnay-Tsetserleg Fault Junction in Mongolia Using a Temporary Seismic Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9148,, 2025.

EGU25-9782 | Posters on site | TS3.4

Complexity of scaled seismotectonic models 

Fabio Corbi, Adriano Gualandi, Giacomo Mastella, and Francesca Funiciello

We investigate the complexity of two types of scaled seismotectonic models mimicking subduction megathrust seismic cycles. Our research encompasses a variety of model sizes, materials, deformation rates, and frictional configurations. Using nonlinear time-series analysis tools and displacement as an input variable, we characterize the dynamics of laboratory earthquakes in different phases of the labquake cycle. The number of active degrees of freedom that we are able to retrieve is low (<5) during most of the cycle, akin to slow slip episodes observed in natural settings and friction experiments performed with quartz powder. Results seem insensitive to the along-strike frictional segmentation of the megathrust. Nonetheless, the instantaneous dimension d can reach large values (>10), revealing the complexity of the system. High values of d correlate with slip phases, while significant drops in the extremal index anticipate slip episodes. Our results suggest that prediction horizons are in the order of a fraction of slip duration similarly to prediction horizons inferred for slow slip events in nature. This research not only enhances our understanding of earthquake dynamics, but also validates scaled seismotectonic models as effective tools for studying frictional physics across diverse spatio-temporal scales.

How to cite: Corbi, F., Gualandi, A., Mastella, G., and Funiciello, F.: Complexity of scaled seismotectonic models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9782,, 2025.

EGU25-11133 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Megathrust Coupling in Southwest Japan Inferred from Viscoelastic Modeling 

Yiqing Liu, Yan Hu, and Xin Cui

In Southwest Japan, interseismic deformation exhibits distinct patterns, particularly across Kyushu Island, where its magnitude decreases significantly from north to south. Various mechanisms, including plate motions, fault slip on onshore fault systems, dilatational sources, and variable interplate coupling along the Nankai and Ryukyu subduction zones, have been proposed to explain these features. While previous studies have effectively modeled horizontal deformation and attributed the rotational pattern in southern Kyushu primarily to plate motion, they often neglect or inconsistently predict vertical deformation, underscoring the need for further investigation.

In this study, we employ a three-dimensional (3D) viscoelastic finite element model (FEM) to analyze interseismic deformation in Southwest Japan, spanning the transition from the Nankai to the Ryukyu subduction zone. To focus on megathrust coupling, we exclude block motion and consider other factors as secondary influences. Our goal is to reconcile horizontal and vertical geodetic observations and provide a first-order estimate of megathrust coupling in this margin through a viscoelastic model, offering a direct comparison with previously published elastic models.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Hu, Y., and Cui, X.: Megathrust Coupling in Southwest Japan Inferred from Viscoelastic Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11133,, 2025.

EGU25-11371 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Metamorphic dehydration reactions trigger slow slip events in subduction zones 

Jorge Jara, Mathieu Soret, Nadaya Cubas, Andrei Maksymowicz, Fabrice Cotton, and Romain Jolivet

Aseismic slip, particularly in the form of Slow Slip Events (SSEs), plays an undisputed role in the release of stress along faults, occurring slowly and without generating classical seismic waves. SSEs are recognized as critical phenomena influencing various stages of the seismic cycle, including postseismic phases, earthquake triggering or arresting, and interseismic transients. However, the mechanisms governing their underlying physics remain debated. Three primary hypotheses have been proposed: (1) heterogeneities in fault constitutive properties that may drive episodic SSEs; (2) stress interactions arising from geometric complexities (e.g., damage zones) that could explain the full observed slip spectrum; and (3) the influence of fluids circulating along fault zones, which increase pore pressure and reduce normal stress, thereby promoting slip. To investigate these mechanisms, we integrate SSE databases, slab thermal models, and thermodynamic metamorphic modeling.

Our study examines nine subduction zones around the Pacific region, using thermal slab models that account for uncertainties in temperature estimations. By using an extensive SSE database (1800 events, Slow Earthquake Database, from the Japanese project “Science of Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes), we compare modeled temperature and pressure conditions with observed SSE distributions. Statistical analysis reveals two distinct temperature ranges where SSEs cluster: approximately 100°C and 350–550°C. Thermodynamic modeling of mafic rocks under subduction conditions indicates that the 100°C cluster aligns with the smectite-to-illite transition, a reaction known to release significant amounts of water. The 350–550°C cluster corresponds to metamorphic transitions from greenschists to amphibolites, which also release considerable water. SSEs are notably absent at pressure-temperature conditions where mafic rocks are fully dehydrated.

The water released during such metamorphic reactions increases pore pressure, reduces normal stress, and facilitates slip. While the mechanisms sustaining slow slip—such as nucleation length or dilatant stress—remain debated, our results suggest that water release due to metamorphic reactions is a key trigger for SSEs along subduction interfaces. In addition to the release of fluids, we hypothesize that the change in resistance induced by the change in mineralogical configuration might also play a role in the nucleation of SSEs. These findings highlight the importance of integrating geophysical observations with petrological processes to better understand the dynamics of SSE in subduction zones

How to cite: Jara, J., Soret, M., Cubas, N., Maksymowicz, A., Cotton, F., and Jolivet, R.: Metamorphic dehydration reactions trigger slow slip events in subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11371,, 2025.

EGU25-11563 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Spatio-temporal evolution of earthquake potential constrained by a physical and statistical approach: Application to the Chilean subduction zone 

Sylvain Michel, Diego Molina-Ormazabal, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Andrés Tassara, and Romain Jolivet

To become very large earthquakes, seismic ruptures that saturate the seismogenic width (M>8.3 in subduction zones) need to propagate long distances along-strike. Multiple factors can hinder this propagation, among them the available energy on the fault. A recent extension of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics theory to elongated ruptures provides a framework to estimate when a portion of a fault has enough potential energy, and is hence sufficiently loaded, to generate a large earthquake. Based on this framework, we present a method that takes into account the along-strike distribution of available energy to evaluate, using a probabilistic approach, the timing and magnitude of potential future large earthquakes, and thus the seismogenic potential of the fault. This approach assumes that the ruptures have already saturated the seismogenic width of the fault. We apply and assess this method on the Chilean subduction zone. We first perform a sensitivity test and explore the impact of the uncertainties of model parameters on the timing Tc at which a section of a fault is ready to host large ruptures. This initial test shows that Tc is controlled by the uncertainty of the parameter B, a coefficient involved in the scaling between fracture energy and final slip, which controls the energy consumed by the rupture. We further constrain B by comparing the observed interevent time between ~M9.5 earthquakes on the Valdivia segment and the one predicted from our model, assuming that such earthquakes occur as soon as the fault is ready to host it. Fixing B to this constrained value, we then estimate the evolution of the probability of earthquakes exceeding M8.5 over the whole Chilean subduction. Along-strike heterogeneity of the available energy arises from the heterogeneity of the loading rate, based on an geodetically-inferred coupling map, and from the along-strike changes of the seismogenic width. Our results highlight that the earthquake potential on a specific segment can be significantly altered by the occurrence of earthquakes on neighboring segments. This is illustrated by the drops in the probability of >M8.5 events on the Copiapo segment after the 2010 Maule and 2015 Illapel earthquakes. By combining our estimates with the rate of events that saturate the seismogenic zone, we are able to estimate the probability of occurrence of >M8.5 events. Such physics-based modeling is a novel approach to time-dependent seismic hazard analysis.

How to cite: Michel, S., Molina-Ormazabal, D., Ampuero, J.-P., Tassara, A., and Jolivet, R.: Spatio-temporal evolution of earthquake potential constrained by a physical and statistical approach: Application to the Chilean subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11563,, 2025.

EGU25-11845 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

A 3-D numerical model to bridge long- and short-term approaches of deformation on a strike-slip fault 

Adélaïde Allemand, Yann Klinger, and Luc Scholtès

A strike-slip fault is subjected to earthquakes spanning seconds to minutes, separated by periods of hundreds to thousands of years. As the fault matures and undergoes multiple seismic events, its geometry and strength evolve, hence impacting in return the course of seismic cycles. Given the variability of timescales, two approaches are generally chosen in order to model the deformation of the lithosphere. On one hand, long-term modeling looks at the tectonic evolution of deformation, and is usually quasi-static and disregards the effects of dynamic events. On the other, short-term modeling respects well earthquake mechanics, but does not account for the impact of evolution of fault geometry on seismic cycles.

Here, we construct a numerical model of a continental strike-slip fault system, in a way that can effectively bridge together the different spatio-temporal scales of lithospheric deformation, and include the mutual influence of fault maturation and earthquakes upon one another. The developed approach uses the Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) method, which is based on the discretization of the medium in a finite number of rigid, spherical particles interacting via predefined contact laws. Using this method, we build a 3-D model of a portion of the crust. Initially, the material is homogeneous and intact. Then, shearing boundary conditions are applied, leading to the spontaneous emergence of a through-going, strike-slip fault showing complexities and evolving naturally as the shearing is maintained. On this evolving strike-slip fault, unstable sliding occurs, that we identify as earthquakes.

In order to validate our model, we first compare the long-term tectonic deformation with that of previous analog and numerical experiments described in the literature, and with natural observations. Second, we assess the physical validity of the recurrence behaviour of our created fault by comparing the frequence-magnitude distribution of our events with the Gutemberg-Richter law. Finally, we also provide tools able to characterize particular events by imaging the rupture geometry, the coseismic surface deformation as well as the coseismic displacement field on the fault.

How to cite: Allemand, A., Klinger, Y., and Scholtès, L.: A 3-D numerical model to bridge long- and short-term approaches of deformation on a strike-slip fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11845,, 2025.

EGU25-13444 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Towards systematic kinematic source models of historically large earthquakes 

Margarita Solares-Colon, Diego Melgar, and Mary Grace Bato

We are interested in systematically analyzing large ruptures to establish scaling laws of kinematic properties, such as rise times, slip rates, and rupture speeds. The challenge is that kinematic models for large (M6+) events are often produced with heterogenous methodologies and datasets. This makes synthesis of general behaviors challenging and results ambiguous. Additionally, as methods continue to develop, past events with good observations do not necessarily have slip models produced with modern methods. Thus, retrospective analysis of slip distributions is fundamental to allow us to further investigate general characteristics of source parameters during a rupture. 

Here we will discuss our plans to retrospectively process significant ruptures with new inversion techniques that are capable of jointly inverting teleseimsic body and surface waves, static and high-rate GNSS, InSAR, strong motion and tsunami data. We will highlight the approach by focusing on the M9.1 Tohoku-oki earthquake to showcase the advantages of the new approach. This earthquake in 2011 stands as one of the largest ruptures ever recorded and most closely observed earthquake in history due to the dense array of seismic and geodetic instrumentation in Japan. This provided an unprecedented opportunity to study this megathrust event and collect data near source. 

This analysis extends beyond the great M9.1 Tohoku-oki earthquake, actively contributing to the ongoing reevaluation of finite-fault models for large earthquakes dating back to the 1990s, while also incorporating regional data when available. Ultimately, we aim to refine source scaling properties of large earthquakes worldwide. Therefore, we will present our proposed workflow that involves not only systematizing the inversion process but also the creation of standardized and analysis-ready input source products. This is particularly important for InSAR and GNSS, which are quickly expanding their temporal and spatial sampling of crustal deformation worldwide. 

How to cite: Solares-Colon, M., Melgar, D., and Bato, M. G.: Towards systematic kinematic source models of historically large earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13444,, 2025.

In the central Tien Shan, the Karatau-Talas-Fergana Fault (TFF) is the largest intracontinental strike-slip fault, recognized as active during the late Holocene and accommodates a portion of the deformation resulting from the ongoing Indo-Asian collision. However, the kinematics and role of the TFF remain poorly understood, with no large earthquakes documented in instrumental or historical catalogs. Notably, in the region, the strongest shaking in the 20th century occurred during the November 2, 1946, Chatkal earthquake, but with a potential epicenter located approximately 20 km from the TFF trace. Despite this, there are no clear reports of surface faulting, and no fresh tectonic scarps associated with the 1946 earthquake have been identified along the TFF fault. As a result, the location, focal mechanism, and potential surface rupturing of the 1946 Chatkal earthquake remain debated.

In this study, in the Chatkal Range, we utilize high-resolution satellite imagery (Pleiades and Worldview) to conduct a comprehensive analysis of fault segmentation. Our detailed mapping reveals multiple offsets in streams, rivers, moraines, and abandoned alluvial surfaces along the TFF. Additionally, UAV-based digital elevation models (DEMs) and orthophotos provide unprecedented detail of the fault's morphology, allowing us to measure an offset of approximately 4.6 meters for the more recent surface rupture.

We also conducted new Quaternary dating of displaced geomorphic markers and excavated a paleoseismic trench, where we discovered a fresh surface rupture. In the trench, two separate surface ruptures were observed, offsetting sedimentary units from a sag pond. We propose that the most recent earthquake event correlates with the 1946 Chatkal earthquake. Based on the trench data, we estimate return times of approximately 3,000–4,500 years and calculate slip rates from the cumulative offsets. By integrating these data, we provide insights into the seismic cycle of the Chatkal segment and propose the 1946 earthquake for the most recent faulting event in the region.

How to cite: Rizza, M., Léa, P., and Jules, F.: Unveiling the Surface Rupture of the 1946 Chatkal Earthquake (Mw 7.5, Tien Shan): Insights from Pleiades, UAV Imagery, and Trenching, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13813,, 2025.

EGU25-14410 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Updating megathrust coupling models for the Mentawai Seismic Gap and surrounding regions, Sumatra 

Mason Perry, Lujia Feng, Emma Hill, and Gina Sarkawi

Following the 2004 Mw 9.2 Sumatra-Andaman event, a series of earthquakes occurred along the Sunda megathrust of the Sumatran subduction zone, extending from the southern terminus of the 2004 rupture to Bengkulu. A notable exception is the Mentawai seismic gap, spanning from just south of the Batu Islands to Sipora for ~200 km in length. Historical records of regional seismicity from paleogeodetic measurements (i.e. coral microatolls) indicate that the last major event that ruptured the current seismic gap occurred in 1797. An adjacent patch ruptured in 1833, broadly coincident with the 2007 Bengkulu rupture. More recent M≥7 events surrounding the Mentawai seismic gap have occurred in 2007, 2008, 2010, and 2023. However, slip distributions of these events show limited slip propagation into the gap and a significant slip deficit remains. Thus, a potential earthquake in the region poses a threat to local communities from both ground shaking, as well as a potential tsunami. Previous geodetic estimates of coupling in the region indicate low coupling at shallow depths on the megathrust. However, these estimates lack near-trench observations and ignore the influence of stress shadows originating from frictionally locked asperities downdip, and thus may underestimate the tsunami hazard, especially in light of the 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake that ruptured to the trench at depths of <6 km. Additionally, new estimates of long-term slip rates on the Sumatran Fault indicate the forearc sliver is deforming as rigid block and substantial oblique convergence is taken up within the oceanic plate. By correcting published geodetic velocities to remove the motion of the forearc sliver, we place updated constraints on subduction obliquity. Combining these observations with paleogeodetic uplift and subsidence rates, we invert for a coupling distribution on the Sunda megathrust, accounting for the effect of stress shadows, and constraining the coupling direction based on earthquake slip vectors. We find, in contrast to previous estimates, that the megathrust appears coupled to the trench. This coupled region extends from just north of Siberut south to the Pagai Islands and includes the region of the 2007 Bengkulu rupture. While the risk for large earthquakes in this region is relatively well known, our results indicate that the Mentawai seismic gap contains a strongly coupled patch that extends to the trench, suggesting that the tsunami hazard is significantly higher than inferred from previous coupling estimates. Additionally, this updated coupling model allows us to place new constraints on the influence of tectonics on regional sea level projections.

How to cite: Perry, M., Feng, L., Hill, E., and Sarkawi, G.: Updating megathrust coupling models for the Mentawai Seismic Gap and surrounding regions, Sumatra, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14410,, 2025.

EGU25-14536 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Determining the Western Extent of the 1505 Central Himalayan Earthquake through a Paleoseismic Investigation of Surface Ruptures 

Mitchel Soederberg, Shreya Arora, Drew Cochran, and Gurvinder Singh

Earthquakes represent a significant hazard to human life, having claimed nearly a quarter of a million lives worldwide and strongly affecting an additional 125 million people between 1998 and 2017 (WHO). The Himalayan Front is an especially active continental collision zone spanning over 2500 kilometers across five countries, with its Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) producing surface ruptures at the southern leading edge of the front (Kumar et al, 2001). Although recent earthquakes have produced surface ruptures along eastern and western sections of the HFT, paleoseismic and historical investigations have not revealed any surface rupture-forming earthquakes in the central Himalayas since at least the 17th century (Arora and Malik, 2017). This gap raises the potential for a mega-earthquake (> Mw 8) in coming years (Wesnousky, 2020). Here, we share preliminary results from a paleoseismic investigation of an exposed river section on the central HFT adjacent to Shahjahanpur village, 20 km southwest of Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India (30° 12 '04.6"N, 77° 49' 39.6"E). Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) bulk sediment dates in combination with river section interpretations will aid in evaluating the presence of surface ruptures related to a major 1505 earthquake event in this area, for which numerous historical accounts exist (Jackson, 2002). Implications of these results include an improved estimation of this event’s western lateral extent in conjunction with previous studies. This will allow for the calculation of a more accurate paleo magnitude for the 1505 earthquake, ultimately informing the region’s seismic hazard potential.

How to cite: Soederberg, M., Arora, S., Cochran, D., and Singh, G.: Determining the Western Extent of the 1505 Central Himalayan Earthquake through a Paleoseismic Investigation of Surface Ruptures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14536,, 2025.

EGU25-16028 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Measuring slip rate variability on the Eşen Fault, SW Türkiye, with cosmogenic chlorine-36 nuclide analysis 

Natalie Forrest, Laura Gregory, Tim Craig, Tim Wright, Richard Shanks, Bora Uzel, and Elif Çam

Seismic hazard models often assume near-constant earthquake recurrence intervals on faults since the Last Glacial Maximum, approximately 15,000 years ago. However, it is tricky to show that real fault systems exhibit this behaviour, particularly for distributed networks of normal faults in extensional regimes. Instead, data is limited to historical seismology records, which is likely over a much shorter time than earthquake recurrence intervals, or a single time-averaged Holocene slip rate from paleoseismology methods. Neither method measures slip rate variability over multiple earthquake cycles.

Cosmogenic nuclide analysis on limestone bedrock fault scarps, combined with Bayesian modelling, is an established method to interpret exhumation histories of normal faults since the Last Glacial Maximum. Production of chlorine-36 (36Cl) is primarily by interaction of calcium-40 in the limestone scarp with cosmic rays. Concentration profiles of 36Cl on a fault scarp therefore correlate with fault slip in earthquakes. Previous 36Cl studies demonstrate slip rate variability of normal faults in Italy and Türkiye.

We apply this technique to interpret the slip history of the Eşen Fault, a major normal fault in southwest Türkiye with no known historical seismicity. Bayesian models suggest the last major earthquake was 1000 years ago, but prior to that, there was a period of fast slip of 2-3 mm/yr, which exposed at least 5 m of scarp in 2-3 kyr. Before that, the slip rate was much lower, at about 1 mm/yr. These results demonstrate slip rate variability, which informs our understanding of fault dynamics over millennia, and may help to improve seismic hazard models.

How to cite: Forrest, N., Gregory, L., Craig, T., Wright, T., Shanks, R., Uzel, B., and Çam, E.: Measuring slip rate variability on the Eşen Fault, SW Türkiye, with cosmogenic chlorine-36 nuclide analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16028,, 2025.

EGU25-16771 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Revisiting Rapid Surface Deformation in Southwestern Taiwan Using GNSS and ALOS-2 InSAR Data: Case study in Chungliao Tunnel 

I-Ting Wang, Kuo-En Ching, and Erwan Pathier

Under the assumption that the plate convergence rate is distributed across faults along the plate boundary, in the Chungliao Tunnel area of southwest Taiwan, the total surface velocity change between the Chegualin fault (CGLF) to the west and the Chishan fault (CSNF) to the east exceeds 90 mm/yr, which is larger than the palte convergence rate of approximately 82 mm/yr in Taiwan. However, the physical processes driving these high-rate deformation is still debated. As the deformation is mainly aseismic, and to increase the spatial resolution of the large-scale surface deformation field, we used GNSS and ALOS-2 InSAR to understand tectonic processes. To examine the spatial continuity of the ultra-rapid deformation beyond the Chungliao Tunnel, InSAR processing was conducted using ALOS-2 ascending and descending datasets to improve the spatial extension and resolution of surface deformation. We introduced a priori phase discontinuity at mapped fault trace by setting the temporal coherence to correct the unwrapping errors. Then several Line-Of-Sight (LOS) velocity discontinuities are consistent with fault traces, indicating shallow creep along those faults. Furthermore, we demonstrated the continuity of few-hundred meters of high deformation between the CGLF and the CSNF with LOS velocity of 30-40 mm/yr, a LOS velocity gradient of 20-30 mm/yr across two faults. A 3D velocity reconstruction inverted by combining GNSS and ALOS-2 InSAR result reveals a local counter-clockwise rotation from NW to SW align north to south and the significant uplift (~80 mm/yr) in the narrow band between the Chishan fault and Chegualin fault near the Chungliao Tunnel. The local deformation implies the opposite lateral components of CSNF and CGLF in different segments of two faults as well, providing precise constraints to enhance the tectonic interpretation of this area. This rapid deformation identified in the narrow zone may be resulting from the interaction between the thrust faults and the surrounding mobile shale, in agreement with the hypothesis of a mud diapir of large mud diatreme that developed in the thick two thrusts.

How to cite: Wang, I.-T., Ching, K.-E., and Pathier, E.: Revisiting Rapid Surface Deformation in Southwestern Taiwan Using GNSS and ALOS-2 InSAR Data: Case study in Chungliao Tunnel, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16771,, 2025.

EGU25-17648 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Sedimentary records of past earthquakes in varved lake sediments 

Ayşegül Doğan and Ulaş Avşar

Lacustrine paleoseismology, which focuses on sedimentary traces of past earthquakes in lakes, has gained increasing attention over the past two decades, even though on-fault trenching remains the most common technique in paleoseismology. This field primarily investigates Mass Wasting Deposits (MWD) and Soft Sediment Deformation Structures (SSDS) in lake sediments. Additionally, catchment response (CR), characterized by a temporary increase in erosion rates within catchments due to strong ground motions, is another significant trace of past earthquakes in lake sediments. In this study, past earthquake traces were analyzed in 19 gravity cores (98.880-138.70 cm in length) retrieved from the varved sediments of Köyceğiz Lake. High-resolution elemental profiles and optical images were obtained using ITRAX micro-XRF core scanner. ITRAX optical and XRF data along one core was used to generate varve chronology, and Ca/Ti profiles of the other cores were used to chronostratigraphically correlate 19 cores. Although the region experienced several notable earthquakes over the past 600 years, no MWDs were identified in Köyceğiz sediments; instead, SSDS and CR were observed. Distinct anomalies in Cr/Ti profiles related to the 1959 earthquake were evident in all cores. Conversely, CR associated with a mid-19th-century earthquake was detected only in the northern basin, which has significantly larger catchment than the southern basin. SSDS, including faults, intraclast breccias and laminae disturbances were identified in Köyceğiz sediments. While some of these SSDS correlate temporally with historical earthquakes, most do not correlate either with seismic events or with each other. This implies that, contrary to what has been thought so far, SSDS formation may not be limited to the water-sediment interface but could also occur in deeper parts of the sequence. Moreover, the study indicates that the formation of SSDS may be controlled not only by peak ground acceleration (PGA) but also by peak ground displacement (PGD) due to earthquakes.

How to cite: Doğan, A. and Avşar, U.: Sedimentary records of past earthquakes in varved lake sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17648,, 2025.

EGU25-17661 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Measuring rapid aseismic ground deformation within the foothills of southwestern Taiwan using aerial image correlation and DSM time series 

Kai-Feng Chen, Maryline Le Béon, Arthur Delorme, Yann Klinger, Ewelina Rupnik, Lulin Zhang, Erwan Pathier, Kuo-En Ching, and Marc Pierrot-Deseilligny

In southwestern Taiwan, about 45-50 mm/yr of westward shortening occurs across the 40-45 km wide fold-and-thrust belt, accompanied with tectonic extrusion towards the southwest. Within this broad framework, measurements from a local ground-based geodetic network revealed rapid ground deformation surrounding two sub-parallel geological thrust faults, located only 500 m apart. 50 mm/yr of shortening occurs on the western fault and 32 mm/yr of extension across the eastern one. In-between the faults, uplift relative to the east block increases eastward from 20 to 80 mm/yr. Sharp deformation gradients indicate aseismic slip on both structures. This remarkable deformation raises the question of the deep structure and mechanism at play: Is it driven by tectonic forces, possibly released as transient slip events? Or does it involve shale tectonics related to fluid overpressure within the mudstone formation that dominates the geology?

To investigate this phenomenon, we monitored ground deformation using image correlation for horizontal displacements and DSM time series for vertical displacements, aiming at high-resolution observations covering a wider area than the ground-based network. Eight sets of aerial images acquired from 2008 to 2015 were processed using the MicMac photogrammetric software. The resulting horizontal velocities are in good agreement with ground-based observations. The compressional gradient across the western fault (the Chegualin Fault) vanishes northward, but remains clearly visible towards the south, with an increasing right-lateral component. While we detect extension across the eastern fault (the Chishan Fault), precise location and quantification of the deformation gradient remains challenging due to poor correlation caused by dense vegetation. Elevation differences based on the DSMs derived from aerial images have a similar spatial pattern as ground-based observations, but the amplitudes are overestimated. On-going refinement in the processing and time series based on LiDAR datasets are expected to improve the results.

This work was complemented by the field survey of the numerous bedrock shear zones in the area to build a structural map of active structures. We confirm the Chegualin Fault as an active thrust fault, with an oblique component along its southern part. Extension across the Chishan Thrust is accommodated by SE-dipping en-echelon normal faults, found up to 1.4 km north of the ground-based network. The change in rake of the slickenlines indicates an increasing right-lateral component northward. While the pattern of horizontal velocities may fit with the regional tectonics, the hypothesis of a shale piercement so far best explains the ratio between uplift and shortening. Achieving a better imaging of the vertical deformation would help further discussing this assumption and eventually propose a structural model consistent with local and regional observations, which will also allow further assessing the associated natural hazards.

How to cite: Chen, K.-F., Le Béon, M., Delorme, A., Klinger, Y., Rupnik, E., Zhang, L., Pathier, E., Ching, K.-E., and Pierrot-Deseilligny, M.: Measuring rapid aseismic ground deformation within the foothills of southwestern Taiwan using aerial image correlation and DSM time series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17661,, 2025.

EGU25-19066 | Posters on site | TS3.4

Potential record of large earthquakes from lacustrine sedimentary archives along the Bulnay fault system (Mongolia) 

Yann Klinger, Nicolas Pinzon Matapi, Pierre Sabatier, Edward Duarte, Jin-Hyuck Choi, Taehyung Kim, and Baatara Ga

On July 1905, two M~8 earthquakes occurred 14 days apart along the Bulnay Fault system, in northwestern Mongolia. These seismic events are among the largest recorded earthquakes in intracontinental regions. However, our current understanding of the earthquake behavior of the Bulnay Fault is quite limited due to the scarcity of paleoseismic data. Additionally, the geographic and climatic conditions of the region play a major key in permafrost development, posing challenges in the excavation of paleoseismological trenches and causing cryoturbation. Lacustrine environments, conversely, are isolated depositional systems that minimize the influence of external factors and provide high temporal resolution with continuous sedimentation. Here, we present our findings on earthquake-triggered turbidites of eight sedimentary cores collected from three lakes around the Bulnay Fault. These cores were analyzed using X-ray tomography, X-ray fluorescence, and hyperspectral imaging. We found that prior to the 1905 event, three large earthquakes ruptured the Bulnay Fault, with recurrence intervals of 1.5 to 3 kyr. By integrating our observations with previous paleoseismic trench investigations, we proposed that strain is primarily accommodated through large earthquakes along the Bulnay fault, and major events involving both the Bulnay and Tsetserleg faults, potentially analogous to the 1905 doublet.

How to cite: Klinger, Y., Pinzon Matapi, N., Sabatier, P., Duarte, E., Choi, J.-H., Kim, T., and Ga, B.: Potential record of large earthquakes from lacustrine sedimentary archives along the Bulnay fault system (Mongolia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19066,, 2025.

EGU25-19215 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Spatiotemporal Clustering of Large Earthquakes Along the Central‐Eastern Sections of the Altyn Tagh Fault, China 

Nicolas Pinzon Matapi, Yann Klinger, Xiwei Xu, Paul Tapponnier, Jing Liu‐Zeng, Jerome Van Der Woerd, Kang Li, and Mingxing Gao

The understanding of the spatial‐temporal distribution of past earthquakes is essential to assess the event recurrence behavior and to estimate the size of potential earthquakes along active strike‐slip fault systems. However, the scarcity of paleoseismic data remains a major hurdle in this endeavor. This is the case of the longest strike‐slip fault in Asia, the Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF). We documented six very likely large earthquakes that potentially ruptured the Aksay section of the ATF. Employing a Bayesian approach, we present modeled date ranges of 6339–5220 BC, 5296–4563 BC, 3026–2677 BC, 1324–808 BC, 314–632 AD, and 915– 1300 AD. The mean recurrence time is 1,329 ± 588 years with a coefficient of variation (COV) of ∼0.44. In the same fault section, 90 horizontal offsets record an average coseismic slip of 5.1 ± 1.4 m for the last event and suggest four older earthquakes plausibly with a similar slip distribution. Although at the local‐scale the COV indicates quasi‐periodic rupture behavior, the individual interevent times exhibit significant irregularity, a pattern also observed in adjacent fault sections (Xorxoli, Annanba and Tashi sections). We found that such irregularities are a natural consequence of long‐term fault interactions, which allow for synchronized ruptures along the northern and southern strands of the central‐eastern ATF. Our rupture model highlights bursty periods of seismic activity with mean interevent times of 475 ± 108 years separated by long‐lull periods of 1.1–1.6 kyr. Based on this temporal organization and considering the 401‐year elapsed time since the most recent event on the Xorxoli section, there exists a possibility of a forthcoming large earthquake occurring within the next century. 

How to cite: Pinzon Matapi, N., Klinger, Y., Xu, X., Tapponnier, P., Liu‐Zeng, J., Van Der Woerd, J., Li, K., and Gao, M.: Spatiotemporal Clustering of Large Earthquakes Along the Central‐Eastern Sections of the Altyn Tagh Fault, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19215,, 2025.

EGU25-19994 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Preliminary Results of the Paleoseismology of Aceh Fault in northern Sumatra, Indonesia 

Gayatri Indah Marliyani, Yann Klinger, Wenqian Yao, Agung Setianto, Hurien Helmi, Telly Kurniawan, Rahmat Triyono, Andi Azhar Rusdin, Supriyanto Rohadi, and Dwikorita Karnawati

The Aceh Fault, part of Indonesia's Great Sumatran Fault System, exhibits recent faulting through prominent scarps along its 250-kilometer length. Running northwest-southeast, it spans northwestern Sumatra from Tripa to Banda Aceh, a city of over 268,000 residents. Understanding the complete faulting history is essential for assessing seismic risk, as instrumental records are too recent to capture long-term patterns. We study the fault by combining remote sensing using 8-m resolution DEM (DEMNAS) for the entire area and 15-cm resolution (LiDAR drone survey) for selected areas, field methods, and paleoseismology. We excavated two paleoseismic trenches across the fault and documented evidence of at least three well-dated ground-rupturing earthquakes from the upper 2 meters of strata spanning the last ~1000 years. The event chronology is constrained by 15 radiocarbon dates on detrital charchoal. This new paleoseismic data confirms that the Aceh Fault is active. Our study delineates the active trace of the fault zone and provides the first detailed information about significant prehistoric earthquakes along this fault. These findings improve seismic hazard maps and enhance understanding of the region's seismic risks.

How to cite: Marliyani, G. I., Klinger, Y., Yao, W., Setianto, A., Helmi, H., Kurniawan, T., Triyono, R., Rusdin, A. A., Rohadi, S., and Karnawati, D.: Preliminary Results of the Paleoseismology of Aceh Fault in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19994,, 2025.

EGU25-1950 | Posters on site | TS3.5

Crustal deformation of the Azerbaijan territory: results from 25 years (1998 - 2022) of monitoring using GPS 

Rafig Safarov, Fakhraddin Gadirov (Kadirov), Gurban Yetirmishli, Samir Mammadov, Ilyas Kazimov, Michael Floyd, Robert Reilinger, and Robert King

We present GPS observations of crustal deformation monitoring in Azerbaijan and adjacent territory which carried out since 1998. Unlike our previous studies there are more permanent GPS station and survey mode data aggregated, which accordingly allowed us more accurately determine the dynamics of the main tectonic structures. Eight permanent stations were established by the Institute of Geology and Geophysics since 2006. In 2012, Republican Seismological Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences started to construct permanent GPS stations, where totally 24 stations were established. Over 35 survey mode sites were measured repeatedly starting from 1998 to 2022. On a broad scale, the GPS velocity field clearly illustrates the NNE motion of Caucasus and adjacent regions with respect to Eurasia south of the Main Caucasus Thrust Fault (MCT). An important note here is the sharp decrease in site velocities, and the clockwise rotation, between sites located to the west of West Caspian Fault (WCF) in Kura Depression and Talish region and sites to the east of WCF in Absheron Peninsula. This decrease and difference in GPS vector directions indicate high strain accumulation rates ~6 mm/yr south to Absheron Peninsula. We believe that the significant accumulation of elastic energy is responsible for the activation of seismic events and of mud volcanoes in this region. Thus, spatial densification of the GPS observations is needed to better resolve localized deformation, and consequently the seismic hazard in the eastern Caucasus, Kur Depression, and Absheron area.

How to cite: Safarov, R., Gadirov (Kadirov), F., Yetirmishli, G., Mammadov, S., Kazimov, I., Floyd, M., Reilinger, R., and King, R.: Crustal deformation of the Azerbaijan territory: results from 25 years (1998 - 2022) of monitoring using GPS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1950,, 2025.

EGU25-3357 | ECS | Orals | TS3.5

Seismicity and Seismic Hazards along the East African Rift System (EARS): A Review 

Mohammed Al-Ajamee and Ritesh Kumar

The East African Rift System (EARS) is a highly seismically active continental rift characterized by frequent faulting, volcanism, and significant earthquakes that pose substantial risks to infrastructure and populations in the region. Despite numerous seismic hazard assessments, challenges such as limited earthquake data and sparse monitoring networks compromise the reliability of existing studies. Additionally, the absence of seismic design codes in many EARS countries exacerbates the vulnerability of infrastructure to earthquake damage. This review synthesizes seismic hazard research conducted over the past 50 years, with a focus on advancements in probabilistic and deterministic ground motion predictions, as well as micro- and macrozonation techniques aimed at mitigating seismic risks. The findings highlight inconsistencies in hazard estimates, primarily stemming from parameter uncertainties, emphasizing the urgent need for region-specific ground motion models tailored to the unique geological conditions of EARS and the broader African continent. A gap identified is the lack of accurate and harmonized datasets required for effective earthquake modeling. This includes the need for a comprehensive regional earthquake catalog harmonized across borders and homogenized in terms of moment magnitude (Mw). Equally important is the development of a regional database of active faults with associated slip rate information, which is essential for constructing robust earthquake source models. The goal of this review is to enhance the understanding of seismic hazards in EARS and to provide policymakers with actionable insights to support risk mitigation strategies. This is particularly necessary given the rapid population growth and infrastructure development in this region.

How to cite: Al-Ajamee, M. and Kumar, R.: Seismicity and Seismic Hazards along the East African Rift System (EARS): A Review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3357,, 2025.

EGU25-5447 | Posters on site | TS3.5

Geodynamic and seismotectonic implications from recent strike-slip earthquake swarms and GPS-based geodetic analysis in Euboea, Phthiotis and Boeotia, central Greece 

Sotirios Sboras, Evangelos Mouzakiotis, Konstantinos Chousianitis, Vassilios Karastathis, Christos Evangelidis, Ilias Lazos, Antonia Papageorgiou, Spyros Liakopoulos, and Kyriaki Iordanidou

Eight strike-slip earthquake swarms since 2008 in the broader region of Euboea, Phthiotis and Boeotia (central Greece) strongly suggest that the North Aegean Sea shear continues further southwestwards in mainland central Greece. Although most of the swarms are produced by NE-SW-striking dextral faults, as expected, three swarms are produced by the conjugate NE-SW-striking sinistral faults. In fact, one of these occurred in the Greek mainland where extension was considered the dominant stress regime as suggested by previously studied large normal fault zones. GPS strain rates show that dilatation and shear variably coexist, suggesting a transtensional regime. We interpret this seismotectonic setting with the ‘wrench’ tectonic model and the intense accumulated simple-shear deformation deriving from the North Aegean Sea; thus, the dextral faults represent the Riedl shears (R) and the sinistral faults the conjugate Riedl shears (R’). Based on the same model, the co-existence of WNW-ESE-oriented normal faults in the same area can also be explained.

The GPS velocities in the study area revealed increasing values along a NW-SE trending profile, parallel to the Euboea Island axis, in two ways: i) from NW to SE, the profile-normal (NE-SW) component demonstrates stepwise increasing values in station groups on both Euboea and mainland Greece (Phthiotis-Boeotia-Attica, eastern Sterea Hellas), and ii) within these groups, the stations on mainland Greece move faster toward SW than the respective ones on Euboea. These two observations led us to the partitioning of the study area into five compartments, sliding to each other along ‘soft’, NE-SW-trending dextral shear boundaries with increasing rate towards the SE, and a further division of the three middle compartments by the two rifts, i.e. the North and South Euboean Gulfs. This interpretation also agrees with the aforementioned ‘wrench’ model and the NE-SW-oriented shear.

How to cite: Sboras, S., Mouzakiotis, E., Chousianitis, K., Karastathis, V., Evangelidis, C., Lazos, I., Papageorgiou, A., Liakopoulos, S., and Iordanidou, K.: Geodynamic and seismotectonic implications from recent strike-slip earthquake swarms and GPS-based geodetic analysis in Euboea, Phthiotis and Boeotia, central Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5447,, 2025.

EGU25-6153 | Orals | TS3.5 | Highlight

GNSS measurements reveal unexpected far-field deformation of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, Türkiye  

Philippe Vernant, Semih Ergintav, Onur Tan, Hayrullah Karabulut, Seda Özarpacı, Mike Floyd, A. Özgün Konca, Ziyadin Çakır, Digdem Acarel, Rashan Çakmak, Hannes Vasyura-Bathke, Ugur Dogan, Ali Ihsan Kurt, Alpay Özdemir, Efe Turan Ayruk, Muhammed Turgut, Özgür Özel, and Ilay Farımaz

Elastic dislocation models have been successfully used to model co-seismic displacements in numerous studies. Expected far-field displacements (>500 km) are low and most of the time beyond uncertainty level of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) measurements. In the case of the moment magnitude 7.8 and 7.6 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes on 6 February 2023, the Türkiye’s extensive and continuous GNSS network allowed us to show that large earthquakes can induce far-field crustal deformations (>700 kilometers), exceeding current predictions from elastic dislocation models. This and the asymmetry of the co-seismic displacements with respect to the East Anatolian fault provides crucial insights about the deformation of Earth’s crust at various scales and the interactions among tectonic plates. It also carries profound implications for seismic hazard assessments and necessitates a new perspective on crustal deformation and earthquake mechanics.

How to cite: Vernant, P., Ergintav, S., Tan, O., Karabulut, H., Özarpacı, S., Floyd, M., Konca, A. Ö., Çakır, Z., Acarel, D., Çakmak, R., Vasyura-Bathke, H., Dogan, U., Kurt, A. I., Özdemir, A., Ayruk, E. T., Turgut, M., Özel, Ö., and Farımaz, I.: GNSS measurements reveal unexpected far-field deformation of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, Türkiye , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6153,, 2025.

EGU25-6394 | ECS | Orals | TS3.5

High-Resolution Coseismic Surface Displacement Measurements Between Çiğli and Hassa along the surface rupture of 6 February 2023, Kahramanmaraş Earthquake (Mw 7.8),Türkiye 

Çağdaş Mert Baka, Cengiz Yıldırım, Orkan Özcan, Melike Karakaş Gedik, and Yusuf Gedik

This study examines the first event of the doublet earthquakes (Mw 7.7 and Mw 7.6) that
impacted Türkiye on February 6, 2023. Following the earthquake, data related to surface
rupture and slip distribution were obtained using satellite-based geodetic and remote
sensing methods. While these studies are important for understanding bulk deformation;
detailed field investigations that map and measure coseismic deformation, illustrate fault
geometry, sections and jog relationships and calculate displacements from deformed
objects remain insufficient. To fill this gap, high-resolution ( <10 cm) UAV imagery was
utilized by Istanbul Technical University Earth Bee Lab to produce a continuous 300-meters-
wide strip map along the full extent of the surface rupture.
Our fault map was created based on these imagery datasets and identified a rupture length
of approximately 80 km, extending between Çiğli and Hassa. The rupture is divided into five
primary sections: İslahiye, Beyoğlu, Türkoğlu, Küpelikız and Kapıçam. Deformation zone
widths vary significantly, ranging from a few meters to 700m, with narrow, concentrated
zones in Kapıçam, Türkoğlu and Beyoğlu Sections compared to İslahiye and Küpelikız
Sections. The widest deformation zones were observed at the jogs along section
Displacements were categorized as ‘’On Fault’’ for those occurring along the main fault line
and ‘’Off Fault’’ more than 10 meters away from the main rupture. The aim was to reveal the slip
partitioning along the fault. Analysis of 1419 coseismic displacement measurements ( 1233
On Fault and 186 Off Fault) reveals maximum slips of 8.56 ± 0.8 m in the Beyoğlu Section
and 7.9 ± 0.3 m in Kapıçam Section with an average slip of 2.19 m. These values are higher
than the previously provided maximum displacement value of 7.3±0.2 m measured in the
Büyüknacar Area.The highest concentration and magnitude of displacements were observed
in the Beyoğlu Section and at the Beyoğlu-Küpelikız transition along the surface rupture
between Çiğli and Hassa.

How to cite: Baka, Ç. M., Yıldırım, C., Özcan, O., Karakaş Gedik, M., and Gedik, Y.: High-Resolution Coseismic Surface Displacement Measurements Between Çiğli and Hassa along the surface rupture of 6 February 2023, Kahramanmaraş Earthquake (Mw 7.8),Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6394,, 2025.

EGU25-6861 | Posters on site | TS3.5

Late Quaternary displacement rate of Dead Sea western marginal fault 

Anton Vaks, Amir Sagy, and Tzahi Golan

We analyzed the structure of a fault zone and the age of deformed and displaced sedimentary units to identify recent faulting episodes and reconstruct the rate of young tectonic movements along the western margin fault of the Dead Sea Basin (DSB).

The DSB, one of the most tectonically active areas in the Levant, developed within a step-over zone between two strike-slip segments of the Dead Sea Transform fault. Its margins are bordered by normal and strike-slip faults, forming a pull-apart basin. During the Quaternary, several saline and hypersaline lakes formed within the basin, leading to the deposition of evaporites, including aragonite, gypsum, and halite. Normal fault scarps generate cliffs with elevations of 350–500 m, exposing striated surfaces and fault damage zones along in the western border of the basin. These faults cut through foothill conglomerates, which were cemented by aragonite deposits during periods of high lake levels. Newly formed fault scarps located below the lake level were quickly covered by aragonite cement. Some of these cements, along with stromatolites, were subsequently displaced and striated during newer faulting episodes.

We conducted 15 U-series age determinations on conglomerate cements and aragonite mineralization covering at least five individual fault scarps that displaced upper Pleistocene sediments. The fault scarps exposed in an outcrop of fault zone approximately 30 m wide. The ages of deformed deposits on these fault segment vary between 120 to 263 kyr for the oldest sample, to 18–21 kyr for the youngest one, with several adjacent fault segments being 83 to 51 kyr old. Additionally, conglomerates on a slope yields ages of 141–144 kyr.

Variations in cement ages along different fault surfaces indicate that each fault surface represents a discrete earthquake. By correlating the sedimentary sequence, we determined that the vertical displacement component of 14.5 m between these faults occurred between 83 kyr and 18 kyr before present. This corresponds to surface ruptures of ~1 m per individual earthquake, with an integrated vertical displacement rate of ~0.22 mm/yr.

Previous works in this fault zone suggested that activity since ~6.5 Myr while the entire stratigraphic separation in this area is 0.5-1 km. We therefore conclude that the fault is probably active without changing its location in the last millions of years while the recent subsidence rate is similar, or slightly higher than the integrated rates of 0.07-0.18 mm/yr.

How to cite: Vaks, A., Sagy, A., and Golan, T.: Late Quaternary displacement rate of Dead Sea western marginal fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6861,, 2025.

EGU25-7419 | Posters on site | TS3.5

 Seismicity in the Sea of Marmara Obtained Using Machine Learning Algorithms 

A. Ozgun Konca, Birsen Can, Mustafa Aktar, and Arkadas Ozakin

The Sea of Marmara represents one of the most critical seismic gaps due to its high fault slip rate (~20 mm/yr), the long interval since the last major earthquake (~250 years), and its proximity to densely populated metropolitan areas. Understanding the complexity of faulting and seismicity in this region is therefore essential. In this study, we utilize a convolutional neural network-based detection and phase picking algorithm (Mousavi et al., 2020) combined with a phase associator employing a grid-search location method (Zhang et al., 2019), significantly increasing the number of detected events using the same dataset as the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI) data center (BDTIM) stations. Each waveform is manually reviewed to accurately distinguish real earthquakes from false positives. Furthermore, by incorporating data from AFAD and the local Prince Islands Real-Time Earthquake Monitoring System (PIRES), we construct an accurate and detailed seismicity map of the Sea of Marmara. Our results demonstrate that seismicity patterns can be greatly refined by integrating data from multiple networks and applying state-of-the-art methods for earthquake detection, location, and association. (This study is funded by TÜBİTAK Project No. 121Y407.)

How to cite: Konca, A. O., Can, B., Aktar, M., and Ozakin, A.:  Seismicity in the Sea of Marmara Obtained Using Machine Learning Algorithms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7419,, 2025.

EGU25-9330 | Orals | TS3.5

Complex active deformation along southwestern part of the East Anatolian Fault Zone: Insights from 2023 Türkiye earthquake doublet  

Arda A. Özacar, M. Emin Ayhan, Bora Uzel, Eyup Sopacı, Syed Tanvir Shah, Zeynep Gülerce, Nuretdin Kaymakcı, Hakan Bora Okay, and F. Bora Rojay

The southwestern continuation of the East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ), specifically its relationship with Iskenderun Basin, the Dead Sea Fault Zone (DSFZ) and Cyprus Slap is still enigmatic. In 2023, nearby splays of EAFZ in the southwest are ruptured by two large earthquakes that are nine hours apart. At first, Pazarcık earthquake (M7.8) initiated at a secondary fault, later jump to the main strand of EAFZ and propagated bilaterally producing a surface rupture exceeding 315 km in length. The Ekinözü earthquake (M7.7) triggered nine hours later also displayed bilateral rupture propagation and produced a 140 km long surface rupture. Surface deformations associated to both events that ruptured multiple fault segments with left-lateral strike-slip mechanism, are mapped in detail using satellite images and field observations. Surface offsets of both events are highly variable, reaches up to 8 m, and controlled mainly by subsurface slip. The accuracy of mapped active faults prior to the doublet, reduce significantly along plains where distributed deformations are common and occasionally surface rupture follows mapped inactive faults suggesting reactivation of old faults or unrecognized active faulting in the area.

Large 19th century earthquakes previously associated to the faults ruptured during this doublet, are likely mislocated and these segments were accumulating stress at least for 500 years. Earthquake mechanisms recorded before and after the doublet revealed strike-slip regime corresponding well with EAFZ but towards south, extensional events become abundant. Based on the computed stress field, east-west striking Çardak fault ruptured during the second event, is not optimally oriented for left-lateral failure but suffered from noticeable static stress increase and rate-and-state friction based simulations including both static and dynamic effects suggested that it was at the end of its seismic cycle. Static stress changes resulted from the doublet also indicate pronounced increases, especially along Malatya, Savrun, Türkoğlu and Antakya fault segments which are remained as seismic gaps.

GPS based slip models along multiple profiles constrained left-lateral slip rates of ruptured faults and suggested an increase in slip rate from south to north across EAFZ. During Pazarcık earthquake, rupture made a sharp bend towards south rather than following parallel fault segments towards Adana which are previously proposed as the western continuation of EAFZ. Our field observations indicated a fault traversing the Amanos mountains parallel to EAFZ along which fault kinematics and compiled GPS data together suggest left-lateral motions. Based on these findings, alternative regional kinematic models assuming Iskenderun and Maras blocks as independent or intact are established and later utilized for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis throughout the Adana basin by considering variable site conditions and basin effect in long spectral periods.

How to cite: Özacar, A. A., Ayhan, M. E., Uzel, B., Sopacı, E., Shah, S. T., Gülerce, Z., Kaymakcı, N., Okay, H. B., and Rojay, F. B.: Complex active deformation along southwestern part of the East Anatolian Fault Zone: Insights from 2023 Türkiye earthquake doublet , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9330,, 2025.

EGU25-9653 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5

Interseismic Slip Rate Estimations Along the North Anatolian Fault: Insights from GPS and InSAR Data 

Rabia Oğuz, Demirkan Orhun Oral, Mehmet Emin Ayhan, and Atilla Arda Özacar

Apart from conventional geologic methods used to estimate slip rates along active faults, GPS and InSAR have become widely used geodetic techniques for constraining interseismic slip rates in active tectonic studies due to their ability to provide wider spatial coverage. The North Anatolian Fault (NAF), one of the most active transform faults in the world, continues to be a key subject of active tectonic research in Türkiye due to its major seismic activity, which has affected millions of lives. Thus, reliable slip rate estimation is critical for understanding the geodynamics and seismic hazards of the NAF. However, geologic and geodetic slip rates available in the literature show significant differences along the NAF, highlighting the need for further investigations. In this study, the newly published GPS and InSAR velocity fields are modeled within elastic half-space to constrain slip rates along profiles cutting across NAF from Saros Bay to Varto (longitudes between 26° and 42°).

Overall, the results of this study suggest that the deviations between geologic and geodetic slip rates arise mainly from slip partitioning along the secondary segments, particularly in the multi-segmented portion of the NAF in the Marmara Region. Both GPS- and InSAR-derived slip rates show similar trends and are compatible with a locking depth of 10 kilometers, although GPS-derived slip rates tend to be slightly lower than those estimated from InSAR data. From Bolu to Erzincan, slip rates remain relatively stable, ranging from 20–24 mm/year. Along the central segments of NAF, profiles between Gerede and Kargı indicate a transpressional regime transitioning into a transtension west of Niksar, where NAF bends southeastward forming multiple splays. Further east, extension again starts to accompany the strike-slip motion near Erzincan Basin. According to our findings, right-lateral motion along the main strand of NAF drops sharply towards the east just after Erzincan Basin to 16–18 mm/yr and after Karlıova Junction to 10-11 mm/yr around the Varto Fault Zone where the regime becomes transpressional.


Keywords: North Anatolian Fault, GPS, InSAR, geodetic slip rate analysis.

How to cite: Oğuz, R., Oral, D. O., Ayhan, M. E., and Özacar, A. A.: Interseismic Slip Rate Estimations Along the North Anatolian Fault: Insights from GPS and InSAR Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9653,, 2025.

EGU25-11508 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5

Comparative Analysis of Geodetic Strain Rate Field Around Anatolia: GPS vs InSAR Models 

Demirkan Orhun Oral, Atilla Arda Özacar, and Mehmet Emin Ayhan

The evergrowing geodetic studies in the applications of GPS and InSAR are presenting a great potential to better map out interseismic velocity and strain rate fields in a given region. These methods allow scientists to find ongoing deformation type and rate on active faults with great precision, which is in fact quite important in seismic hazard analyses in the sense of earthquake source characterization. With this purpose, we made a GPS velocity compilation of Türkiye, Greece and other neighboring countries first, then the InSAR derived velocity field was merged to create one combined velocity field of the area, using a least-squares approach. Afterwards, the active strain rate field of Türkiye and its vicinity is calculated using GPS, InSAR and the merged data.

Resultant maximum shear strains derived from GPS data varies between 80 and 180 nstrain/yr along North Anatolian Fault (NAF), which is slightly higher than InSAR based findings ranging between 60 and 140 nstrain/yr. Both results display relatively low shear strains on the locked Marmara segment of NAF and highest values on Ganos, İzmit, Düzce, Bolu and Gerede segments possibly due to the presence of postseismic signals. Towards east, shear strains are lower but InSAR derived ones increase noticeably where NAF curves and branches into multiple fault splays near Niksar.

Resultant anomalies of InSAR based dilational strains suffer from higher degrees of smearing in north-south direction and differ more noticeably. Especially, InSAR indicates elevated and widespread dilations throughout Thrace Basin and Karlıova Junction that contradicts the GPS derived strains, possibly due to temporal variations. Western Anatolia and İskenderun Gulf are represented by large positive dilational strains in both datasets which suggest relatively fast active extension. In Western Anatolia, Menderes and Gediz grabens are both characterized by high amounts of dilation that reaches up to a  maximum of 80 nstrain/yr at the western section of Menderes Graben.

Principal strain directions computed from GPS and InSAR are similar within fast deforming areas but differ largely at areas where strains are minimal such as Central Anatolia which implies reduced precision in slowly deforming zones. All in all, strain rate field obtained from GPS compilation shows better fit with mapped active faults and earthquake mechanisms. Thus, resultant strain rate field estimations using only InSAR data shall be used with caution and rather be combined with sufficient number of GPS recordings if applicable.

Keywords: GPS, InSAR, Interseismic Strain Field, Shear Strain, Dilation, Eastern Mediterranean

How to cite: Oral, D. O., Özacar, A. A., and Ayhan, M. E.: Comparative Analysis of Geodetic Strain Rate Field Around Anatolia: GPS vs InSAR Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11508,, 2025.

EGU25-11616 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5

InSAR Postseismic Displacements of the 2023 Turkey Earthquakes 

Jihong Liu and Sigurjón Jónsson

The two major earthquakes (magnitude 7.8 and 7.6) in southeastern Turkey in 2023 resulted in a combined fault rupture length of 500 km. The events were driven by the northward motion of the Arabian Plate colliding with the Eurasian Plate and the westward escape of the Anatolian Plate. The coseismic deformation field revealed a predominantly left-lateral strike-slip motion in both earthquakes. In addition to coseismic studies, research into postseismic relaxation processes provides critical insights into fault properties, as well as the deep structure of the lower crust and upper mantle, offering valuable support for understanding the regional tectonics and fault dynamics.

We use Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Sentinel-1 data to analyze the surface deformation over a 20-month postseismic period following the earthquakes. To comprehensively cover the affected area, we collected data from three ascending and three descending Sentinel-1 tracks, each comprising 4-5 consecutive frames. In total, we processed SAR data from 28 frames with approximately 50 temporal samples. Using the SIGMA approach developed by our team, we derived time-series displacement results. We further integrated GNSS data with the DetrendInSAR method, enabling the correction of atmospheric delays and the unification of displacement reference across multiple tracks. Neglecting the north-south component in the InSAR line-of-sight observations, we decomposed the ascending and descending data to derive the east-west and quasi-vertical displacement time series. The results reveal that the east-west displacement field displays both shallow near-fault afterslip signals and large-scale deformation signals far from the fault, indicating that the postseismic process involves not only shallow afterslip but also deep viscoelastic relaxation. The vertical displacement results show significant subsidence and uplift, consistent with surface deformation characteristics caused by deep viscoelastic relaxation. 

By processing postseismic SAR data from the 2023 Turkey earthquakes, this study elucidates the characteristics of surface deformation in the aftermath of the events. Through postseismic modeling, it further uncovers key parameters of the subsurface structure and fault slip behavior in the study area, contributing significantly to our understanding of the dynamics of the Anatolian Plate.

How to cite: Liu, J. and Jónsson, S.: InSAR Postseismic Displacements of the 2023 Turkey Earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11616,, 2025.

EGU25-11625 | Posters on site | TS3.5

New constraints on the activity and evolution of the young Aigion-Erineos Fault System, Gulf of Corinth, Greece 

Alex Whittaker, Joel Hook, and Rebecca Bell

The study of young active faults provides an important opportunity to constrain the early phases of fault growth and linkage. In addition, such structures often pose an underestimated seismic hazard as they can have limited geomorphic and structural expression. The Aigion - Erineos fault system (AEFS) is a young active normal fault on the south coast of the Gulf of Corinth rift zone in Central Greece that provides a key link between the Gulfs of Corinth and Patras. However, significant uncertainties remain regarding the key characteristics of this fault system, including its geomorphic expression, throw, slip rate, age and the degree to which its constituent fault segments are linked. Here we combine geomorphic field observations and structural measurements, DEM and topographic analyses, short-interval ground motion data, and offshore seismic data to produce the most complete characterisation of the AEFS to-date. Our findings show a complex geomorphic expression of the AEFS with 5 active fault segments, arranged in an en-echelon structure and partially to fully linked together. We show the Aigion Fault segment (AF) has an initiation age of 200-240 ka, but there has been a significant increase in slip rate since 80 ka.  Consequently, we suggest the AF has a slip rate of ca. 5-6 mm/yr, greater than the time-averaged rate estimated by McNeill et al., 2007 of 3.5 ± 1 mm/yr. Data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) illustrate that the field derived fault traces of the AEFS correspond closely with an abrupt, linear transition from uplift to subsidence seen from satellite measurements, suggesting the possible presence of ongoing aseismic deformation. The three fault segments to the west of the AF (the Fassouleika, Selianitika, Erineos segments) are suggested to have initiated after 80 ka and may be as young as 25 ka and are now partially to fully linked with the AF. We obtain maximum slip rates for these segments of between 5 and 9 mm/yr. To the east an offshore fault segment is likely to be soft-linked with the AEFS and has a well constrained slip rate of 2.7 mm/yr through the Holocene. Our results suggest the linked fault system has a total length of ca. 20 km, with a potential maximum credible earthquake size of Mw = 6.6.

How to cite: Whittaker, A., Hook, J., and Bell, R.: New constraints on the activity and evolution of the young Aigion-Erineos Fault System, Gulf of Corinth, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11625,, 2025.

EGU25-11894 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5

High-Resolution Thermal Imaging of the Surface Rupture of the February 6 2023, Kahramanmaraş Earthquake (Mw 7.8), Türkiye 

Melike Karakaş, Orkan Özcan, Cengiz Yıldırım, Semih Sami Akay, Yusuf Gedik, and Çağdaş Mert Baka

Large-magnitude strike-slip earthquakes can cause extensive surface ruptures that stretch hundreds of kilometres. High-resolution mapping of these ruptures provides insights into the location of the rupture strands, coseismic displacements and geometrical complexities that are vital to understanding earthquake rupture processes and fault zone hazards. The February 6, 2023, Kahramanmaraş Earthquake, the most destructive earthquake in Türkiye, reactivated the East Anatolian and Dead Sea Fault zones and created a 350 km long surface rupture with a maximum displacement of ~8 m.

In this study, we acquired optical and thermal imagery strips using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system along 320 km of the surface rupture. The width of the strip is 300 m. The data were preprocessed (RJPG to TIFF conversion), the temperature anomalies in the thermal images obtained compared to the surroundings of the surface rupture were mapped, and the thermal-based surface rupture map was confirmed with high-resolution (10 cm) optical images.

Generally, optical or radar satellite imagery is widely used to map earthquake surface ruptures, but their resolutions are limited to a maximum of 0.5 m and 12 m, respectively. These resolutions can be increased ten times by the pixel offset tracking. However, there are still issues with locating rupture strands precisely and quantifying coseismic displacement accurately, especially on-fault displacements. The recent developments in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technologies allow for the mapping of earthquake surface ruptures with a very high resolution (e.g., <10 cm) along very long distances (e.g. 30 km per day). One of the issues with most UAV systems with only an optical camera is tracing surface rupture correctly under vegetation cover (e.g. forest, grassland) and rugged surfaces with different slope aspects.

A UAV equipped with a thermal and optical camera was deployed to address this issue, enabling comprehensive data collection and analysis. While surveying, we used real-time optical and thermal imaging to trace surface rupture and test the effectiveness of thermal imaging. This approach enabled the identification of surface fractures that are not visible in optical images because the thermal signature of the rupture is more vivid than in optical images. This signature is relative temperature differences compared to the surrounding area due to the changing humidity and micro-topography of the surface because of shearing. Using thermal imagery provides two advantages: incrementally improves the tracing of surface rupture while the UAV acquires the data in the field, especially under different vegetation covers. So, it provides extra guidance to UAV pilots to trace strands of the earthquake surface rupture. The second advantage is that it facilitates the mapping of surface rupture in the lab when optical imagery cannot be used to trace surface rupture for several reasons (e.g., vegetation, sunlight, ploughing, and topographic shadow). As the first application of thermal imaging on earthquake surface rupture mapping, our findings demonstrate the advantages of thermal imaging, especially in forested and agricultural areas where conventional optical methods fall short. Integrating thermal data with optical provides key insights for improving mapping accuracy in surface rupture areas, significantly advancing earthquake research.

How to cite: Karakaş, M., Özcan, O., Yıldırım, C., Akay, S. S., Gedik, Y., and Baka, Ç. M.: High-Resolution Thermal Imaging of the Surface Rupture of the February 6 2023, Kahramanmaraş Earthquake (Mw 7.8), Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11894,, 2025.

EGU25-12357 | Posters on site | TS3.5

Morphotectonic investigation of the active faults in Boeotia, central Greece, before the 2020-2023 seismic crisis 

Charalampos Georgiou, Sotiris Sboras, and Theodora Rondoyanni

In November 2020, an earthquake sequence started to evolve ca. 10 km east of Thebes (Boeotia, central Greece) with a maximum magnitude of ML4.4 (02/12/2020). In July 2021, the seismic activity migrated westwards, under the town of Thebes. Before the activity faded away completely, a new outburst started in March 2022. The whole activity sparsely continued until the first quarter of 2023. In total, 5 earthquakes of 4.0≤ML≤4.4 occurred during the seismic crisis. Published focal mechanisms of the strongest events revealed normal faulting on E-W- to WNW-ESE-striking nodal planes.

A few years before this episodic seismic activity near Thebes, a morphotectonic field mapping and analysis were carried out in the broader area. In more particular, within the epicentral area, two fault groups were detected: i) the ‘Kallithea’ fault zone, i.e. a series of two aligned SSW-dipping normal fault segments, and ii) the ‘Thebes’ fault system of parallel to subparallel, occasionally imbricated, roughly E-W-striking oblique-normal faults dipping to the South.

The Kallithea fault segments separate the two rather elongated hills of alpine carbonates from the Neogene basinal deposits (including Holocene slope debris). Slickenlines preserved on mildly eroded limestone free-faces show quasi-pure normal faulting in a NNE-SSW trending extensional stress field. Morphometric analysis along the fault zone suggests that the two segments are not yet linked to each other, reducing significantly the earthquake potential of the fault zone.

The Thebes fault system has formed a subdued topographic relief on Plio-Pleistocene and Pliocene deposits demonstrating variable throws on the overstepping faults array at the order of 1-2 m, producing a total stepwise downthrow of the hanging-wall of about 15-20 m. Although the lithology does not allow a good preservation of free-faces, few exposures bear oblique slickenlines revealing a ca. N-S direction of extension. This fault system is probably the surficial manifestation of a single deeper structure.

Both fault groups are considered responsible for the 2020-2023 seismic crisis, transferring stresses from one to the other as also suggested by the episodic activity and the horizontal migration of the epicentres. In fact, the northwestern segment of the Kallithea fault zone is probably associated to the eastern cluster of the seismic activity, also suggesting a further northwestward continuation of the fault segment. The surficial length of the specific faults suggests moderate expected magnitudes, although strong historic and early instrumental earthquakes have been recorded in the surrounding area.

How to cite: Georgiou, C., Sboras, S., and Rondoyanni, T.: Morphotectonic investigation of the active faults in Boeotia, central Greece, before the 2020-2023 seismic crisis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12357,, 2025.

EGU25-13197 | ECS | Orals | TS3.5

Multistage lithospheric drips control active basin formation in the Central Anatolian Plateau: insights from analogue and numerical modelling 

Julia Andersen, Russell Pysklywec, Oğuz Göğüş, Ebru Şengül Uluocak, and Tasca Santimano

Geological and geophysical studies suggest that plateau uplift in regions such as Tibet, Colorado, the Andes, and Anatolia may be in part related to ‘lithospheric dripping’; a process whereby dense lithosphere is removed as a viscous instability. Recent satellite-based measurements and crustal isostasy studies, reveal an interesting tectonic puzzle at the Central Anatolian Plateau in Turkiye since the data indicate rapid subsidence of the Konya Basin within the overall uplifted plateau. Here, we combine results from 3D analogue/laboratory experiments and 2D numerical models with quantitative analyses to study lithospheric drip processes which may be responsible for this local basin subsidence within the plateau. 3D analogue models were built in the laboratory using materials such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), clay, and sand to model lithospheric drip instabilities. Image correlation techniques such as Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and digital photogrammetry were used to monitor material flow and changes in topography of the analogue model. In conjunction, similar 2D numerical models were developed using viscoplastic rheologies with the ASPECT geodynamics code. In reconciling the models with the observations, we interpret that the Konya Basin is subsiding due to a secondary localized lithospheric dripping event following a larger scale primary dripping event that was responsible for the broad uplift of the Central Anatolian Plateau. Furthermore, the numerical and analogue experiments suggest that the local secondary drip is `asymptomatic’, in that it drives subsidence but no appreciable tectonic deformation (shortening or extension) of the crust. The findings indicate that multistage lithospheric foundering may be characteristic of the episodic development of orogenic systems.

How to cite: Andersen, J., Pysklywec, R., Göğüş, O., Uluocak, E. Ş., and Santimano, T.: Multistage lithospheric drips control active basin formation in the Central Anatolian Plateau: insights from analogue and numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13197,, 2025.

Understanding and deciphering wiggles from seismograms has been a long endeavor to understand the internal structure of the Earth and to explore earthquake source properties. Here we make the first attempt to decipher the continuous rupture phases as large near-fault velocity pulses along the East Anatolian Fault in the 2023 Mw 7.8 Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye earthquake. With constraint from the near-fault data, we can resolve earthquake rupture details with unprecendented resolution. Through data analysis and dynamic rupture simulations, we robustly identify the transient supershear rupture on a segment with flat fault trace and rupture deceleration at fault bends. Our study highlights the complexity and superior application of near-fault data for understanding earthquake dynamics.

How to cite: Yang, H. and Yao, S.:  Rupture phases reveal geometry-related rupture propagation in a natural earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13939,, 2025.

EGU25-15202 | ECS | Orals | TS3.5

High-Resolution (Centimeter-Scale) Drone Mapping of Surface Ruptures from the February 6, 2023 Earthquake Sequence in Eastern Türkiye 

Jiannan Meng, Timothy Kusky, Erdin Bozkurt, Mehmet Bodur, and Lu Wang

The February 6, 2023 earthquake sequence in eastern Türkiye stands as one of the most catastrophic seismic events of the past century. This study presents high-resolution (centimeter-scale) drone maps of surface ruptures recorded 10 days after the event. Our dataset includes the complete rupture of the Narli segment along the Dead Sea Transform Fault, responsible for the initial Mw 7.8 earthquake, and detailed mapping of three additional rupture sites along the East Anatolia Fault Zone.

These geo-referenced maps and ground offset data reveal that the earthquake sequence commenced along the Dead Sea Transform Fault, induced by the northward displacement of the Arabian Plate. This movement subsequently triggered the slip along the East Anatolia Fault, which had accumulated significant tectonic stress. The rupture transferred both sides of the fault, resulting in extensive structural damage. The subsequent Mw 7.5 earthquake along the Çardak-Sürgü Fault, occurring nine hours later, was triggered in the same way, after a Mw 4.5 event at the intersection of the East Anatolian and Çardak-Sürgü Faults.

En echelon fracture patterns are the most common surface deformation style along all the fault zones regardless of the base rock and topography, cut basins and ridges directly instead of always following the pre-existing weak surfaces. The biggest surface offset is at the intersection of the Dead Sea Transform Fault and the East Anatolia Fault, 47.5 kilometers from the epicenter, suggesting that the surface rupture is the result of long-term accumulated stress release along the fault system, triggered by one earthquake event caused by plate motion.

Our findings offer vital insights into surface deformation features of continental strike-slip earthquakes, elucidate rupture propagation mechanisms, and shed light on the interaction and slip transfer between complex fault systems within a contemporary continental collision zone. These observations contribute to a deeper understanding of how those displacements accommodate plate motions and ”displace“ human beings at the same time.

How to cite: Meng, J., Kusky, T., Bozkurt, E., Bodur, M., and Wang, L.: High-Resolution (Centimeter-Scale) Drone Mapping of Surface Ruptures from the February 6, 2023 Earthquake Sequence in Eastern Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15202,, 2025.

EGU25-15645 | Posters on site | TS3.5

High-Resolution Co-seismic Surface Displacement Distribution for February 6, 2023, Elbistan (Kahramanmaras) Earthquake, Turkiye  

Cengiz Yildirim, Orkan Ozcan, Semih Sami Akah, Mehmet Akif Sarıkaya, Melike Karakaş, Yusuf Gedik, Özgür Kozacı, Erhan Altunel, Kevin Clahan, and Rich Koehler

This study investigates the second event of an earthquake doublet that struck Türkiye with magnitudes Mw 7.7 and Mw 7.6, on February 6, 2023. While space-based geodetic and remote sensing studies have provided information on surface rupture and slip distribution, field-based data on coseismic deformation, slip distribution, and fault sections are lacking. We generated high-resolution (10 cm) low-altitude UAV imagery to address this gap and created a continuous 300-m-wide strip map along the entire surface rupture length. Our mapping reveals a primarily sinistral rupture length of approximately 143 km between Göksun and Gözene, with previously unrecognized faults at the westernmost 4.5 km and easternmost 20 km. The rupture is divided into six major sections: Göksun, Ericek, Ekinözü, Barış, Nurhak Fault Complexity, Kullar, and Gözene. The width of the deformation zone varies from a few meters to 1.5 km along these sections, with narrower and more localized zones in the Göksun, Ekinözü, and Barış sections, and wider zones in the Ericek Section and the Nurhak Fault Complexity Section. Our analysis of 553 coseismic displacements (including 55 off-fault and 4 right-lateral) reveals maximum slips of 10.58 ± 0.3 m in the Ekinözü section. The average moving means coseismic displacement is 4.08±0.73 m, with a spatial distribution showing long-wave variability separated by a large restraining stepover at the Nurhak Fault Complexity. These findings provide crucial insights into the coseismic deformation and slip distribution of the second earthquake, enhancing our understanding of the rupture mechanics and contributing valuable field-based data for seismic hazard assessment in the region

How to cite: Yildirim, C., Ozcan, O., Akah, S. S., Sarıkaya, M. A., Karakaş, M., Gedik, Y., Kozacı, Ö., Altunel, E., Clahan, K., and Koehler, R.: High-Resolution Co-seismic Surface Displacement Distribution for February 6, 2023, Elbistan (Kahramanmaras) Earthquake, Turkiye , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15645,, 2025.

The Kahramanmaraş earthquakes of February 6, 2023 occurred in the tectonically active eastern Mediterranean region near the Kahramanmaraş triple junction, where the Anatolian, Arabian, and African plates converge. This structurally complex boundary is characterized by significant strain accumulation, which frequently generates large-magnitude earthquakes. The significant ground shaking experienced in southeastern Turkey and surrounding areas implies the importance of high-resolution studies aimed at monitoring detailed seismotectonic processes in this region.

Here, we present a kinematic rupture model of these destructive events derived from a joint inversion of high-rate Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and strong ground motion (SGM) data. We combine GNSS-derived displacement time series from continuously operating stations with displacement waveforms extracted from SGM records. We assess the correlation between these two datasets by comparing stations in close proximity, thereby evaluating the consistency and precision of the derived ground motions. In addition, the earthquake hypocenter and the surface fault trace are taken into account by classifying and grouping the data based on source-to-station geometry. We employ different filtering approaches for near-field and far-field observations to extract the displacements appropriately. We also use the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) technique to obtain the coseismic displacement of GNSS observations. Instead of traditional differential techniques, we tested kinematic PPP while still preserving the effect of ambiguity resolution. Kinematic PPP solutions are derived from raw GNSS phase and pseudorange observations, yielding precise station positions at each epoch during each earthquake separately.

To address the spatiotemporal evolution of fault slip, we apply finite fault modeling to the combined dataset and obtain a detailed kinematic rupture model for the earthquake sequence. We compare this model with previously published rupture models for the February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, highlighting both similarities in overall fault geometry and slip patterns, and differences in rupture extent and timing. By integrating high-frequency strong ground motion observations with GNSS displacements, we emphasize the importance of combining multiple data sources to gain a more comprehensive understanding of earthquake source processes.

How to cite: Özbey, V., Mutlu, B., Gumus, M. A., and Bozkurt, A. B.: Kinematic Rupture Modeling of the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes: A Joint Inversion of High Rate GNSS and Strong Ground Motion Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15827,, 2025.

EGU25-17404 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5

Assessing Coastline Changes of Lake Gölbaşı (Adıyaman, Türkiye) Through InSAR Time Series Analysis 

Ahsen Uçar, Semih Ergintav, and Gülsen Uçarkuş

The coastline shape is continuously changed by natural events such as tectonic movements, subsidences, and erosion. All these changes are of great importance for understanding the dynamics of the coastal systems and their responses against events. These changes, emerging from the past to the present for various reasons, therefore form a guiding background for management and decision-making activities related to coasts in the future. In this study, Lake Gölbaşı in Adıyaman was investigated within the East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ). One of the main branches of EAFZ passes directly through the Gölbaşı district. The Mw 7.8 Kahramanmaraş earthquake that occurred on February 6, 2023, caused severe land deformations, serious changes in the coastline, and land subsidence in the region. In addition to the morphological changes of the coastline, such effects as land subsidence are important in understanding how tectonic forces shape the coastal environment. Such analyses reveal the effects associated with sediment transport, erosion, long-term coastal dynamics, and changes in water levels. This information can be an important guide in predicting future tectonic events and environmental impacts and in risk management. Firstly, we performed InSAR time series analysis to obtain time-dependent deformation maps using Sentinel-1 and COSMO-SkyMed radar data. Publicly available Sentinel-1 data, operating in the C band, provides sufficient information for analyzing large-scale deformations. In contrast, high-resolution X-Band COSMO-SkyMed data, obtained from the Kahramanmaraş Supersite, enables the detection of smaller-scale changes. Additionally, optical satellite data from Sentinel-2A is employed to examine subtle morphological changes in the Gölbaşı Basin. While radar data excels at detecting specific deformations, optical data offers a broader perspective on environmental changes. By integrating these tools, the study provides valuable insights into the dynamic changes occurring in the area. The study covers a time series from February 2022 to February 2024, allowing for the analysis of both pre- and post-earthquake coastline changes and assessment of the spatial and temporal characteristics of these changes in relation to the active fault line by Lake Gölbaşı and surroundings. Our findings highlight the urgent need to address challenges related to improving living conditions, disaster risk reduction, and ecological protection. These insights are essential for developing practical and sustainable long-term strategies for natural hazard risk management.

How to cite: Uçar, A., Ergintav, S., and Uçarkuş, G.: Assessing Coastline Changes of Lake Gölbaşı (Adıyaman, Türkiye) Through InSAR Time Series Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17404,, 2025.

EGU25-18264 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5

Seismic Activity and Deformation of the Pütürge Segment of the East Anatolian Fault: Insights from Recent Earthquakes and Geodetic Observations 

Seda Özarpacı, Uğur Doğan, Semih Ergintav, Ziyadin Çakır, Cengiz Zabcı, Alpay Özdemir, Efe Turan Ayruk, İlay Farımaz, Muhammed Turğut, Binali Bilal Beytut, and Mehmet Köküm

The Pütürge segment of the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) represents a critical link in the tectonic framework of the region. The northeastern end of this segment ruptured during the 2020 Sivrice earthquake (Mw 6.8), while the southwestern end marked the termination of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes (Mw 7.7, Mw 7.6). Between these two events, the segment remained a notable seismic gap until the Mw 6.0 earthquake on October 16, 2024.

This study utilizes GNSS and InSAR data to examine the deformation dynamics of the Pütürge segment before and after the 2024 earthquake. While the extent of rupture during the October event remains unclear, preliminary geodetic analyses provide valuable insights into strain accumulation, potential creep activity, and coseismic deformation patterns.

Our findings contribute to understanding the seismic behavior of the Pütürge segment, emphasizing its importance in seismic hazard assessments and the broader tectonic setting of the East Anatolian Fault.

How to cite: Özarpacı, S., Doğan, U., Ergintav, S., Çakır, Z., Zabcı, C., Özdemir, A., Ayruk, E. T., Farımaz, İ., Turğut, M., Beytut, B. B., and Köküm, M.: Seismic Activity and Deformation of the Pütürge Segment of the East Anatolian Fault: Insights from Recent Earthquakes and Geodetic Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18264,, 2025.

EGU25-20695 | Orals | TS3.5

Active tectonics in the Ionian Sea realm: Subduction or collision? 

César R. Ranero, Paraskevi Nomikou, Filomena Loreto, Irene Merino, athanasis Ganas, Serafeim Poulos, and Sotiria Kothri

The region spanning across the Ionian Sea margins in the Mediterranean is geologically complex and comparatively little evaluated, due to limited available seismic data. The poorly understood tectonic structure is however related to seismic hazard that has struck surrounding countries with devastating results in historical time.

The region contains large fault systems that extend on and offshore and are associated with dramatic lateral changes in deformation rates. However, the kinematics and activity of the main faults are poorly defined and the system are inadequately mapped.

Current knowledge we can not differentiate whether fault systems are part of a mega-thrust subduction plate boundary, or they are located above on an overriding plate, or are part of a different tectonic system, let alone we can precisely define the location, geometry and extent of plate boundary faults.

We have collected new seismic data (1.5 to 5 km long streamer) and reprocessed existing seismic data (4.5 km long streamer data) along the Ionian Sea realm during the last 10 years to study and map those system. Recently, we have been provided with industry-quality (10.5 km long streamer) lines to study remaining regions of the margins and deep basins of the region.

Our new data set provides an extensive coverage, and our new seismic images document abundant deformation that can not be easily explained by existing models of subduction-zone type of deformation, and we propose a model in which the current tectonic activity is the result of the embryonic collision process between Africa and Europe, and where the current dominant geodynamic driving forces are not longer related to slabs subducting under the continent that were previously controlling the evolution of the Mediterranean Realm.

How to cite: Ranero, C. R., Nomikou, P., Loreto, F., Merino, I., Ganas, A., Poulos, S., and Kothri, S.: Active tectonics in the Ionian Sea realm: Subduction or collision?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20695,, 2025.

EGU25-865 | ECS | Orals | G3.5

Temporal evolution of strain rate before the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake.  

Conor Rutland, Lidong Bie, Jessica Johnson, Qi Ou, and Zoe Mildon

The development of geodetic tools, such as Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), has revolutionized our exploration of earthquake physics and the assessment of seismic hazard. Over the past 20 years, InSAR has been increasingly used to determine the interseismic strain rate across major seismogenic faults. Strain derived from geodetically mapped crustal deformation rates serves as an indicator of a fault’s earthquake potential, in alignment with classical elastic rebound theory. However, InSAR observation periods are often relatively short compared to much longer large earthquake recurrence intervals. This raises questions about how well geodetic strain rates represent the long-term strain accumulation on faults. It is therefore critical to understand how strain rate evolves during the interseismic period. 

We observe the interseismic period prior to the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake: a left-lateral strike-slip earthquake that ruptured a slow-moving fault approximately 70 km south of the major block-bounding East Kunlun fault in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau. Using six years of Sentinel-1 data, we explore the temporal evolution of strain rate over time. We derive eastward velocity and maximum shear strain rate for the six-year period prior to the Maduo earthquake, before segmenting the time-series and analysing strain rate with a two-year moving time window. Our results indicate that the geodetically derived strain rate may not be constant over the interseismic period, implying that strain may not accumulate at a fixed rate in the seismogenic crust. Additionally, strain rate on the seismogenic fault does not appear to accelerate prior to the Maduo earthquake, at least on the timescales resolvable by InSAR used in this study. 

How to cite: Rutland, C., Bie, L., Johnson, J., Ou, Q., and Mildon, Z.: Temporal evolution of strain rate before the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-865,, 2025.

EGU25-2659 | Posters on site | G3.5

Crustal Deformation And  Seismic Hazard of Longmenshan Fault Zone With Limited Observations 

Qixin Wang, XIwei Xu, Jing Zhao, and Zaisen Jiang

The Longmenshan Fault Zone forms the eastern boundary of the Bayan Har Block in China and results from the block’s eastward movement being strongly resisted by the South China Block. In 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake ruptured the central-northern segment of the fault zone. Five years later, the Lushan earthquake struck the southern segment. The epicenters of these two events were approximately 90 km apart, with an unruptured section, known as the Dayi Gap, located between the two fault zones.

Previous research has explored the pre-earthquake deformation characteristics of the Longmenshan Fault Zone. However, due to sparse observational data prior to the Wenchuan earthquake, the resolution of fault locking state models was limited. This study addresses the issue of data sparsity by using the Least Squares Collocation (LSC) method to enhance the existing dataset, enabling a more detailed inversion of the fault’s pre-earthquake locking state. The results provide partial explanations for the co-seismic rupture patterns of the Wenchuan earthquake and show good agreement with the distribution of pre-Wenchuan earthquakes of magnitude 3 and above in the region. 

Based on the findings, future earthquakes are more likely to occur south of the Dayi Gap, with the fault potentially rupturing into the gap itself. Additionally, the results demonstrate that the LSC method can effectively densify sparse surface deformation data. While the resolution may not match that of inversions based on dense, high-quality observations, the method successfully identifies the main locked zones of the fault.

How to cite: Wang, Q., Xu, X., Zhao, J., and Jiang, Z.: Crustal Deformation And  Seismic Hazard of Longmenshan Fault Zone With Limited Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2659,, 2025.

EGU25-4167 | ECS | Orals | G3.5

Geodetic data inversion to estimate a strain-rate field by introducing sparse modeling 

Yohei Nozue and Yukitoshi Fukahata

We observe active seismicity and crustal deformation in subduction zones. Since earthquake occurrences are closely related to strain accumulation, it is important to accurately estimate a strain-rate field. Many studies have estimated spatially continuous strain-rate fields from spatially sporadic geodetic data such as GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). However, localized strain rates near fault zones have tended to be underestimated, because most studies have applied a smoothness constraint (e.g., Okazaki et al., 2021, EPS). To overcome this difficulty, we introduce sparse modeling into the estimation of a strain-rate field. In this study, for simplicity, we consider the anti-plane strain problem.

We firstly express a velocity field by the superposition of cubic B-spline functions. Then, considering that a strain-rate field is smooth in most areas but can change abruptly in a narrow zone such as a fault zone, we impose both the sparsity constraint and the smoothness constraint of strain rates, which are expressed by the L1-norm and the L2-norm of the second derivatives of the velocity field, respectively. The relative weights of these terms are specified by two hyperparameters; the optimal values of which are determined by using the leave-one-out cross-validation method. We obtain the optimal values of the expansion coefficients of the cubic B-spline functions by minimizing the objective function, which consists of the terms of data fitting, the sparsity constraint, and the smoothness constraint.

To investigate the validity and limitation of the proposed method, we conduct synthetic tests, in which we consider an anti-plane strain problem due to a steady slip on a buried strike-slip fault. As a result, we find: (1) regardless of the locking depth of the fault, the proposed method reproduces localized strain rates near the fault with almost equal or better accuracy than the L2 regularization method, which imposes only the smoothness constraint, (2) the advantage of the proposed method over the L2 regularization method is clearer when fewer observation points are available, and (3) the proposed method can be applied when observation errors are small.

Next, we apply the proposed method to the GNSS data across the Arima-Takatsuki fault zone, which is one of the most active strike-slip faults in Japan. The proposed method estimates about 1.0×10-8/yr faster strain rates near the fault zone than the L2 regularization method, which corresponds to a 20-30% greater strain-rate concentration. The faster and more concentrated strain rates result in the estimation of a shallower locking depth. Fitting the analytical solution to the estimated strain-rate profile, we obtain the optimal values of locking depth and steady slip rate as 11 km and 4 mm/yr for the proposed method, while 17 km and 5 mm/yr for the L2 regularization method. Since the former is closer to the depth of D90, 12-14 km (Omuralieva et al., 2012, Tectonophysics), above which 90% of earthquakes occur, this result suggests that the proposed method estimates a more realistic locking depth than the L2 regularization method.

How to cite: Nozue, Y. and Fukahata, Y.: Geodetic data inversion to estimate a strain-rate field by introducing sparse modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4167,, 2025.

EGU25-4458 | ECS | Orals | G3.5

Combined automatic fault mapping and geodesy to investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of tectonic strain across time scales: an application to the Afar rift (East Africa) 

Alessandro La Rosa, Pauline Gayrin, Sascha Brune, Carolina Pagli, Ameha A. Muluneh, Gianmaria Tortelli, and Derek Keir

Continental rift systems are characterised by spatial and temporal changes in the style (distributed vs. focused), location and mechanisms (magmatic vs. tectonic) of plate spreading. Understanding the long-term evolution of continental rift systems thus requires investigation of magmatic and tectonic processes across the spatial and temporal scales. However, this understanding is limited by relatively short temporal coverages of geophysical techniques and by spatially discontinuous geological datasets. Detailed maps of rift structures (i.e., tectonic faults), combined with independent geophysical and geological observations are key for a thorough view on the long-term evolution of strain during rifting.

In this study, we developed a novel method for the automatic extraction of faults and the calculation of time-averaged strains using Digital Elevation Models. We extended the Python-based Fault Analysis Toolbox (Fatbox) developed by Wrona et al. (2022) by implementing new filters, and building up a novel workflow for analysing fault-related deformation, such as the horizontal extension and the second invariant of strain. In Fatbox, the extraction of linear elements, such as faults, is performed through edge detection algorithms that can be applied on several type of data (e.g., seismic profiles, analogue and numerical models, and DEMs). Faults are then distinguished from noise using a normalized scale-dependent linearity filter that considers the area covered by linear elements. Dense displacement measurements are finally obtained at the scale of individual fault-scarp portions and converted to maps of strain or horizontal extension. A comparison with manually mapped datasets indicate that our method successfully resolves 93.4% of the total strain.

We applied this method to investigate a ~330 x 275 km-wide area in the Afar rift (East Africa), the locus of the spreading of Nubian, Arabian and Somalian plates. Rifting in Afar began approximately 31 Myrs ago after the impingement of a mantle plume, the eruption of flood basalts (Stratoid Series), and is currently accommodated along three main rift branches. The Stratoid series has covered fault scarps, which resets fault scarps and thereby provides an essential time marker for our strain analysis.

We combined our data with literature rock dating and geodetic measurements to reconstruct the evolution of the rift during the last 4.5 Ma and its relationship with tectonic and magmatic activity. We showed that the margins of the central Afar rift have been abandoned, and rifting processes have migrated toward todays axis where increased strain rates are likely due to magmatic emplacement. A northwest-directed increase of strain suggests a progressive migration of the rifting process in the same direction, responding to the Danakil block rotation. Conversely, the southern portion of Afar shows two systems of cross-cutting faults that respond to different co-acting tensional forces induced by the separations of the Arabian and Somalian plates from Nubia (Maestrelli et al., 2024).


Wrona, et al. (2022) Fatbox - Fault Analysis Toolbox,

Maestrelli, et al. (2024). Reconciling plate motion and faulting at a rift-rift-rift triple junction, Geology, 1–5,

How to cite: La Rosa, A., Gayrin, P., Brune, S., Pagli, C., Muluneh, A. A., Tortelli, G., and Keir, D.: Combined automatic fault mapping and geodesy to investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of tectonic strain across time scales: an application to the Afar rift (East Africa), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4458,, 2025.

EGU25-4589 | Posters on site | G3.5

  Did the Mw 7.5 Sürgü-Cardak Event Occur During the 2023 Kahramanmaraș Sequence Without Prior Slip Deficit? 

Taco Broerse, Ali Değer Ozbakir, and Rob Govers

The Sürgü-Cardak fault ruptured ~9 hours after the Mw 7.8 mainshock on the East Anatolian Fault zone (EAFZ) during the 2023 Kahramanmaraș earthquake sequence. With a moment magnitude Mw 7.5, involving up to 11 m slip, this event featured comparable slip magnitudes as the mainshock. Published strain rate fields based on geodetic observations do show strain accumulation around the EAFZ, but strain accumulation around the Sürgü-Cardak fault appears to be absent. We therefore reexamine the GNSS-based interseismic strain rate field to see whether, or not, the Sürgü-Cardak fault accumulated significant slip deficit prior to the earthquake.

We use GNSS data from eastern Anatolia. To estimate strain rates and their uncertainties in regions that experience both fast and slow deformation rates, we employ a tailored stochastic interpolation technique. With this method we show that the strain rate peaks around the Sürgü-Cardak fault. To better interpret 2D strain rate fields around faults, we develop a novel decomposition of the strain rate tensor and its covariance, that allows us to estimate the strain rate in a fault-oriented frame. The decomposition method is analogous to descriptions of deformation in structural geology, and allows for direct comparison with slip types from focal mechanisms. Not only does the strain rate peak around the Sürgü-Cardak fault exceed the uncertainty, the direction of interseismic slip deficit accumulation is also compatible with the coseismic slip direction.

We conclude that interseismic slip deficit accumulation on the Sürgü-Cardak fault was previously missed. Coseismic slip is consistent with the loading history. The Sürgü-Cardak earthquake thus has most likely been triggered by the mainshock.



How to cite: Broerse, T., Ozbakir, A. D., and Govers, R.:   Did the Mw 7.5 Sürgü-Cardak Event Occur During the 2023 Kahramanmaraș Sequence Without Prior Slip Deficit?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4589,, 2025.

The Hengduan Mountains in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau develop one of the most complex active fault systems on Earth. GPS measurements and seismic data reveal that these fault systems drive present-day eastward crustal transport and clockwise rotation around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. In this study, we investigate regional block rotation kinematics based on fault slip displacement, spacing, and the orientations of block-bounding strike-slip faults in the Hengduan Mountains. The results of block rotation rates, angles, and rotation radius are then comprehensively analyzed, combined with existing paleomagnetic, geodetic, and multi-timescale slip rate data. Our findings highlight the influence of the development of block-bounding faults and associated sub-blocks on regional block rotation deformation during the southeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau. The Late Cenozoic block rotation of the Chuandian Block in the Hengduan Mountains exemplifies the transition from a single to a multi-block system, which has critically influenced the spatiotemporal distribution and rates of strike-slip faulting processes along block boundaries. Our study reveals the possible evolution processes of block rotation in regions dominated by large-scale strike-slip fault systems, such as the Hengduan Mountains in southeastern Tibet.

How to cite: Li, F., Willett, S. D., and Shi, X.: Multiscale Analysis of Fault Systems in the Hengduan Mountains: Implications for Block Rotation Processes in Southeastern Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5019,, 2025.

EGU25-5285 | Posters on site | G3.5

Unraveling crustal deformation and seismogenic signatures in eastern Taiwan 

Ya-Ju Hsu, Hsin Tung, Horng-Yue Chen, Yu Wang, Yunung Lin, and Chi-Hsien Tang

Eastern Taiwan is located in the transition zone where the Philippine Sea plate subducts beneath the Yangtze plate along the Ryukyu Trench and collides with the continental margin along the Longitudinal Valley suture zone. These complex tectonic interactions have led to frequent and devastating earthquakes. The GNSS-acoustic measurements in the southernmost Ryukyu margin characterize an eastward growing convergence rate from 92 mm/yr offshore Hualien to 123 mm/yr near the Gagua Ridge, suggesting a capability of hosting Mw 7.5-8.4 earthquakes. Along the Longitudinal Valley, the east-dipping Longitudinal Valley fault and the west-dipping Central Range fault form a dual-verging conjugate suture zone. The GNSS velocities relative to the Yangtze plate generally decrease northwestward from the Coastal Range, through the Longitudinal Valley, to the Central Range. Along the Coastal Range, GNSS velocities range from 67 to 72 mm/yr between Taitung and Fengbin. This rate then drops significantly to approximately 38 mm/yr at Shoufeng and further decreases to 24 mm/yr near Hualien. The shortening rate between the east coast and the Longitudinal Valley decreases northward, from 30 mm/yr between Taitung and Guangfu to approximately 10 mm/yr near Hualien. Additionally, shallow crustal earthquakes along the east coast indicate a significant clockwise rotation of P and SH axes from convergence-parallel (N120˚) south of Fengbin to about (N140˚) near Hualien. The orientations of GNSS velocity exhibit a similar clockwise rotation of 10˚ from Taitung to Hualien as well. These observations suggest a spatial change in seismotectonic stress as approaching the junction between the subduction of the Ryukyu Trench and the collision of the Longitudinal Valley suture zone. A significant portion of the accumulated strain is likely accommodated by offshore faults near Hualien, as evidenced by frequent large offshore earthquakes and interseismic subsidence along the Hualien coast. Continuous investigation of GNSS interseismic velocity, seismic activity, the long-term uplift rates of marine terraces, and coseismic uplift during historic earthquakes are crucial for revealing the long-term seismic hazard of eastern Taiwan.

How to cite: Hsu, Y.-J., Tung, H., Chen, H.-Y., Wang, Y., Lin, Y., and Tang, C.-H.: Unraveling crustal deformation and seismogenic signatures in eastern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5285,, 2025.

A viscoelastic deformation cycle at subduction zones has been revealed following the surge of great megathrust earthquakes in the early 21st century. This cycle is broadly divided into inter-, co-, and post-seismic phases, constrained by deformation data collected before, during, and after these earthquakes. However, the framework for understanding the longer term earthquake-cycle process remains unclear, particularly from the early postseismic to the late interseismic phases, primarily due to the lack of observations covering these century-long periods.

Building on previous work, we have demonstrated that landward viscoelastic relaxation driven by megathrust locking is necessary to produce the long-wavelength late interseismic deformation patterns commonly observed at global subduction zones. Using the unique century-long leveling data combined with contemporary GNSS observations in southwest Japan, we further propose that a short-wavelength deformation emerges during the early interseismic phase, eventually evolving into a long-wavelength pattern.

Incorporating early postseismic offshore observations, we synthesize an updated earthquake-cycle framework featuring four detailed phases following a megathrust earthquake. This refined framework supports a general model capable of reproducing deformation patterns across all phases. The model underscores two fundamental processes common to different subduction zones and phases of the earthquake cycle: cyclical stick-slip behavior along the megathrust and associated landward-seaward viscous mantle flow.

As a further advancement, this model simulates continuous horizontal and vertical deformation in space and time, revealing three critical spatiotemporal data gaps at global subduction zones. By predicting deformation patterns at various subduction zones, including those vulnerable to global sea-level rise, the model provides valuable guidance for future instrumentation planning to fill the data gaps and offers insights into potential breakthroughs in addressing key challenges in earthquake-cycle research.

How to cite: Li, S.: Toward an Updated Earthquake-Cycle Framework at Subduction Zones: Evidence, Processes, and Implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5498,, 2025.

EGU25-5995 | ECS | Orals | G3.5

Non-recoverable strain during the megathrust seismic cycle 

Hugo Boulze, Jean-Arthur Olive, Romain Jolivet, Bar Oryan, Luca Malatesta, and Jean-Didier Garaud

Upper-plate deformation during the subduction zone seismic cycle is classically modeled as elastic, assuming the only non-reversible strain occurs on the megathrust. However, recent geomorphological studies indicate a slow build-up of distributed deformation across the upper plate over hundreds of thousands of years, with a spatial distribution that bears similarities with the interseismic strain field (e.g., Meade, 2010; Saillard et al., 2017; Malatesta et al., 2021). This suggests that non-reversible strain somehow related to seismic cycle deformation accumulates over hundreds of cycles. Oryan et al. 2024 recently suggested that portions of the upper plate could be brought to brittle failure during the interseismic period, manifesting as diffuse seismicity. Extrapolating the cumulative displacements due to this seismicity over many cycles further yielded patterns of surface uplift consistent with geomorphological observations, and correlating with the megathrust locking state. It did not, however, explicitly tie the occurrence of brittle failure to the rheological properties of the upper plate.

In this work, we investigate the hypothesis that the accumulation and release of elastic deformation between and during earthquakes can produce unrecoverable deformation, leaving a distinct signature in subduction relief. We use the commercial finite element code Zset ( to simulate multiple cycles of loading and unloading of a wedge-shaped upper plate domain imparted by interseismic megathrust locking and coseismic slip. We model the upper plate as a Bingham elasto-visco-plastic material where irreversible viscous deformation can be activated wherever a certain yield stress threshold is exceeded. This typically occurs over the area where the megathrust transitions from fully locked to fully creeping during the interseismic phase. As a result, small increments of irreversible strain accumulate at each cycle, which manifests as persistent surface uplift above the downdip end of the locked portion of the megathrust. We perform a parametric study to examine the relationships between relief development, the plastic strength of the upper plate, and the coupling state of the megathrust. This provides a blueprint for assessing how locking patterns may become encoded in subduction landscapes, and how persistent these patterns may be.

How to cite: Boulze, H., Olive, J.-A., Jolivet, R., Oryan, B., Malatesta, L., and Garaud, J.-D.: Non-recoverable strain during the megathrust seismic cycle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5995,, 2025.

EGU25-7187 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5

A New Global Database of Secular Horizontal GNSS Velocities 

Guo Cheng, Corné Kreemer, Elliot Klein, Zachary Young, Donald Argus, and Geoffrey Blewitt

Steady-state secular motions of the Earth’s surface (i.e., motions not influenced by transient processes such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions) reflect plate boundary interseismic strain accumulation, plate motions, post-glacial rebound, sea-level rise, or dynamic topography. Over the past three decades, the expansion of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) networks has densified the number and spatial coverage of station position and velocity observations with improved measurement accuracy. In this study, we focus on horizontal motions and aim to create the most up-to-date, spatially dense velocity field. We gather secular velocities at ~35000 unique GNSS stations distributed globally, covering both tectonically active and stable regions. Roughly 18000 velocities are determined at the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory (NGL) from time-series of mostly continuous GNSS observations. However, the spatial coverage of the NGL velocity solution suffers from the absence of available RINEX (Receiver Independent Exchange Format) data in places such as most of the India-Eurasia collision zone. We therefore compile about 17000 additional continuous and campaign GNSS velocities from ~400 published studies and transform these auxiliary velocities onto the NGL velocity solution through a least-squares inversion. For several large earthquakes with sufficient GNSS observations (e.g., 2004 M9.1 Sumatra, 2011 M9.1 Tohoku, 2010 M8.8 Maule, and others), we correct GNSS time-series and auxiliary velocities for postseismic viscoelastic deformation using forward modeling based on a gravitational spherical Earth with a 1D rheological structure. For other earthquakes, we correct the GNSS time-series by removing the postseismic time-series fitted by an empirical logarithmic function. Additionally, we develop and apply a velocity outlier detection and removal algorithm to generate our final global velocity database. Our velocity field is an update to the compilation from the 2014 Global Strain Rate Model (GSRM) and greatly extends the scope of existing global velocity solutions. Our new database will be used to produce the next GSRM and to provide a starting velocity field for future integration with InSAR analysis.

How to cite: Cheng, G., Kreemer, C., Klein, E., Young, Z., Argus, D., and Blewitt, G.: A New Global Database of Secular Horizontal GNSS Velocities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7187,, 2025.

EGU25-8451 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5

Slip Rate Variation Along the East Kunlun Fault (Tibet) From InSAR & GNSS Observations 

Pengfei Yu, Xuejun Qiao, and Wei Chen

The strike-slip faults of the Tibetan Plateau plays a crucial role in understanding the response of the continental lithosphere to the ongoing India-Eurasia collision and associated deformation. However, the slip rate along the East Kunlun Fault, particularly its eastern segment, remains contentious. In this study, we combine ascending and descending Sentinel-1A InSAR data with GNSS measurements to derive a high-resolution velocity field spanning from the Tuosuo Lake segment to the Maqin-Maqu segment of the East Kunlun Fault. We then apply a 2D elastic dislocation model (Savage and Burford, 1973) in conjunction with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to invert the fault slip rate. Our results reveal that the slip rate in the Tuosuo Lake segment of the East Kunlun Fault is 6.6–8.1 mm/yr, while in the section extending from Tuosuo Lake to the Anyemaqen Mountain, it ranges from 4.4 to 4.9 mm/yr. In the compressional step-over region at Anyemaqen Mountain, the slip rate decreases to 2.7 mm/yr. Further to the east, the slip rate gradually decreases from 4.7–5.9 mm/yr to 2.7 mm/yr in the Maqin-Maqu segment. The slip rate along the East Kunlun Fault exhibits a non-monotonic decrease from west to east, likely influenced by the uplift of Anyemaqen Mountain and the contribution of secondary faults on the southern flank of the fault system.

