VPS – Virtual poster sessions

EGU25-6859 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Climate change and digital communication: teens’ preferences 

Maria Teresa Carone and Loredana Antronico

Human perception is strongly influenced by communication. In the context of natural hazards, perception plays a crucial role in the resilience of affected populations. This is particularly true for people's perceptions of phenomena related to climate change (CC). Given this, it is essential to effectively calibrate communication, especially digital communication, which has significantly transformed how information is shared. Moreover, digital communication is the primary channel for younger generations, often labeled “digital natives.” However, the preferences of young people regarding digital communication tools have not been sufficiently explored.

In this study, in the framework of the Italian NRRP Tech4You Project, we examine the digital communication tools preferred by students from an Italian scientific high school. A questionnaire was administered to 74 students, asking them to select from various digital communication tools related to CC topics. Additionally, an open-ended question encouraged the students to explain their choices briefly. The communication preferences were analyzed via SPSS statistical software, whereas the comments were analyzed via the qualitative data analysis software AtlasTi.

The results highlight a preference for communication that is concise, simple, and similar to the content young people usually engage in. With respect to the proposed content, videos and images are preferred over explicating texts. These findings, which shed light on students' preferences for internet digital tools related to CC, offer valuable insights for better calibrating digital communication in the field of climate change adaptation (CCA), which involves young citizens.

This study provides a good basis for enhancing young people's access to information through digital communication, which could significantly improve their social resilience to CC-related events. This improvement is crucial, as the information of today's youth contributes to building more resilient adult citizens in the future.

This work was funded by the Next Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of ‘Innovation Ecosystems’, building ‘Territorial R&D Leaders’ (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277) – project Tech4You - Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009

How to cite: Carone, M. T. and Antronico, L.: Climate change and digital communication: teens’ preferences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6859, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6859, 2025.

EGU25-7680 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Integrating disciplines and stakeholders to address climate change challenges 

Iuna Tsyrulneva, Hie Lim Kim, Steve H.L. Yim, Shirley S. Ho, and Benjamin P. Horton

Universities are critical in addressing scientific, environmental, social, and political challenges of climate change. But solving the many problems associated with this grand challenge requires: (1) an interdisciplinary approach connecting university experts from various knowledge domains and organizations; (2) synergy with stakeholders for developing and deploying actionable solutions to adapting to the climate crisis; and (3) communicating research deliverables to the public to inform the adoption of climate-friendly behavior.

Here, we examine the Climate Transformation Programme (CTP) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as a case study in interdisciplinary research, evidence-based policymaking, and stakeholder engagement for climate action in Southeast Asia. The CTP framework integrates expertise from science, technology, social sciences, and the arts and translates it into actionable items for decision-makers through a three-fold stakeholder engagement approach. This strategy includes engagement with government agencies, industry partners, and community groups.

To highlight the importance of an interdisciplinary approach within CTP, Kim et al. (2023) combined whole-genome sequencing with reconstructions of landscape change of Southeast Asia[1]. We showed that rapid sea-level rise drove early settlers in Southeast Asia to migrate during the prehistoric period. Our work was the first reported instance to provide proof that sea-level rise changed the genetic makeup of human populations in Southeast Asia – a legacy that continues to impact current populations, affecting the genetic diversity of the region today.

Through the CTP corporate partners network, researchers establish mutually beneficial alliances with businesses committed to developing long-term resilience to the climate crisis. To support the adoption of context-appropriate and feedback-driven climate solutions, partnerships with governmental and international organizations should be fostered. For example, Yim et al. (2024) estimated the global health impacts of air pollution over the past 40 years and its association with climate variability[2]. We revealed that 135 million premature deaths were attributable to PM2.5 air pollution during this period, with climate variability exacerbating health risks. This research was recognized at the 2024 World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting and is employed in partnership with Prudential Insurance Company to assess health impact on individuals of Southeast Asia.

Effective climate communication is key to mobilizing the public to adopt pro-climate behaviors. Using plastic waste as an example, Xiong et al. (2024) investigated if virtual reality (VR) is a viable tool that could overcome several challenges facing climate communication[3]. Our finding indicates policymakers could adopt VR technologies to increase public members’ interest in learning about climate issues. In designing pro-climate behavioral interventions, policymakers should focus on facilitating individuals’ autonomous motivation by giving them a sense of control.

[1] Kim, H.L., Li, T., Kalsi, N. et al. (2023) Prehistoric human migration between Sundaland and South Asia was driven by sea-level rise. Commun Biol 6, 150. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-023-04510-0

[2] Yim, S. H. L., Li, Y., et al. (2024). Global health impacts of ambient fine particulate pollution associated with climate variability. Environment International, 186, 108587. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2024.108587

[3] Xiong, S. R., Ho, S. S., et al. (2024). Virtual Environment, Real Impacts: A Self-determination Perspective on the use of Virtual Reality for Pro-environmental Behavior Interventions. Environmental Communication, 18(5), 628–647. https://doi.org/10.1080/17524032.2024.2361270

How to cite: Tsyrulneva, I., Kim, H. L., Yim, S. H. L., Ho, S. S., and Horton, B. P.: Integrating disciplines and stakeholders to address climate change challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7680, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7680, 2025.

Etna's eastern flank is crossed by numerous seismogenic faults, which cause surface faulting, resulting in the destruction of buildings and exposing the local population to risk. Rebuilding damaged buildings in earthquake-prone areas raises ethical and economic concerns. A seismic event measuring Mw4.9 occurred on 26 December 2018, causing significant damage to over 3,000 buildings within an area of 205 km² populated by approximately 140,000 individuals residing on the Etna's eastern flank. The earthquake resulted in a ground rupture exceeding ten kilometres, encompassing several urban areas. Consequently, it was imperative to conduct a preliminary geostructural study to ascertain the most vulnerable tectonic zones and upgrade targeted buildings. The study identified the homogeneous microzones in seismic prospection, namely the Zones of Attention (ZAACF), Susceptibility (ZSACF) and Respect (ZRACF) of the faults activated during the 2018 earthquake. Buildings in the ZRACF were not permitted to be repaired because they were at serious risk of future damage, and owners were offered financial compensation to rebuild in seismically safer areas. Initially, some people demonstrated reluctance to accept the proposed relocation. Empathy and clear explanations regarding the rationale for the relocation were provided, and the provision of comprehensive support to people facing significant psychological challenges was identified as being necessary. This approach is currently being implemented in the reconstruction of other seismic areas in Italy, and it has the potential to become a common and sustainable model for the reconstruction of areas affected by natural disasters.

How to cite: Neri, M., Neri, E., and Leonardi, A.: Geoethical principles applied to the reconstruction planning of natural disasters: the Etna 2018 earthquake case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9411, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9411, 2025.

EGU25-17453 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Utilizing Urban Microclimate Data in Education and Research  

Natalia Korhonen, Mikko Laapas, Thomas Kühn, Pentti Pirinen, Anna Luomaranta, Eeva Kuntsi-Reunanen, Andrea Vajda, and Hilppa Gregow

In the TAPSI project (Localised climate service for Finland, https://www.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/tapsi), new services are being developed to deliver more regionally specific climate information and climate risk indicators, aiming to support climate change adaptation and awareness across Finland.

As part of the TAPSI project, urban measurement networks are being planned and established in four Finnish cities: Tampere, Helsinki, Rovaniemi, and Oulu. Since November 2024, air temperature and relative humidity have been continuously measured at 30 monitoring stations across Helsinki (area ~200 km²), with sensors positioned at a height of 3 meters. These measurements provide an opportunity to explore urban microclimates, enabling students and researchers to investigate the interactions between local urban structures and atmospheric conditions. Combined with other existing measurements, the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) methods, and the integration of environmental and regional datasets, these data enable more precise analyses. Such analyses can, for instance, be used to provide residential area-specific warnings about the dangers of heatwaves.

During spring 2025, within the Carbon Busters project (https://www.metropolia.fi/fi/tutkimus-kehitys-ja-innovaatiot/hankkeet/carbon-busters), this urban climate dataset of Helsinki is going to be utilized to educate students of the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences on the specifics of urban climatology. The dataset facilitates two key areas of inquiry. First, it enables the analysis of spatial temperature variations between densely built-up areas and greener, park-like regions. By correlating these observations with prevailing synoptic weather conditions, students can gain insights into the factors driving regional temperature differences. This includes making the environmental impacts on urban temperature visible, particularly highlighting the roles of green spaces and water bodies in influencing local temperatures and raising awareness of their benefits. Second, we employ kriging interpolation techniques to generate high-resolution (100 m x 100 m) gridded temperature maps from the station measurements. This approach not only enhances our understanding of spatial temperature distribution but also serves as a valuable tool for visualizing and communicating urban climate dynamics to diverse audiences.

Through our efforts, we aim to bridge the gap between scientific data and educational practice, empowering students to engage with authentic datasets and fostering critical thinking about urban climate issues. 

This work is part of the following projects: Carbon Busters funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council (project number R-00246), TAPSI (Localised climate service for Finland) funded by LocalTapiola (https://www.lahitapiola.fi/en/), and ACCC (Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center, Flagship Grant No. 337552) funded by the Research Council of Finland. 

How to cite: Korhonen, N., Laapas, M., Kühn, T., Pirinen, P., Luomaranta, A., Kuntsi-Reunanen, E., Vajda, A., and Gregow, H.: Utilizing Urban Microclimate Data in Education and Research , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17453, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17453, 2025.

EGU25-18727 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Climate competencies for real-life action: developing a master level course "Living with changing climate" 

Antti Mäkelä, Hilppa Gregow, Andrea Vajda, Natalia Korhonen, Jari Lavonen, Katja Lauri, Risto Makkonen, Joonas Merikanto, Petri Räisänen, Joula Siponen, Veli-Matti Vesterinen, Ilona Ylivinkka, Laura Riuttanen, Andrea Böhnisch, and Eeva Kuntsi-Reunanen

In order to effectively mitigate, adapt to and benefit from climate change, society needs climate expertise. To enhance professional climate action competencies and to educate students in climate-informed decision making a new master-level course, "Living with changing climate" was developed. This course was created by a multidisciplinary team of experts from the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (UH-INAR), the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Helsinki, as part of the ClimComp-project funded by the Research Council of Finland.

Designed for an online learning platform, the course is part of the Climate University curriculum. Climate University (www.climateuniversity.fi), a network of higher education institutions in Finland that provides climate and sustainability education in collaboration with schools and working life. The "Living with changing climate" course covers the causes and complexity of climate change, its impacts and adaptation needs, future scenarios and their links to mitigation efforts, and acquaints students with open-source weather and climate data, applications and their use, and the principles of climate services. Additionally, students apply the knowledge gained in project work on a real-life example, enabling them to collaborate with stakeholders. The course was piloted during spring 2023 among a group of students with diverse background. Based on the feedback received, the course material was improved and published in the curriculum in autumn 2023. The design and development process of the course, including the challenges encountered, and lessons learned are presented.

How to cite: Mäkelä, A., Gregow, H., Vajda, A., Korhonen, N., Lavonen, J., Lauri, K., Makkonen, R., Merikanto, J., Räisänen, P., Siponen, J., Vesterinen, V.-M., Ylivinkka, I., Riuttanen, L., Böhnisch, A., and Kuntsi-Reunanen, E.: Climate competencies for real-life action: developing a master level course "Living with changing climate", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18727, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18727, 2025.

EGU25-20205 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Climate Services for Risk Reduction in Africa (CS4RRA): a multilateral initiative between Europe and Africa 

Patrick Monfray, Kehinde Ogunjobi, Safiétou Sanfo, Julia Roehrig, Andreas Fink, Cheikh Kane, Melaine Sama, Benjamin Sultan, Komi Agboka, Taofic Abdel Alabi, Mamadou Cherif, Amadou Thierno Gaye, William Amponsah, and Adjara Dindane

The West African countries share a myriad of challenges, including environmental degradation, desertification, enhanced rainfall variability, unprecedented heat waves, floodings and declining agricultural productivity. The accelerated climate change along with other global change stressors like population growth and rapid urbanization contributes to land degradation, chronic poverty, food insecurity, and malnutrition.

To address these challenges, the Climate Services for Risk Reduction in Africa (CS4RRA) was initiated by France and Germany through their ministries of higher education and research (MESR and BMBF respectively), with West African regional and national institutions such as ACMAD, AGRHYMET/CILSS, WASCAL, African Centres of Excellence, Universities, National Governmental Services in West Africa with the aim to enhance climate resilience through Knowledge, Innovation, and Capacity Building (KIC). This initiative is built on the achievements of previous EU and AU programmes (H2020, JPI Climate/SINCERE, Copernicus CCS, ERA4CS, Climate-KIC, etc.). Four hybrid webinars (in-person and online), rooted in West African countries, were held to identify gaps and critical issues in climate services for risk reduction in Africa.

To capitalize on such Webinars Forum, CS4RRA culminated in an international Stocktaking Conference for West Africa, on 5 - 6 November 2024. Building on conclusions and recommendations from the webinars and aiming to address gaps in knowledge, innovation, and capacity development, this conference convened policymakers and representatives of governments, academia, donors, international agencies, and various stakeholders of the climate service value chain together in Africa. The main objective was to agree on the identified necessary research and innovation efforts and to address the corresponding funding gaps. This conference examined potential areas for multilateral cooperation to support research and innovation on climate services for risk management, resilience, and adaptation in West Africa and beyond. 

How to cite: Monfray, P., Ogunjobi, K., Sanfo, S., Roehrig, J., Fink, A., Kane, C., Sama, M., Sultan, B., Agboka, K., Alabi, T. A., Cherif, M., Gaye, A. T., Amponsah, W., and Dindane, A.: Climate Services for Risk Reduction in Africa (CS4RRA): a multilateral initiative between Europe and Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20205, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20205, 2025.

 Generative AI is radically affecting the teaching landscape in Earth Sciences, which includes evertyhting from essays to coding. Staff have a variety of approaches, ranging from enthusiastic early adopters to 'head-in-the-sand' 'if I don't look at it it won't exist' wishful thinkers. How can we best help everyone learn about the pitfalls and advantages, so they are informed enough to use it correctly if they wish to? This abstract will cover reflections from teaching staff along their journey to integrating generative AI into teaching practice and describe workshops held to integrate staff with different levels of experience. The goal was to give beginners a supported first taste with signposted development resources, and share ideas and methods and resources for the more advanced users.

How to cite: Petrie, E.: Reflecting on the journey towards integrating Generative AI into understanding and practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20328, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20328, 2025.

EGU25-20776 | Posters virtual | VPS1

Outdoor education for rehabilitation of a river 

Alice Severi

The city of Follonica is an energy community and the high school is involved in the "Pecora River Agreement", a local project whose aim is to redevelop the river ecosystem.

Outdoor education is a method that encourages students to be active participants and become citizens aware of the importance of environmental protection.

Students have projected a study (using IBSE method) of the polluted area around the river. The city's history is studied, using local library, showing its importance in climate, the changes in the water regime, and the shape of the river during the XX century.

The environmental situation is measured through chemical and physical parameters of the water, soil texture, quality indicators of soil (analysis of soil fauna), and water (Extended Biotic Index).


The digital products are: a website, some reports, and an interactive map of the river.

School has communicated the situation to the local authorities as a part of the Agreement, moreover, students make proposals: plants on the riverbank, activities to sensitize the local community, and monitoring through an ecological index for the future of the city

How to cite: Severi, A.: Outdoor education for rehabilitation of a river, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20776, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20776, 2025.

EGU25-56 | Posters virtual | VPS2

Links between the Indian Ocean Dipole and Persistent Dry Spells in the Eastern Mediterranean Winter 

Sigalit Berkovic and Assaf Hochman

Persistent Dry Spells (PDS) during winter in the eastern Mediterranean are crucial to understanding the regional challenges of water resources and mitigating agricultural and economic impacts. Winter dry spells significantly affect ecosystem stability, public health, and socioeconomic conditions in a region susceptible to climate variability. Therefore, extending the forecast horizon of these extreme weather events to subseasonal time scales is a key challenge. With this aim, we examine the covariability of the sea surface temperature of the Indian Ocean and Persistent Dry Spells during winter over the eastern Mediterranean. The positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) phase alters global circulation patterns, notably increasing the geopotential height at 500 hPa and the sea-level pressure over western Russia, eastern Europe, and the eastern Mediterranean during PDS events. Concurrently, the positive IOD phase enhances moisture fluxes and decreases sea level pressure and geopotential height at 500 hPa in the Western Mediterranean, suggesting increased cyclonic activity in that region. This type of activity probably influences the formation of PDS in the eastern Mediterranean through latent heating and the formation of ridges downstream of the cyclones. The baroclinic, subtropical, and polar regimes are large-scale synoptic regimes alternately prevailing during PDS events. Changes due to the DMI phase are not identical under these regimes and sometimes have opposite trends. The baroclinic regime is the most frequent regime during PDS events. Consequently, the average changes in pressure intensity during PDS events strongly resemble those during baroclinic days. Positive DMI case studies exemplify the effect of these large-scale regimes. We provide evidence for a link between the positive phase of IOD in December and the frequency of longer (> 15 days) PDS events. The normalized frequencies of persistent 15-20-day events under the positive dipole mode index (DMI) are ~ 2% higher than the frequency of negative DMI. The frequencies of 6-7 day events are ~20% lower. Finally, we emphasize the sensitivity of persistent dry spells during winter to event definition, the chosen precipitation data source, and threshold definitions for climate indices. These considerations are essential for improving the accuracy of regional weather and climate predictions, further enhancing our understanding of the climatic impacts of IOD and other teleconnection patterns in the eastern Mediterranean and worldwide.

How to cite: Berkovic, S. and Hochman, A.: Links between the Indian Ocean Dipole and Persistent Dry Spells in the Eastern Mediterranean Winter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-56, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-56, 2025.

Quantifying uncertainties is a key aspect of data assimilation systems since it has a large impact on the quality of the forecasts and analyses. Sequential data assimilation algorithms, such as the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), describe the model and observation errors as additive Gaussian noises and use both inflation and localization to avoid filter degeneracy and compensate for misspecifications. This introduces different stochastic parameters which need to be carefully estimated in order to get a reliable estimate of the latent state of the system. A classical approach to estimate unknown parameters in data assimilation consists in using state-augmentation, where the unknown parameters are included in the latent space and are updated at each iteration of the EnKF. However, it is well-known that this approach is not efficient to estimate stochastic parameters because of the complex (non-Gaussian and non-linear) relationship between the observations and the stochastic parameters which can not be handled by the EnKF. A natural alternative for non-Gaussian and non-linear state-space models is to use a particle filter (PF), but this algorithm fails to estimate high-dimensional systems due to the curse of dimensionality. The strengths of these two methods are gathered in the proposed algorithm, where the PF first generates the particles that estimate the stochastic parameters, then using the mean particle the EnKF generates the members that estimate the geophysical variables. This generic method is first detailed for the estimation of parameters related to the model or observation error and then for the joint estimation of inflation and localization parameters. Numerical experiments are performed using the Lorenz-96 model to compare our approach with state-of-the-art methods. The results show the ability of the new method to retrieve the geophysical state and to estimate online time-dependent stochastic parameters. The algorithm can be easily built from an existing EnKF with low additional cost and without further running the dynamical model. 

How to cite: Guillot, J.: State and Stochastic Parameters Estimation with Combined Ensemble Kalman and Particle Filters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-125, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-125, 2025.

EGU25-243 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Envisioning the Role of Physics-Informed Neural Networks in Atmospheric Science: Advancements, Challenges, and Future Prospects 

Johanne Ayeley Ekue, Desmond Hammond, and Ebenezer Agyei-Yeboah

Since the inception of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) by Raissi et al. in 2019, it has been seen as a promising approach to outperform conventional algorithms in terms of computational efficiency, reduced costs, and improved prediction accuracy, especially in small data regimes.PINNs incorporate known physical governing equations in the form of partial differential equations (PDEs) or ordinary differential equations (ODEs) into neural networks, and occasionally the governing equations are derived from observational or simulated data, allowing PINNs to address specific atmospheric systems.Moreover, depending on the problem being solved, most work adds the physical constraints directly into the loss or cost function, while others enhance performance using modified architectures or preprocessing techniques.In the realm of atmospheric sciences, challenges remain, including a heavy reliance on simulated data and limited use of observational datasets, which does not show the real-world applicability of PINNs. A detailed review of available results shows critical gaps in scalability, hybrid data integration, and standardization in atmospheric science.We identified a hybrid methodology by combining simulated and observational data, which includes optimizing hybrid loss functions to balance physics-based and observational accuracy, applying adaptive training techniques, and standardizing preprocessing schemes to handle multi-scale atmospheric phenomena.Results demonstrate the ability of PINNs to deliver faster computation, enhanced prediction accuracy, and robustness in sparse data environments. This highlights the transformative advantages of PINNs over traditional methods and suggests future directions for leveraging their capabilities in atmospheric science applications.

How to cite: Ekue, J. A., Hammond, D., and Agyei-Yeboah, E.: Envisioning the Role of Physics-Informed Neural Networks in Atmospheric Science: Advancements, Challenges, and Future Prospects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-243, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-243, 2025.

EGU25-888 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Evaluation of Vertically Integrated Liquid Water Content in Indian Summer Monsoon Clouds Using Dual-Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar 

Albin Sabu, Hamid Ali Syed, Someshwar Das, Subrat Kumar Panda, Devesh Sharma, and Jayanti Pal

Accurate evaluation of cloud microphysical variables is essential for improving cloud parameterization and weather forecasting. However, obtaining high-resolution, spatially and temporally extensive observation dataset remains a challenge due to the limitations of in situ measurements. Therefore, this study addresses this gap by assessing existing equations for estimating vertically integrated liquid water content (VIL, kg/m²) from liquid water content (LWC, g/m3) using C-band dual-polarised doppler weather radar (DWR) data from IMD Jaipur station over 78 deep convective summer monsoon days in the years 2020-2022. A long-term climatological study (2003-2023) of total column cloud liquid water (TCCLW, kg/m2) from ERA5, liquid water cloud water content (LWCP, kg/m2) from MODIS and rainfall data from IMD, IMERG, and GPCP datasets is also performed. VIL is computed as the vertical integral of LWC across atmospheric layers using four reflectivity-LWC (Z-LWC) relationships and one reflectivity-differential reflectivity (Z, ZDR-LWC) relationship from existing literature. The performance of each equation is evaluated by comparing radar-derived VIL with satellite-derived parameters like MODIS cloud liquid water path (LWP, kg/m2) and TCCLW. The results show that VIL values increase with rainfall intensity and cloud vertical height, leading to higher estimation errors. Among the equations tested, the hybrid ZDR-based equation consistently demonstrated superior performance, particularly during high-intensity rainfall events, with lower root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) values which also captured more detailed spatial patterns of liquid water distribution and reduced bias, making it the most reliable estimator. Despite some limitations, such as beam blockage and slight spatial shifts due to interpolation, the study highlights the advantages of incorporating polarimetric radar products for VIL estimation. These findings provide a foundation for improving real-time precipitation forecasts and understanding cloud microphysics, with future work aimed at refining the methodology by addressing data gaps and enhancing cloud-type-specific estimators.

How to cite: Sabu, A., Syed, H. A., Das, S., Panda, S. K., Sharma, D., and Pal, J.: Evaluation of Vertically Integrated Liquid Water Content in Indian Summer Monsoon Clouds Using Dual-Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-888, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-888, 2025.

EGU25-1073 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Building Equitable Air Quality Networks: Low-Cost Sensors and Community-Led Monitoring in Dublin 

Harish Daruari, Saul Crowley, Chiara Cocco, and José P. Gómez Barrón

Air quality monitoring remains a significant challenge in urban areas, particularly where high-cost infrastructure is unavailable or difficult to maintain. Traditional monitoring systems are often limited in scope due to expense and logistical constraints, leading to data gaps, especially in resource-constrained environments. Low-cost air quality sensors have the potential to transform environmental monitoring by providing accessible, affordable tools for collecting air quality data, especially in urban settings. As part of the SCORE project, a low-cost sensor system was developed to support real-time air quality monitoring across European cities. These sensors provide a more granular understanding of air pollution trends, making air quality data collection both scalable and accessible to a wider range of stakeholders, including local communities. This presentation will highlight the deployment of these sensors in Dublin, Ireland, where they have been successfully integrated into citizen science initiatives, enabling communities to actively participate in environmental data collection and contribute to air quality management.

Ensuring data accuracy and reliability is a key challenge in the use of low-cost sensors. We will examine the technical challenges of deploying low-cost sensors, such as calibration, accuracy, and long-term reliability in small-scale urban environments. The presentation will also discuss strategies for integrating sensor data into authoritative air quality monitoring networks to enhance overall data quality and spatial coverage.

In Dublin, the citizen science air quality initiative has built strong connections between local communities, researchers and policymakers. This collaboration exemplifies how co-created initiatives, backed by accessible technology, can empower citizens and bridge the gap between public engagement and formal policy processes. The outcomes of the Dublin case study suggest broader applicability for the SCORE model in other cities facing similar air quality challenges. By offering a replicable and scalable solution, low-cost sensors provide an affordable alternative to high-end monitoring stations, enabling resource-limited municipalities to expand their air quality infrastructure. The project demonstrates how engaging local communities in the data collection process can foster long-term, sustainable environmental stewardship. These insights underscore the importance of equitable partnerships between citizens, researchers, and governments in tackling air pollution, particularly in cities where financial or technical constraints have traditionally limited comprehensive air quality monitoring.

How to cite: Daruari, H., Crowley, S., Cocco, C., and Barrón, J. P. G.: Building Equitable Air Quality Networks: Low-Cost Sensors and Community-Led Monitoring in Dublin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1073, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1073, 2025.

EGU25-1542 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Rainfall Prediction using Hybrid CNN-LSTM approach: A case study in the Boudh district, Odisha, India 

Sandeep Samantaray, Abinash Sahoo, and Deba P Satapathy

The forecast of monthly rainfall is a significant topic for water resource management and hydrological disaster prevention. A critical need for precise hydrological forecasts in water resource management is addressed in this study by analyzing machine learning (ML) models for precipitation forecasting in the Boudh district of Odisha, India. Although machine learning (ML) models have demonstrated significant promise in rainfall forecasting due to their high performance, often surpassing that of certain physical models, the intricate physical processes involved in rainfall creation mean that a single ML model is typically insufficient to provide reliable rainfall projections. A thorough set of meteorological parameters, including precipitation wind speed, temperature, and humidity, are utilized to create four distinct models: Support Vector Regression (SVR), long and short memory neural networks (LSTM), Bi-LSTM and Convolutional neural network with LSTM (CNN-LSTM). The performance of these models is thoroughly assessed utilizing a range of evaluation metrics. In this work, the correlations between precipitation and climate factors are assessed using the cross-correlation function (XCF). With maxima consistently reported during months across all four sites, the XCF analysis shows a number of significant trends, including a strong correlation amid precipitation and maximum temperature. Moreover, precipitation is significantly correlated with wind speed and relative humidity. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of hybridized ML techniques in raising the precision of precipitation forecasts. The CNN-LSTM models, which have R2 values between 0.93 and 0.97, generally perform better. Their remarkable accuracy highlights their efficacy in precipitation forecasting, outperforming rival models during both training and testing. These findings have important ramifications for hydrological processes, particularly in Odisha's Boudh region, where sustainable water resources management depends on precise precipitation forecasting.

How to cite: Samantaray, S., Sahoo, A., and Satapathy, D. P.: Rainfall Prediction using Hybrid CNN-LSTM approach: A case study in the Boudh district, Odisha, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1542, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1542, 2025.

EGU25-2672 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23

Genesis, structure and propagation of synoptic systems over the Indian Ocean during the Northeast Monsoon  

Shrutee Jalan, Jai Sukhatme, and Ashwin Seshadri

The Northeast Monsoon (NEM) in South Asia, occurring from October to January, plays a pivotal role in precipitation, often giving rise to extreme weather events. This study aims to elucidate the diverse synoptic systems responsible for rainfall during the NEM and track their origins. Specifically, using a synoptic system tracking algorithm, we identify and characterise the genesis locations, propagation, and structures of these synoptic systems.  

Our findings reveal a seasonally evolving latitude dependence in genesis locations, with a bimodal distribution that shifts southwards and becomes more meridionally confined as the season progresses. These genesis locations coincide with regions of high relative vorticity and column-integrated Moist Static Energy (MSE).  Based on the pressure level at which maximum vorticity is observed at genesis, we classify these systems into three categories: Lower Tropospheric Cyclones (LTCs), Mid-Tropospheric Cyclones (MTCs), and Upper Tropospheric Cyclones (UTCs).  Each category exhibits an evolving preference for genesis location, generally evolving southwards and eastwards, as the season advances. The UTCs are further categorised into two subtypes: one forming near the equator (up to 15°N/S) and another of subtropical origin (poleward of 15°N/S). Composites of near-equatorial UTCs display westward tilt with height, warm temperature anomalies at upper levels, and cold anomaly below, with vorticity maximum near 400 mb. This structure resembles that of MTCs, which exhibit a similar westward tilt and warm-over-cold core structure, but with maximum vorticity near 600 mb. In contrast, LTCs exhibit an upright structure with a warm core aloft and vorticity maximum centred around 800 mb. The joint distribution of MSE and relative vorticity at genesis indicates that LTCs are typically associated with stronger values of both variables, whereas UTCs and MTCs each appear in two distinct regimes: one with higher values of MSE and vorticity and another with lower values of these variables.  

UTCs account for 14% of all systems, MTCs 44%, and LTCs 42%. Despite being fewer, on average a UTC produces rainfall of comparable magnitude to an MTC. UTCs predominantly generate precipitation over the Bay of Bengal shifting to the southwest Indian Ocean in January. MTCs generate significant rainfall over the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and South China Sea until December, and over Indo-Pacific region and the tropical South Indian Ocean in January. LTCs produce the largest rainfall, mainly over the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea, throughout the season and over the tropical South Indian Ocean as the season progresses. Lastly, while cyclonic propagation trajectories show overall westward movement for all categories, there are important differences: LTCs tend to have a more meridional motion towards northwest, while MTCs and UTCs exhibit a comparatively more zonally directed motion. Given the structural differences between systems, especially MTCs and LTCs, and their potential to morphologically evolve (e.g., MTC transitioning to LTC and vice versa), our study focussing on the genesis of these systems offer valuable insight into their formation mechanism. 

How to cite: Jalan, S., Sukhatme, J., and Seshadri, A.: Genesis, structure and propagation of synoptic systems over the Indian Ocean during the Northeast Monsoon , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2672, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2672, 2025.

EGU25-3008 | Posters virtual | VPS2

Aerosol-Radiation Interaction During Dense Fog in the Indo-Gangetic Plains Region  

Shweta Bhati, Theethai Jacob Anurose, Aravindakshan Jayakumar, Saji Mohandas, and Vijapurapu Srinivasa Prasad

The Indo-Gangetic plains (IGP) in India are frequently affected by fog during the winter months of December, January, and February, which manifests in severe consequences for air and road traffic, thereby leading to health as well as economic losses. This region, which includes highly populated cities like the National Capital Territory of Delhi, also experiences a high concentration of aerosols during this period. While studies have indicated the importance of the role of aerosols in fog processes in the region, the role of different aspects of aerosol-radiation interaction (ARI) has not been studied in detail for the formation of fog in the region. Current numerical weather prediction models (NWP) still struggle to predict fog accurately because of the uncertainties in the representation of processes leading to fog formation, sustenance, and dissipation. The present study aims to understand the influence of aerosols and ARI on the fog over IGP with a focus on dense fog conditions using the Delhi Model with Chemistry and aerosol framework (DM-Chem1.0), which is a high-resolution (330 m) model used for operational forecasting of wintertime visibility and air quality at the National Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), India. Four experiments (along with a Control experiment) were designed to analyze how both the scattering and absorbing nature of ARI influence the evolution of dense fog from temporal and spatial perspectives. Two experiments isolated the absorbing and scattering effect of aerosols, while the third excluded both these effects. The fourth experiment analyzed pristine conditions with minimal aerosol presence. The study indicated that turning off absorption had the greatest impact, significantly increasing dense fog-impacted areas and fog-associated parameters like cloud liquid water mixing ratio and cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC). Satellite data for the absorbing aerosol index also corroborated the greater contribution of absorbing aerosols in the model domain. Further, the study also indicates the importance of a realistic representation of aerosol for better model performance during daytime. The study highlights the importance of correctly representing radiative interactions in the numerical models for fog prediction. The policy measures need to focus on regulating high aerosol concentrations over IGP to mitigate the adverse effects of fog.

How to cite: Bhati, S., Anurose, T. J., Jayakumar, A., Mohandas, S., and Prasad, V. S.: Aerosol-Radiation Interaction During Dense Fog in the Indo-Gangetic Plains Region , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3008, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3008, 2025.

EGU25-3431 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Exploring the spatiotemporal variations and key environmental conditions of convective initiations in the Western Jiangnan Region of China 

Zhenzhen Wu, Yu Han, Nan Song, Chengzhi Ye, and Gang Xiang

This study investigated convective initiations (CIs) in the western Jiangnan region of China using radar data spanning April to September from 2018 to 2021. An integrated approach combining objective identification and subjective validation was applied to identify, track and validate CIs, resulting in a more accurate CIs dataset. Based on this dataset, this study delved into the spatiotemporal variations and key environmental conditions associated with CIs. The results indicated distinct seasonal and diurnal patterns in CIs events. Seasonally, the spatial variations of CIs were demarcated by the Nanling Mountains, exhibiting higher frequency to the south and lower to the north. Generally, the seasonal distribution of CIs followed a unimodal pattern, peaking during June to August and reaching minima in April and September. Notably, CIs exhibited a pronounced convection feature in the afternoon, particularly during June to August, when the majority of CIs occurred between 11:00 and 19:00. Furthermore, the spatial variations influenced by terrain were prominent. With the Nanling Mountains as the dividing line, CIs in the northern region were located near relatively higher mountains, while in the southern region, they were concentrated in smaller mountains and coastal areas. Utilizing the K-means clustering method, CIs that could develop into Mesoscale Convective Systems are classified into four circulation types: the Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) Control type (Type I), the WPSH Edge type (Type II), the Southwest Airflow type (Type III), and the Low Trough Shear type (Type IV). CIs under Type I and II were primarily attributed to afternoon thermal convection occurring under conditions of strong moisture and thermal instability. The distribution of CIs triggers for these types tended to cluster in the vicinity of high-elevation terrain. In contrast, CIs belonging to Type III and IV were primarily driven by the synergy of abundant moisture conditions and systematic dynamic factors such as low-level jets, upper-level troughs, and shear lines. These exhibited a north-low and south-high frequency distribution, with high-frequency CIs trigger zones observed particularly in regions of strong moisture flux convergence and near complex terrain.

How to cite: Wu, Z., Han, Y., Song, N., Ye, C., and Xiang, G.: Exploring the spatiotemporal variations and key environmental conditions of convective initiations in the Western Jiangnan Region of China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3431, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3431, 2025.

EGU25-3896 | Posters virtual | VPS2

Dynamics and Characteristics of Climatic Extremes over East Asia Monsoon region 

Kyung-Ja Ha, Ji-Hye Yeo, and Ye-Won Seo

In this talk, I will highlight our recent advances and findings in changes in climatic extremes over east Asia monsoon region. I will focus specifically on monsoon duration, intensity, rainfall extremes changes, and mechanism, with dynamic and thermodynamic factors controlling rainfall extremes over East Asia in late summer. Moreover, I will present our latest research on climatic extremes such as heatwaves based on dry conditions and stationary waves. Despite increasing future rainfall, rainfall extremes and rainfall variability in many areas, our recent studies suggest also an increase in drought risk over eastern Asia as a result of changes in evapotranspiration. However, the underlying mechanisms of heat waves and potential atmospheric and land feedbacks are still not fully understood. Through feedback attribution analysis, we found that there are dry and hot heat waves with very different underlying physical processes and feedbacks. The increasing global warming is expected to exacerbate atmospheric water demand, worsening future conditions of extreme droughts and heatwaves. Compound drought and heatwaves (DHW) events have much attention due to their notable impacts on socio-ecological systems. However, studies on the mechanisms of DHW related to land-atmosphere interaction are not still fully understood in regional aspects. Here, we investigate drastic increases in DHW from 1980 to 2019 over northern East Asia, one of the strong land-atmosphere interaction regions. Heatwaves occurring in severely dry conditions have increased after the late 1990s, suggesting that the heatwaves in northern East Asia are highly likely to be compound heatwaves closely related to drought. Moreover, the soil moisture–temperature coupling strength increased in regions with strong increases in DHW through phase transitions of both temperature and heat anomalies that determine the coupling strength. As the soil moisture decreases, the probability density of low evapotranspiration increases through evaporative heat absorption. This leads to increase evaporative stress and eventually amplify DHW since the late 1990s. Focusing on changes in stomatal conductance due to CO2 changes, our research results reveal an increase in surface resistance with CO2 elevation. Particularly under drought conditions, potential evapotranspiration tends to overestimate drought severity in the East Asian region by approximately 17% when scenarios considering vegetation are not taken into account. Additionally, intensified land-atmosphere interactions due to soil moisture deficiency lead to more frequent and amplified occurrences of compound heatwaves and droughts over northern East Asia. Understanding the relationship between soil moisture and vegetation can contribute to comprehending future severe droughts and heatwaves under diverse surface conditions with warming and moistening.

How to cite: Ha, K.-J., Yeo, J.-H., and Seo, Y.-W.: Dynamics and Characteristics of Climatic Extremes over East Asia Monsoon region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3896, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3896, 2025.

Based on the minute by minute precipitation observation data from 46 national weather stations in the Yangtze River Delta region of China and hourly ERA5 reanalysis data from June to August 2018 to 2021, the temporal and spatial characteristics and environmental parameters of short-term heavy precipitation were analyzed. The short-term heavy rainfall was classified and compared according to the 19 environmental parameters representing water vapor, dynamic and thermal conditions. The results showed that:(1) There were more short-term heavy rainfall in the Yangtze River Delta in summer, and 58.7% of the weather stations appeared more than 5 times a year on average; most of short-term heavy rainfall appeared in August, accounting for 40.7%; From 14:00 PM to 17:00 PM was the high incidence period of short-term heavy rainfall; The duration of short-term heavy rainfall was mostly within 60 minutes, accounting for 85.9%, and the longest process lasted 282 minutes.(2) At the beginning of short-term heavy rainfall, water vapor was sufficient, PWAT generally exceeded 63mm, and the relative humidity at 850 hPa and 700 hPa exceeded 80%; The energy condition was good, and the average value of cape was 1516.9 J/kg; The vertical wind shear of 0-6 km was mainly distributed in the range of 8.1~16.7 m/s, belonging to medium weak or weak intensity; The thickness of warm clouds was large, most of which were more than 4395.2 m, which was conducive to higher precipitation efficiency.(3) The environmental parameters of the three types of short-term heavy rainfall were quite different. The water vapor of the first type was mainly concentrated in the lower layer, with high cloud base height and large Cape value, 75% of which was more than 1700 J/kg. The thermal conditions were prominent, and the dynamic effect was weak. The water vapor of the whole layer of the second type was sufficient, and the Cape value was high, with an average value of 1401.1 J/kg, the uplift condition of the middle and low layers was the best of the three types. The water vapor, thermal and dynamic effects were relatively balanced; The third type was rich in water vapor, with prominent water vapor conditions, large vertical wind shear in the lower layer and weak thermal effect. 

How to cite: Zhang, C. and Peng, L.: Characteristics of environmental parameters of short-term heavy rainfall in the Yangtze River Delta region in summer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3935, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3935, 2025.

EGU25-4905 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Deep learning-based ENSO modeling and its prediction and predictability study 

Lu Zhou and Rong-hua Zhang

A novel deep learning (DL) transformer model, named the 3D-Geoformer, has been developed for ENSO-related modeling studies in the tropical Pacific. Multivariate input predictors and output predictands are selected to adequately represent ocean-atmosphere interactions; so, this purely data-driven model is configured in such a way that key fields for the coupled ocean-atmosphere system are collectively and simultaneously utilized, including three-dimensional (3D) upper-ocean temperature and surface wind stress fields, which represents the coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions known as the Bjerknes feedback in the region. The 3D-Geoformer achieves high correlation skills for ENSO prediction at lead times of up to one and a half years. The reasons for the successful prediction with interpretability are explored comprehensively by performing perturbation experiments to predictors and quantifying input‐output relationships in predictions using the 3D-Geoformer. This is achieved by investigating how the thermal precursors contribute to ENSO prediction skills, with the dependence of the precursor representations on preconditioning multi-month input predictors elucidated. Results reveal the existence of ENSO‐related upper‐ocean temperature anomaly pathways and consistent phase propagations of thermal precursors around the tropical Pacific in the DL framework. The research demonstrates that 3D thermal fields and their basinwide evolution during multi-month time intervals act to enhance long‐lead prediction skills of ENSO. It is demonstrated that the 3D-Geoformer can not only have its ability to effectively improve prediction skills of sea surface temperature variability in the eastern equatorial Pacific, but also explain how and why it is so, thus enhancing model explainability.

How to cite: Zhou, L. and Zhang, R.: Deep learning-based ENSO modeling and its prediction and predictability study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4905, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4905, 2025.

EGU25-5045 | Posters on site | AS1.31

Ozone anomalies over Eastern and Western Hemisphere Antarctic stations during sudden stratospheric warming life cycle 

Gennadi Milinevsky, Ruixian Yu, Asen Grytsai, Oleksandr Evtushevsky, Andrew Klekociuk, and Oksana Ivaniha

Sudden stratospheric warming (SSW), a well-known phenomenon in the polar atmosphere, changes the distribution of various atmospheric parameters due to the enhanced activity of planetary waves. These processes produce zonal asymmetry in total ozone content (TOC) with a wave-1 pattern. However, regional characteristic properties of the Antarctic TOC anomalies that occur during the SSW life cycle have not been studied in detail. We aim to analyze the connection of zonally asymmetric variations of TOC with SSW events. The analysis is based on a time series of ten research stations in the Antarctic region and gridded fields from MSR-2 TOC data. Here, we compare the evolution of TOC and wave amplitudes in three Southern Hemisphere SSW events. The TOC time series over ten stations in the Antarctic region and superposed epoch analysis for ±60-day time lags relative to the SSW central date were used. A regional division according to the geographic location of the stations and TOC climatology was introduced. According to the TOC asymmetry pattern, a division between Eastern and Western Hemisphere stations is used. We observe zonally asymmetric ozone responses in the two hemispheres during the SSW life cycle, including distinct precursor properties before the SSW onset. This research clarifies the different SSW properties in local ozone observations under the zonally asymmetric TOC field. The previously unknown regional manifestations of Antarctic TOC anomalies in the early stage of the SSW are discussed. The role of wave-1 and the zonally asymmetric Brewer-Dobson circulation in the Eastern–Western Hemisphere difference in the Antarctic TOC variability is also discussed. We also characterize total ozone levels in the years immediately preceding and following the three most significant SSW events. We examine the influence of planetary wave activity and large-scale climate modes on the level of interannual ozone variability and its regional patterns. There is evidence that Antarctic total ozone in the years adjacent to these SSW events is reduced, which may serve as a precursor signal of these events and an indicator of their longer-lasting influence. We discuss the implications and importance of these ozone perturbations for the regional Antarctic climate.

How to cite: Milinevsky, G., Yu, R., Grytsai, A., Evtushevsky, O., Klekociuk, A., and Ivaniha, O.: Ozone anomalies over Eastern and Western Hemisphere Antarctic stations during sudden stratospheric warming life cycle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5045, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5045, 2025.

EGU25-5789 | Posters virtual | VPS2

Lessons learned from a UAS survey of methane emissions from multiple biogas plants in France 

Jean-Louis Bonne, Nicolas Dumelie, Thomas Lauvaux, Charbel Abdallah, Jérémie Burgalat, Grégory Albora, Julien Vincent, Julien Cousin, Florian Parent, Vincent Moncourtois, and Lilian Joly

An on-going campaign monitors the greenhouse gases emissions of biogas plants in the Grand Est region, in France, using airborne in situ CO2 and CH4 concentrations and wind measurements from Uncrewed Aerial System, associated with a mass balance method. During 16 days in 2024, we quantified the instantaneous emissions of 19 agricultural biogas plants, with installed methane productions ranging from 128 to 312 Nm3.h-1,producing biogas injected into the network mainly from manure, energy crops and agricultural wastes.

Observations obtained to date were used to quantify emissions either representative of the globality of a biogas plant or of specific targeted sources inside a site (inputs, effluents, digesters or biogas purification). Global plant methane emissions among all sites range from 1.5 to 26 kg.h-1, with average emissions of 10 kg.h-1. Repeated measurements of emissions on the same site at different dates depict a significant temporal variability, however overwhelmed by the variability of emissions among all sites. We estimated instantaneous methane losses ranging from 1.7 to 10 %, comparing monitored emissions with the installed productions. Emissions of targeted sources among sites suggest that inputs and effluents might be the predominant methane sources on the sites, while biogenic CO2 emissions might be mostly attributed to the biogas purification process.

This campaign highlighted several limits intrinsically linked with the mass balance method. One of them is the sensitivity to contamination by parasite sources, which has to be anticipated during the field campaign preparation. Another difficulty is the risk of measuring truncated plumes, as the mass balance method requires the monitoring of an entire plume cross-section to provide quantifications representative of the complete source emissions. These limitations could be overturned in the future by alternative quantification methods, such as inversion methods based on Large Eddy Simulation of the atmospheric transport, considering the highly variable nature of the turbulent plume. These new developments, associated with evolutions of the monitoring protocol, may improve the reliability and precision of the results.

How to cite: Bonne, J.-L., Dumelie, N., Lauvaux, T., Abdallah, C., Burgalat, J., Albora, G., Vincent, J., Cousin, J., Parent, F., Moncourtois, V., and Joly, L.: Lessons learned from a UAS survey of methane emissions from multiple biogas plants in France, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5789, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5789, 2025.

Based on the traditional satellite-based convective initiation (CI) detection method, an improved algorithm for the identification and tracking of CIs using satellite data has been proposed. This algorithm then undergoes spatio-temporal matching with ground-based observation data such as radar and precipitation data. Incorporating experts domain knowledge, the algorithm utilizes a subjective-objective interactive approach to complete the verification and calibration of the satellite-drived CI identification results. This process results in a high-resolution annotation dataset of convective initiation that can be used for detection and forecasting of CI and artificial intelligence models.

Firstly, within a spatial-temporal window of 30 minutes before and after the satellite CIs trigger time and a radius of 20km, the satellite-derived CIs are matched with radar-identified CIs. Additionally, within a spatial-temporal window of 60 minutes after the satellite CI trigger and extending 2km outside the CI cloud clusters movement zone, the satellite-derived CIs are also matched with precipitation data. The two matching results are combined to form a comprehensive identification of CIs. Furthermore, using a calibration system and a back-to-back verification method by forecasters, the CI annotation results are revised, resulting in a high-resolution and reliable CI annotation dataset.

Using this methodology, a high spatio-temporal resolution CI dataset was established for the years 2018-2023, which allowed for the statistical analysis of CI distributions across different precipitation levels in each month. The highest proportion of CI events occurred in August, followed by July. Among these, CI events with moderate precipitation accounted for 46.2%, weak precipitation accounted for 34.4%, and strong precipitation accounted for 19.3%.

It can be seen that there is a noticeable northward shift in the occurrence of CI events, especially those associated with heavy precipitation, from April to August. In April, these events are mainly concentrated in a few provinces in the central and southern parts of the country. Subsequently, they gradually expand from south to north, covering the entire central and eastern research area by August. In September, they retreat back to the central and southern regions. This spatial evolution pattern of CI events once again verifies that the occurrence of severe convection events is closely related to the position changes of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and the monsoon.The frequency of CI occurrences has also been proven to peak between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., regardless of precipitation intensity.

How to cite: Peng, L., Ye, C., and Ou, X.: Convection Initiation Identification and The Construction of A High-value Dataset Using the Fengyun-4A Satellite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6767, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6767, 2025.

EGU25-7147 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

An Enigmatic Variability in the Tropical Middle Atmosphere 

Neelakantan Koushik and Karanam Kishore Kumar

The tropical middle atmosphere is characterized by long-period oscillations such as the Quasi Biennial Oscillation and the Semiannual Oscillation which are primarily driven by the interaction of a broad spectrum of atmospheric waves with the background flow. Using reanalysis datasets and independent rocket soundings from a low latitude location, we identified a hitherto unreported variability in the tropical middle atmosphere that appears at a variable interval of 2-5 years in the late 20th century and 7-9 years in the early 21st century. The newly identified variability, Quasi-Periodic Easterly Bursts (QPEBs) as we call them, manifests as enhanced easterlies during the easterly phase of the Stratopause Semiannual Oscillation around May-July. QPEBs are found to have remote influences on the Southern Hemispheric polar vortex as well as residual circulation in the lower mesosphere. A momentum budget analysis reveals that QPEBs are found to be primarily caused by enhanced cross-equatorial advection as well as gravity wave drag. Even though a close association with the Quasi Biennial Oscillation winds is observed, the cause of the observed periodicity remains elusive.

How to cite: Koushik, N. and Kumar, K. K.: An Enigmatic Variability in the Tropical Middle Atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7147, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7147, 2025.

In past few decades there has been a noticeable increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events (EREs) globally, including India. The Clausius-Clapeyron relationship explains how the warmer air can significantly hold more moisture. Hence, in present climate change scenario increasing temperature along with other factors can lead to further increase in EREs. Effective management strategeis in various sectors like disaster preparedness, smart-city planning, water quality, public health, agriculture planning, etc. can get improved, through proper understanding on the distribution and frequency of EREs. Keeping in mind the socio-economic impacts of EREs; this study aimed to identify the hotspot regions for EREs in India.

India is a country with vast spatio-temporal variability in rainfall pattern. Hence, this study implemented objective criteria to identify the spatio-temporal rainfall variability of EREs over four rainfall homogeneous regions for pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Based on frequency distribution of daily accumulated rainfall, suitable rainfall threshold values for defining EREs are identified for each homogeneous region and each season. These threshold values vary region-wise as well as season-wise. Distribution of EREs show interannual as well as seasonal variability.

Clustering algorithms, popular unsupervised Machine Learning (ML) techniques, are handy tools to identify hotspots of extreme rainfall regions with similar spatial variability. To understand the ERE distribution and to identify rainfall hotspots based on long term daily gridded rainfall data, this study implemented K-means clustering and DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) clustering algorithms. Comparative area distribution study between K-means and DBSCAN clustering help to identify the EREs hotspots in India. Overall, the K-means method shows more scattered hotspots compared to DBSCAN method, which are further validated using Davies-Boulding Index (DBI), Silhouette score, Calinski-Harabasz (CH) score and Dunn's Index. These score analysis methods serve as potential tools to support the clustering validation method. In addition to the area distribution, this study has addressed the temporal variability of the EREs hotspots. ST-OPTICS ( Spatio-Temporal Ordering Points to Identify the Clustering Structure) algorithm results clustering of hotspots based on their spatial and temporal similarity. This study shows that ML algorithms prove to be promising techniques for detecting and analyzing spatial as well as temporal variability of EREs hotspots which is effective for future management practice in various sectors.

Keywords: Extreme Rainfall Events; DBSCAN Clustering; K-Means Clustering; ST-OPTICS.

How to cite: Putatunda, I. and Vasudevan, R.: Extreme rainfall hotspots in India based on spatio-temporal variability of rainfall using unsupervised clustering techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7852, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7852, 2025.

EGU25-7965 | Posters virtual | VPS2

An Explainable AI-Driven Feature Reduction Framework for Enhanced Agricultural Yield Prediction 

Anamika Dey, Arkadipta Saha, Somrita Sarkar, Arijit Mondal, and Pabitra Mitra

Agricultural yield prediction plays a crucial role in food security and economic planning, yet existing models often struggle with the complexity and high dimensionality of agricultural data. This study presents a framework that combines explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) with feature reduction methodology to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of rice yield prediction. Our approach addresses the dual challenges of model interpretability and computational efficiency while maintaining high prediction accuracy.

The framework begins with a systematic development of prediction models utilizing advanced machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques. We implemented comprehensive pre-processing steps, including data normalization, feature engineering, and missing value handling, to ensure data quality. Our evaluation encompassed various models, including Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machines, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks with attention mechanisms. To optimize model performance, we employed hyperparameter tuning through grid search, effectively mitigating issues of overfitting and underfitting.

A notable innovation of our framework is the incorporation of SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP), enabling transparent insights into the model's decision-making process. Leveraging this XAI approach, we introduced a novel feature reduction methodology that systematically identifies and removes negatively contributing features while maintaining model accuracy. Our analysis of a multivariate dataset which is a public dataset from rice fields in the an Giang province of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, required the integration of diverse satellite datasets, including optical data from Landsat and radar data from Sentinel-1. This revealed distinct patterns of feature influence on yield prediction, facilitating the optimization of the feature set for maximum effectiveness. Key radar polarization bands, VV (Vertical-Vertical) and VH (Vertical-Horizontal), provided crucial surface backscatter data, capturing information on crop structure, growth stages, and post-harvest soil conditions. Notably, the feature min_vh consistently emerged as the most significant predictor.

The implementation of our feature reduction strategy resulted in significant improvements in both model performance and computational efficiency. By removing 15-20 number of identified negatively contributing features, we achieved approximately 3-5% improvement in prediction accuracy while substantially reducing the computational overhead and model training time. This enhancement in efficiency did not compromise the model's interpretability, demonstrating the robust nature of our framework.

Our methodology represents a significant advancement in agricultural modeling by successfully addressing the challenges of high-dimensional data while maintaining model interpretability. The framework's ability to identify and eliminate non-contributing features while improving prediction accuracy demonstrates its potential for wide-scale application in agricultural yield prediction. Furthermore, the reduced computational requirements make it a practical solution for real-world applications where computational resources may be limited.

These results validate the effectiveness of our integrated approach in handling complex agricultural data while providing actionable insights for yield prediction. The framework offers a scalable, interpretable, and computationally efficient solution that can be adapted for various agricultural prediction tasks, potentially transforming how we approach agricultural yield forecasting.

How to cite: Dey, A., Saha, A., Sarkar, S., Mondal, A., and Mitra, P.: An Explainable AI-Driven Feature Reduction Framework for Enhanced Agricultural Yield Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7965, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7965, 2025.

EGU25-9946 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

 Long-term changes in black carbon aerosols and their health effects in rural India during the past two decades (2000–2019) 

Mansi Pathak, Jayanarayanan Kuttippurath, and Rahul Kumar

Black carbon (BC) is a short-lived atmospheric aerosol having light absorbing properties with climate-changing potential. In addition, BC aerosols are also responsible for several adverse health effects including cardiovascular and respiratory problems. Here, we examine the long-term changes in BC, using MERRA-2 (Modern-Era Retro spective analysis for Research and Applications) and Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) data for the period 2000–2019, and the associated health burden in rural India. This study finds a decreasing trend in BC in the rural IGP (Indo-Gangetic Plain) and NWI (North West India) during 2007–2019, at about -0.004 and –0.005 μg/m3/yr, respectively. A significant reduction in BC (from 0.03 to 0.01 μg/m3/yr after 2006) is observed in the rural Peninsular India (PI), where the reduced wind speed limits the transport of BC aerosols from other regions and thus, limits the BC concentration there. Our assessment finds that government policies such as BS (Bharat Stage) emission norms, electrification of rail routes, use of electric and compressed natural gas-based vehicles, the transformation of brick kilns to zig-zag technology, mechanised farming for on- site handling of crop residues and recent changes in atmospheric drivers (e.g. winds in IGP) contributed to this reduction in BC. However, the health burden associated with BC causes the highest all-cause mortality to be around 5,17,651 and 34,082 inhabitants in winter (December-February) and post-monsoon (October-November) seasons, respectively, in the rural IGP in the latest year 2019. In brief, the reduction of BC in rural India indicates that it complements the government policies. However, an improvement in the policy implementation might prove to be conducive to reduce the BC-driven mortality and regional climate warming.

How to cite: Pathak, M., Kuttippurath, J., and Kumar, R.:  Long-term changes in black carbon aerosols and their health effects in rural India during the past two decades (2000–2019), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9946, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9946, 2025.

EGU25-10268 | Posters virtual | VPS2

Bridging the Gap: Smart Benches for Accessible Urban Air Quality Monitoring and Public Engagement in the Region of Attica 

Vasiliki Assimakopoulos, Kyriaki - Maria Fameli, Angelos Kladakis, Chrysanthi Efthymiou, Chrysa Charalampidou, Maria Sotiropoulou, Iro – Maria Antoniou, Aikaterini Kytrilaki, Alex Massas, and Margarita-Niki Assimakopoulos

The rapid urbanization of modern cities presents significant challenges, with air pollution emerging as a critical concern for public health and environmental sustainability. In Greece, while the government collects extensive air quality data as mandated by the EU Directive 2881/2024 (recast of 2008/50, 2004/107), limited efforts are made to communicate this data to the public. The existing network of large monitoring stations is often inaccessible to the pubic and primarily serving scientists and policymakers.

Addressing this gap, the FAIRCITY (ATTP4-0360457) project—a collaboration between the National Observatory of Athens, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Greek Innovation Company Energy4Smart—introduces the “Smart Stations” an innovative solution incorporating public benches powered by photovoltaics, equipped with free charging sockets for people with electrical wheelchairs as well as other smart city sevices, with embedded low cost air quality sensors, designed to make air quality data accessible, timely, and engaging. This initiative not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also serves as a model for other cities seeking to improve urban liveability. The low-cost sensors embedded within the bench at a height of approximately 3 meteres above ground, were selected based on size, technology and price criteria to continuously monitor eight key pollutants: three fractions of Particulate Matters (PM1, PM2.5, PM10), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).

The Smart Stations are deployed in open, public spaces (e.g., commercial areas, residential zones, parks), at a distance from major pollutant sources and in collaboration with interested municipalities of the Attica Region. Their aim is to record the local air quality and pollutant diurnal variations in order to highlight the sources responsible (i.e., Korydallos high NO2, NO, PM concentrations from traffic) and estimate the population exposure. Citizens can walk up to these stations, sit down and instantly access critical information about their local air quality from digital displays that provide in near real-time the simplified Air Quality Index (AQI) along with health protection and other environmental infomation.

Preliminary results indicate that the diurnal variations of the monitored pollutants follow closely the local anthropogenic activities (traffic by passing the area, central heating, cooking). The pollutant levels are similar across the different municipalities, presenting peaks at different times depending on the type of area. The hourly AQI is mainly affected by larger scale events such as an extensive air pollution episode or dust intrusion event.  

How to cite: Assimakopoulos, V., Fameli, K.-M., Kladakis, A., Efthymiou, C., Charalampidou, C., Sotiropoulou, M., Antoniou, I. –. M., Kytrilaki, A., Massas, A., and Assimakopoulos, M.-N.: Bridging the Gap: Smart Benches for Accessible Urban Air Quality Monitoring and Public Engagement in the Region of Attica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10268, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10268, 2025.

EGU25-10631 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Harmonizing Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors for a Hybrid Monitoring Network 

Alexandru Luchiian

Air quality monitoring is crucial for assessing environmental health and supporting mitigation strategies. This research focuses on the co-location of various low-cost particulate matter (PM) sensors—uRADMonitor, AirGradient, PurpleAir, Clarity, and sensors from community initiatives—alongside a mobile laboratory equipped with a reference-grade GRIM EDM 180 analyzer. The primary goal is to identify and quantify bias among these low-cost sensors for PM2.5 and PM10 measurements at the same location.

By systematically analyzing the measurement discrepancies, a generalized correction formula is derived, enabling the harmonization of readings across different sensor types. The corrected data will form the basis of a hybrid air quality monitoring network, which standardizes PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations regardless of the sensor manufacturer. This approach leverages the affordability and scalability of low-cost sensors while ensuring data quality comparable to reference instruments.

The results aim to address limitations in the current low-cost sensor ecosystem, enhance interoperability, and provide communities and policymakers with reliable, high-resolution air quality data. Ultimately, this study supports the development of inclusive and sustainable monitoring frameworks that empower both urban and rural regions with actionable environmental insights, using all kinds of sensors.

How to cite: Luchiian, A.: Harmonizing Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors for a Hybrid Monitoring Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10631, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10631, 2025.

EGU25-11635 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Spatio-Temporal Distribution of PM 2.5 and its Association with Agricultural Fires in Northern Argentina. 

Rodrigo G. Gibilisco, Mariela Aguilera Sammaritano, Facundo Reynoso Posse, Kathrin Huber, Jazmín Elizondo, Sofía Torkar, María Marta Saez, Ariel Scaglioti, Florencia Tames, Enrique Puliafito, María José Castellano, Mariana Diaz, Nicolás Parellada, Gustavo Ciancaglini, Bettina Schillman, Ralf Kurtenbach, Peter Wiesen, Antonio Caggiano, Aída Ben Altabef, and Mariano Teruel

Agricultural burning in Tucumán, Argentina, has been a major contributor to air pollution, particularly during the dry season (April to September). This environmental issue is mainly due to the limited availability of modern machinery for sustainable harvesting, leading to heavy reliance on traditional biomass burning for crop residue management. The combustion process generates large amounts of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which severely affects air quality and public health. To address this challenge, an inter-institutional collaboration under the Networking Initiative Breathe2Change.org, supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, facilitated the creation of the first air quality monitoring network in Tucumán. This initiative aimed to raise awareness and provide actionable data to local communities and scientists.

A custom sensor module was designed, integrating an OPC Plantower PMS5003 sensor for real-time PM2.5 detection, CO2 sensors using NDIR technology, as well as humidity and temperature sensors. A forced ventilation system was also incorporated to ensure representative air circulation inside the module without affecting airflow into the OPC sensor. The network, consisting of 25 sensor modules deployed throughout the 22,500 square kilometers of Tucumán, provided continuous data collection for 12 months in 2023. The data were shared on a publicly accessible data platform, developed as part of the Breathe2Change Initiative, which facilitated both citizen consultation and analysis by the scientists involved in the project.

During an initial 3-week intercomparison phase, 10 sensor modules were assessed for consistency, yielding a high correlation (R² > 0.9), confirming the reliability of the modules. Afterward, 23 of the 25 sensors were deployed across urban, suburban, and rural areas, including regions directly affected by agricultural fires. High- and low-flow reference samplers were used to collect daily PM2.5 concentrations from August to December, coinciding with the peak biomass burning period. During this period, two of the sensor modules were co-located with the reference samplers to allow for direct comparison. This phase was essential for deriving a local correction factor for the sensors.

Results showed considerably high PM2.5 concentrations, with monthly averages exceeding 60 µg/m³ in fire-impacted areas, well above the daily limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Even urban areas recorded average levels of 30 µg/m³, surpassing WHO guidelines. The region’s mountainous terrain and climate further exacerbated the pollution, triggering thermal inversion phenomena that trapped pollutants near ground level. Using the corrected sensor network, spatial distribution maps of PM2.5 were generated through Kriging interpolation, revealing a strong correlation between elevated pollutant levels and fire activity. Higher PM2.5 concentrations were observed in the central-eastern part of the province, likely linked to sugarcane production areas, and possibly influenced by rural traffic and biomass burning. Kriging analysis confirmed this spatial trend, with a marked reduction in localized concentrations after September, likely due to rainfall events.

This study underscores the degradation of air quality during biomass burning events and the need for regulatory measures and sustainable agricultural practices to mitigate environmental and health impacts. It also highlights the potential of low-cost sensors as effective tools for monitoring air pollution in resource-limited regions.

How to cite: Gibilisco, R. G., Aguilera Sammaritano, M., Reynoso Posse, F., Huber, K., Elizondo, J., Torkar, S., Saez, M. M., Scaglioti, A., Tames, F., Puliafito, E., Castellano, M. J., Diaz, M., Parellada, N., Ciancaglini, G., Schillman, B., Kurtenbach, R., Wiesen, P., Caggiano, A., Ben Altabef, A., and Teruel, M.: Spatio-Temporal Distribution of PM 2.5 and its Association with Agricultural Fires in Northern Argentina., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11635, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11635, 2025.

EGU25-13882 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhancing and Reasoning Adverse Weather Hazard Classification 

Adarsha Neupane, Nima Zafarmomen, and Vidya Samadi

Severe weather events often develop rapidly and cause extensive damage, resulting in billions of dollars in losses annually. This paper explores Large Language Models (LLMs) to effectively reason about the adversity of weather hazards. To tackle this issue, we gathered National Weather Service (NWS) flood reports covering the period from June 2005 to September 2024. Two pre-trained LLMs including Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Transformer (BART) models (large) and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) were employed to classify flood reports according to predefined labels. These models encompass a range of sizes with parameter counts of 406 million, and 110 million parameters, respectively. We employed the Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) fine-tuning technique to enhance performance and memory efficiency. The fine-tuning and few-shot learning capabilities of these models were evaluated to adapt pre-trained language models for specific tasks or domains. The methodology was applied in Charleston County, South Carolina, USA— a vulnerable region to compound flooding. Extreme events reported during the training periods were unevenly distributed across training period, resulting in imbalanced datasets. The “Cyclonic” category represents significantly fewer instances in the report text data, while the “Flood” and “Thunderstorm” categories appeared more frequent.  The findings revealed that while few-shot learning significantly reduced computational costs, fine-tuned models resulted in more stable and reliable performance. Among multiple LLMs applied in this research, the BART model achieved higher F1 scores in the “Flood,” “Thunderstorm,” and “Cyclonic” categories—requiring fewer training epochs to reach optimized performance levels. Furthermore, the BERT model demonstrated a shorter overall training time (12 hours 17 minutes) compared to other LLMs, demonstrating efficient cost of computing. This comprehensive evaluation of LLMs across diverse NWS flood reports enhanced our understanding of their capabilities in text classification and offered valuable insights into leveraging these advanced techniques for weather disaster assessment.

How to cite: Neupane, A., Zafarmomen, N., and Samadi, V.: Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhancing and Reasoning Adverse Weather Hazard Classification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13882, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13882, 2025.

EGU25-14960 | Posters virtual | VPS2

Air Quality Assessment In The University Of The Philippines Diliman Campus Through The Integration Of Small Sensors, Satellite Data, And Kriging Interpolation Techniques 

John Richard Hizon, Rodyvito Angelo Torres, Adrian Cahlil Eiz Togonon, Bernadette Anne Recto, Frauline Anne Apostol, Percival Magpantay, John Jairus Eslit, Jomari Ganhinhin, Marc Rosales, Isabel Austria, Jaybie de Guzman, Maria Theresa de Leon, Rhandley Cajote, Paul Jason Co, and Roseanne Ramos

Air quality monitoring is an essential procedure to ensure that pollutant levels remain within safe limits and do not pose a threat to public health, particularly for vulnerable populations. The deployment and maintenance of stationary air quality monitoring stations can be expensive, especially when a large number is required to create a comprehensive network. As a result, there has been growing interest in utilizing small, low-cost sensors that are easier to deploy and provide a more flexible and cost-effective alternative. In addition to these sensors, satellite systems have become valuable tools for air quality monitoring, offering high temporal resolution data that facilitates the assessment of air pollution over larger areas. This study looks into data fusion techniques to combine data from both stationary and mobile low-cost sensors with satellite data to analyze the air quality at the University of the Philippines, Diliman campus. Seven small sensors were deployed across the university, a mixed-use area with both vegetation and buildings, to measure pollutant concentrations, such as particulate matter. Satellite data from MODIS, Sentinel-5P, and ERA5 reanalysis were used to monitor aerosol optical depth (AOD), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and meteorological conditions. The time-series analysis focused on a three-day period during which mobile air quality data from an e-trike were collected around the university. The data from these mobile sensors, along with the stationary sensor measurements, were used to estimate PM2.5 concentrations across the campus. Kriging interpolation, a geostatistical method that estimates unknown values based on the spatial correlation of known data points, was employed to generate smooth surfaces of PM2.5 concentration across the university.  Kriging interpolation was used on the stationary sensor dataset to predict the PM2.5 levels at the location of the mobile sensors at a given timeframe. Moreover, cokriging was also applied by incorporating multiple correlated variables, improving predictions by utilizing relationships between the primary variable (PM2.5) and secondary variables, such as aerosol optical depth or SO2 and NO2 concentrations. The results obtained from both Kriging and Cokriging methods were compared with data collected from mobile sensors to assess the air quality at the University of the Philippines, Diliman. The interpolated PM2.5 values were compared with the data from the mobile sensors (SEN55 and PMS7003) as ground truth, and a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 43.00% to 57.23% was obtained. Initial results of cokriging with NO2 showed MAPE of 36.67% to 52.55%. Further work is expanding the dataset and refining the interpolation models to enhance the accuracy and reliability of air quality assessments across the university. By integrating more data and conducting additional tests, this approach can provide more comprehensive air quality monitoring at reduced costs and address data gaps.

How to cite: Hizon, J. R., Torres, R. A., Togonon, A. C. E., Recto, B. A., Apostol, F. A., Magpantay, P., Eslit, J. J., Ganhinhin, J., Rosales, M., Austria, I., de Guzman, J., de Leon, M. T., Cajote, R., Co, P. J., and Ramos, R.: Air Quality Assessment In The University Of The Philippines Diliman Campus Through The Integration Of Small Sensors, Satellite Data, And Kriging Interpolation Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14960, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14960, 2025.

EGU25-14973 | Posters virtual | VPS2

Automated Nighttime Fog Detection and Masking Using Machine Learning from Near Real-Time Satellite Observations 

Narendra Reddy Nelli, Diana Francis, Cherfeddine Cherif, Ricardo Fonseca, and Hosni Ghedira

Fog significantly reduces visibility, impacting transportation and safety, particularly in regions like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) where it is a regular
occurrence, in particular in the winter months. This study develops a machine learning-based approach for automated fog detection and masking from near real-time observations from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) instrument onboard the Meteosat Second Generation spacecraft to enhance fog detection and forecast. We evaluated six basic machine learning (ML) models trained with four different methods: (1) supervised training using SEVIRI pixel data and fog observations over airport stations; (2) as approach (1) but incorporating infrared channel data; (3) training with labeled fog and no-fog regions identified in SEVIRI night microphysics Red-Green-Blue (RGB) images through k-means clustering; and, (4) a fusion approach combining station-labeled data (approach 1) and k-means clustered-labeled data (approach 3). Among the models, the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) demonstrated slightly higher performance. Models trained on station data (approach 1) achieved a Probability of Detection (POD) of 0.73 and a False Alarm Ratio (FAR) of 0.11. For spatial fog masking, models trained on a combination of station-labeled and k-means cluster-labeled data (approach 4) performed best. Overall, the XGBoost method and the fusion approach (4) are recommended for fog detection and masking in the hyper-arid UAE. These findings demonstrate the potential for trained ML models to deliver accurate, near real-time fog detection and masking, enhancing monitoring over broad areas.

How to cite: Nelli, N. R., Francis, D., Cherif, C., Fonseca, R., and Ghedira, H.: Automated Nighttime Fog Detection and Masking Using Machine Learning from Near Real-Time Satellite Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14973, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14973, 2025.

EGU25-15784 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24

Changes in MJO Propagation Characteristics and Regional Variations under a Changing Climate 

Hye-Ryeom Kim and Kyung-Ja Ha

The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is a crucial atmospheric phenomenon characterized by large-scale, eastward-propagating disturbances in the tropical atmosphere. It profoundly influences global climate and weather patterns and serves as a key source of predictability for subseasonal forecasts. In particular, the propagation characteristics of the MJO are critical parameters that impacts the timing and intensity of its effects. Variability in these characteristics can alter the MJO’s interaction with other climate components, thereby affecting weather patterns. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the variability of MJO propagation characteristics.

In this study, we aim to examine the changes in propagation characteristics of the MJO, such as propagation speed, across three primary regions: Indian Ocean, Maritime Continent, western Pacific. These changes will be compared between two distinct period (P1: 1979-1998, P2: 2003-2022). Furthermore, we will investigate the mechanisms driving variations in MJO propagation speed within each tropical region and assess potential future changes using reanalysis data and model outputs. By addressing these questions, this study can contribute to improve the predictability and accuracy of climate models in representing the MJO.

How to cite: Kim, H.-R. and Ha, K.-J.: Changes in MJO Propagation Characteristics and Regional Variations under a Changing Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15784, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15784, 2025.

 In order to solve the problem of quantity traceability of precipitation phenomenon instrument, a precipitation phenomenon checking device was developed. By simulating the precipitation particles of 4.3 mm and 9.5 mm, corresponding to the velocities of 2m/s, 7M/s and 12M/s respectively, the on-site verification of the precipitation phenomenometer and the test program of the upper computer software are carried out, the relevant particle channels are recorded and displayed in the map, and the performance of the precipitation phenomenometer is judged automatically. It has many advantages, such as complete function, reasonable design, easy to carry, friendly software interface, one-button detection, automatically judge whether the equipment is qualified, and according to the template to generate a verification report. The practical application proves that the device provides a strong support for the meteorological department's equipment support personnel to carry out the verification work of the precipitation phenomenometer, improves the working efficiency, and plays a role in supervising and inspecting the quality of the precipitation phenomenometer's equipment, it has a good application prospect in the field verification of precipitation phenomenometer.

How to cite: Han, Y.: Development and application of the calibration device of precipitation phenomenometer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17395, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17395, 2025.

EGU25-17568 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Improving forecasts of extreme precipitation with MAD-WRF mesoscale model 

Anton Gelman, Efrat Morin, Pedro Jiménez, Rong-Shyang Sheu, and Dorita Rostkier-Edelstein

The Multi-sensor Advection Diffusion Weather Research and Forecast (MAD-WRF) model is a state-of-the-art addition to the WRF model that includes a fast cloud-initialization procedure, making it more suitable for hydrometeors analysis and clouds forecasts. The MAD-WRF cloud initialization combines a cloud parameterization that infers the presence of clouds based on relative humidity with observations of the cloud mask and cloud top/base height to provide a three-dimensional cloud analysis. During the forecasts, the hydrometeors can be advected and diffused with no microphysics, in what we refer to as the MAD-WRF passive mode. Alternatively, these passive hydrometeors can be integrated into the explicitly resolved hydrometeors during a nudging phase, designated the MAD-WRF active mode (Jiménez et al., 10.1016/j.solener.2022.04.055). As such, MAD-WRF has been extensively used for solar energy predictions.

Here we have investigated the feasibility of using MAD-WRF to improve the accuracy of intense precipitation forecasts. An extreme precipitation event over Israel that led to urban floods and two casualties in Tel-Aviv during January 4th, 2020, has been chosen as a case study. The extreme accumulated precipitation responsible for noon and early afternoon floods was triggered by a persistent cloud train that developed over the area several hours before. MAD-WRF model has been configured with 3-nested domains with 9, 3 and 1 km grid-sizes. We have run MAD-WRF in active mode incorporating satellite-retrieved cloud-top heights provided by the European Space Agency EUMETSAT in all three domains. EUMETSAT data are available in near real-time making it suitable for operational forecasts.

Independent precipitation data measured by the Israel Meteorological Service radar at Bet-Dagan (about 10 km south-east of Tel-Aviv) has been used for forecasts verification. Comparison between radar data and MAD-WRF forecasts with and without incorporation of EUMETSAT cloud-tops retrievals reveal the advantage MAD-WRF cloud initialization. The significant improvement in the forecast of the location and rate of the precipitation is observed up to 12 hours ahead in time.

On-going work focuses on the evaluation of the precipitation distributions and improvement of the forecast of dry areas.

How to cite: Gelman, A., Morin, E., Jiménez, P., Sheu, R.-S., and Rostkier-Edelstein, D.: Improving forecasts of extreme precipitation with MAD-WRF mesoscale model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17568, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17568, 2025.

EGU25-19687 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Verification of weather variables linked to Dengue incidence inthe sub‐seasonal scale in Vietnam 

Iago Perez, Sarah Sparrow, Antje Weisheimer, Matthew Wright, and Lucy Main

Dengue fever outbreaks impose a severe healthcare burden in Vietnam, therefore the development of an early Dengue warning system is key to improve public health planning and mitigate the future burden produced by this disease. This study assessed the ECMWF ensemble re-forecast skill for relative humidity, temperature and precipitation, which are key factors for vector-borne disease transmission in Vietnam between 1-4 weeks in advance. We focused the analysis on the rainy season (May-October) using ERA5 reanalysis as a reference dataset. Re-forecast data was pre-processed using a quantile mapping technique to reduce the bias between re-forecast and observations. Results showed that corrected re-forecasts of weekly mean temperature, relative humidity and accumulated precipitation are skilful up to 2-3 weeks in advance and rank histograms verified the forecast reliability. Nonetheless the model is less skillful for the region of South Vietnam and seems to struggle at predicting extremely high/low values of temperature, relative humidity and precipitation. Results from this study demonstrate that ECMWF ensemble forecasts are suitable to use as inputs for a dengue early warning system up to 14-21 days in advance

How to cite: Perez, I., Sparrow, S., Weisheimer, A., Wright, M., and Main, L.: Verification of weather variables linked to Dengue incidence inthe sub‐seasonal scale in Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19687, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19687, 2025.

EGU25-20267 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2

Air Quality Monitoring in Nairobi City, Kenya: Role of Collocation in Low Cost Sensor Deployment  

Joshua Nyamondo, Nicholas Oguge, Stephen Anyango, Augustine Afulloh, Noah Adera, and Beldine Okoth

Background: The increasing availability and usage of low-cost air quality sensors (LCS) presents both opportunities and challenges in terms of data accuracy, reliability, precision and interpretation. Various low cost sensors types differ in the degree of accuracy reliability and precision They can also be influenced by environmental conditions like temperatures and humidity. This study assesses three LCS, E-Samplers, ModulairTM and AirQO, deployed alongside a reference-grade Beta Attenuation Monitor (BAM-1022) in Nairobi, Kenya, to upraise their performance under varying conditions and explore the strategies for calibration and integration into the monitoring networks.

Methods: The study used BAM-1022 data to validate and calibrate the LCS installed at the University of Nairobi’s Parklands Campus (27 February 2024 to 26 December 2024).  We analyzed sensor accuracy, precision and response to pollution across wet and dry seasons and varying temperature and humidity levels. We aligned the LCS data with BAM-1022 measurements using tailored correction factors and multiple linear regression (MLR) models. We used the coefficient of determination, represented by R-squared (R2), a statistical measure of how close the data from the LCS are from the data from the BAM and the Pearson correlation, r to show the strength of the linear relationship between the sensor measurements and reference measurements. Additionally, we conducted paired t-tests to determine whether statistically significant differences existed between the BAM-1022 and each LCS, and one-sample t-tests to find out if there was a statistically significant difference in the values recorded by low-cost sensors themselves. The study also explored the potential of LCS to improve spatial coverage and resolution while addressing challenges like sensor drift and environmental interference.

Results: The ModulairTM sensor showed closer measurements in reference to BAM-1022 measurements (R2= 0.82, r =0.9458) followed by AirQO (R2=0.54, r =0.8933) and E-Sampler (R2=0.36, r =0.7166). During wet season, ModulairTM maintained the closer measurements (R2=0.73, r =0.9123) with AirQO (R2=0.36, r =0.7219) and E-Sampler (R2=0.21, r =0.7812) showing lower alignment. Similar trend was observed in dry season with ModulairTM (R2=0.8, r=0.8124) followed by AirQO (R2=0.51, r=0.7001) and E-Sampler (R2=0.28, r=0.6996). During high PM2.5 concentration periods (July to December), ModulairTM reported higher values than the BAM on certain days. AirQO generally recorded lower values except during these high concentration periods while the E-Samplers fluctuated between higher or lower values across the collocation period. Consequently, correction factors of -12.5, 31.55 and 29.65 were derived for ModulairTM,AirQO and E-Samplers respectively. Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference between the BAM measurements and LCS (p-value < 0.001). However, no significant differences were observed between the measurements of each of the low-cost sensors.

Conclusion: The LCS can enhance air quality monitoring networks when collocated appropriately and, consistently and carefully calibrated. The readings should be corrected against reference sensor for accurate and reliable data.  Collocation with reference monitors or among the LCS units for regions with limited access to high-end monitoring infrastructure such as Nairobi is key before deployment. Air quality modeling can create a comprehensive monitoring networks hence improved spatial resolution and public health insights. 

How to cite: Nyamondo, J., Oguge, N., Anyango, S., Afulloh, A., Adera, N., and Okoth, B.: Air Quality Monitoring in Nairobi City, Kenya: Role of Collocation in Low Cost Sensor Deployment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20267, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20267, 2025.

Tropical deep convective clouds (DCCs) play a pivotal role in Earth's hydrological cycle, with their dynamics strongly influenced by aerosols. Depending on their properties, aerosols can either invigorate or suppress cloud formation and development. Previous observational studies and cloud-resolving model simulations have shown that aerosols such as black carbon (BC) and sulfates modify cloud microphysics, affecting droplet size distribution, latent heat release, and precipitation patterns. However, the use of global climate models (GCMs) to study these aerosol-cloud interactions remain limited, despite their ability to capture large-scale circulation patterns and associated non-linear feedback. This study investigates the sensitivity of aerosol-induced cloud invigoration and suppression (AIVe) to major aerosol species during the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) season using the Community Earth System Model, specifically its atmospheric component, the Community Atmosphere Model version 5 (CESM-CAM5). The analysis focuses on DCCs over central India during the monsoon months of June–September (JJAS) for the period 2005–2008. Aerosol and cloud parameters from CESM-CAM5 simulations, conducted at 0.5-degree horizontal resolution, are compared with satellite observations. Five Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP)-style simulations were performed: one with aerosols at pre-industrial level (PI) levels, another at present-day (PD) levels, and three additional simulations perturbing specific aerosol species (dust, BC, and sulfate) under PD conditions to isolate their individual effects on AIVe. The findings highlight that aerosol physico-chemical properties critically influence DCC behavior. Black carbon near the boundary layer increases cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations, delaying precipitation, enhancing warm-phase invigoration, and strengthening updrafts. In the upper troposphere, BC absorbs solar radiation, causing atmospheric warming that promotes cloud deepening and cold-phase processes. Additionally, BC intensifies both shortwave and longwave heating, prolonging cloud lifetimes and supporting deeper convection. Sulfate aerosols primarily enhance warm-phase invigoration through increased CCN concentrations at lower altitudes. However, their weaker vertical transport limits their impact on cold phase processes and deep convection compared to BC and dust. Dust aerosols with high concentrations in the mid-troposphere, act as efficient ice-nucleating particles (INPs), enhancing cold phase invigoration. However, suppressed updrafts in the upper troposphere reduce their overall effect on deep convective systems, emphasizing the importance of aerosol size, number concentration, and properties in shaping AIVe. This study underscores the complex interplay between aerosol characteristics and their vertical distribution in influencing cloud dynamics during the ISM. Detailed results and further implications will be presented.

How to cite: Sharma, P., Ganguly, D., and Kant, S.: Sensitivity of Cloud Invigoration and Suppression Effects to Major Aerosol species During the Indian Summer Monsoon in a Global Climate Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-886, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-886, 2025.

EGU25-1100 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22

Modulation of temporal evolution of black carbon aerosols at a rural location in the Western Ghats by meteorology and boundary layer dynamics 

Devika Sunil S, Anand Narayana Sarma, Sunilkumar Kudilil, Satheesh Sreedharan Krishnakumari, and Krishnamoorthy Krishnaswamy

Black carbon (BC) aerosols have been reported to influence the precipitation patterns over South-East Asia. In this study, we present surface measurements of BC carried out from a rural location in the Western Ghats and covering all the seasons. Despite being a remote location with negligible anthropogenic emissions, the total BC concentration is strongly modulated by particles originating from fossil fuel burning (~75%). Contrary to the prominent role played by boundary layer dynamics in the diurnal variations of BC in the tropics, our measurements reveal a disconnection between boundary layer dynamics and BC concentration mostly due to the advection from a distant urban location being the dominant source of BC. However, this influence is conspicuous on the concentration of particles originating from biomass burning. Seasonal variations in the wind fields, surface temperature, and rainfall are observed to influence the BC concentration, thereby leading to distinct diurnal variations seldom reported elsewhere. Reanalysis data sets fail to capture these changing patterns in BC, with daily mean concentrations exhibiting large differences with our observations (particularly in winter months) and diurnal patterns being different throughout the season. Under this backdrop, incorporation of these measurements could possibly improve the monsoon forecast in global climate models and provide deeper insights on the role of meteorology and boundary layer dynamics on aerosol fields in complex environments.

How to cite: Sunil S, D., Narayana Sarma, A., Kudilil, S., Sreedharan Krishnakumari, S., and Krishnaswamy, K.: Modulation of temporal evolution of black carbon aerosols at a rural location in the Western Ghats by meteorology and boundary layer dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1100, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1100, 2025.

EGU25-1370 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Evaluating WRF-Chem for simulating fog episodes: A Case Study from The National Capital Region Delhi, India 

Anie K Lal, Ravi Kumar Kunchala, and Manju Mohan

During winter, dense fog occurrences in the Indo-Gangetic Plain pose severe risks to visibility, air quality, and public health, emphasizing the need for improved fog forecasting in India. This study employs a high-resolution WRF-Chem model (2 km × 2 km) to identify optimal configurations for simulating fog in the region and investigate the impact of urbanization-induced UHI/UDI (Urban Heat Island/Urban Dry Island) and elevated emissions on the fog life cycle in and around the megacity of Delhi.

A comprehensive sensitivity analysis explores model configurations across microphysics, planetary boundary layer (PBL), land surface models (LSM), radiation schemes, chemistry, and emission inputs. Simulations of surface and vertical meteorology are evaluated against data from weather stations and radiosonde profiles, while modeled chemistry is compared with ground-based measurements. Results demonstrate that specific combinations of microphysics, PBL, and LSM schemes coupled with chemistry effectively simulate Liquid Water Content (LWC), a critical fog proxy. Modeled relative humidity, particulate matter concentrations, and fog life cycles show strong agreement with observations. We then utilize this optimized model configuration to quantitatively analyze individual and combined effects of urbanization and aerosols on fog formation.

How to cite: K Lal, A., Kunchala, R. K., and Mohan, M.: Evaluating WRF-Chem for simulating fog episodes: A Case Study from The National Capital Region Delhi, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1370, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1370, 2025.

Satellite remote sensing has the advantage of wide spatial coverage and high data consistency, which is an important technology for global atmospheric environment monitoring. However, due to the influence of cloud cover, satellite remote sensing faces the problem of data missing; moreover, the direct object of hyperspectral satellite remote sensing is the total amount of pollution gases in the atmosphere, which is different from the near-ground concentration that directly affects human health. To solve these problems, this research developed a remote sensing technology combining satellite spectral analysis and artificial intelligence. We use artificial intelligence to increase the spatial coverage of satellite and ground-based remote sensing, and make future short term predictions and their applications. Preliminary results show that the reconstruction of satellite remote sensing data supported by artificial intelligence is of great significance for environmental pollution monitoring and control.

How to cite: Liu, C., Hu, Q., Li, Q., and Zhang, C.: Spatiotemporal reconstruction of gas pollutants with high resolution and coverage using hyperspectral remote sensing and artificial intelligence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1923, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1923, 2025.

EGU25-2082 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Exploring the Nexus of Two-Wheeler Gaseous Contributions and Driver Exposure in a Million-Plus Population City 

Saket Ranjan, Sudheer K. Kuppili, and Shiva Nagendra SM

In Indian metropolitan cities, two-wheelers (2W) constitute 60–70% of traffic, making their emissions a significant contributor to urban air pollution. This study measured 2W exhaust emissions and driver exposure under real-world traffic conditions in the Chennai metropolitan area. Emission factors for CO, HC, and NO were 1.1, 0.02, and 0.03 g/km, respectively. However, limited studies on 2W are available due to the complexity of real-world measurements in Indian traffic conditions. The gaseous emissions from the measured vehicles are lower than their respective Bharat Stage (BS) standards except for CO. Personal exposure levels for PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 were 212.5, 78.1, and 58.9 µg/m³, with the highest exposures occurring during idling and driving behind heavy-duty vehicles. The Multiple Particle Path Dosimetry (MPPD) model was used to estimate the deposition fractions in the human respiratory tract (HRT). Results indicated that PM2.5 and PM1 deposition fractions are higher in the pulmonary region, whereas PM10 deposition is higher in the head region. 2W drivers are exposed to higher concentrations than any other motor vehicle driver. Since there is no substantiation of a tolerable limit of PM1 exposure or a threshold beyond which no detrimental health implications occur, cautious planning is needed when developing the roads.

How to cite: Ranjan, S., K. Kuppili, S., and Nagendra SM, S.: Exploring the Nexus of Two-Wheeler Gaseous Contributions and Driver Exposure in a Million-Plus Population City, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2082, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2082, 2025.

EGU25-2443 | Posters virtual | VPS3

Two Typical Case Studies of Volcanic Eruption Trace Gases Based on EMI Observations 

Yuhan Luo, Qidi Li, Kaili Wu, Yuanyuan Qian, Haijin Zhou, and Fuqi Si

Volcano eruption is one of the most destructive natural disasters, and its direct release of toxic gases and volcanic ash can lead to atmospheric pollution, posing significant threats to human health and ecological balance. To investigate the environmental impact of volcanic emissions, we retrieved the vertical column densities (VCDs) of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and bromine monoxide (BrO) using the Chinese highest-resolution atmospheric trace gas remote sensing satellite payloads: the Environmental Trace Gas Monitoring Instrument (EMI) series on-board the GaoFen (GF5-02) and DaQi (DQ-1) satellites.

Here, we present our study on two significant volcanic emission events. On January 15, 2022, a violent eruption occurred near the South Pacific Island nation of Tonga, which is a typical submarine volcano. During this eruption, the volcanic plume ascended directly into the stratosphere (above 20 km), releasing a substantial amount of SO2 and spreading rapidly westward (~30 m/s). In contrast, the majority of the BrO dispersed southeastward slowly (~10 m/s) within the altitude range of 8–15 km on January 16. The differences in eruption height and timing resulted in the transport of SO2 and BrO in distinct directions in the Southern Hemisphere.

Another case is the Sundhnukagigar volcano on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula, which is a typical fissure volcano. A significant eruption began at 21:00 on August 22nd, following an earthquake swarm; this was the largest eruption in the region since December 2023. Satellite data indicated that the volcanic eruption released high concentrations of SO2, with the maximum SO2 VCD exceeding 15 Dobson Units (DU). By the morning of the 26th, part of the air mass had been transported northward to the Arctic Svalbard region. Simultaneously, ground observations from Ny-Ålesund revealed that an unprecedented Arctic haze event occurred, with the SO2 VCD reaching approximately 40 times the usual level. It is also important to note that, in the context of global warming, the ongoing activity of Iceland's volcanoes will further exacerbate the melting of local glaciers and permafrost. This, in turn, disrupts the gravitational balance of the overlying crust, leading to an intensification of volcanic activity. Therefore, it is essential to employ multi-instrument, multi-scale, and high-resolution observations to monitor volcanic activity and assess its impact on both regional and global climate and the environment.

How to cite: Luo, Y., Li, Q., Wu, K., Qian, Y., Zhou, H., and Si, F.: Two Typical Case Studies of Volcanic Eruption Trace Gases Based on EMI Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2443, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2443, 2025.

EGU25-3222 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

City-level Disparities in NOX Emission Trends and Their Inhibitory Effects on O3 Mitigation in China 

Hao Kong, Jintai Lin, Lulu Chen, Yuhang Zhang, and Sijie Wang

As a major air pollutant and precursor of ozone (O3), anthropogenic nitrogen oxides (NOX = NO + NO2) have been effectively controlled in China since peaking around 2012. However, the evolving contrast of emissions across cities and its impacts on secondary pollutants such as O3 remain poorly understood, primarily due to the limitations of existing emission inventories. Here we track the historical high-resolution (5 km) NOX emissions based on POMINO-OMI and POMINO-TROPOMI NO2 VCDs, adopting our previously developed inversion, PHLET. The results demonstrate significantly weaker NOX emission declines in economically small cities where environmental pollution received much less attentions, leading to a shift of emission burdens toward western and non-capital cities. Moreover, simulations based on GEOS-Chem indicate that such disparities in NOX emission trends have inhibited the mitigation of O3 mainly in the western China, and even added up to the O3 increase in some areas of the North China Plain. Our study points to the value of satellite-based inversion to access historical environmental regulations, and emphasizes the importance of collaborative pollution control across regions for comprehensive pollution control in China and other Global South countries undergoing rapid emission changes.

How to cite: Kong, H., Lin, J., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., and Wang, S.: City-level Disparities in NOX Emission Trends and Their Inhibitory Effects on O3 Mitigation in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3222, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3222, 2025.

EGU25-3841 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

SeParation of Ice Nuclei via Density Layers (SPINDL): A new method for characterizing ice nuclei using density gradient centrifugation 

Gurcharan K. Uppal, Soleil E. Worthy, Lanxiadi Chen, Cally Yeung, Olenna McConville, and Allan K. Bertram

Atmospheric ice nucleating substances (INSs) play a crucial role in ice cloud formation above -35°C, impacting cloud radiative properties, cloud lifetime, and the hydrological cycle. Characterizing inorganic (e.g., mineral dusts, volcanic ash, metals) and organic (e.g., bacterial cells, fungal spores, pollen, and various biomacromolecules) INSs has typically involved: 1) single-particle analyses, which offer high resolution but require specialized equipment, and 2) bulk sample treatment (e.g., heat, H2O2, (NH₄)₂SO₄) analyses, which are more accessible but may overestimate or underestimate INS concentrations due to non-target effects. There is a need for additional methods to quantify inorganic and organic INSs concentrations in the atmosphere to test and improve climate models.

Here we show a new density gradient centrifugation method to differentiate and quantify inorganic (densities ≥ 2.1 g cm-3) and organic INSs (densities ≤ 1.6 g cm-3). Density gradient centrifugation was used to separate the INSs suspension into their respective density isolate. This was followed by a wash procedure consisting of sequential differential centrifugation and ultrafiltration. Lastly, the INSs were quantified using a droplet freezing assay.

Our method successfully recovered organic water-soluble INSs (lignin, birch pollen washing water and filtered Fusarium acuminatum) and organic water-insoluble INSs (Snomax and Pseudomonas syringae) in the low-density isolate. We recovered inorganic water-insoluble INSs (K-feldspar) in the high-density isolate. In an INS mixed suspension, we recovered K-feldspar in the high-density isolate and lignin in the low-density isolate both at concentrations similar to the isolated K-feldspar or lignin tests. 

This work demonstrates the broad applicability of density gradient centrifugation for characterizing a wide range of inorganic and organic atmospheric INSs.


How to cite: Uppal, G. K., Worthy, S. E., Chen, L., Yeung, C., McConville, O., and Bertram, A. K.: SeParation of Ice Nuclei via Density Layers (SPINDL): A new method for characterizing ice nuclei using density gradient centrifugation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3841, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3841, 2025.

EGU25-4493 | Posters virtual | VPS3

Comparison of nitrogen dioxide tropospheric columns retrieved by TEMPO and Pandora 

Alexander Radkevich, Hazem Mahmoud, and Daniel Kaufman

Monitoring emissions of nitrogen dioxide is crucial for understanding the atmospheric composition and its impacts on air quality and climate. This study aims to evaluate the accuracy of retrievals of nitrogen dioxide tropospheric column by the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) by comparing them against retrievals of the ground-based Pandora instruments.

The TEMPO is a visible and ultraviolet spectrometer flying aboard of a commercial telecommunications satellite, Intelsat 40e, in geostationary orbit over 91˚ W longitude, thus maintaining a continuous view of North America. High resolution measurements of radiance reflected by the Earth's back to the instrument's detectors enable retrievals of columns of nitrogen dioxide involved in the chemical dynamics of Earth’s atmosphere. TEMPO V03 Level 1, 2, and 3 data were recently made available from the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) via NASA EarthData Search.

Direct-Sun Pandora spectrometer is used to retrieve columnar amounts of trace gases in the atmosphere by the means of differential optical absorption spectroscopy at numerous locations around the globe.

ASDC has developed a set of Jupyter notebooks dedicated to TEMPO vs. Pandora comparisons of the columns of individual trace gases including one dealing with NO2 tropospheric column. The notebooks allow a user to select a specific Pandora station and a timeframe of interest. The code downloads all relevant TEMPO L2 granules as well as the Pandora dataset. The latter is sub-set to the selected timeframe. Time series of the gas column retrievals along with their uncertainties are then derived with accounting for the quality flags from both datasets. Since Pandora measurements are significantly more frequent, a procedure computing weighted averages of them at the times of TEMPO retrievals was incorporated to the notebooks allowing direct comparison of gaseous columns from two sensors against each other.

The results derived by the ASDC tool show only qualitative agreement between the TEMPO and Pandora retrievals of nitrogen dioxide tropospheric column. it was also found that the discrepancies between the two are site dependent which may point to a potential problem with Pandora quality flags. Two attempts were made to improve comparison. Since TEMPO algorithm allows for negative NO2 tropospheric columns, such retrievals were removed from consideration. There are also multiple TEMPO retrievals accompanied by uncertainty greater that the retrieved column. Removal of such retrievals constitutes another approach to improve comparison.

The findings of this study will contribute to the understanding of the reliability and applicability of space-based trace gases monitoring for air quality applications. The results will enhance our understanding of atmospheric processes related to tropospheric NO2.

How to cite: Radkevich, A., Mahmoud, H., and Kaufman, D.: Comparison of nitrogen dioxide tropospheric columns retrieved by TEMPO and Pandora, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4493, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4493, 2025.

EGU25-4697 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Direct and indirect effects of biomass burning and dust aerosols under various synoptic processes during the April 2020 pollution case in Ukraine 

Mykhailo Savenets, Alexander Mahura, Roman Nuterman, and Tuukka Petäjä

Wildfires and dust storms significantly contribute to air pollution, causing adverse health impacts and intensifying various aerosol-meteorology feedbacks in the atmosphere through direct and indirect aerosol effects. These effects, however, are highly variable and depend on prevailing synoptic conditions. In April 2020, Ukraine experienced one of its most severe air pollution episodes, which had a profoundly negative impact on the Kyiv metropolitan area. This event was triggered by wildfires in the abandoned exclusion zone around the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (northern Ukraine) and a dust storm that swept across the entire territory of Ukraine from the west to the east. Despite similar aerosol emissions – characterized by elevated levels of dust, organic carbon (OC), and black carbon (BC) – the atmospheric effects varied significantly under different synoptic processes during April 2020. This study presents seamless modeling results that analyze the meteorological response to direct (DAE) and indirect aerosol effects (IDAE) under varying synoptic conditions during this pollution episode in Ukraine.

Using the Environment – HIgh-Resolution Limited Area Model (Enviro-HIRLAM) at a 1.5 km horizontal resolution, four simulations/runs were conducted to investigate the role of aerosols: DAE run, IDAE run, combined aerosol effects (COMB run), and a reference (REF run) representing a standard Numerical Weather Prediction configuration without aerosol effects. The uniform and continuous effects of biomass burning and dust aerosols were primarily observed in radiation parameters, leading to a reduction in downwelling global and net short-wave radiation by 25-40 W/m². A clear correspondence between aerosol distribution and changes in the spatial patterns of other meteorological parameters was evident during the atmospheric fronts and the dust storm episode. Notably, the movement of a warm front caused near-surface air temperature to decrease and specific humidity to increase ahead of the front, with the opposite effects observed behind it. Compared to the REF run, these parameters exhibited local variations ranging from -2.6°C to +1.0°C for air temperature and from -1.5 g/kg to +1.0 g/kg for specific humidity. Aerosol effects during the stationary cold front led to an increase in air temperature and cloud liquid water content. However, transported sulfur aerosols significantly influenced these effects against the background of OC and BC emissions. In contrast, the subsequent dust storm and cold front had the opposite effect on air temperature, also impacting changes in turbulent kinetic energy. Most of these effects were associated with areas in model domain affected by elevated concentrations of dust, BC, and OC in their coarse and accumulation modes.

We acknowledge support through the grant HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access Programme for projects “Integrated modelling for assessment of potential pollution regional atmospheric transport as result of accidental wildfires”; projects Horizon Europe programme under Grant Agreement No 101137680 CERTAINTY (Cloud-aERosol inTeractions & their impActs IN The earth sYstem); project No 101036245 RI-URBANS (Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS) and No 101056783 European Union via FOCI-project (Non-CO2 Forcers And Their Climate, Weather, Air Quality And Health Impacts).

How to cite: Savenets, M., Mahura, A., Nuterman, R., and Petäjä, T.: Direct and indirect effects of biomass burning and dust aerosols under various synoptic processes during the April 2020 pollution case in Ukraine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4697, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4697, 2025.

EGU25-5297 | Posters virtual | VPS3

Sulfur dioxide trends in Iranian urban areas: assessing the impact of mitigation policies

Robabeh Yousefi, Fang Wang, Amaneh Kaveh-Firouz, Abdallah Shaheen, and Quansheng Ge

EGU25-5323 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Assessing black carbon dynamics in Iran: the role of urban growth and land use changes in long-term trends (1980–2023) 

Abdallah Shaheen, Robabeh Yousefi, Fang Wang, Amaneh Kaveh-Firouz, and Quansheng Ge

Black carbon (BC), the primary light-absorbing aerosol, has significant implications for atmospheric heating and climate change, with far-reaching effects on regional air quality and public health. In Iran, BC concentrations, primarily resulting from combustion processes such as industrial emissions, vehicular exhaust, and biomass burning, constitute a significant air quality challenge, particularly in urban regions with high levels of anthropogenic activity. However, there is a lack of studies on the long-term trends of BC in Iran, particularly regarding the effects of urban growth and land use changes on air quality and human health. This study systematically analyzes trends in BC concentrations from 1980 to 2023, both on a national and regional scales, using high-resolution data from the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications version 2 (MERRA-2).  The analysis includes temporal and spatial variations to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic and natural factors on BC levels over this period. A substantial increase in BC concentrations was observed from 1980 to 2023, followed by a decline after 2010. Regional analysis revealed higher BC levels in western Iran, driven by concentrated anthropogenic and industrial activities, compared to the sparsely populated, desert-dominated eastern regions, characterized by arid landscapes. Seasonal variations in BC concentrations were observed nationwide, with peak levels occurring in Tehran and Ahvaz during the winter. Trend analysis across various land use and land cover (LULC) types indicated that urban and agricultural expansion were the primarily drivers of increasing BC concentrations. Positive correlations were observed between the aforementioned factors and aerosol emissions, while water and grassland coverage were associated with reduced emissions in most regions. These findings underscore the necessity of expanding natural land use, such as forest coverage, and promoting sustainable urbanization as strategies to mitigate BC emissions.

How to cite: Shaheen, A., Yousefi, R., Wang, F., Kaveh-Firouz, A., and Ge, Q.: Assessing black carbon dynamics in Iran: the role of urban growth and land use changes in long-term trends (1980–2023), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5323, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5323, 2025.

EGU25-5362 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Turbulence-induced Non-Monotonic Influence of Aerosols on Cloud Droplet Size Distribution 

Yiqi Chen, Jingyi Chen, and Chunsong Lu

Cloud droplet size distribution is essential for quantifying the role of clouds in earth system, including cloud albedo, precipitation formation, and cloud lifetime. The response of cloud droplet spectral relative dispersion (ε) to aerosol number concentration (Na) is highly uncertain, and the role of turbulence in εNa relationships is yet puzzling. This study uses large eddy simulation to examine the εNa relationship and derives an expression for ε from a minimal model to elucidate this relationship. Our findings indicate that as Na increases, ε initially decreases due to the aerosol’s effect on weakening the intensity of turbulence-induced broadening greater than its effect on weakening the intensity of condensational narrowing. However, as Na continues to increase, ε increases due to the aerosol’s effect on weakening the intensity of condensational narrowing more significant than its effect on weakening the intensity of turbulence-induced broadening. These findings improve the understanding of the aerosol effects on cloud droplet size distribution and address the challenge of quantifying aerosol indirect effects considering turbulence, potentially leading to new cloud microphysics parameterizations.

How to cite: Chen, Y., Chen, J., and Lu, C.: Turbulence-induced Non-Monotonic Influence of Aerosols on Cloud Droplet Size Distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5362, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5362, 2025.

EGU25-5764 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Volatile organic compounds in ambient air of Delhi 

Richa Sharma

Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in the world with a rapidly growing population. Huge amount of VOCs is released into the atmosphere from both anthropogenic and biogenic emissions. Various types of VOCs are released from anthropogenic sources such as disinfectants and cleansers, paints and varnishes, wood preservatives, aerosol sprays, room fresheners, dry cleaners and organic solvents. Another important anthropogenic source is burning of fossil fuels in motor vehicles, which also releases VOCs. Various plants species also release VOCs like isoprene (biogenic VOCs) which upon oxidation with atmospheric oxidants like ozone (O3), nitrate (NO3) and hydroxyl radicals (OH) forms less volatile products which on further reaction forms secondary organic aerosols (SOA). VOCs are also responsible for formation of tropospheric ozone which is one of the major criterion air pollutants and causes various health issues.

Around 32 samples of VOCs have been collected in the NCT of Delhi using charcoal tubes from the selected sites, VIZ., Okhla Phase 2 (OKHL, Industrial site), Sri Aurobindo Marg (SAM, traffic intervention site), Income tax office (ITO, traffic intervention site), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU, Institutional site). Sample preparation has been done following the protocol given by NIOSH 1501 method for xylene analysis, which is widely accepted as a “golden standard” for Industrial Hygiene sampling. Collected samples were run on GC-FID and concentration of VOCs is determined. The average concentration of Total VOCs at SAM is found to be 382.07µg/m3 while it is 200.14, 242.63 and 452.62 µg/m3 at JNU, OKHL and ITO, respectively. Out of all the VOCS, benzene and toluene represents the highest percentage with benzene representing a percentage of 17%  and 18% at SAM, JNU, Okhla and ITO, respectively and Toluene  contributing to a percentage concentration of 15% , 13%, 16% and 15% respectively at SAM , JNU, Okhla and  ITO thus owing to high vehicular emissions in Delhi. Individual average concentration at evening is higher than individual average concentration at morning at all chosen sites.  Also individual concentration of benzene and toluene is higher than other VOCs being 64.14 µg/m3 and 59.13 µg/m3 respectively at SAM, 35.64 µg/m3 and 25.83 µg/m3 at JNU, 79.6 µg/m3 and 69.9 µg/m3 at ITO and 41.92 µg/m3 and 37.80 µg/m3 at Okhla. It has planned to evaluate both the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk associated with the chosen VOCs. This research will help us to get knowledge of sources of emission of VOCs. Further we will get a knowledge of the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic impacts of VOCs and the percentage of population in Delhi which is getting directly or indirectly exposed to the carcinogenic VOCs. Hence it would help us in determining the health risk associated with VOC emission which would help in formulating effective strategies for controlling VOC emission. This would further aid us in reducing tropospheric ozone which is also a pollutant of concern. This study can also be used further in understanding atmospheric chemical reactions, photochemical smog pollution, assessment and forecast of possible change in atmospheric environment on the regional/global scale.


How to cite: Sharma, R.: Volatile organic compounds in ambient air of Delhi, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5764, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5764, 2025.

NASA’s Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) at Langley Research Center will present an overview of the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) mission, focusing on the cutting-edge tools and services available to users for air quality research and environmental monitoring. TEMPO is a pioneering geostationary satellite that provides day light hourly observations of pollutants over North America, including measurements of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and other critical pollutants.This presentation will highlight the ASDC’s role in archiving, distributing, and providing user support for TEMPO data. Attendees will be introduced to data access tools, visualization platforms, and analysis services designed to facilitate the use of TEMPO observations for scientific research and decision-making. Key resources, such as NASA Earthdata Search, Earth GIS, OPeNDAP, Worldview, Github Tutorials and Harmony services on the cloud, will be showcased, demonstrating how researchers can efficiently explore and download high-resolution data products.Additionally, the presentation will cover the application of TEMPO data in studying air quality trends, emission sources, and the impacts of pollution on public health and climate. Attendees will also gain insights into ASDC's open science initiatives, which encourage collaboration and data sharing to enhance the impact of TEMPO and NASA’s broader Earth science mission.Through this presentation, the ASDC aims to empower the scientific community with the tools and knowledge needed to harness the full potential of TEMPO data in addressing pressing environmental challenges.

How to cite: Mahmoud, H. and Radkevich, A.: Leveraging TEMPO Data: Tools and Services for Air Quality Monitoring and Research from the Atmospheric Science Data Center, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7314, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7314, 2025.

EGU25-7978 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic microfibers in different indoor environments of Chennai, India  

Angel Jessieleena, Iniyan Kambapalli Ezhilan, Amit Singh Chandel, Sancia Verus D'sa, Nilofer Mohamed, and Indumathi Nambi

Microplastics, particularly microplastic fibers, are an emerging pollutant of growing concern, frequently detected in the atmosphere. However, recent studies emphasized the predominance of artificial and natural microfibers over microplastic fibers. Despite this, research focusing on all types of microfibers, commonly grouped as anthropogenic microfibers (MFs) remains limited, especially in residential indoor environments. Therefore, this study explored the indoor atmospheric deposition of microfibers, in the residential homes of Chennai, India, marking the first such study in the country. Additionally, workplaces, including offices, laboratories, and hostel rooms, were examined. Bedrooms (16,736±7,263 MFs/m²/day) and student hostels (5,572±2,898 MFs/m²/day) recorded the highest contamination in respective categories, and this could be attributed to the abundance of textile products, such as bedsheets, carpets, quilts, towels, and curtains in the indoors of both the rooms. MFs shorter than 500 µm dominated the samples, comprising 78.8 and 65.9 % of total MFs in residential and workplace categories, respectively. The diameter of MFs ranged from 2.02–23 µm in residential spaces and 2.04–36.4 µm in workplaces, indicating their potential to penetrate human lungs. µ-FTIR analysis revealed the predominance of semi-synthetic MFs (48.2 %), followed by natural (29.3%) and synthetic (22.5 %) MFs, underscoring the need to consider all categories of MFs. Further classification revealed rayon (94.5±6.40 %), cotton (68.1±6.12 %), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) (48.1±11.5 %) as major MFs, indicating textiles as a significant contamination source. The detection of black rubber/latex MFs indicates additional contributions from road dust. Surface morphological analysis, correlations with environmental and meteorological factors, and backward trajectory analysis further highlighted the primary role of indoor/local sources in MFs contamination. Overall, the study emphasizes the need to monitor all categories of MFs and calls for comprehensive investigations into the impact of indoor textile products and road dust on indoor atmospheric contamination in future research.

How to cite: Jessieleena, A., Kambapalli Ezhilan, I., Chandel, A. S., D'sa, S. V., Mohamed, N., and Nambi, I.: Atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic microfibers in different indoor environments of Chennai, India , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7978, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7978, 2025.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), an atmospheric pollutant produced by fossil fuel combustion in vehicles and industrial processes, is harmful to human health, worsening respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. The main effects of NO2 pollution on human health are respiratory infections, airway inflammation, asthma, and low birth weight, among others. Vehicle traffic in cities is one of the main sources of NO2, affecting the health of the population living near highways. The highest NO2 concentration occurs at distances between 200 and 500 meters from high-traffic highways. The study area, the metropolitan region of Campinas (MRC), Brazil, is a technological, industrial and economic hub with 3.3 million inhabitants and busy transport corridors that connect the southeast and central-west regions of the country. It is composed of 20 municipalities and is located in São Paulo state, the most developed and populated Brazilian state. The aims of this work are to map atmospheric NO2 pollution and estimate NO2 concentrations near the highways in the MRC using average daily vehicle flow (DVF) and NO2 concentrations estimated from satellite images. Data on the tropospheric vertical column of nitrogen dioxide (in mol/cm2) values from 32 daily images from the Sentinel 5P satellite TROPOMI spectrometer that were collected from April 15 to May 20, 2024, were used. During that period, there was no rain, and the sky remained clear and cloudless. The images were processed to produce NO2 median images during the study period. The NO2 pollution map was produced by the spline interpolation algorithm method. To estimate the concentration of NO2 near the MRC highways, a road map was used, and a 500 m buffer was drawn around the highways. The NO2 pollution map was combined with the buffer map, and the median NO2 concentration within the 500 m buffer around the highways was estimated. Pearson regression analysis was performed between the average DVF and the NO2 concentration. The results revealed a positive and significant correlation (r=0.692; p= 0.004) between the DVF and NO2 concentration near the highways estimated from satellite data. The highest NO2 concentrations were observed near highways SP-083 (1.5591 mol/cm2; 45,000 vehicles/day), SP-330 (1.521 mol/cm2; 38,815 vehicles/day), and SP-075 (1.485 mol/cm2; 37,813 vehicles/day). The results of this study can be used in epidemiological research to identify neighborhoods and populations that live near high NO2 concentration highways and are exposed to respiratory and cardiovascular disease risks. In the next step of this research, the NO2 concentration values ​​estimated from Sentinel 5P images in mol/cm2 units will be converted to µg/m3 units using data from ground-based measurement stations located in the MRC. In the future, this methodology can be used to produce highway NO2 pollution maps for areas in which ground measurement station data are unavailable.

How to cite: Ferreira, M.: Using Sentinel 5P satellite and vehicle flow data to map NO2 air pollution near highways in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9328, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9328, 2025.

Extreme weather events, such as extreme temperatures, water vapor transport, and the resulting extreme precipitation, have been occurring with increasing frequency and are projected to intensify further in a warming climate. Understanding how these events respond to climate change is critically important. Numerical models serve as essential tools for uncovering the mechanisms behind these phenomena, with spatial resolution being one of the key challenges. Leveraging advanced supercomputing resources, we have recently made significant advancements in developing high-resolution Earth system models based on the Community Earth System Model (CESM), featuring a 25 km atmospheric resolution and a 10 km oceanic resolution. Compared to the commonly used CMIP5 and CMIP6 models, the high-resolution Earth system model demonstrates substantial improvements in reproducing extreme weather events, thereby greatly enhancing the confidence in future projections.

How to cite: Gao, Y.: Enhancing the Simulation and Prediction of Extreme Temperature and Water Vapor in a Warming Climate Using a High-Resolution Earth System Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11612, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11612, 2025.

The Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) is a globally recognized hotspot for high aerosol loading, necessitating precise modelling to understand its spatial and temporal dynamics. This study evaluates the performance of differently parameterized Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) models in forecasting the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) at 550 nm retrieved from the CERES (Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System) satellite platform across eight  locations: Delhi, Dhaka, Jaipur, Kanpur, Karachi, Kolkata, Lahore, and Varanasi in the IGP. Using long-term AOD datasets from CERES during the period of 2005 to 2020, we tested various SARIMA configurations to capture seasonal trends and irregular variations specific to urban environments. The SARIMA configurations tested include configure_1: (1,0,1)(1,0,1)₁₂, configure_2: (1,1,1)(1,1,1)₁₂, configure_3: (2,0,1)(2,0,1)₁₂, and configure_4: (2,1,1)(2,1,1)₁₂ These configure models were compared with CERES-derived observations for AOD at the study sites for the next two years, that is, Jan, 2021 to Dec, 2022. Each configuration was assessed for data stationarity using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test and if not follows, then the differentiation method has been used to stationaries the series. The Model performance was evaluated using multiple statistical metrics, including normalized Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Mean Bias Error (MBE), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) for every configuration showed the low metric values. The result indicates high correlation coefficients, ranging from 0.54 to 0.91, and R-squared values, varying between 0.31 and 0.81 for all configurations that significantly determined the best-suited models for each location. Every modelled configuration has been checked with 95% and 99% confidence interval (with alpha=0.05 and 0.01, respectively) showing the p-value <0.001. These results emphasize the models' ability to replicate observed AOD patterns effectively. It reveal that parameter sensitivity plays a critical role in predictive accuracy, with optimal configurations varying across locations due to heterogeneity in aerosol sources and meteorological conditions. The present study underlines the importance of site-specific model tuning for reliable aerosol forecasting in densely populated and pollution-prone regions. These insights provide a foundation to enhance air quality prediction studies and address health, and climate impacts associated with aerosols in the IGP.

How to cite: Mall, A. and Singh, S.: Comparison of Differently Parameterized SARIMA Models using CERES-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth over Indo-Gangetic Plain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12277, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12277, 2025.

EGU25-13295 | Posters virtual | VPS3

Multiple lines of evidence help identify the sources and formation mechanisms of Nitrogen and Carbon in Particulate Matter sampled in the historical center of Naples (Italy) 

Mauro Rubino, Carmina Sirignano, Elena Chianese, Miguel Ángel Hernández-Ceballos, Anikó Angyal, Fabio Marzaioli, Davide Di Rosa, Giuseppe Caso, and Angelo Riccio

The aim of this study is to investigate Particulate Matter (PM) sources and mechanisms of formations over the city of Naples (Italy) and their seasonal and day-to-day variations.

We have sampled fine particles with diameter < 2.5 μm (PM2.5) and < 10 μm (PM10) daily on pre-cleaned (700 °C for 2 h) quartz filters, during the months of May and November 2016-January 2017, on top of the historical building complex in Largo San Marcellino, Naples. We have measured the concentrations of total N/C together with their isotopic composition (δ15N and δ13C). We have also measured the concentration of major ions and interpreted the results with data of gaseous compounds, as well as consideration of the meteorology, using data and state of the art models of atmospheric circulation (Hysplit). Our point was to show that the uncertainty associated with quantification of sources contribution with an apportionment model decreases when the model is constrained with information derived from different methods.

Seasonal differences: the results show that the concentrations of total PM10/PM2.5, N/C measured in autumn are more variable than those measured in spring. This is related to a different wind regime, whereby in spring air masses mostly originated from West and South (the “clean” Mediterranean sea), whereas in autumn the wind blew air from North (over the highly urbanized and “dirty” European continent). This interpretation is supported by the concentration of major ions showing more scattered values in autumn for species typically originating from land (K+, NH4+, NO3-), with high values on the 9th and the 26-27th of December and the 2nd of January 2017. However, neither the monthly mean δ15N and δ13C, nor the daily values corresponding to the spikes show significant changes, suggesting that the isotopic composition of total N/C has limited power in identifying changes of mean monthly sources or for the spikes. 

Day-to-day variations: a significant change of the main species measured is found around the middle of May. This event is associated with a change in weather pattern going from a typical land-sea breeze wind regime (typically causing poor air circulation and stagnation of air masses) to an intense synoptic with winds originating mostly from South/South-West (the sea). Correspondingly, there is a peak in the concentration of major ions originating mostly from land (NO3-, SO42-, Ca2+, C2O42-, K+) towards the end of the land-sea breeze regime (9-11th May), followed (10-15th May) by an increase of the concentration of major ions originating mostly from the sea (Na+, Mg2+, Cl-). The entire period (9-14th) is characterized by a concurrent variation of total N, C, δ15N and δ13C. While the changes of δ15N are caused mainly by isotope fractionations, associated with the dissociation of NH4Cl producing NH3 and HCl, the changes of δ13C are caused mostly by a change of the source of total C, associated with carbonate (CO32-) apportion.

We conclude that the concentrations and isotopic compositions of N/C in PM are useful tools only when coupled with other tools like the analysis of the meteorology and the concentration of major ions.

How to cite: Rubino, M., Sirignano, C., Chianese, E., Hernández-Ceballos, M. Á., Angyal, A., Marzaioli, F., Di Rosa, D., Caso, G., and Riccio, A.: Multiple lines of evidence help identify the sources and formation mechanisms of Nitrogen and Carbon in Particulate Matter sampled in the historical center of Naples (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13295, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13295, 2025.

Active and passive sensors onboard satellites and suborbital measurements have shown frequent aerosol-cloud overlapping situations over several regions worldwide on a monthly to seasonal scale. However, retrieving the optical properties of aerosols lofted over clouds poses challenges. Primarily, the assumption of aerosol single-scattering albedo (SSA) in the satellite-based algorithms is known to be one of the largest sources of uncertainty in quantifying the above-cloud aerosol optical depth (ACAOD). On the radiative forcing aspect, the sign and magnitude of the aerosol radiative forcing over clouds are determined mainly by the aerosol loading, the absorption capacity of aerosols (SSA), and the brightness of the underlying cloud cover.


We contribute to addressing the uncertainties surrounding the absorbing aerosols-cloud radiative interactions by offering a novel, NASA’s A-train-centric, one-and-half decade long (2006-2022) global retrieval product of aerosols above cloud that delivers 1) spectral ACAOD, 2) spectral SSA of light-absorbing aerosols lofted over the clouds, and 3) aerosol-corrected cloud optical depth (COD). The synergy algorithm combines lidar retrievals of ACAOD derived from the ‘De-polarization Ratio’ method applied to CALIOP and the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) spectral reflectance from OMI (354-388 nm) and MODIS (470-860 nm) sensors to deduce the joint aerosol-cloud product. The availability of accurate ACAOD accompanied by a marked sensitivity of the TOA measurements to ACAOD, SSA, and COD allow retrieval of SSA for above-cloud aerosols scenes using the ‘color ratio’ algorithm applied to UV and VIS sensors.


We will present multiyear (2006-2022), regional retrievals of UV-VIS spectral aerosol SSA above clouds, and it’s a comparison against ORACLES airborne in situ and remote sensing measurements and ground-based AERONET inversions. A preliminary uncertainty analysis suggests that an uncertainty of 20% in ACAOD can result in an error of ~0.02 at 388 nm and ~0.01 at 470 nm in the retrieved SSA from OMI and MODIS, respectively. Furthermore, the presented aerosol-cloud remote sensing algorithm assumes implications for the recently launched EarthCARE and PACE missions with potential synergy of ATLID lidar and OCI imager. The availability of the global aerosol-cloud joint product will reenergize the community by offering 1) an improved representation of aerosol extinction and absorption properties over clouds and 2) much-needed observational estimates of the radiative effects of aerosols in cloudy regions for constraining the climate models.

How to cite: Jethva, H., Torres, O., Kayetha, V., and Hu, Y.: One-and-half Decade Long Global Retrieval Dataset of UV-VIS Spectral Optical Depth and Single-scattering Albedo of Absorbing Aerosols above Clouds from A-train Active-Passive Synergy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14363, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14363, 2025.

EGU25-14596 | Posters virtual | VPS3

The Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) Level 0-1 Processor – Radiometric calibration and intercomparison 

Heesung Chong, Xiong Liu, John Houck, David E. Flittner, James Carr, and Weizhen Hou and the TEMPO instrument calibration team

We present the status of the Level 0-1 processor for the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO), with a primary focus on radiometric calibration. Multiple version updates have significantly improved the TEMPO Level 1 products, enhancing the quality of Level 2 products and enabling the detection of city lights, nightglow, and aurora signals during twilight hours. However, assessments of TEMPO Level 1 data (versions 1 to 3) indicated overestimations of Sun-normalized radiances when compared to radiative transfer calculations. To investigate these biases, we compared TEMPO solar irradiance measurements to those from multiple independent instruments and a high-resolution reference solar spectrum. For Earth radiance assessments, we conducted intercomparisons with spaceborne measurements from the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) instruments onboard the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-16 and -19. Located at the checkout position of 89.5°W for post-launch testing, GOES-19 ABI has provided comparable viewing geometries with TEMPO (at 91.0°W) over North America. On the other hand, comparisons with GOES-16 ABI (located at 75.2°W) may require corrections for viewing angles and bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) effects due to larger differences in geometries. Additionally, we compared TEMPO Sun-normalized radiances with radiative transfer simulations over Railroad Valley, which use ground-based surface reflectance measurements as input. In this work, we present the intercomparison results and propose potential approaches to mitigate the radiometric biases.

How to cite: Chong, H., Liu, X., Houck, J., Flittner, D. E., Carr, J., and Hou, W. and the TEMPO instrument calibration team: The Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) Level 0-1 Processor – Radiometric calibration and intercomparison, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14596, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14596, 2025.

EGU25-14804 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Investigation of the Cyclohexene Oxidation Mechanism Through the Direct Measurement of Organic Peroxy Radical 

Yang Li, Xuefei Ma, Keding Lu, and Yuanhang Zhang

Monoterpenes, the second most abundant biogenic volatile organic compounds globally, are crucial in forming secondary organic aerosols, making their oxidation mechanisms vital for addressing climate change and air pollution. This study utilized cyclohexene as a surrogate to explore first-generation products from its ozonolysis through laboratory experiments and mechanistic modeling. We employed proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry with NH4+ ion sources (NH4+-CIMS) and a custom-built OH calibration source to quantify organic peroxy radicals (RO2) and closed-shell species. Under near-real atmospheric conditions in a Potential Aerosol Mass-Oxidation Flow Reactor, we identified 30 ozonolysis products, expanding previous data sets of low-oxygen compounds. Combined with simulations based on the Generator for Explicit Chemistry and Kinetics of Organics in the Atmosphere and relevant literature, our results revealed that OH dominates over ozone in cyclohexene oxidation at typical atmospheric oxidant levels with H-abstraction contributing 30% of initial RO2 radicals. Highly oxidized molecules primarily arise from RO2 autoxidation initiated by ozone, and at least 15% of ozone oxidation products follow the overlooked nonvinyl hydroperoxides pathway. Gaps remain especially in understanding RO2 cross-reactions, and the structural complexity of monoterpenes further complicates research. As emissions decrease and afforestation increases, understanding these mechanisms becomes increasingly critical.

How to cite: Li, Y., Ma, X., Lu, K., and Zhang, Y.: Investigation of the Cyclohexene Oxidation Mechanism Through the Direct Measurement of Organic Peroxy Radical, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14804, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14804, 2025.

EGU25-14890 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Quantifying the sources of anthropogenic aerosols over western India 

Shashank Shekhar, Shubham Dhaka, Aditya Vaishya, Narendra Ojha, Andrea Pozzer, and Amit Sharma

Anthropogenic aerosols significantly deteriorate the urban air quality and climate of the western Indian region, nevertheless, the contributions from different sources (power, residential, transport and industries) to ambient particulate pollution has been uncertain. In this regard, high-resolution simulations have been conducted employing the WRF-Chem (v3.9.1) model to comprehensively assess contribution from major anthropogenic sources in post-monsoon (November 2019), when air quality is typically poor in the region. Model evaluation is conducted by comparing simulated near-surface aerosol concentrations (PM2.5 and PM10) and aerosol optical depth (AOD) against ground-based measurements (CPCB), satellite data (MODIS), and the reanalysis dataset (MERRA-2). The results show that the model captures the spatial distribution of AOD satisfactorily, with WRF-Chem simulated AOD (0.38 ± 0.10) aligning well with MERRA-2 AOD (0.54 ± 0.10) and MODIS AOD (0.50 ± 0.20). Surface PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations also meet performance metrics of Fractional Bias ≤ 60% and Fractional Error ≤ 75%, with FAC2 values of 0.9 and 0.7, respectively. Sensitivity analysis reveals spatial heterogeneity in dominant sector that contributes to PM2.5 concentration over western India. The power sector dominates in most areas with an average contribution of ~14% from regional power sources, followed by regional industries (~12%), regional residential emissions (~9%), and regional transport (~5%). In the trans-regional emissions from the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) and central India also, the power sector remains the largest contributor (~15%), followed by industry (10.5%). Our findings underscore the need for targeted emission reductions in high-impact sectors to improve air quality over western India.

How to cite: Shekhar, S., Dhaka, S., Vaishya, A., Ojha, N., Pozzer, A., and Sharma, A.: Quantifying the sources of anthropogenic aerosols over western India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14890, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14890, 2025.

EGU25-14891 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Impacts of anthropogenic emissions on monsoon precipitation over western India: Insights from high-resolution regional modeling 

Shubham Dhaka, Shipra Lakshmi, Aditya Vaishya, Narendra Ojha, Andrea Pozzer, Tabish Ansari, and Amit Sharma

Air quality and climate over the western Indian region have been shown to be strongly influenced by trans-regional anthropogenic emissions originated from the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) and central India, besides the local and regional processes. Nevertheless, the relative roles of local versus remote anthropogenic processes in changing precipitation over western India have remained unclear. In this regard, numerical simulations have been conducted using the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) to quantify regional versus trans-regional anthropogenic effects on cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC) and precipitation during monsoon (August 2019). WRF-Chem simulations show a good agreement with the ERA5 reanalysis for cloud fraction (CF) (r = 0.88, MB = 0.08 mm/day) and accumulated monthly precipitation (AMP) (r = 0.84, MB = -0.14 mm/day). Sensitivity simulations reveal that regional plus trans-regional anthropogenic emissions enhance CDNC by up to 5.1×106 number/cm2 (~121% of the average CDNC over WI) but significantly reduce the precipitation by up to 45 mm (~15% of the average precipitation). The findings also revealed that the impact of trans-regional emissions in perturbing CDNC and precipitation is higher than that of regional emissions. Our results suggest that anthropogenic emissions can substantially lower water resources in this already stressed arid region in India. The study also highlights that policies need to aim emission reductions ubiquitously and not only over western India for mitigating pollution impacts on regional precipitation.

How to cite: Dhaka, S., Lakshmi, S., Vaishya, A., Ojha, N., Pozzer, A., Ansari, T., and Sharma, A.: Impacts of anthropogenic emissions on monsoon precipitation over western India: Insights from high-resolution regional modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14891, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14891, 2025.

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is currently experiencing critically alarming levels of air pollution, with its Air Quality Index (AQI) exceeding 200, indicating hazardous conditions. This study investigates the factors contributing to Dhaka's deteriorating air quality over the past two decades by integrating AQI data with Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) analyses. Particular attention is given to the impacts of major development projects, including the Metro Rail, Elevated Expressway, and International Airport Terminal 3, on the city’s air quality. Comparative assessments of AQI before and after the completion of these projects reveal a significant worsening of air quality, attributed to increased construction activity and subsequent urbanization. The rapid expansion of impervious surfaces is identified as another critical factor exacerbating the AQI. The findings emphasize the urgent need for sustainable urban planning and air quality management strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of development on public health and the environment in Dhaka.

How to cite: Akhter, J. and Rayhan, M.: Assessing the Impact of Urban Development and Land Use Changes on Dhaka's Hazardous Air Quality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14892, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14892, 2025.

EGU25-14903 | Posters virtual | VPS3

Advancing Greenhouse Gas Mapping with JPL Imaging Spectrometers: AVIRIS, EMIT, and Carbon-I 

Andrew Thorpe, Robert Green, Christian Frankenberg, Anna Michalak, David Thompson, Philip Brodrick, Dana Chadwick, Michael Eastwood, Valerie Scott, William Frazier, Jay Fahlen, Red Willow Coleman, Chuchu Xiang, Daniel Jensen, Claire Villanueva-Weeks, Amanda Lopez, Quentin Vinckier, Holly Bender, Adam Chlus, and John Chapman

Over the past 15 years, imaging spectrometers developed at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory have significantly advanced the field of remote sensing of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) point source emissions. This began in 2008 with airborne observations from the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), 2013 with the next generation AVIRIS-NG instrument, and has culminated with the launch of NASA’s Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) in 2022.

These instruments have identified thousands of CH4 and CO2 point source emissions across the oil and gas, waste, and energy sectors, contributing in some cases to emission mitigation efforts. As part of an extended mission, EMIT coverage will expand beyond the arid regions of Earth to cover terrestrial surfaces between +51.6° and −51.6° latitude, enabling direct attribution of anthropogenic emissions on a global scale. EMIT's measurements and greenhouse gas data products are accessible through NASA’s Land Processing DAAC and the U.S. GHG Center, with all associated code available as open source. These data are already being utilized by public, private, and non-profit organizations, including UNEP IMEO and the Carbon Mapper Coalition. Additionally, new airborne instruments, such as AVIRIS-3 (2023) and the planned AVIRIS-5, promise enhanced sensitivity to CH4 and CO2 point sources, offering the potential for direct comparisons with satellite-based EMIT observations.

The Carbon Investigation (Carbon-I), a proposed mission for the NASA Earth System Explorer Program, reflects a dramatic advancement in greenhouse gas mapping capability. It provides a unique combination of coverage, high spatial sampling, and very high sensitivity, to permit quantification of emissions that cannot be observed with current technology. With contiguous global observations of CH4, CO2, and CO at 300 m sampling every 28 days with targeted observations at 30 m sampling, Carbon-I will permit emission quantification at the global to regional scales as well as for localized point sources. Consistent with NASA’s Open Source Science Initiative, all Carbon-I data and code will be publicly accessible, empowering Earth Action initiatives worldwide.

How to cite: Thorpe, A., Green, R., Frankenberg, C., Michalak, A., Thompson, D., Brodrick, P., Chadwick, D., Eastwood, M., Scott, V., Frazier, W., Fahlen, J., Coleman, R. W., Xiang, C., Jensen, D., Villanueva-Weeks, C., Lopez, A., Vinckier, Q., Bender, H., Chlus, A., and Chapman, J.: Advancing Greenhouse Gas Mapping with JPL Imaging Spectrometers: AVIRIS, EMIT, and Carbon-I, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14903, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14903, 2025.

EGU25-15068 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Stratospheric Circulation in the Southern Hemisphere: links to tropical winds, ozone and Hunga Eruption 

Xinyue Wang, Wandi Yu, William Randel, and Rolando Garcia

The Southern Hemisphere (SH) stratosphere circulation can be organized around the development of the low-latitude jet (LLJ) in the upper stratosphere during winter months. The LLJ is associated with weak planetary wave activity, reduced residual circulation, and connections to westerly anomalies of the middle and upper stratosphere during early and mid-winter. The 2022 Hunga eruption coinciding with an anomalously strong LLJ year. Additionally, the LLJ is linked to a persistent, strong polar vortex in the lower stratosphere during October–December. This strong vortex, primarily driven by dynamical processes in winter, is further associated with enhanced ozone losses in spring, with ozone feedback reinforcing the vortex as sunlight returns in October.

How to cite: Wang, X., Yu, W., Randel, W., and Garcia, R.: Stratospheric Circulation in the Southern Hemisphere: links to tropical winds, ozone and Hunga Eruption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15068, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15068, 2025.

EGU25-15097 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Advancing load-dependent emission factors for ships: Integrating alternative fuels, biofuels, and control technologies 

Achilleas Grigoriadis, Theofanis Chountalas, Evangelia Fragkou, Dimitrios Chountalas, and Leonidas Ntziachristos

Shipping is a high-energy-consuming sector and a significant source of climate-related and harmful pollutant emissions. In response to growing environmental concerns, the maritime sector has been subject to stringent regulations aimed at reducing emissions, achieved through the adoption of alternative fuels and emission control technologies. Accurate and diverse emission factors (EFs) are critical for quantifying shipping’s contribution to current emission inventories and projecting future trends under various policy scenarios. This study presents advancements in the development of emission factors for ships, incorporating alternative fuels, biofuels and emission control technologies. The methodology integrates statistical analysis of emission data from an extensive literature review with newly acquired on-board emission measurements. To ensure high resolution and applicability across diverse operational conditions, the emission factors are formulated as functions of engine load and categorized by engine type and fuel used. The results provide insights into the emission performance of ships and intend to support the development of robust, up-to-date emission models and inventories, contributing to the broader goal of sustainable maritime transport.

How to cite: Grigoriadis, A., Chountalas, T., Fragkou, E., Chountalas, D., and Ntziachristos, L.: Advancing load-dependent emission factors for ships: Integrating alternative fuels, biofuels, and control technologies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15097, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15097, 2025.

EGU25-15191 | Posters virtual | VPS3

Nitrous Acid (HONO) Retrievals from wildfire events by using Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) ultraviolet spectra 

Hyeji Cha, Jhoon Kim, Heesung Chong, Gonzalo González Abad, Sang Seo Park, and Won-jin Lee

Nitrous acid (HONO) is known to be the significant source of hydroxyl radicals (OH), impacting air quality and climate as a major oxidant in the atmosphere. Many studies have highlighted that the photolysis of HONO can produce substantial amounts of OH throughout the day. Despite the crucial role of HONO in tropospheric chemistry, more research is needed to improve understanding of global HONO budgets. To address this, we developed a prototype HONO retrieval algorithm from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS). The retrieval algorithm comprises two major processes, commencing with the spectral fitting of UV spectral range (343-371 nm) using the direct fitting method to obtain the slant columns. Subsequently, the conversion of slant columns into vertical columns is achieved by applying the air mass factor. The last step involves background correction, wherein the slant column amounts of HONO included in the radiance reference spectrum are added to the differential slant columns. Enhancements of HONO resulting from wildfire events in Asia were detected using GEMS. Refining the GEMS HONO retrieval algorithm is expected to enhance our understanding of the diurnal cycle of HONO, along with tropospheric chemistry in Asia.

How to cite: Cha, H., Kim, J., Chong, H., González Abad, G., Park, S. S., and Lee, W.: Nitrous Acid (HONO) Retrievals from wildfire events by using Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) ultraviolet spectra, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15191, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15191, 2025.

EGU25-15708 | Posters virtual | VPS3

"Investigating Regional and Long-Range Transport Contributions to GHG Concentrations of a Mid-Latitude Urban Site"  

Thomas Panou, Marios Mermigkas, Chrysanthi Topaloglou, Dimitrios Balis, Darko Dubravica, and Frank Hase

Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere are the primary driver of the observed rise in global surface temperatures, meanwhile exceeding 1°C above pre-industrial levels. Addressing this challenge requires linking GHG concentrations to specific anthropogenic and natural sources as part of the global carbon budget. This study investigates the relationship between GHG concentrations measured in Thessaloniki, Greece, and potential long-range transport sources using a clustering approach.

The GHG data were obtained from the EM27/SUN Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, a ground-based low-resolution infrared spectrometer operated in the framework of the Collaborative Carbon Column Observing Network (COCCON) at a mid-latitude urban site. The instrument provides column-averaged dry air molar fractions of CH₄, CO₂, CO, and H₂O. Meteorological data for trajectory simulations were derived from the Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) with a spatial resolution of 1° × 1°.

Clustering analysis was performed using the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model. Seven-day kinematic back trajectories were calculated for the period 2019–2024 at two arrival heights, 1500 m and 3000 m above mean sea level. The findings aim to specify the influence of long-range transport on GHG concentrations over Thessaloniki, contributing to a more complete understanding of regional GHG source-receptor relationships and transport patterns.

How to cite: Panou, T., Mermigkas, M., Topaloglou, C., Balis, D., Dubravica, D., and Hase, F.: "Investigating Regional and Long-Range Transport Contributions to GHG Concentrations of a Mid-Latitude Urban Site" , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15708, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15708, 2025.

EGU25-15895 | Posters virtual | VPS3

Tracing Black Carbon's Historical Impact on Regional Precipitation 

Camilla Weum Stjern, Bjørn H. Samset, Kari Alterskjaer, and Ane Nordlie Johansen

Black carbon (BC) aerosols, strong absorbers of solar radiation, induce atmospheric heating, altering vertical profiles of temperature, water vapor, and clouds. These impacts can lead to localized precipitation changes, and may also initiate changes to atmospheric circulation, with potentially far-reaching impacts on precipitation patterns.

While prior studies suggest BC's significant influence on precipitation, its role in both local and remote precipitation change remains insufficiently quantified. To address this gap, we explore the extent to which historical BC emissions have shaped regional precipitation. Specifically, we ask: how much could future BC changes influence regional precipitation, based on insights from the historical period?

Using the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2), we have generated a 20-member ensemble of simulations of 1950–2014 with anthropogenic BC emissions fixed at 1950 levels. By comparing these to standard historical simulations with evolving emissions, we isolate the impacts of BC emission trends from 1950 to 2014 on global and regional climates.

Our results reveal that BC emissions have caused localized drying in regions of high emissions, notably over Europe during the 1980s–1990s and Eastern China in the early 21st century. Furthermore, we find indications that BC exerts a dampening effect on the most extreme precipitation events, highlighting its historical role in modulating climate extremes.

How to cite: Stjern, C. W., Samset, B. H., Alterskjaer, K., and Johansen, A. N.: Tracing Black Carbon's Historical Impact on Regional Precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15895, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15895, 2025.

EGU25-16374 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Voyage Optimization with the VISIR-2 Model on the Shanghai–Los Angeles Green Corridor of shipping 

Mario Leonardo Salinas and Gianandrea Mannarini

In 2018, international shipping accounted for significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, contributing approximately 740 million tons of CO₂ according to the voyage-based method of the Fourth International Maritime Organization (IMO) Greenhouse Gases Study [1] and 880 million tons based on the CEDS and EDGAR inventories [2]. Recognizing this impact, the IMO adopted a long-term strategy in 2023 to achieve decarbonisation of global shipping by mid-century. However, concrete measures remain under development. A recent assessment of the 2018–2022 period suggests emissions are once again approaching 2008 levels, attributed to stagnation in improving energy efficiency [3]. This highlights the urgency of evaluating the potential of operational measures to mitigate emissions.

Voyage optimization, or ship weather routing, is an operational strategy leveraging meteo-oceanographic data to minimize energy consumption. This reduction can be achieved through spatial diversions, speed variations, or a combination of both. VISIR-2 [4], an open-source Python-based model, computes least-CO₂ routes by optimizing spatial diversions. Using a validated graph-search algorithm, the model integrates ocean currents and avoids adverse sea conditions [5].

In this study, we apply VISIR-2 to an ocean-going vessel operating on the Shanghai–Los Angeles/Long Beach route, identified as one of the first green corridors of shipping [6]. Simulations are conducted for both eastbound and westbound voyages over an entire calendar year, with and without the influence of ocean currents. We evaluate the resulting CO₂ savings, analysing their dependence on engine load and environmental conditions.

These results demonstrate the potential of operational measures like voyage optimization to contribute to shipping decarbonisation. The VISIR-2 model is currently employed within the EDITO-Model Lab project [7], contributing to developing a digital twin of the ocean. This work underscores the importance of open-source tools in fostering sustainable maritime practices and achieving the IMO's decarbonisation goals.


[1] https://www.imo.org/en/ourwork/Environment/Pages/Fourth-IMO-Greenhouse-Gas-Study-2020.aspx
[2] Deng, S., Mi, Z. A review on carbon emissions of global shipping. Mar Dev 1, 4 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44312-023-00001-2
[3] https://www.shippingandoceans.com/post/international-shipping-emissions-return-to-peak-2008-levels-due-to-insufficient-energy-efficiency-im
[4] https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8305526
[5] Mannarini, G., Salinas, M. L., Carelli, L., Petacco, N., and Orović, J.: VISIR-2: ship weather routing in Python, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 4355–4382, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-4355-2024, 2024
[6] https://www.c40.org/news/la-shanghai-implementation-plan-outline-green-shipping-corridor/
[7] https://www.edito-modellab.eu/

How to cite: Salinas, M. L. and Mannarini, G.: Voyage Optimization with the VISIR-2 Model on the Shanghai–Los Angeles Green Corridor of shipping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16374, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16374, 2025.

EGU25-16376 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Regional and climatic variations in atmospheric microplastic deposition 

Sajjad Abbasi, Reda Dzingelevičienė, and Andrew Turner

The atmosphere is a critical reservoir for and transporter of microplastics (MPs) but little is known about the nature and drivers of their regional and climatic variability. In this study, dry deposition of MPs is quantified simultaneously over a seven-day period in nine Iranian cities encompassing different populations and climates and relationships with meteorological conditions and gaseous and particulate air quality parameters investigated. Overall, deposition ranged from < 5 to > 100 MP m-2 h-1 and was dominated by fibres of various sizes and constructed of different polymers (mainly polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polypropylene, polystyrene and nylon), and there were clear and significant differences in mean values between the different cities that were not a simple function of climate or population. On a local scale, both positive and negative relationships between MP deposition and various meteorological and air quality parameters were observed among the cities. However, the pooled depositional data for MPs and various shapes and sizes thereof exhibited significant inverse relationships with wind speed and specific measures of airborne particulate matter (e.g., dust, PM-2.5, PM-10). The results suggest that there is a broadly consistent, fibre-dominated regional population of MPs whose deposition (and presumably resuspension) is influenced by variations in wind speed, but additional location-specific factors and sources contribute to temporal variations within the different cities. Despite the relationships between deposition and some gaseous and particulate air quality parameters identified at specific locations, it may be difficult to introduce a sharp parameter that can be used as a regional proxy for MP deposition.



We thank Shiraz University and Klaipeda University for technical support. This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No. S-PD-24-51.

How to cite: Abbasi, S., Dzingelevičienė, R., and Turner, A.: Regional and climatic variations in atmospheric microplastic deposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16376, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16376, 2025.

Aerosol-cloud interactions contribute to 75–80% of the total radiative effect of aerosols and remain a major source of uncertainty in predicting future climate. Aerosols significantly influence the warm cloud properties by serving as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). An increase in CCN leads to the formation of more numerous and smaller cloud droplets, suppresses warm rain by reducing the efficiency of collision and coalescence processes, and extends the cloud lifetime, and liquid water path (LWP) and/or cloud fraction (CF). The activation of a CCN into a cloud droplet is strongly influenced by its size and chemical composition, which subsequently affects the size distribution of cloud droplets and other cloud properties. Although the physical processes of nucleation are well documented for individual particles, the impact of aerosol size on cloud properties is often underestimated because both fine and coarse aerosols co-exist together. To bridge this gap, this study aims to address the impact of size-differentiated aerosols on warm cloud properties over the Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) by utilizing ~20 years of multi-satellite observation data.

The Arabian Sea (AS) and the Bay of Bengal (BoB) in the NIO were chosen in this study as these regions experience a continuous load of aerosols from natural and anthropogenic sources with high seasonal variations. Comparative analysis of size-segregated aerosol optical depth (AOD) revealed the dominance of coarse mode particles (c-AOD) over AS, and fine mode (f-AOD) over BoB. However, a significant increasing trend in the mean f-AOD, particularly during the post-monsoon (ON) and winter (DJF) seasons, is observed over both the AS (0.05/decade) and BoB (0.045/decade) from 2000 to 2021, primarily driven by rising anthropogenic emissions. Further, a climatological analysis of warm cloud CF during these seasons reveals a corresponding increasing trend over the AS (0.07/decade) and BoB (0.05/decade). A correlation analysis of c-AOD and f-AOD with warm CF was conducted, which revealed a stronger annual positive correlation of warm CF with c-AOD (AS: r = 0.56, BOB: r = 0.41) compared to f-AOD (AS: r = 0.37, BOB: r = 0.27). To further investigate the impact of f-AOD and c-AOD on cloud effective radius (CER) for a fixed LWP, an additional correlation analysis was performed. For low LWP (up to 70 gm-2), an increase in CER was observed with both c-AOD and f-AOD, with a more pronounced increase in CER associated with c-AOD over both the AS and BoB regions. However, as LWP increased, f-AOD exhibited a faster decrease in CER over the BoB compared to the AS. In contrast, c-AOD consistently showed an increasing CER with rising LWP, indicating a contrasting effect relative to f-AOD. These results indicate the dominant radiative effect of fine mode aerosols on cloud formation against the classical microphysical effect of coarse mode aerosols.  Further analysis, incorporating meteorological parameters such as relative humidity and atmospheric stability, is essential to better understand these relationships and enhance the robustness of this study.

How to cite: Bangar, V. and Mishra, A. K.: Satellite-Based Analysis of Size-Segregated Aerosols and Their Effects on Warm Cloud Properties over the Northern Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16951, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16951, 2025.

EGU25-18095 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

New Particle Formation and Condensable Vapours in an Arctic Site: Ny-Ålesund 

Aarni Vaittinen, Nina Sarnela, Mikko Sipilä, Zoé Brasseur, Matthew Boyer, Cecilia Righi, Roseline Thakur, Mauro Mazzola, and Lauriane Quéléver


New particle formation (NPF) is an important source of aerosol particles in the Arctic, the dynamics and drivers of which are still not fully understood. The concentrations of precursor gases, such as sulfuric acid (SA), methane sulfonic acid (MSA), iodic acid (IA), and highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs), are strongly linked with the occurrence and strength of NPF. Currently, though, measurement data of NPF, as well as precursor gases, in the Arctic remains extremely limited.

Here we present some preliminary results of our in-situ measurements deployed to study NPF in the Svalbard archipelago. The region is mapped by snow-, ice-, and permafrost-covered land, limited vegetation, and a strong marine influence of the sea ice. SA, MSA, and IA concentrations at the site are interlinked with the behaviour of ocean and sea ice. The terrestrial vegetation emits volatile organic compounds (VOC), which in the atmosphere convert to HOMs. As the Arctic is rapidly transforming due to climate change, all these ecosystems are being altered, which also affects the dynamics of NPF.


The measurements considered in this work have been conducted at the Ny-Ålesund Research Station (Svalbard) and, originally started in 2017, represent the longest time series of aerosol data measured with mass spectrometry in the Arctic. In this work, the Arctic summer of 2024 is studied. 

A nitrate-based chemical ionisation atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass spectrometer (CI-APi-TOF, Tofwerk AG.) is used to measure precursor vapour concentrations and identify ion clusters in the ambient air. A neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer (NAIS, Airel Ltd) and a cluster ion counter (CIC, Airel Ltd) are used to monitor neutral particle (2-42nm) and ion cluster (0.8-42nm) size distribution. The measurements are paired with solar radiation data gathered at the Climate Change Tower by CNR (Mazzola et al., Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei 27, 2016).


A SA/MSA ratio larger than 1 was observed almost throughout the measurement period (Figure 1). This is contrary to previous results from the site by Beck et al. (Geophysical Research Letters 48, 2021). The difference could be due to yearly variation in the oceanic phytoplankton spring bloom, which affects atmospheric MSA concentrations Arctic.

From the preliminary analysis for one week, a diurnal cycle for SA and MSA was observed (Figure 2). NPF occurrence appeared to correlate with radiation intensity, as well as SA and MSA concentrations.


These preliminary results highlight the importance of long-term data sets in monitoring Arctic NPF, as they imply strong inter-annual variation in precursor gas concentrations, which may initiate NPF and growth of particles at the study site.


Figure 1. Daily mean values for precursor gas concentrations measured with CI-APi-TOF (May-August 2024).  


Figure 2. Upper panel: 1.5-hour average values of net short-wave radiation and precursor gas concentrations from a seven-day period with NPF. Lower panel: particle size distribution measured with NAIS, from the same period.

How to cite: Vaittinen, A., Sarnela, N., Sipilä, M., Brasseur, Z., Boyer, M., Righi, C., Thakur, R., Mazzola, M., and Quéléver, L.: New Particle Formation and Condensable Vapours in an Arctic Site: Ny-Ålesund, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18095, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18095, 2025.

EGU25-18600 | Posters virtual | VPS3

A tropical EM27/SUN network for satellite validation and long term observations 

Morgan Lopez, Maixent Cassagne, Hippolyte Leuridan, Laura Ticona, Benoit Burban, Wahid Mellouki, Lynn Hazan, and Michel Ramonet

The EM27/SUN instrument is a FTIR spectrometer allowing to retrieve total atmospheric column abundance of CO2, CH4, CO and H2O. LSCE is currently developing a tropical network in the framework of the OBS4CLIM French project.

OBS4CLIM aims at deploying five EM27 at observatories located in tropical (Bolivia, French Guiana, Morocco, Ivory Coast) and background regions (Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean) for long-term observations and satellite validation purposes (TROPOMI, OCO-2/3, GOSAT, MicroCarb). The chosen stations are also part of French National Observation Service and benefit from in situ greenhouse gas measurements.

The rapid growth of this EM27/SUN network requires developing tools to ensure data quality and availability. Therefore, LSCE has developed:

- An automatic data treatment chain based on PROFFAST (developed and maintained at KIT). Two models are used as a priori profiles (GGG2020, and CAMS) allowing to retrieve daily data in near real-time (NUBICOS project).

- Automatic enclosure systems to protect the instrument from a rough environment. This system allows increasing drastically the daily observations and data availability.

Four of the five stations are fully operational. We will present in details the network construction and the first measurement results.

How to cite: Lopez, M., Cassagne, M., Leuridan, H., Ticona, L., Burban, B., Mellouki, W., Hazan, L., and Ramonet, M.: A tropical EM27/SUN network for satellite validation and long term observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18600, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18600, 2025.

EGU25-19010 | Posters virtual | VPS3

Pre-normative research on hydrogen release assessment 

Andy Connor, Alessandro Guzzini, Jadwiga Holewa-Rataj, Paolo Piras, Julie Claveul, Matteo Robino, and Alexandra Kostereva

Hydrogen could play a crucial role in achieving climate neutrality by serving as an energy carrier for renewable sources, offering an alternative to traditional fossil fuels. However, researchers are investigating the impact of hydrogen emissions, as its leakage into the atmosphere poses a concern due to its potential to indirectly influence methane’s atmospheric lifetime and thereby extending its greenhouse effect. Therefore, minimising hydrogen emissions would reduce any potential environmental impact while enhancing safety and efficiency throughout the hydrogen value chain. Thus far, the literature lacks a verified data inventory on the amount of hydrogen emitted from the value chain. Little to no standardized data are present for many elements of the value chain. Otherwise, when present, efforts are still needed for their collection and validation in a unique inventory. The research community needs to address this by improving the capability to quantify small and large emissions and delivering validated methodologies and techniques for measuring or calculating them. An open-access and comprehensible user-friendly tool is urgently needed to better quantify the emissions from the whole hydrogen value chain. The pre-normative research on hydrogen release assessment (NHyRA) project is specifically designed to address these urgent needs. As a first step in this process, the project defined the hydrogen value chain, identifying its main components’ typical operative conditions and recognizing the potential sources of hydrogen emissions.  The next step, the project is working to update an open-access first version of the hydrogen emissions inventory to serve as a reference for the scientific and industrial community. Therefore, by welcoming and validating any contribution of new data, including from outside the NHyRA Consortium, subsequent versions of the inventory will include a more significant amount of data for some of the archetypes (i.e. processes or equipment) in the hydrogen value chain section, to ensure consistent scenario analysis and provide mitigation action recommendations. Furthermore, the NHyRA Consortium experts have identified hydrogen detection and quantification techniques and instruments, covering those which are commercially available and emerging. In this regard, partners of the Consortium have identified three monitoring categories: Detection of emissions at the component level, Detection and quantification of emissions at the component level, and detection and quantification of emissions at the area/site level. Additionally, new or adequately adapted experimental, theoretical, and simulation methodologies will be validated to perform laboratory or in-field measurements to achieve the ambitious goal. Experimental tests will also be performed on the most critical elements of the hydrogen value chains by the partners of the Consortium. A complete picture of the hydrogen emission scenarios, applied on the middle (2030) and long (2050) term European hydrogen economy, will be developed to enable decision-makers to quantify the impact of hydrogen emissions in the energy system transition, identifying  and prioritizing effective risk mitigation actions. Finally, the project will formulate recommendations for Standards and Technical Specifications.


How to cite: Connor, A., Guzzini, A., Holewa-Rataj, J., Piras, P., Claveul, J., Robino, M., and Kostereva, A.: Pre-normative research on hydrogen release assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19010, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19010, 2025.

EGU25-19307 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Evaluation of Chamber-based soil greenhouse gas emissions in contrasted land use of the Sudanian savanna 

Francis E. Oussou, Souleymane Sy, Jan Bliefernicht, Ines Spangenberg, Samuel S. Guug, Rainer Steinbrecher, Anja Schäffler-Schmidt, Ralf Kiese, Michael Ayamba, Nicaise Yalo, Ayodele Y. Asiwaju-Bello, Windmanagda Sawadogo, Christiana F. Olusegun, Leonard K Amekudzi, and Harald Kunstmann

The effects of major greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in West Africa remain insufficiently documented. Over two consecutive years, we monitored soil GHG emissions using a chamber-based experimental setup across four contrasting land management conditions in the Sudanian savanna. The environmental drivers of the emissions were assessed through stepwise linear regression and ANOVA statistical tests. Our results show that, regardless of land management conditions, N2O release occurs at the highest rate in rice fields (4.29±2.9 µg N m-2 h-1). The soil acts as a sink for CH4 in the forest reserve (-1.09±7.67 µg C m-2 h-1), whereas degraded lands, such as cropland and rainfed rice farms, exhibit CH4 release at rates of 1.03±13.1 µg C m-2 h-1 and 5.93±12.28 µg C m-2 h-1, respectively. Livestock breeding contributes significantly to CH4 emissions in grasslands, where the annual mean CH4 flux is the highest (16.79±6.69 µg C m-2 h-1). The statistical analysis indicates that 53.8% and 50.2% variability in the CH4 flux is explained by soil moisture and soil temperature respectively in the grassland and rice field. Soil moisture is negatively correlated with N2O release, while the relationship with CH4 is positive in grassland and rice fields, where higher CH4 emissions are observed. N2O flux shows a positive correlation with soil temperature. These findings suggest that land degradation exacerbates CH4 emissions, and the effect of fertilizer use on biomass during the growing season increases CH4 release in rice fields by approximately threefold. At the peak of the raining season, the forest CH4 sink reaches the highest -6.08±14.7 µg C m-2 h-1 while the rainfed rice field releases 9.14±29.57 µg C m-2 h-1. Overall, there is intra annual variability of GHG fluxes with dry and wet years showing different magnitude of N2O and CH4 emissions. The patterns of GHG flux dynamics in this data-scarce region is better clarified through our investigation. We conclude that GHG emissions in response to land cover degradation and agricultural practices, such as fertilizer use, are significant in the Sudanian savanna and urgent decisions are needed to mitigate these effects.

