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Presentation type:

CR – Cryospheric Sciences

CR1.1 – Glaciers and ice caps under climate change (co-organized)

EGU2019-4546 | Orals | CR1.1

Attribution of mass change of western North American Glaciers over the period 2000-2018

Brian Menounos, Romain Hugonnet, David Shean, Alex Gardner, Ian Howat, Etienne Berthier, Ben Pelto, Christina Tennant, Joseph Shea, Myoung-Jong Noh, Fanny Brun, and Amaury Dehecq

EGU2019-12782 | Posters | CR1.1

Evaluating the COupled Snowpack and Ice surface energy and mass balance model in PYthon (COSIPY) with data from Glacier No. 1, Chinese Tien Shan

Christoph Schneider, Zhongqin Li, Anselm Arndt, Huilin Li, Alexandra Hamm, Puyu Wang, and Kira Thiel

EGU2019-10974 | Orals | CR1.1

Volume changes of Elbrus glaciers from 1997 to 2017

Stanislav Kutuzov, Ivan Lavrentiev, Andrey Smirnov, Gennady Nosenko, and Dmitry Petrakov

EGU2019-17586 | Orals | CR1.1

Climate data records of glacier zones and late summer snow areas on glaciers from Landsat and Sentinel-2

Gabriele Schwaizer, Johanna Nemec, Thomas Nagler, and Helmut Rott

EGU2019-1683 | Posters | CR1.1

Dynamics of the Mt. Elbrus glacial system

Alla Turchaninova, Yury Seliverstov, Sergey Sokratov, Evgeniy Kharkovets, Sergey Nechelyustov, Heitor Evangelista da Silva, Alexander Suchilin, Anton Komarov, Osama Mustafa, and Arseniy Kudikov

EGU2019-13454 | Posters | CR1.1

Evolution of Sary-Tor Glacier, Inner Tien Shan, under climate change

Oleg Rybak, Elena Rybak, Natalia Yaitskaya, Victor Popovnin, Ivan Lavrentiev, Rysbek Satylkanov, and Bakyt Zhakeev

EGU2019-12176 | Orals | CR1.1

Regional-scale glacier melt modelling with dynamically downscaled climate fields: surface energy balance model versus temperature-index model

Valentina Radic, Mekdes Tessema, Andrew Bush, Brian Menounos, and Noel Fitzpatrick

EGU2019-2377 | Posters | CR1.1

Investigating supraglacial ponds in the Everest region, 2015-2018.

Caroline J. Taylor and Rachel J. Carr

EGU2019-6988 | Orals | CR1.1

Modelling the dynamics and future evolution of Alpine glaciers under the EURO-CORDEX RCM ensemble

Harry Zekollari, Matthias Huss, and Daniel Farinotti

EGU2019-5216 | Posters | CR1.1

How much information do today‘s glaciers carry about their past?

Julia Eis, Fabien Maussion, and Ben Marzeion

EGU2019-1002 | Orals | CR1.1

Mass-budget anomalies and geometry signals of three Austrian glaciers

Charalampos Charalampidis, Andrea Fischer, Michael Kuhn, Astrid Lambrecht, Christoph Mayer, Konstantinos Thomaidis, and Markus Weber

EGU2019-5399 | Posters | CR1.1

Future retreat of Great Aletschgletscher

Guillaume Jouvet and Matthias Huss

EGU2019-5143 | Orals | CR1.1

Two decades of glacier mass loss along the Andes

Inés Dussaillant, Etienne Berthier, Fanny Brun, Mariano Masiokas, Romain Hugonnet, Vincent Favier, Antoine Rabatel, Pierre Pitte, and Lucas Ruiz

EGU2019-5511 | Orals | CR1.1

Elevation changes of Greenland’s peripheral glaciers from 1985 to 2010/14

Jacqueline Huber, Robert McNabb, and Michael Zemp

EGU2019-10027 | Posters | CR1.1

Dynamic modelling of the evolution of the Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland, from 1980-2300

Louise Steffensen Schmidt, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Finnur Pálsson, Peter L. Langen, Sverrir Guðmundsson, and Helgi Björnsson

EGU2019-16042 | Posters | CR1.1

Icelandic glaciers; the recent mass balance and evolution through 20th and 21st century

Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Finnur Pálsson, Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson, Joaquín M.C. Belart, Helgi Björnsson, Eyjólfur Magnússon, Louise Steffensen Schmidt, Hrafnhildur Hannesdóttir, Tómas Jóhannesson, Oddur Sigurðsson, Bergur Einarsson, and Andri Gunnarsson

EGU2019-12905 | Orals | CR1.1

Decadal variations of the land-based ice margin in Northwest Greenland

Jakob Abermann, Jakob Steiner, and Rainer Prinz

EGU2019-5720 | Orals | CR1.1

Terminus lagoons on the south side of Vatnajökull ice cap, SE-Iceland

Snævarr Guðmundsson, Helgi Björnsson, Finnur Pálsson, Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, and Tómas Jóhannesson

EGU2019-10713 | Posters | CR1.1

The climate of Ulvebreen, Svalbard

Carleen Reijmer, Peter Kuipers Munneke, Stefan Ligtenberg, Willem Jan van de Berg, and Michiel van den Broeke

EGU2019-13595 | Posters | CR1.1

Modeling the evolution of Djankuat glacier, Caucasus, Russian Federation from 1752 until 2100 AD

Yoni Verhaegen, Philippe Huybrechts, Oleg Rybak, and Victor Popovnin

EGU2019-16049 | Orals | CR1.1 | Highlight

A consensus estimate for the ice thickness distribution of all glaciers on Earth

Daniel Farinotti, Matthias Huss, Johannes J. Fürst, Johannes Landmann, Horst Machguth, Fabien Maussion, and Ankur Pandit

EGU2019-14393 | Posters | CR1.1

Mt. Grand Combin ice core: correspondence among meteorological, morphological and geophysical evidence with ice core analysis

Fabrizio de Blasi, Jacopo Gabrieli, Alexander Zhuravlev, Stefano Urbini, François Burgay, Rachele Lodi, Federico Dallo, Andrea Spolaor, Renato R. Colucci, and Carlo Barbante

EGU2019-7662 | Orals | CR1.1

The inner structure and thickness of ice caps on the Argentina Islands, Wilhelm Archipelago, Antarctica

Jānis Karušs, Kristaps Lamsters, Māris Krievāns, Anatolii Chernov, and Jurijs Ješkins

EGU2019-17621 | Posters | CR1.1

Application of terrestrial scanning LIDAR to study the evolution of surface change of Quisoquipina Glacier in the Cordillera Vilcanota, Cusco – Peru

Nilton Montoya, Nicolas Macedo, Jorge Cardenas, Wilfried Haeberli, Christian Huggel, Fabian Drenkhan, and Holger Frey

EGU2019-12876 | Orals | CR1.1

Strong changes in englacial temperatures despite no change in thickness at Dôme du Gouter glacier (Mont Blanc area)

Christian Vincent, Adrien Gilbert, Luc Piard, Bruno Jourdain, Patrick Ginot, Vladimir Mikhalenko, Philippe Possenti, and Delphine Six

CR1.2 – Reconstructing paleo ice dynamics: Comparing and combining field-based evidence and numerical modeling (co-organized)

EGU2019-6613 | Posters | CR1.2

Grounding Zone Wedges – architecture, processes and rates of formation

Berit Oline Hjelstuen, Hans Petter Sejrup, and Einar S. Nilssen

EGU2019-3459 | Orals | CR1.2

Impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on ice sheet reconstructions

Richard Selwyn Jones, Pippa Whitehouse, Mike Bentley, David Small, and April Dalton

EGU2019-8220 | Posters | CR1.2

Impact of Middle Pleistocene (Saalian) glacial lake-outburst floods on the meltwater-drainage pathways in northern central Europe

Jutta Winsemann, Petteri Alho, Elina Kasvi, Nils Goseberg, and Jörg Lang

EGU2019-3733 | Orals | CR1.2

Tides of the Glacial Ocean and their role in Heinrich Event Instability

Jesse Velay-Vitow, W. Richard Peltier, and Gordan Stuhne

EGU2019-8993 | Posters | CR1.2

On Glacier Surface Mass Balance at the Last Glacial Maximum

Horst Machguth and Denis Cohen

EGU2019-17439 | Posters | CR1.2

A radiocarbon-based deglaciation chronology and Late Glacial relative sea-level history for outer Boknafjorden, western Norway

Kristian Vasskog, John-Inge Svendsen, Jan Mangerud, Arve Svean, Eva Maria Lunnan, Ingrid Stenquist Johnsen, Marie Klopstad Hernar, and Karina Strømsnes

EGU2019-3945 | Orals | CR1.2

Reconstructions of Antarctic topography and ice sheet volume since the Eocene–Oligocene boundary

Guy Paxman, Stewart Jamieson, Edward Gasson, Katharina Hochmuth, Karsten Gohl, Mike Bentley, Fausto Ferraccioli, and Neil Ross

EGU2019-2317 | Orals | CR1.2

Quantifying bed roughness beneath contemporary and palaeo-ice streams

Francesca Falcini, David Rippin, Maarten Krabbendam, and Katherine Selby

EGU2019-4427 | Orals | CR1.2

Empirically constrained ice sheet modelling of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet using the new BRITICE-CHRONO age assessments.

Chris Clark, Jeremy Ely, Richard Hindmarsh, Ed Gasson, Derek Fabel, Colm O'Cofaigh, Richard Chiverrell, James Scourse, Sarah Bradley, Tom Bradwell, David Evans, David Roberts, Sara Benetti, Mathew Burke, Louise Callard, Alicia Medialdea, Margot saher, David Small, and Rachel Smedley and the full BRITICE CHRONO Consortium including Ballantyne, C., Bateman, M., Dove, D., Duller, G., Gandy, N., Gregoire, L., Livingstone, S., Moreton, S, Pollard, D, Sejrup, H-P, Van Landeghem, K., Wilson, P.

EGU2019-1367 | Posters | CR1.2

The impact of geothermal heat flux on the last Scandinavian ice sheet over W Poland and E Germany

Jakub Kalita, Izabela Szuman, and Marek Ewertowski

EGU2019-5368 | Posters | CR1.2

Holocene retreat of Jakobshavn Isbræ

Karita Kajanto, Helene Seroussi, Basile de Fleurian, and Kerim Nisancioglu

EGU2019-13792 | Posters | CR1.2

Combining state-of-the-art ice flow and regional climate modelling to reconstruct the Alpine Ice Sheet of the Last Glacial Maximum

Michael Imhof, Patricio Velasquez, Julien Seguinot, Christoph C. Raible, Denis Cohen, and Guillaume Jouvet

EGU2019-14877 | Posters | CR1.2

The erosional impact of the Eurasian ice complex during the Weichselian glacial cycle

Henry Patton, Alun Hubbard, Karin Andreassen, and Monica Winsborrow

EGU2019-9906 | Posters | CR1.2

Initiating the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream with Geothermal Heat

Silje Smith-Johnsen, Basile de Fleurian, Nicole-Jeanne Schlegel, Helene Seroussi, and Kerim Nisancioglu

EGU2019-16555 | Posters | CR1.2

Exploring drivers of retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet: a numerical modelling study

Edward Gasson, Chris Clark, Jeremy Ely, and Sarah Bradley

EGU2019-8157 | Posters | CR1.2

The last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: ice limits, timing and the influence of the Dogger Bank

David Roberts, David Evans, Louise Callard, Chris Clark, Mark Bateman, Dayton Dove, Carol Cotterill, Alicia Medialdea, Margot Saher, Colm O Cofaigh, Richard Chiverrell, Steven Moreton, Derek Fabel, and Tom Bradwell

EGU2019-5907 | Posters | CR1.2

Studying the ice sheet stratigraphy to reconstruct past accumulation and ice dynamics.

