EGU25-1368 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Extensional collapse of the Himalayan orogen in the Late Miocene.EGU25-1504 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Neoproterozoic Tectonics of the Kaliguman Shear Zone: Implications for the Delhi-Aravalli Fold Belt Contact, NW IndiaEGU25-2072 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Reconciling bathymetric anomalies of marginal sea basins through magmatic and cooling processesEGU25-2323 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Seismic fault slip affected by pore pressure and cyclic normal stress – deduced by lab investigationsEGU25-2827 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Discrete element modeling of earthquake-induced fault rupture evolution: The 2024 Mw7.4 Hualien Taiwan earthquakeEGU25-2898 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Measurements of Earth's magnetic field anomalies caused by meteorite impactsEGU25-3894 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Formation and inversion of a short-lived continental back-arc basin in Southeastern TibetEGU25-4896 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Intelligent Pore Recognition Method for Carbonate Rock Electrical Image Logs Based on Deep LearningEGU25-5552 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Neoproterozoic magmatism in NW India and its implication for crustal evolutionEGU25-6123 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Investigation of the Growth of Active Faults in the Tehran Metropolitan Employing Historical Aerial Photos and Photogrammetric TechniquesEGU25-6417 | Posters virtual | VPS28
Architecture of a mud diapir-like structure: insights from ocean-bottom-node seismic dataEGU25-9651 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
The Fracture Induced Electromagnetic Radiation (FEMR) technique as a tool for stress mapping: A case study of the Ramon CraterEGU25-9784 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Stress Distribution and Fracture Development Along the Altyn Tagh Fault:Insights from 3D Discrete Element ModelingEGU25-11991 | Posters virtual | VPS28
Harnessing Swarm Satellite Magnetic Data to Revolutionize Earthquake PredictionEGU25-14725 | Posters virtual | VPS28
Circum-Indian craton-margin orogenic reactivation during ca. 800-700 Ma: Tectonometamorphic characterizationEGU25-17658 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Determination of Lithofacies and Elastic Behavior Modeling in Columbian River Basalt Group (CRBG) FormationsEGU25-19572 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Geochemistry of ~1Ga granite and associated mafic rocks from the South Delhi Fold Belt, NW India, and its tectonic significanceEGU25-20105 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Gravimetric Investigation and Analysis of Tectonic Features and Mineralization Zones in the Central High Atlas (Morocco).EGU25-20168 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28
Geophysical and Remote Sensing Contributions to Understanding Geological Structures in the Central High Atlas (Morocco): A Review and Analytical Study.TS1 – Deformation mechanisms, rheology, and rock-fluid interactions
EGU25-866 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3
Spatial variations in Geometry, Topology and Fractal attributes of a Riedel shear induced Fracture Network system in GranitesEGU25-2428 | Posters on site | TS1.3
Microstructures and deformation mechanisms of the Yuka eclogites in the North Qaidam UHP belt, NW ChinaEGU25-5696 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3
In-situ stresses distribution and deformation mechanisms in eclogites at ultrahigh pressureEGU25-5763 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3
Deformation experiments on orthoenstatite aggregate at upper mantle pressures and temperatures under hydrous conditionsEGU25-5837 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3
Field and microstructural characterization of Valsesia pseudotachylytes (Ivrea Zone, Italy)EGU25-6058 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3
Microscale processes in experimental serpentine dehydration: implications for deep earthquake mechanismsEGU25-6407 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3
3D Lithospheric-scale thermal model of central and southern CaliforniaEGU25-9848 | ECS | Orals | TS1.3
Weakening induced by phase nucleation: from experiments to numerical modelsEGU25-10795 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3
Shear zone growth by repeated generation of pseudotachylytes in the lower crustEGU25-10948 | Orals | TS1.3
Deep crustal shear zones driven by reaction-induced weakening and fluid flowEGU25-11789 | Posters on site | TS1.3
Synkinematic porosity and ductile failure in mid-crustal ultramylonites from the Redbank Shear Zone, Central AustraliaEGU25-14614 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3
Water-added experiments of simulated quartz-feldspar shear zone at brittle-ductile transitional conditionEGU25-15187 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3
Microstructural insights into the coseismic and aseismic behavior of fault rocks in the northern Yangsan Fault, SE KoreaEGU25-16287 | Posters on site | TS1.3
Phyllosilicates do their job: insights into their role in exhuming subducted continental unitsEGU25-16426 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.3
Multiple rupture and healing events along the Plate Interface at Ultra-High-pressure depth. Insights from the Lower Shear Zone, Monviso Massif, ItalyEGU25-17888 | Orals | TS1.3 | Highlight
Semi-brittle flow of rocks: Cracks, dislocations and strain hardeningEGU25-140 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4
Fracture healing processes in upper crustal carbonates – insights from fluid percolation experimentsEGU25-3797 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4
Latent heat of metamorphic reactions: boosting diffusion – hampering coolingEGU25-5693 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4
Tracing mantle-crust fluid interactions in a lithospheric extension zone: Insights from the Betic Cordillera, Spain.EGU25-6533 | Posters on site | TS1.4
Shear zone-mediated transfer and buffering of CO2-rich fluid during orogenic degassingEGU25-7480 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4
Mapping nano- and microporosity in ductile shear zones with X-ray ptychographyEGU25-8324 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4
Cerium Stable Isotopes Unveil Ferromanganese Encrustation Across the Oxygen Minimum ZoneEGU25-8523 | Orals | TS1.4
The Effect of Micas on the Strength of Experimental Granitoid Fault GougeEGU25-11033 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4
Structurally controlled genesis of caprock in volcanic hydrothermal systemsEGU25-11801 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4
A natural laboratory for carbon capture and storage: listvenites along regional fault zones (Zermatt Saas Unit, Western Alps, Italy)EGU25-12965 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4
Exploring deformation-driven fluid-flow and fluid-rock interactions: insights from the Dinarides orogen, southeastern EuropeEGU25-15657 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.4
Unravelling cyclic fault healing in carbonates: A natural example for the interaction of mechanical and fluid-mediated processesEGU25-17178 | ECS | Orals | TS1.4
Faults inside out: 4DμCT on direct shear dehydrating gypsum experimentsEGU25-19182 | Posters on site | TS1.4
Fault-induced saddle dolomitization during the Late Triassic rifting of Pangea in the southern Adria region (Southern Italy)EGU25-368 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
The Coulomb stress transfer and possible interactions between seismic and volcanic activity in the Colca Region (Central Andes)EGU25-1144 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5 | Highlight
Fault growth and reactivation in the West Netherlands Basin: Implications for subsurface renewable energy projectsEGU25-2194 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Reactivation mechanism of pre-existing faults in multiphase extensional setting: A case study of Enping 17 sag, Pearl River Mouth BasinEGU25-5986 | Posters on site | TS1.5
Extremely fractured quartz within Milun fault zone: implications for pulverizationEGU25-6171 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Rheological control on distributed aftershock activity: insights from the Mw 6.5 Norcia seismic sequenceEGU25-6237 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5
Rheology and fault slip behavior of Triassic Evaporites: an experimental studyEGU25-7316 | Posters on site | TS1.5
Co-seismic damage of the Nojima fault one year after the 1995 Nanbu-Kobe earthquakeEGU25-10920 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Hydraulic structure of the Tohoku plate boundary fault zone: insights and evidence from direct drilling (IODP expedition 405)EGU25-14151 | Posters on site | TS1.5
Cenozoic tectonic inversion, buttressing, and emergent faulting along the Wadi Kabir Fault, northern OmanEGU25-14539 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Paleostress value estimation using stylolite in evaporite of IODP core sample from Expedition 402 at the Tyrrhenian SeaEGU25-15680 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5
Anatomy and Structural Evolution of a Mesozoic Structural High: An Example from the Western Po Plain (Italy)EGU25-16530 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Complex seismic sequences originated from the collective behavior of asperities: an experimental approachEGU25-17081 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Improved in-situ Vp/Vs Estimation Using Dense Seismic Array with Application to the 2021 Ms 6.4 Yangbi Yunnan Aftershock SequenceEGU25-17416 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Shear localization and deformation patterns of a regional scale overthrust: an example from the Sestola Vidiciatico Unit (Northern Apennines)EGU25-18371 | Orals | TS1.5
Deformation mechanisms and geometries of superposed fault zones in dolostonesEGU25-18550 | Orals | TS1.5
Shattering and structural inheritance at the onset of faulting in the Rotondo graniteEGU25-2947 | Posters on site | TS1.6
Rheology of granite under middle and lower crustal conditions: tectonic implicationsEGU25-4781 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Deformation control on OH distribution at the nanoscale: a case of mylonitic titaniteEGU25-4855 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6