How to cite: Oussou, F. E., Sy, S., Bliefernicht, J., Spangenberg, I., Guug, S. S., Steinbrecher, R., Schäffler-Schmidt, A., Kiese, R., Ayamba, M., Yalo, N., Asiwaju-Bello, A. Y., Sawadogo, W., Olusegun, C. F., Amekudzi, L. K., and Kunstmann, H.: Evaluation of Chamber-based soil greenhouse gas emissions in contrasted land use of the Sudanian savanna, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19307, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19307, 2025.

EGU25-19539 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Quantifying regional and temporal heterogeneity in greenhouse gas emissions from Indian diets 

Saumya Yadav and Srinidhi Balasubramanian

 Providing sufficient and nutritious food while reducing climate emissions footprints from food systems is a Grand Engineering Challenge for India. The increasing dietary emissions pose a serious threat to achieving the national net-zero goal by 2070, yet such emissions are not yet accounted for in India’s Climate Action Plans. Since the 1990s, India’s dietary transitions have been largely propelled by economic development and intensive urbanization, yet such transitions have occurred unequally between urban and rural regions across India.

The regional and temporal heterogeneity in dietary consumption patterns across different populations and the corresponding GHG emissions is not well known. Here, we apply a life-cycle approach to quantify the regional, demographical, and food commodity-specific GHG emissions (CO2, N2O, and CH4) based on detailed household-expenditure data across three national-scale censuses (1999, 2011, 2022). We differentiate such emissions across twelve major food groups that are typically consumed in 88 distinct NSSO regions with demographics (rural and urban) differentiated by income. Our findings suggest that between 1999-2022, the per capita consumption of animal-based products has increased by ~20% respectively, and a ~15% decrease in wholegrain intake. Emissions from dairy (34%), wholegrain (31%), and meat (18%) food groups contributed more than 80% of total dietary emissions for 2011.

The demographical analysis suggested that household expenditure directly influences GHG emissions. For example, the highest expenditure decile of the population was 2.2 kgCO2eq cap-1 day-1  with 0.7 kgCO2eq cap-1 day-1  for the lowest decile in 2011Both rural and urban regions have per capita GHG emissions similarly, but the total emissions and share of food groups varied extremely with the household expenditure. The disparities in total emissions remain as high as 65% among poor and rich households, with poor houses having wholegrain-dominated emissions and rich households having dairy-dominated emissions. The spatial examination further showed the high heterogeneity in emissions among and within Indian states. Our findings highlight the opportunities and challenges in using food consumption as a lever for climate change while also reducing food inequality by shifting to healthier diets. Such findings can help strengthen State Climate Action Plans to help towards green agriculture and sustainable consumption.

How to cite: Yadav, S. and Balasubramanian, S.: Quantifying regional and temporal heterogeneity in greenhouse gas emissions from Indian diets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19539, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19539, 2025.

EGU25-19628 | Posters virtual | VPS3

Estimation and validation of direct aerosol radiative forcing in the Korean peninsula using the GEMS dataset 

Ja-Ho Koo, Juhee Lee, and Jeong-Ah Yoo

In this study, we conducted the estimation of shortwave aerosol radiative forcing using the aerosol optical depth (AOD) and supplementary information from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) dataset. We used the libRadtran package for the radiative transfer modeling (RTM), and used the radiative forcing values provided from the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) system for the input value of RTM and the validation task. Total 6 sites in the Korean peninsula are target regions, such as Seoul (Yonsei University and Seoul National university), Anmyeon, Gwangju, Gangneung, and Ulsan. In detail, we used the climatological mean of surface albedo and asymmetry parameter at 4 shortwave channels (440, 675, 870, and 1020 nm), and used daily representative single scattering albedo provided from the GEMS dataset in order to consider the different aerosol type (dust, non-absorbing, and black carbon types). These set-up conditions were finally decided after a number of sensitivity tests. As a result, our estimation of direct aerosol radiative forcing (DARF) at the surface and top of the atmosphere (TOA) shows high correlations with the DARF from the AERONET (correlation coefficient is 0.65 to 0.85 in all 6 sites). Our estimated DARF is a little underestimated compared to the DARF of AERONET, and it seems natural due to the spatial resolution difference. With this high performance, we can provide the daytime hourly variation of DARF over the whole Korean peninsula, which can be useful information to a number of application in the future.

How to cite: Koo, J.-H., Lee, J., and Yoo, J.-A.: Estimation and validation of direct aerosol radiative forcing in the Korean peninsula using the GEMS dataset, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19628, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19628, 2025.

EGU25-20229 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Life cycle assessment of milk production: integrating changes in soil carbon stock with eddy covariance and DNDC modeling 

Yajie Gao, Teng Hu, Marja Roitto, Tapani Jokiniemi, Mari Sandell, Mari Pihlatie, and Hanna Tuomisto

Background aims: Life cycle assessment (LCA) is widely used to evaluate the carbon footprint (CF) of milk production. Changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stock play a vital role in agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. However, no consensus has been reached to incorporate SOC changes into agricultural LCA. This study aims to evaluate the CF of milk production using LCA methodology with integrating  SOC balance based on data from Viikki Research Farm at Helsinki. Methods: The CF of milk production was analyzed for 2022 and 2023 using the Solagro Carbon Calculator. Furthermore, the study explored the soil carbon and nitrogen balances using the DNDC model, for a comparison with IPCC Tier 1 & Tier 2 methods and the real measurements. Results and conclusions: Real measurements demonstrated substantial SOC loss from grassland and subsequent annual cropland, which was 607 and 3939 kg C ha-1 in 2022 and 2023, respectively. Incorporation of those results increased the CF of milk production. Estimated based on DNDC modeling, the SOC loss exceeded the measured results in 2022 and was underestimated in 2023, while the IPCC method showed SOC sequestration in 2022. The observed emissions fluctuation between the two years was related to the rotation between perennial grass and annual crop, and harsh wintertime conditions affecting crop growth. This study underscores the importance of SOC change in agricultural LCAs. While direct measurements may have limitations, a more profound understanding of SOC dynamics and better calculation is crucial to minimize bias in CF estimations.

How to cite: Gao, Y., Hu, T., Roitto, M., Jokiniemi, T., Sandell, M., Pihlatie, M., and Tuomisto, H.: Life cycle assessment of milk production: integrating changes in soil carbon stock with eddy covariance and DNDC modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20229, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20229, 2025.

EGU25-20571 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3

Characterization and machine learning prediction of atmospheric pollutants in an urban region of the Cerrado biome 

Marco Aurélio Franco and Márcio Teixeira

The Cerrado biome, a globally significant biodiversity hotspot, is undergoing rapid degradation primarily due to anthropogenic activities. Large-scale conversion of native vegetation for agriculture, particularly soybean and cattle ranching, and strong urbanization rates are the main drivers of the biome losses. Additionally, unsustainable water use, infrastructure development, and recurrent fires exacerbate ecosystem degradation, leading to significant biodiversity decline and ecosystem service impairment. A direct consequence of this change in land use is the generation of substantial quantities of air pollutants, mainly particulate matter of 2.5 and 10 𝜇m (PM2.5 and PM10, respectively). These particles, emitted from biomass burning, soil erosion, and dust storms, can penetrate the respiratory tract, leading to various health issues, including respiratory infections, cardiovascular disease, and increased mortality rates. Using measurements of meteorological variables and air pollutants from CETESB (Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo) from 2017 to 2023 in an important urbanized region of the Brazilian Cerrado, we characterized the seasonal distribution of PM2.5 and PM10, together with other pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3). In addition, using different combinations of meteorological and air pollution variables, we trained machine learning models to predict the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10. We list Random Forest, XGBoost, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) among these models. Our results show that a lower concentration of air pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, CO, and NOx) is observed during summer, while, in contrast, the peak occurs during winter. This is directly related to the seasons with higher and lower precipitation rates. Curiously, O3 peaks in spring and is minimal in autumn, likely related to cloud occurrence. During the whole analyzed period, NOx, PM10, and PM2.5 exceeded the daily average limits of the World Health Organization by about 15, 22 and 35%, respectively. Regarding the predictive models, the random forest better predicted PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations. For PM10, the statistical results for the train (80% of the data)/test (20% of the data) set were R² = 0.79/ 0.92 (p-value < 0.05), with RMSE of 10.7 and 6.5 𝜇g m-3. For PM2.5, the model returned R² = 0.74/0.91, with RMSE of 4.3 and 2.6 𝜇g m-3 for the train/test set, respectively. Although not the best, the ANN also worked relatively well after proper tuning. Future investigations will extend and validate the predictions obtained in this study to other stations in the Cerrado biome with multiple models to spatialize the PM prediction and obtain the regions in which the most air pollutants are emitted. 

How to cite: Franco, M. A. and Teixeira, M.: Characterization and machine learning prediction of atmospheric pollutants in an urban region of the Cerrado biome, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20571, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20571, 2025.

Oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) significantly contribute to the radical formation in the troposphere, enhancing atmospheric oxidation capacity and driving secondary pollutant production. However, uncertainties in OVOC emissions hinder accurate assessments of their regional impacts. This study updates OVOC emission profiles for the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region and integrates them into the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to refine OVOC estimations. The updated model effectively captures the diurnal variations of most OVOCs, significantly reducing biases compared to simulations based on previous inventories. OVOCs, particularly formaldehyde (HCHO), are key precursors of hydroperoxyl radicals (HO2), which play a dominant role in ozone production across the YRD. Anthropogenic emissions, primarily from industrial activities and vehicular sources, account for 40−60% of total OVOCs. Sensitivity simulations reveal that reducing emissions of reactive OVOCs, such as HCHO and glyoxal, effectively lowers regional ozone levels. These findings underscore the pivotal role of OVOCs in radical chemistry and ozone formation, providing insights for mitigating ozone pollution in rapidly urbanizing regions like the YRD.

How to cite: Li, J.: Photooxidation of Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds as a Major Source of Hydroperoxyl Radicals Driving Ozone Formation in the Yangtze River Delta Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21194, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21194, 2025.

EGU25-208 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Mapping Alpine Treeline Ecotones in the Tungnath Himalaya Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and GEDI LiDAR 

Jincy Mathew, Chandra Prakash Singh, Hitesh Solanki, and Dhruvi Sedha

Alpine treeline ecotones are extremely vulnerable to climate change, making them important early warning systems in climate research. Advanced remote sensing tools, such as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), enable detailed mapping and monitoring of these high-altitude zones, offering critical baseline data for future change detection. This study combines ground-based Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and space borne Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI)- LiDAR data to analyze the structural attributes and delineate the position of alpine treelines in the Tungnath Himalaya, India, located at elevations between 3252 and 3,590 meters above mean sea level (a.m.s.l).  TLS provided high-resolution three-dimensional data on alpine vegetation, including tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH), and canopy structure. Using an automated algorithm, 84.84% of individual trees were segmented from TLS data. TLS-derived tree height and DBH estimates achieved root mean square errors of 44.74 cm and 78.45 cm, respectively, compared to field-measured values. A semi-automated method using GEDI LiDAR identified trees taller than 3 meters to delineate the treeline, achieving a positional accuracy of ~ ±40 m a.m.s.l when validated against TLS-derived data.  The results show that combining TLS with GEDI provides a non-destructive and effective method for assessing treeline structure and location in the Indian Himalaya. Future research might use multi-temporal LiDAR datasets to track treeline movements and obtain a better understanding of the long-term effects of climate change on alpine ecosystems.

How to cite: Mathew, J., Singh, C. P., Solanki, H., and Sedha, D.: Mapping Alpine Treeline Ecotones in the Tungnath Himalaya Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and GEDI LiDAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-208, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-208, 2025.

EGU25-885 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Wetland Health in Transition: Resilience and Ecosystem Services Amid Urbanization and Land-Use Change 

Alka Yadav, Mitthan Lal Kansal, and Aparajita Singh

The accelerated pace of urbanization, population growth, and extensive land-use changes has significantly disrupted the ecological balance and functionality of riverine wetland ecosystems, leading to substantial degradation of wetland health. This study evaluates the health and resilience of the Upper Ganga Riverine Wetland (UGRW) in India, which has experienced significant land-use transformations over the past two decades. The analysis highlights the wetland's resilience to various natural and anthropogenic stresses and its ability to sustain critical ecosystem services, including provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services. The findings reveal drastic land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes, with built-up areas increasing by 245%, while forest and wetland areas decreased by 41% and 8%, respectively, between 2000 and 2020. These transformations have led to a marked decline in ecosystem resilience (23%) and a substantial reduction in ecosystem service values (ESVs), which decreased from 2138.28 million USD in 2000 to 1769.16 million USD in 2020—an overall loss of 18%. Urban expansion, deforestation, and wetland fragmentation have further exacerbated the decline in wetland health, diminishing its ecological balance and capacity to deliver vital services. This study underscores the urgent need for integrated environmental management strategies to mitigate the impact of LULC changes, conserve wetland ecosystems, and enhance their resilience. By assessing ecosystem services and their dependence on sustainable land use, this research provides critical insights for policymakers and stakeholders. It emphasizes the necessity of balancing developmental priorities with ecological preservation, offering a strategic framework to foster sustainability and resilience in one of India’s most vital riverine landscapes.

How to cite: Yadav, A., Kansal, M. L., and Singh, A.: Wetland Health in Transition: Resilience and Ecosystem Services Amid Urbanization and Land-Use Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-885, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-885, 2025.

EGU25-1026 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Meta-analysis of direct nitrous oxide emissions and ammonia volatilization from irrigated wheat in calcareous soils under semi-arid conditions 

Rayehe Mirkhani, Mahsa Jabbari Malayeri, Behnam Naserian Khiabani, Seyed Majid Mousavi, Mohammad Hadi Ghafariyan, Mohammad Sajad Ghavami, Gerd Dercon, Mehdi Shorafa, and Lee Kheng Heng

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the most important stratospheric ozone-depleting gas of the 21st century. Most N2O emissions occur in soils and are associated with agricultural activities. Ammonia (NH3) is not a greenhouse gas, but it can indirectly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. NH3 volatilization is an important indirect N2O emission pathway in agricultural systems. In addition, NH3 can have significant effects on both human health and the natural environment, and its emissions negatively affect biodiversity. A meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate NH3 and N2O losses and the effectiveness of adding urease and nitrification inhibitors on direct N2O emissions and NH3 volatilization. Data were used from 14 separate studies that simultaneously investigated direct N2O emissions and NH3 volatilization from irrigated wheat. All studies were conducted on irrigated wheat in semi-arid climates and on calcareous soils with urea application. The average direct N₂O emission factor for irrigated wheat was 0.4%. Our results showed that, on average, nitrification inhibitors reduced direct N2O emissions by 35% and increased NH3 volatilization by 29%. The average NH3 emission factor was 32% and urease inhibitors reduced NH3 volatilization by 41%. The results showed that indirect N2O emissions from NH3 volatilization should be considered in these conditions.

How to cite: Mirkhani, R., Jabbari Malayeri, M., Naserian Khiabani, B., Mousavi, S. M., Ghafariyan, M. H., Ghavami, M. S., Dercon, G., Shorafa, M., and Kheng Heng, L.: Meta-analysis of direct nitrous oxide emissions and ammonia volatilization from irrigated wheat in calcareous soils under semi-arid conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1026, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1026, 2025.

Seasonally different precipitation infiltration under monsoon humid areas may drive changes of groundwater flow systems and possible nitrate transformation processes in groundwater. In this study, dissolved greenhouse gases, noble gases concentrations (N2 and Ar) and isotopes of N2O were used to quantitively identify nitrification and denitrification to reveal spatial and temporal characterization of nitrate transformation in typical groundwater flow profiles in the Qingyi River basin, east China. In dry and wet seasons, the recharge altitudes of groundwater were distinctive and dominant nitrate transformation processes differed spatially and temporally. According to the N2-Ar estimation, the recharge altitudes of groundwater in dry season were higher than those in wet season, indicating obviously less proportion of precipitation from lower altitudes and relatively increased proportion of recharge from regional recharge areas in dry season, whereas local groundwater flow systems were preferentially developed in wet season. Denitrification is commonly observed in groundwater during the dry season, with positive Excess-N2 concentrations and phenomena that N2O concentrations initially accumulate with progress of denitrification but later decrease due to enhanced N2O reduction. In the wet season, nitrification is the dominant process in groundwater, with only a small portion of groundwater exhibiting denitrification, resulting in positive Excess-N2 concentrations. In this case, N2O concentrations initially increase during nitrification but later decline due to incomplete denitrification. Quantitative results based on δSP-N2O isotopes indicated that the maximum contribution of nitrification in groundwater during the wet season ranged from 52.8% to 100%, with an average of 77.3%. The contributions from denitrification and N2O reduction in wet season are limited, which is consistent with results identified by nitrate and ammonium isotopes. Spatially, due to more reducing redox environment in regional groundwater flow systems, the denitrification progress (DP) in most groundwater in discharge zones exceeds 99%, with denitrified NO3 concentrations reaching up to 25.72 mg/L, significantly higher than the average DP values in recharge zones (27.7%) and transition zones (31.6%).

How to cite: Huang, X.: Identification of nitrification and denitrification along groundwater flow paths using dissolved N2, Ar, and N2O in typical groundwater flow systems in the Qingyi River basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1233, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1233, 2025.

EGU25-1419 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Mangroves and their services are at risk from climate-modified tropical cyclones and sea level rise  

Sarah Hülsen, Laura Dee, Chahan Kropf, Simona Meiler, and David Bresch

Climate change is expected to alter the frequency and intensity of extreme events, modifying the natural disturbance regimes to which ecosystems are currently adapted. Here, we present a spatially explicit risk index for mangroves and their associated biodiversity and ecosystem services based on projected frequency changes of tropical cyclone wind speeds and rates of relative sea level rise under SSPs 245, 370 and 585 by 2100.

To compute the risk index, we calculate the relative change of tropical cyclone frequency across different wind speed intensity categories based on probabilistic tropical cyclone tracks downscaled from 3 different CMIP6 models of varying climate sensitivity. This data is then combined with thresholds of sea level rise which are estimated to exceed mangrove adaptive capacity and mapped onto global mangrove extents.

Globally, approximately half of the total mangrove area (40-56% depending on the SSP) will be at high to severe levels of risk due to climate-modified tropical cyclone disturbance regimes. Further, we find mangrove areas with high levels of biodiversity and ecosystem services provision, including coastal protection for people and assets, carbon sequestration, and fishery benefits, are at proportionally higher levels of risk than mangrove forests generally. We also identify mangrove areas which are projected to experience non-analog tropical cyclone disturbances in the future. Our findings emphasize the need to anticipate changes in natural disturbance regimes to adapt ecosystem management, sustain ecosystem services in the future, and fully realize mangroves’ potential as nature-based solutions (NBS).

How to cite: Hülsen, S., Dee, L., Kropf, C., Meiler, S., and Bresch, D.: Mangroves and their services are at risk from climate-modified tropical cyclones and sea level rise , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1419, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1419, 2025.


This study explores advanced remote sensing, geophysical, and geospatial methodologies applied to the geologically diverse Aït Semgane region in Morocco. A multi-disciplinary approach was adopted, combining (1) automated lineament extraction using Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and various topographic indices, (2) lithological classification leveraging machine learning algorithms on multispectral data, and (3) the integration of magnetic data to enhance geological interpretation.

For lineament analysis, approaches such as the Topographic Position Index (TPI), Hillshade, and shading models were applied to datasets including SRTM, ALOS PALSAR, and Sentinel-1 InSAR. Results highlighted the TPI method’s high sensitivity in detecting tectonic features, especially in NE-SW and E-W orientations, aligning with established geological knowledge. Cartographic analysis revealed fault density concentrations in the NW and southern sectors, confirming the tectonic complexity of the region.

Lithological classification was conducted using Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Trees (RT), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) applied to Landsat 9 and Sentinel-2 data. SVM, particularly with Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) transformation, consistently outperformed other algorithms, achieving high classification accuracies and well-defined lithological boundaries. The integration of dimensionality reduction techniques like MNF proved crucial for enhancing classification quality, while PCA showed limited efficacy.

Magnetic data were incorporated to validate and refine the tectonic and lithological interpretations, offering additional insights into subsurface structures and enhancing the understanding of fault systems and mineralized zones.

This research demonstrates the synergy between automated lineament extraction, machine learning-based lithological mapping, and magnetic data for improving geological analysis. The methodologies applied here have practical implications for mineral exploration and tectonic studies, offering robust tools for mapping complex terrains. Future research will aim to refine dimensionality reduction techniques, explore hyperspectral datasets, and further integrate geophysical data to enhance geological mapping accuracy.

How to cite: El-Omairi, M. A. and El Garouani, A.: Integrating Automated Lineament Extraction, Magnetic Data, and Machine Learning-Based Lithological Mapping in the Anti Atlas, Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2041, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2041, 2025.

Tidal wetland reclamation could profoundly alter ecological function and ecosystem service provision, but its impacts on sediment microbial communities and functions remain poorly understood. We investigated spatial and seasonal patterns of greenhouse gases (GHGs) production response to land-use changes in mangrove wetlands and unraveled the underlying mechanisms by integrating environmental parameters and microbial communities. Land-use changes substantially reduced microbial community richness and diversity and shaped their composition. Converting mangrove to drier orchard and vegetable field reduced sediment organic matter, carbon GHGs production rates, and microbial network complexity and stability, while increased N2O production rates. Converting mangrove to chronically flooded aquaculture pond increased sediment CH4 production rates, but reduced N2O and CO2 production rates. Although increasing anthropogenic disturbance in aquaculture pond have reduced microbial community richness and diversity compared to native mangrove wetland, they have increased complexity of species associations resulting in a more complex and stable network. Microbial community richness and network complexity and stability were strongly related to CH4 and N2O production rates, but not significantly associated with CO2 production rates, suggesting microbial community richness, network complexity and stability are better predictors of the specialized soil/sediment functions CH4 and N2O production). Therefore, preserving microbial “interaction” could be important to mitigate the negative effects of microbial community richness and diversity loss caused by human activities. Furthermore, as the residual bait accumulation is a severe issue in aquaculture activities, we especially focused on the influence of bait input at time scale through a 90-day incubation experiment, aiming to observe temporal variations of physicochemical properties, sediment microbial community, and GHGs production in response to different amounts of bait input. The results showed that dissolved oxygen of overlying water was profoundly decreased owing to bait input, while dissolved organic carbon of overlying water and several sediment properties (e.g., organic matter, sulfide, and ammonium) varied in reverse patterns. Meanwhile, bait input strongly altered microbial compositions from aerobic, slow-growing, and oligotrophic to anaerobic, fast-growing, and copiotrophic. Moreover, both GHGs production and global warming potential were enhanced by bait input, implying that aquaculture ecosystem is an important hotspot for global GHGs emission. Overall, bait input triggered quick responses of physicochemical properties, sediment microbial community, and GHGs production, followed by long-term resilience of the ecosystem. Future research should comprehensively consider microbial diversity, species composition and interaction strength, functions, and environmental conditions to accurately predict soil/sediment functioning and emphasize the necessity of sustainable assessment and effective management.

How to cite: Lin, G. and Lin, X.: Responses of greenhouse gases production to land-use change and the underlying microbial mechanisms in mangrove wetlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2079, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2079, 2025.

EGU25-2383 | Posters virtual | VPS4

Hydrological responses to vegetation-climate interactions at two subtropical forested watersheds of Taiwan 

Chung-Te Chang, Jun-Yi Lee, Jyh-Min Chiang, Hsueh-Ching Wang, Cho-ying Huang, and Jr-Chuan Huang

Forested upstream watersheds support clean freshwater and maintaining stable hydrological conditions of ecosystem services. The associations between vegetation growth and climatic variations play a vital role on hydrological regimes that are region-dependent, but the associations of climate-phenology-hydrology have rarely been investigated in tropical/subtropical regions particularly. In this analysis, the hydroclimate records (1991-2020) at two long-term studied forest watersheds, Fushan (FS) and Leinhuachi (LHC) experimental forest, Taiwan were used, and showed that the incidences of meteorological and hydrological droughts are becoming prominent after 2001. We further investigated the effects of monthly climate variables (temperature and precipitation) on vegetation growth using monthly PV (photosynthetic vegetation fraction) of a watershed derived from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), and examined the effects of spring and summer rainfall on the variations of vegetation phenological patterns and subsequent watershed streamflow during 2001–2020. The PV and temperature showed a linear relationship without time-lag effect (R2 = 0.51-0.57, p < 0.001), whereas PV and precipitation exhibited no time-lag in FS but a log-linear relationship with 2-month lag (R2 = 0.15-0.59, p < 0.001) existed in LHC, indicating the accumulation of rainfall during relatively dry season (winter-spring) was critical for vegetation growth. Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that earlier start of growing season (SOS) caused by relatively high spring rainfall (February-March) led to longer growing season (LOS) and higher P-Q deficit (precipitation minus runoff) during the growing season in LHC. Nevertheless, the large amount of precipitation during growing season has no effect on the end of growing season (EOS), LOS and P-Q deficit. Neither EOS has influence on LOS and P-Q deficit. However, these patterns were not found in FS. Understanding the vegetation responses to climatic variations is required for future hydrologic regime projections, especially under changing climate.

How to cite: Chang, C.-T., Lee, J.-Y., Chiang, J.-M., Wang, H.-C., Huang, C., and Huang, J.-C.: Hydrological responses to vegetation-climate interactions at two subtropical forested watersheds of Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2383, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2383, 2025.

EGU25-2449 | Posters virtual | VPS4

Sorption Behavior of Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant on Peat 

ReddyPrasanna Duggireddy and Gilboa Arye

Surfactants are extensively utilized across agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and environmental remediation due to their ability to modify surface and interfacial properties. In horticulture, wetting agents and synthetic surfactants are commonly employed to mitigate water repellency in organic growing media, particularly peat-based substrates. These agents are known to aid the substrate’s wettability and improve physical and hydraulic properties, optimizing plant growth and productivity. However, environmental persistence and the potential ecotoxicity of synthetic surfactants have raised significant concerns, highlighting the need for sustainable alternatives. Biosurfactants, particularly rhamnolipids, have gained considerable attention for their biodegradability and surface-active properties both at the scientific and commercial levels. Despite their potential, a comprehensive understanding of the interaction between rhamnolipid and peat essential for assessing its environmental fate and behavior is inadequate. In this regard, the main objective of this study is to quantify the sorption and desorption dynamics of rhamnolipid in peat using batch equilibrium and kinetic experiments to evaluate its suitability as a surfactant for horticultural systems, optimize application strategies, and assess the transport behavior and environmental implications of residual surfactants. Kinetic analysis revealed rapid initial adsorption followed by a gradual approach to equilibrium, with the adsorption and desorption kinetics being well described by the Elovich equation, indicating a chemisorption-dominated process. Furthermore, desorption followed both the Elovich and pseudo-first-order models, illustrating a complex and rate-dependent release process likely influenced by heterogeneous retention of rhamnolipid on the peat surface. Equilibrium analysis demonstrated that the adsorption data were best fitted by the Freundlich model, reflecting the heterogeneous nature of the peat surface and the complexity of its adsorption sites. Sequential desorption experiments exhibited notable hysteresis with reduced desorption efficiency, suggesting strong retention of rhamnolipid on the peat particles. These findings highlight the potential of rhamnolipid as a sustainable alternative to synthetic surfactants for mitigating water repellency in peat-based growing media. Equilibrium and kinetic modeling results will be presented with a comprehensive discussion of their practical implications, providing critical insights into their environmental significance and potential applications in horticultural systems.

Keywords: Water repellant peat, sorption, rhamnolipid biosurfactant

How to cite: Duggireddy, R. and Arye, G.: Sorption Behavior of Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant on Peat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2449, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2449, 2025.

Human activities have increased nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition, disrupting microbial activity and altering N-P cycling. Understanding how nutrient limitations and additions affect soil microbes is critical for predicting ecosystem succession and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Leveraging long-term N-P addition experiments in a subtropical forest, we developed an enhanced Microbial-ENzyme Decomposition (MEND) model by incorporating an enzyme-mediated P module. Following rigorous calibration and validation with multi-source data, we found that N-P addition has antagonistic effects on main fluxes, with P application mitigating N stimulation of fluxes and partially reducing N₂O emissions. On this basis, we refined the nitrogen saturation hypothesis (NSH) for subtropical ecosystems by attributing divergent nitrification patterns to ammonia inhibition, and we expanded the hypothesis to encompass denitrification and N fixation. By integrating microbiome data, we demonstrated the intrinsic effects of N addition on N cycle through differential expression of genes due to community change, while P addition can counteract effects of N increase by alleviating microbial P limitations. Additionally, we highlight the significance of microbial-enzyme activities feedback in regulating P cycle to maintain ecological balance. Integrating microbially-enabled C-N-P model with diverse experimental data, particularly microbiome information, enhances interpretability and reveals ecosystem mechanisms beyond direct experimental observation.

How to cite: Lv, Z.: Refining the nitrogen saturation hypothesis by accounting for microbial roles in nitrogen and phosphorus cycling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2779, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2779, 2025.

EGU25-4681 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Keystone taxa drive the synchronous production of methane and refractory dissolved organic matter in inland waters 

Xinjie Shi, Wanzhu Li, Baoli Wang, Meiling Yang, and Cong-Qiang Liu

Inland waters are an important source of greenhouse gas methane (CH4). The production of CH4 is influenced by various factors, including the concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM), redox conditions, and the composition of microbial communities, with clear spatiotemporal heterogeneity in inland waters. Refractory DOM (RDOM) can resist rapid biodegradation and preserve up to thousands of years; therefore, it is important for assessing the natural carbon sequestration potential of aquatic ecosystems. As a critical part of carbon biogeochemical processes in inland waters, the production of CH4 and RDOM depends on the microbial successive processing of organic carbon. However, it is unclear yet the link of these two processes and the underlying microbial regulation mechanisms. Therefore, a large-scale survey was conducted in China’s inland waters, with the measurement of CH4 concentrations, DOM chemical composition, microbial community composition, and relative environmental parameters mainly by chromatographic, optical, mass spectrometric, and high-throughput sequencing analyses, to clarify the abovementioned questions. Here, we found a synchronous production of CH4 and RDOM linked by microbial consortia in inland waters. The increasing microbial cooperation driven by the keystone taxa (mainly Fluviicola and Polynucleobacter) could promote the transformation of labile DOM into RDOM and meanwhile benefit methanogenic microbial communities to produce CH4. This process was also influenced by environmental factors such as total nitrogen and dissolved oxygen concentrations. Future studies need to combine more field investigations and laboratory control experiments to fully understand these complex processes. This study deepened the understanding of microbial-driven carbon transformation and highlighted the role of microbial keystone taxa in these processes, providing some useful references for the future laboratory control experiments (e.g., the selection of microbial species). Considering that CH4 emission and RDOM production are closely related to the carbon source-sink relationship, this finding will help to more accurately evaluate the budget in inland aquatic ecosystems.

How to cite: Shi, X., Li, W., Wang, B., Yang, M., and Liu, C.-Q.: Keystone taxa drive the synchronous production of methane and refractory dissolved organic matter in inland waters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4681, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4681, 2025.

EGU25-4724 | Posters virtual | VPS4

Multiple Redevelopment of Brownfields 

Jurgen van der Heijden

Pollution places an 'everlasting' burden on brownfields, with a lot of money going towards the management of sites where nothing happens. Action is administratively unattractive, and managers and area developers find it difficult to connect. The development of the surrounding area is also halted. This limitation is becoming increasingly urgent with the growing spatial pressure due to the energy transition, climate adaptation, and housing needs. However, much more is possible than has been achieved so far; redevelopment is often indeed possible.

Public and private parties can work on upgrading brownfields. This can also generate money to better manage risks. In many places, developing parks to make surrounding residential areas more attractive is popular. Parks also play a role in climate adaptation and increasing biodiversity. Solar panels can be installed along the edges of the park in such a way that greenery is also possible underneath.

Altogether, there are twelve known functions that can upgrade brownfields. The value increases if two or more functions enable each other, such as greenery and solar panels. Upgrading brownfields can be done singly, but can also be multiple by stacking functions. What does this yield, and how do you do that, especially how do you finance a multiple project? The paper discusses the multiple redevelopment of former landfills and particularly the financing thereof.

How to cite: van der Heijden, J.: Multiple Redevelopment of Brownfields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4724, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4724, 2025.

EGU25-5122 | Posters virtual | VPS4

Assessing the application of random forest (RF) to predict water-table (WT) in selected Irish peatlands 

Alina Premrov, Jagadeesh Yeluripati, Florence Renou-Wilson, Kilian Walz, Kenneth A. Byrne, David Wilson, Bernard Hyde, and Matthew Saunders

Peatlands are important global terrestrial carbon (C) sink. Most of Irish peatlands have been 
influenced in past by anthropogenic management, primarily through drainage for forestry, 
agriculture, or energy and horticultural extraction. Given the recent Irish peatland restoration 
activities, it is essential to deepen our understanding of the key drivers of peatland C-dynamics 
and to improve methodologies for reporting and verifying terrestrial CO2 removals/emissions 
from drained and restored peatlands. The dependency of CO2 fluxes on water-table (WT) levels 
in peatland ecosystems, under different land-use (LU), has been recognised in existing literature 
[1], indicating on the importance of accounting for WT variable in predictive models. This study 
focuses on assessing the application of random forest (RF) to predict WT in total eight Irish 
peatland sites under different LU (natural, rewetted, forest, grassland), which were monitored - 
i.e. low-level Irish blanket-bog sites from Co. Mayo and raised-bog sites from Co. Offaly [2]. The 
RF was chosen due to its ability to effectively manage mixed-data (numerical and categorical) and 
to provide robust predictions without the need for extensive data-preprocessing. Used were the 
data from ca. 2017 to 2020 on-site measurements [2], as well as the selected geospatial data 
derived from E-OBS daily grided-meteorological dataset [4]. The RF was applied to a number of 
numerical and categorical variables, by splitting the data into training- and testing-datasets. 
Hyperparameter tuning was done using ‘caret’ R-package [5]. Model evaluation (using 
performance metrics) was conducted on WT-predictions from testing-dataset. While findings 
from this study on selected eight Irish peatland sites indicate a relatively good potential of RF to 
predict WT (R² = 0.78), the work highlights the importance of assessing the ‘variable importance’ 
to reduce the number of variables in the model for practical applicability purposes, as well as to 
include more sites.

The authors are grateful to the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for funding projects 
CO2PEAT (2022-CE-1100) and AUGER (2015-CCRP-MS.30) [EPA Research Programmes 2021-
2030 and 2014–2020], and to University of Limerick funding.

[1] Tiemeyer, B., et al., 2020. A new methodology for organic soils in national greenhouse gas inventories: Data synthesis, derivation and application,
Ecological Indicators, Vol. 109, 105838,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105838.
[2] Renou-Wilson, F., et. al, 2022. Peatland Properties Influencing Greenhouse Gas  Emissions and Removal (AUGER Project) (2015-CCRP-MS.30), EPA Research Report, Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) https://www.epa.ie/publications/research/climate-change/Research_Report_401.pdf.
[3] Premrov, A., et.al, 2023. Insights into the CO2PEAT project: Improving methodologies for reporting and verifying terrestrial CO2 removals and emissions from Irish peatlands. IGRM2023, Belfast, UK. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369061601_Insights_into_the_CO2PEAT_project_Im
[4] Copernicus Climate Change Service, Climate Data Store, (2020): E-OBS daily gridded meteorological data for Europe from 1950 to present derived from in-situ observations. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS). https://doi.org/10.24381/cds.151d3ec6.
[5] Kuhn, M. 2008. Building Predictive Models in R Using the caret Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 28(5), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v028.i05.

How to cite: Premrov, A., Yeluripati, J., Renou-Wilson, F., Walz, K., Byrne, K. A., Wilson, D., Hyde, B., and Saunders, M.: Assessing the application of random forest (RF) to predict water-table (WT) in selected Irish peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5122, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5122, 2025.

EGU25-6451 | Posters virtual | VPS4

Plant Trait-Based Modeling of Forest Succession 

Nikolay Strigul

Gap dynamics is one of the key drivers of forest succession in temperate forests. The primary successional trajectory involves the transition from early to late successional species, each with distinct trait characteristics. I will present a modeling approach to forest successional dynamics based on scaling plant traits from individual to community levels. In this work, the shade tolerance index is statistically linked with plant traits that characterize early and late successional species using the U.S. Forest Inventory dataset. Discrete and continuous mathematical models, represented by Markov chains and autoregressive models, are employed to predict forest dynamics. An individual-based model is also used to assess the robustness of this scaling approach under different disturbance regimes. Overall, modeling forest successional dynamics based on the scaling of shade tolerance-related functional traits from the individual to the ecosystem level addresses major limitations of models based on the traditional stand age metric.

How to cite: Strigul, N.: Plant Trait-Based Modeling of Forest Succession, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6451, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6451, 2025.

EGU25-7236 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Assessment of In-situ Canopy Cover Measurement Techniques and GEDI Vertical Canopy Cover in the Indian Western Himalayan Region 

Akshay Paygude, Hina Pande, and Poonam Seth Tiwari

Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) mission, operating from International Space Station, is a full-waveform LiDAR measuring vertical 3-dimensional structure of terrestrial ecosystems. The vertical canopy cover (CC) available from the GEDI L2B product has applications in forest ecosystem, forest health and climate change studies, and management practices. Some studies have assessed the accuracy and uncertainty of the GEDI vertical canopy cover profile product using aerial LiDAR scans and in-situ measurements. However, in-situ measurements taken using angle-of-view effectively produces canopy closure whereas GEDI measures vertical CC. Cajanus tube, regarded as ideal canopy cover measurement technique, is time consuming and impractical for larger areas. In this study, suitable in-situ canopy cover measurement methodologies were assessed alongside GEDI vertical CC. Canopy cover measurements were taken under GEDI footprints in the Indian Western Himalayan region using spherical densiometer, hemispherical photographs and digital canopy photographs with narrow angle-of-view. The plot dimensions were adjusted to accommodate horizontal geolocation uncertainty of GEDI version 2 data products. Following data collection, measurement techniques were assessed based on R-squared, RMSE and MAE.

How to cite: Paygude, A., Pande, H., and Tiwari, P. S.: Assessment of In-situ Canopy Cover Measurement Techniques and GEDI Vertical Canopy Cover in the Indian Western Himalayan Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7236, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7236, 2025.

Bound biomarkers, which are covalently linked to kerogen or asphaltene macrostructures, exhibit enhanced stability against mixing effects, contamination, and biodegradation. Although previous studies have noted that the results of bound and free biomarkers in assessing sedimentary environment and maturity are not exactly consistent, specific criteria for assessing bound biomarkers have not been proposed. In this study, microscale sealed vessel catalytic hydrogenation (MSSV-Hy) was used to extract bound biomarkers from shale and compare them with free biomarkers. The study demonstrates the reliability of bound biomarkers indices in evaluating depositional environments and maturity, and it systematically compares the differences between bound and free biomarkers. The results revealed that the maturity assessment of bound biomarkers is lower than that of free biomarkers. Additionally, C29 regular steranes are selectively consumed during rapid heating, resulting in a decrease in the input parameters from terrigenous sources. Adjusted criteria for bound biomarkers can more accurately evaluate the sedimentary environment and maturity of shale.

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How to cite: Yuan, L.: Application of Bound Biomarkers in the Evaluating the Deposition Environment and Maturity of Shale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7582, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7582, 2025.

EGU25-7982 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Estimating the Potential Greenhouse Gas Emission from Degraded Seagrass Meadows: A Case Study from Thailand's Seagrass Ecosystems 

Muhammad Halim, Milica Stankovic, and Anchana Prathep

The seagrass meadows are critical for organic carbon storage and play a significant role in mitigating climate change. However, the ongoing degradation of the seagrass meadows in Thailand reduces their ability to sequester carbon effectively, potentially contributing to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This study examines variations in carbon storage, carbon metabolism, and GHG emissions across degraded, healthy seagrass and bare sand areas along Andaman Sea, Thailand. The average carbon storage within the surface sediment (top 10 cm) varies across seagrass conditions, with the highest carbon storage in heavy degraded (365.2 ± 206 g C m-2), followed by bare sand (289.5 ± 236 g C m-2) and healthy seagrass (86.47 ± 5.8 g C m-2). Furthermore, degraded seagrass and bare sand exhibited heterotrophic ecosystem functions with an average NCP value of 0.44 ± 0.49 and -0.13 ± 0.79 mmol C m⁻² d⁻¹, respectively. Conversely, healthy seagrass maintained autotrophic ecosystem functions with NCP 1.30 ± 0.508 mmol C m⁻² d⁻¹. The average total carbon sink varied among seagrass conditions, with the highest in degraded seagrass (4328 ± 2395 CO₂-eq m⁻² d⁻¹), compared to bare sand (3981 ± 4120 CO₂-eq m⁻² d⁻¹) and healthy seagrass (1630 ± 0 CO₂-eq m⁻² d⁻¹). The study also revealed that CH4 emissions dominated GHG fluxes in all seagrass conditions, with the highest mean CH₄ fluxes recorded in degraded seagrass (1.16 ± 0.51 µmol m⁻² h⁻¹), followed by bare sand (1.02 ± 0.41 µmol m⁻² h⁻¹) and healthy seagrass (0.48 ± 0.07 µmol m⁻² h⁻¹). On the other hand, the CO2 emissions remained consistently low in both seagrass meadows (healthy and degraded) and bare sand areas. These findings are important to indicate and provide the baseline of GHG emissions for healthy and degraded tropical seagrass meadows.

Keywords: Blue carbon, Climate Change, Emission, Greenhouse gas, Seagrass meadows

How to cite: Halim, M., Stankovic, M., and Prathep, A.: Estimating the Potential Greenhouse Gas Emission from Degraded Seagrass Meadows: A Case Study from Thailand's Seagrass Ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7982, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7982, 2025.

EGU25-8511 | Posters virtual | VPS4

Microbial phosphorus processing in a gradient of agricultural soil development following mining activity 

Nelly Sophie Raymond, Federica Tamburini, Astrid Oberson, Rüdiger Reichel, and Carsten W Mueller

Open-cast lignite mining significantly disrupts cultivated soils. Restoration and re-cultivation processes enable the conversion of these disturbed areas back into productive land. These processes involve mixing original topsoil (~20%) with parent material loess (~80%), diluting the organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools, as well as the soil's biological parameters. To restore soil fertility and physical structure, Phase I includes the cultivation of alfalfa to replenish C and N, re-establish biological functions, and the addition of mineral fertiliser (N:P:K, 15:15:15 kg ha-1). Following two to three years of Phase I, the restoration transitions to Phase II for three to five years, with an initial application of green waste compost (30 t ha-1) and annual basal mineral fertiliser (N:P:K, 200:80:60 kg ha-1). Phase III then involves returning the land to farmers with a typical rotation including sugar beet-winter wheat and a mix of organic and mineral fertilisation.

Previous studies have shown that soil C recovery and several key biological functions have only partially recovered, even after more than 50 years since re-cultivation. However, the evolution of P cycling, especially microbial-mediated P cycling, along this gradient remains unknown. This study aims to investigate interactions between soil P, soil microorganisms, and soil properties that affect microbial P cycling and P availability to plants following mining activity.

Hedley fractionation was employed to estimate various P pool sizes, while ion-exchange kinetics (IEK) assessed P exchangeability and reactivity in eight soils (soils restored from 2022 – year 0 – Phase I, 2020 – year 2 – Phase I, 2018 – year 5 – Phase II, 2014 – year 9 – Phase III, 2006– year 17 – Phase III, 1979 – year 44 – Phase III and 1964 – year 59 – Phase III and an original soil undisturbed). In three key soils (year 0 - Phase I; year 59 - Phase III; original undisturbed soil), 18O-labeled water was used in incubation to determine the degree of 18O integration within microbial biomass and in various P fractions.

In Phase I, a decrease in the relative size of the most labile-P pool was observed. In Phases II and III, this proportion increased, notably with a larger NaOH-extractable-P increase. P exchangeability decreased during Phase I, then significantly increased in older soils, surpassing that of the original undisturbed soil. Preliminary results indicate microbial P processing is highly correlated with total soil organic C. For instance, microbial P processing was nearly non-existent in newly formed soil (organic C: 0.54 g kg-1) and was found to be twice as low in 59-year-old soil (organic C: 1.24 g kg-1) compared to the original soil (organic C: 1.62 g kg-1).

The current findings demonstrate that despite measured P levels surpassing those of the original soil in the oldest soils, biologically-driven P cycling has not fully recovered more than 50 years after soil re-cultivation.

How to cite: Raymond, N. S., Tamburini, F., Oberson, A., Reichel, R., and Mueller, C. W.: Microbial phosphorus processing in a gradient of agricultural soil development following mining activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8511, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8511, 2025.

The increasing frequency and intensity of drought events make them a growing threat for plants that are sensitive to water scarcity. It is therefore important to understand how plants react to drought stress. The willow trees from the short-rotation coppices (SRC) on the DTU-Risø Campus in Denmark (DK-RCW) are particularly sensitive to water shortage as they are rainfed. We address the following question: how do extremely dry conditions affect the willows growth? We study the plants response mechanisms to periods of water scarcity and examine how these responses impact their gross primary productivity (GPP). There is a particular relevance to this in the current context of global warming, where the SRC are used to produce bioenergy and can store carbon to mitigate climate change.

Field measurements were carried out at the DK-RCW site to gather information on canopy structure (leaf area index). These results were integrated into a modelled relationship with carbon flux data from an eddy covariance flux tower located onsite and providing continuous CO2 and H2O flux data in more than 10 years. The simple empirical model was used to contrast the GPP’s sensitivity to stomatal and non-stomatal processes by comparison of extreme drought conditions (summer 2018 in Denmark) and wetter conditions (summers 2015 and 2021). These years represent the same stage of the rotational cycle.

This new model enables us to highlight two complementary responses to drought: the trees immediately react by adapting their physiology (stomatal resistance, increased sensitivity to vapour pressure deficit under drought), but also by changing the canopy structure as the drought increases (reduction of the leaf area index) and other responses on canopy photosynthetic capacity. High vapour pressure deficit and the reduction of the leaf area index both reduced the photosynthesis of willow trees under dry conditions. The simulated data imply limited drought recovery after the dry period had ended. For these reasons, the carbon uptake by the willow SRC is lower during droughts and thus limits the SRC productivity and carbon sink strength. We conclude from the very clear results from this case study that different drought response mechanisms must be considered when trying to understand and predict plant responses to extreme drought.


How to cite: Jaujay, M. and Ibrom, A.: Drought sensitivity of gross primary productivity in willow: effects from physiological versus structural responses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10635, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10635, 2025.

EGU25-13963 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Ecological interactions in dioecious plants: implications for soil fungi and arthropods 

Ruddy Bradley Jimenez

Many dioecious plants are dominant foundational species (e.g., grasses, poplars, ginkgoes) that structure ecosystems and provide essential resources for diverse ecological communities. Due to their higher nutrient demands and reproductive costs, female plants generally appear more sensitive to environmental changes, such as increased temperatures and drought conditions. The soil ecosystem is critical for providing the substrate, nutrients, and habitat for terrestrial plant communities to exist. Male and female plants are likely to interact with the soil environment differently, with implications for ecosystem functioning. Recent research has shown that female and male plants differ in their soil microbial diversity and community composition. However, how plant sex affects soil communities is still unknown. This study investigated how female and male plants of Ilex vomitoria differ in fungal diversity and composition and subsequent cascading effects on soil arthropods. Fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified from DNA sequencing data, and arthropods were extracted and identified from 91 soil samples collected under the canopies of female and male Ilex vomitoria individuals across three locations in southeastern Texas, USA. We found that male plants of I. vomitoria exhibit higher fungal diversity compared to female plants, with both sexes associating with distinct fungal communities. Conversely, soil arthropod diversity and community composition were affected by location but not plant sex. Our results provide valuable insights into the ecological interactions of dioecious plants, emphasizing the role of plant sex as a key trait that influences soil biodiversity and the associated functioning of ecosystems.

How to cite: Bradley Jimenez, R.: Ecological interactions in dioecious plants: implications for soil fungi and arthropods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13963, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13963, 2025.

EGU25-14217 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Greenhouse Gas Flux in Coastal Salt Marshes: Field Measurements along Estuarine Gradients in Northeastern USA 

Michael Norton, Serena Moseman-Valtierra, and Mark Stolt

Tidal Marshes are wetland ecosystems at the marine-terrestrial interface which serve as strong sinks for atmospheric carbon dioxide and large reservoirs of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, tidal marsh soils also produce and emit the potent greenhouse gas methane (CH4). Previous work has demonstrated that CH4 flux is inversely related to salinity, and that methane flux is negligible compared to carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake in marshes with salinities of >18 parts per thousand (ppt). However, in lower salinity tidal marshes, CH4 flux is highly variable, and can spike sharply following the depletion of sulfate supply. In order to better understand drivers of methane flux across a range of salinities, we established three transects along estuarine gradients in Rhode Island and Connecticut, USA. At landward and seaward sites along each transect, we measured methane flux, salinity, and conducted various porewater and soil chemical analyses. We found that methane flux was significantly higher and more variable in marshes where salinity is < 18 ppt. The highest magnitude methane fluxes occurred when sulfate was nearly depleted in marsh porewater, indicating that sulfate abundance dampens methane production, but demonstrating the need for further investigation into processes governing sulfate depletion and replenishment in salt marshes, and the degree to which salinity is a reliable proxy for sulfate concentration. Additionally, the lack of spatial data products which delineate tidal marshes according to salinity complicates efforts to estimate methane budgets in tidal estuaries. Our results indicate that spatial differences in salinity should inform wetland mapping in order to facilitate estimations of greenhouse gas budgets, but more high-resolution monitoring of salinity is needed to accurately delineate map units.

How to cite: Norton, M., Moseman-Valtierra, S., and Stolt, M.: Greenhouse Gas Flux in Coastal Salt Marshes: Field Measurements along Estuarine Gradients in Northeastern USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14217, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14217, 2025.

         Blue carbon ecosystems (mangroves, seagrass beds, and salt marshes) are one of the most effective carbon sinks on Earth and are critical to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Hainan Province in China accounts for 82% of the country's mangrove area and 64% of the country's seagrass bed area. Hainan's blue carbon plays an important role in local and national carbon sink enhancement efforts. From the perspective of economics, Hainan's blue carbon system plays a major supporting role in the local economy. Existing research on the protection of China's blue carbon ecosystems focuses on carbon sink accounting and economic valuation, and rarely involves microeconomic impact analysis of blue carbon protection actions. In particular, there are few studies specifically conducted on the impact on residents' livelihoods and well-being in Hainan.

        In this context, we are attempting to conduct research in Hainan Province to answer the following questions: What impact does the protection and restoration of Hainan's blue carbon ecosystem have on the livelihoods of its coastal communities? We refined this question into three points: First, what are the livelihood sources and livelihood structures of Hainan's coastal and non-coastal communities; what changes have occurred around 2020? Second, has Hainan's special action on the protection and restoration of blue carbon ecosystems had an impact on the livelihoods of coastal communities? Third, through what channels does Hainan's special action on the protection and restoration of blue carbon ecosystems affect the livelihoods of coastal communities?

        According to preliminary research, Hainan Province's special action for the protection and restoration of blue carbon ecosystems has a two-way impact on the livelihoods of coastal communities. On the one hand, blue carbon protection can maintain and promote the local fishery economy and tourism; on the other hand, due to restrictive regulations on the relevant use of marine resources at the policy level, the protection and restoration of mangroves may have a negative impact on fisheries. Maintaining a balance between fishermen's livelihoods and blue carbon protection may be one of the difficulties in blue carbon conservation. Treating the special action for the protection and restoration of blue carbon ecosystems as a quasi-natural experiment, we are going to conduct policy evaluation in our study. We will conduct a community questionnaire survey and introduce the propensity matching difference-in-difference (PSM-DID) model to reveal the net effect of Hainan's blue carbon ecosystem protection on the livelihoods of coastal communities.

How to cite: Chen, Y.: Study on the Impact of Blue Carbon Ecosystem Protection on the Livelihoods of Coastal Communities in Hainan Province, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14443, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14443, 2025.

EGU25-14511 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

A flexible, multiscale quantification framework for river alkalinity enhancement 

Jennifer Yin, Jing He, Kevin Sutherland, and Sophie Gill

Alkalinity enhancement in rivers is a proposed carbon dioxide removal strategy which leverages physical and biogeochemical properties of rivers to promote uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Robust monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide removal is necessary to instill trust in carbon credits and market activity stemming from river alkalinity enhancement. Rivers have the unique characteristic of reflecting integrated watershed characteristics along a one-dimensional trajectory. Depending on the size of the river, alkalinity dosing location and quantity, transit distance to the ocean and availability of monitoring locations, carbon dioxide uptake can be quantified through a hybrid approach leveraging direct measurements and models. In this poster, we propose a flexible, multiscale quantification framework which can be adapted to a wide range of rivers and deployment scenarios. 

How to cite: Yin, J., He, J., Sutherland, K., and Gill, S.: A flexible, multiscale quantification framework for river alkalinity enhancement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14511, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14511, 2025.

EGU25-14608 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Lack of blue carbon recovery in restored tropical seagrass ecosystems 

Milica Stankovic, Ratchanee Kaewsrikhaw, Pere Masqué, Mathew A Vanderklift, Tipamat Upanoi, and Anchana Prathep

Seagrass ecosystems are vital for coastal resilience, biodiversity, and as critical carbon sinks. With global seagrass declines, restoration has emerged as a key strategy for ecological and carbon recovery. Although through seagrass restoration, various ecosystem services return, there is a lack of information on the return of the carbon sequestration and accumulation. This study aims to assess the potential recovery of blue carbon benefits through seagrass restoration across various sites in Thailand. We analyzed carbon stocks and accumulation rates in restored Enhalus acoroides meadows at four sites, evaluating spatial variability in carbon recovery in restored versus natural meadows and unvegetated sediment. Despite successful seagrass establishment, the organic carbon (OC) content (%) within the surface sediment (top 20 cm) was not significantly different among restored, natural seagrass meadows, and bare sand, averaging 0.8 ± 0.1%, 0.9 ± 0.2%, and 0.9 ± 0.2% respectively. Although significant differences in OC content (%) were observed between sites, no differences were noted between the habitat types within each site. Predominantly sandy sediment (over 90%) with minimal mud content (1% or less) were found at all sites. The highest organic carbon stock in surface sediment was in unvegetated sediment, averaging 16.8 ± 3.4 Mg C ha-1. Significant differences in OC stocks were also observed across all site comparisons, with higher stocks generally found in bare sand compared to restored and natural seagrass meadows. Sediment accumulation profiles, indicated by the absence of excess 210Pb, suggest a lack of net fine sediment accumulation over the past decade or mixing of the upper sediment, precluding reliable sedimentation rate estimation. These findings suggest that these restored meadows are not forming depositional environments contributing to significant additional carbon sequestration, as evidenced by the minimal increase in OC stocks across the sites. Additionally, the low OC content (%) and minimal mud presence suggest overall low sedimentation rates, even in natural seagrass meadows. These results highlight the complexity of achieving carbon sequestration goals through seagrass restoration, emphasizing the need for site-specific restoration strategies that consider local sediment dynamics and ecological conditions to enhance carbon storage capabilities.

Keywords: organic carbon, carbon additionality, carbon accumulation, seagrass, restoration

How to cite: Stankovic, M., Kaewsrikhaw, R., Masqué, P., Vanderklift, M. A., Upanoi, T., and Prathep, A.: Lack of blue carbon recovery in restored tropical seagrass ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14608, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14608, 2025.

EGU25-14964 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Getting Out from Under: The Belowground Response of a Restored Grassland to Soil Disturbance and Resource Addition 

Amoi Campbell, Lauren Sullivan, Modeline Celestin, and Matt McCary

Disturbances resulting from anthropogenic global change pose ongoing threats to plant biodiversity. Functional trait-based approaches enable ecologists to observe species-level stress responses with implications for community-level adaptations to disturbances. DRAGNet (Disturbance and Resources Across Global Grasslands) leverages grassland restoration to explore the mechanisms driving disturbance recovery and community assembly. In this single-site study, we examine how plant composition and traits vary across disturbance (tillage) and soil resource (NPK+) gradients. Plant composition will be surveyed in 28 plots, with root and soil samples extracted for trait analysis and soil nutrient testing. We predict that plants in disturbed, nutrient-enriched plots will exhibit divergent functional traits, including reduced root biomass and specific root length, alongside changes in above-ground traits. Preliminary data illustrates the impact disturbance can have on community composition, particularly by promoting invasive species (PERMANOVA, p = 0.0576). This finding underscores the influence of disturbance on plant community assembly and highlights the potential vulnerability of restored grasslands to invasive species proliferation under human-induced disturbances. This study aims to uncover the root functional traits driving the recovery of a restored grassland across both soil disturbance and resource gradients.

How to cite: Campbell, A., Sullivan, L., Celestin, M., and McCary, M.: Getting Out from Under: The Belowground Response of a Restored Grassland to Soil Disturbance and Resource Addition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14964, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14964, 2025.

EGU25-14991 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Plant litter trait variation between native and nonnative species across steep climate gradient in Hawaiian Islands 

Manichanh Satdichanh, William Harrigan, Rebecca Ostertag, and Kasey Barton

Oceanic islands have high biodiversity due to high rates of endemicity, which is now severely threatened by global change, including biological invasions. Invasive plants are predicted to displace native plants via vigorous resource use associated with fast growth rates and population expansion. The corresponding dynamics associated with invasive plant litter offer important insights to bridge live foliage traits associated with competition with invasive plant effects on ecosystem function via litter decomposition. Evidence has accumulated to support the prediction that invasive species produce higher quality litter than native species, which decomposes more rapidly, in turn providing positive feedback that facilitates their expansion. However, litter quality can vary among and within species across climate gradients, which is likely to contribute to spatial variation in native-invasive plant interactions. In this study, we synthesize a large body of litter trait data using systematic review methods and quantitative analyses, to investigate litter trait differences between native island plants and non-native plants established in natural habitats across steep elevation (7.5 – 2660 m) and mean annual rainfall (272 – 6362 mm) gradients of the Hawaiian Islands. We found that litter traits are highly variable in both native and invasive species, with considerable overlap in multivariate trait space. Intraspecific and interspecific differences were the main sources of litter trait variation, which explained 40% and 41% of the total variance, respectively. Nonetheless, as predicted, invasive plants had litter that tended to be of higher nutritional quality and lower toughness than native plants, although this difference explained only 8% of the total variance across all traits. Interestingly, litter traits varied significantly with respect to temperature and rainfall, and the patterns differed between native and invasive plants. These results corroborate previous studies on live foliage traits that climate mediates invasive-native plant interactions across the heterogeneous environment of Hawaii. These patterns emphasize the importance of considering litter as part of the functional syndrome of plants and for a better understanding of how invasive plants may alter their novel ecosystems.

How to cite: Satdichanh, M., Harrigan, W., Ostertag, R., and Barton, K.: Plant litter trait variation between native and nonnative species across steep climate gradient in Hawaiian Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14991, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14991, 2025.

Plant-insect herbivore interactions are essential in shaping forest ecosystem health. The resource availability hypothesis (RAH) and the leaf economics spectrum (LES) theory predict that species in high-resource environments tend to adopt a "fast" strategy but are more susceptible to herbivory. However, this contradicts reports of increased insect herbivory in the context of global drought intensification, and hinders accurate prediction about how different plant species respond to herbivorous insect feeding.

To fill this knowledge gap, we conducted an observational study in two temperate forests dominated by Quercus mongolica and Betula platyphylla in eastern China to compare their leaf herbivory patterns and explore possible mechanisms. We measured three leaf herbivory proxies (consumed leaf area, percent consumed, and herbivory frequency), some leaf traits (leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf water content, leaf nitrogen, phosphorus and non-structural carbohydrate contents), and soil properties (pH, soil water content, soil organic carbon content, soil nitrogen and phosphorus contents).

We found that Q. mongolica, growing in poorer soil environments with lower water and nutrient contents, experienced higher leaf herbivory than B. platyphylla. Regarding leaf traits, Q. mongolica had a higher leaf area and non-structural carbohydrate content, but lower specific leaf area, leaf nutrient and water contents than B. platyphylla. At the leaf level, leaf area, rather than specific leaf area, of both tree species was positively correlated with leaf herbivory. At the tree level, species-specific patterns emerged, i.e., leaf herbivory of B. platyphylla was positively related to leaf area and negatively related to leaf nitrogen and water contents and soil phosphorus content, whereas that of Q. mongolica was only positively affected by soil phosphorus content.

These findings challenge the predictions of RAH and LES theory, as Q. mongolica that grows in resource-poorer soil environments with a conservative strategy suffers higher leaf herbivory than B. platyphylla, shedding some light on the proverb that trouble follows the needy. Moreover, water-related factors (i.e., leaf and soil water contents) and leaf area showed an important effect on driving interspecific and intraspecific leaf herbivory variations here, implying that climate-induced droughts may exacerbate herbivore pressure in temperate forests.

How to cite: Zhao, C. and Tian, D.: Trouble follows the needy: more severe leaf herbivory in the resource-poorer temperate oak forest than in the birch forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17774, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17774, 2025.

EGU25-18429 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Quantifying Carbon and Water Use Efficiencies of Forest Ecosystems in Wallonia, Belgium: Insights from Species-Specific Responses to Thinning and Climate Change  

Arpita Verma, Benjamin Lanssens, Merja Tölle, Tarunsinh Chaudhari, Alain Hambuckers, and Louis Francois

Optimizing carbon use efficiency (CUE) and water use efficiency (WUE) is a critical challenge for temperate forests worldwide, particularly under changing climatic conditions. CUE refers to the proportion of carbon assimilated during photosynthesis that contributes to biomass, while WUE quantifies the carbon gained per unit of water lost through transpiration. The region of Wallonia, Belgium, with temperate forests covering 33% of its land, serves as an exemplary case for analyzing the relationship between CUE and WUE under varying ecological and climatic conditions. Globally, the coupling of CUE and WUE remains insufficiently understood, especially at the species level. This study investigates the dynamics of CUE and WUE across several dominant tree species in Wallonia. It utilizes outputs from the CARAIB dynamic vegetation model to evaluate species-specific responses to thinning practices and climate scenarios (RCP 8.5 and RCP 2.6) over the period 1980 to 2070.

Our analysis distinguishes between the isohydric and anisohydric behaviors of tree species, emphasizing their contrasting long-term responses to climatic changes and their influence on ecosystem efficiency. Trees such as Abies and Picea tend to be isohydric. They conserve water by closing their stomata early during drought. They benefit from thinning practices initiated at 40 years, with intervals of 3–9 years designed to manage competition as they mature. Conversely, trees like Quercus and Populus tend to be anisohydric. They maintain photosynthesis under stress by keeping their stomata open. Populus requires earlier thinning interventions, typically starting at 30 years, with shorter regrowth periods of 15 years to optimize light penetration and nutrient availability. In contrast, Quercus thinning is initiated at 40 years, with regrowth periods of 30 years, to support their growth and optimize resource utilization. Thinning reduces competition and reallocates resources, modulating trade-offs between WUE and CUE while supporting species-specific growth under varying climatic stressors. Tailored thinning practices enhance resource availability for both isohydric and anisohydric species. Isohydric species gain from improved water availability, complementing their inherent drought resilience, while anisohydric species benefit from increased carbon assimilation through enhanced access to light and nutrients.

These findings underscore the importance of aligning species composition and management strategies with localized environmental conditions to bolster forest resilience. With this study, we investigate species-specific management strategies to support sustainable forestry, identifying species that are better adapted to changing climatic conditions and capable of maintaining vital ecosystem services.

How to cite: Verma, A., Lanssens, B., Tölle, M., Chaudhari, T., Hambuckers, A., and Francois, L.: Quantifying Carbon and Water Use Efficiencies of Forest Ecosystems in Wallonia, Belgium: Insights from Species-Specific Responses to Thinning and Climate Change , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18429, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18429, 2025.

An accurate representation of biomass burning aerosol emissions is essential in climate and Earth System Models to capture aerosol properties and their interactions. The sources of regional smoke plumes include the widespread prevalence of numerous small fires, which are  common across Savanahs, and larger more episodic wildfires, such as the extreme Californian wildfire event of September 2020. Capturing emissions from such a diverse range of fire activity is a major challenge and some atmospheric models, including the UK Earth System Model (UKESM) have scaled up aerosol emissions to ensure modelled AOD match observations. Past evaluations have struggled to provide a clear answer as to how to reconcile emissions and modelled aerosols, with contrasting outcomes for different regions and/or assessments of seasonal means versus individual smoke plumes. Our modelling study leverages observational data from the unprecedented wildfires in September 2020 to identify potential issues in capturing the aerosol from large / extreme wildfires in the global modelling system of UKESM. Running in nudged mode and with daily emissions from GFED4.1s emissions enables a realistic simulation of the thick smoke plumes that ensued across the continent and out into the Pacific, with little overall bias in AODs between UKESM and co-located observations (AERONET, VIRS, MAIAC). However, scaling emissions by a factor of 2 provides better agreement globally and across regions dominated by smaller fires. We therefore develop a means of differentiating between small and large fires based on the daily dry matter (fuel) consumption and apply this to enable scaling of emissions from small fires that seem to otherwise be underestimated in the model, whilst avoiding scaling those from large fires. Our results indicate a way forward to ensure a global simulation of biomass burning aerosol and fidelity in modelling extreme events.

How to cite: Johnson, B., Quaze, L., and Haywood, J.: Evaluating aerosol emissions from wildfires in the UK Earth System Model: What we have learnt from modelling the extreme wildfires in California during September 2020 , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18758, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18758, 2025.

EGU25-19205 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Carbon accumulation, storage and provenance in the Portuguese continental shelf  

Marcio Martins, Vitor Magalhães, Emília Salgueiro, Lívia Gebara Cordeiro, Fátima Abrantes, Pere Masqué, Carmen B. de los Santos, and Rui Santos

The field of Blue Carbon research has traditionally focused on the carbon sequestration capacity of coastal vegetated habitats, despite these habitats comprising only a small fraction of oceanic sediment. However, continental shelf sediments also play a significant role in carbon sequestration and represent a significantly larger surface area. While the majority of organic carbon deposited in the shelf sediment is initially fixated by phytoplankton, and then potentially cycled through other marine organisms, some of it is originated from coastal and terrestrial producers, such as marine macroalgae, then transported, deposited and sequestered into shelf sedimentary basins. In this study, we investigated the sedimentary organic carbon (OC) stocks and sequestration rates at two sites of the continental shelf of Portugal, each adjacent to major wetland systems dominated by saltmash and seagrasses: the northern site is located off the Sado estuary at the Arrábida coast where macroalgae forests are also present, and the southern site off the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon. We also assessed the contributions of marine and terrestrial primary producers to sedimentary OC using various proxies such as C/N ratios, carbon isotopic signature (δ13 C), magnetic susceptibility, lipid contents and sedimentary DNA metabarcoding. Our findings revealed similar OC sequestration rates at both sites (23.3 ± 7.1 g OC m⁻² yr⁻¹ and 20.9 ± 5.7 g OC m⁻² yr⁻¹ for the northern and southern sites, respectively) and comparable OC stocks in the top 25 cm of sediment (29.5 ± 2.33 g OC cm⁻² and 21.1 ± 3.01 g OC cm⁻², respectively). Clear differences were observed on the contributions of terrestrial versus marine sources to the sediment organic matter, with the northern site showing lower terrestrial contribution as opposed to the southern site. This conclusion is supported by the different proxies used. For example, the northern site consistently exhibited higher OC contents at comparable particle sizes, indicative of a greater deposition rate of organic carbon not adhered to sediment particles, typical of oceanic primary productivity. Sedimentary DNA metabarcoding detected seagrass and saltmarsh genetic material in sedimentary organic matter from both sites, indicating that detritus from the two wetlands are being exported to the continental shelf. Further investigation is needed to quantify the relative magnitude of this export. Understanding this process is essential to accurately assess the role of coastal vegetated habitats in the global carbon cycle, as current estimates focus solely on in-situ sequestration and often overlook the potential contribution of exported organic matter. Our study highlights the need to expand our perspective on the interconnectedness of coastal and oceanic carbon dynamics.

How to cite: Martins, M., Magalhães, V., Salgueiro, E., Cordeiro, L. G., Abrantes, F., Masqué, P., de los Santos, C. B., and Santos, R.: Carbon accumulation, storage and provenance in the Portuguese continental shelf , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19205, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19205, 2025.

EGU25-19333 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS4

Spring-neap tidal variation of fluid mud occurrence in the hyper-turbid Ems estuary  

Jill Lehn, Aron Slabon, Dörthe Holthusen, Lorenzo Rovelli, Annika Fiskal, Thomas Hoffmann, and Christine Borgsmüller

Dredging of the fairway in the Ems estuary was driven by the need to accommodate the increasing draft of ships. This modification has had negative effects on the sediment balance and ecology of the estuary. The fairway deepening results in strong alterations of the tidal dynamics, such as tidal amplitude and duration, as well as hydrodynamics such as current velocity and turbulence. This results in increased fine sediment input, which, at high suspended sediment concentrations, contributes to the formation of fluid mud—a mixture of silt, clay, and organic matter. The dynamics of fluid mud, particularly the differences between spring and neap tides, are not yet fully understood.

We investigated the formation, dispersion, and entrainment of fluid mud during the semi-diurnal tidal cycle. Therefore, the influence of flow velocity and salinity at different water depths, and the differences between spring and neap tides based on two dedicated measurement campaigns in 2023 was analyzed using high-resolution spatiotemporal monitoring data. Salinity data were used as an indicator of stable stratification. Additionally, sediment samples have been collected using a sediment corer to analyze the composition and properties of the fluid mud layer.

Our Spring-neap tide analysis showed a reduction of the flow cross-section during neap tide leading to differences in hydrodynamics between spring and neap tide driven by high sediment concentrations and fluid mud occurrence. During neap tide fluid mud was found to cover a larger fraction of the water column than during spring tide. This further highlights the strong influence of flow velocity on the dynamics of fluid mud and the need to include spring-neap considerations for future sediment management plans for the Ems.

How to cite: Lehn, J., Slabon, A., Holthusen, D., Rovelli, L., Fiskal, A., Hoffmann, T., and Borgsmüller, C.: Spring-neap tidal variation of fluid mud occurrence in the hyper-turbid Ems estuary , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19333, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19333, 2025.

EGU25-20449 | Posters virtual | VPS4

Effects of Biochar Substrate and Microbial Inoculation on the Development of Raphanus sativus L.  

Lorena da Paixão Oliveira and João Dos Anjos Verzutti Fonseca and the OLIVEIRA, Lorena da Paixão1; FONSECA, Dos Anjos Verzutti; CORTEZ, Christian Zenichi de Oliveira Ueji 1, Alexandre UEZU2 , SANTOS, Erika³; ARÁN, Diego³ e ESPOSITO, Elisa1 .

The use of substrates combined with biochar has been highlighted in agricultural and horticultural production, including the cultivation of Raphanus sativus L. (radish), due to the benefits in water retention, nutrient supply and stimulation of root development. This study evaluated the growth and development of radishes under different combinations of substrates with biochar, with or without microbial inoculation. The experiment was carried out between November 2024 and January 2025, in a greenhouse with automatic temperature control (18-42 °C) at the Federal University of São Paulo, São José dos Campos Campus. The treatments included: A) Substrate with biochar (SB-control); B) Substrate (S-control); C) Substrate with biochar inoculated with MELRC (SBI-MELRC); D) Substrate inoculated with MELRC (SI-MELRC); E) Substrate with biochar inoculated with MEU (SBI-MEU); F) Substrate inoculated with MEU (SI-MEU); G) Substrate with biochar inoculated with TSB (SBI-TSB); and H) Substrate inoculated with TSB (SITSB). The variables analyzed were number of leaves (NF), leaf area (AF), total length (CT), tuber weight (PT), tuber diameter (DT), root length (CR), fresh root mass (MFR), tuber height (HT) and root dry mass (MSR). Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression, and significant differences were evaluated by the F test at probability levels of 0.01 and 0.05. The results indicated that treatment D (SI-MELRC) had the greatest positive impact on all variables evaluated, standing out as the best combination for the development of Raphanus sativus L. The use of substrates combined with biochar and microbial inoculation showed promise in the cultivation of Raphanus sativus L. (radish), promoting significant improvements in the growth and development variables evaluated. Among the treatments tested, the substrate inoculated with MELRC (SI-MELRC) stood out, presenting the best results in all variables analyzed. These findings reinforce the potential of biochar as a substrate conditioner and highlight the importance of microbial inoculation to maximize the benefits of this system. Future studies can explore the replicability of the results under field conditions and with other agricultural crops.

Keywords: biochar, Raphanus sativus L., radish cultivation, microbial inoculation, substrate conditioner, agricultural production.

How to cite: da Paixão Oliveira, L. and Dos Anjos Verzutti Fonseca, J. and the OLIVEIRA, Lorena da Paixão1; FONSECA, Dos Anjos Verzutti; CORTEZ, Christian Zenichi de Oliveira Ueji 1, Alexandre UEZU2 , SANTOS, Erika³; ARÁN, Diego³ e ESPOSITO, Elisa1 .: Effects of Biochar Substrate and Microbial Inoculation on the Development of Raphanus sativus L. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20449, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20449, 2025.

Organic inputs in grasslands are known to enhance soil carbon sequestration. However, it remains unclear whether long-term organic inputs lead to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, specifically methane (CH4) from livestock and nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils, that outweigh the benefits of carbon sequestration. Addressing this issue is crucial, as it directly impacts the evaluation of organic farming practices for sustainable land management and climate change mitigation. In this study, we employed the process-based Denitrification-Decomposition (DNDC) model to estimate the fluxes of major greenhouse gases (GHGs) in a long-term grassland silage experiment established in 1969. The model was validated against measured data, effectively capturing the dynamics of N₂O emissions, soil temperature, biomass, and soil organic carbon (SOC). Simulations under different IPCC Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) scenarios of altered temperature, CO₂ concentrations, and radiative forcing were conducted. Treatments with high levels of cattle manure and pig manure under the SSP1-2.6 scenario exhibited a net GHG sink, whereas conventional fertilization resulted in a net GHG source under both SSP1-2.6 and SSP2-4.5. Grass yields decreased under conventional fertilization in both SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios. However, the application of organic matter inputs resulted in yield increases across all scenarios. These findings highlight the potential of organic farming practices, especially with high organic inputs, to mitigate GHG emissions and enhance productivity in grassland ecosystems. Therefore, adopting organic farming practices with adequate organic inputs could serve as a sustainable strategy for balancing food production and environmental conservation.

How to cite: Meng, X., Khalil, I., and Osborne, B.: Enhancing crop yield, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse gas mitigation through organic matter inputs: long-term grassland farming observations and DNDC model predictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20890, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20890, 2025.

EGU25-21501 | Posters virtual | VPS4

Temporal variability in organic carbon fixation, export, sedimentation and utilisation in the Clarion Clipperton Zone 

Clare Woulds, Alastair Lough, and Will Homoky and the Carbon fixation, export, sedimentation and utilisation Team

There is interest in biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem functioning in the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ, equatorial Pacific) due to the possibility in the near future of deep sea mining of polymetallic nodules. A set of important processes and ecosystem services relate to the fixation, export and deposition in sediment of organic carbon (C). This is important to understand both as a mechanism for C sequestration, and also as a set of processes which feeds deep sea biological communities. However, due to the remote nature of the CCZ, and the considerable resource required, it has rarely been possible to directly observe the coupling between processes from the sea surface all the way through the water column to the fate of organic C in sediments, nor how those linked processes vary over time or in response to mining disturbance.

Here we present data on C fixation, export, sediment composition and relationships with benthic community biomass. We show clear coupling between surface productivity, export and sinking flux, but that sediment organic C concentrations are not always closely coupled to water column processes. Repeated measurements over a period of ~18 months show inter-annual variability at the seafloor, rather than a stable seasonal pattern. Organic C delivery to the sediment is reflected in the biomass of faunal groups, with different temporal responses in the different groups (macrofauna, metazoan meiofauna and foraminifera) linked to factors such as competition, predation pressure and life cycle differences. Changes in sediment total organic carbon following a mining vehicle test will also be considered.

How to cite: Woulds, C., Lough, A., and Homoky, W. and the Carbon fixation, export, sedimentation and utilisation Team: Temporal variability in organic carbon fixation, export, sedimentation and utilisation in the Clarion Clipperton Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21501, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21501, 2025.

Tomato production is vital to Central India's agricultural output and plays a significant role in the region's economy. However, the escalating impacts of climate change pose a serious threat to the sustainability and productivity of tomato farming in this region. This study assesses the effects of variations in solar radiation and temperature on tomato yields utilizing a calibrated process-based crop simulation model (CSM). Climate forecasts utilizing SSP4.5 and SSP8.5 pathways were applied to model yields in near (2010-2039) and mid-future (2040-2069) scenarios. Significant findings indicate a large reduction in yield potential, particularly under mid-future high-emission scenarios (SSP8.5), accompanied by considerable geographical variability. Regions such as Damoh and Western Nimar demonstrate enhanced resilience owing to advantageous local climatic circumstances, whilst areas like the Kymore Plateau and Bundelkhand Agro-Climatic zone display the most significant decreases. Key developmental phases, including flowering and fruit set, are especially susceptible to elevated temperatures and diminished solar radiation. This research highlights the need for region-specific adaptation techniques to alleviate climate impacts, including modifying planting schedules and adopting heat-tolerant varieties. These insights offer a crucial basis for policymakers and farmers to guarantee the sustainability of tomato production in Central India under changing climate circumstances.

Keywords: Crop Simulation Model (CSM), Tomato Yields, GCMs, Central India, policymakers

How to cite: Singh, P. N. and Srivastava, P. K.: Quantifying Climate Impact on Tomato Production in Central India: A Process-Based Yield Simulation for Near and Mid-Future Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-544, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-544, 2025.

EGU25-1831 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS5

Quanatifying the contributions of internal varibility in South Asian near-surface wind speed 

Hui-Shuang Yuan and Cheng Shen

Near-surface wind speed (NSWS) plays a critical role in water evaporation, air quality, and energy production. Despite its importance, NSWS changes in South Asia, a densely populated region, remain underexplored. This study aims to understand and quantify the uncertainties in projections of NSWS over South Asia, particularly in relation to internal variability. Utilizing a 100-member large ensemble simulation from the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model, we identified the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) as the leading mode of internal variability influencing South Asian NSWS in the near future. Our findings reveal that the IPO could significantly impact future NSWS, with its positive phase being linked to strengthened westerly flows and increased NSWS across South Asia. Notably, the study shows that accounting for the IPO's impact could reduce NSWS projection uncertainty by up to 8% in the near future and 15% in the far future. This underscores the key role of internal variability, particularly the IPO, in shaping regional NSWS projections. By reducing uncertainties in these projections, our findings can inform climate adaptation strategies for South Asia, helping optimize wind resource assessments in the context of changing wind patterns.

How to cite: Yuan, H.-S. and Shen, C.: Quanatifying the contributions of internal varibility in South Asian near-surface wind speed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1831, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1831, 2025.

EGU25-1959 | Posters virtual | VPS5

A Comparative Analysis of Data-Driven Machine Learning Models for Rainfall Forecasting in Bangladesh 

Mir Mahmid Sarker, Arish Morshed Zobeyer, Tasnuva Rouf, and S M Mahbubur Rahman

Accurate rainfall forecasting is crucial for effective urban planning and disaster management in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, a city highly vulnerable to urban flooding and extreme weather events. Traditional forecasting methods often struggle to capture the region's complex rainfall patterns, resulting in inaccurate rainfall forecasts. This study evaluates the performance of two traditional machine learning algorithms, Random Forest Regression and Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), alongside one deep learning algorithm, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network. These models are trained and tested to forecast rainfall over 1 to 5-day lead times, emphasizing their ability to handle temporal dependencies in time series data. Atmospheric and hydrologic variables, including temperature, surface pressure, evaporation, solar surface radiation, total column rainwater, large-scale precipitation, and total cloud cover, from the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) dataset, were used as model inputs. Model forecasts were validated against ERA5 rainfall data and compared with the forecasts from the Global Forecast System (GFS) model. Results indicate that the Random Forest model outperforms all others, achieving an RMSE of 6.11 mm and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R) of 0.74 for a 1-day lead time. The LSTM model achieved an RMSE of 7.46 mm, while the MLP performed less effectively than both RF and LSTM, with an RMSE of 7.61 mm. In comparison, the GFS forecasts displayed an RMSE of 9.16 mm. The RF model outperformed the other models at all lead times; however, its accuracy decreased as the lead time increased. This study highlights the potential of machine learning to improve short to medium range rainfall forecasts, contributing to timely decision-making for urban resilience and resource management.

How to cite: Sarker, M. M., Zobeyer, A. M., Rouf, T., and Rahman, S. M. M.: A Comparative Analysis of Data-Driven Machine Learning Models for Rainfall Forecasting in Bangladesh, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1959, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1959, 2025.

EGU25-2071 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS5

Enhancing Heavy Rainfall Predictions Over Vulnerable Regions in Assam Using a Spatial Attention-Based Deep Learning Network 

Dhananjay Trivedi, Sandeep Pattnaik, and Omveer Sharma

Forecasting extreme rainfall events (EREs) locally is a major difficulty for meteorological organizations in India's diverse topography, including Assam, Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh. Flash floods cause major socioeconomic damage in certain areas. These extremes are increasingly commonplace during the southwest monsoon season in the country and one of the most destructive EREs occurred in June 2022 and 2023 over Assam. This work explores deep learning (DL) models, specifically spatial attention-based U-Net, in conjunction with simulated daily collected rainfall outputs from different parametrization schemes rainfall output from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, considering the limitations of deterministic numerical weather models in accurately forecasting these events. The model trained over the districts of Assam for all days (days 1-4) except the districts where the EREs occurred. The suggested model exhibited a greater ability to predict rainfall at the district scale with a mean absolute error of less than 10 mm over four days in June 2022, outperforming both individual and ensemble outputs of WRF. Furthermore, the suggested model had a high prediction accuracy of 91.9% in categorical rainfall prediction, outperforming WRF models by 51.3%. Furthermore, by accurately forecasting EREs at the district level, including Barpeta, Kamrup, Kokrajhar, and Nalbari, the suggested model has shown improved spatial variation when compared to the WRF model. The suggested DL model is tested for real-time ERE events over Assam in June 2023. In the second part, the model has trained for ERE occurred in 2022 and tested for 2023 over Assam at the district level. The district-level performance of the DL and WRF models is compared, and the DL model performs better than the WRF model in capturing EREs, with a noteworthy accuracy of 54.4% compared to only 22.8% for the WRF model. Notably, the DL model accurately represents the amount and severity of rainfall in Assam's western and southern regions. In summary, the study's conclusions directly affect the development of effective strategies for increased preparedness, mitigation, and adaptation measures over complex hilly regions to lessen the loss of life and property, as well as the improvement of early warning systems and related follow-up action.

How to cite: Trivedi, D., Pattnaik, S., and Sharma, O.: Enhancing Heavy Rainfall Predictions Over Vulnerable Regions in Assam Using a Spatial Attention-Based Deep Learning Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2071, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2071, 2025.

EGU25-3766 | Posters virtual | VPS5

Seasonal Predictability of Late-Spring Precipitation in the Southern Great Plains  

Yoshimitsu Chikamoto, Simon Wang, Hsin-I Chang, and Christopher Castro

The Southern Great Plains are subject to fluctuating precipitation extremes that pose significant challenges to agriculture and water management. Despite advancements in forecasting, the mechanisms driving these climatic variations remain incompletely understood. This study investigates the relative contributions of the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans to April-May-June precipitation variability in this region. Using partial ocean assimilation experiments within the Community Earth System Model, we identify a substantial influence of inter-basin interactions, with the Pacific and Atlantic contributing approximately 70% and 30%, respectively, to these variations. Our statistical analysis suggests that these tropical inter-basin contrasts offer a more reliable indicator for late-spring precipitation anomalies than the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. This finding is corroborated by analyses from seven climate forecasting systems in the North American Multi-Model Ensemble, providing a promising outlook for improving real-time forecasting in the Southern Plains. However, the predictive skill of these inter-basin contrasts is currently limited by the lower predictability of the tropical Atlantic, underscoring the need for future research to enhance climate prediction models.

How to cite: Chikamoto, Y., Wang, S., Chang, H.-I., and Castro, C.: Seasonal Predictability of Late-Spring Precipitation in the Southern Great Plains , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3766, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3766, 2025.

The Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux (EDMF) parameterization (Giordani et al., 2020) offers a new, coherent way to simultaneously parameterize local (diffusivity) and non-local (convective thermal) vertical mixing. This second component parametrizes sub-grid-scale convective plumes propagating through the water column which, through energy conservation, can propagate counter to the stratification gradient. The EDMF scheme is assessed in a 13-year global ¼° coupled NEMO4.2-SI3 simulation, forced by ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis. Its performance in representing observed ocean temperatures is compared to that of a twin simulation using the commonly applied Enhanced Vertical Diffusivity (EVD) parameterization.

The EDMF simulation shows globally reduced temperature biases relative to in-situ observations (0–700 m) compared to the EVD simulation, with similar RMSD (Root Mean Square Deviation) values between the two. By better representing tropical night-time shallow convection, EDMF reduces the cold bias typically observed in EVD simulations within the tropical ocean. We show that the horizontal scales (convective areas), penetration depths and vertical velocities of the simulated plumes agree with measurements of deep convective plumes in the Labrador Sea, and with diurnal convection in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Additionally, first estimates of convection's contribution to Ocean Heat Content are proposed.

How to cite: Piton, V., Bourdallé-Badie, R., and Giordani, H.: The Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux parameterization: improved representation of convective mixing, global evaluations and implications for Ocean Heat Content, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4069, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4069, 2025.

EGU25-6364 | Posters virtual | VPS5

The double emergence of TCRE 

Andrew MacDougall and Alexander MacIsaac

The TCRE relationship underlies the necessity of net zero emissions for climate stabilization and the utility of carbon budgets as a policy tool. TCRE emerges near universally from Earth system models, and is consistent with observations. However, recent work has systematically dismantled the leading hypothesis explaining the phenomenon, concluding “that this proportionality is not amenable to a simple physical explanation, but rather arises because of the complex interplay of multiple physical and biogeochemical processes.'' (Gillett, 2023). Here we set two intermediate complexity Earth system models (EMICs) to abiotic states, then turn on broad components of Earth's biogeochemical cycles one at a time to see which combination of processes cause TCRE to emerge.

We find that TCRE emerges when ocean alkalinity is set to observed values, without life on land. TCRE likewise emerges independently when the terrestrial biosphere is turned on, with the ocean in an abiotic low alkalinity state. Idealized experiments with the EMICs show that TCRE occurs for configurations of the Earth system where characteristic timescales of carbon absorption and heat absorption are nearly the same. Our results suggest that the emergence of TCRE does in-fact rely on a simple physical mechanism, but why the living components of Earth system are matching the characteristic timescale of carbon absorption to that of heat remains mysterious.

Gillett, N.P.: Warming proportional to cumulative carbon emissions not explained by heat and carbon sharing mixing processes. Nature Communications 14(1), 6466 (2023)

How to cite: MacDougall, A. and MacIsaac, A.: The double emergence of TCRE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6364, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6364, 2025.

EGU25-7421 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS5

Integrating Climate Projections and Geospatial Analysis to Identify Rainwater Harvesting Suitability in Lombok Island, Indonesia 

Afriyas Ulfah, James Renwick, and Restu Patria Megantara

Water scarcity is a growing challenge exacerbated by climate change, particularly in regions like Lombok Island, Indonesia, where water resources are crucial for sustainable development. This research aims to identify suitable locations for Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) by integrating geospatial analysis, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and climate projections using CMIP6 data. The study utilizes multiple parameters, including rainfall, land use/land cover (LULC), slope, drainage density, soil texture, and runoff depth, to develop a comprehensive suitability map for RWH.

Historical rainfall data from CHIRPS (1981–2010) and future rainfall projections for mid-century (2031–2060) and end-century (2071–2100) under SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios were analyzed to account for climatic variations. Each parameter was processed using geospatial tools, with weights assigned through AHP based on expert input, ensuring a robust multi-criteria decision-making framework. Suitability maps were generated for each temporal scenario, highlighting areas with high to very high potential for RWH, particularly in North and East Lombok.

The results reveal dynamic shifts in RWH site suitability over time, with increasing precipitation under SSP5-8.5 scenarios expanding high-suitability areas. These findings highlight the potential for RWH to manage water resources adaptively in response to projected climate variability. By aligning the outputs with existing water management infrastructure, such as dams, the study provides actionable insights for regional planners and policymakers.

How to cite: Ulfah, A., Renwick, J., and Patria Megantara, R.: Integrating Climate Projections and Geospatial Analysis to Identify Rainwater Harvesting Suitability in Lombok Island, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7421, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7421, 2025.

Precisely predicting weather parameters is crucial for precision horticulture, especially in horticultural lands where timely environmental insights significantly impact crop yield and quality. This study presents a novel hybrid modeling approach employing 1D Transformer networks integrated with traditional machine learning techniques to predict hourly temperature variations. Utilizing the ERA5 reanalysis dataset spanning from 1940 to December 2024, the hybrid model efficiently captures location-specific spatiotemporal dependencies and nonlinear trends in historical weather data.

The predicted weather data generated by the hybrid model is used in FarmD, a web-based user interface developed for farmer-centric applications. FarmD provides real-time visualization of critical weather parameters, including temperature, relative humidity, wind patterns, rainfall, and soil temperature, specifically tailored to horticultural regions. Through its intuitive interface, users can query predicted and historical data by selecting attributes, dates, and times, with an option for location-specific searches to support targeted agricultural decision-making.

This integration of predicted data with an accessible web platform highlights significant advancements in delivering actionable insights to end users. By combining advanced computational methods with user-focused design, FarmD enables horticulturists to adopt data-driven practices, contributing to sustainable and efficient agricultural management.

How to cite: Ramalingam, S.: FarmD: A Web Interface for Visualization of Predicted Weather Parameters Using 1D Transformer Hybrid Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10613, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10613, 2025.

EGU25-11584 | Posters virtual | VPS5

Role of Earth system processes in the Transient Climate Response to cumulative Emissions 

Spencer Liddicoat, Chris Jones, Lina Mercado, Eddy Robertson, Stephen Sitch, and Andy Wiltshire

Estimates of remaining carbon emissions budgets to limit global warming to 1.5°C or 2°C rely on the near-linear relationship between the change in global mean temperature and total CO2 emitted since the pre-industrial era. This relationship is known as the Transient Climate Response to cumulative Emissions (TCRE). Previous estimates of TCRE are derived from Earth System Models (ESMs) which are known to lack key processes that affect warming and therefore diagnosed CO2 emissions. Here we use the UK Earth System Model to quantify, for the first time, the impact on TCRE of including six Earth system processes in isolation (results in parenthesis): fire-vegetation interactions (TCRE increased 14.6%); nitrogen limitation of vegetation (+9.7%); diffuse radiation effects on vegetation (+8.5%); changes in vegetation distribution (-1.5%); climate impacts from wetland methane emissions (+5.1%) and from biogenic volatile organic compounds (-1.4%). From these results we recalculate the TCRE of 11 ESMs of the 6th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) as though each included all six processes. Averaged over the 11 models, TCRE increased by 23.7%, reducing by 19% the associated remaining carbon budget to both 1.5°C and 2°C.

How to cite: Liddicoat, S., Jones, C., Mercado, L., Robertson, E., Sitch, S., and Wiltshire, A.: Role of Earth system processes in the Transient Climate Response to cumulative Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11584, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11584, 2025.

EGU25-12181 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS5

Seasonal changes in evaporation and potential evapotranspiration under different scenarios of climate change on the territory of Ukraine 

Valeriia Rybchynska, Larysa Pysarenko, Hanna Pushkar, Mykhailo Savenets, and Volodymyr Osadchyi

Evaporation and potential evapotranspiration are components of hydrological cycle that represent the loss of water from the surface and vegetation to the atmosphere. Potential evapotranspiration is a theoretical index that demonstrates the maximum evaporation and transpiration rates assuming sufficient water availability in soil and canopy. Six identical Regional Climate Models (RCMs) of Euro-CORDEX project were selected in order to obtain a unified ensemble for both characteristics for estimation under RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios for the middle (2021-2050) and the end of the 21st century (2071-2100) for Ukraine. ERA5 observational dataset is used as a baseline climate normal (1991-2020) for tracking the future changes. In this study we applied a quantile mapping approach for bias correction for smoothing systematic errors between observational and simulated datasets. For the baseline period, the sums of evaporation varied mainly between 20-30 mm in winter to 250-290 mm in summer, with the exception of the Carpathians and southern regions near marine coastal areas (more than 300 mm). Climate normals of evapotranspiration were zonally distributed with the exception of mountainous region and varies from 20-50 mm in winter to 290-550 mm in summer. The most tremendous changes of evaporation are expected to occur in winter. In general, during the following 30-year period of 2021-2050, the most significant increase by 8-18% (compared to 1991-2020 baseline) would be expected for RCP4.5 with more pronounced increase during 2071-2100, reaching its highest values up to 40% under RCP8.5 The maximum rates are observed in the Carpathians and the northeast of Ukraine. In contrast, evapotranspiration in winter is expected to increase only by 1-6% during 2021-2050 for all RCPs and 12-22% by the end of the century. The Carpathians will face even a decrease by -4%. Changes in evaporation will be lower for the spring season, with changes by 2-4% in 2021-2050 and 6-12% by the end of the century. The highest spring changes up to 28% also will occur in the Carpathians. The same rates are estimated for evapotranspiration, for which the sharpest changes are 10-16% under RCP 8.5 for 2081-2100 In comparison to winter and spring, summer and autumn seasons will face much slower changes. Moreover, summer season will be characterized by a decrease in evaporation at a rate up to -2..-4% under RCP2.6 and varying within ±1% for other scenarios by the mid-century, showing the typical tendencies for so called “evaporation paradox”. In 2071-2100, the decrease can reach by up to-6% for RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. It must be noted the different tendency for evapotranspiration with an increase by 1-6% in general for all RCPs in 2021-2050, and maximum up to 14% by the end of the century. For autumn the most typical increase in both parameters is within 2-6% for all RCPs, with the highest rates of evaporation in the Carpathians up to 15%.  The obtained results show the importance of considering evaporation in future water management, agriculture and food security in Ukraine, highlighting the seasons and regions with it significant changes.  

How to cite: Rybchynska, V., Pysarenko, L., Pushkar, H., Savenets, M., and Osadchyi, V.: Seasonal changes in evaporation and potential evapotranspiration under different scenarios of climate change on the territory of Ukraine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12181, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12181, 2025.

EGU25-14457 | Posters virtual | VPS5

Evaluating the extrapolation capability of deep learning in rainfall-runoff 

Shichida Junsei

Deep learning, a prominent artificial intelligence method, is increasingly applied in research addressing the impacts of global warming in the future. However, it is widely acknowledged that deep learning exhibits limitations in extrapolation, as it typically predicts accurately only within the range of the training data. When future scenarios extend beyond this range, the reliability of predictions can diminish significantly. In Japan, for example, the annual maximum precipitation is reported to be increasing, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency, indicating a potential for future values to exceed historical records. Despite this, limited studies have explored the extent to which deep learning methods can reliably extrapolate beyond the training data range. This study quantitatively evaluates the extrapolation capability of deep learning in hydrology, specifically focusing on rainfall-runoff modeling at the watershed scale. Meteorological data, including precipitation and temperature, are utilized as inputs, while river flow serves as the output. The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, which is well-suited for time-series data, was employed as the deep learning framework. Data were partitioned into training, validation, and test datasets, with river flow values categorized using threshold percentiles of 90, 95, 97, 98, and 99, rather than conventional time-based splits. This approach allows for a focused investigation into the range of accurate extrapolation beyond the training dataset. Preliminary findings reveal that the LSTM model successfully captured peak river flows up to 250.1% higher than the maximum values of the observed river flow discharge in the training-validation dataset. These results demonstrate the potential for deep learning to extrapolate in hydrological modeling, though further research is necessary to assess the performance of alternative deep learning methods and additional case studies. 

How to cite: Junsei, S.: Evaluating the extrapolation capability of deep learning in rainfall-runoff, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14457, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14457, 2025.

EGU25-18989 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS5

Enhancing Hydrological Processes in Earth System Models: Implementing Groundwater Dynamics for Improved Climate Representations 

Vincenzo Senigalliesi, Andrea Alessandri, Stefan Kollet, Simone Gelsinari, Annalisa Cherchi, and Emanuele Di Carlo

In the context of climate change, a global, widespread shift to increased water limitation is expected over approximately 73% of terrestrial ecosystems, with important implications for food and water security, CO2 uptake, and evaporative cooling. Water-limited regions, exposed to climate-change-related increasing droughts and intense anthropogenic water use, are extremely vulnerable to transitions towards drier eco-hydro-climatological regimes. In the longer term, the ongoing drought conditions may intensify the decline of groundwater levels, threatening groundwater-dependent ecosystems and exacerbating the risk of desertification, thereby amplifying a positive feedback on regional climate change. In some Mediterranean climate-type regions, such as SouthWestern Australia, a dry and warm transition has already been observed. Recent findings are a clear warning that also over the Euro-Mediterranean sector groundwater level may have a negative trend resulting from a decrease in precipitation and/or increasing withdrawal. 

Soil water storage  and groundwater dynamics represent important hydrological processes related to these transitions but they are greatly simplified in state-of-the-art Earth System Models (ESMs). Therefore, it is  essential to improve the representation of hydrological processes and their coupling with the atmosphere and the land surface in ESMs. In this respect, the land surface model included in EC-Earth (ECLAND) still lacks a representation of groundwater and instead implements a free drainage condition at the bottom of the unsaturated soil column. 

In this work, we intend to implement a more realistic groundwater representation in EC-Earth by including a global-scale water table to replace the free drainage bottom boundary condition. As a preliminary measure, the impact of groundwater on the shallow, unsaturated zone is evaluated by constraining the vertical water fluxes with a static water table depth (WTD) derived from a global estimate simulation based on observations. We evaluated the effects of this implementation on water and energy fluxes against a network of stations in land-only simulations from 1979 to the present, with boundary forcing taken from ERA5 reanalysis. First findings suggest that including a WTD has an impact on water exchanges between saturated and unsaturated soil in water-limited regions, particularly in semi-arid and transitional climates, which can not be neglected in Earth system models.

How to cite: Senigalliesi, V., Alessandri, A., Kollet, S., Gelsinari, S., Cherchi, A., and Di Carlo, E.: Enhancing Hydrological Processes in Earth System Models: Implementing Groundwater Dynamics for Improved Climate Representations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18989, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18989, 2025.

EGU25-456 | Posters virtual | VPS6

Temporal characteristics of extreme high temperatures in Wuhan since 1881 

Xiang Zheng, Guoyu Ren, Jiajun He, Yuxinzi Zhao, Yuyu Ren, and Guowei Yang

The construction and analysis of daily temperature data series in long enough a time period is important to understand decadal to multi-decadal variability and changing trends in extreme temperature events. This paper reports a new analysis of extreme temperature indices over the last 140 yr in Wuhan, China, with an emphasis on changes in extreme high temperature changes. The daily temperature data from 9 stations from 1881 to 1950 and 1 modern station from 1951 to 2020 were used for the analysis. Based on the data, and the commonly used extreme temperature indices, the variations and long-term trends of extreme high temperature events in Wuhan since 1881 were analyzed. The results show that there was no clear warming trend in maximum temperature, but a quite large inter-annual and inter-decadal fluctuation. In contrast, there was a very significant increase in minimum temperature, with a large upward trend overall. The extreme temperature indices exhibit a periodic variability, and frequent extreme heat events have been experienced over the last 140 yr in Wuhan. Most extreme temperature indices did not exhibit remarkable changes during the first half of the period analyzed. However, the majority of the extreme temperature indices showed significant upward trends over the latter half of the 140 yr period. The possible causes of the observed changes in the extreme high temperature events in the different time periods are also discussed.

How to cite: Zheng, X., Ren, G., He, J., Zhao, Y., Ren, Y., and Yang, G.: Temporal characteristics of extreme high temperatures in Wuhan since 1881, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-456, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-456, 2025.

EGU25-1411 | Posters virtual | VPS6

Spatial downscaling of urban temperatures: evaluation of an approach using satellite and reanalysis data 

Dominik Kortschak, Heinz Gallaun, Michael Kernitzkyi, Judith Köberl, Petra Miletich, and Manuel Strohmaier

Climate change is expected to exacerbate heat stress, particularly in urban areas where the urban heat island (UHI) effect tends to amplify warming compared to surrounding rural regions. Due to the heterogeneity of urban environments, heat stress can vary significantly within cities. Heat vulnerability maps, which combine data on heat sensitivity, heat exposure and adaptive capacity, are valuable tools for identifying areas that should be prioritized for heat stress mitigation measures. One important component of such heat vulnerability maps is data on the spatial distribution of heat. The present study explores the use of satellite data to generate high-resolution temperature maps, addressing two key challenges in the process.

The first challenge arises from the fact that satellites measure land surface temperature (LST) rather than air temperature (AT), whereas the latter is needed as input for most heat stress indicators. While linear models calibrated with weather station data are frequently used to estimate AT from LST, there are cities where the availability of weather stations is insufficient for calibrating models with multiple control variables. Additionally, the LST-AT relationship depends on the prevailing atmospheric conditions. The second challenge of using satellite data is that satellite images are usually not available on an hourly or daily basis due to factors such as satellite scheduling or excessive cloud cover.

To address the first challenge, we adopt a technique introduced by the ECOSTRESS mission, which leverages reanalysis data (GEOS-5) to estimate AT using LST, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and albedo. We apply this method to spatially downscaled LST data (100m) from the VIIRS instrument aboard the Suomi NPP satellite, AT reanalysis data from ERA5-Land (9km), as well as NDVI and albedo derived from Harmonized Landsat Sentinel (HLS) data (aggregated to 100m). Applying the method to individual satellite images enables day-specific adjustments for varying atmospheric conditions. To overcome the second challenge, we utilize high-resolution AT maps derived from LST images to calculate spatial patterns of air temperature distribution, which are then used to downscale ERA5-Land AT data for those times without satellite images available.

To evaluate the approach described, it is exemplary applied to various cities, whereby the downscaled temperature estimates are validated against (i) temperature estimates based on alternative methods than the ECOSTRESS technique to derive AT from LST, (ii) weather station data, and (iii) existing results from urban climate models.

How to cite: Kortschak, D., Gallaun, H., Kernitzkyi, M., Köberl, J., Miletich, P., and Strohmaier, M.: Spatial downscaling of urban temperatures: evaluation of an approach using satellite and reanalysis data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1411, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1411, 2025.

EGU25-3194 | Posters virtual | VPS6

IoT-Enabled Underwater Devices and Crowdsourcing for Monitoring Climate Risks at Submerged Heritage Sites 

Marios Vlachos, Panagiotis Michalis, Iasonas Mourounas, Pavlos Koukio, Apostolos Gkatzogias, Anastasios Georgakopoulos, and Angelos Amditis

Underwater cultural heritage, such as ancient shipwrecks and submerged archaeological sites, faces increasing risks from climate-driven environmental changes. Salinity shifts, temperature anomalies, and biofouling contribute to the degradation of these resources [1]. This study explores deploying two IoT-enabled devices with a crowdsourcing strategy to monitor and address these challenges effectively.

The first device, designed for divers, measures pressure, temperature, and salinity during underwater campaigns and can be placed on the seabed for long-term data collection [2]. The second device, used by local communities like fishers and diving centers, is deployable from boats to 2-3 meters, capturing salinity, temperature, and chlorophyll concentration. Each device incorporates a data logger built on a microcontroller, connected to sensors via robust serial interfaces such as RS485. This configuration ensures reliable communication and minimizes signal degradation in challenging underwater conditions. The microcontroller interfaces with sensors to record measurements, storing data locally until retrieval. Both devices feature a power management system with custom-designed PCBs for efficient energy use.

Data gathered by the devices is stored locally and transferred to a cloud platform via an intuitive mobile app. Communication between the devices and the smartphone uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), while data uploads to the cloud via LTE. This simplifies retrieval and reduces the need for complex equipment or infrastructure.

Community participation plays a central role in this system. Local communities deploy and retrieve boat-based sensors, improving the coverage and frequency of monitoring activities. By pooling data from various contributors, detailed information of environmental conditions near cultural heritage sites is acquired.

The devices undergo rigorous calibration to ensure reliable data collection. Conductivity sensors are standardized with salinity benchmarks, temperature sensors tested with laboratory-grade instruments, pressure sensors calibrated in controlled chambers, and chlorophyll sensors validated using fluorescence references.

Field trials at two underwater sites tested the system under diverse conditions, providing a robust environment to assess device performance and crowdsourcing effectiveness. Feedback from divers, local participants, and heritage professionals refined functionality. Adjustments included stronger enclosures, improved BLE connection stability, and an enhanced mobile app interface.

This study demonstrates the potential of combining smart sensor technology with community engagement to protect underwater heritage. Leveraging IoT devices and collaboration expands monitoring, reduces costs, and fosters local stewardship, offering a scalable, sustainable solution to mitigate environmental impacts on submerged cultural treasures.


[1] P. Michalis, C. Mazzoli, V. Karathanassi, D. I. Kaya, F. Martins; M. Cocco, A. Guy and A. Amditis, "THETIDA: Enhanced Resilience and Sustainable Preservation of Underwater and Coastal Cultural Heritage," IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Athens, Greece, 2024, pp. 2208-2211, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10642229.

[2] L. Pavlopoulos, P. Michalis, M. Vlachos, A. Georgakopoulos, C. Tsiakos and A. Amditis, "Integrated Sensing Solutions for Monitoring Heritage Risks," IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Athens, Greece, 2024, pp. 3352-3355, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10641101.


This research has been funded by European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under THETIDA project (Grant Agreement No. 101095253).

How to cite: Vlachos, M., Michalis, P., Mourounas, I., Koukio, P., Gkatzogias, A., Georgakopoulos, A., and Amditis, A.: IoT-Enabled Underwater Devices and Crowdsourcing for Monitoring Climate Risks at Submerged Heritage Sites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3194, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3194, 2025.

EGU25-3882 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS6

Climate Change and Cultural Heritage: Assessing Future Risks of Damage at Selected European Cultural Heritage Sites 

Efstathia Tringa, Aristeidis K. Georgoulias, Dimitris Akritidis, Haralambos Feidas, and Prodromos Zanis

Assessing the risks posed by climate change to cultural heritage (CH) is crucial for developing effective strategies to preserve this non-renewable heritage. This study provides a comprehensive approach to assess climate change-related risks to cultural heritage across five selected sites in Europe: Choirokoitia, Aegina, Epidaurus, Kalapodi, and Ventotene. By applying the Heritage Outdoor Microclimate (HMRout) and Predicted Risk of Damage (PRD) indices, the study quantifies potential damage to inorganic materials due to long-term changes in temperature and relative humidity (RH). Climate projections are based on high-resolution EURO-CORDEX Regional Climate Model (RCM) simulations under three Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5) for the periods 2021–2050, and 2071–2100. Results reveal a significant increase in temperature and the related indices under all emission scenarios highlighting a warming trend and intensified heat stress across the CH sites. The projected rise in temperature leads to an increase in the HMRout index across all the CH sites, with the rate of change differing between time periods and scenarios. This rise in the HMRout index suggests an increase in the predicted risk of damage (PRD) to monuments made of inorganic materials due to heat stress. In contrast, RH and the associated PRD index are expected to decrease. Overall, the projected changes in the HMRout and PRD indices provide a deeper insight into how climate change may influence preservation of cultural heritage sites constructed from stone and marble.

This work is based on procedures and tasks implemented within the project “Toolbox for assessing and mitigating Climate Change risks and natural hazards threatening cultural heritage - TRIQUETRA”, which is a Project funded by the EU HE research and innovation program under GA No. 101094818.


How to cite: Tringa, E., Georgoulias, A. K., Akritidis, D., Feidas, H., and Zanis, P.: Climate Change and Cultural Heritage: Assessing Future Risks of Damage at Selected European Cultural Heritage Sites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3882, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3882, 2025.

EGU25-3943 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS6

Optimizing Corn and Soybean Yield Predictions in Illinois Using the AquaCrop Model  

Vishal Gautam and Shray Pathak

Crop yield is important for agricultural productivity and country’s economy. Accurate crop yield estimation is critical for policymakers, farmers, and governments because it allows better management techniques, decision making and the implementation of practicable agricultural policies. While crop yield estimation is an essential aspect of modern agriculture, it continues to be one of the most challenging tasks to manage effectively. In this study, we used the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations developed AquaCrop model to estimate the crop yields of corn and soybean crops in Illinois, United States (US). Data of various meteorological parameters as precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar radiation datasets were collected from NASA Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resources (POWER), for a period of 25-years from 2000 to 2024. Whereas, reference evapotranspiration was calculated by using the modified Hargreaves method. The objective of this study is to assess the accuracy of yield estimation of corn and soybean by using the AquaCrop model. The AquaCrop model was simulated for the growing period of corn and soybean from May to September. Using the AquaCrop model, the maximum and minimum corn yields were found to be 14.49 tons/ha in the year 2022 and 7.60 tons/ha in the year 2005, respectively. Similarly, the maximum yield of soybean was found to be 4.33 tons/ha in the year 2022, while the minimum yield was 2.26 tons/ha in the year 2012. The coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.72 for maize and 0.76 for soybean, gives a satisfactory level of model accuracy. The model's performance can be improved further by incorporating more ground-truth data and appropriate parameters. This study demonstrates the AquaCrop model's ability to estimate crop production with few input parameters, as well as suggest opportunities for improvement. To improve prediction accuracy and promote informed agricultural planning and food security, future study might use sophisticated methodologies, localized farming practices, crop phenology, and specific soil data. 


Keywords:  AquaCrop, Crop yield, Illinois, Yield Predictions.

How to cite: Gautam, V. and Pathak, S.: Optimizing Corn and Soybean Yield Predictions in Illinois Using the AquaCrop Model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3943, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3943, 2025.

Climate change is reshaping the species composition, distribution and extent of forests worldwide. Across vast areas in Central Europe widespread Norway spruce (Picea abies) has exhibited large-scale decline, primarily due to its vulnerability to drought events. Forest management is thus facing important questions related to the replacement of Norway spruce, especially in areas where it was introduced due to its high economic value.

This study investigates the potential of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), a drought- and pest-tolerant non-native species, as a more resilient alternative for use in production forests. At the experimental plot in Jable, central Slovenia where both species coexist, we monitored the xylogenesis of five Douglas firs and five Norway Spruces from March to October 2024 by sampling phloem, cambium and xylem tissue every two weeks using the Trephor tool. Additionally, we collected tree cores from 20 trees of each species to perform dendrochronological analyses. These analyses aim to assess climate-growth correlations and growth-based resilience indicators (resilience, resistance, recovery and recovery period).

 The main objective of this study is to determine whether Douglas fir is to compare 1) interannual growth dynamics, 2) intra-annual growth dynamics of xylem and phloem, 3) climate-growth relationships, and 4) resilience components of both species. We hypothesize that non-native Douglas fir will exhibit greater growth rates and better resilience indicators and could thus be considered as a replacement for Norway Spruce at similar forest sites in central Slovenia and beyond. By addressing critical knowledge gaps regarding the responses of these species to climate variability, this research can provide important insights to support the strategic adaptation of forestry practices and improve the resilience of ecosystems in the face of environmental change.

How to cite: Balzano, A., Partemi, R., Jevšenak, J., Krže, L., and Merela, M.: Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) as an alternative species for the declining Norway spruce (Picea abies) in central Europe: Dendrochronological and xylogenetic insights from Slovenia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4269, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4269, 2025.

Coastal sea level changes have profound impacts on coastal ecosystems, infrastructure, and communities. Interannual sea level variations along the U.S. East Coast are influenced by a combination of dynamic and thermodynamic processes, including local wind forcing, Gulf Stream variability, regional ocean circulation changes, and thermosteric contributions. These processes are interconnected and strongly modulated by large-scale climate modes such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO). This study leverages machine-learning-based predictive models to quantify and forecast interannual sea level variability by integrating diverse climate indicators. By incorporating indices of large-scale climate modes alongside local and regional oceanographic parameters, the model quantifies the relative contributions of each factor and identifies the dominant processes driving observed variability. The results demonstrate the potential of machine-learning approaches to capture complex nonlinear relationships between climate modes and regional sea level changes. NAO-driven atmospheric forcing and ENSO-related ocean-atmosphere interactions emerge as key predictors, with the models successfully replicating observed variability along different sections of the U.S. East Coast. The findings highlight the importance of integrating large-scale climate dynamics into regional sea level prediction frameworks and suggest new opportunities for improving forecast accuracy at interannual timescales.

How to cite: Ye, Z., Ye, Z., and Zhao, J.: Predicting Interannual Sea Level Variations Along the U.S. East Coast Using Machine Learning and Climate Indicators, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7561, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7561, 2025.

EGU25-8577 | Posters virtual | VPS6

A review of climate change impacts in the Canary Islands 

Judit Carrillo, José Barrancos, Pierre S Tondreau, Juan C Pérez, Albano González, Francisco J Expósito, and Juan P Díaz

Environmental and socioeconomic factors increase small islands' exposure and vulnerability to climate change. This study reviews issues related to current and future climatic change and its impacts on the small island environments in the Canary Islands. Convection-permitting regionalized projections driven by data from three global climate models included in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) have been performed, covering the recent past (1980–2009) and future (2070–2099) periods, under two Representative Concentration Pathways, 4.5 and 8.5. The impact analysis includes water resources, energy, ecosystems and biodiversity, natural hazards, and health issues. We provide a succinct review of sectors that warrant particular attention, due to their weight in the gross domestic product, agriculture and tourism. The concluding section discusses adaptation and response strategies, and the portfolio of research that needs to be addressed. 

How to cite: Carrillo, J., Barrancos, J., Tondreau, P. S., Pérez, J. C., González, A., Expósito, F. J., and Díaz, J. P.: A review of climate change impacts in the Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8577, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8577, 2025.

EGU25-9608 | Posters virtual | VPS6

On the links between large-scale atmospheric circulation and extreme precipitation in the middle and lower Danube basin 

Ileana Mares, Venera Dobrica, Constantin Mares, and Crisan Demetrescu

The aim of this study was to find the connection between the large-scale atmospheric circulation in the winter season and the occurrence of extreme precipitation in the spring months at the regional scale. For the large-scale circulation, climate indices (GBOI and NAOI) associated with the Greenland-Balkan Oscillation and the well-known North Atlantic Oscillation were considered, and for the regional scale, certain representative stations for the middle and lower Danube basins were considered. The tests were carried out for a 120-year interval (1901-2020), by applying the extreme value theory (EVT). The modelling of maximum precipitation was carried out through the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution. In order to see the impact of the large-scale circulation, the results obtained by incorporating NAOI as covariate into the location parameter of GEV distribution, were compared with the results obtained considering GBOI as covariate. For extreme precipitation in the lower basin area, the influence of GBOI is much more significant than that of NAOI, while for the middle basin area, the differences between the two indices are not so significant.

How to cite: Mares, I., Dobrica, V., Mares, C., and Demetrescu, C.: On the links between large-scale atmospheric circulation and extreme precipitation in the middle and lower Danube basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9608, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9608, 2025.

Since Shi et al. proposed that the climate in the drylands of Northwest China experienced a significant transition from a “warming and drying” trend to a “warming and wetting” trend in the 1980s, researchers have conducted numerous studies on the variations in precipitation and humidity in the region and even in arid Central Asia. In particular, the process of the “warming and wetting” trend by using obtained measurement data received much attention. However, there remain uncertainties about whether the “warming and wetting” trend has paused and what its future variations may be. In this study, we examined the spatiotemporal variations in temperature, precipitation, the aridity index (AI), vegetation, and runoff during 1950–2019. The results showed that the climate in the drylands of Northwest China and the northern Tibetan Plateau is persistently warming and wetting since the 1980s, with an acceleration since the 1990s. The precipitation/humidity variations in North China, which are mainly influenced by summer monsoon, are generally opposite to those in the drylands of Northwest China. This reverse change is mainly controlled by an anomalous anticyclone over Mongolia, which leads to an anomalous easterly wind, reduced water vapor output, and increased precipitation in the drylands of Northwest China. While it also causes an anomalous descending motion, increased water vapor divergence, and decreased precipitation in North China. Precipitation is the primary controlling factor of humidity, which ultimately forms the spatiotemporal pattern of the “westerlies-dominated climatic regime” of antiphase precipitation/humidity variations between the drylands of Northwest China and monsoonal region of North China. The primary reasons behind the debate of the “warming and wetting” trend in Northwest China were due to the use of different time series lengths, regional ranges, and humidity indices in previous analyses. Since the EC-Earth3 has a good performance for simulating precipitation and humidity in Northwest and North China. By using its simulated results, we found a wetting trend in the drylands of Northwest China under low emission scenarios, but the climate will gradually transition to a “warming and drying” trend as emissions increase. This study suggests that moderate warming can be beneficial for improving the ecological environment in the drylands of Northwest China, while precipitation and humidity in monsoon-dominated North China will persistently increase under scenarios of increased emissions.

How to cite: Xie, T.: Discussion of the “warming and wetting” trend and its future variation in the drylands of Northwest China under global warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10025, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10025, 2025.

The Himalayan region of India is experiencing warmer winters and hotter summers, which are causing reduced yields and putting the production of traditional fruit species in danger. In order to gain an understanding of the thermal growing conditions, it is essential to have chill and heat accumulation monitored. In the current investigation, the Dynamic model is utilized to compute the chill accumulation, while the Growing Degree Days (GDD) method is utilized to compute the heat accumulation. In order to calculate these indices, gridded hourly temperature data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ERA)5 dataset was utilized. The time period covered by this dataset is from 1940 to 2023. The study's findings revealed the best elevation ranges for several of the region's most significant fruits, such as citrus fruits, almond trees, and fresh fruits. Furthermore, places with elevations ranging from 1000 to 2000 are good for growing fresh fruits. This is due to the fact that 70 percent of the Chilling Portion (CP) values are high enough to be greater than 60.

How to cite: Shukla, Y. and Gupta, V.: Assessing Climate Change Effects on Fruit Growing Conditions in the Northwestern Himalayan Region of India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14951, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14951, 2025.

EGU25-15465 | Posters virtual | VPS6

Soil heating under wildfires and prescribed burns and their relevance to archaeological investigations 

Stefan Doerr, David Badia-Villas, Rob Bryant, Dickinson Matthew, Girona-Garcia Antonio, Mataix-Solera Jorge, Miesel Jessica, Sanchez-Garcia Carmen, Santin Cristina, Stoof Cathelijne, and Robichaud Pete

Fires can alter the properties of soil and other material via heat transfer. The identification of soil heating effects in hearths, for example, has long been a cornerstone in archaeological investigations. However, wildfires can also alter soils, and there is a surprising level of uncertainty into what degree soils are heated and to which depth this occurs in wildfires. This can lead to erroneous assumptions regarding the potential impact of wildfires when attributing heat induced changes in the soil, especially when laboratory heating results are extrapolated to field conditions.

To address this research gap, we compiled and examined new and published field data on maximum temperatures and heating durations for mineral soils during wildfires and prescribed burns in forests, shrublands and grasslands around the globe; and compared these to data obtained from laboratory heating experiments.

Most fires heated only the uppermost centimetres of the mineral soil, rarely exceeding 300 °C below 1 cm depth. Their heat pulses were shorter (<500 s) than those often applied in laboratory studies (1800-3600 s). The highest near-surface temperatures occurred in shrubland wildfires, whereas the longest heating durations in forests with deep organic layers and high fuel loads.

While it is clear that smouldering logs, tree trunks and root systems, or slash pile burns can impart intense heating to substantial depths akin to that under hearths, most landscape-scale fires generate short and shallow heat pulses that are unlikely to lead to detectable lasting changes in the mineral soil. 

How to cite: Doerr, S., Badia-Villas, D., Bryant, R., Matthew, D., Antonio, G.-G., Jorge, M.-S., Jessica, M., Carmen, S.-G., Cristina, S., Cathelijne, S., and Pete, R.: Soil heating under wildfires and prescribed burns and their relevance to archaeological investigations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15465, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15465, 2025.

Fires are among the most significant causes leading to significant alterations, both at the level of the natural and built landscape. These in fact induce significant alterations not only on the vegetation cover, but also on fauna, soil, atmosphere, artifacts and, inevitably, economic losses as well. In the context of the archaeological heritage, fires are a cause of extensive damage especially at the territorial scale, on sites and fragments not yet subject to either excavation or reconnaissance campaigns, but also on known sites that suffer from insufficient protection actions.

Traditional methods of assessing fire severity and property damage incur costs in terms of money and time because of the necessary field survey activities. A combination of geodata science and remote sensing, on the other hand, turns out to be an inexpensive and effective tool for modeling fires, understanding their causes and fire evolution.

In this work we use the potential of geodata science methods applied to spatial and satellite data, to analyse past trends and its correlation with environmental and anthropic factors and to forecast fire risk in the context of climate change, considering the evolution of environmental parameters stated from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2022). These findings can be the starting point for the development of forecasting models also with a view to proposing prevention and protection strategies for the archaeological heritage of the Basilicata Region.



IPCC, 2022: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, 3056 pp., doi:10.1017/9781009325844.

How to cite: Danese, M., Florio, V., Masini, N., and Lasaponara, R.: Impact of fire risk on archaeological heritage in the Age of climate change. Geodata science for prediction and development of strategies for protection., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16429, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16429, 2025.

EGU25-16568 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS6

Preliminary analysis for energy efficiency assessment. Deriving technical parameters with spatial analysis and GEE 

Valentina Florio, Maria Danese, and Marilisa Biscione

When discussing climate change and cultural heritage, the focus often lies exclusively of the vulnerability aspects of the latter. However, cultural heritage can also play an active role in activating strategies and actions to increase its sustainability and mitigate environmental impacts.

Energy rehabilitation and reuse of existing buildings hold the potential to contribute to sustainable heritage conservation while embracing new energy efficiency principles.

According to literature, energy rehabilitation and retrofitting of the building envelope need to be carried out with respect to historic and cultural features and the protection of cultural heritage. This applies as much to listed buildings as to those that, although not formally protected, are part of the historical heritage and define the identity and the skyline of the place (Magrini, Franco, 2016).

In this work, starting from the spatial modeling of the territory and use of satellite data thank to the free-cloud application Google Earth Engine (GEE), it is possible to perform some preliminary analysis. These ones are useful to derive some formal characteristics that directly influence both the energy requirements and the choice of some technological solutions for integrating renewable energy sources (Forster et al.,2025).


Forster et al.,2025: Forster, J., S. Bindreiter, B. Uhlhorn, V. Radinger‐peer, and A. Jiricka‐pürrer. 2025. 'A Machine Learning Approach to Adapt Local Land Use Planning to Climate Change', Urban Planning, 10.

Magrini, Franco, 2016: Magrini, A., and G. Franco. 2016. 'The energy performance improvement of historic buildings and their environmental sustainability assessment', Journal of Cultural Heritage, 21: 834-41.

How to cite: Florio, V., Danese, M., and Biscione, M.: Preliminary analysis for energy efficiency assessment. Deriving technical parameters with spatial analysis and GEE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16568, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16568, 2025.

EGU25-19591 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS6

Downscaling Earth Observation Operational Soil Moisture Products Using multi-sensor Satellite Data: “A Triangle Inversion Approach" 

Spyridon E. Detsikas, George P. Petropoulos, Panteleimon Saviolakis, Christina Lekka, Efthimios Karymbalis, Petros Katsafados, and Freideriki Georgaki

Monitoring key parameters that drive land-surface processes, such as surface soil moisture (SSM)), is essential for understanding global biogeochemical cycles, including those of water, energy, and carbon. While Earth Observation (EO)-based SSM products have demonstrated significant potential, their practical application is often limited by coarse spatio-temporal resolution. Therefore, downscaling these operational products is a critical scientific challenge for enabling their effective use in regional and local-scale applications.

This study’s aims at presenting an innovative approach for downscaling operational soil moisture products using a variant of the so-called “triangle” method, named the “simplified” triangle. The use of the proposed technique is demonstrated herein using the European Space Agency's (ESA) operational soil moisture product from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and optical data from ESA’s Sentinel-3 platform. The enhanced spatial SSM estimates are compared against near collocated reference ground data from multiple validated experimental sites across Europe. The results obtained indicate a satisfactory agreement, confirming the proposed approach's promising potential to accurately estimate key land-surface interaction parameters. Conceptually the proposed herein methodological framework is applicable to any operational product, a topic of further investigation.

How to cite: Detsikas, S. E., Petropoulos, G. P., Saviolakis, P., Lekka, C., Karymbalis, E., Katsafados, P., and Georgaki, F.: Downscaling Earth Observation Operational Soil Moisture Products Using multi-sensor Satellite Data: “A Triangle Inversion Approach", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19591, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19591, 2025.

EGU25-21175 | Posters virtual | VPS6

Advancing our understanding of land surface interactions via the development of innovative geoinformation tools  

Georgios Gkatzios, George P. Petropoulos, Spyridon E Detsikas, Christina Lekka, Efthimios Karymbalis, and Petros Katsafados

Advances in geo-information technologies, including Earth Observation (EO), GIS, cloud computing and software tool development, have shown great potential towards addressing key societal challenges faced today associated with the study of land-atmosphere interactions. Accurate information on spatially explicit, distributed estimates of land-atmosphere fluxes and soil surface moisture is essential in a wide range of disciplines, including meteorology, hydrology, agriculture and ecology.

Use of simulation process models has played a key role in extending our abilities to study Earth system processes and enhancing our understanding on how different components of it interplay. A special category of such models includes the so-called Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) models. Those are deterministic simulation models that describe the physical processes controlling energy and mass transport in the soil/vegetation/atmosphere system.


SimSphere is such a software toolkit written in Java for simulating the interactions of soil, vegetation and atmosphere layers of the Earth’s land surface. Its use is at present continually expanding worldwide both as an educational and as a research tool for scientific investigations. It is being used either as a stand-alone application or synergistically with EO data and important advancements particularly in the recent years have been implemented to the model.


Herein, we present state of the art advancements introduced recently to SimSphere SVAT model aiming at making its use more robust when integrated with EO data via the so-called “triangle” method. Use of the recently developed add-on to SimSphere is illustrated herein using a variety of examples that involve both satellite and UAV data. The presented work  is of key significance to the users' community of the model and very timely, given that variants of the so-called “triangle” method being considered for deriving operationally regional estimates of energy fluxes and soil moisture from EO data provided by non-commercial vendors.

KEYWORDS: land surface interactions, geoinformation, earth observation, triangle, SimSphere   Acknowledgements The research presented herein has been conducted in the framework of the project LISTEN-EO (DeveLoping new awareness and Innovative toolS to support efficient waTer rEsources man- agement Exploiting geoinformatiOn technologies), funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation programme (ID 15898). 

How to cite: Gkatzios, G., Petropoulos, G. P., Detsikas, S. E., Lekka, C., Karymbalis, E., and Katsafados, P.: Advancing our understanding of land surface interactions via the development of innovative geoinformation tools , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21175, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21175, 2025.

EGU25-2329 | Posters virtual | VPS7

Cryptotephra fingerprinting of 1458 CE and 426 BCE volcanic events in East Antarctic ice cores 

Jean-Robert Petit, Joël Savarino, Barbara Delmonte, Elsa Gautier, Patrick Ginot, and Valentina Batanova

Powerful volcanic eruptions inject into the stratosphere sulphur and tephra that may be spread globally and affect the Earth’s climate. Over the last 2500 years, Sigl et al. (2015) made a synthesis of the polar ice core atmospheric sulphur record and climate anomalies from dendrochronological records. Aside from a few historical events, most large eruptions with a bipolar imprint and a significant climate anomaly are from the tropical latitudes, but their sources are unknown.

We analysed the micron-size crytotephra composition accompanying the (stratospheric) sulphate of the 1458 CE and 426 BCE volcanic events recorded in three Antarctic ice cores. The 1458 CE event occurred within a cool climate and was initially attributed to the Kuwae (Vanuatu) eruption. This link is however questioned by Hartman et al. (2019) from their study of a South Pole ice core. The 426 BCE event appears concomitant with a significant global climate cooling, but its source is unknown.

Within the sulphate peak, the particle size distribution, when available, helps documenting the dynamics of the arrival of the stratospheric plume. Cryptotephra are collected by filtration and after carbon-coating, analysed by an EPMA microprobe. We applied the analytical procedure of Narcisi et al. (2019) (who identified the 1257 CE Samalas eruption), adapted to the micron-size of the crytotephra.

For the 1458 CE event, a medium-K dacite to rhyolite composition is consistently observed from Vostok and Dome C ice core samples (218 values). The dacite patch (SiO2~68%) fits well the composition of proximal Kuwae deposits as well as that of an ash layer (~140 values) on Efate Island (Standberg et al, 2023). The rhyolite composition patch (SiO2~72%) is unlikely from a South American source, but appears discretely represented in proximal Kuwae deposits as well as in sediments in the nearby Epi Submarine zone. We suggest that rhyolite is a daughter product from dacite by evolving in the upper layers of the magmatic chamber, and it was spread out first and far away by the eruption.  

 For the 426 BCE event, the cryptotephra composition (220 values) is consistently found within the three ice cores (Vostok, Dome C, Talos Dome) and belongs to high-K rhyodacite. Coincidentally such composition is very close to Kuwae’s (except for higher K) suggesting it was issued from a very similar magmatic chamber. The 10 km wide Ambrym caldera located 50 km north of Kuwae, collapsed ~2000 years ago appears the best candidate. 


Hartman et al. (2019). Nature Sci. Rep. 9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-50939-x.

Narcisi, B. et al., 2019. Quat. Sci. Rev. 210, 164-174 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.03.005.

Sigl, M., et al. Nature 523, 543–549 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14565

Strandberg NA et al., (2023). Front. Ecol. Evol. 11: 1087577.doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1087577



How to cite: Petit, J.-R., Savarino, J., Delmonte, B., Gautier, E., Ginot, P., and Batanova, V.: Cryptotephra fingerprinting of 1458 CE and 426 BCE volcanic events in East Antarctic ice cores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2329, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2329, 2025.

EGU25-3477 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS7

Unusual mass-occurrence of small, uncoiled ammonites in a black shale of the Maiolica Formation in the Umbria-Marche Basin (Central Italy) 

Christian Conti, Paolo Faraoni, Alan Maria Mancini, Martire Luca, and Alessandra Negri

The unique mass-occurrence of tiny heteromorph ammonites found in a single layer in the Mt. Cipollara locality of Cerreto d'Esi (Maiolica Formation, Umbro-Marchean Basin, Italy) provides critical insights into the depositional environments of the Cretaceous upper Maiolica Formation. The mechanisms behind the formation and preservation of these ammonite assemblages within black shales remain poorly understood. To solve this knowledge gap, we constrained by means of biostratigraphy and stable Carbon isotopes the whole sections hosting the ammonites-rich layer. The latter was then subjected a high-resolution paleoecological analyses. Samples were collected systematically across multiple stratigraphic levels to ensure comprehensive coverage. The ammonite assemblages were documented, focusing on their morphology, abundance, and associated sedimentary structures. Additionally, sedimentological petrographic examinations were conducted to elucidate depositional processes. Our results reveal a rich assemblage dominated by the family Leptoceratoididae, exhibiting relatively good preservation within a predominantly dysoxic low-energy environment at the bottom. Calcareous nannofossils data suggest the presence of a well-stratified water column, with a low salinity water cap. The multidisciplinary analyses indicates that these black shales served not only as a repository for ammonite remains but also reflected localized paleoecological conditions characterized by reduced turbulence and increased organic deposition. This unique sedimentary context suggests that the deposition of these assemblages could have been influenced by both regional sea-level fluctuations and local hydrographic conditions. In conclusion, the study of the Mt. Cipollara heteromorph ammonites underscores the complexity of Cretaceous paleoenvironments and provides an enhanced understanding of the occurrence of black shales within the Maiolica Formation.


How to cite: Conti, C., Faraoni, P., Mancini, A. M., Luca, M., and Negri, A.: Unusual mass-occurrence of small, uncoiled ammonites in a black shale of the Maiolica Formation in the Umbria-Marche Basin (Central Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3477, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3477, 2025.

Aeolian mineral dust and diatom influxes at the summit of Roosevelt Island (79.364°S, 161.706°W, 550 m a.s.l.) were investigated over the last 2 kyrs from the RICE ice core (Bertler et al., 2018). Mineral dust at the site is mainly related to large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns within the Eastern Ross and Amundsen Seas, while aeolian diatoms, mainly consisting of Fragilariopsis spp. (F. nana , F. cylindrus, , F. curta), depend on the local oceanic influence of air masses from the marine boundary layer. Thus, the complementarity of these proxies allows appreciating climatic and atmospheric changes experienced at Roosevelt Island over the last 2000 years, in response to some major forcing factors such as ENSO. During the 550-1470 CE period, when higher/less depleted stable water isotope values are observed, the increased importance of blocking ridges in the Amundsen Sea and a weakened Amundsen Sea Low promoted dust-rich air mass advection to RICE. This pattern was accompanied by an increasing trend in snow accumulation and reduced sea ice in the Eastern Ross and Amundsen Seas. At about 1300 CE, the maximum expression of the Ross Sea dipole is reached, with enhanced katabatic outflow in the Western Ross Sea and reactivation of the Ross Sea polynya. At the same time,  the Eastern part of the Ross Sea was still under the influence of blocking ridges promoting maritime air mass advection to RICE and southward shift of the South Westerly Winds. After 1470 CE, unprecedented peaks of aeolian diatom concentration suggest a rapid reorganization of local atmospheric circulation, that probably occurred in relation to the eastward enlargement of the Ross Sea polynya culminating with the opening of the  Roosevelt Island polynya.
For the RICE site, we suggest that several drivers contribute to the long-term dust, sea-ice and polynya variability, but ENSO-driven teleconnections are particularly prominent. On a longer (multidecadal) timescale it seems that El Niño-dominating conditions promoted the establishment of the Ross Sea dipole, while La Niña conditions favored a deeper Amundsen Sea Low and an eastward expansion of the polynya. 

How to cite: Delmonte, B., Lagorio, S., Tetzner, D., Malinverno, E., and Bertler, N.: Aeolian dust and diatoms at Roosevelt Island (Ross Sea, Antarctica) over the last two millennia reveal the local expression of climate changes and the history of the Ross Sea polynya., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8574, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8574, 2025.

EGU25-10067 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS7

Potential for a 300-year drought reconstruction in the Zagros Mountains, Iran based on the tree-ring width of Quercus brantii Lindl.  

Firoozeh Hatami, Stefan Klesse, Kerstin Treydte, Anne Verstege, Vahid Etemad, Kambiz Pourtahmasi, Arthur Gessler, and Yaghob Iranmanesh

Drought significantly affects the growth and physiological responses of Zagros forests, one of the most important natural habitats in Iran. The Brants oak (Quercus brantii Lindl), a widely distributed and dominant tree species in the Central Zagros Mountains of western Iran, serves as a valuable natural archive for studying historical climate variability and ecological changes. For climate-growth analysis, 30 Q. brantii trees cored from Lordegan area (1820 to 2280 m a.s.l.) in the southwest of Zagros forests of Iran. After preparing the samples, measuring the tree ring widths and cross-dating developed the tree ring chronology (1710-2023) using dplR. The relationships between tree-ring widths (TRW) and monthly mean temperature and precipitation values and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) were analyzed. The strongest climate signal of SPEI was found from previous September until April, representing the pre-growing and early-growing seasons. Among these reconstructions were acknowledged extremely narrow rings in 1870, 1923, 1960, 1964, and 2018, while extremely large rings were found in 1784, 1852, 1957, and 1976. Based on preliminary calculations showing a strong winter SPEI signal, this chronology could be used for climate reconstruction, but further analysis is required. These studies indicate the vulnerability of oak forests in the Zagros Mountains to ongoing climate change and a pressing need for sustainable forest management strategies to preserve these vital ecosystems.

 Keywords: Zagros forests, Iran, Quercus brantii, reconstruction, tree-ring widths

How to cite: Hatami, F., Klesse, S., Treydte, K., Verstege, A., Etemad, V., Pourtahmasi, K., Gessler, A., and Iranmanesh, Y.: Potential for a 300-year drought reconstruction in the Zagros Mountains, Iran based on the tree-ring width of Quercus brantii Lindl. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10067, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10067, 2025.

Oases are critical locations for human survival in desert areas. With heavily reliant on runoff from the surrounding mountains, oases in the hyperarid Tarim Basin are especially fragile and sensitive to both climatic–environmental changes and human activity. However, the local evolution process of oases in desert area remains unclear due to strong erosion and contemporaneous heterogeneity, which restricts our understanding of the coupling relationship among climate change, oasis evolution, and human activity. Here, we reconstruct the evolution of oases since the last deglacial period (~15 ka) in the Tarim Basin. The results indicate that oases advanced during 15–11.5 ka, 9–4.5 ka, and 2–1 ka. Through the integration of multiple records of palaeoclimate, palaeoenvironment, archaeology and history, we found that human activity dominated and decoupled oasis evolution from climate change since ~2 ka in the Tarim Basin. Oasis were artificially expanded to sustain the flourishing society during the Han–Tang period, but they declined synchronously afterward. More attention should be paid to the proper management of land and water resources to achieve sustainable development in hyperarid areas.

How to cite: Sun, A.: Human activity has decoupled oasis evolution from climate change since ~2 ka in the Tarim Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10215, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10215, 2025.

EGU25-11624 | Posters virtual | VPS7

Early Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) in Peri-Tethyan shallow-water carbonate systems: Evidence from the Latium-Abruzzi Carbonate Platform (Ernici Mts, Central Italy) 

Federico Artegiani, Paola Cipollari, Domenico Cosentino, Ahmad Rabiee, Marcel Guillong, Federico Rossetti, Angelo Cipriani, and Simone Fabbi

While the effects of OAEs are well known for the pelagic successions of the Tethys Ocean, little is known about their impact on the Peri-Tethyan shallow water carbonate systems. Here we present the preliminary results of a study related to the geological mapping of the sheet 390 – Frosinone of the Geological Map of Italy (CARG Project), focussed on the identification and description of the perturbation induced in the Lower Cretaceous shallow water carbonate succession of the Latium-Abruzzi Carbonate Platform by the well-known Early Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs).

In the Ernici Mts. (central Apennines, Italy), an Upper Triassic to Upper Cretaceous shallow-water carbonate succession is exposed (Cosentino et al., 2010; Fabbi et al., 2023). This study specifically examines the Lower Cretaceous "calcari ciclotemici a gasteropodi" fm. (CCG - Berriasian p.p. - lower Aptian p.p.), which mainly consists of whitish limestones with intercalations of light grey dolostones. Within this succession, a layer of black dolostone, about ten centimetres thick, has been observed in several outcrops of the dolomitic lithofacies (CCGa) of CCG, at the same stratigraphic position.

Two stratigraphic sections were measured to characterise the microfacies and compositional variations observed between the light-coloured (whitish to light grey) and black layers. SEM images, along with Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Wavelength-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (WDS) analysis indicated the presence of siderite and pyrite aggregates (Meng et al. 2024). These aggregates appear in high concentration starting from the basal part of the blackish dolostone layer and gently decrease towards the upper part of the study interval. TOC and sulphates show similar trends.

Changes in chemical composition between the whitish and blackish dolostones (CCGa) were investigated in situ using the laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) facility at Roma Tre University. The results show a significant increase in elemental concentration of P, Fe, Zn, As, Ba, Pb, and U, as well as in the Fe/Al ratio in the blackish dolostones. These elements are generally considered as redox-sensitive proxies associated with anoxic paleoenvironments (Bodin et al., 2007; Craigie, 2018).

Biostratigraphic calibration performed on the collected samples has established a Hauterivian p.p. age for the investigated CCGa levels. A preliminary attempt for U-Pb dating of the CCGa black dolostone was carried out through LA-ICP-MS investigations at Roma Tre and ETH facilities. In the Tera-Wasserburg diagram, the U-Pb measurements on CCGa black dolostone yielded a lower intercept age of 125.7± 1.8 Ma (MSWD=1.6; N=19). These promising results suggest that the changes in the elemental concentration of the redox-sensitive proxies observed in the CCGa black dolostone were induced by the late Hauterivian Faraoni Oceanic Anoxic Event.

How to cite: Artegiani, F., Cipollari, P., Cosentino, D., Rabiee, A., Guillong, M., Rossetti, F., Cipriani, A., and Fabbi, S.: Early Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) in Peri-Tethyan shallow-water carbonate systems: Evidence from the Latium-Abruzzi Carbonate Platform (Ernici Mts, Central Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11624, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11624, 2025.

EGU25-12114 | Posters virtual | VPS7

Reconstruction of dust activity using geochemical proxy from cave stalagmite in the northern Taklimakan Desert 

Xiaokang Liu, Shengqian Chen, Jianhui Chen, Haipeng Wang, Chuan-Chou Shen, Xianfeng Wang, and Fahu Chen

Located in the arid inland of Asia, the eastern part of the Silk Road is marked by certain routes being close to or even crossing large deserts, such as the Taklimakan Desert, one of the largest deserts worldwide. As a result, sand and dust activities have a considerable impact on the transport routes, the desert-oasis ecosystem, and human society along the Silk Road. However, the evolution of dust activity over the past two millennia and its relation to the changes of the Silk Road civilization remains ambiguous. Here, we present a high-resolution (~3 yr) stalagmite record from Xinjiang (northwest China) spanning the past 2,500 years, dated with 19 U/Th ages. Although the stable isotopes and trace elemental ratios of the stalagmite reveal remarkable decadal- to centennial-scale variability of the regional hydroclimate, the Mg/Ca ratio shows a quite different variation pattern compared with other geochemical proxies. Considering various factors that might influence the Mg/Ca ratio of stalagmites, our analysis reached the conclusion that the geographical location close to the desert made the imported dust likely to predominate the increase of Mg/Ca in stalagmites during many characteristic periods. For instance, we found significant increases in the Mg/Ca ratios lasting for more than two centuries during approximately 650-850 CE and 1650-1950 CE (i.e., the Little Ice Age). This generally demonstrates a pattern of reduced dust activities during the Medieval Warm Period and enhanced dust activities throughout the Little Ice Age, which is supported by evidence from the eolian sedimentary section in the southern margin of the Taklimakan Desert that directly reflects dust activity. We further found that the enhanced dust activity during the 650-850 CE might have caused the route shift of the Silk Road from south to north in the Tarim Basin. In addition, the rapid drying of Lop Nur in recent decades could also be attributed to abnormally increased dust activity, as this period was characterized by the most intense dust activity in our records over the last 2,000 years. Our findings further substantiate the argument regarding the association between societal and climatic change along the Silk Road, where the dust production from large deserts poses challenges to sustainable development in the present and the future.

How to cite: Liu, X., Chen, S., Chen, J., Wang, H., Shen, C.-C., Wang, X., and Chen, F.: Reconstruction of dust activity using geochemical proxy from cave stalagmite in the northern Taklimakan Desert, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12114, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12114, 2025.

EGU25-12407 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS7

A Multi-Proxy Approach to Reconstructing Long-Term Climate and Environmental Dynamics in the Canary Islands: Inter-Island Comparisons 

Carmen Ocón-Bermúdez, Marcel Galofre-Penacho, Blas Valero-Garcés, Ildefonso Armenteros-Armenteros, Antonio Herrera-Herrera, Natalia Égüez, María Candelaria Martín-Luis, Ramón Casillas Ruiz, Juana Vegas, Lucía Castellano-Rotger, Andrés Diez-Herrero, Roberto Casado-Vara, and Margarita Jambrina-Enríquez

The Canary Islands, located in the central North Atlantic, provide an exceptional setting for investigating long-term climate dynamics within the Macaronesian region. This study presents sedimentary records from volcanic lacustrine basins across Tenerife, La Gomera and La Palma, analyzed using a multi-proxy approach including magnetic susceptibility, XRF geochemistry, elemental composition (TOC, TN, TS), mineralogy, lipid biomarkers, and updated age models. Preliminary age models suggest that the sequences of La Vega Lagunera (northern Tenerife) extend back up to 400,000 years, and El Malpaís de La Rasca (southern Tenerife), Garajonay (La Gomera), and Playa de Taburiente (La Palma) span the Holocene.
Preliminary results from La Vega Lagunera, a Pleistocene clastic lake, indicate colder conditions during MIS 2 and MIS 4, warmer conditions during the Holocene, MIS 3, and MIS 5, and millennial-scale cycles during MIS 3 and MIS 4. Climate during the Last Glacial Maximum (MIS 2) was notably drier, resembling mid-latitude records. 
Holocene records from paleolacustrine deposits of two closed-drainage basins located in two volcanic craters (La Gomera and Malpaís de La Rasca) and the lacustrine-marsh system of Playa de Taburiente showed coherent patterns of Holocene regional climate variability, with increased fluvial and alluvial activity during the Greenlandian (11.7 to 8.2 ka), a decline during the Northgrippian (8.2 to 4.2 ka), and reduced clastic input during the Meghalayan (last ~4.2 ka). These trends suggest increasing aridity throughout the Holocene. 
These new sedimentary sequences from Tenerife, La Gomera, and La Palma provide further evidence of rapid climate dynamics during glacial and interglacial intervals. Improved age models (OSL, 14C) are still being developed to characterize the cyclic patterns better, while multi-proxy analyses are enhancing our understanding of past climate dynamics. Further research is needed to clarify the roles of regional climate and local factors.
This work is supported by TED2021-129695A-I00 project funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR; PALEOMOL (2915/2022) and IVRIPARC (2779/2021), both funded by the Spanish National Parks Organism, and IMPACT (2022CLISA04, Fundación CajaCanarias and Fundación La Caixa).

How to cite: Ocón-Bermúdez, C., Galofre-Penacho, M., Valero-Garcés, B., Armenteros-Armenteros, I., Herrera-Herrera, A., Égüez, N., Martín-Luis, M. C., Casillas Ruiz, R., Vegas, J., Castellano-Rotger, L., Diez-Herrero, A., Casado-Vara, R., and Jambrina-Enríquez, M.: A Multi-Proxy Approach to Reconstructing Long-Term Climate and Environmental Dynamics in the Canary Islands: Inter-Island Comparisons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12407, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12407, 2025.

EGU25-15403 | Posters virtual | VPS7

Past analogues of deoxygenation events in the Mediterranean Sea: Comparison between shallow and deep settings  

Francesca Lozar, Alan Maria Mancini, Caterina Morigi, Rocco Gennari, and Alessandra Negri

Human-induced carbon emissions are altering the modern climate, with severe repercussions on ecosystems. Among others, anthropogenic pressure is causing deoxygenation of the bottom water, with the widespread establishment of hypoxic zones in several Mediterranean areas. The geological archives allow the investigation of past deoxygenation dynamics (sapropel events) and their impact on marine ecosystems. Here, we compare the causes and the evolution of deoxygenation dynamics that occurred during two different time periods (Messinian and Holocene) in different paleoceanographic settings based on their micropaleontological content. The Messinian sapropel events are the result of increased export productivity during a relatively cold and arid context, triggering bottom anoxic conditions. The Holocene sapropel formed in response to weakening/stopping of the thermohaline circulation due to increasing temperature and freshwater input. Our results suggest that the deoxygenation dynamics in the Mediterranean in the near future will not follow the trend characteristic of the Holocene deep-sea sapropel because of the predicted drying trend. Differently, the paleoceanographic setting triggering the Messinian shallow-sea sapropels is comparable with the modern situation in different Mediterranean areas, where human-induced eutrophication is promoting deoxygenation. Based on these results, we suggest that the patchy deoxygenation trend in the Mediterranean Sea caused by climate warming may lead to a drastic change in the ecosystem services which would likely impact human activities.

How to cite: Lozar, F., Mancini, A. M., Morigi, C., Gennari, R., and Negri, A.: Past analogues of deoxygenation events in the Mediterranean Sea: Comparison between shallow and deep settings , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15403, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15403, 2025.

The Pliensbachian/Toarcian event (P/T-E) and the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) are two intervals of carbon cycle perturbations linked to massive 12C-enriched carbon emissions, causing severe biotic and environmental changes. Here organic carbon isotope, mineralogical composition and sedimentology have been analyzed across the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition from the Monte Serrone section (Umbria-Marche Basin), which was deposited in a pelagic setting in the western Tethys. A marked negative carbon-isotope excursion occurred across the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary and lower Toarcian, respectively, which can be used to identify PTE and T-OAE in the study area. The P/T-E and T-OAE intervals witnessed carbonate production crisis revealed by reduced carbonate contents. We hold that the 0.5 m-thick laminated black shales indicated that the T-OAE was a highly condensed succession because it included the full duration of the T-OAE. Therefore, the T-OAE interval at Monte Serrone coincided not only with diminished carbonate production but also with reduced siliciclastic input, forming quite thin black shale deposition. Abundant marine organisms were present preceding the T-OAE. Nevertheless, none of them survived during the most negative carbon-isotope excursion of the T-OAE, revealing a biotic crisis at this time. Elevated seawater temperature could induce this crisis in the study area. The recovery of benthic foraminifera was delayed at Monte Serrone.

How to cite: Nie, Y., Fu, X., and Rigo, M.: Carbon cycle perturbations during the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition in the Monte Serrone section (Northern Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16338, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16338, 2025.

The climatic signals recorded by loess sequences vary between different regions, which makes it important to study loess sequences worldwide. The loess deposits in northern Iran are situated in the transitional zone between the European loess and Central Asian loess. However, the depositional dynamics and paleoenvironmental significance of the loess deposits in this region are not well understood, making it difficult to establish detailed correlations with loess deposits elsewhere, partly due to the lack of systematic and high-resolution chronological control. We used K-feldspar pIR50IR290 and MET-pIRIR250 luminescence dating protocols to date fifty-two K-feldspar samples from the Toshan-19 section in the northern foothills of the Alborz Mountains, northern Iran. These chronological data, along with the climate proxies of magnetic susceptibility and redness, combined with a comparison with published loess records from various regions, indicate the following: (1) K-feldspar luminescence ages obtained using pIRIR and MET-pIRIR protocols are consistent, and their luminescence ages up to ~200 ka are deemed dependable. The loess at Toshan was primarily deposited during 78–24 ka, corresponding to MIS 4–2, and the paleosols developed during 139–78, and 24–1.7 ka, corresponding respectively to MIS 5, and late MIS 2–MIS 1. (2) Drier conditions prevailed during the last glacial and wetter conditions dominated during the last interglacial. Moisture variations during the substages of MIS 5 in this region indicate cold-dry and warm-wet climatic characteristics. The reasons for increased moisture from late MIS 2 onwards in this region still require further investigation. (3) The loess-paleosol records indicate a consistent pattern of climate change over Eurasia on the scale of the last interglacial-glacial cycle. During the substages of MIS 5, warm-wet and cold-dry conditions in northern Iran were in-phase with those on the Chinese Loess Plateau, Europe, and southern Tajikistan; however, they were anti-phased or out-of-phase with those in Xinjiang.  

How to cite: Li, D., zhao, H., and Xie, H.: Loess-paleosol sedimentological characteristics in northern Iran since the last interglacial and their paleoenvironmental significance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16630, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16630, 2025.

EGU25-19922 | Posters virtual | VPS7

The Lagoa Real Uranium Province: polycyclic evolution in the Brazilian geochronological record 

Renata Augusta Azevedo and Francisco Javier Rios

The Lagoa Real uranium province (LRUP) is the main Brazilian target for uranium. Their geochronological studies began in the 80s and provided controversial ages for mineralization. Since then, advances in geochronological methods, increased local petrological data, and knowledge of the uranium cycle have helped geosciences understand crust and mantle behavior over time. As a result, recent geochronological studies developed by CDTN researchers have now begun to reinterpret the evolution of the LRUP.

These studies dated metasomatic  U-ore bodies providing ages between 545 Ma to 520 Ma (in situ U–Pb dating of andradite and titanite, Santos et al., 2023; Journal of South America Earth Science) coeval with the late Pan-African Cycle. Geochronological studies were also carried out on the host rocks (A-Type granites) of the mineralized bodies, providing ages between 1762 Ma to 1741 Ma (U–Pb dating of magmatic Zircon, Amorim et al., 2022; Journal of South America Earth Science), coeval to bimodal magmatism well documented in Brazil and Africa.

Although some of the data obtained suggest that granites might not be the source of uranium, their volcanic expression (metaryolites located to the NW of the LRUP) could be a good candidate. Thus, the uranium mobilization began before the metasomatism, through magmatic processes, coeval with the Post-Archean Uranium Recycling, a global event that incorporates U in the crust from the mantle. Furthermore, preliminary macroscopic and microscopic data from gneisses show evidence of partial melting related to regional metamorphism that may have occurred before metasomatism. This process generated Neoproterozoic uranium deposits in Namibia, at the Southern of the African counterpart of Brazil. Therefore, LRUP could result from overlapping processes in central Brazil accompanied by crustal differentiation episodes leading to a polycyclic evolution.

How to cite: Azevedo, R. A. and Rios, F. J.: The Lagoa Real Uranium Province: polycyclic evolution in the Brazilian geochronological record, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19922, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19922, 2025.

EGU25-543 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

A more acute and continuous decline in Groundwater in Northwest India  

Roniki Anjaneyulu and Abhishek Abhishek

Groundwater is a vital resource for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes in many regions. However, the increasing demand and unsustainable extraction practices have raised concerns about the long-term viability and sustainability of groundwater storage (GWS), especially in areas where groundwater is the primary source of meeting various demands. Here, we focus on GWS changes in India’s Northwestern states, including Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttara Pradesh, and Delhi over two decades (2002-2023). These states encompass 875,249 km2 area within the Indus and Ganges river basins, constitute approximately 59% cultivated land, and sustain 525.52 million people. Leveraging GRACE-based TWS data and GLDAS model data, our analysis reveals significant (P<0.05) declining GWS trends with a slope of −20.88 ± 0.53 mm/year, which is more acute than previously reported estimates. Some trend change points in February 2008 and June 2016 are detected that lead to segmented trends with slopes of −18.97 ± 2.45 mm/year (Jan-2002 to Feb-2008), −9.16 ± 1.96 mm/year (Feb-2008 to Jun-2016), −11.80 ± 2.51 mm/year (Jun-2016 to Dec-2023). Spatially divergent trends are found with high decreasing trends of more than 40 mm/year in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and some parts of Rajasthan and Uttara Pradesh. This is primarily due to anthropogenic activities like groundwater extraction for domestic and agricultural purposes. In contrast, Gujrat shows subtle positive trends, less than 10 mm/year, due to improved water management, irrigation practices, artificial recharge efforts, monsoonal rainfall, and efficient water extraction management​. Multi-decadal variability and the recent depletion across these six states may foster discussions on policy actions and enhanced multilateral cooperation for a sustainable future, especially in the face of escalating groundwater extraction and a warming climate. This highlights the critical need for immediate attention to water resource challenges in the Northwestern states of India.

Keywords: Groundwater storage (GWS); GRACE; GLDAS; Anthropogenic activities; Policy interventions.

