Presentation type:

NP – Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

NP1.3 – Uncertainty, Sensitivity Analysis and Efficient Diagnostics in Geosciences (co-organized)

EGU2015-943 | Posters | NP1.3

Establishing the Capability of a 1D SVAT Modelling Scheme in Predicting Key Biophysical Vegetation Characterisation Parameters
Gareth Ireland, George P. Petropoulos, Toby N. Carlson, and Sarah Purdy

EGU2015-9749 | Orals | NP1.3

Methodologies for sensitivity analysis of model output when input parameters are defined on non-rectangular domains
Stefano Tarantola

EGU2015-12791 | Orals | NP1.3

Efficient Methods for Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis and Global Optimization of Computationally Expensive Environmental Models
Christine Shoemaker, Antoine Espinet, and Min Pang

EGU2015-2218 | Posters | NP1.3

Global Sensitivity Analysis of Environmental Models: Convergence, Robustness and Validation
Fanny Sarrazin, Francesca Pianosi, Farkhondeh Khorashadi Zadeh, Ann Van Griensven, and Thorsten Wagener

EGU2015-14675 | Orals | NP1.3

Uncertainty and Sensitivity analysis of a physically-based landslide model
Soni Yatheendradas and Dalia Kirschbaum

EGU2015-1048 | Posters | NP1.3

Development and Sensitivity Analysis of a Frost Risk model based primarily on freely distributed Earth Observation data
Panagiota Louka, George Petropoulos, and Ioannis Papanikolaou

EGU2015-5177 | Posters | NP1.3

An efficient multi-metric framework for the calibration of hydrological models with signature metrics
Matthias Pfannerstill, Björn Guse, Marcelo Haas, and Nicola Fohrer

EGU2015-7635 | Orals | NP1.3

A traceability framework for diagnostics of global land models
Yiqi Luo, Jianyang Xia, Junyi Liang, Lifen Jiang, Zheng Shi, Manoj KC, Oleksandra Hararuk, Rashid Rafique, and Ying-Ping Wang

EGU2015-15177 | Orals | NP1.3

Emulation of simulations of atmospheric dispersion at Fukushima for Sobol' sensitivity analysis
Sylvain Girard, Irène Korsakissok, and Vivien Mallet

EGU2015-11110 | Posters | NP1.3

Flood frequency analysis with uncertainty estimation and its application for hazard assessment – a case study in the Mekong Delta
Dung Nguyen Viet, Heiko Apel, Bruno Merz, and András Bárdossy

EGU2015-13543 | Posters | NP1.3

Calibration of rainfall-runoff models: The effect of the temporal distribution of rainfall on uncertainties in model parameter estimation
Vassilios Kaleris, Vassilios Kourakos, and Andreas Langousis

EGU2015-997 | Orals | NP1.3

Global sensitivity analysis of a SWAT model: comparison of the variance-based and moment-independent approaches
Farkhondeh Khorashadi Zadeh, Fanny Sarrazin, Jiri Nossent, Francesca Pianosi, Ann van Griensven, Thorsten Wagener, and Willy Bauwens

EGU2015-7155 | Posters | NP1.3

Gaussian process emulation in biogeochemical modeling
Ulrike Loeptien, Heiner Dietze, and Andreas Oschlies

EGU2015-15179 | Posters | NP1.3

Sensitivity analysis of a short distance atmospheric dispersion model applied to the Fukushima disaster
Raphaël Périllat, Sylvain Girard, Irène Korsakissok, and Vinien Mallet

EGU2015-4271 | Posters | NP1.3

A Global Sensitivity Analysis Method on Maximum Tsunami Wave Heights to Potential Seismic Source Parameters
Luchuan Ren

EGU2015-6127 | Posters | NP1.3

Mapping of Estimations and Prediction Intervals Using Extreme Learning Machines
Michael Leuenberger and Mikhail Kanevski

EGU2015-11278 | Posters | NP1.3

Standards for quality assessments of remotely sensed albedo products
Jennifer Adams

EGU2015-15181 | Posters | NP1.3

Investigation of the manifold sensitivities of a final repository model with two distinct peaks in the output distribution
Sabine M. Spiessl and Dirk-Alexander Becker

EGU2015-5178 | Posters | NP1.3

Maximising diagnostic information by relating temporal variations in parameter sensitivity to different segments of the flow duration curve
Björn Guse, Matthias Pfannerstill, Michael Strauch, Dominik Reusser, Martin Volk, and Nicola Fohrer

EGU2015-15174 | Posters | NP1.3

Optimising the weighting of the water retention index using sensitivity analysis
William Becker and Ine Vandecasteele

EGU2015-6777 | Posters | NP1.3

Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty estimation in ash concentration simulations and tephra deposit daily forecasted at Mt. Etna, in Italy
Michele Prestifilippo, Simona Scollo, and Stefano Tarantola

EGU2015-15190 | Posters | NP1.3

Fast computation of derivative based sensitivities of PSHA models via algorithmic differentiation
Hernan Leövey, Christian Molkenthin, Frank Scherbaum, Andreas Griewank, Nicolas Kuehn, and Peter Stafford

EGU2015-8503 | Posters | NP1.3

Identifying influential data points in hydrological model calibration and their impact on streamflow predictions
David Wright, Mark Thyer, and Seth Westra

EGU2015-11573 | Posters | NP1.3

Full uncertainty quantification of a regional N2O and NO3 inventory using the biogeochemical model LandscapeDNDC
Ignacio Santabarbara, Edwin Haas, Steffen Klatt, Ralf Kiese, and Klaus Butterbach-Bahl

EGU2015-15152 | Posters | NP1.3

Geostatistical Sampling Methods for Efficient Uncertainty Analysis in Flow and Transport Problems
Stylianos Liodakis, Phaedon Kyriakidis, and Petros Gaganis

EGU2015-742 | Posters | NP1.3

Uncertainty Analysis of Gross Primary Production Separated from Net Ecosystem Exchange Measurements at Speulderbos Forest, The Netherlands
Rahul Raj, Nicholas Alexander Samuel Hamm, Christiaan van der Tol, and Alfred Stein

EGU2015-109 | Posters | NP1.3

Sensitivity of PBL and Cumulus schemes for Thunderstorm prediction over an Indian Region
Dinesh kumar, Uma Charan mohanty, and Krishan kumar

NP1.5 – Geocomplexity and Scales (including Lewis Fry Richardson Medal Lecture)

EGU2015-200 | Posters | NP1.5

Reflection of hierarchical medium structures of different scales in the space time data of wave fields distribution.
Olga Hachay and Andrey Khachay

EGU2015-15351 | Orals | NP1.5

Lewis Fry Richardson Medal Lecture: Motionless travel across scales: Gulliver's scale free geophysics and the Pandora's multifractal box.
Daniel Schertzer

EGU2015-235 | Orals | NP1.5

Evidence for Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling in rotating stratified turbulence using high-resolution direct numerical simulations
Duane Rosenberg, Annick Pouquet, Raffaele Marino, and Pablo Mininni

EGU2015-634 | Posters | NP1.5

Accumulation of planets into the proto-planetary cloud as a process of occurring an amount of characteristic scales into the nonlinear self organized dynamical systems
Yurie Professor Khachay

EGU2015-611 | Orals | NP1.5

The Early Stages of Groundwater-fed River Bifurcation
Robert Yi, Hansjoerg Seybold, Goodwin Gibbins, and Daniel Rothman

EGU2015-13766 | Posters | NP1.5

Fractal Fragmentation triggered by meteor impact: The Ries Crater (Germany)
Joali Paredes Marino, Diego Perugini, Stefano Rossi, and Ulrich Kueppers

EGU2015-7530 | Posters | NP1.5

Revisiting the self-similarity concept in hydrological stochastic processes at annual, monthly and daily time scales
Efraín Domínguez, Thomas Rossman, and John Chavarro

EGU2015-4102 | Orals | NP1.5

Symmetry across scales: a symmetry-centred approach to the analysis of strongly variable natural patterns
Cristian Suteanu

EGU2015-9879 | Orals | NP1.5

Statistics of topography : from the planet scale down to 1 m
Francois Landais, Frederic Schmidt, and Shaun Lovejoy

EGU2015-14956 | Posters | NP1.5

Empirical meaning of DTM multifractal parameters in the precipitation context
Freddy Portilla Farfan, Jose Luis Valencia, Maria Villeta, Ana M. Tarquis, and Antonio Saa-Requejo

EGU2015-14491 | Posters | NP1.5

Spatial statistics, variation and trends in SPI and their relation to stream flow in Portugal
M. Isabel P. de Lima, Álvaro P. Silva, Fátima Espírito Santo, and João L.M.P. de Lima

EGU2015-5452 | Orals | NP1.5

Mars Energy Spectrum studies from Assimilated MCS data using the UK MGCM
Alexandru Valeanu, Peter Read, Yixiong Wang, Stephen Lewis, Luca Montabone, and Fachreddin Tabataba-Vakili

EGU2015-8086 | Orals | NP1.5

On Mars too, expect macroweather
Jean-Philippe Boisvert, Shaun Lovejoy, and Jan-Peter Muller

EGU2015-8646 | Posters | NP1.5

Inter-relationship between scaling exponents for describing self-similar river networks
Soohyun Yang and Kyungrock Paik

EGU2015-5308 | Orals | NP1.5

New Scaling Model for Variables and Increments with Heavy-Tailed Distributions
Monica Riva, Alberto Guadagnini, and Shlomo P. Neuman

EGU2015-7747 | Posters | NP1.5

Modeling of rainfall events and trends through multifractal analysis on the Ebro River Basin
Jose Luis Valencia, Ana María Tarquis, Antonio Saá-Requejo, María Villeta, and Jose María Gascó

EGU2015-14231 | Orals | NP1.5

Equivalence of Non-Equilibrium Ensembles and Representation of Friction in Turbulent Flows: The Lorenz 96 Model
Valerio Lucarini and Giovanni Gallavotti

EGU2015-10918 | Posters | NP1.5

How Vein Sealing Boosts Fracture Opening
Jens-Alexander Nüchter

EGU2015-11635 | Posters | NP1.5

Evolutionary direction of land-atmosphere system
Kyungrock Paik

EGU2015-14661 | Posters | NP1.5

A comparative study of two statistical approaches for the analysis of real seismicity sequences and synthetic seismicity generated by a stick-slip experimental model
Leticia Elsa Flores-Marquez, Alejandro Ramirez Rojaz, and Luciano Telesca