Alexios Theofilopoulos and Andreas Born

EGU2019-5045 | Posters | CR1.2

Cool deltas. Sedimentary environments of Salpausselka I and II moraine ridges near Lahti, Finland

Bartosz Kurjanski, Brice Rea, Matteo Spagnolo, David Cornwell, John Howell, and Jukka-Pekka Palmu

EGU2019-1631 | Posters | CR1.2

Late Quaternary extent and retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in Clyde Inlet and its adjacent continental shelf, northeastern Baffin Island (Arctic Canada)

Pierre-Olivier Couette, Patrick Lajeunesse, Boris Dorschel, Catalina Gebhardt, Dierk Hebbeln, Jean-François Ghienne, and Etienne Brouard

EGU2019-11718 | Posters | CR1.2

A sea-level plateau during Marine Isotope Stage 2 evidenced by the Bonaparte Gulf sediments, northwestern Australia, and glacial isostatic adjustment modeling

Takeshige Ishiwa, Yusuke Yokoyama, Jun'ichi Okuno, Stephen Obrochta, Katsuto Uehara, Minoru Ikehara, and Yosuke Miyairi

EGU2019-1258 | Posters | CR1.2

Reconstructing spatially variable Equilibrium line altitude over the Alps and Pyrenees during the LGM

Vjeran Visnjevic, Frederic Herman, Yury Podladchikov, and Günther Prasicek

CR2.1 – Remote sensing of the cryosphere (including Arne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture by Marie Dumont)

EGU2019-18477 | Posters | CR2.1

New and Future CryoSat Data Products

Marco Meloni, Jerome Bouffard, and Tommaso Parrinello

EGU2019-10786 | Orals | CR2.1

The Snow Climate Change Initiative - Towards a long term global snow climate data record from satellite data

Thomas Nagler, Chris Derksen, Gabriele Schwaizer, Richard Essery, David Gustafsson, Gerhard Krinner, Kari Luojus, Carlo Marin, Sari Metsaemaeki, Lawrence Mudryk, Kathrin Naegeli, Claudia Notarnicola, Arnt-Borre Salberg, Rune Solberg, Andreas Wiesmann, Stefan Wunderle, and Anna-Maria Trofaier

EGU2019-14274 | Posters | CR2.1

Application of the ArcticDEM for detecting active subglacial lakes beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet

Jade Bowling, Amber Leeson, Malcolm McMillan, Stephen Livingstone, and Andrew Sole

EGU2019-18860 | Orals | CR2.1

Towards an optical measurement of snow density

Quentin Libois, Félix Lévesque-Desrosiers, Simon Lambert-Girard, Florent Dominé, and Simon Thibault

EGU2019-10034 | Posters | CR2.1

Elevation Changes of the Greenland Ice Sheet from Sentinel-3A SAR Altimetry

Jennifer Maddalena, Geoffrey Dawson, Stephen Chuter, and Jonathan Bamber

EGU2019-7819 | Posters | CR2.1

Greenland Monthly Mass Trends Determined Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling Approach

Stephen Chuter, Jonathan Rougier, Andrew Zammit-Mangion, and Jonathan Bamber

EGU2019-2424 | Orals | CR2.1

Impact of recent climate change in the Arctic on snow physical parameters retrieval using SAR data (Svalbard)

Jean-Pierre Dedieu, Charlene Negrello, Hans-Werner Jacobi, Foteini Baladima, Yannick Duguay, Eric Bernard, Julia Boike, Jean-Charles Gallet, Sebastian Westermann, and Anna Wendleder

EGU2019-7626 | Orals | CR2.1

Uncertainties in the retrieval of Arctic broadband albedo using satellite, airborne and ground-based optical instruments

Christine Pohl, Larysa Istomina, Vladimir Rozanov, Evelyn Jäkel, Georg Heygster, and Gunnar Spreen

EGU2019-2015 | Posters | CR2.1

InSAR time-series analysis of periglacial sediment flux at Lake Nam Co, Tibet

Eike Reinosch, Markus Gerke, Björn Riedel, and Johannes Buckel

EGU2019-13890 | Orals | CR2.1

Accuracy assessment of snow-ice cover albedo values calculated from Sentinel-2 imagery based on ground data

Polina Mikhaylyukova, Olga Tutubalina, Dmitry Petrakov, Mikhail Zimin, and Ryskul Usubaliev

EGU2019-7292 | Orals | CR2.1 | Highlight

On the colour of snow, why does it matter?

Marie Dumont

EGU2019-8809 | Posters | CR2.1

Seasonal observations at 79°N Glacier from remote sensing and in-situ data

Niklas Neckel, Philipp Hochreuther, Ole Zeising, Angelika Humbert, and Veit Helm

EGU2019-13858 | Posters | CR2.1

Ice Velocity and Discharge Monitoring of the Polar Ice Sheets

Jan Wuite, Thomas Nagler, Markus Hetzenecker, Stefan Scheiblauer, and Helmut Rott

EGU2019-2110 | Posters | CR2.1

Remote Sensing of Ice Motion in Antarctica – A Review and Future Requirements

Mariel Dirscherl, Andreas Dietz, and Claudia Künzer

EGU2019-1815 | Orals | CR2.1 | Highlight

First ICESat-2 data from the cryosphere

Kelly Brunt, Thomas Neumann, and Nathan Kurtz

EGU2019-13523 | Posters | CR2.1

Using the Sentinels to detect glacier lake outburst floods, snow avalanches and the glacier, lake ice and snow cover in Norway

Liss M. Andreassen, Kjetil Melvold, Karsten Müller, Teodor Nagy, Nils Kristian Orthe, and Solveig H. Winsvold

EGU2019-18448 | Orals | CR2.1

ICESat-2 Photon Counting Laser Altimetry: Performance, Data Products, Operations, and Mission Outlook

Thomas Neumann, Thorsten Markus, Lori Magruder, and Nathan Kurtz and the ICESat-2 Science Team

EGU2019-11051 | Orals | CR2.1

Ice sheet elevation and volume change from Sentinel-3 SAR altimetry

Malcolm McMillan, Alan Muir, Andrew Shepherd, Roger Escolà, Mònica Roca, Jérémie Aublanc, Pierre Thibaut, Marco Restano, Américo Ambrozio, and Jérôme Benveniste

EGU2019-9756 | Posters | CR2.1

Potential of Sentinel-1 for assessing meltwater dynamics on Antarctic ice shelves in Antarctica

Weiran Li, Stef Lhermitte, and Paco Lopez Dekker

EGU2019-8208 | Orals | CR2.1

Global Glacier Surface Elevation Change and Geodetic Mass Balance Estimations derived by Spaceborne Digital Elevation Models

Philipp Malz, Christian Sommer, Thorsten Seehaus, David Farias-Barahona, and Matthias Braun

EGU2019-2471 | Posters | CR2.1

New Algorithm for SWE Extraction from Interferometric Data, for Satellite Radar Images

Michel Gay and Maëlle Le Clainche

EGU2019-10716 | Orals | CR2.1

35 years of satellite observations document several flow-regime changes for a North Greenland glacier

Anne M. Solgaard, Nanna B. Karlsson, Sebastian B. Simonsen, Aslak Grinsted, Ruth Mottram, and Louise S. Sørensen

EGU2019-14238 | Orals | CR2.1

Calving Front Machine (CALFIN): A Calving Front Mask Dataset for West Greenland, 1972-2018

Daniel Cheng, Eric Larour, and Wayne Hayes

EGU2019-6837 | Posters | CR2.1

The RETREAT-project: derivation and distribution of remotely sensed variables for glaciers and ice caps outside of the polar ice sheets

Peter Friedl, Matthias Braun, Thorsten Seehaus, Stefan Lippl, and Philipp Malz

EGU2019-4288 | Orals | CR2.1

Towards an automatic delineation of Antarctic glacier and ice shelf fronts from Sentinel-1 imagery

Celia A. Baumhoer, Andreas J. Dietz, and Claudia Kuenzer

EGU2019-3181 | Orals | CR2.1

Using CloudSat-CPR retrievals to estimate snow accumulation in the Canadian Arctic

Fraser King and Christopher Fletcher

EGU2019-13964 | Posters | CR2.1

Snow Cover Extent Mapping Based on Dual-polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR Data

Ya-Lun Tsai, Andreas Dietz, Claudia Künzer, and Natascha Oppelt

EGU2019-7362 | Orals | CR2.1

Removing Tides and Inverse Barometer Effect on DInSAR of Antarctic Ice Shelves

Quentin Glaude, Sophie Berger, Charles Amory, Frank Pattyn, Christian Barbier, and Anne Orban

EGU2019-15276 | Posters | CR2.1

Change of debris cover on glaciers of the Eastern Alps, Austria

Fabian Fleischer, Jan-Christoph Otto, and Daniel Hölbling

EGU2019-16502 | Posters | CR2.1

Sea ice leads and melt ponds from MISR using Super-Resolution Restoration

Jan-Peter Muller, Jennifer Sutherland, and Yu Tao

EGU2019-18873 | Posters | CR2.1

Exploiting NOAA-20 and S-NPP VIIRS sensor for Sea Ice Mapping in Antarctica

Mijael Rodrigo Vargas Godoy, Marouane Temimi, Petra Heil, Rob Massom, Alex Fraser, Beatrix Schmuelling, Alexander Ritschel, and Fatima Al Suwaidi

EGU2019-14949 | Orals | CR2.1

Merged operational satellite ice thickness retrievals to inform about the present state of Arctic sea ice

Robert Ricker, Stefan Hendricks, Xiangshan Tian-Kunze, Lars Kaleschke, and Antonio de la Fuente

EGU2019-17991 | Posters | CR2.1

Quantification of roughness effects on simulated radiances from the metre-scale to the topographic scale using a new 3-D photon tracing model

Fanny Larue, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, Maxim Lamare, Jesus Revuelto, François Tuzet, and Marie Dumont

EGU2019-1065 | Posters | CR2.1

Multi-source based determination of snow distribution in a semi-arid headwater catchment of northern Mongolia

Munkhdavaa Munkhjargal, Simon Groos, Caleb Pan, Gansukh Yadamsuren, Jambaljav Yamkin, and Lucas Menzel

EGU2019-475 | Orals | CR2.1

Antarctic sea-ice lead frequencies and regional distribution from MODIS satellite imagery

Fabian Reiser, Sascha Willmes, and Günther Heinemann

EGU2019-12675 | Orals | CR2.1

Sea ice and snow parameter retrieval from low frequency passive microwave remote sensing

Marcus Huntemann and Gunnar Spreen

EGU2019-2374 | Posters | CR2.1

Snow Processor for Sentinel Application Platform: underlying algorithm and its validation

Alexander Kokhanovsky, Olaf Danne, Carsten Brockmann, Maxim Lamare, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, Marie Dumont, Michael Kern, and Jason Box