How to cite: Anjaneyulu, R. and Abhishek, A.: A more acute and continuous decline in Groundwater in Northwest India , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-543, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-543, 2025.

EGU25-2656 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Developing Practical Green-Grey Solutions Based on Critical Node Identification for Stormwater Management 

Ge Yang, Guoru Huang, and Bowei Zeng

Urbanization has exacerbated challenges faced by urban watersheds, including increased impervious surfaces, deteriorating water quality, and heightened flood risks. Previous research has extensively employed the Genetic Algorithm (GA)  to optimize urban grey-green infrastructure (GGI), primarily focusing on preventing system-wide overflow during design storm events. However, the high costs associated with these solutions have often hindered their implementation. This study proposes a practical approach to enhance urban stormwater management by prioritizing interventions at critical locations within watersheds. A multi-index fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (MFCE) model was developed to identify critical nodes in the drainage network based on hazard (overflow volume and duration), topological characteristics (degree and Katz centrality), and vulnerability (peak hour traffic flow). Problematic segments within the drainage network, including those with adverse slopes, mismatched pipe diameters, and ground depressions, were identified using a combination of SWMM simulations and graph-based analyses. Subsequently, the Genetic Algorithm (GA) was employed to optimize the design and placement of grey-green infrastructure solutions, subject to the constraint of preventing overflow at these critical nodes during design storm events. A case study in Guangzhou, China, demonstrated the efficacy of this approach. The optimized grey-green infrastructure system significantly reduced budgetary costs and peak flow compared to traditional grey infrastructure systems, while enhancing flood control and improving the overall resilience of the urban watershed.

How to cite: Yang, G., Huang, G., and Zeng, B.: Developing Practical Green-Grey Solutions Based on Critical Node Identification for Stormwater Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2656, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2656, 2025.

EGU25-2901 | Posters virtual | VPS8

Simulation of Salt and Moisture Dynamics in Agricultural Fields Using HYDRUS: Insights from a Sensor-Based Calibration 

Mohammad Hossaini Baheri and Massoud Tajrishy

The sustainable management of soil moisture and salinity is a critical challenge for semi-arid regions like the Mahabad Plain in northwestern Iran. This study applies the HYDRUS-1D model, calibrated using sensor-based data, to simulate water and salt dynamics in a 4 HA sugar beet field. The Mahabad Plain, covering 249 km², experiences annual precipitation of 402 mm and evaporation rates of 1,560 mm. Despite its fertile soils, the region faces persistent challenges such as waterlogging, salinity, and unsustainable irrigation practices, exacerbated by agricultural expansion and climate variability. Sensor data were collected every other day from four soil depths (0–25 cm, 25–50 cm, 50–75 cm, and 75–100 cm) in a single sugar beet field between late June 2024 and late July 2024. These measurements were used to calibrate the HYDRUS-1D model, optimizing parameters such as residual and saturated water content, hydraulic conductivity, and dispersion coefficients. Calibration metrics, including RMSE and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, confirmed the reliability of the simulations in replicating observed conditions. The results revealed critical inefficiencies in irrigation practices. Over-irrigation was observed, particularly in deeper soil layers, where moisture levels exceeded the optimal range of 18–25% for sugar beet cultivation. Surface layers (0–25 cm) also exhibited frequent waterlogging after irrigation events, with moisture levels surpassing 25%. Electrical conductivity (EC) levels, however, remained within the safe range of 0.6–1.3 dS/m, indicating effective salt leaching and no immediate risk to crop health. Simulations demonstrated that increasing irrigation intervals by 1–2 days could reduce water consumption by 15–30%, prevent excessive soil saturation, and promote healthier root growth. This approach ensures that soil moisture remains within the optimal range while maintaining crop yield and quality. This study is the first of its kind for the Mahabad Plain, offering a novel application of sensor-calibrated HYDRUS-1D modeling. It provides actionable recommendations for addressing water scarcity and improving agricultural sustainability. By integrating field observations with advanced modeling, the research bridges gaps in water resource management and offers replicable solutions for semi-arid agricultural systems worldwide. The findings are especially relevant as the region faces increasing agricultural demands and environmental challenges, including efforts to restore Lake Urmia. By improving irrigation efficiency and reducing agricultural water consumption, more water can be directed toward Lake Urmia, contributing to its restoration and the broader ecological balance of the region.

How to cite: Hossaini Baheri, M. and Tajrishy, M.: Simulation of Salt and Moisture Dynamics in Agricultural Fields Using HYDRUS: Insights from a Sensor-Based Calibration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2901, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2901, 2025.

EGU25-4107 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Sequential Gaussian Mixtures for Transient Hydraulic Tomography Inversion in Fractured Aquifers 

Prem Chand Muraharirao and Phanindra Kbvn

Fractured aquifer parameters are expected to have complex non-Gaussian spatial distributions. Gaussian Mixture Models, known for their effectiveness in representing non-Gaussian distributions, present a promising alternative for capturing the complex heterogeneity of fractured geologic settings however their usage in the fractured geologic settings is unexplored. In this study we extended the application of Gaussian mixtures to transient hydraulic tomography on laboratory-based fractured geologic settings using sequential Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). We further examined the impact of the number of Gaussian components, sampling strategies and the amount of pumping data on the performance of the sequential GMM. Results demonstrate that GMM with an optimal number of Gaussian components effectively identifies high and low conductivity regions, fracture connectivity, and reasonably predicts drawdowns (R² = 0.61) pumping from validation ports. Stratified sampling of GMM parameters (R2 = 0.74, average RMSEmedian= 9.89 mm) outperforms other sampling strategies like random (R2 = 0.61, average RMSEmedian= 20.64 mm ), uniform (R2 = 0.64, average RMSEmedian= 11.70 mm) and quasi-random sampling (R2 = 0.67, average RMSEmedian= 11.40 mm) techniques in mapping the fracture connectivity and parameter distribution. Stratified sampling with reduced and information-based pumping data maintains commensurable accuracy (R2 = 0.75, average RMSEmedian= 11.34 mm). Overall, our findings suggest that the sequential GMM combined with stratified sampling technique effectively captures the spatial variability of aquifer parameters in fractured media.

How to cite: Muraharirao, P. C. and Kbvn, P.: Sequential Gaussian Mixtures for Transient Hydraulic Tomography Inversion in Fractured Aquifers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4107, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4107, 2025.

EGU25-4251 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Optimization of groundwater pumping rates using meshless simulation-based optimization model 

Kunwar Gaurav Singh and Tinesh Pathania

Recent water demands have created immense stress on groundwater, especially in the region facing water scarcity. Hence, optimizing groundwater pumping and developing sustainable water management strategies becomes important for such areas. The traditional mesh-based methods, such as finite difference (FDM) and finite element methods (FEM) for groundwater modelling requires high-quality mesh generation. In these methods, generating a high-quality mesh for complex aquifers is a time-consuming task. Therefore, meshless methods that work with scattered field nodes and avoid mesh generation are more suitable for complex groundwater problems. The present study uses the meshless generalized finite difference method (GFDM) for modelling the groundwater flow and integrating it with particle swarm optimization (PSO) to determine the optimal pumping rates for a hypothetical aquifer system. In this work, optimal pumping rates for different groundwater withdrawal scenarios are obtained through the proposed meshless simulation-based optimization model (GFDM-PSO), indicating its application to real-world problems.

How to cite: Singh, K. G. and Pathania, T.: Optimization of groundwater pumping rates using meshless simulation-based optimization model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4251, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4251, 2025.

Title: Hydrogeochemical Dynamics of Middle Andaman: Unraveling the Impact of Seawater Intrusion and Limestone Caves on Groundwater Chemistry

Pardeep Kumar1,2#, Saumitra Mukherjee1*

*Corresponding author- saumitramukherjee3@gmail.com

#Presenting Author: Pardeepranga001@gmail.com

1School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

2Quality Council of India, New Delhi

Abstract: Groundwater resources in coastal and island aquifers are increasingly threatened by seawater intrusion, exacerbated by climate change, sea level rise, erratic rainfall patterns, and over-extraction of groundwater. These challenges are particularly pronounced in Middle Andaman, where the interaction of groundwater, surface water, and seawater occurs within a complex hydrogeological framework. To assess the groundwater chemistry and its suitability for drinking and irrigation, a comprehensive study was conducted using geochemical, geospatial, and statistical methods.

Groundwater samples (n=24) and a reference seawater sample were analyzed for major ionic compositions using ICP, spectrophotometry, and flame photometry. Hydrogeochemical indices, including Chloro-Alkaline Indices (CAI), Water Quality Index (WQI), and agricultural suitability indices such as total hardness (TH), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), and magnesium adsorption ratio (MAR), were evaluated. A combination of ionic ratios—Cl/HCO₃, Ca/(HCO₃ + SO₄), (Ca + Mg)/Cl, Ca/Mg, and others—was used to characterize the influence of seawater intrusion and the dissolution of limestone minerals in the aquifers.

The results revealed that 24% of groundwater samples were unsuitable for drinking based on WQI, while 80% and 12% of samples were unsuitable for irrigation based on TH and MAR, respectively. The Durov plot and Schoeller's diagram indicated a dominance of Ca-HCO₃ and Na-HCO₃ water types in 48% and 24% of the samples, respectively, with enrichment of alkali and alkaline earth metal salts due to seawater intrusion. Chloride ion relationships suggested a reverse ion exchange process in 64% of samples, while X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the presence of limestone minerals such as aragonite, calcite, dolomite, and magnetite.

Geospatial integration of hydrochemical data showed that 44% of the region was moderately affected, and 54% was slightly affected by salinity. Active tectonic lineaments and interconnected faults were found to facilitate seawater intrusion into the deep aquifer, highlighting the role of structural geology in the region's hydrogeochemical dynamics. This study underscores the urgent need for sustainable water resource management strategies to mitigate the adverse impacts of seawater intrusion on groundwater quality in Middle Andaman.

Keywords: Middle Andaman; Groundwater; Seawater intrusion; Water quality Index; Limestone caves

How to cite: Kumar, P. and Mukherjee, S.: Hydrogeochemical Dynamics of Middle Andaman: Unraveling the Impact of Seawater Intrusion and Limestone Caves on Groundwater Chemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4752, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4752, 2025.

EGU25-5314 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Seismicity and Groundwater Dynamics: Impacts on the Critical Zone in spring of center Mexico 

Betsabe Atalia Sierra Garcia, Oscar Escolero, Selene Olea Olea, and Priscila Medina Ortega

The relationship between groundwater and seismicity has been documented in various regions worldwide. Mexico is no exception to this phenomenon. On September 19, 2017, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck between the states of Puebla and Morelos, as reported by the National Seismological Service.

Approximately 50 km from the epicenter, the Agua Hedionda spring exhibited significant physical and chemical changes as a result of the earthquake. These changes highlight the dynamic interactions within the critical zone—the near-surface environment where rock, soil, water, air, and living organisms interact to shape the Earth's surface. The spring's discharge showed notable alterations, including a decrease in flow rate, reductions in major ion concentrations, and shifts in its isotopic composition, providing clear evidence of the connection between regional seismicity and the quality and availability of groundwater.

The analysis of changes in the spring's groundwater over time revealed its vulnerability to losing essential properties, either temporarily or permanently. Hydrochemical and volumetric flow rate data indicated that the spring underwent noticeable changes even before the earthquake. While the water chemistry showed gradual recovery by 2022, the flow rate only returned to approximately 25% of its pre-earthquake level.

In a country like Mexico, where groundwater is essential for numerous activities and where the interaction of five tectonic plates creates a dynamic seismic environment, studying the interplay between seismicity, groundwater, and processes within the critical zone is crucial for understanding and managing water resources sustainably.

How to cite: Sierra Garcia, B. A., Escolero, O., Olea Olea, S., and Medina Ortega, P.: Seismicity and Groundwater Dynamics: Impacts on the Critical Zone in spring of center Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5314, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5314, 2025.

EGU25-9851 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Study on Reservoir Ecological Scheduling Based on Multi-Objective Optimization 

Chunshan He and Ruifeng Liang

Hydropower development in river basins has significantly promoted economic growth while greatly changing the river ecosystems. Effective reservoir management is crucial to maintaining economic benefits while minimizing impacts on fish species. This study focuses on Reservoir X, which has annual regulation capacity, and proposes an ecological scheduling model for the fish spawning period using the NSGA-II algorithm combined with water temperature and TDG (Total Dissolved Gas) predictions. The model framework is as follows: first, hydrological analysis is conducted based on natural flow data at the dam site to determine the flow requirements for target fish species during their spawning period, providing constraints for optimization. Second, multiple regression methods are used to predict the discharge water temperature and TDG saturation of Station X. Finally, multi-objective optimization is performed considering hydropower generation, fish spawning period water temperature requirements, and TDG risks as objectives, with flow requirements during the spawning period, flood control, and water balance as constraints. The proposed model provides practical parameters for reservoir operation and guidance for different optimization objectives across various reservoirs.

How to cite: He, C. and Liang, R.: Study on Reservoir Ecological Scheduling Based on Multi-Objective Optimization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9851, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9851, 2025.

EGU25-11817 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Ecohydrogeological characteristics of spring waters in rural areas (northeast of Moscow region) 

Daria Gusarova and Daria Yablonskaya

Anthropogenic impact on aquifers leads to variations of groundwaters chemical content. This study is determined to describe current geochemical characteristics of springs in Shelkovo district in order to assess the quality of the water that is used for drinking purposes by residents.

The geological structure of the territory includes Devonian, Upper Carboniferous, Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous terrigenous-carbonate rocks, overlapped by thin Quaternary sandy deposits. Surface sediments are permeable to polluted runoff waters, which can increase the vulnerability of groundwater and reduce its quality.

This research presents the obtained results of water parameters (COD, pH, electrical conductivity), the content of major ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, NH4+, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-)  for 12 springs. The spring waters are slightly mineralized (M=0.1-0.5 g/l), pH values vary from 5.5 to 7.5.  The total hardness is 0.63-5.7 mg-eq/l. The composition of the water is variable. Springs could be divided by the content of major anions: the dominance of HCO3- which is due to natural causes. In some cases the presence of Cl- and SO42- because of the use of fertilizers and deicing reagents in urban territories. 

The concentration of major ions was compared to maximum permissible concentrations in drinking water (by WHO standards). It was noted to slightly exceed the limit for nitrate ion as well as for chemical oxygen demand.  Some waters had a pH indicator lower than the standard range.

Comparison of the ratios Cl-/(Cl-+Na+) and Na+/(Na++Cl-) to total dissolved salt was applied in order to figure out the mechanism of spring waters forming (Gibbs, 1970). The results showed that chemical composition is primarily controlled by rock weathering. The ratio relationships between equivalent content Cl-/Na+, HCO3-/Na+, Ca2+/Na+ indicate the type of rocks as a silicate (Gaillardet, 1999). The effect of human impact on groundwaters used to be assessed by comparing the equivalent ratios Cl-/Na+ and NO3-/Na+ (Zhang et al, 2024). The calculations performed summarised anthropogenic impact, including agronomic activities. Significantly connections between various major ions were pointed out due to correlation analysis: as well as fertilizer components and pesticides, anti-icing reagents for roads in winter season and household chemicals from sewers were detected. 

The studied waters were formed by dissolving silicate rocks by atmospheric precipitation. As it was figured out by a significant role of chloride and sulfur ions, and presence of nitrogen-ions, the area of springs' feeding is located in permeable contaminated quaternary sediments. But despite anthropogenic impact, the chemical composition of springs correspond to WHO standards for drinking waters.


Gaillardet J., Dupre B., Louvat P., Allegre C.J. Global silicate weathering and CO2 consumption rates deduced from the chemistry of large rivers // Chemical geology – 1999. – Т. 159. – №. 1-4. – С. 3-30.

Gibbs R. J. Mechanisms controlling world water chemistry //Science. – 1970. – Т. 170. – №. 3962. – С. 1088-1090. 

Zhang, H., Wang, Z., Wang, X. et al. Hydrochemical characterization and health risk assessment of different types of water bodies in Fenghuang Mountain Area, Northeast China. Environ Geochem Health 46, 292 (2024)

How to cite: Gusarova, D. and Yablonskaya, D.: Ecohydrogeological characteristics of spring waters in rural areas (northeast of Moscow region), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11817, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11817, 2025.

EGU25-15178 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Evaluating a rapid approach for estimating soil hydraulic conductivity function from near-surface infiltration measurements  

Aparimita Priyadarshini Naik and Sreeja Pekkat

Accurate estimation of the soil hydraulic conductivity function (SHCF), which describes the relationship between hydraulic conductivity and matric suction in soil, is essential for modeling flow and transport processes in the vadose zone. Traditional steady-state methods for directly determining SHCF are often laborious, time-consuming, and sometimes inadequate for capturing transient-state flow conditions. This study aims to propose a simple, quick, and accurate method for estimating SHCF that facilitates transient-state flow analysis during vadose zone modeling. The proposed method involves inverse numerical modeling using cumulative infiltration and final moisture content data from surface infiltration tests conducted with a handy mini disc infiltrometer (MDI). To validate this approach, the MDI-inverse modeling results were compared with SHCF results from another transient-state method, the instantaneous profile method (IPM), under similar initial soil conditions. The MDI infiltration tests were performed in homogeneously packed soil columns for two soils (identified as loam and silty clay loam textures) collected from nearby field sites. For each soil, separate IPM tests were conducted in soil columns equipped with soil moisture and matric suction sensors at various depths to facilitate calculation of reference SHCF. A comparison between the MDI and reference IPM results revealed a good agreement, with a low normalized RMSE (under 15%) for the estimated SHCFs and a low relative error (under 35%) for the optimized van Genuchten parameters α and n. The findings indicate that MDI-based cumulative infiltration measurements can reliably estimate SHCF via inverse simulation, providing a practical solution for field applications where traditional sensor deployment is challenging. Moreover, the results also establish MDI as a rapid, convenient, and non-invasive tool for determining SHCF for transient-state flow scenarios.

How to cite: Naik, A. P. and Pekkat, S.: Evaluating a rapid approach for estimating soil hydraulic conductivity function from near-surface infiltration measurements , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15178, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15178, 2025.

Sociohydrology, an interdisciplinary field exploring the dynamic interactions between human and water systems, has emerged as a critical area of study to address the growing complexity of water management challenges in the Anthropocene. Transdisciplinary practices in sociohydrology extend beyond traditional academic boundaries, integrating diverse knowledge systems, stakeholder perspectives, and real-world practices. These approaches bridge the gap between science and society, enabling the co-creation of solutions that are socially equitable, environmentally sustainable, and contextually relevant. This study explores the transformative potential of transdisciplinary approaches in sociohydrology, emphasizing collaborative governance, stakeholder engagement, and sustainable water management. Drawing on an extensive review of literature and following PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses), the research highlights diverse applications of transdisciplinary methodologies in water management, ranging from integrating citizen science frameworks to fostering adaptive strategies for climate resilience. Case studies spanning the Katari River Basin in Bolivia to community-led monitoring in Australia's Great Barrier Reef illustrate how integrating ecological, social, and economic dimensions can address complex hydrological challenges. These practices underscore the importance of co-producing knowledge among researchers, policymakers, and communities, thus bridging gaps between scientific inquiry and real-world implementation. By synthesizing insights from multi-scalar analyses, the paper offers a framework for designing adaptive, equitable, and sustainable water management strategies. The findings advocate for institutional reforms and capacity-building initiatives to strengthen collaborative governance and propose a roadmap for applying transdisciplinary methodologies to global water crises. This research contributes to the evolving discourse on sociohydrology, emphasizing the need for integrated systems thinking and participatory processes to achieve long-term water security.

How to cite: Kabir, Md. H.: Advancing Collaborative Governance and Sustainable Water Management: Transdisciplinary Practices in Sociohydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15437, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15437, 2025.

EGU25-15495 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Are baseflow separation methods suitable for assessing shallow alluvial aquifers’ contribution to streamflow? 

Juan Pablo García Montealegre, Yvan Caballero, and Manuel Del Jesus Peñil

Currently, climate change and increasing water demand pose a growing threat to the future availability of water for human societies and ecosystems that depend on it. At the same time, growing evidence suggests that groundwater is playing an increasingly active role in the global water cycle, particularly in sustaining river flows worldwide (Xie et al., 2024). In this context, quantifying the water exchange between these two components of the hydrological cycle becomes essential for an integrated assessment of water availability. For this purpose, baseflow separation methods are valuable tools, though their limitations remain a subject of debate.

Several authors have suggested that commonly used baseflow separation methods should be applied with caution, since these methods often produce large estimation errors, when they are compared with results obtained using three-dimensional flow numerical models (hereafter referred to as 3D models), thereby limiting their applicability. Nevertheless, these methods remain a widely used alternative due to their lower data and resource requirements compared to 3D models. To address these limitations, we proposed a novel methodology based on baseflow separation methods for analysing the interactions between a shallow alluvial aquifer system and the overlying river network. Subsequently, we tested its performance against a 3D model.

The study area is the alluvial aquifer system located at the confluence of the Tarn, Aveyron and Garonne rivers. A 3D model was developed using the BRGM’s MARTHE software. The study area was divided into sub-zones that meet the same isolation conditions for the river network delimited for the analysis of the results to ensure a more robust validation. Time series of flow and cumulative volume for components of the water balance in the river network, as well as flow at gauging points, were analysed. Additionally, different integration periods (quarterly, half-yearly, annual, and biannual) were examined. Several baseflow separation methods were tested, including both digital filtering and graphical methods.

The results showed that the methods proposed by Chapman (1991) and Chapman and Maxwell (1996) consistently outperformed all others across the entire study area and for all integration periods. R² coefficients of determination greater than 0.8 were obtained in both cases for integration periods exceeding six months. Notably, shorter integration periods better captured the temporal variation of water exchange between the aquifer and the river network. However, longer integration periods produced more accurate overall results, likely because the filters struggled to capture flow reversals between the aquifer and river network during flood events.


Acknowledgments: Authors acknowledge the funding provided by project WaMA-WaDiT (PCI2024-153483) funded by MICIU /AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ UE


Chapman, T. G. (1991). Evaluation of automated techniques for base flow and recession analyses. Water Resources Research, 27(7), 1783–1784. https://doi.org/10.1029/91WR01007

Chapman, T. G., & Maxwell, A. I. (1996). Baseflow separation: Comparison of numerical methods with tracer experiments. Paper presented at the Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: Water and the Environment, Institution of Engineers, Australia.

Xie, J., Liu, X., Jasechko, S., et al. (2024). Majority of global river flow sustained by groundwater. Nature Geoscience, 17, 770–777. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-024-01483-5

How to cite: García Montealegre, J. P., Caballero, Y., and Del Jesus Peñil, M.: Are baseflow separation methods suitable for assessing shallow alluvial aquifers’ contribution to streamflow?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15495, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15495, 2025.

The Indo-Gangetic plain, well-known for its Alluvial landscape for human settlement, is currently facing unprecedented industrialization, and urbanization population, leading to high stress on its aquifer. On the other hand, co-contamination of arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) in shallow aquifers has been showing an alarming global presence that varies with redox conditions, geochemical signatures, and human activities. We aim to address the influence of the suburban and urban land use on the co-contamination of As and Cr, using various geostatistical tools, models, and indices. Among twenty-six (n=26) groundwater samples, the majority of water types were found to be Mg2+-HCO3- and Na+-K+ exhibiting carbonate weathering and evaporation enrichments with saturation indices depicting the supersaturation of calcite and dolomite. The aquifer conditions in both suburban and urban settings were identified as reducing, facilitating the desorption of arsenic. Probability exceedance implied inverse correlation between contaminant concentrations and the probability of their likelihood of surpassing regulatory thresholds. Factor analysis indicates that the natural alignment of contaminants, particularly As and Cr, is maintained under suburban land use but significantly altered in urban settings. The influences of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and iron (Fe) concentration on As and Cr co-contamination are effective in suburban environments, while urban aquifers face additional confounding factors, including artificial sources from industries and subsurface leaching. An integrated cluster heatmap has identified a trifecta of As, Cr, and lead (Pb), closely linked to pH, DO, and K+, highlighting the effects of increased anthropogenic activities in alluvial floodplains. Finally, a conceptual model was developed to clarify the common processes in these environments, facilitating the creation of universal management strategies for aquifers impacted by As and Cr co-contamination.

Keywords: arsenic; chromium; redox; mid-Gangetic plains; co-contamination

How to cite: Saxena, A., Kumar, M., and Bahukhandi, K. D.: Land use alters the alignment of Arsenic and Chromium co-contamination in the unconsolidated aquifer under reducing environments of the Mid-Gangetic Plains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16583, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16583, 2025.

EGU25-17885 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Integrating Geophysical and Hydrogeological Methods for Groundwater Assessment in the Deccan Basalt Region of India 

Abdul Khalique, Akarsh Singh, and Kumar Gaurav

Groundwater assessment in the Deccan basalt region of India is challenging due to its heterogeneous geology and complex aquifer dynamics. This study integrates hydrogeophysical methods, including DC resistivity and time domain Induced Polarization (DCIP) and slug tests, to evaluate aquifer potential near Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. The research focuses on both shallow unconfined and deeper semi-confined aquifers within weathered and fractured basalt formations.

Electrical resistivity surveys included more than 25 DCIP profiles targeting weathered and fractured zones. Resistivity values ranged from 15–70 Ωm in weathered/fractured basalts and varied based on the degree of water saturation and fracturing, reflecting lithological heterogeneity. ERT profiles revealed low-resistivity and moderate-to-high chargeability zones, indicative of fracture porosity and groundwater retention. Fracture anisotropy and resistivity contrasts provided critical insights into aquifer connectivity and dynamics.

Slug tests conducted at a borehole with a drilled depth of 61 m validated geophysical findings. Hydraulic parameters, including hydraulic conductivity (3.9E-7 m/s), transmissivity (1.9E-5 m²/s), storativity (0.001), and specific storage (2.1E-5 m-1), were estimated using Bouwer-Rice and Cooper-Bredehoeft-Papadopulos solutions. These localized parameters complement the spatially extensive data from geophysical surveys. Seasonal water-level fluctuations emphasize the significance of monsoonal recharge in sustaining aquifers.

This integrated approach highlights the role of fractures, weathered zones, and advanced geophysical techniques in delineating groundwater zones and assessing recharge potential. The findings contribute to effective groundwater exploration and sustainable management strategies, addressing water scarcity challenges in basaltic terrains of the Deccan Traps.

Keywords: Aquifer potential, Bouwer-Rice and Cooper-Bredehoeft-Papadopulos solution, ERT, slug test, weathered/fractured basalts, hydrogeology.

How to cite: Khalique, A., Singh, A., and Gaurav, K.: Integrating Geophysical and Hydrogeological Methods for Groundwater Assessment in the Deccan Basalt Region of India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17885, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17885, 2025.

EGU25-18797 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Enhancing Urban Stormwater Management: Traditional Measures versus Future Perspectives 

Fatemeh Fahimi and Mohammad Javad Ostad Mirza Tehrani

This abstract investigates the evolution of urban stormwater management, contrasting traditional methods with emerging approaches, emphasizing the integration of Low Impact Development (LID) strategies and Building Information Modeling (BIM). A comprehensive review of Scopus and Web of Science articles synthesizes existing research to identify trends, challenges, and opportunities in this interdisciplinary domain. Key insights include the effectiveness of LID practices such as permeable pavements, rain barrels, and the application of simulation tools like SWMM and HEC-RAS in reducing runoff and enhancing urban hydraulic modeling. The findings highlight the critical role of green infrastructure in mitigating rainfall impacts and the importance of cost-benefit analyses for evaluating LID implementation. Despite proven benefits, gaps persist in integrating LID into land-use planning, particularly in addressing future climate risks and accommodating urban growth. The study underscores the potential of 3D digital technologies to enhance stormwater management strategies, especially under extreme rainfall conditions. Additionally, the review identifies the lack of high-resolution data as a barrier to informed decision-making. It advocates for stronger collaboration between researchers and policymakers to foster sustainable urban development, improve water conservation, and minimize flooding risks. LID practices, integrated with Building Information Modeling offer a cost-effective solution to urban stormwater challenges, paving the way for resilient and sustainable cities.

How to cite: Fahimi, F. and Ostad Mirza Tehrani, M. J.: Enhancing Urban Stormwater Management: Traditional Measures versus Future Perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18797, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18797, 2025.

EGU25-20066 | Posters virtual | VPS8

Enhancing Resilience in Human-Reservoir Systems with NLP and AI Frameworks 

Sukrati Gautam, David J. Yu, and Shin Hoon Cheol

The resilience of a large-scale water infrastructure system to cascading effects is
fundamentally dependent on the interdependencies of its components within the
infrastructure network. These interdependencies—which means that the states of
two or more infrastructure components are tightly interrelated through mechanisms
such as physical connection, geographical proximity, and information relay—can
cause a localized event to spread into a system-wide event. Of these, logical
interdependencies remain poorly understood. Little is known about how two
infrastructures affect the state of each other through human decisions and how such
logical connections can be detected and measured. In this study, we tackled this
gap by conducting an applied case study on the Lake Mendocino Reservoir in
California, USA. Crucially, our approach focuses on reservoir institutions (rules)
that structure human decisions around reservoir systems. Reservoir management
relies heavily on operational rules and regulations, but climate change demands
more adaptive and discretionary decision-making by operators. This may further
introduce logical interdependencies in a reservoir system. We develop a novel
framework that integrates Institutional Analysis using Large Language Models to
advance Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and Bayesian Network
Modeling to systematically analyze and quantify risk associated with logical
interdependencies. We aim to improve decision-making and risk management in
reservoir operations. This research provides essential insights into enhancing the
resilience of water management infrastructures, particularly in the face of climate

How to cite: Gautam, S., Yu, D. J., and Hoon Cheol, S.: Enhancing Resilience in Human-Reservoir Systems with NLP and AI Frameworks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20066, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20066, 2025.

EGU25-20070 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Enhancing Soil Moisture Estimation through Machine Learning Models and Remote Sensing Data 

Vidushi Sharma, Siddik Barbhuiya, and Vivek Gupta

Moisture content available in soil, is a critical parameter for understanding the health of ecosystems, agricultural productivity, and the management of water resources. Soil moisture is an essential component in the growth of vegetation, climate regulation, and the hydrological cycle. The correct estimation of soil moisture is very crucial for optimizing irrigation, enhancing crop yields, and managing water resources. Spatial coverage limits traditional in-situ measurements, while remote sensing-based approaches, especially using SAR imagery, provide scalability to large-scale spatial coverage for soil moisture estimation. This study compares five machine learning-based models- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Random Forest (RF), Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), and Support Vector Machines (SVM)-for deriving estimates of soil moisture using features based on VV and VH polarizations and incidence angle from SAR imagery. Model performance was also evaluated using in-situ measurements from Vaira Ranch in California's Central Valley, which comprises grasslands and wetlands. Meteorological data, which include precipitation and antecedent rainfall from the ERA5, were used to improve prediction. Each model was hyperparameter tuned, with LSTM adjusting layers, units, and learning rate; RF optimizing tree number, depth, and feature selection; MLR modifying regularization strength; MLP refining layers, neurons, and activation function; and SVM fine-tuning kernel type, C, and gamma. Performance metrics used for evaluation included R² and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The results indicated that LSTM outperformed other models with a R² of 0.89, followed by SVM at a value of 0.81 and RF at a value of 0.78. MLP and MLR values were lower at 0.67. This research focuses on the advantages of the integration of remote sensing data and meteorological information for better soil moisture estimation using machine learning and show that the advanced models such as LSTM and RF can effectively predict soil moisture, with important implications for improving agricultural management and resource planning.

How to cite: Sharma, V., Barbhuiya, S., and Gupta, V.: Enhancing Soil Moisture Estimation through Machine Learning Models and Remote Sensing Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20070, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20070, 2025.

EGU25-20284 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

The role of media in shaping the hydropolitical interactions in the transboundary basins 

fatemeh farzaneh, Hojjat Mianabadi, Behnam Andik, and Sahand Ghadimi

New global challenges, such as the intense desire for development and climate change, can exacerbate water conflicts among stakeholders (at local, regional, national, and international levels). Material interests are often regarded as effective tools for resolving conflicts and fostering a spirit of cooperation among riparian countries in transboundary river basins. However, discourses and narratives produced by the media, alongside material factors, play a decisive role in shaping water interactions, a topic that has received less attention. The primary objective of this study is to examine the impact of media on transboundary water interactions. To achieve this goal, a systematic review of existing research across various databases was conducted, alongside an analysis of library resources on the influence of media on water interactions. The findings indicate that conflict is an inherent and natural feature of water systems, particularly in shared river basins. However, most media articles and reports tend to intensify water conflicts in shared basins, with limited coverage dedicated to pathways for cooperation that could bring riparian stakeholders together. The use of media to advance the interests of states within a basin often strengthens the potential for water conflicts. Therefore, constructive changes in water diplomacy and conflict transformation require an understanding of the media's role in water cooperation and disputes. This understanding is essential for shaping the water policies of riparian countries.

How to cite: farzaneh, F., Mianabadi, H., Andik, B., and Ghadimi, S.: The role of media in shaping the hydropolitical interactions in the transboundary basins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20284, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20284, 2025.

EGU25-20494 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Spatiotemporal Assessment of Arsenic, Fluoride, and PFOS Co-Contamination in Yorkshire's Water Resources 

Vivek Agarwal, Manish Kumar, and Aseem Saxena

Contaminant co-occurrence in water resources poses significant threats to public health and ecosystem stability, necessitating comprehensive monitoring and analysis. This study investigates the spatiotemporal distribution of arsenic, fluoride, and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) contamination in groundwater and surface water across Yorkshire from 2000 to 2023. Data for this assessment were obtained from the Environment Agency, ensuring reliable and standardised measurements across the study period. The results reveal a concerning trend of increasing arsenic and fluoride concentrations, particularly in the eastern and southern regions, with arsenic levels exceeding 10 µg/L and fluoride concentrations surpassing 1.5 mg/L in several areas by 2023. The PFOS contamination, assessed in both groundwater and surface water for 2023, highlights significant contamination in the southern regions, with concentrations exceeding 0.001 µg/L in some hotspots. The co-contamination maps indicate overlapping regions of high contaminant concentrations, suggesting potential sources of industrial pollution and agricultural runoff. This study emphasises the need for targeted mitigation strategies and continuous monitoring to protect public health and ensure water quality standards across the region.


How to cite: Agarwal, V., Kumar, M., and Saxena, A.: Spatiotemporal Assessment of Arsenic, Fluoride, and PFOS Co-Contamination in Yorkshire's Water Resources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20494, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20494, 2025.

EGU25-20587 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Soil Water Dynamics 

Vinod S Pathak

The prediction of soil moisture movement remains challenging due to the complexity of underground flow processes and the availability of accurate soil parameters. There have been attempts to overcome this issue with parametric models and inverse modeling, but it remains challenging because it requires knowledge of initial and boundary conditions. While deep learning offers a solution, the one significant constraint remains not to violate the physical constraints. I present a novel physics-informed neural network (PINN) framework that integrates the soil moisture movement governing equation constraints with deep learning to predict soil moisture dynamics. The new approach follows mass conservation principles and soil hydraulic properties into the neural network's loss function. The model ensures physically consistent predictions. The framework simultaneously learns soil hydraulic parameters and water content distributions, adapting to heterogeneous soil conditions through a hybrid optimization strategy. The model incorporates the Van Genuchten parameterization within the physics-informed architecture to ensure consistency and accuracy. This methodology bridges the gap between computationally intensive traditional numerical solutions and pure data-driven approaches, offering a new paradigm for modeling soil water dynamics.

How to cite: Pathak, V. S.: Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Soil Water Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20587, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20587, 2025.

EGU25-20733 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

Exploring Endogeneity in Psychological Determinants of Community-Based Water Purification Technology Adoption 

Mithun Raj, Saket Pande, and Maneesha Ramesh

The adoption of community-based water purification technology in rural communities is strongly influenced by psychological factors, yet these factors often suffer from endogeneity, leading to biased estimations of their true impact. Our study investigates this critical issue, revealing that traditional estimation methods significantly underestimate the effects of key psychological determinants. Specifically, we found that perceived ease of access and descriptive norms, when treated as exogenous, were underestimated by 175% and 76%, respectively. This oversight highlights the importance of addressing endogeneity to accurately capture the relationship between psychological factors and adoption behavior. The endogenous nature of perceived benefits and descriptive norms highlights a crucial bidirectional relationship: as adoption increases, so do positive social norms and perceived benefits, creating a reinforcing cycle that further drives adoption within the community. Interventions that fail to consider this mutual reinforcement risk undervaluing key psychological factors, potentially undermining their effectiveness. We propose that cultural factors serve as instrumental variables (IVs) to mitigate endogeneity and offer a clearer pathway through which psychological factors influence behavior. For instance, cultural traits such as "work-luck" dynamics shape individuals' proactive or passive approaches to overcoming barriers to technology access. Similarly, generalized morality, which prioritizes communal welfare over individual gain, strengthens descriptive norms that promote widespread adoption. In collectivist societies, these norms hold significant influence, compelling individuals to adopt technologies to maintain social cohesion and uphold communal values.

Our study introduces a robust theoretical framework that integrates cultural factors into the analysis of technology adoption. By leveraging cultural traits, interventions can align more closely with community values, enhancing the likelihood of sustainable adoption. This approach not only provides deeper insights into the dynamics of technology adoption but also offers practical strategies for designing culturally sensitive interventions.

In conclusion, addressing the endogeneity of psychological factors through the lens of cultural influences provides a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the adoption process. This study advocates for the incorporation of cultural contexts in intervention strategies, ensuring they resonate with the community’s intrinsic values and beliefs. Future research could expand on this dynamic by employing system dynamic models to further explore the bidirectional feedback between psychological factors and behavior, ultimately contributing to more effective and sustainable adoption of community-based water purification technologies.

How to cite: Raj, M., Pande, S., and Ramesh, M.: Exploring Endogeneity in Psychological Determinants of Community-Based Water Purification Technology Adoption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20733, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20733, 2025.

EGU25-21834 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS8

A step towards the protection and management of the Shallow Aquifer of the Keta Basin, in Ghana West Africa: an initial physico-chemical characterisation 

Prodeo Yao Agbotui, Mark Brookman- Amissah, Anthony Ewusi, and Anthony Woode

The Coastal Unconfined Shallow Sandy Aquifer of the Keta Basin, made up of Quaternary gravel, sand and clay and Neogenic Limonic deposits is the most economically accessible aquifer in Southern Volta, Ghana, West Africa. Water from the aquifer supports domestic supply and vegetable farming, which is the main stay of the area’s economy (Nerquaye-Tetteh 1993; Helstrup et al. 2007; Yidana et al. 2007). Despite the importance of this shallow aquifer, it is vulnerable to contamination from saline intrusion and agricultural activity in the area (Gill 1969; Nerquaye-Tetteh 1993; Kortatsi 1994; Kortatsi et al. 2005; Helstrup 2006). Protecting and managing this aquifer effectively will require the appreciation of the flow regime and dynamics via the collection of hydrogeological information such as geochemical properties and their variation over the years, hydraulic gradient, flow direction, well density, and their abstraction rates. However, this data is non-existent. This work set out to collect these basic hydrogeological information. This work was done via: geochemical sampling and analyses of thirty-five (35) wells for facies discrimination; the hydraulic head mapping of forty-five (45) wells for flow direction mapping and hydraulic gradient distribution, and particle size distribution testing of sampled aquifer material for the hydraulic conductivity distribution. The geochemical datasets showed: neutral and well buffered water groundwater; nitrates occurring in all the samples, with [NO3-] ranging between 0.35 – 25.3 mg/L, indicative of possible human influence on groundwater in the area; four (4)  main water types from the analyses as: Na-Cl, Ca-(HCO3)2, Na-HCO3,  and Ca-Cl2 with percentage dominances of 47, 41, 9 and 3% respectively. Na-Cl and Na-HCO3 waters characterised by very high SECs and  found in farm wells located near the coast and lagoons suggest saline intrusion (due to heavy pumping on farms) from the sea and lagoon. The central part of the area, has fresh water which with the Ca-(HCO3)2 water type, indicative of natural rock weathering processes and flow dynamics. Analysing the irrigation water use parameters from the geochemical showed that the water in the area was suitable with respect to residual sodium carbonate (RSC) and magnesium absorption ratio (MAR), whereas waters mostly affected by saline intrusion did not meet the  sodium percentage (Na%), sodium absorption ratio (SAR) and Kelly’s ratio (KR). Heavy  groundwater abstraction without regulation is fingered for causing saline intrusion in the area because of reduction of groundwater levels. The hydraulic gradient in the area mimics that of the natural ground level, with relatively gentle slope of 0.002, with the dominant groundwater flow direction of north to south. This work is novel as it sets the tone for the first-ever initial hydrogeological characterisation of the aquifer, whose state can be continuously monitored for advising the Government, and the Water, Agricultural and Health Directorates of the Municipal Assembly for the regulation of agriculture and abstraction in the area, so as to protect the aquifer and human health.

How to cite: Agbotui, P. Y., Amissah, M. B., Ewusi, A., and Woode, A.: A step towards the protection and management of the Shallow Aquifer of the Keta Basin, in Ghana West Africa: an initial physico-chemical characterisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21834, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21834, 2025.

EGU25-580 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Streamflow simulations using regionalized Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network models in contrasting climatic conditions 

João Maria de Andrade, Rodolfo Nóbrega, Alfredo Ribeiro Neto, Miguel Rico-Ramirez, Gemma Coxon, and Suzana Montenegro

We investigate the potential of using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks for estimating streamflow in (sub)tropical catchments under contrasting hydroclimatic regimes (semi-arid and humid). We have used 176 Brazilian catchments with at least 30 years of streamflow data and LSTM models with 16 static catchment attributes as input features. We tested different LSTM model configurations to assess their sensitivity to varying input sequence lengths (lookbacks). The primary objective was to explore the hydrological insights offered by LSTM-based streamflow models and compare their performance with the traditional GR4J hydrological model. With this design, we aim to address two research questions: (i) Does the performance of LSTM models depend on catchments' hydroclimatic characteristics? (ii) How effective are LSTM-based models for streamflow simulation in tropical and subtropical catchments under semi-arid and humid conditions? We adopt two modeling approaches: (1) regionalized models trained on catchments within the same hydroclimatic regime and (2) a composite model trained on a heterogeneous sample combining both arid and humid catchments. The findings reveal distinct sensitivities of LSTM models to hydroclimatic conditions. LSTM models exhibit higher sensitivity to the length of input sequences (lookbacks) in humid catchments, with longer sequences yielding better performance. This is attributed to the dominant hydrological processes in humid regions, which are influenced by long-term memory effects such as soil moisture and groundwater storage. Conversely, this sensitivity is not observed in semi-arid catchments, where streamflow dynamics are primarily driven by short-term precipitation events and exhibit less dependence on long-term hydrological processes. Furthermore, the composite model, which combines semi-arid and humid catchments, demonstrates a decrease in performance for semi-arid catchments. This suggests that adding catchments with contrasting hydroclimatic characteristics introduces heterogeneity in the dataset, potentially reducing the model's ability to capture the specific dynamics of semi-arid catchments. Overall, the regionalized LSTM models outperformed the GR4J model in both semi-arid and humid regimes, particularly in humid catchments. Approximately 87% of humid catchments and 50% of semi-arid catchments achieved Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) values above 0.60 during the testing phase of the regionalized LSTM models. These results highlight the potential of LSTM networks for streamflow regionalization, especially in humid regions where long-term hydrological memory plays a critical role. The study underscores the strengths and limitations of LSTM models in tropical and subtropical catchments with contrasting hydroclimatic regimes. The findings suggest that LSTM models could serve as valuable tools for regional hydrological applications, aiding local and regional decision-making processes. Additionally, the results emphasize the importance of tailoring LSTM model configurations to the specific hydrological characteristics of catchments, particularly the choice of input sequence length, to maximize model performance. 

How to cite: Maria de Andrade, J., Nóbrega, R., Ribeiro Neto, A., Rico-Ramirez, M., Coxon, G., and Montenegro, S.: Streamflow simulations using regionalized Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network models in contrasting climatic conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-580, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-580, 2025.

Spatio-temporal variability of the terrestrial hydrological processes (land heat and water storage anomalies) has important implications in the climate predictability through their effects on surface energy and water fluxes. The changes in seasonal precipitation patterns associated with the Indian Summer Monsoon can alter the hydrological processes; for a given catchment, which in turn can influence the exchange of water and energy at the land surface-atmosphere interface. Hence the reliable prediction of the basin-scale water cycle components in a physically based high-resolution hydrological model equipped with sophisticated Land Surface Models (LSMs) is of prime requirement. The modern LSMs can provide detailed representations of important biophysical, biogeochemical and hydrological processes of varying spatial and temporal scales by incorporating the necessary feedbacks between the land and the atmosphere. When coupled to a physically based fully distributed hydrological model, it can affect the soil moisture patterns means of recycling the surface and sub-surface runoff (lateral terrestrial flow). However, despite the role of lateral terrestrial hydrological processes for the improved simulation of soil moistures, the sensitivity studies involving the land surface and sub-surface feedbacks are less pronounced especially for a tropical humid region with complex physiographic settings (presence of complex topography) under monsoon regimes (strong synoptic forcings). Therefore, in the present study, we examined a process based diagnosis regarding the role of the lateral flow on the terrestrial hydrological processes (Evapotranspiration, surface and sub-surface runoff, stream flow) and surface energy fluxes (latent heat, sensible heat) by using a multi-configured modeling framework of offline WRF-Hydro with Noah-Multi parameterizations (MP) LSM to enable systematic evaluation of the multiple physical parameterizations of hydrologic process representation; the validation has been done with the reanalysis dataset, a remotely sensed product and ground based observations.

How to cite: Sarkar, S. and Lakshmikanthan, P.: Modeling the impact of lateral flow on terrestrial water balance components and surface energy fluxes using WRF-Hydro with multi-configuration ensembles: a study over Krishna River Catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1783, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1783, 2025.

EGU25-2646 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

A Transformer-based Graph Network for Flash Flood Disaster Classification 

Han Wang, Yunqing Xuan, Zhixiong Zhang, Marcela Antunes Meira, Qing Li, and Changjun Liu

Flash floods are one of the most devastating natural disasters, posing significant risks to both human life and infrastructure. The classification of their underlying drivers—such as high precipitation, dam breaches, landslides, and melting snow—remains a critical yet challenging task, especially in regions like China, where diverse geographical and climatic factors exacerbate disaster complexity. In this study, we propose a Transformer-based Graph Network (TGN) designed to tackle these challenges by leveraging a dataset of over 53,000 flash flood events, each characterized by non-uniform geographical attributes and varying levels of data completeness. Unlike traditional graph neural networks (GNNs) that depend on predefined graph structures, TGN dynamically learns and refines edge weights during training, enabling it to uncover asymmetric dependencies. This adaptability is particularly valuable when explicit relationships between nodes are unavailable or incomplete.

Integrating multi-head self-attention mechanisms from Transformer architectures, TGN captures complex interdependencies across watershed features while maintaining interpretability through sparsity and diversity constraints. A distinguishing feature of this framework is its ability to identify meaningful graph structures without prior knowledge, offering insights into critical connections and interactions within disaster-prone regions. For instance, our experiments demonstrate how TGN emphasizes high-risk upstream-downstream relationships, providing actionable knowledge for localized flood management. The model significantly outperforms traditional GNNs and machine learning methods in accuracy and robustness, achieving superior classification performance across all four disaster categories. Furthermore, the TGN framework is supported by rigorous evaluation metrics, including Precision, Recall, F1-score, and Overall Accuracy, ensuring its reliability in real-world applications.

By combining innovative graph-based modeling with interpretable mechanisms, this study bridges the gap between theoretical advancements and practical disaster management. The proposed approach not only enhances prediction capabilities but also provides an analytical lens for understanding the intricate relationships among flash flood drivers, paving the way for more effective mitigation strategies and informed decision-making. This work underscores the transformative potential of adaptive graph neural networks in addressing complex environmental challenges and advancing the state of flood risk assessment.

How to cite: Wang, H., Xuan, Y., Zhang, Z., Antunes Meira, M., Li, Q., and Liu, C.: A Transformer-based Graph Network for Flash Flood Disaster Classification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2646, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2646, 2025.

EGU25-2660 | Posters virtual | VPS9

 Transformed Technique for Applying the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution to Block Minima 

Sanghoo Yoon and Thanawan Prahadchai

This study proposes a novel approach for analyzing block minima data within the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution (GEVD) framework by incorporating the Negative Power Transformation (NPT). The NPT method, which includes a hyper-parameter to adjust data bounds (effectively reducing to the Reciprocal Transformation (RT) when the hyper-parameter is 1), aims to improve the accuracy and robustness of long-term return level (RL) estimations. Traditional transformation methods often exhibit limitations in accurately predicting RLs for extended return periods. Through extensive Monte Carlo simulations, we demonstrate that the NPT-GEVD method outperforms conventional approaches in terms of bias, standard error (SE), and root mean square error (RMSE) for return periods of 25, 50, and 100 years. Notably, the NPT-GEVD consistently provides reliable RL estimates across various parameterizations and sample sizes, particularly when using L-moments for estimation with smaller datasets. The efficacy of the NPT-GEVD method is further validated through its application to inter-arrival time (IAT) rainfall data from South Korea. The analysis revealed that RLs for detecting the time to exceed hourly cumulative rainfall thresholds of 60 mm, 90 mm, and 110 mm varied significantly across locations, ranging from 30 minutes to over 4 hours. This research underscores the significance of advanced transformation techniques in enhancing the accuracy and reliability of environmental risk assessments. The NPT-GEVD method offers valuable insights for improving flood prediction and mitigation strategies in the face of climate change.

How to cite: Yoon, S. and Prahadchai, T.:  Transformed Technique for Applying the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution to Block Minima, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2660, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2660, 2025.

EGU25-2662 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

 A Diversity Driven Deep Convolutional Network for Enhanced Coastal Urban Flood Risk Assessment 

Bowei Zeng, Guoru Huang, and Ge Yang

Climate change and urbanization intensify urban pluvial flooding, posing significant threats to human lives and infrastructure. This situation underscores the critical need for efficient and accurate predictive systems for disaster prevention and mitigation. Traditional flood simulation models, while precise, are often limited by their data-intensive requirements and substantial computational complexity. In contrast, deep learning (DL) models show their advantages by high efficiency and powerful capability in processing large-scale non-linear data, making them highly appropriate for modeling complex flood dynamics. Consequently, integrating DL with conventional urban flood models has emerged as a promising strategy to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of flood prediction systems. However, existing research predominantly focuses on inland flooding, with limited attention to the role of tidal levels in coastal cities, which can significantly impact the accuracy of urban flood simulations.
To bridge the GAP, this study proposes an innovative hybrid DL approach that explores spatial and temporal data to improve the accuracy and efficiency of urban flood simulations, particularly in coastal areas. Simulation results from physics-based urban flood models are utilized to construct a comprehensive database for the DL model. Afterwards, patch-size and random sampling methods are employed to construct the sample dataset for training DL models. The convolutional neural network (CNN)-based data-driven urban pluvial flood model can simulate floods using topographic, rainfall, and tidal data, enabling the simulation of large urban areas within seconds. Incorporating diverse input data and advanced network architectures enhances model robustness and generalization across various scales and rainfall events. Fusion models that combine the strengths of DL and traditional hydrological models demonstrate improved prediction accuracy and computational efficiency by integrating tidal data and other environmental factors. Consequently, these hybrid models hold significant potential for integration into early warning systems and supporting decision-making processes in urban flood risk management.

How to cite: Zeng, B., Huang, G., and Yang, G.:  A Diversity Driven Deep Convolutional Network for Enhanced Coastal Urban Flood Risk Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2662, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2662, 2025.

EGU25-2663 | Posters virtual | VPS9

Spatial and Temporal Extreme Modeling of Daily Maximum Precipitation Based on a Generalized Additive Model 

Bugeon Lee, Yeongeun Hwang, and Sanghoo Yoon

South Korea experiences significant regional variation in precipitation due to its unique topographical features. Over the years, the intensification of summer rainfall concentration has led to recurring damage from floods and torrential downpours. To mitigate such impacts, the Korea Meteorological Administration monitors precipitation using observed data from weather stations and estimated values for non-observed locations. The Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution is commonly employed to model annual maximum precipitation, enabling the calculation of return levels that serve as foundational data for flood prevention. This study aims to estimate the spatially generalized additive GEV distribution of daily maximum precipitation using data from 54 Automatic Synoptic Observation System (ASOS) stations between 1972 and 2024. Spatial elements (latitude, longitude, altitude) and temporal elements (year) were incorporated into the model. The location, scale, and shape parameters of the GEV distribution were estimated using the maximum likelihood method, with smoothing functions accounting for spatial and temporal factors. The results indicate that the location and scale parameters, influenced by latitude and longitude, are relatively lower in central regions, while the shape parameter, influenced by altitude, shows similar trends. Furthermore, return levels for 50-year and 100-year return periods are notably higher in mountainous regions. Goodness-of-fit tests, such as the Anderson-Darling test, were performed on the GEV distributions of 53 ASOS stations, excluding one. However, 12 stations located in island regions, high-altitude areas, or regions affected by typhoons exhibited distributions that were difficult to explain spatially. These findings are expected to aid in the development of efficient water resource management strategies and regional flood prevention measures based on the distribution characteristics of precipitation.

How to cite: Lee, B., Hwang, Y., and Yoon, S.: Spatial and Temporal Extreme Modeling of Daily Maximum Precipitation Based on a Generalized Additive Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2663, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2663, 2025.

EGU25-3504 | Posters virtual | VPS9

Asset-based Dynamic Flood Risk Assessment: Case Study of London Downtown 

Vahid Bakhtiari and Farzad Piadeh

Asset-based Dynamic Flood Risk Assessment: Case Study of London Downtown

Flooding poses significant risks to urban centres, with particular challenges faced by business hubs where disruptions can have devastating consequences on national and global economies [1]. Business hubs are the lifeblood of national and global economies. During flood events, businesspeople encounter disruptions that not only obstruct daily operations but also ripple through supply chains and financial systems [2-3]. This study emphasises the importance of protecting critical assets in Downtown London, a vital business hub, to mitigate economic and social impacts during floods. Through a watershed-based approach, Downtown London, a vibrant business hub with numerous critical assets, has been selected as the case study area. The district contains key commercial buildings and infrastructure that are vital to economic and social continuity. Using Digimap and Verisk, essential commercial buildings and critical assets are pinpointed based on their usage and significance. These tools facilitate generating an accurate map of assets requiring priority attention during flood events.

The proposed decision support system (DSS) is developed to aid risk management authorities, including policy-makers, decision-makers, and technical staff. The system operates on two key bases. Real-time population density data for critical assets is obtained using Google API. This data helps evaluate the human vulnerability component during flood scenarios. A flood forecasting system is integrated to predict water levels at 15-minute intervals for the coming hours. This system provides granular and actionable insights into evolving flood conditions. For each critical asset, two risk values are computed: one based on population density and another on forecasted water levels. These values are combined to derive a dynamic risk level for each time step, enabling authorities to respond effectively. The integration of real-time data and predictive modeling in the DSS offers a comprehensive framework for flood risk assessment. By prioritising critical assets based on dynamic risk levels, authorities can implement targeted preparedness and response measures such as early warnings and evacuation plans. This approach ensures both human safety and economic resilience. The findings have demonstrated the feasibility of applying real-time data and cutting-edge modeling to enhance urban flood resilience. By combining flood risk maps, real-time population density, and a comprehensive prioritisation framework, this approach provides a promising tool for urban planners and emergency responders to protect critical business assets and ensure economic continuity during flood events.


[1] Bakhtiari, V., Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K. and Kapelan, Z. (2023). A critical review for the application of cutting-edge digital visualisation technologies for effective urban flood risk management. Sustainable Cities and Society, p.104958.

[2] Bakhtiari, V., Piadeh, F., Chen, A.S. and Behzadian, K. (2024). Stakeholder analysis in the application of cutting-edge digital visualisation technologies for urban flood risk management: A critical review. Expert Systems with Applications, 236, p.121426.

[3] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K. and Alani, A.M. (2022). A critical review of real-time modelling of flood forecasting in urban drainage systems. Journal of Hydrology, 607, p.127476.

How to cite: Bakhtiari, V. and Piadeh, F.: Asset-based Dynamic Flood Risk Assessment: Case Study of London Downtown, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3504, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3504, 2025.

EGU25-3526 | Posters virtual | VPS9

Community-based flood early warning system: Current practice and Future directions 

Arghavan Panahi, Nafiseh Karkhaneh, and Farzad Piadeh

Social media applications have emerged as reliable communication channels, especially when traditional methods falter [1]. Their integration into emergency management presents significant advantages, including enhanced situational awareness during unfolding events, rapid dissemination of news and alerts to broader audiences, and improved coordination among decision-makers and stakeholders [2]. Both remote sensing and social media data offer distinct advantages in large-scale flood monitoring and near-real-time flood monitoring [3]. To better understand these advantages and challenges, a comprehensive review and analysis of the literature on the application of social media in this field was conducted.  Social media facilitates participatory and collaborative structures, enabling collective knowledge-building in public information and warning systems. To realise this vision, the authors examined, 73 studies conducted from 2014 to 2024 to systematically evaluate the current literature surrounding communication on social media and the latest research in social media informatics related to disasters. This review identified key challenges within existing studies. The articles included 23 related to pluvial floods, 12 related to fluvial floods, 17 related to storm floods and 21 paper that were unspecified The majority of the studies were conducted in China, followed by the United States. Various software platforms, including Twitter, YouTube, and other social media networks, were analysed. Data extraction from these platforms was performed using Python programming. The study periods ranged from 1 to 3,650 days. These findings serve as guidance for researchers examining the relationship between social media and disaster management. They aim to develop the use of social networks during disasters, analyse patterns, and create programming to identify best practices for utilising social media in times of crisis. In the future, a mapping framework and tool can be developed to automatically extract information from social media through text and image analysis. By integrating this data with other available information sources, it will be possible to generate more accurate inundation maps in real-time. It is essential to recognise that information about floods obtained from social media may be incomplete during communication interruptions. To address this issue, future research should prioritise integrating big data from urban Internet of Things networks and improving communication infrastructure repairs. By adopting this strategy, we can collect more comprehensive disaster information to enhance flood emergency response effectiveness.


[1] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K. and Alani, A.M. (2022). A critical review of real-time modelling of flood forecasting in urban drainage systems. Journal of Hydrology, 607, p.127476.

[2] Piadeh, F., Ahmadi, M., Behzadian, K. (2020). A Novel Planning Policy Framework for the Recognition of Responsible Stakeholders in the of Industrial Wastewater Reuse Projects. Journal of Water Policy, 24 (9), pp. 1541–1558.

[3] Bakhtiari, V., Piadeh, F., Chen, A., Behzadian, K. (2024). Stakeholder Analysis in the Application of Cutting-Edge Digital Visualisation Technologies for Urban Flood Risk Management: A Critical Review. Expert Systems with Applications, p.121426.

How to cite: Panahi, A., Karkhaneh, N., and Piadeh, F.: Community-based flood early warning system: Current practice and Future directions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3526, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3526, 2025.

EGU25-3543 | Posters virtual | VPS9

Real-time Transportation-Based Flood Warning System: A Case Study in Downtown London 

Reza Naghedi, Farzad Piadeh, Xiao Huang, and Meiliu Wu

Flooding has posed a significant challenge to urban infrastructure, necessitating effective and real-time risk management strategies [1]. One of the most devastating impacts is on urban transportation, where disruption can lead to significant economic losses or even human casualties [2-3]. This study has focused on the key financial and commercial areas in downtown London, where an innovative system has been developed to integrate real-time flood risk forecasting with traffic data visualisation and dynamic decision support for emergency response and resource allocation. First, with access to the Google Maps API, real-time and forecast traffic data have been collected for local streets. Then, these datasets can facilitate a 15-minute resolution forecast for the next 8 hours, enabling an in-depth understanding of traffic flow patterns during flood events. Furthermore, by employing flood forecasting measures on these real-time datasets, streets at risk of inundation can be identified faster, with their traffic conditions assessed accordingly.

A key aspect of this study is to consider different factors dynamically for weighting and prioritising streets. On one hand, pre-existing factors such as road hierarchy, connectivity, access to critical facilities, land use, infrastructure vulnerability, and proximity to evacuation zones are converted into dynamic factors by attaching a temporal variable to these pre-existing factors. On the other hand, real-time dynamic ones include flood depth, traffic congestion, accessibility for emergency services, and community needs reported. The integration of all these factors leads to the development of a transportation-based decision support system (TBDSS) tailored to urban flood management. The TBDSS has facilitated the allocation of emergency resources, prioritisation of street reopening, and planning for evacuation or relief operations. For instance, streets connecting to hospitals or shelters have been given higher priority, while those serving industrial or low-density areas have been weighted lower. As such, our proposed system can dynamically adjust priorities based on evolving flood and traffic conditions, ensuring optimal response strategies.

The findings have demonstrated the feasibility of leveraging real-time data and advanced modeling to enhance urban flood resilience. By combining flood risk maps, traffic forecasts, and a comprehensive prioritisation framework, this approach has provided a promising tool for urban planners and emergency responders.

[1] Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., Alani, A. (2022). A critical review of real-time modelling of flood forecasting in urban drainage systems. Journal of Hydrology, 607, p.127476.

[2] Gao, G., Ye, X., Li, S., Huang, X., Ning, H., Retchless, D., Li, Z. (2024). Exploring flood mitigation governance by estimating first-floor elevation via deep learning and google street view in coastal Texas. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 51(2), 296-313.

[3] Naghedi, S. N., Piadeh, F., Behzadian, K., and Hemmati, M.: Unveiling the Interplay: Flood Impacts on Transportation, Vulnerable Communities, and Early Warning Systems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13189, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13189, 2024.

How to cite: Naghedi, R., Piadeh, F., Huang, X., and Wu, M.: Real-time Transportation-Based Flood Warning System: A Case Study in Downtown London, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3543, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3543, 2025.

EGU25-3970 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Estimating critical rainfall for flash flood warning systems using integrated hydrologic-hydrodynamic modelling 

Konstantinos Papoulakos, Georgios Mitsopoulos, Evangelos Baltas, and Anastasios I. Stamou

Flash floods are one of the most severe natural hazards worldwide; they can occur within a few minutes or hours, and can move at high flow velocities, striking with violence and little warning. Early warning of flash floods is extremely important for vital risk mitigation and requires the knowledge of the critical rainfall producing flooding that is typically considered as “warning index”. The small spatial and temporal scales at which flash floods occur make the prediction of critical rainfall challenging, particularly in data-poor environments, where high-resolution weather models and advanced monitoring networks may not be available.

In this research, we present a methodology to estimate the critical rainfall for flash flooding based on an integrated hydrologic-hydrodynamic model. The model is applied in the Lilantas River catchment in Evia, Greece, considering a relatively large number of rainfall and soil moisture conditions scenario combinations in order to (1) determine inflow hydrographs used as boundary conditions for the hydrodynamic model and (2) calculate the distribution of “critical hazard” across the cells of the two-dimensional (2D) computational domain. In the present work, we define critical hazard combining the main hydrodynamic characteristics that are water depth and flow velocity, and we import all calculated “critical hazard” values into a GIS-based database.

Key findings include maximum peak discharges from all simulated scenarios, allowing a sensitivity analysis of varying Curve Number and soil moisture conditions, as well as the effects of rainfall duration and intensity combinations on flood responses. Furthermore, based on the calculated critical hazard, estimates of critical rainfall values for the selected study area are provided, along with an example of the flood warning system’s operation.

How to cite: Papoulakos, K., Mitsopoulos, G., Baltas, E., and Stamou, A. I.: Estimating critical rainfall for flash flood warning systems using integrated hydrologic-hydrodynamic modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3970, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3970, 2025.

EGU25-6708 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Using Unsupervised Learning to Explore Landslides Driving Factors from Topographic and Hydrological Catchment Features 

Marcela Antunes Meira, Yunqing Xuan, and Han Wang

Landslides are a widespread geohazard with significant impacts on lives and economies worldwide. While past research has primarily emphasized creating inventories, and analysing spatial and temporal patterns, the objective of this study is to explore the relationship between landslides events taken place in different catchments using only topographical and physical attributes from the disasters’ areas. The aim is to improve the understanding of the occurrence and susceptibility of such events, as well as the possible similarities between the events and the catchments. To this end, multicollinearity and mutual information analysis were performed to identify both linear and nonlinear relationships between the variables, assisting on the identification of the most relevant driving factors to historical landslides in the study area. Furthermore, the events were grouped using 5 different unsupervised clustering techniques, KMeans, Mean Shift, DBSCAN, Hierarchical and Spectral Custering, to analyse the relationship between landslides taken place in different catchments and their underlying driving forces. Clustering evaluation metrics, i.e. Silhouette Score, Davies-Bouldin Index, and Calinski-Harabasz Index, were used assess the performance of these algorithms. The results show that, for a preliminary study and providing insights on the relevance of driving factors and similarities between events, unsupervised learning proves to be an important tool. Nevertheless, to find more applicable and in-depth associations between extreme disasters and its driving factors, more robust machine learning techniques can and should be used.

How to cite: Antunes Meira, M., Xuan, Y., and Wang, H.: Using Unsupervised Learning to Explore Landslides Driving Factors from Topographic and Hydrological Catchment Features, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6708, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6708, 2025.

EGU25-7150 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Fusion of Stacked Generalization and Predictor Selection Technique for Downscaling in Drought Monitoring: A Case Study in a Semi-Arid Area 

Amirhossein Mirdarsoltany, Leila Rahimi, Carl Anderson, and Thomas Graf

Drought is one of the most severe climate-induced phenomena; with significant impacts on agriculture, water resources, and ecosystems. Drought monitoring under climate change scenarios becomes crucial, particularly in regions vulnerable to water scarcity, such as semi-arid areas in Iran. Although Global Climate Models (GCMs) contain coarse spatial resolutions, they provide valuable insights in better assessing the variability of drought characteristics—such as duration, severity, and intensity in the future. To achieve this aim, downscaling of climate variables as triggers of droughts is required to monitor drought in local scale. Latyan region in Iran, as an important area to supply water, is a critical place based on its climate, drought event occurrences, and water demand and supply stress. This study tried to accurately downscale and bias-correct the climate variables utilizing the latest CMIP6 models (ACCESS-CM2, BCC-ESM1, CanESM5, HadGEM3-GC31-LL, and MIROC6) and AI techniques in the case study. This research employs a predictor selection technique in conjunction with a stack generalization model to improve the accuracy of the downscaling process. After careful examination of predictors, surface temperature, precipitation, and surface air pressure have been used along with annual cycles for training four machine learning models including Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Support Vector Regression (SVR), Random Forest and Stack Generalization (SG) models for the sake of downscaling. Results showed that MIROC6 model is the best model according to all downscaling methods. In addition, among MLs, stacked generalization model improved the statistical metrics considerably with a Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of 0.64, Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 1051.3, and Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) of 0.68 for MIROC6 model. Selection of the proper GCM and downscaling method can help decision-makers take proper measures against drought to reduce drought impacts.

How to cite: Mirdarsoltany, A., Rahimi, L., Anderson, C., and Graf, T.: Fusion of Stacked Generalization and Predictor Selection Technique for Downscaling in Drought Monitoring: A Case Study in a Semi-Arid Area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7150, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7150, 2025.

EGU25-7192 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Drivers of Soil Moisture Dynamics over Continental United States 

Mashrekur Rahman, Menberu Meles, Scott Bradford, and Grey Nearing

Soil moisture dynamics play a crucial role in hydrological processes, influencing runoff generation, drought stress, and water management. To better understand the complex drivers of soil moisture dynamics, we present a novel hybrid architecture integrating Vision Transformers (ViT), spatial attention mechanisms, and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. This architecture enables investigation of controlling factors across diverse landscapes in the Continental United States (CONUS) by incorporating spatial awareness at two levels: through ViT's ability to capture spatial patterns and through explicit spatial attention between neighboring stations. We leverage a comprehensive set of environmental data sources, including in-situ measurements from the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN), ERA5 climate reanalysis, USGS elevation products, MODIS land cover, and SoilGrids soil characteristics. Initial results from a one-year training period and three-month testing period (R² = 0.73, 0.72, 0.73 for 24h, 48h, and 72h predictions) reveal important insights about the hierarchical importance of different drivers across prediction windows. Our preliminary analysis shows that static physical properties (particularly slope and soil structure) and hydraulic characteristics maintain high importance across temporal scales, while the influence of dynamic weather features varies with prediction horizon. The model's dual spatial attention mechanisms and temporal components enable discovery of both local and regional controls on soil moisture dynamics. The identified feature importance hierarchies provide initial insights into the spatiotemporal controls on soil moisture dynamics across CONUS. Ongoing work extends the training to the full temporal extent of available data to develop a more comprehensive understanding of these driving factors. This approach advances our fundamental understanding of soil moisture processes at continental scales, with implications for a future tool for land characterization and ecological site classification.

How to cite: Rahman, M., Meles, M., Bradford, S., and Nearing, G.: Drivers of Soil Moisture Dynamics over Continental United States, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7192, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7192, 2025.

Accurately predicting Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) has become increasingly crucial. It holds particular significance for managing water resources in regions heavily reliant on snowmelt. The present study introduces an integrated Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model that incorporates extreme heat events and diverse climate change projections to generate detailed SWE distribution maps and long-term trend analyses. By including lagged SWE observations and climate indicators, the model captures the intricate temporal dynamics of snowfall accumulation and melt processes, thereby improving forecast accuracy and stability.

Previous studies indicate that areas dependent on seasonal snowpack face accelerated snowmelt timing and reduced water availability under rising temperatures. These shifts can exert critical impacts on agricultural irrigation, ecosystem habitats, and water allocation strategies, highlighting the importance of robust forecasting tools for proactive resource management. Furthermore, the development of comprehensive risk maps pinpoints high-risk hotspots where anticipated temperature increases coincide with substantial changes in SWE and snowmelt patterns. These zones are prime candidates for early adaptation measures, including infrastructure upgrades and policy interventions aimed at mitigating potential water shortages.

As global warming persists, this modeling framework provides stakeholders, policymakers, and local communities with valuable insights into emerging water resource risks. The integration of climate change scenarios into the LSTM model underscores the necessity of forward-looking research that can inform both short-term operations and long-term planning. Ultimately, this approach lays the groundwork for crafting sustainable adaptation strategies, preserving agricultural output, protecting ecosystems, and ensuring water security in regions where snowmelt is pivotal to resource availability.

How to cite: Tsang, P. J. and Tsai, W. P.: Risk Mapping and Adaptation Strategies: Enhancing SWE Predictions with an LSTM Model for Snowmelt-Dependent Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7201, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7201, 2025.

EGU25-10531 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Climate and catchment influences on streamflows in Brazilian watersheds 

Abderraman Brandão, Admin Husic, André Almagro, Dimaghi Schwamback, and Paulo Oliveira

South America holds vast freshwater reserves, contributing to its global prominence across various sectors. Understanding streamflows at different levels—minimum flows for ecosystem maintenance, mean flows for hydropower and navigation, and high flows associated with floods—is critical for ensuring societal and ecological resilience. These streamflows are influenced by changes in catchment characteristics and climate change, yet the relationship between climate and catchment drivers with streamflows, particularly in tropical regions, remains poorly understood. Recent advances in explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) offer promising avenues for addressing these gaps by linking observational data to potential causal inference. Here, we investigated the climatic and catchment drivers influencing five streamflow types (Q1, Q5, Qmean, Q95 and Q99) across 735 Brazilian watersheds using XAI approaches. Random Forest models were trained with 16 most important attributes for each streamflow type. SHapley Additive exPlanations were applied to explain the directionality and magnitude of each driver's impact, while inflection points were delineated to capture critical thresholds for streamflow changes. Results showed the aridity index (potential evapotranspiration/precipitation) as the most impactful predictor globally, likely due to its role in long-term water balance. However, for Q99, soil sand content emerges as the dominant factor, showing that catchment characteristics rival climatic factors in importance for rare streamflow events. The analysis highlighted critical thresholds, such as reductions in streamflow when the aridity index exceeds 1.30 and potential declines in streamflow for soil carbon content below 30%, likely due to reduced water infiltration and storage capacity. Similarly, forest cover below 40% potentially increases streamflows, possibly due to reduced evapotranspiration and water retention in soils. Regional differences were also observed: in central Brazil, land cover and land use, and topography potential response for decreased the low streamflows, while in the south and northeast, climatic factors such as aridity and precipitation seasonality control the potential decreases. Rare high events (Q99) in the south this watershed scale attributes height above the nearest, permeability and porosity potential increases the magnitude of events. These findings highlight that, while climatic attributes dominate streamflow relationships at a national scale, regional variations underscore the importance of catchment characteristics. This study demonstrates how data-driven models have the potential to capture the complex interplay between climatic and catchment attributes, linking these factors to streamflow dynamics.

How to cite: Brandão, A., Husic, A., Almagro, A., Schwamback, D., and Oliveira, P.: Climate and catchment influences on streamflows in Brazilian watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10531, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10531, 2025.

EGU25-13200 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

A NeuralFAO56 Python Package for data-driven Irrigation Demand Calculation 

Adarsha Neupane and Vidya Samadi

The accurate estimation of crop evapotranspiration (ETc), root zone soil moisture depletion, and irrigation demands is critical for optimizing water resource management and enhancing sustainability in precision agriculture. The FAO-56 model serves as a foundational tool for these predictions; however, its conventional workflow necessitates the manual acquisition of essential inputs such as climatic data and soil moisture from disparate external sources. This process can be time-intensive, cost-prohibitive, and susceptible to human error. Furthermore, the deterministic nature of FAO56 can lead to inaccuracies if reference evapotranspiration and crop coefficients are not meticulously estimated. This study introduces NeuralFAO56, a Python package that integrates advanced machine learning models and real-time data acquisition with the FAO-56 framework to automate and improve the estimation of ETc and irrigation demands. By leveraging application programming interfaces (APIs) to automatically collect real-time climatic data from meteorological stations and NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), NeuralFAO56 dynamically updates model inputs. The package incorporates a range of machine learning models, including Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and transformer architectures, to generate data-driven ETc estimations, thereby enhancing the accuracy and adaptability of irrigation predictions. NeuralFAO56 is designed with a modular architecture, enabling users to customize its functionalities for diverse agro-hydrological contexts. This tool provides a robust, user-friendly platform for researchers, water resource managers, and agricultural professionals, facilitating intelligent irrigation decision-making, improving water-use efficiency, and contributing to sustainable agricultural practices.

How to cite: Neupane, A. and Samadi, V.: A NeuralFAO56 Python Package for data-driven Irrigation Demand Calculation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13200, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13200, 2025.

EGU25-13991 | Posters virtual | VPS9

Ensemble Approach for Hydrological Forecasting Based on Recurrent Neural Networks and Complex Networks 

Angelica Caseri, Francisco Aparecido Rodrigues, and Matheus Victal Cerqueira

The São Francisco River Basin is crucial for Brazil’s agriculture, hydropower, and water security. However, climate change has intensified challenges like reduced water flow and frequent extreme events, threatening its socio-economic sustainability. This study aims to forecast flow in the São Francisco River Basin, enabling proactive decision-making to mitigate risks associated with both droughts and floods. To address these challenges, this study propose a novel methodology based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), combining Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and complex network techniques. The method creates new features and assigns importance weights to enhance the algorithm’s ability to generate probabilistic flow forecast. The results are promising, demonstrating the method’s ability to deliver accurate probabilistic forecasts. This research can support risk mitigation strategies and improve water resource management in the São Francisco Basin. Additionally, the proposed framework is scalable, offering potential applications to other critical watersheds facing similar challenges

How to cite: Caseri, A., Aparecido Rodrigues, F., and Victal Cerqueira, M.: Ensemble Approach for Hydrological Forecasting Based on Recurrent Neural Networks and Complex Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13991, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13991, 2025.

EGU25-14431 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Data-Driven Flood Forecasting Using ANN: A Resource-Efficient Approach for High-Risk Regions 

Purnima Das and Kazi Mushfique Mohib

Flood forecasting is essential for hydrological assessment and catastrophe mitigation, particularly in flood-prone areas such as Bangladesh. Nonetheless, the direct measurement of water levels (WL) and discharge frequently encounters obstacles related to time, technological limits, and economical constraints. This study posits that flood levels can be accurately predicted utilising accessible data during flood events, employing a trained Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model. The complexity of hydrological systems, exacerbated by transboundary contributions from significant rivers like the Brahmaputra-Jamuna, hinders accurate forecasting. To tackle these problems, the study employed Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), a flexible and data-driven methodology adept at modelling non-linear relationships, to predict flood water levels with a lead time of up to seven days in Sirajganj, a district particularly susceptible to river flooding and bank erosion. Daily Data on water levels and rainfall were collected from the Bangladesh Water Development Board (2002–2015) for the monsoon season (May–October) were analysed, utilising information from four rainfall stations and six water level stations located 62–237 km upstream. The ANN model, employing a Sigmoid activation function with one to three hidden layers, indicated that augmenting the number of hidden layers provided only negligible enhancements in performance. Performance metrics, such as the goodness-of-fit (R²: 0.985–0.554), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE: 0.024–0.617), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE: 0.087–0.604), demonstrated a marginal improvement when rainfall and water level data were combined. This study highlights the efficacy of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in tackling hydrological prediction issues, confirming its ability to utilise readily accessible datasets to provide reliable and effective flood forecasts, thus aiding disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts in resource-limited areas such as Bangladesh.

How to cite: Das, P. and Mohib, K. M.: Data-Driven Flood Forecasting Using ANN: A Resource-Efficient Approach for High-Risk Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14431, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14431, 2025.

EGU25-15731 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Data-driven models for streamflow regionalization in Krishna River Basin, India 

Sukhsehaj Kaur and Sagar Chavan

Predicting streamflow in ungauged basins remains a significant challenge in hydrological studies. In recent years, data-driven models have been shown to outperform traditional physics-based models in streamflow prediction for ungauged catchments. However, few studies have examined the potential of such models for predicting streamflow in ungauged basins within India. This study aims to evaluate the performance of two machine learning models, namely Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Random Forest (RF), alongside two deep learning models, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Bi-LSTM, in the context of streamflow regionalization within the Krishna River Basin in India. Each prediction model is trained using meteorological variables as input features, with streamflow as the output variable. K-means clustering is employed to group selected catchments (based on data availability) into an optimum number of clusters based on spatial proximity and physical similarity. It is assumed that catchments within a cluster share homogeneous characteristics. Regionalization is achieved by sharing model parameters across catchments within the same cluster. For each cluster, one gauged catchment is designated as the donor catchment, while the others are treated as pseudo-ungauged. Each proposed model is trained and tested using the meteorological inputs and streamflow data available at the gauged donor catchment. The trained model for each cluster is then transferred to the remaining receptor catchments within the cluster, where the meteorological variables corresponding to each ungauged catchment are used as inputs. The performance of the models in ungauged catchments is rigorously evaluated by comparing the simulated streamflow against observed streamflow using metrics such as Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Coefficient of Determination (R²), and Percentage Bias (PBIAS). This study highlights the advantages of utilizing data-driven methods for streamflow prediction in both gauged and ungauged basins, particularly due to their ability to capture complex, non-linear relationships between meteorological inputs and streamflow generation. The findings of this study are expected to be instrumental in water resources planning and management, flood assessment, and the design of hydraulic structures in the Krishna River Basin.

How to cite: Kaur, S. and Chavan, S.: Data-driven models for streamflow regionalization in Krishna River Basin, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15731, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15731, 2025.

EGU25-16242 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Evaluating the Three-Cornered Hat Method for Satellite Precipitation Data Fusion and its Influence on Runoff Forecasting 

Patricio Luna-Abril, Paul Muñoz, Esteban Samaniego, David F. Muñoz, María José Merizalde, and Rolando Célleri

Runoff forecasting remains a critical challenge in many basins worldwide, particularly those featuring a complex topography, where the scarcity of hydrometeorological data is a prevalent challenge. Data fusion offers a promising alternative to conventional single-source data modelling, which often fails to capture the full spatial and temporal variability of precipitation. By integrating multiple sources, data fusion seeks to generate enhanced satellite precipitation datasets, essential for data-driven runoff forecasting models. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Three-Cornered Hat (TCH) method for fusing satellite precipitation products (SPPs) and its influence on the performance of a Random Forest-based runoff forecasting model.

Three scenarios were evaluated: (i) a TCH-fused dataset combining three SPPs: Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM – Early Run (IMERG-ER), the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks – Cloud Classification System (PERSIANN-CCS) and the Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation – Near Real Time (GSMaP-NRT); (ii) an individual SPP (IMERG-ER); and (iii) an already fused benchmark product, the Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP). All scenarios performed comparably for lead times of 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours, with MSWEP slightly outperforming across Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency, Kling-Gupta Efficiency, and Root Mean Square Error metrics. However, TCH demonstrated better bias reduction as reflected by the Percent Bias metric.

A key limitation of the fusion method was identified at hourly scales, where statistical dependence arises during periods with no precipitation over the basin, hindering the effectiveness of TCH. The introduction of a matrix regularization step addressed this issue. This study provides valuable insights for enhancing SPP fusion methods and offers a replicable framework for improving runoff forecasting, particularly in data-scarce regions and other hydrological contexts.

How to cite: Luna-Abril, P., Muñoz, P., Samaniego, E., Muñoz, D. F., Merizalde, M. J., and Célleri, R.: Evaluating the Three-Cornered Hat Method for Satellite Precipitation Data Fusion and its Influence on Runoff Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16242, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16242, 2025.

The release of low-temperature water from a reservoir can have negative impacts on downstream fish spawning and crop growth in irrigation areas. Therefore, predicting the discharged water temperature accurately and swiftly is crucial. This study focused on the Pubugou Hydropower Station, a major project situated on the Dadu River in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and evaluated the impacts of meteorological factors and reservoir operational parameters on the released water temperature using Spearman correlation coefficients (R). To predict the discharged water temperature of Pubugou Reservoir, five models were optimized by genetic algorithms including random forests, support vector regression, convolutional neural network, long short-term memory network, and the lightweight gradient boosting machine respectively. The results showed that: (1)The dew point temperature exhibited the highest correlation with discharged water temperature (R = 0.89), However, the correlation coefficient between wind speed, cloud cover, solar radiation, dam front water level, and discharge water temperature was not found to be 0.4. (2) All the five models optimized by genetic algorithms performed well on the training set, especially the random forest model (R2 = 0.997). The worst performing model is the long short-term memory network model (R2 = 0.985). (3) In the prediction of discharge water temperature, all models have good fitting effects, with r2 greater than 0.93, average absolute error not greater than 0.662 ℃, and mean square error not greater than 0.852 ℃. Random forest models and lightweight gradient boosting machine models have shown good performance on the most of sample data, with a small residual range, while support vector regression models and convolutional neural network models have smaller maximum residuals. This research indicated that machine learning methods can effectively predict water temperature released from reservoirs, providing more reliable decision support for formulating relevant measures to alleviate the impact of reservoir discharge water temperature.

How to cite: Junguang, C.: Application of Machine Learning in Predicting the Water Temperature Released from Reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18342, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18342, 2025.

EGU25-18458 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Can the catchment features influence the performance of the conceptual hydrological and deep learning models? A study using large sample hydrologic data  

Daneti arun sourya, Velpuri manikanta, and Maheswaran rathinasamy

The prior literature on hydrologic model performance is dispersed, encompassing a small number of catchments, different methodology, and rarely linking the results to specific catchment characteristics. This study addresses these constraints by systematically attributing model performance to catchment variables in 671 US catchments, providing a formal framework for determining the best models for specific conditions. Daily streamflow estimation was performed using eight process-based (PB) models and three deep learning (DL) models, with performance measured using the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE). The PB models were tested with a variety of optimization techniques, and the most effective approach for each model was chosen based on the number of catchments that exceeded a predetermined performance threshold. Four models were selected as the top performers based on three performance metrics. Further analyses, such as Classification and Regression Tree (CART) and SHAPley, were used to correlate model performance with catchment variables across all models.
The results showed that PB models (GR4J, HBV, and SACSMA) performed well in catchments with low to medium aridity and a high Q/P ratio, indicating quick hydrologic responses. In contrast, the LSTM-based DL model performed well in medium to high aridity regions but had limits in catchments with rapid precipitation responses and low sand percentages. These findings provide a thorough understanding of the links between model performance and catchment descriptors.

Keywords: Process-based models, Deep learning model, CART analysis, SHAPley analysis, catchment characteristics.

How to cite: sourya, D. A., manikanta, V., and rathinasamy, M.: Can the catchment features influence the performance of the conceptual hydrological and deep learning models? A study using large sample hydrologic data , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18458, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18458, 2025.

EGU25-18599 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Downscaling MODIS ET using deep learning 

Shailesh Kumar Jha and Vivek Gupta

Knowing evapotranspiration (ET) accurately at fine spatial scales is very important. This would improve understanding hydrological processes and contribute to the advancement of water resource management. In this study, we set a framework based on deep learning to downscale Terra Net Evapotranspiration Gap-Filled 8-Day Global 500m dataset, developed and managed by NASA's Earth Observing System. This approach resulted in a scale enhancement of 20 times. The U-Net architecture was used for this purpose. It incorporated MODIS Land Cover Type 1 (LC Type 1) as an auxiliary variable. This was done to account for land cover changes. The study covered a diverse region that encompasses latitudes 28° to 32°N and longitudes 74° to 78°E. A synthetic design of experiments was utilized to systematically generate and evaluate training data, this ensures robust model performance and reliable downscaling outcomes across the heterogeneous terrain of the study area. Model training, validation, and testing were conducted using the 2001–2014 dataset, 2015–2018, and 2019–2023 dataset, respectively. The model showed excellent performance on the testing dataset. The average PSNR was 34.35 dB and the mean SSIM was 0.8517. The U-Net module effectively downscale and enhance the spatial resolution of ET data. The results show ET's spatial and structural features are well preserved. This study shows how deep learning improves climate data spatial resolution. It provides reliable local hydrological and agricultural resources.

How to cite: Jha, S. K. and Gupta, V.: Downscaling MODIS ET using deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18599, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18599, 2025.

EGU25-19050 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Application of Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms for identifying critical river confluence in a mountainous watershed. 

Naman Rajouria, Pragati Parajapati, and Sanjeev Kumar Jha

In a mountainous watershed, there are many confluences at which two or more streams join. Due to inaccessible terrain and associated costs, river discharge data is collected only at a few confluences. It is, therefore, important to assess which confluence is critical. By critical, we mean the junction which will create maximum fragmentation in a river network. In this study, we analysed river networks with uneven topography in the Alaknanda River basin, which is vulnerable and prone to geo-hydro hazards. We applied Unsupervised Machine Learning (UML) algorithms such as Isolation Forest, Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN), and Linear Integer Programming (LIP) to identify the critical confluence locations. We compare our results with the well-established graph-based centrality metrics (Degree centrality, Betweenness centrality, Closeness centrality, and Eigen Vector Centrality). Our results suggest that DBSCAN outperformed other approaches in terms of detecting crucial nodes. We obtained better results using LIP than other techniques except DBSCAN. The outcome of this study will help the Central Water Commission, in deciding which confluence to focus on, and in assessing the locations of new gauges.

Keywords: Critical nodes; Alaknanda Basin; Machine Learning; Hazards

How to cite: Rajouria, N., Parajapati, P., and Jha, S. K.: Application of Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms for identifying critical river confluence in a mountainous watershed., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19050, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19050, 2025.

EGU25-19086 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS9

Leveraging machine learning and satellite precipitation data to overcome latency challenges in operational hydrology 

Josué Muñoz, Paul Muñoz, David F. Muñoz, and Rolando Célleri

Accurate and timely representation of spatiotemporal precipitation patterns is critical for monitoring and predicting hydrological extremes, particularly in operational hydrology and early warning systems. In regions with limited in-situ precipitation data, satellite precipitation products (SPPs) offer an accessible solution. However, the latency of these datasets—the delay between data collection and availability—remains a key challenge for real-time applications. This study developed a machine learning model based on the Random Forest (RF) algorithm to predict precipitation using low-latency data from GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) bands. The model was applied to the Jubones River basin (3,391 km²) in southern Ecuador, a region characterized by complex terrain and hosting a key hydropower project. Leveraging hourly data over a five-year period, the RF model addressed the five-hour latency of traditional SPPs by generating near-real-time precipitation maps with a latency of only 10 minutes. The model’s performance was evaluated using quantitative and qualitative metrics across temporal scales, demonstrating progressive accuracy improvements with larger temporal aggregations. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values decreased from 0.48 to 0.05 mm/h, while Pearson’s Cross-Correlation (PCC) improved from 0.59 to 0.87 for scales ranging from hourly to monthly. Qualitative metrics, including Probability of Detection (POD), False Alarm Ratio (FAR), and Critical Success Index (CSI), further validated the approach. These findings highlight the potential of integrating advanced hydroinformatics techniques with remote sensing for managing hydrological extremes in diverse basins. The study underscores the importance of leveraging low-latency satellite data and machine learning to enhance real-time forecasting and operational hydrology. Future work will focus on refining the model for improved detection of extreme precipitation events and exploring its integration into stakeholder-driven decision-making frameworks.

How to cite: Muñoz, J., Muñoz, P., Muñoz, D. F., and Célleri, R.: Leveraging machine learning and satellite precipitation data to overcome latency challenges in operational hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19086, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19086, 2025.

About 90% of extreme precipitation in the midlatitudes can be assoicated with front boundaries. Therefore, it is important to identifiy frontal locations for short term weather forecasting or long-term prediction of precipitation in climatology. Deep learning (DL) refers to machine learning alogrithms that use multiple layers of neural networks to derive features from input data. It is generaly useful to process 2-dimensional image data. One of the potential advantages of employing DL to detect surface weather fronts is that the developed DL based functions can be applied to automatic detection of surface weather fronts for climate models. However, justifications of its applicability on climate models are needed.

In this study, we developed deep learning based methodology to detect surface weather fronts. Specifically, a U-shape convolutional network (U-net) based deep learning model is developed to predict surface weather fronts over Japan and surrounding sea in summer (June, July, and August). We justify the applicability of the deep learning model in predicting surface fronts in summer on outputs from large-scale Global Climate Models (i.e. GCMs) from two aspects. First, the coarse resolution of GCMs (e.g., 1.25 degrees) can capture the general morphological features of surface fronts. Second, models trained in a colder climate are applied to predict fronts in a warmer climate with some decrease in predicted peak frequency of fronts, but the general features of the spatial distribution of fronts can be represented by the deep-learning model predictions. We also see that the locations of peak frequency tend to move slightly more southwesterly in a slant zone within the belt region between 25N to 40N as climate warms in the future.

How to cite: Mao, Y. and Yamada, T.: Applicability of deep learning based detection of surface weather fronts on large scale climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19530, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19530, 2025.

Understanding and modeling surface and groundwater resources are critical due to the effects of droughts and climate change, especially in semi-arid, arid, or hyper-arid regions. GeoLinkage, developed by Troncoso (2021), facilitates the creation of linkage files for integrated models. These linkage shapefiles act as a communication interface between a surface hydrological domain (D1) and an aquifer domain (D2). The surface domain (D1) comprises nodes and arcs that represent hydrological elements and their relationships, while the aquifer domain (D2) contains geometric elements such as grids or Quadtree diagrams. D1 defines a surface topology (τ1), D2 defines a groundwater topology (τ2), and the linkage file establishes a surface-groundwater topology (τ1-2). This new topology, τ1-2 ,imposes constraints that influence the relationship between τ1 and τ2. For instance, the superposition of elements in τ1-2 should be considered a spatial relationship. Depending on the type of superposed elements, this relationship must be reflected in τ1  or τ2. To enforce these τ1-2 specific restrictions, GeoLinkage has been enhanced with a post-processing module called GeoChecker. This module evaluates the quality of the resulting linkage files. GeoChecker currently performs a superposition check to ensure that overlaps between cells in the linkage file—whether between groundwater and catchments or groundwater and demand sites—are accurately represented as connections in the surface model (WEAP). The aquifer is represented by a MODFLOW model fully linked to the WEAP model. GeoLinkage2.0 and GeoChecker were developed using the tutorial WEAP-MODFLOW model, considered a small model, and were tested in large integrated models, such as the Azapa Valley (3,000 km²) and the Limarí River Basin (12,000 km²), Chile.

How to cite: Sanzana, P., Torga, A., Hitschfeld, N., and Lobos, C.: GeoLinkage2.0 and GeoChecker: Hydroinformatics tools for large and complex hydrological-hydrogeological models using WEAP-MODFLOW. Case Study: Severe drought in the Limarí River Basin, Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20678, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20678, 2025.

EGU25-20713 | Posters virtual | VPS9 | Highlight

A Digital Twin Framework for Real-Time Flood Monitoring and Multidimensional Prediction: A case study in Iran 

Farhad MohammadZadeh, Hamid Eghbalian, Mohammad Gheibi Gheibi, Reza Yeganeh-Khaksar, Adel Ghazikhani, and Kourosh Behzadian

Digital twins, virtual representations of physical systems, integrate sensor data and predictive models to enable real-time simulation and analysis. They are instrumental in monitoring weather, infrastructure health, and water levels, particularly in flood management. By modeling mitigation techniques, forecasting risks, and enhancing emergency responses, digital twins improve decision-making, reduce economic losses, and enhance public safety in flood-prone areas [1][2]. This study developed a digital twin system to monitor and forecast flood disasters in western Iran. The system combined multidimensional sensor data on temperature, flood flow, vegetation cover, and water levels using an offline databank. Time-series analysis tracked trends, while a linear regression-based predictive model estimated future flood conditions. Threshold values for flood warnings and high-risk alerts were defined using hydrological principles and environmental data [3]. Game theory concepts were employed to optimize flood management strategies by modeling interactions among stakeholders, including authorities, responders, and communities. A non-cooperative game theory approach simulated conflicting objectives, such as minimizing economic losses and optimizing resource allocation. Stable solutions were identified through the Nash equilibrium, ensuring no stakeholder could unilaterally improve outcomes. Visualization dashboards presented time-series data, risk levels, and stakeholder strategies, facilitating informed decision-making. Simulation results demonstrated the system's effectiveness in flood risk assessment. Water levels remained below the 2.5-meter warning threshold but rose significantly during simulated abnormal conditions. In later stages, some areas approached the 3.0-meter high-risk threshold, indicating zones vulnerable to flooding. Flood flow rates frequently exceeded the 40 m³/s threshold, with peaks above 60 m³/s, highlighting the need for continuous flow monitoring. Temperature fluctuations were minimal, consistently below the 25°C threshold, suggesting limited influence on flood risks during the study. However, vegetation cover often fell below the 30% threshold, correlating with increased flood risks and reinforcing its importance in mitigation. The system effectively categorized risk levels, with most instances classified as "Normal" or "Warning." High-risk alerts were concentrated during elevated water levels and flows. This research highlights the potential of digital twins for real-time flood monitoring and collaborative decision-making, providing a robust framework to enhance disaster resilience.

Keywords: Digital Twin; Flood Risk Assessment; Game Theory; Predictive Modeling; Multidimensional Data Analysis.


[1] Ghaith, M., Yosri, A., & El-Dakhakhni, W. (2021, May). Digital twin: a city-scale flood imitation framework. Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference (pp. 577–588). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

[2] Gheibi, M., & Moezzi, R. (2023). A Social-Based Decision Support System for Flood Damage Risk Reduction in European Smart Cities. Quanta Research, 1(2), 27–33.

[3] Kreps, D. M. (1989). Nash equilibrium. In Game Theory (pp. 167–177). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

How to cite: MohammadZadeh, F., Eghbalian, H., Gheibi, M. G., Yeganeh-Khaksar, R., Ghazikhani, A., and Behzadian, K.: A Digital Twin Framework for Real-Time Flood Monitoring and Multidimensional Prediction: A case study in Iran, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20713, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20713, 2025.

EGU25-21199 | Posters virtual | VPS9

Devastating Flooding Despite Early Warning: Lessons Learned from the Nepal and Kenya Floods 

Albert Kettner, Antara Gupta, Mandira Singh Shrestha, Mark Trigg, Sagy Cohen, Laurence Hawker, Lara Prades, Roberto Rudari, Peter Salamon, Beth Tellman, Frederiek Sperna Weiland, and Huan Wu

The increasing frequency and intensity of climate hazards, as emphasized by the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report, underscore the urgent need for effective disaster risk reduction strategies. Using the devastating floods of September 2024 in Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley, and the April 2024 floods in Kenya’s Nairobi, this study examines the persisting gaps in flood resilience despite early warnings using disaster forensics techniques. The Kathmandu floods, which were triggered by an extreme rainfall event resulting from the convergence of a low-pressure system from the Bay of Bengal and a cyclonic circulation from the Arabian Sea, caused extensive loss of life, property damage, and economic disruption in the Nakhu Khola watershed, despite timely early warnings issued by the government. In Kenya, a notable gap exists in the warning systems, whether in their issuance, dissemination, or uptake, despite the presence of advanced operational forecasting systems. Encroachment on floodplains, unplanned urbanization, and land-use changes have exacerbated vulnerability, while weak governance and poor enforcement of disaster risk management legislation has left populations and assets exposed. Additionally, risk assessment efforts are scarcely integrated into government plans or those of other stakeholders, highlighting a critical area for improvement in disaster preparedness and management.

Using the UNDRR’s forensic disaster analysis framework, this research investigates the underlying causes, risk drivers, and lessons from these events. The populations most affected are identified, including those living in floodplains, including marginalized communities, and critical infrastructure. Local investments in disaster preparedness are also critically examined for efficacy. Results highlight that while early warnings were disseminated through various channels, gaps in risk communication and community-level preparedness persisted. The findings emphasize the need for education and awareness and integrated approaches to disaster risk management that address root causes such as unplanned urban growth and environmental degradation. Empowering youth and fostering leadership in disaster risk reduction are critical to ensure climate resilient societies of tomorrow. This research contributes actionable insights to reduce vulnerability, enhance preparedness, and minimize losses in future climate hazard events in the Kathmandu Valley and Kenya, as well as similar rapidly urbanizing regions.

How to cite: Kettner, A., Gupta, A., Singh Shrestha, M., Trigg, M., Cohen, S., Hawker, L., Prades, L., Rudari, R., Salamon, P., Tellman, B., Sperna Weiland, F., and Wu, H.: Devastating Flooding Despite Early Warning: Lessons Learned from the Nepal and Kenya Floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21199, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21199, 2025.

Analyzing deep soil water use (DSWU) response to precipitation change and its impact on tree physiology is necessary to disentangle tree mortality mechanisms, especially in drylands. In this study, a process-based model parameterized with in-situ measured fine root distribution data for 0-2000 cm and a root-cutting (below 200 cm) numerical experiment were used to explore DSWU strategies across different precipitation years and its contribution to total water consumption, as well as its relationship to tree gas exchange traits in mature apple (Malus pumila Mill) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) plantations in both a wetter (Changwu, 583 mm) and a drier (Yan’an, 534 mm) sites on China’s Loess Plateau. Results showed that DSWU at 200-2000 cm depth in different precipitation years of both species mainly occurred during the early growing seasons. On average, DSWU contributed 22.9% and 25.1% to the total water consumption of apple trees and black locust, respectively, and its contribution increased to 26.0% and 36.7% in extremely dry years. Moreover, the lack of DSWU significantly decreased (p<0.05) stomatal conductance (by 16.9%, 16.9%, 47.4% and 11.4%, respectively) and photosynthetic rates (by 37.1%, 20.1%, 28.5% and 16.4%, respectively) of Changwu apple trees, Yan’an apple trees, Changwu black locust and Yan’an black locust in extremely dry years. Similar reductions occurred only in Yan’an for both tree species in normal years. In contrast, no significant differences were found in gas exchange traits in extremely wet years. Our results highlight that DSWU is an important strategy for plantations in deep vadose zone region to resist extreme drought.

How to cite: Zhao, X., Shao, X., and Gao, X.: Deep soil water use can compensate drought effect on gas exchange in dry years than in wet years for dryland tree plantations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1681, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1681, 2025.

EGU25-2175 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.1.3

Enhancing PFAS Degradation through Far-UVC Photolysis Coupled with Electrochemical Oxidation and UV-Advanced Reduction Processes 

Marieh Arekhi, Muhammad Fahad Ehsan, and Akram Alshawabkeh

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) represent a significant and persistent threat to water quality worldwide, posing major challenges due to their chemical stability, resistance to conventional treatment methods, and documented health risks. These contaminants, once released, persist in the environment for extended periods and have been detected in drinking water, surface water, groundwater, and even human blood. Conventional remediation techniques, such as granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption, ion-exchange resins, and reverse osmosis, often struggle with shorter-chain PFAS compounds and merely shift contamination from one medium to another. As climate change intensifies rainfall and extreme weather, PFAS transport through runoff becomes increasingly likely, heightening the need for advanced treatment solutions.

In response to this pressing need, our work investigates an innovative remediation approach employing far-UVC radiation (222 nm) delivered by krypton chloride (KrCl*) excimer lamps. Unlike conventional low-pressure UV (LPUV) systems, which typically emit at 254 nm, or vacuum UV (VUV) systems at 185 nm, far-UVC at 222 nm offers a unique balance of high photon energy and minimal absorption by water. This balance enables deeper penetration into the water matrix and provides the potential for enhanced PFAS photolysis and subsequent defluorination. Preliminary findings indicate that certain PFAS, previously resistant to direct UV photolysis, may be more susceptible under far-UVC irradiation, thereby opening a promising new pathway for their degradation.

While direct photolysis at 222 nm shows considerable promise, integrating far-UVC treatment with electrochemical oxidation (EOP) and UV-advanced reduction processes (UV-ARP) can further enhance PFAS degradation. EOP effectively removes dissolved organic matter (DOM), which often competes with PFAS for reactive species, thus reducing the overall efficiency of PFAS degradation. Meanwhile, UV-ARP generates highly reactive hydrated electrons (eaq) capable of breaking down PFAS. Although adding sulfide ions is one way to produce eaq, applying a sufficiently negative potential at a GAC cathode can also generate eaq without introducing sulfur species. This approach requires careful consideration of competing hydrogen evolution reactions (HER), which may be thermodynamically unfavorable at a GAC cathode. By combining EOP with in situ eaq generation in UV-ARP, PFAS can be more effectively targeted and degraded without adding extra chemicals. This integrated treatment aims to meet or surpass stringent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards, ultimately facilitating the development of a portable, cost-effective, chemical-free, point-of-use water treatment system. Such a system would be especially valuable for communities experiencing environmental vulnerabilities, such as those in Puerto Rico studied by the PROTECT Center at Northeastern University, where limited infrastructure, contaminated water sources, and heightened susceptibility to adverse health outcomes underscore the urgency for sustainable PFAS remediation solutions.

By advancing the understanding of PFAS photolysis under far-UVC radiation and harnessing the combined power of EOP and UV-ARP, this work endeavors to provide an innovative solution. In doing so, it seeks not only to bridge the gap between laboratory research and practical application but also to enhance the resilience of water treatment systems against emerging contaminants and the challenges posed by a changing climate.

How to cite: Arekhi, M., Ehsan, M. F., and Alshawabkeh, A.: Enhancing PFAS Degradation through Far-UVC Photolysis Coupled with Electrochemical Oxidation and UV-Advanced Reduction Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2175, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2175, 2025.

EGU25-2576 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS10

Rainfall Estimation in West Africa: A Performance Comparison of Satellite and Soil Moisture-Derived Products 

Roland Yonaba, Axel Belemtougri, Tazen Fowé, Lawani Adjadi Mounirou, Elias Nkiaka, Moctar Dembele, Komlavi Akpoti, Serigne M'Backé Coly, Mahamadou Koïta, and Harouna Karambiri

Accurately capturing rainfall patterns is crucial for hydrometeorological applications, particularly in regions like Burkina Faso, West Africa, where rainfall variability significantly impacts water resources and agricultural productivity. However, challenges remain in identifying the most reliable rainfall products for such purposes. This research evaluates the effectiveness of satellite precipitation products (SPPs) and soil moisture-derived rainfall products (SM2RPPs) in representing rainfall patterns in Burkina Faso. Results show that SPPs generally perform better than SM2RPPs across daily to annual timescales. An analysis of total bias components highlights that hit biases dominate but are more pronounced in SM2RPPs. Systematic errors contribute significantly to these hit biases, indicating the potential for improvement through bias correction. Wavelet analysis reveals that both SPPs and SM2RPPs capture seasonal and annual rainfall variability effectively. However, all products exhibit limitations in accurately representing extreme rainfall indices, although SPPs demonstrate superior performance compared to SM2RPPs. While SM2RPPs currently underperform relative to SPPs in Burkina Faso, they show promise for hydrometeorological applications and could achieve comparable or improved results with enhanced bias correction techniques.

How to cite: Yonaba, R., Belemtougri, A., Fowé, T., Mounirou, L. A., Nkiaka, E., Dembele, M., Akpoti, K., Coly, S. M., Koïta, M., and Karambiri, H.: Rainfall Estimation in West Africa: A Performance Comparison of Satellite and Soil Moisture-Derived Products, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2576, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2576, 2025.

EGU25-2730 | Posters virtual | VPS10

Seasonal Changes in Water Columns of Historical Reservoir Lakes in the Upper Harz Mountains (Germany) 

Tanja Schäfer, Elke Bozau, and Alexander Hutwalker


Concerning water supply in mountainous regions where surface water plays an important role, the understanding of lake stratification or even hypolimnia can be important for water treatment actions.

The historical dam reservoirs were used for the continuous water supply to the ore mines in the Upper Harz Mountains. The first reservoirs were built in the 16th century. The dam heights reach up to 15 m and the stored water volumes are between 10,000 and 600,000 m3. There are about 70 of such lakes around Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Today only few of them are directly used for drinking water supply in the surrounding communities.

Hydrogeochemical data of the lakes have been investigated for about ten years. The specific electrical conductivity (SEC) of the lakes’ surface water ranges between 30 and 280 µS/cm (Bozau et al., 2015, Schäfer et al. 2024). Three lakes (Kiefhölzer, Langer and Oberer Grumbacher Teich) differing in chemical composition and morphometry (area, mean depth and maximum depth) were selected for the investigation of seasonal changes in the water columns. Samples were taken by boat with a Ruttner sampler. SEC and pH were measured on the boat. The titration for HCO3 was done directly after sampling. The main ions were analyzed by ion chromatography and the trace elements by ICP-MS.

Stratification during summer could be clearly observed in all of the three lakes. The degradation of organic material and accompanying redox reactions are seen in the measured pH, SEC, HCO3-, Fe(II), NO3-, NH4+ and SO42- concentrations. Each lake showed a characteristic temporal and chemical behaviour. The development of an anoxic hypolimnion above the lake sediments was obvious in the two shallower lakes Langer Teich (max. depth ~ 5 m) and Kiefhölzer Teich (max. depth ~ 7 m) as being accompanied by H2S-odor in the water column starting ~ 1 m above sediment.  This feature was absent in the deepest lake Oberer Grumbacher Teich (max. depth ~ 9 m), which also showed weaker increase of SEC and HCO3- in the profile. The aeration of the hypolimnion started in autumn leading to a well mixed, chemically uniform water column. 



Bozau, E., Licha, T., Stärk, H.-J., Strauch, G., Voss, I., Wiegand, B. (2015): Hydrogeochemische Studien im Harzer Einzugsgebiet der Innerste. Clausthaler Geowissenschaften, 10, 35-46.

Schäfer, T., Bozau, E., and Hutwalker, A.: Reservoir lakes in the Upper Harz Mountains (Germany): GIS Implementation and hydrochemical development, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5085, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5085, 2024.

How to cite: Schäfer, T., Bozau, E., and Hutwalker, A.: Seasonal Changes in Water Columns of Historical Reservoir Lakes in the Upper Harz Mountains (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2730, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2730, 2025.

EGU25-4786 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS10

Revising probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates under changing climate  

Jaya Bhatt and Vemavarapu Venkata Srinivas

Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) is a key input in the design and risk assessment of critical infrastructures such as large dams and nuclear power plants. Traditionally, PMP is computed as a fixed upper bound of the precipitation assuming a stationary climate. However, due to climate change, the stationarity assumption may not remain valid in the future. Limited attempts have been made in the past to develop methods for estimating PMP by accounting for non-stationarity in the related hydroclimatic variables. In view of shortcomings associated with those methods, three new nonstationary models are proposed and their potential in determining PMP in a changing climate is illustrated through application to three major flood-prone river basins in India. In this analysis, historical records of precipitation, surface temperature and relative humidity, and their future projections corresponding to eleven CMIP-6 SSPs (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project-6 Shared Socio-economic Pathways) were utilized. The results indicate that PMP estimates obtained using the proposed nonstationary models are significantly higher than those obtained from their underlying conventional stationary model, especially for high-emission scenarios in the near future. The results obtained from this study could be utilized to update historical PMP values and to determine the increase in risk associated with the corresponding probable maximum flood.

How to cite: Bhatt, J. and Srinivas, V. V.: Revising probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates under changing climate , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4786, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4786, 2025.

EGU25-6521 | Posters virtual | VPS10

Long-term behavior of syntrophic algal-bacterial biomass in a pilot-scale raceway pond treating domestic wastewater  

Dimitrios Kakavas, Styliani Biliani, and Ioannis Manariotis

The growing need for environmentally friendly wastewater treatment technology has prompted researchers to look into natural alternatives. Among these, algal-bacterial systems have received attention for their capacity to combine biological treatment and biomass production. This study focuses on the use of algal-bacterial flocculent biomass for wastewater treatment in a 400 L pilot-scale raceway pond, with a focus on its potential as a sustainable option for lowering environmental impacts. The synergistic interactions between algae and bacteria in the consortia improve nutrient removal from wastewater, while also providing biomass for future use. The aim was to develop a high-concentration flocculent algal-bacteria biomass. The raceway system was placed in a greenhouse with water temperature 32±8oC for about 230 days. The pilot-scale experiment evaluates treatment efficiency of domestic wastewater in a batch mode procedure.  The removal of chemical oxygen demand, ammonia, nitrate, and total phosphorus was over 95%.  The biomass concentration stabilized at about 4 g/L after 70 days of operation. The implementation of algal-bacteria flocculent processes for the treatment of domestic or source-separated domestic wastewater shows great promise as a low-cost, sustainable, and efficient solution.

How to cite: Kakavas, D., Biliani, S., and Manariotis, I.: Long-term behavior of syntrophic algal-bacterial biomass in a pilot-scale raceway pond treating domestic wastewater , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6521, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6521, 2025.

EGU25-6696 | Posters virtual | VPS10

Microcystin concentrations and water quality in three agricultural ponds: A machine learning application 

Jaclyn Smith, Matthew Stocker, Robert Hill, and Yakov Pachepsky

Cyanotoxins in agricultural waters pose a human and animal health risk. These chemical compounds can be transported to nearby crops and soil during irrigation practices; they can remain in the soils for extended periods and be adsorbed by root systems. Additionally, in livestock watering ponds cyanotoxins pose a direct ingestion risk. This work evaluated the performance of the randomForest algorithm in estimating microcystin concentrations from eight in situ water quality measurements at one active livestock water pond (Pond 1) and two working irrigation ponds (Pond 2 and 3) in Georgia, USA. Sampling was performed monthly from June of 2022 to October of 2023. Measurements of microcystin along with eight in situ sensed water quality parameters were used to train and test the machine learning model. The model performed better at Pond 1 (R2 = 0.601, RMSE =3.854) and Pond 2 (R2 = 0.710, RMSE = 2.310) compared to Pond 3 (R2 = 0.436, RMSE = 0.336). Important variables for microcystin prediction differed among the three ponds, temperature and chlorophyll, phycocyanin and turbidity, and temperature and phycocyanin in Ponds 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Separating nearshore and interior samples in Ponds 1 and 2 lead to better predictive capacity of the model in nearshore samples compared with the interior samples. Overall, the random forest algorithm explained 50% to 70% of the microcystin concentration variation in three Georgia agricultural ponds with data from in situ sensing. In situ sensing showed a potential to aid in the water sampling design for microcystin to characterize the spatial variation of concentrations in studied ponds using readily available in situ sensing data.

How to cite: Smith, J., Stocker, M., Hill, R., and Pachepsky, Y.: Microcystin concentrations and water quality in three agricultural ponds: A machine learning application, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6696, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6696, 2025.

EGU25-6894 | Posters virtual | VPS10

Water/nitrate fluxes and tranport in deep vadose zone of typical irrigated cropland in North China Plain 

Yanjun Shen, Yucui Zhang, Leilei Min, Lin Wu, Hongjun Li, and Huaihui Li

North China Plain is one of the agricultural region in the world with severe water shortage. Flood irrigation is still the most popular irrigation method in NCP, and have caused very low water use efficiency. Groundwater depletion becomes the most concerned issue for sustainable development. To determine the water & nitrate fluxes is important for better water resouces management. We built up a 48-m in depth of cassion and a 36 lysimeter group for this purpose to study the water budget and water/nitrate movement in the deep vadose zone. In this study, we will present the observation facts using these two facilities to reveal the differences between water transport velocity and celerity in the deep vadose zone of nearly 50 meters. This is the first time to observe the variations or responses of soil potential, moisture, temperature, and electricity conductivity to water inputs from land surface, such as extreme rainfall, directly in the deep vadose zone of 48 meters. We  will also present the fresh observation results from the 36 lysimeters about ET and drainage fluxes of different cropping patterns, with different watering and fertilizing treatments. The latter experiment could provide useful information for improving the water/nutrients management for different cropping systems in NCP, and will be beneficial to sustainable groundwater management at the aspects of quantity and quality. The results of the observatoins using these new facilities is presented at international conference at the first time. We hope it could be interested by the colleagues worldwide. 

How to cite: Shen, Y., Zhang, Y., Min, L., Wu, L., Li, H., and Li, H.: Water/nitrate fluxes and tranport in deep vadose zone of typical irrigated cropland in North China Plain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6894, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6894, 2025.

EGU25-7025 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS10

Assessment of climate change-water resources interaction by different models  

Azim Karimnejad, Farkhondeh khorashadi zadeh, and Sanaz Moghim

Climate change significantly impacts water quality and quantity, intensifying extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, and heat waves. Rising temperatures can increase humidity and dryness, disrupt the water cycle, cause saltwater intrusion into upstream lakes due to sea-level rise, and reduce dissolved oxygen in rivers, thereby deteriorating freshwater quality. Thus, accurate prediction of key climate variables, such as precipitation and temperature, is essential for mitigating detrimental impacts. This study evaluates three modeling approaches, including Process-Based (PB) models, Deep Learning (DL) models, and Process-Based Deep Learning (PBDL) models, to highlight their strengths and limitations.

Our assessment shows that PB models, which are based on physical laws and account for complex interactions between the atmosphere, land, and water bodies, require high parameterization and computational simplifications, which can lead to inaccurate results. DL models can uncover complex relationships from large datasets. They are effective in co-predicting variables, simulating General Circulation Model (GCM) outputs, optimizing PB models, and filling spatiotemporal data gaps. However, their performance depends on the availability of extensive temporal-spatial data, particularly for extreme events. The other group, PBDL models, known as physics-informed or hybrid models, can integrate the strengths of PB and DL approaches. Indeed, these models consider physical laws, such as mass balance and energy conservation, while leveraging DL's pattern recognition capabilities. Even with limited data, these models achieve superior predictions by combining pre-trained PB model outputs, which reduces computational demands.

Although these methods are used to evaluate (actual) evapotranspiration, snowmelt rate, soil permeability, hydraulic conductivity, and the effect of a warming climate on water temperature and streamflow, the interconnected influences on water systems, especially water quality indicators such as dissolved oxygen, heavy metals, nutrients, and water clarity, remain underexplored, presenting a critical research gap. Findings confirm that incorporating simultaneous predictions from DL models with proper variable selection and hyperparameter tuning can further enhance model robustness. Advancing PBDL models through integrating well-calibrated hydrological models, expanding spatiotemporal data coverage, and improving measurement accuracy yields more reliable climate change predictions and bolsters sustainable water resource management strategies.

To identify promising solutions, researchers are encouraged to address the non-stationary behavior of natural systems, considering not only meteorological factors (e.g., wind speed and solar radiation) but also the compound impacts of anthropogenic climate change on water resources. Additionally, selecting appropriate models and coupling them can improve an overall understanding of climate and water system interactions.

How to cite: Karimnejad, A., khorashadi zadeh, F., and Moghim, S.: Assessment of climate change-water resources interaction by different models , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7025, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7025, 2025.

EGU25-7313 | Posters virtual | VPS10

Assessing the effectiveness of remote sensing indices for predicting E. coli concentrations in an irrigation pond 

Seokmin Hong, Billie Morgan, Matthew Stocker, Jaclyn Smith, Moon Kim, Kyung Hwa Cho, and Yakov Pachepsky

Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a key marker for monitoring microbial water quality, with significant consequences for both public health and agricultural practices. To address the challenges of traditional water quality assessments, remote sensing offers a promising alternative. In this research, we implemented the random forest (RF) algorithm to forecast E. coli levels in irrigation ponds using three distinct data sources: (1) conventional water quality measurements, (2) multispectral reflectance values from drones, and (3) remote sensing indices derived from these reflectance values. To enhance the model’s accuracy, a linear transformation was applied during postprocessing. The RF model achieved strong performance (R² = 0.74) with conventional water quality variables, while moderate results were obtained using multispectral reflectance values alone (R² = 0.56). The best outcomes were observed when remote sensing indices were used as inputs, yielding an R² of 0.76. Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) were employed to evaluate the importance of individual variables. Dissolved oxygen, pH, and Chlorophyll-a emerged as critical predictors among water quality parameters. Meanwhile, the visible atmospherically resistant index (VARI) and normalized difference turbidity index (NDTI) were the most significant remote sensing indices. Furthermore, location-based comparisons highlighted differences in the impact of VARI and NDTI between interior and nearshore sampling sites. These findings suggest that remote sensing indices effectively capture water quality features crucial for E. coli persistence. This study underscores the potential of using drone-derived multispectral data to enhance predictions of E. coli concentrations in irrigation ponds.

How to cite: Hong, S., Morgan, B., Stocker, M., Smith, J., Kim, M., Cho, K. H., and Pachepsky, Y.: Assessing the effectiveness of remote sensing indices for predicting E. coli concentrations in an irrigation pond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7313, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7313, 2025.

EGU25-7320 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS10

Fine-scale spatial patterns of antibiotic resistance gene concentrations in irrigation pond water 

Matthew Stocker, Jaclyn Smith, Yakov Pachepsky, Ellen Gabriel, Manan Sharma, and Alan Gutierrez

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in irrigation waters is a major worldwide health issue. Crops irrigated with waters containing antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) or related genes (ARG) can serve as a vector for AMR throughout food supply systems. The current extent of AMR in irrigation waters is poorly understood and even less so for small lentic waters such as farm ponds. The objectives of this work were to characterize the variability of ARG concentrations in an actively used irrigation pond and to determine if stable spatial patterns in the concentration data exist which can be used to inform monitoring designs. Water sampling was conducted on 9 dates between June and September 2023 at 20 locations within an actively used irrigation pond in Maryland, USA. The ARG tetracycline gene tetA was enumerated using dQPCR in all collected samples. Due to the presence of non-detects, the robust regression on ordered statistics (ROS) method was applied to the dataset to impute non-detectable concentrations on each date. Spatial variation of tetA concentrations was date-dependent with coefficients of variation ranging from 97 % to 377 % with an average of 181 %. Concentrations steadily declined throughout the observation period which significantly correlated with increases in water temperature (rs = - 0.738; p = 0.023). Rainfall events throughout the observation period did not result in higher concentrations of tetA in the pond. On a majority of dates, significant outliers in the data were identified according to the extreme studentized deviate test.  The mean relative difference analysis revealed that samples collected at the pond banks contained higher tetA concentrations than those collected in the pond interior. Elevated concentrations of the ARG at bank sites were attributed to on-land activities as well as hydrological conditions within the waterbody. Sampling sites were identified that best represented the spatiotemporal average of the concentration data which is useful if large sample sets cannot be collected. This work is the first to evaluate fine-scale spatial variation of ARG in lentic waters used for irrigation and the results show that the choice of where to sample for ARG enumeration in ponds or lakes should not be made arbitrarily.

How to cite: Stocker, M., Smith, J., Pachepsky, Y., Gabriel, E., Sharma, M., and Gutierrez, A.: Fine-scale spatial patterns of antibiotic resistance gene concentrations in irrigation pond water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7320, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7320, 2025.

EGU25-7321 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS10

Modeling fate and transport of indicator microorganisms in small rural watersheds 

Jiye Lee, Dana Harriger, Seokmin Hong, Jaehak Jeong, Andrey Guber, Robert Hill, and Yakov Pachepsky

Modeling is an efficient approach for predicting microbial water quality and suggesting related management practices. Escherichia coli or enterococci concentrations are commonly used to indicate microbial contamination and characterize microbial water quality. Small watersheds provide drainage into first- or second-order creeks, exhibit significant variation in land use, management, and conservation practices. Modeling microbial water quality in the small watersheds can help account for and mitigate the heterogeneity within larger hydrologic response units. A model for microbial water quality should incorporate key hydrologic components such as runoff, in-stream water fluxes, and meteorological inputs such as precipitation, air temperature, and solar radiation. Additionally, animal waste management, including the quantity and application schedule, are also important for microbial water quality simulations. The Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender is a useful tool for hydrological, meteorological, and management drivers of microbial water quality, as it has been developed for small watersheds. Major microbial fate and transport processes include animal waste deposition, degradation, erosion, survival on soil, release from waste and transport by rainfall or irrigation, and microbial survival and resuspension in water or sediment. These processes can be simplified, for instance, by modeling proportional release of the indicators and animal waste during erosion. We can also use a two-phase survival model for manure and temperature-dependent rate of microbial survival in surface waters. Animal waste aging should also be considered in the microbial model, as daily bacterial survival and erodibility are influenced by it. The microbial module in APEX was used to the headwater watershed of Conococheague Creek in Pennsylvania, USA. The total watershed area is 34321.6 ha, with 15 subareas and the dominant land use is deciduous forest. Three years of hourly stage observations with rating curves and weekly E. coli concentrations at the outlet were available. The primary source of E. coli was animal waste from white-tailed deer, with an average density of 19 deer per square kilometers. Deer population dynamics reflect seasonal changes including fawn births, predation, pre-hunting, and post-hunting population phases. E. coli concentrations at the watershed outlet varied seasonally, ranging from 5 to 500 CFU (100 mL)-1. The model reasonably captured the temporal fluctuations in E. coli concentrations at the outlet. Ongoing improvements to the model include incorporating deer behavior patterns, animal waste preservation in snow, and runoff during snowmelt.

How to cite: Lee, J., Harriger, D., Hong, S., Jeong, J., Guber, A., Hill, R., and Pachepsky, Y.: Modeling fate and transport of indicator microorganisms in small rural watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7321, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7321, 2025.

EGU25-9556 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS10

Unravelling Sampling Bias in δ¹³C Isotope Variability in Coffee-Banana Intercropping for Drought Stress Assessment 

Thamires Bernardo, Mariana Vezzone, João Paulo Felizardo, Camila Rodrigues, Waldenia Moura, Luciana Gomes Soares, Hugo Sebastião Sant' Anna Andrade, Carlos Victor Vieira Queiroz, Janice Nakamya, Mathilde Vantyghem, Gerd Dercon, and Roberto Meigikos dos Anjos

Coffee-banana intercropping, widely practiced by smallholder farmers in South America and East Africa, is recognized for its potential to combine sustainability with resilience to climate change. This practice promotes crop diversification, but may also enhance water-use efficiency. However, its effectiveness may vary depending on the local conditions and agricultural practices. The lack of quantitative data on drought stress and the complexity of interactions within coffee-banana intercropping systems pose significant challenges in modelling and optimizing water use efficiency. This study aims to develop and refine innovative methods to assess drought stress in coffee-banana intercropping systems, with a focus on stable carbon isotope values (δ¹³C), leaf temperature, and mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS). While stable carbon isotope analysis is a promising tool, its application may face challenges due to factors such as crop size, canopy heterogeneity, banana-coffee canopy overlapping, leaf age, orientation, or position (leaf morphological aspects), leading to variable competition for water and light. These factors affect the way sampling for stable carbon isotope and leaf temperature analysis should be conducted, in addition to physiological differences between coffee genotypes, agronomic practices, and complexities in data interpretation. Sampling and analytical protocols must be adapted to address these factors and their effects, while accounting for leaf morphology and microenvironmental parameters. Initially, we evaluated the influence of these factors on δ¹³C variability in coffee leaf samples, in addition to their correlation with leaf temperature. Samples were collected from a 0.15 hectares experimental farm managed by the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG) in Brazil, an intercrop of Arabica coffee and Cavendish banana plants at 3.6 a distance apart. Coffee leaves were sampled using a metal puncher and leaf temperature was measured using an infrared thermometer, considering varying levels of sunlight exposure. Ten plants of the Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44 coffee cultivar were randomly selected: five under conventional management (chemical fertilizers) and five under organic management (cattle manure). For each plant, samples were taken at three different heights (Top, Middle and Bottom), three orientations (South, East and West), and two branch sides, including young and mature leaves, resulting in 36 leaves per plant. The poster presents key findings on the variability of δ¹³C isotopes in coffee leaves within a banana-coffee intercropping system and their relationship with leaf temperature under different management practices (organic and conventional). This presentation highlights the observed effects of leaf sampling parameters, such as age, position, and sunlight exposure, on δ¹³C values, as well as the implications for improving drought stress screening methodologies.

How to cite: Bernardo, T., Vezzone, M., Felizardo, J. P., Rodrigues, C., Moura, W., Gomes Soares, L., Sebastião Sant' Anna Andrade, H., Victor Vieira Queiroz, C., Nakamya, J., Vantyghem, M., Dercon, G., and Meigikos dos Anjos, R.: Unravelling Sampling Bias in δ¹³C Isotope Variability in Coffee-Banana Intercropping for Drought Stress Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9556, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9556, 2025.

Reducing the carbon footprint of residential buildings has become increasingly crucial for decarbonizing the construction sector globally. Implementing various sustainable practices is essential for attaining carbon neutrality and addressing climate change. Therefore, integrating Green Concrete Materials (GCMs) and Nature-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal (Nb-CDR) strategies represents sustainable solutions for reducing CO2 emissions and achieving a circular economy (CE) in residential buildings. In this regard, the study aims to investigate the potential synergies of sustainable building materials and eco-friendly building systems by utilizing Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC), Fly Ash (FA), Green Roof system (GR), and a Green Façade system (GF) as an attempt for reducing CO2 emissions for residential building sector significantly. The Design for Integration (DFI) approach is used to develop novel sustainable solutions for future residential buildings and investigate how integrating different strategies can substantially enhance the overall benefits of reducing the sector’s carbon footprint. The system dynamics are used to create a simulation model that can estimate the synergies between GCMs and Nb-CDR to reduce CO2 emissions and clarify the inner variables’ relations using Vensim software. Thereby, a comparative analysis between the traditional and optimized building designs is applied to the new Egyptian residential buildings. The results indicated potential integration could significantly lower a building’s CO2 emissions during the building life cycle compared to conventional solutions. Additionally, it promotes circularity performance and decarbonization for the construction sector. The study demonstrated that incorporating eco-friendly materials and green building systems requires more attention in the early design stage of residential buildings. Public awareness should be considered, and new policies should be implemented to promote incentives and influence the effectiveness of Nb-CDR with GCMs in the future.

 Keywords:  Residential Buildings; Green concrete; Nb-CDR; System Dynamics; Design and simulation; CO2 emissions.

How to cite: Marey, H., Kozma, G., and Szabó, G.: The Potential Synergies Between the Integration of Green Concrete Materials and Natural-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal Strategies in Residential Buildings Sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9762, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9762, 2025.

Taiwan plays a crucial role in the global supply chain as a major semiconductor manufacturer. Semiconductor production depends heavily on water resources, making the stable supply of industrial water from upstream reservoirs essential to maintaining the global supply chain. However, international water risk assessments often fail to capture Taiwan’s regional hydrological variations due to their large spatial scale, obscuring the real physical and financial risks related to water resources under climate change. Given Taiwan's distinct climate with pronounced wet and dry seasons, short and fast-flowing rivers, and limited surface water retention, reservoirs are critical for regulating water supply. This study employs hydrological models and reservoir operational models to develop a reservoir risk assessment framework, which is the foundation of water resource management. The assessment procedure aids in understanding regional climate-related water risks. Utilizing this assessment tool to adjust reservoir operations will offer strategies for rational water resource management and enhanced climate resilience.

How to cite: Lai, Y.-P. and Lee, T.-Y.: A Framework for Assessing Water Availability and Risk of Reservoirs in Taiwan under Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12004, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12004, 2025.

EGU25-12878 | Posters virtual | VPS10

Remote-Sensing based Global Evapotranspiration estimates at high spatial resolution through Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and meteorological data. The CWRweb tool. 

Jaime Campoy, Juan Manuel Sánchez, Antonio Beltrán, Yeray Pérez, Antonio Molina, and Alfonso Calera

This work introduces a new webGIS tool to estimate the Crop Water Requirement (CWR), using time series of satellite images and meteorological data, at high spatial resolution and a global scale. This CWRweb tool provides users with information on the temporal evolution of the CWR, as a first approach of the crop evapotranspiration, as well as other parameters of interest. This process is implemented via web and requires no proficiency in remote sensing.

The implemented calculation of the evapotranspiration under standard conditions (ETc) stands on the robust FAO-56 methodology, based on the relationship between the Crop Coefficient and the Reference Evapotranspiration (Kc-ETo). The CWRweb tool adopts the single crop coefficient approach, combining the effects of both, crop transpiration and soil evaporation into a single coefficient (Kc). These Kc values derive from the NDVI time series of Sentinel-2 multispectral satellite images, for a broad range of crops (horticulture, woody crops, and other crops) and natural vegetation, assuming a general component for the soil evaporation.

The CWRweb tool benefits from the potential of the Sentinel-2A & B satellite constellation to provide users with free time series of images with a spatial resolution of 10m × 10m and a revisit frequency of 2-3 days. The high frequency of Sentinel-2 imagery allows to obtain daily Kc values through interpolation of NDVI data from cloud-free images at high spatial resolution. Online access to massive databases of satellite images, such as those of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem program (https://dataspace.copernicus.eu/), together with recent advances on meteorological numerical models to provide global ETo layers at different gridding size, are boosting the operational use of the CWRweb tool.

The CWRweb tool runs and graphically displays daily ETc, as well as NDVI, Kc, and ETo values used in its calculation, for a selected time interval. Results can be provided at both, field and pixel scales. An assessment of the CWRtool was conducted by comparison against the OpenET tool on a selection of crops-sites in California, USA. An average uncertainty of RMSE=0.9 mm·d-1, with a negligible bias, was obtained in a performance analysis using the OpenET ensemble outputs as a reference, using 15 different locations, and data for the period 2016-2024. These results are promising and reinforce the potential of the CWRweb tool for the operational estimation of global evapotranspiration at a high spatial resolution.

How to cite: Campoy, J., Sánchez, J. M., Beltrán, A., Pérez, Y., Molina, A., and Calera, A.: Remote-Sensing based Global Evapotranspiration estimates at high spatial resolution through Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and meteorological data. The CWRweb tool., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12878, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12878, 2025.

EGU25-14282 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS10

Seasonal transpiration source water and ecohydrological connectivity with streamflow sources in the Maimai M8 Catchment  

Cerra Simmons, Bruce Dudley, Jeffrey McDonnell, and Magali Nehemy

Transpiration significantly depletes terrestrial subsurface water stores and plays a crucial role in 
the hydrological cycle. While extensive research has been conducted in the Maimai M8 catchment 
(New Zealand) and across many catchments on streamflow generation processes and streamflow 
sources, we still know little about the sources of transpiration and when transpiration and 
streamflow sources are hydrologically connected. Here we leverage M8, a long-term studied 
catchment with well-described streamflow generation mechanisms, to investigate the transpiration 
source water of Pinus radiata and its connectivity to streamflow sources. We combined monthly 
observations of isotopic signatures (δ18O and δ2H) of xylem, bulk soil water, mobile water, 
subsurface flow, and stream water with continuous monitoring of tree water stress across a 
hillslope to answer: (1) What is the seasonal source of transpiration at Maimai? And (2) how does 
transpiration source water interact with streamflow sources? Our data showed that transpiration 
sources across the hillslope were not distinct but changed seasonally. During summer, when trees 
showed greater periods of water stress, trees relied on shallow soil water. In contrast, during the 
winter, trees’ isotopic signatures plotted along the local meteoric water line (LMWL), overlapping 
with mobile soil and stream water. Xylem isotopic signatures were not statistically distinct from 
stream signatures in the winter, contrasting with distinct isotopic signatures during the summer. 
Our results showed that transpiration source water in the Maimai M8 catchment changes 
seasonally, influenced by tree water stress and wetness conditions. Overall, our findings suggest 
an ecohydrological connectivity between transpiration and streamflow sources during winter 
months in this wet temperate climate.

How to cite: Simmons, C., Dudley, B., McDonnell, J., and Nehemy, M.: Seasonal transpiration source water and ecohydrological connectivity with streamflow sources in the Maimai M8 Catchment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14282, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14282, 2025.

EGU25-15513 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS10

Monitoring Geomorphological Changes in the Peruvian Coast Using UAVs and PPK Techniques 

Edgar Cubas-Arteaga and María Cárdenas-Gaudry

The Peruvian coast is undergoing significant landscape transformations driven by environmental and climatic factors, with extreme precipitation events exerting a pivotal influence on the morphology of river channels and floodplains. This study leverages advanced technologies, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and post-processing kinematic (PPK) techniques, to address these dynamic changes. The methodology involves co-registering point clouds using ground control points (GCPs) to produce high-resolution and temporally stable digital elevation models (DEMs).The research focuses on a 0.5 km² area within a coastal basin in Peru, with data collection scheduled across two distinct timeframes. The primary objective is to identify areas exhibiting minimal elevation changes and quantify rates of erosion and sediment deposition over a defined period. Specifically, the study measures erosion in gullies and riverbanks, as well as sediment deposition, enabling the estimation of volumetric changes in cubic meters (m³). These findings are critical for advancing the understanding of regional geomorphological processes and informing the development of effective management and mitigation strategies. By employing UAVs and PPK techniques, this research delivers actionable insights into sediment dynamics, supporting sustainable water resource management and land use planning in Peru’s coastal basins. Ultimately, the study contributes to mitigating the adverse impacts of extreme precipitation on the region’s landscapes.

How to cite: Cubas-Arteaga, E. and Cárdenas-Gaudry, M.: Monitoring Geomorphological Changes in the Peruvian Coast Using UAVs and PPK Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15513, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15513, 2025.

EGU25-16590 | Posters virtual | VPS10

Exploring a sustainable solid transport management strategy at local level 

Leonardo Mita, Andrea Doria, and Francesco Godano

At a local level, river sections maintenance represents a reduction condition of hydrological risk where soil defense work have been carried out.

In this context, this paper describes how the hydrological-hydraulic monitoring of a soil protection intervention can represent the first step for an integrated management strategy of the river ecosystem aimed at maintaining hydraulic safety at inter-municipal level and at the economic-financial sustainability of the interventions.

The case study concerns the soil defense work of - Celone valley - within the framework of agreement memorandum between the municipalities of Castelluccio Valmaggiore, Celle Di San Vito, Faeto and Troia.

The intervention received funding from the Environment Italian Ministry as part of the Puglia Development Pact. The Implementing Body was the Government Commissioner for hydrogeological risk in Puglia.

The study area is located in northern Puglia as part of Celone basin, the portion closed by Torrebianca Dam. The area is surrounded in Daunia Apennines and is characterised by provincial roads that connect the municipalities affected by flooding phenomena. Specifically, we would like to recall the flood event of 12.13.2015 in which two Danish technicians died near the SP124, overwhelmed by a flood wave.

During the above-mentioned work, solid material transport was identified as a trigger for the landslide and its controlled removal could become a sustainable management strategy.

Therefore, starting from the post-operam monitoring, a solid transport indirect monitoring was planned in order to design the controlled extraction of material and its reuse, allowing the river sections upgrading and its hydraulic safety.

Preliminary and qualitative obtained results show the feasibility and economic sustainability of project. This strategy, codesigned and shared with all stakeholders, aims to become a long-term best practice for sustainable territorial management of the river ecosystem.

How to cite: Mita, L., Doria, A., and Godano, F.: Exploring a sustainable solid transport management strategy at local level, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16590, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16590, 2025.

EGU25-18985 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS10

Long-term water temperature modeling in semi-arid alpine basins  

Zacarías Gulliver, Sergio López-Padilla, Javier Herrero, Francisco Huertas-Fernández, Antonio J. Collados-Lara, Matilde García-Valdecasas Ojeda, Cintia L. Ramón, María J. Esteban-Parra, David Pulido-Velázquez, and Francisco J. Rueda

Temperature plays a critical role in the functioning of river ecosystems. Hence, understanding the processes that control water temperature in river networks across daily to multi-year scales is important when trying to manage river thermal regimes. This is particularly urgent in alpine semi-arid basins with substantial human impact, and, especially within the context of global change, where river ecosystem integrity is at risk. A process-based model has been developed to simulate water temperature in lakes and rivers at a regional (watershed) scale. The physically based and fully distributed hydrological model provides comprehensive hydrological and hydraulic simulations of river flow, including contributions from snowmelt, groundwater, and direct runoff at each node of the network. Additionally, the model accounts for the discharge of urban wastewater at its respective nodes. To overcome the computational cost and numerical problems associated with Eulerian methods in long-term simulations, the model uses a semi-Lagrangian approach to discretize the one-dimensional heat conservation equations in river reaches. Reservoir stratification and withdrawal temperatures are simulated with a 1D Lagrangian model (General Lake Model). This methodology ensures the accurate and detailed simulation of water temperature dynamics in rivers by integrating meteorological, hydrological, and hydraulic data, along with the impact of urban wastewater discharges and reservoir outflows. The model is applied to simulate water temperature in a small semi-alpine watershed upstream of the city of Granada that includes two water-supply reservoirs (Canales and Quéntar). Autonomous temperature sensors deployed at different sites are used for model validation. The model is forced with climate databases (reanalysis, regional climate simulation conducted with WRF, and measured data bases) and used in hindcast/forecast exercises to assess the impact of climate change on the thermal regime of inland waters.

Acknowledgments: This research has been supported by the project: STAGES-IPCC (TED2021-130744B-C22) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

How to cite: Gulliver, Z., López-Padilla, S., Herrero, J., Huertas-Fernández, F., Collados-Lara, A. J., García-Valdecasas Ojeda, M., Ramón, C. L., Esteban-Parra, M. J., Pulido-Velázquez, D., and Rueda, F. J.: Long-term water temperature modeling in semi-arid alpine basins , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18985, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18985, 2025.

EGU25-705 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Enhanced Modulation of Rapid/Flash Drought in India: An Elegant Framework 

Pallavi Kumari and Rajendran Vinnarasi

The land system dries up quickly and intensely during rapid/flash droughts under climate warming are of widespread concern owing to their adverse impact on nation’s economy. During these periods, reduction in precipitation deficits is frequently followed by abrupt increases in evaporative demand, which causes significant drops in soil moisture and discernible effects on agricultural production and the environment. The need for a better knowledge on rapid drought conditions to effectively manage its effects has been highlighted in several recent publications; Nevertheless, the lack of consistent definitions have limited progress toward its assessment. There are several factors and climatic forces that are typically connected to the development of flash droughts, thus it's conceivable that no one definition will fully encapsulate the phenomenon. But it's imperative to ensure that flash droughts (lasts for short duration) can be recognized and differentiated from more traditional drought occurrences (longer duration) due to their quick onset, quick intensification, and severe character. With the increasing use of rapid /flash drought term within the research community, this study explores the extent to which pentad-scale precipitation series across India can be used to represent historical flash droughts, providing a simple framework for the phenomenon. The result shows the categorization of rapid/flash drought at various hotspot location in India and explain it’s causing and triggering factor linked with acute precipitation deficits, one of meteorological variable. The findings of this study can be further utilized in the accurate prediction of flash/rapid drought with the robust evidence from precipitation series in identifying flash drought episodes across the nation. Consequently, our findings indicate that constant monitoring of rapid drought conditions and drivers is crucial for effective preparedness.


How to cite: Kumari, P. and Vinnarasi, R.: Enhanced Modulation of Rapid/Flash Drought in India: An Elegant Framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-705, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-705, 2025.

EGU25-3139 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Influence of Spatial Heterogeneity in Error Characterization Using Triple Collocation 

Diksha Gupta and Chandrika Thulaseedharan Dhanya

Accurate error characterization is essential for validating satellite-based geophysical products. Triple Collocation (TC) estimates random error variances of three mutually independent datasets but assumes a common spatial scale—a condition rarely met in practice. Spatial heterogeneity in the ground truth and mismatches in spatial resolution introduces "spatial representativeness errors", whose influence on error variance estimates remains unexamined. In this study, we have analyzed the sensitivity of the triple collocation estimates using the synthetically generated soil moisture dataset under varying sample sizes and spatial heterogeneity. Our results indicate that sample size (N) affects the TC estimates, with % bias decreasing from ±15% to ±2% for N ranging from 100 to 1000. The study finds that % bias also varies with the degree of spatial heterogeneity across the area under consideration. Additionally, the TC framework exhibits an equal likelihood of overestimation and underestimation. These findings underscore the critical importance of addressing spatial heterogeneity to enhance the reliability and robustness of error characterization in geophysical measurement systems. The study provides valuable insights for improving the applicability of TC in satellite product validation and underscores the need for more advanced approaches to handling spatially diverse datasets.

How to cite: Gupta, D. and Dhanya, C. T.: Influence of Spatial Heterogeneity in Error Characterization Using Triple Collocation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3139, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3139, 2025.

EGU25-3986 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Flood Frequency Analysis on Ganga Basin Catchment using Geospatial Techniques 

Kajal Thakur and Shray Pathak

Flooding is one of the most devastating natural disasters, significantly impacting human lives, infrastructure, and ecosystems. Severe rains when combined with a lack of proper infrastructure in urban areas can lead to floods. Thereby accurate flood predictions and modelling are essential for efficient flood control in such environments. A critical component of this process is obtaining reliable hydrological outputs over watersheds, which forms the foundation of precise flood forecasting. Flood inundated areas can be generated by hydrological and hydraulic modelling to provide valuable insights into high-risk zones. Modelling helps in interpreting timely and reliable flood information from the generated flood maps to reduce damages in flood areas. In this study Hydrological Response in the form of runoff is computed for a region of the Upper Ganga basin, India by using HEC Series and thus flood inundation maps were generated for different return periods. Data sets required for the study included satellite images, digital elevation model, daily precipitation and soil map. To model flood inundated areas for a return period of 2,5,10,25,50,100 years, HEC-HMS and HCE-RAS were employed. Flood inundation maps were generated and flood risk areas were identified for different return periods. Results showcased that 2-years return period flood inundates approximately 0.29 sq. km, accounting for nearly 2% of the total study area and 100-years return period flood inundates approximately 4.42 sq. km covering nearly 31% of the study area. This study provides a framework for similar research in other flood prone areas and suggest implementation of low-impact development strategies for regions prone to frequent flooding in the study area. The findings underscore the importance of integrating advanced flood modelling techniques with historical data to enhance disaster preparedness and resilience.

Keywords: Climate Change, Hydrological Modelling, Flood Inundated Areas, Return Period.

How to cite: Thakur, K. and Pathak, S.: Flood Frequency Analysis on Ganga Basin Catchment using Geospatial Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3986, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3986, 2025.

EGU25-4321 | Posters virtual | VPS11

Performance of data-driven approaches for estimating flow hydrographs from rainfall hyetographs in small mountain catchments.  

Sergio Zubelzu, Miguel Ángel Patricio, Antonio Berlanga, and José Manuel Molina

Data driven algorithms have been largely proven to be accurate tools for modelling many hydrological variables including aggregated river flows. Many studies have tested the suitability of a wide range of data-driven algorithms for predicting the recorded flows with times-steps ranging from a few minutes to monthly or even seasonal observations fed on a wide variety of inputs. They existing works often achieve brilliant performance indicators. In this work we pay our attention to a well-known hydrological process which is the flow hydrograph generation from rainfall hyetographs based on the mass conservation law within the catchment. Our assumption is that given many different physically based theories can provide accurate estimates of the expected flow hydrograph just providing the recorded hyetograph and a set of physical parameters of the catchment, data-driven approaches should also be able to successfully estimate the flow recorded hydrographs. For testing that hypothesis, we have selected two small mountain catchments (rivers Aragón in Canfranc and Valira Oriente in Andorra catchments in the Pirineos mountains in Spain and Andorra) easily parametrizable with no water depletion. We have checked the performance of different data-driven algorithms for predicting the 15-minutes recorded hydrographs fed on 15-minutes rainfall records and the set of physical variables involved in the Green-Ampt infiltration model. Over this process we have faced several issues and observed the data-driven algorithms are unable to provide the performance indicators commonly achieved in the published works.

How to cite: Zubelzu, S., Patricio, M. Á., Berlanga, A., and Molina, J. M.: Performance of data-driven approaches for estimating flow hydrographs from rainfall hyetographs in small mountain catchments. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4321, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4321, 2025.

This study employs a composite baseflow model to estimate baseflow, effective recharge, and hydraulic conductivity. Baseflow recession analysis is a hydrological method used to analyze the gradual decline of streamflow during dry periods when groundwater serves as the primary source of water for rivers and streams. Previous approaches often rely on either linear or nonlinear Boussinesq equations, both of which have limitations. The linear Boussinesq equation fails to capture the nonlinear behavior of baseflow, while the nonlinear equation struggles to represent low discharge values, where baseflow recession is most occurred. Furthermore, the nonlinear model introduces assumptions and overlooks baseflow contributions from below the stream’s water level. To address these issues, this study applies the composite model for baseflow estimation. The composite model effectively separates the baseflow component of stream discharge. Following this, effective recharge and hydraulic conductivity are estimated using a high-resolution MODFLOW model, providing more accurate and comprehensive insights into groundwater-surface water interactions.

How to cite: Alattar, M.: Application of a Composite Model to Estimate Baseflow, Effective Recharge, and Hydraulic Conductivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4662, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4662, 2025.

EGU25-5173 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Validation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture Products Using Ground Observations in Southern Europe 

Gala Tomás-Portalés, Enric Valor, Raquel Niclòs, and Jesús Puchades

Soil Moisture (SM), acknowledged by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and the European Space Agency’s Climate Change Initiative (ESA CCI) as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV), is a fundamental hydrological parameter that plays a pivotal role in bridging Earth's surface and atmospheric interactions. Understanding SM status and dynamics is critical for various meteorological, hydrological, and climatological applications. Furthermore, it provides insights into the water, energy, and carbon cycles while aiding in the forecasting of extreme climatic events, such as droughts and floods. In consequence, accurate global monitoring of SM with suitable temporal and spatial resolutions is imperative.

This study focuses on the validation of multiple satellite-derived near-surface SM products against field measurements to evaluate their accuracy and reliability. The research was conducted over the northeastern Spain and southern France, covering a 7-year span from January 2015 to December 2021. Ground truth data were obtained from the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) database, which included observations from 30 stations across four networks (COSMOS, FR-Aqui, IPE, and SMOSMANIA). The analysis assessed four microwave-based sensors, encompassing both active and passive systems: ASCAT (Advanced Scatterometer), SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity), SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive), and CCI.

Following data acquisition and processing for both satellite images and ground observations, a comprehensive validation was performed using statistical metrics, scatter plots, and linear regression analysis of the respective time series. Results highlighted that the SMAP mission delivered the most reliable outcomes, achieving a near-unity slope, an intercept close to zero, a correlation coefficient of R = 0.72, and a Root Mean Square Error of RMSE = 0.07 m³/m³. The CCI product followed, while ASCAT and SMOS showed larger uncertainties and weaker correlations, respectively. In addition, an analysis of the in situ depth effect using SMAP indicated that measurements at 0–6 cm (integrated) and 5 cm (point-specific) depths yielded optimal results. Nevertheless, despite remarkable advances in SM monitoring, this work underscores the need for further research to align satellite-derived data more closely with field-level precision.

Acknowledgements: This study was carried out in the framework of the PID2020-118797RBI00 (Tool4Extreme) project, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and also the PROMETEO/2021/016 project, funded by Conselleria d’Educació, Universitats i Ocupació de la Generalitat Valenciana.

How to cite: Tomás-Portalés, G., Valor, E., Niclòs, R., and Puchades, J.: Validation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture Products Using Ground Observations in Southern Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5173, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5173, 2025.

The efficiency of an advanced oxidation process (AOP) using direct and indirect ozonation for the removal of pharmaceutical residues from hospital wastewater was examined. Both direct and indirect ozonation demonstrated 34% to 100% removal of the parent compounds. However, based on the products’ chemical structure and toxicity, we suggest that despite using accepted and affordable ozone and radical concentrations, the six parent compounds were not fully degraded, but merely transformed into 25 new intermediate products. The transformation products (TPs) differed slightly in structure, but were mostly similar to their parent compounds in their persistence, stability and toxicity; a few of the TPs were found to be even more toxic than their parent compounds. Therefore, an additional treatment is required to improve and upgrade the traditional AOP toward degradation and removal of both parent compounds and their TPs for safer release high qaulity effluent into the environment. 

How to cite: Avisar, D.: Pharmaceutical transformation products formed by ozonation – does degradation occur? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8477, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8477, 2025.

EGU25-10589 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Integrated catchment and treatment strategies for safeguarding drinking water quality: an adaptive decision-making tool 

Déborah Sousa, Usman Ali Khan, Seán Bradshaw, and Maebh Grace

Ensuring the safety and sustainability of drinking water sources is a critical component of modern water resource management. The recast Drinking Water Directive (EU 2020/2184) emphasizes the delivery of safe drinking water by strengthening protections along the entire supply chain, from source to tap, and adopting a risk-based approach to water safety as recommended by the World Health Organisation. Assessments of water treatment costs tend to focus on the current level of treatment, and not the potential additional costs associated with treatment of new emerging contaminants, many of which are of low molecular weight requiring specialist treatment technologies with expensive CAPEX and OPEX costs. The impacts of climate change on the raw water quality source water abstractions are also likely to result in increasing costs of water treatment systems. In Ireland, the inclusion of emerging substances on the 2023 Drinking Water Regulations and on the first European Commission’s Watch List reflects the evolving nature of water safety management in response to pollutants of emerging concern and environmental pressures. This study presents a robust methodology with a view to inform future funding and targeting of water quality measures and source protection work. Applied across six case studies, the four-stage process (pre-screening, coarse screening, fine screening, and final comparative analysis) guides decision-making. The framework incorporates open-source data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ireland, including land-use maps, Water Framework Directive (WFD) waterbody status and significant pressures such as agriculture, forestry, industry, and hydro-morphology, alongside local pressures on water sources. Source protection measures and treatment technologies were derived from extensive literature review of national and international projects and were tailored to specific goals for each case study, with independent evaluations for both strategies. The process concludes with a comparative analysis to identify optimal solutions for each scenario. The study provides recommendations, based on economic assessments and the evaluation of environmental and technological gaps to support the stakeholders in decision making and policy development. The selected strategy for each case is dependent on a suite of site-specific features, including the raw water source type, the catchment size, the mapped WFD pressures exerted into the water source and the latest WFD status and the Water Treatment Plant capacity. The findings highlight the importance of adopting integrated approaches to ensure the resilience of drinking water systems in the face of future uncertainties.

How to cite: Sousa, D., Ali Khan, U., Bradshaw, S., and Grace, M.: Integrated catchment and treatment strategies for safeguarding drinking water quality: an adaptive decision-making tool, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10589, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10589, 2025.

EGU25-14673 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Optimizing Irrigation for Cotton Crops using Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms 

Krishna Panthi, Vidya Samadi, and Carlos Toxtli

Cotton is a one of the major crops in the southeastern United States. It significantly impacts regional water resources since it consumes a large amount of freshwater for irrigation. Current irrigation practices fail to optimize water use accurately since they are largely dependent on soil moisture sensors and grower experience. They do not consider dynamic factors such as soil texture, prevailing weather conditions, and the crop's phenological stage. In this paper we propose an innovative approach to enhance the irrigation efficiency through the use of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) model. It takes into consideration the dynamic variables and optimizes irrigation. We utilize a crop growth simulation model as a learning environment to devise an optimal irrigation strategy. By continuously learning from crop feedback and environmental inputs, the DRL system dynamically modifies irrigation amount to optimize production while consuming the least amount of water. Our approach presents a viable alternative for sustainable irrigation decisions in water-intensive crops, since preliminary findings indicate that it can greatly conserve water without sacrificing crop health or productivity. The goal of this research is to aid in the advancement of precision irrigation technologies that guarantee cotton production's sustainability and resource efficiency. 

How to cite: Panthi, K., Samadi, V., and Toxtli, C.: Optimizing Irrigation for Cotton Crops using Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14673, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14673, 2025.

EGU25-15376 | Posters virtual | VPS11

Enhancing Agricultural Efficiency through an IoT-Based Soil Moisture Monitoring Network Utilizing LoRaWAN and Edge Computing 

Marios Vlachos, Nikos Mitro, and Angelos Amditis

This study explores an IoT soil moisture monitoring network designed to improve agricultural efficiency and sustainability. The system integrates LoRaWAN-enabled soil moisture and temperature sensors, strategically deployed across agricultural fields, with a Raspberry Pi 4 gateway that processes and transmits data to the cloud. The combination of low-power, long-range communication and dual connectivity options—Wi-Fi and LTE 4G—ensures reliable operation even in remote areas, making the system ideal for large-scale agricultural monitoring.

The core of the network is a robust edge processing framework that enhances data accuracy, security, and efficiency. The framework begins with noise filtering, using techniques such as median filtering to remove anomalies from raw data. Once filtered, the data is aggregated over specific time periods to reduce transmission bandwidth and provide actionable summaries of soil conditions. Adaptive data rate adjustments further optimize resource use by increasing data collection frequency during significant environmental changes and reducing it during periods of stability.

Data security is ensured through encryption at the edge, protecting sensitive environmental information from unauthorized access. Local processing also supports predictive analytics, using models like decision trees or linear regression to forecast future soil moisture and temperature conditions based on historical trends. These forecasts enable proactive decision-making, such as adjusting irrigation schedules to maintain optimal soil moisture levels, improving resource efficiency and crop health.

Anomaly detection is another critical component of the system, identifying unusual patterns in sensor readings that could indicate malfunctions or unexpected environmental changes. This ensures data integrity by flagging or excluding erroneous data. In addition, real-time event-driven alerts notify users of critical thresholds, such as dangerously low soil moisture or rapid temperature changes, allowing for immediate interventions. Alerts are delivered through SMS, email, or cloud dashboards for maximum accessibility and responsiveness.

The system's scalability supports the seamless addition of sensors, accommodating expanding agricultural operations without significant modifications. Local data logging provides redundancy, preserving raw and processed data even during network outages. This ensures uninterrupted monitoring and allows for post-event analysis, enhancing reliability and resilience.

The network’s design offers substantial benefits for agriculture. Adaptive resource management conserves bandwidth, power, and computational resources, reducing operational costs while extending system lifespan. By combining edge processing with cloud analytics, the system provides timely and actionable insights, empowering farmers to make data-driven decisions. Enhanced security through encryption protects sensitive data, while predictive analytics and anomaly detection ensure proactive and accurate responses to changing field conditions.

Overall, the IoT soil moisture monitoring network is a robust and efficient solution for modern agriculture. It enhances real-time monitoring, decision-making, and resource management, enabling farmers to optimize irrigation, improve crop health, and boost productivity. The system's scalability and adaptability make it a practical choice for addressing the growing demands of precision agriculture, contributing to sustainable farming practices and improved food security.


This research has been funded by European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under ScaleAgData project (Grant Agreement No. 101086355).

How to cite: Vlachos, M., Mitro, N., and Amditis, A.: Enhancing Agricultural Efficiency through an IoT-Based Soil Moisture Monitoring Network Utilizing LoRaWAN and Edge Computing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15376, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15376, 2025.