Weaker than quartz? – Strain localization mechanisms and rheology of fine-grained polymineralic rocksEGU25-5264 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Grain boundary microstructures and their control on deformation mechanisms in high-grade quartz-rich rocksEGU25-6118 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6
What are we dating? The role of micro-inclusions for in situ garnet geochronologyEGU25-7583 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Dislocation-accommodated deformation in blueschists from high-pressure experimentsEGU25-8302 | Posters on site | TS1.6
The Tambo nappe: insights into its internal deformation from geological mapping (Swiss-Italian Alps)EGU25-12829 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6
Seismically-induced quartz grain alterations as indicators of past earthquake eventsEGU25-12837 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
High-T quenching microstructures in cauliflower garnet capture instantaneous post-seismic processes in a lower-crustal seismogenic faultEGU25-13040 | Posters on site | TS1.6
Experimental deformation of natural monomineralic quartz to produce micro-porosityEGU25-13122 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
A Garnet tale: chemical and mechanical responses in Dora Maira WhiteschistsEGU25-13163 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Fabric and shear strain of a potential halite detachment below the Swiss Eastern Tabular JuraEGU25-13729 | Posters on site | TS1.6
Layered or interconnected ? In-situ connectivity and topology from X-ray tomography on deformed serpentine+olivine aggregatesEGU25-17663 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6
The origin of micro-porosity in quartz mylonites: insights from quartz-rich shear bands in the Ikaria graniteEGU25-17810 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Weakening mechanisms on mica-bearing rocks: an experimental approachEGU25-18290 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Imaging the textural evolution of gypsum through a metamorphic cycleEGU25-18704 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Combined microstructural and geochronological analysis of ductile deformation in the Sierra de Juarez Complex (Southern Mexico).EGU25-20090 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6
Tectonic evolution in transtensional regimes: the example of the Variscan Tanneron massif (SE France)EGU25-1722 | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
Frictional slip behavior of highly overconsolidated fault gougeEGU25-3342 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5
Heterogeneous high frequency seismic radiation from complex rupturesEGU25-3648 | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
The Effect of Fault Damage Zone on the Dynamics of Earthquake Ruptures: Experimental ObservationsEGU25-6563 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5
Velocity influence on the friction and wear of a single-asperity lab-faultEGU25-7148 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5
Probing Fault Zone Evolution with Ultrasonic Measurements: Seismic Imaging in Laboratory ExperimentsEGU25-7873 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.5
Dilation or compaction? Laboratory insights into the role of fault roughnessEGU25-7883 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
Fault core structure and the fault slip behavior during fluid injection: insights from laboratory friction experimentsEGU25-8673 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
Frictional strength and healing behaviour of natural carbonated serpentinites at hydrothermal conditionsEGU25-8830 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
Dynamics of frictional healing of anhydrite bearing faults imaged by ultrasonic wavesEGU25-8940 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
Spatio-Temporal Organization of Earthquakes: Insights from Aseismic Transients and Seismic Triggering in Rock FractureEGU25-10995 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
BeeAx: A New Biaxial Apparatus to Investigate Shallow Brittle Rock Deformation and Frictional SlidingEGU25-12897 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
Validating the link between fault geometry and slip distributionEGU25-13704 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
The Effect of Temperature and Physical State of Water on the Frictional Properties of Gouges from Krafla Geothermal Field (Iceland)EGU25-16382 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
Effect of strong and weak inclusions on the frictional behaviour of fault gougesEGU25-18843 | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
Slip Localization versus Instability Nucleation Feedback Loop: A Laboratory Perspective from Gouge Deformation ExperimentsEGU25-21574 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.5
The Influence of Particle Size Distributions on Flash Heating and Thermally Induced Weakening in Fault GougesEGU25-907 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8
Subgrain-Size Piezometer: A Recalibration and its Application in Natural SamplesEGU25-3075 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8
Impact of fabric on viscosity of Rutford Ice Stream, AntarcticaEGU25-3540 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8
Exhumation-induced residual stress in undeformed, ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rockEGU25-8556 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8
Distinct creep regimes of methane hydrates can be predicted by a monatomic water modelEGU25-8817 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8
Mimicking postseismic creep in the laboratory: Testing models for transient creep in the upper mantleEGU25-9407 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8
Stress amplification in rigid blocks of lower-crustal shear zones is controlled by bulk strain rateEGU25-11010 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8
Coupling neutron imaging and thermochromic liquid crystals to investigate the properties of a laboratory-made subducting slab.EGU25-11108 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8
What can modeling Steady-State Crystal Fabrics of Ice Streams tell Us about their Age?EGU25-11179 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8
Inferring the Crystal Orientation Fabrics of Olivine from Oblique Seismic Data using a Spectral Fabric RepresentationEGU25-11382 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8
Fabric-induced flow enhancement of the Amery ice shelf inferred from satellite-derived surface velocitiesEGU25-12111 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8
Characterizing quartz rheology through load-stepping experiments, from diffusion to dislocation creepEGU25-13323 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8
Assessing ice anisotropy using basal icequakes at Sermeq Kujalleq in Kangia, GreenlandEGU25-15461 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.8
A Spectral Directors Method for Modeling the Coupled Evolution of Flow and CPO in Polycrystalline OlivineEGU25-16598 | Posters on site | CR2.8
Elongation inhibition in two-phase media due to surface tension effectsEGU25-16902 | Posters on site | CR2.8
ANIMA the journey: how we model olivine CPO-related anisotropic viscosityEGU25-19836 | Posters on site | CR2.8
Direct Measurement of Grain-Boundary Sliding in Forsterite BicrystalsEGU25-20791 | ECS | Orals | CR2.8
Brittle creep deformation observed in an ice stream from borehole distributed acoustic sensingTS2 – Tectonics of Plate Boundaries: From Rifting to Orogenesis
EGU25-22 | Posters on site | TS2.1
Timing of Permian rifting in the Saih Hatat Dome (Sultanate of Oman)EGU25-3745 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
New insights on segmentation of fault and magmatic systems in the Main Ethiopian RiftEGU25-3968 | Orals | TS2.1 | Highlight
The September to November 2024 Fentale dike in the Ethiopian riftEGU25-5777 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
Inter-event strain localization modulated by background stresses across the Natron Basin, East African RiftEGU25-6348 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
Tectonic Evolution of the Pripyat-Dniepr-Donets-Donbas Basin: Insights into Intracontinental Rifting Mechanisms and Structural DynamicsEGU25-7282 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
The Interplay Between Extensional Rate and Heat Flux in Asymmetric Rift SystemsEGU25-7891 | Posters on site | TS2.1
Lithosphere Extension Prior to Continental Breakup in the South China Sea: Comparison with the Atlantic Type Rifted MarginEGU25-8867 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
Modeling dike-fault interactions in continental rifts on geological time scalesEGU25-8908 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
Geophysical, Geological, and Geodynamic Insights into the Northeastern Brazilian Rifted MarginEGU25-9481 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
Magmatic controls on detachment fault formation at South China Sea rifted marginEGU25-10113 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
Modelling of lithospheric weakening and strengthening processes and their impact on rift success and failureEGU25-10665 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1
Geodynamic modelling of salt tectonics and translation speed at rifted continental marginsEGU25-10746 | Posters on site | TS2.1
Paleo-depth of hydrothermal venting along the Mid-Norwegian volcanic margin during Paleogene continental breakupEGU25-11099 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1
Tectonic Segmentation During Rifting of the Brazil Equatorial MarginEGU25-11717 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
Structural Evolution of the Black Sea Basin Using 2D Sectioned and 3D Computational ModelsEGU25-12592 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
Tectonic Architecture of the Equatorial Atlantic Margin: Insights from the Central Segment of Brazilian CounterpartEGU25-14789 | Orals | TS2.1
Evolution of Quadruple Junction: Example from Afro-Arabia plate boundaryEGU25-15767 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
Constraining Exhumation and Rift Evolution in the Vosges and Black Forest Using Apatite (U-Th)/He ThermochronologyEGU25-15994 | ECS | Orals | TS2.1
Deconvoluted evolution of the intra-plate Rhine Graben during the CenozoicEGU25-16706 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.1
Decoding rheological controls on rifting and continental break-upEGU25-18056 | Posters on site | TS2.1
Crustal asymmetries within the Corinth and North Evia Gulf rifts (Greece): Moho depth variations and structural inheritancesEGU25-4330 | ECS | Orals | TS2.3