EGU2019-3697 | Posters | CR2.1

The effect of surface roughness and polarization on snow bi-directional reflectance: Model simulations and validation using NASA Cloud Absorption Radiometer measurements

Wei Li, Nan Chen, Charles Gatebe, Tomonori Tanikawa, Masahiro Hori, Teruo Aoki, Rigen Shimada, and Knut Stamnes

EGU2019-18866 | Orals | CR2.1

Evaluating land fast ice ridging near Utqiaġvik Alaska using TanDEM-X interferometry

Marjan Marbouti, Dyre Oliver Dammann, Leif E.B. Eriksson, Oleg Antropov, and Anders Berg

EGU2019-3747 | Posters | CR2.1

Retrieving temperature and specularity of sea-ice surface from remotely sensed thermal infrared brightness temperatures

Masahiro Hori, Teruo Aoki, Tomonori Tanikawa, Masashi Niwano, and Rigen Shimada

EGU2019-4692 | Posters | CR2.1

Introduction of the GCOM-C/SGLI Cryosphere product and validation result

Rigen Shimada, Masahiro Hori, Teruo Aoki, Tomonori Tanikawa, Sumito Matoba, Masashi Niwano, Knut Stamnes, Wei Li, and Nan Chen

EGU2019-11540 | Posters | CR2.1

Validation of the snow-kernel BRDF model using multiangle measurements of contaminated snow

Ziti Jiao, Jing Guo, Alexander Kokhanovsky, and Jouni Peltoniemi

CR2.3 – Geophysical and in-situ methods for snow and ice studies (co-organized) | PICO

EGU2019-16749 | PICOs | CR2.3

Spectral Induced Polarization for permafrost environments in the Swiss and Austrian Alps – Improvement of data quality and first applications/results

Theresa Maierhofer, Lukas Aigner, Christin Hilbich, Christian Hauck, and Adrian Flores-Orozco

EGU2019-17816 | PICOs | CR2.3

Detecting the impact of short-lived extreme meteorological events on soil horizon using an A-ERT system, Deception Island, Antarctica

Fernando A. Monteiro Santos, Mohammad Farzamian, Gonçalo Vieira, Borhan Yaghoobi, Christian Hauck, Catarina Paz, Ivo Bernando, Miguel Ramos, and Miguel Angel de Pablo

EGU2019-3618 | PICOs | CR2.3

Exploring the link between microseism and sea ice in Antarctica by using machine learning

Salvatore Moschella, Andrea Cannata, Flavio Cannavò, Stefano Gresta, and Laura Spina

EGU2019-4262 | PICOs | CR2.3

Measurements of sea ice drift and dynamics using an open source instrument

Jean Rabault, Graig Sutherland, and Atle Jensen

EGU2019-14883 | PICOs | CR2.3

Remote sensing of the ice-covered seabed

Sergey Toschov and Ruslan Zhostkov

EGU2019-7454 | PICOs | CR2.3

What lies beneath: A detailed bathymetry of the sea-floor below Ekström Ice Shelf, East Antarctica

Emma C. Smith, Reinhard Drews, Todd Ehlers, Dieter Franke, Christoph Gaedike, Coen Hofstede, Gerhard Kuhn, Astrid Lambrecht, Christoph Mayer, Ralf Tiedemann, and Olaf Eisen

EGU2019-14680 | PICOs | CR2.3

Assessing microscale anisotropy of a temperate glacier with seismic and radar borehole measurements

Sebastian Hellmann, Melchior Grab, Andreas Bauder, and Hansruedi Maurer

EGU2019-5845 | PICOs | CR2.3

Polarimetric coherence: a data analysis method to determine ice fabric from phase-sensitive radar sounding

Thomas Jordan, Dustin Schroeder, Cooper Elsworth, Davide Castelletti, Jilu Li, Matthew Siegfreid, and Jorgen Dall

EGU2019-7089 | PICOs | CR2.3

Inferring crystal orientation with polarimetric radar measurements at EastGRIP

Ole Zeising, Ilka Weikusat, Jan Eichler, Nicolas Stoll, Johanna Kerch, Olaf Eisen, Daniela Jansen, and Angelika Humbert

EGU2019-8424 | PICOs | CR2.3

New insights into polar ice crystal fabrics from radar polarimetry

Carlos Martin, Alex Brisbourne, Jonathan Kingslake, Robert Mulvaney, Julius Rix, Catherine Ritz, Keith Nicholls, Reinhard Drews, Katrin Lindback, and Kenichi Matsuoka

EGU2019-580 | PICOs | CR2.3

Constraining ice anisotropy and temperature from active source borehole seismology in the Ross Ice Shelf

Franz Lutz, Jennifer Eccles, David Prior, and Christina Hulbe

EGU2019-11890 | PICOs | CR2.3

Tidal variability of ice dynamics in the grounding zone of the Priestley Glacier, Antarctica, based on observation and modeling

Christian Wild, Oliver Marsh, Reinhard Drews, and Wolfgang Rack

EGU2019-14924 | PICOs | CR2.3

Thermally induced icequakes detected on blue ice areas of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet

Denis Lombardi, Irina Gorodetskaya, Guilhem Barruol, and Thierry Camelbeeck

EGU2019-121 | PICOs | CR2.3

Comparison of elastic moduli from seismic diving-wave and ice-core microstructure analysis in Antarctic polar firn

Rebecca Schlegel, Anja Diez, Henning Löwe, Christoph Mayer, Astrid Lambrecht, Johannes Freitag, Heinrich Miller, Coen Hofstede, and Olaf Eisen

EGU2019-14738 | PICOs | CR2.3

Evaluation of continuous and autonomous snow water equivalent measurements by a cosmic ray sensor on a Swiss glacier

Rebecca Gugerli, Nadine Salzmann, Matthias Huss, and Darin Desilets

EGU2019-7054 | PICOs | CR2.3

Observational constraints from englacial layers on fast flow initiation of a West-Antarctic ice stream

Marnie Bryant, Elisa Mantelli, Jenny Suckale, Davide Castelletti, Helene Seroussi, Martin Siegert, and Dustin Schroeder

EGU2019-13399 | PICOs | CR2.3

Detecting and characterising an englacial conduit network within a temperate Swiss glacier using active seismic and ground penetrating radar

Gregory Church, Andreas Bauder, Satyan Singh, Lasse Rabenstein, and Hansruedi Maurer

EGU2019-13527 | PICOs | CR2.3

Englacial and Subglacial Seismic Structure of the Crary Ice Rise

Paul Winberry, Howard Conway, Michelle Koutnilk, and Carlos Martin

EGU2019-1879 | PICOs | CR2.3

Radio-wave attenuation in fast-flowing ice

Benjamin Hills, Knut Christianson, Nicholas Holschuh, and Sridhar Anandakrishnan

EGU2019-18973 | PICOs | CR2.3

Detecting the subglacial conditions at Store Glacier, West Greenland, using a combined seismic-radar survey

Coen Hofstede, Poul Christoffersen, Rickard Pettersson, Adrian McCallum, Tj Young, Olaf Eisen, and Emma Smith

EGU2019-7459 | PICOs | CR2.3

The internal structure and subglacial topography of the NE outlet of Eyjabakkajökull glacier, East Iceland.

Kristaps Lamsters, Jānis Karušs, Māris Krievāns, and Jurijs Ješkins

EGU2019-4249 | PICOs | CR2.3

Subglacial sediment distribution from constrained surface-wave inversion using the MuLTI algorithm: Examples from Midtdalsbreen, Norway

Siobhan Killingbeck, Adam Booth, Phil Livermore, Landis West, Benedict Reinardy, and Atle Nesje

EGU2019-1633 | PICOs | CR2.3

Interglacial heterogeneities in the ice caps of the Argentine islands and their dynamics during first 2 years of GPR investigations

Anatolii Chernov, Denis Pishniak, Kristaps Lamsters, Jānis Karušs, and Māris Krievāns

EGU2019-13683 | PICOs | CR2.3

Determining the ice volume distribution of glaciers using helicopter-borne GPR and glaciological modeling

Melchior Grab, Lisbeth Langhammer, Andreas Bauder, Lasse Rabenstein, Lino Schmid, and Hansruedi Maurer

EGU2019-1455 | PICOs | CR2.3

A new long wavelength airborne sounding radar for temperate glacier thickness measurement with a case study on the Hubbard Glacier, Alaska, USA

Michael Christoffersen, John W. Holt, Martin Truffer, and Christopher F. Larsen

EGU2019-2326 | PICOs | CR2.3

Layer-Optimized Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing for Slope Detection and Estimation

Dustin Schroeder, Davide Castelletti, and Elisa Mantelli

EGU2019-8046 | PICOs | CR2.3

Repeat-pass interferometry applied to englacial layer velocity estimation using radar sounder data

Davide Castelletti, Dustin Schroeder, Tom Jordan, and Duncan Young

CR2.4 – Glacier Monitoring from In-situ and Remotely Sensed Observations (co-organized)

EGU2019-500 | Posters | CR2.4

Reconstructed centennial mass balance change for Golubin Glacier, Northern Tien Shan.

Erlan Azisov, Martina Barandun, Tomas Saks, Mukhammed Esenaman uulu, Sergiy Vorogushyn, Ryskul Usubaliev, and Martin Hoelzle

EGU2019-5375 | Orals | CR2.4

One century of direct mass balance observations on Claridenfirn, Switzerland

Matthias Huss, Andreas Bauder, Andreas Linsbauer, and Daniel Farinotti

EGU2019-14568 | Posters | CR2.4

Interpolation of data gaps in geodetic glacier elevation change and related uncertainties

Romain Hugonnet, Fanny Brun, Ines Dussaillant, and Etienne Berthier

EGU2019-14587 | Orals | CR2.4 | Highlight

Multi-decadal elevation changes of Arctic glaciers

Robert McNabb, Christopher Nuth, Luc Girod, and Andreas Kääb

EGU2019-12154 | Posters | CR2.4

Dynamic changes in Dalk Glacier in East Antarctica derived from multisource satellite observations

Yiming Chen, Chunxia Zhou, and Qi Liang

EGU2019-11133 | Orals | CR2.4

Automated processing of terrestrial photographs for glacier monitoring at Hoher Sonnblick (Austria)

Lucia Felbauer, Martin Mergili, and Bernhard Hynek

EGU2019-5963 | Posters | CR2.4

Thermal profile of ice/snow covers on three north faces of the Mont Blanc massif (European Alps, France)

Ludovic Ravanel, Florence Magnin, Grégoire Guillet, and Philip Deline

EGU2019-7273 | Posters | CR2.4

Mapping the loss of Mt. Kenya's glaciers: an example of the challenges of satellite monitoring of very small glaciers

Rainer Prinz, Armin Heller, Martin Ladner, Lindsey Nicholson, and Georg Kaser

EGU2019-14079 | Orals | CR2.4

Mount Kenya revisited: The disappearance of Lewis Glacier based on detailed reconstruction of ice loss between 1934 and 2018

Marcus Nüsser, Dagmar Brombierstäudl, and Susanne Schmidt

EGU2019-13451 | Orals | CR2.4

Water loss in Indian Himalayas over the past 14 years

Debmita Bandyopadhyay and Gulab Singh

EGU2019-8507 | Posters | CR2.4

Status of the Pléiades Glacier Observatory

Etienne Berthier, Fontannaz Delphine, Christian Vincent, Delphine Six, and Anne Lifermann