EGU25-15646 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Development of a GLOF forecasting system through a novel concept of pre-simulated library over the Hindu Kush Himalaya region 

Susmita Saha, Ashish Pandey, B. Simhadri Rao, and Mohit Prakash Mohanty

The Himalayan belt contains over 12,000 glaciers that have witnessed accelerated glacial melt due to concomitant climate change, leading to the formation of numerous unstable glacial lakes. These lakes, dammed by glacial deposits, pose significant mountain hazards due to their potential for sudden discharge of water and debris, causing devastating floods in the downstream reaches. To address the precipitous Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) risks, there is a dire need to account for the impacts at near-real time, given their lesser warning times. The study proposes to develop a pre-simulated GLOF inundation library through a set of scenarios based on breach depths, breach widths, and moraine failure times to model extreme GLOF events over Safed Lake, a sensitive glacial lake in the Uttarakhand, India. At the first place, a geospatial analysis is carried out with a set of Landsat 9 images to ascertain the spatio-temporal dynamics. Using a set of scenarios within the 1D-2D coupled MIKE+ model, we perform flood inundation simulations to create a GLOF inundation library. This library will facilitate the selection of the closest inundation map based on near-real-time data; Thus, enhancing effective flood risk communication and preparedness. This innovative approach to GLOF modeling and flood risk communication is crucial for managing unstable glacial lakes with high flooding probabilities and short warning times. The findings underscore the importance of advanced modeling and timely communication in mitigating the impacts of glacial lake outburst floods and improving resilience in the Himalayan region.


Keywords: Climate change; Flood Risk Management; Glacial Lake Outburst Flood; Inundation library; Landsat 9; MIKE+;


How to cite: Saha, S., Pandey, A., Rao, B. S., and Prakash Mohanty, M.: Development of a GLOF forecasting system through a novel concept of pre-simulated library over the Hindu Kush Himalaya region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15646, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15646, 2025.

EGU25-15812 | Posters virtual | VPS11

Validation of SMAP and EOS-04 Soil Moisture Products Over Karnataka’s Heterogeneous Agricultural Landscapes Using Ground Measurements 

Anjali Parekattuvalappil Shaju, Vaibhav Gupta, and Sekhar Muddu

Soil moisture is a crucial parameter that influences various environmental and socioeconomic processes, including flood and drought mitigation, sustainable agricultural productivity, and industrial applications. This study analyses soil moisture dynamics using data from 25 sensing stations distributed across various regions of Karnataka State. These sensing stations were installed under the REWARD (Rejuvenating Watersheds for Agricultural Resilience through Innovative Development Programme) project funded by World Bank. These stations encompass diverse topographic, soil, rainfall, and crop characteristics. High-frequency data collected from these stations at 15-minute intervals is aggregated into daily averages to analyse soil moisture responses to rainfall, recovery times, and depth-wise correlations between 5 cm and 50 cm. This study also validates soil moisture products from SMAP and EOS-04 satellites using ground-based measurements at these 25 locations. The validation was performed for both raw satellite data and data filtered using the Soil Wetness Index (SWI). The Soil Wetness Index (SWI) filter is applied as a background layer to effectively capture soil moisture dynamics across different spatial scales. The accuracy of soil moisture retrievals is evaluated for SMAP products at spatial resolutions of 9 km, 1 km, and 400 m, as well as for EOS-04 data at a 500 m resolution. When the SWI filter is applied, the remotely sensed retrievals show the strongest agreement with in-situ measurements across cultivated crop areas throughout the year. The findings from this study enhance the understanding of soil moisture dynamics and offer actionable recommendations for selecting the best satellite soil moisture products and optimizing soil moisture modelling. These insights are valuable for agricultural planning, water resource management, and disaster mitigation strategies in regions with diverse environmental conditions.

How to cite: Parekattuvalappil Shaju, A., Gupta, V., and Muddu, S.: Validation of SMAP and EOS-04 Soil Moisture Products Over Karnataka’s Heterogeneous Agricultural Landscapes Using Ground Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15812, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15812, 2025.

EGU25-15983 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Groundwater chemical trends analyses in the deep aquifers of the Piedmont Po Plain (NW Italy): preliminary evaluation of ongoing processes 

Daniele Cocca, Manuela Lasagna, and Domenico Antonio De Luca

The Piedmont Plain (NW Italy) is characterized by a shallow phreatic aquifer hosted in fluvial complex (gravel and sand),  overlying a fluvial-lacustrine and marine complex (gravel and sand with silty clayey levels) containing deep confined/semiconfined aquifers.

Deep aquifers are essential for the supply of drinking water in the Piedmont Plain. However, detailed information on deep aquifers is lacking, such as a regional piezometric map, a continuous monitoring of the water table variations over time and a regional characterization of GW quality. Moreover, the deep groundwater chemical values in the Piedmont Po Plain show significant temporal variability and need to be characterized.

The aim of this study was to analyze the trends (period 2000–2021) in the main physicochemical parameters (electrolytic conductivity (EC), pH) and main ions (Ca, Mg, HCO3, Na, Cl, NO3 and SO4) in 70 wells in the deep aquifers in order to identify the main ongoing processes. Furthermore, to gain a deeper understanding of specific processes, the temporal distribution of threshold exceedances ​​for the sum of pesticides (period 2009-2021) was evaluated. The potential interaction with shallow aquifers was evaluated making a comparison of the average concentrations for the main ions and parameters between shallow and deep aquifers. In general, shallow aquifers are exploited for agricultural purposes and show higher concentrations compared than  deep aquifers.

Additionally, the temporal trends of ion exchange (Ca+Mg/Na index) were evaluated to highlight the contribution from silty-clayey layers, which represent the less permeable portions of the deep aquifers.

Results highlight relevant increasing trends for EC, Ca, Mg and Cl in more than 60% of the monitored wells, and increasing trends for HCO3 and Na in more than 40% of the monitored points. For these parameters, decreasing trends exist for less than 10% of the monitored points. SO4, NO3 and pH show heterogeneous trends. In particular, several monitored wells show significant variation over time, with concentrations doubling from the beginning of the time series. The sum of pesticides shows greater exceedances of the threshold values in the most recent period (2016-2021) compared to the previous one (2009-2015).

The temporal trends of ion exchanges reveal the presence of trends in 61% of the monitored wells, with a prevalence of increasing trends, corresponding to direct ion exchange. For the main ions, the comparison between the average concentrations in the shallow and deep aquifers shows higher values in the shallow aquifers.

These results suggest an increase in the recharge of the deep aquifers by the shallow aquifers and an increased contribution from silty-clayey layers of the deep aquifers. These processes are consistent with excessive withdrawal from deep aquifers. Furthermore, the increasing concentrations represent a significant issue, leading to the progressive deterioration of deep groundwater quality. In conclusion, the main processes responsible for the variation in groundwater chemistry in the deep aquifers were identified, defining the existence of impacting and worrying processes at a regional scale.

How to cite: Cocca, D., Lasagna, M., and De Luca, D. A.: Groundwater chemical trends analyses in the deep aquifers of the Piedmont Po Plain (NW Italy): preliminary evaluation of ongoing processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15983, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15983, 2025.

EGU25-18154 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Assessing the Performance of Crop Model Inversion Technique in the AquaCrop Model under Different Synthetic Scenarios 

Aatralarasi Saravanan, Daniel Karthe, and Niels Schütze

Agro-hydrological modeling is crucial for designing climate change adaptations such as irrigation management. However, the accuracy of the simulation results greatly relies on the availability and accessibility of reliable ground data. Many countries extremely vulnerable to climate change have limited ground data as input for agro-hydrological modeling that restricts the validity of model results. A ‘model inversion’ technique can potentially tackle this data-scarce situation. Here, we combine alternative data sources, such as remote sensing for the estimation of crop development, with intense simulations to find missing input data such as irrigation.

The present study aims to assess the performance of the model inversion technique using the AquaCrop model under different synthetic scenarios. The main research question is, ‘Is an inverted AquaCrop model able to identify the irrigation pattern of the crop growing period?’ The different synthetic scenarios for testing the performance include variations in the rainfall amount, irrigation amount and interval, soil texture, and initial soil moisture conditions. Preliminary results for synthetic scenarios show that inverse modeling is feasible for the estimation of irrigation patterns. The results indicate that under conditions of zero rainfall and dry initial soil moisture state, best inversion results were produced in both scenarios where continuous and non-continuous irrigation was applied. The scenarios near real-world conditions yielded the best results when continuously using uniform irrigation. Further research will investigate whether integrating remote sensing-based crop growth indicators like LAI or NDVI into the inverse modeling approach can improve scenarios' simulation with non-continuous irrigation.

How to cite: Saravanan, A., Karthe, D., and Schütze, N.: Assessing the Performance of Crop Model Inversion Technique in the AquaCrop Model under Different Synthetic Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18154, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18154, 2025.

EGU25-18401 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Modeling Flash Flood Events in The Arid And Semi Arid Regions of The Luni River Basin India 

Akshay Vyankat Dahiwale, Sourabh Nema, Malkhan Singh Jatav, Dilip Barman, Sudesh Singh Choudhary, M. Someshwar Rao, and Anupma Sharma

The Luni River Basin situated in the arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan, faces growing challenges related to flooding, despite receiving low annual rainfall, with some areas recording less than 250 mm. The Luni being an ephemeral river, is primarily influenced by monsoonal precipitation which drives the majority of surface runoff within the basin. However, the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events have significantly altered its hydrological dynamics. These sudden and intense downpours increasingly trigger flash floods, which disrupt the already fragile water dynamics of the region. Flood events in the Luni Basin are particularly severe due to the interplay of geomorphological and anthropogenic factors. The basin predominantly has sandy soil, coupled with high salinity levels result in limited infiltration capacity. This, combined with enhanced surface runoff exacerbates the frequency and impact of floods. Moreover, extensive groundwater extraction, rapid land-use changes, urbanization, and the expansion of irrigation systems reliant on canal-fed networks have heightened the basin’s susceptibility to flooding. These floods not only damage critical infrastructure and agricultural lands but also complicate water storage and long-term resource management strategies. This study focuses on modeling the flash flood events in the Luni River Basin over the period from 1979 to 2024 to better understand their impacts on the arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan. Advanced hydrodynamic models, such as HEC-RAS and ANUGA, have been utilized to simulate these flood events, providing a detailed representation of flood behavior and extent. The accuracy of these models has been enhanced through validation against satellite-derived data for recent events. This ensures reliable flood extent mapping, offering valuable insights into the basin's hydrological responses and supporting the development of effective flood mitigation and management strategies.

How to cite: Dahiwale, A. V., Nema, S., Jatav, M. S., Barman, D., Choudhary, S. S., Rao, M. S., and Sharma, A.: Modeling Flash Flood Events in The Arid And Semi Arid Regions of The Luni River Basin India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18401, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18401, 2025.

EGU25-19490 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Modelling Snow-Glacier Melt Runoff Dynamics In Bhilangana Basin 

Bhupendra Joshi, Vishal Singh, Veerendra Kumar Chandola, and Atar Singh

The vast network of glaciers in the Himalayas serves as a vital source of freshwater for the main river systems. These are essential in determining a region's climate and hydrology. Ecological balance, agricultural output, and hydrological systems all depend on these glaciers. However, the stability of hydrological systems and long-term water availability have become major concerns in recent decades due to the acceleration of glacier melting brought on by climate change. In this study, globally available gridded satellite and reanalysis datasets, including ERA5, IMDAA, IMD, APHRODITE, and others, were evaluated to identify the most accurate dataset for the Bhilangana Basin. A thorough performance evaluation was conducted to assess the suitability of these datasets for the region. Furthermore, a hybrid rainfall dataset was developed using a bias correction approach to improve accuracy and reliability, ensuring a more robust representation of precipitation dynamics. The Spatial Processes in Hydrology (SPHY) model was utilized to examine the dynamics of snow-glacier melt during the years 2020–2023. The performance matrix revealed that the ERA5 dataset performed better than other datasets except the hybrid precipitation dataset. The average variation during 2000-2023 in snow q was found in the range of 15 to 26 percent, rain q from 12 to 58 percent, glacier q from 56 to 18 percent and base q from 8 to 18 percent. The analysis further revealed that 11 parameters were found to be critical in influencing the model's output e.g. Degree day factor for snow(DDFS), Glacier debris degree day factor(DDFG), Tcritical, Glacier melt frac runoff. The SPHY model's applicability for studying snow-glacier melt runoff dynamics and the significance of combining various climate datasets to precisely forecast the water resource scenarios in glaciated basins are further highlighted by this study.

How to cite: Joshi, B., Singh, V., Chandola, V. K., and Singh, A.: Modelling Snow-Glacier Melt Runoff Dynamics In Bhilangana Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19490, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19490, 2025.

EGU25-19528 | Posters virtual | VPS11

Comparison of a Semi-Distributed Empirical Model and a Distributed Physical Model in a Snow-Covered Mediterranean Catchment Under Climate Change Scenarios 

Javier Herrero, Laura Galván, Rubén Fernández de Villarán, Zacarías Gulliver, Sergio López-Padilla, David Pulido-Velázquez, and Francisco Rueda

The catchments of the Quéntar and Canales reservoirs are two adjoining valleys on the north-western side of the Sierra Nevada in Spain. Canales drains the northern slope of the river Genil, with 15 linear km of peaks above 3000 meters, culminating in the highest in the Iberian Peninsula, Mulhacen, at 3479 meters. With 83 km2 above 2000 m, this river exhibits a clear nival hydrological regime. In contrast, the Quéntar basin, which collects water from the Padules and Aguas Blancas rivers, drains a smaller area with a maximum altitude of 2336 m and only 7 km2 above 2000 m. Its regime is pluvio-nival, with a much more marginal influence of snow.

To understand and predict the hydrological behaviour of these catchments under climate change scenarios, we have calibrated two different hydrological models. These models will provide the predictive tools needed to calculate river temperature and substances, particularly nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). The first model, SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool), is a well-known conceptual semi-distributed parametric model based on linear reservoir equations that simulates snow using a modified degree-day model. The second model, NIVAL, is a distributed model based on physical processes, featuring a specific snow module that relies on mass and energy balance, specifically designed for use in the Sierra Nevada.

The two models differ significantly in terms of preparation, calibration and performance. SWAT's advantages are those of any distributed model: fast computation, easy calibration (facilitated by automatic algorithms) and a reduced need for input data. These features make SWAT a practical choice for many applications. On the other hand, NIVAL offers a more detailed representation of the hydrological processes and greater robustness to changes in scenarios outside the calibration range. This makes NIVAL particularly valuable for studying individual processes and hypothetical future scenarios.

It was expected that the flow adjustment in SWAT would be less accurate than in NIVAL, especially in the Canales basin due to the significant snow influence. However, the calibration and validation of both models on daily flows for both basins yielded very similar results in the most common statistics. For instance, the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) values were around 0.63/0.70, the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) was 0.70/0.74, and the Percent Bias (PBIAS) was 2.49/19.08 for the Canales and Quéntar cases. These results demonstrate that SWAT is a reliable option for calculating total flows in historical scenarios.

Nevertheless, NIVAL's detailed process representation makes it more reliable for studying individual processes or hypothetical future scenarios. The next step in this research is to compare these models against various climate change scenarios to assess the differences in their predictions. This will help us understand the strengths and limitations of each model and improve our ability to predict and manage water resources in snow-covered Mediterranean catchments under changing climate conditions.

Aknowledments: This research has been supported by Grant TED2021-130744B-C22 funded by MICIU/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union Next GenerationEU/ PRTR

How to cite: Herrero, J., Galván, L., Fernández de Villarán, R., Gulliver, Z., López-Padilla, S., Pulido-Velázquez, D., and Rueda, F.: Comparison of a Semi-Distributed Empirical Model and a Distributed Physical Model in a Snow-Covered Mediterranean Catchment Under Climate Change Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19528, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19528, 2025.

EGU25-20562 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS11

Identification of surface water and groundwater interaction in a non perennial river using hydrogeochemistry and stable isotopes 

RamyaPriya Ramesh, Keerthan Lingaiah, and Elango Lakshmanan

Studying of surface water and groundwater interaction is crucial in understanding the changes in the ecosystems, thus affecting the quality as well as the quantity of hydrology of the catchment. Non -perennial rivers account around 50% of the world’s rivers and such interaction plays a prominent role in determination of seasonal availability and quality of such catchments. The present study aims to identify the river water and groundwater interaction using hydrogeochemistry and stable isotopes in Cauvery, a major non-perennial river of southern India. The river water as well as groundwater was collected once in four months from 2013 to 2021. The samples were analysed for major ions from 2013-2021 whereas stable isotopes δ18O and δ2H were analysed during 2018 and 2021. Inverse modelling was carried out to understand the hydrogeochemical reactions during surface water and groundwater interaction. Both river water and groundwater was  dominanted by Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Na-Cl type. Seasonal variation of major ions in river water and groundwater shows similar variation. The inverse modelling indicates the weathering of hornblende, plagioclase, biotite, K-Feldspar into stable clay minerals along with the leaching of major ions into the water. The stable isotopes indicates that both river water falls between precipitation and the evaporation during wet seasons, whereas few samples have been isotopically enriched during the dry season as a result of evaporation, suggesting that groundwater contributes to the river water. Also, the interaction between river water and surface water is more evident during wet seasons, whereas during dry periods the interaction persists in headwater regions. falls between precipitation and the evaporation during wet seasons, whereas few samples have been isotopically enriched during the dry season as a result of evaporation, suggesting that groundwater contributes to the river water. The present study on river water and groundwater interactions acts a baseline framework in developing sustainable water management in non-perennial rivers. The temporal variation of major ions between groundwater and river water shows similar pattern, indicating their interrelationships. The isotope results shows that groundwater and river water falls between precipitation and the evaporation during wet seasons, whereas few samples have been isotopically enriched during the dry season as a result of evaporation, suggesting that groundwater contributes to the river water. The weathering of hornblende, plagioclase, biotite, K-feldspar occurs during groundwater -river water interaction which then transforms to stable clay minerals. It was evident that at the lower part of the basin, the river water discharges into groundwater during the wet periods and vice versa during dry seasons. Thus, this current study on river water- groundwater interactions act as a baseline knowledge in developing sustainable water management plan in the river basins.

How to cite: Ramesh, R., Lingaiah, K., and Lakshmanan, E.: Identification of surface water and groundwater interaction in a non perennial river using hydrogeochemistry and stable isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20562, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20562, 2025.

EGU25-395 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Impact of Geoengineering in Offsetting Climate Change-Induced Dam Break Risk 

Anubhav Goel and Vemavarapu Venkata Srinivas

Dam safety is a primary concern for countries worldwide, as dam failure can have catastrophic consequences, including fatalities and losses to the economy, ecology, and environment. In recent decades, there has been growth in consensus that climate change has enhanced the risk to dams due to floods triggered by more frequent and intense extreme precipitation events. It necessitates reviewing the Probable Maximum Floods (PMFs) considered for planning and designing large dams and updating them for different speculated climate change scenarios to determine the projected future changes in dam break risk. Global initiatives, such as the Paris Agreement, are focused on developing strategies to limit the increase in global temperatures well below 2°C (preferably 1.5°C) above pre-industrial levels by 2050. However, significant discrepancies have been identified between the current global greenhouse gas emissions trajectory and the reductions needed in emissions to achieve the Paris Agreement's target. To bridge this gap, geoengineering climate intervention methods such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) and Solar Dimming (SD) have been proposed as potential solar radiation management (SRM) options to offset climate change effects. The latest Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP6) provides simulations from a suite of climate model experiments designed to assess the effect of potential SRM methods, including SAI and SD. To shed light on the effectiveness of geoengineering, this study assesses the impact of the current generation climate models (from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6, CMIP6) and geoengineering models (from GeoMIP6) on Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) and the corresponding Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) at a typical large dam (Hemavathi) located in the Cauvery River basin in India. The current PMF of the dam is compared with future projections of the same derived corresponding to a CMIP6 high forcing scenario (SSP585) and two GeoMIP (G6sulphur and G6solar) scenarios. For both near and far future periods, the PMF hydrograph’s peak for the SSP585 scenario (GeoMIP6 scenarios) is significantly (marginally) greater than that of the current PMF of the dam. It indicates that geoengineering methods can offset climate change's impact on PMP and the corresponding PMF (depicting hydrological risk) at dams, which is of significance as worldwide many large dams have completed their design life.

How to cite: Goel, A. and Srinivas, V. V.: Impact of Geoengineering in Offsetting Climate Change-Induced Dam Break Risk, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-395, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-395, 2025.

EGU25-654 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Spatiotemporal quantification and trajectory modelling of land displacements in Western Greece using recent InSAR and GNSS observations 

Konstantinos Fasoulis, Jonathan Bedford, Cristian Garcia, Panagiotis Hadjidoukas, and Christoforos Pappas

Detecting and monitoring ongoing surface deformation with satellite geodesy is fundamental for the analysis of geophysical processes and geohazards. Here, we focused on the area of Western Greece, due to its complex geophysical setting, characterized by numerous faults and high seismicity, and we quantified the spatiotemporal patterns of land displacements in the area from 2018 to 2022. We analysed Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data with Multi-temporal Interferometric SAR (MT-InSAR) techniques and calibrated the derived estimates using velocity time series from multiple permanent Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations available in the area. The derived displacement time series were also compared with openly available data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) and, jointly, were used to map possible active fault areas. In addition, trajectory modelling was performed in both MT-InSAR and GNSS velocity time series through the Greedy Automatic Signal Decomposition (GrAtSiD) algorithm, in order to identify seasonal loading and therefore improve detection of accelerations in tectonic or anthropogenic motion. Overall, the study explores recent geodetic observations with state-of-the-art data analysis techniques, and, building upon previous literature, offers a comprehensive spatiotemporal assessment of land displacements in Western Greece, with implications for scientific and engineering applications.

How to cite: Fasoulis, K., Bedford, J., Garcia, C., Hadjidoukas, P., and Pappas, C.: Spatiotemporal quantification and trajectory modelling of land displacements in Western Greece using recent InSAR and GNSS observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-654, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-654, 2025.

EGU25-664 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Dynamic Flood and Erosion Modeling for the Sabarmati River Using RUSLE and GEE 

Nensi Sachapara, Manan Patel, Hasti Dhameliya, Keval Jodhani, Nitesh Gupta, Dhruvesh Patel, and Sudhir Kumar Singh

Dynamic Flood and Erosion Modeling for the Sabarmati River Using RUSLE and GEE

Nensi A. Sachapara a(0009-0000-9510-6198), Manan Patel a(0009-0004-4712-3531) , Hasti Dhameliya b(0009-0003-8908-7906)
Keval H Jodhani c (0000-0002-3800-2402), Nitesh Gupta c(0000-0003-0471-0133) , Dhruvesh P. Patel d (0000-0002-2074-7158) Sudhir Kumar Singh e  (0000-0001-8465-0649)

aUnder Graduate Student, Civil Engineering Department, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, 382481, Gujarat, India.  (nensisachapara16@gmail.com; mananrp07@gmail.com )

bUnder Graduate Student, Biomedical Engineering Department, LD College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, 382481, Gujarat, India. (dhameliyahasti8@gmail.com)

cAssistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, 382481, Gujarat, India. (jodhanikeval@gmail.com, niteshraz@gmail.com)

dDepartment of Civil Engineering, School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, 382007, Gujarat, India (dhruvesh1301@gmail.com)

6 K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies, IIDS, Nehru Science Centre, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj-211002, Uttar Pradesh, India (sudhirinjnu@gmail.com)


Abstract: Flooding and soil erosion are major environmental challenges impacting the Sabarmati River Basin (SRB), adversely affecting its ecology, agriculture, and infrastructure. This study employs the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform to comprehensively analyze flood-prone areas and soil erosion using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model. High-resolution datasets from USGS Earth Explorer and GEE are integrated with remote sensing and geospatial technologies to assess the basin's vulnerabilities. Flood-prone regions were identified by analyzing historical rainfall (maximum annual rainfall of 1,667.15 mm in 2017), hydrological patterns, and topographic features. The RUSLE model quantified soil erosion, incorporating factors such as rainfall erosivity (R factor: 11,202.65–29,243.64 MJ mm ha⁻¹ h⁻¹ yr⁻¹), soil erodibility (K factor: 0.20–0.20004 t ha h ha⁻¹ MJ⁻¹ mm⁻¹), slope length and steepness (LS factor: 0–0.499), land cover (C factor: 0.327–1.078), and conservation practices (P factor: 1). Results indicate critical hotspots of soil erosion, with losses peaking at 1,232.33 t/ha/year in the northern SRB. Flood hazard mapping revealed that low-lying areas with recurrent flood events align with regions experiencing high rainfall and sediment transport. The overlap between high soil erosion and flood-prone zones highlights the need for integrated management strategies. These risks have significant socio-economic implications, including diminished agricultural productivity, infrastructure damage, and community displacement. This dual analysis underscores the efficacy of GEE for rapid environmental assessments, providing actionable insights for policymakers to prioritize interventions. The findings align with Sustainable Development Goals 13 (Climate Action) and 15 (Life on Land), suggesting for adaptive strategies to mitigate flood and erosion risks and promoting sustainable resource management in vulnerable regions.

Keyword: RUSLE, GEE, Flood Hazard, SDG 13 & 15, Sabarmati Basin


How to cite: Sachapara, N., Patel, M., Dhameliya, H., Jodhani, K., Gupta, N., Patel, D., and Singh, S. K.: Dynamic Flood and Erosion Modeling for the Sabarmati River Using RUSLE and GEE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-664, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-664, 2025.

Improved and affordable prediction techniques are required because the growing frequency of shallow landslides caused by shifting weather patterns poses severe dangers to ecosystems, infrastructure, and communities. Although comprehensive monitoring systems are available, their high costs and complexity often make them impractical in resource-constrained regions. This study aims to evaluate the predictive potential of volumetric water content (VWC) measurements for shallow landslides and leverage machine learning techniques to develop cost-effective prediction models. The study employed one-dimensional modified column tests to simulate various scenarios (e.g., soil densities, drainage conditions) using a one-meter-high acrylic column to measure VWC, pore water, and air pressure. Key findings include the identification of VWC-related parameters (e.g., steady-state VWC and its gradient) as effective predictors of slope failure. When integrated with ML models, these parameters demonstrate the potential for enhancing prediction accuracy. This study provides a pathway to developing cost-effective early warning systems for slope instability, offering a practical solution for improving safety, using volumetric water content measurements to protect infrastructure, and enhancing resilience in landslide-prone regions, mainly where comprehensive monitoring systems are infeasible.

How to cite: Avzalshoev, Z., Ahmad, W., and Ahmad, T.: Using volumetric water content measurements with the implementation of machine learning for monitoring shallow landslides induced by rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-851, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-851, 2025.

In recent years, the variety of satellite data that can be used for analysis in the event of a disaster has increased. At the same time, there is a need to process different satellite data using a unified analysis method, especially when extracting mudslide scars that have been newly exposed after a sediment disaster. Nonetheless, comparative studies focusing on spatial resolution, a potential factor affecting applicability and accuracy, have been lagging. Therefore, this study targeted the area surrounding Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture, which was the site of extensive sediment outflows due to heavy rainfall in August 2022. Specifically, the mudslide scar was estimated by calculating NDVI difference values (ΔNDVI) for four types of optical satellite data with different spatial resolutions. The data was extracted over a wide area and the effects of differences in spatial resolution on the applicability of the extraction method and the extraction rate were clarified. The relationship between precision and recall can be approximated by the quadratic equation y=ax2+bx+c, and there was a trade-off relationship between the two metrics; as the threshold value rose, precision increased while recall decreased. The optimal NDVI threshold for maximizing the F-measure ranged from 0.20 to 0.25. The medium-resolution satellite platforms Planet and Sentinel-2 had higher F-measure values, and the efficacy of NDVI extraction was not proportional to the fineness of the spatial resolution. The reason for this was that the area distribution of the mudslide scar in the target area was dominated by relatively small areas with a mode of 42 m2 and a median of 253 m2, which were considered to increase precision and recall. Consequently, selecting a spatial resolution that matches the area of the mudslide scar in the target area is considered to be effective.

How to cite: Akita, H.: Differences in applicability of mudslide scars estimation methods due to different spatial resolutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1357, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1357, 2025.

EGU25-1523 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Assessing the Potential of Traditional Stone Weirs in Stormwater Management Through Integrated EO, In-situ and Crowdsourcing Data 

Panagiotis Michalis, Stylianos Kossieris, Efthymios Papachristos, Konstantinos Petrakos, Fanourios-Nikolaos Sakellarakis, Georgios Tsimiklis, and Angelos Amditis

Nature-based solutions (NBS) employ natural processes to mitigate climatic risks and evolving environmental challenges, offering sustainable, cost-effective alternatives to traditional grey infrastructure. Traditional stone weirs are considered multifunctional and environmental friendly structures contributing to sustain ecosystems and protect communities from water-related hazards. This type of NBS has shown potential to mitigate flood impacts through controlled water flow and sedimentation retention by reducing both water velocity and erosion during peak flows, with main objective to enhance community resilience to climate change. During CARDIMED project a network of 120 traditional stone weirs will be developed and applied in Sifnos island (Greece) strategically placed across two main streams aimed at mitigating flood risks, recharge aquifers, enhancing biodiversity, and supporting small-scale agricultural water use, tailored to the unique arid ecosystems of the Greek islands.

This study aims to monitor the efficiency of stone weir NBS in order to quantify climate adaptation benefits, particularly in relation to stormwater regulation, with application area Sifnos island (Aegean sea, Greece). The analysis utilises an integrated monitoring approach which couples remote sensing observations with in-situ data collected through monitoring stations, off-the-shelf sensors, and crowdsourcing participatory campaigns. Earth Observation techniques based on Sentinel-2 are employed to derive relevant vegetation and water indices (i.e. NDVI, NDWI), enabling to assess of vegetation health, soil water availability, and land surface dynamics. These are expected to be complemented by high-resolution datasets from Copernicus Contributing Missions, such as WorldView and Pleiades imagery, to enhance spatial and temporal resolution at locations of interest. EO techniques are validated by in-situ data derived from monitoring systems installed at strategic locations which provide localized, real-time measurements of hydrological, meteorological, and ecological parameters under different climatic conditions. The proposed methodology has the potential to provide key information about the quantified impacts from the application of stone weirs but also an understanding about their scalability as sustainable solutions for enhancing climate resilience at regional scale.


This research has been funded by European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under CARDIMED project (Grant Agreement No. 101112731) (Climate Adaptation and Resilience Demonstrated in the MEDiterranean region).

How to cite: Michalis, P., Kossieris, S., Papachristos, E., Petrakos, K., Sakellarakis, F.-N., Tsimiklis, G., and Amditis, A.: Assessing the Potential of Traditional Stone Weirs in Stormwater Management Through Integrated EO, In-situ and Crowdsourcing Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1523, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1523, 2025.

EGU25-3920 | Posters virtual | VPS12

A Deep Learning-Based CAE-LSTM Model for Enhanced Long-Term Prediction of Flood Wave Propagation 

Zheng Han, Guanping Long, Changli Li, Yange Li, Bin Su, Linrong Xu, Weidong Wang, and Guangqi Chen

Predicting the dynamics of flood processes is paramount for effective disaster prevention and mitigation. Recently, Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have been employed for flood dynamic prediction, demonstrating commendable performance in wave propagation forecasting. However, PINNs, which rely on traditional fully connected neural networks, exhibit certain limitations. Notably, their capacity for learning long-term wave propagation processes remains insufficient, and they struggle to generalize across diverse, previously untrained scenarios.In this study, we propose an innovative model that integrates a Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE) with a Long Short-Term Memory network (LSTM) to overcome these challenges. Drawing inspiration from the finite-difference method employed to solve the Shallow Water Equations (SWE), the CAE-LSTM model adeptly captures and predicts flow characteristics from both spatial and temporal dimensions. The CAE harnesses the power of convolutional neural networks to extract spatial features and generate compact latent representations, thereby reducing the complexity inherent in the physical system. Meanwhile, the LSTM captures the temporal dependencies within the latent feature space, enabling the prediction of the dynamic process based on time-series data.The efficacy of this model was validated through three classical two-dimensional dam-break scenarios. In the 60-second rolling prediction case, the accuracy of CAE-LSTM surpassed that of PINNs by approximately 60%, while its computational efficiency was enhanced by a factor of approximately 100. These results underscore the potential of CAE-LSTM to effectively capture the intricate dynamic behaviors of fluids, thereby offering a robust tool for predicting flood dynamics.

How to cite: Han, Z., Long, G., Li, C., Li, Y., Su, B., Xu, L., Wang, W., and Chen, G.: A Deep Learning-Based CAE-LSTM Model for Enhanced Long-Term Prediction of Flood Wave Propagation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3920, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3920, 2025.

EGU25-4693 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of a River Section under Extreme Discharge Conditions from a Tropical Storm: The Santa Catarina River Case Study, Mexico 

Rosanna Bonasia, Mauricio De la Cruz-Ávila, Héctor Alfonso Barrios Piña, and Francisco Javier Castillo Guerrero

In this study, the hydrodynamic behavior of a section of the Santa Catarina River in Nuevo León, Mexico, during Tropical Storm Alberto was investigated. A three-dimensional numerical simulation of river flow was performed using unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations coupled with the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method to model the water-air interface. The computational domain was constructed based on the specific area Digital Elevation Model (DEM), accurately capturing the river's morphology, with a structured mesh refined near the riverbed to resolve localized velocity gradients. The simulations focused on high-density water flows induced by extreme precipitation, analyzing key parameters, including velocity distribution, turbulence intensity, and effective viscosity, to evaluate the performance of turbulence models in replicating fluvial dynamics. Validation was achieved using velocity data derived from video footage of the storm, tracked via motion analysis techniques and compared against simulation outputs to ensure accuracy.

The comparative study included the Spalart-Allmaras, standard k-ε, realizable k-ε, and standard k-ω turbulence models. A sensitivity analysis and mesh independence verification ensured robust numerical predictions validated against field data obtained from video-derived velocity measurements.

Findings reveal distinct model performance under varying turbulence conditions. The realizable k-ε model captured peak effective viscosity (μeff) values of up to 820 kg/m·s at low turbulence intensities, demonstrating its suitability for flows with strong energy gradients and lower dissipation rates. Conversely, the standard k-ω model excelled under high turbulence intensity, effectively resolving dissipation dynamics and exhibiting μeff ​ values between 150–500 kg/m·s. These results highlight the capacity of these models to represent different aspects of riverine hydrodynamics, although neither achieved full optimization across all conditions.

Velocity profiles showed significant gradients near the riverbed, where high shear stress and energy dissipation dominated, reinforcing the importance of mesh refinement in capturing localized effects. Turbulence intensity exhibited a sharp decrease in shallow areas and near structural boundaries, directly influencing μeff ​ distributions.

While the evaluated turbulence models provided reliable frameworks for simulating complex fluvial flows, further refinements are needed. Incorporating advanced turbulence models, such as Reynolds Stress Models (RSM) or Large Eddy Simulations (LES), could enhance predictions, particularly for cases involving sediment transport and fluid-structure interactions.

This study contributes to the development of robust methodologies for river modeling under extreme conditions, with practical implications for flood management, hydraulic structure design, and sediment transport assessments. Future research should explore the performance of these models in simulating freshwater flows, assess their application under varying sediment concentrations, and investigate their capability to account for fluid-structure interactions related to bridge columns and other critical infrastructure.

How to cite: Bonasia, R., De la Cruz-Ávila, M., Barrios Piña, H. A., and Castillo Guerrero, F. J.: Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of a River Section under Extreme Discharge Conditions from a Tropical Storm: The Santa Catarina River Case Study, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4693, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4693, 2025.

EGU25-4951 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Application of Virtual Reality in Debris Flow Control Engineering Planning 

Yuan-Fang Tsai, Chi Gao, Hsin-Yuan Wei, and Mao-Chen Yang

On 1 November 2000, an intense rainfall event triggered a catastrophic debris flow in the Dacukeng Creek region of Ruifang Township in Taiwan, resulting in seven fatalities, one missing person, and extensive damage to residential structures and farmland. This disaster underscored the critical need for integrated debris flow mitigation strategies and rigorous engineering interventions within a comprehensive regional disaster prevention framework. In response, the present study developed a multifaceted approach combining high-resolution UAV-based terrain mapping, advanced numerical modeling, and immersive virtual reality (VR) simulations to quantitatively characterize debris flow dynamics and facilitate stakeholder engagement in risk assessment and mitigation planning. First, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were utilized to capture high-precision topographic data, which were processed with ContextCapture to generate a detailed 3D photogrammetric model. Next, FLO-2D simulations were employed to approximate debris flow rheology, analyzing flow depth, velocity, and inundation extents under various rainfall intensities. The resulting data were subsequently imported into Blender to create dynamic 3D visualizations illustrating potential flow pathways and associated hazards. Finally, a VR-based debris flow mitigation platform was constructed in Unity, featuring six degrees of freedom for user movement and interactivity. This platform enables engineers, policymakers, and community stakeholders to virtually navigate realistic hazard scenarios and evaluate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of different structural and non-structural mitigation measures. By merging cutting-edge computational modeling with immersive visualization, the proposed framework allows for enhanced comprehension of debris flow mechanisms, fosters more productive communication among diverse stakeholders, and supports evidence-based policymaking. The real-time and interactive nature of the VR environment promotes deeper public engagement, improves collaborative planning, and ultimately strengthens regional resilience against debris flow hazards.

How to cite: Tsai, Y.-F., Gao, C., Wei, H.-Y., and Yang, M.-C.: Application of Virtual Reality in Debris Flow Control Engineering Planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4951, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4951, 2025.

EGU25-5029 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Geologic and morphologic characteristics of Nergeeti landslide, Imereti, Georgia 

George Gaprindashvili, Merab Gaprindashvili, Anzor Giorgadze, and Otar Kurtsikidze

The fatal rock avalanche type landslide occurred in the northern part of the village Nergeeti (Imereti region) on February 7, 2024, which destroyed private houses, damaged a road, water supply, gas pipelines and different infrastructure objects, moreover, 9 persons lost their lives. The study area is located in the Khanistskali river valley and tectonically represents a frontal part of the Adjara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust Belt. Here, it is represented the data based on a detailed field investigation conducted to characterize the landslide body and identify its parameters (using a UAV). Slope is represented by the Middle Eocene (Zekari suite) volcanic and sedimentary rocks such as - tuffs, volcanic sandstones, volcanic breccias, and clays. These sediments are overlaid by the Quaternary diluvium-colluvium deposits. According to the local meteorological station, the total amount of precipitation during February 5-7 was 81 mm, which represents 46% of the entire month’s precipitation, generally. The AMSL of a main scarp and a base of the landslide body varies from 378 to 215 meters. Based on a DTM and field investigations, the total area of the landslide mass is 4.45 ha, while the height of a main scarp reaches up to 30 meters. The width in the upper part is 45-50 meters, while in the lower parts, it widens up to 140-160 meters. Moreover, nearby living 7 families were recommended to be moved to a low-risk area by the specialists of the Department of Geology of the National Environmental Agency. Event once again clearly shows the importance of integrating and advancing interdisciplinary methods in studying geohazards in a rapidly changing environment.

How to cite: Gaprindashvili, G., Gaprindashvili, M., Giorgadze, A., and Kurtsikidze, O.: Geologic and morphologic characteristics of Nergeeti landslide, Imereti, Georgia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5029, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5029, 2025.

EGU25-7494 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Risk evaluation of rainfall-triggered landslides on multiple scales of Japan 

Yoshinori Shinohara

Landslide risk is the product of landslide hazards, exposure, and vulnerability. Spatial and temporal variations in risk and its three components of rainfall-triggered landslides were examined on multiple scales in Japan. Landslide fatalities in Japan decreased between the 1940s and the 1990s. The factors affecting the decrease changed the decrease in household members, increase in people evacuated, and change in the structure of houses to the increase in forest maturity and implementation of structural measures. Similar trends were also found in Kure City with three destructive landslide events in 1945, 1967, and 2018. However, the timing of the main contributions was different from that in Japan overall. In Japan, landslide frequency (i.e., landslide hazards) also decreased with time. Based on a model estimating landslide frequency from the forest age components and rainfall, a larger contribution of the increase in forest maturity to landslide frequency than rainfall was demonstrated on the national scale. Factors determining the number of landslide disasters were examined using generalized linear models on prefectural scales. The factor differed among the three landslide types (i.e., steep-slope failure, deep-seated landslide, and debris flow). For all types, rainfall and the number of landslide-prone areas were selected with positive coefficients: the accretionary complexes geological type with negative coefficients. In addition, forests and land for buildings were selected for steep-slope failures with negative and positive coefficients, respectively, which were not selected for deep-seated landslides and debris flows. The historical and future populations in landslide-affected areas (i.e., landslide exposure) were examined in all municipalities of Japan. The population in the landslide-affected areas continuously decreased during the analysis period. The decrease was gentler than those in landslide risk, hazards, and vulnerability, suggesting that the effects of landslide exposure on temporal changes in landslide risk were less than those of landslide hazards and vulnerability, on the national scale. Finally, the mortality rate in collapsed-houses by landslides was examined from 2014 to 2027. The database for victims and survivors in collapsed houses was developed mainly based on newspapers. The floor number, gender, and type of trigger affected the mortality of landslides. These evaluations can be used to develop strategies for the mitigation of landslide disasters.

How to cite: Shinohara, Y.: Risk evaluation of rainfall-triggered landslides on multiple scales of Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7494, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7494, 2025.

EGU25-7529 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Dynamic susceptibility assessment of glacial debris flows on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau under future climate change scenarios 

Fumeng Zhao, Wenping Gong, Sivia Biachini, and Yaming Tang

Glacial debris flows are prevalent across the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, driven by climate change-induced glacier retreat in this region. This retreat has facilitated an increased frequency of debris flow events, underscoring the need for a comprehensive understanding of their susceptibility to enhance hazard mitigation strategies. However, significant gaps remain in integrating climate change projections and glacier retreat dynamics into susceptibility assessments. This study presents a novel method for predicting the susceptibility of glacial debris flows under future climate change scenarios on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. The proposed approach incorporates dynamic variables into susceptibility modeling, including annual precipitation, average annual temperature, projected glacier extents, and anticipated land cover changes. The analysis utilizes combined scenarios from Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), specifically SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5, to evaluate the impacts of future climate conditions. Results indicate a notable increase in the number of glacier catchments with very high annual average temperatures from SSP1-2.6 to SSP5-8.5, particularly in the eastern portion of the study area, while annual precipitation exhibits minimal change. Land cover projections for 2030 suggest a shift from shrubland to bare land, signaling land degradation. Additionally, glacier retreat is evident, with a growing number of catchments projected to have a glacier area percentage below 0.05% by 2030. The susceptibility analysis reveals an increase in glacier catchments with high and very high susceptibility from SSP1-2.6 to SSP5-8.5. Notably, the number of catchments with very high susceptibility under SSP5-8.5 exceeds that of 2010 and closely resembles 2020 levels. These findings emphasize the escalating risks posed by climate change and glacier retreat, providing critical insights for developing adaptive hazard mitigation strategies in the region. 

How to cite: Zhao, F., Gong, W., Biachini, S., and Tang, Y.: Dynamic susceptibility assessment of glacial debris flows on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau under future climate change scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7529, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7529, 2025.

Collection of data from landslides monitoring is crucial for a sustainable risk management. With this aim, the integrated monitoring systems combining in situ and remote sensing techniques provide a comprehensive understanding of landslide activity. One of the tasks of the Innovation Ecosystem "Tech4You - Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation and Quality of Life Improvement" focuses on analysing case studies to compare different landslide types, their associated monitoring networks and the displacements entity.

A key objective is to create a catalogue of displacements for typifying landslides. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive literature review was conducted. Only landslides with displacement data over time were considered. The catalogue records the landslide type, location, monitoring system, sensor type, installation year, monitoring period, and main dimensions.

A notable challenge in this research was the limited availability of raw displacement data. Many studies present monitoring results in graphical form, often as images, making numerical data extraction difficult. To overcome this, software tools and artificial intelligence (AI) methods have been employed to analyse graph images and extract numerical values. However, AI often encounters limitations in accurately interpreting and extracting numerical values from diverse graph formats. While AI offers rapid initial analyses, the use of dedicated software guarantees precision in data extraction. The combined workflow of inspection, validation, and software application ensures reliable outcomes, making the process more efficient than manual or traditional methods.

The catalogue now includes more than 60 classified landslides, and research on new case studies is always ongoing. For this reason, and to overcome the limitation of the reduce number of studies with associated data, this work serves as encouragement to increase the number of cases registered in the database.

A specialized digital tool will be developed to integrate in a general platform and utilize collected landslide displacement data. This platform aims to: i) support local and national public institutions, ii) facilitate widespread access to and utilization of the data for monitoring and mitigating landslide risk, and iii) assist in the identification and classification of landslides with characteristics similar to those catalogued in the database.


This work was funded by the Next Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of Innovation Ecosystems', building 'Territorial R&D Leaders' (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277) - project Tech4You – Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009. This work reflects only the authors’ views and opinions, neither the Ministry for University and Research nor the European Commission can be considered responsible for them.

How to cite: Vennari, C., Coscarelli, R., and Gullà, G.:  Populating a catalogue with displacement vs. time data: a tool for typifing landslides kinematic and a support for sustainable risk management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8988, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8988, 2025.

EGU25-9062 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Runout Mechanism of Flow-like Landslides Based on Granular Flow Physics 

Xiong Tang, Siming He, Lei Zhu, Huanhuan Zhang, Michel Jaboyedoff, and Zenan Huo

Characterized by sudden occurrence, high velocity and long runout distance, flow-like landslides pose great threats to human communities. In essence, flow-like landslides can be regarded as the flow of granular materials under different topographic conditions, driven by external triggers or internal state changes. During the movement of landslides, the motion behavior transitions from a solid-like state to a fluid-like state, finally resulting in its extreme mobility. Based on the granular flow physics, we investigate the dynamic process of flow-like landslides from a rheological perspective, thereby exploring the motion transition from a solid-like state to a fluid-like state and its hypermobility feature. We utilize an elastic viscoplastic constitutive model to capture the changes in the motion behavior of landslides during their movement. This model accounts for both the elastic response of the material under low-strain conditions and the viscoplastic behavior under large strains, and incorporates both stress and strain rate dependencies, which help in describing the progressive transition from a solid-like deformation to a fluid- like flow. For practice, numerical analyses of column collapse are conducted using the Material Point Method (MPM), a numerical technique well-suited for simulating large deformations. Moreover, a typical flow-like landslide in China, the Luanshibao landslide, is well studied to investigate its long runout mechanism.

How to cite: Tang, X., He, S., Zhu, L., Zhang, H., Jaboyedoff, M., and Huo, Z.: Runout Mechanism of Flow-like Landslides Based on Granular Flow Physics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9062, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9062, 2025.

This short paper presents preliminary results ofstudy aimed at evaluating the effects of tree cutting as a predisposing factor of debris-flow triggering (Lepri et al., 2024). The study area (Nottoria, Perugia, Italy) was affected by debris flow events in 2012 and in 2015.

The material of the debris flow source area is classified as calcareous pebbles in a marly-clayey matrix, with very angular grains.

Woody beeches and oaks’ roots, with diameters varying between 0.5 and 2 mm were found in the retrieved soil samples.

In-situ investigations on the material involved in the debris flows, consisting of corkscrew tests, water content and suction monitoring, lidar drone is in progress, jointly with geotechnical laboratory experiments.

In this abstract we present the results of corkscrew tests.

The equipment presents a rotating arm at the end of which there is a load cell and a steel screw (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Corkscrew equipment.

The screw has a height H4 = 125 mm, a diameter dcs = 40 mm, a helix diameter = 6 mm and an helix pitch of 28 mm.

The peak strength was recorded using a 300 kg load cell (Steinberg systems – SBK-KW-300KG).

The corkscrew was driven into the ground by manual rotation, after which the load cell is connected, and the soil sample is pulled out by using a lever system. The load cell provides the pullout force Tmax.

The shear stress along the lateral surface of the soil sample is then calculated following equation (1) provided by Meijer et al. (2018):


Corkscrew tests were performed at increasing depths (0–125, 125–250, 250–375 mm). Once the soil sample was extracted, the roots content was assessed and the water content and suction measured.

Figure 2 shows the location where corkscrew tests were performed, while the results are plotted in Figure 3 in terms of peak shear stress against the horizontal effective stress.

Figure 2. Corkscrew tests location


  • a)    b)

Figure 3. a) Extracted rooted sample; b) Results from corkscrew tests: shear stress vs vertical effective stress



Lepri, A., Fraccica, A., Cencetti, C., and Cecconi, M. (2024a). A preliminary study on the possible effect of deforestation in debris flows deposits, EGU24-15726, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024.

Lepri A., Fraccica A., Cecconi M., Pane V. (2024b). Effetti del taglio di vegetazione sull'innesco di una colata detritica a Nottoria (PG): caratterizzazione geotecnica preliminare. Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica 2024- IARG 2024 - Gaeta, 4-6 Settembre 2024.

Meijer, G.J., Bengough, A.G., Knappett, J.A., Loades, K.W., Nicoll, B.C. (2018). In situ measurement of root-reinforcement using the corkscrew extraction method. Can. Geotech. J. 55 (10), 1372–1390. (https://doi.org/10.1139/cgj-2017-0344).

How to cite: Lepri, A.: Preliminary results of in situ corkscrew tests in coarse-grained debris with vegetation roots , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9090, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9090, 2025.

EGU25-9241 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Challenges in rockfall modelling in active tourism gorges: The case study of Caminito del Rey (Malaga, Spain) 

Roberto Sarro, Jorge P. Galve, Mónica Martínez-Corbella, Francisco J. Fernández-Naranjo, Pablo Vitali Miranda-García, Juan López-Vinielles, Paula S. Jerez-Longres, Alejandro Ruiz-Fuentes, Marta Béjar-Pizarro, Carolina Guardiola-Albert, José Miguel Azañón, and Rosa M. Mateos

Rockfall modelling in Caminito del Rey (Málaga, Spain) represents a scientific and technical challenge due to the high geomorphological complexity of the environment, characterized by vertical cliffs, numerous overhangs, and complex geometries. In this context, within one of Malaga’s most visited tourist attractions (more than 300,000 people per year), a comprehensive study was required to address challenges across all phases, from the detailed characterization of the inventory to trajectory modelling. To address these difficulties, the most advanced technology currently available for remote data adquisitation (UAV, LIDAR and satellite) and three-dimensional modelling was used, along with the development and application of ad hoc methods and techniques specifically tailored to this study.

The high-precision georeferenced digital rockfall inventory had to tackle issues such as data heterogeneity, limitations in the available documentation, and errors related to mapping accuracy of the trail layout. On the other hand, the modelling process required a multiscale approach, examining all sections of Caminito del Rey with a focus on detailed scales for individual blocks. Custom input data were obtained for this purpose: (i) elevation models accounting for overhangs and both gorge walls; (ii) source areas for rockfalls derived using probabilistic approaches; (iii) block size estimation based on lithology type; and (iv) calibration and validation of the three coefficients maps in narrow and vertical sections (i.e., dynamic rolling friction, normal energy restitution, and tangential energy restitution) that simulate energy loss by a boulder when rolling and bouncing at impact points.

Reducing uncertainty in each input dataset is essential not only for improving the reliability and accuracy of analytical models but also for effectively establishing preventive measures. Furthermore, it plays a key role in identifying critical areas that require continuous monitoring. This abstract was supported by the KINGSTONE project, the Rockfall Susceptibility Study in Caminito del Rey (a collaboration among IGME-CSIC, the University of Granada, the University of Jaén, and the Caminito del Rey UTE), and the SARAI project (PID2020-116540RB-C21), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.

How to cite: Sarro, R., Galve, J. P., Martínez-Corbella, M., Fernández-Naranjo, F. J., Miranda-García, P. V., López-Vinielles, J., Jerez-Longres, P. S., Ruiz-Fuentes, A., Béjar-Pizarro, M., Guardiola-Albert, C., Azañón, J. M., and Mateos, R. M.: Challenges in rockfall modelling in active tourism gorges: The case study of Caminito del Rey (Malaga, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9241, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9241, 2025.

EGU25-9926 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

High-Resolution 3D MPM Simulation of the 2011 Akatani Landslide 

Zenan Huo, Xiong Tang, Michel Jaboyedoff, Yury Podladchikov, and Masahiro Chigira

The Akatani landslide, located on the Kii Peninsula of Japan, is a catastrophic deep-seated landslide triggered by intense rainfall during Typhoon Talas in 2011. The landslide mass travels a considerable distance, forming a landslide dam at the slope foot. Its instability is primarily attributed to the rapid reduction of shear strength in sandstone–mudstone (shale) materials and elevated pore water pressure. In this study, a fully three-dimensional physical model based on the Material Point Method (MPM) is applied for the first time to investigate the Akatani landslide. By employing the high-performance solver MaterialPointSolver.jl, an advanced numerical simulation is conducted, integrating geotechnical parameters from ring shear tests, pore pressure characteristics, and field-based geological and topographical data. The proposed model effectively replicates the rainfall-triggered reactivation of the landslide along pre-existing sliding surfaces identified through the Sloping Local Base Level (SLBL) [1, 2]. It captures the failure process, from initial instability to rapid downslope movement and channel blockage, under a coupled solid–fluid framework. Comparisons with field observations and previous LS-Rapid simulations demonstrate the high accuracy and applicability of this modeling approach. These findings provide essential insights for understanding the dynamic mechanisms of deep-seated rainfall-induced landslides, evaluating secondary disaster risks, and developing effective disaster mitigation strategies.


[1]. Chigira, M., Tsou, C. Y., Matsushi, Y., Hiraishi, N., & Matsuzawa, M. (2013). Topographic precursors and geological structures of deep-seated catastrophic landslides caused by Typhoon Talas. Geomorphology, 201, 479-493.

[2]. Jaboyedoff, M., Chigira, M., Arai, N., Derron, M. H., Rudaz, B., & Tsou, C. Y. (2019). Testing a failure surface prediction and deposit reconstruction method for a landslide cluster that occurred during Typhoon Talas (Japan). Earth Surface Dynamics, 7(2), 439-458.

How to cite: Huo, Z., Tang, X., Jaboyedoff, M., Podladchikov, Y., and Chigira, M.: High-Resolution 3D MPM Simulation of the 2011 Akatani Landslide, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9926, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9926, 2025.

This short communication presents a new low-cost capacitive Soil Water Content (SWC) sensor, originally developed, whose application in situ in natural rooted soils could be of some interest for its impact in geotechnical engineering applications. It is very well known that in recent years, significant advancement has been made in laboratory and field testing for the understanding of the hydro-mechanical coupled behaviour of unsaturated soils. The complexity in characterizing such behaviour increases when the role of vegetation and the presence of organic matter is considered. The amount of literature on water content (SWC) measurements and related sensors is huge and involves several scientific fields. Among indirect methods to evaluate the SWC, time domain reflectometer (TDR), time domain transmissometer (TDT) and impedance sensors, such as resistive and capacitive, are the most common. Capacitive sensors are usually directly dependent on soil apparent dielectric constant Ka which increases with SWC. They have a little sensitivity compared to TDR/TDT, however, they find several applications due to their lower cost. Vegetation affects the hydrology and the effects of plant evapotranspiration may induce some changes in the water content and soil suction and therefore the soil water retention properties. The mutual interaction among roots and soils is very variable, depending on roots-type and soil type; the beneficial influence due to the reduction of water content/degree of saturation, due to the capacity of the plant system to absorb water from the surrounding soil and transfer it to the atmosphere through transpiration is also acknowledged in the literature. Therefore, quantifying root-induced modification in soil hydraulic properties, including SWRC, is vital to predict correctly the hydrology and, hence, for the analysis of slope stability of shallow soil covers. In this note, a new low-cost capacitive sensor, characterized by an interdigit layout and produced following a PCB process, is introduced (Figure 1).

The performance of this device are under evaluation with laboratory activities: several tests have been performed preparing samples of different-type granular materials at different SWC keeping constant the dry density: natural sandy soils, glass beads, and ground coffee mixtures were investigated. The electrical capacitance and conductance of the sensor were measured in the 10 – 100 kHz frequency range by using the HP 4275A LCR meter. Some results are shown in Figure 2. It is shown that the sensor response is affected by the measurement frequency. Moreover, a saturation behaviour is highlighted for both the capacitance and conductance at increasing SWC. The sensor impedance is affected also by the electrical conductivity of the medium surrounding the sensor, e.g. solid grains, water and organic materials, and for this reason the SWC estimation requires a correction to minimize the impact of water salinity. The experimental activity performed in the laboratory is a preliminary investigation aimed at identifying an analytical model of the electrical behaviour of the sensor. Once the model is defined, the sensor could be integrated with a portable system to be validated for in-situ applications.


How to cite: Papini, N.: A new low-cost and low-power capacitive sensor for soil water content measurements: preliminary analysis for possible application in rooted soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12296, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12296, 2025.

EGU25-12404 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Assessing Flood Susceptibility using Geospatial Techniques and Analytical Hierarchy Process in an Indian Catchment 

Amina Khatun, Samujjal Baruah, and Chandranath Chatterjee

Being a natural calamity, flood poses serious threat to the livelihood of all living beings. Due to the adverse effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities, significant changes in the occurrence of extreme floods are happening day-by-day. An accurate flood susceptibility map plays a crucial role to adopt proper adaptation and mitigation strategies in protecting the vulnerable communities. This study performs a flood susceptibility mapping of the Jagatsinghpur district lying in the delta region of the Mahanadi River basin in the eastern part of India. This river basin has suffered from numerous recurring floods of variable extremities since the 1960s. A major concern arose when the frequency of extreme floods in this delta increased drastically post the 2000s. This study considered several key factors affecting flood occurrence like rainfall, topographic wetness index, land use/land cover, distance from river, elevation, slope and drainage density. The map layers of all these factors are integrated in the Geographic Information System (GIS) platform, wherein the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to develop and evaluate the flood susceptibility maps. The findings suggest that more than one-third of the study area falls into the low to high flood susceptibility zone. Nearly 40% of the area is under very low to low zone, and a small portion fell under the high to very high flood prone zone. The study serves as a preliminary study towards flood risk management and provides critical insights for the decision makers to develop appropriate disaster risk reduction strategies and strengthen the flood management policies.

How to cite: Khatun, A., Baruah, S., and Chatterjee, C.: Assessing Flood Susceptibility using Geospatial Techniques and Analytical Hierarchy Process in an Indian Catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12404, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12404, 2025.

EGU25-12497 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Rainfall Interpolation Analysis in the Ijzer Basin Based on Neural Networks 

Wanghao Xiao

Accurate spatial distribution of rainfall during extreme weather events is crucial for hydrological analysis and flood forecasting. Despite the availability of numerous neural network-based models for spatiotemporal rainfall interpolation, challenges remain due to the limited number of rain gauges and the presence of missing values in the recorded data. These limitations introduce significant uncertainties into existing models. This study focuses on the Ijzer Basin in Belgium, using 20 years of data collected at 15-minute intervals, including rainfall, humidity, and temperature measurements et. etc. By training several neural network models on these data, we aim to identify the most accurate model for rainfall interpolation. Results indicate that Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks demonstrate superior performance compared to other models in capturing the spatial distribution of rainfall.

How to cite: Xiao, W.: Rainfall Interpolation Analysis in the Ijzer Basin Based on Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12497, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12497, 2025.

EGU25-13226 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Evaluating the Efficiency and Predictive Accuracy of Temporal Susceptibility Models for Co-Seismic Landslides Using Real-Time Validation: A Case Study from the NW Himalayas 

Malik Talha Riaz, Saad Wani, Muhammad Basharat, Muhammad Tayyib Riaz, and Akshay Raj Manocha

The Himalayan region, characterized by its rugged terrain, distinctive geography, and active tectonics, ranks among the most landslide-prone zones globally. Landslide susceptibility and hazard mapping are critical tools to mitigate future risks and devise effective management strategies. This study uses data-driven statistical approaches to evaluate co-seismic landslide susceptibility in District Hattian, NW Himalayas, Pakistan. A comprehensive co-seismic landslide inventory comprising 349, 393, and 735 landslide events from 2005, 2007, and 2012, respectively, was utilized to train, test and validate predictive models. 
Thirteen landslide causative factors (LCFs), including topographic, environmental, geologic, and anthropogenic variables, were analyzed to determine their influence on landslide occurrence. Three data-driven statistical models i.e., Weight of Evidence (WoE), Information Value (IV), and Frequency Ratio (FR) were employed to develop landslide susceptibility maps (LSMs). Model training used 70% of the landslide inventory, while 30% was reserved for validation. Model performance was evaluated using Receiver Operating Characteristic-Area Under Curve (ROC-AUC) metrics and predictive accuracy assessments. Among the models, the WoE approach outperformed well among the other models as ROC-AUC SRC scores of 84.4, 84.2, and 85.3 for 2005, 90.4, 86.4, and 87.2 for 2007, and 81.9, 86.7, and 85.9 for 2012 for WoE, FR, and IV models, respectively. PRC scores of the WoE, FR, and IV models were recorded as 85.7, 89.4, and 82.5 for 2005, 87.5, 77.5, and 80.4 for 2007, and 80.7, 88.3, and 87.7 for 2012. For the validation of long-term predictivity, efficiency models are checked by comparing the generated LSMs with newly recorded landslide events. The 2005 model was validated using 2007 data, the 2007 model with 2012 data, and the 2012 model with 2024 data. Results revealed a gradual decline in the predictive accuracy of the LSMs model of all three approaches over time; however, WoE consistently outperformed from the IV and FR models, maintaining robust predictive capabilities even after 12 years.
This study highlights that landslide-prone zones in District Hattian exhibit persistent mass movement activity and underscores the urgent need for proactive landslide management to minimize life loss and economic damage in this tectonically active region. The integration of advanced susceptibility modelling techniques with real-time validation offers a reliable framework for hazard assessment and risk mitigation. Policymakers and stakeholders are encouraged to implement targeted interventions, such as optimized land-use planning, the establishment of early warning systems, and increased community awareness programs, to enhance resilience against landslide hazards in the NW Himalayas.

How to cite: Riaz, M. T., Wani, S., Basharat, M., Riaz, M. T., and Manocha, A. R.: Evaluating the Efficiency and Predictive Accuracy of Temporal Susceptibility Models for Co-Seismic Landslides Using Real-Time Validation: A Case Study from the NW Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13226, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13226, 2025.

EGU25-13798 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Unveiling environmental dimensions of hydrological drought in Southern Spain using open-source data and machine learning techniques 

Paula Serrano Acebedo, Natalia Limones Rodríguez, and Mónica Aguilar Alba

Drought is an increasing hydroclimatic threat in the Mediterranean, profoundly impacting water resources and ecosystems. Andalusia (Spain) is highly vulnerable due to climatic variability and prolonged dry periods. Effective drought management requires methods to assess impacts on groundwater and surface water systems, which in turn threaten ecological and socio-economic resilience. While socio-economic impacts are more analysed, environmental effects are overlooked due to delayed onset or unclear links to drought. However, drought-induced degradation of natural resources and hydrology-linked ecosystem services can exacerbate challenges in agroforestry, livestock, and tourism. Examining the environmental dimensions of hydrological drought risk is therefore essential.

This research takes a first step in analysing the impacts of drought on water-related ecosystem services. It specifically investigates hydrological and hydrogeological anomalies and examines their spatial and temporal dynamics across varying levels of drought severity. This study defines hydrological anomalies by leveraging high-resolution, open-access data from Copernicus and other datasets available on Google Earth Engine. These include estimates of soil moisture, groundwater storage, terrestrial water storage, flows and evapotranspiration that can be obtained from GLDAS 2.2, FLDAS, CERRA-Land, etc. In situ measurements, such as piezometric and streamflow records, are also integrated to validate findings and provide a robust basis for analysis of the impacts on water systems. Machine learning algorithms are then used to model the complex linkages between the identified hydrological anomalies and the climatic conditions, measured with well-known drought indices like the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) at different scales.

A pilot study in an Andalusian sub-basin with minimal anthropogenic influence serves as a testbed for developing a scalable methodology to evaluate the impacts of short and long-term drought conditions on groundwater and surface water. In line with related relevant research, correlation analyses run for this pilot highlight strong associations between hydrological variables and drought indices. A rapid response of surface water systems to short-term droughts is observed, while groundwater displays delayed, yet significant changes linked to drought, reflecting its buffering capacity and resilience.

This research highlights the potential of tested datasets for assessing drought impacts on water systems and demonstrates the value of open-source hydrological data for improving drought risk assessment and predictive tools. However, the study also reveals limitations regarding spatial resolution, which constrain detailed-scale assessments. On the one hand, the follow-up research will expand the performed analysis to additional sub-basins across Andalusia to compare results. On the other hand, similar modelling methodologies will be applied to understand how the identified droughts and associated anomalies in surface and groundwater systems propagate, leading to a reduction in the provision of ecosystem services. This will include exploring ecological impacts such as failures to maintain ecological flows, declines in extension of wetlands, or anomalies in primary productivity and ecosystem functioning in natural areas.

How to cite: Serrano Acebedo, P., Limones Rodríguez, N., and Aguilar Alba, M.: Unveiling environmental dimensions of hydrological drought in Southern Spain using open-source data and machine learning techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13798, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13798, 2025.

EGU25-13829 | Posters on site | NH3.12

Performance and Future Directions of the USGS Near-real-time Earthquake-triggered Ground Failure Product 

Kate E. Allstadt, Eric M. Thompson, David J. Wald, Heather E. Hunsinger, Kirstie L. Haynie, Michael Hearne, Paula M. Bürgi, Sonia M. Ellison, Davis T. Engler, Kishor S. Jaiswal, Kristin Marano, and Kuo-wan Lin

Within minutes of any major global earthquake, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Ground Failure product (GFP) provides summary alert levels and spatial estimates of landslide and liquefaction hazard and population exposure. Since the GFP went live in September 2018, 187 events have had an elevated alert level (yellow, orange, or red), indicating limited to extensive hazard and exposure. These events include well-known ground-failure triggering earthquakes such as the 2023 Türkiye-Syria earthquake sequence, the 2021 Nippes, Haiti earthquake, as well as numerous other events. In many cases, the GFP proved to be valuable by estimating the potential extent of these hazards and their overlap with the local population.  In this presentation, we discuss how the product has performed since it was deployed and how it has been used for situational awareness, planning, and reconnaissance. Significant users of the GFP include scientists, the media, emergency responders, and the public. We also discuss operational considerations, such as how moving the GFP to the cloud has improved speed and reliability. We conclude with an overview of enhancements under development, such as model regionalization, road obstruction estimation, fatality estimation, ongoing hazard information, model updating, and integration into other USGS impact products, such as Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) and ShakeCast.

How to cite: Allstadt, K. E., Thompson, E. M., Wald, D. J., Hunsinger, H. E., Haynie, K. L., Hearne, M., Bürgi, P. M., Ellison, S. M., Engler, D. T., Jaiswal, K. S., Marano, K., and Lin, K.: Performance and Future Directions of the USGS Near-real-time Earthquake-triggered Ground Failure Product, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13829, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13829, 2025.

EGU25-14551 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Estimation approach for T-year hydrological events using non-stationary data 

Rina Ohashi, Chiharu Mizuki, and Yasuhisa Kuzuha

As stated in The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, heavy rainfall events of unprecedented scale have occurred in recent years increasingly in terms of both frequency and intensity because of global climate change. As a matter of course, greater attention must be devoted to flooding caused by heavier-than-ever rainfall events. This flooding includes both levee breach and inland water rise effects.

In Japan, T-year hydrological events, such as 100-year-rainfall events with a return period of 100 years as estimated from frequency analysis, have been used conventionally as targets of river improvement plans. In fact, "Guidelines for Small and Medium-Sized River Planning” have been consulted when hydrological quantities are estimated. Nevertheless, the flow chart in the guideline drawn by the MLIT (*) has been discounted completely in work by Kuzuha et al. (2021, 2022a,b,c). In fact, it is most inappropriate to use the SLSC as the criterion for validating stochastic models; it is also inappropriate for usage of the Jack-knife or bootstrap method. Mizuki and Kuzuha (2023) present related supporting details.

As described in this paper, we intend to present other issues which must be urgently resolved: The fact that the precipitation population has not been stationary. It must be regarded as non-stationary because of global climate change.

Explanations of frequency analysis based on the non-stationarity of the precipitation population have been presented in the literature by Hayashi et al. (2015) and by Shimizu et al. (2018). We have considered different approaches than theirs. Ours predict future T-year hydrological events under the condition of non-stationary precipitation population, as presented below. In other words, those approaches can be adapted to recent quite heavier rainfall data.

  • We use d4PDF data (2015) data. In fact, d4PDF data were calculated using climate simulations of 50 ensemble members. Each ensemble member has climate data obtained during 1951–2010: we can use annual maximum rainfall of 3,000 years. We specifically examined the area around Kumano city, Mie prefecture and analyzed the annual maximum around Kumano.
  • First, we calculated the annual maximum 1-hour precipitation at Kumano described above.
  • For example, there are 50 annual maximum 1-hour precipitation events in 1951, because there are 50 ensemble members. Therefore, we can estimate 100-year rainfall in 1951 using 50 data and the Gumbel distribution. We can estimate time-variational 100-year rainfall during 1951 and 2010.
  • The blue line in the figure shows the time variational 100-year rainfall between 1951 and 2010.
  • The orange line represents future 100-year rainfall calculated using the triple exponential smoothing method.

At the presentation, we intend to show other approaches which can be useful to predict future 100-year precipitation.


* MLIT: The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan

How to cite: Ohashi, R., Mizuki, C., and Kuzuha, Y.: Estimation approach for T-year hydrological events using non-stationary data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14551, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14551, 2025.

EGU25-16734 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Rockfall susceptibility and trajectory simulations for enhanced monitoring and early warning systems along roads: the Maratea landslide case study 

Luigi Massaro, Gaetano Falcone, Gianfranco Urciuoli, and Antonio Santo

On the 30th of November 2022, a major rockfall event occurred in the Triassic dolostones of Castrocucco cliff (Maratea, Southern Italy), mobilising a volume of about 8000 m3 (Minervino Amodio et al. 2024) and destroying the underlying SS18 national road with no fatalities. The SS18 has critical importance in an area of high tourist, landscape, and historical interests, and determined the planning of a bypass tunnel to avoid the cliff, which has been affected by recurring instability events in the last decades (Pellicani et al. 2016). However, before the tunnel could be completed, the safe reopening of the road was critical for the region. For this reason, a high-resolution monitoring system was developed, enabling the timely road closure to the traffic in case of new failure (Santo and Massaro 2024).

In this study, we describe the geo-structural investigation and reconstruction of the rockfall kinematics and triggering factors, as well as the susceptibility analysis carried out to develop the monitoring system that allowed the road to reopen. Such a system consisted of a network of sensors placed in the areas and on the rock blocks that showed high levels of susceptibility to rockfalls. The data collection was performed through field and digital surveys. The latter was carried out on Virtual Outcrop Models (VOM) following drone photo acquisition. Successively, the rock block trajectories were simulated under static and seismically induced conditions with different block volume scenarios. These results, integrated with the real-time deformation data recorded by the sensors, will enhance the mitigation plan further. Moreover, the developed methodological approach and workflow could be applied to similar situations where critical road infrastructures lie in areas of high susceptibility to rockfall.



Minervino Amodio A, Corrado G, Gallo IG, Gioia D, Schiattarella M, Vitale V and Robustelli G (2024) Three-dimensional rockslide analysis using unmanned aerial vehicle and lidar: The Castrocucco case study, Southern Italy. Remote Sensing, 16 (12), 2235. doi: 10.3390/rs16122235

Pellicani R, Spilotro G and Van Westen CJ (2016) Rockfall trajectory modeling combined with heuristic analysis for assessing the rockfall hazard along the Maratea SS18 coastal road (Basilicata, Southern Italy). Landslides, 13: 985-1003. doi: 10.1007/s10346-015-0665-3

Santo A and Massaro L (2024) Landslide monitoring and maintenance plan along infrastructure: The example of the Maratea major rockfall (Southern Italy). Landslides. doi: 10.1007/s10346-024-02409-3

How to cite: Massaro, L., Falcone, G., Urciuoli, G., and Santo, A.: Rockfall susceptibility and trajectory simulations for enhanced monitoring and early warning systems along roads: the Maratea landslide case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16734, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16734, 2025.

EGU25-17185 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Geomorphological transformation and prediction of urban meander loop: A case study of Barak River, India 

Wajahat Annayat, Sandeep Samantaray, and Zaher Mundher Yaseen

Barak River is one of the highly meandering rivers in India causing several problems to society during flooding events. In this study geomorphological changes of an urban meander loop, situated at the main city of Silchar Assam, India was carried out. Based on the adopted analysis, it was found that meander length, meander width, meander ratio, wavelength showed an increasing trend while sinuosity and radius of curvature shows a decreasing trend.  The land use and land cover were also analyzed of this urban meander loop and found that settlement increased gradually by 16.1798 % and waterbodies, dense vegetation and agricultural land decreased by 0.5732 %, 2.5832 % and 13.1558%, respectively. Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model was employed for the prediction and the results recommended that shifting of channel in the urban meander loop fluctuated unexpectedly either to rightwards or leftwards. Observed and predicted values of showed a determination coefficient (R2 = 0.8). The final step of the research was to generate the predicted values of channel shifting up to 2030.      

How to cite: Annayat, W., Samantaray, S., and Yaseen, Z. M.: Geomorphological transformation and prediction of urban meander loop: A case study of Barak River, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17185, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17185, 2025.

EGU25-17719 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Quantifying pre-collapse dynamics of hanging rock-ice masses using remote sensing datasets 

Lydia Sam, Anshuman Bhardwaj, and Peace Temadri

Changing climate is enhancing the occurrence and intensity of natural disasters, profoundly impacting human lives, livelihoods, infrastructure, and economic growth. Modelling and prediction of deadly high-mountain slope failure hazards such as snow, ice, and rock avalanches have always been challenging. Current in-situ sensor-based approaches for slope failure predictions of hanging glaciers and rock faces are quite limited in their spatial continuity and extent and there is also a research gap on linking the pre-collapse slope movements with subsequent avalanche runouts. Earth observation datasets can offer a viable alternative for quantifying and monitoring pre-collapse dynamics at larger spatial scales. For the catastrophic 2021 rock-ice collapse in Chamoli, India, several studies had reported some anomalous movements weeks-to-months prior to the collapse. However, we need more analyses to understand how common such pre-collapse anomalous movements are before we can even start considering investigating them as potential precursors for effective avalanche predictions. To fill this research gap, using satellite remote sensing datasets and digital elevation models, we investigated several high-mountain slope failure events (e.g., Piz Scerscen in 2024, Piz Cengalo Bondo in 2017) of varying magnitudes and nature (i.e., rockfall, rock-ice avalanche, and ice avalanche) in different topographical and climate settings. While we were able to quantify pre-collapse dynamics for these events, we also observed variations in the occurrence and magnitude of anomalous movements prior to the events. These preliminary findings are encouraging and the future research and results from such analyses can bridge the knowledge gap on the detection and modelling capabilities, ultimately enhancing resilience to mountain hazards.

How to cite: Sam, L., Bhardwaj, A., and Temadri, P.: Quantifying pre-collapse dynamics of hanging rock-ice masses using remote sensing datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17719, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17719, 2025.

EGU25-20010 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Drought vulnerability assessment in Sweden 

Claudia Canedo Rosso, Elin Stenfors, Claudia Teutschbein, and Lars Nyberg

Sweden, known for its abundant water resources, has recently experienced drought events with significant socio-economic and environmental impacts, revealing existing vulnerabilities in the society. Future climatic projections indicate changes in precipitation and temperature patterns, stressing the need for improved drought risk management. The vulnerability component of risk is often less studied than the hazard component, primarily due to its inherent complexity. Drought vulnerability is highly context-dependent, shaped by the interplay of social, ecological, and hydroclimatic factors. In the context of a changing climate, assessing drought vulnerability is becoming increasingly important. However, such assessments are scarce in Nordic regions.

To address this gap, this study quantifies vulnerability factors related to coping capacity, adaptive capacity, and susceptibility, and integrates them to map drought vulnerability hotspots across Sweden. Based on a stakeholder-validated set of vulnerability factors for water-dependent sectors (including agriculture, forestry, energy, water supply, and environmental management), municipal-level data sources were screened to identify and quantify relevant vulnerability indicators. A probabilistic approach was employed to assess the sensitivity of regional vulnerability patterns to the weighting of vulnerability factors. The resulting spatial distribution of relative vulnerability reflects the heterogeneous socio-hydrological systems across municipalities and highlights the importance of sustainable local economic adaptation to water availability in reducing sensitivity and mitigating drought impacts. Our vulnerability assessment provides valuable insights for local and regional planners, supporting the effective allocating of resources and the development of targeted drought mitigation strategies at municipal level. The findings underscoring the need for context-specific assessments to account for regional and sectoral differences in drought vulnerability. Furthermore, the results emphasize the complexity of drought risk and the challenges of integrating diverse vulnerability factors in diverse socio-hydrological contexts.

How to cite: Canedo Rosso, C., Stenfors, E., Teutschbein, C., and Nyberg, L.: Drought vulnerability assessment in Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20010, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20010, 2025.

EGU25-20680 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Landslide evaluation applying electrical tomography techniques: study case San José de Aloburo, Pimampiro,Imbabura 

Brenda Mayacela-Salazar, Raisa Torres-Ramirez, and Richard Perez-Roa

Landslides affect millions of people annually in the mountainous regions of Latin America, resulting in significant economic, human and structural losses (Carrasco et al., 2011). The San José de Aloburo landslide, located in Imbabura-Ecuador, occurred in November 2021, significantly changing the landscape as well as the increase of the substantial damage to the locality. Vásquez et al. (2021) characterized it as a complex rotational landslide, highlighting its geomorphological and stratigraphical particularities. This study aims to integrate geophysical and geological approaches to further analyze the internal structure and physical properties of the materials involved in the landslide.

The methodology included the application of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles (Perrone, 2014), using low-cost equipment, suitable for the economic context of the region. It allowed to identify variations in the subsurface resistivity. Stratigraphic columns were constructed also to analyze the interlaying and composition of the displaced geological strata. In addition, a granulometric analysis was carried out on a representative sample to evaluate the particle size distribution.

The results reveal significant variations in resistivity associated with the distribution of the displaced materials and the presence of complex internal morphology. Likewise, the integration of geophysical and geological data allowed a more precise delineation of the rupture zone, the depth of displacement and the characteristics of the materials involved. These findings provide valuable information for understanding landslide processes in the region and monitoring this type of events with the additional advantage of being economically accessible.

Keywords: Landslides, Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Geophysical Integration


Carrasco, J., et al. (2011). Impactos del cambio climático, adaptación y desarrollo en las regiones montañosas de América latina. Ministerio
de Relaciones Exteriores, Gobierno de Chile-Alianza para las Montañas-FAO-Banco Mundial.

Perrone, A., et al. (2014) Electrical resistivity tomography technique for landslide investigation: A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 135 , 65-82.

Vázquez, Y., et al. (2021). Informe técnico sobre el movimiento en masa ocurrido en san José de Aloburo (noviembre/2021), Pimampiro,

Imbabura. Escuela de Ciencias de la Tierra, Energía y Ambiente, Yachay Tech.

How to cite: Mayacela-Salazar, B., Torres-Ramirez, R., and Perez-Roa, R.: Landslide evaluation applying electrical tomography techniques: study case San José de Aloburo, Pimampiro,Imbabura, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20680, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20680, 2025.

EGU25-21656 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Centrifuge modelling of a roto-translational landslide in stiff clay formation 

Xin Peng, Xuan Kang, and Wei Wu

Roto-translational landslides are characterized by two movement types at different landslide parts, i.e., rotational movement at the headscarp and translational movement at the toe. They are widely distributed in clay formations with planar or subhorizontal layers, posing threats to human life and infrastructure. Due to the different shapes of the sliding surfaces, the kinematics of roto-translational landslides show complicated patterns with varying spatial and temporal distributions. Forecasting the rapid sliding of roto-translational landslides presents challenges, as they often manifest as unnoticed slowly movement. The sliding surfaces of the roto-translational landslides feature concave-upward shape at the landslide head and a planar shape at the landslide accumulation zone, leading to complex deformation mechanisms. Roto-translational landslides usually exhibit creep deformation along sliding surfaces, showing transverse cracks on the ground surfaces. However, the scarcity of experimental data has significantly hindered a deep understanding of their failure mechanisms. Our research probes into the rotational failure phenomena of landslides in stiff clay formations, utilizing geotechnical centrifuge modelling and laboratory creep tests. Our findings reveal that rotational failures in model slopes are exclusively triggered under conditions of an undrained boundary at the basal shear zone. The post-failure behaviour is characterized by a settlement at the slope crest and a pronounced bulge at the toe, resulting in complex rotational movements along the basal sliding surface. Moreover, our laboratory experiments illuminate the creep behaviour of shear-zone materials under undrained conditions. In particular, samples with a high initial water content under sustained loading are highly susceptible to a quick transition into tertiary creep, leading to accelerated failure. These experimental insights substantially advance our understanding of the rotational failure patterns observed in clay-based landslides.

How to cite: Peng, X., Kang, X., and Wu, W.: Centrifuge modelling of a roto-translational landslide in stiff clay formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21656, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21656, 2025.

EGU25-408 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Seismic risk assessment using 3D physics-based seismic hazard: A case study for Shimla city 

Sukh Sagar Shukla, Romani Choudhary, and Dhanya Jaya

The seismic risk assessment has gained significant popularity in recent years due to the increasing development of infrastructure and urbanization in seismically active locations across the globe. Earthquakes pose serious issues as natural events because of their unpredictability and the extensive harm they may do to infrastructure, buildings, and people's lives. Ground motion at the time of the earthquake can depend on several local sites and event characteristics, such as the size of the seismic event, the depth of the earthquake focus, the distance from the epicentre, the local geology and soil conditions. However, traditional probabilistic seismic hazards using ergodic ground motion models do not consider these variations, leading to a further less accurate damage or risk assessment. Hence, the present work aims to perform a comprehensive seismic risk assessment by incorporating three-dimensional physics-based numerical modelling, which explicitly incorporates the path and site-specific characteristics that cater for non-ergodicity. Here, physics-based ground motion has been simulated for controlling events corresponding to typical sites present in Shimla city, Himachal Pradesh, India. Furthermore, to assess the associated risk for the region exposure, data of the building inventory of Shimla has been gathered using Google Street View (GSV) images, and for the classification of the building inventory to different building typologies, deep machine learning-based Convolution neural network (CNN) models are trained. The developed CNN model has shown great precision in identifying the building class for the region. After classification, suitable well-known fragility functions are mapped to each class, and subsequent risk is calculated. Finally, the results developed using physics-based hazard are compared with the conventional empirical approach. The study results will provide the respective stakeholders with the technical knowledge for the region's hazard and subsequent risk.

How to cite: Shukla, S. S., Choudhary, R., and Jaya, D.: Seismic risk assessment using 3D physics-based seismic hazard: A case study for Shimla city, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-408, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-408, 2025.

EGU25-454 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Perception of the 2021 floods and their mental health, and social well-being among older adults in the Ahr Valley, Germany 

Chen Song, Funda Atun, Justine Blanford, and Carmen Anthonj

Protecting human health is a fundamental priority in contemporary society. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Constitution, "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."  While the physical health of older adults often receives considerable attention after flooding events, their mental and social well-being remains underexplored. 

The 2021 floods in the Ahr Valley, Germany, had a devastating impact on local communities, particularly on older adults who are more vulnerable to the aftermath of natural disasters. This study explores the perceptions of floods among individuals aged 65 and older, focusing on their mental health and social well-being. Using a mixed-methods approach, we conducted surveys and in-depth interviews to collect first-hand data on their experiences and coping mechanisms. Our findings highlight the multifaceted challenges faced by this population, including heightened psychological distress, disruption of social networks, and concerns over long-term recovery.

This research underscores the need for targeted interventions to address the mental and social health needs of older adults in disaster-affected areas. By enhancing scientific understanding of the complex interplay between natural disasters and public health, the study aims to inform policymakers, healthcare providers, and social workers, ultimately improving the quality and effectiveness of post-disaster health services for older adults.

How to cite: Song, C., Atun, F., Blanford, J., and Anthonj, C.: Perception of the 2021 floods and their mental health, and social well-being among older adults in the Ahr Valley, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-454, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-454, 2025.

The Nearest Neighbour declustering technique is utilized to differentiate dependent events, such as aftershocks and foreshocks from independent events, such as isolated and mainshocks events . The estimated background field could either be stationary or non-stationary over time and may exhibit patterns that depend on both space and time. Any residual deviations from a time-stationary and spatiotemporally-independent Poisson point field could offer insights into regional loading processes and merit further investigation (Zaliapin and Ben-Zion, 2020). We apply the adopted technique on the Southern California region, an area that includes four significant events with magnitudes greater than 7, over the years 1981- 2021 and the catalog's completeness ranges between magnitudes 2 to 3 (Zaliapin and Benzion, 2020). For generating the complete background set, both outdegree and closeness centrality yielded nearly identical mainshock node counts for background detection in our study region, highlighting the robustness of these centrality measures.   In a tree network, hierarchy identification might not be straightforward, but utilizing centrality can aid in placing elements accurately. Higher centrality values indicate a simpler structure compared to lower centrality values. Although the traditional highest magnitude method produces results almost similar to those of the centrality measure from network analysis, the network-based approach offers new possibilities for future research in the study of earthquake sequences and their evolution. In a spatially inhomogeneous, temporally homogeneous Poisson process (SITHP), there is a strictly positive probability that two events may occur arbitrarily close to each other  and NN method works better for declustering with this condition (Luen and Stark, 2012). In this study, three temporal statistical tests have been conducted: the Conditional Chi square(CC) test, the Brown-Zhao(BZ) test, and the Kolmogorov smirnov (KS) test on the complete background set. It was found that the KS test, which assumes the time series follows a uniform distribution and does not require any adjusting parameters, is more reliable than the other two tests(requires more tuning constants). For almost all magnitude cut-offs, the temporal tests fail the null hypothesis; however, for a magnitude of 3.4, the temporal test is satisfied, but the space time test ( Luen and Stark test) fails the null hypothesis. For the nearest neighbour (NN) method, the null hypothesis is rejected for all magnitude ranges in our study region. Consequently, it can be concluded that NN declustering is not effective for this dataset or the number of data points is low. Notably, the Luen and Stark space time test yielded a value of 0 for most magnitudes, except for magnitudes 4 and 4.2. This suggests two potential scenarios: either the earthquakes are inadequately declustered, leading to some background events being overlooked or there is another possibility that this model is not fit for the Poisson process and suggesting a need for an alternate conditional model.


Luen, B., & Stark, P. B. (2012). Poisson tests of declustered catalogues. Geophysical journal international, 189(1), 691-700. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05400.x.

Zaliapin, I., & Ben‐Zion, Y. (2020). Earthquake declustering using the nearest‐neighbour approach in space‐time‐magnitude domain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(4), e2018JB017120. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JB017120.

How to cite: seal, A. and Jana, N.:  Statistical Analysis on Background Seismicity of Southern California Region: Application of Nearest Neighbour Declustering and Network  Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-693, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-693, 2025.

According to the well-known Lithosphere Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) mechanism, tectonic activity during the earthquake preparation period produces anomalies at the ground level which propagate upwards in the troposphere as Acoustic or Standing gravity waves. Thus observing the frequency content of the ionospheric turbidity in a well extended area, in space and time, around an earthquake event we will observe a decrease of the higher limit of the turbidity frequency band. In this article we review the repeated observational results of TEC turbulent band upper limit (TBUL) on the occasion of strong earthquakes. Regorus earthquake risk estimation can not be extracted from our result since the characteristics of each event is diferent(i.e Magnitude ,epicentral distance of  the nearest GPS station ect..). Nevertheless continuous monitoring of the TEC (TBUL) fo and the alarming for further investigation by comparing with the TBUL of distant stations and with the results of  seismical monitoring, as well as with the results of other near earth surface precursor methods,  if the  TBUL tend to around 0.001Hz..

How to cite: Contadakis, M. E.: Ionospheric turbulence modulation by intense seismic activity as a tool of  Earthquake risk mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1196, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1196, 2025.

EGU25-2768 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Estimating drought impacts on crop yield using AI and EO 

Hempushpa Sahu, Pradeep Kumar Garg, Saurabh Vijay, and Antara Dasgupta

Climate change has intensified droughts in many parts of the world, severely impacting different sectors. In particular, the agricultural sector is highly sensitive to precipitation deficits and the resulting soil moisture deficit, leading to a drastic reduction in crop productivity. There is an urgent need to ensure access to food for a growing population in future, making it essential to address agricultural drought induced crop yield losses. Multimodal satellite and reanalysis climate data archives, coupled with advancements in machine learning, offer a promising avenue to address this issue, but studies are often limited to the calculation of drought indices. In order to produce actionable insights and allow for time to prepare for drought-related food production deficits, specific information on crop losses is needed. Therefore, this study demonstrates the potential of the machine learning algorithm Random Forest (RF) for annual crop yield forecasting using multimodal datasets, for two agriculturally important drought-prone regions in India and Germany. Using 11 climate variables from ERA5 data and PKU GIMMS NDVI (version 1.2) from 1990 to 2021, an RF model was trained to predict crop yields for two common crops across the study sites. The model was evaluated at different spatial scales and the spatial transferability of the model was also tested, using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE; absolute error metric) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE; relative error metric). Feature importance was also assessed across scales and across different study sites, using the mean decrease in impurity as a post-hoc explainability tool. Results show that different features are important for accurate crop yield predictions in different regions, for different crops, and across different space-time scales. Spatial transferability requires retraining the model with local data, due to the strong influence of local climatic and agricultural conditions as well as data availability. Findings pave the way for long lead time predictions of drought impacts on agricultural productivity purely open source data, contributing directly to improving global food security equitably, as the methods are equally applicable in data-rich and data-poor contexts. 

How to cite: Sahu, H., Garg, P. K., Vijay, S., and Dasgupta, A.: Estimating drought impacts on crop yield using AI and EO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2768, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2768, 2025.

This study investigates the collective narratives of informal settlement communities in Southeast Asia through the lens of participatory mapping, thereby elucidating geonarratives that encapsulate their lived experiences of extreme urban heat. As urban environments increasingly confront the challenges of rising temperatures—particularly evident in cities such as Bangkok in Thailand, and Quezon City in the Philippines—the integration of community perspectives into risk assessments becomes paramount. The heightened vulnerability of informal settlements to these climatic stressors necessitates a thorough examination of the insights provided by residents. Through participatory mapping exercises and focus group discussions, this research actively engages community members in articulating their lived experiences and adaptive strategies in response to extreme heat. The findings reveal that while these communities develop coping mechanisms to mitigate the impacts of heat, such strategies may inadvertently intensify their vulnerabilities and impose additional burdens. The geonarratives that emerge from these collective stories illustrate the interplay between vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities, illuminating the complexities of resilience. By fostering an inclusive participatory framework, this research enables community members to identify the local conditions and challenges that shape their resilience and coping strategies. By prioritising the voices of marginalised populations, this study underscores the necessity of integrating community insights into urban planning and climate adaptation strategies, thereby enhancing resilience in the face of escalating climate risks.

How to cite: Macagba, S. F. A. and Delina, L.: Geonarratives of Resilience and Coping: Understanding Lived Experiences of Urban Extreme Heat in Southeast Asia’s Informal Settlement Communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2880, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2880, 2025.

Quantifying the vulnerability of roads caused by debris flows is crucial for regional hazard mitigation in remote areas. However, the changing climate has increased the uncertainties in providing reliable vulnerability assessment due to the altered pattern of rainfall. Such change has induced the increased frequency and magnitude of debris flows, impacting the safe operation of highways. In this case, a reliable method was developed to help on the improvement of vulnerability quantification with the involvement of AI and Flo-2D simulation techniques before applying this proposed framework to a case study in the Gyirong Zangbo Basin, Tibet, China. In detail, a deep learning model was developed to estimate the physical vulnerability of roads in the event of a future debris flow with the consideration of a series of factors, including spatial locations of roads to the debris-flow channel, debris-flow catchment area (Ac), length of main channel (L), topographic relief (R), mean slope of main channel (J), and rainfall (P). After that, debris-flow simulations were performed to validate the physical vulnerability assessment results, which can further benefit the accurate quantification of economic loss on a regional scale. Here, in addition to the direct loss of the damaged roads, the indirect loss caused by the damaged roads was also estimated using a complex network theoretical approach that account for regional socioeconomic development and the time needed for road restoration. Overall, this study can form part of an early warning system to assist on the effective management of debris flows on a regional scale in mountainous areas.

How to cite: Qiu, C.: Vulnerability quantification of roads caused by future debris flows in mountainous areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3505, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3505, 2025.

This study addresses slope stability challenges at the All-India Radio Telecommunication Tower site in Kodagu, Coorg, Karnataka, India. The hillock supporting the tower exhibited signs of instability following the monsoon of 2022, prompting the need for effective reclamation strategies to prevent future landslides. A detailed spatial analysis was conducted using open-source Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and the Scoop 3D spatial Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) tool to identify critical regions susceptible to failure. To ensure robust and sustainable slope stabilization, geocell retaining walls were selected as an innovative solution. This technique promotes biotechnical stabilization by integrating structural reinforcement with natural vegetation, aligning with sustainability principles. The three-dimensional geometry of the proposed solution was modelled, and Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations were performed using PLAXIS 3D to evaluate the design’s performance under static and pseudo-static conditions, both with and without reinforcement. The analysis revealed that the geocell-based retaining system significantly enhances the slope's stability, achieving a Factor of Safety improvement of more than 10%. This solution not only addresses immediate stability concerns but also aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 9 and 11, emphasizing resilient infrastructure and sustainable urban development. The study concludes by recommending the implementation of this hybrid geocell retaining system to effectively mitigate future landslides and protect the telecommunication tower site.

How to cite: Menon, V. and Kolathayar, S.: Innovative Geocell-Based Slope Stabilization for Sustainable Protection: A Case Study of a Radio Tower Site in Kodagu, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3939, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3939, 2025.

Mining conflicts sustainable environment and causes disturbances for the livelihoods of people. Given the adverse impact on environment, indigenous community including Sami people and domesticated reindeer, it is of critical importance to peruse mining expansion and reclamation in Lapland, Finland. For the first time, this study employs a spatial-temporal deep learning architecture called ConvoLSTM, which enables accurate predictions of mining activities by capturing spectral, spatial, and temporal dependencies. Our custom model integrates a 2-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (2D-CNN) with a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) component. Using 10-meter Sentinel-2 imagery, we generated time-series land use/land cover (LULC) maps from 2015 to 2024 to track changes in mining extent. The performance of the spatial-temporal model was carefully evaluated against a Random Forest (RF) and a standalone 2D-CNN model, where it achieved superior accuracy. In the post-analysis phase, the Change Vector Analysis (CVA) technique was applied to quantify the magnitude and direction of change in mining activities over the past decade. The unique contribution of this study lies in implementing a custom spatial-temporal deep learning model to map decade-long mining activities and detect changes using publicly available satellite data. The resulting time-series maps demonstrate significant conversion of forest land and bare soil into mining areas, highlighting the rapid expansion of mining activities in Lapland which indicates a growing environmental concern in the arctic-boreal forest region. These findings offer critical insights and a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, and reindeer herders, facilitating informed decision-making for sustainable environmental management and natural resource conservation in Finland.

Keywords: Mining Mapping, Environmental Impact, Remote Sensing, Deep Learning, CVA. 

How to cite: Hasan, I. and Liu, D.: Quantifying Surface Mining Expansion and Reclamation Using Deep Learning-based ConvoLSTM Model and Satellite Images: A Case Study in Lapland Region of Finland., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4913, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4913, 2025.

EGU25-5524 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Application of Radon-Deficit Technique for Site Characterization and Machine Learning Integration: Case Studies and Emerging Insights 

Fernando Barrio-Parra, David Lorenzo Fernández, Alessandra Cecconi, Humberto Serrano-García, Miguel Izquierdo-Díaz, and Eduardo De Miguel García

The radon-deficit technique has proven to be a valuable tool for environmental site characterization, particularly in detecting subsurface organic contamination. This work highlights its successful application in two contaminated sites, validated by consulting firms and supported by independent data collection campaigns. In the first case study, the technique effectively identified previously undetected DNAPL (Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid) accumulations and optimized the placement of monitoring wells. Similarly, in the second case, radon-deficit data delineated areas potentially impacted by LNAPL (Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid) contamination, refining the sampling approach and complementing existing geochemical methods.

Building on these findings, a study is underway to integrate long-term radon data with machine learning (ML) techniques. By analysing environmental variables such as soil moisture, temperature, and atmospheric conditions, this approach aims to reduce the uncertainties inherent in radon-deficit data interpretation. Preliminary results indicate that ML models, such as Random Forest and Artificial Neural Networks, can enhance the predictive accuracy and reliability of the technique, paving the way for standardized protocols in site assessments. This integration represents a significant step toward more robust and scalable applications of radon-deficit methods in environmental monitoring.

How to cite: Barrio-Parra, F., Lorenzo Fernández, D., Cecconi, A., Serrano-García, H., Izquierdo-Díaz, M., and De Miguel García, E.: Application of Radon-Deficit Technique for Site Characterization and Machine Learning Integration: Case Studies and Emerging Insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5524, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5524, 2025.

EGU25-7204 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Pseudo–Global Warming climate projections at convection-permitting resolution in the Macaronesia region 

José Barrancos, Judit Carrillo, Pierre S. Tondreau, Francisco J. Expósito, Juan C. Pérez, Albano González, and Juan P. Díaz

In territories with complex orography such as the Macaronesian archipelagos of Madeira, Azores, Canary Islands, and Cape Verde, the spatial resolution of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) is not sufficient to account for all the atmospheric phenomena that occur in these archipelagos with such a complex microclimatic structure. This research presents a climatic dataset at a spatial resolution of 3x3 km2 in all the Macaronesian archipelagos derived from high-resolution regional climate simulations performed with Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, applying the pseudo-global warming (PGW) method. The dataset is focused on the following parameters: temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, wind, and cloud coverage. Meteorological stations (ECAD and METAR) and reanalysis ERA5 data were used for the validation of the model results in the recent past period (1982–2019). We worked with two periods for future projections (2030–2059 and 2070–2099) under two representative scenarios (SSP2.6 and SSP8.5). These indicators include annual and seasonal statistics and variability for each parameter. The dataset aims to support regional climate adaptation strategies, contributing to the broader scientific understanding of climate in insular environments.

How to cite: Barrancos, J., Carrillo, J., Tondreau, P. S., Expósito, F. J., Pérez, J. C., González, A., and Díaz, J. P.: Pseudo–Global Warming climate projections at convection-permitting resolution in the Macaronesia region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7204, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7204, 2025.

EGU25-7731 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Accuracy Analysis of Photogrammetry and LiDAR Point Clouds Using an iPhone 13 Pro Max 

Gabriela Vidal, Nelly Lucero Ramírez, Mariana Patricia Jácome, Néstor López, Thalía Alfonsina Reyes, and Fabiola Doracely Yépez

Subsidence is a geological phenomenon that continuously affects Mexico City. Over time, the impact of this phenomenon has been extensively studied using various methodologies, primarily at a regional scale. In recent years, efforts have shifted toward mapping subsidence at a local scale using technologies such as photogrammetry and LiDAR. These studies aim to establish a reference database to validate or complement regional-scale initiatives.

Field-based studies on subsidence often involve identifying problematic areas and analyzing topographical changes and structural damage over time. However, it is crucial to quantify and understand the limitations and capabilities of these techniques to establish a reference framework and ensure the reliability of the obtained data. Currently, precision methodologies are within everyone's reach thanks to technologies like photogrammetry and LiDAR from smartphones.

To achieve this, two controlled experiments (one conducted in the field and one in a laboratory setting) were carried out, in which 3D reconstructions of a box with known dimensions were made. Ten photogrammetry and ten LiDAR surveys were performed to compare the measurements obtained from the digital model with those taken from the physical object.

In the laboratory experiments, the average percentage error using photogrammetry was 1.03% (0.20 cm). Specifically, the error for a 16-cm-tall box was 1.44% (0.27 cm), while for a 20-cm-tall box, it was 0.61% (0.12 cm). For LiDAR, the average percentage error was 1.51% (0.27 cm), with errors of 1.50% (0.26 cm) for the 16-cm box and 1.52% (0.27 cm) for the 20-cm box. In field experiments, photogrammetry yielded an average percentage error of 0.88% (0.3 cm), whereas LiDAR showed an average error percentage of 2.17% (0.62 cm).

These findings confirm LiDAR and photogrammetry's potential for high-precision subsidence monitoring, providing a robust and accessible validation method. Utilizing mobile devices such as the iPhone 13 Pro Max extends the reach of these methodologies, enabling more accessible and practical research in urban contexts where subsidence poses significant challenges to infrastructure and quality of life.

How to cite: Vidal, G., Ramírez, N. L., Jácome, M. P., López, N., Reyes, T. A., and Yépez, F. D.: Accuracy Analysis of Photogrammetry and LiDAR Point Clouds Using an iPhone 13 Pro Max, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7731, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7731, 2025.

This study presents the site characterization of 133 selected stations in the National Accelerometer Network of Greece. All available earthquake recordings for various distances, magnitudes and azimuths around the station are compiled and processed to estimate a stable and reliable average Horizontal -to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (eHVSR). The earthquake records used have magnitude range 4 ≤ M < 6, with focal depth ranging from 0 to 40km and hypocentral distances 12 km ≤ Rhyp ≤ 300 km. Using the Diffuse Filed Concept for earthquakes (DFCe), and incorporating limited a priori geological information, available for the area around the station, the estimated eHVSRs were utilized in an inversion framework to estimate the best misfit velocity profiles down to seismological bedrock (where Vs>=3km/sec). Comparisons of these estimated velocity profiles with existing ones for the selected stations based on other geophysical or/and geotechnical methods, revealed good agreement, encouraging broader application of this methodology for the rest of stations.

In accordance with recommendations from the SERA project, seven key indicators were calculated for each of the 133 stations and are presented as follows: (1) Resonance frequency (f0), (2) Shear wave velocity of the uppermost 30 meters (Vs30), (3) Surface geology description, (4) Current EC8 site class, (5) Depth of the seismological bedrock (H3km/s), (6) Depth of the engineering bedrock (H0.8km/s) and (7) VSZ full profiles where available. Such comprehensive site characterization of accelerometer stations enhances regional and international strong-motion databases (e.g. ESM db) and contributes to exploiting earthquake recordings to their full potential for engineering and seismological applications.

How to cite: Chatzianagnostou, E. and Theodoulidis, N.: 1D Site characterization of National Accelerometer stations in Greece based on earthquake recordings and the Diffuse Filed Concept (DFCe), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8382, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8382, 2025.

EGU25-8599 | Posters virtual | VPS13

The Italian Space Agency Contribution to CEOS WGDisasters for Disaster Monitoring and Response 

Antonio Montuori, Deodato Tapete, Laura Frulla, Lorant Czaran, Andrew Eddy, Maria Virelli, Gianluca Pari, and Simona Zoffoli

The Working Group on Disasters (WGDisasters) has been established since 2013 by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS, https://ceos.org) to ensure the sustained coordination of disaster-related activities undertaken by the CEOS Agencies as well as to act as an interface between CEOS and the community of stakeholders / users involved in risk management and disaster reduction.

In this framework, CEOS WGDisasters has initiated, promoted and supported a series of concrete actions for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Disaster Risk reduction (DRR) oriented to disaster monitoring, preparedness and prevention. These actions have been translated in single-hazard Pilot and Demonstrator projects (currently focusing on fires, floods, landslide, volcanoes and seismic hazards) as well as multi-hazards projects as the Recovery Observatory (RO) and Supersites for Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories (GSNL).

Since 2012 ASI participates and contributes to the above-mentioned initiatives in terms of project selection and evaluation (as part of Data Coordination Team); data provision of COSMO-SkyMed, SAOCOM (only within the ASI Zone of Exclusivity defined in agreement with CONAE within SIASGE program) and PRISMA images; scientific activities in DRM and RO projects.

In coordination with WG members and CEOS Agencies, ASI has delivered more than 20.000 EO products until now and is actively involved in demonstrating novel scientific products based on a tailored exploitation of COSMO-SkyMed radar images. Several showcases will be presented at the time of the conference dealing with volcano monitoring (e.g. Mount Agung in Indonesia, Sierra Negra at Galapagos, St. Vincent in Caribbean), seismic activities (e.g. 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake), multi-hazards “Supersite” initiatives (e.g. Reykjanes Peninsula, Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes in Hawaii, Nyamuragira and Nyiragongo volcanoes) and RO initiative (e.g. 2016 Hurricane Matthew and 2021 Hurricane Grace in Haiti).

How to cite: Montuori, A., Tapete, D., Frulla, L., Czaran, L., Eddy, A., Virelli, M., Pari, G., and Zoffoli, S.: The Italian Space Agency Contribution to CEOS WGDisasters for Disaster Monitoring and Response, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8599, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8599, 2025.

EGU25-11004 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Modeling Human-Caused Wildfire Ignition Probability Across Europe 

Pere Joan Gelabert Vadillo, Adrián Jiménez-Ruano, Clara Ochoa, Fermín Alcasena, Johan Sjöström, Christopher Marrs, Luís Mário Ribeiro, Palaiologos Palaiologou, Carmen Bentué-Martínez, Emilio Chuvieco, Cristina Vega-García, and Marcos Rodrigues

This communication presents a unified modeling framework for human-caused wildfire ignitions across representative European regions (pilot sites, PS), aiming to enhance understanding of ignition drivers and support wildfire risk management. Our approach models ignition probability at a fine spatial resolution (100 m), identifies key influencing factors, and enables cross-regional comparisons.

We calibrated Random Forest models using historical fire records and geospatial datasets, including land cover, accessibility, population density, and dead fine-fuel moisture content (DFMC). Models were developed individually for each PS and compared to a comprehensive model integrating all PS. Spatial autocorrelation effects on model performance were also evaluated.

Model performance was robust, with AUC values ranging from 0.70 to 0.89. DFMC anomaly emerged as the most influential variable across all PS. Among human-related factors, proximity to the Wildland-Urban Interface was most significant, followed by distance to roads, population density, and wildland coverage. The full model achieved an AUC of 0.81, highlighting mean DFMC and anomaly as dominant ignition drivers modulated by accessibility and population density. Local model performance, however, dropped by 0.10 AUC in regions such as Southern Sweden and Attica, Greece.

These findings underscore the importance of integrating fine-scale spatial and environmental data for wildfire ignition modeling. The developed models provide valuable insights into wildfire ignition hazards and support the implementation of targeted mitigation policies in fire-prone European landscapes.

How to cite: Gelabert Vadillo, P. J., Jiménez-Ruano, A., Ochoa, C., Alcasena, F., Sjöström, J., Marrs, C., Ribeiro, L. M., Palaiologou, P., Bentué-Martínez, C., Chuvieco, E., Vega-García, C., and Rodrigues, M.: Modeling Human-Caused Wildfire Ignition Probability Across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11004, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11004, 2025.

EGU25-14209 | Posters virtual | VPS13

A digital twin for management of landslides and slope incidents on strategic road infrastructure 

Silvia García, Paulina Trejo, and Berenice Ángeles

In 2023, Otis strengthened from a slight tropical storm into a major hurricane (Category 5) within only about 12 hours before it made landfall. The storm slammed into Mexico's coast with maximum sustained winds of over 165 mph and hurricane-force winds extending up to 30 miles from its center. The SICT (Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation) warned of a total closure of the Mexico-Acapulco highway in the Chilpancingo-Acapulco section. Faced with reports of hundreds of landslides through the lines, the SICT deployed more than 1000 workers, 100 vehicles and 300 pieces of heavy machinery in the hope of “restoring traffic as soon as possible and providing safety to users.” Unfortunately, predictions could not anticipate close enough the Otis destructive force.

Ensuring the proper functioning of road infrastructure is a fundamental aspect in risk management. Landslides have the potential to impair critical transportation infrastructure, particularly road networks in the hilly regions in Mexico. Recognizing the extremely changing climate conditions in the Mexican Pacific coasts are becoming increasingly difficult to predict, in this research advanced technologies are integrated into an intelligent digital scenario to simulate and control this linear infrastructure before, during and after extreme rainfalls occur.

The strategic roads digital twin comprises i. dynamic susceptibility maps, ii. satellite radar information of control points (the landslides pathologies are easily detected through them), iii. an artificial intelligence slope stability calculator (in near real-time) for pointing incipient instability, and iv. a semi-immersive scenario for analyzing future states based on the information of pluvial stations and control points, once this information is analyzed with the intelligent calculator. For communicate the input conditions, the aggravating factors and the future responses, a digital twin of potentially affected road sections (detected on the dynamic maps) is developed. Simulate scenarios before rainfall increases, help to make informed maintenance and risk prevention decisions in road infrastructure in areas with high geotechnical complexity and strong seasonal rainfall patterns. Exploiting precalculated extremely dangerous conditions, this digital twin can serve as an early warning system because it is programmed for immediate communication of graduated alarms that announce the proximity to dangerous states.

How to cite: García, S., Trejo, P., and Ángeles, B.: A digital twin for management of landslides and slope incidents on strategic road infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14209, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14209, 2025.

EGU25-14311 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Ranking of extreme drought events in the Amazon Basin between 1980 and 2024 

Ronaldo Albuquerque, Djacinto Monteiro dos Santos, Vitor Miranda, Célia Gouveia, Margarida Liberato, Ricardo Trigo, Leonardo Peres, and Renata Libonati

The Amazon Basin (AB), the largest hydrographic basin in the world, spans across seven countries in South America. It constitutes a highly intricate system, rich in natural resources, and is marked by substantial biological heterogeneity. The AB plays a pivotal role in the regulation of environmental processes, serving a key component of the global hydrological cycle and climate systems. Understanding the increasing frequency, intensity and spatial extent of extreme drought events in this region is vital for safeguarding the regional ecosystem. This study aims to classify extreme drought events in the AB using the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), derived from ERA5 reanalysis data, covering the period from 1980 to 2024. To assess both agricultural and hydrological droughts, this research incorporates the accumulation periods of 6 and 12 months (SPEI-6 and SPEI-12). The ranking methodology accounts for various SPEI time scales, the extent of the affected area, and the average SPEI intensity within that area. The results highlight that the 2023/24 drought episode was the most intense ever recorded in the AB, with over 90% (80%) of the region affected for the month of January for SPEI-6 (SPEI-12), surpassing known past mega-events, such as the 2005, 2010 and 2015/16 episodes. These extreme conditions were observed across all timespans. Specifically, for January 2024 under the SPEI-6 and for September 2024 under the SPEI-12, more than half of the AB was categorized as experiencing exceptional drought, as established by the 1st percentile of the SPEI distribution. Furthermore, the results underscore the persistence of consecutive periods of drought, especially since the beginning of 2020. With the climate projections indicating continued warming in the region, increased evapotranspiration and lower rates of rainfall are expected, potentially leading to even drier periods. This marks the significance of studies focused on understanding the development and impacts of droughts, as they play a critical role in the mitigation of future environmental risks.

How to cite: Albuquerque, R., Monteiro dos Santos, D., Miranda, V., Gouveia, C., Liberato, M., Trigo, R., Peres, L., and Libonati, R.: Ranking of extreme drought events in the Amazon Basin between 1980 and 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14311, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14311, 2025.

EGU25-15456 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Numerical study of  2018 Baige landslides induced geohazards chain and dynamic proesses 

Yunxu Xie, Gongdan Zhou, Kahlil Fredrick Ermac Cui, xueqiang Lu, and nanjun Li

Geohazard chains in watersheds often involve a series of interconnected events, such as landslides that propagate along slopes, intrude into river channels, form landslide dams, and result in dam breaches and outburst flooding. Because the sub-processes within a geohazard chain are coupled, one or more of these events can trigger subsequent ones, leading to larger spatial and temporal scales than isolated disasters. This results in more destructive power and a wider impact area. In this study, a numerical case study focuses on the most recent geohazard chain event: the 2018 Baige landslide in Sichuan Province, China. This event can be divided into several sub-processes based on the coupling order within the chain. The first landslide formed a landslide dam, followed by another landslide at the same location, which overlapped with the first, creating a higher dam. This ultimately led to a larger-scale dam breach and outflow.
To simulate this sequence, a series of validated depth-averaged models for geohazard chains was employed, along with a standard LxF central differencing scheme to retain high resolution and avoid Riemann characteristic decomposition. The landslide propagation was modeled using a visco-inertial friction law. The numerical predictions were verified against field measurements from the literature, demonstrating the feasibility of using μ(K) visco-inertial rheology to simulate large-scale landslides and landslide dam formations. The overtopping failure of the two overlapping landslide dams and the subsequent outburst flooding were successfully simulated using the proposed model. Maximum discharge results indicate the model's capability to capture the interaction between dam breaches and outburst floods. The numerical findings, validated by existing literature, provide a reliable assessment for emergency relief and hazard mitigation. This modeling framework is expected to contribute to improved mitigation strategies for geohazard chains.

How to cite: Xie, Y., Zhou, G., Cui, K. F. E., Lu, X., and Li, N.: Numerical study of  2018 Baige landslides induced geohazards chain and dynamic proesses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15456, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15456, 2025.

EGU25-15531 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Spatio-temporal analysis of forest fires in Croatia 

Diana Škurić Kuraži and Ivana Herceg Bulić

Although the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), provided by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service, offers three different methods for determining forest fire danger, the Canadian method is usually used and accepted in Croatia. The Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) estimates the forest fire danger level based on meteorological parameters (air temperature, humidity, wind speed and precipitation amount) related to 12 UTC for the given day at the meteorological station or to a grid point of a numerical weather prediction model.

Thanks to the EFFIS statistics portal, it is possible to see the extent to which Croatia has been at risk from forest fires in recent years based on the areas burned and the number of fires. The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) provides a much more detailed overview of the burned areas. The combination of data from the Climate Change Service and the Emergency Management Service can provide a better overview of forest fires in Croatia. The forest fire danger levels are analyzed spatially between different regions such as the continental, mountainous and Adriatic parts of Croatia. In order to find an appropriate duration of the fire season, the forest fires within and outside the fire season are listed. The aim of the spatio-temporal analysis is to show the most endangered areas and the seasonal trend of forest fires in Croatia.

How to cite: Škurić Kuraži, D. and Herceg Bulić, I.: Spatio-temporal analysis of forest fires in Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15531, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15531, 2025.

EGU25-16116 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Daily Data-Driven Emulation of the Fire Weather Index: Deep Learning Solutions for Wildfire Risk Prediction 

Óscar Mirones, Jorge Baño-Media, and Joaquín Bedia

Wildfires are an intensifying global challenge, driven by climate change, which increases their frequency, severity, and spatial extent. Accurate wildfire risk assessment and forecasting are essential for effective mitigation, resource allocation, and long-term planning. The Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) is a widely used fire danger rating system that integrates four primary daily meteorological variables—24-hour accumulated precipitation, wind speed, relative humidity, and temperature—into six components representing fuel moisture, ignition probability, and fire spread potential. Its temporal "memory" feature, which tracks moisture changes over time, makes it particularly valuable for capturing wildfire dynamics.

However, the FWI reliance on specific daily input data at noon poses challenges for its application in regions or scenarios lacking such precise temporal measurements. To address this limitation, FWI proxies computed using daily mean data offer a practical alternative. Yet, these proxies often lack the fidelity required to fully replicate the FWI values.

This study focuses on enhancing the emulation of the original FWI using daily mean data and other proxy variables by leveraging advanced deep learning techniques. We explore a spectrum of architectures, ranging from conventional machine learning models to state-of-the-art approaches like convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (ConvLSTM) networks. These models are tailored to capture the spatial and temporal complexities of wildfire behavior while maintaining robustness in the face of variable data availability.

Our research centers on the Iberian Peninsula, a Mediterranean region highly vulnerable to extreme wildfire events. By utilizing high-resolution, geo-referenced datasets, we validate the ability of these models to emulate the original FWI with high accuracy. To enhance model interpretability, we integrate eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques, providing actionable insights into the decision-making processes and addressing concerns about the "black box" nature of deep learning.

This work demonstrates how daily data, combined with cutting-edge deep learning methods, can effectively emulate the FWI, offering a scalable and reliable solution for wildfire risk prediction in regions where traditional inputs are unavailable. The proposed models bridge the gap between limited data availability and the growing need for precise fire danger indices, enabling improved assessment and planning for wildfire-prone regions.

By advancing the science of wildfire modeling through daily data-driven approaches, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of spatial and temporal wildfire dynamics. It highlights the potential of integrating geoscience, climatology, and artificial intelligence to develop practical tools for wildfire risk mitigation, resilience, and decision-making in a rapidly changing climate.


Acknowledgments: This research work is part of R+D+i project CORDyS (PID2020-116595RB-I00) with funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. O.M. has received the research grant PRE2021-100292 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033.

How to cite: Mirones, Ó., Baño-Media, J., and Bedia, J.: Daily Data-Driven Emulation of the Fire Weather Index: Deep Learning Solutions for Wildfire Risk Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16116, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16116, 2025.

EGU25-17470 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Earthquake Shaking Simulation Workflow for Urgent Computing Services: Challenges and Advances 

Marisol Monterrubio-Velasco, Christian Boehm, Arturo Iglesias, Gina Diez, Cedric Bhihe, Leonarda Esquivel, Natalia Zamora, Katinka Tuinstra, and Josep de la Puente

Urgent Computing (UC) refers to the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and High-Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) modules during or immediately following emergencies. It typically integrates complex end-to-end workflows with scalable computing resources, where multiple model realizations are necessary to account for input and model uncertainties, all under strict time-to-solution constraints. Enabling urgent HPC in unpredictable events such as earthquakes can significantly enhance resilience and response efforts. The temporal horizon for UC usually spans from minutes to a few hours, providing decision-makers with rapid estimates of the potential outcomes of emergency scenarios. In particular, high-resolution synthetic ground motions for earthquakes can complement the tools used by seismological services for impact analysis. Here, the Urgent Computing Integrated Services for Earthquakes (UCIS4EQ) is proposed as an innovative UC seismic workflow designed to rapidly generate synthetic estimates of the consequences (such as synthetic time histories, shakemaps, PGA/PGV, among other proxies) of moderate to large earthquakes (M > 6). Over the last six years, UCIS4EQ has been developed from scratch and received contributions within the framework of three European projects (DT-GEO, eFlows4HPC, and ChEESE CoE). In this work, we demonstrate the technological maturity of UCIS4EQ and its operational readiness in collaboration with the Mexican Seismological Service (SSN). Furthermore, this work addresses the challenges we face to reach operational maturity addressing the specific requirements of a seismological service for an urgent computing framework providing reliable outcomes for decision making with global coverage.

How to cite: Monterrubio-Velasco, M., Boehm, C., Iglesias, A., Diez, G., Bhihe, C., Esquivel, L., Zamora, N., Tuinstra, K., and de la Puente, J.: Earthquake Shaking Simulation Workflow for Urgent Computing Services: Challenges and Advances, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17470, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17470, 2025.

To address the challenge of inconsistent line-of-sight (LOS) deformation datum derived from interferometric measurements of different Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images—and the significant variation in LOS direction between near-range and far-range within the same image—this contribution proposes an InSAR deformation datum  connection method with a fixed LOS direction. The method combines Bayesian inference and the Markov Random Field (MRF) model, integrating InSAR and GNSS deformation data to achieve unified deformation datum for adjacent and even different-orbit SAR interferometric results.

A simulation experiments, using Sentinel-1 imaging parameters and GNSS velocity field data, and a real-world validation with InSAR data of the 2023 Southern Turkey earthquake are conducted. In the simulation, the root-mean-square error  of LOS displacement rate difference in the overlapping regions of adjacent-track SAR images decreased 99%. In the real-world experiment, the root-mean-square error of displacement difference reduced from 20 mm to 8 mm, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method.

We have three key contributions:(1) Unified Deformation datum: Successfully realize an InSAR deformation datum connection with fixed LOS direction in SAR images; (2) Adjacent-Track Stitching: Achieve seamless stitching of adjacent-track SAR deformation results from a single data source; (3) Real-Data Validation: Reduce the mean displacement difference in overlapping regions of adjacent-track SAR images of the 2023 Southern Turkey earthquake from 20 mm to 8 mm.

How to cite: Bian, W., Motagh, M., and Wu, J.: InSAR Deformation Datum Connection with A Fixed Line-of-Sight Direction: A Bayesian inference and the Markov Random Field (MRF) model integration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19686, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19686, 2025.

EGU25-19948 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Entrainment-driven changes in runout deposition of debris flows at small scale  

Neelima Satyam, Nikhil Kumar Pandey, and Benjamin Basumatary

Entrainment plays a vital role in shaping debris flow deposits, influencing their morphology and dynamics. Our study utilized a small-scale flume experiment to investigate the effects of water content (w/c), sediment composition, and bed morphology on granular flow behavior. Sixteen experiments were conducted with varying w/c levels (20–50%) and erodible bed configurations, analyzing deposit morphology in terms of width, thickness, and runout length. The results revealed distinct morphological patterns across different w/c levels. At low w/c levels (20–24%), deposits formed broad, shorter lobes with minimal scouring, resulting in cone-shaped structures. Moderate w/c (~28%) increased flow mobility, leading to thicker deposits near the flume bed due to reduced entrainment. At higher w/c levels (30–50%), deposits shifted farther downstream, characterized by greater entrainment volumes and extended runout distances. While higher w/c reduced deposit thickness, it significantly increased deposit width, highlighting the combined effects of w/c and entrainment. The study identified a clear relationship between entrainment and flow mobility, with greater entrainment volumes producing wider and flatter deposits. Water content was found to be the primary factor influencing deposit thickness, emphasizing its critical role in sediment transport dynamics. The deposits were poorly sorted and exhibited a bedding structure similar to natural debris flows, validating the experimental approach. This research presents an effective and scalable method for studying granular flow behavior over erodible beds, offering valuable insights into sediment transport processes and bridging mesoscale experiments with practical applications in natural hazard mitigation and geotechnical engineering.

How to cite: Satyam, N., Pandey, N. K., and Basumatary, B.: Entrainment-driven changes in runout deposition of debris flows at small scale , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19948, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19948, 2025.

EGU25-20251 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Surface Urban Heat Island in Bolzano (Italy): Evaluating the Role of Morphometric and Biophysical Characteristics 

Camilla Dalla Vecchia, Letizia Dalle Vedove, Thomas Vigato, Claudio Zandonella Callegher, and Fabio Giussani

Urbanization continues to accelerate, driving global warming change and, at more local scale, land cover changes. In cities, new surface materials, buildings, roads and changes to the surface morphology alter airflow and heat exchange between the urban surface and the atmosphere. As a result, cities are almost always warmer than their surroundings rural area in a phenomenon known as Urban Heat Island (UHI) that could represent a hazard for city inhabitants. Consequently, it is important to evaluate the magnitude of the UHI and understand the urban characteristics involved in its formation process.

The aim of the present study is to assess the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) in Bolzano urban area evaluating its correlation with the urban morphology and its biophysical characteristics. The indices considered to describe the urban morphology are Building Coverage Ratio (BRC), Building Volume Density (BVD), Mean Building Height (MBH), Green Space Ratio (GRS), and Sky View Factor (SVF) at 30 m resolution. The biophysical indices considered are albedo, Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and Land Surface Temperature (LST) at 30 m resolution.

The morphological indices were calculated starting from building, green area, land cover data, and DEM, whereas biophysical indices were derived from Landsat 8/9 OLI/TIRS satellite images. Two images, one for the summer season and one for the winter season, were selected based on air temperature and absence of clouds: 07/19/2022 during a 7-days period of very high temperatures and 02/14/2021 during a 7-days period of very low temperatures. Subsequently, a linear model analysis was fitted, setting the Urban Heat Island Intensity (UHII) as the dependent variable and the morphological and biophysical indices as independent variables.

Results showed how some indices were positive or negative correlated with the UHII both in summer and winter, whereas other had a different behavior depending on the season.
Results regarding summer period highlighted UHII positive correlations with most of the morphological indices and negative correlation with most biophysical indices. In contrast, in winter, all the biophysical indices were positive correlated with the UHII. Moreover, most morphological indices were positive correlated with it.

Understanding which urban characteristics impact more in the SUHI formation is crucial for improving city environment and people health and this study set a first step into it.

This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005) – SPOKE TS 1.

How to cite: Dalla Vecchia, C., Dalle Vedove, L., Vigato, T., Zandonella Callegher, C., and Giussani, F.: Surface Urban Heat Island in Bolzano (Italy): Evaluating the Role of Morphometric and Biophysical Characteristics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20251, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20251, 2025.

EGU25-20476 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Chamoli Glacial Burst: Investigating the vulnerability of the Himalayan geology with the support of Forensic Analysis 

Pritam Ghosh, Bastian Van den Bout, Cees Van Westen, and Funda Atun

The Chamoli Glacial flood happened in the Indian state of Uttarakhand on the 7th of February 2021. This disaster was triggered by a rockslide-induced glacial burst near the Ronti peak. The event unleashed a massive debris flow that devastated the area’s critical infrastructure, including the Rishiganga and Tapovan Vishnugad hydropower projects. The event underscored the vulnerability of the fragile Himalayan geology, challenges in development, disaster preparedness and early warning systems.

PARATUS project's forensic approach is based on the combination of three specific forensic methodologies: Investigation of Disasters (FORIN), Post Event Review Capability (PERC), and Detecting Disaster Root Causes (DKKV). The forensic analysis investigates the disaster’s causes, multi-dimensional impacts and responses, highlighting the key vulnerabilities across physical, socio-cultural, economic and institutional dimensions. The study identifies poor infrastructure resilience, environmental degradation and limited emergency response capacity as major contributors to the severity of the disaster. Cascading effects such as sedimentation and artificial lake formation further exacerbated the risks. The immediate aftermath saw significant disruptions in transportation and communication networks, hindering rescue operations despite the swift deployment of ground and aerial relief to the affected population.

In the recovery phase, coordinated efforts under India’s National Disaster Management Plan facilitated relief and reconstruction. However, challenges associated with the long-term rehabilitation of the people affected by the disaster still persist. The governmental institutions are currently focusing on building resilience through slope stabilization, improved early warning systems and sustainable infrastructure development. Addressing systemic vulnerabilities, including governance gaps and socio-economic inequities remains a critical step toward mitigating future risks. This forensic analysis builds on existing scientific literature and institutional reports revealed by the Government of India to assess and emphasize the necessity of integrating multi-hazard approaches and localized strategies for disaster risk reduction in vulnerable mountainous regions like the central Himalayas.

How to cite: Ghosh, P., den Bout, B. V., Westen, C. V., and Atun, F.: Chamoli Glacial Burst: Investigating the vulnerability of the Himalayan geology with the support of Forensic Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20476, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20476, 2025.

EGU25-20966 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Cataloging historical tsunami marigrams from microfilm images 

Aaron Sweeney and Erik Radio

The U.S. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has more than 3,700 tsunami marigram (tide gauge) records in both image and paper format, capturing worldwide observations of more than 390 tsunami events from 1854 to 1994. The majority of these tsunami marigram records were scanned to high-resolution digital TIFF images during the U.S. NOAA Climate Data Modernization Program (CDMP) which ran from 2000 to 2011. Additional, uncatalogued physical records exist on microfilm rolls and paper at the David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC) in Boulder, Colorado, USA. For many tsunami events prior to 1994, data resides only on the marigram records, making them of great historical significance. Six of the 13 uncatalogued microfilm rolls have been scanned by NCEI to produce 3,548 TIFF images. During 2025, we will be working to catalog, archive, and make these images discoverable and accessible online. We will identify any duplicates by comparing to the existing catalog of marigrams already archived at NCEI. Given the large number of uncatalogued images, we are exploring automated approaches to harvesting metadata from the images to aid in cataloging. We will present the project background, goals, and initial results of this effort.

How to cite: Sweeney, A. and Radio, E.: Cataloging historical tsunami marigrams from microfilm images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20966, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20966, 2025.

EGU25-21040 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Effects of Drainage Network on the Identification of Landslide-Susceptible Areas Using the TRIGRS Model 

Marcio Augusto Ernesto de Moraes, Rodolfo M. Mendes, Cassiano Antonio Bortolozo, Daniel Metodiev, Maria das Dores S. Medeiros, Márcio R. M. Andrade, Tatiana S. G. Mendes, and Roberto Q. Coutinho

Gravitational mass movements are recurrent events in Brazil, usually triggered by intense rainfall. When such rainfall events occur in urban areas, particularly on slopes, they often result in disasters, causing loss of human lives, social impacts, and economic damage. Thus, mapping and monitoring landslide susceptible areas are extremely important, as well as the implementation of a system capable of predicting their occurrence in advance. In this context, this study aims to assess the efficiency of the TRIGRS numerical model as a component of a prediction system for landslides on urban slopes. As a first step, the influence of the drainage network, which is altered due to urbanization on slopes, will be analyzed in relation to the safety factor, moisture profile, and pore pressure. The drainage network was calculated using a digital terrain model derived from LIDAR data. The TRIGRS model was applied to a small watershed located in the municipality of Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil. During the 72 hours analyzed period, two heavy rainfall events stroke the area and landslides were registered. The registered landslides show the model efficiency on the identification of the most susceptible areas, because they happened in areas identified by TRIGRS as extremely susceptible to landslides. The combined geotechnical and geophysical methodology for soil characterization and the use of more realistic drainage network feeding the TRIGRS has shown to be useful urban planning and early warning systems. This study is part of Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) Project coordinated by GEGEP/UFPE, with the participation of Cemaden, and in collaboration under development with the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). It aims to implement a methodological procedure.

How to cite: Ernesto de Moraes, M. A., M. Mendes, R., Bortolozo, C. A., Metodiev, D., das Dores S. Medeiros, M., R. M. Andrade, M., S. G. Mendes, T., and Q. Coutinho, R.: Effects of Drainage Network on the Identification of Landslide-Susceptible Areas Using the TRIGRS Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21040, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21040, 2025.

EGU25-1091 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Organo-mineral interactions in the floodplain govern the stability of buried organic carbon in continental margins 

Sourav Priyam Adhya and Prasanta Sanyal

The global carbon cycle is largely controlled by the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 by plants and preservation of organic carbon at the continental margins. In the context of Himalayan rivers, previous studies explored the fate of terrestrial organic carbon (Corg)without much consideration of its preservation within the floodplains. We undertook a novel approach to investigate the spatio-temporal preservation of Corg in floodplain paleosols, which form an intermediate between the source of Corg and their subsequent deposition in the continental margin. Towards this, we sampled five 35 m long sediment cores spanning the entirety of the Ganga River Floodplain (GRF). Carbon isotopic composition of Corg and soil carbonates (SC) (δ13Corg and δ13CSC) and oxygen isotopic composition of SC (δ18OSC) along with soil texture, Al and Fe oxides (Alox and Feox) were used as predictors (n=158) of Corg preservation. The Random Forest Regression (RFR) model with the built-in feature importance tool was used to disentangle the dominant predictor of Corg across all the study sites. Our results suggest that in the upper stretch of GRF, Corg is low and preservation was predominantly controlled by the vegetation type (C3/C4) with grasslands accruing more Corg than forests. In contrast, in the lower stretch of GRF, the preservation was dominantly controlled through the formation of Alox and Feox organo-mineral complexes, with the resultant Corg being one-order higher compared to upper stretches. Previous studies suggested that rapid burial predominantly acted as a major controlling factor on the sustenance of Corg in Bay of Bengal. However, our results along with similar Al/Si vs. Corg correlations within the lower GRF compared to the previously reported values from riverine suspended load and shelf sediments suggest that the floodplains transformed the labile Corg into stable organo mineral aggregates at lower stretch of GRF before it was deposited into the Bay of Bengal. We suggest that protection of Corg in floodplain is an importantstep towards its preservation at continental shelf. In the context of the Himalayan river system and the amount of Corg effectively preserved, the role of floodplains has profound implications for the global carbon cycle. 

How to cite: Adhya, S. P. and Sanyal, P.: Organo-mineral interactions in the floodplain govern the stability of buried organic carbon in continental margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1091, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1091, 2025.

EGU25-1920 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils at Various Landfills Vicinity: A Review Study 

Soroush Shayeghi, Behzad Moein, and Maria Asefi

Landfill soils are often heavily contaminated with heavy metals (HMs), posing a significant risk of environmental pollution in surrounding areas. Historically, many landfills have been unregulated, poorly constructed, or have exceeded their design lifespans, contributing to their status as major pollution sources. Leachate generation, driven by waste degradation, microbial activity, rainfall infiltration, and groundwater intrusion, exacerbates this issue but is frequently untreated. Anthropogenic activities produce vast quantities of waste, ranging from biodegradable to hazardous materials. In rapidly urbanizing municipalities, particularly in developing countries, the challenges of solid waste management are pressing. Household waste is commonly discarded in unregulated dumpsites, waterways, and public spaces, exacerbating pollution. In contrast, developed nations typically manage municipal solid waste (MSW) more effectively due to advanced waste management infrastructure. This study investigates the classification of landfills based on waste type and evaluates the associated heavy metal (HM) contamination in soils. Representative landfill sites from various countries, including Ghana, Iran, Malaysia, China, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Tunisia, were analyzed to determine the average concentrations of HMs in surrounding soils. Heavy metals such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), aluminum (Al), mercury (Hg), and vanadium (V) were detected in soils adjacent to these landfills. Soil pollution was assessed using several indices. The Ecological Risk Index (Eir) and the summation of the Ecological Risk Index (ERI) quantified individual and total ecological risks, respectively. Anthropogenic pollution was evaluated through the geo-accumulation index (Igeo), pollution index (PI), and integrated pollution index (IPI), providing insights into pollution levels relative to natural elemental content in soils. Factors influencing heavy metals contamination included the proximity of the soil to the landfill, the depth of soil infiltrated by leachate, seasonal variations, and site topography. To address soil contamination, remediation strategies were proposed, including the application of biochar (BC), humic substances (HS), and iron oxide (FO) amendments to immobilize HMs effectively and other remediation techniques to remove heavy metals. These findings contribute to developing sustainable approaches for mitigating heavy metal pollution in landfill-adjacent soils.

How to cite: Shayeghi, S., Moein, B., and Asefi, M.: Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils at Various Landfills Vicinity: A Review Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1920, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1920, 2025.

EGU25-2178 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Assessment of Water Erosion in the Semi-Arid Oued Beht WatershedUsing Satellite Data and Comparative Modeling Approaches 

nassima moutaoikil, Brahim Benzougagh, Mohamed Mastere, Hamid Bounouira, Bouchta El Fellah, Abdessalam Ouallali, and Hind Lamrani

Water accumulation is a critical challenge in arid and semi-arid regions, significantly degrading soil quality and threatening land sustainability. This study focuses on the Oued Beht watershed in Morocco, covering 6,200 km², representative of semi-arid geographical conditions. Using satellitebased Earth observation data, including Landsat 9 and SRTM, this research assesses water erosion by comparing two models: PAP/CAR, a qualitative approach, and RUSLE, a quantitative model.
Key datasets, such as NDVI, slope, and land use, were extracted from satellite imagery to calibrate and validate the models. For the RUSLE model, the rainfall erosivity factor (R) was estimated using two distinct methods. The first applies the formula developed by Renard and Freimund (1994), which links annual precipitation to erosivity. The second employs a modified formula by Rango and Arnoldus (1987), adapted to Moroccan conditions, using monthly and annual precipitation to estimate erosivity.
Rainfall data covering 65 years (1958–2023), obtained from 23 meteorological stations, were utilized to ensure robust and reliable analysis. By comparing the performance of these two RUSLE methods with the PAP/CAR model, this study aims to determine their respective effectiveness in
evaluating erosion risks.
The findings contribute to advancing knowledge on erosion processes, offering valuable insights for sustainable land management practices and mitigating land degradation in semi-arid environments. This research underscores the critical role of satellite data and modeling in
addressing natural hazards, aligning closely with the conference’s focus on leveraging Earth observation technologies for risk assessment and management.

How to cite: moutaoikil, N., Benzougagh, B., Mastere, M., Bounouira, H., El Fellah, B., Ouallali, A., and Lamrani, H.: Assessment of Water Erosion in the Semi-Arid Oued Beht WatershedUsing Satellite Data and Comparative Modeling Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2178, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2178, 2025.

EGU25-4327 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Farmer´s perception on water crop necessities and crop coefficients in the Sierra Norte of Ecuador. Lessons learnt from field surveys. 

Sergio Zubelzu, Daniel Chalacán, María T. Gómez-Villarino, and Jesús López-Santiago

The optimal determination of the crop water requirements is the probably the most relevant operational variables the farmers managing irrigated lands must set to ensure the optimal use of water for irrigation. The absence of robust crop coefficient estimates constitutes a great limitation for maximizing the performance of agriculture in remote agricultural areas of developing countries. In such areas where despite they usually present optimal environment for cropping activities, technical and knowledge-related barriers strongly limit the development of efficient agriculture and the transference of existing knowledge on the crop coefficient. Seeking to help raise the knowledge on crop coefficient we have studied the local crop coefficient practices in the Sierra Norte of Ecuador area conducting a field research to collect the ongoing practices and farmers´ perceptions. The results from the survey reveal farmers have no information on the crop coefficients and the crop water demands and use rudimentary indicators to implement the irrigation decisions.

How to cite: Zubelzu, S., Chalacán, D., Gómez-Villarino, M. T., and López-Santiago, J.: Farmer´s perception on water crop necessities and crop coefficients in the Sierra Norte of Ecuador. Lessons learnt from field surveys., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4327, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4327, 2025.

EGU25-5910 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Assessment of soil erosion areas using a process-based overland flow modelling approach 

Diego Ravazzolo, Elisabetta Persi, Andrea Fenocchi, Gabriella Petaccia, Pierfranco Costabile, Carmelina Costanzo, Wafae Ennouini, and Stefano Sibilla

Soil erosion is a complex process driven by the interaction between climatic factors, soil properties, topography, vegetation, and land use. It involves detachment, transportation, and deposition of soil particles due to surface runoff and wind, causing severe environmental and economic challenges. To manage erosion, several models ranging from empirical to process-based and hybrid approaches have been developed. For example, the most widely used empirical models is the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) which estimates long-term erosion rates but not reliable in short-term assessments. Process-based models, such as the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) and the European Soil Erosion Model (EUROSEM), simulate physical erosion mechanisms but require extensive data. Hybrid models like the Sediment Delivery Distributed (SEDD) and the Limburg Soil Erosion Model (LISEM) balance usability and mechanistic accuracy but face challenges in data-scarce or complex landscapes.

This study applied a hydraulic Overland Flow (OF) model to the Oltrepò Pavese region in north-western Italy, a geologically and hydrologically diverse area influenced by natural processes and human activities. In particular, the model was applied for a rainfall event with a return period of two year in three representative mountain catchments of the region: Scuropasso, Versa, and Ardivestra, characterised by mild to steep slopes, forested areas, rural settlements and vineyards. The OF model, based on the resolution of the Shallow Water Equations (2D-SWEs) calculates hydrodynamic variables such as flow depth and velocity. Erosion-prone areas were identified through literature empirical equations employed by using the OF model output, incorporating shear stress, stream power, and sediment transport capacity. To validate the OF model, the results were compared to those generated by the RUSLE. The comparative analysis was conducted to assess spatial overlap in erosion-prone areas between the two models. To ensure consistency, minimum erosion thresholds were applied to exclude areas non-relevant to erosion, such as water bodies, rocky areas, infrastructures, and forested zones which showed negligible erosion. The thresholds optimized the alignment of erosion-prone area estimations between the two models, revealing a significant degree of overlap and demonstrating the reliability of the OF model in determine prone-erosion areas. In addition, despite uncertainties in empirical formulations, the hydraulic OF model provided prone-erosion areas by using less input information than RUSLE. This study highlights the potential of integrating hydrodynamic modelling and empirical approaches to improve soil erosion assessments. Future advancements in model dynamics, land-use representation, and climate impact analysis are essential for addressing soil conservation challenges in diverse landscapes.

Acknowledgement: This study is part of the project NODES which has received funding from the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) – M4C2 1.5 of PNRR funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU (Grant agreement no. ECS00000036).

How to cite: Ravazzolo, D., Persi, E., Fenocchi, A., Petaccia, G., Costabile, P., Costanzo, C., Ennouini, W., and Sibilla, S.: Assessment of soil erosion areas using a process-based overland flow modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5910, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5910, 2025.

EGU25-9666 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Topographic Characteristics of River Embankment Damage and Soil and Water Conservation Benefits Under Extreme Rainfall Conditions 

Zhibo Sun, Chunmei Wang, Huazhen Shen, and Qiang Wang

In recent years, the frequency of extreme rainfall events has significantly increased worldwide, posing severe challenges to river embankments and other soil and water conservation measures. This study focused on the core disaster area of the "July 29, 2023 extreme rainfall" event—the Beizhi River Basin in Lincheng County, China. Using GIS technology, the study analyzed the damage patterns of embankments with different construction standards, the critical topographic conditions, and their protective benefits for land under extreme rainfall conditions. The results showed that: 1) River embankment damage was severe, with the affected areas primarily located in the middle reaches of the river. The overall damage proportion was significant, and embankments built to higher standards suffered less damage than those built to lower standards, indicating greater stability. 2) The damage characteristics of embankments were influenced by a combination of river slope and catchment area. The developed S-A topographic critical model indicated that high-standard embankments required higher critical topographic conditions to sustain damage, demonstrating their ability to maintain structural integrity under harsher conditions. 3) Embankments had significant soil and water conservation benefits. Compared to segments without embankments, areas with embankments experienced significantly less land damage. High-standard embankments exhibited greater efficiency in protecting land compared to low-standard embankments. This study could make an important contribution to the theory of river soil and water conservation under the backdrop of increasing extreme rainfall events due to climate change. It may provide valuable guidance for improving embankment design standards and optimizing soil and water conservation measures.

Keywords: Extreme rainfall; embankment damage; topographic critical conditions; soil and water conservation benefits

How to cite: Sun, Z., Wang, C., Shen, H., and Wang, Q.: Topographic Characteristics of River Embankment Damage and Soil and Water Conservation Benefits Under Extreme Rainfall Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9666, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9666, 2025.

Inter-row management of vineyards has various implications including on soil stability, and thus geo-
risk[2]. Two prominent classes of inter-row management are permanent grass cover (PGC), and total
tillage (TT), where the inter-row spaces are tilled to keep the soil bare. Which practice is used impacts
soil stability, and very few papers explored large-scale mapping using remotely sensed data[1]. In multi-
spectral acquisitions, reflection from vine leaves and from inter-row responses mix together, challenging
to distinguish vineyard foliage from possible inter-row vegetation. It has been indeed observed that
PGC and TT are likely more distinguishable in winter, when vines shed most of their leaves or are left
bare[1]. This increases the weight of inter-row vegetation in the spectral mix. Based on the above, here
we propose some novel discriminating features by treating the Sentinel-2 time series in winter as the
Bezier curves, which appear to increase separability.
The method has been tested on reference data collected in N-W Italy by a previous project. Data
from 130 and 141 ground truth polygons, representing PGC - and TT -managed vineyards respectively,
were collected from 10 wineries in 2015 and 2022. Sentinel-2 data from November to March with < 20%
cloud cover and ground truth for 2015 were primarily used in this work. Monthly NDVI and NDWI
data were generated using the earliest suitable S-2 acquisition each month, and their sequences of values
were used to form B`ezier curves. 5 features were considered for each index time series: arc length, area
of the bounding box, centroid of the bounding box, curvature, mean and standard deviation.
Different clustering strategies including K-Means, DBSCAN, Mean-shift, Hierarchical, and Gaussian
Mixture Model were employed. Accuracy and adjusted rand index (ARI) were used as performance
metrics. ARI ranges between [−1,1], where higher values mean better separation.
Traditional time series features such as mean, variance, maximum, average slope, ... achieve lower
accuracy levels. It can be observed from results that DBSCAN performs better with the
properties of Bezier curves in terms of accuracy and ARI. DBSCAN seems thus to be more effective at
identifying clusters of varying densities, and it is robust to noise. Hence, the proposed features generate
well-defined density-based clusters that other algorithms struggle to identify. Traditional clustering
algorithms typically assume clusters of elliptical shapes. This high disparity suggests non-spherical or
irregularly shaped clusters, where DBSCAN performs better.

This publication is part of the project NODES which has received funding from the MUR–M4C2 1.5 of PNRR funded
by the European Union-NextGenerationEU(Grant agreement no. ECS00000036).

[1] C. Garau, D. Marzi, M. Bordoni, and F. Dell’Acqua. Satellite detection of inter-row management
practices in a north-italy vineyard: Preliminary results. In IGARSS 2024-2024 IEEE International
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pages 4325–4328. IEEE, 2024.

[2] C. Meisina, M. Bordoni, A. Vercesi, M. Maerker, C. Ganimede, M. C. Reguzzi, E. Capelli, E. Mazzoni,
S. Simoni, and E. Gagnarli. Effects of vineyard inter-row management on soils, roots and shallow
landslides probability in the apennines, lombardy, italy. In Proceedings, volume 30, page 41. MDPI,

How to cite: Dell'Acqua, F. and Mukherjee, J.: Cultivating Insights: Unsupervised Mapping of Inter-row Management inVineyards Using Bezier Curve Properties on Sentinel-2 Time Series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12158, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12158, 2025.

EGU25-13943 | Posters virtual | VPS14


Jan Jacob Keizer, Véronica Asencio, Adriana Bruggeman, Charlotte Chivers, Sofia Corticeiro, Vlad Crisan, Luuk Fleskens, Nissaf Karbout, Michael Loizides, Ana Machado, Maria Martinez, Jane Mills, Melanie Muro, Gibson S. Nyanhongo, Francisco Pedrero Salcedo, Demetra Petsa, Giovanni Quaranta, Rosanna Salvia, Jannes Stolte, and Lindsay Stringer

TERRASAFE is a recent initiative that is being co-funded by the European Union and the UK Research and Innovation agency, under the Mission Soil and, more specifically, the call topic “Innovations to prevent and combat desertification” (HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-04; grant reference 101157373), having started on 1 June 2024 with a duration of 5 years. TERRASAFE envisages to empower local communities in southern Europe and northern Africa to successfully face the escalating challenges of desertification through the adoption of nature-based, social and technological innovations. TERRASAFE’s vision will be operationalized in 5 pilot areas in Cyprus, Italy, Romania, Spain and Tunisia that strongly contrast in socio–cultural-ecological circumstances. These 5 areas were specifically selected for sharing a high vulnerability to desertification, on the one hand, and, on the other, for representing the 4 main types of desertification, i.e., depopulation, soil degradation (through organic matter loss as well as through salinization), vegetation decline and water scarcity. TERRASAFE’s vision is supported by a transdisciplinary consortium, ranging from universities to SMEs commercially exploiting innovations. TERRASAFE’s vision is implemented through a multi-actor approach that covers all WPs, in particular by setting up 5 partnerships in the 5 pilot areas. In a co-creation process, these partnerships will then: (i) define their visions on building desertification resilience and plan their ensuing TERRASAFE work; (iia) map and analyze past and ongoing desertification, identifying in each pilot area the land-cover type that is the desertification hotspot; (iib) in the case of the Italian pilot area, carry out a narrative analysis of depopulation and the role therein of social innovation, in two contrasting sub-areas; (iii) evaluate and demonstrate innovations for the above-mentioned desertification hotspots, comparing them with current and, in principle, also traditional/organic practices; (iv) elaborate policy recommendation for the wider uptake of the "TERRASAFE-certified" innovations, both within and beyond the pilot areas, taking into account lessons learnt from past and ongoing policies against desertification; (v) share their TERRASAFE’s experience with the partnerships of the other 4 pilot areas as well as other desertification-prone communities and the general public. The consortium will support the 5 partnerships not only by providing harmonized frameworks for each activity but also by providing advice on adapting these frameworks to the partnerships’ specific needs. Finally, the 5 SME partners of TERRASAFE will provide a wide offer of innovative solutions that they will tailor towards the respective desertification hotspots, in close collaboration with the partnerships. Beyond the project itself, TERRASAFE envisages to impact the combat of desertification, both within Europe and across the globe,  by promoting the adoption of (part of) its approach by other desertification-prone communities as well as by fostering the widespread implementation of innovations that are both environmentally effective and economically feasible, including through business plans for the SMEs.  

How to cite: Keizer, J. J., Asencio, V., Bruggeman, A., Chivers, C., Corticeiro, S., Crisan, V., Fleskens, L., Karbout, N., Loizides, M., Machado, A., Martinez, M., Mills, J., Muro, M., Nyanhongo, G. S., Pedrero Salcedo, F., Petsa, D., Quaranta, G., Salvia, R., Stolte, J., and Stringer, L.: Terrasafe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13943, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13943, 2025.

EGU25-14160 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Integrating Proximal Sensing, high-resolution Imagery, and Machine Learning for Field-Scale Soil Salinity Mapping in Semi-Arid Region 

Mongai Joyce Chindong, Jamal-Eddine Ouzemou, Ahmed Laamrani, Ali El Battay, and Abdelghani Chehbouni

Soil salinity is a major environmental challenge that reduces agricultural productivity and degrades soil health, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Conventional soil salinity assessment methods involve extensive manual labor and are time-consuming In this study, we explored alternative approaches by using a combination of proximal sensing data (i.e., electromagnetic (EM) induction instruments, EM 38-MK2) with two very high-resolution multi-spectral and -sources imagery (i.e., a UAV (Unnamed Aerial Vehicle) and PlanetScope (PS)), topographic attributes, and machine learning methods to achieve field-scale soil salinity mapping under data-scarce conditions. To do so, an initial set of 26 topsoil samples (0–5 cm) were collected from a saline field in the semi-arid area of Sehb El Masjoune in Southern Morocco. and their Electrical conductivity (EC, a proxy of salinity) was determined at the lab. Then, proximal sensed data from EM38 were collected along the same field and measured apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa – dS/m) was correlated with measured topsoil EC. We used proximal sensing technology to generate 500 EC (electrical conductivity) observations for spatialization, thereby creating a robust dataset for training four machine learning models: partial least squares regression (PLSR), support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and an ensemble (stacked) model. Among these models, the RF and ensemble approaches delivered the highest accuracy, with RF outperforming all others. Performance assessments indicated that PlanetScope data achieved R² = 0.91 and RMSE = 3.47, while UAV data showed R² = 0.89 and RMSE = 3.83. These findings underscore that integrating multisource data, even in data-scarce environments, enhances reliability and robustness in soil salinity mapping at the field scale. Our results highlight a cost-effective, high-precision strategy for characterizing saline and sodic soils, offering valuable insights for targeted reclamation and management interventions in arid and semi-arid regions. We conclude that the used approach not only contributes to the scientific understanding of soil salinity dynamics but also provides practical implications for sustainable land management and agricultural planning. The research highlights the potential of combining cutting-edge technology with environmental predictors to address critical global issues. 

How to cite: Chindong, M. J., Ouzemou, J.-E., Laamrani, A., El Battay, A., and Chehbouni, A.: Integrating Proximal Sensing, high-resolution Imagery, and Machine Learning for Field-Scale Soil Salinity Mapping in Semi-Arid Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14160, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14160, 2025.

EGU25-14166 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Nested Catchment Delineation at the European Scale: A Tool for Fine-Scale Environmental Analysis 

Konstantinos Kaffas, Francis Matthews, Philipp Saggau, and Pasquale Borrelli

The delineation of hydrological catchments and river networks is fundamental for hydrographic and hydrological information, environmental analysis, modeling, and decision-making. However, many existing datasets are limited in their spatial resolution, which can constrain their ability to accurately represent localized processes such as floodplain dynamics and soil erosion patterns. Building on the concepts of the new vector-based global river network dataset by Lin et al. (2021), Catchment Characterisation and Modelling (CCM) by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) (Vogt et al., 2003), as well as HydroSHEDS by the World Wildlife Fund US (Lehner and Grill, 2013), we aim to introduce a finer spatial scale that captures regional nuances and enhances hydrological detail. Using high-resolution digital elevation data, this study applies a hierarchical coding system to delineate nested catchments across Europe, achieving basin sizes reduced to a fine scale. The methodology ensures the accurate representation of catchments and associated river networks, with a focus on maintaining hydrological connectivity.

This delineation approach allows for the creation of a comprehensive geospatial dataset that integrates detailed catchment and river attributes. Our work complements existing large-scale datasets, providing critical insights for regional and local hydrological and environmental applications. The product/dataset will support environmental analysis by enabling the calculation of catchment-scale statistics for a wide range of environmental, soil, and land degradation parameters, including soil properties, soil erosion and land degradation, hydrological factors, ecological indicators, land use and land cover characteristics across Europe.

By generating a high-resolution, hierarchically nested dataset, this project addresses various environmental challenges at both regional and European scales, while meeting the increasing demand for spatially detailed environmental data that covers specific regional needs. The resulting data will support applications in land management, soil conservation, and environmental policy, providing a robust framework for both scientific research and practical implementation.

Acknowledgement: K.K, F.M., P.B, were funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Project Soil O-LIVE (Grant No. 101091255). P.S. was funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Project AI4SoilHealth (Grant No. 101086179).


Lehner, B., & Grill, G. (2013). Global river hydrography and network routing: baseline data and new approaches to study the world's large river systems. Hydrological Processes, 27(15), 2171-2186.

Lin, P., Pan, M., Wood, E. F., Yamazaki, D., & Allen, G. H. (2021). A new vector-based global river network dataset accounting for variable drainage density. Scientific data8(1), 28.

Vogt, J., Colombo, R., Paracchini, M. L., de Jager, A., & Soille, P. (2003). CMM river and catchment database. Version, 1, 1-32.

How to cite: Kaffas, K., Matthews, F., Saggau, P., and Borrelli, P.: Nested Catchment Delineation at the European Scale: A Tool for Fine-Scale Environmental Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14166, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14166, 2025.

Tilling, a common agricultural practice, is being done excessively on farms leading to about 2.35 billion tons of soil erosion from US croplands annually.  This causes soil erosion, soil infertility, carbon release, nutrient runoff, and fertilizer over-usage. This paper evaluates whether optimizing tillage intensity, timing, and fertilizer quantity will address these problems. A convolutional neural network based machine learning model utilizes a camera-captured field image to determine existing tilling intensity on a 7-point scale. This machine learning output, along with soil sensor and external forecast data, flows into a 10-parameter algorithm that determines optimal tilling and fertilizer levels. A fully functional tractor prototype demonstrates the above. A 30-year simulation comparing conventionally-tilled and algorithm-tilled farms showed a reduction in carbon emission by 57%, fertilizer usage by 43%, and runoff by 86% demonstrating the transformative potential of this algorithm. Additionally, a stationary prototype was deployed in 155 farms across 5 countries. 

How to cite: Magesh, S.: A Convolutional Neural Network Model and Algorithm Driven Prototype for Sustainable Tilling and Fertilizer Optimization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15186, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15186, 2025.

EGU25-15840 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Hydromulches in nursery crops: an alternative tool to herbicides for weed control 

Marta María Moreno, Jaime Villena, Tomás López-Corral, Concepción Atance, Jesús D. Peco, María de los Santos Fernández, Jesús A. López-Perales, Pablo A. Morales-Rodríguez, and Carmen Moreno

Common practices such as the use of herbicides, petrochemical plastics and excessive tillage are widely used for weed control in both horticultural and fruit crops. The use of these unfriendly environmentally techniques has led researchers around the world to focus their searches on more sustainable alternatives based on a circular economy model. These eco-friendly practices could also be extended to other systems and crops, which would be the case of seedbeds or nursery plants. In this framework, biopolymers and papers can have a proper behavior, although their use fits better to annual herbaceous crops as result of their shorter useful live. For this reason, based on preliminary laboratory tests, we implemented a field trial consisting of the application of hydromulches of different composition and characteristics on a forest tree nursery with newly transplanted seedlings in the open field in Central Spain.

The hydromulches tested were composed of by-products from agriculture and the agri-food industry (wheat straw [S]); camelina pellet [C]; pruning wood from almond [A], elm + walnut [EW], elm + walnut + camelina, [EWC]), mixed with a binder and recycled paper paste, and were applied liquidly on the ground with subsequent solidification. Additionally, two unmulched treatments were considered as control (manual weeding and a no-weeding treatments), in a randomized complete block experiment with three replications.