How to cite: Yu, P., Qiao, X., and Chen, W.: Slip Rate Variation Along the East Kunlun Fault (Tibet) From InSAR & GNSS Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8451,, 2025.

EGU25-9208 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5

Range-Parallel Extension in the Argentinian Andes: The 2020 Mw 5.7 Humahuaca Earthquake   

Simon Orrego, Juliet Biggs, and Sam Wimpenny

Normal-faulting earthquakes in mountain ranges are key for studying the dynamics of mountain building. Two styles of high mountain extension have been observed: range-perpendicular and range-parallel. To date, range-parallel extension has only been reported in southern Tibet, limiting our ability to test different models for its dynamic cause. Here, we investigate a new example of range-parallel extension: the 2020 M5.7 Humahuaca earthquake in the Andes of Argentina. We combine InSAR time-series and body-waveform seismology to constrain a source model for the earthquake and show it ruptured a new fault that cross-cuts Neogene fold-thrust belt structures and accommodates pure range-parallel extension. The hypocentre lies ∼70 km west of the Andes range front at 5 km depth. Thrust-faulting earthquakes on the Andes range front adjacent to Humahuaca have slip vectors parallel to topographic gradients and are oblique to Nazca-South America relative motion, consistent with the pattern expected for crustal flow in response to gravitational potential energy contrasts. Interseismic GPS velocities, however, are oblique to the range front and topographic gradients. These velocities may be accommodated by range-parallel shear, with normal faulting at Humahuaca potentially occurring in the step-over of a strike-slip fault or due to clockwise rigid block rotation, although geomorphic evidence is lacking. Notably, we do not see evidence for widespread ‘lateral escape’ in the Andes, as proposed for southern Tibet. In conclusion, range-parallel extension in the Andes may be the result of crustal flow under gravity or back-arc strike-slip faulting. Both models indicate the potential for moderate-magnitude earthquakes within the Eastern Cordillera, which are an overlooked source of seismic hazard .

How to cite: Orrego, S., Biggs, J., and Wimpenny, S.: Range-Parallel Extension in the Argentinian Andes: The 2020 Mw 5.7 Humahuaca Earthquake  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9208,, 2025.

EGU25-10106 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5

Decoding Earthquake Cycles: Plate convergence rates shape recurrence intervals in Subduction Zones  

Sayak Ray, Bhaskar Kundu, Batakrusna Senapati, and Arun K. Singh

Megathrust earthquakes at subduction plate interfaces have been extensively investigated, with their quasi-repetitive nature well recognized, yet their long return periods and sparse historical records complicate global assessments of this regularity. Slow earthquakes occurring in the brittle-to-ductile transition zone demonstrate a complex interplay with large subduction earthquakes, though their roles in triggering or delaying significant events remain poorly understood. The periodicity of slow earthquakes, characterized by recurrence intervals ranging from months to years, has facilitated the creation of comprehensive seismic and geodetic event catalogues. Here, we investigate the behaviour of slow earthquakes and megathrust ruptures using integrated constraints from natural observations, numerical simulations under the rate and state friction model and laboratory-based experimental results. Focusing on the best instrumentally monitored and mature subduction zones, namely, Cascadia and Nankai, we identified a depth-dependent pattern in slip periodicity and a corresponding increase in cumulative tremor counts downdip from the trench. Our numerical simulations suggest a logarithmic dependency between recurrence time and loading velocity, consistent with the depth dependency of the tremor activities and associated slip-periodicity observed in these subduction zones. Moreover, the long-term aseismic slip distribution patterns of these subduction zones match with the model-predicted displacements for the corresponding loading velocities, which never exceed the down-dip plate motion at these subduction zones. Laboratory experimental results validate the link between recurrence time and loading velocity, establishing a connection between recurrence time and force drop as well. Further, analysis of seismic data of slow and megathrust earthquakes across major subduction zones worldwide underscores a consistent logarithmic inverse relationship between the recurrence times of these events and plate convergence rates. Our numerical simulation results and stick-slip laboratory experiment observations complement the naturally observed logarithmic behaviour of both megathrust and slow earthquakes. Integrating these insights from natural observations, numerical modelling, and experimental data, we finally argue a possible stress transfer mechanism from the slow earthquakes source zone to the adjacent megathrust earthquake segments and suggest that the slow earthquakes can be used as a possible proxy or “stress-meters” for large megathrust earthquakes and probably modulate the megathrust earthquakes in the seismogenic zone. Understanding the interplay between slow and megathrust earthquakes is crucial for seismic hazard assessment and enhances our ability to identify regions at risk of large seismic events and improve mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Ray, S., Kundu, B., Senapati, B., and Singh, A. K.: Decoding Earthquake Cycles: Plate convergence rates shape recurrence intervals in Subduction Zones , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10106,, 2025.

EGU25-11377 | Posters on site | G3.5

Geodetic strain pattern analysis of northern-central Greece – Correlation to tectonically active structures 

Ilias Lazos, Junyi Wang, Guoyan Jiang, Sotirios Sboras, Jonathan Bedford, Christos Pikridas, and Spyridon Bellas

The central-northern part of Greece (Northern Thessaly and Macedonia) is part of the active geodynamic regime of the Aegean (Eastern Mediterranean), occupied by numerous on land and offshore active tectonic structures. These are represented mostly by E–W to NE–SW striking normal dip-slip fault zones, documenting a dominant N-S to NW-SE oriented extensional stress field. Many of these structures are related to instrumentally recorded seismic events: the July 20, 1978 (Mw6.5) Thessaloniki, the December 21, 1990 (Mw6.0) Goumenissa, the May 13, 1995 (Mw6.5) Kozani – Grevena, and the March 3, 2021 (Mw6.3) Elassona – Tyrnavos earthquakes are typical cases of normal faulting. Our objective is to calculate crustal strain and link it to specific tectonic structures.

The strain estimation is based on satellite geodetic monitoring (GPS/GNSS) and the analysis of recorded raw data. With a rate of 30 s in a 24/7 operation, a dataset of 24 stations during a 7-year period of continuous monitoring (2008 – 2014) is compiled.

Regarding the geodetic data processing, it involves i) the triangulation method which combines geodetic data of three stations each time for calculating certain strain parameters (maximum horizontal extension, minimum horizontal extension, maximum shear strain and area strain) on each triangle barycenter (approximately, 150 different triangles were constructed for the study area), ii) the “VISR” method which is a Fortran-based code producing an interpolation scheme, and iii) a micro-blocking model for which the second invariant of strain rates is calculated.

Comparing the results of these methodologies, two distinct areas are highlighted: the western-central part, where low to medium values are documented, and the eastern part, which is characterized by higher values. The higher values can be related to active structures, documented in both areas; however, it is worth focusing on the eastern part, where the higher values are observed. Two major active faults/fault zones are noted: the E – W, dip-slip normal antithetic faults of Mygdonia basin, related to the 1978 Thessaloniki earthquake, the NW – SE dip-slip normal antithetic faults of Strymon basin and the E – W, oblique-slip Kavala-Xanthi fault zone. No recent seismic events are linked to these structures, while additionally the high strain rates indicate the potential strain charge. Moreover, it is worth noting that all structures above are adjacent to the North Aegean Trough, which is one of the most active strictures globally, as it is the prolongation of the North Anatolian fault in the Aegean Sea, and therefore they are directly affected.

How to cite: Lazos, I., Wang, J., Jiang, G., Sboras, S., Bedford, J., Pikridas, C., and Bellas, S.: Geodetic strain pattern analysis of northern-central Greece – Correlation to tectonically active structures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11377,, 2025.

EGU25-13084 | Orals | G3.5

A Thin and Weak Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) Beneath the Oceanic Lithosphere and its Effects on Subduction Earthquake Cycle Deformation  

Tianhaozhe Sun, Kelin Wang, Jiangheng He, Fumiaki Tomita, Takeshi Iinuma, Ryota Hino, Motoyuki Kido, and Yusaku Ohta

Numerous high-resolution seismological and magnetotelluric observations depict a sharp and distinct Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) at the base of oceanic lithosphere, in some cases beneath the subducting slab. Many lines of evidence indicate ponding of partial melts at the LAB. A melt-rich oceanic LAB is expected to have a low viscosity to affect plate motion, subduction, and earthquake deformation. Therefore, it is important to seek direct geodetic evidence for the rheological weakness of the LAB and its effects on deformation. Here we summarize our recent progress in finding the evidence. (1) Immediately after several recent large subduction earthquakes (e.g., the 2011 Mw=9 Tohoku-oki and the 2010 Mw=8.8 Maule) in the Japan-Kuril and Chile subduction zones, GNSS observations show enhanced landward motion (ELM) of coastal areas 100s of km outside the rupture area. Using 3-D viscoelastic finite element models, we explained the postseismic ELM in terms of mechanical decoupling of the subducting slab from the underlying asthenosphere due to a low-viscosity LAB (Sun et al., 2024). The ELM observation is thus considered the first geodetic evidence for a weak LAB beneath subducting oceanic lithosphere. Assuming a thickness of no more than 10 km for the LAB, key characteristics of the observed ELM can be explained to first order by an LAB viscosity of no more than 5e16 Pa s, lower than typical mantle viscosities by 2-3 orders of magnitude. (2) In a more detailed investigation of the postseismic deformation following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, constrained by extraordinarily dense onshore and offshore (seafloor GNSS/Acoustic) geodetic measurements, we find that both near-field deformation and the more distant ELM can be optimally explained by having a thin (~5 km) and low-viscosity (~5e16 Pa s) LAB down to a depth of ~120-150 km. Our geodesy-based research adds a new dimension to the geophysical studies of the LAB and contributes to understanding the origin, spatial distribution, and consequence of the ponded partial melts.

Sun, T., Wang, K., & He, J. (2024). Geodetic signature of a weak lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary in postseismic deformation of large subduction earthquakes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 630, 118619,

How to cite: Sun, T., Wang, K., He, J., Tomita, F., Iinuma, T., Hino, R., Kido, M., and Ohta, Y.: A Thin and Weak Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) Beneath the Oceanic Lithosphere and its Effects on Subduction Earthquake Cycle Deformation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13084,, 2025.

EGU25-13626 | ECS | Orals | G3.5

Investigating continental-scale deformation and fault coupling in northern central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras) using Sentinel-1 InSAR  

Beatriz Cosenza-Muralles, Cécile Lasserre, Giorgio Gomba, Francesco De Zan, Charles DeMets, Marianne Métois, and Hélène Lyon-Caen

Tectonic deformation in northern Central America, driven by the interactions between the Cocos, Caribbean, and North America plates, is accommodated by the Motagua and Polochic left-lateral faults, grabens located south of the Motagua Fault, the Middle America subduction zone, and right-lateral faults along the Middle America volcanic arc. Major earthquakes associated with these faults include the 1976 MW 7.5 Motagua and the 2012 MW 7.5 Champerico events.

To investigate current deformation in this setting, we employed a permanent and distributed scatterers (PSDS) InSAR technique (Adam et al. 2013; Ansari et al. 2018; Parizzi et al. 2020), using Sentinel-1 radar images (2017-2022) along two ascending and two descending tracks covering most of Guatemala, El Salvador and western Honduras. The resulting time series, corrected for tropospheric and ionospheric phase delays, and solid earth tides, are referenced to GNSS data and decomposed into one linear term, dominated by tectonics, and two seasonal terms. 

We present the line-of-sight (LOS) velocity fields for the linear term, highlighting spatial variations across key faults. To emphasize the added value of InSAR compared to GNSS, we decompose the LOS velocity fields into horizontal and vertical components. We use the Bstrain code (Pagani et al. 2021), based on a Bayesian inversion method using a transdimensional approach, to interpolate the GNSS velocity field to align with the InSAR data resolution, providing a probability density function of GNSS north and east velocities, their median values and azimuths. The horizontal component of the InSAR velocity field is computed using these azimuthal directions or as an eastern component, assuming that the northern component is constrained solely by GNSS. 

Our results show good agreement with GNSS data and associated elastic block models for the region (Ellis et al., 2019; Garnier et al., 2021), highlighting (1) the North America and Caribbean plates' relative motion, accommodated primarily by the Motagua fault and secondarily by the Polochic fault, (2) east-west extension of the Caribbean plate (3) right-lateral slip along the Mid-America volcanic arc. Additionally, the unprecedented high resolution InSAR data uncovers a ~40 km-long creeping section along the Motagua fault. We discuss the along-strike creep variations relative to local geology and the slip distribution of the 1976 earthquake. InSAR data also helps investigate how extension is partitioned across multiple active structures in the Caribbean plate’s wedge. Finally, the InSAR velocity fields reveal velocity variations along the coast, previously unresolved by GNSS, suggesting coupling variations along the subduction interface.

Adam, et al. (2013). Proc. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., doi:1857-1860.10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6723164

Ansari, et al. (2018). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2018.2826045

Ellis, A., et al. (2019). Geophys. J. Int.

Garnier, B., et al. (2021). Geosphere.

Pagani, C., et al. (2021). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

Parizzi, A., et al. (2020). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2020.3039006 

How to cite: Cosenza-Muralles, B., Lasserre, C., Gomba, G., De Zan, F., DeMets, C., Métois, M., and Lyon-Caen, H.: Investigating continental-scale deformation and fault coupling in northern central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras) using Sentinel-1 InSAR , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13626,, 2025.

EGU25-14112 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5

Role of elastic variations in the interseismic deformation of the Andean subduction margin: case of study at 21°S 

Denisse Leal, Andrés Tassara, Marcos Moreno, and Sebastián Barra

In recent years, numerous studies have focused on quantifying the variation of surface deformation to obtain estimates of interseismic locking and thus identify areas of high seismic risk. However, most of these works have used plate models with homogeneous physical properties.

In this study, heterogeneous plate models have been developed considering the geometry of the profile at 21°S in northern Chile, where a shortening of the deformation in the Andean backarc is observed. Variations in elastic and viscous properties have been incorporated into the different models to evaluate their effect on the propagation of the interseismic deformation observed at the surface.

The results indicate that heterogeneities in the areas near the plate interaction zone play a crucial role in surface deformation. Using real data showing an increase in bulk and shear modulus with depth, higher near-field deformation and lower far-field deformation are observed compared to a homogeneous viscoelastic model.

This study highlights the importance of incorporating heterogeneities in interseismic deformation models, as these can provide a better fit to surface measured deformation patterns and thus improve interseismic locking estimates.

How to cite: Leal, D., Tassara, A., Moreno, M., and Barra, S.: Role of elastic variations in the interseismic deformation of the Andean subduction margin: case of study at 21°S, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14112,, 2025.

EGU25-15361 | Posters on site | G3.5

The vertical postseismic deformation following the 2004 Parkfield earthquake 

Weijie Tan, danan dong, and junping Chen

Studies have shown that the postseismic transient following the 2004 Parkfield earthquake is dominated by aftersllip. However, the studies are mainly focus on the horizontal deformation and ignore the vertical deformation. The focus of this study is the postseismic deformion in vertical caused by 2004 event. We examine the time series of 20 near San Andreas fault CGPS stations in the vicinity of the Parkfield segment to infer the time-dependent postseismic slip. We firstly use the time series to derive an afterslip distribution model for the Parkfield earthquake using only horizontal components, and compare the model’s agreement with the measured vertical deformation. The results show the migration of groundwater is the main reason for the vertical postseismic deformation.

How to cite: Tan, W., dong, D., and Chen, J.: The vertical postseismic deformation following the 2004 Parkfield earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15361,, 2025.

EGU25-16704 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5

Towards a 3D Earthquake Cycle Model Powered by Data Assimilation for Northeastern Honshu 

Celine P. Marsman, Femke C. Vossepoel, and Rob Govers

In this study, we seek to quantify bulk viscoelastic flow, afterslip and locking, within a rheological framework that ensures a consistent formulation of strain accumulation and release throughout the entire earthquake cycle. To achieve this, we use Bayesian inference in the form of an ensemble smoother with multiple data assimilation (ESMDA) to estimate geodynamic model parameters. In our earlier study, we successfully reproduced both interseismic and postseismic observations for the Tohoku margin including the 2011 earthquake using a 2D model (Marsman et al. 2025). Building on these insights, we extend our analysis to a 3D configuration.

We construct a 3D finite element seismic cycle model. We incorporate a priori information into the model, including a realistic geometry of slab and overriding plate, the temperature field, multiple asperities, and the observed coseismic slip distribution of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. The model has a steady-state power-law rheology. Away from asperities, different parts of the megathrust respond by power-law viscoelastic relaxation, simulated by a thin low-viscosity shear zone, or instantaneous slip. By assimilating observations of 3D surface deformation, we constrain power-law flow parameters for both the asthenosphere and the megathrust. Specifically, we estimate the pre-exponent factor and the activation energy of the mantle wedge and oceanic mantle, as well as the pre-exponent factor and stress power of the shear zone using ESMDA.

We assimilate 3D GNSS displacement time series spanning from 1997 onwards. Preliminary results with actual GNSS data indicate that power-law flow parameters can be retrieved remarkably well and are consistent with estimates from laboratory experiments. The trade-off between the pre-exponent factor and activation energy hinders their individual estimation but does result in a well-constrained viscosity structure. Consistent with our 2D models, our 3D results demonstrate that enhanced landward motion near the rupture zone occurs postseismically without the need for a separate low-viscosity sub-slab layer. Instead, the release of elastic stresses accumulated interseismically beneath the oceanic plate significantly contributes to the observed offshore postseismic landward motion near the trench on the overriding plate.

How to cite: Marsman, C. P., Vossepoel, F. C., and Govers, R.: Towards a 3D Earthquake Cycle Model Powered by Data Assimilation for Northeastern Honshu, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16704,, 2025.

EGU25-16972 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5

Numerical modelling of stresses and deformation in the Eurasian tectonic plate through Bayesian inversion 

Renato Gutierrez Escobar and Rob Govers

We use a 2D mechanical model in the context of Bayesian inference to constrain the relative contribution of driving and resistive forces to observed stress directions and GNSS velocities in the Eurasia plate. Plate boundary tractions will be dependent on the relative velocity of the bounding plates. The finite element model includes major fault zones and viscoelastic geological provinces following Hasterok et al. (2022). Horizontal gravitational forces from lateral variations of gravitational potential energy are derived from the density model of Fullea et al. (2021). We use the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to sample fault resistive shear tractions, viscosities, and magnitudes of horizontal gravitational forces, mantle convective tractions, and plate interaction tractions with adjacent plates. We discuss first results of marginal distributions of fault slip rates and rakes, vertical axis rotation rates, and horizontal stress magnitudes.

How to cite: Gutierrez Escobar, R. and Govers, R.: Numerical modelling of stresses and deformation in the Eurasian tectonic plate through Bayesian inversion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16972,, 2025.

EGU25-17060 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5

How do plate boundaries talk to each other in North Sulawesi, Indonesia? 

Nicolai Nijholt, Rob Govers, and Wim Simons
Fault interactions are associated with stress transfer. In many tectonic settings the actual extent of stress transfer and thus interaction is poorly understood, especially on the time scale of the seismic cycle. The tectonic setting in North Sulawesi hosts two major fault systems that are closely tied: the Minahassa subduction interface connects directly to the strike-slip Palu-Koro fault. Both these seismogenic interfaces have also generated tsunamis. Through 20+ years of GNSS monitoring, two events of fault interactions have been recorded. The first event is the notion of increased relative motion across the Palu-Koro fault following the 1996 Mw7.9 Minahassa subduction earthquake [Walpersdorf et al. 1998]. The second event is the notion of transient slip accumulating to Mw6.7 on the Minahassa subduction interface following the 2018 Mw7.5 Palu-Koro strike-slip earthquake [Nijholt et al. 2024].
We seek to understand the mechanical coupling across the tectonic system in North Sulawesi through numerical finite element models. The manner in which tear faults connect to subduction interfaces at depth is unknown. We define the geometry by taking the Slab2.0 [Hayes et al. 2018] topology of the Minahassa slab and abutting it against the Palu-Koro fault at its western termination. We drive deformation kinematically to investigate whether a strike-slip earthquake on the Palu-Koro fault can generate slip on the subduction interface. In particular, we seek to determine whether varying the viscosity of the fault zones at depth and mantle wedge can explain the slip ‘delay’ at the Minahassa interface; observations indicate that the slow slip peak activity occurred 340 days after the 2018 earthquake in an event that took over 10 months.

Hayes, G.P., Moore, G.L., Portner, D.E., Hearne, M., Flamme, H., Furtney, M., Smoczyk, G.M., 2018. Slab2, a comprehensive subduction zone geometry model. Science 362 (6410), 58–61.

Nijholt, N. Simons, W.,Riva, R., Efendi, J. Sarsito, D., Broerse, T., 2024. Triggered and recurrent slow slip in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Tectonophysics, 10.1016/j.tecto.2024.230416, 885, (230416)

Walpersdorf, A., Vigny, C., Subarya, C., Manurung, P., 1998. Monitoring of the Palu- Koro Fault (Sulawesi) by GPS. Geophys. Res. Lett. 25 (13), 2313–2316.

How to cite: Nijholt, N., Govers, R., and Simons, W.: How do plate boundaries talk to each other in North Sulawesi, Indonesia?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17060,, 2025.

EGU25-18246 | ECS | Orals | G3.5

Partial coupling in low-seismicity subduction areas: an example of the western Makran subducrion zone 

Alireza Sobouti, Sami Samiei-Esfahany, Mohammad Ali Sharifi, Amir Abolghasem, Abbas Bahroudi, and Anke Friedrich

Geodetic imaging of interseismic coupling in subduction zones enhances our understanding of seismic potential and hazard assessments, particularly in low-seismicity regions where tectonic risks may be underestimated or remain unrecognized. This study focuses on the Western Makran Subduction Zone (WMSZ), where the Arabian plate converges with the Eurasian plate. The WMSZ shows no significant thrust events at shallow depths, with most seismicity occurring at intermediate depths within the downgoing plate. Our approach begins with isolating the interseismic deformation signal, through an InSAR time series analysis method that targets the estimation and filtering of atmospheric effects. Then we utilize the corrected deformation rates to estimate the spatial distribution of interseismic coupling in the (WMSZ). This approach employs Bayesian inference for modeling interseismic coupling without imposing rigid smoothing constraints, allowing for improved model flexibility to capture localized variations in coupling distribution. The results reveal a partially locked zone in the WMSZ, notably at intermediate depths (35-40 km) beneath the southern Jazmourian plain. This area coincides with a cluster of moderate-magnitude earthquakes observed at approximately 40 km depth. Furthermore, pre-event coupling was detected in the region affected by the Mw 5.1 earthquake of March 5, 2024 (Fanuj). The presence of dip-elongated partially locked zones suggests the potential existence of local asperities along the subducting slab at intermediate depths, which may have significant implications for seismic hazard assessment in the WMSZ. These findings provide a basis not only for understanding the seismic potential in WMSZ but also offer insights applicable to other subduction zones, advancing methodologies that enhance geodetic monitoring and risk assessment in tectonically similar environments.

How to cite: Sobouti, A., Samiei-Esfahany, S., Sharifi, M. A., Abolghasem, A., Bahroudi, A., and Friedrich, A.: Partial coupling in low-seismicity subduction areas: an example of the western Makran subducrion zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18246,, 2025.

TS4 – Tectonics and its interaction with surface processes and life

EGU25-304 | Posters on site | TS4.2

Investigation of Andaman Sea using seismic data and gravity modelling 

Harshad Kumar Srivastav and Dibakar Ghosal

On December 26, 2004, a 9.1 Mw megathrust earthquake struck along a 1300 km rupture extending from Sumatra to the Andaman-Nicobar region. This event occurred along the Sunda subduction zone, where the Indo-Australian Plate subducts obliquely beneath the Southeast Asian Plate. The oblique convergence has resulted in a sliver fault system comprising the Sagaing Fault, Andaman Sea Transform Fault (ASTF), Andaman Sea Spreading Center (ASSC), Andaman Nicobar Fault (ANF), West Andaman Fault (WAF), and Great Sumatra Fault (GSF). Key morphotectonic features in this region include the volcanic arc hosting Barren Island (BI) and Narcondam Island (NI) and the volcanic-origin Alcock Rise (AR). Additional significant faults include the Diligent Fault (DF), East Marginal Fault (EMF), and Cocos Fault (CF). The ANF, an active strike-slip fault north of the WAF, significantly influences basin morphology and generates earthquakes above 10°N latitude. This study focused on (1) analyzing the geometry and impact of ANF branches on basin morphology and (2) understanding the crustal architecture and the role of underplating in the Andaman volcanics. Three 2D seismic reflection lines between AR and NI revealed a positive flower structure in the basin, indicating the presence of an ANF branch. Fluid evidence was identified within a ~90 km² area at ~650 m depth below the seafloor through velocity, polarity, Q attenuation, and AVA analyses, although well data is unavailable to confirm the fluid type. The findings suggest that fluid migration is influenced by the crustal-scale ANF and associated depocenter variations.

To further explore the crustal architecture beneath NI, BI, and AR, four gravity profiles were extracted from satellite-derived free-air gravity data, followed by forward gravity modeling. The Moho depths beneath BI and NI were found to be ~17.67 km and ~17.58 km, respectively. Beneath AR, the Moho depth varies from 16.4 km to 17 km, reaching 19.4 km north of AR and Narcondam, connecting to the Burma region. The thickness of the underplated layer ranges from 1.5 to 2.7 km beneath AR and is less than 2 km beneath NI. This underplated layer beneath AR likely originates from the magma chamber associated with the Andaman Sea Spreading Center.

How to cite: Srivastav, H. K. and Ghosal, D.: Investigation of Andaman Sea using seismic data and gravity modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-304,, 2025.

EGU25-1137 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

Detrital Zircon Geochronology Indicates Synchronous Evolution Of Western Anatolian Supradetachment Basins 

Cem Ozyalcin, Xutong Guan, Joel Saylor, and Levent Erkızan

Western Turkey underwent episodic N-S extension following a Late Cretaceous–Paleogene compressional regime. This extension resulted in the formation of the N-S-oriented Selendi and Gördes basins, as well as the E-W-trending Alaşehir Basin. However, the timing of basin formation is debated, hampering geodynamic model development or links to causal mechanisms. Here, we test whether N-S- and E-W-trending basins formed synchronously by determining maximum depositional ages from detrital zircon or stratigraphic ages from zircon-bearing tuffs in the basin fill of the Gördes and Alaşehir Basins.

Existing basin chronology for the Gördes Basin is inferential and inconsistent. Previous research suggests the onset of sediment accumulation in the Gördes Basin occurred between 24.1 and 21.7 Ma. However, the older age is based on K-Ar dating of dikes that cross-cut the basement of the Gördes Basin and are lithologically correlated to clasts in the lower basin fill. The younger age comes from the tuffaceous uppermost formation and, therefore, represents a minimum age for the basin fill. K-Ar ages from volcanic domes underlying the oldest stratigraphy in the center of the Gördes Basin range from 18.4 ± 0.8 Ma to 16.3 ± 0.5 Ma, implausibly implying they erupted after the surrounding basin fill was deposited. This discrepancy suggests that either the age of the basin fill or the conclusion that the igneous rocks are volcanic is incorrect.

The age of the Alaşehir Basin is based primarily on palynological biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. Both yield middle Miocene ages (~16.4–14.4 Ma), but it is unclear whether these represent the oldest stratigraphy in the basin. Detrital zircon provenance data indicate that the earliest basin-filling sediments in the Gördes Basin were derived from a mixture of sources with affinities to the Tauride and Anatolide belts. Sediment provenance changes rapidly upsection, and within 50 meters, the Anatolide source is absent. In the Alaşehir Basin, the Anatolide source is never present, and sediment provenance is dominated by Tauride sources from the onset of basin filling.

Preliminary chronostratigraphic data indicate that the onset of sediment accumulation in the Alaşehir and Gördes basins may be synchronous but also highlight significant problems with the stratigraphic model for the Gördes Basin. Data from a sandstone in what is considered the lowermost formation of the Gördes Basin yield a maximum depositional age of 17.5 ± 0.2 Ma, younger than the oldest reported K-Ar ages of 21.7–20.5 Ma. A stratigraphically higher tuffaceous sample from the same formation yields an upward-younging age of 16.9 ± 1.7 Ma. However, two ignimbrite samples from what is considered a younger formation yield ages of 18.2 ± 2.8 Ma. These age inversions and stratigraphic inconsistencies indicate significant issues with the stratigraphic model for the basin. In comparison, a sandstone sample from the lowermost formation of the Alaşehir Basin yields an age of 19.0 ± 2.9 Ma. We conclude that the onset of sedimentation in the two basins is synchronous within the resolution of our methods, but significant work is needed to determine more precise basin chronologies and resolve apparent age inversions in the Gördes Basin.

How to cite: Ozyalcin, C., Guan, X., Saylor, J., and Erkızan, L.: Detrital Zircon Geochronology Indicates Synchronous Evolution Of Western Anatolian Supradetachment Basins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1137,, 2025.

EGU25-1278 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

Volume and provenance of sediments in the Rotliegend Polish Trough - Southern Permian Basin 

Beatriz Hadler Boggiani, Claire Mallard, Tristan Salles, and Nicholas Atwood

The Southern Permian Basins (SPB) have been extensively explored for ore deposits, yet the understanding of remaining undiscovered copper potential remains poorly constrained. This study employs goSPL, an open-source landscape and stratigraphic evolution model, to reconstruct the Permian sedimentary evolution of the Polish Trough in the southeastern SPB. To do so, we integrate paleogeographic reconstructions, sediment provenance analyses, and accumulation processes to assess the impacts of key tectonic events and paleoclimate on basin evolution. We simulate early sediment deposition under six tectonic regimes evaluating their influence on the provenance of the Upper Rotliegend red beds and their potential as a copper source for stratiform sediment-hosted copper deposits in the Kuperscheifer shale. Our results show that a variable subsidence scenario best matches observed sedimentation rates (~200 m/Myr), replicates the ~15 Myr hiatus found in the basin, and accurately captures depositional depth and sediment volumes (~19,000 km³), particularly during periods when the basin subsided below sea level. Provenance analyses indicate that sediments were predominantly sourced from the Bohemian and Carpathian Massifs, with up to 50% originating from the Fenno-Scandian Shield and Carpathian Massif during the Permian. Using paleo-lithology map, we estimate that approximately 1,000 km³ of sediments in the Upper Rotliegend red beds potentially held 50 to 155 Mt of ore which considerably discovered copper resource estimates in the basin. These findings highlight the importance of the red beds as a primary source for the Kupferschiefer copper deposits and suggest the red beds have potential for supplying additional undiscovered copper deposits. The method developed here can be used to assess red bed copper source potential for other basins worldwide, including those in frontier copper regions.

How to cite: Hadler Boggiani, B., Mallard, C., Salles, T., and Atwood, N.: Volume and provenance of sediments in the Rotliegend Polish Trough - Southern Permian Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1278,, 2025.

Basin-filling strata form casts of the surface topography, preserving records of tectonic events that are the foundation of our understanding of orogen dynamics today. Prevailing models for basin formation have proven useful for the interpretation of the vast majority of the sedimentary record, from continental scale deposystems like foreland basins to fault-bound deposystems along rifts and thrusts. However, the persistence of high-elevation, hinterland depocenters for millions of years, often without obvious causes of tectonic subsidence, presents a sedimentological conundrum. Non-tectonic topographic depressions on high plateaus, such as those created by aeolian excavation or volcanic damming, are finite in volume and likely to be quickly filled over geologic time. The maintenance of depression therefore generally requires the generation of new accommodation. When these enigmatic, long-lived lacustrine depocenters on high plateaus are also paired with adjacent, coeval mantle-derived magmatism, which is evidence of the disturbance of thermodynamic equilibrium at the base of the lithosphere, it bears consideration whether these basins are the surface symptoms of deeper mantle dynamics. If so, they would constitute a new class of tectonic basins: dynamic rebound basins due to lithospheric removal. Such basins should share some hallmark characteristics: anomalous patterns of intrabasinal deformation that are difficult to explain given the regional tectonic setting, convex-up subsidence curves representing the coeval acceleration of accommodation space across the entire basin, evidence of the rapid deepening of a hydrologically closed basin around the end of the depositional record, subsequent rapid rebound (basin inversion/exhumation), and mostly importantly, sedimentologic/stratigraphic patterns fundamentally inconsistent with classic models for other tectonic basins.

How to cite: He, J.: Towards a new class of tectonic basins: Dynamic rebound basins and lithospheric dripping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2427,, 2025.

EGU25-2562 | Orals | TS4.2

Late Eocene-Early Oligocene Eastward Growth of the Tibetan Plateau: Insights from Crustal Shortening of the Sichuan Basin 

Qianqian Feng, Nansheng Qiu, Hemin Koyi, and Tenger Borjigin

The effect of the eastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau on the morphotectonic evolution of South China is still a matter of debate. Here, we report new apatite fission track, apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He and zircon (U-Th)/He dates and analog model reconstruct the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the southeastern Sichuan fold-thrust belt (SS-FTB), on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Combined interpretation of thermochronology data and results of analog modeling show that the SS-FTB experienced an early northwestward progressive deformation between 100 Ma and 80 Ma forming several large-scale anticlines. A later accelerated cooling initiated between ∼35 Ma and 20 Ma, identified across the belt, implies that a crustal shortening and exhumation since the late Eocene-early Oligocene may have been widespread along the Sichuan Basin. This latter exhumation was a response to the far-field effect of the eastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau, which is accounted for the counterclockwise rotation axes of pre-existing anticlines and formation of a younger anticlines, hence the curved geometry of the belt.

How to cite: Feng, Q., Qiu, N., Koyi, H., and Borjigin, T.: Late Eocene-Early Oligocene Eastward Growth of the Tibetan Plateau: Insights from Crustal Shortening of the Sichuan Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2562,, 2025.

EGU25-3296 | Posters on site | TS4.2

A window into Alps and Apennines interactions and the development of the Northern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt 

Daniel Barrera, Francesca Stendardi, Ada De Matteo, Paola Bellotti, Samuele Pezzoli, Giovanni Toscani, Barbara Carrapa, and Andrea Di Giulio

The tectonic framework of Northern Italy is characterized by the complex interaction between the south-verging Southern Alps, the north-verging Northern Apennines, and their shared foreland basin, the Po-Plain Basin. The Neogene evolution of the Northern Apennines gives rise to three buried structural arcs, each one with an increasing amount of shortening, from W-E, the Monferrato arc, the Emilian Arc, and the Ferrara arc. The eastern Emilian Arc is composed of three main thrust systems and related anticlines that, from south to north, are named Stradella-Belgioioso, San Colombano and Casalpusterlengo-Zorlesco structures, and the Caviaga-Soresina structures. The western Emilian Arc is defined by the prolongation of the Caviaga-Soresina, Cortemaggiore and Salsomaggiore structures. In the outcropping Northern Apennines, the Bobbio Tectonic Window preserves a record of the interactions between the buried front of the Emilian Arc with the buried front of the Southern Alps. 

Existing studies have focused on fault slip rate reconstructions based on the interpretation of seismic lines along the Emilian arc, but a comprehensive 3D model of the entire arc is still lacking. We developed a model that integrates the structural and exhumation history of the Emilian Arc and the Southern Alps. 

Our study sheds important information on the spatio-temporal evolution of the Bobbio Tectonic Window, with implications on our understanding of out-of-sequence deformation in the Northern Apennines. Specifically, more than 1300 TWT seismic reflection profiles and 200 wells with log information and 42 wells with time-depth curves (courtesy of ENI E&P), have been integrated to build a detailed 3D tectonic model of the Emilian Arc. A set of balanced cross-sections were also developed to calculate fault slip rates. Moreover, sandstones from the core of the Bobbio Tectonic Window (San Salvatore Sandstones) were analyzed for apatite (U-Th)/He low-T thermochronology to 1) constrain cooling and exhumation history, 2) assess relationships between deformation and exhumation of the Emilian Arc in response to Alps-Alpine tectonics.

Our preliminary thermochronological results from the Bobbio Tectonic Window show a Pliocene cooling signal between ca. 2 and 4 Ma. We interpret these results to represent out-of-sequence thrusting within the inner Apennine fold-and-thrust belt as a result of the collision between the frontal part of the Emilian Arc with the Southern Alps.  This study shows how far field geological structures can influence the kinematics of thrust systems and helps explain the generally decreasing Plio-Pleistocene tectonic activity of the Northern Apennine's buried thrust front. 


How to cite: Barrera, D., Stendardi, F., De Matteo, A., Bellotti, P., Pezzoli, S., Toscani, G., Carrapa, B., and Di Giulio, A.: A window into Alps and Apennines interactions and the development of the Northern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3296,, 2025.

Many of the Earth's highest mountain peaks are located at the dissected fringe of large orogenic plateaus such as the Tibetan Plateau or the Altiplano. The striking spatial coexistence of exceptionally high peaks with rivers that incise the edge of the plateau led Wager to propose the co-evolution of valleys and mountain peaks more than a hundred years ago: focused erosion in valleys triggers the rise of mountain peaks due to erosional unloading and isostatically driven uplift. In addition to this interaction between localized erosion and ridgeline uplift, precipitation gradients due to orography introduce additional complexity. Amplified by rising ridgelines, the plateau slope forms a strong orographic barrier with wet conditions at the windward and dry conditions towards the plateau center. This in turn affects the spatial pattern of erosion and isostatically driven uplift.

We propose that the co-evolution of topography and precipitation (a) controls the spatial distribution and maximum height of mountain peaks that prominently tower above the plateau elevation and (b) limit the longevity of orogenic plateaus.  In this study, we compare the spatial distribution of mountain peaks along the Tibetan Plateau with results of a numerical model. The model considers orographic precipitation based on the advection and diffusion of moisture and its reaction on topographic barriers, fluvial erosion based on the stream power law, and flexural isostasy including viscous relaxation to account for erosional unloading and isostatic compensation. Our findings reveal that climatic factors (i.e. how far precipitation extends over the ridgeline), tectonic conditions (i.e. the pace and spatial pattern of plateau uplift) and lithospheric parameters (i.e. length-scale of lithospheric flexure) represent principal controls of the coupled precipitation­­-topography system. Only a few parameter combinations lead the evolution of peaks exceeding 8 km while maintaining the longevity of the plateau in the rain shadow of the ridgeline. Our experiments show that rapid plateau uplift is required, so that the main precipitation falls on the southern slope of the plateau even in the early phase of topography evolution. The longevity of the plateau requires the formation of a drainage divide in the rain shadow immediately behind the ridgeline of the highest mountains. Whether a drainage divide forms and where its position is depends on the ratio of the length scales for lithospheric flexure and orographic precipitation. Without the emergence of such a drainage divide, the plateau is rapidly dissected by river systems, without the formation of mountain peaks exceeding 8 km.

How to cite: Robl, J. and Hergarten, S.: From plateaus to mountain peaks: identifying climatic and tectonic controls on peak elevation and plateau longevity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3430,, 2025.

EGU25-4308 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

The demise of the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin: what caused its erosion? 

Valentin Rime and Tristan Salles

The Northern Alpine Foreland Basin (NAFB), also called Molasse basin, records the geological evolution of the Alpine orogenic belt. The basin accumulated sediments almost continuously for over 25 Myr, beginning in the Eocene. However, sedimentation ceased approximately at 5 Ma, accompanied by the erosion of up to several kilometres of sediments. The cause of this drastic shift in basin dynamics remains elusive.

Data suggests that the erosion pattern of the NAFB vary spatially and temporally and are unlikely to be explained by a single mechanism. Preliminary findings suggest that internal (i.e. Alpine) tectonics might play a primary role. Significant erosion in the western part of the basin correlates with pronounced vertical tectonic activity, including uplift associated with the thrusting of the Jura Mountains and subsidence due to the bending of the upper plate. In contrast, areas of lower erosion in the central basin correspond to more limited thrusting of the Alpine front and moderate subsidence of the basin. Meanwhile, the eastern basin likely experienced erosion earlier in its history, possibly driven by tectonic reorganisation and the cessation of convergence.

These interpretations are, however, based on correlations, and the quantitative impact of these tectonic movements on sedimentation dynamics has yet to be tested. Similarly, other external factors — such as tectonic activity in the European Cenozoic Rift System, filling of the Pannonian basin, climatic changes, and base-level shifts related to the Messinian Salinity Crisis — and their compounding effects must be tested.

Here, landscape evolution numerical modelling is used to better understand the basin dynamics. The goSPL code allows to model landscape evolution at continental scale accounting for different tectonic, climatic, and sea-level forcing conditions. This code is used to test the relative contributions of both internal and external mechanisms mentioned above and their interactions. The anticipated results will provide a quantitative assessment of the relative contributions of these factors on the dynamics of the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin since the Miocene.

How to cite: Rime, V. and Salles, T.: The demise of the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin: what caused its erosion?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4308,, 2025.

Geomorphological approaches are essential for advancing our understanding of fault dynamics and assessing better their seismic hazard, especially offshore where direct geological observations are inherently challenging. This study employs high-resolution bathymetric data (1 m) to conduct a detailed quantitative morphometric analysis of individual fault scarps along the North-South Faults (NSF). Our analysis provides a comprehensive characterization of this fault system, including key morphotectonic features such as tectonic depressions, horst and graben structures, half grabens, and pockmarks. Specifically, the fault scarps morphometric analysis derived from evaluating diverse bathymetric profiles across each fault scarp, reveals distinct patterns of vertical displacement, fault growth, and connectivity along the NSF. Vertical displacement ranges from centimetres to decametres, with the largest scarp and fault displacements consistently located in the southern area. This spatial distribution highlights a progressive northward propagation of the fault system, reflecting its evolving dynamics. The presence of relay ramps, stepovers, and interconnected segments indicates that the NSF is an incipient fault system developing within a left-lateral transtensional regime. Our findings support the interpretation of the NSF as the northern extension of the Al-Idrissi Fault, emphasizing its role within the broader tectonic framework of the Alboran Sea. Furthermore, the potential connection between the faults within the NSF suggests that this system could generate earthquakes up to magnitude Mw 6.1. Considering this, and based on the proposed location and the calculated focal mechanism of the 1910 Adra earthquake, we also hypothesize that the NSF may represent an alternative source for this event. This research highlights the importance of surface process analysis in unravelling fault evolution and its broader implications for regional geodynamics.

How to cite: Canari, A., Perea, H., and Martínez-Loriente, S.: Deciphering the dynamics of the North-South Faults in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) based on a high-resolution morphometric analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4463,, 2025.

EGU25-6549 | Orals | TS4.2

Spatial patterns of erosion rates and topographic steepness in the Three Rivers Region, southeastern Tibet 

Xianjun Fang, Sean D. Willett, Rong Yang, Dirk Scherler, Negar Haghipour, and Marcus Christl

We conduct a new analysis of the geomorphology, calibrated to basin-averaged erosion rates, for the Three Rivers Region (TRR), the southeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, drained by three major rivers that flow in parallel from north to south —the Salween, Mekong, and Yangtze. We combined DEM analysis of channel steepness indices of the trunk rivers and the tributaries with cosmogenic nuclide concentrations, measured in modern river sands collected from tributaries of these three major rivers. Our analysis reveals surprisingly low erosion rates for a high-relief mountain region, with an exception of the Meili Mountains, where significantly higher rates correlate with high river steepness. This localized anomaly appears to be related to high rock uplift rates associated with a compressive stepover structure linking the Parlung and Zhongdian strike-slip faults. In addition to this local process, we identify a broader west-to-east gradient of decreasing erosion rate and river steepness. This gradient cannot be explained by tectonic models favoring north-south movement but instead reflects the influence of the Indian Plate and Burma's indentation into South China. To further investigate these dynamics, we developed a kinematic model using GPS velocity data to reconstruct the relative positions of India, Burma, and the TRR over 20 Ma. The model estimates approximately 120 km of maximum TRR shortening, offering insights into the geomorphic evolution of this region.

How to cite: Fang, X., Willett, S. D., Yang, R., Scherler, D., Haghipour, N., and Christl, M.: Spatial patterns of erosion rates and topographic steepness in the Three Rivers Region, southeastern Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6549,, 2025.

EGU25-7110 | Orals | TS4.2

Mantle waves and the organised destabilisation of craton surfaces 

Thomas Gernon, Thea Hincks, Sascha Brune, Jean Braun, Stephen Jones, Derek Keir, Alice Cunningham, and Anne Glerum

Many cratonic continental fragments dispersed during the rifting and break-up of Gondwana are bound by steep topographic landforms known as ‘great escarpments’, which rim elevated plateaus in the craton interior. In terms of formation, escarpments and plateaus are traditionally considered distinct owing to their spatial separation, occasionally spanning more than a thousand kilometres. We integrate geological observations, statistical analysis, geodynamic simulations, and landscape-evolution models to develop a physical model that mechanistically links both phenomena to continental rifting (Gernon et al., 2023, 2024). Escarpments primarily initiate at rift-border faults and slowly retreat at about 1 km  Myr−1 through headward erosion. Simultaneously, rifting generates convective instabilities in the mantle—a ‘mantle wave’—that migrates cratonward at a faster rate of about 15–20  km  Myr−1 along the lithospheric root, progressively removing cratonic keels, driving isostatic uplift of craton interiors and forming a stable, elevated plateau. This process forces a synchronized wave of denudation, documented in thermochronology studies, which persists for tens of millions of years and migrates across the craton at a comparable or slower pace. We interpret the observed sequence of rifting, escarpment formation and exhumation of craton interiors as an evolving record of geodynamic mantle processes tied to continental break-up, upending the prevailing notion of cratons as geologically stable terrains.


Gernon, T.M., Jones, S.M., Brune, S., Hincks, T.K., Palmer, M.R., Schumacher, J.C., Primiceri, R.M., Field, M., Griffin, W.L., O’Reilly, S.Y., Keir, D., Spencer, C.J., Merdith, A. & Glerum, A. Rift-induced disruption of cratonic keels drives kimberlite volcanism. Nature 620, 344–350, doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06193-3 (2023).

Gernon, T.M., Hincks, T.K., Brune, S., Braun, J., Jones, S.M., Keir, D., Cunningham, A., & Glerum, A., Coevolution of craton margins and interiors during continental breakup. Nature 632, 327–335, doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07717-1 (2024).

How to cite: Gernon, T., Hincks, T., Brune, S., Braun, J., Jones, S., Keir, D., Cunningham, A., and Glerum, A.: Mantle waves and the organised destabilisation of craton surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7110,, 2025.

EGU25-7190 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

Neogene stabilization of the northwestern Tibetan Plateau 

Zhiyuan He

The Tibetan Plateau, often referred to as the ‘Roof of the World,’ is the largest and highest orogenic plateau on Earth, shaped by the Cenozoic collision between the Indian and Asian plates. Despite its high-elevation, low-relief topography, the timing and spatial variability of uplift across different regions remain topics of significant debate. Earlier models suggested uniform plateau-wide uplift, but emerging evidence points to diachronous evolution. This study presents the first thermochronological constraints on the tectonic history of the northwestern Tibetan Plateau within the western Songpan-Ganzi terrane, a region previously lacking detailed investigation. Apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He dating of Mesozoic basement rocks from the Hehribaé Tso and Keliya regions identify a phase of moderate to rapid exhumation from the late Eocene to Oligocene, followed by prolonged Neogene tectonic stability. Thermal history modeling indicates that this sector of the plateau reached near-modern topography by the late Oligocene, earlier than the Hoh-Xil region to the east, where uplift persisted into the Miocene. This asynchrony highlights spatially heterogeneous plateau growth, challenging the notion of uniform uplift and emphasizing the role of localized tectonic processes in plateau evolution. The findings refine models of continental deformation and plateau stabilization, offering new insights into the mechanisms controlling orogenic plateau dynamics.

How to cite: He, Z.: Neogene stabilization of the northwestern Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7190,, 2025.

EGU25-7952 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

Assessing the role of convergence rate, lithospheric thickness and surface processes in affecting subduction dynamics with 2D thermo-mechanical numerical modelling 

Fabiola Caso, Francesco Giuntoli, Alessandro Petroccia, Simone Pilia, and Pietro Sternai

Numerical modelling is widely used to investigate subduction dynamics, but the relative contribution of different parameters, such as convergence rates, lithosphere rheology and the surface mass redistribution by surface processes, in driving the overriding plate topographic evolution and overall strain remains elusive. We investigate the behaviour of the overriding continental plate during ocean-continent subduction by an extensive parametric study on key physical parameters using a 2D fully coupled thermo-mechanical and landscape evolution numerical model.

The examined parameters include the convergence rate, different crust, mantle and thermal lithospheric thicknesses, and erosion rates, also accounting for asymmetric orographic effects. Our modelling results show that a fast convergence velocity (>5 cm/yr) and a thick sub-continental lithospheric mantle promote compression of the overriding continental plate in the initial stages of subduction, when the slab dip angle is gentle, and back-arc extension during advanced stages. Conversely, a slow convergence velocity (1 cm/yr) and a thin sub-continental lithospheric mantle promote widespread extension since the initial stages of subduction, with wide back-arc extension. However, erosion and orographic effects can drastically change the subduction dynamics and associated overriding plate strain distribution, with particular effects on the location, size and fate of continental fragmentation due to back-arc extension and rifting. This continental fragmentation may produce microcontinents whose fate can change in response to the investigated parameters. Our extensive parametric study highlights hitherto unrecognized dynamics such as erosion-induced microcontinent subduction, with strong implications for plate kinematic reconstructions and our current understanding of tectonics-climate interactions.

How to cite: Caso, F., Giuntoli, F., Petroccia, A., Pilia, S., and Sternai, P.: Assessing the role of convergence rate, lithospheric thickness and surface processes in affecting subduction dynamics with 2D thermo-mechanical numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7952,, 2025.

EGU25-8331 | Posters on site | TS4.2

Morphotectonic Analysis of the Yenişehir (Bursa) Pull-Apart Basin  

K. Ömer Taş, Günay Beyhan, and H. Haluk Selim

The Yenişehir Basin, located in northwestern Türkiye, is a major geological structure formed by complex tectonic processes. This study focuses on the evolution of the basin and examines the structural and morphometric features, tectonic activity, and geophysical results. The active southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) has been responsible for formation of the Yenişehir Basin as a pull-apart basin. The rotation of the surrounding uplift areas, especially the Gemlik-İznik and İnegöl-Bilecik uplifts, played a crucial role in the development of the basin. The morphometric analysis of the study highlights the impact of tectonic activity on the topography of the basin, including the presence of features such as pressure ridges, relict hills, stream offsets and alluvial fans. Structural elements, including the Yenişehir Fault Zone, the Hayriye-Ayaz Fault and the Sungurpaşa Fault Zone, contribute to the boundaries of the basin and its ongoing tectonic evolution. Gravimetric analyzes confirm an increase in gravity anomalies within the basin, consistent with tectonic activity and structural evolution. In addition, the relative tectonic activity levels provide valuable insights into the evolution of fault systems and their influence on the geomorphology of the region. The results highlight the ongoing tectonic processes, including the extension of the basin and the role of faults in shaping the topography, and contribute to our understanding of the dynamic geological history of the region.

How to cite: Taş, K. Ö., Beyhan, G., and Selim, H. H.: Morphotectonic Analysis of the Yenişehir (Bursa) Pull-Apart Basin , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8331,, 2025.

EGU25-8734 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

Impact of river incision on lower crustal flow: insights from thermo-mechanical models 

Thomas Geffroy, Philippe Yamato, Philippe Steer, Benjamin Guillaume, and Thibault Duretz

Crustal deformation is highly influenced by surface processes, such as erosion and sedimentation, particularly in tectonically active regions. While these processes have been intensively studied in large-scale erosive settings and tectonically active areas, the specific effect of river incision on valley morphology and crustal deformation remains poorly constrained. In this study, we show that valley incision can have a significant impact on the morphological and tectonic evolution of orogenic systems. Using a two-dimensional thermo-mechanical model and inspired by the case study of the Nanga Parbat Haramosh Massif (NPHM), we investigated the effects of varying incision rates and topographic diffusion coefficient on crustal deformation in the absence of imposed tectonic boundary forces. Our results indicate that with the lowest incision rates (between 10 and 70mm.yr-1), surface processes predominantly govern the morphology of the valley, with limited tectonic feedback. Conversely, at higher incision rates (over 90mm.yr-1), the tectonic response becomes increasingly significant, impacting the long-term regional deformation and the morphology of the valley. Over a timescale of 10 million years, this dynamic interplay can lead to substantial crustal deformation involving the exhumation of the lower crust (at rates up to 3mm.yr-1) . Our reference model is in very good agreement with natural observations from the NPHM, suggesting that valley incision alone can drive significant crustal deformation, even in the absence of far field stresses (shortening). These results offer valuable insights into the interplay between surface processes and crustal deformation, highlighting the critical role of river incision in shaping mountainous landscapes and promoting the exhumation of deep crustal materials in actively deforming orogenic areas.

How to cite: Geffroy, T., Yamato, P., Steer, P., Guillaume, B., and Duretz, T.: Impact of river incision on lower crustal flow: insights from thermo-mechanical models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8734,, 2025.

EGU25-8912 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

Slow Propagation of Slab Tearing at Collisional Boundaries: Implications for Foreland Basin Evolution and Adjacent Mountain Uplift 

Giridas Maiti, Attila Balázs, Lucas Eskens, Taras Gerya, and Nevena Andrić-Tomašević

Slab detachment and its lateral propagation (slab tearing) have been hypothesized to cause along-strike migration of foreland basin depocenters, sedimentary facies belts and adjacent mountain uplift in many collisional orogens. However, existing numerical models of continental collision suggest that lateral propagation of slab tearing is a geologically very fast process (up to 120 cm yr-1), often inconsistent with tear velocity estimated from foreland basin depocenter migration data ( <20 cm yr-1). Moreover, the spatial and temporal effects of slab tearing on surface processes including the along-strike differential evolution of foreland basins and lateral facies belt migration remain poorly understood. Here, we present 3D thermo-mechanical numerical models, coupled with surface processes, such as diffusion-controlled erosion and sedimentation, to address under what conditions lateral migration of slab detachment along-plate boundaries slows down, if so, how it influences the evolution of foreland basins and the adjacent mountain topography. Our results indicate that lateral crustal heterogeneities, such as micro-continents, can trigger the initiation of slab detachment at one end earlier than the other. However, once a slab tear begins, it propagates to the opposite end almost instantaneously. Strikingly, an asymmetric oceanic age along the strike of the subducting passive margin, resulting in lateral lithospheric strength variations,  plays the most significant role in slowing down the lateral propagation of slab tearing (8-12 cm yr-1)—to rates similar to those obtained from collisional orogens. Finally, we compare our model results with Alps-Carpathians mountain chain and adjacent foreland basins, and emphasize the necessity to take into account subducting passive margin’s structural and oceanic age heterogeneities to explain slower slab tear propagation and observed surface geological fingerprints.  

How to cite: Maiti, G., Balázs, A., Eskens, L., Gerya, T., and Andrić-Tomašević, N.: Slow Propagation of Slab Tearing at Collisional Boundaries: Implications for Foreland Basin Evolution and Adjacent Mountain Uplift, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8912,, 2025.

The rates and kinematics of tectonic processes are generally thought to be reflected in the resulting landscape - with sites of rapid burial and exhumation typically being more rugged or high-relief. Although the plate boundary transition that occurs at the Mendocino triple junction (MTJ; northern California) represents a fundamental plate boundary change from subduction to translation, the landscape of the northern California coast ranges is relatively subdued or low-relief. Additionally, the MTJ region is marked by high levels of seismicity  indicating significant active deformation, but at the surface the effects are relatively minimal.  At present, the MTJ region is characterized by an abrupt change in crustal structure from a small, but deep, sedimentary basin - the Eel River Basin (ERB), north of the triple junction, to the exhumed Franciscan subduction complex (basement) to the south.  

New crustal seismic tomography for the region coupled with new low-T thermochronologic data and existing geophysical data (heat flow, seismicity, gravity) allow us to understand the cause of this basin-basement juxtaposition. Based on integrative modeling of the thermochronologic data with heat flow and other thermal indicators (vitrinite reflectance) we conclude that the ERB - Franciscan crust system migrates with the MTJ and represents the sequential occurrence of two extreme tectonic events. The ERB forms in advance of the MTJ, filling rapidly over a few million years to a maximum thickness of ~8-10 km. This basin is then rapidly exhumed and eroded in ~ 1 million years as the MTJ migrates, with exhumation rates on the order of order 8-10 mm/yr. In spite of these extreme exhumation rates, the resulting landscape is quite subdued, as a result of the migrating locus of tectonic activity, which leads to extreme but short-lived tectonic activity at any single location as the plate boundary system migrates. The Franciscan basement rocks record this burial/exhumation thermal history, but the lack of significant relief means that such tectonics could be easily missed in investigations of plate boundary evolution.

How to cite: Furlong, K. P., McKenzie, K., and Herman, M.: Hidden Extreme Rate Burial/Exhumation in a Migrating Basin-Orogen System at the Mendocino Triple Junction, California, USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12310,, 2025.

EGU25-14415 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

Drivers of asymmetric morpho-structural evolution along the western Colombian Andes across multiple temporal scales 

Santiago León, Claudio Faccenna, and Taylor Schildgen

The western Colombian Andes comprise several intermontane and forearc basins, whose evolution has been closely related to the growth of the Central and Western Cordilleras. Available tectonostratigraphic constraints suggest a highly asymmetrical Neogene basin evolution, characterized by limited connectivity among depocenters and a localized sedimentary provenance. Such a configuration is interpreted as the product of the along-strike tectonic segmentation of the Pacific continental margin, as indicated by the presence of contrasting subduction geometries and the occurrence of spatially variable morpho-structural and magmatic styles along the Colombian Andes. It is still uncertain whether spatiotemporal variations in subduction geometry remain a primary driver of recent landscape evolution, or whether there are other significant controlling factors, such as lithological and structural variations, and climatic or vegetation gradients. Here, we use catchment-averaged denudation rates and morphometric analyses of the Colombian Western Cordillera to evaluate the along- and across-strike symmetry of recent erosion patterns, temporal variations in rock uplift, and their primary controls. We also integrate available geomorphological data and erosion rate estimates for the Central Cordillera to assess the drivers of the asymmetric tectono-structural and topographic configuration of the western Colombian Andes. We intend to highlight the value of combining morphometric, structural, and sedimentological data to identify the impacts of tectonic, magmatic, and surface processes on landscape evolution across multiple temporal scales

How to cite: León, S., Faccenna, C., and Schildgen, T.: Drivers of asymmetric morpho-structural evolution along the western Colombian Andes across multiple temporal scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14415,, 2025.

EGU25-14529 | Posters on site | TS4.2

Paleolatitudes of the UHP terrane exhumation: Implications for interaction with climate-driven surface processes 

Lilong Yan, Kaijun Zhang, Lingsen Zeng, and Li-E Gao

How the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terranes are exhumed to shallow levels is among the most interesting but challenging topics in geosciences. In particular, little is known about how do climate-driven surface processes contribute to the UHP terrane exhumation. We investigate the paleolatitudes where the UHP terranes were exhumed. Our results show that all the UHP terranes in continental collision zones or oceanic accretionary wedges were exhumed within low latitudes (0°–30°), and the average paleolatitude for exhumations of the investigated 43 UHP terranes is ~5.1° N. Given that high temperature and precipitation of low latitudes would cause intense denudation, more sediment input at low latitudes into subduction zone could not only increase the buoyancy of deeply subducted mafic-ultramafic rocks, but also lubricate the subduction zone and reduce the downward friction in subduction channels, finally making it easier to exhume UHP rocks in low latitude regions. In contrast, those UHP xenoliths in mantle-derived igneous rocks could be brought to surface at higher paleolatitudes. Furthermore, the pattern of frequency for the UHP terranes exhumed at convergent boundaries is consistent with that of interglacial stages throughout the Earth history, indicating that the UHP exhumation is also controlled by the climate and thus suggesting that the exhumed UHP terranes may be useful paleoclimate indicators.

How to cite: Yan, L., Zhang, K., Zeng, L., and Gao, L.-E.: Paleolatitudes of the UHP terrane exhumation: Implications for interaction with climate-driven surface processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14529,, 2025.

EGU25-14794 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

River network response to thrust sheet propagation into a foreland 

Yutong Jiang, Yanyan Wang, Sean D. Willett, and Honghua Lu

Orogenic growth, characterized by formation and forward propagation of foreland fold-thrust belts, is a process predicted by wedge models of thrust sheet systems. During this process, the drainage network is disrupted by differential uplift and shortening across thrust ramps and lateral structures linking thrusts. Transverse rivers are often diverted into longitudinal reaches parallel to thrust faults, where they converge into larger river systems, thereby altering the river network patterns. Whether these patterns contain fingerprints of past tectonic events can be elucidated through numerical modeling of coupled tectonics and river network evolution.

To investigate the effects of isolated thrust sheet propagation on drainage networks, we use a numerical two-dimensional landscape evolution model, the Divide and Capture model (DAC), which integrates numerical solution of fluvial incision and analytical hillslope processes for both diffusive and slope-limited processes on an adaptive grid. As a Lagrangian reference-frame model, river channel courses are accurately tracked, even with topographic advection. We model a growing bivergent, orogenic wedge as a shortening region with  multiple isolated thrust sheets, consisting of a shortening structure with flat-ramp-flat geometry.  Faults have finite strike length and strike-slip linking structures, constructed to build a strain-compatible model with equal convergence along strike.  Convergence velocity is oriented perpendicular to the thrust sheets and is absorbed by each fault through a specified slip rate.

The modeling results reveal a non-steady and dynamic landscape, characterized by locally high uplift rates and significant relief above ramp structures. The river network responds dynamically to the propagation and displacement of thrust sheets. Interestingly, the largest transients and river capture events are not associated with the uplift zones, but rather with the strike-slip linking structures. Rivers draining the uplift blocks are relatively stable, but longitudinal rivers parallel to thrusts are often blocked, forming unstable closed basins or are forced to cross transfer structures,  undergo significant offset and eventual river capture events. We conclude that horizontal advection, and its variation across a complex 3-D fold-and-thrust system, rather than localized uplift, dominates the reshaping of a river network above the propagated thrust foreland.

How to cite: Jiang, Y., Wang, Y., Willett, S. D., and Lu, H.: River network response to thrust sheet propagation into a foreland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14794,, 2025.

The basement nature of Junggar Basin is an important topic concerning the basin evolution and continental growth of CAOB, but it still remains highly controversial, with views varying from the existence of pre-Cambrian basement as its continental block to a basement of Paleozoic oceanic crust or oceanic island arc complexes. Here, we focus on the deep architecture of Junggar Basin and its nature, using deep seismic reflection together with zircon Hf isotopic analysis carried out on Late Paleozoic strata, in order to provide new constraints on the basement nature of Junggar Basin. Most Carboniferous volcanic rocks, obtained from seven wells within Junggar Basin, have positive εHf(t) values except for minor negative εHf(t) values in the western Junggar Basin, suggesting that the Junggar Basin is mainly dominated by juvenile crust without the large-scale pre-Cambrian basement, if exist, it is limited and only located in the western part of Junggar Basin. Moreover, the 2D seismic profile suggests that Junggar Basin has duplex basement structure according to the differences in wave velocity. The upper part is Hercynian folded basement, whereas the lower part is the ancient crystalline basement. Furthermore, the deep seismic reflection profiles and drilling data confirm that the basement of Junggar Basin is chiefly composed of Hercynian folded basement. These Hercynian volcanic rocks have typical arc-like geochemical characteristics with low TiO2 contents, enrichment in LILEs and depletion in HFSE, suggesting that they are products of subduction-related magmatism. These results, in combination with previous data in the East and West Junggar terrane, imply that the Junggar Basin probably have a collaged basement of Paleozoic juvenile crust with limited pre-Cambrian basement.

How to cite: Li, D. and He, D.: Appraising the basement nature of Junggar Basin through borehole core and deep seismic reflection data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15026,, 2025.

EGU25-15072 | Orals | TS4.2

Diverse responses of coupled mountain-basin system to periodic climate change 

Xiaoping Yuan, Tianyu Luo, and Xiaoming Shen

Fluvial erosion and deposition rates are influenced by channel slope, upstream water discharge, and sediment flux. In mountain belts, fluvial processes primarily generate sediment through the incision of bedrock, with the eroded material being transported downstream by the fluvial discharge. As sediment reaches the low-gradient foreland basin, the reduced channel slope significantly diminishes the river's transport capacity, resulting in part of sediment being deposited in the basin, while the remainder is transported further through the basin's drainage network, eventually reaching more distant locations such as oceans or large lakes. The processes of sediment generation, transfer, and preservation are highly sensitive to precipitation rate change. Therefore, variations in sediment flux within rivers and changes in basin sediment thickness can provide insights into past climate conditions. 

Using a fluvial erosion-deposition landscape evolution model, we investigate how erosion-dominated regions (mountain belts) and deposition-dominated areas (foreland basins) respond to periodic variations in precipitation rates. The model results indicate that landscape response is highly sensitive to the ratio of forcing period (P) to response time (τ). Mountain regions typically respond to medium- to high-frequency signals in the form of fluctuations in sediment flux, which can be amplified through sedimentation processes. As the forcing period increases, peak sediment flux and peak precipitation rates may become in-phase, lag, or lead. These differences result from variations in the migration distance of knickpoints, as demonstrated by river elevation profiles and χ-plots. In contrast, basins are more responsive to low-frequency signals in the form of changes in sediment thickness, with basin elevation adjustments consistently lagging behind the forcing. Our work provides insights into understanding the response of the mountain-basin system to precipitation rate variations on different time scales and offers explanations for their different responses to precipitation rate change.

How to cite: Yuan, X., Luo, T., and Shen, X.: Diverse responses of coupled mountain-basin system to periodic climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15072,, 2025.

EGU25-15876 | ECS | Orals | TS4.2

High-elevation western Anatolian topography delayed faunal migration during the early Miocene 

Xutong Guan, Joel Saylor, Cem Özyalçın, Ilya Bindeman, Kurt Sundell, and Chelsea Mackaman-Lofland

Anatolia is a major thoroughfare for faunal migration and its paleogeography impacted faunal dispersals from, and to, Africa, Europe, and Asia. For example, the first appearance of hominoids in central Anatolia was 2-6 Myr after the formation of the "Gomphotherium Landbridge" according to fossil records, yet the arrival of hominoids at a far more distant location in China occurred only 1-2 Myr after the formation of the landbridge. Furthermore, in the early Miocene, the populations of small mammals in Europe and Anatolia differed greatly. Mineral barometry-based crustal thickness calculations and Airy isostatic considerations suggest paleoelevations of 3.5–4.1 km in early Miocene western Anatolia. This presents the possibility that the observed delays in faunal dispersion and differences in faunal populations were the result of topographic barriers in western Anatolia. Nevertheless, the hypothesis that high elevations posed migration barriers in western Anatolia lacks supporting paleoelevation data. To test the hypothesis, we first established a new geochronological model for the Gördes Basin based on U-Pb ages from sandstones and tuffs collected from new stratigraphic sections and then measured hydrogen isotopic ratios of 13 volcanic glass samples and oxygen isotopic ratios of 28 carbonate samples from that basin. The onset of the sedimentation of the Gördes Basin at 18-19 Ma based on both maximum depositional ages (sandstone) and true depositional ages (tuffs) is younger than previously estimated at 21-20 Ma. We calculated the paleowater isotopic compositions with standard isotopic fractionation during precipitation and a 15°C precipitation temperature for CO3. Volcanic glass samples have δDpaleowater(pw) values ranging from -113.7 to -67.5‰ and δ18Opw values ranging from -12.9 to -6.1‰. Hydration by primarily ambient waters rather than magmatic water is indicated by a slight negative trend between δD and weight percentage H2O. The analysis of the δ18O and δ13C of alluvial carbonate samples and microphotographs demonstrate that they are not diagenetic. Paleoelevation was calculated using alluvial carbonate materials and volcanic glass samples with wt% H2O> 2. A 16 Ma paleosol sample in a marginal marine environment was chosen as a low-elevation baseline for determining Miocene paleoelevations. Calculated paleoelevations of 19-16 Ma western Anatolia are 3.6 ± 0.7 and 4.3 ± 0.9 km (1σ), based on the most negative δ values of -12.9‰ and -113.7‰ for δ18Opw and δDpw, respectively. Paleoelevations calculated based on the most negative quartile are 3.2 ± 0.5 km and 3.9 ± 0.6 km (2σ) for δ18Opw and δDpw, respectively.We conclude that the early Miocene topography in western Anatolia was approximately 2-3 km higher than the current topography, based on independent oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of carbonate and volcanic glass paleoelevation proxies. Moreover, independent estimations based on Airy isostacy agree with the calculated paleoelevations. These factors together support the model of extreme early Miocene paleoelevations in western Anatolia and the hypothesis that early Miocene faunal dispersal was hampered by high relief. If that is the case, extensional deformation throughout the Miocene-Pliocene could cause a decrease in paleoelevation and an establishment of faunal migration corridors in the western Anatolia. 

How to cite: Guan, X., Saylor, J., Özyalçın, C., Bindeman, I., Sundell, K., and Mackaman-Lofland, C.: High-elevation western Anatolian topography delayed faunal migration during the early Miocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15876,, 2025.

EGU25-16005 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

Modelling the influence of pre-collisional rift linkage during mountain building 

Sebastian G. Wolf, Ritske S. Huismans, Josep Anton Muñoz, and Dave A. May

It is well documented that many mountain belts, like the Pyrenees, European Alps, Greater Caucasus, or Atlas, form to a large degree by the inversion of pre-collisional extensional basins. Looking at present-day extensional systems, we observe that one of their first order characteristics is rift segmentation with offset sub-basins that are linked through transfer zones. However, the impact of rift segmentation and linkage structures on subsequent mountain building remains unknown. Here, we use the 3D thermo-mechanical geodynamic model pTatin3D that is coupled to the fluvial landscape evolution model FastScape to investigate the effects of offset rift basins on subsequent basin inversion and mountain building. Presenting numerical models and a work minimization analysis, we show that rift linkage during extension depends on rift basin offset. The inversion of offset rift basins during mountain building can be subdivided into a juvenile and a mature stage. During the juvenile stage, extensional structures are reactivated, forming a mountain belt that resembles the basin structure. Further growth during the mature stage is determined by the emerging subduction polarity, which depends on pre-collisional basin offset and the nature of pre-existing weaknesses. Small offsets or pre-existing weaknesses that dip in the same direction lead to same-polarity subduction, which preserves the extensional template in the mountain belt. Basin offsets larger than ~30 km favour opposite polarity subduction, which eradicates the pre-collisional basin structure. Based on first-order model characteristics, we propose a simple template, in which mountain belt topography and dominant valley orientations can be used to infer deformation at depth. Comparison with the Greater Caucasus, Atlas, and Pyrenees shows that the Greater Caucasus is a type-example of a mature same-polarity subduction orogen, the Atlas is a juvenile inversion orogen where subduction polarity does not play a significant role, and the Pyrenees are a mature same-polarity orogen, which exhibits several additional complexities.

How to cite: Wolf, S. G., Huismans, R. S., Muñoz, J. A., and May, D. A.: Modelling the influence of pre-collisional rift linkage during mountain building, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16005,, 2025.

We present a backwards-in-time approach for both linear and non-linear cases of the stream power (SP) equation to constrain uplift, erosional histories, and paleo-topography. Our approach does not assume that every source of change in a river profile can be accounted for. Instead, we use existing dynamic topography models, coupled with a backward-in-time erosion model and flexural isostasy, to focus on the large-scale perturbations affecting the river profile. This allows us to resolve best-fit dynamic topography models based on observed stream profiles. Here, we focus on the Western Highlands of Cameroon, a slow-eroding setting which is thought to have undergone large-scale topographic changes since at least the Miocene, due to its proximity along the enigmatic Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL). We show that large scale perturbations (knickzones) in 3 of the largest rivers draining the highlands south of the CVL can be explained by up to 400 m of relative uplift due to dynamic topography over the past 30 Myr. These models suggest that a mantle source is largely responsible for recent uplift in the CVL region, as opposed to a purely lithospheric process suggested by others.

How to cite: Ruetenik, G. and Moucha, R.: Backwards-in-time river profile modeling: constraints on Dynamic Topography in the Western Highlands of Cameroon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18423,, 2025.

EGU25-18815 | ECS | Orals | TS4.2

Madagascar's landscape evolution: a tale of two rifts and drainage divide migration 

Romano Clementucci, Egor Uchusov, Yanyan Wang, and Sean Willett


The topography of Madagascar reflects a dynamic history of water divide migration, driven by rifting on both coasts, but modified by late Cenozoic volcanism and extensional tectonics. These geological events have produced distinct geomorphic landscapes and histories. We reconstruct how rifting created coastal escarpments, as well as long-wavelength tilting, that shifted the water divide, changing drainage area and erosion patterns since Cretaceous rifting. We document a westward-tilted plateau with sinuous remnant escarpments on the western margin and a linear escarpment approximately corresponding to the modern drainage divide on the eastern margin, formed during the corresponding rifting phases, separated by 80 Ma. We suggest that the western topographic remnants are part of the older, western escarpment that was destroyed during Indian Ocean rifting, which formed the younger, eastern escarpment and tilted the existing topography, causing the water divide to jump to the eastern margin. Currently, the eastern escarpment corresponds to the insular water divide in the south, but not in the central or northern regions, where the escarpment corresponds to a large, regional knickzone, several tens of kms downstream from the water divide. We argue that knickzone-type river profiles correspond to the late Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic activity that shifted the divide inland from its post-rifting position at the escarpment. These findings highlight the profound, long-term impact of drainage divide migration in shaping Madagascar’s topography and hydrology.

How to cite: Clementucci, R., Uchusov, E., Wang, Y., and Willett, S.: Madagascar's landscape evolution: a tale of two rifts and drainage divide migration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18815,, 2025.

EGU25-18879 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2

4D burial-exhumation patterns in a continental corner collision: insights from coupled 3D numerical modelling 

Luuk van Agtmaal, Attila Balázs, Dave May, and Taras Gerya

With the advent of increasing computational resources, 3D geodynamic models have become more complex, for example by coupling with various types of surface process models. This allows us to model highly 3D tectonic settings more accurately, such as continental corner collisions. Such settings are sensitive to surface-tectonics interactions. However complex numerical models may be, they are only useful if we can compare them to observations. Burial-exhumation cycle or PT-t (pressure, temperature, time) analysis is one of the few ways of comparing model evolution to nature. It is common in 2D studies, but has barely been used  in 3D modelling studies (Fischer et al., 2021). 

Here we showcase our newly developed post-processing analysis that accurately tracks markers’ position and properties and the surface above it either forward or backward in time. We apply this method to high-resolution 3D models of the eastern corner of the India-Asia collision, conducted with I3VIS-FDSPM(Gerya & Yuen, 2007; Munch et al., 2022). In these models a strongly curved structure with high exhumation (a syntaxis) develops similar to the Eastern Himalya Syntaxis (Burg et al., 1998). We vary controlling parameters such as surface process intensity to measure their effects on exhumation and metamorphic evolution. 

Our novel analysis reveals that exhumation can take place perpendicular to the direction of convergence (termed lateral exhumation) under certain conditions and that rocks can undergo multiple cycles of burial-exhumation under continued convergence. We also quantify the partitioning between surface-driven and tectonically driven exhumation. 


Burg, J.-P., Nievergelt, P., Oberli, F., Seward, D., Davy, P., Maurin, J.-C., Diao, Z., & Meier, M. (1998). The Namche Barwa syntaxis: Evidence for exhumation related to compressional crustal folding. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 16(2), 239–252.

Fischer, R., Rüpke, L., & Gerya, T. (2021). Cyclic tectono-magmatic evolution of TTG source regions in plume-lid tectonics. Gondwana Research, 99, 93–109.

Gerya, T. V., & Yuen, D. A. (2007). Robust characteristics method for modelling multiphase visco-elasto-plastic thermo-mechanical problems. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 163(1), 83–105.

Munch, J., Ueda, K., Schnydrig, S., May, D. A., & Gerya, T. V. (2022). Contrasting influence of sediments vs surface processes on retreating subduction zones dynamics. Tectonophysics, 836, 229410.

How to cite: van Agtmaal, L., Balázs, A., May, D., and Gerya, T.: 4D burial-exhumation patterns in a continental corner collision: insights from coupled 3D numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18879,, 2025.

The influence of evaporites on the tectonic style of rift basins, as well as subsequent basin inversion and fold-and-thrust belt evolution, has gained increasing attention from both the scientific community and industry. Salt deposits play a crucial role in hydrogen and CO₂ storage and are associated with geohazards such as landslides. Despite this, the impact of pre-rift décollement layers on the subsidence, thermal evolution, fault spacing, rift linkage, and erosion-deposition patterns throughout the Wilson cycle remains insufficiently explored.

This study employs high-resolution (300–400 m), lithospheric-scale 3D thermo-mechanical models using I3ELVIS to simulate the successive stages of rifting and subsequent contraction. The models incorporate simplified erosion and sedimentation processes through diffusion, with a specific focus on the role of pre-rift evaporitic décollement layers. An low-viscosity evaporitic layer is defined at the base of the pre-rift sedimentary sequence, and the effects of varying evaporite thickness, density, and erosion-sedimentation rates are systematically analyzed. Plate divergence, simulating a 2 cm/yr lithospheric extension rate, transitions to a 1 cm/yr convergence rate to model basin inversion. Extension-to-contraction transitions are implemented after varying degrees of extension, either during continental rifting or following crustal break-up.

The rift basins in the models exhibit diverse salt tectonic structures, including salt diapirs, minibasins, and rollover structures. Additionally, localized contractional structures form along the tilted flanks of half-graben depocenters. Basin inversion reactivates salt structures along inherited basin margins, promoting the development of diapirs above the rising orogenic core. Thin-skinned thrust sequences are efficiently decoupled from basement-involved structures by the inherited evaporitic décollement layer. Although the models are not site-specific, the results align with observations from rifted (passive) margins and regions such as the Atlas and Carpathians Mountains.

How to cite: Balázs, A.: Salt Tectonics During Lithospheric-Scale Rift and Basin Inversion Stages: Insights from High-Resolution Numerical Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20012,, 2025.

Jingshan Group metasedimentary rocks are widespread east of the Wulian-Yantai fault. Only a few studies focus on the provenance, depositional age, metamorphic timing and tectonic affinity of these rocks. Two Jingshan Group metasedimentary rocks and one associated gneissic trondhjemite were selected for SHRIMP U-Pb dating. Zircons from the metasedimentary rock near Xujiadian town show a major U-Pb age cluster at 2.55-2.45 Ga, with minor clusters at 2.2-2.0 Ga and ~2.72 Ga and a few >3.0 Ga. The sample was metamorphosed at ~1.86 Ga. Detrital zircon cores from the other metasedimentary rock collected at Huxi village likely crystallized at ~2.56 Ga, whereas the rims yield two metamorphic ages of 2.47 Ga and 231 Ma. A gneissic trondhjemite that may have intruded the second metasedimentary rock was emplaced at 2.51 Ga and metamorphosed at 2.47 Ga. According to these results, the depositional ages of the metasedimentary rocks from Xujiadian town and Huxi village can be constrained to 2.1-1.86 Ga and 2.56-2.47 Ga (possibly 2.56-2.51 Ga), respectively. Our studies indicate that small volumes of late Archean to early Paleoproterozoic (~2.5 Ga) supracrustal rocks can be distinguished from the metasedimentary rocks described as belonging to the mid-late Paleoproterozoic Jingshan Group. The two metasedimentary rocks presented in this study were derived from the Jiaobei terrane. Combining our results with published data, basement rocks located east of the Wulian-Yantai fault have a Jiaobei terrane affinity, implying that the suture zone between the Jiaobei terrane and the Sulu orogeny lies east of the Wulian-Yantai fault and is probably represented by the Muping-Jimo fault. The weighted mean age of 230.8 ± 5.5 Ma obtained from zircon metamorphic rims of biotite-muscovite schist (JS02) reported here provides robust evidence that the basement rocks of the Jiaobei terrane were involved in the Triassic subduction of the Yangtze Craton.

How to cite: Xie, S., Wang, F., Schertl, H.-P., and Liu, F.: Depositional age, provenance and metamorphic timing of metasedimentary rocks from the eastern margin of the Jiaobei terrane, North China Craton: evidence from SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20081,, 2025.

The Tripura fold-thrust belt is located at the eastern fringes of the Bengal basin, which is also part of the Himalayan foreland basin. It is also considered situated at the outer wedges of deformation front of the Indo-Burmese ranges, eastern Himalayas. It has been developed due to the oblique collision of the Indian, Eurasian, and Burmese micro-plates over the past 2 million years, leading to new antifomal ridges in the western region. It comprises a series of N-S trending narrow antiformal ridges separated by wide synformal valleys. In North and East Tripura, the major rivers such as Khowai and Dhalai flow through the intermontane valley to the north, eventually merging with rivers in Bangladesh. Meanwhile, in West Tripura, rivers like Haora and Gomti flow westward, joining with rivers in Bangladesh.  The shifting of major rivers like Khowai and Haora northwards within the antiformal ridges indicates neo-tectonic activities along the transverse fault. Recent Earthquake activities in the area also emphasize that the area is tectonically active. However, due to its inaccessible location, dense vegetation, and ongoing border disputes have resulted in limited research attention. Based on previous structural studies, a series of N-S trending parallel antiformal ridges show a progressive decreasing structural complexity from East to West; however, limited or no systematic studies are available to understand the sequential development of these ridges and valleys concerning tectonic and chronological framework.
Our research aims to establish a geochronological framework in the late-quaternary geomorphic evolution of the Tripura fold-thrust belt which has been lacking. Using geomorphic studies and optically luminescence dating techniques, we provide a timeline of sediment deposition and new antiformal ridge formation in the westernmost part of the area during the Late Quaternary period, leading to a better understanding of the sequence of events operating in the landscape evolution. Primary field observation suggests a thick deposition of unconsolidated sand and silt layers showing a fining upward sequence preserved at the flank of ridges. In the westernmost part of Tripura, based on 22 luminescence ages dated from unconsolidated sand samples suggested that it was a plain depositional fluvial system during 87, 84, 79,76,74 ka or even older than that and continued to deposit around 68, 65,63 till 55 ka. During that time, there was a high sediment supply in the area. Due to tectonic activities, the Baramura and Atharamura ridges started to develop after 50 ka, evident from the luminescence dates from the top layer of sand deposits preserved in the crest of the ridges. Climate fluctuations significantly influenced sediment supply for fluvial deposition, which was subsequently affected by ongoing neo-tectonism in the Indo-Burmese ranges. Additionally, it also corresponds with the transition during arid-humid phases that prevailed over the Northern Hemisphere in the global scenario.

How to cite: Kar, R. and Jaiswal, M. K.: Late Quaternary landscape evolution of the frontal part of Tripura Fold Thrust Belt, India: Connecting climate and tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-884,, 2025.

The fourth member of the Shahejie Formation (Es4x) represents a critical unit within the Bohai Bay Basin (BBB), not only as a significant oil reservoir but also for understanding depositional environments and evolution during the late Paleocene to early Eocene, particularly in the Bonan Sag. This study emphasizes the influence of paleotopography and paleoclimate on the spatial and temporal distributions of sedimentary facies within Es4x, focusing on reconstructing and analysing the evolution of the fan system through paleogeographic modelling. A multidisciplinary approach integrates seismic data, well logs, core samples, petrographic analyses, and geochemical data to provide a comprehensive understanding of depositional processes influenced by tectonic activity, climate, and sedimentary systems. These findings underscore the profound impact of geomorphological and paleotopographic variations on the distributions of terminal fans and their sandstone reservoirs within Es4x. Proximal, middle, and distal fan systems were identified as products of regional topography and sediment transport pathways. Additionally, paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions based on sedimentary features and climate proxies reveal that arid to semiarid conditions prevailed in the region, significantly influencing the sediment supply. A key discovery is the evolution of the spatial and temporal framework of terminal fan systems, marked by progradation indices during arid to hot humid intervals, followed by evaporite deposition, total organic carbon (TOC) accumulation, and mudstone color variations linked to the relative expansion of water bodies. In addition to providing a comprehensive understanding of the interplay among paleoclimate, paleotopography, tectonics, and terminal fan sedimentation during this critical period of complex evolution in the Bohai Bay Basin, this study also offers valuable perspectives for petroleum exploration. By elucidating the evolution of terminal fan depositional systems and their responses to environmental changes, the findings can enhance predictions of reservoir distribution and quality within similar deposits.

How to cite: Mioumnde, A. P., Zhang, L., and Yan, Y.: Paleotopography, Palaeoclimate and Terminal Fan Evolution System of the Lower Paleogene of the Shahejie Formation in Bonan sag: Insights into Paleogeographic Reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1120,, 2025.

EGU25-2555 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Meso-Cenozoic Tectonic and Geomorphic Evolution of the Eastern Tianshan: Insights from the Barkol Mountains and Hami Basin 

Zihao Zhao, Guocan Wang, Tianyi Shen, and Cheng Ma

This study explores the formation, preservation, and uplift of relict low-relief surfaces in the Barkol Mountains, coupled with sedimentological and geochemical insights from the Hami Basin. By integrating digital geomorphic analysis, structural mapping, thermochronology, and sedimentary data, the research reconstructs the tectonic and geomorphic evolution of this region.

Using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data (3-arc-second resolution), relict low-relief surfaces in the Barkol Mountains were identified based on slope thresholds (<14°) and hydrological analysis in ArcGIS. Cross-sectional profiles and slope-aspect analyses highlight tectonic influences, including fault-induced tilting and segmentation, with boundary faults playing a significant role in surface deformation.

Apatite fission track (AFT) analyses from granitic samples reveal prolonged slow cooling during the Late Cretaceous (124.6–63.5 Ma), indicating minimal exhumation and surface preservation. Younger AFT ages (50–55 Ma) near the southern boundary fault suggest Paleogene fault reactivation and accelerated cooling. Single-grain AFT ages from modern river sands on the southern slope are dispersed, with peaks at 135.7 ± 9 Ma, 86.4 ± 5.3 Ma, and 50.4 ± 4.7 Ma, corresponding to bedrock ages. Apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) data corroborate these findings, with younger ages (~30 Ma) in faulted regions, reflecting enhanced exhumation due to tectonic activity. These results underscore the structural control of exhumation processes, contrasting slow hinterland cooling with rapid fault-zone cooling.

In the Hami Basin, sedimentological and geochemical analyses of Cretaceous and Cenozoic deposits link sediment provenance to tectonic uplift. Detrital AFT ages from basin sediments show peaks at ~170 Ma and ~100 Ma, aligning with erosion events in the Bogda and Harlik-Barkol Mountains. Geochemical analysis reveals that apatite ages from mafic rocks cluster in the Middle Jurassic, while those from granitic rocks concentrate in the Early Cretaceous, corresponding to sources in the Bogda and Harlik-Barkol Mountains, respectively. This pattern likely reflects the sequential uplift and exhumation of the Bogda and Harlik-Barkol Mountains.

In conclusion, the Barkol Mountains exhibit relict surfaces formed during slow Late Cretaceous cooling, disrupted by Paleogene fault reactivation and accelerated exhumation. Additionally, the Hami Basin archives sedimentary records of tectonic-driven erosion, offering insights into the interplay between tectonics, geomorphology, and basin evolution in the Eastern Tianshan.

How to cite: Zhao, Z., Wang, G., Shen, T., and Ma, C.: Meso-Cenozoic Tectonic and Geomorphic Evolution of the Eastern Tianshan: Insights from the Barkol Mountains and Hami Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2555,, 2025.

Recovering the patterns of glacial erosion over time is key to understanding feedbacks between climate and tectonic processes. Glacial erosion rates have been shown to systematically increase worldwide toward the present since the late Cenozoic, a behavior interpreted as the response of glaciers to a cooling and increasingly variable climate. However, the validity of this signal has been questioned, and suggested to be affected by the incompleteness of the sedimentary record, which can introduce a time dependent bias in the time averaged rates. In this study, we present new glacial erosion rates estimated from sediment accumulations in Lago Argentino, Patagonia, a proglacial basin with a nearly complete preserved sedimentary record. The erosion rates are estimated through the past 20,000 years and averaged over time intervals ranging from subdecadal to millennial, allowing us to explore erosion rate variability through time and within a glacial cycle. The data show that erosion rates have varied substantially, from 0.43 ± 0.12 to 82.38 ± 17.58 mm/yr, with no systematic increase (or decrease) through time. Rather, erosion occurs during discrete, intense events separated by times of quiescence. In addition, we find that glacial erosion rates have comparable magnitudes when averaged over similar time intervals. Our data show a power‐law increase in glacial erosion rates with decreasing averaging time interval, consistent with other observations globally. Given our observed intermittent character of glacial erosion, we attribute this increase to a time averaging bias, rather than to an escalation in magnitude of erosional pulses toward the present.

How to cite: Magnani, M. B. and Fedotova, A.:  Glacial Erosion Rates Since the Last Glacial Maximum for the Former Argentino Glacier and Present‐Day Upsala Glacier, Patagonia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3350,, 2025.

EGU25-3509 | Posters on site | GM7.1

Tectonic and climatic control of Yarlung Tsangpo Gorge revealed by a buried canyon in Southern Tibet 

Ping Wang, Gang Hu, Huiying Wang, and Yukui Ge

The Himalayan mountains are dissected by some of the deepest and most impressive gorges on Earth. Constraining the interplay among river incision, glacial movement and rock uplift is important for understanding tectonic deformation in this region. We report here the discovery of a deeply incised canyon of the Yarlung Tsangpo River, at the eastern end of the Himalaya, which is now buried under more than 500 meters of sediments. By reconstructing the former valley bottom, analyzing sedimentary phase and dating sediments at the base of the valley fill, we show that fluvial sediment accumulation started at about 2 million 2.5 million of years ago, and extensive glacial advances occurred after ~0.75 million of years. Our findings reveal that rapid rock uplift is the direct cause of the high erosion rates within the gorge, which began to steepen about 2-2.5 million years ago. Notably, the earliest extensive glacial advance (~0.75 million of years) is considerably younger than the formation of the Tsangpo Gorge (>2.5 million of years). Following the initiation of this glacial advance, the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis experienced rapid exhumation of approximately 1.3-1.6 kilometers. Such geomorphological processes and exhumation history suggest that rock uplift, rather than glacial damming, played a pivotal role in maintaining the stability of the knickpoints on the southeastern margins of the Tibetan Plateau.

How to cite: Wang, P., Hu, G., Wang, H., and Ge, Y.: Tectonic and climatic control of Yarlung Tsangpo Gorge revealed by a buried canyon in Southern Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3509,, 2025.

EGU25-4010 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

Controls on valley-floor width in the western Andes 

Stefanie Tofelde, Fiona J. Clubb, and Bodo Bookhagen

River valleys range from narrow and deeply incised canyons to broad and open valleys with valley floors that are many times wider than the river and accommodate large amounts of sediment. Floodplains in wide valley floors are areas of high biodiversity and have been important places in the development of human settlements. The intermediate storage of sediment along valley floors plays an important role in modifying chemical weathering fluxes and global element cycles, but also impacts the propagation of sedimentary signals. Despite the importance of valley floors as habitats and sediment traps, we still have a limited understanding on what controls the width, and hence the accommodation space, of valley floors. This knowledge gap currently prevents reliable predictions of how valley floors will evolve under changing environmental conditions.

Previous studies suggest that water discharge, lithology, uplift rate, and/or lateral sediment supply from hillslopes might exert some control on valley-floor width. But the results are ambiguous and the relative importance of each parameter remains unknown. Here, we quantify valley-floor width and each of the four potential control parameters at ~126,000 locations in 84 catchments along the Western Andes between 5° and 40°S. We rely on remote-sensing data and digitized maps. On the mountain belt scale, discharge exerts the strongest controls on valley-floor width, while lithology plays only a minor role. We investigated regional difference in the relative control on valley width by subdividing the data based on catchment boundaries and elevations. Correlation analyses suggest that discharge is a strong control especially at low elevation where discharge is highest, while uplift becomes a stronger control at higher altitudes. As such, our data are in line with observations from the Himalaya, where uplift has been shown as the strongest width control in higher elevations (Clubb et al., 2023). Our findings suggest that future changes in the discharge regime will preferentially impact valley-floor evolution at sites of low elevation and high discharge and help to interpret past tectonic and climatic boundary conditions from valley geometries.


Clubb, F. J., Mudd, S. M., Schildgen, T. F., van der Beek, P. A., Devrani, R., & Sinclair, H. D. (2023). Himalayan valley-floor widths controlled by tectonically driven exhumation. Nature Geoscience, 16(8), 739-746.

How to cite: Tofelde, S., Clubb, F. J., and Bookhagen, B.: Controls on valley-floor width in the western Andes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4010,, 2025.

EGU25-4398 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

The influence of tectonics on river terrace evolution in the Guadix/Baza Basin, Spain 

Laura Kögler, Daniel Wolf, Francisco Juan García Tortosa, Dominik Faust, Markus Fuchs, and Thomas Kolb

River terraces are common features in landscapes around the world, created through the interaction of erosion and sedimentation processes. Although these terraces are widespread, many aspects of their formation and development remain unclear, especially regarding the mechanisms and conditions that control their evolution. The Guadix/Baza Basin in Andalusia, situated within the Granada UNESCO Geopark, offers a unique natural laboratory for studying these questions. Over time, this basin has undergone substantial geological transformations. Initially, it was a closed depression where sediments from the surrounding mountains accumulated. During the Middle to Late Pleistocene, a river capture event caused the basin to transform into an open river system, leading to the development of several generations of river terraces. These terraces are often associated with calcareous sinter formations found in deeply incised valleys. A key factor in the basin's evolution is its dynamic neotectonic activity. The area is characterized by a complex system of faults, with the Baza Fault acting as a major fault system dividing the research area into two distinct sub-basins.

The aim of our DFG-funded research project is to study the processes that influenced the evolution of the fluvial system after the river capture, with a particular focus on fluvial erosion dynamics. To reconstruct the development of terrace formation, luminescence dating is applied to terrace sediments, while U/Th dating is used for associated calcareous sinter formations. This combination allows the establishment of a chronostratigraphy, providing insights into the rates of erosion and the incision patterns of local rivers.

Our contribution will present an overview of the project’s objectives, outline the applied methods, and discuss initial results, including the first chronostratigraphy of the eastern Baza sub-basin. A key focus will be placed on the influence of tectonic activity on terrace formation and how these forces shaped the development of the regional river network. Preliminary findings suggest that tectonics played a significant role in terrace formation, influencing both the thickness and depositional patterns of sedimentary layers. This, in turn, has implications for the interpretation of dating results, as the tectonic setting directly affects the stratigraphic context and preservation of terrace sequences.

The study highlights the importance of integrating numerical laboratory results with empirical fieldwork. A comprehensive understanding of terrace evolution and sedimentary processes is only achievable when the specific tectonic framework of the study area is carefully considered.

How to cite: Kögler, L., Wolf, D., García Tortosa, F. J., Faust, D., Fuchs, M., and Kolb, T.: The influence of tectonics on river terrace evolution in the Guadix/Baza Basin, Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4398,, 2025.

EGU25-4765 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Fault Evolution in Magma-Rich Rifts using Quantitative Geomorphology: Insights from Central Afar, Ethiopia 

Reha Chandresh, Derek Keir, Alexander C. Whittaker, Giacomo Corti, Rebecca E. Bell, Federico Sani, Carolina Pagli, Alessandro La Rosa, and Gianmaria Tortelli

A major challenge in magma-rich continental rifts, such as Afar, is to understand the evolution of fault networks in space and time. This is due to the lack of subsurface seismic reflection data and the presence of complex, variable-age lava flows at the surface. Most past studies have focussed on establishing tectonic history and fault evolution of onshore continental rift systems, with the help of geodynamic and analogue models. The dynamic response of fluvial landscapes to tectonic activity is an additional tool that can be used to better understand fault network evolution. However, little to no work has been done to date using quantitative geomorphology to understand the evolution of normal faults in magma-rich continental rift systems.

To deepen our understanding of fault evolution in these tectonic settings, this study focusses on the graben systems in the Central Afar region in Ethiopia, and small-scale streams that crosscut the graben fault systems. This study uses a combination of GIS DEM analysis, river long profiles, integrated with available ages of the lava deposits on the surface, to quantify landscape and geomorphic responses of river systems to extension in the Afar Region. The work done in this study provides new insights into the timing and magnitude of fault growth and interaction associated with normal faulting over timescales of 100,000 years.

How to cite: Chandresh, R., Keir, D., C. Whittaker, A., Corti, G., E. Bell, R., Sani, F., Pagli, C., La Rosa, A., and Tortelli, G.: Fault Evolution in Magma-Rich Rifts using Quantitative Geomorphology: Insights from Central Afar, Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4765,, 2025.

EGU25-5241 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Tectonic, lithologic and climate controls on landslide distribution in the Eastern Himalayas 

Sumit Das and Gianvito Scaringi

Regions dominated by active fold and thrust belts are prone to the development of new, unstable slopes as deformation progresses. However, studies examining the spatial distribution and behavior of landslides within the Himalayas—one of the world’s most dynamic mountain systems—remain limited. This study presents a detailed landslide inventory for the Sikkim Himalayas, an area marked by vigorous tectonic activity and steep, rugged landscapes. By analyzing satellite imagery, we compiled over 100 large-scale landslides (each exceeding an area of 106 m²), with many of these still exhibiting active movement. We utilized tools such as TopoToolbox to analyze topographic steepness and concavity indices, as well as factors like proximity to rivers and active faults. Additionally, geomorphic indices of active tectonics, lithological variations, and rainfall patterns were integrated to investigate the relationship between landslide distribution and these variables within sub-basins as well as across major thrust zones. In Sikkim, landslides show a pronounced tendency to cluster at higher elevations, specifically in the zone between the Main Central Thrust (MCT) and the South Tibetan Detachment (STD). These events are predominantly concentrated in areas with significant local relief and are closely linked to regions experiencing higher rates of relative tectonic uplift. Moreover, extreme rainfall driven by orographic effects amplifies landslide activity, particularly in regions with steep terrain. The most affected areas include the uppermost, steepest areas of active thrusts (MCT and Main Boundary Thrust) and inclined escarps of deeply incised valleys.

How to cite: Das, S. and Scaringi, G.: Tectonic, lithologic and climate controls on landslide distribution in the Eastern Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5241,, 2025.

EGU25-6339 | Posters on site | GM7.1

Catchment-wide erosion rates relying on cosmogenic nuclides provide new clues on the evolution of marine terraces along the Cantabrian margin 

Laura Rodríguez-Rodríguez, María José Domínguez-Cuesta, Régis Braucher, José Cuervas-Mons, Georges Aumaître, Karim Keddadouche, Fawzi Zaidi, and Montserrat Jiménez-Sánchez

Extensive marine terraces preserved along the Cantabrian coast have been pointed out as good markers to understand the recent tectonic evolution of the Cantabrian margin in north Iberia. These landforms are interpreted as a single, kilometric-wide abrasion platform eroded during the Pliocene marine transgression (Mary 1983) which were later uplifted and faulted due to recent tectonic activity (Álvarez-Marrón et al., 2008). A recent study also points to continuous rising in response to lateral gradient in crustal thickness as a mechanism to explain the subtle variations in surface tilt observed only in the marine terraces of the western coastal areas (López-Fernández et al., 2020).

This contribution provides the first catchment-wide erosion rate estimates based on cosmogenic 10Be-26Al measured in two sediment samples retrieved from a 3.1 km2 extent fluvial basin incised in the marine terrace. The river basin is entirely composed by quartz-bearing rocks belonging to the Serie de los Cabos formation, which comprises alternating slate, sandstone and quartzite. Total incision since terrace formation reaches 80 m along the main river stream, while 21.2 m is the average incision achieved considering the total volume of material removed (ca. 60 Hm3) since the terrace uplift from an area of 283.3 Ha. Using the code Riversand v. 1.3.1 by Stübner et al. (2023), we computed catchment-wide erosion rates of 11.5 to 12.1 mm/ka based on 10Be and 17.3 to 18 mm/ka based on 26Al. These rates involved that at least 1.2 to 1.9 Ma are required to achieve ~21 m of averaged incision, which is in good agreement with previous minimum surface exposure ages of 1-2 Ma estimated combining 10Be-26Al-21Ne (Álvarez-Marrón et al., 2008). Similar analysis in other catchments might help to expand our current knowledge on the erosion patterns of these landforms, improving our understanding on competing mechanisms involved in the origin and dismantle of marine terraces.

Research funding: RETROCLIFF (PID2021-122472NB-100, MCIN/AEI/FEDER, UE) and GEOCANTABRICAE (SV-PA-21-AYUD/2021/51766, FICYT, Principality of Asturias, UE, ERDF).


  • Álvarez-Marrón, J., Hetzel, R., Niedermann, S., Menéndez-Duarte, R., Marquínez, J. (2008). Origin, structure and exposure history of a wave-cut platform more than 1 Ma in age at the coast of northern Spain: A multiple cosmogenic nuclide approach. Geomorphology 93, 316-334.
  • Mary, G. (1983). Evolución del margen costero de la Cordillera Cantábrica en Asturias desde el Mioceno. Trabajos de Geología 13, 3-35.
  • López-Fernández, C., Llana-Fúnez, S., Fernández-Viejo, G., Domínguez-Cuesta, M.J., Díaz-Díaz, L.M. (2020). Comprehensive characterization of elevated coastal platforms in the north Iberian margin: A new template to quantify uplift rates and tectonic patterns. Geomorphology 364, 107242.
  • Stübner, K., Balco, G., Schmeisser, N. (2023). Riversand: a new tool for efficient computation of catchmentwide erosion rates. Radiocarbon.