NP2.1 – ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling

EGU2015-106 | Orals | NP2.1 | Media interest

Why a strong El Niño did not develop in 2014
Christophe Menkes, Matthieu Lengaigne, Jérôme Vialard, Martin Puy, Patrick Marchesiello, Sophie Cravatte, and Gildas Cambon

EGU2015-4224 | Posters | NP2.1

Exploring qualitative regional climate projections: a case study for Nauru
Jaclyn Brown, Josephine Brown, Clothilde Langlais, Rob Colman, James Risbey, Bradley Murphy, Aurel Moise, Alex Sen Gupta, Ian Smith, Louise Wilson, Sugata Narsey, Michael Grose, and Matthew Wheeler

EGU2015-3104 | Orals | NP2.1 | Media interest

Hiatuses in global warming: the role of volcanic eruptions and Pacific decadal variability
Nicola Maher, Matthew England, Alexander Sen Gupta, and Shayne McGregor

EGU2015-4234 | Posters | NP2.1

Ocean resolution changes ENSO dynamics solely in the western Pacific warm pool.
Jaclyn Brown, Richard Matear, and Matthew Chamberlain

EGU2015-3226 | Orals | NP2.1

Interaction of Volcanic Forcing and El Nino: Sensitivity to the Eruption Magnitude and El Nino Intensity
Evgeniya Predybaylo, Andrew Wittenberg, and Georgiy Stenchikov

EGU2015-1584 | Posters | NP2.1

A further Study of ENSO Rectification: Results from an OGCM with a Seasonal Cycle
Lijuan Hua, Yongqiang Yu, and Dezheng Sun

EGU2015-14277 | Orals | NP2.1

Multiscale Dynamics of ENSO Impacts on Coral Proxy Environments: Towards Improving Reconstruction Accuracy
Samantha Stevenson, Brian Powell, Mark Merrifield, Kim Cobb, David Noone, and Jesse Nusbaumer

EGU2015-10663 | Posters | NP2.1

Discriminating different El Niño and La Niña phases by evolving climate networks
Marc Wiedermann, Alexander Radebach, Reik V. Donner, Jonathan F. Donges, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-8422 | Orals | NP2.1

Impacts of Indian and Atlantic oceans on ENSO in a comprehensive modelling framework
Pascal Terray, Sébastien Masson, Mathew Koll Roxy, and Chloé Prodhomme

EGU2015-8497 | Posters | NP2.1

The sensitivity of ENSO to external forcings: insights from the past
Steven Phipps, Helen McGregor, Matthew Fischer, Michael Gagan, Laurent Devriendt, Andrew Wittenberg, Colin Woodroffe, Jian-Xin Zhao, Jessica Gaudry, David Fink, and Allan Chivas

EGU2015-2707 | Posters | NP2.1

On the relative role of meridional convergence and downwelling motion during the heat buildup leading to El Niño events
Joan Ballester, Simona Bordoni, Desislava Petrova, and Xavier Rodó

EGU2015-4935 | Orals | NP2.1 | Media interest

Increased frequency of ENSO extremes under greenhouse warming
Agus Santoso and Wenju Cai

EGU2015-2836 | Posters | NP2.1

Some thoughts on atmospheric heat flux feedbacks for the ENSO seasonal phase locking
Dietmar Dommenget and Yanshan Yu

EGU2015-3064 | Posters | NP2.1

ENSO dynamics and diversity resulting from the recharge oscillator interacting with the slab ocean
Yanshan Yu, Dietmar Dommenget, Claudia Frauen, Wang Gang, and Scott Wales

EGU2015-165 | Posters | NP2.1

The Central Pacific El Niño Intraseasonal Kelvin wave
Kobi Mosquera-Vasquez, Boris Dewitte, and Serena Illig

EGU2015-5986 | Posters | NP2.1

CP and EP ENSO teleconnections in an idealised atmospheric IGCM
Michael Davey and Peter Haynes

EGU2015-8120 | Posters | NP2.1

Rainfall and Wind Patterns Along the Equator During El Niño and La Niña Events in 2000-2014
David Halpern

EGU2015-413 | Posters | NP2.1

Atlantic opportunities for ENSO prediction
Marta Martin del Rey, Belén Rodríguez-Fonseca, and Irene Polo

EGU2015-7556 | Posters | NP2.1

Is ENSO part of an Indo-Pacific phenomenon?
Claudia Wieners, Wilhelmus de Ruijter, and Henk Dijkstra

EGU2015-2564 | Posters | NP2.1 | Media interest

Who Killed the Big 2014-15 El Niño?
Michael McPhaden

EGU2015-2856 | Posters | NP2.1

The impact of basic state on the central Pacific ENSO during the last decade
Ruihuang Xie, Fei Huang, Fei-Fei Jin, and Jian Huang

EGU2015-12849 | Posters | NP2.1

Ocean-state dependency of the equatorial Pacific response to Westerly Wind Events
martin Puy, matthieu Lengaigne, gurvan Madec, jerome Vialard, and eric Guilyardi

EGU2015-6785 | Posters | NP2.1

A new factor - how do composition-climate interactions modify future ENSO extremes?
Peer J. Nowack, N. Luke Abraham, Peter Braesicke, and John A. Pyle

EGU2015-78 | Posters | NP2.1

Evidence of a strange nonchaotic attractor in the El Niño dynamics
Ilya Serykh and Dmitry Sonechkin

EGU2015-3497 | Posters | NP2.1

A Climate Network Based Index to Distinguish Sub- and Supercritical ENSO Events
Qingyi Feng and Henk Dijkstra

NP2.2 – Nonlinear Dynamics of the Atmosphere, Ocean and the Climate System

EGU2015-2415 | Posters | NP2.2

Non-linear response of the AMOC to buoyancy perturbations around Greenland
Sandra-Esther Brunnabend, Henk A. Dijkstra, Michael A. Kliphuis, Ben van Werkhoven, Henri E. Bal, Frank Seinstra, Jason Maassen, and Maarten van Meersbergen

EGU2015-3825 | Orals | NP2.2

The Ocean-Atmosphere Hydrothermohaline Conveyor Belt
Kristofer Döös, Joakim Kjellsson, Jan Zika, Frédéric Laliberté, and Laurent Brodeau

EGU2015-6621 | Orals | NP2.2

Stable AMOC off-state in an eddy-resolving coupled climate model
Jennifer Mecking, Sybren Drijfhout, Laura Jackson, Tim Graham, and Richard Wood

EGU2015-2614 | Posters | NP2.2 | Media interest

Systematic Attribution of Observed Southern Hemispheric Circulation Trends to External Forcing and Internal Variability
Christian Franzke, Terence O'Kane, Didier Monselesan, James Risbey, and Illia Horenko

EGU2015-3844 | Orals | NP2.2

Interaction and energy transfer between an atmospheric and an oceanic layer at the synoptic and the meso-scale
Aimie Moulin and Achim Wirth

EGU2015-3769 | Posters | NP2.2

Influence of external forcings on the millennial-scale climate oscillations: an investigation based on simple skeleton models
Takahito Mitsui and Michel Crucifix

EGU2015-5775 | Posters | NP2.2

Influence of deep vortices on the ocean surface
Daniele Ciani, Xavier Carton, Igor Bashmachnikov, and Bertrand Chapron

EGU2015-5383 | Orals | NP2.2

Storm tracks near marginal stability
Maarten Ambaum and Lenka Novak

EGU2015-6055 | Posters | NP2.2

Normal, rare or extreme? A recurrence-based technique for the detection of genuine extremes
Davide Faranda, Carmen Alvarez-Castro, and Pascal Yiou

EGU2015-9712 | Orals | NP2.2

Large deviations of atmospheric jets
Tomas Tangarife, Freddy Bouchet, Cesare Nardini, and John Bradley Marston

EGU2015-8281 | Posters | NP2.2

Multiple Steady Solutions of a Model Subpolar Ocean forced by Localized Wind
Alexander Fuller and Thomas Haine

EGU2015-14250 | Orals | NP2.2

Global instability in a Sellers-type model
Valerio Lucarini and Tamas Bodai

EGU2015-8522 | Posters | NP2.2

Low-frequency variability and predictability in a new low-order, nonlinear, coupled ocean-atmosphere model
Stéphane Vannitsem, Jonathan Demaeyer, Lesley De Cruz, and Michael Ghil

EGU2015-9554 | Posters | NP2.2

Topology and seasonal evolution of the network of extreme precipitation over the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka
Paige Martin, Veronika Stolbova, Bodo Bookhagen, Norbert Marwan, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-10193 | Posters | NP2.2

Eddy-driven low-frequency variability: physics and observability through altimetry
Thierry Penduff, Guillaume Sérazin, Brian Arbic, Malte Mueller, James G. Richman, Jay F. Shriver, Andrew J. Morten, and Robert B. Scott

EGU2015-11004 | Posters | NP2.2

Climate response to astronomical forcing: a resonance scenario vs. a synchronization scenario
Arianna Marchionne

EGU2015-11600 | Posters | NP2.2

A Climatological study of sea breezes in the Red Sea region of Saudi Arabia
Basit A. Khan and Yasser Abualnaja

EGU2015-11633 | Posters | NP2.2

Application of the EOF reduction method to idealized models for the wind-driven ocean and the thermohaline circulation
Jairo Segura, Thomas Frisius, and Gualtiero Badin

EGU2015-11890 | Posters | NP2.2

North Atlantic eddy-driven jet in interglacial and glacial winter climates
Niklaus Merz, Christoph Raible, and Tim Woollings

EGU2015-13041 | Posters | NP2.2

Optimisation of an idealised ocean model, stochastic parameterisation of sub-grid eddies.
Fenwick Cooper and Laure Zanna

NP3.2 – Subgrid modeling and parameterization in nonlinear geosystems

EGU2015-87 | Posters | NP3.2

The Parameterization of PBL height with Helicity and preliminary Application in Tropical Cyclone Prediction
Leiming Ma