The complex rift-to-drift transition: surprises and lessons from the Afar regionEGU25-4395 | Orals | TS2.3 | Highlight
Diverse tectonic mechanisms emplace continental crust in the ‘oceanic’ realmEGU25-8811 | Posters on site | TS2.3
Plate-plume interaction driving microcontinent formation in the South Atlantic: The Rio Grande and Valdivia microcontinentsEGU25-9056 | Posters on site | TS2.3
Ocean-continent transition zone on the updated lithospheric transect from the Ligurian Sea to the Po Basin (Italy)EGU25-9761 | Posters on site | TS2.3
Are all deep reflectors Moho? A case study of the Newfoundland marginEGU25-9996 | Orals | TS2.3
Exploring the earliest stage of magmatic break-up through numerical simulationsEGU25-11249 | Posters on site | TS2.3
Zooming into the early stages of the exhumation process in the Tyrrhenian Basin by IODP Exp. 402EGU25-14000 | Posters on site | TS2.3
Physical properties of hard rocks collected in Tyrrhenian Basin during the IODP Expedition 402EGU25-14416 | Posters on site | TS2.3
Temperature Structure of the Icelandic Crust from Curie Point DepthEGU25-16886 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.3
Integrated Geophysical Modeling of Tectonic and Crustal Structures across the Tyrrhenian SeaEGU25-17424 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.3
Tectono-magmatic evolution of the Walvis plateau: Multi-scale and polyphased interactions between mantle plume, rifting and transform activityEGU25-502 | ECS | Orals | TS2.4
Non-Volcanic Tremors Along West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Triggered by Large Teleseismic EarthquakesEGU25-1315 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.4
Numerical simulation on tectonic thermal evolution at 8km in the Bozhong Depression considering sediment compression effectsEGU25-1880 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.4
The Origin of High-Curvature Banda Subduction Zone: Insights from Lithosphere-Scale Analog ModelingEGU25-2105 | Posters on site | TS2.4
Seamount Subduction's Influence on Subduction Zone Dynamics: Seismological Insights from Northern LuzonEGU25-3405 | Posters on site | TS2.4
Southern Eurasian magmatic shutdown triggered Eocene global coolingEGU25-3730 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.4
The effect of subducting oceanic plateau on the bending and hydration processes in the southern Mariana trenchEGU25-3944 | Posters on site | TS2.4
The structure and origin of the Vigan High off West Luzon IslandEGU25-8069 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.4
Numerical modeling of North Sulawesi subduction zone: Implications for the East-West differential evolutionEGU25-8322 | Posters on site | TS2.4
Rapid topographic growth of Diancang Shan, southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, since 5.0–3.5 MaEGU25-9118 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.4
Asymmetric continental crust stretching and seafloor spreading of the southwestern South China Sea: New insights from wide-angle seismic dataEGU25-14550 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.4
Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Sumatra Based on Seismic Ambient Noise TomographyEGU25-17142 | ECS | Orals | TS2.4
Double subduction initiation in Molucca Sea: Insights of numerical modellingEGU25-21158 | Posters on site | TS2.4
The fluid-related short-duration events recorded by the OBS in the Mussau TrenchEGU25-3298 | Posters on site | TS2.5
2D numerical analysis on microcontinents subductability: subduction or collision?EGU25-3392 | Posters on site | TS2.5
Delamination-induced conjunction of sub-oceanic and sub-arc mantle peridotites in the Hokkaido, northern JapanEGU25-3615 | ECS | Orals | TS2.5
Tectonometamorphic evolution and structural overprinting of a Cadomian suture zone in SW IberiaEGU25-3664 | Posters on site | TS2.5 | Highlight
Importance of rifted margin inheritance during continental collision revealed by numerical modellingEGU25-5324 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5
The Magmatic Evolution Between the Late Paleozoic and Triassic of the Las Delicias Terrane, Coahuila, Mexico.EGU25-5545 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5
Interaction between shallow and deep structures in the Southern Junggar fold-and-thrust belt, northern Tianshan, ChinaEGU25-5846 | Posters on site | TS2.5
The lower Paleozoic magmatic flare-up in the Iberian Massif: the Fundão Pluton case-study (Castelo Branco, Portugal)EGU25-6538 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5
Numerical modelling of gravity-driven fold-and-thrust belts at passive continental marginsEGU25-8538 | Posters on site | TS2.5
Geodynamic Models of Accretionary Wedges with Smectite-Illite TransformationEGU25-8647 | ECS | Orals | TS2.5
Paleozoic tectonothermal history of the amalgamation of theTarim–North China and Mongolian collagesEGU25-10300 | Orals | TS2.5
Arc-continent collision and mountain building processes of the Taiwan orogenyEGU25-11321 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5
Deformation styles and exhumation patterns in a long-lived orogen: Insights from the Albanides-HellenidesEGU25-11734 | Posters on site | TS2.5
The progressive southeastward advance of the Calabria-Apulia collision recorded by uplifted Ionian marine terracesEGU25-14170 | ECS | Orals | TS2.5
Forming condition, position and evolution of back thrusts in the sandbox analogue modellingEGU25-15125 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5
Variations in slip rates at the Million to Thousand-Year scale: A Case Study of the Huoerguosi Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Northern Tianshan, ChinaEGU25-16259 | Posters on site | TS2.5
Large-scale back-thrusting development in fold-and-thrust belts: the case study of the Variscan External Zone of SardiniaEGU25-16632 | ECS | Orals | TS2.5
How Coupled Brittle-Ductile Deformation Controls the Rates and Temporal Evolution of Orogenic CollapseEGU25-19399 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.5
Orthogonal extensional quartz veins in a famous 'Chocolate-Tablet Structure' from Almograve (SW Portugal), associated with early Variscan OrogenyEGU25-704 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7
Syn- to post-orogenic S-directed extension of the Kırşehir Massif, central TürkiyeEGU25-939 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7
Paleogeographic heritage within Mediterranean orogens: The Shkoder-Peja transverse zone of Northern AlbaniaEGU25-958 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7
Structural interpretation of the salt-rich inverted Tarascon basin (north Pyrenean zone, south France)EGU25-1915 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7
Insight into the lithospheric velocity structure of the Adria plate from joint teleseismic and ambient noise tomographyEGU25-2837 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7
A New Perspective on Circum-Mediterranean Orogens: Insights from Seismic Imaging and Analog ModelsEGU25-4561 | Posters on site | TS2.7
Low heat flow in the northeastern Anhydros Basin, Aegean Sea, recorded by deep subsurface temperaturesEGU25-4835 | Posters on site | TS2.7
Short-lived Arc Magmatism in the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone with Implications for Continental Crust FormationEGU25-6507 | Posters on site | TS2.7
Exhumation through Relamination: A Modeling Study of the Rhodope Metamorphic ComplexEGU25-6550 | Posters on site | TS2.7
EURUS: a preliminary 3D mantle model of Europe from multifrequency P-wave tomographyEGU25-6635 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7
GPlates reconstruction of the Mesozoic motion of Adria based on a new robust APWPEGU25-8829 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7
Forgotten Faults that are Compatible with the Kinematics of the External Hellenides (Greece)EGU25-8863 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7
Seismogenic Properties of The Crust Beneath the Western Anatolia-Aegean System: Models Vs ObservationsEGU25-8882 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7
Geodynamic Models For Normal Faulting and Crustal Dynamics In Western Anatolia-Aegean RegionEGU25-10661 | Posters on site | TS2.7
Unravelling the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Western Tell basement, North AlgeriaEGU25-13603 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7
Transforming the Eastern Mediterranean: The Aegean-Cyprus Slab TearEGU25-13690 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7
The Dinaric Ophiolite Belt: Microstructural observations from the metamorphic sole and its tectonic importanceEGU25-14607 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7
Late Tortonian to Pleistocene deformations of Alboran domain (Western Mediterranean): new insights from ALBANEO project and analogue modellingEGU25-16193 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7
Active and passive Slabs in the Central Mediterranean imaged with surface wave tomographyEGU25-16466 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.7
Volcanic and tectonic interaction during the Permian geodynamic event: new insights from the Lugano-Varese district, Southern Alps, (Italy-Switzerland)EGU25-17209 | ECS | Orals | TS2.7
Deciphering tectonic driving mechanisms of seismicity in the central ApenninesEGU25-18179 | Posters on site | TS2.7
Tracing the end of the Variscan orogeny: a polyphasic tectonic evolution recorded in the new “Varese Map” (CARG project).EGU25-20118 | Posters on site | TS2.7
The Early to Middle Triassic (250–240 Ma) onset of rifting in the Attica-Cyclades realm: A-type rhyolites of NE Attica, GreeceEGU25-3309 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.8
Ediacaran-Cambrian Boundary in the Anti-Atlas belt (Morocco): A review of biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and geochronologyEGU25-7188 | Orals | TS2.8 | Highlight
Testing enhanced surface weathering hypotheses for Snowball EarthEGU25-9990 | Posters on site | TS2.8
The Early Ediacaran orogenic history of the northern Arabian-Nubian Shield in a nutshell (Eilat area, Israel)EGU25-12980 | Posters on site | TS2.8
Tracking the transition from subduction to continental collision using Ce and Eu anomaly in detrital zirconsEGU25-14406 | ECS | Orals | TS2.8
Long duration of the ~56 Myr Sturtian Snowball Earth event suggests missing link in geologic carbon cycle.EGU25-19357 | ECS | Posters on site | TS2.8
Early to Mid‐Neoproterozoic Tectonics of Northwestern India and it’s implications for Rodinia reconstructionEGU25-19819 | Posters on site | TS2.8