How to cite: Rodríguez-Rodríguez, L., Domínguez-Cuesta, M. J., Braucher, R., Cuervas-Mons, J., Aumaître, G., Keddadouche, K., Zaidi, F., and Jiménez-Sánchez, M.: Catchment-wide erosion rates relying on cosmogenic nuclides provide new clues on the evolution of marine terraces along the Cantabrian margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6339,, 2025.

EGU25-6992 | Posters on site | GM7.1

The influence of landslides on anticline breaching and landscape evolution in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge 

Benjamin Campforts, Charles Shobe, and Philip Prince

The evolution of landscapes over time is governed by autogenic processes, such as sediment dynamics and landslides, and allogenic processes and factors, such as tectonics and lithology. The style of tectonic deformation governs the spatiotemporal distribution of rock types exposed at Earth’s surface, controlling how surface processes shape the landscape. The evolution of lithologically complex landscapes like fold-and-thrust belts remains incompletely understood because it is not clear how lithology affects the interactions between, and relative dominance of, different surface processes. The Appalachian Valley and Ridge physiographic province, an ancient fold-and-thrust belt, provides a unique natural laboratory for studying the interplay among tectonics, lithology, and surface processes. The region's diverse lithology is vividly displayed in exposed, breached anticlines, where resistant sandstones form ridges, and more erodible or weatherable carbonates and shales form valley bottoms in anticline cores. Breaching occurs when the crest is eroded, exposing deeper, often weaker layers. The mechanisms behind anticline breaching and breach expansion are not well understood and could be triggered by large episodic events, such as landslides, more gradual processes such as fluvial incision, or a combination of the two. In this study, we set up a landscape evolution model mimicking the evolution of Appalachian landscapes to investigate how autogenic interactions among fluvial incision, sediment dynamics, and landsliding respond to the lithological and structural variability found in ancient fold-and-thrust belts like the Appalachian Valley and Ridge province. We explore landscape evolution through a series of modeling experiments and develop new metrics to capture the dynamics of breached-anticline systems. By comparing metrics between modeled and real landscapes, we quantify the role of episodic landsliding in controlling anticline breaching and the dynamic evolution of tectonically inactive landscapes where the spatial distribution of different rock types governs landscape evolution. 

How to cite: Campforts, B., Shobe, C., and Prince, P.: The influence of landslides on anticline breaching and landscape evolution in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6992,, 2025.

EGU25-8375 | Orals | GM7.1

How do deformation, orographic precipitation, and erosion coordinate during orogenic growth? 

Xiaoping Yuan, Yuqiang Li, Sascha Brune, Kai Li, Michael Pons, and Sebastian Wolf

Crustal thickening associated with orogenic growth elevates topography, causing the orographic enhancement of precipitation, which in turn facilitates local erosion and possibly intensifies the localization of deformation. The orographic climate-tectonics-erosion feedback exists in small orogens such as the Southern Alps of New Zealand and Olympic Mountains of Washington State, USA, and may be even stronger under some circumstances in active orogens on the margins of large, high-elevation plateaus such as the Himalayas, the Tibetan Plateau, and the Central Andes. How these three processes—deformation, precipitation, and erosion—coordinate during orogenic growth remains unknown. Here, we present a new numerical model where tectonics, surface processes, and orographic precipitation are tightly coupled, and explore the impact on low, intermediate, and high erodibility orogens. We show that, for the intermediate erosion models, rock uplift rates and precipitation rates correlate well with erosion rates for the formation of orogenic plateaus with high correlation coefficients of ~0.9 between rock uplift and erosion rates, and ~0.8 between precipitation and erosion rates. We propose that three processes (deformation, precipitation, and erosion) take place successively as a consequence of the lateral orogenic growth, and demonstrate a cyclicity of correlation evolution among uplift, precipitation, and erosion rates through the development of new faults propagating outward. These results shed new insights into the relative tectonic or climatic control on erosion in active orogens (e.g., the Himalayas, the Central Andes, and the Southern Alps of New Zealand), and provide a plausible explanation for several conflicting data and interpretations in the Himalayas, which we propose are due to the youthful, mature, or old stage of faults and different locations relative to the old faults. Studies using similar approaches with more detailed geological parameters could shed more insights into the growth of mountain belts co-evolving with spatiotemporally tectonic and climate change, and help more quantitatively establish links between tectonics, climate, erosion, topography, and biodiversity.

How to cite: Yuan, X., Li, Y., Brune, S., Li, K., Pons, M., and Wolf, S.: How do deformation, orographic precipitation, and erosion coordinate during orogenic growth?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8375,, 2025.

EGU25-8546 | Orals | GM7.1

Impact of climate and volcanism age on landscape evolution of oceanic islands 

Loraine Gourbet, Daniel O’Hara, Florian Jocham, Sean F. Gallen, Vincent Famin, Laure Guerit, Miangaly Olivia Ramanitra, Eric Gayer, and Laurent Michon

Tropical hotspot volcanic islands are exceptional laboratories for understanding climate-landscape interactions. Réunion Island, in the southern Indian Ocean, is particularly interesting because it has one of the largest rainfall gradients in the world: from 0.5 to 11 m/yr over a 50 km distance. It experiences frequent cyclones, such as the January 15th, 2024 cyclone Belal that produced from ~0.1 to ~1 m of rainfall in 24 hours. Réunion is composed of two shield volcanoes: Piton des Neiges (3070 m, dormant) and Piton de la Fournaise (2632 m, active). Here, we focus on long-term (Myr) and short-term (<yr) erosion of Réunion Island.

Long-term basin-averaged erosion rates based on excavated lava volumes of 29 catchments located on both the leeward and windward side of the island range from ~10-3 to ~10 mm/yr. Erosion rates for basins eroding < ~1 mm/yr show a positive relationship with mean annual precipitation. They also have a negative relationship with the duration of erosion, i.e. the age of the incised volcanic surface, which we consider as a proxy for post-eruption basin aging. Fluvial incision parameters recovered from numerical modelling of the stream power law show a positive trend with mean annual cyclonic rainfall.

To disentangle the dual effect of climate and post-eruption surface aging on erosion, we perform a series of correlation analyses between mean rainfall and rainfall variability, river discharge, catchment morphometrics, and time elapsed since the latest eruptions for 136 basins. We find that Hack’s law exponent (the relationship between basin area and river length), drainage density, and large basins width and hypsometry integral follow a temporal trend (mostly on Piton des Neiges), which confirms published work on stratovolcanoes. Discharge variability has no apparent relationships with basin geometry and erosion. Interestingly, Piton des Neiges and Piton de la Fournaise volcanoes have different main climate erosion drivers: the first one seems to be more influenced by mean annual precipitation, and the second by precipitation variability.

To test whether the effect of rainfall variability and mean annual rainfall on erosion, which we observe at long timescales, can be detected at short timescales, we conducted three field surveys of river channels in October 2023, February 2024, and October 2024, i.e. before and after cyclone Belal. We used photogrammetry to survey the river sediments and to extract 3D shapes and grain size distributions of channel bedload (pebble, cobble, boulder) from point clouds. In addition, we assessed local channel modifications, including sedimentary deposition and excavation, terrace undercutting, and movement of large boulders.  These data will provide erosion thresholds for fluvial incision, and will allow comparative temporal and spatial analysis of grain sizes distribution. In the future, more investigation will be needed on denudation at thousand-year timescales to bridge the gap between our short- and long-term studies.  

How to cite: Gourbet, L., O’Hara, D., Jocham, F., Gallen, S. F., Famin, V., Guerit, L., Ramanitra, M. O., Gayer, E., and Michon, L.: Impact of climate and volcanism age on landscape evolution of oceanic islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8546,, 2025.

EGU25-8641 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

Escarpment Retreat- Intuitions, Mechanisms, and Rates 

Yanyan Wang

Escarpments are preserved rift shoulders formed during continental rifting, such as the Red-Sea escarpment or those created during the breakup of Gondwana. Morphologically, escarpments function as highly asymmetrical water divides, separating steep, sea-draining rivers from low-gradient rivers draining the interior plateau. The evolution of an escarpment landscape is characterized by horizontal retreat driven by differential erosion rates across the water divide, even in tectonically inactive settings.

The horizontal migration of escarpments at rifted margins challenges conventional intuitions based primarily on two key observations:

  • Observed denudation and rock exhumation rates, typically below 50 m/Ma over geological scales, with escarpment basins exhibiting higher rates than plateau basins;
  • The “kinked” profile morphology of escarpment-draining rivers, where morphological knickzones are universally identifiable.

These observations are often interpreted in terms of temporal or spatial variations in uplift rates, attributed to tectonic rejuvenation, mantle dynamics-driven uplift, or the influence of precipitation and lithology.

In this study, I present insights derived from numerical model simulations of escarpment systems, demonstrating that the escarpment retreat can be conceptualized as a process of topographic advection. In a topographic advection system at steady state, rock erosion rates balance the combined effects of vertical rock uplift and the product of the directional topographic slope and horizontal rock advection velocity, relative to the topographic system’s boundaries (i.e. base level or water divide). In such settings, river morphologies adjust to the horizontal advection velocity by modifying their steepness to align with the erosion rate, maintaining a consistent relationship between steepness and erosion dynamics. The origin of the advection velocity may arise from tectonic activity or laterally moving boundaries, or any mechanism that generates horizontal rock velocities relative to the boundaries.

In an escarpment system, the advection velocity arises from the steady migration of the water divide, which expands the escarpment area while shrinking the plateau area, and create rock velocity relative to the divide. Although the observed erosion rates in tectonically inactive escarpments appear “slow”, they reflect the product of the topographic slope and a “fast” divide migration rate. The divide migration rate is typically one or two magnitude higher than the measured erosion rate, as the topographic slope is naturally less than one. This relationship applies to both escarpment basins and plateau basins. Morphologically, plateau basins exhibit lower gradients than escarpment basins, resulting in lower erosion rates on the plateau side, as the divide migration velocity remains constant. In escarpment-draining rivers, steep upper reaches originate from the major water divide, maintaining distinct morphologies consistent with the “top-down” dynamics of constant divide migration under constant base levels.

How to cite: Wang, Y.: Escarpment Retreat- Intuitions, Mechanisms, and Rates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8641,, 2025.

EGU25-9044 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

Catchment-averaged denudation rates derived from cosmogenic 10Be in the Northern Apennines (Italy) and implications for landscape dynamics  

Gabrielle Vance, Erica Erlanger, Romano Clementucci, Yanyan Wang, Negar Haghipour, Marcus Christl, Philip Gautschi, Vincenzo Picotti, and Sean D. Willlett

The Northern Apennines are an active orogenic wedge formed by subduction and rollback of the Adriatic plate over the last 30 Ma, where horizontal shortening and topographic advection lead to river capture and drainage divide migration. The orogen exhibits topographic asymmetry across the main drainage divide: the Adriatic side is steeper than the Ligurian side, suggesting drainage divide migration towards the Adriatic, opposite the direction of the horizontal tectonic advection of topography. In this study, we present new catchment-averaged denudation rates from major drainage basins in the Northern Apennines derived from cosmogenic 10Be concentrations, supplementing published data, in order to quantify the erosional fluxes from the orogen and compare the pattern of modern denudation rates with the topographic asymmetry. Catchment-averaged denudation rates and horizontal velocities increase from west to east throughout the study area; rates on the steeper Ligurian side of the main drainage divide are lower than those on the gentler Adriatic side. We reconcile these data with a kinematic model of slab rollback, where the erosional flux is described as a vector with horizontal and vertical components. The model predicts that the topography and denudation rates can be sustained by horizontal motion that dominates the Ligurian side, while both horizontal motion and vertical uplift are required on the Adriatic side. Our results help us assess how drainage divides evolve and provide insights into tectonically driven drainage reorganization, which may have important biodiversity implications, e.g., influencing the intraspecific genetic diversity of endemic riverine fish.

How to cite: Vance, G., Erlanger, E., Clementucci, R., Wang, Y., Haghipour, N., Christl, M., Gautschi, P., Picotti, V., and Willlett, S. D.: Catchment-averaged denudation rates derived from cosmogenic 10Be in the Northern Apennines (Italy) and implications for landscape dynamics , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9044,, 2025.

EGU25-9329 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Holistic quantification of transient landscape response to rock uplift changes in the Fiumara Allaro catchment, Calabria, Italy 

Omar Ghamedi, Sean Gallen, and Ana Perez Hincapie

It is well understood that landscapes do not immediately adjust to changes in tectonic boundary conditions but instead undergo transient adjustments over time. Few studies have documented this transient adjustment by collectively examining fluvial, hillslope, erosional, and chemical weathering responses to tectonic perturbations. Here, we address this knowledge gap by investigating the Fiumara Allaro drainage basin, a ~98 km² catchment located in the Serre Massif of Calabria, Italy. The Fiumara Allaro is well-suited for such a study because it is predominantly underlain by granitic rock, has experienced a well-constrained order-of-magnitude increase in rock uplift rate at ~1.5 Ma, and benefits from high-resolution digital topographic data. Using a nested sampling approach, we collected data on channel width and grain size, and measured major element water chemistry as well as ¹⁰Be cosmogenic radionuclide concentrations along a transect from the steep lower reaches of the Fiumara Allaro to its high-elevation, low-relief upland. These data, combined with detailed topographic analysis, provide a holistic understanding of the landscape’s response to a step change in rock uplift rate. Geomorphic metric analysis reveals distinct contrasts between relict topography and actively incising regions, highlighting the transient nature of the landscape. Knickpoints are consistently observed at elevations between ~800 and ~1,000 m, separating the relict landscape from actively incising domains. Above the knickpoints, in the relict landscape, lower normalized steepness index (ksn) values (~10–30 m⁰.⁸) reflect slow fluvial incision and a limited response to tectonic forcing. In contrast, the actively incising landscape below the knickpoints shows elevated ksn values (~50–70 m⁰.⁸), indicating rapid incision and dynamic adjustment to increased uplift rates. Estimates of channel width, cast as the normalized wideness index, drop by more than a factor of 2 below the knickpoints, indicating channel narrowing after accounting for downstream increases in drainage area. Erosion rates in the relict landscape remain low, ~0.06–0.27 m/Myr, while rates downstream increase significantly to ~0.40–0.50 m/Myr, reflecting active incision driven by uplift. Grain size distributions further corroborate these trends: coarse material (D₈₄ ~731 mm) is concentrated in actively incising zones, while finer material (D₈₄ ~43–64 mm) dominates the relict landscape upstream. Preliminary water chemistry data indicate that cation concentrations generally increase below the knickpoints before declining further downstream, suggesting a potential coupling between physical and chemical weathering processes. Hillslope curvature analysis indicates that hilltops sharpen in response to active incision, reflecting ongoing transient adjustment to increased uplift rates. The Fiumara Allaro basin clearly exhibits geomorphic evidence of transient adjustment to uplift, with knickpoints and marked differences in erosion rates, ksn values, grain size distributions, and water chemistry trends between relict and incising domains, highlighting a delayed response to tectonic forcing. More detailed findings, along with an assessment of fluvial and hillslope response times and a discussion of the implications for physical and chemical weathering in transient landscapes, will be presented at the meeting.

How to cite: Ghamedi, O., Gallen, S., and Perez Hincapie, A.: Holistic quantification of transient landscape response to rock uplift changes in the Fiumara Allaro catchment, Calabria, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9329,, 2025.

EGU25-9392 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

When rivers turn off but hillslopes and faults do not: oscillatory fluvial activity under strike-slip faulting 

Tamara Aranguiz Rago, Alison Duvall, Gregory Tucker, and Benjamin Campforts

Rivers are primary agents of erosion, shaping valleys, drainage divides, and controlling the larger-scale landscape dynamics. Mass wasting and ‘diffusive’ processes on adjacent hillslopes also impact landscape form and dynamics, shaping hilltops, and hillsides, and adding sediment into channels. Extreme environments, such as hyper-arid deserts, offer a unique natural experiment to isolate landscape modification without continuous fluvial processes. Here, we explore numerical simulations of a landscape that experiences oscillatory fluvial activity, continuous vertical uplift, hillslope processes, and strike-slip faulting, inspired by a natural landscape in the Atacama Desert. Because strike-slip faults are structures known for diverting rivers and generating a dynamic response on hillslopes, we explore the landscape response to this perturbation when the climate is dry and the rivers are ephemeral. Our model simulates river incision, sediment deposition, hillslope diffusion, weathering, and faulting. The experiments bring light to three main findings: (1) under the absence of continuous fluvial incision, offset channels are less sinuous than offset channels that experience continuous fluvial erosion; (2) during long dry periods, hillslope sediment supply helps to decrease valley height and controls channel bed geometry; and (3) long river profiles in the oscillatory fluvial scenario preserve knickpoints for longer compared to those under continuous fluvial erosion that can readjust despite the cycle of strike-slip faulting. This work has implications for our understanding of sediment-dominated environments, strike-slip fault settings, and landscapes that continue evolving under the absence of steady fluvial erosion, and it highlights the importance of hillslope processes in dry climates, on Earth and other planets.

How to cite: Aranguiz Rago, T., Duvall, A., Tucker, G., and Campforts, B.: When rivers turn off but hillslopes and faults do not: oscillatory fluvial activity under strike-slip faulting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9392,, 2025.

EGU25-9832 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Timing the Oligocene-Miocene uplift of Afro-Arabia: Insights from clay mineralogy and geochemistry 

Adar Glazer, Dov Avigad, and Navot Morag

For tens of millions of years, up until the late Eocene, Afro-Arabia was subjected to intense chemical weathering under warm and wet climatic conditions. Geodynamic quiescence promoted the development of a widespread carapace of etchplains that capped the stable continent. Starting in the late Eocene, the impingement of the Afar mantle plume on the base of the Afro-Arabian lithosphere resulted in domal uplift across large areas surrounding the Red Sea. The carapace of deeply weathered rocks flexed, eroded, and eventually became incised, facilitating the erosion of underlying pristine rocks. Since at least the early Oligocene, the Afro-Arabian dome has been draining into the Levant Basin of the Eastern Mediterranean, providing the basin with an outstanding sedimentary record of the large-scale uplift. In this study, we evaluate stages in the rise of Afro-Arabia by probing the mineralogical and geochemical properties of Oligocene-Miocene clay recovered from the Levant Basin boreholes. The lower part of the siliciclastic section in the Levant Basin, dating back to 33 Ma, is composed of kaolinite-rich sediments sourced from the weathering and erosion of Neoproterozoic crystalline rocks of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. We interpret them as erosion products of the etchplains that once capped Afro-Arabia and were dismantled during the early stages of mantle-induced domal uplift. Higher up in the siliciclastic section, illite-smectite gradually becomes more prominent at the expense of kaolinite, reflecting further uplift and downcutting into the pristine bedrock. Since the early Miocene, fluvial incision was enhanced by the superimposed effects of regional doming and flexural uplift along the Red Sea Rift margins. By 20-15 Ma, the proportion of illite-smectite surpassed that of kaolinite in the Levant Basin sediments, signifying the substantial elevation of Afro-Arabia and the establishment of high topography. The sedimentary fill of the Levant Basin allows tracking the peeling of the rising continent and offers unique, independent constraints on the uplift process.

How to cite: Glazer, A., Avigad, D., and Morag, N.: Timing the Oligocene-Miocene uplift of Afro-Arabia: Insights from clay mineralogy and geochemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9832,, 2025.

Topography in tectonically active regions can provide a record of the history of uplift and, while less studied, horizontal motions as well. Stream channel geometry, especially, has been shown to be sensitive to tectonically driven rock displacement, which is often reflected in spatial variations of the normalized channel steepness index (Ksn). Numerical landscape evolution models can be used to model the effects of tectonics on the topography. This raises the possibility of using landscape evolution models to solve an inverse problem, in which rates and spatial patterns of uplift and advection are quantified based on observed features of a landscape. Similar methods have been developed previously, but they have mostly been focused on uplift only and/or on the inversion of one-dimensional, longitudinal stream profiles rather than two-dimensional landscapes. In this study, we introduce a new approach to invert for both vertical and horizontal kinematics from present-day topography. We use as data the average elevation and average Ksn calculated in a moving window along a profile across-strike of the orogen, and we search for landscape evolution models that can reproduce these features. To fit models to data we use ensemble Kalman inversion: an efficient, ensemble-based, gradient-free data inversion method that can handle large numbers of free parameters and can quantify uncertainty in the results. We first demonstrate our method using a synthetic model, inspired by the Eastern Alps, and we then apply it to a real-world profile, the TRANSALP geophysical transect. With the synthetic model, we show that our method can accurately recover magnitudes and changes in uplift and advection rates in both space and time. In addition, we test synthetic models with a short-time, low-amplitude (0.1-1 mm/yr), long-wavelength surface uplift superimposed on fault-related kinematics, which represents the effects of mantle processes or isostatic responses. We find that this uplift pulse can be identified if the event occurred within the past ~5 Ma but becomes increasingly difficult to detect as it is moved back in time, although the specific time limits will likely vary with the parameters of the erosion model. Applying the method to the real-world data, we see evidence of a short-wavelength pulse of uplift in the Tauern region, approximately consistent in time and space with other evidence for the exhumation of the Tauern Window. We do not detect evidence of a hypothesized longer wavelength surface uplift, implying that if any such event occurred it must have been sufficiently far back in time that its topographic record has been erased. In summary, our work provides a new method for interpreting tectonics from topography and demonstrates that it can constrain location and magnitude of rock displacement.

How to cite: Oakley, D. and Eizenhöfer, P.: Inversion of Landscape Features for Deformation Patterns using Landscape Evolution Models: An Example from the Eastern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9953,, 2025.

EGU25-10705 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

Scale dependency of the landscape’s morphometry in the Alpine Rhine 

Sofia Garipova, David Mair, Vaibhav Singh, Kazuyo Shiroya, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Naki Akçar, Marcus Christl, and Fritz Schlunegger

Mountain landscapes exhibit significant variability in their topographic properties, glacial cover, climate conditions, and the geological characteristics of the underlying bedrock, all of which contribute to the diversity of potential sediment sources. While it has been recognized that such variability is largely scale-dependent – meaning the spread of morphometric parameters, for instance, decreases as the size of the upstream drainage basin increases – there is limited research on this topic. However, understanding this dependency is crucial for determining the mechanisms driving catchment-wide erosion and identifying the origin of detrital material in the channel network.

Here we focus on the 4300 km2-large Alpine Rhine basin located in the European Alps of Switzerland. The Alpine Rhine basin itself is made up of >2000 tributary basins, which we delineated using the stream junctions as outlet points. For each of these tributary basins as well as for the progressively larger drainage basins farther downstream, we calculated a set of parameters including, but not limited to: mean hillslope angles, mean normalized steepness and concavity values of channels, glacial cover, annual precipitation rates and temperature ranges, and lithology. To explore the physical records of this variability, we determined the pattern of catchment-averaged denudation rates derived from concentrations of in-situ cosmogenic 10Be in detrital quartz at 49 sites.

The results reveal that the mean hillslope angles vary from c. 16° to 36° for basins smaller than 100 km2. For larger basins, the upstream hillslope angles converge to a mean value of 27±3° (2-sigma standard deviation). The same pattern is also visible for other morphometric variables characterizing the shape of channels (e.g., concavity and normalized steepness values) and for parameters characterizing the hydroclimate and lithology of the basin. Similarly, a scale-dependent pattern is also visible for the 10Be-based denudation rates where a large variability spanning between <0.3 mm/yr to >2 mm/yr for basins <100 km2 converges to a basin-averaged mean of c. 0.8 mm/yr at the downstream end of the Alpine Rhine. Mapping shows that the high rates are due to stochastic sediment input by landsliding, debris flows or glacial melt, while the low rates occur in basins where overland flow erosion dominates. This basin size, which is <100 km2 for the Alpine Rhine, can thus be considered as a threshold value where detrital signals are produced and still well mixed, while for larger basins such primary signals may be diluted. This threshold is crucial as it provides constraints for both optimizing a sampling strategy for cosmogenic nuclides analysis and interpretation of the corresponding results.

How to cite: Garipova, S., Mair, D., Singh, V., Shiroya, K., Matsuzaki, H., Akçar, N., Christl, M., and Schlunegger, F.: Scale dependency of the landscape’s morphometry in the Alpine Rhine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10705,, 2025.

EGU25-11196 | Posters on site | GM7.1

Active faults and coastal landscapes in the back arc of Central Japan, lessons from the Mw 7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake 

Luca C Malatesta, Shigeru Sueoka, Nina-Marie Weiss, Boris Gailleton, Sumiko Tsukamoto, Daisuke Ishimura, Takuya Nishimura, Naoya Takahashi, Kyoko Kataoka, Tetsuya Komatsu, and Yoshiya Iwasa

On January 1st, 2024, the Mw 7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake ruptured on a series of coastal offshore reverse faults in the back arc of central Japan. Closest to the rupture, in the northwest, the coastal rocks uplifted as much as 4.4 m (Fukushima Yo et al., 2024). The coastline accordingly moved seaward by up to 200 m creating new wide bedrock platforms. Recent Holocene terraces mapped along the northern coast (Shishikura et al., 2020), where coseismic uplift was greatest on January 1st 2024, suggest similar past ruptures. Many of the ruptured faults follow the coast at a depth of ca. 60 m below modern sea level. This is the average elevation of sea level over the last 500 kyr, and strongly suggests that these faults define the extent of the continental domain.

The Peninsula itself hosts 4767 unique mapped terraces ranging in age from Holocene to 1.02 Ma (Ota and Hirakawa, 1979, Koike and Machida, 2001). The terraces associated with the last two interglacial high stands (ca. 120 and 234 ka) record a tectonic SE-tilting similar to that of the Mw 7.5 earthquake. Older terraces all record a spatially uniform rate of uplift across the Peninsula. The landscape itself does not appear to be equilibrated to this gradient in uplift, with a seemingly disconnected fluvial geometry. We conclude that the faults that caused the most recent earthquake became the dominant structures on the Peninsula around 250 ka and that the Peninsula is in a state of transient equilibration.

80 km northeast of the Noto Peninsula lies the Island of Sado. The Island is made of two mountain ranges oriented SW-NE along the main tectonic lineation of the back arc, roughly parallel to the northern coast of Noto Peninsula. The marine terraces of the northern range, Oosado, record a strong southeast tilting synchronous and similar to that observed on the Noto Peninsula. The landscape morphology is not equilibrated to this pattern of deformation either. Earlier work by Ota et al., (1992) suggested that the tilt is driven by a fault lying just offshore of the Oosado coast. Closer inspection of the bathymetry reveals a ramp at around -60 m reflecting a geometry similar to the Noto Peninsula. The lessons from the Noto Peninsula earthquake can be applied to Sado Island where information about the seismic cycle is lacking. It confirms the hypothesis of Ota et al. (1992) and highlights a potential seismogenic source close to the shore.


Koike, K., & Machida, H. (2001). Atlas of Quaternary… Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.

Ota, Y., & Hirakawa, K. (1979). Marine terraces and… Geographical Review of Japan, 52(4), 169–189.

Ota, Y., Miyawaki, A., & Shiomi, M. (1992). Active Faults on Sado Island… Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), 101(3), 205–224.

Shishikura, M., Echigo, T., & Namegaya, Y. (2020). Activity of the off-shore… Active Fault Research, 53, 33–49.

Fukushima, Y., Ishimura, D. et al. (2024). Landscape changes caused by... Science Advances, 10(49), eadp9193.

How to cite: Malatesta, L. C., Sueoka, S., Weiss, N.-M., Gailleton, B., Tsukamoto, S., Ishimura, D., Nishimura, T., Takahashi, N., Kataoka, K., Komatsu, T., and Iwasa, Y.: Active faults and coastal landscapes in the back arc of Central Japan, lessons from the Mw 7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11196,, 2025.

EGU25-11719 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Cenozoic uplift and exhumation of the central South Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan  

Lingxiao Gong, Peter van der Beek, Edward Sobel, Taylor Schildgen, Apolline Mariotti, Johannes Glodny, Asilbekov Kyiazbek, and Seiitkaziev Nurbek

The central South Tian Shan, marked by high elevation, high relief, an uplifted relict landscape and interspersed intermontane basins, offers an ideal setting to study the far-field tectonic response to Indian-Asian convergence, and the interplay of topographic growth, erosion and climatic aridification since the late Cenozoic. Previous thermochronology studies from the highest massifs of the central South Tian Shan - the Khan Tengri and Pobedi massifs - reported accelerated exhumation since the Late Miocene (~ 10 Ma), linked to the reactivation of inherited structures propagating towards the Tarim Basin to the south. Little is known about the spatial distribution, timing and rates of erosion along the main fault structures in this region. To better address this question, we study exhumation associated with the Pobedi Thrust, a major Paleozoic fault with significant inferred Late Cenozoic reactivation. New apatite and zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe and ZHe) as well as apatite fission-track (AFT) data was collected along an elevation profile from both the hanging wall and footwall of the western branch of the Pobedi Thrust to quantify the low-temperature thermal history. 
In contrast to enhanced Late-Miocene exhumation recorded in the Khan Tengri and Pobedi massifs, our samples from approximately 100 km to the west indicate dominant Mesozoic cooling and minimal Cenozoic exhumation, despite the region’s high (> 4 km) topography and significant (> 2 km) relief. Our southernmost sample provides a hint of exhumation associated with the South Tian Shan thrust (i.e., Maidan Fault), showing Late Paleogene AHe ages. 1D thermal history modeling suggests a phase of accelerated cooling of valley-bottom samples during the Late Miocene. Consistent with thermochronology data, mapping and interpolation of low-relief surfaces indicate Cenozoic tilting and deformation of the pre-Oligocene relict topography. These findings highlight spatially variable exhumation along the Pobedi Thrust and Maidan Fault and provide new insights into the complex Cenozoic tectonic activity of the central South Tian Shan and long-term landscape evolution processes.

How to cite: Gong, L., van der Beek, P., Sobel, E., Schildgen, T., Mariotti, A., Glodny, J., Kyiazbek, A., and Nurbek, S.: Cenozoic uplift and exhumation of the central South Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11719,, 2025.

EGU25-12046 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

Unravelling the drainage divide migration of a slow deforming mountain range: Insights from morphometry, hilltop curvature and cosmogenic nuclides in the Vosges Mountains (NE France) 

Bastien Mathieux, Jérôme van der Woerd, Philippe Steer, Julien Carcaillet, and François Chabaux

The Vosges massif, a mid-altitude mountain range in northeast France, stretches 250 km north of the Alps, displaying significant north-south and east-west topographic, geological, and geomorphological gradients. Despite the region's low deformation rates and moderate seismicity, dominated by strike-slip mechanisms, the Vosges still maintain significant topographic relief, raising questions about the forces sustaining the massif’s topography.

The evolution of drainage divides offers insights into the interplay of tectonic, erosional, and climatic processes shaping mountain landscapes. This study investigates the dynamics of the main drainage divide of the Vosges through a comprehensive analysis integrating morphometric indices, denudation rates derived from cosmogenic nuclide concentrations (10Be and 26Al isotopes) in small catchments, and hilltop curvature as a proxy for denudation rates. By analysing small-scale, second-order basins near the divide, we reduce complexities associated with sediment routing, lithological heterogeneities, and large-scale geomorphic integration. In addition, by using a calibrated relationship between hilltop curvature and the local denudation rates, we provide a region-wide quantification of the divide migration rate unravelling the processes driving its ongoing dynamics.

The results reveal that the main drainage divide is systematically migrating westward, away from the Rhine River valley. In the southern Vosges, transient geomorphic processes, including knickpoints and episodic river captures, drive rapid adjustments intertwined with a background of slow and gradual divide migration. Conversely, the northern Vosges exhibit lower relief and subdued topographic gradients, where weaker erosional contrasts result in negligible divide mobility despite comparable cosmogenic nuclide-derived denudation rates.

These findings emphasize that even in low-deformation settings, subtle and transient processes can maintain relief and reconfigure drainage networks. Mid-altitude, slowly deforming landscapes like the Vosges are not necessarily stable; instead, they continue to evolve through a balance of gradual erosional processes and episodic drainage readjustments, sustaining relief over geological timescales.

How to cite: Mathieux, B., van der Woerd, J., Steer, P., Carcaillet, J., and Chabaux, F.: Unravelling the drainage divide migration of a slow deforming mountain range: Insights from morphometry, hilltop curvature and cosmogenic nuclides in the Vosges Mountains (NE France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12046,, 2025.

EGU25-12302 | Posters on site | GM7.1

From Short-Term Erosion to Long-Term Landforms: Linking Different Coastal Erosion Models to Marine Terrace Formation 

Duhwan Keum, Luca Malatesta, Sumiko Tsukamoto, Kimberly Huppert, Benoît Bovy, and Jean Braun

The combined record of past sea levels and crustal deformation can be found in the landscapes of tectonically active coastlines. Marine terraces, sea cliffs, or intertidal platforms all reflect the work of multiple geomorphic processes sculpting the coast. Researchers have investigated the key erosional mechanisms responsible for shaping the coasts. Field observations suggest that platform formation is driven by three primary processes: (1) mechanical erosion from the kinetic energy of marine waves, (2) physical or chemical weathering driven by wetting-drying cycles, and (3) biochemical weathering, which may amplify or even sometimes dominate the other two processes. However, determining the dominant process remains challenging, as each mechanism is interacting with other processes, making it is hard to disentangle their relative contribution. Numerical models for coastal evolution exist but we are not able to properly evaluate their accuracy, or to convincingly simulate the respective roles of different processes over 100s of kyr.

In this study, we compare and assess the outputs of models that emphasize different processes by simulating the shoreline evolution trajectories under identical (or varying) wave conditions and sea level scenarios. The results reveal that the shape of coastal topography, including intertidal platform, varies significantly depending on the dominant process or assumptions, such as the rate of debris removal from failed cliffs. Notably, these differences become more pronounced when considering the direction of sea level change. Additionally, we build a framework that enables the simulation of process combinations by selectively activating or deactivating specific modules within the system. By systematically comparing models and their combinations, we aim to develop a comprehensive framework for coastal erosion that can be adapted to specific sites and conditions.

Looking ahead, we seek to link these distinct platform development trends to long-term coastal morphological features, such as marine terraces. Over geological timescales characterized by glacial sea level fluctuations, prolonged platform formation may produce distinct marine terraces. Understanding these trends in coastal erosion can provide valuable insights into the generation and preservation of coastal geomorphology.

How to cite: Keum, D., Malatesta, L., Tsukamoto, S., Huppert, K., Bovy, B., and Braun, J.: From Short-Term Erosion to Long-Term Landforms: Linking Different Coastal Erosion Models to Marine Terrace Formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12302,, 2025.

EGU25-12386 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1 | Highlight

Controls on relief development in glacial landscapes 

Jingtao Lai, Kimberly Huppert, and Todd A Ehlers

Glaciers can carve deep valleys and generate steep mountain peaks, and glacial erosion has long been recognized as a relief production process that creates some of the Earth's most picturesque topography. However, previous work suggests that, in some cases, glacial erosion may act as a “buzzsaw” and reduce mountain relief. This occurs because glaciers tend to concentrate erosion at elevations above the snowline, causing a decrease in relief between the snowline and mountain ridgelines. The scenarios under which glaciers enhance versus inhibit relief remain poorly understood. In this study, we test the evolution of relief at a local scale (approximately 2 to 5 km) under various tectonic and climatic conditions using numerical landscape evolution models. The model solves glacier flow with high-order ice physics and simulates glacial erosion as a function of glacier sliding velocity. Results indicate that relief reduction occurs exclusively in regions with slow glacier sliding velocities, predominantly at or below the glacier equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs). To validate these findings, we evaluated the relief evolution in the European Alps. The diverse range of climates and elevations caused varying durations of ice cover during the Quaternary in the Alps, making it possible to substitute space for time across the Alps to understand the relief evolution. We examined the change of relief in relation to reconstructed ice cover duration. Our analysis demonstrates that in regions with slow simulated glacier sliding velocities during the last glaciation, relief decreases with increasing ice cover duration, indicating that slow-flowing glaciers progressively reduce relief. Moreover, these areas exhibit a clustering of elevations around 1500–2000 m, aligning with the past ELA in the Alps. These findings are consistent with our numerical simulation results, and suggest that slow-flowing glaciers at or below the ELA act as agents of relief reduction.

How to cite: Lai, J., Huppert, K., and Ehlers, T. A.: Controls on relief development in glacial landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12386,, 2025.

EGU25-13366 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

The interaction of climate and tectonics since the Middle Pleistocene in the Marche Piedmont Zone of the Apennines: new geochronological data from the fluvial record. 

Valeria Ruscitto, Michele Delchiaro, Marta Della Seta, Natacha Gribenski, Giulia Iacobucci, Daniela Piacentini, Maïlys Richard, and Francesco Troiani

The climatic and tectonic history of the Piedmont zone of the Apennines has been reviewed by leveraging the depositional records of the Tenna, Aso and Tesino Rivers, located in the Marche region of Central Italy. The westernmost part of this region has been subjected to uplift since the Middle-Late Pliocene, resulting in the emergence of the area, due to the propagation of the compressional front of the Apennines. Several studies, predominantly based on methodologies that rely on the sedimentological record, have obtained for the Marche Piedmont Zone uplift rates ranging from 0.2 to 0.7 mm yr⁻¹. The low-rate uplift activity has left as evidence different features, including also well-developed staircases of fluvial terraces of the fill type. The formation of this terrace type is strongly influenced by climate variations. From this perspective, fluvial terraces are recognized as impact-oriented indicators of middle-long term climatic oscillations, contributing to the aims of the extended partnership RETURN (multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate). Indeed, the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), funded by Next Generation EU, aims to consolidate research on environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks connected to climate change.

By extracting chronological and sedimentological data from the fill terrace deposits of the three selected rivers it was possible to assess and delineate the dynamics associated with the landscape evolution of the study area. Luminescence dating techniques were applied on the deposits to determine the timing of sedimentation of the fluvial terraces, yielding a total of eleven ages, that extend back to the Middle Pleistocene. We preliminary conducted a semi-automatic extraction of the terrace treads from high-resolution LiDAR DTMs of the river valleys: from these, the topographic slope and roughness were calculated and applied for the extraction of smooth sub-planar surfaces corresponding to the treads of the terraces. This process was essential for classifying the terraces into different levels based on their height above the channel thalweg, thereby contributing, together with on-field characterization of the deposits, to the creation of an updated map of the fluvial terraces, followed by the analysis of their altimetric and along-valley distribution.
The obtained new data has been reviewed both at the level of the individual rivers and in relation to Late Pleistocene - Holocene data already available from terrace deposits of other rivers of the Marche region. This enabled the analysis in parallel of the emplacement of different terrace levels both inside each valley and between adjacent ones, allowing the extraction of new uplift rates relative to the Piedmont zone of the Apennines and the recognition of differential uplift acting in correspondence to the studied area. Furthermore, owing to the overall expansion of the chronological record relative to the terrace deposits, it was possible to evaluate the correlation between the timing of fluvial deposition and the alternation between glacial and interglacial stages characteristic of the Quaternary, determining that sedimentation on the valley floor is strongly influenced by the effects of glacial stages on vegetation and sediment stabilization along the slopes, bringing to fluvial sedimentation.

How to cite: Ruscitto, V., Delchiaro, M., Della Seta, M., Gribenski, N., Iacobucci, G., Piacentini, D., Richard, M., and Troiani, F.: The interaction of climate and tectonics since the Middle Pleistocene in the Marche Piedmont Zone of the Apennines: new geochronological data from the fluvial record., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13366,, 2025.

EGU25-13565 | Orals | GM7.1

Dynamic topography and landbridge formation during the Tethyan closure, in the Eastern Mediterranean : implication for biodiversity 

Claudio Faccenna, Eivind Straume, Thorsten Becker, Bernhard Steinberger, Alexis Licht, Andrea Sembroni, Zohar Gvirtzman, and Paolo Ballato

Plate tectonics and mantle dynamics drove the continental collision and topographic evolution in the Eastern Mediterranean – Tethyan realm leading to the closure of the Tethys Seaway, which once linked the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans. The closure led to reorganizations in ocean circulation, diversification and migration of marine and terrestrial species, and climatic changes. In this Review, we evaluate the causes and consequences of closing the Tethys Seaway and quantify the processes generating topography in this region for the last 66 million years. We discuss how the arrival of the Afar Plume and northward mantle flow influenced dynamic topography and caused regional uplift and volcanic activity. Mantle convection ultimately established a permanent land bridge between Africa and Asia in the Miocene, enabling one of the greatest faunal interchanges of the Cenozoic.

How to cite: Faccenna, C., Straume, E., Becker, T., Steinberger, B., Licht, A., Sembroni, A., Gvirtzman, Z., and Ballato, P.: Dynamic topography and landbridge formation during the Tethyan closure, in the Eastern Mediterranean : implication for biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13565,, 2025.

EGU25-13803 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

Landscape Evolution of the Kyrgyz Range (Tien Shan): Deciphering Tectonic and Climate Inputs 

Apolline Mariotti, Taylor Schildgen, Edward R. Sobel, Lingxiao Gong, Peter van der Beek, Maxime Bernard, Isabel Wapenhans, and Johannes Glodny

The Kyrgyz Range, located on the northwestern edge of the Tien Shan, provides a unique opportunity to study the interplay between tectonic processes and climatic forces in shaping mountain landscapes. The apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe) thermochronometric system, sensitive to low-temperature (<100 °C) cooling histories, has the potential to detect million-year timescale changes in exhumation rates in glaciated regions. Previous studies in the Kyrgyz Range have identified increased exhumation rates over the last ~3 Ma (Bullen et al., 2003; Sobel et al., 2006).

In this study, we present seven new AHe ages from the Ala Archa valley, ranging from 3.3 ± 1.0 Ma to 7.5 ± 1.4 Ma. Samples were collected from granite outcrops along an elevation profile spanning 1,850 m (1792–3634 m), including the main trunk and a tributary valley with clear glacial imprints. 1D modeling of these ages reveal: (1) an onset of cooling at ~12–10 Ma, consistent with published work and interpreted as the start of exhumation in the Kyrgyz Range; and (2) a rapid increase in cooling rates between 0 and 3 Ma, recorded in the lower elevation samples (1792–2240 m).

Using 3D thermal-kinematic modeling with Pecube, we explored scenarios of topographic and tectonic evolution to explain these cooling ages. Our modeling shows that topographic evolution, specifically valley incision, can produce rapid and recent cooling ages even when rock-uplift rates are low (<0.5 km/Ma). Modeling further suggests that the onset of Pleistocene glaciations likely drove a phase of rapid valley incision in the Kyrgyz Range, emphasizing the impact of climatic forcing on exhumation.

Field constraints and reconstructed sediment volumes from the adjacent Chu Basin indicate a change in sedimentary dynamics between 4 and 2 Ma, supporting this scenario. These findings emphasize the critical role of glaciation in shaping the Kyrgyz Range, with glacial erosion contributing substantially to valley incision and exhumation rates.

This study underscores the importance of integrating thermochronology with topographic and thermal modeling to disentangle tectonic and climatic influences on mountain range evolution. Without accounting for changes in topography, variations in exhumation rates might be incorrectly attributed solely to tectonic uplift, potentially overlooking significant climatic impacts.

How to cite: Mariotti, A., Schildgen, T., Sobel, E. R., Gong, L., van der Beek, P., Bernard, M., Wapenhans, I., and Glodny, J.: Landscape Evolution of the Kyrgyz Range (Tien Shan): Deciphering Tectonic and Climate Inputs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13803,, 2025.

EGU25-14831 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Extending the limits of divide migration criteria: A downscale approximation 

Renato Cisternas, Lester Olivares, Cristopher López, Rodrigo Riquelme, Iojhan Baltazar, Sebastián Espinoza, María Consuelo Rebolledo, Bastián Herrera, and Juan Ríos-Contesse

Over recent decades, innovative quantitative methods have been developed to study the internal dynamics of river basins. Most of these approaches assume stable or minimally drainage divide mobility (DDM), based on the premise that the rate of river network evolution is significantly faster—by several orders of magnitude—than the mobility of drainage divides. However, recent studies challenge this assumption, showing that the Gilbert metrics can effectively measure DDM and reveal scenarios where drainage divides shift more rapidly than river network adjustments. This dynamic complicates the interpretation of river profiles. In particular, χ-values near headwaters have been identified as indicators of DDM, with low χ-value catchments tending to migrate towards those with higher χ-values. Yet, this interpretation hinges on the premise that mean rock uplift rates, erodibility, and base level heights are consistent across the system. Over geologic timescales, such uniformity is improbable across entire mountain ranges, thereby limiting the universal applicability of this tool. Therefore, thoughtful evaluation of potential DDM is crucial for understanding landscape evolution and also how drainage divide contains information on past climatic and tectonic forcings itself. In this study, we focus on an endorheic watershed in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert, northern Chile. The hyperarid conditions present in the Atacama Desert provides a unique opportunity to capture geomorphic signatures as far back as the Paleogene evolutionary stages. We propose a downscaling analysis of DDM applied to three local-scale watershed divides. By integrating geomorphological mapping, morphometric indices, and existing geochronological data, we aim to evaluate DDM across representative sections at a local scale. Furthermore, these results will be validated using forward landscape evolution modeling in Landlab 2.0. Our findings are expected to provide quantitative estimates by comparing widely recognized metrics. We also emphasize the utility of χ-values and Gilbert metrics in sub-catchments to decipher local-scale landscape changes within a basin characterized by multiple evolutionary stages. This downscaling approach refines our capacity to interpret and forecast landscape evolution with exceptional spatial precision, even within the context of an extreme climatic environment, offering profound insights into the complex interactions among tectonic, climatic, and geomorphic processes.

How to cite: Cisternas, R., Olivares, L., López, C., Riquelme, R., Baltazar, I., Espinoza, S., Rebolledo, M. C., Herrera, B., and Ríos-Contesse, J.: Extending the limits of divide migration criteria: A downscale approximation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14831,, 2025.

EGU25-16343 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Environmental DNA reveals geologic and climatic isolation effects on plant and fungal Communities in the Hengduan Mountains 

Yaquan Chang, Yifan Wang, Wenjun Zhong, Xiaowei Zhang, Camille Albouy, Niklaus Zimmermann, Sean Willett, and Loic Pellissier

Species range limits are typically constrained by their tolerance to abiotic factors such as climate, as well as by dispersal limitations due to geographic barriers like mountain ridges and river valleys. Montane regions, which are hyperdiverse in many different clades, and characterised by high turnover, and complex topography, provide ideal systems for investigating the drivers of range limits. In this study, we collected 30 environmental DNA (eDNA) samples from the tributaries of the Salween, Mekong, and Yangtze rivers and employed ITS2 primers to analyse the species composition of plant and fungal communities. We then quantified and partitioned the relative contributions of geographic and climatic isolation to the assembly of these communities. Our analyses revealed a congruent distribution pattern between plant and fungal groups, with distinct segregation across different river valleys and along latitudes. Habitat preference analyses indicated that our eDNA samples predominantly captured mid-to-low elevation species. The taxonomic composition of plant and fungal communities was jointly influenced by geographic and climatic isolation, although the strength of these influences varied across different groups. Fungal communities were more strongly affected by geographic isolation, while plant communities were more influenced by the combined constraints of geography and climate. These findings underscore the joint influence of topographic and climatic isolation in shaping community composition, highlighting the importance of environmental filtering and dispersal limitation processes. We conclude that the high biodiversity in montane regions depends on both complex climate and topography and, secondarily, note that riverine environmental DNA provides an efficient approach to understand geological and climatic mechanisms in driving biodiversity patterns in terrestrial clades.

How to cite: Chang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhong, W., Zhang, X., Albouy, C., Zimmermann, N., Willett, S., and Pellissier, L.: Environmental DNA reveals geologic and climatic isolation effects on plant and fungal Communities in the Hengduan Mountains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16343,, 2025.

EGU25-16579 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

­­­­­Exhumation of the western European Alps (Switzerland) using ultra-low temperature and classical thermochronometry and numerical modeling (Pecube)  

Xiaoxia Wen, Maxime Bernard, Georgina King, Jean Braun, Melanie Kranz-Bartz, and Christoph Schmidt

The impact of Quaternary glaciation on the exhumation of the western European Alps remains unclear due to a lack of geochronological methods that cover the timespan of 103-106 years. In this study, we combine new ultra-low temperature (<100°C) electron spin resonance (ESR) thermochronometry data, from the Rhône valley (Sion and Visp, Switzerland) with existing low-temperature thermochronometry data (apatite fission track and apatite (U-TH-Sm/He)) from the surrounding area to constrain the exhumation history from the late Miocene to the Quaternary. Ten samples collected near the city of Sion give ESR ages ranging from 0.21 to 0.67 Myr and five samples collected near the city of Visp give ESR ages ranging from 0.67 to 2.04 Myr.


We explored different tectono-geomorphic scenarios using a 3D thermo-kinematic model, Pecube, to estimate recent changes in tectonic uplift and relief of the Rhône valley. Although modelling results from Sion and Visp are slightly offset temporally, they both exhibit at least three main stages of exhumation in the last 15 Myr. A phase of rapid exhumation (~1 km/Myr for Sion and 2 km/Myr for Visp) that started around 5.2 Myr for the Sion area and 7.9 Myr for the Visp area, was followed by a second phase of reduced exhumation (< 0.1 km/Myr). The ESR data provides new constraints on relief evolution and supports rapid valley incision of up to 1.5 km at around 0.6 Myr for both sites. This phase of rapid valley deepening is likely associated with glacial carving of the Rhône since the mid-Pleistocene transition.


The timing of the exhumation phases in the late Neogene are consistent with previous studies, whilst the ESR data offers more precise constraint of the latest phase of exhumation (<1 Myr). Our results demonstrate that quartz ESR thermochronometry is a reliable tool for constraining Quaternary landscape dynamics that offers high resolution over sub-Myr timescales.

How to cite: Wen, X., Bernard, M., King, G., Braun, J., Kranz-Bartz, M., and Schmidt, C.: ­­­­­Exhumation of the western European Alps (Switzerland) using ultra-low temperature and classical thermochronometry and numerical modeling (Pecube) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16579,, 2025.

In the northern Andes of Colombia, seismic and tomographic studies evidence a slab relay between the gently dipping northern Bucaramanga segment and the southern steeply inclined Cauca segment. These studies indicate a clear-cut change in the sub-continental slab constellation and evidence of a lithospheric tear. Superficial structural and geomorphic changes above this relay zone depend on the observation scale and are best developed in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, a bi-vergent mountain belt decoupled from the Andean main trunk, which evolved by the inversion of an Early Cretaceous foreland basin. At the transition from steep to flat slab segments, this mountain belt doubles its width and attains considerable heights by a combination of exhumation and surface uplift. The external part of the tear coincides with the cratonward-oriented deformation front of the Eastern Cordillera. Here, faults are related to tight, basement-involved folding, suggesting a high geothermal gradient for this ductile deformation style. The youngest structures are represented by domes aligned parallel to the structural trend. These domes overprint existing folds and suggest by their size and association to circular normal faults growing and decaying evolutionary stages, demonstrating a southward propagation of a thermal mantle anomaly. In the western Central Cordillera, transversely oriented monogenetic volcanic fields similarly show a recent southward propagation of volcanic activity. A southward shift of the slab tear is further evidenced by transversely oriented fold trains. This scenario of a southward migrating slab tear encourages us to undertake a morphological study to evaluate the maturity of drainage and landscape evolution and to corroborate an N-S younging of recent tectonic activity. A reference for recent tectonic activity is the volcanic center of Paipa, centered along a fissure-like caldera and aligned transversely to the regional fold trend, indicating axial extension. Additionally, a subvolcanic rhyolitic stock has refolded a flank of an existing fold diapirically. These crustal mobilizations occurred during and after the late Miocene folding (implying NW-SE shortening) and before a second fold phase related to E-W shortening during the Cordillera’s final uplift stage. We use a novel analysis to identify the degree of directional organization of small river segments compared to the local structural trend. The reorganization of drainage indicates ongoing folding and tilting of hanging wall blocks related to major reverse faults and regional tilting of the cordillera’s axial depression. The capture of previously established longitudinal river valleys of the high plains documents the dynamics of transverse drainage during the final uplift and exhumation of the Cordillera’s eastern flank. The deviation of transverse rivers along frontal folds helps identify actively forming structures. Conversely, the weakly preferred drainage orientation in the axial depression north of the tear suggests a more mature landscape. With these geomorphological criteria, we aim to discuss the dynamics of the Caldas Tear and its southward propagation. Did the shallowing of the subducting plate occur gradually, involving lithospheric bending, or was it caused by the migration of a tear that swept through the Cordilleran realm until reaching its present southern position?

How to cite: Kammer, A., Zeilinger, G., and Saavedra Serrano, J. S.: New structural and geomorphological observations at the transition from shallow to steep subducting plate along the Caldas Tear in the Colombian Cordilleras, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16921,, 2025.

EGU25-17109 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Sediment provenance from coastal and offshore northern Colombia: Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Magdalena River Delta and La Aguja Canyon 

Estefany Villanueva-Garcia, Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte, Daniel Rincón-Martínez, Christian Winter, and Delia Rösel

Understanding the provenance and transport pathways of sediments is crucial for reconstructing the geological history of source-to-sink systems. Northern Colombia, with its complex tectonic and geomorphological settings, provides an ideal framework to study the connectivity between coastal and offshore sedimentary systems. The Magdalena River Delta (MRD) and La Aguja Canyon (LAC), two prominent features in the Caribbean Sea, serve as major conduits for sediment transport from continental to deep marine environments. This study analyzes detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology data from four coastal sediment samples collected near the MRD and LAC, along with ten offshore samples retrieved during a research expedition aboard RV Maria S. Merian, using a Giant Box Corer at ~50–4000 m depths.  A total of 1550 extracted zircon grains were analyzed by LA-ICP-MS to determine U-Pb ages and trace element compositions, enabling sediment provenance identification.

Zircon U-Pb ages range from <1 to 2620 Ma in the MRD and 50 to 1798 Ma in the inner LAC, with younger ages down to 2.7 Ma in the outer offshore regions. Coastal zircons from LAC are generally larger (>200 µm) than those from the MRD (~50–150 µm), reflecting differences in sediment transport and source rock characteristics. Offshore zircons show more consistent sizes (~50–200 µm) across both regions. The morphology of the grains varied from equant and elongated grains to broken grains with rounded terminations. Cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging reveals oscillatory zoning typical of magmatic zircons, homogeneous or rim-core zoning indicative of metamorphic origins, and grains with no CL response, suggesting prolonged surface exposure.

The youngest age clusters in the MRD, spanning 0.1 to 8 Ma, 75 Ma, 155 Ma, and 275 Ma, indicate contributions from the Central Cordillera of Colombia, highlighting recent contributions from this tectonic unit. Ages from 459–682 Ma suggest additional input from the Santander Massif and San Lucas Range, while older clusters (916–2232 Ma, largest peak at 991 Ma) reflect influences from the Eastern Cordillera. These age distributions underscore the interplay of tectonic uplift and fluvial transport in shaping sediment deposition in the MRD. Coastal samples near the MRD show age distributions that correlate well with offshore samples, particularly for peaks below 300 Ma and above 860 Ma. However, coastal samples lack significant ages in the intermediate range (~300–860 Ma), contrasting with the offshore spectrum, which exhibits a more continuous distribution with only a minor gap between 700 and 800 Ma. In LAC, prominent U-Pb age peaks at ~50 Ma, ~180–265 Ma, and ~1000 Ma denote provenance from the Santa Marta Batholith and its adjacent units, including gneisses, metasediments, and the Santa Marta and San Lorenzo Schist. Coastal samples near LAC display comparable provenance signals, with dominant contributions from the Santa Marta Massif. These findings highlight the influence of tectonic activity in the Santa Marta region on sediment delivery to both coastal and deep marine environments.

Keywords: detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, source-to-sink, Magdalena River Delta, La Aguja Canyon, marine sediment provenance

How to cite: Villanueva-Garcia, E., Rojas-Agramonte, Y., Rincón-Martínez, D., Winter, C., and Rösel, D.: Sediment provenance from coastal and offshore northern Colombia: Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Magdalena River Delta and La Aguja Canyon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17109,, 2025.

EGU25-17366 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Limited effect of Quaternary climatic cycles on tropical denudation from10Be paleo-denudation rates of the Ogowé catchment (Gabon) 

Etienne Large, Julien Charreau, and Pierre-Henri Blard

The impact of Quaternary glaciations on denudation rates has long been debated and the proposition of the instability of climate as a driver of higher denudation rates since the Pliocene has yet to be proven. Most denudation rate reconstructions have focused on areas either tectonically active or glaciated, or both during that period, leading to difficulty in quantifying the impact of climate cyclicity on denudation, as the deciphering of climatic over tectonic control on denudation can be challenging, and glacial erosion appears to be non-linear, and overprints any other forcing. Furthermore, these studies have mainly concentrated on northern hemisphere or high latitude regions. A global increase of denudation implies other regions should be equally impacted but a large gap in data and knowledge exists in low latitude Tropical regions. Therefore, key regions to better understand the impact of climate on denudation should be free of tectonic activity or glacial processes and located under the Tropics.

In this work, we propose to quantify paleo-denudation rates of the Ogowé catchment (Gabon) over Plio-Pleistocene times by measuring 10Be in quartz grains collected from turbidite samples of three cores and one probe collected 30 km to 200 km offshore the mouth of the Ogowé river. To better constrain transport times of these sediments and quantify their ages of burial, we also measure both radiocarbon ages of vegetal debris contained in the turbidites and 26Al/10Be ratios.

Our results show near constant denudation rates over the Pliocene, leading to two possible conclusions. Either the Quaternary climatic cycles did not affect local tropical climate of the Ogowé region, or denudation rates remain unaffected by climatic variability, at the scale of 10 ka to 100 ka.

How to cite: Large, E., Charreau, J., and Blard, P.-H.: Limited effect of Quaternary climatic cycles on tropical denudation from10Be paleo-denudation rates of the Ogowé catchment (Gabon), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17366,, 2025.

EGU25-17853 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

Tectonic and climatic controls on fill terrace deposition and preservation in a large Himalayan river catchment 

Eliot Weir, Fiona Clubb, Alex Densmore, Martin Hurst, Ashok Sigdel, and Subash Acharya

Terraces have been studied across the globe to reconstruct past tectonic and climatic change. Himalayan rivers have some of the highest sediment loads globally, transporting a total of c. 103 Mt of sediment annually to ocean basins. Significant quantities of alluvial sediment in the Himalaya are stored in fill terraces, which have been identified across the range. These terraces record past tectonic and climatic events such as earthquakes, glacial lake outburst floods, landslides, changes in water and sediment flux during glacial-interglacial cycles, or rapid tectonic incision into valley deposits from an increase in rock uplift. Our knowledge of the geographical extent of Himalayan terraces is currently incomplete and often focused on reaches of individual rivers. This is partly a consequence of low preservation due to erosional processes within a rapidly uplifting mountain range, or past limitations in field access and remote sensing techniques.

Using an automatic method for identifying river floodplains and terraces, we identify terraces along every major river within the Gandaki catchment of central western Nepal. We explore the spatial pattern and extent of terraces along each river within the catchment. We link terrace deposition and preservation to tectonic drivers by analysing the relationship between terrace exposures and channel steepness and major structural boundaries along the river profile. We find that terrace preservation within the Gandaki catchment is largely focused within a catchment-wide tectonic window between the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Central Thrust (MCT), suggesting tectonics to be the primary control. Terrace long profiles are a commonly used method to distinguish between drivers of the terrace formation, deformation, and preservation in active mountain ranges and can provide insights into past events by comparing terrace elevation and slope with the modern channel. We further explore the differences in the deposition and preservation histories of terraces within the Gandaki catchment by automatically constructing terrace long profiles for each major river. Terrace profiles between the MBT and MCT are converted into normalised slope plots, comparing the downstream slopes of terraces to the slope of the modern channels. Terraces are then binned vertically, enabling the analysis of terrace profiles at varying heights above the channel. Through the observation of automatically generated terrace slopes, and supported by previous interpretations of terrace profiles, we find that terraces slope more steeply than the modern channel within tectonic accommodation which may reflect sediment oversupply into transport-limited systems, or steepened deposition from debris flows. Downstream towards the MBT and the Mahabharat range, we observe back-tilted terraces reflecting active tectonic deformation. Upstream and near the MCT, back-tilted terrace slopes may record tectonic deformation and past ponding events.

How to cite: Weir, E., Clubb, F., Densmore, A., Hurst, M., Sigdel, A., and Acharya, S.: Tectonic and climatic controls on fill terrace deposition and preservation in a large Himalayan river catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17853,, 2025.

EGU25-18576 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Indications of Provenance and Source Rock Contributions in Paleogene Deposits from Zrinska Gora, Croatia 

Matej Plavac, Borna Lužar-Oberiter, and Zorica Petrinec

A significant portion of Zrinska Gora mountain in Croatia is covered by Paleogene siliciclastic deposits. These deposits are thought to have formed in a flexural foreland basin that developed during the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene along the northwestern segment of the Sava Zone, a tectonic unit formed by the continental collision of the Adria plate and the Tisza Mega-Unit (Ustaszewski et al., 2010).

This study investigates the sedimentological and petrological characteristics of Paleogene sedimentary deposits, focusing on conglomerates, to reconstruct their provenance and depositional history. Our methodology included sedimentological logging and sampling, optical microscopy and heavy mineral analysis. Detailed petrographic investigation of conglomerate pebbles resulted in the determination of 12 lithotypes, comprising various magmatic, volcaniclastic, cataclastic, and metamorphic rock types, based on their mineralogical and structural-textural characteristics. Associated sandstones classify as litharenites with phyllosilicate and hematite cement, containing rock fragments similar to the lithologies observed in the conglomerate pebbles.

Provenance analysis suggests that the clastic material primarily originated from units of the Sava Zone, as indicated by granophyre, syenite, and monzonite clasts. Volcanic pebbles point to mixed sources from various Mesozoic complexes, while metamorphic clasts reflect contributions from pre-Eocene formations across the broader area, exhibiting medium- to high-grade regional metamorphism. Notably, a slight shift in heavy mineral composition across the studied localities suggests a relocation of the primary sediment source, possibly from the Western Vardar Ophiolitic Unit to the Sava Zone and Tisza Mega-Unit, reflecting tectonically driven sedimentary reorganization in the foreland basin. These findings provide new and preliminary insights into the development of clastic sediments in syncollisional basins along the northwestern part of the Sava Zone during the Paleogene. The presented work is supported by the Croatian Science Foundation project SECret (HRZZ IPS-2023-02-2683).



Ustaszewski, K., Kounov, A., Schmid, S.M., Schaltegger, Fügenschuh, B. et al. (2010): Evolution of the Adria‐Europe plate boundary in the northern Dinarides: From continent‐continent collision to back‐arc extension. Tectonics, 29(6), 34.

How to cite: Plavac, M., Lužar-Oberiter, B., and Petrinec, Z.: Indications of Provenance and Source Rock Contributions in Paleogene Deposits from Zrinska Gora, Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18576,, 2025.

EGU25-18945 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Using paleolake shorelines to estimate lithospheric strength and response rates: Field observations and flexural isostatic modeling of Lake Khyargas, western Mongolia. 

Dennis Wolf, Sarah Gelman, Karl Wegmann, Magdalena Ellis Curry, Paula Marques Figueiredo, and Frank Lehmkuhl

Neogene tectonics and geomorphic processes in response to Quaternary climate change drive landscape evolution in western Mongolia's Basin of Great Lakes (BGL). The endorheic Khyargas Nuur (Nuur=lake) in the BGL is the ultimate sink of a sequential water and sediment cascade from the adjacent Mongolian Altai and Khangai Mountains. Several intercalated lakes repeatedly joined as one major paleolake controlled by changes in atmospheric moisture supply and glacial meltwater influx throughout the Late Quaternary. Relict shoreline features up to +188 m above the modern lake (aml) provide direct geomorphic evidence of a mega (>13x modern area) paleolake Khyargas. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) exposure dating of the highest observed shoreline of the Khyargas Nuur at +188 m aml, using a 10Be depth profile, provides a maximum temporal framework for the investigated paleoshoreline sequence. Notably, local offsets exist between expected and mapped/measured absolute beach ridge elevations. For example, absolute elevations for beach ridges associated with a +15 m aml lake level vary by up to 6.8 m with a standard deviation of 0.9 m (n=2760). Reconstructed beach ridge elevations vary by 10.9 ± 1.6 m for the prominent +118 m aml paleoshoreline (n = 2962). Luminescence dating of associated shoreline features yielded ages of ~2.1 ka and ~14 ka for the +15 and +118 m shorelines, respectively. Comparative statistical differences in the offset values of these two shorelines and concurrent spatial similarities of displacement hotspots suggest a time-dependent, cumulative paleoshoreline displacement mechanism. We hypothesize that observed shoreline offsets are induced by either (a) local tectonically active fault displacements, (b) hydro-isostatic adjustments similar to those observed around the margins of paleo-lake Bonneville in the U.S. Great Basin (1) and paleo Lake Chad (2) in north-central Africa, or (3) reactivation of zones of crustal weakness (old faults) caused by water loading and unloading. To evaluate the potential driving mechanisms on these displacements, we constructed a three-dimensional flexural isostatic model that utilizes paleoshoreline observations to determine rates and magnitudes of deflection and to test for robust constraints of the lithospheric effective elastic thickness (Te).

(1) Adams, K. D. & Bills, B. G. Isostatic Rebound and Palinspastic Restoration of the Bonneville and Provo Shorelines in the Bonneville Basin, UT, NV, and ID. in Developments in Earth Surface Processes vol. 20 145–164 (Elsevier, 2016).

(2) Mémin, A., Ghienne, J.-F., Hinderer, J., Roquin, C. & Schuster, M. The Hydro-Isostatic Rebound Related to Megalake Chad (Holocene, Africa): First Numerical Modelling and Significance for Paleo-Shorelines Elevation. Water 12, 3180 (2020).

How to cite: Wolf, D., Gelman, S., Wegmann, K., Ellis Curry, M., Marques Figueiredo, P., and Lehmkuhl, F.: Using paleolake shorelines to estimate lithospheric strength and response rates: Field observations and flexural isostatic modeling of Lake Khyargas, western Mongolia., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18945,, 2025.

EGU25-19506 | Posters on site | GM7.1

Linking Glacial Exhumation and Fluvial Incision During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, Southern Patagonia, Argentina 

Victoria Milanez Fernandes, Taylor Schildgen, Peter van der Beek, Hella Wittmann, Edward Sobel, Bjarne Friedrichs, Andreas Ruby, Fergus McNab, and Viktoria Georgieva

The Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT; ~1.2–0.9 Ma) marked a shift in global climate cycles, amplifying glacial-interglacial oscillations and lengthening their periodicity. In the Patagonian Andes, intensified erosion due to late-Miocene glaciation is well documented, but geomorphic evidence also suggests accelerated exhumation after the MPT. The Southern Patagonian Icefield, draining into Argentino Lake and the Santa Cruz River, provides a direct link between glacial erosion and downstream fluvial systems. To quantify these impacts, we combine Apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology and cosmogenic 10Be dating. Single-grain apatite (U-Th)/He ages from bedrock bordering Argentino Lake, and an 1175 m elevation profile, range from ~4–8 Ma, with apparent exhumation rates of ~0.28 km Ma⁻¹. Coupled thermal and landscape modeling suggests an acceleration of erosion post-4 Ma. Downstream, 10Be-dated fluvial terraces of the Santa Cruz River reveal incision rates of ~0.13–0.18 km Ma⁻¹ over the last 1 Ma, with transient acceleration (~0.66 km Ma⁻¹) between 1.03–0.93 Ma, coinciding with intensified glaciation after the MPT. Terrace ages also show a shift from shorter periodicities to 100-kyr cycles. Our results suggest the MPT triggered enhanced glacial erosion in the Andes, influencing sediment discharge and downstream channel-bed elevation. This study highlights the MPT’s measurable impact on both glacial source areas and downstream depositional systems.

How to cite: Milanez Fernandes, V., Schildgen, T., van der Beek, P., Wittmann, H., Sobel, E., Friedrichs, B., Ruby, A., McNab, F., and Georgieva, V.: Linking Glacial Exhumation and Fluvial Incision During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, Southern Patagonia, Argentina, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19506,, 2025.

EGU25-19520 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

A landscape evolution model deciphering the influence of large-scale uplift patterns on the Central European drainage system 

Maximilian Rau, Wolfgang Schwanghart, and Michael Krautblatter

Despite its complexity, the Neogene/Quaternary evolution of Central Europe’s drainage system is well constrained by a diverse set of empirical data (e.g., provenance, geochronology, biostratigraphy). However, the underlying causes of major changes in drainage patterns remain debated. For example, it is still unclear which factors and mechanisms (e.g., large-scale uplift patterns) led to flow reversals of the major eastern tributaries of the Rhine since the Miocene. Commonly, it is stated that the reorganizations of rivers were caused by the opening of the Upper Rhine Graben driven by an extensional tectonic regime since the Eocene and the associated lowering of the base level. Recent studies often attribute relief changes due to the late phases of Alpine tectonics and the last uplift of the Alb, although the reason and dimensions usually remains unclear. We hypothesize that the uplift pattern of Miocene folding of the lithosphere, as described in tectonically oriented journals, could be the reason for the river reversals. We also assume that the reversals were probably not caused by river beheading alone, but mainly by river capture.

To test our hypothesis, we use our newly developed landscape evolution model TTLEM-3D in addition to analysis of many regional studies. The model can be used with a pure detachment-limited as well as with a shared-stream power model and uses one or more layers. The results of a first sensitive analysis, which involves a simplified simulation of the main tectonic forcing since the Cretaceous, indicate that the assumed uplift pattern of the lithospheric folding could have led to a flow reversal. From the rate of change of the catchment size, it can be estimated that river capture, rather than river beheading, could be the main drainage rearrangement mechanism here. In addition, the timing and the hypothesized pattern of uplift and lowering of the lithosphere are in good agreement with the reversal of the Main and Neckar rivers observed in regional studies.

The findings suggest that a baseline drop alone is insufficient and that additional uplift impulses are required. Our simplified numerical model supports the idea of folding of the lithosphere but does not rule out other tectonic and geological processes. The overlapping of different mechanisms makes deciphering this area difficult. We try to combine geomorphological observations with tectonic studies. This study challenges established theories and attempts to contribute to a better understanding of the geomorphological history of Central Europe. It seeks to unravel the complex interactions between tectonic, landscape and fluvial dynamic processes.

How to cite: Rau, M., Schwanghart, W., and Krautblatter, M.: A landscape evolution model deciphering the influence of large-scale uplift patterns on the Central European drainage system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19520,, 2025.

EGU25-20063 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1

Drivers of fluvial terrace formation and quantifying their impacts – Application to the Río Santa Cruz in Southern Patagonia 

Andreas Ruby, Fergus McNab, Taylor Schildgen, Andrew Wickert, and Victoria M. Fernandes

The Rio Santa Cruz in Southern Patagonia preserves a spectacular set of fluvial terraces along its approximately 200-km length across the Patagonian Steppe landscape, stretching from the proglacial Lago Argentino to the Atlantic Ocean. Exposure dating of the terrace levels using 10Be concentrations of surface cobbles has revealed ages ranging mostly from ca. 1 Ma to < 100 ka. Over this long spatial distance and wide temporal range, the terrace record provides a unique opportunity to explore how different mechanisms have affected landscape evolution in the Patagonian Steppe but also river long-profile evolution in a more general setting as they are often used to infer impacts of past environmental drivers. These drivers may include climate forcing in glaciated headwaters (including changes during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition), sea-level changes at the outlet, and geodynamic forcing above a slab window for the Patagonian context.

A first step in our analysis considers how climate forcing may affect aggradation and incision patterns along the river. We utilize GRLP (Wickert and Schildgen, 2019) to model the river long-profile response to (e.g. periodic and pulsed) changes in sediment and water input to specifically explore the magnitude and spatial extent of aggradation-incision cycles. We find that these scenarios, commonly explained as main driver of river terrace formation along whole fluvial systems, only generate aggradation-incision cycles for a limited upstream portion of the system. Further analysis steps include modelling river long-profile evolution due to lithosphere flexure by glacial loading and sea-level changes exposing different offshore slopes to the fluvial system. Results not only show main differences in the spatial and temporal process of terrace formation but overall highlight lag times between environmental forcing and channel evolution with terrace abandonment.

The transfer of these generic results back to the Río Santa Cruz points to different environmental forcings, upstream and downstream. In a last inverse modelling step, we highlight the potential of deriving and quantifying forcing parameters based on the observed terrace sequence along the river.

How to cite: Ruby, A., McNab, F., Schildgen, T., Wickert, A., and Fernandes, V. M.: Drivers of fluvial terrace formation and quantifying their impacts – Application to the Río Santa Cruz in Southern Patagonia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20063,, 2025.

EGU25-20636 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1

Controls of climate and fluvial thresholds on stream incision on the Hawaiian Islands   

Emma Lodes, Nick Colaianne, Logan Wren Raming, Kelin X Whipple, Elowyn Yager, Darryl E Granger, and Ayron M Strauch

The extent that climate impacts erosion has long been debated and is difficult to decipher, as climate signals are often obscured by tectonic signals. The Hawaiian Islands are excellent settings to test these relationships, as they have no tectonic uplift, well-known base level histories, uniform lithology, and dramatic climate gradients. On Kauai, previous work shows a correlation between rainfall and total canyon incision; however, geologic evidence shows that river incision could not have been constant throughout time: ~2 Ma inset lava flows sit at river level in several canyons on the ~4.5-million-year-old island, indicating that canyon incision has been negligible over the last 2 Myr. One explanation is that boulders and/or sediment flux in streambeds block further incision, acting as thresholds. Channel gradients on the Hawaiian Islands decrease with increasing precipitation and appear to be in equilibrium (uniform ksn below knickpoints), indicating that channel gradient is set by the threshold of boulder or sediment mobility. Therefore, climate appears to be recorded in threshold channel slope and total incision depth instead of time averaged incision rate as previously assumed (Ferrier et al., 2013). We traveled to Kaui and West Maui to test the hypotheses that (a) boulders and/or (b) sediment act as thresholds for fluvial incision, by (a) quantifying channel morphology and boulder size using structure from motion photogrammetry, drone photography and pebble counts, and (b) collecting catchment-average samples for cosmogenic radionuclide analysis (36Cl in magnetite), in catchments across gradients of precipitation rate and channel slope. Preliminary data suggests that boulder size scales with channel gradient within climate zones, indicating that boulders are an important threshold for channel incision. However, if channel gradient is correlated with upcoming denudation rates, sediment flux may be an additional important threshold. Next steps include quantifying basal and critical shear stress for boulder transport and combining data into a landscape evolution model. Ultimately, we aim to answer long-standing questions regarding the roles of climate and fluvial thresholds in landscape evolution, applicable in both tectonically inactive and active landscapes.

How to cite: Lodes, E., Colaianne, N., Raming, L. W., Whipple, K. X., Yager, E., Granger, D. E., and Strauch, A. M.: Controls of climate and fluvial thresholds on stream incision on the Hawaiian Islands  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20636,, 2025.

TS5 – Modelling, Imaging, Geochronology, and Methodological Developments

EGU25-4 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

Harmonic dynamic of the Earth (D) 

xianwu xin

, Are the Vibrationand Equation and Wave Equation of Tidal Forc. These Physicale Equations are the basis for further study of the Wave theory of the Earth. Due to a combination of the Earth Rotation and Tidal Forces, the Earth to Wave constantly. The Wave of the Earth produce many Physical Effect, such as: Harmonic Motion of the Earth, Ocean Tides, and so on. Harmonic Dynamics of the Earth (D) studies only two Physical Effects of crustal Wave Processes: Fatigue Effect and Surge Effect. The Fatigue Fracture of Continents forms Peninsulas or Islands, such as: Madagascar and the Malay Peninsula. Continental Surge Effects create Plateaus and Mountain Ranges, such as the Andes and the Brazilian Highlands.

The Topography of the Ocean Floor records the Move Trackway of the Continents. Reconstructing Continents along their Move Trackway on the Ocean Floor is not the same as " fitting " two Continent Masses into one. For the Reconstruction of the Antarctic Continent and South America: Where the two Continents were connected earlier, they have been pulled in two tails by the Ocean Floor of the Drake Passage. The Continent connecting North and South America has also been severely deformed. The Ocean Floor and the Continents all are constantly contraction and deformation. This contraction makes room for the New Ocean Floor. The area where the two Continents joined before 250Ma is already con not fully " fitting " now. For example, the Continent Side of the Mariana Trench cannot accommodate the Continent of the middle and lower Yangtze River plain and Wuyi Mountain. The Side of Gulf of Mexico of the North American Continent cannot accommodate the Northern tip of South America. Ocean Ridges often develop from Early Rifts in Continents. Therefore, the Ocean Ridge can be used as evidence that the Continent Mass was connected ever to the Continent: The Indian Ocean Ridge at 90° E is the evidence of Australia and Asia once connected. The Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge is the evidence of Antarctica and Africa once connected. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is evidence that the Americas were once connected to Asia and Africa.

The Reconstruction of Ancient Continent needs to follow three basic constraints: (1) Regression point by point based on time. It follows the Calculation Results of the Harmonic Dynamics of the Earth. Because every centimeter of Continental Drift requires a huge Driving Force. (2) Pay attention to the correspondence between the Topography of the Ocean Floor and the location of the Continent. (3) To consider the " fitting " of the Shape, Geological Structure, Paleomagnetism, and Ancient Plant and Animal communities between Continent Masses. This Reconstruction Method is beneficial for determining the Paleogeographic Location of each City. Provide clearer information on Continental Drift.


How to cite: xin, X.: Harmonic dynamic of the Earth (D), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4,, 2025.

EGU25-758 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

Linear Inversion of Fluvial Long Profiles to deduct the Upliftmet history:A case study of Siang Basin 

Uma Narayan M, Rishikesh Bharti, and Archana M Nair

Longitudinal river profiles record the uplift history of any tectonically active area. The tectonic forcing causes variation in the topography in the form of channel slope adjustments. The change in the gradient tends to migrate along the river profile at a definite rate. Thus, linear inverse modelling of the river profile can decrypt the spatiotemporal variability of the tectonic uplift rate. This approach relies on the analytical solution of the linear stream incision model. The inversion scheme is applied to the Siang Basin, a sub-basin of the tectonically active  Brahmaputra river system, to provide insight into the uplift history and paleo topography of the basin. The V-shaped Siang valley, located south of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, undergoes a sudden change in slope descending from the Tsangpo gorge. The inversion is performed in the Siang Basin, assuming that the uniform tectonic uplift rate is time-independent but space-invariant. Inversion results reveal a temporal pattern of uplift acceleration between 1-2 Myr ago towards the present. The elevation profile indicates the occurrence of some prominent features that have rejuvenated the topography and increased erosion rates in the past. The base level plot also revealed a drastic fall in the base level since the past 2 Myrs. These results provide insights into the evolutionary history of the Siang Basin.

How to cite: Narayan M, U., Bharti, R., and M Nair, A.: Linear Inversion of Fluvial Long Profiles to deduct the Upliftmet history:A case study of Siang Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-758,, 2025.

EGU25-1092 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

Exploring the resurgence stage of Ischia caldera by coupling 2D numerical modelling and high-resolution remote sensing 

Argelia Silva Fragoso, John Naliboff, Gianluca Norini, Daniel Douglas, Rosa Nappi, Gianluca Groppelli, and Alessandro Michetti

Ischia Island, Italy, is a densely populated, active resurgent volcanic caldera that has undergone rapid deformation during the Holocene. The northern sector of the island, particularly the Casamicciola area, is notable for destructive shallow earthquakes, among the most severe in the Italian seismic catalog; for instance, the 1883 event claimed more than 2300 lives.

Dense vegetation has historically hindered detailed mapping efforts, but the application of drone-based LiDAR has facilitated us a high-resolution neotectonic mapping. Previously, we investigated the fault geometries along the Casamicciola Holocene Graben fault by integrating high-resolution remote sensing data with field-based mapping techniques in the epicentral area of the 1883, Mw 5.0, and 2017, Md 4.0, earthquakes.

The identified fault structures served as initial conditions for numerical simulations using the mantle convection and lithospheric dynamics code ASPECT. The simulations incorporated the effects of fault strength variations, high geothermal gradients, and contrasts in viscosity and mechanical properties on Holocene deformation distribution. Three primary scenarios were tested: (1) deformation driven by regional NE-SW extensional tectonic stress, (2) deformation caused by pressurization of a magmatic intrusion driving resurgence, and (3) deformation resulting from magma depressurization associated with subsidence.

Results reveal that the high deformation rates are primarily driven by shallow magmatic intrusions (~2 km depth) that induce resurgence of the caldera floor, with minimal contribution from regional tectonic stress. Modelled cumulative slip rates during the Holocene, range from 5.0 mm/yr to 31.12 mm/yr, closely matching rates derived from geological data. Additionally, velocity profiles simulating magma intrusion elucidate how the geometry, pressure, and volume of magma govern the asymmetric uplift of the caldera floor. These findings provide insights into the relationship between magmatic processes and earthquake occurrences in the Casamicciola Holocene Graben.

How to cite: Silva Fragoso, A., Naliboff, J., Norini, G., Douglas, D., Nappi, R., Groppelli, G., and Michetti, A.: Exploring the resurgence stage of Ischia caldera by coupling 2D numerical modelling and high-resolution remote sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1092,, 2025.

EGU25-1865 | PICO | TS5.1

2-D Numerical modelling Experements on slab breakoff mechanism beneath the Java Trench  

Weiwei Ding, Dan Liang, and Xiongwei Niu

We conducted a series of numerical modelling experiments to investigate the mechanism of slab breakoff beneath the Java Trench. The subduction of seamounts, which are characterized by overthickened and buoyant crust, can be a key factor conducive to slab detachment. The modeling experiments explored a range of variable parameters, including whether seamount is involved in the subduction process, the geometry and rheological properties of the seamount, the convergence rate, and the age of subducting oceanic lithosphere. The modelling results demonstrate that the presence of seamount significantly affects the slab breakoff process. Slab breakoff typically occurs at the edges of the subducting seamount. The specific geometry and rheological strength of the seamount emerges as the internal factors in determining whether the slab breakoff will occur. Additionally, the slab age and convergence rate are the external effective controlling factors on the timing and depth of slab breakoff. The evolution of surface elevation caused by seamount subduction differs from that of general oceanic lithosphere subduction, featuring an additional uplift event related to the slab breakoff. Based on our findings, we infer that the participation of seamounts in the subduction process beneath the Java Trench (110°E) has led to the development of low-velocity zone in the mantle wedge and high potassium volcanoes in the Java Island, which has further resulted in a compressional tectonic region in the overriding continental crust. 

How to cite: Ding, W., Liang, D., and Niu, X.: 2-D Numerical modelling Experements on slab breakoff mechanism beneath the Java Trench , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1865,, 2025.

EGU25-3129 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

A Thermal Model of the Flamanville Granitic Diapir Deforming Aureole 

Yiyi Chen, Bo Wang, Guillaume Richard, Jiashuo Liu, Romain Augier, Hugues Raimbourg, Laurent Guillou-Frottier, Aurélien Canizares, and Yan Chen

Diapiric intrusions induce significant thermal and mechanical changes in the surrounding host rock, including heating and deformation. While previous studies have focused on intrusion formation, few models detail the thermal field evolution during progressive pluton boundary migration, even less, with the associated host-rock deformation. This study aims to simulate the Flamanville granitic diapir's growth and cooling processes to investigate the coupling between thermal evolution and deformation in the aureole during contact metamorphism. The Flamanville intrusion, located in Normandy, northwest France, is a homogeneous, coarse-grained granodioritic diapir with an elliptical geometry, measuring 7.4 km (E-W) by 4.5 km (N-S), and a maximum depth of over 3 km. The pluton intruded Cambrian to Devonian meta-sediments around 318 ± 1.5 Ma. The contact metamorphic aureole extends up to 1 km from the pluton boundary, where intense deformation is characterized by radial shortening, concentric stretching, boudinage, and shear structures. A thermal model is constructed using OpenFOAM 11, an open-source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) platform. To accurately capture the dynamic emplacement of the Flamanville pluton, a custom solver is developed to incorporate an adequate advection term into the thermal diffusion equation, representing the gradual migration of the Flamanville pluton boundary during its emplacement. The solver accounts for the spatial variation in deformation intensity within the aureole, where deformation decreases systematically with increasing distance from the diapir, reflecting observed field patterns of shortening, stretching, and shear structures. Approximately 90 host-rock samples were collected across the aureole to determine maximum metamorphic temperatures using the Laser Raman Spectroscopy Carbon Geothermometer (RSCM) method. The temperatures, ranging from 250°C to 650°C, provide a robust dataset for validating the thermal model and defining the thermal variation in the aureole. This numerical model will simulate the thermal evolution of the host rock during diapiric growth and cooling. By comparing the results with Raman-derived temperature profiles, it is expected to facilitate a quantitative analysis of the evolution of the thermal field within the aureole, offering advanced insights into the thermal regimes governing aureole deformation and contact metamorphism processes.


Key words: Numerical modeling; thermal evolution; aureole deformation; Flamanville granitic diapir; contact metamorphism; Raman Spectroscopy Carbon Geothermometer (RSCM)

How to cite: Chen, Y., Wang, B., Richard, G., Liu, J., Augier, R., Raimbourg, H., Guillou-Frottier, L., Canizares, A., and Chen, Y.: A Thermal Model of the Flamanville Granitic Diapir Deforming Aureole, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3129,, 2025.

EGU25-3159 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

Modeling Taiwan’s landscape evolution 

Carolin Krug and Sean D. Willett

Mountain regions are globally recognized as biodiversity hotspots. Taiwan is a vivid example, offering an ideal landscape to study the interplay between mountain building and biodiversity. The island resulted from an active arc-continent collision that created a high-relief landscape. The high rates of tectonic uplift, shortening, and extension together with its location in the typhoon belt with high rates of precipitation and erosion results in some of the highest rates of landscape change globally. The short tectonic history and extensive tectonic and geomorphic research provide an opportunity for exploring how mountain building has influenced the island's biodiversity. In this study, we use the landscape evolution model ‘Divide and Capture’ (DAC) to simulate Taiwan’s topography from the onset of uplift to the present day. Landscape evolution modeling predicts the river network patterns, erosion rates, and physical geography in response to tectonic and climatic forcing. We subdivide Taiwan into four major geological domains (Western Foothills, Hsuehshan Range, Central Range, and the extensional Ilan back-arc) and apply horizontal and vertical velocities to each domain subject to a sea level boundary condition that changes in time to simulate the island shape. The resulting model is constrained to fit the exhumation history estimated from low-temperature thermochronometry. Cooling ages from apatite and zircon fission track and helium dating are converted to erosion rates using a thermal model (GLIDE), and used for calibration of the landscape evolution model. The model improves our understanding of Taiwan’s geomorphic history and lays the groundwork for future studies on the interconnection between tectonics, landscape evolution, physical geography, and biodiversity.

How to cite: Krug, C. and Willett, S. D.: Modeling Taiwan’s landscape evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3159,, 2025.

EGU25-4669 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

Numerical Simulation of the Deformation of the Hutubi Anticline in the Southern Margin of the Junggar Basin 

Lijie Cui, Yongrui Chen, Yawen Huang, Yuxi Niu, Ye Tao, Ying Liu, and Zening Chen

The structural deformation of foreland thrust zones is notably complex and remains a central focus in structural geology. This study investigates the deformation characteristics and formation mechanisms of the Hutubi anticline, located in the southern margin of the Junggar Basin, through numerical simulations using Underworld software. By designing three experimental setups, we analyzed the key controlling factors of the anticline's development.

The primary findings are as follows: (1) the simulation results of Experiment 1 exhibit a high degree of similarity to seismic profile characteristics, indicating that the high brittleness of the stratigraphy, pre-existing paleo-uplifts, and faults are the primary controlling factors for the formation of the Hutubi anticline. Furthermore, the localized depression above the paleo-uplift is attributed to lateral adjustments within the plastic layer, which provides a significant structural indicator for identifying paleo-uplifts; (2)Experiment 2 shows that under high-brittleness stratigraphic conditions, pre-existing faults do not play a dominant role in controlling paleo-uplift formation, highlighting other key mechanisms in such settings; (3)Experiment 3 indicates that in high-plasticity stratigraphic environments, multiple uplifts are prone to formation, with pre-existing faults influencing the specific locations of individual uplifts.

Overall, these results provide critical insights into the formation mechanisms of the Hutubi anticline and underscore the value of numerical simulations in experimental design. The findings not only advance the understanding of thrust tectonics in the southern Junggar Basin but also provide a solid foundation for further detailed studies of regional structural evolution.

How to cite: Cui, L., Chen, Y., Huang, Y., Niu, Y., Tao, Y., Liu, Y., and Chen, Z.: Numerical Simulation of the Deformation of the Hutubi Anticline in the Southern Margin of the Junggar Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4669,, 2025.

EGU25-7471 | PICO | TS5.1 | Highlight

Analogue modelling in Geosciences uncovered: a textbook for modern minds 

Francesca Funiciello, Susanne Buiter, Fabio Corbi, Riccardo Reitano, Matthias Rosenau, Michael Rudolf, Ernst Willingshofer, and Frank Zwaan and the Authors of the book

Analogue modeling for Earth Sciences started over two centuries ago as an explorative technique that allowed for the first time unfolding and visualizing a wide range of tectonic processes. While this character remains a compelling feature of analogue models, this experimental methodology has evolved over the last few decades into a quantitative, reproducible and reliable method. Most recent developments aredispersed across scientific journal articles, many behind pay-walls and sometimes hidden in appendices, but no open-access overview exists that brings all this knowledge together.

In the context of the EU research infrastructure EPOS, we are preparing the first comprehensive guide (SPRINGER will publish that as open access) on the state-of-the-art in analogue modeling of geologic processes. This community-built book will be organized into three sections. The first section will serve as a “cookbook” for building analogue models, offering up-to-date guide on scaling down models, selecting suitable analog materials, collecting experimental data, and interpreting those results. The second section will focus on a variety of tectonic processes that can be reproduced in the lab and analyzed using analogue modelling. The final section will emphasize the importance of sharing experimental research data through Open Access data publications and illustrate how analogue models can enhance the Earth Science teaching experience in classrooms. This book will fill a significant gap in the scholarly literature and will serve as a reference and guide for both early-career and experienced researchers as well as reaching out to a broader community of educational and academic teachers. In this presentation, we will share our journey toward this community-effort and give examples of the different sections of the book.

How to cite: Funiciello, F., Buiter, S., Corbi, F., Reitano, R., Rosenau, M., Rudolf, M., Willingshofer, E., and Zwaan, F. and the Authors of the book: Analogue modelling in Geosciences uncovered: a textbook for modern minds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7471,, 2025.

EGU25-10571 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

Analogue Modelling of Intrusion Dynamics in Relation to Internal and Surface Deformation 

Andrew Mitchell, Stephen Lane, Jennie Gilbert, Hugh Tuffen, and Michael James

Volcano deformation can be a key signal of volcanic unrest and often precedes an eruption. Understanding the relationship between magmatic intrusions and subsequent deformation is crucial for predicting temporal and spatial eruption patterns and thus reducing the impacts of volcanic hazards by enhancing preparedness.

Laboratory analogue models enable the direct study of model volcano subsurface changes. A 2D experimental approach enables subsurface intrusions to be tracked through time and directly compared to the surface displacements. In this study, golden syrup, a viscous fluid, was injected as a magma analogue into a cone-shaped granular material representing an analogue edifice. Images were taken to capture the time-series evolution of the intrusions and associated deformation. The relationship between subsurface intrusions and subsequent surface deformation was investigated by analysing the frame-by-frame pixel displacements using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV).

Initial findings indicated that the internal compaction of granular material accommodated the radial deformation resulting from the intrusions. Transitions to surface displacement correlated with increased strain rate from the intrusions. Material cohesion influenced material compaction; injections into high cohesion material produced surface deformation when the intrusion approached near-surface regions, compared to injections into low cohesion material (that produced surface deformation when the intrusion was deeper). These findings highlight the role of material (host rock) strength in accommodating deformation via compaction.

In the experiments, an “eruption” occurred when the golden syrup breached the surface of the analogue edifice, and this terminated the experiment. The extrusion location was consistent for each experiment and occurred along the edges of the deforming section at the surface. This finding may improve our ability to locate eruption locations based on surface deformation patterns, enhancing preparedness for deforming volcanoes and their potential eruption location.

How to cite: Mitchell, A., Lane, S., Gilbert, J., Tuffen, H., and James, M.: Analogue Modelling of Intrusion Dynamics in Relation to Internal and Surface Deformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10571,, 2025.

EGU25-10756 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

Analogue modeling of strike-slip faults: a new insight from different kinematic constrains 

Catarina A. Reis, João C. Duarte, Filipe M. Rosas, Miguel João, and Afonso Gomes

Strike-slip faults are subvertical faults with horizontal movement. They are a fundamental expression of plate tectonics and play a fundamental role in the dynamics of our planet. Transform faults are one of the three types of terrestrial plate boundaries and transcurrent faults occur almost in all tectonic environments on Earth. Understanding their kinematics and dynamics is, therefore, essential for advancing knowledge of plate’s deformation and their seismicity. However, the kinematics and dynamics of the different types of strike-slip faults are still not fully understood. In this study, we use analogue models to investigate four distinct types of strike-slip movement. The strike-slip systems are simulated by deforming a sand-cake on top of two rigid basal acrylic plates. We impose four movements to these plates: 1) two plates moving in opposite directions; 2) one plate stopped and another moving; 3) two plates moving in the same direction but at different velocities and 4) two plates moving in alternating manner in the same direction. The results show some unexpected and insightful outcomes that shed new lights on how some of these systems work. These experiments can be used to gain knowledge on natural prototypes and have implications for our understanding of how strike slip faults operate in different tectonics environments, with important implications for seismic hazards.

How to cite: A. Reis, C., C. Duarte, J., M. Rosas, F., João, M., and Gomes, A.: Analogue modeling of strike-slip faults: a new insight from different kinematic constrains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10756,, 2025.

EGU25-14030 | PICO | TS5.1

A rapid tectonic plate reorganization event dynamically modelled by subduction cessation 

julian Lowman, Joshua Guerrero, Chad Fairservice, Pejvak Javaheri, and Paul Tackley

The linearity of current-day ocean floor fracture zones demonstrates the longevity of periods of relatively steady plate motion, characterized by little to very slow movement of the associated Euler poles that describe the motion of the plates on a spherical surface. However, the geologic record also holds evidence that periods of nearly steady plate motion have been interrupted by comparatively rapid plate reorganization events, occurring in less than 10 Myr, that are well described by considering the associated change in the history of the Euler vector directions and/or magnitudes of the affected plates. One category of proposals for the driving mechanism for plate reorganization events makes a case for deeper mantle derived forces instigating surface motion change. A key factor in starting the initiation of mantle driven plate reorganization events may be the mantle’s radiogenically derived internal heating, which acts to form unstable reservoirs of buoyancy below the oldest sections of a plate, adjacent to mature slabs. The potential for internal heating to produce focused hot parcels in the mantle, capable of disrupting the steadiness of convection patterns, was described in previous numerical studies of thermal convection in momentum free fluids. Determination of the degree of success of plate generation is dependent on identifying all potential plate boundaries and inverting the implied intra-plate velocities to test their agreement on a common rotation axis (i.e., the plate’s Euler pole). Here, we utilize an iterative method for implementing a previously described tool for identifying potential plate boundaries in the output of a 3D numerical model of mantle convection. Post-processing model output for a period simulating nearly 150 Myr of evolution we track the history of several neighbouring plates and find that they maintain rigidity well demonstrated by Euler vector fitting of the intra-plate velocities. We find that generally, as their sizes and position change, the plates exhibit motion that changes direction and magnitude slowly. However, we also find that steady evolution can be punctuated by major but relatively short duration reorganization events, that we identify as being driven by the impact of mantle internal heating on the loss of slab-pull at a mature convergent plate boundary.

How to cite: Lowman, J., Guerrero, J., Fairservice, C., Javaheri, P., and Tackley, P.: A rapid tectonic plate reorganization event dynamically modelled by subduction cessation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14030,, 2025.

EGU25-14708 | PICO | TS5.1

Modelling inversion of two stages shortening overprinted pre-existing grabens: A case study of Huoerguosi-Manasi-Tugulu fold-and-thrust belt, northern Tian Shan, China 

Delong Ma, Hemin Koyi, Dengfa He, Yanpeng Sun, Shuxin Pan, Yongqiang Qu, Hongbin Wang, Yanjun Wang, Jian Cui, and Shaohang Yang

The Huoerguosi-Manasi-Tugulu (HMT) fold-and-thrust belt, which is located in the southern Junggar Basin, has formed in response to contraction during Late Cenozoic. However, the tectonic environment for its formation before Late Cenozoic is still controversial. In this paper, we conducted geometric and kinematic analysis of seismic profiles and outcrop data to reveal the Late Jurassic deformation characteristics in this area. Angular unconformity between Cretaceous and Jurassic is well preserved in Qigu anticline belt south to the HMT fold-and-thrust belt. This unconformity also exists in the HMT fold-and-thrust belt, indicating that HMT fold-and-thrust belt started to active during Late Jurassic. We use surface data, recently collected and processed subsurface seismic refection data, isopach map of Lower Jurassic and balanced sections to propose pre-existing half-graben system developed in the Lower Jurassic with this fold-and-thrust belt. We also use results of a series of scaled sandbox analogue models, where industrial CT apparatus was used to monitor deformation, to simulate the evolution of this fold and thrust belt. We suggest that the segmented shape of the HMT fold-and-thrust belt is a response to the presence of thrust ramps, which were formed during early Jurassic. During late Jurassic and Cenozoic shortening, the Lower Jurassic syn-rift sediments served as major detachment horizon, making a pre-existing normal fault act as a stress concentration zone leading to steeping of a thrust-ramp over the normal fault and cover detachment overstep the underlying half-grabens. Modeling results reveal that the presented structural framework has close resemblance with paleostructures especially in the intracontinental environment, which underwent a complex multicycle evolution process, and provide a new prospective for the interpretation of natural examples.

How to cite: Ma, D., Koyi, H., He, D., Sun, Y., Pan, S., Qu, Y., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Cui, J., and Yang, S.: Modelling inversion of two stages shortening overprinted pre-existing grabens: A case study of Huoerguosi-Manasi-Tugulu fold-and-thrust belt, northern Tian Shan, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14708,, 2025.

EGU25-16959 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

To tear or not to tear? A comparison between analogue modelling and field observations along the Kefalonia Transform Fault System 

Silvia Crosetto, Ágnes Király, Silvia Brizzi, Francesca Funiciello, and Claudio Faccenna

The Central Mediterranean is a great natural laboratory for many processes related to subduction. Along the Dinaric-Hellenic margin, the rigid Adria microplate indents the Eastern Alps and Dinarides in the north, while the southern part subducts beneath the advancing Hellenides. The Kefalonia Transform Fault System (KTFS) marks the current position of this unique transition between subduction of more buoyant continental lithosphere and less buoyant oceanic lithosphere. The resulting differential convergence is thought to have caused vertical tearing or bending of the subducting slab, although the lack of detailed seismological investigations leaves an open question concerning this geometry.

Slab tears have a significant role in surface evolution around subduction zones. They affect mantle flow, stress propagation within the subducting plate, as well as dynamic topography and volcanism on the surface. However, most models of slab tears investigate their evolution by pre-cutting the subducting lithosphere. We investigated the mechanisms underlying the dynamic formation of a vertical slab tear to interpret geodetic, tomographic, and tectonic observations from around the KTFS. To achieve this, we built a setup with a geometry inspired by the natural subduction system, varied the continental domain's rheology, and introduced an ocean-continent transition zone composed of non-Newtonian analogue materials that allow for strain localisation and slab detachment.

In particular, we wanted to: i) explore how the subducting plate deforms when a tear is forming; ii) observe how the mantle flow reacts to such changes in subduction dynamics; iii) estimate what are the resulting effects on the stress distribution and surface strain on the overriding plate.

We analysed two experimental end-members (i.e., model (A) ocean and continent in lateral contact Vs model (B) separated by non-Newtonian, transitional material) and compared them with the natural observations and the geometry of the subduction system. In both models the rigidity of the continental segment has a critical role in the type of deformation we observe during continental subduction, and controls the amount of stretching, rotation, and continental subduction. The transition zone in model (B) localises deformation, minimising shear and extensional deformation of the continent.

At the end of the experiment, the subduction front geometry of model (B) better reproduces the actual eastern Adriatic margin in correspondence of the KTFS, and the deformation observed on the continental plate is consistent with the structures observed on the field, indicating a certain level of coupling between slab and overriding plate. This similarity without achieving slab tearing suggests that a slab bend may be sufficient to reach the present natural configuration. Consequently, a slab tear may be absent or its extent be limited to a deeper section of the slab.

How to cite: Crosetto, S., Király, Á., Brizzi, S., Funiciello, F., and Faccenna, C.: To tear or not to tear? A comparison between analogue modelling and field observations along the Kefalonia Transform Fault System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16959,, 2025.