EGU2015-7474 | Orals | NP3.2

Experiments in the use of stochastic scaling in moist physics parameterizations for models of the atmospheric -5/3 range
Joseph Tribbia

EGU2015-9697 | Posters | NP3.2

Parameterization and Monte Carlo solutions to PDF evolution equations
Nicolae Suciu, Lennart Schüler, Sabine Attinger, and Peter Knabner

EGU2015-1572 | Orals | NP3.2

Analyzing and leveraging self-similarity for variable resolution atmospheric models
Travis O'Brien and William Collins

EGU2015-9274 | Orals | NP3.2

A new wind-farm parameterization for large-scale atmospheric models
Mahdi Abkar and Fernando Porté-Agel

EGU2015-15063 | Posters | NP3.2

Evaluation of the scale dependent dynamic SGS model in the open source code caffa3d.MBRi in wall-bounded flows
Martin Draper and Gabriel Usera

EGU2015-11370 | Orals | NP3.2

Climate Impacts of Large-scale Wind Farms as Parameterized in a Global Climate Model
Anna Fitch

EGU2015-15353 | Posters | NP3.2

Adaptive wall functions and near-wall behavior in turbulence modeling
Rafik Absi

EGU2015-7478 | Orals | NP3.2

Blowing snow in complex terrain: an LES investigation
Scott Salesky, Marco Giometto, Marcelo Chamecki, and Marc Parlange

EGU2015-15254 | Posters | NP3.2

The offshore wind resources assessment application of floating LiDAR in the Taiwan Strait
Chung-Yao Hsuan, Yu-Ting Wu, and Ta-Hui Lin

EGU2015-925 | Posters | NP3.2

In situ measurements of wind and current speed and relationship between output power and turbulence

EGU2015-13593 | Orals | NP3.2

Investigation of flow transition problems at WRFs nested-domain interfaces
Gokhan Kirkil

EGU2015-3008 | Posters | NP3.2

Large eddy simulations as a parameterization tool for canopy-structure X VOC-flux interactions
William Kenny, Gil Bohrer, and Efthalia Chatziefstratiou

EGU2015-13717 | Posters | NP3.2

Large-eddy simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flow and passive scalar dispersion over idealized urban surfaces
Wai Chi Cheng and Fernando Porté-Agel

EGU2015-13817 | Posters | NP3.2

Large-eddy simulation of very-large-scale motions in atmospheric boundary-layer flows
Jiannong Fang and Fernando Porté-Agel

EGU2015-4784 | Posters | NP3.2

Influence of sub-grid scale parameterizations on atmospheric variability over a heterogeneous agricultural area
Wim Timmermans, Ana Andreu, Fernando Porté-Agel, and John Albertson

EGU2015-14614 | Posters | NP3.2

Subgrid scale motions in stratified turbulence
Sina Khani and Michael L. Waite

EGU2015-15065 | Posters | NP3.2

Upscaling of soil moisture measurements in NW Italy
Stefano Ferraris, Davide Canone, Maurizio Previati, Christian Brunod, Sara Ratto, and Marco Cauduro

EGU2015-9488 | Posters | NP3.2

A rainfall simulator based on multifractal generator
Nawal Akrour, Cecile mallet, Laurent barthes, and Aymeric chazottes

EGU2015-14528 | Posters | NP3.2

Scaling based study of the relation between rainfall and surface runoff across scales
M. Isabel P. de Lima, Fátima Espírito Santo, and Álvaro P. Silva

NP3.3 – Scale, scaling and uncertainty in the climate, climate and
 climate models, in the ocean, atmosphere and hydrosphere (co-organized)

EGU2015-3632 | Orals | NP3.3

Palaeoclimate dynamics : a voyage through scales
Michel Crucifix and Takahito Mitsui

EGU2015-13123 | Posters | NP3.3

Quantifying the sources of error in coarse resolution climate driven air-quality applications over urban areas
Konstantinos Markakis, Myrto Valari, Olivier Perrussel, Olivier Sanchez, and Cecile Honore

EGU2015-9154 | Posters | NP3.3

Scaling analysis of ocean surface turbulent heterogeneities from satellite remote sensing: a methodological study.
Renosh Pannimpullath Remanan, Francois Schmitt, and Hubert Loisel

EGU2015-11089 | Orals | NP3.3

Quiescent climate models or noisy proxies: comparing observed and simulated Holocene temperature variability
Thomas Laepple and Peter Huybers

EGU2015-3650 | Orals | NP3.3

Spatiotemporal correlations in Earth's temperature field from fractional stochastic-diffusive energy balance models
Kristoffer Rypdal, Martin Rypdal, and Hege-Beate Fredriksen

EGU2015-4990 | Posters | NP3.3

Scales and upscaling in groundwater flow and transport
Gedeon Dagan and Aldo Fiori

EGU2015-12996 | Orals | NP3.3

Is there a break in scaling on centennial time scale in Holocene temperature records?
Tine Nilsen, Kristoffer Rypdal, and Hege-Beate Fredriksen

EGU2015-13313 | Posters | NP3.3

Energy, Water and CO2 turbulent fluxes measurements over a large reservoir in Portugal
Miguel Potes, Rui Salgado, Maria João Costa, Carlos Rodrigues, and Rafael Serrano

EGU2015-170 | Posters | NP3.3

Effect of gravity on clustering patterns and inertial particle attractors
Franck Nicolleau

EGU2015-9925 | Orals | NP3.3

Information transfer across the scales of climate data variability
Milan Palus, Nikola Jajcay, David Hartman, and Jaroslav Hlinka

EGU2015-7569 | Orals | NP3.3 | Media interest

Dissipation Rate of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Diel Vertical Migrations: Comparison of ANSYS Fluent Model to Measurements
Cayla Dean, Alexander Soloviev, Amy Hirons, Tamara Frank, and Jon Wood

EGU2015-776 | Posters | NP3.3

Assessing the Uncertainty in Downscaling Approaches using Hydrological Model
Tarul Sharma, Surbhi Chhabra, Subhankar Karmakar, Subimal Ghosh, and Kaustubh Salvi

EGU2015-14478 | Posters | NP3.3

Choosing a 'best' global aerosol model: Can observations constrain parametric uncertainty?
Jo Browse, Carly Reddington, Kirsty Pringle, Leighton Regayre, Lindsay Lee, Anja Schmidt, Paul Field, and Kenneth Carslaw

EGU2015-5527 | Posters | NP3.3

Arctic Budget Study of Inter-member Variability using HIRHAM5 Ensemble Simulations
Anja Sommerfeld, Oumarou Nikiema, Annette Rinke, Klaus Dethloff, and Rene Laprise

EGU2015-5866 | Posters | NP3.3

Energy cycle associated with Inter-member Variability in a large ensemble of simulations of the Canadian RCM (CRCM5)
Oumarou Nikiema and René Laprise

EGU2015-11420 | Posters | NP3.3

Spatiotemporal correlation structure of the Earth's surface temperature
Hege-Beate Fredriksen, Kristoffer Rypdal, and Martin Rypdal

EGU2015-10162 | Posters | NP3.3

Are the scaling properties of instrumental and long-term proxy temperature records consistent with a simple energy balance model?
Martin Rypdal and Kristoffer Rypdal

EGU2015-981 | Posters | NP3.3

Scaling linear Inverse Models (SLIM) for regional macroweather forecasting and the development of Global Macroweather Models (GMM's)
Lenin Del Rio Amador, Shaun Lovejoy, Raphael Hebert, and Norberto Majdis

EGU2015-1760 | Posters | NP3.3

Multifractality and autoregressive processes of dry spell lengths in Europe: an approach to their complexity and predictability
Maria-Dolors Martinez, Xavier Lana, Augusto Burgueño, and Carina Serra

EGU2015-9630 | Posters | NP3.3

Effects of the 7-8-year cycle in daily mean air temperature as a cross-scale information transfer
Nikola Jajcay, Jaroslav Hlinka, and Milan Paluš

EGU2015-13011 | Posters | NP3.3

Bigger is not always better; How cold-water corals outgrow themselves
Furu Mienis, Gerard Duineveld, Marc Lavaleye, Christian Mohn, and Hans Van Haren

NP3.6 – Multifractals and singularity analysis in mineral exploration and environmental assessment

EGU2015-6934 | Orals | NP3.6 | Media interest

Environmental complexity across scales: mechanism, scaling and the phenomenological fallacy
Shaun Lovejoy

EGU2015-9468 | Posters | NP3.6 | Media interest

Outreach for Local Singularity Analysis
Eduardo de Mulder

EGU2015-8081 | Orals | NP3.6

Singularity analysis: theory and further developments
Qiuming Cheng

EGU2015-2097 | Posters | NP3.6

Singularity analysis and robust neighborhood statistics
Renguang Zuo

EGU2015-8073 | Orals | NP3.6

Implication of Carbonate Dissolution Dynamics based on Multifractality of microstrures on Rock Surfaces
Shuyun Xie, Zhiliang He, Yang Fang, Yin Liu, Dianwei Zhang, and Zhengyu Bao

EGU2015-14718 | Posters | NP3.6

Anisotropic singularity analysis based on geological constrained moving windows
Wenlei Wang and Qiuming Cheng

EGU2015-6179 | Orals | NP3.6

Using multifractal modeling as a standard tool in geochemical exploration for predicting mineralized areas
Mario A. Gonçalves

EGU2015-350 | Posters | NP3.6

Scaling regimes in landslide patterns: applications in the Umbria region (Italy)
Luisa Liucci, Cristian Suteanu, and Laura Melelli

EGU2015-14740 | Orals | NP3.6

Geochemical baseline distribution of harmful elements in the surface soils of Campania region.
Stefano Albanese, Annamaria Lima, Chengkai Qu, Domenico Cicchella, Antonella Buccianti, and Benedetto De Vivo

EGU2015-7055 | Posters | NP3.6

Practical aspects with multifractal simulation of a geochemical landscape
Lingqing Yao

EGU2015-2323 | Orals | NP3.6

Tien Shan geohazards database: earthquake and landslide size-frequency statistics
Hans-Balder Havenith

EGU2015-8156 | Posters | NP3.6

A rapid local singularity analysis algorithm with applications
Zhijun Chen, Qiuming Cheng, and Frits Agterberg