Neoproterozoic Tectonics of Northwest India: Insights from Field Evidence, Geochemistry, and GeochronologyEGU25-2959 | Posters on site | GD4.1
Molybdenum isotope insights into mass recycling in subduction zonesEGU25-3005 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1
Subducted magnesite in serpentinite carries fluid-mobile elements and carbon into the lower mantleEGU25-6504 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1
Decoding Upper-Plate Aftershocks: The Critical Role of Pore-Pressure Diffusion following the 2014 Iquique EarthquakeEGU25-7317 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1
Oceanic plateau accretion for young oceanic plates: Geodynamics models of SiletziaEGU25-8366 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1
Building a 3D gravity-based model of the North Chilean subduction zone constrained by recent seismic resultsEGU25-8387 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1
Temporal Variations in Seismic Attenuation: A 3D Pre- and Post-Event Tomography of the region around the 2020 Río Loa Mw 6.2 Earthquake (Chile)EGU25-8522 | Posters on site | GD4.1
A deep-learning based seismicity catalog for Northern Chile(2007–2023) containing >2 million eventsEGU25-10088 | Orals | GD4.1
2D Numerical modelling of continental subduction and synthetic obductionEGU25-10715 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1
The effect of oceanic forearc serpentinization on ophiolite emplacement: Insights from 3D geodynamic modelsEGU25-11906 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1
Characterising the Northern Chile subduction zone (24⁰S - 31⁰S) with > 165,000 earthquakesEGU25-12064 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1
A study on the docking of the Indian plate with the Eurasian plate through Numerical ModellingEGU25-12184 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1
The spatio-temporal behavior of the Mantle Wedge Seismicity and its relationship with the interface in Chile.EGU25-12857 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1
Partitioning of deformation along the Andean margin: insights from elastic block modellingEGU25-13268 | Posters on site | GD4.1
Influence of Geometry and Rheology on Convergence Speed in Self-Sustained Andean-Type Subduction SystemsEGU25-13559 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1
Mechanical and metasomatic evolution of a developing mantle wedge from subduction initiation to obductionEGU25-14177 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1
Seismicity of the south-western South American margin through a machine learning automated approachEGU25-14301 | Orals | GD4.1
What Causes the Non-closure of the Cocos-Nazca-Pacific Plate Motion Circuit?EGU25-14427 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1
Quantification of thermally-controlled metamorphic decarbonation and carbonate dissolution in subduction zonesEGU25-18961 | ECS | Orals | GD4.1
Rheological insights from Illapel postseismic deformation through GNSS and InSAR time series analysisEGU25-19151 | ECS | Posters on site | GD4.1
Subduction dynamics and mantle anisotropy: modeling and clustering of olivine texturesEGU25-19402 | Posters on site | GD4.1
Relation Between Interplate Locking and Microseismicity in the southern Peru subductionEGU25-3726 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7
Records of early Gondwana assembly on the southwestern Baltica margin: Insights from the Holy Cross Mts., PolandEGU25-4793 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7
Pre-Alpine Metamorphic Evolution of the Seckau Complex: Insights from Alpine low-grade metapelitic and magmatic basement units of the Eastern AlpsEGU25-5224 | Orals | GD9.7
Complex morphology of colliding margins in Laurussia-Gondwana supercollisionEGU25-8913 | Posters on site | GD9.7
Eclogites of the Speik Complex, Austria: Indicators of High-Pressure Metamorphism and an Early Variscan Subduction ZoneEGU25-10392 | Posters on site | GD9.7
Tectonostratigraphy of the southeastern part of the Bohemian MassifEGU25-12665 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7
The metamorphic history preserved in the UHP Snieznik eclogites (Sudetes, NE Bohemian Massif)EGU25-16318 | ECS | Orals | GD9.7
The Chamrousse ophiolite (Western Alps): a window of an oceanic stage at the onset of the Variscan orogenyEGU25-17489 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7
The Lesser Kabylia metamorphic basement: Unraveling pre-Alpine history through petrological and geochronological studies (Texenna, Algeria)EGU25-18123 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7
Pre-Alpine structuration of the Briançonnais basement: lithostratigraphy, geochronology and tectono-metamorphic reconstruction of three Alpine massifs.EGU25-18404 | Posters on site | GD9.7
In situ U–Pb dating and trace element composition of apatite in the Chamrousse ophiolite (Western Alps)EGU25-20512 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.7
Lithospheric dripping during Variscan orogeny in the NE French Massif Central: evidence from Visean-Serpukhovian silicic volcanism in the MorvanEGU25-1610 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Evaluation of the role of detachment faulting in the genesis of felsic melts in the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex, Southwest Indian RidgeEGU25-1757 | Posters on site | GD5.3
Rates of melt lens replenishment at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50’NEGU25-2320 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Mega-transform fault development: New insights from Geodynamic modelling using ASPECT and real-world examplesEGU25-4307 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3
Implications of pressure-dependent permeability for hydrothermal heat transfersEGU25-4333 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Tectonics control alteration-induced rheological heterogeneities in magma-poor ultraslow-spread oceanic lithospheresEGU25-4386 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3
Tectonics control seismic velocity anomalies in magma-poor ultraslow-spread oceanic lithospheresEGU25-4667 | Posters on site | GD5.3
Highly variable lithospheric structure and associated magmatic accretion at the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel RidgeEGU25-4754 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Microbial Residents in Serpentinized Upper Mantle of the Atlantis MassifEGU25-5724 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Thermal structure and stress pattern of the oceanic transform fault: insights form 3D numerical modellingEGU25-5906 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Magmatism distribution and modes of seafloor spreading at a Ridge-transform fault system revealed by marine magneticsEGU25-6973 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Microseismicity of the Eastern Gakkel Ridge, Arctic OceanEGU25-7472 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Magnetic Characterization of Borehole Samples from IODP Expedition 399: Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic RidgeEGU25-7696 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Chemically heterogeneous asthenosphere beneath the Gakkel Ridge constrained by abyssal peridotitesEGU25-8189 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
The Jøtul field revisited: High carbon and hydrogen fluxes from a sediment‑hosted hydrothermal vent site in the Knipovic RidgeEGU25-8689 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
An oceanic core complex on Cyprus? Unravelling the Limassol Forest ophiolite.EGU25-9158 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Thick crust, thin Moho transition zone and negative velocity gradient in the mantle along a 30.6 Ma segment in the South Atlantic Ocean at 31oSEGU25-9441 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3
Quantifying magmatism and tectonism along the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (46-52°E)EGU25-9528 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Rotten Rocks at the Heart of the Atlantis Massif – A dive into reaction porosity in the Lost City Hydrothermal FieldEGU25-10319 | Posters on site | GD5.3
Electrical resistivity structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the extinct ridge of the South China SeaEGU25-11184 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Investigating the response of hydrothermal convection to decadal cycles of magmatic inflation at the East Pacific Rise, 9º50'NEGU25-14183 | Posters on site | GD5.3
Historical Interaction of Central Indian Ridge and Réunion hotspot in the Indian OceanEGU25-15390 | Orals | GD5.3
Melt-induced weakening controls topography and faulting pattern of mid-ocean ridgesEGU25-15659 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Global distribution and growth mechanisms of seamounts: Insights from statistical and tectonic analysisEGU25-16578 | ECS | Orals | GD5.3
Serpentinite microstructure at the Atlantis Massif – serpentinization reaction or deformation?EGU25-16615 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.3
Formation and early transformation of hydrothermal Fe nano-colloids in a black smoker systemEGU25-17434 | Posters on site | GD5.3
Magmato-tectonic variability along the Mohns Ridge: Insights into the controls on hydrothermal circulationEGU25-17718 | Posters on site | GD5.3
Cooling of young Arctic oceanic lithosphere modulated by off-axis fluid circulation and post-glacial sedimentationEGU25-18143 | Posters on site | GD5.3
MAPRIDGES: Geometry of global mid-ocean ridge plate boundaries, and the role of transform faults and non-transform offsetsEGU25-3294 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1
Microseismic activity in the Eastern Alps: Sequences, mechanisms, and active faultsEGU25-5941 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1
Geodynamic of French bauxite through (U-Th)/He thermochronology on Fe-oxyhydroxidesEGU25-6163 | Posters on site | GD9.1
Pn anisotropic tomography of the Euro-Mediterranean region: new insight into subduction and mantle dynamicsEGU25-6592 | Posters on site | GD9.1
Understanding the closure of Alpine Tethys in the Western Carpathians using Receiver FunctionsEGU25-9894 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.1
Detachment versus strike-slip ductile shearing in the Nordrahmen Zone of the Tauern WindowEGU25-10544 | Posters on site | GD9.1
4-D kinematic restoration of the western Tauern Window (European Eastern Alps)EGU25-11458 | ECS | Orals | GD9.1
Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectono-halokinetic evolution in the Baronnies Provençales (Alps, France)EGU25-11524 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.1