EGU25-18844 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

Insights into plume-ridge-transform fault interactions as derived from 3D numerical geodynamic modelling of the Azores Triple Junction 

Jaime Almeida, João Duarte, Filipe Rosas, Rui Fernandes, and Ricardo Ramalho


Insights into plume-ridge-transform fault interactions as derived from 3D numerical geodynamic modelling of the Azores Triple Junction


Authors: J. Almeida; J. Duarte; F. Rosas; R. Fernandes; R. Ramalho


The Azores archipelago is located at the centre of the Northern Atlantic Ocean and is characterized by a large bathymetric plateau bisected by the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Over the last 10 Myr, the interaction between the Azores plume, the MAR, and the Gloria Fault zone has led to a complex tectonic history, namely the transition from a R-R-T to a diffuse R-R-R triple junction. The implied tectonic stresses are presently accommodated along several right-lateral oblique extensional structures, which includes the Terceira intra-oceanic rift. To this day, a full understanding of the geodynamic mechanisms behind this change in triple junction configuration is still lacking.

With the present work, we explore how the Azores system was shaped by the complex plume-ridge-transform-fault interactions by conducting 3D viscoelastoplastic geodynamic models. Prior publications concerning this region argued that most NW-SE oriented features – such as the Terceira Rift – form due to the onset of the right-lateral motion between Eurasia and Nubia during the Early Miocene. We thus designed an initial model setup which follows plate reconstructions for Azores and implemented a complying shift from extensional to right-lateral shear tectonic conditions. We further assessed the role of the Azores plume by imposing a thermal anomaly close to the MAR to gain additional insight on the main geodynamic processes which govern this system.

Our results suggest that the primary controlling mechanism behind the formation of the Terceira Rift is the change in tectonic forcing imposed by the change in motion between Eurasia and Nubia during the Early Miocene, acting in tandem with the strain localization effects of the Azores Plateau. The shift towards a relative right-lateral motion between these plates induces a rotation of the local stress field, promoting the localization of transtensional shear along the NE edge of the plateau, closely mirroring the present-day location of the Terceira Rift.

This work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through projects GEMMA ( and through national funds (PIDDAC) – UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 (

How to cite: Almeida, J., Duarte, J., Rosas, F., Fernandes, R., and Ramalho, R.: Insights into plume-ridge-transform fault interactions as derived from 3D numerical geodynamic modelling of the Azores Triple Junction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18844,, 2025.

EGU25-19272 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1

Rifting, Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic processes control the landscape of Madagascar  

Egor Uchusov, Romano Clementucci, Yanyan Wang, and Sean Willett

Madagascar’s topography is defined by three distinct features: the western remnant escarpment, a central dissected plateau, and the eastern great escarpment. The modern landscape reflects a complex geological history shaped by multiple phases of rifting. The western escarpment dates back approximately 170 Myr, coinciding with Madagascar’s initial separation from Africa. A second phase of rifting, around 90 Myr ago, marked Madagascar’s separation from the Seychelles-India block, leading to the formation of the eastern escarpment. A final phase of landscape evolution resulted from Late Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic extension of Madagascar’s interior, which led to the westward migration of the water divide away from the escarpment. 

Building on this geological context, we constructed a landscape evolution model to understand how these rifting phases and subsequent processes influence Madagascar's topography using the Divide and Capture (DAC) code. We test the first-order topography by generating two phases of rifting, including the formation of rift escarpments and flexural tilting. We assume that rifting thinned the crust, inducing unloading at each margin with flexural uplift and tilting in response. We find that each rifting phase results in the formation of an escarpment with divide-type river profiles, but that westward flexural tilting during the second phase shifts the main divide eastward, accelerating the disintegration of the western escarpment and creating detached landforms and knickzone-type river profiles. 

Next, we investigate how second-order topographic features can be explained by volcanic activity, intraplate extension, and rock erodibility contrasts. In our model, volcanic activity affects the landscape by steadily building up less erosive topographic edifices. This feature is located on the plateau closer to the eastern escarpment, simulating the real-world scenario. The volcanic topographic highs can locally deflect the topographic gradient such that the major divide “jumps” from its original location and becomes locally pinned to the top of the volcanic edifices. We also explored the influence of surface subsidence in the graben due to intraplate extension on the landscape. We kinematically lowered the plateau surface in the specified rectangular “graben” area by assuming the graben’s longitudinal axis is parallel to the major divide. We find that the progressive retreat of the escarpment erodes the nearest flank of the graben, capturing the enclosed basin of the graben and causing the divide to jump to the furthest flank. These processes reshape the escarpment river morphology but remain confined locally to the graben-affected area. Rock erodibility contrast in the plateau basement is modeled by specifying various shapes of vertical blocks composed of more erosion-resistant rock. These blocks are assumed to have the same initial height as their surroundings and are applied at model initialization. During plateau incision, these blocks erode at a slower rate, causing the escarpment retreat to slow down upon encountering them. As a result, they are left behind as remnant escarpments detached from the plateau. 

How to cite: Uchusov, E., Clementucci, R., Wang, Y., and Willett, S.: Rifting, Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic processes control the landscape of Madagascar , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19272,, 2025.

EGU25-126 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2

High-resolution 3D LiDAR mapping of geologic structures: Implications for thermo-tectonic history in the Taiwan Slate Belt 

Yun-Pin Chen, Yu-Chang Chan, Yu Wang, and Wan-Ting Wei

The thermo-tectonic history of an orogenic belt can be investigated using data on metamorphic grade, thermochronology, and structural geology. However, in the strongly deformed and poorly exposed terrains, field observation and structural correlation present challenges that hinder the construction of large-scale structural frameworks. Previous studies demonstrate that LiDAR-based digital elevation model (LiDAR DEM) reveals geomorphic lineaments caused by interactions between planar geological structures and surface processes. The delineation of these lineaments offers a systematic and comprehensive perspective on regional structures, helping to overcome limitations posed by poor exposure.

In this study, we use 3D mapping of LiDAR DEM and relevant datasets, along with field mapping, to investigate the structural architecture of the strongly deformed and metamorphosed south-central Cenozoic Western Slate Belt in the Central Range of Taiwan. Although the metamorphic grade and low-temperature thermochronologic data are well-established in this region, the structural framework remains unclear, and the relationship between metamorphism and tectonic events is still controversial. Our 3D LiDAR mapping reveals two suites of structural lineaments of interest: bedding (Sb) and metamorphic foliation (Sf). Based on their morphology and field validation, Sb is associated with thick-layered metasandstone and metavolcanic layers, while Sf results from fracturing along an east-dipping, pervasive, and penetrative slaty cleavage. The regional pattern of Sb reveals a previously unmapped, approximately 10 km wavelength, west-facing, tightly folded overturned synform, referred to as the 'Siangyang Synform.' The Sf is axial planar to the Siangyang Synform, suggesting that the cleavage and regional-scale fold developed simultaneously, which is supported by field observations.

This study demonstrates the value of integrating 3D LiDAR mapping and field surveys in strongly deformed metamorphosed terrains. While the orientation and regional patterns of thick-layered, competent rocks are difficult to determine through field surveys alone, they are discernible using the stereo view of LiDAR DEM, revealing macroscopic structural features. By integrating the new structural architecture with published RSCM temperature and geochronologic data, the regional geologic framework shows the peak thermal event postdates or synchronize with the syn-orogenic ductile deformation, highlighting the significance of syn-orogenic undethrusting and metamorphism of the Western Slate Belt during the late-Cenozoic arc-continent collision in Taiwan.

How to cite: Chen, Y.-P., Chan, Y.-C., Wang, Y., and Wei, W.-T.: High-resolution 3D LiDAR mapping of geologic structures: Implications for thermo-tectonic history in the Taiwan Slate Belt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-126,, 2025.

EGU25-1728 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2

Detrital low thermochronology applied to moraine deposits in the central Patagonian Andes  

Ricardo Gómez, Benjamin Guillaume, Kerry Gallagher, Nathan Cogne, Ron Nativ, and Matias Barrionuevo

Over geological time scales, tectonics and climate exert a first-order control on erosion distribution and efficiency, thereby influencing the evolution of fluvio-glacial mountainous landscapes. This is particularly the case in the Patagonian Andes, a tectonically active region spanning more than 1500 km from North to South. The present landscape has been significantly impacted by the action of erosion and tectonics over different glacial/interglacial cycles during the last 5-6 Ma. Rock cooling history for the region has been previously inferred from bedrock low-temperature thermochronology, whose representativeness may be questioned, as large areas are currently inaccessible, notably due to the presence of ice. Here, we make use of glacial deposits (terminal moraines) that are well preserved in the present landscape, to retrieve information on the erosion history of the region assuming that these deposits are representative of the entire glacial catchment. We present the first results of a multi-method approach applied to the General Carrera-Buenos Aires Lake (GCBA) area, including: (1) apatite fission track (AFT) and U-Pb double dating of samples collected within different moraine complexes east of the GCBA lake, and (2) inverse thermal history modeling using our new detrital data and available in-situ low-temperature thermochronological data. The inference of the thermal histories involves the prediction of elevation profiles, the estimation of detrital age distributions, and the inference of a topographic sampling function (TSF) for each detrital sample. Dating of detrital apatites reveal numerous AFT ages that are older than those observed in in situ/bedrock data from the same glacial catchment. Inverse modelling suggests that these older AFT ages are likely to have sourced from areas at high elevation. We further explore the potential causes for the observed differences in age distributions, which may include: (a) potential biases in the separation process, (b) differences in erosion processes through the catchment, (c) differences in sediment transport and storage processes.

How to cite: Gómez, R., Guillaume, B., Gallagher, K., Cogne, N., Nativ, R., and Barrionuevo, M.: Detrital low thermochronology applied to moraine deposits in the central Patagonian Andes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1728,, 2025.

EGU25-1928 | ECS | Orals | TS5.2

Unravelling Fault Reactivation History: Geochronological Insights from a Major Intraplate Fault in the Bavarian Forest, Germany 

Alina Lucia Ludat, Donjá Aßbichler, Anke Maria Friedrich, Florian Hofmann, Robert Bolhar, Torsten Hahn, and Horst Zwingmann

The tectonic history of Central Europe, located within the interior of the Eurasian plate, is characterised by episodic fault reactivations extending into the Cenozoic. Determining the exact timing of repeated activity along continental intraplate faults is key to understanding the underlying forces driving lithospheric deformation, mantle convection, and geodynamic processes. In particular, lithospheric flow has been proposed as a mechanism capable of reactivating pre-existing fault zones, but its contribution to deformation in Central Europe is not yet well-constrained.

The Variscan Bohemian Massif provides a key setting for this study, with granitic plutons featuring a complex structural and lithological architecture that reflects a prolonged history of deformation. The area is predominantly composed of 312–325-Ma-old granitic rocks intruded into the metamorphic basement during the Variscan orogeny. These rocks are crosscut by numerous fault zones, including the prominent NW–SE-striking Danube fault zone, which has been periodically reactivated under varying stress regimes. Despite its young morphology, the post-Variscan deformation history of the Danube fault zone remains poorly constrained.

By integrating 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology with U-Pb dating of calcite slickenfibres and K-Ar dating of illite from fault gouges in nine different quarries in bedrock northeast of the Danube fault, we reconstruct the temporal and kinematic evolution of these faults. Our results reveal a multi-phase reactivation history, with significant tectonic activity persisting into the Cenozoic. 40Ar/39Ar analysis of K-bearing minerals from deformed host rock yielded the oldest dates, ranging from 232 to 331 Ma, with K-feldspars showing the largest intra-outcrop variations of up to 10 Myr, likely indicating localised resetting of the 40Ar/39Ar clock. K-Ar dates of illite, spanning from 173.2 ± 4.0 Ma to 204 ± 5.3 Ma, reveal evidence of brittle deformation resulting in clay gouge formation. Complementary U-Pb dating of synkinematic calcite slickenfibres on subsidiary fault planes up to 10 km from the main fault, with ages ranging from 45.7 Ma to 0.82 Ma, provides precise temporal constraints and preliminary insights into the timing of deformation. The complementary analysis of mineral parageneses within the dated faults reveals multiple phases of mineral formation and distinct fluid compositions, indicating varying low temperature and pressure conditions (50 – 200 °C; <1.2 GPa). We observed a transition of the Danube Fault from higher-temperature deformation (200–300°C) in the Triassic to near-surface faulting and fluid activity (<150°C) during the Cenozoic. The thermal evolution inferred from our detected mineral assemblages aligns with previously obtained Apatite Fission Track (AFT) ages, indicating low-temperature thermal events (<120°C) related to near-surface exhumation processes.

Our results underscore the importance of detailed analysis of deformation inventory in intraplate setting over geological timescales. The temporal and kinematic data from this study provide a critical contribution to refining the timing and constraining the duration over which currently available stress field models are applicable. Additionally, these data offer a framework for understanding the evolution of intraplate fault systems through integrated radiometric, petrological, and geochemical analyses.

How to cite: Ludat, A. L., Aßbichler, D., Friedrich, A. M., Hofmann, F., Bolhar, R., Hahn, T., and Zwingmann, H.: Unravelling Fault Reactivation History: Geochronological Insights from a Major Intraplate Fault in the Bavarian Forest, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1928,, 2025.

Due to the complex evolutionary history and the limited understanding of the western Junggar region, studies on the genesis and formation environment of volcanic rocks in the Kebai fault zone remain insufficient. This study employs SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating, as well as geochemical analyses of elements and isotopes, to investigate the eruption age, petrogenesis, and tectonic setting of Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Kebai fault zone. The U-Pb age of SHRIMP zircon from tuff samples is 316.8±1.7 Ma, while the U-Pb age of basalt LA-ICP-MS zircon is 321.7±1.8 Ma, both of which correspond to the early Late Carboniferous volcanic eruption. Stratigraphically, these volcanic rocks correlate with the Genghis Khan Formation in the region. The volcanic rocks are classified as calc-alkaline, with SiO2 content ranging from 53.46 wt% to 61.57 wt%, TiO2 content from 0.75 wt% to 1.20 wt%, and a K2O/Na2O ratio between 0.10 and 0.66, exhibiting a sodium-rich and potassium-poor signature. Light rare earth elements (LREE) are relatively enriched, while heavy rare earth elements (HREE) are relatively depleted, as evidenced by (La/Yb)N ratios ranging from 2.72 to 7.89. Large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) such as Ba, Th, U, and Sr are enriched, while high field strength elements (HFSEs) such as Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf are depleted. The δEu values range from 0.17 to 0.35, displaying a weak negative Eu anomaly. The Zr/Nb (29.36–65.60) and Hf/Ta (12.82–30.16) ratios are significantly higher than those of ocean island basalts (Zr/Nb = 3.0–6.0, Hf/Ta = 10–20) and mid-ocean ridge basalts (Zr/Nb = 10–30, Hf/Ta = 8–15). The volcanic rocks exhibit low (87Sr/86Sr)i values (0.703941–0.705675) and positive εNd(t) values (7.5–8.0), indicating a mantle-like isotopic signature. The Zr-Nb, Th/Zr-U/Th, and Ce/Pb diagrams (values ranging from 2.52 to 13.38, mean 4.61) suggest the involvement of subduction-zone fluids during the volcanic formation process. Furthermore, the Hf/3-Th-Ta, Nb×2-Zr/4-Y, V-Ti/1000, and La/10-Y/15-Nb/8 identification diagrams support the conclusion that the volcanic rocks in the Kebai fault zone were primarily influenced by ridge extension and subduction processes, consistent with a backarc basin extensional tectonic environment.

How to cite: Zongquan, Y., Wei, W., Yan, G., and Zongrui, X.: Genesis of Late Carboniferous volcanic rocks in Kebai Fault zone, Western Junggar, Xinjiang: constraints from SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age, whole rock geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2111,, 2025.

EGU25-4183 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2

Late Cenozoic cooling history of the Xigaze fore-arc basin along the Yarlung-Zangpo suture zone (southern Tibet): New insights from low-temperature thermochronology  

Shida Song, Zhiyuan He, Wenbo Su, Linglin Zhong, Kanghui Zhong, Stijn Glorie, Yifan Song, and Johan De Grave

The Tibetan Plateau is currently the widest and highest elevation orogenic plateau on Earth. It formed as a response to the Cenozoic and still ongoing collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates. The Xigaze fore-arc basin is located along the suture zone of both plates, i.e. the Indus Yarlung suture zone in southern Tibet. This area preserves important information related to the late Cenozoic tectonic and topographic evolution of the Tibetan plateau. In this study, apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology was carried out on twelve sandstone samples from the middle segment of the Xigaze basin and additionally on four sedimentary rocks from the neighboring Dazhuka (Kailas) and Liuqu Formations. Inverse thermal history modeling results reveal that the fore-arc basin rocks experienced episodic late Oligocene to Miocene rapid cooling, which we interpret as the exhumation of these rocks. Taking into account regional geological data, it is suggested that the late Oligocene-early Miocene (~27-18 Ma) cooling recognized in the northern part of the basin was related to fault activity along the Great Counter thrust, while mid-to-late Miocene-accelerated exhumation was facilitated by strong incision of the Yarlung and Buqu rivers, which probably resulted from enhanced East Asian summer monsoon precipitation. Sandstone and conglomerate samples from the Dazhuka and Liuqu Formations yielded comparable Miocene AFT apparent ages to those of the Xigaze basin sediments, indicative of (mid-to-late Miocene) exhumation soon after their deep, early Miocene burial (> ~3-4 km). Additionally, our new and published low-temperature thermochronological data indicate that enhanced basement cooling during the Miocene prevailed in vast areas of central southern Tibet when regional exhumation was triggered by both tectonic and climatic contributing factors. These events ultimately led to the formation of the high-relief topography of the external drainage area in southern Tibet, including the Xigaze fore arc basin.

How to cite: Song, S., He, Z., Su, W., Zhong, L., Zhong, K., Glorie, S., Song, Y., and De Grave, J.: Late Cenozoic cooling history of the Xigaze fore-arc basin along the Yarlung-Zangpo suture zone (southern Tibet): New insights from low-temperature thermochronology , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4183,, 2025.

We present a new application of a verified method for determining the relative significance of numerical simulation input parameters. The Taguchi method is commonly used in process engineering to reduce the number of experiments necessary to determine the sensitivity of systems to independent variables. We apply this method to thermal-kinetic and thermal-kinematic modeling as a means to efficiently determine the impact of uncertainties associated with primary assumptions for simulation input parameters on model-derived exhumation histories. The rate of rock uplift is important for determining the nature of the evolution of mountain belts, as well as the relative influence of tectonic and surface processes. Interpretation of thermochronometric datasets is already known to depend on a large and variable number of parameters - such as surface topography, geothermal gradient, exhumation rate, erosion, faulting, and rock properties - yet the impact of primary assumptions associated with these parameters is still uncertain. We are specifically interested in which assumptions impact geological interpretations most. Our novel application of the Taguchi method to thermal-kinematic modeling is compared with a full sensitivity analysis for increasingly complex numerical systems, and we find that the method is both as robust as the exhaustive approach and holds the potential for efficiently analyzing the relative influence of a large number of input parameters in complex simulations.

How to cite: Sparks, S. and Hodges, K.: Thermochronometric design of experiments - applications of the Taguchi method and implications for thermal-kinematic model parameter sensitivity analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7535,, 2025.

Understanding the thermal evolution of sedimentary basins is critical to hydrocarbon accumulation, as it influences basin development, hydrocarbon generation, migration, and the formation of source rocks and reservoirs. While paleothermometry, primarily applied to organic matter and heavy minerals, has traditionally been the standard method for reconstructing basin-scale thermal histories, marine carbonate strata lack conventional paleothermometers, posing a significant challenge. Clumped isotope analysis, however, offers a promising alternative, leveraging temperature-dependent 13C-18O bond reordering influenced by lattice defects. Recent advancements in modeling approaches—such as first-order approximation (Passey et al., 2012), transient defect models (Henkes et al., 2014), paired reordering/diffusion models (Stolper et al., 2015), and continuous first-order reaction models (Hemingway et al., 2021)—have broadened the applicability of clumped isotopes across diverse geological contexts. However, applying clumped isotope solid-state reordering models without constrained thermal history paths may lead to significant discrepancies in simulation outcomes. To improve accuracy and reduce uncertainty, this study integrates fluid inclusion microthermometry, U-Pb dating, and vitrinite reflectance (Ro) to jointly constrain thermal history paths.

The Ordos Basin, a major hydrocarbon-bearing region in northwestern China, has undergone complex tectonic and depositional transformations, particularly during the Caledonian Orogeny, which obliterated sedimentary records from the Late Ordovician to Early Carboniferous periods. To address the challenges of reconstructing its thermal history, this study combines clumped isotope thermometry, U-Pb dating, fluid inclusion analysis, petrography, X-ray diffraction, and carbon-oxygen isotope analysis. Clumped isotope reordering simulations in calcite cements, constrained by in situ U-Pb dating and fluid inclusion microthermometry, reveal Ordovician paleotemperatures of 180–190°C during the Cretaceous. Similarly, reordering simulations in micritic matrices, supported by Ro and fluid inclusion microthermometry, indicate paleotemperatures of 170–200°C during the Caledonian, a period characterized by deep burial and accelerated source rock maturation. These findings provide critical insights into the thermal history of Ordovician strata in the Ordos Basin, offering valuable guidance for hydrocarbon exploration and advancing our understanding of early hydrocarbon generation processes.

Additionally, this study examines core samples from different depositional environments within a single well, utilizing petrography, Sr isotope, and trace element analyses. Variations in Δ47 clumped isotope values among dolomites from distinct depositional settings suggest that factors such as paleo-salinity and microbial sulfate reduction (MSR) significantly influence Δ47 values. By incorporating clumped isotope kinetic models, this study also investigates the impact of microbial activity, pH, and temperature on ancient dolomite formation. These findings provide a theoretical framework for further research into the formation mechanisms of ancient dolomites in sedimentary strata.

How to cite: Du, H., Liu, Y., and Zeng, S.: Application of clumped isotope solid-state reordering to thermal evolution: A case study of Ordovician strata in Ordos Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8103,, 2025.

EGU25-10864 | Posters on site | TS5.2

Investigating temperature sensitivity of quartz Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) thermochronometry: Insights from the Anadarko Basin (Oklahoma, USA) 

Aditi K. Dave, Melanie Kranz-Bartz, Gilby Jepson, Xiaoxia Wen, Maxime Bernard, Christoph Schmidt, Audrey Margirier, and Georgina E. King

Low-temperature thermochronology dates mineral cooling through the upper crust, enabling us to constrain the rate and timing of landscape evolution over a range of spatial-temporal scales (Reiners et al. 2005). However, constraining recent thermal histories over timescales of 105−106 years at temperature ranges between 25 and 75 oC remains a challenge owing to a lack of temporal resolution from existing thermochronometers. Deciphering recent time-temperature histories (<100 oC, typically encompassing the upper <3 km of the Earth’s crust) is crucial for understanding the interactions between tectonics, erosion and climate over Quaternary timescales. To this end, trapped charge techniques like quartz Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dating can exploit the low temperature sensitivity (<100 oC) of various paramagnetic defect centres (such as the Al and Ti centres) to determine thermal history over the Quaternary period. Thus, offering the potential to fill this temporal gap that otherwise remains elusive to classical thermochronology.  

The potential of quartz ESR thermochronometry has been previously investigated (Scherer et al. 1991; Grün et al. 1999; King et al. 2020 and references therein). However, this method is still in its developmental stages and lacks a robust validation study to calibrate its temperature sensitivity, and thereby the ability of quartz ESR centres to record thermal histories over Quaternary timescales. Towards this objective, we investigate quartz extracted from borehole sediments in the Anadarko Basin (Oklahoma, USA) with a known temperature history (varying vertically from ~30−80 °C; Carter et al., 1998) based on empirical calibration with a stable geothermal gradient. This study presents preliminary investigations on the kinetics of different ESR centres in the quartz samples and examines the challenges and potential of quartz ESR centres in reconstructing temperature histories in natural settings.


Carter et al. 1998. Am Assoc of Petro Geo Bull 82: 291–316.

Reiners et al. 2005. Rev in Min and Geochem 58 (1): 1–18.

Grün et al. 1999. J Geophys Res 104(B8): 17531–17549. 10.1029/1999JB900173

King et al. 2020. Geochron 2: 1–15.

Scherer, T. et al. 1994. KTB Rep. 94-2. B25, Kontinentales Tiefbohrprogramm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Niedersächs. Landesamt Bodenforsch.

How to cite: Dave, A. K., Kranz-Bartz, M., Jepson, G., Wen, X., Bernard, M., Schmidt, C., Margirier, A., and King, G. E.: Investigating temperature sensitivity of quartz Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) thermochronometry: Insights from the Anadarko Basin (Oklahoma, USA), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10864,, 2025.

EGU25-12480 | Posters on site | TS5.2

Electron spin resonance (ESR) signals in calcite: a novel thermochronometer to constrain carbonate mountain erosion? 

Melanie Kranz-Bartz, Zuzanna Kabacińska, Christoph Schmidt, Aditi K. Dave, Xiaoxia Wen, and Georgina E. King

The interaction between surface processes, climate and tectonics determines the landscape in alpine regions, with lithology playing a key role. Carbonate rocks, which cover a significant portion of Earth’s terrestrial surface, are more sensitive to environmental changes such as dissolution by meteoric waters compared to siliciclastic or crystalline rocks. This distinct sensitivity makes carbonate rocks important in geomorphological studies, particularly regarding erosion rates. However, the factors influencing erosion rates in alpine carbonate areas remain poorly understood, especially over the (sub-)Quaternary period. Existing techniques are not well-suited to measure erosion rates in carbonate minerals over timescales of 10⁶ years due to limitations in sensitivity or applicability to carbonate rocks in alpine regions. This study explores the potential of electron spin resonance (ESR) signals in calcite as a novel thermochronometer to fill the spatial and temporal gap for constraining Quaternary rock cooling and exhumation rates in carbonate mountain landscapes.

An ideal setting for this investigation has been identified in the European Alps (Rhône Valley, Switzerland), where six samples were collected along vertical (~400-1100 m a.s.l., n=3) and horizontal (~400 m a.s.l., n=3) transects. Analysis of dose response and isothermal decay data from ESR signals demonstrates sufficient stability up to 106 years, allowing us to invert low rock cooling rates (~10 °C/Myr). Our study highlights the potential of ESR thermochronometry of carbonate minerals, supported by several key findings: (i) multiple ESR signals with different thermal sensitivities can be measured in a single sample, (ii) high upper dating limits of 106-107 years, (iii) low closure temperatures (<80 °C), enabling the investigation of recent erosion processes, and (iv) the ability to constrain low exhumation rates of <1 mm/yr. By providing a reliable tool for constraining exhumation rates in carbonate mountain regions, ESR thermochronometry can significantly advance our understanding of the complex interactions between tectonics, climate, and surface processes over Quaternary timescales.

How to cite: Kranz-Bartz, M., Kabacińska, Z., Schmidt, C., Dave, A. K., Wen, X., and King, G. E.: Electron spin resonance (ESR) signals in calcite: a novel thermochronometer to constrain carbonate mountain erosion?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12480,, 2025.

EGU25-13241 | ECS | Orals | TS5.2

Reconstructing uplift through denudation rates in carbonate systems: the Albanian orogen case study 

Chiara Bazzucchi, Silvia Crosetto, Paolo Ballato, Hella Wittmann, Claudio Faccenna, Dirk Scherler, Francesca Rossetti, and Bardhyl Muceku

Convergent plate boundaries are among the most dynamic regions on Earth. These active margins, shaped by the interplay of tectonics, erosion, and climate, are characterised by the highest topography and extensive sediment transport across vast distances. In such complex systems, lithology plays a crucial role, not only influencing rock resistance to deformation, erosion, and weathering, but also posing challenges to the application of dating and rate-determination techniques that rely on specific target minerals. Carbonate landscapes, in particular, present additional difficulties in quantifying denudation and exhumation rates due to their unique chemical and physical properties. Additionally, mountain ranges are shaped by processes acting at different timescales, where a combination of techniques with different integration times is needed to define the temporal evolution of the system.

The application of Beryllium (10Be) cosmogenic nuclides for quantifying denudation and uplift rates can help to overcome such limitations. Firstly, the employment of meteoric 10Be in combination with in situ 10Be overcomes limitations posed by lithology (i.e., the dependence of in situ 10Be on quartz and feldspar), as meteoric 10Be does not depend on specific target minerals. Secondly, the integration time of this technique bridges the temporal gap between long-term geological processes revealed by thermochronology (10⁶ yr) and modern geodetic measurements (10¹ yr).

We tested this approach in the Albanides orogenic system, integrating it with geomorphic, topographic, and fluvial analyses to reconstruct the recent uplift and erosional evolution of this region, characterised by numerous lithologies and a complex tectonic history. Basin-wide denudation rates derived using both in situ and meteoric 10Be are used as proxies of regional uplift rates across the belt, bypassing lithological constraints. The results of these complementary analyses revealed a high degree of consistency, reinforcing the reliability of the methodology. Rates ranging up to 1.61 mm/yr indicate rapid erosion of the orogen, while their spatial distribution highlights strong correlations with active tectonic structures and evidence of river network reorganisation. Despite covering different timescales, our findings align with data from thermochronology, incision rates, and geodesy, suggesting that past processes continue to echo in the present landscape dynamics.

This study highlights the value of integrating geomorphological and cosmogenic nuclide data, particularly through the complementary use of in situ and meteoric Beryllium, to untangle the complex interactions between tectonics and surface processes in active orogenic belts characterised by carbonate lithologies.

How to cite: Bazzucchi, C., Crosetto, S., Ballato, P., Wittmann, H., Faccenna, C., Scherler, D., Rossetti, F., and Muceku, B.: Reconstructing uplift through denudation rates in carbonate systems: the Albanian orogen case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13241,, 2025.

Late Mesozoic subduction and retreat of the Paleo-Pacific Plate constructed a vast back-arc region with numerous extensional basins and extensive magmatic activities that destroyed the east South China Craton.Widespread extensional structures are always controlled by detachment faults, which provide direct constraint ofthe precise tectonic process of craton destruction. At the westernmost end of this back-arc region, we identify a unique, two-detachment extensional system, the Yuechengling dome with the Ziyuan Detachment in the west and the Tianhu Fault at the middle. Low-temperature geochronology shows that during the extension at 100-85 Ma, the Ziyuan Detachmentevolved progressively with a north-to-south migration pattern. At the same time, the Tianhu Fault was also reactivated. Its northern segment experienced rapid cooling from 85-70 Ma, and the southern segment was in a rapid cooling stage from 70-45 Ma. This trend reflects heterogeneous evolution and exhumation related to the subduction retreat of the Paleo-Pacific. The uplift and denudation process from 10-0 Ma obtained from the thermal history inversion of the Tianhu Fault and the Ziyuan Detachment may be related to crustal thermal subsidence. According to the Airy - Heiskanen Model, combined with the regional low-temperature geochronology data, we calculated that the denudation thickness in the Yuechengling area reached approximately 2000 m. Combining with the current altitude, it is speculated that the altitude in the Yuechengling area reached approximately 2900 ± 300 m during the Late Mesozoic, and decreased after the thinning of the cratonic lithosphere of South China. Our results reveal a consistent structural and topographic change of regional extension and shed light in the coupling of deep and surface response to the cratonmodification and destruction.

How to cite: Liu, T., Chu, Y., Lin, W., Lei, Y., Guo, Y., and Guo, L.: Late Mesozoic extension and denudation of the South China Block: Insights from low-temperature geochronology into the differential evolution of detachment faults, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14334,, 2025.

EGU25-14764 | Orals | TS5.2

Unveiling the impact of Quaternary climate on mountain erosion: new insights from the Japanese Alps using novel trapped charge thermochronometry 

Melanie Kranz-Bartz, Georgina E. King, Maxime Bernard, Frédéric Herman, Xiaoxia Wen, Shigeru Sueoka, Sumiko Tsukamoto, Jean Braun, and Takahiro Tagami

The influence of Quaternary climate (i.e., glacial-interglacial cycles) on mountain topography remains a topic of debate, largely due to the challenges associated with measuring surface processes over the recent geological past. A compelling location to investigate mountain erosion in response to Quaternary climate change is found in the Tateyama Mountains, part of the Hida mountain range in the northern Japanese Alps, due to its distinct geomorphological features. The Japanese Alps uplifted within the last 1–3 million years and have undergone multiple glaciations during the late Quaternary. In this study, we employ novel ultra-low temperature thermochronometers based on the luminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR) from feldspar and quartz minerals, respectively, in combination with numerical (inverse) modelling to derive rock cooling and exhumation rate histories on timescales of 10⁴–10⁶ years within the Tateyama region.

The different infra-red stimulated luminescence signals measured have already reached their upper dating limit, indicating maximum exhumation rates of approximately 1-1.5 mm/yr. In contrast, ESR signals from Al and Ti centres provided ESR ages ranging from ca. 0.3 to 1.1 million years, suggesting that surface processes were active during the Pleistocene. A negative age-elevation relationship reveals a reduction in local relief at the scale of the cirque basin over the past million years. However, a positive age-elevation trend observed in samples from near the mountain summit deviates from this pattern. Inverse modelling shows rock cooling rates ranging from 20 to 70 °C/Myr, with slightly faster cooling in cirque-floor samples. Both 1D and 3D thermal kinematic modelling reveal erosion rates of 0.5–1 mm/yr in the cirque basin, which are higher than those observed from periglacial and slope processes in the same area. Our data suggest that Quaternary climate change, coupled with distinct surface processes, has significantly altered the slopes of the Tateyama mountains, leading to a localized decrease in relief within individual cirque basins during the second half of the Quaternary (Bartz et al., 2024).

Bartz, M., King, G.E., Bernard, M., Herman, F., Wen, X., Sueoka, S., Tsukamoto, S., Braun, J., Tagami, T., 2024. The impact of climate on relief in the northern Japanese Alps within the past 1 Myr – The case of the Tateyama mountains. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 644, 118830.

How to cite: Kranz-Bartz, M., King, G. E., Bernard, M., Herman, F., Wen, X., Sueoka, S., Tsukamoto, S., Braun, J., and Tagami, T.: Unveiling the impact of Quaternary climate on mountain erosion: new insights from the Japanese Alps using novel trapped charge thermochronometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14764,, 2025.

EGU25-15008 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2

Assessment of Uncertainty Propagation within Compaction-Based Exhumation Studies Using Bayesian Inference 

Patrick Makuluni, Juerg Hauser, and Stuart Clark

Exhumation plays a crucial role in shaping the evolution and distribution of resource systems in sedimentary basins, affecting mineral and energy resource exploration. Accurate exhumation estimates, derived primarily from empirical equations based on compaction and thermal datasets, are essential but are often compromised by data errors and unquantified uncertainties in model parameters. For instance, model parameters are usually assumed not to be affected by uncertainties despite varying within measurable ranges. Uncertainties from such variation can propagate and compromise the accuracy of exhumation estimates.

This study introduces a novel and refined approach to exhumation estimation using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to quantify and address uncertainties in data and model parameters. Using this approach, we developed a workflow for quantifying exhumation magnitudes and their associated uncertainties and applied it to sonic log datasets from the Canning and Bonaparte Basins. The impact of uncertainty propagation on exhumation results was assessed by examining four scenarios: assuming no uncertainty in the model or data, considering data noise without model uncertainty, considering model uncertainty without data noise, and considering model uncertainties and data noise together.

Our study yielded robust exhumation estimates in the Canning and Bonaparte Basins. Comparison with previous studies shows similarities and differences in exhumation estimates for multiple episodes, with discrepancies potentially arising from variations in exhumation models, data quality and coverage. Uncertainty propagation analysis reveals that considering data-related and model uncertainties together produces variable distributions of exhumation estimates with wider uncertainty ranges. Overall, data quality and coverage proved more critical for the accuracy and precision of exhumation estimates than model refinement. Our models can be integrated into basin evolution studies, help refine fluid migration models, and improve understanding of sedimentation and ore preservation to optimise resource exploration in sedimentary basins.

How to cite: Makuluni, P., Hauser, J., and Clark, S.: Assessment of Uncertainty Propagation within Compaction-Based Exhumation Studies Using Bayesian Inference, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15008,, 2025.

EGU25-15502 | Posters on site | TS5.2

ESR-thermochronometry of the MIZ1 borehole, Tono, Japan 

Georgina King, Lily Bossin, Melanie Kranz-Bartz, Xiaoxia Wen, Christoph Schmidt, Frederic Herman, Manabu Ogata, and Shigeru Sueoka

Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of quartz minerals offers a significant advantage over luminescence dating because of its later signal saturation. We seek to exploit this to develop a thermochronometry system capable of resolving rock cooling rates throughout the Quaternary. Whereas the luminescence thermochronometry system is limited to areas experiencing very rapid rock cooling (exhumation) of tens of mm/yr, recent studies have shown that ESR thermochronometry can resolve rates of <1 mm/yr over Quaternary timescales (e.g. Bartz et al., 2024). However, the method has not yet been validated against samples with known thermal histories. To this end, we have investigated six known-thermal history samples from the MIZ1 borehole, Tono, Japan. The low-relief Tono region, Japan, underwent Quaternary exhumation at rates of <1 mm/yrand previous luminescence thermochronometry (Ogata et al., 2022) on the same samples yielded saturated signals. Sample borehole temperatures range from 22.7 to 43.8 °C.

The natural trapped-charge concentration of the different samples was constrained using a single-aliquot regenerative dose measurement protocol. As the samples had similar properties, we constructed a standardised growth curve to alleviate measurement times. Signal saturation of the Al-centre occurred at ~60 kGy and at ~7 kGy for the Ti-centre. Whereas the Al-centre exhibited single-saturating exponential growth, the Ti-centre exhibited significant sub-linearity in the low dose region, within which the natural trapped-charge concentrations were interpolated.

The thermal stability of the different samples was measured using an isothermal holding experiment, whereby samples were dosed in the laboratory before being held at fixed temperatures (130 °C, 160 °C, 200 °C, 250 °C), for durations ranging from 4 min up to a cumulative duration of 10 h. As the thermal signal loss of the different samples was similar, we were able to fit all samples to derive a single set of thermal kinetic parameters.

Finally, the data were inverted for borehole temperature using a Monte-Carlo approach. Whereas the Al-centre of all samples recovered borehole temperature within 1s uncertainties, the Ti-centre data failed to recover temperature, yielding temperatures ~20-30 °C above borehole temperature. The cause for this is uncertain but is likely related to the observed sub-linearity of the dose response curves which may be indicative of sensitivity change throughout analysis.



Bartz, M., King, G.E., Bernard, M., Herman, F., Wen, X., Sueoka, S., Tsukamoto, S., Braun, J. and Tagami, T., 2024. The impact of climate on relief in the northern Japanese Alps within the past 1 Myr–The case of the Tateyama mountains. Earth and Planetary Science Letters644, p.118830.

Ogata, M., King, G.E., Herman, F. and Sueoka, S., 2022. Reconstructing the thermal structure of shallow crust in the Tono region using multi-OSL-thermometry of K-feldspar from deep borehole core. Earth and Planetary Science Letters591, p.117607.

How to cite: King, G., Bossin, L., Kranz-Bartz, M., Wen, X., Schmidt, C., Herman, F., Ogata, M., and Sueoka, S.: ESR-thermochronometry of the MIZ1 borehole, Tono, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15502,, 2025.

EGU25-16051 | Orals | TS5.2

Assessing the 4-D evolution along and across the Insubric Line in the European Central Alps using a multi-method geo- and thermochronological approach 

Bianca Heberer, Meinert Rahn, Axel Gerdes, Elisabeth Holzner, Antonia Czepl, Franz Neubauer, István Dunkl, and Christoph von Hagke

During orogenesis the initial asymmetry of subduction induces asymmetry of continental collision regarding collisional structure, slab geometries, partitioning of crustal shortening and eventually indentation of a stiffer and cooler continent into a relatively warmer and softer continent. After collision and indentation, extrusion and exhumation of deep metamorphic and plutonic rocks are diagnostic processes to evaluate the extent of asymmetry and the long-term structural evolution along and across the continental suture.

An excellent place to study such highly asymmetric patterns are the distinctly non-cylindrical European Alps, an archetypal example of indentation. There, indentation of relatively stiff Adriatic lower crust and upper mantle into the weaker continental Eurasian plate led to unroofing of the Penninic Lepontine dome, as well as strike-slip motion along the Insubric Line. Late-stage collision led to a highly asymmetric exhumation pattern with relative vertical displacement across the fault in the range of 15 (±5) km. The brittle faulting and exhumation history has so far received only little attention, and particularly S of the Insubric Line, large-scale interpretations of cooling and exhumation are based on very little quantitative knowledge. Exploring the faulting and exhumation history of this suture by applying multiple geo- and thermochronometers spanning temperatures from ca. 50 to 450 °C on both sides of the fault is the focus of this project.

(U-Th)/He apatite and zircon dating on more than 50 samples and fission track dating on 25 samples was applied along densely spaced horizontal as well as vertical transects across the Insubric Line. (U-Th)/He apatite ages, which monitor cooling below ca. 80 °C, from north of the fault line prominently cluster around 8-12 Ma. Apatite fission track (closure temperature of ca. 110 °C) as well as zircon (U-Th)/He ages (ca. 210 °C) are only slightly older. Modelling these thermochronological data point to a Late Miocene phase of more pronounced cooling and exhumation of the Lepontine dome than previously assumed. Thermochronological data of Southalpine samples from the immediate vicinity of the fault line record a similar cooling pulse, indicating either joint late-stage exhumation or a heating pulse invoking resetting of Southalpine units due to Lepontine updoming. U-Pb apatite data, recording higher temperature cooling below ca. 450 °C clearly diverge, yielding Permian ages in the south but Oligocene to Early Miocene ages in the north.

Additionally, the seismotectonic evolution of the Insubric fault is targeted by U-Pb dating on pseudotachylites and mylonites. This methodically new approach yields ages clustering at 30 and 16 Ma for a Southalpine pseudotachylite. The signal was measured for a fine-grained mineral assemblage containing U-bearing phases such as apatite, epidote and titanite. The older age cluster corresponds to the phase of major Lepontine updoming, which we confirmed by mylonite dating. The younger age is in line with published Ar-Ar pseudotachylite data (Müller et al., 2001). These initial data suggest that this method could be a valuable tool for dating palaeoseismic events.

Müller, W., et al. (2001). Geochronological constraints on the evolution of the Periadriatic Fault System (Alps). Int J Earth Sci, 90(3), 623-653.

How to cite: Heberer, B., Rahn, M., Gerdes, A., Holzner, E., Czepl, A., Neubauer, F., Dunkl, I., and von Hagke, C.: Assessing the 4-D evolution along and across the Insubric Line in the European Central Alps using a multi-method geo- and thermochronological approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16051,, 2025.

EGU25-16752 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2

Mesozoic to Cenozoic denudation and uplift process in Luxi Terrane, North China Craton 

Qijie Zhou, Christoph von Hagke, Yongjiang Liu, Qingbin Guan, Boran Liu, Jinglian Yuan, Yuyang Chen, Zhaoyang Zhou, and Runkang Du

The North China Craton (NCC) is the oldest block in eastern China. Since it cratonized during the Paleoproterozoic, the NCC experienced a stable tectonic period during the Paleozoic. During the Meso-Cenozoic, the NCC was influenced by three tectonic domains (the Paleo Asian, the Paleo Tethys and the Pacific Ocean). During that time, the NCC experienced multiple deformation events associated with the Indosinian, Yanshannian and Himalayan orogeny. During the Yanshannian phase, the NCC experienced  lithospheric thinning and destruction. This was potentially associated with the formation of a plateau surface with a mean elevation of approximately 2000 m. However, Jurassic-Cretaceous basins with sediment thickness reaching up to 2000 meters, and the coal-bearing strata of Jurassic indicate that the NCC was at low elevations and humid climate at that time. 
The Luxi terrane is a basement high located in the middle of the eastern NCC surrounded by basins. It composed of the Archean and Proterozoic metamorphic basement, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata. We can directly observe the unconformity contact between Carboniferous and Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Upper Paleogene. Thus, Luxi terrane is an ideal place to study the tectonic geomorphology evolution in eastern NCC during the Meso-Cenozoic. 
In order to understand the evolution of the eastern NCC during the Meso-Cenozoic, we selected 5 sampling transects perpendicular to the NW trend tectonic line to collect samples in different elevation for low temperature thermochronology experiments including apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He dating. Combined with detrital provenance analysis and structural analysis, we reconstruct the time-temperature history of the NCC
First apatite fission track results indicate early Jurassic uplift of the NCC. Moreover, based on track length analyses and time-temperature modeling, we show that the samples were subject to elevated temperatures between 160 and 100 Ma. Second, results show that the region was subject to a long-wavelength exhumation phase at approximately 100 Ma. After that, our results indicate a rapid uplift event during the Cenozoic, but the farther north the sample located, this uplift occurred more earlier and slower. 

How to cite: Zhou, Q., von Hagke, C., Liu, Y., Guan, Q., Liu, B., Yuan, J., Chen, Y., Zhou, Z., and Du, R.: Mesozoic to Cenozoic denudation and uplift process in Luxi Terrane, North China Craton, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16752,, 2025.

EGU25-17069 | ECS | Orals | TS5.2

Infra-red stimulated luminescence on K-feldspar: evaluation of a new trapping-detrapping model and perspectives on the late-stage cooling history of the Mont-Blanc massif 

Maxime Bernard, Renske Lambert, Georgina King, Benny Guralnik, Fréderic Herman, Pierre Valla, and Christoph Schmidt

Constraining the topographic impact of Quaternary glaciation in the European Alps is important to better assess the control of climate on mountain erosion rates over 104-106 yr timescales. Infra-red stimulated luminescence (IRSL) in feldspar is a dating technique that allows quantification of trapped electrons and the potential reconstruction of rock thermal histories over a timescale of 104-105 years. During the cooling of rocks, ionizing radiation leads to the temporary trapping of electrons in crystal defects. The rate of electron release from these traps depends on the traps’ thermal activation energy as well as their spatial density (controlling their purely athermal loss via quantum mechanical tunnelling). However, interpreting luminescence signals requires that the electron trapping and detrapping models correctly replicate well-constrained thermal histories, both in the laboratory and natural environments. Existing models, such as single saturating exponential (SSE) and general-order kinetics (GOK) for trapping, and band-tail states (BTS) for detrapping, have been previously tested and validated for some benchmark areas. However, these models appear inadequate for our new experimental K-feldspar IRSL dataset from the Mont-Blanc massif (European Alps), e.g. by misfitting laboratory trapping-detrapping behaviour (SSE + BTS) or failing to reproduce dose-dependent isothermal decay curves (GOK). To address these limitations, we introduce a new trapping-detrapping model consisting of a log-normal distribution of trap characteristic doses (D0 values) and of their thermal lifetimes. This model is internally consistent, mathematically in line with former approaches, verifiable on existing IRSL results from the KTB-borehole, and demonstrates excellent predictive capabilities with respect to our Mont-Blanc dataset. Using this model, we investigated the last 100-kyr cooling history of nine samples from the Mont-Blanc tunnel. Our results suggest that the subsurface cooled by approximately 10–30 °C over the past 20 kyr, implying a potential link to the last deglaciation relating to (1) valley incision and/or (2) cold water infiltration provided by melting glaciers.

How to cite: Bernard, M., Lambert, R., King, G., Guralnik, B., Herman, F., Valla, P., and Schmidt, C.: Infra-red stimulated luminescence on K-feldspar: evaluation of a new trapping-detrapping model and perspectives on the late-stage cooling history of the Mont-Blanc massif, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17069,, 2025.

EGU25-17327 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2

Modelling Pliocene-Quaternary landscape evolution recorded by low-temperature thermochronology in the glacially overprinted Tauern Window, Eastern European Alps 

Isabel Wapenhans, Peter van der Beek, Cody Colleps, Maxime Bernard, Lingxiao Gong, and Julien Amalberti

The topography of mountain belts results from complex variations and interactions between tectonic, climatic and erosional processes. In particular, glaciations result in heterogenous incision along and across mountain valleys. The European Alps have been periodically extensively glaciated since the late Pliocene-Quaternary; however, the impact of these glaciations on the evolution of both orogen-scale and valley-scale relief development and erosion remains disputed. One reason for that is the lack of temporal resolution on timescales of 105 to 106 years.

The low-temperature apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) thermochronometric system is sensitive to the past shape of the near-surface 65 to 85 °C isotherm, which, at a corresponding depth of 2 to 4 km below the surface, follows the approximate shape of the landscape at the time. This feature allows deriving the evolution of topography following the time that rock samples cooled through the isotherm. Thus, provided a well understood tectonic rock-uplift history and suitably distributed ages covering the Pliocene-Quaternary period, AHe data can be used to model the glacial impact on mountain morphology.

The Tauern Window in the Eastern European Alps presents an ideal natural laboratory for this approach, as (1) its rapid tectonically driven exhumation until ~8 Ma is well documented in literature, and (2) there is clear glacial overprinting and relatively high relief within its valleys. Here, we present four new AHe elevation profiles along valleys of differing sizes and orientations in the Western Tauern Window, with AHe ages ranging from ~1.4 to 18.2 Ma.

AHe ages generally increase with elevation, with a prominent and rapid Pliocene-Quaternary exhumation signal recorded in the thermal histories of the valley bottom samples only. We interpret this to signify that regional tectonics alone cannot explain the full exhumation history of the region. We further test this hypothesis, using 3D thermo-kinematic inverse modelling in PecubeGUI to quantify the timing and amount of focused glacial valley deepening.  These models are also used to predict the youngest thermal history information, or “edge age”, that we can expect when using the higher-resolution apatite 4He/3He methodology in this area in the future.

How to cite: Wapenhans, I., van der Beek, P., Colleps, C., Bernard, M., Gong, L., and Amalberti, J.: Modelling Pliocene-Quaternary landscape evolution recorded by low-temperature thermochronology in the glacially overprinted Tauern Window, Eastern European Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17327,, 2025.

EGU25-18329 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2

Deciphering the cooling history of the Sila Massif: Insights into the Calabrian Arc tectonic drivers 

Nicolas Villamizar-Escalante, Christoph von Hagke, Bjarne Friedrichs, Bianca Heberer, Fabian Dremel, Robl Jörg, Sean Gallen, and Duna Roda-Boluda

Throughout the Cenozoic, the rock uplift of the Calabrian Arc has been strongly influenced by the retreat of the Ionian slab, where a rollback subduction process has been ongoing since Paleogene times. This complex geological setting has resulted in diverse geodynamic processes, including active extension, mantle dynamics, and the potential influence of slab tearing contributing to the uplift of the Calabrian Arc. Within this geodynamic setting, the topography of the Sila Massif is characterized by an exceptional combination of high elevation and an extensive plateau surface. Such landforms represent strong evidence for recent uplift that has not been fully compensated by erosion. This, along with the possible influence of an underlying tear fault, provides a crucial window into the complex interplay between subduction-controlled tectonics, uplift and erosional response.

Here, we used (U-Th)/He low-temperature thermochronology to investigate the cooling history of the Sila Massif, aiming to constrain the timing and rates of exhumation and thereby elucidate the dominant drivers of exhumation. Our preliminary results reveal higher and potentially more variable long-term erosion rates since the Mid-Miocene than the previously estimated 0.1 km/Myr. These elevated exhumation rates require re-evaluating the dominant tectonic drivers within the Calabrian Arc.

By analyzing the spatial and temporal patterns of exhumation derived from our thermochronological data, we can evaluate the relative contributions of different tectonic processes. Here, we discuss the influence of the Catanzaro deep-seated fault in correlation to the disparate evolution of the Sila Massif and the rest of the Calabrian Arc. Our findings provide a new perspective on the influence of deep-seated faults in sculpting the landscape and shaping the evolution of the Calabrian Arc.

How to cite: Villamizar-Escalante, N., von Hagke, C., Friedrichs, B., Heberer, B., Dremel, F., Jörg, R., Gallen, S., and Roda-Boluda, D.: Deciphering the cooling history of the Sila Massif: Insights into the Calabrian Arc tectonic drivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18329,, 2025.

EGU25-19499 | ECS | Orals | TS5.2 | Highlight

Modelling central Nepal Himalayan tectonic from different temperature thermochronometers 

Chloé Bouscary, Sumiko Tsukamoto, and Jean Braun

The tectonic evolution of orogenic systems, such as the Himalayas, has been extensively studied using thermochronometers sensitive to temperatures above 120 °C. Landscape modelling and the inversion of these data provide estimates of deformation rates over timescales of millions of years and spatial scales of tens to hundreds of kilometres. For the Himalayas, these data generally support a Quaternary tectonic scenario dominated by duplexing, where the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates is accommodated along the active Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT), expressed at the surface as the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) at the southern front of the Himalayan range. With this model, the observed exhumation of the High Himalayas is driven by underplating beneath the topographic transition, which creates duplex structures and overthrusting. However, several studies challenge this model, highlighting the scarcity of data constraining deformation rates in the Lesser Himalayas, and the absence of thermochronometric data for recent (< 2 Ma) movements.

Trapped-charge thermochronometry, sensitive to ultra-low temperatures below 100 °C, offers new constraints on the final stages of exhumation of the Himalayas (last few kilometres), constraining rates of deformation on sub-Quaternary timescales. Analysis of trapped charge thermochronometry data (luminescence and electron spin resonance) indicate that the MFT has accommodated at least 62 % of the convergence since 200 ka, while also revealing localized fault activity within the Sub-Himalayan fold-and-thrust belt, suggesting strain partitioning. High exhumation rates in the Main Central Thrust (MCT) area, along with differing apparent ages and exhumation rates on each side of the MCT fault system during the late Quaternary point to potential out-of-sequence fault activity, challenging the in-sequence/duplexing model proposed by higher temperature thermochronometers. However, these findings alone cannot definitively favour one tectonic model over another, and further investigation through fault kinematics and landscape modeling is required.

To address this, we employ a 3-D thermo-kinematic landscape evolution model (Pecube), and perform a formal nonlinear inversion using the Neighborhood Algorithm. This approach couples a landscape evolution model with 2-D thermo-kinematic models to simulate regional landscape evolution of the Nepal Himalayas, assessing how different kinematics can explain the morphology of the region. By combining fault geometries, vertical and horizontal displacement trajectories, and surface processes simulations, we will differentiate between the in-sequence/duplexing and out-of-sequence deformation modes for the Quaternary period. This integrated modeling framework will help identify the relative roles of tectonics, climate, and geology in shaping the exhumation patterns in the foreland and hinterland, as well as across different valleys in Nepal. Ultimately, the thermo-kinematic model will also provide insights into the seismic behaviour of the Nepalese mountain belt during the Quaternary.

How to cite: Bouscary, C., Tsukamoto, S., and Braun, J.: Modelling central Nepal Himalayan tectonic from different temperature thermochronometers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19499,, 2025.

The understanding of geodynamic processes such as earthquakes and mountain building requires a deep knowledge of mineral and rock deformation mechanisms (e.g. Karato, 2013). The most used approach to study mineral and rock rheology is by means of experimental investigations. However, they can be significantly challenged by both apparatus corrections and grain-boundary interactions that result in inhomogeneous stress states within deforming samples. Moreover, few experimental data are available for single crystals under tensile stress even if this is a quite common environment in the crust at all scales (e.g. Fossen, 2010). Finally, most of the data that we have on mineral and rock rheology comes from gem quality, often synthetic, crystals, but they are far to represent the bulk of the crust.

In this contribution, a novel approach that aims to overcome some of these difficulties is presented. The rheology of minerals can be explored using natural host-inclusion mineral systems instead of an experimental deformation apparatus on synthetic products. Host-inclusion systems are the simplest natural “rock samples” occurring on Earth because they consist of two mineral grains and one grain boundary. Moreover, because of the contrast in the thermal expansion and compressibility coefficients between the host and the inclusion, host-inclusion mineral couples are pre-stressed under most pressure and temperature conditions. Therefore, by applying pressure and/or temperature to such systems in the laboratory, it is possible to generate tensile and compressive stresses in the host mineral which can be measured in situ using Raman spectroscopy without applying apparatus corrections (e.g. Campomenosi et al. 2024). Finally, mineral flow laws along with the role of grain boundaries can be investigated from the host deformation experiments coupled with numerical simulation modelling (e.g. Zhong et al. 2024).  This new methodology can improve our quantitative understanding of mineral strength under different stress state at non-ambient conditions, providing a significant step forward in the quantification of larger scale geodynamic processes.



Campomenosi, N., Angel, R. J., Mihailova, B., & Alvaro, M. (2024). Mineral host inclusion systems are a window into the solid-state rheology of the Earth. Communications Earth & Environment5(1), 660.

Fossen, H. (2010). Structural Geology. Cambridge University Press, 480 pp.

Karato, S. I. (2013). Rheological properties of minerals and rocks. Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth, 94-144.

Zhong, X., Wallis, D., Kingsbery, P., & John, T. (2024). The effect of aqueous fluid on viscous relaxation of garnet and modification of inclusion pressures after entrapment. Earth and Planetary Science Letters636, 118713.

How to cite: Campomenosi, N.: Host-inclusion mineral systems as a new probe for in situ mineral rheology at non-ambient conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-978,, 2025.

EGU25-3065 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

Modelling antigorite dehydration: links between reaction progress, deformation and stress field evolution  

Kristóf Porkoláb, Evangelos Moulas, and Stefan M. Schmalholz

The expected depth of dehydration reactions in subducted slabs shows correlation with the hypocenters of intermediate-depth earthquakes, suggesting that dehydration embrittlement may be a key mechanism of earthquake nucleation. However, it is still unclear how dehydration embrittlement occurs during mineral reactions. This uncertainty is mainly rooted in the complex interactions between reaction progress, evolution of effective stresses, and deformation, which are challenging to quantify. Here we present 2D hydro-mechanical-chemical numerical models of antigorite dehydration (antigorite --> enstatite + forsterite + H2O) to quantify these interactions. We investigate how deformation may lead to dehydration and whether the reaction causes significant stress perturbations, potentially leading to earthquakes. Results show that dehydration may be triggered by fast deformation. Initially, deformation induces fluid overpressure (fluid pressure > total pressure) zones. Fluid overpressure is then relaxed by the onset and progress of the dehydration reaction, decreasing the chance of fracturing. This behavior is explained by the negative total volume change during the reaction, meaning that the solid and fluid reaction products occupy a smaller volume than the original reactant antigorite. The reaction zone is the least likely to fracture due to reaction-induced weakening and the locally larger increase of total pressure compared to fluid pressure. However, the weakening of the reaction zone also generates rheological contrasts with respect to the intact domain. As the reaction progresses, rheological contrasts induce the development of fluid overpressure zones along the sides of the reaction zone, which may lead to brittle deformation. Furthermore, reaction-induced weakening may also lead to strain localization/runaway processes, potentially causing brittle failure.


The reported investigation was financially supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Hungary (PD143377).

How to cite: Porkoláb, K., Moulas, E., and M. Schmalholz, S.: Modelling antigorite dehydration: links between reaction progress, deformation and stress field evolution , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3065,, 2025.

EGU25-3241 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Differential stress induced mineral replacement around strong clasts in a weak biotite matrix 

Anna Rogowitz, Philippe Goncalves, A. Hugh N. Rice, Zhaoliang Hou, and Bernhard Grasemann

During progressive deformation, a strong inclusion in a weaker matrix causes a heterogeneous differential stress field, which not only results in strain localisation nucleating in the compressive quadrants of the clast but potentially also causes local pressure variations. Numerical modelling indicates that especially in a polyphase rock with a clast-in-matrix structure, pressures can locally vary by up to 1 GPa. So far, it is not clear whether and how local tectonically induced pressure changes are reflected in the mineral paragenesis of metamorphic rocks. Here, we present an example of stress-induced mineral replacement from the north Norwegian Caledonides (Finnmark) which is consistent with a local variation in mineral paragenesis due to pressure variations around strong inclusions.

A subvertical metadolerite dyke was rotated to align with the penetrative regional foliation during the emplacement of the overlying nappe. The metadolerite, now reduced to a thickness of approximately 1.4 cm is sandwiched between two quartzite layers and has undergone alteration to a schist comprising biotite, titanite, epidote, garnet, quartz and accessory apatite. The garnets are subhedral and frequently exhibit two growth zones, with inclusions of predominantly titanite and rare amphibole. The surrounding metasedimentary schists contain staurolite, suggesting mid-amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions (~550 °C and 6 kbar). During later deformation of the altered metadolerite (i.e., biotite schist), some garnets were pushed into the adjacent quartzite, forming prominent ultramylonitic quartz tectoglyphs, while garnets remaining within the biotite schist were rotated to form delta-type structures. In contrast to garnets, epidote and apatite clasts are characterised by a lower aspect ratio and locally appear to have aligned in a stable orientation within the strongly foliated biotite matrix. Such stable clasts show a thin layer (< 25 µm) of phengitic white mica accompanied by nanocrystals of quartz in their compressive quadrants. The phengitic nature of the white mica suggests a pressure value deviating from the accepted regional mid-amphibolite facies conditions (~550 °C and 6 kbar), potentially indicating a local tectonic overpressure around the strong clasts in the weak biotite matrix. This hypothesis, however, still needs to be validated by further quantification of the local variations in pressure and temperature conditions.

How to cite: Rogowitz, A., Goncalves, P., Rice, A. H. N., Hou, Z., and Grasemann, B.: Differential stress induced mineral replacement around strong clasts in a weak biotite matrix, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3241,, 2025.

EGU25-3832 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Three-phase fluid flow in porous rocks during CO2 injection into reservoirs 

Anna Isaeva, Lyudmila Khakimova, and Yury Podladchikov

Injecting carbon dioxide (CO2) into deep geological formations is part of the process of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). When CO2 is injected into hydrocarbon reservoirs, a double benefit can be achieved. Indeed, injecting CO2 into oil reservoirs can enhance oil recovery (EOR) and also reduce emissions of this greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. This approach (CCUS-EOR) appears promising as it helps achieve climate goals in a cost-effective manner.
At the same time, CO2 flooding can complicate the phase behavior of fluids in the reservoir. For example, when hydrocarbons are mixed with CO2, three-phase liquid-liquid-vapor (LLV) equilibria can occur. This means that the mixture of hydrocarbons and CO2 is separated to form a vapor and two liquid phases that differ in their physical properties (density, viscosity and phase composition, etc.). These differences affect fluid flow in porous reservoir rocks and the ultimate displacement efficiency in CCUS-EOR projects.
We study the phase behavior of hydrocarbon-carbon dioxide mixtures and the effect of LLV separation on fluid flow using numerical simulation. We show how direct minimization of the Gibbs energy can be used to calculate LLV equilibria, which is a necessary step for subsequent numerical simulation of three-phase transport in porous reservoir rocks.

How to cite: Isaeva, A., Khakimova, L., and Podladchikov, Y.: Three-phase fluid flow in porous rocks during CO2 injection into reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3832,, 2025.

EGU25-5144 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

 On the role of transformation-induced physical changes on eclogite propagation: insights from thermo-mechanical numerical models. 

Anaïs Cochet, Philippe Yamato, Marie Baïsset, Loïc Labrousse, and Thibault Duretz

In convergence zones, metamorphic transformations that affect the subducting lithosphere as due to changes in pressure and temperature significantly influence the mechanical behavior of rocks. For instance, eclogitization of lower crustal rocks, characterized by a notable densification has been associated with strain localization and seismic activity in several localities around the world. However, the mechanisms governing the propagation of this transformation once initiated remain insufficiently understood. In that prospect, this study investigates the process of eclogitization through thermo-mechanical numerical modeling, focusing on the deformation of an inclusion within a reactive matrix of different viscosity. This matrix-inclusion system is deformed under pure shear boundary conditions, and the physical properties of the initial materials evolve toward those of the transformation product in areas of the model where the pressure of the transformation is reached.

A parametric analysis is conducted to assess the influence of a heterogeneous pressure field generated by mechanical heterogeneities on the initiation and propagation of the transformation. Our results show that pressure overstepping and initial viscosity of the material are key factors to trigger the transformation. Other parameters such as (1) density variations during the transformation, (2) the initial viscosity contrast between the matrix and the inclusion, and (3) the shape/orientation of the inclusion instead enhance or inhibit the propagation of the transformation. Additionally, our results show that the direction of the eclogite propagation is systematically perpendicular to the shortening direction. These results show striking similarities with field observations and structural analyses of finger-shaped eclogite fronts on the island of Holsnøy (Norway).

How to cite: Cochet, A., Yamato, P., Baïsset, M., Labrousse, L., and Duretz, T.:  On the role of transformation-induced physical changes on eclogite propagation: insights from thermo-mechanical numerical models., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5144,, 2025.

EGU25-5874 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Thermo-mechanical impacts of metamorphic transformations on rock deformation 

Philippe Yamato, Thibault Duretz, Marie Baïsset, and Anaïs Cochet

Density and viscosity variations induced by metamorphic transformations can significantly impact rock strength. However, despite their importance, most models still largely overlook these transformations.

The goal of this presentation is to clarify and quantify the rheological effects of each of these changes. To achieve this, we first introduce numerical methods that incorporate the dynamic effects of transformations in models (e.g., volume and viscosity changes). In a second time, we illustrate separately the effects of (1) density changes and (2) viscosity changes when a rock undergoes transformation under stress. The models presented enable the study of the dynamic evolution of strain, stress, and pressure fields as a new phase forms within an initially homogeneous rock undergoing transformation.

Our results reveal that, in certain cases, changes in stress and pressure fields can be significant. These findings are particularly crucial for understanding the brittle behavior of rocks under high-pressure conditions. It consequently provides valuable insights into intermediate-depth seismicity occurring in subduction zones.

How to cite: Yamato, P., Duretz, T., Baïsset, M., and Cochet, A.: Thermo-mechanical impacts of metamorphic transformations on rock deformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5874,, 2025.

EGU25-6579 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Rapid Deformation-Induced Calcite Precipitation in Siltstone from IODP Hole U1581B, Transkei Basin 

Alexander Minakov, Viktoriya Yarushina, Steven Bohaty, Laurel Childress, Ingar Johansen, Jan Kihle, Adriano Mazzini, Mohammad Nooraiepour, Stephane Polteau, Petter Silkoset, and Gabrielle Uenzelmann-Neben

The IODP 392-U1581B borehole was drilled in 2022 about 300 km from the South African coast, at ~4500 m water depth in Transkei Basin. The recovered stratigraphic section includes Cenozoic, mostly carbonaceous, rocks and upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian and Campanian) siltstones with a low calcium carbonate content (<5 wt%). The lowermost part of the recovered Campanian strata, located between 870 and 1000 m below the seafloor, includes 5-10 cm thick beds of stiff low-porosity (<10%) mudstones. In these beds, we observed enigmatic zebra-like textures including subparallel light-coloured bands (1-5 mm wide) and feather-shaped criss-crossing veins.

Here we present a set of multidisciplinary investigations aiming to define the origin of these enigmatic structures. The SEM-EDS and XRD analyses indicate that the light-coloured bands and veins mainly consist of calcium carbonate, with 10-20% of quartz, clay minerals, siderite, and pyrite. The SEM images reveal microstructures of shear deformation within the bands. The shear plane and transport direction identified based on flow indicators, implies a displacement of ~0.1 mm. In thin sections, the narrow axial zone of the band appears like a void filled with siliciclastic matrix indicating that the crystallization front developed from the fracture wall inwards. The XRD analysis shows that the matrix is composed of quartz, muscovite/illite, kaolinite and some scarce detrital minerals, including siderite, pyrite, plagioclase and others. The siderites grains range in size from 10 to 15 μm, while framboidal pyrite forms small aggregates with a diameter of ~1 μm, often nucleating on top the siderite crystals. Inside the veins, the grain size of the calcite filling is smaller than 1 μm indicating a short crystallization time.

We constrained the origin of the calcium carbonate deposited in the veins using isotopic analyses. 87Sr/86Sr = 0.708-0.709 is close to the isotopic composition of modern seawater. Depletion of 18O (δ18O = -9‰ to -11‰) implies deposition at elevated temperatures. The negative δ13C = -11‰ to -13‰ remains unclear but could be associated with oxidation of methane. Since no evidence of recrystallization was observed in the Campanian strata, these isotopic ratios would rule out that the zebra textures were formed during burial.

The deformation microstructures indicate that calcite precipitated concurrent to dilatant shear fractures. There is no evidence of post-Campanian tectonic events in the Transkei Basin. If such deformation had existed, some deformation indicators outside the siderite-rich layers should be visible. It is well known that extensional disc fractures and other deformation structures can form in core samples during drilling and core recovery. The geometric relations of fractures to core irregularities also imply that the zebra textures can be induced. However, the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the induced fractures would require super-saturation of the fluid, high reaction rates, the source of calcium and carbon. An elevated pH and temperature conditions, mixed oxidizing and reduced fluids, and rapid decompression on core retrieval could potentially drop the solubility of calcite but it is unknown what would drive precipitation calcite on a time scale of minutes to hours.

How to cite: Minakov, A., Yarushina, V., Bohaty, S., Childress, L., Johansen, I., Kihle, J., Mazzini, A., Nooraiepour, M., Polteau, S., Silkoset, P., and Uenzelmann-Neben, G.: Rapid Deformation-Induced Calcite Precipitation in Siltstone from IODP Hole U1581B, Transkei Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6579,, 2025.

EGU25-6924 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

Partial melting and melt segregation in migmatites from the Southern margin of Velay dome (French Massif Central, Variscan belt). 

Malissa Bakouche, Olivier Vanderhaeghe, Stéphanie Duchêne, Mary-Alix Kaczmarek, Paul Walther, and Nicolas Thebaud

Partial melting and melt-solid segregation play a key role in crustal differentiation. However, quantifying the melt proportion and its distribution remains challenging. In this study, we document these processes by a structural-petrological analysis of migmatite samples from the southern margin of the Velay dome (French Massif Central), a region that exhibits a progressive transition from micaschists to migmatites formed during the Variscan orogeny.

We first estimate the melt fraction based on the identification of leucosome and mesosome at the outcrop to sample scale within a variety of migmatites across this metamorphic transition. The melt fraction and its chemical composition are further evaluated based on classical petrological analysis using optical microscopy, and geochemical tools (XRF (X-ray fluorescence) and EPMA (Electron Probe Microanalyser)). These data have been used for thermodynamic modeling of migmatite formation and evolution throughout P-T changes using PERPLE_X. We compare these models with textural-micro structural analysis based on SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and EBSD (Electron Back Scatter Diffraction) in order to decipher the former residual and peritectic minerals from the minerals crystallized from the melt.

Field observations show migmatites transitioning from metatexites to diatexites. Within metatexites, a network of texturally continuous leucosome veins concordant and discordant relative to the syn-migmatitic foliation points to grain scale melt segregation and melt migration beyond the grain scale. The mineral paragenesis of metatexite migmatite is Mus + Pl + Qz → Melt + Fdk, which is consistent with the modeled mineral reactions identified by thermodynamic modeling. Textural analysis indicates that part of the leucosome consist of a proportion of residual plagioclase, peritectic K-feldspar and quartz crystallized from the melt. Thermodynamic modeling suggests an estimation of melt fraction ranging from ~14% up to ~29% in the metatexites at temperatures ranging from 570 to 650°C and 6 kbar pressure, which is consistent with the estimate derived from textural analysis and is close to the transition between a partially molten rock and a crystal mush (Vanderhaeghe 2009).

This research provides new insights into the mechanisms driving crustal differentiation across scales by quantifying melt fraction and identifying melt-derived textures in partially molten rocks.

How to cite: Bakouche, M., Vanderhaeghe, O., Duchêne, S., Kaczmarek, M.-A., Walther, P., and Thebaud, N.: Partial melting and melt segregation in migmatites from the Southern margin of Velay dome (French Massif Central, Variscan belt)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6924,, 2025.

EGU25-8676 | Orals | GD7.1

Impact of Channeling on Fluid Mass Transport by Porosity Waves 

Stefan Markus Schmalholz, Samuel Cingari, and Liudmila Khakimova

Fluid migration across the lithosphere and mantle, involving aqueous fluids and melts, is crucial to geodynamic processes, including intra-plate volcanism and lithospheric metasomatism. In regions dominated by viscous deformation, porosity waves are a potential mechanism for fluid mass transport. For a constant compaction viscosity, porosity waves initiated by circular perturbations maintain a “blob-like” geometry. However, under decompaction weakening, where compaction viscosity decreases during dilation, these waves adopt a “channel-like” geometry, even when initiated with circular perturbations. While prior numerical studies established that blob-like porosity waves efficiently transport fluid mass, the efficiency of channel-like waves remains unclear. To address this, we present two-dimensional numerical simulations comparing fluid mass transport in blob-like and channel-like porosity waves. Our numerical model integrates tracer transport with varying distribution coefficients to quantify differences in transport efficiency. Preliminary results show that channel-like porosity waves significantly outperform blob-like waves in fluid mass transport. Furthermore, we apply our model to investigate lithospheric metasomatism driven by fluid migration, shedding light on processes underlying intra-plate volcanism, such as petit-spot volcanism.

How to cite: Schmalholz, S. M., Cingari, S., and Khakimova, L.: Impact of Channeling on Fluid Mass Transport by Porosity Waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8676,, 2025.

EGU25-11961 | ECS | Orals | GD7.1

Mid-crustal overpressure in the Tethyan Himalaya 

Dominik R. Vlaha, Andrew V. Zuza, Victor E. Guevara, Peter J. Haproff, A. Alexander G. Webb, Francisco Reyes, Marie C. Genge, Ariuntsetseg Ganbat, Devynn Wilderman, and Birendra P. Singh

Theory suggests the possibility for significant deviations between total pressure (or dynamic pressure) and lithostatic pressure during crustal metamorphism. If such deviations exist, the implications for orogenic reconstruction would be profound. Whether such non-lithostatic pressure conditions during crustal metamorphism are recorded and preserved in the rock record remains unresolved, as direct field evidence for this phenomenon is limited. Here, we investigate the Paleogene Tethyan Himalaya fold-thrust belt in Himachal Pradesh, northwestern India, which is the structurally highest part of the Himalayan orogen and deforms a ~10–15 km thick Neoproterozoic–Cretaceous passive margin stratigraphic section. Field-based kinematic studies demonstrate relatively moderate shortening strain across the Tethyan Himalaya. However, basal Tethyan strata consistently yield elevated pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) estimates of 7–8 kbar and ~650°C, indicative of deep burial during Himalayan orogeny (ca. 20–45 Ma, 25–30 km depths). These P-T-t conditions can be reconciled by: (1) deep Cenozoic burial along cryptic structures and/or significant flattening of the Tethyan strata; (2) basal Tethyan strata recording metamorphism and deformation related to pre-Himalayan tectonism; or (3) non-lithostatic pressure conditions (i.e., tectonic overpressure).


To test these models, we systematically mapped the Tethyan fold-thrust belt along the Pin Valley transect in northwestern India, a classic site for stratigraphic, paleontological, paleoenvironmental, and structural reconstructions. The Pin Valley region provides an opportunity to study a structurally continuous metamorphic field gradient from the near-surface to structural depths between 10–15 km, which should reflect P conditions ≤4 kbar if lithostatic. We integrate a multi-method approach combining detailed geologic mapping with quantitative analytical techniques (e.g., thermometry, finite strain analyses, thermo/geochronology, and thermobarometry) to quantify the magnitude, kinematics, thermal architecture, and timing of regional deformation, metamorphism, and subsequent exhumation. Results show: (1) throw on shortening structures is moderate to low (≤4 km); (2) temperature-depth relationships record a continuous, but regionally elevated, upper-crustal geothermal gradient of ≥40 °C/km, which is inconsistent with deep burial models (≤25 °C/km); (3) minimal flattening of basal Tethyan strata; (4) upper Tethyan strata yield pre-Himalayan low-temperature thermochronology dates, further refuting deep Cenozoic burial; and (5) basal Tethyan P-T-t estimates confirm elevated mid-crustal conditions of ~7 kbar, 630°C at 10–15 km depths during the Cenozoic. Preliminary volume expansion calculations are minimal; therefore, mechanisms involving non-hydrostatic thermodynamics, deviatoric stresses, rock strength contrasts, and tectonic mode switching are being explored.

How to cite: Vlaha, D. R., Zuza, A. V., Guevara, V. E., Haproff, P. J., Webb, A. A. G., Reyes, F., Genge, M. C., Ganbat, A., Wilderman, D., and Singh, B. P.: Mid-crustal overpressure in the Tethyan Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11961,, 2025.

EGU25-12030 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Deep thermal field and rheology in different plate tectonic settings 

Leni Scheck-Wenderoth, Mauro Cacace, Judith Bott, Ajay Kumar Ajay Kumar, and Denis Anikiev

Continental rifting and breakup as well as plate convergence and collision create specific geophysical configurations with characteristic thermal fields which in turn lead to characteristic rheological settings. Three-dimensional data-integrated models demonstrate how thermal fields and rheological configurations of the Earth’s crust and uppermost mantle are characteristic depending on the tectonic setting. While the spatial variation of thermal conductivities, variable contributions of radiogenic heat in response to crustal thickness and composition, and variable average geothermal gradients in response to lithosphere thickness are the main controlling factors, their superposed effects may result in a variety of thermal and rheological configurations. We present examples illustrating that rifts can be hot or cold depending on the rifting mode, the amount of stretching and the time since rift initiation. Passive continental margins can be hotter on their oceanic or  continental side depending on the age of the adjacent ocean.  The crust is hotter in orogens than in their forelands due to its thickened radiogenic felsic units compounded by  a superposed topographic effect. This hotter orogenic crust is rheologically weaker -a finding consistent with the absence of deep crustal seismicity in orogens as the Andes or the Alpine Himalayan Chain.

How to cite: Scheck-Wenderoth, L., Cacace, M., Bott, J., Ajay Kumar, A. K., and Anikiev, D.: Deep thermal field and rheology in different plate tectonic settings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12030,, 2025.

EGU25-12977 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

Reactive transport model for chemically driven rock (de)hydration in the Lithosphere 

Lyudmila Khakimova, Stefan Schmalholz, and Yury Podladchikov

Reactive fluid transport through deformable porous rocks drives key geodynamic processes, including flux melting, subduction zone dehydration, and lithospheric melt migration. These thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes involve complex couplings that remain poorly understood.

We present a THMC model and numerical algorithm for multicomponent reactive transport in deformable, two-phase porous media. The model captures heat transfer, fluid-rock reactions, viscoelastic deformation, and porosity changes driven by reactions and deformation. Thermodynamic admissibility ensures consistency across poroelastic and poroviscous regimes. Conservative discretization enables resolving sharp reaction fronts, such as magma crystallization or rock hydration.

Validation against analytical solutions highlights robustness, with applications to melting, (de)hydration in the antigorite–olivine system, and feldspar-rich reactive transport involving 5 neutral and 50 charged species. This open-access tool advances the study of  THMC processes in Earth's lithosphere.

How to cite: Khakimova, L., Schmalholz, S., and Podladchikov, Y.: Reactive transport model for chemically driven rock (de)hydration in the Lithosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12977,, 2025.

EGU25-13075 | Orals | GD7.1

Reactive Fluid Flow in Generation of Felsic Crust 

Leonid Aranovich and Lyudmila Khakimova

Understanding the formation of continental crust, predominantly felsic and rich in silicon and aluminum, remains a key challenge in geoscience. Current models emphasize magmatic differentiation of basaltic magma, produced by partial melting of mantle peridotite induced by fluids from subducting oceanic crust.

However, over 70 years ago, D.S. Korzhinsky proposed the principle of alkali mobility during metamorphism and granitization, emphasizing the significance of alkali (K₂O, Na₂O) and volatile components (H₂O, CO₂) in crust formation [1]. His insights highlighted the role of transmagmatic fluids but lacked a physical framework for describing fluid transport through silicate melts.

Building on Korzhinsky’s concept, we propose a coupled mathematical model that describes the migration of multi-component aqueous solutions at the lithosphere’s base, driven by (de)compaction of fluid-saturated viscoelastic rocks and accompanied by (de)hydration reactions. This model incorporates fluid-rock interactions within vein structures and accounts for changes in density and composition of coexisting phases. Thermodynamic calculations using THERMOLAB [3] reveal that SiO₂ content in fluids significantly influences mineral assemblages. For example, decompression from 2.5 to 0.2 GPa at 700°C transitions a six-mineral system to a three-phase assemblage, increasing the Si/O ratio and priming the mantle protolith for felsic melt generation.

This approach, validated through numerical simulations [4], advances the understanding of metasomatic processes, offering a robust framework to explore fluid-mediated mechanisms in continental crust formation.


[1] Korzhinskii, D. S. Transmagmatic Fluid Flows of Subcrustal Origin and Their Role in Magmatism and Metamorphism. Crust and Upper Mantle of the Earth (IGC, XXIII Session. Reports of Soviet Geologists, Problem 1), Moscow: Nauka, 1968, pp. 69-74.

[2] Aranovich, L. Y. The Role of Brines in High-Temperature Metamorphism and Granitization. Petrology, 2017, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 491-503.

[3] Vrijmoed, J. C., & Podladchikov, Y. Y. Thermolab: A Thermodynamics Laboratory for Nonlinear Transport Processes in Open Systems. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2022, Vol. 23, No. 4, e2021GC010303.

[4] Khakimova, L., & Podladchikov, Y. Modeling Multicomponent Fluid Flow in Deforming and Reacting Porous Rock. Petrology, 2024, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 2-15.

How to cite: Aranovich, L. and Khakimova, L.: Reactive Fluid Flow in Generation of Felsic Crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13075,, 2025.

EGU25-15126 | Orals | GD7.1 | Highlight

Overpressure build-up in mid-ocean ridge magma lenses 

Jean-Arthur Olive, Hugo Boulze, Kim Moutard, Jie Chen, Thibaut Barreyre, and Einat Aharonov

Mid-ocean ridge eruptions and hydrothermal circulation are thought to be fueled by sill-shaped axial melt lenses (AMLs) located a few km below seafloor. Multiple such bodies have now been seismically imaged within lower crustal mush zones. The short recurrence time of eruptions (~10 yrs) at fast-spreading ridges, as well as the considerable heat output of hydrothermal vents (~100 MW) both suggest that AMLs undergo magmatic replenishment at rates that match or exceed long-term rates of oceanic crust accretion. Repeated seismic imaging recently confirmed that AMLs can expand significantly in ~20 years. Lastly, distributed seafloor uplift (~10 cm/yr) indicative of inflation in sub-axial magma reservoirs has now been documented at two magmatically-robust ridge segments.

While observations point to highly dynamic AMLs on decadal time scales, the associated rates of magmatic inflation, and the underlying physics of spontaneous magmatic overpressurization remain elusive. This presentation will review existing and novel constraints on AML inflation dynamics, from the interpretation of seafloor geodetic data to the impact of overpressurization on hydrothermal output. These constraints will then be used to evaluate a range of candidate mechanisms, from volatile exsolution to decompaction below a permeability barrier.

How to cite: Olive, J.-A., Boulze, H., Moutard, K., Chen, J., Barreyre, T., and Aharonov, E.: Overpressure build-up in mid-ocean ridge magma lenses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15126,, 2025.

Evidence from seismological and isotopic studies suggest that fluids released from hydrated lithosphere at great depth in subduction zones can travel upwards through the dry mantle wedge. When they reach the overlying crust, the fluids induce melting which is thought to feed volcanoes on the surface. Many continental collision zones are the result of the closure of an ocean. The suture zone may still contain hydrated rocks. During burial in the continent-continent collision, these rocks may dehydrate, and fluids can travel up through dry overlying crustal rocks. The Western Gneiss Region (WGR) of Norway, a basement window in the Scandinavian Caledonides, is well known for its occurrences of eclogites and peridotites with metamorphic pressures reaching diamond stability field. Often the surrounding felsic gneiss shows evidence for fluid infiltration and partial melting. However, the majority of the protoliths in the WGR consisted of dry felsic magmatic rocks and the source of the fluid for metasomatism and melting remains enigmatic. Like oceanic subduction zones, fluids rising through the overlying dry rocks may be responsible for partial melting in (ultra)-high pressure terrains in continental collision zones. On the way up these fluids react with the rocks and transport mass by carrying chemical elements in solution and metasomatize original continental crust. Fluid focusing may be the reason for the local occurrence of partial melting. This can lead to overpressure due to local volume increasing melting reactions which explains erratic deviations in metamorphic pressure compared to the overall metamorphic field gradient. The newest methodology for calculating aqueous speciation of fluids in the deep earth combined with the latest techniques in numerical modelling of reactive transport is used here to build a quantitative understanding of the processes.

How to cite: Vrijmoed, J. C.: Fluid induced partial melting as a cause for ultra-high-pressure metamorphism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15420,, 2025.

EGU25-15422 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Aqueous fluid speciation calculations with Thermolab for modelling open system processes 

Yury Podladchikov and Johannes C. Vrijmoed

Aqueous fluids play an essential role in the distribution of chemical elements in the lithosphere. Together with the biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere they form an important part of the geochemical cycles in the Earth System. Calculating the chemical composition of aqueous fluids in equilibrium with minerals involving solid solutions is a prerequisite for predictive modelling of open system processes that occur at depth in the Earth. Here it is shown how to do such calculations with Thermolab (Vrijmoed & Podladchikov, 2022). The focus is on the technical details related to Thermolab where efforts were made to facilitate education and clarification of widely known concepts in aqueous speciation calculations. Technical advancements are proposed and compared with classical methods.
Vrijmoed, J. C., & Podladchikov, Y. Y. (2022). Thermolab: A thermodynamics laboratory for nonlinear transport processes in open systems. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2021GC010303.

How to cite: Podladchikov, Y. and Vrijmoed, J. C.: Aqueous fluid speciation calculations with Thermolab for modelling open system processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15422,, 2025.

EGU25-16518 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Thermodynamic modeling of multiphase thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical models with viscoelastoplastic rheology 

Viktoriya Yarushina, Yury Podladchikov, and Yury Alkhimenkov

The ongoing energy transition and technological advancements present increasingly complex challenges for numerical modeling, necessitating the development of multi-physics, multi-scale approaches. Recent progress in high-performance computing has catalyzed the rapid evolution of a new generation of numerical codes designed to tackle these multifaceted problems. However, this progress demands revisiting and refining constitutive models to ensure they are rigorous, thermodynamically consistent, and suitable for computational implementation. A critical aspect of these models is addressing the coupling between fluid flow, rock deformation, chemical reactions, and heat exchange. Specifically, the influence of chemical reactions on porosity evolution and mechanical closure relations requires robust theoretical frameworks. Reservoir rocks experience elastic deformation when subjected to the small pressure changes caused by fluid injection. Elastic deformation affects the reservoir's pore space and permeability, influencing fluid migration and storage capacity. Viscous deformation occurs over time as rocks like salt, shale, or certain clays flow plastically under subsurface conditions. During prolonged CO₂ or H₂ storage, viscous creep can change reservoir geometry, potentially altering caprock integrity and leakage risks. Plastic deformation occurs when the rock is subjected to stresses beyond its yield strength, leading to permanent changes in the reservoir structure. Elevated injection pressures can cause shear failure, inducing fractures or reactivating pre-existing faults, which may compromise containment and pose seismic hazards. This necessitates incorporating elastic, viscous, and plastic rheological behavior into the model. Multiple fluid phases within pore spaces add additional layers of complexity, demanding meticulous attention to thermodynamic consistency in governing equations. This work investigates the thermodynamic admissibility of a multi-phase, coupled thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical model that integrates viscoelastoplastic deformation. Using established thermodynamic principles, we derive closure relations and develop a comprehensive set of governing equations. These equations are formulated to maintain thermodynamic rigor while being optimized for computational efficiency and implementation.

How to cite: Yarushina, V., Podladchikov, Y., and Alkhimenkov, Y.: Thermodynamic modeling of multiphase thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical models with viscoelastoplastic rheology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16518,, 2025.

Coupled multiphase flow and poromechanics play a fundamental role in various Earth science applications, from subsurface energy extraction to induced seismicity. However, the inherent complexity of subsurface environments—characterized by fluid compressibility, capillary effects, and heterogeneous permeability—poses significant computational challenges, particularly in high-resolution three-dimensional simulations.

To overcome these challenges, we develop a high-performance computational framework optimized for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to simulate two-phase flow in deformable porous media. Our approach introduces a novel formulation of the poro-visco-elasto-plastic equations, explicitly designed for GPU architectures. This framework accounts for compressible fluids with capillary pressure effects and employs a customized iterative solver that enhances computational efficiency. By leveraging modern GPU hardware, we enable large-scale simulations with unprecedented spatial resolution, facilitating faster computations and significantly larger grid sizes than previously achievable.

Our results reveal that within shear bands, pressure drops occur similarly to single-phase fluid environments. However, in our two-phase flow model, pressure evolves differently due to the influence of strain localization on capillary pressure. This interaction between multiphase flow and mechanical deformation introduces new physical insights, suggesting that strain localization may play a critical role in modifying fluid distributions and capillary effects. These findings offer a deeper understanding of two-phase flow behavior in deforming porous media, with implications for geomechanics, fault stability, and fluid-driven deformation processes.

How to cite: Alkhimenkov, Y. and Juanes, R.: Coupled Multiphase Flow and Poromechanics: Insights into the Effect of Capillarity on Strain Localization from High-Resolution GPU Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16646,, 2025.

EGU25-17255 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Chemical effect of differential stress and its implication on metamorphism and partial melting 

Qianqian Guo and Quanlin Hou

Mechanochemical study have shown that mechanical forces can directly affect chemical bonds and bias reaction pathways.

Quantum chemistry calculations and molecular simulations on the gas generation mechanisms of coals indicated that shear stress can directly affect the six-membered ring structure and cause rupture, resulting in structural defects that are unlikely to occur under thermal activation (Xu et al., 2015; Hou et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017, 2019, 2021). The results also indicate that the creation of structural defects involves energy absorption and the conversion of mechanical energy into internal energy (Han et al., 2016, 2017). The aromatic rings can rotate more easily than the bond stretching under stress (Wang et al., 2019).

Combined with the Tersoff potential, molecular dynamics simulation on the shear deformation process of two α-quartz crystals show that the crystal model primarily exhibits atoms flowing and changing in the direction of chemical bonds during the steady-state flow stage at 600 K (Sun et al., 2025). The molecular potential energy and stress vary in an oscillating up-and-down curve during shear, indicating that chemical energy can be stored and released during plastic deformation.

Studies from the mechanochemistry and tectonic stress chemistry indicate that the differential stress may influence the metamorphism and also the mechanism of the partial melting of the subduction plate.



  • Han, Y., Xu, R., Hou, Q., Wang, J., and Pan, J., 2016, Deformation Mechanisms and Macromolecular Structure Response of Anthracite under Different Stress: Energy & Fuels, v. 30, no. 2, p. 975-983.
  • Han, Y., Wang, J., Dong, Y., Hou, Q., and Pan, J., 2017, The role of structure defects in the deformation of anthracite and their influence on the macromolecular structure: Fuel, v. 206, p. 1-9.
  • Hou, Q., Han, Y., Wang, J., Dong, Y., and Pan, J., 2017, The impacts of stress on the chemical structure of coals: a mini-review based on the recent development of mechanochemistry: Science Bulletin, v. 62, no. 13, p. 965-970.
  • Sun, J., Guo, Q., and Hou, Q. 2025. Molecular dynamics simulation of quartz deformation under slow earthquake background: SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. DOI:
  • Wang, J., Guo, G., Han, Y., Hou, Q., Geng, M., and Zhang, Z., 2019, Mechanolysis mechanisms of the fused aromatic rings of anthracite coal under shear stress: Fuel, v. 253, p. 1247-1255.
  • Wang, J., Han, Y., Chen, B., Guo, G., Hou, Q., and Zhang, Z., 2017, Mechanisms of methane generation from anthracite at low temperatures: Insights from quantum chemistry calculations: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 42, no. 30, p. 18922-18929.
  • Wang, J., Hou, Q., Zeng, F., and Guo, G., 2021, Stress Sensitivity for the Occurrence of Coalbed Gas Outbursts: A Reactive Force Field Molecular Dynamics Study: Energy & Fuels, v. 35, no. 7, p. 5801-5807.
  • Xu, R. T., Li, H. J., Hou, Q. L., Li, X. S., and Yu, L. Y., 2015, The effect of different deformation mechanisms on the chemical structure of anthracite coals: Science China: Earth Sciences, v. 58, no. 4, p. 502-509.

How to cite: Guo, Q. and Hou, Q.: Chemical effect of differential stress and its implication on metamorphism and partial melting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17255,, 2025.

EGU25-17901 | Posters on site | GD7.1

Role of visco-elasto-plastic deformation in localization of injection-induced microseismic response 

Nikita Bondarenko, Shirui Ding, Yury Podladchikov, and Roman Makhnenko

The risk assessment of injection-induced seismicity usually combines a poroelastic framework with a rate-and-state seismicity model. This allows for prediction of the stress changes caused by the injection and enables estimation of the frequency of (micro)seismic events in response to these changes. However, this constitutive framework neglects the time-dependent deformation, which is essential at subcritical stress regime. This work presents the laboratory brittle creep experiments on crystalline and sedimentary rock from the Illinois Basin, where microseismic activity was recorded during CO2 storage operations. The specimens are instrumented with strain gauges and LVDT sensors to monitor their deformation over time, as well as acoustic emission sensors to capture the microcracking activity. The shear viscosity associated with the time-dependent response appears to be exponentially sensitive to the applied deviatoric stress and is measured in the range between 1017-1015 Pa·s for the secondary creep stages, and on the order of 1014 Pa·s during the initiation of the tertiary stage. Locally, the state of stress at the injection site is influenced by stratigraphy and heterogeneity of geologic formations, causing variations in acting deviatoric stress of about 1–2 MPa. Because of the exponential dependence of the shear viscosity on applied deviatoric stress, even small stress variations (on the order of a few MPa) can significantly affect the localization of the time-dependent deformation and shorten the time to failure in critically stressed zones, which cannot be accounted for within the poroelastic framework.


How to cite: Bondarenko, N., Ding, S., Podladchikov, Y., and Makhnenko, R.: Role of visco-elasto-plastic deformation in localization of injection-induced microseismic response, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17901,, 2025.

EGU25-18320 | ECS | Orals | GD7.1

Hydromechanical modelling of poro-(visco-)elasto-plastic deformation and fluid flow localization  

Dániel Kiss, Viktoriya Yarushina, and Alexander Minakov

A key effort in geodynamics is to understand the interplay between localized porous fluid flow and rock deformation. Our primary focus is exploring the effect of brittle deformation and consequent dynamic permeability evolution on localized fluid migration pathways. Such processes are well documented in sedimentary reservoirs and in magmatic systems. The most critical applications include induced seismicity, fault reactivation and associated integrity of cap rocks in siliciclastic reservoirs and dike and sill emplacement with associated seismicity in magmatic systems.

In our models we consider fluid flow in a deformable porous medium. The governing equations are derived from the conservation of mass and momentum in two phases. One phase represents the solid skeleton, which deforms in a poro-(visco-)elasto-plastic manner. The second phase represents low viscosity fluid (water, CH, melt), percolating through the solid skeleton, that is described by Darcy’s law. A special process we will investigate is brittle failure of the matrix due to high fluid pressure (hydro-fracturing, fault reactivation, diking). The system of equations is solved numerically, using the pseudo transient method, that is well suited to solve highly non-linear problems, as solving the global equations and iterating the non-linearities can be done at the same time. Moreover, the algorithm requires large number of local and cheap operations which is ideal for GPU implementation.

We demonstrate that our newly developed numerical codes can resolve important end-member cases of fluid induced fracturing (mode-1 and mode-2). Furthermore, we extract components of seismic moment tensors from the poro-elasto- plastic geomechanical numerical simulation. This approach bridges geomechanical parameters with seismological observables, providing a promising avenue for a more comprehensive understanding of the progressive deformation associated with fluid migration.

How to cite: Kiss, D., Yarushina, V., and Minakov, A.: Hydromechanical modelling of poro-(visco-)elasto-plastic deformation and fluid flow localization , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18320,, 2025.

EGU25-18520 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

Lithospheric Mantle Metasomatism by Reactive Hydrous Infiltration 

Marko Repac, Lyudmila Khakimova, Yury Podladchikov, and Sebastien Pilet

Earth’s volatile budget calculations indicate the need for an additional upward flux of water released through subduction processes, beyond what is accounted for by arc magmatism. This excess water may diffuse or be channeled through various mechanisms. Lithospheric mantle metasomatism via reactive hydrous infiltration is investigated as a critical process shaping Earth's magmatic, chemical, and geodynamic evolution. Fluid-driven metasomatism may play a more significant role in subduction zone and intraplate magmatism than traditionally acknowledged, acting as a primary agent of mantle transformation. In subduction zones, volatile-rich fluids released from dehydrating slabs infiltrate the mantle wedge, lowering the solidus temperature and enabling flux melting. These fluids may also function as agents of chemical transport. Similarly, in intraplate settings, hydrous fluids can introduce incompatible elements and hydrous minerals, altering mantle fertility and geochemistry.

Thermodynamic and transport models are integrated to examine metasomatic processes in the Earth's lithospheric mantle, particularly under conditions relevant to intraplate volcanism. Thermodynamic calculations generate lookup tables for essential variables such as phase densities, fluid incorporation into minerals, and fluid concentrations across pressure-temperature-composition (P-T-X) space, using Gibbs Free Energy minimization via the Thermolab tool. The transport model employs continuum mechanics principles for a two-phase system of fluid or melt and solid phases, with numerical implementation using finite difference methods to solve conservation laws.

Key metasomatic reactions, including dunitization, serpentinization, amphibolitization, and phlogopitization, are explored through thermodynamic and reactive transport models, revealing their impacts on mantle porosity and mineralogy. Dunitization enhances porosity, facilitating melt transport and the formation of high-permeability pathways such as dunite channels. Serpentinization reduces porosity, potentially clogging transport pathways, though its reverse reaction releases volatiles critical for arc magmatism. Amphibolitization reduces porosity while stabilizing amphiboles, providing insights into fluid-driven mantle metasomatism in the oceanic lithosphere. Phlogopitization highlights the significance of high-pressure metasomatic processes in modifying thick cratonic lithospheres and generating protoliths for alkaline and potassic magmatism.

This study emphasizes the underestimated role of water in magmatic processes, extending beyond its facilitation of melting to its crucial role in metasomatic enrichment, heat transfer, and compositional modification. The findings provide a framework for understanding magmatism’s multistep progression, from mantle enrichment to intraplate volcanic activity, and lay the groundwork for advanced two-dimensional models incorporating coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes, with accurate porosity evolution.

How to cite: Repac, M., Khakimova, L., Podladchikov, Y., and Pilet, S.: Lithospheric Mantle Metasomatism by Reactive Hydrous Infiltration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18520,, 2025.

EGU25-18932 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

Numerical modeling and experimental validation of two-phase flow in porous media. 

Fazil Huseynov, Daniel Kiss, James Johnson, and Viktoriya Yarushina

Transitioning to low-emission energy systems involves subsurface activities such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), geological hydrogen storage, and the sealing and abandoning old hydrocarbon wells. Whether tracking the natural transportation of fluid in the subsurface or injecting CO2 or H2, these phenomena are primarily determined by multiphase fluid flow, the deformation of the rock matrix, and chemical fluid-rock interactions. Developing a comprehensive understanding of these processes is essential for reliable assessment of the potential of future storage sites. Here we present newly developed numerical models and validate them with the results of laboratory experiments in transparent microfluidics cells.

Over the last decade, the computational power of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) showed remarkable growth in absolute terms, per unit cost, and per unit power.  At the same time, novel parallel algorithms and efficient and concise high-level packages (e.g., ParallStencil.jl) significantly reduced the difficulty of code development. Therefore, we build a new, robust numerical model to simulate two-phase flow in porous media. The governing equations are derived from the conservation of mass and momentum, which, in the simplest case, results in a coupled system of an elliptic (fluid pressure) and nonlinear advection (saturation) equation, known as the Buckley-Leverett equation. The system of equations is solved with the pseudo-transient method, using staggered grid finite element discretization with a first-order advection scheme (upwind). The model is written in Julia language using GPU-ready algorithms, well suited to exploit the parallel computational efficiency of modern GPU platforms. This will allow detailed simulations of sophisticated subsurface processes. In our presentation, we will briefly discuss the numerical strategies used to apply the pseudo-transient method, traditionally used for elliptic equations, to coupled elliptic-advective systems. We will demonstrate that the numerical method is able to resolve shock fronts with reasonable accuracy.

The numerical results are compared with laboratory experiments in transparent microfluidics cells. The experiments conducted utilizing the microfluidics cell were developed to reproduce the pore-scale behavior of subsurface reservoirs. The experimental setup modeled the injection and displacement of a gas phase (representing H₂ with N₂) inside a medium similar to inert sandstone. Different injection rates were studied to assess the influence on gas distribution and preservation during injecting and backflow mechanisms. Capillary forces, pore-scale interactions, and gas bubble dynamics were analyzed comprehensively by visualization of gas flow pathways. Results from the experiments provide a benchmark for validating the numerical models, mainly in obtaining the impact of injection rate on gas emplacement, efficiency of displacement, and retention of residual gas in porous media.

How to cite: Huseynov, F., Kiss, D., Johnson, J., and Yarushina, V.: Numerical modeling and experimental validation of two-phase flow in porous media., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18932,, 2025.

EGU25-18967 | ECS | Orals | GD7.1

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) reactive transport modeling of Mg isotope fractionation to constrain the timescales of fluid-driven rock transformation in the crust. 