EGU2015-7904 | Posters | NP3.6

Fractal Modeling and Mapping of Geochemical Anomalies Based on Scaling Spectral Analysis
Guoxiong Chen and Qiuming Cheng

EGU2015-7911 | Posters | NP3.6

Identification and Separation of Geochemical Distribution Patterns using Fractal/Multifractal Methods
Yue Liu and Qiuming Cheng

EGU2015-13057 | Posters | NP3.6

Observed changes in seasonal heat waves and warm temperature extremes in the Romanian Carpathians
Dana Micu, Marius-Victor Birsan, Alexandru Dumitrescu, and Sorin Cheval

EGU2015-14699 | Posters | NP3.6

Singularity analysis of geochemical concentration data in soil over altered rocks
Zhaoxian Yuan, Jie Yang, Rongrong Zhang, and Qiuming Cheng

EGU2015-14767 | Posters | NP3.6

Patterns of singularity in Dalaimiao district, Inner Mongolia, China.
Jie Yang and Qiuming Cheng

EGU2015-15813 | Posters | NP3.6

Singularity analysis of multisource geodatasets for information extraction and integration for mineral prospecting
Jie Zhao

NP4.1 – Time Series Analysis in the Geosciences - Concepts, Methods and Applications

EGU2015-5798 | Orals | NP4.1

Recurrence Analysis of Eddy Covariance Fluxes
Holger Lange, Milan Flach, Thomas Foken, and Michael Hauhs

EGU2015-2276 | Posters | NP4.1

The main periodicities of the geomagnetic pc5 wave power and their relationship with solar wind dynamic pressure, magnetospheric field and electron fluxes
Tommaso Alberti, Mirko Piersanti, Antonio Vecchio, Fabio Lepreti, Vincenzo Carbone, Umberto Villante, Patrizia Francia, Marcello De Lauretis, and Mauro Regi

EGU2015-11281 | Orals | NP4.1

Detrended Partial-Cross-Correlation Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Correlations on Different Time Scales in Complex System
Naiming Yuan, Zuntao Fu, Huan Zhang, Elena Xoplaki, and Juerg Luterbacher

EGU2015-11247 | Orals | NP4.1

Wavelet Correlation and Multi-scale Coupling in Geophysical Systems
Erik Casagrande, Brigitte Mueller, Diego Miralles, Dara Entekhabi, and Annalisa Molini

EGU2015-2874 | Posters | NP4.1

Periods of the Earth's seismicity activation and their relationship to variations in the Earth's rotation velocity
Elena Sasorova and Boris Levin

EGU2015-9388 | Orals | NP4.1

ENSO forecast using a wavelet-based decomposition
Adrien Deliège, Samuel Nicolay, and Xavier Fettweis

EGU2015-1687 | Posters | NP4.1

Fractal structure and predictability of distances between consecutive events: an analysis of three seismic aftershock sequences in Southern California
Maria-Dolors Martinez, Xavier Lana, Marisol Monterrubio, and Carina Serra

EGU2015-8874 | Orals | NP4.1

Relevance of different spectral techniques to describe estuarine suspended sediment dynamics based on a high-frequency, long-term turbidity dataset
Isabel Jalón Rojas, Sabine Schmidt, and Aldo Sottolichio

EGU2015-4038 | Posters | NP4.1

Study of time dynamics of seismicity for the Mexican subduction zone by means of the visibility graph method.
Alejandro Ramírez-Rojas, Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo, and Leticia Flores

EGU2015-14667 | Posters | NP4.1

Global characterization of geophysical data using lagrangean data and Markov-chain statistics.
Alejandro Pares-Sierra and Ana Laura Flores-Morales

EGU2015-9763 | Orals | NP4.1

Straight line fitting and predictions: On a marginal likelihood approach to linear regression and errors-in-variables models
Bo Christiansen

EGU2015-9212 | Orals | NP4.1

Probabilistically constraining proxy age-depth models within a Bayesian hierarchical reconstruction model
Johannes Werner and Martin Tingley

EGU2015-15258 | Posters | NP4.1

On the critical or geometrical nature of the observed scaling laws associated with the fracture and faulting processes
Stelios M. Potirakis, John Kopanas, George Antonopoulos, Constantinos Nomicos, and Konstantinos Eftaxias

EGU2015-4445 | Orals | NP4.1

How to analyse irregularly sampled geophysical time series?
Deniz Eroglu, Ibrahim Ozken, Thomas Stemler, Norbert Marwan, Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll, and Juergen Kurths

EGU2015-8399 | Posters | NP4.1

Temporal correlation patterns in pre-seismic electromagnetic emissions reveal distinct complexity profiles prior to major earthquakes
Reik V. Donner, Stelios M. Potirakis, George Balasis, Konstantinos Eftaxias, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-8707 | Posters | NP4.1

Intrinsic vs. spurious long-range memory in high-frequency records of environmental radioactivity - Critical re-assessment and application to indoor 222Rn concentrations from Coimbra, Portugal
Reik V. Donner, Stelios M. Potirakis, Susana M. Barbosa, and Jose A.O. Matos

EGU2015-8810 | Orals | NP4.1

Climate regime shifts in paleoclimate time series from the Yucatán Peninsula: from the Preclassic to Classic period
Josue M. Polanco Martínez, Martin Medina-Elizalde, Stephen J. Burns, Xiuyang Jiang, and Chuan-Chou Shen

EGU2015-11717 | Orals | NP4.1

Early warnings and missed alarms for abrupt monsoon transitions
Zoe Thomas, Frank Kwasniok, Chris Boulton, Peter Cox, Richard Jones, Timothy Lenton, and Chris Turney

EGU2015-11156 | Posters | NP4.1

Long-term changes in ozone - challenges associated with merging instrumental records
Neil Harris, Greg Bodeker, Stacey Frith, Birgit Hassler, Daan Hubert, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Wolfgang Steinbrecht, Richard Stolarski, and Fiona Tummon

EGU2015-1333 | Orals | NP4.1

Sidebands alongside the diurnal frequencies of radon time series in a simulation experiment -- an indication for a direct association with the earth-sun system
Gideon Steinitz, Peter A. Sturrock, Oksana Piatibratova, and Peter Kotlarsky

EGU2015-15257 | Orals | NP4.1

Recent fracture induced electromagnetic field measurements revealing an Earth system in second order phase transition before the occurrence of significant earthquakes
Stelios M. Potirakis, Yiannis Contoyiannis, John Kopanas, George Antonopoulos, Constantinos Nomicos, and Konstantinos Eftaxias

EGU2015-5737 | Posters | NP4.1

Simulation And Forecasting of Daily Pm10 Concentrations Using Autoregressive Models In Kagithane Creek Valley, Istanbul
Kübra Ağaç, Kasım Koçak, and Ali Deniz

EGU2015-750 | Posters | NP4.1

Stochastic and deterministic models of soil salinity in the root zone
Basem Aljoumani, Andre Peters, Steffen Trinks, and Gerd Wessolek

EGU2015-13620 | Posters | NP4.1

Projected future changes in regional seasonal cycles
Fernando Arizmendi, Marcelo Barreiro, and Henk Dijkstra

EGU2015-13342 | Posters | NP4.1

Time series decomposition for assessing long-term changes in the seasonality of Baltic sea-level
Susana Barbosa and Reik Donner

EGU2015-13877 | Posters | NP4.1

Bivariate wavelet-based clustering of sea-level and atmospheric pressure time series
Susana Barbosa, Sonia Gouveia, Manuel Scotto, and Andres Alonso

EGU2015-13887 | Posters | NP4.1

Randomized MSSA in finding the physically meaningful oscillations in the 20th century reanalysis temperature data
Teija Seitola, Johan Silen, and Heikki Järvinen

EGU2015-515 | Posters | NP4.1

Structural Time Series Model for El Niño Prediction
Desislava Petrova, Siem Jan Koopman, Joan Ballester, and Xavier Rodo

EGU2015-979 | Posters | NP4.1

Homogenization of atmospheric pressure time series recorded at VLBI stations using a segmentation LASSO approach
Kyriakos Balidakis, Robert Heinkelmann, Cuixian Lu, Benedikt Soja, Maria Karbon, Tobias Nilsson, Susanne Glaser, Julian Andres Mora-Diaz, James Anderson, Li Liu, Virginia Raposo-Pulido, Minghui Xu, and Harald Schuh

EGU2015-2679 | Posters | NP4.1

Reclassification of Climate Regions By Using Discriminant Analysis
Evren Özgür and Kasım Koçak

EGU2015-4738 | Posters | NP4.1

Detection of temperature trends within the course of the year using “shifting subseasons”
Monika Cahynova and Lucie Pokorna

EGU2015-13182 | Posters | NP4.1

Comparison of time series using entropy and mutual correlation
Fabio Madonna and Marco Rosoldi

EGU2015-7424 | Posters | NP4.1

Identifying driving climate factors of wheat and maize yields inter-annual variability in France
Andrej Ceglar, Andrea Toreti, Remi Lecerf, and Frank J. Dentener

EGU2015-8249 | Posters | NP4.1

A method for estimating the age–depth relationship of Dome Fuji Ice Core using a sequential Monte Carlo method
Shinya Nakano, Kazue Suzuki, Kenji Kawamura, Frederic Parrenin, and Tomoyuki Higuchi

EGU2015-4960 | Posters | NP4.1

Analysing the degree of replication of palaeoclimate records
Norbert Marwan, Patrick Koethur, Carl Witt, Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach, and Mike Sips

EGU2015-7488 | Posters | NP4.1

Nonlinear approaches to detecting tipping points in Earth's climate history
Jasper Gideon Franke and Reik V. Donner

EGU2015-6689 | Posters | NP4.1

Testing the impact of stratigraphic uncertainty on spectral analyses of sedimentary time series
Mathieu Martinez, Sergey Kotov, David De Vleeschouwer, Damien Pas, and Maximilian Vahlenkamp

NP4.2 – Satellite, aerial and remotely sensed Time Series

EGU2015-9487 | Orals | NP4.2

Sar interferometry time series analysis of surface deformation for Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Reunion Island
Yu Chen, Dominique Remy, Jean-Luc Froger, José Darrozes, and Sylvain Bonvalot

EGU2015-9243 | Posters | NP4.2

Multitemporal Monitoring of the Air Quality in Bulgaria by Satellite Based Instruments
Hristo Nikolov and Denitsa Borisova