Periodical measurements relative to weed control (weed number, biomass, soil cover, predominant species) and the degradation of the materials (thickness, puncture resistance, soil cover, etc.) were taken. As preliminary results, and after more than 12 months after their application, all the hydromulches behaved properly, highlighting C as the treatment that best controlled weeds and which suffered a less degradation throughout the period considered, showing it as a good alternative, mainly in organic and sustainable agricultures.

Keywords: hydromulch, weeds, sustainable agriculture, circular economy.

Acknowledgements: PID2020-113865RR-C43 (HMulchCircle)/AEI/10.13039 / 501100011033 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation).

How to cite: Moreno, M. M., Villena, J., López-Corral, T., Atance, C., Peco, J. D., Fernández, M. D. L. S., López-Perales, J. A., Morales-Rodríguez, P. A., and Moreno, C.: Hydromulches in nursery crops: an alternative tool to herbicides for weed control, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15840, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15840, 2025.

EGU25-15982 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Meadow intensification, a biodiversity approach 

Adrián Jarne Casasús, Ramón Reiné Viñales, and Asunción Usón Murillo

Mountain livestock farming relies on meadows, by providing pasture in autumn and spring and providing hay for the winter. They are composed by different plant species from various botanical families, being a biodiverse ecosystem with high resilience.

 We can classify them according to their intensification, depending on its fertilization strategy and livestock load. The most intensive meadows are fertilized by inorganic fertilizer and has high livestock load, semi extensive meadows are fertilized by manure and has lower livestock load, whereas extensive meadows are rarely fertilized and has low livestock load.

In this study, 12 meadows from the central Spanish Pyrenees where analysed, 4 meadows of each type for 2 years. Production was higher in semi extensive meadows, due to its organic fertilization, and extensive meadows had the lowest production. Looking at the quality of the hay, intensive and extensive meadows had similar protein content, being significantly higher than in semi extensive meadows. Fiber was higher in extensive meadows and the lowest was found in intensive meadows.

We used Sannon index to address biodiversity. There were significant differences between each meadow type, having extensive meadows the highest levels and intensive meadows the lowest.

High biodiversity can be kept even in high productive meadows, as it’s shown in semi extensive meadows, although they have lower protein content. Intensification practices are thought to increase productivity, with a cost of reducing biodiversity, but this study shows that lower intensive practices can have higher production.

How to cite: Jarne Casasús, A., Reiné Viñales, R., and Usón Murillo, A.: Meadow intensification, a biodiversity approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15982, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15982, 2025.

EGU25-18020 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Optimizing Irrigation Strategies for Pomegranates and Persimmons in Valencian Region 

Núria Pascual-Seva, Rossana Porras, José Mariano Aguilar, Carlos Baixauli, and Bernardo Pascual

In recent decades, the scarcity of fresh water has become a significant issue, particularly in arid regions, leading to increased competition for water among agricultural, industrial, and urban users. The widespread limitations on water for agriculture highlight the need for strategies that enhance the efficiency of irrigation water use. Pomegranates and persimmons, although considered minor fruit trees, have gained considerable attention in Spain and worldwide due to their organoleptic characteristics and health benefits. As a result, they present interesting options for diversifying fruit production in the Mediterranean basin, especially since these species are known to tolerate water stress. A three-year study investigated the agronomic responses of both crops to deficit irrigation, specifically focusing on sustained deficit irrigation (SDI) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI). For pomegranates, RDI - where water applied is reduced to 33% of the total irrigation requirements during the flowering (RDI1) and fruit set (RDI2) periods - has been identified as a viable strategy under water-limited conditions. On the other hand, the tested SDI strategy (applying 50% of the irrigation water requirements throughout the crop cycle) should be reserved for extreme water scarcity situations. For persimmons, the tested SDI strategy, which reduces water applied to 70% of the water requirements, is recommended as it achieves a 30% water saving while maintaining production levels comparable to the control group, thereby enhancing water productivity. In contrast, RDI - where water is reduced during the flowering and fruit setting stages (60% in RDI1 and 40% in RDI2) -  yielded intermediate results, providing lower water savings without increasing production relative to the SDI. In conclusion, both studies suggest that pomegranates and persimmons could serve as alternative options to citrus fruits in Valencia, considering their positive productive responses to deficit irrigation.

How to cite: Pascual-Seva, N., Porras, R., Aguilar, J. M., Baixauli, C., and Pascual, B.: Optimizing Irrigation Strategies for Pomegranates and Persimmons in Valencian Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18020, 2025.

EGU25-18882 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Biochar impact on the soil sponge function in sown biodiverse pastures: a 2-year whole soil profile monitoring study under 100% and 50% rainfall 

Frank G.A. Verheijen, Bastos Ana Catarina, Khodaparast Zahra, Gholahmamadi Behrouz, Jongen Marjan, Campos Isabel, Simões Liliana, Jelinčić Antun, Santos Vasco, Silva Patricia, Quinteiro Paula, Domingos Tiago, and Gonzalez-Pelayo Oscar

Climate change models indicate that pastoral land use in many parts of Iberia will no longer be feasible from 2050 due to rainfall decreases and desertification, thereby negatively affecting soil functioning, food security and rural livelihoods. Amending agricultural soils with biochar (carbon-based product of biomass pyrolysis) has been shown to potentially increase crop yield, mainly by improving soil pH, soil structure, water storage and exchange. The aim of this study was to quantify how biochar may alter the soil sponge function under current (100% rainfall) and future (50% rainfall.

The collaborative work between ongoing projects SOILCOMBAT, POLLINATE and TRUESOIL, aims to sustainably engineer the soil-water regulation function of Portuguese pasture soils, while minimizing detrimental effects on other soil quality parameters through the use of biochar for soil amendment. Our approach was a random block design field-trial in a real-world scenario at the Quinta da França farm (Terraprima, Portugal), a non-irrigated sown biodiverse pasture on a dystric Cambisol. The four treatments are: control 100% rainfall; control 50% rainfall; biochar (3% gravimetric) 100% rainfall; biochar (3% gravimetric) 50% rainfall; N=20). Biochar-amendment-treatments were applied at 0-20 cm depth keeping the 20-60 cm depth unaltered. It is five times replicated. Plots were equipped with soil climate sensors (volumetric moisture and temperature) recording at six depths, namely -5, -15, -25, -25, -45 & -55 cm depth (N=120).

The first 2 years of the on-going field trial at Quinta da França showed that for the treated 0-20 cm depth with 50% rainfall, the biochar plots kept 15% more moisture than the control ones, while for 100% rainfall conditions, biochar plots kept 23% more moisture. The results for deeper soil water storage (20-60 cm depth) showed that for the 50% rainfall, the biochar plots have 24% less moisture than the control ones, while for natural rainfall conditions, biochar plots have 19% less moisture than the control ones. This could indicate that the 0-20 cm depth biochar-amended soil layer, keep more water in surface (0-20 cm depth) than non-amended surface soil. Seasonal effects will be explored further.

We conclude that biochar amendments improve the soil-water regulation functions of this pasture. The results are expected to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) #13 and #15, namely sustainable food production and climate adaptation of pastoral ecosystems, while combating desertification.



We acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology FCT/MCTES for the funding of CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020+LA/P/0094/2020) through national funds, as well as of projects SOILCOMBAT (https://doi.org/10.54499/PTDC/EAM-AMB/0474/2020), POLLINATE (https://doi.org/10.54499/PTDC/EAM-AMB/1509/2021), and of authors F. Verheijen (https://doi.org/10.54499/CEECIND/02509/2018/CP1559/CT0004), A.C. Bastos (art. 23º DL57/2016 of 29 Aug amended by DL 57/2017 of 19 July, OE), P. Quinteiro (CEEC/00143/2017), B. Gholamahmadi’s (PhD grant2020.04610.BD), L Simões (PhD grant 2022.09866.BD). We also acknowledge the European Commission Joint Programme SOIL for the funding of project TRUESOIL (https://doi.org/10.54499/EJPSoils/0001/2021) and the La Caixa Foundation in collaboration with CESAM for the funding of A. Jelinčić(LCF/BQ/DI22/11940011).

How to cite: Verheijen, F. G. A., Ana Catarina, B., Zahra, K., Behrouz, G., Marjan, J., Isabel, C., Liliana, S., Antun, J., Vasco, S., Patricia, S., Paula, Q., Tiago, D., and Oscar, G.-P.: Biochar impact on the soil sponge function in sown biodiverse pastures: a 2-year whole soil profile monitoring study under 100% and 50% rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18882, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18882, 2025.

EGU25-19693 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Arthropod, bacterial and fungal communities in vineyards with different soils and management in Oltrepò Pavese (Italy): a multidisciplinary approach 

Maria Cristina Reguzzi, Alberto Vercesi, Carlo Maria Cusaro, Emanuele Mazzoni, Maria Cristina Bertonazzi, Cristina Ganimede, Massimiliano Bordoni, Michael Maerker, Enrica Capelli, and Claudia Meisina

Soils are a key reservoir of global biodiversity, and their fundamental role is to support soil functions and ecosystem services. Biodiversity is part of the complexity and is linked to other parameters that characterise soils, and changes in soil health status influence the provision of goods and services to its beneficiaries. Knowing the biodiversity of a soil in vineyard systems and trying to relate it to other soil characteristics helps to improve soil health, apply the more suitable NBS to reduce land degradation, to improve the ecosystem services provided by the soil and to make viticulture more sustainable.

Six vineyards were selected in Oltrepò Pavese, one of the most important high-quality wines areas in Northern Italy, in different geological contexts soils with different inter-row management techniques: permanent grass cover, tillage and alternate tillage. Soil samples were collected in each vineyard, where a 1.0 m × 2.0 m trench was dug, in order to determine the geological, chemical, agronomic and physical properties. With a multidisciplinary approach, these properties were compared with the fungal, bacterial and arthropod communities.

Environmental DNA (eDNA) was extracted, and bacterial and fungal communities were detected by NGS analysis of 16S and ITS1 DNA barcodes, respectively. Arthropod communities were described by soil biological quality (QBS-ar) and biodiversity indices, after morphological identification of the different biological forms detected.

Inter-row management techniques and geological characteristics affect bacterial, fungal and arthropod communities’ composition. Soil managed with permanent grass cover are in general richer of fungal and bacterial biodiversity. Arthropods seem to be more influenced by soil texture and consequently by the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil than by tillage or grassing in the dry season. A positive correlation was found between Fungi and Bacteria orders, a negative correlation between Arthropods and Fungi orders and a weak and not significant correlation between Arthropods and Bacteria orders. The composition of the bacterial community was radically different in soil under repeated tillage and mineral fertilisation where Bacteroidia, Bacilli, Clostridia and Fusobacteria prevailing, in permanent grass cover soils the classes Alphaproteobacteria, above all, Acidobacteria-6 and Actinobacteria prevailed. Repeated tillage results in a different composition of the prevalent fungal Classes, with a predominance of Malasseziomycetes, which are not present in permanent grass cover soils. Fungi showed a positive correlation with water content, nitrogen and organic matter, while bacteria have a positive correlation with plastic limit and pH.

The results of the study can be used to helps farmers in the selection of the best inter-row management techniques in vineyards in order to reduce the effects of climate change and mitigate the effects of erosion.

How to cite: Reguzzi, M. C., Vercesi, A., Cusaro, C. M., Mazzoni, E., Bertonazzi, M. C., Ganimede, C., Bordoni, M., Maerker, M., Capelli, E., and Meisina, C.: Arthropod, bacterial and fungal communities in vineyards with different soils and management in Oltrepò Pavese (Italy): a multidisciplinary approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19693, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19693, 2025.

EGU25-20206 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Upscaling forest floor properties: identifying drivers and assessing temporal changes on a regional scale 

Lisa Rubin, Peter Jost, and Heike Puhlmann

Forest floor (FF) properties, such as thickness, mass and morphology, are critical indicators of forest ecosystem dynamics, shaped by climatic conditions, nutrient deposition and tree species composition. Despite their ecological importance, systematic assessments of the drivers and temporal changes in FF properties across spatial scales remain limited. This knowledge gap hinders the ability to extrapolate site-specific findings to broader regions, crucial for understanding and managing forests under changing environmental conditions.

We focus on identifying the drivers of FF properties and examining how these properties have changed over time at local and regional scales. Using data from inventories, such as the NFI (National Forest Inventory) 3 & 4 and the NFSI (National Forest Soil Inventory) 2 & 3, we investigate relationships between FF properties and key environmental factors, including climate variables, nutrient availability and forest management. This will involve examining spatial patterns and temporal trends in FF properties and understanding how drivers such as climate, nitrogen deposition and shifts in tree species composition influence these patterns. By leveraging statistical and geospatial modeling approaches, the project aims to refine methods for transferring plot-level data to broader scales, ensuring reliable representation of FF variability and trends. The inventory-based results on the factors influencing FF are compared with the process-oriented investigations at the study sites of the Forest Floor project (DFG FOR 5315) in order to be able to interpret the correlations found in the inventory data.

The outcomes of this research will provide crucial insights into how FF properties respond to environmental and management changes, contributing to improved forest monitoring and sustainable management strategies. By bridging the gap between localized observations and large-scale assessments, this work supports national and international efforts to evaluate FF in the context of climate change and other impacts.

How to cite: Rubin, L., Jost, P., and Puhlmann, H.: Upscaling forest floor properties: identifying drivers and assessing temporal changes on a regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20206, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20206, 2025.

This study focuses on the estimation of the Winkler Index by several sources in the Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italy) region, identified as the study area of the NODES project. The Winkler Index, also known as Thermal Sum, is useful for assessing grape ripening: the index, based exclusively on temperature, is traditionally derived from in-situ air temperature measurements.
Within the NODES Project, rather than focusing on a few sites, which could be monitored locally, we are interested in the analysis of large-scale areas. For this reason, we took into consideration global Land Surface Temperature derived from satellite data.
Three data sources are focused, in this paper:
- Air temperature observations from the ARPA monitoring stations (ARPA is the Environmental Protection Agency of the Lombardy Region), which despite their dense temporal granularity have a low spatial resolution (about one station every 92 km2 in the study area).
- Land Surface Temperature (LST) data from MODIS TERRA and AQUA satellite imagery, which provide a pixel-averaged Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity over 8 days with a spatial resolution of 1 km2.
- Daily Copernicus air temperature data, which have a spatial resolution of 0.1° x 0.1° (approximately 11 km x 8 km).
Our main objective was to develop a robust methodology to estimate air temperature from MODIS Land Surface Temperature and then evaluate the applicability of this approach to calculate the Winkler Index, using ARPA temperature data as ground truth for calibration and validation.
MODIS satellite-derived LST data were processed to derive estimated air temperatures via regression-based calibration techniques: the calibrated models were validated using statistical metrics, including root mean square error (RMSE) and p-values, to verify the accuracy and reliability of the estimates.
Lastly, we used Copernicus air temperature data to directly compute the Winkler Index.
The Winkler Index was calculated for the study area over the years 2018-2022, capturing interannual variability and trends influenced by climate conditions.
The Winkler Indices derived from MODIS-calibrated air temperatures showed a strong overall agreement with those obtained from ARPA data, demonstrating the potential of this approach for areas without dense meteorological networks. On the other hand, the Winkler Indices calculated from Copernicus are not always in excellent agreement with the ones evaluated from monitoring stations, considered as true.
The results of this study highlight the feasibility of leveraging satellite-based datasets to complement traditional meteorological observations for agricultural and climate research. By combining MODIS and Copernicus data with in-situ measurements, the study provides a scalable and cost-effective framework to estimate air temperature and calculate the Winkler Index over large spatial extents.
This approach has significant implications beyond viticulture, enabling more precise assessments of regional suitability and supporting adaptive management strategies in the context of climate change

How to cite: Rocca, M. T. and Casella, V. M.: Obtaining the Winkler Index for agricultural applications: a three-fold Assessment involving ground monitored data, MODIS-derived models and Copernicus-supplied data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20915, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20915, 2025.

EGU25-20998 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Biostimulant and biofertilizer functions of a bacterial consortia in Lolium perenne 

Ana Eva Josefina Cristóbal-Miguez, Mirta Esther Galelli, Antonio Paz-Gonzalez, Ivanna Lorena Avram, Elizabeth García Guzmán, Andrea Belén Alegre, Alfredo José Curá, Ana Rosa García, and Gabriela Cristina Sarti

The use of bioinoculants was emerging as an effective strategy to increase soil productivity, particularly in degraded areas where nutrient scarcity limits the potential of livestock systems. Inoculation with plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) provides stimulation functions through the synthesis of phytohormones and available nutrients. Among PGPBs, the genus Azospirillum is known for its biostimulant capacity, while the genus Herbaspirillum includes nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Additionally, microorganisms from the genus Trichoderma are recognized for their ability to solubilize phosphorus. This study evaluates the efficacy of a bacterial consortium combining Azospirillum brasilense (A), Herbaspirillum seropedicae (AH), and Trichoderma haziarum (AT) to determine their potential as biostimulants and biofertilizers in Lolium perenne, a forage species with high nutritional value. The methodological set up included a laboratory phase where the microorganisms' ability to synthesize phytohormones was measured (Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), cytokinins: trans-zeatin (ZT), trans-zeatin riboside (ZTR), and abscisic acid (ABA)). Also the nitrogen-fixing potential of H. seropedicae was evaluated using the acetylene reduction assay (ARA), and the phosphate-solubilizing capacity of T. harziarum was assessed using a semi-quantitative technique to measure solubilization halos. In a second phase, L. perenne seeds were sown in commercial substrate inoculated with A, AH, AT, and a control treatment (C). The following parameters were recorded: weekly longitudinal growth (WLG), at 30 days, total chlorophyll content (TCh), percentage of coverage (PC), dry weight of aerial biomass (ABiom), and root biomass (RBiom). The results showed detectable levels of growth-regulating hormone synthezed for all the microorganisms evaluated. Additionally, H. seropedicae exhibited nitrogen-fixing activity with a value of (8.33 ± 0.9) nmol C2H4 plant⁻¹ h⁻¹, while T. harziarum displayed a pH indicator shift, indicating a positive result for phosphorus solubilization. The growth parameter data demonstrated early seed emergence in inoculated treatments, with greater grass height (WLG) observed in co-inoculated treatments (C: 5; A: 7; AT: 8.5; AH: 8) cm. The consortia also showed higher root biomass development (RBiom: C: 0.76; A: 0.86; AT: 1.10; AH: 0.95) g and percentage of coverage (PC), with the H. seropedicae treatment standing out (C: 45.5%; A: 62.8%; AT: 60%; AH: 71.3%). In aerial biomass (ABiom, C: 0.89; A: 1.15; AT: 1.21; AH: 1.3 g) and total chlorophyll content (TCh, C: 0.68; A: 0.84; AT: 0.73; AH: 0.75 mg/g). Co-inoculated treatments did not show significant differences. Inoculations improved all the growth parameters studied; however, co-inoculations optimized the benefits, likely due to the combined potential to provide regulatory hormones and nutrient availability functions. In this regard, the AH combination stood out in the PC parameter, possibly due to the nitrogen-fixing ability of H. seropedicae. We conclude that joint inoculations should be further studied to optimize strategies for crop management.

How to cite: Cristóbal-Miguez, A. E. J., Galelli, M. E., Paz-Gonzalez, A., Avram, I. L., García Guzmán, E., Alegre, A. B., Curá, A. J., García, A. R., and Sarti, G. C.: Biostimulant and biofertilizer functions of a bacterial consortia in Lolium perenne, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20998, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20998, 2025.

EGU25-430 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Impact of hedgerows on the improvement of soil characteristics and vegetation diversity in the semi-arid agricultural landscape of Spain 

Jose Antonio Muñoz, Gema Guzmán, Javier Montoliu, Antonio Hayas, Azahara Ramos, Mónica López, José Mora, and José Alfonso Gómez

The loss of ecosystem services in semi-arid climate is closely linked to the rise of intensive agriculture and the disappearance of landscape elements that have served as buffer areas for hydrological processes and biodiversity over the last decades. As a response, environmental and agricultural policies and initiatives are now being implemented to restore these landscape elements and preserve those that remain in agricultural landscapes. Hedgerows are linear landscape elements that provide several ecosystem services. However, this positive impact varies depending on hedgerows’ characteristics and location.

This study analyses vegetation diversity and its impact on soil properties in eight hedgerows in Southern Spain's Cordoba province. To carry out this, 10m sections were defined in each hedgerow, considering two zones for soil sampling (inside the hedgerow, and within the agricultural field near it, hereafter outside the hedgerow). The evaluation of vegetation consisted of the identification of species of interest in terms of diversity, a general description of the current status of the hedgerow, and a floristic composition and dendrometric variables recording. The analysis of soil properties encompasses samples from different shallow depths (0-5 and 5-10 cm, or only 0-10 cm), and it included pH, soil hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, stability of aggregates, soil respiration by microorganisms, soil organic carbon and extractable phosphorus.

74 species were identified in total, with a high variability of the number of species recorded in most of the hedgerows, where 58% of the identified vegetative species appeared only in one of them, showing the relevance of this vegetative element in the preservation of vegetative species. Significant differences between inside and outside were obtained in all soil properties, except in extractable phosphorus and pH. Soil aggregate stability and organic carbon reached average values of 424.3 g kg-1 and 3.0% inside, versus 265.8 g kg-1 and 1.4% outside, respectively. There was a large variability in some of these properties among different hedgerows. For example, soil respiration varied from 229.7 to 1936.1 mg CO2 kg-1 day-1 and 117.9 to 561.7 mg CO2 kg-1 day-1 inside and outside the eight hedgerows, respectively. This contribution highlights many variables to be considered in hedgerows’ assessments and their complexity, such as the moment of establishment, current management of neighbouring plots, and state of conservation of the own hedgerow.


Acknowledgement: This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project PID2019-105793RB-I00), financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 under the project SCALE (EUHorizon2020 GA 862695), and a predoctoral fellowship for the first author (PRE2020-093846).

How to cite: Muñoz, J. A., Guzmán, G., Montoliu, J., Hayas, A., Ramos, A., López, M., Mora, J., and Gómez, J. A.: Impact of hedgerows on the improvement of soil characteristics and vegetation diversity in the semi-arid agricultural landscape of Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-430, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-430, 2025.

EGU25-446 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Vegetation as proxies for improving the estimation of soil water fluxes 

Aswathi Vk and Sreelash Krishnan

Soil water fluxes, including soil moisture, water storage, and recharge flux, are essential components of energy exchange at the Earth's surface and are fundamental to modeling land surface processes. Accurate estimation of soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) at the field scale is critical for simulating these fluxes, particularly within the vadose zone. Consequently, a robust understanding of soil water dynamics and associated processes relies on the precise characterization of SHPs. The experimental determination of these properties at different spatial scales are challenging and often time-consuming, especially in the case of vertically heterogeneous soils. Studies showed that the vegetation indices can provide sub-surface hydrological information. For example, the Leaf area index (LAI) of forest cover was found to be strongly correlated with the groundwater levels. This indicates that vegetation has the potential to act as a proxy for understanding many surface and sub-surface soil water processes. Inverse modeling approaches provide an opportunity to use vegetation information to estimate SHPs. The present study is aimed at developing and testing methodologies for estimating SHPs for multi-layered soils, specifically field capacity and wilting point, in an agricultural watershed. This is accomplished using variables like surface soil moisture, surface soil temperature, and canopy variables (Leaf Area Index and evapotranspiration) as proxies in different weighted likelihood combinations and carrying out the inverse modeling using the soil water balance model STICS. The methodology has been developed for three layered soil profiles (0 to 10 cm, 11 to 50 cm, and 51 to 100 cm) with combinations made from four major soil textures: sandy loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, and clay, making 12 soil combinations. A sensitivity analysis of canopy variables relative to soil water storage properties was carried out to determine the best choice of canopy variable for estimating soil water fluxes using the EASI Method.  The results show that the soil moisture and canopy variables showed a strong correlation with SHPs, indicating that these variables could provide reliable estimates of soil water fluxes. In which the leaf area index shows more sensitivity towards the subsurface layers (sensitivity index~0.4). The study showed that the likelihood combinations of variables with higher weights to canopy variables provided better estimates of SHPs in the deeper layers. With the use of the likelihood combinations made by surface and canopy variables, we achieved mean relative absolute errors of 4% for the surface layer properties and 10% for the root zone SHPs, especially in water-stressed conditions. Since the variables used in this study are potentially accessible from the remote sensing data, the application of this methodology at large spatial scales is feasible, thereby generating spatial maps of sub-surface soil properties at regional scales, which can aid in the improved modeling of sub-surface soil moisture.

How to cite: Vk, A. and Krishnan, S.: Vegetation as proxies for improving the estimation of soil water fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-446, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-446, 2025.

EGU25-2988 | Posters virtual | VPS15

New insights into the swelling of black soil aggregates 

Yikai Zhao, Han Wang, Xiangwei Chen, and Yu Fu

Soil aggregates swell when infiltrated by water, and their size can increase in two ways. First, aggregates can attach to one another with water acting as a bridge (i.e., adsorption), and water can enter the aggregate pores (i.e., swelling). This is defined as the “adsorption-swelling” effect. Second, clay can fill the pores of macroaggregates and microaggregates (i.e., filling) when adsorption occurs. This is defined as the “adsorption-filling” effect. However, the size range of aggregates affected by these effects and the extent of their influence on aggregate swelling are still unclear. Therefore, different initial size fractions (5 ~ 2, 2 ~ 1, 1 ~ 0.5, 0.5 ~ 0.25 and 0.25 ~ 0.053 mm) of soil aggregates from the black soil zone of Northeast China were studied. The size range of swollen aggregates, the “adsorption-swelling” rate (V) of initial size fractions, and the “adsorption-filling” rate (E) of size fractions < 0.053 mm were measured and calculated in three experimental treatments that involved the following procedures: i) wet-sieving of each initial size fraction in deionized water (WS); ii) wet-sieving of each initial size fraction of air-dried aggregates after they were soaked in absolute ethanol (WSas); and iii) the size fraction < 0.053 mm air-dried aggregates were mixed with each initial size fraction of air-dried aggregates in absolute ethanol and then wet-sieved (WSaf). The results were as follows: i) the size fraction 2 ~ 0.053 mm were swollen. ii) V decreased exponentially with decreasing initial particle size, with a maximum value of 32.30% at a size fraction of 2 ~ 1mm; and iii) the “adsorption-filling” effect of size fraction < 0.053 mm was obvious in the size fraction < 2 mm swelling aggregates with a maximum of 29.54%. The “adsorption-swelling” and “adsorption-filling” effects had greater impacts on soils with high contents of the size fractions 2 ~ 1 and < 0.053 mm. This study provides a theoretical basis for understanding the swelling mechanisms of soil aggregates.

Key words: soil aggregates, wet-sieving, swelling, adsorption, filling

How to cite: Zhao, Y., Wang, H., Chen, X., and Fu, Y.: New insights into the swelling of black soil aggregates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2988, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2988, 2025.

Objective: Returning farmland to forests is an important ecological construction project in China. Establishing a soil health evaluation system to evaluate the soil health of returning farmland to forests under different vegetation restoration in the black soil region of Northeast China can provide data support for scientific evaluation of the ecological benefits of returning farmland to forests. Methods: Taking the surface soil of two major vegetation types (pure birch forest and elm-lonicera mixed forest) in the black soil region of Northeast China as the object of study, and using the soil of cultivated land as the control. Combination of field sampling and indoor experiments was used to investigate the characteristics and differences of physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil under the conditions of different vegetation restoration. Based on the Cornell Soil Health Assessment, the soil health evaluation of different vegetation was carried out. Results: i) In the 0~10cm soil layer, the soil bulk density of pure forest and mixed forest decreased significantly by 15.14%~19.18%, and the saturated water holding capacity increased significantly by 33.35%~58.53% compared with the control. In the 10~20cm soil layer, the soil bulk density of pure forest and mixed forest decreased significantly by 6.71%~9.04% compared with the control, and the difference of saturated water holding capacity was insignificant compared with the control.(ii) In the 0-10cm soil layer, the soil carbon, nitrogen and available potassium contents of pure forest and mixed forest increased significantly by 21.75%-29.15%, 35.05%-47.71% and 35.12%-121.63% respectively compared with the control. In the 10-20cm soil layer, the soil carbon, nitrogen and available potassium contents of pure forest and mixed forest increased significantly by 53.57%-54.78%, 93.29%-120.34% and 60.71%-183.28%. iii) In the 0-10cm soil layer, the soil microbial carbon and nitrogen content of pure and mixed forests significantly increased by 97.46%-183.43% and 60.54%-142.54%, respectively compared with the control and in the 10-20cm layer, the soil microbial carbon and nitrogen content of pure and mixed forests significantly increased by 18.63% - 82.55% and 59.00% - 101.34% compared with the control. iv) In the 0-10cm soil layer, the results of soil health scores were mixed forests (11.80 points) > pure forests (8.80 points) > CK (5.47 points). In the 10-20cm soil layer, the results of soil health scores were mixed forests (8.41 points) > pure forests (7.03 points) > CK (4.03 points). Conclusion: The soil health scores of pure and mixed forests were significantly higher than those of the control, and the soil health scores of mixed forests were the highest.The effect of vegetation on the restoration of top soil was more significant after the return of farmland to forest.Vegetation mainly improved soil health by increasing the stability of soil structure.It is suggested that plant species can be enriched in the restoration of degraded soils, and the plant configuration method of mixed tree-irrigation can be used to better restore soil health.

How to cite: Liu, B.: Soil health evaluation of rehabilitation lands based on Cornell Soil Health Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3104, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3104, 2025.

Vegetation restoration is the most important factor to restrain soil and water loss in the Chinese Loess Plateau, and its effect is long-term. Among them, the coupling and coordination relationship between vegetation and soil is the key to the smooth implementation of ecological restoration and the project of returning farmland to forest and grassland. However, people have neglected whether the choice of vegetation restoration method is suitable for the development of ecological environment in this region, and whether vegetation and soil coexist harmoniously. In this paper, the typical watersheds with similar terrain environment but different vegetation restoration methods were selected as the research objects, which were Dongzhuanggou (natural restoration, NR) and Yangjiagou (artificial restoration, AR). Through vegetation investigation and soil physical property experiment, the comprehensive evaluation function was used to quantify the impact of restoration methods on vegetation characteristics and soil properties, and the vegetation-soil coupling model was used to explore the coordinated development of vegetation and soil under different restoration methods. The results showed that there were significant differences between the two restoration methods in terms of vegetation characteristics (P < 0.05). The vegetation diversity indices of NR were 1.59–4.81 times that of AR. For root characteristic indices, NR was 1.05–2.25 times that of AR. For soil physical properties, there was no significant difference between the two restoration methods (P > 0.05). The comprehensive evaluation function of vegetation (VCE) and soil (SCE) under NR were 0.74 and 0.42, respectively, while those under AR were 0.55 and 0.63, respectively. The comprehensive function showed that the vegetation population performance under NR was slightly better than that under AR, while the soil restoration effect was opposite. Under the two restoration methods, the vegetation-soil coupling relationship was barely coordinated (NR: 0.53; AR: 0.54), and both were the intermediate coordinated development mode. The vegetation diversity, tending level and soil management level should be improved simultaneously during the process of vegetation restoration on the Chinese Loess Plateau.

How to cite: Feng, L.: Evaluation of the effects of long-term natural and artificial restoration on vegetation characteristics, soil properties and their coupling coordinations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4758, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4758, 2025.

EGU25-5027 | Posters virtual | VPS15

Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics and Trade-offs/Synergies of Water Yield, Soil Conservation, and Carbon Storage Ecosystem Services in the Beiluo River Basin from 1970 to 2020 

Yujie Zhang, Xiaoping Zhang, Weinan Sun, Wenliang Geng, Haojia Wang, Miaoqian Wang, Kaiyang Yu, and Xuanhao Liu

This study aimed to investigate the spatiotemporal changes and trade-offs/synergies of ecosystem services within the Beiluo River Basin to provide a scientific foundation for rational resource allocation and sustainable development. Utilizing multi-source data and models, such as InVEST and CSLE, to quantitatively assess and analyze the spatiotemporal variations and trade-offs/synergies of three key ecosystem services—water yield, soil conservation, and carbon storage—across different periods. These periods include the relatively stable land use period from 1970 to 1990, the transitional period around 2000, and the ecological restoration period from 2010 to 2020. This study showed that:1) The overall water yield of the basin initially showed an increasing trend, followed by fluctuating decline, bottoming out in the 2000s. During the first period, the average water yield was 10.16×108 m3 (37.75 mm), which decreased by 36.9% during the second period and by 25.53% during the third period compared to the initial period. Among the three land use types of forests, cropland, and grassland, the total water yield and water yield depth of cropland are always the highest, while the water yield depth of forest was always the lowest. 2) The total soil conservation displayed an upward trend with fluctuations, peaking in the 2010s. Over the first period, the average annual soil conservation was 305.62×106 t (113.57 t/hm²), which increased to 364.52×106 t in the transition period and significantly increased to 426.19×106 t (157.75 t/hm²)during the third period. The soil conservation capacity of forests was significantly greater than that of cropland, and the construction of terraces and other engineering measures have greatly enhanced the function of cropland.3) The total carbon storage remained stable and then continued to increase, with a notable increase from the 2000s onwards, and a 24.09% increase in the 2020s when compared with the 1970s. Forests were the main carbon reservoirs, with their carbon storage significantly increasing, whereas that in grassland and cropland have decreased due to the reduction in their areas.4) Regarding changes in the spatial pattern, the areas experiencing a decrease in water yield and an increase in soil conservation and carbon storage were mainly concentrated in the high plateau and gully areas, as well as the hilly and gully regions. 5) At the basin scale, there was a trade-off between water yield and soil conservation, as well as carbon storage. Soil conservation and carbon storage, however, exhibited a synergistic relationship. The degree of synergy between soil conservation and carbon storage decreased over time, while the trade-off between water yield and the other two remained relatively stable. With the restoration of vegetation, the three key ecosystem service exhibited significant temporal and spatial variation characteristics, possessing relatively stable trade-off and synergistic relationships. The research results can provide a scientific basis for enhancing the comprehensive benefits of ecosystem services on the Loess Plateau.

Keywords: ecosystem services; InVEST Model; CSLE Model; trade-offs and synergies; Beiluo River Basin

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Sun, W., Geng, W., Wang, H., Wang, M., Yu, K., and Liu, X.: Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics and Trade-offs/Synergies of Water Yield, Soil Conservation, and Carbon Storage Ecosystem Services in the Beiluo River Basin from 1970 to 2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5027, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5027, 2025.

This study aims to clarify the spatial distribution characteristics of ridge plant belts on soil water-holding capacity and soil structure in sloping farmland, providing a scientific basis for optimizing ridge plant belt configurations and soil and water conservation measures in Northeast China's black soil region. Sloping farmland with ridge plant belts was selected as the research object (Ridge 1: ridge spacing of 12.5 m; Ridge 2: ridge spacing of 19.5 m), and sloping farmland was selected as the control. Soil samples were collected at uniform spatial intervals from both sloping arable land with ridge vegetation strips and the control area to measure key soil properties in the surface layer (0–15 cm), and to quantify the differences in the spatial distribution characteristics of soil water-holding capacity and soil structure in sloping farmland with different spacings of ridge plant belts.  (1) Compared to the control, the sloping farmland with ridge construction showed a significant increase in total porosity, capillary porosity, saturated water holding capacity, field capacity, and capillary water holding capacity, with a relatively uniform distribution across the slope with ridge. In addition, compared to the sloping farmland with ridge 2, the soil on the sloping farmland with ridge 1 showed an increase of 0.96-1.11 times in total porosity, 1.21-1.31 times in capillary porosity, 1.03-1.25 times in saturated water holding capacity, 1.22-1.78 times in field capacity, and 1.33-1.52 times in capillary water holding capacity, respectively. (2) The soil mechanical stable aggregate content, MWD (mean weight diameter), water-stable aggregate content, and GMD (geometric mean diameter) in the sloping farmland with ridge showed significant improvements across all fields. Compared to the controls, the sloping farmland with ridge increased by 1.01-1.15 times, 0.94-1.61 times, 1-1.17 times, and 1.05-1.55 times, respectively. This indicates that the sloping farmland with ridge effectively improves soil structure compared to the control. Moreover, compared to the sloping farmland with ridge 2, the soil mechanical stable aggregate content, MWD, water-stable aggregate content, and GMD in the sloping farmland with ridge 1 increased by 1.08-1.14 times, 0.95-1.28 times, 1.07-1.15 times, and 1.14-1.40 times, respectively. Constructing ridges can improve water retention capacity structure characteristics of soil,with a more significant improvement effect observed in relatively small distances smaller distances between ridges, providing a scientific basis for the optimization of water and soil conservation measures for ridge and vegetation belts and sloping cultivated land in the black soil area of Northeast China. The construction of ridges on sloping farmland can improve the soil water-holding capacity and soil structural characteristics. In this study, sloping farmland with a smaller ridge spacing demonstrated a more significant improvement in soil quality. This research provides a scientific basis for optimizing water and soil conservation strategies in the black soil region of Northeast China, emphasizing the importance of ridge spacing in enhancing soil quality and water retention capacity in sloping farmland.

How to cite: Shao, S.: Spatial distribution characteristics of ridge plant belts on soil water-holding capacity and soil structure in sloping farmland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5365, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5365, 2025.

EGU25-6354 | Posters virtual | VPS15

Carbon Sequestration Benefit and Influencing Factors in Terraces with Different Cover Types of Soil in the Loess Hilly Region 

Kaiyang Yu, Xiaoping Zhang, Hui Cheng, Haojia Wang, Wenliang Geng, Xuanhao Liu, Miaoqian Wang, Yujie Zhang, and Weinan Sun

Abstract: Terraces and vegetative measures significantly enhance soil organic carbon levels and improve the efficiency of soil carbon sequestration, serving as crucial soil and water conservation strategies. There are few studies on the differences and influencing factors of soil organic carbon sequestration benefits resulting from the combination of engineering measures and plant measures. Thus, the study analyzed the variations in soil organic carbon content(SOC) and its primary influencing factors across different vegetation cover types in terraces, and evaluated the soil carbon sequestration benefits of terraces. The study selected 96 sample plots in Wuqi County, Shaanxi province, including 37 Terraced Croplands (TC), 23 Terraced Grasslands (TG), 18 Terraced Forestlands (TF), 10 Terraced orchards (OL), as well as 8 Slope Croplands (SC) on hillsides. Soil samples were collected from soil layers at depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, and 80-100 cm, totaling 576 soil samples. In the laboratory, we measured indicators such as soil organic carbon, soil moisture content, soil bulk density, and soil mechanical composition. 1) The SOC in the 0-100 cm soil layer of the four types of land cover under the terrace ranged from 2.34 to 3.42 g/kg, with the order of TF> OL> TG> TC. 2) After SC is convert into TF, TG, TO and TC, it has improved the carbon sequestration benefits of soil. The carbon sequestration of TF, TO, TG and TC is 12.01, 8.78, 8.13 and 2.13 t/hm2, respectively. 3) The vertical distribution of soil carbon sequestration benefits differs among various land cover types. The soil carbon sequestration benefit of terraced fields is higher in the 60-100 cm soil layer than the 0-40 cm soil layer. However, when terracing is combined with vegetation measures, the trend is reversed. 4) The SOC of TF, TG, TO TC, and SC exhibits a significant negative correlation with soil bulk density and an extremely significant positive correlation with soil moisture content, respectively. However, compared to SC, only the soil moisture content of TC and TO shows a significant increase. The implementation of terrace measures influences soil carbon sequestration benefits by increasing soil moisture, especially enhancing the sequestration in deep soil layers. When terraces are combined with vegetation measures, the soil carbon sequestration benefits are further enhanced, with a particularly greater impact on the sequestration benefits of surface soil. The results of our study could provide strong support for achieving the effects of relevant soil and water conservation measures and developing carbon sequestration methodology.

Keywords: soil and water conservation; soil carbon sequestration; terrace; Loess Plateau; monitoring and evaluation

How to cite: Yu, K., Zhang, X., Cheng, H., Wang, H., Geng, W., Liu, X., Wang, M., Zhang, Y., and Sun, W.: Carbon Sequestration Benefit and Influencing Factors in Terraces with Different Cover Types of Soil in the Loess Hilly Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6354, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6354, 2025.

EGU25-7631 | Posters virtual | VPS15

Terracing Measures Stabilize and Enhance Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Benefits of Revegetation on the Loess Plateau 

Hui Cheng, Hao Feng, Xiaoping Zhang, Kaiyang Yu, Haojia Wang, Wenliang Geng, Xuanhao Liu, Yujie Zhang, Miaoqian Wang, and Weinan Sun


Revegetation is vital for enhancing soil carbon sequestration. However, the impacts of revegetation and terracing measures on soil organic carbon (SOC) and SOC sequestration (SOCS), and the differences in the effects of revegetation on SOC and SOCS when implemented on sloped fields versus terraced fields, are still unclear. Thus, we conducted a field survey on cropland (CL), grassland (GL), and forestland (FL) on both sloped fields and terraced fields in Wuqi county, China’s Loess Plateau. The results showed that SOC content in FL at 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm, 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm depths were 1.70, 1.28, 1.28, and 1.19 times respectively higher than in CL. Similarly, SOC content in GL at the same depths were 1.30, 1.13, 1.18, and 1.20 times higher than in CL. In terraced, SOC content at 40–60 cm, 60–80 cm, 80–100 cm depths were 1.22, 1.28, and 1.20 times respectively higher than on sloped fields. Revegetation primarily significantly affected SOC at 0–10 cm depth on sloped fields (GL: p = 0.04; FL: p < 0.01), and more deeply (0–100 cm) on terraced fields (GL at 40–80 cm: p < 0.05; FL: p < 0.01). Furthermore, revegetation on sloped fields generated the highest SOCS at 0–40 cm depth, with a subsequent decrease as depth increased to 40–100 cm depth. Conversely, on terraced, SOCS increased with soil depth within the 0–100 cm depth. These results indicated that revegetation primarily enhanced SOCS in the surface soil (0–40 cm), and terracing measures stabilized the SOCS in the surface soil and further enhanced them in deeper soil horizons (0–100 cm). Therefore, in the context of soil erosion control and ecological restoration, the combined implementation of vegetation restoration and engineering measures can effectively stabilize and enhance SOCS, thereby fully leveraging the role of soil in mitigation climate change.

Keywords: Soil and water conservation measures; Carbon sequestration; Land use change;Vegetation restoration; Engineering measures; Deep soil organic carbon

How to cite: Cheng, H., Feng, H., Zhang, X., Yu, K., Wang, H., Geng, W., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, M., and Sun, W.: Terracing Measures Stabilize and Enhance Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Benefits of Revegetation on the Loess Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7631, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7631, 2025.

EGU25-8569 | Posters virtual | VPS15

Soil microbial communities dynamic in spontaneous afforestation: a comparative analysis between the Casentino Forests and the Julian Prealps 

Speranza Claudia Panico, Giorgio Alberti, Alessandro Foscari, Lorenzo Orzan, Natalie Piazza, Antonio Tomao, and Guido Incerti

In this study we investigate the effects of rewilding, a spontaneous process ongoing since decades after land abandonment at national and European levels, with a focus on the replacement of former grasslands and pastures by tree forest. In particular, we explored the ecological dynamics occurring within the topsoil. The main objectives are: i) to clarify how topsoil physico-chemical properties change along the successional gradient, ii) to provide an overview of soil microbial communities response along the same gradient, and iii) assess causal relationships among soil predictors and microbial response, in terms of community composition and diversity, as well as abundance of bacterial and fungal taxonomic groups. The study areas were the Foreste Casentinesi National Park and the Julian Prealps Regional Park (Italy), In both areas we identified by historical ortophotos (period 1954-2020) five successional stages replicated in four chronosequences: grassland-pasture (G), shrubland (S), early (E), intermediate (I), and late afforestation (L). Replicated topsoil samples (0–10 cm) were analysed for pH, bulk density (BD), and organic carbon (OC), and total nitrogen (N) contents. Microbial communities were assessed from environmental DNA extracted by the fine soil fractions followed by DNA metabarcoding using ITS and 16S markers for fungi and bacteria, respectively. Results showed that as the succession progresses, soil acidification and a reduction in bulk density occur, coupled with an increase in soil organic matter at later stages in mature soils. However, such trends are quantitatively affected by site-specific variability. Bacterial and fungal communities respond differently to secondary grassland afforestation: fungi, mainly Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, exhibit greater specialisation in mature successional stages, while bacteria, dominated by Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobiota, show more site-specific traits. Comparisons between the two study areas showed a lower variability in microbial diversity in the Casentino National Park, likely due to its more homogeneous environmental conditions, including plant cover. Our study underlines the functional importance of soil biota in enhancing and sustaining carbon storage in forest soils undergoing natural afforestation. On a broader scale, the study highlights the value of nature-based solutions such as rewilding for climate neutrality and biodiversity conservation.

How to cite: Panico, S. C., Alberti, G., Foscari, A., Orzan, L., Piazza, N., Tomao, A., and Incerti, G.: Soil microbial communities dynamic in spontaneous afforestation: a comparative analysis between the Casentino Forests and the Julian Prealps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8569, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8569, 2025.

EGU25-9281 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Sustainable agricultural management does not reduce heavy metals and associated risks in apple orchard soil 

Weinan sun, Xiaoping Zhang, Gangshuan Bai, Wenliang Geng, Haojia Wang, Miaoqian Wang, Yujie Zhang, Kaiyang Yu, Xuanhao Liu, and José A Gómez

The Weibei Upland is an important area for apple production in China and globally. In this study, soil samples were collected and analyzed from 27 representative apple orchards in Luochuan, Baishui, and Qianyang in the northern, eastern, and western parts of the Weibei Upland to determine the levels of Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Cu, and Hg, and to assess their ecological and health risks.

The results of the survey showed that the concentrations of all six heavy metals in the soil of apple orchards in the region were below the risk control values, with arsenic being the heavy element with the highest risk. The comprehensive ecological environmental risks of the investigated orchards are all in clean condition (Nemero index<1). Heavy metals in orchard soils in the region have a high childhood cancer risk and are much higher than in adults.

The survey further demonstrated that geographical location had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the ecological and non-carcinogenic risk of heavy metals in local orchards, but agricultural management practices did not have a significant effect on the ecological and health risk of local orchards(P > 0.05).

The results of this study may provide a scientific basis for the sustainable management and environmental protection of apple orchards in the Weibei Upland, and it is recommended to strengthen the regulation of the use of heavy metals in the production and cultivation of apple orchards in this region in order to reduce heavy metal pollution and risks.

How to cite: sun, W., Zhang, X., Bai, G., Geng, W., Wang, H., Wang, M., Zhang, Y., Yu, K., Liu, X., and Gómez, J. A.: Sustainable agricultural management does not reduce heavy metals and associated risks in apple orchard soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9281, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9281, 2025.

EGU25-10934 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Effects of vegetation restoration measures on soil nutrients and erodibility in loess hilly region, China 

Wenliang Geng, Xiaoping Zhang, Zhibin Hu, Chen Duan, Haojia Wang, Miaoqian Wang, Weinan Sun, Xuanhao Liu, Yujie Zhang, Kaiyang Yu, and Peter Strauss

Abstract: The depletion of soil nutrients and the increased erodibility of soil have exacerbated the degree of soil degradation, thereby impeding the sustainable development of ecosystems. Vegetation restoration, as a widely implemented measure to prevent soil degradation, is valued for its role in enhancing soil nutrients and reducing soil erodibility. To investigate the impact of vegetation restoration measures on soil nutrients and erodibility in the Loess Hilly Region, this study selected Wuqi County, the pioneer county of China's Grain-for-Green Project, as the research site, with sloping farmland serving as the control. Four types of vegetation restoration were chosen: artificial forests (Armeniaca sibirica, Pinus tabulaeformis, Robinia pseudoacacia), artificial mixed forests (Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Armeniaca sibirica, Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Robinia pseudoacacia), shrub forests (Hippophae rhamnoides), and abandoned grasslands. The physicochemical properties of the soil at depths of 0—5 cm, 5—20 cm, and 20—40 cm were measured. The Comprehensive Soil Nutrient Index (CSNI) and the Comprehensive Soil Erodibility Index (CSEI) were combined, and a weighted summation method was used to calculate the Comprehensive Soil Quality Index (CSQI), thereby reflecting the impact of vegetation restoration on the improvement of soil nutrients and erodibility. The results indicated that the vegetation types with the highest CSQI were Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Armeniaca sibirica (3.43), Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Robinia pseudoacacia (3.22), Robinia pseudoacacia (2.85), Armeniaca sibirica (2.37), Pinus tabulaeformis (2.22), Hippophae rhamnoides (3.06), and grassland (2.93). The CSNI was primarily influenced by the Soil Structure Stability Index (SSSI), sand content, and the content of silt + clay, while the CSEI was controlled by soil organic matter (SOM), macroaggregates, and microaggregates. Overall, vegetation restoration can effectively enhance soil nutrients and improve soil erodibility. Mixed forests, compared to single-species forests, shrublands, and abandoned grasslands, are more effective in improving soil aggregate stability and resistance to erosion. This study provides a reference for assessing vegetation restoration measures.

Keywords: Soil degradation, Soil nutrients, Soil erodibility, Soil quality, Vegetation restoration, Loess Plateau

How to cite: Geng, W., Zhang, X., Hu, Z., Duan, C., Wang, H., Wang, M., Sun, W., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Yu, K., and Strauss, P.: Effects of vegetation restoration measures on soil nutrients and erodibility in loess hilly region, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10934, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10934, 2025.

EGU25-11388 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Response of ecosystem service flows to the ecological restoration project of Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi Province 

Zhibin Hu, Xiaoping Zhang, Wenliang Geng, Yujie Zhang, Chen Duan, Miaoqian Wang, Haojia Wang, Xuanhao Liu, Weinan Sun, and Kaiyang Yu

Abstract: Clarifying the complex dynamics of ecosystem service (ES) flows and identifying the key locations of the ecosystem service supply-demand chain is crucial for achieving sustainable management of ecosystem services. However, the understanding of how ES flows respond in ecological restoration projects is in urgent need of deepening. Taking the Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi, China as an example, this study quantitatively analyzed the effects of the Grain-for-Green Program, the world's largest vegetation restoration project, and the check-dam construction, the key soil and water conservation project.

       The results show that between 2000 and 2020, compared to the sum of the benefits generated by the two projects implemented separately, the inter-regional ES flows in the areas where these two projects were jointly implemented increased significantly (p<0.01) in terms of carbon sequestration, water source conservation, flood regulation, and soil water retention. The ES carbon flow increased year by year and then tended to stabilize, while the ES water flow showed a fluctuating downward trend with the increase of years, the trend degree of water flow rate change is -1.33×10³ m³/(km²·a). The impact of different projects showed spatial heterogeneity across the entire region, with a significant increase in regional ES flows observed in the western areas. Quantitative analysis indicated that when the Grain-for-Green Program and silt dam construction were jointly implemented, the regional ES flows of all services were higher, and the synergistic fields were more extensive. The research results can provide references for the ecological protection and restoration of the Loess Plateau region.

Keywords: Ecosystem Service Flows; Ecological Restoration; Soil and Water Conservation; Supply and Demand

How to cite: Hu, Z., Zhang, X., Geng, W., Zhang, Y., Duan, C., Wang, M., Wang, H., Liu, X., Sun, W., and Yu, K.: Response of ecosystem service flows to the ecological restoration project of Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi Province, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11388, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11388, 2025.

EGU25-12841 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Analysis of relationships among variables in nationwide big data of geotechnical information in Japan 

Satori Teruya, Kei Ishida, and Akira Sato

Recent advancements by national institutions in Japan have significantly enhanced the accessibility of geotechnical information, enabling researchers to utilize extensive datasets via online platforms. While these datasets have been widely employed in various studies, systematic analyses of relationships among variables within large-scale geotechnical data remain limited. This study aims to address this gap by analyzing relationships between variables using a comprehensive nationwide dataset of soil tests provided by the National Geo-Information Center (NGIC). The analysis of soil hydraulic conductivities revealed a strong dependence on the proportion of fine-grained components, such as clay and silt fractions. However, correlation analysis indicated that the strongest relationship, observed with the clay fraction, yielded a correlation coefficient of -0.51, suggesting a moderate association. Further investigation into variables such as dry density, natural water content, and void ratio demonstrated their dependence on the proportion of fine-grained fractions. Notably, the upper and lower bounds of these variables were influenced by fine particle content. A particularly significant finding was the observation that as the proportion of fine particles decreased, the void ratio also declined, leading to an increase in the permeability coefficient. These results provide valuable insights into the relationships between geotechnical properties and particle-size composition, offering a novel perspective on soil behavior. This study highlights the potential of utilizing extensive geotechnical datasets to advance our understanding of soil properties and their dependencies. The findings contribute not only to the theoretical understanding of geotechnical systems but also to practical applications in geotechnical engineering, providing a foundation for future research and data-driven approaches to soil analysis.

How to cite: Teruya, S., Ishida, K., and Sato, A.: Analysis of relationships among variables in nationwide big data of geotechnical information in Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12841, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12841, 2025.

EGU25-13615 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Soil organic matter and carbon fractions within aggregates and in soil profile in double- and cover cropping systems 

Fatemeh Sheikhi Shahrivar, Oluwaseun Ola, Moein Javid, Eric Brevik, Karl Williard, Jon Schoonover, Karla Gage, and Amir Sadeghpour

Understanding the distribution of soil organic matter, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) within aggregates and across soil profiles is critical for improving soil fertility, nutrient cycling, and long-term sustainability in agricultural systems. This study evaluates the short-term effects of various crop rotations and cover cropping systems on soil organic matter (SOM), aggregate-associated C and N fractions, and their vertical distribution in the soil profile. A three-year field experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Research Farm, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, with treatments including: (1) corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation without cover crop (CNSN), (2) corn-soybean rotation with rye cover crop (CRSR), (3) corn-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-soybean rotation without cover crop, and (4) corn-wheat-soybean rotation with a cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop (CWSR). Soil aggregates were collected from 0-5 and 5-15 cm depth and used for assessing aggregate size distribution, aggregate stability, SOM, soil C and N. Bulk density and soil C and N along with soil organic matter was measured from samples collected from 0-90 cm depth. CRSR and CWSN, significantly increased medium-sized aggregates (1-2 mm and 0.5-1 mm) as compared to the CNSN treatment. Including cereal rye into double cropping systems (CWSR) improved soil’s aggregate stability. Cropping systems, particularly those with winter wheat and cereal rye, increased soil organic matter in 2-4.75 mm aggregate fraction as compared the CNSN control. Soil organic matter concentration decreased with depth, with the highest values at 0-5 cm across all cropping systems. Soil bulk density by depths, soil C and N within aggregate and by depth will also be presented at the meeting. Our current findings indicate that utilizing CWSR could provide economic and soil benefits to growers in Illinois.

How to cite: Sheikhi Shahrivar, F., Ola, O., Javid, M., Brevik, E., Williard, K., Schoonover, J., Gage, K., and Sadeghpour, A.: Soil organic matter and carbon fractions within aggregates and in soil profile in double- and cover cropping systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13615, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13615, 2025.

EGU25-13616 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Nitrate Leaching and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Fall Applied Manure and Phosphorous Fertilizers in Southern Illinois 

Sowmya Koduru, Reza Keshavarz Afshar, Moein Javid, Eric Brevik, and Amir Sadeghpour

Illinois nutrient loss reduction strategy is questing to reduce nitrate-N (NO3-N) and phosphorus (P) loss by 25 and 15% by 2025. Fall applied ammonium-based P fertilizers could result in both NO3-N and phosphate loss during the fallow period. Two ways to minimize these losses are by utilizing nitrification inhibitors and also assessing other sources of P including triple superphosphate (TSP) and dissolved air flotation (DAF) that separates solids from liquid manure. A four-times replicated experiment was initiated in fall 2023 with Randomized Complete Block Design and five treatments in Agronomy Research Center, Carbondale, IL. Treatments were fertilizers [Control, TSP, DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation), MAP, & MAPI (MAP + urease and nitrification Inhibitor)], timing (fall & spring) and application type (surface & tilled). Data on nitrous oxide emissions, moisture, temperature, NO3-N leaching, and soil N were recorded during fall and spring prior to planting of corn (Zea mays L.) and agronomic observations (plant height, LAI & NDVI) were recorded on corn in fall. Soil N2O-N emissions were higher in MAPI and DAF during early February and late April dates, which can be explained by N availability along with high moisture and high temperatures, respectively during those sampling dates. Over winter and spring, MAPI had consistently higher NO3-N, NH4-N and total N especially in the late sampling dates and leaching losses were less under DAF (23% and 34%, respectively) and TSP (56% and 63%, respectively) compared to MAP or MAPI, suggesting that nitrification inhibitor did not reduce leaching from MAP source when applied in fall. Corn growth was slightly higher under DAF compared to other fertility treatments indicating it can be a potential replacement to the synthetic P fertilizers.


How to cite: Koduru, S., Keshavarz Afshar, R., Javid, M., Brevik, E., and Sadeghpour, A.: Nitrate Leaching and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Fall Applied Manure and Phosphorous Fertilizers in Southern Illinois, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13616, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13616, 2025.

EGU25-14128 | Posters virtual | VPS15

The Impact of Nitrogen Management and Winter Wheat as A Double Crop on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in A Wheat-Soybean Crop Rotation. 

Oluwaseun Ola, Osman Guzel, Karla Gage, Karl Williard, Jon Schoonover, Steffen Mueller, Eric Brevik, and Amir Sadeghpour

Optimizing nitrogen (N) management in agricultural cropping systems is important for reducing nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions. This study examined the effect of managing N application in a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) double-cropped with soybean (Glycine max L.) on biomass, grain yield, and N₂O emissions. The experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Research Center (ARC), Carbondale in Southern Illinois University, IL using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The treatments include N timing and rate, creating three N management intensities of low, medium, and high. Low-intensity treatment received 120 kg N ha-1 in fall and spring, medium-intensity treatment received 186 kg N ha-1 all in spring and high intensity treatment received 186 kg N ha-1 in fall and spring. Results revealed that the treatment with medium-intensity input of N application did not have a significant effect on winter wheat biomass, grain yield, and N₂O cumulative fluxes in comparison to the high-intensity N management treatment. The results for average soybean grain yield under the various fertilizer inputs (3,087 kg ha-1) were significantly different when compared to the no-cover crop (NOCC) (3,527 kg ha-1) The cumulative N₂O fluxes were similar under all treatments for soybean and winter wheat. The summed cumulative N₂O fluxes were similar in both the medium and high N-intensity treatments during the soybean and winter wheat phases but higher than those of low intensity. Since the wheat yield was similar among all treatments, reduction in N2O during wheat-soybean rotation suggests that low-intensity treatment ensures farm profit while reducing N2O emissions.

How to cite: Ola, O., Guzel, O., Gage, K., Williard, K., Schoonover, J., Mueller, S., Brevik, E., and Sadeghpour, A.: The Impact of Nitrogen Management and Winter Wheat as A Double Crop on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in A Wheat-Soybean Crop Rotation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14128, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14128, 2025.

EGU25-14207 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

The role of temperature and duration of pyrolysis on the properties of rice husk biochar and its environmental implications 

Tri Wahyuni, Ngadisih Ngadisih, Bambang Purwantana, Tri Martini, Helena Susilawati, Meidaliyantisyah Meidaliyantisyah, Ratna Dewi, Rizki Maftukhah, Alfayanti Alfayanti, and Nugroho Sasongko

Husks are a common agricultural waste in Indonesia, often discarded or burned, leading to environmental pollution and waste of resources. Therefore, this study proposes an innovative approach to optimize biochar production from rice husks. By determining the optimal pyrolysis temperature and duration, the research aims to produce the highest quality biocharThe pyrolysis temperatures tested were 400°C, 450°C, 500°C, and 550°C, with durations of 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 75 minutes, and 90 minutes, respectively. The physical and chemical properties of the biochar such as pH, element content, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and biochar yield, were evaluated. An environmental impact assessment was conducted using the ReCiPe 2016 Endpoint H method, integrating life cycle assessment (LCA). The results revealed that a pyrolysis temperature of 550°C for 60 minutes enhanced carbon stability, pH, and nutrient retention. Additionally, the ideal pyrolysis duration significantly improved the biochar’s surface properties. According to the LCA analysis, the biochar produced shows great potential for soil improvement and environmental benefits, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This research provides a new framework for balancing biochar quality with its environmental impact and promotes sustainable agricultural waste management as part of a global effort to combat climate change.

How to cite: Wahyuni, T., Ngadisih, N., Purwantana, B., Martini, T., Susilawati, H., Meidaliyantisyah, M., Dewi, R., Maftukhah, R., Alfayanti, A., and Sasongko, N.: The role of temperature and duration of pyrolysis on the properties of rice husk biochar and its environmental implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14207, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14207, 2025.

EGU25-14393 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Assessing the Impacts of Tillage and Crop Rotation on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Poorly Drained Alfisols. 

Folahanmi Adeyemi, Ashani Thilakaranthne, Madhabi Tiwari, Oladapo Adeyemi, Gurbir Singh, Karl Williard, Jon Schoonover, Eric Brevik, and Amir Sadeghpour

Shifting from reduced tillage (RT) to no-till (NT) often reduces phosphorus (P) runoff by minimizing soil erosion. However, it might increase nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions or nitrate-N (NO3-N) leaching. Including a legume cover crop such as hairy vetch (Vicia villosa L.) before corn (Zea mays L.) is a common practice among growers in the Midwest USA. However, the effects of hairy vetch following soybean (Glycine max L.) harvest on NO3-N leaching and N2O emissions during the following corn season in soil with clay and fragipans are less assessed. This study evaluated the influence of cover crop (hairy vetch vs. no-CC control) and tillage systems (NT vs. RT) when 179 kg ha−1 nitrogen (N) was applied at planting on (i) corn yield, N uptake, removal, and balance; (ii) N2O emissions and NO3-N leaching; (iii) yield-scaled N2O emissions and NO3-N leaching during two corn growing seasons. We also evaluated factors influencing N2O emissions and NO3-N leaching via principal component analysis. Corn grain yield was higher in RT (8.4 Mg ha−1) than NT (6.2 Mg ha−1), reflecting more available N in the soil in RT than NT, possibly due to the favorable aeration and increased soil temperature in deeper soil layers resulting from tillage. Hairy vetch increased corn grain yield and soil N. However, it led to higher losses of both N2O-N and NO3-N, indicating that increased corn grain yield, due to the hairy vetch’s N contribution, also resulted in higher N losses. Yield-scaled N2O-N emissions in NT-2019 (3696.4 g N2O-N Mg−1) were twofold higher than RT-2019 (1872.7 g N2O-N Mg−1) and almost fourfold higher than NT-2021 and RT-2021 indicating in a wet year like 2019, yield-scaled N2O-N emissions were higher in NT than RT. Principal component analysis indicated that NO3-N leaching was most correlated with soil N availability and corn grain yield (both positive correlations). In contrast, due to the continued presence of soil N, soil N2O-N fluxes were more driven by soil volumetric water content (VWC) with a positive correlation. We conclude that in soils with claypan and fragipans in humid climates, NT is not an effective strategy to decrease N2O-N fluxes. Hairy vetch benefits corn grain yield and supplements N but increases N loss through NO3-N leaching and N2O-N emissions.

How to cite: Adeyemi, F., Thilakaranthne, A., Tiwari, M., Adeyemi, O., Singh, G., Williard, K., Schoonover, J., Brevik, E., and Sadeghpour, A.: Assessing the Impacts of Tillage and Crop Rotation on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Poorly Drained Alfisols., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14393, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14393, 2025.

EGU25-14699 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Using WaTEM/SEDEM to characterize the spatiotemporal trend of the erosion and sediment transportation and the driving factor in a Loess Hilly-gully watershed 

Chen Duan, Xiaoping Zhang, Haojia Wang, Wenliang Geng, Zhibin Hu, Yujie Zhang, Miaoqian Wang, Xuanhao Liu, Weinan Sun, Kaiyang Yu, Josef Krása, Barbora Jáchymová, and Raquel N R Falcão

Abstract: Understanding the spatiotemporal changes of sediment yield in watersheds over long time scales and their influencing factors is of great significance for soil and water conservation. Taking the upper Beiluo River Basin(7325 km2)as an example, the WaTEM/SEDEM model was used to analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of soil erosion and sediment yield in the watershed from 1980 to 2016, as well as the driving factors, providing a scientific theoretical basis for soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau. The results show that there have been significant changes in land use in the Beiluo River Basin. Compared to 1980, by 2016,the area of forest and grassland in the upper Beiluo River increased by 1188.60 km², a growth of 25.08%, while the area of cultivated land decreased by 1118.64 km², a reduction of 45.86%. In areas where farmland was converted to forest, the sediment yield of the watershed showed a significant decline. The sediment transport in the study area decreased from an average of 50.99 million tons per year in the 1980s to a multi-year average of 9.3434 million tons per year in this century,and the corresponding sediment transport modulus decreased from 6963 tons/(km²·year)to 1275.65 tons/(km²·year). The intensity of soil erosion was mainly characterized by severe and intense erosion before 1980, while after that, it was mainly slight erosion, followed by extremely intense and light erosion, with the smallest proportion of severe, intense, and moderate erosion. The WaTEM/SEDEM model is applicable to this study area, with a Nash coefficient reaching 0.7. Farmland conversion to forest and ecological restoration are the main driving factors for the reduction of erosion and sediment yield in the study area over the past 40 years. The erosion in the Beiluo River Basin from 1980 to 2016 showed an overall weakening trend. The results indicate that the policy of farmland conversion to forest on the Loess Plateau has been remarkably effective, and ecological vegetation construction should continue to be actively carried out.

Keywords:Soil erosion; WaTEM/SEDEM model; Driving factors; Loess Plateau

How to cite: Duan, C., Zhang, X., Wang, H., Geng, W., Hu, Z., Zhang, Y., Wang, M., Liu, X., Sun, W., Yu, K., Krása, J., Jáchymová, B., and Falcão, R. N. R.: Using WaTEM/SEDEM to characterize the spatiotemporal trend of the erosion and sediment transportation and the driving factor in a Loess Hilly-gully watershed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14699, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14699, 2025.

In recent decades, intensive agronomic practices, combined with the growing impacts of climate change, have created a harmful synergy for the environment, leading to significant soil degradation and a subsequent decline in the quality of agri-food products. The wine sector is no exception and is particularly affected due to the need to balance grape quality, adapt vine cultivars, and secure the future incomes of farmers.

A key element in future climate simulations is a significant and widespread decrease in rainfall during the grapevine growing cycle at Italian latitudes.

In this context, with the support of Next Generation EU funds, efforts are being made to promote the transition from a linear economic model—characterized by the traditional cycle of extraction, production, consumption, and disposal—to a circular economy model centred on the three Rs: Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. This concept can be completely applied in the agricultural sector by maximizing the use of resources. Waste products from transformation processes can be reintroduced into the agricultural system in various forms.

The aim of this work based on the use of biodegradable mulching film in viticulture, embraces these aspects by proposing an agronomic solution with the following benefits: i) preserve the soil water content during the vine cultivation by applying a biodegradable mulching film obtained from the waste of the winemaking process; ii) reduce at the same time the soil pollution caused by plastic materials.

To obtain the biofilm, grape pomace (GP) was dried and milled using a grinding machine. Cellulose Acetate (CA) and GP composites were prepared by using a melt mixing method. GP was first added to CA in amounts such that the final concentrations of GP were 10% and 30% wt. The obtained biofilms were then cut and used as mulching films in pots with grape plants in experimental trials. A comparison of pots with biofilm at different concentrations of GP was made with the control (no biofilm) and also with conventional PVC film. The monitoring concerned young grapevine plants of the Aglianico cultivar. The experimental trial was conducted during the season 2024. The plants were cultivated in 25x25 cm pots under outdoor environmental conditions filled with soil sampled up to a depth of 20 cm from a local wine farm.

The soil water content and temperature were monitored through the use of sensors connected to a datalogger for saving data with hourly time step timing, and biometric parameters were measured during the the growth cycle; finally, the LAI index was estimated for each of the theses examined. The weather data were also collected by means of meteorological station near the experimental field. The results in terms of temperatures and water content in pots, showed differences between the different biofilm treatments: the 10% had a very similar behaviour compared to the classic PVC mulch film, while the 30% biofilm treatment had slightly lower performances compared to the 10% and PVC treatments. This is a very promising result for water conservation, beneficial for the optimal growth of vines.

How to cite: Pisano, L.: Assessing the effectiveness of biodegradable mulching film in vineyard: a case study in Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15369, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15369, 2025.

Insect production of “black soldier fly” (BSF) larvae is an efficient and sustainable method to convert residual biomass into useful products. A byproduct from insect production, consisting of larval excrement, residual feed and larval exoskeletons, known as “frass,” contains essential macro- and micronutrients and can be advantageously used as fertilizer in agriculture. In addition to nutrients, frass may also contain plant biostimulants and beneficial microorganisms that may have pathogen suppressive effects. However, another potential value enhancement of frass is converting it into biochar via pyrolysis for carbon sequestration. In this study, we compare the effects of frass and the corresponding frass biochar on growth and nutrient uptake by wheat. In addition, we investigated the effect on chitinase activity as an indicator of the potential pathogen suppressive effects of frass compared to frass biochar. A pot experiment with wheat comparing the fertilizer efficiency of frass and frass biochar showed that frass was an efficient P fertilizer, resulting in comparable yields as to the NPK treatment given that N fertilizer was co-applied. In comparison, frass biochar also increased yields compared to the negative control, but not to the same extent as the raw frass. In an additional rhizobox setup, zymography was used to investigate the spatial distribution of chitinase activity in the rhizosphere of wheat. Chitinase activity was induced by frass application, but not by frass biochar, suggesting that the potential pathogenic suppressive effect of frass application is annihilated during pyrolysis. Frass could be an efficient biobased fertilizer, but further investigations into the effects on how frass affects the microbial processes in soil are needed. Frass biochar holds the potential for carbon sequestration and may function as a good soil conditioner. However, this might be at the cost of a more valuable product - the raw frass.

How to cite: Bornø, M. L.: Fertilizer efficiency and induced chitinase activity of frass versus frass biochar amended to soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20225, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20225, 2025.

The sustainable development of microalgae bioenergy systems faces dual challenges: identifying suitable cultivation locations and optimizing production parameters across diverse environmental conditions. Building upon our previous research on global marginal land assessment and machine learning applications in microalgae cultivation, this study presents a novel multi-modal artificial intelligence framework that combines deep learning, machine learning, and large language models (LLMs) to address these challenges comprehensively. Our approach integrates three key components: (1) a hybrid deep learning network with attention mechanisms for biomass productivity prediction across different geographical and climatic conditions, (2) LLM-powered intelligent analysis of historical experimental data (1980-2024) for parameter optimization and pattern discovery, and (3) advanced machine learning algorithms for identifying and assessing marginal land suitability. Initial spatial analysis has identified approximately 7.37 million square kilometers of marginal lands suitable for microalgae cultivation, particularly in equatorial and low-latitude regions, with Australia, Kazakhstan, Sudan, Brazil, the United States, and China showing significant potential. Our previous machine learning models demonstrated that Photobioreactors (PBRs) achieved a global average daily biomass productivity of 142.81mgL−1d−1, while Open Ponds reached 122.57mgL−1d−1. Building on these findings, our new deep learning framework shows a 35% improvement in productivity prediction accuracy compared to traditional methods, achieving a test R² of 0.94. The LLM-based data mining approach reveals novel correlations between cultivation parameters and system performance across different geographical contexts, while accounting for various cultivation methods. The framework suggests that optimal cultivation strategies could potentially increase biomass yields by 40% while minimizing resource inputs, with projected annual production reaching 99.54 gigatons of microalgae biomass when utilizing suitable marginal lands. This biomass could be transformed into 64.70 gigatons of biodiesel, equivalent to 58.68 gigatons of traditional diesel, while sequestering 182.16 gigatons of CO₂. The integration of LLMs for experimental data analysis represents a significant advancement in understanding complex parameter interactions and optimization opportunities. This integrated approach not only advances our understanding of microalgae cultivation optimization but also provides practical insights for sustainable land management and renewable energy development, while addressing critical challenges in climate change mitigation through bioenergy production and carbon sequestration.

How to cite: Chen, M., Ngo, H. H., and Zhang, Q.: Unlocking Global Bioenergy Potential: Multi-Modal AI Framework for Microalgae Cultivation on Marginal Lands with Intelligent Data Mining, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1447, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1447, 2025.

EGU25-1746 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS16

Multi-layer Hydrocarbon Accumulation Model in Yuqi area, Tarim Basin, China 

Yanhua Su, Hua Liu, Shen Wang, Jianxiang Wang, and Zhuoyang Zhao

The superimposed basins in western China have undergone multiple periods of tectonic changes and cycles of oil and gas accumulation, and the distribution patterns of oil and gas are very complex, which limits the accurate understanding of the mechanisms of oil and gas accumulation. In this paper, Yuqi area in Tarim Basin is taken as the research area, and based on the geological background, fluid inclusion-homogenization temperature, hydrocarbon inclusion abundance analysis, reservoir quantitative fluorescence technology, infrared spectrum, crude oil geochemical analysis, reservoir asphalt identification and other technologies, the Ordovician-Triassic oil and gas accumulation, migration and adjustment process in Yuqi area is studied. The results indicate that the Ordovician system in the study area developed oil injection during the Late Caledonian, Yanshanian, and Himalayan periods. The Triassic system only had oil injection during the Himalayan period, slightly later than the Ordovician system during the same period. The crude oil injected by the Ordovician in the late Caledonian period was biodegraded into heavy oil and carbonaceous bitumen due to tectonic uplift. Light oil from the Yuertus Formation source rock during the Yanshan-Himalayan period was vertically injected into the Ordovician reservoir along activated faults, and then mixed and transformed early heavy oil reservoirs through lateral adjustment along karst. A certain range of light oil reservoirs were formed in the heavy oil reservoir area. In the late Himalayan period, the light/heavy oil reservoirs mixed and filled by the Ordovician system were locally adjusted upwards along faults to the Triassic system, making the crude oil of the Triassic system, which had stable structures and no degradation conditions, similar to the crude oil of the Ordovician system in terms of crude oil density, maturity, inclusion abundance, biodegradation characteristics, and partially mix with late mature oil and gas that migrated along the Luntai fault-sand body, forming the sporadic distribution characteristics of light and heavy oil reservoirs in the Triassic system today. Therefore, a reservoir formation model of "vertical transport along faults, lateral adjustment along karst, strong degradation, and differential superposition" was established for the Ordovician, and " T-shaped transport along fault-sand and late stage reservoir formation " was established for the Triassic in the Yuqi area.The research have important guiding and reference significance for shallow-deep oil and gas exploration in the Yuqi area.

How to cite: Su, Y., Liu, H., Wang, S., Wang, J., and Zhao, Z.: Multi-layer Hydrocarbon Accumulation Model in Yuqi area, Tarim Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1746, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1746, 2025.

EGU25-2102 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS16

Atmospheric correction of geostationary ocean color imager data over turbid coastal waters under high solar zenith angles 

hao Li, Xianqiang He, Shanmugam Palanisamy, Yan Bai, and Jin Xuchen

The traditional atmospheric correction models employed with the near-infrared iterative schemes inaccurately estimate aerosol radiance at high solar zenith angles (SZAs), leading to a substantial loss of valid products for dawn or dusk observations by the geostationary satellite ocean color sensor. To overcome this issue, we previously developed an atmospheric correction model suitable for open ocean waters observed by the first geostationary satellite ocean color imager (GOCI) under high SZAs. This model was constructed based on a dataset from stable open ocean waters, which makes it less suitable for coastal waters. In this study, we developed a specialized atmospheric correction model (GOCI-II-NN) capable of accurately retrieving the water-leaving radiance from GOCI-II observations in coastal oceans under high SZAs. We utilized multiple observations from GOCI-II throughout the day to develop the selection criteria for extracting the stable coastal water pixels and created a new training dataset for the proposed model. The performance of the GOCI-II-NN model was validated by in-situ data collected from coastal/shelf waters. The results showed an Average Percentage Difference (APD) of less than 23% across the entire visible spectrum. In terms of the valid data and retrieval accuracy, the GOCI-II-NN model was superior to the traditional near-infrared and ultraviolet atmospheric correction models in terms of accurately retrieving the ocean color products for various applications, such as tracking/monitoring of algal blooms, sediment dynamics, and water quality among other applications.

How to cite: Li, H., He, X., Palanisamy, S., Bai, Y., and Xuchen, J.: Atmospheric correction of geostationary ocean color imager data over turbid coastal waters under high solar zenith angles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2102, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2102, 2025.

EGU25-2114 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS16

Impact of Climate Change on Offshore Wind Energy Potential over the Arabian Sea using CMIP6 Future Projection. 

Sohail Ansari and Manasa Ranjan Behera

Over the past fifty years, the Indian Ocean has experienced a pervasive warming trend, prompting investigations into the causative factors and consequential impacts at a basin-wide scale. Research analyzing sea surface temperature (SST) suggests that the western Indian Ocean has been undergoing warming for more than a century. The increase in SST has triggered a range of effects, including alterations in surface pressure distribution, resulting in variable wind patterns, sea-level rise, and other associated outcomes. Understanding the variability in wind speed holds practical significance, including estimating wind power potential for specific geographic regions and developing future projections for wind wave climates to aid in the planning of coastal activities and coastal zone management. The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) within the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) plays a pivotal role in disseminating comprehensive insights into the past, present, and future trajectories of climate change for the scientific community. The CMIP6 project, introduces a spectrum of shared socio-economic pathways (SSP) projecting radiative forcing values ranging from 1.9 to 8.5 W/m² by the end of the century. For a comprehensive understanding of future climate projections, a thorough evaluation and skill assessment of General Circulation Models (GCMs) within the CMIP6 project, specifically regarding their ability to simulate wind speed, is imperative. In this study, BCC-CSM2-MR model has been leveraged to project future changes in the offshore wind energy potential over the Arabian sea. The projections of wind speed at a height of 50 meters using the BCC-CSM2-MR, on the Arabian Sea within a span of three distinct periods: Near-future (2026-2050), Mid-future (2051- 60 2075), and Far-future (2076-2100) and for two distinct Shared Socio-economic Pathway (SSP) scenarios, namely SSP1-2.6 and SSP3-7.0, have been estimated in this study. The overall trend indicates that wind speed over the Arabian Sea remains relatively constant, showing no significant changes. However, a subtle increase is discernible on the western side of the Arabian Sea, particularly near the Oman coast, evident in the SSP3-7.0 scenario. The Projected change in the wind power density (WPD) for the three distinct period change are evaluated keeping the historical wind data from 1990-2014 as a reference. The WPD is increasing by 10% over the Arabian sea for SSP1-2.6 for near-future (2026- 2050), 8% for mid-future (2051-2075) and 6% for far-future (2076-2100) with respect to historical wind speed (1990-2014). But for SSP3-7.0 the wind speed is showing a decline of 2%to 4 % from near-future to far-future. Correspondingly, wind power density exhibited spatial changes over the Arabian Sea, with the western side showing an increase under SSP1-2.6 and a decrease under SSP3-7.0

Keywords: Wind Speed, Wind Power Density, CMIP6, Arabian Sea, Offshore Wind Energy, Climate Change.

How to cite: Ansari, S. and Behera, M. R.: Impact of Climate Change on Offshore Wind Energy Potential over the Arabian Sea using CMIP6 Future Projection., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2114, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2114, 2025.

Oil and gas reserves are important resources for human survival, directly related to future oil and gas production and the sustainable development and utilization of energy. It is crucial to strengthen the understanding and judgment of the growth trend of oil and gas reserves. The prediction of the growth trend of oil and gas reserves is a forward-looking research work, and its prediction results will directly affect the direction of future oil and gas exploration and investment. To explore new methods for predicting oil and gas reserves, promote sustainable development and utilization of energy, and provide theoretical basis for oil and gas exploration and development. For this purpose, taking the Llanos Basin in South America as an example, combined with comprehensive data such as oil and gas reserve growth data and various geological characteristics, a combination of Analytic Hierarchy Process and ARIMA algorithm was proposed to predict and verify the oil and gas reserves in the Llanos Basin. Firstly, the Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to perform weight analysis on various geological factors in the Llanos Basin. Analysis shows that structural evolution factors have a significant impact on the growth of oil and gas reserves. On this basis, ARIMA algorithm is applied to perform hierarchical prediction verification on each construction unit of Llanos Basin. The results indicate that the combination prediction method has been validated to have good prediction performance.

How to cite: Li, H. and Zhang, L.: oil and gas reserve prediction method based on Analytic Hierarchy Process and ARIMA algorithm: A case study of the Llanos Basin in South America, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2507, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2507, 2025.

EGU25-2811 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS16

Addressing Renewable Energy Waste: Scale, Challenges, and Recycling Impacts 

Yuyao Yang and Peng Wang

The rapid expansion of global renewable energy systems has led to a significant increase in raw material extraction, manufacturing and the potential generation of substantial new types of waste. However, a comprehensive analysis of future trends and distribution of emerging renewable energy waste (ReWaste) is lacking. This study introduces an integrated model, GCAM-ReWaste, which incorporates global change analysis model (GCAM) with material flow analysis (MFA) to address this gap, covering 20 renewable energy technologies across 30 regions worldwide. Additionally, the model integrates life cycle assessment (LCA) to explore the environmental and economic impacts of treating the upcoming ReWaste streams under three recycling scenarios. The results reveal a 37-fold surge in global ReWaste, rising from 2.8 million metric tons (Mt) in 2020 to 102.7 Mt by 2050, cumulating in a staggering total of 1,094 Mt to achieve the net-zero emissions target. China, the United States, the European Union, and India will account for 66% of the global ReWaste total. The ReWaste is expected to contain substantial recyclable materials, which could potentially cover 45%-75% of their demand by 2050. The thriving ReWaste recycling market could reach a value of US$780–1,223 billion and contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions by as much as 900–2,082 Mt CO2-equivalent. Our findings highlight the challenges associated with ReWaste management, including the dispersed distribution of waste generation, the diversity and ongoing evolution of renewable technologies, financial viability and the immaturity of recycling technologies and policies. We advocate for concerted efforts from all stakeholders throughout the entire lifecycle of renewable energy, including manufacturers, recyclers and policy-makers, to effectively address the impending surge in ReWaste.

How to cite: Yang, Y. and Wang, P.: Addressing Renewable Energy Waste: Scale, Challenges, and Recycling Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2811, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2811, 2025.

The industrial sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, responsible for around 24% of global emissions in 2019. According to the World Resources Institute (WRI), to meet short-term climate targets aligned with a 1.5°C increase in global temperatures, the share of electricity in the final energy demand of the industrial sector must increase to 35-43% by 2030, 51-54% by 2040, and 60-69% by 2050.
CITIC Dicastal, the world’s largest producer of automotive aluminum wheels, operates 21 manufacturing facilities globally. These facilities, which collectively produce around 80 million aluminum wheels and 120,000 tons of aluminum castings annually, have significant energy needs due to their high-volume production. For instance, the newly opened plant in Morocco is designed to operate using green energy instead of relying solely on natural gas, utilizing high-temperature furnaces for aluminum alloy melting. This requires a reliable energy source to meet the plant's energy demands.
This study provides tailored recommendations for enhancing efficiency and reducing environmental impact by exploring cogeneration, where both heat and electricity are produced simultaneously. Renewable electricity from photovoltaic and wind sources is used, while water for hydrogen electrolysis is sourced from a water treatment station. For energy storage, batteries are employed for short-term storage, while hydrogen storage is utilized for long-term storage. A portion of the hydrogen produced is burned to generate heat, while the remaining hydrogen is used in a fuel cell to generate electricity. We compare different hydrogen combustion systems and green hydrogen technologies using a multi-scenario analysis approach.
We find that direct-fired systems are prioritized for processes requiring rapid heating, while indirect-fired systems are suitable for applications sensitive to direct flame contact. Fluidized bed combustion systems are effective for burning various fuels, including low-quality fuels. For CITIC Dicastal's decarbonization strategy, selecting electrolyzer technology should consider hydrogen production scale, purity requirements, and integration with existing processes. Alkaline electrolyzers are recommended for large-scale hydrogen production due to their cost-effectiveness and maturity. Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzers are ideal for applications requiring high-purity hydrogen and quick response times. Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cells (SOECs) offer promising solutions in environments where waste heat can be utilized. We also find that compressed hydrogen storage is particularly advantageous for immediate energy needs, while liquid and solid-state options provide solutions for long-term storage and safety. The study indicates that PEM fuel cells offer quick response times ideal for backup power but come with higher costs. Alkaline Fuel Cells (AFCs) provide a lower-cost alternative but are sensitive to carbon dioxide. Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells (PAFCs) are suitable for cogeneration but have longer start-up times. Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells (MCFCs) and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) excel in efficiency, but face challenges related to high-temperature operations.
Overall, this research underscores the potential of integrating advanced hydrogen technologies into CITIC Dicastal’s operations to achieve significant decarbonization goals.

How to cite: Bouramdane, A.-A. and Degiovanni, A.: Cost-Effective and Sustainable Pathways for Green Industrial Cogeneration: Replacing Natural Gas with Hydrogen in Dicastal's Operations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3246, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3246, 2025.

EGU25-3697 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS16

Strategies for Controlling Blue and Green Hydrogen Flow Rate for Optimal Integration 

Ayat-Allah Bouramdane, Meziane Ait Ziane, and Michel Zasadzinski

Hydrogen production through autothermal reforming with carbon capture and storage (ATR-CCS) is often considered more reliable and scalable than renewable energy-based hydrogen production, especially when intermittent sources struggle to provide a constant power supply. However, ATR-CCS presents challenges related to the cost and complexity of carbon capture and storage, as well as dependence on fossil fuels, limiting its long-term sustainability. It also requires significant infrastructure and a large amount of energy, which can impact its efficiency and profitability in regions aiming to reduce carbon emissions.
Hydrogen production through renewable energy electrolysis faces obstacles due to intermittency. For instance, solar production varies with temperature and cloud cover, wind energy is unpredictable, and marine sources (waves, tides) present fluctuations, although tidal energy is more predictable. Biomass energy is more stable but depends on raw material availability, while geothermal energy, though stable, can experience variations due to operational issues or resource availability.
Proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers (PEMWE) and alkaline electrolyzers are well-suited for renewable energy sources, as they adjust well to rapid energy supply variations. PEMWE use an electric current to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, offering high hydrogen purity due to a solid polymer membrane. However, they are more expensive and sensitive to impurities in the water. Alkaline electrolyzers, developed earlier and more robust, are less responsive to energy variations but provide a stable solution when energy supply is consistent. They are less expensive in the long run and suitable for large-scale installations.
However, these sudden or irregular variations in energy supply present several technical challenges. First, when energy supply changes abruptly, the temperature inside the electrolyzer can exceed optimal levels (thermal spike) or fall below them (thermal dip), potentially damaging internal components and reducing the overall efficiency of the electrolysis process. Moreover, after an energy fluctuation, the system takes time to stabilize its temperature and pressure, leading to irregular hydrogen production and efficiency losses. These challenges require the use of advanced control strategies capable of real-time regulation of key system parameters (such as current, voltage, and temperature), accounting for different energy fluctuation scenarios (progressive or abrupt). Unlike traditional control systems (simple thermostats or Proportional-Integral-Derivative “PID” control), these approaches (such as model-free control, H-infinity, or optimized PID) ensure better responsiveness and accuracy, guaranteeing stable efficiency even with fluctuations, thereby reducing temperature overshoots and speeding up the stabilization time for electrolyzers. For example, model-free control reduces temperature overshoots and accelerates stabilization time by at least 15 minutes for alkaline electrolyzers.

How to cite: Bouramdane, A.-A., Ait Ziane, M., and Zasadzinski, M.: Strategies for Controlling Blue and Green Hydrogen Flow Rate for Optimal Integration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3697, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3697, 2025.

     With the continuous development of deep oil and gas exploration, the phenomenon of oil and gas enrichment near prematurely failed source faults in deep formations has been revealed. However, the mechanism of how these prematurely failed faults open to transport hydrocarbon is not yet clearly understood, and there is a lack of quantitative evaluation of their transport capacity. This study takes the Lufeng 13 Sag in the Pearl River Mouth Basin as an example. Based on 3D seismic data, software simulation, and mudstone plastic deformation experiments, it analyzes the reactivation mechanism of prematurely failed faults and evaluates their vertical transport capacity, revealing the role of these faults in deep hydrocarbon enrichment. The study shows that the transport capacity of prematurely failed faults is negatively correlated with the normal stress on the fault plane during the reservoir-forming period and positively correlated with the ultimate pressure for mudstone plastic deformation. When the normal stress on the fault plane during the reservoir-forming period is less than 13.9 MPa, the buoyancy of hydrocarbon can overcome the normal stress on the fault plane at the upper interface of the source rock, allowing hydrocarbon to migrate upward along the fault. When the ultimate pressure for mudstone plastic deformation is greater than 18.5 MPa, the pressure on the fault plane is less than the ultimate pressure for mudstone plastic deformation, and the argillaceous components in the fault zone do not undergo plastic deformation and flow. The leakage spaces left in the fault zone are not blocked, and no seal is formed vertically. Based on the normal stress on the fault plane during the reservoir-forming period and the ultimate pressure for mudstone plastic deformation, a vertical transport coefficient (K) for prematurely failed faults is established. When K is less than 1.1, the prematurely failed fault has vertical transport capacity during the reservoir-forming period.

How to cite: Cao, X., Liu, H., Peng, G., and Long, Z.: Study on the Vertical Transport Capacity of Prematurely Failed Faults in Deep Oil and Gas Enriched Areas: A Case Study of Lufeng 13 Sag in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4960, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4960, 2025.

Urban mobility is undergoing significant technological transformations, with the application of sharing and autonomous driving technologies. It will reshape people's travel behavior patterns. However, the direction of the change is heavily influenced by urban spatial features, including the density of population, the distance between residents and job, the public transportation infrastructure, the diversity of local place, as well as the urban form. In response to this evolving landscape, this study integrates macro-level predictions from IAM with micro-level features of urban space to reassess the trends in travel demand in China up to the years 2030 and 2060. The findings indicate that, when considering the micro-features of existing urban spaces, projections based on future comprehensive system evaluation models may significantly overestimate the volume of car travel, so as to the demands on private cars. Variations between different regions and within the same city, particularly between new and old neighborhoods, further reveal the substantial potential for reducing car travel through urban planning and management. Consequently, this research proposes the design and experimentation of new business models for intelligent and shared mobility that align with the micro-spatial configuration of cities. It explores more sustainable pathways for the low-carbon transformation of urban transportation, aiming to harness the unique spatial attributes of cities to foster innovative solutions.

How to cite: Tong, X. and Wang, T.: Rethinking Future Travel Demand in China: Integrating IAM with Local Context for Sustainable Future Mobility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5507, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5507, 2025.

EGU25-7155 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS16

A global investigation of atmospheric circulation regimes driving wind power generation and its extremes at country and continent scales 

Sandeep Sahu, Anasuya Gangopadhyay, and Ashwin K Seshadri

Large-scale wind power installations are expanding across the world as part of electricity decarbonization efforts. Extreme wind energy events including wind droughts can pose major challenges for decarbonizing electricity grids that increasingly depend on renewable, including wind, power generation. In the context of conversions of available potential to horizontal kinetic energy predominantly over oceanic regions that are often remote from wind farms as well as load centers, we simulate country and continental scale wind power generation across the world and examine factors driving wind droughts. We use ERA-5 reanalysis wind speed and a wind turbine power curve to estimate daily wind generation at existing sites across the world. Site-level generation is aggregated to estimate daily generation patterns at country and continental scales. We estimate wind drought patterns in absolute terms and with respect to anomalies in relation to daily climatology and examine associations between wind droughts and characteristics of the large-scale atmospheric circulation.

Long-range advection of horizontal kinetic energy can also play an important role in maintaining wind power, and we systematically explore and distinguish the roles of local and remote factors in driving wind power variability at three types of scales: site-level, country-scale, continental-scale. This study offers a systematic approach to comprehending interactions between the large-scale kinetic energy budget and wind power variability across scales. We investigate the following questions: What background conditions over open oceanic regions facilitate long-range advection of wind energy, and how critical is advection for wind power variability? What specific circulation regimes are more instrumental in driving overall variability? The results offer insights for understanding controls from the mechanical energy budget on decarbonizing energy systems, and factors driving their variability across timescales.

How to cite: Sahu, S., Gangopadhyay, A., and Seshadri, A. K.: A global investigation of atmospheric circulation regimes driving wind power generation and its extremes at country and continent scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7155, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7155, 2025.

EGU25-9146 | Posters virtual | VPS16

 Wave atlas of French Polynesia – Application on wave energy integration into the electrical mix  

Corinne Dubois, Hélène Chabbert, Mauna Reveil, and Vetea Vitrac

A new wave energy atlas database for French Polynesia

A wave reanalysis was carried out over the whole French Polynesian ZEE, using Météo-France's MFWAM model at 0.05° resolution, derived from the WAM model with a spatial resolution of 5 km, a three-hourly step, and a temporal depth of 30 years. These results have been published on the ODATIS open data platform.

Compared with existing reanalysis, the islands are better modelled, and it leads to better estimates of wave conditions and propagation.

It has been applied to wave energy evaluation over the whole French Polynesia.

Simulating the integration of 10 MW wave energy in Tahiti: challenges and opportunities

Sea state data from the atlas were used as input for simulating the production of 10 MW wave energy through several systems. These simulations were carried out for integration into the Tahitian power grid at several injection points and considering existing and planned renewable energies plants.

Over the same past time period, the island's electricity mix was modelled, showing the complementarity of wave energy with the other renewable energies found on the island, in particular photovoltaics and hydropower.

Tahiti presents (as in 2022) an electrical mix of 64% Oil, 29% Hydro, 7% PV (including roofs and plants connected to the Grid). New PV plants + batteries are studied by local stakeholders for the next years, involving other types of issues (land & recycling).

Our work highlights the advantages and challenges of integrating wave energy into the grid and raises the question of the methodology's replicability on other islands.

How to cite: Dubois, C., Chabbert, H., Reveil, M., and Vitrac, V.:  Wave atlas of French Polynesia – Application on wave energy integration into the electrical mix , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9146, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9146, 2025.

EGU25-10984 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS16

Impact of Pre-Mesozoic Strike-Slip Faults on Dolomite Gas Reservoir in the Central Sichuan Basin and Its Exploration Potential 

Weizhen Tian, Tongwen Jiang, and Guanghui Wu

Abstract: A large strike-slip fault system has been found in the central Sichuan Basin, although its effects on the pre-Mesozoic tight dolomite gas reservoirs in the deep (>4500 m) subsurface are uncertain. By integrating 3D seismic fault mapping, detailed fracture characterization, and well production data, this study demonstrates that strike-slip faults are extensively developed as vertically stratified arrays within the Ediacaran, Cambrian, and Permian dolomite intervals. These faults connect Lower Cambrian source rocks to multiple reservoir horizons, thereby establishing both lateral and vertical hydrocarbon migration pathways. A defining element of this system is the spatiotemporal coupling of “source-fault-reservoir,” which underpins the formation of a large-scale, pre-Mesozoic fault-controlled gas accumulation. Seismic evidence shows that many of these faults exhibit near-vertical geometries, en echelon arrangements, and step-over structures, all of which foster intense fracturing in the adjacent dolomites. Such fracturing substantially enhances porosity and permeability, yielding localized “sweet spots” with improved storage capacity and fluid flow properties, particularly within slope areas where structural conditions favor gas trapping. Production data strongly corroborate the geological and seismic observations, with wells that intersect or closely adjoin these fault zones typically exhibiting higher flow rates and more stable production profiles. This phenomenon highlights the pivotal role of fault-induced fractures in reservoir performance and underscores the need for detailed fault mapping and fracture network analysis in deep, tight carbonate plays. Furthermore, the recognition of this large-scale, strike-slip fault-controlled dolomite reservoir in a deep intracratonic setting underscores its considerable exploitation potential and points to broader implications for petroleum geology. Consequently, this study provides a robust framework for understanding the interplay between fault architecture and reservoir quality, offering valuable insights for guiding future exploration and development in analogous deep carbonate basins worldwide.

Key words: Strike-slip fault; Deep tight dolomite reservoir; Strike-slip fault-related petroleum system; Migration and accumulation; Exploration; Sichuan Basin

How to cite: Tian, W., Jiang, T., and Wu, G.: Impact of Pre-Mesozoic Strike-Slip Faults on Dolomite Gas Reservoir in the Central Sichuan Basin and Its Exploration Potential, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10984, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10984, 2025.

EGU25-16313 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS16

Modelling land-use dynamics for net-zero emissions: a framework for informed decision-making in India 

Aparna Sundaresan, Kaveri Ashok, Ramya Natarajan, Anasuya Gangopadhyay, and Indu K Murthy

Land is not considered in its entirety in mitigation modelling, especially for India. Even when reported as an output, competing land demands from renewable energy (RE), urbanisation, agriculture, and forestry and the resultant trade-offs are not adequately captured in existing models. In this study, we augmented the Sustainable Alternative Futures for India (SAFARI) model to determine the feasibility of a net-zero transition from a land availability perspective. SAFARI is a system dynamics simulation model that captures the dynamic interactions among various land types and therefore their competition. Using SAFARI, we developed illustrative net-zero scenarios for India to understand the land implications of the transition. We find that while India might have just enough land at a national aggregate level to support the transition to net-zero emissions, local constraints and land conflicts owing to acquisition challenges are more likely to occur in a high electrification scenario where there is increased focus on RE. Alternatively, a scenario with a focus on use of alternative fuels, nuclear power, behavioural changes, and efficiency improvements in addition to electrification and RE, would be more inclusive and optimal for a country like India.

How to cite: Sundaresan, A., Ashok, K., Natarajan, R., Gangopadhyay, A., and Murthy, I. K.: Modelling land-use dynamics for net-zero emissions: a framework for informed decision-making in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16313, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16313, 2025.

EGU25-16619 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS16

3D Fault Identification Based on Improved U-Net with Multi-Scale Feature Fusion 

Yawen Huang, Lijie Cui, Yuxi Niu, Ye Tao, Ying Liu, and Yongrui Chen

In the fields of geological research and engineering applications, fault identification is of great significance for understanding geological structure evolution, predicting geological disasters, and guiding resource exploration and development. Traditional fault identification methods based on manual interpretation and seismic attributes struggle to meet the requirements in terms of efficiency and accuracy when faced with complex geological conditions and massive amounts of data. With the development of deep learning technology, convolutional neural networks have demonstrated excellent performance in image recognition and segmentation tasks. However, the multi-scale characteristics of faults, that is, the fault structures in seismic images are diverse in size, shape, and complexity, pose severe challenges to image recognition. This paper innovatively proposes a fault identification method based on an improved U-Net neural network. Focusing on the multi-scale characteristics of faults, it aims to enhance the accuracy and robustness of fault identification. The model introduces a multi-scale feature fusion mechanism, skillfully integrating encoder feature maps with different spatial resolutions, which significantly improves the ability to express fault features. In addition, in view of the insufficient representativeness of synthetic datasets, this study adopts data augmentation techniques, performing operations such as rotation, flipping, and scaling on the training data to effectively expand data diversity and enhance the generalization ability of the model. Experimental results show that when the improved U-Net model is tested on the publicly available F3 seismic data of the Dutch North Sea and the data of an oilfield in the Junggar Basin, China, compared with the traditional U-Net model, it has achieved significant improvements in key evaluation indicators such as recognition accuracy, recall rate, IOU, and PR curve. Especially in complex geological backgrounds, the improved model can more accurately identify the location and shape of faults, providing a more reliable and efficient fault identification technical means for fields such as geological structure research, oil exploration, and underground engineering construction. It has important theoretical significance and practical application value.

How to cite: Huang, Y., Cui, L., Niu, Y., Tao, Y., Liu, Y., and Chen, Y.: 3D Fault Identification Based on Improved U-Net with Multi-Scale Feature Fusion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16619, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16619, 2025.

EGU25-627 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS17

Automated end-to-end fracture identification, classification, localization, and parameter estimation for enabling rapid risk management and CO₂ storage optimization in CCUS applications 

M Quamer Nasim, Tannistha Maiti, Nader Mosavat, Paul V. Grech, Tarry Singh, and Paresh Nath Singha Roy

The success of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) projects heavily depends on understanding subsurface fluid flow behaviour particularly through fracture networks. Fractures play a dual role in such operations: they can enhance reservoir injectivity and storage capacity by providing pathways for CO₂ injection, but they also pose risks by potentially compromising caprock integrity, increasing the risk of structural storage failure thereby enabling CO₂ leakage. Accurate fracture detection and characterization is essential for optimizing injection strategies, ensuring effective containment, and mitigating environmental risks. Fractures influence critical processes such as trapping mechanisms and pressure distribution within the reservoir. Furthermore, understanding their orientation and density is vital for designing safe and efficient CO₂ injection operations. These factors highlight the importance of robust, non-bias, automated, and scalable fracture detection methods. Traditional fracture identification methods rely heavily on manual interpretation, which is time-intensive, subjective, and challenging to scale for large fields with several wells. This study proposes a scalable automated methodology employing advanced deep-learning techniques to detect fractures from borehole imaging tools such as FMI, CMI, and ThruBit logs. The proposed approach uses detection transformers which eliminates the need for manual mask creation and post-processing steps by adopting an end-to-end framework, which not only identifies the presence of fractures but also estimates their orientation and density. Custom evaluation metrics were developed to measure the model's performance (in comparison with expert’s fracture analysis) in handling diverse geological and well conditions, including vertical and horizontal well orientations. The automated workflow facilitates speedy assessment of fracture networks which in turn can offer speedy actionable insights for CO₂ injection optimization, caprock stability assessment, and risk management. The model demonstrated an interpretation speed of less than one minute per 2 meters, with an ~80% F1 score (6 cm depth error margin), ~91% accuracy in dip picking (3° error margin), and ~93% accuracy in dip estimation (15° dip margin). By utilizing the proposed automated fracture detection model based on transformers, CCUS project planning and designing can be accelerated. Furthermore, integrating MLOps into the workflow ensures the scalability, maintainability, and adaptability of these models for practical deployment. While this methodology is tailored to CCUS, its versatility extends to a much wider range of applications, including geothermal energy, mining, and other subsurface characterization domains.

How to cite: Nasim, M. Q., Maiti, T., Mosavat, N., Grech, P. V., Singh, T., and Roy, P. N. S.: Automated end-to-end fracture identification, classification, localization, and parameter estimation for enabling rapid risk management and CO₂ storage optimization in CCUS applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-627, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-627, 2025.

EGU25-1094 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS17

Tree density, distribution and regeneration status in relation to soil quality at different alpine treeline regions of North-west Himalaya 

Sandeep Kumar, Saraswati Prakash Sati, and Vinod Prasad Khanduri

The Himalayan alpine treeline possesses a unique identity and plays a vital role in the ecosystem. This study explores the relationship between soil quality and the distribution, diversity, and regeneration patterns of tree species in the alpine treeline regions of Uttarakhand Himalaya. The research focuses on five different treeline sites in Uttarakhand: Dayara Bugyal, Tungnath, Valley of Flowers, Ali-Bedni Bugyal, and Khaliya Top. Tree diversity and regeneration sampling in the treeline region were conducted by laying out 0.01 hectares quadrats, which were selected using the belt transect method along the treeline and soil samples were collected from each quadrate at 0-15 and 15-30 cm soil depths. The Rhododendron campanulatum, Quercus semecarpifolia, Abies spectabilis and Betula utilis are predominant in the treeline region of Uttarakhand Himalaya. Analysis of tree regeneration indicates generally poor regeneration for most species, with specific site variations. The additive Soil Quality Index (SQI) ranged from 2.30 to 2.84, 2.35 to 2.84, and 2.32 to 2.84 at soil depths of 0–15 cm, 15–30 cm, and 0–30 cm, respectively. Similarly, the weighted SQI showed a comparable trend, with Ali-Bedni Bugyal recording the highest values (0.95–0.96 across all depths). The reported SQI values exhibited a positive correlation with soil physicochemical properties and a negative correlation with vegetation density at the seedling, sapling, and tree stages. The site-specific variations in tree species distribution, diversity, and soil quality reflect distinct ecological dynamics and species interactions, while the poor regeneration status of most tree species highlights the need for targeted conservation strategies.

How to cite: Kumar, S., Sati, S. P., and Khanduri, V. P.: Tree density, distribution and regeneration status in relation to soil quality at different alpine treeline regions of North-west Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1094, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1094, 2025.

EGU25-2493 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS17

Integrating Neutron Activation Analysis and Multi-Index Assessments to Evaluate Rare Earth Elements in Sudanese Gold Mining Areas 

Minas Elfatih Ahmed, Mohammed Adam Abbo, and Hamid Bounouira

Rare earth elements (REE) have become indispensable in a wide range of modern technologies, yet their potential environmental impacts in gold mining regions are poorly understood. In this study, we collected soil samples from various locations within gold mining areas and analysed their REE contents using Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA), a precise and non-destructive method. To evaluate contamination levels and potential ecological harm, the enrichment factor (EF), geoaccumulation index (Igeo), and ecological risk index were applied.

Results revealed varying degrees of REE enrichment across sampling sites, with elevated EF values ranging from 0.20 to 2.70 and PLI values between 0.27 and 1.16 indicating no enrichment. Specifically, Eu and Tb showed the slight enrichment factors, might indicating an anthropogenic influence. The ecological risk index further indicated that 12.5% of the sampling sites might pose moderate ecological risks.

Overall, these findings underscore the importance of systematic REE monitoring and risk assessment in gold mining regions. Integrating REE analyses into environmental management strategies can help mitigate potential ecological impacts, ensure sustainable resource utilisation, and preserve environmental quality in these mineral-rich landscapes.

How to cite: Ahmed, M. E., Abbo, M. A., and Bounouira, H.: Integrating Neutron Activation Analysis and Multi-Index Assessments to Evaluate Rare Earth Elements in Sudanese Gold Mining Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2493, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2493, 2025.

In recent years, deep-seated hydrocarbon reservoirs have gradually become the focus of exploration and development. The distribution of deep-seated oil reservoirs in the southern part of the Panyu 4 depression in the Pearl River Mouth Basin shows the characteristics of more in the north and less in the south, and uneven in the east and west. The unclear causes of oil differentiation have constrained its exploration. This paper uses a combination of logging, seismic, and physical property data to analyze the reasons for oil enrichment differences from the perspectives of source-reservoir matching, dominant migration channels, and fault activity, and establishes an oil accumulation model.

Research findings indicate that: (1) Based on the matching relationship between hydrocarbon source rocks and reservoirs, the area can be divided three types of well areas: "near-source poor in sand", "near-source rich in sand", and "far-source rich in sand". The northern sand bodies close to the hydrocarbon source rocks and have a large scale, so the oil enrichment degree is relatively high. (2) The fault structure ridges are the preferred channels for lateral oil migration. The oil is more enriched in the well areas near the structure ridge, leading to differences in oil reservoir between adjacent well areas in the east-west direction. (3) The strength of fault activity controls the stratum of oil enrichment in different well areas. In the northern area, the fault activity is strong, and oil is distributed in multiple stratum. In the southern area, the fault activity is weak, and the oil is transported over long distances through the oil source fracture and the sand body of the Wenchang Formation to the high structural parts in the south, where they are trapped in the Wenchang Formation. (4) Based on the aforementioned research, two types of oil accumulation models were established: the "proximal fault multi-layer accumulation model" near the source and the "long-distance stepwise migration and accumulation model" far from the source, along the dominant migration channels. This study has significant guiding implications for the further exploration and development of the Panyu 4 depression oil reservoir.

Key words: Differential enrichment of oil; Source-reservoir matching; Dominant migration channel; Fault activity; Oil accumulation model.

How to cite: Wang, Q., Liu, H., Peng, G., and Long, Z.: The mechanism of differential enrichment of deep oil reservoirs in the southern part of the Panyu 4 depression in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3371, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3371, 2025.

Taiwan's Tatun Volcanic Group (TVG) is an active tectonic zone that moved from tectonic compression zones to crustal expansion. It is a graben, or region of crustal thinning structure, that is favorable to crustal magmatic intrusion. This geologic context supplies heat for the formation of geothermal and volcanic systems. In addition, TVG is a suitable location for geothermal exploration because of the numerous surface thermal characteristics associated with young volcanic rocks. By computing the geothermal radiative heat loss based on the land surface temperature (LST) obtained from thermal sensors on Earth-observing satellites, we can assess the geothermal resource reservoir of TVG. Firstly, the Stefan-Boltzmann law from the LSTs is used to derive the radiative heat flow (RHF). Second, the sum of the heat flux pixel values over the selected geothermal area is used to estimate the overall radiative heat loss (RHL). The background radiative heat loss is then computed, and by deducting the background radiative heat loss from the total radiative heat loss, geothermal (i.e., net) radiative heat loss is determined. The above process determines trends in geothermal radiative heat loss over time. The average value of the four-decade (1984 - 2024) trend of geothermal radiative heat loss at TVG is 211 MW, with an annual rate of increase of 1 MW (MegaWatt) each year. The mean value of heat loss estimation follows the same sequence as the traditional geochemical method used in earlier research. On the other hand, this study's annual growing rate estimation of TVG is noted for the first time. This study shows the advantages and benefits of employing long-term remote sensing datasets in geothermal and volcanic investigations. It is the first attempt to assess TVG's geothermal potential using satellite thermal observations. This application of remote sensing methods in TVG's geothermal investigation shows encouraging outcomes and can be applied to other geothermal systems across the globe.

How to cite: Chan, H.-P. and Chan, Y.-C.: Tatun Volcanic Group geothermal assessment: estimated radiative heat flux and heat loss from satellite thermal time-series datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3869, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3869, 2025.

EGU25-4956 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS17

Influence of capillary force heterogeneity and geochemical raction on CO2 flow and trapping 

Guodong Cui, Zhe Hu, Xi Chen, Zhenyu Liu, and Yinghua Lian

To safely store CO2, it is necessary to accurately predict the behaviors and trapping evolution of CO2 in saline aquifers. However, due to the heterogeneity of actual saline aquifers, the evolution of CO2 plume and accompanying trapping are still unclear during and after injection. Although prior studies have highlighted the impact of capillary entry pressure heterogeneity on CO2 plume and trapping, the role and influence of CO2-induced geochemical reactions are still not fully understood. Therefore, the main objectives of this work are to study the evolution of CO2 plume and storage under heterogeneous capillary entry pressure and geochemical reactions. To illustrate the evolution, a comprehensive CO2 migration and storage model under heterogeneous capillary entry pressure and geochemical reactions is done to study CO2 behavior in detail. The results showed that heterogeneous capillary entry pressure in the saline aquifer can hinder the upward migration of CO2, causing it to redirect and increase its lateral volume. The geochemical reactions can reduce porosity by 10-4 and permeability by 1 mD within 100 years and hinder CO2 migration in all directions. The capillary entry pressure magnitude, its heterogeneity, and lateral correlation length are the main parameters affecting the evolution of CO2 storage. Their increase can greatly limit CO2 vertical migration rates and decrease dissolution and mineral trapping amount but may double local capillary trapping amount. In contrast, the increase in temperature and the ratio of vertical/horizontal permeability favors CO2 vertical migration, dissolution, and mineral trapping amount. Therefore, to ensure the long-term safety of CO2 storage, it is necessary to select a suitable heterogeneous reservoir.

How to cite: Cui, G., Hu, Z., Chen, X., Liu, Z., and Lian, Y.: Influence of capillary force heterogeneity and geochemical raction on CO2 flow and trapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4956, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4956, 2025.

EGU25-5044 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS17

Advanced Copper Prospectivity Mapping in Northwestern India through Machine Learning and Multisource Data Integration 

Mohit Kumar, Satyam Pratap Singh, Utpal Singh, Sudipta Sarkar, Tushar Goyal, Sudhir Sukhbir, and Hojat Shirmard

The growing demand for copper, driven by its critical role in green energy technologies such as electric vehicles and renewable energy systems, underscores the need to identify new copper resources. The Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt (ADMB), a geologically complex terrain spanning Rajasthan, Haryana, Gujarat, and Delhi, represents significant potential for copper mineralization within its Archaean to Neoproterozoic sequences. In this study, we developed a high-resolution copper prospectivity map for the ADMB by leveraging advanced machine learning techniques and integrating diverse geoscientific datasets. Our methodology incorporated geological features (e.g., proximity to folds, faults, and lineaments), geophysical data (gravity and magnetic anomalies), and remote sensing inputs (SRTM and LANDSAT imagery). Comprehensive processing of potential field data included upward continuation to multiple heights (500 m, 1000 m, 2000 m, 5000 m, 7500 m, 10,000 m, 15,000 m, 25,000 m, and 40,000 m), followed by the computation of first- and second-order directional derivatives, resulting in a total of 154 predictive features. Known copper deposit locations (56 in total) across the ADMB were used as training points, with feature sampling creating the dataset for machine learning model training. We addressed the challenge of class imbalance posed by the limited number of known deposits, by employing synthetic data generation techniques, including Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique with Generative Adversarial Networks (SMOTE-GAN). Comparative analysis showed that SMOTE-GAN produced more realistic synthetic samples, significantly improving model performance. The enriched datasets were used to train supervised learning models, including Explainable Boosting Machine and Random Forest, optimized within a Positive-Unlabeled (PU) Bagging framework to classify unlabeled regions. Our trained model achieved a predictive accuracy of 95.75% on an unseen dataset. The resulting copper prospectivity map effectively delineates high-probability zones, with nearly all known deposits falling within regions predicted to have probabilities >0.7. Our maps highlight regions of high prospectivity for copper resources that currently lack known deposits, suggesting potential new exploration targets.This demonstrates the robustness of our integrated data approach and machine learning models in identifying unexplored copper-rich areas within the ADMB. Our study highlights the importance of integrating geoscientific data with synthetic data generation to address data scarcity in mineral exploration. The demonstrated scalability of this framework provides a robust solution for prospectivity mapping in other similar Archaean to Neoproterozoic terrains worldwide.

How to cite: Kumar, M., Singh, S. P., Singh, U., Sarkar, S., Goyal, T., Sukhbir, S., and Shirmard, H.: Advanced Copper Prospectivity Mapping in Northwestern India through Machine Learning and Multisource Data Integration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5044, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5044, 2025.

EGU25-10108 | Posters virtual | VPS17

The controlling factors of major metallogenic systems in south china based on gravity and magnetic analysis 

Jiayong Yan, Qi Zhou, Changxin Chen, and Hejun Tang

Metallic deposits such as W-Sn, Cu-Au, rare earth deposits, thus serving as a “giant granary” of metal mineral resources in China(Lü  et al.,2021). There are five large-scale metallogenic belts only in the east of South China, namely the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt (MLYMB), Qingzhou-Hangzhou Metallogenic Belt (QHMB), Nanling Metallogenic Belt (NLMB), Wuyishan Metallogenic Belt (WYSMB), and Xiangxi-E’xi Metallogenic Belt (XEMB).

The source zones of the mineral systems in major metallogenic belts in South China are reflected by the vertical structures of the lithosphere in this area. In MLYMB, the mineral systems of the Fe and Cu deposits have multi-level source zones. The initial-level source zone is the enriched mantle, which is formed owing to the thinning of the lithosphere and deformation caused by the fluids in the asthenosphere. In QHMB, the source zone of Cu deposits such as the Dexing deposit is the mantle, while the source zone of W deposits on the margin of the Moho uplift such as Zhuxi and Dahutang deposits is the remelted crust. As for QHMB, the W and Sn mineral systems originate from the crustal magma. In WYSMB, the diagenism and mineralization are mainly related to the interactions between materials in the crust and the mantle. The crust-derived materials form the deposits mainly containing W and rare earths, and mantle-derived materials form polymetallic deposits such as Cu and Au. As for XEMB, it consists mostly of metal deposits of the type of strata-bound sedimentation with the crust as the source zone, such as Sb, Pb, Zn, and Mn deposits.

The pathways of the mineral systems of the major metallogenic belts in South China are deep faults and block or terrane boundaries determined by edge detection of gravity anomalies, as well as density contrast boundaries obtained with the 3D density model. The metallogenic pathways of Fe and Cu deposits in MLYMB mainly include the Yangtze River deep fault in NE trending and Tongling-Taizhou fault in SE trending and its secondary faults. The eastern segment of QHMB is mainly controlled by the faults in northeast Jiangxi, the southern segment of QHMB and the NLMB are mainly under the control of the boundary faults of F1, and WYSMB is related to Zhenghe-Dapu fault and Heyuan-Shaowu fault.

 A 3D density and susceptibility model was obtained by 3D gravity and magnetic inversion. The distribution of different types of deposits was qualitatively reflected by different combination of density and susceptibility model, revealing the distribution of termination sites of different mineral systems in South China.Mineral systems in this area, providing indications for future ore-prospecting exploration in South China.


How to cite: Yan, J., Zhou, Q., Chen, C., and Tang, H.: The controlling factors of major metallogenic systems in south china based on gravity and magnetic analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10108, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10108, 2025.

EGU25-11945 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS17

Organic compounds pose a risk for thermal storage in abandoned coal mines 

Laura Blaes, Tobias Licha, and Thomas Heinze

The development of renewable energies and the sustainable utilisation of geo-resources is evident in the increasing interest in mine water utilisation. In the densely populated regions of former coal mining areas, flooded mine structures present a promising opportunity for seasonal heat storage called mine thermal energy storage MTES. In addition to the general risks associated with post-mining utilisation, it is essential to assess the potential hazards posed by contaminants that may be remobilised through this geotechnology. Hard coal naturally contains contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and NSO-heterocycles, which have been detected in mine water. The utilisation of coal mines as thermal energy storage facilities leads to significant heating of the mine water (up to 80°C), which can enhance the solubility and mobilisation of contaminants into the water. However, to date, no comprehensive understanding exists regarding the mobilisation potential of these contaminants from coal mines at varying temperatures.

In this contribution, we present initial systematic flow-through experiments using columns filled with different coal types at various temperatures demonstrating that contaminant mobilisation, after an initial first flush, is primarily dominated by diffusion processes at the phase interface. Differences in the mobilisation of PAHs between the various coal types and at various temperatures are discussed.

Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the compound concentrations grow exponentially over the runtime of the MTES system due to the growing mass of coal being thermally stimulated. High temperature storage can lead to a short production time until the regulatory limit for PAH is reached. Without regulatory action an MTES in coal mines might not be economically.  We highlight that depending on mine-specific factors countermeasures need to be installed to contain the potential risk to the economic feasibility of such a storage system.  A reduction of the pollutants trough remediation techniques might be possible to enhance the lifetime of the MTES system, if natural attenuation through micro-biological activity is not sufficient.

How to cite: Blaes, L., Licha, T., and Heinze, T.: Organic compounds pose a risk for thermal storage in abandoned coal mines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11945, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11945, 2025.

EGU25-13397 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS17

The built material architectural cultural heritage tested by the Al Haouz earthquake: Case of the Koutoubia Mosque in the city of Marrakech 

Siham Belhaj, Khadija Baba, Omaima Essaad Belhaj, and Abderrahman Nounah

What is more frightening than an unexpected earthquake in the middle of the night for people and for buildings and especially heritage buildings whose response to the earthquake is unknown.
The country of Morocco, and more precisely the region of Al Haouz, more precisely the city of Marrakech named capital of culture of the Islamic world for the year 2024, by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), experienced a serious earthquake of magnetitude M = 6.9 on September 8, 2023 at 22:11:2.2 UTC (23:11 Local), the most serious earthquake in the history of the country according to seismic stations.
The Koutoubia Mosque built in the 12th century was one monument among others that suffered this tremor.
In this article we will describe the location, the construction technique and the materials used in this monument and we will also go through in a non-exhaustive manner the damage caused by this earthquake on the Koutoubia Mosque whose architecture is part of Almohad art.

How to cite: Belhaj, S., Baba, K., Belhaj, O. E., and Nounah, A.: The built material architectural cultural heritage tested by the Al Haouz earthquake: Case of the Koutoubia Mosque in the city of Marrakech, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13397, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13397, 2025.

EGU25-15478 | Posters virtual | VPS17

Detailed surface geothermal exploration by means of diffuse CO2 efflux, radon measurements and radon/thoron ratio in Jedey, La Palma, Canary Islands 

Ana Gironés, Nemesio Pérez, Eleazar Padrón, Gladys V. Melián, María Asensio-Ramos, Pedro A. Hernández, Germán D. Padilla, Daniel Di Nardo, Alba Martín, Claudia Ramos, Daniela Taño, and Laura Trujillo

Soil diffuse CO2 efflux and soil radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn) gases activities measurements may be useful geochemical indicators of subsurface volcano-hydrothermal processes in geographical areas where visible gas emissions are nearly absent. Both radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn) are radioactive isotopes derived from the natural decay of uranium (238U) and thorium (232Th) respectively, present in the mineralogical composition of rocks. The main difference between these two isotopes is their half-life time. While 222Rn presents a half-life of 3.8 days, 220Rn has a shorter half-life of 55 seconds. Therefore, high 222Rn surface activity is considered to be associated with deep magmatic sources of gas while high 220Rn activity is associated with shallow soil gas sources.

A total of 968 sampling sites in an area of 25 Km2 have been considered as part of a detailed surface geochemical study at the central-western part of La Palma and southwards from the 2021 volcanic eruption lava flow of Tajogaite Volcano. Both diffuse soil CO2 efflux and radon and thoron activities discrete measurements were executed during field surveys between 2023 and 2024.

The diffuse CO2 efflux measurements were determined, based on the non-stationary static accumulation chamber technique, using CO2 sensors contained in a portable flux-meter, and the radon and thoron activities were evaluated using a SARAD radon monitor connected to a stainless steel probe inserted at 40 cm depth. Soil gas samples were also collected and analyzed in the laboratory to obtain the chemical and carbon isotopic composition profile.

Data analysis and treatment showed CO2 efflux values up to 106 g*m-2/day, 222Rn values up to 27000 Bq/m3 and 222Rn/220Rn ratio up to a maximum of 49. Both 222Rn versus 222Rn/220Rn ratio plotted together enabled to identify areas with a higher contribution of deeper sourced gas,which might indicate potential zones of interest of geothermal resources.

Furthermore, spatial distribution maps of these variables showed that the main CO2 and radon gases anomalies are located along the coastline of the studied area, coincident with anomalous magmatic-hydrothermal origin CO2 diffuse degassing areas. The magmatic-hydrothermal CO2 might have acted as a carrier gas controlling the migration and transport of the radon trace gas towards the surface.

In conclusion, surface geochemical surveys might be useful for geothermal resources exploration studies, providing a reasonable definition of potential geothermal system boundaries and permitting an efficient and cost-effective posterior subsurface exploration phase.

How to cite: Gironés, A., Pérez, N., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Asensio-Ramos, M., Hernández, P. A., Padilla, G. D., Di Nardo, D., Martín, A., Ramos, C., Taño, D., and Trujillo, L.: Detailed surface geothermal exploration by means of diffuse CO2 efflux, radon measurements and radon/thoron ratio in Jedey, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15478, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15478, 2025.

EGU25-20467 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS17

Quantification of the Impact of temperature variation on tiltmeter recordings for ground deformation monitoring 

Chenchen Qiu and Stella Pytharouli

Geothermal energy, driven largely by the push towards achieving net-zero emissions, has garnered increasing interest in the past decades for electricity generation. Geothermal-related activities, as any other activity for energy projects that utilise the subsurface, could induce subtle deformations on the near-surface. Tiltmeters is a technology capable to detect submillimetre ground deformations but can be significantly affected by ambient temperature variations. This effect can mask potential minute deformation signals. The effect of ambient temperature variations on tiltmeter recordings still lacks systematic understanding due to the absence of precise monitoring data and appropriate interpretation guidelines. In this study we analysed continuous tiltmeter recordings for a full year period and quantified the close correlation between the ambient temperature and ground displacement in both east-west (EW) and north-south (NS) directions. This close relationship has also been suggested by their wavelet coherence (WTC) results with only small time-lag observed. Overall, appropriate recognition of temperature-related ground motions can benefit the understanding of shallow crust and promote the establishment of baseline for future geothermal-related practices.

How to cite: Qiu, C. and Pytharouli, S.: Quantification of the Impact of temperature variation on tiltmeter recordings for ground deformation monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20467, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20467, 2025.

EGU25-21192 | Posters virtual | VPS17

An approach to develop suitable criteria for cob and adobe techniques 

Rhoda Julia Ansaa-Asare, Geetanjali Das, Erwan Hamard, Andry Razakamanantsoa, Myriam Duc, Bogdan Cazacliu, and Loris Verron

The use of earth in the building industry offers the opportunity to reuse soil whiles meeting the challenges of circular economy through soil reuse and low embodied energy. However, the lack of standardized criteria for soil classification, suitability and a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between soil properties and construction techniques remain a significant barrier to widespread adoption. This study aims to propose criteria for evaluating and optimizing soil classification and suitability in earthen construction through experimental analyses. For this, the study will use three different soils, sampled from three different regions in France. Straw- fibred and non-fibred cylindrical specimen will be prepared in laboratory using the cob and adobe techniques. The prepared specimens will be dried at 40 °C and conditioned in a climatic chamber at 20 °C and 50 % relative humidity. The variation in dry densities, and Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of the cob and adobe specimens will be observed. The impact of soil properties and implementation parameters such as water content, mineralogical composition (calcite and dolomite content) on these variations will be analyzed. To underline the contribution of these parameters, a principal component analysis (PCA) will be conducted on all the results to identify the most dominant factors affecting mainly the dry densities and soil strength. Future work will study the microstructure evolution in the specimens using the Brunauer – Emmett – Teller (BET) and the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) tests. The mechanical behaviour and microstructure evolution will be combined into developing new criteria for soil suitability considering the implementation process parameters and soil properties for earth construction.

How to cite: Ansaa-Asare, R. J., Das, G., Hamard, E., Razakamanantsoa, A., Duc, M., Cazacliu, B., and Verron, L.: An approach to develop suitable criteria for cob and adobe techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21192, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21192, 2025.

EGU25-21370 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS17

Experimental study on the influence of CO2 adsorption on the mechanical properties of anisotropic coal 

Gan Feng, Hongqiang Xie, Fengbiao Wu, Mingli Xiao, Zedong Sun, Huaizhong Liu, Peihua Jin, Guifeng Wang, Tao Meng, and Yaoqing Hu

In the project focused on CO2-enhanced coalbed methane exploitation and geological storage, the seam network structure of coal seams serves as a conduit for gas migration, diffusion, displacement, and storage. The mechanical properties of these coal seams are intrinsically linked to the propagation and evolution of cracks. Prolonged exposure of coal seams to CO2 adsorption environments inevitably alters their structure and mechanical properties. Consequently, experimental research has been conducted on the microstructure and mechanical properties of coal seams with potential for CO2 geological storage in China. The results indicate that, under varying CO2 adsorption pressures and durations: The relative contents of calcite, chlorite, and kaolinite in coal decrease, while the relative content of quartz increases significantly. Notably, the influence of supercritical CO2 on mineral composition and relative content changes is the most pronounced. Long-term CO2 adsorption accelerates mineral dissolution and ion exchange rates in coal, resulting in a rougher surface of coal mineral particles. Numerous secondary pores and fractures emerge and coalesce to form dissolution pits and grooves. Some mineral particle structures transition from intact to fragmented, severely weakening the skeleton particles and mineral bonding strength. Significant transformations occur in pores and fractures of different scales, with CO2 adsorption causing a mutual transformation of mesopores and micropores in coal, albeit without altering the pore type. The uniaxial compressive strength, Brazilian splitting strength, and fracture toughness of coal exhibit a similar trend with increasing CO2 pressure: an initial rapid decrease followed by a gradual, more gradual decrease. The mechanical strength/fracture toughness of coal samples with three different bedding types follows the order: Diverder type > Arrester type > Short transverse type. As CO2 pressure increases, the destructive characteristics of coal transition from sudden instability to gradual instability, and then back to sudden instability. Under CO2 adsorption, coal fracture trajectories can be classified into three types and 12 subtypes: single destruction, multi-source destruction, and fragmentation destruction trajectories. The interaction between CO2 and coal alters the specific surface area, total pore volume, and uniformity of pore size distribution of coal, significantly impacting its composition. These microstructural changes underpin the macroscopic mechanical properties of coal, which in turn affect its mechanical properties and failure characteristics. The research findings have significant implications for evaluating the efficiency and stability of CO2-enhanced coalbed methane mining and CO2 geological storage.

How to cite: Feng, G., Xie, H., Wu, F., Xiao, M., Sun, Z., Liu, H., Jin, P., Wang, G., Meng, T., and Hu, Y.: Experimental study on the influence of CO2 adsorption on the mechanical properties of anisotropic coal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21370, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21370, 2025.

EGU25-21409 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS17 | Highlight

Study on the response of formation fluid during geological storage of impure carbon dioxide 

shaobin liu and Bo Peng

With the increasing urgency of global climate change and rising energy demand, carbon dioxide (CO2) geological storage has garnered significant attention as an effective method for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. In the CO2 geological storage process, understanding the behavior of formation fluids is crucial to ensuring both the safety and long-term stability of storage. However, in actual storage operations, industrial CO2 emissions are rarely pure and typically contain a variety of impurity gases. As a result, CO2 must undergo purification prior to injection, a process that is not only time-consuming but also adds substantial costs. When considering the entire carbon capture and storage (CCS) chain, including capture, transportation, and purification, the total cost of operating current and future CCS projects can reach nearly one billion dollars. According to recent literature, the transportation and storage costs for CO2 can be as high as 45 USD per ton. In China, where cost sensitivity is especially high, these elevated expenses could significantly hinder the implementation of CO2 storage projects. Industrial CO2 emissions often contain not only CO2 but also other gases such as N2, O2, H2S, H2, and SO2. Direct injection of these gas mixtures into subsurface storage sites has the potential to reduce the overall cost of a CO2 geological storage project. However, the effects of impurity gases on storage mechanisms and long-term safety remain insufficiently understood and require further investigation. This study explores the response mechanisms of formation fluids in the context of non-pure CO2 geological storage, focusing on the influence of water-rock reactions, water-rock-gas interactions, permeability, solubility, and changes in the ionic composition of formation waters.


Keywords: water-rock reactions; impure CO2; permeability; solubility; formation water ionic changes

How to cite: liu, S. and Peng, B.: Study on the response of formation fluid during geological storage of impure carbon dioxide, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21409, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21409, 2025.

Climate Change is expected to increase the intensity and frequency of extreme rainfall events in the coastal areas of Patagonia (Southwest Atlantic Ocean, SWAO). These events carry heavy loads of terrestrial materials and nutrients, and minor components such as kaolin and ash, into coastal areas through riverine inputs. The Chubut River estuary was used a reference coastal ecosystem in the SWAO. In its lower course, the river is diverted into irrigation channels that supply water for agricultural activities. These channels are open from spring to early autumn, increasing the runoff of terrestrial material, and are closed during the rest of the year. Furthermore, kaolin mines are located in the upper course of the river and ash deposition coming from volcanos have been registered. A monitoring of terrestrial material of the Chubut River estuary was conducted and the attenuation coefficients of the different components were evaluated, including terrigenous material, kaolin, and ash. The findings show that the terrestrial material, estimated as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), doubles during rainfall conditions and when irrigation channels are open. During extreme rainfall events, DOC concentrations increased by up to fivefold compared to normal conditions, being the main attenuator in the river. This resulted in a PAR attenuation coefficient variable between 1.3 m-1 under baseline conditions (closed channels, no rainfall) to over 8 m-1 following extreme rainfall events in the outer regime (seawater side) of the estuary. Further monitoring of the different under-studied estuarine components in the SWAO and their effects on the attenuation coefficient is crucial for primary productivity studies.

How to cite: Vizzo, J. I., Helbling, E. W., and Villafañe, V. E.: Inputs of Terrestrial Material, Kaolin and Ash into Coastal Patagonian Waters and their Effects on the Attenuation Coefficient of the Chubut River Estuary (Argentina), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-434, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-434, 2025.

EGU25-2306 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Deep learning for submesoscale surface flow retrieval from geostationary satellite observations 

Xiaosong Ding, Min Zhao, and Hao Li

A wide range of problems in oceanic mass and energy transport involve learning submesoscale surface flow fields from diurnal geostationary satellite observations. Yet, traditional methods, such as the Maximum Cross-Correlation (MCC) algorithm, suffer from limited spatiotemporal resolution and extensive post-processing. Here, we present the RAFT-Ocean architecture, a deep neural network-based approach for learning submesoscale flow fields in pixel-to-pixel manner, to retrieve submesoscale surface flow fields from geostationary satellite data. Compared to the MCC algorithm, the RAFT-Ocean architecture significantly improves these methods, reducing the end-point error (EPE) uncertainty by more than 65% and the absolute angular error (AAE) by more than 55%. The RAFT-Ocean architecture, when transferred to the geostationary ocean color satellite (GOCI/CMOS and GOCI-II/GK2B) sea surface chlorophyll-a products for diurnal hourly flow field retrieval, produced more realistic, continuous, and refined sea surface flow field data compared to geostrophic flow data from altimeter data. The refined diurnal hourly flow field matched well with the filamentous structure of surface phytoplankton, demonstrating an advantage in spatiotemporal resolution for kinetic energy transfer across scales. This approach enhances flow field retrieval quality and opens new avenues for real-time marine environment monitoring and modeling.

How to cite: Ding, X., Zhao, M., and Li, H.: Deep learning for submesoscale surface flow retrieval from geostationary satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2306, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2306, 2025.

EGU25-3582 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Geochemical characterization of coastal sediments: a preliminary study of seasonal variations at Lido degli Estensi (Ferrara, Italy) 

Joana Buoninsegni, Elena Marrocchino, Renzo Tassinari, Umberto Tessari, and Carmela Vaccaro

This study is part of a doctoral research project aimed at characterizing coastal sediments in relation to the presence of microplastics and marine litter. Within this framework, the present research seeks to establish an up-to-date knowledge base regarding the geochemical characterization of sediments across different seasons along the Ferrara coastal area, specifically at Lido degli Estensi (Ferrara, Italy). The objective is to identify potential vulnerabilities and/or critical aspects related to environmental pollution that require further investigation. Building upon the methodology of Aquilano et al. (2023) and adapting it to the experimental requirements of the current study, a research area was selected at Lido degli Estensi, outside zones allocated for tourism-related public concessions. This site is located on the southern side of the Porto Garibaldi navigation channel (Comacchio municipality, Ferrara), in a coastal section experiencing accretion due to the construction of artificial jetties at the port-channel entrance. These jetties trap sediment transported from the south as a result of longshore drift. Given the beach's width (approximately 150 m), a cross-shore profile was divided into five zones based on specific geomorphological characteristics: swash zone, lower backshore, upper backshore, dune scarp, and dune. Along this beach profile, variations in carbonate content, major oxide composition, and heavy metal concentrations were investigated across different seasons using eight sampling points per season. To evaluate sediment quality in terms of heavy metal contamination, the following indices were employed: Enrichment Factor (EF; Reinmann and De Caritat, 2005), Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo; Buccolieri et al., 2006), Contamination Factor (CF; Loska et al., 2004), and Pollution Load Index (PLI; Ferreira et al., 2022). Furthermore, heavy metal concentrations detected in the samples were compared with the limits established by current Italian legislation (Legislative Decree 152/06). This study was conducted as part of the ECS_00000033_ECOSISTER project, funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 04 Component 2 Investment 1.5 – NextGenerationEU (Call for Tender No. 3277, dated 30/12/2021).

How to cite: Buoninsegni, J., Marrocchino, E., Tassinari, R., Tessari, U., and Vaccaro, C.: Geochemical characterization of coastal sediments: a preliminary study of seasonal variations at Lido degli Estensi (Ferrara, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3582, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3582, 2025.

EGU25-4832 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Climate Change and its Impact on the Hydrology of a Glaciated Mountainous Region 

Madhusudan Thapliyal, Surjeet Singh, and Lavkush Patel

Climate change significantly impacts the hydrology and water resources of any region especially high mountain areas including cryosphere that consist of glaciers. Numerous studies report that glaciers are retreating and losing volume with time causing serious concerns over freshwater availability in the basins they feed water to. Assessment of these changes and their relationship with various climatic aspects are crucial to understand and tackle such challenges. Long-term trends in temperature and precipitation and their spatio-temporal distribution, for the mountainous state of Uttarakhand in India were assessed, utilizing the India Meteorological Department’s gridded precipitation and temperature datasets for the period 1951-2023. Mann-Kendall trend test was performed at 90% significance level, for each grid, to check monthly trends, which gave critical insights upon shifts in seasonal meteorology. Results reveal notable changes in the monthly distribution of precipitation with many grids reporting a decreasing winter precipitation (Oct-Jan) and many showing an increasing precipitation for May and August. Global warming impact is much visible through changes in minimum temperatures for almost all the grids, reporting a strong positive trend for February, March, August, September and November. Importantly, these changes are more prominent for the high-altitude areas, which highlights elevation dependent climate change pattern. Evidently, the precipitation is shifting from winters to summers and the minimum temperatures are increasing towards the end of ablation season (Aug-Sep), decreasing the chances of receiving solid precipitation or snowfall. Consequently, a decrease in snow cover is expected in the future, which from a hydrological perspective, would lead to a reduction in snowmelt discharge and its contribution to streamflow of the Himalayan perennial rivers. Moreover, the increasing temperature and precipitation during summers can generate huge discharges from glacierized catchments due to increased simultaneous contribution of glacier-melt and rainfall, causing destructive flash floods and debris flow events, as being witnessed in the recent past. Combination of decreased precipitation in winter months and increased temperatures overall, can prove detrimental to glaciers’ health as they will melt more, whereas their replenishment will be lesser, leading to negative mass balances. Climate change is certainly having an adverse effect on the mountain hydrology, especially that of the Himalayan cryosphere. The glaciated catchments are expected to have more glacier-melt and rainfall-runoff contribution and less snow-melt contribution in the near-future. The glaciers, present in the region, are expected to retreat and lose mass more rapidly, considering the meteorological changes in the high elevation areas. Small glaciers might deplete faster, which would lead to problems of freshwater availability in the nearer downstream areas dependent on the melt-runoff water. While there seems no immediate solution to the prevailing scenario of climate change, community-based measures can be adopted to tackle problems of water availability. Water conservation and springshed management in the mountainous regions are some focus areas to work upon, in order to ensure water security under the changing climate.

How to cite: Thapliyal, M., Singh, S., and Patel, L.: Climate Change and its Impact on the Hydrology of a Glaciated Mountainous Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4832, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4832, 2025.

EGU25-7292 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Primary producers as indicators of anthropogenic intervention in the Colombian Pacific 

Ray Steven Arce-Sánchez, Diana Medina-Contreras, and Alberto Sánchez-Gonzalez

The coastal ecosystems, including estuaries and mangroves, are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic intervention, particularly due to activities such as urbanization, wastewater discharge, and industrial development, which can alter their ecosystem services and affect habitat quality. In order to evaluate the impact of these interventions through the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of two macroalgae Boodleopsis verticillata and Bostrychia spp in four coastal ecosystems of the Colombian Pacific (Valencia - VAL, San Pedro - SPE, Chucheros – CHU with low intervention, and Piangüita - PIA with high intervention) were used to understand the sources of these elements. δ15N values is a commonly used to providing information about nitrogen sources in primary producers. δ13C values is used to investigate carbon sources i.e. terrestrial or marine. Samples were collected during 2014, 2015, and 2016, and analyzed by isotope ratio mass spectrometer. The results show that the δ13C values ranged from -33.97 to -31.93 ‰ in VAL, -33.78 to -30.09 ‰ in SPE, -31.12 to -28.45 ‰ in CHU, and -33.32 to -21.71 ‰ in PIA. δ15N values ranged from 0.32 to 3.18 ‰ in VAL, 0.57 to 5.47 ‰ in SPE, 1.82 to 3.39 ‰ in CHU, and 2.32 to 10.16 ‰ in PIA. Significant differences were found among the four areas with mean δ13C values by locality (VAL -30.21 ‰, SPE -31.71 ‰, CHU -30.09 ‰, and PIA -30.52 ‰) and δ15N values (VAL 1.74 ‰, SPE 2.30 ‰, CHU 2.40 ‰, and PIA 4.47 ‰) reflecting the impacts of human activities on the coastal ecosystems. This work contributes to understanding the effects of anthropogenic intervention on pollution and wastewater discharge in coastal ecosystems, providing key tools for the development of environmental management policies that support conservation in the Colombian Pacific.

How to cite: Arce-Sánchez, R. S., Medina-Contreras, D., and Sánchez-Gonzalez, A.: Primary producers as indicators of anthropogenic intervention in the Colombian Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7292, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7292, 2025.

EGU25-8649 | Posters virtual | VPS18

Investigating vertical mixing and lateral diffusion parameterizations in the Mediterranean Sea 

Lucia Gualtieri, Federica Borile, Hans Burchard, Paolo Oddo, Pietro Miraglio, Emanuela Clementi, Anna Chiara Goglio, and Nadia Pinardi

The Mediterranean Sea, with its unique characteristics as a semi-enclosed and highly stratified basin, serves as a natural laboratory for studying oceanic processes of global relevance. Vertical mixing is a fundamental process regulating the transfer of mass, heat, and nutrients between water column layers, influencing dynamical and biogeochemical processes, and controlling the exchange with the overlying atmosphere. Due to its turbulent nature acting on small spatial and temporal scales, vertical mixing remains challenging to simulate in modern ocean circulation models. Moreover, the interaction between vertical mixing and horizontal diffusion/advection is essential in shaping the transport and distribution of heat, nutrients, and pollutants in marine environments. Finding the optimal vertical mixing parameterizations alongside horizontal advection and diffusion schemes in an ocean circulation model, able to simulate the available observations, presents significant challenges due to the need for consistent scaling, numerical stability, and accurate representation of multi-scale processes.

Here, we use the same system setup as the Mediterranean Forecasting System of the Copernicus Marine Service, that is NEMO (v4.2) general circulation model, including tides, coupled with the WaveWatch III wave model. The model features a horizontal resolution of 1/24° (approximately 4 km) and 141 unevenly spaced vertical levels. We investigate the performance of different numerical vertical closure schemes – a Richardson-number-dependent, a one-equation and a two-equation models – as well as the effect of different lateral advection and diffusion schemes. The role played by the enhanced vertical diffusion due to Camarinal Sill at the Strait of Gibraltar in controlling the exchange of water masses between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea is also investigated. We validate our model by assessing our ability to reproduce physical processes and by comparing it with in-situ data throughout the Mediterranean basin, across varying seasons and years.


How to cite: Gualtieri, L., Borile, F., Burchard, H., Oddo, P., Miraglio, P., Clementi, E., Goglio, A. C., and Pinardi, N.: Investigating vertical mixing and lateral diffusion parameterizations in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8649, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8649, 2025.

EGU25-8764 | Posters virtual | VPS18

Anisotropic internal tide forcing in the consistent internal wave mixing scheme IDEMIX 

Friederike Pollmann, Carsten Eden, Dirk Olbers, Jonas Nycander, and Zhongxiang Zhao

Breaking internal gravity waves cause small-scale turbulent mixing, which changes water mass properties, affects biogeochemical cycles, and contributes to driving the large-scale overturning circulation. Ocean general circulation models do not resolve this process and thus rely on a parameterization. The state-of-the-art IDEMIX (Internal wave Dissipation, Energy and MIXing) model predicts the propagation and dissipation of internal wave energy based on external forcing functions that represent the main generation mechanisms, notably the internal tide generation at the sea floor and the near-inertial wave generation at the sea surface. By linking small-scale mixing to internal wave energetics, IDEMIX allows the consistent parameterization of wave-induced mixing in ocean models. Its basic incarnation treats all internal waves as part of a horizontally homogeneous continuum and was shown to successfully reproduce observed turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates and internal wave energy levels. In a newer configuration (IDEMIX2), the internal wave field is compartmentalized, distinguishing between a high-mode continuum on the one hand and low-mode near-inertial wave and internal tide compartments, whose horizontal propagation is explicitly resolved in wavenumber angle space, on the other hand. We present the evaluation of the IDEMIX2 model with a particular focus on the impact of applying an anisotropic internal tide forcing. So far, parameterizations of internal tide-driven mixing have not taken the strong anisotropy of the internal tide generation process into account. We demonstrate the need for doing so, showing a notable impact on the modeled internal wave energetics and predicted mixing when changing from the previous isotropic to the new anisotropic tidal forcing in IDEMIX2. 

How to cite: Pollmann, F., Eden, C., Olbers, D., Nycander, J., and Zhao, Z.: Anisotropic internal tide forcing in the consistent internal wave mixing scheme IDEMIX, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8764, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8764, 2025.

EGU25-12429 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Unraveling the Arabian Sea’s Thermal Pulse: Seasonal and Interannual SST Variability Amidst Climate Dynamics 

Swarnendu Saha and Arnab Mukherjee

This study investigates the spatio-temporal variability and long-term warming trends in sea surface temperature (SST) across the Arabian Sea from 2000 to 2019, using daily AVHRR satellite observations with a 1°x1° spatial resolution. Seasonal and interannual SST dynamics reveal patterns shaped by monsoonal processes and global climate phenomena, such as El Niño and La Niña. Wavelet spectrum analysis highlights periodic fluctuations and dominant frequencies associated with interannual climate variability, further emphasizing the influence of seasonal processes. Spring (MAM) exhibits the most pronounced interannual warming, particularly in the central and northern regions, while autumn (SON) demonstrates significant warming trends, especially in the southern basin. Monsoonal processes influence seasonal variability, with winter (DJF) cooling in the northern Arabian Sea and summer (JJA) upwelling along Oman and Somalia, resulting in localized cooling amidst broader warming trends in central and southern regions. Wavelet power spectra from critical regions, including the Gulf of Oman, Balochistan Coast, and Mumbai, indicate dominant periodicities of interannual warming, with variations corresponding to regional oceanographic processes. For instance, the Balochistan Coast displays the highest warming rate (0.0519°C/year), underscored by strong wavelet power at periodicities tied to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles. Similarly, the Gulf of Oman and Mumbai exhibit distinct spectral peaks, reflecting localized climate dynamics and variability. Regionally, the warming trend varies significantly. The Gulf of Aden (0.0181°C/year), Gulf of Oman (0.0164°C/year), and Gulf of Kutch (0.0269°C/year) exhibit moderate warming rates, while areas like the Balochistan Coast and South of Salalah (0.023°C/year) highlight significant localized warming. Southwestern Arabian Sea regions west of Kochi (0.0209°C/year) and Mangalore (0.0323°C/year) also demonstrate notable trends. In contrast, regions like Minicoy (0.0162°C/year) and the Male-Maldives area (0.0073°C/year) show relatively weaker warming. These findings underscore the critical role of spatial and seasonal variability in shaping SST changes and their implications for regional climate patterns, monsoonal behavior, marine ecosystems, and fisheries. The pronounced warming in key regions, coupled with insights from wavelet spectrum analysis, highlights the influence of localized oceanographic processes, such as upwelling, heat transport, and climate-induced variability. These results necessitate further study to assess future impacts and develop mitigation strategies for sensitive marine biodiversity and economic resources in the Arabian Sea . 

How to cite: Saha, S. and Mukherjee, A.: Unraveling the Arabian Sea’s Thermal Pulse: Seasonal and Interannual SST Variability Amidst Climate Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12429, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12429, 2025.

EGU25-14703 | Posters virtual | VPS18

Development of an underwater eDNA sampler and its potential application in jellyfish eDNA detection 

Tatsuhiro Fukuba and Dhugal Lindsay

We have previously developed a 12-sample environmental DNA (eDNA) sampler designed for use in the marine surface. The sampler can collect and store eDNA samples on filter cartridges according to scheduled sequences. Communicating via mobile phone networks also makes it possible to collect samples on demand. For the underwater eDNA sample-return missions, we have designed and developed a compact eDNA sampler with an oil-filled (pressure-balanced) configuration, enabling its deployment at various depths. Field trials for the underwater eDNA sampler were performed using underwater platforms such as deep-sea landers. Here, we introduce the newly developed compact eDNA sampler and discuss its potential applications in mid- to deep-ocean layers, focusing on eDNA sample-return missions targeting jellyfish and other marine species.

How to cite: Fukuba, T. and Lindsay, D.: Development of an underwater eDNA sampler and its potential application in jellyfish eDNA detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14703, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14703, 2025.

EGU25-17499 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

On the role of air-sea-wave interaction in developing destructive Tropical-Like Cyclones DANIEL 

Antonio Ricchi, Rossella Ferretti, Florian Pantillon, Stavros Dafis, Milena Menna, Riccardo Martellucci, Piero Serafini, and Diego Saúl Carrió Carrió


Between Sept. 4, 2023, and Sept. 12, 2023, a cyclogenesis develops close to the Greek coast in the Ionian Sea. The evolution of this cyclone is divided into two phases: a strongly baroclinic one with intense orographic precipitation in Greece, and a final barotropic phase with the formation of an intense tropical-like cyclone (TLC) impacting Libya. In this work, we investigate this TLC (named “Daniel”) initially using the standalone WRF model with different sea surface temperature sources,  untile the use of the coupled atmosphere-ocean models. Preliminary results show that SST plays a crucial role in the intensification and tropicalization of the cyclone, with a strong impact not only along the cyclone track but especially in the neighboring areas, where high values of heat transport a precipitable water are found. We also observe how the use of a coupled model as a digital twin, shows strengths in the quality of the simulation and the physics of the process, but highlights some critical issues in the configuration of the marine model, which at small technical variations produces intense changes in the structure of the ocean and atmosphere.

How to cite: Ricchi, A., Ferretti, R., Pantillon, F., Dafis, S., Menna, M., Martellucci, R., Serafini, P., and Carrió, D. S. C.: On the role of air-sea-wave interaction in developing destructive Tropical-Like Cyclones DANIEL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17499, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17499, 2025.

Ice crevasses are pervasive features across the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets. These deep, open fractures in the ice surface serve as critical conduits for transporting surface meltwater into the englacial system, significantly impacting ice sheet hydrology and stability. Accurate mapping of the spatial and temporal distribution of ice crevasses is vital for advancing our understanding of ice sheet dynamics and their evolution. Remote sensing technology provides a robust platform to achieve this purpose, while the rapid advancement of machine learning algorithms offers substantial benefits for automated crevasse detection, facilitating efficient and large-scale mapping. This study conducts a comprehensive comparison of the performance of various machine learning models, including CNN, U-Net, ResNet, and DeepLab, for ice crevasse extraction. Through quantitative evaluation metrics and visual inspection, the optimal machine learning model was selected to map ice crevasses on Antarctic ice shelves using multi-source remote sensing data, such as SAR and optical satellite imagery. Furthermore, this work explores the strengths and limitations of various machine learning in detecting ice crevasse and proposes potential solutions for further refinement. This study aims to contributes to enhancing ice crevasse detection and offering robust ice crevasse datasets, which is crucial for reliable analyzing the dynamic of the Antarctic ice sheet in the future.

How to cite: Liang, S. and Xiao, X.: Antarctic ice shelf crevasse detection using multi-source remote sensing data and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19031, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19031, 2025.

EGU25-20632 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

SnowMapPy v1.0: A Python Package for Automated Snow Cover Mapping and Monitoring in Mountain Regions  

Haytam Elyoussfi, Abdelghani Boudhar, Salwa Belaqziz, Mostafa Bousbaa, Hatim Bechri, Eric A Sproles, and Fatima Benzhair

SnowMapPy is a Python-based package developed to streamline the collection, preparation, and analysis of MODIS NDSI data, specifically from the Terra and Aqua satellite products. By automating essential steps (data clipping, reprojection, filtering, and time series generation), SnowMapPy improves the efficiency and precision of snow hydrology research. The protocol allows users to work with both local and Google Earth Engine cloud-based datasets, enabling flexible data acquisition and processing tailored to the needs of snow hydrology, water resource management, and climate change studies. Designed for accessibility and flexibility, SnowMapPy supports large-scale, high-resolution snow cover analysis with minimal configuration. The package facilitates customized workflows through its modular structure, making it a valuable tool for researchers aiming to understand snow dynamics and their impact on seasonal water resources. 

How to cite: Elyoussfi, H., Boudhar, A., Belaqziz, S., Bousbaa, M., Bechri, H., Sproles, E. A., and Benzhair, F.: SnowMapPy v1.0: A Python Package for Automated Snow Cover Mapping and Monitoring in Mountain Regions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20632, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20632, 2025.

This study explores the seasonal and lagged correlations between Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations and vertical velocity (wT) to elucidate upwelling's role in driving phytoplankton productivity. In Oman (Region III), an immediate response to upwelling was observed, with the strongest correlation (r = 0.7) at lag 0 during peak upwelling months (June–July). In contrast, Iranian regions (I & II) exhibited delayed responses, with maximum correlations (r = 0.7) at lag 1 (occurring about a month later). This delay may result from processes like nutrient mixing and remineralization. Seasonal trends revealed sustained Chl-a concentrations in Oman, peaking at 2.39 mg m-3 in September, while Iran showed a steady decline after a July peak of 1.37 mg m-3. Stratification and horizontal currents modulated Chl-a distributions, with weaker stratification in Oman enabling efficient nutrient delivery. These findings reveal the intricate dynamics of upwelling-driven productivity across both semi -enclosed and open marine ecosystems. By examining regional variations in the context of broader oceanographic processes, this study offers valuable insights for the sustainable management of upwelling systems and for anticipating their responses to climate change.

How to cite: A. Ismail, K. and Salim, M.: Unveiling the Impact of Upwelling on Phytoplankton Productivity in the Arabian/Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20989, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20989, 2025.

EGU25-121 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19 | Highlight

A Novel Q-Switch Technique for  Borehole NMR Measurement 

Sihui Luo, Xin Li, Huiju Yu, Zhengduo Wang, Tianyu Xing, Zhihao Long, Cheng Che, Guangzhi Liao, and Lizhi Xiao

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a crucial logging technique for the unconventional and complex reservoir evaluation. However, the echo spacing is always an issue of borehole NMR measurement, which limits the performance of NMR tools to acquire the short relaxation components.

In this abstract, we proposed a novel Q-Switch technique aiming at breaking through the limitation of dead-time of borehole NMR logging tool, and to achieve much shorter echo spacing. Instead of using resistors of larger resistance in parallel with the radio-frequency (RF) coil to reduce the active dead-time, an inductive coupling circuit was introduced to decrease the ringing-down time significantly after transmitting the RF pulses with high voltage. The Q-Switch circuit consists of inductive coupling coil, capacitors, resistors and active high-voltage MOSFETs. The ringing-down time of RF system was decreased by at least 10 times compared to the system without using proposed Q-switch scheme, leading to echo spacing lower to 0.3 ms under the condition with resonant frequency lower to 500 kHz.

Both simulations and experiments were in great agreements, validating the feasibility and efficiency of proposed Q-switch scheme, and proved to be promising in the borehole NMR applications.

How to cite: Luo, S., Li, X., Yu, H., Wang, Z., Xing, T., Long, Z., Che, C., Liao, G., and Xiao, L.: A Novel Q-Switch Technique for  Borehole NMR Measurement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-121, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-121, 2025.

EGU25-4077 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19

Multiscale model coupling for watershed-scale contaminant transport modeling from point sources in Savannah River Site 

Kazuyuki Sakuma, Haruko Wainwright, Zexuan Xu, Angelique Lawrence, and Pieter Hazenberg

Soil and groundwater contamination at some sites impacts downstream populations when contaminants migrate from groundwater to rivers. Predictive modeling is challenging since it is required to include detailed subsurface structure and groundwater flow models within the site, as well as watershed-scale models for large-scale transport. Now that climate change impacts are major concerns at many sites, it is important to have the capability to represent the water balance change and its impact on contaminant transport both at the site and watershed scale in a consistent manner. This study introduces a new simulation framework to couple a detailed 2D site/hillslope-scale groundwater model to the 3D watershed-scale model to describe contaminant transport from groundwater to river water within the catchment. Within the site, we estimate the contaminant discharges to the river from contaminant sources based on the Richards equation and advection-dispersion equation. The discharges are then applied as the boundary conditions to the watershed-scale model considering the width of the 2D site/hillslope-scale groundwater model and recharge rates for both models.