EGU2019-9534 | Orals | CR2.4 | Highlight

3D structure of Khumbu Glacier, Nepal, from borehole experiments

Bryn Hubbard, Duncan Quincey, Evan Miles, Katie Miles, Mark Pallett, and Ann Rowan

EGU2019-11065 | Posters | CR2.4

Over 9,000 Historical Photographs Added to the Glacier Photograph Collection Database

Ann Windnagel and Athea Merredyth

EGU2019-16425 | Orals | CR2.4

Region-wide estimate of annual glacier mass balance for the Tien Shan and Pamir from 2000 to 2017

Martina Barandun, Robert McNabb, Kathrin Naegeli, Matthias Huss, Etienne Berthier, and Martin Hoelzle

EGU2019-16467 | Orals | CR2.4

Glacier Recession in the tropical Andes - Area and Mass Changes 2000-2016

Thorsten Seehaus, Philipp Malz, Christian Sommer, Stefan Lippl, Alvaro Soruco, Alejo Cochachin, and Matthias Braun

CR3.01 – Snow avalanche formation and dynamics: from basic physical knowledge to avalanche detection and mitigation strategies | PICO

EGU2019-19179 | PICOs | CR3.01

Integrated micromechanical model for slope stability analysis

Brice Kabore and Bernhard Peters

EGU2019-8951 | PICOs | CR3.01 | Highlight

Multi-scale fracture mechanisms in snow

Barbara Frigo, Alessandro P. Fantilli, and Bernardino Chiaia

EGU2019-16054 | PICOs | CR3.01

Improvements on an existing testing device to study post-peak shear behavior of snow

Valerio De Biagi, Monica Barbero, Fabrizio Barpi, Mauro Borri-Brunetto, and Oronzo Pallara

EGU2019-15635 | PICOs | CR3.01

Modeling snow failure and dynamic fracture with discrete elements

Gregoire Bobillier, Achille Capelli, Alec van Herwijnen, Jürg Dual, Bastian Bergfeld, Johan Gaume, and Jürg Schweizer

EGU2019-18022 | PICOs | CR3.01 | Highlight

Validating and improving the parameterization for the critical crack length in the snow cover model SNOWPACK

Bettina Richter, Alec van Herwijnen, Mathias Rotach, and Jürg Schweizer

EGU2019-17202 | PICOs | CR3.01

18-years blowing snow data set from a high-elevation alpine site (Col du Lac Blanc, France, 2720 m a.s.l)

Florence Naaim-Bouvet, Gilbert Guyomarc'h, Hervé Bellot, Vincent Vionnet, Yannick Deliot, Firmin Fontaine, Hugo Merzisen, Isabelle Gouttevin, and Mohamed Naaim

EGU2019-19041 | PICOs | CR3.01

Assessing meteorological conditions for glide-snow avalanches

Andreas Eberl, Andreas Gobiet, Arnold Studeregger, and Ingrid Reiweger

EGU2019-7248 | PICOs | CR3.01

Integrating statistical modelling and remote sensing for the detection of snow avalanches in South Tyrol (Italy)

Stefan Steger, Carlo Marin, Sarah Nolting, Claudia Notarnicola, Marc Zebisch, and Stefan Schneiderbauer

EGU2019-16980 | PICOs | CR3.01 | Highlight

Best practices in field deployments for the seismic detection of snow avalanches

Christine Seupel, Alec van Herwijnen, Matthias Heck, and Jürg Schweizer

EGU2019-10655 | PICOs | CR3.01 | Highlight

Survey of snow avalanche interaction with retarding mounds at Taconnaz, French Alps

Hervé Bellot, Thierry Faug, Florence Naaim-Bouvet, Emmanuel Thibert, Firmin Fontaine, Frédéric Ousset, and Mohamed Naaim

EGU2019-13826 | PICOs | CR3.01 | Highlight

Avalanche impact force on a rigid wall in presence of a granular jump

Thierry Faug

EGU2019-7037 | PICOs | CR3.01 | Highlight

How avalanche velocity and cohesion influence impact pressure build-up on structures

Michael Kyburz, Betty Sovilla, Johan Gaume, and Christophe Ancey

EGU2019-13698 | PICOs | CR3.01

Thermal equilibrium in snow flows – A natural compensation of frictional energy dissipation

Jan-Thomas Fischer, Roland Kaitna, Kilian Heil, and Ingrid Reiweger

EGU2019-17508 | PICOs | CR3.01

Probabilistic avalanche run-out analysis in complex terrain

Dieter Issler, Zhongqiang Liu, and Matthias Rauter

CR3.03 – Advances in measuring and modeling firn on ice sheets and glaciers | PICO

EGU2019-10053 | PICOs | CR3.03

Modelling dry snow densification without an abrupt transition

Elizabeth Morris and Lynn Montgomery

EGU2019-17110 | PICOs | CR3.03

How does your ice sheet melt? On the importance of retention in snow and firn models (RETMIP)

Ruth Mottram, Martin Olesen, Peter Langen, Robert Fausto, and Baptiste Vandecrux and the RetMIP Contributing Modelling Groups

EGU2019-17432 | PICOs | CR3.03

Modeling firn height variability to infer ice-sheet mass change from NASA's ICESat missions

Brooke Medley, Thomas Neumann, Jay Zwally, Benjamin Smith, and C. Max Stevens

EGU2019-14253 | PICOs | CR3.03

Comparison of in-situ and ex-situ metamorphism in near-surface snow stratifications at Dome C

Henning Löwe, Matthias Jaggi, Margret Matzl, Martin Schneebeli, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, and Amaelle Landais

EGU2019-4875 | PICOs | CR3.03

Spatially heterogenous firn on a remotely located mountain glacier in Central Asia

Marlene Kronenberg, Horst Machguth, and Martin Hoelzle

EGU2019-4946 | PICOs | CR3.03

Layered trapping of gases in East Antarctic ice: insights from the firn column structure

Kévin Fourteau, Patricia Martinerie, Xavier Faïn, Christoph Schaller, Rebecca Tuckwell, Henning Löwe, Johannes Freitag, Robert Mulvaney, Martin Schneebeli, and Vladimir Lipenkov

EGU2019-10126 | PICOs | CR3.03

Deep firn structure influenced by horizontal ice flow during burial in Greenland's percolation zone

Toby Meierbachtol, Joel Harper, Rosie Leone, and Neil Humphrey

EGU2019-5952 | PICOs | CR3.03

Impact of horizontal strain on firn-air content

Annika N. Horlings, Knut Christianson, Edwin D. Waddington, C. Max Stevens, and Nicholas Holschuh

EGU2019-6236 | PICOs | CR3.03

History of snow grain modification evaluated by specific surface area (SSA) and density using two ice cores from Greenland.

Takuto Ando, Yoshinori Iizuka, Mai Shibata, Sumito Matoba, Shin Sugiyama, Satoru Adachi, Satoru Yamaguchi, Koji Fujita, Akira Hori, Masashi Niwano, Teruo Aoki, and Shuji Fujita

EGU2019-7685 | PICOs | CR3.03

Geometric and crystallographic microstructural anisotropy in polar snow: A case study of the EastGRIP snowpack, Greenland.

Maurine Montagnat, Henning Löwe, Martin Schneebeli, Neige Calonne, Matthias Jaggi, and Margret Matzl

EGU2019-10232 | PICOs | CR3.03

Modeling firn densification through the evolution of microstructural properties

Brita I. Horlings, Kaitlin Keegan, Edwin D. Waddington, Mary R. Albert, and Zoe Courville

EGU2019-10558 | PICOs | CR3.03

Firn Microstructure of a South Pole Shallow Core

Kaitlin Keegan, Mary R. Albert, Zoe Courville, Brita I. Horlings, and C. Max Stevens

EGU2019-12032 | PICOs | CR3.03

A new look at calibration of densification models for dry firn

Edwin D Waddington, C Max Stevens, Brita I Horlings, Annika N Horlings, Knut Christianson, Howard Conway, David A Lilien, Tyler J Fudge, Michelle R Koutnik, Kaitlin Keegan, Mary R Albert, Zoe Courville, Erich C Osterberg, Robert L Hawley, David Clemens-Sewall, and Carlos Martin

CR3.04 – Modelling and measuring snow processes across scales (co-organized) | PICO

EGU2019-4880 | PICOs | CR3.04

Comparing snow process models across scales

Richard L.H. Essery and Cecile B. Menard

EGU2019-5668 | PICOs | CR3.04

Simulated single-layer forest canopies delay snowmelt across boreal forests

Markus Todt, Nick Rutter, Christopher G. Fletcher, Leanne M. Wake, and Michael M. Loranty

EGU2019-11112 | PICOs | CR3.04

A multi-layer snow scheme for NWP applications: In-situ evaluation and impact on near-surface forecasts

Gabriele Arduini, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Emanuel Dutra, Jonathan Day, Souhail Boussetta, and Irina Sandu

EGU2019-1569 | PICOs | CR3.04

Large-scale assessment of spatial-temporal variability of the characteristics of snow cover within a uniform area.

Anton Komarov, Sergey Sokratov, Yuri Seliverstov, Pavel Grebennikov, and Alla Turchaninova

EGU2019-12859 | PICOs | CR3.04

Improvement of snow optical properties with respect to grain size in ICON

Anika Rohde, Bernhard Vogel, and Sven Werchner

EGU2019-6167 | PICOs | CR3.04

Stochastic approach to represent subgrid-scale variability of snow cover in RUC Land-Surface Model (RUC LSM)

Tatiana G. Smirnova, Siwei He, Stanley G. Benjamin, and John M. Brown

EGU2019-4976 | PICOs | CR3.04

Simulating the snowpack at point and catchment scale for hydrological applications

Daniel Günther, Florian Hanzer, Thomas Marke, Richard Essery, and Ulrich Strasser

EGU2019-12495 | PICOs | CR3.04

Snowdrift modeling with the Weather Research and Forecasting model

Christina Schmid, Thomas Mölg, and Tobias Sauter

EGU2019-9451 | PICOs | CR3.04

Sensitivity of snow models to the accuracy of the meteorological forcing in a mountain environment

Silvia Terzago, Paolo Pogliotti, Edoardo Cremonese, Umberto Morra di Cella, Simone Gabellani, Gaia Piazzi, Daniele Dolia, Claudio Cassardo, Valentina Andreoli, Jost von Hardenberg, Elisa Palazzi, and Antonello Provenzale

EGU2019-10838 | PICOs | CR3.04

Simulating snow conditions in ski resorts with the physically based snowpack models AMUNDSEN, Crocus, and SNOWPACK/Alpine3D

Florian Hanzer, Carlo Maria Carmagnola, Pirmin Philipp Ebner, Franziska Koch, Fabiano Monti, Mathias Bavay, Matthias Bernhardt, Matthieu Lafaysse, Michael Lehning, Ulrich Strasser, Hugues François, and Samuel Morin

EGU2019-13674 | PICOs | CR3.04

Parameterizing snow interception over forest canopy

Nora Helbig, David Moeser, Michaela Teich, Laure Vincent, Yves Lejeune, Matthieu Lafaysse, Jean-Emmanuel Sicart, and Jean-Matthieu Monnet

EGU2019-9327 | PICOs | CR3.04

Webcam images for validating and improving snow cover maps from high resolution Sentinel-1 & -2 data