EGU2015-9477 | Posters | NP4.2

On the characterization of vegetation recovery after fire disturbance using Fisher–Shannon analysis and SPOT/VEGETATION Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series
Rosa Lasaponara, Antonio Lanorte, Michele Lovallo, and Luciano Telesca

EGU2015-9346 | Orals | NP4.2

Stability and subsidence across Rome (Italy) in 2011-2013 based on COSMO-SkyMed Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
Cigna Francesca, Rosa Lasaponara, Masini Nicola, Milillo Pietro, and Tapete Deodato

EGU2015-10786 | Posters | NP4.2 | Media interest

On the use of COSMO-SkyMed time series for the identification of Archaeological traces dating from the Eastern-Han to Northern-Wei Dynasties in Luoyang city.
Fulong Chen, Nicola Masini, Ruixia Yang, Dexian Feng, and Rosa Lasaponara

EGU2015-12148 | Orals | NP4.2

Natural and anthropogenic ground subsidence in the Sibari Plain basin (Southern Italy) detected by Envisat and Cosmo-SkyMed InSAR time series analysis
Giuseppe Cianflone, Cristiano Tolomei, Carlo Alberto Brunori, and Rocco Dominici

EGU2015-9123 | Orals | NP4.2

Reconstructing regional climate networks from irregularly sampled satellite data
Marc Wiedermann, Reik V. Donner, Olga Sykioti, Constantinos Papadimitriou, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-11815 | Posters | NP4.2

Low cost monitoring from space using Landsat TM time series and open source technologies: the case study of Iguazu park
Gabriele Nole and Rosa Lasaponara

EGU2015-14285 | Posters | NP4.2

Performance of MODIS satellite and mesoscale model based land surface temperature for soil moisture deficit estimation using Neural Network
Prashant K. Srivastava, George P. Petropoulos, Manika Gupta, and Tanvir Islam

EGU2015-10844 | Orals | NP4.2

Monitoring the Urban Growth on Vitosha Northeast Slope by Time Series Analysis
Hristo Nikolov

EGU2015-14981 | Orals | NP4.2

Post-fire Vegetation Regeneration Dynamics to Topography and Burn Severity in two contrasting ecosystems: the Case of the Montane Cordillera Ecozones of Western Canada & that of a Typical Mediterranean site in Greece
Gareth Ireland, George P. Petropoulos, Dionissios Kalivas, Hywel M. Griffirths, and Panagiota Louka

EGU2015-14836 | Posters | NP4.2

Use of timesat to estimate phenological parameters in Northwestern Patagonia
Facundo Oddi, Priscilla Minotti, Luciana Ghermandi, and Rosa Lasaponara

EGU2015-14841 | Posters | NP4.2

Multiscale, multispectral and multitemporal satellite data to identify archaeological remains in the archaeological area of Tiwanaku (Bolivia)
Nicola Masini and Rosa Lasaponara

EGU2015-14844 | Posters | NP4.2

MITRA Virtual laboratory for operative application of satellite time series for land degradation risk estimation
Gabriele Nole, Francesco Scorza, Antonio Lanorte, Teresa Manzi, and Rosa Lasaponara

EGU2015-15206 | Posters | NP4.2

On the space monitoring of the Sassi and Murgia Park (Matera UNESCO site) using LANDSAT time series
Antonio Lanorte, Gabriele Nole, Teresa Manzi, and Rosa Lasaponara

EGU2015-15207 | Posters | NP4.2

On the use of Multisensor and multitemporal data for monitoring risk degradation and looting in archaeological site
Nicola Masini and Rosa Lasaponara

EGU2015-15205 | Posters | NP4.2

Comparison of time series NDVI between two different seasonal forest fires in Daxing'anling region, China
Xiaolian Li, Antonio Lanorte, Luciano Telesca, and Rosa Lasaponara

NP4.4 – Inferring Models from Data for Qualitative vs. Quantitative Forecasts

EGU2015-6841 | Posters | NP4.4

Big climate data analysis
Manfred Mudelsee

EGU2015-5729 | Orals | NP4.4

Reconstruction of principal dynamical modes from climatic variability: nonlinear approach
Dmitry Mukhin, Andrey Gavrilov, Evgeny Loskutov, Alexander Feigin, and Juergen Kurths

EGU2015-2853 | Orals | NP4.4

Stochastic Modeling of Decadal Variability in Ocean Gyres
Dmitri Kondrashov and Pavel Berloff

EGU2015-2160 | Posters | NP4.4

New Climate Network Communities from Anomalies and Seasonal Cycle Time-Series
giulio tirabassi and cristina masoller

EGU2015-3263 | Orals | NP4.4 | Media interest

The use of complex network techniques to determine (future) climate transitions
Qingyi Feng, Jan Viebahn, and Henk A. Dijkstra

EGU2015-3735 | Posters | NP4.4

Verónica Martín and Marcelo Barreiro

EGU2015-4620 | Posters | NP4.4

"Time-dependent flow-networks"
Liubov Tupikina, Nora Molkentin, Cristobal Lopez, Emilio Hernandez-Garcia, Norbert Marwan, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-12425 | Orals | NP4.4

Optimal model-free prediction from multivariate time series
Jakob Runge, Reik V. Donner, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-627 | Posters | NP4.4

Empirical decomposition of climate data into nonlinear dynamic modes
Andrey Gavrilov, Dmitry Mukhin, Evgeny Loskutov, Alexander Feigin, and Juergen Kurths

EGU2015-3865 | Orals | NP4.4 | Media interest

Data-based Non-Markovian Model Inference
Michael Ghil

EGU2015-6217 | Posters | NP4.4

Decomposition of the complex system into nonlinear spatio-temporal modes: algorithm and application to climate data mining
Alexander Feigin, Andrey Gavrilov, Evgeny Loskutov, and Dmitry Mukhin

EGU2015-3384 | Orals | NP4.4

Weather and event generators based on analogues of atmospheric circulation
Pascal Yiou

EGU2015-10483 | Orals | NP4.4

Percolation-based precursors of transitions in dynamical systems
Victor Manuel Rodriguez Mendez, Victor M. Eguiluz, Jose J. Ramasco, and Emilio Hernandez-Garcia

EGU2015-14069 | Posters | NP4.4

Extraction of climate subsystems on the basis of MSSA technique
Evgeny Loskutov, Dmitry Mukhin, Andrey Gavrilov, and Alexander Feigin

EGU2015-6446 | Posters | NP4.4

Recurrence plot analysis of spatially extended high-dimensional dynamics
Norbert Marwan, Saskia Foerster, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-10922 | Orals | NP4.4

How Amazonian deforestation can alter the South American circulation regime: Insights from a non-linear moisture transport model
Niklas Boers, Norbert Marwan, Henrique Barbosa, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-8509 | Posters | NP4.4

Different stages of the East Asian Summer Monsoon in the Holocene
Bedartha Goswami, Aljoscha Rheinwalt, Niklas Boers, Norbert Marwan, Jobst Heitzig, Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-14422 | Orals | NP4.4

Climate network reveals the effect of deep equatorial Pacific ridge on El-Nino
yang wang, avi Gozolchiani, Yosef Ashkenazy, and Shlomo Havlin

EGU2015-6513 | Posters | NP4.4

Northern hemisphere extratropical ocean-atmosphere interactions from a coupled climate network perspective
Marc Wiedermann, Jonathan F. Donges, Reik V. Donner, Dörthe Handorf, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-12038 | Posters | NP4.4

Identification of tipping elements of the Indian Summer Monsoon using climate network approach
Veronika Stolbova, Elena Surovyatkina, and Jurgen Kurths

EGU2015-15141 | Posters | NP4.4

How complex climate networks complement eigen techniques for the statistical analysis of climatological data
Jonathan Donges, Irina Petrova, Alexander Löw, Norbert Marwan, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-7591 | Posters | NP4.4

Dynamical analysis of the Indian Ocean climate network and its correlation with Australian Millennium Drought
Laura Carpi, Cristina Masoller, Albert Díaz-Guilera, and Martín G. Ravetti

EGU2015-9596 | Posters | NP4.4

Direct link paths detection for observed teleconnections in climate networks
Dong Zhou, Avi Gozolchiani, Yosef Ashkenazy, and Shlomo Havlin

EGU2015-12064 | Posters | NP4.4

Lagrangian Flow networks: a new way to characterize transport and connectivity in geophysical flows
Enrico Ser-Giacomi, Emilio Hernandez-Garcia, Cristobal Lopez, Vincent Rossi, and Ruggero Vasile

EGU2015-12265 | Posters | NP4.4

Influence of large-scale climate modes on dynamical complexity patterns of Indian Summer Monsoon rainfall
Constantinos Papadimitriou, Reik V. Donner, Veronika Stolbova, Georgios Balasis, and Jürgen Kurths

EGU2015-15797 | Posters | NP4.4

Chimera States in Earthquake Sequencing: Preliminary Results from Global Seismic Records
Kris Vasudevan and Michael S. Cavers

NP5.1 – Inverse Problems, Data Assimilation, Coupled Initialisation, and Impact of initial and model Errors and Predictability (co-organized)

EGU2015-7195 | Orals | NP5.1

Towards robust particle filters for high-dimensional systems
Peter Jan van Leeuwen

EGU2015-543 | Posters | NP5.1

Data Assimilation using Artificial Neural Networks for the global FSU atmospheric model
Rosangela Cintra, Steven Cocke, and Haroldo Campos Velho

EGU2015-5037 | Orals | NP5.1

Constrained bias correction for satellite radiance assimilation in the presence of model bias
Wei Han

EGU2015-5776 | Posters | NP5.1

Nonparametric and data-driven data assimilation for the reconstruction of complex geophysical dynamics
Pierre Tandeo, Pierre Ailliot, Juan Ruiz, Alexis Hannart, Bertrand Chapron, Anne Cuzol, Valérie Monbet, Clément Le Goff, Redouane Lguensat, and Ronan Fablet

EGU2015-12170 | Posters | NP5.1

Building Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation Systems
Lars Nerger and Paul Kirchgessner

EGU2015-4178 | Orals | NP5.1

Ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation for the MPAS system
Soyoung Ha and Chris Snyder