Boris Antonenko, Timm John, Besim Dragovic, Emmanuel Codillo, Marco Scambelluri, and Johannes Vrijmoed

Fluid-rock interactions can induce significant chemical changes, resulting in metasomatic rock transformations or the formation of metasomatic fronts when mass transfer is substantial. Among the chemical agents driving metasomatism, magnesium (Mg) plays a critical role, particularly in mafic and ultramafic rock systems. Magnesium's transport not only alters bulk composition but also impacts mineral assemblages in affected rock volumes. Additionally, the large mass difference between 24Mg and 26Mg isotopes enables detectable kinetic fractionation in the rock record.

This study examines a metasomatic reaction zone within the Voltri Massif of the Ligurian Alps (Italy), formed through high-pressure (HP) diffusional metasomatism of a (meta)gabbroic body by Mg-rich fluids (with Ni and Cr) equilibrated with serpentinite. This zone serves as an ideal natural analogue for reactive fluid flow between the downgoing hydrated lithospheric mantle and the overlying mafic crust. The reaction zone features distinct mineralogical changes: a chlorite- and amphibole-rich assemblage near the lithological contact and an epidote-rich assemblage further away.

Evidence for Mg metasomatism includes a continuous MgO gradient, transitioning from serpentinite (~40 wt.%) to metagabbro (~5 wt.%). Isotopic analysis reveals significant fractionation along the transect, with δ26Mg values ranging from +0.09‰ in serpentinite to -1.1‰ in the reaction zone, then increasing to -0.1‰ in metagabbro. This trend indicates kinetic isotope fractionation driven by Mg diffusion.

A reactive transport model incorporating viscous rheology is applied to investigate porosity-permeability evolution and estimate the duration of the process. By integrating bulk rock major element and Mg isotope geochemistry with fully coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) modeling for reactive transport and phase equilibria, we analyze geochemical and mineralogical transformations across the reaction zone. The model results are validated by fitting field-based geochemical and isotopic data, ensuring consistency with observed MgO gradients and δ26Mg fractionation patterns. Systematic numerical simulations and analyses provide insights into the timescales of Mg metasomatism, shedding light on the dynamics of such metamorphic processes.

How to cite: Antonenko, B., John, T., Dragovic, B., Codillo, E., Scambelluri, M., and Vrijmoed, J.: Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) reactive transport modeling of Mg isotope fractionation to constrain the timescales of fluid-driven rock transformation in the crust., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18967,, 2025.

EGU25-19147 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1

The Dynamics of Ophiolite Emplacement: Insights from Thermomechanical Modeling and Tethyan-Type Ophiolites 

Iskander Ibragimov and Evangelos Moulas
In this work we investigate the complex processes involved in the emplacement of ophiolites—rock assemblages typically found at tectonic plate boundaries and orogenic zones. Ophiolite sequences, comprising sediments, mafic dykes, pillow lavas, crustal cumulates, and peridotites, present significant challenges in understanding their obduction onto continental margins. The study focuses on key aspects of obduction, including its mechanisms, petrological and geodynamic processes, and unresolved questions regarding timescales, obduction rates, and the formation of metamorphic soles.
Our results integrate geological, geochemical, geophysical, and geochronological data, with particular emphasis on small oceanic basins and classic Tethyan ophiolite examples. Using thermomechanical numerical models, our results show that young, hot oceanic basins are necessary for successful overthrusting onto continental regions, with critical factors being convergence velocity and the asymmetric structure of the oceanic plate. Interestingly, only strong lower-continental-crust rheologies lead to successful obduction scenarios. Additionally, we utilized 1-D, high-resolution, thermomechanical modeling to explore the role of shear heating during obduction. The results of the 1-D model provided explanations for the incorporation of metamorphosed crustal rocks into the ophiolitic complex and reveal how metamorphic gradients can develop, as observed in Oman ophiolites. In particular, the structural incorporation of the metamorphic sole, its metamorphic gradient, and more importantly, its isotopic age signature can be explained with the influence of shear heating.
Our geodynamic modelling approach allows that our results can be further coupled to thermochronological modelling to quantify the influence of erosion, convergence velocity, and dissipative heating on isotopic age resetting in deeper crustal rocks. This work enhances the understanding of ophiolite emplacement processes and offers new insights into the evolution of Tethyan-type ophiolites, with broader implications for global ophiolite studies.

How to cite: Ibragimov, I. and Moulas, E.: The Dynamics of Ophiolite Emplacement: Insights from Thermomechanical Modeling and Tethyan-Type Ophiolites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19147,, 2025.

TS6 – Intraplate Tectonics and Deformation unrelated to plate dynamics

Mantle plume constitutes a crucial component in geodynamics, linking the deep interior of the Earth to the surficial tectonic plate. Numerical simulation holds significant importance in exploring plume dynamics and its interaction with the overlying lithosphere. Although the 3D model can more effectively capture the geometric characteristics of the plume, the 2D simulation demonstrates remarkable computational efficiency in large-scale and high-resolution situations, especially when complex geological processes are in play. As a result, both 2D and 3D models have been widely utilized in previous numerical research endeavors. Nevertheless, with the same parameters, these two types of models may produce distinct outcomes. The key issue then becomes how to establish the scaling relationship between the 2D and 3D models. In this regard, we conduct a systematic comparison of the 2D and 3D mantle plume evolution within two different scenarios. In the first scenario where there is only a plume head, for the 2D plume to align with the 3D model, it should possess a relatively smaller diameter (ranging from 65% to 100%) and a lower temperature (decreased by 10 - 50 K). In the second scenario where there is a continuous plume tail, the 2D plume tail needs to have a much smaller diameter (ranging from 30% to 45%) yet a slightly higher temperature (increased by 20 - 100 K) to approximate the 3D result. Further analytical investigations reveal that such differences are mainly governed by the conservation of area in the 2D case versus the conservation of volume in the 3D case for plume materials. These numerical and analytical findings establish quantitative relationships between the 2D and 3D plume models, which offer a theoretical basis not only for interpreting previous models but also for guiding future studies. 

How to cite: Zhang, R.-M., Li, Z.-H., and Leng, W.: Quantitative Analysis and Scaling Relationship in 2D and 3D Numerical Modeling of Mantle Plume-Lithosphere Interaction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2430,, 2025.

The thinning and destruction of cratons often accompany subduction processes, during which strike-slip faults may form. For instance, the northward propagation of the Tanlu Fault during the Mesozoic coincided with the thinning of the North China Craton. However, the mechanisms underlying the formation of intracontinental strike-slip faults remain poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate how microplate capture by a subducting plate drives the transition from subduction to intracontinental strike-slip motion. Using 3D thermo-mechanical models that incorporate fluid migration, we find that the motion of an oceanic plate transitions from being accommodated at a mid-ocean ridge to the megathrust between the subducting slab and the overriding plate, and ultimately to an emergent, fluid-weakened intracontinental strike-slip fault. This transition occurs during slab detachment, triggered by decaying subduction convergence, the strengthening of the megathrust due to reduced water release, and eventual subduction termination. The extension of the overriding lithosphere facilitates the formation of the strike-slip fault. Our computations suggest that the connection between a low-viscosity, high-permeability subducted plate interface and the lower crust of the overriding plate promotes shearing, fluid transfer, and the eventual development of strike-slip faults.

How to cite: mao, W.: Dynamics of Large-Scale Strike-Slip Fault Formation: Microplate Capture During Subduction Termination, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4943,, 2025.

EGU25-4959 | Posters on site | TS6.1

Constraints on the Fate of Delaminated Lithosphere in the Upper and Mid‐Mantle 

Ya-Nan Shi and Jason Morgan

Delamination of lower continental lithosphere is known to have occurred under different tectonic settings. However, its fate in the mantle is poorly understood. By analyzing global seismic models, we find that most of likely lithosphere that delaminated during the Cenozoic and Mesozoic is preserved in the mantle transition zone, especially beneath North America and Africa. Numerical experiments indicates that delaminated lithosphere can remain stagnant in the mantle transition zone for tens of millions of years, followed by its potential sinking into the lower mantle or re‐rising to shallower depths depending on its density, the Clapeyron slope of the spinel‐to‐post‐spinel phase change and increase in mantle viscosity at ∼660–1,000 km depths. Re‐ascent occurs when delaminated lithosphere is reheated so that its effective density becomes lower than its surrounding ambient mantle after ∼100 Myr. Delaminated fragments can also potentially be mobilized by underlying global mantle flow to move horizontally away from plume regions.

How to cite: Shi, Y.-N. and Morgan, J.: Constraints on the Fate of Delaminated Lithosphere in the Upper and Mid‐Mantle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4959,, 2025.

EGU25-5364 | ECS | Orals | TS6.1

Observations of active cratonic thinning beneath North America consistent with Farallon slab-induced dripping  

Junlin Hua, Stephen Grand, Thorsten Becker, Helen Janiszewski, Chujie Liu, Daniel Trugman, and Hejun Zhu

Continental cratons are characterized by thick lithospheric roots that remain intact for billions of years. However, in the geological past, some cratonic roots appear to be thinned or completely removed, with the reasons for such thinning being debated. In this study, we obtain a high-resolution full-waveform seismic tomographic model for North America which uniquely illuminates an ongoing craton-thinning. Extensive drip-like transport of lithosphere is imaged from the base of the craton beneath the central United States to the mantle transition zone. Geodynamical modeling suggests that such dripping is possibly mobilized by the sinking of the deep Farallon slab, whose associated mantle flow can drag material at the base of the craton from afar to the dripping location. There, lithospheric material may descend within the ambient downward mantle flow, even though the slab is presently in the lower mantle. Dripping lithosphere could also be facilitated by prior lithospheric weakening such as due to volatiles released from the slab. Our findings show how cratonic lithosphere could be altered by external forces, and that subduction may play a key role in craton mobilization and thinning even when slabs are at great depths in the mantle.

How to cite: Hua, J., Grand, S., Becker, T., Janiszewski, H., Liu, C., Trugman, D., and Zhu, H.: Observations of active cratonic thinning beneath North America consistent with Farallon slab-induced dripping , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5364,, 2025.

EGU25-5686 | ECS | Posters on site | TS6.1

Thermochemical structure of the Lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton 

Xiaoyu Yang, Yonghua Li, and Juan Carlos Afonso

Despite numerous studies on the thinning and destruction of the lithospheric mantle root beneath the North China craton (NCC), the mechanisms for modification from refractory mantle of ancient craton to the fertile one remains poorly understood due to insufficient information of deep thermochemical structure. We investigate the mantle compositional and thermal structure of NCC by jointly inverting Rayleigh wave dispersion, geoid height, elevation and surface heat flow (SHF) using a probabilistic inversion. We image significant differences in the thermochemical structure of lithosphere in the different blocks of NCC. The lithospheric structure of western NCC is dominated by relatively thick lithospheric roots (>150 km) and depleted composition (Mg# ~90–92), supporting the idea of the core of western NCC is well‐preserved. We observe a relatively thinner lithosphere (<100 km) and more fertile signature in the central and eastern NCC, confirming that these areas have undergone lithospheric thinning and modification. We reveal the distinct lithospheric composition in the central and eastern NCC, indicating the difference of mechanisms of lithospheric reactivation. The low Mg# (Mg# ~88.5–90) of the lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern NCC imply that the cratonic root were delaminated and replaced by a new fertile mantle. The coexistence of depleted and fertile mantle (Mg# ~88.5–91.5) beneath the central NCC, implying that the depleted cratonic mantle partially evolved to fertile one through injection of melts/fluids originating from the asthenospheric mantle.

How to cite: Yang, X., Li, Y., and Afonso, J. C.: Thermochemical structure of the Lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5686,, 2025.

EGU25-6056 | ECS | Posters on site | TS6.1

Submarine Volcanism Identification with Neural Networks 

Jialei Qiu, Tao Zhang, Yanan Shi, and Jason Morgan

Volcanic feature identification on topographic maps is an emerging area that can leverage advanced machine learning techniques. However, the field faces challenges due to the scarcity of current labeled volcanic data, class imbalances, and limitations in existing models. Current approaches often fail to effectively capture the spatial continuity and hierarchical patterns inherent in volcanic terrains, in particular for intraplate volcanism such as petit-spot volcanoes.

This study began with manually labeled data and employed Support Vector Machines as a preliminary classification tool, which revealed significant limitations in its handling of complex spatial patterns. Subsequently, efforts shifted to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with transfer learning to enhance feature extraction and classification. High-resolution topographic data from the Japanese Volcanic Islands and the Second Institute of Oceanography Ministry of Natural Resources of China were integrated. These datasets, enriched by grid-based labeling and data augmentation strategies, have provided the foundation for model training and validation. To date we have prioritized the identification of small volcanic features on Pacific-type (fast-spreading) seafloor. 

Work to date has emphasized the need for high-quality labeled datasets and innovative preprocessing techniques to have reliable machine recognition of volcanic bathymetric features. By incorporating high-precision data from Pacific expeditions, this research will also contribute to the development of future deep learning approaches, laying the groundwork for further advancements in automated volcano identification.

How to cite: Qiu, J., Zhang, T., Shi, Y., and Morgan, J.: Submarine Volcanism Identification with Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6056,, 2025.

EGU25-6165 | Orals | TS6.1

Craton Deformation from Flat-Slab Subduction and Rollback 

Shaofeng Liu, Bo Zhang, Pengfei Ma, Simon Williams, Chengfa Lin, Neng Wan, Chenglong Ran, and Michael Gurnis

The mechanisms underlying the deformation and eventual destruction of Earth's cratons remain enigmatic, despite proposed links to subduction and deep mantle plume processes. Here, we study the deformation of the North China Craton using four-dimensional mantle flow models of the plate–mantle system since the late Mesozoic, integrating constraints from lithospheric deformation, mantle seismic tomography, and the evolution of surface topography. We find that flat-slab subduction induced landward shortening and lithospheric thickening, while subsequent flat-slab rollback caused seaward extension and lithospheric thinning. Both subduction phases resulted in substantial topographic changes in basin sediments. Rapid flat-slab rollback, coupled with a viscosity jump and phase change across the 660-km mantle discontinuity, was a key ingredient in shaping a large mantle wedge. We argue that craton deformation through lithospheric extension and thinning was triggered by the subduction of a flat slab and its subsequent rollback. The integration of data into mechanical models provides insights into the four-dimensional dynamic interplay involving subduction, mantle processes, craton deformation, and topography.

How to cite: Liu, S., Zhang, B., Ma, P., Williams, S., Lin, C., Wan, N., Ran, C., and Gurnis, M.: Craton Deformation from Flat-Slab Subduction and Rollback, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6165,, 2025.

The Kaapvaal craton, which hosts rocks as old as 3.6 billion years, began to stabilize around 3.2 billion years ago with the progressive development of its subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). This craton, which has undergone continuous and relatively well-preserved geological evolution through numerous episodes of erosion, sedimentation and magmatic additions, provides a unique setting for studying the evolution of geodynamics. This study focuses primarily on the interpretation of existing literature and some newly acquired data for HFSE, REE and Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotopes, due to their immobility during low temperature alteration processes.

The Palaeo-Mesoarchean transition marks significant changes in both geodynamic (from vertical to transitional tectonics) and magmatic processes. During this period, magmatism changed from mixed calc-alkaline and tholeiitic affinities derived from 'asthenospheric' sources to a pure tholeiitic series stemming from the (proto-)SCLM and/or asthenosphere. Almost all Meso- and Neoarchean igneous units show 'arc-like' geochemical signatures (e.g., negative Nb, Ta and Ti anomalies), mainly due to crustal assimilation. Only a few occurrences may reflect clear fluid metasomatism of the mantle sources. A major shift occurred in the early Paleoproterozoic, characterized by a protracted magmatic phase lasting over 500 Myr, with events showing significantly high Th/Nb ratios. These signatures are likely to be from refertilized sources, linked to a major metasomatic event and hence a significant but transient subduction (or comparable) process at the Archean-Proterozoic transition. After 1830 Ma, the frequency of magmatism decreases significantly, leaving only three major events (at ~1400, 1100 and 180 Ma), if we except kimberlites and lamproites. During this time, the Kaapvaal craton gradually evolved into a component of larger continental masses (i.e., proto-Kalahari then Kalahari cratons). However, these post-Paleoproterozoic events show much more diverse magmatic source signatures than earlier periods, including contributions from previously unobserved sources (e.g., OIB-like or enriched mantle OIB).

The data suggest that most (but not all) post-Paleoarchean magmatic events are associated with plume-related activity involving melting of the SCLM at shallow depths (i.e., spinel mantle), consistent with conclusions from previous studies that considered these events separately.  However, a relatively inert Late Mesoarchean SCLM alone would not be sufficient to generate such widespread and long-lasting magmatic activity, particularly if it exhibits enriched geochemical signatures. Overall, the geochemical data support an evolving SCLM that underwent periods of (local) melting, depletion and refertilization.

How to cite: Fabien, H.: Geochemical variation of intraplate magmatism and its sources in the Kaapvaal craton (Southern Africa) from Paleoarchean to present: implications for the evolution of its mantle lithosphere., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6350,, 2025.

EGU25-6422 | Orals | TS6.1

Numerical Experiments on Archean Transmogrification and Craton Building 

Jason P. Morgan, Paola Vannucchi, and Jamie Connolly

Transmogrification is a continent-shaping process in which thick sedimentary basins form on oceanic lithosphere, radioactively heat themselves and their underlying crust and mantle, and then partially melt to form ‘transmogrified continental crust’. Here we explore thermochemical models of crustal evolution in the Archean and Hadean by coupling 1-D thermal evolution models to a thermodynamic PerpleX model for the chemical changes that take place as (mostly) terrestrial and/or arc-derived sediments are buried and heated. We focus on exploring a Hadean evolution scenario in which plate tectonic processes started near the end of Earth’s accretion phase, consistent with a geochemically significant amount of early atmospheric Xe and Kr having been recycled by subduction into the mantle sources of modern mantle-derived basalts.

Preliminary results indicate that early Archean transmogrification can rapidly (<~50 Ma) induce a thick sediment pile to partially melt and differentiate. Transmogrification will also shape the thermal evolution of underlying cratonic mantle, and perhaps even trigger a lithospheric delamination event associated with renewed basaltic/komatiitic volcanism. We are currently exploring to what extent this mode of crustal and lithospheric evolution could lead to the formation of Archean-typifying TTG-Greenstone Belt assemblages.

How to cite: Morgan, J. P., Vannucchi, P., and Connolly, J.: Numerical Experiments on Archean Transmogrification and Craton Building, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6422,, 2025.

EGU25-6930 | Orals | TS6.1

Cretaceous lithospheric extension and surface responses in South China 

Jianhua Li, Shuwen Dong, Guochun Zhao, and Yueqiao Zhang

Lithospheric extension at passive margins is commonly classified into three end-member scenarios: pure shear, simple shear, and depth-dependent deformation. However, how lithospheric extension evolves in an intraplate setting remains enigmatic due to the lack of reliable constraints on the deep lithospheric architecture. Here we integrated seismic reflection profiles and surface geology across the ~800-km-wide Cretaceous intraplate extensional system of South China to illustrate depth-dependent kinematic decoupling of extension in a mechanically stratified lithosphere. The extension was initially distributed in magma-poor conditions as expressed by normal faulting in the upper crust and lower-crustal flow toward the rift axis. Necking of the crust and Moho uplift led to mantle shear-zone formation, lower-crustal flow toward the rift flanks, and deep mantle flow. We demonstrate that the extensional modes vary with decreasing mantle strength from magma-poor to magma-rich domains, as reflected in decreasing crust-mantle decoupling with increased Moho temperatures and the replacement of a two-layer (brittle vs ductile) mantle by a fully ductile mantle. These findings reveal a first-order lithospheric configuration of intraplate depth-dependent extension driven by far-field stresses attributable to slab retreat. Extension-related strain fields across the lithosphere are uniform ~NW-SE, indicating vertically coherent deformation. Stress transmission across this coherent system might occur as follows: (1) basal shear stresses at the lithospheric base may enhance the simple shearing at the crust-mantle Moho interface, promoting ductile stretching in the lower crust, and (2) mantle shear zones localized strain by acting as strain-transfer structures between the lower crust and the lithospheric mantle. We establish the crustal and lithospheric mantle deformation fields accompanying the retreating subduction. Our data compilation suggests a tectonic coupling between slab rollback, mantle flow, and lithospheric extension in South China. Rollback-induced mantle flow likely drove lithospheric extension in South China by imposing shear forces at the lithosphere base.

How to cite: Li, J., Dong, S., Zhao, G., and Zhang, Y.: Cretaceous lithospheric extension and surface responses in South China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6930,, 2025.

EGU25-8628 | Orals | TS6.1

Craton instability induced by plume-originated magma intrusion: Inference from crustal structures of the Tarim Basin 

Xiaofeng Liang, Wentao Li, Xu Wang, Shilin Li, Xiaobo Tian, and Ling Chen

The Tarim basin at the northwestern edge of the Tibetan plateau, having a craton core that experienced noticeable internal deformation since the formation of a Permian Large Igneous Province, is an ideal place to investigate craton-mantle plume interaction and how such interaction affects the evolution of a craton. In this study, we investigate the detailed crustal structure of the Tarim Basin based on teleseismic records from two temporary seismic arrays that largely cover the Tarim Basin. Firstly, we construct a high-resolution S-wave velocity structure image down to 15 km depth using multi-frequency receiver functions. The thicknesses and Vp/Vs ratios of the sediments and underlying crust are constrained by H-k analysis jointly using P-to-S converted phases in receiver functions and P reflected phases derived by P-wave coda autocorrelation. Then the image of the sedimentary S-wave velocity structure and the H-k result are used to establish the crustal velocity model for receiver function migration to image discontinuities. Our results in combination with drilling data, experimental rock-physics data and previous geophysical observations reveal two velocity discontinuities in the upper crust, corresponding to the top of the early Permian strata and the upper boundary of the crystalline basement. Several high-Vs anomalies in the upper crust, with an average Vs of ~ 3.4 km/s, cut the upper boundary of the basement but locate under the early Permian strata at a depth of 3 km around the Bachu Uplift. The basement at the Bachu Uplift is uplifted to 6 km depth. The Moho rises to 37 km at the southern part of the Bachu Uplift and deepens to more than 45 km in the northern basin, with an average depth of about 42 km. The most of Vp/Vs ratios between the basement and the Moho exhibit high values (>1.8) at the Bachu Uplift. The high Vs anomalies in the upper crust and high Vp/Vs values in the lower crust suggest that the crust has been modified by mafic intrusions of the Permian mantle plume around the Bachu Uplift. The mafic intrusions cause significant crustal heterogeneity in the western Tarim Basin, which may contribute to the uplift of sediments and basement around the Bachu Uplift during Cenozoic Eurasia-Indian collision, exhibiting a strong spatial correlation between the crustal deformation and the Permian magmatic intrusions. This suggests that the western Tarim Craton, compared to the east, may be weakened in strength by the Permian mantle plume and exhibits more localized Cenozoic deformation.

How to cite: Liang, X., Li, W., Wang, X., Li, S., Tian, X., and Chen, L.: Craton instability induced by plume-originated magma intrusion: Inference from crustal structures of the Tarim Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8628,, 2025.

EGU25-10227 | ECS | Posters on site | TS6.1

Decompression melting of a wet bi-lithologic mantle and its effects on density and viscosity 

Jia Shao and Jason Morgan

Oceanic island basalts (OIBs) and mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) exhibit distinct chemical compositions in both major and trace elements, reflecting differences in their mantle sources and melting processes. Mantle plumes are now understood to also contain denser, recycled materials derived from subducted sediments and oceanic basalts — pyroxenites. Compared to peridotites, pyroxenites form a relatively small volume fraction (~20%) of the mantle. They are denser, enriched in pyroxene and aluminum-phase minerals, and thought to contribute a higher concentration of incompatible elements to mantle melts. While typical MORBs are depleted in incompatible elements, some MORBs (EMORBs) located far from hotspots show both trace element and isotopic enrichment, implying that the upper mantle is chemically and isotopically heterogeneous, although MORB sources typically contain a smaller pyroxenite fraction than OIB sources. Pyroxenite lithologies appear to be widespread throughout the mantle.

In this study, we explore the melting processes and variations in the density and viscosity of a bi-lithologic mantle composed of peridotite and pyroxenite, using 1D numerical simulations. The experiments cover a temperature range of 1300–1700°C and pyroxenite contents ranging from 1% to 30%, encompassing conditions representative of both mantle plumes and mid-ocean ridges. Our findings indicate that the melting of upwelling bi-lithologic mantle typically occurs in three stages: (1) preferential melting of pyroxenite at greater depths, (2) simultaneous melting of pyroxenite and peridotite as peridotite starts to melt — especially when the peridotite is damp, and (3) only peridotite melting even when pyroxenite still remains in the source. If the pyroxenite content in the mantle is low and/or the temperature is sufficiently high, pyroxenite can be completely exhausted before peridotite begins to melt, resulting in the absence of stage 2. Pyroxenite melting plays a significant role in reducing mantle density due to the decrease in the volume fraction of the relatively denser pyroxenite. For instance, 56% partial melting of a 20% pyroxenite fraction leads to a mantle density reduction of 0.54%, comparable to the thermal buoyancy effect of a 180°C increase in temperature, assuming a mantle thermal expansivity of 3×10-5 1/K. The effect of pyroxenite melting on mantle viscosity is relatively small (< 0.5 orders of magnitude) due to the small volume fraction of pyroxenite, even though pyroxenite becomes significantly stronger by melt-induced dehydration. Confirming previous findings, these experiments also show that once peridotite begins to melt, a notable increase in mantle viscosity (1–2 orders of magnitude) occurs due to its dehydration, while partial melt-extraction from peridotite will further reduce the compositional density of the mantle.

How to cite: Shao, J. and Morgan, J.: Decompression melting of a wet bi-lithologic mantle and its effects on density and viscosity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10227,, 2025.

The eastern part of the North China Craton (NCC) underwent massive destruction during the Mesozoic, likely driven by the subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate. We employed recently calibrated geochemical proxies to quantify the thickness evolution of the lithospheric mantle and crust in the eastern NCC during the Mesozoic. We find that the thinning of the eastern NCC lithosphere took place between 130 and 120 Ma. This process likely occurred on an extremely short timescale of less than 10 million years and was most plausibly driven by lithospheric delamination. Concurrently, detrital zircon analyses reveal that the eastern NCC crust first underwent Jurassic crustal thickening, probably due to the low-angle subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate. Intense crustal thickening likely formed a widespread high plateau in the eastern NCC--the ENC plateau. This plateau later collapsed during the Early Cretaceous, coinciding with the rapid lithospheric thinning. We suggest that the NCC lithosphere delamination and the ENC plateau collapse are both linked to the rollback of the paleo-Pacific plate. These findings highlight the interplay of lithospheric mantle and crustal dynamics during the NCC destruction.

How to cite: Tang, M.: Geochemical snapshots of the North China Craton destruction: from mantle to crust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11066,, 2025.

EGU25-14184 | Orals | TS6.1

Modification of the Shallow Mantle Lithosphere during Craton Destruction 

Jikun Feng, Huajian Yao, and Ling Chen

A craton refers to the ancient and stable core of a continent, and craton destruction is typically characterized by significant lithospheric thinning, internal deformation, and volcanic activity. One of the key features of craton destruction is the loss of the ancient lithospheric keel, which many researchers believe results from large-scale delamination along the mid-lithospheric discontinuity (MLD). However, simple lithospheric delamination alone cannot explain the extensive volcanic activity and significant tectonic deformation observed within cratons. Many cratons experience lithospheric thinning without undergoing full destruction. Therefore, the modification of the mantle lithosphere above the MLD following lithospheric thinning may be crucial to understanding craton destruction. This study focuses on the North China Craton, of which at least the eastern part has been destroyed since the Mesozoic, using anisotropic characteristics to constrain the modification of the residual mantle lithosphere (above the MLD). Our results show that the entire mantle lithosphere in the craton destruction zone exhibits a consistent fast-wave polarization direction, likely a result of a thorough modification during craton destruction. This intense modification may have rendered the originally shallow mantle lithosphere unable to resist further tectonic deformation after losing its deeper counterpart in the early Cretaceous, and thus could have easily reoriented the anisotropic minerals in response to the regional lithospheric extension. Such a process might have led to the formation of large amounts of both mantle- and crust-derived magma, giving rise to the coeval intensive magmatism of multiple sources in the North China Craton.

How to cite: Feng, J., Yao, H., and Chen, L.: Modification of the Shallow Mantle Lithosphere during Craton Destruction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14184,, 2025.

EGU25-14542 | Orals | TS6.1

The Structure and Stability of Cratons 

Huilin Wang

Cratons, the ancient cores of continental plates, have remained stable for billions of years. The high strength of the cratonic root has long been considered vital for its survival in the dynamic mantle. However, recent high-resolution seismic studies have unveiled widespread velocity discontinuities within the middle of the continental mantle lithosphere in nearly all cratons. These discontinuities, known as mid-lithospheric discontinuities (MLDs), are characterized by a sharp reduction in seismic velocity of 2-7% over 10-20 km, primarily at depths of 80-120 km. They are typically less than 30-40 km thick and are globally distributed. Many researchers propose that MLDs are likely weaker than the melt-depleted lithospheric mantle of cratons, providing a possible explanation for the phenomenon of lithosphere destruction and thinning in various cratonic areas. Despite these regions of lithosphere destruction, many cratons remain stable and possess thick roots even after prolonged plate motion. This study reviews the structure of cratons and the distribution of MLDs, as well as investigates the dynamics of cratonic root in the presence of MLDs using numerical models.

How to cite: Wang, H.: The Structure and Stability of Cratons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14542,, 2025.

In the northern Tibetan Plateau, a series of northeast-striking faults developed within the Xijianquan-Jiujing Transtensional Fault Group (XJTFG), located approximately 150 km north of the Altyn Tagh fault along the southern Beishan Block. Among these, the easternmost Jiujing-Bantan fault (JBF) is the most active. Field mapping data, unmanned aerial vehicle-derived digital topography, Google Earth images, and audio-magnetotelluric profiles along the JBF reveal that this fault, approximately 28 km long, consists of four linear branches forming a negative flower structure. The offset of various landforms (such as terminal facets, terraces, small gullies, and ridges) suggests that the JBF is characterized by left-lateral strike-slip movement with a normal component. The vertical slip rate has been approximately ~0.02 mm/yr since 125 ka BP. Excavated trenches identified four paleoseismic events, which were dated using the optically stimulated luminescence method to ~20, 27-31, 34, and 76-78 ka BP. Estimation of the potential seismicity magnitude along the JBF is 6.3-6.5. These findings, combined with regional geodetic patterns, suggest that Late Quaternary deformation in the northern Tibetan Plateau has extended into the southern Beishan Block. It is inferred that the Late Quaternary tectonics of the JBF were influenced by clockwise transpressional and northeastward movement of the Tashi Block towards the north of the Altyn Tagh fault. This deformation pattern demonstrates strain partitioning and transfer between the northern Tibetan Plateau and the southern Mongolian Plateau.

How to cite: Yun, L., Wang, J., Zhang, J., and Zhang, H.: Late Quaternary tectonics of the Jiujing-Bantan fault along the southern Beishan Block and its implication for the northward growth of the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20926,, 2025.

Stepwise Pb-Pb leaching (PbSL) is a silicate digestion technique based on sequential acid treatment of a mineral, resulting in the selective recovery of radiogenic and common Pb from the crystal lattice. This technique has proven effective for directly dating rock-forming silicates associated with metamorphic reactions that define a PT path. Two Paleoarchean granitoids from the Bastar craton were selected for this study; one is a ~3.5 Ga orthopyroxene-bearing basement tonalite sample near Nagaras, CH13 [1] and the other is the ~3.6 Ga ‘true granite’ sample near Dalli-Rajhara [2], resampled as C30. Orthopyroxene (Opx) and microcline (Mc) grain separates were leached in multiple steps using HBr, HNO3, and HF acids [3]. Lead was separated and purified using 100 µL and 10µL AG1-X8 anion exchange resin using HNO3 – HBr chemistry, and the purified Pb fraction was dissolved in 0.2% HNO3 solution. Lead isotope ratios were measured on a Thermo-Fisher Scientific Neptune Plus MC-ICPMS at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India, using a novel approach of combining Thallium-doping with sample-standard bracketing. Two multi-grain Opx fractions from sample CH13 yielded a combined Pb-Pb isochron age of 3594±95 Ma (2σ error, MSWD = 8.3, n = 11), which is slightly older than the zircon U-Pb crystallization age of 3453±21 Ma [1]. Therefore, sample CH13 is a Paleoarchean charno-enderbite formed at lower crustal depths. In contrast, Mc separated from sample C30 yielded a Pb-Pb isochron age of 3189±3 Ma (2σ error, MSWD = 1.3, n = 5), which confirms that despite an older zircon U-Pb crystallization age, this sample is not a ~3.6 Ga ‘true granite’ but is a product of a later ~3 Ga partial melting event, related to the Mesoarchean Sukma orogeny [1].

[1] Nandi, A., Mukherjee, S., Sorcar, N., and Vadlamani, R., 2023, Relict Mesoarchean (2.99–2.94 Ga) metamorphism overprinted by late Neoarchean tectonothermal event(s) from the Sukma Group supracrustal rocks, Bastar craton, India: Evidence from new Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd garnet isochron and Th-U-total Pb monazite ages: Precambrian Research, v. 390, p. 107056.

[2] Rajesh, H. M., Mukhopadhyay, J., Beukes, N. J., Gutzmer, J., Belyanin, G. A., and Armstrong, R. A., 2009, Evidence for an early Archaean granite from Bastar craton, India: Journal of Geological Society, London, v. 166, p. 193 – 196.

[3] Frei, R., and Kamber, B. S., 1995. Single mineral Pb-Pb dating. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 129(1-4), 261 – 268.

How to cite: Nandi, A. and Vadlamani, R.: Constraining timing of early Archean magmatism using stepwise Pb-Pb leaching (PbSL) dating from the Bastar Craton, central India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-875,, 2025.

Mount Isa Inlier, located in northwest Queensland, consists of multiple Proterozoic volcano-sedimentary sequences intruded, deformed and metamorphosed during a complex tectonic history between ~1880 Ma and ~1490 Ma. The stratigraphy of the Mount Isa Inlier is generally interpretated to reflect the superposition of three major superbasin events, marked by discontinuities, and deformed and metamorphosed during the Isan Orogeny (1620-1500 Ma). The superbasin model proposes continuation of stratigraphy along the length of the inlier and the existence of corelative units across the inlier. According to this model, the stratigraphy in the Dajarra region (southern part of Western Fold Belt) consists of a series of units that are either continuous with or can be corelated along strike with units that occur further north. The oldest units are the Bottletree Formation and the Lower Haslingden Group, characterized by bimodal volcanics and siliciclastic rocks which were deposited during the 1800-1780 Ma Leichardt Superbasin. These units were unconformably overlain by the Warrina Park Quartzite and the Moondarra Siltstone accumulated during the 1690-1670 Ma Calvert Superbasin. However, there is no geochronological data available from the sedimentary units in the Dajarra region and these correlations remain speculative. In this study, we report new LA-ICP-MS ages from magmatic and detrital zircons that can help constrain the magmatic and sedimentary history of the rocks occurring in this region and evaluate the existing stratigraphic correlations. Two new magmatic events, between 1810-1780 Ma and between 1710-1690 Ma, are identified in the southern part of the Western Fold Belt. The detrital zircon data indicates that (1) siliciclastic rocks mapped as the Mount Guide Quartzite have the youngest detrital populations between 1885 Ma and 1850 Ma; (2) siliciclastic sediments from the Eastern Creek Volcanics and the Jayah Creek Metabasalt have the youngest detrital zircon populations between 1870 and 1850 Ma; (3) siliciclastic rocks mapped as the Timothy Creek Sandstone and as the Mount Isa Group have the youngest detrital populations between 1820 and 1780 Ma. The maximum depositional ages obtained in this study are significantly older compared to the same stratigraphic units mapped to the north indicating either a different source or that these units are indeed much older and represent a different stratigraphy not previously recognized in the Mount Isa Inlier.

How to cite: Noptalung, S., Sanislav, I., and McCoy-West, H.: New constraints on the timing of magmatism and sedimentation in the Dajarra region, southern area of Western Fold Belt, Mt Isa Inlier, Australia: implication for stratigraphic successions during Paleoproterozoic , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2666,, 2025.

The Manamedu Ophiolite Complex (MOC) within the Palghat-Cauvery Suture Zone (PCSZ) in southern India comprises metamorphosed equivalents of mafic–ultramafic group of rocks including pyroxenite and dunite with locally cumulate textures; gabbroic rock types including gabbro, gabbronorite, and anorthosite; sheeted mafic dykes of amphibolite to meta-andesite and plagiogranite; a thin layer of ferruginous cherts. The tectonic discrimination of these rocks based on various geochemical plots shows that they were related to island arc tholeiite (IAT) group with tholeiitic to calcalkaline signatures. Most of the samples (hornblendite, anorthosite, and amphibolite) have similar chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns characterized by light REE enrichment, slightly Eu anomaly, and flat heavy REE profiles, except plagiogranite has a significant Eu anomaly. In the primitive mantle-normalized spidergram, all samples show depletion in HFSE (P, Zr, Sm, Ti, and Y) and enrichment of LILE (Rb, Ba, Th, Sr) with negative Nb anomalies. The petrological and geochemical characteristics of the lithological association of MOC represent the remnants of an oceanic crust, which may be formed in a suprasubduction zone geodynamic environment.

How to cite: Chen, N. H.-C.: Geochemical and petrological study of the Manamedu Ophiolite Complex, Cauvery suture zone, southern India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4628,, 2025.

Clarifying the sedimentary characteristics of the Precambrian microbialite is crucial for understanding the evolution of early life on Earth. In the study, the sedimentary, mineralogical and geochemistry characteristics of microbial dolomite at the Ediacaran in the Upper Yangtze Block are analyzed. The results show that the late Ediacaran in the Upper Yangtze is a rimmed carbonate platform. The microbialite inside the semi-restricted platform is small and sparse, with low residual organic matter, while microbialite at the platform margin is large and dense, with high residual organic matter. The in- situ major elements, rare earth elements, C/O isotopes, and mineral assemble of microbialite indicate significant hydrothermal activity at the platform margin. Under the influence of hydrothermal activity, microbialite at the platform margin are enriched in Fe, Mn, PEF, BaEF, NiEF, CuEF, CoEF, ZnEF, with higher levels of NaEF, KEF, MgEF and UEF, MoEF, VEF, indicating a sedimentary environment with sufficient nutrients, higher salinity, higher seawater temperature and lower oxygen. It can be concluded that environments significantly influenced by hydrothermal activity during the late Neoproterozoic were more suitable for microbial habitation, which may also suggest the origin of early life on Earth.

How to cite: Wang, H.: Sedimentary characteristics of Ediacaran microbialite in the Yangtze Platform, South China: implications for the evolution of early life, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4766,, 2025.

EGU25-6167 | PICO | GD3.2

Slow Thickening of Cratons Has Increased Kimberlite Frequency Over Time 

Jyotirmoy Paul and Clinton Phillips Conrad

Kimberlites are exclusively found on cratons, some of which have remained stable for more than 3 billion years. Kimberlite melts are generated at temperatures of at least 1300°C and pressures of 5–7 GPa, corresponding to depths of 160–250 km. Cratons, being thicker than normal lithosphere, are thus natural hosts for kimberlite melts. Analyzing the frequency of kimberlite eruptions over time, we found that their frequency gradually increased after 1.5 Gyr. Notably, before 2 Gyr, only 4-5 records of kimberlite eruptions have been documented. As kimberlites are found on stable cratons, preservation bias due to tectonic or erosional destruction may not fully explain the scarcity of older kimberlites. This paucity motivated us to explore a potential correlation between craton thickness and kimberlite frequency. Analysing previous studies we hypothesize that, initially, cratons were less than 150 km thick — below the kimberlite stability depth –  and they have thickened over time, eventually reaching depths conducive to kimberlite stability. Mechanisms for craton growth remain poorly understood, although gravitational thickening and self-compressive thickening have been proposed. To investigate these mechanisms within the context of supercontinental cycles, we developed 2D box models using the finite element code ASPECT. Starting with a 150 km thick craton, we allowed mantle flow to evolve over 3 Gyr. Due to their high viscosity and thickness, cratons can divert mantle flow, creating a self-compressive environment during supercontinental assembly. During supercontinental breakup, mantle flow generates an extensional environment that thins the craton. We simulated four supercontinental cycles corresponding to Superia, Columbia, Rodinia, and Pangea. Our results show that cratons became progressively thicker during each cycle. After 1.5 Gyr, craton thickness increased to approximately 160 km, entering the kimberlite stability field. By the time of the Rodinia assembly, craton thickness had reached levels suitable for diamondiferous kimberlite formation, potentially explaining the sudden increase in kimberlite eruptions around 1.1 Ga. We tested various parameters, including viscosity, density, initial thickness, and craton width, against different background mantle flow velocities. Our preliminary results suggest that the gradual thickening of cratons after 1.5 Gyr increased the likelihood of kimberlite eruptions on Earth.

How to cite: Paul, J. and Conrad, C. P.: Slow Thickening of Cratons Has Increased Kimberlite Frequency Over Time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6167,, 2025.

Plate tectonics is central to the long-term release of heat from Earth’s deep interior, which ultimately maintains habitability, but its time of onset is highly debated. Early Archean granitic domes surrounded by greenstones provide evidence for gravitational reorganization of the crust and dominance of vertical tectonics distinct from plate tectonics. However, because plate tectonics is a kinematic framework, a measure of motion such as that provided by paleomagnetism is needed for direct tests. The East Pilbara craton (Western Australia) preserves classic Paleoarchean to Mesoarchean granite-greenstone geology, but paleomagnetic data from these rocks have been interpreted as tracing modern plate tectonic velocities. Herein, we report new paleomagnetic data from granite, basalt and dacite ranging in age from 3.49 to 3.2 Ga from the East Pilbara craton and find that these carry a 2.7 Ga reset magnetization, a pattern seen in data throughout the craton. The recognition of this resetting resolves the conflict with the geological record, and together with other paleomagnetic results from the Kaapvaal (South Africa) and the Yilgarn (Western Australia) cratons define a 600 myr-long transition between stagnant lid tectonics and modern plate tectonic motions, the latter beginning ca. 3.0 to 2.7 billion years ago.

How to cite: Cottrell, R., Bono, R., and Tarduno, J.: Modern plate tectonic motions commenced after formation of voluminous Paleoarchean to Mesoarchean TTG crust , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7331,, 2025.

EGU25-10015 | ECS | PICO | GD3.2

Clay-hematite Association in Late Paleoproterozoic Oolitic Ironstones of the North China Craton  

Yisheng Li, Xiancai Lu, Xiangjie Cui, Huan Liu, Jiarun Liu, and Yuanfeng Cai

Original phases of the Proterozoic Iron Formations (IFs) have been considered as essential archives of paleo-seawater geochemistry. It is widely acknowledged that hydrated ferric oxides/hydroxides were the primary precursor phase. However, the significance of high silica concentrations in Precambrian seawater has been receiving increasing attention for understanding the original iron mineralogy. Recent studies have provided compelling evidence that Fe(II)-silicates were the predominant precursor phases of IFs.

In this study, we identified the Fe-illite cortices within ooids from the Paleoproterozoic Chuanlinggou Iron Formation, located on the northern margin of the North China Craton. The Fe-illite, characterized by an Fe(II)/Fetotal ratio of approximately 20%, exhibits tangentially arranged crystals probably formed by wave action in reducing environments. There is considerable hematite within the Fe-illite cortices, which can be categorized into striped and granular types. Striped hematite is tangentially arranged alongside the Fe-illite, and its rare earth element (REE) patterns exhibit heavy rare earth element (HREE) enrichment, similar to Fe-oxide cortices. In contrast, Fe-illite associated with granular hematite exhibits light rare earth element (LREE) enrichments. We propose the Fe-illite cortices reflect the original Fe-smectite precipitation from paleo-seawater under alkaline conditions, and striped hematite represents the original mineral phase during the formation of the Fe-smectite cortices. Furthermore, the Fe-illite cortices exhibit orders-of-magnitude enrichment in biological elements compared to Fe-oxide cortices. It is noticeable that similar clay-hematite association has been reported in the Paleoproterozoic Yunmengshan oolitic ironstone from the southern margin of the North China Craton (Qiu et al., 2020). These findings indicate specific solution chemistry and potential biological influences at the craton margins during the Proterozoic era.



Qiu, Y., Zhao, T. and Li, Y. (2020) The Yunmengshan iron formation at the end of the Paleoproterozoic era. Applied Clay Science 199, 105888.

How to cite: Li, Y., Lu, X., Cui, X., Liu, H., Liu, J., and Cai, Y.: Clay-hematite Association in Late Paleoproterozoic Oolitic Ironstones of the North China Craton , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10015,, 2025.

EGU25-10905 | ECS | PICO | GD3.2

Late Archaean basalts from the Yilgarn craton record evidence of thin lithosphere prior to cratonisation 

Marthe Klöcking, Karol Czarnota, Ian H. Campbell, Hugh Smithies, David C. Champion, and D. Rhodri Davies

The dynamics of Earth’s early mantle and the timing of the onset of plate tectonics remain a topic of debate. Proposed hypotheses for the Archaean eon range from a stagnant-lid Earth all the way to modern-style plate tectonics. Here, we estimate temperatures and depths of melt generation in the late Archaean mantle using a new geochemical data compilation of mafic igneous rocks from the Yilgarn craton, Australia. We combine these results with stratigraphic and geodynamic constraints to resolve the tectonic regime and upper mantle dynamics at the time.

Primitive volcanic rocks can preserve signatures of the melting processes in the mantle: depth and temperature of melting are recorded in magma major and trace element chemistry. We have collated a data compilation of mafic volcanic samples from the Archaean Yilgarn craton in Western Australia. In order to identify those samples most representative of melting conditions in the convecting mantle, the data were screened to minimise the effects of crystal fractionation and assimilation of crustal or cumulate material (9 wt% < MgO < 15 wt%; no Eu anomalies, no positive Pb anomalies; Nb/U > 30). We further correct these screened compositions for olivine fractionation. This screened dataset predominantly comprises tholeiitic basalts in the Kalgoorlie terrane that erupted prior to the main komatiite sequence and the felsic magmas that make up the bulk of the Yilgarn cratonic crust. The mafic compositions investigated here therefore represent melting conditions immediately before the onset of cratonisation.

The screened data display depleted, MORB-like rare earth element patterns with no evidence of a garnet signature. Forward and inverse geochemical modelling of these compositions, assuming a primitive mantle source, predicts melting at depths as shallow as ~40 km and mantle potential temperatures elevated by ~200 °C compared to present-day ambient mantle. These results are consistent with melting of a rising plume head combined with moderate extension of the pre-existing lithospheric lid.

How to cite: Klöcking, M., Czarnota, K., Campbell, I. H., Smithies, H., Champion, D. C., and Davies, D. R.: Late Archaean basalts from the Yilgarn craton record evidence of thin lithosphere prior to cratonisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10905,, 2025.

The ocean pH is a fundamental property regulating various aspects of Earth system evolution. However, the early ocean pH remains controversial, with estimates ranging from strongly acidic to alkaline. Here we develop a model integrating global carbon cycling with ocean geochemistry, and incorporating continental growth and mantle thermal evolution. By coupling global carbon cycle with ocean charge balance, and by using solid Earth processes of mantle degassing and crustal evolution to specify the history of volatile distribution and ocean chemistry, we show that a rapid increase in ocean pH is likely during the Hadean to the early Archean, with pH evolving from 5 to neutral by approximately 4.0 Ga. This rapid pH evolution is attributed primarily to elevated rates of both seafloor and continental weathering during the Hadean. This acceleration in weathering rates originates in the unique aspects of Hadean geodynamics, including rapid crust formation, different crustal lithology, and fast plate motion. Earth likely transformed from a hostile state to a habitable one by the end of the Hadean, approximately 4.0 Ga, with important implications for planetary habitability and the origin of life.

How to cite: Guo, M. and Korenaga, J.: Rapidly evolving ocean pH in the early Earth: Insights from global carbon cycle coupled with ocean chemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11088,, 2025.

EGU25-11656 | ECS | PICO | GD3.2

Lithosphere-Mantle Interactions and Weakening Processes in Early Earth: Implications on the onset of Plate Tectonics 

Poulami Roy, Jeroen van Hunen, Michael Pons, and Arijit Chakraborty

The initiation of plate tectonics marks a pivotal moment in Earth's geological history, shaping its surface dynamics and influencing its habitability. Despite its significance, the mechanisms that triggered the onset of plate tectonics during the early Earth remain a subject of active debate, with several mechanisms that may have existed prior to Plate tectonics (PT), and might have gradually evolved into or abruptly triggered PT., e.g. crustal resurfacing, crustal overturn, sagduction, plume induced subduction, formation of reworked crust, damage induced plate boundary formation and plutonic squishy lid regime. In this study, we investigate how localized lithospheric weakening, potentially driven by mantle plumes and/or melt, could have contributed to the emergence of plate tectonics. Using 2D numerical simulations developed with the ASPECT geodynamic code, we explore the conditions under which these mechanisms may operate. To investigate these processes, a parameter sensitivity study that explores the effects of mantle and crustal rheological properties and ambient mantle temperature have been carried out. We will present the preliminary results of this work which provides new insights into the complex interplay of lithosphere and mantle processes that could have driven the emergence of plate tectonics, offering a framework for reconciling diverse hypotheses.


How to cite: Roy, P., van Hunen, J., Pons, M., and Chakraborty, A.: Lithosphere-Mantle Interactions and Weakening Processes in Early Earth: Implications on the onset of Plate Tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11656,, 2025.

EGU25-16055 | ECS | PICO | GD3.2

3.7 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt sediments record formation of fore-arc basin with conditions conducive to proliferation of life 

Austin Jarl Boyd, Minik Rosing, Magnus Harding, Donald Canfield, and Tue Hassenkam

The Isua Supracrustal Belt hosts >3.7 Ga old detrital meta-sediments that consist of turbiditic and pelagic pelites. These meta-sediments contain some of the oldest evidence for life in the form of abundant graphite with low δ13C. The continuous occurrence of this graphite throughout these meta-sediments is consistent with their formation in a basin with a continued pelagic biomass productivity, fueled by a consistent source of nutrients. Understanding the environment in which these early life-forms thrived is fundamental to our understanding of which conditions are conducive to life on Earth. In order to trace the tectonic and compositional development of the basin and proximal terranes, we have characterized a ca. 80 m rock core that samples the basaltic basement, iron-rich meta-sediments, detrital meta-sediments and contacts between these lithologies. The basement consists of basalts with major and trace elemental compositions that are similar to boninites and are conformably overlain by iron rich mixed chemical and detrital sediments. Iron concentrations fall gradually upwards in the core, with sporadic reoccurring iron-rich layers occurring in the upper core. The gradual change in iron concentrations shows that the core contains a broadly conformable and coherent stratigraphy that records the formation of the volcanic basement, followed by iron deposition enhanced by post-volcanic hydrothermal circulation. Detrital sediments were being deposited as soon as the basin floor was formed, indicating that proximal erodible terranes were already present. A combination of proxies, consisting of La/Yb, Ti/Zr and petrographic observations show that this detrital component was derived from ca. 60 % tonalities and 40 % non-boninitic basalts. These conditions are best explained by the formation of a volcanic fore-arc basin in front of a pre-existing differentiated terrane formed by melting of hydrated basalts. This sequence of events is consistent with cumulative zircon ages in surrounding gneisses that suggest episodic collisions of primitive arcs, followed by re-initiation of subduction. The active volcanism, tectonism and formation of (semi)restricted basins in this environment likely allowed the accumulation of nutrients required for the proliferation of life.

How to cite: Boyd, A. J., Rosing, M., Harding, M., Canfield, D., and Hassenkam, T.: 3.7 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt sediments record formation of fore-arc basin with conditions conducive to proliferation of life, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16055,, 2025.

EGU25-18911 | PICO | GD3.2

Namibe Group detrital zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes: a testimony of late-Orosirian (1.9–1.8 Ga) crustal growth in the Angolan Shield (Congo Craton) 

Ezequiel Ferreira, Jérémie Lehmann, José Feliciano Rodrigues, Paulo Bravo Silva, Trishya Owen-Smith, José Luis Garcia Lobón, João Correia, Henriette Ueckermann, Mmasetena Anna Molekwa, José Manuel, and Américo da Mata Lourenço Victorino

The Namibe Group represents the largest package of immature supracrustal rocks of the Angola Shield (Congo Craton), occupying an area of nearly 10,000 km2 in the Namibe Zone (NZ). It is a folded, steeply dipping, meta-volcanosedimentary sequence essentially comprising immature micaschists and greywackes, felsic metavolcaniclastites, along with intercalated marbles and amphibolites. The metavolcanosedimentary sequence is intruded by ca. 1810–1790 Ma ultramafic to felsic plutonic rocks with magmatic arc geochemical signatures. Despite its importance, key aspects such as its maximum depositional age (MDA), sedimentary provenance, and the detrital zircon (DZ) record of crustal evolution remain unresolved. This study presents LA-ICP-MS U-Pb and Lu-Hf DZ analyses from nine NG samples.

The results reveal a dominant cluster of MDAs between 1840 ± 6 Ma and 1820 ± 5 Ma, with two samples yielding older MDAs of 1867 ± 15 Ma and 1880 ± 13 Ma. These findings establish a late-Orosirian age for the NG, refuting earlier proposals of an Archean age. The DZ age distributions are dominated by a prominent youngest peak, with most ages clustering near the MDA. These patterns resemble those of active magmatic arc basin deposits, indicating a convergent plate margin setting for NG deposition.

The provenance for all DZs can be explained by sources internal to the SW Angolan Shield, apart from a minor (8%) Rhyacian age fraction (~2.08 and ~2.14 Ga), for which no rocks of this age have been identified in the Angolan Shield. Approximately 63% of the DZs are late-Orosirian (1.82–1.90 Ga), with a predominant component at ~1.83 Ga and a minor one at ~1.87 Ga. These zircons were likely sourced from the extensive magnesian, calc-alkaline granitoids of the Epupa Metamorphic Complex (EMC: ~1.86–1.76 Ga), the Kamanjab Inlier (~1.88–1.80 Ga), the NZ (~1.83–1.79 Ga), and/or ~1.84–1.80 Ga plutons intruding the Central Eburnean Zone (CEZ: 2.04–1.95 Ga). Older DZ populations comprise 23% early-Orosirian (Eburnean) ages (peaks at ~1.92, ~1.97, and ~2.01 Ga) and 6% Archean ages (2.50–3.52 Ga). These Eburnean and Archean DZs were likely sourced from the CEZ and/or Cassinga Zone in southern Angola, and/or the Sesfontein-Grootfontein-Tsumkwe-Quangwadum inliers in northern Namibia.

Archean DZs exhibit mostly subchondritic Hf compositions, indicating significant crustal reworking. This trend persisted during Rhyacian to early Orosirian times, with 88% of DZs displaying markedly negative εHf(i) values. In contrast, most late Orosirian DZs (86%) plot above the crustal evolution trend of older ones, reflecting a marked shift toward slightly subchondritic to suprachondritic εHf(i) values and younger TDM2 model ages. This trend indicates a substantial increase in the contribution of juvenile material to magma generation in late-Orosirian times.

This isotopic shift is also observed in late-Orosirian granitoids of the NZ and EMC, likely reflecting a fundamental geodynamic transition from a period dominated by crustal reworking to juvenile accretion within this part of the Angolan Shield.  Our data show that significant continental growth took place in the southwestern margin of the Angolan Shield (Congo Craton) in late-Orosirian times, during the assembly of Columbia.

How to cite: Ferreira, E., Lehmann, J., Feliciano Rodrigues, J., Bravo Silva, P., Owen-Smith, T., Garcia Lobón, J. L., Correia, J., Ueckermann, H., Molekwa, M. A., Manuel, J., and da Mata Lourenço Victorino, A.: Namibe Group detrital zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes: a testimony of late-Orosirian (1.9–1.8 Ga) crustal growth in the Angolan Shield (Congo Craton), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18911,, 2025.

TS7 – Global and Planetary Tectonics and the evolution of the Earth

EGU25-219 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Intraplate episodic shortening within a subducting plate: the case of the central Syrian Arc Fold system  

Guy Fisch, Roi Granot, Sara Marconato, Yehuda Eyal, and Sigal Abramovitch

Inversion of passive margins located within the subducting plate is somewhat unintuitive but widely observed. Situated at the northern African margin, the 1000-km-long Syrian Arc fold system preserves a classic example of such intraplate passive margin inversion that formed during the closure of the Tethys Ocean. Although extensively studied, its evolution is still crudely documented, thus, the dynamic processes that have driven its formation are poorly understood. Here, we present new structural and temporal constraints on the evolution of the Hatira monocline situated at the central part of the arc. Our results suggest that folding occurred at an episodic manner that overlaps long-term background shortening, with one prominent short folding pulse (~79 to ~77 Ma) accounting for 25% of the total accumulated shortening, followed by two additional minor folding pulses. Most of the shortening (~50%) was accommodated by a slow and continuous deformation that started at around 90 Ma and lasted until the Miocene. The pronounced shortening pulse seems to correlate with the secession of the double subduction zone and the obduction of ophiolites along the northern Tethys. Other dynamic processes acting along the subducting slab (e.g., slab interaction with the 660 km discontinuity, slab buckling, etc.) may have triggered the long-term and short-term shortening pulses. The temporal evolution of the central Syrian Arc demonstrated here provides new insights into the role of subduction processes (margin and slab) on the internal shortening of the trailing passive margins.

How to cite: Fisch, G., Granot, R., Marconato, S., Eyal, Y., and Abramovitch, S.: Intraplate episodic shortening within a subducting plate: the case of the central Syrian Arc Fold system , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-219,, 2025.

EGU25-665 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Evidence of blueschist facies shortening in the Jabal Akhdar tectonic window, northern Oman 

Sara Degl Innocenti, Giulio Viola, Costantino Zuccari, Tommaso Sanguettoli, Francesco Giuntoli, and Gianluca Vignaroli

The Jabal Akhdar and Saih Hatat tectonic windows in the Oman Mountains are key geological features where to investigate the geological record of the Late Cretaceous subduction, obduction and exhumation cycle that affected the northeastern margin of the Arabian Plate. Indeed, the metasedimentary Autochthon A (pre-Permian) and B (post-Permian) Units exposed therein and separated by the so-called Hercynian Unconformity display well-preserved evidence of many of those processes, as they were spared by the obliterating effects of continental collision once subduction terminated. Research on the structural and metamorphic framework of the Jabal Akhdar tectonic window has been scanty until now. This stems from the fact that, unlike Saih Hatat, which records greenschist to eclogite facies metamorphism, Jabal Akhdar has been traditionally considered a portion of the Arabian Plate only recording anchizone metamorphism (only one site has recently been reported as preserving evidence of high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) metamorphism dated to the Late Cretaceous). Here, we present new field and thermobarometric data from Jabal Akhdar aimed at better constraining its structural and metamorphic framework on a regional scale and possibly correlating it to the greater subduction-obduction cycle of Oman.

In western Jabal Akhdar, field constraints from newly documented top-to-the ENE shearing indicate the local pervasive structural reactivation of the Hercynian Unconformity as a post-Permian ENE-verging thrust. Multiple Raman spectroscopy findings of metamorphic aragonite infilling Mode I veins support a HP-LT metamorphic imprint associated with such shortening. In the eastern sector of the tectonic window, on the other hand, folding and S-C tectonites in Ediacaran slates indicate NW-verging shear. Our new structural data thus suggest NE- to NW-verging shortening and stacking within and between the Autochthon A and B. Further new structural evidence from the structurally higher Autochthon B in northeastern Jabal Akhdar indicates that inherited structures with top-to-the NE kinematics were later overprinted by lower-grade, localised SW-ward thrusting through interlayer slip recorded in Cretaceous marbles. Finally, extensional reactivation followed, associated with Neogene doming and final exhumation.

We employed a multidisciplinary approach to constrain the P-T conditions associated with the identified structures. Chlorite–white mica–quartz–water multiequilibrium analyses integrated with Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material indicate T = 370 °C and P = 0.50 GPa in western Jabal Akhdar, associated with NE-verging S-C tectonites, and T = 330 °C and P = 0.66 GPa, in the eastern domain of the tectonic window, related to NW-verging folds. These thermobarometric results place the investigated deformation in the greenschist and lower blueschist facies metamorphic fields, respectively.

These new structural data and the recorded metamorphic signature call for a re-evaluation of the commonly held notion of a mostly undeformed and non-metamorphic geological record within Jabal Akhdar, questions its correlation (or lack thereof) with the Saih Hatat tectonic window and, ultimately, Jabal Akhdar’s role within the framework of the Oman Late Cretaceous subduction and obduction phases.

How to cite: Degl Innocenti, S., Viola, G., Zuccari, C., Sanguettoli, T., Giuntoli, F., and Vignaroli, G.: Evidence of blueschist facies shortening in the Jabal Akhdar tectonic window, northern Oman, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-665,, 2025.

The Wilson Cycle, a cornerstone of plate tectonic theory, describes the cyclical evolution of ocean basins, from their formation through rifting and spreading, to their eventual closure via subduction and continental collision. While this model has significantly advanced our understanding of tectonic processes along plate boundaries, it remains limited in addressing the dynamics of intraplate deformation. This study revisits the Wilson Cycle by examining the interplay between inherited geological structures, intraplate deformation, and the partitioning of tectonic activity. Using low-temperature thermochronology, specifically apatite fission-track analysis, we investigate the timing, magnitude, and controls of deformation across the (Pre)Cambrian terranes of Southeast Brazil, Southeast Colombia, and Peninsular India, regions traditionally considered stable since their assembly within Gondwana.

In Southeast Brazil, the study integrates results from three key areas: the Brasília Orogen, the São Francisco Craton (SFC), and the Araçuaí Orogen. The findings reveal three major phases of exhumation: (i) the Paleozoic, linked to reactivations in the Brasília Orogen and SFC; (ii) the Early Cretaceous to Cenomanian, in the Araçuaí Orogen; and (iii) the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene, with widespread reactivation across all domains. These results highlight contrasting tectonic behaviors: the SFC concentrated deformation within narrow weak zones, the Brasília Orogen displayed lithospheric rigidity and stability, while the Araçuaí Orogen experienced extensive reactivation, particularly during (post-)rift phases associated with the opening of the South Atlantic.

In the Amazonian Craton in Southeast Colombia, AFT data reveal a rapid basement cooling event during the early Cretaceous, driven by extensional tectonics associated with a back-arc setting. This extensional regime facilitated basement uplift, erosion, and exhumation, followed by a shift to contractional Andean tectonics in the late Cretaceous, which slowed cooling rates.

In Peninsular India, a comparison of the eastern and western passive margins underscores the role of cratonic inheritance in tectonic reactivation. Along the eastern margin, the Dharwar Craton underwent significant exhumation during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, driven by Gondwana’s breakup, whereas the western margin, with its thicker lithosphere, exhibited subdued deformation. Eastward tilting of the Indian plate during the Cenozoic, combined with Bengal Fan sedimentation, further influenced fault reactivation and intraplate exhumation along the eastern margin.

This study underscores that neither cratons nor orogens conform to a single tectonic behavior, revealing significant variability in their responses to geological processes. While some cratons, such as the Amazon and Dharwar cratons, demonstrate unexpected tectonic activity and exhumation driven by extensional tectonics, others, like the São Francisco Craton, exhibit localized reactivations along weak zones but remain largely stable. Similarly, orogens can follow distinct evolutionary paths: some, like the Brasília Orogen, become resistant to further deformation, effectively stagnating the Wilson Cycle, while others, such as the Araçuaí Orogen, experience reactivation, even far from ancient suture zones, enabling renewed tectonic activity. These examples challenge the traditional Wilson Cycle, demonstrating that intraplate deformation, influenced by lithospheric inheritance, plays a critical role in sustaining or altering the cycle. By integrating these insights, this study contributes to an updated framework for the Wilson Cycle that incorporates the complexities of intraplate deformation.

How to cite: Fonseca, A. C. and De Grave, J.: Intraplate deformation and the Wilson cycle: Insights from the thermo-tectonic basement history from several Gondwana terranes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2015,, 2025.

The seafloor between Newfoundland and Iberia is unusually devoid of fracture zones compared to other parts of the Atlantic Ocean. As oceanic fracture zones often spatially correlate with inherited lithospheric weaknesses onshore, their absence may be suggestive of margins with stronger, broader, and more homogeneous inherited lithospheric structures. Herein, the smooth fracture-free seafloor is attributed to the long-lived influence of the massive St. Lawrence Promontory, which a) formed during Paleozoic Iapetan rifting, b) subsequently controlled the spatial and temporal evolution of Appalachian orogenesis, and c) ultimately pre-determined the geometry of the Grand Banks continental shelf and the location of the Newfoundland-Azores Fracture Zone during Atlantic rifting and seafloor spreading. Further still, based on the spatial distribution of the adjacent Precambrian cratons and orogenic belts within ancestral Laurentia, the formation of the St. Lawrence Promontory itself is attributed herein to inheritance from earlier episodes of Paleoproterozoic orogenesis during the building of Laurentia and during the amalgamation of the Rodinian supercontinent, suggesting that the influence of lithospheric inheritance on subsequent tectonism may persist and be detectable for almost two billion years and through multiple Wilson cycles.

How to cite: Welford, J. K.: The potential impact of compounding tectonic inheritance since the Paleoproterozoic on seafloor morphology in the southern North Atlantic between Newfoundland and Iberia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2300,, 2025.

EGU25-2604 | ECS | Orals | GD5.1

Introduction to Orogenic Bridge Theory 

Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl, Gillian R. Fouger, and Alexander L. Peace

Orogenic Bridge Theory proposes that orogens striking highly oblique to orthogonal to active rifts hinder rifting and breakup. The highly oblique character and low angle geometry of the thrust systems and shear zones in these orogens make them unable to efficiently accommodate crustal thinning and transform faulting which are necessary for breakup. Thus, upon intersecting such orogens, rifts step, and/or locally reorient, and/or bypass the oblique orogen. While breakup and seafloor spreading occur in adjacent areas, the orogenically thickened crust at oblique orogens continues to stretch and thin until breakup occurs there also or until rifting stops. Unlike historical theoretical “land bridges”, orogenic bridges are dynamic features and they deform together with adjacent oceanic and anorogenic continental crust.

Orogenic bridges where full breakup has not yet occurred are continuous domains of orogenically thickened continental crust, which were (hyper) extended during rifting. They may be separated from adjacent oceanic crustal domains by major transform faults, which form along inherited rift-orthogonal orogenic thrusts. Examples of continuous orogenic bridges are the late Paleoproterozoic Laxfordian–Ammassalik–Nagssugtoqidian–Torngat Orogen, which gave rise to the Greenland–Iceland–Faroe Ridge and Davis Strait, and possibly to the late Neoproterozoic Timanian Orogen in the Fram Strait.

Should sufficient extension occur, orogenic bridges eventually rupture. Ruptured orogenic bridges generally form hyperextended salients of continental crust offshore and coincide with major steps and/or reorientation of the main rift axis. Examples of ruptured orogenic bridges include the Permian Cape Fold Belt in South Africa and the Falkland Plateau and Maurice Ewing Bank, the late Neoproterozoic East African–Antarctica Orogen in southeastern Africa and Antarctica, and the latest Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic Delamerian–Ross Orogen in eastern Australia and Antarctica.

Orogenic bridges have significant implications for several branches of marine Earth science, including but not limited to the biogeodynamics, plate tectonics, structural geology, and natural resource distribution and geohazards. For example, orogenic bridges provide prolonged topographical links between continents during supercontinent breakup, thus allowing continued exchanges of terrestrial fauna and flora between rifted continents, e.g., prolonged faunal exchanges between Greenland and Europe and western Africa and Brazil. Conversely, they form topographical barriers, which prevent biological exchanges of marine fauna and flora between oceanic domains across orogenic bridges, e.g., discrete early Paleozoic trilobite assemblages in Svalbard and Scandinavia.

Orogenic bridges explain the occurrence of anomalously thick crust offshore as remnants of oblique (hyper) extended orogenic crust and localize the formation of major transform faults. In addition, Ridge–Ridge-Ridge triple junctions localize at the intersection of two orogenic bridges. Thus, orogenic bridges have a considerable impact on plate tectonics and paleogeographic reconstructions.

Orogenic bridges extend the continent–ocean boundary farther offshore at various margins worldwide. Thus, they have significant implications for offshore mineral deposits, hydrocarbon exploration, and the Law of the Sea. Furthermore, the mapping of orogenic structures connected with orogenic bridges will further aid geohazard risk assessment, and exploration for white and orange hydrogen and geothermal resources along fault zones.

How to cite: Koehl, J.-B. P., Fouger, G. R., and Peace, A. L.: Introduction to Orogenic Bridge Theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2604,, 2025.

EGU25-2744 | Orals | GD5.1

Orogenic wedge formation during obduction: insights and perspectives from the Oman Mountains  

Giulio Viola, Sara Degl'Innocenti, Costantino Zuccari, Tommaso Sanguettoli, Francesco Giuntoli, Ivan Callegari, and Gianluca Vignaroli

Obduction causes overthrusting of dense oceanic rocks on top of lighter continental units at convergent margins. Despite many conceptual models addressing both its initiation and the counterintuitive significant horizontal displacements of large and heavy rafts of oceanic lithosphere, obduction is only partially understood and remains quite an enigmatic process. Uncertainty remains on the triggering mechanisms and the emplacement modes under mechanically unfavourable frameworks, with recent contributions stressing the role of far-field boundary conditions, such as the impact of bursts of “plate acceleration”. The processes governing convergent margin deformation and the structuring of an orogenic wedge in association with obduction and ophiolite emplacement also remain mostly unexplored. In that setting, complex orogenic architectures may form during the imbrication of mobile and deformable continental crust slivers underneath advancing, and possibly several kilometre-thick, ophiolitic successions. 

The northeastern Oman Mountains allow studying one such orogenic wedge in the Jabal Akhdar Dome (JAD), an Arabian Plate related domain that is now exhumed to the surface from beneath the allochthonous and far-travelled Semail Ophiolite. At odds with the general view, recent and ongoing studies indicate that parts of the Arabian Plate therefrom experienced a complete cycle of subduction-exhumation broadly concurrent with the Semail Ophiolite obduction in the Late Cretaceous, thus recording high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) blueschist facies conditions of 0.9 GPa (based on the presence of aragonite in carbonates) and 350 °C. Preservation of such a metamorphic signature in the relatively undeformed external portion of the Arabian Plate calls for a re-evaluation (i) of the regional picture framing HP-LT metamorphism formation in the absence of obvious links with long-lived subduction or major continental collision and (ii) of the mechanisms capable to exhume the HP-LT rocks and accrete them beneath the Semail ophiolitic sequence. 

Our on-going structural, stratigraphic and metamorphic investigations within the JAD document a twofold history sequentially encompassing: 1) Cenomanian top-to-the NE imbrication and accretion under HP-LT conditions in the subduction channel of a SW-dipping Arabian Plate-directed subduction zone nucleating on transitional passive margin crust; 2) Late-Cretaceous top-to-the SW lower-grade shearing during SW-ward thrusting and imbrication of the Hawasina nappes and the obduction of the Semail Ophiolite. This would have been triggered by an embryonic NE-ward intraoceanic subduction close to the Semail spreading centre, which set in motion the ophiolite basal thrust that, through >400 km of SW-ward transport, overrode the by-then failed subduction zone of (1); 3) Finally, the current NE-ward Makran subduction zone initiated farther outboard in the Paleogene. 

How to cite: Viola, G., Degl'Innocenti, S., Zuccari, C., Sanguettoli, T., Giuntoli, F., Callegari, I., and Vignaroli, G.: Orogenic wedge formation during obduction: insights and perspectives from the Oman Mountains , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2744,, 2025.

EGU25-2798 | Orals | GD5.1

Oceanic transform faults and fracture zones “in modern dress” 

Ingo Grevemeyer, Lars Ruepke, and Ming Chen

Transform faults represent one of three classes of plate boundaries and show strike-slip tectonism where one plate moves past another and are considered to be conservative plate margins where crust is neither formed nor destructed. The other two types of plate boundaries are divergent and hence extensional plate boundaries where new crust is formed (mid-ocean ridges, MOR) and convergent or destructive plate margins (subduction zones) where crust is recycled back into Earth’s interior. Researcher focused their attention on MOR and subduction zones, but transform faults got rather little attention over the last decades, especially in ocean basins where they outline the direction of plate motion supporting the Wilson cycle.

Oceanic transform faults (OTF) are gigantic features – up to 900 km long – and without oceans masking the seafloor, they would be among the most prominent features on Earth, offsetting mid-ocean ridges, forming tens of kilometres wide and up to 7 km deep valleys on the ocean floor. Yet, they are defined as simple strike-slip faults, but how can a transcurrent plate boundary, generating magnitude 7+ strike-slip earthquakes, promote extension forming the deep and wide valleys? Interestingly, for over half a century, researchers failed to appreciate that OTF are always deeper than adjacent oceanic features of an older age, challenging a major concept of plate tectonics. Thus, instead of showing the predicted age-dependent subsidence, the seafloor shallows at ridge-transform intersections (RTI). It therefore might be reasonable to question if they are indeed conservative plate boundaries.

We will provide observational evidence suggesting that OTFs are highly dynamic features, showing both features of accretion and the occurrence of tensional tectonics, indicating that we have to revise our understanding of how OTFs operate. We will provide constraints from a global compilation of bathymetric data, show predictions from numerical simulations and show observational evidence from micro-seismicity at slowly slipping OTFs in the Atlantic Ocean. Micro-earthquakes outline a diffuse activity over a broad area, cutting across the inside corner domain between the spreading centre and the transform fault before focusing along the trace of the fault. In the vicinity of the ridge-transform intersection, focal mechanisms reveal transform-normal extensional tectonics instead of supporting transcurrent motion, while strike-slip tectonics occurs only away from adjacent spreading segments. These observations support a scenario based on numerical simulations showing that at RTIs the right-angular plate boundary at the seafloor develops into an oblique shear zone at depth, causing crustal thinning and consequently forming transform valleys. However, before turning into a tectonically inactive fracture zone magmatic activity at RTIs buries transform valleys, suggesting that OTFs and fracture zones differ structurally from each other. Therefore, tectonic processes shaping transforms are divers, arguing for a revision of the concept of conservative plate boundaries to account for their morphology, strong lateral differences in seismic behaviour, and crustal structure.

How to cite: Grevemeyer, I., Ruepke, L., and Chen, M.: Oceanic transform faults and fracture zones “in modern dress”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2798,, 2025.

Ocean spreading is an intergral part of the Wilson cycle and its dynamics crucially reflects global tectonic processes. Ocean age-dependent cooling subsidence with seafloor deepening is traditionally described by models of thermochemical buoyancy of oceanic plates with globally constant parameters, that specify a linear correlation between square-root of seafloor age, sqrt(age), and bathymetry.

Here I present a worldwide analysis of the ocean floor split into 94 segments, delineated by wide-offset transform faults and mid-ocean ridges, to demonstrate a strong heterogeneity of sediment-corrected isostatic cooling subsidence both between and within normal oceans. Subsidence parameters for individual ocean segments significantly deviate from global constants in conventional models and show a large variability of subsidence rate and zero-age depth with plate thickness estimated between 50 and 160 km for cooling models with constant mantle properties.

Statistically strong correlations (R2=0.80–0.94) between major characteristics of cooling subsidence and spreading rate indicate that ocean evolution is essentially controlled by spreading rate, despite this factor is not included in conventional models of ocean subsidence.

  • Normal oceans with slower spreading rate have, statistically, higher subsidence rate which implies faster gravitational collapse caused by faster plate cooling with moderate-to-low mantle temperatures at mid-ocean ridges.
  • Fast-spreading oceans have the opposite characteristics.
  • The ultraslow SW Indian and the fast-spreading Central Pacific Oceans are the end-members in ocean cooling subsidence trends, with the Atlantic/NW Indian Oceans tending towards the ultraslow end, and the Pacific/SE Indian Oceans being closer to the fast-spreading end.
  • The Arctic Ocean and the Atlantics north of the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone with an atypical subsidence behavior often deviate from the global trends.

Strong correlation between spreading rate, ocean half-width and the type of ocean margins indicates the roles of slab-pull and ridge-push in the Wilson cycle:

  • ridge-push dominates tectonic forces in slower-spreading, narrower oceans with passive margins,
  • slab-pull at active margins is a dominant tectonic force in faster-spreading oceans with half-width exceeding 4250 km.

The age of bathymetry departure from cooling subsidence, controlled by distribution of hotspots on ocean floor, correlates (R2=0.76) with spreading rate, and thus is not fully random.

  • Slower-spreading oceans follow normal cooling subsidence to older ages (7.5–9.5 Ma1/2) than faster-spreading oceans (5–7 Ma1/2).

Recognition that spreading rate controls ocean evolution with formation of active or passive ocean margins dominated by
slab-pull or ridge-push contributes to advances in understanding driving forces in geodynamics.


  • Artemieva I.M., EPSL, 2024;

How to cite: Artemieva, I. M.: Heterogeneous cooling subsidence of spreading oceans controlled by spreading rate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3064,, 2025.

EGU25-3086 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Transtensional Reactivation of Suture Zones: Insights from 3D Numerical Modelling of Pull-Apart Basins 

Nikola Stanković, Attila Balázs, Vladica Cvetković, Ana Mladenović, Vesna Cvetkov, Dejan Prelević, and Taras Gerya

Suture zones mark the final closure of oceanic domains through subduction and subsequent continental collision [1]. These zones are typically characterized by inherited crustal shear zones and the fossil subduction interface in the mantle lithosphere. The orientation of the suture reflects the preceding subduction polarity. While the presence of hydrated lithosphere in older sutures is somewhat contested, the upper plate peridotite portion of the lithosphere certainly involves significant hydration and metasomatism.

Reactivation of suture zones triggered by post-collisional extensional episodes can result in lithospheric thinning, rifting and associated magmatic activity. Large-scale suture reactivation linked to continental breakup is well-documented [2], whereas localized post-collisional extension is sometimes invoked in order to explain less voluminous magmatic events. An example of the latter is the enigmatic Late Cretaceous magmatism along Sava-Vardar suture Zone (e.g. Klepa, Ripanj, Jelica) which is recently argued to be the product of a transtensional regime imposed onto the suture that lead to opening of pull-apart basins alongside lithospheric thinning and emplacement of basaltic magma [3].

Here, we present our results of numerical 3D modelling of a transtensionally reactivated suture. To this end we use the petrological-thermo-mechanical code I3VIS [4]. The code implements a marker-in-cell approach with conservative finite differences and a multigrid method. The model consists of upper and lower continental crust, lithospheric and sublithospheric mantle down to 250 km depth. Two continental blocks are translated along the transfer zone in the middle of the model domain resulting in transtension. The suture consists of a fossil slab represented by oceanic lithosphere and a hydrated mantle wedge in the upper plate.

Our results demonstrate that the step-over distance between the two weak crustal zones governs the development of the pull-apart basins accompanied by crustal and lithospheric thinning and asthenospheric uplift. Partial melting of the suture's metasomatized mantle yields primary melts which ultimate derivatives are emplaced at the surface. The model provides important new insights into magmatic processes assosciated with suture reactivation in the Sava-Vardar Zone and in other similar tectonic settings.

[1] J. F. Dewey, “Suture zone complexities: a review,” Tectonophysics, vol. 40, no. 1-2, pp. 53–67, 1977.

[2] S. J. Buiter and T. H. Torsvik, “A review of wilson cycle plate margins: A role for mantle plumes in continental break-up along sutures?,” Gondwana Research, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 627–653, 2014.

[3] D. Prelević, S. Wehrheim, M. Reutter, R. L. Romer, B. Boev, M. Božović, P. van den Bogaard, V. Cvetković, and S. M. Schmid, “The late cretaceous klepa basalts in macedonia (fyrom)—constraints on the final stage of tethys closure in the balkans,” Terra Nova, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 145–153, 2017.

[4] T. V. Gerya and D. A. Yuen, “Characteristics-based marker-in-cell method with conservative finite-differences schemes for modeling geological flows with strongly variable transport properties,” Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, vol. 140, no. 4, pp. 293–318, 2003.

How to cite: Stanković, N., Balázs, A., Cvetković, V., Mladenović, A., Cvetkov, V., Prelević, D., and Gerya, T.: Transtensional Reactivation of Suture Zones: Insights from 3D Numerical Modelling of Pull-Apart Basins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3086,, 2025.

The nature of the overriding plate plays a major role for subduction zone processes. In particular, the highly heterogeneous continental lithosphere modulates intra-plate tectonics and the surface evolution of our planet. However, the role of continental heterogeneity is relatively under-explored for the dynamics of subduction models. We investigate the influence of rheological and density variations across the overriding plate on the evolution of continental lithosphere and slab dynamics in the upper mantle. We focus on the effects of variations in continental plate margin and keel properties on deformation, topographic signals, and basin formation. Our results show that the thickness, extent, and strength of the continental plate margin and subcontinental keel play a crucial role for the morphology and topography of the overriding plate, as well as the retreat of the subducting slab. We show that this lateral heterogeneity can directly influence the coupling between the subducting and overriding plate and determine the partitioning of plate velocities across the overriding plate.

These findings suggest that back-arc extension and subsidence are not solely controlled by slab dynamics but are also influenced by continental plate margin and keel properties. Large extended back-arc regions, such as the Pannonian and Aegean basins, may result from fast slab rollback combined with a weak continental plate margin and a strong and extended continental keel. Narrow margins, like the Okinawa Trough in NE Japan, may indicate a comparatively stronger continental plate margin and weaker or smaller continental keel. Additionally, continental keel properties may affect the overall topography of the continental lithosphere, leading to uplift of the deformation front and the formation of intermontane basins.

How to cite: Grima, A. G. and Becker, T. W.: The role of continental heterogeneity on the evolution of continental plate margin topography at subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3143,, 2025.

EGU25-3408 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Rapid transition in the mantle composition beneath the nascent mid-ocean ridge in the northern margin of the South China Sea 

Xiao-Long Huang, Fan Yang, Yu-Xin Cai, and Yang Yu

The geochemical characteristics of the mantle during continental breakup and the initial spreading of marginal sea basins remain poorly understood. Mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) samples from Hole U1500B and Hole U1503A in the northern margin of the South China Sea (N-SCS), obtained during IODP Expeditions 367 and 368X, provide crucial insights into mantle evolution of the nascent oceanic basin subsequent to continental breakup. This study analyzes major and trace elements, as well as Mo–Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes, in these MORB samples to explore variations in their mantle sources. MORB samples from Hole U1500B, closer to the continent, exhibit higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios, along with lower εNd and εHf values compared to the depleted mantle. Additionally, their δ98/95Mo values correlate positively with Mo/Ce and Mo/Nb ratios, indicating the influence of recycled oceanic crust (ROC) melts in the mantle source. In contrast, MORB samples from Hole U1503A, nearer to the oldest fossil ridge, show a broader range of δ98/95Mo values, reflecting varying extents of contribution of terrigenous sediment melts alongside ROC melts. The differing trace element and Mo–Sr–Nd–Hf isotope compositions of MORBs from the two sites highlight a significant transition in the mantle beneath the nascent mid-ocean ridge of the SCS. During the initial stages of seafloor spreading in the SCS, the mantle source experienced continuous replenishment from enriched components derived from shallow recycling of metasomatized SCLM. This process significantly contributed to the rapid transition from continental rifting to seafloor spreading in the SCS. The enrichment of the asthenospheric mantle, likely induced by previous subduction processes, facilitated rapid rifting and extensive magmatism in the SCS, distinguishing it from magma-poor margin basins. This research provides critical geochemical insights into the mantle evolution beneath nascent mid-ocean ridges, enhancing our understanding of the early processes in marginal sea basins.

How to cite: Huang, X.-L., Yang, F., Cai, Y.-X., and Yu, Y.: Rapid transition in the mantle composition beneath the nascent mid-ocean ridge in the northern margin of the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3408,, 2025.

EGU25-3603 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Patterns of extensional reactivation of compressional features in rifted margins – insights from thermo-mechanical modelling 

Zoltán Erdős, Susanne Buiter, Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic, and Joya Tetreault

Many rifted margins form in regions that have previously undergone oceanic subduction and continent-continent collision. This implies that rifting occurs in the presence of inherited compressional features, rather than in homogeneous lithosphere, which may influence the resulting rift structures. The degree of compressional inheritance is increased in subduction systems that involve the accretion of oceanic plateaus, continental fragments, and microcontinents. In this case, a more intricate structural, rheological, and thermal inheritance is present at the onset of rifting compared to continent-continent collisions without terranes. In this study, we employ 2D thermo-mechanical numerical models to explore how such complex inherited features influence subsequent phases of continental rifting. Our models simulate orogenesis through ocean subduction, microcontinent accretion, and continental collision, followed by a quiescent phase before rifting initiates. We investigate the resulting rifted margin structures and assess the extent to which inherited compressional features are reactivated during rifting.

We find that a dynamic interplay exists between structural and thermal inheritance, which exerts a primary control on rifted margin architectures. In smaller, colder orogens, structural inheritance predominantly governs rifting, whereas in larger, warmer orogens, thermal inheritance plays a more significant role. To illustrate these contrasts, we present two end-member models and compare their resulting conjugate rifted margin architectures with natural examples from the opening of the North and South Atlantic Oceans. Our experiments demonstrate a diverse array of features, including the formation of continental fragments, allochthons, and hyper-extended segments, which arise due to the presence of inherited compressional features. These results highlight the critical role of deformation history and accreted terranes in shaping the evolution of continental rifting.

How to cite: Erdős, Z., Buiter, S., Peron-Pinvidic, G., and Tetreault, J.: Patterns of extensional reactivation of compressional features in rifted margins – insights from thermo-mechanical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3603,, 2025.

EGU25-4084 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Linking arc migration, crustal thickness variation, and magmatism in the Early Cretaceous Sikhote–Alin accretionary orogen, NE Asia 

Yong Liang, Han Zheng, Zhiyuan He, and Johan De Grave

Magmatic arc migration, a prevalent feature in accretionary orogens, often aligns with fluctuations in crustal thickness and geochemical properties. Despite their common occurrence, the mechanisms intertwining these processes and their influence on arc magmatism remain largely elusive. The Sikhote–Alin accretionary orogen, as a part of the West Pacific orogenic belt and a long-lived active margin along eastern Eurasia, offers an exceptional window for investigating these dynamics. Our study leverages machine learning-based modelling inversions, revealing a decrease in crustal thickness from 52 ± 9 km to 43 ± 8 km in Northeast Asia during the Early Cretaceous. This thinning was disrupted by two significant thickening events around 130 Ma (peaking at 57 ± 9 km) and 110 Ma (peaking at 56 ± 6 to 59 ± 5 km). The spatial-temporal distribution of magmatism ages indicates an arc migration exceeding 500 km during 135–120 Ma, and a further ~200 km migration around 110 Ma. During the Early Cretaceous (135–120 Ma), the Sikhote–Alin accretionary orogen was predominantly intruded by S-type granitoids, originating from partial melting of pelite-poor, psammite-rich sediments within a thickened accretionary prism, accompanied by muscovite and biotite dehydration. Younger granitoids, with ages of 120–110 Ma were transitional S- to I-type, whereas those aged 110–100 Ma were dominated by I-type, generated through partial melting of igneous rocks in an accretionary prism setting. Linking the data of arc migration, crustal thickness variation, and magmatism, we propose that the arcs in Northeast Asia migrated during 135–120 Ma and around 110 Ma, mainly driven by crustal thinning and accretionary prism emplacement, respectively. Variations in crustal thickness significantly impacted the magmatic evolution by influencing magma transport, the likelihood and location of magma stagnation, and the pressure conditions for magma differentiation. Arc migration events further accentuated the spatial heterogeneity of crustal composition and thickness, ultimately affecting magma sources and evolution.

How to cite: Liang, Y., Zheng, H., He, Z., and De Grave, J.: Linking arc migration, crustal thickness variation, and magmatism in the Early Cretaceous Sikhote–Alin accretionary orogen, NE Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4084,, 2025.

EGU25-4287 | ECS | Orals | GD5.1

Impact of structural inheritance and mantle potential temperature on wide asymmetric rifts 

Fan Zhou, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Manuel Pubellier, and Matthias Delescluse

Continental rifting, as the initial and critical phase of the Wilson Cycle, has been extensively observed and studied using 2D and 3D analogue and numerical models. These studies have effectively reproduced the characteristics of wide and narrow, symmetric and asymmetric rift structures, through horizontal multi-layered models with variable strength parameters. One prominent natural case is the South China Sea (SCS), which began its rifting and subsequent seafloor spreading at ~32 Ma. The SCS then underwent a shift in its spreading direction from a north-south to a northwest-southeast orientation at ~23 Ma. Despite resembling a typical wide rift, the SCS poses specific challenges in explaining its complex synchronous basins with detachments , non-flat Moho surface, inland hyper-thinned continental crust extending over 500 km from the continent-ocean boundary (COB), and the wide asymmetric geometry with narrow OCT (ocean continent transition) observed in the Southwest Subbasin (SWSB). Former 1D and 2D simulations have shown that wide continental rift can be produced either by rift migration, i.e. sequential basins associated with non-flat Moho, or in post orogenic context, i.e. synchronous basins form over a flat Moho due to the weakness of the lower crust.  They equally fail at capturing the synchronous basins and non-flat Moho of the SCS. Considering the SCS's pre-rift fore-arc environment with thrusts featuring strong and weak crust due to tectonic events such as the Pacific subduction and the Proto South China Sea (PSCS) plate subduction, we applied 2D numerical models to replicate these features. Our models incorporate a dipping layered continental crust structure composed of strong and weak layers with varying dipping angles and thickness of lower crust, alongside temperature variations at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (T_LAB). This setup successfully reproduced the margin style observed in the SWSB. Our models show four distinct rifting styles: pure single spreading center, single spreading center with hyper-thinned continental crust, single spreading center with exhumed mantle, and double spreading centers style, and three styles of Moho surface, including flat Moho, hummocky Moho and wavy Moho. Model with synchronous basins with detachments, single spreading center with inland hyper-thinned crust/exhumed mantle and hummocky Moho style fits well with observations in SWSB. This suggests that by incorporating structural, compositional and thermal variations from surrounding tectonic events, new insights into the diverse rifting features seen in SCS and a robust framework to understand wide asymmetric margins across complex geologic settings can be expected.

How to cite: Zhou, F., Le Pourhiet, L., Pubellier, M., and Delescluse, M.: Impact of structural inheritance and mantle potential temperature on wide asymmetric rifts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4287,, 2025.

EGU25-4863 | ECS | Orals | GD5.1

Modeling structural styles and thermochronometric ages in rift-inversion orogens to test pre-orogenic conditions 

Dylan A. Vasey, John B. Naliboff, Peter M. Scully, Sascha Brune, Anne Glerum, and Frank Zwaan

Rift-inversion orogens such as the High Atlas, Pyrenees, and Greater Caucasus exhibit strain localization primarily due to contractional reactivation of lithospheric weaknesses inherited from continental rifting, rather than from long-lived subduction leading to continental collision along a major plate boundary. These orogens thus experience a transition from extension to compression distinct from their plate-boundary counterparts that impacts georesource development and seismic hazard. It is widely recognized that the initial conditions prior to rift inversion strongly control the structural and thermal evolution of such orogens, yet it is difficult to derive initial conditions from available structural and thermochronologic data.

Here, we present geodynamic numerical modeling designed to capture the structural and thermal evolution of rift-inversion orogens. We complement our study with new Python routines to calculate synthetic low-temperature thermochronometric ages from the model results. This enables directly comparing our numerical results with thermochronometric data collected in natural rift-inversion orogens. Our initial results (Vasey et al., 2024) indicate three end-member structural styles in model orogens: 1) asymmetric underthrusting reminiscent of the Pyrenees and Greater Caucasus, 2) distributed thickening reminiscent of the High Atlas, and 3) polarity flip in which the vergence of the orogen varies over time. Synthetic apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track thermochronometric ages record regions of focused exhumation on the flanks of the initial rifts and in the hanging walls of major thrust faults in the final orogens, mirroring similar relationships between major structures and areas of greater exhumation observed in natural orogens.

These results demonstrate how geodynamic modeling can extend the ability of structural data and low-temperature thermochronology to help distinguish between competing models of pre-orogenic initial conditions.

Reference Cited:

Vasey, D.A., Naliboff, J.B., Cowgill, E., Brune, S., Glerum, A., and Zwaan, F., 2024, Impact of rift history on the structural style of intracontinental rift-inversion orogens. Geology, v. 52, no. 6, 429-434, doi:10.1130/G51489.1

How to cite: Vasey, D. A., Naliboff, J. B., Scully, P. M., Brune, S., Glerum, A., and Zwaan, F.: Modeling structural styles and thermochronometric ages in rift-inversion orogens to test pre-orogenic conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4863,, 2025.

EGU25-4949 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Upper Plate Responses and Driving Mechanisms of the 'Tethys One-Way Train' 

Liang Liu, Jason P. Morgan, Lijun Liu, Zebin Cao, Ling Chen, and Yi-Gang Xu

In the evolutionary history of the Tethys tectonic realm, numerous continental fragments progressively split from the southern hemisphere's Gondwana continent and “unidirectionally” converged and assembled with the northern hemisphere's Eurasian continent, ultimately shifting the center of the Earth's continental masses from the southern hemisphere in the late Paleozoic to the present northern hemisphere. Previous studies have vividly summarized this seemingly unidirectional process of plate fragmentation and reassembly as the “Tethys one-way train.” As a “welcoming ceremony” for this train's arrival, the upper plates' lithosphere, such as in the Tibetan Plateau and Anatolia from different geological eras, records unique tectonic-magmatic responses. For example, tectonic-magmatic activity may first appear in the interior, thousands of kilometers away from the convergence boundary, then expand from the inside out. This can also develop into a “piston-like” cycle of transformations: crustal compression + magmatic quiescence → crustal extension + magmatic peak → crustal compression + magmatic quiescence → and so on. Addressing these typical geological phenomena of the Tethys tectonic realm and combining the tectonic background revealed by plate reconstruction with the contemporaneous multiple episodes of block assembly, we employ forward numerical simulation to interpret the deep driving processes and mechanisms behind these phenomena. By utilizing geological, geochemical, and geophysical observations to constrain model results, we propose that the abrupt changes in the lower-plate movement characteristics (such as subduction angle and rate) caused by the subduction of high-buoyancy blocks significantly control the rapid transition of tectonic-magmatic patterns in regions like Tibet and Anatolia. The multiple episodes of block assembly can explain the accordion-like tectonic-magmatic cycles of the active continental margins. Given that the high-buoyancy blocks require continuous northward driving forces during their journey from Gondwana's fragmentation to their convergence with the Eurasian continent, we further calculated the temperature distribution in today's upper mantle using previous global seismic wave attenuation models to establish a forward geodynamic model, exploring the deep driving mechanisms of the convergence process in the Tethys tectonic realm. The modeling results indicate that the current temperature structure of the upper mantle, with colder northern regions and warmer southern regions, can create sufficiently large lateral mantle density contrasts and trigger the initiation of oceanic plate subduction towards the low-temperature areas, essentially starting the engine of the express train. Subsequently, the demise of secondary ocean basins during convergence often accompanies the subduction and rebound of high-buoyancy blocks, which rapidly returning fragments strongly collide with the rear oceanic plates, triggering a new round of oceanic subduction and further cooling the northern hemisphere's upper mantle, thereby giving the convergence process a chain reaction characteristic. Therefore, although the continental blocks fragmented from Gondwana may be seen as “passengers” of the one-way train, they have played a significant role in both the welcoming ceremony and the sustainable operation of the train.

How to cite: Liu, L., Morgan, J. P., Liu, L., Cao, Z., Chen, L., and Xu, Y.-G.: Upper Plate Responses and Driving Mechanisms of the 'Tethys One-Way Train', EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4949,, 2025.

EGU25-6706 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Evidence of oceanic plate delamination in the Northern Atlantic 

Joao C. Duarte, Nicolas Riel, Chiara Civiero, Sonia Silva, Filipe M. Rosas, Wouter P. Schellart, Jaime Almeida, Pedro Terrinha, and Antonio Ribeiro

Earth is a dynamic planet with its surface constantly recycled by plate tectonics and surface processes. Subduction of oceanic lithosphere and delamination of continental lithosphere are two of the main mechanisms by which the Earth’s lithosphere is recycled back into the mantle. Delamination in continental regions typically occurs below collisional belts due to the separation of the lithospheric mantle from the overlying lighter crust, aided by the existence of weak layers within the continental lithosphere. The oceanic lithosphere is classically pictured as a rigid plate with a strong core that should not allow for delamination to occur at pristine segments of oceanic plates. We will present what may be the first case of oceanic delamination offshore Southwest Iberia. The process seems to be triggered by plate convergence and assisted by a thick serpentinized layer that allows the lower part of the lithosphere to decouple from the overlying crust. Tomography images of a high-velocity anomaly support the hypothesis of ongoing oceanic delamination. We also present a set of numerical models that reproduce the process and suggest that it may facilitate subduction initiation. We further propose that such oceanic delamination is responsible for some of the highest-magnitude earthquakes in Europe, including the M8.5-8.7 Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 and the M7.9 San Vincente earthquake of 1969. 


This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 ( JCD is supported by an FCT contract CEEC Inst. 2018, CEECINST/00032/2018/CP1523/CT0002 (

How to cite: Duarte, J. C., Riel, N., Civiero, C., Silva, S., Rosas, F. M., Schellart, W. P., Almeida, J., Terrinha, P., and Ribeiro, A.: Evidence of oceanic plate delamination in the Northern Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6706,, 2025.

EGU25-7389 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Cluster analysis can identify differences in earthquake swarm patterns along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 

Philip Heron, Rachel Zhong, and Jonathan Rich

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is the longest divergent plate boundary in the world, with evident seafloor spreading, transform faults, and hydrothermal vents generating earthquake swarms as tectonic plates move apart. Earthquake swarms are generally defined as a sequence lacking a mainshock event (e.g., a number of similar magnitude events occurring close in space and time). Previous work on swarms on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge have focussed on specific events, where recording equipment generate a local view of an earthquake swarm. Although these studies provide high-resolution information into an event, the work is limited in space (local area) and time (days or months). As a result, there is currently no up-to-date large-scale analysis across the length of the ridge which would provide regional information on Wilson Cycle processes of rifting. Here, we apply a clustering algorithm to an earthquake database across the MAR to identify spatially and temporally correlated swarms to establish a regional analysis of earthquake swarms on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. 

For our study, we use the available United States Geological Survey (USGS) earthquake database to analyse earthquake events across four different sections of the MAR (Reykjanes Ridge, Northern, Central, and Southern MAR) over the past 25 years (7,000+ earthquakes in total). Within this database, we find over 800 swarm events (compared to around 150 swarms in the past 50 years of published literature). We explore the spatial and temporal links between earthquakes and establish some similarities throughout the ridge. Specifically, swarm events are short lived, often starting and finishing within a day. Furthermore, the earthquakes within a swarm are mainly between 10-20 km of each other. An advantage of this large-scale approach to identifying swarms through cluster analysis is that we can begin to establish swarm characteristics and provide quantifications on spatial and temporal values.

Notably, we have identified 600+ swarms not discussed in the current literature with our work providing a standardised output for comparing swarms across the whole ridge. We highlight that MAR is not a homogenous entity, with Reykjanes Ridge behaving fundamentally different to the rest of the ridge. The large-scale analysis from our work here provides future studies with a benchmark to exploring spatial and temporal changes on this significant Wilson Cycle feature on our planet.

How to cite: Heron, P., Zhong, R., and Rich, J.: Cluster analysis can identify differences in earthquake swarm patterns along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7389,, 2025.

EGU25-8743 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Preliminary results from a temporary high-resolution broadband network around Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains): ambient noise tomography and seismicity distribution 

Gabriela Fernández-Viejo, Jorge Acevedo, Sergio Llana-Funez, Carlos Lopez-Fernandez, Miguel Gutierrez-Medina, and Juan Manuel Gonzalez-Cortina

The North Iberian Margin (NIM) constitutes an example of a former plate boundary where to explore the role played by geological inheritance during the alpine convergence between Iberia and Europe in the Paleogene. The convergence, which resulted in the partial and asymmetric closure of the Bay of Biscay, resolved in major tectonic differences along this boundary, depending on the previous tectonic history of the crust: short-lived south directed subduction of oceanic crust in the West under the crystalline basement of Iberia (Variscan), continental collision in the Pyrenees in the East, shortening of a previously hyperextended margin in the middle part.

The Picos de Europa massif (Cantabrian Mountains, CM), is located in this middle region between the continental collision and the arrested subduction,  and from the structural point of view represents part of the leading edge of the Variscan orogenic wedge, the forefront of the Variscan thrusts over the foreland. The area reflects a history of deposition where synorogenic thick carbonate platforms are affected by thrusting during the Variscan collision between Gondwana and Laurussia.

The dominance of carbonate rocks in Picos de Europa over the shales in the surrounding Variscan foreland sediments, together with its subsequent alpine tectonic history, contributed to its current orography. It is the area of the Cantabrian Mountains with the highest concentration of peaks above 2000 m.