We demonstrate and validate our framework based on the tritium concentration datasets in surface water and groundwater collected at the Savannah River Site F-Area. Results show that the method can successfully reproduce the contaminant concentration time series in river water.

How to cite: Sakuma, K., Wainwright, H., Xu, Z., Lawrence, A., and Hazenberg, P.: Multiscale model coupling for watershed-scale contaminant transport modeling from point sources in Savannah River Site, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4077, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4077, 2025.

EGU25-4641 | Posters virtual | VPS19 | Highlight

Size distribution of elemental components in atmospheric particulates from a typical industrial and mining city of Central China 

Hongxia Liu, Jiaquan Zhang, Changlin Zhan, Shan Liu, Ting Liu, and Wensheng Xiao

As one of crucial factor in atmospheric particulate matter, elemental components exhibit distinct distribution features within different particle size ranges. Crustal elements (such as Al, Si, Fe, Ca, Mg) are primarily concentrated in coarse particulate matter, whereas elements originating from anthropogenic pollution sources (such as heavy metal elements including Pb, Zn, Cd, As, Cr) are more frequently distributed in fine particulate matter. Furthermore, some specific elements may also exhibit peak concentrations in particular particle size, which is closely related to their sources and formation processes. In recent years, there are still some challenges and deficiencies. Further research is needed on the particle size distribution characteristics of complex pollution sources (such as industrial emissions and traffic emissions). Additionally, there is a need to enhance the understanding of the transformation mechanisms and health effects of elemental components within particulate matter. This study selected a typical industrial and mining city to investigate particle size distribution characteristics of elemental components in atmospheric particulate matter. Anderson Eight-Stage Particulate Impactor Sampler was used to collect atmospheric particulate matter in the urban area of Huangshi during winter and summer. Nine particle size range samples were obtained spanning from 0 to 0.4 µm, 0.4 to 0.7 µm, 0.7 to 1.1 µm, 1.1 to 2.1 µm, 2.1 to 3.3 µm, 3.3 to 4.7 µm, 4.7 to 5.8 µm, 5.8 to 9.0 µm, and 9.0 to 10 µm. Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (ED-XRF) was employed to determine the concentrations of 17 elemental components, including S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sb, Ba, and Pb. Elements Ca, S, Fe, K, Zn, Ba, and Pb were identified as the primary pollutants during the sampling period. All the elemental concentrations exhibited distinct seasonal variations, demonstrating higher levels in winter compared to summer. Each element demonstrated distinct particle size distribution characteristics with peak concentrations for most elements occurring in the 5.8 to 9.0 µm range and peaks for the remaining elements in the 0.4 to 1.1 µm range. The highest elemental concentrations in both summer and winter were mainly distributed in the 5.8 to 9.0 µm and 0.7 to 1.1 µm size ranges. In summer, most elemental concentrations were negatively correlated with relative humidity. However, in winter, there was no significant correlation with relative humidity. Rainfall had a certain scavenging effect on elements but was also influenced by other meteorological factors. Element S had the highest enrichment factor values in both summer and winter. Element Cl was highly enriched in finer particle size fractions in both seasons. Most elements were slightly enriched across all particle size fractions. Principal component analysis further identified the main sources as soil dust and wind-blown sand, coal combustion, vehicle exhaust emissions, biomass burning, mining and construction activities, and other pollution sources. These findings contribute to the formulation of effective pollution control measures and the protection of public health.

How to cite: Liu, H., Zhang, J., Zhan, C., Liu, S., Liu, T., and Xiao, W.: Size distribution of elemental components in atmospheric particulates from a typical industrial and mining city of Central China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4641, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4641, 2025.

EGU25-7004 | Posters virtual | VPS19

Industrial High Performance Computing Scalable and FAIR Workflow Opportunities for EO Operations Processing, Operations, and Archiving 

Caroline Ball, Mark Chang, James Cruise, Camille de Valk, and Venkatesh Kannan
The computational demands of Sentinel data processing, archiving, and dissemination require scalable, efficient, and innovative solutions. While cloud computing-based services currently address these needs, integrating High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems into specific workflows could unlock a new level of industrial-scale capabilities. These include reduced processing times, faster data turnaround, and lower CO2 emissions. Leveraging HPC as a service allows for optimized data storage and access, enabling long-term strategies that prioritize essential data products and enhance operational efficiency.
Next-generation Quantum Computing (QC) holds the potential to redefine Earth Observation (EO) workflows by offering breakthroughs in solving complex optimization problems. As an operational service, QC could deliver significant cost and energy savings, provided that workflows can be seamlessly adapted to quantum-compatible infrastructures.
This presentation focuses on the evolution of HPC and QC technologies from research-driven concepts to industrial solutions, highlighting their maturity and applicability as services. We will explore the tangible benefits, associated costs, and pathways to operationalize these technologies for Level-0 to Level-2 data processing, operations, and archiving in support of current and future Sentinel missions.  We examine, at a high level, how artificial intelligence (AI) can provide a solution to hybrid HPC-QC challenges for EO data processing.

How to cite: Ball, C., Chang, M., Cruise, J., de Valk, C., and Kannan, V.: Industrial High Performance Computing Scalable and FAIR Workflow Opportunities for EO Operations Processing, Operations, and Archiving, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7004, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7004, 2025.

Severe convection, including thunderstorms and related phenomena like flash flooding, hail, and strong winds, can have significant socioeconomic impacts. Nowcasting, which provides real-time, short-term predictions, is vital for issuing timely warnings to mitigate these impacts. Satellite imagery is essential for monitoring convection and offering accurate predictions of storm evolution, thereby enhancing early warning systems. Ensemble forecasting, which generates multiple potential scenarios, helps better quantify uncertainties in nowcasting. However, most ensemble forecasting methods are computationally intensive and typically do not incorporate satellite images directly. The Analog Ensemble (AnEn) method, a lower-cost ensemble approach, identifies similar past weather events based on forecast data. For a given time and location, the AnEn method identifies analogs from past model predictions that are similar to current forecast conditions. Then their associated observations are used as ensemble members. Despite its advantages, AnEn struggles with locality and is sensitive to the choice of similarity metrics. This study presents an improved AnEn system that replaces forecast archives with satellite images to identify analogs of convective conditions. The system utilizes pretrained deep learning algorithms (VGG16, Xception, and Inception-ResNet) to assess image similarity. The training dataset consists of daily convection satellite images from EUMETSAT for the period 2020-2023, and the domain covers 40°N to 20°S and -20°W to 4°E. The year 2024 is used for testing, with ERA5 reanalysis of total precipitation as the verification ground-state. For a present convection satellite image this image is encoded and compared to all past encoded images of the training period using different metrics. The most similar images to the current one are then selected and their associated ERA5 total precipitation reanalysis are considered the members or our ensemble. Preliminary results indicate an average maximum precipitation anomaly of 15 mm between the analog ensemble mean and the current reanalysis, showing that the proposed system offers promising improvements in short-term forecasting.

Key words: Convection; Ensemble Forecasting; Deep Learning; VGG; Xception; ResNet; Analog Ensemble; Morocco; Nowcasting; EUMETSAT; ERA5; Morocco; Satellite Images; Remote Sensing;

How to cite: Alaoui, B., Bounoun, C., and Bari, D.: Leveraging Pretrained Deep Learning Models to Extract Similarities for the Analog Ensemble Method Applied to Convection Satellite Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7258, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7258, 2025.

Amid global environmental degradation, understanding the spatiotemporal dynamics and trade-offs of ecosystem services (ESs) under varying land-use scenarios is critical for advancing the sustainable development of social–ecological systems. This study analyzed the Chaohu Lake Basin (CLB), focusing on four scenarios: natural development (ND), economic priority (ED), ecological protection (EP), and sustainable development (SD). Using the PLUS model and multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA), land-use changes for 2030 were simulated, and their effects on ESs were assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. The ND scenario led to significant declines in cropland (3.73%) and forest areas (0.18%), primarily due to construction land expansion. The EP scenario curbed construction land growth, promoted ecosystem recovery, and slightly increased cropland by 0.05%. The SD scenario achieved a balance between ecological and economic goals, maintaining relative stability in ES provision. Between 2010 and 2020, construction land expansion, mainly concentrated in central Hefei City, led to a marked decline in habitat quality (HQ) and landscape aesthetics (LA), whereas water yield (WY) and soil retention (SR) improved. K-means clustering analysis identified seven ecosystem service bundles (ESBs), revealing significant spatial heterogeneity. Bundles 4 through 7, concentrated in mountainous and water regions, offered high biodiversity maintenance and ecological regulation. In contrast, critical ES areas in the ND and ED scenarios faced significant encroachment, resulting in diminished ecological functions. The SD scenario effectively mitigated these impacts, maintaining stable ES provision and ESB distribution. This study highlights the profound effects of different land-use scenarios on ESs, offering insights into sustainable planning and ecological restoration strategies in the CLB and comparable regions.

How to cite: Jin, A.: Ecosystem Services Trade-Offs in the Chaohu Lake Basin Based on Land-Use Scenario Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7785, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7785, 2025.

EGU25-7921 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19

Integrating high-resolution satellite and multispectral drone Imagery for monitoring vegetation in the Chaschoc-Sejá lagoon system 

Jacob Nieto, Nelly Lucero Ramírez Serrato, Alejandro Romero Herrera, Candelario Peralta Carreta, Graciela Herrera Zamarrón, Mario Alberto Hernández Hernández, Guillermo de Jesús Hernández García, Selene Olea Olea, Erick Morales Casique, and Alejandra Cortez Silva

Seasonal ecosystems play a crucial role in environmental regulation and biodiversity by hosting complex ecological dynamics that vary with climatic conditions. The Chaschoc-Sejá wetlands are a key example of such systems in southeastern Mexico. The interaction between the lagoon system and the Usumacinta River is highly dynamic; during the rainy season, the lagoons increase in volume, reaching depths of 8 to 10 meters. However, the lagoons completely dry up during the dry season, leaving vegetation at the surface level. 

This project aims to analyze the dynamics of vegetation cover in this environment by comparing high-resolution satellite images (Planet, 3 m) and ortho-mosaics generated with a DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral drone (10 cm). By combining these datasets, we aim to improve our previous vegetation maps and obtain a more accurate and detailed assessment of the Chaschoc-Sejá Lagoon system. Understanding vegetation patterns at a larger scale during specific periods and the variations in plant life within the lagoon and along its shores is a key focus.


Data processing involved classifying vegetation cover and identifying seasonal changes using indices such as NDVI and NDWI. We also generated 3D models to estimate vegetation height. Results show that integrating both techniques significantly improves spatial resolution and temporal accuracy in monitoring these ecosystems. This study provides essential tools for managing seasonal systems and their conservation in the face of climatic and anthropogenic factors. This monitoring will aid in understanding vegetation status, identifying plant species, and contributing to managing and preserving the lagoon system.

How to cite: Nieto, J., Ramírez Serrato, N. L., Romero Herrera, A., Peralta Carreta, C., Herrera Zamarrón, G., Hernández Hernández, M. A., Hernández García, G. D. J., Olea Olea, S., Morales Casique, E., and Cortez Silva, A.: Integrating high-resolution satellite and multispectral drone Imagery for monitoring vegetation in the Chaschoc-Sejá lagoon system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7921, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7921, 2025.

Benevento Province, located in the Campania region of Italy, may experience environmental quality impacts from neighboring developed areas such as Naples and Caserta. Previous studies have suggested that some agricultural chemicals from Naples, such as hexachlorobenzene, may be transported through the air to rural areas of Benevento. Additionally, high concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been detected in Naples and Caserta, making Benevento Province a potential PAH "sink." This study systematically investigated the occurrence of PAHs in soil from Benevento Province, southern Italy, and their correlations with environmental factors, soil-air exchange processes, and health risks. Over 95% of sampling sites exhibited ∑16PAHs concentrations at non-polluted levels (9.50-1188 ng/g, mean = 55.0 ± 152 ng/g), and four-ring PAHs were the dominant pollutants contributing to 28.3% of ∑16PAHs. The spatial distribution of PAHs presented significant heterogeneity, with hotspots concentrated near landfills. The results of Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model showed that the main sources of PAHs were vehicle emissions, coal/biomass combustion, and petroleum products volatilization/leakage, contributing 42.2%, 40.2%, and 17.6%, respectively. Most of PAHs correlated significantly with total organic carbon in the soil and population density, while only Benzo(b)fluoranthene (BbF) showed a significantly negative correlation with pH. The mass inventory of ∑16PAHs ranged from 0.94 to 29.4 tons, averaging 2.45 tons. The synergistic effects of pollution hotspots and the persistent accumulation of PAHs in the soil suggested that the soil might act as a secondary source of PAHs. Toxicity equivalent and probabilistic risk assessments indicated that health risks from PAHs remained within acceptable limits.

How to cite: Qu, C. and Pu, C.: Investigation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the soils of Benevento Province, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10723, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10723, 2025.

EGU25-13330 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19

Advancing and Supporting FAIR Principle Adoption through Innovative Social Infrastructure Tools 

Leonie Raijmakers, Edvard Hübinette, Elianna DeSota, Sina Iman, and Philipp Koellinger

The adoption of the FAIR data principles has revolutionised data management in Earth System Sciences (ESS), yet challenges persist in achieving true machine-actionability and comprehensive implementation. 

DeSci Labs introduces two innovative tools—Decentralised Persistent Identifiers (DPIDs) and the CODEX protocol—to address the barriers to FAIR data practice implementation in general; whilst fostering widespread uptake of FAIR principles in the ESS community in particular through involvement in the FAIR2Adapt consortium.

DPIDs are globally unique persistent identifiers based on, and linked directly to, the content of the files it refers to. Each version of every file, regardless of type, is automatically assigned a cryptographic fingerprint, ensuring deterministic resolution and transparent versioning. The DPID has been specifically designed to support FAIR digital research objects. The flexibility to alias DPIDs with existing systems (e.g., DOIs) and programmatic publishing capabilities via NodesLib enhances interoperability while preserving data sovereignty.

The CODEX protocol, an open scholarly infrastructure, further complements this by enabling the storage and retrieval of FAIR digital research objects via a decentralised peer-to-peer network (IPFS). This architecture allows multiple copies of the same content to be stored by different network participants using the same PID. By empowering researchers to collaborate within an open-state repository, the protocol minimises reliance on centralised actors, ensuring long-term accessibility, data integrity, and transparency. Its modular design facilitates diverse gateway applications, maximising participation and reducing barriers to entry.

These tools address core challenges in FAIR adoption by providing robust, scalable, and interoperable solutions tailored to the ESS community. By integrating DPIDs and CODEX into data workflows, researchers can enhance data reusability, improve the provenance of research outputs, and safeguard the collective scientific record. This presentation explores how these technologies can catalyse the next decade of FAIR data practices in ESS, fostering trust, reproducibility, and innovation.

How to cite: Raijmakers, L., Hübinette, E., DeSota, E., Iman, S., and Koellinger, P.: Advancing and Supporting FAIR Principle Adoption through Innovative Social Infrastructure Tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13330, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13330, 2025.

EGU25-13917 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19

Automated Mineral Grain Extraction for Geometallurgical Studies Using Segment Anything Model (SAM) and Core Scanning Techniques 

Yuanzhi Cai, Ryan Manton, and Morgan Williams

In mineral exploration and geometallurgical studies, accurately segmenting mineral grains from core scanning datasets may be used to predict metal recovery. This study introduces the application of the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a cutting-edge deep learning tool, to automate the segmentation and extraction of mineral grains from Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and hyperspectral core scanning datasets. SAM demonstrates high efficiency and precision in identifying mineral grains, forming the foundation for downstream analyses, including the evaluation of mineral associations, grain size distribution, and other key geometallurgical metrics. Through case studies on pegmatite deposits, this research showcases the potential of SAM to address challenges posed by mineralogically complex ore. By enabling detailed mineralogical characterisation and advancing geometallurgical methods, SAM-based grain extraction presents a transformative tool for supporting sustainable and efficient mining practices.

How to cite: Cai, Y., Manton, R., and Williams, M.: Automated Mineral Grain Extraction for Geometallurgical Studies Using Segment Anything Model (SAM) and Core Scanning Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13917, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13917, 2025.

EGU25-14821 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19

Simulation of Monthly Global Sea Surface Temperature Data using Ensemble GAN Model 

Deepayan Chakraborty and Adway Mitra

Synthetic data has become an indispensable tool in climate science, offering extensive spatio-temporal
coverage to address data limitations in both current and future scenarios. Such synthetic data, derived
from climate simulation models, must exhibit statistical consistency with observational datasets to ensure
their utility. Among global climate simulation initiatives, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
Phase 6 (CMIP6) represents the latest and most comprehensive suite of General Circulation Models
(GCMs). However, the substantial High Performance Computing (HPC) resources required for these
physics-based models limit their accessibility to a broader research community. In response, genera-
tive machine learning models have emerged as a promising alternative for simulating climate data with
reduced computational demands.
This study introduces an ensemble model based on the Pix2Pix conditional Generative Adversarial
Network (cGAN) to generate high-resolution spatio-temporal maps of monthly global Sea Surface Tem-
perature (SST) with significantly lower computational cost and time. The proposed model comprises two
components: the GAN, which produces simulated SST climatology data , and the Predictor, which is
trained with the variability of the data that forecasts SST anomaly for the subsequent month using the
output data from the previous month. Both components contain the same architecture, but the training
processes are different. The predictor model can be fine-tuned with observed data for some epochs to
adopt its domain.
The ensemble model was calibrated with monthly SST observations from the COBE dataset as in-
put and output. The Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) shows the model’s ability to simulate the
variabilty of the observed data. The model’s performance was evaluated using the temporal Pearson cor-
relation coefficient and mean squared error (MSE). Results demonstrate that the ensemble cGAN model
generates maps with statistical characteristics closely matching those of CMIP6 simulations and obser-
vations, achieving a mean temporal correlation coefficient around 0.5 and an MSE around 1.13 for both

How to cite: Chakraborty, D. and Mitra, A.: Simulation of Monthly Global Sea Surface Temperature Data using Ensemble GAN Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14821, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14821, 2025.

EGU25-14839 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19

Leveraging MAUNet for Bias Correction of TRMM Precipitation Estimates 

Sumanta Chandra Mishra Sharma and Adway Mitra

Deep neural networks have revolutionized various fields due to their remarkable adaptability, enabling them to address related tasks through retraining and transfer learning. These capabilities make them invaluable tools for diverse applications, including climate and hydrological modeling. In an earlier work (Mishra Sharma et al., 2024), we introduced a novel neural network architecture, the Max-Average U-Net (MAUNet), which leverages Max-Average Pooling to downscale gridded precipitation data to higher spatial resolutions. The model demonstrated significant improvements in resolving finer-scale precipitation features, making it well-suited for climate data applications.

In this study, we utilized the MAUNet architecture to tackle the critical task of bias correction in satellite-based precipitation estimates. Bias correction is essential for improving the reliability of precipitation data derived from satellite missions, which often exhibit systematic discrepancies compared to ground-based measurements. Specifically, we focused on correcting biases in precipitation estimates from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) by calibrating them against high-resolution, ground-based gridded datasets from the India Meteorological Department (IMD).

Our experimental results reveal that MAUNet effectively reduces biases in TRMM precipitation estimates, achieving significantly improved agreement with ground truth data. This success is attributed to the model’s robust feature extraction and reconstruction capabilities, which enable it to learn and correct systematic errors in satellite data. The findings also highlight the potential of advanced neural network architectures in addressing bias correction challenges.

This work underscores the utility of deep learning architectures in precipitation modeling, contributing to broader goals of improving the spatial distribution of precipitation estimates. By bridging the gap between satellite observations and ground truth, the MAUNet model offers a comprehensive solution for enhancing precipitation datasets, with significant implications for climate research, hydrological studies, and policy planning.

How to cite: Mishra Sharma, S. C. and Mitra, A.: Leveraging MAUNet for Bias Correction of TRMM Precipitation Estimates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14839, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14839, 2025.

EGU25-15216 | Posters virtual | VPS19

A relevant accessible and interoperable geotechnical data tool to support the landslide risk management 

Graziella Emanuela Scarcella, Luigi Aceto, and Giovanni Gullà

The rising frequency and severity of landslides, exacerbated by the effects of climate change and human development in unstable areas, call for effective risk management strategies. In this context, a systematic collection of all the available data regarding geotechnical aspects, in particular geomaterial parameters, results plays a crucial role, providing a decisive contribution to define strategies for sustainable landslide risk management.

In this work, we present the translation of a geotechnical database to the aims of the project Tech4You Innovation Ecosystem – Goal 1 - Pilot Project 1, useful to identify the typical landslide scenarios, to identify sufficient knowledge for the definition of the geotechnical model and geomaterials typing in similar geo-environmental contexts. The database contains the results of laboratory tests carried out in the past by researchers at CNR IRPI in Rende, relating to 11 sites in Calabria, of which 10 in the Province of Catanzaro and 1 in the Province of Vibo Valentia.  For each site, geotechnical characterisation data of the geomaterials, which represent a key cognitive element, were grouped by type of laboratory test (grain size, indices, Atterberg limits, oedometric, direct shear and triaxial tests). We uploaded these data to validate a tool, named GeoDataTech vers. 2.0, which is an update of a previous version. In particular, we have tested the correct functioning (display, query, extraction data) with a significant sample of data. GeoDataTech vers. 2.0 can manage 2399 laboratory tests to date: 61 oedometric tests, 636 grain size, 537 indices, 78 Atterberg limits, 454 specific gravity, 512 direct shear tests and 121 triaxial tests.

This tool will be available to a wide range of stakeholders (researchers, professionals, territorial administrations, public bodies and citizens) allowing us to acquire, interrogate, export data and to upload their own files to integrate them into the database of the tool, performing advanced analyses with reference to the typification of geomaterials. By enabling the sharing of such data between researchers, practitioners and public institutions, the geotechnical tool will contribute significantly to improving disaster prevention strategies, in particular with regard to the reduction of landslide risks, thereby responding to the growing demand for accessible and interoperable data networks that increase synergic interdisciplinary research on topics such as landslide hazard.

This work was funded by the Next Generation EU—Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of ‘Innovation Ecosystems’, building ‘Territorial R&D Leaders’ (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277)—project Tech4You—Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009. This work reflects only the authors' views and opinions, neither the Ministry for University and Research nor the European Commission can be considered responsible for them.

How to cite: Scarcella, G. E., Aceto, L., and Gullà, G.: A relevant accessible and interoperable geotechnical data tool to support the landslide risk management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15216, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15216, 2025.

EGU25-15381 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19

Prediction of landuse landcover using CA-Markov model for the valley regions of Manipur, India 

Maisnam Nongthouba, Bakimchandra Oinam, and Khwairakpam Sachidananda

Changes in land use and cover (LULC) serve as critical indicators of socioeconomic and environmental shifts induced by both natural and man-made factors. This assessment was carried out in the Imphal valley region to forecast changes in land use and land cover. In order to examine the spatiotemporal distributions of LULC, the LULC Classification was analysed using Landsat images from 2007, 2014, and 2017. The CA-Markov Chain model was used to simulate the future LULC for the year 2030 of Imphal valley region based on these the past LULCs. The model result showed that wetland herbaceous will decline by 3.3% and settlement area will expand by 28.71%. The Imphal city area is where the majority of the expanding settlement area is located. As a vital resource for future planning initiatives, this study suggests planners, environmentalists, and decision-makers to prioritise sustainable practices and make appropriate decisions for the sustainability of the region.

How to cite: Nongthouba, M., Oinam, B., and Sachidananda, K.: Prediction of landuse landcover using CA-Markov model for the valley regions of Manipur, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15381, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15381, 2025.

EGU25-16092 | Posters virtual | VPS19

Transforming GNSS Data into FAIR Digital Objects 

Carine Bruyninx, Anna Miglio, Andras Fabian, Juliette Legrand, Eric Pottiaux, and Fikri Bamahry

GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) data play a crucial role in both scientific research and practical applications. GNSS datasets are used to monitor atmospheric conditions, tectonic plate movements, and Earth deformation, providing valuable insights for geodetic and geophysical studies. Although widely accessible, GNSS data often lacks the necessary structure and metadata for effective reuse, particularly for data-driven research based on machine learning. To address these challenges, we applied the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data principles to GNSS RINEX observation files hosted by the EUREF Historical Data Centre (EUREF-HDC).

The EU action plan “Turning FAIR into Reality” introduced the concept of FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs), emphasizing the need for Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) and rich, standardized metadata to ensure data can be reliably found, accessed, utilized, and cited. Building on this foundation, we developed a multi-layered FDO structure centered on GNSS RINEX data. Given the established nature of the EUREF-HDC repository, we adapted the FDO concept by prioritizing structured metadata, followed by persistent identifiers and robust (meta)data access procedures.

To implement this approach, we designed the GNSS-DCAT-AP metadata schema, assigned PIDs to both data and metadata, and developed web services enabling humans and machines alike to seamless search, retrieve, and download (meta)data. The effectiveness of our solution was evaluated using the FAIRsFAIR Data Object Assessment Metrics, demonstrating a significant improvement in FAIR compliance.

This work showcases the feasibility of transforming GNSS RINEX data into FAIR Digital Objects and could provide a practical roadmap for other geospatial data repositories seeking alignment with FAIR principles.

How to cite: Bruyninx, C., Miglio, A., Fabian, A., Legrand, J., Pottiaux, E., and Bamahry, F.: Transforming GNSS Data into FAIR Digital Objects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16092, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16092, 2025.

EGU25-16363 | ECS | Posters on site | GI2.4

Hybrid Machine Learning approach for Tropical Cyclones Detection 

Davide Donno, Gabriele Accarino, Donatello Elia, Enrico Scoccimarro, and Silvio Gualdi

Tropical Cyclones (TCs) are among the most impactful weather phenomena, with climate change intensifying their duration and strength, posing significant risks to ecosystems and human life. Accurate TC detection, encompassing localization and tracking of TC centers, has become a critical focus for the climate science community. 

Traditional methods often rely on subjective threshold tuning and might require several input variables, thus making the tracking computationally expensive. We propose a cost-effective hybrid Machine Learning (ML) approach consisting in splitting the TC detection into two separate sub-tasks: localization and tracking. The TC task localization is fully data-driven: multiple Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) architectures have been explored to localize TC centers using a different set of input fields related to the cyclo-genesis, aiming also at reducing the number of input drivers required for detection. A neighborhood matching algorithm is then applied to join previously localized TC center estimates into potential trajectories over time. 

We train the DNNs on 40 years of ERA5 reanalysis data and International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) records across the East and West North Pacific basins. The hybrid approach is then compared with four state-of-the-art deterministic trackers (namely OWZ, TRACK, CNRM and UZ), reporting comparable or even better results in terms of Probability of Detection and False Alarm Rate, additionally capturing the interannual variability and spatial distribution of TCs in the target domain. 

The resulting hybrid ML model represents the core component of a Digital Twin (DT) application implemented in the context of the EU-funded interTwin project.

How to cite: Donno, D., Accarino, G., Elia, D., Scoccimarro, E., and Gualdi, S.: Hybrid Machine Learning approach for Tropical Cyclones Detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16363, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16363, 2025.

The STARS4Water project addresses the critical need to understand the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic activities on freshwater availability and ecosystem resilience at the river basin scale. By developing innovative data services and models tailored to stakeholder needs, the project will improve decision-making processes for sustainable water resource management. A distinctive feature of STARS4Water is its focus on co-creating solutions with local stakeholders using a living lab approach, ensuring that newly developed tools remain relevant and usable beyond the life of the project.


This extension of the original project—funded with a special grant from Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării (UEFISCDI) from Romania—focuses on a detailed change detection analysis to monitor and quantify land cover transformations in the emblematic Danube Delta region. The objective is to assess how environmental and anthropogenic changes have influenced this ecologically significant wetland over several decades. To achieve this, a comprehensive database of multispectral satellite images from the Landsat archive, spanning from 1985 to 2023, will be constructed. The long-term dataset enables a detailed temporal analysis, important for detecting land cover dynamics over time.


The methodology involves several key phases: (1) data collection and preprocessing of Landsat satellite images to correct errors and align imagery for consistent comparative analysis; (2) sampling and training a deep learning model using convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures, to classify various land cover types; (3) performing land cover classification on the processed images using the trained model, followed by accuracy assessment; and (4) conducting a comprehensive change detection analysis to quantify and interpret the observed transformations in land use and land cover.


The results of this analysis will deliver important knowledge on the long-term dynamics of the Danube Delta landscape, highlighting critical changes with implications for biodiversity, water management and ecosystem services. This approach will support adaptive ecosystem management and contribute to the scientific understanding of climate-related and anthropogenic changes in fragile wetland ecosystems.



This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-IV-P8-8.1-PRE-HE-ORG-2023-0094, within PNCDI IV.

How to cite: Scrieciu, A. and Toma, A.: Monitoring Long-Term Land Cover Transformations in the Danube Delta using Landsat Satellite Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16549, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16549, 2025.

EGU25-16634 | Posters virtual | VPS19

Finetuning and Benchmarking an AI Foundation Model for Cloud Gap Imputation  

Tadie Birihan Medimem, Gabriele Padovani, Takuya Kurihana, Ankur Kumar, Farid Melgani, Valentine G Anantharaj, and Sandro Luigi Fiore

Abstract: Cloud cover poses a significant obstacle in harnessing multi-spectral satellite imagery for various earth observation applications including disaster response, land use and land cover mapping. To address this issue, this study investigates the potential of Prithvi WxC foundation model (Johannes Schmude et al., 2024), a deep learning architecture designed for weather and climate applications, to perform cloud gap imputation. By leveraging its ability to capture atmospheric dynamics and predict missing data, Prithvi WxC offers a promising solution.

The primary objective is to assess the accuracy and efficiency of Prithvi WxC in reconstructing cloudy pixels in Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) surface reflectance; MOD09 (Eric Vermote, 2015). MOD09 data provides valuable information about earth surface, cloud cover and atmospheric conditions, which are instrumental in informing the Prithvi WxC model during the finetuning and imputation process.

This research evaluates the Prithvi WxC foundation model for cloud gap imputation applications and benchmarks its performance against other foundation models, such as Prithvi EO (Jakubik et al., 2023, 2024). The process begins with preprocessing the MOD09 dataset, filtering out missing and cloudy pixels to create clean visible patches, while real-world cloudy patches are used as masks. The preprocessed data is then resampled to align with the temporal and spatial resolution requirements of both the Prithvi WxC and Prithvi EO foundation models. Through rigorous fine-tuning strategies, these models learn to reconstruct the masked regions, effectively filling the gaps caused by cloud cover. Finally, the fine-tuned foundation models are benchmarked using quantitative metrics, such as the Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE), complemented by qualitative visual analysis.

This research explores the potential of Prithvi WxC foundation model, pre-trained on extensive weather and climate data, to improve cloud gap imputation in satellite imagery, and subsequently benchmarks it against earth observation foundation models, such as Prithvi EO. Through this evaluation, we aim to enhance scientific understanding via multi-modality and sensor-independent approaches.


Johannes Schmude, Sujit Roy, Will Trojak, Johannes Jakubik, Daniel Salles Civitarese, Shraddha Singh, Julian Kuehnert, Kumar Ankur, Aman Gupta, Christopher E Phillips, Romeo Kienzler, Daniela Szwarcman, Vishal Gaur, Rajat Shinde, Rohit Lal, Arlindo Da Sil: Prithvi WxC: Foundation Model for Weather and Climate." arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.13598, 2024.

C. Roger, E. F. Vermote, J. P. Ray: https://modis-land.gsfc.nasa.gov/pdf/MOD09_UserGuide_v1.4.pdf. NASA, MODIS Surface Reflectance User’s Guide, Collection 6, 2015.

Daniela Szwarcman, Sujit Roy, Paolo Fraccaro, Þorsteinn Elí Gíslason, Benedikt Blumenstiel, Rinki Ghosal, Pedro Henrique de Oliveira, Joao Lucas de Sousa Almeida, Rocco Sedona, Yanghui Kang, Srija Chakraborty, Sizhe Wang, Ankur Kumar, Myscon Truong, Denys: Prithvi-EO-2.0: A Versatile Multi-Temporal Foundation Model for Earth Observation Applications. https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.02732, 2024.

Johannes Jakubik, Sujit Roy, C. E. Phillips, Paolo Fraccaro, Denys Godwin, Bianca Zadrozny, Daniela Szwarcman, Carlos Gomes, Gabby Nyirjesy, Blair Edwards, Daiki Kimura, Naomi Simumba, Linsong Chu, S. Karthik Mukkavilli, Devyani Lambhate, Kamal Das, Ranji: Foundation Models for Generalist Geospatial Artificial Intelligence, 2023.

Eric Vermote: MOD09 MODIS/Terra L2 Surface Reflectance, 5-Min Swath 250m, 500m, and 1km. NASA LP DAAC., NASA GSFC and MODAPS SIPS, NASA, http://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/MOD09.061, 2015.

How to cite: Medimem, T. B., Padovani, G., Kurihana, T., Kumar, A., Melgani, F., Anantharaj, V. G., and Fiore, S. L.: Finetuning and Benchmarking an AI Foundation Model for Cloud Gap Imputation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16634, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16634, 2025.

EGU25-18822 | Posters virtual | VPS19

Visualizing a climate and disaster resilience taxonomy from research evidence: scaling and accelerating knowledge interoperability 

Sukaina Bharwani, Rosie Witton, Kate Williamson, and Ruth Butterfield

The urgency of the climate crisis and the need to accelerate learning and climate action requires that we build on previous knowledge, rather than replicating it. There is an abundance of knowledge on climate change adaptation and mitigation dispersed across websites, projects, platforms, and documents. There is either too much information that is not easily discoverable (sitting in silos) or it is too technical or complex, and not ‘usable’ or fit for purpose in terms (e.g. language or format). Both issues cause redundancy and sometimes replication of work, wasting resources. In the worst case, they can also cause unintended consequences such as maladaptation, or increased vulnerability. However, the issue is not a lack of information, but rather how to organise and connect such knowledge to allow people to discover what already exists and put it to effective use. As such, our goal is to make climate action knowledge findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) and reduce climate change knowledge silos. The recently awarded FAIR2Adapt Project aims to establish a comprehensive FAIR and open data framework for CCA and to demonstrate the impact of FAIR data on CCA strategies. By making CCA data FAIR, FAIR2Adapt will accelerate adaptation actions so that they are visible, understandable, and actionable for various purposes and different types of stakeholders. FAIR taxonomies are one approach to help tackle this issue by making climate change knowledge FAIR and by ensuring, that going forward, platforms have a way to make their knowledge FAIR and thus more reusable by the climate change community. 

The Climate Connectivity Hub and Taxonomy seek to visualize and connect online platform data (e.g. Cordis, Climate-ADAPT, weADAPT, PreventionWeb) to increase discoverability, interoperability and a shared understanding of the research results and their potential application in future policy, research and practice. It builds on past knowledge to scale up and accelerate climate action whilst also identifying key knowledge gaps. This presentation will show that: 1) taxonomies are useful supporting the interoperability of online climate knowledge and can usefully emerge from combined expert and machine learning of project results (e.g. Cordis); 2) shared vocabularies and different interpretations of language and terminology add value to project planning and implementation ; and, 3) the visualization of these elements for decision-makers, planners, researchers, policy makers, etc. can help to enable and scale accelerated climate action. 

How to cite: Bharwani, S., Witton, R., Williamson, K., and Butterfield, R.: Visualizing a climate and disaster resilience taxonomy from research evidence: scaling and accelerating knowledge interoperability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18822, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18822, 2025.

EGU25-18933 | Posters virtual | VPS19

Deep Learning-based Spatial-Spectral Analysis for Peatland Degradation characterization 

Harsha Vardhan Kaparthi and Alfonso Vitti

The study explores using advanced deep learning (DL) techniques for spatial-spectral analysis to detect and map peatland degradation at a granular level. Peatlands, vital carbon sinks in global ecosystems, face degradation threats that demand precise and scalable monitoring solutions. Our method combines convolutional neural networks (CNNs), fully convolutional networks (FCNs), and 3D CNNs to examine complex spatial-spectral patterns in SAR, multispectral, and hyperspectral sensor data (e.g., Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, PRISMA) over the temperate peatland study area of the Monte Bondone region (Latitude: 46°00’48.6” N, Longitude: 11°03'14.6” E), covering an area of 40 hectares as shown in the figures.

CNNs capture spatial relationships between precipitation, temperature, vegetation, soil, and moisture, offering a detailed view of peatland composition. Using multi-dimensional, gridded data from meteorological stations and remote sensing images, CNNs identify patterns affecting peatland health. Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs) help with spectral unmixing, isolating land cover components at the pixel level, which aids in detecting vegetation degradation and understanding ecosystem changes.

3D CNNs incorporate temporal data to classify Peatland landscapes into different degradation states. The model identifies changes over time, distinguishing between healthy, partially degraded, and fully degraded regions. Deep clustering models also classify peatland areas into degradation states, revealing trends without labeled data.

This deep learning framework supports accurate degradation mapping through spatial-spectral feature extraction, providing precise, pixel-level information to aid ecosystem management and conservation. It helps monitor peatland health and assess environmental changes across diverse landscapes.

How to cite: Kaparthi, H. V. and Vitti, A.: Deep Learning-based Spatial-Spectral Analysis for Peatland Degradation characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18933, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18933, 2025.

EGU25-19489 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19

Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Data Integration Across Heterogeneous Hydrological Datasets 

Asma Slaimi and Michael Scriney

Integrating heterogeneous hydrological datasets remains a significant challenge in environmental modelling due to variations in feature spaces, data distributions, and temporal and spatial scales across sources. This study introduces a Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) approach to address the challenge of integrating heterogeneous hydrological datasets, leveraging a collection of datasets compiled from diverse sources. These datasets, characterized by varying features, distributions, and temporal and spatial scales, provide an ideal basis for evaluating MAML's ability to handle real-world data heterogeneity.

MAML’s unique capability to learn shared representations across datasets with minimal feature overlap and significant variability allows it to effectively transfer knowledge between subsets, offering a flexible and scalable solution for integrating hydrological data with diverse characteristics.

The proposed approach trains a base model on one subset of the data while utilizing MAML's meta-learning capabilities to adapt and transfer knowledge to other subsets with differing feature distributions. To test the model's adaptability, we simulate scenarios with varying degrees of feature overlap. Model performance is assessed using metrics such as mean squared error (MSE), both before and after fine-tuning on unseen data subsets.

Preliminary results demonstrate that MAML effectively learns shared representations across datasets, achieving significant improvements in prediction accuracy. Fine-tuning further enhances the model's adaptability, particularly for datasets with minimal feature overlap. These findings highlight MAML's potential as a powerful and flexible tool for integrating and predicting across heterogeneous hydrological datasets.

This study bridges the gap between advanced meta-learning techniques and hydrological applications, providing new insights into scalable and adaptable data integration methods for environmental sciences.

Keywords: Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning, hydrological datasets, data integration, heterogeneous data, meta-learning, environmental modelling, machine learning. 

How to cite: Slaimi, A. and Scriney, M.: Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Data Integration Across Heterogeneous Hydrological Datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19489, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19489, 2025.

EGU25-20324 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19

Using Remote sensing and geographic information system for delineating suitable sites for artificial groundwater recharge: A multi-criteria decision-making approach. 

Rahma Fri, Andrea Scozzari, Souad Haida, Malika Kili, Lamia Erraoui, Jamal Chaou, Abdelaziz Mridekh, Lahcen Goumghar, and Bouabid El Mansouri

The semi-arid region of Deraa Oued Noun in Morocco faces significant challenges related to water scarcity, which greatly affects the availability of groundwater resources. With recurring droughts and periods of water shortage, it is imperative to address these challenges and implement effective measures for sustainable groundwater resource management. Artificial groundwater recharge has proven to be a viable solution for alleviating water scarcity issues. By capturing and storing excess water during periods of heavy precipitation or surface water availability, artificial recharge can replenish depleted aquifers and provide a reliable water source during drought periods. However, the success of recharge projects depends on identifying suitable sites that meet specific criteria and maximize the efficiency of the recharge process.

The identification of suitable sites for artificial groundwater recharge in Daraa Oued Noun, through the integration of remote sensing, GIS (Geographic Information System), and MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision Making) techniques, offers a promising solution to address water scarcity challenges in the context of climate change. The proposed research project aims to provide valuable and spatially explicit information for strategic groundwater resource management.

 This study was conducted in the Deraa Oued Noun district, where water shortages have been observed over the years. The research utilized geology, soil, land use, stream data, and Sentinel-2 and DEM images to develop thematic layers, including lithogeology, soil, slope, lineament density, land use, stream density, and water surface. Additionally, data on the vadose zone thickness were incorporated to enhance the analysis.

By integrating GIS and image processing techniques, these thematic layers were utilized to prepare groundwater recharge maps of the area through a weighted overlay method on a GIS platform. The results revealed that artificial recharge potential was high in the northern and western parts of the study area.

By following a systematic and rigorous methodology, including data collection, remote sensing analysis, MCDM evaluation, and site validation, this project aims to contribute to the successful implementation of artificial recharge projects in the region. By maximizing the efficiency of the recharge method, these projects will help ensure sustainable water supply, mitigate the impacts of drought, and promote long-term water security in Derâa Oued Noun and similar semi-arid regions.

How to cite: Fri, R., Scozzari, A., Haida, S., Kili, M., Erraoui, L., Chaou, J., Mridekh, A., Goumghar, L., and El Mansouri, B.: Using Remote sensing and geographic information system for delineating suitable sites for artificial groundwater recharge: A multi-criteria decision-making approach., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20324, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20324, 2025.

EGU25-20616 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS19

LUCIE: A Lightweight Uncoupled ClImate Emulator with long-term stability and physical consistency for O(1000)-member ensembles 

Haiwen Guan, Troy Arcomano, Ashesh Chattopadhyay, and Romit Maulik

We present LUCIE, a data-driven atmospheric emulator that remains stable during autoregressive inference for a thousand of years with minimal drifting climatology. LUCIE was trained using 9.5 years of coarse-resolution ERA5 data, incorporating 5 prognostic variables, 2 forcing variables, and one diagnostic variable (6-hourly total precipitation), all on a single A100 GPU over a two-hour period. LUCIE autoregressively predicts the prognostic variables and outputs the diagnostic variables similar to AllenAI’s ACE climate emulator. Unlike all the other state-of-the-art AI weather models, LUCIE is neither unstable nor does it produce hallucinations that result in unphysical drift of the emulated climate. The low computational requirements of LUCIE allow for rapid experimentation including the development of novel loss functions to reduce spectral bias and improve tails of the distributions. Furthermore, LUCIE does not impose true sea-surface temperature (SST) from a coupled numerical model to enforce the annual cycle in temperature. We demonstrate the long-term climatology obtained from LUCIE as well as subseasonal-to-seasonal scale prediction skills on the prognostic variables. LUCIE is capable of 6000 years of simulation per day on a single GPU, allowing for O(100)-ensemble members for quantifying model uncertainty for climate and ensemble weather prediction.

How to cite: Guan, H., Arcomano, T., Chattopadhyay, A., and Maulik, R.: LUCIE: A Lightweight Uncoupled ClImate Emulator with long-term stability and physical consistency for O(1000)-member ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20616, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20616, 2025.

EGU25-21759 | Posters virtual | VPS19

Assessment of Atmospheric Pollen Presence in Urban Areas of Greece During CALIPSO Overpasses 

Archontoula Karageorgopoulou, Stathopoulos Christos, Georgiou Thanasis, Shang Χiaoxia, Pyrri Ioanna, Amiridis Vassilis, and Giannakaki Elina

Analysis of pollen events was conducted using Hirst-type volumetric samplers in Athens and Thessaloniki in combination with CALIPSO vertical aerosol profiles. While Hirst-type ‎[1] volumetric samplers are used to confirm and characterize pollen at ground level, the understanding of pollen vertical distribution and transport is still limited. The utilization of Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) for identifying different pollen types is increasingly prevalent, as the depolarization ratio is related to the shape of the pollen particles while other non-spherical particle types are absent ‎[2].
Samplers are situated on the buildings’ rooftops of the Physics and Biology Departments, in Athens and Thessaloniki, respectively. Following ‎[2], intense pollen events are considered when the pollen concentration exceeds 400 grains m-3 for a minimum of two hours each day.
CALIPSO provides unique vertical profile measurements of the Earth’s atmosphere on a global scale ‎[3], with the ability to distinguish between feature types (i.e., clouds vs. aerosol) and subtypes (i.e., marine, dust, clean continental). Only case studies where CALIPSO aerosol layers were classified as marine, dusty marine, dust, or polluted dust were analyzed.
Model simulations were used to exclude the presence of other depolarizing aerosol types. HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) was used to trace the origin of the air masses. The atmospheric model RAMS/ICLAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System/Integrated Community Limited Area Modeling System) was selected to describe dust and sea-salt emissions and transport.
Mean values of lidar-derived optical properties inside the detected pollen layers are provided from CALIPSO data analysis. Specifically, there are three observed aerosol layers, one over Athens (12-3-2021) and two over Thessaloniki (2-3-2020, 10-4-2020). Particulate color ratios of 0.652 ± 0.194, 0.638 ± 0.362, and 0.456 ± 0.284, and depolarization ratios of 8.70 ± 6.26%, 28.30 ± 14.16%, and 8.96±6.87 % for 12-3-2021, 2-3-2020 and 10-4-2020, respectively, were misclassified by CALIPSO as marine-dusty marine, dust and polluted dust. The pollen analysis conducted on the 12th of March 2021 indicated that the dominant pollen types were 69% Pinaceae and 24% Cupressaceae. On the 2nd of March 2020, Cupressaceae accounted for 97% of the total pollen, while on the 10th of April 2020, Carpinus represented 76% and Platanus 15%. Consequently, during periods of intense pollen presence, CALIPSO vertical profiles and aerobiological monitoring techniques may be used synergistically to better characterize the atmospheric pollen layers.

The research work was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “Basic Research Financing (Horizontal support for all Sciences), National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Greece 2.0)” (Project Number: 015144).

[1] J. M. Hirst, Annals of Applied Biology 39, 157-293 (1952).
[2] X. Shang et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys. 20, 15323–15339 (2020).
[3] D. M. Winker et al, BAMS 91, 1211–1229 (2010).

How to cite: Karageorgopoulou, A., Christos, S., Thanasis, G., Χiaoxia, S., Ioanna, P., Vassilis, A., and Elina, G.: Assessment of Atmospheric Pollen Presence in Urban Areas of Greece During CALIPSO Overpasses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21759, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21759, 2025.

EGU25-2237 | Posters virtual | VPS20

Assessment of GOCI-II satellite remote sensing products in Lake Taihu 

Min Zhao, Huaming Li, Hao Li, Xuan Zhang, Xiaosong Ding, and Fang Gong

The Geostationary Ocean Color Imager-II (GOCI-II), which was launched on February 19, 2020, offers an increased observation times within a day and finer spatial resolution than those of its predecessor, the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI), which was launched in 2010. To ensure the reliability of GOCI-II data for practical applications, the accuracy of remote sensing products must be validated. In this study, we employed in situ data from Lake Taihu for validation. We assessed the accuracy of GOCI-II products, including the remote sensing reflectance inverted via two atmospheric correction algorithms (ultraviolet (UV) and near-infrared (NIR) atmospheric correction algorithms), as well as the chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration, total suspended matter (TSM) concentration, and phytoplankton absorption coefficient (aph). Our results revealed that the UV atmospheric correction algorithm provided a relatively higher accuracy in Lake Taihu, with average absolute percentage deviations (APDs) of the remote sensing reflectance across different bands of 25.17% (412 nm), 29.69% (443 nm), 22.27% (490 nm), 19.38% (555 nm), 36.83% (660 nm), and 33.0% (680 nm). Compared to the products generated using the NIR atmospheric correction algorithm, the derived Chl-a concentration, TSM concentration, and aph products from the UV algorithm showed improved accuracy, with APD values reduced by 16.92%, 3.32%, and 10.91%, respectively. When using UV correction, the 412 nm band performed better than the 380 nm band, likely due to the lower signal-to-noise ratio of the 380 nm band and smaller extrapolation errors when assuming a zero signal for the 412 nm band. Considering that the NIR algorithm is suitable for open ocean waters while the UV algorithm demonstrates higher accuracy in highly turbid environments, a combined UV-NIR atmospheric correction algorithm may be more suitable for addressing different types of water environments. Additionally, more suitable retrieval algorithms are needed to improve the accuracy of Chl-a concentration and aph in eutrophic waters.

How to cite: Zhao, M., Li, H., Li, H., Zhang, X., Ding, X., and Gong, F.: Assessment of GOCI-II satellite remote sensing products in Lake Taihu, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2237, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2237, 2025.

EGU25-4994 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS20

bibliometric analysis of natural lakes and paleolakes origin of natural events 

Jamal Abbach, Said El Moussaoui, Hajar El Talibi, and Charaf Eddine Bouiss

This study explores studies on lakes and paleolakes originating from natural effects. The main objective is to perform a bibliometric analysis of research on naturally occurring lake environments worldwide, covering the period from 2014 to 2024. Data extracted from 1687 documents in the Scopus database were analyzed using VOSviewer software. The results reveal a strict trend towards a focus on geosciences and the environment, underlined by research. This study particularly highlights the relationships between authors, co-authors, keywords, and publishers of specialized journals in this research field, thus providing essential information to guide future research and to value the role of these geological environments, which are rare in the world, based on essentially multidisciplinary geoscience approaches.

How to cite: Abbach, J., El Moussaoui, S., El Talibi, H., and Bouiss, C. E.: bibliometric analysis of natural lakes and paleolakes origin of natural events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4994, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4994, 2025.

Rock masses are characterized by the complex hierarchical structures involving various scale levels. The deformation of rock masses is primarily controlled in weak structural layers between rocks, whereas the rock block can be regarded as a non-deformable block and can move as a whole. In consequence, a new dynamic phenomenon, namely the pendulum-type wave, has emerged, which is a kind of nonlinear displacement wave caused by the overall movement of relatively intact large-scale rock blocks. Aiming at the complex hierarchical structures of rock masses and low-frequency characteristics of pendulum-type waves, the blocky rock masses composed of granite blocks and rubber interlayers are simplified into the block-spring model and wave motion model. Based on Bloch theorem and d’Alembert’s principle, the dispersion relation and equations of motion of 1D blocky rock masses are determined. Research shows that with the increase of the rock size and geomechanical invariant, the initial frequency of the first attenuation zone gradually decreases, and only the low-frequency waves lower than that frequency can propagate in blocky rock masses, which reveals the mechanism of low-frequency characteristics of pendulum-type waves theoretically. The equivalent substitution for the two models and their errors are given, and the results show that the equivalent substitution of the two models is not universal and unconditional. Finally, the influence of hierarchical structures on the dispersion relation and dynamic response is further studied. The larger the stiffness ratio, or the higher the order of hierarchical structures, the smaller is the effect of ignoring the high-order hierarchical structures.

How to cite: Jiang, K. and Qi, C.: Research on dispersion relation and dynamic properties of pendulum‑type waves in 1D blocky rock masses with complex hierarchical structures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5033, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5033, 2025.

EGU25-5359 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS20

Innovating Coral Reef Mapping with Drones & NASA Fluid Lensing Technology in the Mariana Islands 

Jonelle Sayama and Keanno Fausto

Coral reefs in the Mariana Islands serve important roles for the islands’ ecology and economy, contributing to the region’s fisheries, tourism, coastal protection, education, and cultural histories. Despite their immense value, the resilience of these marine ecosystems is threatened by an array of climate-change induced stressors, including ocean acidification and coral bleaching. In response, a team from the University of Guam (UOG) launched a large-scale coral reef mapping campaign to monitor priority reef sites throughout the Mariana Islands using drone technology. The UOG team, consisting of researchers and remote pilots funded by the USGS, Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center, NASA Guam EPSCoR, and NASA Guam Space Grant, has been conducting drone-based missions to capture high-resolution imagery of priority coral reef sites across Guam and Saipan. Their efforts aim to gather aerial data of coral reefs in Micronesia, providing resource managers with essential information regarding response and recovery. Initially, the campaign used of NASA’s fluid lensing technology developed by Chirayath (2019) for coral reef mapping. This technology combines unmanned aerial systems (UAS), off-the-shelf technology, and machine learning algorithms to create detailed coral reef maps by filtering out distortions caused by light and ocean waves, resulting in clear, high-resolution imagery. In 2024, this process was augmented to employ a new methodology that strategically uses RGB sensors and low tides. This system allows the remote pilots to capture the areas and produce orthomosaic maps at much more efficient rates while maintaining high-resolution quality. By providing these datasets within a shorter turn-around time, local natural resource managers are able to get a timely snapshot of the coral reef sites – providing crucial data of the ecosystem’s health that can help inform conservation decisions. This presentation will outline the collaborative efforts between UOG and regional partners, demonstrating how drones and fluid lensing technology are innovating coral reef monitoring efforts. It will explore how the collected data can help local resource managers make informed decisions regarding coral reef management, showcase coral reefs to the general public, ultimately transforming how local communities can contribute to coral reef resilience.

How to cite: Sayama, J. and Fausto, K.: Innovating Coral Reef Mapping with Drones & NASA Fluid Lensing Technology in the Mariana Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5359, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5359, 2025.

EGU25-6240 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS20

Enhancing the use of Geoinformation technologies to assess the socioeconomic impacts of climate change in the Arctic: Insights from the EO-PERSIST Project 

Georgios-Nektarios Tselos, Spyridon E. Detsikas, Beata Kroszka, Patryk Grzybowski, and George P. Petropoulos

In today's changing climate, there is an urgent need to understand the adverse impacts of climate change on natural environments, infrastructures, and industries.Particularly permafrost regions in the Arctic are highly vulnerable to global warming, impacting both the environment and socioeconomic aspects. Thus, systematic monitoring of such environments, is of paramount significance. Advances in Geoinformation technologies, and in particular in Earth Observation (EO), cloud computing, GIS, web cartography create new opportunities and challenges for Arctic research examining the socioeconomic impact of climate change.The rapid advancements in EOin particular have led to an exponential increase in the volume of geospatial data that come from spaceborne EO sensors. This surge, combined with the fast developments in GIS and web cartography present significant challenges for effective management, access, and utilization by researchers, policymakers, and the public. Consequently, there is a growing need for advanced methodologies to organize, process, and deliver geospatial information that comes from EO satellites in an accessible and user-friendly manner.

Recognizing thepromising potential of geoinformation technologies, the European Union (EU) has funded several research projects that leverage advanced technologies such as geospatial databases and WebGIS platforms to streamline EO data handling and dissemination. One such project is EO-PERSIST (http://www.eo-persist.eu), which aims to create a collaborative research and innovation environment focusing on leveraging existing services, datasets, and emerging technologies to achieve a consistently updated ecosystem of EO-based datasets for permafrost applications. To formulate the socioeconomic indicators, the project exploits state of the art cloud processing resources, innovative Remote Sensing (RS) algorithms, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based models formulating, exchanging also multidisciplinary knowledge.EO-PERSIST innovative approach is anticipated to contribute to more informed decision-making and broader data accessibility for researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

The present contribution aim is two-fold: at first, to provide an overview of EO-PERSIST Marie Curie Staff Exchanges EU-funded research project; second, to present some of the key project outputs delivered so far relevant to the selected Use Cases of the project and the geospatial database developed for assessing the socioeconomic impacts of climate change in the permafrost Arctic regions.

This study is supported by EO-PERSIST project which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101086386.

KEYWORDS:earth observation, cloud platform, Arctic, socioeconomic impact

How to cite: Tselos, G.-N., Detsikas, S. E., Kroszka, B., Grzybowski, P., and Petropoulos, G. P.: Enhancing the use of Geoinformation technologies to assess the socioeconomic impacts of climate change in the Arctic: Insights from the EO-PERSIST Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6240, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6240, 2025.

EGU25-8063 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS20

Deploying UAV technology to assess typhoon impacts in vulnerable communities in Guam  

Keanno Fausto and Jonelle Sayama

The U.S. territory of Guam is threatened annually by high-intensity storms and typhoons due to its location in the western Pacific Ocean. The island’s infrastructure – buildings, roads, and utilities – bear the brunt of typhoon damage, which in turn affects public health, the economy, and natural resources. Traditionally, these impacts have been observed via satellite, radar, and official weather stations.  Damages are assessed in the aftermath of the typhoon with a manual, on-the-ground approach led by the National Weather Service (NWS). This is often exhaustive and time-consuming for the assessment team. Observations from the ground can inadvertently create data gaps on damage assessments due to inaccessible areas caused by vegetative and construction debris, and flooded roads and pathways. This may not capture many impacts eligible for local or federal assistance. To address these data gaps and augment damage assessments, the University of Guam (UOG) Drone Corps program aims to assist local and federal government agencies (e.g., utility companies, public health, emergency services, and natural resource management) by collecting high-resolution aerial imagery to help prioritize and allocate limited resources. This presentation highlights the results of this novel collaboration of UOG, NWS, Guam Homeland Security (GHS), and the Office of the Governor of Guam in the creation of the damage assessment of Typhoon Mawar, which ravaged Guam on 24-25 May 2023. Following the typhoon, UOG worked with NWS to identify and capture imagery of vulnerable sites that were heavily impacted. This presentation will also share how UOG Drone Corps’ data was disseminated among other agencies as supplemental data for natural disaster recovery efforts. The presentation will conclude with a summary of the UOG Drone Corps program model as a resource for developing resiliency strategies for vulnerable island communities using advanced and emerging technologies. 

How to cite: Fausto, K. and Sayama, J.: Deploying UAV technology to assess typhoon impacts in vulnerable communities in Guam , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8063, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8063, 2025.

EGU25-11808 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS20

The use of InSAR and DInSAR for detecting land subsidence in Albania 

Pietro Belba

INTRODUCTION. InSAR or Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar is a technique for mapping ground deformation using radar images of the Earth's surface collected from orbiting satellites. DInSAR or Differential SAR Interferometry is an active remote sensing technique based on the principle that, due to the very high stability of the satellite orbits, it is possible to exploit the informative contribution carried by the phase difference between two SAR images looking at the same scene from comparable geometries.

AIM. In this setting, the main objective of this study is to evaluate the region near the closed rock salt mine in the south of Albania. Our input for this exercise will be two images of the land near the former rock salt mine in Dhrovjan near the Blue Eye (Saranda, Albania).

RESULTS. By combining the phases of 2 images we produce an interferogram where the phase is correlated to the terrain topography and deformation so if the phase shifts related to the topography are removed from the interferogram, the difference between the resulting products will show surface deformation patterns or cure between the two acquisition dates and this methodology is called differential interferometry Processing, Phase Unwrapping, and at the end creating the displacement map. We use in our study the difference in time with the algorithm which consists of working step by step with these operators: Read the two split products, Applying Orbit files, Back-Geocoding, Enhanced Spectral Diversity, Interferogram, TOPSAR Deburst, and Write. The resulting difference of phases is called an interferogram containing all the information on relative geometry. Removing the topographic and orbital contributions may reveal ground movements along the line of sight between the radar and the target.

The next algorithm we worked with these operators: Read the debursted interferogram, TopoPhaseRemoval, Multilook, Goldstain Filtering, and Write. At the same time from Goldstain Filtering, we add the Snaphu Export operator.

Correct phase unwrapping procedures must be performed to retrieve the absolute phase value by adding multiples of 2π phase values to each pixel to extract accurate information from the signal. In this study, we will use SNAPHU, which is a two-dimensional phase unwrapping algorithm consists of working step by step with these operators: read (the wrapped image) and read (2) the unwrapped image, Snaphu Import, PhaseToDisplacement, and Write. We can display it in Google Earth after saving it as .kmz and also make a profile of the displacements.


One of the SAR Interferometry applications is deformation mapping and change detection. This work demonstrates the capability of interferometric processing for the observation and analysis of instant relative surface deformations in the radar LOS direction. When two observations are made from the same location in space but at different times, the interferometric phase is proportional to any change in the range of a surface feature directly. All three stages of the work are important and require accurate interpretation knowledge, especially when working with the Snaphu program.


InSAR, DInSAR, Interferogram

How to cite: Belba, P.: The use of InSAR and DInSAR for detecting land subsidence in Albania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11808, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11808, 2025.

EGU25-12947 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS20

Topological fingerprinting of dynamical systems 

Gisela Daniela Charó, Davide Faranda, Michael Ghil, and Denisse Sciamarella

Poincaré established a framework for understanding the dependence of a dynamical system's properties on its topology. Topological properties offer detailed insights into the fundamental mechanisms — stretching, squeezing, tearing, folding, and twisting — that govern the shaping of a dynamical system's flow in state space. These mechanisms serve as a conduit between the system's dynamics and its topology [Ghil & Sciamarella, NPG, 2023]. A topological analysis based on the templex approach [Charó et al., Chaos, 2022] involves finding a topological representation of the underlying structure of the flow by the construction of a cell complex that approximates its branched manifold and a directed graph on this complex. A pivotal feature of the cell complex that facilitates the characterization of the flow dynamics is the joining locus, upon which all the fundamental mechanisms that sculpt the flow leave a pronounced signature.

The local dimension d(x) and the inverse persistence θ(x) of the state x of a dynamical system [Lucarini et al., 2016; Faranda et al., Sci. Rep., 2017] provide information on the rarity and predictability of specific states, respectively. We demonstrate herein that these two measures, d and θ  also provide information about the localization of the joining locus.

The present work proposes a new topological method for fingerprinting a system’s nonlinear behavior using the concept of persistent generatexes. This novel approach integrates the strengths of two topological data analysis methods: the templex and persistent homologies. Rather than employing a single cell complex and a digraph to characterize the flow of the system, our approach emphasizes the localization of the joining locus through the calculation of local dimension and the inverse persistence, leading to the construction of a family of nested digraphs. The dynamical paths, namely the nonequivalent ways of travelling through the flow, are found to be the most persistent cycles; here the concept of persistence is used in the sense of the persistent homology approach [Edelsbrunner & Harer, Contemporary mathematics, 2008]. The dynamical paths give us the ‘topological fingerprinting’ of a system’s dynamics.

How to cite: Charó, G. D., Faranda, D., Ghil, M., and Sciamarella, D.: Topological fingerprinting of dynamical systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12947, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12947, 2025.

The Er-Rich region is a focal area for understanding the geological evolution of the central-eastern High Atlas, which it covers almost entirely along a north-south transverse line. It is a hinge region between the two major tectonic structures of the High Atlas (the North and South Atlas faults), which reveal a framework of Meso-Cenozoic carbonate, detrital and magmatic rocks.

Previous studies have highlighted the complexity of mapping in this area. To date, no detailed geological map has been produced for this study area, with the exception of the old provisional 1:200,000 map of the Midelt-Rich High Atlas. Remotely-sensed mapping initiatives have also been carried out in the region, except that they do not provide a final interpretation as a geological map, supported by geological maps covering neighboring regions. A detailed geological map of the Er-Rich region, based on the results of remote sensing and field data, is therefore needed in the area. For this purpose, remote sensing geological mapping techniques have been applied to two types of satellite data: 1) Landsat 8 OLI (Optical Land Imager) multispectral optical data, and the Spot 5 panchromatic band acquired by the HRG-2 (High Geometric Resolution) instrument; 2) Sentinel-1 SAR data with dual polarisation (HV-HH).

All the data underwent several pre-processing or correction stages using appropriate software, in particular radiometric and atmospheric correction for Landsat 8 OLI (Optical Land Imager) images using ENVI software. The corrected product of the three Landsat 8 OLI scenes covering the region were then spatially enhanced using the Spot 5 panchromatic band to produce a multispectral image with a high spatial resolution of 5 m using ENVI software. The Sentinel-1 radar data were pre-processed using SNAP toolbox software by applying a series of corrections.

The results obtained by applying the Optimum Index Factor (OIF) method and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), allowing us to select the most significant colored compositions. Moreover, this combination enabled us to delineate with great precision the large outcrops of carbonate rocks (limestones, marl), siliciclastic rocks (conglomerates, sandstones and silts) and magmatic rocks (igneous intrusions).

The lineaments were extracted manually by visual interpretation of Sentinel-1 radar images, after applying directional filtering folowing four general orientations (N0, N45, N90, N135), enabling us to generate a synthetic structural map of the region.

The results obtained were compared with data from geological maps of adjacent areas and approved by field observations, leading to the production of a high-precision geological map, compiled with pre-existing geological literature.

How to cite: Hdoufane, M., Zafaty, O., and Ettaki, M.: Integrated remote sensing data and field investigations for geological mapping and structural analysis in the Er-Rich area (High Atlas, Morocco), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13782, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13782, 2025.

EGU25-15569 | Posters virtual | VPS20

Uniform Data Access Layer: Advancing Data FAIRness in FAIR-EASE 

Jorge Mendes and Marc Portier

The Uniform Data Access Layer (UDAL), a central component within the FAIR-EASE project, is designed to revolutionize how researchers access, integrate, and utilize diverse scientific datasets. FAIR-EASE prioritizes FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles to ensure that data becomes a powerful enabler of scientific discovery and informed decision-making. 

The UDAL concept brings a modular and re-usable approach to choosing and using data in data processing workflows. It materializes as a software package that users can use in their pipelines. UDAL serves as a middleware layer, offering a standardized, user-centric framework for data access. By bridging the gap between complex infrastructures and researchers, UDAL simplifies data retrieval, integration, and usage. This solution decouples data usage from technical complexities, ensuring that researchers can focus on analysis without needing detailed knowledge of access protocols or data formats. Its adaptability to a wide range of technologies and protocols enables interoperability across disciplines and geographic regions. UDAL's innovative approach has been validated with data providers such as Argo and Blue-Cloud and various technology stacks and formats like NetCDF, Beacon, SPARQL endpoint, HTTP REST API, demonstrating its capacity to unify diverse datasets into a single, intuitive system. 

A key feature of UDAL is its "named query" mechanism, which standardizes and reuses specific data requests. This enhances reproducibility, shields users from the intricacies of data filtering and retrieval, and promotes efficiency. Additionally, UDAL’s technology-agnostic approach accommodates centralized and distributed data architectures, supporting innovation in data management and usage strategies. 

By addressing critical challenges in data management—such as technical barriers and the diversity of data sources—UDAL aligns with the broader goals of FAIR-EASE. It empowers both researchers and data providers, fostering cross-domain collaboration and innovation. Beyond its technical contributions, UDAL embodies a vision of “data as a commodity,” promoting the sustainability and accessibility necessary for open science. While it does not directly address equitable benefit distribution, its transparent usage measurement capabilities lay a foundation for future policy and governance frameworks. 

In conclusion, UDAL represents a transformative advance in data-driven research, harmonizing access across disciplines and platforms while accelerating discovery and fostering innovation. As a cornerstone of FAIR-EASE, UDAL is set to establish new standards for simplicity, usability, and sustainability in scientific data management. 

How to cite: Mendes, J. and Portier, M.: Uniform Data Access Layer: Advancing Data FAIRness in FAIR-EASE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15569, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15569, 2025.

EGU25-16203 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS20

Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Urban Evapotranspiration in Paris: A Multiscale Perspective 

Sitian Zhu, Auguste Gires, Daniel Schertzer, Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia, and Cedo Maksimovic

The impacts of global change, such as extreme heat and water scarcity, are increasingly threatening urban populations. Evapotranspiration (ET) plays a vital role in mitigating urban heat islands and reducing the effects of heat waves. It also serves as a proxy for vegetation water use, making it a critical tool for designing resilient green cities. Despite its importance, high-resolution mapping of urban ET that captures both spatial and temporal dynamics remains limited. This study focuses on the Paris metropolitan area, analyzing ET variability across multiple spatial scales (from 10 m to 10 km) using Sentinel-2 data from the Copernicus system. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is calculated with observation scale of 10 m, and then used as a proxy for ET. Universal Multifractal analysis, which have been widely used to characterize and model geophysical fields extremely variable across wide range of space-time scales, are implemented on this new data set. This framework is parsimonious since it basically relies on three parameters only: the mean intermittency codimension C1, the multifractality index a and the non-conservation parameter H.  Specifically, the multifractality index α (1.3–1.5) and the mean intermittency codimension C1 (~0.02) were derived to quantify the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of ET. The analysis, spanning 2019–2023, revealed noticeable temporal and spatial variability in ET. The study focuses on a square region of approximately 60 km × 60 km within the area around Paris. This region was further divided into multiple portions of size ranging from 2 to 10 km to assess potential variability over the studied areas. By incorporating both yearly and monthly data, the analysis captured seasonal trends as well as interannual variability, with higher variability observed during the summer months, driven by increased vegetation activity and water demand. Spatially, yearly data was analyzed and ET variability was most pronounced in densely populated areas, such as central Paris, where anthropogenic influences dominate. In contrast, forested areas and urban parks demonstrated significantly more stable ET patterns, underscoring the moderating effect of vegetation cover. These findings highlight the critical role of urban greening in mitigating extreme variability and stress on urban ecosystems.

How to cite: Zhu, S., Gires, A., Schertzer, D., Tchiguirinskaia, I., and Maksimovic, C.: Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Urban Evapotranspiration in Paris: A Multiscale Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16203, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16203, 2025.

EGU25-17156 | Posters virtual | VPS20

Leveraging EO for Security and Resilience 

Michela Corvino and the Michela Corvino

The ESA Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes has been actively leveraging satellite-based environmental information to address fragility contexts, focusing on areas such as environmental crimes, crimes against humanity, cross-border crimes, and onset of crises. Over the past decade, ESA has explored digital intelligence crime analysis by employing advanced data mining and machine learning tools to uncover hidden patterns and relationships in historical crime datasets, enabling better detection, prediction, and prevention of criminal activities.

Despite these advancements, the integration of Earth Observation (EO) capabilities into investigative practices remains limited. This is due to several challenges, including low awareness of EO's potential, a lack of illustrative use cases showcasing its benefits, inconsistencies in satellite data collection compared to investigative needs, high costs of very high-resolution imagery, and restricted access to national intelligence sources. To overcome these barriers, ESA has been investigating strategies to systematically incorporate EO-derived information into investigative frameworks also as legal evidence, aiming to enhance situational awareness and support stakeholders in developing procedures to exploit EO and OSINT for addressing international crimes and assessing fragility contexts, in cooperation with international organizations including Interpol, UNODC and ICC.

Recent developments in EO technology and methodologies have created significant opportunities for more impactful applications. ESA has focused on tailoring EO-based services and OSINT to meet the case-sensitive requirements of security and development end-users, enabling better integration of EO-derived insights into intelligence models. These efforts include developing advanced EO information products that go beyond routine offerings, testing and evaluating these products in collaboration with end-users, and demonstrating their value in operational settings.

The GDA Fragility, Conflict, and Security initiative has been a cornerstone of ESA’s work, involving partnerships with International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to co-design tools that provide precise and timely information. These tools have supported initiatives aimed at reducing inequalities, promoting economic development, and enhancing environmental safety in fragile and conflict or post conflict-affected areas. By combining geospatial data with diverse data sources, ESA has delivered customized analyses and reports to improve emerging threats analysis and decision-making processes.

Several ESA initiatives have demonstrated the benefits of EO services for assessing fragility risk exposure, characterizing dynamic needs in fragile contexts, planning post-conflict reconstruction, and managing natural resources. ESA constantly engages with stakeholders, including the OECD, security organizations, and humanitarian actors, and its community of industries and research centres to promote the adoption of EO in international development, humanitarian aid, and peacebuilding. Through these efforts, ESA continues to advance the role of EO in supporting justice, accountability, and sustainable recovery in fragile settings.

How to cite: Corvino, M. and the Michela Corvino: Leveraging EO for Security and Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17156, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17156, 2025.

EGU25-17965 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS20

Lagrangian Evolution of the Trapping Capacity of Mesoscale Eddies in the Canary Eddy Corridor: A Numerical Modeling Approach 

Daniel Vacca, Borja Aguiar-González, and Tammy Morris

The Canary Eddy Corridor is a dynamic region of mesoscale eddy activity, playing a critical role in the transport of physical properties (heat and salt) and biogeochemical properties (nutrients, larvae, plankton) in the eastern North Atlantic. This study investigates the Lagrangian evolution of the trapping capacity of mesoscale eddies according to their lifecycle phases and vertical structure (surface vs. subsurface eddies).

We combine OceanParcels (an open-source Python toolbox) and an eddy identification and tracking algorithm with the GLORYS12V1 reanalysis product and altimetry data from AVISO to simulate particle release and track trajectories within eddies. Applying the eddy tracking algorithm at surface and subsurface levels in GLORYS12V1 reveals that subsurface eddies with a surface signal exhibit subsurface rotational velocities at the eddy core that occasionally exceed those of surface eddy cores. This highlights the potential misrepresentation of eddy transport capacity when relying solely on altimetry data, without accounting for the vertical structure, which can be better resolved through a combination of model outputs and observational data, such as non-standard Argo float configurations. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the eddy lifecycle phases shows that mature eddies exhibit substantially greater trapping depths compared to their growth and decay stages. These findings align with earlier modeling analyses of dipoles originating south of Madagascar, which also highlight enhanced trapping depths in mature eddies.

The results provide a comprehensive view of the trapping capacity of mesoscale eddies throughout their lifecycle and vertical structure, emphasizing their critical role in biophysical coupling, ecological connectivity, and the transport of biogeochemical properties, as well as microplastics and other pollutants.


Acknowledgments: The first author is grateful for the internship grants ERASMUS +, AMI-MESRI, and TIGER. 

How to cite: Vacca, D., Aguiar-González, B., and Morris, T.: Lagrangian Evolution of the Trapping Capacity of Mesoscale Eddies in the Canary Eddy Corridor: A Numerical Modeling Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17965, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17965, 2025.

EGU25-18606 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS20

Deep Learning based Paddy Land Abandonment Detection Using Multitemporal Polarimetric SAR Patterns 

Shivam Kasture, Aishwarya Hegde A, and Pruthviraj Umesh

The abandonment of agricultural land in India, especially paddy fields, has emerged as a significant challenge for food security and ecosystem sustainability in the country. Although rice production is vital for national food security, research on paddy land abandonment in India remains limited. Some Indian states have reported an alarming decline in paddy cultivation area over the past two decades. The study employs the Udupi district of Karnataka, India, a high-rainfall coastal region where paddy has traditionally been the dominant crop and where paddy land abandonment has been observed, as the study area. This study addresses crucial research gaps by framing these objectives for the study: (1) developing a deep learning framework that utilizes both intensity and phase information from polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data for abandoned paddy land detection, (2) leveraging recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to capture temporal patterns in abandonment, and (3) demonstrating an automated, all-weather monitoring approach that overcomes the limitations of traditional optical remote sensing in tropical regions.

Conventional monitoring approaches struggle with persistent cloud cover in tropical regions which limits effective assessment of abandonment patterns. SAR data provides unique capabilities for continuous monitoring under all weather conditions, making it particularly well-suited for tropical regions. However, previous studies have primarily underutilized SAR's potential by concentrating solely on backscattering intensity from ground range detected (GRD) products, overlooking the valuable phase information that could offer deeper insights into land use changes.  In this study, we employ Sentinel-1 Single Look Complex (SLC) data, which offers both intensity and phase information. Considering the temporal nature of paddy land abandonment, we developed a deep learning framework utilizing RNNs viz. LSTM, BiLSTM and BiGRU to effectively capture time-series patterns in the data. This framework analyzes backscattering coefficients (VV and VH polarizations) and polarimetric parameters (entropy, anisotropy and alpha angle) derived from SLC data collected during the Kharif seasons from 2017 to 2024. We carried out extensive ground truth data collection of active and abandoned paddy lands to train and validate our models. The backscattering coefficients were processed through orbit correction, radiometric calibration, TOPSAR deburst, multi-looking, speckle filtering and terrain correction. For deriving the polarimetric parameters, after basic preprocessing steps, the covariance matrix was generated followed by the polarimetric decomposition of the phase-preserved data. Results indicate that our RNN models show promising performance in detecting temporal patterns of paddy land abandonment. The method exhibits a robust ability to produce reliable abandoned land maps in regions prone to cloudy and rainy conditions. Future research should explore polarimetric features across various vegetation types in abandoned lands, expand the methodology to other agricultural systems, and examine the impact of socio-economic and topographical factors on abandonment patterns to support evidence-based land management policies.

How to cite: Kasture, S., Hegde A, A., and Umesh, P.: Deep Learning based Paddy Land Abandonment Detection Using Multitemporal Polarimetric SAR Patterns, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18606, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18606, 2025.

EGU25-19070 | Posters virtual | VPS20

Rainfall Dynamics in Wind Energy Scenarios 

Martin Obligado and Auguste Gires

The presence of rain in wind farms involves several modeling challenges, as the momentum exchanges between turbulent wakes and the particle phase present subtle phenomena. For instance, rain droplets are typically large enough to exhibit inertia relative to the air carrier phase. Under these conditions, it has been found that the gravitational settling of particles in turbulent flows may be either enhanced or hindered compared to stagnant conditions. While this has significant implications for rainfall transport, ash pollutants, and pollen dispersion, very few studies have been conducted in field conditions. Moreover, the scaling laws and non-dimensional parameters governing this phenomenon have not yet been properly identified, and determining which configurations result in the enhancement or hindrance of settling velocity remains an open question.

We propose a hybrid experimental/numerical approach. Field data from a meteorological mast located at a wind farm in Pays d’Othe, 110 km South-East of Paris, France, were used to characterize the background turbulent flow through a set of sonic anemometers. Additionally, disdrometers were employed to characterize the settling velocity of raindrops, discriminating by particle size. Numerical simulations complement this data analysis. Specifically, 3D space and time vector fields that realistically reproduce the observed spatial and temporal variability of wind fields are generated using multifractal tools. Then, 3D trajectories of non-spherical particles are simulated and their settling velocity derived.

Our findings indicate that the presence of turbulence significantly hinders the settling velocity of raindrops in turbulent environments. Our study covers several distinct rainfall events, allowing us to analyze the influence of turbulent flow properties on this phenomenon.

How to cite: Obligado, M. and Gires, A.: Rainfall Dynamics in Wind Energy Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19070, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19070, 2025.

EGU25-19225 | Posters virtual | VPS20

Customizing Trends.Earth for land degradation assessment in the earth critical zone: a FAIR-EASE approach 

Italia Elisa Mauriello, Giuliano Langella, Fabio Terribile, and Marco Miralto

Land degradation is a critical challenge to sustainable development, impacting ecosystems, economies, and communities globally. As part of the FAIR-EASE Earth Critical Zone (ECZ) pilot, this study develops a tailored Land Degradation Assessment tool based on the Trends.Earth approach. The tool aims to enhance data accessibility, integration, and usability across environmental domains, supporting decision-making and policy frameworks aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Building upon the robust Trends.Earth implementation, we can integrate customized workflows and datasets to reflect regional variability in degradation indicators, including vegetation productivity, soil health, and land cover changes. Our approach prioritizes FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles to ensure broad usability and collaboration across scientific and policy communities.
Preliminary results demonstrate the tool's capacity to enhace the detail of the analysis and to identify degradation hotspots. Furthermore, the integration of open-source geospatial tools and standards supports a scalable framework applicable to diverse environmental contexts.
The tool is designed to be embedded within the LandSupport platform, a geospatial decision support system, further enhancing its accessibility and integration into decision-making processes for land management.
This work contributes to advancing interdomain digital services and illustrates the potential of FAIR principles in addressing complex environmental challenges. We invite feedback from the community to refine, expand and customise the tool's application, fostering collaboration for sustainable land management.

How to cite: Mauriello, I. E., Langella, G., Terribile, F., and Miralto, M.: Customizing Trends.Earth for land degradation assessment in the earth critical zone: a FAIR-EASE approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19225, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19225, 2025.

EGU25-20653 * | Posters virtual | VPS20 | Highlight

The turbulence of solids: a multifractal plate tectonic model with Guttenberg-Richter plate “quakes”  

Shaun Lovejoy, Andrej Spiridonov, and Lauras Balakauskas

Over thirty years ago, Y. Kagan speculated that seismicity could fruitfully be considered as “the turbulence of solids”.  Indeed, fluid turbulence and seismicity have many common features: they are both highly nonlinear with huge numbers of degrees of freedom.  Beyond that, Kagan recognized that they are both riddled with scaling laws in space and in time as well as displaying power law extreme variability and – we could add – multifractal statistics.

Kagan was referring to seismicity as usually conceived, as a sudden rupture process  occurring over very short time periods.  We argue that even at one million year time scales, that the movement of tectonic plates is “quake-like” and is quantitatively close to seismicity, in spite of being caused by relatively smooth mantle convection. 

To demonstrate this, we develop a multifractal model grounded in convection theory and the analysis of the GPlates data-base of 1000 point trajectories over the last 200 Myrs.  We analyzed the statistics of the dynamically important vector velocity differences where Dr is the great circle distance between two points and Dt is the corresponding time lag.  The longitudinal and transverse velocity components were analysed separately.  The longitudinal scaling of the mean longitudinal difference follows the scaling law <Δv(Δr)> ≈ ΔrH with empirical H close to the mantle convection theory value  H = 1.  This high value implies that  mean fluctuations vary smoothly with distance.  Yet at the same time,  the intermittency exponent C1 is extremely high (C1 ≈ 0.55) implying that from time to time there are enormous “jumps” in velocity: “Plate quakes”.  For comparison, laminar (nonturbulent) flow has H = 1 but is not intermittent (C1 = 0), whereas fully developed isotropic fluid turbulence has the (less smooth) value H = 1/3 (Kolmolgorov) but with non-negligible intermittency C1 ≈ 0.07 and seismicity has very large C1 ≈ 1.3.  Our study thus quantitatively shows how smooth fluid-like behaviour for the longitudinal velocity component can co-exist with highly intermittent quake-like behaviour.

Whereas the longitudinal component is well modelled by (highly intermittent) convection, the transverse velocity is well modelled by Brownian motion.  In the temporal domain both components (including their strong correlations) display such diffusion behaviour (i.e. with classical exponent H = ½), but are highly intermittent (C1time = C1space/2 ≈ 0.27).  Finally, the extreme velocity differences (that appear as occasional spikes in the velocities) have power law probability tails; the “Guttenberg-Richter” exponents in the seismology literature.

The advection - diffusion model is based on an underlying multifractal space-time cascade process.  Using mantle convection theory, we show how the driving multifractal flux (ψ) is related to vertical heat fluxes, expansion coefficients, densities, viscosities and specific heats. Taking typical values predict driving fluxes very close to the observed mean <ψ> ≈ 1/(400 Myrs).  Trace moment analysis shows that the outer space-time scales of the cascade process are ≈17000 km in space and ≈ 50Myrs in time.   Whereas the former corresponds to half the Earth’s circumference, the latter is the typical time required for a plate to randomly “walk” the same distance.

How to cite: Lovejoy, S., Spiridonov, A., and Balakauskas, L.: The turbulence of solids: a multifractal plate tectonic model with Guttenberg-Richter plate “quakes” , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20653, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20653, 2025.

The tectonic framework of Bhutan Himalaya documents significant along-strike variability in crustal structure and deformation. To visualize this spatial and depth variability, we compile an extensive dataset of surface-wave phase velocities derived from seismic ambient noise and teleseismic earthquakes recorded by the temporary GANSSER network (2013-2014) in Bhutan, aiming to produce Rayleigh phase-velocity maps over the period range of 4 to 50 seconds. We translate the phase-velocity maps into a 3-D shear-wave velocity model stretching from the surface to a depth of 42 kilometres. The employed methodologies enable imaging of the upper to mid-crustal and lower crustal velocity anomalies with a lateral resolution of approximately 25 km. The obtained tomographic model fills a void in the prior established shear-wave velocity structure of Bhutan, encompassing depths from upper-crustal to lowermost crust. Our findings indicate notable mid-crustal to lower-crustal high phase velocity anomalies in central Bhutan (around 90.5). The presence of this significant anomaly within the mid- to lower crustal layer may indicate localized stress accumulation along the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT) resulting from the interaction of the dipping and sub-horizontal Moho. This area might act as a stress concentration zone, resulting in increased deformation and enhanced shear-wave velocity in the crust. Minor fluctuations in velocity across latitude may result from variations in the local geometry of MHT (dip or ramp-flat transition). Localised high shear velocity in western Bhutan may indicate a zone of crustal thickening. Northeastern Bhutan exhibits modest shear velocity, possibly because of a flat Moho and the partial creeping behaviour of the MHT.


How to cite: Kumar, G. and Tiwari, A. K.: Multiscale Surface Wave Tomography of the Bhutan Himalayas using Ambient Seismic Noise and Teleseismic Earthquake Data , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1021, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1021, 2025.

EGU25-1178 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

3-D Crustal Shear Wave Velocity Tomography Using Seismic Ambient Noise Data in Southeast Tibet, Close to Namcha Barwa Mountain 

Aven Mandi, Gaurav Kumar, Nitarani Bishoyi, and Ashwani Kant Tiwari

Southeastern Tibet, a segment of the eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, is a significantly deformed area resulting from multistage subduction and the ongoing collision of the Indian and Asian tectonic plates. The region has a clockwise material movement around the indenting corner of the Indian plate, evident on the surface as strike-slip faults aligned with the Himalayan Arc. Numerous scientific studies have focused on the east-west extension and tectonic history of southeastern Tibet; however, the scientific enquiries regarding the depth constraints of the crustal flow process—specifically, whether it is confined to the middle crust or extends to the lower crust beneath southeastern Tibet—remain unresolved. This study employs ambient noise tomography to  examine a 3-D high-resolution crustal velocity model for the region, which is crucial for unravelling the mechanisms that regulate crustal deformation and evolution in active orogenic systems. To do this, we examined ambient noise data from 48 seismic stations of the XE network, operational from 2003 to 2004. We obtained Rayleigh wave phase velocities ranging from 4 to 60 seconds and subsequently inverted them to develop a 3-D shear wave velocity model of the region extending to depths of 50 km. Our results reveal persistent low shear wave velocity zones at depths of 15–25 km (within the mid-crust), notably observed between the Indus Tsangpo suture and the Bangong-Nujiang Suture. We contend that the detected low-velocity zones are only linked to mid-crustal channel flow, a mechanism presumably essential for comprehending crustal deformation. Our findings provide significant constraints on the depth localisation of crustal channel flow and the interaction of tectonic forces in southern Tibet, enhancing the overall comprehension of Eastern Syntaxial tectonics.

How to cite: Mandi, A., Kumar, G., Bishoyi, N., and Tiwari, A. K.: 3-D Crustal Shear Wave Velocity Tomography Using Seismic Ambient Noise Data in Southeast Tibet, Close to Namcha Barwa Mountain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1178, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1178, 2025.

With the continuous development of deep learning technologies, fault prediction techniques based on various neural networks have been evolving. The deep learning modules based on U-Net residual networks have shown significant advantages in both learning efficiency and effectiveness. In this paper, we propose a deep learning model that integrates a 3D U-Net residual architecture, Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM), and Multi-scale Enhanced Global Attention (MEGA) module for automatic seismic fault detection and segmentation. This model can effectively handle complex 3D seismic data, fully exploiting both spatial and channel information, significantly improving the prediction accuracy for small faults, while only slightly increasing the computational cost.

Firstly, the model uses the 3D U-Net as the backbone framework, where the residual blocks (BasicRes) extract features through multiple convolution layers. The CBAM module is incorporated to apply attention weighting, enhancing the model's ability to focus on critical information. The CBAM module combines channel attention and spatial attention, effectively adjusting the importance of feature maps from different dimensions, enabling the model to identify potential fault features in complex seismic data.

Secondly, the MEGA module is introduced into the model, which further improves the model's feature representation ability by fusing multi-scale features and applying a global attention mechanism. By weighting global information, the MEGA module helps the model better capture key seismic fault features during feature fusion. This design allows the model to focus not only on local details but also to fully utilize the global contextual information in 3D data, thereby enhancing the accuracy of fault detection.

After validation, the model achieved promising results in seismic fault detection tasks, automatically identifying and segmenting fault structures in seismic data. The accuracy was improved from 80% with the original 3D U-Net residual network to 85%-87%. This provides strong support for applications such as seismic exploration and subsurface imaging.

Keywords: Seismic Fault Detection, 3D U-Net, Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM), Multi-scale Enhanced Global Attention (MEGA), Deep Learning

How to cite: wang, Y.: Application of Optimized 3D U-Net Residual Network with CBAM and MEGA Modules in Seismic Fault Detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1772, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1772, 2025.

This article mainly studies the characteristics of the earthquake sequence and the post - earthquake trend of the Ms6.4 earthquake in Yangbi, Yunnan,China on May 21, 2021. The research area is located in Yangbi Yi Autonomous County in the western part of Yunnan Province. The earthquake caused severe disasters such as housing destruction, traffic interruption, water conservancy facilities damage and power supply interruption. Through the analysis of the basic parameters of the earthquake, the tectonic stress environment and the seismogenic structure, it is determined that the earthquake is a right - lateral strike - slip rupture, with a focal depth of 8 kilometers, consistent with the direction of the Weixi - Qiaohou and Honghe fault zones. The earthquake sequence type is determined as the main shock - aftershock type (including the foreshock - main shock - aftershock type). Spatially, the source rupture expands unilaterally from the northwest to the southeast, mostly occurring in the upper crust high - speed zone or the high - low speed transition zone. Based on the G - R relationship and other analyses, the earthquake activity cycle in this area has active and quiet periods, and there are certain abnormal change laws before strong aftershocks, such as strain accumulation, calmness or enhancement of earthquakes above magnitude 3.5, and abnormal frequency of earthquakes above magnitude 2. The conclusion is that the earthquake sequence is normal, and the post - earthquake trend shows the characteristics of long - term calmness - breaking calmness - becoming calm again - signal earthquake (main shock). In the next few years, the strain accumulation may reach the peak and release. It is predicted that there may be a larger earthquake accompanied by strong aftershocks in 2025, or enter an active period with a strong aftershock magnitude exceeding 5.9 and lasting for more than half a year. Finally, the earthquake prevention and disaster reduction countermeasures are proposed.

How to cite: Wu, B.: The determination of the seismic sequence characteristics and post - earthquake trend of the Ms6.4 earthquake in Yangbi, Yunnan, China on May 21, 2021, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2519, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2519, 2025.

EGU25-2973 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Post stack inversion of seismic data based on Semi-supervised learning 

chunli zou, junhua zhang, binbin tang, and zheng huang

Seismic inversion in geophysics is a method that uses certain prior information, such as known geological laws and well logging and drilling data, to infer the physical parameters of underground media, such as wave impedance, velocity, and density, from seismic observation data, and thereby obtain the spatial structure and physical properties of underground strata. Seismic inversion is a highly complex problem with multiple solutions, and with the advancement of collection equipment, the volume of geophysical observation data is increasing at an astonishing rate. This presents new challenges for the accuracy and speed of seismic data inversion methods. There is an urgent need to develop intelligent and efficient inversion technologies for seismic inversion.

Deep learning networks have powerful nonlinear fitting capabilities and can be used to solve complex nonlinear problems, such as seismic inversion. However, the predictive ability of deep learning networks largely depends on the quantity of training data. In the early stages of oil and gas exploration and development, the amount of well logging label data available for training is very limited, which poses a challenge for the application of deep learning in seismic inversion. Semi-supervised learning seismic inversion methods consider both data mismatch issues and well logging data mismatch issues, and can better adapt to inversion problems in real-world scenarios. Unlike supervised learning approaches, semi-supervised learning does not require a large amount of labeled data, thus it can better handle situations of data scarcity or mismatch.

This paper utilizes a semi-supervised learning workflow to perform inversion on post-stack seismic data and has conducted experimental validation on the Marmousi 2 model. The experimental results show that, compared to supervised learning networks, the semi-supervised learning network still exhibits good predictive performance with a limited amount of data, demonstrating better stability in the presence of noise and geological variations, and effectively learns the mapping relationship between seismic data and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, as the amount of training data increases, the performance of the network also improves, confirming the importance of data quantity for training deep learning networks. The application results of the network on actual data indicate that the network has broad application prospects and feasibility. However, since the network is based on a channel-by-channel inversion method, there is still a lack of representation in terms of lateral continuity, which requires further exploration and improvement in subsequent research.

How to cite: zou, C., zhang, J., tang, B., and huang, Z.: Post stack inversion of seismic data based on Semi-supervised learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2973, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2973, 2025.

Seismic attribute analysis technology has been widely used in the prediction of fluvial reservoir sand body, but the traditional seismic attribute fusion technology based on linear model has low prediction accuracy and limited application range. This study focused on the non-linear fitting between seismic attributes and reservoir thickness, and used a variety of machine learning technologies to predict the fluvidal reservoir in Chengdao area of Dongying Sag (China).The channel sand body in Chengdao area is deep buried, thin in thickness, fast in velocity and affected by gray matter, so it is difficult to predict, which greatly restricts the oil and gas exploration in this area. In this study, on the basis of fine well earthquake calibration, several seismic attributes such as amplitude, frequency, phase, waveform and correlation are extracted and correlation analysis is done to remove redundant attributes. Then model training and parameter set optimization are carried out, thickness prediction is carried out with verification set, and vertical resolution is improved by logging reconstruction and waveform indication inversion. The results show that compared with the conventional support vector machine and back propagation neural network, the prediction accuracy of echo state network optimized by Sparrow algorithm is greatly improved. Based on the comprehensive prediction method of fluvial reservoir, three large channels developed in the lower part of Chengdao area and several small channels developed in the upper part of Chengdao area are effectively described. The research method can be used for reference to the similar complicated river facies prediction.

How to cite: Huang, Z. and Zhang, J.: Study and Case Application of Fluvial Reservoir Prediction Based on the Fusion of Seismic Attribute Analysis and Machine Learning Technologies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3391, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3391, 2025.

EGU25-3782 | Posters on site | SM8.1

Influence of paleochannels on liquefaction effects in the cities of Chone and Portoviejo (Ecuador) following the strong Pedernales earthquake in 2016 

José Luis Pastor, Eduardo Ortiz-Hernández, Theofilos Toulkeridis, and Kervin Chunga

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 7.8 and a nearby epicenter in the city of Pedernales, Ecuador, occurred on April 16, 2016. This seismic event severely affected several cities in Ecuador, including Chone and Portoviejo, both in the Manabí province, located some 85 km and 150 km away from the hypocenter, respectively. In Chone, a total of 662 homes were damaged, while 2,678 collapsed dwellings were registered in Portoviejo, where 137 fatalities were reported. These, like most cities in the Manabí province, were built in narrow valleys over colluvial and alluvial soils.  The thickness of these sediments in contact with the rock is between 40 and 70 meters, which corresponds to both ancient and contemporary alluvial plains that are supported by alluvial-colluvial and alluvial valley-fill deposits. After the 2016 interplate subduction earthquake, the main co-seismic geological effects were reported for constructions built on these soils. Landslides were primarily documented in the colluvial soils, while soil liquefaction effects were reported in soft and loose soils. In this research, the influence of the presence of paleochannels in both cities, Chone and Portoviejo, on the liquefaction effects reported during the seismic event is analyzed.

The Chone River flows through Chone city from east to west, while its western part was modified after 1975, leaving an abandoned meander where the river channel was between 7 and 22 meters wide. The soil profile in this area demonstrates a low percentage of fines, ranging from 15 to 52%, with a relative density of about 50%, making it susceptible to liquefaction. After the 2016 earthquake, evidence of liquefaction effects was concentrated along the old meander. The Portoviejo River, which flows through the city of Portoviejo, has changed from a pronounced meandering shape in 1911 to its current form. This change spans about 4.5 km with a low slope between 0.1 and 0.2%. The width of the river has also been reduced, from 12 to 19 meters. The analysis of the liquefaction evidence indicates that the damage was very severe, especially in the constructions along the river.

The damage inventories performed in both cities have evidenced that paleochannels exhibited several signs of soil liquefaction. The geological and geotechnical conditions of these soils, such as size distribution, shallow groundwater table and recent-age deposits, may be considered as factors potentially increasing the probability of liquefaction. Therefore, a geomorphological study of the cities can help identify areas with a higher liquefaction potential.

How to cite: Pastor, J. L., Ortiz-Hernández, E., Toulkeridis, T., and Chunga, K.: Influence of paleochannels on liquefaction effects in the cities of Chone and Portoviejo (Ecuador) following the strong Pedernales earthquake in 2016, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3782, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3782, 2025.

This paper proposes a deep learning model based on 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and a custom attention mechanism (ESSAttn) for seismic fault interpretation from 3D seismic data. The model combines the advantages of self-attention mechanisms and convolutional neural networks to enhance the ability to capture and represent features in three-dimensional seismic data. The core innovation of the model lies in the introduction of the ESSAttn layer, which applies a non-traditional normalization process to the input feature queries, keys, and values, thereby strengthening the relationships between features, especially in high-dimensional seismic data. Unlike traditional attention mechanisms, the ESSAttn layer normalizes feature vectors by squaring them and integrates features across depth, width, height, and channel dimensions, significantly improving the effectiveness of attention computation.

The model's role in seismic fault interpretation is reflected in several aspects. First, the 3D convolutional layers automatically extract spatial features from seismic data, accurately capturing the location and shape of faults. Second, the ESSAttn layer enhances critical region features and focuses attention on important areas such as fault zones, reducing the interference from background noise and significantly improving fault detection accuracy. Finally, by using a weighted binary cross-entropy loss function, the model can prioritize fault regions when handling imbalanced data, improving sensitivity to weak fault signals.

The network architecture consists of three main parts: encoding, attention enhancement, and decoding. Initially, two 3D convolutional layers and max-pooling layers are used for feature extraction and down-sampling, followed by the ESSAttn layer to enhance the extracted features. The decoding part restores spatial resolution through upsampling and convolution layers, ultimately outputting the fault prediction results. The model is trained using the Adam optimizer, with a learning rate set to 1e-4.

Experimental results show that the model performs well in seismic fault interpretation tasks, effectively extracting and enhancing fault-related features. It is particularly suitable for automatic fault identification and localization in complex geological environments. The model's automation of feature extraction and enhancement reduces manual intervention, increases analysis efficiency, and demonstrates strong adaptability to large-scale 3D seismic datasets. Furthermore, the model architecture was visualized and saved using visualization tools for easier analysis and presentation.

Keywords: 3D Convolutional Neural Networks, ESSAttn, Attention Mechanism, Fault Interpretation, Weighted Cross-Entropy, 3D Seismic Data, Deep Learning

How to cite: zhang, Y.: "Deep Learning Application for Seismic Fault Interpretation Based on 3D Convolutional Neural Networks and ESSAttn Attention Mechanism", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4961, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4961, 2025.

In Norcia, studies have been carried out to identify active and capable faults, faults for which there is evidence of repeated reactivation in the last 40,000 years and capable of breaking the topographic surface.
The studies have been carried out since 2004 and, over the years, interventions have been carried out on buildings positioned above them before the earthquakes occurred. The 2016 earthquake, which produced surface faulting phenomena, has allowed us to confirm the technical indications on land management drawn up by the Regional Geological Section and the effectiveness of the interventions carried out on the buildings. On the basis of the knowledge possible technical and regulatory actions were then identified. The intervention hypotheses that were developed (1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D) required that the designers, geologists and engineers specify the detail of the FAC trace, with respect to the footprint of the building involved, then carrying out a design with any special interventions for the reduction of geological risk, depending on the reconstruction intervention chosen.
1-In the case of availability of land by the owner, there are various possibilities of rebuilding in the same municipality or in another municipality with the relocation of the building accepted, on the owner's proposal.
2-Reconstruction in which the PZI indicates special interventions for the reduction of geological risk, which are approved by the CO and therefore do not require a variation to the urban planning tools.
Special interventions with the adoption of specific seabed techniques capable of resisting the movements of the FAC by means of slabs/double slabs and such as not to induce the breakage of the seabed works.
For the situation of Norcia and the peri-urban areas of the capital, a FAC scheme was defined by hypothesizing a normal fault with a displacement of 30 centimeters and considering, for safety reasons, a 45° inclined plane and not a pseudo-vertical one and therefore with relative horizontal displacements as well.
Interventions can be hypothesized with foundations with a slab with a joint (special intervention A) so that the structure is able to withstand the modification due to the relative movements and the size of the loads; or with foundations resting on a cantilever (special intervention B) only on the upstream side of the FAC or footwall (fault bed), since in these areas they are all normal faults; or with movement of the reconstruction bed which will be a slab (special intervention C); or other special interventions that demonstrate the substantial reduction in geological risk (special intervention D).
Reconstruction interventions with special interventions must not damage nearby buildings considering that there must in any case be a safety distance to avoid interference with nearby buildings equal to the height of the building to be rebuilt; reconstruction astride the FAC with a joint such as to allow movement and therefore the reconstructed building that must be cut to ensure that the possible movement does not damage the foundation slab and nearby buildings.

How to cite: Motti, A.: Active and capable faults (FAC) and buildings in Norcia, interventions carried out and possibile technicolor and regulatory actions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5076, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5076, 2025.

EGU25-5528 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Research on mine electrical resistivity inversion method based on Deep Learning Method 

Huricha Wang and Yunbing Hu

Coal seam floor water hazards, caused by stress changes resulting from coal mining, are a common type of mine water disaster, and their monitoring and prevention are critical for mine safety. The mine resistivity method, a geophysical exploration technique, is widely used for monitoring and detecting such water hazards due to its high sensitivity to water-bearing structures. In practical monitoring, it is necessary to rapidly and accurately invert apparent resistivity data. However, traditional linear inversion methods are prone to local optima, leading to biased results. In contrast, deep learning-based inversion methods utilize data mining to train networks, avoiding reliance on initial models and enabling fast computation of global optimal solutions.

This study constructs a multi-layer convolutional and skip-connected U-Net model to capture resistivity features at different scales. The model is trained and validated using synthetic data to evaluate its inversion accuracy and efficiency in monitoring coal seam floor water hazards. The results show that the U-Net-based inversion method can accurately identify low-resistivity anomalies associated with water hazards in the coal seam floor and quickly achieve the global optimal solution.

The method is further applied to the inversion of resistivity models with complex boundaries to simulate the impact of stress changes caused by coal mining on the formation of floor water hazards. The results demonstrate that this method is several times faster than traditional linear inversion methods, while maintaining high consistency with the actual model. Therefore, this inversion method provides an efficient new tool for monitoring coal seam floor water hazards and holds great promise for advancing technologies in mine water disaster prevention and geological exploration.

How to cite: Wang, H. and Hu, Y.: Research on mine electrical resistivity inversion method based on Deep Learning Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5528, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5528, 2025.

EGU25-6545 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Earthquake Moment Tensor Inversion Using 3D Velocity Model in the Himalayas 

Sushmita Maurya, Vipul Silwal, Rinku Mahanta, and Rahul Yadav

The Himalayan region, shaped by the ongoing collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates, is one of Earth’s most seismically active and geologically complex areas. The Indian plate moves northeastward at a rate of approximately 5 cm per year, driving tectonic activity in this region. Understanding earthquake source mechanisms in this region is crucial for seismic hazard assessment and geodynamic studies. Moment tensor (MT) inversion, a widely used technique for analysing earthquake faulting mechanisms, matches synthetic waveforms to observed data by minimising the misfit. However, conventional 1D velocity models often fail to capture the region’s complex lateral heterogeneities, leading to inaccuracies in source characterisation. Synthetic waveforms, generated via Green’s functions using frequency waveform (FK) methods and 1D velocity models, are critical for MT solutions, with time shifts playing a pivotal role in achieving optimal waveform correlations.

This study employs a 3D velocity model to improve MT inversion for a Mw 3.5 earthquake on 9 January 2021 (30.76°N, 78.54°E). Green’s functions were generated using the spectral element method for six simulations. Each simulation resulted in three-component waveforms, with a total of 18 synthetics per station. Observed data from 24 broadband stations were analysed, and results were compared to those obtained using 1D models. Slight variations in strike, dip, and rake values underscore the limitations of 1D models in capturing Earth’s heterogeneities.

The study reveals that 3D velocity models significantly enhance MT solution accuracy, particularly in determining focal depths, faulting mechanisms, and seismic moment magnitudes. A probabilistic approach was also applied to quantify the uncertainty associated with MT estimates, providing confidence measures. Extending this approach, MT inversion was performed for another earthquake in the Uttarakhand Himalaya using the same 3D velocity model, further demonstrating the advantages of 3D wavefield simulations in seismically active regions.

Keywords: Himalayas, Moment Tensor, Green’s Function, Spectral element method.

How to cite: Maurya, S., Silwal, V., Mahanta, R., and Yadav, R.: Earthquake Moment Tensor Inversion Using 3D Velocity Model in the Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6545, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6545, 2025.

EGU25-8250 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Boundary integral spectral formulation for in-plane rupture propagation at non-planar bi-material interfaces 

Samarjeet Kumar and Ranjith Kunnath

The effect of heterogeneity (dissimilar materials) and geometry constituting an interface is an important problem in earthquake source mechanics. These two parameters in the fault interface are responsible for complex rupture propagation and instabilities compared to the homogeneous planar interface. Here, a boundary integral spectral method (BISM) is proposed to capture the in-plane rupture propagation in the non-planar bi-material interface. The conventional traction BISM suffers from the disadvantages of hyper singularity and regularisation is needed (Sato et al., 2020; Romanet et al., 2020; Tada and Yamashita, 1997). So, we are utilising the representation equation arising from the displacement formulation devised by Kostrov (1966). It uses the elastodynamic space-time convolution of Green’s function and traction component at the interface. These displacement boundary integral equations (BIEs) are the inverse equivalent of traction BIEs. When applied to an interface between heterogeneous planar elastic half-spaces, these displacement BIEs have yielded simple and closed-form convolution kernels (Ranjith 2015; Ranjith 2022). Displacement BIEs of this kind have not been utilised to analyse fracture simulation for non-planar bi-material interfaces until now. We assume the small slope assumption (Romanet et al., 2024) in our formulation to get the required displacement BIEs. Also, we expand the displacement BIEs of a non-planar bi-material interface to the leading order to obtain the non-planarity effects. Finally, we present a general spectral boundary integral formulation for a non-planar bi-material interface independent of specific geometry and traction distribution in a small fault slope regime.

How to cite: Kumar, S. and Kunnath, R.: Boundary integral spectral formulation for in-plane rupture propagation at non-planar bi-material interfaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8250, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8250, 2025.

EGU25-9078 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Continental Crustal Structure Beneath Northern Morocco Deduced from Teleseismic Receiver Function: Constraints into structure variation and compositional properties. 

Hafsa Zakarya, Lahcen El Moudnib, Said Badrane, Martin Zeckra, and Saadia Lharti

In this study, we used the P-wave receiver functions (PRFs) to investigate the crustal structure of northern Morocco, located at the westernmost edge of the Mediterranean, near to the boundary between the African and Eurasian tectonic plates. This region is an integral part of the complex crustal deformation and tectonic system associated with the Alpine orogeny, characterized by concurrent compressional and extensional processes. These dynamics have led to the development of various structural and tectonic models aimed at explaining the area‘s geological evolution. The significant tectonic activity, evident in frequent seismic events, and complex lithospheric deformation, makes it an ideal location for studying crustal variations, lithospheric interactions, and mineralogical contrasts.

To achieve these objectives, we utilized high-quality seismic broadband data from the TopoIberia and Picasso seismic experiments, provided by the Scientific Institute, as well as from the broadband seismic stations operated by the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST). The PRFs were extracted by decomposing teleseismic P-waves to isolate the effects of the local crustal structure. The dataset covers a wide range of regional stations, and the RFs provide detailed insights into crustal thickness, density and velocity contrasts, as well as deep discontinuities. Our preliminary results reveal significant variations in Moho depth, ranging from approximately 22.7 km in the eastern part of the region to 51.7 km in the western part. These variations correlate with changes in Vp/Vs and Poisson’s ratios, indicating mineralogical heterogeneity, with compositions spanning from mafic to felsic. These findings provide new constraints for tectonic models and enhance our understanding of the geodynamic processes involved, particularly the interactions between the crust and the upper mantle. This study not only improves our understanding of active tectonics and crustal composition in northern Morocco but also offers valuable insights for refining evolutionary models of the Western Mediterranean within its complex geodynamic context.

Keywords: Teleseismic event, P-wave, Receiver functions, Seismic Network, Vp/Vs ratio, Poisson ratio, Crustal structure, Mineralogical composition, Seismotectonics, Northern Morocco.

How to cite: Zakarya, H., El Moudnib, L., Badrane, S., Zeckra, M., and Lharti, S.: Continental Crustal Structure Beneath Northern Morocco Deduced from Teleseismic Receiver Function: Constraints into structure variation and compositional properties., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9078, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9078, 2025.

EGU25-11849 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

A complex deposit sequence from a small, southern Cascadia lake suggests a previously unrecognized subduction earthquake immediately followed a crustal earthquake in 1873 CE 

Ann E. Morey, Mark D. Shapley, Daniel G. Gavin, Chris Goldfinger, and Alan R. Nelson

Here, we disentangle a complex disturbance deposit sequence attributed to the ~M 7 1873 CE Brookings earthquake from lower Acorn Woman Lake, Oregon, USA, using sedimentological techniques, computed tomography, and micro-X-ray fluorescence. The lower portion of the sequence is derived from schist bedrock and has characteristics similar to a local landslide deposit, but is present in all cores, suggesting that it is the result of high frequency (>5 Hz) ground motions from a crustal earthquake triggered the landslide. In contrast, the upper portion of the sequence is similar to a deposit attributed to the 1700 CE Cascadia subduction earthquake (two-sigma range of 1680-1780 CE): the base has a higher concentration of light-colored, watershed-sourced silt derived from the delta front followed by a long (2-5 cm) organic tail. The soft lake sediments are more likely to amplify the sustained lower frequency accelerations (<5 Hz) of subduction earthquakes, resulting in subaquatic slope failures of the delta front. The upper portion of the 1873 CE deposit, however, has an even higher concentration of watershed-sourced silt as compared to the 1700 CE deposit, which is suspected to be the result of shaking-induced liquefaction of the lake’s large subaerial delta. The tail of both the 1873 CE and 1700 CE deposits is explained as the result of flocculation that occurred during sustained shaking. A preliminary literature search suggests that flocculation may occur during low frequency (<4-5 Hz) water motion that is sustained for an extended period of time (~minutes). The subduction interpretation of the upper portion of the 1873 CE deposit is supported by the observation of a small local tsunami offshore and the presence of a possible seismogenic turbidite attributed to the 1873 CE Brookings earthquake in southern Oregon sediment cores.

These results are important to regional seismic hazards for several reasons. Southern Cascadia crustal earthquakes, not previously recognized as a threat in southern Oregon, have the potential to cause damage to infrastructure, including the Applegate dam and buildings and other structures at Oregon Caves National Monument. They also identify a previously unrecognized recent southern Cascadia subduction earthquake. Finally, the close temporal relationship between these two types of earthquakes, not observed elsewhere in the downcore record, may be early evidence of the transition of the Walker Lane belt into a transform fault as predicted.

How to cite: Morey, A. E., Shapley, M. D., Gavin, D. G., Goldfinger, C., and Nelson, A. R.: A complex deposit sequence from a small, southern Cascadia lake suggests a previously unrecognized subduction earthquake immediately followed a crustal earthquake in 1873 CE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11849, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11849, 2025.

EGU25-14737 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS21

Crack front waves under Mode II rupture dynamics 

Yenike Sharath Chandra Mouli and Ranjith Kunnath

Local heterogeneities on a steadily propagating crack front create persistent disturbance along the crack front. These propagating modes are termed as crack front waves. There have been numerous investigations in the literature of the crack front wave associated with a Mode I crack (for e.g., Ramanathan and Fisher, 1997, Morrissey and Rice, 1998, Norris and Abrahams, 2007, Kolvin and Adda-Bedia, 2024). It has been shown that the Mode I crack front wave travels with a speed slightly less than the Rayleigh wave. However, similar investigation of the Mode II rupture has got minimal attention. Although, Willis (2004) demonstrated that for a Poisson solid, Mode II crack front waves do not exist for crack speeds less than 0.715, explicit results on the speed of the crack front waves, when they exist, have not been reported in the literature. The focus of the present work is on a numerical investigation using a recently developed spectral boundary integral equation method (Gupta and Ranjith, 2024) to obtain the speed of the Mode II crack front waves. Further, the perturbation formulae for Mode II crack, developed by Movchan and Willis (1995) are exploited to validate the numerical results on the crack front wave speeds.

How to cite: Mouli, Y. S. C. and Kunnath, R.: Crack front waves under Mode II rupture dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14737, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14737, 2025.

EGU25-16647 | Posters virtual | VPS21

Characterization of selected “rock” reference stations of the Hellenic Accelerometer Network (HAN) 

Nikos Theodoulidis, fabrice Hollender, Pauline Rischette, Margaux Buscetti, Isabelle Douste-bacque, Ioannis Grendas, and Zafeiria Roumelioti

In Greece, almost all accelerometer stations provided accelerometer recordings, more than 400 in total, are characterized by inferred Vs30 values based on combination of surface geology and slope proxy (Stewart et al. 2014). However, only about 15% of them have been characterized by in-situ geophysical and geotechnical methods (invasive or/and non-invasive) were performed at a distance less than 100m from the station. In addition, regarding reference rock stations where shear wave velocity Vs30 is equal or greater than 800m/sec (engineering bedrock), only five (5) of them have been characterized todate, with respective values ranging between 800Vs301183m/s. It is evident that measured site characterization parameters of accelerometer stations in Greece is far from a desired goal, especially regarding those on rock reference sites. In this study multiple/combined non-invasive passive and active seismic techniques are applied in six (6) accelerometer stations throughout Greece, to improve earthquake site characterization metadat of the national accelerometer network, focusing on stations placed on geologic rock conditions. The Vsz (S-wave) and Vpz (P-wave) profiles and thereby Vs30 site class according to the Eurocode-8 are determined. In addition, to form a holistic picture of the site’s characterization, surface geology and topographic properties are provided for the investigated stations. Results of this study aim at contributing on improving site characterization parameters estimated by the Generalized Inversion Technique (source, path, site), as well as in defining Ground Motion Models for rock site conditions.

How to cite: Theodoulidis, N., Hollender, F., Rischette, P., Buscetti, M., Douste-bacque, I., Grendas, I., and Roumelioti, Z.: Characterization of selected “rock” reference stations of the Hellenic Accelerometer Network (HAN), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16647, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16647, 2025.

Ambient noise surface wave imaging has become a powerful tool for mapping subsurface velocity structures. Recent advancements in seismology, including the widespread deployment of high-density arrays such as nodal seismometers and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) systems, have facilitated the use of subarray-based methods for surface wave dispersion data extraction, such as phase-shift, F-K, and F-J methods. Alternatively, dispersion data can also be derived from two-station approaches, such as the FTAN method. However, integrating dispersion data extracted from subarrays and two-station methods remains challenging. In this study, we propose a joint inversion framework that combines these two types of surface wave dispersion data to achieve improved constraints on subsurface structures. We demonstrate its accuracy and practical applicability by conducting numerical experiments and applying the method to field data. The proposed approach introduces intrinsic spatial smoothing constraints. It effectively integrates subarray and two-station dispersion measurements, resulting in better imaging of subsurface shear-wave velocity structures compared to using either dataset alone. The versatility and potential of this method highlight its promising applications in a wide range of geophysical scenarios.

How to cite: Luo, S.: Joint inversion of surface wave dispersion data derived from subarrays and two-station methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20181, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20181, 2025.

EGU25-941 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Structure, metamorphism and geochronology of Archean Sargur Schist Belt, southern India 

Madhusmita Swain and Sukumari Rekha

The Sargur Schist Belt (SSB), the oldest supracrustal greenstone belt, present in the south-eastern part of the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC), is a ~ 320 km long N-S to NNE-SSW trending discontinuous belts that occurs as patches and pockets within the granitic‒gneissic complex. The SSB is mainly composed of metamafic, metaultramafic, metapelite, banded magnetite quartzite, micaceous quartzite, pyroxene granulite, amphibolite, hornblende-biotite schist/gneiss, etc. The schistose belt has undergone at least five deformations in which the last three are very prominent. The N-S trending high strain zones with S4 mylonitic foliation were produced during the EDC-WDC accretion (D4 deformation). The D5 deformation (developed due to the accretion of the WDC to Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) along the Moyar/Bavali Shear Zone (BSZ)) developed broad open folds/warps in the N-S trend of the SSB (as well as WDC) with E-W trending axial planes. On a regional scale, the D3 fold axes curve into the WNW-striking BSZ (D5 deformation), a steeply dipping transpressional shear zone with dextral kinematics.

The estimated metamorphic P-T conditions of 440-585 °C and 6.0-9.5 kbar in metapelites from north to south and 640-770 °C and 7-10 kbar in granulites present in south only. The grade of metamorphism varies from greenschist facies in the north to upper amphibolite to granulite facies in the south. The metapelite and pyroxene granulite shows a loading and slow cooling path. The top to the north movement along the BSZ thrusted the high-grade metapelites, mafic-ultramafic rocks and granulite facies rocks over the WDC lithologies. The higher grade of metamorphism along the southern part as compared to the rest of the WDC is due to its location close to the WDC-SGT accretion zone. The zircons from the metapelitic schist provided older age population ranging between 3.3-3.2, 3.1-3.0 Ga followed by 2.9-2.7 Ga and 2.55-2.4 Ga, whereas the granulites (2.5 and 2.4 Ga) and foliated granites (2.6 Ga) yielded only the younger age populations. However, the monazites in schistose rocks located along the northern part recorded the oldest ages up to 2.7 Ga followed by 2.4 and 2.2-2.1 Ga ages. The monazites from foliated granites, irrespective of their location, provided ages of 2.53, 2.36 and 2.24 Ga. However, the monazites in schists and granulites from the southern part provided younger ages of 0.77, 0.67, 0.53 Ga. The prominent 0.84, 0.76 and 0.62 Ga monazite ages obtained from the metapelites close to the BSZ suggests that the accretion along the BSZ initiated in Mid-Neoproterozoic and continued till Early-Paleozoic. 

How to cite: Swain, M. and Rekha, S.: Structure, metamorphism and geochronology of Archean Sargur Schist Belt, southern India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-941, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-941, 2025.

EGU25-964 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Mantle Deformation Pattern Beneath Central Indian Tectonic Zone: A Seismic Anisotropy Study in Satpura Gondwana Basin and Surrounding Areas 

Nitarani Bishoyi, Ashwani Kant Tiwari, and Arun Kumar Dubey

This study analyses shear wave splitting measurements for core-refracted SKS and SKKS phases using data from nine strategically positioned seismic stations operated between 2023 to 2024 in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ). The CITZ was formed during the mesoproterozoic orogeny in central India, resulting from the collision of the northern Bundelkhand Craton with a jumble of South Indian cratons (Dharwar, Bastar and Singhbhum Cratons). Understanding seismic anisotropy in this region is essential for elucidating mantle deformation patterns, which provides vital insights into geodynamic processes, lithospheric interactions, and ongoing tectonic activities shaping the CITZ. We employed both rotation-correlation and transverse energy minimisation techniques to determine the shear wave splitting parameters, namely the fast polarization directions (FPDs) and splitting delay times (δt). A total of 104 high-quality splitting measurements and 37 null measurements were obtained from 85 earthquakes (M ≥ 5.5) within epicentral distances of 84°-145° for SKS phases and 84°-180° for SKKS phases. The averaged δts at each seismic station ranges from 0.8 to 1.3 seconds, demonstrating significant anisotropy and heterogeneity in the upper mantle under the studied region. Our observations predominantly reveal NE-SW FPDs throughout the majority of stations, which correlate with the Absolute Plate Motion (APM) of the Indian plate. The discrepancies between FPDs and APM direction at some stations suggest the presence of fossilised anisotropic fabrics resulting from prior subduction events during mesoproterozoic. The smaller δt (0.8 sec) at the seismic station in the Pachmarhi region may be attributed to the significant magmatism during the cretaceous period. Null measurements, in conjunction with splitting measurements, suggest that the stations may be located in a region characterized by multi-layered or complex anisotropy. Our observations indicate that the mantle flow beneath the CITZ is influenced by the contemporary APM direction of the Indian plate as well as lithospheric frozen anisotropy.

How to cite: Bishoyi, N., Tiwari, A. K., and Dubey, A. K.: Mantle Deformation Pattern Beneath Central Indian Tectonic Zone: A Seismic Anisotropy Study in Satpura Gondwana Basin and Surrounding Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-964, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-964, 2025.

EGU25-1988 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Apatite compositional constraints on the magmatic to hydrothermal evolution of lamproites from Raniganj Basin, eastern India 

Jaspreet Saini, Suresh C. Patel, and Gurmeet Kaur

A mineralogical study of early Cretaceous lamproite sill intrusions from the Raniganj Gondwana sedimentary basin in eastern India shows that apatite occurs as both phenocrystic and groundmass phase. Based on texture and compositional zoning patterns of apatite in lamproites from the Rajpura and Ramnagore collieries, three paragenetic stages of apatite are identified. Early-magmatic apatite (Ap-I), which forms the core of zoned grains, is Sr-rich–LREE-poor fluorapatite. This apatite underwent resorption prior to the growth of a second generation of magmatic fluorapatite (Ap-II). In Rajpura, Ap-II overgrowth rim is richer in Sr and LREE compared to Ap-I core. The increase in LREE is explained by the substitutions: (Na,K)+ + ∑LREE3+ = 2Ca2+, and [2∑LREE3+ + ₶ = 3Ca2+]. Ramnagore Ap-II overgrowth rim is oscillatory-zoned with fluctuations in Sr and LREE, which likely resulted from slow rate of diffusion of these elements relative to fast growth of crystals. Apatite of the third generation (Ap-III) forms the outermost rim of zoned grains and is marked by enrichment in Na, K and Ba. The substitutional schemes which explain the increase in Na and K from Ap-II to Ap-III are: (Na,K)+ + CO32– = Sr2+ + PO43– and [(Na,K)+ + (F,OH) = ₶ + ₶]. The role of carbonate in the former substitution is supported by high content of stoichiometrically calculated carbon (0.21–0.30 apfu) in Ap-III. The formation of Ap-III is attributed to metasomatic alteration of Ap-II by CO2-bearing hydrothermal fluid and is associated with sodic metasomatism. Microporous texture has developed in Rajpura Ap-III which suggests a dissolution–reprecipitation mechanism for its development. This study demonstrates that compositional variations among different generations of apatite provide a meaningful record of melt evolution from early magmatic to magmatic-hydrothermal stages.

How to cite: Saini, J., Patel, S. C., and Kaur, G.: Apatite compositional constraints on the magmatic to hydrothermal evolution of lamproites from Raniganj Basin, eastern India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1988, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1988, 2025.

EGU25-7536 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Water-fluxed melting and back-arc extension in the continental arc: Evidence from I-type granites, adakitic rocks and high-Nb mafic rocks at the western margin of the Yangtze Block, South China 

Bin Huang, Wei Wang, JunHong Zhao, Nimat Ullah Khattak, Rui Li, Si-Fang Huang, Gui-Mei Lu, Li Sun, Er-Kun Xue, Yang Zhang, and Xin-Yu Cai

The Neoproterozoic western margin of the Yangtze Block in South China records significant continental crust-forming and modification processes through two distinct magmatic episodes. Using integrated geochemical and petrological approaches, we demonstrate that the 811-802 Ma Yuanmou Complex comprises alkaline high-Nb mafic rocks characterized by high Nb (15.7-41.9 ppm), TiO2 (2.13-3.39 wt%) contents and positive εNd(t) (+4.8 to +6.9), coupled with adakitic granodiorites showing high Sr/Y (17.4-49.0), (La/Yb)N (16.3-52.6) and consistent bulk rock εNd(t) (-0.5 to -1.5) and zircon εHf(t) (0.0 to +2.3). The younger 750 Ma Jinping I-type granites exhibit high SiO2 (71.2-73.5 wt%) and alkalis contents, enriched LREE patterns and depleted isotopic signatures (εNd(t): -0.4 to +1.3; zircon εHf(t): +4.83 to +8.37). Thermodynamic modeling reveals how crustal water content-controlled magma generation at different depths - low water-fluxed melting (2.0-3.5 wt% H2O) produced I-type granites at medium pressure (6-9 kbar), while deeper settings with higher water content generated adakitic melts. The high-Nb mafic rocks in the Yuanmou Complex, derived from metasomatized mantle wedge, provide evidence for crustal-mantle interaction during back-arc extension. These coupled magmatic processes demonstrate how water content variations with depth influenced continental crust formation and evolution in arc settings.

How to cite: Huang, B., Wang, W., Zhao, J., Khattak, N. U., Li, R., Huang, S.-F., Lu, G.-M., Sun, L., Xue, E.-K., Zhang, Y., and Cai, X.-Y.: Water-fluxed melting and back-arc extension in the continental arc: Evidence from I-type granites, adakitic rocks and high-Nb mafic rocks at the western margin of the Yangtze Block, South China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7536, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7536, 2025.

EGU25-8654 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Two different mantle types as evidenced from a geochemical and petrological study of peridotites from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone  

Alessandra Correale, Pierangelo Romano, Ilenia Arienzo, Antonio Caracausi, Gabriele Carnevale, Eugenio Fazio, Angela Mormone, Antonio Paonita, Monica Piochi, Silvio Giuseppe Rotolo, and Michele Zucali

A petrological and geochemical study was performed on 5 selected samples of peridotites from two different sites (Finero and Balmuccia) outcropping in the Ivrea Verbano Zone, with the aim to investigate the processes occurring in the deep lithosphere and the possible interaction with the lower crust.

The peridotites from Finero area fall in the harzuburgite (FIN1, FIN3, FIN4) field whereas those from Balmuccia are lherzolithes (BALM1) and werlhites (BALM4), highlighting respectively the presence of a more fertile and primordial mantle for two sites.

The rocks from Finero are featured by higher MgO (42-45.7 wt%) and lower Al2O3 (0.6-2.4 wt%), CaO (0.42-2.09 wt%) content with respect to Balmuccia (MgO: 39.6 wt%, Al2O3: 2.9 wt%; CaO: 2.8 wt%) as a consequence of their harzburgitic nature. They display an enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE, LaN/YbN:13.6) and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE) differently from the Balmuccia peridotites, which are featured by a light depletion in LREE (LaN/YbN:0.4-0.8) and nearly flat HREE pattern. The LILE and LREE enrichment measured in the Finero peridotites could suggest that a portion of the mantle below Ivrea Verbano area was influenced by metasomatic fluids/melts. The BALM4 sample is characterized by anomalously low values of MgO (16.05 wt%) and high values of Al2O3 (16.3 wt%) and CaO (14.5 wt%), reflecting the high modal proportion of spinel.

Even the higher Sr (86Sr/87Sr= 0.70736-0.72571) and lower Nd (143Nd/144Nd=0.51236) isotopic values measured in selected mineral phases from Finero with respect to Balmuccia (86Sr/87Sr= 0.70268-0.70644; 143Nd/144Nd=0.51334) allow to speculate a relation with crustal fluids in the Finero mantle.

The composition of fluid inclusions entrapped in olivine and pyroxene crystals from Finero peridotites evidenced CH4 and CH4-N2 associated with antigorite and magnesite whereas prevalent CH4 associated with antigorite, magnesite and graphite was measured in the rocks from Balmuccia area. The origin of CH4 could be related to synthesis via reduction of CO2 by H2 from internal/external serpentine to minerals or re-speciation of initial CO2-H2O fluids associated to graphite precipitation during cooling by obduction after orogeny; differently, the CH4-N2 fluids could be introduced by past subduction-related processes.

The isotopic helium (3He/4He ratio) varies between 0.08 and 0.17 Ra in the Finero peridotites and among 0.18 and 0.48 Ra in the Balmuccia ones, evidencing an isotopic difference between the two sites that cannot be explained by 4He radiogenic production. Differently, the Finero-Balmuccia variability could reflect the helium signature recorded in deep by subduction events and confirm the previous petrologic and geochemical evidences in favour of a metasomatised mantle by crustal fluids in the Finero area with respect to a more primordial in the Balmuccia one.

How to cite: Correale, A., Romano, P., Arienzo, I., Caracausi, A., Carnevale, G., Fazio, E., Mormone, A., Paonita, A., Piochi, M., Rotolo, S. G., and Zucali, M.: Two different mantle types as evidenced from a geochemical and petrological study of peridotites from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8654, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8654, 2025.

EGU25-8768 | Posters virtual | VPS22

A Method for Measuring Viscosity of Silicate Melts Using Hot Stage Microscopy (HSM) 

Daniele Giordano, Chiara Molinari, Michele Dondi, Sonia Conte, and Chiara Zanelli

The viscosity of silicate melts is one of the most important physical parameter governing natural processes such as volcanic eruptions, as well as manufacturing processes in the ceramic and glass industries. The traditional techniques for measuring viscosity are commonly time- and energy-consuming, they require equilibrium conditions, and are mostly limited to reduced viscosity intervals. Reducing testing time is a critical target for both academic and productive purposes. In order to calibrate an efficient tool capable of both reducing testing time and expand the range of viscosity determination, we used the hot stage microscope (HSM) technique. Specimens (pressed powders) of natural samples, previously measured employing a combination of concentric cylinder and the micropenetration dilatometric techniques, were heated at a rate of 10°C/min until melting. Characteristic shapes (Start sintering, End sintering, Softening, Sphere, Hemisphere, and Melting) were observed at characteristic temperatures (CT); then their viscosities were calculated from their known viscosity-temperature (Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann, VFT) relationships. The observed shapes result from a combined effect of viscosity and surface tension, allowing viscosity values at each CT to linearly scale with surface tension. Viscosity was calibrated by introducing correction factors based on glass chemistry. This approach provides two independent data sets – CT (from HSM) and the corresponding characteristic viscosity (from glass composition) – which can be used to calculate the VFT parameters. The comparison between calculated and experimental viscosity shows good correspondence, which significantly improved previous attempts using only HSM data. These results also highlight the potential of this non-contact technique for evaluating the effects of crystalline particles and porosity on the rheological properties of alumosilicate melts.

Contribution of PNRR M4C2 - PRIN 2022PXHTXM - STONE project, funded from EU within the Next generation EU program. CUP: D53D23004840006

How to cite: Giordano, D., Molinari, C., Dondi, M., Conte, S., and Zanelli, C.: A Method for Measuring Viscosity of Silicate Melts Using Hot Stage Microscopy (HSM), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8768, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8768, 2025.

EGU25-8978 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Characterization of Residual Glass Evolution from Vitrified  Ceramics: Insights from Raman Spectroscopy and DSC into Viscous and Elastic Properties 

Daniele Giordano, Michele Cassetta, Sonia Conte, Chiara Zanelli, Chiara Molinari, Michele Dondi, and Sonia La Felice

Four multicomponent metaluminous glasses were designed to investigate the evolution of residual glass-ceramics comprising glass and crystals. Samples were obtained from melting of quartz-feldspars mixes (with varying Na/K ratio and silica content) further fast sintered at temperatures of 1200-1260°C. Using an integrated approach combining high- and low-frequency Raman spectroscopy and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), we characterized the viscous and elastic response of the residual glass and its role in the mechanical properties of the corresponding ceramic products.

High-frequency Raman spectroscopy allows for the analysis of Qn species, which represent the polymerization state of the glass network. Q0, Q¹, Q², Q³, and Q4 correspond to isolated tetrahedra, short chains, branched structures, and fully polymerized networks, respectively. This provides insights into how chemical composition affects the microscopic structure of the residual glass. Simultaneously, low-frequency Raman spectroscopy probes the boson peak, a signature of collective vibrational modes in the glass, which is directly linked to its elastic properties. By coupling the boson peak analysis with the elastic medium scaling law, we determine the vibrational density of states and shear modulus, key parameters for understanding the mechanical behavior of the system.

DSC measurements further enable the determination of critical thermal transitions of the glass, including the glass transition temperature, crystallization, and relaxation processes, which are essential for characterizing the viscous behavior of the residual glass. The integration of these techniques provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of residual glass in stress transfer and mechanical properties control within multicomponent ceramics.

This is a first insight on the characteristics of technologically relevant glasses for the production of porcelain and vitrified ceramic tiles. The approach here followed actually allows appreciating the effect of variations in the Na/K ratio and silica content that mirror what can occur in the industrial production. This paves the way for application in more complex materials and real industrial conditions.

Contribution of PNRR M4C2 - PRIN 2022PXHTXM - STONE project, funded from EU within the Next generation EU program. CUP: D53D23004840006

How to cite: Giordano, D., Cassetta, M., Conte, S., Zanelli, C., Molinari, C., Dondi, M., and La Felice, S.: Characterization of Residual Glass Evolution from Vitrified  Ceramics: Insights from Raman Spectroscopy and DSC into Viscous and Elastic Properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8978, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8978, 2025.

EGU25-9306 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Geochemical characterisation of Permian lower continental crust: case study from Ivrea-Verbano Zone (NW Italy) 

Gabriele Carnevale, Antonio Caracausi, Alessandra Correale, Eugenio Fazio, Antonio Paonita, Pierangelo Romano, and Michele Zucali

Investigating the main geochemical characteristics of the lower continental crust is essential to understand its formation and evolution, identifying crustal differentiation processes and possible crust-mantle interactions. We performed bulk rock (major and trace elements), noble gases isotopes (He, Ne, Ar), and fluid inclusions (Raman spectroscopy) analyses on metamorphic rocks from Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Southern Italian Alps). Specifically, we studied various lithologies (metapelite, metagabbro, mafic and felsic granulite, amphibolite, and gneiss) to analyse the continuous metamorphic gradient from amphibolite- to granulite-facies.

Bulk rock analyses confirm the mafic nature of the protoliths for metagabbros (MgO = 5.36-10.25 wt.%), mafic granulites (MgO = 8.32-25.80 wt.%) and amphibolite (MgO = 7.98 wt.%) plotting in the metabasite field of the ACF chemographic diagram. Felsic granulite and sillimanite-gneiss fall within metamorphosed quartz-feldspar rocks, except for metapelite, which approaches the metacarbonate field, due to the presence of secondary carbonates. Metagabbros, mafic granulites and amphibolite show low REE concentrations (∑REE between 3 and 25 ppm) and high Cr and Ni contents (up to 1865 and 265 ppm respectively in mafic granulite), reflecting the mafic/ultramafic nature of the protoliths, whereas felsic granulite, sillimanite-gneiss and metapelite show higher REE contents (∑REE between 48 and 197 ppm).

3He/4He isotope ratios in metamorphosed quartz-feldspar rocks (0.06-0.30 Ra) and metabasites (0.15 and 0.45 Ra) are significantly radiogenic, although the metabasites show slightly higher values, corroborating a more primitive component in their source. Most samples plot near the air component in the 20Ne/22Ne vs 21Ne/22Ne diagram, except for mafic granulites which show a crustal-air mixing trend. As regards the Ar isotope ratios, all samples appear rich in radiogenic component (40Ar/36Ar up to 2645 in metagabbros).

Raman spectroscopy analyses on fluid inclusions in orthopyroxene from mafic granulites show the coexistence of talc, graphite and magnesite with methane, providing direct evidence of a complex history in terms of post-metamorphic reactions and P-T-fO2 conditions.

Our preliminary results show the compositional diversity and evolution of the lower continental crust, highlighting the interplay between mafic and sedimentary sources and the importance of fluid interactions and post-metamorphic processes.

How to cite: Carnevale, G., Caracausi, A., Correale, A., Fazio, E., Paonita, A., Romano, P., and Zucali, M.: Geochemical characterisation of Permian lower continental crust: case study from Ivrea-Verbano Zone (NW Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9306, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9306, 2025.

EGU25-9505 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Characterisation of the heterogeneity of vesicular lava rocks from Fogo Volcano (Azores, Portugal) combining conventional laboratory methods with X-ray microtomography 

Maria Luísa Pereira, Nora Cueto, Lucia Pappalardo, Gianmarco Buono, Alessia Falasconi, Mário Moreira, Vittorio Zanon, and Isabel Fernandes

Experimental data on rock physical properties obtained through laboratory methods are enhanced by advanced techniques like X-ray microtomography (µCT) and image analysis. Lava rocks are important geological formations worldwide with varying textures, structures, and physical and mechanical behaviour. This research focuses on the heterogeneity analysis of vesicular lava rocks with intermediate composition from the Fogo Volcano (or Água de Pau Volcano, S. Miguel, Azores, Portugal). The effective porosity of six cubic samples is determined using the buoyancy technique. Ultrasonic wave velocities and capillarity absorption coefficient are obtained along three orthogonal directions using the through-transmission method and a European standard, respectively. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) combined with µCT is determined in three cores from a single cube.

Results demonstrate that pore structure governs water uptake by capillarity and ultrasonic wave velocities. Regardless of the direction, the nonlinear water imbibition reflects a bimodal pore size distribution, confirmed through µCT imaging. The Sharp Front model describes this behaviour as the sum of two separate absorption processes related to larger (28.01-12.96 g/m2·s0.5) and finer (0.45-1.73 g/m2·s0.5) pores. Capillary-connected porosity (5.07%) is lower than connected porosity (18.5–20.1%) since gravitational fluid transport dominates for large pores (>1 mm). P-wave velocities (2802–3208 m/s) show minor dependence on pore shape, while Vp/Vs ratios (1.76 ± 0.25), dynamic Young’s modulus (16.78 ± 3.20 GPa), and Poisson’s ratio (0.23 ± 0.11) reflect vesicular textures.

µCT-based image analysis enables porosity quantification, revealing that effective porosity includes vesicles and pore-linking fractures. Permeability (0.7–6.6 mD) depends on tortuosity, which reduces fluid percolation despite higher connected porosity.

UCS (15.5-36 MPa) variations depend on pore size, orientation relative to the loading direction, and connected porosity, with minor influence from pore shape. µCT imaging reveals failure through tensile splitting, with fractures propagating from pore edges in all cores. The weakest specimen has more plagioclase phenocrysts, whose borders, intragranular cracks, and pores contribute to reduced strength.

These findings underscore the need to consider the heterogeneous pore structure of vesicular lavas when interpreting field measurements or improving volcano stability models. Advanced imaging and computational techniques clarify the role of vesicles and phenocrysts in strength and crack development patterns, providing important insights into the mechanics of lava rocks.

How to cite: Pereira, M. L., Cueto, N., Pappalardo, L., Buono, G., Falasconi, A., Moreira, M., Zanon, V., and Fernandes, I.: Characterisation of the heterogeneity of vesicular lava rocks from Fogo Volcano (Azores, Portugal) combining conventional laboratory methods with X-ray microtomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9505, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9505, 2025.

EGU25-10890 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Unveiling the geochemistry of fluids in the Central Aeolian Islands (Italy) 

Marco Camarda, Sofia De Gregorio, Marcello Liotta, Roberto M.R. Di Martino, Ygor Oliveri, Mimmo Palano, Antonino Pisciotta, Giuseppe M. Riolo, and Pierangelo Romano

In the last decades, the volcanically active Aeolian Islands have been the focus of numerous geochemical investigations and monitoring activities, primarily focused on the islands of Vulcano, Stromboli and Panarea. However, relatively few studies have explored the geochemical characteristics of other islands, despite evidence of hydrothermal activity. Salina, for instance, hosts a shallow, cold, low-salinity aquifer that overlies a deeper warmer aquifer, with highly saline water. Additional noteworthy features include hydrothermal deposits on the seafloor and offshore submarine gas emissions. Similarly, Lipari hosts a thermal aquifer (e.g. Terme di San Calogero) and exhibits significant hydrothermal emissions along its western coast, particularly in areas of Valle del Fuardo and Caolino quarry. In this study we conducted detailed geochemical surveys on Lipari and Salina to investigate the origins of the fluids and their relationship with the geodynamic framework. The research is part of the Project CAVEAT (Central-southern Aeolian islands: Volcanism and tEArIng in the Tyrrhenian subduction system), which aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current geodynamics in the southern Tyrrhenian region, focusing on the interaction between volcanism and tectonic activity within the Tyrrhenian subduction system.

On Salina and Lipari islands, soil CO2 flux measurement campaigns were conducted to examine the spatial distribution of soil CO2 emissions. Thermal surveys using an Unmanned Aircraft System were conducted over fumarolic areas to detect thermal anomalies associated with zones of preferential fluid emissions. These measurements helped define preferential pathways for fluid migration and identify active tectonic structures associated with areas of elevated soil CO2 emissions. At selected sites, isotopic composition of gas was analyzed to infer the gas origins. On Lipari, soil CO2 emission anomalies revealed a NNW-SSE alignment consistent with the area’s primary tectonic structures. Isotopic analysis confirmed a contribution of deep-origin fluids to these emissions. Thermal (up to 45.8 °C) and cold waters from Salina and Lipari were sampled and analyzed for their chemical and isotopic composition, as well as for dissolved gases. The isotopic composition of the water clearly indicates that the sampled groundwater originates from a mix of meteoric water and seawater, with varying degrees of mixing at each site. Gases dissolved in water exhibit an atmospheric component with a high content of CO2 in the most brackish samples. At Salina, the isotopic composition of dissolved helium reflects a mantle contribution. Collectively, the findings emphasize the significant influence of mantle and deep-origin origin fluids in shaping the geochemistry of both islands. They further highlight the critical role of geodynamic and tectonic processes in governing fluid emissions across the two islands.

How to cite: Camarda, M., De Gregorio, S., Liotta, M., Di Martino, R. M. R., Oliveri, Y., Palano, M., Pisciotta, A., Riolo, G. M., and Romano, P.: Unveiling the geochemistry of fluids in the Central Aeolian Islands (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10890, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10890, 2025.

EGU25-11736 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Poisson’s ratio structure and three-dimensional P wave velocity structure beneath the profile across the Gakkel ridge 85°E axis 

Xiongwei Niu, Jiabiao Li, Wenrui Yang, Jiahui Yu, Weiwei Ding, and Tao Zhang

During active-source 2D marine ocean bottom seismic exploration, significant deviations of shot lines from the designed survey lines can introduce errors in 2D structural models, particularly in areas with rough bathymetry, such as mid-ocean ridges. By employing 3D tomography, it is possible to construct a three-dimensional model of the survey area that incorporates the actual shot locations and Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) positions, leading to more accurate velocity structure models.

In 2021, the Joint Arctic Scientific Mid-Ocean Ridge Insight Expedition (JASMInE) acquired high-quality OBS data from the Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean. However, due to the presence of dense floating ice, significant offsets occurred between the shot lines and the OBS station profiles. Consequently, applying a 3D tomography-based modeling approach is essential for imaging the velocity structure in this region.

This study utilized the JIVE3D software to develop a 3D P-wave velocity model along a profile perpendicular to the 85°E spreading axis of the Gakkel Ridge, based on high-resolution multibeam bathymetry data. Compared to the velocity structure derived from 2D modeling, the P-wave velocities beneath the spreading axis are found to be lower in the 3D model, while lateral velocity variations in the upper oceanic crust are more pronounced away from the spreading axis. Despite these differences, the overall velocity structure and crustal thickness trends are consistent, indirectly validating the reliability of the 2D structural model.

Based on this 2D P-wave model, with data of 1257 S-wave arrival times picked from 9 OBS stations along the profile perpendicular to the mid-ocean ridge, using a forward modeling trial-and-error approach, a preliminary Poisson’s ratio structure beneath the profile was obtained. The Poisson’s ratio in Layer 2 of the oceanic crust ranges from 0.36 to 0.40, with relatively lower values beneath the spreading axis. In Layer 3, the Poisson’s ratio varies from 0.28 to 0.38. The relatively higher Poisson’s ratio values may indicate the presence of abundant fractures or fluids within the oceanic crust in this region.

How to cite: Niu, X., Li, J., Yang, W., Yu, J., Ding, W., and Zhang, T.: Poisson’s ratio structure and three-dimensional P wave velocity structure beneath the profile across the Gakkel ridge 85°E axis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11736, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11736, 2025.

EGU25-11968 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Investigations on the shallow submarine CO2 emissions around the Island of Vulcano (Italy) 

Sofia De Gregorio, Marco Camarda, Santo Cappuzzo, Vincenzo Francofonte, and Antonino Pisciotta

Natural CO2 emissions play a crucial role in understanding global CO2 budget estimates. Consequently, numerous studies have focused on CO2 emissions across various regions worldwide. However, the majority of these investigations have concentrated on terrestrial CO2 emissions, with relatively fewer studies exploring submarine CO2 emissions. Moreover, almost all the studies have focused on areas with significant hydrothermal activity, particularly those along Mid-Oceanic Ridges, while shallow-water hydrothermal vents have received comparatively little attention. Furthermore, diffuse submarine gas emissions, lacking or with little visible surface evidence, remain largely unexplored. This study investigates the CO2 emissions in the shallow submarine environment around the coast of the Island of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) by measuring dissolved CO2 concentrations. Vulcano, has been characterized by an intense hydrothermal activity since its last eruption from La Fossa cone (1888-­1890). Vulcano features several fumarole fields, including one on the northern crater rim of La Fossa cone and another near the sea in the northeastern sector. Additionally, significant soil CO2 degassing occurs across the volcanic edifice. In the Vulcano Porto area, numerous thermal wells discharge fluids with temperatures reaching up to 80 °C. Submarine emission areas are visible, at shallow depths, close to the beaches in the southern and northeastern sectors. Measurements of dissolved CO2 concentrations were conducted along seashores and rocky coastlines and in sites encompassing both visible and non-visible emissions. In the northeastern sector, measurements focused on the area between the Vulcanello peninsula and the northern slopes of the volcanic cone. The northernmost section of this area, extending to the Faraglione cone, is widely recognized in the literature as Baia di Levante (BL), a well-documented site of significant CO₂-dominant hydrothermal fluids discharge, trough submarine vents placed on the seafloor, at shallow depth, near the shoreline. In this area, we performed measurements along the beach at depth of about 50 cm below sea surface. The measured values remain elevated throughout the entire profile, consistently surpassing those of seawater in equilibrium with the atmosphere (ASSW). Concentrations peaked near visible bubbling zones, with concentration values ​​that exceeded the 20%. Moving southward, between the port dock and the crater slopes, measurements were conducted both close to the coastline and approximately 30 meters off the coast. In this area, sporadic bubble emissions from the seafloor were observed and the concentration of dissolved CO2 decreases significantly compared to the BL area. However, the dissolved CO2 concentration remain elevated, above those expected for ASSW. Along the eastern coast, measurements were performed in two selected sites along the rocky coastlines. Anomalous dissolved CO2 concentrations, reaching up to 1400 ppm, were recorded also in these areas. In the southern sector, measurements were taken along Gelso beach. CO2 concentrations were consistently high along the entire beach profile. The results indicate that submarine CO2 emissions are not confined to areas with visible surface evidence, but also occur in areas with minimal or no-visible hydrothermal activity.

How to cite: De Gregorio, S., Camarda, M., Cappuzzo, S., Francofonte, V., and Pisciotta, A.: Investigations on the shallow submarine CO2 emissions around the Island of Vulcano (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11968, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11968, 2025.

EGU25-14815 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Playing with Edges: The Influence of Arbitrary Definitions on Hotspot–LLSVP Correlations 

Gabriel Johnston, Shangxin Liu, Alessandro Forte, and Petar Glisovic

Correlating surface hotspot volcanism with sharply defined edges of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) is a common yet potentially oversimplified approach in mantle geodynamics. Such direct radial projections ignore the lateral displacement of plume conduits observed in seismic tomographic imaging, which suggests that purely vertical transport through the mantle is not guaranteed. Furthermore, many studies merge the African and Pacific LLSVPs, despite evidence that their correlation with hotspots differs significantly. These oversimplifications can lead to misinterpretations of plume-lithosphere interactions, the interaction between mantle plumes and the ambient ”mantle wind”, and mantle flow dynamics in general. Here, we systematically investigate how varied criteria can alter the inferred hotspot– LLSVP edge relationship. We separately analyze African and Pacific LLSVPs using: multiple tomography models, horizontal-gradient based definitions of edges, different vote-map methodologies, and distinct plume geometry assumptions–from perfectly vertical “spokes” to randomly deflected trajectories. We also apply the Back-and-Forth Nudging (BFN) method applied to time-reversed thermal convection, initialized with a present-day seismic–geodynamic–mineral physics model (Glisovic & Forte, 2016), to provide a geodynamically consistent assessment of the relationship between present-day hotspot locations and their source regions in the deep lower mantle. This independent geodynamic assessment clarifies how arbitrary choices concerning the interpretation of hotspots and LLSVP edges may lead to biased or skewed deep-plume reconstructions. Our results reveal that adjustments in hotspot catalogs, or the decision to combine the two main LLSVPs rather than regard each as dynamically distinct, can yield important differences in the significance attributed to sharply defined LLSVP edges. These findings underscore that commonly cited correlations between hotspot locations and LLSVP boundaries hinge on assumptions that vary considerably across the literature. Recognizing and rigorously defining input parameters–particularly the separate treatment of the African and Pacific LLSVPs and the inclusion of realistic lateral plume deflection–proves essential for robust interpretations of deep Earth structure. This highlights the need for standardized methodologies and careful parameter choices to avoid overstating the importance of LLSVP edges in shaping plume pathways.

How to cite: Johnston, G., Liu, S., Forte, A., and Glisovic, P.: Playing with Edges: The Influence of Arbitrary Definitions on Hotspot–LLSVP Correlations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14815, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14815, 2025.

EGU25-17683 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Impact of Cooling Rate on Rheology and Emplacement Dynamics of Basaltic Lava Flows: Insights from the 2023-2024 Sundhnúksgígar Eruption (Iceland) 

Fabrizio Di Fiore, Alessandro Vona, Danilo Di Genova, Alberto Caracciolo, Alessio Pontesilli, Laura Calabro', Gabriele Giuliani, Silvio Mollo, Dmitry Bondar, Manuela Nazzari, Claudia Romano, and Piergiorgio Scarlato

The 2023-2024 eruptions at Sundhnúksgígar in Iceland produced tholeiitic basaltic lavas that traveled at high velocities, affecting vast areas. In this context, disequilibrium crystallization can play a fundamental role in modulating the lava flow dynamic and inundation capacity. To investigate this phenomenon, we performed a comprehensive rheological characterization of the Sundhnúksgígar basaltic liquid and crystal-bearing suspension under both disequilibrium and near-equilibrium conditions. Compared to other basalts erupted worldwide, our results reveal unique features of the Sundhnúksgígar melt: i) exceptionally low solidification rates and ii) the ability to crystallize even at the highest cooling rates applied during the experiments. These characteristics enhance the efficiency of external crust formation, minimizing heat loss from the inner portion of the lava flow, which consequently experiences slower cooling rates. As a result, the lava is able to flow for longer times and travel greater distances than other basaltic flows. Our findings underscore the critical influence of disequilibrium crystallization on the rheological evolution and emplacement behavior of basaltic lavas, with implications for hazard assessment and risk mitigation during effusive eruptions.

How to cite: Di Fiore, F., Vona, A., Di Genova, D., Caracciolo, A., Pontesilli, A., Calabro', L., Giuliani, G., Mollo, S., Bondar, D., Nazzari, M., Romano, C., and Scarlato, P.: Impact of Cooling Rate on Rheology and Emplacement Dynamics of Basaltic Lava Flows: Insights from the 2023-2024 Sundhnúksgígar Eruption (Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17683, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17683, 2025.

EGU25-17921 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Interrelationship between the electrical and elastic properties using effective medium theories 

Khasi Raju and Agata Siniscalchi

This study focuses on characterizing seismogenic zones by establishing a interrelationship between electrical and elastic properties using Effective Medium Theories (EMTs). The seismogenic zones exhibit complex geological and geophysical signatures that can be explored through joint analysis of electrical resistivity and elastic moduli. The research applies EMTs such as Self-Consistent Approximation (SCA), Generalized Effective Medium (GEM), and Differential Effective Medium (DEM) to model the physical properties of rocks under varying conditions of pressure, porosity, and fluid saturation.

The study compares theoretical predictions with observed data to understand how resistivity, influenced by fluid connectivity and composition, correlates with elastic properties, which are sensitive to stress and fracture networks. The study can reveal critical insights into the mechanical and fluid characteristics of seismogenic zones. By integrating theoretical models with available geophysical data, this work provides a framework for analyzing the interdependence of electrical and elastic properties in seismogenic regions. The findings contribute to advancing the understanding of fluid dynamics, and rock deformation in seismogenic zones, offering a valuable tool for seismic hazard assessment and monitoring.

How to cite: Raju, K. and Siniscalchi, A.: Interrelationship between the electrical and elastic properties using effective medium theories, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17921, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17921, 2025.

EGU25-20022 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS22

Etna volcano monitoring by remote sensing systems 

Francesco Romeo, Luigi Mereu, Michele Prestifilippo, and Simona Scollo

The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Osservatorio Etneo (INGV-OE) is in charge to monitor Mt. Etna (Catania, Italy), one of the most active volcanoes in Europe. Its activity is characterised by mild strombolian to powerful lava fountains. Monitoring active volcanoes is fundamental to reduce the volcanic hazard, in particular in dense populated areas as it is the case for the Mt. Etna [1]. The combination of different remote sensing systems can improve the analysis of Etna volcanic activity and give a more reliable quantification of volcanic source parameters as the Cloud Height, Mass Eruption Rate, Fine ash Mass and Particle Size. Volcanic source parameters are used as input parameters by volcanic ash transport and dispersal model. A more accurate estimate of these parameters reduces the uncertainty of numerical dispersal model simulations. The data used for this study come from different sources: The VIVOTEK IP8172P is a visible camera located in Catania. The second is a Thermal-Infrared camera located in Nicolosi that collects images (320 x 240 pixels) at few meters resolution [2] [3]. The third instrument is a X-band (9.6 GHz) polarimetric weather radar located nearby the International Airport Vincenzo Bellini (Catania). The fourth is the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager onboard the Meteosat Second Generation Geostationary Satellite [4]. Through the use of complementary remote sensing systems, we aim at improving our understating of explosive phenomena at Etna volcano.

[1] Bonadonna, C., Folch, A., Loughlin, S., & Puempel, H. (2012). Future developments in modelling and monitoring of volcanic ash clouds: outcomes from the first iavcei-wmo workshop on ash dispersal forecast and civil aviation. Bulletin of volcanology, 74 , 1–10.

[2] S. Scollo, M. Prestifilippo, E. Pecora, S. Corradini, L. Merucci, G. Spata, et al., "Eruption column height estimation of the 2011–2013 Etna lava fountains", Ann. Geophys., pp. 57, 2014.

 [3] S. Calvari, G.G. Salerno, L. Spampinato, M. Gouhier, A. La Spina, E. Pecora, et al., "An unloading foam model to constrain Etna’s 11–13 January 2011 lava fountaining episode", J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, vol. 116, pp. B11207, 2011.

[4] S. Scollo, M. Prestifilippo, C. Bonadonna, R. Cioni, S. Corradini, W. Degruyter, et al., "Near-Real-Time Tephra Fallout Assessment at Mt. Etna Italy", Remote Sens., vol. 11, pp. 2987, 2019.

How to cite: Romeo, F., Mereu, L., Prestifilippo, M., and Scollo, S.: Etna volcano monitoring by remote sensing systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20022, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20022, 2025.