Anisotropy from Receiver Function Analysis shed light into the Deformation Style of the Ivrea BodyEGU25-12147 | Posters on site | GD9.1
Opening the window slightly earlier: Oligocene east-directed extension along the East Tauern Detachment SystemEGU25-16716 | Orals | GD9.1
The Cretaceous retro-belt of the Alps and the early indentation of AdriaEGU25-18979 | ECS | Posters on site | GD9.1
Pre to syn orogenic evolution of the European margin: clues from the Flysch units of the Ligurian Alps (CARG Project – Ormea sheet 244).EGU25-19672 | Posters on site | GD9.1
Accuracy of garnet U–Pb LA–ICPMS compared to Sm-Nd TIMS datingEGU25-20445 | Posters on site | GD9.1
A new occurrence of the Vorau Nappe in the Semmering area (Eastern Alps)TS3 – Active tectonics, seismicity, kinematics, and dynamics
EGU25-636 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Seismic Hazard Potential in and around the Yedisu Seismic Gap: Implications from Seismological and Geodetic ConstraintsEGU25-3031 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Mapping Active Seabed Ruptures in the Eastern Offshore UAE, Gulf of OmanEGU25-3190 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Verifying the structure and development of the Osning Fault System (Northern Germany) using cross-section balancingEGU25-3751 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
A methodological comparison between low-frequency and high-frequency seismic reflection data for studying near-surface faultsEGU25-7300 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Innovative Approaches to Fault Detection: Integrating Geophones and DAS in the Budoia-Aviano Thrust Case StudyEGU25-8000 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Application of comprehensive geophysical-drilling exploration to detectthe buried Shunyi active fault belt in Beijing, ChinaEGU25-8776 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Fault Systems and Dyke-Induced Deformations: Insights from Drone Surveys and Numerical Modelling in the Fremri-Námur Area, Northern IcelandEGU25-9162 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Structural architecture of the frontal part of active Greater Caucasus orogen: A case study from the western GeorgiaEGU25-12607 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Seismological Analysis of Active Transverse Faults in the rifted Northern Apennines: Insights into Fault Evolution, Linkage and InheritanceEGU25-12632 | Posters on site | TS3.1
The Mt. Morrone seismotectonic source: analysis of fault model uncertainty for Ground Motion PredictionEGU25-13203 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1
Seismo-tectonic activity along transversal structures in the Inner Northern ApenninesEGU25-14113 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Possible kinematic model for an active blind thrust fault in SW Taiwan: an example of fold-accommodation faultEGU25-15222 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Unveiling the roots of seismogenic faults in central southern ApenninesEGU25-15957 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1
Insight into the Crustal Density Structure of Kumaon Himalaya, India, based on Gravity Modeling and InversionEGU25-16349 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Nonuniform seismic unzipping of East Anatolian Fault reveals supercycle behaviorEGU25-16385 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1
New paleoseismological findings along the Fiandaca Fault reveal the dynamics of Etna volcano's eastern flankEGU25-17433 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
New preliminary insights into the Dalvik Lineament in North Iceland, earthquakes, landslides, dikes, and geothermal resourcesEGU25-18294 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1
InSAR observations and modeling of volcano-tectonic fracture movements on the Reykjanes Peninsula, SW IcelandEGU25-18558 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Active extension in the axial zone of the southern Apennines (Italy) is driven by the remobilization of inverted normal faultsEGU25-18914 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.1
Field examples regarding Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio measurements as a tool for shallow faulting investigationEGU25-18994 | Posters on site | TS3.1
New GNSS Network on Salina Island: A Key Element in the Geodynamic FrameworkEGU25-19002 | Posters on site | TS3.1
Ultra-shallow Earthquakes Caused by Interbed Slip in Global Fold-Thrust BeltsEGU25-19452 | ECS | Orals | TS3.1
Stress and strain fields in the Iberian Peninsula and adjacent Mountain RangesEGU25-20936 | Orals | TS3.1 | Highlight
Slow-Deforming Orogens Revisited: Multi-Decadal Postseismic Transients and Implications for Earthquake Forecasts in ItalyEGU25-584 | Posters on site | TS3.2
Assessment of Spatiotemporal Stress Associated with the November 29, 1978 M=7.8, Foreshocks in Oaxaca, MexicoEGU25-5477 | Posters on site | TS3.2
Bayesian estimation of surface strain rates in the peri-Adriatic, Balkans and Aegean regionEGU25-5798 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.2
Surface Loading and Seismicity in Subduction Zones: Linking Stress Changes to Fault FailureEGU25-5905 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.2
Characterizing deformation processes along the Psathopyrgos fault, western Gulf of Corinth through InSAR and GNSS time-series analysisEGU25-6600 | Posters on site | TS3.2
Characterizing the plate interface with microseismicity: Central ChileEGU25-6856 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.2
How to generate deep earthquakes in the Hindu Kush? - A data driven modelling approachEGU25-6914 | Posters on site | TS3.2
Characterisation at different scales of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction along the Kupa river (Croatia)EGU25-7549 | Posters on site | TS3.2
Interdisciplinary investigation of late Quaternary activity of the Sava Fault in the Slovenian Southern AlpsEGU25-8344 | Posters on site | TS3.2
Shallow geological structures revealed by applying microtremor analysis in volcanic area in northern TaiwanEGU25-8562 | Posters on site | TS3.2
New insights from 1901-2023 Mw7.5+ subduction interface earthquakes catalog revisited: SubQuake2EGU25-11094 | ECS | Orals | TS3.2
Active Straining of the Balkans Peninsula: insights from spatial geodesy (InSAR and GNSS)EGU25-12786 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.2
High-resolution geophysical investigation for the seismotectonic characterization of the Raša Fault, SW SloveniaEGU25-14114 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.2
Large-Scale Slab Dynamics as Drivers of Seismicity: Modeling Earthquakes in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction ZonesEGU25-17525 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.2
Decade-Long InSAR Time-Series (2014–2024): Fault Kinematics and Seismic Hazards across the Minab–Zendan–Palami Fault SystemEGU25-18416 | Posters on site | TS3.2
Near and far-field deformation from the 2023 Turkey earthquakes using GNSS DataEGU25-1671 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3
Coseismic slip and early afterslip of the 2024 Hyuganada earthquake modulated by a subducted seamountEGU25-4673 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3
Investigating megathrust slip during and following the 2024 Mw 7.1 Hyuga-nada earthquake in southwest JapanEGU25-5800 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3
Understanding Fault Slip Modes Through AE Scaling and Seismic PartitioningEGU25-8291 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3
Exploring the role of hydromechanics in back-propagating rupture dynamicsEGU25-9527 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3
Reconciling fault growth histories in time and space and seismic hazard analysis: Western Gulf of CorinthEGU25-9863 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3
Experimental deformation of clay-rich fault gouges within the rate-and state-dependent friction and flow law frameworksEGU25-12092 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3
Impact of Heterogeneous Initial Stress on the Seismic Cycle and Rupture Dynamics of a Long Laboratory FaultEGU25-15900 | Orals | TS3.3
Influence of injection rate on the dynamic of fluid-induced aseismic slip frontsEGU25-17429 | Orals | TS3.3 | Highlight
Relationships Between Plate Interface Deformation and Earthquake SegmentationEGU25-19622 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3
Frictional Behaviour of Carbonates: Defining the Seismogenic Zone in DolomiteEGU25-876 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Seismic sequences in the Italian Apennines influenced by fault network geometryEGU25-2435 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Large Off-Fault Deformation of 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake along an Immature Strike-Slip Fault, Tibetan PlateauEGU25-4056 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Subduction Earthquake Cycle through the lens of analogue modelling: the role of the upper plate rheologyEGU25-4323 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Coseismic and aseismic normal fault slip in Central Greece from InSAR time seriesEGU25-5877 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
How well can displacement be resolved close to earthquake surface ruptures using optical image correlation?EGU25-6505 | Posters on site | TS3.4
Dynamic changes of gravity field before the Luding Ms6.8 earthquake and its crustal material migration characteristicsEGU25-7699 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4
What can the limited and uncertain geological record tell us about the earthquake cycle?EGU25-9148 | Posters on site | TS3.4
Investigating the Tectonic Complexity of the Bulnay-Tsetserleg Fault Junction in Mongolia Using a Temporary Seismic NetworkEGU25-11133 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Megathrust Coupling in Southwest Japan Inferred from Viscoelastic ModelingEGU25-11371 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4
Metamorphic dehydration reactions trigger slow slip events in subduction zonesEGU25-11845 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
A 3-D numerical model to bridge long- and short-term approaches of deformation on a strike-slip faultEGU25-13444 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Towards systematic kinematic source models of historically large earthquakesEGU25-14410 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Updating megathrust coupling models for the Mentawai Seismic Gap and surrounding regions, SumatraEGU25-14536 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Determining the Western Extent of the 1505 Central Himalayan Earthquake through a Paleoseismic Investigation of Surface RupturesEGU25-16028 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4