A temporal local network of 10 broadband seismic stations was deployed in the area to study its seismicity and produce a high-resolution tomography of the upper crust in order to gain insight into its tectonic structure. A previous tomography at regional level, revealed the existence of a low velocity zone dipping north interpreted to represent the frontal thrust of the CM. Although scarce, seismicity associated to this major tectonic structure has an impact at the surface as Picos de Europa, in its hanging wall, is well known by the steepness of its slopes, with the main river incising over 2000 m. As well as being the first Spanish Natural Park is one of the most visited. The increasing touristic pressure over this protected space has highlighted the importance of constraining natural hazards in mountain areas.

Results from ambient noise data recorded during six months are presented. The cross-correlation technique was used to retrieve the empirical Green functions of the subsurface between all station pairs, showing the emergence of Rayleigh waves. After measuring dispersion velocities, Rayleigh-wave group velocity tomography maps were computed at different periods and then inverted in order to calculate S-wave velocities as a function of depth, reaching the upper 8-9 km of the crust. The tomography shows the presence of a relative high velocity body at 5-6 kms in the northern part of Picos de Europa, and the presence of two low velocity bodies at 6-9 km aligned NW-SE. Preliminary interpretation points to likely Variscan structures underlying the geometry of the velocity patterns.

How to cite: Fernández-Viejo, G., Acevedo, J., Llana-Funez, S., Lopez-Fernandez, C., Gutierrez-Medina, M., and Gonzalez-Cortina, J. M.: Preliminary results from a temporary high-resolution broadband network around Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains): ambient noise tomography and seismicity distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8743,, 2025.

EGU25-9369 | ECS | Orals | GD5.1 | Highlight

A revision of the Westernmost Mediterranean: its crustal configuration, tectono-sedimentary structure and implications for seismic and tsunamigenic potential 

Laura Gómez de la Peña, César Ranero, Eulàlia Gràcia, Ingo Grevemeyer, Heidrun Kopp, Guillermo Booth-Rea, José Miguel Azañón, Francesco Maesano, and Fabrizio Romano

The westernmost Mediterranean basins formed in a supra-subduction system during the Miocene. We have found that since the late Miocene, the previously extending region has been deformed by contractional and strike slip fault systems due to the Iberia – Africa tectonic plates convergence, producing the reorganization of the main tectonic structures. 
The westernmost Mediterranean realm is seismically active because it hosts the plate boundary between the European and African tectonic plates. This plate boundary has been traditionally considered a wide deformation zone, in which plate convergence is absorbed by minor to moderate-size tectonic structures, each absorbing a comparatively small part of the deformation. However, the understanding of the crustal configuration and the evolution of this basin was limited due to the limited penetration and resolution of the images of the subsurface.
We collected and processed >3.000 km of a modern seismic dataset to characterized for the first time 1) the deep structure and the crustal domains of the Alboran Basin, 2) the sedimentary infill and as a consequence, the basin evolution, and 3) the main active faults of the basin. Based on these results, we were able to identify the main fault systems and quantify the total slip accommodated by those prominent tectonic structures of the area, late Miocene - early Pliocene in age. 
Our results show that the estimated total slip accommodated by the main fault systems is similar (with error bounds) to the estimated plate convergence value since the Messinian time (~24 km). Thus, slip on those faults may have accommodated most of the Iberian – African plate convergence during the Plio-Quaternary, revealing that the contractive reorganization of the Alboran basin is focused on a few first-order structures that act as lithospheric boundaries, rather than widespread and diffuse along the entire basin. 
These results have implications not only for kinematic and geodynamic models, but also for seismic and tsunami hazard assessments. We performed a first appraisal of the seismogenic and tsunamigenic potential of the main fault systems offshore. Our simulations show that the seismogenic and tsunamigenic potential of the offshore structures of the Alboran Basin may be underestimated, and a further characterization of their associated hazard is needed.

How to cite: Gómez de la Peña, L., Ranero, C., Gràcia, E., Grevemeyer, I., Kopp, H., Booth-Rea, G., Azañón, J. M., Maesano, F., and Romano, F.: A revision of the Westernmost Mediterranean: its crustal configuration, tectono-sedimentary structure and implications for seismic and tsunamigenic potential, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9369,, 2025.

EGU25-10759 | Posters on site | GD5.1

The Formation and Evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea: A 25-Year Aeromagnetic Perspective 

Laurent Gernigon, Marie-Andree Dumais, Aziz Nasuti, and Odleiv Olesen

Magnetic data, along with their associated chrons, have played a crucial role in deepening our understanding of oceanic crust formation and seafloor spreading dynamics. Over the past 25 years, the Geological Survey of Norway has conducted extensive magnetic surveys, acquiring more than 172,846 km of new aeromagnetic profiles in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea (NGS). This contribution presents our latest regional compilation of the NGS, shedding light on the complex tectonic evolution of the region since the onset of continental breakup. The NGS witnesses diverse tectonic regimes and structural features, including sub-oceanic basins of different ages, microcontinents, and conjugate volcanic passive margins, between the Greenland-Iceland-Faroe Ridge in the south and the Arctic Ocean in the north. The new aeromagnetic compilation suggests that the highly magmatic breakup in the NGS was diachronous and initiated as isolated and segmented seafloor spreading centres. The early seafloor spreading system, initiating in the Early Eocene, gradually developed into atypical propagating systems, with subsequent breakup(s) following a step-by-step thinning and rupture of the lithosphere. Newly formed spreading axes initially propagated towards local Euler poles, died out, migrated or jumped laterally, changed their propagation orientation, or eventually bifurcated. The final line of lithospheric breakup may have been controlled by highly oblique extension, associated plate shearing, and/or melt intrusions before and during the formation of the Seaward Dipping Reflectors (SDRs). The Inner SDRs and accompanying volcanics formed preferentially either on thick continental ribbons or moderately thinned continental crust. The segmented and diachronous evolution of the NGS spreading activity is also reflected by a time delay of 1–2 Myrs expected between the emplacement of the SDRs imaged at the Møre and Vøring margins. Further north, the initiation of spreading that led to the formation of the Knipovitch Ridge began around C6 (~20 million years ago) within a distinct and oblique oceanic segment in the Fram Strait region. Magnetic observations indicate a broader continent–ocean transition, interpreted as exhumed lower continental material adjacent to the Barents Sea margin, which significantly reduces the mapped extent of the oceanic domain expected in the Fram Strait. This configuration also suggests the presence of a failed oceanic basin east of the Boreas Basin, which helps explain the resulting asymmetry in the spreading system. Meanwhile, several significant changes in spreading kinematics were recognised in the Norway Basin, with the first occurring in the Middle Eocene around 47 Ma (magnetic chron C21r), initiating rifting in the southern part of the Jan Mayen Microplate Complex. Inheritance and magmatism likely influenced the complex reorganisation of rifting, ultimately leading to the final dislocation of the Jan Mayen Microplate Complex from Greenland during the Late Oligocene/Early Miocene. The mechanism behind this final dislocation, likely triggered by overlapping rift systems, also raises questions about the controversial nature of crust and lithosphere stretching between the Faroes and Iceland.

How to cite: Gernigon, L., Dumais, M.-A., Nasuti, A., and Olesen, O.: The Formation and Evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea: A 25-Year Aeromagnetic Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10759,, 2025.

EGU25-11067 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

2D numerical models of passive margin reactivation 

Miguel João, Patricia Cadenas, João C. Duarte, Nuno Rodrigues, Nicolas Riel, Filipe M. Rosas, J. Kim Welford, and Afonso Gomes

Subduction is a key driving mechanism in Plate Tectonics, but how it initiates is still poorly understood.

Subduction initiation is thought to be a complex and evolving tectonic process. It consists of stages of lithospheric contractional deformation that may reactivate inherited structures, potentially localizing deformation in a proto-plate boundary and leading to subduction of one of the plates. One way subduction initiation may occur is through the reactivation of a passive margin.

The processes that generate a self-sustained subduction zone are still debated and are thought to be dependent on various factors, such as the presence of a weak zone (e.g., a serpentinized layer), a pre-existing stress/strain field, the structure of the rifted margin and the age of the subducting oceanic plate.

Using high-resolution 2D geodynamic numerical models carried out with the code LaMEM, this work investigates the mechanisms that may control the reactivation of rifted margins. In particular, by testing different parameters (e.g., length of the passive margin, presence of a serpentinized layer), different deformation regimes (e.g., strain-rates) and the thermomechanical state of the system (e.g., temperature profiles and rheology) that may lead to subduction initiation in these locations.

Our preliminary results show that serpentinized layers facilitate the reactivation of inherited rift structures by localizing deformation. The results also show that the length of the passive margin might influence the location of the subduction nucleation.


How to cite: João, M., Cadenas, P., Duarte, J. C., Rodrigues, N., Riel, N., Rosas, F. M., Welford, J. K., and Gomes, A.: 2D numerical models of passive margin reactivation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11067,, 2025.

EGU25-12306 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Modes of collisional orogenic growth: forward, backward and thermally induced 

Nuno Rodrigues, Nicolas Riel, Filipe Rosas, Jaime Almeida, Afonso Gomes, and João Duarte

When two continents collide different surface expressions can be produced. Triangular wedges are relatively narrow, while plateaus are high topographic features extending over large areas. Several studies have focused on the transition from wedges to plateaus, but the dynamic conditions of their growth remain elusive. Although different models for orogenic growth have been proposed, the link between theoretical/experimental models and natural analogues proves to be an outstanding task yet to be resolved.

Here, we present 2D high resolution (2048 x 512) buoyancy-driven numerical models, coupled with density phase diagrams, of sustained continental collision and subduction. We explore how crustal rheology controls the development of different types of orogenic growth and their subsequent final orogenic architecture, while further benchmarking our results to natural analogues.

Our results show that continental subduction can be sustained without the need for external forces and that three types of orogenic growth modes can be identified: i) forward; ii) backward; and iii) thermally induced. We show that the different types of orogenic growth are highly dependent on crustal rheology that, under high stresses, can allow large-scale lower crustal detachments to be formed and delamination processes to be developed. 

For weak lower crust rheologies, our results always show the development of a lower crustal detachment that connects both continents. In turn, subducting crustal material is thrusted onto the overriding continent, leading to compression of the two continents. In this case, a progressive uplift of the orogen in direction of the overriding continent is observed (forward orogenic growth). 

For a strong lower crust, no large-scale lower crustal detachment connecting both continents is formed. As such, the incoming crustal material is progressively stacked at the collision zone and the deformation is propagated backwards. Thus, the orogen continuously grows in direction of the subducting continent (backward orogenic growth). 

However, backward orogenic development can only occur over large periods of time if the strength of the subducting continental crust is sufficiently low to sustain continuous deformation of the crustal material. While a weak upper crust enables steady backward orogenic growth, a strong upper crust halts continental subduction and collision. Due to a stronger upper crust, the slab pull force is not sufficient to continuously deform the crustal material while maintaining high subduction velocities to conserve slab integrity. 

Thus, for a strong upper crust, after an initial stage of backward orogenic growth, slab break-off ensues, promoting the rise of hot asthenospheric mantle through the subduction channel and peel-back delamination. In this sense, the orogen grows due to a thermally induced isostatic response of a post-collisional peel-back delamination process (thermally induced orogenic growth).

Finally, we benchmark our models to natural analogues and show that forward orogenic growth models comply well with the width and heights of natural orogenic plateaus.

This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020, and through scholarship UI/BD/154679/2023.

How to cite: Rodrigues, N., Riel, N., Rosas, F., Almeida, J., Gomes, A., and Duarte, J.: Modes of collisional orogenic growth: forward, backward and thermally induced, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12306,, 2025.

EGU25-12313 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Quantifying super-continent evolution through Wilson cycle phases at global scale 

Miao Dong, Michaël Pons, and Sascha Brune

  The Wilson Cycle describes the periodic nature of supercontinent formation through amalgamation and break-up of continents. This cycle is driven by the dynamic interaction between the lithosphere and mantle. To investigate the role of plate-mantle interactions during the supercontinent cycle, we have performed a series of high-resolution, 2D global numerical simulations using the ASPECT geodynamic code. We explicitly include continental lithosphere with pressure- and temperature-dependent visco-plastic rheology. The models are conducted in a self-consistent way without imposing velocity boundary conditions at the surface. They include a free surface to simulate realistic topography which we use to quantify gravitationally induced stresses.

  Our simulations reveal a complex interaction between, subduction, mantle and lithosphere dynamics as continents collide, and break apart during 600 My of model evolution. We quantify the plate tectonic driving forces: slab pull, gravitational potential energy gradients, and basal drag, i.e. mantle flow-induced tractions. In our models, we identify slab pull and mantle plumes as key factors in overcoming the strength of the lithosphere to achieve continental break-up. Interestingly, in our models, continental break-up does not occur at the suture zone of colliding continental plates—a region traditionally considered to be structurally weak and with higher GPE. These model results provide new insights into the relative importance of plate driving forces during the Wilson cycle.

How to cite: Dong, M., Pons, M., and Brune, S.: Quantifying super-continent evolution through Wilson cycle phases at global scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12313,, 2025.

EGU25-12508 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Evidence for onset of convergent tectonics within the Continent-Ocean Transition zones of the Atlantic rifted margins 

Patricia Cadenas Martínez, J. Kim Welford, Gabriela Fernández-Viejo, João C. Duarte, and Luis Somoza

   At the onset of convergent tectonics, lithospheric contractional deformation precedes the stages of plate rupture and underthrusting that foster subduction initiation. It is widely agreed that pre-existing lithospheric structural variations favour localisation of deformation and may be critical for subduction inception. Along magma-poor rifted margins, the Continent Ocean Transition (COT) includes structurally complex zones of thinned continental crust and serpentinized exhumed mantle, which are prone to deformation. Incipient contractional deformation during the Alpine Orogeny resulted in the formation of thrusts and folds along the COT of the reactivated magma-poor Iberian Atlantic and Armorican margins. Numerical models testing subduction initiation at magma-poor margins also reproduce thrusting and folding along the COT prior to the formation of a lithospheric shear zone within serpentinized exhumed mantle that initiates underthrusting. However, the distribution of thrusts along thinned continental crust and serpentinized exhumed mantle remains unconstrained, although it may be critical to decipher the localisation of deformation that occurs prior to and during the underthrusting stage.

   The North Iberian margin uniquely preserves fossilized Alpine thrusts along the COT that affected underthrust thinned continental crust and serpentinized exhumed mantle at the central part of the margin, and underthrust oceanic crust at its western corner. Thus, it represents an ideal setting for investigating the role of basement type on the formation and distribution of contractional tectonic structures prior to and during underthrusting at magma-poor margins. Based on 2D seismic reflection profiles, we describe the structure of thrusts sheets overlying transitional basement, consisting of highly thinned crust and serpentinized exhumed mantle, and oceanic crust. Our observations support the preservation of an accretionary prism overlying incipiently subducted oceanic crust. Contrastingly, large thrusts led to overthrusting of thinned continental crust and possibly serpentinized exhumed mantle resulting in crustal thickening, landward tilting and uplift of the crust and overlying sediments. Discrete thrusts deformed the upper ultra-thinned basement, leading to the deposition of wider syn-orogenic sediments. We integrate our structural observations with previous numerical and geophysical models to discuss underthrusting vs intraplate deformation and localisation vs distribution of contractional deformation along thinned continental crust and serpentinized exhumed mantle at the onset of convergence.





This work is supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895895 funded by the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, the projects ASTRACAN, Ref. PID2021-123116NB and ATLANTIS, Ref. PID2021-124553OB-I00 from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, and the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025, UIDB/50019/2020 ( and LA/P/0068/2020


How to cite: Cadenas Martínez, P., Welford, J. K., Fernández-Viejo, G., C. Duarte, J., and Somoza, L.: Evidence for onset of convergent tectonics within the Continent-Ocean Transition zones of the Atlantic rifted margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12508,, 2025.

EGU25-13024 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Exploring the opening of the Arctic Ocean using lithospheric numerical modelling 

Jonathan Rich, Grace Shephard, and Phil Heron

The Circum-Arctic region is a highly active geological region, with repeated opening and destruction of oceans alongside massive intrusive and extrusive volcanic and magmatic events. Although repeated episodes of rifting have been documented in the Arctic region over the past 500 million years and more, a fundamental understanding of the geodynamic processes involved is lacking. For instance, what are the tectonic triggers in the region for the most recent continental breakup via rifting? And, what is the role of earlier deformation events in structural inheritance?  A number of different tectonic models describing the opening kinematics of the Arctic Ocean have emerged for post Pangea-times, with many using the opening of the Canada Basin (part of the Amerasia Basin) as a starting point. 

To study the opening of the Arctic Ocean, methods such as geological mapping, geophysical surveying, geochemical analysis, and plate reconstruction models have been employed to better understand the rifting dynamics of Arctic Pangea, which has produced varying interpretations of how and when the Canada Basin first opened. However, the use of high-performance computing and lithospheric numerical modelling has yet to be fully adopted to investigate Arctic rifting.  

In this work, we hypothesize that past orogenesis from the assemblage of Arctic Pangea may play a role in subsequent Arctic rifting dynamics and the opening of the Canada Basin. For the first time, we test this hypothesis using lithospheric numerical models with the open-source geodynamic code ASPECT by applying a range of plausible inherited structures to the pre-rift conditions of the Arctic region. Given the uncertainty with the tectonic history of the region, we apply a number of different structural inheritance scenarios to our numerical models – changing lithospheric rheological and rift velocity conditions, as well as simulating different deformation styles from a range of ancient tectonic boundaries in the region. We then critically compare the different rifting styles produced from our suite of models against the data available. Given the limited availability of direct data across this region, for this presentation we welcome community discussion on which key components of continental rifting that may indicate a potential successful modelling of the opening of the Canada Basin. As a rifting community, we want to work toward establishing a set of ‘non-negotiable’ tectonic features to better constrain numerical models of Arctic dynamics that will help push the understanding on tectonic triggers for Arctic plate tectonic processes.   

How to cite: Rich, J., Shephard, G., and Heron, P.: Exploring the opening of the Arctic Ocean using lithospheric numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13024,, 2025.

EGU25-13028 | Posters on site | GD5.1

Along Strike Variation of Magmatic Addition on the Austral South Atlantic Rifted Margins 

Nick Kusznir, Gianreto Manatschal, Daniel Sauter, Marlise Cassel, and Pauline Chenin

We use a new approach to quantify magmatic addition on the S. American and African rifted margins of the S. Atlantic south of the Florianopolis Fracture Zone. At magma-rich and magma-normal rifted margins, decompression melting starts before the continental crust is thinned to zero thickness. This results in a crustal “sandwich” of volcanics underlain by thinned continental crust, underlain by magmatically intruded continental basement and mantle. Usually all that can be imaged seismically is the top and base of extrusive volcanics and the seismic Moho, with no reliable indication of the quantities of remaining continental crust and magmatic addition. While the individual thicknesses of remaining continental crust and magmatic addition cannot be geophysically determined, their combined isostatic response controls margin bathymetry. We show using a simple isostatically balanced rifted margin model for thermally re-equilibrated lithosphere that the TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics provides a proxy for quantifying the total magmatic addition on a rifted margin, and distinguishing magma-rich from magma-normal rifted margins.  The model predicts that the TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics correlates inversely with the timing of first magmatism with respect to crustal thinning.

We measure the TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics for a set of deep long-offset seismic reflection lines. The TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics for the highly magmatic northern Pelotas and  conjugate Namibian margins is between 1 and 2 s; these margin segments have SDRs with thicknesses in excess of 15 km. Southwards, the TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics increases to between 6 and 7 s, corresponding to a magma-normal margin type. Despite this large north to south variation in first-proximal-volcanics TWTT, the interval TWTT of first oceanic crust varies little between 2.4 and 2.0 s from north to south, corresponding to normal thickness oceanic crust. Application of the Warner 10 s Moho TWTT rule for thermally equilibrated lithosphere indicates  that decompression melting starts when crustal basement interval TWTT is between 8-9 s in the magma-rich north and at 3-4 s TWTT (β = 3) in the magma-normal south. Margin volcanic width, measured between first-proximal-volcanics and the landward limit of oceanic crust (LALOC) is approximately 300 km in the north, decreasing southwards to approximately 50 km width, and correlates inversely with the TWTT of first-proximal-volcanics. TWTT measurements of first-proximal-volcanics show that the very magma-rich margin type is restricted to the north adjacent to the Florianopolis Fracture Zone and rapidly decreases southwards to magma-normal in less than 300 km.

Our TWTT measurements and comparison with the simple isostatic margin model predictions indicate that magma-rich margins are explained by timing advance of decompression melting with respect to crustal thinning rather than melt magnitude increase. This together with the very rapid along-strike Pelotas margin decrease in magmatic addition, and the relatively normal thickness of first oceanic crust is difficult to reconcile with magma-rich margin formation due to mantle plume elevated temperature. Our observations are more consistent with magma-rich margin formation by rifting and decompression melting of inherited locally enriched mantle.

How to cite: Kusznir, N., Manatschal, G., Sauter, D., Cassel, M., and Chenin, P.: Along Strike Variation of Magmatic Addition on the Austral South Atlantic Rifted Margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13028,, 2025.

EGU25-13089 | Posters on site | GD5.1

A slab’s journey from subduction to collision: Lithospheric structure of Myanmar from finite-frequency tomography 

Sofia-Katerina Kufner, Frederik Tilmann, Bernd Schurr, Xiaohui Yuan, Benjamin Heit, Oo Than, Shengji Wei, Eric Sandvol, Wei Li, Brandon van der Beek, James Gaherty, and Patricia Persaud

Myanmar is located south of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, where tectonic activity is driven by the northward indentation of the Indian Plate into Asia and the oblique eastward subduction of India beneath the western margin of the Burmese microplate. Dextral motion along the Sagaing Fault separates the eastern margin of the Burmese microplate from the Asian Plate. The associated lithospheric structure is complex and three-dimensional, featuring a transition from an oceanic-transitional subduction slab to continental subduction and collision, likely involving plate tearing and bending. Additionally, intermediate-depth seismicity and volcanism are linked to processes associated with the ongoing subduction. We use finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography to explore the relationship and interaction of these different tectonic elements. Our input data is derived from approximately 480 teleseismic earthquakes that occurred between 2019 and 2021, recorded by around 140 regional seismic stations, primarily from temporary deployments. These include stations of the 6C (2018–2022, MySCOLAR) network, operated by GFZ and DMH, and the XR (2018–2022, Tripartite BIMA) network, operated by the University of Missouri with partners, as well as stations deployed by the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS). The dataset is further augmented by permanent stations from the China National Seismic Network (SEISDMC), the Geophysical Broadband Observation Network (GEOFON), and other regional permanent stations accessible through the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). Travel-time residuals were calculated via cross-correlation in three frequency bands (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 Hz central frequency). The resulting P-wave velocity models are derived from around 70,000 residuals, covering the area between 90° to 101°E and 18° to 30°N, down to approximately 600 km depth. Data coverage and resolution are best in central and northern Myanmar. This enables the illumination of the geometry and characteristics of the different lithospheric units involved in the subduction/collision transition and slab bending towards the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis.

How to cite: Kufner, S.-K., Tilmann, F., Schurr, B., Yuan, X., Heit, B., Than, O., Wei, S., Sandvol, E., Li, W., van der Beek, B., Gaherty, J., and Persaud, P.: A slab’s journey from subduction to collision: Lithospheric structure of Myanmar from finite-frequency tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13089,, 2025.

EGU25-13146 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Syn-rift magmatism and spreading initiation controlled by rift obliquity: insights from 3D thermo-mechanical modelling and observations 

Éva Oravecz, Attila Balázs, Taras Gerya, and László Fodor

Continental rifting is often oblique, influenced by the strain localization effects of the various structural, compositional and thermal heterogeneity zones pre-existing in the lithosphere. Oblique rifting generates strain partitioning and leads to the along-strike segmentation of the rift structure, including the development of strike-slip transfer zones and en echelon fault geometries. While previous modelling studies have explored the relation between the rift obliquity and crustal fault patterns, its effects on the syn-rift magmatism and the oceanic spreading initiation have remained underexplored.

In this study, we conducted a series of high resolution 3D numerical models using the I3ELVIS-FDSPM numerical code to compare the continental rift evolution and spreading initiation in orthogonal and oblique rift settings. The code handles visco-plastic rheologies, staggered finite differences and marker-in-cell techniques to solve the mass, momentum and energy conservation equations for incompressible media. Oblique rifting is linked to strain localization along a pre-defined hydrated weak zone in the mantle lithosphere that simulates an inherited suture zone, while the applied two-way coupling between the thermo-mechanical and surface processes models allows for the quantification of the dynamic feedbacks between rift obliquity, crustal strain patterns, magmatism, and the erosion-sedimentation processes.

The models show that oblique rifting delays the onset of melting and continental break-up. Due to the feedbacks between crustal deformation, thermal evolution and melting, increasing rift obliquity leads to the non-linear reduction of the crustal melt supply, while at higher rift obliquity (α>30°), the en echelon arrangement of the elongated magma chambers in the crust suggests a strong structural control over the spatial distribution of crustal melts. When the rift evolution enters the spreading stage, first continental break-up occurs along the offset sub-orthogonal rift segments, and the individual embryonic oceanic segments are subsequently merged by the two-directional along-strike propagation of the incipient spreading ridges. The rate of this propagation changes in space and time, driven by the variable efficiency of strain localization. Above 30° obliquity, deformation along the offset spreading ridges is accommodated by oceanic transform faults that develop spontaneously, without a precursory lithospheric inhomogeneity in their place during the latest stage of spreading initiation. These inferences are in line with observations from the Woodlark Basin and Main Ethiopian Rift.

How to cite: Oravecz, É., Balázs, A., Gerya, T., and Fodor, L.: Syn-rift magmatism and spreading initiation controlled by rift obliquity: insights from 3D thermo-mechanical modelling and observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13146,, 2025.

A thorough understanding of structural inversion and the positive or negative impacts of inversion tectonics on hydrocarbon trap development is crucial in geological investigations and petroleum exploration. To characterize the occurrence of inversion tectonics and its controlling effects on the spatial distribution of oil and gas fields located in the southern Dezful Embayment (SW Iran), this study describes the structural characteristics and deformation history of the Rag-e-Sefid oil/gas field and its surrounding areas through the structural and tectono-sedimentary analyses. Based on the results obtained from the integration of aeromagnetic, seismic, and well data, the strike-slip basement faults with the Pan-African or Arabian trend (N-S to NE-SW) and the Najd trend (NW-SE) modified the evolutionary history of the sedimentary basin in the southern Dezful Embayment. The geological interpretation of seismic profiles and the investigation of the geometry and thickness changes of the sedimentary layers across the growth structures indicate that the minimum time of the strike-slip faults formation with the Najd and Pan-African trends is related to the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian rifting of the northern Gondwana margin. These faults experienced activity at least during seven different extensional and compressional deformation events that include Cambrian rifting, Hercynian compressional deformation in the Late Devonian-Carboniferous, Permo-Early Triassic rifting, and Zagros orogeny cycle in the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Three-phase inversion tectonics along the strike-slip basement faults occurred at the Late Devonian-Carboniferous (positive inversion), Permian-Early Triassic (negative inversion), and Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian (positive inversion) boundaries. Inversion affected hydrocarbon trap development at the Late Cretaceous and controlled the final geometry and distribution of the oil and gas fields in the southern Dezful Embayment. Considering the hydrocarbon migration from the Miocene to the present day and the strong sealing of the Gachsaran Formation (Early-Middle Miocene) in the southern Dezful Embayment, the inversion tectonics event has a positive impact on hydrocarbon trap development. Also, the activity of the segmented strike-slip basement faults with the Pan Africa and Najd trends has an important effect on hydrocarbon migration and charging. These faults control the channel of hydrocarbon migration and the horizontal and vertical distribution of oil and gas in the region. The results of this study could add data to worldwide examples of the positive impact of tectonic inversion on hydrocarbon accumulation in the foreland of a collisional orogen.


Keywords: Inversion tectonics; Strike-slip fault; Tectono-sedimentary analysis; Hydrocarbon trap; SW Iran

How to cite: Tajmir Riahi, Z. and Soleimany, B.: Tectonic inversion of strike-slip fault system and its effects on hydrocarbon trap development in the southern Dezful Embayment, SW Iran, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13999,, 2025.

EGU25-14447 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1

Paleozoic amalgamation of the Chinese Altai and East Junggar: Insight from the anatomy of Erqis tectonic belt 

Jingmin Gan, Wenjiao Xiao, and Miao Sang

As one of the most immense orogenic belts, the Altaids (or southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt) primarily comprises Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Tarim-North China cartons collage systems. The Chinese Altai-East Junggar orogenic collage in the northern Xinjiang, NW China, links the Mongolia collage system to the east with Kazakhstan collage system to the east, occupying a critical tectonic position and retaining the fundamental architecture of the southern Altaids. The Erqis tectonic belt, situated at the junction of the Chinese Altai and East Junggar, originated through the subduction of the Ob-Zaisan Ocean, playing a pivotal role in unraveling the tectonic evolution of the southern Altaids.

Tectonic and provenance analyses of the Erqis tectonic belt discern three distinct arcs: the Chinese Altai, a Japan-type island arc, in the north, exhibits a protracted history from the late Cambrian to early Permian with a slender accretionary complex (AC) termed the Supute AC; The Kuerti intra-oceanic arc in the middle eemerged in the late Silurian to Devonian with a minor coeval AC as the Tesibahan AC; The Dulate arc in the south predominantly evolved from the middle Devonian to Permian, giving rise to the Fuyun AC that independently developed on its northern margin at least until ~273 Ma.

Our findings indicate the existence of multiple arcs within the Ob-Zaisan Ocean, forming an archipelago paleogeography in the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO). Provenance studies lead us to propose that cryptic sutures demarcating the Chinese Altai, Kuerti, and Dulate lie approximately along the Kuerti and Tesibahan faults, respectively. In addition, the tectonic facies matching between accretionary complex and the corresponding parental island arcs demonstrate that he oceanic branches between these arcs subducted northward beneath the Chinese Altai and Kuerti arcs and southward beneath the Dulate arc. Additionally, our work demonstrates the closure of the Ob-Zaisan Ocean most probably postdates ~273 Ma. Combining our data with previous research, we present a novel tectonic evolution model, elucidating several arc amalgamations with multiple subduction polarities between Chinese Altai and East Junggar throughout the late Cambrian to Permian.

How to cite: Gan, J., Xiao, W., and Sang, M.: Paleozoic amalgamation of the Chinese Altai and East Junggar: Insight from the anatomy of Erqis tectonic belt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14447,, 2025.

TS8 – Applied structural geology and interdisciplinary approaches

EGU25-3498 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

Thermal and Mechanical Controls on Pacific Plate Flexure under Seamount Loading 

Haoyu Sheng, Yanghui Zhao, Bryan Riel, and Zhezhe Lu

Understanding the elastic behavior of the oceanic lithosphere is crucial for interpreting plate dynamics and rheology. While various methods exist to estimate the lithosphere's ability to deform under load, the factors controlling this deformation across different tectonic settings remain poorly quantified.

We present a three-stage analysis to systematically evaluate controls on lithospheric flexure across the Western Pacific. First, we calculate a suite of metrics that characterize the elastic deformation properties of the lithosphere using gravity and bathymetry data. Second, we develop a random forest regression framework, a type of machine learning model, to reconstruct these observed deformation properties using a range of geophysical parameters, including gravity, bathymetry, sediment thickness, oceanic crustal age, heat flow, and hotspot proximity. By analyzing the feature importance within this model, we quantify the relative influence of each parameter on lithospheric deformation. Finally, we apply this framework to different tectonic settings (mid-ocean ridges, oceanic plateaus, abyssal plains, and seamount chains) to examine how the controlling factors vary by geological context.

This quantitative assessment, leveraging machine learning, advances our understanding of oceanic plate rheology and provides a framework for interpreting lithospheric behavior across different tectonic environments. The results have important implications for understanding plate dynamics and the evolution of the Pacific lithosphere.

How to cite: Sheng, H., Zhao, Y., Riel, B., and Lu, Z.: Thermal and Mechanical Controls on Pacific Plate Flexure under Seamount Loading, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3498,, 2025.

EGU25-3527 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1

Critical crustal thickness as a reference tectonic state: a global perspective 

Ajay Kumar, Mauro Cacace, and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth

The mean stress state of the continental lithosphere is thought to align with the stresses generated by gravitational potential energy at mid-oceanic ridges. This equilibrium is manifested in an average continental crust of thickness ~40 km and elevations of a few hundred meters as suggested by Airy type compensation and geoid height data 1–3. Our recent data-driven thermomechanical model of the Alpine-Himalayan collision zone (AHCZ) suggested that this balance has a fundamental thermodynamical meaning in that such a state of continental lithosphere maintains a critical crustal thickness with optimal strength controlled by the radiogenic heat production 4. Such a state of critical crustal thickness is referred to as a “stable fixed-point attractor” 4, serving as a “reference tectonic state” 1 for the continental lithosphere. It facilitates comprehending intraplate continental deformation as a finite-amplitude perturbation, where thicker/thinner regions exhibit extension/compression at length scales devoid of flexural effects. We also demonstrated that the high amplitude orogen-type perturbations (e.g., Tibet, Alps) can evolve back to this reference tectonic state via damped oscillatory behaviour consistent with the Wilson Cycle timescale over a few hundred million years. In this study, we expand the data-driven thermomechanical models to a global scale to capture existing variability, particularly in the relatively less evolved orogen of Andes than the AHCZ. Observations of critical crustal thickness persist globally; however, the degree of weakening above the critical crustal thickness is less pronounced in the Andes than in Tibet.


  • Coblentz, D. D., Richardson, R. M. & Sandiford, M. On the gravitational potential of the Earth’s lithosphere. Tectonics 13, 929–945 (1994).
  • Coblentz, D., van Wijk, J., Richardson, R. M. & Sandiford, M. The upper mantle geoid: Implications for continental structure and the intraplate stress field. in vol. i 197–214 (2015).
  • Sandiford, M. Why are the continents just so…? J. Metamorph. Geol. 28, 569–577 (2010).
  • Kumar, A., Cacace, M. & Scheck-Wenderoth, M. Thermodynamics of continental deformation. Sci. Rep. 13, 19920 (2023).

How to cite: Kumar, A., Cacace, M., and Scheck-Wenderoth, M.: Critical crustal thickness as a reference tectonic state: a global perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3527,, 2025.

EGU25-5042 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

High-resolution stress mapping using mine borehole data 

Mojtaba Rajabi, Oliver Heidbach, Moritz Ziegler, and Joan Esterle

The majority of in-situ stress information in the World Stress Map database comes from earthquake focal mechanisms, and petroleum regions where oil and gas industry technologies enable the collection of contemporary crustal stress information using borehole logs and tests. As a result, there is a limited stress data in many other areas, particularly in regions with low seismicity due to their tectonic settings or limited hydrocarbon exploration and production. In recent years, borehole image logs have become a standard tool in the mining industry as well, used for geotechnical and structural analysis. These logs provide a pseudo-image of borehole walls, allowing the characterization of stress-related deformations, such as borehole breakouts and drilling-induced tensile fractures, to better understand the present-day stress state.

We investigated the orientation of present-day horizontal stresses (SHmax and Shmin) in various mine sites in Australia and Mozambique, inferred from the analysis of acoustic televiewer logs (ATVs) from over 1500 boreholes. This resulted in great understanding of in-situ stress orientation in regions with limited prior stress data. Unlike petroleum boreholes, where image log data is available for specific intervals (e.g., reservoirs), most open-pit mine boreholes are logged from near the surface, providing stress information from shallow depths and sometimes extending to 1.5 km. In addition, boreholes in mine industry have close spacing (sometimes less than 30 m apart) that provide a great opportunity to investigate the local variability of the stress state. It is e.g. possible to track rotations of the orientation of maximum horizontal stress SHmax near geological structures.

The SHmax orientations analysed at at the mine-site and basin scales in this study align closely with regional stress patterns, highlighting the role of large-scale tectonic forces as the primary drivers of crustal stress patterns. However, the high-resolution data used in this study — such as closely spaced boreholes (sometimes less than 30 meters) and SHmax orientation data spanning from near the surface to depths of 1.5 km — reveal small-scale SHmax rotations (ranging from 10° to 90° on a spatial distance of 1 to 100 meters) induced by stiffness contrasts, rock fabric, and geological structures. These small-scale SHmax rotations have significant implications for geotechnical and geomechanical applications across various disciplines.

How to cite: Rajabi, M., Heidbach, O., Ziegler, M., and Esterle, J.: High-resolution stress mapping using mine borehole data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5042,, 2025.

EGU25-6868 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

Minimum amount of stress magnitude data for reliable geomechanical modelling 

Louison Laruelle, Moritz Ziegler, Karsten Reiter, Oliver Heidbach, Jean Desroches, Silvio Giger, and Fabrice Cotton

Geomechanical-numerical modelling aims to provide a comprehensive characterization of the stress tensor within rock volumes by leveraging localized stress magnitude data for model calibration. This calibration involves optimizing boundary conditions to achieve the closest alignment with in-situ stress measurements in boreholes that provide magnitudes of the minimum and maximum horizontal stress. However, the high cost of acquiring stress magnitude data frequently results in sparse and incomplete datasets which potentially prevents a meaningful calibration.

In this study, we use a comprehensive stress magnitude dataset of 50 stress magnitude data records acquired for the geomechanical characterization of the candidate siting region Zürich Nordost for a deep geological repository located in northern Switzerland. We demonstrate how the size of the calibration dataset influences the accuracy and uncertainty of stress magnitude predictions in geomechanical modelling of sedimentary formations. We introduce a novel statistical approach that incrementally increases the size of calibration data subsets. This approach evaluates how the amount of available data influences stress predictions across formations with varying rock stiffness. It achieves this by rapidly assessing the stress states associated with a large number of different combinations of stress magnitude data. The comparison of the resulting stress fields with increasing number of calibration point data allows to estimate the minimum number of calibration points that are required to achieve a stress prediction range that is as small as the range expected due to inherent uncertainties in the data. The results show that less than 20 data points are sufficient to achieve the same model precision and accuracy.

Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the dataset revealed a data outlier linked to a local stiffness anomaly. This outlier significantly impacts the stress predictions when calibration data are limited. However, as the calibration dataset size increased, the influence of the outlier diminishes. We also show that our statistical approach allows for the objective identification of clear outliers with respect to the model in the calibration dataset, which has an impact on the minimum number of data needed for the model calibration.

These findings underscore the significance of dataset size and composition in reducing uncertainties, thereby providing a framework for optimizing calibration strategies. This study offers valuable insights for subsurface projects, such as energy storage, CO2 sequestration, deep geological repositories, or geothermal energy, where precise stress predictions are critical.

How to cite: Laruelle, L., Ziegler, M., Reiter, K., Heidbach, O., Desroches, J., Giger, S., and Cotton, F.: Minimum amount of stress magnitude data for reliable geomechanical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6868,, 2025.

EGU25-6893 | Orals | TS8.1

Uncertainties in joint analysis of geological and multi-source geophysical data: lessons from a blind interpretation exercise 

Jeremy Rohmer, Cecile Allanic, Adnand Bitri, Frederic Dubois, Sandrine Grataloup, Thomas Jacob, Alexandre Stopin, Renaud Coueffe, Agathe Faure, Aurelie Peyrefitte, Angelie Portal, Anne Raingeard, Pierre Wawrzyniak, Romain Chassagne, Nicolas Coppo, Mathieu Darnet, and Philippe Calcagno

Developing accurate 3D geological models of the subsurface is crucial, as they provide the foundations for multiple uses (e.g., resource exploration and exploitation, geohazard assessment, and environmental geoscience). The construction of these models is an intrinsically integrative task, which jointly takes into account all available data and information from multiple sources, i.e. structural geology, stratigraphy, petrophysics, geophysics. Despite the progress made in automating the integration, in particular with recent advances in artificial intelligence, human interpretation remains essential. Consequently, the performance and limitations of human geological interpretation need to be carefully assessed particularly when subsurface data are incomplete, sparse and imprecise. In this context, the French geological survey – BRGM – has set up a blind interpretation exercise that enables the geo-interpreters to test their ability to answer two main operational questions when jointly analyzing geological and multi-source geophysical datasets (seismic, gravimetric, electric/magneto-telluric): (q1) Is it possible to detect and characterize structural traps and potential migration pathways at several kilometers depth? (q2) Do the errors associated with each of the different datasets influence / affect / bias the geological interpretation? If so, how?

To this end, the following procedure was applied: (1) a simplified 3D geological model was constructed using a real exploration project dedicated to the characterization of helium reservoirs in a deep Permian sedimentary basin; (2) two cross-sections were extracted from the model with realistic petrophysical properties to constrain geophysical forward models, i.e. gravimetric, magneto-telluric, and seismic; (3) these geophysical "truths" were intentionally degraded to reflect measurement errors and realistic processing. During the 6-hour exercise, the degraded geophysical datasets along with geological data from one borehole and from the 1:1,000,000 scale geological map were provided to three teams of interpreters - each consisting of a geologist and a geophysicist, with the aim of interpreting the two cross-sections.

This communication summarizes the main lessons learned from this exercise by discussing the interaction between data resolution, quality and reliability, and cognitive biases. It points out the value of fostering recurrent exchanges with data producers during the geological interpretation process. Finally, we propose recommendations for improving the links between data-centric and human-centric inversion procedures.

How to cite: Rohmer, J., Allanic, C., Bitri, A., Dubois, F., Grataloup, S., Jacob, T., Stopin, A., Coueffe, R., Faure, A., Peyrefitte, A., Portal, A., Raingeard, A., Wawrzyniak, P., Chassagne, R., Coppo, N., Darnet, M., and Calcagno, P.: Uncertainties in joint analysis of geological and multi-source geophysical data: lessons from a blind interpretation exercise, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6893,, 2025.

EGU25-8213 | Orals | TS8.1 | Highlight

Large-scale 3D structural geological models in alpine regions: impact and societal utilities. 

Ferdinando Musso Piantelli, Eva Kurmann, Philip Wehrens, Pauline Baland, and Herwig Müller

The Swiss Geological Survey (SGS) is the competence centre for the subsurface and georesources of the Swiss Confederation. Between 2024 and 2030, the SGS is leading the Swiss Alps 3D (SA3D) project, which consists of eight modelling and research projects involving several universities. The aim is to develop a consistent, large-scale underground 3D geological model of the main contacts and structures of the Swiss Alps. This model will serve as a regional framework for future higher resolution 3D models, enabling a wide range of applications in infrastructure planning, groundwater studies, natural hazard assessment, education and research. Furthermore, the development of a large-scale, consistent model will promote the establishment of a collaborative scientific community in the field of Alpine geology and 3D geological modelling.

SA3D has been preceded by a four-year pilot study (2019 - 2023), which resulted in an explicit 3D geological model of the Aar Massif (Central Alps). The study highlights the importance and value of utilising 3D geological models when investigating complex geological systems, such as an orogen. In this contribution, we present the results of this pilot study to demonstrate the potential of the large-scale 3D geological models constructed in SA3D for a wide range of applications.

In fact, modelling 3D network of structures and lithostratigraphic contacts of mountain ranges provide strategic insights into the still largely unexplored subsurface of these regions. This is essential for a sustainable infrastructure development and regional assessment of primary resources. Furthermore, the characterization of large-scale 3D fault patterns is relevant for understanding the effects of tectonic preconditioning on the distribution of natural hazards and meteoric water penetration and upflow in orogens. This may have important implications for regional-scale hazards mitigation and for the exploitation of thermal anomalies in orogenic geothermal systems through realistic numerical simulations, as well as for the evaluation of the influence of meteoric water on the seismicity of regional faults.

How to cite: Musso Piantelli, F., Kurmann, E., Wehrens, P., Baland, P., and Müller, H.: Large-scale 3D structural geological models in alpine regions: impact and societal utilities., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8213,, 2025.

EGU25-8603 | Posters on site | TS8.1

The new World Stress Map database release 2025 

Oliver Heidbach, Mojtaba Rajabi, Steffi Lammers, Sophia Morawietz, Sebastian von Specht, Moritz Ziegler, Karsten Reiter, Domenico Di Giacomo, Jamens Harris, and Dmitry Storchak

The need to describe the present-day crustal stress state has been recognized from a wide range of geo-disciplines. Furthermore, meeting the climate goals will require an energy transition and the associated phase-out of fossil, leading to increased and modified subsurface utilisation concepts as well as new demands on the integrity and long-term stability of subsurface operations. Thus, crustal stress data and geomechanical models for continuous predictions of the stress field in larger rock volumes will become more important. Stress data were already collected in the 1930s using surface relief methods, followed by flat jack and borehole relief methods in the 1950s, and hydraulic fracturing in the 1970s. Another important source of stress information was established in the 1980s using interpretations of borehole breakouts as stress indicator and later also drilling induced tensile fractures. Furthermore, due to the expansion of global seismological networks in the past decades, the number of earthquake focal mechanisms , primarily used as stress indicators for the deeper part of the Earth crust, has increased significantly. These developments resulted in the initiation of the World Stress Map (WSM) project ( in 1986.

The backbone of the WSM is a quality ranking scheme allowing the comparison of various stress indicators which sample the rock stress on a wide range of spatial scales. The latest WSM database was released in 2016. For the new WSM release 2025 we developed the new database infrastructure MaRS (Management and Repository of Stress) based on PostgreSQL. It has a web-based interface to insert new data and assess these data automatically with internal Python routines, streamlining data submission significantly. The new WSM release entails the following key changes:

  • The WSM release 2025 has more than doubled the number of data records.
  • Addition of high-quality data records from more than 3,000 boreholes including a study that uses a uniquely high-resolution dataset in Eastern Australia (see poster EGU25-5042 of Rajabi et al.).
  • Integration of the global focal mechanism catalogue of the International Seismological Centre (ISC).
  • Replacement of the 40 km depth limit using instead the global crustal model of Szwillus et al. (2019, JGR) to assign if data records from earthquake focal mechanisms are located in the crust or not.
  • Updated WSM quality assessment scheme to make criteria programmable.
  • Introduction of the new quality class X with three sub-classes for data records with missing information (Xmi), stress indicator that are rarely used (Xru), and stress indicator that are not established (Xne).

Quo Vadis WSM? The new database infrastructure MaRS allows us for a frequent release schedule of the WSM database to promptly provide the community with new data. MaRS was also developed to include to expand the WSM database in the next years with quality-ranked stress magnitude and pore pressure data. Adding this information is essential for model calibration widening the scope of WSM applications.

How to cite: Heidbach, O., Rajabi, M., Lammers, S., Morawietz, S., von Specht, S., Ziegler, M., Reiter, K., Di Giacomo, D., Harris, J., and Storchak, D.: The new World Stress Map database release 2025, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8603,, 2025.

EGU25-8735 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

Less is more: Weakly supervised interpolation using geological neural fields 

Samuel Thiele, Akshay Kamath, and Richard Gloaguen

Structural geological modelling methods currently depend on subjective stratigraphic interpretations, typically from geological maps and borehole logs. Implicit interpolation approaches can represent these interpreted geological units as scalar field values, to objectively derive a numerical representation of subsurface geometry, however sensitivity to the underlying geological interpretations (and biases or errors) remain. 

In this contribution we present a neural-network based interpolation approach that removes the need for subjective value constraints. This network, or neural field, learns the relationship between input coordinates and scalar values, a flexible approach that has been recently demonstrated in the context of geological modelling. However, unlike previous approaches, we are able to constrain our model directly with objectively measured quantities (e.g., from geochemical assays, downhole petrophysical logs and/or hyperspectral core scan results). This is achieved by coupling the spatial neural field with a property neural field that learns to reconstruct measured quantities given a predicted scalar field value. Simultaneous training of these two neural fields encourages the spatial field to find a solution (subsurface geometry) that is most informative for predicting the measured properties. Constraints on the gradient (i.e. bedding orientation) and scalar value (i.e. stratigraphic unit) can also be included to further guide the neural fields, but are not required.

We demonstrate this weakly-supervised modelling approach on several synthetic datasets, and show how it could be applied to construct “self-updating” models that are iteratively updated as new geophysical, geochemical or hyperspectral data become available. These preliminary results indicate that unlabelled geological data can be used as powerful objective constraints for future geological modelling workflows, to ultimately derive accurate and unbiased representations of the subsurface.

How to cite: Thiele, S., Kamath, A., and Gloaguen, R.: Less is more: Weakly supervised interpolation using geological neural fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8735,, 2025.

EGU25-9032 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

What’s the top hat there? - A method for the quantification and comparison of subsurface bodies 

Friedrich Carl, Peter Achtziger-Zupančič, Jian Yang, Marlise Colling Cassel, Peter A. Kukla, and Florian Wellmann

Quantification and comparison of 3D bodies is a scientific aim in many fields, such as medical diagnostics, computer graphics and biochemistry. We propose a methodology for the shape quantification in the context of natural subsurface structures: Dimensions, gradients and curvatures are determined on cross-sections along and across the horizontal main axis of salt structures. The acquired statistics of the dimensions are characteristic for the respective type of geological body, providing insight into the anisotropy of structures, the potential existence of overhangs and the geological processes that shaped the top of an evaluated structure. The statistics of the gradient and curvature carry information on the appearance of the outline and sphericity of the assessed structures. A total of 240 intrusive salt structures from the North German Basin have been analyzed. The statistical properties allow to cluster them into body types which correspond to regular geometrical end members that are linked to distinct formation processes.

How to cite: Carl, F., Achtziger-Zupančič, P., Yang, J., Colling Cassel, M., Kukla, P. A., and Wellmann, F.: What’s the top hat there? - A method for the quantification and comparison of subsurface bodies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9032,, 2025.

EGU25-9583 | Posters on site | TS8.1

Impact of resolution and finite element type in geomechanical-numerical modelling 

Karsten Reiter, Oliver Heidbach, Andreas Henke, Denise Degen, and Racha Achour

Due to the limited access to the underground, numerical models are essential in nearly all branches of geosciences to improve the general understanding or to estimate behaviour or properties in applied cases. Complex subsurface structures can be best represented by applying the finite element method (FEM) as it allows unstructured meshes during the discretization of the model geometry. The resulting model quality depends on the resolution of the mesh, the element type (shape), the element order (1st or 2nd), or special elements e.g. with reduced integrations points. However, always a balance between the effort of mesh generation, computing time, amount of model runs needed, and the justifiable expense needs to be found. As such factors can’t be tested for each project individually, we will test this with simplified and already existing, purely elastic geomechanical models. The derived conclusion can in turn be utilized to improve the numerical implementation of future studies.

To investigate the impact of a chosen mesh, 2-D models (mechanical in 3-D) are generated based on a cross section. Geologically, the models represent the crystalline basement, several slightly dipping thin Mesozoic sedimentary units, covered by Cenozoic deposits. The goal is, to represent the thin about 10 to 100 m thick Mesozoic units sufficiently well to reliably predict the present-day stress state. Varied within the target units are the mesh resolution, the element type (tetrahedra vs. hexahedra), the element order (1st and 2nd) and elements with reduced integration points provided by the used solver. All models are calibrated using in situ stress data from a borehole that is located at the model cross section which results in a best-fit model that minimizes the deviation between modelled and the in-situ stress calibration data by varying the displacement boundary condition of the model. Model results are always compared along the well trajectory using a reference model with a fine mesh resolution. The computational effort will be considered, too. Study results indicate that, flat (brick-like) hexahedrons provide better results than tetrahedrons, taking mesh resolution and computing effort into account. Above a certain level, the number of hexahedrons (fine vs. coarse resolution) in the vertical direction per layer exerts a discernible influence on the results in the proximity to material transitions only. Second order elements provide nearly the same results as first order elements, which means that the extra computational effort is not worth it. Differences due to the usage of special solver-provided elements are neglectable.

Additionally, we tested three site models based on a different model geometry, mechanical stratigraphy, and mesh resolution, by applying the same material properties whenever possible. Most of the observed differences are acceptable and mainly driven by the differences in geometry and the resolution of the mechanical stratigraphy. Deviation of model results is much bigger, when the original material properties (state of knowledge at the time) are applied.

How to cite: Reiter, K., Heidbach, O., Henke, A., Degen, D., and Achour, R.: Impact of resolution and finite element type in geomechanical-numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9583,, 2025.

EGU25-9746 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1

(Auto) Differentiating geology: Geological modelling with random Fourier features and neural fields 

Akshay Kamath, Samuel Thiele, and Richard Gloaguen

Neural fields (a.k.a. Spatial Neural Networks) are neural networks that take spatial coordinates as inputs and output target (interpolated) variable(s). They can learn arbitrarily complex functions and, because they are auto-differentiable, can be easily constrained by their spatial derivatives. In this contribution, we build on recent work to further explore applications of neural fields for geological modelling.

While scalar fields have been used to represent subsurface geology before, constraining these fields is a challenge. Geological models are under-constrained, requiring e.g. regularisation to derive geologically sensible results, making it difficult to learn high-frequency geometric details. Furthermore, unlike most applications of neural networks, neural fields have low dimensional inputs, which further limits their ability to learn high-frequency features during training. 

We address these challenges by using random Fourier feature encoding, a technique inspired by computer vision which transforms spatial inputs into a higher-dimensional feature space by applying sine and cosine functions weighted by randomly initialized parameters. Loss functions based on the value and gradient of the output scalar field are then used to learn the geometry of subsurface geology. Significantly, we also impose a weak-harmonic constraint on the field by minimising the divergence of the scalar field’s gradient, which penalises the formation of closed scalar field isosurfaces (i.e., “bubbles”) which violate the layered topology of stratigraphic sequences.

We demonstrate our approach on several synthetic geological datasets, and show how the neural field approach can explore the possible solution space using different random initialisations, thereby helping quantify uncertainty. To conclude, we suggest that neural fields could provide a powerful tool for future geological modelling workflows, due to their flexibility and ability to constrain diverse aspects of geological models.

How to cite: Kamath, A., Thiele, S., and Gloaguen, R.: (Auto) Differentiating geology: Geological modelling with random Fourier features and neural fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9746,, 2025.

EGU25-10078 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

Global Sensitivity Analysis to Improve Geomechanical Stress Characterizations Using Physics-Based Machine Learning Models 

Racha Achour, Denise Degen, Moritz Ziegler, Oliver Heidbach, Andreas Henk, Karsten Reiter, Mauro Cacace, and Florian Wellmann

Robust predictions of in-situ stress states are essential for the safety assessment and long-term stability of nuclear waste disposal sites. However, these predictions are inherently uncertain due to the variability in geological parameters and material properties as well as uncertainties of model calibration data. Thus, a large number of model simulations would be required for a complete investigation of the model uncertainties which is not feasible due to required high numerical resolution with several million discretization points. An alternative to classical full order solutions is to develop surrogate models that run much faster but perform with similar precision.

We propose to use a machine learning-aided methodology to set up and solve these surrogate models. Specifically, we use the non-intrusive reduced basis (NI-RB) method. The resulting surrogate models are 5-6 orders of magnitude faster compared to the initial full-order model which allows an extremely fast computation of many models with different parameters. The initially required full order geomechanical simulations are conducted using GOLEM, based on the MOOSE framework (a multiphysics simulation platform).

For our case study, we use benchmark models and a simplified model inspired by the potential siting area Nördlich Lägern for high-level nuclear waste in northern Switzerland. Preliminary results indicate that our surrogate model accurately replicates the findings of the full order solutions while significantly reducing computational costs. We primarily focus on global sensitivity analyses to identify the most critical parameters impacting the stress field. Our study explores seven scenarios for surrogate modeling, each focused on different model parameters. The first five scenario examine boundary conditions, rock properties (density, Poisson ratio, Young’s modulus), geometrical features and combinations of the three, using a benchmark model to demonstrate general implication for geomechanical studies. For these scenarios, we change between two to thirteen parameters. The sixth scenario uses the simplified study based on the Nördlich Lägern, adjusting 15 parameters (Young’s modulus of each lithological layer) illustrating the potential for future real-case applications.

We show an additional seventh scenario that integrates comprehensive fault considerations, including parameters such as geometry, geographical location, dip angle, and strike direction. These factors are vital in the context of subsurface engineering studies, as they significantly influence the stress fields and the overall stability of the geological formation. A thorough understanding of fault characteristics is paramount for assessing potential risks and ensuring long-term safety and structural integrity.

The results demonstrate that the surrogate models are much faster but keep a similar precision as the full order solution. This shows the potential of surrogate modeling for rapid uncertainty quantification in geomechanics, offering a useful tool for assessing nuclear waste disposal sites, but also different applications like, for example, geothermal exploration.

How to cite: Achour, R., Degen, D., Ziegler, M., Heidbach, O., Henk, A., Reiter, K., Cacace, M., and Wellmann, F.: Global Sensitivity Analysis to Improve Geomechanical Stress Characterizations Using Physics-Based Machine Learning Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10078,, 2025.

EGU25-10139 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1

Resolving focal mechanisms and stress field from microseismic events with short-term dense monitoring in the Southern Apennines 

Francesco Scotto di Uccio, Patricia Martínez-Garzón, Men-Andrin Meier, Matteo Picozzi, and Gaetano Festa

Microseismicity continuously occurs within active seismogenic faults, where major earthquakes might be generated. These small events offer critical insights into the geometry and mechanical state of faults. To enhance the detection of low-magnitude events, often obscured by seismic noise, 200 seismic stations were deployed from September 2021 to August 2022 across the complex normal-faulting environment of the Southern Apennines, organized into 20 sub-kilometric arrays, as part of the DETECT experiment. Using this dense network, an enriched seismic catalog was generated by integrating machine learning and template matching techniques, which has allowed to identify ~3,600 earthquakes with magnitudes -1.5 < M < 2.8.

Here, we resolved focal mechanisms for 289 earthquakes in this catalog. Our analysis is based on the inversion, with the software FPFIT, of the P-wave onset polarities determined by leveraging a convolutional neural network, incorporating a tailored weighting scheme. Dense monitoring allows to increase the number of focal mechanisms by a factor of ~2 compared to six years microseismicity observed with ordinary seismic network. The retrieved fault parameters align with the orientation and normal kinematics of the primary fault segments associated with the 1980 M6.9 Irpinia earthquake, but they also reveal minor occurrences of inverse and oblique faulting. Fault plane solutions are used to constrain the orientation and relative magnitudes of the stress field components, iteratively discriminating between the principal and auxiliary nodal planes by introducing fault plane instability. Our analysis reveals a stress field characterized by a near-vertical maximum compressive stress (σ1) and quasi-horizontal intermediate (σ2) and least compressive (σ3) stress components. The azimuth of σ3 aligns with the anti-Apenninic direction of the extensional regional stress field, consistent with previous estimates derived from long-term microseismic observations. In the central sector, the stress field orientation supports the presence of a kinked structure identified through earthquake relocations. Moreover, the high number and spatial distribution of resolved fault planes enable the investigation of potential small-scale stress field variations. By inverting focal mechanisms within the Northern, Central, and Southern sectors of the Irpinia region, we retrieve individual stress tensors, which reveal spatially coherent stress orientations and relative magnitudes of stress components across the region. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of accurately resolving stress fields from short-term array monitoring, even in the absence of major earthquakes, highlighting the potential for detailed exploration of the stress field in tectonically complex regions.

How to cite: Scotto di Uccio, F., Martínez-Garzón, P., Meier, M.-A., Picozzi, M., and Festa, G.: Resolving focal mechanisms and stress field from microseismic events with short-term dense monitoring in the Southern Apennines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10139,, 2025.

EGU25-10251 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

The Role of Faults in Shaping Present-Day Stress Fields: Implications for 3D Subsurface Models. 

Lalit Sai Aditya Reddy Velagala, Oliver Heidbach, Moritz Ziegler, Karsten Reiter, and Andreas Henk

Characterizing the crustal stress field is essential for understanding global processes such as earthquakes and plate tectonics, while also being critical for local applications, such as interim subsurface storage, and deep geological repositories for nuclear waste. A key challenge lies in understanding the interactions between the crustal stress field and pre-existing geological structures, especially with faults. Previous studies have aimed to understand the impact of faults on the stress field by making interpretations based on variation of stress magnitudes or rotation of the maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) orientation in larger regions. This approach cannot attribute the local perturbations in the stresses exclusively to the faults. Another common approach is the use of generic geomechanical-numerical models. Although instructive, generic models usually have limitations from a lack of site-specific calibration with in situ stress data.

The SHmax orientation is the only component of the reduced stress tensor that is systematically documented and accessible through databases such as the World Stress Map. The SHmax orientation reflects consistency on large scales, primarily driven by first-order tectonic forces and second-order buoyancy forces. However, significant SHmax rotations over shorter distances are often linked to third-order sources such as faults, and are challenging to model accurately due to computational complexity and the risk of numerical artifacts.

The hypothesis in this study is that the impact of local faults with a few tens of meters displacement on the in-situ stress state might be overstated. Here, we use 3-D geomechanical-numerical models that are calibrated against a unique and robust dataset of 50 stress magnitude data records. This dataset was acquired for evaluating the suitability of Zürich Nordost which is one of the three potential Swiss siting regions to build a deep geological repository for high-level nuclear waste. We vary the numerical resolutions and investigate the spatial scale at which faults influence the individual components of the far-field stress tensor and in particular the SHmax orientation. Finally, we compare models with and without faults.

Our results reveal that faults of this scale do not have a significant influence on the stress tensor orientation or principal stress magnitudes beyond a few 100s meters distance from the fault. Comparisons between the models reveal that the stress differences are not necessarily controlled by the mechanics of faults. The impact is rather due to lateral stiffness variations and density contrasts due to the offset between units that occurs at faults. Small lateral variations could be attributed to the mechanical behaviour of faults but these variations are generally less than the stress variations due to uncertainties in the rock property variability.

Our findings suggest that faults could be safely excluded from the modeling workflow for models focusing on large-scale stress predictions and not on stress changes close to the faults, such as those that characterize the geomechanics of potential deep geological repository regions. Removing faults from the modeling workflow reduces computational complexity and accelerates modeling process, without causing any significant differences in the model results at a distance of few 100s meters from the faults.

How to cite: Velagala, L. S. A. R., Heidbach, O., Ziegler, M., Reiter, K., and Henk, A.: The Role of Faults in Shaping Present-Day Stress Fields: Implications for 3D Subsurface Models., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10251,, 2025.

EGU25-10263 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

Constraining lithologically differentiated minimum horizontal stress gradients in hydrostatically pressured and overpressured parts of the North Alpine Foreland Basin in SE Germany  

Julian Breitsameter, Michael Drews, Moritz Ziegler, Peter Obermeier, and Indira Shatyrbayeva

A detailed understanding of the present-day stress state is key to understanding naturally occurring seismicity and safely and successfully conducting subsurface operations. For example, in the case of geothermal energy applications, the role of faults and fractures in both productivity and induced seismicity critically depends on the present-day stress state. In addition, knowledge of the subsurface stress state is also of significant importance to mitigate drilling risks. Here, in particular, the least principal stress controls the maximum allowable wellbore pressure before the drilled formation is unintentionally fractured. In its simplest form, the state of stress can be described by the magnitude of vertical stress and two horizontal stresses and their azimuthal orientations. Ideally, the state of stress includes the counteracting effect of pore fluid pressure (short: pore pressure) and is described as the effective stress tensor (effective stress is the difference between stress and pore pressure).

In this study, we investigate the magnitude of the least principal stress (minimum horizontal stress) in the North Alpine Foreland Basin in SE Germany using stress measurements such as Formation Integrity (FIT) and Leak-Off Tests (LOTs).

Whilst pore pressure magnitudes have been extensively studied and published in numerous publications in the North Alpine Foreland Basin in SE Germany, knowledge of the prevailing least principal stress is still quite limited, particularly in overpressured formations. So far, only subsets of the available FIT/LOT data, mainly concentrated around Munich, have been investigated. Recently, additional FIT/LOT data became available covering greater depths (up to 4,2 km) and overpressured formations. We investigate this new dataset in combination with data from previous studies to establish a minimum horizontal stress gradient model, which considers both pore pressure and rock type. To do so, we consider the ratio between the measured minimum horizontal and vertical effective stress using a previously established pore pressure magnitude model. The resulting effective stress ratio model is tested against the least principal stress measurements of deep geothermal wells in the study area's hydrostatically and overpressured regions, showing that considering both lithological and pore pressure variations is necessary to predict the least principal stress magnitudes. The established model can be used to improve the efficiency and safety of future drilling campaigns in the study area and can also serve as an input for mechanical subsurface modelling, e.g. for a better understanding of deformation or natural and induced seismicity. 

How to cite: Breitsameter, J., Drews, M., Ziegler, M., Obermeier, P., and Shatyrbayeva, I.: Constraining lithologically differentiated minimum horizontal stress gradients in hydrostatically pressured and overpressured parts of the North Alpine Foreland Basin in SE Germany , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10263,, 2025.

EGU25-11287 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

Three-Dimensional Modeling of Geological Bodies Using Radial Basis Function with External Drift Function 

Jian Yang, Friedrich Carl, Peter Achtziger-Zupančič, and Florian Wellmann

Three-dimensional (3D) geological modeling is a vital tool for visualizing subsurface geometries and understanding associated uncertainties, crucial for applications ranging from resource exploration to environmental management. Among the various modeling techniques, implicit methods have gained prominence due to their computational efficiency and ability to integrate diverse geological datasets. However, while methods such as dual kriging have successfully incorporated drift terms to enhance model accuracy, radial basis function (RBF) methods have traditionally not utilized this feature, limiting their adaptability in complex geological settings. This study addresses this gap by proposing an innovative approach that integrates geometrical external drift functions into the RBF framework. This enhancement allows the RBF models to converge to the geological expert’s conceptual geometries, significantly improving their ability to accurately model various geological structures such as planar strata, folded formations, and salt domes. The proposed methodology is demonstrated through two case studies on a synthetic fold model and real salt dome model, where its effectiveness is compared against traditional methods, showing notable improvements in both accuracy and computational efficiency. The findings suggest that incorporating external drift into RBF not only broadens the applicability of this method but also provides a more robust tool for subsurface modeling, particularly if the general subsurface geometrical configuration is understood.

How to cite: Yang, J., Carl, F., Achtziger-Zupančič, P., and Wellmann, F.: Three-Dimensional Modeling of Geological Bodies Using Radial Basis Function with External Drift Function, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11287,, 2025.

The stress field is a key factor controlling the earthquake nucleation, rupture propagation, and arrest processes, which is essential for understanding the rupture process and evaluating the earthquake hazard. We utilize the focal mechanism rotation phenomenon that occurs after a large earthquake to determine the absolute stress field around faults by employing a non-linear inversion. We assume that there are numerous existing faults in the crust, and some of them with certain directions are allowed to rupture according to the Coulomb failing criterion. The co-seismic stress perturbance induced by the mainshock, calculated from co-seismic slip models, causes the focal mechanism rotation of aftershocks compared to earthquakes before the mainshock. Thus, we use the Bayesian method to invert the absolute stress tensor and friction coefficient before the mainshock for effectively explaining the focal mechanism rotation. Results of synthetic tests indicate that the true parameters can be tightly constrained by accurately fitting the P-axis distributions before and after the mainshock, especially when conjugate faults are absent, by incorporating the prior distribution of the P-axis and friction. Finally, we apply our inversion algorithm to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Based on the appearance of normal earthquakes at depths shallower than 10 km and comparisons of data fitting for different co-seismic slip models, we infer that the largest co-seismic slip occurred shallower than the hypocenter and extends upward to the seafloor. The optimal inversion results show an increase in deviatoric stress magnitude with depth, coupled with a rotation of the maximum compressional stress direction from horizontal to vertical. This suggests that deep creep-slip loading significantly influenced the stress field in the stick-slip zone. Moreover, we calculated the pore pressure from the isotropic stress magnitude, directly derived from our inversion algorithm. The average value in the source region of the mainshock is ~0.92. It's probably due to the existence of high-pressure fluid, the megathrust fault is relatively weak (~24MPa).

How to cite: Yun, N., Yue, H., Zhou, S., and Chen, L.: Absolute stress field inversion using focal mechanism rotation and co-seismic stress change: Application to 2011 M9 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11324,, 2025.

EGU25-14135 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

The Franconian Platform in Northern Bavaria, Germany – A Drone supported, large Scale 3D Fault Model  

Juergen Lang, Daniel Koehn, and Rahul Prabhakaran

Northern Bavaria in Southeast Germany is mainly covered by sedimentary rocks which form the Franconian Platform (mainly sandstones, mudstones and limestones). These continental to shallow marine sediments of the Permo-Mesozoic age overlay the Variscan basement and are regionally affected by Syn-Variscan compression (Freudenberger and Schwerd, 1996). Additional tectonic overprint including the Permo-Mesozoic basin extension, Cretaceous inversion and Cenozoic intraplate deformation resulted in a complex fault system (e.g., Wiest et al., in review). Structural tessellation – an amalgamation of similar fault systems to tectonically homogenous blocks, provides an effective tool for the development of the large-scale 3D model. Drone photogrammetry 3D reconstructions from regional limestone and sandstone quarries help to compensate the locally sparse drill core data and the lack of outcrops owing to large agricultural and forestry cultivation. The high-resolution drone photogrammetry models are used to transfer small to medium scale structural observations into the large-scale fault model. A combination of geological maps, all available drill core data, rare seismics and the regional drone photogrammetry provides enough data input to create a realistic tectono-stratigraphic model of Northern Bavaria. The finished 3D model of the Franconian Platform will be made publicly available through the Bavarian State Office for the Environment LfU (



Freudenberger, W., and Schwerd, K., 1996, Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:500 000, München, Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt, 329 p.

Wiest, J.D., Köhler, S., Köhn, D., Stollhofen, H., Dengler, K., and Fazlikhani, H., A novel multi-scale approach to fault network analysis and visualization: test case Franconian Platform (SE Germany), in review.

How to cite: Lang, J., Koehn, D., and Prabhakaran, R.: The Franconian Platform in Northern Bavaria, Germany – A Drone supported, large Scale 3D Fault Model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14135,, 2025.

EGU25-14942 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1

Observation of borehole resistivity images from IODP Exp.403 implying stress fields exerted on the sedimentary succession in the Eastern Fram Strait 

Yuhi Sakai, Weiren Lin, Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Renata G. Lucchi, Kristen St. John, and Thomas Ronge and the IODP Exp.403 Science Party

The Eastern Fram Strait is of high geo-mechanical interest for studying how regional forcing has influenced the continental margin’s hydrology, having an impact on slope stability and climate evolution. The region is subjected to tectonic stress fields induced by a cluster of mid-ocean ridges and transform faults as well as to glacial stresses associated with the evolution of the Svalbard-Barents Sea Ice Sheet. Studies over the last decade show that seafloor methane seepage is impacted by the spatiotemporal evolution of the aforementioned stress factors. However, in-situ stress measurements from the area have been lacking to constrain stress regime inferences from geophysical data and stress models. 

During International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 403, borehole resistivity images were obtained in Holes U1618B within the second northernmost site and U1623D within the southernmost site in the expedition using Fomation-MicroScanner (FMS). The maximum and minimum principal horizontal stress orientations can be inferred from those borehole resistivity images that indicate failures of borehole walls subsequently caused after drilling. After processing and observation in combination with caliper logs, borehole breakouts and/or drilling induced tensile fractures were recognized in both boreholes. For U1618B (located on the Vestnesa ridge, an active seafloor seepage system), very scarce borehole compressive failures were recognized possibly due to weak horizontal compression implying normal stress regime. For U1623D (located offshore the Bellsund fjord), there were multiple borehole failures with large fluctuations of azimuth implying presence of local stress or small differential stress. Our results would provide the first actual data to discuss stress fields in the Eastern Fram Strait in combination with existing model-based studies contributing the advance of understanding geo-mechanics regarding seafloor fluid dynamics.

How to cite: Sakai, Y., Lin, W., Plaza-Faverola, A., G. Lucchi, R., St. John, K., and Ronge, T. and the IODP Exp.403 Science Party: Observation of borehole resistivity images from IODP Exp.403 implying stress fields exerted on the sedimentary succession in the Eastern Fram Strait, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14942,, 2025.

EGU25-15638 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1

SpannEnD 2.0 – Improved present-day stress prediction of Germany by a new 3D geomechanical-numerical model 

Steffen Ahlers, Andreas Henk, Karsten Reiter, Tobias Hergert, Luisa Röckel, Sophia Morawietz, Oliver Heidbach, Moritz Ziegler, and Birgit Müller

A robust prediction of the present-day stress state is of great importance for the safe usage of the subsurface, e.g., for borehole stability, mitigation of induced seismicity or the search and long-term safety of a high-level nuclear waste deposit. However, the state of knowledge concerning the stress state in Germany is limited as only unevenly distributed stress measurements are available. Two 3D geomechanical-numerical models created during the SpannEnD project (2018-2022) have improved this level of knowledge. Such geomechanical-numerical models - calibrated on available stress magnitudes - enable a continuum-mechanics based prediction of the present-day stress state. In the course of the follow-up project SpannEnD 2.0, a new, significantly improved model provides new insights into the stress state of Germany.  

The new 3D geomechanical-numerical model combines information of 25 geological models and comprehensive additional data. The final geomechanical-numerical model comprises 52 geological units parametrized with individual mechanical properties (Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio) and densities. Linear elasticity is assumed and the finite element method (FEM) is used to solve the equilibrium of forces. Overall, the model contains ~10 million hexahedral elements providing a lateral resolution of 4 x 4 km2 and a vertical resolution of 45 m in the uppermost 5 km. A significantly enhanced stress magnitude database has been used for model calibration on magnitudes of the minimum (Shmin) and maximum horizontal stresses (SHmax). The model results show an overall good fit with these stress magnitudes indicated by a mean of the absolute stress differences of ~5 MPa for Shmin and SHmax. Furthermore, our results agree well with additional data sets not used for calibration, e.g., an absolute mean deviation of the orientation of SHmax with regard to World Stress Map data of ~10°.

How to cite: Ahlers, S., Henk, A., Reiter, K., Hergert, T., Röckel, L., Morawietz, S., Heidbach, O., Ziegler, M., and Müller, B.: SpannEnD 2.0 – Improved present-day stress prediction of Germany by a new 3D geomechanical-numerical model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15638,, 2025.

EGU25-16273 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

AI-Driven PZero Modeling: Enhanced Seismic Data Loading, Grid Section Management, and Automated Interpretation with Sobel, A* Pathfinding, and SAM2 

Waqas Hussain, Andrea Bistacchi, Gabriele Benedetti, and Riccardo Monti

In the ongoing development of PZero within the Geosciences IR project led by the Italian Geological Survey (gecos-lab/PZero), the second phase of our research has been dedicated to enhancing seismic interpretation techniques and expanding data loading and slicing capabilities. Building on our earlier milestone of seamlessly integrating 2D and 3D seismic data, we introduced improved data handling alongside two advanced workflows for seismic horizon picking and structural interpretation.

First, we expanded the seismic data-loading functionality to support the straightforward import of SEG-Y files and other common formats. Users can now define arbitrary slicing orientations in the inline, crossline, and vertical (z) directions, managed by a newly implemented Grid Section Manager that specifies slice counts and orientations. This provides greater flexibility for tailored interpretation workflows and more robust seismic data analysis.

Second, we present a semi-automated A* edge tracking approach using Sobel filtering. By applying a Sobel filter to seismic slices, we enhanced the edges indicative of the horizon boundaries. The A* pathfinding algorithm tracks the horizon automatically once two points are selected on the filtered edges, considerably reducing manual picking while maintaining geological consistency across inlines, crosslines, or z-slices.

Third, an automatic interpretation method leveraged the Meta-Segment Anything Model (SAM2). A minimal user-provided guideline (such as a single polyline) on one slice is used by the SAM2 predictor to generate a horizon boundary mask, which is then propagated across neighboring slices in all directions. Once vectorized, these segmentation masks feed directly into PZero’s implicit or explicit 3D modeling framework, facilitating rapid updates and reproducibility across extensive seismic volumes.

Although the fully automatic SAM2 workflow significantly accelerates horizon picking, the semi-automated Sobel–A* approach remains indispensable in complex seismic settings, where automated segmentation can struggle to capture subtle geological details or correctly interpret noisy data. By allowing user interaction to guide the algorithm, the semi-automatic method ensures a higher fidelity and consistency of interpretive results in challenging areas.

Taken together, these integrated methods substantially enhance PZero’s capabilities for clastic sedimentary alluvial plain modeling. They enable more flexible data handling, efficient horizon picking, and reproducible workflows spanning both straightforward and intricate seismic environments.

How to cite: Hussain, W., Bistacchi, A., Benedetti, G., and Monti, R.: AI-Driven PZero Modeling: Enhanced Seismic Data Loading, Grid Section Management, and Automated Interpretation with Sobel, A* Pathfinding, and SAM2, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16273,, 2025.

EGU25-16567 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1

Building a geological legend for 3D geomodelling in metamorphic belts 

Riccardo Monti, Andrea Bistacchi, Waqas Hussain, Marco Herwegh, and Ferdinando Musso Piantelli

Geological 3D modelling in metamorphic belts remains a significant challenge in structural geology due to both mathematical and geological complexities. These challenges stem from the need for software capable of interpolating polydeformed surfaces explicitly or implicitly, while at the same time addressing the geological and topological meaning of these surfaces, i.e., the “geological legend” of the 3D model.
Traditional 3D geological modelling uses the boundary representation paradigm, where geological units are represented as hollow volumes bounded by discretized surfaces, typically stratigraphic boundaries or faults. Explicit interpolation methods generate these surfaces individually, possibly leading to inconsistencies. In contrast, implicit methods interpolate entire stratigraphic sequences in a single step, enabling faster workflows and ensuring mathematical consistency. Moreover, implicit methods produce a continuous (locally discontinuous at faults) volumetric “stratigraphic field” that assigns a scalar value representing a geological absolute or relative age, and boundaries are extracted a-posteriori (hence the name of the methods). Extensions of this approach, known as “GeoChron Model” or “time-aware geomodelling,” enable the assignment of ages to depositional, intrusive, or deformative events, linking the mathematical model to a well-defined sequence of geological events.
Here we propose a workflow that combines implicit and explicit modelling to facilitate conceptual interpretation, ensuring topologically and geologically consistent 3D model reconstruction in metamorphic belts. These regions pose particular challenges because time-aware geomodelling is often inapplicable due to the ill-defined or heterogeneous ages of tectonic boundaries, lithologies in tectono-metamorphic units, and deformation-related features like metamorphic foliations.
In our approach, 3D surfaces are analysed and labelled based on their topological relationships with surrounding geological objects in a preliminary conceptual modelling step, where both surface and volume perspectives are considered. Since boundary surfaces can have multiple roles depending on the geological context and might have been reactivated in polyphase deformation, it is essential to implement a systematic classification of volumes, that are distinguished as tectono-metamorphic, tectono-stratigraphic, or intrusive units (implying different boundary surfaces).
A critical strategy is the use of a time-aware legend wherever possible, such as for geological bodies with known absolute or relative ages. When age information is unavailable, as in very old basement complexes, or for coeval but spatially distinct units (e.g., ophiolite sequences emplaced at different crustal levels), a reasonable pseudo-stratigraphy is adopted (e.g. using relative structural levels instead of stratigraphic age).
Our combined workflow provides a structured and replicable methodology for addressing the unique challenges of 3D geological modelling in metamorphic belts. By systematically handling complex geological features, topological relationships, and polydeformed surfaces, it ensures more consistent and reliable geological models. This framework is expected to enhance interpretations in future studies and advance our understanding of metamorphic belts.

How to cite: Monti, R., Bistacchi, A., Hussain, W., Herwegh, M., and Musso Piantelli, F.: Building a geological legend for 3D geomodelling in metamorphic belts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16567,, 2025.

EGU25-17387 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1

From layer-cake models to complex subsurface structures: a flexible transdimensional inversion approach 

Julien Herrero, Guillaume Caumon, and Thomas Bodin

We present a transdimensional inversion to quantify stratigraphic and petrophysical uncertainties in 2D stratified subsurface models. The objective is to infer the number and position of geological units and their associated properties during inversion. The transdimensional framework relies on a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) sampler, which provides self-adaptive capabilities for the parameterization to evolve with the data, and converge to parsimonious posterior solutions. These solutions balance model complexity with the information provided by diverse datasets, such as well logs, seismic surveys, and well tests, which can be integrated within a joint inversion framework. Nevertheless, parameterizations must be carefully defined, as ensuring a small number of parameters is required to maintain reasonable computational times. In this talk, we present an overview of the different geometrical and petrophysical parameterizations that can be used for this purpose. Starting from the classical 1D "layer-cake" model with piecewise constant properties, often employed in geophysics, we progressively introduce more complex parameterizations which better approach the complexity of subsurface layers. These include inclined layers, anticlines, synclines, faulted structures, and lateral variability. By moving towards increasingly realistic parameterizations, the methodology aims to improve the estimation of stratified properties while accounting for structural and stratigraphic variability. Synthetic and real-world applications with various data types will be briefly presented to demonstrate the ability of the sampler to recover coherent results when the parameterization and the noise model are appropriately defined. Overall, this approach provides a unified and adaptable framework for geomodeling, paving the way for improved subsurface characterization and uncertainty quantification in 3D.

How to cite: Herrero, J., Caumon, G., and Bodin, T.: From layer-cake models to complex subsurface structures: a flexible transdimensional inversion approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17387,, 2025.

EGU25-18975 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1

An open-source toolbox for 3D geological modelling in QGIS 

Nicolas Clausolles, Laure Capar, Thomas Janvier, Simon Lopez, and Léana Quimerc'h

3D modeling is a major asset for the understanding and quantitative characterization of subsurface geology. Geological survey organizations have produced 3D models for decades and are nowadays facing new kinds of demands for increasingly complex accurate representations of the subsurface. New challenges include "usual" difficulties such as integrating large sources of heterogeneous data, handling a wide range of possible model scales (from urban to national), but also new requirements on model uses. As an example, models should be easily (if not automatically) updatable and computable on various environments (not only in desktop software, but also in web / platform environments), models should also serve for multiple purposes and applications (which requires generating various kinds of representations of a single model), etc. 

In this talk, we present the toolbox we have been developing at the French Geological Survey over the last years to progressively replace our two historical and homemade solutions for 3D geological modeling (GDM and GeoModeller software). The toolbox contains two parts. The first one is a set of python and C++ libraries that provide data structures and computational capabilities. These libraries can run on a wide range of software environments. The second one is a set of QGIS plugins. They provide access to 3D modelling capabilities to the geologists directly in the GIS environment without requiring them to have development skills.

Throughout the presentation, we illustrate how the different design choices we made helped us achieve our main objectives: extensibility of the toolbox capacities, reusability of the software components and performance. One of the key features to achieve these objectives is the design of modular and open software components. It enables models and workflows to be easily adapted to fit a wide range of production needs. The integration into the open-source ecosystem also provides numerous benefits, and we illustrate how we had to support the development of core QGIS functionalities to better manage 3D geological objects. 

How to cite: Clausolles, N., Capar, L., Janvier, T., Lopez, S., and Quimerc'h, L.: An open-source toolbox for 3D geological modelling in QGIS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18975,, 2025.

Calcite is one of the primary host for rare earth elements (REE) in carbonatites. The Kamthai carbonatite complex contains the largest REE budget among Indian carbonatite complexes. This study reports new 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of six textural types of calcite in carbonatite and calcite-quartz veins in phonolite of Kamthai along with their major and trace element composition to constrain the magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of carbonatite. Four textural types of calcite (magmatic: CalM and CalPR; and secondary: CalSK and CalS) in carbonatite show consistent mantle-like 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The CalM has restricted 87Sr/86Sr (0.70437±0.00005) and contains high concentrations of ƩREE, Sr, Ba, and Mn without any Ce anomaly. It probably crystallized from the late-stage brine-melt with primary carbocernaite. The CalM is partially re-equilibrated into CalPR (0.70425±0.00024) during interaction with syn-magmatic fluid, resulting in the loss of a significant amount of REE and Sr. The two secondary varieties of calcite show overlapping and marginally higher 87Sr/86Sr (CalSK: 0.70469±0.00041; CalS: 0.70478±0.00025; δCe*: <0.7 for both) than CalM, indicating that they were altered by syn– to para– magmatic fluids with partial contribution from external hydrothermal fluid. The fluid-induced re-equilibration led to the expulsion of most of its original Sr and REE content. Two types of secondary calcite (CalS1 and CalS2) are identified in three veins within phonolite. These contain the lowest abundance of ΣREE+Y, Sr, Ba, and Mn. One type of calcite (CalS1) defines two clusters of 87Sr/86Sr ratios: 1) one cluster (0.70443±0.00035) is identical to CalM and crystallized from late-stage syn– to para–magmatic fluids. 2) Calcite defining the second cluster has significantly more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (0.70768±0.00063) compared to the other varieties of calcite. Calcite of both clusters is characterized by prominent negative Ce (δCe*: <<0.034) anomalies, indicating their crystallization from oxidized fluids that removed Ce as Ce(IV). Mixing calculations indicate that mixing of 40–70% post-magmatic fluid with syn-magmatic fluid can account for the higher 87Sr/86Sr composition. The other type of calcite (CalS2) is characterized by LREE-depleted REE patterns without any anomaly and mantle-like 87Sr/86Sr (0.70434±0.00073). It possibly crystallized from late-stage para-magmatic fluids exsolved from the carbonatite melt after primary LREE mineralization. 

How to cite: Chandra, J., Upadhyay, D., Patel, A. K., and Mishra, B.: Calcite trace element chemistry and in-situ measured 87Sr/86Sr composition as a recorder of hydrothermal interaction of carbonatite: a case study from the Kamthai complex (western India)  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-199,, 2025.

The development of high-grade Cl brines is linked to some of the major mineral deposits, such as IOCG and skarns, that are often characterized by wide aureoles of scapolitization. In terranes of enhanced metallogenesis, the prograde track scapolitization can be obscured by the later intense hydrothermal reworking, making it difficult to reconstruct the prograde fluid development. For these reasons, studying the unmineralized country rocks in a deposit vicinity could provide otherwise erased information on deposit formation. The augen orthogneisses from scapolitization aureoles, located beneath the Varena Iron Ore Deposit (VIOD), in the East European Craton (Lithuania) were chosen for this study. The rocks are composed of Cpx-Amf-Bt-Pl-Kf-Scp-Qtz-Ilm-Mag-Ttn. They range from domain-structured gneiss with Pl phenocryst remains (partly or entirely replaced by Scp) in distal parts (samples D8 and D9), to almost pure scapolite rock at contact with the iron ore (sample V987), suggesting re-equilibration at different temperature and varying fluid composition and fluid/rock ratios.

Scapolite replacing Pl phenocrysts (D8 and D9) from the prograde metamorphic assemblage of Cpx+Pl+Kf+Bt+Qtz+Ilm in the mafic domains has a Cl content increasing from 0.44 apfu in the core to 0.87 apfu in the rim.  The matrix scapolite forming channel-like patchwork in the felsic matrix has Cl content up to 1 apfu and is in equilibrium with the peak-temperature Mg-Hst (750 °C, sample D9). Similar Ap-Bt temperatures of 694-766 °C were obtained in the sample D8. Biotite is thinning out towards the mafic domain centre, where it completely disappears, suggesting a partial melting of the biotite and formation of the Pl+Kf+Qtz+Scp felsic matrix around the mafic domains.

An inverse relationship in scapolite chlorinity was observed in samples with high fluid/rock ratios (V987). Here, the Cl content of 0.64-0.89 apfu is recorded in the blocky scapolite, surrounded by an analcime-scapolite (Cl content of 0.32-0.76) matrix with minor calcite and anhydrite. The Cl content in matrix scapolite is decreasing towards the contact with the ore. This indicates a change in fluid regime and its chemistry during the retrogression, with decreasing chlorinity and increased oxygen fugacity.

High Cl content in scapolite at the estimated peak conditions suggests the presence of a fluid with high aCl and low aH2O. Domain structure, dehydrated biotite and dark-CL metamorphic zircon rims are in favour of partial melting at the peak temperatures. Water is highly partitioned into the silicate melt, whereas chlorine solubility in silicic melts is very limited and is usually retained in the fluid phase. Thus, in a rock-buffered fluid, partial melting could shift fluid composition in the ternary system H2O-CO2-NaCl towards or into the “halite” stability field, producing molten salts, capable of mobilizing elements such as Fe, REE, U and Th.

How to cite: Šiliauskas, L. and Skridlaite, G.: Effect of a partial melting on the development of ore-forming fluid: a case study from the Varena Iron Ore Deposit, SE Lithuania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-523,, 2025.

EGU25-695 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Morphological transitions in mineral dendrites 

Dawid Woś, Piotr Szymczak, and Zhaoliang Hou

Mineral dendrites are tree-like, branched patterns commonly found on or within rocks, typically formed by the deposition of minerals like manganese or iron oxides. In natural systems these patterns exhibit diverse morphologies and shapes, varying in thickness or degree of branching. This study focuses on quasi-planar dendritic patterns growing along fractures and bedding planes.  In these dendrites, abrupt morphological transitions, where their thickness changes suddenly, are often observed. Understanding the mechanisms behind this phenomenon is the aim of this work.


Dendrites form through the infiltration of fractured rocks by manganese- or –iron-bearing fluids. When these fluids mix with oxygenated solutions, metal oxides precipitate, creating the dendritic patterns. The exact deposition mechanism remains debated. One model suggests that as the fluids mix, nanoscale particles of manganese or iron oxide are first formed. These nanoparticles then aggregate, resulting in the formation of mineral dendrites.


In such a scenario, the final dendrite morphology turns out to be highly sensitive to the initial concentrations of manganese (or iron) in the system. We show that morphological transitions can be triggered by subsequent infiltrations of metal-bearing fluids, characterized by different concentrations of manganese/iron ions. However, we also point to another factor that can induce morphological transitions in dendrites, this time related to the change in the aperture of the fracture or bedding plane along which they grow. We show that larger fracture apertures correlate with the formation of thicker dendritic structures. We analyze the characteristics of both transitions, focusing on the features that allow them to be distinguished from one another.


The ultimate goal would be to establish a link between the morphology of the dendrites and the physicochemical conditions in which they grew. This connection would allow for the decoding of the hydrogeochemical history of the dendrite-bearing rock strata.

How to cite: Woś, D., Szymczak, P., and Hou, Z.: Morphological transitions in mineral dendrites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-695,, 2025.

EGU25-822 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Reactive Transport Numerical Modeling of Gold Precipitation and Enrichment of Granite-Hosted Gold Deposit 

Yiwei Cai, Kun-Feng Qiu, Piotr Szymczak, Anthony J.C. Ladd, Deng-Yang He, Hao-Cheng Yu, and Tao Cui

Granite-hosted gold deposits, a major component of global gold resources, exhibit complex geochemical evolution and diverse mineralization types. Understanding the mechanisms of gold precipitation and enrichment in these systems is crucial for mineral resources exploration and extraction. Alteration processes such as potassic alteration, sericitization and pyritization significantly influence gold mobility and concentration. However, their roles in fluid-rock interactions and coupled physical-chemical dynamics remain insufficiently understood due to the complexity of mineralogical and environmental factors, as well as limited experimental and modeling data.

This study employs PFLOTRAN-based reactive transport modeling to explore the geochemical mechanisms of gold precipitation and enrichment, using the Sanshandao gold deposit in Jiaodong Peninsula, China, as a case study. Integrating geological data, hydrothermal fluid dynamics, and thermodynamic of chemical reaction networks, the model explores the influence of alteration minerals, including K-feldspar, sericite and pyrite, on fluid composition, gold solubility and precipitation. It evaluates the effects of critical parameters such as temperature, pressure and PH on the stability and solubility of gold-bearing complexes, revealing the advantageous conditions for gold precipitation.

Alteration minerals affect hydrothermal fluid properties, such as PH and redox potential, which govern gold precipitation. For example, sericitization decreases fluid PH and enhances gold solubility, while pyritization facilitates adsorption, promoting localized gold enrichment. This underscores the importance of fluid-rock interactions and geochemical conditions in controlling gold transport and enrichment.

This study offers a framework for understanding the physical-chemical mechanisms of gold mineralization in granite-hosted gold deposits. The use of reactive transport modeling provides insights how alteration processes and fluid-rock interactions shape ore-forming mechanism similar to geological settings.

Keywords: Granite-hosted gold deposits; Reactive transport modeling; Fluid-rock interaction; Gold precipitation and enrichment; Ore-forming mechanism

How to cite: Cai, Y., Qiu, K.-F., Szymczak, P., Ladd, A. J. C., He, D.-Y., Yu, H.-C., and Cui, T.: Reactive Transport Numerical Modeling of Gold Precipitation and Enrichment of Granite-Hosted Gold Deposit, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-822,, 2025.

Glass beads formed from impact melt and vapor are extensively distributed in the lunar regolith samples, containing much information about protolith composition, regolith formation and reworking. However, their understanding is often controversial due to the diversity of their sources and the complexity of later modifications. Recent returned Chang’e-5 regolith provide a unique opportunity to understand microscopic mechanism of regolith reworking and contribution of exotic components because of their shorter gardening history and exposure time. In this study, we present 256 glass beads selected from 1700 mg Chang’e-5 regolith and characterized their representative microstructures. A series of textures such as microcraters, linear scratches and bonded silicate are observed on the surface of impact glass beads, which mainly originate from the low-speed impacts of micrometeorites and their sputtered products to in-situ materials. The major and trace elements data of two sample groups of Chang’e-5 local glass beads with different textures show that homogeneous glass beads are mainly characterized by linear element loss while heterogeneous glass exhibits element redistribution with certain minerals. Based on relatively stable elements, 71 exotic glass beads were identified and divided into seven subtypes, which are associated with impact and transported materials from other regions on the Moon, tens to hundreds of kilometers away from Chang’e-5 landing site. These results indicate that the influence of large-scale impacts might be the major factor for regolith transformation including the addition of exotic materials or alterations in elements. In contrast, the small-scale impacts mainly in-situ transformed the morphology on regolith particles. The production and formation of these glass beads indicate the direction for future exploration of lunar resources

How to cite: Li, Z. and Zhang, B.: The significance of lunar glass beads for future resource exploration revealed by Chang'e-5 samples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2020,, 2025.

EGU25-3647 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Mechanisms to create stratiform mineralization in sedimentary rocks through hydrothermal processes 

Peter M. Berger, Joseph M. Magnall, Michael Kühn, and Sarah A. Gleeson

The resource demands for the ongoing energy transition require increased exploration for metal deposits. Clastic dominated (CD-type) deposits are an important target in this search because of their size and high grade. To narrow down the search for CD-type deposits, it is important to understand how they formed. One proposed formation mechanism for these deposits is sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX), in which fluid discharge from vents resulting in stratiform sulfide precipitation on the seafloor. Alternatively, it has been suggested that CD-type deposits can form beneath the seafloor, when hydrothermal fluids dissolve specific minerals (e.g., carbonate, barite) and precipitate ore in the host rock. In his study we simulate several ways in which subseafloor replacement can create stratiform mineralization that occur along laminae or single beds.

We ran a series of models using the software X2t (part of GWB) to investigate scenarios where hydrothermal fluids formed stratiform mineralization through carbonate replacement of a mixed carbonate carbonaceous mudstone unit. The models were based on the mineralogy of the Teena deposit (Australia). In the simulations, which used organic material and/or pyrite as redox buffers, a slightly acidic hydrothermal fluid replaced dolomite with sphalerite.

One scenario that resulted in stratiform mineralization was in a system with high rates of flow. The Péclet number is the ratio of advective to diffusive transport. When the Péclet number was high, advection dominated over diffusion and mineralization concentrated along preferential flow paths. The dissolution and replacement of carbonate during alteration created a feedback mechanism that enhanced flow along already permeable zones. When there were existing stratigraphic based differences in permeability, the required Péclet number for stratiform mineralization was lower.

Another set of models that produced stratiform mineralization had reducing beds that acted as a reductant for metals flowing through adjacent units. Reduced compounds flowed out of the reducing beds and caused pyrite or sphalerite precipitation in adjacent cells. This redox gradient could be created by the presence of organic matter or a simple permeability difference. Finally, a model containing mineralogic heterogeneities resulted in stratiform mineralization by creating beds with lower pH. Acid formed in areas with low initial concentrations of carbonate minerals. The acidic fluid then seeped into the adjacent beds with higher carbonate mineral concentrations. The dissolution of carbonate in the adjacent beds led to the creation preferential flow paths and stratiform mineralization.

The models simulated ways in which heterogeneities and preferential flow paths in a mixed carbonate carbonaceous mudstone unit could create stratiform mineralization during hydrothermal alteration. High flow rates and variations in permeability or mineralogy can result in not only the stratiform mineralization of the ore minerals, but also of pyrite as a reaction front preceding the ore deposition forming a distal halo.

How to cite: Berger, P. M., Magnall, J. M., Kühn, M., and Gleeson, S. A.: Mechanisms to create stratiform mineralization in sedimentary rocks through hydrothermal processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3647,, 2025.

Reported Paleoproterozoic rare earth element (REE) deposits worldwide are quite limited. Here, we present the first detailed studies on a volcanic-sedimentary metamorphic type REE deposit, namely the Shengtieling REE deposit in NE China, to give a further case. The Shengtieling REE deposit (central Liaoning) occurs in the Lieryu Formation of the South Liaohe Group and is located in the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji tectonic belt. The BSE images, combined with the monazite LA-ICP-MS in-situ trace elements, show that the main REE minerals are monazite, xenotime, and apatite from the magnetite leptynite. According to zircon and monazite U-Pb geochronological results, the maximum depositional age for magmatic clastic zircon is 1.95Ga, but both metamorphic zircons and monazites give similar ages of 1.90~1.87Ga. Whole-rock trace elements data suggest a continental island arc origin for the magnetite leptynite samples, thus indicating that the protolith may be arc-related sedimentary rocks. Notably, the 1.90~1.87Ga metamorphism is consistent with the timing of regional metamorphism, confirming the existence of arc-continent collision during the formation of the Jiao-Liao-Ji tectonic belt. Thus, based on the above new results, the Shengtieling REE deposit should be a typical Paleoproterozoic volcanic-sedimentary metamorphic type REE deposit. More attention should be paid to exploring similar REE deposit types in NE China and elsewhere.

How to cite: Liu, B., Ju, N., and Liu, X.: Zircon and monazite U-Pb geochronology and trace elements unravel a Paleoproterozoic volcanic-sedimentary metamorphic type rare earth element deposit in NE China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3683,, 2025.

EGU25-5354 | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Vermicular petalite-orthoclase intergrowths in quartz: A natural occurrence of stuffed quartz and its implications for economic lithium mineralization  

Mingqian Wu, Iain Samson, Anouk Borst, Xi Diao, Charles Beard, and Zhaoliang Hou

Peraluminous rare-metal granites from South China constitute the largest, minable hard-rock lithium resources in the world. An ongoing debate is whether the Li in these granites was concentrated to economic grades via igneous processes alone, or whether metasomatic processes played an indispensable role in achieving economic grades. The Yichun deposit is a suitable locality to study lithium mineralization processes; here, a zoned petalite (LiAlSi4O10)-bearing pegmatite sheet was intruded by underlying Li-rich granites, where both the pegmatite and granites have previously been interpreted to have originated from the same magma. Two types of sequentially crystallized quartz are present in the core zone of the pegmatite. An early quartz yields similar δ18O values to magmatic graphic quartz. This early quartz is fractured, free of mineral inclusions, and was crosscut or partially replaced by an inclusion-rich, late quartz, which exhibits comparable δ18O values to magmatic quartz, as opposed to the higher δ18O values of hydrothermal quartz at Yichun. Titanium-in-quartz thermobarometry constrains that both quartz generations were formed at comparable temperatures to the magmatic graphic quartz and share a magmatic origin. The inclusions in the late quartz are a vermicular variety, composed of abundant petalite and lesser orthoclase. Image analysis-based mass balance calculations yield an average of 2,300 ppm Li in the original melt that formed the mineral assemblage in the late quartz. Such a Li abundance is lower than the minimum Li (~5,000 ppm) required for direct crystallization of petalite from a peraluminous melt. The petalite inclusions are, therefore, interpreted as exsolution from a transient, magmatic quartz-petalite solid solution containing ~2,300 ppm Li and ~8,000 ppm Al that chemically resembled the stuffed quartz synthesized from crystallization experiments. To attain ~2,300 ppm Li in the core zone, 90% fractionation of an initial pegmatite melt containing ca. 300 ppm Li is sufficient, and formation of a boundary layer to concentrate Li is not required. The current evidence suggests that up to 1.2 wt% Li in the Yichun granite-pegmatite system resulted from metasomatism that further added Li. Such metasomatic enrichment likely applies to analogous systems in South China.

How to cite: Wu, M., Samson, I., Borst, A., Diao, X., Beard, C., and Hou, Z.: Vermicular petalite-orthoclase intergrowths in quartz: A natural occurrence of stuffed quartz and its implications for economic lithium mineralization , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5354,, 2025.