Livia Piermattei, Camillo Ressl, Gerhard Puercher, Martin Wieser, Gabriele Schwaizer, Thomas Nagler, Mauro Marty, Christian Ginzler, Norbert Pfeifer, and Markus Hollaus

EGU2019-10692 | PICOs | CR3.04

Impact of topography on snowfall: a view from polarimetric radar

Nikola Besic, Daniele Nerini, Loris Foresti, Marco Gabella, Urs Germann, and Alexis Berne

EGU2019-1532 | PICOs | CR3.04

Exploring the relationship between snow surface height variations and the isotopic composition at EastGRIP

Alexandra Zuhr, Maria Hörhold, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Thomas Münch, Sepp Kipfstuhl, and Thomas Laepple

EGU2019-13134 | PICOs | CR3.04

Impurity measurements of snow tubes while in the field- a light weight in situ analysis (LISA) box

Helle Astrid Kjær, Paul Vallelonga, Lisa Lolk Hauge, and Marius Simonsen

EGU2019-15715 | PICOs | CR3.04

Snow water equivalent assessment with low-cost GNSS sensors along a steep elevation gradient

Achille Capelli, Franziska Koch, Partick Henkel, Markus Lamm, Christoph Marty, and Jürg Schweizer

EGU2019-17480 | PICOs | CR3.04

Snow metamorphism and densification - Comparison of measured, parametrised and modelled data

Edoardo Raparelli, Charles Fierz, Georg Kaser, Henning Löwe, and Friedrich Obleitner

EGU2019-15351 | PICOs | CR3.04

Modeling the evolution of the structural anisotropy of snow

Silvan Leinss, Henning Löwe, Martin Proksch, Anna Kontu, and Irena Hajnsek

CR3.05 – Risks from a changing cryosphere (co-sponsored by IACS and IPA)

EGU2019-6153 | Orals | CR3.05 | Highlight

Where are the world's glacial lakes and how big are they?

Dan Shugar, Aaron Burr, Umesh Haritashya, Jeffrey Kargel, Scott Watson, Alex Bevington, Nick Steiner, Richard Betts, Stephan Harrison, Katherine Strattman, and Maureen Kennedy

EGU2019-4284 | Posters | CR3.05

Mercury in deep ice-rich permafrost deposits of Siberia

Clara Rutkowski, Jens Strauss, Josefine Lenz, Sibylle Mothes, and Andreas Lang

EGU2019-5979 | Posters | CR3.05

Are damages to infrastructure at high elevation in the French Alps related to permafrost warming?

Pierre-Allain Duvillard, Ludovic Ravanel, Marco Marcer, and Philippe Schoeneich

EGU2019-5454 | Orals | CR3.05

The Circum-Arctic Shelf Sediment CArbon DatabasE (CASSCADE): first analysis of spatial patterns and fluxes of terrestrial carbon input to the Arctic Ocean

Jannik Martens, Birgit Wild, August Andersson, Igor Semiletov, Natalia Shakhova, Oleg V. Dudarev, Denis Kosmach, Alexander Charkin, Evgeny Romankevich, Alexander Vetrov, Leopold Lobkovsky, Nikolay Belyaev, and Örjan Gustafsson

EGU2019-6959 | Posters | CR3.05

Climatic and topographic controls on the development of glacial lakes and outburst floods: the insights from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru

Adam Emmer, Stephan Harrison, Martin Mergili, and Christian Huggel

EGU2019-15807 | Orals | CR3.05

Simulating rain-on-snow events for Norway

Pardeep Pall, Lena Tallaksen, and Frode Stordal

EGU2019-8976 | Posters | CR3.05

Simple hydrological modelling with scarce data in high mountain regions: a case study in the upper Vilcanota basin, Peru

Randy Muñoz, Holger Frey, Fabian Drenkhan, Daniel Viviroli, and Christian Huggel

EGU2019-9182 | Posters | CR3.05

Developing a framework for the management of glacial risks in India

Holger Frey, Simon Allen, Alberto Muñoz Torrero Manchado, Adam Emmer, Christian Huggel, and Divya Kashyap

EGU2019-7493 | Orals | CR3.05

Monitoring of the Grand Croux Centrale Glacier Lake Outburst Flood (Aosta Valley - Italy).

Fabrizio Troilo, Valerio Segor, Alberto Godio, Diego Franco, Elena Motta, Paolo Perret, and Simone Gottardelli

EGU2019-9208 | Posters | CR3.05

Lake volume and mean depth estimation from a large bathymetry data set in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru

Alejo Cochachin, Randy Muñoz, Holger Frey, Wilfried Haeberli, and Christian Huggel

EGU2019-11592 | Orals | CR3.05

The role of englacial hydrology and hydromechanical processes during an outburst flood cycle from an ice-dammed lake

David Bigelow, Gwenn Flowers, Christian Schoof, Laurent Mingo, Erik Young, and Braden Connal

EGU2019-10661 | Posters | CR3.05

Thermal and morphological characteristics and spatial distribution of rock glaciers in the Cordillera Chila, southern Peru

Edwin Loarte, Katy Medina, Luzmila Dávila, Christian Huggel, Wilfried Haeberli, Holger Frey, and Randy Muñoz

EGU2019-13482 | Orals | CR3.05

A three-phase mass flow model applied for the simulation of complex landslide–glacier–lake interactions in Iceland

Sigríður Sif Gylfadóttir, Martin Mergili, Tómas Jóhannesson, Jón Kristinn Helgason, Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Jan-Thomas Fischer, and Shiva P. Pudasaini

EGU2019-11919 | Posters | CR3.05

Meltwater discharge and flooding of the outlet stream of Qaanaaq Glacier, northwestern Greenland

Ken Kondo, Daiki Sakakibara, Shungo Fukumoto, and Shin Sugiyama

EGU2019-12525 | Posters | CR3.05 | Highlight

Increasing hazard from glacial lake outburst floods in ice-free Himalayas

Georg Veh, Oliver Korup, and Ariane Walz

EGU2019-14666 | Posters | CR3.05

The importance of sea ice properties in assessing the risks present in coastal regions of the Arctic

Megan O'Sadnick, Chris Petrich, Nga Dang, Øystein Kleven, Camilla Brekke, and Jofrid Skardhamar

CR4.1 – Permafrost Open Session (co-organized)

EGU2019-1547 | Posters | CR4.1

Tracing permafrost in proglacial springs – first results from two alpine research areas

David Keil, Johannes Lachner, Julia Schenk, Riccardo Scandroglio, Michael Krautblatter, and Sabine Kraushaar

EGU2019-11297 | Orals | CR4.1 | Highlight

The Impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet Basal Conditions on Regional Permafrost and Groundwater Flow

Joel Harper and Toby Meierbachtol

EGU2019-193 | Posters | CR4.1

Dissolution of minerals and rocks in ice and its implication for polar region

Hyun Young Chung and Kitae Kim

EGU2019-10311 | Orals | CR4.1

A high-resolution coupled permafrost - ice sheet model

Thomas Zwinger, Juha Hartikainen, and Denis Cohen

EGU2019-328 | Posters | CR4.1

A new global rock glacier inventory for water resources research

Juliet Ermer and Joanne Laura Wood

EGU2019-1408 | Posters | CR4.1

Quantifying permafrost degradation using combined stable isotopes (2H and 18O) and anthropogenic 129I isotope chemistry in rock-glacier meltwaters

Jakob Müller, Johannes Lachner, Till Groh, Jan Blöthe, and Sabine Kraushaar

EGU2019-3933 | Orals | CR4.1 | Highlight

Permafrost dynamics in Iceland between 18 ka BP and today – model results and geomorphological implications

Bernd Etzelmuller, Henry Patton, Anders Schoemacker, Alun Lloyd Hubbard, Justyna Czekirda, and Sebastian Westermann

EGU2019-11156 | Orals | CR4.1

Changing river ice and frozen ground in Eastern Siberia: present state and future scenarios

Liudmila Lebedeva, David Gustafsson, Olga Makarieva, and Svetlana Agafonova

EGU2019-13037 | Orals | CR4.1

Soil temperature and thaw depth differences associated with tundra vegetation types at Trail Valley Creek, NWT, Canada

Inge Grünberg, William L. Cable, Sofia Antonova, Stephan Lange, and Julia Boike

EGU2019-2620 | Posters | CR4.1

Development of the subgrid excess ground ice framework in the Community Land Model

Lei Cai, Hanna Lee, Sebastian Westermann, and Kjetil Schanke Aas

EGU2019-14268 | Orals | CR4.1

Spatial distribution and climate sensitivity of permafrost in High Asia

Marco Otto, Dieter Scherer, Xun Wang, and Vanessa Tolksdorf

EGU2019-6344 | Posters | CR4.1

Investigating the soil heat simulation of the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model in the Tibetan Plateau

Wenjiang Zhang and Li Liu

EGU2019-6401 | Posters | CR4.1

Hydrogeological Characteristics of Groundwater and Surface water in King George Island, Antarctica

Jisun Kim, Jiyoung Kang, Sung-Wook Jeen, Jeonghoon Lee, Hyoun Soo Lim, Hyoungseok Lee, and Soon Gyu Hong

EGU2019-1700 | Orals | CR4.1

Designing realistic surface boundary conditions for groundwater models in permafrost regions

Pierrick Lamontagne-Hallé, Jeffrey McKenzie, Barret Kurylyk, Lin Chen, and Samuel Zipper

EGU2019-6594 | Posters | CR4.1

Integration of SAR and machine learning methods to improve rock glacier classification

Christian Kofler, Aldo Bertone, Stefan Steger, Mattia Callegari, Carlo Marin, Giovanni Cuozzo, Marc Zebisch, Claudia Notarnicola, Volkmar Mair, Roberto Seppi, Francesco Zucca, Francesco Comiti, and Stefan Schneiderbauer

EGU2019-2436 | Orals | CR4.1 | Highlight

Hydrologic and biogeochemical significance of perennial thaw zones in degrading permafrost

Michelle Walvoord, Kimberly Wickland, Burke Minsley, and Robert Striegl

EGU2019-6851 | Posters | CR4.1

Building on each other’s work - Impact and inspiration of permafrost research from 1998 to 2017

Ylva Sjöberg, Ashley Rudy, Matthias Siewert, Michel Paquette, Frédéric Bouchard, Julie Malenfant-Lepage, and Michael Fritz

EGU2019-7838 | Orals | CR4.1

Water and element fluxes in an experimental watershed in a permafrost-dominated, forested area of Central Siberia: insights from geochemical observations and thermo-hydrological modeling

Laurent Orgogozo, Anatoly S. Prokushkin, Oleg S. Pokrovsky, Christophe Grenier, Michel Quintard, Jérôme Viers, and Stéphane Audry

EGU2019-11678 | Orals | CR4.1

High frequency flow and solute dynamics in an alpine discontinuous permafrost catchment

Sean Carey, Nadine Shatilla, and Weigang Tang

EGU2019-10479 | Posters | CR4.1 | Highlight

Circumpolar mapping of permafrost temperature and thaw depth in the ESA Permafrost CCI project

Sebastian Westermann, Tazio Strozzi, Andreas Wiesmann, Kristoffer Aalstad, Joel Fiddes, Andreas Kääb, Jaroslav Obu, Frank Martin Seifert, Guido Grosse, Birgit Heim, Heidrun Matthes, Ingmar Nitze, Annette Rinke, Gustaf Hugelius, Juri Palmtag, Chloé Barboux, Reynald Delaloye, Christine Kroisleitner, and Annett Bartsch