Measuring slip rate variability on the Eşen Fault, SW Türkiye, with cosmogenic chlorine-36 nuclide analysisEGU25-16771 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Revisiting Rapid Surface Deformation in Southwestern Taiwan Using GNSS and ALOS-2 InSAR Data: Case study in Chungliao TunnelEGU25-17648 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Sedimentary records of past earthquakes in varved lake sedimentsEGU25-17661 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Measuring rapid aseismic ground deformation within the foothills of southwestern Taiwan using aerial image correlation and DSM time seriesEGU25-19066 | Posters on site | TS3.4
Potential record of large earthquakes from lacustrine sedimentary archives along the Bulnay fault system (Mongolia)EGU25-19994 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4
Preliminary Results of the Paleoseismology of Aceh Fault in northern Sumatra, IndonesiaEGU25-1950 | Posters on site | TS3.5
Crustal deformation of the Azerbaijan territory: results from 25 years (1998 - 2022) of monitoring using GPSEGU25-3357 | ECS | Orals | TS3.5
Seismicity and Seismic Hazards along the East African Rift System (EARS): A ReviewEGU25-6153 | Orals | TS3.5 | Highlight
GNSS measurements reveal unexpected far-field deformation of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, TürkiyeEGU25-6861 | Posters on site | TS3.5
Late Quaternary displacement rate of Dead Sea western marginal faultEGU25-7419 | Posters on site | TS3.5
Seismicity in the Sea of Marmara Obtained Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsEGU25-9653 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
Interseismic Slip Rate Estimations Along the North Anatolian Fault: Insights from GPS and InSAR DataEGU25-11508 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
Comparative Analysis of Geodetic Strain Rate Field Around Anatolia: GPS vs InSAR ModelsEGU25-11616 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
InSAR Postseismic Displacements of the 2023 Turkey EarthquakesEGU25-11625 | Posters on site | TS3.5
New constraints on the activity and evolution of the young Aigion-Erineos Fault System, Gulf of Corinth, GreeceEGU25-11894 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
High-Resolution Thermal Imaging of the Surface Rupture of the February 6 2023, Kahramanmaraş Earthquake (Mw 7.8), TürkiyeEGU25-12357 | Posters on site | TS3.5
Morphotectonic investigation of the active faults in Boeotia, central Greece, before the 2020-2023 seismic crisisEGU25-13939 | Orals | TS3.5
Rupture phases reveal geometry-related rupture propagation in a natural earthquakeEGU25-15645 | Posters on site | TS3.5
High-Resolution Co-seismic Surface Displacement Distribution for February 6, 2023, Elbistan (Kahramanmaras) Earthquake, TurkiyeEGU25-17404 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
Assessing Coastline Changes of Lake Gölbaşı (Adıyaman, Türkiye) Through InSAR Time Series AnalysisEGU25-18264 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.5
Seismic Activity and Deformation of the Pütürge Segment of the East Anatolian Fault: Insights from Recent Earthquakes and Geodetic ObservationsEGU25-865 | ECS | Orals | G3.5
Temporal evolution of strain rate before the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake.EGU25-2659 | Posters on site | G3.5
Crustal Deformation And Seismic Hazard of Longmenshan Fault Zone With Limited ObservationsEGU25-4167 | ECS | Orals | G3.5
Geodetic data inversion to estimate a strain-rate field by introducing sparse modelingEGU25-4589 | Posters on site | G3.5
Did the Mw 7.5 Sürgü-Cardak Event Occur During the 2023 Kahramanmaraș Sequence Without Prior Slip Deficit?EGU25-5019 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5
Multiscale Analysis of Fault Systems in the Hengduan Mountains: Implications for Block Rotation Processes in Southeastern TibetEGU25-5285 | Posters on site | G3.5
Unraveling crustal deformation and seismogenic signatures in eastern TaiwanEGU25-7187 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5
A New Global Database of Secular Horizontal GNSS VelocitiesEGU25-8451 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5
Slip Rate Variation Along the East Kunlun Fault (Tibet) From InSAR & GNSS ObservationsEGU25-9208 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5
Range-Parallel Extension in the Argentinian Andes: The 2020 Mw 5.7 Humahuaca EarthquakeEGU25-10106 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5
Decoding Earthquake Cycles: Plate convergence rates shape recurrence intervals in Subduction ZonesEGU25-11377 | Posters on site | G3.5
Geodetic strain pattern analysis of northern-central Greece – Correlation to tectonically active structuresEGU25-14112 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5
Role of elastic variations in the interseismic deformation of the Andean subduction margin: case of study at 21°SEGU25-15361 | Posters on site | G3.5
The vertical postseismic deformation following the 2004 Parkfield earthquakeEGU25-16704 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5
Towards a 3D Earthquake Cycle Model Powered by Data Assimilation for Northeastern HonshuEGU25-16972 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5
Numerical modelling of stresses and deformation in the Eurasian tectonic plate through Bayesian inversionEGU25-17060 | ECS | Posters on site | G3.5
How do plate boundaries talk to each other in North Sulawesi, Indonesia?EGU25-18246 | ECS | Orals | G3.5
Partial coupling in low-seismicity subduction areas: an example of the western Makran subducrion zoneTS4 – Tectonics and its interaction with surface processes and life
EGU25-304 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Investigation of Andaman Sea using seismic data and gravity modellingEGU25-1137 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Detrital Zircon Geochronology Indicates Synchronous Evolution Of Western Anatolian Supradetachment BasinsEGU25-1278 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Volume and provenance of sediments in the Rotliegend Polish Trough - Southern Permian BasinEGU25-2427 | ECS | Orals | TS4.2
Towards a new class of tectonic basins: Dynamic rebound basins and lithospheric drippingEGU25-3296 | Posters on site | TS4.2
A window into Alps and Apennines interactions and the development of the Northern Apennines fold-and-thrust beltEGU25-4308 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
The demise of the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin: what caused its erosion?EGU25-7190 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Neogene stabilization of the northwestern Tibetan PlateauEGU25-8331 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Morphotectonic Analysis of the Yenişehir (Bursa) Pull-Apart BasinEGU25-8734 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Impact of river incision on lower crustal flow: insights from thermo-mechanical modelsEGU25-8912 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Slow Propagation of Slab Tearing at Collisional Boundaries: Implications for Foreland Basin Evolution and Adjacent Mountain UpliftEGU25-14415 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Drivers of asymmetric morpho-structural evolution along the western Colombian Andes across multiple temporal scalesEGU25-14529 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Paleolatitudes of the UHP terrane exhumation: Implications for interaction with climate-driven surface processesEGU25-14794 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
River network response to thrust sheet propagation into a forelandEGU25-15026 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Appraising the basement nature of Junggar Basin through borehole core and deep seismic reflection dataEGU25-15072 | Orals | TS4.2
Diverse responses of coupled mountain-basin system to periodic climate changeEGU25-15876 | ECS | Orals | TS4.2
High-elevation western Anatolian topography delayed faunal migration during the early MioceneEGU25-16005 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
Modelling the influence of pre-collisional rift linkage during mountain buildingEGU25-18423 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Backwards-in-time river profile modeling: constraints on Dynamic Topography in the Western Highlands of CameroonEGU25-18815 | ECS | Orals | TS4.2
Madagascar's landscape evolution: a tale of two rifts and drainage divide migrationEGU25-18879 | ECS | Posters on site | TS4.2
4D burial-exhumation patterns in a continental corner collision: insights from coupled 3D numerical modellingEGU25-20012 | Posters on site | TS4.2
Salt Tectonics During Lithospheric-Scale Rift and Basin Inversion Stages: Insights from High-Resolution Numerical ModelingEGU25-884 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Late Quaternary landscape evolution of the frontal part of Tripura Fold Thrust Belt, India: Connecting climate and tectonicsEGU25-2555 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Meso-Cenozoic Tectonic and Geomorphic Evolution of the Eastern Tianshan: Insights from the Barkol Mountains and Hami BasinEGU25-3509 | Posters on site | GM7.1
Tectonic and climatic control of Yarlung Tsangpo Gorge revealed by a buried canyon in Southern TibetEGU25-4398 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
The influence of tectonics on river terrace evolution in the Guadix/Baza Basin, SpainEGU25-4765 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Fault Evolution in Magma-Rich Rifts using Quantitative Geomorphology: Insights from Central Afar, EthiopiaEGU25-5241 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Tectonic, lithologic and climate controls on landslide distribution in the Eastern HimalayasEGU25-6992 | Posters on site | GM7.1
The influence of landslides on anticline breaching and landscape evolution in the Appalachian Valley and RidgeEGU25-8546 | Orals | GM7.1
Impact of climate and volcanism age on landscape evolution of oceanic islandsEGU25-9329 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Holistic quantification of transient landscape response to rock uplift changes in the Fiumara Allaro catchment, Calabria, ItalyEGU25-9832 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Timing the Oligocene-Miocene uplift of Afro-Arabia: Insights from clay mineralogy and geochemistryEGU25-10705 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1