New discoveries of ore deposits are essential to secure our future demand on raw materials. Exploration for major hidden ore deposits at depth requires novel exploration concepts based on mineral system analyses beyond the deposit scale. Such approaches seek to develop a fundamental understanding of the process chain of coupled physical and chemical interactions between magmas, fluids and rocks that lead to the formation of large ore deposits. Numerical models will play a key role in bridging spatial and temporal scales varying by orders of magnitude. In this contribution, we present new numerical constraints on the formation of porphyry Cu-Mo and epithermal Au-Ag deposits. The model can simultaneously resolve both magma (Navier‐Stokes) and hydrothermal (Darcy) flow. It further uses realistic non-linear properties of crystallizing magmas and saline fluids, dynamic permeability feedbacks including fault structures, and proxies for metal transport.  The simulations describe the interplay of episodic sill emplacements, magma convection, focused volatile degassing, hydraulic fracturing, fluid phase separation and mixing. The model further simulates the fate of chemical components like salts and metals, considering fluid-melt and vapor-brine partitioning, as well as precipitation and remobilization. The simulation results show that the coupled physicochemical interactions of all of these processes can self-organize into the accumulation of voluminous hydrous magma reservoirs, distinct stages of degassing and ore precipitation by interaction with groundwater convection in typical porphyry ore shells (e.g. Gruzdeva et al., 2024). The modelled temporal and spatial evolution of the magmatic-hydrothermal system successfully reproduces and explains many observations at porphyry and epithermal deposits worldwide. Combining these first-order constraints from simplified numerical models with geochemical and geophysical data provides a promising avenue for the development of multi-method approaches to develop robust exploration criteria for future discoveries of critical mineral deposits.

Gruzdeva, Y., Weis, P., Andersen, C. (2024): Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, 7, e2023JB028433.

How to cite: Weis, P. and Gruzdeva, Y.: Numerical Modelling of Coupled Interactions of Magmas, Fluids and Rocks in the Formation of Porphyry Copper Deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5671,, 2025.

Vein-type gold orebodies in hydrothermal gold deposits normally develop vein-type orebodies normally composed of quartz and metal sulfides. Calcite, as one of the common minerals in vein-type gold deposits, commonly formed in the late mineralization stage. The Phapon gold deposit, located in northern Laos, is a unique deposit that is characterized by calcite as the main gangue mineral, free gold coexist with iron oxide, very low content of quartz and metal sulfides, and no spatial correlation with intrusive rock. The auriferous veins are hosted in lower Permian carbonate rocks and controlled by subparallel, NNW-trending brittle faults. The gold orebody is composed of a 0.3–2.0 m wide auriferous calcite vein that fills the fault zone, and the surrounding siderite and hematite alteration zones, with sparsely disseminated silification and sulfidation. The auriferous calcite vein consists of calcite (~90 vol%), subsequent siderite (~5 vol%) and hematite (~3 vol%), and a small amount of quartz, realgar, magnetite, orpiment, and traces of pyrite. In the siderite and hematite alteration zones, the hydrothermal mineral assemblage is similar to the veins, with less quartz, realgar, and orpiment and lacking pyrite.

Based on detailed field investigation, and microscopic and CL studies, three ore-forming stages were recognized as the pre-ore calcite(Cal-1)±quartz±pyrite veins, main-ore calcite(Cal-2)-siderite-hematite-realgar±orpiment-gold veins, and post-ore calcite(Cal-3) veins. The primary metal sulfides are mostly replaced by goethite during secondary oxidation. Gold normally formed as free gold that occurs in microcracks or along grain boundaries of Cal-2, or coexisted with goethite and fibrous hematite aggregates.Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry study suggested that the ore-forming fluids belong to a median-low temperature (180–240°C) and low salinity (3–10 wt% NaCl eq.) NaCl-H2O-CO2 system. Gold precipitation was mainly related to fluid immiscibility caused by pressure drop. Considering the coexistence of pyrite and iron-oxides in gold ores, gold deposition may be also related to changes of Eh and pH during the hydrothermal processes. Calcite LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis suggests inheritance between hydrothermal calcite and carbonate wall rock. Cal-2 shows higher REE, Mn, and Fe concentrations and the most obvious LREE-enrichment patterns compare to Cal-1 and Cal-3, indicating the ore-forming fluids in the main-stage are more acidic and have more intense fluid-rock interaction at the deposit trap. Vein calcite was dated by LA-SF-ICP-MS and obtained a lower intercept U-Pb age of 221.6 ± 7.6 Ma, which is interpreted as the Au mineralization age for the Phapon deposit. This age indicates that the epizonal orogenic gold mineralization event continued in the Late Triassic along the northwestern margin of the Indochina Block, postdating the late Permian–middle Triassic low-sulfidation epithermal and porphyry-skarn Au mineralization events and corresponds to the collision between the Sibumasu Terrane and the Indochina Block.

No similar deposit has been described until now, further study on the P-T-Eh-pH controlling factors during gold enrichment and precipitation process of Phapon will probably help to establish the metallogenic model of this kind of calcite-iron oxide vein-type gold deposits that spatially unrelated to intrusive rock mass, and further enriches the metallogenic theory of hydrothermal gold deposits.

How to cite: Guo, L.-N., Kolb, J., and Tang, Y.-W.: Gold enrichment and precipitation in the unique calcite-iron oxide vein-type Phapon gold deposit, Laos, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7713,, 2025.

EGU25-8010 | Orals | GMPV5.3

Mantle metasomatism facilitates the formation of continental crust and metal enrichment 

Shanshan Li, Kun-Feng Qiu, Timothy Kusky, Lu Wang, Hao-Cheng Yu, Ming-Qian Wu, Hartwig Frimmel, Yi-Xue Gao, Tong Zhou, Ze-Yu Yang, Ze-Chen Xi, and Jun Deng*

Earth’s enriched lithospheric mantle is postulated to be a natural repository of gold and rare earth element (REE) concentrations. We reviewed evidence for gold and REE enriched mantle from the Jiaobei and Luxi terranes in the North China Craton (NCC), which are the world’s third largest gold province and the China’s third largest REE deposit, respectively. In both terranes, extensive Archean tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) suites are exposed, but whether their mantle source and partial melting pressure are different that caused diverse metallogeny remains ambiguous. Based on a comprehensive analysis of geochemical data, zircon U–Pb, and Hf isotopic compositions from the TTGs, we evaluate the petrogenesis, crustal–mantle evolution, and the role of source magma composition in the formation of crust as well as gold and REE mineralization. Zircon U–Pb–Hf isotope systematics reveal that magma emplacement occurred during three major pulses at ca. 2.9 Ga, 2.7 Ga, and 2.5 Ga in the Jiaobei Terrane, whereas magmatism in the Luxi Terrane was largely concentrated from ca. 2.7 to 2.5 Ga. Geochemical and isotopic data show that the ca. 2.9 Ga and ca. 2.7 Ga TTGs in the Jiaobei Terrane are inferred to have been generated by high- and low-pressure partial melting of an enriched mantle wedge and mafic crust of a thickened arc. The ca. 2.6 Ga and ca. 2.5 Ga TTGs in the Jiaobei Terrane were generated from low- to medium-pressure partial melting the crust of a continental arc. The mantle was gradually metasomatized by slab–derived fluids in the Jiaobei Terrane during ca. 2.7–2.5 Ga, and by additional melts from sedimentary protoliths in the Luxi Terrane during ca. 2.6–2.5 Ga. The spatial distribution of isotopic and geochemical patterns of TTGs reveals the presence of a heterogeneous enriched lithospheric mantle beneath the Jiaobei and Luxi terranes, formed by variable degrees of metasomatism and experienced variable degrees of partial melting. We propose that mantle metasomatism induced by melts derived from sedimentary precursors and low-pressure partial melting played an important role in the formation of the REE deposits and gold fertility within the SCLM.

How to cite: Li, S., Qiu, K.-F., Kusky, T., Wang, L., Yu, H.-C., Wu, M.-Q., Frimmel, H., Gao, Y.-X., Zhou, T., Yang, Z.-Y., Xi, Z.-C., and Deng*, J.: Mantle metasomatism facilitates the formation of continental crust and metal enrichment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8010,, 2025.

 The Late Ordovician mass extinction(LOME) constitutes the second largest of the“Big Five” extinctions of the Phanerozoic.The LOME comprised two extinction pulses associated with sea level changes linked tothe Hirnantian glaciation. Although climatechange has been implicated as a potential driver of the mass extinction, uncertainty remains as to its precise impact relative to the concurrent development of ocean anoxia. Here, we investigate the behavior of the oceanic cadmium (Cd) cycle, as a key element involved in a number of biological processes, across the LOME and into the Early Silurian. Our focus is on the Wangjiawan section in South China, which is the Global Stratotype Section and Point section marking the base of the Hirnantian Stage. We combine authigenic Cd isotope analyses (δ114Cdauth ) with total organic carbon concentrations and isotopes, and major and trace element systematics, to determine the evolution of marine productivity across the LOME and to provide insight into the mass extinction and relationships between climatic and environmental change. Our δ114Cdauth data display a gradually decreasing trend from the late Katian to the Katian‒Hirnantian boundary, suggesting enhanced biological assimilation of isotopically light Cd followed by export to the sediments. This interpretation is supported by an increase in organic carbon isotope (δ13Corg ) compositions, as well as a progressive decrease in P/Al ratios and increase in C org /P ratios in the early part of the late Katian. A slight increase in Cd isotope values in the early Hirnantian was likely caused by drawdown of light Cd (as CdS) in euxinic shallower seawater settings. During glacial melting in the late Hirnantian, organic carbon burial declined, consistent with lower Cd/Al, Zn/Al, and Ni/Al ratios. However, δ 114 Cd auth values remain low across this interval, possibly due to an increase in the supply of isotopically light Cd from enhanced weathering and rising sea levels, as supported by elevated Al contents and chemical index of alteration (CIA) values. Elevated δ114Cdauth values subsequently occurred in the Early Silurian (Rhuddanian), alongside a decline in CIA and Al values, suggesting that the Cd sink was gradually balanced by a decline in the weathering input of Cd and lower rates of primary productivity. Our data provide new insight into the Cd cycle through the Late Ordovician to Early Silurian, and suggest that elevated marine productivity drove enhanced burial of organic matter, which likely contributed to CO2 drawdown and the initiation of the Hirnantian glaciation.

How to cite: Zhao, H.: The constraints of cadmium isotopes on primary productivity and environmental perturbations during the Late Ordovician mass extinction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8187,, 2025.

EGU25-8749 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Evolution of transient permeability and fluid flow in disseminated ores of Zaozigou orogenic gold deposit 

Peng-Cong Zhang, Kun-Feng Qiu, Anna Rogowitz, Hao-Cheng Yu, and Zhaoliang Hou

Orogenic gold deposits are among the most important sources of gold globally. Ore occurs either in veins or disseminated within the host rock. While the dynamic permeability enhancement and fluid flow processes associated with vein-type ores have been extensively studied, the specific physical and chemical processes associated with fluid flux in disseminated ores have been largely overlooked. Here, we combine structural analysis, microstructural observation, and thermodynamic modeling of disseminated mineralized dacite to investigate the permeability evolution and the associated fluid flow characteristics in the Zaozigou orogenic gold deposit. The mineralized dacite is bordering an extensional quartz-stibnite vein that formed in response to rock implosion triggered by fluid pressure drops associated with co-seismic dilation on a nearby fault segment. The subsequent lateral alteration zonation on either side of the vein can be divided into four distinct zones (Z1-Z4) based on local geochemical and mineralogical variations:: Z1 is characterized by the enrichment of invisible gold, pyrite, arsenopyrite, sericite, albite, and dolomite; Z2 shows the occurrence of siderite, sericite, albite, and dolomite; Z3 can be defined by the concentration of chlorite and sericite; Z4 represents the least-altered dacite composed of quartz, biotite, and feldspar. Interconnected cracks observed in weakly altered dacite (Z3) reflect fluid pressure-induced grain-scale microcracking. In addition, the grain size reduction associated with fully altered minerals (Z1-Z2) results in the development of numerous new fluid pathways (grain boundaries) and a gradual increase in permeability. Pyrite, arsenopyrite, sericite, siderite, and chlorite are primarily distributed along the cleavage planes of biotite, while sericite and albite align with newly formed pores in feldspar. Additionally, dolomite is also observed around feldspar grains in Z1 and Z2. The spatial distribution of these hydrothermal minerals indicates that fluid flow predominantly occurred along pre-existing cleavage planes and newly formed microcracks and pores. The precipitation of hydrothermal minerals observed in altered dacite (Z1-Z3) indicates that the early increased permeability was eventually destroyed. Thermodynamic models based on our microstructural and geochemical investigations suggest that sulfidation reactions led to gold precipitation in the altered dacite and the subsequent compositional changes in reactive fluid flow are the predominant driver for the formation of the lateral alteration zoning.

How to cite: Zhang, P.-C., Qiu, K.-F., Rogowitz, A., Yu, H.-C., and Hou, Z.: Evolution of transient permeability and fluid flow in disseminated ores of Zaozigou orogenic gold deposit, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8749,, 2025.

EGU25-11313 | Orals | GMPV5.3

Ionization of H2O, HCl, and NaCl in low-density crustal fluids: thermodynamic modeling 

Federica Salomone and David Dolejs

Thermodynamic modelling of H2O, HCl and NaCl ionization at magmatic-hydrothermal conditions provides essential basis for understanding speciation, acidity changes, metal complexation and ore-deposit formation. We critically evaluate modelling of H2O, HCl and NaCl ionization using pre-existing approaches in literature, that include: (i) electrostatic models [1,2]; (ii) models based on semi-empirical logarithmic correlations with water density [3]; (iii) models based on virial expansion [4]; (iv) approaches based on stepwise hydration of solute [5], and (v) various statistical-mechanics-based theories [6]. Simulations of H2O, HCl and NaCl ionization from individual models are consistent up to 400 °C and pressures above 3 kbar. However, significant discrepancies emerge with increasing temperatures and decreasing pressures. Electrostatic and virial models at low pressures (below 300 bar) and at high fluid density poorly perform partly because loose physical significance. Hydration models and approaches based on mean spherical approximation inaccurately describe pressure-temperature dependence. Density models emerge as the most accurate in ionization predictions and therefore, as promising approach for constructing new equations of state for ionic species. We develop a new low-parametric density model to depict the thermodynamic properties of aqueous species in low-density hydrothermal fluids with a more rigorous theoretical framework that incorporates intrinsic properties of aqueous solute (entropy, enthalpy, heat capacity and hardcore volume) and accounts for solute-solvent interactions (via volume compression). Our new density model offers improved accuracy and performance in the temperature-pressure space requiring fewer equation parameters in comparison to existing models in literature. The new density model is applied for the prediction of H2O, HCl and NaCl speciation along four fluid-flow paths representing distinct crustal settings, specifically: transcrustal metamorphic devolatilization, intrusion-related lateral, vertical and adiabatic flow. Simulations reveal that metamorphic fluids have ionization capability by four orders of magnitude greater than the upper-crustal magmatic fluids. This demonstrates the superior effectiveness of high-pressure fluids in the transport of ionic species and acidity generation. Fluids exsolved from upper-crustal magmatic sources during lateral or vertical flow exhibit mutually comparable behavior upon cooling and progressively ionize species and produce significant acidity from 400 °C.  By contrast, speciation occurring during adiabatic flow is mainly controlled by decreasing fluid density, and as the fluid cools and expands solute species remain completely associated. Overall, the simulation of the four thermal gradients highlights the major impacts that pressure and fluid density have on H2O, HCl and NaCl ionization and the various efficiency for acidic alteration and mineralization of hydrothermal fluids along their specific pathways and hydrodynamic conditions.



[1] Tanger IV J C, Helgeson H C (1988) Am J Sci 288: 19-98

[2] Shock E L et al. (1992) J Chem Soc Faraday Trans 88: 803-826

[3] Marshall W L and Franck E U (1981) J Phys Chem Ref Data 10: 295-304

[4] Akinfiev N N and Diamond L W (2003) Geochim Cosmochim Acta 67: 613-627

[5] Djamali E and Cobble J W (2009) J Phys Chem 113: 2398-2403

[6] Lvov S N et al. (2018) J Molecul Liq 270: 62-73

How to cite: Salomone, F. and Dolejs, D.: Ionization of H2O, HCl, and NaCl in low-density crustal fluids: thermodynamic modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11313,, 2025.

EGU25-13949 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3

Reappraisal of arsenic-gold interaction in pyrite: insights from ab initio simulations 

Zi-Yue Gao, Jun Deng*, Razvan Caracas, Zheng-Yu Long, Deng-Yang He, Hao-Cheng Yu, and Kun-Feng Qiu

Geochemical evidence suggests that arsenic is a key accelerator reinforcing gold mineralization in pyrite. The systematic presence of Au-bearing arsenian pyrite in hydrothermal systems highlights the coupled Au-As geochemical behaviors in various physio-chemical conditions. However, there is a lack of understanding of elemental interactions at the atomic scale during gold mineralization.

Here, we employ ab initio simulations to detect the atomic-scale mechanisms governing gold incorporation in arsenian pyrite. By computing crystal unit cell volume, incorporation energy, and detailed electronic properties, we demonstrate the fundamental role of arsenic in gold occurrence, which effectively leads us to revisit the Au-As coupling.

We obtain that the Au-As substitution is one of the most favorable double substitutions into pyrite. The incorporation of As induces the expansion of the unit cell, which facilitates the substitution of the Au atom to the Fe-site. Lattice distortions of pyrite caused by other elements (including the common trace elements in pyrites) promote this process on a smaller scale. Among several calculated double substitutions, the valence shell of As and the volume of the [FeAsxS6-x] polyhedra provide a unique preferential environment that can easily accommodate incompatible elements, such as Au.

Our study provides a novel insight of the co-evolutionary process between Au-As coupling in pyrite during gold mineralization, and propose a fresh approach to detect the dynamic evolution between varying trace elements occurring in different mineralization system.

How to cite: Gao, Z.-Y., Deng*, J., Caracas, R., Long, Z.-Y., He, D.-Y., Yu, H.-C., and Qiu, K.-F.: Reappraisal of arsenic-gold interaction in pyrite: insights from ab initio simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13949,, 2025.

Despite their close temporal and spatial relationships, the effects of tectono-thermal events on ore formation remain obscure. To better understand this process, a comprehensive geochemical investigation was conducted on syn-tectonic pegmatite and quartz veins associated with the Devonian subduction and Permian collision of the Chinese Altai. We found that the Devonian fluids were organic alkanes-CO2-S-Ca-Mg-rich saline fluids with variable CO2/CH4, lower F/SO42− and Al3+/Mg2+ ratios, whereas the Permian fluids are immiscible fluids including CO2-C4H10-CO-rich oxidized gas bubbles and CH4-C3H8-C2H6-Ca-Na-K-Al-S-Cl-F-rich reduced saline fluids with lower CO2/CH4 (mostly <1), higher F/SO42− and Al3+/Mg2+ ratios. The Devonian and Permian fluids also have similar δ13C-CO2 values of −3.5~−23.8‰ and −3.7~−16.5‰, repressively. These data suggest that both fluids derived mainly from devolatilization and dehydration melting of metasediments but the Permian fluids likely involve more muscovite dehydration and biotite melting in the shallower and deeper crust, respectively. Besides, the Devonian fluids contain more meteoric components whereas the Permian fluids contain more mantle-derived components. Base metal-dominated Devonian mineralization occurred as the deep-sourced organic matter-S-rich fluids promote base metal migration whereas the relatively oxidized fluid conditions inhibited mineralization of many other metals. By contrast, the more reduced and F-rich Permian fluids with more mantle contributions facilitated the extraction of Au and uptakes of rare metals from reworked metasediments and promoted their mineralization. These findings provide more complete pictures of how tectono-thermal events fertilize the crusts and demonstrate that syn-tectonic fluids can serve as proxies for metallogenic processes during orogenic cycles in general.

How to cite: Xiao, M., Zhao, G., and Jiang, Y.: Syn-tectonic fluids decoding effects of tectono-metamorphic cycles on regional metallogenic evolution of the Chinese Altai, central Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15366,, 2025.

EGU25-15902 | Orals | GMPV5.3

Genesis of porphyry copper deposits: key roles for plagioclase and anhydrite in metasomatism 

John Wheeler, Joe Gardner, and Richard Henley

Wheeler, J.1, Henley, R. W.2, Gardner, J.1, Mernagh, T.2, Leys, C.3, Troitzsch, U.2, Bevitt, J.4, Brink, F.2, Knuefing, L.2, Limaye, A.2 Turner, M.2 & Zhang, Y.2

1 Department of Earth, Ocean, and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK

 2 Australian National University, Canberra

3 P.T. Freeport Indonesia, Papua

4 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, NSW 2234, Australia

Porphyry copper deposits are not formed just by crystallisation of ores from Cu-bearing hydrothermal fluids; metasomatism can be involved. We present a metamorphic point of view of the Grasberg porphyry deposit in Papua, which is hosted by intensely altered calc-alkaline plutonic rocks characterised by albite and anhydrite. We propose that plagioclase reacts with magmatic SO2 to form anhydrite and albite, and this releases H2S that plays a major role in Cu ore formation [1]. We split a complex set of reactions into conceptual “building blocks”: these did not happen in a particular order but help to explain our observations.

  • SO2 (in the volcanic gas) reacts with water to becomes H2S and H2SO4.
  • H2SO4 reacts with Ca from plagioclase to form anhydrite (in veins) c.f. [2].
  • Albite is left over.
  • H2S reacts with Cu (in the volcanic gas) to form Cu minerals.
  • Fe from biotite similarly reacts to form CuFe minerals.
  • K-feldspar is left over.

Partly because of these reactions the potassic zone contain more K-feldspar than the protoliths. This is not due to the introduction of magma-derived K by metasomatism; a large chemical dataset shows that unaltered and altered rocks have similar major element bulk compositions. The “HSC Chemistry” package which includes thermodynamics of gases with varied chemistry has been used for preliminary models of reaction.

Electron Backscatter Diffraction work on the new albite shows it is replacing plagioclase inheriting the crystallographic orientation. This resembles microstructures in “coupled dissolution precipitation” reactions [3] though we are not implying the reaction mechanisms are necessarily the same. The thermodynamics and kinetics of the plagioclase breakdown will affect the overall amount of copper ore formed.

[1] Henley et al. JVGR (2022) 432: 107710.

[2] Henley et al. Nat Geosci (2015) 8: 210.

[3] Gardner et al. Lithos (2021) 396-397.

How to cite: Wheeler, J., Gardner, J., and Henley, R.: Genesis of porphyry copper deposits: key roles for plagioclase and anhydrite in metasomatism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15902,, 2025.

EGU25-21371 | ECS | Orals | GMPV5.3

The influence of extensional strain rates, crustal melting and drainage on rare-metal mineralization 

Han Zheng, Guochun Zhao, and Liangming Liu

Rare metals, commonly located in extensional settings, linked with highly fractionated granites and pegmatites, require immense enrichment—ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands—owing to their low Clarke values (10-5–10-6). The generation of pegmatite-forming melts, crucial for the creation of rare metal ores, necessitates multi-stage silicate liquid extraction from granitic melts in a supersaturated state. At the same time, partial melting introduces a low-viscosity liquid phase, substantially weakening crustal rocks. Concomitant melt drainage, however, may counterbalance these rheological changes. The resilience of the parental anatectic rocks hinges on the melting reaction's intersection with the prograde pressure-temperature path, the volume of melt generated, and the duration of melt retention before loss. Despite the central role of crustal melting and drainage in magma fractionation and rare-metal mineralization, their influence remains under-investigated, particularly the advection of heat and mass from the lower to the upper crust, which is strain-rate dependent. Our study addresses this gap, providing a quantitative analysis of the strain-rate dependent rare-metal mineralization resulting from crust's partial melting and melt loss. We employ field-based structural analysis, two-dimensional thermo-mechanical ASPECT modeling, and mineral equilibria and mixed rheology modeling of representative anatectic rock compositions. We reveal that the positioning of highly fractionated granites and pegmatites, the particle flow paths' morphology (finite strain and kinematic), and pressure-temperature-time paths are contingent on extensional strain rates and melt fraction. During prograde metamorphism, the parental anatectic rocks of rare metal elements undergo continuous but pulsed melt production. This episodic melt removal, occurring over a specific time interval (such as ~10 m.y. for the Mufushan–Lianyunshan ore field in South China), is instrumental for the extreme fractionation of rare-element granitic pegmatites. At a lower extensional strain rate (≤ 10-15 s-1), lithologies may maintain minimal strength or transiently strengthen (≤ 10 MPa) post-melt loss. This results in anatectic rocks oscillating between relative weakness and strength during episodic melt loss, thereby concentrating rare metals to potentially economically viable levels. Contrarily, at a higher extensional strain rate (≥ 10-14 s-1), both magma fractionation and repeated melt removal cycles are suppressed, rendering the generated pegmatites unlikely to achieve economic grades. Our findings suggest that the primary exhumation driver for highly fractionated granites and pegmatites is crustal isostatic compensation, not buoyancy from partial melting. Furthermore, the extensional strain rate may modulate the intensity of crust-mantle interactions and strain localization, effectively controlling the final emplacement of rare-metal pegmatites.

How to cite: Zheng, H., Zhao, G., and Liu, L.: The influence of extensional strain rates, crustal melting and drainage on rare-metal mineralization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21371,, 2025.

EGU25-483 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2

The Impact of Pore Geometry and Orientation on Permeability Evolution and Compaction Band Formation in Volcanic Rocks 

Kamal Bayramov, Michael Heap, Patrick Baud, and Francesco Lazari

Compaction band formation and permeability evolution in volcanic rocks are key to understanding fluid transport and the potential for pore fluid pressurisation, impacting volcano eruption dynamics and volcanic hazards, geothermal energy extraction, and CO₂ sequestration. Compaction banding and permeability evolution are influenced by the geometry and alignment of pores. Laboratory studies on volcanic rocks have provided valuable insights, yet the heterogeneity of volcanic rock microstructures—particularly in pore geometry and distribution—presents challenges in predicting deformation and permeability changes across varied geological settings. This study systematically investigates the role of pore geometry on compaction band formation and permeability evolution in a porous lava.

A porous lava, a trachyandesite from a quarry near Volvic, France, known as "Volvic Bulleuse" (VB), was studied to explore the factors influencing compaction band and permeability evolution. The pores in VB with an average aspect ratio of 0.44, exhibit elongation along a preferred orientation within a groundmass dominated by plagioclase microlites. To investigate the effects of pore geometry, cylindrical samples were drilled along two orientations—parallel (VBY) and perpendicular (VBZ) to the pore major axis—such that in VBY samples, the pore major axis aligns with the cylinder’s long axis, while in VBZ samples, the axes are perpendicular. Both VBY and VBZ exhibited porosities ranging from 23–27%, as determined by gas pycnometry. In terms of permeability, measured along the cylinder’s long axis, VBY samples showed a value of approximately 10⁻¹⁴ m², while VBZ samples exhibited a lower permeability of around 10⁻¹⁵ m².

Triaxial deformation experiments demonstrated that VBZ samples—featuring pores perpendicular to the cylinder axis—are approximately twice weaker than VBY samples deformed at the same pressure. Microstructural analysis of deformed samples revealed that pore geometry has minimal influence on compaction band orientation at lower effective pressures, where compaction bands typically formed sub-perpendicular to the major principal stress, as is commonly observed. However, at higher pressures, compaction bands preferentially formed at angles of 45–50° to the loading direction in VBY samples, a development that is closely linked to the preferred orientation of the pores.

Additionally, we measure permeability during triaxial deformation under an effective pressure in the ductile regime (75 MPa), revealing significant changes in permeability due to deformation and pore orientation. Our analysis emphasizes pore structure's role in deformation and permeability evolution, with applications ranging from geothermal energy extraction to various subsurface fluid transport processes.

How to cite: Bayramov, K., Heap, M., Baud, P., and Lazari, F.: The Impact of Pore Geometry and Orientation on Permeability Evolution and Compaction Band Formation in Volcanic Rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-483,, 2025.

EGU25-1131 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2

Stress-induced permeability anisotropy and fluid flow dynamics in a Mesozoic fractured carbonate aquifer of southern Italy 

Ian Bala Abdallah, Cathy Hollis, David Healy, Jeffrey De'Haven Hyman, Giacomo Prosser, and Fabrizio Agosta

Understanding the impact of local stress states on computed permeability for fractured carbonates or any other lithotype is crucial to better assess the modalities of fluid flow in the subsurface. Considering Mesozoic fractured carbonates exposed along the flanks of the Viggiano Mt. of southern Italy, we investigate the control exerted by the local fracture networks on the output of DFN modelling of geocellular volumes whose dimensions are like those of the studied outcrops. Specifically, the following four sedimentary units are considered:

  • Scarrone La Macchia II, (SLM II), well-layered, Sinemurian–Pleinsbachian carbonate succession of wackestone-packstones to grainstones arranged in discrete bed packages originally deposited in a low-energy, open lagoon environment.
  • Scarrone la Macchia I, (SLM I), Toarcian oolithic carbonates characterized by bed amalgamation originally formed in a ramp setting rimmed by oolithic sand shoals.
  • Piana del Buon Cuore (PBC), Lower Cretaceous - Upper Jurassic limestones whose clasts consist of oolites, oncolites and intraclasts deposited in a high-energy platform margin environment.
  • The Il Monte (ILM), massive, amalgamated, Cretaceous carbonate rudstones and grainstones originally deposited along the paleo-slope of the carbonate platform.

By employing existing field data (Abdallah et al., 2023, 2024), we carried out Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN) modelling of 5 m-sided geocellular volumes including internal sub-volumes representative of single carbonate beds. This work was conducted by means of  high-resolution computational meshes provided by the dfnWork ® code, which is capable of non-reactive solute transport simulation, and constrain of imposed depth-equivalent stresses to assessing effective horizontal permeability (effkxx, effkyy).

Focusing on the results achieved for the Viggiano Mt. aquifer, we simulated depth conditions of 500m coupled with principal stress axes of ~13MPa (sv), 10 MPa (shmax, NW-SE), and 7.58 MPa (shmin, NE-SW). The theoretical aperture data were hence modulated by the local stress state conditions. SLM I, exhibits an increase in permeability anisotropy ratio as a function of the stresses, hence, leading to flow channelling within the network. Lagrangian solute transport simulation supports the afore-mentioned results by marked changes in primary flow path, increase in path tortuosity, as a function of stress, and delay in breakthrough time. Similar results were achieved for PBC and ILM units. Differently, SLM II undergoes the opposite effect, where the permeability ratio seems to reduce drastically at a depth of 500m and stabilizes after that. We infer this behaviour as due to non-linear-fluid-flow behaviour as a function of aperture closure or dilation, as seen in highly connected systems of fractures including both stratabound and non-stratabound elements. Accordingly, SLM II is characterized by efficient mechanical units made up of bed interfaces, which were able to compartmentalize the vertical growth of high-angle fractures.

This research highlights the complex behaviour of permeability anisotropy in fractured carbonate rocks, in response to depth-equivalent stresses, and the importance of building realistic geomechanically coupled-DFN models to estimate fluid-flow and storage properties of fractured rocks at depth.


How to cite: Abdallah, I. B., Hollis, C., Healy, D., Hyman, J. D., Prosser, G., and Agosta, F.: Stress-induced permeability anisotropy and fluid flow dynamics in a Mesozoic fractured carbonate aquifer of southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1131,, 2025.

EGU25-1785 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2

Fault leakages from the Val d’Agri hydrocarbon reservoir: a comparison between paleo- and present-day fluids 

Giulia Schirripa Spagnolo, Francesca Gori, Marino Domenico Barberio, Tiziano Boschetti, Barbara Marchesini, Giovanni Ruggieri, Stefano Bernasconi, Antonio Caracausi, Alessandra Sciarra, Michele Paternoster, Davide Novella, Maurizio Barbieri, Marco Petitta, Andrea Billi, and Eugenio Carminati

Assessing leakage mechanisms that compromise reservoir integrity is essential for effective geo-resource management and mitigating environmental risks. Reservoir leakages can occur via both anthropogenic pathways, such as active and inactive wells and pipelines, and natural pathways, including fractures and fault zones. Additionally, fault-valve action can temporarily disrupt sealing layers, allowing trapped fluids to migrate upward. Distinguishing between natural and human-induced causes of reservoir leakage is valuable but often challenging. To address this, we present an innovative approach that compares fluid circulation systems before and after the onset of reservoir exploitation. Present-day fluids are studied using standard groundwater sampling, modelling, and near-surface soil gas surveys. In contrast, paleo-fluids are analyzed using carbonate clumped isotope of fault-related calcite veins, along with fluid inclusion spectroscopy and microthermometry to determine parental fluid temperatures and compositions. We applied this approach to the giant Val d’Agri hydrocarbon reservoir in Southern Italy, a region characterized by: (i) high seismic hazard, with historical earthquakes up to magnitude 7; (ii) recent low-magnitude seismicity induced by oil extraction; and (iii) ongoing debate about industrial activities potentially triggering anthropogenic leakages. From our extensive dataset of fault-related calcite veins, we selected samples from Pleistocene-Holocene extensional-transtensional faults of the northeastern side of the valley, where productive oil wells are located. Carbonate clumped isotope analysis revealed precipitation temperatures of 160-180°C, while micro-Raman spectroscopy of fluid inclusions detected hydrocarbon phases matching those currently extracted from the reservoir. These findings suggest that past faulting, likely associated with strong earthquakes, temporarily breached the thick sealing layer, releasing trapped hydrocarbons. Considering present-day fluids, isotope analyses (carbon, boron, sulfate, and helium) from hydrogeochemical monitoring of nearby springs indicated long-term mixing between these hydrocarbons and shallow fluids. In summary, our multidisciplinary study demonstrates that natural leakage via fault-valve action occurred in the pre-exploitation period. Given the high seismic hazard in this region, we recommend incorporating these natural processes into future assessments to enhance environmental hazard mitigation and support sustainable hydrocarbon production management.

How to cite: Schirripa Spagnolo, G., Gori, F., Barberio, M. D., Boschetti, T., Marchesini, B., Ruggieri, G., Bernasconi, S., Caracausi, A., Sciarra, A., Paternoster, M., Novella, D., Barbieri, M., Petitta, M., Billi, A., and Carminati, E.: Fault leakages from the Val d’Agri hydrocarbon reservoir: a comparison between paleo- and present-day fluids, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1785,, 2025.

Salt domes are considered as host rocks for long-term nuclear waste disposal. Groundwater flow in the near salt domes may lead to the transport of radionuclides into the biosphere. The following key factors that influence groundwater dynamics are the presence of brine as a result of salt dissolution, heat generation from radioactive waste and the "salt chimney effect"-a phenomenon in which the geothermal heat flux and high thermal conductivity of salt rock induce elevated temperatures around salt domes. The resulting temperature and salinity variations affect groundwater density (and viscosity), driving thermohaline convection in adjacent rock layers of the salt dome. Variable density and viscosity lead to coupled processes due to the highly nonlinear nature of the problem, which is challenging to model numerically. This study defines the fractured salt chimney problem and investigates for the first time the effect of fractures in the surrounding rock layers of a salt dome on thermohaline convection in these layers. Results show that the presence of fractures can have a strong impact on salt transport rates and the thermohaline convection patterns near salt domes.

How to cite: Suilmann, J. and Graf, T.: Numerical investigation of thermohaline convection in fractured-porous media near salt domes: the fractured salt chimney problem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2742,, 2025.

Fracture network develops in response to deformation in competent rocks and are often related to fault related folding (Allmendinger, 1982; Watkins et al., 2018). The Baghewala structure in the Bikaner-Nagaur sub-basin is a fault related anti-form that encompasses the Marwar Supergroup. The structure has a spatial extent of ~12 km2 and is bounded by a major ENE-WSW trending reverse fault. The Upper carbonate (UC) Formation of Marwar supergroup here carries dominantly the dolomites and is traversed by extensive fractures that are visible in cores and image logs. This is a zone of severe mud loss and drilling complications.  

We study the image logs from 6 wells to decipher the fracture orientation, understand the deformation mechanism and the implications for drilling and hydrocarbon production. The interpreted fractures from image logs are observed to be dominantly high-angle (60°-90°) extensional fractures oriented along ENE-WNW direction with respect to the sub-horizontal bedding. Additionally, it is seen that the fractures are confined to dolomitic part of UC Formation. Spatially the wells nearer to the fold crest and fault show higher fracture intensity compared to the peripheral wells. The transpressional tectonics after the deposition of the Marwar Super group induced ~NW-SE compression that led to the formation of fault related Baghewala fold. Consequently, the outer arc extension resulted in formation of the syn-post folding fracture network (Price 1966). The fractures thus can be inferred as late-stage high angle fractures due to its orientation (Basa et al., 2019; Ahmed and Bhattacharyya, 2021) and relative prominence (Ismat and Mitra, 2001). Dolomites accommodate deformation by forming fracture networks and fracture intensity is higher, proximal to the fault zone and fold structure (Ahmed and Bhattacharyya, 2021). Thus, lithology and structural position played a role in the partitioning of fractures vertically and spatially.

We see the horizontal wells that are oriented sub-parallel to the fracture network have significant history of mud loss within UC compared to the wells whose profile trends at high-angle to fracture orientation. The deviated wells oriented along the major fracture network will encounter weak planes leading to drilling complications compared to profiles that are oriented across. Therefore, understanding orientation of fracture networks has implications in designing deviation profile of the wells. In low permeability rocks like dolomite, fractures can affect fluid flow due to increase or decrease in permeability (Hanks et al., 2004). The extensional fractures developed in the Baghewala structure can lead to increase in permeability in the reservoir zone also i.e. the competent Jodhpur sandstone. We see enhanced production in one well that is closer to the fault zone which may be due to the increased permeability effected by the fractures, but the data is limited to conclusively prove this. This study will help to design the well position and trajectory not only to avoid mud loss and drilling complications but also to increase production by optimally placing the wells in proximity to the higher fracture intensity after arriving at a Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) model.

How to cite: Ahmed, F. and Rai, T.: Fracture network mapping using image logs from Baghewala structure, Bikaner Nagaur sub-basin: Implications for well profile and hydrocarbon production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3144,, 2025.

EGU25-3991 | Orals | ERE5.2

Nucleation of remote hydraulic fractures 

Keita Yoshioka, Tao You, Yuma Kanemaru, Nagi Obata, Noriaki Watanabe, and Kiyotoshi Sakaguchi

Hydraulic fracturing is widely recognized as the most effective method for creating Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). However, its application has been associated with induced seismicity, leading to the shutdown of several projects. As an alternative, low-viscosity fluids, such as CO2, may be used because they tend to generate complex fracture networks by inducing numerous small, isolated (remote) fractures without requiring high-pressure injection. Despite this potential, however, the mechanisms and conditions that govern the formation of such patterns remain poorly understood. This study identifies two critical factors through poroelastic analysis: (1) prolonged pressure diffusion facilitated by the low viscosity of the fluid, and (2) heterogeneity in Biot’s coefficient. To validate these findings, hydraulic fracturing experiments were performed on two types of marble: fine-grained marble, representing a homogeneous sample, and coarse-grained marble, representing a heterogeneous sample. Both water and CO2 were used as injection fluids. The results demonstrate that remote fractures only form in heterogeneous rocks when CO2 is used as injection fluid. These findings suggest the potential to develop a safe and innovative reservoir stimulation technique that effectively stimulates large surface areas by strategically alternating the viscosity of the injection fluid while maintaining low injection pressures.

How to cite: Yoshioka, K., You, T., Kanemaru, Y., Obata, N., Watanabe, N., and Sakaguchi, K.: Nucleation of remote hydraulic fractures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3991,, 2025.

EGU25-8308 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Faults in geomechanical models – Necessary, nice, or nonsense? 

Moritz Ziegler, Karsten Reiter, Oliver Heidbach, Robin Seithel, Mojtaba Rajabi, Thomas Niederhuber, Luisa Röckel, Birgit Müller, and Thomas Kohl

Faults are an important factor for geoenergy applications due to either their sealing or conducting properties or their mechanical behaviour. Consequently, (thermo-hydro-) mechanical numerical investigation of geoenergy applications often include faults in their modelled rock volume. It is often assumed, that faults can significantly alter the far-field stresses, impacting both magnitudes and the orientation. In contrast to the far-field, stress rotations in the vicinity of faults are clearly observed in numerous borehole stress analyses across the world.

While an impact of faults on the stress field is expected, the representation of faults in (thermo-hydro-) mechanical numerical models is technically highly diverse. We investigate different methods to incorporate faults in geomechanical-numerical models and the relationship between faults and the stress state on two different spatial scales.

(1) The impact of faults on the stress state at distances of several hundred meters to a few kilometres (far-field) is tested. Therefore, faults are modelled with different numerical representations, material properties, fault orientations w.r.t. the stress field, fault width, extent, and boundary conditions. The results show that the impact of faults on the far-field is negligible in terms of the principal stress magnitudes and orientations. Only in extreme cases, stress changes in the far-field (>1km) can be observed, but these are not significant considering the general uncertainties in stress field observations.

(2) Stress changes within the fault zone are investigated, too. Particularly, the material contrast between the intact rock and the damage zone and fault core is regarded. This contrast can be responsible for a dramatic change in the stress tensor, observed as a rotation of the principal stress axes. In general, the change in the stress field increases with increasing stiffness contrast. The orientation of the fault w.r.t. the background stress field and the relative stress magnitudes, particularly the differential stress, lead to further stress changes. A small angle between the fault and the maximum principal stress axis and a small differential stress promote stress changes.

The study indicates that the impact of faults on the stress field is mostly limited to the fault’s near-field. These models provide an upper limit of stress changes, as several factor which alter stress changes (joints, viscosity etc.) are not included. However, the stress changes depend on the acting processes and material properties. Furthermore, for models used for site investigation, the implementation method and the mesh resolution can play an important role. All these factors need to be considered when planning the setup of a model with faults and their implementation.

The work was partly funded by BGE SpannEnD 2.0 project, the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture (Science and Arts) within the framework of the “Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria” (GAB), and the DFG (grant PHYSALIS 523456847).

How to cite: Ziegler, M., Reiter, K., Heidbach, O., Seithel, R., Rajabi, M., Niederhuber, T., Röckel, L., Müller, B., and Kohl, T.: Faults in geomechanical models – Necessary, nice, or nonsense?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8308,, 2025.

EGU25-8404 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Multidisciplinary characterization of a complex fault zone in crystalline basement rock 

Tom Schaber, Mohammadreza Jalali, Alberto Ceccato, Alba Simona Zappone, Giacomo Pozzi, Paul Selvadurai, Elena Spagnuolo, Valentin Gischig, Men-Andrin Meier, Marian Hertrich, and Florian Amann and the FEAR Team

Safe and controlled exploration of deep geothermal resources in future decades is a key pillar for successfully transitioning to a carbon-neutral economy. A largely untouched source of deep hot source rocks can be found in crystalline basement formations in many European regions. Hydraulic stimulations are required to harness this thermal energy. Past geothermal projects were not always publicly accepted due to unintended induced seismicity that accompanied the projects. Faults and entire fault systems are jointly responsible for these seismic events and must therefore be thoroughly understood before they may be stimulated, to minimize tremors and unintentional shaking.

The Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies in Ticino, Switzerland allows for decameter scale stimulation experiments and access to deeply (> 1km) buried crystalline faults. A complex fault zone is hydraulically and petrophysically described as part of the FEAR project, using various field and laboratory techniques. Two sub-parallel boreholes obliquely intersecting the target fault are analyzed using geophysical image and sonic logs. Hydraulic tests on predefined, packered intervals in the form of pulse-, constant rate- and step-rate injection tests are implemented on field scale, deducing parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and injectivity. In addition, laboratory petrophysical experiments on samples retrieved from varying parts along the fault zone are performed to determine permeability under certain effective stresses, porosity, and p-wave velocity, among other properties. This allows for a cross-scale hydraulic and petrophysical comparison. Prior, structural geologists described and analyzed the target fault using core logging, outcrop, and fracture data. Correlations between structural, hydraulic, and petrophysical observations can be drawn.


How to cite: Schaber, T., Jalali, M., Ceccato, A., Zappone, A. S., Pozzi, G., Selvadurai, P., Spagnuolo, E., Gischig, V., Meier, M.-A., Hertrich, M., and Amann, F. and the FEAR Team: Multidisciplinary characterization of a complex fault zone in crystalline basement rock, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8404,, 2025.

EGU25-8885 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Fracture networks in the Muschelkalk aquifer of the external northen foreland of the Central Alps (CH/DE); implications for permeability, CO2 storage and geothermal potential 

Alannah C. Brett, Jefter Caldeira, Anindita Samsu, Larryn W. Diamond, and Herfried Madritsch

Switzerland aims to reach net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 (BAFU, 2021). Implementation of geological storage of CO2 and geothermal heat mining to help achieve this aim requires reservoir properties to be assessed. The structural and permeability architectures of the target reservoirs are essential input for numerical models used to assess storage and production potential, minimize fluid injection and extraction uncertainties, and reduce exploration risks. The so-called Muschelkalk aquifer (Triassic) including the Schinznach Formation is regarded as one of the key potential aquifers for gas storage and hydrothermal geothermal systems in Switzerland (Chevalier et al., 2010). While the matrix permeability of the Schinznach Formation is relatively well known (Diamond et al., 2019), magnitude and distribution of its fracture permeability and structural controls on these fractures are poorly understood.

This study aims to assess the style and intensity of natural fracture networks in the Muschelkalk aquifer at sub-seismic scale and explain their regional variability. Outcrop analogues in the Wutach Gorge of southern Germany are used to improve understanding of lateral and vertical variability of fracture networks, including how they are influenced by regional structures. The Wutach Gorge is within the Tabular Jura and provides cliff exposures along 5–12 km-long E–W and N–S transects, aligning with and crossing fault strands of the Freiburg–Bonndorf–Bodensee Fault zone.

Insights from field observations contribute to ongoing work that supports the proposed pilot CO2 injection test into the Schinznach Formation via an existing exploration borehole at Trüllikon in northern canton Zurich. A feasibility study (Diamond et al., 2023) assessed the reservoir properties at Trüllikon by building discrete fracture network models and computing their permeabilities from a combination of rock-matrix properties, vertical drill hole fracture logs, a horizontal fracture log from another nearby drill hole, and results from hydraulic tests. This multidisciplinary approach should provide a more robust basis for exploration for CO2 storage sites and geothermal energy.



Chevalier, G., Diamond, L. W., & Leu, W. (2010). Potential for deep geological sequestration of CO2 in Switzerland: a first appraisal. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 103, 427-455.

Diamond, L. W., Alt-Epping, P., Brett, A.C., Aschwanden, L. and Wanner, C. (2023) Geochemical–hydrogeological study of a proposed CO2 injection pilot at Trüllikon, Switzerland. Report 2023-7 submitted to the Swiss Geological Survey (swisstopo). Rock Water Interaction, University of Bern, 87 pp.

Diamond L.W., Aschwanden, L., Adams, A., and Egli, D. (2019) Revised potential of the Upper Muschelkalk Formation (Central Swiss Plateau) for CO2 storage and geothermal electricity. Slides of an oral presentation at the SCCER-SoE Annual Conference at EPFL-Lausanne, 4th Sept. 2019. 13 pp.

BAFU (2021) Switzerland Long-Term Climate Strategy. 4 pp.'s%20Long-Term%20Climate%20Strategy.pdf

How to cite: Brett, A. C., Caldeira, J., Samsu, A., Diamond, L. W., and Madritsch, H.: Fracture networks in the Muschelkalk aquifer of the external northen foreland of the Central Alps (CH/DE); implications for permeability, CO2 storage and geothermal potential, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8885,, 2025.

EGU25-8886 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2

Advancing CO₂ Storage Analysis in Fractured Rocks with Discrete Fracture Network Models 

Valentina Romano, Giampaolo Proietti, Rajesh Pawar, and Sabina Bigi

Modeling fluid behavior in fractured rock is essential for geo-resource exploration and geological storage. This study utilizes a Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) approach to evaluate the efficiency of fractured systems in storing supercritical CO₂ (scCO₂). Synthetic fracture networks, generated using the dfnWorks suite (LANL), based on outcrop data, represent a range of fracture densities. Key parameters such as fracture count, volume, porosity, and permeability are statistically analyzed, and their most frequent values are used to create representative DFN models for fluid flow simulations.

Results reveal a direct correlation between increased fracture density and storage capacity, with storage values consistently below 10% of the total injected mass. A Fracture Efficiency Factor (Efr) is introduced, quantifying CO₂ retained in fractures relative to the total injected CO₂. This efficiency reduces theoretical capacity estimates by approximately one order of magnitude, aligning with previous analytical and dynamic reservoir-scale studies (e.g., Nordbotten et al., 2005; Ringrose, 2020; Rutqvist et al., 1998).

This approach enhances CO₂ storage capacity estimates by explicitly accounting for fracture network contributions. While reservoir-scale scCO₂ flow simulations using DFN models remain challenging, this method provides critical insights into the storage potential of fractured media.

How to cite: Romano, V., Proietti, G., Pawar, R., and Bigi, S.: Advancing CO₂ Storage Analysis in Fractured Rocks with Discrete Fracture Network Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8886,, 2025.

EGU25-9882 | Orals | ERE5.2

Investigation of geothermal fluid circulation through the study of CO2 soil flux: an application to the Tivoli quarry area (Rome, Italy) 

Sara Emili, Riccardo Reitano, Massimo Ranaldi, Luca Tarchini, Maria Luisa Carapezza, Guido Giordano, Martina Picciallo, and Claudio Faccenna

Geothermal energy represents a renewable energy source exploited for multiple purposes, including electricity, direct use, district heating and heat pumps. One of the most relevant problems in geothermal energy industry is the permeability of the reservoir, both for production and reinjection. Therefore, it is important to assess the fluid circulation in the reservoir and where deep fluids rise. Faults, fractures and active tectonics influence fluid behaviour and fluid-rock interactions in a geothermal context. It is necessary to estimate the role of faults and map as well as their distribution, as tectonic structures could act as barriers to fluid circulation or as preferential conduits. The Acque Albule Basin (AAB) is a case study representing one of the most important hydrothermal manifestations in central Italy. The AAB is a tectonically controlled basin, characterized by a huge hydrothermal manifestation (discharges in the order of m3/s). The deep hydrothermal activity is testified by the presence of a large and thick travertine deposits and several mineralized springs (Tmax at the surface up to 23°C) in which warm fluids rise from the geothermal reservoir. These hot fluids circulate through the Meso-Cenozoic carbonate reservoir, highly affected by dissolution and brittle deformation. In this framework, travertine deposition is mainly controlled by the faults activity. Several geophysical surveys were carried out to evaluate the cap-rock of the geothermal reservoir, beneath the travertine plateau. The exploration provided a clearer view of the stratigraphy of the AAB and revealed the carbonate roof at 300-400 m. The carbonate rocks are overlain by some alluvial sediments and a travertine plateau from 10 m to 90 m. Based on the geophysical investigations, the measurement of diffuse CO2 emissions from the soil was planned to ascertain the faults role in the hydrothermal circulation. Preliminary results show that the fault zone is characterised by an extremely low degassing (5/10 g m-2d-1). The low degassing could be related to the low-permeability of the alluvial and travertine deposits and/or by self-sealing processes through the main shear zone, which obstacle the upwelling of fluids and gases. The model will be improved with further regional CO2 surveys and δC13 analysis of CO2 of gaseous samples taken from the soil.

How to cite: Emili, S., Reitano, R., Ranaldi, M., Tarchini, L., Carapezza, M. L., Giordano, G., Picciallo, M., and Faccenna, C.: Investigation of geothermal fluid circulation through the study of CO2 soil flux: an application to the Tivoli quarry area (Rome, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9882,, 2025.

Deep geothermal energy is emerging as a key component of Switzerland’s Energy Strategy 2050. In the Canton of Vaud, projects target natural hydrothermal systems at depths of 800 to 1,000 meters, with temperatures ranging from 35 to 100°C, in Upper Malm limestone reservoirs. These limestones, with low matrix porosity and permeability, rely on well-connected fracture networks and karstic features to enhance fluid flow. However, subsurface data from seismic surveys and well data do not fully cover scale intervals that are relevant for reservoir characterization and modeling. To address this limitation, we use a virtual outcrop model (VOM) to characterize fractures in 3D, explore its potential to bridge the length-scale gap, and compare fracture patterns and kinematics between scales of observation. 
At Creux-du-Van, a unique continuous, 3D exposure of fractured and gently folded Upper Malm limestones in the Central Internal Jura Fold and Thrust Belt provides an exceptional opportunity for fracture characterization at the decimeter to hundreds of meters scale, allowing comparisons with previous structural interpretations at the regional, 1:500,000 to 1:25,000 scale. Approximately 700 fractures were interpreted from high-resolution VOMs, i.e., point clouds (~110 points/m²), of Creux-du-Van, derived from terrestrial LiDAR scanning. These fractures were classified based on vertical persistence, which is a relative measure for the extent to which they propagate across mechano-stratigraphic boundaries. Geometric parameters such as orientation, dimensions (length, width, and aspect ratio), and spacing were also quantified. Field-based structural analysis complements the digital dataset by providing kinematic and chronological interpretations of brittle structures linked to the tectonic evolution of the fold and thrust belt.
The lengths of regional strike-slip fault traces span four orders of magnitude, ranging from tens of meters to tens of thousands of meters, with a median of 177 meters. Their orientation, kinematic, and length relationships align with the multi-scale Riedel shear model (Ruhland, 1973)   forming the regional structural framework. Fractures in the VOM span scales from 0.1 to hundreds of meters, with a median length of 5 meters. Regional faults and VOM-derived fractures show an overlap in length distributions and consistency in fracture orientations and kinematics. Both align with the NW-SE compression inferred from field-based kinematic data and regional restorations associated with the Jura shortening event, demonstrating seamless characterization of brittle features across scales. 
This study seeks to further investigate the role of mechanical boundaries (e.g., stratigraphic boundaries, regional structures) in controlling reservoir compartmentalization. It also showcases the potential of outcrop analogues such as Creux-du-Van to support 3D characterization and analyses of fracture properties such as length distributions, orientation, and vertical persistence, ultimately contributing to the advancement of structural modelling of subsurface reservoirs for sustainable energy solutions.

How to cite: Caldeira, J. and Samsu, A.: Seamless Fracture Characterization with Virtual Outcrop Models: Fracture Geometry and Vertical Persistence at Creux-du-Van, Swiss Jura Mountains  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11216,, 2025.

Understanding and predicting the hydro-mechanical (HM) behavior of subsurface porous and fractured formations is key to a number of engineering applications, including fluid injection/extraction, construction/excavation, geo-energy production and deep geological disposal. The interaction between fluid pressure, deformations and stresses is particularly affected by the subsurface heterogeneity, which may lead to non-intuitive responses, such as effective stress reduction and pressure increase during fluid extraction. While the impact of large-scale heterogeneities is acknowledged in most studies and modeling efforts, the presence of heterogeneities at smaller scales cannot be included in reservoir-scale models and it must be encompassed into equivalent properties assigned to uniform materials.

In this work, we focus on the Biot effective stress coefficient, a central property determining the HM behavior of fluid-saturated geological media. When not simply assumed as equal to 1, this coefficient is estimated experimentally at the laboratory sample-scale or analytically through expressions valid for isotropic homogeneous materials. However, these approaches are not able to estimate a representative equivalent coefficient for fractured rocks, which are strongly anisotropic and prone to sample-size effects, with fracture lengths spanning several orders of magnitudes from millimeters up to hundreds of meters. By employing a theoretical framework to quantify an equivalent Biot coefficient for a fractured rock mass from the properties of both the porous intact rock and the discrete fracture network (DFN), it is possible to analyze the variability of this coefficient with the DFN properties and highlight the implications for the rock upscaled HM behavior, in the context of natural processes and engineering applications.

How to cite: De Simone, S.: The equivalent Biot coefficient reveals the effects of heterogeneity on the Hydro-Mechanical behavior of fractured rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11332,, 2025.

EGU25-12950 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

An experimental apparatus to investigate fluid-assisted long-term recovery of fractured rocks 

Michele Fondriest and Ismay Vénice Akker

Seismological observations show that earthquakes produce significant changes in the elastic and transport properties of active faults, with co-seismic drops in seismic wave velocities consistently followed by a slow post-seismic recovery, over months to few years. Such variations occur in volumes up to several hundred metres thick that correlate well with the dimensions of fault damage zones. This suggests the existence of a damage-recovery cycle within active fault zones, with the recovery phase possibly driven by a range of fluid-assisted re-strengthening “healing” mechanisms in the fractured medium and/or stress relaxation. Understanding how and how rapidly fractured rocks seal, regain their stiffness, and drive fluid flow in fault zones is fundamental to comprehend the mechanics of the brittle crust and for geo-engineering applications such as geothermal energy, ore deposits, the deep disposal of radioactive waste and CO2 sequestration.

At the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padua, a “percolation cell” apparatus has recently been installed to study long-term fluid-rock interaction under hydrostatic conditions with a maximum confining and pore pressure of 100 MPa and a maximum temperature of 250°C. Such apparatus is equipped with two syringe pumps and a back-pressure regulator that allow to monitor permeability evolution through time and a set of high-temperature P- and S- ultrasonic transducers to track changes of rock elastic properties in-situ. In addition, the pore fluid inlet circuit can flow into a stirred autoclave to pump solutions with controlled chemistry up to 20 MPa pore pressure and 200°C temperature through an externally heated pipe. Such an experimental apparatus allows to study both diffusion- and advection-dominated regimes within conditions representative for the upper crust.

Together with the experimental setup, here we present some preliminary long-term percolation tests in which de-ionized water was flowed at 25°C through rock cylinders of micritic limestones with mated and non-mated single fractures under 20 MPa confining pressure and 5 MPa pore pressure. The temporal evolution of permeability and elastic properties were monitored together with the fluid-chemistry at the outlet. Mechano-chemical processes along the fractures were also investigated through X-ray microtomography and SEM analyses.

How to cite: Fondriest, M. and Akker, I. V.: An experimental apparatus to investigate fluid-assisted long-term recovery of fractured rocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12950,, 2025.

EGU25-13175 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Fracture Network Variability in Granite: Insights from Wilsons Promontory, Southeast Australia 

Anindita Samsu, Guillaume Gasche, and Alexander R. Cruden

Permeability in crystalline rocks, considered for use as geothermal reservoirs or deep geological repositories, is controlled by networks of well-connected fractures. Fracture connectivity depends on fracture orientation and density, which are influenced by tectonic and non-tectonic stresses, pre-existing foliations, and fracture zones. This study investigates fracture variability in the Devonian Wilsons Promontory granitic batholith of southeast Australia, which intruded Devonian metasediments that are unconformably overlain by Cretaceous rift-related sedimentary rocks.

Outcrop analogues allow 2D and 3D observation of fracture networks at scales from centimeters to hundreds of meters, complementing sub-meter-scale borehole data and regional lineament mapping. Additionally, digital outcrop models from uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys enable fracture characterization in outcrops that are difficult to physically access, such as the granites in the study area. In this study, over 2,500 fractures were mapped and characterized from a UAV-derived point cloud. Most fractures strike NNW-SSE to N-S; they are are interpreted as extensional and to have formed coevally with NNW-SSE striking joints in outcropping Cretaceous rocks during regional uplift under NNW-SSE horizontal compression. Domains characterized by distinct fracture patterns are separated by meter-scale fracture zones, suggesting structural segmentation within the granite.

Future work will investigate the geometry and origin of these domain-bounding fracture zones and their links to mechanical heterogeneities in the granite. These insights will inform discrete fracture network (DFN) and hydrological models of granite reservoirs and repositories for spent nuclear waste. They will also support comparisons of brittle deformation in granitic versus siliciclastic rocks under shared tectonic regimes, relevant to energy projects involving multi-level, multi-lithology reservoirs.

How to cite: Samsu, A., Gasche, G., and Cruden, A. R.: Fracture Network Variability in Granite: Insights from Wilsons Promontory, Southeast Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13175,, 2025.

EGU25-14230 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Impact of faulting on organic-rich shale reservoir structure 

Xiaoshi Li, Jin Wang, Zhuo Li, and Zongxiu Wang

As a key parameter affecting shale gas accumulation, the physical characteristics of shale reservoir are greatly affected by tectonic stress transformation and deformation, which not only affects the occurrence state of shale gas, but also determines the evaluation and exploration prospect of shale gas resource potential by changing the migration and enrichment of shale gas. In this study, shale samples were collected from two different faults based on the distance from each fault. Comparative analysis of the micro/nanopore structural characteristics and physical properties of these samples was carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), liquid nitrogen adsorption and carbon dioxide adsorption. The results show that as brittle deformation is enhanced (from far away from the fault to inside the fault), the number of organic pores decreases overall, and the connectivity of microfractures and different pore types increase. The total pore volume and total pore specific surface area of shale both increase, the pore volume of mesopores decreases by 31%, and the macropores increase rapidly by 29%. The storage capacity of shale-related folds is higher than that of shale in faults, which is more conducive to the adsorption of shale gas. The permeability of shale in faults is higher than that of shale-related folds, which is more conducive to the seepage and migration of shale gas. The organic layer structure, which is the unique and very rare microstructure at the shale fault site (under shear), was observed inside the fault. It is believed that the organic matter in the shale at the fault site has transformed from the amorphous state at the initial stage of formation to the orientation of the aromatic lamellae to stretching and extension to an increase in the pore size and the enhancement of connectivity. In addition, inorganic nanoparticles were also observed at the fault site. Both structures are important for the small pores in the fault and the increase in reservoir space. When the fault forms a closed environment or tectonic activity ceases in the later period, the early fault location likely becomes a potential high-quality hydrocarbon generation reservoir. These results help improve the understanding of the physical properties of shale reservoirs and shale gas reservoir migration within fault structures and are of great significance for shale gas exploration, development and prediction.

How to cite: Li, X., Wang, J., Li, Z., and Wang, Z.: Impact of faulting on organic-rich shale reservoir structure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14230,, 2025.

EGU25-14719 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Fracture Propagation Dynamics Predicted by Data-model-interactive Neural Proxy Model 

Fengyuan Zhang, Jizhou Tang, Yu Fan, Jian Yang, Junlun Li, Weihua Chen, Hancheng Wang, and Yucheng Jia

Abstract: Fracture propagation dynamics in complex geological formations is crucial for understanding cracking mechanism of deep rock and facilitating subsurface reconstruction and resource extraction. However, predominant mechanism-driven numerical model exist several inherent limitations: 1) Over-reliance on empirical formulas and simplified hydraulic fracture propagation model with multi-assumptions restrict its capacity for effectively characterizing the multi-physics coupling in 3-D space, thereby reducing the accuracy of fracture morphology. 2) Computational schemes such as finite element method (FEM) or discrete element method (DEM) involving extensive repetitive calculations, are resource-intensive and exhibit poor temporal efficiency, posing a challenge to engineering requirements. Therefore, a data-model-interactive neural proxy model combining the prior-knowledge from mechanism models and fitting efficiency of deep neural networks, is put forward to depict the fracture propagation dynamics in complex geological formation. Initially, a numerical model for fracture propagation is developed by implementing the 3-D discrete lattice method alongside the elastic-plastic constitutive equation. The coupling of rock deformation and fluid flow is iteratively processed in a stepwise manner to generate a sequence of fracture morphology evolution over time. These mechanism data will provide training samples for the subsequent neural proxy model. Secondly, the efficacy of the neural proxy model is contingent upon the richness and diversity of features presented in the training dataset, necessitating a close approximation of all conceivable scenarios. In light of the irregular spatial distribution of data resulting from the complex geological formation with strong heterogeneity, the Latin Hypercube sampling method is employed to ensure a uniform selection of all conditions, mitigating the potential data imbalance. Furthermore, the integration of numerical results with empirical measurements is employed to train the developed deep-neural networks, fitting high-dimensional mapping relationships among formation physical parameters, engineering parameters, and fracture morphology. Finally, the efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed method are verified by multi-level comparison experiments between real data and simulation results. Our research provides reliable technical support for rapid evaluation of formation fracturing potential in field and guidance of development process.

Keywords: Fracture propagation, Neural proxy model, Deep learning, Numerical simulation, Deep-formation

How to cite: Zhang, F., Tang, J., Fan, Y., Yang, J., Li, J., Chen, W., Wang, H., and Jia, Y.: Fracture Propagation Dynamics Predicted by Data-model-interactive Neural Proxy Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14719,, 2025.

EGU25-15295 | Orals | ERE5.2

Hydrogeological parametrization of a carbonate thermal aquifer through integrated pumping test and virtual outcrop reconstruction (Daruvar, Croatia) 

Marco Pola, Ivan Kosović, Kosta Urumović, Staša Borović, Tihomir Frangen, Mirja Pavić, Bojan Matoš, Ivica Pavičić, Andrea Bistacchi, Silvia Mittempergher, Stefano Casiraghi, and Gabriele Benedetti

Geothermal resources are renewable sources of energy and raw materials. A sustainable utilization for the long-term preservation of the resource requires a site-specific plan that needs to be based on geological and hydrogeological reconstructions. Northern Croatia is rich in geothermal resources that are generally hosted in carbonate rocks. The occurrence of thermal waters (temperatures of 38-50°C) in the town of Daruvar has been documented since the Roman age. In this research, the characterization of the Daruvar carbonate thermal aquifer was detailed using an integrated approach combining hydrogeological and structural investigations and discrete fracture network (DFN) modeling. Hydrogeological investigations consisted in the well logging and pumping tests of a 190 m deep well in Daruvar. Structural investigations were conducted NE of Daruvar where the carbonate rock complex of the aquifer is exposed at the surface. They included the measurement of the discontinuity sets and the photogrammetric reconstruction of the outcrop. The results were used to calibrate a DFN model at the scale of the aquifer explored by hydrogeological investigations (700x700x150 m).

The porosity distribution of the aquifer was obtained from the neutron log of the well ranging from 0.03 to 9.1% (average = 2.7%). The permeability was calculated using transmissivity values from the analysis of pumping tests and literature data resulting in a range from 7.4 to 122.8 D (average = 46 D). Structural analyses in the outcrop analog of the aquifer depicted two dominant systems of discontinuities (241/65 and 296/75). A highly fractured section of the outcrop was selected for the statistical analysis of the geometrical features of the discontinuity network to derive the input parameters for the DFN modeling. Discontinuity aperture was estimated based on the calibration of the DFN model. The results show a linear and power correlation of the aperture with porosity and permeability, respectively. Considering the average porosity of the aquifer, the calibrated aperture value was 3 mm obtaining a permeability of 1.5×105 D. Such high value was interpreted as connected to the porosity value used for the calibration, which was measured through the neutron log depicting the total porosity. On the other hand, the fluid flow and the aquifer permeability are influenced by the effective porosity, which is at least an order of magnitude lower than the total porosity in carbonate aquifers. This difference was accounted for by testing a “dual aperture” approach. Considering the experimental dataset, a porosity of 0.2% (10th percentile of the distribution) was tested. It resulted in a calibrated fracture aperture of 0.22 mm obtaining a permeability of 60.5 D, comparable with the experimental dataset.

The obtained results highlight the importance of integrating structural and hydrogeological approaches to investigate fractured aquifers. Structural data can be used to determine the architecture of the fracture network in the rock mass, while hydrogeological investigations supported by numerical modeling and structural results can provide a solid hydrogeological parametrization of the aquifer.

Acknowledgment: This research was funded by the HyTheC project of the Croatian Science Foundation, grant number UIP-2019-04-1218.

How to cite: Pola, M., Kosović, I., Urumović, K., Borović, S., Frangen, T., Pavić, M., Matoš, B., Pavičić, I., Bistacchi, A., Mittempergher, S., Casiraghi, S., and Benedetti, G.: Hydrogeological parametrization of a carbonate thermal aquifer through integrated pumping test and virtual outcrop reconstruction (Daruvar, Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15295,, 2025.

EGU25-16743 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Comparing the impact of deterministic and stochastic fracture networks on modelling hydraulic properties 

Silvia Favaro, Marina Facci, Stefano Casiraghi, Silvia Mittempergher, and Andrea Bistacchi

Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models have a widespread use when predicting hydraulic properties of fractured rock masses with different numerical and (semi-)analytical methods. However, recent advances in the way fracture network parameters are characterized in the field or in geophysical datasets are not completely reflected in input options of DFN simulators. For instance, to our knowledge no 3D DFN stochastic simulator is able to generate fracture networks with realistic topological relationships, and fracture spatial distributions different from a completely random Poisson distribution cannot be generated (so clustered or regular distributions cannot be modelled). This means that stochastic fracture networks cannot show realistic connectivity, with a strong impact on our possibility to model hydraulic properties.

Here we report on a comparative experiment where we have (i) reconstructed a 3D deterministic fracture network, based on rich outcrop data (Cretaceous platform limestones from Cava Pontrelli, Puglia, Italy), and stochastic DFNs with the same statistical parameters, and then (ii) we have modelled hydraulic properties with different semi-analytical (e.g. Oda method) and numerical methods (e.g. finite volumes implemented in DFNWorks).

Our preliminary results suggest that more advanced numerical methods are more sensitive to the quality of input data than simple semi-analytical methods. This is explained by the fact that for instance the Oda method simply ignores topology, connectivity, fracture height/length ratio and other important parameters.

How to cite: Favaro, S., Facci, M., Casiraghi, S., Mittempergher, S., and Bistacchi, A.: Comparing the impact of deterministic and stochastic fracture networks on modelling hydraulic properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16743,, 2025.

EGU25-16786 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

How Good is Your Fracture Model? Evaluating Human Biases and Uncertainty in Geoscientific Interpretations 

Leila Evans, Zoe Shipton, Clare Bond, Jen Roberts, and Namgwon Kim

Applied geoscience relies on robust structural models that are appropriately scaled and detailed to address specific challenges. However, the process of developing these models is influenced by human biases shaped by personal and professional experiences, area of expertise, cognition, and values. This diversity of approaches to geoscience interpretation, such as fracture characterisation, impacts the reliability of structural models, which are critical for geoenergy, resource and infrastructure applications. Ensuring robust interpretations is vital for improving safety, enhancing decision-making, and securing project success.

This study investigates the variability in fracture interpretations made by geoscientists analysing an aerial drone image of a fractured outcrop. We compare outputs such as fracture frequency, orientation & density, and network topology across participants to assess the variability in their observations and the uncertainty this develops.

Previous studies on 3D seismic data have shown that geoscientists’ experience and approach significantly impact structural models. Our research systematically assesses similar variability using remotely sensed outcrop data and shows that while our cohorts of geoscientists agree of the “big stuff”, there is less consensus when we examine the detail.

By illustrating these uncertainties, we can begin to inform improved interpretation workflows, team arrangements, assurance processes, and geoscience education and communication. Understanding biases in fracture interpretation is a critical step towards enhancing interpretational accuracy. Coupled with a clear idea of how “good” the structural model needs to be for the problem being solved and appropriate mitigation measures, (if necessary) this ensures better project outcomes and supports the development of reliable geoscience outputs across applications.

How to cite: Evans, L., Shipton, Z., Bond, C., Roberts, J., and Kim, N.: How Good is Your Fracture Model? Evaluating Human Biases and Uncertainty in Geoscientific Interpretations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16786,, 2025.

EGU25-17127 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Structural control on silicification and hypogenic karst: insights from Morro Vermelho cave, Irecê Basin, Brazil  

Filippo Porta, Carlo Morandi, Vincenzo La Bruna, Augusto Auler, Francisco Hilàrio Rego Bezerra, and Fabrizio Balsamo

Fault-related karst systems and silicification processes are important factors in controlling permeability heterogeneities in shallow crusts. In recent years, the interest in these processes has become more important since they significantly modify the texture, mineralogy, and petrophysical properties of carbonate reservoirs.

The hypogenic Morro Vermelho Cave, in the Irecê Basin, Bahia (Brazil), is a key study area for understanding the development of fault-related silicification and subsequent karstification along fault networks in dolomitized carbonate rocks of the Neoproterozoic Salitre Formation.

This contribution focuses on a tridimensional digital cave model analysis and a detailed outcrop and cave investigation to constrain fracture attitude, type, geometry, and kinematics. Field data show the presence of regional-scale E-W thrust data.

The Morro Vermelho cave is developed in the proximity of one of these thrusts and is mostly developed along silicified carbonates with bedding dipping 40° toward SE.

The analysis of the lidar model reveals that the cave has an irregular morphology with several branching passages controlled by major N-S to NNE-SSW thoroughgoing fractures.

Both 3D model and high-resolution structural mapping in the cave highlight the presence of high-angle N-S-oriented normal faults and the following fracture sets: E-W-striking sheared veins and joints, bed-parallel NE-SW-striking veins, fault-parallel N-S-striking veins and joints, and bed-perpendicular NW-SE-striking veins and joints.

The obtained results indicate that the silicification process was mostly controlled by regional-scale E-W-striking thrust, associated with the N-S shortening of the Brasiliano orogeny, whereas the Morro Vermelho cave developed mostly along bedding layers and small-scale N-S-oriented normal faults, system and related fractures. The fractures also controlled the occurrence of late-stage silica crusts that post-date the cave development.

We propose a preliminary conceptual model that includes different stages of silicification events and karstification related to fault systems and fracture networks, in alignment with the structural regional-scale evolution of the study area.

The findings might be highly significant for understanding the permeability characteristics of deeply buried pre-salt fractured carbonate reservoirs in offshore Brazil and other similar settings.

How to cite: Porta, F., Morandi, C., La Bruna, V., Auler, A., Bezerra, F. H. R., and Balsamo, F.: Structural control on silicification and hypogenic karst: insights from Morro Vermelho cave, Irecê Basin, Brazil , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17127,, 2025.

EGU25-18626 | Posters on site | ERE5.2

Integrated Workflow for Parametrization of Fracture Networks in Digital Outcrop Models: Focus on Directional Topology and H/L ratio calculation 

Stefano Casiraghi, Gabriele Benedetti, Daniela Bertacchi, Federico Agliardi, Silvia Mittempergher, and Andrea Bistacchi

Mesoscale fractures, with lengths between meters and hundreds of meters, cannot be effectively characterized in the subsurface, due to limitations of borehole and geophysical datasets. However, large quantitative structural datasets can be collected by combining field and remote sensing techniques in digital outcrop models (DOMs). These data can be then used to constrain stochastic models of subsurface fracture networks with the outcrop analogue approach. However, to date a methodology optimized to characterize all parameters of a fracture network remains elusive. In this contribution we present a workflow that leverages digital outcrop models including both pavement and wall exposures, allowing for a three-dimensional analysis. Different parameters are calculated starting from different types of support, so we collect orientation data on point cloud DOMs (PC-DOMs) of vertical outcrops with semi-automatic methods. These data are classified based on field observations and segmented using a k-medoid approach. The goodness-of-fit to orientation distributions is tested with a proper statistical treatment. Topological parameters are measured on the fracture network digitalized from textured surface DOMs (TS-DOM). Standard topological analysis only provides averaged information on the whole fracture network. In this contribution a novel approach called directional topology is presented, in which every node retains information about the branches that generated it. This not only provides a more comprehensive understanding of the network's connectivity but also allows for the extraction of quantitative parameters about the degree of abutting of a specific fracture set on another (on horizontal outcrops) and on the extent to which a set is stratabound (on vertical outcrops). The trace length, height and spacing distributions are measured with a robust innovative approach, accounting for the censoring bias with survival/reliability analysis. P21 data are collected distributing several grids of scan area with increasing edge length, and the representative elementary area is qualitatively defined. A particular focus will be placed on the calculation of the H/L ratio, often overlooked but of fundamental importance, as it is responsible of the jump in dimensionality in 3D stochastic models.

How to cite: Casiraghi, S., Benedetti, G., Bertacchi, D., Agliardi, F., Mittempergher, S., and Bistacchi, A.: Integrated Workflow for Parametrization of Fracture Networks in Digital Outcrop Models: Focus on Directional Topology and H/L ratio calculation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18626,, 2025.

EGU25-19549 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2

Time-lapse seismic properties of CO2-filled fault zones: Field observations 

Idris Bukar, Rebecca Bell, Ann Muggeridge, and Sam Krevor

We investigate seismic waveform changes in time-lapse along supercritical CO2-bearing faults from field data by analysing 4D seismic data from the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project. 1 million tonnes of CO2 was injected into the Lower Mt. Simon continuously over a three year period from 2011-2014. It has been established that the injected CO2 migrated vertically along faults at this site to reach the Middle and Upper Mt. Simon formations (Bukar et al., 2024). Time-lapse 3D vertical seismic profiles were acquired each year of injection in addition to a pre-injection baseline and a final survey two months post-injection. We study the time-lapse seismic waveforms in zones around previously interpreted faults. In post-stack, we observe waveform distortions in the monitor traces that manifest as phase changes when compared to the baseline traces. Interestingly, these distortions magnify with increasing injected CO2 volume, and decrease post-injection. To further investigate potential causes of these phase changes, we study the data in pre-stack. We also attempt to discriminate the contribution of CO2 saturation effects and pressure effects. This is crucial as pressure increase also causes a slowdown effect on seismic waves in fractured media due to positive physical strain (expansion) and an accompanied decrease in the rock bulk modulus. However, while CO2 injection is typically accompanied by pressure increases, the pressure would typically decline more quickly than CO2 would dissolve in brine; multiple pressure gauges at this site show a rapid decline in pressure once injection ceased. Therefore, time-lapse seismic acquired soon after stopping injection could offer insights. We also observe these distortions where faults have not been mapped – these could be CO2-filled fault zones with small throws that are below seismic resolution. This could potentially be used to illuminate unseen faults after CO2 injection.


Bukar, I., Bell, R., Muggeridge, A. H., & Krevor, S. (2024). Carbon dioxide migration along faults at the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project revealed using time shift analysis of seismic monitoring data. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110049.

How to cite: Bukar, I., Bell, R., Muggeridge, A., and Krevor, S.: Time-lapse seismic properties of CO2-filled fault zones: Field observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19549,, 2025.

Identification of source rocks bearing helium generation potential is essential to construct a robust play fairway for natural helium exploration. The main source rock for helium generation are widely accepted as granitic or metamorphic basement rocks of cratons while some researchers suggest that hydrocarbon source rocks and sediments might also generate helium. One of the most critical implications for potential zones is the presence of radioactivity as He generation is sourced from the alpha decay of 232Th, 238U, and 235U. Thus, more He generation means more decay, characterised by increasing radioactive heat. In addition, distinguishing heavy thorium minerals as clay types by 232Th-40K cross-plots could also indicate potential zones. Therefore, measuring and assessing the 232Th-238U-40K levels play a critical role in any region for natural helium exploration.

This study brings forward well log interpretation approach as one of the transferable methods from the oil and gas industry into natural He exploration by examining the 232Th-238U-40K concentration logs, known as SGR logs, which are generally neglected or overlooked although they provide numerous benefits for subsurface evaluation.

Based on the methodology 2 main research questions emerge for this study to answer;

  • Can sediments and hydrocarbon source rocks might generate He or contribute to the He generation process?
  • Can SGR Logs provide a robust methodology for detection of potential He generating intervals in sedimentary successions?

To answer these questions, Early and Mid-Triassic sediments from the Northern Arabian Plate are selected as a case study. Recently unlocked Mid-Triassic hydrocarbon play, including source rocks, and CO2 / N2 readings on gas chromatography of nearby wells make the region unique and a perfect study area to test the hypothesis. Radiogenic heat generations (A) have been calculated using the equation below to track radioactivity levels.

A = 0.01 p (9.52 238U + 2.56 232Th + 3.48 40K)

A; radiogenic heat (μWm–3),

p; rock density (g/cm3),

238U, 232Th, 40K; Uranium 238U (ppm); Thorium 232Th (ppm); potassium 40K (%)

Regarding the observations, a 1-15 m. thick, theoretical He generation zone has been detected in the shales of the Early Triassic succession. A consistent significant peak in radiogenic heat levels reaching 4 μWm–3 coincide with rapid increases in calculated He log and heavy thorium minerals content. Additionally, shales are represented by as high 232Th-238U levels as granitic basements. A thickness map of potential He generation zone demonstrates that the zone gets thinner towards ESE at where large fault zones dominate the regional geology.

As a conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that sediments might generate natural He and potential zones might be identified by the help of SGR logs. The results can also shed light on the He generation potential of Triassic sediments deposited in the other regions of the Arabian Plate. Moreover, the proposed workflow can be applied for any region or rock type if the interval of interest is covered by 232Th-238U-40K concentration logs.

How to cite: Uyanik, A.: Can Sediments Generate Helium? Implications from 232Th-238U-40K Concentration Logs from the Northern Arabian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1138,, 2025.

EGU25-1857 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

A Multi-Scale Framework for Evaluating Hydrogen Generation in Serpentinization Settings 

Rodolfo Christiansen, Mohamed Sobh, Nicolas Saspiturry, and Gerald Gabriel

This study presents a versatile methodological framework, implemented as a Python-based tool called PoNHy (Potential for Natural Hydrogen), designed to assess hydrogen generation in serpentinization environments using geophysical and laboratory data. As a practical application, the approach robustness is demonstrated in the Mauleon Basin localized in the north-western Pyrenees, where extensive data availability facilitates detailed analyses and validation. The workflow begins with a thorough assessment of key petrophysical properties such as density, magnetic susceptibility, and thermal conductivity. These properties guide the interpretation of underlying geological structures and help refining the initial subsurface models. Building on this foundation, gravity and magnetic data are inverted to determine the distribution and volume of source rocks, as well as their degree of serpentinization. Thermal modeling then delineates subsurface temperature regimes, which play a critical role in the serpentinization reactions and subsequent hydrogen production. To translate laboratory-derived hydrogen production rates into realistic field estimates, the framework integrates parameters from both lab experiments and field observations. Factors such as the water-to-rock ratio, fracture spacing, mineral composition, and specific surface area of reacting materials influence fluid flow, reaction rates, and the overall efficiency of hydrogen generation. By integrating these parameters alongside corrections for the degree of serpentinization, our new methodology provides a more accurate representation of subsurface conditions. This comprehensive integration yields hydrogen generation estimates that better reflect in situ conditions, ultimately improving our understanding of natural hydrogen volumes. Such insights are critical for subsequent transport models aimed at identifying potential reservoirs.

How to cite: Christiansen, R., Sobh, M., Saspiturry, N., and Gabriel, G.: A Multi-Scale Framework for Evaluating Hydrogen Generation in Serpentinization Settings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1857,, 2025.

EGU25-2570 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Alpine-type orogens are great sites for natural H2 exploration 

Frank Zwaan, Sascha Brune, Anne C. Glerum, Dylan A. Vasey, John B. Naliboff, Gianreto Manatschal, and Eric C. Gaucher

As the energy transition gathers steam, naturally occurring hydrogen gas (H2) generated by the serpentinization of mantle rocks is a highly promising sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. To undergo serpentinization, mantle rocks that are normally situated at great depth need to be brought closer to the surface by plate tectonics and other geodynamic processes. Here, they may react with water to be efficiently serpentinized and generate natural H2, which can accumulate in reservoirs as it migrates to the surface (as part of a natural H2 system).

Exploring natural H2 systems requires a solid understanding of their geodynamic history, which can be informed by numerical geodynamic modelling. Through such modelling we can trace how, when, and where mantle material enters the serpentinization window, as well as when active, large-scale faults penetrate exhumed mantle bodies allowing for water circulation, as well as serpentinization and H2 generation, to occur.

Our recent modelling of rifting and subsequent rift inversion (Zwaan et al., in press) shows that, although serpentinization-related natural H2 generation is a phenomenon best known from (magma-poor) rifted margins and oceanic spreading ridges, annual volumes of natural H2 generated during inversion may be up to 20 times higher than during rifting, due to the colder thermal regime in rift-inversion orogenic environments. Moreover, suitable reservoir rocks and seals required for natural H2 accumulations to form are readily available in rift-inversion orogens, whereas they may not be present when serpentinization occurs in deep marine continental rift or oceanic spreading settings.

Our model results thus provide a first-order motivation to turn to rift-inversion orogens for natural H2 exploration and are supported by indications of natural H2 generation in rift-inversion orogens such as the European Alps and Pyrenees.

REFERENCE CITED: Zwaan, F., Brune, S., Glerum, A.C., Vasey, D.A., Naliboff, J.B., Manatschal, G., Gaucher, E.C (in press). Rift-inversion orogens are potential hotspots for natural H2 generation. Science Advances. Link to preprint:

How to cite: Zwaan, F., Brune, S., Glerum, A. C., Vasey, D. A., Naliboff, J. B., Manatschal, G., and Gaucher, E. C.: Alpine-type orogens are great sites for natural H2 exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2570,, 2025.

EGU25-2903 | Posters on site | GD6.1

The importance of geodynamic settings and exploring for geothermal energy   

Philip Ball, Graham Banks, Mikenna Montgomery, Juan Carlos Afonso, and Vladimir Stroganov

Scaling up geothermal from a niche industry to a viable, global industry is important for all our collective decarbonization efforts. Here we explore the distribution of geothermal projects globally to understand where projects have been positioned to date. As a result of this global analysis, we recommend that future geothermal exploration and development be conducted using a Linnean-style classification system for geothermal entities. Hierarchical thinking and the pre-discovery exploration triangle will provide the technique for gaining the ‘big picture’ context about the location of the optimal geothermal plays and prospects.  It is further argued that the engineering approach used to complete a geothermal project significantly impacts the economics of the project, and that engineering should not be confused with play type, which at the highest level is either hydrothermal or petrothermal.

In this study we explore the distribution of Natural hydrothermal systems (NHS), Open loop Geothermal Systems (generically known EGS), and Closed Loop geothermal  systems (generically known CLG or AGS). Using the geodynamic model of Hasterock et al., (2022) our findings include an observation that there is little or no coherence to geothermal exploration to date. CLG/Closed Loop: Volcanic Arc systems (44%) EGS/Open Loop: Orogenic Belt systems (45%). Natural Hydrothermal: Volcanics Arc systems (51%). Our analysis is the first coherent global study of the geodynamic domain of geothermal projects. We observe that a better understanding of the internal variation within geodynamic domains and refined geodynamic models (paleo and present day) are necessary to improve the success of geothermal exploration. Furthermore, we find that identifying present day stress-state is important when planning wells and executing geothermal projects, and that higher resolution lithospheric models are needed to help understand the petrothermal and hydrothermal systems. Finally, further R&D is needed to help unlock geothermal exploration and drilling across the most prolific geodynamic settings.

How to cite: Ball, P., Banks, G., Montgomery, M., Afonso, J. C., and Stroganov, V.: The importance of geodynamic settings and exploring for geothermal energy  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2903,, 2025.

EGU25-3033 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Geometry and Kinematics of the Hormuz Salt in the United Arab Emirates: The Jebel Al Dhanna Salt Dome 

Moamen Ali, Mohammed Ali, and Hamda Alshehhi

The UAE government is actively exploring the use of Hormuz salt domes for large-scale hydrogen and hydrocarbon storage, aligning with its strategic goals for clean energy transition and decarbonization. A comprehensive understanding of the geometry, kinematics, and halokinetic phases of these Infra-Cambrian Hormuz salt structures is crucial to achieving this vision. This study focuses on the Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome, the only exposed salt dome in onshore Abu Dhabi. Utilizing three 3D seismic surveys and data from four boreholes, the research analyzes its morphology and evolution. The Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome exhibits an elliptical structure elongated in the N-S direction, with dimensions ranging from 2 to 2.8 km (E-W) and 3.2 to 4.2 km (N-S). The dome features irregular crests, steeply dipping flanks, and a series of hills rising approximately 110 m above sea level. Surrounding the dome is a pronounced rim syncline, resulting from the upward evacuation of Hormuz salt through the thick Phanerozoic stratigraphic succession, creating a discordant relationship with the dome structure. Salt withdrawal at Jebel Al Dhanna likely initiated in the Late Cretaceous, driven by the reactivation of inherited basement faults associated with ophiolite obduction onto the Arabian foreland. Halokinetic activity persisted through the Oligocene-Miocene, coinciding with the continent-continent collision of Central Iran and the Arabian Plate. The presence of tilted Upper Miocene and Quaternary strata around and within the Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome underscores continued salt evacuation to the present day. This research highlights the importance of salt tectonics for energy resource storage and provides valuable insights into fault-salt interactions, with significant implications for hydrocarbon exploration, energy security, and the UAE’s decarbonization initiatives.

How to cite: Ali, M., Ali, M., and Alshehhi, H.: Geometry and Kinematics of the Hormuz Salt in the United Arab Emirates: The Jebel Al Dhanna Salt Dome, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3033,, 2025.

EGU25-3367 | Orals | GD6.1

Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure and shallow thermal response in eastern China 

Haonan Gan, Xiao Wang, Guiling Wang, Wei Zhang, Linxiao Xing, and Yu Zhang

Eastern China (EC) is located in the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate and has been influenced by the subduction of the Izanagi and Pacific Plate since the Late Mesozoic, resulting in a large amount of tectonic-magmatic activities. After the India–Eurasia convergence, the topography of continental China changed from high-east-low-west to high-west-low-east. At present, the Bohai Bay Basin in EC mainly forms sedimentary basin-type geothermal system, and deep circulation-type geothermal systems mainly occur in southeast coastal China, with thermal springs widely distributed. In the northeastern China, Holocene volcanoes such as Changbaishan Volcano have been formed, together with many thermal springs exposed.

The genesis of shallow thermal anomalies is closely correlated with the thermal-rheological structure of the lithosphere. In this study, we comparatively analyzed the lithospheric thermal-rheological structures of different tectonic units in EC, such as the Bohai Bay Basin, the southeast coastal China, and the Changbaishan Volcano field. We revealed that under the influence of the Pacific tectonic domain, the lithospheric thermal structures differed significantly, and the temperatures at the same depth from high to low are the Changbaishan Volcano field, the Bohai Bay Basin and the southeast coastal China. The rheological structures are significantly weakened in the middle and lower crust in the presence of an intracrustal heat source. The shallow thermal anomalies in the three tectonic units are similar in that the reservoir temperatures are mainly in the range of 100-150°C, and the water sources are all meteoric water. The difference between shallow thermal anomalies corresponds to their lithospheric thermal-rheological structures. The geothermal systems in the sedimentary basin of the Bohai Bay Basin are characterized by wells with a geothermal reservoir depth of 3-5 km. The deep-circulation hydrothermal systems in southeast coastal China are characterized by springs with a circulation depth of 4-7 km, and the hydrothermal systems in the Changbaishan Volcano field are characterized by springs with a circulation depth of 4-5 km. The deep thermal-rheological structure influences the behavioral characterization of shallow thermal anomalies with respect to heat-accumulation patterns. When brittle-ductile transition depth greater than the circulation depth, magma chamber (or partial melting body) and fluid circulation systems are relatively independent, and mass transfer from the magma chamber to the geothermal system may not happen.

How to cite: Gan, H., Wang, X., Wang, G., Zhang, W., Xing, L., and Zhang, Y.: Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure and shallow thermal response in eastern China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3367,, 2025.

EGU25-3694 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

The enigmatic role of cratons in Zn-Pb deposit formation during continental rifting 

Anne Glerum, Sascha Brune, Philipp Weis, Joseph M. Magnall, and Sarah A. Gleeson

The growing global demand for metal resources requires new discoveries of high-grade ore deposits. Known sediment-hosted clastic-dominated base metal deposits are found in failed continental rifts and the passive margins of successful rifts. Recent studies indicate that the majority of these Zn-Pb deposits are located near steps in lithospheric thickness (e.g., Hoggard et al., 2020), but a potential causal link between ore formation and craton edges remains elusive. However, numerical models have shown that a craton edge close enough to an incipient rift controls the direction of asymmetry of the rift system (Raghuram et al., 2023) and that asymmetric rifts are more favorable to deposit formation (Glerum et al., 2024). Understanding the large-scale controls of cratons on rift-related mineralizing processes, occurring on much smaller spatial and temporal scales, can thus help identify new areas for exploration.

To this end, we use the geodynamic code ASPECT (Kronbichler et al., 2012; Heister et al., 2017) coupled to the landscape evolution model FastScape (Braun and Willett, 2013; Neuharth et al., 2022) to model 2D rift systems from inception to break-up in the presence of a craton. We investigate the relationship between craton distance and favorable conditions for ore formation, i.e., those conditions where potential source rock, host rock, and fluid pathways co-occur. Our results show that cratons have a negative effect on ore formation in narrow asymmetric rifts, but a positive effect in wide rifts.

In a second step, we further investigate the hydrothermal ore-forming mechanisms by using potentially favorable geodynamic configurations from the ASPECT simulations as input for fluid flow modelling with CSMP++ (Weis et al., 2014; Rodríguez et al., 2021). This input comprises basin geometry, temperature, boundary heat flow and a permeability structure dependent on strain and strain rate. With a temperature- and salinity-dependent proxy of metal solubility in the basinal brines, we track the leaching, transport, and precipitation of metals. This cross-scale workflow allows us to identify those rifting scenarios with the highest metal enrichment potential.


Braun and Willett, 2013. Geomorphology 180–181: 170–79. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.10.008.
Glerum et al., 2024. Solid Earth 15: 921-944. DOI: 10.5194/se-15-921-2024.
Heister et al., 2017. Geophys. J. Int. 210 (2): 833–51. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggx195.
Hoggard et al., 2020. Nat. Geosci. 13 (7): 504–10. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-020-0593-2.
Kronbichler et al., 2012. Geophys. J. Int. 191 (1): 12–29. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05609.x.
Neuharth et al., 2022. Tectonics 41 (3): e2021TC007166. DOI: 10.1029/2021TC007166.
Raghuram et al., 2023. Geology 51:1077–1082. DOI: 10.1130/G51370.1.
Rodríguez et al., 2021. GCubed 22 (6). DOI: 10.1029/2020GC009453.
Weis et al., 2014. Geofluids 14, 347-371. DOI: 10.1111/gfl.12080.

How to cite: Glerum, A., Brune, S., Weis, P., Magnall, J. M., and Gleeson, S. A.: The enigmatic role of cratons in Zn-Pb deposit formation during continental rifting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3694,, 2025.

EGU25-4193 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geodynamic controls on the geothermal potential in the Upper Rhine Graben, France-Germany: a multi-scale numerical modelling approach 

Alan J. Yu, Sascha Brune, Judith Bott, Anne C. Glerum, and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth

The Upper Rhine Graben (URG), situated along the border of France and Germany, is part of the intraplate European Cenozoic Rift System. The graben is widely recognized for its abundant geothermal resources, making it a key region for energy transition initiatives. However, the characterization of the URG’s geothermal potential remains poorly constrained due to its highly variable hydrothermal conditions and large observational gaps. Previous studies on fault criticality have often overlooked the role of historical plate movements, oversimplifying the intricate interactions that govern the thermal and structural evolution of the URG over the past ~40 million years.

Using the numerical geodynamic code ASPECT coupled with the landscape evolution code FastScape, we simulate the lithospheric-scale development of fault networks within the URG under geodynamically realistic stress and strain conditions. Our models incorporate various forms of structural and rheological heterogeneities inherited from the earlier Variscan Orogeny, along with a two-stage Cenozoic kinematic history involving rift-orthogonal extension followed by sinistral strike-slip. Preliminary results show the first-order impact of structural inheritance and divergence obliquity on strain localization, which shape the orientation, spacing, and strain rate of the resulting fault network. These results will lay the groundwork for subsequent basin-wide modelling with the thermo-hydro-mechanical code GOLEM, coupling geodynamically controlled basin development with heat and fluid flow simulations that involve shorter-term rock and fracture mechanics. Throughout all modelling stages, we compare our models with available geological and geophysical observations.

How to cite: Yu, A. J., Brune, S., Bott, J., Glerum, A. C., and Scheck-Wenderoth, M.: Geodynamic controls on the geothermal potential in the Upper Rhine Graben, France-Germany: a multi-scale numerical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4193,, 2025.

EGU25-6373 | Orals | GD6.1

A petro-physical model for serpentinised mantle and origin of natural hydrogen in the Pyrenees 

Alexandra Robert, Sepideh Pajang, Frederic Mouthereau, Ajay Kumar, and Jean-Paul Callot

The relationships between the serpentinised continental mantle in orogens, its geophysical signature at depth and hydrogen seepages are poorly understood. A petro-physical modelling approach accounting for serpentinisation shows that a large domain of serpentinised mantle is present in the northern Pyrenees. The serpentinisation reached a maximum of 40% during the mid-Cretaceous rifting, according to the predicted temperature and pressure. Although high-temperature serpentinisation could have generated large quantify of hydrogen during the Mesozoic, the shallow and inactive faulting in Northern Pyrenees make this process unlikely to explain the entire serpentinisation inferred by petro-physical modelling. A combination of low-temperature alteration of mafic and ultramafic rocks in the North Pyrenean Zone, active normal faulting in the North Pyrenean Fault, accumulation in local traps and transport of H2-rich fluids along inactive but permeable fault may explain the hydrogen seepages observed today.

How to cite: Robert, A., Pajang, S., Mouthereau, F., Kumar, A., and Callot, J.-P.: A petro-physical model for serpentinised mantle and origin of natural hydrogen in the Pyrenees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6373,, 2025.

EGU25-7103 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

The role of intra-salt heterogeneity on the internal and external geometry of salt bodies – a numerical modelling approach with applications for geo-storage 

Leonardo Pichel, Ritske Huismans, Thomas Theunissen, Sabine Delahaye, Alexandre Pichat, Jean-Paul Callot, and Naim Celini

Thick salt deposits occur in a wide range of sedimentary basins and orogens. They are associated with large and geometrically complex structures due to the inherent ability of salt to flow as a viscous fluid. Salt basins form major hydrocarbon provinces and are increasingly targeted for CO2/H2 storage and geothermal energy due to the unique physical properties of salt, its low viscosity, high thermal conductivity and impermeability. Despite considerable advances in understanding salt basins and salt tectonics, there is still a significant knowledge gap on the internal geometry of salt structures. We apply a novel, very-high resolution (20x50m)2D numerical modelling approach to simulate salt diapirism and minibasin formation for heterogenous, layered salt sequences. We test the effects of varying i) viscosity, ii) density, iii) thickness, and iv) stratigraphic arrangement of intra-salt layers on the kinematics, and the internal and external geometries of deformed salt bodies by using scaled material properties to simulate: i) weak pure halite, ii) less-weak impure halite, ii) strong and dense anhydrite-rich layers, and iv) very-weak K-Mg salts.

Our results show that salt sequences including an alternation of weak and less-weak layers with different viscosity and density produce major intra-salt strain partition and complexity characterized by highly convoluted folding, horizontal and vertical shearing, and preferential flow of the weaker, less-dense salt (pure halite) into the core of diapirs. The less-weak layers can eventually flow into the diapir crest but are generally disrupted by flow of the underlying weak layers and positioned towards the diapirs’ flanks where they become overturned. The most complex and convolute intra-salt geometries occur around the diapirs’ flanks when there is an abrupt internal shift of minibasin depocentres. Recumbent intra-salt folds are also common and associated with the development of secondary minibasins by diapir-fall. For models that include strong anhydrite-rich layers, there is a general decrease in the magnitude and complexity of diapirism, with these layers being passively folded by flow of the underlying weak salt and displaying only moderate to negligible flow onto diapirs and vertical stretching. These stronger layers become trapped underneath the base of diapirs and their associated minibasins where they typically form short-wavelength folds. For models that include very-weak and light K-Mg salt layers, there is an increase in rate of diapirism with rapid vertical shearing and stretching of the weak layers along the diapir’s flanks and sub-horizontal flow and recumbent folds along their crests. Varying the position of both very-weak and strong layers generates very contrasting internal and external diapir geometries. These results can aid in the characterization of the internal structures of deformed, diapiric salt bodies, which is critical for the use of salt structures in the context of energy transition. They provide important insights that can help the design of salt caverns for H2/CH4 storage by identifying areas with broadly homogenous halite-rich salt, 2) avoiding drilling through sheared and highly-stressed and strained intra-salt heterogeneities, and 3) constraining minibasin architecture and evolution, improving the understanding of the distribution and geometry of CO2 reservoirs.

How to cite: Pichel, L., Huismans, R., Theunissen, T., Delahaye, S., Pichat, A., Callot, J.-P., and Celini, N.: The role of intra-salt heterogeneity on the internal and external geometry of salt bodies – a numerical modelling approach with applications for geo-storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7103,, 2025.

EGU25-7356 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Exploration and Potential of Geologic Hydrogen Production in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA: A Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions 

Trevor Atkinson, Ghanashyam Neupane, Ayowole Fifo, and Kevin Sylla

A significant component to international energy net-zero emission goals is the exploration, production, and utilization of hydrogen. It is estimated that the International Energy Agency’s goal to reduce emissions will require approximately 550 megatons of hydrogen annually. While traditional generation methods through electrolysis (green hydrogen) and from fossil fuels (blue hydrogen) are potential pathways, they each come with challenges in terms of critical minerals consumption and CO2 sequestration. An alternative and promising source of meeting these goals is geologic hydrogen, naturally produced within the Earth's subsurface. Recent studies estimate that over 20 megatons of hydrogen seep from various geological formations annually. A team led by industry pioneers, Pristine Energy and researchers from the Idaho National Laboratory aim to explore the potential of geologic hydrogen in the Eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP), Idaho, USA. The ESRP is characterized by iron-rich basalt formations and mid-crustal mafic sills, both conducive to hydrogen production through serpentinization. Additionally, geothermal gradients and geochemical fingerprinting suggest the potential for rapid serpentinization at depth, giving insight into geologic hydrogen conversion kinetics. This project will proceed through a systematic approach including a thorough literature review, detailed field sampling, field instrumentation and measurements, lab characterization, and preliminary modeling. Gas, water, and soil samples will be collected from identified fissures, faults, hot springs, and existing wells to identify source and estimate rates and quantities of generated hydrogen. Hydrogen concentrations will be measured using advanced sensors and characterized via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). High-seepage locations will undergo continuous monitoring to understand seasonal variations in hydrogen emissions. This innovative approach leverages the unique geological attributes of the ESRP to contribute significantly to geologic hydrogen exploration and assessment workflows, and ultimately to the global hydrogen supply, supporting net-zero emission goals.