EGU2015-8510 | Orals | NP5.1

A simple new filter for nonlinear high-dimensional data assimilation
Julian Tödter, Paul Kirchgessner, and Bodo Ahrens

EGU2015-1055 | Posters | NP5.1

Variational fine-grained data assimilation schemes for atmospheric chemistry transport and transformation models
Alexey Penenko, Vladimir Penenko, and Elena Tsvetova

EGU2015-3090 | Posters | NP5.1

Multifractal singular value decomposition (MSVD) for extraction of marine gravity anomaly
Wenchao LYU, Benduo Zhu, and Yan Qiu

EGU2015-15019 | Orals | NP5.1

DADA: Data Assimilation for the Detection and Attribution of Weather and Climate-related Events
Alexis Hannart, Marc Bocquet, Alberto Carrassi, Michael Ghil, Philippe Naveau, Manuel Pulido, Juan Ruiz, and Pierre Tandeo

EGU2015-9041 | Posters | NP5.1

The solution of the problem of oil spill risk control in the Baltic Sea taking into account the processes of oil propagation and degradation
Nikita Aseev and Valery Agoshkov

EGU2015-15464 | Orals | NP5.1

Avoiding drift related to linear analysis update with Lagrangian coordinate models
Yiguo Wang, Francois Counillon, and Laurent Bertino

EGU2015-9109 | Posters | NP5.1

Investigation of one inverse problem in case of modeling water areas with “liquid” boundaries
Tatiana Sheloput and Valery Agoshkov

EGU2015-9203 | Orals | NP5.1

Correlation operators based on the iterative solution of an implicitly formulated diffusion equation
Anthony Weaver, Jean Tshimanga, and Andrea Piacentini

EGU2015-15209 | Orals | NP5.1

Application of the iterative ensemble Kalman smoother to a reduced-order air quality model
Jean-Matthieu Haussaire, Marc Bocquet, Yelva Roustan, and Christian Seigneur

EGU2015-890 | Posters | NP5.1

Variational data assimilation problem for the Baltic Sea thermodynamics
Natalia Zakharova, Valery Agoshkov, and Eugene Parmuzin

EGU2015-8675 | Posters | NP5.1

Comparison between two formulae for parameter evaluation based on the ensemble Kalman filter
Shinya Nakano

EGU2015-4968 | Orals | NP5.1

Exploring strategies for coupled 4D-Var data assimilation using an idealised atmosphere-ocean model
Polly Smith, Alison Fowler, and Amos Lawless

EGU2015-13700 | Posters | NP5.1

Equivalence of data fusion and simultaneous retrieval
Simone Ceccherini, Bruno Carli, and Piera Raspollini

EGU2015-5801 | Orals | NP5.1

The Met Office Coupled Atmosphere/Land/Ocean/Sea-Ice Data Assimilation System
Daniel Lea, Isabelle Mirouze, Robert King, Matthew Martin, and Adrian Hines

EGU2015-10740 | Posters | NP5.1

High dimensional linear inverse modelling
Fenwick Cooper

EGU2015-2855 | Orals | NP5.1

An atmosphere-ocean partially coupled data assimilation and prediction system developed within the NCEP GFS/CFS
Xu Li, John Derber, and Shrinivas Moorthi

EGU2015-7334 | Orals | NP5.1

Towards a coupled ocean-wave-atmosphere four dimensional data assimilation system
Hans Ngodock, Matthew Carrier, Clark Amerault, Timothy Campbell, Teddy Holt, Liang Xu, and Clark Rowley

EGU2015-10959 | Posters | NP5.1

Travel time inversion by Bayesian Inferential Statistics
Stefan Mauerberger and Matthias Holschneider

EGU2015-290 | Orals | NP5.1

The adjoint sensitivity of heavy rainfalls to initial conditions in debris flow areas in China
Feifan Zhou

EGU2015-13021 | Posters | NP5.1

Weak constrained localized ensemble transform Kalman filter for radar data assimilation
Tijana Janjic and Heiner Lange

EGU2015-9757 | Orals | NP5.1

Contrasting the initial errors most likely to cause a spring predictability barrier for the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies associated with two types of El Niño events
Wansuo Duan and Ben Tian

EGU2015-2873 | Posters | NP5.1

A particle swarm optimizer based on directions and its application to the four dimensional variational data assimilation
Qin Zheng, Jianxin Sha, and Hang Shu

EGU2015-9314 | Orals | NP5.1

Bias correction with Data Assimilation
Martin Canter and Alexander Barth

EGU2015-3930 | Posters | NP5.1

The efficiency and sensitivity analysis of observations for atmospheric transport model with emissions
Xueran Wu, Hendrik Elbern, and Birgit Jacob

EGU2015-10647 | Orals | NP5.1

On the Assimilation of Tree-Ring-Width Chronologies
Walter Acevedo, Sebastian Reich, and Ulrich Cubasch

EGU2015-287 | Posters | NP5.1

Comparison of the tangent linear properties of tracer transport schemes applied to geophysical problems
James Kent and Daniel Holdaway

EGU2015-13527 | Posters | NP5.1

Inverse constraints for emission fluxes of atmospheric tracers estimated from concentration measurements and Lagrangian transport
Ignacio Pisso, Prabir Patra, and Knut Breivik

EGU2015-11989 | Orals | NP5.1

A comparison of linear and non-linear data assimilation methods using the NEMO ocean model
Paul Kirchgessner, Julian Tödter, and Lars Nerger

EGU2015-13629 | Orals | NP5.1

A Point Source Reconstruction in an Urban like Environment
Pramod Kumar, Amir Ali Feiz, Pierre Ngae, Sarvesh Kumar Singh, Damien Joseph, Emerson Barbosa, Grégory Turbelin, and Jean Pierre Issartel

EGU2015-1720 | Posters | NP5.1

Ensemble assimilation of ARGO temperature profile, sea surface temperature and Altimetric satellite data into an eddy permitting primitive equation model of the North Atlantic ocean
Yajing Yan, Alexander Barth, Jean-Marie Beckers, Guillem Candille, Jean-Michel Brankart, and Pierre Brasseur

EGU2015-4816 | Posters | NP5.1

Assimilation of satellite data to increase the reliability of the wave predictions in the Black Sea
Liliana Rusu and Alina Raileanu

EGU2015-7340 | Posters | NP5.1

Improving aerosol prediction with data assimilation
Mariusz Pagowski and Georg Grell

EGU2015-11943 | Posters | NP5.1

Reconstruction of Atmospheric Tracer Releases with Optimal Resolution Features: Concentration Data Assimilation
Sarvesh Kumar Singh, Gregory Turbelin, Jean-Pierre Issartel, Pramod Kumar, and Amir Ali Feiz

EGU2015-904 | Posters | NP5.1

AMOC Predictability estimated through best analog
Victor Estella Perez, Florian Sevellec, and Agathe Germe

EGU2015-4225 | Posters | NP5.1

The uncertainties of the net primary production due to regional and seasonal temperature changes in China
Guodong Sun

EGU2015-5317 | Posters | NP5.1

The orthogonal conditional nonlinear optimal perturbations: application to generate ensemble forecast members
Zhenhua Huo and Wansuo Duan

EGU2015-9176 | Posters | NP5.1

A probabilistic approach to forecast the uncertainty with ensemble spread
Bert Van Schaeybroeck and Stéphane Vannitsem

NP6.2 – Turbulence in the Atmosphere

EGU2015-8628 | Posters | NP6.2

A morning transition case between the land and the sea breeze regimes
Maria A. Jiménez, Gemma Simó, Burkhard Wrenger, Maja Telisman-Prtenjak, Jose A. Guijarro, and Joan Cuxart

EGU2015-1313 | Orals | NP6.2 | Media interest

Classification of structures in the stable boundary layer
Danijel Belusic

EGU2015-268 | Posters | NP6.2

An observational and numerical study of the sea breeze in the eastern Cantabrian coast (Spain)
Jon Ander Arrillaga, Carlos Yagüe, Mariano Sastre, and Carlos Román-Cascón

EGU2015-3898 | Orals | NP6.2

Wind and Temperature Oscillations Generated by Wave-Turbulence Interactions in the Stably Stratified Boundary Layer
Jielun Sun, Larry Mahrt, Carmen Nappo, and Donald Lenschow

EGU2015-3861 | Orals | NP6.2

The maximum sustainable heat flux in stably stratified channel flows
Judith Donda, Ivo Van Hooijdonk, Arnold Moene, GertJan Van Heijst, Herman Clercx, and Bas van de Wiel

EGU2015-12478 | Posters | NP6.2

The atmospheric boundary layer evening transitions: an observational and numerical study from two different datasets
Mariano Sastre, Carlos Yagüe, Carlos Román-Cascón, Gregorio Maqueda, and Jon Ander Arrillaga

EGU2015-12383 | Posters | NP6.2

Interactions among gravity waves, shallow drainage flows and turbulence in the stable boundary layer
Carlos Román-Cascón, Carlos Yagüe, Mariano Sastre, Larry Mahrt, Gert-Jan Steeneveld, Anneke Van de Boer, Gregorio Maqueda, and Jon Ander Arrillaga

EGU2015-14490 | Orals | NP6.2

Turbulence vertical structure of the boundary layer during the afternoon transition
Clara Darbieu, Fabienne Lohou, Marie Lothon, Jordi Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, Fleur Couvreux, Pierre Durand, David Pino, Ned Patton, Erik Nilsson, Estel Blay-Carreras, and Beniamino Gioli

EGU2015-15636 | Posters | NP6.2

Vertical profiles of second-order turbulence moments and of the Obukhov length in the stable boundary layer from SABLES98 observations
Francesco Tampieri, Carlos Yagüe, and Samuel Viana

EGU2015-5054 | Orals | NP6.2

New Concepts for Studying Land-Surface-Atmosphere Feedback Based on a new Lidar Synergy and Grey Zone Simulations
Volker Wulfmeyer and the SABLE

EGU2015-12352 | Posters | NP6.2

Temperature Auto-correlation and Spectra functions in low-wind conditions.
Luca Mortarini, Lilian Moor, Gervasio Degrazia, and Domenico Anfossi