EGU2019-11392 | Posters | CR4.1

Inferring Surface and Subsurface Lake-Channel Connectivity in Arctic Deltas

Lawrence Vulis, Alejandro Tejedor, Jon Schwenk, and Efi Foufoula-Georgiou

EGU2019-12376 | Orals | CR4.1 | Highlight

Numerical modelling of coupled groundwater flow and permafrost thaw under climate change: Applications to monitored field sites at Umiujaq (Nunavik, Quebec) and Iqaluit (Nunavut), Canada

John Molson, Sophie Dagenais, Masoumeh Shojae Ghias, Marion Cochand, Britt Albers, René Therrien, Richard Fortier, and Jean-Michel Lemieux

EGU2019-16280 | Orals | CR4.1

Mass-balance of 42 elements in a periglacial lake catchment in West Greenland

Johan Rydberg, Tobias Lindborg, Fredrik Lidman, Mats Tröjbom, Sten Berglund, Emma Johansson, Ulrik Kautsky, and Hjalmar Laudon

EGU2019-13158 | Posters | CR4.1

Application of UAS in the analysis of the spatial distribution of active layer thickness in Palsa mounds

Mariana Verdonen, Paolo Tarolli, Pasi Korpelainen, Tiina Kolari, Teemu Tahvanainen, and Timo Kumpula

EGU2019-160 | Orals | CR4.1

Spatially distributed tracer-aided modelling of dynamics in storage and water ages in a permafrost influenced catchment

Thea Ilaria Piovano, Doerthe Tetzlaff, Sean Carey, Nadine Shatilla, Aaron Smith, and Chris Soulsby

EGU2019-14789 | Posters | CR4.1

Changing hydrological connectivity in the Arctic

Alexa Hinzman, Ylva Sjöberg, Steve Lyon, and Ype van der Velde

EGU2019-14914 | Posters | CR4.1 | Highlight

The possible consequences of increasing greenhouse gases released as a result of climate warming

Maria Romanovskaya, Vladimir Romanovsky, and Tatyana Kuznetsova

EGU2019-15460 | Posters | CR4.1

Short- and Long-term Thermal and Mechanical Transition in Norwegian Permafrost Rock Walls.

Benjamin Jacobs, Johannes Leinauer, Kristin Sæterdal Myhra, and Michael Krautblatter

EGU2019-12223 | Orals | CR4.1

The effects of the hot summers of 2015 & 2018 on the spatial-temporal permafrost evolution at the Zugspitze

Tanja Schroeder, Riccardo Scandroglio, Verena Stammberger, Maximilian Wittmann, and Michael Krautblatter

EGU2019-377 | Orals | CR4.1

Recognition of the varying permafrost conditions in the SW Svalbard by multiple geophysical methods

Artur Marciniak, Bartosz Owoc, Tomasz Wawrzyniak, Adam Nawrot, Michał Glazer, Marzena Osuch, Wojciech Dobiński, and Mariusz Majdański

EGU2019-15867 | Posters | CR4.1

Study Of the Development of Extreme Events over Permafrost areas - SODEEP

Goran Georgievski, Stefan Hagemann, Dmitry Sein, Dmitry Nicolsky, Vladimir Romanovsky, Alexandru Onaca, Marinela Chețan, Petru Urdea, Dmitry Drozdov, and Andrew Gravis

EGU2019-7130 | Orals | CR4.1

Seismic monitoring of the Gugla rock glacier: observations and modeling of internal processes

Antoine Guillemot, Baillet Laurent, Helmstetter Agnès, Larose Éric, and Mayoraz Raphaël

EGU2019-15895 | Posters | CR4.1

THM experiments for the investigation of freeze-thaw processes around borehole heat exchanger systems

Jan Christopher Hesse, Jan-Henrik Kupfernagel, Markus Schedel, Bastian Welsch, Lutz Müller, and Ingo Sass

EGU2019-370 | Orals | CR4.1

Low frequency induced polarization of porous media undergoing freezing: from pore to the field scale

Antoine Coperey, André Revil, Benoit Stutz, Pierre Allain Duvillard, Feras Abdulsamad, and Ludovic Ravanel

EGU2019-15546 | Orals | CR4.1

Modular sensor system for precise ground surface temperature measurements

Jan Beutel, Samuel Weber, Matthias Meyer, and Andreas Hasler

EGU2019-15942 | Posters | CR4.1

A framework to reveal mechanic thresholds for Giant Retrogressive Thaw Slump initiation

Saskia Eppinger and Michael Krautblatter

EGU2019-18174 | Posters | CR4.1

Flow and heat transfer in porous media under freeze-thaw cycles

Jinhua Hu, Tao Che, Shuang Sun, Shaomin Liu, and Xiaofan Yang

EGU2019-10239 | Orals | CR4.1

Added value of InSAR derived displacements through combination with in situ observations over continuous permafrost, central Yamal

Annett Bartsch, Tazio Strozzi, Marina Leibman, Barbara Widhalm, Artem Khomutov, Damir Mullanurov, and Anatoly Gubarkov

EGU2019-10916 | Posters | CR4.1

The GRASP project –periglacial hydrology and biogeochemistry studies bridging the gap between the academic and industrial worlds

Emma Johansson, Tobias Lindborg, Jan-Olof Selroos, and Lillemor Claesson Liljedahl

EGU2019-12870 | Posters | CR4.1

A first attempt to reveal hydrostatic pressure in permafrost-affected rock slopes with relative gravimetry

Riccardo Scandroglio, Markus Heinze, Tanja Schröder, Roland Pail, and Michael Krautblatter

EGU2019-14109 | Posters | CR4.1

The impact of lake fraction on circumarctic mean annual ground temperature derived from satellite surface status.

Christine Kroisleitner, Annett Bartsch, Helena Bergstedt, Sebastian Westermann, and Jaroslav Obu

EGU2019-14231 | Posters | CR4.1

Rapid development of permafrost thermokarst landforms detected by repeated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle surveys in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

Zhiwei Zhou, Liming Jiang, Lin Liu, Hansheng Wang, and Tingjun Zhang

EGU2019-16391 | Posters | CR4.1

Confining the evolution of ice-wedges in a warming climate

Jan Nitzbon, Léo Martin, Kjetil Schanke Aas, Moritz Langer, Sebastian Westermann, and Julia Boike

CR5.1 – Modelling ice sheets and glaciers

EGU2019-2948 | Posters | CR5.1

Influence of ice-shelf collapse on Antarctic grounding-line dynamics: results from ABUMIP

Frank Pattyn, Sainan Sun, and Erika Simon and the ABUMIP participants

EGU2019-3909 | Orals | CR5.1

Basal properties of Recovery Glacier, Antarctica, from inverse modelling

Christine Eis, Thomas Kleiner, Martin Rückamp, and Angelika Humbert

EGU2019-5501 | Orals | CR5.1

Freeze-on limits bed strength beneath sliding glaciers

Colin Meyer, Anthony Downey, and Alan Rempel

EGU2019-10993 | Orals | CR5.1

Ice sheet dynamics with temperature-dependent sliding

Elisa Mantelli and Christian Schoof

EGU2019-4227 | Posters | CR5.1

Does full Stokes matter in simulating ice sheet flow?

Luca Wester, Martin Rückamp, Ralf Greve, Eberhard Bänsch, and Angelika Humbert

EGU2019-5706 | Posters | CR5.1

Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the peak warming during Marine Isotope Stage 11

Martim Mas e Braga, Jorge Bernales, Irina Rogozhina, Arjen Stroeven, and Matthias Prange and the Magic DML Consortium

EGU2019-11227 | Orals | CR5.1

The role of subglacial supercooling freeze-on in Greenland Ice Sheet stratigraphy

Christine Dow, Nanna Karlsson, and Mauro Werder

EGU2019-6094 | Posters | CR5.1

Mapping glacier ice thickness in Patagonia

Johannes J. Fürst

EGU2019-10869 | Orals | CR5.1

Do existing theories explain seasonal to multi-decadal changes in glacier basal sliding?

Florent Gimbert, Adrien Gilbert, Olivier Gagliardini, Christian Vincent, and Luc Moreau

EGU2019-7998 | Posters | CR5.1

Ice sheet model sensitivity on perturbations applied to the ISMIP6 ocean forcing

Thomas Kleiner and Angelika Humbert

EGU2019-6130 | Orals | CR5.1

The dynamics of temperate ice-stream margins: englacial melting, water weakening and drainage

Marianne Haseloff, Ian Hewitt, and Richard Katz

EGU2019-9313 | Posters | CR5.1

Minimising model drift in initialisations of Antarctic ice-sheet models

Lars Zipf, Konstanze Haubner, Sainan Sun, and Frank Pattyn

EGU2019-5897 | Orals | CR5.1

Representation of basal melting at the grounding line in ice flow models

Helene Seroussi and Mathieu Morlighem

EGU2019-9973 | Posters | CR5.1

Estimates of cliff calving rates for present day and glacial configuration of the Antarctic Ice Sheet

Tanja Schlemm, Torsten Albrecht, and Anders Levermann

EGU2019-13076 | Orals | CR5.1

Grounding-line flux formula applied as a flux condition in numerical simulations fails for buttressed Antarctic ice streams

Ronja Reese, Ricarda Winkelmann, and G. Hilmar Gudmundsson

EGU2019-10733 | Posters | CR5.1

Influence of rock permeability on subglacial hydrology and glacier motion

Manja Žebre, David L. Egholm, and Neil F. Glasser

EGU2019-11675 | Orals | CR5.1

Stability of the grounding lines in a regime of low driving and basal stresses

Olga Sergienko and Duncan Wingham

EGU2019-11572 | Posters | CR5.1

Field constraints on the effect of water supply on the evolution of the subglacial drainage system

Gabriela Racz, Christian Schoof, Camilo Rada, Valentina Radic, Robert Koschitzki, Gwenn Flowers, and Erik Young

EGU2019-15019 | Orals | CR5.1

New insights into glacier calving and environmental sensitivity from a combined continuum & discrete 3D modelling approach

Joe Todd, Doug Benn, Tom Cowton, Jan Åstrom, and Thomas Zwinger

EGU2019-12582 | Posters | CR5.1

The meltwater lubrication feedback, impact of the melt season duration.

Basile de Fleurian and Petra Langebroek

EGU2019-13047 | Posters | CR5.1

Variational Inequality Free Surface Motion of a Glacier Surface with Mass Balance

Anna Wirbel, Alexander H. Jarosch, and Lindsey Nicholson

EGU2019-13306 | Posters | CR5.1

Focus on the base - Sensitivity study of Totten glacier to basal topography, sliding law and resulting friction using BISICLES

Konstanze Haubner, Sainan Sun, Lars Zipf, and Frank Pattyn

EGU2019-16968 | Orals | CR5.1

Stabilizing the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by surface mass deposition

Johannes Feldmann, Anders Levermann, and Matthias Mengel

EGU2019-13765 | Posters | CR5.1

Interactions between meltwater drainage, bed erosion and ice dynamics beneath terrestrial ice streams: insights from a new experimental modelling approach.