Scale dependency of the landscape’s morphometry in the Alpine RhineEGU25-11196 | Posters on site | GM7.1
Active faults and coastal landscapes in the back arc of Central Japan, lessons from the Mw 7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquakeEGU25-11719 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Cenozoic uplift and exhumation of the central South Tian Shan, KyrgyzstanEGU25-12302 | Posters on site | GM7.1
From Short-Term Erosion to Long-Term Landforms: Linking Different Coastal Erosion Models to Marine Terrace FormationEGU25-13803 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1
Landscape Evolution of the Kyrgyz Range (Tien Shan): Deciphering Tectonic and Climate InputsEGU25-14831 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Extending the limits of divide migration criteria: A downscale approximationEGU25-16343 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Environmental DNA reveals geologic and climatic isolation effects on plant and fungal Communities in the Hengduan MountainsEGU25-17109 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Sediment provenance from coastal and offshore northern Colombia: Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Magdalena River Delta and La Aguja CanyonEGU25-17366 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Limited effect of Quaternary climatic cycles on tropical denudation from10Be paleo-denudation rates of the Ogowé catchment (Gabon)EGU25-17853 | ECS | Orals | GM7.1
Tectonic and climatic controls on fill terrace deposition and preservation in a large Himalayan river catchmentEGU25-18576 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Indications of Provenance and Source Rock Contributions in Paleogene Deposits from Zrinska Gora, CroatiaEGU25-19506 | Posters on site | GM7.1
Linking Glacial Exhumation and Fluvial Incision During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, Southern Patagonia, ArgentinaEGU25-20636 | ECS | Posters on site | GM7.1
Controls of climate and fluvial thresholds on stream incision on the Hawaiian IslandsTS5 – Modelling, Imaging, Geochronology, and Methodological Developments
EGU25-3129 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1
A Thermal Model of the Flamanville Granitic Diapir Deforming AureoleEGU25-7471 | PICO | TS5.1 | Highlight
Analogue modelling in Geosciences uncovered: a textbook for modern mindsEGU25-10571 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1
Analogue Modelling of Intrusion Dynamics in Relation to Internal and Surface DeformationEGU25-10756 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1
Analogue modeling of strike-slip faults: a new insight from different kinematic constrainsEGU25-19272 | ECS | PICO | TS5.1
Rifting, Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic processes control the landscape of MadagascarEGU25-126 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2
High-resolution 3D LiDAR mapping of geologic structures: Implications for thermo-tectonic history in the Taiwan Slate BeltEGU25-1728 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2
Detrital low thermochronology applied to moraine deposits in the central Patagonian AndesEGU25-12480 | Posters on site | TS5.2
Electron spin resonance (ESR) signals in calcite: a novel thermochronometer to constrain carbonate mountain erosion?EGU25-13241 | ECS | Orals | TS5.2
Reconstructing uplift through denudation rates in carbonate systems: the Albanian orogen case studyEGU25-15008 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2
Assessment of Uncertainty Propagation within Compaction-Based Exhumation Studies Using Bayesian InferenceEGU25-16752 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2
Mesozoic to Cenozoic denudation and uplift process in Luxi Terrane, North China CratonEGU25-18329 | ECS | Posters on site | TS5.2
Deciphering the cooling history of the Sila Massif: Insights into the Calabrian Arc tectonic driversEGU25-19499 | ECS | Orals | TS5.2 | Highlight
Modelling central Nepal Himalayan tectonic from different temperature thermochronometersEGU25-978 | ECS | Orals | GD7.1
Host-inclusion mineral systems as a new probe for in situ mineral rheology at non-ambient conditionsEGU25-3065 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1
Modelling antigorite dehydration: links between reaction progress, deformation and stress field evolutionEGU25-3241 | Posters on site | GD7.1
Differential stress induced mineral replacement around strong clasts in a weak biotite matrixEGU25-3832 | Posters on site | GD7.1
Three-phase fluid flow in porous rocks during CO2 injection into reservoirsEGU25-5144 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1
On the role of transformation-induced physical changes on eclogite propagation: insights from thermo-mechanical numerical models.EGU25-5874 | Posters on site | GD7.1
Thermo-mechanical impacts of metamorphic transformations on rock deformationEGU25-6579 | Posters on site | GD7.1
Rapid Deformation-Induced Calcite Precipitation in Siltstone from IODP Hole U1581B, Transkei BasinEGU25-6924 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1
Partial melting and melt segregation in migmatites from the Southern margin of Velay dome (French Massif Central, Variscan belt).EGU25-12030 | Posters on site | GD7.1
Deep thermal field and rheology in different plate tectonic settingsEGU25-12977 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1
Reactive transport model for chemically driven rock (de)hydration in the LithosphereEGU25-15420 | Orals | GD7.1
Fluid induced partial melting as a cause for ultra-high-pressure metamorphismEGU25-15422 | Posters on site | GD7.1
Aqueous fluid speciation calculations with Thermolab for modelling open system processesEGU25-16518 | Posters on site | GD7.1
Thermodynamic modeling of multiphase thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical models with viscoelastoplastic rheologyEGU25-17255 | Posters on site | GD7.1
Chemical effect of differential stress and its implication on metamorphism and partial meltingEGU25-17901 | Posters on site | GD7.1
Role of visco-elasto-plastic deformation in localization of injection-induced microseismic responseEGU25-18320 | ECS | Orals | GD7.1
Hydromechanical modelling of poro-(visco-)elasto-plastic deformation and fluid flow localizationEGU25-18520 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1
Lithospheric Mantle Metasomatism by Reactive Hydrous InfiltrationEGU25-18932 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1
Numerical modeling and experimental validation of two-phase flow in porous media.EGU25-19147 | ECS | Posters on site | GD7.1
The Dynamics of Ophiolite Emplacement: Insights from Thermomechanical Modeling and Tethyan-Type OphiolitesTS6 – Intraplate Tectonics and Deformation unrelated to plate dynamics
EGU25-4943 | ECS | Posters on site | TS6.1
Dynamics of Large-Scale Strike-Slip Fault Formation: Microplate Capture During Subduction TerminationEGU25-4959 | Posters on site | TS6.1
Constraints on the Fate of Delaminated Lithosphere in the Upper and Mid‐MantleEGU25-5686 | ECS | Posters on site | TS6.1
Thermochemical structure of the Lithospheric mantle beneath the North China CratonEGU25-10227 | ECS | Posters on site | TS6.1
Decompression melting of a wet bi-lithologic mantle and its effects on density and viscosityEGU25-11066 | Orals | TS6.1
Geochemical snapshots of the North China Craton destruction: from mantle to crustEGU25-14184 | Orals | TS6.1
Modification of the Shallow Mantle Lithosphere during Craton DestructionEGU25-10015 | ECS | PICO | GD3.2
Clay-hematite Association in Late Paleoproterozoic Oolitic Ironstones of the North China CratonEGU25-10905 | ECS | PICO | GD3.2
Late Archaean basalts from the Yilgarn craton record evidence of thin lithosphere prior to cratonisationTS7 – Global and Planetary Tectonics and the evolution of the Earth
EGU25-219 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1
Intraplate episodic shortening within a subducting plate: the case of the central Syrian Arc Fold systemEGU25-665 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1
Evidence of blueschist facies shortening in the Jabal Akhdar tectonic window, northern OmanEGU25-3064 | Posters on site | GD5.1
Heterogeneous cooling subsidence of spreading oceans controlled by spreading rateEGU25-3086 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1
Transtensional Reactivation of Suture Zones: Insights from 3D Numerical Modelling of Pull-Apart BasinsEGU25-4084 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1
Linking arc migration, crustal thickness variation, and magmatism in the Early Cretaceous Sikhote–Alin accretionary orogen, NE AsiaEGU25-4287 | ECS | Orals | GD5.1
Impact of structural inheritance and mantle potential temperature on wide asymmetric riftsEGU25-4949 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1
Upper Plate Responses and Driving Mechanisms of the 'Tethys One-Way Train'EGU25-6706 | Posters on site | GD5.1
Evidence of oceanic plate delamination in the Northern AtlanticEGU25-7389 | Posters on site | GD5.1
Cluster analysis can identify differences in earthquake swarm patterns along the Mid-Atlantic RidgeEGU25-10759 | Posters on site | GD5.1
The Formation and Evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea: A 25-Year Aeromagnetic PerspectiveEGU25-12306 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1
Modes of collisional orogenic growth: forward, backward and thermally inducedEGU25-12313 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1
Quantifying super-continent evolution through Wilson cycle phases at global scaleEGU25-12508 | Posters on site | GD5.1
Evidence for onset of convergent tectonics within the Continent-Ocean Transition zones of the Atlantic rifted marginsEGU25-13024 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1
Exploring the opening of the Arctic Ocean using lithospheric numerical modellingEGU25-13028 | Posters on site | GD5.1
Along Strike Variation of Magmatic Addition on the Austral South Atlantic Rifted MarginsEGU25-13089 | Posters on site | GD5.1
A slab’s journey from subduction to collision: Lithospheric structure of Myanmar from finite-frequency tomographyEGU25-13146 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1
Syn-rift magmatism and spreading initiation controlled by rift obliquity: insights from 3D thermo-mechanical modelling and observationsEGU25-14447 | ECS | Posters on site | GD5.1
Paleozoic amalgamation of the Chinese Altai and East Junggar: Insight from the anatomy of Erqis tectonic beltTS8 – Applied structural geology and interdisciplinary approaches