EGU2015-4903 | Orals | NP6.2

Outer scale and Monin-Obukhov flux relationships of atmospheric turbulence under dry convective conditions
Henk De Bruin and Oscar Hartogensis

EGU2015-10384 | Posters | NP6.2

Performance of a TKE diffusion scheme in ECMWF IFS Single Column Model
Jacob Svensson, Eric Bazile, Irina Sandu, and Gunilla Svensson

EGU2015-3037 | Posters | NP6.2

Observed Variability of Global Atmospheric Mixing Layer Height from 1971 to 2014
Xiaoyan Wang and Kaicun Wang

EGU2015-6482 | Posters | NP6.2

A new stochastic Eddy-Diffusivity/Mass-Flux model: A step towards unified parameterization
Kay Sušelj, Kentaroh Suzuki, and João Teixeira

EGU2015-12523 | Posters | NP6.2

Space-Time Scaling In The Atmospheric Boundary-Layer
George FITTON, Ioulia TCHIGUIRINSKAIA, and Daniel Schertzer

EGU2015-15577 | Posters | NP6.2

A simple measuring technique of surface flow velocity to analyze the behavior of velocity fields in hydraulic engineering applications.
Jackson Tellez, Manuel Gomez, Beniamino Russo, and Jose M. Redondo

EGU2015-15563 | Posters | NP6.2

Wind and Current Intermittency in Coastal and Atmospheric Environments
Emil Sekula, Juan Jose Martinez-Benjamin, Jose M Redondo, Juan Jorge, and Otman B Mahjoub

EGU2015-14773 | Posters | NP6.2

Complex Convective Thermal Fluxes and Vorticity Structure
Jose M. Redondo, Jackson Tellez, Laura Sotillos, Pilar Lopez Gonzalez-Nieto, Jesus M. Sanchez, Petr Furmanek, and Margarita Diez

NP6.4 – Turbulence and magnetic reconnection: current results and future experiments.

EGU2015-703 | Posters | NP6.4

Hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations of phase mixing as a mechanism to produce kinetic Alfvén waves
Christian Vasconez, Francesco Valentini, Francesco Malara, Sergio Servidio, Francesco Pucci, and Pierluigi Veltri

EGU2015-2288 | Orals | NP6.4

Magnetic reconnection and kinetic effects in Vlasov turbulence
Sergio Servidio

EGU2015-4855 | Orals | NP6.4

Magnetic Reconnection Structures in the Solar Wind
Alice Foster, Christopher Owen, Colin Forsyth, Jonathan Rae, Andrew Fazakerley, Christopher Carr, and Iannis Dandouras

EGU2015-1664 | Posters | NP6.4

Achievement of the switch-off condition through Rotational Discontinuity structures in PIC simulations of collisionless magnetic reconnection with guide field
Maria Elena Innocenti, Giovanni Lapenta, Martin Goldman, David Newman, and Stefano Markidis

EGU2015-2172 | Posters | NP6.4

Generation of compound structure of shock/discontinuity in the outflow region of magnetic reconnection in an asymmetric current sheet
Boryau Hsupeng, Lou-Chuang Lee, and Jih-Kwin Chao

EGU2015-11108 | Orals | NP6.4 | Media interest

3D kinetic simulations of the global interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere
Jorge Amaya, Yana Maneva, Jan Deca, and Giovanni Lapenta

EGU2015-3646 | Posters | NP6.4

Toward a dispersion model for magnetic reconnection: lessons from quantum vortex dynamics
Yasuhito Narita

EGU2015-11490 | Orals | NP6.4

Sheared velocity flows as a source of pressure anisotropy in low collisionality plasmas
Daniele Del Sarto, Francesco Pegoraro, Silvio Sergio Cerri, Francesco Califano, and Anna Tenerani

EGU2015-4208 | Posters | NP6.4

Heating of He++ ions by dissipation of parallel and oblique Alfvénic turbulence
Yana Maneva, Adolfo Vinas, Pablo Moya, and Stefaan Poedts

EGU2015-7814 | Orals | NP6.4

Violation of the Taylor hypothesis at electron scales in the solar wind and its effects on the energy spectra measured onboard spacecraft
Shiyong Huang and Fouad Sahraoui

EGU2015-5327 | Posters | NP6.4

Kinetic plasma turbulence during the nonlinear stage of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Giovanni Lapenta, Koen Kemel, Pierre Henri, Francesco Califano, and Stefano Markidis

EGU2015-7964 | Orals | NP6.4

Fast magnetic reconnection in thin current sheets: effects of different current profiles and electron inertia in Ohm's law.
Fulvia Pucci, Daniele Del Sarto, Anna Tenerani, and Marco Velli

EGU2015-7094 | Posters | NP6.4 | Media interest

THOR - a mission candidate for ESA M4
Andris Vaivads and the THOR team

EGU2015-9026 | Posters | NP6.4

Oscillatory patterns in three-dimensional kinetic simulations of space plasma
Vyacheslav Olshevsky, Jan Deca, Andrey Divin, Giovanni Lapenta, and Stefano Markidis

EGU2015-3494 | Posters | NP6.4

The ideal tearing mode: 2D MHD simulations in the linear and nonlinear regimes
Simone Landi, Luca Del Zanna, Fulvia Pucci, Marco Velli, and Emanuele Papini

NP6.7 – Recent developments in geophysical fluid dynamics: Waves, Turbulence and Transport in the Atmosphere and Ocean (co-organized)

EGU2015-8862 | Orals | NP6.7

Double-diffusive instabilities in ancient seawater
Rich Pawlowicz, Ben Scheifele, Artem Zaloga, Alfred Wuest, and Tobias Sommer

EGU2015-273 | Posters | NP6.7

Temperature statistics above a deep-ocean sloping boundary: turbulence, intermittency and signs of convection.
Andrea Cimatoribus and Hans van Haren

EGU2015-4054 | Orals | NP6.7

The baroclinic instability of an initially stratified fluid layer
Patrice Le Gal, Miklos Vincze, and Uwe Harlander

EGU2015-1574 | Posters | NP6.7

Towards nonhydrostatic simulation of moist global flows
Marcin J. Kurowski, Wojciech W. Grabowski, and Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz

EGU2015-2678 | Posters | NP6.7

The dynamics of baroclinic zonal jets
Paul Williams

EGU2015-14155 | Orals | NP6.7

Convection in Rotating Spherical Fluid Shells and its Dynamo Action
Friedrich Busse

EGU2015-2822 | Posters | NP6.7

Imaging of 3D Ocean Turbulence Microstructure Using Low Frequency Acoustic Waves
Alexander Minakov, Dmitriy Kolyukhin, and Henk Keers

EGU2015-3849 | Orals | NP6.7 | Media interest

Implications of some of moist convection's other paths to heating.
Bjorn Stevens

EGU2015-3444 | Posters | NP6.7

Stratorotational instability in a thermally stratified Taylor-Couette Flow
Uwe Harlander, Torsten Seelig, Marcus Gellert, Stephane Viazzo, Anthony Randriamampianina, Christoph Egbers, and Günther Rüdiger

EGU2015-11559 | Orals | NP6.7

Experimental and theoretical investigation of barotropic blocking in quasi-two-dimensional rotating flows
Otto Chkhetiani, Alexey Gledzer, Evgeny Gledzer, Maxim Kalashnik, Alexey Khapaev, and Yurii Chernous'ko

EGU2015-3705 | Posters | NP6.7

Double-diffusive layer formation
Florian Zaussinger, Friedrich Kupka, Sebastian Hücker, and Christoph Egbers

EGU2015-12208 | Orals | NP6.7

Dominant transport pathways in oceanic and atmospheric flows
Emilio Hernández-García, Enrico Ser-Giacomi, Ruggero Vasile, and Cristobal Lopez

EGU2015-3823 | Posters | NP6.7

Can meridionally propagating inertial waves drive an oscillating zonal mean flow?
Torsten Seelig and Uwe Harlander

EGU2015-14704 | Orals | NP6.7

The generation and energetic pathways of balanced upper-ocean submesoscale turbulence
Shafer Smith and Shane Keating

EGU2015-2830 | Orals | NP6.7

The Mean Flow and Long Waves Induced by Internal Wave Packets
Bruce Sutherland and Ton van den Bremer

EGU2015-5650 | Posters | NP6.7

Experimental study of inertial waves in a spherical shell induced by librations of the inner sphere
Michael Hoff, Uwe Harlander, Saad Jahangir, and Christoph Egbers

EGU2015-5833 | Posters | NP6.7

Time-dependent convective flows with high viscosity contrasts under micro gravity conditions.
Florian Zaussinger, Christoph Egbers, Andreas Krebs, Felix Schwarzbach, and Christian Kunze

EGU2015-15640 | Orals | NP6.7

Marten Klein, Abouzar Ghasemi V, Torsten Seelig, Ion Dan Borcia, Uwe Harlander, and Andreas Will

EGU2015-10828 | Orals | NP6.7

The latitudinal dependence of atmospheric jet scales and macroturbulent energy cascades
Rei Chemke and Yohai Kaspi

EGU2015-7688 | Posters | NP6.7

The effect of moist convection on density current propagation
Cathy Hohenegger, Malte Rieck, Linda Schlemmer, and Levi Silvers

EGU2015-12306 | Posters | NP6.7 | Media interest

Meridional overturning in the thermally-driven ocean
Joe LaCasce and Ada Gjermundsen

EGU2015-12571 | Orals | NP6.7

The buoyancy-driven ocean circulation with realistic bathymetry
Ada Gjermundsen, Joseph H. LaCasce, and Liv Denstad

EGU2015-12483 | Posters | NP6.7

Application of variational principles and adjoint integrating factors for constructing numerical GFD models
Vladimir Penenko, Elena Tsvetova, and Alexey Penenko

EGU2015-1747 | Orals | NP6.7

On the efficiency of mixing above a deep sloping topography
Frederic Cyr and Hans van Haren

EGU2015-12880 | Posters | NP6.7

Inertia gravity waves in a rotating, differentially heated annulus with an upper free surface
Anthony Randriamampianina, Uwe Harlander, Miklos Vincze, Thomas von Larcher, and Stephane Viazzo

EGU2015-15169 | Posters | NP6.7

Numerical simulation of near wake stratified flow at low Reynolds number
Philippe Fraunié, Hatem Houcine, Adel Gharbi, Yuli Chashechkin, and Jose Manuel Redondo