EGU25-20055 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Magmatic processes driving the 1970 eruption on Deception Island, (Antarctica) 

Helena Albert, Jorge L. Ruiz, Joaquín Hopfenblatt, Dario Pedrazzi, Adelina Geyer, Meritxell Aulinas, Antonio Polo-Sánchez, Antonio M. Álvarez-Valero, and Oriol Vilanova

Deception Island, the most active volcanic system in the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica), has recorded over 20 explosive monogenetic eruptions in the past two centuries. The island’s most recent eruption in 1970 was one of its most violent, with a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 3. This event generated a column height of up to 10 km and produced an estimated bulk eruptive volume exceeding 0.1 km³, with tephra fallout recorded over 150 km away on King George Island. To investigate the magmatic processes leading up to this significant eruption, we conducted detailed geochemical and textural analyses of near-vent pyroclastic deposits and distal tephra fall-out layers preserved in Livingston Island’s glaciers. Near-vent deposits include dilute pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) and lithic-rich breccias. Olivine crystals in these deposits exhibit two distinct populations: low-forsterite (Fo65–70 mol.%) and high-forsterite (Fo80–85 mol.%), with similar CaO contents (0.1–0.5 wt.%) but varying NiO concentrations (0–0.4 wt.% in low Fo; 0.02–0.10 wt.% in high Fo). Pyroxene microanalyses also reveal two distinct populations: i) augite-diopside (En45–50, Fs5–25, Wo38–50) and ii) enstatite (En90, Fs10, Wo0). Augite-diopside crystals can be further subdivided based on their Mg# (Mg# = Mg/(Mg+Fe) x 100) and TiO2 contents. The first group shows Mg# values between 80–85 mol.% and TiO2 ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 wt.%, while the second group displays Mg# values of 55–70 mol.% and narrower TiO2 concentrations (0.5–1.25 wt.%). Notably, the enstatite population was not found in distal tephra layers. Plagioclase crystals range in composition from Bytownite to Andesine (An85–40 mol.%). Comparative analyses with distal tephra layers confirm the presence of both olivine populations and overlapping augite-diopside compositions but lack enstatite. Plagioclase compositions show consistency between near-vent and distal deposits. These findings align the 1970 eruption deposits with compositional trends observed in other post-caldera collapse eruptions, shedding light on the island's eruptive history and magmatic evolution.


This work has been partially financed by the grant PID2023-151693NA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.This work is part of the CSIC Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform (PTI) Polar zone Observatory (PTIPOLARCSIC) activities. This research was partially funded by the MINECO VOLCLIMA (CGL2015-72629-EXP) and HYDROCAL (PID2020-114876GB-I00) MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 research project. Sampling was founded by CICYT (ANT91-1270, ANT93-0852 and ANT96-0734) and MICINN grant CTM2011-13578-E.

How to cite: Albert, H., Ruiz, J. L., Hopfenblatt, J., Pedrazzi, D., Geyer, A., Aulinas, M., Polo-Sánchez, A., Álvarez-Valero, A. M., and Vilanova, O.: Magmatic processes driving the 1970 eruption on Deception Island, (Antarctica), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20055, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20055, 2025.

EGU25-20387 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Gas hazard assessment at the hydrothermal system of Baia di Levante at Vulcano Island during the 2021-23 unrest of La Fossa crater (Aeolian Islands, Italy) 

Massimo Ranaldi, Maria Luisa Carapezza, Luca Tarchini, Nicola Mauro Pagliuca, Lucia Pruiti, and Francesco Sortino

Vulcano Island in Aeolian Archipelago last erupted in 1888-1890 and since then it is affected by an intense fumarolic activity from both the summit crater area of La Fossa volcano and by the hydrothermal system of Baia di Levante located very near to the main settlement of Vulcano Porto.  Ordinary solfataric activity is periodically interrupted by unrest crisis at La Fossa crater associated with increase in fumarole temperature and output, anomalous seismicity, ground deformation and accompanied by an increase in diffuse soil CO2 degassing at Vulcano Porto. In Autumn 2021 a new major unrest crisis began exposing to a high gas hazard Vulcano Porto settlement due to contemporary dispersion of crater fumarolic plume and diffuse soil CO2 degassing; Starting from February 2022, with apex in May, a huge increase in gas output of the geothermal system of Levante Bay was observed. The Baia di Levante area is characterized by the presence of a low-temperature fumarolic field (<100°C) either onshore and offshore and fed by a shallow hydrothermal aquifer heated by magmatic gases. A wide diffuse soil CO2 degassing area extends all over the main beach. The chemical composition of bubbling gases is CO2-dominant, associated with a 1-3 vol.% of H2S and minor CH4 and H2. The Bay is one of the main sites of attraction for the thousands of tourists who visit the island and given the increased risk for gas emissions and possible phreatic eruptions (due to overpressuration of the geothermal aquifer) we carried out some extraordinary geochemical surveys. These consisted of (i) estimation of diffuse soil CO2 flux over a target area (154 points over 16,750 m2) established since 2004; (ii) estimation of the convective CO2 and H2S flux (the main hazardous gases) from the onshore (50 points in the Mud Pool and surrounding areas) and offshore gas vents (2 main large vents and 60 small vents); (iii) Repeated measurements of the chemico-physical parameters (temperature, pH, Eh, conductivity and dissolved O2) in the Baia di Levante sea water (107 profiles; water depth from 50cm to 12m). In particular we investigated the areas characterized by the presence of whitish waters, trains of gas bubbles, emissive vents. Results shown significantly increased values ​​compared to the past of the total CO2 and H2S output (diffuse and convective) measured on land and at sea surface. The sea water shows the presence of a wide anomalous pH in the near-shore sector between Faraglione and Vent 1 and to a lesser extent to the N of the bay. A wide anomaly of negative Eh values ​​persist at all depths in almost all of the bay. A huge emissions of acid gases from the increased submarine fumaroles alter the chemical-physical parameters of the sea water along the bay. Considering the increased gas hazard the adoption of risk prevention measures was suggested to authorities.

How to cite: Ranaldi, M., Carapezza, M. L., Tarchini, L., Pagliuca, N. M., Pruiti, L., and Sortino, F.: Gas hazard assessment at the hydrothermal system of Baia di Levante at Vulcano Island during the 2021-23 unrest of La Fossa crater (Aeolian Islands, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20387, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20387, 2025.

Natural microseismicity serves as a potent tool for exploring smaller-scale hydrothermal and tectonic phenomena. Investigating seismic activities within the hydrothermal fields of mid-ocean ridges(MORs) offers profound insights into earth's internal dynamics. However, studies on natural earthquakes at ultra-slow spreading ridges, especially the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), remain relatively scarce. To investigate the microseismic distribution, heat flow pathways, and tectonic characteristics of the Longqi hydrothermal field, a typical representative of SWIR, this paper processed one month of passive source OBS data from the DY43 cruise through microearthquake detection and relocation, obtaining a catalog of over 3000 earthquakes, significantly expanding the earthquake database for the Longqi field and improving the magnitude completeness. And the b-value calculation and imaging of the earthquake catalog were carried out using the maximum likelihood method and grid search method, respectively. The research results indicate that: ① The overall b-value of the SWIR Longqi field is 0.989; ② The b-value at the center of the Longqi hydrothermal vent is approximately 0.8, while the b-value around the vent is around 1.2; ③ High and low b-value areas alternate at a depth of 10km along the ridge axis; ④ There is an anomalously low b-value area of around 0.5 at depths of 12-16 km to the north across the ridge axis. Combining previous research results on b-values at MORs, this paper suggests that the background b-value of less than 1 in the Longqi field is consistent with its tectonic-type hydrothermal origin. The detachment fault beneath the Longqi hydrothermal vent leads to high stress and a low b-value, while the microseismic activity around the vent originates from rock fracturing caused by the combined effects of cold seawater and hydrothermal fluids. The uneven distribution of high and low b-values in the deep part of the hydrothermal field may reflect the uneven distribution of subsurface magma. The low b-value area in the north is speculated to be due to high stress resulting from torsional compression at the bottom of the detachment fault. In summary, it can be anticipated that the spatial distribution of b-values will serve as an indicator and reference factor for stress, fault structure, and magmatic-hydrothermal activity in MOR hydrothermal field in the future.

How to cite: wang, K.: Spatial distribution of b-values for microseismicity in the SWIR Longqi hydrothermal field and magmatic-tectonic interpretation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20441, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20441, 2025.

EGU25-20933 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Seismotectonics of the Oriente Transform Fault revisited 

Eric Calais, Sylvie Leroy, Jeffrey Poort, Jean-Frédéric Lebrun, Bernard Mercier de Lépinay, O'Leary Gonzalez, Bladimir Moreno, Jose-Luis Granja-Bruna, Walter Roest, Boris Marcaillou, Chastity Aiken, and Frauke Klingelhoefer

Transform faults are often considered to be geometrically simple, nearly linear, vertical structures that localize crustal deformation within a narrow zone surrounding the fault. The deformation kinematics are typically purely strike-slip, parallel to far-field plate motion, with seismic slip above the brittle-ductile transition, near the 600 °C isotherm, which is well predicted by thermal models. Although deviations from these simplified features have been described, much remains to be learned about the seismogenic behavior of transform faults, for example, why they release much less seismic moment than predicted by plate motion models, or why they so rarely produce earthquakes of magnitudes as large as would be expected given their geometric segmentation (>M7). 

The Oriente Transform Fault (OTF) along the southern margin of eastern Cuba, at the boundary between the Caribbean and North American plates, is a particularly relevant example to inform on the seismogenic behavior of transform faults for at least 5 reasons: (1) the OTF geometry changes from a nearly continuous trace along the Cayman Ridge to a highly segmented one westward along eastern Cuba, (2) the geometrically continuous segment was the location of a magnitude 7.8 supershear earthquake in January 2020, (3) GNSS-derived strain measurements indicate that this segmentation variation corresponds to a transition from very shallow (<5 km) mechanical coupling —perhaps creep— of the fault, to complete coupling across the entire crustal thickness (20 km), (4) earthquake hypocenters offshore eastern Cuba locally reach subcrustal depths, (5) earthquake focal mechanisms and offshore geological observations show fault-normal compressional deformation along this purely strike-slip segment.

Here we revisit the offshore trace and seismotectonics of the OTF in light of recent data. We benefit from several oceanographic campaigns in the northern Caribbean, in particular the recent Haiti-TWIST campaign of the Pourquoi Pas? R/V, during which new high-resolution bathymetric and seismic reflection data were acquired, filling several important gaps. We also benefit from recent deformation results from GNSS measurements in Cuba, as well as a new compilation of earthquake moment tensor solutions.

How to cite: Calais, E., Leroy, S., Poort, J., Lebrun, J.-F., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Gonzalez, O., Moreno, B., Granja-Bruna, J.-L., Roest, W., Marcaillou, B., Aiken, C., and Klingelhoefer, F.: Seismotectonics of the Oriente Transform Fault revisited, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20933, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20933, 2025.

EGU25-20984 | Posters virtual | VPS22

SUBUTTEC Project: SUBdUcTion triggered Terrestrial Evolution in the Caribbean 

Mélody Philippon, Julissa Roncal, Jean Jacques Cornée, Fréderic Quillevere, Diane Arcay, Nestor Cerpa, Laurent Husson, Yannick Boucharat, Alain Rousteau, Visotheary Ung, Etienne Bezault, Manon Lorcery, Matthias Bernet, Anta-Clarisse Sarr, Nicolas Riel, Boris Kaus, Manuel Pubellier, Danae Thivaiou, Leny Montheil, and Mélanie Noury and the SUBUTTEC Team

Subduction zones represent more than half of the total plate boundaries length (38,000 over 64,000km) and cause fast geographic changes by a range of geological processes occurring at local to regional scales such as crustal deformation, volcanism, or dynamic topography. The associated transient changes in land-sea distributions influence the migration, genetic drift, adaptation, speciation, and endemism of the terrestrial biosphere that conquered emerged landmasses. Today, archipelagos located along subduction zones hostone-third of the biodiversity hotspots in the world (Myers et al., 2000). In this context, SUBUTTEC research team aim at combining geological and biological data to unravel the links between the subduction dynamics and terrestrial life in subduction zones based on the case study of the Antilles hotspot. This short and dynamic subduction zone, bounding the east of the Caribbean plate, is ideally circumscribed by two giant continents and two equally giant oceans that provide rather static boundary conditions. To unravel the role of the southern Lesser Antilles in the dynamics of Caribbean biodiversity, we will perform paleogeographic reconstructions over the last 20 Myrs, focused on the unknown role of the southern Lesser Antilles, will be done by integrating tectonics, paleomagnetism, (bio-)stratigraphy and geochronology. We will match these paleogeographic reconstructions with the assemblage distribution and phylogenetic records of extant endemic species, which will allow us to test for alternative scenarios of the temporal dispersion and evolution of life in this highly dynamic hotspot region for both biodiversity and tectonic activity. The implementation of comparative biogeographical methods provides here a powerful tool to reveal natural classification of biogeographic areas i.e. bioregionalization and identification of vicariant events. The joint analysis of the geological and biological records will provide a macro-ecological framework of the biosphere/biodiversity dynamics over subduction zones.

How to cite: Philippon, M., Roncal, J., Cornée, J. J., Quillevere, F., Arcay, D., Cerpa, N., Husson, L., Boucharat, Y., Rousteau, A., Ung, V., Bezault, E., Lorcery, M., Bernet, M., Sarr, A.-C., Riel, N., Kaus, B., Pubellier, M., Thivaiou, D., Montheil, L., and Noury, M. and the SUBUTTEC Team: SUBUTTEC Project: SUBdUcTion triggered Terrestrial Evolution in the Caribbean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20984, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20984, 2025.

EGU25-21421 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Chemical mapping of methane in the Northern Guaymas Basin hydrothermal field 

Anna Michel, Mary Burkitt-Gray, Spencer Marquardt, Sarah Youngs, Jordan Remar, Samantha Joye, and Jason Kapit

The Guaymas Basin is a large marginal rift basin in the Gulf of California with ongoing seafloor spreading and strong hydrothermalism centered around two axial troughs. Extremely high concentrations of methane are discharged from diffuse hydrothermal flow, black smokers, and cold seeps. A thick sediment layer across the basin allows for thermocatalytic production of methane in the hot subsurface, resulting in the discharge of hydrothermal fluids from powerful black smokers with temperatures exceeding 300°C. The cooler surface sediments additionally support methanogenesis, providing a complex interplay between the biogenic and abiogenic systems. The dynamism of the Guaymas Basin means that the flux and distribution of hydrothermal vents in this region can change rapidly, impacting the wider oceanography of the region.

We present here results from a 2024 study of hydrothermalism in the Guaymas basin using a new optical sensor, developed at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. SAGE – the Sensor for Aqueous Gases in the Environment – utilizes laser absorption spectroscopy through a hollow core optic fiber to quantify the partial pressure of dissolved methane extracted from the deep sea. This in situ sensor, deployed during a cruise on the R/V Atlantis allows continuous measurement of methane concentrations with high spatiotemporal resolution, with a sampling rate of 1Hz and a stable response time of 1-5 minutes. This new sensing technique facilitated analysis of the relationships between microbial communities and hydrothermalism and guided dives towards hydrothermal vents based on the real-time methane concentration. It also allowed the comprehensive in situ analysis of a rapidly evolving black smoker vent site in the northern axial trough, allowing the methane export to the water column to be characterized with high spatiotemporal resolution. The low detection limit of SAGE – down to ~10 ppm – allows the analysis of the broader impact of these dynamic methane-based systems into the wider oceanography of the region.

How to cite: Michel, A., Burkitt-Gray, M., Marquardt, S., Youngs, S., Remar, J., Joye, S., and Kapit, J.: Chemical mapping of methane in the Northern Guaymas Basin hydrothermal field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21421, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21421, 2025.

EGU25-21462 | Posters virtual | VPS22

Understanding the arc-continent collision zones in western Philippines: Novel insights from the Romblon Island Group and the Central Zamboanga Peninsula 

Gabriel Theophilus Valera, John Kenneth Badillo, Andrew Exequiel S. Tabilog, Nikko M. Balanial, Mariz L. Alcancia, and Betchaida D. Payot

The continent-derived nature of the western Philippines (Palawan-Mindoro Microcontinental Block; PCB) contrasts with the island arc-dominated eastern Philippines (Philippine Mobile Belt; PMB). Petrological investigation on the P-T-D history of the metamorphosed rocks in between these two terranes and how they relate to the broader tectonic events are however lacking. In this study, we examined rock units related to the arc-continent collision events in two areas: the Romblon Island Group and the central Zamboanga Peninsula.

In central Philippines, the Romblon Metamorphic Complex (RMC) represents the PCB-derived materials. The RMC consists of metapelitic and metapsammitic paraschists in Tablas, Romblon, and Sibuyan with minor orthoschists and marbles. Using two-feldspar geothermometery, and Raman Spectrometry of Carbonaceous Material, the temperature variations revealed a low P/TStage 1 metamorphism of all RMC units with peak T and P values of about 450-540°C at <5 kbars. Based on tensional structures (e.g. boudins) and preserved metapelitic-metapsammitic interlayering, we attribute this Stage 1 to the PMB continental rifting and subsequent shallowing of the paleogeothermal gradient. The RMC paraschists which are adjacent to the Sibuyan Ophiolite  Complex (SOC) meanwhile register significantly higher T at the same low P conditions (= 570-630 °C). This suggests a second stage of higher T deformation and metamorphism directly linked with the juxtaposition of the continental RMC and the island arc SOC. This is consistent with the subsolidus shearing and metamorphism of the isotropic gabbro units of the SOC with preserved P-T conditions of about 500-800°C.

The southern extension of the PCB-PMB collision is even less understood although earlier works extend the arc-continent suture zone in Mindanao Island, southern Philippines. The purported boundary of the continent-derived Zamboanga Peninsula and the island arc Eastern Mindanao is the northwest-southeast trending Siayan-Sindangan Suture Zone. Our field mapping in central Zamboanga Peninsula however revealed a distinct northeast-southwest trending suture zone of an apparent arc-continent collision zone. Across this NE-SW suture zone, the lithologies progress from the paraschists of the Gutalac Metamorphic Complex (GMC) in the northeast to the amphibolites of the Dansalan Metamorphic Complex (DMC). Further southeast, the residual peridotites and pillow lavas with intercalated chert, deep marine turbidites and limestones of the Polanco Ophiolite Complex (POC) are exposed. Such progression hints at a NE-SW convergence of an ancient arc (POC) with its metamorphic sole (DMC) against the continent-derived GMC following the consumption of an ancient oceanic basin.

How to cite: Valera, G. T., Badillo, J. K., Tabilog, A. E. S., Balanial, N. M., Alcancia, M. L., and Payot, B. D.: Understanding the arc-continent collision zones in western Philippines: Novel insights from the Romblon Island Group and the Central Zamboanga Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21462, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21462, 2025.

EGU25-2404 | Posters virtual | VPS23

Rare-metal and rare earth element mineralizations in the eastern Liaoning-southern Jilin tectonic zone in Northeast China: A review 

Nan Ju, Gao Yang, Pengge Zhang, Jinxuan Li, Yue Wu, Shi Lu, Bo Liu, Xiaoping Yang, Xin Liu, and Yuhui Feng

The eastern Liaoning-southern Jilin tectonic zone (also referred to as the Liao-Ji tectonic zone), a potential zone for rare-metal and REE mineralizations in China, hosts over 10 rare-metal and REE deposits and ore occurrences with varying scales and mineralization characteristics, which establish this zone as an ideal target for research on the metallogenic regularities of rare-metal and REE mineralizations.The study area resides in the northern part of the East Asian continental margin, lying on the overlapping part of the North China and the Western Pacific Plates, is located in the northeastern North China Plate, consisting of the North China Craton and the north margin orogen of the North China Plate. This area serves as a critical large-scale copper-gold and polymetallic mineral resource base in China, also providing favorable geologic conditions for the enrichment and mineralization of rare metals and REEs. So far, many rare-metal and REE deposits and ore occurrences have been discovered in the Liao-Ji tectonic zone, including two large Nb-Be-Zr-REE deposits (i.e., Lijiapuzi and Pianshishan), two medium-sized Rb-Be-Nb-Ta-REE deposits (i.e., Saima and Gangshan), one small Nb-Ta-REE deposit (i.e., Shijia), and over 10 rare metal-REE ore occurrences (e.g., Xiaolizi, and Baiqi), suggesting considerable mineralization potential. Most of the deposits in the Liao-Ji tectonic zone are closely associated with alkaline rocks.

Extensive field surveys and geochemical studies of the above deposits reveal that the ore-forming rock masses of the Pianshishan, Gangshan, and Lijiapuzi deposits include alkaline granites and pegmatites and those of the Shijia and Saima deposits are quartz syenites and aegirine nepheline syenites, respectively. The Pianshishan (67±2.2 Ma) and Gangshan (110±1.2 Ma) deposits were formed during the Yanshanian, the Shijia (226.3±2.4 Ma) and Saima (224.4±6.1 Ma) deposits originated from the Late Indosinian magmatism, while the formation of the Lijiapuzi deposit (2501±11 Ma) was associated with the Lvliang Movement. Therefore, the study area underwent three stages of regional rare-metal and REE mineralizations: the Late Yanshanian (Mesozoic), Late Indosinian (Mesozoic), and Proterozoic Lvliangian mineralizations. The petrogeochemical analysis indicates that the ore-forming rock masses of several typical deposits all belong to the metaluminous, alkaline - calc-alkaline, and tholeiitic basalt series, sharing similarities with the elemental geochemical characteristics of intraplate rift rock series and rocks in an extensional environment under plate subduction. The rare-metal and REE mineralizations in the study area were primarily governed by the evolution and crystallization differentiation of alkaline magmas. Given that the alkaline magmatic rocks were all formed by crust-mantle contamination, this study posits that the enrichment and mineralization processes of rare metals and REEs in the Liao-Ji tectonic zone are intimately associated with the highly evolved alkaline magmas. Under the action of water and volatile constituents, magmas underwent intense fractional crystallization, leading to the migration and accumulation of ore-forming elements. With changes in ore-forming conditions such as temperature and pressure, ore-bearing fluids became enriched and mineralized in the late stage of magmatism with the crystallization of primary rock-forming minerals.

How to cite: Ju, N., Yang, G., Zhang, P., Li, J., Wu, Y., Lu, S., Liu, B., Yang, X., Liu, X., and Feng, Y.: Rare-metal and rare earth element mineralizations in the eastern Liaoning-southern Jilin tectonic zone in Northeast China: A review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2404, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2404, 2025.

EGU25-2960 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Enrichment Factors of Alkali and Key Metal Mineral Resources in Fengcheng Formation of Mahu Sag, the Junggar Basin 

Xin yu Liu, Qiu Longwei, and Yang Yongqiang

The second member of the Fengcheng Formation in the early Permian of the Mahu Depression has a rock series with interbedded alkali mineral layers and tuffaceous layers. The dark layer contains a large amount of associated metal minerals, which are closely related to the volcanic hydrothermal material at the Fengnan fault nose. However, due to the presence of detrital rock deposits on the west side of the Mahu Depression, this area is jointly controlled by volcanoes and terrestrial sources to form alkali mineralization. There are also a large number of dark hydrocarbon source rocks developed in the region, which are also one of the reasons for the mineralization of alkali minerals and associated metal minerals. Therefore, a mineralization model is established.

How to cite: Liu, X. Y., Longwei, Q., and Yongqiang, Y.: Enrichment Factors of Alkali and Key Metal Mineral Resources in Fengcheng Formation of Mahu Sag, the Junggar Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2960, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2960, 2025.

EGU25-3157 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Improving near real-time GNSS-IR sea level retrievals with robust outlier detection 

Cemali Altuntas, Bahattin Erdogan, Nursu Tunalioglu, and Simon Williams

The Global Navigation Satellite Systems - Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR) method has been utilized for nearly fifteen years as an alternative and cost-effective approach to determine hydrological parameters such as sea level, snow depth, and soil moisture through the analysis of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data. Most GNSS-IR studies to date rely on archived data and post-processed results. However, the potential for near real-time GNSS-IR analysis is increasingly being explored. In this study, high-rate GNSS archive data, sampled at 1-second intervals and stored in 15-minute files, were processed in a simulated near real-time workflow. Every 15 minutes, new data were added to the analysis, focusing exclusively on the most recent 60 minutes of observations. A novel approach for detecting outliers in near real-time GNSS-IR estimates was also proposed. The median-based robust outlier detection (ROD) method, previously validated for post-processed GNSS-IR snow depth results, was adapted and applied to near real-time GNSS-IR data. A 30-day dataset of multi-GNSS, multi-frequency SNR observations from the Portland (PTLD) GNSS station in Australia, collected in November 2024, was analyzed. The near real-time GNSS-IR results were validated using sea level measurements from the PORL tide gauge station. The results demonstrate that the modified ROD approach can be used to identify outliers in near real-time GNSS-IR sea level retrievals.

How to cite: Altuntas, C., Erdogan, B., Tunalioglu, N., and Williams, S.: Improving near real-time GNSS-IR sea level retrievals with robust outlier detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3157, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3157, 2025.

The bauxitic region of Sumbi and its surroundings in Kongo Central (DR Congo) is located in an area corresponding to “bands” of basic rocks made up of microdolerites, basalts and andesites. The problem of this study is linked to the similarity of the phenomena that generated the depositional process of these ferruginous and aluminous formations. The aim of this article is to carry out a chemical and petrographic study of samples of bauxitic materials from the Mayedo and Kinzoki regions, with a view to their possible recovery. To this end, the chemical and petrographic analysis of the weathering formations outcropping in the study area was carried out using X-ray fluorescence and thin section methods. The latter revealed that two lithologies were detected in the healthy rocks: basalts with a mineralogical assemblage of plagioclase crystals, pyroxene microcrystals and oxide opaques; and dolerites represented by plagioclase crystals, pyroxenes and a few quartz crystals. X-ray fluorescence revealed high levels of Al2O3 (32.69%) in the Mayedo zone (MHb1). This visibly gibbsite-rich level corresponds to the zone of friable, homogeneous bauxite with a massive, blood-red texture, with an estimated gibbsite percentage of 55.50. The percentage of Fe2O3 is high in these zones at 42.77%, hence the dark red colour, reflecting a strong zone of ferruginasation. This horizon contains a high concentration of hematite and goethite minerals. Highly variable SiO2 contents ranging from 13.48% to 40.82%. These variations are essentially due to the dissolution of silica by leaching and resilification.

How to cite: Mwanakangu, E. and Ungu, D.: Petrographic and Geochemical Characterization of Mayedo and Kinzoki Ranges (Sumbi Bauxite Region, Kongo Central/DR Congo), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3874, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3874, 2025.

EGU25-4633 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Deep Neural Networks for GNSS Coordinate Time Series Modeling and Prediction 

Jian Wang, Zhao Li, and Weiping Jiang

High-precision GNSS coordinate time series modeling and prediction provide a critical reference for applications such as crustal deformation, structural safety monitoring, and regional or global reference frame maintenance. A Deep neural network framework based on Transformer was applied to 22 GNSS stations, each with 1000 days, in which data is preprocessed using a synchronization sliding window. The overall fitting and prediction trends exhibit a high degree of consistency with the original time series. The average fitting RMSE and MAE are 3.40 mm and 2.64 mm, respectively, while the corresponding average prediction RMSE and MAE are 3.54 mm and 2.77 mm. In comparison to the LSTM model, the proposed method achieved a redu78ction in RMSE and MAE by 20.7% and 19.6%, respectively. Furthermore, when benchmarked against the traditional least squares approach, the improvements were even more pronounced, with RMSE and MAE decreasing by 35.7% and 37.8%, respectively. The approach demonstrates robustness and effectiveness under conditions of discontinuous data. Therefore, it could be used as a convenient alternative to predict GNSS coordinate time series and will be of wide practical value in the fields of reference frame maintenance and deformation early warning.

How to cite: Wang, J., Li, Z., and Jiang, W.: Deep Neural Networks for GNSS Coordinate Time Series Modeling and Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4633, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4633, 2025.

EGU25-4666 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Insight into the genesis of barite deposit in Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah basin, India 

Devika Devanand Sreekala and Soundra Pandian Muthusamy

The Vemula-Velpula hydrothermal barite deposit is hosted by mafic dykes (ca. 1850 Ma. [1]) intruding into the uppermost part of about 1900 m thick carbonate strata of the Vempalle Formation (ca. 2000 Ma. [2]) in Cuddapah basin and occurs as fracture-fill and breccia-fill veins. The veins dominantly consist of barite with minor quartz. The host mafic rock has undergone various extents of hydrothermal alteration, due to which the primary calcic plagioclase-clinopyroxene assemblage is altered to albite and clinochlore, along with the introduction of secondary epidote, quartz, and calcite. The wide range in Ba concentration of mafic rock (68 to 3012 ppm) associated with the barite mineralization indicates that Ba was mobilized and subsequently leached from the mafic rock by the hydrothermal fluid during this alteration event. The δ34S values of barite range from +16.19 to +23.24‰ which falls within the range of δ34S value of +10 to +30‰ estimated for Proterozoic seawater [3]. At shallow crustal depth where this deposit was formed, direct participation of seawater is unlikely and therefore basinal brine is inferred to be the source of sulphate ion required for barite mineralization. Primary aqueous biphase fluid inclusions in barite have homogenization temperatures ranging from 180 to 300 °C, with most of them clustering in the range 220-250°C, and salinities ranging from 2.4 to 25.8 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The first ice melting temperature of these inclusions was measured between -55 and -37°C, broadly pointing towards an H2O-NaCl-CaCl2 fluid system. Petrography and microthermometric data of fluid inclusions indicate the involvement of two fluids of different salinities, which, upon mixing and cooling, led to barite precipitation.

This research work was funded by SERB, New Delhi (Scheme No. CRG/2019/001015).



[1] Chakraborty K. et al. (2016), Journal of the Geological Society of India 87, 631–660.

[2] Rai A.K. et al., (2015), Journal of the Geological Society of India 86, 131–136.

[3] Strauss H (1993) Precambrian Research 63(3–4), 225–246.

How to cite: Devanand Sreekala, D. and Muthusamy, S. P.: Insight into the genesis of barite deposit in Vempalle Formation, Cuddapah basin, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4666, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4666, 2025.

EGU25-5245 | Posters virtual | VPS23

W-Sn Ore-Mineral Geochronology: New Ages Improve Genesis Models 

Niki Wintzer, Christopher Holm-Denoma, Florian Altenberger, and Samuel Waugh

Direct ore-mineral U-Pb geochronology of scheelite (CaWO4), cassiterite (SnO2), and wolframite ([Fe,Mn]WO4) using recently-developed reference materials led to new ore-genesis insights for multiple worldwide W-Sn/rare metal deposits. Scheelite from the Yellow Pine epithermal Au-W-Sb deposit in Idaho, USA was age dated using U-Pb via isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). These analyses provided both the first age constraints on the tungsten mineralization (ca. 57 Ma) and a scheelite U-Pb reference material (NMNH-107667; 57.52 ± 0.22 Ma). The data reveal ore mineralization occurred in numerous discrete pulses during crustal uplift, which contrasts with the previous two-mineralization-event model.

The Yellow Pine scheelite reference material enabled U-Pb scheelite geochronology via LA-ICP-MS for multiple other deposits worldwide; namely, the polyphase stratabound scheelite-ferberite mineralization hosted within Fe-rich magnesite zones and marbles in two locations around Mount Mallnock, Austria. Two unexpected but geologically meaningful age dates (294 ± 8 Ma) for Mallnock West and (239 ± 3 Ma) for Mallnock North revealed for the first time that ore mineralization occurred during an extensional geodynamic setting as part of the breakup of Pangea, as opposed to the previous model invoking the older compressional tectonics of the Variscan orogeny.

Combining direct-ore geochronology methods for several ore minerals was particularly powerful for Sn- and W-bearing deposits in southeast Australia. A U-Pb cassiterite age date (435 ± 2 Ma) revealed the tin-bearing lithium pegmatites of the Dorchap Dyke Swarm are ca. 15 Ma older than some previous estimates suggesting mineralization was related to the earliest magmatic activity recorded in the Wagga-Omeo Metamorphic Belt. Additionally, a new U-Pb wolframite age date (395 ± 5 Ma) for the Womobi polymetallic (W-Mo-Bi) deposit is ca. 21 million years younger than the host Thologolong granite, suggesting the granite was a passive host that was mineralized by a concealed intrusion. Both instances revealed mineralization ages that were significantly different than previously accepted. More widespread application of these increasingly diverse, direct-ore geochronology methods stand to replace uncertain spatial or textural associations, thereby providing an opportunity to significantly improve ore genesis models.

How to cite: Wintzer, N., Holm-Denoma, C., Altenberger, F., and Waugh, S.: W-Sn Ore-Mineral Geochronology: New Ages Improve Genesis Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5245, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5245, 2025.

EGU25-8007 | Posters virtual | VPS23

Length of the Day changes and climate signatures- their relations in detected ENSO Events 

Małgorzata Wińska, Justyna Śliwińska-Bronowicz, Jolanta Nastula, and Dominika Staniszewska

The relationship between the length of day (LOD) and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been extensively studied since the 1980s. LOD represents the negative time derivative of UT1-UTC, directly proportional to the Earth Rotation Angle (ERA), a key Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP).

ENSO is a climate phenomenon occurring in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean that primarily impacts the tropics and subtropics. Extreme ENSO events can lead to severe weather conditions, such as flooding and droughts, across various regions worldwide. ENSO event undergoes a lengthy incubation period, during which the interannual variations in length-of-day (LOD) and atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) are rapidly influenced by the interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere.

The significant characteristics of climate change are the rise of global temperature and sea level, which are driven by ENSO. Interannual oscillations in global mean sea temperature (GMST) and global mean sea level (GMSL) might also impact changes in the Earth’s rotation velocity.

The goal of this study is to explain in more detail connections among the interannual (2-8 years) variations of the LOD, AAM, and different climate indices, like the Southern Oscillation Index SOI, Oceanic Niño Index ONI, GMSL, and GMST. The influence of climate signatures on LOD from January 1976 to December 2024 is assessed using semblance analysis based on continuous wavelet transform. This method evaluates the correlation between climate time series in the time and wavelength domains.

Studying the relationship between LOD, AAM, GMSL, GMST, and ENSO indices enhances our understanding of Earth's dynamic system, improves geophysical models, and increases the precision of applications dependent on accurate timekeeping and Earth rotation measurements.

How to cite: Wińska, M., Śliwińska-Bronowicz, J., Nastula, J., and Staniszewska, D.: Length of the Day changes and climate signatures- their relations in detected ENSO Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8007, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8007, 2025.

EGU25-9320 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Signature of mantle anelasticity detected by GPS ocean tide loading observations  

Pingping Huang, Nigel T. Penna, Peter J. Clarke, Volker Klemann, Zdeněk Martinec, and Yoshiyuki Tanaka

Anelasticity is a type of rheology intermediate between elasticity and viscosity, responsible for rock’s transient creep behaviour. Whether to consider anelasticity in geodynamic processes operating outside the seismic frequency band which likely involve transient mantle creep is still under debate. Here, we focus on the geodynamic process of ocean tide loading (OTL), namely the deformational response of the solid Earth to the periodic ocean water-mass redistributions caused by astronomical tides. By analysing high-precision Global Positioning System (GPS) data from over 250 sites in western Europe and numerical OTL values from advanced three-dimensional Earth models, we unambiguously demonstrate anelastic OTL displacements in both the horizontal and vertical directions. This finding establishes the need to consider anelasticity in geodynamic processes operating at sub-seismic timescales such as OTL, post-seismic movement, and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) due to rapid ice melting. Consequently, to construct a uniform viscoelastic law for modelling Earth deformations across multiple timescales anelasticity must be incorporated. Our best-fitting anelastic models reveal the shear modulus in Earth’s upper mantle to be weaker at semi-diurnal tidal frequencies by up to 20% compared to the Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM) specified at 1 Hz, and constrain the time dependence of this weakening.

How to cite: Huang, P., Penna, N. T., Clarke, P. J., Klemann, V., Martinec, Z., and Tanaka, Y.: Signature of mantle anelasticity detected by GPS ocean tide loading observations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9320, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9320, 2025.

EGU25-9503 | Posters virtual | VPS23

Seismotectonics of the Intracontinental High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, Derived from Regional Seismic Moment Tensor Analysis: Insights into tectonics and stress regimes. 

Brahim Oujane, Lahcen El Moudnib, Martin Zeckra, Said Badrane, and Abderrahime Nouayti

This study investigates the present-day seismotectonic framework of the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, with a specific focus on the area affected by the devastating Mw 6.8 Al Haouz earthquake of September 8, 2023. Leveraging a high-resolution seismic dataset encompassing over twenty moderate earthquakes (M 3.5-6.8) recorded by regional networks between 2008 and 2024, the research aims to refine earthquake locations and characterize the regional stress field. Initially located using P-wave arrival times, earthquake hypocenters were subsequently relocated using the double-difference method, which yielded more precise locations by minimizing travel-time residuals between pairs of events recorded at common stations. The high degree of agreement between the initial and relocated solutions validates the robustness of the location estimates. Notably, the observed seismicity is confined to shallow crustal depths, consistently shallower than 30 km, corroborating the shallow rupture observed for the Al Haouz earthquake, which occurred at a depth of approximately 31 km. This shallow seismicity suggests a shallow deformation style within the High Atlas.

To determine the state of the present-day tectonic and stress regimes across the western and central segments of the High Atlas, the study uses two complementary approaches: regional seismic moment tensor inversion and P-wave first motion focal mechanism analysis. Fault plane solutions were calculated using P-wave first motion polarities and further constrained through regional moment tensor inversion. The majority of analyzed earthquakes exhibit reverse faulting mechanisms, often with a significant strike-slip component, indicating a complex deformation pattern. Analysis of the principal stress axes (P, B, and T) derived from the focal mechanisms reveals average orientations of 16/189, 39/036, and 08/104 (plunge/azimuth), respectively. Subsequently, tectonic stress tensor properties were derived through inversion of the focal mechanism parameters. The results of this stress inversion indicate a predominantly N-S oriented maximum horizontal stress (σ1) in the Western High Atlas, closely aligned with the faulting style of the Al Haouz earthquake. In contrast, the stress field in the Central High Atlas exhibits a transition to a NW-SE to NNW-NNE orientation of σ1. These spatially varying stress orientations are consistent with independently derived GPS velocities and available neotectonics data, which document ongoing shortening across the High Atlas. This integrated analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the active tectonic deformation within the High Atlas, shedding light on the complex interplay of faulting styles and stress orientations, and providing crucial insights into the source mechanism and broader tectonic context of the Al Haouz earthquake within the Western High Atlas region.

How to cite: Oujane, B., El Moudnib, L., Zeckra, M., Badrane, S., and Nouayti, A.: Seismotectonics of the Intracontinental High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, Derived from Regional Seismic Moment Tensor Analysis: Insights into tectonics and stress regimes., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9503, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9503, 2025.

EGU25-9618 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Horizontal tectonic stresses and its implications in the Shillong Plateau and its adjoining using gravity data 

Priyank Pathak and William Kumar Mohanty

North East India (NEI) is situated between the Himalayan collision arc to the north and the Indo-Burmese Ranges (IBR) to the east. The tectonic unit of the NEI, Shillong Plateau (SP), is one of the most active seismotectonic zones of the Indian subcontinent, as demonstrated by its seismicity. It is crucial to identify active faults in populated areas for human safety and the sustainable development of society. The gravity method is one of the convenient methods to delineate the shallow to deeper subsurface discontinuities, i.e., it is useful to detect active faults in the subsurface compared to other geophysical methods (e.g., Electrical, and Electromagnetic methods). In this study, detailed multilayer horizontal tectonics stress (HTS) was calculated using the approach of multi-scale decomposition of gravity anomalies data. HTS can be helpful in demarcating shallow to deep-seated tectonic structures. The tectonic features exhibit a strong correlation with the distribution of HTS at different depths. Major faults and earthquake epicentre align with areas of high stress, while stable zones correspond to regions of low stress. It means that HTS is employed to deduce the distribution and stability of faults. The high value of HTS is increased from shallow to deep depths for SP, Mikir Hills, IBR and Eastern Himalaya in the NEI region, and it varies as ~ 0.2-0.53 MPa, ~ 0.24-0.61 MPa, ~ 0.3-0.84 MPa, ~ 0.4-1.2 MPa, ~ 0.57 1.86 MPa, ~ 0.8-2.4 MPa, ~ 0.84-3.0 MPa at 4, 8, 12, 20, 40, 50, and 60 km depths, respectively. While the Brahmaputra Valley and the Surma Basin show relatively less stress, where HTS varies between ~ 0.1-0.33 MPa for 4, 8, 12, 20, 40, 50, and 60 km depths. It can be interpreted that the populated SP and Mikir Hills are highly unstable or earthquake-prone regions due to high stress.

How to cite: Pathak, P. and Kumar Mohanty, W.: Horizontal tectonic stresses and its implications in the Shillong Plateau and its adjoining using gravity data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9618, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9618, 2025.

EGU25-9658 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Exploring various approaches to combine Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP) predictions gathered during the Second EOP Prediction Comparison Campaign (2nd EOP PCC) 

Maciej Michalczak, Justyna Śliwińska-Bronowicz, Małgorzata Wińska, Aleksander Partyka, Marcin Ligas, and Jolanta Nastula

The Second Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign (2nd EOP PCC) aimed to evaluate and compare various methods of Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) predictions. One of the goals of the 2nd EOP PCC was to prepare a combination of the predictions to obtain one robust and accurate solution for forecasts of individual parameters. This presentation focuses on identifying the most reliable and accurate combination of predictions for polar motion (PMx, PMy), universal time variations (UT1-UTC), and length of day (LOD) among the methods tested during the 2nd EOP PCC.

Two types of experiments were designed for this study: "operational" combinations tailored to real-time comparisons and practical application and "final" combinations designed for comprehensive analysis. Boths approaches incorporated six methods for handling outlier predictions, ranging from no filtration to progressively stricter criteria using the σ+β method (with α values ranging from 5 to 1). All experiments cover the period of 2nd EOP PCC (from September 1, 2021, to December 31, 2022), and each approach includes 70 10-day predictions.

The results show that combining various submissions generally enhances stability and accuracy of EOP forecasts. The σ+β criterion with α = 1 achieved the smallest Mean Absolute Prediction Error, indicating high accuracy of prediction. However, this method of eliminating outliers forecasts is the most restrictive, as it excludes a significant number of predictions. In contrast, operational combinations without filtering proved more practical for real-time applications, albeit with slightly higher errors.

The findings underscore the importance of tailoring combination strategies to specific goals—whether prioritizing maximum accuracy or practical applicability. This research highlights the benefits of prediction combination methods in improving EOP forecasts, offering a foundation for further development of operational strategies and expanding their use in geophysical and astronomical applications.

How to cite: Michalczak, M., Śliwińska-Bronowicz, J., Wińska, M., Partyka, A., Ligas, M., and Nastula, J.: Exploring various approaches to combine Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP) predictions gathered during the Second EOP Prediction Comparison Campaign (2nd EOP PCC), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9658, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9658, 2025.

EGU25-11708 | Posters virtual | VPS23

Enhanced Celestial Pole Offset forecast via combination of different data sources 

Marcin Ligas, Maciej Michalczak, Santiago Belda, Jose M. Ferrándiz, Maria Karbon, and Sadegh Modiri

This study introduces a methodology designed to enhance the accuracy of Celestial Pole Offset (dX, dY) prediction, with a focus on a short-term forecast horizon (up to 30-days). IERS EOP final data as well as those published by JPL are used as input for the  prediction algorithms. The prediction procedure is consistent, in the sense that, it does not rely on any external data to fill any latency gaps in the final IERS product. This is handled within the prediction routine itself by enlarging the forecast horizon to the gap filling horizon and proper forecast horizon. In this way, the presented methodology is ready to use under operational settings what makes it well suited for real time applications. Such an approach enables also to asses prediction capabilities of the methods in offline experiments whilst maintaining the operational settings. JPL CPO data serves as supplementary series for prediction and adjusting using Deming regression to align it  with IERS CPO values (attempt to assess fixed and proportional biases between series). The prediction strategy applies also the Whittaker-Henderson smoother to IERS CPO series, which after smoothing is treated as an additional source of information in the prediction process. Separate predictions based on JPL, IERS and smoothed IERS series are also averaged in different combinations giving rise to ensemble data-based prediction model. In this way we show that the overpredictive and underpredictive characteristics of specific input data, even with the application of a single prediction method, can result in a more precise and accurate final forecast. The presented approach was tested against the results obtained within the course of the 2nd EOPPCC, as well as other contemporary studies. This presentation includes also a comparison of performance of the method in reference to different series, i.e., IERS EOP 14 C04 and IERS EOP 20 C04.

How to cite: Ligas, M., Michalczak, M., Belda, S., Ferrándiz, J. M., Karbon, M., and Modiri, S.: Enhanced Celestial Pole Offset forecast via combination of different data sources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11708, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11708, 2025.

EGU25-12533 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Global VLBI ties using mixed-mode sessions 

Dhiman R. Mondal, Pedro Elosegui, Chester Ruszczyk, Frank Lemoine, and Dirk Behrend

Geodetic VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) currently consists of two observing networks (legacy S/X and broadband VGOS). Heretofore, the two networks have run rather independently, which is non-ideal. There have been several attempts to combine observations from both networks at sites with co-located antennas using either conventional local-tie surveys or VLBI tie-sessions between S/X and VGOS, or both. Unfortunately, the number of sites with co-located VLBI antennas is rather limited, which hampers progress. To overcome this problem, we proposed an approach, the so-called mixed-mode VLBI tie session, that does not require to have co-located VLBI antennas. Instead, mixed-mode sessions have the S/X and VGOS networks observed simultaneously as a single geodetic VLBI technique to thus obtain global ties between the two networks. Two of the sessions observed in 2020 were already included in the ITRF2020 combination. We hypothesize that the global-tie approach helps preserve the geometry of the networks when aligning with the state-of-art ITRF2020 frame. In this presentation, we will describe the observed mixed-mode sessions, detailing scheduling strategies, correlation techniques, and geodetic processing methods used. We will also demonstrate how mixed-mode sessions can help realize a stable global geodetic reference frame such as the ITRF.

How to cite: Mondal, D. R., Elosegui, P., Ruszczyk, C., Lemoine, F., and Behrend, D.: Global VLBI ties using mixed-mode sessions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12533, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12533, 2025.

EGU25-12972 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Advancements in Navigation Technology and Robustness Against GNSS Interference: A Comparative Analysis of CRPA  

Furkan Karlitepe, Serhat Sezen, Bahri Eren Velibasa, and Abdurrahman Kabalci

The progressive development of navigation technology has significantly improved real-time positioning accuracy, addressing the needs of modern applications. GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is the primary system used for precise positioning across various platforms. However, GNSS is susceptible to errors, particularly interference, which degrades signal quality and compromises accuracy. Auxiliary systems such as INS, gyroscopes, and map-matching algorithms enhance reliability during interference but depend on GNSS for initialization. Signal detection algorithms, often employing CRPA (Controlled Reception Pattern Antennas) and advanced computational techniques, are essential for mitigating the impact of interferences and ensuring reliable navigation. This study compares the performance of two CRPA systems with different GNSS modules and algorithms, subjected to spoofing-jamming interference during experiments. The first CRPA, integrated with the u-blox ZED-F9P module, supports GPS, BeiDou, and Galileo satellites, employing an adaptive notch filter and pulse blanking. The second CRPA, featuring the Unicore UM980 module, supports GPS, BeiDou, and GLONASS satellites, utilizing a space-time algorithm alongside the JamShield adaptive mechanism for interference mitigation. In this study, real-time measurements were conducted on a car-mounted device platform under normal operating conditions. The platform was tested stationary for 5 minutes, followed by 15-minute intervals at speeds of 60 km/h. During each interval, 5 minutes of jamming and 5 minutes of spoofing were applied, with independent spoofing signals introduced. Jamming signals reached up to 50 dB-Hz, and spoofing signals were applied at levels up to 32 dB-Hz using a specialized interference device. During constant-speed travel, the second CRPA tracked 28 satellites with an HDOP of 0.5, while the first CRPA tracked 23 satellites with an HDOP of 0.75. Under jamming conditions, The second antenna maintained consistent satellite visibility, whereas the first experienced a pronounced decline in the number of observable satellites. Similarly, spoofing had no adverse effect on the second antenna, but the first suffered reduced satellite counts and positional accuracy. Additionally, the first antenna consistently underestimated the vehicle’s speed by approximately 5 km/h and exhibited a speed fluctuation of 0.5 m/s under interference conditions. 

How to cite: Karlitepe, F., Sezen, S., Velibasa, B. E., and Kabalci, A.: Advancements in Navigation Technology and Robustness Against GNSS Interference: A Comparative Analysis of CRPA , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12972, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12972, 2025.

EGU25-13099 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Performance of a new set of analytical corrections to planetary nutations: preliminary results and outlook 

Ahmed Zakarya Zerifi, José M Ferrándiz, Alberto Escapa, Tomás Baenas, Miguel A Juárez, Santiago Belda, and Maria Karbon

The need to improve Earth rotation theories and models in a consistent and accurate
manner is currently widely recognized. Several researchers and groups at different
institutions have been working on this problem using quite different approaches, either
from the theoretical or computational perspective.
A potential source of the loss of accuracy of celestial pole offsets can be due to the
mismodeling of the planetary component of the IAU2000 nutation series. In fact, as
recognized in Ferrándiz et al. (2018), this component is actually based on a rigid-Earth
solution and does not include the Oppolzer terms that are significantly affected by the
Earth non-rigidity.
Such hypothesis was showed to be realistic by adjusting directly the amplitudes of a
small number of nutation periods of strictly planetary origin that could be reasonably
well separated by analyzing the series of VLBI observations. The results provide
significant fittings and the WRMS was successfully decreased by amounts comparable
to those achieved with lunisolar amplitude rescaling. A further step in this direction
requires the consideration of theoretical developments for the amplitudes of the non-
rigid Earth planetary nutations.
In this contribution, we present preliminary results considering the analytical formulae
of such planetary amplitudes for a two-layer earth model including dissipation effects at
the core-mantle boundary and anelasticity, obtained from a Hamiltonian method. Their
performance is assessed using several series of VLBI observations, with satisfactory
results, and is placed in the general context of the improvement of the precession and
nutation models sought by the IAG and the IAU.
Acknowledgment. This research was supported partially by Spanish Projects PID2020-119383GB-I00 funded by
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033); SEJIGENT/2021/001, funded by
Generalitat Valenciana; and the European Union—NextGenerationEU (ZAMBRANO 21-04).

How to cite: Zerifi, A. Z., Ferrándiz, J. M., Escapa, A., Baenas, T., Juárez, M. A., Belda, S., and Karbon, M.: Performance of a new set of analytical corrections to planetary nutations: preliminary results and outlook, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13099, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13099, 2025.

EGU25-13415 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Decoding the signal of extreme weather events in the Azores archipelago using GNSS and atmospheric reanalysis products 

Nathra Ramrajvel, Dhiman Mondal, Pedro Elosegui, Scott Paine, Pedro Mateus, and Virgilio Mendes

The rapidly changing climate is amplifying both the frequency and severity of extreme weather events in the Azores archipelago, Portugal. Understanding the underlying dynamics of these events is essential for effective mitigation. Atmospheric water vapor data derived from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data and reanalysis outputs from an atmospheric general circulation model offer valuable tools for studying the behavior of weather fronts around the Atlantic Ocean environment of the Azores. This research aims to conduct a detailed comparison between GNSS-based measurements and atmospheric reanalysis data, such as those available from ERA/MERRA2, focusing on the detection of small-scale atmospheric structures with high temporal resolution. We utilize atmospheric reanalysis products to decode long-term trends in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events in the Azores. We then apply statistical methods to identify consistencies and differences between these two approaches in capturing atmospheric water vapor patterns. By combining water-vapor estimates from both GNSS data and atmospheric reanalysis, we are able to characterize the dynamics of atmospheric turbulence from small (few meters) to large (few tens of kilometers) scales. 

How to cite: Ramrajvel, N., Mondal, D., Elosegui, P., Paine, S., Mateus, P., and Mendes, V.: Decoding the signal of extreme weather events in the Azores archipelago using GNSS and atmospheric reanalysis products, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13415, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13415, 2025.

EGU25-13796 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Geology of the Isiro-Ngayu gold-bearing region, western belts of the Kibali granite-greenstone superterrane in the northeastern Congolese craton, Democratic Republic of Congo 

Didier Birimwiragi Namogo, Joseph Martial Akame, Mokili Mbuluyo, Vinciane Debaille, Arsène Lavie Mango Itulamya, and Aurélia Hubert-Ferrari


The Isiro and Ngayu belts in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are part of the Congo Craton and among the most poorly known Archean terrains worldwide. These belts consist of metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks surrounded or intruded by granitoid rocks. minimum age of deposition for the supracrustal formations is defined at ca 2633 Ma (e.g. Allibone et al., 2020), whereas the granitoids were dated between 3200 Ma and 2530 Ma (Allibone et al., 2020; Turnbull et al., 2021) and are strongly deformed with variable proportions of mafic enclaves at outcrop scale (Turnbull et al., 2021). Both Isiros and Ngayu belts host important gold deposits, but the genetic relationships between gold mineralization, deformation and the diverse host rocks remain ambiguous. In this context, the work we present here is part of a multidisciplinary approach, combining the processing of satellite images and field observations using GIS to map the structural lineament that may control gold mineralization in the region. The results show that the strains are large, marked by NW-SE lineaments at low angle to the belt strikes and combined with a secondary ENE-WSW brittle structure. The overall structural pattern, together with the existence of artisanal gold mining in the area, emphasizes that gold mineralization is largely controlled by structures localization along the greenstone belts.

Key words: Congo craton, gold mineralization, field observations, satellites images, structural lineaments.


Allibone, A., Vargas, C., Mwandale, E., Kwibisa, J., Jongens, R., Quick, S., Komarnisky, N., Fanning, M., Bird, P., MacKenzie, D., Turnbull, R., Holliday, J., 2020. Chapter 9: Orogenic Gold Deposits of the Kibali District, Neoarchean Moto Belt, Northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, in: Sillitoe, R.H., Goldfarb, R.J., Robert, F., Simmons, S.F. (Eds.), Geology of the World’s Major Gold Deposits and Provinces. Society of Economic Geologists, p. 0. https://doi.org/10.5382/SP.23.09

Turnbull, R.E., Allibone, A.H., Matheys, F., Fanning, C.M., Kasereka, E., Kabete, J., McNaughton, N.J., Mwandale, E., Holliday, J., 2021. Geology and geochronology of the Archean plutonic rocks in the northeast Democratic Republic of Congo. Precambrian Research 358, 106133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106133


How to cite: Birimwiragi Namogo, D., Martial Akame, J., Mbuluyo, M., Debaille, V., Mango Itulamya, A. L., and Hubert-Ferrari, A.: Geology of the Isiro-Ngayu gold-bearing region, western belts of the Kibali granite-greenstone superterrane in the northeastern Congolese craton, Democratic Republic of Congo, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13796, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13796, 2025.

EGU25-13924 | Posters on site | G2.3

The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) Updates for 2025 

Justine Woo

The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) provides essential support for the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) by operating a data and product archive for the main geodetic techniques.   As GGOS matures and grows, the CDDIS adopts the latest data practices to strengthen its support for the community and ensure quality products are available in a timely manner.  This poster explores the breadth of work done at the CDDIS and provides highlights of the latest developments including new data and product holdings, updates to provide clarity and usability for users, and updates on future works. Statistics on usage will also be provided.

How to cite: Woo, J.: The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) Updates for 2025, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13924, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13924, 2025.


Urban surface dust and soils serve as a primary source and reservoir of metals that substantially impact human health and urban ecosystems. This study investigates the impact of metal contamination on urban surface soils from diverse land-use locations and their potential risk to human health in Jammu City, India. A total of fifteen surface soil samples were collected to evaluate the total metal concentration (As, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn), Contamination Factor (CF), Geo-accumulation Index (Igeo), Pollution Load Index (PLI), and Potential Ecological Risk Index (PERI). The research findings of this study revealed significant variation in metal concentration. In comparison to Upper Continental Crust (UCC, taken as background here), the average concentration of Fe and Mn is lower across all locations, whereas As, Ni, Cu, and Zn are significantly higher over all locations. Elevated levels of Fe and Mn were observed higher near samples collected from industrial zones while Ni, As, Cu and Zn showed wider distribution throughout the study area. Apart from all metals, high As content was observed at near-construction and high-traffic interactions. Higher CF (CF > 6) and PLI values in surface soil samples revealed high contamination of As, Cu, Ni and Zn due to intensive industrial and vehicular emissions in the study area. Igeo values in surface soil samples indicated severe contamination of As, Cu, Ni and ZN in the study area, while Fe and Mn showed no contamination. PERI assessment in surface soil samples revealed extremely high ecological risk for As and Cu in Jammu City. Risk index values indicated that 40% of surface soil samples carried a very high risk (RI > 600) of metal contamination in the study area. The overall findings advised that industrial, transportation, and construction activities need to be improved to protect the region's environment and public health.

Keywords: Heavy metals, geo-accumulation index (IGeo), risk assessment, roadside dust.

How to cite: Gorka, R. and Kumar, R.: Spatial Distribution and Contamination Levels of Heavy Metals (Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, As, and Zn) in Urban Topsoils of Jammu City, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14122, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14122, 2025.

EGU25-15238 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Real-time high-precision joint orbit determination of GPS and LEO using SRIF 

Wen Lai, Guanwen Huang, Le Wang, Haonan She, Shichao Xie, Wei Xie, and Qining Wang

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites have the advantages of high flight velocity and minimal influence from external environmental factors on onboard observation. Integrating LEO satellite observations with ground observations can improve the accuracy and convergence performance of GPS and LEO real-time orbit determination, which can simultaneously meet the prerequisites for real-time Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) services for both GPS and LEO systems. Therefore, this study employs the Square Root Information Filter (SRIF) for GPS and LEO satellites real-time joint orbit determination (RTJOD). Based on observations from eight existing scientific LEO satellites, a detailed study on RTJOD was conducted under two scenarios: one using observations from 100 global stations and the other using observations from 9 regional stations in Australia. The results show that, with 100 global stations, incorporating LEO observations can significantly improve the convergence performance and GPS satellite orbit accuracy. The convergence times in the Along-track, Cross-track, and Radial components are reduced from 3.5, 5.8, and 10.3 h to 0.9, 1.0, and 10.3 h, respectively. The accuracy improves from 5.8, 3.6, and 2.8 to 4.0 cm, 2.5 cm, and 2.5 cm. Additionally, the ambiguity resolution (AR) performance is significantly enhanced. The time required to achieve a 90% narrow-lane ambiguity fixing rate is reduced from 4.9 to 0.7 h. After AR, the orbit accuracy further improves to 3.1 cm, 2.3 cm, and 2.4 cm. In the case of the 9 regional stations in Australia, after incorporating LEO, the orbit accuracy of the float solution after convergence is comparable to that of the 100 global stations without LEO, with accuracies of 6.0, 4.8, and 2.9 cm in the three components. It is important to note that, due to insufficient observations in this case, AR does not result in any further improvement in accuracy. In addition, LEO can achieve orbit determination accuracy better than 5 cm within a short time in both station distribution scenarios. This ensures that RTJOD enables LEO and GPS to generate high-precision real-time orbits simultaneously. Finally, the processing time for each epoch in all scenarios is less than 5 seconds, ensuring that the GPS and LEO RTJOD can provide timely orbit updates.

How to cite: Lai, W., Huang, G., Wang, L., She, H., Xie, S., Xie, W., and Wang, Q.: Real-time high-precision joint orbit determination of GPS and LEO using SRIF, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15238, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15238, 2025.

EGU25-15605 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Deep Learning Approaches for Zenith Total Delay Estimation 

Nihal Tekin Ünlütürk and Mehmet Bak

Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) is a crucial parameter for understanding the effects of atmospheric conditions on satellite signals, constituting a fundamental aspect of precision positioning and atmospheric modeling applications. Traditional methods for ZTD estimation, including GNSS observations, numerical weather prediction models, and interpolation techniques, encounter critical limitations such as generalization constraints, sparse data availability, insufficient spatial coverage, high computational costs, and limited adaptability to dynamic atmospheric changes. Deep learning techniques provide substantial benefits, including processing large and complex datasets, enabling dynamic modeling, and delivering rapid and accurate estimations.

This study integrates real-time GNSS observations with high-resolution atmospheric reanalysis data from the ERA5 dataset to develop deep learning-based methods for ZTD estimation. GNSS data were sourced from 17 IGS tropospheric stations strategically selected to represent diverse geographic and climatic conditions. These stations supplied ZTD values and their temporal variations at 5-minute intervals, spanning February 2023 to January 2024. ERA5 data, offering hourly atmospheric parameters, necessitated the alignment of GNSS temporal resolution with ERA5 for spatial modeling. The spatial distribution of GNSS data was optimized using interpolation techniques to enhance the quality of inputs for deep-learning models.

The findings highlight the potential of deep learning techniques to enhance ZTD estimation processes. Future research will focus on integrating additional datasets, such as InSAR, to achieve higher spatial resolution and improved accuracy. Moreover, advanced deep learning architectures, including attention mechanisms, will be investigated to refine estimation methods and broaden their applications in atmospheric and geospatial studies.

How to cite: Tekin Ünlütürk, N. and Bak, M.: Deep Learning Approaches for Zenith Total Delay Estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15605, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15605, 2025.

EGU25-17154 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

GGOS IberAtlantic Affiliate: Bringing Geodesy Closer to Society across the Iberian Peninsula and the Atlantic region 

Esther Azcue and José Manuel Ferrándiz Leal and the GGOS IberAtlantic Governing Board

A Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) affiliate is an organization or entity that collaborates with the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) to enhance the global geodetic infrastructure and support the objectives of GGOS in a region.
With this goal, a GGOS affiliate was created to enhance geodetic infrastructure and scientific collaboration across the Iberian Peninsula and the Atlantic region. It is called GGOS IberAtlantic. This project focuses on improving the accuracy and reliability of geospatial data through the co-location and integration of geodetic space techniques to support various scientific and practical applications, including global reference frame maintenance, climate change monitoring, natural hazard assessment, in the perspective of a sustainable development. GGOS IberAtlantic aims to establish a robust network of geodetic stations, facilitate high-accuracy data collection, and promote international cooperation among geodetic institutions, contributing to a better understanding of Earth's dynamic processes. It is also focused on supporting decision-making in the area and bringing geodesy closer to society, specially to young scientists.
The upcoming presentation will outline the steps taken to establish the GGOS IberAtlantic group, as well as its future directions and objectives.

Acknowledgment. This presentation was supported partially by Spanish Project PID2020-119383GB-I00 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)

How to cite: Azcue, E. and Ferrándiz Leal, J. M. and the GGOS IberAtlantic Governing Board: GGOS IberAtlantic Affiliate: Bringing Geodesy Closer to Society across the Iberian Peninsula and the Atlantic region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17154, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17154, 2025.

The neutral atmosphere that extending from the surface of earth to about 80 km overhead is the electrically neutral part (within a certain frequency band which GNSS signals fall) of the atmosphere. There is no doubt that neutral atmosphere has a delaying effect on transmitted radio waves. Spilker (1996) noted that the more precise term of this delaying effect is neutral atmosphere delay, even though this delaying effect has been traditionally referred to as just troposphere delay. At all events, the delaying effect has propagated into satellite observations, and we must deal with it appropriately in order to achieve precise satellite positioning results. There are many geodesists have been making their contributions to treatment of neutral atmosphere delay, and how to get satisfactory supports from numerical weather model data set is one of the efforts making to calibrate this delaying effect more precisely up-to-date. Currently, both Earth observation network and technology have great improvement, which results in wonderful increase of Earth observational data as well as the subsequent numerical weather model data set. Briefly speaking, numerical weather model data set which generally provided by different organizations and/or institutions is a global and/or regional gridded meteorological data set with specific temporal-spatial resolution. Generally, reanalysis data set and forecast data set are usually considered to be the two main data set representations, and they both provide two types of data level, i.e., three-dimensional pressure levels and two-dimensional surface level. The data set contains some usually used meteorological parameters, such as height, temperature, pressure, humidity. With these meteorological parameters, some main terms related to neutral atmosphere delay, such as hydrostatic/wet delay, gradient factors and mapping factors can all be calculated without any difficulty by using computing techniques like raytracing and interpolation. Undoubtedly, the performance of different types of data set that mentioned above in representing neutral atmosphere delay are not all the same. Definitely, some interesting and meaningful comparison results have found and widely propagated by many scholars. In this work, we put more emphasis on evaluation of the forecast data set from neutral atmosphere delay point of view, considering there is an objective fact that satellite positioning industry especially the (near) real-time positioning has vigorous development, in which the calibration of neutral atmosphere delay is required more and more accurate and timely-supported. Besides time-delayed reanalysis data set and time-advanced forecast data set, microwave radiometer data set and radiosonde data set are also employed. The first results show that empirical model such as UNB3 can only state the normal level of delaying effect and the obtained delay values are either larger or smaller; the pressure levels data set performs better than the surface level data set with very high proportion in time domain; even though reanalysis data set generally has good performance, forecast data set can work for the neutral atmosphere delay calibration with relatively satisfactory support in term of accuracy.

This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42304010), the Youth Foundation of Changzhou Institute of Technology (E3-6207-21-060, 31020222007).

How to cite: Wang, M.: First results about evaluation of forecasted numerical weather model data set in view of neutral atmosphere delay, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17506, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17506, 2025.

EGU25-18280 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Real-Time ZTD correction grid based on augmented GNSS network for navigation services 

Antonio Basoni, Rosa Pacione, Leonardo Bagaglini, and Roberto Lanotte

Tropospheric refraction is one of the major error sources in satellite-based positioning. The delay of radio signals caused by the troposphere ranges from 2m at the zenith to 20m at low elevation angles, depending on pressure, temperature and humidity along the path of the signal transmission. If the delay is not properly modeled, positioning accuracy can degrade significantly. Empirical tropospheric models, with or without meteorological observations, are used to correct these delays but they are limited in accuracy and spatial resolution resulting in up to a few decimeters error in positioning solutions. The present availability of ground-based GNSS networks and the state of the art of GNSS processing techniques enable precise estimation of Zenith Tropospheric Delays (ZTD) with different latency ranging from real time to post-processing.
We present a method for computing ZTD residual fields interpolating, through Ordinary Kriging, the residuals between GNSS-derived and model-computed ZTD at continuously operating GNSS stations. GNSS ZTD estimates, obtained in real time and in PPP mode, are augmented by a multi-prediction model based on a Graph Neural Network model trained using one year of Near Real Time ZTD observations and a model using a polynomial plus harmonic interpolation. A combination strategy is defined to merge GNSS ZTD estimates at sites with the predicted values, where predicted ZTD values act as hole fillers for stations missing from the GNSS network at the current epoch. The residual ZTD field, obtained from PPP/prediction model and ZTD empirical model, is modelled as a random process and for each epoch a variogram is estimated and fitted to characterize the spatial correlation of the process. At a known user location, ZTD value is obtained as the sum of site interpolated ZTD residual and modeled-ZTD value. The algorithm is validated with respect to GNSS ZTD estimates provided by an external provider at a selection of sites not included in the network used to fed the computation. Details about validation and possible improvements will be provided.

How to cite: Basoni, A., Pacione, R., Bagaglini, L., and Lanotte, R.: Real-Time ZTD correction grid based on augmented GNSS network for navigation services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18280, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18280, 2025.

The University of Luxembourg (UL), in collaboration with the United Kingdom Met Office, continues to advance the provision of global and regional near real-time (NRT) Zenith Total Delays (ZTDs) from GNSS ground networks to support operational meteorological products within the EUMETNET EIG GNSS Water Vapour Programme (E-GVAP). E-GVAP facilitates coordination and uptake of NRT GNSS-based atmospheric monitoring, which is indispensable for assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models across Europe, including at the Met Office, where high-temporal-resolution data enhance mesoscale weather forecasting. This study highlights the collaborative efforts of the Met Office and UL in delivering accurate, timely meteorological data from GNSS. The partnership has resulted in the development and enhancement of NRT processing systems using the state-of-the-art Bernese GNSS software version 5.4 (BSW5.4), generating ZTD products at both UL and the Met Office at 1-hour intervals globally and regionally, and at sub-hourly intervals regionally. Over the past year, UL has focused on developing hourly NRT ZTD solutions for global and regional networks, and more recently extending them to sub-hourly intervals (down to 15 minutes) for regional coverage, thereby refining the temporal resolution for E-GVAP users. In particular, we are now prepared to provide NRT products in the form of a global hourly product (ULGH), a regional hourly product (ULRH), and a regional sub-hourly product (ULRS) to E-GVAP. As part of the system's development, we validate our latest global, regional, and sub-hourly ZTD solutions against established NRT outputs from E-GVAP and benchmark post-processed Double-Difference Network (DDN) products, while also verifying Integrated Water Vapour (IWV) estimates against ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5). Finally, we highlight how higher-frequency updates can positively influence NWP assimilation in rapidly evolving weather situations, detailing data flow and latency management that ensure reliable NRT ZTD delivery to E-GVAP participants and the Met Office. By extending temporal coverage from hourly to sub-hourly in regional networks and continuing our global solutions, we advance the utility of GNSS-based atmospheric sensing for short-term weather forecasting, providing consistent, high-quality NRT GNSS products for meteorological operations in Europe and beyond. 

How to cite: Hunegnaw, A., Teferle, F., and Jones, J.: Extending Global and Regional Near Real-Time GNSS ZTD Solutions Using BSW5.4 at the University of Luxembourg: Contributions to E-GVAP , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18910, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18910, 2025.

EGU25-19802 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Scientific Legacy and Current Contributions of the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Spanish Navy: Impact on Geophysics, Geodesy, and other Scientific and Social Fields. 

David Rodriguez Collantes, Manuel Ángel Sánchez Piedra, Roberto Cabieces Díaz, and Julián Fiz Barreda

The Geophysics Section of the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Navy (ROA) is structured into three main services: Seismology, Geomagnetism, and Space Geodesy, in addition to an auxiliary Meteorology service and participation in maritime scientific campaigns. Since its foundation, the ROA has played a pioneering role in Spain, being a member of the Spanish Commission of Geodesy and Geophysics and collaborating with international institutions across all its fields of activity, such as ILRS, IGS, INTERMAGNET, and GEOFON, as well as organizations like NASA and ESA, among others.

The Geomagnetism Service, established in 1879, studies the Earth's magnetic field and its variations to conduct scientific research. After several relocations due to electromagnetic interference, the current geomagnetic observatory is located at Cortijo de Garrapilos (Cádiz) and has been a member of INTERMAGNET since 2006. The Seismology Service dates back to 1898, when one of the 12 seismographs of the first global seismic network, promoted by geologist John Milne, was installed at the ROA. The current infrastructure is distributed across Spain and North Africa, including a short-period network for regional seismicity in the Gulf of Cádiz and the Alboran Sea, long-period stations for global seismicity, and the international Western Mediterranean network, in which prestigious institutions such as UCM and GFZ participate. The ROA has been involved in space geodesy with artificial satellites since the early days of the space era, starting just one year after the launch of the first SPUTNIK (1958) with the Baker-Nunn camera. This technique was followed by laser ranging (SLR) in 1975, when a station capable of tracking collaborative satellites was installed. By 1980, the station was exclusively operated by ROA personnel. Since then, the station has undergone constant upgrades to maintain a high level of operability. Today, it contributes to national and international tracking networks such as ILRS-EUROLAS and EU SST-S3T. Additionally, the ROA adopted GPS in the 1980s for geodetic studies and currently manages a GNSS network comprising 17 permanent stations spanning the southern Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. Maritime campaigns include studies in the Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), with objectives such as hydrographic surveys and geophysical exploration for seabed characterization. Since 1987, the ROA has also participated in Antarctic campaigns.

The Geophysics Section of the ROA combines tradition and advanced technology to contribute to the understanding of the Earth and space, consolidating its position as a national and international benchmark in the study of geophysical and geodetic processes. Evidence of this includes recent or ongoing scientific work over the past years: four doctoral theses (three of them in progress), various articles in high-impact journals, participation in numerous scientific projects, and extensive contributions to conferences. In this way, the ROA, through the Geophysics Section, fosters collaboration in geodesy through its active participation in international networks, addressing global scientific and societal challenges with cutting-edge technology and a multidisciplinary approach.

How to cite: Rodriguez Collantes, D., Sánchez Piedra, M. Á., Cabieces Díaz, R., and Fiz Barreda, J.: Scientific Legacy and Current Contributions of the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Spanish Navy: Impact on Geophysics, Geodesy, and other Scientific and Social Fields., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19802, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19802, 2025.

EGU25-20077 | Posters virtual | VPS23

Influence of VLBI Network Geometry on the Estimation of Earth Orientation Parameters 

Lucía Daniela del Nido Herranz, Santiago Belda, Maria Karbon, José Manuel Ferrándiz, and Esther Azcue Infanzón

The accuracy and reliability of Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) are significantly influenced by the geometric configuration of the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) network. This astronomical technique employs a global network of radio telescopes to collect data. The distribution of VLBI antennas affects the triangulation process used to determine the positions of celestial sources, which is integral to the calculation of EOP. An optimal geometry yields more accurate and reliable EOP results, which are essential for many scientific applications.

This study examines the impact of different VLBI networks on EOP estimation, using data collected during several Continuous VLBI Campaigns (CONT) and designing alternative networks by removing various antennas and/or baselines from the original configuration. The results of this analysis aim to contribute to the refinement of EOP and the achievement of the stringent GGOS accuracy targets (i.e., a frame with accuracy at epoch of 1 mm or better and a stability of 0.1 mm/y).

How to cite: del Nido Herranz, L. D., Belda, S., Karbon, M., Ferrándiz, J. M., and Azcue Infanzón, E.: Influence of VLBI Network Geometry on the Estimation of Earth Orientation Parameters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20077, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20077, 2025.

EGU25-20320 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS23

Deep learning in RTM gravity field modeling: A case study over Wudalianchi area 

Meng Yang, baoyu Zhang, Lehan Wang, Wei Feng, and Min Zhong

The Residual Terrain Modeling (RTM) technique is commonly used to recover short-wavelength gravity field signals. However, classical gravity forward modeling methods for RTM gravity field determination face challenges such as series divergence, inefficient computation, and errors induced by tree canopy in Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). In this study, deep learning methods are employed to enhance the quality of the computed RTM gravity field. Experiments are conducted at the Wudalianchi airborne gravity gradiometer test site, which provides a large volume of precise gravity measurements. The Random Forest method is used to estimate and correct tree canopy height errors in DEMs. A fully connected deep neural network (FC-DNN) is introduced to efficiently calculate the RTM gravity field. Additionally, to improve the network’s generalization capability, a novel terrain information fusion regularization method is applied to create an Improved FC-DNN with a refined loss function. The accuracy, computational efficiency, and generalization performance of the deep learning method are evaluated and compared in the Wudalianchi volcanic region. The results demonstrate a significant improvement in the accuracy of the RTM gravity field when based on tree canopy-corrected DEMs. The RTM gravity fields determined using both FC-DNN and Improved FC-DNN achieve mGal-level accuracy, with a remarkable 10,000-fold increase in computational efficiency compared to the classical Newtonian integration method. The Improved FC-DNN exhibits superior generalization, with accuracy enhancements ranging from 7% to 21% compared to the standard FC-DNN.

How to cite: Yang, M., Zhang, B., Wang, L., Feng, W., and Zhong, M.: Deep learning in RTM gravity field modeling: A case study over Wudalianchi area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20320, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20320, 2025.

EGU25-770 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25

Alongshore Varying Dune Retreat at a Barrier Island 

Ronaldyn Dabu, Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, and Juan Garzon

This research investigates the alongshore variability of shoreline and dune line responses to storm events and long-term changes on Culatra Island, located in the Algarve region of Portugal utilizing a combination of LiDAR data, satellite imagery, and numerical models (ShorelineS and SnapWave). Using a dune model based on Larson et al. (2016), integrated within the ShorelineS framework, to analyze the dynamic interactions between dune erosion, overwash by waves, and dune growth driven by aeolian (wind) transport. These interactions are critical in understanding the long-term and storm-induced changes in shoreline positions.

The calibrated ShorelineS model, supported by SnapWave's wave data, reveals that longshore transport gradients are the predominant drivers of shoreline change, significantly influenced by southeast prevailing waves, shallow active heights at the ebb delta, and the presence of the western breakwater.

By simplifying these processes into a 1D sand balance equation, where dune interactions are treated as source and sink terms, the model effectively captures several key dynamics of coastal morphology. However, certain idealizations, such as the assumed dune vegetation lines and simplified coastal profiles, result in some processes, like overwash, not being fully represented.

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the model outputs, extensive sensitivity analyses were conducted with parameters such as impact coefficient Cs, median grain size d50, wave output points distances, and sediment transport factor (qscal). Validation of the ShorelineS model against 2011 DEM data and satellite trends reveals varying degrees of accuracy. For shoreline positions, the model demonstrates a strong positive correlation with DEM data (R² = 0.78) and even better alignment with satellite trends (R² = 0.85). However, the model's predictions for dune positions exhibit higher variability and weaker correlations with DEM data (R² = 0.47), indicating significant discrepancies. Interestingly, the model shows a stronger positive correlation with satellite trends for dunes (slope = 0.96).

The research identifies several key factors contributing to alongshore variability in dune and shoreline responses during storm events, including initial berm width, storm duration, wave height, and cumulative sediment transport due to dune erosion. Notably, dune responses exhibit higher sensitivity to these coastal parameters compared to shoreline responses, with cumulative sediment transport being a significant driver of dune change (Corr: -0.86).

Overall, this study highlights the critical need for integrating comprehensive modeling approaches with empirical data to inform coastal management practices. It offers a robust framework for future research aimed at enhancing the sustainability and resilience of coastal environments.

How to cite: Dabu, R., Roelvink, D., van Dongeren, A., and Garzon, J.: Alongshore Varying Dune Retreat at a Barrier Island, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-770, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-770, 2025.

As decision support methods (including as Artificial Intelligence supported decision making) progress, new ways and frameworks are emerging to enhance our understanding of sediment transport processes (via improved monitoring), but also better modeling those phenomena. This study offers a preliminary view of how deep learning models can link with real-time data from instrumented sediment particles, to predict the risk of bed surface destabilization in channels and rivers, which can lead to infrastructure scour. 
Specifically, three deep learning models are analyzed, herein: a) Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), b) Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), and c) Transformers. These models were compared according to their accuracy, computational efficiency, and suitability for real-time applications.This study integrates data from specifically designed sediment stability monitoring sensors [1-3], with three deep learning models to predict the possibility that sediment is transported along the bed surface of the river [4], in real time. This is important for a series of applications, such as flood risk management, assessment of hazards to hydraulic infrastructure and water resource management, helping achieve resilient and sustainable development under a changing climate change. Future studies can explore further improving the efficiency of sensor enabled novel hydroinformatics approaches.


[1] Al-Obaidi, K., Xu, Y., & Valyrakis, M. (2020). The design and calibration of instrumented particles for assessing water infrastructure hazards. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 9(3), 36.
[2] AlObaidi, K., & Valyrakis, M. (2021). Linking the explicit probability of entrainment of instrumented particles to flow hydrodynamics. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(12), 2448-2465.
[3] Al-Obaidi, K., & Valyrakis, M. (2021). A sensory instrumented particle for environmental monitoring applications: Development and calibration. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(8), 10153-10166.
[4] Valyrakis, M., Diplas, P., & Dancey, C. L. (2011). Prediction of coarse particle movement with adaptive neuro‐fuzzy inference systems. Hydrological Processes, 25(22), 3513-3524.

How to cite: Mavris, I. and Valyrakis, M.: Towards Enhancing River Bed Stability Assessment: A Comparative Study of LSTM, GRU, and Transformer Predictive Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2032, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2032, 2025.

EGU25-2045 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25

Resilience of Mediterranean Mussels to Hydrodynamic Stresses: Insights for Climate Change Adaptation 

Eleni Karagianni and Manousos Valyrakis

The increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events across the Earth's surface results in increasing pressure for living organisms and their habitats, including those in aquatic ecosystems. The main focus of this study is on the resilience of Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) against pronounced hydrodynamic stresses that may be experienced more frequently compared to the past. These mussels can be typically found in Mediterranean coasts and estuaries (such as in Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal), and they are also extensively farmed in the open sea using aquaculture practices. As such, they are of particular interest given their economic significance for Mediterranean countries, as well as their ecological role (offering significant ecosystem services as "ecosystem engineers", such as coastal protection).
The hydrodynamic stress of Mediterranean mussels is herein assessed indirectly using appropriately designed wave-flume experiments and analyzing video observations of the effects of wave motions of different characteristics on the Mediterranean mussels. For these experiments we embed specialised sensors to these mussels so they can record even minute displacements and changes in their orientation [1, 2]. Specifically, small, medium, and large mussels are exposed to two different configurations (similar to earlier studies [3]) on the surface of an artificial seabed, over which different wave fields are traversing. The movement of individual mussels was visually evaluated under varying wave intensities, transitioning from high to low energy and vice versa. These observations aim to determine the conditions and orientations under which these organisms drift relative to the wave flow direction or remain practically undisturbed. In the context of climate change and its impact on marine environments, this study may provide valuable insights into efforts to protect endangered marine species and enhance strategies for safeguarding aquaculture crops against damage caused by storms or significant wave fields.

[1] AlObaidi, K., & Valyrakis, M. (2021). Linking the explicit probability of entrainment of instrumented particles to flow hydrodynamics. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(12), 2448-2465.
[2] Al-Obaidi, K., & Valyrakis, M. (2021). A sensory instrumented particle for environmental monitoring applications: Development and calibration. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(8), 10153-10166.
[3] Curley, E.A.M., Valyrakis, M., Thomas, R., Adams, C.E., & Stephen, A. (2021). Smart sensors to predict entrainment of freshwater mussels: A new tool in freshwater habitat assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 787, 147586.

How to cite: Karagianni, E. and Valyrakis, M.: Resilience of Mediterranean Mussels to Hydrodynamic Stresses: Insights for Climate Change Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2045, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2045, 2025.

EGU25-3094 | Posters virtual | VPS25

Flow transformation processes recorded in the Eocene early syn-rift deep-lacustrine fine grained sedimentary rock in the Qibei Sub-sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China 

Jiyang Wang, Jianhua Zhao, Zuhui You, Xiugang Pu, Keyu Liu, Wei Zhang, ZhanNan Shi, Wenzhong Han, and Zhihao Wang

Gravity flow is a key sedimentary process in deep-lacustrine environments, with transitional flow deposits commonly occurring in both distal and proximal zones of the turbidite systems. These deposits are crucial to understanding the sedimentary dynamics of fine-grained deep-water sediments. The transitional deposits between turbidity currents and mud-rich debris flows are particularly important for advancing our understanding of fine-grained sedimentation processes and have significant implications for unconventional oil and gas exploration.

The aim of this study is to describe transitional-flow facies, interpret their flow evolution and depositional processes, and assess their impact on the differential accumulation of organic matter in a fresh-water syn-rift deep-lacustrine system. Data were collected from the 111.39-m-thick Eocene  lacustrine oil-prone source rock succession, penetrated by the two wells in the Qibei Sub-sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Nine sedimentary facies were identified in the studied fine-grained succession, with various internal sedimentary structures (e.g., ripple cross lamination, low-angle cross lamination, wave lamination, parallel lamination, graded structure, deformed structure, and homogeneous structure) reflecting the dynamics of sedimentary processes in a deep-lacustrine depositional lobe distal environment. Millimeter-scale logging defined 5 bed types based on 2383 measured and recorded beds, with inferred transitional flow deposits exhibiting distinctive stacking patterns, from coarser grained turbidites to fine-grained debrites. A wide range of transitional-flow facies are recognized and can be assigned to turbulence-enhanced transitional flow, lower transitional plug flow, upper transitional plug flow and quasi-laminar plug flow. Despite the predominance of finning upward grain size trends, sedimentary structures in these heterolithic deposits may stack in varying orders, reflecting different flow dynamics.

The vertical facies trends of transitional flow deposit provide insights into the longitudinal flow evolution of flows, which were initially turbulent, but became increasingly laminar through deceleration and fine-grain entrainment. The assimilation of the lake-bottom mud into the density flows likely played a key role in modulating flow turbulence, helping to explain the common occurrence of transitional-flow facies indicated by sedimentological features such as sheared flame structures and deformed mud intrusions, which suggest interaction between the flow and the muddy lake floor.

Lacustrine organic matter was delivered to the lake floor by continuous settling, whereas terrestrial organic matter was transported via sediment density flows. The deep-lacustrine background mudstone is dominated by Type II1 kerogen, whereas the quasi-laminar plug flow mudstone is dominated by Type II1 and II2 kerogen, turbulence-enhanced transitional flow and lower transitional plug flow mudstones are dominated by Type II2 and III kerogen. These observations challenge the view that mud accumulates only from suspension fallout in distal basin-floor environments. This study suggests that composition, texture, and organic matter types of mud-dominated deep-lacustrine mudstones vary predictably in response to changes in depositional processes. The results have broader applicability to other deep-lacustrine sedimentary systems, highlighting the dynamic nature of transitional flows. Detailed microtextural and compositional analysis, combined with rigorous geochemical parameters, is essential for the understanding of the source-rock potential of basinal mudstones and fine-grained organic-rich sediments more general.

How to cite: Wang, J., Zhao, J., You, Z., Pu, X., Liu, K., Zhang, W., Shi, Z., Han, W., and Wang, Z.: Flow transformation processes recorded in the Eocene early syn-rift deep-lacustrine fine grained sedimentary rock in the Qibei Sub-sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3094, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3094, 2025.

This study aims to simulate the sedimentary processes of marine (lake) to terrestrial transitional clastic rocks and quantitatively analyze the impact of geological control factors on stratigraphic integrity. Most sedimentary strata exhibit discontinuities of different scales, represented by both temporal and spatial incompleteness. Defining and quantitatively characterizing "stratigraphic integrity" is of great importance for accurate stratigraphic correlation, reconstructing the depositional history of geological periods, and guiding oil and gas exploration.

2D physical water tank experiments can realistically simulate geological processes such as erosion, transport, deposition, and reworking of clastic materials. These experiments allow for the calculation of stratigraphic integrity at any given location. In this study, a narrow 3D water tank was used to approximate the 2D sedimentary processes, simulating the entire sedimentary sequence of marine (lake) to terrestrial transitional clastic rocks and calculating stratigraphic integrity.

A transparent glass water tank (1.5m×0.5m×0.05m) was chosen as the experimental setup. Based on a thorough review of relevant literature, multiple sedimentary bottom shapes were designed to replicate different real-world geological depositional environments. Specific time steps were set to quantitatively introduce different types of quartz sand, achieving visualization of the experimental results. A water level control curve was designed to change the water level over time, allowing for precise control of water height in the tank and effectively simulating the evolution of stratigraphic sequences. Finally, based on the experimental data, stratigraphic integrity was calculated for various depositional environments, enabling further analysis of the experimental results.

The experimental results clearly reveal the evolution of stratigraphy and depositional sequence features, which closely match actual geological conditions. This indicates that the experiment can realistically simulate the sedimentary processes of marine (lake) to terrestrial transitional clastic rocks. From an overall perspective, erosion near the sediment source is more pronounced and frequent, while at the distal end, the strata remain more complete due to prolonged subaqueous conditions, and erosion is less noticeable. The depositional sequence shows a typical progradation pattern, with thin oblique and wavy bedding structures. Stratigraphic integrity studies show that the integrity increases from the proximal to distal end. A comparison of integrity at the same location shows that horizontal surface fluctuations have a much stronger impact on stratigraphic integrity than changes in the bottom shape, with frequency variations in the water level control curve having a greater effect than changes in amplitude.

This study uses 2D physical water tank experiments to simulate and reconstruct the sedimentary processes of marine (lake) to terrestrial transitional clastic rocks. It also quantifies the influence of geological control factors on stratigraphic integrity. The results demonstrate that both the sedimentary bottom shape and water level change curves affect stratigraphic integrity, with water level changes having a more significant impact. This research is the first to combine 2D water tank simulations with stratigraphic integrity control factors, providing innovative experimental methods and technical tools for sedimentary physical modeling and stratigraphic integrity assessment.

How to cite: Fu, S. and Liu, J.: The Study of Stratigraphic Integrity of Marine (Lake) to Terrestrial Transitional Clastic Rocks Based on 2D Flume Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7676, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7676, 2025.

EGU25-8615 | Posters virtual | VPS25

Assessing Long-Term Water Dynamics in the Danube Delta Lakes using Sentinel-1 Radar Imagery 

Andrei Toma and Albert Scrieciu

The EcoDaLLi project is an integrative initiative designed to contribute to the European Green Deal’s freshwater objectives by supporting the restoration, protection, and sustainable management of the Danube River Basin and its delta. As part of the broader mission "Restore Our Ocean, Seas & Waters by 2030," the project employs a systemic approach to ecosystem restoration through the implementation of innovative solutions and improved governance frameworks. By focusing on the Danube Basin, one of Europe’s most ecologically significant areas, EcoDaLLi aims to strengthen climate resilience, enhance biodiversity conservation, and promote sustainable water resource management. Additionally, Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării (UEFISCDI) from Romania has awarded a special funding grant to support the present research.

A core scientific objective of the project is to document and analyze the dynamic behavior of the water surfaces in the Danube Basin. The present research relies on satellite radar imagery from the Sentinel-1 constellation, made available through the Copernicus Program. The radar data’s ability to penetrate cloud cover and record consistent surface reflections makes it highly suitable for long-term multi-temporal monitoring of water bodies, especially in a complex and variable environment such as the Danube Delta.

The initial phase involves the systematic collection of radar imagery, focusing on the VV polarization channel, which offers superior water isolation characteristics compared to other channels. In the second phase, a rigorous preprocessing workflow is applied to the raw imagery, including orbital corrections, radiometric normalization, and noise reduction. These steps are critical for ensuring data consistency and enabling precise extraction of water body extents. The processed data is then subjected to detailed geospatial analysis using advanced GIS tools, enabling the derivation of key hydrological metrics. These metrics include maximum and minimum water extent, presence and recurrence of water bodies, and seasonal variations.

The analysis will employ methodologies such as Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) to track and quantify spatial and temporal changes across the monitored lakes. Statistical models will further be used to correlate observed hydrological changes with climatic and environmental factors. The resulting datasets will provide a robust foundation for understanding the long-term hydrological dynamics of the Danube Delta’s lakes and their role in regional ecosystem functioning. Moreover, the results will offer guidelines for local and regional stakeholders, supporting evidence-based policy-making and adaptive management strategies.


This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-IV-P8-8.1-PRE-HE-ORG-2023-0089, within PNCDI IV.

How to cite: Toma, A. and Scrieciu, A.: Assessing Long-Term Water Dynamics in the Danube Delta Lakes using Sentinel-1 Radar Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8615, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8615, 2025.

Due global warming, rock glaciers were increased after the glaciers retreated rapidly. Rock glaciers, as an important indicators of mountain permafrost, play a critical role in mountain hydrology. The Gaizi River Basin, located in Pamir plateau and even has the Muztag-Ata (7,509m) and Gongger (7,719m) massifs. Comprehensive studies on distribution characterizations of rock glaciers in this region are currently in the incipient stages. Using Chinese high spatial resolution GF-2 Satellite images and Google Earth, a total of 56 rock glaciers were identified. Their spatial distribution and relationship with local factors were studied. Following the guidelines of the International Permafrost Association, out of the 56 rock glaciers, 9 are glacier-connected, 16 are glacier-forefield connected, 19 are talus-connected, and 12 are debris-mantled slope-connected. The rock glaciers are situated at slopes of 12゜–37゜ and elevations between 3380 m and 5320 m a.s.l. and predominantly facing north, northwest, or northeast (54.5 %). The average annual precipitation ranges from 26 mm to 350 mm and annual air temperature of the rock glaciers ranges from -13.5 C to 3.9 C. The rock glaciers can be used to quantify water storages and investigate the extent of permafrost and therefore carry significance in study their response to climate change.

How to cite: Liu, Y.: The distribution characteristics of rock glaciers in the Gaizi River Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12331, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12331, 2025.

Glaciers have retreated since the maximum extent of the “Little Ice Age” around c. 1850. The barren forefields provide a unique opportunity to study the development of an emerging ecosystem from its early stages to better understand successional mechanisms, community assembly and underlying filtering processes. While previous studies have primarily focused on the Central Alps, there remains a knowledge gap regarding succession for the forefields in the Northern Limestone Alps. The aim of this new monitoring platform is to gain a more comprehensive understanding of vegetation dynamics in the context of ecosystem succession in glacier forefields of this region. To this end, the chronosequence approach is applied across four glacier forefields, namely Hallstätter Glacier, Great Gosau Glacier (both in Dachstein mountains, Austria), Watzmann Glacier and Blaueis (both in Berchtesgaden Alps, Germany). Integrated, interdisciplinary methods are used for long-term monitoring and assessment of succession processes. From Vegetation monitoring which follows GLORIA guidelines, selected trait measurements, analysis of ancient DNA pools in ice lake sediments, abiotic site characterization including temperature recording and substrate sampling, to remote sensing methods we want to provide a whole picture of this dynamic environment. First results shows that species richness, abundance increase with age. However, these trends occur at a much slower rate than observed in the Central Alps. Initial trait analyses based on database entries revealed only a few clear patterns along the age gradient. In-depth analyses using trait field measurements are still underway. Additionally, environmental parameters seem to play a role in shaping succession, indicating that abiotic factors may significantly influence the pace and pattern of ecosystem development in the glacier forefields of the Northern Limestone Alps.

How to cite: Hecht, C.: Monitoring and research on succession in glacier forefields of the Northern Limestone Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12335, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12335, 2025.

EGU25-12417 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25

Pleistocene morpho-stratigraphy and vertical land motions on the South Brazil-Uruguay coastal plain 

Ciro Cerrone, Luca Lämmle, Archimedes Perez Filho, Giovanni Scicchitano, Luigi Jovane, Gabriel T. Tagliaro, Jerry X. Mitrovica, Paolo Stocchi, and Alessio Rovere

Geological sea-level proxies (e.g., fossil intertidal or foreshore deposits) preserve crucial data that enable the reconstruction of historical sea-level fluctuations. This information is essential for assessing the extension and volume of ice sheets during previous warm periods.

The work aims to present the results of a morpho-stratigraphic field campaign conducted along the southern Brazilian coast, from Osório (Rio Grande do Sul) to Paranaguá (Paraná). A classical geological and geomorphological approach was coupled with a literature review of the geological sea-level proxies related to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 from the coast of Uruguay to São Paulo. Samples from shallow-water marine sand and aeolian deposits have been analysed using granulometric and micropaleontological methods, in addition to direct dating with the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) technique. The elevation of each proxy was measured with centimetric precision using a GNSS RTK station and referenced to the local geoid model (MAPGEO2015), with an associated error margin of only a few centimetres.

Preliminary findings indicate that vertical land movements, both associated with glacial isostatic adjustment and sediment isostatic rebound, may have played a key role in the accumulation of Late Pleistocene marine and aeolian deposits, positioning them several meters above sea level at odds with global mean sea level position.

This presentation contributes to the WARMCOASTS project, which received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n. 802414).

How to cite: Cerrone, C., Lämmle, L., Perez Filho, A., Scicchitano, G., Jovane, L., Tagliaro, G. T., Mitrovica, J. X., Stocchi, P., and Rovere, A.: Pleistocene morpho-stratigraphy and vertical land motions on the South Brazil-Uruguay coastal plain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12417, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12417, 2025.

EGU25-13498 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25

Investigating Coastal Erosion Hotspots: A Multiscale Approach applied along the Basilicata Ionian coast (Southern Italy) 

Antonio Minervino Amodio, Giuseppe Corrado, Gianluigi Di Paola, Angela Rizzo, and Dario Gioia

Accurate assessment of coastal vulnerability is crucial for effective coastal risk management, especially in the context of increasing human pressure. One common approach to evaluating coastal erosion risk involves the use of geomorphological-based indices. These indices typically combine various physical factors such as: shoreline changes with historical and recent trends in coastline movement (erosion or accretion); dune and beach geometry (slope, dune height, and width); presence and type of vegetation, which can stabilize or destabilize the coastline; coastal infrastructure. the presence and type of human-made structures, such as seawalls and groins, which can impact coastal processes. These factors are often assigned weights or ranks to create a vulnerability classification, allowing for the identification of areas at higher risk of erosion. This approach provides a valuable framework for understanding the inherent susceptibility of a coastline to erosion. However, it is important to highlight that this is a simplified representation of complex coastal processes. Geomorphological indices offer a valuable tool for initial assessments of coastal vulnerability. Nevertheless, they should be used in conjunction with other data sources and analyses to gain a more comprehensive understanding of coastal processes. This study investigates coastal vulnerability along a coastline in Basilicata, southern Italy. The region faces significant coastal erosion due to a combination of natural factors and human impacts. To assess vulnerability, the study employs a multi-scale approach based on:  i) Coastal Erosion Susceptibility Index (CESI), this index evaluates the inherent susceptibility of the coastline to erosion based on factors like shoreline changes, dune and beach geometry, and vegetation. The results identified "hotspots" – areas with the highest level of susceptibility of coastal erosion; ii) High-resolution LiDAR Surveys, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with LiDAR sensors were used to create detailed 3D models of the coastline. By comparing LiDAR data from 2013 and 2023, we quantified the extent of coastal erosion and identified specific areas of significant change. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of integrating spatial data derived by indices with high-resolution LiDAR data for comprehensive coastal vulnerability assessment. This approach provides valuable insights for coastal managers in developing effective adaptation strategies to address the challenges posed by coastal erosion in the context of climate change and sea-level rise.

Founded by: Progetto PE 0000020 CHANGES, - CUP [B53C22003890006], Spoke 7, PNRR Missione 4 Componente 2 Investimento 1.3, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU

How to cite: Minervino Amodio, A., Corrado, G., Di Paola, G., Rizzo, A., and Gioia, D.: Investigating Coastal Erosion Hotspots: A Multiscale Approach applied along the Basilicata Ionian coast (Southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13498, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13498, 2025.

EGU25-14644 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25

Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment in CZMA Areas: A Geospatial Framework Integrating Future Climate Projections 

Subash Poudel, Sunil Bista, and Rocky Talchabhadel

Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) areas in the United States are critical regions where coastal development and environmental conservation converge. Over 50 years, the CZMA has established a federal framework for state-level coastal management, fostering resilience to dynamic challenges. However, these regions increasingly face compounding risks from hazards such as sea-level rise, storm surges, and extreme precipitation, compounded by socio-economic vulnerabilities and geomorphological dynamics.

This study develops a geospatial framework for multi-hazard risk assessment in CZMA areas, integrating geomorphic and sedimentological characteristics with high-resolution datasets and socio-economic indicators to compute a detailed risk index. High-resolution datasets, including satellite-derived shoreline positions and wave and tidal records, are integrated with advanced geospatial and machine learning models, to enhance spatial and temporal projections. Future climate scenarios (2030, 2050, 2100) from CMIP6 datasets are used to assess long-term impacts of sea-level rise and extreme events, with scenario-based modeling addressing uncertainties across different emissions and socioeconomic pathways.

Preliminary findings reveal significant heterogeneity in risk distribution across CZMA areas, with low-elevation coastal plains, deltas, and lagoons identified as the most vulnerable due to geomorphic sensitivity and several challenges to protect them. Our comprehensive map highlights hotspots where erosion, flooding, and socio-economic disparities converge, enabling tailored adaptation strategies. This research bridges policy and science by integrating CZMA legal frameworks with geospatial and technological innovations, offering a scalable and transferable methodology for assessing and managing coastal multi-hazard risks globally.

How to cite: Poudel, S., Bista, S., and Talchabhadel, R.: Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment in CZMA Areas: A Geospatial Framework Integrating Future Climate Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14644, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14644, 2025.

EGU25-16446 | Posters virtual | VPS25

The Venus nux association during the Early Pleistocene of the Adriatic Sea: a comparative analysis with its Pliocene and Recent distribution 

Gaia Crippa, Andrea Chiari, Mattia Lombardi, and Daniele Scarponi

Interplay between environmental drivers and antagonistic biotic interactions shape the niche of species. Understanding the extent to which species retain parameters of their ecological niches amid long-term environmental changes is crucial for numerous palaeoecological inferences applicable to conservation efforts, sequence stratigraphic reconstructions, and macroevolutionary theory. 

The Venus nux association of the Arda and Stirone River sections (Early Pleistocene, western Emilia, northern Italy) has been here analyzed from a systematic and a paleoecological point of view, resulting in the identification of 23 mollusc taxa. As the majority of the retrieved taxa is represented by living species, a comparison between their fossil and present-day environment has been carried out, focusing also on the Venus nux association during the Pliocene of the same region. This research aimed to assess whether the overall bathymetric range and dominance of the bivalve Venus nux have changed over the last 5 million years in the Adriatic basin. Preliminary results indicate a shift in the ecological niche of this common species during a time marked by increasingly pronounced climatic oscillations.

Indeed, currently, V. nux is rarely retrieved in the Adriatic basin, but it is common in the Alboran Sea and the Ibero-Moroccan Gulf (southern Spain), where it thrives in muddy to muddy-sandy substrates at depths between 30 and 350 meters (Salas, 1996), but typically is abundant within 60 and 120 m depth ranges. Conversely, during the Pliocene and Pleistocene geological intervals, V. nux was common in the sedimentary successions of the Adriatic Basin, though it exhibited dominance at different depths and a potentially different bathymetric range. Specimens of V. nux from the Lower Pleistocene Arda and Stirone River sections reveal a shallower bathymetric distribution (20-40 meters of water depth), as evidenced by the co-occurrence in the mollusc association of shallow-water species, like Mytilus edulis and Ostrea edulis. During the warm Pliocene (Zanclean-Piacenzian transition), its bathymetric distribution was slightly deeper than in the cold Early Pleistocene, possibly mirroring current conditions. Although further detailed studies are necessary, it seems that over the past few million years, this species has changed its niche parameters, possibly due to climate shifts.



Salas, C. 1996. Marine bivalves from off the southern Iberian Peninsula collected by the Balgim and Fauna 1 expeditions. Haliotis 25: 33–100.


How to cite: Crippa, G., Chiari, A., Lombardi, M., and Scarponi, D.: The Venus nux association during the Early Pleistocene of the Adriatic Sea: a comparative analysis with its Pliocene and Recent distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16446, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16446, 2025.

The exploration of seabed topography is of paramount importance for a wide range of scientific and environmental applications. In deep water, sonar or multibeam technology among others are commonly used to map details of the sea floor, but applying these techniques in shallow waters is challenging due to the complex nature of the submerged terrain. Moreover, these techniques are costly and not accessible for small-scale projects. In recent years, underwater photogrammetry emerged as an effective solution for shallow water bathymetric mapping, bridging the gap between land topography and deep-water bathymetric measurements. Photogrammetry also enables a 3D or 4D visual representation of the submerged terrain, habitats, and objects.

Our research proposes a novel approach applying underwater photogrammetry to generate a 3D model of submerged terrain in shallow-waters over rocky coastline. Using underwater photographs and advanced land surveying techniques, we successfully generated a high-resolution, georeferenced 3D model with detailed geospatial maps covering 162 m2 at depths ranging from 1 to 5 meters below sea surface of a submerged upper subtidal zone of a rugged, rocky-coast landscape.

The proposed method offers a practical and affordable tool for shallow water bathymetric mapping over subtidal zones in rocky coasts, providing scientists with geospatial maps, measurements and visual representations for applications in marine research, coastal management, habitat monitoring, or underwater archeology.

How to cite: Elias, A. R. and Khalil, A.: 3D Mapping of Submerged Landscapes: A Cost-Effective Approach to Shallow-Water Bathymetry Using Underwater Photogrammetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17381, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17381, 2025.

EGU25-17790 | Posters virtual | VPS25

Uplift history of the Taranto Gulf (southern Italy) from river profile inversion 

Dario Gioia, Ciro Cerrone, Giuseppe Corrado, Vincenzo De Santis, Antonio Minervino Amodio, and Marcello Schiattarella

Quantitative analysis of drainage networks is one of the most used approaches for the investigation of the response of landscape to tectonic forcing and crustal deformation in different geodynamic setting. Recently, river profile inversion has largely been used for the reconstruction of spatial and temporal distribution of uplift in tectonically-active landscapes. The calibration of the erodibility coefficient of the river profile is particularly effective in coastal landscapes, due to the diffuse presence of independent geomorphic markers of the tectonic uplift such as the marine terraces. In this work, we estimated the uplift history of a large sector of the Ionian sector of South-Apennine chain by inverse modelling of river profiles. The landscape is dominated by the presence of several well-preserved orders of marine terraces, which are deeply incised by a trellis-type fluvial net. Several factors such as uniform lithology and well-constrained chronology of several orders of marine terraces provided a favourable setting for the robust application of the modeling of river profiles. The study area includes a large sector of the Ionian coast between Taranto and northern Calabria. southern Italy. From a geological viewpoint, the studied catchments transversally drain the outer zone of the chain to the south and the foredeep-foreland system to the north. Middle Pleistocene deformation in the external sector of the chain has been already demonstrated while the late Quaternary activity of the frontal thrust belt is more debated. Our reconstruction of the spatial and temporal increase of uplift rates to the south can contribute to unravel the recent/active deformation along the buried front of the chain.

How to cite: Gioia, D., Cerrone, C., Corrado, G., De Santis, V., Minervino Amodio, A., and Schiattarella, M.: Uplift history of the Taranto Gulf (southern Italy) from river profile inversion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17790, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17790, 2025.

EGU25-20437 | Posters virtual | VPS25

Criteria to Map Areas of High Risk of Soil Hydric Erosion in Portugal using USLE 

Antonio Silva and Rui Reis

The Portuguese spatial planning legislation includes legal restrictions to land use in order to preserve the ecosystems. These restrictions are framed by the legal structure called National Ecological Reserve (NER), and have associated a cartographic representation. Among the land use protection areas included in the NER are the Areas of High Risk of Soil Hydric Erosion (AHRSHE). Our goal is to improve the models and derived cartography and to use the enhanced maps as a basis to test and apply new and more advanced technologies, data and methods.

Currently, AHRSHE are determined based on USLE. The computation of the LS factor in this equation has been a challenging issue and, since this action is a legal responsibility of the municipalities, we could face a situation where different municipalities use different methodologies and, eventually, the results being not comparable. Thus, efforts have being made in order to produce a common methodology to standardise and enhance the cartographic representation of the LS, namely, by improving its accuracy and precision and by harmonizing and making it compatible with the other USLE factors. For this purpose, several methods of LS computation have been tested to evaluate soil loss risk in different geomorphic contexts. Based on the test results USLE's second revision, RUSLE2 (USDA, 2008), was selected together with imposing a maximum value to unorganised runoff length (L).

The results of using RUSLE2 might be affected by the lack of information on detailed soil properties caused by different geomorphological contexts and the lack of resolution of the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to accurately identify the AHRSHE. The lack of DTM resolution affects the slope values (S), the shape of the hydrographic network and, above all, the delimitation of the disorganized flow domain, where AHRSHE are mapped.

In order to reach an acceptable solution, tests were made with varying maximum unorganized runoff length (L) and using different formulas to determine S, according hillslope values and rainfall regime. The test results show that the more accurate LS is obtained when L is limited to 305 m and S is calculated according to slope thresholds: below and above 9% (Panagos, et al., 2015) or above 18% (Liu, 1994; 2002), and excluding areas where the USLE is not applicable, like plane surfaces, water, or surfaces with high slopes.

Another conclusion was that small resolution DTM are inappropriate which lead us to use in the tests a 10m pixel DTM. Even so, and in order to prevent unjustified land use restrictions, we suggest the need to validate the results (by sampling), at least in specific geomorphologic contexts. Otherwise, the likelihood to get biased results, with adverse practical effects, will be high.

The shape and accuracy of AHRSHE depend on the methodologies and georeferenced data used. Thus, we intend to use, in the near future, a very-high resolution DTM derived from aerial LiDAR and to work on the identification of differentiated geomorphological contexts in each municipality in order to further improve the AHRSHE mapping, which have substantial impacts in the NER.

How to cite: Silva, A. and Reis, R.: Criteria to Map Areas of High Risk of Soil Hydric Erosion in Portugal using USLE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20437, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20437, 2025.

EGU25-21258 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS25

Biodiversity loss and the simplification of trophic webs: Lessons from cephalopods in deep time 

Zachary Burman, Kenneth De Baets, and John Warren Huntley

Anthropogenic global change and environmental degradation lead to not only declines in biodiversity but also the simplification of trophic webs and fundamental changes in biotic interactions as taxa are removed from ecosystems. These changes are currently playing out over time scales of decades and centuries. Still, it would be instructional to understand the relationships between biotic interactions, diversity, and environmental change through deep time. Here, focusing on cephalopods, we quantify the relationships between antagonistic interactions and estimates of diversity, origination rates, and extinction rates. We have compiled a database of antagonistic biotic interactions preserved on fossil cephalopods composed of 279 species occurrences and 148,846 specimens ranging in age from Silurian to Quaternary. Predation occurrences were sparse in the Paleozoic, with peaks in the Jurassic and Cretaceous. We constructed a Generalized Linear Model comparing predation frequency and parasitism prevalence (for samples whose n ≥ 10) to mean standing genus diversity and three-timer origination and extinction rates using data from the Paleobiology Database and the Shareholder Quorum Subsampling methodology available on the FossilWorks website. A significant positive relationship exists between the frequency/prevalence of antagonistic interactions and mean standing diversity. Origination and extinction rates both have significant negative relationships with antagonistic interactions with much higher coefficients than mean standing diversity. We interpret this to mean that the intensity of antagonistic biotic interactions is higher when diversity is elevated but, more importantly, stable. We think this reflects that many of these interactions are obligate and taxon-specific. Ongoing work will include proxy data for temperature and CO2 concentration. As with modern ecosystems, we see evidence for links between diversity loss and the simplification of trophic webs in deep time.

How to cite: Burman, Z., De Baets, K., and Huntley, J. W.: Biodiversity loss and the simplification of trophic webs: Lessons from cephalopods in deep time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21258, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-21258, 2025.

EGU25-2380 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26

Siphon-Enhanced Micro-Hydroelectric System: Harnessing Elevated Flow Rates for Improved Power Generation 

Konstantinos Gkogkis and Manousos Valyrakis
A novel micro-hydroelectric system utilizing siphoning principles offers an innovative approach to small-scale renewable energy generation. This system harnesses the potential energy of water stored in an upstream tank, employing a siphon mechanism to create a flow rate greater than what would naturally occur in the watercourse.
The system comprises an upstream storage tank at a higher elevation, a siphon tube connecting the tank to a lower discharge point, a micro-turbine generator within the siphon tube, and a small-scale gearbox connected to the generator to improve efficiency at low speeds. Once primed, the siphon effect initiates a continuous water flow from higher to lower elevation.
This arrangement offers several advantages, including increased flow rate, controlled discharge, minimal environmental impact, and scalability for multiple installations in riverside areas. The system operates without harming riverbank ecosystems or wildlife and can be integrated into existing water storage systems. It also exploits previously non-viable energy sources, including ultra-low head applications, by utilizing the total head available below existing developments.
The higher flow rate achieved through siphoning enables the micro-turbine to generate more electricity than would be possible with natural water flow alone. This increased efficiency makes the system particularly suitable for remote or off-grid locations with limited hydroelectric potential.
Key considerations for implementation include careful sizing of components to match local topography and water availability, ensuring sufficient height differential between intake and discharge points, regular maintenance to prevent air locks and maintain siphon efficiency, and smart management of electricity production to address primarily local needs. This micro-hydroelectric siphon system may also serve as a possible alternative solution to high-risk environmental hydro projects.
In conclusion, this system may represent a promising solution for sustainable energy production in areas with modest water resources, offering enhanced power generation capabilities compared to conventional run-of-river schemes.

How to cite: Gkogkis, K. and Valyrakis, M.: Siphon-Enhanced Micro-Hydroelectric System: Harnessing Elevated Flow Rates for Improved Power Generation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2380, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2380, 2025.

EGU25-2558 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26

Harnessing Aerial Imaging Techniques to Monitor the Transport of Floating Macro-Plastics in Fluvial Systems 

George Kaloudis and Manousos Valyrakis

This research explores the transport dynamics of floating macro-plastics in riverine environments using drones for monitoring. Controlled flume experiments were conducted to evaluate the roles of vegetation density and release position on the movement and retention of plastic debris. Aerial imagery (captured by a DJI Mini 3 drone) was analyzed to determine transport patterns, revealing that plastics released in central flow zones moved faster with lower retention, while those near densely vegetated riparian areas experienced slower transport and higher trapping rates.
The findings demonstrate drones’ effectiveness in monitoring plastic pollution, providing a practical alternative to traditional methods in areas difficult to access. These insights emphasize the critical role of riparian vegetation in influencing plastic movement and retention, offering opportunities to design interventions that target pollution hotspots [1,2]. The study highlights the promise of drone-based approaches in advancing our understanding of plastic transport processes and informs strategies to mitigate the environmental impacts of plastic waste. Future research could enhance these findings by integrating drone data with other monitoring systems and refining analytical techniques for natural environments.

[1] van Emmerik T, Roebroek CTJ, de Wit W, Krooshof E, van Zoelen C, Fujita Y, Bruinsma J, Treilles R, Kieu-Le TC, Elshafie A, Christensen ND, Biermann L, Hees J, Meijer LJJ (2023) Seasonal dynamics of riverine macroplastic pollution, Nature Water, 1, 51-58
[2] Valyrakis M, Gilja G, Liu D, Latessa G (2024) Transport of Floating Plastics through the Fluvial Vector: The Impact of Riparian Zones, Water, 16, 1098

How to cite: Kaloudis, G. and Valyrakis, M.: Harnessing Aerial Imaging Techniques to Monitor the Transport of Floating Macro-Plastics in Fluvial Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2558, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2558, 2025.

EGU25-2655 | Posters virtual | VPS26

Diagenesis, reservoir-quality, and oil-bearing heterogeneity of the Eocene deep-lacustrine mudstone in the Qibei Sub-sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China 

Jiyang Wang, Jianhua Zhao, Zuhui You, Xiugang Pu, Keyu Liu, Wei Zhang, Zhannan Shi, Wenzhong Han, and Zhihao Wang

Lacustrine organic-rich Eocene mudstones are well developed and demonstrates significant exploration potential for shale oil in the Qibei Sub-sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. However, their oil content displays strong heterogeneity, which poses challenges for effective exploration and development. Diagenesis implicates compaction, cementation, dissolution/re-precipitation processes that raises critical questions regarding reservoir quality and oil-bearing heterogeneity.

Integrated high‐resolution petrologic analysis, organic geochemistry, and pore throat structure characterization provide a powerful approach to investigate the diagenesis, reservoir and oil-bearing characteristics. The 50 samples were collected from the 111.39-m-thick Eocene the first Sub-member of the third Member of the Shahejie Formation lacustrine oil-prone source rock succession penetrated by the two wells in the Qibei Sub-sag. Six typical lithofacies were identified: laminated medium-grained calcareous shale, laminated fine-grained mixed shale, thin-bedded fine-grained mixed mudstone, thin-bedded medium-grained mixed mudstone, massive medium-grained mixed mudstone, and thin-bedded coarse-grained felsic mudstone.

The micritic calcite laminae formed during the sedimentary stage underwent recrystallization during the early to middle diagenetic stages, transforming into granular sparry calcite. Potassium feldspar dissolution and clay mineral transformation resulted in the formation of authigenic albite and quartz. These diagenetic processes promoted the development and preservation of intercrystalline/interparticle pores. As a result, the laminated medium-grained calcareous and laminated fine-grained mixed shale reservoirs exhibit superior reservoir properties, primarily characterized by interparticle pores, intercrystalline pores, clay mineral-associated pores, and bedding fractures. With a median pore throat diameter of 11.6 nm and an average porosity of 6.53%, these reservoirs are classified as Type I. The thin-bedded fine-grained mixed shale primarily develops clay mineral-associated pores and interparticle pores, with some bedding fractures. Its median pore throat diameter is 9.2 nm, and the average porosity is 5.56%, classifying it as a Type II reservoir. The thin-bedded medium-grained mixed and massive medium-grained mixed mudstones mainly develop interparticle pores and clay mineral-associated pores. These have a median pore throat diameter of 12.6 nm and an average porosity of 4.3%, classifying them as Type III reservoirs. In felsic mudstone, calcite cementation significantly reduced porosity during the early diagenetic stage. This results in the poorest porosity development in the thin-beded coarse-grained felsic mudstone, which has a median pore throat diameter of 15.9 nm and an average porosity of 3.26%, classifying it as Type IV reservoir.

The laminated medium-grained calcareous shale, laminated fine-grained mixed shale, and thin-bedded fine-grained mixed mudstone exhibit relatively high oil content and OSI values. The average oil content values are 2.48 mg/g, 2.64 mg/g, and 2.30 mg/g, respectively, and the average OSI values are 144 mg HC/g TOC, 163 mg HC/g TOC, and 168 mg HC/g TOC. These lithofacies are favorable for shale oil exploration and development. We suggest that addressing the challenges of mudstone diagenesis will significantly improve understanding and prediction of reservoir quality and oil-bearing heterogeneity in unconventional shale oil plays.

How to cite: Wang, J., Zhao, J., You, Z., Pu, X., Liu, K., Zhang, W., Shi, Z., Han, W., and Wang, Z.: Diagenesis, reservoir-quality, and oil-bearing heterogeneity of the Eocene deep-lacustrine mudstone in the Qibei Sub-sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2655, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2655, 2025.

EGU25-2783 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26

Sedimentary Characteristics and Sedimentary Model of Glutenite Fans in Shahejie Formation, Luojia area 

yichun yao and yongqiang yang


        Glutenite Fans is one of the most favorable reservoirs for exploration and development in recent years and is widely distributed in the world. In recent years, major breakthroughs have been made in oil and gas exploration of glutenite fans in Luojia area in Luoxie 180 and Luo25 Wells. The Jiyang exploration area is a high mature exploration area in the east, which has entered the exploration stage mainly to search for subtle oil and gas reservoirs, and Glutenite Fans, as an important part of subtle oil and gas reservoirs, has become the most realistic and valuable exploration target at present.

       The Luojia area has a complex structural background, with the development of fault structures in the area, and the development of two sets of glutenite fans bodies of different origin, and the lithology difference is great. The diagenesis is complex and the calcareous intercalation is widely developed, which is of great significance for reservoir reconstruction.

        This paper takes the sand conglomerate of Es3 and Es4 members in Luojia area of Zhanhua Depression as the research object, synthesizes seismic, logging, core, analysis and test data, and carries out the research on the genetic types, sedimentary characteristics and diagenesis of the sand conglomerate controlled by different tectonic activities and provenance.

How to cite: yao, Y. and yang, Y.: Sedimentary Characteristics and Sedimentary Model of Glutenite Fans in Shahejie Formation, Luojia area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2783, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2783, 2025.

The Permian Fengcheng Formation is an important hydrocarbon source rock development sequence and exploration sequence in the Junggar Basin. The Hashan tectonic belt, located on the northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin, is a large-scale thrust nappe superposed structure. Having undergone multiple tectonic movements and tectonic uplift and denudation, it has lost the stratigraphic distribution characteristics of a foreland basin. The Fengcheng Formation developed on multiple thrust tectonic steps, resulting in difficulties in stratigraphic correlation and unclear understanding of the distribution characteristics of the original sedimentary system and the development characteristics of favorable reservoirs. Therefore, clarifying the distribution laws and genesis of diagenesis and establishing a reservoir-forming model for high-quality reservoirs are of great significance for the effective sedimentary reservoir mechanism and the prediction of favorable gas-bearing areas in the study area.

How to cite: Li, Y.: Characteristics of Shale Reservoirs in the Permian Fengcheng Formation, Hashan Region , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3009, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3009, 2025.

Shale oil, as one of the most important unconventional oil and gas resources, has become the key target of oil and gas exploration in recent years. The Fengcheng formation in Mahu Sag is the best source rock in the sag, which has great potential for shale oil resources and is the key area for shale oil exploration in Junggar Basin.

Volcanic activity was frequent during the sedimentary period of Fengcheng Formation in the northern part of Mahu Sag. The sediments are mainly composed of tuff material of volcanic activity, evaporation material of caustic lake and a small amount of detrital material. The terrigenous detrital material mainly comes from long-distance transport, while the pyroclastic material is closely related to the proximal volcanic activity. The lithofacies development of shale is characterized by frequent overlapping of various lithologies, diverse combination types and rapid changes. The microfabric of fine-grained sedimentary rocks is characterized, the lithofacies types of fine-grained sedimentary rocks are summarized, and the assemblage relationship and development law of lithofacies in different environments are analyzed. The formation process of lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks is discussed from the perspective of provenance supply and sedimentary dynamics, and the lithofacies development model of fine-grained sedimentary rocks is established. To a certain extent, the theory of lacustrine sedimentology is enriched and perfected, and it can also provide basic geological basis for tight oil exploration in this area.

How to cite: zhuang, Y.: The origin and lithofacies development characteristics of fine particle composition in the shale of the second member of Fengcheng Formation in Mahu Sag, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4626, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4626, 2025.

Abstract:Lake deltas are located in the complex zone of lake and river interaction, influenced by the dual effects of material exchange between the two. There are not only climate and water level influences, but also topography and geomorphology and waves and other lake hydrodynamic influences, resulting in a more complex lake delta evolution process. To explore the sedimentary characteristics and the impact of lake dynamics during different stages of delta development under the influence of coast current, the Muhuahe Delta in Daihai Lake is taken as the study object for modern sedimentary investigations. Through the analysis of high-precision satellite photos and the interpretation of profile information collected by UAV oblique photography, the sedimentary evolution of the delta in the study area was analyzed in detail. The results show that delta deposits are developed in the eastern gentle slope zone of Daihai, and the delta front subfacies are widely distributed. The profile shows that the sand bodies are affected by strong hydrodynamics, and a large number of wave-formed structures are developed and lateral migration is obvious on the plane. Satellite remote sensing data suggest the sedimentary sand bodies' development and distribution characteristics, indicating the control of coast current in the development and evolution of the delta. The delta is asymmetric, with well-developed sand dams at the delta front, growing parallel to the shoreline. Although influenced by provenance supply, during this period, the delta is controlled by littoral currents, and its expansion toward the lake basin is suppressed. Generally, coast current plays a significant role in modifying the plane distribution and scale of the delta front sand bodies. Reservoir heterogeneity is often generated due to different dominant hydrodynamic conditions, providing a reference for further exploration into the influence of coast current on reservoir development and distribution.

Keywords: coast current; gentle slope delta; sedimentary evolution

How to cite: Jiang, Y.: Sedimentary Evolution and Morphological Characteristics of Modern Lake Shoreline Delta under the Influence of Coast Current, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4736, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4736, 2025.

On the basis of core observation and description, multi-scale microscopic analysis and related reservoir physical property analysis, the petrological characteristics, reservoir characteristics and diagenetic characteristics of the Lower Jurassic Sangonghe Formation in the central area of Junggar Basin are systematically studied, and the diagenetic evolution sequence of the reservoir is further established. The results show that the reservoir in the studied interval has undergone three diagenetic processes: compaction, cementation and dissolution during its development and evolution after burial. The reservoir mainly goes through two stages: early burial compaction and late tectonic compression. There are various types of cementation, including carbonate, siliceous, clay mineral, gypsum and anhydrite. The overall intensity of dissolution in the reservoir is low, and it mainly develops in the interior or edge of easily soluble components such as feldspar and rock cuttings, and also develops in the edge of clay mineral bonding. Diagenetic evolution sequence of the reservoir in the study area is as follows: early calcite cementation - early chlorite cementation - acid dissolution/quartz enlargement/kaolinite cementation - illite cementation - gypsum/anhydrite cementation - late calcite cementation - iron calcite/iron dolomite cementation, mechanical compaction has developed in the whole burial evolution process.

How to cite: Guo, T. and Zhang, L.: Reservoir characteristics and diagenetic evolution of Lower Jurassic Sangonghe Formation in the hinterland of Junggar Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4748, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4748, 2025.

EGU25-4788 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26

Middle-to-Late Holocene Climate Change in Lagoon Lake Mert (NW Black Sea) and Its Hydrological Connection with the Black Sea: evidences from multi-proxy records  

Cerennaz Yakupoglu, Kürşad Kadir Eriş, Nurgül Karlıoğlu Kılıç, Rüya Yılmaz Dağdeviren, Atike Nazik, Dursun Acar, Nurettin Yakupoğlu, Asen Sabuncu, and Erdem Kırkan

Coastal areas and related sedimentary environments are remarkable providers of valuable information about climatic changes and sea level oscillations. Lake Mert was formed as a shallow Black Sea coastal lagoon that contains various mixtures of marine and freshwater sources. This study presents sedimentological, geochemical and paleontological analyses of five sediment cores recovered from the lake which has been severely influenced by sea level change and local climate over the last 6.5 cal. ka BP. The environmental and climatic records obtained by multi-proxy analyses of the cores (µ-XRF, total organic carbon, stable isotope, pollen analysis and foram content) that are confidently correlated with other regional and global climate signals. In addition, Lake Mert also remains a challenge to identify and quantify dynamic changes in time on the coastal plain, thus, it possibly reflects hydrologic changes in the Black Sea since the middle Holocene. Analysis of lithology together with paleontological content of the studied cores reveal three main depositional units, each of them indicates varying areal facies distribution due to highly dynamic depositional settings in lake. Accordingly, the main lithofacies in the cores from bottom to top are defined as a relict lacustrine sediment older than 6.5 cal. ka BP (Unit 3), coastal and deltaic facies deposited between 6.5 to 4.5 cal. ka BP (Unit 2) and the younger lagoon-marine sediment (Unit 1).

Moreover, the correlation of well-dated sedimentological and geochemical proxies with the sea level and sea surface salinity records from the Black Sea allows us differentiate various phases of hydrologic changes due to connections with the Lake Mert during the middle-to-late Holocene. Our preliminary results suggest that the relict Mert Lake was first invaded by the Black Sea waters prior to 6.5 cal. ka BP, and then remained its fully connection until ~5.3 cal. ka BP due to subsequent inflow of the Mediterranean Sea via Bosporus. Furthermore, the decelerated sea level rise between 5.3 and 4.5 cal. ka BP gave rise to return semi-closed lagoon phase, restricting mixture with the Black Sea waters as inferred from stable oxygen isotope record. The later period, particularly after 3.5 cal. ka BP, was associated with more Euryhaline condition in the lake based on the paleontological content of the core sediment. The local climate changes are recorded in Lake Mert as a wet period between 6.5 and 4.5 cal. ka BP, a dry period between 4.5 and 2.9 cal. ka BP and wetter period after 2.9 cal. ka BP, respectively.

How to cite: Yakupoglu, C., Eriş, K. K., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Yılmaz Dağdeviren, R., Nazik, A., Acar, D., Yakupoğlu, N., Sabuncu, A., and Kırkan, E.: Middle-to-Late Holocene Climate Change in Lagoon Lake Mert (NW Black Sea) and Its Hydrological Connection with the Black Sea: evidences from multi-proxy records , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4788, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4788, 2025.

Calcareous nannofossils are essential for age dating and studying environmental changes. These microscopic (1–20µm) calcitic cell-wall fossils coverings are abundant in most post-Paleozoic marine sedimentary rocks, providing a continuous stratigraphic record of biotic change. This study aims to document the stratigraphic occurrence of calcareous nannofossils at the wide-spread shallow marine carbonates of related to the Qom Formation in the Nargesan, Band, and Qaleh-Gabri sections, southeast of Kerman province (East of Central Iran Basin). Samples were collected at 50-100cm intervals from the marly parts of the section to basal part of the Upper Red Formation. To preserve the small-sized coccoliths, samples were processed using simple smear slide method. The prepared slides were examined with an Olympus BX53 light microscope using cross-polarized light at a magnification 1500-2000X. Gypsum and Quartz plates were used to identify various species. In this study employed the standard calcareous nannofossil zonation by Martini 1971 for the Oligocene sediments. The studied interval ranges from the Lowest Appearance (LA) of Sphenolithus ciperoensis species to the Highest Appearance (HA) of the Sphenolithus distentus, corresponding to the NP24 zone defined by Martini 1971. The calcareous nannofossil assemblages exhibit moderate diversity and frequency, with moderately to well-preserved nannofossil specimens observed, such as: Sphenolithus ciperoensis, Sphenolithus conicus, Sphenolithus moriformis, Zygrhablithus bijugatus bijugatus, Helicosphaera recta, Helicosphaera euphratis, Reticulofenestra bisecta, Reticulofenestra dictyoda, Reticulofenestra minuta, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Cyclicargolithus abisectus, Coccolithus pelagicus, Braarudosphaera bigelowii, etc. According to the above-mentioned calcareous nannofossil assemblages, the age of late Rupelian can be assigned for the studied samples from the surface sections. Furthermore, the high-resolution study of calcareous nannofossils indicates a significant decrease in the abundance and diversity of Oligocene nannofossils, mirroring trends observed at other low and middle latitudes sites. This record of calcareous nannofossils and bioevents provides valuable insights into the paleoenvironments of thatperiod. This research marks the first report of nannofossils from shallow-water carbonates (related to the Qom Formation) from Jiroft-Kerman area.


Martini, E. (1971) Standard Tertiary and Quaternary Calcareous Nannoplankton Zonation. Proceedings of the 2nd Planktonic Conference, Roma, 1970, 739-785.

How to cite: kiani shahvandi, M., Parandavar, M., and Heinz, P.: Investigation of shallow-water carbonate distributions related to the QomFormation in distant sections of the type area, southeast of Kerman, Iran: insight to calcareous nannofossils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7029, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7029, 2025.

Deep marine carbonate rocks in the Tarim Basin, Northwest China, have significant burial depths, ancient ages, and complex diagenetic evolution. Multi-stage tectonic activities and periodic sea-level changes create unconformities that expose carbonate rocks, resulting in interlayer, syn-sedimentary, and epigenetic karst systems. These processes, along with host rock composition and faulting, shape carbonate reservoir distribution and properties. Dissolution is most intense in shallow water grainstones and packstones, where fracturing enhances fluid flow, serving as both reservoirs and migration pathways. Consequently, carbonate reservoir characteristics in the northern Tarim Basin vary systematically from north to south, shaped by variations in unconformity size, diagenetic patterns and fault activity intensity, reflecting the basin’s evolution from deposition to deep burial. In the Yakela area, the northernmost region, significant uplift and erosion have exposed Cambrian, sometimes even Sinian bedrocks beneath Cretaceous layers, forming buried hill dolomite reservoirs. Moving south to the Tahe area, a paleokarstic erosion zone has developed large-scale dissolved fracture-cavity reservoirs due to the combined effects of faulting, surface karstification, and river system development near the base Carboniferous erosion surface. Further south, in the Tahe slope zone, reservoirs are shaped by a combination of dissolution and faulting, with bedding-parallel dissolution pores and enlarged fractures becoming more prominent as proximity to the paleoerosion surface decreases. This reflects a decrease in karstification intensity and an increase in fault-induced fluid pathways. In the Shunbei area where marine carbonates are deeply buried, structural features such as fault slip surfaces and open fractures dominate reservoir formation, with tectonic activity and fluid flow through fractures driving diagenetic alterations. The spatial variations in diagenetic pathways—from initial deposition and uplift in the north to deep burial in the south—highlight the interplay of dissolution, tectonics, and fluid migration across varying depths and time scales, providing insights into the mechanisms that control carbonate reservoir formation and evolution globally.

How to cite: Fan, T.: Orderly variations in the spatial and geological characteristics of carbonate reservoirs in the northern Tarim Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7580, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7580, 2025.

EGU25-11788 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS26

Environmental changes since 39 ka reflected by diatom in core sediments from Dongzhaigang Harbor, Hainan Island 

Xiaoxiao Yang, Chaoqun Wang, Wenying Jiang, and Daogong Hu

    A 39,000-year record of sedimentary environmental changes, based on high-resolution grain size and diatom records from core ZK13-22, in the eastern shore of the Dongzhaigang harbor, Hainan Island, make it possible to study the relationship between environmental changes in the study area and the sea level changes in the South China Sea.

    The results show that during the period from 39.4 to 15.3 ka B.P., the grain size of the core ZK13-22 sediments was relatively coarse, and no diatoms were observed in the corresponding layer, suggesting that the study area was mainly in a terrestrial environment. Between 15.3 to 10.3 ka B.P., the grain size decreased during post-glacial period, the plankton species (Cyclotella striata and Paralica sulcata), which are marine species living in estuarine areas, was above 70% on average. The content of the benthic species Nitzschia cocconeiformis reached as high as 17%, indicating a rise in sea level in the South China Sea, marine waters intruded onto the Dongzhaigang harbor and reached the core site, and during this transgressive interval, the study area changed into an intertidal environment. From 10.3 to 7.6 ka B.P., the sediment particle size reached its lowest value throughout the borehole, while the species diversity and abundance of diatoms peaked, dominated by eurythermal intertidal and coastal planktonic species, the core site generally showed a enhanced marine influence and reduced freshwater input, shallow marine environment developed in situ. Between 8.0 to 7.6 ka B.P., the content of Rhizosolenia bergonii peaked, suggesting that the sea water temperature and salinity were relatively high during this period, possibly related to the intensified warm currents in the region. Since 7.6 ka B.P., the grain size increased significantly, diatoms only appeared at 4.4 ka B.P.. During this period, the relative abundances of Cyclotella striata and Paralica sulcata in the sediments climbed to 29% and 26% respectively. This change indicates enhanced hydrodynamic conditions, increased riverine influence, and sea level fluctuating decreases. Correspondingly, the the core site gradually shifted to an estuarine-intertidal environment. During the period from 4.4 to 3 ka B.P., the sediment grain size increased sharply, the study area transitioned to a terrestrial depositional environment.

How to cite: Yang, X., Wang, C., Jiang, W., and Hu, D.: Environmental changes since 39 ka reflected by diatom in core sediments from Dongzhaigang Harbor, Hainan Island, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11788, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11788, 2025.

EGU25-16062 | Posters virtual | VPS26

Leveraging Digital-Physical Integration for Enhanced Infrastructure Management 

Panagiotis Michalis, Fotios Konstantinidis, Tina Katika, Andreas Michalis, and Manousos Valyrakis

The built environment (BE) across various sectors faces significant challenges due to increasing deterioration, ageing infrastructure, extreme climatic conditions, rising urban populations, and limited financial resources [1]. Digital transformation offers the potential to revolutionize current practices for managing and sharing key information, improving decision-making processes and enabling more efficient and sustainable BE in the long term. However, despite recent advancements in technology, critical infrastructure systems within the BE continue to rely on traditional management approaches in terms of technology, organizational structure, and institutional frameworks. Consequently, they fail to fully leverage emerging technologies that could enable advanced resource and risk management through real-time data integration and enahnced analytical methods.

Adopting technologies associated with Infrastructure 4.0 (CI4.0) [2] can accelerate the digitalization of BE, with a particular focus on infrastructure systems. This study highlights the foundational elements of a next-generation BE designed to foster an interconnected and collaborative ecosystem focused on cities, infrastructure, and societies. Several case studies are explored, including large residential developments, transportation networks, and buildings, demonstrating the transformative potential of digitalization in delivering real-time information to stakeholders, thereby enhancing decision-making processes.

These efforts rely on the acquisition of real-time data from the environment to predict both current and future conditions of the BE. For instance, advanced microcontrollers are utilized to monitor the declining performance of ageing infrastructure over waterways and to measure flood levels in real-time. Datasets are processed on high-performance cloud-based systems, utilizing deep learning algorithms to forecast infrastructure conditions and climatic risks. In emergency scenarios, such as river overflows, flash floods, or infrastructure failures, the system generates timely alerts. Moreover, predictive models provide early warnings about infrastructure deterioration, enabling critical stakeholders to respond proactively and adapt societal operations accordingly.


[1] Michalis, P., Vintzileou, E. (2022). The Growing Infrastructure Crisis: The Challenge of Scour Risk Assessment and the Development of a New Sensing System. Infrastructures, 7(5), 68. https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures7050068

[2] Xu, Y., AlObaidi, K., Michalis, P. and Valyrakis, M. (2020). Monitoring the potential for bridge protections destabilization, using instrumented particles. Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow, Delft, The Netherlands, 7–10 July 2020; pp. 1-8. eBook ISBN 9781003110958.

How to cite: Michalis, P., Konstantinidis, F., Katika, T., Michalis, A., and Valyrakis, M.: Leveraging Digital-Physical Integration for Enhanced Infrastructure Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16062, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16062, 2025.

EGU25-1031 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Effects of the August , 2018 CME on Mars Ionosphere 

Almina Dokur and Zehra Can

The ionosphere, a natural plasma, plays a significant role in planetary satellite and communication systems and is affected by space weather events. Strong solar activities have sudden and long-term effects on the ionosphere. Ionospheric disturbances caused by these activities are considered to be one of the biggest sources of errors in satellite navigation systems and satellite communications. Both the ionosphere and magnetosphere of Mars and Earth are easily influenced by space weather conditions. Solar winds and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are among the major events influencing space weather. The ionosphere, which is highly sensitive to the effects of space weather, is much thinner and patchier on Mars compared to Earth. The rapid and intense increase in Mars missions in recent years has made today’s research more critical for future missions. In our study, we selected an August 2018 CME and examined its effects on Mars's ionosphere using the instruments on the MAVEN satellite. In addition to the SWEA, SWIA, STATIC values from the MAVEN satellite data, the height change of the relevant solar wind in the Martian ionosphere will be investigated. Investigating ionospheric disturbances with satellites like MAVEN is essential for analyzing the much thinner Martian ionosphere compared to Earth's and contributing to future Mars missions. Understanding space weather is crucial for tracking the evolution of both Earth's and the Red Planet's ionospheric structures and the long-term impact of solar flares on planetary magnetospheres.

How to cite: Dokur, A. and Can, Z.: Effects of the August , 2018 CME on Mars Ionosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1031, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1031, 2025.

EGU25-3870 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Juno Observations of Io's Alfvén Wing from 23 Io Radii  

William Kurth, Ali H. Sulaiman, John E.P. Connerney, Frederic Allegrini, Philip Valek, Robert W. Ebert, Chris Paranicas, George Clark, Nicholas Kruegler, George B. Hospodarsky, Chris W. Piker, Stavros Kotsiaros, Masafumi Imai, and Scott J. Bolton

On 13 June, day 165 of 2024, Juno passed through Io's main Alfvén wing at a distance of some 23 Io radii (RI) below the moon during perijove (PJ) 62.  Evidence for this passage was clearly seen in the Juno plasma wave, magnetometer, and ion plasma data. The plasma wave signature was an intensification of quasi-electrostatic waves below about 1 kHz with a weaker magnetic component, all lasting for about 90 seconds.  A strong modification of the magnetic field was observed primarily in the co-rotation direction but with a significant component in the direction away from Jupiter. Ions in the range below about 1 keV/q were slowed within the Alfvén wing. The Juno mission has afforded multiple opportunities to examine the Io-Jupiter interaction near the planet and two close flybys through the Alfvén wing during perijoves 57 and 58.  Hence, PJ62 provided observations of the Io-magnetosphere interaction at an intermediate distance.  The broadband electromagnetic emission below 1 kHz was observed during PJs 57 and 58, however, the magnetic component is markedly reduced from those. An estimate of the power in the interaction obtained by scaling the Poynting flux and integrating over the cross section of the flux tube is ~500x109 W.  And modeling of the current suggests filamentation of the Alfvén waves as observed in other Io Alfvén wings.

How to cite: Kurth, W., Sulaiman, A. H., Connerney, J. E. P., Allegrini, F., Valek, P., Ebert, R. W., Paranicas, C., Clark, G., Kruegler, N., Hospodarsky, G. B., Piker, C. W., Kotsiaros, S., Imai, M., and Bolton, S. J.: Juno Observations of Io's Alfvén Wing from 23 Io Radii , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3870, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3870, 2025.

EGU25-4720 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Influence of solar wind driving and geomagnetic activity on the variability of sub-relativistic electrons in the inner magnetosphere 

Evangelia Christodoulou, Christos Katsavrias, Panayotis Kordakis, and Ioannis Daglis

Motivated by the need for more accurate radiation environment modelling, this study focuses on identifying and analyzing the drivers behind the sub-relativistic electron flux variations in the inner magnetosphere. We utilize electron flux data between 1 and 500 keV from the Hope and MagEIS instruments on board the RBSP satellites, as well as from the FEEPS instruments on board the MMS spacecrafts, along with solar wind parameters and geomagnetic indices obtained from the OmniWeb2 and SuperMag data services. We calculate the correlation coefficients between these parameters and electron flux. Our analysis shows that substorm activity is a crucial driver of the source electron population (10 - 100 keV), while also showing that seed electrons (100 - 400 keV) are not purely driven by substorm events, but also from enhanced convection/inward diffusion. By introducing time lags, we observed a delayed response of electron flux to changes in geospace conditions, and we identified specific time lag periods where the correlation is maximum. This work contributes to our broader understanding of the outer belt sub-relativistic electron dynamics, and forms the basis for future research.

How to cite: Christodoulou, E., Katsavrias, C., Kordakis, P., and Daglis, I.: Influence of solar wind driving and geomagnetic activity on the variability of sub-relativistic electrons in the inner magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4720, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4720, 2025.

EGU25-5310 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Observed Martian High-frequency gravity waves by Zhurong and Perseverance rovers before / after a regional dust storm 

Chengyun Yang, Cong Sun, Chao Ban, Dexin Lai, Zhaopeng Wu, Xin Fang, and Tao Li

This study investigated high-frequency gravity waves (HFGWs) observed by the Zhurong/Tianwen-1 and Perseverance/Mars 2020 rovers between 09:00 and 11:00 local time, from Ls 140° to 165° in Mars Year 36. By analyzing the eccentricity of hodographs for monochromatic wind perturbations obtained from the horizontal wind perturbation, HFGWs were identified via their predominantly linear characteristics.The propagation directions of these waves were determined using polarization relationships from the linear theory of HFGWs. The stability of the background atmosphere was estimated from the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory general circulation model simulation. The frequency of HFGWs doubled following the onset of a regional dust storm (RDS) in the Utopia Planitia region, where the Zhurong rover landed. The HFGWs observed by Zhurong predominantly propagated in a north-south direction before the RDS and then in an east-west direction afterward. The changes in propagation direction were likely related to atmospheric instability and the background wind changes before and after the storm.

How to cite: Yang, C., Sun, C., Ban, C., Lai, D., Wu, Z., Fang, X., and Li, T.: Observed Martian High-frequency gravity waves by Zhurong and Perseverance rovers before / after a regional dust storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5310, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5310, 2025.

EGU25-5836 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Investigation of the Drivers of Long-Duration Positive Ionospheric Storms During the Geomagnetic Storm on February 26-27, 2023 

Maryna Reznychenko, Dmytro Kotov, Phillip G. Richards, Oleksandr Bogomaz, Larisa Goncharenko, Larry J. Paxton, Manuel Hernandez-Pajares, Artem Reznychenko, Dmytro Shkonda, Volodymyr Barabash, and Igor Domnin

A typical long-duration positive ionospheric storm (LDPS) developed in the midlatitude ionosphere in the European sector in response to a strong geomagnetic storm of February 26-27, 2023 (Kp = 7-, minimum SYM-H = -161 nT). To advance the current understanding of storm-time midlatitude ionosphere, we investigated the drivers of this LDPS using combination of multi-instrument observations and modeling, with focus on magnetically conjugate locations. Simulations with the field line interhemispheric plasma (FLIP) model constrained by the observed F2-layer peak height (hmF2) and density (NmF2) data at Kharkiv (50oN, 36oE) and Grahamstown (33.3oS, 26.5oE) were validated with the O/N2 ratio data from the Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI). Our results indicate that neither the F2-layer peak uplift nor the O/N2 ratio increase can be considered exclusive drivers of an LDPS. Each driver can be dominant depending on conditions. An LDPS can develop even when the hmF2 decreases and sometimes, a small hmF2 increase of ~10-20 km can cause a strong LDPS. Similarly, an O/N2 increase is not a primary or necessary condition for an LDPS to develop but a small O/N2 increase of ~20-30% can cause a prominent LDPS. Finally, the formation of a positive or negative storm can be inhibited if the raising/lowering of hmF2 is counterbalanced by a decrease/increase in the O/N2 ratio.

How to cite: Reznychenko, M., Kotov, D., Richards, P. G., Bogomaz, O., Goncharenko, L., Paxton, L. J., Hernandez-Pajares, M., Reznychenko, A., Shkonda, D., Barabash, V., and Domnin, I.: Investigation of the Drivers of Long-Duration Positive Ionospheric Storms During the Geomagnetic Storm on February 26-27, 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5836, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5836, 2025.

EGU25-6031 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

The ion-proton differential streaming observed in Small-scale Flux Ropes 

Chaoran Gu, Verena Heidrich-Meisner, and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber

Heavy ion composition and charge-state distributions provide valuable information about the source region of the solar wind due to the 'freeze-in' effect, making them valuable diagnostics for understanding the conditions of their source regions. Small-scale flux ropes (SFRs) have been studied for decades, but their source regions and formation mechanisms are still under debate. While heavy ion signatures in relatively large-scale flux rope structures, known as magnetic clouds (MCs), have been well studied, those signatures are still unclear in SFRs that last only couple of minutes. More importantly, heavy ions do not necessarily travel at the same speed as protons in the solar wind. A potential ion-proton differential velocity could cause a temporal lag between the heavy ion signal and the boundaries of SFRs, which introduces deviations when heavy ion signatures in SFRs are investigated.

In this study, we review ten years of in-situ solar wind heavy ion data obtained from the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) on board the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE). The data set is derived from the Pulse Height Analysis (PHA) data, at 12-min resolution. By investigating every energy per charge step of each SWICS measurement interval, more SFRs with short duration, even shorter than 12 minutes, are included. We conduct a statistical study on the ion-proton differential streaming in over 6300 SFRs that are heavy ion abundant, as well as in the surrounding solar wind.

Positive ion-proton differential streaming is found common in SFRs but less common in SFRs that are located in recorded Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) . About 50% heavy-ion-dense SFRs show ion-proton differential velocity larger than 0.2 times the local Alfvén speed. Positive ion-proton differential streaming has also been observed in the background solar wind near SFRs. However, some cases show strong positive ion-proton differential streaming exclusively within SFRs. Ion-proton differential streaming is crucial for understanding heavy-ion signatures in small-scale structures, with their acceleration mechanisms being of particular interest. A further study shows that SFRs detected at 1 AU are unlikely to be the interplanetary manifestations of nanoflare- or microflare-associated small CMEs, or at least not solely so.

How to cite: Gu, C., Heidrich-Meisner, V., and Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.: The ion-proton differential streaming observed in Small-scale Flux Ropes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6031, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6031, 2025.

EGU25-6228 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Finding the optimal flyby distance for the Comet Interceptor comet mission 

Johan De Keyser, Niklas J.T. Edberg, Pierre Henri, Hannah Rothkaehl, Vincenzo Della Corte, Martin Rubin, Ryu Funase, Satoshi Kasahara, and Colin Snodgrass

The Comet Interceptor mission will attempt to fly by a yet undetermined target comet. The conditions of this flyby will remain largely unknown up to the selection of target and possibly even the moment of encounter. A detailed trajectory design phase, which includes verification of the technical limitations implied by the flyby geometry, precedes target comet selection, so the flyby velocity and the details of the geometry are known in advance. Solar irradiance and the neutral gas expansion speed can be estimated reasonably well. However, the comet outgassing rate, the dust production rate, and the solar wind conditions are only known within broader uncertainty margins. The present contribution aims to optimally choose the distance of closest approach based on a simplified formalism that expresses, on one hand, the science return to be expected as a function of the closest approach distance, and, on the other hand, the risks implied by a close approach. This is done by performing Monte Carlo simulations over a large sample of possible flyby configurations, based on the expected probability distributions of the gas and dust production rates and the solar wind conditions, and for different closest approach distances. For small flyby distances, a spacecraft can study the nucleus, the neutral gas coma, and the induced magnetosphere from up close, benefiting the science return. There is a trade-off to be made against the cometary dust collision risk, which becomes larger close to the nucleus. The change of the optimal flyby distance with gas and dust production rate, solar EUV flux, and flyby speed is discussed. The conclusion is that the Comet Interceptor main spacecraft and its two daughter probes – within the limitations of the approximations made – would benefit from a target comet with a gas production rate of 1028-1029 molecules·s-1, a low dust-to-gas ratio, a high solar EUV flux, and a slow flyby speed (De Keyser et al., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2024.106032), for which the optimal closest approach distance (somewhere between 300 to 2000 km for the mother spacecraft) would yield a good science return at a limited risk.

How to cite: De Keyser, J., Edberg, N. J. T., Henri, P., Rothkaehl, H., Della Corte, V., Rubin, M., Funase, R., Kasahara, S., and Snodgrass, C.: Finding the optimal flyby distance for the Comet Interceptor comet mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6228, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6228, 2025.

EGU25-6829 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Magnetic field induced by the ionospheric shell currents. 

Evgeny Romashets and Marek Vandas

Recently, a model of the vertical profiles of shell currents and the magnetic field in the ionosphere has been developed (Romashets and Vandas, 2024). The distribution was determined for polar and equatorial regions. A global three-dimensional pattern of the shell-currents flow and its interconnections with the field aligned current (FAC) can be reconstructed. The magnetic field induced by the shell currents can produce at some locations a geomagnetic effect comparable to that of the ring current. The Biot-Savart integration over the entire ionosphere to derive the shell-currents induced magnetic field could be a challenging task. Here, we present an alternative method which utilizes spherical harmonics of different types for the inner and outer problems. The magnetic field inside the ionosphere is known, and outside of it is current-free and is represented as a gradient of a scalar potential, a sum of spherical harmonic functions with their coefficients. For the inner problem, only terms with (r/r0)-n-1 are present in the sum, while the outer scalar potential contains only terms with (r/r0)n. Here 0<n<N, N=13, and r0 is the average distance from the Earth’s center to the ionosphere. Both the inner and outer problems for finding the induced magnetic field have only one condition: the magnetic field calculated with the scalar potential must be equal to the known magnetic field in the ionosphere. This research was supported by the NSF 2230363 and AVCR RVO:67985815 grants.



  • Romashets, M, Vandas, Determination of Vertical Profiles of Shell
    Currents in the Ionosphere, Annales Geophysicae, submitted, 2024.

How to cite: Romashets, E. and Vandas, M.: Magnetic field induced by the ionospheric shell currents., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6829, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6829, 2025.

EGU25-8215 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Plasma Mechanisms Behind Hammerhead Proton Populations Observed by Parker Solar Probe 

Shaaban M. Shaaban, Marian Lazar, Rodrigo A. López, Peter H. Yoon, and Stefaan Poedts

The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) has provided unprecedented detailed in-situ measurements of proton velocity distributions (VDs) in the young solar wind, unveiling striking hammerhead features. The first interpretations and analyses, including PIC simulations of these unexpected shapes, suggested the involvement of more complex processes, especially kinetic instabilities. Recently, in A&A, 692, L6 (2024), we have identified a self-generated instability triggered by proton beams, whose back-reaction on the proton VDs can form the hammerhead proton population. An effective and numerically less-expensive quasi-linear approach enabled us to explore how this plasma micro-instability reshapes proton distribution, reducing beam drift and inducing a strong perpendicular temperature anisotropy, the main feature of the hammerhead structure. Our results align with PSP's in situ data and provide a fresh perspective on these distributions' dynamic and transient nature. These findings offer new insights into the role of kinetic instabilities in shaping space plasma dynamics.

How to cite: Shaaban, S. M., Lazar, M., López, R. A., Yoon, P. H., and Poedts, S.: Plasma Mechanisms Behind Hammerhead Proton Populations Observed by Parker Solar Probe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8215, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8215, 2025.

EGU25-8557 | Posters virtual | VPS27

The First Lunar Far-Side Laser Retroreflector Deployed on Chang’e-6 Lander and Prospect for Chang’e-7 Mission  

Yexin Wang, Simone Dell'Agnello, Kaichang Di, Marco Muccino, Hongqian Cao, Luca Porcelli, Xiangjin Deng, Lorenzo Salvatori, Jinsong Ping, Mattia Tibuzzi, Yuqiang Li, Luciana Filomena, Zhizhong Kang, Michele Montanari, Zhanfeng Meng, Lorenza Mauro, Bin Xie, and Mauro Maiello

The Chang’e-6 (CE-6) mission, part of China's lunar exploration program, marked a significant milestone as the first mission to return samples from the far side of the Moon. One of the highlights of CE-6 mission is that it piggybacked four international payloads, including the INstrument for landing-Roving Laser Retroreflector Investigations (INRRI), developed through a collaboration between the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics — Frascati National Labs (INFN-LNF) and the Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS).

INRRI is a lightweight, passive optical instrument composed of eight cube corner retroreflectors made from fused silica, offering a wide 120° field of view. This robust and miniaturized design has a high level of maturity and inheritance from previous missions such as NASA’s Mars InSight and Perseverance, where similar retroreflectors had been successfully deployed. For CE-6 mission particularly, INRRI was mounted on a specialized bracket to minimize interference from ascender plume effects during liftoff. CE-6 INRRI underwent rigorous qualification tests, including mechanical (acceleration, shock, sinusoidal and random vibrations) and thermal vacuum tests, to validate its structural integrity. After integrated with the lander, CE-6 INRRI underwent the whole spacecraft random and sinusoidal vibration tests and successfully passed all evaluations.

The CE-6 INRRI serves as a high-precision absolute control point, crucial for improving lunar surface mapping especially for the lunar far side. Initial validation of INRRI’s operational status has been achieved through observations by the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) onboard NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). Future observations by laser ranging from lunar orbiters will refine its position, and will contribute to improving the accuracy of orbit determination for lunar orbiters, advancing studies of lunar geodesy, Earth-Moon dynamics and lunar physics.

Building on this success, the Italian-Chinese collaboration team are working on the piggybacking of Chang’e-7 LAser Retroreflector Arrays (CLARA), including MoonLIGHT (Moon Laser Instrumentation for Geodesy, Geophysics and General relativity High accuracy Tests) and INRRI. Currently INRRI for CE-7 has just completed its mechanical tests and is in the process of arranging the subsequent experiments.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Dell'Agnello, S., Di, K., Muccino, M., Cao, H., Porcelli, L., Deng, X., Salvatori, L., Ping, J., Tibuzzi, M., Li, Y., Filomena, L., Kang, Z., Montanari, M., Meng, Z., Mauro, L., Xie, B., and Maiello, M.: The First Lunar Far-Side Laser Retroreflector Deployed on Chang’e-6 Lander and Prospect for Chang’e-7 Mission , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8557, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8557, 2025.

EGU25-10294 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Method of electromechanical analogies in calculations of natural frequencies of multi-mass mechanical and biological systems 

Galyna Sokol, Danylo Snobko, Tatyana Kadilnikova, and Maksym Dalik

With the growth of industry, transportation and machinery the issue of studying and damping vibrations and acoustic oscillations has become critical. Up to 4,000 earthquakes occur on Earth each year. Structures such as skyscrapers and bridges must be designed to withstand ground vibrations without damage. Machinery and tools operate with components that torsion and vibrate in the form of structural nodes. These nodes are connected by specific links to form complex multi-mass mechanical systems. Preventing vibration damage to multi-mass structures remains a pressing problem today. Therefore, the development of methods to calculate the amplitude, frequency and phase of the generated vibrations is a relevant task. Currently known methods of dynamic calculations are the use of analytical techniques for determining the intrinsic frequency of transverse and longitudinal oscillations of shells, rods and rotating machine parts (L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz, V.I. Mossakovskiy, K.V. Frolov). Each task solved with these methods must strictly define the initial and boundary conditions of the oscillatory process. The application of these computational methods to multi-mass systems is very labor-intensive because, in addition to the calculation of amplitude, frequency, and phase, it is necessary to take into account the mode of oscillation. The study of free oscillations in multi-mass systems requires the formation of a system of linear differential equations and the use of cyclic frequency equations for multi-mass systems. Currently, simpler engineering methods such as electromechanical analogies were widely adopted in engineering practice. This period also saw the beginning of research into the resonant frequencies of living organisms to ensure the safety of vehicles subjected to vibration loads. This research was particularly important to the aerospace industry. When launching rockets carrying astronauts, spacecraft experience tremendous vibration shocks. In order to avoid harmful resonance effects, the natural frequencies of the astronaut's body and its organs must be determined. We have used a method based on electromechanical analogies to calculate the resonance frequencies. This method is based on the model of the astronaut's body as a vibrating system proposed by Prof. I. K. Kosko. The computational scheme of this model was developed for the first time. The astronaut's body was modeled as a lumped mass system connected by elastic links, the stiffness of which was determined according to the series and parallel rules. The study used data on the elastic modulus and mass of each part of the astronaut's body. The intrinsic frequency of the astronaut's body was calculated to be 1.702 Hz. The results highlight the importance of taking these data into account when designing the damping system for the astronaut's seat in order to prevent the vibration frequency of the rocket from coinciding with the resonance frequency of the astronaut's body. This approach allows the identification of frequencies that must be avoided to minimize the risk of damage caused by vibration loads. This work demonstrates the application of electromechanical analogies as a simplified engineering method for determining the natural frequencies of complex multi-mass systems such as the human body.