EGU25-3498 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1
Thermal and Mechanical Controls on Pacific Plate Flexure under Seamount LoadingEGU25-3527 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1
Critical crustal thickness as a reference tectonic state: a global perspectiveEGU25-6868 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1
Minimum amount of stress magnitude data for reliable geomechanical modellingEGU25-8213 | Orals | TS8.1 | Highlight
Large-scale 3D structural geological models in alpine regions: impact and societal utilities.EGU25-8735 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1
Less is more: Weakly supervised interpolation using geological neural fieldsEGU25-9032 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1
What’s the top hat there? - A method for the quantification and comparison of subsurface bodiesEGU25-9583 | Posters on site | TS8.1
Impact of resolution and finite element type in geomechanical-numerical modellingEGU25-9746 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1
(Auto) Differentiating geology: Geological modelling with random Fourier features and neural fieldsEGU25-10078 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1
Global Sensitivity Analysis to Improve Geomechanical Stress Characterizations Using Physics-Based Machine Learning ModelsEGU25-10251 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1
The Role of Faults in Shaping Present-Day Stress Fields: Implications for 3D Subsurface Models.EGU25-11287 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1
Three-Dimensional Modeling of Geological Bodies Using Radial Basis Function with External Drift FunctionEGU25-14135 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1
The Franconian Platform in Northern Bavaria, Germany – A Drone supported, large Scale 3D Fault ModelEGU25-15638 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1
SpannEnD 2.0 – Improved present-day stress prediction of Germany by a new 3D geomechanical-numerical modelEGU25-16273 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1
AI-Driven PZero Modeling: Enhanced Seismic Data Loading, Grid Section Management, and Automated Interpretation with Sobel, A* Pathfinding, and SAM2EGU25-16567 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1
Building a geological legend for 3D geomodelling in metamorphic beltsEGU25-17387 | ECS | Orals | TS8.1
From layer-cake models to complex subsurface structures: a flexible transdimensional inversion approachEGU25-18975 | ECS | Posters on site | TS8.1
An open-source toolbox for 3D geological modelling in QGISEGU25-523 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3
Effect of a partial melting on the development of ore-forming fluid: a case study from the Varena Iron Ore Deposit, SE LithuaniaEGU25-822 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3
Reactive Transport Numerical Modeling of Gold Precipitation and Enrichment of Granite-Hosted Gold DepositEGU25-2020 | ECS | Orals | GMPV5.3 | Highlight
The significance of lunar glass beads for future resource exploration revealed by Chang'e-5 samplesEGU25-3647 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3
Mechanisms to create stratiform mineralization in sedimentary rocks through hydrothermal processesEGU25-8749 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3
Evolution of transient permeability and fluid flow in disseminated ores of Zaozigou orogenic gold depositEGU25-13949 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV5.3
Reappraisal of arsenic-gold interaction in pyrite: insights from ab initio simulationsEGU25-21371 | ECS | Orals | GMPV5.3
The influence of extensional strain rates, crustal melting and drainage on rare-metal mineralizationEGU25-2742 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2
Numerical investigation of thermohaline convection in fractured-porous media near salt domes: the fractured salt chimney problemEGU25-8308 | Posters on site | ERE5.2
Faults in geomechanical models – Necessary, nice, or nonsense?EGU25-8404 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2
Multidisciplinary characterization of a complex fault zone in crystalline basement rockEGU25-8886 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2
Advancing CO₂ Storage Analysis in Fractured Rocks with Discrete Fracture Network ModelsEGU25-11332 | Posters on site | ERE5.2
The equivalent Biot coefficient reveals the effects of heterogeneity on the Hydro-Mechanical behavior of fractured rocksEGU25-12950 | Posters on site | ERE5.2
An experimental apparatus to investigate fluid-assisted long-term recovery of fractured rocksEGU25-13175 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2
Fracture Network Variability in Granite: Insights from Wilsons Promontory, Southeast AustraliaEGU25-14719 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2
Fracture Propagation Dynamics Predicted by Data-model-interactive Neural Proxy ModelEGU25-16743 | Posters on site | ERE5.2
Comparing the impact of deterministic and stochastic fracture networks on modelling hydraulic propertiesEGU25-16786 | Posters on site | ERE5.2
How Good is Your Fracture Model? Evaluating Human Biases and Uncertainty in Geoscientific InterpretationsEGU25-17127 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE5.2
Structural control on silicification and hypogenic karst: insights from Morro Vermelho cave, Irecê Basin, BrazilEGU25-19549 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.2
Time-lapse seismic properties of CO2-filled fault zones: Field observationsEGU25-1857 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1
A Multi-Scale Framework for Evaluating Hydrogen Generation in Serpentinization SettingsEGU25-2903 | Posters on site | GD6.1
The importance of geodynamic settings and exploring for geothermal energyEGU25-3033 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1
Geometry and Kinematics of the Hormuz Salt in the United Arab Emirates: The Jebel Al Dhanna Salt DomeEGU25-3694 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1
The enigmatic role of cratons in Zn-Pb deposit formation during continental riftingEGU25-4193 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1
Geodynamic controls on the geothermal potential in the Upper Rhine Graben, France-Germany: a multi-scale numerical modelling approachEGU25-8201 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1
Influence of Intra-Salt Lithological Variability on Salt Tectonics: A numerical modelling approachEGU25-8374 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1
Exploration of “fairy circles” associated with natural hydrogen seepages with synthetic aperture radar interferometry and backscatter analysisEGU25-8941 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1
Geological characterization of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin geothermal system: new insights from structural and stratigraphic analysesEGU25-9147 | Posters on site | GD6.1
Thermal state of La Palma (Canary Islands) from a data-integrative approachEGU25-10972 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1
Fault-hosted hot springs of the Rhône Valley in the context of varying regional-scale neotectonicsEGU25-12600 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1
Isotopic Insights into the Origins of N₂-H₂-CH₄ emanations in the New Caledonia OphioliteEGU25-14781 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1
Geodynamic Heterogeneity in Back Arc Basins: Implications for Heat Flow Distribution and Geothermal Energy Potential.EGU25-16903 | Orals | GD6.1
Natural hydrogen exploration: it is quite different from looking for hydrocarbonsEGU25-19413 | Posters on site | GD6.1
Geophysical and Geotechnical offshore studies: pioneering contribution to shape Portugal’s wind farm strategyEGU25-19524 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1
Improved global sedimentary and crustal thickness constraints: Implications for dynamic topography and geothermal resource assessmentEGU25-20357 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1
Surface geochemistry: from oil and gas exploration to natural hydrogen seepsTS9 – General Topics in Tectonics and Structural Geology
EGU25-1511 | ECS | Orals | ESSI3.3
A workflow for cloud-based and HPC simulations with the NEMO ocean model using containersEGU25-2142 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
Enhancing Data Provenance in Workflow Management: Integrating FAIR Principles into Autosubmit and SUNSETEGU25-4355 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
Generic State Vector: streaming and accessing high resolution climate data from models to end usersEGU25-5593 | Orals | ESSI3.3
How openEO standardizes workflows for scalable and reusable EO data analysisEGU25-6216 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
CAMELS-PLUS: Enhancing Hydrological Data Through FAIR Innovations.EGU25-6544 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
PyActiveStorage: Efficient distributed data analysis using Active Storage for HDF5/NetCDF4EGU25-7056 | Orals | ESSI3.3
Reliable and reproducible Earth System Model data analysis with ESMValToolEGU25-7070 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
EarthCODE - a FAIR and Open Environment for collaborative research in Earth System ScienceEGU25-8305 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
Enabling reliable workflow development with an advanced Testing SuiteEGU25-8621 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
Auto-EC-Earth: An automatic workflow to manage climate modelling experiments using AutosubmitEGU25-9175 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
Enhancing Earth system models efficiency: Leveraging the Automatic Performance Profiling toolEGU25-9791 | Orals | ESSI3.3
Reproducing computational processes in service-based geo-simulation experimentsEGU25-11937 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
DAM2 — A Scalable and Compliant Solution for Managing enriched Infrared images as FAIR Research DataEGU25-13604 | ECS | Orals | ESSI3.3
Streamlining configurations of process-based models through extensible and free workflowsEGU25-18040 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
Workflows for numerical reproducibility in the OceanVar data assimilation modelEGU25-18890 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
Research data management for numerical simulations in Earth-System ScienceEGU25-19655 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
Multi-faceted habitat connectivity: how to orchestrate remote sensing with citizen science data?EGU25-21553 | Posters on site | ESSI3.3
European Digital Twin of the Ocean: the integration with EuroHPC platforms