EGU2015-15708 | Posters | NP6.7

Multiscale Phenomena on the Northern Hemisphere and long time VariabilityTIME VARIABILITY
Andreas Will, Stefan Weiher, Markus Thürkow, Mareike Schuster, and Ingo Kirchner Ingo Kirchner

NP7.1 – Unusual waves in geophysics

EGU2015-13742 | Orals | NP7.1

Modulation of seismic noises induced by tidal strains: results of continuous observations and possible physical mechanism
Vladimir Y. Zaitsev, Lev A. Matveev, and Vadim A. Saltykov

EGU2015-14101 | Posters | NP7.1

Rotational waves in geodynamics
Artyom Gerus and Alexander Vikulin

EGU2015-14830 | Orals | NP7.1

Waves in geomaterials with negative Cosserat shear modulus
Arcady Dyskin and Elena Pasternak

EGU2015-15222 | Posters | NP7.1

A mechanism of stick-slip fault sliding without friction rate dependence and supersonic wave propagation
Iuliia Karachevtseva, Arcady Dyskin, and Elena Pasternak

EGU2015-15225 | Posters | NP7.1

Observation of a critically refracted converted SP wave using laser Doppler interferometer
Boris Gurevich, Maxim Lebedev, Mahyar Madadi, Andrej Bona, and Roman Pevzner

EGU2015-15221 | Orals | NP7.1

A mechanism of aftershock generation based on progressive material softening
Arcady Dyskin, Elena Pasternak, Andrew Bunger, and James Kear

EGU2015-3923 | Orals | NP7.1

Nonlinear waves in earth crust faults: application to regular and slow earthquakes
Naum Gershenzon and Gust Bambakidis

EGU2015-15422 | Posters | NP7.1

Fan-structure wave as a source of earthquake instability
Boris Tarasov

EGU2015-8694 | Orals | NP7.1

Conditions for tectonic fault slow motion transition to stick-slip.
Sergey Turuntaev, Alesya Kamay, and Alexey Ostapchuk

EGU2015-15898 | Posters | NP7.1

Reconstruction of transverse-isotropic moduli using wave propagation through spherical samples
Phil Dight, Ariel Hsieh, and Arcady Dyskin

EGU2015-15895 | Posters | NP7.1

Unusually high sound absorption in topological interlocking materials
Yuri Estrin, Andrey Molotnikov, and Mateus Carlesso

EGU2015-15223 | Orals | NP7.1

Standing waves associated with resonances in chains of bilinear oscillators
Elena Pasternak, Arcady Dyskin, and Igor Shufrin

EGU2015-15890 | Posters | NP7.1

Experimental investigation of the displacement of viscous fluids from porous media
Nikolay Baryshnikov, Georgy Belyakov, Aliya Tairova, and Sergey Turuntaev

EGU2015-15893 | Posters | NP7.1

Synchronous Variations of the Free Aquifer Groundwater Level and Geomagnetic Field
Svetlana A. Ryabova and Alexander A. Spivak

EGU2015-15891 | Posters | NP7.1

Non-stationary filtration mode during chemical reactions with the gas phase
Ivan Zavialov, Andrey Konyukhov, and Sergey Negodyaev

EGU2015-15892 | Posters | NP7.1

Wave propagation in and stability of geomaterials with negative stiffness inclusions
Maxim Esin, Arcady Dyskin, and Elena Pasternak

EGU2015-15232 | Posters | NP7.1

Spatiotemporal waves caused by gravitational instability of an arbitrary stratified elasto-viscous rock massif
Eugeny Ryzhak, Shamil Mukhamediev, and Svetlana Sinyukhina

NP7.3 – Wave-current interactions

EGU2015-1173 | Posters | NP7.3

Current structure of strongly nonlinear interfacial solitary waves
Sergey Semin, Oxana Kurkina, Andrey Kurkin, Tatiana Talipova, Efim Pelinovsky, and Egor Churaev

EGU2015-1118 | Orals | NP7.3 | Media interest

Secondary Flows and Sediment Transport due to Wave - Current Interaction
Nabil Ismail and Robert Wiegel

EGU2015-11839 | Orals | NP7.3

Coupled wave-ocean modeling system experiments in the Mediterranean Sea
Emanuela Clementi, Paolo Oddo, Gerasimos Korres, Nadia Pinardi, Massimiliano Drudi, Marina Tonani, Alessandro Grandi, and Mario Adani

EGU2015-2627 | Posters | NP7.3

Laboratory modelling of resonant wave-current interaction in the vicinity wind farm masts
Hans GUNNOO, Nizar ABCHA, Maria-Isabel GARCIA-HERMOSA, and Alexander EZERSKY

EGU2015-2775 | Posters | NP7.3 | Media interest

Wave-current interaction in the northern Agulhas Current and shipping safety
Louw Uys

EGU2015-563 | Orals | NP7.3 | Media interest

A Boussinesq-type model simulating wave and wave-induced current fields
Georgios Klonaris and Constantine Memos

EGU2015-3240 | Posters | NP7.3

Steady rotational water wave of finite amplitude on a linear shear current
William Seez, Malek Abid, and Christian Kharif

EGU2015-4293 | Orals | NP7.3

Hydrodynamic instability mechanism for rip currents
Jie Yu

EGU2015-280 | Orals | NP7.3 | Media interest

Vorticity effects on nonlinear wave-current interactions in deep water
Roger Moreira and Julio Chacaltana

EGU2015-3592 | Posters | NP7.3

2D Propagation of Water Waves in the Presence of Vorticity
Julien Touboul, Kostas Belibassakis, and Vincent Rey

EGU2015-4719 | Posters | NP7.3

Wave-current interactions in deep water conditions: field measurements and analyses
Gilles Rougier, Vincent Rey, and Anne Molcard

EGU2015-2641 | Orals | NP7.3

Hamiltonian approach to internal geophysical waves
Adrian Constantin, Rossen Ivanov, and Calin Iulian Martin

EGU2015-4821 | Posters | NP7.3

Wave-current interactions at the FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility
Donald Noble, Thomas Davey, Jeffrey Steynor, Tom Bruce, Helen Smith, and Panagiotis Kaklis

EGU2015-4866 | Posters | NP7.3

Numerical simulation of 3D breaking waves
Philippe Fraunie and Frederic Golay

EGU2015-5608 | Posters | NP7.3

Interactions between the surface gravity waves and the Von Karman streets: a numerical study
Hans Gunnoo, Anne-Claire Bennis, Aurélie Rivier, NIzar Abcha, and Alexander Ezersky

EGU2015-7994 | Posters | NP7.3

A nonlinear Schrödinger equation for capillary-gravity water waves on finite depth with constant vorticity
Hung-Chu Hsu, Christian Kharif, Marc Francius, and Yang-Yih Chen

EGU2015-13630 | Posters | NP7.3

Analysis of hydro- and morphodynamics due to wave-current interaction based on physical model tests
Dipl.-Ing. Mike Lieske, Dr.-Ing. Arne Stahlmann, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torsten Schlurmann

NP8.1 – Chaotic and Stochastic Geosciences (co-organized)

EGU2015-6279 | Orals | NP8.1

Does the ECMWF IFS Convection Parameterization with Stochastic Physics Correctly Reproduce Relationships between Convection and the Large-Scale State?
Peter Watson, Hannah Christensen, and Tim Palmer

EGU2015-2616 | Posters | NP8.1

A Dynamical Systems Explanation of the Hurst Effect and Atmospheric Low-Frequency Variability
Christian Franzke, Scott Osprey, Paolo Davini, and Nicholas Watkins

EGU2015-10203 | Posters | NP8.1

Statistics of regional surface temperatures post year 1900. Long-range versus short-range dependence, and significance of warming trends.
Ola Løvsletten, Martin Rypdal, Kristoffer Rypdal, and Hege-Beate Fredriksen

EGU2015-4742 | Orals | NP8.1 | Media interest

Inexact hardware in geophysical modelling and the use of rounding errors to represent sub-grid-scale variability
Peter D. Düben and Tim N. Palmer

EGU2015-6114 | Orals | NP8.1

Whither low-order climate models?
Jan Viebahn and Henk A. Dijkstra

EGU2015-10849 | Posters | NP8.1

Impact of stochastic parametrisation schemes on the climate of the Community Earth System Model
Hannah Christensen, Judith Berner, Dani Coleman, and Tim Palmer

EGU2015-5071 | Orals | NP8.1

SST dynamics from a stochastic linear inverse method
Stephen Jeffress and Tom Haine

EGU2015-13056 | Posters | NP8.1

Data-driven nonlinear stochastic low-order modelling of large-scale atmospheric variability
Frank Kwasniok

EGU2015-2578 | Orals | NP8.1

A simple model for abrupt millennial climate change in the last glacial period
Georg Gottwald

EGU2015-14189 | Posters | NP8.1

Low-dimensional models for cereal crop cycles observed from space in semi-arid region at different geographic locations and scales
Sylvain Mangiarotti, Flavie Le Jean, Lionel Jarlan, and Laurent Drapeau

EGU2015-10421 | Orals | NP8.1

Rare event simulation of the chaotic Lorenz 96 dynamical system
Jeroen Wouters and Freddy Bouchet

EGU2015-14223 | Posters | NP8.1

Rare transitions between metastable states in the stochastic Chaffee–Infante equation.
Joran Rolland, Freddy Bouchet, and Eric Simonnet

EGU2015-14610 | Posters | NP8.1

Examining infrared radiances for evidence of stochastic forcing
Sergio DeSouza-Machado, Andrew Tangborn, Larrabee Strow, and Philip Sura

EGU2015-12909 | Orals | NP8.1

Early warning of atmospheric regime transitions using transfer operators
Alexis Tantet and Henk Dijkstra

EGU2015-1704 | Posters | NP8.1

A climate-dependent subgrid-scale parameterization in a three-layer quasi-geostrophic model
Matthias Zacharuk, Martin Pieroth, Stamen Dolaptchiev, and Ulrich Achatz

EGU2015-10654 | Posters | NP8.1

Chaotic Behaviuor of the Navier-Stokes Solutions, Gyroscopes and Storm Surging
Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia and Daniel Schertzer
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