Edouard Ravier, Thomas Lelandais, Olivier Bourgeois, Stéphane Pochat, and Régis Mourgues

EGU2019-13938 | Posters | CR5.1

Sensitivity of ice loss to variations in the flow law

Maria Zeitz, Ricarda Winkelmann, Hilmar Gudmundsson, and Anders Levermann

EGU2019-14237 | Posters | CR5.1

Modelling piedmont lobe collapse in the North Patagonian Icefield

Claire Donnelly, Stephen Cornford, Antony Payne, and Stephan Harrison

EGU2019-14411 | Posters | CR5.1

A confined–unconfined aquifer model for subglacial hydrology and its application to the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream

Sebastian Beyer, Thomas Kleiner, Vadym Aizinger, Martin Rückamp, and Angelika Humbert

EGU2019-14960 | Posters | CR5.1

On the inverse problem of estimating ice thicknesses from surface data

G. Hilmar Gudmundsson

EGU2019-15237 | Posters | CR5.1

Seismic acoustic impedance, effective pressure, and basal drag

Robert Arthern, Alex Brisbourne, Andrew Smith, and Rosie Williams

EGU2019-16803 | Posters | CR5.1

The influence of subglacial hydrology on Antarctic ice sheet dynamics

Elise Kazmierczak, Violaine Coulon, and Frank Pattyn

EGU2019-12338 | Posters | CR5.1

Improved Discretization of Grounding Lines and Calving Fronts using an Embedded-Boundary Approach in BISICLES

Daniel Martin, Hans Johansen, Peter Schwartz, and Esmond Ng

CR5.2 – Ice sheet and glacier surface mass balance and atmospheric interaction (co-organized)

EGU2019-16347 | Orals | CR5.2

Response of Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheet to cloud radiative forcing

Maaike Izeboud, Stef Lhermitte, Jan Lenaerts, Kristof Van Tricht, Nicole Van Lipzig, and Nander Wever

EGU2019-8300 | Orals | CR5.2

Rapid ablation zone expansion amplifies north Greenland mass loss

Brice Noël, Willem Jan van de Berg, Stef Lhermitte, and Michiel van den Broeke

EGU2019-18338 | Posters | CR5.2

Estimation of the Antarctic surface mass balance using the regional climate model MAR (1979-2015) and identification of dominant processes

Cécile Agosta, Charles Amory, Christoph Kittel, and Xavier Fettweis

EGU2019-12143 | Orals | CR5.2

Firn strain rate observations compared with firn-model predictions in Greenland

C. Max Stevens, Michael J. MacFerrin, Edwin D. Waddington, and Waleed Abdalati

EGU2019-13868 | Posters | CR5.2

Added value of a regional climate model (MAR) for simulating the surface mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet compared to a general climate model (ACCESS1.3)

Christoph Kittel, Charles Amory, Cécile Agosta, Alison Delhasse, and Xavier Fettweis

EGU2019-19148 | Orals | CR5.2

Heat budget of Greenland firn: observed and simulated changes from 1998-2015

Baptiste Vandecrux, Robert Fausto, Dirk van As, William Colgan, Peter Langen, Kevin Sampson, Konrad Steffen, Konstanze Haubner, Thomas Ingemann-Nielsen, Masashi Niwano, and Jason Box

EGU2019-12874 | Posters | CR5.2

The Challenge of Present Day and Future Climate in Antarctica: An Intercomparison of Regional Climate Models

Fredrik Boberg, Ruth Mottram, Nicolaj Hansen, and Sebastian Simonsen

EGU2019-12741 | Posters | CR5.2

Turbulent structures and heat fluxes over glacier ice and supraglacial debris

Lindsey Nicholson and Ivana Stiperski

EGU2019-9774 | Orals | CR5.2

Deep ice-filled crevasses at Store Glacier, Greenland, revealed by borehole optical televiewing

Bryn Hubbard, Poul Christoffersen, Samuel Doyle, Tom Chudley, Robert Law, Marion Bougamont, and Charlotte Schoonman

EGU2019-7704 | Posters | CR5.2

Modelling ice algal growth and its impact upon Greenland Ice Sheet albedo

Andrew Tedstone, Christopher Williamson, Joseph Cook, Jenine McCutcheon, Xavier Fettweis, Mark Flanner, Jonathan Bamber, and Martyn Tranter

EGU2019-13991 | Orals | CR5.2 | Highlight

A best estimate of surface meltwater in Antarctica

Peter Kuipers Munneke, Stef Lhermitte, Stan Jakobs, Jan Lenaerts, and Michiel Van den Broeke

EGU2019-11396 | Posters | CR5.2

Modelling ice lens and aquifer formation in firn

Willem Jan van de Berg

EGU2019-10902 | Orals | CR5.2

Determination of glacier surface roughness lengths through in situ and remote observation

Noel Fitzpatrick, Valentina Radic, and Brian Menounos

EGU2019-13638 | Orals | CR5.2

Blowing snow representation in COSMO-CLM² : the case of the Roi Baudouin Ice Shelf, East Antarctica

Alexandra Gossart, Niels Souverijns, Leonardus van Kampenhout, Charles Amory, Nicole P.M. van Lipzig, and Jan T.M. Lenaerts

EGU2019-11099 | Orals | CR5.2

Remapping of Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance anomalies for large ensemble sea-level change projections

Heiko Goelzer, Brice Noël, Michiel van den Broeke, and Roderik van de Wal

EGU2019-16611 | Orals | CR5.2

C3S high resolution Arctic reanalysis - impact of coupled surface-radiation modelling

Kristian Pagh Nielsen, Patrick Samuelsson, Bolli Palmason, Ruth Mottram, Kenneth Mankoff, and Jason Box

CR5.3 – Ice-sheet and climate interactions (co-organized)

EGU2019-13936 | Orals | CR5.3

Modelling ice sheet evolution and atmospheric CO2 during Marine Isotope Stage MIS M2

Tijn Berends, Bas de Boer, Roderik van de Wal, Aisling Dolan, and Dan Hill

EGU2019-8254 | Posters | CR5.3

The BErgen Snow SImulator (BESSI)

Andreas Born, Michael A. Imhof, and Thomas F. Stocker

EGU2019-15959 | Posters | CR5.3

A surface mass balance scheme including the diurnal cycle of solar radiation for ice sheet simulations on long time scales

Uta Krebs-Kanzow, Shan Xu, Paul Gierz, and Gerrit Lohmann

EGU2019-7383 | Orals | CR5.3

Eemian Greenland ice sheet simulated with a higher-order model shows strong sensitivity to SMB forcing

Andreas Plach, Kerim H. Nisancioglu, Petra M. Langebroek, Andreas Born, and Sebastién Le clec’h

EGU2019-8238 | Orals | CR5.3

Submarine melt as a potential trigger of the North East Greenland Ice Stream margin retreat during MIS-3.

Ilaria Tabone, Alexander Robinson, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, and Marisa Montoya

EGU2019-16534 | Posters | CR5.3

Dynamic hydrological discharge modelling for coupled climate model simulations of the last glacial cycle

Thomas Riddick, Victor Brovkin, Stefan Hagemann, and Uwe Mikolajewicz

EGU2019-14375 | Orals | CR5.3

Greenland ice sheet variability during the Holocene

Christine S. Hvidberg, Lisbeth T. Nielsen, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Vasileios Gkinis, and Roman Nuterman

EGU2019-6820 | Orals | CR5.3 | Highlight

Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance under stratospheric sulfate aerosol injection geoengineering

John Moore, Chao Yue, Liyun Zhao, and Guo Xiaoran

EGU2019-15059 | Posters | CR5.3

Precipitation Ansatz dependent Future Sea Level Contribution from Antarctica under CMIP5 Forcing

Christian Rodehacke, Madlene Pfeiffer, Tido Semmler, Thomas Kleiner, and Gurses Gurses

EGU2019-16302 | Posters | CR5.3

Controls on future Greenland deglaciation rates as simulated with a coupled climate and ice sheet model

Miren Vizcaino and Uwe Mikolajewicz

EGU2019-18450 | Orals | CR5.3 | Highlight

Primed for retreat: Unprecedented vulnerability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet

Robert DeConto, David Pollard, and Edward Gasson

EGU2019-11005 | Posters | CR5.3

Sea-level rise from the Greenland Ice Sheet in response to observed change

Isabel Nias, Sophie Nowicki, and Denis Felikson

EGU2019-16223 | Posters | CR5.3

Future evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet in a coupled climate and ice sheet model: CESM2.1-CISM2.1 contribution to ISMIP6

Laura Muntjewerf, William Lipscomb, Kate Thayer-Calder, Bill Sacks, Sarah Bradley, Marcus Lofverstrom, Jeremy Fyke, Carolina Ernani da Silva, Raymond Sellevold, Michele Petrini, and Miren Vizcaino

EGU2019-13743 | Posters | CR5.3

Simulating Greenland ice sheet stability under global warming

Alexander Robinson, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, and Marisa Montoya

EGU2019-10555 | Posters | CR5.3

Discovery of a new emission pathway of subglacial methane to the atmosphere from below the Greenland Ice Sheet

Jesper Christiansen and Christian Juncher Jørgensen

EGU2019-4945 | Posters | CR5.3

The properties of glacial meltwater and sea water isotopes in the Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica

Hyeonju Yoo, Won Sang Lee, Jeonghoon Lee, Sukyoung Yun, Seung-Tae Yoon, Gwangil Jang, Chung Yeon Hwang, and Jiyeon Lee

EGU2019-13966 | Posters | CR5.3

Reconstructing the response of the British-Irish ice sheet to atmospheric temperature during Termination 1

Gordon Bromley, Aaron Putnam, Brenda Hall, Stephen Barker, Kurt Rademaker, and Alexandra Balter

EGU2019-18815 | Posters | CR5.3

The evolution of the Eurasian Ice Sheet on millennial time scales during the Last Glacial Period

Jorge Alvarez-Solas, Rubén Banderas, Alexander Robinson, and Marisa Montoya

EGU2019-12359 | Posters | CR5.3

Exploring the impact of uncertainty in ice dynamics and climatic forcing on the simulation of Antarctica during the Last Glacial Period

Javier Blasco, Ilaria Tabone, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, Alexander Robinson, and Marisa Montoya

EGU2019-241 | Posters | CR5.3

Simulating extreme glaciation/deglaciation events using a coupled climate – ice sheet model

Dipayan Choudhury, Axel Timmermann, Fabian Schloesser, and David Pollard

CR5.5 – Ice shelves and tidewater glaciers - dynamics, interactions, observations, modelling (co-organized)

EGU2019-15116 | Orals | CR5.5

Variations in the inter-annual melt cycles at 79°N Glacier inferred from remote sensing data

Philipp Hochreuther, Niklas Neckel, Jenny Turton, Nathalie Reimann, and Matthias Braun

EGU2019-522 | Orals | CR5.5

Subglacial drainage evolution modulates tidewater glacier ice flow variability

Ben Davison, Andrew Sole, Tom Cowton, James Lea, and Dominik Fahrner

EGU2019-12999 | Posters | CR5.5

Monolithic simulation of ice-shelf/ocean interaction with an extended enthalpy-porosity method for convection-coupled phase-change

Alexander G. Zimmerman and Julia Kowalski

EGU2019-2769 | Posters | CR5.5

Detecting and monitoring ice-shelf basal mass balance in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica

Sophie Berger, Niklas Neckel, Veit Helm, Nils Dörr, Reinhard Drews, Frank Pattyn, and Olaf Eisen