How to cite: Atkinson, T., Neupane, G., Fifo, A., and Sylla, K.: Exploration and Potential of Geologic Hydrogen Production in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA: A Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7356,, 2025.

EGU25-7428 | Orals | GD6.1

Deformation controlled fluid mass-transfer processes in ancient orogens  

Graham Hill, Ben Friemann, Eric Roots, Phil Wannamaker, Virginia Maris, Rasmus Haugaard, Jochen Kamm, Svetlana Kovacikova, Radek Klanica, Andy Calvert, Jim Craven, and Richard Smith

Despite abundant empirical evidence, the details of coupled deformation and mass transfer processes within a framework of the crustal architecture of ancient orogens remains enigmatic. Geophysical imaging of the Larder Lake-Cadillac deformation zone, a well-endowed crustal-scale fault system in the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield, characterises the crustal architecture and fault geometry of the system through the lower crust. By comparing the geophysically determined structure of the Larder Lake-Cadillac deformation zone to stress changes induced by Archean (peak orogeny) rupture of the fault system, we show domains of earthquake-triggered deformation coincide with the geophysically imaged low resistivity zones. These low resistivity zones likely formed due to mineral bearing fluid migration from underlying fertile source zones to downstream (shallower) crustal reservoirs and, ultimately, near surface traps. The multi-disciplinary approach identifies the syntectonic mass-transfer processes and fluid pathways, providing an interpretive framework for unraveling the geophysical manifestation of the deformation controlled processes responsible for upflow of metalliferous fluids that may result in ore deposit formation in collisional orogens. 

How to cite: Hill, G., Friemann, B., Roots, E., Wannamaker, P., Maris, V., Haugaard, R., Kamm, J., Kovacikova, S., Klanica, R., Calvert, A., Craven, J., and Smith, R.: Deformation controlled fluid mass-transfer processes in ancient orogens , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7428,, 2025.

EGU25-8201 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Influence of Intra-Salt Lithological Variability on Salt Tectonics: A numerical modelling approach 

Manel Ramos, Ritske Huismans, Leonardo Muniz Pichel, Thomas Theunissen, Jean-Paul Callot, Alexandre Pichat, Naim Célini, Sabine Delahaye, and Claude Gout

Understanding the internal structure of intra-salt layers within deformed salt bodies is crucial for geo-energy storage in salt-bearing basins. This study integrates high-resolution 2D finite element numerical modelling to explore how variations in salt stratigraphy, lithological heterogeneity, and post-salt sedimentation patterns influence deformation processes and the internal architecture of diapiric salt structures across different basin geometries. Specifically, we examine the impact of lithological variability by systematically varying the position and thickness of frictional-plastic, relatively strong intra-salt layers (e.g., anhydrite or carbonates) within a viscous layered salt sequence. The position of the strong intra-salt layer within a salt body significantly influences salt flow dynamics, internal and external diapir morphology, and overburden deformation. When located at the top, the strong layer acts as a stiff cap, restricting upward salt flow and producing broader diapirs with limited overburden deformation. When located in the middle, it localizes strain within the salt, leading to sharper and more discrete diapirs. When located at the bottom, it enhances upward salt flow of the overlying weak salt layer, resulting in tall, narrow, and more intrusive diapirs with more pronounced overburden deformation. In all cases, the strong intra-salt layer breaks and forms boudins, which vary in dimensions, distribution and structural complexity according to their different position and thickness. These intra-salt boudins can be transported by the salt flow to the upper parts of salt structures, but are often trapped at diapir pedestals, beneath diapir flanks, or under minibasins, where they experience repeated folding and refolding as the weaker, less dense salt flows around them. The presence of this heterogeneous intra-salt layer alters the flow paths of the weaker salt and controls both the geometry of salt structures and associated deformation in the overburden. These findings underscore the critical role of stratigraphic and tectonic controls in shaping both the external and internal architecture of salt diapirs, patterns that are particularly relevant for the North Sea, where salt structures play a crucial role in emerging geo-energy storage.

How to cite: Ramos, M., Huismans, R., Muniz Pichel, L., Theunissen, T., Callot, J.-P., Pichat, A., Célini, N., Delahaye, S., and Gout, C.: Influence of Intra-Salt Lithological Variability on Salt Tectonics: A numerical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8201,, 2025.

EGU25-8374 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Exploration of “fairy circles” associated with natural hydrogen seepages with synthetic aperture radar interferometry and backscatter analysis 

Eszter Békési, Csilla Szárnya, Alain Prinzhofer, Anna Twaróg, Kristóf Porkoláb, and Gábor Tari

With the increasing demand for alternative energy sources, natural hydrogen is gaining attention for commercial exploitation. Naturally accumulated hydrogen is only utilized today at the field of Bourakébougou, Mali, highlighting major knowledge gaps in the behaviour of hydrogen systems and in the related exploration-production workflows. Circular depressions called “fairy circles” represent a surface manifestation of hydrogen seeps that commonly occur in continental cratons and are formed relatively quickly (few years). Apart from the topographic imprint of these ~100 m to 2 km diameter depressions, a major signature of the structures is a vegetation anomaly; characterized by a zone of dying vegetation inside the circle, and a ring of healthy, enriched vegetation in their surroundings. Although the connection of surface H2 seeps to deep-seated H2 sources has been implied in several case studies, the exact mechanism of fairy circle formation is still largely unknown, together with the underlying generation, migration, and accumulation processes of H2.

Satellite images are widely used for the mapping of fairy circles, but these observations are mainly restricted to passive satellite sensors without monitoring any temporal changes of the structures. In this study we used Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired by the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellites to monitor the evolution of fairy circles in terms of morphological and vegetational changes in two demonstration areas: in the Sao Francisco Basin of Brazil, and in the Lublin Basin of SE Poland. In both cases, the duration of the monitoring was ~5 years, with a temporal resolution of ~1 month. We applied the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) method to map ground motions associated with the potentially active surface deformation of fairy circles. We extended the ground motion time series with SAR backscatter analysis to identify changes in the strength of the backscattered signal through time. The aim of the backscatter analysis was to identify any rapid changes associated with the loss/increase of vegetation linked to H2 degassing. Results show significant ground motion and vegetation anomalies associated with fairy circles in the Sao Francisco Basin (Brazil). Results are not that evident in the Polish area, mostly due to its poorer suitability for InSAR and backscatter analysis (generally lower coherence areas and presence of agricultural and other artificial activities overprinting natural variations). The SAR-based observations were compared with geochemical measurements for monitoring H2 emissions in the soil in both areas, to better understand the potential link between H2 degassing and morphological and/or vegetation changes. The detailed understanding of subsurface processes responsible for the detected anomalies and H2 seeping cannot be inferred, but important constraints on fairy circle formation are achieved. This study demonstrates the applicability and limitations of InSAR and backscatter analysis for the mapping of actively changing fairy circles over two different areas, with important implications of the methodology for further case studies worldwide and constraints on natural hydrogen systems in general.

How to cite: Békési, E., Szárnya, C., Prinzhofer, A., Twaróg, A., Porkoláb, K., and Tari, G.: Exploration of “fairy circles” associated with natural hydrogen seepages with synthetic aperture radar interferometry and backscatter analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8374,, 2025.

EGU25-8635 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Investigating Craton Dynamics and Ore Deposit Formation  

Arijit Chakraborty, Jeroen van Hunen, Andrew Valentine, and Poulami Roy

The concentration of critical minerals and metals occurs within 200 km of the transition between thick and thin lithosphere or cratonic edges1. These cratons are regions comprising thicker lithosphere, which has remained stable for billions of years. The critical minerals are initially sourced from the mantle by a range of deep Earth geophysical, geochemical, and tectonic processes, to be further concentrated near the Earth’s surface via hydrothermal processes. These deep Earth processes involving mantle melting also play a crucial role in cratonic stability, and therefore, the improved understanding of these will help unravel intricate connections between craton dynamics and ore deposit formations. 

 The formation and evolution of cratons play a crucial role in the development of those critical minerals. Cratons formed under different scenarios have different internal structures, which, in turn, influence subsequent tectonics and melting scenarios. One of the challenges is how to deal with the vastly different time and length scales in these processes (e.g. between mantle dynamics and melt processes). Preliminary results regarding the best way to capture the processes of craton formation and stability under different geologic scenarios using numerical models developed with the ASPECT geodynamical software tool (REF) will be presented. 


  • Hoggard, Mark J., Karol Czarnota, Fred D. Richards, David L. Huston, A. Lynton Jaques, and Sia Ghelichkhan. “Global Distribution of Sediment-Hosted Metals Controlled by Craton Edge Stability.” Nature Geoscience 13, no. 7 (July 2020):504–10. 

How to cite: Chakraborty, A., van Hunen, J., Valentine, A., and Roy, P.: Investigating Craton Dynamics and Ore Deposit Formation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8635,, 2025.

EGU25-8941 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geological characterization of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin geothermal system: new insights from structural and stratigraphic analyses  

Maria Isabel Vidal Reyes, Simone Reguzzi, Mattia Marini, Aurora Petagine, Niccolo Menegoni, Chiara Amadori, Matteo Maino, Magdala Tesauro, and Fadi H. Nader

The Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) in northwest Italy is a wedge-top basin developed during Eocene—Pliocene times in the Alps-Apennines tectonic junction. It accommodates, on average, 3 km of clastic sedimentary units with significant lateral facies variations, and several basin-scale unconformities tectonically-controlled. The basin experienced deformation under markedly different tectonic regimes, developing long-lived kilometric structures that affected both the sedimentary successions, and the underlying metamorphic rocks of the Ligurian Alps. The presence of several thermal springs, relatively high surface heat-flow, and locally high geothermal gradient in the TPB, suggests a deep groundwater circulation and heating most likely in a reservoir hosted within the Alpine metamorphic rocks, i.e., the basement.

The geothermal system of the basin is not fully understood, since it still lacks a comprehensive and detailed geological/geophysical model of the basin-basement present-day structure. Aiming to fulfill this gap, this study shows structural analyses performed in the TPB and its Alpine basement at different scales through field-based characterizations, Digital Outcrop Model-based fracture mapping, and seismic interpretation. The integration of these structural results coupled with the spatial distribution of the basement and overlying sedimentary cover, enables a preliminary evaluation of potential reservoir or seal units in the geothermal system. These outcomes provide an adequate conceptual model to better understand the geothermal systems of the TPB, and other systems in analogue settings, having geodynamic peculiarities like slab switches or brake-off.

How to cite: Vidal Reyes, M. I., Reguzzi, S., Marini, M., Petagine, A., Menegoni, N., Amadori, C., Maino, M., Tesauro, M., and Nader, F. H.: Geological characterization of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin geothermal system: new insights from structural and stratigraphic analyses , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8941,, 2025.

EGU25-9147 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Thermal state of La Palma (Canary Islands) from a data-integrative approach 

Ivone Jimenez-Munt, Angela Maria Gomez-Garcia, Mauro Cacace, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Judith Bott, Ana Maria Negredo, Juanjo Ledo, Fatima Martin-Hernández, and Aliss Bejerano

The Canary Islands stand out as a prime region within Spanish territory with significant potential for harnessing high enthalpy geothermal resources due to their active volcanic activity. La Palma, one of the youngest islands in the archipelago, has witnessed at least seven volcanic eruptions over the past 500 years, with the most recent one occurring in 2021. Despite these compelling signs, the development of high enthalpy geothermal power plants has not been pursued on the island, mainly because of the financial risk involved in such project and the lack of detailed geophysical data that can support the correct characterization of the geothermal potential on the island. Accordingly, a data-integrative approach that aids the characterization of potential geothermal sites will reduce such uncertainties, supporting the drilling planning phase of the project. Since the last eruption in 2021, several new geophysical experiments and projects have been undertaken within La Palma Island, aiming to understand the present-day configuration of the subsurface. In this study, we integrate the newly geophysical data in order to build a 3D thermal model that is consistent with the geological structure of the island. This research is funded by the Spanish Government projects PRX23/00106 and PID2022-139943NB-I00

How to cite: Jimenez-Munt, I., Gomez-Garcia, A. M., Cacace, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Bott, J., Negredo, A. M., Ledo, J., Martin-Hernández, F., and Bejerano, A.: Thermal state of La Palma (Canary Islands) from a data-integrative approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9147,, 2025.

EGU25-9976 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

A new model for the thickness and thermal structure of the African lithosphere: implications for the distributions of kimberlites, carbonatites and critical mineral deposits 

Siyuan Sui, Yihe Xu, Sergei Lebedev, Emilie Bowman, Javier Fullea, and Sally Gibson

The structure, thickness, lateral heterogeneity, and temporal evolution of the lithosphere significantly influence the distribution of kimberlites, carbonatites, and sediment-hosted mineral deposits, including rare earth elements (REE) and critical metals (e.g., Nb and Ti) that are essential for advancing the transition to green energy.

Seismic data provide critical information on the thermal structure of the lithosphere and underlying mantle. However, seismic tomographic models are inherently non-unique. This can be remedied, to a large extent, by thermodynamic inversions, which utilize computational petrology and offer an effective approach to connecting seismic observations to the thermal structure of the lithosphere and mantle.

We present a new model of the African lithosphere’s thickness and thermal structure, derived from state-of-the-art sampling with seismic surface wave data. The model incorporates both Rayleigh and Love waves, to account and correct for seismic anisotropy of the elastic properties. Rayleigh and Love wave data in the 20–300 s range are inverted, on 1°×1° grids, for the upper-mantle temperature and lithospheric thickness, from which upper-mantle density and seismic velocities are calculated, with attenuation corrections. Radial anisotropy, seismic velocities in the crust, transition zone and uppermost lower mantle, and crustal density are also inversion parameters, the latter constrained primarily by the surface elevation. The resulting model reveals distinct regional variations in the lithospheric thickness that reveal deep lithospheric expressions of known crustal geology. Thick lithosphere (>220 km) is found beneath large parts of the West African Craton, Congo Craton, and Zimbabwe Craton. Thin lithosphere (<70 km) is predominantly observed along the East African Rift.

We analyse the new lithosphere model jointly with recent datasets of the distribution of different types of igneous rocks across the continent. These include kimberlites, which were emplaced at locations with thick cratonic lithosphere; basalts, which are emplaced at locations with thin lithosphere; and carbonatites that are commonly found on intermediate-thickness lithosphere (Gibson et al. 2024). Statistics analysis of the locations of these rock samples shows that kimberlites mostly are found within cratons, with some notable exceptions. Most Neogene basalts are in the East African Rift Zone, with a 50–100 km lithosphere. Carbonatite complexes and their associated REE deposits, are typically observed in clusters in the transition regions from cratonic to non-cratonic lithosphere.

This new lithospheric thickness and temperature model enhances our understanding of the dynamics and evolution of the African lithosphere. Furthermore, it provides valuable insights into the processes that govern the generation and spatial distribution of rocks of different types and the associated primary critical mineral deposits.


Gibson, S., McKenzie, D. & Lebedev, S. (2024). The distribution and generation of carbonatites. Geology 52, 667–671.

How to cite: Sui, S., Xu, Y., Lebedev, S., Bowman, E., Fullea, J., and Gibson, S.: A new model for the thickness and thermal structure of the African lithosphere: implications for the distributions of kimberlites, carbonatites and critical mineral deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9976,, 2025.

EGU25-10051 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Stress, pore pressure, sediment compaction, deformation, temperature and fluid flow in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin 

Michael Drews, Florian Duschl, Saeed Mahmoodpour, Enzo Aconcha, Julian Breitsameter, Peter Obermeier, Indira Shatyrbayeva, Parisa Babaie, Christian Tomsu, and Florian Einsiedl

The North Alpine Foreland Basin is the peripheral foredeep of the Northern Alps, extending from Lake Geneva in the West to Upper Austria in the East. The largest portion of the foredeep consists of an undeformed part, called Foreland Molasse, and a small, deformed belt along the North Alpine Thrust Front, called Subalpine Molasse. Spanning up to 150 km in N-S direction, the North Alpine Foreland Basin has its widest extent in SE Germany (Bavaria). Here, the physical properties of the Cenozoic basin fill and its underlying Mesozoic passive margin sediments display a high degree of heterogeneity in both the Foreland Molasse and Subalpine Molasse parts. Since 2016, we systematically analysed data from more than 300 deep wellbores, with vertical depths up to 5 km below ground level, to understand the distribution and interplay of these heterogeneities: We used minimum stress magnitude measurements such as formation integrity and leak-off tests in combination with geophysical borehole measurements such as density and velocity to infer the distribution of lateral and vertical stresses in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Collection of pore pressure indicators and measurements such as drilling mud weights, drilling problems, well tests and wireline formation tests and their correlation with vertical stress and sediment compaction allowed us to also infer the regional distribution of pore pressure and to model the variable styles of deformation of the Subalpine Molasse along the North Alpine Thrust Front. In this contribution, we give a graphical overview of how stress, pore pressure and deformation are linked and driven by sediment composition and compaction. We also set our findings into context with high frequency, large amplitude variations of temperature and fluid flow patterns, proposing an updated model for the distribution and interference of physical properties and processes in the North Alpine Foreland Basin in SE Germany.

How to cite: Drews, M., Duschl, F., Mahmoodpour, S., Aconcha, E., Breitsameter, J., Obermeier, P., Shatyrbayeva, I., Babaie, P., Tomsu, C., and Einsiedl, F.: Stress, pore pressure, sediment compaction, deformation, temperature and fluid flow in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10051,, 2025.

EGU25-10415 | Orals | GD6.1

Serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems in rift inversion orogens: a geological/holistic perspective 

Gianreto Manatschal, Marc Ulrich, Pauline Chenin, Francesca Dimasi, Quentin Gasser, Eric C. Gaucher, Emmanuel Masini, Cuimei Zhang, Peter Alt-Epping, Frank Zwaan, and Nick Kusznir

Serpentinization-sourced H2 has become a promising source of decarbonated energy. It can be generated in fiver tectonic settings, namely: (1) intra-craton settings, (2) divergent settings such as hyperextended rifts, ocean continent transitions and mid ocean ridges, (3) subduction systems, (4) obduction, and (5) rift-inverted orogens. Most recently, many studies have been focusing on parts of the H2-system, i.e., the kitchen, plumbing system, reservoir, cap rock and trapping and preservation mechanisms or on the detection of leaking natural H2 systems at or near the surface. However, a holistic understanding of a serpentinization-sourced H2 system is still in its infancy and an exploration protocol tailored to the different tectonic settings is missing to date.   

In our study, we aim to develop a protocol to predict, quantify and explore serpentinization-sourced H2 systems in rift-inverted orogens. To do so, we use the Grisons area (SE Alps in Switzerland) as a field analogue. In this area all play-elements of the serpentinization-sourced H2 system exist and can be accessed and the rift and convergent structures are well exposed and investigated. This allows us to examine the interplay, in time and space, between the play-elements of a serpentinization-sourced H2 system and to develop a predictive exploration protocol. In this perspective, we first seek  to define a serpentinization-sourced H2 system in a rift-inversion orogen and second to address when and where the serpentinization-sourced H2 forms, what are the essential play-elements and how they interact in time and space, impacting the location and timing of H2 production by considering the two dominant parameters, temperature and access to water, which determine entry into the serpentinization window (kitchen) for mantle rocks. In our presentation, we show the first preliminary results of our holistic, geological approach aiming to integrate different data sets from the Grisons area. We are aware that to develop a predictive play-element based exploration protocol for a serpentinization-sourced H2 system in rift-inverted orogens, similar to that developed in oil and gas systems, further studies will be necessary.

How to cite: Manatschal, G., Ulrich, M., Chenin, P., Dimasi, F., Gasser, Q., Gaucher, E. C., Masini, E., Zhang, C., Alt-Epping, P., Zwaan, F., and Kusznir, N.: Serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems in rift inversion orogens: a geological/holistic perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10415,, 2025.

EGU25-10972 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Fault-hosted hot springs of the Rhône Valley in the context of varying regional-scale neotectonics 

Timothy Schmid, Marco Herwegh, Alfons Berger, Tobias Diehl, Herfried Madritsch, Daniela van den Heuvel, Christoph Wanner, and Larryn Diamond

Orogenic geothermal systems develop when meteoric water infiltrates the subsurface at high elevations, heats up along a deep circulation path due to the background geothermal gradient and eventually emerges at the surface in low topographic sites as localized hot springs. Such systems depend on permeable fault geometries; however, in orogenic settings fluid-discharge zones may additionally be controlled by the configuration of topography, nappe geometry, fault patterns and unconsolidated deposits that can conceal the bedrock structure. Hence, it is crucial to study local hot springs in the context of fault structures related to regional tectonics in order to predict the locations of blind geothermal systems. The Rhône Valley is a favourable site for such a study, as it shows the highest seismic activity in Switzerland and hosts several clusters of hot springs aligned along the regional Rhône-Simplon fault system.

Here, we combine data sets on geodynamics such as geodesy of recent crustal movements, regional recent stress fields, relocated hypocenters and focal mechanisms as well as structural field data to interpret the hot spring occurrences in the context of regional geodynamics. Our data suggest the presence of three adjacent structural domains: (1) A domain on the NW flank of the Rhône fault characterized by a NW–SE oriented maximum principal stress, high seismicity, and a pervasive network of strike- slip dominated faults; (2) a zone encompassing the Rhône Valley floor with transtensive, dilatant zones along strike-slip fault segments; and (3) a zone on the southern flank of the valley floor subjected to a recent NE–SW extension expressed by dominantly normal to transtensional faulting focal mechanisms. This southern domain constitutes the SW-extruding hanging wall block of the Simplon low-angle normal fault. The block is bounded by two crustal scale strike-slip faults, the dextral Rhône strike-slip fault in the NW and the sinistral Ospizio Sottile line in the SE.

In summary, our study highlights the importance of the large-scale tectonic setting for understanding and exploring fault controlled and hence, strongly localized geothermal resources in orogenic settings.

How to cite: Schmid, T., Herwegh, M., Berger, A., Diehl, T., Madritsch, H., van den Heuvel, D., Wanner, C., and Diamond, L.: Fault-hosted hot springs of the Rhône Valley in the context of varying regional-scale neotectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10972,, 2025.

EGU25-11375 | Orals | GD6.1

Iron redox state of serpentinized mantle rocks through a Wilson cycle: implications for serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems 

Francesca Dimasi, Marc Ulrich, Manuel Muñoz, Flora Hochscheid, and Gianreto Manatschal

Climate-CO2 emission models point to the urgency for European society to transition from high to low carbon energy sources. In this frame, H2 could be a key component of the decarbonization strategy. Among the various colours of H2, white (i.e., native) H2 is one of the most promising. The most efficient way to produce native H2 is serpentinization, a high temperature hydrothermal process that forms serpentinites from Earth mantle rocks. This hydrothermal alteration transforms primary magmatic Fe-Mg-bearing silicates (olivine, pyroxenes) into secondary hydrous minerals (e.g. serpentine, brucite) and oxides (magnetite). Serpentinization also produces molecular hydrogen (H2) through oxidation of ferrous Fe (FeII) released from the dissolving primary minerals, to ferric Fe (FeIII) that precipitates in serpentine and magnetite. The serpentinization process has been extensively documented at various geological settings such as mid-ocean ridges or subduction zones. In contrast, it has received much less attention at rift inverted orogens and continental rifts, representing classical sources of oil and gas, but nowadays being at the forefront of carbon capture, geothermal energy, and new decarbonated energy resources such as native hydrogen. In conclusion, understanding the iron redox state in a Wilson cycle will allow us to predict when, where and how serpentinized sourced hydrogen is produced, which is a prerequisite to develop a successful exploration strategy.

Our approach to achieve this goal is based on a representative sampling area, state-of-the-art analyses and modelling (the evolution of redox and the production of H2). A series of analytical methods will be conducted on serpentinites from well-defined sites (Tasna, Platta, Totalp, Val Malenco and Lanzo) documenting the Wilson cycle of the Alpine-Tethys system. The analysis will constrain the conditions  of serpentinization, i.e., temperature of fluid-rock interactions, PT paths recorded by mantle rocks, and redox state. Finally, the new data will constrain the evolution of iron speciation and H2 production during serpentinization and may be used to either test or calibrate numerical modelling results used for the quantification of H2 production.

How to cite: Dimasi, F., Ulrich, M., Muñoz, M., Hochscheid, F., and Manatschal, G.: Iron redox state of serpentinized mantle rocks through a Wilson cycle: implications for serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11375,, 2025.

EGU25-11413 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Petrological and geophysical characterization of a paleo natural hydrogen kitchen – serpentinites of the Münchberg Massif, Germany 

Peter Klitzke, Meike Bagge, Maximiian Hasch, Nikola Koglin, Antonia Ruppel, Hamed Fazlikhani, Felix Johann, Jan-Felix Goldmann, Alexander Löwer, and Christian Ostertag-Henning

One of the main challenges in studying a natural hydrogen system is that ultramafic rocks - potential source rock for hydrogen generation by serpentinization - are often buried deep within the subsurface. The serpentinites of the metamorphic Münchberg Massif, obducted during the Variscian orogeny in Devonian times, offer a unique window into deep crustal and upper mantle processes. As part of an integrated study, we have acquired airborne magnetic and strapdown gravity data, seismic reflection profiles, as well as detailed petrological and geochemical analysis. This approach enables a multi-scale interpretation of the tectonic evolution, serpentinization processes, and associated fluid-rock interactions, mineralogical transformations, and implications for paleo-natural hydrogen generation in the Münchberg Massif. 

Serpentinite rock bodies are exposed at multiple outcrops across the Münchberg Massif. Geochemical analyses of major and rare earth elements indicate that serpentinites from both the Peterleinstein (west) and the Zell region (south) share a similar protolith of harzburgitic composition. However, different serpentine minerals dominate at the different locations. The Zell serpentinites, predominantly antigorite, appear to have undergone serpentinization at greater depths and higher temperatures than the Peterleinstein serpentinites, which are dominated by lizardite. Conversely, Peterleinstein demonstrates a higher degree of serpentinization, likely indicating increased fluid availability during the process. The sequence of events during serpentinization is evident in spatially resolved analyses of different generations of serpentine minerals in thin sections using microscopic and Raman micro-spectroscopic analyses.

Initial interpretation of the airborne magnetic data reveals a series of positive high-frequency anomalies with amplitudes of up to ~160 nT, associated with magnetite enrichment, a by-product of serpentinization and hydrogen generation across the Münchberg Massif. Petrological analyses confirm the presence of magnetite-bearing serpentinites. However, preliminary on-site magnetic susceptibility measurements do not resolve differences in the degree of serpentinization. Combined petrophysical, seismic, gravity and magnetic interpretation and modeling will constrain the extent of serpentinization in the subsurface and evaluate the role of major faults as fluid conduits during serpentinization.

How to cite: Klitzke, P., Bagge, M., Hasch, M., Koglin, N., Ruppel, A., Fazlikhani, H., Johann, F., Goldmann, J.-F., Löwer, A., and Ostertag-Henning, C.: Petrological and geophysical characterization of a paleo natural hydrogen kitchen – serpentinites of the Münchberg Massif, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11413,, 2025.

EGU25-11735 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Artificial Smoker: Geophysical characterization of an ultraslow ridge system for sustainable resource management 

Bhargav Boddupalli, Børge Arntsen, Tim Minshull, Ketil Hokstad, Sylvie Leroy, Ståle Johansen, Louise Watremez, Ana Corbalan, and Lars Sørum

Hydrothermal circulation is a fundamental Earth process that transfers elements and minerals from the crust and mantle to the oceans. This circulation commonly occurs along tectonic plate boundaries in the oceans, where heat sources are located at relatively shallow depths (~2–3 km). Cold seawater percolates downward, becomes heated, and is enriched with minerals from the host rock and magmatic volatiles. The resulting hot fluids (exceeding 300°C) rise buoyantly and are expelled into the ocean through chimney-like structures on the seafloor, commonly referred to as "Black Smokers." The ejected particles settle on the seafloor, forming rich mineral deposits known as "Seafloor Massive Sulfide" (SMS) deposits, making mid-ocean ridges highly attractive for meeting future mineral demands. Moreover, ridge settings hold significant potential for geothermal energy, white hydrogen production, and other valuable resources. However, harnessing these resources requires a thorough understanding of the complex hydrothermal systems to develop sustainable resource management strategies.

Hydrothermal venting sites are widespread along the mid-ocean ridge system, occurring at all spreading rates and across diverse geological settings. However, the mechanisms driving hydrothermal processes vary depending on factors such as the presence of magma bodies, permeable zones, tectonic activity, and temperature. At ultraslow spreading ridges, where spreading rates are less than 20 mm/yr—such as the Southwest Indian Ridge, Mohns Ridge, and Knipovich Ridge—tectonic processes dominate over magmatic activity, resulting in the exhumation of ultramafic material to the seafloor along large-scale detachment faults.

In this study, we developed two-dimensional, high-resolution velocity models through the crust and uppermost mantle of the Southwest Indian Ridge using wide-angle ocean-bottom seismic data. We present two ~150 km-long, high-resolution P-wave velocity models orthogonal to each other, running across and along the ridge axis at 64°30’E. We employed a state-of-the-art imaging technique known as full waveform inversion (FWI) using data from 32 ocean-bottom seismometers positioned along the two profiles. FWI is a data-fitting method in which the forward operator iteratively predicts the observed data by backpropagating the misfits to update the velocity model, thereby producing higher-resolution images of the subsurface.

Based on our high-resolution velocity models, we observe finer patterns of velocity anomalies compared to traveltime models, revealing more detailed variations in the degree of fluid-rock interaction. These interactions are influenced by the presence of faults and the extent of tectonic damage, aiding in the mapping of hydrothermal circulation. Additionally, our high-resolution images provide an improved understanding of the distribution of serpentinization and its correlation to mode of spreading. Overall, the high-resolution velocity models support the assessment of the feasibility of "Artificial Smoker," which replicates natural smokers, for the environmentally sustainable extraction of minerals, white hydrogen, and geothermal resources.

How to cite: Boddupalli, B., Arntsen, B., Minshull, T., Hokstad, K., Leroy, S., Johansen, S., Watremez, L., Corbalan, A., and Sørum, L.: Artificial Smoker: Geophysical characterization of an ultraslow ridge system for sustainable resource management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11735,, 2025.

EGU25-12600 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Isotopic Insights into the Origins of N₂-H₂-CH₄ emanations in the New Caledonia Ophiolite 

Jean de la Paix Izerumugaba, Anne Battani, Eric Deville, Camille Maziere, Julie Jeanpert, Olivier Lhote, Fréderic Mouthereau, Willy Foucher, Olivier Monge, and Anthony Ranchou-Peyruse

Natural emanations consisting of N₂-CH₄-H₂ type gases have been documented across the peridotite nappe of the New Caledonia Ophiolite [1], and the presence of H2 has been attributed to serpentinization [2, 3]. We present new major and noble gas compositional and isotopic data from low to high H2 bubbling gas seep sites from both the south (e.g: Lembi River (≤ 20% H2), Les Pirogues River (≤ 15%), Pourina (≤ 10%)), and north east klippes of the Ophiolite (e.g: Fanama and Nemwegi (≤ 300ppm)), providing new insights into gas origins that can be compared to other serpentinization systems (e.g: Oman, Italy, Turkey, and the Philippines).

Results show that gases are dominated by N2 (60-95%; d15N ranging from -0.2 to +0.1‰ vs air), while the H2 content can reach up to 35% with dD ranging from -740 to -710‰ VSMOW. CH4 reaches up to 20% with d13C ranging from -40‰ to -3.6‰ VPDB. Such major gas composition and isotopic values are characteristic of serpentinization [4, 5]. Additional factors, such as olivine-rich peridotite rocks, precipitation of magnetite, carbonates, and brucite, along with the elevated pH of spring waters (up to 10.5), confirm an active serpentinization system. Hydrogen H2-CH4-H2O isotopic fractionation factors suggest that, despite not being at equilibrium, the hydrogen-bearing fluids are formed at around 50°C, in comparison to 95°C, which was determined using magnetite-dolomite O₂ fractionation [6]. H2 and CH4 likely result from low-temperature serpentinization and processes involving inorganic carbon, respectively; potentially catalysed by Ni, Cr, and Chromitite-hosted Ru [7] which are enriched in the peridotite [1, 8]. Microbial activity indicators such as the presence of biogenic methane, when present, aligns with documented microbial communities.

Helium isotopic data (3He/4He) indicate signatures ranging from predominantly radiogenic (0.3 Ra) in the north, where the crust is thick [2], to ASW-like values in the central south (Lembi and La Coulée), to ~25% mantellic contribution in the southernmost coastal Prony region. We argue that the air-like signature is indicative of the degassing of circulating air-saturated groundwater, which aligns well with interpretations that air-like N₂ present in serpentinization systems may originate from aquifers [2, 3, 4].

Seismic and tectonic data reveal multiple deep faults and fractures in the massif du Sud [9], as well as a shallow Moho and 20 km-deep earthquakes that are indicative of active tectonics detected beneath the Prony area [10]. This explains the facilitated migration of mantle fluids to the surface at Prony.

[1] Maurizot et al., 2020(c). Geol. Soc. Lond. Mem. 51(1), 1–12

[2] Deville and Prinzhofer, 2016. Chem. Geol. 440, 139–147

[3] Monnin et al., 2021. JGR Biogeosci. 126, e2021JG006243.

[4] Vacquand et al., 2018. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 223, 437–461.

[5] Etiope, 2017. Procedia Earth Planet. Sci. 17, 9–12.

[6] Corre et al., 2023. Sci. Rep. 13(1), 19413.

[7] Molinet-Chinaglia et al., 2024. ChemCatChem 16(24), e202401213.

[8] Maurizot et al., 2020(f). Geol. Soc. Lond. Mem. 51(1), 247–277.

[9] Lagabrielle et al., 2005. Tectonophysics 403(1–4), 1–28.


How to cite: Izerumugaba, J. D. L. P., Battani, A., Deville, E., Maziere, C., Jeanpert, J., Lhote, O., Mouthereau, F., Foucher, W., Monge, O., and Ranchou-Peyruse, A.: Isotopic Insights into the Origins of N₂-H₂-CH₄ emanations in the New Caledonia Ophiolite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12600,, 2025.

EGU25-12845 | Orals | GD6.1

Fault-controlled groundwater recharge from Alpine units into Upper Jurassic Limestone of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany) 

Florian Duschl, Enzo Aconcha, Regina Ettenhuber, Christian Tomsu, Florian Einsiedl, and Michael Drews

Fluid temperatures in the Cenozoic basin fill of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany) are locally significantly lower compared to adjacent areas of the basin. In the greater Rosenheim area, formation temperatures at a depth of 4000 mbs range ca. 80 K lower than expected with respect to a typical regional geothermal gradient of 28-30 K/km. Possible explanations for this so-called Wasserburg Trough anomaly include thermal blanketing by rapid deposition of cold sediments, effects of convective and advective heat transfer in Cenozoic sediments, long-term effects of glacial thermal overprint, increased gravity-driven recharge due to karstification in the underlying Upper Jurassic Limestone, and heat transfer towards the Tauern Window due to a thermal chimney effect. Recent studies on formation fluid ages in the Upper Jurassic Limestone, a prolific, hydrostatically pressured geothermal aquifer, show comparatively young fluid ages of <20 ka which points at local freshwater infiltration at greater depth. Freshwater influx may reduce heat flow, act as a conductive heat barrier and favour karstification. However, fluid overpressure in shales of the Cenozoic overburden does not allow for direct vertical fluid infiltration across the stratigraphic column.

We propose a tectonic control mechanism responsible for freshwater infiltration with the Bavarian Inntal Fault Zone, a normal fault system that was formed during indentation of the Southern Alps in Oligo-Miocene times, acting as a conduit fault. This fault zone is indicated by a steepening of W-E striking fold axes towards the Bavarian Inntal, and the existence of several, valley-parallel sets of NNW-SSE striking normal faults proving WSW-ENE directed extension. Total vertical displacement inferred from cross-sections and field data yield at ≥250 m which is probably sufficient to ensure hydraulic contact between sedimentary strata of the Alpine nappes and underlying Upper Jurassic Limestone in the deeper subsurface. Thereby, freshwater from the Alps could bypass the overpressure zone in the Bavarian Inntal and infiltrate into the Upper Jurassic Limestone aquifer of the foreland basin.

How to cite: Duschl, F., Aconcha, E., Ettenhuber, R., Tomsu, C., Einsiedl, F., and Drews, M.: Fault-controlled groundwater recharge from Alpine units into Upper Jurassic Limestone of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12845,, 2025.

EGU25-13046 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Resolving Whole-Lithospheric Architecture for Mineral Prospectivity and Beyond: A Probabilistic Inversion Approach 

Riddhi Dave, Andrew Schaeffer, Fiona Darbyshire, and Juan Carlos Afonso

The architecture of the lithosphere is shaped by diverse geodynamic processes, including the presence of metasomatized mantle volumes, lithospheric thickness transitions, crustal- and mantle-scale fluid migration pathways, and the influence of plumes and subducting slabs. These features are preserved in the physical and chemical structures of the lithospheric mantle and sub-lithospheric upper mantle, providing critical insights into mineral systems and resource prospectivity.

To address these complexities within the Canadian lithosphere and mantle, we apply a probabilistic inversion framework, LitMod, which integrates geological constraints with multiple geophysical techniques and incorporates a priori geochemical information. This unified approach enables the resolution of key lithospheric features, distinguishing between compositional (e.g., metasomatism) and thermal anomalies.

We present results from the first application of LitMod to Canada, highlighting its capability to map essential geophysical structures and surfaces. Validation of the model’s predictions using independent geochemical datasets underscores the robustness and reliability of our results. Beyond advancing mineral prospectivity, this work contributes to broader geoscientific applications, including refining Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) models, improving Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) strategies, and enhancing seismic hazard assessments.

How to cite: Dave, R., Schaeffer, A., Darbyshire, F., and Afonso, J. C.: Resolving Whole-Lithospheric Architecture for Mineral Prospectivity and Beyond: A Probabilistic Inversion Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13046,, 2025.

EGU25-14781 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geodynamic Heterogeneity in Back Arc Basins: Implications for Heat Flow Distribution and Geothermal Energy Potential. 

Abdul-Nazaa Nuhu, Alessandro Decarlis, Andrea Ceriani, and Philip Ball

Using the geodynamic model of Hasterock et al., (2022), Ball et al., (2025) observed that existing natural hydrothermal systems and associated geothermal power plants are distributed across 12 different geodynamic settings.  We observe based on the Hasterock classification only 18 out of 489 power plants (3.6%) are located within Back Arc Basins (BABs). This may lead to the conclusion that, at a global scale, BABs are not highly prospective. However, a much more detailed observation of the various tectonic settings at specific locations shows some incongruencies in the Hasterock geodynamic classification. For example, key power plants such as Larderello, Italy are in fact located in a BAB setting, not in a Volcanic Arc setting (Ball, 2022). At a local scale it is important to refine global models to account for younger deformation that overprint previous tectonic events.

With Larderello as an analogue, we explore the idea that other BABs could be increasingly perspective for geothermal resources if the geodynamic setting is correctly assessed, and the local tectonics is understood. BABs, are extensional basins, typically formed behind active or inactive volcanic arc on the overriding plates. BABs, are known to be associated with high heat flow, due to the interplay of mantle dynamics, slab processes and crustal extension. In this work, we review the first-order controls on heat flow within the Aegean and Tyrrhenian back arc systems. We point to the comprehension of how factors like rapid localization of thinning in the crust and lithospheric mantle impacts heat flow, coupled with sedimentary cover. In detail, we evaluate the role of accessory parameters, like hydrothermal fluids ascending along faults and fractures, the role of intrusions due to patrial melting in response to rapid thinning in the crust and mantle, localizing high heat flows spots and causing significant thermal heterogeneities.

The dynamic settings of BABs could offer intriguing geothermal opportunities, but their structural, magmatic and hydrological histories need to be better understood. BAB’s like the Tyrrhenian and Aegean may provide exceptional opportunities for power generation. Exploration in this geodynamic setting could benefit by using the exploration triangle, which organizes the geological assessment into a hierarchical sequence of tasks. This play-based approach focusses assessment from the geodynamic setting and can be applied at the geothermal systems, and reservoirs scale. Successful application could greatly assist in identifying future prospects for geothermal development,  successfully exploiting BAB’s for power generation.

How to cite: Nuhu, A.-N., Decarlis, A., Ceriani, A., and Ball, P.: Geodynamic Heterogeneity in Back Arc Basins: Implications for Heat Flow Distribution and Geothermal Energy Potential., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14781,, 2025.

EGU25-16399 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

In-soil hydrogen concentration measurements using MONHyTOR. 

Niko Adjie, Clarisse Bordes, Daniel Brito, Djamel Nasri, Eric Normandin, and Christophe Voisin

Soil gas analysis is among the commonly used methods in the early stages of natural hydrogen exploration. While most punctual [H2] measurements can provide information on spatial variation, observing temporal variation requires long-term monitoring. The University of Pau and Adour Countries developed a hydrogen-monitoring instrument called MONHyTOR. It is a passive instrument capable of acquiring [H2], temperature, and relative humidity data with up to 1-s sampling interval at 1-m depth for up to several months in full autonomy.

Preliminary field data from multiple sites show that (1) an “installation peak” is almost systematically observed after drilling; (2) measured [H2] is nil most of the times; (3) daily oscillations are present in some datasets; (4) small-amplitude isolated peaks are seemingly related to weather events such as storm and heavy rain. These observations raise the question regarding the influence of water saturation and pressure balance in the atmosphere-soil-instrument system. To understand them, experiments are carried out in a controlled environment using airtight container filled with coarse homogeneous sand with a given water saturation level, where hydrogen is introduced via low-pressure (mbar) injections of 5%-95% H2-N2 mixture. The aim of this study is to see how variations in the pressure balance impact [H2] measurements by MONHyTOR.

How to cite: Adjie, N., Bordes, C., Brito, D., Nasri, D., Normandin, E., and Voisin, C.: In-soil hydrogen concentration measurements using MONHyTOR., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16399,, 2025.

EGU25-16617 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Origins of Helium and Hydrogen in South Australia 

Zak Milner, Jon Gluyas, Ken McCaffrey, Bob Holdsworth, Darren Grocke, Darren Hillegonds, Thomas Renshaw, Chris Ballentine, and Philippa Ascough

Releasing only heat and water vapour when burnt, demand for hydrogen (H₂) is expected to increase eight-fold by 2050, driven by growth sectors such as transportation and industrial energy. Natural or gold H₂ is produced in the lithosphere via water radiolysis in U- and Th-rich Precambrian basement (alongside helium (He)) or serpentinization in mafic-ultramafic rocks. Gas occurrences in South Australia have anomalously high H₂ concentrations of up to 95%. It is, therefore, an excellent geographical focus to further understand the principles of H₂ exploration (source, migration, accumulation, and preservation).
This study reports noble gas isotopes (He to Xe) of gases dissolved in groundwater samples collected from 19 locations across the Yorke Peninsula and Adelaide Superbasin, along with their respective ages from radiocarbon dating. Using helium as a proxy, we provide insights into the source and migration of H₂ in South Australia. Through the use of a novel gas diffusion model (Cheng et al. 2023), we also investigate whether an H₂/He gas phase can be produced, critical for their concentration and formation as accessible resources.

How to cite: Milner, Z., Gluyas, J., McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, B., Grocke, D., Hillegonds, D., Renshaw, T., Ballentine, C., and Ascough, P.: Origins of Helium and Hydrogen in South Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16617,, 2025.

There is a growing interest in natural hydrogen as a potential new source of energy with a negligible carbon-footprint, especially compared to all the other human-made hydrogen species. The white (or gold, natural, geologic or geogenic) and orange (or induced) hydrogen became the focus of intense research during the last decade.

From the energy industry point of view the fundamental question arises about natural hydrogen exploration, i.e. how different is it going to look compared to what we are used to in the hydrocarbon industry? After many decades of negligible consideration given to natural hydrogen as a subsurface target there are many papers and presentations published just in the last few years suggesting that many items in our collective industry and academic toolbox could be readily applied to natural hydrogen exploration. The consensus appears to be that three out four of the main petroleum systems elements the hydrocarbon industry tends to focus on in exploration projects are still going to play pivotal roles (i.e. migration, trapping and sealing) and it is only the generation/charge part which follows very different rules for hydrogen systems.

From an exploration point of view, several play types for natural hydrogen indeed appear to be very similar to what the oil and gas industry is used to. These include cases where there is a functioning trap, due to effective top seals. Numerous examples can be found in pre-salt traps worldwide where hydrogen has been documented for a long time as part of existing natural gas accumulations (e.g. Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine, and Amadeus Basin, Australia). Another, but unusual trapping style has been documented in the first hydrogen field discovery in Mali where the top seal is a set of dolerite dykes. In these cases, one expects finite hydrogen resources to be in place and the exploration approach has indeed some resemblance to that of hydrocarbon prospecting.

Another group of natural hydrogen targets revolve around large mega-seeps (fairy circles) and geometrically smaller, but pronounced fault-controlled seepages to the surface. These hydrogen occurrences seemingly have no traps or seals and, therefore, do not find a proper analogue in oil and gas exploration workflows. Strictly speaking, these are not yet hydrogen plays as there are no commercial discoveries associated with them. The hydrogen fluxing along fault planes requires a fresh look at the exploitation of various fault architectures if shallow drilling would target conductive (or “leaky”) faults at shallow depth. In a more traditional exploration workflow, properly mapping and quantifying hydrogen fluxing along fault planes in shallow depth might be the first critical step before more conventional deeper targets (>1000 m) could be addressed. This set of plays promises that if these seeps really correspond to ongoing charge in a dynamic, truly renewable system in a steady-state process, tapping successfully into them would provide infinite resources via a low-flux hydrogen “farming” process.

It is quite likely that natural hydrogen exploration, if it becomes economically successful at one point, will look much more different than similar to hydrocarbon exploration.

How to cite: Tari, G.: Natural hydrogen exploration: it is quite different from looking for hydrocarbons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16903,, 2025.

EGU25-19413 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geophysical and Geotechnical offshore studies: pioneering contribution to shape Portugal’s wind farm strategy  

Pedro Brito, Luís Batista, Rúben Borges, Pedro Costa, Marta Neres, João Noiva, Ângela Pereira, Carlos Ribeiro, Marcos Rosa, and Pedro Terrinha

The Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) is undertaking extensive high-resolution geophysical and geotechnical studies over two areas proposed for the development of offshore windfarms in Portugal, surveying an area of circa 2000 km2. Leixões and Figueira da Foz study areas are located off the Portuguese mainland west coast, at depths between 120m and 530m, distant 21nm to 35nm to the coastline.

The aim of this work, being conducted between February 2024 and June 2026, is to provide detailed data on the morphology, geology, geophysics and geotechnical properties of the seafloor to inform offshore wind farm developers towards engineering and financial strategies, therefore providing the basis for launching subsequent auctions for the offshore areas listed in the Portuguese National Maritime Spatial Planning Situation Plan.

An initial exploratory campaign, commissioned to the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute, collected the initial MBES data (bathymetry and backscatter) and surface sediment sampling. Furthermore, in August-September 2024, a geophysical survey took place on board IPMA’s NI Mário Ruivo and retrieved over 2100 km of seismic data, from parametric sub bottom profiler (SBP) and multi-channel ultra-high resolution seismic reflection (UHRS). Preliminary results attest the scientific richness of the dataset already collected as well as the complexity and diversity of the seimostratigraphy present in the surveyed areas.  Seabed morphology, sediment textural features, seismic horizons and geohazards have been identified which allow inference of a preliminary geomodel of the areas and the planning of subsequent surveys.

Between May and November 2025 a survey will take place expanding the resolution of data collected (> 20 000 km lines planned) but also adding additional methodologies (magnetometer, side scan sonar, vibrocorer and CPT’s).

The data to retrieve over these 2 years will allow to produce a detailed Terrain model supporting a holistic data interpretation, essential for succeeding actions in the pioneering development of floating wind farms offshore Portugal.

This comprehensive geophysical and geotechnical characterization represents a pioneering effort in Portugal's energy transition, providing crucial data for the sustainable development of offshore wind energy and potentially serving as a model for similar initiatives.

This research was funded by PRR funds - RP-C21-i07.01 - Technical studies for offshore energy potential. This work is also supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025, UIDB/50019/2020 ( and LA/P/0068/2020


How to cite: Brito, P., Batista, L., Borges, R., Costa, P., Neres, M., Noiva, J., Pereira, Â., Ribeiro, C., Rosa, M., and Terrinha, P.: Geophysical and Geotechnical offshore studies: pioneering contribution to shape Portugal’s wind farm strategy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19413,, 2025.

Sedimentary and crustal thickness constraints are crucial for refining dynamic topographic measurements and evaluating geothermal energy prospectivity. Continental sedimentary and crustal thickness measurements are constrained in this ongoing global study. Here, we present the updated methodology and results. Total sedimentary thickness is accurately constrained via a combination of well data and controlled-source seismic experiments. A minimum curvature gridding algorithm is used to interpolate between sedimentary thickness data points. Crustal thickness, defined as the vertical depth from the sediment-basement interface to the Moho, is derived from the updated sedimentary thickness grid and recently published studies which exploit controlled- and passive-source seismic data to constrain depth to Moho. A grid resolution of 0.03 degrees is found to be essential for capturing fine-scale lateral variations in sedimentary thickness. Resulting sedimentary and crustal thickness estimates are used to improve continental residual elevation constraints, a proxy for dynamic topography. Residual elevation is quantified by isolating and removing isostatic signals arising from sediment loading and crustal heterogeneity, revealing the magnitude of mantle-induced vertical motion at the surface. Our estimates additionally improve predictions of surface heat flow and geothermal gradients, directly informing geothermal energy assessments. Collectively, these datasets can be used to advance our understanding of mantle-lithosphere interactions and sustainable energy resources.

How to cite: Slay, P., Holdt, M., and White, N.: Improved global sedimentary and crustal thickness constraints: Implications for dynamic topography and geothermal resource assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19524,, 2025.

Hydrogen use today is mostly as a chemical feedstock, producing ammonia used in fertiliser production amongst other hard to abate uses. Today’s hydrogen is produced directly from hydrocarbons with the resulting CO2 contribution ca 2.4% of global emissions. Hydrogen as a future clean energy vector could see hydrogen demand increase from ca 95 Mt H2 today, to 540 Mt H2 by 2050.

The mass of hydrogen generated within the continental crust is only recently being appreciated as a potential societal resource. Accumulation and preservation of a small portion of the natural hydrogen, in accessible parts of the continental crust, is required. The dominant sources of natural hydrogen are through water-rock reactions with mafic or ultramafic rocks and the radiolysis of water from the radioactive decay of U and Th in rocks.  The timescales and environments that enable significant hydrogen generation occur in geological different terrane. These vary from dominantly Phanerozoic ophiolite complexes; Proterozoic-Phanerozoic alkaline granite complexes; Mesoproterozoic-Phanerozoic large igneous provinces (LIP) to dominantly Archean TTG and greenstone belts. The tectonic evolution in each setting, and capacity to form traps, is required alongside the porosity and permeability history that exposes the rock to water. To form a commercial reserve, an environment that produces and preserves a free gas phase from the ubiquitous water over the timescale of the system is required. Helium (4He) provides an analogue for natural hydrogen behaviour and the processes that control both deep-seated flux to the near surface and gas phase formation. Loss due to microbial utilisation remains a high preservation risk.

C Ballentine, R Karolytė, A Cheng, B Sherwood Lollar, J Gluyas, M Daly. Natural hydrogen resource accumulation in the continental crust, In review

How to cite: Ballentine, C.: The character and habitat of natural hydrogen resource systems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19964,, 2025.

EGU25-20357 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Surface geochemistry: from oil and gas exploration to natural hydrogen seeps 

Anna Twaróg and Henryk Sechman

The discovery and exploitation of the first natural (white) hydrogen reservoir in Mali has stimulated global interest in this zero-emission energy resource and carrier. Current research worldwide aims to identify its generation sources, occurrence potential, and extraction feasibility. Tools and methods normally used in hydrocarbon exploration are being adapted for this purpose. One such method is the molecular composition analysis of soil gases, a surface geochemical technique. These methods involve detecting and analyzing trace amounts of light hydrocarbons migrating from subsurface accumulations to the surface. Surface geochemical studies have been conducted across all petroleum basins in Poland. In addition to hydrocarbons, other gases, including hydrogen, were routinely analyzed in many soil gas samples. However, hydrogen played a marginal role in interpreting results aimed at identifying subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations. Large datasets containing hydrogen concentrations in soil gases, recorded over the past 35 years across Poland, remain largely unanalyzed and uninterpreted. One such dataset pertains to the Świdwin-Sławoborze area in Western Pomerania, northern Poland. In 1996, 478 soil gas samples were collected from a depth of 1.2 meters in this region. These samples were analyzed chromatographically for hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbon gases, including hydrogen.

Molecular composition analysis revealed hydrogen in 85% of the samples, with a maximum concentration of 940 ppm. The mean hydrogen concentration (38 ppm) is five times greater than the median (8 ppm), indicating the presence of anomalous values. Hydrogen concentrations exceeding 40 ppm were partly recorded above an oil deposit located in Zechstein Main Dolomite formations. Elevated hydrogen concentrations in these samples correlate with increased levels of C2-C4 alkanes. Additionally, high hydrogen concentrations were observed above tectonic structures, which may indicate hydrogen migration from deeper horizons.

Reanalyzing and reinterpreting archival geochemical data with a focus on hydrogen concentration variations enables the identification of potential hydrogen migration and leakage zones at the surface. Integrating archived geochemical data with terrain morphology (e.g., potential "fairy circle" structures), geological formations, and the distribution of other resources highlights promising anomalous areas. These zones provide a valuable framework for investigating hydrogen origins and migration patterns within the Polish Zechstein Basin, part of the Central European Permian Basin.

The research project was supported by program “Excellence initiative – research university” IDUB for the AGH University of Krakow (project number 6237).

How to cite: Twaróg, A. and Sechman, H.: Surface geochemistry: from oil and gas exploration to natural hydrogen seeps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20357,, 2025.

TS9 – General Topics in Tectonics and Structural Geology

EGU25-1511 | ECS | Orals | ESSI3.3

A workflow for cloud-based and HPC simulations with the NEMO ocean model using containers 

Aina Gaya-Àvila, Bruno de Paula Kinoshita, Stella V. Paronuzzi Ticco, Oriol Tintó Prims, and Miguel Castrillo

In this work, we explored the deployment and execution of the NEMO ocean model using Singularity containers within the EDITO Model Lab, implementing the European Digital Twin of the Ocean. The Auto-NEMO workflow, a fork of Auto-EC-Earth used to run NEMO workflows using the NEMO Community reference code, was adapted to run simulations using containers. The use of a Singularity container ensures consistent execution by packaging all dependencies, making it easier to deploy the model across various HPC systems.

The containerized approach was tested on multiple HPC platforms, including MareNostrum5 and LUMI, to evaluate scaling performance. Our tests compared the use of mpich and openmp libraries, providing insights into how communication strategies impact the computational performance of the model in containerized setups. In addition, the runs are orchestrated by a content workflow manager, in this case Autosubmit, deployed in a cloud infrastructure in EDITO-Infra, making the entire solution (workflow manager and workflow itself) portable end-to-end. The benefits of portability and reproducibility make containers an attractive solution for streamlining workflows in diverse computational environments.

A comparison between containerized and non-containerized runs highlights the trade-offs involved. Direct execution may provide slightly better performance in some cases, but the containerized approach greatly reduces setup complexity. These findings demonstrate the potential of containerization to enhance efficiency and accessibility in large-scale ocean modeling efforts.

How to cite: Gaya-Àvila, A., de Paula Kinoshita, B., Paronuzzi Ticco, S. V., Tintó Prims, O., and Castrillo, M.: A workflow for cloud-based and HPC simulations with the NEMO ocean model using containers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1511,, 2025.

EGU25-2142 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

Enhancing Data Provenance in Workflow Management: Integrating FAIR Principles into Autosubmit and SUNSET 

Albert Puiggros, Miguel Castrillo, Bruno de Paula Kinoshita, Pierre-Antoine Bretonniere, and Victòria Agudetse

Ensuring robust data provenance is paramount for advancing transparency, traceability, and reproducibility in climate research. This work presents the integration of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles into the workflow management ecosystem through provenance integration in Autosubmit, a workflow manager developed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), and SUNSET (SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processing and asSEmenT suite), an R-based verification workflow also developed at the BSC.

Autosubmit supports the generation of data provenance information based on RO-Crate, facilitating the creation of machine-actionable digital objects that encapsulate detailed metadata about its executions. Autosubmit integrates persistent identifiers (PIDs) and annotations, making provenance records more accessible and actionable for both humans and machines.  However, the provenance metadata provided by Autosubmit through RO-Crate focuses on the workflow process and does not encapsulate the details of the data transformation processes. This is where SUNSET plays a complementary role. SUNSET’s approach for provenance information is based on the METACLIP (METAdata for CLImate Products) ontologies. METACLIP offers a semantic approach for describing climate products and their provenance. This framework enables SUNSET to provide specific, high-resolution  provenance metadata for its operations, improving transparency and compliance with FAIR principles. The generated files provide detailed information about each transformation the data has undergone, as well as additional details about the data's state, location, structure, and associated source code, all represented in a tree-like structure.

The main contribution of this work is the generation of a comprehensive provenance object by integrating these tools. SUNSET uses Autosubmit to parallelize its data processing tasks, with Autosubmit managing SUNSET jobs. As part of this process, an RO-Crate is automatically generated describing the overall execution. This object encapsulates detailed provenance metadata for each individual job within the workflow, using METACLIP's semantic framework to represent each SUNSET execution process. Certain entities are introduced to have the RO-Crate created by Autosubmit link with the provenance details generated by SUNSET. This integrated approach provides a unified hierarchical provenance record that spans to both the workflow management system and the individual job executions, ensuring that provenance objects are automatically generated for each experiment conducted.

This work demonstrates the practical application of FAIR principles in climate research by advancing provenance tracking within complex workflows. It represents an initial step to obtain and share metadata about the provenance of the data products that a workflow provides. The integration of RO-Crate and METACLIP not only enhances the reproducibility of climate data products but also fosters greater confidence in their reliability. To our knowledge, this is the first effort in the climate domain to combine different provenance formats into a single object, aiming to obtain a complete provenance graph with all the metadata. 

How to cite: Puiggros, A., Castrillo, M., de Paula Kinoshita, B., Bretonniere, P.-A., and Agudetse, V.: Enhancing Data Provenance in Workflow Management: Integrating FAIR Principles into Autosubmit and SUNSET, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2142,, 2025.

EGU25-4355 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

Generic State Vector: streaming and accessing high resolution climate data from models to end users 

Iker Gonzalez-Yeregi, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière, Aina Gaya-Avila, and Francesc Roura-Adserias

The Climate Adaptation Digital Twin (ClimateDT) is a contract under the Destination Earth initiative (DestinE) that aims to develop a digital twin to account for climate change adaptation. This is achieved by running high-resolution simulations with different climate models by making use of the different EuroHPC platforms. In addition to the climate models, applications that consume data from models are also developed under the contract. A common workflow is used to execute the whole pipeline from the model launching to the data consumption by the applications in a user-friendly and automated way.

One of the challenges of this complex workflow is to handle the different outputs that each of the climate models initially offered. Each model works with its own grid, vertical levels, and variable set. These differences in format make it very complicated for applications to consume and compare data coming from different models in an automated and timely manner. This issue is resolved by introducing the concept of Generic State Vector (GSV), which defines a common output portfolio for all models to ensure a homogeneous output between models. The conversion from the model's native output to the GSV happens before the data is written in the HPC and it is automated in the workflow allowing transparent access to the data changing only the name of the model in the call.

Data in the GSV format can be read using a newly designed dedicated Python tool: the GSV Interface. This tool links the model part of the workflow with the applications part of the workflow, enabling running everything in a single complex workflow (end-to-end workflow). The GSV Interface allows to read data that has been previously converted to GSV, adding proper metadata. It also offers some extra features like interpolation to regular grids and area selection. All the workflow components that read data from the models rely on the GSV Interface. In addition to that, the GSV Interface can also be used to transparently retrieve and process data from the public Destination Earth Service Platform.

How to cite: Gonzalez-Yeregi, I., Bretonnière, P.-A., Gaya-Avila, A., and Roura-Adserias, F.: Generic State Vector: streaming and accessing high resolution climate data from models to end users, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4355,, 2025.

EGU25-4466 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

ClimateDT Workflow: A containerized climate workflow 

Francesc Roura-Adserias, Aina Gaya-Avila, Leo Arriola i Meikle, Iker Gonzalez-Yeregi, Bruno De Paula Kinoshita, Jaan Tollander de Balsch, and Miguel Castrillo

The Climate Adaptation Digital Twin (ClimateDT), a contract (DE_340) inside the Destination Earth (DestinE) flagship initiative from the European Commission, is a highly collaborative project where climate models are executed in an operational manner on different EuroHPC platforms. The workflow software supporting such executions, called ClimateDT Workflow, contains a model component and an applications component. The applications can be seen as elements that consume the data that is provided by the climate models. They aim to provide climate information to sectors that are critically dependent on climate change, such as renewable energy or wildfires, among others. This workflow relies on the Autosubmit workflow manager and is executed over different EuroHPC platforms that are part of the contract.

There are six lightweight applications that are run in this workflow, in parallel to the model and in a streaming fashion. Setting up and maintaining an environment for these applications for each EuroHPC platform (plus the development environments) is a time-consuming and cumbersome task. These machines are shared by multiple users, have different operating systems and libraries, some do not have internet access for all users on their login nodes, and there are different rules to install and maintain software on each machine.

In order to overcome these difficulties all the application-required dependencies of the workflow are encapsulated beforehand in a Singularity container and therefore the portability to the different platforms becomes merely an issue with path-binding inside the platform. Through the use of Singularity containers, their execution does not require administrator permissions, which allows anyone with access to the project to execute the desired application either on the EuroHPC machines, or on their local development environment.

This work shows the structure of the ClimateDT workflow and how it uses Singularity containers, how they contribute not only to portability but also to traceability and provenance, and finally the benefits and issues found during its implementation. We believe that the successful use of containers in this climate workflow, where applications run in parallel to the climate models in a streaming fashion and where the complete workflow runs on different HPC platforms, presents a good reference for other projects and workflows that must be platform-agnostic and that require agile portability of their components.

How to cite: Roura-Adserias, F., Gaya-Avila, A., Arriola i Meikle, L., Gonzalez-Yeregi, I., De Paula Kinoshita, B., Tollander de Balsch, J., and Castrillo, M.: ClimateDT Workflow: A containerized climate workflow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4466,, 2025.

In an era of unprecedented availability of Earth Observation (EO) data, the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (CDSE) emerges as a vital platform to bridge the gap between data accessibility and actionable insights. With petabytes of freely accessible satellite data at our fingertips and multiple operational data processing platforms in place, many of the foundational challenges of accessing and processing sensor data have been addressed. Yet, the widespread adoption of EO-based applications remains below expectations. The challenge lies in the effective extraction of relevant information from the data. While numerous R&D projects demonstrate the possibilities of EO, their results are often neither repeatable nor reusable, primarily due to prototype-level implementations and overly tailored, non-standardized workflows.  

CDSE tackles these barriers by adopting common standards and patterns, most notably through openEO, an interface designed to standardize EO workflow execution across platforms. openEO enables the development of reusable workflows that are scalable and transferable, paving the way for systematic and objective monitoring of the planet. CDSE has already integrated openEO as a core processing interface, and further advancements are underway, including the integration of Sentinel Hub to support openEO. This integration will enhance instantaneous visualization, synchronous API requests, and batch processing, as well as support openEO process graphs within the Copernicus Browser, bringing the simplicity and speed of Sentinel Hub’s synchronous engine to the openEO ecosystem.  

CDSE’s openEO capabilities are already validated through large-scale operational projects such as ESA WorldCereal and Copernicus Global Land Cover and Tropical Forestry Mapping and Monitoring Service (LCFM), which leverage its robust, scalable, and reliable infrastructure. Additionally, the openEO Algorithm Plaza fosters collaboration by enabling the easy sharing and reuse of processing workflows, while the Bring Your Own Data feature allows users to integrate their datasets into the ecosystem, promoting data interoperability and collaborative advancements.  

CDSE is embracing a federated approach, allowing additional data or service providers to become part of the ecosystem. This inclusivity ensures a growing network of interoperable services while maintaining technical and operational stability—a cornerstone for broad adoption and long-term sustainability.  

By addressing the need for operational and reusable workflows with openEO and related initiatives, CDSE is not only advancing the technical landscape of EO but also fostering a culture of repeatable, scalable, and impactful science. Through this session, we aim to spark a discussion on how to make EO applications more accessible, reusable, and impactful for the global community.

How to cite: Sharma, P.: How openEO standardizes workflows for scalable and reusable EO data analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5593,, 2025.

EGU25-6201 | Orals | ESSI3.3

Advancing Computational Workflow Sharing in Earth Science: Insights from DT-GEO and Geo-INQUIRE 

Marco Salvi, Rossana Paciello, Valerio Vinciarelli, Kety Giuliacci, Daniele Bailo, Pablo Orviz, Keith Jeffery, Manuela Volpe, Roberto Tonini, and Alejandra Guerrero

The increasing complexity and volume of data in Solid Earth Science necessitate robust solutions for workflow representation, sharing, and reproducibility. Within the DT-GEO ( project, we addressed the challenge of creating interoperable and discoverable representations of computational workflows to facilitate data reuse and collaboration. Leveraging the EPOS Platform (, a multidisciplinary research infrastructure focused on Solid Earth Science, we aimed to expose workflows, datasets, and software to the community while adhering to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles. While the EPOS-DCAT-AP ( model, already used in EPOS, can effectively represent datasets and software, it lacks direct support for computational workflows, necessitating the adoption of alternative standards.

To overcome this limitation, we employed the Common Workflow Language (CWL, to describe workflows, capturing their structure, software, datasets, and dependencies. The developed CWL representations are "abstract" focusing on general workflow structures while omitting execution-specific details to prioritize interoperability. To package these workflows along with metadata, we utilized Workflow Run Crate, an extension of the RO-Crate ( standard. Together, these technologies enable workflows to become self-contained entities, simplifying sharing and reuse. 

This approach not only aligns with community standards but also benefits from a mature ecosystem of tools and libraries, ensuring seamless integration and widespread applicability. Initial implementations within the DT-GEO project serve as a model for adoption in related initiatives such as Geo-INQUIRE (, where similar methodologies are being used to share workflows derived from the Simulation Data Lake (SDL) infrastructure. These implementations pave the way for broader integration within the EPOS Platform, enhancing access to advanced workflows across disciplines.

Our contribution highlights the value of adopting standardized tools and methodologies for workflow management in Solid Earth Science, showcasing how CWL and RO-Crate streamline interoperability and foster collaboration. These advances address challenges in data and computational management, contributing to the scalable FAIR workflows essential for tackling the complexities of Solid Earth Science. Moving forward, the integration of these standards across projects like DT-GEO and Geo-INQUIRE will further enhance the EPOS Platform's capabilities, offering a unified gateway to reproducible, secure, and trustworthy workflows that meet the evolving needs of the scientific community.

How to cite: Salvi, M., Paciello, R., Vinciarelli, V., Giuliacci, K., Bailo, D., Orviz, P., Jeffery, K., Volpe, M., Tonini, R., and Guerrero, A.: Advancing Computational Workflow Sharing in Earth Science: Insights from DT-GEO and Geo-INQUIRE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6201,, 2025.

EGU25-6216 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

CAMELS-PLUS: Enhancing Hydrological Data Through FAIR Innovations. 

Carlos Zuleta Salmon, Mirko Mälicke, and Alexander Dölich

The CAMELS-PLUS initiative is revolutionizing the way hydrological, and Earth System Science (ESS) data are processed, shared, and utilized by enhancing the widely-used CAMELS-DE dataset. While Germany boasts one of the richest hydrological datasets globally, CAMELS-DE has faced challenges due to its reliance on fragmented, manual workflows, which are error-prone and hinder collaboration. CAMELS-PLUS introduces a groundbreaking solution: a standardized framework for containerized scientific tools that embed rich metadata, ensuring provenance, reusability, and seamless integration across diverse scientific domains.

A key innovation of CAMELS-PLUS lies in its ability to bridge the gap between disciplines by implementing a fully containerized pipeline for dataset pre-processing. This approach allows researchers in meteorology, forestry, and other ESS subdomains to easily contribute and extend CAMELS-DE without the complexity of navigating storage systems or inconsistent workflows. The initiative’s metadata schema, implemented as YAML files with JSON-based tool parameterization, enables tools to "speak the same language," ensuring they are interoperable and aligned with FAIR principles.

Key Deliverables:

  • Updated CAMELS-DE Dataset: Incorporates new precipitation sources and enhanced metadata for seamless integration with the NFDI4Earth Knowledge Hub.
  • Standardized Scientific Containers: A community-adopted specification for containerized tools, promoting accessibility and reusability across disciplines.
  • Interactive Community Engagement: Extensions to, transforming it into a hub for exploring workflows and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.

What makes CAMELS-PLUS particularly compelling is its potential to democratize access to cutting-edge hydrological datasets. By enabling non-specialists to contribute and utilize CAMELS-DE through intuitive, containerized workflows, the initiative reduces barriers to entry and accelerates innovation in data-driven hydrology and beyond. This project not only sets a new standard for dataset management in ESS but also creates a replicable model for tackling similar challenges across other scientific domains. CAMELS-PLUS is poised to inspire transformative changes in how large-sample datasets are curated, shared, and advanced for global scientific impact.

How to cite: Zuleta Salmon, C., Mälicke, M., and Dölich, A.: CAMELS-PLUS: Enhancing Hydrological Data Through FAIR Innovations., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6216,, 2025.

EGU25-6544 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

PyActiveStorage:  Efficient distributed data analysis using Active Storage for HDF5/NetCDF4 

Bryan N. Lawrence, David Hassell, Grenville Lister, Predoi Valeriu, Scott Davidson, Mark Goddard, Matt Pryor, Stig Telfer, Konstantinos Chasapis, and Jean-Thomas Acquaviva

Active storage (also known as computational storage) has been a concept often proposed but not often delivered. The idea is that there is a lot of under-utilised compute power in modern storage systems, and this could be utilised to carry out some parts of data analysis workflows. Such a facillity would reduce the cost of moving data, and make distributed data analysis much more efficient.

For storage to be able to handle compute, either an entire compute stack has to be migrated to the storage (with all the problems around security and dependencies) or the storage has to offer suitable compute interfaces. Here we take the second approach, borrowing the concept of providing system reduction operations in the MPI interface of HPC systems, to define and implement a reduction interface for the complex layout of HDF5 (and NetCDF4) data.

We demonstrate a near-production quality deployment of the technology (PyActiveStorage) fronting JASMIN object storage, and describe how we have built a POSIX prototype. The first provides compute “near” the storage, the second is truly “in” the storage. The performance with the object store is such that for some tasks distributed workflows based on reduction operations on HDF5 data can be competitive with local workflow speeds, a result which has significant implications for avoiding expensive copies of data and unnecessary data movement. As a byproduct of this work, we have also upgraded a pre-existing pure python HDF5 reader to support lazy access, which opens up threadsafe read operations on suitable HDF5 and NetCDF4 data.

To our knowledge, there has previously been no previous practical demonstration of active storage for scientific data held in HDF5 files. While we have developed this technology with application in distributed weather and climate workflows, we believe it will find utility in a wide range of scientific workflows.

How to cite: Lawrence, B. N., Hassell, D., Lister, G., Valeriu, P., Davidson, S., Goddard, M., Pryor, M., Telfer, S., Chasapis, K., and Acquaviva, J.-T.: PyActiveStorage:  Efficient distributed data analysis using Active Storage for HDF5/NetCDF4, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6544,, 2025.

EGU25-7056 | Orals | ESSI3.3

Reliable and reproducible Earth System Model data analysis with ESMValTool 

Valeriu Predoi and Bouwe Andela

ESMValTool is a software tool for analyzing data produced by Earth System Models (ESMs) in a reliable and reproducible way. It provides a large and diverse collection of “recipes” that reproduce standard, as well as state-of-the-art analyses. ESMValTool can be used for tasks ranging from monitoring continuously running ESM simulations to analysis for scientific publications such as the IPCC reports, including reproducing results from previously published scientific articles as well as allowing scientists to produce new analysis results. To make ESMValTool a user-friendly community tool suitable for doing open science, it adheres to the FAIR principles for research software. It is: - Findable - it is published in community registries, such as; - Accessible - it can be installed from Python package community distribution channels such as conda-forge, and the open-source code is available on Zenodo with a DOI, and on GitHub; - Interoperable - it is based on standards: it works with data that follows CF Conventions and the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) Data Request, its reusable recipes are written in YAML, and provenance is recorded in the W3C PROV format. It supports diagnostics written in a number of programming language, with Python and R being best supported. Its source code follows the standards and best practices for the respective programming languages; - Reusable - it provides a well documented recipe format and Python API that allow reusing previous analyses and building new analysis with previously developed components. Also, the software can be installed from conda-forge and DockerHub and can be tailored by installing from source from GitHub. In terms of input data, ESMValTool integrates well with the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) infrastructure. It can find, download and access data from across the federation, and has access to large pools of observational datasets. ESMValTool is built around two key scientific software metrics: scalability and user friendliness. An important aspect of user friendliness is reliability. ESMValTool is built on top of the Dask library to allow scalable and distributed computing, ESMValTool also uses parallelism at a higher level in the stack, so that jobs can be distributed on any standard High Performance Computing (HPC) facility; and software reliability and reproducibility - our main strategy to ensure reliability is modular, integrated, and tested design. This comes back at various levels of the tool. We try to separate commonly used functionality from “one off” code, and make sure that commonly used functionality is covered by unit and integration tests, while we rely on regression testing for everything else. We also use comprehensive end-to-end testing for all our “recipes” before we release new versions. Our testing infrastructure ranges from basic unit tests to tools that smartly handle various file formats, and use image comparison algorithms to compare figures. This greatly reduces the need for ‘human testing’, allowing for built-in robustness through modularity, and a testing strategy that has been tailored to match the technical skills of its contributors.

How to cite: Predoi, V. and Andela, B.: Reliable and reproducible Earth System Model data analysis with ESMValTool, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7056,, 2025.

EGU25-7070 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

EarthCODE - a FAIR and Open Environment for collaborative research in Earth System Science  

Chandra Taposeea-Fisher, Garin Smith, Ewelina Dobrowolska, Daniele Giomo, Francesco Barchetta, Stephan Meißl, and Dean Summers

The Open Science and Innovation Vision included in ESA’s EO Science Strategy (2024) addresses 8 key elements: 1) openness of research data, 2) open-source scientific code, 3) open access papers with data and code; 4) standards-based publication and discovery of scientific experiments, 5) scientific workflows reproducible on various infrastructures, 6) access to education on open science, 7) community practice of open science; and 8) EO business models built on open-source. EarthCODE ( is a strategic ESA EO initiative to support the implementation of this vision. 

EarthCODE (Earth Science Collaborative Open Development Environment) will form part of the next generation of cloud-based geospatial services, aiming towards an integrated, cloud-based, user-centric development environment for European Space Agency’s (ESA) Earth science activities. EarthCODE looks to maximise long-term visibility, reuse and reproducibility of the research outputs of such projects, by leveraging FAIR and open science principles and enabling, thus fostering a sustainable scientific process. EarthCODE proposes a flexible and scalable architecture developed with interoperable open-source blocks, with a long-term vision evolving by incrementally integrating industrially provided services from a portfolio of the Network of Resources.  Additionally, EarthCODE is a utilisation domain of EOEPCA+, contributing to the development and evolution of Open Standards and protocols, enabling internationally interoperable solutions.  

EarthCODE will provide an Integrated Development Platform, giving developers tools needed to develop high quality workflows, allowing experiments to be executed in the cloud and be end-to-end reproduced by other scientists. EarthCODE is built around existing open-source solutions, building blocks and platforms, such as the Open Science Catalogue, EOxHub and EOEPCA. It has additionally begun to integrate platform services from DeepESDL, Euro Data Cube, Polar TEP and the openEO federation on CDSE platforms, with more being added annually through ESA best practices. With it’s adopted federated approach, EarthCODE will facilitate processing on other platforms, i.e. DeepESDL, ESA EURO Data Cube, Open EO Cloud/Open EO Platform and AIOPEN/AI4DTE.   

The roadmap for the portal includes the initial portal release by end of 2024, followed by the capability to publish experiments in Q1 2025 (including development, publishing, finding and related community engagement), and by mid-2025 to have a further release with reproducibility capabilities around accessibility and execute functionalities.  

Collaboration and Federation are at the heart of EarthCODE. As EarthCODE evolves we expect providing solutions allowing federation of data and processing. EarthCODE has ambition to deliver a model for a Collaborative Open Development Environment for Earth system science, where researchers can leverage the power of the wide range of EO platform services available to conduct their science, while also making use of FAIR Open Science tools to manage data, code and documentation, create end-to-end reproducible workflows on platforms, and have the opportunity to discover, use, reuse, modify and build upon the research of others in a fair and safe way. Overall, EarthCODE aims to enable elements for EO Open Science and Innovation vision, including open data, open-source code, linked data/code, open-access documentation, end-to-end reproducible workflows, open-science resources, open-science tools, and a healthy community applying all the elements in their practice.

How to cite: Taposeea-Fisher, C., Smith, G., Dobrowolska, E., Giomo, D., Barchetta, F., Meißl, S., and Summers, D.: EarthCODE - a FAIR and Open Environment for collaborative research in Earth System Science , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7070,, 2025.

EGU25-8114 | ECS | Orals | ESSI3.3

Flexible and scalable workflow framework HydroFlows for compound flood risk assessment and adaptation modelling 

Willem Tromp, Dirk Eilander, Hessel Winsemius, Tjalling De Jong, Brendan Dalmijn, Hans Gehrels, and Bjorn Backeberg

Flood risk assessments are increasingly guiding urban developments to safeguard against flooding. These assessments, consisting mainly of hazard and risk maps, make use of interconnected models consisting of a chain of climate, hydrological, hydraulic, and impact models, which are increasingly run interactively to support scenario modelling and decision-making in digital twins. To maintain interoperability, transparency, and reusability of this chain and the assessments themselves, using a workflow manager to manage the inter-model dependencies is a natural fit. However, composing and maintaining workflows is a non-trivial, time-consuming task, and they often have to be refactored for new workflow engines, or when changing compute environments, even if the workflow conceptually remains unchanged. These issues are particularly relevant in the development of digital twins for climate adaptation, where flood risk assessments serve as input to indicate high-risk areas. The complex model chain underpinning such digital twins can benefit greatly from transparent workflows that can be easily reused across different contexts.

To address these challenges, we developed the HydroFlows Python framework for composing and maintaining flood risk assessment workflows by leveraging common patterns identified across different workflows. The framework allows users to use one of the many steps available in the library or define workflow steps themselves and combine these into complete workflows which are validated on the fly. Available workflow steps include building, running, and postprocessing of models. Execution of the workflow is handled by one of the workflow managers to which our workflow description can be exported, such as Snakemake or tools with CWL support. This flexibility allows users to easily scale their workflows to different compute environments whenever the computational requirements demand so.

We demonstrate the flexibility of the HydroFlows framework by highlighting how it can be used to create complex workflows needed for digital twins supporting climate adaptation. HydroFlows not only enhances the flexibility and portability of the digital twin modelling workflows but also facilitates the integration of digital twin tooling and advanced computing and processing solutions to support interactive flood risk assessments in federated compute and data environments.

How to cite: Tromp, W., Eilander, D., Winsemius, H., De Jong, T., Dalmijn, B., Gehrels, H., and Backeberg, B.: Flexible and scalable workflow framework HydroFlows for compound flood risk assessment and adaptation modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8114,, 2025.

EGU25-8305 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

Enabling reliable workflow development with an advanced Testing Suite 

Alejandro Garcia Lopez, Leo Arriola Meikle, Gilbert Montane Pinto, Miguel Castrillo, Bruno de Paula Kinoshita, Eric Ferrer Escuin, and Aina Gaya Avila

Climate simulations require complex workflows that often integrate multiple components and different configurations per experiment, typically involving high-performance computing resources. The exhaustive testing required for these workflows can be time and resource consuming, presenting significant challenges in terms of computational cost and human effort. However, robust Continuous Integration (CI) testing ensures the reliability and reproducibility of such complex workflows by validating the codebase and ensuring the integrity of all the components used when performing climate simulations. Additionally, CI testing facilitates both major and minor releases, enhancing the efficiency of the development lifecycle.

To address these challenges, we present our Testing Suite software, designed to automate the setup, configuration, and execution of integration tests using Autosubmit, a workflow manager developed at the BSC. Autosubmit is typically used for climate modelling experiments, but also atmospheric composition ones, and also constitutes the backbone of some operational systems and Digital Twin initiatives. The Testing Suite software allows Autosubmit commands to be executed in batches and the responses from the Workflow Manager to be bypassed in a structured manner. By streamlining this process, it minimizes the effort required for exhaustive testing while ensuring reliability.

Beyond integration testing, the Testing Suite offers advanced capabilities for scientific result verification. By automatically comparing output data bit by bit, it swiftly detects regressions during test execution. Additionally, it provides CPMIP performance metrics, offering insights into the efficiency of the workflows.

As a result, the Testing Suite plays an important role in quality assurance, particularly during releases, where extensive testing ensures the workflow meets required functionality and performance standards across different configurations. These integration tests act as a checkpoint, validating the stability and robustness of the software before release. They also identify stable points in the main codebase, enabling developers to create new branches with confidence. This approach minimizes compatibility issues and facilitates a smoother development process.

In conclusion, the Testing Suite is a crucial part of the development lifecycle for climate simulations. It mitigates risks, ensures stability, and fosters innovation, all while maintaining a robust and reliable foundation for scientific research and development.

How to cite: Garcia Lopez, A., Arriola Meikle, L., Montane Pinto, G., Castrillo, M., de Paula Kinoshita, B., Ferrer Escuin, E., and Gaya Avila, A.: Enabling reliable workflow development with an advanced Testing Suite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8305,, 2025.

EGU25-8621 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

Auto-EC-Earth: An automatic workflow to manage climate modelling experiments using Autosubmit 

Eric Ferrer, Gilbert Montane, Miguel Castrillo, and Alejandro Garcia

The European community Earth system model EC-Earth is based on different and interoperable climate components simulating different processes of the Earth system. This makes it a complex model that requires multiple input data sources for its various model components, which can be run in parallel with multiple configurations and resolutions, demanding different computational resources in each case.

The EC-Earth software contains a minimum set of scripts to manage the compilation and execution of the simulations, but these are not enough to perform all the tasks that experiments demand nor to guarantee the traceability and reproducibility of the entire workflow in a high-productivity scientific environment. For that matter, the Auto-EC-Earth software has been developed at the Earth Sciences department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-ES) relying on Autosubmit, a workflow manager also developed at BSC-ES.

We take advantage of the automatization provided by the workflow manager that allows us to configure, manage, orchestrate and share experiments with different configurations and target platforms. The workflow manager allows the user to split the run into different tasks that are executed on different local and remote machines, like the HPC platform where the simulation needs to be performed. This is achieved in a seamless integration between Autosubmit, the EC-Earth tools, and the different machines where the scripts run, all without any user-input required after the initial setup and the launch of the experiment thanks to the workflow developments. Autosubmit also allows to ensure traceability of the actual runs, to have all the required data available for different kinds of experiments separated and well documented.

However, running the main part of the simulation is a cooperative task between the Autosubmit workflow manager and the different tools used for each model version. Auto-EC-Earth workflow has evolved to adapt the best possible to the EC-Earth model scripts that are present to help with the model runs. In EC-Earth 4, ScriptEngine is used to manage the run, and it has been fully integrated into the Auto-EC-Earth 4 workflow and used to set up the environment, while Autosubmit still manages the submission of jobs to the HPC and the dependencies between them.

Auto-EC-Earth is a great example of a workflow system that has been developed and used throughout the years, well established within the BSC-ES and used in multiple production cases, like multiple CMIP exercises as well as a reference for newer ESM workflows like the one developed in the Destination Earth project. It has also allowed the BSC-ES to collaborate with the EC-Earth community through the testing of the new releases of the model.

How to cite: Ferrer, E., Montane, G., Castrillo, M., and Garcia, A.: Auto-EC-Earth: An automatic workflow to manage climate modelling experiments using Autosubmit, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8621,, 2025.

EGU25-9175 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

Enhancing Earth system models efficiency: Leveraging the Automatic Performance Profiling tool 

Roc Salvador Andreazini, Xavier Yepes Arbós, Stella Valentina Paronuzzi Ticco, Oriol Tintó Prims, and Mario Acosta Cobos

Earth system models (ESMs) are essential to understand and predict climate variability and change. However, their complexity and computational demands of high-resolution simulations often lead to performance bottlenecks that can impede research progress. Identifying and resolving these inefficiencies typically require significant expertise and manual effort, posing challenges for both climate scientists and High Performance Computing (HPC) engineers.

We propose automating performance profiling as a solution to help researchers concentrate on improving and optimizing their models without the complexities of manual profiling. The Automatic Performance Profiling (APP) tool brings this solution to life by streamlining the generation of detailed performance reports for climate models.

The tool ranges from high-level performance metrics, such as Simulated Years Per Day (SYPD), to low-level metrics, such as PAPI counters and MPI communication statistics. This dual-level reporting makes the tool accessible to a wide range of users, from climate scientists seeking a general understanding of the model efficiency, to HPC experts requiring granular insights for advanced optimizations.

Seamlessly integrated with Autosubmit, the workflow manager developed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), APP ensures compatibility with complex climate modelling workflows. By automating the collection and reporting of key metrics, APP reduces the effort and expertise needed for performance profiling, empowering users to enhance the scalability and efficiency of their climate models.

APP currently supports multiple models, including the EC-Earth4 climate model and the NEMO ocean model, and is compatible with different HPC systems, such as Marenostrum 5 and ECMWF’s supercomputer. Furthermore, the modular design of the tool allows adding new models and HPC platforms easily.

How to cite: Salvador Andreazini, R., Yepes Arbós, X., Paronuzzi Ticco, S. V., Tintó Prims, O., and Acosta Cobos, M.: Enhancing Earth system models efficiency: Leveraging the Automatic Performance Profiling tool, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9175,, 2025.

Geo-simulation experiments (GSEs) are experiments allowing the simulation and exploration of Earth’s surface (such as hydrological, geomorphological, atmospheric, biological, and social processes and their interactions) with the usage of geo-analysis models (hereafter called ‘models’). Computational processes represent the steps in GSEs where researchers employ these models to analyze data by computer, encompassing a suite of actions carried out by researchers. These processes form the crux of GSEs, as GSEs are ultimately implemented through the execution of computational processes. Recent advancements in computer technology have facilitated sharing models online to promote resource accessibility and environmental dependency rebuilding, the lack of which are two fundamental barriers to reproduction. In particular, the trend of encapsulating models as web services online is gaining traction. While such service-oriented strategies aid in the reproduction of computational processes, they often ignore the association and interaction among researchers’ actions regarding the usage of sequential resources (model-service resources and data resources); documenting these actions can help clarify the exact order and details of resource usage. Inspired by these strategies, this study explores the organization of computational processes, which can be extracted with a collection of action nodes and related logical links (node-link ensembles). The action nodes are the abstraction of the interactions between participant entities and resource elements (i.e., model-service resource elements and data resource elements), while logical links represent the logical relationships between action nodes. In addition, the representation of actions, the formation of documentation, and the reimplementation of documentation are interconnected stages in this approach. Specifically, the accurate representation of actions facilitates the correct performance of these actions; therefore, the operation of actions can be documented in a standard way, which is crucial for the successful reproduction of computational processes based on standardized documentation. Aprototype system is designed to demonstrate the feasibility and practicality of the proposed approach. By employing this pragmatic approach, researchers can share their computational processes in a structured and open format, allowing peer scientists to re-execute operations with initial resources and reimplement the initial computational processes of GSEs via the open web.

How to cite: Zhu, Z. and Chen, M.: Reproducing computational processes in service-based geo-simulation experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9791,, 2025.

EGU25-10981 | Orals | ESSI3.3

yProv: a Software Ecosystem for Multi-level Provenance Management and Exploration in Climate Workflows 

Fabrizio Antonio, Gabriele Padovani, Ludovica Sacco, Carolina Sopranzetti, Marco Robol, Konstantinos Zefkilis, Nicola Marchioro, and Sandro Fiore

Scientific workflows and provenance are two faces of the same medal. While the former addresses the coordinated execution of multiple tasks over a set of computational resources, the latter relates to the historical record of data from its original sources. As experiments rapidly evolve towards complex end-to-end workflows, handling provenance at different levels of granularity and during the entire analytics workflow lifecycle is key for managing lineage information related to large-scale experiments in a flexible way as well as enabling reproducibility scenarios, thus playing a relevant role in Open Science.

The contribution highlights the importance of tracking multi-level provenance metadata in complex, AI-based scientific workflows as a way to foster documentation of data and experiments in a standardized format, strengthen interpretability, trustworthiness and authenticity of the results, facilitate performance diagnosis and troubleshooting activities, and advance provenance exploration. More specifically, the contribution introduces yProv, a joint research effort between CMCC and University of Trento targeting multi-level provenance management in complex, AI-based scientific workflows. The yProv project provides a rich software ecosystem consisting of a web service (yProv service) to store and manage provenance documents compliant with the W3C PROV family of standards, two libraries to track provenance in scientific workflows at different levels of granularity with a focus on AI models training (yProv4WFs and yProv4ML), and a data science tool for provenance inspection, navigation, visualization, and analysis (yProv Explorer). Activity on trustworthy provenance with yProv is also ongoing to fully address end-to-end provenance management requirements.

The contribution will cover the presentation of the yProv software ecosystem and use cases from the interTwin ( and ClimateEurope2 ( European projects as well as from the ICSC National Center on HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing targeting Digital Twins for extreme weather & climate events and data-driven/data-intensive workflows for climate change. 

How to cite: Antonio, F., Padovani, G., Sacco, L., Sopranzetti, C., Robol, M., Zefkilis, K., Marchioro, N., and Fiore, S.: yProv: a Software Ecosystem for Multi-level Provenance Management and Exploration in Climate Workflows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10981,, 2025.

EGU25-11937 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

DAM2 — A Scalable and Compliant Solution for Managing enriched Infrared images as FAIR Research Data  

Jean Dumoulin, Thibaud Toullier, Nathanael Gey, and Mathias Malandain


Efficient and secure dataset management is a critical component of collaborative research projects, where diverse data types, sharing requirements, and compliance regulations converge. This work presents a dataset management tool entitled DAM2 (Data and Model Monitoring) developed within the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) funded European BRIGHTER project [1], to address these challenges. It provides a robust and adaptable solution for handling private and public ground based measurements datasets throughout the project lifecycle. These datasets combine infrared images (e.g. multispectral ones), with visible images, local weather measurements, labeled data, etc.

The tool is designed to ensure rights management, enabling selective data sharing among authorized partners based on predefined permissions. It incorporates secure access controls to safeguard sensitive data and meets GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requirements to guarantee compliance with European privacy standards. For public datasets, the tool integrates with Zenodo, an open-access repository, to support long-term storage and accessibility, aligning with the principles of open science. Key technical features include the usage of an open source, S3 compatible object storage server (MinIO [2]) providing scalability to manage large volumes of data. Additionally, the use of Zarr [3] data format behind the scene offers significant advantages for this cloud-based data management tool, including efficient storage of large datasets through chunking and compression, fast parallel read and write operations, and compatibility with a wide range of data analysis tools. The tool adheres to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, storing metadata alongside datasets to enhance usability and interoperability.

Developed as an open-source platform, the tool promotes transparency and collaboration while providing a complete and well-documented API for seamless integration with other systems. A user-friendly interface ensures accessibility for stakeholders with varying technical expertise, while the tool remains flexible to accommodate additional file formats as required. The development process incorporates insights from relevant COFREND (French Confederation for Non-Destructive Testing) working groups, to ensure alignment with broader initiatives in data management, interoperability and durability.

This paper addresses the design, study and developed platform. First operational functionalities are demonstrated through the manipulation of first BRIGHTER and other research project datasets.

In conclusion, DAM2 is a comprehensive solution for managing diverse datasets in collaborative projects, balancing security, compliance, and accessibility. It provides a foundation for efficient, compliant, and interoperable data handling while supporting the principles of open science and FAIR data management.

Perspectives include expanding interoperability with additional repositories, incorporating advanced analytic and visualization features, and integrating AI-driven automation.


Authors would like to acknowledge the BRIGHTER HORIZON project. BRIGHTER has received funding from the Chips Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101096985. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program and France, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Turkey.


[1] Brighter --- Project-Brighter., accessed on January 2025.

[2] MinIO, Inc. MinIO S3 Compatible Storage for AI --- Min.Io., accessed on January, 2025.

[3] Zarr ---, accessed on January, 2025.

How to cite: Dumoulin, J., Toullier, T., Gey, N., and Malandain, M.: DAM2 — A Scalable and Compliant Solution for Managing enriched Infrared images as FAIR Research Data , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11937,, 2025.

EGU25-13604 | ECS | Orals | ESSI3.3

Streamlining configurations of process-based models through extensible and free workflows 

Kasra Keshavarz, Alain Pietroniro, Darri Eythorsson, Mohamed Ismaiel Ahmed, Paul Coderre, Wouter Knoben, Martyn Clark, and Shervan Gharari

High-resolution and high-complexity process-based hydrological models play a pivotal role in advancing our understanding and prediction of water cycle dynamics, particularly in ungauged basins and under nonstationary climate conditions. However, the configuration, application, and evaluation of these models are often hindered by the intricate and inconsistent nature of a priori information available in various datasets, necessitating extensive preprocessing steps. These challenges can limit the reproducibility, applicability, and accessibility of such models for the broader scientific user community. To address these challenges, we introduce our generalized Model-Agnostic Framework (MAF), aimed at simplifying the configuration and application of data-intensive process-based hydrological models. Through a systematic investigation of commonly used models and their configuration procedures, we provide workflows designed to streamline the setup process for this category of hydrological models. Building on earlier efforts, this framework adheres to the principle of separating model-agnostic and model-specific tasks in the setup procedure of such models. The model-agnostic workflows focus on both dynamic datasets (e.g., meteorological data) and static datasets (e.g., land-use maps), while the model-specific components feed preprocessed, relevant data to the hydrological models of interest. Our initial prototypes of MAF includes recipes for various static and dynamic datasets and also tailored model-specific workflows for MESH, SUMMA, and HYPE process-based modelling frameworks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these novel workflows in reducing configuration complexity and enhancing the reproducibility of process-based hydrological models through test applications in high-performance computing environments. The framework automates numerous manual tasks, significantly saving time, and enabling continuity in research efforts. Moreover, by minimizing human error and enhancing reproducibility, this research has fostered collaboration with several Canadian government entities, leveraging sophisticated process-based models to address complex environmental challenges.

How to cite: Keshavarz, K., Pietroniro, A., Eythorsson, D., Ahmed, M. I., Coderre, P., Knoben, W., Clark, M., and Gharari, S.: Streamlining configurations of process-based models through extensible and free workflows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13604,, 2025.

EGU25-18040 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

Workflows for numerical reproducibility in the OceanVar data assimilation model 

Francesco Carere, Francesca Mele, Italo Epicoco, Mario Adani, Paolo Oddo, Eric Jansen, Andrea Cipollone, and Ali Aydogdu

Numerical reproducibility is a crucial yet often overlooked challenge in ensuring the credibility of computational results and the validity of Earth system models. In large-scale, massively parallel simulations, achieving numerical reproducibility is complicated by factors such as heterogeneous HPC architectures, floating point intricacies, complex hardware/software dependencies, and the non-deterministic nature of parallel execution.

This work addresses the challenges of debugging and ensuring bitwise reproducibility (BR) in parallel simulations, specifically for the MPI-parallelised OceanVar data assimilation model. We explore methods for detecting and resolving BR-related bugs, focusing on an automated debugging process. Currently mature tools to automate this process are lacking for bugs due to MPI-parallelisation, making automatic BR verification in scientific workflows involving such codebases a time-consuming challenge.

However, BR is sometimes considered unrealistic in workflows involving heterogeneous computing architectures. As an alternative, statistical reproducibility (SR) is proposed and explored by various research groups in the Earth system modelling community, for which automated tools have been developed. For example, the scientific workflow of CESM supports automatic verification of SR using the CESM-ECT framework/PyCECT software. In case of failure of SR a root-cause analysis tool exists, CESM-RUANDA, albeit currently not fully functional. We explore SR as an alternative and complementary approach to of BR focusing on its potential to support numerical reproducibility in workflows involving heterogeneous computing architectures.

How to cite: Carere, F., Mele, F., Epicoco, I., Adani, M., Oddo, P., Jansen, E., Cipollone, A., and Aydogdu, A.: Workflows for numerical reproducibility in the OceanVar data assimilation model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18040,, 2025.

EGU25-18890 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

Research data management for numerical simulations in Earth-System Science 

Klaus Getzlaff and Markus Scheinert

One of today's challenges is the effective access to scientific data either within research groups or across different institutions to increase the reusability of the data and therefore their value. While large operational modeling and service centers have enabled query and access to data via common web services, this is often not the case for smaller institutions or individual research groups. Especially the maintenance of the infrastructure and the simplicity of the workflows, in order to make the data and their provenance available and accessible, are common challenges for scientists and data management.

At GEOMAR there are several data steward positions to support RDM for special disciplines and formats. They are also connected across centres to work on common standards, e.g. the netcdf standard working group in the Helmholtz Earth and Environment DataHUB.

Here we will present the institutional approach on research data management for numerical simulations in earth system science. The data handling, especially the possibilities for data sharing, publication and access, which is in today’s focus, is realized by using persistent identifier handles in combinations with a modern http web server index solution and a THREDDS server allowing remote access using standardized protocols such as OPeNDAP, WMS. By cross-linking this into the central institutional metadata and publication repositories it allows the re-usability of the data by scientists from different research groups and backgrounds. In addition to the pure data handling the documentation of the numerical simulation experiments is of similar importance to allow re-usability or reproducibility and to provide the data which will be addressed too.

How to cite: Getzlaff, K. and Scheinert, M.: Research data management for numerical simulations in Earth-System Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18890,, 2025.

EGU25-19655 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

Multi-faceted habitat connectivity: how to orchestrate remote sensing with citizen science data? 

Ivette Serral, Vitalii Kriukov, Lucy Bastin, Riyad Rahman, and Joan Masó

In the era of declining biodiversity, global climate change and transformations in land use, terrestrial habitat connectivity is one of the key parameters of ecosystem management. In this regard, the land-use/land-cover (LULC) dynamics is crucial to detect the spatiotemporal trends in connectivity of focal endangered species and to predict the effects for biodiversity for planned or proposed LULC changes.

Apart from the LULC derivatives of remote sensing, connectivity analysis and scenarios modelling can also benefit from citizen science datasets, such as Open Street Map and GBIF species occurrence data cubes in which aggregated data can be perceived as a cube with three dimensions - taxonomic, temporal and geographic. The synthetic LULC datasets which cover Catalonia every 5 years (1987-2022) were enriched via developed Data4Land harmonisation tool harnessing Open Street Map (through Overpass Turbo API) and World Database on Protected Areas. Two outstanding well-known tools, Graphab and MiraMon GIS&RS (using the Terrestrial Connectivity Index Module - ICT), were used to create the overarching dataset on terrestrial habitat connectivity in Catalonia (2012-2022) for target species and broad land cover categories, forests. Significant decline trends in forest habitat connectivity are observed for Barcelona metropolitan area, and vice versa in the Pyrenees mountain corridor and protected areas. According to the local case study on the connectivity of Mediterranean turtle in the Albera Natural Park, general positive trend was affected by massive fires in 2012.

To ensure the replicable results, the pipeline to create reliable metadata in accordance with FAIR principles, especially data lineage, is being developed, as well as the high performance computing pipeline for Graphab.

How to cite: Serral, I., Kriukov, V., Bastin, L., Rahman, R., and Masó, J.: Multi-faceted habitat connectivity: how to orchestrate remote sensing with citizen science data?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19655,, 2025.

EGU25-21553 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3

European Digital Twin of the Ocean: the integration with EuroHPC platforms 

Stella Valentina Paronuzzi Ticco, Simon Lyobard, Mathis Bertin, Quentin Gaudel, Jérôme Gasperi, and Alain Arnaud

The EDITO platform serves as the foundational framework for building the European Digital Twin of the Ocean, seamlessly integrating oceanographic data, processes and services on a single and comprehensive platform. The platform provides scalable computing resources interconnected with EuroHPC supercomputing centers. We have developed a mechanism that allows users to remotely execute functions (processes) on HPCs and store the resulting output at the location of their choice (e.g. EDITO personal storage, third parties S3 buckets, etc.). This output can then be leveraged as input for subsequent processes, fostering a streamlined and interconnected workflow. Our presentation will delve into the technical details to achieve such an integration between cloud and HPC systems. 

How to cite: Paronuzzi Ticco, S. V., Lyobard, S., Bertin, M., Gaudel, Q., Gasperi, J., and Arnaud, A.: European Digital Twin of the Ocean: the integration with EuroHPC platforms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21553,, 2025.

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