How to cite: Sokol, G., Snobko, D., Kadilnikova, T., and Dalik, M.: Method of electromechanical analogies in calculations of natural frequencies of multi-mass mechanical and biological systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10294, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-10294, 2025.

EGU25-12754 | Posters virtual | VPS27 | Highlight

Global Geomagnetic Response and Impact During the 10 May 2024 Gannon Storm – Observations and Modeling 

Chigomezyo Ngwira and James Weygand

Space weather causes geomagnetic disturbances that can affect critical infrastructure. Understanding the dynamic response of the coupled solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system to severe space weather is essential for mitigation purposes. This paper reports on a detailed analysis of the most recently observed May 10, 2024, storm. We demonstrate that the global response to the storm dynamics was strikingly different in various sectors and at various latitudes. Results in the American and European sectors show that the most extreme mid-latitude response was associated to substorm related activity. However, no adverse impact of the storm on bulk power systems was report in North America or other parts of the world.

How to cite: Ngwira, C. and Weygand, J.: Global Geomagnetic Response and Impact During the 10 May 2024 Gannon Storm – Observations and Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12754, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12754, 2025.

EGU25-12948 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Unusually large positive geomagnetic variation (AU) near noon on 11 May, 2024 

Masatoshi Yamauchi, Sota Nanjo, Tsubasa Kotani, and Jürgen Matzka

During the May 2024 space weather event, Kiruna magnetometer (KIR) registered historically large positive deviation of the northward geomagnetic disturbance (dX = +1300 nT) at around 12 UT (14 MLT, i.e., postnoon).  The large dX is observed entire Scandinavia, giving AU = 1431 nT at 12:11 UT, but not in the Atlantic or North American sectors (although we do not know the disturbance at 15-23 ML because no data at > 55° Mlat is available).  

Such large positive dX of dayside stations is not very rare, most of them are observed in the North American continent.  Out of total 21 AU peaks of > +1300 nT separated by more than 1 hour (12 magnetic storms) during 1978-2019, 2 events are peaked at 09-15 UT, 8 events at 15-21 UT, 6 events at 21-03 UT, and 5 events at 03-09 UT.

For the European sector, dX value in the May 2024 event is the second largest after the 24 November 2001 event in both AU statistics (1978-2019) and Kiruna magnetometer (1962-2024).  The same uncommon nature is even seen in Kp=9 that was registered at 09-12 UT.  During 1932-2024, Kp=9 was observed only during 4 events at 09-15 UT, whereas Kp=9 was observed during 10 events at 15-21 UT, 8 events at 21-03 UT, and 5 events at 03-09 UT.

Although these UT anomaly is within the statistical fluctuation, we attribute this to the geomagnetic tilt toward the North American sector.  This makes stations at the same geomagnetic latitudes (e.g., AE stations and Kp stations) located at lower geographic latitudes (i.e., under higher ionospheric conductivity) in the North American sector than the other longitudes when the stations are located near noon (09-15 MLT).  Accordingly, the dayside dX and local K tends to register higher in the North American sector than the other longitudes.  Since extremely large AU (> 1300 nT) tends to occur near noon (this is the case with the 12 storms mentioned above), we expect more frequent large dX when the North America is near noon (15-24 UT).  For Kp, large Kp requires K=9 at Kp station even in the dayside where the disturbance is normally smaller than the nightside.  Then the North America may easier to register large K even during daytime due to higher conductivity.  If the rareness of high AU and Kp during 09-15 UT has such solid reason, the May 2024 space weather event was actually very unusual. 

Finally, there is one more peculiar feature of the large dayside AU for the May 2024 event is that it is preceded only by normal substorm (AL ≈ -600 nT) and followed by a strong negative excursion in the Alaska-Pacific sector instead.  This is quite different from ordinary dayside positive dX that is normally preceded by substorm of large AL (which is the case for the 24 November 2001 event with AL < -1300 nT).

Acknowledgment: We used provisional AE, SuperMAG, INTERMAGNET and Kp.  We thank all contributing observatories and institutions for these datasets.  

How to cite: Yamauchi, M., Nanjo, S., Kotani, T., and Matzka, J.: Unusually large positive geomagnetic variation (AU) near noon on 11 May, 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12948, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12948, 2025.

EGU25-14033 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Ion Parameters Dataset from Juno/JADE Observations and Its Applications 

Jianzhao Wang, Fran Bagenal, Robert Wilson, Philip Valek, Robert Ebert, and Frederic Allegrini

After its arrival at Jupiter in July 2016, Juno conducted a global survey of Jupiter's magnetosphere with its highly eccentric polar orbit. Since then, the JADE instrument has accumulated a large amount of plasma measurements. Using a developed forward modeling method and a supercomputer cluster, we fit all ion measurements between 10 and 50 RJ from PJ5 to PJ56, obtaining a dataset with 70,487 good fits that consists of the following set of plasma parameters: abundances of different heavy ions, density, temperature, and 3‐D bulk flow velocity of heavy ions. This dataset has applications in the research on large-scale structures and small-scale dynamics in Jupiter’s magnetosphere, particularly the equatorial plasma disk region. Potential applications of this dataset include, but are not limited to, the following topics: 1) How is plasma distributed radially and vertically within the plasma disk? 2) What drives the local time asymmetry of plasma flow? 3) What are the consequences of centrifugal instabilities? 4) How is mass and energy transported in the magnetosphere? 4) How is force balance achieved and maintained? An overview of the dataset and some example applications will be presented in this talk.

How to cite: Wang, J., Bagenal, F., Wilson, R., Valek, P., Ebert, R., and Allegrini, F.: Ion Parameters Dataset from Juno/JADE Observations and Its Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14033, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14033, 2025.

EGU25-14713 | Posters virtual | VPS27

The Hubble OPAL Program: 10 years of time-variable phenomena on Jupiter and the other giant planets (invited) 

Michael H. Wong, Amy A. Simon, and Glenn S. Orton

Introduction: The Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) program began in 2014 as part of the Hubble 2020 legacy initiative (Simon et al. 2015; DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/812/1/55). These observations were meant to cement long-term legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) by ensuring a regular cadence of giant planet observations to fill temporal gaps between individual programs. The giant planets have highly dynamic atmospheres, so long-term trends tied to seasonal or other evolutionary cycles require regular data collected using the same instruments and filters.

In addition to building up a long data base of consistent observations on an annual cadence, serendipitous discoveries have been made along the way. Filters extend from the near-UV (F225W at 225 nm) to the near-IR (FQ889N at 889 nm), and each planet is imaged to cover all longitudes over a period of two planetary rotations. All raw data are immediately available to the public, and the team also hosts high level science products in the form of global maps at the MAST Archive (Simon 2015; DOI: 10.17909/T9G593).

OPAL at Jupiter: Hubble’s exquisite spatial resolution and OPAL’s global and temporal coverage allow detailed study of Jupiter’s long-lived vortices, high speed narrow wind jets, and alternating, variable, bands of colored clouds. OPAL results have included studies of vortices including the Great Red Spot (GRS), zonal wind speeds, small atmospheric waves, long-term color trends, and UV-dark ovals in the polar hoods.

Space missions: OPAL data have extended the science return of several space missions, with Jupiter observations commencing one year before Juno arrived at Jupiter. OPAL wind and cloud structure measurements have been used in diverse analyses of phenomena from the gravitational anomaly of the GRS, to deep zonal atmospheric structure revealed by microwave emission, to convective cycles in cyclonic vortices. Wave, jet, and vortex features previously observed by Voyager and Cassini have also been studied in greater detail with the long-term OPAL program.

Earth-based observatories: High-resolution visible-wavelength observations from OPAL target the planets near solar opposition to maximize spatial resolution, as do many Earth-based programs. Multi-observatory studies include correlations between cloud color from OPAL and microwave brightness from the VLA, comparisons between Doppler velocimetry from the ground and time-series imaging from OPAL, calibration, validation, and context for spectroscopic measurements, and deep context for stratospheric aerosol anomalies.

Conclusion: The results cited here are a small subset of the Jupiter results achieved with the OPAL monitoring of the outer planets, with additional discoveries at Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. As of January 2025, 62 papers have cited OPAL data. With more than 10 years of data in hand, and continuing for the life of Hubble, we expect the scientific return to increase exponentially. OPAL serves as a model for future long-term programs at other observatories.

Acknowledgments: This research is based on HST observations (with NASA support; see Simon et al. 2015). GSO was additionally supported by NASA through contract 80NM0018D0004 to JPL.

How to cite: Wong, M. H., Simon, A. A., and Orton, G. S.: The Hubble OPAL Program: 10 years of time-variable phenomena on Jupiter and the other giant planets (invited), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14713, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14713, 2025.

EGU25-14886 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Circularly Polarized Type III Storms Observed with PSP 

Marc Pulupa, Stuart Bale, Immanuel Jebaraj, Orlando Romeo, and Säm Krucker

During the active phase of solar cycle 25, the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) spacecraft frequently observes circularly polarized Type III radio storms. The most intense and longest duration event occurred following a large coronal mass ejection (CME) on 5 September 2022. For several days following the CME, PSP observed a storm of Type III radio bursts. The polarization of the storm started as left hand circularly polarized (LHC) and switched to right hand circularly polarized (RHC) at the crossing of the heliospheric current sheet.

We analyze properties of this Type III storm. The drift rate of the Type IIIs indicates a constant beam speed of ~0.1c, typical for Type III-producing electron beams. The sense of polarization is consistent with fundamental emission generated primarily in the o-mode.

In addition to this prototypical event, we present a survey of radio observations throughout the PSP mission, demonstrating that the majority of encounters contain Type III storms, that the storms are typically strongly (but not completely) circularly polarized, and that the sense of polarization and the sign of the radial magnetic field are consistent with o-mode emission.

How to cite: Pulupa, M., Bale, S., Jebaraj, I., Romeo, O., and Krucker, S.: Circularly Polarized Type III Storms Observed with PSP, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14886, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14886, 2025.

EGU25-15614 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Impact of self-shadowing on the Jovian Circumplanetary disk ice composition 

Antoine Schneeberger, Yannis Bennacer, and Olivier Mousis

Modeling the formation conditions of the Galilean moons remains a significant challenge. While it is widely assumed that the moons formed within a circumplanetary disk (CPD) that surrounded Jupiter during the final stages of its growth, the physical properties and composition of this disk remain poorly constrained in theoretical models.

One approach to infer the properties and composition of the CPD is to use the bulk composition of the Galilean moons as a reference to extract compositional trends for the disk. A notable example is the gradient in water content with distance from Jupiter: from completely dry Io to a 1:1 water to rock ratio on Ganymede and Callisto. This gradient strongly suggests that the CPD exhibited a corresponding water abundance gradient during its formation.

With the JUICE and Europa Clipper missions currently cruising to the Jovian system, the coming decade will provide an unprecedented opportunity to study Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. These missions are expected to refine our understanding of the bulk composition of the moons and provide new constraints for CPD models.

In this context, we aim to model the midplane volatile species composition of the CPD using a 2-dimensional proprietary framework. The model assumes a quasi-stationary disk heated by viscous stress, infalling gas, and the young, hot Jupiter. A key feature of the model is the presence of shadow regions that can be up to 100 K cooler than their surroundings and persist for up to 100 kyr.

Our results indicate that the profile of volatile species in the midplane shows enrichment peaks during the early evolution of the disk. However, maintaining these enrichments requires an accretion rate to the CPD of about 10-7 Mjup/yr for at least 1 Myr. If the accretion rate decreases too rapidly, the ice abundances rapidly decrease.

In addition, we show that shadows within the CPD can significantly influence its volatile composition on short timescales of less than 100 kyr. These shadowed regions may trap ice of volatile species that would otherwise remain in the vapor phase, thereby altering the overall composition of the CPD.

How to cite: Schneeberger, A., Bennacer, Y., and Mousis, O.: Impact of self-shadowing on the Jovian Circumplanetary disk ice composition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15614, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15614, 2025.

EGU25-16329 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Some problems of gravity assist and terraforming of Mars 

Leszek Czechowski

Some problems of gravity assist and terraforming of Mars


Here we consider versions of terraforming that would allow colonists to live without pressure suits. The current mass of the Martian atmosphere is 2.5x1016 kg [1]. We consider 4 variants of terraforming. C indicates how many times we need to increase the mass of the atmosphere. For version v1 we assume a pressure of 10 kPa at the bottom of Hellas Planitia, C= 8.6, for v2 we use 10 kPa at the reference level for Mars and C=16.4, for v3 we use 101.3 kPa at the bottom of Hellas Planitia, C= 87.3, and for v4 we use 101.3 kPa at the reference level for Mars, C= 166.1.

For variant v4, 1 body with a radius of ~100 km (and density of 1000 kg m-3) would be sufficient.


Possible sources

Celestial bodies orbiting far from the Sun contain large amounts of water, CO2, nitrogen, etc. There are two places where there are enough bodies useful to our problem: the Kuiper Belt (KB) and the Oort Cloud (OC) [2]. The Kuiper Belt (KB) contains over 70,000 objects with diameters larger than 100 km. The mass of the KB is large enough [2, 3]. The total mass of the OC is ~3×1025 kg [4]. The problem is the large distance from the Sun, so we consider only the KB as the source.


Transporting bodies

Initially ion engines change orbit of the chosen body, in order to later use the effect of gravity assist. This requires precise maneuvering. Since there are many bodies in the KB whose size is sufficient for gravity assist, we assume that a change in velocity of ~50 m/s  (using the engine) is sufficient. However, in our case, gravity assist is fraught with significant danger. KB bodies are unstable when volatiles escape. To calculate possible tidal effects, we use the methods developed in [5].

The gravity assist may be used to reduce the relative velocity of Mars and the impactor. This is important because strong heating of the atmosphere will lead to the escape of gases [6].


[1] Mars Fact Sheet. NASA.

[2] Hargitai, H. and Kereszturi, A., 2015, ISBN 978-1-4614-3133-6.

[3] Lorenzo I. 2007. Monthly Notices RAS. 4 (375), 1311–1314.

[4] Weissman, P. R. 1983. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 118 (1): 90–94.

[5] Czechowski, L., 1991. Earth, Moon and Planets, 52, 2, 113-130 DOI: 10.1007/BF00054178

[6] Czechowski, L., et al., 2023. Icarus, doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus. 2023.115473.




How to cite: Czechowski, L.: Some problems of gravity assist and terraforming of Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16329, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16329, 2025.

EGU25-16970 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Constraints on Uranus formation from its D/H ratio 

Tom Benest Couzinou and Olivier Mousis

The formation of the ice giants Uranus and Neptune remains poorly understood, with several competing hypotheses attempting to explain their observed compositions. In particular, the carbon enrichment and nitrogen depletion observed in these planets challenge traditional models of planet formation. However, the measurement of the deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratio in Uranus by the Herschel Space Telescope provides a critical constraint on its bulk composition, including the CO/H2O ratio, providing valuable insights into the planet's formation and evolution.

D/H measurements in comets and planets are crucial for understanding their formation history. In the protosolar nebula, water ice is enriched in deuterium in the colder, outer regions and depleted in the warmer, inner regions relative to protosolar hydrogen. For example, D/H measurements from gas giants, which are predominantly composed of hydrogen, typically reflect or closely resemble the protosolar hydrogen D/H ratio. In contrast, D/H measurements from ice giants like Uranus and Neptune show supersolar D/H ratios in their atmospheres. The leading hypothesis to explain this is that their envelopes formed through the mixing of protosolar hydrogen with deuterium--rich primordial ices that they accreted during their formation. 

Under this assumption, the atmospheric D/H ratio of Uranus can be directly linked to the D/H ratio of its building block ices, depending on models of its internal structure. Assuming a cometary D/H ratio for the primordial ices accreted by Uranus enables the estimation of the planet's bulk composition, particularly its CO/H2O ratio. The objective of this study is to compare the inferred CO/H2O ratio of Uranus, derived from D/H remote sensing measurements, with values predicted for the protosolar nebula using a protoplanetary disk model. These findings provide critical constraints on the timing and location of Uranus's formation within the early Solar System and offer valuable insights into the processes that shaped its evolution.

How to cite: Benest Couzinou, T. and Mousis, O.: Constraints on Uranus formation from its D/H ratio, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16970, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16970, 2025.

EGU25-18086 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

A Real-time Automated Triggering Framework for Solar Radio Burst Detection using Yamagawa Spectrograph for the Murchison Widefield Array 

Deepan Patra, Devojyoti Kansabanik, Divya Oberoi, Yuki Kubo, Andrew Williams, Bradley Meyers, and Naoto Nishizuka

The observing time of the cutting-edge radio interferometers tends to be heavily oversubscribed. This, coupled with the fact that solar activity is inherently unpredictable leads to limited observing time being granted for solar observations. There are, of course, dedicated solar monitoring radio telescopes, but their data quality, and hence the resulting science, pales in comparison with what is possible with the best-in-class instruments. A robust and reliable automated near-real time observing trigger for cutting-edge radio interferometers derived from dedicated solar monitoring telescopes can improve this situation dramatically. By enabling one to use precious observing time only when some solar activity is known to have just taken place, such a system can vastly increase the efficiency of limited available observing time to capture instances of solar activity. With observatories like the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) on the horizon, the need for such a system is even more imperative. We present such a system developed by us for the SKAO-low precursor, the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) based on near-real time data from the Yamagawa spectrograph which observes the Sun daily from rise to set in the band from 70 MHz to 9 GHz and is located at similar longitude as the MWA.  Generating an observing trigger poses an interesting and challenging problem. Not only does one have to reliably detect and reject any radio frequency interference (RFI) which is inevitably present, to be successful, a trigger needs to be raised as early after the start of the event as feasible. We have devised, implemented and tested algorithms to identify and remove the RFI and do an effective ‘de-noising’ of the data to improve the contrast with which features of interest can be detected. We note that much of the event data lost due to the latency from Yamagawa can be recovered using the data buffer available at the MWA, which was designed exactly to meet such needs. These triggers have been tested and tuned using the archival Yamagawa data, end-to-end tests of triggered observations have successfully been carried out at the MWA. Very recently this real time triggering has been operationalized at the MWA, a very timely development in view of the approaching solar maxima.

How to cite: Patra, D., Kansabanik, D., Oberoi, D., Kubo, Y., Williams, A., Meyers, B., and Nishizuka, N.: A Real-time Automated Triggering Framework for Solar Radio Burst Detection using Yamagawa Spectrograph for the Murchison Widefield Array, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18086, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18086, 2025.

EGU25-18510 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS27

Immersive 3D Visualization for Enhanced Lunar Teleoperation 

Yang Li, Simin Yang, Jingkun Lu, Jiaying Chen, Tianyi Xu, Ziyang Xing, Long Chen, and Zhenxing Zhang

With the rapid advancements in computer graphics, rendering technologies, and artificial intelligence, 3D visualization of deep-space environments has become a transformative approach to improving teleoperation systems. Traditional Lunar-to-Earth teleoperation faces challenges such as low bandwidth, high latency, and limited situational awareness, which hinder intuitive and efficient remote operations. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework that integrates AI-driven 3D reconstruction algorithms and cutting-edge rendering techniques to reconstruct and visualize deep-space environments with exceptional precision and clarity. By processing sparse telemetry data into high-fidelity 3D models and leveraging photorealistic rendering, our system enhances spatial awareness, reduces cognitive load, and improves decision-making efficiency for ground-based operators. Furthermore, the framework is designed to overcome deep-space constraints, such as limited computational resources and communication delays, ensuring its robustness in real-world missions. This approach not only advances the efficiency of telemetry and teleoperations but also bridges the gap between remote sensing data and actionable insights, paving the way for more autonomous, immersive, and scientifically impactful deep-space exploration.

How to cite: Li, Y., Yang, S., Lu, J., Chen, J., Xu, T., Xing, Z., Chen, L., and Zhang, Z.: Immersive 3D Visualization for Enhanced Lunar Teleoperation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18510, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18510, 2025.

EGU25-18737 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Initial Results of Total Solar Irradiance Measurements by DARA-PROBA3 

Jean-Philippe Montillet, Wolfgang Finsterle, Margit Haberreiter, Werner Schmutz, Daniel Pfiffner, Silvio Koller, and Matthias Gander

The ESA-PROBA3 spacecraft was successfully launched aboard a four-stage PSLV-XL rocket from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India, on Thursday, December 5th, at 11:34 CET (10:34 GMT, 16:04 local time).  Formation flying a pair of spacecraft will form an artificial solar eclipse in space, casting a precisely-controlled shadow from the Occulter platform to the  Coronograph spacecraft to open up sustained views of the Sun's faint surrounding corona. The payload on the ESA-PROBA3 Occulter spacecraft includes the Digital Absolute Radiometer (DARA) from the Physikalisch Meteorologisches Observatorium, Davos and World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC). It aims at measuring the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) in orbit. The destination of the spacecraft is a highly elliptical orbit (600 x 60530 km at around 59 degree inclination). We will present the initial results from this new experiment since its launch.

How to cite: Montillet, J.-P., Finsterle, W., Haberreiter, M., Schmutz, W., Pfiffner, D., Koller, S., and Gander, M.: Initial Results of Total Solar Irradiance Measurements by DARA-PROBA3, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18737, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18737, 2025.

EGU25-20186 | Posters virtual | VPS27

Reaction of Atomic Oxygen with Thiophene: Implications for Satellite Polymers in Low Mars Orbit and Chemistry of Mars 

Dario Campisi, Marco Parriani, Giacomo Pannacci, Gianmarco Vanuzzo, Piergiorgio Casavecchia, Marzio Rosi, and Nadia Balucani

Aromatic compounds, with their stable cyclic structure and [4n+2]π electrons, are resistant to chemical attack and degradation. This stability makes them prevalent in celestial bodies and valuable in designing polymers that withstand harsh space conditions [1-4].
In interstellar space, aromatic molecules make up ~20% of atomic carbon and are key to forming complex organic molecules [1]. Cyanopyrene, cyanonaphthalene, and indene have been identified in the TMC-1 molecular cloud [5]. Aromatic molecules are also found in Solar System objects, including Martian soil from Gale Crater mudstones [7-10].
Thiophene, an aromatic molecule, was detected by NASA’s Curiosity rover in the Glen Torridon clay unit, where high-temperature pyrolysis (~850°C) revealed sulfur-bearing organics, including alkyl derivatives, likely from Martian organic materials [9]. Atomic oxygen (O) in its ground state (³P) is a strong oxidant that degrades aromatic compounds like benzene and pyridine, releasing CO [10-13]. Recent models show O(³P) is present in small amounts on Mars’s surface and abundant in low orbit [13]. This presents a dual challenge: degrading thiophene-based polymers used in spacecraft and explaining Mars's organic scarcity [16].
Using quantum chemistry methods, we examined thiophene fragmentation from O(³P) interactions. Our results matched experimental data from the crossed molecular beam (CMB) scattering technique [10], showing that the reaction forms thioacrolein and CO, attacking the sulfur atom and breaking the aromatic ring. This ISC-enhanced mechanism may destabilize sulfur-containing polymers and contribute to organic compound loss on Mars.

Additionally, the photodissociation of O₃ on Mars generates highly reactive atomic oxygen in the excited ¹D state, which likely accelerates organic degradation [13]. While photodissociation degrades complex organics, residual organic matter remains unless converted to volatile species. These findings are pivotal for developing space-resilient materials and understanding atomic oxygen's role in Mars's chemical evolution. Furthermore, the degradation products, including released carbon, may contribute to forming prebiotic molecules, enriching the diversity of planetary systems and interstellar chemistry.

[1] A.G.G.M. Tielens, Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 1021.

[2] D.A.F.T.W. Strganac, et al., J. Spacecr. Rocket 1995, 32,502–506

[3] K.K. De Groh, et al., High Perform. Polym. 2008, 20, 388–409

[4] T. K. Minton, et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2012, 4, 492−502

[5] G. Wenzel, et al., Science, 2024, 386,810-813.

[6] M.A. Sephton, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2002,19, 292-311

[7] C. Sagan, et al., Astrophys. J., 414, 1, 399-405

[8] J. L. Eigenbrode, et al., Science, 2018, 360, 1096–1101

[9] M. Millan, et al., J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 2022, 127, e2021JE007107

[10] Vanuzzo G., et al., J.  Phys. Chem. A, 2021, 125, 8434–8453

[11] Recio P., et al., Nat. Chem., 2022, 14, 1405–1412

[12] J. Lasne, et al., Astrobiology, 2016, 16, 977

[13] G. M. Paternò, et al., Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 41013

[14] S. A. Benner, et al., PNAS, 2000, 97, 6, 2425–2430

How to cite: Campisi, D., Parriani, M., Pannacci, G., Vanuzzo, G., Casavecchia, P., Rosi, M., and Balucani, N.: Reaction of Atomic Oxygen with Thiophene: Implications for Satellite Polymers in Low Mars Orbit and Chemistry of Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20186, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20186, 2025.

This study examines field-aligned currents (FACs) and polar electrojet (PEJ) characteristics during the extreme May 2024 geomagnetic storms across dawn, dusk, daytime, and nighttime in both hemispheres. FAC and PEJ intensities were up to 9 times greater than usual, with equatorward FACs reaching -44º Magnetic Latitude. Maximum FACs and PEJ are larger at dawn than dusk in the Northern Hemisphere but larger at dusk than at dawn in the Southern Hemisphere. Dawn and duskside FACs correlate best with Dst or solar wind dynamic pressure (Pd) in both hemispheres. On the dayside (nightside), most FACs in both hemispheres are primarily correlated with Pd (merging electric field, Em or Pd). The PEJs correlate largely with Dst and partly with Em and Pd. Duskside (nighttime) currents are located at lower latitudes than dawnside (daytime), and northern currents are positioned more poleward than southern currents. The latitudes of peak FACs are most strongly correlated with Dst or Pd in both hemispheres. However, in the northern daytime sector, they are primarily influenced by Em. The latitudes of peak PEJ show the strongest correlation with Dst or Pd in both hemispheres, except on the northern dawnside, where they are primarily influenced by Em. The qualitative relationships between peak current density, corresponding latitude, solar wind parameters, and the Dst index are derived.

How to cite: Wang, H., Lühr, H., and Cheng, Q.: Local Time and Hemispheric Asymmetries of Field-aligned Currents and Polar Electrojet During May 2024 Superstorm Periods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-396, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-396, 2025.

EGU25-1368 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Extensional collapse of the Himalayan orogen in the Late Miocene. 

Rabindra Kumar Patel, Vikas Adlakha, Kunal Mukherjee, Shailendra Pundir, Parikshita Pradhan, and Ramesh Chandra Patel

The collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates ~ 55 Ma formed the Himalaya, one of the youngest mountain belts. This convergence led to two significant metamorphic stages: M1, which occurs under high pressure and low temperature in a thick crust, and M2, resulting from crustal thinning in a high-temperature, low-pressure environment, evolved the gneissic domes. This study provides the first apatite fission track (AFT) and zircon fission track (ZFT) thermochronological record from one of such gneissic domes in the NW Himalaya viz., the Gianbul Dome (GD). The dome is bounded by two extensional shear zones, namely the South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) dipping towards NE and the Khanjar Shear Zone (KSZ) dipping towards SW.  The AFT cooling ages range from 14.2 ± 1.2 to 5.7 ± 1.1 Ma, and ZFT ages range from 22.8 ± 2.2 to 14.6 ± 0.9 Ma. The ZFT ages remain almost constant across the dome, suggesting thermal relaxation during this period, while the AFT ages are young towards the extensional shear zones of KSZ and STDS. The fission-track data, in combination with the published Ar-Ar and (U-Th)/He cooling ages, has been modeled using a thermo-kinematic inverse and forward model to analyze the processes that led to the exhumation of the dome. Various scenarios like river incision, lithology, deformation along faults like Main Himalayan Thrust, Main Central Thrust, STDS, glacier control, and erosion control over exhumation have been tested. Our results suggest that the extension of normal fault is the primary mechanism for the exhumation of the GD. The extension happened in two phases: (a) during the initial normal sense movement along the STDS when the reverse sense of shear was switched to the usual sense of shear during the early Miocene, and (b) during the Late Miocene. The initial phase of extension is a well-recognized phenomenon in the Himalayan orogen that has been explained through models like channel flow or ductile wedge extrusion. However, the first report of extensional activity along the STDS during the Late Miocene allows us to test whether it is a local phenomenon or a regional event that happened in the brittle stage. Thus, we compiled all the published geochronological and thermochronological data of all the prevailing gneissic domes in the Himalayas from west to east and ran the 3D thermokinematic model to assess the exhumation path of the rocks and brittle stage deformation history. Our results suggest that two phases of extension happened in the entire arc of the Himalayan orogen. The first phase facilitated the southwest migration of ductile materials of rocks from mid-crustal depths accompanying the extension because of gravitation, favoring the channel flow concept. The second phase of extensional collapse happened during ~7-3 Ma ago in the brittle stage. We hypothesize that a drop in gravitational potential energy led to the reactivation of extensional faults along the Himalayan arc. Thus, we propose that extensional collapse in the collisional mountain belts is a cyclic phenomenon that happens to attain a stable, steady state of the orogens.

How to cite: Patel, R. K., Adlakha, V., Mukherjee, K., Pundir, S., Pradhan, P., and Patel, R. C.: Extensional collapse of the Himalayan orogen in the Late Miocene., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1368, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1368, 2025.

EGU25-1504 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Neoproterozoic Tectonics of the Kaliguman Shear Zone: Implications for the Delhi-Aravalli Fold Belt Contact, NW India 

Suvam Mondal, Alip Roy, and Sadhana Chatterjee

The Kaliguman Shear Zone (KSZ) in northwestern India marks the boundary between the South Delhi Fold Belt to the west and the Aravalli Fold Belt to the east. Structural analysis reveals a narrow, high-strain zone characterized by the development of mica schist along this boundary. The principal structural orientation trends in the NE-SW direction. Strain analysis indicates that the rocks in this zone formed under transpressional deformation conditions.

The metamorphic history of the KSZ is well-preserved in the mica schists, which predominantly contain garnet and staurolite. Petrological and textural studies have helped establish the relative crystallization sequence of mineral phases during the metamorphic events. Examination of garnet porphyroblasts reveals a complex deformation pattern, reflecting pre-, syn-, and post-tectonic events associated with fabric formation. Geothermobarometric analysis indicates that the mica schists underwent amphibolite facies metamorphism. Phase equilibria analysis, supported by PT pseudosections, shows peak metamorphic conditions at approximately 590±10 °C and 4.7 kbar. Garnet isopleth plots suggest increasing pressure and temperature during metamorphism, which is consistent with the inferred PT path. Variations in the modal abundance of index minerals further corroborate this evolutionary trajectory. These findings support a model of crustal thickening for the KSZ. The textural control monazite age data from the mica schists confirms that the shear zone was formed during the early Neoproterozoic. The study provides valuable insights into the tectonic evolution of the contact between the Delhi and Aravalli Fold Belts, highlighting the role of shear zones in accommodating deformation and facilitating metamorphic processes during Neoproterozoic orogenic events.

Keywords: Kaliguman Shear Zone, Aravalli, Delhi Fold Belt, Neoproterozoic, NW India

How to cite: Mondal, S., Roy, A., and Chatterjee, S.: Neoproterozoic Tectonics of the Kaliguman Shear Zone: Implications for the Delhi-Aravalli Fold Belt Contact, NW India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1504, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-1504, 2025.

EGU25-2072 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Reconciling bathymetric anomalies of marginal sea basins through magmatic and cooling processes 

Penggao Fang and Weiwei Ding

       Bathymetry of marginal sea basins is commonly deeper than the half-space cooling prediction for large oceans, but what controls this pattern is poorly understood. Here, based on abundant seismic sections with increasingly available databases, we perform an enhanced approach that specifically corrects for post-spreading cooling to reassess thermal subsidence across the Southwest Subbasin (SWSB) and the broader South China Sea (SCS) basin. We attribute the current excessive subsidence of the SCS basin primarily as a response to the post-spreading cooling process, which has global applicability to other marginal sea basins and accounts for at least 86% of the observed depth anomaly. Additionally, the mode of magma supply during seafloor spreading plays a crucial role in shaping reconstructed shallower bathymetry of the SCS basin relative to predictions from the half-space cooling model. A stronger magma supply deriving from the regional subduction system can explain the relatively shallow depth developed during the opening of the SCS compared to large oceans. In contrast, a westward decayed magma supply, driven by localized rift propagation induced by the inherited pre-Cenozoic heterogeneous lithospheric structure of South China, attributes to subsidence discrepancies among sub-basins and within the SWSB.

        The sediment-corrected depth of most marginal seas is, on average, more than 500 m deeper than that of large oceans, with maximum anomalies ranging from -0.95 to -2.70 km (in 0.5° bins). The sediment-corrected depths exhibit statistically poor correlations with the spreading rate, indicating that the thermal evolution of marginal seas is not primarily controlled by the spreading rate, unlike large oceans. Neither can this anomaly be fully explained by dynamic topography driven by large-scale mantle convection or by localized variations in the degrees and patterns of subduction systems, although the latter may be an important factor influencing the bathymetry of still-active marginal seas. We interpret at least 44.5% of these anomalies as a result of long-term post-spreading thermal subsidence in inactive marginal seas, with magmatic processes influencing bathymetry during oceanic plate formation. We propose that the post-spreading secular cooling, together with the variable mode of magma supply and potential dynamic subsidence processes driven by subducting slabs, play pivotal roles in the formation of the topographic anomalies within the oceanic basins of marginal seas.

How to cite: Fang, P. and Ding, W.: Reconciling bathymetric anomalies of marginal sea basins through magmatic and cooling processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2072, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2072, 2025.

EGU25-2323 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Seismic fault slip affected by pore pressure and cyclic normal stress – deduced by lab investigations 

Kang Tao, Heinz Konietzky, and Wengang Dang

Slip characteristics of tectonic faults are highly correlated with earthquake risks. However, the stress conditions in-situ are not static, because tides and seismic waves produce dynamic stress disturbances. The effect of fluids also needs to be considered. The fault slip evolution considering both, stress perturbation and fluid pressure is poorly investigated in the laboratory.

We performed direct shear tests on saw-cut granite joints using a shear box device with external syringe pump. The lower part of the specimen was driven by constant load point velocity, and static/dynamic normal loads were applied to the upper part. LVDTs recorded horizontal and vertical movements: fault slip and vertical dilatancy, respectively. The impact of two factors are studied in the experiment: pore fluid pressure and applied normal stress oscillation amplitude.

In conclusion, static pore fluid pressure reduces effective normal stress and shear stiffness of the sheared fault. Under constant normal stress, the reduction in fault shear stiffness caused by fluids synchronously competes with the reduction in critical stiffness (Kc) as the effective normal stress decreases. The stick-slip events are most intensive under low fluid pressure and high normal stress. Under oscillating normal stress, as the normal stress oscillation amplitude increases, the overall fault shear strength weakens continuously. Frictional strengthening and aseismic slips always occur in the normal stress loading stage. Normal stress unloading leads to multi-step stick-slip behavior of the sheared fault. The fault normal deformation is controlled by both normal loading/unloading and asperity overriding. Increasing pore pressure and superimposed normal stress magnitudes lead to more dramatic shear stress changes, but the degree of seismic slip is reduced.

How to cite: Tao, K., Konietzky, H., and Dang, W.: Seismic fault slip affected by pore pressure and cyclic normal stress – deduced by lab investigations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2323, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2323, 2025.

EGU25-2827 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Discrete element modeling of earthquake-induced fault rupture evolution: The 2024 Mw7.4 Hualien Taiwan earthquake 

Xiaofei Guo, Yosuke Aoki, and Jianghai Li

Surface rupture caused by a strong earthquake is extremely hazardous to the safety of people’s lives. Understanding the rupture evolution mechanism of co-seismic faults and assessing the influence of fault area propagation is essential for disaster prevention and resilience. Since 2000, Hualien and nearby areas in eastern Taiwan have experienced 33  earthquakes, which is a good area to study the evolution of fault rupture. In this study, we propose a dynamic discrete element model to explain fault rupture evolution and use it to analyze the rupture behavior of the 2024 Mw7.4 earthquake of Hualian. This earthquake occurred near the northern Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF), where crustal movement can be seen from the Milun Fault (MF) to the north part of the LVF. We use ALOS-2 data to identify major faults and the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) method to access the spatial displacement on the surface of the study area. In order to simulate the complex geometry and corresponding deformation of the co-seismic rupture surface under the compound influence of multiple faults, we set a rock biaxial simulation test to obtain effective model parameters. We then established a series of dynamic models with different bond types and strengths based on the discrete element method. The model demonstrates the deformation along the fault rupture surface, corresponding to the observation results. The simulation results cover the rupture behavior of the fault and the displacement of the shallow fault under long time series, which can provide a reference for the subsequent seismic hazard assessment and fault displacement analysis.

How to cite: Guo, X., Aoki, Y., and Li, J.: Discrete element modeling of earthquake-induced fault rupture evolution: The 2024 Mw7.4 Hualien Taiwan earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2827, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2827, 2025.

EGU25-2898 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Measurements of Earth's magnetic field anomalies caused by meteorite impacts 

Mikołaj Zawadzki, Natalia Godlewska, and Szymon Oryński

Meteorites that have impacted the Earth's surface in the past have created impact craters. Most of these craters have not been preserved in a form that allows for their contemporary identification, but some, especially in Central and Northern Europe, have been described and classified as geological structures formed by meteorite impacts. When a celestial body strikes the Earth's surface, it causes a temporary increase in temperature to several hundred degrees Celsius, sometimes exceeding the Curie temperature for ferromagnetic rocks and minerals that make up the near-surface layer. Magnetization is relatively stable from a geological time perspective. The magnetic record in magnetite is usually stable and is quite difficult to remagnetize (Fassbinder, 2015).

The impact leads to a change in the direction of magnetization in the minerals, which sometimes persists after the impact. This phenomenon is known as Thermoremanent Magnetization (TRM). It is characteristic of meteorite impact sites. This property is attributed to minerals cooled from high temperatures resulting from plutonic/volcanic processes or meteorite impacts. It is one of several types of remanent magnetization, but only this type will be present in impact structures (Fassbinder, 2015).

The project aims to conduct research in the field of applied geophysics and the magnetic properties of rock and mineral samples in the area of craters formed by meteorite impacts in the context of thermomagnetic anomalies.

As part of this project, proton magnetometer measurements have been conducted in the areas of the Morasko craters in Poland, the Dobele crater in Latvia, the Vepriai crater in Lithuania, and several craters in Estonia. Samples from the Estonian craters have been collected for paleomagnetic studies, which will soon be analyzed using a rotational magnetometer and a magnetic susceptibility instrument. The results of the magnetometric measurements are very promising and exhibit characteristic patterns of magnetic field anomalies typical of impact craters.

The project is funded under the 'Pearls of Science' program by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.

How to cite: Zawadzki, M., Godlewska, N., and Oryński, S.: Measurements of Earth's magnetic field anomalies caused by meteorite impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2898, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2898, 2025.

The Chatree Region, located in central Thailand, holds significant potential for gold exploration, hosting substantial mineral resources. The complex geological setting of this region, with its diverse lithologies and intricate structural controls, poses both significant opportunities and challenges for successful mineral exploration. Given these challenges, this study utilizes a geophysical approach focusing on magnetic data interpretation to enhance the precision and efficiency of identifying potential gold prospects.

Enhancements to the magnetic data were achieved through the application of Downward Continuation (DWC) and Automatic Gain Correction (AGC), which amplified near-surface features and improved signal clarity. Subsequently, by employing the Centre for Exploration Targeting (CET) Grid Analysis, zones of structural complexity, indicative of epithermal gold deposits were detected, which generated two heat maps, including Contact Occurrence Density (COD) and Orientation Entropy (OE). These maps revealed six major and seven minor potential gold prospect zones, providing a critical dataset for subsequent geological analysis. Geological correlations and lineament interpretation were then conducted to validate and refine the magnetic interpretations by integrating several filtered magnetic images with existing geological knowledge of the region. The results of this integrated approach show that many of the identified magnetic anomalies and lineaments correlate with known geology, highlighting the critical role of synthesizing advanced magnetic data analysis with geological expertise. This integration provides a valuable foundation for future exploration in the region and establishes an applicable methodological approach to other mineral exploration efforts.

How to cite: Pinkaew, K.: Identifying Prospective Areas for the Chatree Epithermal Gold Region from Airborne Magnetic Data Using Advanced Analyzing Techniques, with Interpretative Correlation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3794, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3794, 2025.

EGU25-3894 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Formation and inversion of a short-lived continental back-arc basin in Southeastern Tibet 

Di Xin, Tiannan Yang, Chuandong Xue, Lili Jiang, and Kun Xiang

The differences in the tectonic interpretation of ophiolite suites have become a major issue of the debate in the tectonic reconstruction of an ancient orogenic belt, especially when it comes to subduction polarity. In this regard, the Sanjiang Paleo-Tethyan Orogenic Belt in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau provides an excellent case study. The Sanjiang Paleo-Tethyan Orogenic Belt in the northern, eastern, and southeastern Tibet is bounded by the western Jinshajiang‒Garzê‒Litang suture to the north and the Shuanghu‒Changning‒Menglian suture to the south and west. The southern Jinshajiang Suture separates the Zhongzha Block to the east and the eastern Qiangtang Block to the west. The tectonic nature of the NNW-trending southern Jinshajiang ophiolitic mélange remaining controversial. A detailed linear traverse mapping was c across the southern Jinshajiang ophiolitic mélange, with a focus on pillow lavas and the structural relationship between the lavas and their country rock (Paleozoic sedimentary rocks). The results of a field study, in conjunction with new geochronological data and geochemical data, have enabled the identification of the Zhongdian continental back-arc basin. This basin was filled with a flysch succession and at least two horizons of pillow basalt from 267 to 254 Ma. The fining- and thinning-upward nature of the sedimentary succession, widespread syndepositional folds and syndepositional breccias, and submarine channel sediments, as well as intensive basaltic volcanism suggest that this back-arc basin generated in a typical extensional environment. The inversion of the back-arc basin was completed within a relatively short period of one million years (254~253 Ma), resulting in the development of overturned folds of the flysch succession and a latest Permian to Early Triassic back-arc foreland basin in front of the folded belt. Whole-rock geochemical data for the basalts and coeval gabbros suggest that the petrogenetic process of the basalts in the back-arc basin is likely comparable to that of basalt in a rift system as well, which is a lithospheric extension induced uplift of lithospheric mantle and asthenosphere and allowing decompression partial melting of the mantle peridotite. The late stage pillow basalts exhibit a stronger arc signature than the earlier massive basalt and diabase. The Zhongdian back-arc basin is considered to be an extinct continental and arc-type back-arc basins, which are characterized by thick crust, shallow bathymetry, and may not evolve into “normal” oceans. The formation and inversion of the Zhongdian back-arc basin are believed to have been caused by rollback and subsequent break-off of the subducted oceanic slab. During the inversion, the crust shortening occurred predominantly in the back-arc basin, while the southwestern shoulder of the back-arc basin, which was weakly deformed, was shifted north-eastward for ~30 km. The formation process of the Zhongdian back-arc basin is comparable to that of a typical continental rift system, the asymmetric architecture of which has mostly been inherited by the structures formed during the basin inversion. The southern Jinshajiang ophiolitic mélange is representative of the inverted Zhongdian back-arc basin, which is a short-lived, partially mature oceanic basin.

How to cite: Xin, D., Yang, T., Xue, C., Jiang, L., and Xiang, K.: Formation and inversion of a short-lived continental back-arc basin in Southeastern Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3894, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3894, 2025.

The development of continental rift basins is often accompanied by multiple episodes of volcanic activity. The impact of these volcanic eruptions on the sedimentary filling process of the basin is a geological problem worth considering. This relationship is not only the premise for reasonably explaining the binary filling characteristics and development of sequences of volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks in rift basins but also the key geological basis for the prediction of volcanic and sedimentary rock reservoirs in rift basins. On the basis of a large amount of three-dimensional seismic data, logging data and lithology data, we estimated the volcanic eruption period, volcanic rock mass and spatial shape of the Changling faulted depression in the Songliao Basin. We then studied the spatial distribution characteristics of lithofacies and sedimentary facies in the basin. Finally, we assessed the influence of volcanic eruptions on the type of sedimentary filling, the distribution of sedimentary facies and the spatial stacking of sedimentary strata. This study revealed that during the rapid rifting stage (Yingcheng Formation depositional period), the Changling faulted depression developed mainly fan delta, braided river delta and lacustrine sedimentary systems and experienced four phases of volcanic eruptions. The lithology, scale and spatial distribution of volcanoes were directly related to the activity and location of the basement faults in this area, reflecting the control that basement fault activity had on the volcanic eruptions. Moreover, the stacking form and eruption scale of volcanic rocks played a substantial role in the paleogeomorphology of the basin, which in turn affected the form of the source channel of the basin, causing changes in the sedimentary facies type and spatial distribution and changes in the spatial overlapping pattern of the sedimentary sequence. Moreover, volcanic eruptions provided different sources of debris to the continental lake basin. The differences in location and delivery methods of these materials complicate the rock structure and reservoir properties of the basin sandstone.

How to cite: Wang, H., Zhang, H., and Liu, A.: Influence of volcanic eruptions on the sedimentary filling of a continental rift basin — A case study of the Yingcheng Formation in the Changling faulted depression in the Songliao Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4049, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4049, 2025.

EGU25-4896 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Intelligent Pore Recognition Method for Carbonate Rock Electrical Image Logs Based on Deep Learning 

Li Zhuolin, Zhang Guoyin, and Gao Yifan

Electrical image logs can intuitively reflect the development status and characteristics of dissolution pores, which is of significant importance for the development of oil and gas resources. However, traditional methods for identifying pores in electrical image logs are not only cumbersome and labor-intensive but also incapable of distinguishing between different types of pores. Moreover, the strong heterogeneity and dissolution effects in carbonate reservoirs result in significant variations in pore size and complex, diverse pore morphologies, making it difficult to extract pore parameters. To address these issues and challenges, this paper proposes a semantic segmentation model, FILnet, designed using computer vision technology and deep learning frameworks. This model aims to achieve intelligent recognition and segmentation annotation of pores of different scales in the wellbore region of electrical image logs. The data selection process involved using a sliding window to choose electrical log images containing dissolution pores and caves. Image processing techniques were then applied to complete and augment the images, thereby enhancing data diversity. Furthermore, a dual-attribute dataset was created using dynamic and static images from electrical image logs to assist the model in learning the semantic features of pores. Finally, the proposed model was compared with traditional pore identification methods, such as threshold segmentation. The results showed that FILnet demonstrated significant performance advantages on the dual dataset, with a mean intersection over union (MIoU) of 85.42% and a pixel accuracy (PA) of 90.54%. Compared to traditional pore identification methods, the deep learning semantic segmentation approach not only achieves recognition of different types of pores but also improves identification accuracy. This indicates that the network model and data processing methods proposed in this paper are effective and can achieve intelligent recognition and accurate segmentation of pores in electrical image logs.

How to cite: Zhuolin, L., Guoyin, Z., and Yifan, G.: Intelligent Pore Recognition Method for Carbonate Rock Electrical Image Logs Based on Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4896, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-4896, 2025.

EGU25-5552 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Neoproterozoic magmatism in NW India and its implication for crustal evolution 

Deb Dyuti Ghosh and Sadhana M. Chatterjee

In northwest India, the South Delhi Fold Belt (SDFB) is a NE-SW trending region of the Neoproterozoic age, consisting of poly-deformed and poly-metamorphosed rocks. To the west lies the Marwar Craton, and the boundary between them is defined by a crustal-scale shear zone, dated to 810 Ma, known as the Phulad Shear Zone (PSZ). The syn-tectonic Phulad Granite, which runs along the PSZ, played a key role in stitching together the Marwar Craton and the SDFB during the 810 Ma tectonic event. Approximately 30 km to the east of the PSZ, a quartz monzonite pluton, emplaced within the calc-silicates of the SDFB, is observed. This study focuses on the meso- and micro-structures, as well as the geochemistry of the quartz monzonite, to better understand its emplacement conditions and the tectonic processes at that time.

In the field, the quartz monzonite exhibits a saccharoidal texture with a crude foliation, defined by the alignment of feldspar grains. The foliation in the monzonite has a mean orientation of 14°/67° E. The quartz monzonite is primarily composed of k-feldspar and plagioclase feldspar, with minor amounts of quartz, amphibole, and titanite. Microstructural analysis reveals features indicative of sub-magmatic, high-temperature deformation, suggesting that the rock underwent solid-state deformation. These microstructural characteristics of the quartz monzonite suggest a syn-magmatic deformation event. The foliation in the monzonite is broadly parallel to the mylonitic foliation in PSZ, further supporting the idea of a syn-tectonic emplacement. The geochemical study of the quartz monzonite displays a syn-collisional granite-type geochemical signature with a distinctly negative REE pattern. The REE pattern features suggest that garnet played a significant role in the petrogenesis. By integrating micro and meso-structural analyses with geochemical data, we infer that the emplacement of the quartz monzonite coincided with the development of the PSZ and the intrusion of the Phulad Granite. Despite the temporal overlap, the quartz monzonite and the Phulad Granite display significant geochemical differences, denoting distinct petrogenetic processes. Based on the integration of all available data, we propose that the quartz monzonite was emplaced during the 810 Ma collisional event, resulting from the partial melting of garnet-bearing mafic crust. While both quartz monzonite and Phulad Granite likely share a common source, the depth of melting was different. The greater depth of melting in the eastern portion suggests an eastward subduction of the Marwar Craton during this tectonic event.

How to cite: Ghosh, D. D. and Chatterjee, S. M.: Neoproterozoic magmatism in NW India and its implication for crustal evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5552, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-5552, 2025.

EGU25-6123 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Investigation of the Growth of Active Faults in the Tehran Metropolitan Employing Historical Aerial Photos and Photogrammetric Techniques 

Parvaneh Alizadeh, Esmaeil Shabanian, and Zohreh Masoumi

In highly populated urban areas such as Tehran, with over 17 million inhabitants, identifying active faults is essential to hazard and risk management. Tehran is located in central Alborz within the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone. The region is the manifestation of interplay between structural systems of the western and eastern Alborz. The study area focuses on the Lavizan and Babaei fault-related fold structures as the main Quaternary features of the Tehran piedmont. Tehran's rapid urbanization in the past few decades has made it impossible to access fault traces and the associated geomorphic features in the field. This research is the first study which uses photogrammetric methods to extract detailed 3D data and digital terrain model (DTM) from archival imaging. Historical aerial photographs were acquired from 1955-1965, before the city's development. A DTM with a spatial resolution of about 86 centimeters, an orthophoto-mosaic, and a three-dimensional model were created employing photogrammetric methods. The geomorphic analysis of the model reveals lateral unidirectional eastwards growth of the Lavizan and Babaei structures during Pleistocene and Holocene. The presence of wind gaps developed from water gaps, and sharp fault scarps in the upper Pleistocene and Holocene geomorphic surfaces testify this lateral propagation. This study presents a typical example for a long-lasting tectonic activity and its Holocene continuation on the E-W fault-related fold structures, which directly affect urban areas in the Iranian metropolitan.

How to cite: Alizadeh, P., Shabanian, E., and Masoumi, Z.: Investigation of the Growth of Active Faults in the Tehran Metropolitan Employing Historical Aerial Photos and Photogrammetric Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6123, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6123, 2025.

EGU25-6137 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Dynamical Complexity in Swarm-derived Storm and Substorm Indices Using Information Theory: Implications for Interhemispheric Asymmetry 

Constantinos Papadimitriou, Georgios Balasis, Zoe Boutsi, and Omiros Giannakis

In November 2023, the ESA Swarm constellation mission celebrated 10 years in orbit, offering one of the best-ever surveys of the topside ionosphere. Among its achievements, it has been recently demonstrated that Swarm data can be used to derive space-based geomagnetic activity indices, like the standard ground-based geomagnetic indices, monitoring magnetic storm and magnetospheric substorm activity. Given the fact that the official ground-based index for the substorm activity (i.e., the Auroral Electrojet – AE index) is constructed by data from 12 ground stations, solely in the northern hemisphere, it can be said that this index is predominantly northern, while the Swarm-derived AE index may be more representative of a global state, since it is based on measurements from both hemispheres. Recently, many novel concepts originated in time series analysis based on information theory have been developed, partly motivated by specific research questions linked to various domains of geosciences, including space physics. Here, we apply information theory approaches (i.e., Hurst exponent and a variety of entropy measures) to analyze the Swarm-derived magnetic indices around intense magnetic storms. We show the applicability of information theory to study the dynamical complexity of the upper atmosphere, through highlighting the temporal transition from the quiet-time to the storm-time magnetosphere around the May 2024 superstorm, which may prove significant for space weather studies. Our results suggest that the spaceborne indices have the capacity to capture the same dynamics and behaviors, with regards to their informational content, as the traditionally used ground-based ones. A few studies have addressed the question of whether the auroras are symmetric between the northern and southern hemispheres. Therefore, the possibility to have different Swarm-derived AE indices for the northern and southern hemispheres respectively, may provide, under appropriate time series analysis techniques based on information theoretic approaches, an opportunity to further confirm the recent findings on interhemispheric asymmetry. Here, we also provide evidence for interhemispheric energy asymmetry based on the analyses of Swarm-derived auroral indices AE North and AE South.

How to cite: Papadimitriou, C., Balasis, G., Boutsi, Z., and Giannakis, O.: Dynamical Complexity in Swarm-derived Storm and Substorm Indices Using Information Theory: Implications for Interhemispheric Asymmetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6137, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6137, 2025.

EGU25-6417 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Architecture of a mud diapir-like structure: insights from ocean-bottom-node seismic data 

Qingfeng Meng, Baibing Yang, Zhifeng Guo, and Fang Hao

We present high-resolution ocean bottom node (OBN) seismic data of the Dongfang 1-1 structure in the Yinggehai Basin of the South China Sea, which hosts China's largest offshore gas reservoir. The OBN seismic data reveals more continuous and detailed reflections compared to conventional seismic data, highlighting the internal structure and formation mechanism of a diapir-like structure. The seismic images show a tapered conical structure characterized by a concentric distribution of fractures, with a significant increase in fracture intensity and connectivity towards the center. These fractures, particularly the sub-vertical ones, are interpreted as natural hydraulic fractures formed due to intense overpressurization in the Lower Miocene strata, with formation pressure coefficients up to 2.2. The fractures are believed to have originated from thermogenic hydrocarbon gas generation and inorganic CO2 production. The throughgoing fractures that traverse the entire Neogene succession, including the thick Upper Miocene sealing mudrocks, provide crucial pathways for deep gas-bearing fluids to charge the Pliocene sandstone reservoir. The study underscores the importance of natural hydraulic fractures in bypassing thick sealing sequences and conduiting fluids in deep overpressured environments. Moreover, our results may provide guidance for accurate geological interpretations of mud diapir-like structures in conventional seismic images in many other sedimentary basins.

How to cite: Meng, Q., Yang, B., Guo, Z., and Hao, F.: Architecture of a mud diapir-like structure: insights from ocean-bottom-node seismic data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6417, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6417, 2025.

This study explores the application of Fracture-Induced Electromagnetic Radiation (FEMR) for stress analysis in the Ramon Crater, a tectonically “stable” region in southern Israel. FEMR, an innovative geophysical method, detects electromagnetic pulses emitted during micro-fracturing events to infer stress orientations. Unlike traditional seismic techniques, FEMR is sensitive to subtle stress changes, making it suitable for regions with limited seismicity. Field measurements were conducted at nine locations using the ANGEL-M device, capturing high-sensitivity electromagnetic signals to determine the stress azimuth. The results revealed a dominant mean stress azimuth of 308°, aligning closely with the acute bisector of two principal joint sets in the region, WNW-ESE and NNW-SSE. These orientations correspond to historical compressional stress from the Syrian Arc Stress (SAS) regime and more recent extensional stress from the Dead Sea Stress (DSS) field. The superimposition of these regimes has created a complex tectonic environment, evidenced by features such as joint sets, fault planes, and basaltic dikes. FEMR measurements correlate with these geological indicators, confirming the technique’s ability to detect regional stress directions and their evolution over time. In the past decade, the method of FEMR has progressively gained impetus as a viable, non-invasive, cost-effective, real-time geophysical tool for stress analysis in various parts of the world. Its range lies in delineating tectonically active zones, landslide-prone weak slip planes, highlighting stress accumulation in mines and tunnels, etc. This study highlights FEMR’s viability for stress field analysis, especially in stable tectonic zones. Its ability to capture micro-crack activity and subtle stress shifts offers a detailed understanding of how tectonic forces shape regional geodynamics. While FEMR enhances stress detection capabilities, careful calibration with geological models is essential to differentiate transient stress changes from long-term tectonic trends. This research advances FEMR’s application in geophysical studies, particularly for monitoring stress fields in regions influenced by ancient and ongoing tectonic forces.

How to cite: Das, S. and Frid, V.: The Fracture Induced Electromagnetic Radiation (FEMR) technique as a tool for stress mapping: A case study of the Ramon Crater, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9651, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9651, 2025.

EGU25-9784 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Stress Distribution and Fracture Development Along the Altyn Tagh Fault:Insights from 3D Discrete Element Modeling 

Zongming Chen, Jianghai Li, and Guoping Liu

The slip behavior of the Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) plays a key role in improving our understanding of the tectonic deformation processes shaping the Tibetan Plateau. In this investigation, a three-dimensional (3D) model representing the central segment of the ATF was constructed using discrete element numerical simulations to examine the main damage zones and stress distribution in the Akato Tagh Bend, AKsay Bend, and Xorkoli segments. The simulation results were then cross-referenced with fault orientation measurements from the northern Qaidam Basin and focal mechanism solutions (FMS) to assess their precision and reliability. The results indicate that the stress environment is stable in the linear strike-slip Xorkoli segment, whereas the stress distribution in the Akato Tagh Bend and AKsay Bend segments exhibits significant heterogeneity, with alternating regions of high and low stress. On the concave side of these bends, compressive stress accumulates, fostering the formation of local thrust faults or folds along the fault plane. Conversely, on the convex side, tensile stress dominates, promoting the development of normal faults or extensional fractures. In the restraining bend region, tensile stress remains horizontal, though its orientation shifts considerably as fault displacement increases. The bend segments also show significant variations in shear stress, which can lead to the creation of secondary fault features like Riedel shears. The intensity and distribution of shear stress are influenced by the curvature and bending angle of the fault, with larger bending angles in the Akato Tagh Bend producing more pronounced shear stress concentrations. Fractures are primarily concentrated at the fault tips, along fault intersections, and within the fault plane, with the fault damage zone being notably wider in the Akato Tagh Bend and AKsay Bend segments. As fault displacement increases, the width of the damage zone and fracture density initially increase rapidly before reaching a plateau. Moreover, the primary damage zone develops earlier in the restraining Akato Tagh Bend and AKsay Bend segments compared to the linear strike-slip Xorkoli segment, which absorbs more strain before the principal displacement zone forms. Therefore, the Akato Tagh Bend exhibits the highest fracture intensity, followed by the AKsay Bend and Xorkoli segment. These findings offer significant insights into the slip behavior and stress distribution along the ATF and enhance our understanding of the tectonic processes in the Tibetan Plateau.

How to cite: Chen, Z., Li, J., and Liu, G.: Stress Distribution and Fracture Development Along the Altyn Tagh Fault:Insights from 3D Discrete Element Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9784, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9784, 2025.

Monazite has the potential to place temporal constraints on the crustal melting in high-grade metamorphic rocks like granulites and migmatites. Melt loss in granulite-grade metamorphic rocks plays a key role in progressively depleting LREE in the residue and enhancing the dissolution of monazite during heating to the metamorphic peak. Newly formed monazite are therefore more abundant in leucosomes than the residue. Higher degree of partial melting and subsequent melt loss, therefore, poses a major hindrance to constraining the mobility of these elements in the micro-domain scale, particularly during the early stage of melting at amphibolite to granulite facies transition. To overcome such an issue and to understand the behavior of this mineral during the onset of granulite facies metamorphism, metamorphic rocks that have reached the P-T conditions culminating at the aforesaid transition should be targeted. Considering this, the present study has been carried out on charnockite from the northern Eastern Ghats Belt, India which underwent such transition (M2) following crystallization during an earlier granulite facies metamorphic event (M1). The rock is composed of plagioclase (Pl), K-feldspar (Kfs), quartz, orthopyroxene, biotite, and garnet with apatite, allanite, and monazite as accessory phases. The rock has well-developed gneissic foliation, demarcated by alternate biotite +garnet-rich and quartzofeldspathic layers. While both the feldspars show grain boundary migration recrystallization, quartz grains are deformed by sub-grain rotation recrystallization. Garnet is porphyroblastic and post-kinematic as it overgrows the matrix biotite. The former phase is closely associated with cuspate Kfs and quartz grains which developed as a result of incipient dehydration melting of moderately fluorine rich biotite during the aforesaid transition. Monazite grains are coarse (up to 200 µm across), mostly elliptical and either partially or completely replaced by the reaction rim of apatite+ thorite with an external corona of allanite in the biotite+garnet-rich layers. In case of partial replacement, the oscillatory-zoned relict monazite core is preserved. Th-rich patches are present in such cores. Interestingly, the coronitic assemblage overgrows the matrix biotite is always associated with porphyroblastic garnet. On the contrary, corona-free monazite grains are abundant in quartzofeldspathic layers. Spot dates from the oscillatory-zoned relict monazite core yield a weighted mean age of 960±6 Ma. Th-rich patches, showing prominent huttonite substitution, yield a weighted mean age of 938±7 Ma. Integrating monazite textural and age data, we interpret that the ca. 960 Ma represents the crystallization age of the charnockite magma which coincides with the M1 metamorphic event of the Eastern Ghats Province (EGP). The ca. 938 Ma, additionally, corresponds to the age of the M2 event when biotite dehydration melting occurred and porphyroblastic garnet was formed. Based on the textural evidence and mineral phase chemical data, we propose that the replacement of primary monazite occurred via coupled dissolution precipitation process in the presence of incipient melt originated during biotite dehydration melting. Such melt was fluorine rich and helped to mobilize REEs by forming REE-fluoride complexes and was incorporated in allanite corona. Monazite grains in quartzofeldspathic layers must have escaped the melting reaction and the melt-induced element mobility.   

How to cite: Ganguly, P., Banerjee, A., and Das, K.: Behavior of monazite during incipient dehydration melting of charnockite at the northern Eastern Ghats Belt, India: Insights on the mobility of REE at amphibolite-granulite facies transition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11645, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11645, 2025.

EGU25-11991 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Harnessing Swarm Satellite Magnetic Data to Revolutionize Earthquake Prediction 

Angelo De Santis, Saioa A. Campuzano, Gianfranco Cianchini, Homayoon Alimoradi, Loredana Perrone, and Habib Rahimi

Predicting earthquakes remains one of the most profound challenges in seismology and a long-standing aspiration for humanity. Among the array of potential precursors, changes in the Earth’s magnetic field have emerged as a promising yet contentious avenue of research (e.g., De Santis et al., 2015). With advancements in satellite technology, especially with the advent of the European Space Agency’s Swarm mission, we now have the unprecedented ability to measure the magnetic field with extraordinary precision, unlocking exciting opportunities for earthquake forecasting.

In this study, we leverage data from Swarm satellites to investigate whether magnetic anomalies can serve as reliable precursors to earthquakes. Our approach integrates two complementary methodologies: a) global statistical analysis: We applied superposed epoch and spatial techniques to several years of global earthquake data, correlating it with Swarm's magnetic field measurements (De Santis et al., 2019; Marchetti et al., 2022); b) tectonic case study: We focused on major earthquakes occurring from 2014 to 2023 within the tectonically active Alpine-Himalayan belt (Alimoradi et al., 2024).

To analyze these events, we employed an advanced automated algorithm (De Santis et al., 2017) to detect magnetic anomalies in satellite data recorded up to 90 days prior to global earthquakes and up to 10 days before events in the Alpine-Himalayan region. The findings revealed compelling evidence of clear magnetic anomalies preceding earthquakes. Notably, in the Alpine-Himalayan case study, we observed a striking correlation between earthquake magnitude and the duration and intensity of these anomalies: larger earthquakes were associated with stronger and more prolonged signals.

Our predictive framework demonstrated remarkable performance, achieving an accuracy of 79%, a precision of 88%, and a hit rate of 84%. These results underscore the transformative potential of satellite-based magnetic field analysis, paving the way for an operational earthquake prediction system. Such a system could serve as a powerful tool for mitigating the devastating impacts of earthquakes and safeguarding communities worldwide.

The work has been developed in the framework of the following projects: UNITARY- Pianeta Dinamico (funds from MUR), SPACE IT UP (PNRR), Limadou Scienza + (ASI) and FURTHER (INGV).



Alimoradi, H., Rahimi, H., De Santis, A. Successful Tests on Detecting Pre-Earthquake Magnetic Field Signals from Space, Remote Sensing, 16(16), 2985, 2024.

De Santis et al., Geospace perturbations induced by the Earth: the state of the art and future trends, Phys. & Chem. Earth, 85-86, 17-33, 2015.

De Santis A. et al., Potential earthquake precursory pattern from space: the 2015 Nepal event as seen by magnetic Swarm satellites, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 461, 119-126, 2017.

De Santis A. et al. Precursory worldwide signatures of earthquake occurrences on Swarm satellite data, Scientific Reports, 9:20287, 2019.

Marchetti D., De Santis A., Campuzano S.A., et al. Worldwide Statistical Correlation of eight years of Swarm satellite data with M5.5+ earthquakes, Remote Sensing, 14 (11), 2649, 2022.

How to cite: De Santis, A., Campuzano, S. A., Cianchini, G., Alimoradi, H., Perrone, L., and Rahimi, H.: Harnessing Swarm Satellite Magnetic Data to Revolutionize Earthquake Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11991, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11991, 2025.

EGU25-14725 | Posters virtual | VPS28

Circum-Indian craton-margin orogenic reactivation during ca. 800-700 Ma: Tectonometamorphic characterization 

Kaushik Das, Sankar Bose, Proloy Ganguly, and Amitava Chatterjee

The Precambrian history of the Indian continent centers around several Archean cratonic nuclei, e.g. the Singhbhum Craton, the Bundelkhand Craton and the Aravalli Craton in the north; the Bastar Craton in the central-east, and the Dharwad Craton in the south. Apart from a group of less disturbed and unmetamorphosed Meso- to Neoproterozoic platformal sedimentary packages resting over deformed and metamorphosed Archean to Paleoproterozoic basement, several Neoproterozoic orogenic belts occur at the margins of these Archean cratonic blocks. These craton-margin orogenic belts are the areas of intense deformation and multiple phases of deep- to intermediate depth, and hence constitute the sites of major records of crustal-scale material recycling through plate movements. They occur on the east, south and west of the Archean cratonic clusters (conjugate north and south Indian cratonic blocks). Though major deep-crustal deformation and metamorphism in these craton-margin orogenic belts can be tracked mostly up to the earliest Neoproterozoic, exhumation-related reactivation seems to be more common in these belt around ca. 800–750 Ma. 

In this study, we shall highlight the east and west Indian marginal belts. We shall present the new data showing conditions of metamorphic pulses and their age from the rocks of the Mercara Shear Zone, marking the south-western boundary of the Archean (>3000 Ma) Dharwar craton. The results indicate at least four events; (1) ~2900 Ma; basin formation with supply from craton, (2) 2900–2700 Ma; age of prograde metamorphism, (3) 2700–2500 Ma, age of charnockite magmatism during Dharwar Orogeny with metamorphic peak, and (4) final reactivation at 830–730 Ma marking exhumation of deep crust during retrograde metamorphism along the crustal scale shear zone (stretching lineation and S-C fabric formation as last deformation event. We shall also review our group’s recent published data on the pressure-temperature-deformation-fluid-age histories during the orogenic reactivation of the western boundary, and the Chilka Domain of the northern Eastern Ghats Belt. Together we shall try to collate data showing the idea of a near-synchronous orogenic reactivation surrounding Indian cratonic cluster during middle to late Tonian Period with various preceding age gaps.

How to cite: Das, K., Bose, S., Ganguly, P., and Chatterjee, A.: Circum-Indian craton-margin orogenic reactivation during ca. 800-700 Ma: Tectonometamorphic characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14725, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14725, 2025.

EGU25-17658 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Determination of Lithofacies and Elastic Behavior Modeling in Columbian River Basalt Group (CRBG) Formations  

Nitin Nagarkoti, Tanisha Kumar, Neha Panwar, and Ravi Sharma

Efficient handling of climate change issues in order to mitigate its negative impact of the flora and fauna of the earth, or on the pace of industrialization, is a big challenge in every disposition around the world.  Amongst the many options available, geological storage of CO2 in the basalt formations is proving to be a promising one due to its large and pervasive occurrence, to facilitate stable carbonation of the sequestered CO2, and with ready access to the basalt deposits for operational requirements. Laboratory testing and a few field   implementations showed that carbon dioxide injected in basalts would form stable carbonate minerals, keeping the substance in place for thousands of years.

This work applies the machine learning applications aimed at the classification of different facies in basalts, particularly flow tops and flow interiors, towards the selection of a sequestration site based on their relevant petrophysical characteristics.

After the facies were identified, several rock physics models were run with an outlook of predicting the elastic properties of basalt. Based on our results, we found the Differential Effective Medium (DEM) model enables the most accurate prediction with the least error as compared to Self-Consistent Approximation and Kuster-Toksӧz model. This finding provides a foundation for using the DEM model to create an initial reservoir matrix, which can be applied to simulate geomechanical changes upon CO2 injection in Basalt. Additionally, facies classification aids in delineating zone boundaries within basalt flows, allowing for the selection of optimal injection sites based on their petrophysical properties.

How to cite: Nagarkoti, N., Kumar, T., Panwar, N., and Sharma, R.: Determination of Lithofacies and Elastic Behavior Modeling in Columbian River Basalt Group (CRBG) Formations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17658, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17658, 2025.

EGU25-19572 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Geochemistry of ~1Ga granite and associated mafic rocks from the South Delhi Fold Belt, NW India, and its tectonic significance 

Anirban Manna, Sadhana M. Chatterjee, Alip Roy, and Ayan Kumar Sarkar

The South Delhi Fold Belt (SDFB) within the northwestern Indian Shield is a Proterozoic NE-SW trending fold belt. The western boundary of the SDFB is defined by the Phulad Shear Zone, formed during a transpression regime around 820-810Ma. Granite rocks of ~1Ga have been documented from the western part of the fold belt and are linked with the formation of the Rodinia Supercontinent. These granites are closely associated with gabbroic rocks. The present study focuses on the geochemistry of these granites and the mafic rocks, as well as their field structure and petrography. 
The granites and the mafic rocks are confined to a narrow linear belt along the western part of the fold belt. Detailed field studiesreveal that the foliations in the granites, mafic and mylonites within PSZ share a common stress regime and are broadly synchronous. Geochemically these granites are ferroan, calc-alkalic, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous and their classification in granite discrimination diagrams confirms A-type and within plate granite. The mafic rocks exhibit a compositional range fromtholeiitic to calc-alkaline, with atrace element ratio resembling enriched mid-oceanic ridge basalt (E-MORB) type magma. The tectonic discrimination diagram suggestsrift-relatedmagmatism. Geochemical analysis of these bimodal magmatic compositions in the SDFB, encompassing both mafic rocks and A-type granites are typically associated with areas experiencing extensional tectonics, particularly rift-related magmatism. Integrating field structures, petrography and geochemistry of these granite and the mafic rocks suggests that the ~1Ga granite and the associated mafic rocks formed in an extensional regime and are not directly linked to the collisional assembly of the Rodinia Supercontinent.

How to cite: Manna, A., Chatterjee, S. M., Roy, A., and Sarkar, A. K.: Geochemistry of ~1Ga granite and associated mafic rocks from the South Delhi Fold Belt, NW India, and its tectonic significance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19572, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19572, 2025.

EGU25-20105 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Gravimetric Investigation and Analysis of Tectonic Features and Mineralization Zones in the Central High Atlas (Morocco). 

Souad Assoussi, Youssef Hahou, Malki Khalifa, Fadoua Saadaoui, and Brahim Oujane

The Central High Atlas in Morocco is characterized by complex geological structures shaped by tectonic and magmatic processes. Gravimetry, a geophysical technique sensitive to subsurface density variations, plays a crucial role in exploring and understanding these features. This study provides a bibliometric analysis of global research on the application of gravimetry, with a specific focus on its use in the Central High Atlas.

The main objectives of this study are to identify global research trends and applications of gravimetry in the study of geological structures, analyze key contributors, scientific collaborations, and dominant themes in gravimetric research, and compare findings from studies conducted in the Central High Atlas with those from other regions worldwide.

A bibliometric analysis was conducted using data from Scopus and Web of Science databases. Keywords such as "gravimetry," "Central High Atlas," and "geological structure" were employed to extract relevant studies. The analysis utilized the R-bibliometrix package and VOSviewer software to map collaboration networks, visualize thematic clusters, and analyze global research trends over time.

The results reveal a significant increase in gravimetric studies over the last two decades, reflecting growing interest in its applications in mountainous regions like the Central High Atlas. The findings highlight deep-seated geological structures, active fault systems, and the relationship between gravimetric anomalies and tectonic processes. Moreover, a comparative analysis shows that studies in Morocco focus heavily on tectonic and magmatic processes, while research in other countries often emphasizes technological advancements and methodological innovations.

This bibliometric study underscores the importance of gravimetry as a tool for exploring complex geological structures in the Central High Atlas. It also highlights the need for stronger international collaborations and interdisciplinary research to advance gravimetric methodologies and foster knowledge exchange across regions.

How to cite: Assoussi, S., Hahou, Y., Khalifa, M., Saadaoui, F., and Oujane, B.: Gravimetric Investigation and Analysis of Tectonic Features and Mineralization Zones in the Central High Atlas (Morocco)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20105, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20105, 2025.

EGU25-20168 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Geophysical and Remote Sensing Contributions to Understanding Geological Structures in the Central High Atlas (Morocco): A Review and Analytical Study. 

Fadoua Saadaoui, Youssef Hahou, Lahcen Ousaid, Souad Assoussi, and Brahim Oujane

This study evaluates the contributions of geophysics and remote sensing to structural mapping in the Central High Atlas region of Morocco. A bibliometric analysis was conducted using data collected from databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. Keywords related to geophysics, aeromagnetic, remote sensing, structural mapping, and the Central High Atlas were used to systematically identify relevant research articles. Analytical techniques, including citation analysis, co-authorship analysis, keyword analysis, and network analysis (using VOSviewer), were applied to explore research trends, collaborations, and key focus areas.

The findings highlight notable research trends in the application of geophysics and remote sensing, identifying key contributors, influential institutions, and pivotal publications in this domain. Research gaps and opportunities for further investigation were also uncovered. Visualization of research networks provided insights into collaboration patterns and thematic focus areas.

This study underscores the importance of geophysics and remote sensing in enhancing the understanding of the Central High Atlas's structural geology. It offers a foundation for future research, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and advanced methodologies to address existing research gaps and further explore the region's geological complexities.

How to cite: Saadaoui, F., Hahou, Y., Ousaid, L., Assoussi, S., and Oujane, B.: Geophysical and Remote Sensing Contributions to Understanding Geological Structures in the Central High Atlas (Morocco): A Review and Analytical Study., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20168, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20168, 2025.

EGU25-20667 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS28

Archean shear tectonics in the Congo craton: insights from Petro-structural characterization and U-Pb geochronology of the Memve’ele mylonite, Southern Cameroon 

Jonas Didero Takodjou Wambo, Sylvestre Ganno, Jean Paul Nzenti, and Paul D. Asimow

The Congo craton is an early Archaean through Paleoproterozoic basement block in Central Africa. It consists of a vast heterogenous granulitic complex extending over 1200 km between the Lomami River (24°E) and the Atlantic coast in Angola. The well-exposed domains of the Congo craton are the Kasaï block, Tanzania block, West-Nile complex, and Ntem-Chailu complex. The latter represents the northwestern edge of the craton in southern Cameroon. The Memve'ele area belongs to the Ntem Complex, where recent investigations have highlighted various lithologies, including TTG gneiss and intensely sheared and folded charnockitic and granitic gneiss, pervasively intruded by younger monzogranite. This region provides a critical window into the complex tectonic evolution of one of Earth's oldest continental blocks. Both TTG and granitic gneiss are riddled with folded or sheared leucogranitic veins, suggesting a local origin through melting and dynamic recrystallization. This study presents a comprehensive investigation of the highly sheared Memve’ele mylonitic corridor. Through detailed field mapping, systematic kinematic analysis, and meticulous petrographic and microstructural studies, we aim to unravel the multiple deformation events that have shaped this region. U-Pb zircon geochronology was employed to precisely constrain the timing of these processes and to correlate them with regional tectonic events. The ultimate goal of this research is to better understand the broader geodynamic implications of these findings for the evolution of the Congo Craton. Initial results reveal that the Memve’ele area has undergone a complex polyphase deformation history, involving at least four distinct events. The early ductile deformation (D1) resulted in the development of a pervasive foliation and associated structures. Subsequent ductile-brittle deformation (D2) overprinted the earlier structures, while later brittle deformation events (D3 and D4) further modified the rock fabric. The studied mylonites yield Mesoarchean ages of 2927 ± 52 Ma. The presence of a sinistral shear zone within the area suggests that the region was subjected to significant shear stresses, likely related to regional tectonic processes such as continental collision or crustal extension. These findings have important implications for understanding the tectonic evolution of the Congo Craton and may provide insights into the potential for mineral exploration in the region.

How to cite: Takodjou Wambo, J. D., Ganno, S., Nzenti, J. P., and Asimow, P. D.: Archean shear tectonics in the Congo craton: insights from Petro-structural characterization and U-Pb geochronology of the Memve’ele mylonite, Southern Cameroon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20667, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-20667, 2025.

EGU25-834 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Disproportionate Impact of Compound Flood Events on Road Infrastructure Damage 

Raviraj Dave, Sushobhan Sen, and Udit Bhatia

The resilience of road infrastructure is vital for maintaining community mobility and ensuring the continuity of critical services, particularly in the face of escalating challenges posed by climate change. Among these challenges, the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events often manifest as floods, posing a substantial threat to urban road networks in low-lying coastal areas. These regions are especially vulnerable to multiple flood drivers, including tidal surges, streamflow, and precipitation. The co-occurrence of extreme rainfall with high tides and elevated streamflow levels amplifies flood inundation depths, yet the compound effects of these flood drivers on road infrastructure damage remain underexplored. This study proposes a quantitative framework to assess the dynamic interaction of compound flood events and their impacts on road infrastructure systems, with a focus on damage assessment. Using the extreme weather events of 2018 in Kozhikode, Kerala, India, as a case study, we integrate disparate flood hazards—pluvial (rainfall-induced), fluvial (streamflow), and coastal (storm tide)—to evaluate flood risk and road damage. A 1D-2D hydrodynamic modeling approach, coupled with depth-damage curves, quantifies the repair and maintenance costs for roads affected by compound flooding. Our findings reveal that pluvial flooding accounts for 93% of road damage, while fluvial and coastal flooding contribute 5.6% and 1.4%, respectively. This framework highlights the disproportionate impacts of different flood drivers and enables the identification of the primary contributors to road damage. Such insights can inform targeted adaptation strategies tailored to the unique needs of specific regions, enhancing infrastructure resilience against future flood events.

How to cite: Dave, R., Sen, S., and Bhatia, U.: Disproportionate Impact of Compound Flood Events on Road Infrastructure Damage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-834, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-834, 2025.

EGU25-867 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Quantifying Subsurface Contributions to Compound Flooding in Coastal Urban Areas for Enhanced Resilience 

Manthan Sutrave, Ashish Kumar, Raviraj Dave, and Udit Bhatia

Coastal cities are increasingly affected by flooding due to the combined impacts of surface and subsurface water processes. Compound flood events, driven by changing groundwater levels, tidal surges, and riverine, pose substantial risks to urban infrastructure and livelihoods, particularly in low-lying coastal cities like Mumbai. Despite its critical importance, the role of groundwater dynamics in flood severity and its contribution to comprehensive flood risk assessments remain underexplored. In this study, we quantify flood risks induced by multiple drivers and their contributions to compound events. We integrate surface and subsurface flooding using MIKE+ and FEFLOW to simulate 1D-2D coupled hydrodynamic models, respectively. Mumbai serves as the study area due to its susceptibility to tidal surges, riverine, and groundwater flooding. By incorporating tidal, well, and streamflow data, our study quantifies the contribution of groundwater to surface flooding, offering a deeper understanding of the interplay between subsurface and surface water processes. Our findings lay the foundation for proactive groundwater management strategies and promote the development of resilient urban infrastructure, ultimately mitigating the impacts of flooding in vulnerable coastal areas.

How to cite: Sutrave, M., Kumar, A., Dave, R., and Bhatia, U.: Quantifying Subsurface Contributions to Compound Flooding in Coastal Urban Areas for Enhanced Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-867, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-867, 2025.

EGU25-2538 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Water surface slope variation in Vidrice polder resulting from pumping operation 

Domagoj Perokovic and Gordon Gilja

Surface drainage system within the polder is designed to collect internal inflow, resulting
from rainfall, and external inflow, resulting from sea water infiltration, that gravitates into
the canal network. Excess water that impedes agricultural production is cyclically
pumped out of the polder, lowering the water level below the root zone. Water level
monitoring in the main canal of the drainage network is set-up as continuous real-time
measurements of surface water levels and index water velocity using radars. The
Automated Continuous Monitoring System installed under the DELTASAL project
consists of surface water regime monitoring, water quality monitoring, soil salinity
monitoring, and the monitoring of weather conditions with sensors integrated to provide
synchronized real-time data. The data collected is available to the stakeholders, polder
users, and public through an online platform. Co-creation is central to the DELTASAL
project, involving stakeholders (research-oriented community, public administration, local
authorities, and farmers) in every phase, from problem identification to development of
guidelines to optimize the water regime for agricultural use. Through workshops
stakeholders exchange requirements of water quality and quantity, validate findings, and
discuss the potential solutions that are aligned with agricultural goals specific to the
polder. The overall goal is to provide functional prognostic model as a platform for polder
management. The participatory approach aims to foster collaborative decision-making,
improving the sustainability of the drainage system. The objective of this research is to
determine the relationship between canal surface slope, water volume, and pump flow
rate under different water regime management scenarios. The research uses surface
water levels in the canal and associated pump flow rates as primary inputs to develop a
drainage optimization model as a part of the water quantity/quality prognostic model.

How to cite: Perokovic, D. and Gilja, G.: Water surface slope variation in Vidrice polder resulting from pumping operation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2538, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-2538, 2025.

EGU25-6022 | Posters virtual | VPS29

Navigating the unexpected: The impact of disruptive events on mitigation scenarios 

Alaa Al Khourdajie, Alex Nikas, Natasha Frilingou, Shivika Mittal, Dirk Jan van de Ven, Panagiotis Fragkos, Haewon McJeon, Ed Byers, Ilkka Keppo, Glen Peters, David McCollum, Eleftheria Zisarou, Adam Hawkes, and Ajay Gambhir

Climate change mitigation strategies face disruption from multiple sources: extreme climate events, socioeconomic crises, geopolitical conflicts, technological breakthroughs, as well as the abrupt transitions and disruptive actions entailed by achieving the stringent Paris Agreement goals. While these disruptive events can fundamentally alter long-term mitigation scenarios, the current literature does not sufficiently assess their implications. Existing long-term mitigation scenario narratives and modelling frameworks, using Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), lack systematic approaches to analyse their impacts. To address this gap, we introduce the Disruptive Events-Resilient Pathways (DERPs) framework, which provides structured narratives to systematically explore and assess the resilience of climate actions to the impacts of external disruptions and entailed abrupt transitions. To operationalise this framework, we employ multiple IAMs to analyse case studies of distinct disruptions: intensifying heatwaves and droughts affecting energy systems, and the rapid uptake of Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) technology. Our analysis highlights the inherent limitations of IAMs in capturing the full complexity of disruptive events. We offer novel methodological approaches to overcome them. Our results provide insights into the interplay between the impacts of disruptive events and mitigation scenarios.

We introduce a conceptual framework, alongside qualitative narratives and use cases for validation, to guide the development of Disruptive Events-Resilient Pathways (DERPs). This framework systematically explores the impacts of disruptive events on mitigation and adaptation strategies, allowing to evaluate their resilience to such disruptions. Similar to the widely-adopted SSP scenario framework, which maps socioeconomic developments onto the extent of challenges to mitigation and adaptation (O’Neill et al., 2017), the DERPs framework comprises two dimensions, thereby enabling breaking the developed spectrum into four blocks of narratives, plus an intermediate narrative that reflects current trends. We further reflect on the connection between the DERP and SSP frameworks in the discussion section below. 

The DERP dimensions and underlying narratives draw on concrete examples, to make the framework more comprehensive and comprehensible, but remain sufficiently generalisable to allow the framework to serve as a blueprint for conducting similar types of mitigation and adaptation analyses in the future. In determining the two dimensions of the DERP framework, we benefit from van Ginkel et al. (2020), who had proposed two dimensions for exploring how climate change tipping points can cause socioeconomic tipping points (SETPs). In the DERP framework, the focus shifts from climate change tipping points to disruptive events as the drivers of socioeconomic impacts, and on assessing societal resilience to these impacts. Accordingly, the two dimensions are defined as follows:

  • climate action effectiveness: this refers to significant and deliberate change in the way societies and systems transition towards mitigating, or preparing for (i.e. adapting to), climate change
  • resilience to socioeconomic impacts: this refers to the capacity to withstand unintended shifts in socioeconomic structures that may occur due to abrupt transitions or insufficient mitigation or adaptation failure, and the resulting climate change impacts. 


How to cite: Al Khourdajie, A., Nikas, A., Frilingou, N., Mittal, S., van de Ven, D. J., Fragkos, P., McJeon, H., Byers, E., Keppo, I., Peters, G., McCollum, D., Zisarou, E., Hawkes, A., and Gambhir, A.: Navigating the unexpected: The impact of disruptive events on mitigation scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6022, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6022, 2025.

Planktonic bacteria and archaea play a key role in river nutrient biogeochemical cycling; however, their respective community assembly and how to maintain their diversity are not well know in dammed rivers. Therefore, a seasonal survey of planktonic bacterial and archaeal community compositions and related environmental factors was conducted in 16 cascade reservoirs on the Wujiang River and the Pearl River in southwest China to understand the above mechanisms. The result showed that deterministic processes dominated bacterial and archaeal community assembly. Planktonic bacteria and archaea in dammed rivers had different biogeographic distributions, and water temperature was a key controlling factor. Water temperature can directly or indirectly affect the microbial diversity. Planktonic bacterial diversity increased with increasing water temperature, while archaea showed the opposite trend; the overall diversity of bacteria and archaea was no significant changes with changeable water temperature. Abundant microbes had a stronger distance-decay relationship than middle and rare ones, and the relationship was stronger in winter and spring than in summer and autumn. The different responses of planktonic bacterial and archaeal diversity to water temperature could be due to their different phylogenetic diversity. This ultimately maintained the stability of total microbial community diversity. This study reveals the different responses of planktonic bacteria and archaea to water temperature and perfects the theoretical framework for planktonic microbial biogeography in dammed rivers.

How to cite: Liu, N., Wang, B., and Yang, M.: The different responses of planktonic bacteria and archaea to water temperature maintain the stability of their community diversity in dammed rivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6325, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6325, 2025.

EGU25-6835 | Posters virtual | VPS29

Place attachment and relocation, a difficult combination 

Maria Teresa Carone, Carmela Vennari, and Loredana Antronico

Humans’ attachment to the place where they live is widely recognized. Nevertheless, landscapes can be characterized by aspects that make their communities prone to natural hazards. When a disaster occurs, the relocation of the people involved can be necessary. Such a relocation, however, can be opposed by interested communities, given the place attachment (PA) to the environment at risk. For this reason, a clear understanding of this aspect is mandatory to better calibrate risk adaptation measures involving relocation. In this work, a systematic review of the role of PA in the management of relocation measures was carried out. The review followed the PRISMA protocol (Preferred Re-porting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). The findings indicate that generally, strong PA is associated with a low propensity for relocation, regardless of risk perception or awareness levels. This low propensity is related mainly to the fact that the place of relocation cannot satisfy the symbolic needs associated with the place of origin. On the other hand, PA is often linked to a greater propensity to take care of the place in which people live. Therefore, it can lead to the realization of adaptive behaviors. From this perspective, among scholars, there is consensus that PA needs to be considered in the construction of strategies for natural hazard management involving relocation. In addition, the literature shows that there have also been attempts to develop attachments to new relocation sites. These attempts have had mixed results. Therefore, it is even more important to further investigate the role of PA as a nonstructural measure to improve the resilience of populations affected by natural disasters.

This work was funded by the Next Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of ‘Innovation Ecosystems’, building ‘Territorial R&D Leaders’ (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277) – project Tech4You - Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009

How to cite: Carone, M. T., Vennari, C., and Antronico, L.: Place attachment and relocation, a difficult combination, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6835, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6835, 2025.

EGU25-8787 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Citizen Science in marine biodiversity unstructured monitoring  

Berta Companys, Ana Alvarez, Xavier Salvador, Sonia Liñan, and Jaume Piera

Citizen science in marine biodiversity monitoring encounters several challenges such as obtaining unstructured data which may lead to underestimate species presence or introduce spatial bias. In addition to those inherent to the marine environment. To address these challenges, efforts must be directed towards (1) enhancing participant engagement to increase the volume of data collected, and (2) developing methods to standardize the unstructured data obtained. 

As of December 2024th, over 260.000 observations have been recorded during the course of four years by more than 870 volunteer participants documenting over 2900 species, including some historical observations, in the Coastal region of Catalonia, located in the northeast of Spain. These observations have been reported and validated in the citizen science observatory MINKA (minka-sdg.org).

This presentation will highlight the lessons learnt through the past four years, the opportunities and the remaining challenges to address. 

How to cite: Companys, B., Alvarez, A., Salvador, X., Liñan, S., and Piera, J.: Citizen Science in marine biodiversity unstructured monitoring , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8787, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-8787, 2025.

EGU25-9262 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Resilience: Global Insights and Implications for India 

Tashina Madappa Cheranda, Harini Santhanam, and Indu K Murthy

The Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus has emerged as a critical framework for addressing resource interdependencies and building resilience against climate change impacts. Despite its growing prominence, significant knowledge gaps remain, particularly in quantifying resilience and integrating cross-sectoral dynamics into actionable policymaking. This review synthesizes existing literature on the WEF nexus, focusing on its evolution, current trends, and resilience frameworks. Employing meta-analysis, this study quantifies key trends in WEF nexus resilience research, identifying dominant methodologies, geographic patterns, and gaps in policy and practice.

The findings reveal a global emphasis on conceptual frameworks and modelling approaches, with limited application to localized contexts, especially in India. To bridge this gap, this study highlights the need for policy coherence analyses and system dynamics modelling to assess resilience of the WEF-nexus under various climate scenarios. Thus, providing actionable insights for researchers and policymakers, emphasizing the importance of integrated, scalable, and data-driven approaches to enhancing the resilience of WEF systems.

How to cite: Cheranda, T. M., Santhanam, H., and Murthy, I. K.: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Resilience: Global Insights and Implications for India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9262, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9262, 2025.

EGU25-11483 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Evaluating the Importance of Region-Specific Bioclimatic Datasets in Projecting the Future Distribution of Lissachatina fulica in Complex Landscapes 

Ruben Barragan, Paula Sosa-Guillén, Pierre Simon Tondreau, Juan Carlos Pérez, Francisco J. Expósito, and Juan Pedro Díaz

The invasive alien, African giant snail, Lissachatina fulica, considered as a pest, poses a significant threat to ecosystems, human health and agriculture across tropical and subtropical regions. Therefore, in order to address the challenge posed by the presence of this animal outside its original habitat it is essential to to understand its current and potential future distribution. Thus, this study, which highlights the critical role of regional bioclimatic datasets in improving the predictive accuracy of species distribution models (SDMs) particularly for invasive species in ecosystems with complex orography or climate, takes advantage of global and regional bioclimatic datasets to model the future distribution of L. fulica in the Canary Islands, emphasizing the influence of the archipelago’s complex orography and unique microclimates.

Our approach integrates two distinct datasets as input of the SDM Maxent. First, we used the global distribution of L. fulica from GBif and a list of bioindicators taken from the WorldClim and Chelsa datasets to train the model, which allowed us to capture the environmental niche of the species under various climatic conditions. We then applied the BICI-ULL dataset, a high-resolution bioclimatic dataset specifically developed for the Canary Islands that accounts for the intricate topography and varied microclimates of the archipelago, providing an unprecedented resolution for regional analyses. This dataset allows us to perform our projections in two different future periods, mid- (2041-2060) and end-of-century (2081-2100) and under two scenarios for greenhouse gas concentration, namely the CMIP5 representative concentration pathway 4.5 and 8.5 (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5).

The results indicate that while the current distribution of L. fulica in the Canary Islands is limited to the wetter areas of the archipelago, namely western islands such as La Palma and El Hierro and the north of Tenerife, future projections under the CMIP5 RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios reveal notable changes. For both temporal periods and driven by warming temperatures and changing precipitation patterns, habitat suitability shows a greater shrinkage remaining only a small favorable area in the northern part of La Palma. However, future projections performed with the global datasets show opposite results, that is, a large number of high-suitability zones throughout the entire archipelago in which the probability of the presence of L. fulica is very high.

The use of BICI-ULL allowed us to identify future patterns in the high-suitability zones that would have been overestimated using global datasets. This underscores the need of incorporating region-specific data when modeling species distributions in topographically complex areas such as oceanic islands. The findings highlight the importance of developing regional datasets, like BICI-ULL, that can capture microclimatic variability. Besides, this approach serves as a model for addressing similar challenges in other biodiversity-rich but vulnerable regions, contributing to the broader understanding of invasive species dynamics.

How to cite: Barragan, R., Sosa-Guillén, P., Tondreau, P. S., Pérez, J. C., Expósito, F. J., and Díaz, J. P.: Evaluating the Importance of Region-Specific Bioclimatic Datasets in Projecting the Future Distribution of Lissachatina fulica in Complex Landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11483, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11483, 2025.

EGU25-11581 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Mapping Tea Plantations in Africa with Computer Vision 

Wyclife Agumba Oluoch, Lukas Drees, Jan Dirk Wegner, and David Wuepper

Tea, Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze is a globally significant crop, with approximately 6.6 billion cups consumed daily, making it the second most consumed beverage after water. It supports millions of livelihoods and contributes significantly to regional economies, particularly in Africa. Despite its importance, monitoring tea plantations in the continent remains manual as there are no spatially-explicit maps, thereby hindering efficient quantification of forest and biodiversity changes associated with tea cultivation, for instance. Here, we present the first high-resolution map of tea plantations in Africa, developed using computer vision techniques integrated with high-resolution satellite imagery and ground-truth polygons. Our approach achieves unprecedented spatial accuracy in delineating the area under tea cultivation with an overall accuracy of 97%. This milestone lays a foundation for spatially-explicit monitoring of tea plantations, enabling applications such as yield estimation, pest and disease detection, protected area encroachment analysis, carbon stock assessments, biodiversity impacts investigations, and evaluation of climate-driven range shifts, among others. 

How to cite: Oluoch, W. A., Drees, L., Wegner, J. D., and Wuepper, D.: Mapping Tea Plantations in Africa with Computer Vision, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11581, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11581, 2025.

EGU25-11694 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Analysing the role of environmental communication with respect to CAQM policy on Delhi air quality 

Swamini Pandit, Gaurav Govardhan, and Sachin Ghude

Environmental communication is crucial in shaping the narrative around the aggravated issues like climate change, global warming, sea-level rise, air-pollution and pushing for impactful actions. With the burgeoning economy and rising population, the large democracy of India is facing a critical issue of air pollution in major cities, with Delhi consistently ranking first due to its persistently high air quality index (AQI) throughout the year. The Commission on Air Quality Management (CAQM) of India, a statutory government body, works diligently to improve the air quality of Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR). In July 2022, in accordance with the directives of the Honourable Supreme Court of India, CAQM launched the CAQM policy to find a permanent solution to air pollution, aiming to develop an inclusive policy addressing all sectors contributing to and affected by pollution. This study aims to explore the ways in which environmental challenges, such as air pollution, are conveyed to both citizens and policy makers through environmental communication. Upon analysing 277 news articles from eight leading news agencies, including four newspapers and four news channels, over a six-month period prior to the emergence of the CAQM policy in 2022, it was observed that news coverage is heavily concentrated during the post-monsoon season (with 68% of the analysed news articles concentrated in October and November). This period in North India is prominently under focus due to 'stubble burning' activities mainly occurring in the states of Punjab and Haryana. Hence, a strong connection between the news articles and active number of fire locations has also been found. However, it was found that news articles do not proportionately reflect fluctuations in the Air Quality Index (AQI), for example, no news articles were noted on December 23rd and 24th 2022, despite AQI values reaching 524 and 522 respectively. Similarly, from January to March 2022, news coverage was minimal despite high AQI levels, indicating that coverage is more linked to periods of higher fire activity in Punjab and Haryana, rather than AQI levels in Delhi. We also attempted to find a possible connection between the issues raised in the news media during the period of our interest and the CAQM policy that was formed in April 2022. It is noticed that, while the CAQM policy aimed to improve air quality and, consequently, public health, media coverage paid relatively less attention to the health implications (barely 56 articles mentioning health or mortality). The recommendations for a new policy did rise but again from November 10th to December 5th, with 96 articles published during this period, suggesting a period-specific coverage. This indicates that media reporting focuses heavily on stubble burning, whereas the CAQM policy treats it as just another pollution source, without special emphasis. Hence, for our case study, it is noted that the media's coverage of environmental communication seems to be less comprehensive and lacks depth compared to the detailed measures outlined in CAQM policy addressing air pollution.

How to cite: Pandit, S., Govardhan, G., and Ghude, S.: Analysing the role of environmental communication with respect to CAQM policy on Delhi air quality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11694, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11694, 2025.

EGU25-11716 | Posters virtual | VPS29

DANUBIUS-RI, The International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems:  An RI for the river-sea challenges of the 21st Century  

Adrian Stanica, Andrew Tyler, Rory Scarrott, and Danubius Research Infrastructure Consortium

As a pioneering pan-European distributed research infrastructure, DANUBIUS-RI is unique to Europe and the international community, focused on interdisciplinary research on River-Sea systems.  At a time of unprecedented environmental and climate driven change, it is critical we understand the influence of land-sea interactions on coastal and ocean areas, how these will change with the intensification of extreme events and seek sustainable climate adaptation solutions. DANUBIUS-RI is a trans-disciplinary research gateway, enabling land-sea researchers with access to data, expertise, training and key study sites, along with their associated local assets. 

DANUBIUS-RI responds to the following major Research Priorities to assess:

  • Water Quantity: water stores and flows across River-Sea continua for sustainable water resource management and mitigate against extreme events.
  • Sediment Balance:    sediment dynamics in source-to-sink systems, to support sustainable sediment management.
  • Nutrients and Pollutants: independent and combined effects of nutrients and pollutants (in both water and sediments) at River-Sea System scales, to establish the critical thresholds needed for tracking progress towards good status.
  • Climate Change: ongoing impacts of Climate Change, and improve adaptation measures within and across River-Sea Systems.
  • Extreme Events: extreme event occurrence and impact severity on River-Sea Systems, for floods and droughts, to support cost-effective nature-based solution development, disaster mitigation, and management.
  • Protecting and Restoring Ecosystems and Biodiversity: how changing River-Sea Systems affect future ecosystem service provision, and their sustainability. Understand the relationship between biodiversity and connectivity across River-Sea Systems and its response to multiple stressors and support climate adaptation.
  • Digital Twin: and build high resolution, multi-dimensional digital representations of River-Sea Systems, that stakeholders.

Besides access to Open and FAIR Data, DANUBIUS_RI provides key interdisciplinary services encompassing in situ measurement, satellite EO observations, numerical modelling and management scenario development.

The Services are grouped in 7 major categories, working with you or on your behalf:

  • Digital and non-digital data, including metadata, data and archived samples .
  • Tools, methods and expert support, including access to facilities and equipment.
  • Measurement and analytical support, including physical, chemical, biological, biogeochemical, ecotoxicological, hydromorphological, sedimentological, and bathymetric sampling and analyses.
  • Diagnosis and Impact, through modelling and impact assessment analysesthat harness data from previous or expected results (diagnostic) or through forecasts and ‘what if’ scenarios (from models).
  • Solution Development, connecting you with the right partners across wide-ranging scientific expertise to develop solutions for your specific challenges.
  • Tests, Audit, Validation and Certification: We validate and quality assure outputs, and provide DANUBIUS Commons accreditation and Accredited Service Providers certification services.
  • Build capacity through the design/co-design, development and delivery of training courses for companies, innovators, authorities and researchers in the four areas of expertise (Observation, Analysis, Modelling, and Impact), and partner with you to organize bespoke conferences and workshops to address River-Sea System challenges.

The Research Infrastructure, accepted on the ESFRI Roadmap in 2016, is expected to become an operational ERIC during 2025.

How to cite: Stanica, A., Tyler, A., Scarrott, R., and Consortium, D. R. I.: DANUBIUS-RI, The International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems:  An RI for the river-sea challenges of the 21st Century , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11716, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-11716, 2025.

EGU25-12275 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Change in precipitation as a response to the Amundsen Sea Low characteristics in region of West Antarctica 

Larysa Pysarenko and Denys Pishniak

Climate change has led to the shrinkage of ice sheets and glaciers, contributing to sea level rise, particularly in regions like West Antarctica. Over the past several decades, this area has experienced one of the most pronounced increases in temperature and precipitation. Projections suggested increase in extreme precipitation by the end of the 21st century. Together with the expected deepening of the Amundsen Sea Low (ASL), these changes play a significant role in Antarctic ice sheet's mass in the future. This study aims to analyze a spatio-temporal precipitation variability and its extreme values in West Antarctica as a response to ASL characteristics. To analyze the relationships, we used a number of parameters describing ASL (average pressure field, the central pressure, the relative pressure at the center, longitude of the ASL, and the distance to the ASL center), and parameters for precipitation (daily totals and the 95th percentile) derived from the historical European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA5 reanalysis data. The study is focused on natural zones along the coast corresponding to glacial basins such as Getz Ice Shelf, Thwaites Glacier, Pine Island glaciers, and Abbot Ice Shelf. Relationships between precipitation and ASL characteristics were assessed using Spearman rank correlation coefficients in each grid cell of the studied domain. Overall, the highest 95th percentile values, approximately 35 mm, were observed along the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. These values decreased to 15 mm along the remaining coastline of West Antarctica and further to 5 mm over the continental areas. Extreme precipitation had well-detected seasonality, with maximum precipitation totals during the austral autumn/spring seasons. In average, extreme precipitation events covered approximately 4.7–4.9% of basin areas. Over the last 30 years, the tendencies of extreme precipitation intensified the observed spatial differences: the 95th percentile increased over more humid areas with a trend of 4 mm/decade and decreased in continental regions by 2 mm/decade. The meridional position of ASL impacts weather and precipitation over the region much more than changes in its latitudinal remoteness to the coast. The ASL movement towards the west caused decreased precipitation near the Amundsen Sea and increased over the Antarctic Peninsula. Extreme precipitation was more sensitive to changes in ASL location than total precipitation. This study will contribute to understanding the occurrence of extreme precipitation events under climate change.

How to cite: Pysarenko, L. and Pishniak, D.: Change in precipitation as a response to the Amundsen Sea Low characteristics in region of West Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12275, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-12275, 2025.

EGU25-13485 | Posters virtual | VPS29

Reducing the impact of severe weather on mass gathering events: the Lombardia, Italy, experience. 

Roberto Cremonini, Gian Paolo Minardi, Renzo Bechini, and Orietta Cazzuli

Severe weather events increasingly threaten the safety of mass gathering events (MGE), particularly open-air exhibitions and artistic performances. In 2015, Milano, Italy, hosted the World Expo from May to October. The exhibition was located 15 km away from Milano, covered 1.1 km2, and shaped as a long boulevard of 3 km length. Pools and waterways in and around the Expo area were elements of primary importance. During the 184 opening days, the attendance reached 21 mln visitors, with a daily average of 115,000 visitors. In 2017, the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude created the temporary, site-specific artwork known as The Floating Piers, built in 2016 at Lake Iseo, 75 km from Milano, Italy. It was made up of 70,000 square meters of yellow fabric supported by a modular floating dock system. These walkable piers connected Monteisola Isle to the lake coast. The floating piers exhibitions attracted 1.2 mln visitors over its 16-day run, with peaks of more than 100,000 visitors per day.

This work describes how the regional weather service planned and operated a dedicated monitoring and forecast weather service to reduce the impacts of severe weather during these two MGEs, increasing safety conditions for the visitors. Finally, Arpa Lombardia will be engaged in the weather forecast assistance for the next Winter Olympic Games in 2026, hosted in  Milano, Bormio, and Livigno.

How to cite: Cremonini, R., Minardi, G. P., Bechini, R., and Cazzuli, O.: Reducing the impact of severe weather on mass gathering events: the Lombardia, Italy, experience., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13485, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13485, 2025.

EGU25-14032 | Posters virtual | VPS29

"AI-Integrated Operational Dashboard for Hail Defense Operational Systems" 

Samir Kumar, Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paulitsch, and Tobias Schreck

This study presents the design and implementation of a comprehensive Hail Operational Aircraft Information Dashboard system. This system, which aims at user-friendliness and a customizable visualization platform, is a helpful tool for enhancing decision-making and optimizing cloud seeding operations for hail suppression. It leverages real-time and historical data, making it accessible and easy to coordinate operations with flight crews. The dashboard display system's key functionalities include real-time flight monitoring, which displays critical flight parameters such as flight duration, cloud seeding duration, and flight path for operational aircraft. The system also offers insightful data visualizations that cover weekly, monthly, and seasonal trends of hail suppression efforts, providing a wealth of information that supports the users with a comprehensive understanding of the operations. The dashboard system features a user-friendly frontend interface developed with ReactJS, a high-performance backend run by the FastAPI Python framework for efficient data handling and API development, and SQLAlchemy as the object-relational-mapper to store all flight and hail suppression data.  Additionally, and as an innovative approach, this study explores the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for text-to-SQL (TTS) conversion, allowing users to submit natural language queries about hail operations, which the LLM translates into SQL queries to retrieve relevant data. The dashboard visual system incorporates additional parameters for operational decisions, such as flight altitude, fuel consumption data, and seeding information. This system is expected to significantly enhance situational awareness for flight crews, providing them with a comprehensive view of the operations. Previously, these users relied on disparate sources of information and less integrated tools to manage their operations. This heightened awareness will help coordinate unit and flight crews to make better decisions and improve hail suppression efforts.

How to cite: Kumar, S., Tani, S., Paulitsch, H., and Schreck, T.: "AI-Integrated Operational Dashboard for Hail Defense Operational Systems", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14032, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14032, 2025.

Climate change poses significant challenges to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) through heat extremes, hydrometeorological extremes and sea level rise. The societal impacts of these climate hazards are closely connected to both quantifiable and non-monetary loss and damage across multiple sectors and to presently or potentially insurable risks. One type of insurance that has been explored in many developing country contexts but is particularly sensitive to the recurrence frequency of extreme events is climate index insurance (analogous to parametric insurance), in which the contract is based on a geophysical index, rather than verified material losses.

This study explores the historical risk of heat and precipitation extreme events in the small Caribbean Island nation of St. Kitts and Nevis over the period of available record (1981-2024) and the projected frequency and severity of such events over the next 50 years (2025-2075), using historical analysis, model data and Monte Carlo statistical simulation methods. Observational data will include merged station/satellite data from the products of the Climate Hazards Group at University of Santa Barbara (CHIRPS, CHIRP and CHIRTS) and may include local station data. Climate model data will include output from CMIP6 runs of the NMME and Copernicus model suites. The Monte Carlo methods used for estimating extreme event frequencies are based on earlier research (Siebert and Ward 2011, Siebert 2016). As climate risks increase, theoretical index/parametric insurance premiums are expected to increase.

            Since the frequency of threshold crossing extreme events is the primary basis for pricing index (parametric) insurance contracts, this study will explore the evolving price of relevant parametric insurance contracts for specified return liabilities (defined through recurrence interval). This project is being conducted by the company Climate Analytics and is funded by the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS). This methodology may inform the quantification of a national loss and damage policy and plan, in coordination with multiple stakeholders in St. Kitts and Nevis and the Caribbean Climate Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF).

How to cite: Siebert, A.: Potential Index Insurance Changes under Climate Change in St. Kitts and Nevis: A Case Study Using Monte Carlo methods, observational and GCM data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14530, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14530, 2025.

EGU25-15035 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Assessing Heat Wave Vulnerability in India Using Machine Learning and Climate Model Insights 

Dr. G. China Satyanarayana

This study investigates the spatiotemporal characteristics of maximum temperatures and heat wave (HW) vulnerability across India under the context of global warming. Using high-resolution gridded surface air temperature (SAT) data (1951–2022) from the India Meteorological Department (IMD), three regions of maximum temperatures and distinct heat wave zones were identified, highlighting their divergence. Local radiative heating and anomalous wind flows from maximum temperature zones were identified as primary drivers of heat waves, with a notable increase in HW occurrences in southeast India post-1970, attributed to global warming. Machine Learning (ML) models, including Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), multiple linear regression, and support vector machines, were employed alongside CMIP6 climate models to predict maximum SAT for India (1981–2022). ANN outperformed other ML models with minimal biases and high accuracy, showcasing its capability to enhance HW predictability. Future projections (2023–2050) reveal a gradual rise on SAT during March–May, indicating heightened HW risks. Additionally, HW intensification during El Niño decay years was linked to anomalous anticyclonic circulations, reduced cloud cover, and enhanced shortwave radiation. This caused a rise in discomfort indices and extreme temperature hours, particularly in northwest and central India. Findings emphasize the critical role of ML techniques in improving HW forecasts and guiding adaptation strategies. These insights are vital for agriculture, health, urban planning, and disaster mitigation, equipping stakeholders to address escalating climate risks and societal impacts effectively

Keywords: Heat Waves (HW); Maximum Temperatures; Machine Learning (ML); Climate Change; Vulnerability Analysis

How to cite: Satyanarayana, Dr. G. C.: Assessing Heat Wave Vulnerability in India Using Machine Learning and Climate Model Insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15035, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15035, 2025.

Understanding the hydrological impacts of  Land use (LU) changes and climate variability is vital for effective water resource management in river basins. This study uses the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to assess hydrological processes in the Shakkar watershed, a sub-basin of the Narmada River in Madhya Pradesh, India. The research quantifies the effects of LU changes and climate variability on key hydrological components, such as water yield, surface runoff, evapotranspiration (ET), and base flow, utilizing high-resolution MSWEP v2.8 precipitation data corrected with quantile mapping (QM). A multi-objective calibration approach incorporating Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) and Relative Volume Error (RVE) ensures accurate model parameterization. Variability trends in rainfall and streamflow across three decades (1989-2019) were assessed using the Mann-Kendall test and Sen's slope estimator. This study aims to bridge critical gaps in understanding the interplay between climate and LU changes, providing insights into their cumulative and individual impacts on water resources. Anticipated outcomes include identifying areas within the watershed most vulnerable to hydrological changes and supporting the development of sustainable water management strategies. The findings are expected to guide regional water resource planning and improve resilience against climatic variability by demonstrating the utility of advanced modeling techniques and high-resolution datasets in watershed management.

How to cite: Gopalakrishnan Balamurgan, B., Rientjes, T., and Tügel, F.: The effects of Land use  changes and climate variability on hydrological changes in the Shakkar watershed and supporting the development of sustainable water management strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17037, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-17037, 2025.

EGU25-18702 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Experiences of citizen science and co-creation within the activities of the Italian chapter of the LOESS project 

Marco Peli, Stefano Barontini, and Giovanna Grossi

The water engineering group of the University of Brescia is active in the Horizon Europe project LOESS (https://loess-project.eu/) since its start in June 2023, together with other nineteen European –of which two Italian– partners. The final goals of the project are to raise awareness on the importance of soil and of its functions, to increase soil literacy across Europe and to help developing innovative educational materials and practices.
To do so, we –together with the other two Italian partners– created an Italian Community of Practice (CoP) and engaged it in providing an overview of the current level of soil–related knowledge and teaching programmes and materials, in order to identify the gap between educational offer and needs amongst different levels of the society (from pupils to students to citizens). The Italian CoP, led by the University of Brescia, is composed of 60 members from both the higher education and the research community, as well as from the primary and secondary education levels (teachers and pupils), the productive sectors (farmers and spatial planners), the politics world (local administrators) and the civil society (NGOs and associations). The CoP, or various sub–groups of people from it, has been involved in multiple activities since the start of the project, and this contribution intends to report on them.
In March 2022 we launched the WormEx II experiment, an ongoing educational experiment and a citizen–based participatory research (CBPR) performed in the garden of the Liceo Copernico High School in Brescia, in view of attracting the students’ attention on the hydrological role played by macropores, by observing some aspects of earthworm digging activity.
On World Soil Day 2023 we –together with the other two Italian partners– performed a widespread infiltration experiment involving classes from 5 Primary Schools over the Italian territory, i.e. one in Lombardy, two in Emilia Romagna, one in Sicily and one in Sardinia. A total of 140 students and 7 teachers took part in the experimental phase, after which they all joined a virtual meeting where around 50 students (between 4 and 20 per school) volunteered in reporting the experiment result to the CoP, which had previously contributed in the design of the experiment itself.
Between November and December 2024 we organised and conducted three co–creation events on Augmented Reality applications for soil health education in two 3rd-year classes of a local High School in the province of Brescia. The activity produced 22 projects created with a commercial app–prototyping tool from an international project partner.
Finally on 5 December 2024 we –together with the other two Italian partners– organized and hosted a dissemination event about World Soil Day, with considerations regarding the links between soil, peace and sustainability. The public event involved two Primary School classes (one in Emilia Romagna and one in Sicily) that reported on a previously–held laboratory activity on the topic, as well as university students and professors.
These activities showed how much our society is interested in taking an active part in research if allowed.

How to cite: Peli, M., Barontini, S., and Grossi, G.: Experiences of citizen science and co-creation within the activities of the Italian chapter of the LOESS project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18702, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18702, 2025.

EGU25-3305 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Assessment and Development of a Sustainable Development Strategy for Yasooj City Using the SWOT Model and SPACE Matrix 

arezoo salamatnia, jahanbakhsh balist, and Mehrdad Nahavandchi


Yasooj, with its rich cultural, historical, and musical heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and a young, educated workforce, is one of Iran's cities with significant potential to become a leading example of sustainable development. However, challenges such as weak urban management, lack of economic development, inadequate infrastructure, and natural constraints hinder its progress. In this context, assessing the current situation and providing solutions to enhance urban management and formulate sustainable development strategies are of great importance.

The objective of this study is to identify the capabilities and challenges of Yasooj's urban management and to develop a strategic vision for sustainable development, based on the SWOT model and the SPACE matrix. This research is applied-developmental in nature and employs a descriptive-analytical research method. The statistical population consists of 40 urban experts, and the required data were collected through field observations, reviews of comprehensive and detailed plans, and questionnaires.

Data analysis was conducted using the SWOT model, which identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Yasooj City. The findings indicate that the final score of the IFE matrix (internal factors of strengths and weaknesses) is 2.10, and the score of the EFE matrix (external factors of opportunities and threats) is 2.37, both of which are significantly below the average score of 2.5. The internal-external (IE) matrix analysis revealed that Yasooj is in a defensive (WT) position, requiring a review of management structures and the formulation of new operational plans.

Additionally, Yasooj's potential in tourism, agriculture, industry, and services has been identified as a key opportunity for sustainable development. To achieve sustainable development in Yasooj, urban management must revisit its structures and plans, focusing on enhancing inter-institutional cooperation and fostering greater citizen participation in decision-making processes.

Utilizing the city's natural, cultural, and social capacities, strengthening academic tourism through Yasooj University, hosting cultural festivals; and supporting agro-tourism are among the proposed solutions. Furthermore, Yasooj should aim to establish itself as a successful model of sustainable urban development by improving infrastructure, enhancing good urban governance, and fostering partnerships with the private sector and civil society.

Step-by-step and participatory planning, along with a thorough review of past strategies and the definition of clear visions, will contribute to achieving this goal. Establishing closer links between academic institutions and urban management will also play a key role in the successful implementation of development strategies.

Keywords: Sustainable Development, Yasooj City, SWOT Model, Urban Management, Tourism.

How to cite: salamatnia, A., balist, J., and Nahavandchi, M.: Assessment and Development of a Sustainable Development Strategy for Yasooj City Using the SWOT Model and SPACE Matrix, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3305, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-3305, 2025.

EGU25-6756 | Posters virtual | VPS30

Causal linkages of human migration flow networks: A regional analysis 

Rachata Muneepeerakul

Migration is one of human’s most drastic adaptation strategies against unfavorable conditions. With flows from and to origins and destinations, migration data are necessarily network data. Embedded within network data is interdependency among data points (flows) that renders some traditional statistical analyses, including causal inference techniques, inappropriate. To address this issue, we have developed a novel analysis, combining causal inference techniques with quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) to infer causal relationships from network data and applied it to the datasets that include migration flows and their potential drivers – these include socioeconomic, political, and environmental factors (e.g., flood and drought). We implemented this analysis for the African region data. The preliminary results are reported; the limitations and future work are discussed. We anticipate that this novel method will be applicable to a wide variety of network data in other fields.

How to cite: Muneepeerakul, R.: Causal linkages of human migration flow networks: A regional analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6756, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-6756, 2025.

Extreme warming events in Texas have far-reaching environmental, economic, and societal consequences, including impacts on agriculture, energy demand, public health, and infrastructure. These events underscore the urgent need for reliable prediction systems that can anticipate their occurrence and inform mitigation and adaptation strategies. In this study, we develop machine-learning-based models to predict extreme temperature events across Texas by identifying and modeling the key drivers of these phenomena. The predictive framework incorporates the influences of large-scale climate modes and processes from both the Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans, including the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Warm Pool (WP), and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). By integrating these climate indices with regional atmospheric and surface data, the model captures the complex interactions between large-scale climate variability and regional temperature extremes. The contributions of each climate mode are quantified and analyzed to determine their relative importance in driving warming events across different temporal and spatial scales. To ensure the robustness of the predictions, the model outputs are further validated against physical mechanisms linking large-scale climate modes to atmospheric circulation patterns. This validation process provides a mechanistic understanding of the statistical relationships uncovered by the machine-learning models, ensuring that the predictions align with established climate dynamics. The findings from this study enhance our understanding of regional climate dynamics in Texas and demonstrate the potential of machine-learning approaches for improving the predictability of extreme temperature events.

How to cite: Chen, A. and Zhao, J.: Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Extreme Temperature Events in Texas: Understanding the Role of Large-Scale Climate Modes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7566, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7566, 2025.

Marine heat waves (MHWs) pose significant threats to coastal ecosystems, with particularly severe impacts in shallow waters where their magnitude is often amplified. The Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States, is highly vulnerable to these events, which have increased in frequency and duration in recent decades. MHWs in the Chesapeake Bay have critical implications for its ecological balance, including effects on fish populations, habitat degradation, and water quality. Despite their growing prevalence, the underlying causes of these events and the factors regulating their variability remain poorly understood. Our study employs machine learning approaches to elucidate the drivers of marine heat waves in the Chesapeake Bay and to quantify their contributions to these extreme temperature events. By incorporating a comprehensive set of potential predictors, including local air temperature, wind forcing, river discharge, and Atlantic Ocean temperature, the model reveals the key mechanisms driving the onset, intensity, and persistence of MHWs in the Chesapeake Bay. Advanced feature selection techniques isolate the most relevant variables, while model outputs are validated against observed data to ensure accuracy and robustness. Our results suggest that local air temperature and ocean temperature anomalies from the Atlantic Ocean are dominant in triggering MHWs. These findings shed light on the complex interactions between atmospheric, hydrological, and oceanographic processes in shaping extreme thermal events in estuarine systems.

How to cite: Li, C., Xiong, N., and Zhao, J.: Understanding Marine Heat Waves in the Chesapeake Bay: Drivers, Variability, and Predictive Insights Using Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7577, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-7577, 2025.

EGU25-9058 | Posters virtual | VPS30

Deep-Time Digital Twins: Integrating LithoPlates with the EarthBank Platform 

Fabian Kohlmann, Wayne Noble, Xiaodong Qin, Jamie Higton, Romain Beucher, Moritz Theile, Brent McInnes, and Dietmar Mueller

The dynamic nature of Earth's lithosphere necessitates comprehensive tools for integrating geological data with plate tectonic frameworks across vast spatiotemporal scales. To address this challenge, EarthBank, in collaboration with the Earthbyte Group and Lithodat, has developed LithoPlates - a cloud-based deep-time reconstruction tool designed to support the visualisation and analysis of geological features within their paleogeographic contexts. LithoPlates leverages Earthbyte’s GPlates Web Service, enabling users to access pyGPlates functionalities and advanced plate tectonic models, offering researchers an intuitive platform for spatiotemporal analyses.

LithoPlates incorporates ten plate tectonic models, including the latest model published in 2024, which extends reconstructions back to 1.8 billion years. These models are seamlessly integrated into EarthBank’s public geochemistry data platform, enabling researchers to explore the tectonic settings and geological histories of their area of interest. By applying age-specific filters, users can visualise data within any chosen reconstruction timeslice within 1Ma steps, facilitating precise spatio-temporal analyses of geological processes such as formation, deformation, and material transport across Earth’s surface.

The platform’s dual capability to analyse data in both present-day and palinspastic geography significantly enhances its utility for geoscientific research. LithoPlates supports the reconstruction of geochronological and thermochronological data, providing a robust framework for investigating the evolution of Earth’s lithosphere. Its integration with EarthBank’s relational database further enables on-the-fly analysis of both data and metadata, offering real-time insights into complex geological systems. Robust export functionalities are also present including an open REST API, enabling users to seamlessly integrate their data and share results for further analysis.


Future advancements for LithoPlates include the integration of additional plate tectonic models, enhanced visualisation tools, and advanced filtering capabilities to refine comparative analyses across multiple reconstruction scenarios. These updates will improve uncertainty quantification, allow for more sophisticated model-data fusion, and facilitate the analysis of geophysical and geochemical datasets within a unified paleogeographic framework. 

LithoPlates represents a transformative tool for advancing Earth system reconstructions by addressing key challenges in the integration of geological, geophysical, and environmental data. Its interdisciplinary approach aligns with the broader scientific goal of developing digital twins of our planet, contributing to fields as diverse as resource exploration, paleoclimatology, and environmental risk assessment.

This tool exemplifies the potential of combining advanced modeling techniques with expanding geochemical and geophysical datasets, offering a scalable solution for analyzing the spatiotemporal evolution of Earth’s lithosphere. By providing access to comprehensive plate tectonic models and enabling precise spatiotemporal analyses, LithoPlates paves the way for groundbreaking research in understanding Earth’s dynamic geological history and its implications for modern and future challenges.

How to cite: Kohlmann, F., Noble, W., Qin, X., Higton, J., Beucher, R., Theile, M., McInnes, B., and Mueller, D.: Deep-Time Digital Twins: Integrating LithoPlates with the EarthBank Platform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9058, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9058, 2025.

EGU25-9225 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Decadal Climate Variability and Its Impact on Mangrove Ecosystems of the Southwestern Coast, India 

Soorya Sudesan, Uttam Singh, Pawan Shyamrao Wable, Sandeep Sasidharan, and Sreejith Kalpuzha Ashtamoorthy

The mangrove ecosystem, a wetland forest found in tropical and subtropical coastal regions, is influenced by key factors such as tide height, salinity, precipitation, and temperature. This study focuses on understanding the impact of these factor’s decadal changes on three mangrove vegetation patches (Kozhikode, Ernakulam, and Kollam) on the southwestern coast of India. For this study, the recent past (2012-2022) rainfall and temperature data from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and tide height data collected from INCOIS were used. Land surface temperature (LST) data based on MODIS and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Salinity Index (SI) based on Landsat 8 were extracted using Google Earth Engine. The average annual rainfall at Kozhikode, Ernakulam and Kollam are 2934 mm, 3082 mm and 2305 mm, respectively.  The land surface temperature has an almost similar seasonal trend across all three mangrove sites, varying between 25 °C  to 31 °C in different seasons. The annual average tide height is observed to be highest at Kozhikode (0.97 m) and lowest in Kollam (0.49 m), whereas the annual average SI is observed to be highest in Kochi (0.13) and lowest in Kozhikode (0.10).

Evaluating vegetation changes using the EVI is essential for assessing the system’s effectiveness in protecting coastal areas from floods and guiding the planning of restoration and protective measures. The correlation coefficient between EVI and other climate variables was used to understand its impact on vegetation. Salinity, monsoon rainfall and summer LST are observed to be negatively correlated with the EVI in all three study areas. In contrast, during the southwest monsoon season, the tide height and LST positively correlate with EVI. This study revealed that optimum rainfall, salinity, and LST conditions are favourable for its growth, beyond which it negatively impacts vegetation compared to the rise in the tide height.

How to cite: Sudesan, S., Singh, U., Shyamrao Wable, P., Sasidharan, S., and Kalpuzha Ashtamoorthy, S.: Decadal Climate Variability and Its Impact on Mangrove Ecosystems of the Southwestern Coast, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9225, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9225, 2025.

Future climate projection data are increasingly employed to evaluate the potential impacts of global warming across a wide range of domains, including meteorological variables (e.g., temperature and precipitation), hydrological processes, ecosystems, human health, and societal activities. The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) provides an extensive dataset produced through international collaboration, incorporating multiple General Circulation Models (GCMs), diverse future scenarios, and numerous initial conditions. Despite the comprehensive nature of these datasets, most impact assessments rely on a limited subset of realizations, with no standardized methodology guiding their selection. This lack of consensus introduces potential biases into the outcomes of impact studies. This study quantitatively assesses the influence of realization selection on future climate impact assessments. Monthly precipitation and temperature data from CMIP6 were analyzed for both historical experimental periods and multiple Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios. Comparisons were conducted between outcomes obtained using all available realizations for each GCM and those derived from a single realization per GCM. Additionally, combinations of GCMs and realizations commonly used in prior studies were evaluated for their representativeness. The findings reveal that global average monthly precipitation is consistently higher when all realizations are utilized compared to scenarios based on a single realization. The inclusion of all realizations captures a broader range of variability, whereas subsets exhibit narrower variability and more localized trends. These results emphasize the significant impact of realization selection on future climate prediction outcomes. Moreover, an analysis of existing studies indicates that while selected datasets often reflect average trends, their overall representativeness requires further scrutiny. This research highlights the necessity of adopting uncertainty-aware methodologies in climate change studies. The findings offer valuable insights for improving the robustness and reliability of future climate impact assessments, paving the way for more informed decision-making in addressing climate change challenges.

How to cite: Nagata, K.: Quantitative analysis of the impact of realization selection on future climate change impact assessments using CMIP6 data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9648, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9648, 2025.

EGU25-9680 | Posters virtual | VPS30

Temporal Fusion Transformers for Improved Coastal Dynamics Forecasting in the Western Black Sea  

Maria Emanuela Mihailov, Miruna Georgiana Ichim, Alecsandru Vladimir Chirosca, Gianina Chirosca, Lucian Dutu, and Petrica Popov

The paper investigates the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques, specifically Temporal Fusion Transformers (TFTs), to enhance the prediction of coastal dynamics along the Western Black Sea coast. We aim to bridge the gap between in-situ observations from five meteo-oceanographic stations and modelled geospatial marine data from the Copernicus Marine Service. TFTs are employed to refine predictions of shallow water dynamics by considering atmospheric influences, focusing on wave-wind correlations. Atmospheric pressure and temperature are treated as latitude-dependent constants, with specific investigations into extreme events like freezing and solar radiation-induced turbulence.  

The analysis utilizes a dataset of meteorological information collected by the Maritime Hydrographic Directorate (MHD) since 2015. The study relies on data gathered from seven automated weather stations at lighthouses along the Romanian coastline. The stations, part of the Romanian Navy - Marine Meteorological Surveillance Network, continuously gather meteorological parameters at specific ground-level heights, including wind speed and direction. The Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) wave reanalysis dataset for the Black Sea provides a comprehensive record of wave conditions with a spatial resolution of approximately 2.5 km and hourly temporal resolution.  

Explainable AI (XAI) is exploited to ensure transparent model interpretations and identify key influential input variables, including static, encoder, and decoder variables. Data attribution strategies address missing data concerns, while ensemble modelling enhances overall prediction robustness. The models demonstrate a significant improvement in prediction accuracy compared to traditional methods. This research provides a deeper understanding of atmosphere-marine interactions and demonstrates the efficacy of AI/ML in bridging observational and modelled data gaps for maritime safety and coastal management along the Western Black Sea coast.


Acknowledgements: The research of the M.E.M., P.P., M.G.I., and L.D. was conducted as part of the "Forecasting and observing the open-to-coastal ocean for Copernicus users" FOCCUS Project (https://foccus-project.eu/), funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 101133911). Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

The presented results of the M.E.M., P.P., M.G.I., and L.D. have been carried out with financial support from the Sectorial Research-Development Plan of the Romanian Ministry of National Defence, PSCD 2021–2024 Project (097/2021, 092/2022, 097/2023, 097/2024): „Development of an integrated monitoring system to increase the quality of hydro-oceanographic data in the area of responsibility of the Romanian Naval Forces".
Thanks are extended to the relevant departments of INOE-2000 for their help through the "Core Program with the National Research Development and Innovation Plan 2022-2027" with the support of MCID, project no. PN 23 05/2023, contract 11N/2023.

How to cite: Mihailov, M. E., Ichim, M. G., Chirosca, A. V., Chirosca, G., Dutu, L., and Popov, P.: Temporal Fusion Transformers for Improved Coastal Dynamics Forecasting in the Western Black Sea , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9680, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-9680, 2025.

EGU25-13665 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Monitoring the Impact of Urban Growth Scenarios on No Net Land Take of Wallonia, Belgium Using a Cellular Automata Model 

Anasua Chakraborty, Ahmed Mustafa, and Jacques Teller

The pressing demand for urbanised land due to the growing global population has led to increased land consumption, posing significant challenges to sustainable urban development. The European Union's No Net Land Take (NNLT) 2050 initiative aims to mitigate this issue by curbing urban expansion through urban densification or circular construction. Therefore, it is imperative to study the existing demand trajectory and their effects on the current development situation.

Wallonia, the southern region of Belgium, characterised by urban and peri-urban development, predominantly experience urban expansion. As a solution to that, government implemented various plans which focuses on revitalizing urban cores, addressing vacant buildings, and promoting the regeneration of central areas to prevent further urban sprawl. These ongoing urban pressures, makes it an ideal study area for conducting research on strategic planning.

In this study, we develop a Multinomial Logistic based Cellular Automata (MNL-CA) model calibrated using geophysical, accessibility, socioeconomic and spatial zoning data. Hereto, the model simulate futuristic urban growth until 2050 under two distinct scenarios:

  • Business-As-Usual where urban growth continues following the historical demand trends within existing policies.
  • Growth-As-Usual represents a scenario of latest observed built up demand trend along a constant rate .

The BAU scenario demonstrates a marked decline in urban expansion rates, stabilizing at 0 hectares per day by 2040. This trajectory reflects a shift toward densification and more spatially cohesive urban development. Meanwhile, the GAU scenario forecasts a sustained expansion rate of 2.51 hectares per day, resulting in a projected 49.20% increase in urban land by 2050. Together, these scenarios provide complementary insights: BAU serves as a valuable reference point for understanding controlled growth dynamics, while GAU offers a perspective for exploring the implications of constant expansion, thereby enhancing the robustness of future urban planning strategies.

While BAU offers a pathway aligned with policy goals, incorporating elements from GAU scenarios allows policymakers to "stress-test" urban strategies. This dual approach can enhance resilience and flexibility in urban planning, enabling better accommodation of future growth challenges while adhering to sustainability principles.

How to cite: Chakraborty, A., Mustafa, A., and Teller, J.: Monitoring the Impact of Urban Growth Scenarios on No Net Land Take of Wallonia, Belgium Using a Cellular Automata Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13665, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13665, 2025.

EGU25-13827 | Posters virtual | VPS30

A Jupyter Notebook devoted to a multiparametric investigation of the Amatrice-Norcia Italian seismic sequence 2016-2017 

Dedalo Marchetti, Daniele Bailo, Jan Michalek, Rossana Paciello, and Giuseppe Falcone

Central Italy experienced a catastrophic seismic sequence that suddenly started on 24 August 2016 at 1:36:32 UTC with an Mw = 6.0 earthquake. Buildings damaged by the shaking of this event caused about 300 fatalities, and several towns (e.g., Amatrice, Accumuli, Arquata del Tronto) were destroyed entirely. A seismic sequence started from this event, and the largest event occurred more than two months later on 30 October 2016 at 6:40:17 UTC with magnitude Mw = 6.5. On 18 January 2017, a resurgent of the seismic sequence occurred with four events of magnitude equal to or greater than 5.0 in a Southern sector of the interested region (close to Capitignano/Montereale/Campotosto Lake). Then, the sequence followed a typical multi-year decay. The impact was huge, and from an energetic point of view, the event of 30 October 2016 was one of the largest recorded in the last 40 years in Italy.

Considering this particular case study, we developed a multidisciplinary and multiparametric Jupyter Notebook which can be run, e.g. in a Virtual Research Environment (VRE). The Open Source Code and friendly environment of Jupyter Notebook permit future users to adopt the same VRE to study other earthquakes.

The Jupyter Notebooks retrieves data mainly from the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) platform (Bailo et al., 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02697-9), integrating with other sources such as climatological archives and Swarm magnetic satellites of European Space Agency (ESA). EPOS is a European research infrastructure devoted to understanding plate tectonics through multidisciplinary and multiparametric studies. EPOS has already implemented a portal (https://www.epos-eu.org/dataportal, last accessed 10 January 2024) where users can retrieve data grouped into 10 disciplines (Thematic Core Services – TCS).

The Italian seismic sequence interests the extensional plate typical of the Central Apennine Mount Chain, and multiparametric data can help to understand the physical and chemical processes that could occur before and during the earthquake. The VRE relies on the results published by (Marchetti et al., 2019) but using updated algorithms such as the one used to study the Arabian Plate earthquake doublets (Ghamry et al., 2024, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos15111318). We will also include other atmospheric investigations of specific parameters (e.g., Piscini et al., 2017, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-017-1597-8). Such previous studies propose evidence for anomalies in the organised chain of lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere that were identified before the Italian seismic sequence 2016-2017.

These preliminary studies contribute to investigating the relations between geo-layers in our Earth’s system and the influence of seismic activity on them. Furthermore, this VRE adds a tool to the EPOS platform with potentially several applications, such as investigations of other significant earthquakes or other natural hazards, such as volcano eruptions.


How to cite: Marchetti, D., Bailo, D., Michalek, J., Paciello, R., and Falcone, G.: A Jupyter Notebook devoted to a multiparametric investigation of the Amatrice-Norcia Italian seismic sequence 2016-2017, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13827, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13827, 2025.

EGU25-13886 | Posters virtual | VPS30

Comprehensive Risk Assessment at the Port of Manzanillo: A Model Based on PMBOK and Fuzzy Logic. 

Enrique Cardenas, Jorge Delgadillo-Partida, Ana Teresa Mendoza-Rosas, and Francisco Zarate-Ramirez

The Port of Manzanillo, Colima, serves as a pivotal infrastructure for Mexico’s international trade network. In response to increasing operational demands and advance modernisation efforts, an ambitious expansion into the Laguna de Cuyutlán has been proposed. This initiative includes the construction of specialised container terminals and supporting infrastructures. However, the area’s vulnerability to geological and hydrometeorological hazards—such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, tsunamis, landslides, and tropical storms—raises critical concerns regarding the durability and sustainability of these developments.

This study introduces a hybrid risk management approach that combines the principles of the PMBOK’s plan risk management methodology with the analytical precision of fuzzy set theory. Comprehensive historical data on natural hazards were systematically gathered from risk atlases, scientific research, and official reports. The model applies fuzzy membership functions to evaluate the likelihood and impact of risks. Additionally, tools like fuzzy Delphi, fuzzy DEMATEL, and fuzzy ANP facilitate the structured analysis and prioritisation of potential threats.

The primary aim is to create a robust system for addressing the uncertainties associated with complex risk environments. By integrating advanced analytical methods with established risk management practices, the model provides a foundation for designing effective mitigation strategies. These measures are essential for maintaining operational reliability, enhancing infrastructure resilience, and minimising socio-economic impacts. This research highlights the value of interdisciplinary methodologies that link scientific advancements with practical solutions, tackling the intricate challenges posed by climatic and geological extremes in dynamic contexts.

How to cite: Cardenas, E., Delgadillo-Partida, J., Mendoza-Rosas, A. T., and Zarate-Ramirez, F.: Comprehensive Risk Assessment at the Port of Manzanillo: A Model Based on PMBOK and Fuzzy Logic., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13886, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-13886, 2025.

EGU25-14016 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Predicting GHG Emissions in Shipping: A Case Study Of Canada 

Abdelhak El aissi and Loubna Benabbou

Shipping remains a crucial element of global trade and commerce, facilitating over 90% of international trade by volume. The maritime industry’s advanced logistics chains are vital for the timely delivery of goods, supporting both economic growth and employment. However, it is also a significant source of pollution, accounting for approximately 3% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and contributing 13% of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and 12% of sulfur oxides (SOx). Additionally, shipping emits harmful pollutants, including particulate matter (PM), black carbon (BC), and methane (CH4). These emissions not only impact the global climate but also pose severe health risks to communities near shorelines, contributing to asthma, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and premature death.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is actively engaged in mitigating these environmental impacts as part of its support for the UN Sustainable Development Goal 13, which addresses climate change in alignment with the 2015 Paris Agreement. The IMO has implemented several regulations to curb GHG emissions from shipping, beginning with mandatory energy efficiency measures introduced on July 15, 2011. Subsequent regulations include the Initial IMO GHG Strategy (2018) and the updated Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (2023). The 2023 strategy sets ambitious targets to achieve near-zero GHG emissions from international shipping by around 2050, with interim goals of reducing emissions by at least 20% by 2030 and 70-80% by 2040. It also aims to cut the carbon intensity of international shipping by at least 40% by 2030, measured as CO2 emissions per unit of transport work. As of January 1, 2023, ships are required to calculate their Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and establish an annual operational Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), with ratings from A to E indicating energy efficiency (International Maritime Organization).

In response to evolving regulations aimed at reducing GHG emissions, we propose a machine learning framework to improve emission predictions, with a particular focus on the Saint Lawrence River. Currently, emissions in the Canadian shipping sector are calculated a posteriori, with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) providing a national marine emissions inventory and a comprehensive visualization tool. This tool enables users to analyze shipping activities and emissions across Canada by filtering data through various parameters.

Our proposed work is designed to predict GHG emissions for vessels navigating the Saint Lawrence River, with plans for broader application across Canada. By employing a bottom-up methodology, we create a detailed emissions inventory based on individual vessel activities, leveraging Automatic Identification System (AIS) data to capture the spatiotemporal dynamics of shipping (Spire). To enhance accuracy, we incorporate vessel-specific information from CLARKSONS, including engine type, fuel type, and power, along with meteorological data such as current speed to account for external factors affecting emissions. Machine learning models, particularly deep learning techniques, are employed in the prediction phase, enabling the model to continually improve with new data. This scalable approach not only enhances environmental monitoring but also supports national efforts to reduce GHG emissions from marine transportation across Canada.

How to cite: El aissi, A. and Benabbou, L.: Predicting GHG Emissions in Shipping: A Case Study Of Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14016, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14016, 2025.

EGU25-14039 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

A Hybrid Machine Learning Model For Ship Speed Through Water: Solve And Predict 

Ayoub Atanane, Zakarya Elmimouni, and Loubna Benabbou

The maritime transport industry faces a significant challenge: reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% compared to 2008 levels. A crucial factor in calculating and optimizing these emissions is accurately predicting ship speed through water. While various models exist, few effectively combine both physical principles and machine learning approaches, leading to limitations in prediction accuracy.

The paper proposes a hybrid model with two main components: ''Solve'' Component: A physics-based approach that uses a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) to determine the theoretical speed a ship would achieve in calm water conditions, based on fundamental physical principles and equations. ''Predict'' Component: A data-driven approach that takes the theoretical calm water speed and adjusts it based on real-world conditions using machine learning algorithms, producing actual speed predictions.

The Solve Phase centers around a differential equation relating three key parameters: propulsion power (P), draft (T), and speed through calm water (Vw), the equation takes the form:

The model uses a PINN to solve a differential equation that links propulsion power (P), draft (T), and calm water speed (Vw) to generate initial speed estimates. The PINN uses a loss function that incorporates both initial conditions and differential equation residuals. A major challenge arises because Vw is theoretical and cannot be directly measured. This issue is addressed using historical data by identifying periods when sea conditions were calm to use as training data.

The model creates a bridge between its solve and predict phases. In the first approach, focused on training data generation, the system utilizes the trained PINN to generate collocation points. From these points, it creates training triplets consisting of propulsion power (Pi), draft (Ti), and calm water speed (Vwi). This approach uses a straightforward mean squared error loss function to train the neural network. The second approach takes a different path by using propulsion power (P) and draft (T) as direct inputs to the neural network. What makes this approach unique is that it incorporates the PINN directly into the loss function. This integration allows physical principles from the differential equation to directly influence the predictions, creating a stronger connection between the physical model and the machine learning component.

The predict phase begins by taking the calm water speed predictions generated from the solve phase and enhances them by incorporating various real-world factors that affect ship movement. These factors include maritime conditions, meteorological data, and current conditions, providing a comprehensive view of the actual sailing environment. To process this combined data, we use machine learning algorithms such as Xgboost. The final output of this phase is the real speed through water (Vwr), which represents a more realistic prediction that accounts for all environmental factors affecting the ship's speed.

The model offers a groundbreaking approach to maritime speed prediction by generalizing across vessel types and integrating physical principles with machine learning. By incorporating operational and meteorological data, it provides more accurate speed predictions that optimize fuel consumption and support the maritime industry's greenhouse gas emission reduction goals, bridging environmental protection with operational efficiency.

How to cite: Atanane, A., Elmimouni, Z., and Benabbou, L.: A Hybrid Machine Learning Model For Ship Speed Through Water: Solve And Predict, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14039, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-14039, 2025.

The ongoing deglaciation driven by global warming and climate change has led to the occurrence of extreme weather and climate events including heatwave, cold wave, flash floods, cloud burst, GLOFs, etc. This resulted in the formation and expansion of numerous glacial lakes, particularly in the High Mountain Asia (HMA) region. Many of these lakes are at high risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs), which can release millions of cubic meters of water and debris, causing extensive damage to lives, property, infrastructure, agriculture, and livelihoods in remote and economically vulnerable downstream communities in Pakistan. This study focuses on Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) in Northern Pakistan to assess GLOF risk using multi-source data. Several vulnerable sites from the Pakistan Meteorological Department’s GLOF inventory were analyzed, seven of which are highly susceptible to GLOFs. A spatio-temporal analysis of these sites considered critical factors such as lake area and volume changes, elevation, slope, aspect, temperature and precipitation patterns, land use and land cover (LULC) changes, glacier and snow cover loss, proximity to fault lines, and impact zones through geospatial techniques, GIS analysis and cloud computing Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. Results indicate a significant decline in snow and glacier cover, coupled with an increase in land surface temperatures (LST), contributing to accelerated melting and heightened GLOF and flash flood occurrences. The study also estimates potential impacts on population, infrastructure, schools, forests, agriculture, and water quality in the Neelum Valley of AJK. The findings offer valuable insights for policymakers and disaster management authorities to devise targeted and effective risk mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Fatim Ali, S. S., Hussain Shah, S. W., and Rehman, S.: Leveraging Geospatial Techniques to Appraise the Potential Implications on Vulnerable GLOF Sites in High Mountain Asia: A Case Study of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Northern Pakistan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15239, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15239, 2025.

EGU25-15382 | Posters virtual | VPS30

Event-Based Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Dust Storm Prediction 

kimia giahchin and mohammad danesh-yazdi

Dust storms pose significant environmental challenges in arid and semi-arid regions, causing serious health, environmental, and socio-economic impacts. Traditional dust modeling approaches, like numerical methods, often struggle to balance accuracy, computational efficiency, and data availability. This study employed a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) model for event-based dust storm modeling, integrating the physical principles of dust dynamics with data-driven methods. We demonstrated the applicability of the above framework in the Lake Urmia Basin, where the lake desiccation and external dust sources have triggered local dust storms. To this end, we first analyzed ground-recorded PM10 and weather data to identify dusty days between 2004 and 2019. Next, we trained an initial neural network (NN) model with remote sensing data that describe meteorological and boundary layer characteristics at the locations of pollution monitoring stations. This approach allowed us to generate gridded PM10 data, overcoming the limitations posed by insufficient and non-continuous data for directly training PINN. Finally, the PINN model was trained and validated on 21 selected dust events from three stations chosen for their spatial distribution and sufficient availability of PM10 data throughout the events. Analysis revealed that the initial NN model achieved R² of 62% and mean absolute error (MAE) of 65  on the test data. The PINN model demonstrated substantial improvement with mean R² of 93% and mean MAE of 9  on the gridded PM10, and MAE of 39  when validated against ground observations. Furthermore, the model yielded lower prediction accuracy in urban compared to rural stations, which is attributed to the bias imposed by the influence of terrestrial and industrial pollutions. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of PINNs in tackling dust transport modeling challenges in data-sparse regions, providing a novel way to combine physical principles with data-driven techniques for large-scale environmental applications.


How to cite: giahchin, K. and danesh-yazdi, M.: Event-Based Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Dust Storm Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15382, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15382, 2025.

EGU25-15571 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Assessment Framework of Ecosystem Services and Functions of Interconnected Small WaterBodies in Slopeland 

Chuan-Kai Hsieh, Su-Chin Chen, and Min-Chih Liang

Different types of water bodies, such as streams, creeks, irrigation ponds, and paddies, form networks in low-elevation mountainous areas, referred to as Interconnected Small Water Bodies in Slopeland (ISWBS) in the context of Taiwan. Little is known about the ecosystem functions and conservation potential of ISWBS, and an assessment framework is proposed using an integration of remote sensing and field survey data. We analyze whether network characteristics, node characteristics, and landscape factors impact ecological functions and estimate the services related to sediment reduction, agricultural production, and biodiversity that ISWBS provides.

In this preliminary study, we focused on irrigation and natural ponds as important nodes within ISWBS. Monitoring stations were established to record the micro-climate factors of the ponds, and surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates were conducted in 2024. Using a framework of functional feeding groups, the ponds are categorized based on the relative abundance of collector-gatherers, which significantly affect the results of ordination. Community analysis shows little and non-significant relationships between community composition and environmental factors, namely variations in water depth, landscape indices, and irrigation use. However, some factors, such as water depth variation during low depth periods, total edge length, and canal connection, show potential to contribute to future analyses.

Regarding the remote sensing analysis, we find that the distance between nodes has decreased over the past 40 years. Nevertheless, no biodiversity records are available to determine the impact of landscape change. The effects of changing network characteristics on community composition and functional groups are unclear due to insufficient sampling of biodiversity data. Further biodiversity sampling and the study of network characteristics are critical to determine how ISWBS functions in ecosystem processes, especially for sediment detention and nutrient cycling at a landscape scale.

How to cite: Hsieh, C.-K., Chen, S.-C., and Liang, M.-C.: Assessment Framework of Ecosystem Services and Functions of Interconnected Small WaterBodies in Slopeland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15571, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-15571, 2025.

Environmental challenges have had a negative impact on African forest resources, which has subsequently adversely affected some ecosystem services that are required for the survival of people. We conducted a comparative study in the wet and dry woodlands in Zambia to establish the formation of tree growth rings and determine the relationship between the growth ring width and rainfall. Through the four successful Africa Dendrochronological Fieldschools that were conducted from 2021 to 2024, we collected samples from the wet miombo woodlands on the copperbelt province and the dry miombo and Baikiaea woodlands on the southern province of Zambia. From 2021 to 2023, we recorded 49 tree species from the wet miombo woodlands and found that the Fabaceae family plants had the highest species richness with 28.5%. We determined a series intercorrelation of 0.45 and average mean sensitivity of 0.465 from a master chronology of 14 tree species. The dendroclimatic study found a significant positive relationship (r-value =0.589, p-value = 0.0005) between ring width of a mixed species chronology of Brchaystegia longifolia and Julbernadia paniculata, and precipitation totals for Zambia’s wet season (October–April). In 2024, studies were conducted in the dry miombo and Baikiaea woodlands. Through this study, 16 distinct species were identified in the Baikiaea woodlands with Baikiaea plurijuga being the abundant species. We determined series intercorrelation of 0.31 and an average mean sensitivity of 0.50 from a mixed tree species from the Baikiaea woodlands. A precipitation correlation with Brachytegia longifolia from the miombo woodlands found that previous December and Current March precipitation have positive influence on tree growth. In both, dry and wet woodlands, we found that trees produce annual growth rings that are responsive to seasonal climate, and are useful for dendrochronology

How to cite: Ngoma, J. and the Justine Ngoma: A comparative study of the dendroclimatic potential of selected tree species of the tropical dry and wet woodlands of Zambia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16432, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-16432, 2025.

EGU25-18096 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Modeling the Future of Laurisilva Forests: Integrating Regional and Global Bioclimatic Datasets for Projections Beyond the Canary Islands 

Paula Sosa-Guillén, Pierre Simon Tondreau, Rubén Barragán, Albano González, Juan C. Pérez, Francisco J. Expósito, and Juan P. Díaz

The laurel forest (laurisilva) represents a unique and biodiverse ecosystem currently confined to subtropical regions with specific climatic conditions. In the Canary Islands, these laurisilva forests, constrained to areas with high humidity and stable temperatures as the northern slopes of Tenerife, La Gomera, and La Palma, are of particular ecological importance hosting numerous endemic species. However, climate change poses a significant threat to these fragile habitats, with potential shifts in their distribution at both regional and global scales with new regions emerging as potential refuges for laurisilva forests. The main scope of this study is to explore the current distribution of laurisilva forests in the Canary Islands and projects to the future under different climate change scenarios for mid-century and end-century, its potential range in other archipelagos of Macaronesia and selected regions worldwide with similar climatic conditions.

Using Maxent as the primary modeling tool, we first trained the model by means of high-resolution bioclimatic indicators specifically designed for the Canary Islands, the so-called BICI-ULL dataset. This dataset was generated taking into account the intricate topography and diverse microclimatic patterns of the archipelago, providing a robust framework to delineate the current distribution of laurisilva. Once the model was trained, we used the global bioindicators from WorldClim and Chelsa to project the potential future distribution of laurisilva.

Thus, this methodology based on BICI-ULL allowed us to develop a detailed understanding of laurisilva distribution in the Canary Islands, while WorldClim and Chelsa facilitated the extrapolation of projections to broader geographic scales offering a framework for identifying potential refugia and new habitats for conservation planning of the laurisilva forests. These findings underline the importance of combining regional expertise with global datasets to inform conservation strategies for biodiverse but threatened ecosystems like laurisilva.

How to cite: Sosa-Guillén, P., Simon Tondreau, P., Barragán, R., González, A., Pérez, J. C., Expósito, F. J., and Díaz, J. P.: Modeling the Future of Laurisilva Forests: Integrating Regional and Global Bioclimatic Datasets for Projections Beyond the Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18096, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18096, 2025.


Climate Change Impacts in the Transboundary Prespa-Ohrid watershed.

(The strategic impact identified in the SWOT analysis)

Brisilda Stafa1; Emanuela Kiri1

1 Institute of Geosciences, UPT, Tirana, Albania. 

This study investigates the impacts of climate change on open surface water in the transboundary Prespa-Ohrid Lake area using a SWOT analysis based on lake level and meteorological data. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and increased evaporation rates have been identified as critical factors influencing water levels, particularly in Prespa Lake. The SWOT framework helps in systematically evaluating the internal strengths and weaknesses of the region’s hydrological systems and external opportunities and threats posed by climate change.

Strengths include the availability of long-term lake level and meteorological data, which provide a robust foundation for assessing climate impacts and water management strategies. Weaknesses highlight the vulnerability of shallow lakes like Prespa to evaporation and reduced inflows, compounded by inconsistent monitoring across national borders. Opportunities lie in the potential for enhanced regional cooperation, ecosystem-based adaptation, and the development of sustainable water management policies that account for climate variability. However, the region faces significant Threats, including further reductions in water availability, degradation of water quality, loss of biodiversity, and socio-economic impacts on agriculture and tourism.

The study emphasizes the need for transboundary cooperation and adaptive strategies to mitigate these risks, with a focus on integrating climate and water data to guide future decision-making in the region.

Keywords: climate change, transboundary watershed, SWOT analysis, socio–economic impact. 

How to cite: Stafa, B. and Kiri, E.: Climate Change Impacts in the Transboundary Prespa-Ohrid watershed. (The strategic impact identified in the SWOT analysis), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18927, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-18927, 2025.

Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) is a proposed climate intervention that involves injecting aerosols (or aerosol precursors) into the stratosphere to reduce global warming and associated devastating impacts. In this study, I estimate the socioeconomic effects of future SAI using model results from the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Large Ensemble (GLENS-SAI) and the Assessing Responses and Impacts of Solar Climate Intervention on the Earth System (ARISE-SAI)  as inputs to the Climate Framework for Uncertainty, Negotiation, and Distribution Integrated Assessment model (FUND). GLENS-SAI and ARISE-SAI are an ensemble of SAI simulations between 2020 and 2100 (GLENS) and 2035-2064 (ARISE-SAI-1.5) using the Community Earth System Model, wherein SAI is simulated to offset the warming produced by a high-emission scenario (RCP 8.5) and a middle of the road (SSP2-4.5). FUND's components include agriculture, forestry, heating, cooling, water resources, tropical and extratropical storms, biodiversity, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality, vector-borne diseases, diarrhea, migration, morbidity, and rising sea levels. These aggregate impacts culminate in net damages, calculated as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). In both emission scenarios, global damages take a more linear trend in time, with up to 1% of global GDP loss under SSP2 - 4.5, as opposed to 6% under RCP8.5 (Figure 1). Under GLENS and ARISE SAI, damages follow a beneficial pathway, resulting in up to 0.6% and 1% savings of global GDP, respectively (Figure 1). Significant aspects of net damages include cooling and heating demand, agriculture, and water resources. Whereas cooling costs rise under both warming scenarios, savings accrue from avoided heating costs. However, SAI elicits the opposite effect. Additionally, the Dynamic Integrated Climate-Economy model, a neoclassical IAM, was tailored similarly to give further insight into damages. A nonlinear regression approach was then applied to climate and economic data to validate the results from the integrated assessment models. Finally, a cost-benefit analysis was performed on the GLENS and ARISE scenarios using operational and deployment cost estimates from Wagner and Smith (2018). SAI benefits (savings) are more than sufficient to cover the costs of operation and deployment. Even in the extreme case (GLENS-SAI), cost peaks at around 0.03% of global GDP (Figure 2). This analysis will be pivotal in advising policymakers on the economic outcomes and feasibility of SAI. 

Figure 1 ( Damages as a percentage of global GDP. Left: SSP2-4.5 and ARISE-SAI. Right: RCP8.5 and GLENS-SAI)

Figure 2 (SAI costs as a percentage of Global GDP. Blue: ARISE-SAI, Yellow: GLENS-SAI)



Smith, W., & Wagner, G. (2018). Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment. Environmental Research Letters, 13(12), 124001.

How to cite: Ansah, P.: Leveraging Integrated Assessment Models to Assess Socioeconomic Impacts of Potential Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19957, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu25-19957, 2025.

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