EGU2019-8985 | Orals | CR5.5

Monitoring and modeling a recurrent major calving event at Bowdoin Glacier, Greenland

Eef van Dongen, Andrea Walter, Guillaume Jouvet, Martin Funk, Joe Todd, Jan Åström, and Thomas Zwinger

EGU2019-18276 | Orals | CR5.5

Controls on seasonal variations in iceberg calving at a large Greenlandic tidewater glacier, inferred from time-lapse photography

Charlie Bunce, Peter Nienow, Andrew Sole, Tom Cowton, Ben Davison, and Noel Gourmelen

EGU2019-8711 | Posters | CR5.5

Seasonal basal melting at Nivlisen Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, inferred from autonomous phase-sensitive radars

Katrin Lindbäck, Geir Moholdt, Tore Hattermann, Keith Nicholls, Bhanu Pratap, Thamban Meloth, and Kenichi Matsuoka

EGU2019-13978 | Orals | CR5.5

Integrated investigation of subglacial hydrology and convective plume melting using a 3D full-Stokes model of Store Glacier, West Greenland

Samuel Cook, Poul Christoffersen, Joe Todd, Donald Slater, and Nolwenn Chauché

EGU2019-11946 | Orals | CR5.5

Observations of Subglacial Runoff-Enhanced Melt beneath Petermann Gletscher’s ice shelf, Greenland

Peter Washam, Andreas Münchow, Keith W. Nicholls, and Laurie Padman

EGU2019-4275 | Posters | CR5.5

Climatic Forcing of Ice-Shelf Melting in the Amundsen Sea: Anthropogenic Trends and Internal Variability

Paul Holland, Thomas Bracegirdle, Pierre Dutrieux, Adrian Jenkins, and Eric Steig

EGU2019-11265 | Orals | CR5.5

Two decades of Jakobshavn Isbrae Acceleration and Thinning Interrupted as Ocean Cools

Ala Khazendar, Ian Fenty, Dustin Carroll, Alex Gardner, Craig Lee, Ichiro Fukumori, Ou Wang, Hong Zhang, Helene Seroussi, Delwyn Moller, Price Noël, Michiel van den Broeke, Steven Dinardo, and Josh Willis

EGU2019-5940 | Posters | CR5.5

The evolution of ice-shelf buttressing in the Amundsen Sea over the next 150 years

Jan De Rydt, Ronja Reese, Ricarda Winkelmann, and Hilmar Gudmundsson

EGU2019-12282 | Orals | CR5.5

Only skin deep? Linking sea surface temperatures with sub-surface continental shelf and fjord ocean variability near Helheim Glacier, Greenland

Tasha Snow, Fiammetta Straneo, Ted Scambos, James Holte, and Waleed Abdalati

EGU2019-10026 | Posters | CR5.5

Investigating the temporal and spatial calving variability of Pine Island Glacier in Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica

Konstantinos Petrakopoulos, David M. Holland, and G. Hilmar Gudmundsson

EGU2019-1450 | Posters | CR5.5

Drygalski Ice Tongue stability influenced by crevasse formation and ice morphology

Christine Indrigo, Christine Dow, Duncan Young, Choon-Ki Lee, Jamin Greenbaum, Don Blankenship, and Won Sang Lee

EGU2019-15329 | Orals | CR5.5

Estimating volumes of capsizing iceberg : mechanical modelling of capsize constrained by seismic signals

Pauline Bonnet, Vladislav Yastrebov, Anne Mangeney, Olivier Castelnau, Patrick Queutey, Alban Leroyer, Amandine Sergeant, Eleonore Stutzmann, and Jean-Paul Montagner

EGU2019-4042 | Posters | CR5.5

Modelling the sensitivity of the Larsen C ice shelf and its tributaries to ice shelf thinning and calving events

Tom Mitcham, Hilmar Gudmundsson, and Jonathan Bamber

EGU2019-19081 | Orals | CR5.5

Ice sheet sensitivity to the timing of outlet glacier terminus positions

Denis Felikson, Sophie Nowicki, and Isabel Nias

EGU2019-7746 | Posters | CR5.5

Widespread development of supraglacial lakes around the margin of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet

Chris R. Stokes, Jack Sanderson, Bertie Miles, Stewart Jamieson, Amber Leeson, and Jennifer Arthur

EGU2019-9257 | Orals | CR5.5

The stability of ice shelf rifts

Bradley Lipovsky

EGU2019-7896 | Posters | CR5.5

Greenland wide terminus change from 1984-2017: linear climate responses, and application of machine learning

Dominik Fahrner, James M. Lea, Alec Davies, Jakob Abermann, and Martin Olsen

EGU2019-15396 | Orals | CR5.5

Marine Ice-cliff instability: How Does it Work, and What Controls Ice Retreat Rates?

Doug Benn, Jan Åström, Thomas Zwinger, Joe Todd, and Anna Crawford

EGU2019-8615 | Orals | CR5.5

Impacts on velocity in the transition of the Thwaites Ice Tongue to mélange

Bertie Miles, Chris Stokes, Stewart Jamieson, Jim Jordan, Hilmar Gudmundsson, and Adrian Jenkins

EGU2019-4270 | Posters | CR5.5

Exceptional retreat of Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier, east Greenland, between 2016 and 2018

Stephen Brough, J. Rachel Carr, Neil Ross, and James M. Lea

EGU2019-9850 | Orals | CR5.5

Damage accelerates ice shelf instability and mass loss in Amundsen Sea Embayment

Stef Lhermitte, Sainan Sun, Christopher Shuman, Bert Wouters, Frank Pattyn, Jan Wuite, Etienne Berthier, and Thomas Nagler

EGU2019-15901 | Posters | CR5.5

Modelling the near-future evolution of Kangerdluggsuaq Glacier, south-east Greenland

Rachel Carr, Hilmar Gudmundsson, Stephen Brough, and Neil Ross

EGU2019-14893 | Orals | CR5.5

Quantifying the Evolution of Supraglacial Lakes on Larsen B Ice Shelf in the Two Decades Preceding its Collapse, Using Spaceborne Optical and SAR Data

Amber Leeson, Elliott Foster, Amiee Rice, Noel Gourmelen, and Melchior van Wessem

EGU2019-2185 | Orals | CR5.5

Surface meltwater causes large and rapid accelerations of Antarctic Peninsula outlet glaciers

Jeremy Ely, Peter Tuckett, Andrew Sole, Stephen Livingstone, Benjamin Davison, Jan Melchior van Wessem, and Joshua Howard

EGU2019-10821 | Posters | CR5.5

Detailed High-Resolution Observations of Ice Deformation Prior to Glacier Calving

Martin Lüthi, Andrea Walter, Andreas Vieli, and Rémy Mercenier

EGU2019-11725 | Orals | CR5.5

Surface hydrology of an East Antarctic Outlet Glacier

Christian Schoof, Bernd Kulessa, Sarah Thompson, Sue Cook, Eleri Evans, Glenn Jones, Ian Joughin, Christopher Watson, Alex Fraser, Israel Olmos, Ghislain Picard, Ben Galton-Fenzi, and Leo Peters

EGU2019-15836 | Orals | CR5.5

Turbulence Observations beneath the Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Peter Davis and Keith Nicholls

EGU2019-8237 | Posters | CR5.5

Sensitivity of calving rates to plume melting at an idealised tidewater glacier

Tom Cowton, Joe Todd, and Doug Benn

EGU2019-8192 | Posters | CR5.5

Deformation response to ocean tidal forcing at the 79°N Glacier, Greenland

Julia Christmann, Ole Zeising, Daniel Steinhage, Niklas Neckel, Tobias Binder, Veit Helm, Ralf Müller, Dietmar Gross, Mirko Scheinert, and Angelika Humbert

EGU2019-18340 | Orals | CR5.5

In Situ Observations of the Erebus Glacier Tongue Grounding Zone by the Icefin HROV

Britney Schmidt, Justin Lawrence, Matthew Meister, Daniel Dichek, Charles Ramey, Anthony Spears, Andrew Mullen, Benjamin Hurwitz, Frances Bryson, and Tiegan Hobbs

EGU2019-18358 | Orals | CR5.5

Modelling tidal modulation of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf: explanations and conundrums

Sebastian Rosier and Hilmar Gudmundsson

EGU2019-10945 | Posters | CR5.5

Observing the oceanic heat flux toward retreating outlet glaciers in NE-Greenland

Janin Schaffer, Torsten Kanzow, Wilken-Jon von Appen, Luisa von Albedyll, Gereon Budéus, Jan Erik Arndt, and Andreas Münchow

EGU2019-18675 | Orals | CR5.5

Effect of subshelf melt variability on sea level rise contribution from Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica

Matthew Hoffman, Xylar Asay-Davis, Jeremy Fyke, Mauro Perego, and Stephen Price

CR7.2 – Contaminants in polar and alpine environments: an emerging hazard (co-organized)

EGU2019-395 | Posters | CR7.2

Persistent organic pollutants analysis in environmental matrices from polar areas

Alice Callegaro, Rachele Lodi, Andrea Spolaor, Jacopo Gabrieli, and Carlo Barbante

EGU2019-6760 | Posters | CR7.2

Cryoconite: a novel environmental monitor for atmospheric deposition?

Giovanni Baccolo, Roberto Sergio Azzoni, Barbara Delmonte, Biagio Di Mauro, Andrea Franzetti, Pawel Gaca, Edyta Łokas, Dario Massabò, Massimiliano Nastasi, Michele Prata, Ezio Previtali, and Valter Maggi

EGU2019-7100 | Posters | CR7.2 | Highlight

First evidence of microplastic contamination in the supraglacial debris of an Alpine glacier

Roberto Sergio Azzoni, Roberto Ambrosini, Francesca Pittino, Guglielmina Diolaiuti, Andrea Franzetti, and Marco Parolini

EGU2019-7881 | Posters | CR7.2

Fragrances as new contaminants in polar environments: local and long-range sources

Marco Vecchiato, Elena Barbaro, Elena Gregoris, Andrea Spolaor, Clara Turetta, Carlo Barbante, Rossano Piazza, and Andrea Gambaro

EGU2019-8051 | Posters | CR7.2

Airborne radionuclides in cryoconite from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

Edyta Łokas, Piotr Zagórski, Ireneusz Sobota, Krzysztof Zawierucha, Łukasz Pawłowski, Shiv Mohan Singh, Wiesław Ziaja, and Paweł Gaca

EGU2019-17017 | Posters | CR7.2

A survey of total gaseous mercury and ozone during spring and summer 2018 after characterization of air masses at the Col Margherita Atmospheric Observatory (2543 m a.s.l.) in the Italian Dolomites

Massimiliano Vardè, Federico Dallo, Warren R. L. Cairns, Fabrizio de Blasi, Niccolò Maffezzoli, Jacopo Gabrieli, Giulio Cozzi, Paolo Cristofanelli, Luca Naitza, Francescopiero Calzolari, Maurizio Busetto, Silvio Davolio, Paolo Bonasoni, and Carlo Barbante

EGU2019-17182 | Posters | CR7.2

The widespread presence of fallout radionuclides in cryoconite: an anthropogenic legacy and emerging issue

Caroline Clason, Edyta Lokas, Giovanni Baccolo, Will Blake, Phil Owens, Joseph Cook, Geoff Millward, Nick Selmes, Ralph Fyfe, Alex Taylor, and Przemyslaw Wachniew
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